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Co-op system dies

ECS.Online is dead. Academic Software, Inc. has withdrawn from the d project and will no longer develop the tern. Co-op officials, stunned by the anuncement, have no idea what they will do to ,lace the system. In a "tense" meeting with UW officials,AS1 cePresident Phillip Engle and thepavement. mGeneral Manager John Twohe broke the ws. "The company.. .has told the university lasdecidedto follow new strategicdirections ktinvolving.. .co-operative education," said Wina statement about theTuesday meeting. Co-op was given no warning and was not eased by the news. "Sharp words were ex~anged,"stated Co-operative Education and areerServices Director Bruce Lumsden. After receivinga phone request for a facerfacemeeting Friday evening, said Lumsden, wefigured something was in the works." He ,asnot expecting AS1 to cancel the project, rough."Up until yesterday, things were mov~galong,"he said on Wednesday of this week. ASIVice President of MarketingJim Ronay ras unable to explain the company's new trategy."I'm not privileged to go into detail boutour marketing direction . .let us wait mil we get our plan ready for publication ~ f 0 rIerespond to that." He noted that the ecision was made with assistance from hepavement.com,the company that recently urchasedASI.



At a meeting of the Co-op Students Advisory Group on Wednesday, Lumsden and Thomas tried to explain the situation. "[ASI] indicatedto us that.. .they want to move in the direction of providingservices to the age group of 18 to 24, .providing information about jobs, renting, cars, on a Webbased platform. Co-ops are not part of that direction. They are unwilling to devote the time to this particular project." Federation of Studentsvice PresidentEducationveronica Chau wasUshocked"and "disappointed" by the cancellation. "1 think that this is really going to harm co-op students. Students are going to have to deal with inadequate old technology [CECS is] providing now.. .Co-op had better do something for the winter because what happened this term is unacceptable. Now it appears this might be a permanent situation." CECS is "investigating some legal issues," said Lumsden. The contract between AS1 and UW is a license that allows UW to use, but not modify, the CECS.Online software. Taking legal action to gain modification rights is "a1 option," according to Thomas. In addition, UW has already paid AS1 half of the total price for CECS.Online, a "small amount of money." We have some indication that that half would come back to us." Lumsden noted that CECSwillbe seeking legal advice; however, the contract was actually signed by IST.



wanion to shoot G o p i in .. this weekend's Naismith ,..;.

AS1 fails to deliver CECS.Online SIMON WOODSIDS t'mpdnt shff




m i n u & to PO.




JohnQuinIandrives the lane against a Brockplayeronthewayto 76-72victoryowr the Badgersinthe first gameof the Brocklnvitational.McMasterbeatWaterloo 68-56 inthe final. a his weekend.~aterloohoststhe 32ndannual~aismithclassic(seecentre insert).

= -



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Yawn, we’re numberone (again) Maclean’s ranks UW tops in reputation


A. SCHMN hq&?r sr%fl


ell, pat yourselves on the back one more time. For the eighth consecutive year the University of Waterloo has come, out on top of the Maclean’s reputation survey. Also scoring number two in the comprehensive category, UW hascontinued to present itself as Canada’s best university according to the nation’s top CEOs and guidance counseliors. you’re

“It feels fantastic to know that so highly regarded and that degree is so well-respected,”

your said Federation of Students President Christine Cheng. UW President David Johnston cited the uinnovative quality of the university” as the reasoning behind its continued successifi the national survey. The Mu&an’s survey annually compiles a number of indicators including library holdings, tenured faculty and classsizes,the Ma&&s survey is nearly the only high-profile indicator of its kind inCanada. The survey, despite its value to prospective students, is not viewed favorably by everyone in the post-secondary education community.

University of Manitoba Students’ Union President Stephen Fletcher feels “the survey is flawed. It doesn’t reflect the real quality” of the university. The University of Manitoba has continuously fought the Maciean’s ranking asit hasconsistently been one of the lowest in their category. U of M feelsthe survey is an unfair indicator of quality. Citing the heavy weight placed



ily qualitative. I would caution people from using the results as real indicators of quality.” While Chau feels that Waterloo can legitimately be proud of its accomplishment she feels there is the danger uwe will fall behind by standing still.” In spite of her concern, Chau “doesn’t doubt Waterloo is among the best u&ersities in Canada.”

Johnston feels that Waterloo’s

At Waterloo, being a geek. is a status symbol.

on reputation and on entrance averages, Fletcher feels the survey missesthe real indicator which isthe value added to the student over the course of their degree. uValueadded is the only objective criteria to truly value quality,” said Fletcher. Despite hiscontention, the University of Manitoba dropped considerably in Maclean’s value-added section placing eighth out of fifteen, Fletcher is not the only one to devalue the rankings as indicators of quality. Despite her excitement at the results Feds Vice President Education Veronica Chau felt that the survey is uquantitativ& not necessar-

solid reputation is largely due to the “leadership of faculty, students and staff of the past 30 years.” According to Johnston, we are “standing on the shoulders of giants” who crafted the university to be a leader in its field. Cheng, Chau and Johnston believed there wasno clear conclusion to be drawn from Ontario’s solid performance in the survey and the significant budget cuts that have occurred. Johnston commented that “Ontario universites have been remarkably robust in spite of funding cuts,” which isa “great tribute to those who have lived through it.” Chau felt the

reputation indicator “has a lag of about five years?’ Cheng noted the “formidable amount of resourcefulness in Ontario’s universities in spite of the fundingcuts.” Shefelt Ontario is “still able to churn out a great quality educationn despite having the lowestfunded education systemin Canada. When asked to cite what makes Waterloo number one, Gheng cited “co-op” while Chau cited the %tudents coming out of our programs.” Chau feels that “Waterloo has a unique culture that values creativity and diversity and being different.” While other universities are locked in a uculture of mediocrity,” Waterloo “cultivates something that allows people to push forward.” Chau noted that at Waterloo ‘Yt’s a good thing to be a geek + , being a geek is a status . symbol? Despite contentment in Waterloo’s success,people understand the value in ensuringUW% level of quality continues, Vice President Academic and Provost Jim Kalbfleisch notes that uwe have always been in the top groupn but “the rapid change in applications and enrollments” could greatly affect quality “if we


Guelph Western Byerson



to page


Montreiii DaJhousie York dauntAllison laskatchewan ‘ilfrid Laurier


Textbooks:why, why, why! JaRLMY TAYLOR /mpn;rlts&Y


hy are textbooks so expensive? Each year the incoming horde of frosh

feel they are the first to go through the excruciating process of scraping the bottom of the barrel to pay for that last textbook, but this isnot new.

houses, which increases the prices considerably. Occasionally, UW students are fortunate enough to have books printed in Canada on lists, and often these books are cheaper. Not always,however. Consult the table: textbook costs seem to be random. Observe GeneACClem&yisahnost$6Omore

“Students don’t want to come to school and pay for a Zehrs’ bag full of photocopies.” The UW Bookstore reminds students that most books are printed in the United States.and like most Canadian book stores, it is obliged to order much of its stock from Canadian distributors

for American


expensive at chapters.ca than at the Bookstore. Both sell Cel!&Molecular Biology at the same price. For both texts, amazon.com charges considerably more (after exchange). All three sources, however, offer

10 Biology


Cell & Mohdw

. .Biohgy ......_...._. ..._ ...._. _...




$13.66 $9.50 The UW Bookstore discounts all textbooks by I 0 per cent: Chaptersxa offers discounts to Chapter I Club members. UW and Chapters prices are in Canadian dollars. Amazonxom prices are in US dollars, Lecture Lab

Cell&Molec&zrBiology at approximately the sameprice. It is important to consider the history of a textbook when examin-

--- -


ing its cost. American printers mean higher prices, a more recent edition means a higher price and hardcovers means


higher prices. Even though these explanations continued


to page




Imr>rint, Friday, November 12, 1999

Islam shows its stuff

Hey! What’s all this talkabout tslam anyway?Onestudent surveys the display the Muslim Students’ Association had set up in theSLC Multipurpose Room thisweek.

Prof charged with attempted murder Algebra researcher to fight charges

Red Room not SOrosy


8CHRElBER hy?ni?t staff


ure Mathematics professor Vladimir Platonov is facing charges of attempted yurder and forcible confinement following a weekend attack on his wife. According to UW’s news bureau, he remains in custody pending a bail hearing Friday morning. The 60-year-old is alleged to have struck his wife with a rock five times, Three of the blows were to her forehead and resulted in her skull being exposed; her left eye was also swollen shut. Upon returning home at approximately 8 p.m. on Friday, she was confronted and at-

Regional Police Const. John Champion arrested a man at the hospital. Defending Platonov is Kitchener lawyer John Lang, who is fighting the charges and attempting to have his client released from jail. Piatonov, described by Pure Mathematics Chair Brian Forrest as “a very good mathematician,” came to the University of Waterloo in 1993 from Belarus. His specialty is algebraic geometry. Prior to arriving at Waterloo, he was a researcher at the University of Minsk. Platonov holds an MSc and PhD in mathematics from the University of Minsk and a DSc from the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk. He is a Member of the Academies of Sciences of Beiarus

The 60-year-old struck his wife with a rock five times. tacked. head

Hey! What’s that guy doing to the Red Room? Construction continues this weekon the Red Room makeover. The concrete’s been poured, the walls are going up, and the dust is flyin’. Sooner or later, it’ll start to look like ad&room. Really.

She fought and locked

back, cutting herself


in the

in a bathroom


several hours. After convincing Platonov that he needed treatment to clean the cut on his forehead, the two of them drove to the hospital. When they arrived at the K-W Health Centre, the victim ran to the emergency department and reported the assault. Waterloo



and of Russia


of the Humboldt two


Platonov is not teaching this term. During his time at Waterloo, he has taught a variety of advanced-level undergraduate and graduate mathematics courses and is currently a member of the Pure Math Department’s Promotion and Tenure Committee.


and winner

Prize. The professor




Imprint, Friday, November 12, I999 l

Jew1sh students teach

Holocaust Education Week begins he Jewish Students’ AssociaEducation tion’s Holocaust Week presented guest speaker and Holocaust survivor Leonard Vis on Monday night at WLU’s Paul Martin Centre. Vis described his experiences to a large audience of students and members of the K-W community. The JSA, made up of 250 students from UW and Wilfrid Laurier University, is presenting a number of speakers and memorial services as part the annual event. This year’s collection of presentations from November 8 to 11 is entitled “From Generation to Generation.” Its aim is to “educate everyone, not just Jewish people. It’s really aimed towards the non-Jewish community,” JSA member Beth Suraski explained. Education about the Holocaust through first-hand accounts are especially important today, as the numbers of holocaust survivors are declining Following a candle lighting ceremony for the victims of World War II, guest speaker Vis told his compelling personal story. Born in Amsterdam in 193 0, Vis was born to a comfortable family of five, He grew up singing German songs and was well assimilated into Dutch culture. However, the German occupancy of the Netherlandsjn 1940 changed his life forever. In 1941, he was forced to attend a separate Jewish school, not allowed to talk to his gentile neighbours, and was forced to wear a yellow star to denote his Jewish heritage.


In 1943, the German occupation of the Netherlands became worse. Nazis began to send the Jewish people of the Netherlands east, so on the night of Vis’ Bar Mitzvah the family decided to run. Leonard would spend the next three years in hidingwith seven different families. He remarked, “the anxiety you live under, and the fear you live under is horrible.” Fortunately, all members of his immediate family escaped the war alive. He was uone of the few families who didn’t suffer immediate deaths in the family.” Vis also reminded the audience that tione and a half million of the six million killed were children,” and outlined the *ridiculous beliefs” and science of the Nazi regime. Such attitudes %upported the killing of two-year-olds” and Vis’ own “87-year-old great aunt.” Many questions following the presentation asked how Vis copedwithlife following the war. “I had lost five years of my life, I was a fifteen year old with a ten year old mind.” He continued, “in a quest for normalcy we went back to school, Life had changed when we surfaced, but returning to the old life was comfort, it was like soul food.” Speaking of pseudo-historians who question the holocaust, the speaker responded “giving these people g platform to speak only helps them, They enjoy it. There are always crackpots. The less platform we give these people the better? A writing found on a prison wall during the holocaust helps inspire Vis to share his personal experiences with others: “Please remember us, so we have not died in vain.”

which they could add comments and then give to the University Board of Governors. The snow pile wasdisplayed in front of the SLC, Chau said, because of its high traffic flow, “Overall I rhink it went well,” she said of the campaign, noting that it received wide media coverage, Chau said chat the campaign will continue throughout the winter. She also said that the volunteers who organized the display deserve a big thanks after shoveling all of the snow needed from local arenas, Anyone interested in participating in the campaign can contact Veronica at the Feds’ office.

heap of snow outside the SLC may have surprised some this week, particuarly considering the mild weather on Tuesday. The display, organized by the Feds, was part of a tuition freeze campaign, according to Feds VP Education Veronica Chau. “The event was intended to allow students to get involved in the effort to get more funding for universities and to stop increasing tuition,” Chau told Imprint. Along with the display, postcards were handed out to students on


CMU unplugs Net overMP3s stu-

arnegie Mellon University hti cut off in-room Internet access for 71 . dents, following the discovery of copyrighted MP3 files on their computers. bn Friday, October 1.5, John Lerchey, CMU’s distributed workstation coordinator for Computing Services, along with two other CMU employees, searched the campus intranet. Responding to pressure ffoti the Recording Industry Association of America (FUAA), an industry lobby group, CMU officials went through the public portions of 250 students’ computers, searching for MP3s of copyrightprotected songs. CMU’s Associate Dean of Student Affairs Paul Fowler told The Chronicle ofHigberE& cation that while “it is not [Carnegie Mellon’s] policy to actively police our intranet,” they “have to do something” when notified of the violation by groups like the RIAA. The students whose computerswere found to contain copyrighted material have lost Net accessfor the remainder of the semester. The university has offered students a way out, though: those who attend a 90-minute lecture on copyright rules will have their access restored on November 14. Students unable to attend the lecture had to write an essay on the subject of copyright, after visi$ng the RIAA’s Web site (http://www.soundbyting.com/). While CMU stated they only searched



computing systems, all user files and directories are considered private and confidential I , , Accessing and using files in another person’s directory when not expressly permitted to do ’ is a violation of that person’s privacy. n . Students were upset by both the manner in which the sweeps were carried out. Kevin Babbit, Editor-in-Chief of CMU’s student paper, The Tartan, wrote that computing services “needs to get it right.” Several students were disconnected for having Zegal MP3 files and he belieyes that “more consistent enforcement” and a uwarning system” would promote better goodwill with the student body.


this appeared





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not to be the

case. University officials also accessed computers that were protected with uobvious” passwords like “mp3” and ones that contained readme files explaining how to obtain the password. This could be a violation of CMU’s code of ethics. The code states: “On shared


fol owed



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Imprint, Friday, November 12, I999

Textbooks: expensive continued


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seem inadequate, UW students can learn from these discrepancies by practising smart shopping. Both Internet sources guarantee many of their deliveries within 24 hours, and this convenience can be a life saver if the Bookstore is out of stock. Both companies also have a much wider selection than any physical bookstore could have.



“We treat Courseware Solutions like we treat a publisher,” said Director of Retail Services May Yan, and in Courseware Solutions’ few years of autonomy, they have developed a very efficient operation. All documents are scanned immediately upon receipt from the professors, and they are stored electronically for a number of years. Need the course notes for Accounting 13 1 from 1995 ? They are avail-

Courseware Solutions lias a complete monopoly on course notes.

Eye exams avaifable fbm independent Optometrist neti to Optical Illusions.

Course notes seem to be a different story. They are put together by the professor and produced here on campus; as a result, they are significantly cheaper than the pricy textbooks. Courseware Solutions, UW’s own document production company, has a complete monopoly on course note publication for UW classes, and while most monopolies can jack prices up, this one supposedly keeps costs down. Only a few years ago, course pack production was an expedition shared between Courseware and the Bookstore, but this proved to be ineffective. Now the Bookstore doesn’t deal with the course packs until they hit the shelves, which makes their lives much easier.


255 King Street, N. (at University), WATERLOO




able from Courseware Solutions. The next step is to c1ea.r each page that is not written by the professor with the necessary copyright companies, and this is where the prices can go up. CanCopy, the publishers’ rights company, charges 5.25 cents’per page; some companies, however, can charge up to $13 per document, The professor sets the document up the way he or she wants it, and the whole thing is the printed on the DocuTech printer, a leviathan acquired at a significant discount from Xerox which prints 18 0 pages per minute. Binding is last: spiral, tape, or staples. The newest innovation sees the course packs three-hole punched and shrink-wrapped. “I’m

really pushing this,” says manager Tricia Mumby. The company strives for an attractive product, but they are sensitive to student budgets, unlike textbook companies. Director Linda Norton explain:5 their thinking: “Students don’t want to come to school and pay for a Zehrs’ bag full of photocopies.” The price is reached and the course packs hit the shelves, sporting on the cover the necessary information and that confounding phrase “department fee.” Courseware explains that the department fee refers to any costs the professor and assistants encounter in producing the package, aside from copyright fees. Essentially, students are paying for the photocopying of the documents. The company will sometimes produce the pack in parts: students buy “Volume I” at the beginning of the term, and “Volume 2” comes out half way through the year. This way!, if there are any outstanding documents the day before the package is to hit the shelves, students can buy them in installments, cutting production costs. Those savings are transferred to the customer, As frustrating as it may be to find an empty shelf at the Bookstore, the “raincheck system,” or Courseware’s practice of underestimating how many packs will be bought, brings the price-per-item down as well. To counter exhaustion of stock, Courseware guarantees book-bybook production in 24 hours if you need one.

Safety after dark Safety Van and Walksafe evaluated

d IN


he time change and recent events have safety on the minds of many UW students. Imprint decided to investigate two means by which students can get homesafelyafterdark-thewalksafe program and the Safety Van. For those unfamiliar with the system, Walksafe is a service which provides people with two trained individuals to escort them home. The Safety Van, bringing people to their doors after dark, is a vehicle which can accommodate ten riders. Both services are run by Campus Security. The Safety Van runs every 60 minutes beginning at 8 : 15 p.m. until 1:3O a.m. in the fall and winter terms. During the fall and winter Walksafe runs from 7 p.m. until 2 a.m., Monday to Thursday, and from 8 p.m. until 2 a.m. the remainder of the week. Imprint was able to survey a small number of users of the Safety Van and Walksafe and obtained their views. “I’ve taken it only a couple of times,” fourth-year Geography student Heather Van Vliet said of the Safety Van, “but I think that during the winter, when its darker sooner, they shotlld have a van running sn~mtd’ The start times of both, safety




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services are bumped up an hour during the winter and fall terms, however, Van Vliet suggested that the Safety Van run from 7 p.m.. to 11 p,m. every half hour and that two vans be used instead of one., Each van could run on a one hour lotip. She suggested that after 11 p.m. the van resume hourly service, because after evening classes are over de-

Students had mixed reactions. mand would be less, Another problem Van Vliet cited, was that “they don’t usually wait for the person [taking the Safety Van] to get to the door.” Other students had mixed reactions to the security services. “I think they go at good times,” said second-year Kinesiology student Jennifer Buie. “I didn’t see anybody get turned away,” she added. Thirdyear Kinesiology student Sarah Griffiths commented that the end times were reasonable, while “they should start as soon as it gets dark.” Rachel Nazareth, a second-year ~el~Rjons;Studiesstudent, wasquick 10 praise Walksafe. in parwxlar.

“They’ve always been quick and available-and they’re really nice people,” she commented, adding that last winter they went out of their boundaries to walk her to her Hazel and CoIumbia street home. Wayne Shortt, a Campus Security official, told Imprint about the security office’s handling of safety concerns. “We run a survey and for the last three years the indication has been that the time (that the Safety Van and Walksafe run> has been okay,” he said. He emphasized that he hadn’t received any information which would point to safety concerns not being met, and said that no new staff would be hired at this time. Currently nightly staff consists of three walking teams of two, a Safety Van driver, and a safety person in Dana Porter. Shortt pointed out that the Safety Van has only been under the umbrella of Campus Security for just over a year. He said that the program is under constant review, and that one means of determining student need and concern is through their annual survey, to be handed out this month. Shortt added that anyone wishing to participate in the: survey, could ask a member of security for one, or possibly pick one LIP 31 diwihlltion points such as the Safety VanDXalksafe desk (beside theTurnkey Desk) in the Student Llie Centre.

Imprint, Friday, November


12, I999


Ranking relief e l


-I hour’PHOTOFlNISHlNG SAVE 20% off our PHOTOCOPY CENTRE (b/w copies...from 6c each ; cal~ur from 79c each)

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Studentsweregivena handandawordofadvice bytheco-opStudent Servicesgangin NeedlesHalton Wednesday. Students submit forms after receivingiob rankings fromemDlovers and then rankine the iobs themselves.


fa- you & 4 friend - show your student listen

Novak speaks SARAH


CRELLIN hy?ffht staff


role in the Holoof a lecture recently hosted by UW’s Jewish Studies department. On Thursday, November 4, David Novak spoke to a group of interested community members, students and staff at a well attended gathering in Needles Hall. Novak, who has a PhD in philosophy and has served as the chair of Jewish Studies at U of T, began the lecture by stating “the Christian world has not been the same since the Holocaust.” Novak cited two ways in which the HoIocaust influenced Christianity, namely that it “engendered in Christianity a sense of profound shame,” and “asense of sorrow,” He went on to say that “it’s clear from Nazi ideology there was an attempt to stamp out Christianity,” Despite the stated opposition between Nazism and Christianity, Novak commented on Christianity’s involvement in Nazism, and how this apparent paradox came about. A brief historical overview traced the development through the early stages of Christianity, through the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages and Spain. Early Christianity, according to Novak, began with “a profound ambivalence with its connection to Judaism and the Jewish people. n This connection came about because Christians began as a Jewish sect whose claims were based on Judaism and the Hebrew bibIe. Novak, pointed to the Roman Empire as a time of “resentment of those (like the Jewish) holding out against the almost total ChristianizaDuring the Middle tion of Europe.” &es, Jews became “protected outcaust was the topic

casts” according to Novak, and antiJudaism, not antiSemitism was prevalent due to the emphasis on conversion, “If people converted,” said Novak, “there would be no questions asked.” Xt was in Spain that. modern antiSemitism had its roots, he told the audience. Everyone in Spain at one time was forced to convert and David NovakdiscussestheHolocaust. this lead to insincere Christians. “There was a notion these him. Unfortunately, “the servant benew converts couldn’t be trusted,” came the master.” Novak said. The lecture drew to a close with Novak commented on modern Novak’s examination of advice Jews racial anti-Semitism, which he said can give to Christians “clearly trauoriginated after the French Revolumatized by this past history.” He listed tion. In the more secularized world three items. the Jews were “regarded as people First, Novak said that “Jews canimpossible to assimilate into new not expect, nor have a right to claim nation states,” said Novak. In Vienna that Christians give up their Christiof the late 19th century, national anity, even with its certain degree of ” He added that Chrisidentity was based on racial identity, anti-Judaism. and Jews were considered as “antians have to research the origins of other entity, another species,” said Christianity and put it in context. Novak, emphasizing that Christian Second, he said that “Christians doctrine does not say this. have to realize that in our society “Nazi ideology is not simply a today, in terms of where culture lies, further development of ChristianChristians are as marginalized as Jews have always been.” He cited univerity,” Novak informed the audience. sities and the media as such Germans who said Christianity and marginalizing institutions, and comNazism were one and the same, he mented that marginality can be a said, were engaging in heresy. source of strength. Novak then addressed the issue Novak’s third point was to emof why so many Christians sympathized

and gave moral


to the

Nazi movement. Nazism, he said, was “seductive to Christians.” He explained that the Christian church and capitalists thought that their lost power would be restored by Hitler, after which time they could get rid of


a high


By this

Novak said he meant that the “Church has to do its business” and bear witness. “Jews and Christians,” he said, “must regard themselves as remnants able to hang on until God redeems the world.”




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heated battle between engineering organizations and he Memorial University of Newfoundland along with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada has cooled down this fall with the dropping of lawsuits in favour of consulting a panel who will make recommendations to the warrmg sides. This dispute arose over the trademarked titles of “engineer” and variations thereof which are held by the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, and the term “software engineer,” which, in 1997, was trademarked by MUN. In an effort to pressure MUN from using the term “software engineering,” the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland withdrew its consent

The term %oftware engineering” had been used relating to computer science as early as the 1960s. MUN considered the accreditation issue as separate from the trademark dispute and thought it unfair of APEGN to take such action. In 1996, the Memorial University Senate approved establishing the Honours Degree in Software Engineering program. This program is offered through their Faculty of Science and Department of Computer Science and requires three compulsory software engineering courses and a fourthyear project. As a part of its computer science program, the University of Waterloo offers a software engineering option run in conjunction with the engineering faculty. This option requires, six JOOlevel computer science courses ing to software engineering as well as four other courses relating to business, society and communication, On September- 21 of this year, the two sides reached a settlement agreement. Under the agreement an independent panel will be set up. The panel will have four members and will produce a non-binding report to be discussed by the CCPE and the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. A condition of the agreement is that MUN give up its trademark and that no lawsuits be initiated over software engineering for five years after the report is released.

This dispute arose over the trademarked title “engineer.” Since 1972, each province’s professional engineering organization has given consent for any university to seek accreditation of its engineering programs. Accreditation requires a number of reviews by the CEAB and, normally, that the program be offered through a faculty of engineering,


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CECS will be

much more cautious. The problem is that there is no long-term solution. “There is not a product out there that we can plug in and make work. AS1 had and continues to have the only software out there” that does co-op functions, lamented Thomas at the meeting. Co-op students could quickly build a simple web-based system, countered CSAG Commissioner Arthur Law. Co-op students should “get access” to the specification and the Access system, according to Law. I-Ie noted that three years ago, a Web system that interfaced with Access was submitted to CO-op but ignored. Thomas acknowledged that “one of our options . . . is to make Access Web accessible.” Several other students at the meeting were-interested in forming a student effort to improve Access. Such an effort couid advance concurrently with Co-op’s long-term planning.‘? think we need to capitalize on the students more,” stated



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pt I

I a


* Individual portrait session in a professibnal studio * Your choice of pose * 8 to 12 proofs to choose from PROOFS READY IN 24 I-IRS. “we cam all colours for UW and

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Lumsden. “We need to put a structure in place that can harness that.” At least one student at the meeting expressed some relief that AS1 would no longer be developing the system. With the possibility of ASI trying to commercialize the system for their own profit, Duncan Mowbray thought that CECSLhline was looking less inviting. Amanda Yu, a UW co-op student working for CECS, put it like this: “It’s just a huge dissapointment. There’s nothing to say but ‘this is what we were hoping for, and we’re not getting it.“’ The ASI-UW meeting was held on Tuesday at 3 130 pm, with Engle, Twohe, Lumsden, Associate Provost Academic Affairs Gary Waller, CECS Associate Director of Systems and Administrative Services Dave Thomas and other CECS.Online team members. IST Director Jay Black was out of town. It appears that other ASI employees were not informed of the cancellation, because according to Thomas, communications from project members at AS1 continued even during the time of the meeting on Tuesday. In the long run, a new system will be developed. It will be at least two years before this occurs, though, according to Thomas and Lumsden. They were unwilling to pin down ;a date for fear of a backlash similar to the one expressed by students over the continuing CECS.Online delays. “What we’ve learned is to be much more cautious,” commented Lumsden. Meanwhile, CECS “will assess what we have now and change it if we

“We need to capitalize on students more.” have to,” admitted Lumsden. “The university through IST is not really in a development mode,” noted Thomas. He cited a lack of resources in IST and the difficulty of developing modern software. This is why Co-op originally contracted out the development of the system. “All of us had high hopes here,” said Lumsden. “I think it’s the first time in the university’s history [a contractor cancellation] has happened.. . We were excitedabout the product. What really turned my crank was that it would have allowed us to explore some different ways to do co-op.” The current technology limits the choices Co-op has in changing the way the system works, such as allowing sign-offs and rankings immediately after the interview. 7 ask the students to be under-

ihW~wskule . c0m

with this ad



Lumsden and Thomas, only a day after the meeting, are still unsure of how CECS will proceed. Co-op still needs a new system. “It’s definitely an option that we would get all the code . . and continue development on that code,” said Thomas. But, he noted, “now that this company isn’t going to support it, it’s questionable whether it’s worth it to get the code and keep going.” Co-op has to look at both shortterm and long-term solutions. In the short term, said Lumsden, “the Access system is there and it works.“The old system is “very close to being in the test phase” forY2K compliancy. UW Information Systems and Technoiogy has installed a new Access server that should give “improved performance.”



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Engineers drop lawsuit for MUN’s engineering programs to be accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board which is part of the CCPE organisation.

Friday, November

I 0


dissapointing for me personaily ... and disappointing for the university - for the students and the employers.” He won’t give up, glumly stating “[I am] disappointed [and] frustrated, but we will ‘move ahead. n


Imprint, Friday, November 12, 1999


OSAPpeopledeceive Rorr


MIKE hpnhf





to /mpfiM


you have a student loan in arrears you may have already been contacted by a collection agency. These agencies have been in the news recently for what is being referred to as “harassment.” All OSAP student loans are handled by the banks and there are two sources of those funds. Forty percent of the funds come from the Ontario government and are guaranteed and sixty percent come from the Federal government and are not guaranteed, For the federal part the banks receive a five per cent risk premium.


Sneaky tactics are not condoned by the government, but they have no control over the companies that act as collectors sine :e they are private corporations. Collection agencies, on the other hand, have long defended their tactics saying they don’t threaten anyone. Often collectors are paid based on the amount of money they recover and while sometimes their tactics are not ethical, the debtors are the ones breaking a legal contract. Imprint spoke to one student who was tracked down by a collection agency under a false pretense.

Sneaky tactics are not condonded by the government. If someone misses payments the banks will try to contact you3 but after three consecutive missed payments the account is considered in arrears and is passed back to the government. The Ontario Government then hires collection agencies to recover this money.

Her sister was contacted and asked for address and telephone number so that a package could be delivered. The sister refused and offered to pass on a message so that the agency’s call could be returned. When the student called she was asked to give a current address so

that a “package” could be given to her. Knowing the address was two years old, the student refused the

ing debt-loads more students will fall into arrears but hopes that doesn’t mean more incidents like this. When Imprint contacted the number provided by the first student, the person on the phone did not explain what she did, or why

package and was forwarded to speak to the manager. . The manager, unaware of the alleged package, explained that he worked for a collection agency and they were collecting for OSAP, She also mentioned being contacted by a collection agency under the guise of “human resources.” Another student recalled *his kxperience with a collection agency, commenting that they contacted his grandmother unexpectedly to inquire about his whereabouts. The UW student awards office will provide information to known “student loan” collection agencies and never over the phone. Federation of Students VP Education Veronica C hau agreed that it %eems unethical to contact other family members . and not give the full reason why they want that information.” Chau also worries that with ris-


someone might contact her; she simply asked for a name and social insurante number. Imprint was unable to speak to her supervisor, but the women confirmed that the company was a collection agency.

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Blast from the past

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Eye Exams Arranged


hese two fellows depicted in the picture above, Rick Page and Larry Burko, dropped by the Imprint office this week. Burko and Page were students here at UW in the school’s second decade-the late ’60s and early ’70s. They worked bn what was then ,the school’s official student newspaper the Chewon, before it “got taken over by communists.” Burke and Page also went on to be Presidents of the Federation of Students in 1969-70 and I9 70-71 respectively.

They told us about what different students who graduated with them are doing now. One student, Steve, was some great strategist for the many protests that occurred for the time but now is working in a more right-wing role in the corporate world. Steve was the mastermind behind a protest against the use of napalm in the Vietnam war. Word

Another guy who was Feds President is now working for CSIS (infiltrating universities perhaps?). They alsolooked at an old ChewYCWZsports article from 19 70 that told of how Warrior basketball guard, Tom Kieswetter led the team to a win over Guelph. Kieswetter scored 19 points in a five-point game. Tom ,Kieswetter is now the coach of the UW varsity basketball team and is

got out that as a demonstartion



protesters would burn a dog. Protesters came out in droves to prevent such cruelty against one of Mother Nature’s creatures. They all arrived to witness the roasting of a little hot dog.

the team in the 32nd


nualNaismith Classic. . Where are you going to be in 3 0 years. Who knows? Will students then think us radical or conservative. Probably conservative. Will current varsity players be coaching? Sure.

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1 [mpFrmt t

November 12,1~,Volume22,Number


Staff vacant, Editor-in-Chief vacant, Assistant Editor Darren Altmayer, Forum Paul Schreiber, Sarah Crellin, News L Ryan Merkley, AdinaGillian, Arts John Swan, KateSchwass, Sports Carrie lindeboom, Mark A, Schaan

Features Aman Dhaliwal, Science AngeIaTakizawa, Janicejim, Photos vacant, Graphics Arun Pereira, Web RobSchmidt, SystemsAdministrator J ustyna Barchanska, Proofreader SteveLockwood, Proofreader JeremyTaylor, Proofreader vacant, Proofreader vacant, Proofreader Marea Willis, Business Manager LaurieTigert-Dumas, Advertising& Production Manager Emily Paige,Advertising Assistant EricaJantzi, Advertising Assistant Bryan Bensen, Distribution IustineSaccomanno, Distribution Board of Directors Robin Stewart, President RobSchmidt,Vice President MikeHabicher,Treasurer Rachel 6eattie, Secretary Contributors Mike Allyn, Ryan Chen-Wing, Melissa cqoong, Brian Code, Nigei Flear,Krista Guenther, Michael Habicher, Warren tiagey, Niels Jensen, Lisajohnson, Ohad Lederer, Kerry O’Brien, Joe Palmer, Adam Stanley, Rev.JonathanSchmidt, Jared Thibeau, Jon Willing Imprint is theofficialstudent newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the OntarioCommunityNewspaperAssociation (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuseadvertising. Imprint ISSN07067380. Imprint CDN Pub Mail Product SalesAgreement no, 554677. Address mail to: Imprint Student LifeCentre, Room .I I I6 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L3G I Tel:5 I 9-888-4048 Fax5 I g-884-7800 http$?mprint.uwaterloo.ca editof@imprint.uwaterloua

bLet students put CECSonline T

he long-awaited remodelling of the coop system - the implementation of which has been significantly postponed - will never arrive. Academic Software, Inc. (ASI) has pulled out of the contract that, if the university is smart, will be the basis of future legal action by UW. The failure of the project is not from lack of effort or commitment from Co-operative Education and Career Services (CECS) Director, Bruce Lumsden and the people in his department or from lack of work and contribution from IST. While they cannot do much to resolve CECS.Online problems they can cut their losses and find new answers, Co-op has no system other than the CERVIS/Access combination. Written in BASIC, CERVIS, the part of the system that han-

dles the rankings and interviews and it is quite antiquated. Access uses Oracle forms and SQL to provide the job search system we know and “love.” These outdated legacy systems that CECS.Online was expected to replace are the only safety net that prevents co-op from failing into perditive obselescence. Co-op and IST have been scrambling to make the software and server year 2000-compliant. Given our current experience, any commercial replacement is at least 3 O months away. Right now UW has no new co-op systemand no one is working on one, If nothing else happens to address this we will be using Access for at le&t another two years. We have the highest number of co-op students we have ever had, which is putting a

large strain on the system. Only 90 users are allowed online at a time which restricts access to job postings and other information. ,4rthur Law, Co-op Students Advisory Group chair, pointed out at Wednesday’s meeting that a few years ago a Web-based solution for putting job postings online was offered to co-op by UWstudents. Despite what one might initially think, such a system would not give the world access to our information as users would require a co-op student login. As it stands someone in Madagascar with a UW login can accessjob listings through telnet as long as they aren’t the 9 1 st user. The biggest complaint students really have with co-op is not that mistakes are made or that problems exist but that these things are not

remedied quickly; and while students have a stake in what happens, they are not empowered to address their co-op concerns. great

Atrocities of glorious -war


n at least one other, fairer province Remembrance Day is a holiday.‘When I was a child in my small hometown we would walk down the main street following a parade of veterans to the cenotaph at city hall. Poppies, guns, a silent moment and the last post are all parts of our cultural memory which children grow up in. These are the things people remember. Is this all we should be remembering? A few years ago my friends Jason and Norm were accosted by an old veteran who wanted to recountto them how he had we went. fought for their freedom. They thought it a little strange. Norm’s grandfather fought for his country too Germany - and was held in a Russian POW camp for al- ~~most a decade after the war. Jason’s aunt was born in an internment camp where his Japanese grandparents were imprisoned. Many people wear these poppies and follow these ideas blindly and unthinkingly. Perhaps a bit iike soldiers fumbling in the name of freedom, egged on by jingoistic thoughts. We should acknowledge the sacrifice of our grandparents and respect what they put into protecting our society but we should not forget the horrible things that our own nation and people did. Neither should we only focus on the loss

of our own people or the more discussed deaths. Most people forget the genocide in Ukraine when the Russians killed millions of people during WII. Remembrance Day isabout remembering the atrocities of war so that they will, never happen again. I too was once caught in the pride of my country when I had a chance to visit Vimy Ridge. We rode in a bus along the road rising out of the French countryside where, it is said, Canada came to the of age. Craters from explosions still scarred the earth on the way up the ridge. * At the top the limestone monument, our maple leaf flag flies over this island of Canadian soil. I gave a small Canadian flag to the caretaker for his son and he let us into the tunnels to explore. Later we went to the cemetary of white crosses apd in the guestbook at the entrance I wrote: Je me souviendrai. I was proud and moved but I did not fully feel the terrible nature of war in that peaceful grass and singing birds among the crossesof our dead. What is it to remember the glory when you know not the gore of war?

cemetary of crosses.


Few people if any would disagree that UW co-op students are extremely competent-we comprise of the best computer talent in the world. Providing job postings through anbther system would take the load off Access. All co-op needs to do is have some faith in students. They would not necessarily be bound into using any system students might develop - only to give ’ students a chance to help each other. I suggest that these talented students step up and work to develop a system. If co-op will not participate 7 job postings can be screenscraped, if inefficiently, from the current screens of the Access interface and be parsed into a Web-based interface. How could UW be so attached to scornpany that never produced a system and not consider giving its own students an opportunity to produce one that works? Is it not too strange for co-op students to be given the opportunity to improve their own system? Consider this solution: universities across North America have internal developments that they release to the community-at-large through “open source,” where all source code is available to be read by everyone. Further, people like Richard Stallman have spoken at WV and elsewhere about Free Software, where not only are you free to distribute,

butalsofreetomodifyandusethesourceasyou wish providing it remains free. If CECS, IST or whoever is responsible for



to page


Ttaition freeze good, rich snobs bad’



idn’t your momma teach you to share when you were young? Anyone who wants a tax cut apparently didn’t get


Your taxes go to important social programs that make Canada the clean, safe country it is today. They also pay for your-university education, When taxes get cut, university funding drops, and tuition must rise, It has risen 134 per cent in the last 10 years. This is equivalent to stating that only rich people may get an education. Poor people must remain ignorant. Does that sound like some other country you may have heard of? As a victim of the so-called “brain drain,” I’ve done my last two work terms in northern California. I can tell you that, at least for me,

taxes are not a factor. California is the factor, Weather is the factor. Overall pay is the factor -I make twice there what I make here. Forget the taxes. But the one thing I don’t like about living in California is that, let’s face it, the rich get it

good and the poor suffer. Let’s talk about Stanford University. I have not met one person from Stanford who wasn’t a snobbish prick (Imprint readers excepted). People at Stanford believe that because they have enough cash to go there, they are naturally the most intelligent, entitled people in the world. Do you want that in Canada? A tuition freeze can help. A tuition freeze will ensure that UW educates the people who are smart, not the people who are rich. At first, a tuition freeze seemed really stupid to me. I personally have no trouble paying my tuition, soI don’t mind paying a bit more to keep UW going. After all, our university is strapped for cash, and without a tuition hike, we’ll soon be walking through buildings that


us of communist




university is not an entity that exists in avacuum. There is a political world out there, and that world is not getting the hint that tuition increasessuck. We need to send that message out. The best way to do that right now is to stand up and insist on a tuition freeze at the University of Waterloo. The Feds VP Education Veronica Chau is doing just that, and you can help her by filling out the postcards you see around campus and putting them in the blue boxes-destined for the UW Board of Governors (they decide whether tuition increases).

If the Board of Govenors freezes tuition, UW is going to have serious cashproblems next year. That will get the public’s attention, and then we can &and up tall and point the finger where it rightfully belongs: Queen’s Park. Fur


I can afford

it, and maybe


can afford it too, But in 10 years time, do you decay. want the university to be full of rich pricks? Get We need money, so let’s raise tuition. After all, who really cares if you start seeing more . out there and put the freeze on tuition. students from Richmond Hill and a few less Cit#O?l Wood&? from Renfrew. 3B Compzdtdcience The flaw with that reasoning is that the

A reply from a hardworking Fed To the Editor,


s a member of the Feds’ Students Council I was not impressed with the current President’s assessment of the performance of the student councillors (Feds’ President gives councillors a B). As a member of the Board of Directors, students’ council and co-op students council and as a Watpub director and someone who holds three part-time jobs, I was unimpressed that the President chose to point out that there were four “superstars” and the rest needed to do more. For the record, I do speak to constituents, and within the arts councillors we have one member that regularly attends the society meetings to keep them up-to-date. I happen to know of other councillors that are unable to attend their society meetings, but do keep in touch with the society presidents in order to let them know the latest in Feds business. I am personally concerned with the fact that the President chose to focus on three councillors that are following and promoting her political agenda and not those that work hard for the students that hold a& other view. If one wants to consider the performance of one’s elected officials this year, then it would be interesting to take alook at Christine’s own election platform. Doing so would show that she has failed to follow through on the majority of promises that she made during her election camyiaign. Maybe Christine should think about this before being so quick to judge others. From a hard-working yet disgruntled Feds councillor. -LotiRise~ougb 4B Political Science

Automotive angst: road rage in Waterloo

must be made to different buildings around campus on occasion but it is absolutely essential to have university vehicles driving all over the place? I have even seen people drive around the black and yellow poles that are meant To keep automobiles our. / Sure I enjoy getting a ride somewhere if I am feeling particularly lazy that day Or if it raining outside, but is it too much to ask of people to leave their cars for five minutes and walk somewhere? All I am suggesting is that people get out of their damn cars and enjoy what limited natural beauty we have around us and not run over those of us who are walking.

To the Editor,

workforce, while difficult at first, can lead to new career opportunities. Taking on a challenging task will cause us to grow, despite the fact that we risk failure. Even just trying new foods exposes us to things we might not otherwise have taken the time for. We risk disliking, failing, changing, but regardless, we grow from taking chances. Playing games with personal safety isn’t smart. I totally agree that we shouldn’t live in perpetual fear or anything like that, but should we let it go until one day we fall on our heads? That’s why services like Walksafe exist and that’s why safety on campus is an issue. It’s not about being paranoid, it’s about taking preventative action. So, take all the risks you want in the name of progress, I’m just saying consider what you will progress to when going out on the edge in this instance.


AIhrzklindeboom 2B English

4% than Fisk 24 Plunni?tg


bullying Harris, you thugs

t’s nice to see that Imprint is continuing its long tradition of tossing cheap insults at the Conservative government. For all your talk about not governing by proper process and arrogantly ignoring all opposition, one fact remains. The Mike Harris government was re-elected just a few shortmonthsago. MikeHarrisdidn’t ignore his opponents. He answered their criticisms and showed voters that he was the best leader for this province. So go ahead. Criticize the government all you want. Just know that you are opposing changes that led the people of Ontario to vote this government back into office, with, as you say, “a healthy new mandate” to continue to do what’s best for this province. -Duntider PYedf??zt,

UWProgressiue Conservative CumpusAs5octition

Six million risks to take, play it smart To the Editor,

To tbe Editor,


aking my way from class to class this term I am pleased to see so many cars driving on the paths linking the buildings,on campus. A personal favorite area of mine is the newly utilized parking lot between AL and Porter. The space before was only used by pedestrians and maybe a place to relax or study. Now that space has the privilege of being filled with cars. Why don’t we just pave over the entire campus to let those people with cars drive right up to where they want to go? I for one appreciate a place where I can walk and not have to worry about getting hit by some jackass doing 80 km/h, like on Ring Road for example. But now I can’t even walk between classes without hearing a university employee honking the horn at me to move out of his way. God forbid that 1 should be walking where they are driving. The only reason they paved the pedestrian paths in the first place was to let cars on them, wasn’t it? Now I realize that deliveries

ast week there was a short letter Lt o the editor by Cameron Morland, who said he was “appalled at the lack of intelligent thought displayed by students” in regard to the stabbing incident. He says that people have to “accept some small risk, in order to live free” and that “without risk, there is no progress,” I agree with Morland that rtiking chances in life is important, but I also think there are two types of risk - the smart kind and the not so smart kind. I rollerblade on occasion and have a bright blue helmet that I’m not fond of wearing. So I don’t. I do, however, wear wrist guards .because one time I fell down, hurt my .hands and thought, “Wow. That hurt.” I don’t want to risk hurting my hands again. Recently I thought to myself, “Am I going to keep riding around wirhout a helmet until I fall on my head?” That’s a dumb risk. Good risks have potential advantages attached - they may advance our careers or expose us to new things. Going back to school after a number of years in the

Why don’t JMW suck it up?

Vegetable Church


he extent of the ignorance in %on-co-op student says quit your whining,” astonishes me considering all the whining you are unfortunately faced with concerning the co-op system. You come across as a tad bit bitter, or maybe jealous is a better word. If you only cared you might understand the reasons .for our complaining. As you state in ybur article, the increase in job listings has made Needles Hall add another location for postings. A sensible person would think that the most appropriate place to post listings would be where the majority of students visit daily... let’s see Kate, how about the Student Life Centre? Listen Kate, I’ll even take the time to enlighten you about the whole interview process. As a co-op studeni, you try to apply to any co-op job, even if they remotely interest you. this in turn increases your chances of getting an interview and therefore increasing your chances of getting a job, basic common sense. I don’t need to remind you that you’ve chosen to attend a university with one of the largest co-op student populations so it’s time for you to suck it up* l


co-op and you can leave the co-op program if you want.” In reality, members of the Engineering Faculty are not able to graduate without taking co-op. I hope that Ms. Schwass will bear that in mind the next time a random co-op student approaches her to complain; which, I gather, happens to her on a regular basis. I also found Jennifer Lee’s letter fabulously entertaining (What’s next, Playboy?). While I certainly agree with her implication that Maxim magazine caters to misogynist male fantasies, I find it no more or Iess offensive than, say, Cosmopolitm, YM, Seventeen, or Muclean’s. In fact, having read all five different magazines in my life, I can reliably say that Maxim had the most useful content of any of them, although the quiz was sorely lacking and the horoscope was non-existent, --GregMorey 4N Computer


Hey man, even my wife will defend Zlhxim+ freedom To the Editor,

-seemuAggu?wul 2AAppliedStmh’es

In defense of Maxim and other upscale literature To



thoroughly enjoyed Kate Schwa& recent exercising of her right to

her own


I guess as long as

only the right people are allowed to complain then the world will be swell. There was a factual problem with her commentary, however. Regarding co-op students, she mentioned that: “ +. , you chose to go into


n her letter of November 5, Miss Lee has complained about the new magazine, Maxim, being sold at the Variety and Post on campus. She questions the place this magazine has at our Ynstitute of higher education.” I haven’t personally ever read this particular publication, and have no intention of doing so in the future, But, I also have no problem with its being offered for sale. Why, you ask? In a word, censorship. Who the hell is Miss Lee, that she has the right to tell me what I may or may not read? I am an adult. If it’s legal and I want to do it, drink it or

readit,Idamnwellwill. IassumeMiss Lee is an adult. If she doesn’t want to read the magazine then she doesn’t have to. I find it rather ironic that Miss Lee should use the Imprint, a student newspaper where free speech is celebrated, to champion censorship. And yes, this is an institute of higher education, A place where people learn. Maybeeven learn to respect the choices of others, even if they differ from yours. Oh, and by the way, if you should choose to write me off as a woman hating, perverted radical, try again. I showed the original letter to my wife and she was as disgusted by Miss Lee’s misguided call for censorship as I was. -]eremy Tbomus 4N Economics

The Forum Section enables members of the University of Waterloo community to present views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces, Letters shouldnot exceed 350 words in length. They can be submitted to: kt&rs@imgrint.uwaterloo.ca. Ail material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion




The opinions expressed through columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not the opinions of Imprint.



14 Jesus told me he likes your column To the Editor,


colleague of mine had a copy of mprinta newspaper I haven’t read since the middle 1980s when I was an undergrad and had nothing better to do. When I saw the titles “God loves you” by Warren Hagey and “JesusTdld Me He Doesn’t Love You” by Erik Walle I was intrigued by the use of the word God in anything other than a religious publication. 1 borrowed the paper and read both columns, I really want to praise Erik Walle. He has truly offered an enlighted position. I have come to believe over the years that journalism has become clouded and bogged down with such trivial things as facts, scientific investigation, and correct use of the English language, not to mention a title that is consistent with the article or column. Warren Hagey uses all of these things and in doing so is clearly passe and out-dated by the very progressive Erik Walle . . but I wonder.. . if “on one hand, you have faith, the other, undeniable truth” could it be that what some have faith in is the undeniable Truth? Or could it be that some have faith so that we will eventually understand and that when we bring faith (one hand) and undeniable Truth (the other hand) together in prayer remarkable things can occur? Apathy is dangerous, my friend - look it up, you’ll see. l

-Atigt& P. Googb UWAlumna

Up against the Walle TO theEdh,


n regards to those who strongly or to any scale find offence and/or insult to any article written by Erik Walle (Jesus told me he doesn’t love you), they need to re-read their Bibles. I myself was raised Catholic, attended church every Sunday until I was 13 and know most of the Bibl;e, I feel confident that I know enough about the “word of God” to have an opinion, about God that is. I was taught by priests, teachers, parents and the Bible that God loves us all without prejudice. That God has given us freedom and the choice to do what we want. For me to pass

critical judgement on someone else’s opinion. . +in that not a sin? God has given everyone freedom. Freedom eo believe in whatever they wish, be it Buddha, a cow, Jesus or nothing at all. Each belief is as valid as the next so long as it continues to promote values, morals, and peace of mind. Even atheists and Satanists have their good points. Who am I or who are you, for that matter, to say their beliefs are wrong and mine and yours aren’t. I remain a Catholic but I am open to other religions and beliefs as should everyone unless I need to remind everyone who knows their Bible so well, “love thy neighbour.” In any case Erik Walle as your co-writer, Warren Hagey (God loves you) so often says as well as opinionated readers, God gave his only Son for us so that our sins could be forgiven and so, Erik Walle, by this statement you will be forgiven. I for one appreciate your opinions, although I rarely agree with any of them, they are refreshing. -MmtimerJones 2N Science

Imprint, Friday, November

charged one dollar for an identical loaf! A Science student and an Engineering student taking Economics 102 by Distance Education receive the same instructor, the same quality of instruction, the same educational experience. Why should one student be asked to pay more than the other? For students in the deregulated programs, the differential Distance Education fee acts as a disincentive to learn and experience fully all that UW has to offer. Where a student might once have chosen to take a Distance Education courses, he now investigates taking a course at another university, or chooses not to take a course at all. Partial deregulation has been controversial; it’s impact on Distance Education fees, however, is a clear affront to equitable access to high quality education in need of a remedy. -Ryun Stummers WEducation, Engineering


Safety van so good she wants two To the Editor,

Distance Education is far from fti To the Editor,


y the end of December many people now on campus will leave Waterloo to spend a winter work term in another city. Many students contemplate enrollment in a Distance Education course during their months away, However, a little known* effect. of partial. tuition deregulation has made the Distance Education option less appealing to many potential distance learners. Students in Computer Science, Engineering, and Optometry are assessed a higher course fee for Distance Education courses than students in other programs. When deregulated students are on campus, they pay higher tuition than regulated students. This difference in tuition is perhaps partially justifiable due to intrinsic differences, such as varying costs, in program-specific courses. On the other hand, when it comes to Distance Education, two groups of students are being asked to pay different fees for what amounts to the same product. Imagine going into a supermarket and being charged two dollars for a loaf of bread, only to have the person next in line



am a first-year student who did not get into residence and faces a 25 minute walk to school every day. This is nobody’s fault, but thanks to the Safety Van I don’t have to worry about having to walk home after night classes or work. Something that has come to my attention however, is the availability of the van. I know that while some nights are less busy than others, later on in the week it’s next to impossible to get on without waiting for 30 minutes or more prior. The problem arises when there are more than 10 or 11 people waiting for the van and they don’t get on. So they are forced to cab it or walk, Wouldn’t it really pose an issue if someone got, oh, stabbed as a result of having to walk home? Then how would the van drivers and the Campus Security feel ? Also, when there are men on the van and females did not make it into line in time, these guys are bumped, so the women have priority. Is this right? For a guy who was hurt or more specifically stabbed getting home, does that make him less eligible for a ride? When the stabbing incident occurred, another van magically appeared until the situationwas brought under control. But now we’re back to one, and I have heard that the other van just sits around, with no definite purpose right now. Where is this other van and why isn’t being used when there is such an obvious demand for this service? Aschool of our

12, 1999

The corporate tomato T

he Global Community Centre of Waterloo Region wiil be celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary by holding a conference entitled “Biodiversity and Multinationals: Finding a Moral Solution” at the University of Waterloo this weekend. This is a conference for everyone who cares about people and this planet. The keynote speaker, Wade Davis, will talk about “Extinction or Survival: The Global Crisis of Diversity.” Called a living Indiina Jones, Davis is a Harvard-trained cultural anthropologist, ethnobotanist and photographer who spends much of his time in rainforests and with indigenous peoples in Canada and South America as “they battle to save the things that define them: their lifeway, their language, and their land.” His book One River: Explorations and Discoveries in the Amazon Rain forest was nominated for the 1997 Governor General’s Literary Award in Nonfiction. Conference lectures and workshops include Biodiversity : a Global Perspective, Multinationals 10 1; Agriculture and Moral Ambiguity AView from the Pampas; Free Trade and the Zapatista Movement; The Journey of the Corporate Tomato; Aboriginal Perspectives on Biodiversity; Walpole Island First Nation; Canadian Endangered Species Legislation: Mass Extinction and the Politics of Influence; Genetic Engineering 101; GMOs: ScientificFact, Corporate Fiction, and Public Accountability; Community Shared Agriculture; The Ethical Consumer;

Fair Trade and the Certification Process and Activists’ Roundtable on Effective Activism. WPIRG is offering subsidies to students to attend the Biodiversity and Multinationals conference. For more detailed conference information and to register, please phone 746-4090 to speak to Sky. Mention the student subsidy if you are interested. PIRGs across the province hold conferences throughout the year. The Youth Exploring Corporatization conference will be held on November 19 to 2 1 at Trent University in Peterborough. Friday evening will be informal networking. Registration is on Saturday morning followed by Corporatization 10 1, the opening Session for Conference with Sarah Dopp of Operation 2000. Workshops on Saturday wiIl include: University vs. Corporate; TNCs as Defacto World; Transportation; Biotechnology and Food Politics; Media and Music; Women’s Health; Right Wing Think Tanks; McDonald’s; University vs. Corporate Governance; Problem Solving Session for Activists; Creating Corporate Free Campus; Researching Corporations; Organizing Around Women’s Health; Food Action; Bike Workshop; Community Initiatives; Zines and Culture Jamming; Guerilla Theatre; Guerilla Theatre and Fair Trade. On Sunday there will be an informal networking brunch, which will give conference participants further time for networking and coalition building. .

population can only give 10 people a ride home each hour? How realistic is that? Well, I have an idea. There are plenty of people who want jobs on this campus. Hire more drivers to cover two vans. Then bring this other van back into use. This means having the two vans in operation, but make it so one leaves every half hour. This would eliminate people having to wait another hour to get the next van, as well as the gender discrimination problem. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. In fact, ask the eleventh person who didn’t make it onto the van. I know they’ll agree with me,

continued from page 12 this mess hires one person to head up the project, they can easily find several programmers to assist this individual who are interested and willing to help the project succeed. By hiring co-op student to help program the system, then releasing the source to the world we can hopefully gain support from some of the other universities interested in this type of system and reduce the total cost to everyone. If the system gains acceptance we will benefit from the other individuals involved in maintaining the system elsewhere. If not, it would not be difficult with an open solution to solicit help from around the campus. There are great examples amongst UW alumni who have spun off for-profit companies and donated back to UW by giving out free commercial software. In an environment free from the pressures of the corporate-world, is it too much to ask UW to donate to everyone else? Ever used Pine? Notice it was developed by UW? That’s the University of Washington, something they have donated

-Kerigan ZAArfs







Have an idea or interested in these ideas? We want to hear from you. Email free-cecs@wstudent.org.


Imprint, Friday, November 12, I999

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1999 Nahnith






Friday, November

12, I999

From the deskof the sportseditor elcome to this year’s installment of the NaismithCfassic.AsaUW student of many years, I know that this tournament is one of the most important in the. preseason for the Warrior basketball team, for it gives alumni of bygone years the chance to meet up with others. It gives the community a chance to merge together to root for one of the better basketball. teams in the Ontario Athletics Union today. Finally, it gives students the opportunity to see the Warriors, not just read about their exploits in a newspaper. What does this tourney mean for the Warriors? Well, the Warriors usually have preseason tournaments on the road. While this gives Tom Kieswetter, the coach of the Waterloo Warriors, plenty of opportunities to gauge the team, to allow rookies to demonstrate their talent and to form the basis of team chemistry, there is a drawback. With road tournaments, there

is not much fan support in the stands. Sure, the Superfans, one of the more loyal groups to this hallowed institution, attend most of the road matches and for that, the team and the dedicated staff at Imprint thank them immensely, But with the Naismith Classic, the student body gets to see for the first time the Warriors basketball team in all of its glory. When I checked my c-mail recently, I noticed something rather disturbing. Apparently, there is not much support from the student body for this tournament. Sure, the alumni and the community support this endeavour very much, but where are the people who currently call UW home? As a student, I know that one has commitments to uphold such as studying for midterms and preparing for final exams, club preparations, editing newspaper sections, ad nauseam. All I ask is that students attend at least one session of this tournament to see the Warriors play. I assure you that you will not go home disappointed. Of course, this supplement could

not have happened on the efforts of one man. There are several folks who made it possible. First of all, T would like to thank the sports assist. ant, Kate Schwass. Without her-help in taking over my editorial duties, by the time you finished reading this article, I would either be locked up in an insane asylum or have ended up on CNN taking pot-shots at anyone or anything that moved with an AK47.

I would also like to thank Torn Kieswetter for providing valuable information about the tournament and for giving me the rosters for all eight teams. As well, thanks to the Imprint editorial board and Board of Directors for allowing this insert to exist. Ryan Chen-Wing also has earned my gratitude for showing me how to design this insert. To all those who have assisted me, I give you a hearty

“Danke schiin! ” Page four of this insert includes a bracket so that you can keep track of the tournament yourself. Page three has all eight team rosters. Finally, there is an overview highlighting the first round games of this year’s Naismith Classic. All that’s left is to say “good luck” to all the teams and I sincerely hope that you enjoy this year’s tournament.

Arioverwew of the r Naismith Classic l

is year’s Naismith Classic will have much to offer to stuT dents, alumni and KitchenerWaterloo in general. As well, this tournament will be historic. For the first time in the tournament’s 32year history, three American teams will be making the journey to Waterloo. These Yankee schools are Point Park College (a small school from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), Aquinas (Michigan) College and University of Michigan-Dearborn, All three of these schools come from the NAIA, a smaller branch of the famous (or infamous, according to some) NCAA. As well, we have five schools from Ontario competing for the honour of being the top team at this year’s Naismith Classic, Obviously, the University of Waterloo will be there. Wilfrid Laurier University will be traveiling down University Avenue to try and steal the title for themselves. Brock University and the University of Windsor will also be attending. Finally, the most northern team participating in the Naismith Classic comes from Sheridan College, in Oakville. With these eight teams participating in this tourney, it shall be quite interesting to see how it turns out. So without any further adieu, here are the matches that will happen inJ the first round of this tournament. .

Sheridan Wilfrid Golden

Bruins vs. Laurier Hawks

One of the premier teams in college basketball will be appearing here against one of the steadily improving teams in the Ontario Athletics Union. Both Sheridan College and Wilfrid

Laurier University are evenly matched and either team could emerge as the victor. While Wilfrid Laurier has the advantage in size, experience goes toward Sheridan. Wilfrid Laurier University, over the past couple of years, has become the whipping boys of the OUA West division. Although still in their rebuilding phase, one must admit that the Golden Hawks are vastly improving. The two guards that Laurier will depend upon are Bob Papadimitriou and Sean Kask. Both Papadimitriou and Kask will be vital in defending the inside from the assaults Sheridan will administer to the young Hawks, The main scoring threat will come from Nicholas Ritchie and Ken Hodgins. The latter is the tallest member of the squad, at 2,03 metres. Other giants on this squad include Adam Rodgers, Radhi Knapp and Luke Johnson, all of whom just clear the two-metre mark. For all the size Laurier has, most of the players are freshmen.



the experience


them. Overall, this should be a very close match. When comparing the two teams, I believe that Laurier can pull this game off. Predicted winner: Laurier Golden Hawks

Aquinas Brock

Steketee, is the tallest player at 2.0 1 metres. In this match, there is no contest. With the depth Brock has, expect the Badgers to walk away with this contest. Predicted winner: Brock Badgers

Michigan-Dearborn Wolves vs. Windsor Lancers

Saints vs. Badgers

the playoffs, but lost in the quarterfinals to the University of Waterloo. Somehow, the Lancers faltered after a great start in the regular season. Expect the Lancers to go strong again, especially in the Naismith Classic. The team will be led by veteran Sefu Bernard, a guard who can compete with the bigger men of the OUA. Bernard will not be alone in trying to bring down the Wolves. Kwame Boamah and Geoff Stead will assist at guard and forward respectively. All three of these players can cause trouble, especially in transition from offense to defense and vice versa. As for height, the advantage goes to Windsor, who possesses the likes of Dwayne Hamilton, Rob Pragai and Geoff Stead. When looking into this match with the old crystal ball, it was very hard to come up with a winner. Nonetheless, Michigan-Dearborn should just edge out the Lancers. Predicted Winner: MichiganDearborn Wolves

Of all the teams that are in this tournament, none are as strong as the University of Michigan-Dearborn Wolves. They seem to have a good balance of offense and defense. The University of Windsor should provide a chaI1enge to this NAIAschool, This battle shall be very entertaining

Sheridan College, on the other hand, is quite experienced in college basketball. Of the 12 members on the squad, only three are freshmen. There are two seniors on the team: Shane Bascoe, a player who could light up the board anytime; and Erue

Aquinas and Brock look to be balanced when it comes to defensive play. That is where the similarities end. On paper, Brockseems to be the better of the two squads. When one looks at the players and the depth of both the Saints and the Badgers, the advantage must swing toward the team from St. Catharines. Brockgavethe teams of the OUA a difficult time last year despite not making the playoffs. They should be quite competitive again this season. Vince Policella and Craig Emuss are the leaders of a very strong Brock side. Both of them are dedicated players who can give opponents fits. Expect good performances from guard Jamie Duncan and forward Conor McSweeney. Of course, the Badgers possess the tallest player in the game, Trevor Padfieid, who is registered at 2.11 metres. Stephen Vukovics and Rob Ivanovic will also contribute to the Badgers. The Saints, meanwhile, have only 12 men on the bench, which shows a problem when it comes to depth. They are especially vulnerable if someone gets injured. Aquinas College has only one freshman, which shows an advantage in experience.

indeed. For the University of MichiganDearborn, there is much to taIk about. With four seniors and two juniors on this squad, the Wolves bring a lot of experience with them, especially those who have played against some of the tougher teams in this division. Despite finishing with a losing record last season, Michigan does have some great players, including Jason Koch, Doug Herriman, Matt Schleif and Nick Locklear. Nick Carlington and Russel Kacin will share duties as the

For the Warriors, this is a very important tourney that will set the stage for the coming season. With good results from past tournaments at Sudbury and St. Catharines, the Warriors hope that they can win against a tough squad from Pittsburgh. Meanwhile, Point Park played their first regular season game against George Brown College, one of the best schools in the United States of America. The Patriots lost the game by three points, so this should be an indication of how





Three American

teams will be making the journey

a player


can really


fend the net. Backing up Bascoe and White is junior Chris Bennett. As for height, both Chris Williams and rookie Tim Woods fall just short of the two-metre mark. Still, Sheridan


has three


iors in Ross Willick, Antwan I&own and Courtney Norman. Brian Rea and Tim Waslik also provide the Aquinas with much needed assistance. The only freshman, Andy


Zavershnik has averaged 2 1 points a game!

As for height,

Kacin will be able to several of the taIler tourney. This is a very should be trouble for Last year, Windsor

both Koch


compete with players in this solid team that the rest, actually made

Waterloo Point

Warriors vs. Park Patriots

this team


Waterloo, as everyone knows, is one of the more powerful teams in the OUA today. And even though continued

to NC4

Imprint, Friday, November


12, 1999


University of Waterloo Warriors Number 03 05 10

12 20 23 24

32 33 34 42 43 44 54 55

Name Ryan Evans Shane Cooney Marc Rigaux Paul Larsen Dave Qu inlan Dan Schipper Vinson Francis Conrad Kreek Paul Kwiatkowski John Quinlan Mike Zavershnik Gerard MacDonald Mike Nolan Jamie Rirrell Josh Van Wieren

Position Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard Centre Guard Forward Forward Guard Centre Forward Forward Forward Centre

Head coach: Tom Kieswetter Assistant coaches: Curt Warkentin,


Year 1 2

Wometown Woodstock Burlington Fredericton Guelph Brantford Wallacetown Cambridge London Kitchener Brantford Toronto St. Hubert Wingham Acton Oakville

4 2 1 4 1 1 5

3 4 1

2 2 1


Point Park College Patriots Number 10 I1 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 34 42 44 45 50

and Sean VanKoughnett

Name Rory McInerney Mark Per hats Gabs B&on Brian Veze Mike Walendziewicz Ryan Bali Mike Mares Matt Mauclair Brad Boyle Shay McMahon Reyhan Carroll Matt Marcinko Steve Cherepko Dave Kubicsek Dante Singleton

Head coach: Bob Rager Assistant coaches: Hal Minford,

Sheridan College Bruins Number 05 10

12 13 14 1.5 20 23

2s 33 42 54

Name Edson Jones Erue White Kris Ceelen Shane Bascoe Chris Coote Brad Johnson Damian Paratore Hugh Bent Elvis Dennis Chris Williams Chris Bennett Tim Woods

Head coach: Jim Flack Assistant coaches: Leroy

Position Guard Guard Forward Guard Forward Forward Guard Forward Guard Centre Forward Cen tre


and Nick

Wilfrid Laker Number 10 11 15

20 23

30 32 33 34 40 42 44 50

52 54 55

Name Jeff Dunning Mike McKiilop Argentina Fiiia Sean Kask Darren Veira Nicholas Ritchie Bob Papadimitriou Ken Hodgkins Robert Duffey Matt King Luke Johnston Chris Scott Predrag Radovic Matthew Westberg Radhi Knapp Adam Rogers

Head coach: Mike Assistant coaches:

Kiipatrick Tim Eicombe,

Position Forward Guard ‘Guard Guard Guard Forward Guard Centre Guard Guard Forward Guard Forward Forward Forward Forward

John Stewart

Year 1

4 2 4 2 1 2

2 2 2 3 1


Name Trevor Harding Jason Pearson Jamie Duncan Taylor Matthew Craig Emuss Conor MacSweeney Vi&e Policeila Martin Smieszek Trevor Padfieid Dan Bouchard David Sidenberg

Position Guard Forward Guard Guard Guard Forward Forward Guard Centre Forward Forward




54 55

Stephen Vukovics Rob Ivanovic

21 22 23 24 -32 33 34 44 51


Head coach: Ken Murray Assistant coaches : Steve Atkin

Centre Centre

and Brian BIeich


Position Guard Guard Guard Forward Guard Guard Forward Forward Guard Guard Forward Forward Guard Centre Centre

Hometown Albany Mu&all Warren Coraopolis S wissvale Ashrabula Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Perryopolis Homestead Houston ‘West Homestcad .McKeesport INorth Versailles Baltimore

2 4 3 4 4 4 3 2 3

Sam Kosanovich

and Jorge Llanos

Aquinas CollegeSaints

Hometown Brampton Mississauga Brampton Brampton Brampton Mississauga Mississauga Mississauga Brampton Mississauga Brampton Oakville


03 13 12 14

21 22 31

Name Brian Rea Ross Wiilick Tim Wasiik Kyle Pohja Kyle Verlin Chuck Schuba Antwan Brown


CourtnevI Norman


Jack Lengemann Jason Carver Pete Beachy Andy Steketee

42 44


Position Guard Guard Guard Forward Guard Guard Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward





4 3 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 1

Grant Clarkson

Hastings Grand Rapids Kalkaska Youngstown Kalamazoo Imlay City Kalamazoo Pigeon Jenison

Head coach: Rick Albro Assistant coach: Troy Wiibon


Golden Hawks Year 1 1 1 3 1 3 5

3 2 1 1 1 1

2 1


University of Windsor Lancers Number 10 12 14 20 22 24 30 32 34 40 42 44 so 52 54 00

Hometown Cambridge Waterloo Sarnia Nanaimo Guelp h Cambridge Barrie Guelph Brantford Hagersville Peterborough Guelph Beograd Fonthill Pickering Milton

Year 1 1

3 1

4 3 4 2 3 1

2 2 1


NZUkle Sefu Bernard Matt Pavoni Kwame Boamah Jeff Mulligan Mike Baggio Steve Allen Adam Wydrzynski Mark Paterson John Veljanovski Bryan Ferreira Rod Codling Norman Boose Rob Pragai Anthony Rizzetto Geoff Stead Dwanye HamiIton

Head coach: Mike Assistant coaches:

and Craid Nickel

Brock University Badgers Number 13


Forward Forward Centfe

and Andrew

Year S 1 4 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 4

Number 10 12 14 24 30 32 32 34 40 42 44 50





Hometown Toronto Sault Ste, Marie Toronto Niagara Falls Tecumseh Toronto Windsor Windsor Tecumseh Cambridge Peterborough Amherstburg Lachine Chatham Delhi Harrow



Hometown Guelph Guelph Oakvilk Burlington Burlington Sarnia Welland Hamilton Kitchener Welland Burlington Richmond Hamilton

Harvey Vince Landry

Position Guard Guard Guard Guard Forward Guard Forward Guard Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward


Name Doug Herriman Russei Kacin Michael Jordan Nick Carlington Matt Schleif Brian Spoijavick Ian Watts Robert Davis Brett Ceriotti Nick Locklear Dan Birkett

Position Guard Centre Forward Forward Guard Guard Centre Guard Guard Guard

Year 4 3 3 2 4 1 1 2 1 4 2






Michael Fencil Jason Koch

Forward Forward



Southfield Sterling Heights

Head coach: Charles Turner Assistant coaches: Jack Williams


and Colieen


.Hometown Canton West Bloomfield Livonia Livonia Dearborn Lincoln Park Detroit * Highland Park

Detroit Romius Madison





Imprint, Friday, November

History of the Naismith

G3 EE!



of the Naismith


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y,; L’l”:.pi;y!h


:i,llp\?c r ,(:‘iL [[le (Jl-;:J ;t,J bit j<+::‘C: z ili6’IS. ihiw ;dcn:ei n1c1nt-ier5 of


Second round 12:OO pm*

2:oo 4:OO f3:OO )3:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.




Loser of -41 versus loser of A2 Consolation or .winner of B 1 versus winner of B2 Brock Badgers versus Waterloo women’s team (regular Winner of Al versus winner of A2 Waterloo versus winner or loser of Bl


season game)


Seventh piace match Fifth place match Third pl~c match Vhampionship mrltch

Also on November 13, the Warriors will &finitely be playing at 8:OO p4m. If Waterloo wins, then the second consolation semi-final will be played at 2:OO p.m. If Waterloo loses this game, then the semi-final between Point Park and the winner of Michigan-Dearborn and Windsor will be played at 2:OO p.m.

12, I999

Waterho YVarrlors inciudc the Brantford connection of Dave and John Quinlan, Paul Kwiatkowski and Conrad Kreek. Unfortunately, Waterloo is a bit weak in the perimeter both offensively 2nd defensively, so the Warriors will have to exercise caution to ensure that no team exploits this chink in the their armour. The Patriots also have the same MTeakness as the Warriors when it comes to the perimctcr. Their interior play, however, is quite strong. Leading rhe way for rhe Patriots is G&e Bubon? a strong shooter u’ho can kiil any team that fdls deep or panics. In adclition to Huhon. Pomt Park has many other weapons in irs arsenal, including: Ryan Ball, Mark Perhacs, Brian Veze and Vike Walendziewicz, all seniors capable of lighting up the scoreboard with excellent plays. Brad Boyle will provide excellent defense for the Patriots. The tallest players for the Patriots are Dante Singleton, Dave Kubicsek

1999 Naismith


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Media wars hit university campuses National papers aim to steal student market from campus papers


he national newspaper war is running out of fields on which to fight. Competingnewspapers like the National Post and The Toronto Star are beginning to target colleges and universities to boost readership and heighten bragging rights as the most read newspaper in Canada. Last Friday, the Newspaper Audience Databank (NADbank) released its annual readership statistics, placing the National Post close behind The GIobeandMazI as the most read newspaper per week. The National Post, who just celebrated its first birthday two weeks ago, proves to be the Globe’s only competition at the national level. The battle reaches far beyond bragging rights. Being coined as the most read newspaper in Canada means huge advertising revenues. When NADbank makes its results public each year, advertising agencies keep a keen eye on which paper their clients will gain the most sales.

Newspaperscount on advertising as the major contributor to their revenue, with subscriptions and newsstand sales making up for a minor portion of the overall pot. Because of the ongoing competition for readership, newspapers are beginning to take a new approach to achieve a larger circulation, and they’re using

newspaper. The Fimncial Post, whose copies reached many accounting classes on campus, made their paper available at boxes outside South Campus Hall and inside the SLC, free of charge. The Post’s strategy may have paid off, their circulation figures rose and left the number one newspaper in the

The news release comes shortly after The Toronto Star, which NADbank reported as being the most read newspaper in the GTA, announced that they will be joining the Post’s strategy in offering free newspapers to university students. Recently, Torstar, who own The Toronto Star, began circulating cop-

“They are dumping free papers into the student market to prop up their falling circulation.” universities to help them in their quest. The National Post was the first to target universities by offering stacks of newspapers to campus life centres. In the Student Life Centre at UW, copies of the National Post can be found on every table, almost outnumbering copies of the Imprint. The National&t began their marketing ploy before establishing a national

country, The Globe and Mail, crying poor sportsmanship. However, the Globe’s concern is now being accompanied by voices from the Canadian University Press. CUP, who represents most campus newspapers across the country, said it fears that free independent newspapers like The National Post, delivered to universities, could spell doom for on-campus publications.

ies of The Sulzday Star to subscribers of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record. Torstar also owns The Record. CUP president Tariq HassanGordon fears that the movement by Torstar may disrupt universities’ chance of wooing readership to oncampus publications. “This could destroy the student press,” said Hassan-Gordon. “They are dumping free papers into the

student market to prop up their falling circulation.” York University was the first to jymp at Torstar’s offer. Ryerson Polytechnic University, who houses the most thorough undergraduate journalism program in the province, flirted with the idea, but campus policy prevents the distribution of non-university publications. “One of the most appalling aspects of the Star deal atYork is that the Excalib~rdistribution boxcsmay not bewithin five metersoftheStarboxes, despite the fact that Exc&mr has been distributing in those locations for years,” added Hassan-Gordon. The Post’s and the Star’s main competition, The Globe atld Mad, does not provide copies of their newspaper free of charge to any campuses; however, they offer a 50 per cent reduced subscription rate in a plan for university and college students. As well, the Globe offers free copies of their newspapers from a number of newsstands set up in Toronto most notably in local shopping centres.

Opening the doors to accessible education Feds and CASAto launch Education Builds a Nation campaign


ver the past three months, there has been an intense national campaign that will directly affect students in university or college and future students who will continue to populate post-secondary institutions across Canada for years to come. The national campaign, run by CASA and called “Education Builds a Nation,” is attempting to make the federal government aware of the current financial predicament of university and college students and will continue to do so until Finance Minister Paul Martin reads the budget in February. The UW branch of the campaign has put up posters around campus and had a booth to get students and staff to sign a brick wall in their support of the cause. The “Education Builds a Nation” Campaign has been in Imprint for the past two weeks with the October 18-20 gathering and meetings with MPs in Ottawa. The campaign wants al1 Canadians to realize the importance of education and how it can construct a greater and stronger country. On November 17, the campaign will have a one-day on-campus event to make sure that all students at UW


being slammed in our faces?

know of the cause and realize its importance. What makes this campaign so important? It is trying to make university less of a financial burden and more accessible to all students. There are four main points that CASAwants the federa government to hear and acknowledge: 1) Eliminate GST on textbooks. Textbooks are already expensive and saving money is more important for other things in life - $40 can last a long time.

2) Increase funding to the universities. Federal government education grants to provincid governments are inadequate as universities need more money to deal with increased enrolments and to provide new technology to keep pace with its explosive growth. 3) Lower interest rates for student loans-this speaks for itself. 4) . Eliminate discriminatory interprovincial fees. Currently, Canadian students from outside of Quebec have to pay a substantial premium to at-

tend Quebec universities. While this is the only province that discriminates in this way, there is a danger that this practice could spread. However opportunities continue to slip away as technical and theoretical jobs disappear. This will hurt the Canadian economy as it will no longer be able to find people to take the university/college degree jobs that are present in Canada. Why is Germany number one economically in Europe today even after both world wars? It is because Germans take education very seriously. Post-secondary education (in fact, all education) is considered a right, not a privilege. All students have the opportunity to go to university or take up an apprenticeship without worrying about financial problems. For a quarter of the price that Canadian students pay for tuition,

German students can get a higher education and play a major role in the world stage, Money is not a determining factor for whether or not a student will go to a post-secondary institution. It is not to say that Canadian students have not played a major role. We have had our shining stars who have changed the world in some way. However, those stars are few *and far between. The Canadian government and media may show that we have had distinguished students and people who have stood out from the crowd, but what Canada needs is a more active workforce: a workforce to contend with the world community and make a lasting and defined mark on history. Universally accessible post-secondary education it the best way to achieve this.

Imprint, Friday, November 12,, 1999



Rememberingmartyrs What happened in El.Salvadorcould happen here Rev.



spec/;sll lo rmpm


artyrs are not important as historical figures. They are important in the ways they inspire us and shape the ways we live our faith today. How would you react if you found out that today, in the early morning hours, several of your professors and members of the administration at University of Waterloo had been executed? Their crime: what they were teaching and saying. Ten years ago, in the early morning hours of November 16, 1989, the Salvadoran military entered the campus of rhe University of Central America (UCA)‘in San Salvador, El Salvador. They dragged six Jesuit priests from their beds and killed them with bullets to the head, and then killed a housekeeper and her daughter who were staying at the UCA. The campus of the UCA is very much like Canadian universities. Students are seen hurrying to classes and studying. Groups of students gather to socialize - laughing and talking. The UCA seems removed from the violence and poverty of the world. The Jesuits killed were academics: the rector (president) of the university, the vice rector, the head of the human rights institute, the director of the religious education program and a professor of ethics. Their “crime” was to speak out against the oppressive socio-economic structure of Salvadoran and global society: defending the poor. They were labelled subversives for letting their beliefs shape their research and their


One of the Jesuits, Jon Sobrino, survived because he was out of the country at that time. As he speaks today he ethos the words of his fellow Jesuits, words threatening enough to have them killed: According to Jon Sobrino, there are two utopias in the world. The first is the version of the north. Their utopiais to consume more and live better, to have everything that you want. This is a false utopia. There simply aren’t enough resources in the world to allow everyone to live this way. The second utopia, the true utopia, is the one shared by the rest of the world, that everyone have the basics of life: enough to eat, a home, health, not to be despised.The only thing that stands in the way of this true utopia is the false utopia. For aslong as some strive for what they want, there will not be enough for all to have what they need. Today at the UCA, there is a rose garden at the site of the murders. A few steps away, in the Monsenor Romero Pastoral Centre, there is a small museum. Students give tours to school groups, tourists and others. They explain the pictures, clothing, belongings and storiesof the

Jesuits and 70,000 other martyrs of the Salvadoran civil war. In the words of another Jesuit, Dean Brackley, “middle class culture pulls us from [the] struggle for life and against death-to the point .that we experience a kind of lowgrade permanent disorientation about what’s really important in life.” Rodolfo I-Iernandez, chaplain to the young people here and coordinator of the centre, says, “The Jesuits, Romero have and others taught us we become ourselves by turning ourselves over to others. They have taught us to live ou r faith. a c 1 Ign Ellacuria, the UCA rector who was killed, believed, ‘&the most important mission of the university is not to form professionals, but rather to be the critical conscience of society.” Another Jesuit, Raphael Sivatte, tells us, “The role of educated people

is speaking truth to power.” You can probably think of times when your professors, other students, the administration, or even you have spoken and acted in ways that got the UCA Jesuits killed. There are more subtle means than bullets for silencing people. What are the ways in which our culture makes sure we don? speak truth to the powers that be or act as a conscience for our society? The martyrs of the UCA were killed in a place very similar to places in Canada, for saying things that may not be easy to say and think here. They can inspire us and shape how we live. Their death and words are a challenge to us to look at the meaning of a university educationand what we do wieh ir. The 10th anniversary of their death is a time to remind ourselves that they show us the importance and dignity in living something worth dying for -of throwing our full selves into a life that has meaning, not just for the individual but for the well being of all.


should be allowed to enjoy. Gay people certainly can’t be entrusted with such a bigcommit-

ast week the provincial government quietly passeda law which will give same-sex couples the same rights and responsibilities as opposite-sex common law couples.

For Godso loved the world, that hegave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believetb in him should not perish, but buve everlasting ii/-h. (/obn3:16,KJV) have considered God’s love W for each love resulted in action. examine e

previously and every person and how His Now we will the action which God took-He gave. What do you do if you’ve got a friend for whom you are genuinely concerned that has some difficulty? If you’re like most people, you probably give them advice about how to deal with their problem. That’s alright, but as the saying goes, talk is cheap. It’s easy to give advice when someone else has a problem; it’s a whole different thing to actually get involved in their problem and do whatever you can to help. That’s exactly what God has done. He has looked down with care and compassion and seen the desperate state of each individual and done something about it. It’s a good thing too, because the problem which every person hassin-cannot be remedied by mere advice. Sin needs to be paid for, and because justice is part of God’s rich character, He cannot simply overlook it. Every person deserves death - they’ve earned

it because

of their sin-

but the sacrifice

of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross paid the price for each person’s sin. “For thr wages of sin is death; but the gift of i .’ ” ;. L,* -! ,: j,; : through JesusChristour Lord” (Komans 623). God offers salvation freely as a _ritt to anqne who wili :ecc~~‘r k. , ..

“For by grace are you savedthrough faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). Those who do trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour can be sure that they are saved and that they will spend

eternity with God in heaven. This is not because of anything they have done themselves, but because of God’s grace, the favour which He has given to us even though we don’t deserve it. Remember that salvation is a gift which God gives; there is nothing you can do to earn it; salvation is “not of works.” There are a lot of people who think that they will go to heaven because they go to church or because they’ve been baptized or because they do good deeds or any number of other things. The Bible is quite clear that nothing you do yourself can save you and in fact if you are trusting in any of these things, you’ve missed the point of God’s free gift. The only way to be saved is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, trusting in His death on the cross to pay the penalty for your sin. If you have been trusting in anything other than the Lord Jesus Christ, turn to Him today and receive Him as your Saviour. ‘&Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from rhe Father of lights” (James I : 17). God is indeed the giver of every good gift and also of the only perfect gift, Jesus Christ, In the upcoming weeks we shall consider wha;a preciousgift ho gave, his on!> begotteR

A service commemorating

the anniversary of this event will be held at Notre Dame Chapel, St. Jerome’s University, Tuesday, November 16 at 1:OO p.m. For further 1 reading on this topic, you can contact Rev. 1 Schmidt, who is the Lutheran Campus Chaplain at UW. E-mail: j-schmid@watservLuwaterloo.ca.

( ]


It will take some time, but these recent The bill received very little media attenchanges (and the ones that the federal governtion: it was on page seven of the Toronto Star, ment has slated for early 2000) will have a and it didn’t make it to this week’sMa&& tremendous impact on the way gay couples are that’s exactly how treated. Finally they are the government recognized in law. Acouwanted it. They ple can have a symbolic Ty l didn’t want to make Gay - people wedding, haie their a big deal about benames legally changed, coming one of the and after one year of few jurisdictions in living together will be the world which alconsidered a marriage lows gay Couples to of common law. In the be recognized as event of hospitalization, equals. a same-sex partner can Premier Mike actually visit their loved Harris was absent one. In the event of from the legislature death, the estate of the the evening the bill deceased does not fall received its third and final reading. It was directly to the family. No longer is being gay an unanimously passed, but it should be noted that automatic decision to give up rights that everyalmost half of the legislatufe was empty -MPs one takes for granted - we are almost equal. from all parties were advised not to attend if We aren’t likely to see any more changes they weren’t in favour of the changes. In addiin provincial legislation until after Mike Harris tion, no official record was taken of those in has had his five years. That means marriage is attendance. out of reach until then. (Unless, of course, the In all, 67 laws were changed to include the courts impose changes sooner than that.) new legal term “same-sex couple.” The term is QuCbec and British Columbia have already equivalent in every way to a common law passed laws similar to Ontario, and the remaincouple - everything from adoption to survival ing provinces are under obligqtion to do the rights to library fines are covered. It falls short, same. It isn’t unrealistic to expect that at least however, of permitting gay marriages, but even one of the provinces will grant gay marriages that will come eventually. within the next five years. The decision not to call gay Coup1eS It ~111 take a little time before the gay community and Canadians in general become “spouses” is a purely symbolic action. Both the provincial and federal governments are quite fully versed in the new rights and responsibilidogmatic on this issue: it is unconscionable for ties ‘of same-sex couples. Once the changes come into effect, tht: impact on societal Gil be them to allow gay people to be ‘*spouses” or to negligibie, but ior the gav ,rornmunltx: the imge: “marrd” - the institution of marriage is

certainly can’t be entrusted with such a big commitment.




Friday, November

12, I999


Living m I

polite culture

Dead cats and bad transit

Densely packed country ultra neat


t is truly amazing, that a place such as Tokyo, with its massive amount of people, can survive without suffocating itself. Litter and crime seem to be quite low, and the streets are generally safe to walk at night. The Japanese culture is one of the few cultures that can have ti densely packed megacity and still keep it comfortable. Relative to other parts of the world, Japan is quite a clean place because people respect the land and the country and do what they can individually to keep Japan beautiful. For ex-

Surviving a work term in Scarborough

spent quite a bit of time looking for a garbage can in Kyoto station but to no avail, so I ended up just carrying it with mefike everyone else. Fortunately, every Lawson Station (equivalent to 7-I l’s and so forth.. .they caI1 them combinis here, pronounced “combeeny”) has a garbage can and recycle bin. While travelling around Tokyo, I accidentally forgot my new, almost four-figure camera with a few hundred dollars cash in the pocket, in the trunk of a taxicab. Not knowing the name of the taxi company that I had used, I asked around, and was finally given a telephone number to call for the Tokyo area taxi lost and found. Fortunately, my luck outweighed my

“Relative to other parts of the world, Japan is quite a clean place.” ample, although it is said that approximately 70 per cent of Japanese males smoke, cigarette buts are kept to a minimum with conveniently located ashtrays; if there are no ash trays, people sometimes carry their own personal one. It is also not uncommon to see someone picking up the occasional piece of litter or sweeping up a few scattered cigarette butts. Everyone contributes just a little and the entire place stays clean. The one annoying thing here in Japan, however, is the lack of public garbage cans. 1

stupidity and week and a half later I received a phone call telling me that they found my camera. ThatweekendIwenttopickitupandwas stunned that the camera was untouched atid the money was still in the pocket. If this had been anywhere else in the world, chances are I would not have seen my camera again and if I did, probably without the money, Needless to say, without honesty ingrained in the society, miracles like this would not happen.

reetings, all you people. All running around, so busy, so frantic. Anyway, go see Fight Club, a simply super movie with a very Taoist/nihilist philosophy, I thought. Speaking of nihilists, (or as they prefer to be called, ‘Advocates of Void’), don’t you think the term itself is fairly self-contradictory? I’d be willing to bet anyone who has had enough schooling and read enough books to know what the word nihilism means is already damned to being a productive member of society. The true nihilists in our society are the murderers and NRA members, people designed to destroy rather than create. (I am going somewhere with this, I’m sure of it). Of course, the overwhelming majority of people add to civilization, Any kind of consumerism, learning, writing, eating, breathing... it all keeps the wheels turning. Now, what kind of analogy would suit this mechanism? My personal favorite is that of a crystal being formed. Quick chemistry lesson: to manufacture a crystal with as few impurities as possible, we take a ‘seed’ of the base material already crystalized, and then surround this seed with a dispersed quantity of the seed’s element, or compound, whatever it may be. Under the correct environmental conditions, the crystal will connect to the surrounding particles and extend its lattice in the arche-

type perfect crystal pattern. (That was probably an awful explanation - sorry chemistry students). Reactions like this are not restricted to the atomic level. Matter, abstract concept as it is,. extends infinitely in all known dimensions. A city, a big glob composed mostly of people and their possessions, is guaranteed to attract more people, and they’ll all connect and reproduce and bounce off each other in evergrowing complexity. The point I’m trying to get across here regards dehumanization and thus greater clarity. Neither people, nor people’s creations, (i.e. God) nor l this planet, sun, solar system or universe has any more relevance than the tiniest quark or whatever ‘smallest unit of matter’ they’ve discovered now. I suppose this article wasn’t well . oriented toward decrying religion, was it? Sorry folks, I can’t keep up this red-hot slavering anti-theistic barrage for months on end. I need to diversify, change the column’s title maybe. On the other hand, does anyone want to continue reading this little blurb? I could keep it up during workterm if you like, what do you say, any interest? Let me know. If.. say, 60 per cent of the letters over the next four weeks want me to keep spouting my outdated and bleak dogma, I’ll keep putting in the hours each week. Speak up, little entities. Be proud of the matter you’ve accumulated.


“1 can’t keep up this red-hot slavering antitheistic barrage for months. .”


JON specia/


WILMNG to lmpflht

magine waking up to enjoy your weekend while on your co-op work term, You were out the night before and maybe feeling a little queasy from the dehydration that turns your body to rock. The sun is shining, the birds are singing. You open the door to step out onto your porch for a breath of the sobering morning air-only to find a decapitated cat, head on one side of the lawn, body on the other. A nightmare for you, but reality for some UW co-op students living in the North York/Scarborough region this term. At first, I liked living in North York because it’s not really Toronto. It may be a part of the Megacity, but it’s not in the core where the socalled ‘crazies’ roam the streets. .In fact, most UW co-op students live in North Toronto because most of the affordable housing exists on the outskirts of the city. The events in the past three months may drive these students south in subsequent co-op ventures. The ‘Scarborough Rapist’ welcomed me to North York this term, not literally, but the essence was ce+inly visible. Front pages of newspapers splashed continuous stories describing his latest attacks in Scarborough, comparing the crimes to those of Paul Bernardo. The bedroom was not a place of security, especially for young women, I believe the theory is that North Toronto cannot go a day without a major criminal act. Moments after police arrested a rape suspect, a kitty killer came back to town. The crazy was here in the summer, took a bit of a hiatus, and has now returned to North York


to continue prowling cats at night. Many NorthYorkresidents have awoken to the site of torn cats scattered before their house. This sounds like a joke, but it’s no laughing matter for cat owners. Never will you see a cat roaming the streets at night in North York again. Just two weeks ago, a human skull was found in a ravine. Since then, there has been a shooting at a local high school and numerous robberies. And, yes, the ‘cat burglar’ is still loose. North Toronto must have a crazy magnet hovering over the city somewhere. In my house, one of my housemates was evicted for relieving his sexual frustrations on others’ laundry. Students are quickly learning the ways of shuttle buses. Now, on Sundays, the subway doesn’t run any further North than York Mills because of construction of a new subway line to Scarborough. There will be even a more direct route for crazies to travel from North York to Scarborough in 2002! If you’re looking for a place to live in Toronto for the winter term, you might think twice about housing north of the city’s core. But then again, it seems wherever you go in Toronto, you are always in the city’s core. Make sure your house or apartment has strong locks on the doors and windows. Consider how far you have to walk to get to public transportation or to get to work. Usually, the bad side of town is the east or the west side. For Toronto, it’s the north side. The scare of North York was certainly solidified on Halloween night we didn’t have one single trick-or-treater at our door. Now I’m eating Crispy Crunches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. .

Warriors defeat top ranked Mustangs Get ready for battle of Waterloo number two ADAM STANLEY specia/ to h?iyxfhf


n November 6, the underdog Waterloo Warriors defeated the top-ranked Western Mustangs by a score of 35-2 1, shocking the rest of the nation with the biggest upset of the year. And so, for the fourth consecutive year, the Warriors will advance to the OUA Championship game to play for the Yates Cup. Western jumped out in front early in the first quarter. With ten minutes still remaining, Fabian Rayne had scored two touchdowns. D@t-vu swept over fans and players as they watched last year’s Yates cup game unravel before their eyes. The Mustang machine was rumbling full tilt and everyone knew that it would take a golden effort by any defense to stop them. Last Saturday, a gold and black one did. For the next two and a half quarters, the Waterloo defense would hold the Mustangs to a standstill until a touchdown run by Scott Crawtey would set Western’s total points of the day at 21. It was not enough for them to leave the game as victors. What would happen in the meantime would prove to be spectacular. It wouldn’t have been a Waterloo game if Ryan Wilkinson

hadn’t scored a touchdown himself. He did on a three-yard dive which starred the Warriors’ comeback. Playing with a broken bone in his arm, Wilkinson stated, “It hurts on the snap and whenever I pitch to Bradley,” but no onecould tell as he played an exceptional game. On an interesting note, Wilkinson only threw the ball four times during the whole game, none of which were complete. All of Waterloo’s gained yards were rushing.

Waterloo 35 Western 2 1 The turning point in Waterloo’s victory was a blocked punt by Nate Martin in the second quarter, Head Coach Chris Triantafilou promised a blocked punt before the game and he delivered as linebacker Martin came crashing down on the ball as it left the toe of Mustang punter Mike O’Brien. Mike Laporte gave the ball a kick before he scooped it up and scored a touchdown. This play tied the score I4- 14 and got

the Warrior momentum rolling. Mike Laporte also saved the Warriors from another Mustang touchdown by intercepting a pass just three yards from his end zone. f-le then ran 5 1 yards to start the Warriors on another full-adrenaline offensive drive. Waterloo nlayed an astounding game with respect to penalties. They lost only 30 yards during the whole game, a great improvernent since the regular season -they really made a mark on the scoreboard, After fumbling the ball five times, giving up an interception and having zero yards passing, there are two words to explain why Waterloo beat the number one ranked WesternMustangs: Mike Bradlev. Mike was the key offensive player in last Saturday’s game. Mike had promised a fan over 200 yards the Wednesday before the game and completely delivered after running the ball 2 17 yards on 25 carries. He scored three consecutive touchdowns to bring Waterloo ahead by 21 points in the second half. Early in the fourth quarter, Mike juggled the ball during a handoff and showed everyone why his nickname is “The Missile. n He turned on the jets and sprinted 62 yards into the end zone for Waterloo’s insurance points. It was fitting that continued

to page




Imprint, Friday,Novembert 2, 1999

Badgershave no balls to vollev KATE

8CHWA88 hqm..f slan


s the smell of popcorn filled the PAC gym on Friday, November 5, the women’s volleyball team faced off against the Brock Badgers in a match that the Warriors would win, three games to one. Although there were not many fans sitting in the crowd, there was definitely two very supportive fans cheering on the Warriors. These two women did everything from cheering to growling at the women on the court. It certainly added to the game. In the first game, the Warriors took thelead early. The blocking duo of Agnes Magolon and Lori Brubacher proved essential, as did the key tips of Kristyn St. Onge. Kelly Zalec had some great serves and Brubacher helped with mrne amazing offensive plays including both serves and spikes. Brock had communication trou-

ble in the first game which allowed easy plays tu frustrate the volleyballers. Several times the ball dropped as two players watched it fall between them. A few substitutions and a few missed plays resulted in a Warrior win, 25-18. The spirit on and off the bench was strong. The better playing of Brock made the second game a little more difficult for the Warriors to win. Brock’s good eyes helped them in this for balls that were game -watching far out of bounds. The game had some excellent rallies and good plays from Brock’s side. Frustration continued to plague the Badgers as they produced strong spikes the Warriors showed no problem in blocking. The duo of Ami Barras and Magolon was essential to stopping the Badger offense while the Warrior offense was aided by strong plays from Brubacher, excellent tips by St. Onge and the diving saves of Kim Hargrove. Although it

Offensive plays are whatwon the Warriors this match against Brock. was a close game, the Wartiors prevailed 25-21 over the Badgers. Despite the frustration of the Badger team early on in the third game, they would eventually slip by the Warriors to win it. Warrior setter, Cindy Gee, had some excellent serves and started the game off right for the Warriors, racking up six points before giving Brocka chance to serve. The ever powerful Brubacher had some strong mid-court spikes which proved difficuk for the Badgers to handle but a few costly errors on the part of the Warriors saw the Badgers creep up.

WithBrock’snormally-goodvolleyball skills reaching a high point in this game, the Warriors were faced with some dazzling rallies. The excitement of the fans and the Warriors was cut short however when the Badgers took this game, 25-20. Not wanting to lose to the Badgers, the Warriors took to the court ready for battle. More good serves from Zalec and Gee helped the Warriors finish off the Badgers. Again, Brubacher served up power and spikes in the Warrior offense. Serving seemed the key ingredient in the Warrior recipe for a win and St.

Onge once again added her fair share to the pot. Getting a little over-anxious near the end of the game proved costly as Brock raised the score. With a little excitement and a lot of team spirit the Warriors put the Badgers away, 2547. Following the women’s game the men played a game against alumni volleyball players. The next game for the Warrior women is on November 17 against McMaster where the women will be joining the men’s team in a night of action. Game time is at 6 p.m. in the PAC gym.

FallinglikefIies. Brockwas nowhere near the ball all night.

East meets West


fter solidifying our claim as the best team in the OUA quash Western Division, it was time to find out how good we really were compared, to the East Division. i This past weekend the Waterloo Warriors were pitted against the four teams from the Eastern Division - McGill, Queen’s, Toronto, and Ryerson. The tournament was held at the Ryerson Recreational Activities Complex (RAC) on November 5 and 6. The first opponent was Toronto, While this rivalry always brings out the best players in each of us, it was Toronto’s turn to enjoy the outcome. Toronto was victorious over



fur UW& WLU upen at 2.00 PM

and $5 G&es


school students

Waterloowitha51 victory although the actual games were much closer than the score suggests. The next uopponent,n and I use that term loosely, was the host team itself Ryerson. The Warriors walked over Ryerson with a convincing 6-O victory+ In fact, Ryerson did not even manage to win a single game in any of the six matches! McGill was the first scheduled match-up on Sunday morning. While attempting to play squash at 9 a.m. has always proved to be a challenge for everyone, we managed to win two of the six matches. The two wins proved to be vital after the weekend was over as it was the determinant in the overall standings. Queen’s was the final opponent for the weekend. It was a hard fight against Queen’s and unfortunately we could do no


than a 3-3 tie in the matches. After the weekend, unofficial rankings place Waterloo in fourth over;all in the OUA. We are two points above the fifth place team. The,fourth place ranking is acceptable for now since the top four advance to the playoffs, although a second or third place finish in the regular season bodes well for the playoffs since then we won’t have to play the invincible Mustangs who have-won the OUA championships with relative ease for over a decade. Regardless of the outcome, the Warriors



worked on for the next be held in Waterloo in The next tournament 24-25 at the University Ontario and training nament has begun.


to be

Crossover to mid-January. is November of Western for that tour-

2 ~.



Finishing the seasonCana ian stv Warrior field hockev places fifth at CIAU Championship J


he Waterloo Warriors women’s field hockey season finally came to an end this past weekend at the National Championships. Entering the tournament, the Warriors were ranked sixth out of six teams. This placed them in a pool with third ranked University of Toronto and second ranked University of Victoria. The first match on Friday morning pitted Waterloo against OUA rivals, U of T. Both teams came out strong, but were unable to score.

After two 35 minute halves, the game ended tied at O-O. Goalie Leslie Alexander earned the shutout and player of the match honours were awarded ro sweeper Amy Adair. Waterloo faced UVic in the second match on Friday. Unfortunately, the Victoria Vikes had fresh legs and came out determined to win after being upset I-O in Thursday’s pool playbyUofT. Itshouldalsobenoted that Victoria has 10 of 11 starters with experience at either the junior national or national teams. Despite strong defensive efforts, UVic managed to knock in three unanswered goals before the clock ran out. Player

Finhtin~forthe win, the Warriors pushed hard.


of the Match was Dawn Culverson. This put the Warriors in the fifth/sixth-place game against fifthranked University of New Brunswick on Sunday. Here, the women were determined to finish their season on a high note. Early in the first half, Joanne Fernandes banged one in to bring the score to 1-O. In the second half, Laurie Good added another goal for some insurance. The game ended 2-O. Alexander again earned the shutout. Player of the Match was Irene McConville. In the other games on Sunday, University of Alberta upset W of T 3 0. for the bronze and University bf British Columbia beat UVic 1-O to earn the gold, Other CIAU honours were handed out at last Wednesdays banquet. Amy Adair was named as a first team All-Canadian and Joanne Fernandes was chosen for the second team. Rookie sensation Robin Leslie was awarded the Joyce Slipp Rookie of theYear award. Amy Adair was also selected as a tournament ali. star. This marked the last field hockey season as a Warrior for four of the Waterloo crew. All of these women were key to the success of the team this season. Sue Kitto, native of Brisbane has been the best international import for the Warriors this year.

Driving the bal t down the field is as easy as pie. I-Ier consistent hard work at midfield made her a player the Warriors could always depend on to come away with the ball. Kitchener local Laurie Good is leaving after five years. Her contri butlons as a offensive powerhouse will be missed on the front line. New Dundee native Irene McConvilIe will be endmg her university hockey career after four years. Her strong leadership and hard working attitude was an example for many of the young members of the team. Lastly, the Warriors say good-

bye to Amy Adair. Amv IS quite possibly the best female athlete this umversity has ever seen. 3ne has been named five times as a i~rl;t team AllCanadian, a feat which is unprecedented at Waterloo. r-ier leadership and outstandmg SKI\~S will be greatly missed.. Congratulation., ;i) coaches Sharon Creelman, Liz Clzenczek an t Linda Mowat for pllocm~ their teal! to a fantastic season ancl d fifth placranking at the CIAUs. Congratul., tions to all team membc as.

Waterloo suffersWesternstampedeof goals JOHN SWAN /mpr/~ staff


n a bright and sunny November 7, a mean looking posse of players from the University of Western Ontario came to the Columbia Icefields and sought Dave Cressman’s injury plagued ice hockey squad. The Mustangs, under the guidance of Clark Singer and led by goaltender Denver England, were seeking their sixth win in the young season. They got it in style, dominating the Warriors from start to finish. The finai score was 7-l for the Mustangs. From the opening face-off to the final siren, the Mustangs gave a brutal clinic to the Warriors. The trouble for Waterloo began 84 seconds into the game when Jay Henry bumped Adam Richards. The result of this transgression was a two minute penalty. Henry’s sojourn in the penalty box lasted a mere eight seconds because Jeffery Wroble managed tp get the puck off the face-off from Jeff Petrie and lifted the puck over Jason Willard. Two minutes later, Phil Willard and Jeffery Hare got into a high stick altercation, but only the Warrior got called for roughing. This denalty lead to a power play goal by Chris George, with help from Rob Frost and Darren Mortier. It was not until the fifth minute of the period when Waterloo would get their first shot off. The shot, made by Ryan Painter, was easily saved by

England. The Warriors would eventually catch England off guard. With 7:38 left in the first period, Rob Marie blasted the puck right into the net and there was nothing England could do about it. This would be the only goal Waterloo would score. A minute later, Western restored its two-goal lead after Shaun Fairweather slipped the black biscuit past Jason Willard’s stick side. At the end of the first, Western enjoyed a three-goal lead. The pain and suffering for Cressman’s squad would begin in the fifth minute of the second period when Mike McIllveen roughed up a Mustang and received a major for his trouble. Western would welcome this opportunity to take advantage of

tunately, defending his second shot, Unwin was fooled by Frost. Two minutes later, when the Warriors had a power play, Petrie registered a short-handed goal by blasting the puck past Unwin. The last goal of the game would come from Chris George who neatly guided the puck into the lower left corner of the net. Western enjoyed a half dozen-goal surplus at the end of the second period. The third period would be the best one for the Warriors, although this may be due to a lack of intensity by the Mustangs. Although the Warriors did not get any goals, they at least prevented the Mustangs from scoring their eighth of the game. The game took quite a rough turn, as frustration for the Warriors esca-

It was not a lack of effort that killed Waterloo but the depleted line-up. Waterloo’s error, as the Mustangs scored two power play goals. The first of these two goals came from Eric Thompson, who caught Jason Willard napping. After this goal by Thompson, Cressman decided to spare Jason Willard any more pain and sent in Ryan Unwin to try and stop the Western onslaught. Unfor-

lated. Incidents such as Sean Fitzgerald trying to knockdown Kevin Cunning and a little tussie benveen and Jeremy Brandon Moffat Murphy demonstra.ted the frustrated state of the Warriors. With 2: 16 left in the game, the proverbial pot boiled over as a series of brawls began. As the whistle blew, Warriors




Westill kickedWestern’sass in football. and Mustangs came together and started pushing and shoving. Moffat, Jeffery Hare, Thompson and Joel Widmeyer all got early showers. When the smoke cleared, Western enjoyed a 7-l thrashing of the Warriors. The mood in the Warrior dressing room was somber, especially with suspensions immenent. Dave Cressman stated plainly, “The referee (Christopher) was a deciding factor in that it was 2-O before our eyes. Western is too talented a team to give up two goals.” The Warriors’ objective was to either win or tie the third





was glad to report did happen. Cressman also reported, “Too bad things got out of hand.” It was not a lack of effort that killed Waterloo but the depleted line-up due to injury. Western’s new coach, Clark

Singer, was jubilant about the WIR. Singer acknowledged, “I think WAterloo’s goaltending wasn’t there today. We also got a few breaks and they didn’t.” Singer sang the praises of Denver England and Chris George. In fact;Singer said, “George was our player of ,the game.” Singer gave Waterloo credit for sticking around and playing hard when the gamegot out of hand. OnNovember 12, the Warriors will head to London to try and exact I revenge on the Western Mustangs at , 7:30 p.m. On November 14, Waterloo will entertak





Lancers at the Columbia Icefields. The game will commence at 2:00 p.m. These two !hould be excellent matches, so don’t miss any! Come on out and show your Warrior spirit.



Imprint, Friday, November 12, 1999

ShowingWestern how ii’s done E

Touchdown! (And there’s more where that came from!) continued




Bradley ran past every player and coach on Western’s sideline before stepping into the end zone. All they could do was watch and wait for Waterloo to remove any hopes for the rest of their season. Bradley was the CHCH OnTV player of the game and thanked the offensive line for their efforts and assistance in an interview after the game. If it were not for the efforts of Jason Tibbits, Western’s offence would have made a bigger impact on the scqreboard. Tibbits had eight unassisted tackles and changed the tide of battle by intercepting a desperate O’Brien pass and running it 39 yards. Eddie Kim was back in uniform and was very prominent on the field. The crowd favourite drew many smiles as he muscled his way through K’estern defense 11 times to gain 70 v&;rds. Wilkinspn commented that it was great that Kim was playing again because of his many years experi-

ence against the Western team. In the fourth quarter, Western figured out a play that Waterloo couldn’t seem to stop. The wide receiver would run five yards up the field and cut across and catch a reception midfield for a gain of about 1015 yards. This worried the Waterloo bench as they knew the game was far from over. The great defense proved itself as it held Western to just 21 points. The Warriors had the last play of the game and Ryan Wilkinson knelt on the ball twice watching as the time clock ran down to zero. Waterloo will face Wilfrid Laurier for the OUA Championship game at University Stadium. The game is scheduled to start at 3:OO p.m. and fans are encouraged to wear black and gold. Tickets can be purchased at the Laurier Athletics Department. Besure tocheckout the Warriors webpage at http:// www.warriorfootball.uwaterloo.ca/ Get out there tomorrow and show your Warrior spirit.

ngland and Scotland. There are no two nations that have a rivalry so intense as between these two teams. It is this rivalry that has made popular such names as Robert Bruce, Bonnie Prince Charles, Mary Queen of Scats, Elizabeth of England and Robert Burns. Recently, football players have replaced swords when one hears about a battle between these two nations. StartingNovember 13, there will be another chapter in this historic riv&y between the Scats and the hated Sassenachs. The stakes, though, will not be for some friendly cup, but for a spot in Euro 2000, which will be held in Belgium and the Netherlands. The rivalry between the Scats and the English (as far as football is concerned) began back on November 30,18 72, with Scotland victorious by a final score of 2-O. Ever since then, England and Scotland have been playing a match for bragging rights. These sets of matches continued until 1989, when the cup was discontinued due to hooliganism. Ever since that fateful date, there have not been many matches between these two rivals. The last match occurred in 1996 in Birmingham, where the English defeated the Scats 2-O. Now, the Scats and Eng#sh fight again for dominance of the British Isles. Scotland, it has been said, is a team that has 11 good individuals, who are not a team. Under Craig Brown, the men in tartan hope to disprove this notion and prevent the

“auld enemy” from reaching Euro 2000. Ever since Andy Goram retired and Jim Leighton of Aberdeen withdrew from the squad, the duties of keeping the ball from the back off the net now lies with Jonathan Gould of Celtic and Neil Sullivan of Wimbledon, The defence for Scotland will consist of Colin Hendry of Rangers, Colin Calderwood of Aston Villa, Christian Dailly of Blackburn Rovers

Let’s defeat those English * bastards! and David Weir of Everton. As for potential scoring threats, the Scats will rely on Everton’s John Collins, who has scored 12 gtials in international tilts. England will also have to watch out for potential threats in Celtic’s Craig Burley, Everton’s Don Hutchinson and Newcastle United’s forward Kevin Gallacher. With talent like that, England will not underestimate the tartan squad. England, on the other hand, will be expected to defeat the Scats quite easily. Kevin Keegan, coach of the English national squad, has a good variety of talent to turn to. The goalkeeper for England will be Arsenal’s David Seaman, an excellent player who has acquired many caps for the

Three Lions. To keep David Seaman from being too busy, Keegan has employed Tottenham Hotspur’s Sol Campbell, Aston Villa’s Gareth Southgate and Manchester United’s Paul Neville, three defensemen of renown in the Premiership. As for scoring, Keegan has certainly done very well, picking Paul Scholes of Manchester United, Paul Ince of Middlesborough, Alan Shearer of Newcastle United, Michael Owen of Liverpool and Kevin Phillips of Sunderland. The most impressive and most noticeable of this lot is “Manchester United Spice” and president of the Argentinian Lovers’ Club, IXvid Beckham. With this much talent, one must ask the question, “Does Scotland stand a chance against the loathsome English?” While England is battling the Scats, there are three other matches that will determine who will enter Euro 2000, Israel will be a severe underdog against Denmark, especially since Sporting Lisboa’s Peter Schmichael has returned, The Irish will engage European outsiders Turkey. Slovenia and Ukraine, two newly formed nations, will decide who will represent the youngest members of the union of European Football Associitions in Euro 2000. As good as these matches are, none can compare to the spectacle that England and Scotland will hold. The first game will be on November 13 at Hampton Park. On November 17, the second leg will be at Wembley Stadium. Now, let’s defeat those English bastards!

Secondin Ontario

Women’s rugby team heads for Cuelph WOMRN’S RUGBY TRAM


to hpM?t


ast weekend the women’s rugby team made their first trip to the OUA finals in their three year history to face the undefeated Gryphons in Guelph. When the two teams met earlier this season the game resulted in a I7 - 17 tie, so the Warriors knew this team was beatable. The game began and finished in a similar fashion. Guelph put points on the board and then Waterloo caught up. The problem was that. Waterloo was playing reactive rugby. The Warriors allowed Cuelph to make plays and then played defense. The Warriors reacted fairly well, but it gave Guelph the opportunity to always be a step ahead. In the second half things were lookingbetter for the Warriors. Good decisions were being made and the Warriors kept creating opportunities for themselves.



who had already scored in the first half was able to score again. Annette Vieira also had a try. Kerri Webb was able to make converts on two tries. Good tackling and a strong defensive effort were put forth by Trish Green


who was voted MVP for rhe game. Unlike Cuelph though, the Warriors just couldn’t continue to make things happen. Always trailing by a try, the Warriors just ran out of time. It was a battle from start to finish and the team never gave up, but at the end of the day, they just didn’t have enough. Although the loss was upsetting, second place in the province is nothing to be ashamed of, The team also knewxhat this wasn’t their best rugby and they had a second chance waiting. The Warriors still qualified for the *Nationals to be held in Guelph from November 12 - 14. Waterloo will be playing among the best six rugby teams in the country, includ-

ing: McGill and Concordia from Quebec, St. Francis Xavier from the East, Alberta from the West and of course, Waterloo and Guelph from Ontario. Your women’s rugby team is one of the best in the country and are striving for a national title, The Warriors begin with two games on Friday: 12:30 p.m. against McGill and 3:00 p.m. against St. F-X. The outcome of these games will determine the Warriors’ match-ups on Saturday and then Sunday. So make the trip to Guelph and support your Warriors on their path

to a national championship. For information about game times contact the University of Guelph athletics department. Good luck to our women at the CLAUS.


Imprint, Friday, November 12, 1999


Leadersof the Week HalIowe?en



to Heather,

who survived almost reffing, convening and playing and congratulations to all the players for a genuinely awesome tournament. See you all next term!

24 hours of volleyball


he Campus Recreation volleyball tournament kicked off with some scary roundrobin action on Hallowekn and concluded this past Sunday. The enthusiasm of the 19 teams (possibly a CR record!) was evident throughout the two full days of action. Following round robin action, the East D Boys and Girls led the I2 teams in the coed division with the maximum six points. Dem Chems closely trailed with five points and The Neo Geos, East Three, and Boyz on the Syde all followed with four points each. Semifinal action involved East D Boys and Girls defeating VSA and All Sorts taking out The Neo Geos. In the final match East D Boys and Girls prevailed defeating All Sorts in two straight sets by scores of 25-U and 2S-II. In the open division, Creme Glacee led the way into the playoffs with six points followed by Mennoknights and Pumpkin Spikers with four points each. During the semifinals, Mennoknights defeated Pumpkin Spikers while Creme Glacee destroyed Siroco. The open division championship between Creme Glacee and Mennoknights was a dazzling display of volleyball from both teams. At the end of the day, Creme Glacee melted, losing to the Mennoknigh ts in two straight sets (25 - 17 and


Competitive Soccer Final Report Soccer for Fall hascome to anend. Through sunshine and balmy temperatures to hail, snow and cold degree weather, we’ve made it. Congratulations to all the players and referees for completing a great season. The champions Al Division: A2 Division: Bl Division: B2 Division: B3 Division: B4 Division: C I Division: C2 Division: D 1 Division: D2 Division:

for Fall ‘99 are: Engineering Strength Offsyde Geoffrey and the Toggers Andy Brown’s Pants Dirt Movers Waterlogged Chema Sutra Mystery Men The Lemmings 2A Civ’s.

Your soccer fix doesn’t have to stop when the snow falls. Campus Recreation has indoor soccer in the Winter term and we’re also looking for more referees (sign up in the PAC 203 9). Once again, thanks for a great season!


Ryan is a devoted official and captain in the CR soccer league. He puts in more than ten hours each weekend refereeing in all types of wealher and his team recently captured the A Division title. If that wasn’t enough, Ryan also was recognized this past week as the Captain’s Choice award winner for most vaiuable soccer referee.

Mopping up the court with the Gryphons


n Wednesday, November 10, the women’s basketball team kicked off their regulir season in excellent form, the Guelph Gryphons by a score of

downing 59-5s. Going into the game, Waterloo was facing the spectre of a two year winless drought against the Gryphs. Undaunted by history, the Warriors hit the throttle early and jumped out to an 11-4 lead. Guelph began to battle back,


Steve Coulter Now in his third year of Engineering, Steve has been involved with the Outers Club since arriving at UW. From the beginning, Steve has volunteered by maintaining and staffing the equipment room and offering his time and expertise to help members. His knowledge and outstanding dedication to the Outers Club are truly appreciated by everyone!

Athletes of the Week

Warriors pulled away for the remainder of the game. Despite the best efforts of Guelph, the Warriors managed to hit two free throws with two seconds remaining to closing out the win nicely. For Guelph, it was all about Pat Marcello, who scored 24 points and hauled down 13 rebounds. Marcello also had a couple of spirited discussions with the referees concerning fouls, nearly earning herself a technical foul on more than one occasion. Waterloo’sscorecard was a bit more baL anced. Leslie Mitchell contributed 13 points

The score bounced back and forth, never going beyond more than

five points for either team.

Mike Warrior

Bradley Football

year Arts student from Haliburton, Mike led the Warriors to a stunning upset over A third

however, and closed the gap. The Warriors and the Gryphons then settled down and dug in for a.trench war. No rebound went unconteste’d and no loose ball was left without attempt. The score bounced back and forth, never going beyond more than five points for either team. At the end of an exhausting half a battered Warrior squad stood ahead 34-30. The second half saw the Gryphs jump

and four rebounds, while Laura Duskocy, Nicole Consitt and Melissa Famme had eight points .each. Warriors Coach Tom O’Brien was “thrilled” at the win. He was also proud of the depth on the Warrior bench, pointing out that the Warriors played eleven of the fifteen play-

ahead of the Warriors for all of five minutes.

ers on their roster, TheWarriorswillbeinactionagainSaturday, November 13, at 4:OCJp.m. against the. Brock Badgers (“Badgers? Badgers?! We don’t






to get


second and third wind and began tb fight. Once again, the score teeter-tottered, letting neither team savour the lead for more than a minute or so. s Then, with about five minutes left, the

no steenkin’


at the Physical

Activities Complex. This regular season game is also a part of the Naismith basketball tournament Homecoming festivities. Come on out and support the fastestrising teams in Waterloo

sports history.

the number one ranked Western Mustangs 35 i 1. Mike played his best game of the year rushing for 217 yards and three touchdowns, disappointing the hometown crowd at the last game at historic J.W. Little Stadium. Mike was named to the First Team OUAall-star team and

Am Warrior

Adair %ield Hockey

A fifth year Biotechnology/CharteredAccounting student, Amy led the Warriors to a l-l-1 record this past weekend at the CMU Field Hockey Championship& held at University Stag dium in Waterloo. Waterloo capped off the tournament with a 2-O tin over the University of New Brunswick and finished fifth in the

is the league candidate for the Hec Creighton Award for most outstanding player in Canada. The Warriors will now face cross-town rivals from Laurier for theYates Cup on Saturday at

tournament standings. Amy was named to the ‘tournament all-star team and was also recog nized asa first team All-Canadian for the fifth consecutive year. Amy played an outstamling partin all @ree games and was instrumental in


the Warriors



Croonin’ the night away . DerekHineshits town again Derek Hines with Danny Michel Waterloo Stage Theutre November 5,1999 MARK

A. /mp..f



he atmosphere was crisp, the mood lighting was trippy and the sweet sounds of Derek Hines blew the stiff crowd away at the Waterloo Stage Theatre, highlighting his superb vocal talent and the incredible musicality of his sixperson back-up band. The Theatre’s funky tropical paradise atmosphere kept the crowd fairly sombre even though they were large in number. Despite Hines’ smooth crooning and the great excitement he displayed both physically and vocally,

ner with crowds. Taking Michel’s lyrics alone, one would assume he was a cheesy, cutesy musician. With phrases like Y’ve lost all my faith in this flood, so I’ve put it all in you, so, drown me, drown me with your love” many would assume he was a top-40 wonder with little originality or musical talent. These assumptions were blown away by Michei’sraw, energeticability tosarcastically portray his lyrics and enrapture his audience into his style, not his content. Another highlight of Michel’s brilliant set was Rob Carli, soprano saxophonist and clarinetist whose smooth accompaniment added nicely to Michel’s style. Mostly improvising, Carli’s adept use of chords provided a unique backdrop for the artistry of Michel’s vocals and bass. Hines took the stage

ard “My Funny Valentine” and classic’(yet not typicaily jazz) “The Rainbow Connection.” Hines’ band was rhythmically unified and showcased a skilled pianist and an incredibly controlled trumpeter. The walking bass s h o n e through many arrangements allowing the audience to grasp the clear style of the genre. The nice, tight instrumentals were complemented by movement artists Neesa Kenemy and Allison Plamandon. Hines met the two danc-


ated. Like Adam Sandler v meets Sting with ten times the talent, Michel combines a childish joy of music with witty, sarcastic and well-crafted lyrics. Despite his self-professed ‘awful piano-playing,’ Michel clearly knows that his downto-earth approachable style is a win-




vocal genre. Hines was always a step ahead of what was coming, manipulating his voice to meet his band’s choral gredations. Hines’ vocal talent is calculated, however still gives great freedom for the style to take control. Hines’ set included jazz stand-

Although jazz is often considered a style of tradition and stolen riffs, Hines portrayed his thoughtful artistry in the genre and gave creedance to his talents as a modern jazz per-

Hines proved he is clearly very at home in the jazz verve and in the vocal genre. -

bar. Highlighting a


ers in a show he appeared in this summer. Despite their interestingcostumes and clear talent, the dancers proved too abstract to truly compli-

he final year of the millennium is fast approaching, and how will the recording industry mark the massive roll-over of digits? If the country that brought us the Spice Girls has its way, you should be afraid-very afraid. Perhaps you’ve heard of themEngland’s latest prodigy-a fearsome female foursome whose members want to be bigger than their spicy predecessors. Their name: BreZe. And while they may not win any spellingbees, the pop band has landed a 6500,000 recording contract. Sporting puffy silver jackets emblazoned with their band name, the BreZe members certainly dress and act like their older competition (well, ex-competition). Provided you ignore the fact

ment Hines’ talent. Their often awkward movements added little to the overall performance and were generally difficult to understand. Hines, seemed lost amidst the centre-stage dance performance.

that the oldest member is 11 and the youngest is 9. The first thought to run through my head when I. heard this: what the hell are thesepromoters thinking? While the Spice Girls may not have been the most talented performers in the world, at least they looked good. (Mute buttons were invented with them in mind.) On the other-hand, not only is BreZe on the wrong end of puberty, but they can’t even sing about sex: the anti-kiddie-porn lobby would be all over them like a fat kid on a Smartie! The posSibility of this foursome covering “Wanna Be” should be enough to scare those with even the poorest musical taste into a celibate lifetime of Kenny G. Could they sing about love? “There’s a cute boy in the schoolyard / He likes to call me names / I tell my friends I hate him/But he’s kinda cute all the same.” Insert gagging sound

. $~~~$~~~~itf~

unresponsive crowd, Hines was clearly appreciated and the concert definitely showcased his talent and performance abilities. The show was a nice package of local talent which gave life to smooth and well-produced vocal and arranging ability. Hines. and Michel have bright futures both here and abroad especially considering their unique style and range,

here. They could sing about diugs. Maybe. (Remember “Pass the Dutchie”?) God knows how much crack E500,OOO could buy. Somehow I can’t see them bumping off Marley as the reefer mood-music of choice though. What does that leave? Endless songs about fun? About how great it is to be a kid and to get what you always wanted for your birthday? About how much “I wanna dance”? If they can keep this up for five years, the oldest will be almost as respectable asBritney Spears (provided someone doesn’t invoke child-labour laws in the meantime). But if they do become a pop sensation before getting their first driver’s license, the world truly does deserve to end next year and the year won’t have been the only thing to roll over.

Imprint, Friday, November



I 999


Why can’t we all be advocates? I



mber Swift is an independent Toronto musician and song writer with a lot to say, She is extremely talented and evokes admiration for her intelligence, wit, social and political commentary, nonconvention, and song writing ability. Ember’s new album, Pemzanettt Marker, was released in October. We sat one night in a favourite Toronto haunt of Ember’s and discussed the album, as well as a number of other topics.

times, yes?

I: Do people tell you that you should be moresubtle? E: No. Sometimes there are subtleties in the works. There are images that can be taken several ways, and I mean them to be taken several ways. Sometimes there are metaphors that are really subtle. No, people don’t tell me to be more sub-

I: Do you think about how people aregoing to react to your songs? E: Ye&


1 Certainly

Swift strikes

write my lyrics hoping that I’m communicating and reaching people. I know that some of the lyrics are

up SOme controversy.

really controversial. Not everybody’s going to like this; it’s definitely a

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I: Your lyrics are very conuersationul as well. E: Thank you. Conversational is a compliment because it’s about communicating. If the song sounds conversational, ehan it sounds down-to-earth, right? It’s not so much about pretentious poetry that you have to read so carefully to understand or you have to listen to a hundred times before you’re like, “Ohhh, that’s what she means!”

E: Sortof, because the music comes and goes and stops and starts and changes tune and timing and bounces around. But I think it’s good that way; that’s the way it’s supposed to be. It should be exactljr what inspires me and influences me. And if that: is something that people find hard to hear, then just don’t listen.



totally different take on music. It’s style-bouncing, it’s rhythm-merging, it’s social and political.

I: Your umied and eclectic mtlsicul influences creep into your songs ad youget &i&d for that some-

Imprint: YOM and Lyndell Montgomety run your label completely oti your own, Plus, you do ail of the creutivestufi Howdo youstifffimw?e time to go into the studio andgo gigging? Ember: How do you find time to do the. things you need to do? How do find time to do the things you love? Look at all the shows you go see and


An interviewwith EmberSwift

all the writing you do and all the work you have to get through. You end up getting through it ‘cause you love it, right? It’s a labour of love.




tie. It’s definitely not my style; I’m not very subtle. This medium is very immediate. It’s not like a painting that sits on a wall and you can stare at for several hours. A song is two and a half to five minutes long; sometimes eight minutes long if it’s Ember’s music; and you have to be able to communicate, especially if it’s live. I: What kindofmdiencesdo you have? You’ve been toall ofyoursbows, so you would km w. E: That’s avery good line. I have been to all my shows! A lot of the music is about social messages and personal strength, so I think lots of young people-male and femalereally relate to it. The younger audience is iooking for something new and different. They want something that they’re not being spoon-fed. By about l?’ or 18, you start to understand that the continued

on page 34

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Imprint, Friday, November 12, I999


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Crazysoundsat the Bomber


reat shouts, stutters, hisses, whispers, screams, drones, and utter nonsense was flung out into the dim of the Bombshelter on Monday night. These sounds bounced off the wall, floor, ceiling and the crowd gathered there to witness the phenomena of sound poetry by three renowned poets in the field. Sound poetry, for those who may not know, is unlike regular poetry in the sense that sound, and not necessarily coherent language, is expressed. The movement sprung from various areas, including tribal chants and nonsense songs and was brought into the 20th century by groups such as the Futurists and the Dadaists. As poet W. MarkSutherland began, some of the shadowy faces around the stage expressed reverence, others curiosity, mirth, and some even disgust. No one appeared to be unaffected by the performance that initially consisted of what seemed like a painful attempt to get something out, much like stuttering, and degenerated into mere. sounds derived from the initial few words. Much of Sutherland’s performance incorporated a monkey-like sound, but this monkey wasn’t having any fun. Sometimes the monkey sounded like it was in fear of it’s life, or like it may have been mating. A faint snickering and giggling was expressed by the audience during Sutherland’s performance, to which the poet told the audience “you can actually laugh you know, you don’t have to hold it in.” The tension the audience had been holding, unsure whether to take the poets seriously or not, dropped and the rest of the show proceeded with periods of

laughter and respectful silence, depending on the sound. The second performance was by Nobuo Kubota. While Sutherland and Paul Dutton, the third poet to perform, worked to some extent from written text, Kubota used sound only. No actual words were used, only a kind of gibberish. Kubota also made full use of facial expressions and body movement. Once, to the delight of the audience, he lowered himself, knees bent and legs spread to either side of him, then proceeded to shake is head vigorously from side to side, letting his jaw drop and a sound emerge. He looked like acrazy, drugged out Samurai warrior, After a brief duet of sorts by Sutherland and Kubota, Paul Dutton found the stage. Dutton’s performance was breathtaking at moments. In one piece he managed to create the eerie illusidn that more than one person was making sounds. It sounded how one might imagine a group of Inuit people chanting to s&nd7a droning noise filled the background and high pitched sounds broke in. The final performance consisted of a coL laborative piece by all three poets. Each brought his unique repertoire of sounds to the mix, which left the audience tr$ng to piece together. a conversation of sorts-except of course that each person spoke in fragments of words, sputters, drones, and shrieks. Imagine a monkey, a bagpipe and a crazy Samurai warrior holding a conversation. The sound of applause ended the evening, as the three poets stepped down. It was clear from the chat afterwards that the performanqe’ had been -a treat for sound poetry enthusiasts and an evening to ponder for new-come& to the scene.

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l I

Rolling out the Jungle beats W

hat is jungle music? Not an easy question, but seeing as how mainstream media ail but ignores electronic music culture, there’s a void of knowledge about jungle music despite the scene’s size. Everyone knows what rap music is, even those who don’t listen to it. The same can’t be said of jungle. Here’s a little known fact: top jungle DJs will draw crowds of 5,000 and over in Toronto. The kids (and their highlysought after dollars) are there every weekend, but the media isn’t. There’s a couple of reasons why this is so (namely image and drugs, but space is limited and this isn’t my point so I’ll get on with it. . . .) Describing jungle (drum and bass) is difficult. I often view jungle as the logical progression of other types of music--if you take house music and double the tempo, double the bass, add lots of snare drum and lose any lame vocals that may be present, you’ll probably end up with some-

thing pretty close to jungle. Jungle DJs are often reformed house or hiphop DJs. You know that scene inStar Wars when Darth Vader is in his fighter, picking off the rebels one by one during the attack on the Death Star? If he had a tape deck in there, I bet he’d be listening to some bassheavy jungle. Check Dot Scott’s fierce “Shadow Boxing” for a better idea of what I’m talking about. In short, jungle is often very dark, fast and heavy. In Canada, jungle could almost be called underground-it has no commercial media or radio support and no video support (except for a few brief months when MuchMusic occasionally dropped Roni Size’s wicked Toronto-shot video for Brown Paper Bag). If you listen closely, though, you’ll hear jungle starting to be used in commercials (for example, the last MTV Video Awards). This kind of thing happened to the Chemical Brothers and Fat Boy Slim before they entered the mainstream, but don’t hold your breath waiting for jungle to come to the Edge. Toronto has one of the biggest

jungle scenes in the world-second only to jungle’s birthplace, London. In fact, top UK DJ’s regularly play to crowds in Canada that are larger than the ones in England. Jungle is best heard at the club or party where DJs usually work with MCs who freestyle and keep the crowd hyped. Jungle is truly interactivewhen a tune blows up the floor, the massive response lets the MC know and the MC gets the DJ to rewind the tune-I’ve seen DJs rewind the same track two or three times before the crowd will let the show go on. The reason that Toronto’s scene is so large is 100 percent due to the incredible Toronto DJ talent. Toronto DJs and MCs headline parties across North America and can hold their own against even the top UK names. You can check out jungle beats on CKMS as Mike Kee and I drop jungle and other dance sounds on the Mulletheudz show every Thursday from ten to midnight. We play as many different jungle styles as we can get a hold of every week.

The Bachelor


sually when a lighthearted comedy starts off with so much electricity, so much vivacity, you can expect that, in trying to live up to its opening scenes, it will crash-land. This film doesn’t quite crash-land, but it settles for the conventions that it just can’t ignore. Chris O’Donnell plays Jimmie, a business man who has been seeing Anne (Renee Zellweger) for three years, and he has finally decided that their relationship is at the point where he must make a decision: either marry her or cut things off. He chooses marriage, but his proposal is so lousy that Anne refuses. Then, Jimmie’s uncle (ferociously played by Pefer Ustinov) dies. Before his death, the uncle agrees to leave Jimmie $100 million if he is married by the time he is 30. That leaves him a day and a half to either win back Zellweger .or find a new bride. The film is a remake of Buster Keaton’s more am&ing silent corn-. edy Seven Chances, As such, physical comedy plays an important role early on in The Bachelor, but then it dives into its expected route. The ending is so contrived that it will have you shaking your head or loving it, depending on how you respond to the formula. It is funny enough for me to slightly recommend it, but the best thing about this movie is James Cromwell, the quiet priest who is helplessly drawn along with O’Donnell. He hardly h+s any dialogue, which shows that films can be funny without a lot of talk.

The reason docudramas are rarely made is because a good script can easily be manipulated so that a true ’ story ends up surrounded with lots of spurious details that only Hollywood can bring to a picture. The El430

POP IZI q El U &I El







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hider does not allow these outside influences to take over. It uses them to extract sympathy for a character we should feel sympathy for. Russell Crowe gives one of his best performances as Jeffrey Wigand, a man faced with a life-altering crisis: maintain his security or give it up for the wellbeing of others. Wigand has just lost his job and is being harassed into signing an amendment to his initial confidentiality agreement, Al Pacino plays Lowell Bergman, a 60 Minutes producer who becomes interested in what Wigand has to say about BigTobacco. The year is 1994 and the public does not yet know exactly what harm nicotine can do. Wigand does and Bergman wants to tell his story, but: the red tape people do everything in their power to prevent them. ,, Eventually, Bergman is tested under the strains of his job as he fights to get the 60Minutes interview aired. A leery Mike Wallace (Christopher Plummet is perfect here) is caught between the red tape and his integrity. The central idea of the film is that we live in a society so full of contradictions, provisions, contracts and dupiicitous people that it is difficult, legally, to inform the people of an issue vital to their well-being. Michael Mann, the director, handles thes’e frustrations brilliantly, like a corked bottle of champagne that doesn’t quite pop. Shot in an inter‘esting style that seamlessly &itches between straight shooting, handheld and slow motion camera work, Mann has brought life and intensity to this thoroughly interesting story. The film’s only flaw is that it tries to be All the President’s Men in its dramatic scope, This does not, however, makethepicturelessworthyofpraise.



Imprint, Friday, November

Below the trees

Changesin effect continued




media is giving you what they think you want. So you go, 5crew this! I want to find what I really want!” And the independent music scene is the perfect arena for that. I: Woddyuu~cu?ls~ti~ing2uith a mujcwlubel? E: No. I’m so not interested. To me, it’s like one giant bank loan with a lot more control over your life. It stops being art and becomes some sort of capitalist media saturation. In the independent scene you have the opportunity to slowly develop. I always say that my music is like a creature, and it’s slowly growing up. If, all of a sudden, it were to be catapulted into adulthood, it would be really unnatural. Right now my music is just almost five years old and it’s still developing. And I’m learning about business at the same rate. If I were catapulted into this position of superstar fame, how would I know how to de-al with millions of dollars? I would prob ably pee myself. I’d.see millions of dollars and just wet myself in the middle of some show or something. uWoops, I need a mop!” It’s all about .money and legalities, when, ideally, it should be about art. So if we can keep making music for music and keep performing for the communication of people, which is really what it’s about, putting a whole bunch of people in a room and finding that you all connect on the energy of the music, then that’s what it’s about. That’s what I’m doing right. But when you sign a major label deal, you step into a field of bureaucracy.

It’s like a minefield of unions and politics and kissing ass and corruption and YAUGH! Be an entrepreneur, I say! Run your own business! But we should respect the fact that people make their own choices. And if they’re happy in that situation, then all the power to them, But if I were to choose that life, it would be avery complacent life because it’s about stepping into a pre-existing system, And as one person, you can’t effect change in that system. But if you’re outside of that system, then you can effect change because you can create your own system. I: Tbrougb socially change; out


which are very

conscious, you are‘effecting just by having those songs be


E: I agree. That’s a really, really great thing to say. I definitely think that’s what it’s about. There are lots of people who don’t understand. For instance, uMake the Mood Light” is a song about body image and various eating disorders. It’s a mental disorder when you can’t accept yourself and you end up abusing yourself through food or through lack of food. And people actually say to me, “Why are you writing about that? n They’ve never considered it an issue because they’ve never gone through something like that. And I say, “People go through this all the time. People are going through this in front of your face.” That’s definiteIy bringing about change because it’s making people consider it as an issue. I: In tb~tsongyousay,.‘“Wtry~nkIbe un advocate?“andIlike that because

you don’t have to be black orguy to fight fore& tights... E: You have to be an advocate and you have to recognize ‘where your voice is coming from, too. In terms of being an advocate for racial causes, I can never speak on behalf of the marginalized racial community ‘cause I’m always in ethnic privilege. But at least I can speak on behalf of the equality of all people, and on behalf of being a marginalized gender; I understand that perspective, I identify as queer, and I understand being a marginalized queer person in a majority straight world, So, I can speak from those voices. I definitely think you can advocate for things being better, in any context. Advocate for improvement. Advocate for good positive energy, Advocate,.man, advocate! I: In “The Army Song” you have that really cool line: “Sometimes tbe more people that they pile onto a platfmn the more likely it is to collapse. ” E: Yes. People bring too many people onto their platform in order to add weight to it, but it ends up just collapsing. “Hey, believe in what I believe in; c’mon, c’mon! Believe in what I believe in!; c’mon; get up here!” And everybody gets up there, not really knowing why and then it all collapses. Because you have to really understand why you’re standing on a platform; you have to understand what it’s about or it won’t have the belief behind it. But, you know, obviously, I think too much. Find out when Ember will be performing near you by visiting http:// www.emberswift.com.



KRUISTUM /mpr/i?r srafl

This is it! The band that Rolling Stone Magazine dubbed “the greatest live show in hip-hop,” The Roots, have put out a live album and it delivers the goods. Mixing tracks from their last year of recording live shows, The Roots have assembled some of their best live performances and dedicated them to disc, Instead of c hoosing songs that sounded polished and close to their album versions, The Roots have chosen tracks which are flawed, raw, original and fun. The disc openswithatrack taken from a 1979 Grandmaster Flash and the Furious 5 show. This track shows the roots of The Roots -the groups and artists that they emulate. One of the best tracks on the album, “The Next Movement,” showcases not only Black Thought’s vocal prowess but the amazing turntable vocals of Scratch. He’s showing off his talents, having loads of fun, and demonstrates why his name is Scratch. A live version of the single that




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Take Great Big Sea, add some Americans and suck out about half the fun and you end up with Gaelic Storm. While decent in their own right, being spoiled with real Gaelic and Celtic music from our fairer Atlan-


little more than a

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is largely



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recently launched The Roots into the spotlight, “You Got Me,” is featured later on the album. Instead of the silky smooth vocals of Erykah Badu,’ “Come Alive” features Jill Scott, the woman whg wrote the hook for ‘You Got Me,” It’s a different interpretation of the sultry poetry known to Roots fans but it definitely grows on you. Some of the flaws which enhance this CD are: Scott Starch missing his cue on the second verse of uProceed,” Rahzel’s drunken-sounding singing on “Silent Treatment,” and Black Thought’s James Brownlike outburst on “Adrenaline.” Peppered throughout the album during their live performances is a definite jazz influence. Their sound is organic; they have no DJ, use no turntables, and employ no samples. All the scratching you hear comes from the mouth and throat of Scratch. The album is absolutely original, in terms of sound and production. Speaking about the album, ?uestlove said, “there is no standard for live show mixing in hip-hop. Well ‘tillnow.“TouringisTheRoots’bread and butter. Being on the road 250 nights a year has helped create “the greatest live show in hip-hop.” Now it has also helped create the greatest live album in hip-hop.

Storm damage MARK

f/ i !I

12, I999

the band’s appearance on the Titanic soundtrack, is an over-commercialization of the Celtic sound and zicrcam3 UW+wood producers.” The roots of the band seem lost amidst the supposed “freewheeling fun” imposed by a major label. The songs on the disc range from the “Titanic set” to too-American feeling “Drink the Night Away” and

Ireland-inspired Vfter Hours at McGan’s.” It seems the band, composed of 1* . - I . 4 an irelander, two Bnts and three Americans, attempted to take everything stereotypically Irish and Celtic and make it into a set of bad covers promoted by your local drinking establishment which pretends to be from the “old country? The band has reasonable talent, however they come across as too robotic, calculated and typical. Every move isanticipatedand the heart and soul, oi the Gaelic and Irish spirit, of the music is largely lost in the shuffle. The band seems to have . hadafewbreaks, but their lack of ingenuity and their over-manipulation of the raw beat ensures they’re out


a fast



a one-hit

wonder in the momentary trend that is Celtic and Gaelic. Gaelic Storm is whirlwind that really a momentary shouId blow away leaving only the real and valid foundations of traditional Irish and Gaelic music.





CLASSIFIEDADS YWCA of Kitchener-Waterloo is recruiting for a Kitchen Assistant at Mary’s Place 3-4 hours per week. This position also provides an opportunity to develop an understanding of women in crisis in our community. Call Saundra Schmidt at 7446507. Join BUDS -a UW student, staff and faculty group that provides free tutoring and encouragement to high school students. For more information, email buds@calum.csclub,uwaterloo. English Tutor Program - volunteer tutors are needed to tutor students on a one-to-one basis in written and oral English. Tutots meet students on campus for 1 term, usually 2-3 hours per week. If you have a good working knowledge of English, are patient, friendly, dependable and would like to volunteer, register at the International Student Office, NH2080. For more info call ext. 2814 oremail darlene@watsen/l .uwaterloo.ca The International Student Office needs Shadows (Student Hosts and Designates of Waterloo) for new international students arriving on campus for the Fall ‘99 term. Application forms are available at NH 2080 or call ext. 2814 or e-mail darlene@watservl .uwaterloo.ca Big Sisters - If you are 18 years of age and older and feel you can make a positive difference in a child’s life and can spare 3 hours a week for a minimum of one year call 743-5206 for information. HUNGRY? The UW Food Bank is a confidential service for students in need of assistance. If you need food please come see us in SLC room 2131 (ask the Turnkeys). Hours are 9:30-530 Monday to Friday or ext. 5992. We also need volunteers and food donations are,welcome! Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada needs help with upcoming fundraising and education events. For info call 748-2195 or 1-800-387-f 470 ext. 18. YWCA of Kitchener-Waterloo needs assistance in sorting and organizing of in kind donations as they come in. You need to possess strong organizational skills and enjoy working with others. A commitment of 2-4 hours per week is required. They also need someone to assist with the unloading of the foodbank truck every other Tuesday morning. You must be able to lift heavy objects. For info call Saundra Schmidt at 744-6507. Women’s Crisis Services Cambridge is recruiting volunteers for Fall Orientation. We have many opportunities available: gain experience in Fundraising, on Reception/Crisis Lines, in Administrative Support, and more! For info call before September 20 at 653-2289. Resume builder1 Friendly volunteers are needed to provide companionship to people who have Alzheimer Disease. Two hours/week commitment. Training program provided (with certificate upon completion). Call Alzheimer Society 742-1422. Learn about a different culture while you show a new immigrant how to be a part of your community. For more info call KW Y.M.C.A. Host Program at 579-9622. City of Kitchener needs you! For info on the following contact Deb, Leisure Support Services 741-2226. Aquatic volunteers needed to assist adults and children with a disability. Volunteers needed to assist individuals with a disability at recreation programs. Joggers needed! Assist a teen with a disability to jog at the track at the Waterloo Ret Complex, Like to dan ce? Five year old boy with a disability requires volunteer to participate In a ballet program. Volunteer needed to assist 2 year old boy at preschool program Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday 9-l 1 a.m. Volunteer sought for professional gentleman with a disability to play chess or golf. Contact Sue Coulter at the Volunteer Action Centre, 742-8610 or kwvac@web.net for more details on the following...Crime Stoppers Volunteers...#222-3190 - become involved in a successful community program that encourages people to call the police with information to solve crcmes committed in Waterloo Region Waterloo Region Eatrng Disorders Coalition ..#:211-3184 -volunteers who are sensitive to body Image issues are needed to join this team. Hefp Morns & Children.. #030-l 80 - helpwith child care or transporiatiov for gr3uD sessiclns on Tuessiay. Wedrlesday or iyursdaj. Movies. Hockey, Games, etc...#‘38&2i20 - join the Friday Nlgtit Socla; Club, a groq of aclults with deveiopmental disabilities and oxtner volun:eers who get together

to share



Exceptional Recept;onlst...#007-2531 - IS needed at Big Sisters of KW and area. Canadian Red Cross...#074-3179 - needs volunteers to answer phones, keep records, fi!ing, etc. The Turnkey Desk is looking for student who are willtng to heip out. We need people to help move furniture and do setups for special events. If you would like to helo out, please see Nancy O’Neii at the Turnkey Desk.

TERM SUBSCRIPTIONS Fall or $17.75 Winter Summel $8.90

to April 2000. Needed immediately from Janua University students to tutor new x anadian children at community based study hall. Students range from grades 3 to 12 and need support in English, French, Highschool sciences and maths. Own transportation is preferred. Training and screening is required. Call Big Sisters at 7435206, ext 25 to get started now. Exercise helper for total blind athlete needed once a week for workouts at the Good Life Club. No experience necessary, Call Vivian 745-9345.



Courses LSAT-MCAT-GMAT-GRE www.prep.com Toronto IiveFallNVinter classes now. Request our FREE Law School Bound or Pre-Med Bulletin email newsletters at: leam@prep.com. Richardsonl-877-PREP-COM MONDAYS English Language Lab/class is held from 2:004:00 p.m. in ML 113, Septembei -June. The class has an emphasis on pronunciation and listening exercises. Students, faculty, staff and spouses are welcome. For info call ext. 2814. UW Outers Club - hiking, camping trips, canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing, bouldering, and outdoor activities of all kinds. General meetings at 6:30 p.m. in MC 4040. For more info - http:// outersclub.uwaterloo.ca TUESDAYS Parents Without Partners, Cambridge Chapter #978 meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Call Mike at 740-2155 for more info. WEDNESDAYS Grace Christian Fellowship, a gathering of Chris: tians and those interested in Christianity, meets at 4:30 p.m., in ML 104. Details: Graham E. Morbey, ext. 3633 or g2morbey@watservl. Office: SLC 2126. FRIDAYS Jumaa Islamic prayer during Fall 99 is at 12:30 p.m., MC 4060. Details: Dr. M. I. Elmasry, ext. 3753 or elmasty@visi.uwaterloo.ca

The Right Angle Cafe, the Math Society’s Coffee & Doughnut Shop will be open Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Thursday open til 10 p.m. and Friday till 7 p.m. Come by for coffee, lunch, or dinner, 3rd floor, MC. Check out the new Student Awards Office Home Page for details on scholarships, awards and bursaries that you can apply for this term as well as other useful financial aid information. http:/ www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infoawards/ Join the German Club! For upcoming events contact lna Lehmann, ML 307 or phone ext. 6052. Legal problems? Tenant/landlord concerns? Visit the legal Resource Office. A referral service that may be able to help! Located in the SLC or by ohone at 888-4634. Guided Self-Change of alcohol use: for individuals who may have concerns about the amount they are drinking and want to cut down, Call Counselling Services, ext. 2655, to find out more. Renison College has vacancies at present for undergraduate mate or female students for the remainder of the Fall term and also for the upcoming Winter term -January-April 2000. For further information, please contact the Residence Office of Renison College at 884-4404, ext, 6’ll. Do you know that there are over 40,000 Portuguese speaking Canadians in the KW area? Ever wonder what it would be tike if you knew what they were saying? Now you can! The Spanish Department is pleased to announce Portuguese 101 for the Winter 2000 Term. Sign up today at the Registers Office, NH! Sony, beginners only. The Waterloo/Wellington Chapterofthe Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada wrlf be hosting a free education event on Wednesday, November 24, 1999. The event will take place in the Games Room of the Pioneer Park Community Centre from 7-9 p.m. For info and RSVP call 7482195 or 1-800-387-1470. ext. 18. The Canadian Blood Sewice would like to thank all UW staff and students who donated blood. We wrll be back in the Student Life Centre February 28, 29, March 1, 2, 2GOO. Attention Science 1999-2000 grads - remember the best years of your life by purchasing a yearbook. New low price $35.00 Reserve now at SciSoc. ESC 349 before Nov 25.

EmP(ovment Travef - teach English: 5 day/40 hour (Jan. 1721,200O) TESOL teacher certification course (or by correspondence). 1,000’s of jobs available NOW. FREE inforamtion package, toll free l-888-2702941.

Travel #l Spring Break Vacations! Best prices guaranteed! Canun, Jamaica, Bahamas, and Florida! Book early and receive free meal plan. Now hiring Camreps! I-800-234-7007 or pus www.endlesssummertours.com Spring Break and New Year’s Trips! Breakaway Tours, Canada’s #l student tour operator, is looking for outgoing students and organizations on campus to help promote Acapulco, Daytona, Quebec City, Montreal and more! Earn free trips and cash! Call I-800-465-4257. www,breakawaytours.com

Housifu AMilable Room mate wanted - 10 minute walk from UWI WLU, $272/month plus. One room available, 6 bedroom townhouse, five 2nd year female WLU students. Parking/laundry. Call 746-8379. Winter term 2000 - room for rent - close to both Universities, parking, laundry facilities. Call 7255348. Winter 2000 sublet - 1 room in 5 room house. $290/month plus. Twenty minute walk from UW. Parking, laundry, 2 bathrooms, spacious kitchen/ living area. cronchka@engmail.uwaterloo.ca

Personafs Lyric is a beach-pub Saturdays. Book your own bus trip at The Lyric. On any Saturday night for the new Fall semester, The Lyric will give your group free admission, free food, the craziest prices, free concert tickets, free prizes and free transportation. Call our info line now at 749-2121. Also ask us how we can help you raise money for your organization or choice of charity. “Bi-Curious? Bi? Gay? The Barracks Bathhouse for men. Large steam room, dry sauna, showers, lounge, toy store, rooms, lockers. 56 Widmer Street, Toronto. Resoonsible and safe. Open since 1974. 416-593-0496. We don’t want to see vou naked! Don’t get me wrong, the human body ts beautiful and thai’s why we make clothes for it. Get it on with free embroidery for your Rez/Floor/Team/Faculty, etc. Locate us at www,rezwear.com email: contactcnm@cnmonline.com o? -888-400-5455. Meet someone new1 www.Cyber Dating.net. It’s easy - it’s free! Dating personal ads that work!!

Datatel Scholars Foundation - applicatrons are now being accepted for the Datatel Scholars Foundation. The awards have a value of up to $2,000 each and are available i3 full-time or part-time students, graduate or bridergraduate, in any discipline. Appllcat!ons wlii be evaluated based on academic merit, personal mDtrvation, external activities including employment and extracurrlsular activities and on letters of recommendation. Application deadline is January 21, 2000. Interested students shoutd contact the Student Awards Office of the Graduate Studies Office for an appllcation form.

Services Complimentary shuttle bus to Lyric - Saturday Nights only - picks up at St. Michael’s Church on University Avenue and Kinko’s in the University Plaza evefv 40 minutes startina at 9:30 D.m. “The Spa On Maitland”, Bathhouse for Bi and Gay men. Rooms, lockers, saunas, steam rooms, showers, fully licensed bar. Students 112 price all the time with \jalid student ID. 66 MaitIand Street, Toronto. 416-925-1571. Math tutoring - honours degree in mathematics, currently in Masters at UW (C&O), 2 years teaching assistant experience and 4 years private tutoring experience. Call Kim at (519) 578-7018. Essay Research and Assistance - any subjects A to 2. Anthropology, Business, Commerce, Drama, East Asian Studies...Zoolo y. Highlyqualified graduates will help! Call (416> 8 80-6113 or fax (416) 960-0240 or email custome@interlog.com

HeIp Wanted Technical Support Engineers - we need dynamic and talented individuals to work in a fastpaced and challenging Technical Support team environment. This motivated self-starter will be responsible for providing Tier II level technical support to our corporate customers primarily via email and telephone. Location: Toronto, Canada. Skills/Experience: must have WinNT and UNIX experience as well as programming knowledge in Pearl, HTML, C, and/or C++. Please fax to 408, 933-1800 or email blair@backweb,com Fresh faces needed - male/female all ages/sires for fashion/hair shows, catalogue work, extras, TV. $20~$90/hour. I-800-268-8635. Weekend Cooks wanted for Winter Term 2000. Are you a super keen cooking machine? We are seeking weekend cooks for the Winter Term. Must be highly organized, creative, enthusiastic and able to work independently. Previous kitchen experience in large quantity cooking preferred. Earn $8.00/hour, working IO:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Please drop off or fax your resume to Main Office, Waterloo Cooperative Residence, 268 Phillip Street, Waterloo. Application deadline is Friday, November 19. Fax (5191 888-6398. Christmas gift wrappers - creative individuals; locations-downtown Toronto, North York, Mississauga. Managers to $8.25/hour plus bonuses. Wrappers to $7.15/hour. Full or part-time, December j-24. (4161 538-8588. Telemarketing - earn $7417 per hour. Free food and music, part or full time, weekends available, flexible schedule, 28 job openings. Stat-t today! KitchenerlKinq Street. 742-9990. Fraternities - Sororities - Clubs - Student Groups,..earn $1 ,OOO-$1,500 this semester with the easy CIS three hour fundraising event. No sales required. Fundraising dates arefilling quickly, so call I-800-797-5743 today or visit www.campusfundraiser.com! Babysitter desperately needed Monday and Tuesday nights 6-10 p.m. Two active boys, Call Brent or Karen at 886-2480. Weekend Counsellors and Relief Staff ‘to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Experience, minimum 8-month commitment. Paid positions. Send resume tc Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Set&es, 106 Sydney Street, S,, Kitchener, ON, N2G 3V2.

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Seminars are free to all students. Sign up at the bulletin board beside the elevator, Needles Hall, first floor or visit NH 1115, Thursday, November 18: The Work Finding Package: Job/Work Search + Networking + Employer Research. 1:303:30 (with a l/2 hour tour of the Career Resource Centre to follow), NH 1020.

Monday, November 1 to Dec. 20 “New toys for needy kids drwe”. Call Waterloo Knights of Columbus at @042060 for more info. Saturday, November 13 Parents Without Partners Dance at the Cambridge Newfoundland Club from 8:15 pm. to 1 a.m. For more info call Mike at 740-2155. COREL WordPerfect Applied Health Sciences Homecoming 5KM Fun Run hosted by UW Faculty of Applied Health Sciences. The run will be on Ring Road from IO:1 5 a.m. to Ii :30 am. Sunday, November 14 Do you have thoughts about women menstruation? Artists, musicians and creative people, come participate in the planning of our “Women’s Menses Celebration” at 2 p.m. in WPIRG’s office or 888-4882. Music Depart at Conrad Grebel presents “Da Capo Chamber Choir” a? 2:30 p.m. at St. John the Evan elist Anglican Church (corner of Du ise & Water), Kitchener. Monday, November 15 Electronic Banking and E-Commerce resentation by Albert Wahbe, Bank of R ova Scotia at 2:30 until X30 p.m., Davis Centre, room 1302. Tuesday, November 16 KW Chamber Music Society resents “New Zealand Week-Diedre Prons” at KWCMS Music Room, 57 Youn Street, W., Waterloo at 8 p.m. Call 8B6- 9 673 for reservations. Wednesday, November 17 Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo Coming Out Discussion Group. Topic: “Dealin- With Breaking Up” 7!30 p’,m. Social fo 1ows at 9 D-m.. HH 378. Meet old friends and hake’ new ones. All welcome. Details: 884-4569. Friday, November 19 Blues, Swing & All That Jazz Dance in support

of the Notre Dame of St. Agatha

Cl-iiidren’s Centre, “We Believe in kids” Cam aign, at the Waterloo Inn, Waterloo. P or tickets, info call Brenda Kroetsch 746-0792. , .- -. --. KW Chamber Music Socie presents “New Zealand Week-Strin % uartet” at KVVCMS Music Room 57 $ oun Street W., Waterloo at 8 p.m.‘Call886-!673 fo; reservations.

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