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applying in person for The GM Card at on-campus users of Marks. @Trade Mark of TD Bank. **AH applicants @Registered Trade Mark of General Motors Corporation, TD Bank licensed user. *TD Bank and GM are licensed ““*No purchase of the Frosh Two CD at no charge. Applicants applying via the Internet will receive a copy of the Frosh Two CD upon approval, at no charge. Limit one copy per applicant. tApplies to lull-time students only. December 31, 1999. Open to Canadian residents (excluding Quebec) who have reached the age of majority. Visit nobrainer.gmcanada.com for full contest Rules & Regulations or to apply on-line. ttsubject to The 2-

booths will receive necessary. Contest

a copy closes

GM Card



Stabbing on north campus Student seriously injured, police ask for assistance CARRIE



round 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 12, a man was walking along the athway leading from Columbia Street I A to Beaxinger Road when he was attacked by another man and stabbed. The victim is a X&year-old UW student, who is currently in Grand River Hospital Kitchener, suffering from non-life-threatening injuries. The victim was not robbed and the

hair worn in a pony tail and glasses. On the night of the attack, he was wearing a blue warmup suit and his height is estimated at 6 feet 2 inches. Given the apparent randomness of the attack, police are asking for public assistance in identifying the suspect. Anyone with information about this incident or who may know someone matching the suspect’s description is asked to contact: Waterloo Regional Police Service at 653-7700, extension 330, or University of Waterloo Police Service at 888-49 11.

A 2O-year-old UW st*udent is in Grand Ever Hospital. reason for the attack has not been determined. His famiIy has been notified, however, and were reported by the police to be staying by his side. UW Police have released a bulletin describing the suspect as a Caucasian male in his early 2Os, with a slight build, shouider-length brown

Students are reminded to stay safe. Walk on major roads or well-lit paths, keep a steady pace near the curb and avoid dark entrances and shrubs, If you need a ride home from campus, the Safety Van is available by calling 8 8 8-4949:Walksafe is also available by calling this number.

Studentinjured by Bombsquad

Manager saysaccidentcausedexchangestuden headto bleedin GreatHall MIKE





n Wednesday night some time at between 2:OO and 2:30 a.m. an exchange stu-dent sat outside the Bombshelter holding ice against ;he back of his head as it bled over the chair he sat in. Police officers had arrived to question witnesses, Blood

explained to a police officer that the patron had been asked to leave four times but he refused. He expressed his certainty that the patron understood what the bouncers were saying to him despite the fact that the patron spoke primarily French. A man arrived at the Student Life Centre at 1:30 a.m. after the doors to the bar had closed. As he could not enter, he was sitting in

“No establishment tries to hurt its patrons.” had stained the carpet and ice was spilled beside the Turnkey first aid kit. A friend of the injured student talked about what happened inside the bar. He described how the patron had just playfully pushed his friend and demonstrated a light push against the shoulder, “The bouncer thought it was a fight and talked to [the patron] but they didn’t ask [the other person] anything.” The ’ Bombshelter door supervisor later

the Great Hall waiting for his friends and observed the ejection of the patron and then what followed. “He was trying to get his WatCard back. The bouncer ran him from the door to the post, let him fall, and walked away.” The pillar he describes is approximately seven metres from the Bombshelter entrance. “They are probably saying that I am angry I couldn’t continued

to page 9

Froshweekto remain one weeklong Changesto calendar doubtful’ b SARAH

CRELLIN hy?ffM srat7


Scott, print.

espite rumours to the contrary, frosh week is not going to be shortened in the’ foreseeable future, Catharine krovost of Human Resources, told Im-

“There was a suggestion from the undergrad operations committee to start school earlier,n admitted Scott, adding, “I don’t think shortening frosh week ever entered into it.” Ken Lavigne of the Registrar’s Ofice clearedup the confusion. He stated that every year at this time the Registrar’s Office reviews previous calendar dates according to Senate guidelines. This year, he said, the Registrar’s Office “wanted to gauge the support for a different start date. n The suggested schedule had students beginning classes on Thursday, September 7, instead of the usual Monday, September 11, effectively shortening frosh week by at least two days. “Traditionally, there was always a need to have a week-long orientation,” Lavigne com-

mented. He said that the switch from oncampus registration to registration by mail, meant that the full week was no longer as necessary now as it was in the past. He also suggested that “the earlier you start the earlier the finish,” which would mean an early start to Christmas break; The proposal to move the start date of classq up, however, has been met with a nega-

said that it would be difficult to coppress the existing activities of frosh week into a few days and also cited the huge student commitment that was behind the event. She said that field trips during frosh week were beneficial to new students. Cheng emphasized the Feds’ view of the importance of frosh week: uFrosh week is crucial, bonding our students together and

There’s a lot of reasons people don’t want to change. tive reaction?The overwhelming response was not in favour of changing the start date,” said Lavigne. Feds President Christine Cheng echoed his evaluation. “Nobody is in favour of the idea - least of all the Federation of Students,” she said. The benefits of a week long frosh week were lauded by both Cheng and Scott. Scott

giving them a sense of identity and what this university is all about.” She cited the decentralized nature of campus as one reason frosh week was a necessary part of bringing people together. For proposed calendar date changes to occur they must first be approved by the Senate Undergraduate Council, and then the Senate.

uMy understanding is that it is not going forward and will not be on the Senate agenda,” said Scott, “It was not an attempt to change things. It was an attempt to gauge reaction to the possibility. Nothing is changing,” Lavigne said of the largely defeated suggestion. Cheng also didn’t think the calendar dates would change. “The Associate Deans are abandoning it (the suggestion) and they’re the ones that initiated the idea,” she said. The Associate Dean’s and Registrar’s Office representatives both sit on the undergraduate operationscommittee, which initially put forth the calendar change suggestion. Changes to calendar dates are difficult because of restrictions regarding the number of teaching and exam days which must be included, as well as the traditional mid-winter break. “We could always back it up and start [frosh week] earlier,” Scott suggested of the calendar. Other universities have recentlyelimicontinued

to page



Imprint, Friday, October IS, 1999

Johnstondenies“blackmail” allegation University presidents ask province for $1 billion SAraAn




recent Globe andMail column claims that David Johnston, along with sevA& ral srher Ontario university presidents, have been “blackmailing” the provincial government. The column has raised a series of questions regarding UW’s handling of the double cohort of students scheduled to arrive in four years. Columnist John Ibbitson wrote that “the presidents of Ontario’s seven largest universi‘tiesn have threatened to cap enrollment unless they are provided with a “$1 billion increase in operating grants from the Ontario government.” The article appeared last Saturday, October 9. UW President David Johnston called the column %n unfortunate interpretation of a conference held the day before.” A press release from the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) reported that “the presidents of Ontario universities gathered at a Queen’s Park newsconference to alert the public to this year’s increase in demand for university spaces and to stress the need for firm fina~~cialcommitments,~ Johnston said that although it is difficult to pin point aii exact dollar figure, the $1 billion figure is not far from accurate. A media spokesperson from the office of Diane Cunningham, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, also commented on the G&e article. “We don’t feel blackmailed,” she said, and stated that the column ywas one reporter’s analysis.” The ministry spokesperson said that they have always had a good working relationship with the colleges and universities. She also said that the Ministry %ouldn’t pbssibly speculate” on what the government would do if universities capped enrollment because it uhasn’t even come close to happening.” Johnston said that a council task force, which was formed to look at enrollment, found

that there would be a “40 per cent increase in Ontario high school graduates in the next decade” while at the same time there has been Ua 25 per cent decrease in funding over the last five or six years.” The council’s press release stated that the need for more funding comes at a time when Ua dramatic first-year enrolment increase of 6+6 per cent has occurred,” considered to be the first wave in an uoverall surge in demand.” Ibbitson’sarticle mentioned another enrollment issue which will soon face universities-the elimination of OAC by the provincial government. The elimination of OAC will mean that a “double cohort” of students will be applying to universities, according to Ibbitson. Capping enrollment would mean that many of these students would have to look to out of province universities, potentially a very costly venture. Johnston told Imprint that “it will be essential to have new additional funding.” He said that UW already has an enrollment cap of

fund. The fund was announced earlier this summer by the provincial government and will contribute $750 million to Ontario universities. The money, however, is for capital spending, according to the COU press release. Johnston stressed that most of the funding needed now is fur operating expenses. Feds VP Education Veronica Chau commented that although she didn’t know whether the President actually gave the federal government the ultimatum Ibbitson alleged, she “wouldn’t put it past the UW president.” “The universities are in dire straits,” she said. ‘#I’m sure the University needs a big injection of cash.” “That’s a good threat to use,” Chau said of the proposed enrollment cap, however she also added “the real people who will suffer aren’t the presidents or the government, it will be the young people.” She expressed concern that many students won’t be able to afford to study out of province. “What makes me un-

The presidents of Ontario’s seven largest univbrsities have threatened to cap enrollment. sorts- what is known

as an enrollment


comfortable,n she continued, “is that they’re using the students as pawns in the bargaining No additional funding, other than tuigame.” tion, is available to the university after a certain President Johnston said that currently “it number of students have been admitted, Acwouldn’t be in the best interest of the students cepting more students than the enrollment already here or the students to come” to incorridor allows “would further diminish the crease enrollment. quality of edkation at UW,” according to r Chau is concerned comment on the COU’s Johnston. He also said that UW is currently at action was that “it demonstrates why the Uni‘mits enr’ollment limit. versity Presidents get their demands met more Part of the solution to the funding difrequently than students - they have more lemma, said Johnston, may be the “SuperBuild” leverage than us.” dor.

Pretty pictures in SLC


he week of October 4-8 saw new activity inside the Student Life Centre, Representatives from Imaginus, a travelling poster distributor, came to Waterloo last week and brought with them hundreds of different posters. From 9 :00 a.m. to 8 : 00 p.m. each day, in and around SLC multipurpose room, posters of all descriptions were showcased and sold to students. Among the selection were movie posters, inspirational posters, classical and modern art, even cartoons and A.nim& Throughout the

Imaginus’ popularity was obvious. week, students




to the exhibit.

many Waterloo


Potential Villagewall coverings?


Engineering student Ying Choo commented, L(There’s excellent selection and great variety, but some of the posters are too expensive.” Imaginus’ popularity was obvious, however, as long purchase line ups and constant crowds showed up.

Imprint asked Imaginus how Waterloo has received them. “The response is good. People here are different,” said representative Darryl Hoskins. “Mure people are into pop art and movie posters. Lots of Winnie the Pooh

and Escher, too.” lmaginus has been visiting various universities across Canada for two decades, bringing their diverse poster collections to students around the nation.

Imprint, Friday, October

IS, 1999




Conferencei Mont-Tremblant Feds President takes on Qukbec Premier Saturday. October 16:


he Forum of Federations, a non-profit group dedicated to the understanding and practical application of federalism around the world, broke new ground by hosting an International Conference on Federalism from October 810. Held in Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, the conference addressed four principal themes of federalism: Citizenship and Social Diversity’ Intergovernmental Affairs, Economic and Fiscal Federalism and Social Policy and Federalism. The four themes were explored and discussed by over 600 politicians, academics, civil servants and youth. Co-chaired by former Ontario Premier Bob Rae and the former Mayor of Hamburg, Germany, Henning Voscherau, the conference featured three heads of state as well as the heads of all of Canada’s leading political parties. The delegates

Sure beats badTA lectures! listened and questioned noted experts on federal systems and attempted to gain an experienced assessnient of federal governments beside their own, Despite the international and global theme of the gathering, the conferenceWwas soon dominated by Canadian federal concerns. Both the Bloc Qukbecois and the opposing political parties (suprisingly united) led all-out campaigns throughout the week to impress their viewpoint upon conference delegates. One conference delegate described the tension as “being invited over to someone’s house for dinner and then watching as the husband and wife proceed to get into a huge argument.” Political leaders on all sides of the coin looked to showcase their cause, taking away from the actual conference proceedings. The actual conference programme, beyond the standard meet, greet and mudsling, started with a plenary led by Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrktien and Mexican President Ernest Zedillo. Chr&ien, reading his text, offered to the delegates that “we often think that we in Canada are the only federation, that we are they only ones with these problems, these successes.“Attempting to nip the Quebec question in the bud, Chretien moved to rally conference delegates around a flexible,

agreeable federalism -greater than any other system at accomodating diversity. “La federalisme c’est une source d’unite” (Federalism is asource of unity), Chrktien concluded. Other agendas were also vigilantly pursued by political leaders. A representative for Phil Fontaine, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, called away to the emergency in Saint John, deplored the government as “First Nations were ingored at the Constitution table.“The representative / described thatl‘there is nothing here that seems to be a model of democracy or federalism.” Delegates were again put into the line of fire of Canadian politics with a passionate discussion on the lack of settlement of First Nations’ land claims due to the ignorance of their cultural and tribal rights, The representative conntinued his analysis of Canadian federalism noting, “that our [the First Nations] exclusion from citizenship meant that at its base, Canada was undemocratic,” Looking ahead to future negotiations, the Assembly representative believes that “as long as the patronizing, paternalistic, colonial agency of government on First Nations exist, we will be unable to progress.” Interspersed between bouts by Canadian politicians, conference delegates were involved in roundtable discussions, assessing and analyzing the finer details of their own federalisms. Topics included religious diversity, the decline df the nationstate, monetary equalization and indigenous peoples. Noted speakers were brought in from around the world and included party leaders, former heads of states and high-rank. ing civil servants. Other controversial and dynamic sections of the conference included the speeches by both Joeseph Fatal and Lucien Bouchard of the separatist wing of Canadian politics.

Fatal lamented “the silent tragedy of the assimilation of the Francophone people.” Visibly excited Federal Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Stephane Dion, Fatal reiterated that “Canadian federalism has not responded to the demands of a Quibec people.” Citing that “the success of a federalism is very much based on its ability to recognize the its cultural _ minorities,” Fatal continued to stress the inability of some federal systems, notably Canada’s, to accomodate dis-

tinct linguistic and cultural rights+ In retort, Federal Minister Stephane Dion noted that “practitioners of federalism focus too largely on conflicts.” Dion feels that “the Constitution is not as bad as we make

pressed his frustration at requiring government approval of his bills and stressed that federalism generally needed to be more responsive to its sub-units. David Steele, Presiding Officer

‘Yo~J c~yl a&


a four-year



R? lr any chp~w

Deuxcopains. it out to be” which is evidenced by its 17-year existence, Dion concludeda long day of Quebec debate with the theme that “the Canadian debate on

of the Scottish Parliament, gave a lift to Quebec seperatists noting that a 50 per cent + 1 standard is the only equitable and fair format to be ap-

“First Nations were ignored at the Constitution table.” federalism must be conducted democratically with respect for cooperation and the rule of law.” The evening banquet was hosted by Qubbec Premier Lucien Bouchard, who took the opportunity to criticize the Canadian federation for their treatment of the Qutbec nation. Bouchard also questioned the decision to host a federalism conference on Qudbec soil, Feds President Christine Cheng, a delegate to the conference, took the opportu, nity to meet with the Premier following his speech and express her frustration at using a fede r.a 1 i s m conference as the vehicle to promote his bitter and destructive message. Cheng’s French words clearly frustrated the Quebec Premier as she expressed her concerns for the Canadian federation. Other federalisms were also represented at the conference. Tommy Thomson, a Republican Governor from Wisconsin, stressed his own agenda that “states require more power” and that “the philosophy of devolution or power to the states” has seen “too much talk and too little action in Washington.” Thomson ex-

plied to a referendum. Steele expressed a notion that “sovereignty lies with the people, and their monarch is not by rule but byconsent.” Buoying dreams of a unilateral declaration of independence for Quebec, Steele has succeeded in providing his people with what he considers “a quasi-federal Scotland, in a quasifederal United Kingdom, in a quasifederal Europe.” con&wed


to page





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Imprint, Friday, October IS, 1999

Students meet top officials continued from page 5 Delegates from the University of Waterloo to the confer+ence included Mark Schaan, Christine Cheng and Albert Nazareth. These individuals also took part in the separate youth conference held from October HI-12 in Ottawa, Interacting in a federalism simulation exercise designed by Queen’s University professor Jonathan Rose, they attempted to understand their roIes as future practitioners of federalism. The conference wrapped up with speeches by Jean Charest,

speeches on the ability of federalism to innovate and adapt to new circumstances. Charest stressed the ability to accomodate difference while Tapscott emphasized technology’s push on community-based governance and the abil___ _. ity of federalism to respond. The concluding speech of the conference brought an extra 400 CIA and Secret Service workers into M o n t Tremblant. William Jefferson -. . , -., . ,. , .. , . r Clinton. Presi“‘~ “’ ’ pardon!Non+! n’alme pas les Maple teats. dent of the United States of America, delivered a we must ask whalt will happen . . . when the smoke clears?” powerful speech in defence of federalThe $3.3 mj llion conference, funded largely by the Canaism in general. Giving even greater dian government, is believed by some to have been a strategy to creedence to Ottawa, Clinton also cited combat a potential Quebec referendum in 2000. Despite comhis “good working relationship with a ing to few conclusions, the Conference gave participants the strong, united Canada. n ability to network and begin a dialogue that provides best Clinton stressed that federalism practices and usefu1 resources for practitioners of federalism. “must provide a framework where it is Announcing $10.5 million in funding over the next three years, Stephane Dion hopes to see the Forum of Federations continue possible for the people to work out [their problems].” Noting that “when a to work at providing these critical resources. 1 1 he highly-scrutinlzecl conference literally bombarded people WlSh to separate tram a state, serious questions need to be asked,” Mont-Tremblant and the Canadian media and left many interClinton pushed that human rights abuses national conference delegates knowing everything there was to and considerable strain on the federal know about Quebec and its role in the Canadian federation. states must exist before independence is Despite the controversy, Clinton summed up the theme of the to be considered. With a powerful delivery, Clinton reiterated conference nicely in his concluding remarks: “This federalism, that “we tend to think that independence is the only way, but it’s not such a bad idea,” l


Why are these men smiling? Leader of the Opposition Alliance for Converging

in Qu&c and by Don Tapscott of the Technologies. Both delivered rousing














Federation of Students FOODBANKOF WAlERlOOREGlON


Annual General Meeting Thursday October 28,1999 7:OO p.m. in the SLC Multipurpose ,.?$iiwroom.


All fee-paying members of the Feds are invited to attend and are eligible to vote.

lJNWiiRSlTYOFWATERlOO $30 FORA SINGLE T/MET $55FORAPAlROF7lCETS $2{0 FORAFUll TABLEEIGUTTICKTSI For more information, call Math!!& at 888-4567x2324, go to Math and Computer Building, Room 3038 oremailvpas@mathsoc.uwaterloo.ca


of Waterloo

Please direct any agenda attention

of Feds’ President,

items to the Christine

Cheng or info. Resource Manager, Awey Peters at 888-4042.





Imprint, Friday,October I 5, I999


battles sexualharrassment Queen’s Froshgreeted with tasteless signs


irst-year students and their families, who arrived for Queen’s University fresh week this year were grreted with signs such as “Go down or go home,” “Welcome to Queen’s, we hope you like cum,” and “Don’t forget your kneepads.” The signs, which were hung up along highway 40 1 and Division Street in Kingston, come 10 years after a similar incident. In 198 9, several signs were hung from residence windows proclaiming such things as “No means now” and “No means harder,” a

signs, Jeremy Gaudet, Engineering Orientation Week Chairperson, says that this is because engineers are often blamed for campus pranks. He noted that the process of “purpling,” where engineer students dye their bodies purple for the week as an expression of spirit, also makes them more noticeable. Gaudet stressed that the engineering society, EngSoc, did not organize or support the signs. He also said that FRECs, the equivalent of WV fro& leaders, are mandated to undergo “sensitivity training” prior to orientation week. This leaves many wondering exactly why the signs were put up in the first place. Irene

Mathematical Sciences is much more applicable to the student. parody of the anti-sexua1 assault campaign slogan of the time, “No means no.” Predictably, a national outcry hasfollowed, with a massive influx of letters to the Queen’s student newspaper, The Juurnal, as well as a push from within administration to find those responsible. Despite this attention, many Queen’s students and staff do not believe that anyone will be punished under the university’s sexual harassment policy; most signs were erected under the cover of darkness. Although it is engineering students who are largely credited with the

Bujara, Director of the Human Rights Office at Queen’s, points out that the university has a significantly different orientation from many other schools. While the UW frosh experience a week of games and activities and learn more about the school, much of the Queen’s week involvqs a good deal of intimidation. Bujara noted that it is not uncommon to have frosh act as servants to upper-year students. Along with other faculty, she mentioned that signs are put up yearly by FRECs and it was only this year and in 1989 that they were particularly inflamma-

Arrival of the

tory. Despite the recent uproar, many Queen’s students argue that the signs were part of tradition and that they were meant as a joke. In a recent letter to the editor in The Journal, Justin Dane stated that “there is still no reason to believe that (the signs) are indicative of an epidemic of violent hatred to be ashamed of.” He also wrote that “the original intent of the posters was to simply scare the frosh.” Opponents of this view argue that it does not fit wi th current Queen’s policy. The Jozmd presents the fact that this year’s class of engineers is 29.S’per cent female, which is 10 per cent above the national average. Queen’s has begun to examine how theycanavoidasimilar problem with the next orientation week.Mary Margaret Dauphinee, the University Advisor on Equity, says that there is a need to get to the “underpinnings of the issue? Bujara concurred with this, saying that the signs, as well as differing opinions aft

are Yepresentative of our society’s view of women. We have a society that has difficulty with the messages it sends, We tell women that they can do anything, but then we present them with a variety of limitations.” Queen’s administration as a whole has been awash with cbmmunication regarding changes to next year’s orientation. As well, the Engineering Orientation Committee along with the Student Senate, which oversees the entire week, are both busily preparing recommendations.

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Imprint, Friday, October 15, t 999

UIV revampsmath programs


Bioinformatics, Software Engineering on list ,

Eye exams availahk from indepm&n~ optomest next to Optical IlllJsions.




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tudents admitted to Waterloo next year will have a brand new program to consider. The first undergraduate program of its kind in Canada, UW’s new bioinformatics program will combine aspects of computer science with life sciences to process data for both storage and retrieval. Biology professor Bruce Green: the chair of the bioinformatics committee, described the program as a response to the significant increase in wide/v available biological data. To facilitate the introduction ofrhe new degree, W is adding five additional courses and four new faculty positions, in addition to a geneticist and immunologist. The “intense” new program, noted Green, is “really a double major.” Trevor Ray, Math Society VP (Academic) feels that

Bioinfomatics is a @eat program. bioinformatics is “a great program.” 3’s entirely career-focused,” he continued. Ray stated that the new program

is very specific

and believes

it will have “significant benefits.” “Bioinformat’ics is becoming a big field,” he enthused. UW is considering other new double-major



program: Honours Business Administration and Mathematics. Offered in conjunction with Wilfrid Laurier University, the program will require studentsto complete 52 half-credits over IO academic terms. Graduates of the program will obtain both a BBA from Laurier and a B.Math degree from Waterloo, Associate Dean of Mathematics (Undergraduate Studies) Paul Schellenberg feels the two-universityprogram is“very much alearning situation.” Math Society President Stephen Skrzydlo is concerned that the new program will devalue the current Mathematics and Businessprogram. He’s also troubled by the disparity in the credit requirements. (Students pursuing double majors at UW need 60 half-credits.) While Ray echoed those concerns, he was positive about the program in general. “It’s a great opportunity for incoming students from both Waterloo and Laurier.” More changes are also proposed for the Math Faculty. The Computer Science Department will be replacing its Electrical Engineering Elcctivcs







a new


that the new name will provide a “clearer focus” for the program. He also believes that the new option is “not a major departure” from the EEE option. Skrzydlo called the

change “a long time in the making.” The umore significant change” for Math according to Schellenberg, is the proposed replacement of the Inter-Departmental program with one in Honours Mathematical Sciences. The idea for the program was originated by Schellenberg and Sta-

it to the times.” All agreed that Math Sciences and Inter-Departmental should not be considered solely as fallback options for frustrated AM, PM and CS students, but they do provide students with a way to change programs later on in their academic career.

Mathematical Sciences is much more applicable to the stud.ent. t&tics and Actuarial Science IProfessorJockMacKay. The Associate Dean feels the Inter-Departmental program has “too many short lists” and “doesn’t give students the chance to exercise discretion.” Though the Math Sciences pmgram is “clearly not quite as demanding” as a joint major, it will let students gain more breadth and denth in various fields of study. hlathemh cal Sciences students will he required to take three sets of four courses from departments within the Math Faculty, While the old program, noted Schellenberg, was “too structured,” the new one gives students who do not complete Computer Science (CS), Applied Math (AM) and Pure Math (PM) degrees more choice. Currently, “if you are out of CS, you don’t have a lot of options.” Skrzydlo is enthusiastic about the new program, The department,

he states, is making the program “much more applicable to the student.” And “it has a meaning, it’s not just some degree you get.” Mathematical Sciences,the MathSoc President feels, “really is a broad-based math program.” Students are no

Also in development is a degree (not the same as the current option: m software engineering. The proposal, while still in its early stages. wil! combine courses from the faculties oi Mathematics and Engineering. While discussion has been underway fo: some time, Schellenberg feels tht Ontario government’s Access I{ Opportunities Program (ATOP “provides an impetus to contm Y 7 develop this.” Scheilenberg WW- +: ues, saying software engineeriF 1 a natural thing for us to be dev&.:;~ ing,” Schellenberg elaborated to ir?l,print how the Program change5 3~” implemented. The ideas typical j Iv begin at the department level. FroIr there, they are sent to the Undergraduate Affairs Committee (UAC), a subcommittee of Faculty Council, After the UAC, changes must be approve by the Faculty Council before they are shipped off to the Senate Undergraduate Council, and option-

ally, the full university Senate. A typical program change takes “six months or longer,” explained the Associate Dean. Alterations such as these are fairly common. Things are alwayschanging.” Skrzydlo

is happy

the changes which generally %eem to be going in a good direction,” He


r 0 3 sllcdst 4 people


don’t want, Schellenberg


commented. Schellenberg

and Skrzydlo both believe the name change is “Inter-Departs significant. tal,” indicated Schellenbera, The name change very descriptive.” is“definitely” important, emphasized Ray. He feels Mathematical Sciences should





on the Faculty Council Executive and the two MathSoc representatives are on the Faculty Council. Addiknally,



Student Dan Mader is on the CS alike. Curriculum Committee. The indiRay doesn’t think the program roles are “the significant,” ’ vidual departments’ changes are “overly most important” in making changes however. Yt’s not really changing the pro- added Skrzydlo. “They’ve got their ear to the ground.” gram dramatically; it’s just updating students

and faculty

Imprint, Friday, October

15, 1999



Attention, bikers! * TED



to th?@t


he Laurel Creek six-hour Ride is coming! once again, the UW Bike Centre is hosting its annual Halloween Ride-an easy way to score some pretty cool prizes. A 5km loop will be marked out around Columbia Lake and Laurel Creek between Columbia Avenue and Bearinger Road It’s not technically challenging but when it goes through the Biology Reserve things get a little tight and twisty. Ride that loop three times and get your name entered for some great door prizes donated by Cyclepath and other local businesses. Ride the loop seven times and get your name in the grand prize draw: UW Retail Servies has donated an Ecological knapsack (a $75 value) and a $25 gift certificate that you can use at the Bookstore, Artworx or the

’ Computer Store. The ride starts at 10 a.m. on Sunday, October 3 1 and you’ve got six hours to finish. This is a noncompetitive event -you’re not racing against the other riders, just against the clock.

tion forms are available at the Turnkey desk or the UW Bike Centre, SLC 101A, between 9:30 a.m. and 7:OO p.m.,Monday toThursday. Callext. 5174 for more info or e-mail tmharms@uwaterloo.ca.

Westmount Placii, wAmtm0 (westmwnt 8 Eh)




get in and I’m saying this to get even,” said the Bombshelter employee talking to a UW police officer, “but this is what happened.”

l Eur PiefcifQ


had pushed the patron so far out the door to the pillar. All Bombshelter employees are trained in the Smart Serve program created by the Hospitality Industry Training Organization of Ontario.

That he pushed him so far shows there was , intent to injure. A UW police officer commented from his notes. He reported that the staff hadcut off the patron and asked him to leave. The patron was allegedly pushing and shoving at the door and wmted to re-enter. The officer was told that the student’s head had accidentally hit the wall. The witness felt that there was “intent to injure” becausethe bouncer


l J@W&!~App&ll

Accountsof incidentat bar differ continued

Weber Street, KITCHENER 56 King Street, N., WATERLOO


The Smait Serve program is meant to train people who are involved in the service of alcoholic beverages. It states “managers and servers have the right to ‘deny entry’ and ‘eject’ guests - troublemakers” and “if a

guest refuses to leave you can useno more force than is reasonably necessary to eject them.7 ‘These Statementsmay

apply to the situation with the patron. If he

Wutch Bmies

Why not take the bus

refusedto leave then reasonable force may have been necessary. Later in the Smart Serve book, it lists six points to remember about reasonable force. The last one states that “Once you’ve ejected someone you may no longer use any force.”

This would prohibit an employee ofabarfromahnostanyactionagainst a patron outside the bar. While talking to another of the patron’s friends, the door supervisor said “We hate this situation more than you guys do. No establishment tries to hurt its patrons, We wouldn’t do this unless we were forced to.” The friend pointed out that it might be beneficial if the patron received an apology, The door supervisor stated that policy prevented them from certain things, like pressing charges, until parties involved were no longer intoxicated. “If he comesby tomorrow he’ll get his apology, no worries.” He said, adding, “He should also apologize to mm”


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Imprint, Friday, October

15, 1999

Free ride


Will somebody please move this ribbon? It’s blocking my van.

SLC = NH2?


tudents overwhelmed by the co-opprocessjusthadtheirlives made easier,”said CSSCo-cornmissioner Simon Woodside. The department of Co-operative Education and Career Services has started placing job postings in the Great Hall of the SLC, in addition to the usual locations: Needles HA, MC and Engineering, Deciding where to staft your career is an important and exciting decision. Consider Telcordia Technologies, an SAIC company and part of the world’slargest 100% employee-owned technoIogy organization where we encourage graduates to reach and exceed their most imaginative goals. At Telcordia Technologies, we create business solutions that makes information technology work for telecommunications carriers, businesses and governments worldwide. As one of the leaders in the planning, development and deployment of Next Generation Networks (NGNs), our professionals design and develop technology for a wide range of clients and services, both nationally and internationally. We’re seeking graduate and undergraduate students who are studying one or more of the following disciplines to help lead us into the next century of telecommunications:

. Computer Science Electrical rngineering Computer Engineering Systems Engineering


Operations Research








Math Tilv7kal


Don Ym&s out on your chance to become part of our dynamic team! Telcordia


will be on campus,

Ties., Nov. 9th.

Cuntact yuur Career Centre to sign up fur an interview with one of the top telecommunicatiun companies, worldwide. Along with the advantages of being a part of a 100% employee-owned company,weoffer attractive salaries and benefits comparable to a leading U.S. company, B ale air equal o~~fiu~ity employeE

1 An SAIC Company

Eeehie. mwCe, miney, moe




he University of Waterloo is proud to be one of the most accessible campuses in Ontario and one of the few that offer an on-campus transportation systemfor studentswithdisabilities,” spokeRose Padacz, Co-ordinator of the Office for persons with Disabilities, at Wednesday’s ceremony. Those gathered were there, if not for the cake, to witness the unveiling of the Student AccessVan (SAV). After Rose spoke, President David Johnston talked to van-watching and cakehungry attendees. Johnston highlightedtheimportanceofthisproject, whichwassponsoredpartiallybythe provincial government. The van will contribute to maintaining the physical accessibility of the UW campus. Padacz told Imprint that approximately TOOstudents are registered with the Office for students with Disabilities. Students requiring mobility assistancefirst benefited from the SAV when it was established in the fall of 1990. Since &at time, the van has transported people between classes on campus and as far as W&id Laurier University. Operations of the van are co-ordinated through the Disabilities Servicesoffice which operates in partnership with the Student life Centre management and staff. The Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities provided funding as well asprivate donors including the RossDixon family, Starting next week this sleeknew green Chrysler mini van will be driving around campus and into the accessiblefuture.


Imprint, Friday, October 15, I999


No frosh week

Melodious thunk Students to show off talent in SLC

changes. ’ a in store


to imagine a harmoniously eclectic festival of pluck ing, spinning, thumping, strumming, iistening, scream ~ng, hanging, humming and rhyming. Don’t bother wdth the imagination part. Twice each term, the Great Hall in the Student Life Centre becomes the setting in which LW students gather to share their musical and otherwise-expressive talents. These collaborative


The participants range from seasoned professionzils to “only-in-the-shower” vocalists. ’ .





page 3

nated or shortened their frosh weeks, however neither Scoit nor Cheng saw the trend moving to UW. “It seems to be fairly universal that we leave the start date where it is,” said Scott and added that she didn’t see the lengh of fresh week being changed for “at least for three or four : years.” Cheng also said that she didn’t see the length changiq anytime “in the immediate future.” Should the suggested changes to the UW Calendar pro&s past the first level of approval however, Cheng said they would meet with “a damn good fight at Senate.” The next university Senate meeting is scheduled for Tues-


extravaganzas, known fondly as Turnkey Coffee Houses, show* . . . . case pertormances which have included solo acoustic guitar, breakdancing, loud and rockin’ bands, poetry reading, hand drumming, spinning, hip hop dancing, keyboard playing and juggling. The coffee house crowd is always large and supportive, and participants range from seasoned professionals to “only-inthe-shower” vocalists. Prospective performers can sign up at the Turnkey desk until spaces are filled. The next Turnkey Desk Coffee House will take place on Thursday, October 21, starting at 7 p.m.


“We could always back it up and start fro& week earlier.”


Hey,where’s my pick?

day,October18,from1:3Op.m.to3:30p.m.inNeedlesH~, room 300 I, for anyone who is interested in attending. “We’re going to be prepared but I don’t chink it should be a big concetn for students,” Cheng concluded.

All the proceeds from the event will go to support Track 3, an organization that assists individuals with disabilities to participate in downhill skiing. Stop by the SLC on Thursday evening and stay for a few minutes, , . or a few hours; you’ll be amazed at the talent and energy displ’ayed by UW students.

Gota hot newstip? email m1 8 imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Leave your mark in Hollywood.

YCU and three friends could be partying

in Tin&own,

The Grand Prize includes

$1,000 spending money, plus an exclusive Hollyw~~I screening and studio tour,

As a second prize, you could win 1 of 8 Clear-netNokia phones with one year local airtime. For full contest rules and entry for-m visit www.cbafnet.com/student Now get a previously-sold Sony phone for only $49.99. Check out Techworx (Student Life Centre) for this special student offer.


PCS+ the futureisfmldty


October 15,1999,V&me22,NumIxr


Staff vacant, Editor-in-Chief vacanr, Assis cant Editor Datren Aitmayer, Forum Paul Schreiber, Sarah Crellin, News Ryan Merkley, Adina Gillian, Arts John Swan, Kate Schwass, Sports Carrie Lindeboom, Shelby Jai-Flick, Features Aman Dhaliwal, Science k Angela Takizawa, Janice Jim, Photos vacant, Graphics Arun Pereira, Web Rob Schmidt, Systems Administrator Steve, Proofreader ’ vacant, Proofreader vacant, Proofreader vacant, Proofreader vacant, Proofreader Marea Willis, Business Manager Laurie Tigert-Dumas, Advertising & Production Manager Emily Paige, Advertising Assistant vacant, Advertising Assistant Bryan Bensen, Distribution Justine Saccomanno, Distribution ’ Board of Directors Robin Stewart, President I Mike Habicher, Vice-President, : Rachel Beattie, Secretary


Contributors t Mike Allyn, Jonathan Allen, Rachel E. Beattie, Kate Belcher, Adam Brock, Caitlin ’ Crockard, Daniel Dwyre, NigeI Flear, Honny Ghadari, Terry Goodenough, Michael Habicher, Warren Hagey, Ted Harns, Lisa I Johnson, Connie Kwan, Andrew Liu, Lindsay ! McLaren, Evan Munday, Bashar Mohamad, I Kurt Rohman, Mark Schaan, Adam Stanley, , Robin Stewart, Josh Van Wink, Erik Walle, ’ C.W Wheeler, S.B. Woodside, Mike Yunker Imprint is the off&l student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA).

IRantsfrom a political junkie

Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDN Pub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 554677. Address mail to:

Federalism: does anyone bloody care? “‘1s tbeie lzn abuse of human tights? I5 there u wuy people cuts get along if tbv wme f;om differentb~‘~g~s?Aremino~~~g~tsaswellas ~j~~~~gbtsrespected?~atisintb~long-term ewnomicandsecutity h&pe?tdmmfu~rpt?opie? How are we going to co-operate with our neigbbours; is itgoing to be better or worse if we areindependantorifwebuveaf~~~system?~’ 3--United States President Sill Clinton

Imprint Student Life Centre, Room 11 I6 University of Waterlog Waterho, Ontario, N2L 3Gl Tel; 5 19-888448 Fax: 5 19-884-7800 http://impr&uwaterloo.ca

spent my last,week hammering out concepts of federalism with academics, politicians, civil servants and youth from around the world. Despite the great contributions of all those participating, we kept returning to the pitfalls of federalism both within the Canadian context and abroad, After all this haggling, the question was finally raised: is it really worth it? Why do we stay together if it takes so much work? I met a friend from the Yukon who has waited 150 years since we stumbled upon his people to finally recognize his people’s land and cultural rights, I met a friend who works for the Bloc Quebecois who continues to question why after over 13 5 years since Confederation we haven’t recognized the distinction of Quebec nationhood. I met a Reform Ml? who

the No&&standing Clause really means anything at all, our Constitutional prewbie sums up our cause regardless of race,”pationality, linguistic or cultural difference. Our end is to provide peace, order and good government. All of the distinctions of self-government, distinct society and equality of provinces are secondary to the fact that we are all committed to ensuring and working at a nation that provides us a basic level of democracy, stability and good governance. This is why the Canadian federation still has a chance. Too often in our history we have understood ourselves as a central entity with a few minor distinctions. This paradigm was certainly shared by our founding Prime Minister who saw the provinces as legislatures of little consequence. Instead, we are a sum of our parts united by a common vision to provide similar ends: In the long history of Canadian federatism we have too often focused on arguing on means and not





playing to gooey, feel-go& sentences about being Canadian and understanding cold winters and ice storms, there is logical sensefor our federation. Thenotion that ten distinct entities work together is becausewe have a similar end to meet. Regardless of whether sections9 1 and 92 of our Constitution are unclear, or whether

tu question




provinces need to continue to shell out for the provinces that haven’t figuked out their resources are depleted. So, after 132 years, is it still really worth it? The question for me needs to be answered both rationally and emotionally. Without only







Realizing our similar goals I can easily move to recognize Quebec’s distinct society or settle the Yukon land claims knowing that this is in response to the same goal I have, however differentiated for the needs of my fellow Canadians. This is not to simplify situations and donacts but


to admit apossiblecommon ground we have to begin negotiations. So, the logical and rational argument for Canadian federalism rests in that we have similar ends. This ties in nicely with the argument that we c& do better together that which we do alone. Together we hold the resources and the shared knowledge to find the best practices that can accommodate difference, respect autonomy and still meet the same ends. This leads to the emotional argument. Spun nicely by Jean Chretien and Jean Charest and critiqued successfully by Lucien Bouchard and JacquesParizeau, the emotional argument pulls at your heart strings and conjures up notions of sharing warmth on a cold day. Paraphrased as “pulling together when things are falling apart” the emotional argument draws on ice storms, floods and referendas to tell us there is some overarching emotional draw to being a Canadian. While I myself buy into this argument, one would find it difficult to get that Bloc Quebecquois friend of mine feeling aI warm and fuzzy about a shipment of 1 blankets from Ontario. In the end, there is a Canadian logic about federalism-if you believe in a flexible, sum-ofthe-parts kind of Canada. Yet the sacrifices are great-

So, after

13 2 years is there

one Canada?

The answer to this depends on our willingness to reason and change. One Canada is dependent on our ability to commit to F shared vision, uniting us in our ends yet Gcognizing our differentiated means. -Mark A, Schaan ?+ 2




must extend my congratulations on what must be perhaps the most clueless review ever published. That is an amazing feat, even by Imprint standards. In a mere eight paragraphs, Matt Patterson establishes the following: he constructs the tried-andtrue “straw-man” technique of fabricating a motive for the title of Fred J. Eaglesmith’s CD, and then criticizes Fred and the record company as if this fantasy motive actually existed. Mat-t then attempts to Yeducate” all of us who were, unlike him, born before 1980 about what New Country is. Matt labels Eaglesmith asa UNew Country” artist, ignoring his Canadian Folk roots. Matt then proceeds to criticize Eaglesmith for his choice

of genres, again failing to understand what genre Eaglesmith belongs to. SayJhiscouldbefun-JohnLennon was the most pitiful excuse for a heavy metal musician I ever heard and the Beatles








My biggest concern is with the Access System, which is the main resource that I use to obtain information about jobs and my interview

schedule. It is known to be an outdated system, and does not have the


pretentious in the genre then, say, Blue ester Cult. The sad thing is that with the wealth of information available through today,

tor for wanting to fill up space with any old crap that comes down the pipe. Divide the credit any way you’d

co-op sucks too To #beEhr,


am a University

of Waterloo


even pathetic, myopic, dweeby, third-rate wannabe ujournahsts” like Matt could research his facts without leaving the privacy of his bedroom. I don’t know who deserves the most credit here-Ma& for his negligent research and

op student and I am writing this letter in response to the current situation of the Co-op Student Access System and the additional accelerated postings. I understand that co- , operative education is dealing with more students, more postings, and

sophomoric writing style, the nonexistent or absent arts editor for not demanding standards of quality for written reviews, or the Imprint Edi-


employers with an old outdated AccessSystem and less time in the same physical space as before (i.e. Needles Hall).

capabilities to support large user volumes (i.e. limited to 90 concurrent users). However a replacement isn’t scheduledtocomeon-li.neuntil2ooO. Myself and many other students are struggling to get on and manage our coop applications and are quite frustrated with the inability to connect and the slow processing times. The

option to the on-line system is to actually view the hard copy of the postings, which is also quite difficult due to the large volume of students who have to view all the postings in a much shorter period of time than normal. I have

spoken with quite a few members of Co-operative Education and Career Services and no one has been able to provide me with any alternatives to the current Accesssystem that is in place. The only solution that has been attempted,to my knowledge, is to increase the current limit from ninety users allowed on the Access System. Unfortunately the Access server

is just not adequate


handle a load of more than ninety users and has been set back to its driginal limit. I can appreciate that there are many factors that affect the Access systemand that any solution should not be developed in haste without adequate testing. However I cannot understand


a University


provides some of the world’s best graduates in Computer Science,Engineering and Math be forced to live with such an outdated system asAcCtSS. I would personally be willing to help in any way that I can to see some solution put into place. There are probably many other capable students who could assist in putting a working solution in place until the new systemis available in May 2000. As apayingcustomer

of the Co-

operative Education system,I am not impressed with the service that I am receiving and I do not feel that the value of the service is equivalent to the co-op fees being billed. I know there are many logistical problems and issues that are involved, but I wouldliketoknuwwha~ifanything, the University &d Co-operative

Education going to do to improve Access and adequately deal with the increased volume of jobs and students until the new system is activated. -]effLun&A uathetpratics


out part one


To tb&litor, am responding to Peter Chung’s I letter in the October 8 edition of Imprint.

Peter complains

about how

Coming Out Week has the effect of shoving a person’ssexuality into other people’s faces. He also says that he does not understand why people who experience a same sex attraction have

to jump around proclaiming it. I would

like to remind

him that het-

erosexuality is constantly being shoved down our faces in the media. Every time a heterosexual couple goes on a date or engages in a kiss in a movie or TV show, the couple’s sexuality is being shoved down the face of everyone watching. Every couple (homosexualor heterosexual) that holds hands or hugs in public putspartoftheirsexualityondisplay.

Some people might not like it, but in the real world sexuality is a public thing and there is no reason why homosexuals shouldn’t be able to enjoy the same rights in publically declaring their sexuality as

heterosexuals have enjoyed for ages.

coming out


part two

one around you will be gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or a known sympathizer! Youwillthen have some time to reflect on how it feels to be a member of asexual minority, time to respond to your detractors who fmd your blatant heterosexual behaviour an obnoxious annoyance, and time to figure out whether you might be better off ‘passing as normal.” Pre~ous? Ithinknot. Evangelical Science was right all along. Sexualityisn’ts0methingyou’rebom with. It’s really a learned behaviour. And believe me, we have some very good teachers in the SSN. Have a Nice Day!


Right To Life in fresh kit To the Editor,


hesomething for notfiing edi torial

in the October

1 issue of

Imprint demonstrated a pathetic lack of journalistic investigation. Ms. Hillis criticised the Feds decision to include an advertisement for the Kitchener-Waterloo Right to Life Association. She blasted the Feds the

arguing that such an action was contrary to the Fed’s mandate of Yprotecting students’ interests and educacontinued to page 14

Forum Section enables members of the tlniversity of





present views onvarious issues throughletters to the editor and longer comment pieces. Letters should not exceed 350 words in length They can be submitted to: ktters@imgrint.UW~h.CU*

TotheEditor, Af

s a Senior Recruitment Analyst or the Sexuality Subversion

Network (SSN), I must say that I had to scrape myself off the floor laughing after reading Mr. Chung’s letter

of October


While you are complaining about having things shoved in your face,Mr.Chung,theSSNisoutinthe field recruiting your friends and relatives toThe Cause. Before you know what has happened, ahnost every-

All material

is subject


editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right torefuse to publishletters or articles


are judged


belibellousordiscriminatory on the basis of gender, race, rel&ionorsexuaIorie~talio~ Theoptionsexpressed thruughcolumns, comment pieces, letters and other artkles are strictly those of the authors, not the opinionsof



14 continued




tion,n asRTL is “potentially harmful to women. n She also accusedRTL of having “a political agenda.” After visiting RTL’s website (http://home.golden.net/-kwrtl/) and interviewing RTL Representative Pat Schiebel it is clear that these accusations are false. Pat Schiebel assured me that RTL is not and has never been involved politically. Their mission statement states that their goal is: “To promote through education the intrinsic value of all human life from conception to natural death? That includes chastity, infanticide, and euthanasia, not just abortion. I inquired what would be done if a pregnant woman approached them for assistance.“Obviously,” replied Pat Schiebel,“we would not suggest abortion, but we would not show photos of aborted babies either.” RTL would inform them of alternatives such as adoption or encouraging them to contact Birthright or another pregnancy distress centre. Indeed RTL’s numerous pamphlets, books and videos (which can be borrowed for free by anyone) focus on the development of the unborn child, all of which has been proven by science, and not a single one showed a picture of an abortion procedure. No information on techniques for an abortion procedure is given unless it is specifically requested; in which case no photos are shown, only text of a clinical procedure. A few pamphlets point out links behveen abortion and subsequent health effects such as increased risk of breast cancer, all of


.:i:::. ,. _.:.:.:I, .;::pQ ;,j_l,l.lf,l f :::::::::: ,:.> .._.__.I.. . . . . . . . :: :: ::.::, ::;., ::A’.‘. _I..rr<., _.:,I :,,, K=:i: ‘:yzi fzyy


which have been backed up by medical source;. RTL is purely an educational institution, Therefore, allowing an RTL ad is within the Feds mandate. After all if their job is to “promote student’s



Vice President Administration and Finance. The article stated his concern that the letter requesting the postponement of the event (who claims to be written by a former Fed Hall employee and UW student) was not written by a UW student, He was quoted saying, “The letter is very well-researched and political, and bar managers don’t seem to knowanyonewhowouldwritethis.” Is Mr. Doig questioning the University of Waterloo’s ability to teach UW students how to write a wellresearch and politicaI paper? If so,hosting a trouble free hiphop event is the least of the University’sproblems.

and education”

then not only should they have allowed an RTL ad but they should have provided information to students about this and other educational institutions free of charge! As a final note, Ms. Hillis suggested that the RTL ad did not meet the “standards necessary for inclusion in frosh kits.” After all, some items were left out becausethey promoted “offensive br undesirable activities. n Condoms, we should be reminded were included. As a result Ms. Hillis has suggestedthat having pre-marital sexis a desirable activity, (despite condom ftilure rates aswell as increased emotional problems) while providing information about an educational institution is undesirable. Cussur



To theEditor,

n response to the October 1 ticle”Hip-hop event postponed,n I would like to begin by saying that the hip-hop events put on by the University are lots of fun, I should know, I attend them often. However that is not what drove me to respond to the article. I would like to question Joshua Doig, Federation of Students I

“Thank goodness for fast food and take out? Jeff H.



To theEditor,


‘ve had no problem finding hous ing myself, by my friend Akil Mahaffey has had some difficulty. He is a frosh in CS. He’s from Shell Lake, Saskatchewan, and, unfortunately, wasn’t able to get a place in Village due to some mix-ups with the application forms. Of course,coming from outside of the province makesfinding housing in Waterloo somewhat difficult. Akil called me for help. I went to the housing list in the SLC and there weren’t very many places close the University. I did find one place in south Kitchener that seemed like a reasonable place. I put him in con* tact with the owner.

So everything seemedto be going fine. The owner of the place mailed a copy of the lease to Saskatchewan. My friend got it and mailed it back and assumed everything would be okay. But when he got to K-W, he fourid the place taken by someone else.It seemsthe leasenever got back to the owner, so the place was given to someone else. I let Akil qrash on my couch during frosh week. But that arrangement cameto asudden end, After the toga party Akil came back to my

place, ztndwe started drinking some more. Unfortunately Akil had a bit too much at the toga party and threw up on my housemate. Not surprisingly my housemate was very unimpressed. He was soon booted out of my place. While still looking for a place Akil tried spending a night in the ComfyloungeinMCandintheSLC. Security was also not impressed and he didn’t get much sleep that night. He actually stayed awake all of the continued

to paga


“What will you do if there is a food “skrvices strike?

the Pita Pit,”

Greg Moser

and Karla Beaudry

1AScienceand IAGeogr~~pby


by Bill\rWheeler


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“Go to

berzerk toons

3rd Year Planning

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“Raid my fresh’s refrigerators.” Allan Colquhoun 28 Systems Design Engineering

Imprint, Friday, October IS, 1999

grocery store never looked better.”

MikeAllen IAMuth

Alex Boterman IA Geography

“We’ll just go to the Math C + D and the candy store. It’s better food and cheaper.” Carolyn Bouchard 2BAppiedMathu~compUterSci~

David Greenshields and Sarah Davies 3B Math and 3A Environmental and Resource

“I’ll head over to Grandma’s homemade chicken soup? Travis Chapman 3~-2!r4eY

for some-m



imprint, Friday, October 15, 1999




to send out an inspector promptly, who discovered that seven of the dogs had been “euthanized” .These were lost dogs,that had new homes to go to. Under the law, nothing is wrong. After 72 hours, strays (read pets) may be euthanizedunless a aegistered research facility wants them for research. then it is illegal to kill them. The Zawstinks. This is not an unusual 0 I currence - merely one that is documented. It has to stop. We are a registered non-profit, committed to changing this situation. Our name, Sadpig!, is an acronym. We are not sad, and have little to do with pigs - we are pig headed about obtaining change. Those rhat want to help are * invited to visit our website ior more iniormation. http::/ it V’-VW .sadpjg.org, itl?ldli 25 at 3arry@sadpig.org, or send d SASE to 5aapq$, 920 St David St North? Fergus, Ontario, NlM 2W3. Thanks for caring.

warm ccl I. I actually haven’t heard from him today, so I don’t know what his current situation is.


next night having no place to stay. Fortunately he managed to get plenty of sleep during classes. -Russell O’Connor Akil spent the weekend sleeping in the parking garage in downtown K-W in blankets that he had brought Dogs‘ in the north with him. He had moved his stuff into a bus locker in Kitchener. I had no To the Editor, idea he was sleeping there. Fortunately, that weekend he nimal control in rural Ontario is got a lead on a student hole in south rchaic, and must be changed. Kitchcncr that was a XI minute walk C)n September 7, Animal Alliance from a #7 bus. For some reason he was informed that eight dogs were withdrew first and last months rent svaliabfe in Fergus - the first from :or the place Sunday night. He was -klcre in six weeks. They found homes going ro pay on iMondav, +3ut he was VI- &e;n. and told the dogcatcher ail ;l~ggd :h3r iigi!t 3;ijLt 9XriO. wre drmteci. Davs* went by with no ,~ow III\-‘ friend Akli was home-mmn~e. tiesolte numerous atC’S5,‘rr:ti m?ll~~ir:‘f id-hrll ‘1 i,ict’ wml c:r;1714. . ‘hen, L he phones and says he ;!S t)Si?P C,ilIlC Ti?rf_lK~h. ’ F:t.bj2CLd31C .,C.iLjri”<i ThC!JTI r:lLli hlmseif. 3 find 3 piace tar Monday n@X. Fusp1ci0us I lere was a man ;fcer what ciasses he mdnageci to -hat atimitteii to having great diliiattend, he went to Kitchener city hail sulty iind homes - they caileci the and started running through the only people allowed td check his fountains. He succeeded in getting records, the government body arrested and spent the night in a OMAFRA. They were kind enough




Willy is lynched by his fellow pirates for forgetting the most crucial letter in his alphabet test.

FashionFirst Hand Are you starttng 10 think about what to buy that special someone or your Great Aunt Betty for Christmas this year? Of course, you’re probably thinking about midterms and how to spend the last few days of warm weather and think that it’s crazy to even mention “Happy ho ho.” However, we’d like to let you know that there are only 65 shopping days to Christmas and soon the airwaves will be bombarded with the slogans The Canadian Association of University Teachers invites you to join some of Canada’s most distinguished researchers and educators in panels and workshops as we consider the impact of commercialization on research and education, and develop strategies to reclaim universities and

timely conrerence which begins at noon on Friday, October 29 and ends at 1:OO p.m. on Sunday, October 31. From the CAUT conference material: “The integrity and independence of Canada’s universities and colleges are under threat from private commercial interests. In response to government cutbacks in public funding, university administrators are raising tuition fees and welcoming restrictive corporate partnerships. Governments are forcing researchers into relationships with private sector corporations as a condition of public funding. Business is pressing universities to be servants of corporate interests? WPIRG is coordinating trans-

colleges for the public interest.

portation to this conference. Call us

Join them at this important



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A gentle wind in Waterloo The super puck may change your life RABIN



ost university students don’t spend much time thinking about their aura. In fact, I’m not sure I had ever thought about my aura for more than five minutes until I sat down with Shona Magill. On October 12, I had my first encounter with the super puck. Shona is part of aground-breaking organization called the Gentle Wind Project. Gentle Wind, founded 17 vears ago, researches and develops healing instruments. The healing instruments range from laminated sards, some of the first incarnations crf ahe healing instruments, to the ileaiing puck, the super puck, and a iarger peg-board-like instrument icnown only as Svstem ¶ 0. Gentle Wind’s research centres rm11nd the beiief t’hat each person wrs inslcie 3n mer~etic or elect-ro.n;lunttt!c $rci~I mown ds the ;;1ur3. I Jvtar .i ;teri me. 9ne xcumulates TT und5. ” W: rl mentai and Dhy5i1id wk-+ cl1rsrw-u or mrure this fkiti. ! 9~ mmutes witn a heaiing instru!~~nt, rn wllatever varlarion, allows rune to heai damage to the aura, using the harnessed power of universal life energy. Thus, one’s aura is cleansed. Since its inception in Kittery, Maine, the project has spread to 150

countries worldwide. Its aim is to sheiter in KW, has used the instruprovide healing, a brief session with ments in her work. “The average one of the healing instruments, free woman in an abusive relationship of charge to as many people as posgoes back to the abuser 17 times,” .. * sble. explained Shona. After healing Facilitating this process is diffiwith the instrument, according to cult and this is where the instrument Shona, they stopped going back. keepers, like S hona, come in. Gentle The instruments have been Wind’s message is carried throughfound to be successful in reducing out the world by those volunteers stress and producing a calming efwho own their own healing instruments, and are willing to share them with the world. Shona joined the project about two years ago, shortly after getting married. She was attracted to a small classified ad in a local paper promoting a healing at a church in Green River, her husband’s hometown. She went with her hus5and and sister to her first session. Shona. who has a degree in osycholoqy from UW, sees ier inate cclrlosit?; about huw Teopie intera ct as one of the sings wi?i& brought her into >P y-w?% was iike having erheric wrmxy, ” she said of her first ileung. Gentle Wind’s instruThe super puckcosts over 2,000 dollars. ments have been tested in pris. ons, hospitals, and women’s shelters, Shona, as a former volunfeet in a variety of circumstances. teer at Anselma House, a women’s Shona’s sister, who works with abused animals uses the card in her work to reduce stress in her patients. The Magi11 family cat also has a uncanny affinity to the plastic object. Shona brought both the card, is curretitly undergoing renovations her original purchase, and the suin order to encompass other probper puck to our meeting over coflem ‘areas concerning the health of fee. The former is a rectangular university students. These areas laminated card, infused with all include: sexuality, health, general manner of shapes, colours and nutrition, fitnessY. and stress manother items. The colours, Shona agement. All of these s&ices will be informed me, were inspired by An.I under the name of a wotking title: cient Chinese Vibrational Therapy. “The Wellness Centre.“‘. The other elements: herbs, preA contest will be heH itiorder cious stones, cell salts, and other to find a name that uGlf;encomp$ss materials, are part of an intricate all of these service+ Altsuggestions design, first received by one of Gen‘. are welcoine and-can be handed ih tle Wind’s founders through telat the BACCPKEbffice, located in epathic impressions. ’ the,:vofunteei &&rce cebter (ju5 The card has four principle &o& @&&Y~ ‘, uses, each requiring the user to point the card in a different direction. One for Energy, one for Tranquility, one for Synergy and one for the standard healing. Shona uses the energy setting every morning and the tranquility set‘1, n&‘&&n~~e6. In order ting every night. The Synergy set:; .‘$${$it ““5Eci~ ,,, . . “‘:: .I: :Y’ li. ,:jj~~CHUSti~ successful and I .~&&& : :..:::: : : it strives for, ...__.._,.,. _:..the + g&&&t i ‘GV@ r&&Ire as *a$ willing volun1....11 ..I.I. i$eeF *~ossit+~$jf more informa‘@;6* pi&se c.ont!a&the Fed office at .8 ~&+@Q~ $3tit’ meetings are held

More than alcohol HONNY


specia/ to hpfklf Are you at risk bf developing problem with Alcohol?


Do you have a friend or loved &at might be at risk?


any students will promptly answer the& questions with a strong “No! You must be joking!” However, the prevalence of d&king problem’s among iuni~&$ iddents is a gra,wing co&;$ tithin ..:



i\‘f.I:):: ‘k. 1:i

One of,the. : : key sexui@s’:$hat the Federation .of’ $.&en& Bupports is Bm$ting Ali&0#~4&sciousness ConceIning.~~~~~~lt.~ of University Stu&~t+;~h~.z.nder* lining




in making the right decisions concerning alcoholic beverage use or non-use. Along side this, BACCHUS

ting is a process which brings a sense of wholeness to the individual, used oncv a year or after serious trauma. The founders of the project come from a variety of backgrounds: engineers, social workers, psychologists and so on. Their research is an ongoing project, involving all sorts of activities outside of interpreting the original telepathic impressions. The group focuses b

on making each instrument completely universal, ensuring that the instruments will have the same effect on everybody. When the project was founded, the original members sold all of their possessions so that they could distribute the instruments to as many people as possible at no cost. In the mid-nineties, however, their resources ran out and the instruments are now sofd to instrument-keepers who are willing to pay. The cost of the card was US$325 when Shona first purchased it almost two years ago, while the super puck cost her and her husband US$2,200. Shona seemed mostly unconcerned about the seemingly high cost of the instruments, both because the sale of them has to support the seventeen members of the research group and because she feels that the price may be legitimately higher in order to ensure that only seriously devoted individuals will consider becoming instrument-keepers. So, on to the main event. After about an hour of conversation, I asked Shona to bring on the puck. She brought it out in a green cloth bag, with a velvet cloth covering, The puck, itself, however, was not even close to what I

expected. It was, as the name suggests, shaped and sized very much like a hockey puck. On its sides were two brightly covered plastic ends, screwed down on top of whatever concoction of ethereal elements lay within. The super puck also had a red piece of plastic protruding from one side of it, which is one of the many things that distinguish it from the regular healing puck. As I placed it into my hand, I was starkly aware of its presence there. Trying to focus in on the experience, I can say that there was a definite physical sensation that came with it. I felt a soothing calm move up my arm and across my body as the five minute healing progressed. In that time I was acutely aware of myself, where I was and where I was going. It is now 24 hours after my healing, and I can’t claim that my life has changed at all since, but that is not the idea behind The puck . The changes it brings are gentle and holistic and not necessarily easy to notice. As a committed skeptic about such things, I can in no way attribute anything to my ten minutes with the puck. It is also possible that any sensation or awareness I felt during the experience couId just as easily be a product of my mental state going into the healing. As far as this reporter knows, the super puck could be no more than a hunk of plastic filled with lima beans, but perhaps the ten minutes of self-reflection that I got out of it was worth the $0 I paid for it; I’ll keep you all posted about what happens. This weekend the Gentle Wind project is holding a free open house at 11:30 a.m. at the Church of the Good Shepherd, where anyone can go and receive free healing with System 10. They are also offering a relationship seminar afterwards at the cost of US$45 in advance or US$60 at the door. I will leave you with the words of ShonaMagill, who acknowledges that the relationship seminar, while she feels it would be extremely valuable, may be out of reach of students. She offers a compelling plug, however, in favour of the open house. “What have you got to lose?” she asks. “If I didn’t believe that this brought nothing but positive energy, I wouldn’t be so committed to it.”

Sikh Students Association Presents Lange Day






volunteer resource area. Please feel free to drop in and have a look at what we do!

free food l people of all beliefs welcome Monday,October 18 around lunchtime l SLCMultipurpose Room

Imprint, Friday, October I 5, 1999



The rising sun


ur sun is the earth’s one and only power source. All energy, directly or indirectly, comes from the sun. From the food you eat to the batteries that power your radio, it all traces back to the sun. It is no wonder then, that humans continue to seek out methods to directly capture the sun’s limitless energy. Such is the goal of the Midnight Sun Solar Race Team: co design a vehicle powered only by the sun. There are many benefits to capturing solar energy directly. As the use of solar energy becomes widespread, the burning of fossil fuels and the demand for nuclear reactors decreases, reducing pollution and global warming. In addition, solar cells have no moving parts to break down MidnightSunistheproductdover and require . . I mmlmal mamtenance otherwise. The University of Waterloo Midnight Sun SolarRaceCarProjectbeganinthefallof 1989 and every two years, the team participates in Sunrayce, a solar car’race across North America for collegiate teams. Sunrayce typically lasts ten days, spanning over 2,000 km. Through building a solar car, Midnight Sun provides a unique experience for University of Waterloo students and raises public awareness of solar technology and its capabilities. In Sunrayce ‘99, the Midnight Sun V team won the Team Workmanship Award, as well as a special “Cone Eating” award. (Both UW drivers picked up cones at the qualifier.) To date, however, the best record set by i


e all deal with losing loved ones differently, but we all share the need to keep their memories with us. Sometimes, the most important things about a person ydu love are quirky or hard to explain to others, but mean the world to you. Memory boxes, scrapbooks and framed displays are wonderful ways of surroundingyaurself with special things that allow you to remember. Memory boxes have long been used to collect belongings and reminders from relationships. The possibilities for these “time capsules” are endless, from elaborate carved wooden cases to the simplest shoebox. Your project should symbolize something shared by you and rhe individual. I have made a wonderful box in my grandmother’s honour out of a favourite cookie tin, filled with recipes, photos of us in the kitchen, and a few wrappers from ingredients that went into our favourite cookies. Also, I’ve added some other things that only she and I would understand which bring a flood of happy memories that are indescribable to others. Oftentimes after a death, we receive letters, photos and printed matter from the person’s belongings. Consider re-uniting years of

the team was during Sunrayce ‘97 in which Midnight Sun IV finished seventh overall out of the thirty-six competing teams. Midnight Sun IValso won the Mechanical Award for Technical Innovation, In October, Midnight Sun will compete in the World Solar Car Challenge (WSC) in which solar cars from all around the world will line up to test their designs and endurance in this unforgiving “first to cross the finish line” race from Darwin in Australia’s north to Adelaide in the south7a total of 3,010 km. With less than five months between Sunrayce ‘99 and the WSC, the team has the experience and is geared for this exciting event. Midnight Sun is the largest student run projectatthe University of Waterloo. Over 100 students contribute their skills and talents to the project every term. The team IOOstudents’efforts. encourages students from all faculties*to pool their expertise and learn new skills at Midnight Sun: The project responsibilities are,broken into seven groups: aerobody, business, mechanical, primary electrical, secondary electrical, solar array and strategy. The business group seeks sponsorships, gives presentations, directs marketing and educates communities. The strategy group plans the race strategy and is vital during solar car races such as Sunrayce as well asvehicle testing. All other groups concentrate on ehe actual production andmanufacture of the solar car. Despite differences in tasks, all Midnight Sun team members value teamwork, gain memorable experiences, and acquire valuable skills. For more, see http://midsun.uwaterloo.d

correspondence in one scrapbook; its amazing how an entire life’s story can be told through letters only after the writer and the receiver’s words are brought together. No doubt, much comfort can be taken from all the subtle nuances revealed from re-reading the narrative of past joys and troubles. There are many inexpensive “shadowbox” style frames that can be finished to suit your style and the type of objects togo in them. In honour of my grandfather,.who taught me how to fish, I assembled three prized lures in a deep frame. A montage such as this is a really effective way to display a few prized possessions from a person’s collection that might be divided between other loved ones. Think how wonderful a mounted single place setting of silverware or a few pieces of jewellery would look in a simple sculptural frame. Of course, our connection to the deceased goes on in our hearts and not in material things, but small tokens of their lives serve as touchstones and reminders of the strength that knowing them has brought to you. For me, creating a permanent display, either private or to show others, is a therapeutic way to deal with loved one’s legacies. May you find peace in quiet contemplation of your creations.

For Godso loved the wo&& that begave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him sbouldnotperish, but have everlasting life.flobn 3:16, NIV)


e come this week to the word Uloved,n which is clearly very importanttothemeaningoftheverse. We will contemplate the character of this love and along with it, the character of the lover. The apostle John often wrote of God’s lovebecausehehadexperiencedithimselfand had became known as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23). In 1 John 4:9-10, he wrote: “In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” God showed his love by sending his Son to die and pay the price for our sins, thus satisfying God’s demands for justice. The amazing thing is that God didn’t do this because we had done something for him first or because we were worthy of his love (see Titus 35). His love for us simply flows out of his character, for “God is love” (1 John 4:8). Do you really understand this? Think of how you love other people and the reasons why you love them. We love other people who are lovable, and the people we don’t find lovable we just don’t love. God, however, loves us in spite of the fact that we have nothing


rejudice, bigotry, discrimination, oh my. These are bad* things, right? Can you guess where this is going? Ima@ne some underground, racially intolerant group as an organized, funded entity backed by a reasonable percentage of the Iworld’s population. Would this really be any worse than if, for example, the Southern Baptists took the reigns of power? Perhaps you’ve heard of these people; they are true fanatics, a dying breed on this continent. Look at www.godhatesfags.com if you wish to bear the full brunt of their stunning intolerance. All religion has stemmed, ultimately, from this kind of abject hatred. starts as mistrust for all that are not members of the fold, but as that distinction blurs it stems into detestation for singular groups perceived as causing woe. Or alternately, an old hatred may -be backed up by religion as a reason to punish those who find themselves abhorred by self-righteous theists. I hate to beat a dead horse, but.history is strewn with examples of severe persecution on religious grounds. Most every ‘moral code’ prescribed in a religion decries the killing of other men, but it’s always stunning how quickly these guidelines are waived in the face of territorial disputes or society’s eternal hunt for a viable scapegoat. Witches, homosexuals, and other deviants are popular targets. But public enemy number one is usually another major religion, genocide being a profitable occupation for well-to-do nations. To properly execute such a shocking political action requires the full backing of the people of course, which is where it becomes useful to brand the enemy nation as Children gf Beelzebub or other such nonsense.


in ourselves that is worthy of his love. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 5: 7-8: lLFor scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet perhaps for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christdiedforus.” Noneofuswouldbewilling give up our life for someone else, unless there was a very good reason for doing so, but the Lord Jesus Christ gave up his life for us, We read again of this amazing divine love in Ephesians 2:4-5: “But God, who is rich in


His love for us flows out of his character. mercy, for his great love where with he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, bath made us alive together with Christ.” Every person is spiritually dead and separated from God because of sin. Even in that state, God still loves each one, and everyone who believes in Jesus Christ is lcborn again” with a new spiritual life. What a marvellous thing it is that God shows his love even to the unlovely! Truly he is a great and loving God.

I want to make it clear to you theists: there is no pride in your somewhat reprehensible practices. Throw off your oppressive mental chains, and face reality with dignity and acceptance. Why is it some people are so shaky on the topic of belief? So often I hear, “Well, I don’t go to church, but I figuke there must be a God.. .” Why? Just let it go! Isn’t missing church grounds for eternal damnation? If only there was some sort of atheism’ patch to slowly and gently redeem the fallen, The illogic which abounds in the most intelligent of people never ceases to surprise me, and 1 can only blame their upbringing. Is it really so comforting to believe in some immense sentient force ruling the universe, capable of smiting anyone at any time? If I saw any evidence to support such a concept, I’d be bloody terrified no matter how benevolent people assured me it was, even if I’d been agood little believer. The entire premise is ludicrous. So I implore you once more, forget your gods with their empty promises. Not all atheists are cynical, smug bastards. They care and have hope for the future and like to pick daises in grassy fields just like you. Don’t let your priests tell you otherwise. “Today, I believe that I am acting in accordancewith the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.” - Adolf Hitler (Reichstag speech, 1936) Next week: the evolution debate. Can I cram sufficient mockery of creationism into a mere 5 00 words? Be sure to read and find out! (Stand up for yourself, dam&! Email me at ewaIle@engrnail,uwaterloo.ca and put me in my place, or call to my attention an issue you would like addressed.)




Friday, October I 5, I 999

The council of four - Part III


enjoyed learning and the satisfaction knowledge gave her, or else living in the sanctums walls would have been bevond intolerable. he carriage slowly rolled .to a stcqn: Even so, her soul sometimeG longed to be free ‘. in. ... the steps ofit.k .t; b~id~~:il~d&g~~t~:~~~~ 3; &I& the confines of behaviour that ruled her .:.::. tower ,:,‘.~~:~&vq$&&.j&j

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passenger,~@~,~b~,there wassuchasudd~~ ,“:y :..I.: ‘-So :sh& sat &re staring at the towers of need to sto@& cl&e to their~,de&~ti&& SBk compromise looking for answers. Any other ‘,’ wasn’t look&g at h&i ;l[nstead, her grey eyes scholar would know theanswer&! not exist in were lost i&&k&i~of the tower heights and those talJ.h+&s, but she WWI$ really interthe driver tu$@I away suddenly, not willing to es&d in& qxewer beam.colleagtks gave, The know wha&$&sturbcd one of the;:.&lars. pr&lern she: mestklkth WM one beyond Not just anydt&&&& but their&&&r- ., ..;. t&z&xperier&, beyond her’s, E&I be known, .‘.‘.’ .% ‘::_: .:. son. The wh& .:‘;I,:I“: in,,tie&&e, de$kll &differtkes betweien hadsh;.&& .I:; otherj:&&& thatjGad ever ex;gtedmher and all

of the drivi&&c&hts,~~~ld .::..

probabbrgffer +;. i; T&e aswers c+d not be fdund in logic, &&G&~&&X of “‘1:‘,.&cause &e prob[& could &F be askedin .“’ :‘..:. The prk&ct :.driving oth~~~~~eople aro@d did not ~~&I so ..#&JE terms. She &&I not recckcile it within ignoble in &@&t of &is &ye &.:?.11.:., “k&$&d and now::& was try&$ her best to She h&f&kd,out of E&.wind&ii&nt &&‘&er hem &&jq@~g~&$ ;I _._ .:..:I.:‘. ,.,._._ ,._. t:.:.: smri+:ig2?~e _,_:._,: . on ,t,h;$le@e~ment #he - ::” ‘;,‘ji ..i,‘‘. prob&&?~+&&&~&&e was not . ..:.._.“_ __d;lwn sky. .,$&&d not &&d.__._ . she b+@of : ::_. ,,,,,, &$$i& : time for her hem & ‘&&pt ad &e _L_.....I: :.. _::,, tostitch

itdaily to stem t@&nderfi.c~=&$&~worlde she fe&&&erienci&&# ~~~ .C:i:,,:i -&er leaders would be w~t&.&her. mir&e;&t ..: ‘.d .__. May& their hearts were ast&$&,tlira&ers. For the ‘.:I::...: -’ : ..:’” her $&,,le a scholar co~~agu&@,~$j~&:.:i:.:<;::;? #ould have dryly men- first ~me&@&&~~~ _.:_ ;.j:..ii.‘:.: ....:. :,:..x:‘:. _: tioned the ‘flies of cohr orv&&Jezg:;:I:~.~~~:it”waS :not with h&&n kind with ,.: .,...::...,., :.:.:::::::::.:.>;:c ‘:~,~~;~,~i: have begun ~~~~~~~~~‘~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. .. .,..,.._.;_. I,._., ,...__,.,.,.. . :::.:.:.: .’::..::.:i ..:ji::::$:. ,_:,._.,.__ ._.,._ ,._. _,::l::. _.___ __ _.._.___. ..:..,: .:.;:’ .,,j .:..:‘::::* ./... ;:.c: ,.:’ ;.:.”..;+:,;:’ ‘;;::$:. ,.I:: :..::.:..:::‘-:““” he su~se could:~~~~,i~~~~~ld:~~~,~l: :i:, .,.,,. s&.i..kcd up one last ,ong moment at the ..::I:.. :,.:~,,.’: ‘F truly seethe sunrise, but she did. heigbtsandwa&hilledtothebonethattheydid That was her gift and she treasured it. not give her the comfort they usually did. They None of them suspected in their long disserta- weren’t asstrong asthey had been other morntions and monologues at countless meetings ings. With an impossible solitary tear winding that she, their leader, did not share in their down her cheek she motioned the shocked passion for dry logic and details. Of course she driver forward.

Thiscombinationshouldbe~armedin a pot ‘on medium heat for two to four t ’ minutes. Next, add the leftover turkey to the above mixture and aIlow the meat to marinate for two minutes. During this time, the turkey will be cooked to a very light .-

With this recipe, you have just discovered another usefor leftoverturkey and just about any other leftover meat lurking i&he re ar th

Parlez-vous anglais? ROBiN STEWART fmptifft staf


niversity of Waterloo students have long been reputed to have the finest technical education that this country offers. They have also been reputed to have among the worst social skills. While it is questionable whether or not the latter reputation is deserved, there is no doubt that the graduates of our --most technical programs are not as prepared as they might be. Sure, every student who graduates tram. the University of Waterloo has to pass the ELPE, but one could hardly argue that passing the ELPE is a marker of the outstandingcommunication skills that most students would like to be advertising on their r&urn& There are few who would dispute that we graduate many students who are unable to hold a decent conversation, let alone write a competent report or make a five-minute presentation. Whether or not these students realize it, students who do graduate without aFining a level of oral and written competence are pigeon-hol-



ing themselves into a difficult career situation. While there are a few super-techies out there who will make millions regardless of their antisocial personalities, the average computer guy or girl won’t have the opportunity to break into high-salary business and management positions if he . or she is unable to deal with clients or employees, As a leader in technical education; it seems that our faculty and

puter and math courses, and any 10 courses from outside the faculty. These 10 courses cauld be used to build up valuable communication skills; they could also be used to take a large variety of 100~level courses. Many of these courses are useful and interesting, but most of them allow their students to be just another face in the crowd and further avoid communicating with anyone. This university’s various departments,offer top-notch courses in professional writing and speech communication. I came here as a computer science student in 1995 praising the fact that I would never have to take one of them. Having been here for four years I think it’s a great shame that I wasn’t forced into doing it. It is my sincere hope that the our technical faculties will take the initiative’ to produce more than the mere programmers and technicians that the business community chews up and spits out in great numbers. I hope that they Will show their commitment to producing top-notch, wellrounded products of the outstanding higher-education that is offered at this university.

Students who graduate without attaining - a level of oral and written competence are pigeon-holing themselves with respect to the job market. administration ought to be doing something to ensure that every Waterloo graduate has the opportunity to become the leader of tomorrow that our reputation promises. Unfortunately, we are dropping the ball. Where most universities require their graduates to at the very least take one writing credit, our computer science program will graduate any student as long as they have t&en their required gambit of com-


Health Canadaserves up a reefer KATE


SCHWA88 f~nw SW

irst up: a bogus joint. That’s the first hurdle researchers must jump after being given the green light for clinical trials of medical marijuana. Health minister Allan Rock announced on October 6 that Health Canada plans to “spend several million dollars” financing the trials and long term research of pot smoking as being therapeutic. The government release said that the clinical trials will involve 250 patients in a “double-blind, randomized design.” Cannabis to The “double-blind” tests will give one test group the actual medicinal marijuana and the other group will receive a fake supplement. By doing this, the effectiveness of the drug will be determined. It is believed that m+c?I marijuana will help HIV and AIDS patients by relieving the effects of both the illness and the drugs used to fight the illness. Specifically, it counters nausea and vomiting, and the wasting syndrome which is basically adrastic reduction

in one’s appetite. Despite an immense amount of research already completed by several other countries and the World Health Organization, Hedth Canada notes that “ividence of potential therapeutic effectiveness Qf marijuanais heavily anecdotal and inconelusive.” With the “double-blind* testing, researchers are hoping to have a new and better way to study medical pot use. Currently5 there are two commercially available drugs which are related to marijuana: dronabinol (bra.ndnameMARINOL) which contains chemithe rescue.. . cally synthesized THC; and a synthetic cannabinoid, nabilone (brand name CESAMET). Both drugs are available with a physician’s presription (damn). The Canadian HIV Trials Network



the Commu-

nity Research Initiative of Toronto (CRIT) will b e conducting the trials across Canada. Ideally, they hope to have multi-research centres, and a test pool which will be comprehensive and,randam in nature.

rrosit! Druken! AMANDLISP





his titicle goes out to beer drinkers everywhere. Yessir! It’s about beer. You know, what with Oktoberfest and all. The first Oktoberfest was part of a wedding celebration in 18 10, when Bavarian King Max Joseph gave a big time wedding party for Crown Prince Ludwig, later to become King Ludwig I. The Oktoberfest we know today evolved over time and incorporated a number of different traditions. Now to the beer. Beer starts with hops, which is a vertically growing vine whose flowers are used as the bittering agent in beer. It also increases the beer’s aroma and its shelf life. Of course, if you are worried about the latter aspect, you are obviously not a true beer drinker and so please stop reading this article. Hops is a perennial vine with a surface plant that dies every winter and regenerates from the root stock every




is planted


the end of winter/early spring, and the flower is harvested around midAugust to September. The bittering agent itself is lupulin a yellow powder which collects atThe base of the petals.

Once malt extract and bittering hops are added to boiling water, the liquid is known as beer wart. With the addition of yeast, wart is fermented, finally giving us the product we routinely crave, honour, cherish, revere, idolize and bow to-no, not orgies (even though it’s a good educated guess) -beer. ~m&&&h &&jps from the Spalt region of Germany. They have been growing hops for more

Steins mlore. than a thousand years, long before the first documented mention in 1341,Theseguysknowwhatthey’re talkingabout,man.Athousandyears is a long time to perfect hop agriculture. The



in beer

are what gives it the potential to develop a good head. The mediumsized proteins in beer are what allow it to retain the head, For those who dare to propee that the head has no purpose and is Simply a hindrance to

get to the real stuff underneath, shame on you. The Beer Gods (in conjunction with good scientists) have thought of everything. The head on a beer provides a natural cap to hold in the carbonation, thus preventing irrepairable damage to your beerasyouarewithheldonyourway back from taking a wizz by some guy who wants to tell you-and-only-you how bad he did on his CS midterm, and you simply don’t have the heart to tell him to piss off forever. There are many types of beers, ranging from your ales, which are made with top-fermenting yeast and are usually hearty, robust and fruity; to lagers, which are made with bottom-fermenting yeast, making them smooth, crisp and clean. Beer should ideally be served at a temperature of four to five degrees Celsius (39-41 degrees F) in a cold wet glass. The glass should be clean. If you chronically experience problems with the last step, refer to your mom. There you have it. A comprehensive piece on beer and its main constituents

and consumption


tocol. Armed with this information, your friends and you can fill those idle minutes with delightful chatter as you wait for the deliver); guy to ring your doorbell. i Bottoms up.

Sticks andSteins - Western wins it all icking up sticks rather than steins, eight hockey teams hit the ice for the 17th P annual Oktoberfest University Hockey Tournament. Along with the Warriors, teams from Laurier, Conestoga College, the University of Windsor, Ryerson Polytechnic, the University of Guelph, Western and Detroit’s Wayne StateUniversity all skated towards being number one. Game one for the Warriors was held at Columbia Lake and it was against Conestoga College. With a slow start, Waterloo scored late but was able to take a 2-O lead. .The second period showed the Warriors in full armour as they took a commanding lead with four early goals. Conestoga was able to score one goal on a power play but that would be their only goal of the game. Waterloo scored once more in the third period to make the final score Waterloo 7, Conestoga 1. The second game was versus our OUA rival, the University of Western Ontario Mustangs. With some players out, including one who was injured in the first minute of play and one who was ejected in the second period for a hitting-from-behind penalty, Waterloo struggled to keep up with the raring Mustangs.

Western scored two goals in the first period, one in the second and two more in the third. Waterloo rallied back in the third period with tour goals, but it was too little too late and Western skated to avictory. Western 5, Waterloo 4. Game three saw the Warriors pitted against our neighbours from the south. Wayne State University took the ice in the game that would decide third place. Waterloo, however, was not ready to lose and they shot out onto the ice. The first period saw Wayne State score once, but the Warriors came back to score three power play goals. Poor play by the Warriors in the second period allowed Wayne State the opportinity to score another goal, reducing the Warrior lead to 3-2. Unwilling to give up, the Warriors shut out Wayne State in the third period, scoring two more goals of their own to finish 5-2, taking third place in the tournament. Rob Marie, a defenceman for the Warriors, was also named to the all-star team for the tournament. Marie studies Environmental Science and is a Kitchener native. $Vinning the tournament was the Western Mustangs who battled it out against Ryerson. The final score of that game was Western 6, Ryerson 3 and it proved that Western will be the team to beat in the upcoming season. Having missed last year’s OUA playoffs, the win at

Oy mate, want to meet after the game for a few beers? the Oktoberfest tournament sets the season off on a good foot for the Mustangs. After the Mercyhurst tournament on October 16 and 17, the Warriors have a quick rest before facing Brock for the regular season opener in St. Catharines on October 22. After the game against Brock, the Warriors will be travelling to Toronto to face Ryerson. The first

home game for the Warriors will be on October 29 against Laurentian. Wish us luck for the regular reason! The team itself is looking good this season, even though they are already missing a few players due to injuries. Hopefully the team will be up and running fully soon and it is sure to be another exciting year on the ice!

Waterloo unable.to stop Mustang machine


n a game that should have been ours, the WaterlooV@arriors lost a hard fought battle to the Western Mustangs.by a margin of only three points. University Stadium hosted the game of the season as Western traveled to face the only team that has beaten them in the past four years. Old man Albert was limited to two laps around the track as Waterloo’s mighty defensive line showed their play-stopping ability many times during the day. Offensive player of the day was Waterloo’s Quarterback Ryan Wilkinson. He managed to move the ball a distance of 255 yards, 119 of which he ran himself. He had more yards rushing than Eddie Kim or Mike Bradley. Wilkie’s longest run was a S 7-yard sprint late in the fourth quarter. His favorite passing targets were Chris Kreibich and Dan Donovan. Defensive players of the day were Chris Wolf, Daryl Tharby and Chris Waymouth, who had a combined total of I4 individual tackles and 16 a&tedtackles. DB Mike Laporte showed everyone who was boss when he drilled through Western’s defensive line and sacked QB Mike O’Brien on a play which lost Western eight yards. With 6:25 remaining in the second quarter, a Western penalty added 15 yards to Mike Bradley’s first-down run and put the ball on the 54-yard line. After another set of great plays, including

a X-yard

pass to Chris



rushes by both Eddie Kim tid Mike Bradley, the ball was ori the-G&-yard line. In keeping with the spirit of last week’s game against York, Ryan Wikinson ran the ball into the end zone for a touchdown. After a perfect convert by Tony &ha, the score was 12-8 for Western,

The phrase “NO guts, no glory” was to be redefined by Waterloo coach ChrisTriantafilou as he proved his confidence in his team. He allowed. them the opportunity to go for five yards during the third down on their M-yard line. Mike Bradley did not let him down as he punched through the line and regained the first down. With less than a minute left in the second quarter, Western’s quarterback called the play and was grabbed by two Waterlod defenders, who had blasted through the line. Fans watched as he unbelievably shook both of them off and passed for Western’s second touchdown, Western’s Fabian “butterfingers” Rayne fumbled the bal1 twice, on two consecutive plays! To the dismay of the black and gold fans, Western recovered the first fumble on Waterloo’s three-yard line. Daryl Tharby proved that Western’s offense would not be so lucky. In a moment which defensive football players live for, he captured possession of the ball and saved Waterloo from another Western touchdown, Penalties were a critical factor in last Saturday’s game as Waterloo racked up ten penalties for anet loss of 68 yards. Four continuous infractions caused Waterloo to give up a twopoint safety at 759 in the first quarter, However, the Mustangs’ bad-tempered players were punished by the referees 13 times, losing them 137 yards. At 11:22 into the fourth quarter, after Ryan Wilkinson scored another touchdown, Waterloo attempted a two-point conversion. Sadly, they were bluntly stopped and the score was 20-17 for Western. At this moment, you could hear the sweat dripping off the nervous Western players. They knew as well as everyone in the stadium that Waterloo was not a team you show up to face knowing you were


Hey, number one, pass meyour phone number! going to beat. With less than four minutes left in the game, the Waterloo Warriors were very much capable of winning the game. Warrior fans continued to show their undying faith in their team as they chanted louder than ever. At 14:40 into the fourth quarter, the black and gold offensive line had pushed the ball from their one-yard line to the 34-yard line, The fans were- already giving the Warriors a standing ovation, Unfortunately, everyone knew the

handed out and many members of the Warrior kids club had the chance to meet their favourite players. Overall, everyone enjoyed seeing the athletes that deliver excellent football. This Saturday, I have the pleasure of joining the Warriors in Montreal as they take on the second-ranked Concordia Stingers. Hopefully the game will be carried on TSN, but do not expect the Hamilton station to cover the game. They have decided to carry the match

game WSLSover two



later when


ern player Jamie Ewart intercepted Wilkinson’s Hail Mary pass, The fourth quarter ended with the Warriors falling short 20-17. The Warrior football team ended the day with an autograph session to the delight of many young fans. Autograph papers were

the York





Gee-Gees instead. For more info, scores, and a team roster, you can check out the Waterloo Warrior footpage at http:// ball Web www.warriorfootball.uwaterloo.ca. Wish us luck in Mont&al!

Imprint, Friday, Octo&r


IS, I999


The teens for Warriors the norm at OUA Championships Jastrebski swam his way to a 13th finish not even a full second behind Lee. Women’s captain Val place


ight hundred


Walker achieve


was the




a spot an event final. She swam a season’s personal best not only to place a controversial fourth

five months of training, 16 swim meets, 14 days of training camp, and a two week taper

for the Warriors with only six swimmers crackingthe top 16 to gain spots in the evening session. Courtney

place, but also to qualify for the CIAU Championships. In the 400m IM, the men once again had two swimmers representing Waterloo as HJ Rohmann and Peter Lond,ry raced it out for 15th place and 16th place respectively. To finish off Friday evening, the Women’s 4xlOOm Medley Relay of Mitchell, Walker, Robin Goraj and Melissa Thomas out touchedyork for a seventh place

Mitchell wasthe first to put points on the board with a 13 place finish in the 50m backstroke. Alan Lee and rookie Graharne Jastrebski were the first Warrior men to place in the top 16. Lee raced to avictory in the consolationfmalintheSOmbackstroke,while

finish. The Warriors approached the pool on Saturday refreshed from a good night’s sleep and optimistic to put Friday’s poor showing behind them. Unfortunately, the Warriors were once. again plagued by 17 and

equals one finely tuned Warrior Swim Team. The Warriors traveled to Laurentian this past weekend to show their stuff at the OUA Championship. With 13 women’s teams and 14

men’s teams,this was the largest field of swimmers in recent memory. The weekend started off slowly

18 place finishes, just short of the scoring positions. The Warriors were not completely shut out Saturday night, as Jastrebski showed that he is the Warriors top sprinter with a victory in the consolation final of the SOm freestyle. Another first-year swimmer, Kurt Rohmann returned from co-op to swir? to a 14 place finish in the 400m freestyle. Courtney Mitchell and MelissaThomas showed their backstroke prowess in the 1OOm backstroke swimming to 12th and 15th place finishes

respectively. HJ Rohmann coming off a poor 2OOm IM pulled things together

for a 13 place finish in the

2OOm breastroke. .Then it was time for Val Walker’s 2OOm breastroke, This time, there was no close finish as she placed second to take the silver medal, and once again finished with a time faster than the CI qualifying time. The evening finished on a high note as two of the Men’s 4x200m

Deo. I hope that the water here isn’t cold! freestyle relaysfinished in the top 16. the 1SOOm freestyle, Peter Londry kicked his way to a 13 place finish. The Waterloo A relay of Kurt The meet finished off on Sunday Rohmann,CraigWills,HJRohman.n, with two final relays. The first relay, and Peter Londry swam their way to the 4x5Om medley team of Greg a seventh-place finish asthe Waterloo B relay of Dave Zeldin, Scott Stump, Alan Lee, Craig Wills and Curry, Dan McKerral, and James Grahame Jastrebski raced to a SOthRyans finishdd 15. place finish, while the women’s As Sunday approached, the 4xSOm medley relay, a carbon copy Warriors had to step up and race. of the 4x100, also swam to 10th place. The final relay of the meet, the The string of 17th- and 18th-place finishes had’to end. Whatever their 4x100m freestyle, once again saw both men’s teams score in the top 16. pre-race meal was, it worked. Robin Grahame Jastrebski led his Waterloo Goraj started off Sunday evening A team of Kurt Rohmann, Alan Lee, withal&h-pla&nishinthegrueling and Peter Londry to a tenth place 200m butterfly event, finish, while Waterloo B consisting of The SOmbreastroke alsoproved to be a valuable event for both the Craig Wills, Toby Wittig, HJ Rohmann, and Chris Palin finished men and the women. The Warriors sawL;eeand Jastrebskipull out all the 16th. To finish off the meet, the stops,with Jastrebskiproving that he women’s 4x100m freestyle relay of Mitchell, Sarah is going to be a force to be reckoned Courtney with ashe finished third, taking home Mihailovich, Leslie Dowson, and the bronze medal. Lee, not to be Cheryl Tren holm finished 1Sth. In the end, Sunday’s turn around outdone, touched at fifth, only a tenth of a second behind Jastrebski. turned out to be too little, too late, as Val Walker showed that shecame to the Waterloo womenfinished ninth Sudbury to take home some hardand the men finished 10th. Although ware with a bronze medd performthe results seem dislcouraging, the ance of her own. Courtney Mitchell Warriors are looking forward to next and Melissa Thomas seemedto have season, as they are a young team a friendly rivalry in the backstroke losing only five swimmers to graduevents, this time in the 200m back- ation. While Walker and Londry constroke. On this occasion,Tbomas got tinue to prepare for the ClAW Chamthe better of Mitchell finishing 11 as pionship held in Guelph February Mitchell finished 14. In the 800m freestyle, Walker proved that her 19-21, the remainder o”fthe team is taking some deserved time off before skills do not end with breastroke, by they are back in the water for some finishing eighth. On the men’s side in off-season





ISaturday, Ocbber16;1999 ,MenvsBmckBadgers,l,iXl PM,ZVathCmtlpusl%iii .*..*a..*


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Waterloo Athletics Update




he Warrior baseball team lost 8-O and 8-O to defending champions and league powerhouse Brock University in the best of three semifinal series, Tyler Wilson was tagged with the first loss and Jeff MacDonald took the second, The Warriors’ fourth season was their best since 1996, but this loss ends it for them. To all the players and fans, we give them a hearty congratulations! A


The women% rugby team continues to make a run at achampionship with another win last week over Toronto. Heather Moyse led the 35-O Warrior charge with three tries while Annette Vierra scored two more. Kerri Webb added five conversions to the cause. The Warriors will now take on Laurier October 13 and then travel to Guelph to take on the Gryphons October I& They will return home October 23 to host York. The men’s rugby team traveled to face the Marauders last week.

Lindsay Bast scored 12 points for the Warriors on the way to a 29 - 16 win. Andre Marois, Hugh Adams and Charles Scofield also each scored a try in the win. The Warriors host Brock on October 16. Game time is 1 p.m. on the north campus field.

Soccer The women’s soccer team opened the week with a 2-O loss to the University of Western OntarioMustangs. The men’s team continue to slide with another S-O loss to Western iast week.

Volleyball The women’s volleyball team opened their season with a slip against the visiting Windsor Lancers this weekend. T3i7aterloo won the first 3-O (2521,2S-21,25-20) and then lost the secondmatch3-0(25-l&26-24,2517). They will next host Guelph on October 13. Game time is 6 p.m. at the Physical Activities Complex. The men’s team opened their season in the saIne way: with a 3-O

(25-15, 25-12, 25-18) win Friday night and then a 3-2 (25-23,28-30, 21-25,25-22,15-13) loss Saturday afternoon. The men I.ravel to Guelph Octoher IS to take 3n the Gryphons.

Imprint, Friday, October

15, 199.9

Leaders of the week I b

Golf The University of Toronto hosted the annual Varsity Blues Golf Invitational on October 4 at St. Andrews Valley Golf Club in Aurora. The Guelph Gryphons lead the team standings, finishing with a total of 305; Waterloo Warriors were second with 308 and the Toronto Varsity Blues rounded out the top three with313. Ian MacDonald of Waterloo and Craig Scheile of Guelph tied for the low individual-both fired a one under par 71 to lead the field. In third place, also from Waterloo, was Scott Desmaris who finished with a 73. The Wilson OUAEolf Championships begin on October 18 at the Victoria Park East Golf Club near Guelph. Come catch all the action as the top university golfers battle for the provincial championship.

Rose Mugidde Rose holds all the values of a true Campus Recreation participant. She is highly motivated with little fear. Rose is just learning how to swim, but her heart and dedication are helping her to accomplish amazing feats. She is always positive and willing to learn and is a real inspiration to everyone. Keep up the hard work, Rose.

Jeremy Witmer A CR leader for several terms now, Jeremy continues to provide direction to our competitive leagues. He is the ball hockey Referee-In-Chief as well as coordinating and acting as captain for competitive and co-ret teams. Everyone who works with him appreciates his organization and approachable demeanor.

Athletes of the Week

Hugh Adams Warrior Rugby A fourth-year kinesiology student from Lindsay, Ontario, Hugh led the Warriors to a victory over McMaster . Hugh scored one try and set up one other with an impressive long run. Hugh was also outstanding on defense as he made two tackles at the goal line to prevent McMaster scoring bids. Hugh was the leader of the Warriors as they wore down the ticMaster forwards and extended their Id-13 lead to a 2645 final. Hugh is a former Ontario University Association all-star and will lead the Warriors this weekend as they host Brock on Saturday, October 16 at I p.m. at the Columbia Fields. Congradulations, Hugh!

Heather Warrior

Moyse Rugby

A fourth-year kinesiology student from Summerside, B.E.I., Heather led the Warriors to an impressive 3 50 victory over Toronto. The Warriors forwards put in an outstanding performance as they out-rucked Toronto.Their great ball movement allowed Heather to score three tries and 1Spoints in the game, Heather also made solid tackles defensively, Heather has led the rugby Warriors to a 5-l overall record and second place in their division. Next action for Heather and the Warriors is on October 13 at Laurier at 3 p.m. and then on to Guelph for a bigmatch with the Gryphons on Saturday, October 16 at 1 p.m.

Waterloogoesfor the kill

(519) 884=8558 Two Warriors and two Lancers battle for control of t%eballin men’s play on October 8 at Waterloo.Tfilswas amatch the Warriorswon.


Imprint, Friday, October i 5, 1999

Flag football Midseason

leasme repovrt


njoying an abundance of favourable football conditions-rain and mud-12 teams in the B league have battled each other during the past two weeks, jockeying for playoff position. In the first division, the Spirals (3 -1) have claimed first with three wins, including a gutsy 14-13 victory over the fourth place West Demolishers (2-2). Ever-inconsistent, the third place East E Eagles (21) exploded for a 20-l victory over the Spirals before losing a close game to the Demolishers. The final competitive team in the first division, That Hurt (Z-O), has shown signs oi having the high powered offense required to take first place in this division with a 34-13 victory over the Demolishers. This tightly packed division could see a major change in the standings in the next two weeks heading into the playoffs. The second division boasts three veteran teams that have laid a bear-ing to the other teams in the divisiori and each other. second ranked Barney and the Fabulous Teletubbies !.%01 have scored a whopping 80 pointswhileallowingiust18,withbig victories over Symphony of Destruction (3-l) and the whipping69 Boys of the division. (The 69 Boyz are O-4.) Symphony earned its record with strongvictories against both the 69 Boyz and the Parkside PrLty Boys (2 -2). The leaders of this division, the

Mighty Llamas (3-O), have stormed out of the gate scoring an incredible 8 1 points to just 12 against, however, they have yet to be tested against the likes of Barney or Symphony. These two matches promise to be exciting and fast paced as the three teams fight to determine the final results of this division.




Each week, mure and more UW students are starting down the road to fun and fitness in the Cross Canada Challenge. As you read this, several people are claiming free water botrles for reaching the halfway point at McMaster University. If you are one of these lucky individuals (check the list in the map showcase), stop by the Athletics office at PAC 2039 to pick up your prize. If you haven’t yet entered, don’t worry, it’s never too late to register!

Get out your best volleyball plaver costume for what 1s sure to be an action- packed day (no to mention an excellent warm up for trick+::treating). The tourney starts on Sunday, October 3 1, andcontinuesSunday, November 7, if necessary. For only $3 0 plus GST per team, you’re guaranteed four matches and lots of spooky fun. There’s a limit of 20 teams, so register soon in PAC 2039! See you next week!


f someone asked me, “What is rhe difference between Vincent McMahon’s World Wrestling Federation and the sport of boxing?” the answer would be a one word quote from one of Canada’s great comedians, Dave Broadfoot. The response, “Exactly!” The truth must be told, boxing has become a farce and an event that makes the WWF seem credible in comparison. And with the spectacle witnessed in Seattle, Washington, the sweet science has turned a little sour in the taste oi many fans. In the “tradition” of BillieJean King and Jimmy Connors, boxing had its version of the Battle of the Sexes on October 8, 1999. This four-round debacle featured hometown favourite Margaret McGregor and Loi Chow, a jocker, who had no boxing experience wharsoever. The result was a match tha: featured more dancing than a two hour lesson at an Arthur Murra; school., ir seemed that Chow co& oniy make two effective pun&s while for the rest of the time, he jut seemed to smtle and bounce all ave. the ring. As for McGregor, she wa throwing and connecting on man: punches, although none of therr seemed to do any damage. In the end, McGregor won all four rounds and sailed to a very easy victory over Chow, But does this prove tha?


women are better than men at boxing? Of course not, for McGregor’s opponent had no skill in pugilism. If she were to take on a regular journeyman in the alphabet soup that is boxing, she might as well be taking on both Drago and Clubber Lane simultaneously. Of course, embarrassment is nothing new to this sport. If someone

Of course, embarrasment is nothing new to this sport. is not getting their brains bashed in. gaining an unsightly cauliflower ear. or even killed in the ring, then the promoters are robbing rhe athletes blind and giving audiences substandard performances. The recent parade of embarrassment includes t.lae Mike Tyson saga of eating, pillaging, raprng and pounding; the New York state judge who had the gall to actually give the fight to Evander Holyfield; the’British judge who decided that Holyfield and Lewis were on even terms and the last fight involving Oscar de la Hoya. But one of

the greatest tragedies that boxing has given usis the continuous decline of the great one, Mohammed Ali, Here is a man who was the greatest ambassador boxing has had, a loudmouthed arrogant pugilist who could back up his words with fists Today, Ali has Parkinson’s disease and brain damage, thanks to all the punishment he took while he wac fighting. The sweet science, in deed. Hopefully, boxme has beer taught something from this shameful exhibition between McGregor and Chow. Maybe u these twr were equal in strengtn and skil! then the battle would have beet. more satisfying. But after seeinr their performance, the art of PIT gilism has degraded Itself once again. If given a choice, I. woulc rather watch professional wrestling Yes, one can call the-F the glad1 atorial games of the srereotypica trailer park trash, but at least they ar not hiding the iact thar r he matche are choreographed. %‘~th boxing the promoters and p cv-per-vieT; companies routinely cq ‘:rer up the; mistakes by trymg to exdain then selves, which leads them only deep? in rrouhle. As a disgruntled sports write all I have to say to ail the sleaz promoters of this sport is, “Suck it’ And that is the bottom Gne.

Warriors float, others sink more interesting because Ring road was not paved. Agood effort was put


astSunday, the University


Waterloo swim team hosted University of Toronto and Brock for the seventh annual bi/triathlon meet. The reverse triathlon consisted of a 5km run, 1Okm bike and finished with a thousand yard swim. The bike was shorter than originally planned and a little

out from all teamsespecially considering the cold running conditions early that morning The top finishers for the Waterloo men’s team were Ian Washbrook (fourth), Todd Bentley (fifth) and Greg Stump (sixth) all of which were off to a fast start in the run. The top f&male finishers were Val Walker (first), Julie Steinberg (fourth) and

Evervbodv into the ruck, and#get Shat damn bd

Michelle Kameda (fifth). Following the triathlon, all three teamsheaded for the pool for ashort swim meet. The Waterloo women came out on top ciosely followed by the University of Toronto ladies, while leaving Brock miles behind, The Waterloo men finished second jus&ehindtheUniversity of Toronto men in overall points. On Wednesday, the swim team hosted Guelph and Wifrid Laurier University to kick off the swim season.All swimmershadagreatstartto the season. Several Warriors won events: Toby Wittig in the 50 metre Ireestyle, Grahame


in the 5Om

breaststroke, Jen Sweny in the 200m butterfly,Li&ayDennisinthe1OOm free and 1OOm backstroke, and RebeccaWeaver in the 1O&n breaststroke.





Both Waterloo andToronto playersenter a ruck that will eventually lead to a try for the Warriors. The Waterloo Warriors, playing at the fields near t he Columbia Ice Fields,won the match by 35 points over thevarsity Blues.

were also some tough swimmers who decided to start off the season with 200m and 400m races. Val Walker placed second in the 400m freestyle, while Steve Miller placed third and Ian Washbrook placed fourth in the 400m freestyle. Todd kntley placed fifth in the 200m butterfly. Final results for Wednesday’s meet show that both the men’s and the women’s teams lost to both Guelph teams, but destroyed both Wilfrid Laurier teatis. If you think that this is a good workout, contact the PAC staff and next time, you can try it!




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Himalayans host show at Bombshelter


irections to Craig Cardiff’s rehearsal space: Up the stairs; three flights. Turn left and notice the boxes. Lots of boxes; square. Find the door, and there you are. Behind it lurks the home of profoundly good music. It is the rehearsal space of Craig Cardiff and the H imala yam. In the past few years, musician and all around nice guy Craig Cardiff has become a mainstay of the Waterloo music scene. Recently, Craig has divided his musical efforts into two different groups; his own solo work, and the trio Craig Cardiff and the Himalayans. P a u 1 Mathew, on both upright and electric bass, is an incredible musician. He plays with real style and taste that only begins to show the talent that he has. His upright bass work is excellent, adding a much warmer texture to Craig’s songs. Drummer Paul McGinnis wears many hats in the group. He not only turns in some excellent performances on the new record, but also works as promoter for the Himalayans. In a town dominated by singer/songwriters, Craig Cardiff and the Himalayans are fresh, interesting and engaging. A look at the group’s bio reveals a number of words that attempt to describe his music: geekpop, folkfujun and jazzhop. However, the best description of the Himalayans is “open ears.” On the heels of the Himalayans’

release, The Great American White Trash Novel, Craig and Paul McGinnis were able to sit down and chat with Imprint about several things, including the new record and their ‘latest project, a vaudeviliian showcase of comedy, poetry, and music. Paul Mchnis should be commended for such an mbitious experiment, since is difficult to garner live music attendance in Waterloo. Althotigh there are many successful groups with a great deal of real talent, the crowds that turn out to see them are minimal. “We’ve got twenty thousand people in a floating population, and what are they listening to?” Craig asks. “They’re listening to Hootie and the Blowfish, wearing t-shirts that are too tight ,and drinking until they pass out or vomit? But don’t get the wrong impression about Craig Cardiff; his attitude towards local music is very positive. The-simple fact of the matter is that the turnuut at live venues has been consistently weak. There is clearly no shortage of talented musicians, just a shortage of audiences. Craig explains that the area boasts “a bevy of musical talent,” but adds that few can make a living as musicians, “For the most part, people have day jobs, but they all have music at heart.” Always the proactive performer, Craig and drummer Paul McInnis have co-ordinated an evening of diverse entertainment in an attempt to

Instead of going to see three bands that all‘ sort of sound like Pearl Jam, it’s several divergent groups.

try something new. “For the longest time, Paul has been trying to put something together that used mixed media in a non-stop show.”

“People are kind of sick of going out to see the same thing,” explains Craig, so their intent is to create something truly different from the standard rock con’cert. The group

from Jason Rouse’s routine into performances from eminent poet Scott Wicken, Toronto’s DJ Trek-E, and a live performance from Craig Cardiff and the Himalayans. It promises to

We’ve got twenty thousand people in a floating population, and what are they listening1 to? As a result of Paul McInnis’ work, The Bombshelter will host “The Last Great Show Before the End of the World. n The concept is in the style of old school vaudeville, beginning with comedian Jason Rouse, recent winner of best comedian in Canada and guest on Mike Bullard.

also hopes to encourage people to get out and see new kinds of entertainment. “Not a lot of people will go out to see a comedian,” says Cardiff, “instead of going to see three bands that all sort of sound like Pearl Jam, it’s several divergent groups.” The night wil1 segue smoothly

be an original event, attempting to breathe life into the local scene. The show takes place at the Bombshelter on Tuesday, October 19. Tickets are five dollars for Feds and seven dollari for non-Feds, AnyoneinterestedcancalI888~~2 or 584-2132.

None oft hem will admit to playing the accordion, but we have a pretty good idea.


Imprint, Friday, October





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The Return of Rawk R

ock is being revived. Not “rock” ‘n the sense of those wimpy “alternati& groups currently ruling the airwaves, but the trashy, explosive, low-fi variety that relies just as much on attitude as musicianship. Not that it ever really went away, mind you. But recently a small army of bands have surfaced, all of whom seem hell-bent on saving our souls from MOR purgatory. With rock-based artists like Guided By Voices, Sleater Kinney and Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters now putting out more polished, pop-oriented records, it’s up to the small army to offer up a style of music that borrows from classic examples like MC5 and the Rolling Stones, but still maintains a fresh energy of its own. So who are these bands? Some of them can be found not far from home. Toronto-based Danko Jones came out of nowhere about two years ago and met with murmurings surrounding their live shows. A laidback (and rather sinister looking) rhythm section fires up the manic songs, propelled by a strutting Danko himserf (that’s theMango Kid to you). A ten-minute, five-song E.P. is the only documentation of the band’s sound thus far, and it seems like The Mango Kid prefers it that way. Audiences tend to either love or hate Da&o’s self-important posturing, but

when he sings “I can deliver...Right leases R.L. Burnside, has a host of to your door,” you’d better believe other blues- based artists as well. Paul Jones’ Pucker Vp Buttercup, Asie him. Payton’s Wotied, and The Lights are Tricky Woo is a labelmate of Gettitrg Dim by the Neckbones all Danko Jones (both release records serve as reminders of where rock n’ through Hamilton’s Sonic Unyon roll really came from. There’s plenty Recording Company) and also shares of other artists worth listening to as the all-important inflated-ego aspect well. Nashville Pussy is known primaof their sound. Lead guitarist Andrew rily for their legendary live shows, Dickson belts out the tunes in an whichoften climax with bassist Corey endearingly gruff style, and the rest Parks breathing out huge fireballs. of the band followswith lots of squealing guitars and fast playing. These 0 Swedish 4-piece The Hellacopters are throwing some metal into the elements make their third album, mix with their most recent album, Sometimes I Cry, one of the most exciting rawk records around. GWZiMOCk. Equally exciting is the Jon SpenJapan’s Guitar Wolf play in a cer Blues Explosion. Their style, as gleefully sloppy style. Bikini Kill put the name would suggest; pays Fribute their anger to good use on albums to raw blues as well as old-fashioned suchasTbeCDV~ionoftheFirstT~ rock n’ roll. Their albumAcme is one Records, If Zen Guerilla’s mix of guiof the more polished-sounding of tar jams and gospel-tinged singing the bunch, but for a glimpse of raw doesn’t get you up and moving, then guitar riffs and trashed-up blues, it’s clear you have no pulse. checkout 1997’sNowlGotWony. It All of these bands, while varied even features a guest appearance by in their approaches, do draw upon a blues artist R.L, Burnside, who rocks similar energy and live aggression to pretty hard himself (for a great old channel their individual visions of rock into a highly explosive sound. vs. new mix, try the collaboration between JSBX and Burnside that “I’m gonna save you with rock n’ roll!” chants Tricky Woo’s Dickson resulted in the album Ass Pocket on “Sad Eyed Woman,” and he, along O’whiskey) I The Explosion’s ferowith the other bands currently rockin’ cious live sets are characterized by a bar near you, is completely conSpencer’s wailing and crooning, alvincing. ways sounding like he’s making the For a taste of these and other words up as he goes along and punctrashy, lo-fi bands,tune in to “Subtuatingalmosteverysongwithashout sonic Filter,” Mondays 8 to 10 a.m. of “Blues Explosion!” on CKMS-FM 100.3. Fat Possum, the label that re-

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imprint, Friday, October

Ben folds my laundry Ben Folds Five w/Train and Fleming and John The Warehouse October


and talent of the group, The crowd was quite appreciative of the act. A large tarp concealed the two pianos Ben brought to the show.

Bloody War

came before WbateuerandEverAmen. Ben took a break between songs to read an email horoscope forward. His comedic relaxation played well with the audience and made the concert feel very

homey and welcoming.


or a band with three members they make a lot of noise. Ben Folds Five arrived in Toronto to an enthusiastic, while perhaps small, crowd at The Warehouse. As a venue, the Warehouse offers little in the way of “visual entertainment.” The walls are black and very dimly lit. The eerie blue lighting of the coolers drew crowds waiting for the show to over-priced beer like moths to streetlights. Clearly the Tuesday night crowd was anxious to hear pretty much anything live, so when, Fleming and John arrived on stage, the crowd was appreciative of their presence. They could have stood up and read poetry. In fact they maybe should have, considering the quality of their music. Maybe 1 just don’t like high-pitched music, but it seems talented female singers are a dime \ a dozen. Frankly, while their music was live, the distraction of the wires shorting creating ear piercing pops and Fleming’s high pitch wail was enough to give me a headache. Train has been getting reasonable radioplay with their song “Meet Virginia” on their new self-title album and proving their lasting power they played two other songs, “Days” and “Train,” before playing the single. I was immediately impressed at the quality


pause before end ?4teven’s LastNight


i s right the of

In to

read another one of the horoscopes was a brilliant way to demonstrate his ownership of his songs. Frankly the most interesting part of the

Where’s therestofthem? The stage hands spent most of the time readjusting the two microphones that were placed at each piano and making sure the stool -would spin exactly to them. Finally, at 11 p.m., Ben Folds Five took to the stage. A bit late, but they wasted no time launching into some of their neM. sags. Missing from the set was “Brick,” which is somewhat appropriate considering most of the audience was fans of the fipt two albums that

15, I999

show is Ben Folds’ style of playing piano. . He used his feet, fist and a karate chop to play with strong emphasis. . Further playing both pianos at once was an feat rarely (ever?) seen in concert piano. While Folds himself was a highlight of the slio~, bassist Robert Sledge and drummer Darren Jessee both stole the show at times with their amazing solos. Sledge took on responsibility for the sampling keyboard on the side and played enough different instruments that he required an assistant to hand him the instruments. Folds’show is intense and original. Strong suggestion: go see the show should they tour through Ontario again.


he approaching millennium is a good opportunity to reflect on the past hun dred years. The K;W Philharmonic Choirwillbe doing just that this Saturday night

with their presentation of Benjamin Britten’s WarRequ&n. Britten, an outspoken pacificist, wrote the requiem as a statement about the bloody wars of the twentieth century. The piece, regarded as one of this finest choral works of the century, sets the poetry of W&d Owens along side the Catholic mass for the dead. Since its premiere, the piece has captured the attention and admiration of people from around the world. “It caught the public imagination to an almost unheard of degree,” noted a critic of the time. The Phil will be joined by the K-W Philharmonic Youth Choir, the K-W Symphony, and three exciting solists. Soprano Heidi K&en, tenor Paul Frey and baritone Mark Pedrotti, who have all wowed K-W audiences in the past, will add their expertise as soloists to the performance. Owen, a lay minister and tutor, was active as a poet before the breakout of the first World War and was killed in action seven days before its end. His poetry has since been recognized as some of this century’s best. Britten, who had long admired Owen and had several friends and colleagues who died in the war, was an ardent pacifist. He once referred ta the bombing of Hiroshima as a ‘%avage atrocity? The performance, which opens the Philharmonic’s season, is slated for this Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Centre in the Square. Rush seating is available for $5 at the box office on the night of the concert. If you have not experienced the magic of this wondrous piece or the Philharmonic before, this weekend will be a perfect opportunity.

You cantake it with you _ .- . . .. 1. Jorrn

Get songs off a radio you. The on Secret are, for

Book, music and

WIJK t-0 hnptint



ready to hear at least a couple of the of the debut album from Portable on


songs Life the most part, catchy and very radiofriendly. Tunes like “Step on it, Go!” and the opener “What’s Wrong” are pretty darn snappy. The band does their best Radiohead impression on “Redlight.” Tight pop hooks are backed by solid drums and guitar solos that stop before they get annoying. Top it all off with clean production, and the album is ready-for mass consumption.

The only real problem is that while this is a decent enough album, it contains nothing that we haven’t heard before. The song structures are formulaic and predictable. At times, the potential for something more daring is hinted at, but that potential is left unrealized, Singer Chance has a strong voice on the more energetic songs, but it leans towards whiny on a few of the slower ones. However, he isno worse than most singers on the

radio. Judging by the rough edges in songs

like “Medicate it,” Portable is likely a solid live act. Studioalbums usually have a much cleaner sound than live music, but in a small club environment this band

probably rocks, This is a very earfriendly


bum. It is not the most original sounding stuff, but who cares? Pop music does not have to be brilliant to be fun and enjoyable, andSecretE/% is good pop music.

Imprint, Friday, October




Etheridge breaks things down firstthatthelifeless~dywasascareup single to“Angels would Fall*” Lrs~




Seldom does an album come along that strikes the listener - on the very first listen -as being a truly exceptional piece of a.rt.Breukdorunisone 1 suchalbum. Filledwith brilliant songs ranging from the fun and poppy “Cherry Avenue,” to the intense and political “Scarecrow,* to the beautiful ballad “How Would I Know,” this CD is a must-have. This could be hailed as Melissa Etheridge’s best album in her 1 l-year career, The fact that it is her most produced album to date is inconsequential since the unadulterated rawness Etheridge is known for still comes through. &e&own presents one &er &other of well-constructed, catchy, melodic, moving, fun, heartfelt songs with driven vocals and powerful lyrics. “Enough of Me” (arguably one

of the best songs on the album) has recently been released as the follow-

gay. The passer-by who found Shepard 18 hours later thought at

The CD is filled with hit singles both “Breakdown” and %arecrow” are particularly worthy. However, record company execs might shy away from the latter song, which is an inflamed response to the brutal slaying of Matthew Shepard which took

crow. After four days in the hospital, Shepard died, and astorm of controversy over ineffectual hate&me laws ensued. This is an important song and a moving tribute on the one-year anniversary of Shepard’s death. Furthermore, wicked guitars ‘.T and impressive percussion makeitmusicallystunnin~ The lyricsare great as well: “Showers of your crimson blood seep into a nation, calling up a flood of narrow minds who legislate thinly-veiled intolerance, bigotry and hate , . Scarecrow crying. Waiting to die, wondering why. Scarecrow trying. Rising above, all in the name of love.” A lot has changed in the three years since Melissa Etheridge released Y~Utl&cret.Namely, sheisnowtheproudmama of two children. But, familylifeandgettingafewofyearsolder has not mellowed her spirit. Etheridge’s rebel voice and enviable song-writing ability just seem to get better with time. Etheridge’s&&&IUVZ is an amazing album -one of the year’s best.





place last year. As many will recall, Matthew Shepard was the 21-year-old University of Wyoming student who was beaten, burned, tortured, tied to a rail fence and left in the freezing cold to die alone - simpIy because he was


wicked Wednesdays











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Imprint. Friday, October

15, 1999

Stirring thingsup Every once in a while a great soundtrack comes along. It captures the spirit of the film so that you feel like you are watching the film as you listen to the soundtrack. The Stir of Echoes OST is not that soundtrack. StirofEchoes is a perfect example of the state of soundtracks today. Nowhere is the laziness of film producers more apparent than on soundtracks. Soundtracks are aquickeasyway to make more money from a movie; just throw some big name artists on, maybe a bit of the score and voilP, instant money maker. That’s basically what the producers of the StirofEchoes soundtrack have done. The songs themselves aren’t that great. There are previously released tracks from Moist, Wild Strawberries, Beth Orton, Poe and others. They are all okay songs but none of

them are really remdrkable. At best they made me want to go out and buy the artists’ CDs so I could hear the songs without having to sit through all that derivative scary movie music. The only song that stands out is Gob’s cover of the Stones’ classic “Paint it Black.” Not since Marilyn Manson covered “I Put a Spell On You” for the Lost Highway soundtrack has there been such an unnecessary and boring cover of a classic. _ Points go to the producers for at least in&ding some of the score on this CD. Too bad the score just sounds like every other horror movie score. There are quiet eerie moments followed by jolting look-Ma-I_ ~ can-make-theaudience-jump moments+ If you really want a good soundtrack check out anything from a Wim Wenders movie or even the recent Stigmata soundtrack, don’t throw your money away on this waste of time. To take a line from Linda Richman, the Stir ofEchoes soundtrack is not stirring and it doesn’t really echo.



Mike Friedman Mother Eati!~

/mpnht s&H

The Church A BOX of&~& Some Aussie band decided that the best way to break into the North American market was to do covers of old George Harrison and &role King tunes. Maybe they should have tried to write something original instead of doing bad covers of good songs. Highlights include five and a half minutes of the bass player playing the same note on every song, .

Miniatures Enhanced Detno

Way to go, guys, While you’re at it, we might add that happiness is not a fish you can catch, and after listening to this disc, neither is the Our Lady Peace sound. To top it off, when I tried the enhanced CD-ROM I realized-that this was going to be a hit. Since it didn’t work at all, we Ditched it. So will you, so save your a money.

Whyisitthatwhenpeople have a band with hand drums, they think that they’re being earthy, when all they’re really doing is hacking apart some animal and draping its dead carcass over the shell of some dead. tree? Another singer-songwriter that sounds like every other singer-songwriter. .

Tom Lewis Mixed Cargo Somewhere in another dimension, Gomer Pile decided that instead of pumping gas for Andy of Mayberry, he’d record an album of east-coast folk songs. Either that or Raffi after a few too many beers, singing everyone’s favourite sea shanties. Back to the Loch, Nessie.

KeU Russell and t ii e Planks smashed Hits To be honest, this CD doesn’t completely suck. It sucks a lot, don’t

get us wrong, But it’s not all bad. At times, it’s like Pearl Jam performing live with Ashley MacIsaac. Smashed Hits? Especially after we pitched this one in the trash can.

Holmes Hooke, Oliver Schroer, Bobby Watt Caught by the Tale One look at the cover says it all. This wonderful CD consists of some old guy telling stories, while the other two sit there and get drunk. Someone .may actually have recievedagrant for this piece of crap. Maybe Johnny Chr&ien is a fan, The Planks could kick these guys’ asses.

Rebecca Timmons s/t Thisbeautifulcolkction of songs was also brought to you buy a Factor grant. How is it that we can’t get OSAP and this chick got a grant to pump out some of the most shameless, banal crap that we’ve ever heard? High&l& include theclavinova Christmas song, and all the other ones that pretty much sound the same.

OPEN CASTING CALL! New label looking for local talent. All types of music welcome. Must have a demo. By appointment only. $100 processing fee.

Saturday, October 16 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. in Blair Room at Waterloo Inn. Call 886-4618. Ask for Evelyn. Monday, October 18, Chartered Accounting Match Results posted 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 19, 1999 Continuous Process meeting for Chartered Accounting Students (without employment) 4130 - 530 PM, Bl 271 October 20, 1999 Wednesday, Chartered Accounting Acceptance of Employment Mtgs. with Co-ordinators 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM, Multi-Purpose Room, SLC CRC Career Development Program: 1:30 - 3:30 NH1020. Topics: The Work Finding Package: Job/work Search + Networking +’ Employer Research. Thursday, October 21, 1999 CRC Career Development Program: 1:30 - 2:30 NH1020. Topic: R&urn6 Writing CRC Career Development Program: 2:30 - 3:30 NH1020. Topic: Letter Writing -lover Information Sessions Deloitke Consulting Monday October 18, 5:00-7:00 PM, DC 1301 Pervasive Sojhwe Tuesday October 19, 7:00-9:00 PM, Ground Zero The Many Group Wednesday October 20, 6:00-9:OO PM, DC 1301 and 1302 Dolby L&s Thursday October 21, 1999, 7:00-9:od PM, Ground Zero Mitra Imaging Thursday October 21, 1999, 5:30-7:00 PM, DC 1304 Co-op and Graduating Students welcome Seagate Sojbvare

Thursday October 21, 1999, 5:00-7:OO PM, Un Co-op and Graduating Students welcome kDETAILED INFORMATION ON BULLElIN BOA

VOLliJNTEER at IMPRINT... the door is always open for -. new talent!

I. Elmasry, ext. elmasry@visi.uwaterloo.ca

YWCA of Kitchener-Waterloo is recruiting for a Kitchen Assistant at Mary’s Place 3-4 hours per week. This position also provides an opportunity to develop an understandmg of women in crisis in our ccmmunity. Call Saundra Schmidt at 744-6507. Join BUDS - a UW student, staff and faculty group that provides free tutoring and encouragement to high school students. For more information, email buds@calum.csclub.uwaterloo. English Tutor Program - voiunteer tutors are needed to tutor students on a one-to-one basis in written and oral English. Tutots meet students on campus for I term, usually 2-3 hours per week. If you have a good working knowledge of English, are patient, friendly, dependable and would like to voiunteer, register at the lnterrtational Student Office, NH2080. For more info call ext. 2814 Or e-mail dariene@watservl .uwaterloo.ca The International Student Office needs Shadows (Student Hosts and Designates of Waterloo} for new international students arriving on campus for the Fall ‘99 term. Application forms are available at NH 2080 or call ext, 2814 or email darlene@watservI .uwaterloo.ca Big Sisters - If you are IS years of age and older and feel you can make a positive difference in a child’s life and can spare 3 hours a week for a minimum of one year call 743-5206 for information. HUNGRY? The UW Food Bank is a confidential sewice for students in need of assistance. If you need food please come see us in SLC room 2131 (askthe Turnkeys). Hours are o%Xi:30 Monday to Friday or ext. 3992. We also need volunteers and food donations are welcome! Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada needs help with upcoming fundraising and education events. For info call 748-2195 or l-800-387-1470 ext. 18. YWCA of Kitchener-Waterloo needs assistance in sorting and organizing of in kind donations as they come in. You need to possess strong brganizational skills and enjoy working with others. A commitment of 2-4 hours per week is required. They also need someone to assistwith the unloadingofthefoodbank truck every other Tuesday morning. You must be able to lift heavy objects. For info call Saundra Schmidt at 744-6507. Women’s Crisis Services Cambridge is recruiting volunteers for Fall Orientation. We have many opportunities available: gain experience in Fundraising, on Reception/Crisis Lines, in Administrative Support, and more! For info call before September 20 at 653-2289. Resume builder! Friendly volunteers are needed to provide companionship to people who have Aizheimer Disease. Two hours/week commitment. Training program provided [with certificate upon completion j. Cal; Alzheimer Society 742-1422.

learn about a different culture while you show a new immigrant how to be a part of your community. For more info call KW Y.M.C.A. Host Program at 5799622. City of Kltchener needs you! For info on the following contact Deb, Leisure Support Services 741-2226. Aquatic volunteers needed to assist adults and children with a disability. Volunteers needed to assist individuals with a disability at recreation programs. Joggers needed! Assist a teen with a disability to jog at the track at the Waterloo Ret Complex. Like to dance? Five year old boy with a

disabiiity requires volunteer pate in a ballet program,



to partici-

Volunteer needed to assist 2 year oid boy at preschool program Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday 9-I 1 a.m. Volunteer sought for professional gentieman with a disability to play chess or golf* Contact Sue Coulter at the Volunteer Action Centre, 742-8610 or kwvac@web.net for more details on the foliowing...Can You Imagine Having A Week Go By Without Talking To Anyone? ##027 - Some seniors do. You could be a friendly voice as a telephone support volunteer for KW Frrndship Group for Seniors. Once a week for 23 hours. Ski Instructors Required...#108-3030 Become a Track 3 volunteer ski instructor to help young people with special needs. 2 l/2 Hours A Month Will Help Young Children...#OZI-3172 - Family and Children’s Senrices needs volunteers to baby-sit infants, pre-schoolers or young school-aged children for 2 I/2 hours a month while foster parents meet. The Canadian Cancer Society Needs Your Help...#OO9-2572 - A volunteer with excellent organizational skills is needed to co-ordinate volunteer drivers with cancer patients who need transportation. Ten Thousand Villages Sales Help Needed...#O32-3178 - Volunteers are needed to greet and assist customers, handle retails sales as well as unpack, price and stock merchandise. If You Are Keen On Track and Field...#lOI-176%KWTratikand Field Club needs a secretary to take minutes at monthly meetings, send letters to membership. Director of Fundraising also needed. The Turnkey Desk is lodking for student who are willing to help out. We need people to help move furniture and do setups for special events. if you would like to help out, please see Nancy O’Neii at the Turnkey Desk.

Friday, Octobr t5 w Chamber Music Society preserlts ‘The Miro String Quartet” at 8 p.rr dt KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young Street, W., Waterloo. For info/reservation tiii 886-1673.

Saturday, October 16 Open Casting Call!!! New label looir?g for local talent. Ail types of music Melcome. Must have a demo. By appoirrtment only. $100 processing fee. 9 a.m. to IO p.m. in Blair Room at Waterloo rnn. Call 886-4618. Ask for Evelyn. Sunday, October 17 KW Chamber Music Society presents ‘Efisabeth Ganter (clarinet) Dietmar Graf (piano)” at 8 p.m. at KVVCMS Music Room, 57 Young Street, W., Waterloo. For info/reservation call 886-I 673. Tuesday, October 19 Terry Matthews, Chairman and CEO of Newbridge Networks Corporation, presents ‘Smart Communications: The Next IO Years” at 2:30 p.m. in DC 1350. Free to students, faculty and staff. Wednesday, October 20 Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo Coming Out Discussion Group. Topic: “How Do We Develop an Intimate Reiationship?” 7:30 p.m. Social follows at 9:OO p.m. HH 378. Meet old friends and make new ones. Ail welcome. Details: 8844569. Conrad Grebel College Noon Hour Concert at 12130 in the Chapel. ‘Anwar Khurshid’. Free admission. Thursday, October 2.1 Coffee House & Bake Sale -for Track 3. Today at 7:00 p.m. Student Life Centre, Great Hall. Open Mike Afterwards. ‘Qu never know who will be performing?’

UW Outers Club- hiking, camping trips, canoeing, kayaking, rock ciimbing, bouldering, and outdoor activities of al1 kinds. General meetings at 6:30 p.m. in MC 4040. For more info - http:// outersciub.uwaterloo.ca TUESDAYS Parents Without Partners, Cambridge Chapter #978 meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Call Mike at 740-2155 for more info. Free lawyer question & answer discussion - first Tuesday of every month. Sign up sheet on Legal Resources Office door (SLC) or phone 725-6758. WEDNESDAYS Grace Christian Fellowship, a gathering of Christians and those interested in Christianity, meets at 4:30 p.m., in ML 104. Details: Graham E, Morbey, ext. 3633 or gZmorbey@watserv’l. Office: SLC 2126. FRIDAYS Jumaa Islamic prayer during Fall 99 is at 12:30 p.m., MC 4060. Details: Dr. M.

Check out the new Student Awards Offtce Home Page for details on scholarships, awards and bursaries that you can apply for this term as well as other useful financial aid information. http:// www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infoawards/ Jotn the German Ciubi For upcoming events contact Ina Lehmann, ML 307 or phone ext. 6052. Legal problems? Tenant/landlord concerns? Visit the legal Resource office. A referral service that may be able to help1 Located in the SLC or by phone at


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Guided Self-Change of alcohol use: for individuals who may have I=oncerns about the amount they are drinking and want to cut down. Call Counselling Services ext. 2655; to find out more.

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MONDAYS English Language Lab/class is held frdm 2:00-4100 p.m. in ML 113, September-June. The class has an emphasis on pronunciation and listening exercises. Students, faculty, staff and spouses are welcome. For info call ext. 2814.

Friday, October 22 The achener-Waterioo Sexual AssauH Support Centre proudly celebrates IO years af community servtce with a silenl auctron from 8:30 to 11 :OO p.m. at the Walper i+otel, Crystal Ballroom, I Kirrg Street, Kitchener. For tufih8r info call Patti a: 571-0120. Prajse and Prayer1 Joig Ctiristians on campus for a night of worship. 7:30 p.m. in EL IO1 . Sponsored by all the Christian clubs at UW. Monday, October 25 Blood Donor Clinic in the Student Life Centre from Oct. 25 to 28 tram IO a.m. to 4 p.m. Appointments can be made at the Turnkey Desk. For more info call I -8888?1-7201, ext. 4241.



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Lyric is a beach-pub Saturdays. Book your own bus trip at The Lyric. On any Saturday night for the new %ll semester, The Lyric will givo your group free sdncission, free food, the wariest prices, free anwrt tickets, free prizes and tie8 traiisportation. Call our info rine now at 749-i 12 I. Also ask u3 how we can help you :aise money for yourorganizetton or shoice of charity. “B!-Curlous? Bi? Gay’? 3s Barra& Batfihouse for men. Laqe steam r0om, dry sauna, showers, lounge, toy store, rooms, lockers. 56 Widmer 3trwt. 7-hronto. Respotlsible and safe. Cpest since 1974. 416-5936499.


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Travel -teach English: 5 day140 hour, Aug.4-8orOd20e24,Toronto.TESOL teaczhercert. course (or bycorresponden@. Thousands of jobs available now! FREE info pack, toll free l-888270-2941. . . Weekend Counsellors & Relief Staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental chal!snges, Experience, minimum 8-mnth commitment. Paid positions. Send resume to Don Mader, K-W nabilita 3n Services, 306 Sydney Street, S., Kil 7ener, ON, NZG 3V2. Internet users1 LR;t aown income opportunity fulHpaf Gme, work at home. No rnvestmen$ required, honest and legal. No se?ing required. For complete details sand email to <lsmatin@goiden.neP with info2004 in the sub&t. Wanted: Student llvIng in Residence to represent clothing company from their dwelling. Simple tasks, few hours set around your schedule. Should be sociablelap roachable. emaii: contactcnm cnmonline.com or l888400445 Q . Part-tlme Co y Csntre Operators needed - Mon 8 ay-Thursday l-4 p.m. / 4-7 p.m. / 7-10 p.m. and Friday l-4:30 p.m. $8.20 to start. Customer Service experiena required. FAX resume to (51918867630. Attention Dianne. Partdhe emplo nt - small but busy pet-sitting r usiness needs a mature, reliable animal lover with car. Immediate. References and resume muired. Call Lynn 742-0175.

10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily University of Waterloo, Student Life Centre Students wishing to participate see Nancy at Turnkey Desk, Student Life Centre.

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