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UW student creates big cent-sation H E N R Y GARCIA special to Imprint


ric Hui, a student at UW, has created the 25 cent October millennium coin design. Toronto's artisticcommun~tycelebrated the launch of hiscoinat an event held Wednesday on the trading floor of the Design Exchange. The coin was createdin part withThe Royal Canadian Mintwho organized the contest "Create a Centsation." The designs that everyone sees on the sidesof quarters, and that most people wish they had actually designed, will touch studentsabit closer this month. This is thanks to Eric, the UW student who deslgned this month's coin. Helpedonly by his imagination, Eric depicts Canadian art in three millenniums. First he portrays the grandeur of nativecanadlam w ~ t h a nInuit sculpture. After this he goes on to show a tree in the style of the Group of Seven, always remembering Canadiis$lf-idepf!~. Finally hs finghes *thedesign with computer renderings


in wire framesto show the art of the stitute, Toronto, and IS now a third future which is related to Canada's year engineering student. When not in school Eric, 22, leading role in computers. The design for the month of likestosculpt,draw,anddesigncomOctober is under the category of putergraphics, workonhiswebsite, Creativily,whichis something Eric has possessed for a long time. Born in Hong Kong, he moved to Canada w ~ t hhis family in 1990. Eric's parents noticed hisinterest in art and enrolled him in several classes including pencil drawing, Chinese brush Eric Hui and his winning design. and watercolor. He also has a keen interest ~nart history and com- or design and create simple compuputers, wh~chledh ~ m tolearn about ter software. Most of all, in h ~ spare s Inult culture, the Group of Seven, time, Eric goes back to Toronto to and computer 3-D rendertng visithisparentsandbrotherStanley. through school and whde workmg Present at the launch of Hui's for an architecture firm during a coln were Mrs. Danielle Wetherup, gadel2co-opprogram. Ericgradu- President of t+e Royal Canadian ated from Riverdale Collegiate In- Mint and Mr. Urban Joseph, Board

University Provost steps down R O B I N STEWART lmpnnt staff


fter fifteen years of distinguished service to the University administration,UWVicePresident Academic and Provost Jim Kalbfleisch announced on Wednesday that he will be leaving his position effective December 31,2000 and is retiring from the University. "This has been a very difficult decision for me," saidKalbfleischina UWpressrelease. "It has been aprivilege to serve this fine university, and I shall miss the many wonderful people I have come to know and worked with over the years." Dr. Kalbfleisch has held the position of VP, Academic and Provost since 1993. Dr. Kalbfleisch began his career , at UWin 1964 as a~rofessor of statistics, after earning his PhD here. He sewedas chair of the statisticsdepartment and later as Dean of Math. before being appointed to hiscurrent post. Members of the senior administration were emotionalin speakingto Imprint about his departure. "He isa very unique person," remarkedhiversity Secretary Lois Claxton, "so bright, socapable,socaring." Claxton spoke passionately of his "incredible integrity and sensit~vity,"and called him not only the "heart and soul" but also the "mind" of the university. Associate Provost Catharine Scott called him "the finest man this

institution has ever seen." Scott pointed to his strength of character and humanity as hallmarks of his "remarkable7'career. "He's exactly what he seems," she said, "totally and completely genuine." University President David Johnston drew attention to his "integrity and devotion." "No one has shown more dehcation to the university than Jim Kalbfleisch," said Johnston in the University'srelease.

"The finest man this institution has ever seen." AsDeanofMath,Dr.Kalbfleisch playedapivotal role in the development of UW's existing staff salary structure. As ~rovost,-he saw UW through some of its most difficult years as operating grants were slashed and costs rose. Many credit Kalbfleisch's innovative solutionsto these challenges,like the university Special Early Retirement Program (SERP),&Being largely responsible for kee@-tg ihe univedty on the leading edge while other institutions struggled to stay afloat. Dr. Kalbfleischhasaclear vision on where he wants to take the University, and what the limits of our ihstitution are," noted Federation of Students President Chris Farley.

Farley pointed to Kalbfleisch's involvement in negotiating special arrangments for UW to participate in the Ontario government's recent Access to Opportunities Program (ATOP) as a shining example of Kalbfleisch'sability to promote UWs distinctivemission and position. Dr. Kalbfleisch wasalso well regarded for the respect and oppormnity that he accordedto University of Waterloo students. "He has always fostered an open dialogue with students," remarked Farley. "He has enormous respect for the primary role that [stud;nts] play," said scot;. TheUniversitywillbechdlenged to fill the big shoes which Dr. Kalbfleischwillleaveempty.Atmany other institutions, thevery demanding functions of Vice President,Academicand Provost are split amongst two or more ~ositions.The Un~versity will appoint an actingvice-presidentto take over onJanuary 1,2001, followingwhichthey will reviewthe portfolioand decide whatto do with itin the future. "We'll have tolookat thatwholequestion," said Johnston referring to the make-up of Kalbfleisch's portfolio, noting that the decision was a long way from being made. "On January 1, those of us who know htm will miss him," s a ~ Scott, d "and those who don't know how much he contributes to this universitywillnot beable to believe the hole that has to be filled." *



of Directors member for the Design Exchange. The Royal Canadian Mint organized the "Create a Centsation" contest, which consisted of getting people of all ages and walks of life to design a tribute tocanadain the past and future millenniums. The point of thiscontestwastocelebratethe millennium with Canadians in a special way, by looking back on Canada's achievements and contributions, and to look ahead and imagine what the future holds for Canadians. Backin 1999, they set out to get people to design tributes for the glorious past of Canada, while also offeringareward and souvenvs. The result was a huge success, as about 33,000 people subm~ttedthelr designs. This year, the second and finah, stage of the contest wentinto action,

as people were require des~gn the future of Canada in the new millennium. As the coin design contest of 1999, this year's was also a huge success with around the same number of people subrnittmgdesigns. Eric's design, picked by a panel of 12talented students from universities and colleges across Canada, is the tenth of the twelve des~gnsto be produced by the Royal Canadian Mint on a monthly basis. Because of thiscontest, the productlon rate of colns by the Royal Canadian Mlntwas doubled tomeet the demands of Canadians everywhere. So students at UW will definately see Enc's design on the coins. "Eric's deslgn is acelebration of, our nation's artistic talent, taking us on a journey through thousands of years of creative thought," said Wetherup. Canada'smillennium coins highlight various themes such as freedom, harmony, creativ~tyand community. Asw~ththe 1999 serles, the new coins will feature the artist's initials.


Students address Middle East problems, KATIE SHAFLEY special to Imprint


W Muslim Students held a prayer session in the SLC Tuesdaynight in memory of the people killed in the latest round of clashes between Palestinians and Israelis. It was both a soiritual and political event aimed at informing students about the Palestinianstruggles in the Middle East. Violence erupted last week one day after a vlsit by Israeli politician Ariel Sharon to a Muslim Mosque that saw the building stormed by Israeli police during a prayer session. TheIsraelisclaimed that only rubber bullets were used, but later it was discovered that some live bulletshad also been fired. Onemember of the MuslimStudents Association, Rayan Yahfoufi, has strong views on this matter. In view of the entire situation, he believes the Palestmians are being treated unfairly. According to him, Jewish people are brought into Palestine each day, as more and more Palestinians are being turned out. To date, there are nearly five mdlion Palestinians claiming refugee status in the areas outside of Israel. However,Yahfoufi believes this conflict is not about religion. "It's about oppression. We havenothing

againstJews or other religions; we're only asking for our rights." Mark Eltis, a Iewish student at theuniversity,begto differ. b or him, the Muslims are not entirely blameless. "Some things that have been not so mentioned in the media" he explamed, "is that Palestinian police are opening fire on Isreali soldiers, and that is a clear violation of the Oslo accord. I don't think anyone visiting the holy sltes is a cause for violence." Also, Eltis feelstheJews have not been entirely unfair. Earlier this year, Prune Minister Barak of Israel supposedly offered to hand over much of the disputed land to the Palestinians. "He offered, for the first time ever an Israeli Prime Minster offered, to divide Jerusalem and to offer control in East Jerusalem to Palestinians." As the two sides battle and civilians are caught in between, as was seen worldwide by the tragic slaughter of aman and his youngboy, these two differing groups attempt to rectify a long-standing conflict. Amnesty International has already had its say by condemning the actions of the Israeli government. However, even if this situation were solvedand a treaty wascreated, there is no telling when the deep-rooted hatredof the two sides for each other will be extinguished.


Imprint, Friday, October 6, 2000

Waterloo grad creates solution t o banner ads LAUREN S. BRESLIN special to Imprint


n the evening of October 3, Jeff Ungar, the CTO and co-founder of ePod Corporation spoke at the Ground Zero restaurant to a group of prospective co-op students and soon-to-be computer graduates. In the hopes of recruitingyoung potentials to his rapidly expanding corporation, Ungar - a Waterloo graduate clarified the functions of ePod in modest detail and in relatively u s e r friendly terms. With tech headquarters in Toronto, and a base in New York City, ePodiscurrently revolutionizingadvertising on the Internet. As the success rate of banner ads dwindles into cyber-oblivion, Ungar and his company provide aplatform for the convergence of advertising and commerce on the Web. How do they plan to achieve such a formidable objective? Well, the vehicle making the adlcommerce unity possible is the ePod showcase, an innovative, transactionalunit that attacks the very root of the online empire: banner ads. According to Ungar, the recent failure of banner ads can be attrib-

uted to a number of factors. Most notably, the fact that you are taken to a brand new Web site when youclick on a banner ad, which can be very annoying. Most Internet surfershave come to identifv these ads as a waste of time or have simply chosen to ignore them altogether. As a result, click-through and conversion ratesfor online businesses and advertisers have reached an all time low. With the ePod server, however, the ad bubble is like having a Web site within a Website. Visitors can browse through information and even purchase products within the ePod showcase, without leaving their original Web page. After what turned out to be an interestingand informativeePodsession last Tuesday night, it seems that Ungar has co-founded what might become the saving grace of online promoting, buying, and selling. hbeit a young business, it is certain to develop into a company of colossal proportions within the next few vears. For those of you who seek careers in the States, ePod's success should be sufficient proof that opportunities in cutting-edge technology do exist in Canada.

The ad bubble is like having - a Web site within a Web site.

Imprint AGM elects new board JON


Imprint staff


f there isone word that describes Imprint's environmentin the past year, it's "action," according to Imprint Board of Directors outgoing President Robin Stewart. After another year of newspaper publishing, Imprint Publications, Waterloo held its Annual General Meeting last Friday in front of asmall sampling of alarger potential voting corporation. Although all students who paid the $4.10 corporation fee have voting power, little over thirteen people were still left voting for a new Board of Directors four hours after the meeting began. Stewart, who will be succeeded by incomingPresident, Kate Schwass, reported on the non-archetypal events in the past year, which included the hiring of three new Editor-in-Chiefs and a new Business Manager. Normally, the Editor-inChief position is filled with new talent once a year, but the 1999-2000 year witnessed two turnovers of the helm. A lawsuit,which Imprint settled after breaking contract with an outside advertising company, impeded part of the newspaper's push to strengthen the identity of the campus newspaper.

print is vital to community," said "[Thepastyear]couldhavebeen in the next year, which includes a a lot better," said Stewart. "We made digital archive of previous issues. Schwass. "They're realizing [Imalot of mistakes." print] isours." For the first time in history, a Financially, Stewart reported Core to Schwass's agenda for professional auditor was hired to the next year is making Imprint a that Imprint registered a profit for audit Imprint's books. Deloitte & the first time, more visthanks mostly ible force to an aggreson camsive advertispus. T o ing campaign. achieve The surplus, t h i s , which trigSchwass gered numerplans to ous proposals w o r k concerning closely added expenwith the ditures, was Feds and primarily push more used to upeffort into grade phopromoting tography and Theaudiencewas heldcaptivebytheannual report and boardelections. series and p equipment. t h e The surplus upcoming journalism conference. will also provide servicestostudents, Touche verified thathprint's finanwhich will include a lecture seriesand cia1 information is accurate moving A lengthy discussion over the a national journalism conference to into the new operating year. A porchanges to Imprint's by-laws and be held in November. policies resulted in some questions tion of the report included $49,700 In addition to Stewart's report fromfalltermmembers' feesandalso the corporation raised concerning Board membershipandstaff status. of the past year, he joined Imprint noted slightly over 400 refunds, Business Manager, Mark Duke, in which is down from the winter term. A motion was passed allowing apdelivering the proposed operating plicants from outside Imprint staff Schwassanributesthewelcomed andImprint alumni to run for Board budget for 2000-2001. The budget, statistic to students' fulfilment rewhich the corporation passed, pro- garding Imprint's importance to positions.ThemajorityoftheBoard, however, must be composedof staff jecteda net loss of $4,265 due to the UW'scampus life. new initiativeshnprint plans to drive members to ensure the Board has "People are realizing that Im-

practical newspaper experience. A new Board of Directors was elected by the corporation that featured no returning directors. The new Board, which is entirely composed of Imprint staff, plans to increase the awareness of the publication on campus. "It's always nice to see new blood," said Stewart. "I have great confidence that the new Board will continue to move the organization forward." The following new directors complete the make-up of Imprint Publications' Board of Directors: President: KateSchwass. Third year English Literature, one and a half years on Imprint staff. Vice-president: Janice Jim. Thrid year Biology, third year on Imprint staff. Treasurer: RobVan Kruistum. FourthyearEnglishRPW,4 yearson Imprint staff. Secretary: Durshan Ganthan . Secondyear Sociology, nine months on Imprint staff Staff-Liaison: Adina Gillian. Second year Accounting, one year on Imprint staff


Imprint, Friday, October 6, 2000



Trade activists converge on UW G R E G MACDOUGALL

lmprint staff


ctivists from the Montrealbased CLAC, thehti-Capitalist Convergence, were invited by WPIRG to visit the Davis Centre this past Tuesday in an effort to help spread information and to create links between hke-minded people in this area. Four speakers addressed those in attendance regarding the proposed Free Trade Areaof the Americas (FTAA), the upcoming Summitof the Americas, and the recent student strike in Mexico. Two of the speakers, Alejandra Solas and Oscar Arroyo, had been involved in the strike at UNAM, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, andwith the aidof an interpreter spoke of what the nine-and-ahalf-month strike involved. On April 20,1999, UNAMstudents seized the University campus and barricaded buildings, cancelling classes at one of the largest universities in the hemisphere - 300,000 strong in students and faculty. The issues involved are complicated and any brief summary will not do them justice. The students were rejecting the neo-l~beralpolicies of the Mexican government that have some similarities to the situation in our country: cuts to social programs, health care and education, among other things, and the imposition of reforms to the University. One of the main reforms was the abolition of the University's 89-

year old, constitution-backedpolicy of providing free education to anyone who could gain admission. During the strike, the government-controlledmedia wagedUlowintensity warfare" against the striking students in an attempt to isolate them from the general population and to isolate their strugglefrom the other social strugglesgoingon in the country. Even though the strike ended with the military occupation of the campus on February 6, 2000, the arrest of close to a thousand people, and withvery little successin having any of the students' central demands met, Arroyo and Solas expressed their satisfactionin the mobilization of the student movement, and the politicization of thousandsand thousands of young students that had occurred. Using the Zapatista uprising, these two speakers illustrated the true meaning of solidarity. They supported the indigenousZapatistas in their battle against the Mexican government, but at the same time were aware of the many indigenous peoples living in abject poverty in their own cities' streets. True solidarity isunderstanding the struggle, and also takingup the strugglefromwhere you are. It is interesting- to note that the Zapatista uprising began on January 1,1994, whenNAFTAtookeffect. It is interesting because these four activists had come to our university to talk of a sequel to NAFTA and of the Summit of the Americasmhere this sequel will be promoted.

FTAAisequivalentto "NAFTA times 34" (the number of countries that will be involved), according to Jaggi Singh, one of the other speakers. Or, "NAFTA + MA1 = FTAA," whereMAI is the failed Multilateral Agreement on Investment. The FTAA is being touted as the smallerscale answer to the World Trade Organization.

"We are not t:errorists," says Singh, "this is a legitimate, political movement." Manv items are covered under ~ willremoveacounthe F T which try'sautonomy tomake itsown rules in these areas. They include air, water, social programs, market access, services,dispute settlement, intellectual property rights and subsidies. Health and education servlces may move towards privatization under this agreement. Thismeansfarmers might not be able to grow food w~thoutpaying the company that owns the patent. Guarantees for investors could also supercede individuals' rights to democracy. The Summit of the Americas, being held in QuCbec City in April

WLU newspaper embroiled in controversy ences to the herding of sheep were an "insult to the student body." The ramifications of this editorial decision began when Mr. Tremaine circulated a petition that asked the Students' Union to cut off the Cord's core funding of 15 per cent of the student fee. The petit~on ended up being signed by 306 stu-

the quality of the paper remainshgh. Christian Pearce, the president of Student Publications, stated that the he official student newspaCRBwill "provide a minimum standard for the Cordn and will create a per at Wilfrid Laurier University, the Cord, is in the "student paper that we can all be middle of an editorialcontroversy. It proud of." The CRB will be comall started in the firstweekof Septemprised of 10 members: two from the Students' Union, two from Student ber when Asad Kiyani, editor-in-chief of the Cord,wrote a negaPublications. two from the tive editorialpiece concernfaculty, one from adminising Orientation Week (Otration and three random Week) activities and ran it students.They will reviewthe on the front cover. paper every week and give it The article took a a grade as well as provide harsh look at Frosh activiconstructivecriticism. Should ties andcompared the frosh the paper receive a failing to "sheep being led to the grade from the CRBover two slaughter." The article was consecutivemonthlyperiodq not well received by many the editor-in-chief will either Laurier students, especially be dismissed or given an addithose involvedin their Stutional four week trial period. dents' Union, which is reIf the paper receivedanother sponsiblefor organizingOfailiiggrade for the fourweek Week. Their main concern trial period, the editor-inwas the fact that the article chief would be immediately was clearly an opinion dsrmssed. . . . . . piece, and was not labeled Thecord: tied in knots? This issue could play assuch. They felt that havitself out even more in Februing an opinion piece on the cover can dents. This funding is critical to the ary2001whenstudent Publications be very confusing for readers be- financialviabilityandsuccessofThe will have to ask students to approve cause the cover is normally used for Corci,sotheissuewasnottakenlightly. the creation of a student fee to renewsstories. Wilfrid Laurier University Stu- place the existing revenue that they Many also felt that the article dent Publications, the parent organi- receive through the Student's UnwasoffensivetoWLUstudents. Jerrid zationofthe Cord, hasrespondedby ion. Should they not get support for Tremaine, a student at WLU, ex- creatinga Cord Review Board (CRB) this new fee, the future of the Cord pressed his opinion that the refer- that will be responsible for ensuring may be in jeopardy. MARK DUKE lmprint staff


2001, is set to be the latest in a series of demonstrations by protesters who want to stop the globalization of corporate power and the subversion of democracy. They see nothing wrong in globalization itself, only with how its presentcourse isbeingchartedby only a select few of the general population. The police are gettingready for them in Qutbec, even if the demonstrators are committed to using peaceful methods to get their message across. Plans are in place to section off a huge part of thecityusingmetre-highconcrete barriers. "It will be the largest police and security operation in Canadian history," says Singh. Singh also doesn't think that the recently releasedCSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) report entitleduAnti-Globalization - a Spreading Phenom-

enon," was necessary. "We are not terrorists ...thisisalegitimate political movement." Singh sent out mixed messages to those in attendance, and he admitted as much. Hiscontradictory advicewas on the one hand to get to Quebec City and show your opposition to the Free Trade Area of the Americas and all that it will mean, "We'd love to have you." But at the same tune, he said it didn't really matter if people made the long trip to the summit; what really matters is the local action, the daily work and struggles of people ' who are contributing to making our world a better place. Pierre Pettigrew, Canada'sMin- : ister for InternationalTrade, wasn't / as contradictory in the message he ' deliveredin an August speech, where he stated that globalization was a "part of the natural .evolutionary : process."

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Staff Editor-in-Chief, Scott Gordon Assistant Editor, Rob Van Kruistum News, vacant Assistant News, Andrea St. Pierre & ~ mAmy , P b h Features, Jon W h g Assistant Features, Adrian Chin Science, Christina Cella Spom,vacant Assistant Sports, Greg Macdougd Arts, Lisa Johnson Assistant Arts, Paul Schreiber Photos, Felix Yip Assistant Photos, Brian Code Graphics, Billy Tung Assistant Graphics, vacant Web, vacant Web Assistant, Durshan Ganthan Systems Administrator, vacant Proofreader, Jesse Helmer Proofreader,Daniel Wong Proofreader, Laura Waterhouse Proofreader, Hala Khalaf Proofreader, vacant Business Manager, Mark Duke Advertising & Production Manager, Laurie Tigert-Dumas Advertising Assistant, Bahi Selvaduri Distribution, Ben Schott Distribution, Halo Khalaf ~0fDirectors President, Kate Schwass Vice-president, Janice Jim Treasurer, Rob Van Kruistum Secretary, Durshan Ganthan Staff Liaison, Adina Gillinn Contributors Darren Altmayer, Rachel E. Beattie, Laurer S. Breslin, Jen Brown, Tin Bums, Ryar Chen-Wq, DJ I@, Chris Parley, Nigel Elear Sue Forrest, Durshan Ganthan, Henq Garcia, Adina Gillian, Sam Ip, Janice Jim Cathy Kerr, Jonathan Lau,Peter Lenardon Rod Loda,Ryan Matthew Merkley, CaroIyr MichieJlseo, Evan Munday, Suresh Naidu Kuy 0%- Kevin O'Brien, Ravi Pathak Shum Rahman, Krista Ranocher. Katc Schvmss,Kntie ShPtley,Robin Stewut, Joht Swan


Imprint isthe &id student newspaper of tht Unnusity of Waterloo. It is an editoriallyinde pendent newspaperpublishedby Imprint Pub lications,Watedoo, acorporation without shan capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontarit Community Newspaper Association (OCNA)

Test taking or learning? S

o I'min classlisteningto my professor, who's an excellent speaker, talk about some interesting side-point, illustration or anecdote that fascinates me. I jot it down on the page: I want to remember this beyond tomorrow. Then she says, "Oh you don't need to take notes on this, folks; it won't be on the exam." Scrape. That's the sound of my jaw grinding in irritation. First of all, this is patronizing: I don't need anybody holding my hand,tellingme when Ishouldandshouldn't be takingnotes. But more importantly, comments like this serve to reinforce a view of education that does none of us any good. According to this view, you pay for the opportunity to write the final exam. The lectures and readinm - are .iust -preparatory work to help you score as well as you can. Schoolis all about grades and acingtests (or passing tests, dependingonyour standards). The alternative view is that you take a course because you want to learn about a tooic that interests vou. In this case. the lectures and readings are the point, as you seek to gain knowledge that will help shape your understanding of the world around you. Now the exam becomes incidental. Unfortunately,the firstview seemstobe the dominant one today. In Texas public schools, they use a statewidestandardizedtest calledthe TAAS (TexasAssessment of AcademicSkills). Determined to raise their overall scores, they begin teaching children early on about the importance of this test; so second grade children singsongsledby their teacher about how much sleep they lose preparing for the TAAS. It's become the focus of their education system. Would anyone be surprised to learn that scoreshave increasedas a result? In Ontario schools, we've been implementing standardized testing over the last few years, and have developed a standardized curriculumin response. The important point people seem to havemissed,here, isthis:increasedtestscores don't mean you're learning better.

Imprint is published every Friday during fal and winter terms, and every second Fridas during the spring term. Imprint reserves th right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising ImprintISSN0706-7380.Imprint CDN Pul Mail Product Mea Agreement no. 554677

Imprint StudentlifeGntrc.RDam 1116 U M t y of Waterloo Walcdm, On&, NU. 3G1 .


Tel: 5 19-888-4048 Fax: 5 19-884-7800 hrrpJripriutuwruedm.ca

cover design: Billy Tung

of highly trainedtest-takerswhatthey actually want? I thinkthere'sabetter way, but it's up to the individual student. You have to choose for yourself where you want the emphasis to lie: test-taking or learning. If you choose learning, I think you'll have a much more relevant, satisfying and rewarding experience. And if tests retain any of their original function, then marks should follow. For my part, when I'm in class, I'll write somethingin my notesif Ididn't knowit before, if it interestsmeandif I want to remember it in the future. If that'snotwhat's on the exam: oh well. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.


eptember has been something of a rough'ride for Asad Kiyani, the Editor in Chief over at the Cord, Laurier's student newspaper.

You would think that Student Publications would, at least publicly, want to defend its editor's decisions. After all, they hired him, right?

ing to the student paper. Every university should have forum through which students can express themselves and debate opinions. If you disagree, you should get involved

tember 7 issue, Kiyani ran an article critical of Orientation

simple. Insteadofgettingadirectlevy fromthe students, the Cord gets a percentage of the fee

directors, whatever - not look for ways to shut the debate down completely. It's a fact

criticizethe SU in any way. Student Publications knows that it needs the money it receives from the SU to put out a paper each week. They are alsoimplicitlyaware that they should not bite the hand that feeds them. Student media should be accountable to students, not political organizations. The Cord should be free to comment on SU activities, whether the SU likes it or not. Writers and editors should not have to work each week worryingaboutwhether a story or an opinion will cause them to lose all their funding. On amore fundamentallevel, it'sirksome that any student or organization that acts on behalf of studentswouldadvocate cutting fund-

a place as any to get used to that fact. Student Publications is proposing that next year they be able to levy their own fee, rather than rely on the generosity of the SU to pass on 15 per cent of what they pull in. Let's hope that people vote to give the paper somemuchneeded breathingroomand make them accountable directly to the students rather than their elected officials. In themeantime, letshope Kiyani continues to fight the good fight a n h o t let funding concerns influence the paper's content. Whether they realize it or not,WLU students will be better off if he does.

In faa, so enraged, apparently,weresomestudentsthat apetitionwascirculated to have the paper's funding removed. In the September 14 edition, Kiyani conceded that while he should have made it more clear it was an opinion piece, rather than straight ahead news, he refused to apologize for the artide'scontent. Inresponse,Student Publications(the body chargedwithrunningtheCord,among other things), proposedthat areviewpanel be set up toreview the papereachweekand keep closer tabs on the paper's editorial staff.

Let's look at IQ tests as an example. Say that you get your hands on such a test and decide that it would be fun to give it to all of your friends. So Friday night, you have everyone over for a big IQ party and they each write the test. I'm sure you have a great time. But looking over their scores the next day, you're a little disappointed. You decide you'd like to have more intelligent friends. So for the next couple weeks, you work hardat teachingyour friendshow to score better on this particular kind of IQ test. Then you give themthe test again and to your lasting delight, their scoreshave increased. Question: Have your friends actually become more intelligent?Not unless you define intelligenceas "the abilityto scorewell on an IQ test;" but that doesn't make any sense -no one would have been intelligent before IQ tests were developed. In education,we use tests as motivators. But tests are supposed to be measurements. When you use your measurement (the exam) to motivate the thingbeingmeasured (thestudents), youcause problems. Studentsnolonger try to learn, they cram and use mnemonic tricks and anything else they can to do well on their tests. The focus of school shifts from learningto test-taking. It's a perversion of the spirit of education. Of course, the theory is that if students want to do well on the test, then they'll have to learn the material better. But thisisn'tthe caseand people know it; otherwise children would sing songsabout how much they were learning, not how hard they were workingto improve test scores. In Texas, they ignore this fact. School has become a training camp for scoring well on the TAAS. Is that what education is about? Sure, higher teascoreswill makeTexan bureaucrats and politicians feel (and look) better, but will the next generation bebetter educated?Is a generation


-Scott Gordon,Editor-in-Chief

A letter of everlasting thanks

A note to professors and instructors

To the Editor,


IS 1s a open letter .to UW's Professors ' and Instructors. You know who you are. Yes, you, the instructor with an attitude bigger than Everest. Lowly students come to you askingpolitely for-help, come to you for assistance and curiosity. "If you missed a lecture, that's too bad -you should know better thanto missa lecture. Findsomeone in your class to help." Perhaps it didn't occur to you that sometimes students miss classes because of other reasons than skipping them. Some are genuinely sick, or really must be somewhere else. "How did you get into thisprogram?" Of all the degrading questions you can ask, honestly, how can you ask this? How do you think a student gets into aprogram?By playing the lottery? Yes, the way to encourage them is to put them down. You think very highly of yourself. However, that also means you think your students are idiots. You think they're going to respect you for that? You want students to think highly of you, then perhaps you should remember why you're at the University.To teach. They're here to learn. Oh, and they pay your salary. Perhaps it's because they're young and still in school. After all, you have a PhD, and they're just lowly students trying to get an education. Maybe you forgot that youwere a student as well. Please note, that some day a number of your students will excel further than you. When they are your peers, andmembers of the same organizations as you, they will remember you. It'struly remarkable that to teach at a secondary or elementary level, you need a teacher's degree. Yet, anyone with a PhD can teach in University. Manners and authenticity not included. It's the instructors like you that the students talkabout among themselves. Perhaps you don't realize that the world has entropy. Sooner or later your actions will catch up with you.

-Name withheld upon request


hanks forever, thanks Mr. Trudeau. For allowing me and my family to live your dreamand your vision of this great country. Coming from the darkest chapter of the history of my own land (Chile), I re-encounter the giving and caring side of humanity in a vibrant great nation under the leadership of one of themost courageous men of the century. Mr. Trudeau, only a few leaders in the world can move a nation the way you have. One can only wish that some of the present leadersmay learn your posthumous lesson, so they do not have to apologize later, when the damage done to a society is sograve,painful and sociallycostly, to forget and forgive. To your family, I humbly offer our deepest sympathy and sincere condolences. To you again, all our love andgratitude, rest in peace-great man of the rose.. .we shall continue in our modest way in keeping your vision alive. -Rme Crespo ElectricalRepairPerson Plant Operations UniversityofWaterloo

from Heramb Ramachandran in the September 29 issue of Imprint. The point of hisletter was essentiallythat Canada would not be the country thatwe all love without immigration, butwhat I takeumbrage with, isthat in order to make this profound observation, Mr. Ramachandran felt it necessary to mock white people in his little example of how sad the Raptors would be if they were populatedby only white CanaAans. I wonder how many letters that statement will warrant (besidesmine)compared with the number generated by Graham Duke's cartoon? All I'msayingis that if people are going to make us tip-toe all over the place in termsofwhat jokeswe make, and to whom they're directed at, that's fine, but let's not assume that racial tolerance and all of that other tiresome, politically-correct stuff only applies when referring to nonwhites. Those standards should apply to all people -would it be cool if I made a joke about some other ethnicgroup and their stereotypical lack of skill at something, especially while trying to make a point about tolerance? I don't think so. Next time, check yourself before you wreck yourself, and watch for hypocrisy. -Simon Dimuantes 4ASystemsDesign Engineering

A refuge for the non-mainstream

Media hype and hoopla TotheEditor,


hen Pierre Trudeau ran for officein 1968 therewasmuch hype and hoopla. The mainstream mediadeclared that the people were experiencing "mania." Now that the former Prime Minister has died, are we supposed to be depressed? When will the media achieve balance in its coverage? -Helmut Braun

Duking it out


have been reading the weekly lenersabout Graham Duke'scontroversial and allegedly anti-immigration cartoon from a few weeks back with some interest. The most interestingreply came


am writingthis not as a journalist or as an English major. I am just a person with something to say, to whoever will listen. To begin with, I feel I must describe myself to you, so that you will know where I am coming from. As many people would say, I am a freak. I am a coloured-hair, tattooed and pierced, weird-clothes-wearingfreak. I do not believe that wearing a brand label such as the Gap or Tommy will make me happy and accepted. I will make no apologiesto anyone for the way that I am. And I will not change myself for anyone. For the most part, I do not fit in at the University of Waterloo. As I walkaroundcampusIamsurrounded by trendy people, who wear all of the right fashions. Iam not saying thisin a negative light; it is just the truth. I do not judge people on what they wear, because I realize that far too many people do that already. I can only imaginewhat people must think about my SesameStreetcurtain pants

and Dukesof HazzardT-shirt. What can I say, I am truly an original. But getting back to my point, that being that this school has a lot of trendy people. Good for them. Aplace that Iespeciallyfeel like an outcast is the campus bar. Every Thursday night Fed Hall is the place to be. I usually indulge and take a night off to go. The problem however, is that I honestly feel I must alter my appearance to fit in there. Girls there are usually wearing tank tops, tight pants and those black sandals with the wide strapover them. There is nothing wrong with this; it's a nice outfit. However, if I don't wear that, then I stand out like a sore thumb. I have stood out my whole life, and I really don't mind it, but it would be nice to takeanight off oncein awhile. So last Thursday night, I was expecting for my housemates and I to head out to Fed Hall. However. to my surprise, I endedup spending the evening and early morntng at Club Abstract. And to my pleasant surprise, I actually didn't feel l ~ k ean outcast there. There were people of all social groups there. I saw leather people, I saw hair-dyed people such as myself, I saw older people in their fift~es,and I even saw business'suit people. I did not get any sort of weird looks from anyone in the club, which was arefreshingchange. The people there welcomed me with a warm embrace. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to Club Abstract for being totally open-minded towards every type of person going. You have no idea how great it feels after not fitting in anywhere yourwhole life, to finally beaccepted somewhere. Sochancesarethatthere will be one less tank top, tight pants wearing girl at Fed hall and one more freak, frequenting Club Abstract. One lastthingbefore1 depart. If you trendy people are walking along and you see agirl with bright red hair and wexd clothes walk& by, don't thlnk that I don't see that dlsapprovmg look you glve. I know you think I'm weird, but that's okay, because 1 think you're weird too. -]ill Smith 2nd year Drama

Imprint errors To the Editor,


et me start by saying that Imprint is agreat paper as University papers go. It certainly whips U of Guelph's, and Laurier'sand Western's (the latter just because it is

Western) but after picking up your September29lssue,acouple of things popped out in a hurry. Namely you need entertainment writersleditors in the vein of Sandy Atwal or Kieran Green. . .fast! First, in Mike Yunker's "Real Ltve MUSIC"article, he mentlons a "low turnout of maybe 50 people." Clearly not aMathstudent (and that is nothing to be ashamed of), but there were more than 50 that I alone knew or recognized from previous shows. Aqulckcheck with the venue might have revealed there were upwardsof 180. Perhapsatypo but not something that someone as talented as Mr. Jones should be subject to under any ctrcumstance. Your characterlzatlon of Danko being a real talent though 1s not boastm', however, but pure truthin'. Keep supporting the good stuff Mike. Second, your Sloan photo. Someone might want to check to make sure you didn't place the negative the wrong way because last I looked, Jay Ferguson, Patrick Pentland and Chris Murphy played right handed, not left. Don't miss the little details like that.. .you're following in the footsteps of some great writers there. -TonyBekauac Political Science, 1997

Imprint irritation To the Editor,


was quoted as saying last week that the Co-op building is the first publically funded building on campus. I don't think I said that, but nevertheless, it isn't true . it's the firstpublically fundedadministrative building on acampus (not just UW). Yeah, administrative is kind of a key point.


-]annu Hickson 2B SystemsDesign Engineering Student rep on buildingcommittee The Forum Section enables members of the University of Waterloocommunitytopresent views onvarious issues through letters to the editor andlonger comment pieces. Letters should not exceed 350 words in length. Letters must be signed, including a phonenumber. Letters willnot be printed ifthe Editor-in-Chief cannot identify the author. They can be submitted to: lette7s@imprnr.uwa~rh.ca. Letters received in electronic form (e.g. fax & email)

willnotbeprintedunlessaphone number for verification is included. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editorrese~esthe right to refuse topublishlettersor articles which are judged to be libellousordiscriminatoryo n the basisofgender, race, religion or sexualorientation. The opinions expressed through columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles arestrictly thoseofthe authors, not the opinions ofImprint.

Imprint, Friday, October 6 , 2000

Some changes within the Feds

Mark ~ c h - has been busy working with students on the new Co-op building. Throughout the summer, Mark held several focus groups and had C H R I S FARLEY Feds President . several meeting with architects. A site has been chosen and is s you prepare for you mid- waiting for approval from the Board term exams, on behalf of Shan- of Governors on Hallowe'en. Mark has also met with Jim non, Desiree, Mark and myself, we Wilson, to discuss undergraduate extend best wishes and good luck. We can hardly imagine that it is research opportunities that would Thanksgiving, Oktoberfest and the be of interesttoallstudents,although term is nearly half over. There has they might be especially interesting been so much activity that we have to Math and Engineering students. been overwhelmed. Mark has also started interviewThere have been many changes ing students for his "Real Students, within the Federation of Students Real Needs Campaign." Thiscampaign will be provinceoffice. Suzanne Futyer, our General Manager has gone on Maternity wide and will highlight the debt l&el leave, expecting the birth of her first of students. childany day now. Former Vice PresiIn a couple of weeks, at the dent Administration and Finance, Senate,wewill be discussingthe "InJoshua Doig will be our Actmg Gen- stitutional Enrolment Plan and Class Sizes." Please let us know if you have eral Manager until May 2001. . As well, we have hlred a new experienced difficultythis faH ingetManager at Federat~onHall, Tamara tinginto your classes, having aseat in Colllns. Tamara has extensive expe- those classes, or difficultygetting to rience In the hosp~tal~ty industry and your classes because they were at will work to ensure Federation Hall opposite ends of the campus. These problems arevery imporis the place to be on Thursday nights whde still offering w~ckedspecial tant for us to hear about, so that we can bring them to theattent~onof the events and concerts. in We have also h ~ r e da graduate proper people at the Un~vers~ty of Waterloo to be our Banquet Co- order to have them rectified. ord~nator,Joanne Baczmanskr. W ~ t h If you haveany questions, please all of thesechanges, we will be able to contact us at our offices or via our provlde you the level of service you Website, www.feds.uwaterloo.ca. Well that'senough for this week. have grown to know. In total, we have 15 full-time staff and over 200 We look forward to hearing from you ~nthe future. part-time staff.





special to Imprint sit possible to be non-partisanand I d lsl~ke ' ' virtually every major policy implementedby aparticulargovernment? While rhetorical, answering questions like these often become necessary when criticizing policy changes by the provinclalTory government spearheaded by Mike Harris. The party line (astold to me by local MPP and caucus member Elizabeth Witmer, Minister of Health) is that the Tories hold themselvesaccountableonly to those who voted them into power. Some may argue that tyranny of the majority flows from democracy, but hopefully it would be tempered by a concern for the well being of the marginahzedwithin our system. In the past f~veyears, t h ~Tory s governmenthasimplementedpolicy upon policy, which underminesand, for some, erad~atesthe abhty (to put ~tbluntly) to h e a decent life. Thmgshke the 21.6percentwelfare cut, the cr~m~nal~zationof street people under the Safe Streets act, and thecloslngof the Women'sHosp~tal. Yet we also get mult~m~llion dollar ad campalgns "mformmg" us that everythmgisokay. Thlsgovernmenthas been nothmglessthan autocratlcand unaccountable, and when they hold the~rPC pol~cyconvent~onon October 20, many of the groups that have

seen their already limited franchise dwindle furtherwill be there to demonstrate against Harrisand the Tory PartySome reasons to join in resistance on October 20: In 1996-97, the Ontario government slashed $400 million from h~ghereducation funding- the largest single cut in the province's history. Since then, college tuition fees have soared on average by over 53 per cent and university tu~tionfees have increased by over 60 per cent. Two yearsago, the Ontariogovernment fully deregulated tuition fees for certain professional, postdiploma and graduate programs. In some of these areas, tuit~onfees have more than doubled. Last sprmg, the Ontario government gave the go ahead to private, degree-granting institutions. Past experience shows that private ~nstitut~onsare often fly-by-night operations that have gone out of business, abandon~ngstudents In m ~ d program. Tuit~onfees at prwate Institutions are typ~callymuch higher than those for publ~ccolleges and unlversitles, leaving students w ~ t h hlgher debt loads upon graduation. A new, Increased maximum of 60 hours of work per week with the overtimeaveragedover athree week span couldallowemployerstoavo~d paying overtlme at all. Paid publlc hohdays would essentially be elmunated forworkers. Emoloverswould


also be able to insist that employees take their two week annualvacation a few days at a time., Since 1995, the Ontario government has cut $1.2 billion from (primary and secondary) education funding and enacted punitive legislation aimed at teachers. Bill 74, the latest attackon teachers in thisprovince would allow the government to make extra-curricularactivitiesmandatory. Between 1990and 1998,Acute Care beds were reduced by 33 per cent while the number of Chronic Care beds were reduced by 28.2 per cent over the same period. Mike Harris and key ministers continually refuse to take any responsibilityfor their role in ordering the OPP assault on the Stoney Point First Nationin 1995, which resulted in the murder of Dudley George. And in case you forgot Walkerton, at least eight people have died as a result of an E. coli bacteria outbreakandover 2,000people were made seriously ill asaresult of drinking the water. Students, environmentalists, trade unionists and social justice activists are planning to torment the Tories as they enter their Policy Convention at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. An area coalition is organizing a demonstration for October20. Contact WPIRG for information about transportation to andfrom the event.

Brew vour own TIM BURNS specla1 to lmpnnt

CAROLYN M ~ C H ~ E L S E.N special to Imprint


icture the scene. It took place over 2000 years ago in the temple in Jerusalem, a building set apart for the express purpose of the worship of God. Now, however, the people have left the worship of Jehovah, the Almighty God, for oppressive religious rituals. The religious leaders use their position of authority, not to mediate for, but to exploit those who have come to worship,focusingontheofferingsrather than on the God to whom they are offered. In the past, familieswould have brought the purest, whitest, healthiest lamb from their flock to the ternpleforthesacrific~If afamily could notaffordalamb, they were permit-

tainer into a bucket of mix. I promptly left the concoction to be ted to bring a dove. The point was These people have made a business handled by someone with compethat people offered to God the best out of what is Intended to be a perver this past summer I was in- tence. that they had to offer. Now, as fami- sonal thing between an individual troduced toafascinatingsubI had "pitched the yeast," in so lies arrive at the temple gate, none and God. culture: the homebrew crowd. A doing1"made" thewine, andcould bringsitsownsacr~fice.By thistime, Jesus gathers up some strips of milder, more harmless, version of now rent the facilities, in perfect they have learned that nothing they leather into a makeshiftwhip. Raisgovernment-hating militia that de- legality. Ienduredtheensuing four bringwill be judgedacceptableby the ing hisvoice above the din he shouts rives pleasure from getting booze weeks as I waited for the yeast to temple staff and that regardless of "StopturningmyFather'shouseinto on the cheap. turn my grape juice into something what they bring, they will be forced a house of merchandise." His anger Not only can you sip your interesting. to buy a pre-approved and over- over the irreverence with which the Chiraz with the self-made satisfacWhen the time finally came, I priced lamb (or dove) from the mer- worship of God is being conducted tion similarto conbottled my wine chants inside the temple gates. seizes him and he single-handedly structing your under the watchInto the scene walks Jesus and chasesthe merchants from the tem66 owndeck, youget ful eye of the prohis followers. Jesussurveysthe tem- ple (John 2: 13-16). to circumventthe orietor. I enioved ,, ple area. Money changes hands, Yes, Jesusbecameangry. Anger large levies of the the PrOCe" SO merchantscalloutthevirtues~ftheir isn't necessarily a bad thing. It is a LCBO. Thisis lemuch. Idecided to wares, people with downcast faces human emotion which, when propgal?Yup, because purchase more. lib Bob grudginglypurchase animalsfor the erly directed, may be used for a dithe u-brew estabsacrifice and line up to make their vine purpose. If this topic interests lishment isn't acVila videos. You offering. It isall wrong. The temple you, you may want to come out to tually brewingthe f0 d o n t a d y have is to be a place of worship, a place the Embassy on October 16 to hear wine foryou,they to build the stuff, are merely rentbut it's nice to where people make the choice to an inspiring message entitled "Your offertheirbestto God.Jesusisangry. anger is a @." ing the facilit~es think you can. YOU Adwaspayfor you to brew - . your wine. Oh ing for my puryeah,theyalsosell " chase, the nice CJ you the ingredishop lady menents, labels, and tioned, "As you bottles. know, it is your leI took the plunge with a peach gal responsibilityto pitch the yeast, flavoredchardonnay.That sounded and I thank you for doing that." like agirlie drink,and this seemeda O h . right, of "Huh? certain ploy to invite more girls to course." my house. I felt like Al Capone working My contribution to the prepa- the hooch as Iloadedmy 30 bottles ,rationwasopeningalittle yeastcon- into my trunk for a liquor run,





it is your legal

responsibility pitch the yeast, and I thank for doin&that.

, ,






Imprint, Friday, October 6, 2000

What's the weirdest thing you have ever eaten for Thanksgiving?

Durshan Ganthan

"Pizza and beer."


"Thatthing from that place."

"Blood sausages."


Terry & Kristin

Tom Mulcahy

leff Hiaains

Kristina Jazvac

leff Wemblv

"Canadian goose."

"A turkey with three legs!"

"Brussels sprouts."

"A whole can of cranberry "Quiche."

Brett Haynes 1A Drama

Rouzbeh & Nicole 1A CS & 1A Math

Jodi Spivak 2A Economics

sauce." Joyce Rivera 3A SDS

Laura Shapiro 2N Health Studies


Waltz this way Oktoberfest taps a week-long celebration of German heritage BEN SCHOTT Imprint staff


t 9:00 p.m., subdued dancing and singing begins, "Ein Prosit, ein prosit." At 11:OO p.m. the words and the dancing are changinga bit and the singingisalittle bit louder and more boisterous: "Eeeinn prrrrooosit, Eeeen Proosit." Finally, 1:00 a.m. rolls around, "Inprrozzzzeee, Inprozzzzeee." The once quiet crowd hasreachedafrenziedcacophony of laughter andgood cheer. Oktoberfest: a great time for all revellers. I have lived through 22 years of Oktoberfest celebrations, watched lots of oaradeg. andeaten areat food but I've never really thought about its histow untihow. Thisarticle isa b#ef eiamination of where Oktoberfest comes from, what it is, and how it has become a fixture in our community every October. The story is as follows: a long - & M eagoinB&wia, a Crswn Prince married a beautiful Princess. The loyal soldiersin the Prince'sNational Guard thought that horse raceswould be amost fittingway tocelebrate the happy event. KingMax approved of this, and the races became the finale forthe five daysof weddingfestivi-


This humble beginning was the birth of Oktoberfest. The following year, the event became annual and took place in conjunction with an agriculturalfair. In 1818,boothsserving food and drink were added to the event. By the late 1800s, the booths had grown into large beer halls or tents. Oktoberfest has continued to thisday in Munich, Germany and in Kitchener-Waterloo. In Kitchener, thisBavarian festival wasinitially onlycelebrated at the famousConcordiaClub. However, in 1969, the founding fathers of Oktoberfest in K-W saw the celebration as an excellent oppbrtunity for community development and the festival spread across the region. Oktoberfest in K-Whas grown to become the largest Bavarian festival inNorth America. It is famousfor its Thanksgiving parade, festhalls and its family and cultural events. Oktoberfest has great food such as wine sauerkraut, Oktoberfest sausage, schnitzeland my personal favourite.


[Above),A bvstandersurveys , . agatherinaofOktoberfestbeer kegsblockingBentonStreet in Kitchener. (Bottom left) kngLudwig'scastlestandsasanOktoberfestdecorationon thecorner ofCharlesand b en ton streets in Kitchener. are prone to be dancing the polka and the Bird Dance at the festhalls across the reglon. Germanisthe primary language of the festival. Here are a few words that you will


meansittastesgreat;and "bierstein" means a decorative cup that holds your beer. Finally, the most importantwordof all, "wunderbar," which meanswonderful, amazing, or great. Here ends the cultural lessondu

jour. I hope you have all learned a littlebatmoreaboutOktoberfestaqd it'sintricacies. See you at the ~wist'n Hausen, ALtes Muenchen Haus, the Karlsberghaus or other great fest locations. "Em Prosit!"

Play safe, have fun Free buses settle DD debates JON WILLING Imprint staff


ou'll need tounderstand that for the next week, zombies will be walking the vomit soakedstreetsuntil the wee hoursof the morning. No, it's not a nightmare. It'sOktoberfest. Fortunately for students in our university community,there are ways you can celebrate safely and with maximum fervour. Here's a few things you should know: For the first time in Oktoberfest's history, festhalls across the region will be smoke free, which may send fest hall operators into a frenzy trying to accommodate their smoking customers. In some cases, festhalls will expand their outdoor smoking areas and provide additional security to handle the influx of people moving between environments. Molson will be helpingrevellersget around Kitchener-Waterlooby sponsoring its annual free bus service during both weekends of Oktoberfest. Free city bus servicewill run from 11p.m. to 2:OOa.mon the following days: Friday, October 6; Saturday, October 7; Friday, October 13; and, Saturday, October 14. In recent years, K-W Oktoberfest hasattempted, quite successfully,to integratefamily orientated activities. For this reason, some fest halls are offering separate student 'nights, which are open to university and

Ouch!This pricelist details thecost for beveragesat one anonymous festhall in Kitchener-Waterloo. college students. Some fest halls have unusual events on student nights, including saurkraut stuffing and yodlingcontests. If one thing remains constant in Oktoberfest tradition it's the escalating price of beverages at festhalls. While touringone particular fest hall during set-up, Icaught aglimpseof a bar price sign, which featured $4 for a 14 oz. glass of beer and $5 for a single spirit. Most importantly, take care of the friends with whom you revel, and take advantage of city transportation whenever possible.



Imprint, Friday, October 6, 2000

An icon of our time Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a scholar first our constltutlon from Br~tam,creatmgacharter of R~ghtsandFreedoms andearnmg thegreatrespect of many he words polttman and hero worldleaderswerereasonswhymany are rarely spoken m the same Canad~ansbelleve that he was the breath, but th~spastweekend greatest prlme minister of the twenwhen descr~btngCanada's fallen leg- t~ethcentury. I have one regret though. I w~sh end, the words were asclose asa lake Icould haveseen~tfor myself. Bemg and ~ tsurroundmg s woods. P~erreElhott Trudeau molded only SIX yearsold when Mr. Trudeau our state wtthldeas that the scholarly ex~tedthe Prme Mln~ster'sOffice, I youth of today shouldgreatly appre- have no recollect~onof h ~ tune s In IS power. I can only relwe a through clate. The campus of ourun~vers~ty We were so just one example of how a Trudeau books and telev~s~on. bel~ef,In t h ~ case s lmmlgratlon and close. Only afew yearsearher andwe offic~almult~cultural~sm has beautl- could have w~tnessedh ~unforgettas fully shaped our landscape. Hlsllst of ble speech for the "No" s ~ d dur~ng e pollt~calaccomphshments (both do- the 1980 referendum. mestlc and mternat~onal),are absoOr better yet, we could have lutely staggering. seen h e footage of a younger Battling the separatists, freeing Trudeau watching the St. Jean J.P. LEWIS specfa1to lmpnnt


URGENT NOTICE To All Students Planning to Travel During Christmas

Due to the consolidation of airlines, there are fewer seats this year. All students are therefore urged to book their flights NOW to avoid disappointment later. Student ClassTMairfares are available exclusively from Travel CUTS, Canada's national student travel bureau.

University Shops Plaza, 170 University Ave. W.,

Bapt~steParade the n~ghtbefore h ~ s first federal elect~onand staylng seated wh~lethe vlewlng tower IS pelted w ~ t hbottles from Quebec nat~onal~sts and spectators around hlm flee for cover. These are all Images that are now entrenched In Canad~anh~story. Canada, be~ngsuch a d~fficult country to govern, has always needed a strong, ~deallst~c and optlmlstlc leader.Trudeau was just that. Not only d ~ he d capture the hearts of a usually passlve pol~t~cal audlence but he was also a great ~ntellect. That 1s probably what I m~ssedout on the most. A publ~cleader who was a scholar fmt, a p o l ~ t ~ c ~second. an What was Trudeau's speech about the n~ghtbefore he lost the 1979 federal elect~onto Joe Clark?Itwas a lecture about the Constitution. Wow. This past Sunday night, CBC airedMemoirs, a documentary film about Trudeau'slife. One must only witness the scene of him soloing a canoe on acalm and beautiful Canadian lake to understand hisconnection to our heritage. The symbols of Canada as a land or as a people are difficult torecognize butthere is one symbol that is as clear as a prairie field. That symbol is Trudeau, a political icon who believed in a just societyfor Canada.Asocietyinwhich Canada's most crucial import immigrants - can celebrate their culture and help to diversify our open land even more. Of course there are other instanceswhich help cementTrudeau's enormous presence in Canada's history. The line "just watch me"


"Hopefully,as Canadiangovernmentscontinueto workon policiesderived fromTrudeau's legacy, the fireplacewill remain lit for newgenerations." Trudeau uttered when responding to a reporter'sinquiry about how far he would go in reducmg the civil libertiesduringthe Octobercrisiswill be taught over and over again in history classes for years to come. My mother's father passedaway in 1985 when Iwasonly seven. I have heard that he wasvery creative, very funny and an all around agreat man. I miss what could have been. When reading about Trudeau or seeing his face on the television screen, I feel like he is our generation's grandfather. Learning of his

great speeches and hearmg the tales of how he battled to keep our country together are 11ke l~sten~ng to noble war stones told around a fireplace. Hopefully, a ~ C a n a d ~ agovn ' ernments contlnue to work on pohcles der~vedfrom Trudeau's legacy, the fireplace will remaln 11tfor new generatlons. Whenrermn~sc~ngabout our late prune mm~ster,as soc~allyaware young people, remember to thmk about what an honour ~t1s to h e In such a wonderful soclety ~nwh~chhe helped create.

Trudeau's last dance

886-0400 Owned and operated by the Canadian Federatwn of St&nts.

State funeral draws large crowds, world leaders RAVI PATHAKAND CATHY K E R R special to Imprint




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ctober 3 was a national day of mourning for all Canadians. Thousands gathered to mark the passage of one of the greatest prime ministersthiscountry has ever seen, Pierre Elliot Trudeau. We were among the thousands to line the streets of Montreal, lined up to pay homage to Trudeau. Some questioned why we went. A friend of mine commented that it took a lot of dedication to attend the funeral of a man who was prime minister bef&e I had control of my bowels. (To my credit, I had control of my bowels by the time he left politicallife in 1984). Butthere were many simple reasons to attend. Trudeaumania is not dead. In Pierre Trudeau, we saw a man who displayed qualities that are so conspicuouslyabsentin Canadian politicianstoday -ajoiedeuivre displayed

by his dancing and canoeing, his womanizing and, above all, in his political passion and purpose. We understood how even Alexa McDonoughcould be aLiberalwhen Trudeau was leader -he loved life and he loved his country. Moreover, Trudeau was the last politician who had any kind of great vision for Canada. And it was for these reasons that we left Waterloo at 12:30 a.m. Tuesdaymorning, and drove all night to get to Montreal. We arrived at the Notre Dame Basilica at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, and lined up for our chance to enter the church and pay our last respects, behind perhaps a thousand other people. Sincewe were told that there would be plenty of space inside the church for the public, we were hopeful that we would get the opportunity to stand in the same room with Fidel Castro,Jimmy Carter and Brian Mulroney. It felt strange to be that close to the seat of political power. The fu-

neral was not simply a television event, but a way of bringing our leaders to the masses in a way that ordinary people can identify with. With that, we settled in to wait. People around us in line were interviewed by the Toronto media, especially the non-white people. One reporter held up a sign, written on his notepad, asking, "Are you from BC?" We thought about lying to get on television, but then thought better of it. Waiting for the funeral, the mood in the crowd was almost lighthearted. The women behind us in line speculatedabout whether or not Barbra Stresand would come to the funeral (she didn't), and provided a fashion critique of some of the mournersin thecrowd. Peoplechatted about their own lives rather than Trudeau. It isonly asamotorcade is parked in front of usat about lO:40 a.m. that please see page 14

Student Grievance Policy and the latter is the Student Academic Discipline Policy. Visit the Office of the Ombudspersontoassist you with this issue.


Last term my friend and I collaborated together on alab and although we handed in two separate assignments, the professor is claiming we cheated because they are exactly the same. What should I do?

Last year I wrote an essay on the American Civil War for my history class. This year, I'm takinga sociologycourse that requires me to do an essay on conflict. Since1wrote this essay and therefore own it, can I hand it in for my sociologycourseas wen?




Unlessyour professor explicitly states that it is acceptable to collaborate on an assignment, it is considered cheating. Before doing any collaboration be sure to clarify exactly what the professor expects (i.e. group work, collaboration, individual work,etc.). Simplyhandingin two assignments,which are the same, is not considered individual work. Meet with the professor immediately. Do not catch himlher after classwhen he/she is busy. Instead, set up a time during her office hours to meet. Take all of your rough notes and explain how your assignments came to be alike. The situation may be resolved at this point, but if you are stillunsatisfied, refer to UW Policies #70 and 71. The first is the

Handing in an essay or assignment twice, even thoughit's for adifferentclasswithanewprofessor, is considered cheating. You are expected to do original, new.work for each course. Students are sometimes horrified to discover that even thou& - thev. wrote the original paper, they arechargedwith the academic infraction for handiia it in twice. For further clarification on what constitutes academic offencesatUW,refertoUWPolicy#71 or speak with the Ombudsperson. LWs OmbudspersonisMarianne Miller. ContactMariannebyphoning 888-4567, ext. 2402, e-mailing mmiller@uwaterloo.cu, or by visiting her in the Student Life Centre, room 2402.


he Rt. HonourablePierreElliott T Trudeau iinpacted many communities during his time in office. The reforms he brought forth had positive effects on the status of women, cultural minorities, and the gay community, to name a few. We may never know what Mr. Trudeau's personal views on gay people were, but the contributions he made to equality have had a tremendouspositive impact on the lives of gays and lesbians in Canada. Mr. Trudeau's first contribution to gay equality was the decriminalizationofhomosemalityin 1969. This reform was tabled before the StonewallRiot andbefore the American PsychiatricAssociationremoved homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. In one of hismost famous remarks, he justified the legislation by saying, "Thestate hasno business in the bedrooms of the nation." Multiculturalism (instead of biculturalism) became the government's official stance in 1971. The concept highlightedfor the first time the contributions of Canadians whose ancestors came from places r

Advanced Ekho&sis Institute

other than Britain and France. The celebration of multiculturalismover time has had analogouseffects on the pride and strength of the gay community, which can be viewed as a culture in itself.

The gay community has Trudeau to thank. By far the most important contribution of Mr. Trudeau was the repatriation of Canada's Constitution in 1982. In particular, Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which came into effect in 1985, has been of significant importance in achieving gay rights. Section 15 of the Charter states that all people are equal regardless of age, gender, race, and religion, among

other things. Sexualorientation was not included in the original list, although it was debated at the time. In 1982, it would remain to be seen how the courts would use the Charter to ensure equality. In 1995, the Supreme Court of Canada determined that sexual orientation should be "read in" to section 15 as an "analogous ground" for discrimination.Withii five years, with the aid of the Charter and the courts, gays and lesbians were fully protected against discriminationand hate crimes. As couples, they were also grantedofficialrelationship statusas common-lawpartners with the same benefits and obligations of heterosexual couples. Gay equality has been a slow development over the last thirty years. But in many important respects, the gay community has Mr. Trudeau to thank for starting the process. With his death comes sadness, but also pride for the contributions Mr. Trudeau made to the gay community and for all Canadians.

Oktoberfest events beginning October 6 \I.

October 6: Opening ceremonies, Kitchener City Hall Civic Square, 11:30a.m.

October 9: Bands on Parade, BingemansinKitchener, 1p.m.Adult admission, $7.

October 14: Closing ceremonies, Downtownktchener.Eventsbegin at l l : 3 0 p.m.

October9: OktoberfestParade,King Street, 8:45 a.m. startsin Waterloo, ends in Kitchener.

October 10: Cltizenshlpcourt,Elizabeth Ziegler School, Waterloo, call to order at 10 a.m.

October 20-22: KW Oktoberfest International Hockey Tournament, Waterloo Rec Centre and Aud. 1


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Imprint, Friday, October 6 , 2000

McPhedran follows Order Students welcome "lively addition" to Planning KRISTA RANACHIZR special to Imprint


f YOU were born in Canada after 1968 or so, the words equality, justice and personal liberty are not just parts of your vocabulary but are also probably pieces of a value system that you believe you share with other Canadians. Maybe you were attracted to Canada from another country because of Canada's international image as a multicultural and peaceful state. Youlive ina nation that believes in the goal of a just civil society. The currency of these values and their ongoing discussion can be credited to the work of many people, including thelegacyof the latelydeparted Pierre Elliot Trudeau.

"I like to argue. I can be forceful and I can be argumentative." In his work as Prime Minister, one of his greatest achievements, where he not only espoused but also demonstrated his practice of the above-mentioned concepts, was the repatriation of.the Constitution. In his statement to the press on the announcement of Mr. Trudeau's death last Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister Herb Grey told Canadians that Mr. Tmdeau's passing "laisse un grand trou dans I'esprit canadien." (leaves a terrible hole in the Canadian consciousness). Thankfully, one of the people that also lives these values and whose work has more than an average effect on the general spirit of society is

working here at UW. Marilou McPhedran earned membership in the Order of Canada for her part in helping to repatriate the Constitution. She helped draft Section 28 and called the "Equal Rights Amendment" of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as a legal council to the Ad Hoc Committee of Canadian Women on the Constitution. She is a lawyer who first represented date rape victims in Canada. She is the national chair and founding mother of the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF), and a founding advisor to Democracy Watch. Her class, "Building Healthy Communities: Local to Global Human Rights" starts in ES1 354 on Thursday evenings at 6 p.m. and then adjourns to the Grad House for discussion until 9 p.m. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Dr. McPhedran is Planner in Residence this term in W s School of Planning. Her emphasis is on social and policy planning. Did you know that the University of Waterloo has the largest schoolof planning in Canada? So, what's the appeal to the average UW student? Well, the graduates of UW who will work in technology-basedindustries will work in something Dr. McPhedran describes as a "human rightslimbo." The jobs are international, the companies are international, the profitsare international.Where does that leave you? "They willbe workinginaworld where knowledge and capital have no borders," she warns. She points out that the worst time to find out the bad news that your employer has no responsibility to you is when you are in a situation where your non-existent rights are

Dr. Marilou McPhedran:[Graduates1will beworkinnina worldwhere knowledgeandcapital havenoborders. beingviolated. "Technology is forcing the issue of human rights." McPhedran is modest when asked about her appointment to the Order of Canada. "It is symbolic. There were literally thousands of women who participated in what I did." Dr. McPhedran's practice upon graduation from law school was in women's equality and health before she turned toa more non-traditional practice of law in planning. She described the work in human rights as avery natural progression from her earlierwork, although with a more multidisciplinary approach. In addition to her present affiliationsandworkwith institutionsthat promote and protect human rights and responsibilities, she is working on a project to help women in the embattledUkraine organize and bring much needed resources into communities. Despite her focus on feminist issuessheacknowledges,"I'veworked

mostly with men. Ilke to argue. Ican together academics,politicians,planbe forceful and I can be arguments- ners and corporate representatives tive." She also noted that she has had to discuss t o ~ i c swhich varv from of working with some year to year. She came at the invitathe very interesting and inspiring men tion of a former planner in resiand women. dence, Gardiner Church, and beA colleague briefly interrupts ,came known to the university and the interview to greet the friendly the School of Planning. Dr. McPhedran and reminisce about This work reflects the importheir recent attendance at The Guess tance of constantly reviewing and Who'sconcert in Hamilton.Her tick- reflecting on the rights and responets were arranged for her by the sibilitiesof citizenship and memberband's manager. Shespendsonly two ship in a fast changing world order. days a week on campus and is obviWhile the rest of us complaously a lively addition to the depart- cently go about our lives and work in ment. other important areas, comfortable There are few people who wan- with our burden of rights and reder by our location to talk, whose sponsibilities, people like Marilou name she doesn't even know, but she McPhedran fight to ensure that our greets them with a friendly hello. freedom is something we can be What has motivated her? The quick proud of and thrive in as human responseis, "I get pissed off."She has beings. certainly channeled her anger into If you see her around, say hello, some worthy causes. say thanks and you might find yourDr. McPhedran first came to self having a friendly chat with a UW to participate in an event called person who has made a real contrithe Pragma Council which brought bution to Canadians.

A Canadian hero is dead, but life still goes on continued from page 12

it becomesapparent to us that we will not be able to enter the church. All work has stoppedin the officebuildings around Place D'Armes, as people are watching from their office windows. There are choppers and an airplane carrying the Canadian flagflyingoverhead. Television cameras are on the rooftops and on cranes.The streetsare justpacked. At this point, it occurs to us that we might have had a better view if we had watched the ceremonies on television. T h e procession begins. Trudeau's hearse drives by, flanked

by nine mounties, and followed by Margaret and their children. A lone woman shouts "Vive Pierre," and a rose is thrown at the hearse. We applaud and some wave the Canadian flag. The crowd rushes toward the big screen set up in front of the cathedral for a better view. They hoisted Trudeau's coffin to the melody of the church bells reverberating throughout the sauare. And then there was silence. The wind was blowing, and we could see a few stray rose petals blowing on the streets. Now the proceedings begin in earnest, andwe can hearthem broadcast into the square. A woman is

sittingon the sidewalk,being assisted by a female policeofficer,either overcome by the crowds or by the emotion. A block away from Place D'Armes, youcan't hear the music of the funeral proceedings. A group carries a sign, "Au revoir, Mr. Trudeau." They are wearing religiousT-shirts, and hold a banner with their tributetoTrudeau that reads "Judaism, Christ, Islam / Torah, Bible, Koran/ Moshe, Jesus, Mohammed." One man carried a Canadian flag stapled to a two-by-four, with "Canada # I n written on it. People of all descriptions are


taking in the funeral from babies in backpacksto men in wheelchairs, from panhandlers to crazy ranters. Even dogs were brought to the funeral. But amongst all the pageantry, amongst all the crowds, we saw an outpouring of genuine emotion for a nation's departed hero. It was a day in which a city stoppedand men in suits forgot normal decorum andclimbed over barricades and into gardens to catch a glimpse of Trudeau's last dance for the Canadian public. In a city steeped with historical divide, the people united.,And still there were some smilesinthe crowd.

Those who couldn'tsee the bigscreen were laughing, joking, playing with their children. Life still goeson. We sat down and listened to some of the eulogies for Trudeau. We heard people speak about his willingness to go against the current, and about his great vision for Canada. We got to talking about how a nation has lost its last great hero. As it stands, there is no one to take his place on the national stage. We heard about Trudeau's great accomplishments, and we cried alittle. And then we left before the coffinleftthechurch.The last Canadian hero is dead. We couldn't stand to watch him leave.

One pipe for all dreams PETER


special to Imprint


n September 1, when you movedinto your new home away from home, the first thing you had to do wasget the place up and runningwith telephone, electricity, gas and probably cable services. Even before you dealt with the mess the previous tenants left, that the landlord assured you would be cleaned up, you needed to get connected. Telephone, television and Internet servicesare basic necessities for most students. Getting connected still means dealingwith at leasttwo service providers. Most people in Kitchener-Waterloo pet local telephone services from Bell Canadaandtelevisionservices from Rogers Cable. Now, what about Internet access? It's available at school. but finding aseat in acomputer lab on campus can be difficult except during the wee hours of the morning. You canget dial-up for free, but your roommatesprobably want to use the phone at some point. What you need is a high-speed connection at home, but that means forking over another $40per month, plus a hefty installation fee, again to Rogers or Bell Canada. Two fees and two installation charges for similar servicesover the same wire from the same company? Why can't Bell and Rogers provide their respective services together? They will -soon. The onepipe future is here, and the good news is that you will enjoy better

service and pay lower prices. Deregulation of the telecommunications industry and advances in network technology have created unprecedented competition between Old World serviceproviders andallowed new service providers to enter the industry. Now, the cable companies are working on providingvoiceservices over cable, the phone companies are starting to offer television over a phone line and Internet companies are trying to do everything. . cable companies have been working through the technical challenges of providing two-way com-

duplex lines completely useless for voice because such service requires data packets to be sent up and down stream continuously. In recent years, cable operators have been investing heavily to upgrade their buriedcable from half to full duplexasanecessary first step to capitalize on the demand for integrateddataandvoice services. While upstream transmissions still are not as fast as downstream (typically 1.5 to3 Mbps downstream and 500 Kbps to 2.5 Mbps upstream allocated for telephone andhternetservice), fullduplex lines offer sufficientthrough-

modifications must be made to the way bandwidth isallocatedandpackets are delivered. This must be done without using the bulk of the cable spectrum because most of the bandwidth will continue to beused f o r m broadcasts. If cabie companies are going to offer voice servicesasacrediblealternative to those offered by. telephone companies,however, they must overcome reliabilityissuessurrounding cable and h e r n e t - service. Most people can remem-

munication for a number of years. When cable was first introduced in thelate 1950s, nearly every metreof buried cable was half-duplex. This means that it was capable of broadband transmissionin the downstreamdirection, i.e. from thesource to the subscriber, but not in the upstream direction. This makes half-duplex lines cumbersome even for premium TV services, such as pay-per-view, that requireupstreamcommunication. It makes half-duplex lines extremely inconvenient for Internet service because outbound e-mail messages and HTTP requests have to be sent via the phone. And, it renders half-

put to support cable-based Internet Protocol (IP) telephone service. As cable operatorscompetefor subscribers with other service providers, the speed with which cable operators replace older lines with full-duplex lines will be critical to their ultimate success. Unlike telephone service, which was developed from the outset as a point-to-point communication technology, cable networks were designed originally to broadcast one signal to many recipients. There was no concept of dedicated circuits and there was no need to parcel out bandwidth to individualsubscribers. To enable cable-basedIP telephony,

bera time when their cable or Internet service was interrupted or "down" for anumber of hours, but every time you pick up a telephone you hear a dial tone-unless you didn't pay the bill. Customers who are used to the unfailing service of the telephone companieswillnot stand for delaysin transmission due to network problems, muchlessaserviceoutage when trying to call 911. Telephone companieshave perhapsan easier road ahead for awidespread rollout of residential television services over their existing telephone network. Despite delaysdue to regulatory squabbles over who can use what lines, telephone com-




Solutions for nature Is it too late to save ourselves? GEORGE


special to Imprint


e are all going to die! All is lost! Our mother nature is dying! Fear your brother, for nothing you will ever meet is as full of dread! Some people would dismiss this completely. Othersdislike what happens to nature, but do nothing. Yet others think that technologywill save us all. An economist, on the other hand, might say that as supply and demand balance, we cannot truly destroy nature, and that we willreach anequilibrium. For example, as trees become more scarce, our society looks for other, newer, now-cheaper materials. But does that truly work? We have damaged ecosystems irreparably before. We have destroyedcountless speciesdespite an awarenessthat they were becoming extinct. Most of Africa is now beyond repair, unless a

huge organized international effort is made. And what is a continent without trees that clean and cool the air, sustain all animal life, keep the moisture?

It's up to us to protect nature and all her bounty. An acid-base mixture resists a change in acidity, but only until a certain critical point. Isa livingbeing, or nature, not the same equilibrium, but many times more complex? And it resistschange, because of the diversity of its elements. But are we not taking away that diversity? Are we not poisoningevery living being?Are we not taking away our own future

possibilities,aswellasthe potential of all livingbeings?How farawayis such acritical point? In a certain economic sense, on some thingswe set alower price than they are worth. The price of oil includesonly the cost of extracting oil. It does not include the price of making oil, because we can't make oil. Our basic problem is increasing competition. An average person would sacrifice a lot just to survive. So would any self-sustainingsystem, like a competing company. People and groups of people, whether they are companies or countries, put short-termgoalsover long-term goals to survive. Doesa farmeruse all of his crops, or does hestay slightlyhungry one year, to plant enough crops to have plenty next year? We must take a long hard look at ourselves, then at all of humanity's basicproblems, and solve those problems. What we really need now are some better solutions.

panies face lower installation costs for the installation of hardware for Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology. DSLisa technologyfor bringing high-bandwidth connectivity to homes and small businesses over ordinary copper telephone lines. Connection speedsfor DSLtypicallyrange from 52 Mbps (for VDSL -Very high-speed data rate Digital Subscriber Line) to 512 Kbps downstream and around 128 Kbvs upstream. DVD-qualityvideo requires about 3.5 Mbps of bandwidth. In addition,a DSLline allows for one line to carry both voice and data signals, and for the data part of the line to be continuously connected. DSLachieveshigher data transfer rates by utilizing more of the available bandwidthspectrum. Ordinary telephone service only makes use of the 0 to 3400 Hz frequency range, which accounts for the 56 Kbps speed limit on standard analogmodems.DSLeludesthe3400 H z frequency boundary by outmoding the digital-to-analogconversion that modems perform and *connectingbothendsdictallY. ~ence, larger bandwidth isavailable. allowing higher transfer rates. However, despite all of itspositive attributes, DSL is not without flaws. For instance, in order to be eligiblefor DSL, the enduser must be geographically within a certain distance from the central telephone


please see page 16


A tribute to Bill Gates SAM special



to Imprint

s a FreeBSD convert, I've reached my pain threshold with Microsoft products. With each blue screen of death, I reaffirmed my hatred for this software titan. My opinion of Bill, however, altered radically after reading his biography. If you were to examine the life of Gates in detail, you would find a formidable businessman and technological genius compelled by a love of computers and a vision of desktop computing. Born o n October 8 1955, Bill was the son of a respectable Seattle lawyer and the great-grandson of a legislative statesman. Demonstrating fierce intelligence in almost every subject at the elementary level, he wasplacedin agifted school to cultivate creativity and exposure to his first love, the computer. At Lakeside Private School, Gates first encountered Paul Allen,

the future co-founder of Microsoft. These two boys would become lifelong friends. Gates and Allen ventured together o n many joyous projects and schemes. Paul and Bill worked together on a monopoly simulation program for testing hypothetical strategies, which they employed to blast all their classmates into oblivion.

Microsoft founder genius at work. Before high-school graduation, Gates was renowned for designing the class scheduling software that placed hlmin aclass full of girls. With his present success, those girls are probably mutilating themselves for not buyinginon an early investment. Even with Gates' superior tech-

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morgan freeman

Imprint, Friday, October 6 , 2000

TV through your phone

nical genius, he had no clue what he wanted to accomplish in life. He applied t o Stanford, Harvard and Princeton withaperfect 800 scorein the mathematics portion of the SAT. Taking graduate level economics courses during his sophomore year, Gates never attended a single class until the last two weeks where he crammed like a madman and managed to escape unscathed with a respectable A average. It was during this time he read about the Altair 8080 in a 1974 "Popular Electronics" magazine. However, the Altair 8080 lacked an operatingsystemandMITS, itsmanufacturer, publicly offered the first people to code an operating system a contract with the company. Gates and Allen were so enthralled by this challenge they were determined to beat everyone to the race. There was one setback though. Neither of them had ever seen an Altair 8080 in person, much lesseven programmed on one. Hours later it wasdecided that Paul would write an emulator on the college'ssuper-computers for the Altair,while Gateswrote the operating system. In the span of three weeks their project was complete. During the demonstration for MITS executives, the fact that Gates' operating system worked nearly flawlessly was quite a feat for a programmer of his age. Later that year, Gates founded Microsoftwith Allen, embracing the dream that one day, computers will proliferate throughout society. The rest is history. Each magazine cover of billionaire Gatesportraysanerd toowealthy for hisowngood. Thisonly illustrates what one can achieve with determination and perseverance.

continued from page 15

office, otherwise the signal degradation is too great. Despite some drawbacks, DSLisstilla faster alternative to analog modems and ISDN, and will rival cable modems as far as actual bandwidth offerings. Televisionover DSL, however, will be the application thatwillsave the telephone companies. Ittooka while to convince a 100-year-old industry that they needed t o get into the television business, but DSL deployments are popping up everywhere. Thousands of customers in North America and Europe are already receiving bundled telephone, Internet and television servicesover their old twisted copper phone lines. Some deployments even support time-shifted TV, where certain programs can be stopped, started, and rewound like a VCR. Large serverscan also store movies for on-demand viewing, searchable through an Internet-connected browser. So, cable and telephone companies have found ways to prolong the profitability of their infrastructurethrough these one-pipe service offerings, but they aren't the only firms looking to service your home. Hundreds of new companies that are smaller and quicker

than the big cable and telephone companies are starting up all over the world. Their aim is to apply emerging technologies to provide these bundled services even more cheaply, whether over existing networks or on their own. O n e Canadian company, Suite Systems Inc., has already shown us what the future might looklike-for apartment dwellers at least. Suite Systems buys television content from satellite television providers and distributes it over their own fiber optic network to high-rise buildings. Each building is wired with ethernet cable, carrying telephone, Internet and television servicestoeach unit. The result is a 100 Mbps downstream connection, ample bandwidth for these services. It is only a matter of time before we are all one-pipe customers, and with the way things are going, that pipe isgetting fatter and fatter. Residential telecommunications servicesare only at the beginning of an evolutionary process that will take many years. In themeantime, we will all be glued to our sets to see how it all turns out. PeterLenardon isa formerEditor-inChief oflmprint and is currently a Marketing Communicutions Writer at Pixstream Incorporated, a Waterloo-based video networking company.



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his week at UW

Warrior men and women run circles around competition -

WARRIORCROSS C O U N T R Y TEAM special to Imprint

Golf men's Golf team finished third at the rloo Invitational Golf Tournament last endat the ElmiraGolf Club, one stroke nd second place Brock. Guelph took top prize. Next up is the McMaster tlonal, today in Hamilton.

Rugby men's team beat up on Lautier 13-3 the weekend, and had a game against aster yesterday (resultsnot available at The women's team play McMaster today in their final homegame of the year, 4:OOp.m. at North Campus. Please see page 1 9 for


akmg full advantage of bemg able to run on their home course, the Warr~or Cross-country team had one of then most successful meets in some tune, capturing both the men's and women's team and mdlvldual tltles at thls year's Waterloo Open. Coming off of a hlghly successful meet at Western two weeks ago, many of the Warr~ors were left physically dramed and thus vulnerable to the many nasty colds clrculatmg about campus. By m~d-week,afull blown outbreakof headcolds had engulfed the teamandlt quickly took ~ ttoll s dur~ngtra~nlngand preparation for the meet. Desplte the lackof quality trainlngm the past week, the Warr~ors'confidencenever wavered and they agam rose to the challenge both ~ndlvlduallyand as a team, perfofmlng admrabty aganthlspastweekend despltetough course cond~t~ons. The Warr~orladles were first to toe the h e and got the competition underway, running to an easy first place team finlsh over Guelph. Debbie Buhlersledthe Lady Warrlors to the line, finishingfirst overall under unseasonablv warm but blusterv condmons on the ~ o r t h ~ a mGolf ~ u course. s Buhlenwasmnninp,in her first meet of the year, asshe returned fromastill ongoing battle withAchillestendonitis. and shewastedno time at all in assuming the lead. The field quickly strung out behind her asshe led them fromstart to finish. Debbie's only challenge of the day came from a hard charging Tambra Dunn of the University of Toronto Track Club, whom she successfully held off in the latter stages of the race to win the race In a hme of 17:40 for the close to 5 km. Kristie Henry did her part fo; the Waterloo team, finishingninth overall. Jill Patterson and Kim Neumayer continue to work well together throughout each race and finished 14thand 17threspectiyely. Roundingout the scoring five runners was Shauna Ellis, who "came home" from her out-of-cityco-opplacement. Other Warriorscompetinglast weekend included GinaJackson, Cristina Atance, Nicola White, M~chelleBester, Jasmie Jagpal, Trista


ating the defending champion olden Gaels, the women lost 6-1 *


em. Both teams next .olav, October 14: the

men are in York while the women play at

Swimming The Swim team hosted a swim meet and a triathlon this past weekend, facing competition from the University of Toronto inthe pool and both U of T and Brock in the triathlon. Please see page 20 for more.

Hurry.. .hurry beforethebullsgetvou! Simmonsand FaizaVassanii. After cheering the ladies on to victory, an inspired men's team took tothe course determined not to be outdone by the ladies' gold medal performance or to disappoint the highly partisan crowd. Leading the way for the Warriormen was teamveteranstephen Drew, who demonstrated the results of five years of hard work and dedication. He achleved two of h ~ s goals for the season by bringing home the individual gold and leading UW to a narrow win over rival Toronto. Taking a page from teammate Debbie Buhlers play book, Drew took the lead early on and never looked back. Teammate Alastair Lawrence also had his sights set on the podium and followed Drewto the line in 33:01 for a 1-2 Waterloo finish.

Baseball Before defeating Brock in both games of a doubleheader, the team had foundout what life's like on the other side, losing by scores of 10-9 and 16-4 to McMaster.

Football Waterloo's football team fell to the York Yeomen and now sport a 5 0 0 record at 22. They visitWesternthisSaturday and hope to make a repeat of their upset in last year's OUA semi-finals. Please see page 19 for more.

Soccer Both teams won their games against Brock this weekend, the women 2-0 and the men 3-1. Thewomen also manageda3-3 tie with McMaster, but the men were stoppedby the Marauders 2-1. Please see page 20 for more.


Alastairwas his typical confident self, gradually moving up through the front pack and very nearly running down his teammate Drew in the final kilometre. The Warriors have been particularly blessed this seasonwith an exceptionally large batch of hard-working and talented first year athletes. Two such athletes are Kevin Smith and Dwight Tomalty, who continued their successfulrookie campaignsby finishimgin 17th and 22nd respectively and are easily amongst some of the most promising rookie runners In the province. Will Gibbons rounded out Waterloo's five runners who scored points for the school. Meanwhile, Rob Bruce who ran a tough but tacticd race to cross the line just ahead of UW freshman Jonathon Matthews.

Baseball team sweeps doubleheader PAUL SCHREIBER Imprint staff


nagorgeous Saturdayafternoon, the Warriors showed a little grit and determination and a lot of offense, sweeping a doubleheader against the Brock Badgers. Trailing 4-0 going into the bottomdf the third inning, the Warriors got on the board when left fielder Pat Hill singled, stole second and scored on second baseman Sam Patel's single to right field. Two innings later, it was Mike Robertson who repeated the same task: single, steal second, get knocked in by Patel. Tyler Wilson led off the bottom of the sixth and reached first on a miscue by Badger second basemanJared McCord, a mistake that Waterloo would capitalize on. Catcher Mark K u m k laid a sacrificebunt down the first base

line, advancingWilson to second. Two batters later, Wilson scored and Robertson reached base on a fielder's choice. Pat Hill knocked in the tying run with a shot to right.

UW 5, Brock 4 UW 9, Brock 1 Sam Patel took advantage of another McCordmlstake in the top of theseventh, and it was dCja vu all over again. Shortstop Mark Johnston placed a sacrifice bunt down the first base line; Patel took second. Kuczukprovided the RBI this time and the Warriors stormed the field as Patel crossed the plate, givingthem a s 4 win. Game twowasall Waterloo. The Warriors exploded for six runs on eight hits in the first inning, indudingdoublesby Johnston and Greg

Stefan.Stellarpitchiigby TylerWilson kept the Badger bats silent, they managed just four hits in seven innings. Brock's only run came in the form of a solo shot over the left field fence in the second. Mike Robertson picked up the Warriors' first home run of the year, a blast to left in the fifth. He was one of four Warriors with a pair of hits; lohnston, Kuczukand right fielder Mat ~evilacquaalso ;ang up rock-starter Bobby Hone and reliever Steve Lester for avair each. o When all was said and done, ~ a t e r i o ended up with 1 2 hits, tying their season high. In pitching his team-leading third complete game of the year, Wilson d r ~ p p e dhis ERA to 1.84 and improved his record to 1-2. Final score: Waterloo 9, Brock 1. Warrior head coachBillMartin expressed please see page 19



Imprint, Friday, October 6, 2000

Athletes of the Week Black Knight Squash Tournament Results

T Brendan Collins Warrior Golf

Deborah Buhlers Warrior Cross Country

Athird- ear Urban Planning student

A first-year Master's student from Kelowna, British Columbia,Deborah led the Warriors toa first-placefinish this past weekend in the Waterloo Invitational. In her first race as a Warrior, Deborah placed first overall on the five-kilometrecoursewith an incredible time of 17 min 40 sec. Deborah's time is one of the fastest ever run on the Waterloo course. Waterloo finished with a winning teamscoreof 65, followedbyGuelph, 80, and Toronto at 99. Next action for Deborah and the Warriors is October 14. when Waterloo travels to the University of Buffalo.

from Waterloo, Brendan led the Warrior squad to a third-place finish this past week at the Waterloo Golf Invitational held at the Elmira Golf Club. Brendan shot an excellent round of golf to make par and lead the Warriors with a score of 72. The Warriors finished with a team score of 302, one shot behindBrock with ateamscoreof 301. Guelphwon the invitational witha totalscore of 297. Brendan will lead the Warriors this week in matches versus Guelph on October 4 and McMaster on October 6.





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he kings and queens of the courts for the fall term were decided this past weekend as the PAC was home to another incredible squash tournament, brought to us by Black Knight. Three round robin matchesonSaturdayandsingle elimination playoffs on Sunday satisfied everyone's hunger for some intense action. Black Knight's ongoingsponsorship of the Campus Recreation tournament provided prizes for everyone and free racquets to try out and evaluate. The biggest prize of the weekend went to David Tutt who waked away witha free Black Knight racquet of his choice, valued at over $200. After the roundrobin, the competitors were divided into five pools for the playoffs to match players of equal skill against each other. In the competitive A division,A9 (Lyndon Bell) andA2 (HughSiddeley)tookan earl) lead and both players won the semifinals against A6 (Andrew Stevenson) and A3 (Marcin Kolodziej)respectively. The final was ahard foughtbattle,withA2 (Lyndon Bell) emerging as the winner after a 7-9,9-3,9-3,l-9,9-6 win. The talented players in the B1 Division puton quite ashow of physical and mental skill. B4 (Siddharth Jaishankar) and B20 (Kyle Parrington)emerged from the round robin undefeated with each having lost no more than 40 points in nine games! After surviving semifinal playoff matches against B8 (Garth Sheriff) and B20 (Kyle Parrington), B4 (Siddharth Jaishankar) and B6 (Robbie McLellan) were pitted against each other in the championskp. ~ l t h o u ~ ohb b i put e up agood fight, Siddharth claimed a decisive victory in two games. In theB2 Division semifinals, B2 (Vishnu Persaud) won by default to advance to the final. The other semifinal saw B17 (James McDiarmid) face B10 (David Tutt) in a grueling match eventuallywon by David. An intense final ended w ~ t hVishnu finally coming out on top.

The B3 Division semifinalssaw B1S win the entire division due to defaults,the semifinal was defaulted due toa broken toesustained by B12 (Walter Mak). Finally, CS (Michael Holmes) andC4 (PaulGraham) hookedup to contest for the C Divisionchampionship. In the end, Paul proved too good on thisday claimingthe title by scores of 9-4,9-3. Overall, the friendly, competitive tournament was a success for everyone involved. Don tmissout on thisexcitingeventin the Winter term.

Trading Deadline Today, Friday, October 6 at midnight, is the trading deadline for all Campus Recreation competitive leagues. For all those teams hoping to win the coveted playoff title, you

must have the minimum number of fully registered players before the clock strikes twelve or risk being removed from the league, squashing your dreams of championship glory. A fully registered player includes a name, student ID number, and a phone number or e-mail address.

Oktoberfest Guard Competition Get ready for the 2nd Annual UW Oktoberfest Guard Competition. The excitement of real-life situations in front of a crowd of people will definitely be non-stop action. The excitement takes place on Saturday October 14 right here in the PAC pool. Get involved -either volunteer or enter a team. Everyone is welcome, teams of four must have a minimum of one female.

Leaders of the week

Andrew Robertson

Barry .Harrison

Andrew is an outstanding athlete and member of the AHSUM executive, servi~lgas the person in charge of signing up a plethora of teams. A dedicated team member, he participates in basketball, soccer and flag football. Andrew always gives 110 per cent to each of his teams, and perseveres through the ups and downs. Keep up the great effort Andrew!

Barry Harrison is an executivemember of the U W Rowing Club. Thispast weekend he took time outfromcompeting in the Black Knight squash tournament in order to assist the other two members of the UW Rowing Club executive. As well, all last . week he took time away from his varsity badminton coaching to help the other executive members with ergometer training.

Imprint, Friday, October 6, 2000



No tries yet against UW women L I S A WEST

special to Imprint nce again the women's rugby team defeated their competition against the Brock Badgers last Saturday, September 23. The Warriors anticipated this match would be tougher than the previous two, and they were right. The Warriors began the game as aggressively as they had against Laurier and Widsor, taking the lead early in the game. With Brock being a more aggressive team, the Warriors played to their extreme, showing the Badgers what Warrior rugby is all about. Fly-half Kate Longpre showed some aggressive tadding in this'jgamealong with rookie Kristy Heemskerk, who had an amazing freight train hit in the second half. First-year player Caryl rucked up a storm throughout the entire 80 minutes. Once again, veteran Loes Dewitt pressured the Badgers both offensively anddefensivelythroughout the game. Amanda Husk and Becky Shaw showed their aggressive, smart playing at the end of the second half, winning a turn over and

taking the ball to Brock's end zone. With Annette Vieira's int~midating running style, the Warriors were able to take an ~mpressivelead of Waterloo 32, Brock3. S~ngletrtes were scoredby Heemskerk, Longpre, Leigh Nevermann, Megan Shawand Vieira. Kern Webb also made two convert kicksandone penalty luck to add to the score board. Warrior rook~eKristy Heemskerk was voted

UW32, Brock 3 UW 25, Toronto 0 a well deserved MVP for the day. The Warriors then went on to play the U of T Varsity Blues on SaturdaySeptember 30. Once again this team wasnoteably more competition than the Warriors had faced so far this season. But, that didn't stop the Warriors from doing what they do best: playing aggressive rugby! Ten mmutes into the game veteran Becky Shaw scored the game winning try, the first try of her varsity career. Nevermann drew in two defenders, poppingthe ball towinger Sarah Baier who had support from none other thanforward, Becky Shaw, who then took the ball 15 metres

from the try line and'ran it in. The referee was callingthegame very tight, with a tremendous amoupt of scrums. This wasunusual to the Warriors team, slowingdown the pace of their game. Vieirascored three tries, two of which were aggressivelyachievedoff of quick penalties. Other single tries were scored by Longpre. In the second half the Warrior team showed impressive defence. A full twenty minutes of play was done behindwaterloo's22 metre line, too close for comfort for the Warriors team. Itwasnhely MeganShaw,who kept' U of T from touching the ball down in their end zone, so that it is still possible to say that the Warriors have yet to have a try scoredagianst them. Vieira was noted MVP for the match, which was well earned. The Warriorswill be facing the Western Mustangsthis Friday October 8 here at home. Come out and supportthemasthis will be the toughest game of their regular season. If the Warriorscome out of this game with yet another victory, you will be able to see them for the duration of their play-offs as they will gain home field advantage.

Baseball report continued from page 17

satisfaction with the pair of wins. While Brock has beaten Waterloo four times every year for the past four years, the Warriors beat the Badgers three times during the 2000 season. The Badgers have "rubbed our noseinit a few times," noted Martin. "To take them three times out of four really makes a statement."

Wilson calledthe victories "very satisfying, especially from a team perspective." The wins against Brock give Waterloo "a great deal of confidence." Martin was pleased with Wilson'sperformance, describing complete gamesfor pitchers as "criticalin this league." Both Wilson and Pat Hill havegone the distance for victories this year, a good sign as the team readies for the playoffs.

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Football team back at .500 ADAM


special to Imprint


he York University Yeomea football team pulled off an upset last week as they beat the ninth-ranked Waterloo Warriorsin adefensiveshowdown atYork Event Field in Toronto. Before the game, faithless Yeomen fans had moweddeeply into the natural grass field the phrase "We're gonna lose more." However that phrase was unjustified as theyeomen improved to a2-2 record by the endofthe day. The Warriors n also have a2-2 record after the 18-12 loss. As the game got started, the first play of the Waterloo defensive effort was a textbook sack by the 6'5" giant from Amherstburg Ontario, Jeremy Bezaire. Despite a fractured hand, Jeremy was aconstant thorn in the side of theYork offensivecoordinator, who for most of thegame, put double coverageon both Bezaireand his equally dangerous conterpart, Chuck Walsh. The most surprisingresult of the game was the fact that the Warriors douliled the Yeomen offensively, amassing 355 yards in total offense, whileYorkonly had 170. However, theyeomen capitalized on punt and kick- off returns, gaining a total of 200 yards. Two of thesereturns put them in scoring position for both of their touchdowns. Fifth-year star receiver Chris Kreibichleadthe way in the air, catching 6 passes for 114 yards, the most impressivebeing adivingone-handed grab for a gain of 42 yards. Reza Celik provided the "smash mouth" second-effort that the Warriors needed to start momentous drives, and collected 7 0 yards on 5 receptions. Rounding out the receiving


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Warriorsatwork core, Mike Bradley, Dan Donovan and Grant Baechler were also in on Waterloo's 236 yards receiving. Unfortunately, the Warrior's running game was not as successful. Bradley was helped off thefield in the thirdquarter, nursinganinjured ankle and having picked up only 33 yards rushing for the game.

York 18, UW 12 This left no veteran presense in the offensive backfield resulting in QB Jordie Holton being sacked 4 times. First-year fullback Jay Akindolie led the rusher list with 53 yards, 50of whichwason Waterloo's solo touchdown of the day. Tony Riha now hasthe lumpsto prove thatyorkisone ofthe hardest

hitting teams in the OUA,and joked with teammsateJaret Brown about a hit he had taken that sent him to the sideline. After the game I asked him if he even saw the guy coming and Tony just laughed and said, "No." Though defeated in body, the Warriors were far from beaten in spirit. Quoted Brown: "I'm not discouraged. They got their day today, I'll get mine." Thisweek, the Warriors take on the University of Western Ontario Mustangs, who they defeated last year inthe OUAsemi-finalsbyascore of 35-21. That game shutdown the 71 year old J.W. Little Stadium and crushed the hopes of the # l -ranked Mustangs. Westernlooksforwardto showing off their new digs at their brand new, corporately namedT.D. Waterhouse Stadium. Game time is 7:00p.m. on October 7.

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Imprint, Friday, October 6 , 2000

Men split weekend, women escape with four points -

ROB SCHWARTZ special to Imprint


he two UWsoccer teamseach played a pair of key games this past weekend, that will likely be key in determining how both teams fare in the play-offs. But while Waterloo won both games against the Brock University Badgers - in St. Catharines,the women were only able to manage a tie at McMaster and the men went down in defeat to the Marauders. In themen's game against Brock, Waterloo destroyed the inept Badgers and frustrated their goalkeeper Mike Folino. The Warriors' first goal was


scored on a stunning bicycle kick by Carlos Alegre, an athletic feat of beauty. Twenty-sevenminuteslater, Mark Accardiscoreda secondgoalto stun those rascally rodents.

Men: UW 3, Brock 1 McMaster 2, UW 1 In the second half, Waterloo continued to dominate. Folino brought downNickKnezin the 35th minute on a dangerous play. Folino received a yellow card for his efforts, while Knez happily gave Waterloo

the~rthird goal of the game. Brock's GusMarchaidscoredon Mike Owens with eight minutes to go, but it was too little, too late. The Waterloo menwouldwalkawayfrom the Brock campus with a 3-1 victory. The ladies also did well against a roughand tumble Brock team. Coming off a discouragingloss to Windsor six days earlier, the Warriors were determined to conquer the Badgers. Early in the game, SarahTowns was in arace with Angela Desattie for the ball. Towns won that battle and tapped the ball into the promised land for Waterloo. Sarah Havard was stellarin net, rejectingthe Badgers each and every time.

Warriors get wet LISA MAINS special to lmprint


his past Sunday, the Warriors hosted the Brock Badgers and the University of Toronto Bluesin the eighth annual triathlonhiathloncompetition. The triathlonwasreversed, startingwith two lapsof Ring Road (Skm),followed by six lapson the bike (1Skm) and finishing with a l k m swim in the PAC pool. Michelle Kameda was the top

Warrior in the triathlon finishing second, followed by Gen Sweny in fourthandLora White in fifth. Other top 10finisherswere Leslie Dowson (sixth),MelissaThomas (eighth)and Julie Steinberg(ninth). On the men's side, the lone point getter was John Strevel who finished a strong fifth. Dave Rose finished 10th. In the pool, the Warriors hosted a dual meet against the University of Toronto Blues. Leading the way for the Warriors were Lindsay Beavers with two first place finishes, Julie

Steinberg with first and second place finishes, and Gen Sweny with first and third. For the men, Peter Londry led the way with first and second place finishes while Dave Rose (twosecondplace finishes)and Matt Mains (a first) put in strong performances. The point totals in the triathlon events gave the Warrior ladies top place, while the Brock men also came first. In the pool, U of T came out on top in both the men's andladies' events.


Sixminutesinto the second half, ~ r i walkom n had her shot blocked; but neither the Brock defense nor Desattie saw Ange Farace head towards the ball. Proving that igno-

Women: UW 2, Brock 0 UW 3, McMaster 3 r a k e isn't alwaysgolden, Farace exacted payment from the Badgers. Therest of the match was more of the same for Waterloo,asBrockjust could not keep up. On Sunday October 1against McMaster, the men did not fare as well. With Alex Hearninnet, Waterloo was hoping to earn their fifth win. Unfortunately, mistakes and poor officiating cost the Warriors dearly. Halfway through the first half, Jason Shannon capitalized on an Oliver Moh mistake and scored a great goal. McMaster keeper Brian Castledine was flawless, keepingwaterloo off the scoreboard throughout the first half. Sixminutesinto the second half, Alex Katsaros scored for the Marauders. Accardi scored for Waterloo, butwhen two Warriors, Shawn CampbellandDan Benvenuti, were expelled from the game, it was the find nail in the Warrior coffin.

McMaster won the game 2-1, with what some may claim was some help from the referees. The final game of the weekend belonged to the women. The Warriors played poorly in the first half, as Havard let in three rather dubious goals. Sandrasagginiscored an early first goal, thanks in part to a Waterloo turnover in their end. Andrea Howard proceded to score 17 minutes later, and Lisa Clubine scored McMaster's third and final goal of the half. By halftime, it seemedas though Waterloowasset for amassacre. But it was a different story in the second half. Waterloo's first goalcame in the first minute, courtesy of SarahTowns. Jill Johnson provided a great one of her own in the 18th minute. Still, McMaster was up by one and time was running out. But not fast enough for the McMaster faithful, or too fast for Waterloo's Farace. With two minutes remainingin the game, she lifted the ball over the head and outstretched arms of the Badger goalie to tie the game. Just like that, thewomen managedtopull off aYugoslavia, in reference to that team'sstunningperformance against Slovenia in Euro 2000, as they battled back for a 3-3 draw. Naturally, the women were quite happy to have earned the single point. Both teams now face critical games tonight against Laurier at ~ea~ram~tadiuml

160 University Avenue, W., University Plaza WATERLOO (next to Gino's Pizza)

Benefit concert blends musical styles crowd was generally appreciative of at its best when she was free of her acoustic guitar, as in her cover of Silverware's music. At one point, the lead singer of "Fever." Punam struttedaround the Silverware offered his apologies for stage with a oyal Imprint readers will re- sub-par vocals; apparently he had feather boa, call reading about the Gyp- been suffering from a cold. For the and this sies, or Roma, in last week's most part, the band was a pretty t o n g u e - i n Features section. That article d ~ s - strong introduction to the night and cheek diva cussed the unfortunate lives of the was wellrece~ved. The heavy music of Silverware her fun to Gypsiesin Eastern Europe. The writer of that article, Devon gave way to the more subdued, but watch. She Scoble, decided to hold a benefit extremely talented Punam Ahup, perf o r m e d concert for the worthy cause of the who delighted the audiencewith her three orignal Gypsies. The benefit, held Monday, October 2 at the Bombshelter, was asuccess. Proceeds from the event will go to Minoritas, a Slovakian organization that works with other organizationsto improveliving conditions for the Roma. Anearly fullhouse at the Bomber greeted bands tunes and two covers, from allover southern Ontario. The range of music the last of was admirable and enwhich was sured that there was somea Jetplane." thing for everyone, includFor this one, ipg rock, punk, p o d l k , and blues. Punam asked The evening began Talen ndfeather boas:whocouldaskfor anythingmore? the audience with the Brampton band to participate S h e m a r e . The trio drove out some voice. Punamis anovice songwriter, In a sing-a-long, and most of the pretty%eavytuneswithonlyanelec- but a true vocal gem. Her well- audience complied with great entric guitar, bass, and drum kit. The trained, utterly controlledvoice was thusiasm. LISA JOHNSON AND KATE SCHWAS8 Imprint staff

The next band up was perhaps the best group effort of the night. Darafuzzplaysa blendof blues, jazz,


androcktuneswithraspyvocalsand ripping lead guitar. The lead singed guitaristinspiredagapejawswithhis beh~nd-the-headplaying. Darafuzz was enjoyable for the first half hour or so, but the set wasa little longand after a while the songs started to sound alike. The band membersare,however,amazingmusiciansandcertainly knowtheirway around a blues tune. Friendless Nameless was the next band up, and they were rather -4

occasionaljazz aficionado who wanders into the Bomber to Brent's imspecid to Imprint mense delight. "Sometimes you'll have the odd or the past two terms, The guy who knows something about Brent Rowan Trio has been jazz," says Rowan. "If there is one providingsome badly needed person like that in the audience, apjazz education to the UW student preciatingit,itfilterstootherpeople body. This jazz trio began playingat in the crowd." Even those who have no firstthe Bombshelter last winter, andcontinues doing a series of shows every hand experience with jazz enjoy the Friday afternoon from noon until 4 musicianship of this tight trio and their interpretations of standards by p.m. The trio, consisting of Brent Miles Davis, Thelonius Monk, John Rowan on sax and flute, Sam Cino Coltranb and Gerry Mulligan. on drums, and Peter Chambers on It does seem odd in this age of upright bass, actually formed for the mass-marketed pseudo-rock to find express purpose of playing these somebraveyoungturks dedicatedto Bom~rshows.Obviously,something the art form. Jazz was born in the clicked, because they have continued beginning of the last century and is still evolvmgtoday. Itismiles(nopun to play together weekly. Original electric bassist Kevin intended)betweenearly ragtimeand Mackenzie departed for a Masters the difficuItfusionof On TheCmerprograminToronto, andchambers era Miles Davis, but Humber's jazz has filled in with his acoustic bass program provides an education in stylings, giving the trio a more au- decoding this huge musical genre. About his studies at Humber, thentic jazz sound. Cino is a Guelph area figure, Rowan says, "There were no schools having played with the likes of Black teaching jazz 40 years ago. People Cabbaee. Sexual Chocolate and re- 1emedonthebandstand.ddmostlv cently%st ~oastwunderkindKinnie by listening and lifting from others. Schools now can take what those Starr. Rowan himself isstudvineiazz , -, at Humber Coltege and is a Fergus people spent decades figuring out and ~ uit tinto a book. and teachit." native. Stylistically, Rowan was influApparently, lurking among the massesof Blink 182fans, there isthe encedearly on by somejazzgreats. In




grade nine, hismother bought him a Charlie Parker tape for Christmas. He listened to it over and over, and a jazz sax plaver was born. (Thank God it wasn't a Kenny G tape!) Later excursionsinto CannonballAdderly and Kenny Garrett further cemented his love of jazz. Piano lessons as a child threatened to crush his burgeoning musical spirit,but anewteacher rescued him. "My parents found this guy who played in the '20s ar.d '30s ragtime and early jazz style. So that had an influence on me." Rowan's eagerness to pursue a formal education in jazz was preceded by some timespent finishinga Math undergraduate degree here at University of Waterloo. Contraryto what onemight t h i i , the worlds of math and jazz theory aren't that far removed. The math background consistently helps Rowan with the more difficultaspectsofmusictheory. To the aspiring jazz enthusiast, Brent recommendsnot only avisit to the Bombshelter on Friday afternoons, but alisten to recordings like Oliver Nelson's Blues And The Abstract Tmth, or Charles Mingus' Ah Um. It's never too late to add jazz to your musical palette. TheBrentRowan Trioisfeatured every F n d a y h noon until4-p.m.at



Slean seduces

Brent Rowan Trio iazzes it up I

unimpressive. The lead singer's vocals were lacking, and that made the musicalbackdropsof thesongs fall to the wayside. The band did come out to support thlsworthycause, so that is commendable. The evening ended with local artistsPlan B, who ended their set by inviting the benefit coordinator, Devon Scoble, on stage. Devon performed her own punk-rockvers~onof the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," whlch delighted many of the people ln the aud~ence. Those who attended the benefit were asked to donate m ~ n e yat the door to help out the Gypsies. From the flue dollar bills that spilled out over the edge of the cash container, lt was clear that those who attended the event were generous towards the cause. There were also items such as purses and notebooks for sale with theproceedsgoing towards the cause of theGypsies. For those of youwho missed the benefit and would hke to help out, contact the Federation of Students, they can put you in touch with Devon Scoble.

Sarah Slean Goldman

W/ Cat

Thursday, September 28,2000

TheRivoli, Toronto PAUL SCHREIBER lmprint staff


arahslean likes to surprise her audience. Somedaysit'sanew song, others a string quartet. LastThursday,she brounht aFrench horn player tb the ~ i v o c to accompany her on three songs. The TorontoLbasedsinger-songwriter kept the crowd rapt throughout two hoursof intricate,lyrically sophisticatedpop. Slean opened up with a rocked out version of "Sweet Ones," an uptempo number. Confident anddetermined,she quickly segued into the emotive ballad, "Duncan." As her hands caressed the keyboard, she closed her eyes and let the powerful chords and bass touch the audience. Dressedsnuglyinred and black, Sarah wasaccompanied by uber-gui-

tarist Kurt Swinghammer on acoustic and electric, the now-familiar Mark Mariash on drums, and a new face, Derrick Brady, on bass. The aforementioned brass player was Jane McKay. Slean's "goodbye shown-she's leaving on October 9 to record anew album-waspackedwithnewtunes. The 14-song set showedoff eight asplease see page 24


N& Betty

Directed by Neil LaBute PlayhgatPrincess Theatre


this: what was the rheostatics' original name? come to the

imppint office with your answer on tuesday, octoberl0.


Imprint staff

hen adirector doesa few movies in acertain style, amovie that is not in that style can be awelcome or an unpleasant surprise. Nurse Betty is an example of apleasantsurprise. NeilLaBute breakaway from hisusual dark black comediesfeaturingbitter, self-loathingcharacters who get off on causing painin eachother'slives (In the Company ofMen, YourFriendsandNeighbours), and turns to more optimistic characters, or at least a character. Nurse Betty, while it does feature violent, mean-spiritedcharacters,focuseson aninnocent one who doesn't quiteseemat home in the realworld. Betty (Renee Zellweger), the innocent doe-eyed heroine, works in arestaurant but dreams of a better life. Betty'sreason for living is watching a General Hospital-esque soap calledAReason to Love. She idolizes the hero, Dr. David Ravell (Greg

Imprint. Friday, Ocotober 6, 2000

Kinnear). After witnessingthe brutal murder of her husband, Betty deals with her shock by believing she is a characterinAReaonto Loveto whom David proposed, so she flees to Los Angeles to be with her love. She is chased by two hit men, the elder of whom (Morgan Freeman) develops a bizarre obsessionwith Betty which rivals her own obsession with David Ravell. NurseBetty may not be that big of a change of theme for LaBute (a woman being abused by the men around her), but it is definitely a change of tone. Whereas LaBute's other filmswere gritty and realistic, NurseBetty is anything but. The characters that surround Betty are sad and depressing, but she is so engrossedin her fantasy life she doesn't notice, Betty seems untouchable because she believes so strongly in the world ofReason to Love. The film is filled with violence but its dream-like quality makes it seem never quite real until the end, because we are pulled into Betty's vision of her life. The performances in Nurse Bettyweregenerallygood. ChrisRock

is annoying as the younger assassin, but he is the exception in the cast. Morgan Freeman puts in a great performanceasthe elder hiunanwho approacheshis profession with a zen!ike calm and precision. Renee Zellweger is perfectly cast =Betty: I hesitate tocompliment her acting because having big blue eyes andababy face hardly count asacting abilities. Zellweger's Betty is innocent and sweet in such a sincere way that makes it hard not to root for everything to turn out okay. Greg Kinnear is at his best playing handsome, smarmy creeps, and his David Ravell is such a character. Kinnear has the challenge of being attractive enough as David Ravel1for us to understand Betty's fixation on him, but slimy as the actor whoplays David. Kinnear issuccessfulon both counts. Allison Janney shines in a small role as the tough and cynical producer ofAReason to Love who is charmed by Betty's naivete. Nurse Betty is a strange little movie. People may either be cornpletely drawn intoBettylsworld and loving it or thinking Betty is a dangerous nutbar and hating it.

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Im~rint.Friday, October 6, 2000



Robi: the man and the band Motion is anexcellent, well-produced album. It hasbeenacclaimedbymany major critics in publications such as obi, the man, attributes his The TorontoStarandChart magazine. initial musical calling to his The accoladesthe bandhas been first guitar, which he was receiving do not go unwarranted able to purchase because of a wind- and their live show is just as impresfall he was lucky enough to have had sive as their CD, as demonstratedon on a casino cruise ship. With a story September 29 at The Grad House. like that, you would think the music Unfortunate and extenuating of Robi, the band, would be quirky circumstances caused the turnout at and marginal. Not true. the Grad House to be less than ideal, Robi'smusic isawonderfulblend but the fewwho did come out to the of passionate vocals and a musical show were enthusiastic and imbackdrop that is both ethereal and pressed by the band's performance. forceful. The music on Robi's debut The newest Robilineuu consists CD,Motron, hasgarnered numerous of Robi on vocals and gultar, Bob comparisons to Radiohead, but even Mck~trichon bass and Andrew Robi's not-so-mainstream songs are McMullenon drums.Thebandmemin fact more accessible than most bers were fun, cracking jokes about Radiohead tunes. the number of people who were in The songs on Motion are me- attendance. lodic, heartfelt, andcatchy. "Weaker Throughout the short set, the Animal" contains abundant in-your- bandmembers keptsayingtheywould face guitar and the softerUCelebrate" play Tragically Hip cover tunes. is gut-wrenching in its melody and Whether this wasmeantto be apromvocal stylings. The lead track, "Un- ise or a threat was not clear, and this easy," has the perfect juxtaposition audience member was not about to of emotive. vulnerable vocals with speculate. rewing guitars and rocking drums. Robi improvised the set list as Robi ohyiously has an ear for a they wentalong, and thesmallcrowd well-crafted song. He knows how to draw listeners in with I anticipation and then reward them in the end. For instance, "Uneasy" beginswith very minimal instrumentation and barely audiblevocals, but then propels into a strong alt-rock tune. There is a definite britpop sensibility to a few Robi songs, such as "SomethingFor Nothing" and "Ride It Out." These songs contain all the elements: accelerated guitars, crashing cymbals, and even a tinge of an English accent. Although this is a debut independent release, it certainly does not sound like it. L I S A JOHNSON Imprint staff


Robi the man. lead singer of Robi the band-a niceeuvand a ereat musician. actually worked for the band as opposed to against them. Playing to very few people seemed to loosen up the band and allow them more freedom in their performance. Having played in almost everyvenueinToronto, Robiisbyno means a band new to the live music scene. It 1s ne surprise that there is great buzz surrounding them. considering- the strength of the band'smusic. Although the comparisons are probably not too far off and fans of Radlohead may want to check them out, the fact that Robi is an above-par band should be the only reason for people to listen to them. Intense riffs and emotional vocals help characterize Robi as one of the better indie bands on the scene today. For more information, please visit: www.iprimus.ca/-rlevy



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Imprint, Friday, Ocotober 6, 2000

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hedateisNovember 9,1993.The hip-hop world isin the midst of change. Fot the past three years, West Coast funk has pervaded the airwaves, led by the likes of Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, and Snoop Dogg. Over on the East Coast, the picture isnot so rosy. Sure, the NativeTongues, Pete Rock, and CL Smooth are holding the fort down, but the East is missingthe rowdy, grimy street sound that the West was dropping. Butthen the bomb dropped. November 9, 1993marked the release of Enterthe36Chambers by the Wu-Tang Clan. The Clan revolutionizednotonly the East Coast hip-hop scene, but all of the rap game. Leading the charge was the Wu's visionary producer known as the RZA Combiningdark, eerie samples, disjointed drums and sad pianoloops, the Wu's sound was unlike anything that hip-hop had heard before. Added to this was the use of obscure kung fu movie samples, and five per cent teachings, which further increased the group's intrigue. Thegroup, made up of nine core members, had every type of style imaginable, from the husky vocals of Method Man, to the drunken ramblingsof ODB. Following the massive success of Enterthe 36 Chambers,membersof the Wu werecourted by record companies the world over. In a unique agreement, all of the solo members wereable tosign to their own separate recording contracts, while under contract asagroup. Over a periodof three years, atotalof five solo releases were dropped. As with the group debut, ail were produced exclusively by the RZA, andall were massive hits, with the culmination of the Wusound being Raekwon's"0nly Built 4 Cuban Linx," which introduced the GambinoIMafiatheme to hip-hop, influencing awhole grip of East Coast artists, inc1udingNas. The sophomore album, released on June

3, 1997 and promised by the RZA to be on "next level-ish," was massively anticipated afterbeingpushed backalmostayear. Buoyed by the incredible first single, "Triumph," Wu-Tang Forever was fantastic, at least in my opinion. However, a lot of die-hard Wu fans were disappointed by the release, because it didn't sound like the first album. RZA had experimented extensively with the Wu sound throughout the album. It was after Forever that slippage was evident in the Wu empire. Sophomore releases by Meth, GZA, and Rae along with solos by INS and U-Godall soldwell, but fell flat artistically. Coincidentally,itwasaround thistime that the RZA stepped away from the boards and allowed others to produce, while busy with his own solo project. All the aforementionedsolos were weak imitations of the RZAsound, and it appeared as though the Wu would fall from their lofty perch. Even the Source, a noted rider of anything popular, quickly jumped off the bandwagon. Finally, this past year, Ghostface releaked his sophomore album. Unlike the other sophomore efforts, RZAdid all of the production work, and the end result wasanother sonic masterpiece. Bringing back the Wu sound of old, while mixing in some of the new ideas he had fromForever,Supreme Clienteleasit marked the return of the Wu. In the meantime, RZA has guaranteed another classic group album later this year before Christmas, so it would appear that the Wu is back in effect. The effect the Wu hadon hip-hop cannot be understated. In a time of jiggy, bouncy, Puffyesque music, the Wu were able to mold hip hop in their image, and influence an entire culture in the process. Furthermore, the sound that the RZA introduced to hip hop has endured, with legions of imitatorsand followers. Influential? Perhaps. The more apropos description for the Wu would be "innovative."

Slean packs Rivoli continued from page 21

yet-unrecordedp~eceswhichsheskilfullyinterleaved with tracks from her indie releases Universe and Blue Parade. The new disc, to be recorded nearWoodstock,N.Y., willbe Slean's major-label debut; she was signed to Warner Music two years ago.

other. Total silence encompassedthe audience as Slean covered Jeff Buckley's "Lilac Wine" solo before walking off the stage for the final time. Cat Goldman started the evening off with "The Underground," a soft, slow song about Boston, the first of her six fokpieces. Goldman, despite being unknown to most of the audi-

Slean kept the crowd rapt with her intricate, lyrically sophisticated pop. Taking a break from her set, she described her experiences on College Street - Portuguese men arguing passionately and staring at women and her "strange, bizarre, awestruck" thoughts on death. Apacked house listened to Slean finish off her set with "Bank Accounts," arockingrip into corporate greed. The crowd brought her back out not once, but twice, and were treated to "Bulletproof," a song Sarah identified with more than any

ence, appeared calm, confident and relaxed. Her storytelling and banter were just as entertaining as her music. The tale of the woman whose first orgasm occurred while doing a handstand in the water drew laughter; the song that the story inspired, "Handstand," drew applause. Those who caught Goldman were in on Slean's "surprisen: the folkie spilled the beans on the upcoming french horn accompanist after her second song.

Imprint, Friday, October 6, 2000


Abstract art and block rockin' bleeps Radiohead Kid A



special to Imprint It'slike you're lookingat abstract art, trying to understand its significance and dynamics. When you think you have accessed the core of it, in reality you probably haven't even figured out the simple basics. Abstract and compelling is the essence of Radiohead's fourth album, KidA. Thisisthe long-awaitedfollowup to 1997's OK Computer, which was hailed by critics as one of the most dynamic and innovative albums in the history of rock music. Radiohead first came into the limelight with their single "Creepn from the debut album Pablo Honey, which was a number one hit on both sides of the Atlantic. Though many thought they would turn out to be another one-hit wonder, Radiohead soon proved everyone wrong'with their excellent

followup, The Bends. The Bends and OKComputerwere rankednumbers two and number four, respectively, in the recent Virgin Poll of the best 100rockalbumsof the 20thcentury. KidA is emotional, moody and bleak. It'srockwiththe rootscut out. It's pop with a stake in the heart. To be honest, it's hard to define the music of KidA. It startswith "Everything In Its Right Place," a track that sounds almost synthetic or virtual. The title track follows the same path. ThomYorke's heavily-processed vocalssweepthrough the songs with an utter beauty. Guitar takes a back seat on this album to horns, strings, and of course the synthesized,computer-programmed sounds. In "Optimistic," the tune turns intoa jazzy groove, but allof it comes to an end in the last track, "Motion Picture Soundtrack," which isaccompanied by a church organ. Kid A is reminiscent of albums like Dark Side Of TheMoon or even U2's side project,Passengers. Butit is unique and unlike anythmgever done by anyone. This album has been named from a software of children'svoices and is supposedly a concept album about the first humanclone. Surpnsingly,if one observes closely, Radiohead frequently pays their respect to roots music such as jazz, blues, and rock. Again, this is abstract musx. It may have a different meaning to every individual, but in heart, it's purely emot~onal.

Micronauts Bleep to Bleep Virgin LAU special to imprint



In the late 1970s, Mego Corporation produced a toy line that featured figures with interchangeable parts. Parts fromone figure could be attached to other figures to create completely new structures. For example, the upper body of a Green Baron figurine could be attached to the body of a Pegasus to create a Centaur figure. Don't ask how I know this. Anyway, this idea significantly increased the replay value of the toys and stimulatedthe creativity of those who played with them. These toys were known as the M~cronauts. Beingachild of the180s,I hadno idea that they even existed. I was a slave to the popified culture of G.I. Joe andTransformers.Ironically,it is only now, almosttwenty yearsdown the road, that this '70s fad has made a lasting impression on me.

The next best thmg! Cold lay

f Nmhvnk

Parac utes



special to Imprint It seems that every week the British music press comesacrossanew band who they deem "the next bestthing." Hastily, the band is given high praise and constant coverage, becoming over-exposed. At present, this particularly British style of coverageis being given to Coldplay. Whispershave been heard across the U.K. about "the next Radiohead" and "record of the year," leaving Coldplay in the terrible position of having to live up to such major hype. Their debut full-length release, Parachutes, is a swirlingmass of shimmering guitars, piano, and jazzy drumming. Singer Chris Martin's voice is li!ze Damon Albarn meets ThomYorke. The disc opens with "Don't Panic," a song that originally ap-

peared in aslightly remixed form on their 1999 EP, TheBlue Room. This track is a wonderful, albeit short, openingfor the album. "Don't Panicn contains all of the elements that define Coldplay, including Martin's juxtaposed lyrics: "all of us are done for / we live in a beautiful world." What really propels thissong, as well asmuch of the rest of the album, is the jazz-inflected drummingof Jon Buckland, which is obviously influenced by early Verve singles like "A Man Called Sun." Throughout the album, one can't help but notice all of Coldplay's influences, from The Bends-era Radiohead ("Shiver," " H ~ g h Speed"), tothe Beatles ("Everything's Not Lost," "Life IsFor Living"). While this leaves the listener in a state of comfort, it doesn't feel as if Coldplay are treading new ground. The record continues in the same vein only to be broken by the title track, "Parachutes."

Upon first listen, this bare, acoustic sing is somethingrefreshinganddecidedly different from therest of the album; but it isonly 46 secondslong. This isa big mistake, as "Parachutesn could have been the standout track of the album if givenalittlemore time and effort. After this, the album meanders in a "same old, same old" fashion, only to redeem itself with the closing track, a McCartney-esquemusichall pastiche, "Everything's Not Lost." Coldplay isa band that couldgo along way if it concentratesmore on lyrics (for example: "spiescame out of the water I but you can't touch them / because they're spies"), and less on cultivatinga "Brit-pop" image (for example, using the Blue Source art directioncompany, a favouriteof elite Brit bands such as Travis, Placebo and Gomez). Album of the year? No. Next big thing? Maybe. Worthwatching? Definitely.

The acid house crew, the Micronauts, are aptly named. Stylistically, their unique sound is easily debut album,Bleep identifiable.The~r to Bleep, ispackedwithknob-induced squelches, digital blips, blops, and smashinglyphat drum loops that can be categorized as no less than micronautic. The structure of the album is itself interesting. The project is built around gradually introducing orchestral "partsnuntil the albumeventually culminates into "Baby Wants to Bleep" and "Bleeper," where all the pieces are brought together. However, I found that the sub-parts, "Baby Wants to Bleep" one through four, were just aschock full of blasting bleeps and beats as the finales themselves. The Micronauts are George

Issakidis and Christophe Monier, who engineered and mixed the album in France. They are probably best known for their wild remixes of Underworld's "Bruce Lee" andespecially of "BlockRockin' Beats" by the Chemical Brothers. Here, theMicronautsshow that they are able to stand on their own and make a name for themselves. BleeptoBleep is definitely something to be experienced. There is no literary genius here- the song titles get about as complex as the word bleep (surprise, surprise). Structurally, however, the album ishighly creative. What do you expect from two guys who grew up playing with Mego figurines? For those who like to listen on the edge, the Micronauts' Bleep to Bleep is worth checking out.


@ Co-op Education & Career Services October 9 - 11,2000

ATTENTION CO-OP STUDENTS Tuesdav Oct 10 Postmg #7 expires at 8 PM Wednesdav Oct 11 Post~ng#8 ava~lableby 12 Noon Chartered Account~nglnterv~ewsEnd T h e Career Resource Centre IS open each Wednesday until7 30 PM Thursday Oct 12 Chartered Account~ngRanking Forms are avatlable after 10 AM Postlng #8 explres at 8 PM Create Your Own Future Workshop (2 30-4 30 PM) NH 1020 Publlc Serv~cePost-Secondary Recru~tmentCampa~gn. Math Test (7 00-10 00 PM) MC 4021 Fridav Oct. 13 Teaching & Architecture students hand in 1 copy of resume package ~aturdav0dt. 14 ' Publ~cService Post-SecondaryRecruitment Campaign: GRT, WCT, FSWT Tests (9:OO AM-4:00 PM) MC 402014021

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS EMPLOYER INFORMATION SESSIONS Tuesdav Oct 10 Sybase 2 00-6 00 PM Outside MC & GS( For Graduating & Co-op students In Eng & Math Dow Chemical 4.00-6.00 PM Ground Zero For Graduat~ng& Co-op students In Eng & SCI Deloitte Consulting 6100-8:00 PM Un~vers~ty Club For Graduat~ng&Co-op students In Eng & CS Wednesday Oct. 11 KPMG Consulting 500-7:00 PM For Graduating students in Eng & CS Green Hills Software 7:OO-9100 PM For Graduating students in Eng Thursdav Oct. 12 Goldman Sachs & Co. Japan 5:OO-8:00 PM

Laurel Rm. - SCH Ground Zero

Universitv Club Mam ~ l n j Rm. n~ For Graduating & Co-op students In Arts, Eng & Math Enterprise-Rent-A-Car 6:OO-7:30 PM Aired Foyer, WLU For Graduating & Co-op students in Arts & Math Bayer USA 6:OO-8:00 PM University Club Burgandy Rm. For Graduating & Co-op students in Eng London Life 7:OO-9:00 PM Laurel Rm. - SCH For Graduating & Co-op students in Act Sci

ARTS Y o u r official s o u r c e f o r F E D S i n f o r m a t i o n

OKTOBERFEST IS H E R E ! Villagehausen Oct 13, Oktoberfed Oct 14 This is the only all ages Oktoberfest celebration in the area and tickets are only $10 for FEDS, $12 for non FEDS!!! There will be a live Oktoberfest band, guest appearances, and a DJ. Tickets go on sale NOW at the FEDS office or are available online at www.feds.uwaterloo.ca. For more information contact Alyson Woloshyn at 888-4567 ext 3426 or at alwolosh@feds,uwaterloo.ca

BEEN TO THE BOMBER HALLOWEEN IS NEAR R E C E N T L Y ? Come out to FED Hall on October 27th for The Bomber is now open 6 days a week! iaraoke Mondays, Dinner Theatrc kesdays, Legendary Wednesdays, Open Stage Thursdays, Retro Fridays, and itomic Saturdays. So no matter whal {our taste, the Bomber is for you! For nore information on upcoming events, :heck out www.feds.uwaterloo.ca

the best Halloween bash ever! Tickets are $4 for FEDS and $6 for NON-FEDS. There will be cash prizes for best costumes. Tickets go on sale in the FEDS Office on Tuesday October 10th.

Friday October 1 3 / 2000 at the Bombshelter Pub The best Oktoberfest alternative

Call 8 8 8 - 4 0 4 2 for tickets S 8 FEDS S 1 2 NON-FEDS

HEADING HOME FOR THE WEEKEND? You got it there hussy! FedBus, only $9 one way, $1 7 Return to the following locations on Friday

:~fternoons. 1 : j O to Islington Subway Station 2 : 3 0 l o Yorkdale Subway Station 3 : 3 0 to Train Station i n London 4 : 3 0 to Islington Subway Station 5 : 3 0 to Yorkdale and Y o r k Mills Returns every Sunday at 7 : 3 0 P M DON'T MISS OUT! RESERVE YOUR FED BUS TICKETS ON-LINE AT wwlv.leds.uwaterloo.ca1 Grand River transit passes available at FED Office

Come to Aussie's Grand Opening on Friday October 13th from 1l a m 2pm. Pepsi Cans and Aberfoyle water only 50c. UW T-shirts only $10. Get 20% off all cards / gifts. Select chocolate bars 2 for a $1. Enter a draw with every purchase to win one of two $100 gift certificates f o r 3 6 0 c l o t h i n g .

Imprint, Friday, Ocotober 6 , 2000

Music for everyone

Dead Prez Let's Get Free Loud DARREN ALTMAYER special to Imprint "Hip-Hop," Dead Prez's first single and video from the full album Let's Get Free, stands out from most hip-hop. Politically charged hiphop has been seriously marginalized since the movement of Blacknationalist groupslike Public Enemy and X-Clan of the early nineties. How could any such group find play on commercial rap radio, or even Rapcity at the turn of the century? But for Florida duo M 1 and Stic, this mission seems to have flourished. Without softening their message, the group espouses the virtues of veganism and socialism, simultaneously shunningthe evils of policing, capitalism, ill-focusededucationand ill-representative rule. All the while, they receive regular play from underground hip-hop radio and considerable attention from commercial rapainvaves. Let's Get Free presents many key subjects, but also deals extensively with the social and personal side of a political movement. Songs like "Discipline," "Psychology" and "Happiness" help make the CDsoundlike asocial manifesto. It could be suggested that perhaps the songs become too formulaic and overly political. but the instrumental uortion of the CD is incredibly strong. With help from Lord Jamar of BrandNubian fame, the musicis hard hitting with tightly-held beats. Highlights of the CD include "Mindsex," an ode to the non-physical side of romance, and "Be Healthy," one of the few hip-hop songs exclusively about food. Let's GetFreeisasurprisingly strong debut from some of Florida's finest. Dead Prez are bound to maintain a hold in hip-hop and keep the flame of political messages alive.


THANKSGIVING OTTAWA BUS Leaves campus at 130 pnl and heads to Carlington Mall. The bus returns on October 9th at 4:30pm. Tickets are $75 FEDS and $90 NON-FEDS for the round trip. To reserve tickets visit www.feds.uwaterloo.ca

W U N D THE SERVICES N 8.0 MINUTES $2.99 Breakfast! Thats right, at Ground Zero you can have the all day Majors Breakfast for only $2.99

lickup your passport in the FEDS Ofice ~r any of the FEDS services for your harm to win a $50 gift certificate at the

Various artists Nativity in Black 11: A tribute to Black Sabbath Divine RecordingslPriority Records




Imprint staff



Besides Kiss, no other rock band has had such an enduring and continuous influence on the lives of so many teenagers, inspiring them to ignore their parents, do drugs, play in bands, or generally bust it up, as Black Sabbath. Robert Flynn of Machine Head, whocov-

ered "Hole in the Sky," wrote: "The reason I am so happy to be a part of this tribute, beside the fact that [Sabbath] were the only band that made me want to drink booze, smoke weed, worshipsatan, and have sex with tons of girls, is that they made some of the music that has affected me most in my life." Sabbath had an influence on hundreds of thousands of people. The cross section is evident in the artists who pay tribute o n this album: from doom-metal band Godsmack, to funk-rockgroup Primus, to hip-hop superstar Busta Rhymes. Some notable interpretations on the Tribute are Slayer's "Hand of Doom," Pantera's "Electric Funeraln and Busta Rhymes' "Iron Man (This Means War)." Sabbath fans who want to worship at the altar should pick up this offering at your local recordstore. Priceshouldn't be aconsideration. I mean, it is Sabbath! (Er, sort of).

The Jolly Llamas Shangn-Llama Independent E. BEATTIE Imprint staff


Shangri-Llama is the debut CD from Waterloo band The Jolly Llamas. Formed in 1998, the band consists of three members: Steve Toms, Brent Hagerman and Ian Mollison. They cite influences such as the early '80sBritishlJamaican scene. This is very obvious in their music. Their sound is full of catchy ska beats and great guitar riffs that stick in your head. If Shangn'-Llama doesn't get you at least tapping your toes, you may want t o see a doctor. Not quite as successful as the music, the lyrics onshangri-Llama skate the line between socially aware and way too preachy, often falling on the side of the latter in songs like "Smoke and Mirrors," about government spin doctors and "Disposable World," a rant about commercialism INsociecy. Probably themost preachy isC'51stState," in which they sing, "shouldwe just packit inand become the 5 l s t state ofAmer~ca?"It'snice to see a band that is polit~callyaware, but sometimes the subtler the message, the more successful it is, and these messages are not subtle o r origmal. Other songs are just plain silly (in a good way), such as "Fiddleheads," with the chorus: "Where are the fiddleheads, the fiddleheads? Fiddleheads are good." One song, "Jenna's Vegan Docs," is about Jenna "the vegan fox" who "wears purple vegan docs." Other songs on the disc focuson love and relationships, such as "Upsetter" and "Burnt House Hill." For the most part, Shangri-Llama is a successfuleffort. Thesongsare allextremely catchy and memorable. The CD isall the more impressive considering this is the Jolly Llama's first. The music is fun and technically great, with guitar, bass and drums all meldinginto a funky gumbo of sound. The lyrics are in some places a little hard to swallow, but the Llamas get points for at least trying to be socially relevant. Shangri-Llama is a great party album, so come on everyone - get out your purple vegan docs and start dancing.

LIBRARY EVENTS 2000 Wednesday, October 1I, Find Journal Articles Fast (Arts & Social Sciences) 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m., LT3-Dana Porter Library. Register in advance;instruct@library.uwaterloo.ca. In this hands-on session you will learn howtosearchforarticlesonlineand how to make effective use of electronic journals and full-text articles. Getting Journal Articles 8 Books Not At UW: 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Meet at the Davis Centre Library Information Desk. Learn how to use: TUGdodholdslrecalls and Interlibrary LoanIDocument Delivery. Thursday, October 12,2000 Find Journal Articles Fast (Science 8 Engineering)l:30-2:30p.m., LT3-Dana Porter Library. Register in advance: instruct@library.uwaterloo.ca. In this hands-on session you will learn how to search for articles online and how to make effective use ofelectronicjournals and full-text articles. Thursday, October 19,2000 Keeping Up With Your Research: 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.. LT3-Dana Porter Library. Offered to faculty and graduate students only. Register in advance at: ist.uwaterloo.calcslcourses.html. This hands-on session will show you how to get the most from databases like Current Contents, ClSTl Source, and electronic journals.





p.m. HH 378. Meetold friendsand make new ones. All welcome. Details: 8844569. K-W Chamber Music Society presents "Great PolishTrio: Jan Stanienda, Lidia Grzanka and Piotr Folkert" at KWCMS Music Room. 57 Young Street. W., Waterloo at 8 p.m. Call 886-1673 for info1 reservations. Rainbow Community Conversation Group (sponsored by Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo and the Regional Pride Committee) for issues after coming out. Topic: "Delta (queer):Stereotypes; Automatic Queer-Behaviour; Queer Patterns. Rituals: How Has Your Being Queer Made You Different Than You Might Have Been?" 7:30 p.m. Hagey Hall (Humanities) room 373. All welcome. Details: 884-4569. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14,2000 KW Chamber Music Society presents "Great Jazz Duo, Jane Bunnett and HilarianDuranat KWCMSMusicRoom, 57 Younp Street. W., Waterloo. For infolresebations call 886-1673. SwinglLatin Social Dance at Peter Clark Hall. University Centre (basement). Universityof Guelph (StoneRoad entrance). Free lessons at 8 p.m. with dancingfrom 9 p.m. to 1a.m. CallZenia at (519) 836-1354.

The UW Warriors Band is looking for fine and talented musicians. If you enjoy sports and play an instrument, or have a desire to leam.. olease contact Tim at tpwindso@yahoo.com. What? Writers at Waterloo?!?! If you do anything creative with words, e-mail asklo@uwaterloo.ca. We meet weekly to share writing, critique. and inspire. Mention the times that are best for you. too. Auditionsfor'The Wayne Gilpin Singers" for 2000-2001 season. For info1 arrange an auditioncall 1-800-867-3281. Marriage plans? Join with several others to study Drs. Lesand LeslieParrott's "Saving Your MarriageBefore It Starts." Contact Jeff and Merlene Austen at jeffnrner@altavista.com or 725-0265. The Waterloo Concert Band is lookmg for musicians. Rehearsals Mondays 810 p.m.. Adult Rec Centre startingSept. 11. Contact Bryon Higgs 669-5296 or higgs@ionline.net for more info. No membership dues. Be A Big Sister can you share 3 hours a week for a year to enrich a life? Training is on Saturday. Nov. 11 fmm 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 743-5206 to become involved. The 2001 Edna Staebler ResearchFel-


SUNDAY. OCTOBER 8,2000 K-W Chamber Music Society presents "Jeremy Thompson, piano" at 8 p.m. On Sunday, Oct. 1 T h e Madrigals." Both performances at the KWCMS Music Room, 57 Y w n g St.. W.. Waterloo. Call 886-1673 for infohesewations. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10,2000 Come and experience the architectural imagination of the Design Theses from the UW School of Architecture, First Canadian Place Galley, Toronto. Opening reception is today at 8 p.m. Viewing is fmm Oct. 6-20. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11,2000 Noon Hour Concerts at Conrad Grebel College in the Chapel at 1230 p.m. "Brian Rudy and the Architects, Just a Little Bit of Rock nRoll." Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo Coming Out Discussion Group. Topic: "Bisexuality" 7:30 p.m. Social follows at 9



lowship is now open to appi~cants. Awarded yearly for research adjudged to "increase knowledge and expand understanding of the cultures of the folk and founding peoples of Waterloo RegionMlaterloo County", the Fellowship is accompanied by a stipend of $1.000. Call 742-7752 for more info. Deadlineis Nov. 6, 2000. Interested in applyingforundergraduate scholarships, awards or bursaries? Check out the Bulletin Board on the Student Awards Office home page at. http:llwww.adm.uwaterloo.cal infoawardsl

MONDAYS English Language Lab a lablciass is heldfrom2:30-3:20p.m.inModern Languages 113. September - June. The class has an emphasis on pronunciation and listening exercises. Students. faculty, staff, and spouses are welcome to attend. For more information contact the International Student Office, ext. 2814. Outers Club Meetings held in Modem Languages. room 104 at 6:30 p.m. New memberswelcome tojoin. Meet people, plan trips and get outside! Visit http:// watservl .uwaterloo.cal -0uters1 for more information. TUESDAYS Wellness Centre holds weekly rneetings at 3 3 0 p.m. at the Wellness Centre. Student Life Centre, Student Service Resource area. For info call ext. 5951. FRIDAY English Conversation Class meets afternoons from 2-4 p.m. in Needles Hall 2080, September June. Students, faculty, staff and spouses are invited to attend. For more information contact the International Student Office, ext. 2814.


port in English, French, highschoolSciences and Maths. Own transportationis oreferred. Trainins and screening is re&ired. Call Big Sisters at 743-5206. Leisure Support Services (741-2226) are needing volunteers to help with people that have disabilities. "Make a Splash!" one hour per week to help children in swimming lessons. "Walk & Talk!"-walkorrun the trackwith a young adult with a disability."Swim Buddies" once a week, fleiible hours to swim with a new buddy. "Have a Ball!" Boccia is a game similar to indoor bowling that is gaining popularity. One evening per




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