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Canadian Alliance launches platform Stocl~wellDay makes splash in Kitchener-Waterloo RYAN C H E N - W I N G special to Imprint


nThursday October 5, Canadian Alliance leader Stockwell Day came to Kitchener to launch the party's platform for the next federal election. Asmusicplayed, Day burst onto the stage waving to the crowd of about 3.000 who were crowded into the Conestoga College Recreation Park, to hear h ~ m speak. As suddenly as Day had appeared, a protester ran up in front of him and threw chocolate milk all over his suit. The perpetrator was U W student Julian Ichim. Day's suit was covered in milk and he seemed incensed at first but soon after was ready to laugh it off; he joked about needing the wetsuit he had worn at a recent photo opportunitylpressconference. He left the stage momentarily to change his clothes and returned to present the platform. Hestoodonstage speakingwithout notes or a podium and was flanked bv two oroiection screens showing&aphics from the platform booklet. The title of his olatform is "A Time for Change: h L g e n d a of Respect for All Canadians." A


Day spoke for about an hour weavingplanksof the platform with crowd-rousing rhetoric like his pledge to get tough on crime and treat victims with compassion and respect. The highlights of the platform included numerous tax-cuts and a legislateddebt-reduction plan. The Alliance will continue with the already announced tax cuts of $59 billion by the Liberal government and add an additional $66 billion starting in 2001. Among the key points of this enormous tax reduction plan are an increase in the basic personal exemption to $10,000 from the existing level of just over $7,000. This will enable all Canadians to earn an extra$3,000 tax free. They will also increasethe RRSPdeduction limit to 30 per cent of earned income from the current amount of 18 per cent. One of the most significant tax changes will be a move from three tax brackets to two. Canadianswill pay 17 per cent federal tax on their first $100,000 in income and25 per cent onthkanythingafter$l0o,&0. Thev are also urornisinp.to decrease the federal portion of &el taxes by about 3.3 cents per litre.


The legislated debt reduction program will involve the passing of new legislation that will require any government to pay down the federal debt by at least $6 billion per year. The plan also commits to using the majority of any extra budget surpluses to further reduce the debt. The platform also pledges to eliminatethegovernment's new gunlicensing and gun-registryprogram. In order to finance the party platform, Mr. Day promises to cut from 'wasteful' areas of the current budget. These wasteful areasinclude VIA Rail, Public Works, the Department of Indian andNorthernDeve1opment, the Department of Heritage including the CBC, Human Resources Development Canada and the Canadian International Development Agency. When talkingabout a report on government waste, he said,"It's pretty big, I'd recommend you wait for the video to come out..or justchange the government." He said thatUcorporate subsidies guaranteea business will fail," noting that they would privatize Via Rail and CBC-TV and Internet services. please see page 6


If you live in the village, you have alreadybeenregistered,so simply show up at the voting booth set up in the village between 10:OO a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on November 13, 2000. If you live in another residence or off-campus,you must register at the Clerks Division at City Hall, located in the Waterloo City

f you are keeping abreast of local politics, you may know that on November 13, the RegionalMunicipality of Waterloo will holdelections to bring eight new Regional Councillors into office. For the first time in Waterloo's history, there will be asepa- rated Regional Council. meaning that ;lectors will have the oooormnitv to vote directlv for the~egionh~hair,aswell;" the Reeional Councillors. ~ i~ uen i c i ~ a l iof t ywaterOr loo is both a geographic area located in Southern Ontario and an upper-tier level of municipal government.Withinthe 1,400square Centre, at the corner of William St. kilometres of these boundaries are and Regina St. South (100 Regina Street South). For any further inthree cities and four townships, namely the cities of Cambridge, quiries, contact elections assistant Kitchener and Waterloo and the Barbara Payne at (519) 747-8751. Sowho are these people? As of Townships of North Dumfries, October 6, there are five candidates Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich. How do students register? In running for Regional Councillorsin order to vote, a student must fulfill the city of Waterloo, but only two the residency requirements outlined will be elected. These candidates in the Municipal ElectionsAct: he or include Ernie Dyck, Judy Greenshe must be a t least 18years of age, a wood-Speers, Jane Mitchell, Sean Strickland, andMark Whaley. Canadian citizen, and a resident of Running for the position of Waterloo between the 5 of SeptemRegional Chair are Ferenc Kulcsar ber and the 13 of November.


It is in the interest of my student to






Warriors suspended ROBIN STEWART Imprint staff


hen the Waterloo Wacri ors suit up against the McGiiRedrnen thisweekend, three of their playerswill not be dressed. Backup defensive linemen Chuck Walsh and Pete Yack and and Ken Seiling. Mike Connolly and backup fullback Greg Trowse found Lynne Woolstencroft are running themselvessuspendedfrom the team for Mayor. last week as a result of a night of beerInformation about the policies fueled mayhem that will cost the and platformsof eachcontender are University $10,000. available at the Clerks Division at On the night of September 30, City Hall. For your own benefit, it just hoursafter the teamlost 18-10to isindeedworthwhiletoconsidereach the eighthrankedWestern Mustangs, respective candidate in order to make the three players broke a slew of a reasonable and sensitivede- windows, lights and parking arms on - cision. campus after a night of heavy drinkWhy bother voting? Well, ing. "It soundspunitive," said Direc~areafewreasoniwhyitis ln the lnterest of any studentto tor of AthleticsJudy McCrae of the voice hisorher opinion in the punishment, "but the measures are uwomingelection. absolutely appropriate to be taken, Regional sewices, under the athletically." The decision, handed control of the elected ,re- sentatives,regulatesand man- down by Warriors Coach Chris Triantafilou, means that Walsh and ages such areas as water sup- Yack cannot return to the team until ply, wastewater treatment, landfill next season, and Trowse who was and recycling, police, community guilty "by association," according to health,sodalservices,planning,roads Triantafilou, can return to the team and trafficcontrol, museums, librar- if they qualify for post-season play. ies, the airport, licensing and by-law Further, although they will not enforcement, taxes, and financial bechargedcriminally for the offense, planning; there are over 90 pro- the players will be asked to make grams in total. restitution for the damage caused In other words, even if you are before they can return to the team. only a temporary resident in WaterStudent reaction to the decision loo, these issues will hold great sig- was mixed. "It's a good punishment," nificance for you this year, and per- said first-year student Gavin Tholl, haps in the years to follow so get applauding the requirement for the out there and exercise your demo- players to make restitution for the craticrights!

It's your right to vote LAUREN 8. B R e S L l N special to Imprint

Day ioked that heshouldhavewornhiswetsuit

damage. Fourth year student Kurt Rahnenfuehrer disagreed. "I think that they got off way too easy," he said. "What happens to a student who's not on a sports team?" he asked, adding that he had seen SNdents fined for breaking just one parking arm. Some students also questioned whether or not the vandalism and the players status on the teamshould be associated. "The two aren't really connected," said fourth year student Phil Rabbat, whosuggestedthat academicor legalpenaltiesmayhave been more appropriate.. "It has nothingto dowith team," according to Rahnenfuehrer. Philosophy student Dan Lee, on the other hand, remarked that the University should have the right to find creative resolutions to these kinds of problems. "What we can withhold," notedMcCrae, "iswhat they most want to do." First year student Waiki Lee was not surprised by the news of the damage, noting that in his experience football players had a reputation for that sort of behaviour. According to McCrae, that stereotype is one of the things which the Department ofAthletics works hard to combat. The actions of Trowse, Walsh, andYackwil1unfortunately set those efforts back. "Unfortunately," remarked Tholl, "[the vandalism] falls on the stereotype of the typical football player." According to McRae, she has please see page 4



imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000

Poor interpretation leads to faulty conclusions GREG

MACDOUGALL Imprint staff


hree weeksago, bothcampus papers (Imprintand The Gazette) reported on a study put out by three EnvironmentalStudies professors (see sidebar). Paul Parker, Ian Rowlands, and Daniel Sconcollected500 survey qsponses from residents who had had their homes evaluated for energy use through the ResidentialEnergy Efficiency Project (REEP), which is run jointly through thisuniversity. However, the statistical methods used to select respondents may have com~romisedthe results to some degree. These responses led Rowlands to state that, "our findings indicate that Waterloo Region residents are willing to take action to reduce energy consumption. They are also looking for innovative responses on the part of governments and businesses to improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable

energy in the Region." The findings of the study included 95 per cent of respondents saying that the newly deregulated electricity industry should be required to report the source of the electricity to the customer. The articleinTheGazette states that, "most consumers surveyed would pay more for their electricity -if they knew itwasgeneratedusing environmentallysensitivemethods." While this is good news for all of us concerned with the impact our speciesis havingon this planet, it may be faulty news. To say that, "Home owners would pay more for green hydro,"as it didin the Gazette, requiresmaking generalizationsfrom specific results, apractice that can lead to problems. The sample usedin the survey is a group of homeowners who have requested an energy evaluation of their homes. It islikely that thisgroup of people is more environmentallyconscious than the target popula-

tion, i.e. the segment of the population that the survey is looking to make predictions about. According to ProfessorWinston Cherry, who teaches STAT 332, "studying biasisdue togeneration of the study population in such a way that there is a systematic difference between the attributes of the study population and those of the target population." To generate results that would apply for Waterloo region homeowners, a study would have to have an equaiprobablechance of selecting any homeowners from the region to be involved in the survey. Asthiswas not done, all that can really be taken from this survey is that, of those homeowners who are willing to pay $25 for a home energy evaluation, the majority are ready to pay more for 'green' electricity. While this is good information to know, it is not the same thing as knowing that the average Waterloo homeowner is willing to pay the higher costs.

UW students protest Palestinian deaths HALA KHALAP Imprint staff


n Thursday, October 5 approximately 15 UWstudents demonstrated in front of the Israeli Consulate in Toronto. Students fromfrom the Arab StudentsAssociationand the Muslim Students Association, together with members of WPIRG, drove to Toronto to join more than 200 other Arabs in a 'muzahara' in front of the Israeli Consulate. The students were armed witha Palestinian flag, a few traditional Arabic scarfs, and posters that implored theUS tostop funding Israel's weapons and turning a blind eye to Israel's crimes. The recent recurrence of chaos and mayhem that has broken out between the Israelisand Palestinians has been a much-talked about and


controversial issue in the past two weeks. Some have been shocked upon seeing footage and pictures of apalestinian man and hissoncaught in thecrossfirebetweenIsrealisoliders and Palestinian protesters. People of ail ages were huddled together on the sidewalk through the rain-drenched afternoon and evening.Atiny, make-shift coffinwas constructed in remembrance of the 12-year-oldboy who has become yet another casualty of aconflict that has been raging for decades. Palestinian flags and pictures of Palestine and its people were waved while informational flyers were distributed. Heads of Palestinian communities in and aroundToronto spoke to the crowd through megaphonesand thanked them for showingtheir support. One speaker told the crowd: "Brothers and sisters, our togethernessgivesme hope. Peace will come."



The chants never ceased, neither in Arabic nor in English. "Holy land, holy war,Palestine'sworth fighting for," and constant repetitionsof "God is great, God is great," were just a few of the chants the demonstratorswere reciting. The slogansonthe posters read phrases like: "Zionism is racism," "Murders breed violence, justice brings peace," and, "How many Palestinians before we call it a Holocaust?" Women broke down and cried, while young children sat atop their fathers' shoulders, waving their tiny flags, too young to fully comprehend the reason for being there. This was just one of many demonstrations held all over Canada in the past 12 days. Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, HamiltonandLondonhave had several. Last Sunday, there was even a small protest in front of Kitchener City Hall.

Warriors sidelined continued from page 3

had only one complaint about Coach Triantafilou's decision to date. She also described the reaction of the rest of the team by saying that both players and coaches were "extremely hurt." Both the OUAand CIAU have had discussions on dealing appropriately with vandalism and abuse by coaches, spectatorsandplayers. While each university is left to deal with individualsituations on its own, they share the philosophical view that

these kinds of actions need to be dealt with strongly, according to McCrae. At UW varsity team coaches work in concert with the players to promote positive role-models and involve players in a wide variety of activities outside of the traditional beer-swillingthat many people automatically associate with student athletes. "We don't recruit jocks," CoachTriantafilou has been quoted as saying, "we recruit students who are also good football athletes."

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Imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000



Parking lot proposal angers community Student residents not notified of plan to pave park SUSAN B U B A K Imprint staff


Waterloo church's proposal to pave paradise andput up a parking lot has many area residents outraged. ~akeshoreBible Chapel, located just north of the campus at 470 Glenelm Crescent, wants to build an addition that would triple the size of thechurch anda95space parking lot across the street. The parking lot isacontentious issue for the community because it will be consrructed on a field that many residents use for recreational purposes. "When I first heard about it, I was angry," said A.J. Hepburn, one of many residents who oppose the parkinglot proposal. "My sonplays there. My neighbour's children play there." Carlo Sgro, a father of three who has lived on Glenelm Crescent for 11 years, said, "There's quite a fewstudentswho rent [accommodations] around here and there are also familieswithkidslikemyselfwhouse the field." Residents often use the field to play soccer, football, baseball and volleyball, throw frisbees and walk their dogs. "If we lose that green space," said Sgro, "we're going to lose something that's very valuable to this neighbourhood."

Residents fear that the expansion of the churchand the parking lot will bring more traffic, noise and pollution to their neighbourhood. The necessity of the parking lot is also questionable because churchgoers would only use it once a week the field for Sunday se~iceswhereas can be used for recreationseven days a week. However, the Albert McCormick Community Centre, located next-door to the church, could also use the parking lot for overflow parking. .' Both Hepburn and Sgro are actively involved in the anti-parking lot campaign. Hepburn collected over 150 signatures on a petition while Sgropostednotices in the neighbourhood'slow-riseapartmentbutldings. The City of Waterloo Development Services came under fire for not notifying the neighbourhood's tenants of the parking lot proposal. Last month, the City sent letters to property owners, but not to house or apartment renters, many of whom are students. Sgro explained that "any students who are renting didn't get any notification, [nor did] anybodywho lives in the apartment buildings, and they're definitely in the majority around here." Lesley Bell of the City's Development Services explained that let-

Favouredgreen-spacein neinhbourhoodto be pavedfor church parkinn. terswere sent to property owners in accordancewith the Provincial Planning Act, which "dictates who we have to give notice to." She added that property owners could have passed on the notice to their tenants. But criticsarguethat sending a letter to an apartment owner isnot aseffectiveas sendinga letter toevery tenant in the building. Bell explained that the City

keeps a record of property owners, but not tenants. "The statutory notice is mailed outto assessedproperty owners. We take that from the assessment roll. We wouldn't knowwho's renting [because] there's no list; there's no formal database with that information." When residents found out about the parking lot proposal, "we receivedmany phonecallsandletters,"

said Bell. "I've asked the [church] to hold a neighbourhood meeting [on Oct. 17 at 700 p.m.] so they can explain the proposal." She added that city officialswillattend the meeting to listen to the residents' concerns. Waterloo City Councilwill then decide the fate of an oasis in a concrete jungle of pavedroadsandparkinglots.

n the big apple 150 University Ave.W.

K R ~ S T AR A N A C H E R special to Imprint


arrive hours before the start of the discussions. Despite sleep deprivation all participated admirably and productively. If conversations that continued after hours are any indication, some interesting new friendships andcross border academic alliances have been struck. The students did a very life-like role play of the UN at a debate over the issue of multilateral sanctions. This served to demonstrate the im-

en Univerity of Waterloo Conrad Grebe1 College peace andconflictstudesstudents conferred with senior United Nations officialsand discussedpolicy with the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) at the latter's student conferencethispastweekendinNew York City. The conference's theme was "Multilateral Sanctions: alternative to war or weapons of massdestruction?"The annual conference is organized by the MCC's liaison to the UN. Presentersincludedofficials from several important secretariatsof the world body such as the Security Council, ExternalRelations, Policy De- velopment and Advocacy Branch, mense humanitarian, political and which co-ordinates humanitarian militarycomplexity of the sanctions affairs, and a representative from regimes that the UNisadministering the Permanent Missionof Canadato at this time. The sanctions against the United Nations. Iraq were discussed at length and Student participants from conference participants were reMennonite colleges acrossthe United lieved to learn that the sanctions States and Canada were in New regime that continues to perpetuate York City from Thursday to Satur- a humanitarian disaster in Iraq is a day. There were about 40 partici- complete failure in the eyes of the pants in all, with good participation UN. in conference activities despite the The Canadian students got a distraction of staying in the city that welcome shot of national pride when never sleeps. The Grebelcontingent we discussed the Fowler Initiative drove through Wednesday night to and the qualified success of the dia-

mondembargoon theUNITArebels in Angola. As head of the Angolasanctions committee,Canada's former ambassador to t h e w Robert Fowler broke new ground in the administration of sanction regimes. He showed the other sanctions committees how to go about practicallytargetingpower elitesinrogue administrations,gathering evidence of the successes and humanitarian costs of the resulting sanctionsand reporting findingsbacked with ironclad evidence. The students were provided with the opportunity of touring the United Nations complex. They had their pictures taken in the Security Council and General Assembly. They managed to impress their guide with their knowledge of the workings of the organization and recent resolutions, especially on the sanctions issue. The studentscarneaway withan overall better understanding of the United Nations as a slow-moving vessel of international civil society. They also left with a new respect of the importance of sharing information and experience, promoting relationshipsand networksandgeneral$acknowled&gthe - - power of communication in shaping a peaceful world.

M1ultilateral sanctions: alternative to war or of mass destruction?



Imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000


I IMPRINT I check us out Day looks for support in K-W in the SLC, room 116! I See You I

continued from page 3

While Day spoke it was like a conservative revival; members in the audience said things like "That's right!" and "Yes!" after every other phrase. From time to time people couldn't containthemselvesand burst into a standing ovation. Day spoke about "MPs being able to speak freely and vote freely o n your behalf." And then the George Washington-like comment

of "Restore pride and resources to our own armed forces." . He talked about provincial autonomy, "We are not tearing away constitutional federal powers; it is about respectingconstitutional provincial jurisdiction." By the end people had mostly forgotten about how things began with Ichim and the milk. Ichim was charged with assault and has been released on his own recognizance with a court date of November 20.

The crowd was so entranced that at one particular point Day said, "I think it's time for a new governmentthat..."and they explodedwith cheers and applause without realizing what he was talking about. He continued, "it's time for a new government with an elected senate." So it looks like Mr. Day can win over a roomof 3,000party supporters, but what remains to beseen lswhether or not he can win over a county of 30 millian.



a r t s f r o s h r e u n i o n 2000 friday, october 20th reunite, relax, rejuvenate

let's get together again

t h e b o m b e r @ 8pm a r t s frosh: f r e e all o t h e r artsies: $2 sponsored by:

October 1 3 , 2 ~ ~ ~ o l u23,Number me 13 Staff Editor-in-Chief, Scott Gordon Assistant Editor, Rob Van Kruistum News, vacant Asslstant News, Andrea St Pierre Forum, Amy Potvrn Features, Jon Wdlmng Assrstant Features, Adrlan Chrn Scrence, Christina Cella Sports, vacant Asslstant Sports, Greg Macdougall Arts, Lrsa Johnson Assistant Arts, Paul Schrelber Photos, Felm Yip Ass~stantPhotos, Brran Code Graphrs, Bdly Tung Assistant Graphics, vacant Web, Smon Woodside Web Assatant, Durshan Ganthan Systems Admmlstrator, Dav~dRoblns Proofreader, Jesse Helmer Proofreader, Danlel Wong Proofreader, Laura Waterhouse Proofreader, Hala Khalaf Proofreader, vacant Busmess Manager, Mark Duke Advertising & Productron Manager, Laurle Tigert-Dumas Advertising Asslstant, Bahi Selvadurar Dlstributlon, Ben Schott Drstributlon, Hala Khalaf Board of Directors President, Kate Schwass Vice-president, Janice Jim Treasurei, Rob Van Kruistum Secretary, Durshan Ganthan Staff Liaison, Adina Gillian Contributors Janice Amott, Rachel E. Beattie, Michael Borth, Jan Guenther Braun, Lauren S. Breslin, Susan Bubak, Ryan Chen-Wing, Mark Duke, Nicole Fawcette, Nigel Flear, Adina GiUian, Billy Guns, Fady Hanna, Me1 Heathen, Janice Jim, Gabe Kempe, Shahna Kennedy, Jeffrey Malecki, Lisa Mains, Marianne Miller, Evan Munday, George Murzin, Mike Nickerson, Kerry O'Brien, Ryan T. Porter, Shuvo Rahman, Krista Ranacher, Allison Salter, Mark A. Schaan, Kate Schwass, Robin Stewart, Becky Strong, Melanie Stuparyk, J o h n Swan, Jared Thibeau Imprint is the officialstudentnewspaper of the University of Waterloo.It is aneditorially independent newspaperpublished by Imprint Publications. Waterloo, acorporationwithoutshare capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the tight to scteen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDN Pub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 554677. Address mail to: Imprint Student Life Centre, Room 11 16 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 Tel: 5 19-888-4048 Fax: 5 19-884-7800 http://imprint.uwater1oo.ca

True north strong and free I

am really glad that I'm Canadian. I'mproud of this country for a lot of reasons. It is for the most part, clean, not too crowded and the people are pretty friendly. On the whole, I thinkmost of us can say that we're glad we live here. When you thinkabout it, it could be alot worse than being a Canadian. True, we made apoor showing at the Olympics, but that gave us a good reason to look at all the other ways that Canada is great. Our athletes may not have done well, but they also don't have to return to a crowded country, packed to the brim with conceit bad attitudes and triggerhappy fingers, right? The US may have put a tonne of money behind their athletes and they may have won upwards of 6 0 medals (I stopped counting) but look at how the athletes behaved while they were in Sydney. Their attitude is representative of the attitudes Americans have toward everything. The Olympics aren't about what they used to be about, they really arecommercialized, they are an American five-ring circus. The sponsorship, the television networks, it's all about letting the world know how great it is being American. Good thing we're not falling for it. I've lived in the US, so I've had my fair share of in-your-face American patriotism, and each day spent there reminds me of how great it is tobe Canadian. Ispent alot of time in other countries too, and each day I spent outside of the US remindedmeof how great it isnot to be American. Americans, surprisingly, do-not have a very good reputation in any country. Canadians, on the other hand, do. It's difficult because at first glance you can't tell Canucks apart from our neighbours to the south, so we can easily be mistaken for Yankees. Thisis whypeopletel! how important it is when travelling to make sure you have some way of identifying that you are Canadian. Sew a flag to your pack, wear a pin, do whatever you can to distinguishyourself from other North Americans. You may think it won't make a differenceif you're American or Canadian, right? Wrong. Take for example my experience in Mexico. I had just moved there and was shopping in the market. I used my broken Spanish to ask the price of some choice item (the kind you can only find in Mexican

markets).Themanansweredand, t~ppedoffby. you . how the rest of the worldsees Amer~cans. the gringo accent, asked what partif the US I A grade three teacher in the US goes into was from.When Isaid I wasCanadian,the price class to teach all the kids about America and of the Item wascut In half. Addmonally, heand how great ~t1s to be Amencan. She goes up In h ~w~fe s were much nlcer after they found out front of the class and says "The US IS the best I wascanad~an.This~snotan ~solated~nc~dent;country In the world, I am so proud to be thls k ~ n dof thmg happens In Germany and American. Tell me children, how many of you Spam too. are Amer~can!" The chddren, eager to please, People hke to h a r a s s h e r ~ c a ntourlsts In all r a m then hands, except for one llttle glrl. foretgn countries, so make sure they know The teacher walks over to her and says, "Susie you're Canad~an. why didn't you raise your hand?" I don't know how all t h ~host~l~ty s towards "Because I'mnot American" Susie replied. the US startedor how long ~t'sbeengomgon but "Well then what are you?" asked the my most recent complaint is about the four teacher. Amencan men who won the gold medal In the "I'm Canad~an,"Susiesa~d."How do you 400mrelay. They laughedandjumpedaround, know?" asked the teacher. posed IrkeThe Rock, basically they "Na-na-na "Well my mom IS Canad~anand my dad 1s boo-booed" every other country because they Canad~an,so that makes me Canad~an"Sus~e won, and thex country IS the best. (Maybethe md. US shouldput some of the~rathiet~cmoney Into The teacher, annoyed, s a ~ d"Well if your sportsmanship classes for the~rathletes?Just a mom was a moron and your dad was a moron, thought.) then what would that make you?" That little dlsplay of respect for fellow "Well then I'd probably be Amer~can" athletes and the spmt of the Olympic Games Susie answered. (among others) just cofirmed my joy In bemg Canad~an.I know we aren't perfect. I rememBen Johnson was stripped of his gold medal. The American sportscasterswere so appalled. Now look, this year that cat was let out of the bag; not only did Americans in this year's Olympicsgettheboot for using performance enhancing drugs, but now they've discovered that Americansin 1988 tested positive too. Oh silly Americans, they just forgot to mention that minor detailto the Olympic Committee. So I know Canadians do some stupid things too, but at least we admit to them. So now I'd like to leave you with a joke, a littlekneeslappertoshow


The right time to protest astyear, during the lead-up to the WTO talksin Seattle, I was talking w ~ t hsomeone involved with the protests. She was part of a chalk campaign at University of Guelph that saw groups of students run around campusscrawling anti-tradeslogans on any and all avalable s. Later that day they all piled on a bus to bring their message to Toronto. 'So what is it about global trade that you dislike?" I asked I

"Idon'tknowaboutspecifics, I just know it's wrong," she replied. Her ignorance left me in a bit of a quandary. Not knowing why you're for or against somethingcan lead to pretty serious problems,Nooneshouldfollowanyparticular philosophy blindly. On the other hand, Ihappenedto agree thatthe increaseinglobal trade isa bad thing overall. Most global trade deals favour the bigger, richer nations while foresakingenvironmental concerns and individual coun-

tries' national interests. Moreover she was out drawing attention to the issue which wasmore than I was dolng. Whatever her other faults, she was avocal and largely effectiveprotester. Given the amount of time people spent debating trade issues as a result oftheprotests-debate that likely would not have occurred otherwise- I'm glad there were people like her fighting to be heard. Now, putting aside for the moment that I happen to findmyself agreeingwith a number of recent protests, increasingly, it appears that peopleare left no other choice butto take tothe streets to be heard. Thedemocraticgovernmentsin thiscountry seem incapable of allowing free debate to occur on any number of subjects. Ralph Kiein in Alberta invoked closure on the debate over private hospitals. Mike Harris's Tories have also invoked closure numerous times in an attempt to push through one bill or another. And these anti-democratictendenciesare not strictly right of centre traits, either. Chretien'sLiberalsregularly use their majority to push through controversial bills, as did Bob Rae and his fellow NDP MPPs. I suppose that's why I found myself on the

side of the anti-poverty protesters this spring and their violent clash with police on the front lawn of Queen's Park. When people are not left any forum in which to be heard, it should hardly come as a surprise when the situation becomesunruly. Which bringsus to Julian Ichim and his escapade with Stockwell Day last week. I happen to think that Day and his economic policies are fairly shortsighted and will ultimately be of little benefit to the country. As for his social views, I find those even more distasteful and potentially harmful. Still, I'm not sure that Day deserved being doused with chocolate milk. I don't thinkthatthoseopposedto Day's policiescan argue that they're backed into a corner or that there are no other avenues for protest. Now is the time to be usingevery means of reasoned debate to show how flawed the Canadian Alliance's platform really is. The more people won over now, the less chance people will feel trapped or backed into a corner later on and feel forced to resort to more extreme tactics. -ScottGordon, Editor-in-Cbzef

Live is large


'm disturbed to hear that Mr. Yunker isunable to findlive music in Toronto. Living inMississaugaal1of my life I have had many opportunities to walk the streets of Toronto at all hours of the day. The live music has always been a draw for me because as Mike said, typically "a'live'showinvolvesshelling out $40 andgetting into a line of thousands to get into some enormous venue where I'm miles from the stage." Now this has been the case everywhere but Toronto (in my limited travels). In Toronto, you may have to search alittle and you may have to squeezeby the grumpy old men swilling $2 beers but you will eventually find the live music room in a bar. There are many great places that offer all sorts of live music such as Ted's WreckingYard on College (a personal favoriteand frequent venue for Andy Stochansky). If you enjoy imported beer and a more refined atmosphere you can go to the Esplanade Bier Markt at Esplanade and Church or walk around the corner andvisit the music room at C'est What? (stay for a coffee porter and catch a show by Erin Smith, the resident artist). Let us not forget the extensive bar selection on Queen West or the bars along Spadina and then over on College. Mr. Yunker, I am sorry if you have gotten the wrong idea about theTorontomusicscene. Itisa scene bursting with talent at a reasonable price. But do keep up the good work, keep reading Imprint and eye and Echo and while you're at it, take a look at www.indievoice.com so you can get to know some more of the musicians and find out their touring dates.

-1. MatthewBleuins 3N Planning

The beaten path To theEditor,


very .term when I come back from my work term, I notice that there is alwaysanew path paved on campus. Interestingly, these new


paths are necessary because the architects (or the people who designed the campuspathlayout) have missed an important, but basic concept- so basic that we learnt it in Grade 9 mathematics - the Pythagorean Theorem. Examples of these new paths include the one near the volleyball area of the SLC and the one near the parking area of the PAC, on which studentsfromtheViageswouldwalk diagonallyon the grass to the PAC or SLC. But the most noticeable and recent one is the grass field between the MC, DC, andchemistry2 buildings. Just imagine that you are goingto the DC library fromthe matharea. Unless it i.s a cold winter day, you would most likely walkstraight fromunder the bridge (between MC and DC) to the DC library by cutting diagonally on the grass field in between. Apparently, there are enough people with thisnatural andefficient walkingbehavioursuch that the grass can't even grow on this "natural d architects or path." So what d ~ the designers end up doing? They ended up giving in and made it a paved path. I sometimeswonder why I am so sensitive on this little issue, but I do remember Iwasonce told that, "Just because there seems to be no way around, it doesn't mean there isn't one. By walking ou can alwayscreate one yourself.


ers would think of the war as one of weaponry and not of the reality of death. To that I want to add the following: The people of Iraq and especiallythe kidsare not responsiblefor what their dictator did. Scott Ritter, the former head of the UN arms inspectionteam in Iraq, saidIraq iscompletely disarmedfrom mass destruction weapons including any capabilty to produce chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and longrangemissiles.Why aren't there sanctions on any of the 10 countries (India, North Korea, Pakistan, Israel, USA.. .)that own nuclear weapons? The following is from a CBS 60 Minutes interview between Leslie Stahl and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, on 12 May 1996. Leslie Stahl: "We have heard that a half million children have died (as a result of sanctions against Iraq). I mean, that is more children than diedinHiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" Madeleme Albright: "Ithinkthisis a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it." DennisHalliday,the former assistant UN general and chief UN relief co-ordinator inIraq, resignedsaying he couldn't take part in the destruction of the Iraqi people.

-RayanYahfoufi A galling report

-Eric Hui

Sanction sympathy


read the article "Students oppose sanctions against Iraqn in last week's Imorint. .and I felt that it was supporting the sanctions, especially when it talks about the UN recomition of the suffering that was going on within Iraq. I can't agree with this claim becausethe UN sanctions are stillkilling 250 Iraqi kids every day. I understand the author was trying to put bothviewpoints, pro- and anti-sanctions, but the way she presented the information made it look as if she is pro-sanctions. We can all conjure up images of sand-coloured tanks and oil fires in Kuwait. Such images where shown, especially of tanks, so that the view-




amentirely shocked andappalled at the astounding lack of journalistic integrity displayed in Ms. Shafley's report, "Students address Middle East problems," October 6, Imprint. Was Katie Shafley explicitly instructed to write an inflammatory article or is it something that comes naturally? Consider"according to [amember of the MSA] Jewish people are brought into Palestine each day, as more and more Palestinians are being turned out." Alright, so the particular member of the MSA hates Jews? "For [a "Jewish studentn]the Muslimsare not entirelyblameless." The issue regarding land in Israel is a difference of opinion between Palestinians and Israelis, not between Jews and Muslims. I find it very difficult to believe that the first people Shafley found to comment on this were vitriolically anti the other person'sreligion. This sort of quotingout of context, or quoting of hateful opinion

doesnothing to "addressproblerns." Rather, itcreatesnewproblemswhere none existed before. I would strongly ukge the Editors of Imprint to use a little more redinkwhen writers confuseJewish with Israeli or Muslim with Palestinian.

realise that therevolt of the Palestinian people is purely reasonable, justifiable, and even necessary.

-Wissam Alame lAMathematics

What an airhead -Michael Cole To the Editor,

Middle East crisis


would first like to admit that I might have a subjective point of view, being of Lebanese origin, about the Mideastern crisis. However, I believe that I am equipped with enough open-mindedness and experience about the crisis to give you the Arab intellectual'sview. We have all seen what the media has offered us in emotional scenes the past few weeks from Palestine. These scenes, rather than what is suggested, are not single-sided and are not pro-Palestmian or anti-Israeli. Actually, for the first time the western media is g~vingus a point of view that is not fully pro-Israell. Fact: Palestinian children as young as eight years old are being killeddaily by Israeli soldiers. Fact: Israeli soldiers shot down Ahmad A1 Durah (12 years of age, and not even carryinga rock) with his father watching while shouting "Please Don't Shoot." Fact: Children "armedn with rocks are being faced with machine guns and even anti-m~ssiletanks. Fact: In the middle of this crlsis are children and people who are sick and tired of maltreatment and lack of basic rights. Palestiniansare stuck between Israeli soldiers and Mr. Arafat, who thinksthat it is fine to put down Palestinians' human rights on the negotiatingtable. The Israelisare complaining that Arafat is starting the revolts to gain "negotiatingn power. However, the revolts are by the people andnot by Arafat, andare as a result of rejecting the negotiation of their most basic human rights. Palestinian people have realised that their human rights are being sold on the negotiating table, to a violent Israeli government by acareless and inhuman Palestinian authority. My messageisthat after S2years of maltreatment and rape, the Palestinian people have the right torevolt for their rights. Not a single person, including Mr. Barak, can deny that Palestinians are being deprived of their rights. Any outsiderwith common sense and a bit of humanity will



irstly, Isuggestthat DJMF check ~slmernotes for SupremeClientele RZA did not "do all of the production work." He is,in fact, only the executive producer; he only did full production work on the tracks "The Grain," "Buck 50," "Stroke of Death," and "Child's Play." Secondly (and this is what I really take issue with), like alot of DJs, MF seems to think theproduction is the be all and end all of an album; he makes it sound like Rakeem's beats are all that mattered to Clrentele. Even assuming he was correct about RZAdoingall the beats, MF seeps to be forgetting about Dennis Cole. History will prove Ghostface to be one of the greatest rappers of all time, and it's his dope verses that hold Clienteletogether, not the haphazard range of RZAimitationsdone by nine (that's right, nine) differerit producers. Every time Starks raises the mike, he also raises the bar for emcees everywhere. That's why the other Wu sophomore albumsseem so sub-par; the other Clan members simplydon't have the Ghost's talent. Enter the Wu-Tang and even the underrated Wu-TangForeverprovedthe "sum of parts" theory; all the members, with RZAbehind the boards, are a legendary force. However, Ghostface seems to be the only one who can blow l~stenersaway on his own. Even with the trashiest beats, Ghostfacewould still amaze with his lyricalgymnasticsandstream-of-consciousnessflow. Please see page 9

The Forum Section enables members of the University of Waterloocommunitytopresent viewsonvarious issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. Letters should not exceed 350 words in length. Letters must be signed, including a phone number. Letterswillnot be printedif the Editor-in-Chief cannot identify the author. They can be submitted to: ktters@i~nt.uwate~h.ca. Letters received in electronic form (e.g. fax & email) wiIlnotbeprinteddessaphone number for verification is included. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reservesthe right to refuse to publishletters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatowon the basis ofgender, race, religionor sex~alorientation~ The opinions expressed through columns, comment pieces, letters andother articles are strictly thoseofthe authors, not the opinions o f h p r i n t .

Imprint, Friday, October 13. 2000



Mr. Ichim, meet Mr. Trudeau MARK


Imprint staff



~a~ astweek ~ t o d o n r e l l wasin Kitchenertounveilhis party's platform for the upcoming federalelection. He had just stepped on stage to begin his presentation when he was hit with some flying chocolatemilk, courtesy of UW student Julian Ichim. When I saw this on the news, it made me angry. Angry because I am a Stockwell Day supporter?No, I'm not. It made me angry because the ac'tions of Mr. Ickm showed absolute disrespect and ignorance. The event immediately reminded me of the eulogy given by Justin Trudeau at his father's funerd. The eulogyis agreat lesson for Mr. Ichimandother politicalactivists as well as all Canadians in general. Justin related astory tocanadaabout his father and his values. When Justin was eight, he encountered one of his father's chieE rivals about whom he subsequently

MIKE NICKLRSON special io lrnprnt



t has been four decades since

M.K. Hubert, a resource supply specialist,identifiedtheinevitabif ty of tomorrow's oil crunch. The rising price of oilis not the product of greedy producers or government taxes. 1t7sthe inevitable result of our increasingconsumption of a finite resource. First a use is found for a resource. Then production begins and consumption increasesasthe resource becomesavailableon the market. Asusegows, productionexpands,initidy using up the most easily tapped feserves followed by supplies that are harder to reach. Consumptioncontinuesto grow as more people find more ways to use the resource. Eventually, as it becomes harder to find and extract new reserves, consumer demand becomesgreater than supply reaching the Hubbert Peak. Pbst-peak, the price of the resource rises sharplyuntilconsumptionfallsto the level of avairablesupply. Supply proceeds into a steady decline until the resource is practically eliminated.

told a joke. His father thenlookedat him sternly and said: "Justin, never attack the individual. One can be in total disagreement with someone without denigratidghim as a consequenie." Tustin continued: "He stood UD and t k k me bythe hand andbrougdt me over to introduce me to thisman. .My father'sadversary spoketo me in a friendlvmanner and it was then that I undektood that havingdifferent opinions from those of another person in no way precluded holding this person in the highest respect. Because mere tolerance is not enough: we must have true and deep respect for every human being, regardlessof his beliefs, his origins and hisvalues." Those words from Justin had a great effect on me and I hope they wilkon all Canadians. They emphasize the idea that Canada is a very diverse country with a wealth of individualsanxiousto sharetheiropinions of issues facing Canada today. There is noway thatwe will all agree

on theissues. But that does notmean that we can't grow and leam from each other with dignity and respect. If we disagree with someone else, then discuss and debate the issue intelligently with each other. We can't hope to change the other person'srnind, but we can hope to open up another side of the issue to the other person. Inmy humble opinion, I believe that every politician is out to better our country in their own way. Some ideas will benefit somegroups more than others and we will agree with some politicians more than others. However, all of their opinionsshould be listened to, understood and respected, but not necessarily agreed with. I believe that every political party, from StockwellDay's Alliance Party right through to the Green Party, propose some policies that would enable our country to grow and prosper. ' Undoubtedlythey also propose policiesthatwon'tbeasbenefi&oI r aretoohbalanced tobe successfulir1

Withtheexceptionofabriefdip foilowingthe 1970's "oil crisis," we have consumed more oil every year sinde the first commercial production. Prices are rising because producersareeither unwillingor unabIe to increase production. Iftheyareunwilling,it'sbecause they h o w that they will soon be unable to increase production and that soon after that, they will be unable to continue producing even at their present rate. Today's problem with oil supplies is no surprise. The petroleum industry, governments and independent consultantshave known of theapproachingpeak formanyyears and fiveindependentstudies predict the oil peak this decade. If this information has been available foryears, why havewe contimed to build permanent infrasuucture on patterns that require oilpowered vehicles? Why have we pursued economic policy that is dependent on long distance transport? At www.hubbenpeak.com you can find a presentation made to the British House of Commonslastyear by Dr. Colin Campbell. From a lifetime of experience exploring for oil, Dr. Campbell describes the developmentof explora-

tion technology from the hit and miss technique of the early days to the sophisticated methods used today.. We can be sure that there are nounexpectedlargeresemesawaiting- discovery . to .iustify . our unwillingness to act. We have been consuming oil faster than the rate of discovery since 1980, as we now use four barrels from reserves for every new barrel discovered. Dr. Campbellstates,"Thegeneralsituationseemssoobvious.How can governments be oblivious to these realities and their implications given the critical importance of oilto our entire economy?" Ask your elected representatives when. they will start making decisionsbased on the understandingthatthe age of oil is beginning to wane. We have to take aaion to move off of the limb of dependency and towardsustainablelocalprovision of our basic needs. Suchpolicieswouldinsulateus fromthedifficultiesofdepletmgoil reserves and lead to far more local employment. Also,byactinglocally,wewould be inclined to treat th-e environment with the sensitivity required for long-termwell-being.



Gabe Kempe LLH.GO~...%RZSWIS~


country as diverse as Canada. Therefore, weneed to be able tolook to past party affiliations. We must begin to examine ideas based on their relative merits, instead of painting them allwith the same brush simply because of where they come from. This past summer, Mr. Ichim organized apresentationby a Cuban off'iid here at UW. I attended that presentation, not because I agree witheverythingthatgoesoninCuba, but because I was anxious to hear what anative Cubanhad tosay about his country. The attendees, including a local Member of Parliament, showed interest and respect by listening and discussingissueswith the official, even when there was obvious disagreement. One attendee spoke out for Amnesty International and the political prisoners in Cuba. He disagreed with the Cuban official's response, but he showed respect during the conversation. What would Mr. Ichjm have thought if that individual or any other attendeewould have thrown milk on the guest speaker? I am sure that he would have been angry, very angry.

Pierre Trudeau also supported the cause of the Cuban people. He was so open minded in hisppinions that he built a strong relationshii with Fidel Castro. When the rest of the world was blockading Cuba, Mr. Trudeau showedrespect for a man that everyone else didn't even want to listen to. Hopefully we can all learn from Trudeau's actions and lessons on respect.

Why Students Matter MARK A. SCHAAN VP Education


t seems that the plans for a fall election are almost certain now. Although I won't place all my eggs in one basket by callingit acenainty, it does seem as if election fever has taken over Ottawa. With this upcoming polling of the Canadian people, it seems that a number of partieshave taken amore significant ioie in creatingpo!icy@at will impactetudents. 0;er the last number of weeks, both the Progressive Conservative Party and the CanadianAlliancehave tried to create student-friendlypolicies.Joe Clark has announcedaplan to make student-loanpayments taxdeductible for five yearsafter graduation. The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, of which we are members, also advocates for such a change but would like to see all payments remain untaxed for the duration of the loafi. This plan allows graduates to pay no tax on income that is essentially not really disposable. StockwellDay and his Alliance have also brought forwardaplanfor income-contingent - rmavment of student loans and for an increase to the basic income exemption. CASAhere too has made plans for an incomecontingentplan, however, Day (not having revealed specifics)will have to pay careful attention to the need for grants to take on a large portion of any such proposal. CASA has also looked to increase the income exemption, allowingstudents to earnmorebefore being penalized. Yet, with all of these studenta



friendly proposals being tossed around, one must question the motivation. There are a number of reasonswhy politiciansare cuddlingup to students. One reason is that happy students makes for happy employers. Statistics Canada, and for that matter everymajor consultingcompany in Canada, have continued to announce the number of jobs empty in the high-tech industry. Many parties hqvespotted this hole and have tried to create policies that will make studentsmore inclinedto stay in Canada and to get involved in the high-tech industries. Another reason politicianswant student-friendly pdicies are their parents. Currentuniversity students are the children of the boomers Canada's largest voting contingent. By convincing 'Paul Voter' that the government cares about their children and by addressingsome of the rising concernsthey have about quality anhost, political parties are increasing their party's relevance and their connection to the voter. One of the reasons why politicians should care about students,but often don't is that they too make up a huge voting demographic. However, students (bypercentage) don't mobilizethemselveswellinelections. This can change. By enumerating yourself, getting informed and voting you send a clear message to the governmentthat you are of concern and that more policies should be directed towards addressing your needs. The Federation of Studentswill take an active role whenever the electioniscalled in making studentvoting a priority. Make the early effort and teach all political parties that students really do matter!




Imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000

Gemuetlichkeit mean?

Paul Schreiber Amy Potvin

"Let me out of this keg!"

"Comfort, good times!"

"Show me your junk!"

"German sexual position."

"Good health."

Henry Garcia

Duncan Haman 1A Abblied studies

Murray Lovett 4A Planning

Kyle & Lisa 2A SciencelES Geography

Becky O'Reilly 1A Arts

"Is that, like, German?"

"Wanna see my sausage?"

"Jamaican banana festival."

"Bless you?"

Patrick Croft 2A Economics

Steve Watts 2A Political Science

Renee, Brian & Christina 2A ERSlMath12N Science

Wendy Hagan 3B English

I A Art<

"Something for Oktoberfest." Lyon Lee 3N Math

Thinking ofa career in finance.3 3


Come out and learn more about the University of Waterloo's collaborative Master's Program in Finance. Meet with faculty and hear from two outstanding finance graduates:

UW Master's Program in Finance Information Session Thursday, October 19,2000 at 7 p.m. Math & Computer Building, room 5158 For more details: http:Ilwww.arts.uwaterloo.calfinance Tel.: (519) 888-4567, ext. 5728 aaldous@uwaterloo.ca Centre for Advanced Studies in Finance, HH 175

Shop 'ti1 the cows come home From Lego to schnitzel, the St. Jacobs Farmer's Market pushes variety HALA KHALAF Imprint staff


he steady drizzle of rain did not stop them. They kept arriving, in an endless, noisy throng of jackets, gloves, hats and umbrellas,their laughter contyious, their d&ghf at being there -mfectious. Couplesstrollinghandinhand, mothers chasing their running toddlers, fathers pushing the gurgling baby sitting up in the stroller, grandmothers shopping for their f d e s ' Christmas presents already, friends enjoying the freedom of the weekend. People of all ages and backgrounds were there. The brisk wind and overcast weather made no difference to them. People still showed up in groves at the St. Jacob's Farmers' Market. Just 10 minutes away from Waterloo lies one of Ontario's finest and most authentic farmer's markets, the St. Jacob's Farmer's and Flea Market. This market is located just across the street from the Waterloo County Farmer's Market, and together, they boast over 600 vendors that sell anything and everything from antique silver thimbles to schnitzel on a kaiser to real, live cattle. I spent my whole Saturday browsing around, my eyes as big as saucersand my jaw hanging open. I had never experienced a more enioyable Sat-

For more than 25 years, the St. Jacob'shlarket has been aplace that attracted people from far and wide. Thursdays and Saturdays year round, and Tuesdays from June to August, it offers the best variety and selection of local goods in Southern Ontario. Anything you could ever dread of, you would find there. Localsand tourists d i e flock to this shoppers' paradise. I have never seen anything like it. The first thing younoticeabout the market is the hundreds of smells that assail your nostrils from every direction. The smells of fresh fruits andvegetables,the fragrance of dried and fresh-cut flowers, the tempting aromas of the numerous food stalls, the strong whiff of genuine leather and even the pungent odour of the wet horses stomping impatiently by their owners'buggies all beckon you to become a part of the crowd. It's a mix between old and new, traditional and fashionable,rare and familiar, Indoor and outdoor. Ybu could shop for antique lace, then cross the street to the St. Jacob's Factory Outlet and buy jeans.from Levi's or a Lego set from the Lego outlet store. You can then sample some Cadbury's chocolateat the mall thencrossthestreet againbackto the Flea Market and munch on some freshly-bakedbread.

I am never going to grocery shop at Zehrs or Sobey'sagain. Why should I? I would much rather buy fresh, wonderful-smelling,organic, homegrow produce straight from the producer's stall. I met many of the farmersand theirwivesthat make a livingfromthe crops they plant on sell in the market. their farms "On the days we go to market, we wake .up earlier than usual, usually before the dawn," began Brenda, a 13-year-oldgirlfrom an Old Order Mennonite family. "Each of us is in charge of something different each time. I got to pick the tomatoes this morning. I was lucky because they're in Mama'ssmallgreenhouse,so I was warm. I arranged them in these baskets my brothers make. Don't they look nice?" I bought three of those baskets. Then, when it gets too coldoutside, the wandering musicians take a coffee break and the vendors cover the smooth, leather belts from the steady rain and the crowds in the outdoor market square don't look much like crowds anymore, you can go inside where you'll find yourself in a quaint but huge replica of a barn with two levels. The lower one is dedicated completely to food and the upper level is an arts and crafts haven. You can never again complain of not knowingwhat gift to get


no matter what the occasion. Andeverywhereyou turn, you'll findsomeone either eating or buying food. Smoked meats, fresh meats, domesticand importedcheeses,pancakes,coloured pasta, seafood, baked goods, coffee beans, honey, syrups, breads, Indiancorn, nuts, dried fruits, preserves, jams and jellies, candy, pickled onions and carrots, spices and herbs, perogies, summer sausage, apple fritters, Hawaiian quesadillas, Greek souvlaki, English muffins, Thai stirfry, Egyptian sambousas .the list is endless. But the best thing is that if you don't have a cent, it doesn't matter. Just being apart of the jostlingcrowd, listening to them speak in languages fromall over the globe, feasting your eyes on the colourful arrangements of crafts and food, chatting to vendors dressed in bonnets and aprons, patting the neighing horses waiting to take tourists on tours of the nearby village of St.Jacob'sor aMennonite farm tour, walking through an ancient Egyptian museum of pharaohs and tombsmade entirely of Lego, all that is more than enough. I can easily see myself catching the bus to ConestogaMall,then from there a bus to St. Jacob's Market every Saturday morning. And yes, it will have to be in the morning, because it closes at 3:30 p.m. and the

p.m. One or t\;o hours can never b; enough. You'll need at least a whole day to savor everythingthis place has to offer.


~op)KJ&Fam'sMa~fiIlsb~pac~ lorthekmgwekend.(Bottomright)Avendor diip~somekhproduce(BottomleR) TwriStsadrr6rethets'EmmyLw''befweitlea station. b b y HalaKhalaf.


Imprint. Friday, October I 3, 2000

Your official s o u r c e f o r PEDS i n f o r m a t i o n

OKTOBERFEST IS HERE! tillagehausen Oct 13, Oktoberfed Oct 14 lhis is the only all ages Oktoberfest celebration in the areaandticketsareonly $lOforFEDS,$12for non FEDS!!! There will be a live Oktoberfest band, guest appearances, and a DJ. Tickets go on sale NOW at the FEDS office or are available online at www.feds.uwaterloo.ca. For more information contact Alyson Woloshyn at 8884567ext 3426 or at alwolosh@feds.uwaterloo.ca

HALLOWEEN IS NEAR :ome out to FED Hall on October 27th for he best Halloween bash ever! Tickets Ire $4 for FEDS and $6 for NON-FEDS. rhere will be cash prizes for best :ostumes. Tickets go on sale in the FEDS Iffice on Tuesday October 10th.

Beyond Ring Road AUSSIE'S q?


Come to Aussie's Grand Opening on Friday October 13th from l l a m 2pm. Pepsi Cans and Aberfoyle water only 50c. UW T-shirts only $10. Get 20% off all cards / gifts. Select chocolate bars 2 for a $1. Enter a draw with every purchase to win one of two $100 gift certificates f o r 3 6 0 c l o t h i n g .

DON'T MISS OUT! RESERVE YOUR FED BUS TICKETS ON-LINE AT w\nw.feds.uwaterloo.ca/ Grand River transit passes available at FED Office

student andmember of the Environment Commission, says that the commission considers themselvesto be pro-active, preventing things ou won't see them on Parliament Hill from happening before they start. The fact that the commission isn't interbeing ambushed by riot police, fending ' off pepper spray, or in the halls con- estedin beingworld activistsis evident in their ducting raids on students who have brown- "school-exclusive" activities. That doesn'tmean bagged their lunch instead of using that they don't care; it just shows that the Tupperware. commissions' focus only stretches to the What you may see perhaps, are vivid blue boundaries of Ring Road. However, the commission doesn'twant its and yellow stickers floating around campus, lacedwith tidbitsof energy-consciousinforma- members to forget about the environment tion urging you to turn off your lights and when they leave university. Sandy Kiang, a computers before yougo party at the Bomber. second-year Environment and Research stuThey are that little voice of concern, they are dent and co-commissioner of the group, says the Environment Commission and they're she hopes to see students take what they learn backed by the Feds. and apply it to the outside world. What you might be asking yourself is, The EnvironmentCommission'smaingoal "Didn'twe already have some typeof environ- is to provide awareness. With a student popument committee? WAT-somethingor other!" lation of over 20,000 they would like to see Theanswer is yes. Confused?Well, here comes more done around campus. The commissionis the exceedingly condensed story to make it a responsible for running events that will hopelittle more relaxing for your overly stimulated fully prick up some ears concerning the cleancraniums. liness of UW. Last year, the commission ran The Feds Environment Commissions' "Lug-a-Mug," which urged people to stop predecessorwasoriginallycalledtheWATgreen using styrofoam cups and use plastic reusable Student Network. Unfortunately, neither the containers. Feds nor the administration supported this Another effort by the Environment Comgroup. However, WATgreen carried on its mission is its sticker campaign. During Club duties of spreading awareness to the students Days, which took place on September 25 and about being earth-friendly. It was long before 26 in the Gteat Hall, the commission gave out Heather Calder, who held the position of Vice tons of blue and yellow stickers to browsers. President of Student Issues, proposed that Each sticker containeda fact that demonstrated WATgreen, the Feds and the administration how much energy was lost if a computer or become affiliatedwith each other. And so, the lights were left on overnight. Feds Environment Commissionwas born. When askedif the Environment CommisDue to the fact that the Feds completely sion thought U W was an energy-conscious back the Environment Commission, a huge school, Moos responded that U W was pretty opportunity has been created for not only the average and not overly wasteful. However, commission, but for UW students in general. more could be done. For example, if a student wishes to pursue It's audible from here. The groan. Well, environment-related research but is unable to you don't have to trekacross Canada in a hemp gain the support of their professor andlor shirt tochain yourself to acluster of redwoods. department, there is a chance that they may be Actually, itsquiteeasy; the Environment Comgranted permission through the Environment mission is looking for more committed memCommission. bers. Anyone is welcome, whether you're in The Environment Commission is not an ERS or Arts. Mark and Sandy both agree that activist group. Markus Moos, a second-year the meetings are a great way to meet new Environment and Research and Economics people who share a common interest.

NEW PRICES AT GROUND ZERO: Breakfast on the run. When

Bike hike for food bank



lave Bidini of the Rheostatics talks about his at FEDHALL. Who will perform??? mok "On a Cold Roadnon Friday October 13th at Find out online soon! Tickets are 7pm in Ground Zero. This is a free event and here is limited seating so you better get there available at the FEDS Office in the SLC. :arIy Brought to you by the Imprint and your C h e c k t h e web f o r d e t a i l s :ederation of students. Visit us on the web at w w w . f e d s . u w a t e r l o o . c a ~ww.feds.uwaterloo.ca

PUT-A-LID -ON-IT The campaign kicks off on October 19th.Fed Hall and the Bomber now offer lids for drinks to prevent the use of rape drugs and other drugs. For more info on this please contact the wellness centre in the SLC.

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NICOLE FAWCETTE imprint intern


JON WILLING Imprint stat7

ith the arrival of autumncomesthe beginning of food drives throughout Waterloo region. On October 28, the UW Bike Centre will be organizing a charity Halloween bike ride withproce&s going to Kitchener-Waterloo's Food Bank. The event, which will be held at Laurel Creek Conservation area, will require participants to bike four laps of the conservation property. Event co-organizer, Peter Johnson, says despite the gruelling exercise, he hopes people will take advantage of the opportunity to help a worthy cause. "The emphasis is on fun," said Johnson. The Bike Centre, which is located in the SLC beside the loading docks, is run by volunteers. People interested in registering for the charity ride can visit the Bike Centre or ask Turnkey Desk staff for an entry form. Early-

bird registrantswill receive a free T-shirt. Interested bikers can also sign up on the day of the event, but "you won't be guaranteedaT-shirt," saidJohnson. Last year, the event attracted 35 riders, but organizers are hoping for an even larger turnout. As a bonus, bikerswho complete four laps of the conservation area will have the chance to win a prize. In addition, for every one kilogram of foodbiiersbring,they will receive another chance to win a prize. Johnson notes that bikers must wear a helmet if they wish to participate in the ride.


Imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000

From seven to fifty-five Club welcomes culture mix FADY H A N N A Imprint intern


hree weeksago, the SLC was invaded by a multitude of groups toshowoff theirclubs and recruit new members. The annual Clubs Day was a big hlt, but unfortunately, it got so loud that people couldn'tgetany of their work done. Then again, who gets thelr work done in the SLC anyway? Among the variety of clubs and organizations, one club in particular seemedvery keen on recruiting a lot of new members. That club was the ArabStudents Association (ASA). This club exhibited a lot of tradition and culture as well as some fun, whch seemed to draw a lot of people to their stand. Imprint had a chance to sit down with the head of the ASA, Sabile Fityani-Trimm, and find out what her club is all about. The M A was established three terms ago and has grown from just being a group of seven people to 55 members. Sabile,anorignalmember of the club, tookovertheresponsibility of the club after the first term. "The member who had,originally started the group no longer goes [to UW]," explainedsabile. "So I made sure that I made time for it and kept it alive, with the help of other members of the group as well." Although thisclubismostlycomposed of Arabs, Sabile says that now more and more people, including a few non-Arabs are starting to take interest in Arabculture and what the club has to offer. "We are a social and cultural club at the same time. Our role here at the University is to promote the image of Arabs on campus, aswell as providing Arabs with a way to meet each other and hang out." This was also the first term in which some non-Arabs joined the

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club. Accordingto Sabile. "We have afew people from Asia in our group, some of which have some ties to the Middle East. Others are just really fascinated with Arabic culture." The club, however, iskeen tosee more non-Arabs get involved. "We would love for more nonArabs to join. The more the better," she said. "More people means more interest in Arabic culture. Anyone can join, no matter where you are from or what religion you belong to." The ASAis composed of people with all kinds of backgrounds and views. The club tries to put aside all political and religious tensions. "We are the Arab Students Association. We do not belong to just one specific religous group, nor a specific political group," saidsabile. "We just try and have fun, while benefiting the community." While attracting many non-Arabs, the club continuesto createunity among Arabs here at the University. They also provide new studentswho have just emigrated from theMiddle Eastwithamorecomfortable atmosphere and give them a sense of belonging. "There are alot of international students from the Middle East who come here to Waterloo for their education," said Sabile. "They can come to our group to meet others from their place of origin. We try to give them some support and help them deal with different issues, such as culture-shock or any stereotypes that are put on them in our society. "This club provides a sense of family.Thereis just somethingabout being with other Arabs that makes you feel like they are part of your ownfamily."

As for membersof the club who are not new to the country, the ASA provides them with the same comfortable feeling in which they can talk to others who are usually in the same boat as them. "Our members find it very easy to open up to one another. I guess it is just that whole sense of family amongArabs that helpspeople open up and talk to each other." Sabile said that althoughshe was not born in the Middle East, she was raised in North America with the same morals and values that people have who are living in the Middle East, and that's why people find it easy to talk to her. Her parents are Palestinian, so she is able to relate to a lot of people coming from that area of the world. This also goes for many of the membersof the ASA. They too can relate to others coming from the Middle East, because of the way they were raised. In fact, Sabile said that most people of Middle Eastern descent who are born here usually get the best of both worlds. They try and take the best of both societies and incorporate them in their personalities. As for the future of the AS Sabile says that now that they havc larger number of people, they c, start doing more thingsinvolvingt community such as fund-raising. "We haven't really done mu, [of that] in the past," saidSabile. "V just got together, rented movies, a together and just hung out." Now that the ASA has mo members, it plans to hold barbequ and contribute to charities like t Terry Fox Run or others involvii cancer research. More members en bles a club to be more involved a1 active in the community. The more people joining t ASA, the more involved they w become in communities surroun ing UW. Of course, the social gatherin are still a must. The club tries tome once a week whenit comes togeth and have an "azuma" (Arabic wo for social gathering). Everyone tri to bring food, possibly some Arat food.

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Ask The Ombudsperson


My roommates and I are six monthsinto our lease. Already our landlord is urging us to sign a new lease for next year. We really like our apartment and would like to stay for another year, but do we really have to sign a new lease?


You are not required to sign a new lease once your twelvemonth lease expires. However, you must give your landlord proper notice (in writing) that you intend to stay on. The Tenant Protection Act stipulates that you must offer your landlord 60 days written notice of your intent to remain on a month to month basis. Clarify in your letter that thisisinkeepingwith theTenant Protection Act and offer your landlord their telephone number for ref-

erence. It is essential that you not only keep a copy of your letter, but also any other correspondence with your landlord. When you do wish to move out, you must give your landlord 60 days notice (in writing) of your intent to vacate the premises and specify the date you will be leaving. If you fail to do this, he may charge you an extra month's rent on top of your last month's deposit. All information in this article was obtained from the Tenant Protection Association. UW'sOmbwispersonkMarianne Miller. YoucancontactMarianneby phoning888-4567,ext. 2402, e-mailingmmillm@~waterloo.ca,orby visiting her in the Student Life Centre, room 2402.


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Imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000

, C

oming out is the process whereby gays and lesbians gradually acknowledge and accept their sexual orientation. Although our culture assumes it happens in a day, more realistically it takes years. The process generally begins at puberty when sexual interest normally develops (but there are exceptions). Same-sexfeelingsare usually suppressed, denied, or rationalized during this time, and a person may have heterosexual relationships. It can take several years before an individualwill admit to himself or herself that he or she is gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Most people come to this realization between their midteensandmid-twenties (again, there are exceptions). After this realization begins the processof tellingother people (if one chooses).Coming out to friendsusually happens first, followed by corning out to family members and coworkers. The entire coming-out process can take a lifetime, really, because it becomesforever necessary to divulge one's sexual orientation to new friends and acquaintances. Fortunately, it becomeseasiereverystepof the way. 1n.the early stages, though, the

process of coming out can be extremely difficult. In high school, bullies often "sense" gay people and tease them. (Manypeople at my high school knew I was gay before I did). If a person's religion or society denounces homosexuality, it can hinder or halt the process. Many people fear the reaction and treatment their

The process of coming out can be very difficult. family would place on them. Personal fears of being gay (internalized homophobia) can aiso siow down the comingout process. Withsomany hindrances, it'seasy to see why corning out takes so long. Coming out isn't always agood idea. Financial stability, emotional stability, and personal safety are all importantthingsto takeintoaccount. Although there are always risks involved with coming- out., for most people they are minimal. Coming

out to one's friends is almost always a positive experience. Coming out to other gay people is also almost always a positive experience. Coming out to parents isgenerally the most risky, but if done in a mindful way, usually ends up beinga good decision in the long run. Parentsusually take longer than anyone else to accept it, though. Most gays and lesbianswho are out will tell you that coming out to others was an important turning point in their lives. Once out, many feel that they nolonger need to make excuses and keep secrets. Some feel that they are more confident and more willing to open up to others. Tocelebrate the processof comingout, gaysandlesbians observe the third week in October as Coming Out Week. Thisisan opportunity for gays and lesbians, out or not, to set some goals in their own coming out process. For some, this may mean comingout to a friend, for othersit means coming out to the whole family. Coming out is a long process, and every individual takes it at their own pace. It certainly can't be accomplished in a day or a week, but Comingoutweek is as gooda time as any to start.

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Ad astra and beyond ets are now known to exist in other solar systemsand many astronomers believe that every star could have bscured by trees and shad- planets in orbit. With an unfathomowed by the Dana Porter able number of stars, the argument is Library, the silver dome that the conditions for life must be atop the Physics building is often met among some of them. It seems missed.Yet the dome is of interest to that the requirements for rudimenanyone who marvels at the starry tary life are few: a rocky planet with night sky and imagines the depth of a broad range of temperatures and its mystery, for it houses a 12-inch the presence of liquid water. Or forget the distant suns: perhaps there is reflector telescope. The GustavBakosObse~atory, extraterrestrial life within our own named for the first astronomer at the Uiliversity of Waterloo, gives public tours on the firstWednesday of every winter month. At 8:00 p.m., stargazers can gather in room 308 of the Physics building for a spectacular slide show and a chance to peer through the telescope. The slide show is an hour long and worth every moment - full of Hubblepicturesand concise blackboard Checkout this DUDDY! demonstrations of such phenomena as sun spots, the solar system-on ICY Europa, one of Aurora borealrs and the d~scoveryof Juplter'smoons. Although the Mars our galaxy. The informal setting en- Sojourner faded to fmd ev~denceof courages questions and everyone mlcroscoplchfe on the Red Planet, it learns something new. The show was a terrif~csuccess for hunlan~ty's impresses the cosmicperspective on quest to explore the universe. The drwe to know, to grapple the minds of the audience, reaching w ~ t hthe mysteries of the cosmos, 1s through all the important theoretical ropics and igniting the imagina- perhaps greatest for the subject of black holes. Tune slowsso much from tion. For example, topics such as life the Immense gravity of a black hole on other planets are covered. Plan- that ~fyou were to fall through the JANICE ARNOTT special to Imprint

event horizon and live (which is impossible, but grant it for argument's sake), a second for you would mean the entire life span for the universe. The universe would be over. Now astronomers are almost certain that a black hole exists in the centre of our galaxy and perhaps the centre of every galaxy. The second part of the tour brings substance to these imaginings. Though the Dana Porter library is brightly lit at night, seeingstarsfrom the roof of the Phvsics building is not a problem. A clear sky and evening chill provide a feeling of exhilaration, especially if the Northern Lights appear - a particularly special event for those who have never seen them before. Through the telescope, celestial objects can be seen with breathtaking detail: from the craters on Luna (the moon) to the rings of Saturn. The dome iscurFELlXYlP rently under repair, but a smaller oortable telescope subst~Gtes.It has better opt~cs than the dome's telescope, because ~t IS newer. The Observatory has been runnmg smce 1967 and serves for research on v~sualbinary starsand student assgnments. Tours may be cancelled due to poor weather, but spec ~ atours l for group funct~onscan be arranged on other dates. The Observatory can be contacted at extension 5 130. ~


We're all going to die! JANICE JIM lmprint staff


any studies regardingclimate change have been published recently. The hole in the ozone layer is the biggest it hasever been. The arctic region is unusually warm, and the North Pole ismelting. How's that for badnews? A hole in the ozone layer forms every spring over Antarctica. This year, the hole formed earlier and erew bieeer. hole on " "" It is the lareest " record, ever since satellites have monitored the polar atmosphere. According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the hole expanded to 17.1 million square miles inearly September, an area larger than North America. The hole was just 900,000 square miles in 1981. Ozone forms a layer in the earth's stratosphere. The ozone hole is created when synthetic chemicals react with ozone. Chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs)destroy ozone in the presence of sunlight. CFCs were used for decades in aerosol sprays, plastic foams, and refrigerants. CFCs are no loneer " used. The ozone layer is important because it absorbs ultraviolet (UV) rays before they reach the earth's surface. W rays can cause skin cancer, cataracts, and damage agriculture and ecosystems. The city of Punta Arenas, in southern Chile, is located under the hole. W levels there are dangerously high, and W exposure there can cause skin burns in seven minutes. Citizens were advised to stay

indoors to minimize UV exposure. Can this be in the future for the rest of us? Alert is Canada's northernmost military base, located about500 miles from the North Pole. Inhabitants of this frigid community have observed signs of warming. Glaciers in the region are receding, winter rains are more frequent and spring temperature have risen. The North Pole ice cap has gradually been shrinking. Scientists estimate that it has shrunk bv, 6 oercent over the last twenty years. According to sonar testing, the cap's thickness has reduced by 42 percent since the 1950s. If enough ice melts in the Arctic, warm water from the Gulf Stream could flow into the area, and a lot of environmental damage could result. Areport released by the World Wildlife Fund and the David Suzuki Foundation states that up to 60 percent of Northern Canada's, habitat can be fundamentally altered if Arctic warming trends continue over the next 100years. At the highest riskof extinctionare plants. Plants migrate much slower than animals. Some plants that require cold climates will have to mierate 100times " faster than their current rate to survive. These are just some of the reports documentingthe recent change in climate. Most of the reports are full of bad news, and not much is being done by international governments to rectifythissituation. Industrial nations are still bickering over the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. Hopefully, the latest news will serve as a catalyst and bring them to action. x




A noble history, a Nobel man C H R I S T I N A CELLA lmprint staff


his past week, anew group of extraordinary scientistswere recognized for their contributions to their field of study: the Nobel Prize winners for the year 2000 were announced, The Chemistry prize w Alan Heger, Alan MacDiarmid andHideki Shirakawa for their discovery of conductive polymers, which lead to better windows, TV screens and film. The Physiology and Medicine prize went to Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard and Eric Kandel, for their discoveriesconcerningmessage transmission in the nervous system, contributing to new remedies for Parkinson'sdisease and depression. The Physics prize was split in two. Zhores Alferov and Herbert Kroemer were recognized for their contributionsin electronicsand Jack

Kilby for hispart intheinventionof the integrated circuit. These advances allowed the development of CD players, calculators and cell phones. The Nobel Prizes were first awarded in 1901 and consist of a medal,apersonaldiplomaandasun~

ences was added in 1968 and the Medicine prize is now given for Physiology or Medicine. The awards are presented December loeachyear, on the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. Before hisdeathin 1896,Nobel invented dynamite and built compa-

nies and labs all over the world. He wanted to promotepeace, allowother people to enjoy reading wonderfully written books and give something back to the science that allowed him to make his fortune. The prize for Economics was established in Nobel's memory to honour him. If you want to win the Nobel Prize, here's how it works. Every .year..nomination formsaresent out to thousands of scientists, academy members and universitv, . ~rofessors. They are asked to nominate someone they feel isworthy to receive the prize. Experts in the field, specially appointed, look through the nominations and choose a select few to recommend to the Prize Awarding Institution. They take a vote and voilh, a new Nobel laureate. The recipientsin the first half of the 20th century read like a who's who of thescientificworld. Winners in Chemistry include Svante Arrhenius (1903)for hiselectrolytic theory of the dissociation of acids and bases; Ernest Rutherford (1908)

for his discoveries about the chemistry of radioactive substancesand the disintegration of elements; Marie Curie (1911) for discovering the elementsRadium and Polonium,which she named after her country of birth; Walther Nernst (1920) for his work

Past recipients read like a who's who of the scientific world. in thermochemistry, and for whom the Nernst equation was named, and Linus Pauling (1954) for his work in the nature of chemical bonds and applying his knowledge in finding the structure of complex substances. PastwinnersinphysicsareHenri

Bequerel and Pierre and Marie Curie (1903) for their research in radioactivity and radiation; Max Planck (1918) for his discovery of energy quanta; Albert Einstein (1921), not for his theory of relativity for which he ismostwell-known,but for his law of the photoelectric effect and his services to theoretical physics; Niels Bohr (1922) for his theory on the structure of the atom and Wolfgang Pauli (1945)for hisexclusion principle, now named for him. Winners in Physiology and Medicine include James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins (1962)for their contributionsin finding the molecular structure of nucleic acids (DNAand RNA) and how it is used to transmit information in living organismsand Frederick Banting and J.J.R. MacLeod (1923) for their discovery of insulin. See page 16 to learn more about Canadians who have won this prestigious prize throughout the years and the discoveries they made to earn it.

ingon a lawsuit filed by anti-biotech groups in 1998. The FDA had considered the cropsessentidy the same as those not genetically modified, and so were not additivesto the food subject to regulation and labelling.

Smells like...



Bad water source found Aseriesof unfortunate circumstances resulted in the E.coli outbreak that killed six people in Walkerton and affected2,OOOothers. Heavy rain in April and a huge downpour in May allowed runoff from a farm to seep through the cracks of Walkerton's Well 5. The study into the incident lasted five months and was released on Tuesday.

A scientist from California has inventedclothesthatdon'tsmell.They have chlorine attached to the fibers, which instantly kills bacteria. The clothes are being researched for medical purposes, to help prevent infection in hospitals. In general, though, it might be possible not to shower for daysand have nosmell at all, except that characteristic swimming pool smell! And if you're running out of chlorine, it is easily replaced by washing the clothes with chlorine bleach. So be friendly to the environment and don't shower!

Hole in one

3, 2, l... The hole in the ozone layer grew last month, and it covered an entire city. Residents of PuntaArenas, a southern Chilean city, were exposed to very highlevels of ultra-violet radiation September 9 and 10. The hole covered 29.2 million square kilometres of the earth, an area about three times Canada's size.

After years of training, a team of one American astronaut and two Russian cosmonautsisnowready togo to the InternationalSpaceStation (ISS).The first to live on the station, they will help with the construction andcarry on some experiments. The blast off is planned for October 30.

Big cheese

Dioxins, anyone?

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States, in cooperation with leading pharmaceutical companies,are investing$58 million to decipher the mouse genome by February 2001. The Mouse Sequencing Consortium will allow researchers to speed up their efforts in sequencing the mouse genome. The privately-funded Celera Genomics wants to patent all genomes, but NIH wants them to be available to the public for research purposes, whichis the reason they're funding this research.

Anew study saysthat for the first time cancer-causing dioxins found in Canada's Arctic Region have been linked tochemicals manufacturedin the United States and Mexico. The dioxins are found in fish, seal and caribou meat, and have recently been seen in the breast milk of Inuit mothers. How these emissions have reached the Arctic region has also been determined- the dioxins, createdin the US by chemicalprocessing

discoveries have helped c h q e the world.

with filesfrom www.nobel.se




For What

Frederick Banting and J.J.R. MacLeod


Their discovery of insulin


Gerhard Herzberg


His knowledge of electronic structure and the geometry of molecules, especially free radicals


David Hubel


Information processing in the visual system


Henry Taube


Finding the mechanism of electoak transfer reactions,


John Polanyi

Chemistry elementary processes

Sid Altman


Discovering the catalytic properties of RNA

Chemistry 1

Richard E. Taylor


Verifying the quark theory


Rudolph Arthur Marcus


Electron transfer reactions in chemicalsystems


Michael Smith


Development of testing methods in DNA based chemistry


Bert Brockhouse


Developing neutron scattering techniques to study condensed matter


What are you eating? Genetically modified food in the United States will not be labelled as such, thanks to a federal judge's rul-

silent killer to people living north of the Arctic Circle.


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Wilfrid Laurier puts an end to Warriors' baseball season !

Western and Laurier combine to keep UW out of playoffs Women's Rugby

:he women's rugby team defeated West23-8, finishedthe regular seasonundegated, and clinchedhome field advantage hroughout the playoffs. The team begins heir journey in search of a CIAU champi$ship today at North Campus at 4 p.m. p n s t McMaster.



b e women'sbasketballteam had their first $hibition gamewednesday night against pronto. Luckily, it didn't count - the e i s t y Blueswon 83-53.

$ Women's $

Field Hockey

b e women's field hockey team recorded

two NCAAdivision n action this week. co-host the 200C Tournament-the)

Men's Soccer The men's soccer team was defeatedby tht Laurier Golden Hawks 2-1. They pla) Widsor this SaGrdayat North Campusgame time is 1p.m. Please see page 21 f o ~ more.

women's Soccer The women's soccer team had their g m against Laurier postponed - please set page 21 for details. They also play host tc the Windsor Lancers thisSaturday at N o d Campus their game is at 3 p.m.


Swimming The swimming team was in action at th( PAC Pool last Wednesday, battling it ou with Guelph. They're in Guelph thisweek end for the OUA Relay meet. Please set page 18 for more.

Women's Volleyball The women'svolleyball teammadeitto th, bronze-medalgame at the McMaster Ma rauder Invitational but lost to the Ottaw, Gee-Gees, three sets to zero.

PAUL SCHREIBER Imprint staff


ain isno friend of a baseball team. The Warriorswere originallyscheduledto make the trip down to St. Marys to play Western on September 24. Bad weather postponed thegame for aweek. The Waterloo team made the trek down on October 1, only to find the fieldin no conditionfor a ball game. Last Thursday, the game was cancelled before the team left Waterloo. Same story on Friday. Saturday, on their fifth try, the Warriors were finally ready to play ball.

Western 6, UW 4 Western 6, UW 5 Someone forgot to tell the umpires. With the hour rapidly approaching 1:00 p.m., the men in blue were nowhere to be found. Acall went out for replacements. Meanwhile both teams scurried to the dugouts and Tim Hortons in an attempt to keep warm. Abrief hailstorm momentarily interrupted the snowfall. After a bit of rain was thrown in for good measure, the umpires showedupand the game fiqally got underway. Western jumped out to a quick4-0lead in the first inning and added another in the second when Kyle Hack smashed one over the shallow left-field fence. The Warriors got on the board in the top of fourth. Mark Johnston lead off with asingle and scored when catcher Mark Kunuk reached firston a fielder's choice. After second baseman Keith St. Jean walked, Mike Roberston hit a two-run blast to left, bringing Waterloo to withi one. Western

added an insurance run in their half of the fourth. The Warrior offence was stuck in neutral for the rest of the game and managed just two hits in the fifth. StarterJeremy Shuh collected the win, strking out sevenWarriorsas he went the distance. The two-hour delay meant nightfall was fast approaching and left no time for the second half of the doubleheader at Blue Circle Field, whichlackslights. Sunday, the Warriors made the trip back to St. Mary's for another seven innings. With a third of their startinglineupaway for Thanksgiving, Waterloo foughtvaliantly. Pat Hill lead off the game witha walk, his first of three on the day. After stealingsecond, he took third on a Sam Pate1 ground ball and scoredonapassedball. The Warriorspickedup runs from Kuczuk and right fielder Mat Bevilacqua on a pair of wild pitches. After four, Waterloo was up by a 4-2 score. One inning

later, the Warriors were hanging on to a 5-4 lead. In the bottom of the sixth, Chris Chant evened the score at five. Neither team managed anything in the seventh and thev were off to extra innings. Both teamsfailed toscore in the eighth, leaving runners stranded. With two out in the bottom of theninth, Western's PatBoydscored toend the game. The pair of losses to Western dropped Waterloo to 5-11, putting them in a fourthplace tie with theWiifridLaurierGolden Hawks and forcing a sudden-death playoff. The trip on Mondaywas a short one -up

Laurier 4, UW 0 University Avenue to Bridge Street, to the Warriors' old stompinggrounds,Bechtel Park. The Golden Hawks, sporting spiffy new bright yellow hats, took advantage of three Warrior errorsto collect four runson four hits. Waterloofailed toget anythinggoing, scattering three hitsover seven inniigs. Tyler Wilson, who started for Waterloo, came in to second base in the fifth and collected a double and a walk during his two trips to the plate. Third baseman Greg Stefan had the highlight-see1 play of the day, robbingJohn Bell of a base hit with a divingcatchon a dead-on throw to first. The 2000 seasonwas the last one for head coach Bill Martin. In his three years with the Warriors, he amassed a 12-36 regular season record. UW Directorof AthleticsJudy McCrae described Martin as "an excellentcoachnwho brought strong administrative and organizational skillsto the team. Martincame to Waterloo "as the right person at the right time."

Deliquent footballers suffer in the snow The wet astro turf and the strongMustang secondary put on hold Bradley's hopes and dreams of achieving the Warrior record for he Waterloo Warriors, who downed most yards mshedin acareer. Thosehopes and the Mustangs 35-21 last year at JW dreamsarestillalive-look forward to Bradley Littlestadium,were defeatedbyascore defeating this record in the near future. The poor performance of the Warriors of 18-10 in sub-zero temperatures at Westcould only be blamed on the voodoo practices ern's new TD Waterhouse stadium. As the snow came down. the Warriors of the Western Mustangs. How else could an . were overcomeby the shiveringcold tempera- 84yard pass be completed for a touchdown on tures and as a result did not play to the . best of an offensive interference penalty? Greg Bourne was very upset on a penalty their abilitv. The temveratures.lunged to the freezing level, leaving the field a slippery mess beingcalledon him whichresultedinWestern's and making it difficult for the Warriorsto play firstiouchdown of the game. That play set the momentum of the game for the Mustangsand well in the air or on the ground. all kept the warriorsixhind by a few game. Hometown hero Jay Akindolire was the resident superstarfor the WarriorsastheRegina As the first quarter got underway, the cold Mundi College graduate ran 18 times for 132 set into the Warrior offense as Waterloo was yards, much to the delight of his family and unable to get their running game working. All- friends. His performance also earned him Canadian Mike Bradley had one of the most school athlete-of-the-weekhonours. Waterunusual games of his life as he only moved 35 loo'scoaches are looking forwardto seeingJay play exceptionally well in upcoming games. yards after 14 carries. MEL HEATHEN s p e c i to Imprint





Western 18, UW 10

London favoritesChrii Kreibich and Reza C e l i connected for 134 yards on eight completionsbyJordie Holton, whose parents flew down from Alberta to spend Thanksgiving weekend with him and to watch the game.

The cold weather didn't stop rookie Jay Akindolire. This Saturday, the Warriors are pumped for the opportunity to pummel the visiting McGill Redmen, who are making the long journey from Montreal. At 5-0, the Redmen are enroute to their best-ever start to a season. The Warriors look forward to showing the Quebec-Leagueteam how football isplayed in the OUA. AllWaterloofansare invited to the game. Admission is free with your Watcard. Check out the team's Web site for more: http://www.warriorfootball.uwaterloo.ca



Imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000

Why we should worry about our food

GREG MACDOUGALL Yet food and nutrition are almost as Imprint staff large a problem in our society as they are in countries where they don't veryone knows that some haveany food. Obesity is becominga foods are good for you and massive problem. some are bad. Some people Something is wrong. People's have also learned that.it's not worth lives are being hurt in so many differeating the good food, because it ei- ent ways. Do we have the highest ther costs too much or is too incon- quality of life in the world here in venient or doesn't taste good enough. Canada?Well, we could be living life Others have used this knowledge of to a higher degree if we were actually what is helpful and what is harmful as eating for good health, as opposed to a tool in improving their lives. eating to make some companies Why should we worry about richer. Virtually anywhere you see what we're putting in our bodies? the non-nutritious food, the healthYou may have heard the expression, depriving food, you see easy money. Youare what youeat.' Well, youare. The food you eat is used by your body to rebuilditself. Personal body odourcan be afunction of diet. Even the flavour of oral sex can be affected by what your partner's been dining Where is the easier money to be on. More important stuff can be made - selling chocolate bars or affected by your diettoo. Foodis the sellingfruit? Which is healther? It seems to me this is repeatedin most powerful drug out there, in terms of affectingusand our bodies. similar circumstancesover and over The popular Zone diet has at its again. That's why there's additives in centre the regulation of hormone your food - real food goes bad, levels through food intake. Metabo- treated fooddoesn't. Andif you were lism, mood, health and so muchmore to eat all the food you saw advertised are all based on the food that you're in a day, would it be a well-balanced, putting in your mouth. Next time nutritous day for you? you're feeling in that 'zone', think Unfortunately, we can't blame about what you've beeneating. Give the almighty dollar for all our food credit where credit's due. Next time problems. Ultimately, we do have the you're in a funk, think about what choiceof what wechoose to stuff into foods you've been choosing. Most our own mouths. It's our decisionand to make the best decision,a dose likely, you'll see aconnection. And just what is the food that of education won't hurt. you'rechewingon? What are all the The Canada Food Guide has at chemkals, additives and preserva- its top level five to twelve sewings tives in the food you eat? Why are daily of gram products. These are they there, and what are they doing things like bread, pasta, and cereal, to your body? and are for the most part made with There's alot that they might be enriched white flour. Many nondoing. The fact that one in six girls mainstream voices in the nutrition now hits puberty by the age of eight field claim enriched white flour is couldbeexplainedby the 'junk' that's poison. By the time the flour hasbeen in food. And nutrition is one of the processed enough to be ready for suspectsin the mystery of the expo- use, it isn't very nutritional anymore. nential increase in Attention Deficit It's thought to contribute to colon HyperactivityDisorder (ADHD)and cancer. thecorrespondinguse of Ritalin. And Meat and alternative products then of course, there's obesity. are another of the four groups. If Our society is one of the most you're buyingyour meatfromagroprivilegedinthe world. Wecan pretty cery store or at a restaurant, you're much have whatever we want to eat. probably getting some pumped-up


Rookie swimmers make splash LISA MAINS special to Imprint


ast Wednesday, in their final exhibition meet, the Warrior swim team competed against the University of Guelph Griffins. The Warriors were led by their rookie swimmers,who combined to win eleven out of the thirty events that were contested. Matt Mains and Dave Rose were each able to capture three first-place finishes, while on the female side, Kristen Brawley and Lindsay Beavers each took two and Julie Steinberg won one. Last year's rookie-of-the-year Gen Sweny won both the20Ombut-

terfly and lOOm breaststroke and also claimed second in the SOm freestyle. Pete Londry also won two events, the 4OOm freestyleand SOm backstroke,andwasthlrdin the lOOm breast. Natalie Boruvka won the SOm breast and placed second in the 5Om fly. Rookie Patti Crossley was second in the 200m backstroke and third in 50m fly. The womensweptboth the freestyle and medley relays. This year's edition of the Warrior swim team looks to be a force to be reckoned with, especially after the stong performancesputup by our very enthusiasticrookies. The Warriors compete In the OUA relay meet today in Guelph.

You are what you eat.

meat. Pumped-up with hormones, antibiotics, or whatever else makes the production of meat a more efficient, economical process. Milk and dairy is its own category. The Guide seems to say that you can be vegetarian and have alternatives to meat, but youmust drink dairy. Some have questioned the influenceof the MilkMarketingBoard in the promotion of this category. Especially when they see there are other quality sources of calcium. Or when they take into account that milk is very mucus-forming (which doesn't help your health). Lactoseintolerance, in whatever degree it exists,may be asign that milkisn't the optimal human food (unless it's human milk). The fruits and vegetables category is the safest for human consumption. Nature's own food is the best for our bodies. But even here, there'sthe riskof pesticides and other chemicalresiduesin and on the food. Of course, there's good food in all these categories. And a bad diet doesn't necessarily mean you'll die of, or suffer from, some disease, 91though it will definitely increase the chance. Everyone's got a tale (anecdotal evidence)of an uncle who keeps light~ngup and sipping from the bottle and eating bacon and sausage etcetera for breakfast, or something similar, and keeps going, strong and healthy. The way Ilookat it, prior to the age of 30 or so, the human body can handle a great deal of bad stuff and it may not show muchor at all. But as the body agesand deteriorates (wonder why?), it will start to show and things will start to catch up. So what to do about it all? Educate yourself. There's a lot of differing opinionson nutrition andalot of them have alinked financial interest in the matter as well. So it's always best not to take all your information from one source. Imprint will try to bring you arange of articlesconcerning different aspects of nutrition, which can act as a starting point for you in finding out what you want to (need to) know about what you're eating.

a Both "h" CR volleyball and slepttch tournaments are taktngplae

K ? Y

October 21 & 22 Ltmtted space so rep&early Both tournaments me c o d so all are welcome to play Remter by


Imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000

Athletes of the Week Volleyball and Slo-pitch Tournaments What better way to spend a weekend than playingsports? For all you weekend Warriors, next weekend is a double whammy of competition. The Campus Recreation annual slopitch tournament gets underway on October 21 and 22, so get out those gloves and head on out to the diamonds. Umpires may still be needed, so if you have some experience with the sport and want to make a little extra cash, come see the PAC office for an application. For those of you who enjoy digging and spiking, the CampusRecreationvolleyballtournament is also taking place the weekend of October 21 and 22. Both tournaments have round robin play on Saturday, while the playoffs are set for Sunday. Space is limited in both tournaments, only eight teams are allowed in each. Both of these tournaments are co-ed, so make sure at least two players on the volleyball court are female and three women are on the field for slo-pitch at all times. Register at PAC 2039 by October 16 for volleyball and by October 17 for slo-pitch. Hope to see you bumping on the courts or sliding on the fields!

The Ultimate Experience Over the weekend of September 30 and October 1. theuniversity of WaterlooUltimate Team, something Less offensive (SLO),travelled toToronto to participate in the Canadian Eastern University Ultimate Championships. After just weeks of practice, the team came together and met in Toronto with some students who were on co-op from Toronto and Ottawa. With a busy weekend ahead of them, the introductions were cut short and off to the fields we went. We arrivedat Fletcher's Fields and began the tournament. Not havingparticipated in last year's tournament, we were randomly placed in a pool with Lakehead, York, McGill's A team, McMaster's C team and our hometown rivals Laurier. Not wanting to dis-

appoint, we defeatedLaurier 13-4. We lost the second game of the day to Lakehead 12-7. With no rest in between, we went on to play against a strong McMaster Team. After much effort. we lost 12-6. We went to another field to play againstyork. The wind had been picking up steadily over the day and the wind began to piay havo; with the~drkoffenseand wewent ontowin 13-4.Somuchforday one. Offto bed for some well deserved rest. Arriving on Sunday morning, the team was matched up against MacMaster's Ateam in the 'A' Pool for the play-offs. After a long and tiring game, the team lost 13-4, though the score didn't really show the level of play in the game. Hadweconvertedon a few of our missed opportunities, the score could have easily been 10-7. Immediatelyfollowingthisgame,Waterloo was matched up against Guelph. It was a long game, swingingbackand forth.With Guelph ahead 5-1, Waterloo surged late in the half to close the gap to 7-5 at half. The points were long and hard fought, but in theend, the game went to Guelph, 13-10. With a default from Lakehead, Waterloo finished the tournament in seventh place. The team played with incrembledetermination and spirit. Waterloo's jerseys were the best out there. Congratulations to the members of SLO: Carolyn Bouchard, Andrew Cameron, Fraser Cameron, Jeff Eng, Justin Lee, Stuart MacDonald,James Maynard, Dale Simnett, Scott Sitar, Neil1 Stewart and John Wood. Well done to all. For anybody interested, the Canadian universityUltimate Championshipstakes place October 14 and 15 in Ottawaand Goosebowl is in lngston over the Hallowe'en weekend. The club meets Tuesdays at the Columbia Icefields at 4:00 p.m. and Thursdays at the Village Green at 4:OO p.m. For anybody interested in travelling with a competitive team, there will be an advanced level practice at 2:00 p.m. on the Village Green on Saturdays. Experience is required for the Saturday practices, but people of all skillsare welcome onTuesday and Thursday.

Leaders of the Week

Amy Dawson

Greg Reain

Amy is an executive member of the Mountain Bike club and has been doing an excellent job organizing leaders to lead daily rides and staying on top of the club's finances. Such leaders hi^ and organization is crucia1 at a time when classes are getting busy for the executive and when certain executive have other commitments that do not afford them the time to focuson these important areas. Way to lead the way Amy!

Greg is a vital member of the Mountain Bike club. He is currently the top male rider in the A division and has so far been unchallengedon the race course. Greg has consistently been finishing - about two minutes ahead of the setond-place rider andasaresult holds the highly covetednumber one position. Hisvast knowledge of racing allows him to provide valuable advice to all the racers and he serves as a role model to some of the younger riders.


Jay Akindolire Warrior Football

Kerri Webb Warrior Rugby

A first-year Science student from London, Jay provided a glimpse of the future for Warrior football. Jay rushed 18 times for 138 yards in his first game back to his hometown; however, the Warriors lost a hard fought game to the Western Mustangs 18-10. Jay filled in for the injured Mike Bradley and played exceptionallywell under the lights at the new stadium in London. The Warriorshost the McGill Redmen this Saturday at University Stadium at 2pm.

A third-year Math student from Kamloops, BC, Kerri led the Warriors to a 23-8 victory over Western in a key first place match-up. Kerri scored two triesand and addedapenalty kick as the Warriors rallied from a 8-0 deficit late in the first half. Her bonecrushing tackles proved too much for the Mustangs as the Warriors moved into first place in their divi-' sion. Kerri will lead the Warriors into the playoffs as Waterloo hosts McMaster in the quarterfinals this Saturday at 1:00 p.m.




n October 7, an event in football history occurred w ~ t hsuch pomp and circumstance, it would rival even the marriage of one Diana Spencer and the Prince Chuckles . . I mean, Charles. Inmany a footballer's heart, it waslike a friend had expired. Nevertheless,many fans watched in awe as thegrand oldlady knownas Wembley was hosting its final match. Unfortunately fortheLimeys,thegoosesteppers from Deutschland mined the day when Dietmar Hamann scored the only goal in the match. For many an Englishman, itwasaday to cry in one's Gu~nness. So, how did Wembley come about? Well, the stadium started in the 1880's, when it was a leisure centre, hostingsuchsports ascricket, football, running and rugby. Aswell, there was a park, a waterfall and a walkway. Then in 1918, the English government decided to build the Empire Stadium, a new place that would prove that Englandwould still be rulers of the land.



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Glamour make-up, Gem W a x e s and Pu-

Imprint staff




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Hurst which won the cup for Englandanda knighthood for Alâ‚ŹR a m . Wembley also played host to World Aid 1985, to help raise awarenessof the starving folks in Ethiopia. So, what is going to become of Wembley now? Well, the son of Wembley will be new and improved. Instead of the twin towers, Wembley willpossessa 133metresteelarchwill a partly retractable roof and an unobstructedview for everyone. It will also be covered, which means no more standing out getting drenched in the typical London weather. Finally, there will bemoreluxuryboxes and more boxes for royalty and distinguishedguests.All we need now is to have London beer represent actual beer,asopposed to ostrich urine. Wembley was a great stadium. Okay, so it only has90,000seats, afar cry from Maracana or Nou Camp. Still, there is a rich history for this venerable institution. Gentlemen, raise your glasses of fine single malt scotch and drink up for Wembley. May she rest in peace.

Oktoberfest tournament guide GREG MACDOUGALL

L a t e x Weunds a d Scabs Old Bleed, Free Flewhg Bleed, Bleed Capwles Wigs, Beards E, Meustackas

Monday - Sunday . ---

Under the watchful eyes of engineer Sir Owen Williams and architects SirJohn Simpson and Maxwell Ayerton, Wembley was assembled over a five year period at the cost of f 750,000. With the two legendary towers and the pavilions, would become one of the most famed stadiums in the world. Apri123,1924 wouldbeaday of great historical importance to any football or sport fans. In front of many diplomatsfrom the superpowersof the day, King GeorgeVopened the stadium for the White Horse Cup Final. Since then, Wembley has hosted many English national side games, the FA Cup finals, Nationwide promotional play-offs and the Euro 1996 final (where the first golden goal was scored in a championship game). But perhaps the greatest event at Wembley occurred on July 30, 1966, when England faced Bundesrepublik Deutschland in the World Cup final. Everyone remembers the controversial goal by Geoff






Imprint, Friday, October I 3, 2000


he NHL regular season is underway.. only eighty or so gamesleft to go. The Warriors don't start their regular season for another week, but that's not to say they haven't been keeping busy. Two weeks ago they claimed a silver medal at a tournament held at York. This pastweek,twoexhibition games down south of the border against NCAA division one schools Western Michigan and Ferris State helpedgive the team an ideaof areas that could be improved. And there's still more before they open the season a week today

against Brock at Columbia Icefield. Thisweekend, they co-hosttheeightteam 2000 Oktoberfest Hockey Tournament. It'saperfect chance to combine the spirirt of celebration of Oktoberfest with the school spirit that's involved in getting out and cheering for your Warriors. The teams are divided into two pools, a Golden Hawks side and a Warriorsside -Waterloo is in with teams from Western, Ottawa, and CanisiusCollege. The two sideskeep apart until the final, Nike Championship Day. Each team plays one game Friday (Waterloo plays Ottawa) and one game Saturday, when the two winners from the same pool play each other and the two losers play

each other. These Saturday games decide who's playing in which final on Sunday - the two teams who make it out of their respective pools undefeated are the two who'll be competingfor the tournament championship. Alongwith therest of their pool, the Warriors will be playing at Columbia Icefields for the first two days, then, as they say, it depends- they could be back at the Icefields, but they're hoping to be at Albert McCormickArena,where thechampionship game will be played at 3 p.m. Day tickets are $2 for students, $5 for non-students, and free for seniors / under-12, and will get you into games at either arena.


Imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000


Report from Down Under ALLISON SALTER

special to Imprint Allison is co-captain ofthe Warrior's Track and Field Team and was in Sydneyforthe Olympics. Shehas not returned yet, but weareable to bring you herstory thanks toemail.


ussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi! The sounds of the Australian cheer ring loud and clear in my head even though the Olympic Games have been over for nearly a week. I had the fortunate opportunity ofvolunteeringatthe OlympicGames andexperiencing the Olympic movement first hand for the past month. ..andwhat anexperience it has been. I worked at Canada Olympic Place (COP), which was named MIA MIA, or Home Away from Home. COP served as the home base for Canada's team during these Olympic Games. In the months leading up to these Games, the localswere predictingdisaster w ~ t transport h problems, poor ticket sales, organizationalnightmares and polmcal scandals. But in true Aussie style, the first Games of the new millenium went off without

a hitch. Canadians, in general, are very well respected and liked in Australia. The Canadianteam wasvoted "Most Friendly" by the security guards working at the Athletes Village. I even met American athletes who bought andwore the Canadianbeach hats because people were more friendly to them in Canadian garb than in their regular American gear. Perhaps one of the most exclting moments I expereienced occurred when Cathy Freeman won thegoldmedalinthe400m. I watched the race in the city centre with about 500,000 other people. The roar of the crowd, the endless Aussie chant and the post-race (never ending) rendition of "WaltzingMatildamis something1will never experience the like of again. It was electric to witness such pride for a woman who means so much to her country. Waterloo'svery own Track and Field coach, Brent McFarlane, made his debut as Head Coach of the 01ympic Track and Field team here in Sydney-and did he ever have his work cut-out for him. I caught up with Brent at the track during the

preliminariesof the 4xlOOmrelays. He waslookinga little tired from the Olympic rush, but was in fine form coachingour country's top athletes. These Games will be remembered by Canadians for Simon Whitfield, the triathletewho took his carefree attitude to the starting line and came out a champion, and for Daniel Igali, who won gold for his adopted country and cried openly on the podium, and for.. .the poor medal count. I will remember these Games for watchingZsimonWhitfield belt out tunes along side Jim Cuddy of Blue Rodeo and for the apology I received from Canadian and World Champ~onSlalom kayaker Dav~d Ford for h ~ el~mmat~on s from the competmon In the first round. I wdl remember these Games for the countlessAuss~evolunteers who sang and kept us entertamed whde we wa~tedIn h e for the tramand for meetmg 1500m goldmedallst Grant Hackett's parents on the tram after h~swm. Iwll remember these Games for the excitement In the eyes of the Canad~angymnasts upon recelpt of t h e ~ rC a n a d ~ a nun~forms, for

"G'day," "No Worries," Kangaroo sausages (yuck)and for the pe&.onal best effort our Canadianathletes put into their performances at these Games. We may have not won as many medals as expected, but we broke Canadian records, acheivedpersonal bests and continued to portray Canada as a fabulousnation in which to live. Toronto iscurrentlybidding for the 2008 OlympicGames.In Sydney I did someworkwiththe bidcommit-

tee and after seeing the plans and experiencing these Games, I hope Toronto secures the bid. There are alot of prosandconsto running an Olympic Games; however, after seeing what the Games have done for Australia, I would love for the same to happen in Canada. Aussie pride is alive and well here in Sydney, I would have to say that my Canadian pride is not doing tod bad either.Good on ya, Oz. Good on ya, Canada.

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Golden Hawks grill male Warriors Women's game postponed due to curfew JOHN


Imprint staff


ne month ago, when the season was young, the men'swilfrid Laurier Unlversity Golden Hawks soccer squad were humil~ated6-1 by the University of Waterloo Warriors at North Campus. Since then, Barry MacLean's team has treated opponents like the Colonel has treated chickens, culminating in a five game winning streak.The Warriors, meanwhile, have been making their quest forawinningseason, their first in 15 years. To do so, the Warriorsneeded to win one more game. Therefore, this game on October 6 at University Stadium was critical. For Barry MacLean's men, the goal was vindication. For Ed Edgar and his crew, the mission was the OUAWest lead. Eitherway, both teamsknew thatthis was a vital six-point game. Pieter Meuleman, the star goaltender for the Golden Hawks, started in net for Laurier. Waterloo, on the other hand, started Kyle Owens in net. Unfortunately, the game would not start for one hour and 45 minutes, thanks to a couple of accidents on the 401 and backedup traffic on the Conestoga Parkway (let'sgve thanksto those Deutschland wannabes). Since most referees here work for Oktoberfest to supplement their pitiful income as security guards, the officiating crew had to be called from Mississauga. Of course, itwould not matter whether they were from Mississauga or Timbuktu, for they were just as bloody useless. Oh yes, back to the game. Straight from the get-go, it vs the Laurier Golden Hawks taking the play to the Warriors. The first shot, made by Ken Cartmil, sailedwideleft

over the crossbar. From there, things wouldget worse for the Warriors, as Wojciech Cwik, Andy Incitti, Danny Gilbota and Andy Guidi ran circles around Waterloo'sdefence and took shots at Owens. Yet despite the lack of protection, Owens was right there to halt the Golden Hawks dead in their tracks. In the lSthmintite, however, Waterloo would have the first laugh, when DavidMills took advantageof a Nick Knez indirect free kick and blastedtheball past Meuleman. Overall, Waterloo only managed seven shots, in which three actually reached their target. Yet, it was Waterloo who held the 1-0leadwhen halftime came on this cold, miserable night.

Laurier 2, UW 1 In the second half, Waterloo just lost all composure. Itwasnot the same old, same old, but far worse, as the Golden Hawks took Edgar's squad to school so badly, it could have been taught at the Paul Martin Centre. The first chink in the Warrior armour occurred in the fifth minute, when Cartmil slid in a great goal, only to be denied by an offside call. Fifteen minutes later, Owens and the Warriors were asleep at the wheel andoff adifficultangle,Kenny Nutt made Waterloo pay. The high schooldown the street (no, not W.C.I. or St. David's.. .can you guessnow?) wouldtake the lead ten minutes from fulltime when Wojcieck'sshot fooledowens. Paul Motley had achance to tie the game four minutes later, but Meuleman was able to prevent the ball from crossingthe 1ine.Thiswasone of only

two shots provided by the Warriors in the second half. When it was all said and done, the high school down the street beat out the great University of Waterloo 2-1, thus lifting a monkey from the Golden Hawks' collectivebacks. The women, unfortunately,had to have their game postponed. When therefereesarrived at 7:45 p.m., this meant that if the women played, the game would have started at 9:45 p.m. or 10p.m. at the absolute latest. Much to the chagrin of both WaterloocoachBruce Rodriguesand Laurier coach Barry MacLean, the reason why the game was postponed wasdue to the lazy staff of University Stadium and the City of Waterloo, who didn't want to kept the stadium open and did not allowthe Warriors and Golden hawks to extend the booking, despite the fact that no one else was booked for that time. As expected, not asinglesoulwas happy with this decision,especiallythe players. As a result of this fiasco, the game will be replayed. There is talkof October 19 as the date in which the Waterloo women will meet Wilfrid Laurier. Until then, the nextgame will be on October 14, when the University of Windsor Lancerswillpay avisit to North Campus in what will be a fight for play-off survival for both teams. The men start at 1 p.m., while the women commence at 3 p.m. Instead of rooting for vandals and football hooligans that Chris Triantifilou's team has become, why not enjoy acivilizedsport like soccer and watch our proud men and women smash the Windsor Lancers like the Incredible Hulk poundssolid concrete walls?

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Pearl Jam still/aliveand kicking Pearl Jam Air Canada Centre, Toronto October 5,2000

snuvo RAHMAN special to Imprint


t was a day youcan only describe with a Lou Reed song. This chilly and rainy day may not have complied with the definition of aperfect day, but definitely it was such a day for Pearl Jam fans. Excitement was enough to make it perfect. Pearl Jam's sixth album, Binaural, came out in May. It isn't the big Soundscan chart buster hke Ten or Vs.,but it isdefinitely one of themost unique and intimate albums Pearl Jam has ever produced. PearlJam started touringin May to promotethe album, andtheir first stop was Europe. They kicked off their Binaural 2000 tour in Lisboa, Portugal. They kept on rocking Europe until they were hit by a tragedy near the endof thelr EuropeanTour. On June 30, nine people were crushed to death during a Pearl Jam concert atthe Denmark RosklideFestival.This was one of the most tragic incidents~nthe history of rockmusic. It was a devastating time for the band. Lead singer Eddie Vedder was so distraught by it that he wascaught on camera crying- something rare for a man known for avoiding the media. The aftermath of the tragedy profoundly affected the band; they

solid opening by Supergrass, Pearl Jam came on stage at 8:45 p.m. They kickedoff the show with the low-key "Sometimes" from the album No Code, followed by their new rocker, "Breakerfall," frombinaural. Eddie Vedder was the dictator, and all those souls at the Air Canada Centre were there to be dictated to. It didn't matter what hesaid. The fanswent ballisticwhenever he tried to say anything. "It'sgreat to be here. Is this [place]named after a beer too?" said Vedder. After having a laughwiththebassistJeff Ament, he continued, "Oh! Thisone is named after aplane.Well, don't they serve beer on the EddieVedder-he singsand playsguitar. plane? That's good, 'cause this thing is about even thought of breaking up for a to take off!" And the whole place while: Eventually they recovered really did take off after that. from this tragedy, but it definitely left The band, consistingof the guithem with a scar. tar ridersMike McCreadyandstone Months have passed since that Grossard, and the loco-enginesJeff night in Denmark and Pearl Jam is Ament andMatt Cameron, wasat its backon tour, this time on their home best. Forthe first set the band rocked turf of North America. the house with favourites like "AniOn this night, the band looked mal," "Corduroy," "Dissident," revived and full of energy. After the "Given to Fly," "Evenflow" and

"Betterman." "Nothing As It Seems" was celestial. They also did a beautiful rendition of "Daughter," which morphedinto"AndrogynousMind." Theyfinishedthesetwith"RearView Mirror" before the first encore.

Pearljam, revivedand full ofenergy. During "Do the Evolution," the crowd really got going, becoming louder than ever. Just before doing "WishList,"Veddertalked aboutthe recent findingsby Stephen Hawking showing there are only 1,000 years

of human life left on earth. Then he said, "I am trying to figure out what it means." With a sarcastic tone he continued, "Do we go fucking nuts for the next 1,000 years?" Vedder didn't forget to pay his respect to Geddy Lee from Rush, who was sitting to the left side of the stage. Pearl Jam ended the set with a heart-thumping cover of The Who's "Baba O'Riley." According to Eddie Vedder, thisversion, recorded live in Toronto, may even end up on the upcoming The Who tribute album. After the second encore, Pearl Jamcame back to finish off thiswonderful night with the divine "Indifference" from Binaural. This concert was recordedandwill be released next year as part of their 46 North American live bootlegs. This will definitely be one of the standouts. The energy and vitalitv of both the band ROD L E U and the crowd was unforgettable. It'ssomethingthat can be best described by Pablo Fuchs, a PearlJam fan who wasat thisshow as well as the Montreal and Detroit shows: "It'sone thing to listen to the music and another thingto be in the music."

Atwood adaptation leaves weak taste The Edible Woman Theatre On the Grand until October 14,2000

KATE S C H W A S S Imprint staff


uncanisalittlenervousabout sex. In fact, he treats sex the sameway that he treats ironinghisclothes-verywehlly.Ashe says, "Fornication might be all very good, but not if I come out of it looking like afloweredpiece of wallpaper." The world premier of The Edible Woman, a play by Dave Carley basedon a novel by Canadian author Margaret Atwood, started its run at Theatre On the Grand in Fergus on October 4. A relanvely small audience for the first night filled approximately half oftheseatsinthe theatre.Asone student suggested,TheEdibJe Woman is not a pornographic play, rather it takes a look at a woman, Marian, who begins to feel consumed by everything around her and finds she can relate better to food than she can to

other people. There are six characters in the play, all of whom have drastically different approaches to life. Marian, played by Kate Hemblen, worksinan office and sees herself marrying her fianck, Peter, and securing a stable life. Peter, played by Stephen GuyMcGrath, sees Marian as a convenience, just something else in his life that would make everyone believe he has everything. Kim Kuhteubl plays Marian% bubbly room-mate, Ainsley, who wants desperately to get pregnant. im Slank, played by Michael Waller, is the man whogetsdeceivedbyAinsley and ends up fathering her child. Marjorie Wingrove plays three characters: Lucy, Trevor, and the landlady, all of whom are fairly standard filler characters. Then there's Duncan, played by Darren Keay, who is the graduate student obsessed with ironing. The simple set allows for the messagein the story tocome through, but unfortunately the script itself is flawed. Whileitisknownthat M a r i i

can't eat, it is not overly stressed,nor is there really. any. explanation. At one pobt, she saysshecan't eat somethin- because it had once been alive, but vegetarians can say the same thing. The short first act showed that there were only two strong charactersin this play: Marian and Duncan.


to feel anything towards her. Atwood's critically-acclaimed The Edible Woman was written in 1969, a time when women were still somewhat expected to leave their careersfor their husbands. That'sthe case with the character of Marian, and it is very hard for a younger audience to relate to Marian. Hemblem tries to give the audience reasons to sympathizewith the character, but it's next to impossible. Instead, Marian irritates the audience. The stand-out performer in thisplayisKeay;hisportrayalof Duncan was humourous, thought-provoking and, most of all, real. The audience easily attached themselves to Keay's Duncan, which was not hard because he acted with ease. If it had to be narrowed down to one reason toseethisplay,it'sKeay.Hesavedthe play from being a boring wreck. In the playwright'snotes, Carley states that, upon reading TheEdible Woman for the first time, "I didn'tget Atwood's ironic sense of humour, irony being mostly lost in the callow


The script for the stage adaptation of Margaret Atwood's The Edible Wolnan is flawed. The other characters were weakly created and made it hard for the actors to really perform their parts. Hemblem does a good job of showing a confused woman, but there are many aspects of her character that are annoying, making it extremely difficult for the audience

and beersodden." He later goes on to say that "one character hit too close to home. Duncan, the English graduate student. I was only an undergrad, but already I was sharing Duncan's disillusionment with academe." That is probably why Duncan is the strongest character in Carley's adaptation, because Duncan is the one character he could relate to in the novel. The play has its flaws, but there are humourous parts and parts that will make the audience think. For a world premiere, it flopped, but as a play being shown in a small town theatre, it works well. Certainly this play could not be shown in any setting larger than Theatre On the Grand due to the minimal sets and small audience appeal of some of the characters. The play runsuntil October 14; it's worth a look just to see Keay's character Duncan the thin graduate student realize that his obsession with ironing clothes is not that much different than wanting to have sexwith Marian, itjusttakesalittle bit of time and a light touch.



Imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000


Benefit concert for cancer LISA JOHNSON Imprint staff


n keeping with ~ c t o b e being r breast cancer awarenessmonth, Federation Hall will host a benefit concert on October 2 1. The concert is in effect a tribute to Nadine Williard, a 25-year-old Kitchener woman who diedof colon cancer in August. On agrander scale, the concertwill be a musical eventto raise both awareness of cancer and money for a new cancer treatment centre. The proceeds fromthe show will be donated to the Grand River Regional Cancer Centre. Shortly after Nadine Williard's death, her husband Scott Williard and friend Josh Dobson formed FriendsActivatingCancerTreatment (FACT). This not-for-profitorganization is dedicated to raising money for cancer treatment in the Kitchener-Waterlooregion. With the hope of bringingcancer awareness to a younger audience, Williard and Dobson decided that their first act of fundraising with FACT would be to hold a benefit concert featuringlocal talent. "A concert is agood way to bring awareness to our generation," says the27-year-oldWiiiard."Musicwill attract a younger audienceandsince Nadine loved music, it made perfect sense." Williard believesthat the concert should make young people aware of how tragic cancer is and that it can


happen to anyone-young and old. The current Grand River Regional Cancer Centre outpatient facility is fairly inadequate: itissmall, old, crowdedandlacks privacy. Fortunately, Grand River Hospital and Cancer Care Ontario have begun construction on a new centre. The goal is for the new centre to be fully operationalby the year2002, but donations are needed from the

Benefit .concert for new cancer treatment centre: . October 25 Fed Hall. community to make the new facility fully operational.Approximately30 per cent of the $48 million required to construct the centre is expected to come from the community. The new cancer treatment centre will be a vast improvement over the current facility. The 98,000 square-foot centre wiI1 be the sole provider of radiation therapy in the region. The centre expects 22,000 chemotherapy and40,OOOradiation therapy patient visits per year.

Williard and Dobson became aware of the need forsuch a centre after Nadine Williard experienced the need first-hand, having taken outpatient chemotherapy at the Grand River site. Williard recalls Nadine's accounts of the centre: "Patients were constantlycrowded together ih one small room and hallway." Williard also feels that Nadine would be all for his crusade. 'She would have wanted to help out with the newcentre, so here weare doing what we can for her." The benefit concert at Fed Hall is a way for meuhxs of the community to get involved in this worthy cause.Thosewhoattend theconcert can donate funds while enjoying great music at the same time. Headlining the concert will be Downshift (a heavy sounding local band), Opus Creo, (a band that is known to be influenced by the Red Hot Chili Peppers),The Band From Planet X (low-fipunk-a-biiygarage), and punk-rock band The Dupes. One of the membersof The Band From Plahet Xis Nadine Williard's brother, Eric Schulz, so the benefit show has special meaning for him. Take advantage of this opportunity to help a worthy cause. The allages benefit show boasts bands to appealto many musical tastes. Tickets are $16 and are available at the Waterloo HMV in University Plaza. The doorswillopenat 7p.m. and the music will begin at 8:30 p.m.


Meet the author Jssse


Imprint staff


ave you ever wanted to meet the author behind a story? Hear the voice of the narrator as the author intended it?Ask the burning questionthat only the author can answer? If so, you shouldattendthenext WilfridLaurier University "Meet the Author" event, which is designed to bring writers together with their audiences. On October 4, Douglas Glover read at the Kitchener Public Library from hisnew collectionof short stories, 16CategmiesofDesire. Unfortunately, heonly readtwostories: "State of the Nation" and the title story, "16 Categoriesof Desire". "State of theNation" was deliveredinGlover'sAmericanvoice. This story pulls no punches and is not for



the faint of heart. Glover checks political correctness at the door while he explores the nature of love. The storyis afresh,cool breeze that breaks the uniform, stiflinghaze of artificiality that cloudsso many discussions of love and sex. Glover isnot afraid to adopt the voice of the female narrator in "16 Categoriesof Desire," and he does a great job. The story is so good that a brief summationwill not doit justice. Religious love, lust, sex, desire and brutality are all elementsof this story. Thesetwo storiesarejust a taste of what 16CategoriesofDesirehas to offer. If you are interested in love (who isn't?) and like to read great Canadian writing, this bookisworth your while. For more information abouttheUMeet-the-Author"series, contact Kathryn Wardrop at: kwardrop@wlu.ca.

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Modern punk is boring MICHAEL


special to lmprint


ometime in the last five years, punk music developed an inferiority complex. More andmore punk bands have emerged that just seem to want acceptance, for whatever reasons (no doubt financialinmostcases). The unfortunate result is that the music has become boring. If you like punk rock, these observations probably seem either obvious or tired to you. You may like what passes for punk these days, poppy fluff that it is, and Iam not out to criticize your musical taste. You also might simply not care, knowing quite well that the fad will pass and the real rockand rollerswill continue beating on their rock and roll drums. My frustration lies in the fact that people are taking the latest incarnation of punk rock for what it claimstobe, whenit is reallyjust some record executives' excuse to use the most easily-reproduced elements of the genre to sell an empty vision of rebellion to yet another generation of disillusioned youth. I stress that my love of punk

music hasnothingtodo withpolitics. In fact, if there's one thing the current generation couldlearn from the last 50 years of rock and roll dominance in popular music, it is that rock and roll rarely measures up to its inflated image as a force for social betterment. Sure, punk bands like Crass earned a fair bit of recognition for their politics in England in the late '70s and early '80s. There are other examples Bob Marley, Midnight Oil, Public Enemy, Jello Biafra, and so on, but these acts usually attract attention through their extra-curricular activism, not through their music. The political angle of rock is largely a myth. That does not mean that it cannot be challenging. I also stressthat my definition of punk rock is no doubt not the same as most punk fans'. I do not claim to be hardcore in any sense of the word. To me, punkrockisaboutmaking music out of sounds that are repugnant to most sensibilities because they have rarely been heard before; noise held together by asimple beat andgivenmeaning by lyrics. Regardless, I think most punk

fans will agree that no matter how much baggage the word carries, the aesthetic is anti-establishmentat the core. As such, its marriage to pop music is ludicrous. Sure, pop music hasits place, but it is by nature part of the establishment: fun, accessible, and pointless. I do not object to the popularity of blink 182, Green Day and their ilk. I take offense to the idea that their music is different from the stuff Warrant and Poison were churning out at the b e w i n g of the '90s. Itake offense to callingit punk. Butthe really frustratingthing is imagining that some kids out there are actually picking up the new Papa Roach album because theyidentify with the sad, alienated kids in the band'svideo. Of course, there is nothing new about selling rock and roll as rebel music and the key to salvation.Somehow, the falseness of that idea just seems more obvious when punk is the product in question. MicbaelBoTthisan international arms smuggler currently residing in Santa Fe. His music program airs Wednesdaymorningsfrom 6-10 a.m. on CKMS-FM, 100.3.

Imprint. Friday, October 13, 2000

Meet the Parents directed by Jay Roach FrederickandFairway Cinemas

JARED TH~EIEAU specla1 to Imprint


onsidering the recent "lowdown for laughs" theory that has been adopted by almost every major studio in Hollywood, it is so surprising (in a good way) to see a comedythat isshockingly funnywithout the shock being- generated from the grotesque. Not that I mind gross-out comedies; some of them in the past couple of years have been outstanding. Unfortunately, they produce mimics; mimics that also do very well at the box office andcreate the idea that thisis the only type of comedy that people want to see. TheAwtin Powers moviesare a perfect example.The firstone, which did much better on video than in theatres,wasadever, sharp andwitty parody and satire. The sequel, for some of its highlights,was reduced to scenesof an incredibly fat man sloppinggreasy chickenall over hischest and of Mike Myers drinking coffee that "tastes like shit" because it actually is. It almost seems risky to do anything clever or screwball with comedy in Hollywood. There are probably only a couple of reasons why Meet theparents wasmade, one being the cast, which is an automatic sell. Two is that the people who see films in the fall are not usuallv the same people who see films in the summer, which means one can afford to take a risk and aim for a different group. As I watched this film, I noticed that theaudience was primarily made up of people in their mid-30s to midSOs, but the important thing was that the theatre was full. Everyone who decides to see Meet the Parents is in for a surprise becauseit isa fun, awkward,spirited, down-right humiliating,belly-aching

jaw dropper of a comedy. Ben Stiller plays a nurse named Greg Focker who decides the time has come to propose to hisgirlfriend, Pam (Teri Polo). But it turns out that adoctor, who knew wellenough that he should ask permission from her father first, has just proposed to Pam's sister. Stiller puts his plan on hold until he has met the parents. Lucky for him, the opportunity has arisen with the marriage of Pam's sister. Thingsbegin to go wrongimmediately for Stiller, first with lost luggage, and then with his game thrown out the window after he realizes that Pam's fatherJack (played withperfectnuance by Robert De Niro) is not the easiest man to win over. In fact, because he was a CIA operative for most of his career, it takesmore than a simplevow of trust to convince this man of sincerity. It just so happens that Stiller becomesa compulsive liar when he is nervous, and De Niro can see right through it. The film continuously creates pleasure out of awkward silences, embarrassing moments, and downright disasters. The key to the picture is that Stiller doesn't know when to stop, and he keeps on screwing up under the intense pressure of trying to please Pam's father. Yes, some of the incidents get unbelievable, but it is the sincere and plausible characterizationsthat keep us wanting to chew. And there's plenty to chew on in between moments of peace and quiet and moments of anarchy. The balance works perfectly because, along with every humiliating moment creating uncontrollable laughter, there is an immediate implication of emotional disaster. It really is true that timing is everything in comedy. And no one knows this more than Stiller, who came into true form in Flirtingwith Disaster and became a household name with There'sSomethingAbout~ry. In fact, he is so good at screwball, dysfunctional comedy that one hopes he didn't learn by experience.

A shocking, but not grotesque, comedy.

Imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000



Anti-top 40 band plays surrealist music godspeed YOU black emperor! Bloor Cinema, Toronto October 5,2000 J E PF REY


MALECKI special to ~mprint


heMontr6al-basedsonicjuggernaut, godspeed youblack emperor!, lumberedinto Toronto, bringingwiththemtheir multisensorial speqacle and beautifully apocalyptic musical vision of urban decay and despair. T o the rapt audience - an almost homogenous conglomeration of turtlenecked, sideburned, coolerthan-thou hipsters (amongstwhom1 must unfortunately class~fymyself, being the unaffected, betouquedreviewer) godspeed delivered an aural, visual andmentalpummeling. Comprised of twin dnun-kits, sevedguitars,glodcenspie~dmost notably, astring section ofviolii and cello, godspeed appear more like an orchestra than a rock band. They seemto fdunder thecategory "postrock" that elusive, multifarious, and mostly vapid musical title bestowed upon bands who deconstruct thetraditional"rockandrol1"genre. gosdpeed's epic compositions are intricate, densely-layeredsoundscapes that rise, fall, shift, undulate, assualt, haunt and insp~relisteners.



The venue for this show was suitable not only to accommodate the visuals, but because the environment mirrored the cinematic aesthetic of their music. Another novel feature of thevenuewas the absence common featur most shows. wafts marij smoke

otherassortedmusicalapparati.Soon faint, gossamer strands came from the violin strings, as a rhythmic pattern was slowly built out of a ploddingguitar. Elernentsweregradudy added: eerie guitars, a low, seismic rumbling, a phnctuating cymba1 rhythm, and a few wellplaced percussive hm, hintingatthe developing

axqmirional sober audience was fully captivated by the show.

structure. As the var ious voices were layered and woven into ing" for the c o m p 1e x bandwasases o n i c ries of Nafiligrees, tional Film each instruBoard of ment intertwiningwith shorts from thegodspeedyou blackemperor!concert. and playing the 1960s: off the othchallengmg, thematic collages void ers, the intens~tyswelled with the of narrative and character. This set drums pounding out an increasingly a n appropriate mood for the steady beat and the ethereal wails and moans of the violin and cello evenmg. After the films, the band's nine risiigupwards.The build-upcontinmembers piled onto a stage littered ued until the distinctvoicescollided with instruments, amplifiers, and witheach other in a febrile onslaught

of beautiful noise. It was an orgasm of sound as an insane wash of three guitars, carried forth by the manic percussion and pulsing bass, rose and fell with the strings, a~hievin~maximumlistener satisfaction A later composition from their latest album began with dissonant tension between organic, warm stringsandelectronic nolse, overtop a disturbing sound clip of messianic ravings. Hauntlng chords were extracted from the guitars as a slow drum beat accompanied this dark symphony. When this song reached its intense apex, the tone was decidedly somber, as evidenced by the lugubrious strmgs and minor-key guitar patterns. Servlng as a backdrop to these rich soundscapes were the band's jagged video collages, which were looped and changed in tandem with

the music. Desolate city blocks of decreplt buildings were overlapped with epileptic geometry. *& a new movement began, a jerky sequence of pouting mannequins loomed above the band. The most evocativeimage was a dog writhing on a lawn in front of a mountain range. Meanwhile, aslide show displayedbizarredrawingsand quotes ("Where doesall the water in our bodies come from?"), adding to the surreality of the scene. Aperfect antidote to the ubiquitous top 40 drek that gluts our market, godspeed you blackemperor! is malung some of the most interesting and challenging music this or any othercountryhastooffer.Thisshow haunted me with it's bleak urban visuals and complex compositions, andforlongafterwards,I'msurethe sound hung heavy in the a u of the cinema, haunting its spaces.


Perfect weddings do exist Perfect Wedding

Directed by Lezlie Wade Water106StageTheatre September 21-October 2 1 KERRY O'BRIEN Imprint staff


s someone who hasn't been to a vast number of weddings, I can't say w t h certainty whether a perfect wedding exists. Having watched America's Funniest HomeVideos,I know for sure that there are such t h g s as q e r fect weddngs. Andafter spendlng last Saturday night at the Waterloo Stage Theatre, I'd have to say Perfect Wedding is a heck of a lot funn~er than the imperfectweddmgs I've seen. The story is set ~n modern England, and goes like &IS: on the morning of hls weddmg, B~llwakes up to discover himself ~nbed next to a strange woman. Nursing a severe hangover, Bill has no recollection of the events of the previous evenmg, and usmg all the logic at h ~disposal, s flips out. The strange woman disappears into the washroomwhenB11l'sbestfriendandbest man,Tom, arrives. They qmddy concelve a fraudulent story for B~ll's fianc6eandchaosensuesasthechambermald, themother of the br~deand

even the hotel manager all get involvedin the tangled web of lies, half mthsandmisidentifiatiotl~.hshort, a farce. Thisis adifficulttypeofcomedy to pulloff, but the cast wears it well. After acouple of shaky lines, Aaron Solomonfellinto the characterof Bill completely, showcasing both a flair for neurotic comedy as well as an uncanny resemblancetoHugh Grant in both accent and mannerisms. In fact, the only difference between

tonguedyetnot-so-brightchambermaid Julie provides an excellent gobetween for the different facets of the story. Her character personifies the audience onstage: she knows what's happening, but is unable to say anything (mostly due to either confus~onor self-preservat~on). Amy Neufield, as bride-to-be Rachel, playsacontrolfreakbent on an immaculate wedding day. Her character remained on the outer edge of the confusionduringthe first act, which made her seem Aghtly one-dimensionalcompared to the other colourful charactersonstage.In the second act, Neufield shone portraymg a catty aspect to the character as well as stealmg some of the audience's sympathy away from Solomon. The woman BIN wakes up w ~ t h(Danielle YoungeUllman)lsthe b~ggestsurprlse in the show, so I'm not at hberty to reveal too much about her. Suffice to say that the role ispulledoffwith great skill and polse. The supporting roles of Hotel Manager SolomonandMr.GrantisthatSolo- Mr. Dupont and Rachel's Mother mon's charm just doesn't seem to Daphne are also played excellently wear off. by Frank Neary and Barbara Randolph J. Johnston'sconsidWheeldon. erable aptitude for comedy is put to WaterlooStageTheatre's Perfect fulluse as the qulck-w~ttedbest man WeddingrunseuetyThursday, Friday Tom. Hisverbaltimmgisunpeccable, and Saturdayn~~htandSundayafrerbut he really shineswhen ~tcomes to noon until October21. Fort~cketinphysicalcomedy(and~tcomestothat formatton, call 888-0000or visit qulte often). Clare Porter's sharp- www.waterlo0s~getheatre.com.

GRADUATE PROGRAM ON LEASING OR FINANCING Get the car you want before you graduate!



Imprint, Friday, October 13, 2000

Musical gumbo Steve Earle


Transcendental Blues

23 logic magic chaos

Artemis Records






Imprint staff

special to Imprint

By way of introduction to his new CD TrrmscendentalBlues, Stwe Earle writes: "Ihave spentmost of my life (like most people) avoiding transcendence at all costs, mainly because the shit hurts. . .I once heard that 'Transcendence is the act of going through something'. Ouch. I see plate glass windows and divorces." Earle definitely has a lot to "go through" on Transcendental Blues, his I l t h album. Over the vears. Fade has battled a debilitating&ug Hddiction that led to his irn~risonmentin the early '90s, and he has been married six times. Professionally, Earle has been just as busy: After a four year slump due to drugs, Earle burst back on the scene recording his own music and working with other country greats suchasEmmylouHarrisandLucinda Williams, whose last album Earle coproduced. TranscendentalBluesfeaturesa widevariety of songs about love, loss and life itself. One standout is "Over Yonder Uonathon's Song)" which reflects Earle's passionate fight against capital punishment. He sings, "The world'll turn without me / The sun'll come up in the east/Shinin'down on all of them that hate me/Hope my goin' brings 'em peace." Earle doesn't preach, he just tells a compelling story. More than transcending his past, Earle transcends the label of country singer. There are lots of great blue grass and twangy songs here likeUEveryone's In Love With You" and "Another Town." But other influencescreep into his music; the title track features a mini moo& givingitan Eastern trippy feel. Both "Steve'sLastRamblenand "The Galway Girl" show Earle'srecent interest in Ireland (he is currently in the smallvillageof Galway, Ireland) and feature Irishaccordion player Sharon Shannon and her band. "The Galway Girl" is an irresistiblycatchyCelacrompthatsticks in your head immediately. TranscendentalBluesis a family affair featuring Earle's brother as part of the technicalcrew andEarle's sister Staceysingingwith him on the moving duet "When I Fall." Stacey Earle has a strong, distinctive voice perfect for country slightly high pitched, but just short of being shrill. TranscendentalBlues is another great addition to a bumpy career and life. While the shit may hurt when you're going through it, it makes great music in the end.

Three years after winning a YTV Achtevement Award, Astrokick has released its first full-length CD, 23 logic magicchaos.As contradictoryas that name sounds, it is such an apt description of the super distinctive sound the band has developed for this record. This is a hard rockin' album, but at the same time, it isn't Creed. This is a severely intelligent record. The strength of the sound is the highly original mixture of influences. Each band member seems to have come fromavery different place, although they are all local Kitchener kids. Lucas Dunn's merciless, heavy guitar style is contrasted by Julie Blake's soprano poetry vocals. Cliff Snyder's funkybasslineskeep rhythm alongsideRickBarbosa's drumming, which at times perfectly mimics a drug-induced techno beat. These influences are kept tightly balanced throughout the album. On top of thiscrazy musical mixture ride lyrics that totally reflectthe originality of the sound. In one line, Blake sings with the voice of a depressed ange1,"It's just another mindnumbing, nail-biting, hair-pulling day In the next, with Christina Ricci disdain, we get, "It's just another linesniffing, wrist-slittingday." And to cap it all off, 10 songs, ranging from bitter tirades to dizzy love songs, all tell the same story our heroine tries to stay away from the boy, but she's stuck just above a catch22. What amind-blowing, complex exerciseinlogicalchaos. 23 logic magicchaosisamusid puzzle worth unravelling.



Dido N o Angel Akta JAN


special to Imprint

The plastic wrapping on Dido's No Angel CD sported a sticker that said the following: "Who's that girl?Dido is the mysterious singer from Eminem'sNo. 1albumand the promising newcomer who also sings the Roswelltheme."

After reading that, I thought, "Hmm, I wonder if that means she'll also be as racist and misogynistic as Eminem?" Probably not agood amtude with which to approach a CD that one is reviewing. If you check the back of the jacket you will find a long list of creditsforprogramming, keyboards, dub effects, etc. This led me to think that perhaps Dido was of the same vain of music as Morceeba or Portishead. I was mistaken. I would describeDido asDoloresO'Riordan's worst songwith enough production to makeeven SarahMcLachlan's producer, Paul Marchand, cringe. Okay,that'sa bit harsh. Dido has a finevoice,but it never seemsto find a space that makes you really appreciate it. If I had those fancy equalizer monitors on my stereo, they would not have been going into the red at all; Didostaysat avery evendynamic throughout the album. Even when it seems as though she's singing out, I never feel swept up in any emotion. There are a few songs that start with Dido and acoustic guitar only, but as soon as the other instruments come in, everythingseemsto get lost in too much texturing. Or maybe it seems as though the texturing was put in just for the sake of texturing. Gettlngbackto the Eminemand Dido connection, Dido's lyrics are not racist or misogynistic; they are about love andlovelost. I wasn'tvery impressed by the lyrics either. It wasn't that the lyrics were particularly bad, they just didn't grab my attention or paint much imagery; it was all just a little too obvious. I guess what I'm really sayingis that I thought the album was boring.


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Join BUDS a UW student, staff and faculty group that providesfree tutoring and encouragementto high school students. For more info contact Candaceat 747-8113 or email cmhillier@sprint.ca. Big Sisters needs you! September2000 to December 2000. University students to tutor our new Canadian children at community based study halls. Students range from grade 3 to 12 needing support in English, French, high school Sciences and Maths. Own transportationis oreferred. r - - Trainino and screenina is required. Call Big Sisters at 743-5206. Leisure S u .~ ~ oServices rt (741-2226) is needing volunteers to help with pe& ple that have disabilities. "Make a Splash!" - one hour per week to help children in swimming lessons. "Walk & Talk!" -walkor run the track with a young adult with a disability. "Swim Buddies"once a week, flexible hours to swim with a new buddy. "Have a Ball!" - Boccia is a game similar to indoor bowling that is oaininq popularity. One evening per week,b& 1 ~ p r i l : The City of Waterloo Volunteer Services (888-6488) is currently recruiting for the followingvolunteer positions: Volunteer Drivers are currently needed to assist the increasing number of older adults. Flexible hours, mileage reimbursed and your own reliable vehicle is required. ProgramAssistants is needed to assist with Senior Outing Day programs, three hours per week. . . Big Brother's needs male volunteers for our Big Bunch Recreation Program. Get involved, put a smile on a young boys face. For more -.?ormationcall Debbie or Mike 579-5150. Learn about a different culture while you show a new immigrant how to be a part of your community. For more information, call K-W Y.M.C.A. Host Program at 579-9622. Volunteers needed t o read with children with a wide range of reading skills, on a one-to one or small group basis. Some familiarity with Mac or IBM would be an asset. Call Jane Horne at Prueter Public School 578-0910. Internationalvolunteer and internship opportunitiesavailable in LatinAmerica. Many positions such as business, education, social work, etc. For info call 1800-879-6640. Auditions1 Casting call for independent feature length film being shot in Waterloo. Actors needed to volunteer, both male and female. ages 20-60. Call 579-6172 or you can e-mail alexquiller@hotmail.comtoarrangeaudition time and date or more information. Volunteer Action Centre (742-8610) needs you! "K-W Multicultural Centre Volunteers" #1051-270: teach english as a second language or greet the world as a volunteer receptionist. Two hours per week. "Can't Wait for Ski Season?" #1108: Help youth with disabilities learn how to ski. One eveninga weekduring January and February. "Assist Refugeeand ImmigrantYouth"#1092-1422: organize social and recreational events for youth, aged 13-19. "Greet CNlB Clientsw-#1012-1417:two volunteers with great clerical skills and interpersonal skills needed during the day. "Food Bank Drivers and Assistants' #1149: assist with pick-ups and deliveries during Christmas and Easter food drives on weekday mornings. Volunteer at YOUR school newspaper IMPRINT Student Life Centre, room 1116. See you soon!


Thursday, October 19,2000 Keeping Up With Your Research: 9:30 a.m. 1t:30 am., LT3-Dana Porter Library. Offered to faculty and graduate students only. Register in advance at: ist.uwaterloo.ca1cslcourses.html. This hands-on session will show you how to get the most from databases like Current Contents. ClSTl Source, and electronic journals. Tuesday, October 24,2000 Organizing Your References: 9:30 a.m. - 11:OO a.m.. Meet at the Davis Centre LibrarylnformationDesk. Offeredtofaculty and graduate students only. Register in advance at: ist.uwaterloo.ca/csl courses.html. This course will review features of Reference Manager and EndNote, and will also reviewthe online searching capabilities that allow users to search remote databases. Wednesday, November 8 Getting Journal Articles & Books Not at UW: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., Meet at the Dana Porter Library lnformation Desk. Learn how to use: TUGdodholdslrecalls, InterlibraryLoanIDocument Delivery Wednesday, November 15 Keeping Up with Your Research: 9:30 am., LT3 - Dana Porter Library.Offered to faculty and graduate students only. Registerin advance at: ist.uwaterloo.cal cs/courses.html. This hands-on session will show you how to get the most from databases like Current Contents, ClSTl Source, and electronicjournals. Monday, November 20 OrganizingYour References: 9:30 a.m. - 11:OO a.m., Meet at the Davis Centre LibraryInformationDesk. Offered tofaculty and graduate students only. Register in advance at: ist.uwaterloo.ca/cs/ courses.html. This course will review reatures of Reference Manager and EndNote,and will also review the online searching capabilities that allow users to search remote databases. Thursday, December 7 Keeping Up with Your Research: 9:30 a.m. 11:30 am.. LT3-Dana Porter Library. Offered to faculty and graduate students only. Register in advance at: ist.uwaterloo.calcslcourses.html. This hands-on session will show you how to get the most from databases like Current Contents. ClSTl Source, and electronic journals. Tuesday, December I 2 OrganizingYour References:9:3Oa.m. ll:00 am., Meet at the Davis Centre LibrarylnformationDesk. Offered tofaculty and graduate students only. Register in advance at: ist.uwaterloo.ca1csl courses.html. This course will review reatures of Reference Manager and EndNote, and will also review the online searching capabilities that allow users to search remote databases.








Women's ice hockey team at UW gets togethereveryTuesday and Fr~dayfrom 4-5 p.m. at the Coiumb~alcefields More players are needed. If you have prewously played hockey, come on out w~th your equipment and join In. For more ~ n f o r m a t ~ o n email Jen at can~hemesis@hotmail.com. The UW Warriors Band is looking for fine and talented musicians. If you enjoy sports and play an instrument, or have a desire to learn, please contact Tim at

tpwindso@yahoo.com What? Writers at Waterloo?!?! If you do anything creative with words, e-mail asklo@uwaterloo.ca. We meet weekly to share writing, critique, and inspire.

Mention the times that are best for you. too. Auditions for "The Wayne Gilpin Singers" for 2000-2001 season. For info1 anangeanauditioncall 1-800-867-3281. Marriage plans? Join with several others tostudy Drs. Les and LeslieParrott's "Savmg Your Marriage Before It Starts." Contact Jeff and Merlene Austen at leffnmer@altav~stacorn or 725-0265 The Waterloo Concert Band IS lookmg for musicians. Rehearsals Mondays 810 p.m., Adult Rec Centre starting Sept. 11. Contact Bryon Higgs 669-5296 or higgs@ionline.net for more info. No membership dues. B e A Big Sister-can you share 3 hours a week for a year to enrich a Irfe?Training is on Saturday, Nov. 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 743-5206 to become involved. The 2001 Edna Staebler Research Fellowship is now open to applicants. Awarded yearly for research adjudged to "increase knowledge and expand understanding of the cultures of the folk and founding peoples of Waterloo RegioniWaterloo County", the Fellowship is accompanied by a stipend of $1.000. Call 742-7752 for more info. Deadlineis Nov. 6, 2000. Interested i n applying for undergraduate scholarships, awards or bursaries? Check out the Bulletin Board on the Student Awards Office home page at: http:llwww.adm.uwaterloo.cal infoawardsl

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13,2000 "Prevention and Care of Music Related Injuries" with Sara-Lynn Weiler at the Chapel, Conrad Grebel College from 330-5:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14,2000 K-W Chamber Music Society presents "Great Jazz Duo, Jane Bunnett and Hilarian Duran" at 8 p.m. at the KWCMS Music Room. 57 Youno St.. W.. Waterloo. Call 886-1673 for infolr&ervations. SwingILatinSocial DanceatPeterClark Hall, University Centre (basement) UniversityofGuelph (StoneRoad entrance). Free lessons at 8 p.m. with dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Call Zenia at (519) 8361354. ParentsWithout Partners Masquerade and Costume Dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Cambridge Newfoundland Club. Call Mike at 740-2155 for info. Opportunities 2000 presents "Step Ahead Symposium" at Jacob Hespeler School,Cambridge from 9a.m. to 5 p.m. For details call 623-9383, ext. 299. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15,2000 "Are you German and you hate Octoberfest?"Thenwmeoutforacoffee with others like yourself at 7 p.m. at the Moody Blues Cafe. For more info call Helmut 885-1185. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17,2000 "Co-ops in the New Millennium" - at Kitchener City Hall Rotunda from 6 to 9 p.m. There will be a wine and cheese reception, silent auction with speaker Mark Goldblatt. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18,2000 Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo ComIng Out D~scuss~on Group Toprc "Do I Fit In, or Do I Feel Left Out?" 7 30 p m Social follows at 9 p m HH 378 Meet old fr~endsand make new ones All welcome Detalls 884-4569 Noon Hour Concerts at the Chapel, Conrad Grebel Colleae at 12:30 &n.. "Toronto Percussion Ensemble." ' Volunteering infosessionforst. John's will be at ~ r h i t yUnited Church beginning at 6:30 p.m. today. For info contact Idubue@home.com. Rainbow Community Conversation Gmup (sponsored by Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo and the RegionalPride Committee) for issues after coming out.

Topic: "Queer Spirituality; Queers in Religion (guest speaker)" 7:30 p.m. Hagey Hall (Humanities) room 373. All welcome. Details: 884-4569. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19,2000 Students for Society Cove Night!From 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. enjoy unlimited pool, fooseball, arcade action, racing action. and dance dance revolution! Admission will be charged. In benefit of charities.

Managing your weiqht Beqinr with

third... .


Physical activity Healthy eating

MONDAYS English Language Lab a lab/class is heldfrom 2:30-3:20p.m. in ModernLanguages 113, September June. The class has an emphasis on pronunciation and listening exercises. Students. faculty, staff, and spouses are welcome to attend. For more informationcontact the lnternational Student Office, ext. 2814. Outers Club Meetings held in Modem Languages,room 104 at 6:30 p.m. New members welcome to join. Meet people, plan trips and get outside! Visit http:ll watservl.uwaterloo.cal -0uters1 for more information. TUESDAYS Are you interested in playing on a women's hockey league at UW? Every Tuesday and Friday comeoutto Columbia lcefields from 4-5 p.m. with equipment. For information email Jennifer at


Wellness Centre holds weekly meetings at 5:30 p.m. at the ~ e l l n e s sCentre, Student Life Centre, Student Service Resource area. For info call ext. 5951. FRIDAY English Conversation Class meetsaf- ' ternoons from 2-4 p.m. in Needles Hall 2080. September June. Students, faculty, staff and spouses are invited to attend. For more information contact the lnternational Student Office, ext. 2814.


:FeehyingStudents: $3.00/ . I 5 Non-Students. $6.00/.25


Campus Rep wanted 60 hours worth of work per year. Make $2,000 in extra cash. We pay you to travel. Soquick.com Travel 1-888-274-8880,ask for Robert. Part-timewait staff neededatAlmadina Egyptian Cuisine. 150 University Ave., W., University Court Plaza, Waterloo, 888-9697. Apply at store. Babysitter one afternoon a week for two children under five. Transportation to and from our Waterloo home needed. Call 884-1572. Weekend Counsellors and relief staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Experience. minimumeight-monthcommitment.Paid positions. Send resume to Don Mader, K-W Habrlitation Services. 108 Svdnev Street, S.. Kitchener, ON. N2G 3 i 2 . * Debt free education1 Pay for your education with cash as an exotic entertainer! Work your own hours in a clean. safe environment. No physical contact. Call Ralph or Shannon at 744-6367.


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The Spa On Maitland, Bathhousefor Bi and Gay Men. Rooms, lockers, sauna. showers. liquor license. Students 112 priceall thetimewithvalidstudent ID. 66 Maitland Street at Church Street, Toronto 416-925-1571. Guitar lessons Michael Bennett - I give personalizedinstruction, all styles1 levelsandcentrallylocatedon bus route. Daylevening classes. 576-6881. Bike repairs 50 pt tune-up includes free pickup and delivery. $49.99. Call Gears & Grills today! 624-5814 days / 654-6387 evenings. Essay Service need help with any of your essays? Take the help of highly qualified graduates. Call toll-freeto custom editing and essay service 1-888345-8295. If you need proofreading for theses or undergrad papers, contact me. International students welcome. $tOlhr. Please call 747-1866 or email yellowtangfish@hotmail.com, attention Marcy McCrae.





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