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Thursday, October 5 at 5:30 p.m. Ground Zero Student Life Centre University of Waterloo We look forward to meeting you!
Food Services serves up awards KERRY O'BRIEN special to Imprint
T n a release earlier this week, the University of Waterloo news bureau proudly announced that UW Food Services received recognition from the National Association of Collegeand University Food Services (NACUFS).NACUFS includesmore than 650 academic institutions in Canada, the United States, and abroad. Placed in the "mediumnsize category, U W placed third in its category for residence diningand topped out the divisionplacingfirstfor catering. Establishments that operate un- . der the umbrella of UWFS include, but are not limited to, Bmbaker's, Tim Hortons, and all the residence cafeterias. The only eateries on campus that do not operate under the auspices of UWFS are those run by the Feds, includingthe BombHhelterand Ground Zero, and other student societieswho operate the facultycoffei d d doughnut shops. On Thursday, September 7, a npmber of quotationsfrom Director of Food ServicesMark Murdoch appearedin the UWDaily Bullditf. Prefaced by the fact that approximately 25,000 people live, study, work, or dine on campus,Murdochwasquoted w y i n g "That's alot of customersto fe&, a d satisfying customers is the b a k e s s welrereallyin." In an effort to d i s w e r what UW'FS's customers (students) think of the food on cam-
pus, Imprint set about to randomly interview students caught eating around campus about some of the various quotes Murdoch gave.
a first-yearstudent livinginvillage 1 saysthatnon-mainstreammeals(vegetarian, vegan, kosher, etc.) don't always have enough variety.
A Erin adds "Brubaker's variety isn't that great." "There are so many goodchoices," countersAndrea Gregory,
"I have one friend who was a vegetarian, but had to start eating meat because the vegetarian meals didn't have enough variety." One student who only gave her name as
a fist-year Arts student living at St. Jerome's College. Adam Keanie, a SecondYear Computer Science student who often dines at Brubaker's, says that the variety is good but the
Award winningsandwichcreation.
Murdoch was quick to point outvarietyonthemenu, something whichmost studentswho were spoken toconcurwith.Notallstudents, however,areimpressed KerriSmaU,
GSA to hold referendum 8UaAN
Imprint staff
raduate students must cast their ballots by September 18 if they want to vote for, or against, the introduction of avoluntary $25 fee per term that would go toward a Graduate Studies Endqwment Fund (GSEF). The Graduate Student Association p r o p o d the new fee to boost funding for graduate studies and graduate research. If the fee proposal getsthe graduate students'vote of approval,thenew feewillbeadded to their fee statements. The GSEF will benefit graduate students in a number of ways. The endowment fund would provide graduate studentswith financial aid in the formof scholarships, bursaries and awards. Funding would also be allocated for partial tuition fee waivers as well as improvements to researchinfrastructureandother facilities. Fifty per cent of all contributions to the endowmentfund willbe used for graduate student benefits while the remaining50percentwillbeused to growthe fund. As aresult, funding for graduate studiescould increaseby as much as $60,000 each year. In addition, all contributors to
the endowmentfund would receive a receipt for their tax-deductible donation. Those who do notwish to contribute to the endowment fund wouldbe able toapply for arefund. ABoardof Directorsconsisting of students, faculty and staff memberswould overseetheendowment fundanddecidehow fundingshould be allocated. Unfortunately, voter apathy could jeopardize the referendum.
Although ballotswere mailed out to 1,753 graduate students on July 31, only about 200 ballots have been rehuned so far. If the res~onserate is less than 15 per cent over all, the results of the referendum will be null and void or more inf&nation, log onto the Graduate Student Association's Web site for links to the complete text of the endowment fund's proposed constitution and a discussion paper on the referendum.
foodvaries. "[It's] good...nothingls terrible, put] some food is better than others." The quality of the food is somethine that all other students ameed wasexcellent. Two studentsfromSt. Jerome's, JenMdaughlinandDarryl Howard, were extremely emphatic about how they "loved" the food. McLaughlin says "I eat too much because they're so good." When pressed on why the food is so good, Howard simply says "SJU food rocks." Murdoch was also quoted as sayingthat U W establishmentsoffer "competitive prices." This is where students tend to disagree. Carolyn Bentley, aMath Co-op student, said "I have no money, so I go for the best deal I can get." This usually doesn't include Brubaker's, where aslice of pizzaand a Coke can run you just over five dollars, compared to three at Gino's PizzainUniversityplaza.Bentley says she usually eats in the Math and Computerbuilding. Keanie agreed,saying "the food [atBrubacher's] is not alwaysthe best value." Erinsaysthatsheusuallygoes to St.Jerome's to eat "for both quality and price." SimonWoodside, a4B CS student, goes to the Math C&D because "it's cheap, It's got everything,it'scheap.DidIsayit'scheap?" In the final wrap-up, students seem to agree that Waterloo's food is second to none.
Intellectual ~ r o ~ e r t v D&V uphaGd d
~ o u oS l s ~ r v special to Imprint
n the early '90s, graduate student Kevin Erler was working on an electrical engineering research project in associationwitha professor. At the time the rules regarding intellectual property credit were not clear with respect to who receives acknowledgementand rights to the work. In a case that was recently settled out of court, Mr. Erler challenged that his contributionsto the project were not being properly credited. The case was senled for an undisclosed amount of money. Mr. Erler hasgiven the Graduatestudent Association 52500asadonationthat has been used to purchase a new entertainmentsystemforthe Gradu-. ate Studentstlssociation. Duringhislegalfight, Mr. Erler received support from the Federation of Students in the amount of $5000 towards legal costs. He received further financial and moral support from the Graduate Student Association regardingthe case. The policy was reviewed after the case started and now states: "All
contributors to scholarly works ehould receive appropriaterecognition for their contributions." The policy also says, "In the eventof commercialexploitationof ascholarlywork, allintellectualcontributors to that work should be entitled to share in the proceeds in
Erler received support from the Federation of Students in the amount of $5000 towards legal costs. proportion to their contributions, unless the entitlement to share has been willingly waived through informed consent." This is welcome news for any student researchers workingon projectswhich may, one day, become commercially viable.
Impfmt, Friday, Septmeber 15. 2000
UW women march to 'Take Back the Night' ; S U a A N BUBAK Imprint staff
very minute of every day, a woman or child in Canada is being sexually assaulted. To protest and raise awareness of vioIence against women and children, hundreds of people are expected to participate in the "Take Back the Night" march on September 21.
Fifty-one per cent of Canadian women have experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence Women are encouraged to take Dart in the event "as a symbol of our basic human right to be where we want, when we want, alone or with another, without the protection of 'men and without the threat of vio-
lence," wrote Sue Barg, a member of Womensurvey by StatisticsCanada, the event's organizingcomrnittee,in 51 per cent of Canadian women have experienced at least one incia press release. Men are also welcome to at- dent of physical or sexual violence. tend. "We encourage men to sup- Almost 60 per cent of these women port us by liningthe marchroute and had beenvictimized more than once. San Franciscowasthe firstNorth shouting words of support," Barg American city to host aTake Back the added. Those interested in participat- Night march in 1978. Since then, ing in the march can assemble at the marches have been held throughout clock tower in Victoria Park in the U.S. and Canada. Kitchener at 6:3Op.m. The march will begin at 7 p.m. and end at Kitchener City Hall where refreshhents willbe available. "We really want to encourage female students to take part," said Patti Payne of the K-W Sexual Assault Support Centre. Statisticsshowthat young women between the agesof 1 6and 24 face the big-hest riskof date/ acquaintancerape, yet only one per cent of such crimes are reported to police. Most victimsof spousalhoniicide are womenunder the age of 25. According to the Violence Against , A messageto remember. 8
CECS - to host seminar for entrepreneurs nars on the theme of critical steps in starting up your own business. The titleof this particular seminaris "Critiuildingyourbusinessn~rk cal Paths to CreatingYour Own Enis the theme of a seminar be- terprise!". Although Cullen works for the ing hosted by the department of Co-op Education and Career co-op department, this seminar is Services on September 21 at 5:30 not just for co-op students. The Unip.m.The seminar,whichisbeingheld versity of Waterloo is well-known in Siegfried Hall at St. Jerome's Uni- largely for being innovative, accordversity, is targeted at any student ingto Cullen. He went on to say that interestedin startingtheir own busi- while the co-op program was an inness, especially in the high tech field. novative design thirty years ago, new innovations are required to keep the department's innovative spuitalive, including offering servicesto a11students who are planning to start their ownbusinessventures. Cullen'srecent workhas resulted in students being able to get co-op credit for work terms during which they develop their own businesses. Using other local entrepreneurs as mentors, students can now have their progressevaluatedandcan gainvaluable experience operating their own enterprise. Thursday's seminar is targeted The seminar's brainchild is co- toward students who have already op co-ordinator John Cullen, who made the decision that they want to has been dealing with an increasing pursue an entrepreneurial venture. number of UW co-opstudents inter- The theme of the evening, building estedinusingtheir co-op work terms your businessnetwork, i s w h a t C d i ~ ~ to try out a new business idea. In and some of hiscolleaguesbelieve to order to better serve this population, please see page 7 Cullenhopes to host aseries of semiROBIN S T E W A R T /mpnnt staff
The seminar will
be hosted by
popular economics prdfessor Larry Smith
Im~rint.Friday, September 15, 2000
OSAP rule to be reviewed Roelw
STEWART Imprint staff
n an effort to make government legislation more consistent, the Ontario government is reviewing the OntarioLimitationsAct. The LimitationsAct defineshow longthe government, or any other corporation may pursue an unpaid debt. Included in the act are restrictionson how long the government may pursue astudentwho has not or will not J pay back their OSAP debt.
"Students shouldn't be tied to their OSAP debts forever" - Mark Schaan -
The changesto theAct currently being ~roposedby the Ministry of' the Attorney General attempt to standardizethe handlingof alldeba. Specifically, the proposed changes would give debtsresultingfromcontracts or torts a two-year limit and debts which arise from regular business transactions, such as a loan, no li&ations on collection. The revised act would include
OSAP debts in the same category as a regular business loan, giving no limitsto the collectionof this debt. In a public consultation document obtained by Imprintthe ministry argues that the government should be treated muchlike avery large corporation. Further, the document suggests that it may often be in the best interest of the public to allow some flexibilityin the collectionof student loan debts. Mark Schaan, Vice-president, Education for the Federation of Students, disagrees. In a recent interview, Schaantoldlmprintthathe felt that students should not be tied to their OSAP debts forever, arguing that astudentmay find him or herself legitimatelyunable to pay back their OSAP debt after graduation. Although Schaan was unaware that under current leeislation. students are already subject to no limitations onthecollectionoftheirOSAPdebt, he didsuggestthat other inconsistencies or weaknesses in the OSAP svstern should make it an exception in the case of limitations. Schaan was particularly concerned that the Litations Act be consistentwith the treatment of student loans under the Federal Bankruptcy Act, which currently prevents studentsfrombeiagdischarged from their student loan debt, even after declaringbankruptcy, until ten years after graduation. Schaan feels that
makiig an exception for student loans under the Bankruptcy Act should necessitate specialconsideration for them under the Limitations Actaswell. . A spokesmanfrom the officeof the Attorney General told Imprint that there really was no inconsistency between the two pieces of legislation. "Not all studentswhofail to repay their student loans are in a situation in which the Bankruptcy Act comes into effect," he said. Further, he pointed outthat thenumber of studentswho would be eligible to be dischargedfromtheirstudent loan debt after the ten year exemption passes is very small, particularly because they mustshowajudgeand the court that they have "acted in good faith" with respect to their Student Loan. Most students subject to the Limitations Act are there ~reciselv because they have not "acted ingood faithn with respect to their Student Loan. While a revised version of the LimitationsActmay.notcomebefore the Provincial Parliament for some time, the opportunityfor studentsto change the way in which student loan debts are handledunderthisAct is coming soon. Schaan and his colleagueswill no doubt be at the forefront of that debate. For more information regardingthis important legidation, contact the Federation of Students.
Residence students to raise charity dollars DURSHAN AN Imprint staff
or the fourthconsecutiveyear, studentslivingin residence at the University of Waterlooare fundraisingfor alocal charity, which means one thing: more crazy fundraisingactivities! The Waterloo Residence Community Outreach Campaign (WRCOC)is trying to raise approximately $30,000 this ye? for the BettyThompsonYouthCentre. Benefactors of years past are the Food Bank, ROOF (Reaching Out to our Outdoor Friends), and St. John's Kitchen and the Working Centre. Formerly the Village Community OutreachCampaign (VCOC),it changed its name this year to include both Columbia Lake Townhouses and Beck Hall. Last year, the VCOC raisedwellover$20,00OforSt.John's Kitchen. The Betty Thompson Youth Centre operates the Safe Haven Shelter, a transitional shelter for youths aged 12-15. Used by drug addicts,prostitutes,and youthsfrom abusivehomes, it isthe only shelter of its kind in Canada; almost all other youth servicestarget those aged 1618. The WRCOCiscompletely student-run, as dons and residents or-
ganize and run all of the events. Fundraising activities in past years have included a car wash, Villagehausen (village's annual Oktoberfest bash), the Charity Bail, raffle for free tuitionandother fabulous prizes, frosh week dunk tank, bottle drive, and dressing for dollars (wherestudentsraisea set amount of money in order to dress their dons to their liking).
WRCOC is trying to raise approximately $30'000
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Web ready
Residents are sure to be lookinp: forward to this year's events, as they are alwavs memorable. Who could possiblyk i s t goingto a formalwith all your friends, or-even better seeing your male don dressed in a women's Calvin Klein two-piece Swimsuit? This year's Villagehausen celebration will be held at Fed Hall on Friday, October 13, and is open this year to non-residents. Tickets will ' soon be available through both the village dons and the Federation of Studentsoffice.
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Staff Editor-in-Chief, Scott Gordon Assistant Editor, vacant News, vacant Forum, vacanf Features, vacant Science, vacant Sports, vacant Arts, vacant Photos, vacant Graphics, vacanr Web, .vacant Systems Administrator, vacant Proofreader, vacant Proofreader, vacant Proofreader, vacant Proofreader, vacant Proofreader, vacant Business Manager, Mark Duke Advertising & Production Manager, Laurie Tigert-Dumas Advertising Assistant, vacant Distribution, vacant Distribuuon, vacant Board o f D i c t o r s President, Robin Stewart Vlce-president, vacant Treasurer, Mike Hab~cher Secretary, Rachel E. Beattie Director-at-large, vacant StaffLimson, vacant Contributors Rachel E Beattle, Phd Bergeron-Burns, Susan Bubak, Brandon Cariuo, Brian Code, Cadin Crockard, Erin Davey, Kenny Dehrab~c,Mark Duke, Ryan Edmonds, FeLx,Durshan Ganthan, Henry Garcia, Adma Gdlian, Jesse Helmer, JaniceJlrn,h a Johnson,ShahnaKennedy, Rob Van Kmacum, Came Lmdeboom, Karen Luk, Charhe Ma, Darcy MacKlnnon, Greg McI)ougall, Ryan Matthew Mer!dw, Kerry O'Bnen, Amn Pereira, Ryan T. Porter, Amy Potvln, Ingrid Protac~o,Dave Robms, Ben Schott, Kate Schwass, Doug S~bley,Robin Stewart, John Swan, John Trinh, Bdly Tung, Joe Wfing, Danlel Wong, Simon Woodside. Imprint is the official student newspaper of the Universityof Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaperpublished by Imprint Publications,Waterloo, acorporationwithoutshare capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDNPub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 554677. Address mail to: Imprint Student Life Centre, Room 11 16 Umvenrty of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 Tel: 519-888-4048 Fax: 5 19-884-7800 http:I/impmt'
b a s prlces a Dargaln I
f there is one thing that the year 2000 has broughtus, it is higher gasprices. The price of has skyrodtetedto unheardof levelsandbrought an endless amount of consumer complaintswith it. We hear about it on +e news, in the papers and from just about even driver on the street. The
on a per litre basis for products that are essentially sugar and water. For the most part they are madeup of resources that we have an infinite suppIy of, consumers don'thave to worry about our water running dry or farmers not producing enough sugar cane. On
bargain. A quick look at some other consumer products and buying patternsillustratesthis point. Consumers have no problem shellingoutinsane amounts for other liquid products. We willingly hand over $1every tune we want a can of DOD or small bottle of water. That r works out to be about $3'per litre. Andthatisn't the worst of it. 0 only needs to walk into a loca conveniencestoreto seethewi variety of specialty drinksavailable. From Gatorade and Poweiade to Sobe and Snapple,the pricesare incredible. We are paying a couple of dollarseach for these productsand yet, many of us don't think twice. Then there is beer. We pay anywhere from$4 per litre atthe beer store to $15 per litreatsome of the moreexpensivebars. But of coursebeer is adifferent story right? All of these products are horrendously more expensive than gasoline, and yet we don't hear many consumers complaining, where is the logic? We are paying over three times as much
If we are to factor out consumptiontax~s,the difference is even more drastic. At 80 cents per litre we pay about30 centsin taxes, therefore we really only pay Socentsfor that litre of gas. On the other, that can of Coke costs85 centsbefore taxes, for a total of $2.50 per litre, over five times the'price of gas. Thereis no doubtthat it really hurts when drivers fillup their gastanksthese days. However, theproblem is that drivers seem to feel that they have a Godgiven right tocheap gasoline. Thosedaysare over, we have abused the resource for so long, and it seems we must now beginto pay the price for it. If we are willingto shell out for for luxury items such as Coke and Gatorade, we need to realize that gasoline is really a bargain in comparison.
Intimate learning resident Johnston has recently come uncreating a Cultureder f i e for his attitude towardspost-secondary educa-
During my time as an undergrad there were also a number of people, including the headof my department, who were pushing for an increased presence of other learning technologies. In one class we played guinea pigs in , In the September 6 issue of his experimentto canducttutorial discussions the National Post, Clifford online. Once a week for a month we would n, a political science pro- comein and sit aroundacomputerlab and type fromtheUniversityofTo- out our discussion. If Ilearnedanythingfrom ronto, tookissuewithJohnston's this experiment it was that technology has a siasticsupportof learning place in learningbutwe must be careful decidtechnology. And in our own ing where that space is and how big it should be. I'm allin favour of computersopeningup letters section, Stephen Forrest takes Johnston to task for his learning andgiving access to people who may not have it otherwise. The fact that someone lazy welcome to thls year's frosh. Weil,countmein. Johnston'sapproach in Timmins can take university courses and to university learning is not one that I share. even earn a degee through distance education Learningtechnologiescertainlyplayed is a good thing. The more people who have a role in my undergraduate education and access and who can take advantage of higher it was probably better for it. Some courses education, the better off our society will be. But whereever possible we should be enhad a large multi-media component that definitely gave the course material some couraging face- to- face interaction between texture that might not have otherwisebeen professors and students. Learning technolothere. I also b d a prof who responded to gies should,b at most, useful tools that is as a e-mail within six hours and relid an &at means to an end of better post-secondaryedumedium to streamline discu$sions tkat at cation. They should not be a means of cutting osetime'w~uklhwetalcen~duzin~hercomes on heroad to quality education. Technology may have given me a leg up officeburs.
during my university studies but the fact remainsthatthosecoursesIfeelbenefitedme the most were those that relied least on technology. I hadmore than one classwhere we met in people's living rooms to explore modern poetry or cultural theory. Even amongthosethattookpiaceinmoreconventionalsurroundings,thedasseswiththe fewest number of students and by extension the classeswith the most backand forthbetween us and the prof taught me the most. This is not something that is limited to the arts, either. I can't believe that more direct contact with the professor doesn't benefit math or computer students. My biggest fear is that once we no longer value student/professor interaction,the mentality will begin to carry over elsewherein the university. Which bringsustoForrest'scomplaint regarding Johnston's less than energetic frosh greeting. One of the complaints people often have about technology at the university or otherwise is that it is cold and alienating. I wonder if it's just co-incidence that the same adjectives also apply to Johnston's greeting.
-fco#Conh,Editor-in Chief
A great big ES inconvenience
Researching homosexuality
uring my stay at UW, I've written severalletters to Imprint in which I questioned homosexual sexualbehaviour. As aresult, I've, on severaloccasions, been ridiculedand called "homophobe." I've even received aveiledthreat. Most recently my views have been summarizedandmisrepresented-as "anal sexis a very bad thing and being gay is therefore also bad" (Steve Hutton, Imprint, September 1). I would like to take this opportunity to point out that my views relating to homosexuality consist primariiy of the followingthree main points. (1) Medical evidence indicates that there are some serious health problemsclosely associatedwith homosexual sexual behaviour, especially male homosexual sexual behaviour (with emphasis on Hutton's anal "nasty"). Therefore, the portrayal of gay sex as healthy is open to question. Hutton's apparent dismissal of medical evidence (in a book I recommended) because the presenter of the evidence is religiouscommits the ad hominem fallacy, the mistake of irrelevantly attacking the arguer rather than hislher arguments. Hutton's appeal to an Internet article for a critique of this evidence is, however, appropriate and appreciated. I've read the article and will study it further. (2) There is evidence that homosexuals who want to change their sexual orientation can do so. Yes, many fail; but many succeeu, to^. (See National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality and Ex-Gay testimonies at and Surely, we should help those who want to change; not discourage them by mocking them and sayingchange is impossible. (3)Dismissing someone's arguments questioning homosexual sexual behaviour as the rantings of a "homophoben is (again) to commit the ad hominem fallacy. .4phobia is an irrational fear. One can have rational concerns about homosexuality, even if those concerns turn out to be mistaken. For the record, I don't hate gays. I have a friend and an associate who are gay. The derailments of courteous, intelligent truth-seeking d~scussion by irrelevant personal attacks, ridicule, name-calling, and intimidation- these I hate.
-Hendrik van derBreggen Ph.D. student, Philosophy
am contacting you to express my dismay regarding the removal of the Graphic Serviceslocation in ES and to seek some reasonable explanation for the action. I was under the impression that the original plan was to relocate the facility to ESl, which would have added inconvenience for some but wasn't really that much of a change. The seemingly recent decision to leave altogether is leavingmyself and otherswith much confusion and dissatisfaction. In addition to this, the timing of this move is rather questionable,as it is taking place whennobody who will beaffectediseven at the school. The planned timing expresses an understanding that the move will not be taken lightly by those who use the current facility. In the closing of this Graphic Services location we will be losing many vital services: Self-serve photocopies: There are no other machines anywhere nearby except the poor quality one in the UMD library. Large formatprinting/plotting: Apparently the plotter is moving to Main Graphics. This will make it extremely difficultfor ES andarchitecture to use effectively. Large papercutters: Very handy for us, and who clse needs them as much as we do? Large format copies Same as above. Now students wili have to go to K ~ K Ofor ' S this, wnich addsinconvenience, zosr and diificuiry to :-nis process. Colour copies AND printing: Our next nearest option will be Graphics "Express" where the staff often do not know how to accurately fulfil! particuiar orders. Please do iet me know why this is taking place and if any provisions are being made for GraphicServices customers who are being stranded in and around the School of Architecture.
Much deserved thanks To the Editor,
have attended the University of Waterloo for over four yearsnow. During this time, there has been a great shift in the direction of Orientation Week. There have been significant, positive, changes made to the Orientation program that is put on by the Federation Orientation
Advanced 5% troLijsis Institute CfirrjtitaaL.Watson
Committee (FOC). These changes have been carried out by the 800 volunteers for Orientation, not by the University administration or the Federation of Students. These individualsdeservecredit and kudos from the University community for the time and effort they put into Orientation Week. We are extremely proud of these individuals and marvel at their energy, enthusiasm, and the stamina they portrayedlast week during Orientation. All 14 Orientation committees had amazingpeople who performedany taskrequestedof them, whether it be ED Com at 3:30 in the morning stacking tables, OCD doing drivehome, or the faculties doing cleanup after the concertwhich they were unable to even see. We must remember that these people gave up a week of work, deprivedthemselvesof sleep, and ate a steady diet of pizza and hamburgers, so all 4000 first year studentscould have the bestweekof their lives. If you see your frosh leader, make sure to thank himor her. If you know of someone who was a frosh leader lastweek, thank themas well, because they did it the Waterloo Way: the Best Way. On behalf of thestudent body at the University of Waterloo, I extend thanks to each one of these volunteers. - C h r i sFarley, President, FederationofStudents
A queslxonable welcome
ust wondering: Is anyone besldes myself offended Enat President ohnston didn't take the five minutes necessary to write his own welcoming letter to frosh in Imprint, rather than merely quoting one by Prof. Downey from a past year? From the article (Imprint, Sept 1,2000, "Awelcome from the President") "My immediate predecessor as Waterloo's president, Jim Downey, had this to say in welcomingyou all to the University -and I am glad to renew the welcome in exactly the same words. They express so well our delight that you have chosen us and our pride in W?terloo." [...quotes Prof. Downey's 11-paragraph greeting ...] "I hope you find this just as happy and stimulating a place as I have found it. Welcome." I understand that he's a busy man (I mean, we've seen in past Imprint demo..strations of his pressing schedule, including such weighty duties as posing for photos with a RIM pager) but one could reason-
ably expect a personalized, original message to the thousands of students starting next week. * Whether it was because he just didn't care, or because he was actually incapable of improving upon President Downey's words, the use of such a canned, throwaway greeting is an insult.
into Imprint with "The Truth Is out There." The truth is that bigotry should not be propagated in our student newspaper and I would have thought that extra care would have be& taken since it was the Frosh Weekedition. Iam hopingthat something will be done about this.
Rampant anti-cartoonism
Hagey responds
To the Editor,
ast week, a friend askedour opinion of a comic in Imurint entitled 'The Truth is Out e here.' We were appalled to see such an obviously racist message contained in our school newspaper under the guise of satire. The comic text speaks of zombies, but is clearlyreferringto immigrants in a derogatory manner. The article calls on the reader to stop "our country [from being] swamped by lazy drooling zombies [immigrants]," otherwise "livingpeople [non-immigrants]will become the minority in their own world." Several concerned individuals, including ourselves, approached the editor of Imprint with our concerns. He told us the comic was satirising those who hold anti-immigrant sentiments by exaggeratingtheir prejudice vlews. We belleve the author and editor both mssed the mark. The comlc does not succeea ~nmockmg racist vlews, bur rather appears to support them. We have shown thts piece TO numerous people. Some don"t un derstanci ~t at al;, others are very offended, but we have yet to ftnd someone who gets the author's "intended" message. Consideringthe response tothis comlc, we ask Imprint to post an ex~ianationof this comic's intentions in the forthcoming issue of the paper. Additionally, Imprint should provide context when it decides to print seemingly offensive messages. If this were our first week at Waterloo, and had read this article, being unaware of Imprint's lack of judgement and taste, we would be very worried about our next few years here. -Joshua
Yan &Raphael Ronen
More cartoon talk To theEditor,
ithout soundingtoo politically correct, I have to say that one Graham ~ukesomehows1i~~;d of the most discriminating cartoons
feel compelled to respond to a letter from Ed Papazian in the Sept. 1issue of Imprint with regard to my column from July 14. I completely agree with Papazian's point that "the most important aspect of a person's faith is their personal relationship with Christ." The whole point of my column over the past year, including the column in question, was to emphasize that very point. However, I would point out again, as I didin that column, that not every person or organization which claims to be Christian really is. The fact that some people who are indeed Christians would associate themselveswithso called "churches" whose teachings are in direct contradiction to the Bible seems very bizarre to me. A w n , I would urge each person ,to read the Bible and cons~derthe Lord JesusChr~stforthemselves. We ali have the problem of sln in our Iwes, andomy He can dealwth~c.No ceremonies, church, rehg~on,philosophy. or anythmg dse can do it. Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus Chlst &ed on the cross to pay the price for your sms, it is only through faith in Him rhat your slns can be forgiven. There is no other way. -Wawen Hagey The Forum Section enables members of the University of Waterloocommunitytopresent viewsonvarious issuesthrough letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. Lettersshouldnot exceed 350 words in length. Letters must be signed, including a phonenumber. Letters willnot be printed if the Editor-in-Chief cannot identifV the author. They can be submitted to:
Letters received in electronic form (e.g. fax & email) willnotbeprintedunlessaphone number for verification is included. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publishletters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatoryon the basis ofgender, race, religion or sexualorientation. The opinions expressed through coluinns, comment pieces, letters andotherarticles arestrictly thoseof the authors, not theopinions o h p r i n t .
Imprint, Friday, September 15, 2000
What was the craziest thing that you did last week?
!''Walked into a stranger's :house." 'Fraser Burgess 1N Geography
"I just had fun at each event." Aleem Daya 1A Systems Engineering
Adina Gillian and Durshan Ganthan
Umair Ali 1A Honours Math
"Was the only girl in the scunt pie eating contest." Catherine Moore 1A Computer Science
"I didn't take my usual three hour afternoon nap." Roxana Greszta 1A Honours Arts
"A game of Calvinball. Edcom made the rules." Khary Alexander 1A Mechanical Engineering
"Petitioned to have Frosh Week extended." Laurence Biro 1A Bioinfomzatics
"Went commando style under my toga." Tim Parsons 1A Earth Science
"Running around the mall acting like pirates." Nick & Chris 1A Mechanical Engineering
"Stripped in the window during scunt presentation." Bob Gill 1A Computer Science
"Painted my face."
Ride a scooter through Naxos, meet cheesy folks A Greek island jaunt turns to adventure for one touring student r
KENNY DEHRABIG . special to Imphi
'd been o r the Greek island of Naxos for about half a day when I decided that the best way to get around was to rent a scooter. I'd already walked through the main town Hora, (where I was staying), and realized there was an abundunce of places to rent a scooter. As per backpacker routine, I set out to find the best bargain. I got the hang of it quickly after that and rode around the countryside for a few hours. As I was making my way back, I noticed a sign for Mount Zeus, the island's higheapeak.The peak didn't interest me, buta second sign pointing to a cave half way up the mountain sounded like a neat place to exvlore before heading- back to town. The cave was a fair size, and the atmosphere was mostly what I'd always expected a real cave to be like: dkk, dank and moist. On the way down, I thought I'd take a shorr cut down some smooth rock. I ended way off trail up on some P g land for mountain shecp,@th three separate fences keeping me from thinail about 25 m e h e s b The first one was a rickety old square wire fence. I tried climbing part of it, hummed and hawed and decided I'd try to find a better place to get over. As I turned tomy right to head towards a tree, some motion caughtmy eye. Thesheepwuldhave cared less that I was there, but the sheep dogs guarding them discovered my presence and decided that all I needed Hias a little additional motivation. The first one ran up to the fence a b u t 30metresaway, then his buddy joined him at his side. "Well, it's the fence or themn passed through my head as I dashed for the fence and ium~ed over. I didn't look backuntil
I'd climbed the next fence to make sure they didn't have fence jumping asanadditionaltalent. In the process, I sliced open my hand, elbow thigh, left side of my trunk, and ripped my shirt. That night, I decided I'd get outraguouslydrunk. The night started well, with cheap Greekresinated wine and ouzo to warm me up and calm my nerves. Eventually I found agreat restuarant on the edge - of Hora. A few locals were sittingthere having a conversationof which Iunderstood absolutely nothing, but after a few more glasses of wine it didn't stop me from sitting with themand nodding inagreement with the occasional statement. I left that place around 1 a.m. Things were pretty hazy after that. The next distinct memory I have . is hitchhiking with somconeatabout 5 3 0 a.m. I d-on't know who the person wasorwhy1was with him (Inuess it can't be thatdistinct)but 1'mGetty sure I thonght I was getting myself back to my r ~ o mA. pick-up truck A Naxosatystreet,flanked byapartment buildingsand stores, isa scooter-ridinghot spot. picked usuo and I iust sat in the back, enjoyingthexeneryandsunrise.My mamessandwavedgoodnightIslept animals and asked in Englishif Icould wicker basket that allowed the liquid go back to Hora. It tmns out this guy to drain qut and the solid curds to niate h o ~ g e dout, and $is guy just like a baby until 1p.m. When I eventually woke and didn'tunderstandor speakawordof settle. He filled THREEbaskets and kept driving. put them on the shelf. He went
the cheese out to flip d spin it. / To make more curds, he built a fnq under the cauldron and waited. We just sat there for a while, in silence, one of us producing his life's workandthe otherenjoyinghiswork's life. English. Oops. He mumbled someHe was short, in his late 50s to thing in Greek, then motioned with early6Os,withamousfacheandsomehis handsthat hewasgoingto eat and what craggy face. H&most prorniwaswonderingiffwantedsome food. nent feature was his stockin&, the Agreeingwhole-heartedly,lfoUowed kind of physique &at comes with him into his small house. years of hard farm labour. Even his It was the kind of place that hands were nowhere near as long as looked dirty and run down at first, my average hands, but they were but it began to grow on me and was twice as thick. strangel~comfo>ablefor avisit m his With signing I managed to find man fed me a meal I could never out that Ire had four children and a dream of. It startedwithsomeboiled wife, although 1 doubt she was still seaweed and cucumber, sliced toma- around or alive. Occasionally I'd say toes, sliced cucumbers and bread. all something in English and he'd anin a sauce of olive oil and white wine. swer something in Greek, and alThe water was plentiful. and he pro- though we never could make senseof ceeded to give me boiled eggs, some each other's words, we understood sort of cold meat ball, and big hunks each other perfectly. of cheese. By the time the cheesemaking He finished cleaning and mo- was done Iwasreally kching to crawl tioned me to follow him, so we went into my bed. I tried a s b g him again about brlngingme to Hora, and evenoutside and into another shed. Inside wasamassivecauldron (at tually deducedhe wasn'tplanningon least a metre in diameter) with a going back to town untii 9 p.m. wooden plank covering it. He reI motioned that I had to go soon, moved the plank and it was full of sohe led me downto the road, pointed cream. When I looked around the outwhlch way toget back to the main room, I discovered this man's liveli- road, and waved me off. I thanked hood wasacheesemaker.All the walls hlm profusely before leaving, but were covered with shelves stacked unfortunately I had nothing to offer with cheese that was being aged. him in return. For !he next fewhoursIsatthere I took one last look and headed and just watched this man make on my way. He was casually strolling cheese. He startedby stirringthe pot, to his neighbour for a chat, totally at then got out his scooper to scoopthe peace with the world and that little curds out. They were dumped into a part of it that he could call his own.
It was the kind of place that looked dirty and run down at first, but it began to grow on me and was strangely comfortable for a visit. Suddenly I realized I wasn't going home, but I didn't care. All I wanted was sleep. Eventually he stopped, and I motionedthat 1ne;eded sleep. He led me into an old shed, pulled down a dirty, thin mattress with cobwebsand bugs to boot, gave me an old coat from the 1970s (at least) hanPrine there. pointed at the
The hotelshould be around heresomewhere...
figured how I ended up there. Iwent outside to find my denefactor. It mrnsout Iwasatasmallf-onacliff by the edge of the sea. Arocky beach was maybe 50 metres below, and the landscape was a hilly emerald grassland with sporaticpatches ofgranite. Itwasmagnificient. I found the farmer tending to his
Tired of computer stores that reward your knowledge with higher prices? Stores that try to sell you whatever they have in stock? Sales staff insisting certain brand names you never heard of as better, when you know better? Since when should a collection of parts cost more than a fully functioning computer? If you think you know better, YOU probably do. Trust yourself. Buy what YOU want!
The G n p e v ~ n eClub In: does not presrreen callerr B.asmws no l i a t ~ l ~hr t y usng t h ~ s r r m e Must bs l a + FREE local call LD charges may applr, 'Some c$nd~tconsapply
Imprint, Friday, September 15, 2000
Anti-Consumerism events offer different takes on life GREG MACDOUGALL special to Imprint
his coming Thursday, September 21 is World Car Free Day. It is planned to help raise awarenessthat as a society, we cannot continue driving our cars as we currently do, and expect our planet to makeit safely into the 22nd century. On this day, people around the world are urged not to use a car, but to instead, try usingamore environmentally-friendly method of transportation to get around. Walk, run, bke, rollerblade, scoot, or take the bus or train. Do whatever you need to do so that you can say, "I didn't further pollute our environment this day." I recently returned from two weeksinNorthern Irelandand Scotland. One thing I noticed was the absence of big cars-virtually all cars were small to mid-sized, and there wasan absenceof minivansandSWs. Maybe I've just grown accustomed to the sight of these mega-vehicleson this side of the ocean. Furthermore, the gas prices were in the low to mid- 80s per litre. But hold up - that's in pence, not cents, Throw in the 2.25 exchange rate. and you're talkingamuch higher cost of gas. So, maybe higher prices do encourage more fuel-efficient,environ-
sure tovisit the SLC on Buy Nothing Day to see what type of things this university community does to encourage an awareness of overconsumption. As graphic-design artist/ celebrated thinker Tibor Kalman notes: "consumption is a treatable disease."
mentally-helpful thinking. And on the topic of higher gas prices, here'saquote from our province's environment minister, Dan Newman, a fresh political face from the Harris government ranks: "What's happening is that a lot of Ontarians are looking at car pooling with the high price of gas. So, I would rather see the
TV Turnoff Week, April 22-28
prices low in On- ~leaseavoiddrivin~~our ~orchetoclasson worldcar free a . lmorld Car *%he Day joins a tario."Thiswason the day of his swearing in as minister of turing industry is a principal em- number of other occasionsthat raise the environment.-~e managed t o ploye~ofplann~dobs&ence~design- important issuesin the publicsphere, would rather not blurt out a bit more before he was inkcars to last five years or so before that many. people removed from the media by his han- the consumer has to get another one. think of. dlers. Now that electric cars are hitBUYNothing Day, There'ssome insight into thecar ting the dealers' lots, the next step is situation at the provincial level. If tomakeup alarge percentageof new November 21 you want more, you can compare car sales. And of course, after that On this day, consumers are the money going Into road work there will be the day when the majorwith the money gomg Into public ity of cars on the road are environ- urged not to make any purchases, transportation. mentally-friendly, sending less pol- highlightingmodernsociety'sobsesThe situation on the manufac- lution up into the air than our con- sion with consumption. Maybe goturing end does lend melf to some temporary autos. ing shopping for things you don't hope - maybe. I've seen some adWe don't have to wait patiently really need isn't the best way to make vertislng on TV for an electric-gas until that day. We have this day, you feel better about yourself. hybrld car, so I guess the day has World Car Free Day, to take action In fact, maybe itwill actually be finally come where these vehicles and make an actual difference in the adding to that empty feeling you have made it to market. But rt cer- pollution beinggenerated. Think of might have -isn't that how addichow nice a day it would be if no one tion usually works? tainly took a long trme. Remember, the car manufac- in the K-W region drove. Think of If you're new to this school, be
Try a week without TV. See how it is. I won't tell you what it would be like because it would be much better if you found out for yourself. There's some great stats on TV use and abuse-I'll just take acouple that I can remember. One, the average American kid watches three to four hours of TV a day. Two, by the time they finishhigh school, the average American kids have spent less time in a classroom than in front of a TV.
Earth Day, April 22 By far the longest runnlng and w~delyrecognized of antl-consumerist events, but sadly ~ t ~ s n o t w h~t at used to be. Iguess~tbecomeshard to spend a day celebrating how mpor tant the envrronment is to us and then spendthe other 364 daysdoing th~ngsthat are killing ~ t .
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JOHN TRINH special to Imprint
traight fromgroundzero. The freshman, the rookie, the newbie (that's me) and this is my take on the faculties, OCD, Residence Life and all the joys therein for Frosh 2000. I am currently sitting in the hallowed lounge of the SLC, soon to be my haven (my eye of the storm) to the torrentla1waves of un~versity hfe. To my r~ghtIS fellow froshee Moh. His take on the week 1s 'kt's ahght." We s ~Int sdence (playing w ~ t these h damn bracelets) tahng a break from our hect~cparty schedule. All the whde, the dread of the forthcom~ngworkloadsitspat~ently m the back of our mmds. Madonna's "Beaut~fulStranger"playsappropnate1y ~nthe background. Off In the distance above the din of leaders, dons, FOCs, and the exc~tedmmgl~ngof froshers. "HI, how are you? What program are you tn?"~s the deafen~ngmmble of the newest regiment of Warriors. "What do we drmk?" "WATER!" "W'lo's your daddy?" ''L~Ol" Shrdl broken vo~cesresound In mindless cheermg all testaments to the level of spmt heldw~thlnth~sour new lnstltutlon for higher learnmg. At the centre of the room, the people In charge are going over ton~ghtsfest~vities a Moist con cert Speakmg of wh~ch must pre pare. and even I: ton~ghtis a bust at least get ro lose one of these damn bracelets.
After Moist, Monte Carlo, and of course TOGA It's 9 a.m. Monday morning and I findmyself sitting in the coffee shop inML. The clockticksslowly, taunting me, teasing me- my first class is ln 30 minutesand I anxiously await its arrival. Around me, students are reuniting with the usual "Hey how was your summer?How many class hours do you have?" Other students are making last minute preparations - opening
Imprint, Friday, September 15, 2000
Irn~rint.Fridav. Se~tember I S . 2000
You are going to have to start using a new line. SMOKE-FREE Waterloo Region now includes restaurants, bars, bingo halls, and places of amusement.
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The world is not enough scow
CORDON Imprint staff
W grad student Alison Lobsinger is part of a new generation of university students -people for whom borders mean little, whether it's the demarcationbetween countriesor academic disciplines. A student in Environment and Resource Studies, Lobsinger is currently in Indonesiawhereshe is starting the research for her Master's thesis, asocial studythat looksat how people live their lives in an upland community. "Traditionally, most land use and development has taken place in lower-lyingareas,"sheexplains,"but, as the Indonesian populatiotl grows andasneed for food, space, et cetera increases, people are moving into what used to be less desirable land, such as the uplands area. "So, I'm looking at how people are changing and adaptingtheirlivelihoodsinresponseto changesaround them." Lobsinger's research involves analyzingawholerange of data from
a number of different sources, includingstatisticsand mapsfromgovernment ministries and key informant interviews with government officials and various non-eovernmentalorganizations(hGOs$ By far, the most imoortant datacollection.however, involvesinterviewingvillagers who are directly affected by uplands migration. Lobsinger's research is being conducted in association with she Universitv Consomumon the Environment (USE),which is part of the Collaborative EnvironmentalProiect in Indonesia (CEPI). According to Lobsinger, CEPI works with government agencies doing environmental-relatedwork, while "UCE sends Indonesian studentsto Canada to do their Master's degreesinthe ES facultiesat UW and York and sends Canadian UW and York students to Indonesia to do their thesis research. "UCE makes life much siioler as a grad student doing research; it savesus from having to spend a year or more trying to get research permits." At the moment there are six
Canadian studentsworking in IndonesiawithUCE, includingUwgraduate studentsMarleneDoyle andJodi Browne. WhileLobsinger'sworkwill take place largely in upland villages, she has been trying to ensure that her research has a sturdy enough foundation. "I haven't actuallygotten to my village yet," she says. "I've been in Indonesia for six weeks, but three of them were spent in Yogyakarta in Javaattemptingtolearn howto speak Indonesian. "Now in Makassar, my time is being taken up with trying to find research assistants who speak English, Indonesian, Makassarand Bugis, gettingvisas extended ,and trying to get letters from all lyels of government in Sulawesi saying I can interview people and gather informtion." For those aspects of her thesis preparation that involve communication with her contacts back in Canada, access to the World Wide Web has been invaluable. "The Internet has made life so much easier," she says. "I can send
copies of proposals to people and fix my ethicsform, ande-mailmysupervisor, friendsand family. I'm halfway across the world, but I don't feel cut off in the slightest." For some, Indonesiamay seem too unstableaplace tobe doing overseaswork. After all, the countryisjust adapting to democracy. For Lobsinger, though, those concerns don't seemto have affectedher work there. "The political climate hasn't affectedmyworkin the slightest," she says. "It makes watching the news more interesting, and it makes us a little hesitant about divingintolarge groupsof students-Makassar is the largest city in Eastern Indonesia and if riots or protests happen in Jakarta thevtend to trickle overto Makassar." As for the future, Lobsinger still isn't sure what it holds. "I spent a large,proportion of my life living in developing countries,soIwouldlike toget ajobwhen I graduate with an internationalorganizationwhere Icouldspendsome time overseas and some time in Canada. So who knows where I'll end up!"
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dare to explore.
Are you ready for some soccer? Women savlage win at Western
Men disappoint after trashing Laurier -
With the sting of the 4-0 drubbing still JOHN S W A N a cheap tent in hurricane-force winds. First to freshin thememoriesof these ladies, the soccer Imprint staff begin the onslaught of goals was Moh, who Imprint staff team made the trip to J.W. Little Stadium to unleashed a furious shot that Berry just could aterloo soccer, has been plagued by take on a Western squad that has lost a lot of ast weekend, Waterloo started off on not save. Nine minutes later, Knez scored his ill luck for the past three years. The players due to the university scourge known as the right foot by thrashing Wilfrid second of the game on a penalty shot. At the women naturally were hoping to graduation. Western assistant coaches Sarah Laurier University. Unfortunately, the 40th minute, Knez completed the hat trick by Warriorscouldnotsweeplastweekend'sgames slidingthe ball into the net. Mills added another br& this streak of bad luck last week against Gasparotto and Katherine Esch would not give H&ks 6 th&@ilfr&i Laugier Unjversity Golden Hawks Waterloo the satisfaction of rollmg over and when the Universityof Western Ontario Mus- goal near the end to give t& Go* tangsbested the men in blackand gold the very genuine 6-1 drubbing."@& H a m , w h - r ~ f &dIhe ~nive* of Western Ontario Mus- playingdead. It wasup to AnaGrgic toprevent "same old, same old" Waterloo from taking all three points. Havard placed owens at h a l f t i m ~ ~ a s ~ wo ~ ~ ~+&jtwwas'the y " , ~ next day. a g a i ~theC$ldeiiHai&,the t ladies did have got her secondstart forthe Warriors, who were any offence On September 9, the Wilfrid Laurier Laurier just could notgaerate +," , , & . 9" very eager to avenge themselves after losing in b v l&.$g&nstthe MdfiiwI( * ?A,** "br\ Golden Hawks paidavisit toNorth Campusto whatsoever. Th~p$&~&wks descendedqon the an embarrassing fashion against Laurier a day test their mettle against the Warriors. Ed Edgar, The nqitday they*@%e#$q%. l &bo t H o t ~ p ~ ~ & ~ e p ~ e w bB,zur e r 9 " .earlier. p ~ m p t r ~ s t e d ~ ~ p oG & head coach of the men's soccer team, started LittleSgtdi~~m Grgicwasvery busy in net, asJohnson, Me1 a an&~f ~ d [mw r h oia l~s sMq~q h s $;t&f@t$e. team) goalie Kyle Owens, while Barry MacLean of f r o m , ~ h c u f l i v e ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~' M Denheyer and LauraMunro all challenged the &&Bruce @ ~m&edJe&i@&iontagqio Laurier decided that Mike Berry was his man. tangs m d t t ~ k w E r e 9 & ~ ; E,d Western goalkeeper. Robriques h&d Sara! $h?a;ec$ to,k&the The first half began with Dave Millsmak- ~ ~ # & & % 4 @ t & imsr&ge;dt&de.r, Although the abovea , , 5 ing the first pass. From that point forward, the && R b S B e q *mestetnhead coach), ball out of the net. men's game, the began mentioned triumvirate Warriors showed absolute mastery of the ball, CrajrrM&iirik&d 66 the man that w p & $ h i U& failed to score agamst $?&%& ' #rb?ssertlng its demi&n&tpon &<af&ense for the MustaJsw completing great passes and troubling thk hvdmin- Grgic, it was Sarah abuious &~enldenHawks. Durtng @&st &f.@thr~&%d go it was pygoaltender Mike Berry for the first 20 minutes Towns in the 37th ofthegame. Inthe23rdminute, ChuckWojciek that Wwterni%w$ the better few kw3 a m h h eg m @ a m e r wastedtifir:eby$@I$ng the bal~o~~fhq$~andclearingeb@b@&~m minute that finally showedrare brilliance in the Laurier attack by tally *#&bpi"f"ally. Despit&Qt&looWplf; solved the Western kicking the ball over the defensive wall and the fi@&otof thegame, t h & d f ~ d i & & f dFg$.Thisgavuplenty of cpporm&iesfor keeper. Unfortunately, xhe$p& Warr~orsto scare. waterlogwas angling the *;.!a@le$qconvert thelr chqges into somethmg the referee would take ball out of &kf,x@illJohnson, h e Farace and Cathy away Waterloo's lead in injury time when he Owens' $4.&all den$B by the spectacular called Munro on a foul for tackling Crystal hands. Just f Mcpptagano. The Golden Johnson. Takingthe penaltykick, Sarah Roberts hke that, the c x k hand, were able to capi- was ableto convertthis opportumty into agoal. Golden $mts they managed togarner. At halftime Waterloo and Western had one Hawkstooka Kopanen and Cathy Jackson goal apiece. most from a pass by Pamela Just like the firsthalf, the kcond half began forced Waterloo'sill fortune. with play situated mostly in Western's half. Stunned bv rier enjoyed an ill gotten two Again, the Warriors tried to obtain the winning the early Laurier advantage, Nick Knez and goal, only to be deniedby Grgic. As the second captain Roger Badley decidedthat enough was enough. Waterloo kept attacking the Golden efforts. After one half the Mustangs enjoyed t :* ' The second half wasmore of the same for half wore on, the Mustangs began to turn the the Warriors. Although most of the game was tide and actually made an effort to defeat Hawks and in the 43rd minute, Waterloo's two-goal surplus on the Warriors. prayers were answered. Off a comer kick by When Alex Hearn replaced Owens in the played in Laurier's half the Warriors still could Havard. Sal Sloan and Pauline Uabotis, both bliver oh, s h a m ~am~bellfoundBerryout second half the former found that it was more not score. What's worse, Laurier kept scoring from Western, had fairly decent shots that ofpositionandplacedthe ballneatlyin the back of the same. Western had control of the game despite the best efforts of both the Warriors could have given the Mustangs the game. In the of the net. T o top the first half, Nick Knez and was giving Hearn all sorts of trouble; defense and Havard. Pamela Clarke scored 32ndminute, off afree kick,Erin Walkomshot eluded several stunned Laurier defenders and Waterloocouldnot generatetoomany chances Laurier's third goal when she found Havard's the ball over the wall and across the goal line. blasted the ball past Berry in injury time togive and when all was said and done, Western won weak spot and exploited it. Fifteen minutes Luckily, the defense held their ground and later, Lorraine Hodds was blessed with good when the finalwhistle blew, Waterloo won the Waterloo a one-goal advantage at halftime. 2-0. In the second half, the Warriorscontinued On September 16, the Ryerson Ramswill formnewhen her shot bounced off Havardfor match 2-1. pressuringthe Golden Hawks. For 25 minutes, make the trip to North Campus and on Sep- another goal. By game'send the Golden Hawks On September 16, the Warriors will play Berry was able to withstand the Warrior as- tember 17,theUniversityof GuelphGryphons left the University of Waterloo campus with a Ryerson at North Campus. The next day, the sault, but one couldtell that sooner or later, just make the trip to Waterloo. Both games begin 4-0 triumph that was, to say the very least, ladies from Guelph pay a visit to Waterloo. like the Laurier defense, he would fold up like at 1p.m. I undeserved. Both games commence at 3 p.m.
Imprint, Friday. September I 5. 2000
K A T E SCHWAS. Imprint staff
ans screamed out cheers at University Stadium on Saturday, September 9. The first play from Warriors quarterback Jordie Holton was a pass to wide receiver Chris Kreibich for the first Waterloo touchdown. Playing to defend their Yates Cup championship, the Warriors made the first football game of the season an exciting one. However,
We've fallen.. .and we can't get up.
the McMaster University Marauders eventually won the game with a score of 41-33. Several Warriors made arnazing defensive and offensive plays throughout the game. Greg Bourne intercepted one pass and also made a number of other key defensive plays. Quarterback Holton, in his first start with the Warriors, passed for 186 yards in the game. Veteran running back Mike Bradley ran for 1T3 yards while rookie fullbackJay Akindolire ran for 44 yards, making
enough to take the Warriorspastthe Marauders. Being afirstgame for many new UW frosh, this game proved to be exciting and many fans stuck it out right to the end. The Superfans and cheerleaderskept the crowd pumping with traditional Waterloo Warrior c h e a s . d e the Mac fansshowed little class when they yelled their cheers such as, "Fuck you, Waterloo," and "Roses are red, violets are blue, you go to Waterloo and that's whv,vou , suck." U W fans, however, stuck with the traditional "Water Water Water Loo Loo Loo" cheer and proved that painted faces and good cheers make for a much happier crowd. The next game for the Warriors is on Saturday when they travel to take on the Varsity Bluesin Toronto. They return home on Saturday, September 23, to face off againstW i d sorlancers.
WithWaterlooleading, the impish Maraudersattempttoscorea touchdown.Theydid,and managedtosteal awin from Waterloo4 1 -33.
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IMPRINT Publications Waterloo
MEETING Friday, Sept. 29,2000 Student Life Centre, room 1116 \GENDA: I. Annual Report !. 2000-2001 Budget 3. Proposed Bylaw Changes 4. P r o m Pdicy 8 P d u r e Changes i. Election of 2000-2001 Board of Directors Changesare too numerousto print. Copies of the proposed changes can be obtaine kt the IMPRINT office. Note: any full-time student may proxy hisher vote for the meeting. Come to th MPRINT ofice at least 48 hoursbefore the meetingfor details.)
\I1 kgistered~~niversity of Waterloo students who have paid the IMPIUN nembershio fee are invited to al?endand vote.
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FREE transportation provided (from SLC) FREE admission with UW ID
Warriors ready for the track Y
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G R E G MACDOUGALL special to Imprint
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Imprint, Friday, September 15, 2000
ou know that feeling you get when you're waiting for something, you're totally up for it and can't wait to get into it. but you just have to wait. You're pumped, you're eager, you'reready, but it doesn't matter.. .you just have to wait. Well, that's how the members of the Waterloo track and field team feel right now. Instead of running track in the fall, Canadian Intercollegiate Athletes Union track and field is now a winter sport. There's typically one meet before Christmas; the rest of the season runs January and February, and the OntarioUniversityAthleticsandCIAUchampionshipsareat the start of March. People got a little smarter -it's indoor track now. For those of you who don't know, indoor track is a bit different from what you're going to see in Sydney over the next couple of weeks. Indoor tracks are only 200111 long, as opposed to the outdoor 400m. The other race distances are the 300111, 600111, 1,00Om, 1,50Om, and 3,000m. There's also the 60m hurdles,longjump, triple jump, high jump, pole vault, weight throw and shot put. There are also relays - the 4~400m,4xlOOm,the4x200mand the 4x800111. Finally, there is the pentathalon, which consists of 60m hurdles, long jump, high jump, shot put and the 800m. The Waterloo team has been doing quite well the past couple of years, and that's why they can't wait for this coming season to get underway. Unfortunately,thisschool doesn't have its own indoor track and does not play host to any of the
NO poisonous snakes here, mate!
integral part of the Campus Recreation team.
our dreams of attending the 2000OlympicGamesinSydney, Australia are about to become a reality. The Campus Recreation Cross Canada Challenge for the fall term will take you to the land "Down Under." By recording your activities in the Cross Canada Challenge Travel Log outside the PAC Equipment Centre, youwill follow the five OlympicRingsthrough Olympicsites andunique areas ofAustralia. Prizes are awarded along the way, so be sure to register soon in PAC 2039. There is even a grand priz'e draw for a set of in-line skates and protective gear for those of you who complete all five Olympic Rings. The Cross Canada Challenge is free, so all you have to do is get active and start making those Olympic dreamscome true!
Free stuff here
Help wanted Lookingfor agreat way to meet new people and perhaps earn some cash at the same time? Well look no further than Campus Recreation: Leaders are wanted to fill a variety of positions, from lifeguards to referees to tournament organizers; Campus Recreation has a multitude of jobs for students. Details about specific jobs can be found in the Campus Recreation Guidebook. Simply fill out an application form found in PAC 2039 and you may soon be an
Has the cost of tuition, books, rent and food left you strapped for cash, yetlonging for fun,free activities?All you need to dois head to the PAC for a plethora of things to do. The pool hosts daily fitnessand rec swimsduring the morning, noon andnight. As well, there isan evening of free stroke correction on November 6. During theexam period, look for free fitness classes. The weight room is full of cardio equipment, free weights and machines that are free to UW students. Look for conditioning room staff for a free orientation to the weight room. Pick-up games of Ultimate Frisbee are held Thursdays at 4:OOp.m. on theVillageGreen. Join in a game of basketball, volleyballor badminton at the gym. The WaterIooTennis Club allowsUW students to play free of charge on their courts located on Seagram Drive beside Waterloo Park. The Columbia Icefield (CIF)can be booked for group activitieslike ball hockey and indoor soccer. The CIF arena hosts CR rec hockey Wednesdays andThursdays from 10to 11:30a.m. andTuesdays from 3 to 4 p.m. Rec skating is held Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1p.m. For more information, get a copy of the Campus Recreation Fall 2000 Guidebook or check out www.athletics.uwaterloo.caorvisit the Campus Recreation offices.
Athletes of the Week
Greg Bourne Warrior Football
Wendy Moffett Warrior Field Hockey
Afourth-yearMechanical Engineering student from Mississauga,Greg was the defensive standout this past weekend in the Warriors 41-33 defeat against McMaster. He made a critical interception late in the first half to stop aMcMaster scoringdrive and was called upon in the second half to defend against McMaster's top receiver. Greg knocked down numerous passes slowing down the high-powered air attack of the Marauders and made several tackles in run support. Next game for the Warriors is September 16, when Waterloo visits Toronto.
A third-year Science student from Sussex, New Brunswick, Wendy was instrumental in leading the Warriors to a 2-0 victory over the University of New Brunswick anda 1-1 tie against the always tough University of Toronto Blues, in exhibition play. Against the University of Toronto, Wendy played exceptional defense marhng and outplayed the Varsity Blues National team forward. Wendy also initiated a number of attacking runs in both games. The Warriors next action is September 17-18, when Waterloo plays Trent and Guelph in Toronto.
Imprint, Friday, September 15, 2000
rosh Week 2000 may have been a great time for the leaders and young innocent freshmenwho probably don't knowwhat an eight-track is, but for Athletics Canada it was a week of sheer unadulterated hell. FromHolger Osieck'ssquadto Robin Lyons and Eric Lamaze to the tour de farce knownas the Montrtal Expos, this nation hasshown that if international sport was a party, Canada would be the boorish guest who throws up on himself in a drunken stupor. So, where shall we begin? Let's startwith an easy one. After the Gold Cup last year, there was renewed optimism in Canada's soccer team. And why not? After all, Canada had managed to upset Mexico in the quarter-finals, Trinidad andTobago in the semifinals and Columbia to win the title. And with the likes of Paul Fenwick, David Xaus2 and goalkeeper Pat Onstad, it appeared that the Canadians may actually have a shot at making the grade at World Cup 2002. Unfortunately, the soccer players in red and white had trouble scoring in the CONCACAF semifinals.Theresultwasahumiltating 2-0 loss In Edmonton against Trinldad and Tobago, an atrocious scorelessdraw in Panama City and a 2-0 loss at Azteca Stadtum in
Mexicothat gave an impressionthat Canada was better than they really were. What's worse, Jack Werner, head of CONCACAF and resident jerk for Trinidad and Tobago, degraded the Canadiansby statingthat Canada did not deserve to win the Gold Cup. You'd think that would rile the Canucks into action. Nope, didn't happen! On September3, the dream of going to Japan died hideouslywith a4-0 shellackingat Port of Spain. Across the country, fans of Canadian soccer asked, "Oh why, Osieck, hath thou forsaken us?" Next on the list are the pair who obviously graduated from the Ben Johnson Schoolof Athletics. The first Canadian to be caught last week was Robin Lyons, who was going to be competing in the hammer throw. EricLarnaze The next day.equestrian .< was caught with drugs in his system. WhileLyonswasfoundto be positive in theNandrolone category, Lamaze was foundsnorting the other kind of Canadian snow, if you know what I mean. Both of these athletes are trying to appeal the results, but it appears that both Lyons and Lamaze are in a class that currently includes such fine members as Steve Vezina, Eric Chevrier, Ross Rebagliati and Cheryl Thibedeau. Finally, there is a team that is
more bushleaguethanmajor league. Yes, the Montrtal Expos, mired in a fight with the Pittsburgh Pirates, Houston Astros and Philadelphia Phillies for last place in the major leagues, are living proof that people can screw up the Lord's Prayer even if it was written out in large letters. Sure, it began well when new owner Jeffery Loria promised to turn the team around and provide a new facility to replace the crumbling 01ympic Stadium. But with minority stockholders threatening to sue the owners and the plans to build a new park deader than Ayatollah Khomeni, is it any wonder that Virginia isstarting to look really attractive? Sure, Vfadimir Guerrero and Jose Vidro are the stars for the sad sack Expos and Felipe Alou is doing his best asthe captain of the Montrtal Titanic, but this franchise might as well be the Virginia Expos as far as Canadians are concerned. With these kinds of athletes, I wonder if "Joe Canadian" would be so proud of the second largest landmass in the world. I am Canadian? No thanks, I'dratherbe ascot. Sure, that wouldmeanenduringjokesabout sheep-banging, penny-pinchingand kilt-wearing, but at least their athletes don't use dope and they actually give a damn!
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Veruca Salt: crunchier than ever before Special to Imprint
aturday, September 16, UW's own Fed Hallis the hostto altrock legends Veruca Salt, fronted by Louise Post. Verucadrummer Jimmy Madla IS psyched about his band's first Waterloo show. He spoke with Imprint about the healmg power of Home Improvement, pop muslc, andveruca Salt's ass kickin' tour.
Imprint: How d ~ you d get involved w ~ t Veruca h Salt? Jimmy Madla: Actually, I hadn't played drums for about hve years before I jomed the band, I was workIng as a chef, and I was hangmg out w ~ t hLou~se[Post] because I was friends w ~ t both h Louse and (former Verqcav~xen)Nina [Gordon]. Then that whole spl~thappened (between Post and Gordon). Lou~sewas demomg stuff for the new record and she was flymg t h ~drummer s 1nfromL.A. andsomeone s a ~ dto her, "Hey, you don't ? need to fly a drummer ~ n There's plenty of drummers here In Chicago," andshewashke, "Who?"And then my name came up and she was hke, "I drdn't even know he played drums!" So then she called me at work d domg some demos, do and s a ~ "I'm you want to come m? It doesn't mean
you're intheband, I'l1,give you $100 to help me lay these songs down on tape in the studio." Then the first night that we played together we just got along so well that she asked me to ioin
you listen to the new record, it has thatVerucaSaltsoundtoit,although I think it's a little more rock. I: Inthe liner notes you thankthe cast
ment, which wasstrange because she hated the show. I think it started as a joke cuz we woutd turn it on and be like, "Hey Louise, check it out," and stick her face in the T.V. But
JM: I don't even know who to put into that categorybecause radio now is justreally weird to me. Alot of the music on the radio now I'm not really into. I'm not gonnaname any names, but there'ssome realcrap bands and they're just bemg played so much that kidsmust think~t'scool:"They put this on ten times today, I better go out and buy it." I'm so hopmg that it turns around and people start liking rockagain. I thinkcomputers ruined ~tfor everyone.
I: Has play~ngthe mater~allive changed your att~tudetowards the mater~aland the d ~ r e c t ~ oVeruca n Salt 1s headmg? JM: Actually I'm hopmg ~t'shead~ng Into a harder thmg. The h e show IS a lot more rockm' than people m~ghtexpect ~tto be. It's defin~tely heav~erthan the prevlous ~ncarn'atlon of the band. I'm a total metal guy and Stephen IS a total metal freak, too. It's a heavler, crunchier, more agSomewould sayVerucaSalt hassufferedsincethe split, but b~ggestgulltypleas- gresslve sound. Even when we piay I: How much effort dld you haveyou heard NinaGordon'snewalbum?!?! ure, though, IS the old stuff, there's more of a rock consc~ouslymake to keep the Bntney Spears. I am edge to everythmgand I thmk ~ t ' so s Veruca Salt sound the same wlth the of Home Improvement. What's up upset. I have all Br~tneystuff. I have cool. new band? w ~ t hthat? Br~tneyT-sh~rts,I have all the st~ckers. JM: We used the trademark Veruca JM: That's kmd of Lou~se'sdeal. As My bunkm the bus was sohd wall-to- I: The Resolver album is full of Salt double female harmony, wh~ch far as I know, when we were In the wallBr~tney. hardcore heartbreaksongs. Doyoa we kept w ~ t Suzanne h [Sokol] domg studlo-me Lou~seandBnan-we have any advice about how to get vocals, and Lou~se'sgultar sound 1s wouldalwayshaveabreakat5:30so I: Who do you adm~reout of Veruca your heart broken in style? also very trademark Veruca Salt. If Louise could watch Home Improve- Salt'sdrrect compet~tion? JM: Don't listen to your friends.
Weezer rises from the ashes at Phoenix ERIN DAVEY special to Imprint
t's been a few years sinceWeezer has released a new album. Well, the lucky people who were at their show at the Phoenix in Toronto on August 31 got a taste of their upcoming release. Luck was what people needed
to get a ticket to that show because apparently it sold out in less than half an hour. Scalped tickets were going for $150 to $200. Walking to the venue, and even driving down the street on our way there, I was asked if I had extra tickets. People were hanging around and looking for someone who had a spare ticket. Obviouslythis was amuch more
JUST ANSWER ME THIS: b k d What was the first hit single off Bring your ass (and your correct answer) dowr to Imprint by Fr~day,September 15 at 5:00 p.m for your free ttckets to Veruca Salt's show at Fec Hall on Saturday, September 16,2000
highly-anticipated show than I had originally gathered. I knew that Weezer had a following, but I didn't think it was that big. Not to say that they aren't deserving- I have been a big fan for years. Itwasjust asurprising thing to discover. Judging by what was going on even before the show started and by how fast tickets sold out, it seems that Weezer has many hardcore fanswho are willing to pay alot to see the band play. Solet'sget to theshow. Opening up was Dynamite Hack, arock band slowly gainingrecognitioninCanada. They were a nice warm-up for what was to come. As photographers squeezed the~rway through the crowd of people to get m front of the stage, the securltyguardswarned them to watch the~rheads. It was easy to understand why the guards would say that -w~thpeoplesqu~shedtotheguardrail, and into each other, it looked like the kind of crowd that could get a little jumpy. This was a concert where there was a much h~gherconcentration of males ~nattendance than females. It was nlce to go to a show where gds' screaming d ~ d not overpower the
band's music. As soon as the house music shut off and the lights dimmed, the cheering was nearly deafening. Weezer opened their set with an old song, "My Name is Jonas," and then played "El Scorchon from their last disc, Pinkerron. Everyonewassinging and jumping around. Fortunately, the body surfers held off until later in the show. To test outthecrowd reaction to the new album, the band showcaseda few new songs. These sounded a lot like the other Weezer tracks: indie rockish, heavier, upbeat and catchy. Throughout the whole set, the crowdwassingingalongto every song, especially "Buddy Holly," "Undone -the Sweater Song" and "Say it Ain't So," all hits from their self-titled album. Weezer was dressed as on the cover of the CD: geeky, cool style. Lead smger, Rivers Cuomo had his glasses and plaid shirt on, and the other band members were adorning polyester and/or plaid as well. The word cute came to my mind when they walked on stage. Maybe that's just the way I think, or maybe they are just really cute. One thtngaboutweezerwasthat
they didn't talk to the crowd too much, but this can be kind of nice when you really like the music. When the band walked off the stage, everyone in the audience chanted "Weezer" until they came out again and played "You Give Your Love to me Softly," a song from the soundtrack to the movie &F.
As lwas leavingthe show, I saw that Weezer attracts fans from the musicindusuy aswell, againmaking me aware that they have a lot more fans than I thought. The leadsingerfrompunkband Sum 41was there, as was GreigNori of Treble Charger, membersof indie rock bandThe Weekend, andmembers of hard rock band Scratching Post (all of which toldme they thoroughly enjoyed the show). It's nice to see musicians supporting each other. Overall, the show kicked total ass. They played the favouritesfrom their self-titled album, some from Pinkerton, and a few new songs as well. The new album will for sure be worth picking u p there was definitely a good reason why this show sold out so fast.
Aaaahh .
Imprint, Friday, September 15, 2000
the Toronto Film Festival/
Toronto International Film Festwal
clich6dcharacters. Even the breathtaking images, Parker's performance, and a neat twist at the enddonot saveSwpicious River from its many other flaws.
September 7 to 16,2000 Various venues, Toronto RACHEL E. BEATTIE
Tell 1Me Smnetbiqg
Imprint staff
or 25 years, film buffs, stars, directors, critics and industry types have flockedtoToronto for the annualToronto International Film Festival. In recent years, Toronto has garnered a reputation as one of the places to be, bringing a lot more stars to the festival. ~ v e thoughmany n starsattend; the festival is still very accessible to the average film goer. If you want to get into the bigger name movies, ordering ahead is your best bet. However, even after the festival has started, there are many ticketsavailable. The festival is celebrating its 25th
Ooga booga. Brazilliandirector'sfilrn raueNaulandis aboutthe massacreofciuaicuruIndiansby the Portuguese.
I ATTENTION CO-OP STUDENTS Tuesdav Se~t.19 Pick up "Master copy" co-op record after IOAM W o r k Reports are due by 4 PM Letter Writing (1:30-230 PM) & Resume (2:30-3:30 PM) Workshops NH 1020 Wednesdav Se~t.20 Posting # l ava~iableby 12 PM Career Fair Workshop (1:30-2:30 PM) NH 1020 Thursdav Se~t.21 * Postlna # I gxotres at 8 PM Fridav g e ~ t . Posting # 2 available by 12 PM * Hand in 1 copy of Resume Package to CECS Drop-off Slot by 8 PM ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS EMPLOYER INFORMATIONSESSIONS Mondav Seot. 18 Arthur Andersen 5:30-7:30 PM For Graduating students in Eng & Sci
DC 1301
Tuesdav Se~t.19 Daleen Technology 4:30-6:30 PM Ground Zero For Graduat~ng& Co-op students In Eng & SCI 12:W-2:00 PM DC 1301/1302 Ernst & Young For Graduat~ng& Co-op students In Acc R.I.M. 4:30-6 30 PM DC 1302 For Graduat~ng& Co-op students In Eng & Math 6:00-900 PM Unlversty Club, Goldman Sachs & Co. Burgandy Rm. For Graduat~ng& Co-op students In Eng, SCI & Math 6 30-9 00 PM Ground Zero Cyberplex For Graduatmg & Co-op students In Eng 8 CS
Wednesdav Se~t.20 Pricewaterhouse Coopers 6:W-8:WPM NH 1020 For Graduatina & Co-ODstudents in Acc Delano 5'00-7.00 PM DC 130111302 For Graduat~ng& Co-op students In Arts, Math & Eng Spectra Securities Software 6:OO-10:OO PM Ground Zero For Graduat~ng& Co-op students In Eng, CS & Sci Thursdav Sept. 21 Laurel Room SCH ClBC Student Perc 4:OO-8:00 PM . For Graduating & Co-op students in Eng, Math & Sci Andersen Consulting 11:00 AM-2:00 PM DC Quad For Graduating & Co-op students in Eng & Math Cap Gemini Ernst & Young 6:OO-8:00 PM Ground Zero For Graduating & Co-op students in Eng & CS Sun Microsystems of Canada 4:30-6:30 PM NH 1020 For Co-opstudents in Eng & CS -
anniversary with special events, including a series of ten shorts called TheP r e l h . Ten well-known Canadian directors (including .Don McKellar, Patricia Rozema and David Cronenberg) were commissioned to create shorts celebrating the anniversary, which are running before some of the filmsthroughout the festival. As well. there was a s~ecialretrospective program of standout films in the festival's history. As always, the films were divided into categories including Galas, Contemporary World Cinema, Planet Africa and Midnight Madness. Thisyearthe categories include a retrospective of the illustrious career of Stephen Frears (Dangerous Liasons, My Beautiful Launderette) and a series of films adapted from plays by SamuelBeckett. It would be impossible to describe films fromevery category, so I will just give you a brief review of some films at this year's festival.
Were the world a fair and just place, first-time director MiaTrachinger's Bunny would be the hit of the year. This filmmixeshilariousabsurdity with moving drama. It tells the story of acouple, Nik and Luda, who escape from an unnamed war-torn country to the United States. Unable to findworkin America, the couple settle for jobsas street corner bunnies. Dressedin pinkbunnycostumes, they must squat on a corner and hop all day while listening (but never responding) to the problems of the city's emotionally damaged people. Nik and Luda respond differently to their jobs: Luda loves the feelingof belongingitbrings,but Nik is increasingly frustrated that he is not allowed to comfort the clients. These differencescause rifts in their relationship. As hokey as the plot sounds, Bunny isabout much more than pink bunny suits. The film acts as a surrealisticcritique of America, a study of the treatment of refugees, and a hu-
man story of the pressuresof making relationshipswork. It's funny in many places, but also incredibly moving as Nik and Luda, so completely in love at the beginning of the film, drift apart. Bunny'slow budget only shows that all you need to make agreat film in the United States is a novel idea and a talented crew.
suspicious River Lynne Stopkewich burst onto the Canadian film scene in 1997 with her debut, Kissed, the controversial story of a female necrophiliac. Stopkewich's follow-up, Suspicious River, is equally as controversial, but not quite as original. Kissed star Molly Parkerturns in an excellent performance as Leila, a zombie-like married woman who prostitutes herself out to male customersatthe motel wheresheworks. Leila falls for Gary, a seedy drifter (played by Callum Keith Rennie using one of the fakest Southern accents in recent film history) who degrades and humiliates her. Although the film isvisuallystunning, it lacks the spark of freshness that madeKissedsuccessful.The story is largely predictable and filled with
Chang Younhyun's Tell Me Somethingisastylishserialkiller movie that was immensely popular in its native South Korea. The film is definitely not for the squeamish - heads roll and blood splatters in many gross-out scenes. The plot centres on a series of murders in which the killer dismembers victimsandmixesup their body parts. There are lots of twists and turns and red herrings as two police detectives try to stop the killer. The film isvery slickand stylish, althoughit isdichtd, featuringallthe serial killer movie conventions: loner cop, woman whomay or may not be in peril, etc. TellMeSomethingisthrilling entertainment for those whose tastes lean toward the more violent side.
Brave N i Land In Brave New Land, Brazilian director LbciaMurat tackles the conquest of the Guaicuru Indians by the Portugese in what later became Brazil. The plot deals with the events leading up to the massacre at the Portuguese controlledFort Coimbra. Murat has done a massive amount of research, which included a year of livingonaresewation of the Guaicurus' ancestors. Murat chose notto subtitle the Guaicuru dialogue in an effort not to trivialize the complex language. At first this is confusing, but ultimately the people are so expressivethat subtitles are not necessary. Brave New Land is a sensitive and moving portrayal of a people fighting to keep their dignity in a world that is no longer their own. These are a few examplesof the wide variety of filmsat the festival. In its 25-year history, the festival has brought the very best andworst from aroundthe worldto Toronto. Hopefully it will continue to d o so for the next 25 years and beyond.
JUST ANSWER ME THIS: What is Sloan's home town? Bring your answer down to Imprint by Monday, September 18 by 5:00 p.m. for your free tickets to Sloan's show at Fed Hall on Friday, September 22,2000. Contest subject to whatever rules and rohictions Imprint chmes to invmt snd place upon it at any time.
Imarint. Fridav. Se~tembec 15.
Veda Hille makes noise CAITLIN CROCKARD specr'el to lmpint
azzangularpop beautiful." Thisis how Vancouver-based singersongwriter Veda Hille describes her own music, and this is about asclosc as any description could ever get to Veda's "essence". Yes, her sound certainly defies categorization, as it is not a singular statement but rather a series of moods, or portraits of often obscure meaning. Runningthrough all of her work, acting l i e a unifying . - force, is the combination of an intelligent mind, a wry humour, a taste for experimentation and a bangon commentary of the little detailsof life. Hille's story starts with piano lessonsat the age of 6, learning classical, pop, and jazztunes, th& c&inues along to art college where she studied film and s d p ture and began writing music. After a cassette-anly release, Veda's fierce piano playing is featuredprominentlyon her full-length debut, Path of a Body. The eleven songs here seem to face doubt and introspection head-on, as Hile sings about life's uncertainties in herselfdeprecatingstyle("SometimesI wish I couldjust shut upmshesingson "The Same*). Sometime after recording Path ofaBody, Veda addedtenor guitarto her musical abilities, adding a new dimensionto her next album, Spine. Less rollickingthan her debut,Spine
issubtleyetlayered,withinstrumemlike a handsawand elasticbandscreating warpednoisesand twitching tension that enhance thesongswith- . out distracting. Here Hille offersfresh perspectives on tired musical topics, including the ever-popular love "I have tallredof love/'tilit\raggedhanging loose/ my heart is busted1 from enthusiastic overuse/ now love is stealthy1 hiding urrder ribsflove laughs at melitknowsexactlywhat it is" (from "Seasoned"). Hille's interest in the Canadian landscape has led to many people
the joqmeyuf a remarkable life. "Remarkable" couidalsoeasily dewxibe-Hille's own w&k and het drive todjptwer new approshes to her work. Her most recent album, -YouDoNotLikm this WorldAldne, managestaexpandon the tension of odd nois& evident on Spine, but tempers it with spare melodies and +'sclearvrirce. .' &%w Van&uver artists Oh Suiusdnnaliand Kinnie Starr, Hille's companions on the three-woman "ScrappyBitchTour,"make appearances on this album along with her "SkiltedandDevotedn band. Currently, Hille claims to be reading old science textbooks forinspiration,reflecting her fascination yith science and nature. This, apparently, is to be the theme of her next album. She's alsomucking aboutin her home st&^ with collaborator Christof Migone, creating an album of electronic blipsand bleeps. To the delight of herssmall-yetmighty group of fans, she'splanning a fall tour that should see her pass through Southern Ontario in October. Quiteobviously,I highly recommend her live performances; she's a commandingpresence with a dry wit and interestingstories to tell. Alwayspushingher limits,creating and experimenting,Veda Hille rewards her audience with engaging, intelligent music that warmsup to her listeners until they're fully enveloped in her compellingsound.
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Yes, her sound certainly defies categorization, as it is not a singular statement but rather a series of or portraits of often obscure-meaning. commissioningworks, including an aria based on the calls of Canadian songbirds and forthcoming songs inspired by a trip to the Yukon with nine other artists. In addition, she has written a song cycle basedonthe life of painter Emily Carr, whlchwascommissioned by a Vancouver dance company and resultedinthealbumHerekaPicture. Using Carr's wordsmixed in with her own interpretations, Hille pulls together soft instrumentals, loud rock-outs and gentle singing into a work that takes the listener through
Come to the Imprint Office, Student Life Centre, room 1 1 16 to receive your FREE tickets on Sept. 18 19 between 9 a.m. 1 5 p.m.
Imprint. Friday, Septern ber I 5 , 2000
Glass Tiger is dead MONDWS: Jug & Wing Special for $18.75 TOESDWS: 15# wings WEDNESDWS: free pool Nightly & Ongoing prize giveaways (currently Molsons portable ice-chest beer cooler) Daily 112 price lunch menu (12 p.m.-2 p.m.)
CAMDA'S TOP FEAWRES: September 11-16: Miss Nude Canada Natalia Caliente September 18-23: Elektra Del Sal Miss Nude Canada finalist Miss Exotic World
Alan Frew Wonderland
EM1 Music Canada R O B V A N KRUISTUM special to lmprnt
The long-awaited second solo release by Glass Tiger's former
Jill Sobule Pink Pearl EM1
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6 Bridge Street, KITCHENER
the album sort of limps along until "All I Ever Wanted," an uplifting little ditty about love and friendship. The limp then turnsinto a crawl until the album ends and we are given a taste of what used to make this man famous. "Someday" and "My Town," two of GlassTiger's most successfui tracks pick up the pace. The CD closes with two more tracks, both from Frew'spreviousforaysintosolo musicianshp. On hsWeb site, Frew statesthat for the music on this album, he wanted "aslight 'less is more' kind of attitude." In this case it works out for us too: Go buy less Alan Frew CDs and keep more money in your pocket!
lrrteness and krnkiness
2 V.I. P. lounges and-loadsof table dancers
frontman, Alan Frew, is here. Almost a decade after one of Canada's super-pop bands disbanded, breaking the hearts of thousands of teenaged girls, Alan, and the teenagers, have all grown up. Some of Glass Tiger's former fans are lawyers or doctors now; some are finishingdegrees;some are sitting at home watching television. But almost none of themknowwhat Alan Frew is up to. And after listening to his newest project, neither do I. The opening track, "Open for a Friend" has a distinctive Canadian flavour and sound, complete with a slightly Celtic feel, highlighted by a violin solo by Ashley McIsaac. "Homen is a nice track with a Housemartins-esquesound.Butthen
L I S A JOHNSON Imprint staff
Jill Sobule is a complicated musical figure because she can stun listeners with brilliance as often as she can shun them with drudgery. Thislatest album,PinkPearl, is hit andmiss, just as Sobule's musical repertoire has been up until now. he songsonthisalb"m tend to be narratives ("Lucy at the Gym,"
"Claire"), social andlor politicalcommentaries("Mary Kay"), orautobiographical in nature ("One of These Days," "Mexican Wrestler"). Unfortunately, Sobule falters on many counts. Her narrative style is strained and repetitive, her sociaUpolitical songs are trite, and her autobiographical sketches are somewhat bland. While there are attempts at meaningful - sentiments within the songs, Sobule'slyrics tend to be more ineffectualthan ~otent.What is lacking, for the most part, is emotional sincerity. The production value and musical arrangements save the album. Lush strings, quirky horns, driving drums, and dancing bass lines prevent Pink Pearl from being mundane. Sobule's sweet voice is com~lemented by light and intricate guitars, whilebciigsimultaneouslysubverted
by weird sound glitches and eerie piano. There are quite a few strong musical offerings on thisalbum. "The Guy Who Doesn't Get Itnhasacountry swagger to it, which makes it an interesting and surprising listen. "Rainy Daynisextremelycatchy,and "New Mexico" has a beauttful melody. Sobule also capitalizes on the 1960s' swinging disco trend (made popular again thanks to the Austin Powers empire) with "Someone's Gonna Break Your Heart." The songthat succeedsthe most, however, is "Heroes," which showcasesSobule'sgreatest~trength: witty, biting satire. In this song, Sobule presentsa fairly simple, yet relevant, message within alight-heartedmusical and lyrical frame. Overal1,PinkPearl isawell-produced, worthwhile disc. Although it has many kinks that could be ironed out, perhapsJi S o m efanslikethings alittle kinky.
Im~rint.Friday, September I S , 2000
everclear: guaranteed to . make you smile
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F E D O F F I C E NOW HIT THE RHODE JACK Arepresentative &om Rhodes College of SELLING BUS PASSES? Oxford University will be coming to UW everclear
Songs From An American Movie. Vol. One: Learning How To Smile CapitolRecords ROB VAN KRUIETUM
special to hnpffnt
The first of two scheduled year 2000 releases by everclear has arrived to the delight of both loyal fansand first-time listeners. SongsFromAnAmencanMouie. Vol. One: LenrningHow To Smileisthe first of atwo-CD collectionby the band thatwasnamed Billboard Magazine's 1998artist of the year*The second disc, S o n g s F r o m ~ h e r i m M o v i e Vol. . Two: GoodTimeForABdMtudeisdueout laterthis year and will feature a more rock-oriented collection. Fans of everclear will no doubt remember that the combination of intensely persqnal, intelligent lyricswith catchy tunes and musical diversity is what got them hooked. With Vol. One everclear has continued this tradition.
are songs that run the e m o t i o d iuldmusical spectrum. "AM Radio" is a no,stalgic and personal songaboutAlexakis'earfy years, growing up in the 1970s. Another biographical story, T.earning How To Smile," the title txack 3 VoL One showcases a softer, more melodic everclear. Utiliiinghis talent at songwritingand storytelling, Alexakisgives us a beautiful, quirky, alternative love song, "Unemployed boyfriend," whichshowsusthat the romantic guy dreaming of babies andemployment and not kissing other girls is not just a dream. The rest of the album givesus songs from alternative country (Alexakis's roots are showinghere) to re-interpretedvan Morriwn tracks (Alexakis' lyrical influencesare showinghere). This album ombininesintelligent and personal lyrics, solid musicianship, and beautiful suing and horn arrangements on many of the tracks. SongsFromAnAmenen~nMouie. ~ o lOne: . LearningHow To Smrle isguaranteed to make you smile, and is a must for any serious music collection.
Campus to chat with students about the Rhodes Scholarprogram. Topics include eligibility, strategies for success and the logishcs of the scholar program itself. September 18th, 2pm at NEEDLES HALL in room 3043. Contact W E D Mark Schaan at # 2340 for more i n f o r m a t i o n .
Yougot ~tthere busy1 FedBus, only $9onewax $17 Return to the following locat~ons 1 . 3 0 t o l s l ~ n g t o n S u b w a y Stat1011 2 3 0 to Yorkdale Subway S t a t ~ o n 3 3 0 t o T r a ~ nStat100 i n L o n d o n 4.30 t o I s l i n g l o n S u b w a y Stat1011 5 3 0 to Yorkdale a n d York M ~ l l s Returns every Sunday at 7 3 0 PM DON'T MISS OUT! RESERVE YOUR FED BUS TICKETS ON-LINE AT wwwfeds uwaterloo ca/
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HOE on to your student-owned varlet store down under AUSSYES! Tuesday September 9th 1lam-4 in Lower Level SLC !or Lustom ?ittings of your UY leather Jackets =fiz
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G r e a t
Imprint, Friday, September 15, 2000
Oil paintings and rusted sheet steel B E N SCHOTT special to Imprint
lways one to try new things, I embarked on a journey to Kitchener's City Hall earlier this weekto view the art exhibitionof University of Waterloo graduate, Karin Rabuka. I found the exhibition in the Rotunda Gallery, close to the front entrance of the building. Ididn't know what to expect, as I profess not to be well versed in the intricaciesofmodern art. However, uponarrivaI, 'was immediately drawn into the exhibit like a wideeyed toddler discoveringthe world outside of his crib for the first time. Ms. Rabuka has created a very unique form of expression. In most instances in the exhibit, a workconsisted of an oil painting on canvas enclosed by an exterior of rusted steel. Glimpses of the paintings beneath are visible through the holes in this exterior of steel.
These holes will gradually become larger as the rust doesits work, revealing more of the picture beneath. Thus, the art is aliving,changingwork. "No longer am I the artist, in control. The rust becomes the artist as the paintings continue to change and flux." describes&uka, who holds an honours degree in Fine h t s from the University of Waterloo. In other works in the exhibit. Rabuka cre: ated images directly on large (36" x 42") pieces of rusting steel. For example, in "The Sparrow," one can see a black and green sparrow in the midst of a rust-coloured forest of trees. In this work it looks as if the rust was painted directly onto the steel. Rubuka created the images on the steel using acidsand chemicals to change the stagesof the rust. She has perfected her own technique of em-
"The paintings parallel our lives. It is the life experience that comes with the decay that broadenS us. "
bedding images in steel. Rabukaalsoused an acetylene torch, borrowed from Ray's Auto Service in Kitchener, to create holes in the rusted steel in several of the exhibited works. In another work titled, "Consider the Lilies," the process of a lily progressing from bud to bloom is characterizedin seven successive 17" x 14" works, each revealing more of the picture of the lily beneath the steel. The seventh and final picture, a lily in full bloom,isonly outlinedin the rusted steel illustratingthe battle between life and decay. Rabuka describes her work as "life coming out both spiritually and naturally" in the art. "These paintings parallel our human lives, for as we decay andgrow older, our hves continue to be enriched with wisdom, faith and personal growth," says Rabuka. "It is the life experience that comes with the decay that broadens us." The collection can be viewed at
no cost throughout September at Kitchener's City Hall from 7 a.m. until midnight, Monday to Saturday, and 11 a.m. until midnight on Sundays.
Those interested can also see more of Rabuka's workat Mcjarrows Gallery in Conestogo (664-3053), or by visiting Karin at Globe Studios in Kitchener at 141 Whitney Place.
Environmental Studies Copy Centre will close on September lst, 2000. We look forward to serving you at these centres: Faxing service Photocopies Colour copies/laser prints Cerlox binding
Faxing senn'ce Photocopies Colour copies/Laser prints B/W laser printing (on disk) Laminating up t o 11"x 17" Cerlox binding Vellum and Mylar up t o 11" x 17 Film, photo & CD supplies Novelty items
Faxing service Photocopies Laminating up t o 11" x 17" Cerlox binding
Faxing service Photocopies Cerlox binding
SLC (Lower level), ext. 5997 Faxing service Photocopies Large format colour inkjet printing up t o 42" wide (alternative to "plotter" printing) Photofinishing PhotoCD Dye sublimation printing Digital imaging Passport and digital studio photos Digital camera rentals Film, photo & CD supplies
Offset printing, design and photography Docutech printing, production laser printing Docucolor printing, production colour laser printing Binding services Large format Laminating 18" x 24" and Roll laminating Note: On-line black & white laser printing, large format black & white photocopying and "plotter" printing are discontinued services.
Friday, September IS, 2000 iibrary Tours: 10:30 a.m., 11:20 a.m.. 2:30 p.m. Meet at the Dana Porter or Davis Centre Library lnformation Desk. Take a guided tour of the library of your choice. UMD Library Tour: 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. Meet at the UMD Library Public Services Desk. Take a guided tour of the UM6 Library. Monday, September 18,2000 TRELLIS: (on-line catalogue) 10:30 a.m. 11:15 am., LT3 Dana Porter Library. Register in advance: books, course notes, etc. Tuesday, September 19,2000 TRELLIS: (online catalogue) 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., LT3 Dana Porter Library. Register in advance: books, course notes, etc. UMD Library Tour: 11:30 am.. 1:30 p.m. Meet at the UMD Library Public Services Desk. Take a guided tour of the UMD Library. Wednesday, September 20,2000 Smart Seaching Techniques: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Meet at the Davis Centre Library lnformation Desk. Learn basic computer search principles and how to prepare your own searches. TRELLIS (online catalogue) 2:30 p.m. 3:15 p.m., LT3 - Dana Porter Library. Register in advance: books, course notes, etc. Thursday, September 21,2000 Smart Searching Techniques: 10:30 a.m. 11:30
a m Meet at the Dana Porter L~braryInformation DesK ,earn baslc computer search princ~plesand how to prepare your own searches. UMD L~braryTour 11 30 a m , 1 30 p.m Meet at the UMD L~braryPubl~cServlces Desk Take a gu~dedtour of the UMD L~brary TRELLIS (onlme catalogue) 1 30 p m - 2 15 p m , LT3 - Dana Porter L~brary Reg~sterIn advance, lnst~~t@llbraty uwaterloo ca Fmd books, course notes, etc Monday, September 25,2000 TRELLIS (onlme catalogue) 10 30 a m 11 15 am., LT3 Dana Porter L~brary Reg~sterIn advance, ~nstruct@l~brary uwaterloo ca Fmd books. course notes, etc Fmd JournalArt~cles Fast (saence & engmeering) 2 30 p m 3 30 p m , LT3 - Dana Porter L~brary Reg~sterm advance lnst~~t@llbrary uwatedoo ca In th~shands-on sesslon you wdl learn how to search for artcles onlme and how to make effectwe use of electron~cjournals and full-text art~cles Tuesday, September 26,2000 F~nd JournalArt~cles-Fast (Arts & Social Sciences) 10 30 a m 1I30 a m , LT3-Dana Porter L~brary Reg~sterinadvance, lnst~ct@llbralyuwaterloo ca In th~shands-on sesslon you w~lllearn how to search for art~clesonlme and how to make effectwe use of electron~cjournals and full-text art~cles TRELLIS (onl~necatalogue) 11 30 a m 12 15 p m , LT3 Dana Porter L~brary Reg~sterIn advance, ~nstruct@hbraryuwaterloo ca Fmd books, course notes, etc Wednesday, September 27,2000 TRELLIS (onlme catalogue) 2 30 p m - 3 15 p m , LT3 Dana Porter L~brary Reg~sterIn advance. ~nstruct@hbraryuwaterloo ca Fmd books, course notes. etc
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Weekend Counsellors and relief staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Experience, minimum eight-month commitment. Paid positions. Send r6sum6 to Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney Street. S., Kitchener, ON, N2G 3V2. We are now hiring drivers for the Fall and Winter terms to drive the Student Access Van. Qualifications: F class licence (preferred). First AidlCPR. If you do not have CPRlFirst Aid we can make arrangements. Hoursareflexible. Giveyourresume to Jane Farley at the Office for Persons with Disabilities in Needles Hall. #2051 or call 8884567, ext. 5082 for information. Karaoke1Can you sing? Host one of our Karaoke nights and get paidcash! Call Ralphor Shannonat 744-6367. MathlScience TutorIMentors needed as part of Waterloo Clinical team working with students with learning disabilities. Two to four hours per week. Availability needed to mid-December with possibilitv of continuation into following semester. Call (519) 837-3169 for interview. Earn extra cash working one hour or less per week while at school. Place posters advertising our on-line researchand editing service. Details 1 888-345-8295, Mad Scientist requiredl Physics student with love for creatmg exciting experiments needed to tutor physics and math to a 16-year old autistic student in Waterloo. A~~roximatelv four hours per week. Call (519) 837-3169 for int&v~ew Debt freeeducationl Pay for your education with cash as an exotic entertainer! Work your own hours in a clean, safe environment No phys~cal conidct Call Ralph or Shannon at 744-6367. BabvsitterslCareaiver wanted in our home near " campus. Two positions available. Caregiver:about 12 regular hours per week. Babysitters: evenings1 weekends as needed.
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continued to page 32
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continued from page 31
Marriageplans? Join with several others tostudy Drs. Les and Leslie ParroWs "SavingYour MarriageBefore It Starts." Contact Jeff and Merlene Austen at for musicians. Rehearsals Mondays (i: 10p.m., Adult Rec Centre starting Sept. 11 Contact Bryon Higgs 6645296 or for more info. No m&b;rship dues. Be A Big Sister can you share 3 hours a week for a year to enrich a life? Training is on Saturday, Sept. 23 from 9 a.m. t o b p.m. or Saturday, Nov. 11 from 9 a.m. to4 D m . Call 743-5206 to become involved. Ahodes Scholarships for 2001 - The scholarships are tenable at the University of Oxford. Rhodes Scholarsreceive full support fortwo years with a possible renewal for a third year. Deadline is
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,2000 KW Chamber Music Society presents "The New Berlin Chamber Ensemble at KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young Street, W., Waterloo. For ticketslresew ations d l 886-1673. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,2000 Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo Corning Out Discussion Group. Topic: "Coming Out to Others." 7:30 p.m. Social follows at9 p.m. HH378. Meetoldfriends and make new ones. All welcome. Details: 884-4569. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,2000 International Superwalk for Parkinson's1 -volunteers and participantsare needed for a fun afternoon at Victoria Park! A free t-shirt will be given to all volunteers. Call l-888-851-7376forinfo.
sian UD for training session on Se~tem- Volunteer at YOUR school newspaper -IMPRINT Student Lie Centre. room b& 26, 2000. 1116.Seeyousoon! Volunteer homeworkh e w n needed immediately! Big Sisters requires 25 Homework Helpers to tutor elementary or highschod students meding acaContact the YWCA of Kitchener-Wademic assistance. Own transportation terloo at 744-6507 or you can email is ~equired.Training is scheduled for saundra.schmidtQywcak~~on.caforthe Monday. September 25,2000 from 7-9 following positions: "Mary's Angels" to p.m. Call now and help a child experihelp sort and store one to two hours per ence success! 743-5206. week. Volunteer Lawyer" is needed at Volutwr to make a difference in a little MONDAYS legal clinics one hour per month to help girls or little buddys life, become a Big English Language Lab a lablclass is women with legal informationand referSister. Inquire re: short term match heldfrom 2:30-3:20 p.m. in ModemLanrals. "Volunteer Gardener" is needed program created for university students guages 113. September June. The one to two hours per week for weeding, car is an asset. Call 743-5206 re: one class has an emphasis on pronunciawateringand plantingflower boxes. "Voldav trainina session on Saturdav. tion and listening exercises. Students, . Sew . unteer Kitchen Assistantn who has a tekber 23,2000 from 9-4 p.m. faculty, staff, and spouses are welcome love of cleaningand doing dishes two to Learn about a different culture while to attend. For more informationcontact four hours perweek at Mary's Place. you show a new immigrant hwu to be a the International Student Office, ext. BiaSistersnwdsvou! Seotember2m part of your community. For more infor2814. to December 2000 universitystudents mation, call K-W Y.M.C.A. Host ProFRIDAY to tutor our new Canadian children at gram at 579-9622. Engllsh Conversation Class meets community based study halls. Student Volunteers neededto readwith children afternoons from 2-4 p.m. in Needles range from grade 3 to 12 needing supwith a wide range of reading skills, on a Hall2080, September - June. Students, port in English, French, highschoolScione-to one or small group basis. Some faculty, staff and spouses are inv~tedto encesand Maths. Own transportationis familiarity with Mac or IBM would be an attend. For more information contact preferred. Training and screening is reasset. Call Jane Homeat Prueter Public the lnternat~onalStudent Office, ext. quired. Call Big Sisters at 743-5206 to School 578-0910. 2814.