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tion of Students, stated that he is cuts that have occurred. However, "very wary of the Alliance platform he feelsthat the Liberal party should on PSE." He noted that an income earmark some of that money specifine of the most important contingentloanrepaymentprogram cally for education so that both uniissues for students in the onlyworksif themaximumlengthof versities and students know how it comingelectionispost-sec- the loan is tightly controlled. Ex- willimpacttheminthecomingyears. ondaryeducaaon(PSE). Theywant tending the life of a loan only in- TheLiberalsalsadoubledtheamount that a studentcan claim as to know how politieducation tax credits cians plan on improvingtheeducationsys(from $200 to $400 per month for a full time stutern and making it more accessible and dent.) ~hisdlallowstuaffordable. With that dents to keep more of their earnedincome. Stuin mind, here is abrief dentscanalsoroll forward look at, and analysis the creditsto future years of the education porif they are not currently tion of the four major creases a students interest expense - needed to offset one's income. national parties' platforms. The Liberals also plan on conIn the CanadianAlliance'splat- and doesn't address the situation of form, A Time for Change, there is high debt loads to begin with. How- tinuingwiththeir MillenniumScholvery little mention of post-second- ever he did agree that increasing the arshipFundwhichistargeted to assist ary education or the issues that stu- basic personal income exemption one millionstudentswhoare most in dents are concernedwith. The only from approximately $7,200 to need over rhe next 10 years. They direct commitmentthat they make $10,000 would allow students to have alsocommitted $400million to in the platform is to "reform the keep more of their earned income the Canadian Foundation for InnoCanada Student Loans system and and apply it to replace it withanew incomecontin- their education gent repayment loan program." expenses. They also state, that "We need to Muchofthe support programs such as health Liberal Party's care and education." platform is the A conversation on education iecent miniwith an Alliance representative in budgetthatthey their "war room" did not provide releasedvriorto any specific detailson how the Alli- the election call. In that budget, they vation. Schaan feelsthatthis money ance p h s on improving PSE. In- committed to raising the Canadian will be especially helpful to smaller stead the representativefocused on Health and Social Transfer (CHST) schoolswith limited budgets. According to Schaan, the New the planned tax cuts by the Alliance by $21.1 billionover five years. This and how they would help Canadi- money goes to the provinces to help Democratic platform "takes a hard ans afford and invest in education. .fund health care and education. lookat the realitiesof studentlife and Mark Schaan, the currentVice Schaan feels that this is an excellent debt." They propose making the President Education for the Federa- step at restoring education funding Canada Student Loan Program inMARK DUKE
Imprint staff
lmprint staff
John Molson School of Business The faculty of commerce and ad. ministration at ConcordiaUniver. sity will be renamed the John Molson School of Business at the next board of governors meeting on November 15. The decision comes on the heels of a $10 milhon donauon from the Molson Family Founda. tion andMolson Incorporateddur ing the last capital campaign.
Panshawe begins to %rethink,respect, reduce" Fanshawe College in London i! planning an information campaigr to inform studentsof the potentia problems with excessive perfumt on campus. The three R's of Fra grance: rethink, respect, reduce are meant to inform fragrance wearers of chemical-sensitive stu. dents on campus.
I Coke deal for McGill? McGiUniversity administrationis again at the table with Coke, asking the Student Society and the Engi neering Undergraduate Societ) about a new campus-wide deal tc make Coca-cola theprimary drink supplier for at least 10 years. A few months ago, these soci etiesrejected asimilar deal, citing; number of student concerns. Ad ministrationfeelsthat the concern: have been dealt with but the stu dents are stillwary. An activistfron the anti-Coke campaign last win ter, Paul Gohier feels that it woulc be a slap in the face if the studenl societiessignedthis deal.
U of Alberta says no to big tobacco UofAhasturneddowna$400,000 to $500,000 dpnation which would have been used for scholarI ships.Themoneywasto comefrom an unnamed tobacco company, which wanted the scholarshipsto be named after the founder of the cigarettemaker. The board of governors turned down the donation. Student reaction was mixed. While many believe that it would have just been another form of advertising for the cigarette company, others felt thatturning down money, from any source, is not responsible. \
In the Canadian Alliance's platform there is very little mention of postsecondary education.
terest free for the life of the loan and creditingallinterestpaidsince 1995. The platform also indicates that they would 'work with the provinces on an immediate freezeon tuitionlevels to be followed by a strategy to 'roll back fees to 1995 levels." The NDP would also replace the Millennium ScholarshipFundwiththe Canadian Education Accessibility Fund. The main differenceisthattheAccessibi1ity Fund would be grant-based. SchamstatedthatsuappingtheMillennium Fund "may not be a step in the right direction." He also felt that freezingand rolling backtuitionfees would not have an equitable impact on all Canadians.Thisisbecause provinceslikeBritishColumbiaandManitoba have had little or no increases since 1995while provinceslike Ontario have had significantincreases. While SchaanfeelsthattheNDP platformis forwardthinkingwhen it comes to education issues, he questions how pragmatic it is and how costly it would
The Liberals have committed $21.1 billion to help provinces fund healthcare and education.
The Progressive Conservativeparty'seducation ~latformtakes a "very comprehensive lookateducationnaccording to Schaan. He feels that the party is being proactive instead of reactive when it comes to student issues. . Amongthe party'spropdare an immediate increasein the CHST to 1993levelsandthe eliminationof
please see page 5
Are you on the list? Federation of Students help students get enumerated SUSAN BUbAK
Imprint staff
hey sayyou never forgetyour first time. For many UW students, November 27 will be the firsttime they vote in a federal election. While castinga ballot may not be as exciting as some other firsts, it'sno less important. That's why the Federation of Students is get vou taking stem to . to the ~olls. Tobeeligible tovote, you must be on the voters' list. On November 6 and 7, Elections Canada officials were adding students to the voters' list at enumeration stations in the Student Life Centre. If you missed out, it's not too late to get enumerated. "Students can head to the Returning Office in Westmount Plaza up until the election to get their name revised or addedto the voters' list," explained Feds VP Education Mark Schaan. Schaan is in the process of or-
- -
Students get enumeratedin theSLC. ganizing"a"Rock the Vote" concert that will take place shortly before Election Day. "We are still in the final planning stages for the event," he explained. "The date will be determined by band availability and sponsorship." Other pre-election events include a candidates' forum in which local party representatives will be invitedto discuss their platforms and
answer questiohs from students. Schaan hopes that at least half of the UW studentpopulation will go to the polls on November 27. His goal is pretty ambitious, considering that only 10 per cent of students (1,229)votedintheFeds election last February. However, Schaan feels that lowvoter turnout among students is not necessarily a sign of apathy. "Typically,it is very difficult for students to get out and vote," he explained. "As students are a transient population, they are typically not enumerated and efforts to get them enumerated have typically proved difficult in previous elections." Schaan added, that "getting to the polls can often be difficultas polls can be far away fromstudents'homes and they don't have transportation. In thiselection, we have tried toquell
these concernsby bringingenumeration to campusand by workingtoput a polling station on campus." There are other reasons why voter turnout tends to be low among students. Some don't vote because they don't care, while others don't vote because they live away from home in a different riding. In the latter case, students can obtain mail-in ballots tovote for candidatesin their home constituencies. If you don't know much about the candidates,go to the candidates' 'forumandlistento what they have to say. Educate yourselfbyreadingnewspapers and watching news broadcasts on television. "If students truly want a say in the future of this country, they need to vote and make their presence known to policy-makers and politicians," explained Schaan. And if you don't vote, you don't count.
A r The Social Psychology and English Departments' Present:
Holocaust survivor inspires listeners
LAUREN 8. B R E S L l N Imprint staff
Wednesday, November 15 3:30-4:30 p.m. Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome's
Mr. Gladwell is bestselling author of The Tipping Point and staff writer for The New Yorker magazine. His feature articles and information about his book are collected on-line at:
6et all your questions answered on Tuesday. November 14th. 7 8:3O prn
We welcome Graduating Students to fmd out about post-graduate programs Meet with representatives from 24 Ontarlo Colleges at the Conestoga College Recreation Centre, 299 Doon Valley Drwe, Kltchener. For more ~nformat~on, call 748-5220, ext 656
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Conestoga College
Irn~rint,Friday, November 10, 2000
n Tuesday, November 7, at St. Jerome's College, Holocaustsurvivor George Scott recounted his experiences in Birkenau, one of the Naziconcentration camps during World War Two. The event, From Generationto Generation, sponsoredby theJewish StudentsAssociation USA), wasattended by students (and others) of various backgrounds.The evening observed Holocaust Remembrance Week which endsonNovember 9, the 62"* anniversary of Kristallnacht-German for "night of the broken glass" -when the Nazis went public with their campaign to exterminate the Jews of Germany. Recounting a personal story of one of the most horrific events in human history means tracinga series of narrow escapes. Fearing death at every turn and submitting to brutality and unsympathetic torture is something that can only be comprehended by those unfortunate enough to live through it. As Elie Wiesel, Nobel Laureate and famous Holocaust survivor has said, "The essence of this tragedy is that it can never be fully conveyed." As listeners to the descriptive narrative of a Holocaust survivor, people naturally detach themselves from the vivid details of it all: being forced out of your home, beingpacked like sardines in railway cars and shippedoff to concentration camps, witnessing the systematic deaths of family and friends, surviving on meager rationsin downright deplor-
ableconditions,becorningacquainted with the sight of death, enduring the fear, the humiliation, the horror of it all.
Indeed, what George Scott described was far too abstract and certainly beyond our understanding. As anticipated,his tale wasat once frightening and upsetting; but Mr. Scott was not interested in shocking the crowd with details of the crueltieshe
"The essence of this tragedy is that it can never be fully conveyed." had witnessed as a younger man. He had little intention of painting a graphic picture of what he had succumbed to and what transpired around him. On the contrary, his were words ofwisdom, projectingan incessant zest and passion for life, along with a humble gratitude for being as lucky as he was. This man does not repress his experience, but rather, uses it towards fulfillinghis own life as best he can. He fosters no contempt and harbours no ill-feeling. As he stoodin front of the crowd, opting to avoid the formality of the podium, George Scott began his speech by remarking that although the Holocaust is his so-called "claim to fame," he would much rather
speak about his real passions: literature, art, philosophy and music. As he explained, Scott had endured the concentration camps as a mere teenager, losing both parents at a young age, and growing up without any family. Yet, unlike what one may expect fromsuchayoung survivorof tyranny, his words and his creeds were at worst moving, and at best empowering. He assenedwith much conviction that he does not blame God for what happened during the Holocaust, because "God doesn't make Holocausts; people make Holocausts." Likewise,when asked if he hasany difficulty facingaGerman person today, he sharply replied that it was, in fact, a German who saved his own life and one cannot simply blame an entire nationality. Following his speech, the JSA organized a candle lighting ceremony, to honour the victims, the survivors, the resistance, the righteous Gentiles, Israel and the future. Thededication to the righteous Gentiles pays respect and reverence to thenon-Jewswhogambledtheirown safety by aiding, housing and concealingJews during the Holocaust. With the exception of some disruption from the MuslirnStudents Association and Arab StudentsAssociation, the eveningran smoothly. If some people feel compelledtodisrespect an event of such personal and historical weight, thenso be it. Allof the spectators afterwards felt this disturbance to be, attheveryleast,in extremely poor taste. For most in attendance a debate about the situation in the Middle East has its place, but not at this type of event.
Imprint, Friday, November 10, 2000
5 Dick Tracy,Sherlock Holmes, Nancy Drew.. .Sound famili
Tobin wows Conestoga crowd
i i
Liberal celeb draws liberal supporters ROBIN
Imprint staff
largely partisan crowd of 120 students and community members showed up to see Liberalcelebrity and formerNewfoundland premier Brian Tobin speak at Conestoga College on Tuesday, November 7. The event was hosted by the Conestoga College Students' Union who invited all local candidatesroaddressthe college community at an event on their campus. Only Liberal candidate Janko Peric accepted, bringing along Mr. Tobin to add to the spectacle. After a short introduction by studentunion presidentMike Harris, includinga five minute promotional video for Mr. Peric, the candidate addressed the crowd. Peric, whom Harris described as a "champion of Conestoga College," only addressed the crowd for a few minutes, taking the time to remind the crowd of the importance of post-secondary education to the Canadian economy, and pointing out that the policydocument circulated by the Canadian Alliance contained only one paragraph touching on the subject. The majority of the eveningwas left for Mr. Tobin's passionate address. After entering the hall to the enthusiastic strains of "Home for a Rest," Tobin began his remarks by speaking glowingly of the province of Ontario. "I am here," sald Tobin
"applying for a job . . a typical NewfoundlanderinOntario."Tobii praised Ontario as the "centre that has always held," pointing to the generosity of Ontarians and their history of putting "Canada fust, Canada last and Canada always." Tobin, who hasbeencalledCaptain Canada by some sinceconfrontingtheSpanishshipEstaiwhile it was over fishing outside Canada's 200mile fishingzone,warned listenersof the danger of regional political parties who seek to dividerather than to unite Canada, sayingthat it was that danger which brought him out of provincial pohtics and into the federal race. Over the course of his remarks, Tobin mentionedthe Bloc QukMcois only in passing and the PC and NDP party not at all, savingall of his venom for StockwellDay and the Canadian Alliance. Following the Liberal pattern of referringto the Alliance as the Reform Party under a new name, Tobin called the new party extreme and criticized them for having what he called "two differentpolicy books, one public and one private." Earlier this week, Canadian media drew attention to the contents of a policy guide circulated to Alliance candidatesacrossthecountry.Theguidecontainedmanypolicy details that are not included in the officialplatform released by the party. Tobin alsotookthe time tospeak on the importance of post-second-
ary education and the need for the federal government to reinvest in that area, takingthe time to point out what he felt were the negative effects of decisions made by the Ontario government on post-secondary education, includingthe deregulationof tuition for professional programs. Federation of Students Vice President Education Mark Schaan was on hand to ask Tobin about how a future Liberal government may help Canadian universitiesdeal with over three billiondollars in deferred maintenance costs.Tobin responded by highlightinginvestmentsmade by the Liberal government in the Canadian Fo-undationfor Innovation and the Canadian Health and Social Transfer. Schaan, however, was not satisfied with the answer. "What we need," he said, "is a joint agreement between the federalgovernmentand the provinces,like theotle on health." Harris was pleased with the event and continues to hope that other candidates in the Cambridge riding will take the opportunity to addressthe campuscommunity.Turn out for the eventwasgood,but many of those present were not members of the campuscommunityaccording toone of the Directorsof thestudent union, "I figure he brought most of themwiththem."saidAcademicsubcommittee memberJohn Olonsk referring +s the' vocally supportive crowd, "I don't see many of our students here."
Election look at education continued from page 3 the taxation of scholarships (currently scholarshipsover $3,000 are taxed.) They also want to make the repayment of student loans tax deductible up to a maximum of 10per cent of the principal for the first 10 years after graduation. Schaan feelsthat thisisan excellent proposal but needs work on the logistics. He feels that a 10per cent maximum is too little and 10 years isn't long enough. He also pointed out that it does not help graduates who are not making enough to pay back their loan or are not paying tax
in the first place. Schaan also feels that the progressive conservative pledge to increase the basic personal income exemption to $12,000 would further assist students to finance their education. He also feels that the proposal to establish the Canadian Institute for Learning and Technology would help students to "learn better and more" as well as address some of the geographic logistical problems that some Canadiansface in their pursuit of further education. Overall Schaan is pleased that education is playing an important
role in the comingelectionandthat all of the partiesseem to be focused on education. However, he feelsthat there is still room for growth.He statedthat Canadian politicians need to continue "tolookat policy problems in post-secondary education." For amore detailedversionof the vision of educationamong our political parties, you can refer to a recently released document by the Canadian'AUiance of StudentAssociationsentitled Canada's Future: Elections 2000. It is available at
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ATTENTION CO-OP STUDENTS Mondav Nov. 13 Job Match Results are ava~lableby 3 PM Meeting for Students without employment at 4:30 PM (see orange Important Dates Sheet for spec~ficlocations) Continuous Posting #I expires at 8 PM Ranking Forms for Architecture Students available after 11 AM and are due back by 4 PM Tuesday Nov. 14 Letter Writing (9:30-10:30AM) and RBsume (10:30-11:30AM) Workshops NH 1020 Continuous Posting#2 available by 12 Noon Acceptance of employment meetings with co-ord~nators Wednesday Nov. 15 Continuous Posting #2 expires at 8 PM Acceptance of employment meet~ngswith co-ordinators continues Architecture &Teaching Option Job Match Results posted by 11 AM *Architecture & Teaching Option Cont~nuousPosting #I available by 12 Noon * Meeting for Architecture students without emplovment . . at 4:30 PM Thursdav Nov. 16 The Work Finding Packaqe Workshop (130-3:30 PM) NH 1020 Continuous postkg #3 available by 1'2 'Noon Architecture & Teaching Option acceptance of employment with co-ordmators begin Fridav Nov. 17 Continuous Posting #3 expires at 8 PM Warkect by co-op co-brdinatorsi r e available for pickup at CECS reception
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS EMPLOYER INFORMATION SESSIONS Tuesdav Nov. 14 Sterner Automation 5:30-7:30 PM DC I30111302 For Graduating & Co-op students in Eng Wednesdav Nov. 15 Microsoft 7:30-10:00 PM MC 2065 For Graduating& Co-op students in CS, Math, & Eng Towers Perrin 6:30-9:00 PM University Club For Graduating & Co-op students in Act Sci Thursdav Nov. 16 National Instruments 5:OO-7:00 PM Ground Zero For Graduating & Co-op students in Eng, CS, Phys, Math & Sci
1 I
Imprint, Friday, November 10, 2000
Grad House plans tea party Feminist philanthropistcelebratesanniversary KRISTA RANACHER special to Imprint
omen in Canada owe their right to full participation as persons in the government of our country to five Alberta women and the fight they took to the English Privy Council in 1929. The man who represented the Famous Five in their case was Newton Rowell whose granddaughter Nancy Ruth carries on the tradition of bucking the trend of society. She will bevisitingUW on November 23. Amonument to that victory was unveiled on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on the 71st anniversary of that decision. The monument captures the birth of the famous Persons Case when Emily FergusonMurphy,Nellie Mooney McClung, Louise Crummy McKinney, Irene Marryat Parlby and Henrietta Muir Edwards gathered for a cup of tea and signed the first petition to the Canadian government to reviewthepoint of lawwithin the British North America Act that disqualified women as persons "in matters of rights and privileges" such as membership in the Canadian Senate. Nancy Ruth will be pouring tea in memory of that humble yet powerful beginning and talking about her own experiencesin feminist philanthropy as well as stirring the pot,
starting at 3p.m. in the Grad House Pub. All are welcome to attend. She has been a kev. fimre in the. ongoing strugglefor women's rights and eaualitv. in Canadian and international, academic, religiousandcivil society for several decades. She cofounded and provided resources to the Charter of Rights Coalition, the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF)andThe Canadian Women's Foundation which supports women in micro-enterprise. Mostrecently, she co-mothered the "CoolWomen" Web site at Recognizing the lack of women's stories, the site posts articles on past and present women and their contributions to society, announceseventson an electronic bulletin board and connects women through "fe/mail" and chat forums. Her powerful voice might be supported by membership in a wellestablished family and an inheritance but her struggle over control and distribution of her impressive talents and assets.comparable to that of her brothers has put her at loggerheads with the established order withinand outside of her family. The tea on Thursday November 23, at 3p.m. should be a lively event and may prove to be as historicallysignificant as the tea party it will make a toast to.
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Staff Editor-m-Chief, Scott Gordon Assstant Editor, Rob Van Kruisturn News, vacant Assistant News, Andrea St. P~erre Forum, Amy Potvin Feamres, Jon Willing Assistant Features, Adrian Chin Science, Christina Cella Sports, Greg Macdougall Assistant Sports, John Swan Arts, Lisa Johnson Assistant Arts, Paul Schreiber Photos, Felix Yip Assistant Photos, Brian Code Graphics, Billy Tung Assistant Graphics, vacant Web, Sunon Woodside Web Assistant, Dunhan Ganthan Systems Administrator, Dave Robins Proofreader, Jesse Helmer Proofreader, Daniel Wong Proofreader, Jan Guenther-Braun Proofreader, Hala Khalaf Proofreader, vacant Business Manager, Mark Duke Advertising & Product~onManager, Laum Tigert-Dumas Advertising Assstant, Bahi Selvadurai Distribut~on,Ben Schott Dstnbution, Hala Khalaf Board o f Directors President, Kate SchwassVice-president, Janice Jim Treasurer, Rob Van Kruisnun Secretary, Dunhan Ganthan Staff Liaison. Adina Gillian Contributors Janice Arnott, Rathe1 E. Beatne, Lauren S. Breslin, Susan Bubak, Alex Cassar, Ryan ChenWing, Mark Duke, Alastair Far~gia,Nicole Fawcette,Adina Gihan, Bdy Guns, T.J. Grant, Inday, Gabe Kempe, Hajera Khan, Jonathan Law, T i a n y Murray, George Munin, Krtsta Rnnacher, George Roter, Kerri Schira, Kate Schwass, Seven, Laura Smith, Adam Stanley, Robin Stewart, The Cosmic Surgeons.
Imprint is the officialstudent newspaperof the University ofwaterloo. It is an editorially independent newspiperpublished by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, acorporationwithout share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published wery Friday during fall and winter tenns, and every second Friday durmg the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDN Pub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 554677. Address mail to: Imprint Student Life Centre, Room 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1
Getting high on politics I
t's looking like the new party might have a chance to take this coming federal election. TOO badit1snottheotherneGparty. he other green PartyThe Marijuana Party of Canada. The party that stands for one thing and one thing only - the legalization of marijuana in this country. Well, there is more to it than that, as you will discover if you decide to visit www. Some of the details include a 'responsible use' approach, with age limits (whichour currentsystem does not have), responsibility behind the wheel, and policesto prevent and treat abuse. People's lives would no longer be ruined by the stigma and alienation that comes from being labelled a criminal and given a criminal record. And there would be many advantages to lifting the extreme control measures currently onindustrial hemp that are aresult of its close ties to illegal marijuana. These goals and ideals are the basis of a party that's initial support was gathered at a Montreal smoke-in in 1997. This led to the creation of the Bloc Pot, that ran 24 candidates inthe 1998 Quebecprovincialeleaions.h o n e seat the BP candidate finished third, in every other they were either fourth or fifth. The party received 9671 votes in total, over oneand-a-half per cent of the votes cast in ridings they fielded candidates. The federalparty is looking for candidates to come forward in every riding across the country -a candidate must support and promote the party's stance on marijuana, but allother issuesare up to the indwidualcandidate. The party "believe(s) democracy is represented by popular participation without necessarily having to constantly tow the party line." This political start-up can be seen as a vehicleto make the political systemmoredemocratic, through encouraging people to see their vote as avoice that will be heard. While many feel that their vote doesn't count for much, the marijuana party is not seriously in contention to win (for now). Every vote they collect will not be a bid to put them in power, but instead
beginning to question e degree to which voting es a difference. We're told in a democracy it is our onsibility to vote and make urviewsheard. While that may
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tents andpurposes, wasted. The optimists among us argue that this is a somewhat defeatistattitude because you can't alwaysaccuratelypredict whoisgoingto win in any given riding. They'll remind you of situationslikethe 1997federalelectionwhen high ranking cabinet ministers like David Dingwall and Doug Young garnered fewer votes than the NDP underdogs. The fact remains, however, that regardless of who wins,in the final analysisthe only voices heardare those that belongto supporters of the winning candidate. The 1993 election is a great example of
will make aloudstatementthatthere isanother dent, Bobby Gaunt, tospeakon behalf of many Canadian who feels that marijuana legaliza- in the businessworld,where all themoney is"We support all nationally represented free tion makes sense. It is an attempt to get some political will entetpriseparties." The Marijuana Party recognues the oband commitment to explore possible changes to marijuana law and to start a legitimate stacle that money represents. "The extent that prohibition is tiedinto theeconomy and to the political movement. "My opinion is the only way to do it is people who have money and power who rely march in to the House of Commons ourselves. on these prohibition policies to keep their It's l i e a demonstration, except at the ballot money and power, is too great.. .And, if you're box instead of in the streets. Hundreds of apolitician, you don't want to step on the toe. thousands of people show up and say, 'Look, of people with money and power, who helped what the fuck is going on with the marijuana you get into office," says St-Maurice. With that onmind, whatwill youdowith thing!'" saysMarc-BorisSt-Maurice,founder your vote? Elevate the level of Canadian poliof the Bloc Pot and the Marijuana Party. Do we truly live in a democracy? In On- tics. Lift off the blinders that are stopping tario, Mike Harris' government received 44 people from seeing the light and help spark a per cent of the votes yet now have absolute newmovement in thiscountry. Use your ballot power. Proportional representation is a po- to say, 'Look, whatthe fuckisgoingon with the tentialsolution,but won'tbebroughtinanytime marijuanathing?' soon. There is muchvestedinterest in keeping the system and its power structure intact. -GregMucdougall Power makespower. And power is money 4AMathteacbing ...oristhatmoneyispower? They're both true. W A MONICA By: Billy Gum For a party (or presidentialfandidate in the US) to be in seriouscontention, they must have serious financial backing. In our country, only two parties have this corporate backing: the Liberah,due totheir long-standing reign on power in the country, and @ e - M i i e , vrrfici recently showed how big-time they are by collecting $1.7 million in one night's solicitationsata dinner inToronto. If we used the same 15 per cent support rule that the Unitedstates does to determine who gets to ~articipate in political debates, we'd only have two people there too. We have Ford's presi'
the flaws in our election system. Reform, the Conservatives, and the Bloc all garnered similar amounts of the popular vote but when the finally tally was done the Conservativesended up with only two seats while Reform and the Bloc eachendedupwithmore than 40. Because the Conservative vote was spread across the country in many different ridings instead of concentrated in certain areas like it was for Reform or the Bloc, those who voted for the PCs were silenced. The party for which they cast their vote was not officially recognizedin the House of Commons, and thus unable to have any real say in the affairs of the country. Had we had some form of proportional representation the result would have been vastly different. Seatsin the House would have been determined on the basis of popular vote and the Conservativeswould have had just as big a presence as their Quebec and Westernbased rivals. Under this kind of system -variations of which are used widely across Europe the majority of ballotscastp!ay arolein determining the make up of the House of Commons or the provincial Legislature. This would, or course, radically alter the Canadian election landscape. All of sudden
parties considered marginal-from the NDP and Conservativesright on down the line to the Green Party and the Communists would have a chance to have more of a say in the House. It's not inconceivablethat the Green Party might win enough of the popular vote (say two or three per cent) to secure at least one seat in Parliament. And if people l i e me felt their vote wasn't going to bewasted or lost, these parties may even end up with even more votes. Of course, we're not likely to move to this kind of system any time soon. Political parties l i e power and they're not eager to changea systemthat hands majoritygovernments to parties that win 40 per cent of the popular vote. In spite of my problems with our electoral system, I will, nevertheless, be voting comeNovember27. Disillusioned or not, I'm not able to fully shake the idea that participating in the process ultimately gives concerns andlor complaints I may have with the government more legitimacy. When I cast my ballot, though, you can be sure I will be doing it grudgingly. -Scott Gordon, Editor-in-Chief
N o thanks, Julian
ruly it must be an election season, for the Forum section of Imprintisripewithplitidpunditry. For those of youunable to partakeof the week before last's helpings, we "ere treated to the pro-dairy ravt ings of JulianIchim ("Moo, Mr. Day, moo") against Alliance leader j StockwellDay. Some of you may remember Mr. Ichim as the enlightened soul who, tired of wallowingin obscurity and no-doubtfeeling fmtratedwith the democratic process, decided it would be a novel idea to present Allianceleader StockwellDay with a calcium-fortified lesson in democracy during the Alliance campaign kickoff in KW. One can only congratulateMr. Ichim on securing his 15 minutes of fame, for by hisownreasoningitwas a worthless act. "The correct manifestation of resistancecan be judged by itseffectiveness," Mr. Ichim tells us. Now my friends and I pride ourselveson being politically aware and we subscribeto the full spectrum of political views; but among us all, the only reaction to a chocolatecoveredStockwas the same: "What
And we were not talking about WhileMr. Ichim may have been thrilled to see his face on CKCO, he is an embarassment to a university that prides itself on churning out brighter-than-average graduates. "I too believe in respect of politicianswho present alegitimateplatform and have a desire to help our ~untry,"Ichim opines. Wrong, Julian. You quiteclearly believe only in spectof politicians who agree with lur platform. Your final whine about how a ay-fearing liberal media betrayed IU by condemning your actions
showsjusthow littleyouunderstand Canadian politics and the reasons behind your condemnation. In generallylaw-abidingdemocratic countries such as Canada, we express and resolve our differences in a number of ways, some of which involve discussion, some of which involve campaigning for opposing viewpoints. Occasionally,and most fundamentally,we even get to elect representativesby secret ballot. Hopefully you will have observed the glaring lack of projede dairy products in the above list. You see, in this day and age, assault is anathemato most Canadians. Fortunate, sinceit keptSt&eII Day from kicking your ass. And before you join the bandwagon invoking the memory of Pierre Trudeau, you should at least pretend to understand why he invoked the War Measures Aa: not because his power was threatened, but because agroup of goonswith an agenda decided that rather than respectthe rulesof demoaacy, itwould be more effectiveto intimidate people with violence. By the way, you're right about one thing: the Alliance stance on refugeesispretty dear. (Sohow you didn't get it is beyond me). Fortunately, UW has "easy and abundant access to the Internet," so check out point #49 at http://www. policy-declarehndex. html. -MikeHabicher WEnginemng Grad
One for the X-iXes
s astudentconcernedabout the increasingpower of elected officials, I was disturbed by the comments of Chris Farley, President of the Federation of Students in your recent issue. Regarding the grave situation
surrounding a missing MathC&D staff member, Farley said "people disappear all the time." I find thiscommentto be highly suspicious. I suggest that an independent investigation be launched into Farley's activities. Furthermore, I demand that Farley be stripped of his position and placed under house arrest, for the safety of myself and anyone else willing to voice their concerns. Though hemightnot be directly involved in this particular incident, it is apparenthe playedan integral role in the disappearance. All those who have been on the receiving end of Farley'swrathneedto bevindicated. I encourage anyone with information tocome forward. Fariey's tyrannical rule must end now.
sexual issues. It seems as if Flear is trying to make his statement (nudge nudge, wink wink) by simply juxtaposingthese two unrelated things in such a way as to make the uninformedsupposethat they do, in fact, belongtogether. Or perhaps Iamall together mistaken, perhaps he is not making innuendoes about homosexual love in the Bible-after all, and perhaps he intends to change the name of hiscolumnfrom"OutLookn toUNigel'sBibleStoryCorner." Well, since I sincerely doubt this is the case, I am led to wonder: will Nigel Flear ever actually make a point and dare to prove it with decent scholarship, or will he continue to say nothing precise at all? -]die Hicknell 3BHonoursGerman
Not misguided 'ust . disrespec
Nigel's Bible study corner
was rather puzzled as I readNigel Flear's column "Out Look" in the October 27 issue of Imprint. "What on earth," I wondered to myself, "is a Sunday school lesson doing in a column which normally addresses gay issues?" Iwish Iknew. Unfortunately, Mr. Flear has simply written aprecis (andasuperficialone at that) of 1Samuel 16-23 and 2 Samuel 1, in which he neglects to make any point, or offer an explanation as to why the stoty of David andJonathan belongs in his column. One thing I doknow is that Flear would, no doubt, find himself in quite a hermeneutical pickle should he attempt to prove that David's and Jonathadsrelationshipwasa homosexual one, or that their story has anything to say about gay issues. Indeed, by telling this story in his column, Flear is making a spurious correlation between David and Jonathan's relationship and homo-
wouldlike to thankyou for printing my letter in your forum section (Friday, November 3,2000). However, I am displeased with the title you attached to my letter ("Shead a tear for misguided Flear"). First of all, "shed" is spelled wrong. Secondly, it adds a message to my letter that I never intended it to have. Let me be perfectly clear. I do not know Nigel Flear. I do not know what he is like as a person. I cannot, nor care to, judge him as misguided. That beingsaid, I can, and intend to, judge his writing. Nigel Flear has shown his writing to be competent when he writes on gay issues. He has also shown his writing to be incompetent when he writes on Christianissues. Again, let me be perfectly clear to the readership. I am not enraged if Mr. Flear disagreeswith Christianity. He has the right to do so in a free
and tolerant society. What I do find totally disrespectful is his use of the public media to fling unfounded accusations at my religion. When he hascommented onmy religionin his column "Outlook" (for example Friday,June 30,2000; Friday, October 27,2000; Friday,November 19, 1999),he greatly offended ine by 1. Spreadingdisinformationabout my faith;2. Using omission and emphasis to distort my scripture; 3. Not evenhavingthe common courtesy to properly research, and educate himself, about my religion. Would unfounded statements and ill-conceived theories be tolerated in your paper if they were directed at some other group? I hope not. I simply ask Nigel Flear to give me the same treatment he demands for himself. I simply ask you, the editor, to give Christians the same respectyouwould givetoimmigrants and zombies. -Richard Boychuk Philosopby Editor'snote: WhiletheWebvm'onof Mr.Boychuk'sletterdidmisspel1"shed" (a mistake that has since been corrected), the print version did in fact read, "ShedatearformisguidedFhr."
Naismith deserves better To the Editor,
very year, when I come back for homecoming, I pick up Imprint for its Naismith preview. When I read this year's preview (November 3), I was absolutely stunned. Not only does it appear to have been writtenby a ten-year old, but it'sclear that the writer knows absolutely nothing about CIAU basketball. please see page 9
The Forum Section enables members of the University of Waterloou3mmunitytopresent views on variousissues through letters to the editor and long& commentpieces. Letters shouldnot exceed 350 words in length. Letters must be signed, including a phone number. Letterswillnot be printed8the Editor-mechief cannot identify the author. They can be submitted to: lette7s@imgTint.uwaterloo.~1. Letters received in electronic form (e.g. fax & emaii) willnotbeprintedunlessaphone number for verification is included. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editorreservesthe right to refuse topublishlettersor articles which are judged to be libellousordiscriminatoryon the basisofgender, race, religionor sexualorientation. The opinions expressed through columns, comment pieces, lettersandother articles are strictly those of the authors, not the opinionso h p r i n t .
Irn~rint.Friday. November 10.2000
Find your truth HAJERAKHAN
No one is compelled to search for the truth about his or her existence, but it is certainly a discredit to I was struck by this importance all term is in full swing and stu- the human intellectwhen~earenot again when CASA released a docudents are now neck deep in even interested in finding out what ment to the national media profiling midterms and assienments. with fi- the truth is. " all of the major parties and their nals looming before them. By not contemplating thisphiloplatforms on post-secondary educaAs we trudge to classeseveryday sophical issue, we end up taking on tion. It seems that all of the major and pore over our books every night the norms of the society around us, parties have attempted to answer (with occasional breaks for KD or which essentially equates to letting the PSEquestionsof today: the brain The Simpsons) some of us come to others make up opinions and decidrain, unfilled jobs and lifelonglearn- ponder the question that can alter sions for us. ing. Yet, how many of them will be the course of one'sexistence: "What While we hurdle through the compelled to implement themwhen is the point of all of this?" hectic days of the fall term, why not they are elected by an electorate that As students, we believe that our exercise our freedom of choice, our has distinct absencesfrom the targets academic pursuits will lead us to a faculty of thought and reason in orof those policy initiatives? future of financial stabilityand hope- der to find out what the Truth is? Why is it that from 1993 to fully enable us to contribute to the Can we find an explanation for 1998, the US government increased world in ameaningfulway, or at least the great universe and the point of per-student funding of post-second- give us something to do until we're our existence within it? ary studentsfrom $365to $500 CDN 65.Yet surely there hastobeagreater The universe exists and funcwhile the Canadian government point to our existence than just this. tions in the most orderly manner and onlyraiseditscontributionfrom$143 What is the purpose of it all and has survived for perhaps billions of to $144 CDN? How can govern- what comes after? years. Canweattribute the existence ments continue to bring forth poliConsider, for a moment, how of the universe and human beings to cies that negatively effect such a vi- our perspectivemaychangewith the a random accident? brant, important and effective por- thought of death. Everything in the universe has tion of the population? Thoughthe - likelihoodof any of been olanned with the most ~ e r f e c t This all stemsbackto my push to us getting hit by lightning or getting care andbalance, which couldnot be consider voting.You can make your fatalfood~oisonine;fromtheketchuo the result of an accident. The truth electedrepresentativesmorerespon- we put on our KD is statistically slim, is that there is adesigningwill behind sive to student needs, to the concerns this could be the last day, that you or our material existence. aGreat Creaof education and to the require- I breathe. tor who makes everything for a spements of th,e current Canadian uniWith that inrnind, determining cialpurpose. He iscalled God. Heis versity system. The notion of voting the ultimate "point" of our lives be- the Creator, the Sustainer of the is one of franchise: you have been comes more crucial. world and He has no partners. Acgiven the oppormnityto utilizeyour Whatever belief system one knowledging and understanding portion of control andownershiv to chooses to follow will influence the God is crucialto comprehendingthe take back your society. However, this course of his or her life and what purpose of our existence. franchise is voluntaryand completely follows it. Yet surprisingly,many of Islam invitesyouto ponder such up to you to take ownership of. Do us just continue tqstudy, hang out questions and, through your own students, society and yourself a fa- with our friends and not give t h ~ s reason and intellect, discover the vour: Piss off a politician and vote! issue deeper reflection. truth.
Your vote equals your say M A R K A.
Feds VP Education
y friendBryce got into alittle bit of trouble from his council this week for apro-votings~gnhe was looking to post on the McMaster sign. Although itwas for the Municipal election, I think it holds true for the federal election as well. The sign read: "Piss off apolitician: VOTE!" The sign was attempting to get at the fact that politicians often ignore the student population because they never mobilizeat the ballot box. The idea behind the advertisement was to try and hold politicians accountable to the student population and make students more of a reckoning force in the broader electorate. This is an equally important issue here in Waterloo and you probably won't be able to avoid hearing me attemptto cajoleyouintovoting. The importance of voting hit me significantlythisweek while I was in Ottawa working with the Canadian Alliance of StudentAssociations. I was firststrudcby the amazingpoky ideas that were coming out acrossthe table and questioning how many of them would actually be vetted by an electedofficial. While wepickedour brains over registered learning accounts for low-income Canadians with dependents, or lower interest rates on student loans, it struck me how much more effective we could be if politicianshad more to gain (and fear) from the student population. continued from page 8
John Swan seems more interested in using quirky catch-phrases and insulting the Laurier basketball team than writing a comprehensive preview of a prestigioustournament. ~ o n 'get t me wrong, I've always been one to laugh at Laurier's basketball program in the past, but if Mr. Swan hadseen the Hawksplay prior to this tournament, I don't think he would have been so dramatic in his criticism. I'm a die-hard Warriors fan, but to refer to this game as a "letdown" or "a bloody horrific cakewalkn and the Hawks as a "laughmgstocknisnot only insulting to your paper, but to the Naismith itself! Has Mr. Swan seen any CIAU basketballyet thisseason, or even last season, because his preview seems to be based solely on the Naismith program information,namelythe heights and years of experience of each player.It's evident that Mr. Swan does not have the slightest idea of who plays or starts for each team. The mistakes in his article are numerous: he refers to St. FX forward Krzysztof Stach as Stach Krzysztof, Laurier's 6'7" OUA West
specla1 to Imprint
rookie of the year Rodhi Knapp is listed as "Randy", he writes to "expect Darren Vierra (sic) to have some minutes for Laurier." Viera is Laurier's starting point guard and a potential all-star this year. However, the most appallingof allinMr. Swan'sNaismithpreviewis his lack of knowledge about Waterloo's team. Apparently Mr. Swan is not aware that "IosingMarkEysand Mano Watsato graduation7'occurred two years ago and is not a recent development. I wonder if he's even aware that Watsa is now an assistant coach with the Warriors. He also refers to Conrad Creek (sic) as "young talent that (Coach) Kieswetterwill depend on." I think a starter who is also one of your team's
I remember
co-captains deserves a little more respect than that. Perhaps if Mr. Swan took the time to watch a CIAU basketballgame instead of trying to think up clever witticismsfor his article, maybe Imprint'sNaitsmith preview would actually be a handy guide to the tournament. Then again, maybe if Imprint ensured that a qualified writer got the assignment, I wouldn't have written this letter. Let's try to remember that the Naismith Classicis probably the premier pre-season basketball tournament in the country. Why don't we try to give it the respect it deserves?
I remember war I remember the destroyed lives of those killed in spirit and killed in flesh Iremember crushinghuman tragedy in every mind on beautiful Earth' Despite everlastinglosses the enemy remains today The capacity for hate remains This foe cannot be killed withsword
-Sean Furfaro Classof'9S
-Derek Lammens 2AEnvironmentalChemistry
emembrance November 11,2000
Imprint, Friday, November 10, 2000
Abortion pill coming to Canada? A L E X CASSAR special to Imprint
magine working really hard on a particular project day in, day out and finally having success.Welcome tosearle, apharmaceuticalcompany. They have had many successes mcluding Cytotec (Misoprostol) aneffective treatment for ulcers. Then imagine if the news got even better. Without doing a shred of extra work somebody came up with a new use for your drug that would in thecomingyearsgen&atemillions for your company. You'd undoubtedly be very happy -but that has not been the case at Searle. Searlewas thrustedinto the spotlight on September 28 when the US FDA approved mifepristone, (aka RU486) marketed by Danco. This abortion-causing pill will "soon be available in the US. How'ever, any doctor who prescribes it must first ensure that a woman is no more than nine weeks pregnant and that she has no medical conditions that could cause serious complications, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. If there are no clear red flags, she could receive a dose of mifepristone immediately. Mifepristone interfereswith the action of progesterone, which is essential in the development of the uterine lining. As a result, the developing embryo receives no nourishgment and dies. After acouple of days, !the woman returns to the doctor to .receive Cytotec. This drug causes *utemecontractions,which will evenstually expel the dead embryo. : Under the approved procedure, a third visit a couple of weeks later would be necessary to ensure that $theabortion has been completed. If
not (which was the case in five per cent of clinical trials) a surgical abortion is mandatory. In fact, any woman taking RU 486 must agree to a surgical abortion if necessary before the procedure begins. Having considered the procedure it is important to return to Searle. On August 23, more than a month before mifepristone was approved, Searlewrote a letter to various health care providers across the Unitedstates. In the letter, they urge
Side effects can include maternal death, required surgeries, etc. ,
everyone to use Cytotec only for its original purpose -treating ulcers. They indicatethat previousmisuse of Cytotec in pregnant women has resulted in the following side effects: "maternal or fetal death, rupture or perforation requiring uterine surgical repair or hysterectomy, severevaginal bleeding, retained placenta, shock and pelvic pain." So why, if the manufacturer of a necessary component of this pill form of abortion saysit isunsafe,was it approved?After all, mifepristoneis effectively useless on its own. Some may argue that the whole purpose was to ensure that abortion is accessible to all women, but this surely cannot be the case. After all
there is the requirement that all women taking RU486 must be willing to have a surgical abortion if necessary.Therefore,if surgicalabortions are not available in aparticular area, neither is RU 486. Meanwhile, the stakescontinue to rise as testmg has begun in both Vancouver andToronto in the hopes thatRU486 will receive HealthCanada's approval shortly. According to an article that appeared in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on June 15, 1999, Health Canada wrote to Exelgyn (the French manufacturers of the drug) to explain how Canada's drug approval system works. This extremely rare move by Health Canada was interpreted by many as an invitation to apply. Since Health Canada usually approves drugs approved by the US FDA in addition to the pre-application interest shown by Health Canada, Canadian approval is very likely. The clear downside for all women is the pressure companies like Danco are placing on them to take RU 486. After all, what better solution could there be for a woman who finds herself unexpectantly pregnant than to be promptly told that this 'problem'will be no more if she takes RU 486 asap? As aresult, womenmay feel that there isless time to considerabortion alternatives such as adoption, or receiving aid in raising her child, and most unfortunate of all, if something does go wrong, nobody will take responsibility. Not Danco, not Searle, and not the approving FDA. Hopefully, Health Canada will realize the mistake of the US FDAand reject the application for RU 486.
ALASTAIR FARRUOIA numbers of people from their homes resulting in numerous casesof extraspecial to Imprint judicial and indiscriminate killings, his Saturday, November 11, torture and rape in their efforts to while we remember the people secure a mining project in which who died in both World Wars, the Talisman Oil, acanadiancompany, WPIRG Amnesty International Ac- has a 25 per cent stake. Saudi Arabia is a country where tion Group will be hosting a conference thatwill focus on present armed women suffer extreme forms of disconflicts around the world. crimination, where political parties, More than 5,000 children under trade unions and human rights orthe age of 18 have fought in Sierra ganizations are illegal, and whose Leone'sinternal armed confl~ctthat justice system isshroudedin secrecy. began in 1991. They have been re- The country has avoided censure by cruited by both the armed opposi- the internationalcommunity, andits tion and forces allied with the gov- oil riches are doubtlessa major factor ernment. Most of the children fight- in allowing the abuses to continue ing with rebel forces were abducted without criticism. and forced to fight. Many have Amnesty International does not become perpetrators of human rights condemn companies that work in abuses themselves, killing andmuti- countries where there is a high level lating under the influence of drugs, of human rightsviolations, but it asks alcohol or simply out of fear. that they ensure that their operaGirlshave been raped and forced tions do not contribute to human into sexual slavery. rights abuses and promote respect Sierra Leone is just one of a for human rights. number of countries where human The conference, entitled "The rights are being abused on a massive Human Price of Mining,"takes place scale, and where resource mining from 10:OOa.m. to4:OOp.m. inUW plays an important role in motivat- DavisCentreroom 1302. Itwill look ingor sustaining the abuses. In Sierra at the link between resource mining Leone, the sale of diamonds is help- and human rights abuses, and the ing to finance a brutal civil war that role and responsibilities of conipahas been going on since 1991. nies. Angola is similarly afflicted by its The speakers include Ralph diamond riches, a resource that has Hazelton, co-author of an Imporbrought much more conflict than tant report on Sierra Leone (http:l/ development to the country. In Sudan, massive human rights heartmatter.html), has given presviolations, by Sudanese security entations at the UN Security Counforces, various government allied cil; Georgette Gagnon, a Canadian militias and armed opposition international human rights and hugroups, are clearly linked to foreign manitarian lawyer, has extensive companies' oil operations. There experienceconducting human rights have been numerous reports that fieldinvestigations for international government securityforcesandgov- agencies; and Andrew Thompson, a ernment-allied troops have been in- PhD student, has worked at the Otvolved in forcibly removing large tawa Amnesty International office.
Disrespect and inappropriateness mars evening of Holocaust education Q GEORGE ROTER
special to Imprint
past Tuesday evening I attended "From Generation to !Generation," the kick-off event to Holocaust Education Week. Holo,caust survivor George Scott was the 'featured speaker at an event aimed at educating students about one of the greatest atrocities in the history of humankind. Beinga topic sopbwkrful and saddening, I did not expect 'this to be a fun evening, or even one that wascomfortable; however, I did :expect an evening of respect and 3 geflection. Unfortunately, these exkectations werecrushed by the disre"spectful and inappropriate actions ,of one student. This event attracted a diverse erowd of students-with respect to 3 0 t h religion and ethnicity and -they came to an event about history land educat~on.The speaker at the vent, Mr. Scott, was there to tell his ory of the Holocaust and how this asshaped him asaperson. Unfortu-
nately, the student I referredto above took advantage of the question and answer period following Mr. Scott's talk by making a statement comparing the Holocaust to the recent conflict in the Middle East, and, indirectly, the Israelis to the Nazis. The statement was formed as a question, but was obviouslynot meant as such because the student who asked the question continued talking over Mr. Scott'sreply (which was, very appropriately, that the violence in the region must end). The student then asked a second "questionn later in the evening, and this time he continued badgering Mr. Scott until the event organizers were forced to cut short the question and answer period. The student showed no concern for the other students attending the event, he showed extreme disrespect to Mr. Scott, who makes no political associations and was not prepared to respond to a political statement, and he chose to make a political statement at a histor~caland educational event, which is entirely
inappropriate. Not only was making apolitical statement at such an event inappropriate, but the student presented this statement in a way that was both improper and cowardly. I found out
The student showed no concern for the other students attending the event. after the event, from another attendee, that this student was affiliated with the Waterloo Arab Students' Association(WASA); however, the student never introduced himself as a member of WASA and he never clarifiedhis political stance. He
hid behind aveil of anonymity. Furthermore, he left before the event was completed, unwilling to discuss his stance or why he thought this was an important issue to raise at a Holocaust education event. He had neither the courage nor the decency to identify or discusshisstance. To this point, I have tried to keep my response to the actions of the student at an arm's length to my personal background; however, this is not appropriate for a balanced opinion piece. I am Jewish. The Holocaust directly affected my family and discussingit strikesclosetomy heart. The event Tuesday evening not only featured a Holocaust sumivor and his story, but there was a prayer of remembrance and a candle- lighting ceremony. The student showedextreme disrespect for both of theseportionsof the event: He did not stand for the prayer of remembrance, and he did not stay for the candle lighting ceremony. The E-1 Malei Rachamim, the remembrance prayer, isnot aboutJudaism,Islamor
Christianity;it isabout remembering the six million lives lost. Surely one can stand for that. Lighting the remembrancecandlesis also about the people whose liveswe lost, andexiting during such a ceremony completely disrespectsthosewhomourn. These actions by a fellow student hurt me deeply, on a personal level. While writing this opinion article I have come to realize that what bothers me most are not the actions of the student, but the sadness I feel when I realize that at a university in Canada, the ideal setting for constructive discussion, we have been unable to talk about the Middle East conflict in aproductive way. I do not know what the student is feeling and thinking, and he doesnot know what Iam feeling and thinking. We need to communicate, beginning from aposition of mutual respect, and we need to try to understand each other. "Wars are begun in the mindsof men, and thus, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be forged."-Anonymous
Imprint, Friday, Novembe!r 10, 2000
What would a politician have to promise to secure your vote?
Paul Schreiber
"Would have to promise to fulfil all promises made." Saurabh & Daniel Math, ERC
"Make profs take the ELPE."
"No more raises in tuition."
Adrian Leclair 2A Kinesiology
"Lower tuition and a passing grade in Physics." Steve Berg, Becky Wroe 1A Earth Sciences
Graham, Maite, Faiza Political Science
Melanie Breitkreuz 1A Arts
"Legalize marijuana."
"Cleaner environment." Jyotsna Vaideeswavan 3B Computer Engineering
"If they are honest, I can vote for them." Marina Bilcheva 2A MathlBusiness
"A four day work week."
Vargen & Darren 2A Act Sci, 2A Econ
"Written contract holding them to their promises." Mike Noble 2A Science
"Pay me."
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Celebrating East Asian culture HALA KHALAF Imprint staff
he world has become one global village in more ways than just the Internet. Canada itself is a microcosm of the world. Cultures galore abound from our east to our west coasts, and last week, the magnificent East Asian culture was celebrated with pomp and circumstance and agreat finale entitled "Culture and Family Day" at the Waterloo Recreation Complex on Saturday, November 4. Hosted by Renison College and the University of Waterloo, this festival celebrated East Asian and Canadian culture, education, trade, and technology. It drew together local Asian community associations, such as the Taiwanese,Japanese and Chinese Students Associations of UW, together with talented artists, the general public, and the general public's favourite bait: food. The steady drizzle of rain prevented the usual crowd seen at this annual event. However, this had a positlve impact on the festival; the visitors and spectators did not have to push, shove or jostle to enjoy the beautiful arts and crafts. The purpose of this festival is to "promote East Asian culture in Canada," said Teresa Chang, a UW volunteer helping with the festival. The Mandarin and Japanese histories are portrayed in the beautiful
crafts, calligraphy, flowers, music, costumes, dances and martial arts displayed on Saturday. LisTai, aUWstudent andpresident of the Taiwanese Students Association, was dressedin a 1000yearold Chinesecostume believed to have been worn by Emperor Fei's wife. Other volunteers were asking onlookers their names, then writingthe Chinese translation using rich, black ink and thick, texturedpaper. Names took on a new, deeper meaning. They acquired an aura of mystery
showto a Bonsai lecture to a Chinese lion dancewere held. Several handson workshops were offered free of charge to the onlookers, such as an Origamiworkshop,aTaiwanese craft workshop, and a calligraphy demonstration and workshop. The festival ended with alovely performance by volunteers from the Chinese Students and Visiting ScholarsAssociation. This year was the sixth annual East Asian Festival. It is an event celebratedallover Ontario each year, andaims to establishaconnection between the diverse culturesof Canadaand EastAsian countries. Over the past week, numerous events were held a11over Kitchener-Waterloo in relation to the festival. This year's festivities were supported by
"Diversity in culture gives tremendous richness to the world in which we live - we invite all Canadians to discover and experience traditional and contemporary Asia." and ancient history consistent with the dynasties of China. All day long, events were held that further informed the public of the unique Asian culture. The day began with a Tae Kwan Do demonstration. From then on, events ranging from a Chinese costume fashion
Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc., and were sponsored by countless other companies,businessesandorganizations. HaraSatoshi,the Consul General of Japan in TOronto and this year's chair of the AccessJapan2000 Organizing Committee, sums it up perfectly: "Diversity inculture gives tremendous richness to - the world in which we live. Over thousands of years, [Asian] culture has amalgamated its indigenous values with imported foreign elements. Through the more than 30 exciting events which comprise the Access Japan 2000 festivities, we invite all Canadians to discover and experience both traditional and contemporary [Asia]."
Lest we forget Feeling fortunate to be distant from current world wars defines Remembrance Day J.P. L E W I S special to imprint
think one of the most important duties for a Canadian citizen to perform is that of takingtime out on Remembrance Day to reflect on our fallen heroes. Sometimesin this fast-paced electronic world, we forget about that whichwe have to be greatly thankful for living in such a prosperous and free democracy. During the existence of our nation, many youngmenandwomen have bravely gone overseas to fight, sometimes in irrelevant battles. The most disturbing aspect for university students in remembering times of war should be the age of our heroic soldiers. Imagine that instead of worrying about your significant other going to aco-op job in Ottawa
for four months, you have to deal with the thought of them going to battle on the shores of France for a year.
Remembering those who have given their lives for our freedom. How can one even begin to comprehend how people coped with daily tasks on the home front while their loved ones risked their lives everyday? The thought of the anx-
ious feelingsof approachingmailmen or telephone calls with bad news is heartbreaking. On the 11th of this month, all university students should explore their thoughts of war more elaborately than a brief moment when the clock strikeseleven. We should fit into our schedule time toreadachapter ofANQuieton the Western Front or Timothy Findley's The Wars. We shouldtry to imagine what our grandparents and great grandparents went through during those terrible times and be very proud of our own family's accomplishments. In this age of the "global village," we should remember that not all is well in our "village." Wars are only a thing of the past in western democracieslikeCanada. The continentofAfricaisstiUvery muchstricken
with horrifying civil wars and violence in theMiddle East haserupted yet again.
We need only tolook to the day before this for any remembrance of violence around the globe. The phrase "world peace" seems like an oxymoron. Going along with the responsibility of being a Canadian citizen is
the responsibilityof recognizingthose Canadians who not us here. If it had not been for thevaliant efforts of our soldiers in Europe our nation may have been shaped differently. Canada'srole in themajor wars of the past Century helped shape the nation'sidentity, anation that could stand alone without Britain. Remembrance Day is important for students. It allows us to pay our respects to those who have given their lives for our freedom. It also allows us to try to further comprehend the amazing strength of anyone who had a loved one in battle during times of war. We can also be thankful that most of us do not have to experience these trials of war and be optimistic that eventually those who do in this day and age find peace somewhere, someday.
Imprint, Friday, November 10, 2000
The Liberal Party ismostly supocial policy has received very little attention during this election portive ofgay rights. They did present campaign. It seems we are far too and pass Bill C-23, but do not offiinterested in what tax breakwe might cially support gay marriage. Among get and forget to explore how each members of the Liberal Party, of the parties' social policies affect younger members are largely in fapeople, especially those in minori- vour of gay marriage, while older members are largely against it. (At ties. While my particular focus is on the last policy convention, the final queer issues, it should be noted that each . party's stance . generalizes to other minority groups. The New Democratic Party is by far the most supporiive of queer rights. o n e of the most prominent NDP members is Svend Robinson, the first openly gay MP in Canada. The NDP has championedfor the rights of gaysandlesbi- vote was close to a50150 split). ans and has, over the years, introThe Progressive Conservative duced numerous private member's Party has no prevailing stance on gay bills in the House of Commons to issues.Memberswerefreetovoteon allow for gay rights and gay mar- BillC-23,wherehalfvotedinfavour, riages. half against. Much l ~ k ethe Liberal The Bloc QuCbtcois is alsovery Party, the age demographic has the sociallyliberal. This party also has an largestinfluence on the party's overopenly gay MP, RCal Mtnard. Avast all stance. The party, while conservamajority of BlocMPssupported Bill tive, is more socially liberal that the C-23, a recent piece of omnibus leg- CanadianAlliance. islation that moved to give same-sex The Canadian Alliance leaves couples the same benefitsandobliga- no confusion that they are against tionsgiventoopposite-sexcommon- gay rights. The entire party, young law couples. and old, voted against Bill C-23 last
spring. In fact, the party in its short history hasconsistently voted against every bill which moved to increase rights or protection for queer people. Among the party's official policies include recognition of "the [traditional]family as theessentialbuilding block for a healthy society" and conspicuouslydefine "the marriage relationship" as "the union of a man and a woman" on
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A referendum could easily become a p~pularitycontest a disastrous situation.
the In Web addition. site. the Alliance believes that national referendaare the bestwav to decide on tough social issues like abortion, capitalpunishment, andgay marriage. Such apolicyinactionwouldplace the rights of minority groups in the hands of a largely uninformedand unenlightenedpublic. Areferendum could easily become a popularity contest - a disastrous situation where we're deciding the fate of other humans. Clearly, each party respects the queer population tovarying degrees. While fiscal policy is important, remember that for some groups there are greater issues at stake. Those parties that celebrate diversity are more likely to treat all Canadians with fairness and respect. Remember tovote on Monday, November 27.
Jewish Studies Program
Course Offerings for Winter 2001
JS lBOB(RS102B) Power & Corruption in the Hebrew Bible Tues. & Thurs. 1kOam - ll:30am
held& HE-1%
This course will examine the uses and abuses of power, conflicts and the political/moral rise and fall of David.
JS l25@S2O4) Biblical Interpretation in the Jewish Tradition Tues. & Thurs. 1:OOpm - 23Opn held& HH-344 This course will trace the development of biblical interpretation in the Jewish tradition. The episode of the 'Binding of Isaac', will be used as a paradigm to illustrate various approaches to the text.
Yesterday, I received a very tario student loan remains dormant. disturbing telephone call from Every term students must visit UW's a co ection agency, which said I had Student Awards Office and obtain defaulted on my Canada Student these forms, have them signed by the Loan and have to start repaying it. I Student Awardsclerkand take them tried to explain to them that Iamstill to their banks. attending university and I could not Itisvitalthat you keepacopy for begin paying back my loan. yourself because errors may occur in They insisted that I have gone into default be- cause I have not notified my bank or the government that I am still in school. Are they correct?
The university cannot rectify difficulties between the student, their banks or the government.
A student loan is no any other loan from a bank or the government. There arecertain conditions to which you agree at the time of accepting the money. When you initially signed the document transfer. the loan at your bank, you agreed to Unfortunately, you will now inform the bank every term that you have to deal directly with your bank were in school by signing the Sched- and the government to have your ule 2 and R1 forms. status rectified. Schedule2 formsnotify the fedSince Schedule2 and R1 forms eral government that you are still are legal documents,the university is attending school and are not ready prohibited from backdatingthe forms to begin repayment. to the term you require, even though The R1 form notifies the pro- you were attending school. vincial government that you are still Next term, however, it is vital in school, ensuring that, your On- that you have these forms filled out
n different than
and handed in immediately or you will find yourself in the same situation. Remember, student loans are contracts between the government and the student. The universities administer the documents,the banks issue the funds and the government controls all of the policies and procedures for the country and the province. The university cannot rectify difficultiesbetween students, their banks or the government.You will have to negotiate a repayment plan with your bank for the term you have defaulted in. If you fail to contact - both the government and the bank, you will be denied further student loam and the collection agency will continue to attempt collecting the loan. Allinfomation in thisarticle was obtained from the Student Awards Officeat UW. UW's OmbudspmonisMarianne Miller. You can contactMarianne by phoningherat 888-4567, ext. 2402,,or by visitingherin the StudentLife Centre, room 2402.
Formoreinfonnatioavisitour webs& at www.arts.uwaterloo.calJewishStudiesl
d) We will repeal laws that discriminate against students seeking bankruptcy protection. e) We will deny federal funding for the establishment and operation of private, for-profit universities.
Kitchener-Waterloo federal candidates Tuition, brain-drain mark issues RichardWalsh-
done to fix the problem? 2. How do studentsfactor into your party'splatform? 3. Is the rising cost of tuition an issue 'your party plans to address?What's your solution? 4. What do you see as the key issue in your riding?
n November 27, Canadians from coast to coast will be hitting the polls to decide their country's new leaders for the next four years. Paramount in many platforms is the interests of post-secondarystudents. Imprint asked local ember of Parliament candidates for K-W to answer four key questionsregarding university students:
Today we introduce the NDP and Green Party candidates. Next week, we will introduce the Liberal and Alliance candidates.
1. Is the "brain drain" a mvth or a reality? If it is aconcern, what can be
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I am a professor of psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University, where I have served since 1986. I received my university's OutstandingTeacher Award in 1999. As a scholar, my workis internationallyrecognized in the fields of communitypsychology, feminist psychology, the history of psychology, and professionalethics. I directed Laurier's MAprogramme in community psychology for six years and served on Laurier's employment equity committee for six years. Politically, I am the President of the Waterloo-Wellington NDP riding association,and I was the NDP candidate for Waterloo-Wellington in the 1999 provincial election. 1. According to a June 2000 report from Statistics Canada, the "brain drainn of highly skilled Canadians to the US is actually a "brain trickle," that is, it is tiny relative to the supply of workers in sensitiveoccupations. Besides, the small loss is more than offset by ahuge "braingain" through immigration to Canada of knowledge-workers from the rest of the world. The NDP and I say that governments shouldinitiate social-economic policy that is committed to full-employment.
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2. In the 10-pointNDP Election Platform (available at, in the fourth plank dealing with strengthening family life overall, we clearly identify affordable access to post-secondary educational opportunitiesasapriority. Thus, we explicitly state that our priority is investing in Canada's young people.
3. As a professor, I am very much acquainted with undergraduate and graduate students' distressover horrificdebtloads. In one of their classic cosmeticchanges,theLiberalsintroduced a scholarship program (the Canada Millenium Scholarship Foundation) supposedlyto improve access to higher education. But the reality is that the program applies to only seven per cent of students and the scholarship is taxed. The NDP position on PSE: a) The NDP will replace the MilleniumScholarshipFundwith the CanadaEducationAccessibilityFund to provide grants for a greater number of studentsin financialneed. b) We will make the Canada Student Loan Program interest-free during the life of aloan andcredit all interest repaidsince 1995 as payment on the principal of the loan. c)Wewillworkwith theprovinceson an immediate freeze on tuition fees, followedby rollingbackfeesto 1995 levels through federal reinvestment in the core budgets of colleges and universities.
4. The overall point is that Canada
has disintegrated into a two-tier society of have'sand have-not's. Health care, families'main concern, the UN World Health Organization rated Canada number 30 among all nations in quality of health care.
Jack Macaulay I taught geographyand environmental studiesfor 32 yearsat thesecondary level. I taught at KC1 for many years, although I'm retired now. I was activein the federationand chairman of the publicwelfare committee for the region for one year. Another year, I was chairman of the negotiating teams. I'm familiarwith government issues.
1. It all depends which journal you want to read. 1honestly don't know. I think that if people are getting a heavily subsidized education here, they should be willing to come up with some money if they wish to leave thecountry and cash in. I don't
thinkit'sright for people toget avery expensive and very good education here and take off on us.
2. We believe inuniversal access. We believe that if a kid has the ability, they should be able to go [to university.] Right now, alot of quite bright kids who don't have a lot of money, their families have to take on major commitmentsin student loans, and I don't want it to go back to that way. Rising cost of tuition has got to be rolled back, that's all there is to it. We're looking at more public funding for post-secondary students, universitiesandcommunitycolleges. It's vital. 3. I know that fromstuff Iread about a year ago, I think Canada has the highest participation in post-secondary education of any country on the planet. We're slightly ahead of the States. We're doing well, but I don't like the idea of seeing a lot of people graduate with huge debts at age 24, 25,26 and have to cope withgetting a family together and going on from there. You have tolower tuition and get more government funding for post-secondaries. 4. I'm representing the Greens. According to the Canadian Geographic Journal for May and June of this year, we have the most ground-level ozone of any town in Ontario and Canada. We have to do more to get more cars off the street and more high-densitydevelopment. We have the fifth highest in particulates and air pollution locally. That's not right. We have Tanagachee Creek which flows into the Grand which gives water to Cambridge and Brantford and other communities, containing some pretty poisonous stuff. We're not in deep trouble, but we're in trouble.
Mayoralcandidate LynneWoolstencroftanswersaquestionafter town hall.
Mavoral candidates want to help students J
Mike Connolly Experience: 37 years as a British Army Officer (logistics, taught at Base Canadian Army Schoolof Logisticsfor threevearsl. , ,,had to deal with transDortation, personnel, housing andsocial problems. Five vears Chair Waterloo ReeionTax Watch. " Seven years City and Regional Councillor (finance, health and social services). O n the university community's importance: "Extremely important. It has broughtthe hightech industry to Waterloo, improved the art andimproved the music life of the city. We are a university town." On creatingharmony between students and the greater community: "I think there wasadefinite co-operation during the past year over previous years, but there is stillroom for improvement. I sit on the Board of Governors fo; ~ i l f r i dLaurier University and I find there is a will to co-operate that will be built on." On ways to eliminate the student housing crisis in Waterloo: "We [universities, city and developers] must come together to plan and develop an innovative, strategic plan for the future growth of the universities." On key issues in Waterloo: "Complete thevision of Waterloo, suchas the uptown area, Sports Millennium project on time and on budget. [We must] protect the water supply and environment and extend md improve the amount of affordable housng."
Experience: Local politician for 24 years and an active volunteer for 30 years. School board representative (1970-72, 1974-85) and City and Regional Councillor (1985-1991, 1997present). On the university community's importance: "Without universities, the City of Waterloo would long ago have been absorbed by the greater community. It would be just another small Ontario city. The University of Waterloo has brought recognition and prestige to the City of Waterloo. In a number of fields- coop education, physics, pure math, computer engineeringand technology, professional writing, co-op Arts, to name a few -UW is outstanding. WLU boasts one of the finest music programs in Canada and is stellar when it comesto opera. It has a fine businessschool, and is highly-regarded for itsschool of SocialWork. No other Canadian city of 90,000 has three outstanding post-secondary institutions. The City of Waterloo's major industry is education and the universities and the college deserve both respectful attention and appreciation. The university community is of first rank importance to Waterloo." On creating a harmony between students and the greater community: "Generally, students of the universities and college are well-accepted in the larger Waterloo community. However, tensions between the 'town' and the 'gown'go back decades. It is not new in theuniversity area. In fact, anger has abated to some extent in the past couple of years. Many factorscontribute to the acrimony
layoralcandidateMikeConnollydiscusses universityissueswith students.
and there are few lasting solutions, partly becausemany of the students are highly transient, often living in the city for only four-month stints, partly because some residentshave years of pent-up anger which explodes at the least provocation. Some solutionsrest with individual households of students.Being respectful of the neighbours is one strategy that goes a long way to easingdifficulties.I have anumber of concrete ideasabout eventsthat could occur, but I would want to work with the Ward Councillor and the council to put events into place. Perhapsthe City would recognize exemplary student tenants and outstanding landlords. Perhaps we could encourage aweekendlong "Welcome to Waterloo" event, where we help orient the students to the city. I would host a meeting to try to brainstorm better solutions." On ways to eliminate the student housing crisis in Waterloo: "So far, I have gathered information andgained a better understanding of the issue. What I propose is somethinglike acharette- a timehonoured way to bring numerous stake holders together for up to 24 hours to try to solve aproblem. Because both universitiesholdvery different attitudes about whose problem student housing is, I wouldwant participants to do homework and have a hiddv " , skilled facilitator to try to bringsome concrete ideasto the fore. Housingvacancy islessthan 0.Sper cent in Waterloo. Some students live in squalor andin dangerously overcrowded housing. Some stu-
dents live 10 in a two-bedroom house. A few students ruin the reputations of the others. Some landlords exploit students. The City, the universities, the college and the student leaders owe it to the studenttenants to do a better job of protecting them from the predators. The housing problem is complicated. It's been here a long time, and it has become a chronic crisis. I want to be the Mayor who precipitated the solution." On key issues in Waterloo: "The impacts of rapid growth, for example, traffic, roadways, transit, infrastructure, noise, urban sprawl. The diversification of our economy and embracing sustainable development (social and economic development and environmental protection). Affordable housing at the city level. Strong neighbourhoods, community development. Waterloo as a leader in environmental policies andpractises.
Mastering the New slant on partying
Red PlaGet
JANICE special
to Imprint
ASA haslaunchedan ambitious new plan to explore the planet Mars, in response to its grievous failures in recent attempts. It hascast aside its old motto "Faster, better, cheaper" over the last six months, focusing instead on the lessonsthat previous missions have taught. NASA has also recognized an imperative in international participation, calling on Italy and France to contribute. Though a manned mission is not yet in sight, Mars has always inspired grandiose aims: to delve into the secrets of the history of the Red Planet, including the possibilities of water and past or present life. Six major missions are due to be executed in this decade, utilizing orbiters, landers, and rovers. Launching a probe to Mars is done on a 26-month cycle, because the alignment of Mars and Earth at those times resultsin aminimum fuel requirement. In 2005, NASA will launch the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in an effort to findwater. To that end, the Orbiter will map the Martian landscape in unheralded resolution, revealing details only 20 to 30 centimetres in size. As early as 2007, a long-range, long-duration mobile science laboratory will be launched. It too will make surface measurements, but more exciting is its sample return mission. This will put Martian soil and rock samples into the hands of scientists for the first time. Previ-
ously, scientistscouldonlystudy rare meteorites that were proven to have come from Mars. This mission will also seektodemonstrate technological advancesthat will make landings safer and more accurate. After 2010, the missionssound almost like science fiction. NASA promises miniaturized surfaceinstruments and plans to drill several hundred feet into the Martian rock. Scott Hubbard is the Mars Program Director at NASA Headquarters, and says of the revamped Mars program: "We have developed a campaign to explore Mars unparalleledin the history of space exploration. It will change and adapt over time in response to what we findwith each mission. It's meant to be a robust, flexible, long-term program that will give us the highest chances of success." NASA still has a long way to go in inspiring public interest, despite recent Hollywood depictionsof Mars missions and the entire science fiction space-travel realm. Yet, asDr. Ed Weilder, NASA's AssociateAdministrator of Space Science explains, the Marscampaign will address issues of direct interest to humanity: "We also plan to 'follow the water' so that in the not too distant future, we may finally know theanswers to themost far-reachingquestionsaboutthe Red Planet we have asked over the generations: Didlife ever arise there and does life exist there now?" Currently, NASAisworkingon an 18-month study to explore and define the costs and technological requirements.
Baby planet A new planet? In our own solar sysL 2
Nasty pesticide Astudy by scientistsat Emory University in Atlanta has shown that a common household pesticide may be linked to Parkinson's disease. The pesticide rotenone is used in products to battle insects in the garden and keep Rover free of fleas, among other things. Rats injected with a small amount of the pesticide over a period of several weeks exhibited classic symptoms of the disease, which include body tremors, rigidity and eventually a decreased ability for movement. The resultsof this researchincrease the likelihood of a link existing between environmental toxins and Parkinson's disease.
tem?Yes,one was stumbledupon by unsuspecting astronomers using a powerful telescope in Venezuela. By astronomical tradition, the discoverer may name the planet after it circlesthesun twice. This would take almost 500 years. Although it isonly 400 miles in diameter and really called a planetoid, not a planet, the discovery reminds us that we still have plenty of things left to discover in our own solar system.
Britney's lasers If you thought that pop music and semiconductorphysicsweretwocompletely unrelatedsubjects,thinkagain. Bn'tneySpears's GuidetoSemiconductor Physics is a Web site hosted by physicists at the University of Essex. Touted by ScientificAmerican as "the current pick of the Web," the Web site is liberallysprinkledwithshots of the pop star, while it explains the lasers that read her CDsand that her plunging neckline follows a para-
NeoTilt is the brainchild of a trio of Waterloo grads NICOLE
Imprint intern
f you're one of the lucky firstyear students who hasn't yet reached legal drinking age, you're probably cursingthenewdriver's license scanners being tested at the Revolution nightclub here in Waterloo.Wouldit surpriseyou to know that the creators behind these handheld devices are homegrown Waterloo graduates? That's right, this product wasn't designed by aging baby boomers planning to condemn the younger generation for their body piercings and heavy music. It was an idea that stemmed instead from a threesome of Waterloo grads: Michael Blackburn, Harsch Khandelwal and Paul Hoskin. Blackburn, a former student in mechanical engineering and actively involved in the university's co-op program, now the president of NeoTilt, became friends with Khandelwal during his final work term. "We both had dreams of starting our own business, so we spent a lot of lunches talking about that," said Blackburn. The idea of starting a business soon became a possibility with the help of an entrepreneurship course that both students took together in their last year at Waterloo. "We developed a business plan. gave us some focusandwasastartingpoint." The trio spent four months in what Blackburn called a "dumpy student house" working on their business prospectswhile creatingsoftwareon the side to pay the bills. When
bolic function. It's a silly site, but you'll learn a lot.You can also buy Britney merchandise. Visit it at
Light of your life When you're inlove, not only does your face light up, but bits of your brain do too. Andreas Bartels of University College London used functional MRI, a brain scan that shows how the brain changesover time, instead of just taking a still picture, to look at the brains of 17 students who said they were truly in love. The subjects were shown pictures of their sweethearts and of friends they'd known as long as their significant others. The pictures of their sweethearts elicited increased activity in particular areasof the brain, four ofwhichwere commonin all thesubjects, six men and 11 women. While there are plenty of rating scales for anger and fear, love hasnot been studied asmuch. This iswhat drew Bartels to this area of research.
was to develop customizable CAD/ CAMsystems,"saidBlackburn.Eventually, NeoTilt split off into another company called CAMplete. "CAMplete's focus and purpose is to develop and sell a rapidly customizable CAM frame, essentially the idea is that you have a placed set of softwarecomponents that perform generic CAM soft1 ware functions," saidBlackburn. W h i l e CAMplete was developing CAM
patrons and VIP patrons." "The feedbackwasreally, really good, a lot better than we expected. We weresort of overwhelmed.. .We thought the interest would be with the larger nightclubs, but we've had much larger clients jump into it as well. Some police forces are interested in it, some larger alcohol companies and tobacco companies as well," boasted Blackburn. The effectiveness of the nIdentity is apparent. Blackburn stated that when the nIdentity was first put into use at the Revolution nightclub, they had a large number of people turned away because of trouble with their I.D., but now the number is almost zero, as the nIdentity actsasasort of deterrent to underage people. It was Waterloo's co-op program that played a major role in deciding what Blackburn wanted to achieve fromhisbusiness.He worked terms at Linamar and Husky with wtomotives and with aprofessor at the University, designing software. "Co-op'sgreat for puttinginto practice what you've learned in school. Seeing the relevance of what you're learning in school in the workplace and taking some of what you've learned in the workplace back into school.. .Istronglyadvisepeople to use co-op to its full advantage, to work at as many different companies as possible." NeoTilt hopes to hire a ' co-op student from Waterloo for the winter termasawayto give back to the
tasks, NeoTilt wanted to narrow their development to manufacture specializedproducts for specific industries. This resulted in the creation of nIdentity,NeoTilt's first commercial product. The nIdentity fact sheetsaysthat the nIdentity consists of "handheld units which [the] doorman uses to scan the electronic information on patrons' driver'slicences (viathe bar codeor magneticstripe). .the units instantlyidentifyunder-age patrons, fake licenses, expired licences, multiple uses of the same licence, banned
pertise with other students. Blackburn said that the smaller workingenvironrnentwouldgivestudents an opportunity to take on more responsibilityas acontributingmember of the present staff. Blackburn and company also plan to upgrade and expand their office space and eventually separate CAMplete from theNeoTilt environment. However, the staff at NeoTilt seem to be content with their newfound success and achievements, which started with something as small as a lunchtime discussion.
Khaidelwal bought a house, they moved their operations "from basement to basement." A year ago the business moved into itscurrent office space located at 421 King Street North. In terms of products, Neotilt's original idea was to design custom CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)software. "The longterm goal
TOgive back to the school that SDaulled them. NeOTilt hopes to hire a UW
the winter term*
Imprint Science: We'll tilt your world.
Baites ends Warrior season his weerat UW Football g n c e again, McMaster University has reared its ugly head and blasted the Wartrors into oblivion. This time, it was in faotbal1,where at LesPrinceStadium,the Barauders vanquished their opponents '&a score of 44-20. With this loss, Chris Triantafilou's season has come to an end. For the blood chilling details, kindly refer surself to page 18.
- .:
Squash brave men and women from the on. The Warriors whitewashed e Warriors to win 5-1 ged to beat the squash
e hockey sideplayedtwo
Volleyball yhe women of waterloo ended up having it lousy weekend, thanks in part to the
Brock University Badgersand the University of GuelphGryphomAgainstthe Badgers inst. Catharines, Waterloolost 16-25, 1 4 2 5and 16-25. In Guelph, the Warriors were defeated 15-25,20-25 and 13-25.
Basketball So much for the optimism. The Warriors disappointedas they placed seventh in fhe Naismith Tournament.The first game saw the Warriors lose 76-69 to the McGill Redmen. In the consolationsemifinal,the Warriors doomed themselves to the seventh place battle after losing83-75 against the Ryerson Rams. One good thing about this is that the Warriors did not hit rock bottom in the seventh place game. The Warriors managed to pick up the win against the Wilfrid Laurier University Golden Hawks 89-71. As for the winner, the University of Western Ontario edged the University of Winnipeg Wesmen 6967 to win the Naismith Classic.
AHS Fun Run Homecoming weekend also saw the Applied Health Sciences have their annual fun run for charity. See page 20 for more.
JOHN SWAN Imprint staff
fter the win in Hamilton against McMaster on October 29, there was a certain amount of pptimism in the Warrior camp. Andwhy not? Ed Edgar and his soccer gang from the University of Waterloo had just defeated the ninth-ranked club in the CIAU and, as a result, the Warriors were just onestep away fromgoingto the CIAU tournament in Hamilton. All they had to do was defeat Carlo Castrechino's 10th-rankedLaurentianUniversity Voyageursandaspot in Hamiltonwould be theirs. Unfortunately, the Voyageurs,who just barely sunrived their quarter-final against Queen's, were determined to set the clock to midnight on these "Cinderella Warriors." This was going to be a very fun match indeed. WhenNovember 3 came, bothLaurentian and Waterloo were ready to play at University Stadium. Earlier in the day, Barry MacLean's WilfridLaurier UniversityGoldenHawksroUed over the haplessYork University Yeomen 3-0, thanks to a couple of goals from Kenny Nutt, a goal from Dave Blicharski and the magnificent goaltending of Pieter Meuleman. Eric Wihs, coach of the Yeomen, could only watch as startinggoaliePeter Lakhan struggled in the second half andlet the Golden Hawkspush the Yeomen up and down the field. Hopingtomake this anall-Waterloo final, Edgar placed Alex Hearn in net. Castrechino depended on Stephen Spano to stop Waterloo dead in its tracks. To the many who came out (whichincludedthe Warrior Women'sSoccer team), this was going to be a nail-biter right to the bitter end. Much to the agony of Edgar and Wil Smith,Waterloo's assistantcoach, the Warriors came out flat in the first 40 minutes of the first half. In what could be best described as the
'What doyou mean, i'msupposed toguard all this from those Hawks?" worst soccer Waterloo has played all season, Laurentian just took the game to Waterloo. The first shot, made by Robert Fijal, was easily saved by Hearn, but the intrepid goalkeeper knew that more was coming.
Laurentian 3, UW 2 Sure enough, Laurentian did not disappoint. The fact that Waterloo's defence was making plenty of fundamental soccer errors did not help the cause either. The most costly was in the 21st mlnute, when Hearn tackled Fijal on a breakaway. The only problem with that was that Fljal was in the box when it happened. By the rules of the game, a penalty shotwas awarded and Lawrence Mahoney guided the ball into the back of the net faster than a missile at a milk factory. Two minutes later, Daniel Falcionidoubled Laurentian's advantage with
a sensationalcracker that Hearn just couldn't save even if he was Superman. With the Voyageulsquick scoring and the Warriors' flimsy play, it appearedthat thiswas going to be arout of epic proportions. Luckily, the fly Jahn Gavet threw the proverbial monkey wrench into the Vova~eurmachine with a long distanceshot threehiUtes before the end of the half. With that beaut of a marker, Laurentian had to walk off the pitch content with a one-goal lead at halftime. During the half, Edgar shared with the boys his displeasure over their play in the first half. Still, he was patient with his players and after the whistle blew for the second half, the Warriors got right down to business. Unlike the first half, when Waterloo was very hesitant, Edgar's crew had plenty of good chances to test Spano's skills. The Laurentian goaltender passed the test, although he did let one slip in the 10th minute, when David Mills obtained the ball on a madscramble and tucked please see page 18
Women take CIAU bronze . . . again 6REQ
MACDOUQALL Imprint staff
over three days - Friday through Sunday. Each of the six teams played two round-robin gameson the firstday, then the semi-finalswere played Saturday and the finals on Sunday. Waterloo took to the field against Guelph early Friday morning, a time that didn't seem to suiteither team. In this rematch of the OUA final, the Warriors worked to ensure a similar result and were successful,downingtheGryphons 8-7.AnnetteVieriascoredan unconverted try late in the first half to give Waterloo a 5-0 lead. The Gryphonscountered with a try, plus
oing into the CIAU Championships held this past weekend at Bishops University in Lennoxville, Qutbec, the Warriors Women's Rugby team were undefeated on the season and ranked second in the country behind lastyear'schampionuniversity of Alberta. So bringing home the bronze might not have been the team's goal for these championships, but it's hard to be disappointedwith a CIAU medal. As head coach Eric Ceizar notes, this year's version of the team is a stepaheadof last's-they both took CIAU bronze, but this year's OUA Championship is one better than last year's runnerup status. Since 1997, the team's been moving up. That year, the teamput ina fifth-place showingin Ontario, then in 1998the team finished third, and last year was second in the OUA and third in Canada. Ceizar says, "We look forward to another successfuland even better season next year. First we take Manhattan ... then we'll take Berlin!" Coach Ceizar -next UD. Berlin. The CIAU Championshipswere held
a conversion, to put them up by two, 7-5. The teams then battled back and forth but were unable to make anythingelse happen up on the scoreboarduntil, with only eight minutes left, a Kerri Webb kick through the uprights put Waterloo where they wanted to be on top. They preserved the 8-7 score to take the win. The second game Friday was against host Bishops, the only team that didn't play itself into a spot in the CIAUs, and that goes a long way towards explainingthelopsided39-0 UW win. BothTitsiaPraamsmaandhWe~tallied the first tries of their Waterloo careers in thisgamewhere all 22 Warriors sawaction. Saturday's semi-final featured two undefeated teamsin Waterloo andMcGill. The Quebec champion Martlets proved too much for the Warriors, especiallyin the first half. When the dust cleared at half-time, Waterloo found themselves shut out SO far and down a deep, 20-point hole. In the second half they came alive, closing to 2014 on tries by Vieria and Sara Escobar with convertsby Kerri Webb. Escobar then picked off apass and almost had another five with an option at two more, only to be stopped two metres short - --.-.--
please see page 19
Imprint, Friday, November 10, 2000
Fifth Yates Cup appearance shot down by McMaster J
special to Imprint
he Warrior's2000 season finished much as it started. In a hard fought battle, Waterloowasdefeatedbythe top-ranked McMaster Marauders 44-20. The game marked the first time in 17 years that McMaster has won a playoff game and the first time in five years that Waterloo has not advanced to the Yates cup. On Saturday, Laurier defeated Western in the other semi-final game, which means that McMaster will host Laurier next week for the 102ndYates Cup.
Mac 44, UW 20 RunningbackMikeBradleywas backinuniform and played his heart out. HeprovidedONtvwith the play of the game as he bounced off four tacklerslate in the secondquarter on a third and one gamble. He turned a first down attempt into a40-yardTD run and left the McMaster coaches and players scratching their heads. Bradley scored both of Waterloo's
rushing touchdowns and ran for a total of 73 yards. First year fullbackJay Akindolire continued an excellent season by rushing for 87 yards, bringing his yearly total to 657 and claiming the
Mike Bradley provided ONtv with their play of the game. title of rushing leader for the team. Akindolire has a bright career ahead of him with Waterloo Football, a program built on the foundation of the running game. Be prepared in game one of next season to see number three runningthe ball NorthSouth for Waterloo In the air, Waterloo receivers ChrisKreibich, Reza Celik and Grant Baechler caught a total of 11passes for a respective50,92 and 24 yards. Celik delighted the fans and gave many photographersopportunemoments as he made an athletic diving
catch late in the third quarter. Kreibich scored Waterloo's third touchdown on a 10-yard pass by Jordie Holton. Celik and Baechler have the responsibility of filling the shoes left behind by Kreibich. The Warriors look forward to using this year's experiences to learn what aspects of the game they need to improve on. A reduction in Waterloo penaltiesandturnoverswould have changed the outcome of many of this season's games. Coach Triantafilou has a copy of last year's Yates Cup statistic summary on the wall of his office. Highlighted at the bottom are the ~enaltiesthe Warriors accumulated during that game: 0 ~enalties for Ovardslost.If Waterloo can clean up these problems, then another Yates Cup win is possible next year. Good luckand best wishestothis year's graduating class, including: Greg Bourne, Mike Laporte, Ted Low, Chris Kreibich, Tony Riha, Al Lang, Mike Lang, Nate Martin, Daryl Tharby andPaulSguigna. Thank you for all the enjoyable years of watching you play andwin inthe OUA. The Warriors would also like to thank their many fans for all the support.
Voyageurs eliminate Warriors from CIAU qualifying continued from page 17
the ball safely into the net. With that goal, the Warriors were ready for the kill. Steven Baites, regrettably, would be the man who spoiled the Warriors' dav. In the 26th minute, Laurentian had the ball in their half. Sensing a chance to gather the winning goal, thevoyageurspushedthe ball tothe Warriors' half. Having found the hole in the Warriors' defense, this rather cheeky Laurentian player from sudbury took advantage of '+'aterloo's mistake, entered the box and cracked the ball past Hearn. Thisgoalby Baiteswasgallingto the Warrior fans and Edgar's crew, especially sincethiswould bethe only time Laurentianwouldenter the box
Laurentian was determined to set the clock to midnight On these "Cinderella Warriors." in the second half. Sensingdesperation,NickKnez, David Mills and Jeff Fiorino tried every trickin the book toget the ball
past Spano. Alas, it was not to be, as spano deniedthe ~ a n i o r s amore n~ markers. The last shot, made by ark Accardi, almost went in, but Spano controlledthe ball as it just nicked the post and went out of bounds. With that last effort, the game wasover. ~aurentiancelebratedtheir 3-2 win over a tough - Waterloo side that had an impressive season. In the OUAfinal onNovember 4, Barry MacLean demonstrated to Ontario why his team is at the top. Goals by Wojciech Cwik, Steve Cox and Joel Abwunza lifted the Golden Hawks to a 3-0 victory over the Laurentian Voyageurs. It did not really matter who won, however, because both Wilfrid Laurier University and Laurentian Universitywill be going to Hamilton
Nevertheless, it has been a great Season for a team that had all of one win to its credit last year to participate in the CIAUtourney at McMaster. McMaster, who was eliminated by the Waterloo Warriors in OUA play, will be in the tour-
ney. As for Edgar's crew, they are finished for the season. Nevertheless, it hasbeen a great season for the men, given that they had just one wirr last year. Imprint congratulates the Warriors on a f i e season and wishes the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks luck in bringing home first place, especially now since Barry MacLean's team is the only representative of the fine city of Waterloo. As for graduating players, only Luigi Sarbada, Shawn Campbell and Mike Strome are leaving.Jahn Gavet will be heading out after his stint is done. Even with thisloss, the Warriors are still in fine shape to repeat this year's performance and, God willing. -, the Warriors will finally see the promised land of CIAU play.
Imprint, Friday, November 10, 2000
Naismith proves a disappointment for home team Top-ranked St. Francis Xavier doesn't reach final, Western takes title T.J. G R A N T special to Imprint
he 33rd annual Naismith tournament this year featuredsome very stiff competition. The field had four teams ranked in the top 10 in the country including St. Francis Xavier and Western ranked first and second respectively. The Warriors were the featured game on Friday night as they hosted the McGill Redmen. The Warriors were looking for revenge since their only defeat thus far in the season had come at the hands of these same Redmen earlier in the year.
McGill 7 A huge crowd at the PAC watched on as the Warriors strug-
gled to stay within striking distance near the end of the game. Conrad meek continued his strong play, pouring in 21 points, while Dave Quinlan added 13. Unfortunately it wasn't enough. Despite a gritty effort, the Warriors once again lost to a very solid McGill team 76 - 69. In other action, Western,Winnipegand St. FXwere allvictorious andmoved to the semi final round of play.
Ryerson 83 Saturday evening showcased some excellent university basketball. In the fist semi final, Winnipegedged out McGill to advance to the finals. Then at 5 p.m. the two top teams in the nation, St. FX and Western, battled it out. The X-Men got off to a blistering start andit lookedlike they wereliterally going to run away with
the victory. At one point the score was 19 -2andWesternlookedclearly outmatched. Western showed a lot of composure though, fightingback to take the lead in the second half. As the game came to aclose, St. FX had the ball, down three points with 12secondsleft. With three seconds remaining, the X-Men's Jordan Croucher launched a baseline three that found the bottom of the net to tie the game. In an overtime thriller the Western Mustangs came out victorious. The final game of the evening saw our Waterloo Warriors take on the Ryerson Rams from Toronto. The Warriors had trouble finding
U W 89 Laurier 71 their shootingtouch andfoundthemselves trailing at half-time, in part thanks to some great shooting by Ryerson's Jan-Michael Nation. In the second half, Ryerson found an unlikely hero in #22, Sandy Brar, who netted 29 points for the Ramsas they extended their lead. Trailing by 20points with siiminUtes left it looked like the game was over. Witha final push however, the Warriors fought back. H o t shooting from guard Shane Cooney (who finished with 1 2 points) and intense full-court pressure brought the leaddown
Rugby brings home bronze again, but itwasclose. With six minutestogo and Guelphin thelead 10of a 50 m scoring run. Later, she 6,WaterlooturneditonTheyrucked touched the together up the post to field until there score, but was a scrum had it called near Guel~h's back by the 22m line. i(u. referee. Longpre called a devious cenMcGill was then able t~ tre play and pull away Escobaraashed and put the game away, finishing in through the defense to score the front 32-21. game-winning uy.Webb added the The bronze-medal game was a extra two to finalize it at 13-10Wanowfamiliarmatch-upbetweenwa- terloo. terloo and Guelph, who had lost to Longpre was honoured as the eventual CIAU tournachampion ment MVP; she, Alberta in along with their semiEscobar and final. The Webb, were Gryphons named tournamust have ment all-stars. been hoping that it would be third For the season, Longpre and Annene time lucky for them as they battled VieriawereCIAUall-starsandvieria the Warriors. Too bad for them. waschosen asco-winner of the CIAU Waterloo beat Guelph, once MVP award. continued from page 17
Round robin: IJW 8, Guelph 7 UW 39, Bishops 0
Semi-final: McGill 32, UW 21
This OAU Championship season capped off a wonderful four years of rugby here at Waterloo for Vieria-she, alongwith other graduating playersTitsia Praamsma, Nora Donald, SaraBaier,LoesDewit,COL 1eenMeffifieldandBecky Shaw.wil1 be missednext fall. .
Bronze medal game: UW 13, Guelph 10 Coaches Ceizar, Mike Lippert and Mike Fischer thank the girls for their hard work and dedication this term and say it has been apleasure to coach the team. Congratulations go out to all the members of the Warriors Women's Rugby team- OUAChampions and CIAU bronze-medalists.
to three points with under a minute left. The Warriors, unfortunately, couldn'tfinish thecomebackandthe final result was a disappointing 83 75 loss. In alosmgcause,Dan Schipper had 16 points. The Warriors were now forced to play in the seventh place game on Sunday morning at 9 a.m. Undoubtedly, this is not where the young Warnors wanted to find themselves, but to salvage the weekend they needed to beat their cross-town rivals the Laurier Golden Hawks. Despite a tough weekend, the Warriors did just that asthey shot the lights out in the first half to take a commanding 20-point lead at half time. The game was never close and the Warriors finished the weekend on a high, thumping Laurier 89 - 71. In the game four Warriors had double digit scoring: John Quinlan,
Shane Cooney, Dan Schipper. and rookie Mike Soveran. The Championship was taken by Western as they defeated Winnipeg in an exciting final that finished 69 - 67. For the Warriors, the week-
Championship: Western 69 Winnipeg 67 endcertainly didn'tgoas they would have l i e d , but at least they played two very exciting games in front of big crowdsandshowed that they wiU be a fun team to watch this season. More importantly though, on Sunday morningwith avery smalla o w d the Warriors played tough and ended the weekend with a win.
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Baseball to go varsitv
Leaders of the Week
PAUL SCHREIBER Imprint staff
Emily Cooper Emily is working in her fifth term at thePACpool. This term, she is one of the social convenors and has helped plan two excellent social events for the pool staff. In addition to this, she isalso amember of theUWlifeguard team. Her commitment to Campus Recreation has been greatly appreciated. Goodwork, Emily.
Tania Hobson is a first-year Recreation andLeisure Studiesstudent and an activemember of the Outers Club. She is always willing to help. Tania assistsinthe OutersEquipmentRoom, sometimeschairs meetings, and participates in trips. She'scommitted to the club and is also an all around good sport.
Imprint, Friday, November 10, 20Q0
ecember 11will be asignificant date in Canadian university baseball history. In one month, the sport will join football, rugby, soccer, curlingand water polo as an OUA sport. When the OURS18 member universities meet at the Sheraton hotel in Hamilton, signs point to them approving baseball as the 25th OUA sport. Waterloo's baseball team has been playing in the Canadian IntercollegiateBaseball Association (CIBA) since its inception in 1996. Players who want to join the club team shell out approximately $250 per year to cover the team's expenses.Overtime, the Warrior ball club has garnered more support from the athletics department. They're treatedalrnostlike a varsity team: they have access to university facilities and an athletic therapist. Fynding is the one area where the team's treatment differs. OUArules require the commitment of six teams to a new sport before it can be voted upon. So far, Laurier, Guelph, Toronto, McMaster, Brock and UW have shown support for baseball. UW Director ofAthleticsJudy McCrae,who has led the movement to get baseball accepted, is confident the sport will attain OUA status. There has been
"very little" resistance to sanctioning baseball, she noted. OUA President Therese Quigley is confident the motion will pass, stating that "baseball has estabhshed itself as a very strong, competitiveprogram oncampuses across Canada." Not all the schoolsare on board yet: Ottawa, Carleton, Queen's,York
UW Director of Athletics Judy McCrae has led the movement to get baseball accepted. and Western have yet to commit to OUA baseball, despite having CIBA teams. McCrae cited funding, gender equity issues, inadequate readiness and poor leadership as reasons why the t e a s might not play OUA baseball next season. The20-team CIBAhasfive divisions, including three in Ontario, spread over four provinces. There's atwist, however. Two of the CIBA's 13 Ontario teams are from community colleges: George Brown in Toronto and Durham in Oshawa. No
colleges are currently members of the OUA or CIAU, and no formal invitation has been extended to any such schools. That may "potentially" happen in the future, stated Quigley. The subject will be up for discussion at CIAUmeetings in December. Jeff Sommer, who founded the UW ball team while a third-year geography student, isexcitedabout the team attaining varsity status. "It's fantastic," Sommer enthused. "The biggest plus," he noted, is funding. In addition to theplayers not having to "forkout close to $300 for five weeks of baseball," the OUAgivesthe sport "a boatload more credibility." Looking towards the'future,Sommerfeels that OUAstatus "makesit a stronger possibility [baseball] will become a national sport." CIBApresidentBillMartin feels that joining the OUAvtillbenefit the teams, financially and organizationally. "Under the OUA, the players will have less to do off the field and more time to play," he stated. Shouldthe OUAadopt baseball, the CIBA will have to realign its Ontario divisions and adopt a new playoff structure. Martin said that the CIBA could treat the OUA as a conference and invite the OUAwinner to the national championships. Player eligibility and rules are not expected to be affected by the changeover.
A cool day for a Fun Run KERRI SCHIRA special to Imprint
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t was a cool day for the 16th
annual SK Fun Run, put on by the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences (AHS). The starting events of the annual five kilometre race, which consists of two laps around Ring Road, werein fullswing at 9:3O a.m. Saturday morning with the meeting and registration in the foyer of B.C. MatthewsHall. Refreshments were set out, prizes linedalonga table, pictures of past races taped to the walls for motivation and many people were busy gettingtheir race faceson. Betty Bax, the run's organizer,was scurrying around making sure that everything was "running" according to schedule. Betty explained that, "the race is not-for-profit. We just hope to break-even." The race was free for AHS facultyandstudents, but $6.00 for anyone else. The money collected from the paying runners went towards covering the costs of food and refreshmentsaswell asprizes; although there were many sponsors as well. Betty said, "The whole idea of the race started as a way to get AHS faculty and students involved in Homecoming. Each year there are about 100 runners. Last year there were 125. There are also about 30 volunteers that help things go smoothly." Approaching 10 a.m., as the foyer got busier and busier, runners and volunteers moved outside for the 15 minute warm-up that was led by Zoe Gordon.
....- .-. ...
Some peoplefind it hardtogetgoingat 1Oa.m.on asaturday morning. '
The race began at 10:15 a.m. and didn't last long. Dave Harmsworth, an AHS alumni, finished first overall with a time of 17 minutes and two seconds. The secondmale overall, Andrew Beuk, was the first current student to cross the finish line. Andrew is in the second year of his Master's degree. When asked about the race, he said, "It was short and fast. I don't usually run short races, but it was a good morning for a run. It wasn't too hot, not too cold. There was a little breeze, but nothing too strong." The third male to cross the line was Claudio Canizares, who was registeredin the male open category. The first female runner that came in was Patti Warr, also registeredin the open category forwomen. The second-and third-place runners were Patti Moore, an AHS alumna,
and another female registered in the open category, Julie Ashley. The first femaleAHS student was second year Kinesiology student, Carrie Edgworth, who reported that, "It was agreat day for the race.. .it was fun." Many prizes were given out. Prizeswere awarded to both runners and helpers. There was a prize for the Most Outrageous Runner Costume. Some runners dressed in '70s attire with large bellies and big bottoms and as they finishedeachlap of the race, they lost fat from those areas. The faculty award, which was awarded to the faculty with highest percentage participation, was the faculty of Recreation and Leisure. The Alumni Challenge, awarded to the Faculty or College with the most alumni in the race, went to Applied Health Studies.
Imprint, Friday, November 10, 2000
his fall's competitive basketball teams were hot to trot and kept the PAC busy. In the Adivision, there has been a close race between the two undefeated teams of BCBB 11-TheNew Breedin first, andRedBadge in third. W is currently in second, going five for sixin the regular season. Competition is fierce aswewait for the results of the game between BCBB I1 and Red Badge. IntheB division,WithOurselves is leading the pack as the only undefeated team in six games but Pacific Rim needs one more win to tie it up. Close behindare Lordsof the Dance, We're GonnaBeatYou, and the Individualswho are five for sixgoinginto the playoffs. In the C division, most teams have yet toplay their sixthgame with half a week to go, but four undefeated teams are tied at the top with fivewins: Mechscalibur, Woolly Bop, Ball Hogs, and Too Cool. Close behind the top seededteamsare Kaptain Kai who are four for five. Finally, the four teams in the D division have been playing exhaustively and competition is close between the AHSSIES, who are unde-
feated after five games, and STEVE who are four for five. All the teams can congratulate themselveson a well-played season. Best of luck to all in the playoffs!
sportsmanship towards each other as well as the officials. Good luck in the upcoming playoffs, and congratulations on a great regular season.
Ice hockey
Ball hockey
The ice hockey league is finishingup ~ l a this v week and the leaders in the Llicontact division are the Menno Knightswho are undefeatedand lead the league in goals scored. Full Force needs t o be commended on their wonderful spirit of competition rating. Way to set a fantasticexam~lefor the rest of the teams! In the non-contact B division. first place right now is being held by Jonathan Kerr's team. High spirit of competition ratings go to the Ice Packers, the Aussies, and the Individuals B teams. Pat yourselves on the back, you are all well deserving. The current leaders in the C division are BMR, who are undefeated with 3 1 goals, and second behind 1Tymwith 32 goals. Leaders in spirit of competition are Lordag and the Menno Knights C. Once again the high spirit of competition is admired, as it means that the teams are showing great
The regular season for Ball Hockey is winding down, and the playoffs are just around the corner, so things are starting to get very intense. In the A League, ThrownTogether has aclear lead in first dace followed by Morningwood 2. If their last game mesas well astheothers. Nick's Pick's looks to be finishingthe season with aperfeaspirit Of Competition score. Within the B League there's a viciousbattle for firstplace with ConRic maintaining a slim lead over the Wackers. Explain This Rash and B.O.H.I.C.A. still have one game left to play, so it is stillpossible that one of them could jump up to first place before the season ends. AU four teams are undefeated and at this point, anything can happen. The PinkPanthers and Explain This Rash are also tied for first inspirit of Competition ratings. In the C League No Class is in first place, but with Sticks and Balls having one game left, they could
overtake them with a win making them the only undefeated team in C -no pressure there. SticksandBalls and SPUC Handlers are also tied with a perfect Spirit of Competition rating, showing that they really are there for some fun and fair play. Playoffs start the week of November 13, and if the games leading up to the playoffs are any indication, they should be full of teams playing hard and giving it their best to walk awaywith first place bragging rights. So, good luck to all the teams.
Ski and snowboard club Whether youare a double black diamond skier or prefer to stick to the bunny hill, the ski and snowboard club is for you. For the low cost of $4O/term ($4S/termin the winter) youget free riding at Chicopee Ski Club for the season plus access to other ski and snowboardclubeventslike day trips to larger ski clubs and the much anticipated Reading Week multi-day trip. To join, bring your money to the general meeting on Monday, November 13 at 5 p.m. in the SLC's multi-purpose room. Why not join
Campus Rec's largest club andmeet fellow slope enthusiasts!
Badminton tournament UW Badminton Club presents Survival of the Fittest BadmintonTournament sponsored by Yonex Canada. The action takes place Friday, November 17 (singles)and Saturday, November 18 (doubles) at the CIF Gym. The double eliminationtournament will host men's/women's singles, men's/women's doubles, and mixed doubles. Prizes for the winnersinclude trophiesandYonex racquet bags. There will also be amultitude of door prizes. Be prepared to stuff your face: fruits, snacks, anddrinks will be provided throughout the tournament' as well as a pizza dinner on Saturday night. Teams and individuals can register on-line at www.csclub.uwaterloo.cdclubdbadminto/ by Wednesday November 15.The tournament is free for UWBC Members; guests pay $8 for one draw and $2 for each additional draw. For further information contact Ken Kwan
To play or not to play+++ A
dedicated to the women's volleyball team "SEVEN" special
hese are my last four months of school, which to some may sound pretty cool. Because for some, school can,be full of stress, but for me, my years at the loo were some of my best. Not only for the reason of a new school and province, but to play on a team w ~ t hso much promise. T h ~team s is for the sport of volleyball, and I play the sport even though my stature 1s small. Playing for the team for three long years, yet my last semester has put my eyes to tears. T o play or not play was not the question, but if I would prolong my academic profession. Is being honest the best policy? In my case, it has just lead to misery. I could have lied to the (new) coach to secure a spot, but lying and deceit is who I am not. I know the idea of a player playing for only one term, may lead the coach and staff with some concern. However fifteen are allowed on the volleyball team, and yet three spots are vacant, which is a waste, it would seem. T o take my last varsity year away because of my honesty, whchmakesme wonder if the co-op playerswillcommit to thecoach'spoiicy. To return next semester to play, some may commit, some may just say. In the end, nothing can be changed seelng that the term is almost done, I am trying to let this go and having other kinds of fun. But I would like to tell my (ex) team mates, that I wish I could have been with you this term, to understand why I am watching as opposed to playmg, this is all I wanted to confirm. Now I can only watch my (ex) team mates play, to show my support for the remaining of my stay.
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Imprint, Friday, November 10, 2000
thletes of the week I
Paul Squigna Warrior Football
Annette Vieira Warrior Rugby
A fifth-year Arts student from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Paul was the emotional leader of the Warriors throughout the season and this past weekend as Waterloo fell 44-20 to McMasterinthe OUAplayoffs. From hiscenter position, Paul is reliedupon to callblockingschemesand audibles to engineer the Warrior offense. In true Warrior fashion, Paul even played defensive line to sub in for an injured teammateon Saturday in his final game for Waterloo.
A fourth year Science student from Orillia, Ontario, Annette led the Warriors to a CIAU Bronze medal. Waterloo defeated Guelph 8-7 and Bishops44-0before fallingtoMcGill 32-21 in the semi final. Waterloo quickly re-grouped and defeated theurivalsfromGuelph 13-lointhe Bronze medal game. Annette was the leader of the Warriors throughout the season andwas selected as cowinner of the CIAU MVP for her outstanding play.
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talia's Serie A football is perhaps one of the top flights in Europe today. Sure, they may not be asgood as La Liga Primera in Espafia, the Bundeslipa in Deutschland or the Premiership in England, but all in all, it's a pretty good league. Whenone thinksof Italia'sSerieA, there are the usualnamesof Juventus di Torino, AS Roma, AC Milano, Internazionale Milano and Fiorentina. There's wen sweet memories of Diego Maradona and his time with Napoli, especially when they won the scopetto. But this year, a new threat enters the picture. This is a team that for almost 104 years has never seen the top of Serie A until now. This team which may pose a menace to the big namesof Italian footballisknown as Udinese Calcio. Alright, I hearthe questionsright now, with the main one being, "Just what the feck is this thing called Udinese Calcio all about?" Well, my reader, Udinese comesfrom the small Northern Italian city of Udine. As for
the Calcio, that istheItalianword for the great game that everyone should enjoy if they ever had a degree of civility in them, football.And please, do not call it soccer, for it would lower you to the level of a barbarian or even worse, Mike Tyson. Founded in 1896, Udinese had for years struggled in Serie B (the second division, for all you ignoramuses) until recently. Last year, Udinese placed eighth in the SerieA, good enough t o qualify for the Intertoto Cup. Luckily, Udinese got into the UEFA Cup and are leading 1-0 in the second round against FC PAOKThessdoniki.In the first round, KP Polonia Warszawa was soundly beaten by Udinese 3-0and2-0in the firstand secondlegs respectively. This year, thisNorthernItalianclub hopes to get the job done and not only win the scopetto, but also be the team that holds the UEFA Cup. Luigi Turci, the goaltender for Udinese, has done afine job this year. Having let in only four goals for this squad, this goalie knows how to play
in thisvery competitiveleague. HelpingTurci out in the offensive department are Sosa Roberto Carlos, StefanoFiore, Vincenzo Iaquintaand the most prolific scorer, Roberto Muzzi. Altogether, it seems that Udinese is avery rounded squad that can compete with the very best that Italia has to offer. So, how did Udinese make it to first place by itself?Well, onNovember 5,Udinese managedto beat Lecce, a team that managed to promote themselves from Serie B last year, at Udine. This, combined with a draw between AC Milano and Atalanta di Bergamo at San Siro, gave these Northern Italianstheir first ever lead. Playing out of Friuli Stadium, Udinese so far has made a name for themselves. However, the season is still young, for only five games have been played and there is yet another 33 more togo in this long season. But to Udinese and the people of Udine, congratulations on finally achieving your first time at the top of Europe's top flight. *
Pass the smelling salts, please Athletic injury clinic takes care of UW's finest TIFFANY MURRAY special to Imprint
pedorthist, and a massage therapist and orthopedic surgeon that work with the clinic. The varsity football team also hasathletic therapist Brian Carroll for assistance. Studenttrainers round out the team of qualified
nyone who watches or participatesinsportsknowswhat it takes to be a competitor. You've seen the wdl and strength that it takes to be the best and how sometimes the sheer determination of the human spirit pushes the body past it limits. I watched Brett Favre of the Green Bay Packers become addictedto painkillers to combat the combination of his injuries. l smiled to see Kobe Bryant of the L.A. Lakers return to the game with a sprained ankle in the finals to Rampart,we9vegotaman down. sink the game winningshot. But I'mnervousevery time personnel to help injured Warriors. There are usually about 25 to I see Eric Lindros get checked. The fact iswhen you play sports 3Ostudenttrainersworkingwithmost youcan get hurt, whichiswhy UW is varsity teamsat any given time.These lucky to have a great athletic injury students, usually studying kinesiolclinic for our varsity teams. Head ogy with some background in athletic therapist Robert Burns runs anatomy and physiology, are extentheclinic. Besidesaphysiotherapist, sively trained to ensure basic injury the clinic also has two sports medi- assessment. They complete a weekcine doctors, two chiropractors, a endtrainingcoursethat furtherstheir
basic first aidand CPR knowledge to include everything from taping to on-field emergency care. Senior student trainer Renee Parish points out that working as a student trainer is great experience for her interest in athletic
. begin
The services available at the Clinic are an exour Warriors -
strong.If you are interestedinvolunteering as a student trainer you can visit the Athletic Injury Clinic located in the Columbia Icefields Arena or contact Robert Burns at rwburns The training course for this year is fast approaching, beginning November 24 through to November 26. Who knows, maybe you'll help a superstar of tomorrow.
Local play deals with powerful issues Cherry Docs
written by David Gow Theatre &Company's Market Theatre November 3 18,2000
L I S A JOHNSON Imprint steff
avid Gow wrote Cheny Docs in 1997andinthelast three years it has been mounted everywhere from Canada to the United States to Israel. The play presents universal themes of hatred and self-revelation that any audience can relate to. The premise of the play is simple enough: Mike Downey is a young, racist skinhead in jail for a race-related murder. In an ironic twist of fate, the legal aide attorney who represents Mike isJewish. Kitchener-Waterloo's Theatre &Company's production of Cherry Docs stars Andrew Lankin as Mike and Michael Peng as lawyer Danny Dunkelman. The interplay between the two charactersis the drivingforce of the play. As Danny confronts Mike's hatred andviolence, he comes to identify the very same characteristics within himself, although to a much lesser degree. The audiencesympathizeswith
hisissuesarenotblack Danny's hatred of and white. The audiMike because our society understandshatence watches as ing the hater. HowDanny goesthrough ever, the crucialcoma cathartic journey ponent of the relathat doesn't necessartionship between ily provide any anDanny andMike,and swers in the end for the impetus for the the character or the breakdown of Mike's audience. skinhead tendencies, The complexis his realization that ities of Danny are Danny isaworthwhile brought to light in a and caring individual. beautifully nuanced While this may seem perfomance by FUN House-ish, the Michael Peng, who' storyismore complex pulls offthe role of a than this. confused, tortured The question and slowly decaying that both the characindividual with pretepand the audience cision. Danny strugare confronted with gles to help this man is what can an indiwhom he should vidual do with somehate. In this way, we one whom they have see that perhaps been taught to hate? Danny seeshimselfas Mike has to deal with a saviour to Mike. this issue as he interThere is a reacts more and more demptive quality to with Danny and MichaelPeng(left) as Danny, theJewishlawyer, and the play, which comes to rely upon Andrew Lakinasthewhitesupremacistskinhead in Cherry Dm. seems somewhat Danny to save him. connived. ThisisperDanny, on the other hand, slowly wrap his mind around. hapsone of the fewproductionfaults realizes that he, too, t as some racist The character of Danny is the -the passage of time is not made as notions himself that 1le struggles to more interestingof the two because apparent as it should be and there-
fore the transformation of Mike seems to occur too suddenly. In the end, Danny invests so much in this case that he ends up losing parts of himself. There is a slightmartyrdom toDawy'scharacter, as he loses so many things that were once important to him in his struggle to help Mike. Cherry Docs is a very powerful piece of drama. This particular production introduces a new component to the play: it takesplacewit& a mesh cage. This locks the audience and the characters k t o one space and one continuoustime (there is no intermission). The effect is so profound that it becomes difficult to envision the action not taking place in a cage. Furthermore, it speaks to the fact that in this world, we are often presented with people or situations we would rather not deal with, but must confront. Danny's and Mike's relationship demonstrates this and teaches us that we have nothing to gain from turning away from even the most difficult situations. Cherry Docs runs Tuesdaysthmugh Saturakysat8p.m. atMmket Theatre (on thecornerofDukeandFrederick streets). Forticketinfmion, d t b e box office at $71-0928,
Walk towards the flashing lights The Flashing Lights Federation Hall November 4,2000 KATE
lmprint staff
twasagreatshow, too bad hardly anyone was there. As a couple hundred people made their way into the spacious Federation Hall, it was clear the staff had expected a larger turnout for a concert held during Homecoming. Instead, a small crowd easily seated itself at the tables around the dance floor andawrutedtheFlashingLights. Opening for the FlashingLights was Waterloo's own the Explosion Girl. Lead singer and guitarist Paul McInnis admitted prior to the crowd, "I don't get nervous" and proved it as he headed into the first song of the set, "Trailer Park." Having written many of the Explosion Girl's songs, McGinnis proved that he is equally talented in his songwriting and vocal abilities. Getting comfortable on a stage that was much too big for the threepiece band, the Explosion Girl continued with other songs such as "Hangover Wine," "Blue Collar Superhero" and "At Home." Although many toes were tapping under tables, no one dared to get onto the dance floor until thebandstarted
come Mat" - a fun song that has gaplng holes of silence intermixed with great vocals and beats. Toms and Merkley also sang backup for a few of the other songs, but were difficult to hear. After a auick intermission and a draw for free TragicallyHip tickets, the Flashing Lightscame on the stage. Possibly best knownastheopening act for Sloan when they toured a few years back, the FlashingLights started off the show with crowdgathering songs. It didn't take much forthe smallcrowd to gather closer to the stage,not even filling half of the dance floor. It was extremely easy to get right up to the stage - with iust alitMattMurphywasenergeticthroughouttheshow. tle pushing and many. *veoole were Bassist Steve Toms and drum- dancing, jumping and basically enmer Ryan Matthew Merkley joined joying the very intimate performin with harmoniesduring the band's ance. cover of "BUSSA Moven and the Lead singer Matt Murphy led band ended the set with "Unwel- the bandinmany rousingsongsthat their great slow song, "Porcelain Doll." Much to the surprise of both the crowd and the band, two couples slowly made their way onto the dance floor, butwere alsoquicktosit down after the song ended.
were met with approval from the small crowd. Murphy's energy was high throughoutthe entire perfonnance and he proved his endurance at the end when he jumped in the air and off the monitors and drum kit, giving the end of the performance a "rock star" appeal. Keyboardist Gaven Dianda had a lot of fun on stage with his tamborine, using it as an oversized hnnstidt and hitting a cymbal attached to drummer Steve Pitkin's vintage R6gers sparkle drum-kit. ~t one point, when ~ i a n d a dropped his tambourine, rather than pickitup,hecontinuedtobashaway on the drum kit with his bare hands. The FlashingLights performed many of their older songs and a few new ones. Some of the songswere so new that bassist Henri Sangalang's girlfriend admitted that even she hadn't heard the songs. Songs that generated the best response from the crowd included "High school," "Where Do The Days Go" and
"~levature" off their Where the Change Is album, as well as a newlyextended version of "It's Alright" and "Never Let You Live It Down," both of which are off the newest EP, Elmature. At the end of the concert, CDs and t-shirtswere availableto be purchased at the side of the stage. As an added bonus, lead singer Matt Murphy signed copies of the
Many people were dancing, jumping and enjo ~ i n gthe very intimate performance.
~&,":r;; man^^^;
around at the endforachmce to talk to the band members, who were more than accommodating. though it was an extremely. poor turnout for a concert at Federation Hall. the band did a meat ,iob of entertaining the small crowd and everyone who was huddled up at the stage seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. It's just a shame that more people didn'tbother to go to a concert where one of Canada's greatest bands put on an awesome show for just around 200 people. You should have been there.
Imprint, Friday, November 10, 2000
Independent meat with teeth
Veal frontman ~ukeDoucet discusses influences, songwriting and major labels setting about the task of trying to tell it inaway that is either interesting or poeticor succinctin any way ismuch more difficult and, in the end, much eal is a three-piece Vancoumore rewarding to the listener." ver band that explores variWhereasmany bandswho write ousstyles fromroots to rock Veal'stype of "rootsy" music tend to to rockabilly to country. The band's have messages in their songs, Doucet latest album, Tilt O'Whirl, iscritically saysthathislyricsare more acclaimed and has brought the about telling a story than band much-deserved attention. conveying a message: The album was produced by Ca"I've never really been ~dianmusicwhiz,MichaeIPhillip messagedriven. Imean, I Wojewoda,who is wellknown for have my own axes to producing Rheostatics records, the most famousof whichis Whak grind, but I don'tthinkof those things as messages, Music. I just think of them as Veal's lead singer Luke little,whining soliloquies Doucet hasbeen compared to such that I throw at people. artistsasTomWaits, John Lemon, Most of what I write is and David Lowry. One reviewer actually said, "That guy must be biographical, not necesthe lost love bastard of kdlangand sarilyautobiographical,SO Tom Waits." Aside from the fact often part of my job is to that thisis hardly plausible, it must tell a certain story and be a great honour to be compared maskit just enoughso that to such esteemed musical figures people won't know who as these. Doucet denies, however, I'm referring to." that such comparisons are necesIt just so happened sarily suggestive of his music. that the evening of the "Those are grandiose peoday Doucet and I were ple in my mind because I think speaking, he would be they're fabulous," says Doucet. performing at Ted's "But I don't t h i i i t ' s a qualitative Wrecking Yard in Tothing; I don't think people are ronto while Sarah saying I have that quality, I just Harmer was performing think those are clearly some of the at Trinity St. Paul's influences. So I don't take it as, Church. Doucet was dis'Oh my God, people have these appointed at having to expectations of me,' I just think miss Harmer: "Oh, I that the influences are obvious in would so love to see her! Veal's Howard Redekopp(bass), Luke Doucet (leadvocals and guitar), andChang(drurns). some cases." Iso love Sarah Harmer. I These influencesare perhaps saw her at the Sidetrack subtly recognizable o n ~ i j~t ' ~ h i r l , Not only that, but Doucet self- I start to write, whereas that hasn't m Eamon.ton about a month and a but the album definitely has its own describes the band's music as pissed always been the case." half ago and I was just stupefied." sound. Veal's press kit describes the off, saying that element is necessary Was Doucet's past non-literal Thisled to aconversation about band's music as "American music." for a good rock album. type of writing a nod to post-mod- the independent musician'sgreatest Why American music, when this is "I don't call it angry," explains ernism? enemy and best friend: The major clearly a Canadian band? Doucet, "there's no levity in anger. "Maybe," saysDoucet, "I think record label. Harmer has recently " I t h i i that is a fairly far-reach- Rock and roll, as the evolution of there's this notion that everything's been signed to Universal Records, ing term," explains Doucet. "When blues, has a certain visceral energy been done. So in that sense, maybe and Doucet explained that it can be I say American, Icome close to what that is integral to [its] definition. In it'sapost-modernisthing.Ialsothink both a blessing and a curse. is referred to as Americana in the every era of rock and roll, some of it stems from uncertainty: When you "I think of Ron Sexsmith, who sensethat it'snot Brit-popinfluenced. the most vital music that'scome out don't know what exactly it is you just got dropped off his label," says I find that either the Brit-pop thing of each decade has had teeth. And want to say, then you can just say a Doucet. "For someone like Sarah to or even modem electronic music has they can be happy songs, but the bunch of shit thatdoesn'treally mean be signed, Ithiik, 'the poorwoman.' areally imported feel; it doesn't have sound has teeth. Now I'm not sug- anything but that has interesting im- I don't know if it's gonna make her roots in the traditionally American gesting that the Eagles ever under- agery. life any easier,and her musicisalmost musical forms, which to me are blues stood that, but that's maybe exactly "It may seem like a more crea- too good and too integral to fly with and counuy. my point." tive venture, but I don't really think that fuckingmachine." "I think that [Veal] still draw[s] Doucet's songwritingdefinitely it is. I think deciding on a story and The general consensus among LISA JOHNSON Imprint staff
from blues and country. Whether we're playing twisted pop or rock and roll, Istill think that the root lies within those elements. There's a rootsy elementto what we do, there's some rockabilly, there's some surf, there's some country, there's some western, and there's some blues."
has teeth. In fact, it has been described as "twisted." However, Doucet admits that he doesnot consider his lyrics to be twisted: "I find that the longer we do this, the more IiteralI'mbecoming. And maybethat's because I'm deciding on the subject matter, story, and characters before
independent musicians seems to be that major record labels are evil. Doucet concedes: "Oh, yeah.Yup, I think that. It doesn't mean that if the right opportunity came by we wouldn'ttake it. The side of whatwe do that is purely and exclusively artisticisthe time that Ispendby myself writing and the time that we spend on stage playing and in the studio recording. That makes up a very small percentage of whatwe workat. "The rest of the things are not artisticventures, [they]are themeans to an end-they're work. If I had an opportunity to make those things easier so that I could spend more time writmgor we could spendmore time playing, then I would. And if that came In the formof afat cheque from Universal Records, then I would be tempted. "I look at some bandswho have had those big deals. They've lasted two or three years and then they've gone away, but the band has benefitted from some of the marketing. It's a huge business, and most bands have no concept of what the music industry-the business side of it-islike. Whensomebody says, 'Oh we love your music, we want to do these great things, you can do whatever you want, you're just brilliant,' it's just not true.
"So, yeah, I thinkthe majors are fucked. And I think it's just a matter of time before the hierarchy of the major labels goes away. The control that the maior labels have has to be on the wane. They would have toget so corrupt to maintain that, given how easy it is to get music [through Napster and MP3sI." Veal performsilt Ted's WreckingYard in Toronto onFriday, November 10.
Imprint. Friday, November 10. .2000
thoughts on Napster: "At the plain thatwe exist on in the musicindustry, special to imprint Napster and other swapping programs are not athreat to our future. o Britney just doesn't do it foryou If anything,the spreadingof BD artanymore. Maybe she never did. ists via Napster probably acts as a Campuses and other havens for promotional tool. More people lismusic lovers are replete with those tening to atrack from an album may who can "see through" the major lead to someone buying the full labelmass marketingmachine.You7ve record." heard them deconstructingthe vidOn the Daddy Szigeti record, eos, poking fun at the lyrics, or there was a very pro-artistcomment whatever. Perhaps you are one of on the backaboutcopyright.Burland them. However, you weren't the first elaboratedon this by saying, "Well,it and likely won't be the last. was a statement aimed at explaining But are you going to do any- the role of Bobby Dazzler Recordsin thing about the state of music in the industry. We are an artistCanada, or the world? Whatcanyou friendly label. We believe that the do? Sign up for piano lessons? Start artist shouldand do own the fruitsof a band? How about startingan indie their labour. record label? Well, Chris Burland, "Bobby Dazzlerrespects artists' Scott Bradshaw and David Flexer desire to own their own music. .in did just that. fact, we want to promote this new Bobby DazzlerRecordswasorigi- world view. . . thus the reason for nally conceivedin January 1999 as a that comment." vehide to release Scott B. Sympathy's And while starting your own latest album, UnfinishedSympathy. indie label naturally has itsintangible We tracked down one of the co- rewards, Burland offers the followcreators of the Toronto indie label, ing warning: Chris Burland. "To be honest, don't unless Burland explains, "We saw you have absolutelyno expectation around us a number of other groups that you will ever make any money struggling for distribution and off theventure. In fact, it will probthought that Bobby Dazzler would ably cost you money. The music inbe an effective tool for these artist dustry is so geared to the majors, due friends. Instead of being a genre- to their almost monopoly on comspecific label, as many other labels mercial radio, MuchMusicand retail have been in the past, WE decided salesthrough chain stores (where80 that acity-based (Toronto) label fea- to 90 per cent of records in this turing music from any genre would countryare sold). It would take a lot be our raison &&re. Sowe've put out of money, risk and commitmentbejazz, country-rockandpop albumsto hind an artist to even contemplate date." conqueringthe big time. If you have Aswithany smallbusinessenter- lower expectations, then go for it!" prise, the early stages are often the To date, Bobby Dazzler has remost difficult financially,sowe asked leased fine records by Scott B. SymBurland how he keeps a small indie pathy, Linda Feijo, Feist, and Daddy label going. Szigeti. Plus, there areimminent plans "Well, with any new business to release albums by Vaughn venture, capitalisalwaysaproblem," Passmore, The BrothersCosmoline, saysBurland. "In order to survivethe and others. growingstagesof anew business, BD Bobby Dazzler Records can be tried to minimize the overhead ex- reachedat302-58 KensingtonAve., pensesfor the company. It may have Toronto,Ont., MST2K1&through blocked our quick development,but e-mail: then we justify our plan by our con~icSufgeryishemdonCKUli tinued existence." 100.3FMeveryTuesdaynight~10 Burland also discussed his p.m. untilmidnight.
The Legepi of Bagger ance
directed by Robert Redford DreannuwbSKG Fairway Cinema PAUL SCHREIBER imprint staff
sceneswhere Junuh deals with post-battle trauma are unconvincing. The best part of Damon's performance, however, is his genuine display of shock at his own abilitiestime and time again. Rounding out the cast are Joel Gretsch and Bruce McGill as Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen, Junuh's competitionand the top golfers in the world. Jones is an immaculately dressed gentleman with a law degree, whichisinstarkcontrast to Hagen, who is a chain-smoking womanizer. The townspeople of Savannah are stereotypicalsouth- Will Smith and Matt Damon share amoment. erners. Perhaps too stereotypical. Proud, stubborn and TheLegendofBaggerV a misn't anti-Yankee,they go abouttheir days just a golf movie. It's a tale of one merely setting the stage for Damon man's struggleto "find hisswing" in and Smith. The issues of race and both the game of golf and the game gender are mostly ignoredinBagger of life. Like any struggle, there's no Vance,with the title character being dear path, but being able to truly find respectfully addressed as "sir" by one's swing is the stuff worthy of Greaves. legend.
heLegendofBaggerVanceisthe tale of Rannulph lunuh (Matt amo on), agolf pro&khobecomes a recluse after bare$ surviving the ~ i r sworld t war. ~ a h ~ l ohisgolf st swing and his will to live, he turns to drinking and gambling to pass the time. That is, until he is called upon to represent Savannah in the golf tournament to end all golf tournaments. So how does he find his "one true, authenticswing"?With the help of Bagger Vance, of course. Will Smith is Bagger Vance, a phiiosopherlcaddywitha mind like a steel trap and a razor-sharpwit who is undoubtedly the strongest part of themovie.VanceistypidWill Smith -asWiiSmithas youcanbeandstill fit into 1930sAmerica. As odd asit sounds, Smithblends into depression-era America with ease. Shrewd and smooth, he comes across as wise and mysterious. You know - the stuff that legends are made of. Vance has an endlessknowledge of everything golf, explaining the effect the sun has on the grass late at night and predictingwhere shotswill landwithuncanny accuracy. He also has a knack for selecting clubs so good, you'd think he has ESP. But Vance isn't just a meat caddy; what makes him-truly special is his zen-like approach to the game. -He eschewsl i e s like, "a man's e ~ i ~ on hisdubislikehisg& on hiswo;1dn and tells Junuh that golf, like life, can't be won, only played. J. MichaelMonctief isastanhut as Hardy Greaves. Only about 10 years old, he stands up for what he believes in and, as a precocious kid who has the opportunity of a lifetime, he doesn't pass it up and learns much, growing up along the way. Damon ismanythings, butawar veteran isn't one of them, and the
Best Film Best Actress (Bjork) CANNES FILM FESTIVAL 2000 \'% @ $%
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Imprint, Friday, November 10, 2000
Saints, heroes, cash and teenage girls helped by his hilar~ousself-deprecatmgwt, which shinesthroughm songs like "I'm WrongAbout Everything." He sings, "I'm wrong about everything/I thmk Ican sing/And when you hear thissong you'll wanttosing along. ..I think you'll like our song, but I'm wrong." Of course, in what I assume is purposeful irony, this song is one of the most singable songs on the album. Hardmg's humour is refreshing. However, there are some beautiful and serious songs on the album aswell. "Our Lady of the Highways," a beautiful ballad, isaduet w ~ t hSteve Earle in which the slneer calls for the Lady of the Highways to "keep [his] baby straight tonighdguide her safely down the highway1keep her always in light." Earle and Harding'svoices complement each other perfectly; Harding's dandyishclear voice mixes with Earle's grizzled growl in an interesting harmony. Besides putting out one of the best pop albums I have heard in a long time, Harding also wins the award for best Web site at http:// www.wesweb net/. Insteadof simply posting the lyricsto St. Ace, Harding presents the lyrics as a hagiography, complete with hilarious footnotes interpreting the lyrics. If you have ever studied early English religious literature,you willnot be able to read these lyrics without laughing.
liner notes explain, "It was said the shadow of his body falling across a guitar would put it in tune, and thousandsbrought their guitars to him to be made well." The notes go on to say, "He brought anchovies back to life.. St.Ace wasso tender- hearted that he wept to seean onion sliced." This excerpt only begins to describe Harding'scharmingsense of humour. But The ConfessionsofSt. Ace is muchmore than just acute gimmick. Harding has created an album that is incredibly listenable and catchy as hell. Songs like "She's a Piece of Work" and "Humble Bee" arevirtually impossible to get out of your head. Harding was born in England but now lives in Seattle, and his real name is Wesley Harding Stace. His music is an interestingmix of American folkandBritishpop. But Harding manages to find his own unique style,
John Wesley Harding The Confessions of St. Ace Mummouth R A C H E L E. BEATTIE Imprint staff
John Wesley Harding has taken a novel approachwith hislatest album. Aconcept album of sorts, The Confessions ofSt. Ace is about the life of St. Ace, a fictional saint of music. The
select @ Service ACURA
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Saucepan Heroes SIT Summit Soundlnc. J O N A T H A N LAU special to lmprint
waterloo I University of
I 1
This self-titled album is the debut from the Kingston collective, Saucepan Heroes (SPH). This fresh, indie album can be classified as alt-rock, andis apromisingrelease from avery young band. The diverse Saucepan Heroes vary fromthe smashing, punk-driven influences of guitarist Justin Dub6 and drummer A.J. Cox, to the melodicvocalsandbassof MiloszSikora. The result is a unique blend of singalongalternative music. SPH formed nearly a year ago. In April of this year, they competed in and won a Battle of the Bands contest from which they earned 10 free hours of studio time to record thisalbumat SummitSound, Inc. The first song, "My FriendsAll Hate Me (So I Can't Consider Them My Friends)," consists of a catchy intro guitar lick and a soft crescendoing drum beat leading into the melodious baritone voice of Sikora. The musical influence of bands like the SmashingPumpkinsand311 are quite recognizable in the music.
However, the Saucepan Heroes don't stick with any basic formula, making an the effort to change their style fromsong to song. This change is most apparent in "Insecure," as well as the acoustic "Uplifting Smile," which features a clarinet. The SaucepanHeroes have been pretty prolific -in the span of less than a year and 10 hours of studio time, they've put together a nice collection of potential singles. Who knows what we'll see from them a couple of years from now? Watch out for these guys in the future and check out the album.
Leavin' Now," which was recorded incash'scabin. The cabin apparently has a broken air conditioner due to the buffalo smashing it with their horns every ttme ~twas turned ona truly appropriate setting for Haggard and Cash. Besides Haggard, Petty and Oldham, Cash isjoined on this album by hiswife, June Carter Cash, Sheryl Crow (both with vocals and accordion), Larry Perkins, Laura Cash, and Marty Stuart. This album features a very reflective journey through music that obviouslyhas struck Cash as important, but you won't find some of the rollicking singalongs like "Ring of Fire" or hilarious epics like "Boy Named Sue." I highly recommend this album to people who are willing to go out on a limb for Cash.
Johnny Cash American 111: Solitary Man American JAN GUENTHER BRAUN lmprint staff
Sinclaire Attention Teenage Girls
True, Johnny Cash'svoice isn't quite what it used to be, but there's something about him that makes me love themusic. Maybe it's his honesty, his humble disposition, or his connection to old style country music before it became adulterated by pop. Most of the songs on thisalbum are covers, with the exception of "Field of Diamonds," "Before My Time," "Country Trash" and "I'm LeavingNow." Whiie Cashisable to make the songshis own, he alsoseems to realize that there is a timeless message in music: "Irealize that generally songs don't say anything that songsweren't saying a hundred years ago; the differenceis we are saying it in a different way." On this album. Cash has definitely put his stamp on songs such as U2's "One" and Nick Cave's "The Mercy Seat." Cash speedsup "One," but carefully enunciates so that you can hear each word. On Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down" (which Petty joinscash for), Cashistrue to Petty's original. But the pairing of two men who have probably smoked and drank more in their combined lives than50 Marlboro Men puttogether makes for a beautifully gritty rendition. In Nick Cave's "Mercy Seat" Cash createsavastly scaled backversion that replaces the ominousdrumming of the original with the constant cry of the organ, which proves effective. Again, Cash enunciatesso that listenershear every word of this powerful song about aman on death row. Another highlight is a Will Oldham song with Oldham doing badcupvocalsandblendi~withCash in a style reminiscent of Blue Grass harmonies. Cash is joined by old friend Merle Haggard for "I'm
Sonic Unyon K A T E SCHWAS. lmprint staff
Been there, done that. That's what a few of us thought as we listened to the first album fromcanadiangroup Sinclaire. It's a shame, because it's always nice when you get a good Canadian band. But while this album is not bad in any way, ~t'sjust nothing new. Credit must be given tothe band in that they did write all their own songs. Thelyrics might gettheattention of teenage girls because they speak about being sorry and wanting to findlove-basically what almost every young, impressionable teenage girl wants to hear from a love interest. According to the Sonic Unyon Website, the bandwritescatchy and good songs. Unfortunately, these songs are also very reminicent of the Backstreet Boys, a band that is way overplayed on the radio. After Iistening to all the tracks, however, it won't leave you with a "wow" feeling. Instead, you'll probably think that you may have heard the songs before. The only song that stood out a little bit from all the rest was "The Girlfriend Sweater" and that is only because of the last line where the songsays, "If youstay wecouldsomehow find a way, but if not well then at least we had today, you can't take away today." By no means is thisa bad album, it's just somethingthat's alreadybeen done. If you like that, then you'lllike this album. Sinclaire will be rollingintotown shortly, soifyou'reinterested, you can check them out.
Imprint, Friday, November 10, 2000
Bahamadia BB Queen Good Vibe
She isn't a b-boy, but the only thing she's missing is a dick. You'd have a really hard time convincing me that Bahamadia isn't the top female rhymer of all time. But on the other hand, you may not even have heard of her -underground artists don't generally get the same recognition as those riding the wave of promotion from their major record label. But if you hear her, you won't soon forget her; she's saying something real and laying it out over smooth beats and sounds that meld withher flowperfectly."One-4-Teen (FunkyForYou)"and"Philadelphia" are two songs made to mellow out with and feature Bahamadia's GoodVibe Recording label-mates Slum Village and Dwele. "Special Forces" has Bahamadia teaming up with Planet Asia, Rasco, Chops and DJ Revolution to deliver amore banging track, one that youcan bounce to. In short, there's only one thing wrong with this release - it's too short. The six songs that it has leave you wantingmore-but I'll take six from Bahamadiaover a whole album from a lot of other rappers any day of any week of any year. (GM)
"Gasoline Dreams," will cheer you up. "Don't everybodylove the smell of gasoline! / Well burnmuthafucka burn American dreams/ Don't everybody like the taste of apple pie? / We'llsnap for yo' slice of life I'mtellin you why I I hear that Mother Nature's now on birth control / The coldest pimp be lookin' for somebody to hold / The highway up to Heaven got a crook on the toll / Youth full of fire ain't got nowhere to go, nowhere to go." And no matter who you are, you'll be wishing Erykah Badu will keep going as she endsout the b l a h ' "Humble Mumblen with, "And it's beautiful, that's life and that's life / And that's life and that's life." I think the best thing about this albumisit's going to sell. It'sgoing to get out to a lot of people, after the commercialbreakthrough of the single "Rosa Parks" and the third album, Aquemini. Their first two albums never came close to the circulation of Aquemini or what should happen with this one here. ATLiens, their secondalbum,was a classic, but was slept on by a lot of people. This time round, people have woken up. AsDre (nowAndre 3000) rhymes, "Speechesonlyreachesthose who already know about it / This is how we go about it." (GM)
some kind of cre for his utilization o maican rap - he can do it but not well enough to sell records. (NF)
Boot Camp Clik Greatest Hits Basic Training
Duck Down Records WhoistheBCC? BlackMoon, Cocoa Brovaz (formerly Smif-N-Wessun), OGC (Originoo Gunn Clappaz)and Heltah Skeltah.At least, these groups are stars, the ones that make the Greatest Hits line-up. The productionwork of the Beatminerz, on some of the tracks, definitely adds to the mix.
There's old ('93, '94) material from Black Moon and Smif-NWessun, which is good if you're like me and haven't been able to find SN-W'sDa Shinin' in stores and your Black Moon tape doesn't have the remix for "I Got Cha Opin'," or just if you're into nice hip-hop. In my opinion, these early efforts, produced by Beatminerz, are something you should hear. The Beatminerz left the BCC fold for a while (they're back now) and some of what came out in that period was hot, some not. But this is a greatest hits package and there's more than enough material in Duck Down Records' drawers to put together a good listen - so they did. You really can'tgo wrong pickingthis one up. (GM)
Jazzmatazz Streetsoul
As one-half of the hip hop duo Gang Starr, Guru (Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal) has been putting it down on the scene for awhile now. In this, the third of his solo projects, Guru combines hip-hop, jazz, R&B and soul into a beautiful listening experience - these four musical stylings fuse together seamlessly. It's not just the music that makes this LP what it is- the vocal cast is a pretty solid line-up. Guru himself speaks truth so evenly and easily with his signature voice. Angie Stone, Macy Gray, Erykah Badu, Les Nubians and The Roots headline the list of collaborators. Hell, Isaac (Chef)Hayesiseven up in the muthafucka. There are a lot of gems on this album. And as for those songs that don't qualify for that category, you'll still be feeling them pretty hard. The Boston kid who left for New York to get on up in the rap world is doing it yo. Sounds for the mind, body and soul. (GM)
From the moment Bounty Killer's first song, "Look," came swirlingout of my speakers, I knew I wouldn't be giving this record a review to be proud of. It'snot often that this happens, but for Bounty Killer, (realname Rodeney Price),it waswell deserved. Price sounds like a badly out of tune Shaggy with the absence of any funky dance music. The bass on the record is overly used, pounding in the same rhythm for each song, over and over and over, which gets quite irritating unless you're riding in a souped up Honda equipped with hller hydraulics. He has his moments, but very few of them. On his track titled "Free," the use of Barrington Levy shouting"Free" throughout the song aives the listener a break from the drowsy hypnosis thatisBountyKiller. Other than that. the record falls flat due to its redundancy of beat and song structure. Bottom Line: I feel bad being too mean to him, so let'sgive him a C for effort. Aw well, I must give him
It's just before midnight on Halloween. The ghosts and goblins are out in full effect. You're standing in line for what?The newoutkast, yo. You'd heard the "Bombs Over Baghdad song and seen the video o n MuchMusic, and you knewthey'dbe keeping it moving along on their fourth effort. If you thought "Bombs Over Baghdad" was some crazy shit (I can see it coming on at a rave and everyone just losing it), wait until you hear what else they've got instore for you. From one end of the spectrum to the other, the beats and music combination on this album are so clean and Sofresh, you might get hooked on just one toke. Plus, it's conscious rap. There's the song about Toilet Tisha, the 14-year-oldgirl who finds herself pregnant: "Sadly withnoclue /And no way of expressing her feelings to her mama or anybody else in her life." If you're feelingblue about Rage Against The Machine's recent breakup, listening to the album's firsttrack,
Bount Killer
5th E ement
Like Water For Chocolate MCA Records
Lonnie RashidLynn is definitelynot common. Well, he is Common -a 27-year-old rap artist from Chicago -butheisnotwhathisnameimplies.
perience in the studio is strikingly apparent. Lynn's first track, "Time Travelin' (A Tribute to Fela)," displays that Lynn is not just about the rap lyrics but the soul of the music, mixing in various instruments like the trumpet, congas, flute, organ and even hand claps. Lynn's studio expertise is also demonstrated through his use of big name hip-hop artists that are featuredon the album. "Get to Heaven Part Two" features the vocals of D'Angelo, who isalso acontributing pianist to the record. Mos Def and The Roots also add appearances throughout the album. This CD iscaptivatingandLynn maintains his sharp Chicago attitude on the songs "Coldblooded" and "Doonit."Common'salbumisbound tostay in CD traysfor alongtime. His intricate beats and sophisticatedlyrics are worth checking out. (NF)
Are you able to volunteer a few hours weekly during the school day? The Friends service at CMHA matches volunteers with children who need additional support in their school setting. Please call 744-7645, ext. 317 or Join BUDS a UW student, staff and faculty group that providesfree tutoring and encouragementto high school students. For more info contact Candaceat 747-8113 or email Reaching vouth: assist newcomer youth with ihe YMCA Cross-Cultural and Community Services. Cultural sensitivity and initiative are required for social and recreationaleventsfor youth, aged 13-19. Call 579-9622. Your time i s valuable - at the Distress Centre you canvolunteerproviding confidential supportive listening to individuals in distress. We provide complete training. Call todav. 744-7645. ext. 317 or BigSisters needs you! September2000 to December 2000. University students to tutor our new Canadian children at community based study halls. Students range from grade 3 to 12 needing support in English, French, high school Sciences and Maths. Own transportationis preferred. Training and screening is required. Call Big sisters at 743-5206. Leisure S u ~ ~ oServices rt (741-2226) is needing Gunteers to help with peo: ple that have disabilities. "Make a Splash!" one hour per week to help children in swimming lessons. "Walk & Talk!" - walk or run the track with a young adult with a disability. "Swim Buddies" - once a week, flexible hours toswim with a new buddy. "Have a Ball!" - Boccia is a game similar to indoor bowling that is gaining popularity. One evening per week, Oct. -April.
featuringcrafts,galleries, performances, etc and volunteers are needed to join in to help out. Security and parking is also needing volunteers. "Proof Reading, Data Entry or Computer Skills" #12351452: One morning or afternoona week is needed to help out in one of Canada's largest service organizations at their national office. "Big Brother's Event Co-ordinator Wanted" #1006-1433: A motivated volunteer with great people skills and who would enjoy co-ordinating the "Bowl for Kids Sake." Ten to twelve hours a week for four months is needed. "Gain Valuable Childcare Experience" #1021-1442: With Familyand Children's Services of the Waterloo Region. "Have A Rocking Good Time" # I 0 5 1448: This uniquefundraising eventfeatures participants in rockingchairs, rocking theirway through the night. Help with registrationon Nov. 10 at 5:30 p.m. and Nov. 11 for cleanup. Volunteer at YOUR school newspaper IMPRINT Student Life 1116. See you soon!
for musicians. Rehearsals Mondays & 10 p.m., Adult RecCentrestartingSept. 11. Contact Bryon Higgs 669-5296 or for more info. No membership dues. The2001 EdnaStaebler ResearchFellowship is now open to applicants. Awarded yearly for researchadjudged to "increase knowledge and expand understandingof theculturesof the folk and founding peoples of Waterloo Regionhvaterloo County", the Fellowship is accompanied by a stipend of $1,000. Call 742-7752 for more info. Deadline is Nov. 6, 2000. For more info call 883-5150, ext. 245. lnterested in applyingforundergraduate scholarships, awards or bursaries? Check out the Bulletin Board on the Student Awards Office home page at: infoawardsl
MONDAYS English Language Lab a lab/class is heldfrom2:30-320 p.m. in ModemLanguages 113, September June. The class has an emphasis on pronunciation and listening exercises. Students, faculty, staff, and spouses are welcome to attend. For more informationcontact the lnternational Student Office, ext. 2814. Outers Club Meetings held in Modern Languages, room 104 at 6:30 p.m. New members welcome to join. Meet people, plan trips and get outside! Visit http:// watservl more information. TUESDAYS P Are you interested in playing women's ices (888-6488) is currently recruiting varsity hockey at UW? Every Tuesday forthe followingvolunteer positions: Voland Friday come out to Columbia unteer Drivers are currently needed to Icefields from 4-5 p.m. with equipment. assist the increasing number of older For information email Jennifer at adults. Flexible hours, mileage, bursed and your own reliable vehicle is Wellness Centre holds weekly meetrequired. ProgramAssistants is needed ings at530 p.m. atthe Wellness Centre, to assist with Senior Outing Day proStudent Life Centre, Student Service grams, three hours per week. Resource area. For info call ext. 5951. B i g Brother's needs male volunteers FRIDAY forour Big Bunch Recreation Program. English Conversationclass meetsafGet involved, put a smile on a young temoons from 2-4 p.m. in Needles Hall boys face. For more information call 2080, September June. Students, facDebbie or Mike 579-5150. ulty, staff and spouses are invited to Learn about a different culture while attend. Formore informationcontactthe you show a new immigrant how to be a lnternational Student Office, ext. 2814. part of your community. For more information, call K-W Y.M.C.A. Host Program at 579-9622. Volunteers needed t o read with children with a wide range of reading skills, on a one-to one or small group basis. Some familiarity with Macor IBM would Women's varsity hockey team at UW be an asset. Call Jane Horne at Prueter gets togetherevery Tuesday and Friday Public School 578-0910. from 4-5 p.m. at the Columbia Icefields. Volunteers needed to assist visuallyMore players are needed. If you have impairedathletewithfitnesstrainingand previously played hockey, come on out other activities. Time commitment is with your equipment and join in. For approximately two hours per week. more information email Jen at Please call Vivian at 745-9345. Auditions1 Casting call for independThe UW Warriors Band is looking for ent feature length film being shot in fine and talented musicians. Ifyouenjoy Waterloo. Actors needed to volunteer, sportsand play an instrument, or have a both male and female, ages 20-60. Call desire to learn, please contact Tim at 579-6172 or you can e-mail alexquiller@hotmail.comto arrangeauWhat? Writers at Waterloo?!?! If you dition time and date or more informado anything creativewith words, e-mail tion. We meet weekly Volunteer Action Centre (742-8610) to share writing, critique, and inspire. needs you! Mention the times that are best for you, "Inventive. Technical Designers too. Needed 41082-3141: Creative invenMarriage plans? Join with several othtive volunteers are needed for the Oners tostudy Drs. Lesand Leslie Pamtt's tario March of Dimes DesignAbilityPro"Saving Your Maniage Before It Starts." gram. Open house Nov. 22,7-8 p.m. at Contact Jeff and Merlene Austen at Rotary Children's Centre. or 725-0265. "The Art of Christmas" -#1101-1462: A The Waterloo Concert Band is looking Christmas event downtown Kitchener
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10,2000 KW Chamber Music presents "Liebeslieder",vocal quartet at 8 p.m. at KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young Street. W., Waterloo. Call 886-1673for informationlreservations. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11,2000 Music at Grebel "Remembering the Future." DaCapo Chamber Choir, Leonard Enns, director. Tickets available at door, St. John the Evangelist Church, Kitchener at 8 p.m. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12,2000 KW Chamber MusicpresentsTuarteto America" at 8 p.m. at KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young Street, W., Waterloo. Call 886-1673 for infolreservations. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15,2000 Rainbow Community Conversation Group (sponsored by Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo and the Regional Pride Committee) for issues after coming out. Topic: "Sexual Economics: What is Sex?, Bathouse Culture; Sex Trade; Trwms" 7:30 p.m. Hagey Hall (Humanities) room 373. All welcome. Details: 884-4569. Jointsocial Psychology 1Professional Writing Program Lecture. "Understanding Social Epidemics" by Malcolm Gladwell, best selling author of "The Tipping Paint" and staff writer for "The New Yorker" magazine. 3:30-4:30 Siegfried Hall. St. ~eromes. Gavs and Lesbians of Waterloo Coming Out Discussion Group. Topic: "Crushes and Infatuations, Friends or Lovers" 7:30 p.m. Social follows at 9 p.m. HH378. Meet old friends and make new ones. All welcome. Details: 8844569. 2020: Building the Futurelecture: Thomas Homer-Dixon will speak on "The Ingenuity Gap: How can we solve the problems of the future?" at the Humanities Theatre, Hagey Hall at 7 p.m. Free admission to all. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16,2000 AfrSA presents "Origins" an interesting presentation on the Origins of Race. Listen to UW's Prof Cliff Blake at 5:30 D m . . Math & Com~uterBuildino. -. room'2066. lnterested i n spending a term ortwo at aforeignuniversityand havethecourses count toward your UW degree? If you are, please come to an lnformation Meeting on Student lnternational Exchange Programs in the Faculty of Arts at HH 373 at 4:30 p.m. For further info contact Prof. Robert Kar~iakatext.3118 or e-mail rkarpiak@uw& ARTS Talks Back- The Lecture Series. Free of charge, public dialogue by Delbert Russell, Department of French Studies, on the life and times of St. Francis of Assisi - "Who Is This Man Francis?" Hagey Hall, room 334. 3:30 p.m. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21,2000 Multicultural Pavilion entitled "Inter-
national Flavours." The show will encompass students of diverse backgrounds performing cultural acts from around the world. All proceeds go to SickChildren's Hospital.Theevent is in the SLC, Great Hall at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, November 8 Getting Journal Articles & Books Not at UW: 1:30 p.m. - 2 3 0 p.m., Meet at the Dana Porter Library lnformation Desk. Learn how to use: TUGdocIholdslrecalls, InterlibraryLoanlDocumentDelivery Wednesday, November 15 Keeping Up with Your Research: 9:30 a.m., LT3 - Dana Porter Library.Offered to faculty and graduate students only. Registerin advanceat: cs/courses.html. This hands-onsession will show you how to get the most from databases like Current Contents, ClSTl Source, and electronic journals. Monday, November 20 OrganizingYour References: 9:30 a.m. - 11:OO a.m.. Meet at the Davis Centre
Library lnformation Desk. Offered to fawltyand graduatestudentsonly.Register in advance at: courses.html. This course will review features of Reference Manager and EndNote,and will also reviewtheonline searching capabilities that ailow users to search remote databases. Thursday, December 7 Keeping Up with Your Research: 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., LT3-Dana Porter Library. Offeredto faculty and graduate students only. Register in advance at: ist.uwaterloo.calcs/courses.html.This hands-onsession will show you how to get the most from databases like Current Contents, ClSTl Source, and electronic journals.
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