Your official source for FEDS information
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU The Feds want to hear from you regarding the representation of Co-op students by the FEDS. Do you feel that your student government is acceeible, productive, and connected to the students with regards to co-op issues. If not, can you suggest any improvements. We have struck a special taskforce to seek feedback and suggestions for improvemnts to students representation on co-op. Please contact the taskforce chair, Chris Farley, extension 2478 or your FEDS student councillor with a n \ c o m m e n t s .
ST. PATTY'S DAY WARM UP is approaching fast. On Noven~ber17th come out and celebrate St. Patty's Day a littleearly. Ifyou're aco-op student and won't be on campus next term then this is the event for you! Just because you're not on campus for the real St. Pxtty's Day doesn't mean that you can't celebrate a little earlv. There will even be a Keltic band tc kelp celebrate so come out to the E,unbshelter on November 17th for our St. Patty's Day w a r m u p !
OV. 7 7 t h Co-ops don't miss out'
live celtic band
CALLING ALL FIRST YEAR S T U D E N T S M a t did you thmk of Frosh week? Why don't you tell us. We need students to provide us with feedback on orientation week. It only takes 2 hours of your time and there is FREE DINNER. So come on out to the SLC Multipurpose room on Thursday November 16th from 6 - 8 pm.
Please visit the following site
The first 45 minutes will be an open session discussing housing and some of the issues related to student housing. The next half hour will be a question and answer session with the regional candidates. The event is taking place in the SLC on Wednesday November 8th. All Students will have the opportunity to question all candidates. There will also be a s t u d e n t panel.
ZERO: Breakfast on the run. When you're running, keep fueled. At these prices you can't afford not to. 80c coffee. Cookies and muffins - 50c. Kellogs Bars - 6Oc. Cereals - $1. So come on and grab some food.
great sandwiches for only\
PUT-A-LID - ON-IT FED Hall and the Boniber now offer lids for drinks to prevent the use of rape drugs and other drugs. For more info on this please contact the W'ellness Centre in the SLC.
a t the ~ o m b e Deli r
I'll be heading over to FEDWEB.
THERE ARE 6OOO CHEQUES AND $ 5 6 8 , 1 3 2 . 7 5 waiting to be picked up at the Used Bookstore. That's right, those cheques are in. Everybody needs alittle extracash so don't let yours sit and collect dust. Stop by the Used Bookstore and pick up your cheques!
Private universities: friend or foe? L A U R E N S. B R E S L I N Impnnt staff
"they are often more spec~al~zed, ever, rouses much cause for debate. givtng Ontar~ostudents learnrngop- At the present tune, many organlzaportunltles that &egdld not prevl- tionstncluding the Ontario Confed-
n Thursday, October 19, D~anneCunn~ngham,the Mmster of Tralnlng, Colleges and Un~versfi~es, Introduced legdation that would allow pr~vateunlvers~t~es to establishcampusesin Ontarlo. These prlvate, post-secondary mstltutlons, wh~chw~ll compete wlth Ontarlo's 17publ~clysupportedunlversltles and 25 community colleges, could be In place as early as next September. S~ncethe bdl was Introduced, the toplc has emerged as the focus of rigorous, even rlotous controversy, invitingboth kudos and criticism from facultiesand students alike. Many supporters of the bill believe that private universities willpromote healthy competitionamongOntario's students, prompting them to workmore diligently. Step~enYoung, v~ce-presidentof the UWCampusPC Association, remarks that private uni- dents want. The flips~deto the ~ssur,howversitles will prove beneficial in that
costs. Ontario now admits to ranking
Federal government invests in post-secondary education SUSANBUBAK
technology-or~entedsoclety, ~twas a surprlsmg move to allocate more fundlng for the l~beralarts. "I ~ t ha federal elect~on thought ~twas lnterestlng because they could have put ~tall into NSRC loommg on the horizon, the Liberal government [the National Sc~enceResearch hopes to wm votes by allocating hun- Counc~l],"he sa~d.FedsVP Educa; dreds of mdl~onsof dollars for post- tlon Mark Schaan s a ~ dthe extra secondary educat~onln the mml- fundmg "is a slgn that thls governbudget they unve~ledearher t h ~ s ment ~sstillcommitted to thehberal month. arts." Accordmg to Farley and Starting next January, students will be able to clam twce as much ~n Schaan, the mini-budget wdl cernon-tultion expenses l ~ k etextbooks talnly benefit students, but there's and rent, result~ngIn a h~ghereduca- room for Improvement. They feel tion tax cred~t.Full-tune students can cla~m$400 a month, up from $200, and part-time students can cla1m$120amonth, up from $60. The federal government will spend $1bilhon over the next five vears on h~ghertax cred~ts that will benefit one mi~llonstudentsa~ear. Those elie~blefor the higher " tax credit ~ncludefull-t~meand oart-tlme students attend~ngunlversity, college or federally-certi- fiedtrade schoolsandtrainingprothat more funding needs to be allograms. The mmi-budget also allocated cated for post-secondary educat~on $500 mdhon for the Canada Foun- under the Canada Health and Sol (CHST). Schaan recdation for Innovation (CFI). The c ~ aTransfer fundmg will go towards research fa- ommendsincreas~ngCHSTfunding cilit~esat un~versit~es and hosp~taisas before ~ t ' stoo late. "It'sgoing to take 15to20 years well assupport CanadIan researchers ~nvolvedIn nat~onaland mternational before we can point to the fact that the our country~snotprogressing~n research projects. An add~t~onal$lOO m~lhonwill knowledge economy because we've go to the Soc~alSc~encesandHumanl- abandoned [students'] bra~nsand tles Research Counc~l.Feds Prestdent we've left them in the dark when it C h r ~Farley s adm~ttedthat ~ntoday's comes to maklng university educa-
lmprrnt staff
Students will be able to elaim twice as in non-
. 4
tuition expenses.
59 out of 60 In North Amer~cawhen ~tcomes to publ~c~nvestment ~npostsecondary educat~on. Instead of a move In the r~ght dlrectlon,theTorles'bil1isv~ewedby as an evasion of the real Issues
cessinggovernmentfunding, they are stillanticipatedtoamasspublicmoncy
In the form of student assstance (OSAP).Thus, they threaten to mdk Ontarlo public funds through student loans, tax Incentivesfor donors, and government research grants. Add~t~onally, private school tultlon fees w~llbe tax deductible. Many people have also vo~ced the~rfears that h~ghereducat~onwdl turn lnto aprlvilegethat only the r~ch can afford. A private un~versity In Fredericton IS already offering executive MBAs for $28,000; and at the Burnaby, B.C. campus of the Un~vers~ty of Phoen~x,students pay $40,000 for an MBA course. Also, contrary to common belief,the expansion will not even ease the demand for post-secondary schools as t/he province phases out , Grade 13 over the next two years. The reason for this is that the courses being offered appeal mostly to businessprofessionalsor people in the workforce who need to connect their studies to a particular job.
Feds GM to oursue Alliance nomination
association and then president of the R O B I N ^STEWART tlon access~ble,"he sa~d. Imprint staff Ontario PC Youth in 1996. Farley added that the fedeTal After being mvolved ~nprev~ous governmentshouldhelpun~vers~t~es W graduate and Federation attempts to "Un~tethe R~ght,"D o ~ g cope w ~ t hthe rlslng number of stuof Students actlng General has finally found a home with the dents seek~ngapost-secondary eduManager Josh Doig is mak- Canadian Alhance. "I'm not In there catlonbyestabl~shmga"targetedfund On just for the short haul," said Doig, that provinces could tap lnto ~fthey Ing a foray lnto Federal Pol~t~cs. Monday, October 30, D o ~ gwill at- who has said that he will campaign needed operating funds." s Crmcs argue that the mlnl- tempt to become the first cand~date for McIntyre should h ~ opponent budget does not do enough to ad- for the Canadian Alllance ~nthe r ~ d - gain the nomination. Doig belives that the Canadian dress the problem of aglng infra- ingof htchener-Waterloo. structure that many campuses are Alliancewill~roDolewill be " v ~ d ea better alfac~ng.Although the $500 mllhon facmgoff aga~nst ternative to the allocated for the CFI will help Im- former Reform ( governing Libproveresearchmfrastructure,Schaan party supporter eral party for feelsthatmore needsto be done. Bruce McIntyre Conservative "There's currently $3.5 bilhon for the nomlnavoters than eim deferred malntenance bills tlon. McIntyreis ther the Reform , acrossthiscountry atun~verslty a former memcampuses, and $1.2 b~lhonof ber of K e ~ t h party or the Tories, who Doig that is considered urgent," he Martin's staff. believes will be explamed. "How many more Mart~nfinished "devastated becondemned buddings do we a d~stantfourth need on univers~tycampuses?" In the race for the yond repa~r,"in the upcomlng However, boih ~ a r i and e ~ leadersh~pof the election sincethe Schaan admitted that deferred Canad~anAlliAlllance, in malntenance is not a big con- ance earher t h ~ s tern at UW. "The Univers~tyof year. "Honesty Doig's opinion, has "moderated Waterloo has very little tn deferred and integrity," some of the exmaintenance," Farley explained. "A w ~ l be l key factreme influlot of other universities have build- tors in the runings falling apart and asbestos. We off,accordingto Alliancehopeful,JoshDoig. ences" of the Reform party don't have build~ngscrumbhng; we Dolg, who also saysthat prev~ouspolitical successes from whlch it emerged. don't have things falling apart. We're On the issue of whether or not getting two or three new bu~ldingsas will help make h m a solidcandidate. Doig's Interest In polit~csgoes Doig'spossiblecandidacywillimpact well," he added, referringto the Cooperatlve Education Centre, the back a number of years. He started their approachto the upcoming fedCentre for Environmental and In- out as a Progressrve Conservative, eral election the Federation of Stuformat~onTechnology as well as but has recently found the party "un- dents has been mum. "It's strlctly an additions to Engineering 3 and the wilhng to listen to new ideas." Doig waspresident of the UWPC students please see page 5 Eng~neer~ng Lecture Hall.
Minimum wage too low
NDP call on Tories to address wage issue
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Imprint, Friday, October 2 7 , 2000
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oward Hampton demands Ontario minimum wage workers get a raise. "If we are living in the best of economic times," said Hampton, "if people at the to^ of the income ladder can afford incredible increases in salary and take-home pay, then why can't people whoare working for the minimum wage also receive a pay increase?" Speaking at the Wilfrid Laurier Graduate House last Thursday, the provincial NDP leader called for an increase in the minimum wage from the present $6.85 an hour to $7.50 an hour. "Thisis agovernment that cites everything American, every neo-libera1 idea that they can bring from the United States and they repeat it and repeat it ad nausettm" said Hampton, "but there are things happening in the United States that run completely contrary to the neo-liberal blueprint. One of them'is minimum wage." According to Hampton, the US have, in the last four years increased minimum wage by 40 per cent, to about $7.50 Canadian. "The Ontariominimum wage has been frozen for nearly six years," said Hampton.
He rejected what he called rightwing economics that suggest raising the minimum wage will hurtthose it seeks to help. "All of the studies show the increase in minimum wage has had no
ProvincialNDP leader, Hampton is callingfor a 65cent increasein minimumwage. detrimental economic effects in the Unlted States. In fact it has had a number of positive effects," said Hampton. Hampton also touched on other issues that affect students, namely
affordable housing. However, he chose to focus on the effect of provincial downloading on senior citizen's housing. He accused the provincial government of forcingmunicipalities to transfer the limited stock of social housing to the private sector. It is the housing issue.coupled with the education and health care policies that Hampton predicts will be the undoing of the Harrisgovernment. "They are all going to eat away at this government" said Hampton. "They are going to create what I think is the kind of political dynamics which willgive usadifferent agenda in Ontario." However, Hanlpton wasnot so sure about the Conservatives' social policies. "[Social issues] aregoing to be the most difficult to repair," said Hampton, "but they're also the issues this government will bc able to ride roughshod over for the longest period of time." Hampton believes the difficulty in attacking Harris' social programs like Ontario Works or 'Workfare,' can be traced to expensive ptopagandacampaigns. "Right now, Harris hasgotpeople thinking in terms of who deserves and those who don't deserve," Hampton said.
Irn~rint.Friday. October 2 7 . 2000
Women's Sport Initiative launched If'snot too early to apply for Fall 2001! ~ndowmentfund established for women's inter-university sports SUSAN lmprmt
nOct. 19,theAthletlcsDepartment hosted a receptlon at the Un~vers~ty Club to launch the Sport Inltlatwe, a campalgn to ralse at least $50,000 to estabhsh an endowment fund for women's Inter-unlverslty athlet~csat UW. According to Athlet~ cD~rector s Judy McCrae, theendowmentfund"w~ll allow us to further the op-
said Johnston ~na press release. Over 2,000 women have partlclpated on UW sports teams over the past 43 years. "We're golng to appeal to them to try to glve back," ex~lalnedBob Copeland, Manager of Marketmg and Alumn~Develop-
coaches." He added that the endowment fund may also be used to help cover travel expenses for women athletes who need to go on the road to compete. Over the years, the popular~ty of women'sathleticsat UW hasgrown by leaps and bounds. Women's ~ c hockey e will soon be added to the 14 women's sports currently offered at UW. Waterloo women's teams have won more OUAChamplonsh~ps (39) than the men's teams (35). The co-cham of the e n d o w m e n t fund are Maura Purdon, a volleyball player from 1973 to 1976 and Leanne D ~ e t r ~ c ah ,member of the field hockey team from 1990to 1995. Both Purdon and D~etrichare in the Athletics Hall of Fame. "The~rleadersh~pandpassionforwon~en'ssport will be a tremendous asset as the campagn~srolledout,"sadMcCrae.
women student athletes." ment for UW Athletics. He added that contr~butionsfrom "anybody who follows women's athlet~cs"will be greatly appreciated. "The money will go mto an endowment. Every year, the Interest from [the principal] w ~ l be l used to support varlous teams, athletes or
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"The endowment fund will allow us to further the opportunities for young
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Volunteers get respect NICOLE F A W C E T T E
Imprint intern
ntil November 10 the university will be accepting applications and nominations for this year's President's Circle Awards for Student Volunteerism. This is the fourth year that the university will celebrate the contributions studentsmake to the school as well as to the rest of the community. Started in 1997, the awards stemmed from an idea made by a student who spoke with then-President Jim Downey about recognizing students who volunteer on and off campus. Dianne Scheifele in the office of the Secretariat said that the awards were set up because the "President's Circle wanted to become more involved in what's happening within the university, not only at the administrative level." Desirke Taric, Feds vice-president of Student Issues said that "volunteering is essential for students as it allows for oppotunity to grow." She went on to say that she didn't "remember things she learned in
Chem 123 as much as [she] remembered making friends [her] first year by being acoordinatorat thewomyns Centre and a member of WPIRG." Only 10 recipients will be chosen to receive an award, valued at $25Oeach, and accordingto Scheifele the competition is tough. Last year they receivedabout 3Oapplications. The award is still fairly new and Scheifele says that the number of applicants is growing as more students become aware of itsexistence. "One of the things - we did last year that we hadn't in the past was to send the informationoutto the K-W Act~onVolunteer Center ...who in turn faxes it out to all the member agencles like ROOF and the Food Bank," s a ~ Scheifele. d Last year's wlnners ~ncluded Tara Howell, a second year Soc~al Development Studles student at Ren~sonCollege who was a commltted volunteer w ~ t the h A d s Committee of Cambridge, Itchener, Waterloo and Area (ACCKWA) and was act~vely~nvolvedm"Buddy Match," w h ~ c helps h to support cllents h n g wlth AIDS. Jenn~ferHall, a 3rd year Psychology student, was an Off Campus
Don, FederationOrientationChairperson, and a "Leisure Buddy" that aids individualswith disabilites. She received an award for her commitment. T o be eligiblethe applicant must have at least three terms worth of volunteer work and they must have been registered at the university during those same three terms. This means that first year students are ineligible for the awards, however they are encouraged to apply again next year. Students on academic probation or conditional probation are also ineligible, as "good academic standing" is a requirement for the awards. "It was somethingthe university wanted to do to recognize its own students for their volunteer work. We have studentswho are willing to give up valuable academic and leisure time to this and I think the community welcomes it," Scheifele said. The university encourages interested students to pick up applicationinomination forms from the Students Awards Office on the second floor of Needles Hall.
Doig happy to be part of the process continued from page 3
HRissue," said Feds President Chris Farley, adding that he'll worry about the issue of Doig's candidacy only after he wins the nomination next Monday. "Perceptions are a subjective thing," said Farley in commenting o n concerns that the Feds may not be able t o maintain an unbiased perspective on the campaign. "Idon't think it's a worthwhile concern," he said. Doig also served as Vice-President Administration and Finance for
the Federation of Students last year. Doig, meanwhile, ~slookingforward to applying his energies towards getting a Canadian Alliance candidate elected in the riding of Kitchener-Waterloo, when he's not managing the financesand businesses of the Federation of Students. The Liberal party's "arrogance and indifference" isone issue that Doig thinks will be central to the campaign. O n the post-secondary education front, Doigand the Alliance will also be campaigning for an Income
Contingent Loan Repayments program for student loans and tax deductions for university graduates who are paying back their loans. Overall, one year after graduating from the University of Waterloo, Doig is just happy to be part of the process. "It's a great opportunity," he said, referring to the chance to be part of a party that, according to Doig, has no old guard. In just four days, Doigmay find himself with the opportunity to become part of that old guard.
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Staff Ed~tor-m-Ch~ef, Scott Gordon Ass~stantEd~tor,Rob Van Kru~srum News, vacant Ass~stantNews, Andrea St P~erre Forum, Amy Potvm Features, Jon Wdhng Ass~stantFeatures, Adr~anChm Sc~ence,Chr~stmaCella Sports, Greg Macdougall Ass~stantSports, John Swan Arts, L~saJohnson Assstant Arts, Paul Schre~ber Photos, Fel~xYIP Ass~stantPhotos, Brian Code Graph~cs,B d y 'rung Ass~stantGraph~cs,vacant Web, Sunon Woods~de Web Ass~stant,Durshan Ganthan Systems Admmstrator, Dave Rob~ns Proofreader, Jesse Helmer Proofreader, Dan~elWong Proofreader, Laura Waterhouse Proofreader, Hala Khalaf Proofreader, Jan Guenther Braun Bustness Manager, Mark Duke Advert~smg& Product~onManager, Laur~e T~gert-Dumas Advert~smgAss~stant,B a h ~Selvadura~ D~stnbuc~on, Ben Schott D ~ s t n b u t ~ o nHala , Khalaf Board o f Directors Pres~dent,Kate Schwass V~ce-pres~dent, Jan~ceJun Treasurer, Rob Van Kmrstum Secretary, Durshan Ganthan Staff L ~ a ~ s oAdma n, G~ll~an Contr~butors: Chns Abbott, Brian App, Rachel E Beatc~e, Steve Bondar, Claud~aBraun, Lauren S Bresl~n, Susan Bubak, Ryan Chen-Wmg, Cathy Cho~, N~coleFawcette, N ~ g e lFlear, Adma Gdl~an, T J Grant, Fady Hanna, Jul~anIchm, Sam Ip, Jan~ceJun, Sarah Kerton, Mar~anneM~llcrJenn McDonald, Lmda Mowat, Kerry O ' B r ~ e n , Kevm O'Br~en,Doug Pamter, Shrlvo Rahman, Kate Schwass, Kyle Selmes, Laura Sm~th,Robm Stewart, Brent Thede, Peter van Dr~el,Shannon W ~ l l ~ s Imprint a the official student newspaper of the University ofwaterloo. It isaneditorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, acorporation withoutshare capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint C D N P u b Mad Product Sales Agreement no. 554677. Address mail to: Imprint Student L~feCentre, Room 1116 IJn~vers~ty of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontano, N2L 3G1 Tel: 5 19-888-4048 Fax: 5 19-884-7800
No thanks, Mr. Day L
ast Sunday, the country's worst kept secret was finally revealed. Yes folks, we are golng to have an elect~onon November 27. Unfortunately, t h ~ select~onhas been overshadowed by one polmc~anwho has recently emerged upon the polrt~calscene -Stockwell Day, leader of the Canad~anAlliance. Many as the "sav~our"of Canad~an have ha~ledh ~ m poht~cs,the man who honestly ( a s ~honesty f IS In any pol~t~c~an'svocabulary) cares about the average Joe, and of course, the man who wants to put money back into Canad~ans'pockets. A pol~tic~an that IS not dead from the heart-up. However, when I look at Stockwell Day, I see a man who :s both a fake and a coward, who won't stand up for what he truly belleves In. Despm the crltlclsm I have for Mr. Day, I must say that in comparison with the former leader of the official opposition, Preston Manning, he is a breath of fresh air. There are, however, some th~ngsabout Mr. Day that are puzzl~ng,thmgs that cause me to wonder ~fhe IS f ~to t be the leader of t h ~ great s nation. Ever since Mr. Day was thrust Into the spotltght, all I have heard h m talk about IS tax cuts and how the L~beralgovernment IS throwlngaway the publ~c'smoney.But whenever he IS faced with quest~onsabout h u behefs regardine "certain issueslike abortion or sexual orientation, he always backs off and gives a very generic answer that doesn't state how he feels. The fact of the matter is, Mr. Day is puttlng h ~ s beliefs aside in order to deceive the Canadian r people and get t h e ~ support. I recall the n ~ g h Mr. t Day got elected as leader of the newly founded Canad~anAlhance party, he sat down w ~ t hthe CBC for an Interview. Iwaspersonally lookmgfonvard to t h ~because s I thought the pubhc would fmally see h ~behefs s and what he morally stands for. Mr. Day, however, d ~ not d say anythmg about h ~ bel~efs s or morals. Whenever he was confronted w ~ t problemat~c h Issues, he kept on trylng to wln both sides and then he calmly resorted to hls tax cuts. I would rather have a
person just tell me the~rbehefsandstandupfor and the Canadian Alllance are just the party for them, whether I agree or not, than have a them. Now unless I have been misinformed and person who seems two-faced, who tries to h ~ d e the average Income of a m~ddle-classfam~lyIS t h e ~ true r feehngs from the public In order to 1.2m1ll1ondollars, then the whole ~ d e a oMr. f gam approval. Day b a n g a man of the m~ddle-classcltlzen IS Compare t h ~ man s w ~ t hone of Canada's rather hypocrlttcal. greatest leaders, the late Plerre Trudeau Mr. On vot~ngday, when you're castmg your Trudeau always managed to speak hls mmd ballot, ask yourself, "Do I want a man who and tell everyone how he felt It was t h ~ type s doesn't have the guts to stand up for what he of att~tudethat got t h ~ country s to where ~tIS belleves In, who keeps promlslng and promlstoday. On the other hand, Mr Day w ~ lnever l ing, but wdl most hkely not be able to fulfill any be a great leader untd he states h ~ bel~efs s and of these promises, to be our prlme mln~ster?" stands by them. I don't. Many have labelled Day a man of m~ddleclass,grassroots, asdep~ctedlnh~srathercorny -Fady Hanna commerc~alsofhmchopp~ngwoodandtelling Imprint intern the pubhc how he worked on a s h ~ pone summer and how he used to be a counc~llor for troubled teens. I really don't thmk that a man who keeps accuslng the gove r n m e n t of wastlng t h e publ~c'smoney should be domg these tasteless, h~gh-pr~ced commerc~als and wastlng o u r valuable tlme. The other day, he appeared at admner for all the b ~ gcorporate heads of Bay street and told them how he GOT IT. . IT'S NOT WORKING BECAUSETHE SCARECROW h ~ 5 r l . T SEEY I T Y E 1
Benefits and incentives wastalking last weekwith a 'end who's working fullasa technical writer for a 1 software company. n I asked him what was est part of working there
Apparently the comany hires someone to come and cook breakfast in the company kitchen for those who want it. The kitchen and dining area isa split-level affair with cathedral ceiling -sand lotsof windows for natural light. These kinds of perks are common place in much of corporate Canada. Another friend in T o r o n t o recently left his job at PriceWaterhouseCooperswhere agym membership and massage therapy were part of his contract to go and work for Sympatico who provide, among other things, a kitchen fully stocked with fruit, yogurt and juice for employees to enjoy. Countlessother companies incorporate similar perks into employee incentive programs. So if this is the wav a successful business is run, how is it when thegovernment decides organizations for which they are responsible
-schools, the civil service, etc - need to be "run like a busmess," that means turnlng the place Into some kmd of D~ckens~an workplace? I started thmkmg about t h ~ after s readmg Jan Wong's prof~leof publ~cschool teacher, Mel G r e ~ f , ~last n Saturday's Globe. At one point she descr~besatyp~calmornlng in the school's history department off~ce. "Most mornings, he arrlves at school around 7:30. In the hlstory department's cramped staff room, nme teachers work at battered desks lmed up agalnst the walls. "Ke~thCampbell, who arrlves at 6.15 am., makes the coffee (the teacherseachkickm $10 amonth). Mr. Gre~fbuysthem~lk.He also buys no name potato c h ~ p sand Perrler Humberside's plumbmg IS so old noone wants to drmk from the fountams " Compare that w~tharecentprof~le of local h ~ g htech firm Waterloo Maple tn the Ottawa
Cltrzen. "The f~rm'sbu~ld~nglooksl~ke theultimate frat house Old wh~skeybarrels are stacked to the rafters and a b~cyclerack s ~ t snear the k~tchen.Asv~s~tors walk In, they are more hkely to be met by the sound of employees playmg pool than the clmklng of a keyboard. "KarenNordbv-Wadel. human resources manager at Maple, says '...part of the company's recruitment pitch may include references
to acomplete kitchen stocked with pop, coffee, tea, juice and fresh fruit-not to mention stock options, extra vacation time, full benefits and flexible hours.' Presumably, these companies are benefiting from their investment in simple things like fully stocked kitchens and free fruit, otherwise they wouldn't be investing profits in these schemes. They have probably undertaken extensive market research that has shown that a small investment in perks will really pay off down the line in terms of productivity. So why wouldn't this also hold true in school andgovernment offices? Are teachers and civik servants less motivated by complementary beverages than computer programmers and technical writers? Most ironic of all is that these same companies who know the value of employee perks and incentives are also. the ones demanding that government gut our public institutions in order to provide tax cuts for their businesses. If people insist on usinga business model t o run oublic institutions. lets at least use the current model rather than one left over from the 19th centurv. -Sc&ordon,
An excellent review
was so happy to see Jeanette Winterson's book of short stories The World and Other Places being celebrated in Imprint. Thank you Nicole Fawcette for sharing this wonderful book with the UW community. Ionly discoveredWinterson'swriting t h ~ summer, s and feel so happy that Istumbleduponher. I'mexcited that others willdiscoverher nowtoo. Thanks! --Sarah Anderson 4th yearERS
A real trend-setter
am wrltlng In response to "A refuge for the non-mamstream" (October 6). T h ~ letter s frustrated me a great deal. The author of the letter pronouncedthatthe studentsof Waterloo are trendy and that she does not "fit In" with th~scrowd. I find that Waterloo IS a town of d~versity,espec~allyw~thinthe unlverslty. I see all sorts of trends on campus; theauthor is following one trend by colourmg her harr, getting body art or wearmgclothes, wh~chare not jeans and a T-sh~rt.These "trendy" people that she ment~onedare followmg another, just like her. The author mentioned that the campusbar isnot her scene. Iimagne that Fed Hall isnot everyone'scup of tea. I have never been there, and I have nodes~reto go. It Isnot because I am afraid of the looks I'll get, but because I don't enjoy the muslc that 1splayed. There are plenty of other bars~n the KW area that cater to different tastes in music and atmosphere. Wow, the author found one, so why is she complaining about Fed Hall? I suggest that the author, instead of isolating herself by pronouncing herself a freak, take a look around the campus and realize the diversty that we have here and remember that she isn't the only one sporting that "freaky" style that she deems original. -Alex Phillips
To moral deficiency
his letter is directed toward the morally deficient person who stole my wallet from the DanaPorter library last week. I am a fourth year student and have spent many days studying in the library. On many prior occasionsI have left my belongingsunattended wh~lequickly going to the washroom, never thinlung that a fellowstudentwould have the urge to rob me of my belongings. Whoever you are, I would like to extend my immense grat~tudetoward you. I would hke to thank you forhelp~ngme realize how grateful I am not to be as corrupt and as thoughtless as I am forced to assume you to be. It IS mcomprehens~bleto me that you searched for my wallet In my backpackand feltthat you weresomehow entitled to ~ tcontents, s but not take the d~scmanor the calculator that were also there. And then to add to that, you attempted to utlhze the cred~tscards with~n-luckily with no success. L~ke most students, I have to work very hard to be able to afford tultion and llv~ngexpenses. I am gamfully employed and also have loans, yet you are under the impression that in order to galn wealth, all that 1s necessary IS a quick hand and a lack of cornpasslon. I cannot express how relieved I am not to be hke you. Howsad~tmust be to h e in a world where you feel that everything is owed to you, not only by your family and friends, but also by complete strangers. I w ~ s h you wisdom and a conscience, as you are obv~ouslylacktng them at this pomt in tune.
4A Honours Biology, ScienceTeachingOption
Attacking defense
n lastweek'sImprint,The Editor's Notes section was dedicated to defending Hala Khalaf from Mark Eltis' “mean-spirited personal attack" against her. While I will not contest that Mark did react harshly, I feel compelled to point out a questionable argument In your Notes.
Mark was correct to call the Middle East conflict "a controversial and multidimensionalissue;" unfortunately, you indirectly compared it to theissueof violenceagainstwomen. I don't believe that these two issues are comparable. You queried Mark on why he did not complain when an active partic~patingfemale covered the Take Back the Night March, implying that she wouldalso be biased. While both issues are intensely important, it is obvious that the Middle East conflict is multi-dimensional (there can exist definite biases),while violence against women is alwayswrong! I hope that In the future, when you make a point of defending your writers, you are more careful about choosing your arguments more w~selyand relevantly.
have made the effort had I not seen firsthand the impact of not doingso. Please, take the initiative. It's one whoseeffectsare invisible;however, as my cousin's family can confirm, it's one whose impact is not. -Brenda Fine 4A Pure Mathematics
I'm sorry, so sorry
demonstrating Canad~anpnde. Asamember of the Unlversity of Waterloo Canad~anClub, I would personally like to apologize on behalf of our members to any Americans thatwere offendedby this piece. Canadians should not be uslng the USA'smedal count as; benchmarkof oursociety. Doesit really matter that the USA won more medals in the 2000 Summer Olympics than any other nation? Of course it does not. What matters are the soclety and instnutions that we hold dear as a nation, beliefs that are shared by many Amer~cans.Just becausecertain natlons buy into the stereotyplcal view of Amer~cansas a whole, ~t does not mean we should. We, as Amertca's ne~ghbour,know better. On a second note, I would mdlv~duallyhke to askMr. Scott Gordon why he decided to publ~shMelan~e Stuparyk's arttcle. As Mr. Munday pomted out, ~fanother natlon was ~twould not have usedm t h ~article s been publ~shed(or would it have been?). Th~sartdemarksthe second time t h ~ term s alone that you as edltor have made a questionable call. Although Graham Duke's comlc could have been seen as satlre, and st~llcouldhave been mewed thls way had he not opened h ~ mouth s and expressed his views. M e l a n ~ e Stuparyk'sartdecannotbe observed In the same light. It was clearly an anti-American piece under a very t h ~ nved of Canad~anpnde.
n response to Evan Munday's letter, I realize that my article may have been seen as offensive to some people. It was.merely meant as a general view of the hpression that certain Americans have given other countries, and not asamean-spirited attack on individuals. I have some American friends, and they arenice people. I only Intended to gwe Amer~caa I~ght-heartedribbing for the reputatlon of the people who represent ~t(spec~fically In the Olymp~cs)have made. Electrifying danger I hved In the US for part of my ast month, my fourteen year old h ~ g hschool years and ~td ~ dnot alcousm, a boy h n g In M~ami, ways feel like Amer~cansdon't feel Florida, d ~ e dIn a freak acc~dent.He contempt for Canad~ansIn many wasplay~ngoutdoorsata fitnesscen- ways. tre with some fr~ends,grabbedonto Real~stically,Ido hope that Caa lamppost and waselectrocuted. He nadian or American, we all take peodiedinstantly. ple for the people they are and not despite jokes or What made Garrett'sdeathmost for the~rcmzensh~p, that may occur. appalling, though, was not that such r~bb~ngs negligence could occur but that such I agree thatreferr~ngtomyjoke asa "knee-slapper" may have seemed negligence could occur twice. While my cousin was the first in bad taste, but I was merely trylng fatality, he was not the first victim. to show not only the r~d~culousness Two others had been electrocuted of the joke, but also trylng to keep a --Raymond C. G. Gillrs before him on the same property. Ight-hearted. To all the Amer~cans Secretary-Generall on campus whom I offended, I do MinisterofFinance The city had not been notified. I amnotwritingthisasan obitu- smcerely apolog~ze. UWCanadran Club ary, or asan expression of outrage at the staff of the Miami fitness centre. -Melanie Stuparyk I am writing it because three weeks Oh Canada prior to my cousin's death, I noticed awooden pole withexposed wiresat thecorner of Philip and Columbia. I TotheEditor, know that others noticed the pole ike Evan Munday, when I saw when I did. However, ~twas not until he artlcle True North Strong my cousin's death that I took the five minutes necessary to phone Water- and Free by Melanie Stuparyk that loo Hydro at 886-5090 to report ~ t . Imprint published on October 13, The Forum Sect~onenables Withn the day, the wires had been 2000, I thought I would be treated members of the Un~versityof tucked away. A few days ago, I no- to an intell~gentopinion piece deWaterloocommumty topresent ticed a lamppost at the same corner scrtbmgthe greatnessthat 1sCanada. news onvanous Issues through also w ~ t hexposed wires, many of However, I too was disappointed letters to the editor and longer them uninsulated. Again I made the with the art~clethat Imprint chose to comment pieces. call, andagaln Waterloo Hydro was run. The article was nothing more Letters shouldnot exceed than an example of the supposed responsive. 350 words In length. Letters y It is the responsibility of Water- Canadian i n f e r ~ o r ~ tcomplex. must be s~gned,~nclud~ng a loo Hydro to fix its faulty equip- Canada 1sa great natlon, not because phone number. Letters wll not ment; however, ~tis the respons~bll- we are better or worse then other be pnnted dtheEd~tor-m-Ch~ef ~ t of y all of us liv~ngin Waterloo to natlons, but because of the Ideals, cannot ldentlfy the author. h~story and institut~ons that we benotifv the citv when faultv and oo, r They can be subm~ttedto: tent~allydangerous equipment IS lieve In. There IS no need to brtng In noticed. I can't say I blame anyone anti-American sentimentsthat some Letters recewed In elecfor not having phoned; I would not Canadians harbour into an article tronic form (e.g. fax & email) dlnotbepnntedunlessaphone number for ver~ficationis mcluded. All matenal IS subject to edmng for brev~tyand clanty. The e d ~ t o r r e s e ~the e s nght to refuse to publishletters or amcles wh~chare judged to be 11bellousord~scrim~natory on the bas~sofgender, race, rel~gionor sexual orientation. The oplnlons expressed through columns, comment pleces, letters andother arncles arestrictly thoseoftheauthors, not the oplnlons ofImprint.
FORUM The Palestine problem
was really hurt by lastweek'sletter by Peter Mensinga. He claimed that Arafat rejected the "super-generous" offer of Barak anddecided to use "underage mar.tyrsmto back Israel into a corner. First, Barak might have offered 90 per cent of the West Bank, but West Bank and-Gaza form only 22 per cent of Palestine. The "Palestinian State" proposed by Barakisnothing but isolated cities and towns wherePalestinianscannotmove from one to another without Israeli permission. As for the use of "underage martyrs," this is an insulting, racist comment. Palestinian parents are just like any parents. No one wants to see hidher children dying. When people fight for their existence and freedom, their youth cannot but take part. It is an illusion to think that Palestinians can restrain their kids from expressing their anger when they live under a cruel occupation. Mr. Mensingaalsomentionsthat Arafat has turned his police into an army, but failed to remember that the Israeli army numbers hundreds of thousands. It is also legal for the Israeli settlerswho live on Palestinian land to bear arms, which they sometimesuse against Palestinian civilians. He also wonders why Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount sparked such areaction from the Palestinians. Well, the visited site is known to Muslims as Al-Aqsa mosque, one of their most holy sites. Sharon was accompanied by thousands of policemen during- that visit. The next day,the Israeli army started shooting indiscriminatelvatworshi~ersinthe samesite.Sharon, bytheway, islinked to the Sabra and Shatila massacre, which took thelives of around3,OOO Palestinian and Lebanese civiliansin a refugee camp in Beirut in 1982. The funniest part of his letter, though, is that he claims that "the vast majority of Palestinians live under the rule of Arafat," forgetting that around five million Palestinians, expelled from their landin 1948 and 1967, live in refugee campsin neighbouring countries. Mensinga says that this war is not "blind," so let'slookat the situation with both eyes (something that many wounded Palestinians have recently lost). -Rayan Yahfoufi
A perplexing issue
fter reading "Someone to blame," I felt com~elledto respond in order to adjustthe author's distorted discussion of the tragedy - . that is present day Palestine/Israel. Upfront, I'dlike to informreadersof my own bias. Yes, IamaMuslim but I believe in a secular political solution to the problems in the Middle East. No, I am not a Palestinian (I am Indian). Mensmga contends that Arafat had resorted to violence in order to regain support after rejecting Barak's "super-generous peace deal." I may be alone in my opinion, but force-
fully settling an already inhabited land in the name of God, then causing the majority of occupants to flee for their lives as landless refugeesand reducing those that remain to second-class citizensh~pin their own homeland, seems far from being "super-generous." "What are Palestinians frustratedabout?" asksMensinga. I may be biased, butwould you not be frustrated if you and your people had systematically been dispossessed of your land, livelihood, and identity! Would you questionwhyblackSouth Africanswere frustrated with apartheid? Hopefully not. Why is the oppression of the Palestiniansat the hands of the Israelis any different, besides dubious rights to land held thousands of years ago? It should be noted that the Israelis have not deemed it necessary to grant the Palestiniansthe means with which to elect their own leaders for fear of supporting their right to selfdetermination. If they had, perhaps the Palestinians would not have to resort to violence or corrupt leadership to seek justice. The plight of the Palestinian people is far more complex than Arafat vs. Barak, it is the story of a people dispossessed of their homes and jobs, freedom and rights. Letters should at least try to include the modicum of statistical reality. Mensinga claims that "the vast majority of Palestinians live under the rule of Arafat." In reality, most are either scattered in dozens of refugee camps on the borders of Israel; living under apartheid in Israel proper or living abroad selling lowskilledlabourto Arab nations or highskill talent to the West. Ultimately, the uprising in the Holy Land is less a war and more a final, desperate plea for attention by the disenfranchised and oppressed seeking justice the only way they know how.. . by throwingstones at the occupying forces that surround them in their own homeland.
-Aly Valli 4APolitical Science&Int'l Trade
. . . And one more
To the Editor,
wouldlike tosupportthePalestinian cause by quoting anon-biased international human rights organization that has condemnedIsrae1for its recent criminal acts. Amnesty International talked about "serious human rights abuses" and "unlawful use of potentially lethal force, aswell as the impeding of medical access ro the wounded." Furthermore, The United Nations Security Council resolution # 1322 "Condemns acts of violence, especially the excessive use of force against Palestinians" and calls upon Israel to abide "by itslegal obligations and its responsibilities under the Fourth Geneva Convention." Accordingto Amnesty, Israel "has been violating the Fourth Geneva Convention for more than 30 years." The Geneva Convention also dictated the legal right for people to resist foreign occupation.In this case, the Palestiniansresistingthe foreign and brutal Israeli occupation of their land. Why are Palestinianscalled'ter-
rorists,' while the members of the French Resistance against the German occupation were called 'heroes?' Both causes are analogous. Palestinian kids and men 'armed' withstones are fighting for their rights against a violent occupierjust like the French. Think how desperate these people are to throw stones at someone who has a gun! Why are Palestinians being blamed when all they are doing is exercising their right to resist occupation? This is an Internationalright, and we refuse to call it terrorism, violence, or whatever Israelis call it. Palestinians are frustrated by a seven year peace process, which brought them nothing but misery and only asmall fraction of whatwas originallytheirs according to theUN. The UN Resolution #242 grants Palestinians all of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.How can you expect people to settle with only a fraction of their rights? This struggle is not anti-Semitic. It is a fight against the oppressive Israeli government, not against the Jews. This is a true struggle of maltreated people whose land has been occupied, and whose family members have been murdered. But again, we are dealing with a violent and criminal Israeli government that wishes to continue its history of massacresagainst humanity.
Now for something completely different
Imprint, Friday, October 2 7 , 2000 introduction of a questionable level of standards and generally lowers thevalue of an Ontario post-secondary degree. Publicly funded universitiesare not properly funded now and private universitieswill only exacerbate this situation by taking money from public funds via research grants and student loan programs. The government will point to the creation of private universities as being an indication that options are available to students and that more funding for public universitiesis not needed; a classic scapegoat to avoid properly fundingpublicinstitutions. Secondly, the environmentministry's downsizing. As Mr. Young seems to be areader of the Toronto Star, I shall take my cue from him to defend against his attack that the downsizingwasnotdoneby the Harris government. "The Harris Tories have cut more than half the ministry's staff-more than 1,400people - and cut the budget by 44 per cent" (Thewatercrisisthatjustwon't goaway,TorontoStar-July 19,2000) In fact, the article Mr. Young uses as his sourcephrasesit ascutbacks"that started with Bob Rae's New Democratic Party and gained momentum under the Mike Harris Conservatives." Hard evidence and cold facts there, Mr. Young. I would get my numbers and facts straight before offhandedly rejectingcriticism of "the greatestgovernment that Ontario has ever had". You may just find out they're not all you seem to think they are.
". . . downsizing, begun by the NDP and accelerated by the Tories, had eliminated four out of every five experts who could help amunicipality repair a faulty well. .. "The NDP did have record levels of staff and budget for the Ministry of the Environment, which the Tories cut to their 197111972 (the year the MOE was founded) levels. The NDP also created the Clean Water Agency and staffed it with 1000 inspection and enforcement people, cut in Harrisstyle. Much like health-care, throwingpost-secondary education to the unreliable winds of the market is not necessarily a good idea. With private universities like Harvard, it is clear that not only are they great schools, but they are also bastions for the well-heeled (I'm thinking of G.W. Bush) to absorb some of that glow. While there are good schools for those who can pay lots, there are also bad schools for those who can't afford so much. Tying the quallty of education to the depth of one'spocketsis hardly equality of opportunity. By the way, it is Stoney Point, not Stoney Creek, as the well-informed Tories should know, and it has a long history, dating back to its illegal expropriation by the Canadian military in 1942. Mr. young issuffering from the same defectshe charges - WPlRG with. Put up some argumentsand facts of your own, instead of vacuous claimsaboutuslying,andthenmaybe we'll have a real debate.
-Peter Cresswell 3B SystemsDesign
-Suresh Naidu 4NMath
ecently, Stephen Young (from the UW PCcampusassociation) attacked, in classic condescending fashion, an October 6 WPIRG article, callingit "filledfull of misinformation, misleading statistics, and plenty of emotion, but not a lot of reason." With this as an opening statement,I wasgrosslydisappointed when Mr. Young then proceeded for the remainder of hisarticle in the most hypocritical fashion; avoiding all argument or facts and replacing them with name-callingand general belittlingandunnecessarycomments. In particular, I would like to tag his discussion on private universitiesand the environment ministry's downsizing. Firstly, private universities. Mr. Young criticizes the WMRG article and comments on how "WPIRG somehow manages to see this [the introduction of private universities] as a bad thing," (my italics). Here is abit of thesomehow: For private universities, most programs do not have to meet provincial standards. This allows for the
One more regarding Stephen
They harbour no love for Stephen Young Tothe Editor,
iven WPIRG's alleged "misinformation, misleadmgstatistics, and plenty of emotion," it should have beenno problem for our coterie of on-campus Conservatives to embark on a ruthless debunking of our article. Yet we see no numbers of their own, outright misquoting, and llttle saveuncriticalfawningover "the greatest government Ontario has ever had." It is not as though WPIRG was sittingbackand doing nothing while Bob Rae wasin power. WPIRGwasas critical of regressive policiesthen as it is now. And as for the moniker of "socialist,"thepoliticsof WPIRGvolunteersare certainly notso homogeneous as to fit under that tired label. With respect to Walkerton, the Oct. 14Toronto Star correctly states
tephen Young should be embarrassed by h ~ claim s that the WPIRG column of October 6 was "f~lledfull of mismformat~on,mislead~ngstatlst~cs, and plenty of emotion, but notalot of reason" because ~t'sr~dlculouslyfar from the truth when one cons~dersthe weakness of hurebuttat. Young offered not a smgle hard fact or statlstlcof h ~own. s Instead, he tried to~nsultvolunteersw~th WPIRG s by name-calling and placmg h ~own dreamed-up quotations to ind~cate what we thought or sa~d. He accused us of spreadmg hes but offers no proof other than a d~fferenceof opmlon wlth respect to such things as private unnerstties, the OPP murder of Dudley George, please see page 9
Imprint, Friday, October 27, 2000
Some common criticisms just in case you were wondering SHANNON WILLIS VP Admm~stratron& Fmance
o, the Federat~onof Students fee 1s not refundable." I have heard thls reply echo around the reception area of our office numerous tunes. The same pleas from the frustratedstudentserupt, "but I don't use any Feds serv~ces."Is that really true? I can probably use an entlre lssue of Imprint to list all of the servIces that we provide. Although they may not all seem tangble, they exlst, ~nthe confidential offerings of the Foodbank; ~nthe d~scountFeds bus to Toronto and London; tn the lobbymg of ~ O V ernment for access~ble education: ~nthe msurance coverage for facultv societies: in the academic appeals support; in the discounts for clubs: ~n the Orientation week for first year students; in the discount admission to concerts and special events. The list goes on and on. Is the non-refundable fee still unfa~r?Thinkof~tin thisperspective; as a University of Waterloo undergraduate student, you have entered into acommunlty. Just asmany levels of government in Canadalevy taxes, the Feds use student fees to represent all students. We may not be d~rectlyinvolvedwitheach andevery one of you, but I bet that we affect your hfe here at the University of Waterloo in some way or another.
Election fervour
The Federat~onof Students has somethmg to be proud of In our SARAH KERTON management of the student fee. We specla1 to lmpnnt levy one of the lowest student fees compared toother unlversales, colver the past week, the med~a leges and techntcal lnstltutes w ~ t h has become embroded w ~ t h slmllar actlvltles. In fact, we have government coverage - from the serv~cesandbusmesses that are very upcomlng federal elect~onand the comparableand even far abovemany cabmet shuffle, to the Ontarlo Envlof those schools that levy a h~gher ronment Mmster's rejection of a fee. What this translates to 1sagroup nat~onaldeal to cut greenhouse gas of ded~catedmdlv~dualsworklng for emlsslons, (one that all the other you, the students. provinces had agreed to.) More spec~f~cportfol~o, I would The upcomlng federal elect~on hke to take thlsop- 1s betng painted as a cornpetlaon portunlty to "clear between Day the alr" as to why and Chretien, certampol~c~esex- w t h any other 1st In our bensed vote a wasted establ~shments. vote. Flrst, and most In the ~mportant,IS the past decade, B o m b s h e 1t e r , we have witGround Zero and nessed a maFederation HaU d l jor assault on fall under the um- the commons, aprivatization of evebrella of the Uni- rything. We have seen governments versity's Liquor overruled by governing bodies such hcence. If a higher as the World Trade Organization. authoritv witSo who is really in charge? Denesses any illegal spite who we elect to parliament, activity, the entire they will merely be a face for the campus looses its concerns of big business. licence. That inThe recent cabinet shuffle has cludes the Graduate House and the seen John Manley moved from InUniversity Club as well as the affili- dustry to Foreign Affairs and Interated University Colleges. That IS a national Trade (DFAIT). It will be major prlce to pay for letting an interesting to see how an industry underage dr~nkeroff the hook be- man will be able to encourage suscause they "only had one sip of their tainable development, the idea of fr~ends dnnk." meeting the needs of today without Both bars have the added safety compromisingthe ability of meeting of being on campus and having staff that has undergone numerous hours of training. These staff members are students too, working to put themselves through school. Have a great term! J U L I A NI C H I M special to Imprint
AS a University of Waterloo undergraduate Student, you have entered
tomorrow's needs, into our DFAIT's trade l~beral~zationpol~cies. DFAIT IS ~nessence, run by corporatlons. How can free trade be far, when ~t'srunby mmam benefic~ary? In any other case, t h ~ swould be a confl~ctof ~nterest.The shuffle comes at a tune when DFAIT IS trylng to appear to factor social and envlronmental concerns Into trade. Take for lnstance the Draft Framework on Envtronmental Assessment of Trade Negot~atlons,releasedbyDFAITforpubliccomrnent
prevent many of the soc~aland envlronmental injust~ceswe nowassoctate w ~ t trade h policiesandprograms. Thts IS anecessary tool In brmg~ n trade g In h e w ~ t sustamable h development, one of DFAITs declared sentiments. However, the document lacks any b~ndlngmeasuresto do so. Another of the framework's shortfalls is ~ tproposal s to only look at the effects of trade on Canada's environment. However we all know the reaches of trade's effects are global, espec~allyaffect~ngthe economles and soc~etles of developmg
Unaccountable corporate leaders now set rules by which everyorie must play.
into a
communi t ~ *
during September. Environmental Impact Assessis an activity which idenment (Em) tifies, predicts, interprets, communicates information, and proposes ameliorative measures about the impacts of aproposedproject, policy, or program on human health and the well-beingof the ecosystem upon which human survival depends. The past decade has seen apopularization of the notion on using EIA as a tool to improve the outcome of policies such as those born by trade negotiations. Conducting an EIA durlng negotiationsrelatingto trade polices could
The framework is merely a public showcasingapoor attempt to factor anythmg outside of economics Into trade. But what can we expect when Pierre Pettlgrew has declared the precautionary principle In envlronmental assessment as "trade incompatibdlty ?" What happened to the notlon , of economics ex~stingto serve the people, not the other way around? Unaccountable corporate leaders now set rules by which everyone must play. If we can't make our own leaders accountable, does ~treally matter who we elect? And ~fnot, then what, exactly, are our cholces?Or do we really have any at all?
Moo, Mr. Day, moo
the destruction of a societv based on these principles. The question then becomes. how can this resistancebest findit Interestingthat Mark Duke. manifest Itself?The correct man~fesin h ~ sart~cle,Mr. Ichlm, meet tatlon of reslstance can be judged on Mr.Trudeau avo~dedd~rectlydeal- ~ teffect~veness. s ingwth the issue of spilling chocolate The chocolate mllk lnc~dentwas of resistmilk, and instead chose to issue a an effectlve man~festat~on blanket condemnation of the act ance slnce ~tshowed that people do wlthout trying to analysewhether or not consent to Stockwell Day's pollaes. not it was appropriate. It effect~velyd~sruptedthe event In hisarttcle, he quotes from Justin Trudeau's eulogy on the issue of wh~chwas a~medat promotmg t h ~ s agenda. The majonty of the med~a tolerance and respect for people. The author goes on to talk about focussed more on the alleged assault the diversity of Canada as a country than the platform of the Alllance, and the need for our country to whlch effect~velymade the event pointless (smce ~t was a platform grow based on respect and dignity. The question now anses, ~fsome- launch almed at the medla) as well as one is threatening our Canadian glvlng volce to the reslstance and values of d~vers~ty, respect for all ralslng awareness about the darker people regardlessof race, sexualori- aspects of Day'splatform. I too belleve In respect of polrtientatlon or class, and the rights of refugee immigrants (whichhave bulk clans who present a legltmate platour country), do the people have the form and have a des~reto help our country. However, Stockwell Day is rtght to reslst thls? Another question that arlses is, if not one of those politicians. His stance on refugeesis pretty people do not resist, is their s~lence clear. If they arrived in this country consent? I feel that it is. Since the author claims that he isa without all of the proper papers (as supporter of these values, I can as- about 80 per cent do) detain them sume that he does not consent with for 90 days and send them back to
their home countries. His solution to poverty is pretty clear, dismantle the social safety net, end government funding to programs that help people find jobs, and build bigger jails. HISstance on healthcare can be judged by the role he has played as treasurer of Alberta in creating a two-tier healthcare system, the public one consisting of understaffed nurses working long shifts and patients not getting proper treatment. In fact the only people who benefit from h ~ policies s are the corporate elite who can afford $25,000 aplate Alliance fundraisers. Based on the follow~ngstated point, I feel that I was somewhat justifiedin throwingmilk on Day. One final point I would like to raise is that Liberal med~acorrectly stated that Stockwell Day presents a threat to our democracy and that he is scary. However, when someone acts to oppose it, everyone isquick to condemn the action. Trudeau was not someone who was afraid to act when h~spowerwas threatened. In fact, he was quick to call in the War Measures Act to deal with what he perceived to be a threat.
Irn~rint,Friday, October 2 7 , 2000
Where on campus do you feel least safe?
"Nowhere in particular."
"Anywhere there's work."
"Fed Hall."
Dave Harmsworth Math TA
Julie MacArthur 4A Applied Studies
"Dark hallways at night." Jill & Allie Program, what program?
Jan Guenther Braun and Amy Potvin
Eryn Prospero 2A ERS
"Behind EL in the scary alley." Maureen Peng 2A Applied Studies
Kieran Tracey 4A Histo y
"Nowhere on campus."
"I feel safe all over."
"Laurel path."
"My Poli-Sci tutorial."
Kevin Kramar Pre-optometry1 Pre-health
Graham Cole . 2A Computer Science
Sam Murphy 2A English
Melissa Bomasuit IA Arts
"By the junk heap."
The thrill of the hunt
Imprint, Friday, October 2 7 , 2000 are all avadable o n h e at http:i/ www.cecs.uwater~oo.~aortrough your faculty Istalledbecause I had heard that
Web sites, university services help job searches gf;;;c;y;y:;:;;:;: HEATHER
special to Imprint
ow many times have you heard the ever so popular notion, "The world is full of opportunitiesand all you have to do is reach out and pick one?" If you are like me, you probably haven't realized how difficult it IS to overcome that notion, and in turn, to make the transition from a full-time student to working stiff. One of the hardest tasks to un-
dertake sometimes is just getting started. Take baby stepsat first if you have to, but don't stallout. As anonco-op at UW, I held a job every summer and I was surrounded by co-op friends who often griped about jobs and work reports. Everyone I knew usually found something to do during a co-op term. I thought I had a pretty firm grasp on the actionsandskillsitwould take to net - a .uermanent iob. Reality startedtosinkinwhen I bumbledinto the Career Resource Centre - lo-
cated on the first floor of Needles Hall -around mid-November last year, and naively inquired about the grad packages a fr~endtold me ex-
what a drain the actual hunt can be on your self-esteem. Soc~alpressures encourage us to talk about the awful things that happen tousin day today conversation. Ittookavisittoacam-
"1 thought I had a pretty firm grasp on the actions and skills it would take to get a permanent job. Reality startted to sink in." isted there. The woman behind the counter helpfully pointed them out and then told me I was probably too late for "On-campus Jobsand Interviews," since mostemployersdo their searches in September and early October. Right then and there, I decided it was time to get my butt in gear. I proceeded to go home, read my Grad Package and not do any effective job huntinguntil theend of February. This year, Grad packages
pus Career Advisor to make me really consider myself from a positive point of view. Even though I don't usually suffer frompoor self-esteem, I was out of practice at thinking of myself in terms of my strengths. It tookcoaching to help me recognize and to expose in print why I might be better at a job than anyone else. I had to learn to associate jobs performed with skills acquired and I
had to learn to give myself permission to talk about the really positive aspectsofmyself. Don'tget mewrong, the Career Advisor didn't do everything for me. In fact, most of the learning had to be done on my own and each morning I still have to talk myself into getting back to the business of searching. In case you're interested, the Career Resources Centre posts signup sheets in Needles Hall first floor lobby for Career Developmentseminars on: writing your rCsum& and cover letter, interviewing techniques, successfullynegotiatiugioboffersand more. Once you have the confidence, or at least the interest, there are many methods of finding available jobs. Interrlet search engines are waiting for you tolog on, search their files andapply for lobpostmgs onl~nc. Workopol~s.corn, seem to be two of the most popular sites according to the huge numbers of hits they get on a daily basis. Each of these sitesallows free membership and job searching access. As a nonmember, you are still allowed to search jobs posted at either of these two sites. please see page 14
University resources aid masses TIFFANY M U R R A Y special to Imprint
f you're anything like me, I'm sure that you've looked at NeedlesHail once or twice andshuddered. Even now as I picture the building, the first thingthat comesto mind is an endless line of people. I mean, that's where I go to pay my tuition every term, to wait in h e for OSAP. Plus, there's always the distinct possibility that I could plunge face first down those psychedelic stars. Yes, ~fthe truth were told, for two years I had not set foot In the build~ngunlessabsolutelynecessary. W h ~ c his exactly what I d ~ and d exactly what I shouldn't have done. If I had looked around my f m t year, I m ~ g h thave not~cedall the services that were available to all students, not just those in co-op. In particular, the Career Resource Centre (CRC) has a wealth of career planning and job search materials, resources, services and friendly staff willing to help in any way they can. They offer a series of workshops including rtsumi and letter writing skills and even run mock interviews. You can also schedule an appointment with a number of students who volunteer at the CRC. Student Career Assistants(SCAs)will critique your risumi and cover letter, as well as offer job search advice on a one-to-one basis. Student Career Information Assistants (SCIAs) are also involved in areas that help students. From answeringquestionsat the front deskto making sure that the resources are up to date, these volunteers do anything and everything. Meanwhile, the Student Career Marketing Assistants (SCMAs) help promote the services available to the students
Let theCareerSe~icescrewhelpmakeyour post-graduatedecisions. acrosscampus. All of these student volunteers ded~catea substant~alamount of tune to these posmons. Prior to tralnlngm the fall, they complete a week o r more of work ~ n c l u d ~ nread~ng g relevant books, conducting lntervlews and preparing risumis. When they beg~nlnthe fall they take part In a three-day rlgorous trainlng that prepares them for all the questions that studentsmay have. So lf you aren't sure whlch w ~ t c h1s wh~ch,just ask, they're even tramed m grammar. They are usually available from 9:3Oa.m. to4:30p.m.anduntil7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. So why do these students dedxate extra t m e to help students on top of t h e r heavy course load' Dav~dDemner, who is both a
SCA and a SCIA said. "I reallv like helping studentswith their risumis, cover letters and lob searches and ~t wdl help me when I look for a job." Students have been hav~ngvery posmve exper~encesand are pleased w ~ t the h suggestions glven t o them. One student was part~cularlyrmpressed by how the assistant looked at the current job postlngso that they could tallor their cover letter t o the specific requirements. Don't make the same mistake I d ~ dGo . to the CRC at NH 1115and see for yourself why so many people are leafing through~nformat~on. Just follow the trall of co-op students all dressed up for t h e ~Intervtews, r take a left at what is so affect~onately called "the p~t,"and you're on your way to plannmg your career and job searching-without a h e in s~ght.
Imprint, Friday, October 27, 2000
Literary submissions
ne thousand years before the birth of Christ, there lived a warrior-king named Saul who ruled over Israel. Saul was often overcome by fits of rage and depression, which made him aless-than-ideal king. King Saul found music relaxing, so he called for the best musician in Israel tositin hiscourt. Ayoungfarm labourer named David was sent to the King because he was a very talented harp player. His playing soothed Saul's anger, and he was invited to live in the Royal City with the King (1Sam, 16). Besides beingtalentedmusically, David seemed to excel in other areas. He wasnever trained to be a warrior, yet shortly after his arrival in the King's court, he single-handedly killed Goliath, agiant warrior froma neighbouring kingdom. With thisvictory, David became known as a hero throughout Israel (1 Sam, 17). David was ~ntroducedto the King's many sons and daughters. Saul'soldest son was a young warrior named Jonathan. Among other qualities, Jonathan was very compassionate and rational. Jonathan wasvery impressed by David's achievements. and the two became instant friends. Asasign of his strong devotion, Jonathan offered David hisrobe and hissword (1 Sam, 18). Saul became jealous of David after he discovered that his subjects believed David was the better war-
Plsk The
I Iivein an apartment with six otherroommates. We havemade t e living room into another bedroom and want to sublet all seven rooms this term. The landlord said this is acceptable to him. However, when I went to the Off Campus Housing Office to advertise, they would not let me post my sublet because my landlord does not have a licence. Why does he need a licence and how does he get one?
The Off Campus Housing Office is quite right. Your landlord does need a licence if your apartment is within the jurisdiction of the City of Waterloo. By-law #94-74 requires an annual lodging licence if four or more lodgers are living together in one dwelling unit. The goals of this by-law are to: promote safer and more comfortable living; allow for increased enforcement of health, safety, property maintenance and zoning; allow the university an opportunity to recommendgood housingand for owners to prove that they
harmedand fearing for hislife, David left the court and hid outside of the city. King Saul was furious that David had disappeared and accused his son J o n a t h a n of protecting him. Jonathan left the city to find David, whereupon he instructed David to flee for his life. The two, who had formed a strong emotional bond by this time, kissed and then wept together before parting (1 Sam, 20). Not giving up, Saul left the city
in search of David. Jonathan accompanied his father, and secretly ensured that David would remain unharmed. David was hiding in the wildernesswhen Jonathan found him. The two renewed their covenant of love and friendship to each other, as they had many times before. The King returned home, having never discovered David's hiding place (1 Sam, 23). Several years passed and the kingdom of Israel engaged in war with a neighbouring kingdom. King Saul and his sons joined their warriors in battle, but all were killed. The bodiesof Saul andJonathan were put on display in the capital of the neighbouring kingdom. Israelite warriorsretrieved the bodiesof their royal family and performed a proper burial (1 Sam, 31). When David learned of the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, he was heartbroken. He composed a funeral song for the fallen warriors. In the last verse of his song, he praised his companion Jonathan, proclaiming that their love for each other surpassed the love of women (2 Sam, 2). David went on to marry several wives, and hadmany children (Jesus of Nazareth is among his descendants). He was crowned as King of Israel, and was considered to be amongthe best of thatcountry's kings. Because of his devotion to Jonathan, Davidshowedgreatkindness to all of Jonathan's descendants throughout his lifetime (2 Sam, 9).
are providing it; and, assist in the monitoring of the supply of accommodation for lodgers. If your landlord violates this licence a fine of up to $5000 may ensue. He or she may apply for a licence at the WaterlooFire Department (Fire Prevention 0ffice)~216 Weber Street North, Waterloo. There isa fee to apply and the licence is valid from May 1 to April 3 0 the following year. Once your landlord has a licence, student lodgers may advertise their sublet with the Off Campus Housing Office. One of the main reasonsfor bylaw #94-74 is to ensure that the dwelling meets fire code regulations. For dwellings of 4-10 lodgers, some of the regulations are: there must be non-combustible ceilings in each floor level including the entire basement; all bedroom walls must be drywall or plaster or non-combustible material; if your bedroom is in the basement,
two, well-separated exits are required; first and second floor levels require an exit; above the second floor level, there must be two wellseparated exits. Each floor level and basement must have electric smoke alarms adjacent to every stairway; each floor level and basement must have aproperfire extinguisher; there must be approved electrical "Exit" signs for each exit in the basement, second and third floors; and, it is a criminal offence for anyone to tamper with fire suppression and detection equipment. All information in this article was obtained from The City of Waterloo's "Guide to the Licensing of Lodging Houses." UW's Ombudspemon isMarianne Miller. You can contact Marianne by phoningherat 888-4567,ext. 2402,, or by visitingherin thestudent LifeCentre, room 2402.
rior. The King asked Jonathan to kill David, but Jonathan refused. Jonathan reasoned and pleadedwith his father and finally Saul decided to spare David's life (1 Sam, 19). As time passed, Saulbecame jealous of David again, and made several attempts to have David killed. Un-
Saul praised Jonathan proclaiming that their love for each other surpassed the love of women.
xpress yourself. UW prides itself on strong engineering and computer programs, but rarely do we have the chance to reflect on the humanities intelligence this school isalso known for. UW is about more than technologyand design. It'salso aboutthought andcreativity. In the summer, Imprint Featuresshowcased UW's literary talent by running two full pages of creative writing produced by members of our community. This November, we will once again feature student samples of poetry and short prose from all programs and disciplines at the University. Here'sachance toget yourwork noticed by thousands of readers on campus and in the surrounding UW community and published in a weekly
newspaper. Imprint reserves the right to beselective based on the quality of submissions. Imprint editors have the right to refuse selections that are discriminatory or offensive in any way. Writers are urged to keep entries short so editors can accommodate numerous submissions. Making a submission is simple. You can e-mai4 your submission to or bring down a copy of your submissiontoImprint'soffice inthestudent Life Centre, room 1116. Each entry must be accompanied by the author's name, e-mail address, phone number and academic program or department. Editors will contact authors if their submissions have been chosen for publication.
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Imprint, Friday, October 27, 2000
Sign-.t errorists strike again MEET THE PARENTS
(AA) Nightly at 7:00 8 9:25 Matinee Sat. 8 Sun. at 2:15 Dm
nother attack of the neon sign bandits struck a business advertisement on Columbia Street across fromUW. Recently, neonsigns in the area surrounding theu niversity have been rearranged, inch ding those at University Plaza and businesses along University Avenue. Check out Campus Roundup on page four in News for more information regarding the incidents. ION WILLING
WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13,2000 for the following offices:
Mayor, City of Waterloo Councillor, City of Waterloo Ward 3 East Councillor, City of Waterloo Ward 5 Uptown Chair, Regional Municipality of Waterloo Councillor, Regional Municipality of Waterloo to representthe City of Waterlw Member, Waterloo Region District School Board to represent the City of Waterlw and the Township of Wilmot
1 1 1
1 2 3
Please note the following acclamat~ons: Councillor, City of Waterloo Ward I Southwest SCOlT JONES Acclaimed DAVE ROEDER Councillor, City of Waterloo Ward 2 Northwest Acclaimed MORTY TAYLOR Councillor, City of Waterloo Ward 4 Central Acclaimed Member, Waterloo Catholic District School Board LOUISE ERVIN DIANNE L. MOSER to represent the City of Wateho and the Townships Acclaimed of Wellesley, Wilmot 8 Wwlwich GILLES ARPlN Mernbre, Le Conseil scolaire de district de Centre-Sud-Ouest Acclaimed (French Language Public Schwl Board)to represent the Regionof Wateho and the Countiesof Wellington, Middlesex, Peth 8 Huron Membre, Le Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre Sud DOROTH~E (FrenchLawuage Separate Schwl Board) PETIT-PAS to represent the Regionof Wateho and the Acclaimed Counties of Brant 8 Wellington)
Web sites help job seekers continued from page 12
However, your access to their on-site search toolsmay be limitedby not signing on. You have to beamember to post your resume or, the site, which is a great service since it encourages recruiters to come to you. There are also agenciessuchas and Adecco, which build apersonnel file including your resume and other personal things about you and then they try tomatch you toa job they are trying to fill.
The technology of today provides new options for broadening your job search, but that's all. I wouldn't suggest you depend entirely upon it. I have friendswho are gettingfed up with the online search method since it takesso long in some cases to receive any feedback. Therefore,it isimportant notto forget some of the tried and true methods of searching such as: print media (Wednesday and Saturday papers seem to be best), cold calling businesses' HRdepartments forleads, and the good oldphone-a-friend (or
a parent's friend). Never underestimate the power of chumminess backed up by the promise of afinder's fee. Some companies I know hand out up to $2,000 to their employees for findingsomeone to fill a position. This process is still teaching me that patience is a necessity. After all, this process could take months because you don't have too much control. Setting realisticgoals helps too, but knowingwhat you will be happy with and not acceptinganythingless is self rewarding.
REGULAR VOTING DAY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13,2000 10:OO a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Students living in on-campus residenceswill vote at: GREAT HALL, VILLAGE I Note:
This voting location is for on-campus residents only. Students living inoff-campusaccommodationsshould contactthe Clerk's Office at 747-8751 or 747-8705 to find out where they vote.
ADVANCE VOTING DAYS 10:OO a.m. to 6:00 p.m. For the convenience of all electors, advance votes will be held on Waterloo City Hall, 1st Floor Thursday, November 2,2000 ,t Wateloo City Centre Friday, November 3,2000 Saturday, November 4,2000 100 Regina Street South Monday, November 6,2000 Waterloo, Ontario PROXY APPLICATIONS A person who has been appointed a voting proxy shall appear in person before the City Clerk, City Hall, Main Floor, 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, Ontario, and shall complete an application in the prescribedform including a statutory declarationthat the person is the person appointed as a voting proxy. The Clty Clerk's Office will be open for this purpose from: i) 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, including Election Day, November 13.2000; ii) 12:OO noon to 5:00 p.m.. Saturday, November 4.2000 (Advance Voting Day).
FRED DOBBS, CITY CLERK City of Waterloo 100 Regina Street South Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4A8 (519) 747-8705
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Science and society
Wireless guru
CLAUDIA BRAUN special to Imprint
Dr.]on Mark
SAM IP special to lmprint
wo weeks ago, a prestigious ceremony was held i n Scarborough to commemorate and award the best and brightest Chinese Canadians for outstanding contribution to society. It comes as n o surprise, for a university of our technical stature, that Professor Jon W. Mark, Director of Telecommunications research, was recently awarded the 2000 Award of Merit for his research in telecommunications. This was not the only award for which Professor Mark's research was recognized. Earlier this year, he was also awarded the Canadian Award in Telecommunications Research for significant contribution, scholarship, andleadership in the areaof computer communications, networks, and wireless communications. Although Professor Mark has roots originating from Cantong, China, he spent his childhood in Toronto and attended University of Toronto studying electrical engineering. Shortly after graduation, Professor Mark researched radar
technologies and there recognized the need for further education. Returning to academiain 1970, Professor Mark finished his Master's and PhD at McMaster University in electrical engineering, with a particular interest in communications. Soon after, Dr. Mark found himself asa full professor at the University of Waterloo and chair of the Department of ElectricalEngineering.He isalso credited for establishing the Computer Engineering branch of the Electrical Engineering program here. Currently, Professor Mark is participating in research on Third Generation (G3) wirelesscommunication technologies, sponsored by Ericsson. The goal of this research is to discover and implement methods for transportinginformation quickly andcheaply. The First Generation of wireless communication wasvia analog signals. The Second Generation was via digital, and now the Third Generation of wireless technology is aimedat allowingmany users to transfer information simultaneously and cost effectively. Professor Mark has formerly please see page 16
he voice of John Hepburn is concise, clear, opinionated, and will soon be missed here at the University of Waterloo. Hepburn, a chemistry and physics professor at the University of Waterloo and member of the Royal Society of Canada, is known around the world for his work on lasers. He will become Head of the Department of Chemistry atthe University of British Columbia (UBC) come April 2001. But Hepburn's work at UW has not been limited' to science. He has been a member of the University Senate (1994-2000) and the Board of Governors (19962000). On those bodies, he hasoften been critical of the university administration, especiallyon the issue of support for "basic" research in the sciences. Hepburn's concern for the good of society has a long history and predates his tenure at UW. Duringhisdoctoral studies from 1976 to 1980, he was greatly influenced by his supervisor, Nobel laureate John Polanyi, who was active in PUGWASH, an organization of scientistsdedicated to social responsibility and peace work. PUGWASHwas working to promote peace and fight against the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in the 1970s. Polanyi's courage set an example for Hepburn to be outspoken on matters that concerned him. When Hepburn came to the University of Waterloo in 1982, he became involved in Science for Peace, which worked against the spread of nuclear weapons. When President Reagan announced that America must build an impenetrable shield to protect the country from nuclear weapons and called all scientists to assist in this project, many scientists
were outraged- Hepburn included. Hepburn's area of expertise is laser chemistry andlaser physics, so he had some understanding of the scientific nature behind Reagan's plan and therefore spoke up against it. Hepburn has long maintained that research must be done for the good of society. Consequently, today he is concerned most about the shift to "practical" research often done in cooperation with large corporations. Last May, Hepburnvoiced his concerns when he delivered the Friends of the Library lecture (featured in the University of Waterloo fall magazine). In an interview, Hepburn explained that basic research is driven
in the world. However, more and more scholars are choosing, by necessity, topursuepracticalresearchresearch done for practical causes, such asdiscoveringcures for diseases, or developingaway to make sturdier crops. While this isanexcellent form of research, he argues it should not take priority over basic research. This is where the government has come to play a key role. Thanks to pressure from industry, government funding has shifted to supportingpractical research. Therefore, researchers are leaning towards practical research because the money is so much easier to come by. "There is pressure for industrial research due to the financial benefits," says Hepburn. But that isoften all that industries have in mind-makine millionsofdollars. And often the needs of the commoncitizen are forgotten. think this is wrong," states Hepburn with characteristic bluntness. It ultimately benefits only one group of people-and not society as a whole. Hepburn argues that under the present system, an inexpensive cure for AIDS, found by an independent researcher, would be ignored by industry and the government in favour of a cure that would bring greaterprofitsand economicgrowth. In essence, industry cares primarily about making money, and moral considerationscome in second place. Thiscozy relationship between busmess and government can work against the interests of the average taxpayingcitizen. Their money pays for universities and the research that goes on there. Therefore, Hepburn argues, the research that takesplace in our universities should be for the good of all people. "What we (researchers) do should be good for
Dr. Hepburn will be the new head of chemistry at the University of British Columbia. by a researcher's basic interest in a topic. It is not directly concerned with any sort of public demand, such asasearch for acure for AIDS would be. It is driven by a curiosity, a thirst for knowledge. It is not to benefit anything or anyone, but thisisnot to say it cannot. Because of this, most people fail to understand what basic research really accomplishes and why it isimportant. It gives the impression of wandering around aimlessly in the open, not really knowing what the outcome will be. Working on a cure for AIDS seems like a much more worthwhile form of research. However, being open-ended is what basic research is all about. This is a type of research that in the eyes of Hepburn is necessary because it also increases knowledge
please see page 16
Imprint, Friday, October 2 7 , 2000
Dr. Mark recognized
climbed t o 60 people dead of 165 suspected cases. W H O spokesman Valery Abramov says the outbreak couldlastthreemonths,butoffic~als m the area hope to have ~tcontamed w~thrna month.
Micro {&Ies
continued from page 15 workedon Fiber Optic research, and has seen the computer culture spawn from infancy to the mass global network that it is today. For this reasor, it's no wonder LChas such fascination with telecommunications research. Research, he believes, has and always will impact society in positively inconceivableways. It'sashame somuch of the public has no idea what an engineer actually is. During my chat with Professor Mark, he stressed the importance of mathematics in engineering. In response to my incessantwhining about physics, Professor Markreplied, 'You can envision dreams of future creations, but without a mathematical foundation,. you . can't make it happen." PerhapsIwasa little aggressil~e when I later auestioned if Professor Mark's love affair with computers measured up to that of the computer geeks' on campus. He laughed and replied that he perceives computers as only tools, nothing more. Aside from research, Professor Mark plays a key role in educating graduate students in electrical engineering. Hisgeniusis reflected in his son, Brian, who obtained top marks inall hiscomputer engineeringclasses at LW. With awhopping95 percent average throughout his university career, Brian was granted a scholarship to study at Princeton. Brian now residesasaprofessor himself at George Mason University in Virginia. As for Professor Mark, research is what he'll continue to do. He left me with an interesting final note, "Research never ends, thus the RE part of SEARCH."
lmpnnt staff
like roses
Lastweek, the Ontarlo government refused to sign a natlonai deal to Vaccine recalled reduce greenhouse gases m Canada. Apoliovaccine made in the Un~ted Environment Wn~sterDanNewman Ktngdomisbeingrecalledoverfears did not slgn the deal because the of BSE (bovine spongiform en- Ontario government feels ~t is alcephalopathy),aisoknownas"rnad ready leading Canada In ~mproving cow disease." Bovine medicmal iur quai~ty.T h ~ swhen , Ontarlo has products are not t o be used from worsened the greenhouse gas probcountrtes where there are known lem by not fundmg public translt In casesof B E . B E mantfests itself as the provmce, iead~ngto an Increase m cars and pollut~on.Smog In the Creutzfeldt-Jakob d~seasein huToronto area causes 1,000 pollumans, a fatal b r a d~sorderthat causes rapid progressive demention-related deaths every year. The Federal government can force Ontia. So far, there is no cure or treatment for the disease. tario to comply wlth the deal, but ~t will cost more.
More Ebola deaths
Stormy moon
continued from page 15 society as a whole, not only for the corporate sector," he says. Research is being categorized into what is more valuable to industry, and what canbe "pushed aside." Hepburn claims, "One shouldn't judge research onitsworth (to industry). Research is research." A great fear of Hepburn's is that independent research will be lost to industry; that the government may say that only practical research supported by industry is worth doing and provide funding for only those cases. When this happens, all forms of research will have an ultimate goal of making money and would have a high possibility of neglecting the needs and interestsof citizens. "There is a need for independent researcherswhocan be consulted for an honest ovinion outside the corporate sector," he adds. Speaking up is something that John Hepburn is good at. For him, scientific issues are not just about science, they are about doingwhat is right.
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Imprint, Friday, October 27.'2000 -
Wild Warrior win in Guelph
' This is the last time we use monkeys to write sports!
specla/ to Impnnt
t was one of those days for the GuelphGryphons. Itwasalmost one of those days for the Warnors as well. It took a last mlnute 5 1yard touchdown t o put them in the lead and their defense had to come up big with40 seconds remaining to keep their playoff hopesalive, as the Warriors eliminated the Gryphons with a 32-3 1win. The Warriors began slowly, as they fumbledawcly theball on their first three possessions. Fortunately, Guelph was only able to put together a field goal and a touchdown by shawismlth, who had a huge game w ~ t htwo touchdowns and 171 yards recelvlng. The Warr~orsshowedsomesigns of l ~ f ewhen quarterback J o r d ~ e Holton, whofin~shedwthrwotouchdowns and 256 ~ a r d sran , 10 yards lnto the end zone on a t h ~ r ddown and two gamble that p a ~ doff for the Warnors. Guelph came rlght bacic, however, wlth another Smlth touchdown and two smgles to make ~t197 for the Gryphons at the half.
Both k~ckersgot plenty of chances t o p u n t ~n the third quarter.Waterloo and Guelph were both unable to move the ball and each team went three straght possess~onswlthout aflrst down to start the quarter. Holton wasable tocompletea37-yardpasstoChrisKreibich, setting up a 37-yard field goal by Tony Riha. On their very next possession,withtimetickingdownin the third quarter, Waterloo's Jay Alundolireran47yardsforthe touchdown. At 19-17in favour of Guelph,
Waterloo deep ~nGuelph territory. There wasnomlstake thls tune, and a Grant Baechler touchdown and two-pomt convert to Reza Cehk made ~t25-22 In favour of the vlsltors. The w~ldnesscontinued. Wlth twominutesleft,aGuelphfieldgoal evened the score at 25-25. However, Waterloo kept pressing and with 5 7 seconds left, Holton found Baechler for a 5 1 yard touchdown, making it 32-25. Guelph's playoff hopes looked doomed, but they d ~ not d give up, and amazlnelv ", auarterback M ~ k e Ruthvencompleteda66-yard pass to Nigel Downer w ~ t h40 seconds - left. W ~ t the h score 32-31 Guelph needed the wln and went for the two polnt convert aseven a tle would kill t h e ~ rplayoff hopes. Waterloo's defense came up huge and stopped the attempt just Inches short of the goal h e . This preserved the 32-3 1 win for the Warriors and kept their playoff hopes very much allve. The final game of the regular season is thls Saturday at Unlvers~ty Stadlum In the hlghly-ant~clpated Battle of Waterloo.
rn32, Guelph 3 1 there wasa sense of excitement headingintothe fourthquarter-it would all come down to one quarter to decide who would stay alive in the playoff hunt. Guelph opened the scoring in the wild fourth quarter with a field goal, andwhen Waterloo turned the ball over on their very next possession, things looked grim for the Warriors. However, an interception and a great catch by Kreibich put
The second round agam featured excellent weather and Ideal scorlng posltlons. Warrlor Ian ~ h e ~ n ~ v e r s ~ t y o f ~ e s t e MacDonald r n ~ n - toured the course In a two under par score of 70. tarlo hosted the 2000 OUA bl~ster~ng Golf Champlonshlp at For- Desmara~scounted his second conest Clty Nat~onalGolf Club on Octo- secutlve 76, while Coll~nsposted a ber 15-17. Twelve un~vers~tlescom- scoreof 78 ,Hoggshot81 andBegalke peted ~nthe 77th Ontario Un~verslty scored 82. The Waterloo mo-day total of Golf Champ~onshtp.Day one featured very close scorlng amongst almost all the team;. The Warriors were led by Scott Desmara~sw~th 76, followed closely by Ian MacDonald and Brendan Coll~nsboth at 7 7 and then Jeremy Begalke and Ian H O ~ ~ W b o~t hOh o t 78. Waterloo's total of 306 (four best scores count) placed themmslxthpos~~on-only four shotsfromfirst and yet 613 resulted ~na solld fourth place only four shots from nlnth. The top nme teams were stdl fin~sh.The Warnors were only five very much m contention for the shots behlnd the bronze medal team from Western. The Guelph squad RuttanTrophy after the first round. PAINTER
specla/ to lmprrnt
Young Warriors show they'ie ready to play Only loss is against the McGill Redmen T.J.
specla/ to lmpnnt
he Men's Basketball team began their season with a tournament in Montreal. OnFriday evening the Warriors faced the host McGill Redmen. Going into the game, there was a lot of uncertainty surrounding the basketball team which featured many new faces and expanded roles for returning players. The Warriors showed some grit as they came back from a 13-point deficit at half-time claw captured the gold medal by nlpplng t o Laurler by one slngle stroke: 604 within three versus605. Theveryclosecompet~- points wlth tlon and the excellent play from the one mlnute golfers made this tournament ex- remalnlng. unfortuU\.V tremely excltlng. Waterloo Warnor golfer Ian nately, the MacDonald'srwo-day ~ndiv~dualto- Warrlorsfell tal of 147 (77, 70) won h ~ mthe short, losing four bronze ~ndlvldualmedalhst award. by He was only two shots be- polnts to a tough VcGill team. Despite the loss, the Warriors hind gold medallist and Len ShoreTrophy winner Oliver battled hard throughout the game Tubb of Guelph who shot and were helped in their comeback effort by the unbelievable shooting 145 (75,701. ~ a u r ~golfer er Jlm Zwolakcaptured the sd- of fourth-year guard John Quinlan. Quinlan, who netted agame high 3 1 ver medal w ~ t h146 (71,75). Thls concludes the points, played outstandingly and alWarr~orsgolf season, high- most shot the Warriors to a win. With new confidence, the Warllghted by a wln at the ChalIenge c u p , thlrd place at the riors faced off against their next W a r r ~ oInv~tat~onal r and an opponent, the Bishops Gaiters. In a excellent fourth at the OUA very physical game, the Warriors Champ~onshlp.The coaches and found themselves once again trailing golfersareverygratefuland~ndebted at half time by 40 - 31. With strong contributions from Conrad Kreek to the ElmlraGolf Club forprovldlng and Dan Schipper, the Warriors facll~t~es for the team.
Warriors tee off at OUA Championship DOUG
It seems that despite all the safeguards, we managed to make a grave error. It wasBecky Strong andnot Br~anCode who took theplctureof the loneice hockey Warrror that appeared In last week's Imprint. The staff of the sports department apologwes profusely for thts falsehood and the perpetrators have been dealt with. Sorry Becky -we'll get it right next nme.
Ian MacDonald's two-day individual total of 147 (77, 70) won him the bronze individual medallist award
once agaln trled a comeback tn the second half. Every player played at least 12 mlnutes of the game. The Warr~orswere not to be denled and clamed a 78 - 71 vlctory. The fmal game of the weekend was played on Sunday afternoon agalnst the Un~vers~ty of Brltlsh Columb~a.The Warr~orsfinally got off to agood start taklnganearly 3 7 - 33 lead, but yet they found themselves trahng at half-tune. The game featured some szgnature dunks by Drrn Schlpper and great shoot~ngfrom guards John Qulnlan and Dave Munkley. The W a r n ors (who had g r e a t play from a11 12 players) once again found themselves o n t o p for their second win in a row. All in all, the Warriors certainly proved they are ready to play. Many players proved they are ready for the intense competition of the OUA West this year and special mention goes t o John Qulnlan, a tournament all-star. O n October 2 7 and 28, the Warriors play at the Laurier tournament and the following weekend is theNaismith. Oh, and by the way, the first game of the Naismith features the Warriors against the same McGill Redmen who they lost to this weekend. Revenge will certainly be sweet!
McGill 92, UW 88 78,Bishops 71 rn 73, UBC 53
Imprint, Friday, October 27, 2000
Warriors on the World Wide Web Find out about your favourite varsity team or sports-related club K Y L ~S E L M E S special to Imprint
Want to find out more about cheerleadine?Gosurfine... w
ver wondered how our football, swimming or even cheerleadmgteamsare doing t h ~ syear? Did you want to know when fitness, karate or other recreatlon clubs are heid? Then the UW Web siteisjust for you!! Our school's very own Web site has sectlonscompletely ded~catedto not only the varsity sports, but to on-campus leagues and clubs as well. Contained withm thisgreat section youcan find links to each teams' own slte. These sitesforthe mostpart are student-run and are up to date w ~ t hthe latest roster, season, and schedulinginformation. Some even include links to other related sltes and many contain a break down of games and matches already played. Two great examples are the
Field hockey ties, wins . . . L I N D A MOWAT special to Imprint
his pastweekend, the Warriors traveled to Toronto for some important matches. On Saturday, Waterloo played the number one ranked team in Canada, University of Toronto. It wasatoughgame, butthe teamplayed strong to come out with a 3-3 tie.
Rob~nLesliewason fire, scoring all three Warrior goals. Great speed and cutting by the forwards Joanne Fernandes, Lucie Charron, and Samiraviswanathancreated the scorIng chances for Waterloo.
U of T scored their first goal on a quick shot aftera foul late In the first half. The Warriors stood their ground, only glvlng up two goals on the 18 penalty corner chances the Blues had. The tylng goal was scored in the last mlnute of play. Special recognition goes out to goalie Katie McNe~lfor many impressive saves dunng the gartne. On Sunday, the Warriors were back in Toronto to play Queen's. A win here assured the team of a second-place fmsh in the OUA league andabye to thesemifinalgamein the Championship tournament next weekend. The Warr~orsstarted off the scoring well into the first half. The goal came from the team's new penalty corner optlon as Joanne t~pped
in Robin's shot from the top of the circle. Before the end of the first half, speedy EnnMorton and Robin Leslie connected in a great passing play down the field. Morton finished off the play wlth an "oh so sweet" goal.
UW 3, Queen's 0 The second half continued to go well for the Warr~ors.Although several scorlng opportunities were m~ssed,the team scored once more, on an amazing pass from Michelle Schultzto the rookie Jessa Jennings, who roofed the ballinto the top right corner. Kim Trudgeon played an exceptionalgame in net, stopping all the Golden Gaels scoringattemptsto earn the shut-out.
. . . and is ready for the playoffs KERRY O'BRIEN lmprint staff
fter finishing second overall in the OUA conference, the Warr~orsfield hockey team is headed west for the playoffs.. .that is to say, headed to Western. The Warriors finished the seasonwith arecord of 9-1-2(win-losstie), earning themnot only a berthin the playoffs but a first-round bye. Only first-placeToronto and Waterloo share that luxury.
In the second round, the Warriorswill face eitheryork or Western. The heavy favourite in that game is York, who played the Warriors to a 1-1draw this year. "Weoutplayed [York]lasttime," says Warriors coach Sharon Creelman. "We had fifteen shots while they had two. They have sohd goalkeepmg -one of the best goalkeepers in the province. We have stronger, experienced kidswho take over [agame]whenthey needto. We need to force their inexperienced
kids to handle the ball more." Creelman's not kidd~ngwhen she saysshe has experience.Ennand Julia Morton, Katie MacNeil, and last year'sOUAand CIAU Rookie of the Year Robin Leslie represented Canada at the Junior World Cup Qualifier1astyear.Combinethatwith a few players in their last year of eligibility and you have ateam ready forplayoffs. If Waterloo advances past the OUAs they will head to Halifax for the CIAU finals.
Women's Varsity Hockey at UW? J E N N MCDONALD specral to lmprint
competitive ice hockey before, but they haven't been showing up to the scheduled ice times. ou've read it right. If all goes, EachTuesday and Friday at the as planned, the Upiversity of ColumbiaIcefields ftom4 to 5 p.m. Waterloo will have a Wom- the ice is reserved for the women's enlsVarsity Ice Hockey team as early team. If youareinterested, but can't as next year. The only problem has make the commitment right now, been the number of girlscomingout. please contact me at We know therk are more girls on and I'll campus who have probably played pass it on to the rest of the team and
athleticdirector Judy McRae. However, we nied to show that there is interest in having a women's varsity ice hockey team or there may not be one at all. So, if you're interested, please come on out, or if you can't make it right now, but could later on this term or evennext, send me an email or drop by a practice. After all, it's another chance to beat Laurier.
Football and the Track and Field sites. Both sites are nicely l a ~ dout, andarevery informative. They even have then own articles wrltten up about the latest matches and related information.
These sites are are easy to navigate. The fitnessand recreational clubs also have their own sites. Though most of these are not as in depth as the varsltysltes, they stdl provlde the cr~tical~nformation,such as meet timesand locations. The on-campus co-rec and competitiveleagues'sltesareset upalittle differently from the others. once on
the Index site, instead of just looking up the link, you have optlons. First you must dectde which term you want ~nformationfor, then the league and the area of interest for that particular sport. T h ~ way s you can go stra~ght to your Interest w~thouthaving to search around for the link. In general, these sites are set up really well and are easy to navigate. They contam almost all themformatlon one could des~reabout varsity and on-campus leagues and clubs. These sites can be appreciated even more when compared to those of some other schools, like the one in London, whose sites are qulte dull and hard to find and follow. To find out all of this for yourself, d ~ r e c tthineself to http:// the top of the screen IS the athletics banner andin it you'll find the l~nksto all your athletic needs.
Imprint, Friday, October 27, 2000
Women's Soccer end regular season with two losses J O H N SWAN
Imprint staff
hen the weekend began, the women had a good chance to become thz champions of the OUA West division. Instead, aftertwo lossestoclose out the regular season, Bruce Rodriguesand histeam will be on the road when Saturday comes. The first game, on October 21, had the Warriors battle the Western Mustangs at North Campus. While Waterloo hadmuchtoplay for, Sarah Gasparotto and her Mustangs knew that their season was coming to an
end. Nevertheless, she wdsn't golng to glve Rodrrgues and Ed Tell the satlsfactlon of wmn~ng,andseekmg to avenge an earher loss, put Ana Grg~cforth in net to smlte the Warrlors. Sarah Havard, meanwhile, started for the Warriors.
Overall, the game was of two different halves. The first half belonged mostly to the Warrtor women, asthey sent wave after wave of offense against Grg~c.Credit the Westerngoaltender, however, as she
turned away such talents as Sarah Towns (who had a beauty of a shot r~ghtoff the post), Mel Denheyer, Kathy Storey and Erm Walkom. In fact,Westernadded~odme to the collect~vewounds of the Warm ors in the 19th minute when Judy Patterson broke away from several Warriors and blasted the ball past Havard. Donna Carvalhal and Deb Jackson also provided shots against Havard, but were spurnedquiteeasily. Still, this was a bitter blow to the Warrior psyche, as Western left the p~tchwith a one-goal lead at halftlme. The secondhalf was pretty much
Gee-Gees do in women ballers K E R R Y O'BRIEN Imprint Staff
astweekend the Women Basketball Warriors travelled to the University of Western Ontario to participate in their second exhibition tournament of rhe year. On Saturday the Warriors beat the Queens Golden Gaels62-53, but lost on Sunday to the Ottawa Gee-Gees 78-74. "Thisis the firsttimein five years thatwe've beaten Queen's," observed head coachTom O'Brien. "The thirdyear players, the nucleusof this team, are playing with a lot of confidence and gettingused to this level of play.
Even losing, we've been competitive." Thisconfidencemight have been shaken with the lossto Ottawa. After being up 12 points at halftime, the Warriors allowed themselves to be outscored by 16 points to lose. "We had our best offensive half this year followed by our worst offensivehalf this year,"laughsO'Brien. "The lesson is you can't just play defense when you want to-defense winsgames." Both gamesfeatured a number of Warriors piling up the stats. Captain Leslie Mitchell turned in 1 6 points against Queen's, followedcloselyby Nicole Consittwith 12. Four playersscoredin the double
digitsagainst Ottawa: Leslie Mitchell and Meghann Clancy with 11 each, Kristen Eisner with 14, and Nicole Consitt topping out with 17. This is amazingconsidering the fact that the Warriors have been crippled so far -literally. After receivingAll-star honours at a tournament in Manitobatwoweekendsago, second-year guard Casie Kergan broke her finger in practice last week and will miss three weeks of action. Also, first-year post player Leslie Futter suffered a grade two concussion in Winnipeg. Hopef;lly she will be backin action thisweekend, as the team travels to Ottawa for yet another preseason tournamnet.
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all Western. Feelmg the stmgof havmg worked so hard only to be down 1-0, the Warr~orst r ~ e dto rally an offence,butwereshotdownbyWestern's stlngy play. From Crystal Paollello's first shot. wh~chwent straight to Havard, to the last shot by Pauline Vabotis, Havard was kept busy. Grgic, on the other hand, did not face much, althoughJill Johnson and Ange Farace certainly were thorns in the Western goaltender's side. In the end, it was Western that emerged victorious by one goal, thanks to an offside that was never called. With this loss, Waterloo had to defeat Laurier by four goals in order to win the division.Not an easy task, especiallygiven that when Waterloo played Laurier at home, the Warriors were blanked 4-0. But on October 23, Waterloo had that chance when they visited University Stadium to take on Barry MacLean's Golden Hawks. While Havardstarted forthe Warriors,Jessica Montagano was the go-to-woman for MacLean. The GoldenHawkswerer+ked fourthnationally goinginto thegame and on this day showed Waterloo why. From the openingkick-off,Waterloo was simply overpowered by the Golden Hawks. Most of the half was spent in Waterloo territory, as the likes of Kristen Greer, Tammy Scurr and Jennifer Kitching telegraphed challenging shots to Havard. But perhaps the most trou-
blesome Golden HawkwasLorraine Hodds. In the 29th minute, off Catherine Jackson's corner kick, Hodds scored a cracker of a goal Havard could do absolutely nothing to prevent the ball from entering the
Laurier 1, UW 0 net. As forwaterloo's offense, there were spurts of actwity and several chances for goals. Most of the opportunities came from Farace and Denheyer, but Montagano was there to halt any dreams of a goal. The second half was a continuation of the first half. Once again, Waterloo was at Laurler's mercy. Determined toget more goalsfor the Golden Hawks, Melanie Hockin and Jaana Koponen led the charge in their attempts to fool Havard. The Waterloo goaltender, however, would have none of that as each shot Laurier tried ended up safely in Havard's hands. Waterloo would later have much to worry about when Laura De Simone fell on the ball awkwardly and had to be taken out of the game. For Waterloo, this was all too typical of their luck as of late. At any rate, Waterloo played well enough not to let this game become awholesale slaughter, but in the end, W~lfridLaurier won the match 1-0. The next match for the women will be on October 28 at Guelph.
Imprint, Friday, October 27. 2 0 0 0
Cross-Country team ready for OUAs Laurier Open closes out regular season for team PETER VAN D R I E L special to Imprint
he Cross-country team has been preparing long and hard for tomorrow's OUA Championship meet under the coachingof Terry Goodenough and assistant Jen Graham. Most of the racing squad sat out last Saturday's Wilfrid Laurier Open, to partic~patemstead ina morning workout In preparation for t h ~ s weekend's big race. Those that did compete put forth a solid effort to represent the school. The scenic Laurier racecourse, set ~nBechtel Park, 1s the most rugged and hilly of the yea;and the most difficult course to navigate. For those not racing in the OUA race, this wasalso the fmal event of the season. The conditions could not have been better for the three Warrior women competing in the 4.18 km race, with warm and sunny weather topped off w ~ t ah refreshing breeze. Deborah Buhlers led the Warrior Womens' athletes through with a strong effort to capture second place in a blistering time of 14 minutesand 58 seconds.
Buhlers, a masters student in Biology, was one of the Warriors to participate in amorningworkout, so tostill finish so strongly is an indication of what she might have in store for OUAs. TristaSimmons, an up and coming rookie, showed her strength witha33rdplace finish, showingshe has great potential to contribute to the Warrior squad in the years to come.
to team members as "Pedro". Pedro finished the race in 28 minutesand53 seconds to place26th. Rob Bruce, the most ambitious athlete of the day, finished the race in 47th place, after completing the morning's workout and running the four miles to the park from his home. Bruce, a second year Computer Science student from Hamilton Ontario, will be applying his superb fitness in tomorrow's OUAA race. Only four spots behmd Rob finished talented razz mus~clan ~ n d r e w B &who braved the race after a previous evenrng's performance. Engineering student roe ~ ~ n & a n f r k h e d i n;he 66th spot. wah Kevm ~ o o r eclose * behind in 69th. JoshSaferrounded things out, and contributed much to the team throughouttheseason with his advanced knowledge of weight training techniques. Also competing in last Saturday's race was David Harmsworth, who ran the course in a blistering 27 minutes and 21 seconds to finish 14th overall. Although currently an alumni member of the Warrior team. Dave hopes to be eligible in future so as to apply hiscontinually improving runningskills.
Some of the Waterloo sweated through a
morning practice before
running their afternoon race
Slo-Pitch tournament results Mother Nature was kind enough to present two perfect days to the Campus Recreation Slo-Pitch Tournament this past weekend which hosted six quality teams. Despite winning only one of their three games on Saturday, the Cinderella team "The Crocodile Hunters" posted acouple of upsets to make it to the final game. However, "Size Does Matter" was too much for them to handle and walked away with the championship. Congratulations to all those who participated and to the convenor Jeff Kent who did a great job despite wanting t o get out on the field and play himself. Thanks also goes out t o Dicken Leung, Sharmila Setaram and Ryan Lyle for their umping expertise.
Volleyball tournament results Unfortunately, three teams didn't show up t o their regularly scheduled gameson the first day of the tournament, which meant that these matchups were basically just fun games that all teams participated in and enjoyed themselves. Sunday however, all the teams who wanted to play showed up for what proved t o be an exciting day of volleyball. All matches were lengthy andaction packed with huge hitsand
Nicola White completed the Warrior womens' squad with her 48th place finish, after showinggreat determination throughout her effort. White has proven herself all season as an important team motivator with her efforts in organising team and varsity social events. The six Warrior men competing on the day also enjoyed fine conditions for their 8. lkm race. The Men's squad was led by 4th-year athlete Peter van Driel, better known
even bigger drgs. Every team proved they belonged among the ranks of varslty and were quite evenly matched, but as the story of every tournament goes, one team must prevail. T h e c o n s o l a t ~ o n game showcased two teams who had met atthe startingof the day,and judging by. the spirit and enthusiasm ofboth, . no one had anything to lose during this match except bragging rights. The consolation finalists, team AS, consisted of Greg Powell, Angela Carley, Ben Wilkinson, Blair Box, DennisLara and Tracy Haynes. The consolation champions were Kerry Naber, Marlene Kambulow, Chris Janzen, Dave Jaarsma, Mark Lau, Stephanie Dewill-Or and Erin Braenburg. The championship game held off some stiff competition but as in every game, a relaxed atmosphere turned tense in the final game, as team A4 was victorious. Team A3, the runners up, areThuy Tran, Hai Truong, Merry Truong, Lily Hoang, Dan Truong, Vietnhan Nguyen, Cuong Vo, Tan Quach and Michael Nguyen. The champs of this year's CRVolleyball Tournament are Mark Chien, Gabriel Chan, Dave Orr, Cindy Gee, Janeen Tang, Jordan Tang, Steve Tarn and Aaron Sauve. A big thank you to all participating teams for their co-operation and exceptional sportsmanship displayed for this tourney.
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ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS EMPLOYER INFORMATION SESSIONS Mondav Oct. 30 Brience 7100-9:00 PM For Graduat~nostudents In Ena Tuesday Oct. 31 lnktomi 7:OO-9:00 PM For Graduating & Co-op students in Eng & CS Wednesday Nov. 1 Quidnunc 5:OO-7:00 PM For Graduating students in Eng, Math & Sci PricettaterhouseCoopers 6:OO-8:00 PM For Graduatina students in CS Thursday Nov. 2 Infusion Development 7.00-9:30PM For Graduating & Co-op students in Eng & CS
Flag football Well it's been a rousing past few months for our eight teamsin the flag footballleague. With allteamsshowingexcellent sportsmanship, as well as exceptional refereeing, each and every game has been fun and well played. Seminoles and Love Gravy are neck and neck right now, tied at five winseach. But Seminoles have a chance to win their last game, and come out o n top in the preseason. TheMighty Llamasare tiedfor third place with Evil Vibrating Nuns, at three wins each. Rounding out the league are the Individuals, the Aussie Dawgs, and the Mennoknights Come out for our playoff seriesandsee just who will make the climb to the top!
Soccer I
The competitive soccer regular season wrapped up last weekend with a11 5 1 teams having played 6 games. The A-division is dominated by Q.G.F.C. withSouthAclose behind. TheB-division hasa3-way tie for first between Surerge, C & O , a n d BEHRessurection. The Waterlogged teamin the B-division has the highest spirit of competition of the league. The C-division is led by the CS Guys but closely followed by the highscoring Mr. T-Dawg. Finally, the D-division has a2-way tie between ES and Friends, and AHSSIES. Best of luckin the playoffs for all the teams.
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Imprint, Friday, October 27, 2000
Men's soccer net playoff spot JOHN
four opportunities, half of themwere kickedwell over the crossbar. When the first half was said and done, Wa-
Imprint staff
en the Universityof Waterloo men's soccerteam WL last in the playoffs, gasoline was only $.33 per litre, George Peppard and Laurence Tero were driving in a black van with a playboy and a madman and Boy George was a hit. But on October21, at2:40p.m., the amazing happened. With the final whistle of thegame, Eddie Edgar and hiscrew had made the playoffs. The story of their climbwas spectacular. On this day, the Waterloo Warriors faced the much-hated Western Mustangs to determine which team would take the final playoff spot. With Western twopoints behind Waterlooin the standings, nothing short of aMustangwin would keep Waterloo out of post-season action. Goalkeeping would be key in this match -Western coach Rock Basacco decided that Craig Mazur would be the man to stop the offence of Waterloo dead in their tracks. Coach Edgar, on the other hand, chose Alex Hearns as the starting goaltender. From the openingwhistle, Western attacked Hearns with intensity. The Waterloo goaltender knew that he wasin for a roughday, but proved worthy of the challenge. From Damien Gray to Andy Bienfield, Western wasgiven avariety of shots to convert. Luckily for the beleaguered Warriors, the Mustangs lacked finish.Most of Western's shots either sailed over the crossbar or to the left of Hearns. Waterloo's offence was having trouble starting. Waterloo only had
UW 1, Western 1 terloo and Western had yet to score a goal. As for the secondhalf, there was a lot more in the way of excitement as the Warriors began toaggresswely hound Mazur. The brief attack by the Warriors paid a pleasant and unusual dividend when Oliver Moh
caughtthe rebound from Nick Knez's initial shotand slid the ball past Mazur to give Waterloo the lead. The Mustangscame back three minutes later. From a difficult angle, Kiron MacCarthy kicked the ball towards Hearns. Dan Benvenutitried toclear the ball out of danger, but instead accidentallyplaced the ball into the backof his net. The match was tied at one goal apiece. Luckily, Benvenuti was there to atone for his mistakeby taking away at least threewhatseemd to be certain Western goals. The men will now play at McMaster on October 28.
Leaders of the week
Natalee Rubec
Shawnah Staples
Natalee is an enthusiastic and eager lifeguard andinstructor for the PAC pool. Over the past Thanksgiving weekend, this Ottawa native went above and beyond the call of duty by staying in K-W to cover numerous shifts at the ~001.ASwell. this honours biology student is the sports rep and vollevball ca~tainfor her floor. Way to go Natalee!
Shawnah has been an excellent recruiter for the guard club here at Waterloo, gathering together a strong group of lifeguardswho diligently practice their skills, preparing for guard competitions. She did a fabulous iob a couole of weekends ago organizingand running the successful OktoberfestGuardconmetition here at Waterloo.
use.Abuse. Reuse.
join the Blundstone three-step program. r. Use - Anywhere, anytime. Back country to ballroom. 2. Abuse - Hey, no harm done. All-season leather, crack and slipe-proof sales. Go ahead, try to wear them out. 3. Reuse - Handy pull-tabs. And sizes in women's men's t3 mean they go on and on. But be careful. They're addictive.
133Weber Street North 746-4983
hat can I say? Just as I think that boxing has hit a new low blow, the circus that is Mike Tyson and Andrew Golota proceeded to punch me in the family jewels a few more times, then finish me offwith a few boots to the head and a gnawed ear. AsJim Rose, theinfamous, opinionatedloudmouth for FOX Sports, said (and I am paraphrasing on this one), "This is a fight between someone who wants to eat your children and someone who wants to make sure you no longer have them." Surely, with the news of Tyson's departure from professional boxing, thiswasafiasco I hadtosee for myself at a bar. After all, I am Scotsand I am not goingto pay $49.95 forapay per view fight that will probably end in less time than it takes to make minute rice when I can enjoy the same fight for $20.00 at a pub. And from what I saw of the match, it turned outthat I spent a fourth that much to see six minutes of nothing much. On October20 at Auburn Hills in Michigan, Tyson and Golota faced off in a clash that every major television, radio and newspaper reporter was drooling over. There was plenty of pomp andcircumstance about this match, as both Golota and Tyson enteredthe ring.And then, the match started. Unfortunately for the Pole, Mike Tyson (he who eats children, rapes pageantcontestants and speaks in a voice that could shatter tupperware) was delivering solid blow after solid blow upon Golota's pate. What was worse, Golota spent most of the time hugging Tyson in what appeared to be an attempt to keep standing. After the bell went ending the first round, Golota's ring manager and doctor were trying to curtail bleeding on Golota's fore-
head. It was even worse in the second round, when Tyson telegraphed more debilitating hits on his opponent. Golota once again decided to hold on to Tyson every chance he got. I began to wonder if I hadn't accidentally walked on the set of Oprah. By the end of the second round, Golota decided he didn'twant any more punishment and just walkedout. In just six minutes,Tyson wen the circus match. And I hadn't even finished my first pint of Dos Equis yet. Damn! Understandably, many people were upset about Golota'sdecision. As a result, he had to endure the gauntlet of angry fans, who spewed forthfountaindrinks, popcorn bags and other suchrefuse. After all, these folks have spent hundredsof dollars to watchtwoundercards where these guys are fighting for pride and honour and watch the big march go the distance. So naturally, people were angry about b e q r~ppedoff. But although people were upset with Golota, ask yourself this. Would you want to go three rounds w ~ t ha man who went to prlson for sexual assault, bit the ear off Evander Holyfield and threatened to eat Lennox Lewis' children, knowing full well that you would end up being just pasty enough to be put on toast for his breakfast? Yeah, didn't think so. You know what?Maybe I'll st~ck to Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Federation. Yes, I know that every move is choreographed, the women are very much scantily clad (not a bad thing unless you're Right to Censor) and it's cheap entertainment, but at least it'll last more than sixminutes and I can finish my beer. If you smellwhattheJack iscooking (exeunt with arched eyebrow)!
Athletes of the week
Ian MacDonald Warrior Golf
Lindsay Beavers Warrior Swimming
A second-year Optometry student from Lively, Ian won the individual bronze medal and led the Warriors toa4thplacefinish this past weekend at the OUACharnpionshipsat Western. Ian shot a two day total of 147 and shot a five over 77 in his first round. In his second round, Ian settled down and shot asolidtwo under par 70. Ian's 70representedthelow score for the entire field over the two day event. The golf season is now over for the Warriors, but Ian did a areat iob on the course.
A first-year Kinesiology student from Orangeville, Lindsay was outstanding this past weekend in three meets at Toronto, McGdland Ottawa. Over three days of competition, Lindsay won all her events except one, and set two new Waterloo records m the process. Lindsay won the 400 freeat Toronto with arecordsetting time of 4: 18.16. OnSunday,Lindsay broke the Waterloo 200111 IM record with a time of 2:25.49. Next action for Lindsay and the Warriors is October 27. versus WLU at 5 D m .
Radiohead - brought to you by Microsoft Radiohead
photographer who got sangwith asoftwhme. wet was not. The song was powerThom introduced ful and ended with "Opnmistic"wthajoke, Thom'sloneangulshed saylng the song was J A N I C EJ I M volce. Imprint staff sponsored by Molson Thom continued Canad~an.This would with h ~ scorporate adlohead played to a sold become the running sponsorsh~pjokes, not out crowd at Air Canada joke of the night. Thom carlng ~fthe jokes were Centre. Those who were would introduce many gettlng old. He said, "I lucky enough to get t~cketssaw the other songswthasponthmk ~t'sgood fun, so only Canadian show of Radiohead's sorsh~p. "Optim~stic" fucklt." short North Amerlcan tour (don't had a heavler sound Some of the madespair, Radiohead 1s planning to than the albumvers~on. lignedcompanleswere tour agaln next year). Radiohead, There was a lot more Gucu, IBM, Mlcrosoft, led by leadsinger ThomYorke, played emphasis on the guitar Disney andT~cketmaster. T~cketmasterelica long show that lasted about two playing. Rad~ohead ~tedthe most boos from hours. The band played many songs then played some old the fans. Thom played off t h e ~ rnew album, Kid A. These material, "Lucky" and at the drum machme songs were interspersed with old "Iron Lung," w ~ t h material fromOKComputerandThe Thom joklng about during the technoBends, and several unreleased songs. Much Music and comsounding "Idioteque." The band took the stage to "Na- passionate conservaJonny workedwth the tional Anthem," one of the more tism. synthes~zer, and Ed guitar-heavy songs off Kid A. The A piano was O ' B r ~ e n used the distortedsoundwaspreserved, wtth brought out for "You shaker durmg the song. lots of workby the sound technician. and Whose Army." The song had a differThe band jumpedinto a slowersong, Thom was really abent beat than the al"Mornmg Bell." Jonny Greenwood bum version. There sorbed in the music. He played the keyboard, and sampled in hunched over the piwas also a long instru--, mental soloin the midalot ofsoundeffectsdur~ngthesong. ano and let out emodle of the song. Rad~oheadthen played acrowd tlonal~ycharged walls- Radiohead'sThornYorkeletsout hisanguishedcries. favounte, "Airbag." Thom grabbed The crowd was equally Radiohead ended the first partoftheshowwith"Just."The a tambourine for this song. The song, absorbed, swaying and clapping to phone? Oneof themost depressingsongs crowd really responded, letting out with its heavy gultar sound, got the the song. The band then played the mel- of the night was "Ex~tMusic." The a loud cheer once the song started, crowd golng. Thom seemed to be in and moshlng alongto the music. The a good mood, crackmg asmile at the low "No Snrpnses." Thom strapped songwasdominatedby Thom'sacouscrowd every once in awh~le.He was on an acoustlc gultar for the song. tic gultar, and the organ-hke sound band really worked well together, even playful. He took some water The xylophone playing by Jonny fromJonny'skeyboard.Aheavyecho antit~patmgeach other's gultar soand spit ~tout at the fans ~nfront of was beaut~ful.Who knewyoucould was added to Thom's volce. Thom los. The bandame back for the flrst the pit. The fans were amused, the do such great th~ngswlth a xylo- held the mlc r~ghtup to hls face and Air Canada Centre, Toronto October 18,2000
encore wlth "Everythmg In Its h g h t Place," one of the more complex, many-layered songs off KidA. Radiohead got to show off ~ t s techmcal s ~ d edur~ngthe song, employlng varlous sound mlxers and machines. Thom's volce was recorded h e and looped. Thom sat down and workedat the synthes~zer. The complex sound of the song was successfullyreproduced. Rad~ohead then performed the unreleased songs, "Follow Me Around" and "Pyram~dSong." Thom played the piano durmg both songs. The songs emphas~zedh ~unlque s vocals. Rad~oheadendedthe n ~ g h t w ~ t h "Karma Police." The entlre crowd was brought to ~ t feet s and singmg along. The songwaspunauatedwcth Thom's emononal crles and the Jonny's plano playmg. Rad~oheadplayed a high energy show. Thom let out h ~ emos tlonally charged walls, shook and twltched along to the muslc at the centre of the stage. He seemed transfixed by h ~muslc. s At varlous tunes durlng the show, he would hunch over and thrash at his guitar. The material fromKzdA translated really well. The band was able to successfully reproduce the machine heavy atmospher~c sound of the album. !The band never slowed down durlng the show. They played t h e ~ r hearts out for every song. This was evident to the crowd. Everyone left the concert in awe and In anticipation of the next Radiohead show.
UW Drama: filled to the Grimm Grimm's Tales Hagey Hall October 27,28 LAUREN S.
Imprint staff
ometimes you just have to indulge your inner chlld. In the tradition of preserving good old-fashionedfolklore, Grimm Tales regales the audience m a series of offbeat and entertaining stories. Five original fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm, adapted by Carol Anne Duffy, form this cleverly constructed musical revue for children. Matt Borch, Dale Boyer, Daryl Kropf, Erin Kell, ErikaSedge, and Jill Smith, under d~rectorKim Renders, succeed in bring~ngthe adventures and misadventures of Grimm's tales to life in ashow suitable for "kids" of all ages. On aground level stage consisting of some boxes and a house made ofwooden planks, the cast-of-sixperform to the imagmation of the audlence. Using a simplelightingarrangement and minimal props, the actors themselves provide the sound and
special effects for the show, creatlng anoverallsenseofmischef andmakebelieve. Clad in clrca 19th century peasant-wear, the cast bounces around the stage like childrenat play for an hour and 15 mlnutes - and a jolly good time is had by all! Although the lighthearted nature of the show thankfully negates any need for in-depth theatrical study or symbolic analysis, ~tstill manages to present an impressive range of dramatic components. Beyond the simplicity of the characters and s~tuations of the tales, the show employs many interestmg dramatic techniques. Early in the show, the use of rap~dtableaus was well-des~gned;as was the use of creat~ve,ofteninteractlve narration. The reversing of gender roles, which for some reason is alwaysgood for a laugh, was achieved in good taste and in good humour. One of the more noteworthy techniques was used in the tale that was recounted almost entirely in the dark, with only a visible narrator play~ngoff the voices of the other actors. Also, the performers' movements were as skillfully choreo-
graphed as they were fun to watch. Allin all, the showwas well-versedin dramaticart~stry.
in their adaptation of Cinderella,the wicked stepsisters do not simply accept that their feet do not fit their
ius! To be perfectly frank, most of the stories seemed foreign to me. This caneitherbeattr~butedtomylim~ted knowledge of the Brothers Gnmm, or to the inspired changes lavished upon the tales by the show's writers. At any rate, in the vein of pure silhness, the stories were well crafted and very humourous. Often in children's theatre, ~tis difficult not togooverboardwith the use of gesture and intonation, but these performers effectively produced a balance of energy and originality. The grandiose character-acting was delivered with talent, and was appropriate given the context of the performance. As well, each respective cast member demonstrated a great knack for comedy, and played off one another in a spirit of good ThecastdGrimm Tales mugsfor thecamera. cheer. Separated by chddren's songs sister's shoe, but rather, they sever On the whole, the show was that are sung w~thoutaccompani- parts of their foot in a desperate simply alotof fun. Beneathitsplayful ment, each tale journeysinto arealm attemptto win the heart of the prince. exterior, itwasartfully renderedand of comedy and fantasy. To the de- Or take the catchphrase of the play, professionally executpd. Certainly, light of the audience, many of the "SpitseeShitsee!"amagicalspellor- if you're looking for a good time at stories are taken In very bizarre di- dered repeatedly at an enchanted the theatre amidst the pressures of rections,sprinMedwthtracesofdark, donkey that produces gold coins midterms, treat yourself to Grimm even twisted humour. For example, "from both ends." Pure comic gen:; Tales.
Imprint, Friday, October 27, 2000
Presidents speak out Presidents of the United States of America guitarist talks shop SHUVO special
RAHMAN to Imprint
he Preidents of the United States of America are back together. And they are back witha brand new album, Freaked Out and Small. The Seattle trio, Chris Ballew, Dave Dederer and Jason Finn, formed the band back in 1993. In 1995, their self-titled debut went double platinum, earned two Grammy nommatlons, and yielded top-40 hits like "Lump," "Peaches" and "Kitty." The banddecided to call it quits in December 1997. But after pursuing solo careers for two years, the three joined forces with Seattle Rapper Sir Mix-A-Lot to form Subset. Eventually they decided to put out a new album for the fans as The Presidents. Imprint recently had the opportunity to chatw~th guitarist Dave Dederer. He talkedabout DeathStar, Seattle and, of course, t h e ~ new r album. Imprint: What wasit likereunitL'nlrrsltyol
mo ,o
rngaftertwo yearsanddorng thrsal- '70s. . . Creme did Disraelr Gears, tually. We had a meetlng at drumwhich had "Sunshine ofyour Love" m e r Jason's place. We needed an bum? Dave: It was fun. We all had a very ~nlusttwoandhalf days. Thesedays, idea for the album cover and also goodt~me.Therecorddealwes~gned everyone takes years to make al- needed a t~tle.We were look~ng bums. It'sl~keyouhlltheexcitement. throughth~s bookof photographs by wasonly foronerecord.Usuallywhen you slgn a record deal wlth a major Iguessthat'swhy mostof themsuck. a Seattle photographer and there wasa picture of Kurt Cobain record comoanv z , vou , in there. He was all curled up have tosell them the masinacorner. He was backstage ter recording. But our and was looking like he was deal with MUSICBLITZ havlng a very bad time. wasn't anythinglike that. We thought dwe can So, overall it was pretty use that picture for our low-key and enjoyable. record cover, but ha ha ha, EYoufznlshedoffthis we couldn't. At that time all album in 10days? of a sudden someone said D:Yes, we rehearsed, rehow freaked out and small corded and re-mixed the Kurt Cobain looks, and the album in 10 days. idea really got into us. BeI: How were youable cause wecouldn't use the picto pull that off? ture, weused the idea forthe D: Because we are comtitle. petent musicians I: Talkingabout Kurt (laughs). I mean, in my CobainandNrwana, Seattle experience you can do has a traditron ofgreat rock an album on a weekend. andgrunge musrc -Pioneers Most people spend too 1rkeJrmr Hendnxandrnfluenlong making records I: Wby rsthealbum trtled Freaked tralbandslrkeNrwana, SoundGarden these days. I mean, ~f you look at and Pearl Jam. What's the secret of -great records that were made in the Out and Small? D: It's quite an interesting story, ac- Seattle? 'SOs, '60s and even up through tf
Jewish Studies Program
NXNE call for entries
Course Offerings for Winter 2001
JS120B(RS102B) Power & Corruption in the Hebrew Bible Tues. b T h m . 1ltOOaa - 11:Nam
heldta HH-124
This course will examine the uses and abuses of power, conflicts and the political/moral rise and fall of David.
JS 125(RS?O4) Biblical Interpretation in the Jewish Tradition Tues. b Thms. 1:Mpm - 230pm
heldta HH-344
This course will trace the development of biblical interpretation in the Jewish tradition. The episode of the 'Binding of Isaac', will be used as a paradigm to illustrate various approaches to the text.
Formore hfonnaf l o ~&it our website at www.arts.uwaterloo.calkwishStudiesl
D: (Laughs)Honestly, I don't know what thedealiswith Seattle andwhy so much good music has come out of here. There's certainly been lots of great music all the way back to the late '50s and early '60s. There were bands like The Wellers, The Sonics, The Raiders, and The Kinsman. The Sonics in particular wereincredibly influential. Like, there would be no punk rock as we know itwithout thisband. So, thereissomething about it. I guess the winters here are wet and dark, so people just sit in their garage, have a drink and make great music. I: You have a song in the album called "DeathStar. "Are youguys huge fans of Star Wars? D: Well, not me. I have seen all the Star Wars and enjoyed them, but Chris and Jason are the realstar Wars geeksin the band. Chrisactually wrote this song for a friend who helped us a lot with this album. I: Critics, musicaficionados and, ofcourse, yourfans havemanydefinitionsofyourmusic. Do you haveany yourself? D: Rock and roll.
LISA JOHNSON Imprint staff
orthBy Northeast (NXNE) is a music festival and conference for musicians, industry professionals, and fans of music. Thisannual event hascome to be one of the most anticipated and highlyregarded festivaldconferences in the industry, and always offers an incredibly large and diverse musical line-up to please all tastes. NXNE 2001 will take place at various venues in Toronto (as always), on June 7,8 and 9. Returning for itsseventh fantasticyear, the festival will invade and take over downtown Toronto and glve musicians a chance to play to a large (and often influential) audience and get muchneeded press and publicity. The time has come for hopeful
musical participants to enter their demo tapes or CDs for aspot on the NXNE roster. Up-and-comingmusicalacts from Canadaand around the world should not miss the deadline
NXNE 2001 entry deadline: January 19. for showcase applications, or they will miss out on the opportunity to be apart of Canada'sleadingnew music showcase event. Submissions will be accepted starting November 1,2000 through to January 19, 2001. All up-andcoming bands and artists are invited
to send their demo tapesandCDs for showcase consideration. With a dramatic increase in festival attendance last year, this year could be the ultimate chance to play in front of huge crowds of national and international music industry and media folks as well as the thousands of music fans that attend the festival. Plus, as always, all Canadiansubmissions will be considered eligible for Edge 102's2001 NewRockSearch CD, so you get even more of achance to expose the world to your music. If you are interested in entering your music, you can download the official showcase application form online from You can also contact NXNE Headquarters: 189 Church Street, Lower Level,Toronto, Ontario, MSB 1Y7; phone: (416) 863-NXNE (6963); fax: (416) 863-0828.
Imprint, Friday, October 27, 2000
A personal journiy in sound CHRIS A e e o r r speck1 to Imprint
he first CD I ever owned was Metallica's Kill 'Em All. I purchased it used at a local pawnshop. This was in 1992. Grade nine. Previously - all through elenjentary school I'd listened to classicalmusicradio-itwasmainly CBC FMandpublicradio. I'dsetmy alarm clock to wake me up to the sounds of violin strings and piano cadences. Debussy wasmy favourite. Beautiful reflectivemelodies. Glimpsesinto another, more romantic time (I'd later learn how to play a few of his pieces on the piano). During these yearsmy older sister listened to New K~dsOn the Block, (herfavourite wasDonnie)andwould later rebel by plastering her walls with Billy Idolposters. Sometimes, when my sister wasn't home, I'd sneakinto her room. On these occasions my stomach would well up w t h nervous energy, my quaking hands gripping apair of earphones, eyes flitting about on cautious lookout. I'd creep deeper Into her room to where, on a shelf, silently sat her cassette-radio boom box. Heart beating faster and faster, I'dinsert my, ear~honesintothe hole on the top of the boom box and flick the radio on. My sister's radio station would blast into my ears. I'd turn the volume loud! Whde I did this my legs would shake and my stomach would bubble. It was weird. Ireactedasif I was doing somethingwrong (like the feeling I got when I broke a school window by accident and when I got caught writing swear words in my journal by Mrs. Vanderclockin grade three). But I wasn't doing anything wrong! I suppose the sneaking into my sister's room and secretly listening to her radio made me quiver.
Best in Show
tary feel, many of the characters in do a great job in t y i r roles..Fred Best in Showare a bitclicht; Michael Willardis incredibly funny as one of McKean and John Michael Higgins the announcersat the dogshowwho have trouble rising above stereotypes should probably have been calling a Silver City as a gay couple from New York. In football game instead, because he fact, their portrayal is often down knew absolutelynothing about dogs RACHEL E. BEATTIE Imprint staff right offensive. Guest's portrayal of or dog shows. I couldn't name any of the muslc a southerner is also pretty one-diWillard'scomments~angefrom I listened to in that way now even ~f moronic -like asking his co-host if here are few people quite as mensional, my life depended on it. At the tune, Jennifer Coolidge plays a gold- the participants ever dress up their I didn't understand ~ tAll . thissound strange as those who are objust flooded and clouded my mind sessed with something.According to digging woman who seems to have dogs in cute costumes - to comand I let it. Each time it waslike I was the filmBest in Showpeople whoare gotten her makeup hps fcomTammy pletely irrelevant such as a cheesy being transported to some other obsessedwithdogs are noexception. Faye Baker. However, she is hilari- joke about hisproctoiogist, to which Best in Show IS a h~larious ous in one scene where sheexplains his co-host responds, "I thmk you place. Sometimes I would close my mockumentaryabout the crazy world the things she and her geriatric hus- s a ~ dthat last year." Parker Posey is eyes and just drift. I dldn't tell anyone about my of dog shows. We are introduced to bapd have incommon: "welike soup, her usual comedic self as one of the journeys in sound either. I never many blzarre characters through in- we like talking or not talking. In fact catalogue lovingyuppies who freaks talked about music with friends. We terviewsin their home townsas they we could talk or not talk for hours." out when they lose their dog's fausually were too busy having fun prepareto enter the MayFlower Dog One of the problems may be there vourite squeaky toy. playingkick-ballor tagor something Show m Philadelphia. are so many characters that none Best in Showdefinitely hassome to talk about such things. Listeningto The characters range from a really get the chance to be anything major flawsbut these flawsare more muslc was my secret. Who knows? low-key southerner (Christopher more than a cardboard stereotype. things you think about afttrieaving Maybe they were do~ngsimilarthings. Guest)whose main lnterestsare fishIf you can get past the fact that the theatre; while you are watching I also began to nonce that my ing, showing off his gorgeous blood all the characters are clichts, Best in the movie you are justtoobusy laughdad always listened to the old~esra- hound Hubert andventriloquism, to Showisa hilariousmovie.The actors ing to notice. around In high-strung control freak yuppies dio station wh~lesplash~ng the bathtub. That's the only time (Parker Posey and Michael Hitchcock) who treat t h e ~ r he'd listen to h ~mini-transistor. s My mom preferred talk rad~o. Weimaraner, Beatrlce, l ~ k ea small Though I later found out she was chdd. Asthe filmprogresses,we learn more open to l~stenmgto new thngs. moreabout these bizarrecharacters She'd occasionallymake comments until the final momentwhenone dog about some of the muslc I llstened to wins the much coveted Best in Show during hlgh school. "Who's that?" award. she'd ask. (Pavement). "I hke hls Best in Show does far the dog voice." My dad was stuck in a tune showindustry what ThiscsSpinalTap warp. d ~ for d heavy metal. Wh~ch1s not Anyway, after Metallica, many surprlsrngcons~deringd~rector Guest CDs followed. I became addicted. I was one of the mmds behind that began to buy muslc like I used to buy ultlmate fake documentary and felLego and baseball cards. Nirvana. IowSpinalTapbandmember Michael Pavement. SonicYouth. The Breed- McKean shows up In the cast. MONDAYS: Jug & Wing Special for $18.75 In Best in Show, Guest creates a ers. Erlc's Trip . . A seemingly TUESDAYS: 15$ wings endlesscham of bandsentrancedmy true documentary feel, perhaps beaudio consciousness. Rhythm, cause most of the dlaloeue was ImWEDNESDAYS: free pool melody, harmony, dissonance. provised. It seems the actors have * Nightly & Ongoing prize giveaways Today 1 have my own radio watched many documentaries and Daily 112 price lunch menu (12 p.m.-2 p.m.) show. Ipick what I play andcontinue they perfectly recreate the way nonmy journey in sound. Current faves professional actors talk about their Leather Sleeved ROOTS Jacket draw on Nov. 3,2000 includethe Need, Jonathankchrnan, everyday Iwes. Royal City, Red House Painters and Catherine O'Hara and Eugene assorted mlx tapes from Japan. Levy ate particularly good at this as Chris hosts Coughing Up Stars, a suburban husband and wife team every Tuesdayfrom 1Oa.mto 12p.m. who, in their spare tlme, slng songs October 23-28: Andrea Baron CKMS 100.3FM, exploringtheworld inspired by their Norwich Terrier, of indie pop and beyond E-mail Wkiky. Miss Exotic World However, despite the
directed by Christopher Guest
October 30-November 4: Jessica Vande~ Major Magazine Star 2 V.I.P. lounges and loads of table dancers
(until midnight)
Top Male Exoik Dancers Friday and Saturday Nights with door prizes nightly! lunch specials I pool teams I dart teams Karaoke Tuesday & Thursday nights with cash prizes Book Your Party Pack for Your Stageffe NOW! HUGGY'S HOTUNE 743-7022 / -OI'fS 744-6367
6 Bridge Street, KITCHENER
Imprint, Friday, October 27, 2000
Against the grain Erin Smith Band Get Your Own Sandwich
Treble Charger
Wide Awake Bored
Live: Everything, Everything
Impnnt staff
special to Impr~nt
Imprint staff
anywhere anytime for people or parcels airport service fast courteous service m
He has devised a dating philosophies of Lao-tzu, Heidegger and Groucho Marx, which arms the verage Joe with a Steve cQueen-like Charisma!
- L I Braun, ~ The Toronto Sun
PRINCESS CINEMA, 6 Princess St W,Waterloo, 885-2950 *
Energetic. Spirited. Enthusiastic. Peppy. These are all words that come LO mind when listening to the selfdescribed "funky-punky-folk-pop" sound of Erin Smith Band (ESB). Erin Smith is a sprite whose dynamic vocals and aggressive guitar playing are pivotal to the power of her band'smusic. Get Your Own Sandwich is the celebrated follow-up to the 1999 debut, Hey,NicePants!aCD on which the exclamationmark in the title is quite representational of the album'smusic. ESB is great because it is relatively inoffensive withcatchy, hookladen songs that are both singable and danceable. Liam Smith'sgroovy bass licks have much to do with the funk element of the band's music, while drummer Mike Chadwick throws down nice rhythmic beats to round out the trio'senergetic sound. While all of the tracks on Get Your Own Sandwich are admirable, some stand out more than others. Thediscstartsoffwith atriple-shot of all the best things the band has to offer. "Little Army" has an acoustic guitar-driven groove that is joined by a dancing bass line and some fun drum kicks. "Catch & Fetch" has a ~ e a t l efeel s to it and is the tune that willget listeners to start swaggin' on any makeshift dance floor they can find. This song also exemplifies how Erin can juxtapose honeyed vocals with gritty growls without compromisingeither vocal style. "Universe is Late" is a quirky song with an instantly infectious melody and achorusthat inviteslisteners to sing along. There are a few ballads that balance out the dancy funk songs. "Goodnight My Dear" hasdarkguitars and pleading, passionate vocals; it builds slowly to a climactic haze of hand drumming and assaulting guitars. The solemn "Bad Dad" tells a (not autobiographical) story of incest andabuse. Thelyricalcontent is heartbreaking, and Erin'svoice is at its most plaintive here. Regular airplay on CBC Radio andcampus radio stations (including CKMS) has proven that there is interest in and an audience for ESB. Erin Smith herself can be a cute and goofy person, as evidenced by her album titles and liner notes, but the talented songwriter is no stranger to the harder edge of music. Erin Smith Band is a polished trio whose brand of music will be used as a ruler against which other indie funk-folkacts will be measured.
Give Treble Charger points for per- Since the recent departure of their sistence. Their last offering, Maybe integral DJ Darren Emerson, many Underworld fans have been wonIt's Me, was supposed to be their American breakthrough album. Fea- dering in which direction the returing a horribly re-worked version maining members, Karl Hyde and Rick Smith, will lead the group. of their Canadian debut single "Red," "Short of standing in front of the album died on both sides of the the stage and stuck in between the border, mostly due to over-hype of speakers, this is the definitiveundera mediocre follow-up to their truly world live experience" is how Uninspired debut,self=title. But just when most people denvorld'slive album, optimistically counted them out, the quartet has titled Everything, Everything, is being bounced back with WideAwakeBored. described by the band. Many could conceivably view Just lookingat the albumisenough to this live effort, recorded throughout make anyone who's been remotely interested in the band up until now their 199811999 world tour, as an epitaph, a fond farewell to the man shudder. Their classic small-letter who masterminded those infectious logo has been replaced by a stylin' metallic one worthy of N o Limit beats that gained them recognition. Records. The art and h e r notes are One, however, has to remember that slick, polished, and about as interest- Underworld was formed ten years before Emerson joined, so rather ing as dish soap. Beyond the packagingone finds than an epitaph, it makes more sense that Treble Charger is, well, mostly to see this album as the closing of a packaging. One sure way to achieve chapter. Thisrecordcontains everything mediocrity is playing mediocre music and channeling the spirits of other a good live album should, most of all bands. "Business" boasts Goldfinger's the insane cheeringof hardcore faas. Thisis what makes alive album more raw energy (with the exception of unique than a studio effort: the recthe wretched acoustic bridge), while ollection of a time and place. "More'sThe Pity" smacks of Sloan's Underworld manages t o TwiceRemovedwitha simple picking reconfigure the music just enough riff running over the whole song. that it is worth owning the album The band attempts to recreate some of it's earlier folk-rock energy, solely for the uniquenessof the tracks. but these efforts generally wind up O n "Push Upstairs" (from Beaucoup Fish) they manage to make the omieither over-produced or redundant. The biggest abomination on the al- nous, bombastic track even more grandiose than the original version, bumis the sappy and annoying "Just What They Told Me." Treble while still retainingthe elements that Charger let their production team made it awesome in the first place. "Bornslippy Nuxx," best known run rampant with this one. We get backbeats, strings and voice distor- as the theme music for the "heroin tion, and the result is something like chic" flickTrainspotting, openswitha fanatical drum machinelhand clap soulDecision on downers. intro before the three piano chords The lyrics are nothing that couldn't have been lifted from any that are the song resonate. Add to this high schooler's poetry journals. Lines Karl Hyde's live vocals (a rarity for techno mindedgroups), and the song like "Nothing iswhat it seemsnome becomes the centeipiece of the alyou're sleeping without the dreams" ("BrandNew Low") display nothing bum. Before t h e closing " R e d more than an ability to spurt nonsequiters, clichts, andpointlesspara- Cowgirl" medley, Karl Hyde is heard doxes on command. The band con- asking the lighting crew to turn o n centrates more on being mysterious the lights so he can "get a look at and indecipherable than actually everybody." Laughing and obviously making a point, w ~ t hthe exception delighted at their manic response, Hyde thanks the crowd and the comof "American Psycho." AlthoughTreble Charger man- puterized intro begins, creating a agesacouple of original tracks, W ~ d e beautiful closing for this record. Whenever an important memAwake Bored 1s a lot of record company s m l e w ~ t no h musical steak; it ber of amusical unit leaves, there are critics who moan that "it's not as reeks of American corporate rock good." Whatever the outcome, it is sensibility and bears none of the indie certain that Underworld will concharm that first garnered the band attention. They should heed t h e ~ r tinue to progressand release music as uplifting andinteresting as the tracks own advice from "Funny": "Save on Everything, Everything. your breath, don'twaste your time."
Irn~rint.Friday, October 27, 2000
SCHWASS Imprint staff
Osborne is respons~blefor the co-writing of most of the songs on the album, except "Make You Feel My Love" and "Love is Alive." Bottom line: If you were an Osborne fan in the past, then you'll like her latest album. There's not a whole lot of difference, except she sounds a bit more like a diva on this album than the last.
Joan Osborne Righteous Love Interscope Records First thing's first -she lost the nose ring. After that, there's not much change. There'sareason radio isn'tplaying any of Joan Osborne's newest stuff: it'sreally notall that good. She hasn't really grown since her last album. Instead, Osborne sounds "divaish" - almost as though she knew that her original sound wasn't working, but she only made a small improvement on it. The title track is one of the few good songs on the album. Also, the last song "Make You Feel My Love" isagreattrack. Written by Bob Dylan, the song has also beensung by country superstar Garth Brooks. Osborne'stwist on the song makesit a little more upbeat than the Brooks version.
0 for pick up. Resid
65 Universly Square
@ T i Hatons Plaza
@ 170 Univetsity Shops @ k+r.Sub King St. Wateka @ WLU Athlatk Compler
REE shuttle bus 9 30pm to 3Warn
Van Morrison and Linda Gail Lewis
for country fans, especially those whoenjoy the old tunes.
Shannon McNally Bolder than Paradise Capitol Records A singer-songwriter, McNally wrote five of the six songs on this EP. The last songisa Paul Simoncover of "50 Ways." The music itself is good,well written and enjoyable to listen to. McNally has a pretty typical sound when it comes to female singersongwriters, butthe lyricsin her songs make her stand out more than others. Bottom line: She's agreat writer, but she needs a little work on the vocal side.
You Win Again
Virgin Records
Hollywood Records
This album has a very old country sound to it, which is not alwaysa bad thing. While some peoplemight cringe (or threaten to rip the CD from the player andsmash it, asin my case) this album is certainly a great revival of the old country feel. Morrison covers a lot of Hank Williams and his duets with Lewis are excellent. The two blend very well when singing together. Bottom line: The 13-track
When this sampler was sent to the Imprint office nobody wanted it, so I picked it up. Now I know why nobody else wanted it. Gwyneth Paltrow is a great actress, but her singing needs a lot of work. Her duets with Babyface and Huey Lewis are painful to say the least. Bottom line: Paltrow should definitely stay far away from open micnights.
Are you able to volunteer a few hours weekly during the school day? The Friends service at CMHA matches volunteers with children who need additional support in their school setting. Please call 744-7645, ext. 317 or Join BUDS a UW student, staff and faculty group that providesfree tutoring and encouragementto high school students. For more info contact Candace at 747-8113 or email Reaching youth: assist newcomer youth with the YMCA Cross-Cultural and Community Services. Cultural sensitivitv and initiative are rewired for iociaiand recreationaleventsfor youth, aged 13-19. Call 579-9622. Your time i s valuable - at the Distress Centre you canvolunteer providingconfidential supportive listening to individuals in distress. We provide complete training. Call today. 744-7645, ext. 317 or Bia Sisters needsyou! September2000 to December 2000. university students to tutor our new Canadian children at community based study halls Students range from grade 3 to 12 needing s u p port in English, French, high school Sciences and Maths. Own transportationis oreferred. Tralnlna and screening is re&ired Call Bug ~ l s t e r sat 743-5206 Leisure Support Services (741-2226) is needing volunteers to help with people that have disabilities. "Make a Splash!" one hour per week to help children In swimming lessons. "Walk & Talk!" walk or run the track with a young adult with a disability. "Swim Buddies" -once a week, flexible hours toswim with a newbuddy. "Have a Ball!" - Boccia is a game similar to indoor bowling that is gaining popularity. One evening per wekk, O& April. The Citv of Waterloo Volunteer Servi&i (â&#x201A;ŹI&-6488) is currently recruiting forthe followingvolunteerpositions:Volunteer Drivers are currently needed to assist the increasing number of older adults. Flexible hours, mileage reimbursed and your own reliable vehicle is required. ProgramAssistants is needed to assist with Senior Outing Day programs, three hours per week. Big Brother's needs male volunteers for our Big Bunch Recreation Program. Get involved, put a smile on a young boys face. For more information call Debbie or Mike 579-5150. Learn about a different culture while you show a new immigrant how to be a part of your community. For more information, call K-W Y.M.C.A. Host Program at 579-9622. Volunteers needed t o read with children with a wide range of reading skills, on a one-to one or small group basis. Some familiarity with Mac or IBM would be an asset. Call Jane Home at Prueter Public School 578-0910. lnternationalvolunteerandinternship opportunitiesavailablein LatinAmerica. Many positions such as business, education, social work, etc. For info call 1800-879-6640. Auditions1 Casting call for independent feature lengthfilm being shot in
Waterloo. Actors needed to volunteer, both male and female. ages 20-60. Call 579-6172 or you can e-mail to arrange audition time and date or more information. Volunteer Action Centre (742-8610) needs you! "Help Keepwomen Safen-#1077-1431: Avolunteer promoterwith good presentation skills and knowledge of the community is needed to distribute materials to women's groups. The project run from now until March 31,2000. "Be aWBowlFor Kids Sake" Co-ordinator" - #1006-1433: Big Brothers has a great opportunity for a motivated volunteer with great peopleskills who enjoyscoordinating the details of an event. Ten to twelve hours per week for four months. "Be A Friend. Visit A Senior" - #10271154: Local seniors who are isolated and living in their own homes would really appreciate a friendly visitor to brighten their day. Two or three hours per week. "K-W MulticulturalCentre Volunteers" #1051-270: Teach English as a second language or greet the world as a volunteer rceptionist. One morning or afternoon a week. "Assist Refugee and Immigrant Youth #1092-1422: Get involved in a new program at the YMCA Cross Cultural and Community Services. "Share Your Knowledge and Love of Cooking #1034-1267: Become a Collective Kitchen Leader for Extend-AFamily. Two evenings a month commitment is required. Volunteer at YOUR school newspaper IMPRINT Student Life Centre, room 1116. See you soon!
MONDAYS English Language Lab a lablclass is held from2:30-3:20 p.m. in Modern Languages 113, September - June. The class has an emphasis on pronunciation and listening exercises. Students, faculty, staff, and spouses are welcome to attend. For more information contact the International Student Office, ext. 2814. Outers Club Meetings held in Modern Languages, room 104 at 6:30 p.m. New members welcome tojoin. Meet people, plan trips and get outside! Visit http:l/ watservl more information. TUESDAYS Are you interested in playingwomen's varsity hockey at UW? Every Tuesday and Friday come out to Columbia lcefields from 4-5 p.m. with equipment. For information email Jenn~fer at Wellness Centre holds weekly meetingsat5:30 p.m. atthe~ellness~entre, Student Life Centre, Student Service Resource area. For info call ext. 5951. FRIDAY English Conversation Class meets afternoons from 2-4 p.m. in Needles Hall 2080. September - June. Students. faculty, staff and spouses are invited to attend. Formore informationcontact the InternationalStudent Office. ext. 2814.
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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27,2000 Applying for a Distance Education Course thiswinter? UW studentsshould register by October 30, 2000. For your convenience Distance Education staff will be in Needles Hall today and Monday, Oct. 30 toanswer any questionsyou may have and take in your registeration form. Come see us on the 2nd floor across from the Registrar's Office. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29,2000 "Hadassah-WizoBazaar"-from 11a.m. to4 p.m. at Westmount Place Shopping Centre. Great bargains, halloween costumesandfabulousfood.Tickets$2 or31 $5. MONDAY, OCTOBER 30,2000 EastAsian Autumn Festival2000-from 7 to 9 p.m. at the UniversityClub: "Festival Gala and Exhibitionof Art." For more info, reservations, call 884-4404, ext. 620 or WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1,2000 Rainbow Community Conversation Group (sponsored by Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo and the RegionalPride Commiltee) for issues after coming out. Topic: "Ageing Queer: Ageing Gracefully; Intergenerational Relations" 7:30 p.m. Hagey Hall(Humanities)room 373. All welcome. Details: 884-4569. East Asian Autumn Festival 2000 from 7-9 p.m. afilm screening "The Man Who Might Have Been" at the Davis Centre, room 1304. For info call 8844404, ext. 620. Festival 2000 is coming -on Nov. 1 & 2 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.-in the Student Life Centre. Crafts, music, entertainment, raffledraws, silent auction. All are welcome! Noon hourconcertatGrebel -todavat 12:30 p.m. in the Chapel at ~ o n i a d Grebe1College"LakshmiRanganathan, MasterofVeena,From the Royalcourts of India." Free admission. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2,2000 Noon hour concert at Grebel- todayat 8:30 a.m., room 150, Conrad Grebel College "The First 50 Years of the Piano, a lecture by Ed KoMck." Free admission. Non-violentcommunication-WPIRG will be screening "Words are a window, or they're a wall", a v~deoon compassionate communication. from 7-9 p.m. in DC 1302. East Asian Autumn Festival 2000 from 10 am. to 1 p.m. Academic Showcase in room 1302, Davis Centre. From 1:30-330 p.m. guest speaker Ashley Poy in the Chapel Lounge, Renison College. From 7-9 p.m. Literary Evening featuring guest speakerGerry Shikatani, Kitchener Public Library,Kitchener. For more info call 884-4404, ext. 620.
IBRARY EVENTS Wednesday, November 8 Getting Journal Articles 8 Books Not at UW: 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m., Meet at the Dana Porter Library Information Desk. Learn how to use: TUGdoclholdslrecalls, Interlibrary LoanlDocument Delivery Wednesday, November I 5 Keeping Up with Your Research: 9:30 a.m., LT3 Dana Porter Library. Offered to faculty and graduate students only. Register in advance at: ist.uwaterloo.calcs1courses.html. This hands-on session will show you how to get the most from databases like Current Contents, CISTI Source. and electronic journals. Monday, November 20 OrganizingYour References: 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Meet at the Davis Centre
Library InformationDesk. Offeredtofaculty and graduate students only. Register in advance at: ist.uwaterloo.calcs1 courses.html. This course will review reatures of Reference Manager and EndNote, and will also review the online searching capabilities that allow users to search remote databases. Thursday, December 7 Keeping Up with Your Research: 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., LT3-Dana Porter Library. Offered to faculty and graduate students only. Register in advance at: ist.uwaterloo.ca1cslcourses.html. This hands-on session will show you how to get the most from databases like Current Contents. ClSTl Source, and electronic journals. Tuesday, December 12 Organizing Your References:9:3Oa.m.11:00 a.m., Meet at the Davis Centre Library lnformationDesk.Offeredtofaculty and graduate students only. Register in advance at: ist.uwaterloo.calcsl courses.html. This course will review reatures of Reference Manager and EndNote, and will also review the online searching capabilities that allow users to search remote databases.
with your equipment and join in. For more information email Jen at The UW Warriors Band is looking for fine and talented musicians.If you enjoy sports and play an instrument, or have a desire to learn, please contact Tim at
do anything creative with words, e-mail We meet weekly to share writing, critique, and inspire. Mention the times that are best for you, too. Marriage plans? Join with several others tostudy Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott's "Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts." Contact Jeff and Merlene Austen at jeffnmer@altavista.comor 725-0265. The Waterloo Concert Band is looking for musicians. Rehearsals Mondays 810 p.m., Adult Rec Centre starting Sept. 11. Contact Bryon Higgs 669-5296 or for more info. No membership dues. Be A Big Sister- can you share 3 hours a week for a year to enrich a life? Training is on Saturday, Nov. 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 743-5206 to become involved. The 2001 Edna Staebler Research Fellowship is now open to applicants. Awarded yearly for research adjudged towincreaseknowledgeand expand understanding of the cultures of the folk and founding peoples of Waterloo RegionMlaterloo County", the Fellowship is accompaniedby a stipend of $1,000. Call 742-7752for more info. Deadline is Nov. 6. 2000.
Women's varsity hockey team at UW gets together every Tuesday and Friday from 4-5 p.m. at the Columbia Icefields. More players are needed. If you have previously played hockey, come on out
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