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Houses for rent May 1/01 - four bedroom on Albert Street, four bedroom on James Street. Available for 4, 12 or 16 months. Call 588-5920. Room for rent January 1 for a quiet individual in a quiet detached house. Parking and all amenities. Please call 725-5348. September rentals various houses and apartments, various sizes. Two to ten bedrooms, 10 to 25 minute walks, various locations and prices. Renting to groups, 12 month leases. Cali for details. 5885920. One-three bedroom apartment, newly carpeted, new windows, ensuite washer and dryer, not coin operated. Utilities included, ample parking. Lease May 1, 2001 to April 30, 2002. Minimum three students at $355/student. Contact landlord (4161, 491-1370 or cell (416) 700-9840. Two bedroom available May 01 -April 2002. Close to all amenities. lame bedrooms. $350 all inclusive per person. 20 minute walk Call 746-3384. A MUST SEE! 4 bedrooms for Spring 2001 (MayAug) Large, clean, laundry, near beer, groceries $275/room + utilities, negotiable. Call 581-1261.
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An o p p o r t u n i t y to gain valuable work experience to enhance your resumel portfolio. IMPRINT, the UW Student newspaper is looking for a full-time, one year contract, salaried employee for the school year commencing March 1,2001 to March 31, 2002. As EditorIn-Chief you would be responsible for organizing volunteer staff, overseeing the productionllayout for all sections of the paperand be familiarwith IBM compatible computersldesktop publishing. If you enjoy a challenging, fast-paced environment. lease submit letter of applicat~on,resumeandsamplesofwrith a to IMPRINT. 200 Universitv Ave.. w,: Universityof Waterloo, s t u d e n t ~ i f e Centre, room 1116, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 by February 1,2001.
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FRIDAY, JANUARY 26,2001 Blood Clinic-last day- from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the SLC. Sign upat theTurnkey Desk. For more infocall 1-888-871-7201, ext. 4240. SUNDAY, JANUARY 28,2001 K-W Chamber Music Society presents "Movses Pogossian, violin" at 8 p.m. at The KWCMS Music Room,57Young Street, W., Waterloo. For infolticket call 886-1673. MONDAY, JANUARY 29,2001 There will be a Speaking Circle in MC 5136 at 1:30 p.m. Contact Alastair Farrugia at afarmgia@Qrnath.uwaterloo.caor ext. 6655 for more Information. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31,2001 Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo Coming Out Discussion Group. Topic: "Nurturing Our Friendships" 7:00 p.m. Social follows. ML104. Meet old friends and make new ones. All welcome. Details: 8844569. k-W Chamber Music Society presents"Canadian Guitar Quartet" at 8 p.m. at The Music Room, 57 Young Street. W., Waterloo. For infolreservations call 886-1673. 2020: Building the Future lecture: Ken Dryden of theToronto Maple Leafswill speakat theTheatreof the Arts at 7 p.m. Free admission to all.
ONGOING MONDAYS The Morning Watch: We are a non-denomina-
tional Christian group. We engage in scripture reading and silent prayer. Our purpose is to provide a time and place for busy students to pray on campus. 8:30-9:00 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, The Student Life Centre Prayer Room. Formore info pleasee-mail Richard Boychuk at rnboychu@artsmail.uwaterloo.ca. WEDNESDAYS Weekly meetings start on January 17, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. at Wellness Centre, SLC, located above Imprint in Student Service Resource area, room 2124A. For details call 888-4567, exf. 5951. THURSDAYS Group for Libertarian Activism and Discussion. Libertarianismin One Lesson study series at 6:00 p.m., Student Life Centre, room 2133. Contact Graham at gtjheam@Quwaterloo.caor 725-7810.
Help Yourself To A Workshop Winter 2001 Study Skills - "Study Smarter...Not Harder": Study Skills Workshops and Preparing for and Writing Exams. PersonallSocial - Assertive Communication ; Eating Disorders; Procrastination; Reducing, Releasing and Managing Anger ; Self Esteem ; Stress Management. Career Development - Individual appointments available by request. For more info and registration, visit CounsellingServices, Needles Hall, room 2080 (directly across the hall from the Registrar's Office) or call 888-4567. ext. 2655. (a minimal materials fee applies for host workshobs).
Mondav Jan 29 Co-op Job Posting #5 available by 12 noon Tuesdav Jan 30 = Co-op Job Posting #5 expires at 8:00 PM Career Development Workshop: Work Finding Package, 10:30-12:30 PM, NH 1020 Wednesdav Jan 31 Co-op Job Posting #6 available by 12 noon Career Development Workshop: Interview Skills Basics, 5:30-6:30 PM, MC 2065 Career Development Workshop: Interview Skills - Questions, 6:30-7:30 PM, MC 2065
Thursdav Feb 1 = Co-op Job Posting #6 expires at 8:00 PM = Career Development Workshop: Interviews - Selling Your Skills, 1:30-3:30 PM, NH 1020 Career Development Workshop: Create Your Own Future, 3:30-530 PM, NH 1020 Fridav Feb 2 Coop Job Posting #7 available by 12 noon Career Development Workshop: Making Job Fairs Work For You, 1:30-2:30 PM, NH 1020 Architecture students taking part in interviews this term - one copy of resume package to drop-off slot by 8:00 PM
Buck Consultants
500-7:30 PM For Graduating and Co-op students in Actuarial Science Arius Software 500-7100PM For Graduating and Co-op students in Math and Engineering Tuesdav Jan 30 Kickstarts 4:30-6:30 PM For Graduating and Co-op students in Math, Engineering,and Science Eckler Partners 5:W-7100 PM For Graduating and Coop students in Actuarial Science Hewitt Associates 7:OO-9:00 PM For Graduating and Co-op students in Actuarial Science Wednesdav Jan 31 University Health Network 5:OO-7:00 PM For Graduating students in AHS, Arts, Math, Engineering,and Science
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Meet the Feds candidates Eight in the running and one already acclaimed SUSANB U B A K lmprint staff
he wait is finally over. After the nomination period for the Feds Executive election closed on January 19, the candidates were officially declared at the candidates' meeting on the same day at Ground Zero. This year, nine candidates are vying for the four positions on Feds Executive. ChrisDiLdo,YaacovIland and Albert Nazareth are running for President; BrendaBeatty,Yi Fan Chua and Jessica Gross are running for VP Student Issues; Andre Cousineau and Dawn Phillips are running for VP Administration and Finance, and Ryan Stammers has been acclaimed to VP Education. Last year, both DesireeTaricandShannonWilliswere acclaimed to VPSIandVPAF,respectively. All candidates were required to attend the candidates' meeting during which Chief Returning Officer David Drewe explained the election rules and regulations. "It's a really procedure-heavy meeting," said Drewe. "There are six pages of election procedure we go through, plus all the posting rules, plus the time linesand picking out the colours for the posters." The candidates also had the opportunity to ask questions. "They're there to listen," said Drewe, "and
they're there to askquestionsif they have them at that point." The candidates were required to submit their posters to the Election Committeefor printingby January 23 and a 1,000-word statement about themselves with a photo by January 26. The candidates' statementsand photos will be posted on the Feds election Web site on January 30. The current Feds Executivehad somewords of wisdom for the candidates. "Get lots of sleep," advised Feds President Chris Farley. "Make sure that what you're doing and what you're sayingis what you really believe in." Farley's first Fedselection campaign was a learning experience. "I've run twice," he said. "The first time, Ilost. When we were running, it wasn't a whole lot of fun, but the second time around, we just had a blast. Take it for what it's worth." But don't take it personally. The voters are just "one group of people whowillsubiectively decidewhether or not they like yo"," said VP Education Mark Schaan. "So much of that depends on what the weather was like that day, or what they were wearing, or what they had for breakfast and how it makes them feel. This is not a true test of whether or not you're agood person." Schaan added that the most
difficult part about campaigning was the "incredibly rigorous schedule. Desiree, Chris and I were up at 7:00 a.m. every day of the campaign and didn't go to bed until 1:OOa.m. Wedid 130classroomsin 10 days or something, plus all the forums, plus all the poster activity." AlthoughVP Administration and Finance Shannon Willis was acclaimed to SUSAN BUBAK her position last yearishealso had FedsExecutiveCandidatesare:first row,from 1efttoright:YiFanChua,]essicaGrossand Dawn some tips for the Phillips. Secondrow: Albert NazarethandAndreCousineau.Third Row: Brenda Beatty, Ryan candidates. "Do Stammers, Chris DiLulloandYaacovlland. your research on the history of the VP Student Issues DesireeTaric about them." Feds and what the Executive this year has been working on," she said. encouraged the candidates to get Taric added that the candidates "Don't make far-fetched promises involvedwiththeFedsby volunteer- should find out "what we did, what because even the ones that you think ing. Since one of the VPSI's respon- we didn't do and why we didn't do sibilities is to coordinate volunteer it." seem realistic may be hard to keep." As for campaigning strategies, activities, Taric advised the candiWhowill the four survivors be? Willisadvisedthecandidatesto "get dates to "volunteer with the [Feds] Who will get voted off the island? out there, meet withstudents, talk to servicesbecause it's hard to manage You decide. VotingbeginsonFebruservicesif you don't know anything ary 9 and ends on February 16. them and hear their ideas."
Back to junior high
Mixed reactions to professor's return
UW student being sued by Degrassi "They're false." In fact, he vehemently retorts with, "This is complete bullshit. They aho said I sell productsand services.Idon't sell arkPolger,aUWgraduatestudent, products and services. I simply answer referisbeingthreatenedwithalawsuitby ence questions." Epitome Pictures, the producers of In early 1998, Polger created http:// the Degrassi television series, for creating an www.degrassi.ca,http://www.degrassi.org,and unofficial fan Web site on Degrassi and "for http://www.degrassiweb.com, Web sites that providingthe show and its producers with free contain facts andinformation about the show, publicity, advertising and marketing." How- its characters, its crew, links to other Degrassi ever, this is not exactly sites, and basically a how Epitome Pictures place where Degrassi phrased his crimes. fans can hang out and Polger has been relate. M the inforservedwitha 16-page mation he used on his statement of claim, site was recruitedhonwhich is a precursor to estly andlegally. "I've a lawsuit. This docubeen watching the ment is the final step show since I was 13 before litigationcourt, yearsold," saidPolger. and he is being accused He usednewspaof "trademark inper printings and artifringement, using the web site and domain in cles that he had collectedoverthe years, includbad faith, damaging the integrity and good ing his own research and knowledge. Polger, faith of Epitome Pictures, claiming to be an who describes himself as primarily a librarian, officialwebsite, disseminatingofficialinforma- simply wanted to provide a reference source tionandclaiming to be associatedwithEpitome for Degrassi fans. Pictures." What theplaintiffsdon'trealiie,isthatthis What does Polger think of all the mayhem issimply a hobby to Polger. He makes absolutely arising from his innocent creation and all the accusations thrown his way? please see page 5 HALA KHALAF Imprint staff
P ~ l g e rsimply wanted to provide a reference source for Degrassi fans.
N lCOLE FAWCETTE A N D DURSHANGANTHAN Imprint intern and Imprint staff
tudentsreactedwithmixedfeelingsover the conditional sentence given by the courts concerning the case of UW Math Prof, Vladimir Petrovich Platonov. Platonov pleaded guilty to aggravated assault after he attacked his wife, Valantina, over the head with a rock. On Thursday January 17, Justice Robert Reilly sentenced Platonovtoatwo-year conditional sentence and home curfew of 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. On November 5, 1999, Platanov approached his wife from behind and beat her with a rock over the head. She was then pinned to the floor and beaten again with the 1.6 pound rockuntil she was able to break free by clubbing Platanov in the head. Valatina suffered from severe head wounds and impairedvision. Currently Platanov is suspended from teaching at UW, however he still receives full pay. This is an issue for some studentswho are
shocked andoutraged with the decision made by the Court, while others merely dismiss it. Brenda Beatty, Co-coordinator of the Womyn's Centre, reacted by sayingtheconditional sentence granted was an "unjust sentence by far." When questioned if the University's involvement was a grey area in the couple's private lives, Beatty responded, "This is not. This is clear. He almost killed someone." Shockedwith the factthat alesser sentence was handed out because of the appearance of a character witness, Beatty said, "Even though he beatshiswife,it'sokay
"What he does at
home is different than what he does at work."
things better for the rest of his sociew?" Mary Pat Hinton, a fourthyear English student, echoes the sentiment. "I would question if it had something to do with hisstatus.. .whether because of who he was that that was the sentence that was given to him. I would question that." Whether Platonov will be allowed to replease see page 5
IMPRINT Publications Waterloo ANNUAL GENERAL
All registered University of Waterloo students who have paid the IMPRINT membership fee are invited to attend. The finances of the corporation will be discussed and the new Board of Directors will be voted in.
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Hate on campus miss the idea either. "There's a lot of local hisisturbinghate literature was tory. They were foundoncampusin the Stu- really active in dent Life Centre this past 1992193," he week. Information sheets from the claimed. He reHeritage Front were found hidden ferred to an ininside books in the Used Bookstore cident where a andinside the newspapersoutside of local Jewish woman who the Imprint office. "It's really upsetting," com- openly refuted mentedSLC managerNancy O'Neill. the Heritage Many students had approached Front had her O'Neill to complain about the litera- house burned ture that was beingcirculated. "If we down twice in Hate literaturewasslippedinside imprintsand books. saw this happening, we would call one year, allenThe Heritage Front is an orthe police directly. We would not edly by the Heritage Front. In other words, the Heritage Front is an ganization that many consider a hate approach them." Students were also very upset, organization that is not to be taken group because of their racist comments. Heritage Front claims that but thought that by seeing the litera- lightly. "In the last three months, they are not a hate group. According ture, people were informed. "I think it'sagood thing that we there are three new groups that have to the organization'sWeb site, "while it is true that we "hate" this current see it," commented AliValli who felt formedin town.. .there'sanincrease climate of reverse discriminationand that people need to be made aware in activity." Another member of the anti- minority appeasement programs, it of thisin order to makeup their own racist group wasn't sure what moti- is preposterous to blame the benefiminds. "It'sgoodthat it'sat auniversity vated someone to do this. "I find it ciary of such politics -rather than andnotaprimary school," saidGillian really hard to get into the heads and the author. Contrary to media and Dingle, who felt that the minds of motivations of people that believe governmentreports, it has never been the aim of Heritage Front to domiuniversity students are not asimpres- this kind of thing." The literature that was distrib- nate or subjegate any other race." sionable as those of younger chilOne of the newer groups in the dren. "Ican readit and know that it's uted fallsunder the Canadian Criminal Law section 3 19 that deals with area, theTri-City Skinsaskvisitorsto fullof shit." When it was mentioned that the the wilful promotion of hatred. A the site and sign a guestbook where pamphlets were hiddenin booksand wilful promotion of hatred is de- many people fill out a brief survey newspapers, Julie MacArthur ques- finedas "everyone who, by commu- that includes favourite bar, band and tioned, "Why do they have to hide nicating statements other than pri- beer. One "Warriorn named Farmer it?" vateconversation, wilfully promotes Cletus, whose favourite bar is the LynneneTorokagreed, suggest- hatred against any identifiablegroup Bombshelter,wrote: "We do need to ing that people handing out this in- is guilty of a) an indictable offence congregate and join. Let's get toformation are "ashamed and do not and is liable to imprisonment for a gether and rally, we have much more term not exceeding two years or; b) than we realize. And where the hell want to talk to students." When approached, a member an offence punishable on summary is the Heritage Front?" of KW Anti-RacistAction wasUdoubt- conviction." Anyone caught distribUW Police stated that the case is fulnthat theliterature wasplaced on uting hate literature can serve a sen- "still under investigation" and that, campus by a student, but didn't dis- tence up to two years in prison. as of yet, no charges have been laid. KATE SCHWAS8 Imprint staff
Friday, Feb. 16,2001 12:30 p.m. Student Life Centre room 1116
Imprint, Friday, January 26, 200 1
Imprint, Friday, January 26, ZOO I
NEWS Students react to sentence
continued from page 3
U of T prof murdered Professor David Buller, a senior lecturer in the Fine Arts faculty at the University of Toronto, was found deadshortly before 7:OOam last Friday by acaretaker in his art ;tudio at 1Spadinacrescent. Buller was last seen the previous day at 1:00 p.m., hut was not present for his 6:OOp.m. lecture onThursday. There were "obvious signs of trauma to Mr. Buller's body," according to a statement released by the Toronto police. Students at U of T are being offered counselling through the Counselling and Learning SkillsService, Psychiatric Services and the Toronto Distress Centre.
turn to teach remains to be determined. Ian Vollick, a first year Math student, isnot in favour of his return. "I think he shouldbelet go, until he's finished his sentence, without pay." On the other side of the fence, Imran Aleem, a third year Science and Chemistry student, questioned the relevaniy of his personal life to his professional life. "Why should there be an issue? What he does at home is different than what he does at work. It's two different things." Beatty was opposed to him resuming his duties on campus. She stated that allowinghim back would
be a back track to the movementsthe University has already made in favour of women's rights. Certain students, like Sara Escobar,athird-yearPsychologymajor, question the safetyof studentsin the classroom. "Personally, I would not," Escobar says in reference to whether or not she would feelsafein hisclassroom. "If he'sable to lose control with hiswife,withsomeonethatheloves, he knowsand supposedly loves, then why couldn't he loseitwithastudent hedoesn'treallyknowandhedoesn't care about?" It is still unknown when the University will make its decision on whether or not Platanovwillresume teachingclasses.
waterloo 1 University of
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A bargain on gas Thanks t o a decision t o prepurchasenatural gas for itscampus earlier this year, the University of Regina will save $1.1 million. With.the price of natural gas increasing drastically in recent months, many people have faced higher natural gas bills.
Biggest bang for buck
~ a n u a29 j to February 3 ...
According to the London, England-basedFimnciaITimes,uWo's Richard Ivey School of Business is number one in the world amongst businessschoolsin respect to "educational value returnedto students when compared to their tuition fees." The programis ranked 19th overall in educational value.
A model ' experience More than 300 Queen's students travelled to Ottawa this past week to participate in the eight annual Queen's Model Parl~ament.They debated the future of the country under the leadership of an NDP government and the debate sessionsincludedthe presence of several Members of Parliament. A keynote speech was given by the Ministerof Human ResourceqJane Stewart.
New medical program A shortage of doctors in rural and 1northern British Columbia has led 1to
the creation of the Northern Medical Program. The program is a joint-venture between the Uni1versity of Northern British Columa I~ i (UNBC) and the University of 1British Columbia (UBC). The proIgram will allow 15 to 20 medical rtudentseach year to completehalf their degree at W B C ~ Prince George campus, while still getting their degree from UBC. Developers of the program hope that doctors who are trained in rural areas like Prince George will be better suited to adjust to and work in these communities. 1
JEANNIE STALLONE "Brittany Spears" Look-a-like with tribute
Grad student asked to hand' over Web site continued from page 3
no profit off of the site; on the contrary, he has to pay $30 US a month in order to finance his domains. Furthermore, Polger made sure to include a disclaimer on his Web site, that has been there from day one. 1tstatisthat the information on his sites are unofficial and that the sites are not affiliated to Epitome Productions in any way. He did not need to contact Epitome Producers or anyone else before creating his Web site, simply because he wasnot required to. As he repeatedly points out, it isan "unofficial fan site." This issue has been dragging on for almost a year now, and Polger plans to fight it all the way. He is hopingand expecting that the plaintiffs will settle out of court, seeingas legal procedures could cost over $100,000. He is being requested to hand over his Degrassi domain names to E~itomePictures in order to use the domain as a supplemental tool that would provide valuable promotion
for their new series. According to Polger, if it wasn't for hiswebsite that has been maintained on a daily basis since 1998, there would be no audience for the new series. The reason Polger was not threatened until two years after the creation of his site is simple. It takes a while for aWebsite to become popular. In thiscase, there were only three Web sites dedicated to Degrassi in 1996. That number has gone up to 40 in 2000. Polger has been one of the first in thisventure, andEpitome Picturesknows this. "Without Polger's hard work on hisweb site, mailing list, andconvention, thwe would not be amarket for EpitomePicturesto work with to create anew series. Epitome Pictures should support and thank polger for his effortsanddedicationrather than harassand bully himwith the threat of a lawsuit," the press release stated. While it might be a while for Polger to receive any thanks for his "hard work" from Epitome Pictures, the site remainsup andcan be visited at http:llwww.degrassi.ca and fans are encouraged to swing by.
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imprint, Friday, January 26, 200 I
Feds E-vote ready for prime time ROB
Imprint staff
year ago under Federation of Students' President Christine Cheng, the idea of electronic voting was born. Two students, Ching-Yen Chen and Saleem Kanji, created a system to handle the election online as aclass project. Their system was to be implemented in time for the 2000 executive elections; however, technical snags prevented that system from being implemented. Reg Quinton, a security expert for IST, was called on to complete the project in time for the February vote. The original system was designed for'use withMicrosoftInternet Informationserver on NT.However, forsecurityreasonqitwasported to Per1 for use on a Solaris server. Concerns have been raised that the new system made it too easy to cheat. These concerns are being addressed through an email verification system where students will be notified of changes in their authentication infor-
mation and when they vote. The goal is that if cheating occurs, people will have an opportunity to catch someone using their account and such fraud will be accounted. It is not possible to remove the vote sinceit isn't attached in any way to an account, but a certain confidence in the results can be expected. The paper system wasn't fundamentally free of fraud either. It was anticipated that the poll clerks would be honest but it would be impossible to verify. A clerk could stuff the ballot box with little chance of detection and simply verify that the appropriate number of names were crossed off. In a federal or provincial election the existence of parties ensures aclose scrutiny of the process. In those cases as well there are criminal sanctions for voter fraud, which are determined by a legislature. In student electionsthere is far less scrutiny and one of the few possible penalties that can beappliedisthedisqualificationofacandidate. Students arelargely free frompossible penalty for eleciton fraud.
WANTED: RESIOENCE DONS We are looking for a diverse interested in group o f people, and dedicated t o helping other students. Benefits P Meet new people P Acquire leadership skills and ti-aining P Develop communication and conflict mediation skills P Excellent compensation package
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Information Session on Monday January 2gth, 6-7pm Village One, Great Hall Applications f o r Residence Dons for the Fall 2001/Winter 2002 terms are now available in the Housing Office, Village One or can be downloaded from www.housing.uwaterloo.ca Application Deadline: Friday February 2, 2001
I like monev
Millions donated to inforhation technology trust LAUREN
S. B R E S L I N
lmprint staff
ver the years our fine university has maintained itsreputation as aleading school in the field of information technology, and respectfully, the weight of that title must be attributed to 1. Wesley Graham. Giving credit where it's due, Tuesday, January 23, marked the official establishment of amulti-million dollar information technology trust fund in honour of the late J.W. (Wes) Graham, a former Wprofessor of computer science, and briefly, the Dean of Computing and Communicatiofis. The opening event, which was held at the Dana Porter library, celebrated the accumulation of over $5 million in pledges towards the J.W. Graham Information Technology Trust. The trust will support University ~;ofessorships and J.W. Graham Fellowships/Scholarships in the field of Information Technology. Accordingto the university'snews bureau, the IT trust "will play a central role in enhancing UW's achievementsin research and education in information technology. It will provide a new level of encouragement and support for top undergraduate and graduate students." Now dubbed "the father of computingnat UW, Graham joinedthe faculty in 1959, a time when computer access was granted to a select and privileged few. Shortly into his career at Waterloo, Graham worked towards making computers
more available toundergraduate students. After discovering that the computer software of the 1960s was ill-suited for teaching purposes, he co-developed the Waterloo Fortran Compiler (WATFOR) in a matter of months. WATFOR was immediately recognized and adopted by other universities facing the same problems in computer programming instruction; it garnered much attention, andlaid the foundation for UW'sinternationalreputation as a cutting-edge school for software development. Graham's contributions also include WATFIV (Waterloo Fortran IV), the successorof WATFOR, aswellasa host of other software packages and two best-selling textbooks. Susan Bellingharn, head of special collectlons at the UWlibrary comments "it was as an academic that Graham recognized the wider applications of computing in education, business, industry and government. The software designedunder his direction was able to locate programming errors more quickly as well asspeed up response time, thus providingfaster more reliable methods of computing which were adapted by many other organizations." Graham, the man who has been described as both "a Canadian pioneer in the field of computing" and as the individual "chiefly responsiblefor the ~niversity'sinternational~rep~utation in software development" was awarded the Order of Canada shortly before his death in 1999.
WPIRG to studv ecological resideice at California State Polytechnic University. The Lyle Centre isan interdisciplinary project that . will eventually house 90 students, faculty and iving in harmony with our staff. naturalsurroundingsisagoalthatmany Not only do the residents of the Lyle UWstudents aspireto. Actually putting Centre activelyparticipate in sustainableliving, that goal into practice, however, can be a the Centre also houses a variety of research seriousordeal,especiallywhenconsideringthe projects on developing and improving techlimited time and reniques t o develop sourcesinherent in healthy, functioning student life. natural systemsthat are With thatchal"improved, not just suslengeinmind,a few tained" by human presmembersof t h e w ence. community will be T h e group's researching the work comes at a parconceptof building ticularly relevant time. a new studentresiNot only is there a dence on campus crunch o n student built around the housingin the areanow concept of sustainas the University works able living. towards the ability to The Waterloo guarantee every firstPublic Interest Reyear student a spot in search Group residence, but'the infa(WPIRG)hasestabmous "double cohort" lished a working issue is also looming group whose main goal is to create a proposal large in the minds of UW administrators. for ecologicalstudent housing on UW's North In the 200W2003 academic year, Ontario Campus. The CampusMaster Plan, developed high schools will produce a double graduating in 1992, calls on North Campus development class when the last students in the 5-year high to "become a prototype for comprehensive school systemgraduate. environmental planningn and "set new stand' Thechallenge presented to the group is to ards for urban development." Renewable en- convince UW administrators that an ecologiergy capture, passive solar designed buildings, cally sound residence would be an effectiveway water recycling, nutrient cyclingand foodgrow- of adding to both our capacity and our research ing systems could all be elements of the final excellence. proposal. Any student interested ingemng involved The group will use as its model the John withthe workinggroup cancontact WPIRGat Lyle Centre for Regenerative Studies, located 888-4882. ROBIN
Imprint staff
P ,,,,,
Irn~rint,Friday, lanuary 26, 200 I .
Back to bi-weeklv
Casual workers continue to get Gay every other week HALA KHALAF Imprint staff
ast November, students employed on campus were in an uproar when informedthattheir casual payroll may be :hanged from a bi-weekly cycle to a monthly $e. The University Administration has since retracted its decision, decidingto remain with ~ tbi-weekly s plan in response to students' appeals. Student employeessent lettersto the Feds, Human Resources, and Imprint, asking them to reconsider this change that could uproot their Financial plans and force them to look to other venues of employment. Apparently, their efforts have not been in vain. Studentscomplained that amonthly payroll could only lead to negative consequences. These payrolls go towards paying such expenses as rent, tuition, transportation, food, and basic living expenses. As one student said in a letter to the Editor earlier this year, "These expensesoccur everyday, not monthly." Hundreds of students, some of whom work for only a few hours a week, are employed by the University. Thisincrease in the number of students is what led to the concept of transferring to a once-a-monthpayingmethod.Catharine Scott,
Associate Provost of Human Resources and Student Services, explained some of the reasons behind the need for redefining the payroll. The idea "was a direct result of the dramaticincrease in the number of casualearnings payments in the past three years, the continuingcomplexitiesof the payroll system, and the account management required for these payments." Despite these problems, the HR department has decided to address the need of its students first. And the students are not unappreciative. "It's great," was Christine's enthusiastic repsonse to the decision to remain with a biweekly payroll. Whenaskedif it makesadifference to her and her colleagues at the Bombshelter, she said, "Definitely!" Bev, another Bomber employee, said that the change would not have affected her directly, but she stressed, "I cared for other people, and worried how my friends were going to handle this."Sarah, workingatAussies, agreedthat HR'sdecisionwasfor thebest. "I'm happy with it," she said. Laura at the Used Bookstore said it best: "I was really happy andreallypleased. I felt like our voice was actuallybeing listened to and we were actually being heard. It was great.[Otherwise], I would have had to find another job for sure; there is no way I could have stayed [working] here."
I ideasON T4P / '
Register for event / submit your Elevator Pitch at:
Monday, January 29th 6:OOpm 8:00pm
Johnny Fiasco4s, 140 University Avenue Waterloo, Ontario
Staff Editor-in-Chief, Scott Gordon Assistant Editor, Adina Gillian News, Kate Schwass Assistant News, Lauren S. Breslin Forum, Adrian Chin Features, Melanie Stuparyk Assistant Features, Vivien Wong Science, John Swan Spo~ts,vacant Assistant Sports, vacant Arts, Paul Schreiber Assistant Arts, Jan Guenther Braun Photos, Felix Yip Assistant Photos, Jeff Evans Graphics, Billy Tung Assistant Graphics, vacant Web, vacant Assistant Web, vacant Systems Admin., Rob Schmidt Assistant Systems Admin., Dave Robins Lead Proofreader, vacant Proofreader, Andrea St. Pierre Proofreader, Jesse Helmer Proofreader, vacant Proofreader, vacant Business Manager, Mark Duke Advertising & Production Manager, Laurie Tigert-Dumas Advertising Assistant, vacant Distribution, Billy Tung Distribution. vacant Board o f Directors President, Kate Schwass Vice-president, Janice Jim Treasurer, Rob Van Kruistum Secretary, Durshan Ganthan StafTLiaison, Adina Glllian Contributors Janice Amott, Jesse Bergman, Alison Brazier, Susan Buback,Jeff Bueckert, Ryan Chen-Wing, Nicole Fawcette, Nigel Flear, Durshan Ganthan, Natalie Herr, Lisa Johnson, Hala Khalaf, Stephen Lockwood, Lisa Mains, Marianne Miller, Robin Stewart, Kim Treleaven, Steve Utz, Jon Willing
Imprint is the official student newspaperof the Universitv ofwaterloo. It is aneditotiallv independent newspaperpublished by Imprint Publications,Waterloo, a corporationwithoutshare capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, ed~t,and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDN Pub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 554677. Address mail to:
t took me almost three years to discover that it is not the staff at Needles Hall that are stupid and incompetent; it's the students. Every term I have to spend an afternoon in Needles Hall, picking up OSAP, picking up marks and other little things that I have to do to survive as a student, but prove to be a bit of an annoyance. Iused to standinline, bickering along with everyone else about how slow the service was in Needless Hell and how they shouldget more staff. Iused tocomplain all the time to my friends about how I hatedentering that building because of the stupid people behind the counter that had no idea how to do their jobs. Then, this pastweek, I had arevelation. As I was standing in yet another line, waiting to pick up yet another form, I heard the lady behind the counter explain the same thing over and over to a femalestudent who was not listening to a word the lady was saying. After the lady behind the counter ex~lainedthat the student had not filled the form out properly, the student complained about the form in general and how she didn't understand why it couldn't be processed. The lady behind the counter again explained the form, the proper way to fill it out, andwhere to findmore forms so that the student could try it again. Once the very patient lady behind the counter had finished, the student repeated that she didn't knowwhy the "stupid people at Needless Hell" couldn't process the form. Another example of stupid students took place just minuteslater at the cashierlsoffice.As I waited in avery slow line, I leaned up against the wall and read a newspaper. I never bothered to look at my watch, mainly because if I look at my watch, then I realize just how long I've been waiting. Inany case, Ifinallygot to the front of the line. I waswaitingfor the girl ahead of me to finishwith thecashier when I heard yet another stupid comment. The girl ahead of me wasarguing with the
t's difficult to know what exactly tom&eof theupcoming Feds online election. Like any political undertaking it s possible to put what ever you want on the experiepending on your point of
Imprint Student Life Centre, Room 11 16 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontarlo, N2L 3G1
technology that will only enhance the democratic rights of Wstudentsorit'sapremature
Tel: 5 19-888-4048 Fax: 519-884-7800 http://mprint.uwaterloo.ca editor@impr~nt.uwaterloo.ca
Welcome to Needless Hell
cause more be the bigotingmake
cowrdcrlgn: Bllly Tuns
ingtomanipulate thevotesresults? Well, the answer seems to be a decisivemaybe. In spite of Feds Executive ResearcherDave Drewe's assertions to the ontrary, it will be possible to cheat. But make no mistake, it was also possibleto do so under the old system. In fact, it may have actually been easier to cheat in years past than it will be this year. In yearspast, the Fedsreliedonstudents to administer the various polling stations who relied on paper printouts of eligible student voters. Those whovoted were given a ballot and had their name crossed off the
cashier because the girl wasn't able to pick up you're standing in line somewhere, don't just her marks. The girl's friend was standing with assume that it's the staffs' fault you are not her at the counter, both of whom were getting getting served as quickly as you would like. angry because the first girlcouldn't pickup her Lines will move quickly if people do what they marks. The cashier tried to explain that, if you are supposed to do. You would be in and out haven't paid for last term, you can't receive the of Needles Hall a lot faster if the stupid people marks yet. You have to pay up before you get would just stay away from the buildingentirely. your marks. Sounds simple, right? Well, it took Unfortunately, keeping stupid people away the cashierten minutesto get that point through isn'tanoption, so1highly suggestthat, if you are not sure how to fill out a form or where to go the student's thick skull. While people were gmrnbling in line about for something, go talk to an advisor. They the slow service-one girl even had to leave the aren't getting paid to sit on their asses all day line because of a class -they had no way of and not do anything. Advisors get paid to, knowing that one of their own, a student, was surprise, advise you. Next time you're standing in line, itching the one actually holding up the line. When I finally got up to the counter, I to complain, consider yourself lucky. At least smiled at the cashier and, because I had done you're not on the other side of the counter. everything properly, was able to leave the office just moments later, knowing I wouldn't have to see another line in Needles Hall for another term. SANTA MONICA Bv: Billv Guns My point hereisnot that all students are stupid, just some of them. All you have to do is fill out a form properly, stand in the right line and don't ask stupid questions. I had a friend tell me that he didn't realize there were so many stupid people at university, and after that long experience in Needles Hall, I can totally agree. I would love to say that every student Waterloo accepts is brilliant, but that is simply not the case. Somehow, some stupid people slipped through the cracks. So the next time
list. There was, however, nothing stopping a nefarious polling clerk from simply scratching a bunch of names of students who didn't vote and using these ballots to increase the margin of votes cast for the polling clerk's favoured candidate. There were, of course, some checks and balances on the system, but the point is that it is virtually impossible to design a completely airtight,cheat-freesystem. Somemeasurescan be put into place to safe-guardagainst fraud and the Feds have taken some precautions but in the end, every election, no matter whether done on paper or on computers isgoing to rely to some degree on trust. Democracy is to some extent predicated on a faith everyone will respect the same rules. So the system may be a little more secure now, but is the new system really worth all the fuss? Certainly, it will make it easier for co-op students to participate in the elections. At a school with as big a co-op program as W this isimportant. It'snotuncornmon, I'msure, to be away on a work term during the elections but be in school for most of the elected executive's time in office. There used to be an elaborate mailout with information about each candidate and a ballot to be mailed backbutthis wasnotthe most efficient or cost-effectivemethod of including co-op students in the democratic process.
But what seems to have been lost in the trumpeting of these advantagesis the potential loss of visibility. There will still be a mailout of sorts for the co-op students they'llall get a post card with the FedsURL reminding them (informing?) them about the vote -and Fedsare planning to increase the number of posters around campus publicising the election. Be that asit may, under the new system there will be nopollingstations, no tangible face-to-face reminder of the vote as you're heading to class. While difficultto measure, it would have been interesting to see some stats regarding the number of students who votedsimply because they walked by apollingstation and decided to stop and perform their civic duty. As cheap and as efficient as the new electronic systemmay be, it ultimately lacks the in-your-face quality of past elections. It will be the numbers that tell the real story: if the percentage of -voting students drops significantlyduring this election the Fedswill have to think seriously about retrofitting the old system -that is, having the option to vote both at home or at a polling station rather than simply getting rid of it completely. -Scott Gordon, Editor-in-Chief
FORUM continuted from page 9
games to kick backand take my mind off school. However, much to my chagrin, I found the state of the "video games" absolutely horrendous. For starters, none of the games workedperfectly. Hereisashortlist: Daytona USA has several broken steering wheels, NFL Blitz hasa broken passbutton, StreetFighter1113RD Strike hasacouple of buttons broken and a messedup display, Capcom vs SNK has N O fierce(that7sthe top right button) on the left player side, Marvelvs Capcom's buttonsneed to be pounded by a hammer before they register, just to mention a few. What I fail to comprehend is how this could happen. In most of the video arcades I've been to, they have twice as many games, yet they still manage to be in working order. Plus the games are just 50 cents at most, as opposed to a dollar at the "Cove." Although it's conceivable that the "Cove" is basically a monopoly establishmentsince it's the onlyvideo arcade in Waterloo, at one dollar a pop, I'd expect alittle better quality
from the games. If you f i xthem, they will come. In order to run an establishment that serves as a place of relaxation and entertainment for students,three things need to be done: Fix the machines, lower the prices and get more games. If the current management can't do that, maybe somebody else witha little more experience in business can.
man here atwaterloo. After attending, I hatedmy life and wanted to die. -Mid Tran 2A ElectricalEngineering
Score 1,000 for the bad guy
To the Editor,
hate to belittle the hardwork of others but it baffles me that an event as disfiguredand misinformed as the Big Chill could have taken place on January 20 in the SLC among consenting adults. That an idea of such deluded proportions could have matriculated past the germinal stage of incubation into the octopus that it became indicates that there is no love of fellow
society points that the act inquestion has removed from society. Here's an example to illustrate my point. Jim Bob is a geneticist, a very promising one at that; in fact, so promisinghe might just findthecure for cancer. Jim Bob's wife, Mary Jo, however, is average; she runs her own business downtown. Jim Bob's society score isin theneighbourhood of 10,000, whereas hiswife'sscore isonly +15. One day, Jim Bob gets mad at Mary Jo for no reason, and decides to kill her. Societydoes the math. Jim Bob still has a score of 9 985; therefore, societydecidesto give him aslap on the wrist and that's about it. Basically, Jim Bob could kill 666 more Mary Jo's before society would get overly upset, because until then he still has positive output. Of course if he were to upgrade to killing doctors, who would probably have a basesociety score of +SO, he wouldn't be able to kill nearly as many before society took note. So, what's the real reason for higher education? Survival. Not because itwill provide youwithenlightenment or abetter career, no, it gives you a higher society score so killers
The big empty
Imprint, Friday, January 26, 200 1
f there's one thing I've learned from the situation involving Vladimir Platonov, it'sthat the value society assigns to an individual is merely amathematical formula. The individual is assigned a value for his potential output and then receives demerit points for any crimes he might commit. As long as the score is positive, the individual is contributing to "the good of society." If I were ageniusand hadpotential to further society's base of knowledge in some way, I might receive a score of + 1000. But if I were just an ordinary citizen, that score would be much lower, probably around + 10. Thenthevalue of the demerit points is simply equal to the number of
will think twice before knocking yo1 off (unless of course they choos~ quality over quantity). Plus, if eve some person happens to tick you off well, you have points to spare so wh: not let him know who's the boss. Maybe this is slightly exagger ated, but judging from Platonov' case, how far is society from reachinj this point? Granted Vladimi Platonovdidn'tkill his wife, and yes he is receiving some form of punish ment, but the sentence would b~ much more severe if he were somc blue-collar worker. What kind o precedent will thiscase set? It would seem that society i asking, "What can the individual dc for society?" more frequently than "What can society do for the indi vidual?" which, to me, is counter intuitive if society is determined tc maintain "the good of society."
The Gulf War never ended To the Editor,
Ken Dryden at UW "I
n 1904, PrimeMinister Wilfrid Laurier declared that the 20th century would belong to Canada. He was wrong. Canada wasn't big enough or strong enough for an age of power. But Laurier may have spoken 100years too soon. This century will not belong to Canada, but it will belong to the attitudes, values and understandings that are our legacy," asserts Ken Dryden who is the fifth distinguished speaker in WPIRG's "2020 Building the Future" lecture series. Hewillbe speakingonWednesday, January 31, at 7 pm in the Theatre of the Arts in Modern Languages. Ken Dryden is an NHL legend and the Toronto Maple Leafs president. Injust seven fullNHL seasons, Ken Dryden won six Stanley Cup rings and established himself as one of the all-timegreats, claimingcountless individual awards for his outstanding performances. From early on, the articulate scholar-athlete's commitment to education was also apparent. He missed the 1973-74 season to fulfill hi law school requirements. Since leaving the game as a player, Dryden has written several highly acclaimed, best-selling books, including The Game (acknowledged by many as one of the finest hockey publicationsever written), and Home Game, which was developedinto an award-winning documentary series for television. In his 1995 book, In School, he thoughtfully and compassionately documented life in the contemporary high school classroom. Dryden has also worked as a television commentator and host, as well asaYouth Commissioner and consultant on
youth unemployment and education. More recently, Dryden has been appointed President and General Manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs. A frequent lecturer, Dryden is known for his passionate views and willingness to tackle difficult issues with superb powers of observation, compassionate insight, honesty and humanity. Dryden has a long history in supporting active citizenship.While attending law school in the 1970s, Ken Dryden interned with Ralph Nader's Public Citizen organization and campaigned to establish PIRGs in Ontario. Andtoday.continues his .. support by acting as an advisor to the Ottawa-based Democracy Watch, a citizen advocacy organization that works with Canadian citizens and organizations in pushing Canadian governments and businesses to empower Canadians in their roles as voters, citizens, taxpayers, consumers and shareholders. 2020 encouragesthought about the upcoming 20 years by exposing attendees to visions, strategies and trends as seen by leaders and experts in various fields. The seriesattempts to broaden the outlook of students, and supplement their learning by establishing the potential for a more complete liberal arts education. Otherupcomingeuents,visitupirg.q fordetails Jan. 29-AuthorBrewsterKneen on biotechnology. Jan. 30 -RogmerroSantana with the Cuban Consulate 6 the film, LUCIA, about Cuban women Feb. 2 -WLUprofDavid Black onMediaCriticism
Investing in students MARK A. SCHAAN Feds VP Education
1s week I received a lovely Purolator package in my mail box that tweaked my interest. I'm always excited about mail, but mail coming in by courier is usually even more exciting. Akhoughmostoften it'sanother round of cheques from the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance for me to sign (I'm the president andone of the three signingauthorities), this week it was a lovely stainless steel mug. One might ask, who wouldsend such a thoughtful gift (especially to an ardent coffee-drinker)?Itwas you actually, or at least, it was your tax dollars. The mug was a thank-you gift from the Investing in Students' Task Force, the group commissioned by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to investigate costsavings and efficiencies in the Ontario post-secondary environment. While it seems of interest that a committee struck to look at saving money has no problem spending some of it, I hope that the mug is more indicative of what their report should offer. Jalynn Bennett, is an independent Toronto consultant who has worked with the committee in holding roundtables, surveying thousands of students, and meeting with literally every sector of theuniversity system. The task force has actually done considerably more in terms of researchingthe post-secondarysystem than we could have ever imagined. Similar to a Royal Commission,
Bennett has done much of the groundwork that we hoped would be done before decisions of the future of the sector were made. The committee will report its finding on January 31, 2001. Our hope is that they can really only reach one conclusion.Asan editorial in the WinnipegFreePresstoday read, the university sector is in desperate want of "the four f's." Universities need funding to make up for their growing needs and the significant cuts they have faced over the last number of years. Universities need facilities to solve the growing issue of deferred maintenance. The universities need faculty, somewhere in the neighborhood of 30,000 before 2010. Finally, the universities need to address feeswhich have sky-rocketed over the last decade. It is our hope that with such massive consultation, research and investigation, the Investing in StudentsTask Force will reach this same conclusion. Ontario currently ranks 59 out of 60 for funding per student out of every state and province. We are falling behind and we will continue to falter if we do not educate the leaders of tomorrow. As the FreePresseditorial quoted from former Harvard president Derek BokUIfyou thinkeducation is expensive, try ignorance." So we will see on January 3 1 whether or not the only investment the Investingin StudentsTask Force and even more importantly, the Government of Ontario (after receiving their recommendations) will make is in shiny stainlesssteel coffee mugs. I hope not.
en years ago, the world watchec in horrific fascination asthe firs) made-for-TV war was beamed intc our livingrooms. Thatwas the "Desen Storm." When CNN cameras stoppec filming from Baghdad, the work quickly forgot about Iraq. But tht war has never ended. U n h r the sanc tions designed by the US and imple. mented under the auspices of thc UN, Iraqis have seen their standarc of living plummet. UN agenciesesti. mate that 1.5 million Iraqis have diec as a result of the sanctions. Scott Ritter. a former American marine known as one of the toughest inspectors,has emphatically declared thatthe UNteam'swork from 199198 incapacitated all of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. However. the US insisted that the sanctions would stay in place as long assaddam Hussein remained president. Saddam, awar criminal, enjoyed the support of US and many western arms suppliers. And what has the Canadian government done about the sanctions?,Virtually nothing, f o ~ fear of angering its US neighbour. An all party House of Commons committee dominated by the government's own members wasso overwhelmed by the evidence against the sanctionsthat it unanimouslyrecommended the immediate lifting of economic sanctionsin April, 2000. ForeignAffairsMinister LloydAxworthy responded to the recommendation by suggesting that UN resolution 1284, which allowed a few more itemsinto Iraq, could be interpreted asaneffectivelifting of the sanctions. Canada has spent over $1 billion to oppose Iraq and implement the embargo in the past decade, a colossal waste of taxpayer money. Surely the irony is apparent to all that in attempting to rid Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction, hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been killed. What can possibly justify this madness?
Imprint, Friday, January 26, 200 I
Would you ever want to be cloned? Adrian Chin and Why or why not? Durshan Ganthan
"Originality is the only way." Matt Bryan 4B Planning
"No, my individualityisvery important to me - it's my definingtrait." Leo Dominguez
"Yes, there'll be more of my lovin' to go around." Rachel Nazareth 3A Religious Studies
"Yes, because then I could 'tag-team' women." Henry Garcia 1B Arts
"No, two of me would be three too many." Ramzi Abdi 3B Economics
"Yes, cause you can never get enough of a good thing." Jamala and Duane ActScilMath
"No, because the world can "I like being who I am and only handle one of me. " knowing I'm the only one." Nadia Hohn Abby Martin Psychology Health Studies
"There ain't nuttin' wrong with more me." Mike Noble 2B Science
"Yes, this world needs more good looking guys like me ." Darcy Mackinnon 4B English RPW
VOL. 7
Technology & Culture: How does our faith relate?
Confereme to nm February 22 - 24
Needles Hall, Room 3004 University of Waterloo
Refreshments provided
Guest Speaker: Bob Hudspith Director and Associate Professor of Engineering & Society at McMaster University in Hamilton.
When confronted with questions of how the Christian faith relates to issues that involve technology we often start and end with a discussion of ethics. But what are the limitations to this approach? Are there other ways technology and faith need to be considered? The speaker will lead a discussion on these questions.
Contact Graham Morbey Huron Campus Ministry Phone (h): (519)886-1474
(b):(519)884-1970(Ext. 2739) E-mail: gmorbey@wlu.ca
Institute for Christian Studies
229 College St., Suite 200,Toronto, ON M5T 1R4 1-888-326-5347 www.icscanada.edu
F R I D A Y . J A R K 4 R Y 26. 2001
January 30,2001 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Sponsored by the Institute for Christian Studies and. Huron Campus Ministry at the University of Guelph, University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University
X0. 54
t's not too late! Imprint's National Student Journalism Conferenceis fast approaching, but you can still register in time for the February 9 deadline. We're gearing up for what promises to be three days of mind-expanding workshops, seminars, speakers and crazy fun. The conference is scheduled for Thursday, February 22 to 24, on campus at the University of Waterloo. We've been lucky enough to get Tony Wilson-Smith, National Affairs Editor for Maclean B and, as Director of Media for Maclean Hunter, the person responsible for bringing Maclean B to the Web. Wilson-Smith has served as Maclean's Moscow and Ottawa Bureau
Chief of Maclean k, and has covered major international stories from Haiti to Afghanistan. Seminars will include panel discussions, workshops on photography, graphics, layout, and writing for news, sports, entertainment and features. Independent campus news organization uwstudent.ora will offer insight into bringing your news coverage to the Web with speed and accuracy. The Quarterly, one of Canada's oldest literary journals, will expand your horizons with a workshop on editing fiction. The conference fee is $125 and includes all seminars and workshops, lunch on all three days and a final banquet.
Maclean k National Affairs Editor and Director of Media for Maclean Hunter will give a free public lecture on February 22.
Download your registration form today at: www.imprint.uwaterloo.ca/conference
Get a job you bum! Find a summer job that doesn't involve flipping burgers N I C O L E FAWCETTE Imprint intern
ummer job searching begins after you've ~erfectedyour tan, right? Wrong. If you're more concernedwith buffingup your bod than your resume, consider this your warning. Did you know that while you're at home, eatingnachos and watching wrestling, there are 85 companies desperately searching for students to take summer jobs? Pam Martin, Career Resource CentreAssistant, toldImprint that "eighty-five separate companies have advertised" for jobs this year. All those juicy jobs in the orchard of employment are ripe and ready to be picked, it's all amatter of starting early. Most jobs are very competitive and students need to start early "to get themselves organized. So that they don't miss the federal government and the [companies] that advertise early. . . that's why they need to get themselves organized and not leave it to the last minute,"said Martin. As absurd as it sounds, some companies start searching for summer workers in December. The reason for this is because of special deadlines. "Some deadlinesare in December, and then again, some smaller companiesare still advertising in April and May, and still scrambling for people. But alot of themlike to start
early because they know that students do start looking early, so they want the process up and running," saidMartin. Even though New Year's and the thought of resolutions may be fading,it is now the time t o sharpen those employment skills, as they may have become dull or rusty. "It's a long process in that they should be doing the traditional job search, effortslike networking and a ~ u l.v i -n g to jobs in the newspaperandthe local employment offices," saidMartin. Asummer job shouldn't be flipping burgers and shovelling fries when there are tonsof jobs available for students to gain experience that is relevant to their faculty and areaof interest. Relevancy equals long term benefits, as jobs that share a relationship with your future career look A
stunning on a complete resume. UW's Career Resource Centre, locatedinNeedlesHall1115,isprobably the best place tostart searching for summer work. They have an extensive library of both video and printed works and connections to jobs that others may not be aware of. As well the trained staff is always available to assist in your searching. "All of us at the front desk are trained t o show them the different areas, andwe do ask them immediately what year they are andwhich faculty theyire in and try to point themso that itrelates to their faculty as well," saidMartin. Career Services can also be accessedthroughtheir own Web site which offers a multitude of links to pagescoveringeverythingabout finding employment, whether it's UW related or not. The Web site also
contains links to other sites where job-postings are constantly updated. Monster.ca is an online powerhouse when it comes to job searching. Usersare able to create personal accounts that track their job search and even e-mails them when new jobs, pertaining to preferences, are posted. A Web site very similar to Monster.cais Headhunter.net. Itisa job portal that allows you to search for jobs dependant on your degree, location, keyword and salary preferences. Workopolis.com providesusers with tons of information about employment through daily articles and a comprehensive help centre. On a local note, the Waterloo Wellington InformationNetworkfor Employment and Training, (http:l/ wwinet.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca) offerscommunity job postings, governmentand community information, as well as links to entrepreneurship information. If web searching has led you nowhere there will be a job fair taking place on Tuesday, February 6 at Bingeman's. The fair issponsored by UW, WLU, UofGandConestogaCollege andincludes 185 recruiting employers. Students attending the job fair are encouraged to bring their resumes. Career Services will be offeringtwo workshops to prepare for the fair, taking place on February 2 and 5. Sign-ups are at Needles Hall room 1020.
McGowanlsinspiring book, How to Find Work 6 1 the 21" Century. The book educates people about the changes that have occurred in the workplace and equips them with a strategy and some tools to find contract work. No one can argue that today's workplace haschanged and one's approach to success must be a brand new venture. The 21century workplaceisconfusingand uncomfortable, and not at all predictable. However, there are still endless opportunities for work. You just have to learn how to search for it and find it. You have to stop searching for a 9 to 5 job, and instead find work that you can excel and succeed in. McCowan hasaaep-by-step process to get results. He stresses the benefitsof contracr work,and the need to market yourself. This means showingaprospective employer how great you are for the job. What you have to remember isthis: what makes you different? This is what your prospective employer will be thinking, and you have to provide the answer.
Are you still homeless? M E L A N I E STUPARYK dent to choose from both on and off Irn~rintstaff
'ustwhen you thinkeverything is said and done, your classes are all in order, you've bought all of your textbooks, paid all your feesand you'vesettledinto tryingto keep up with your term, someone asks you, "So where are you living next year?" I hate to be the one to burst that illusion of relaxation, but it's alreadytime to start thinking about what you're going to be doing both in the summer and the fall terms. It may seem like starting to plan your fall term in January is jumping the gun, but there are lots of items to get into order before you head home or abroad for the summer, because once you're out of Waterloo, getting things organized is much more complicated. We've all heard about student ghettos and disgusting living conditions, and unfortunately they really do exist. If you leave it to the last minute, you could end up paying $600 per month for a dingy place 45 minutes from campus. There are a lot of living arrangements for stu-
campus it's just a matter of knowing how to find them. Locatedinvillage 1, room 205 is the Housing Office (www.housing. uwaterloo.ca)which is an excellent resource for finding housing on and off-campus. Living O n Campus On-campushousingincludesthe Villages, Church Colleges, ColumbiaLake Townhouses, andUW Mace. Many of the ChurchColleges accept a limited number of upper year students, and the application process will take place on thecollegecampus over the next month. Unfortunately for upper-year students, as of September 2001 Village 1, Ron Eydt Village, MacKenzie King Village, and Columbia Lake Townhouses are limited to first year students for the fall terms only. However, upper-year students can still apply for the winter and spring. Available to upper-year students on campus are the various buildings at UW Place. Formerly the UWMarriedStudentApts., UWPlace has both apartment style and suite accomodations. This year Beck Hall (230 beds) is being held back for first
year students in the event that the residencesgetoverloaded. The Housing Office will know by the end of June if upper-year students will be allowed to apply. Wellesley Court (three and four bedroom suites) is reserved specifically for upper-year students.
The earlier you start looking, the better chance you have. The Housing Office is currently revamping its Web sites, but by the end of February all applications for upper-year students to live on campus will be done electronically. Venturing Off-Campus There are several on-campus resources you can tap to help you find the perfect place off campus to
live, andof course, study. TheHousing Office can provide you with tenant information books, and maps of the city if you choose to venture off campus. They have a housing board outside the office for students and landlords to post accomodations. There are phones provided to make on the spot local calls to landlords, as well as a kiosk to search online listings and housing sites. The Housing Office publishes a list of off-campus housing in both hard copy and online. The lists are updated online every 28 days and will be available forthe fall onlineon February 5, and for the Spring on February 13. A hard copy can be picked up from the Housing Office or the TurnkeyDeskwill have a copy for viewing. Lists will also be available for co-op students looking for accomodations in other cities. The Off Campus Housing Web site (www.housing.uwaterloo.ca/ OffCampus/off.htm) containsadditional information as well as a query to stipulatewhat kind of place you're looking for. When submitted you receive an electronic list of housing that meets your criteria.
Another off-campus option is to live in the Co-op Residences. They are located just off-campus on philip Street and the low cost living - includes a meal plan. These residences are cheaper than living in rezand are still very close to campus. Living in a coop residence means pitching in with food service and cleaning, but it's a small price to pay for close living. For more information on Philip St. Coop ~esidences you can visit their w e b site at www.wcri.org. Don't forget to check the board outside the Bomber in the SLC where students post sublets and leases for upcoming terms. The Feds Web site alsocontains a link where students can post and searchsubletsand housingis listedin the Classified ads in Imprint, as well as the K-W Record. If you look off-campus make sure that you ask a lot of questions and get a good idea of what's available to you. Finding the perfect place is not easy, but the earlier you start looking, the better chance you have of living somewhere clean, nice and within your budget.
Imprint, Friday, January 26, 2001
I ,7
Adoption options A
round 10 per cent of heterosexual couples are considered infertile. Infertility is generally defined as a year or more of trying, unsuccessfully, to become pregnant. With suchahighstatistic, it'sno wonder that adoptions, sperm and egg donors, and surrogate mothers have become a part of pop culture. Gay couplescan also be considered infertile, and the same options are available to them as to straight couples. Celebrities like Rosie O'Donnell have helped raise awareness about adoptions. While O'Donnell has adopted three healthy, white, infant Americans, very few couples can expect to be so selective. With such a low number of babies available for adoption in North America, many couples travel to other countries like China and Russiato adopt orphaned children. Whether foreign or domestic, a couple can expect to pay about $10,000 to adopt a child. Gay couplesoften findthey must be lessselective than straightcouples. In places where gay couples are not generally allowed to adopt (like the USA), many have been allowed to raise children with special needs, especially those with low chances of survival. In Canada, gay coupleshold
equal status to straight couples in terms of adoption rights. Being foster parents is another option for coupleswho would rather raise older children. Lesbian couplesmayseekasperm donor and have a child through artificial insemination. The male equivalent of this method is to find an egg donor andasurrogate mother ( a procedure which is slightly more involved).
Gay couples often find they must be less selective. In that kind of case, the surrogate mother becomes the legal mother, despitethe fact that thechild may not be hers biologically, or that a contract has been signed claiming the adoptive parents as the legal parents. To minimizethese legalconflicts, many couples enlist a family member or friend to be a surrogate andlor donor.
For alesbiancouple it is possible to start a family without spending any money unlessthey pay for sperm bankservices. Generally agay couple who wishes to have a child with a surrogate mother must pay for invitro fertilization, which costs on average about $10,00Oper attempt. Clearly, an infertile or queer couple needs to be financially prepared before decidingto have a family. Additionally, parents who decide to adopt must also participate in a "home study" where they demonstrate that they would make competent parents. For these reasons studies show that parents who put in the effort to start a family end up being better parents than the average couple. Queer couplesarefortunate that so many optionsexist when deciding to have a family. The options are largely available because of theneeds of infertilestraight couples. Currently there are very few gay families in Canada, most of which started by female couples. Now that gay families are legally protected in Canada, we are sure to see an increase in the number of gay families, as well as in the demand for adoption and reproductive technology.
L.C.A. Talent Agency requires people for Backgroundwork in movies and television. This is not full time, we can work around most schedules, large percentge of work is in Toronto, car pooling is available. Background acting needs no experience, just a willingness to listen and learn. Hourly rate of pay is seven to eight dollars, and the actors are supplied lunch and snacks while working. The numbers of hours perwork day can vary from six to twelve hours, or longer. L.C.A. does charge a 10.7% commission on gross pay for every day worked. Interested people please call Janette or Zoe
Fairweather friends Th.
1s story happened many years ago and it's one of my favourites. Its events unfolded at a mall in Ottawa when my friends and I had a very surprising experience. We weren't getting along for some reason or another, so we decided to split up. We had a meeting place set for later, but at the appropriate time, only three of us showed up. We waited and waited, and then decided it might be fun to page the rnissingpersonover theintercom. So we headed for the information desk and had our fourth companion's name broadcast acrossthe mall. And then we sat back and waited. Now, back then my attention span was as short (or rather, shorter. than it isnow). Istarted to get restless, and frankly rather distressed, that someone from our group seemed to have taken off on us. So I wandered around and examined the stores nearby. There was this one store called Fairweather where a number of people, maybe five or so, were gathered around the display window looking at some new dresses or something.
"Bigdeal," I thought. Stupidsociety, so obsessed with glamour and materialism. So I thought, "why not give themmore than they bargainedfor? Why not add my grey sweatpants and white t-shirt self beside the luxuriousgowns?"
Interesting. it was a very soft shoulder for a mannequin.
So I entered the store andstood in the display window. I started mimicking various elegant poses which was humourous given my choice of attire. More and more people continuedgatheringaround, and they were smiling and pointing at me. I guess I was feeling pretty good, so I leaned on one of the beautifully clad man-
nequins beside me. Interesting. . .it was avery soft shoulder for a mannequin.. WHATTHE?!?! The crowd burst into visible laughter through the soundproof glass at my expression. By then, my friends had wandered over. I began pointing to the mannequins-turned-modelsandmouthing the words "They're real! They're real!" The audience, which had grown to over thirty people, continued to laugh. So I began to play games with the models. I leaned in very close, waved in front of their faces and even tried sitting in one's lap, but they all remained perfectly still. It wasn't until I whispered into the best-lookingone's ear that she broke her convincing pose with a smile. A moment later my shirt collar was yankedupwards and backwards as I was dragged out from the store. The audience which was by my estimation around fifty people applauded as I made my dramatic fwced exit from the store. Rejoining my friends, I headed home with a story I'll never forget.
Consider UJaldor[ Education Waldorf brings out the artist, the scientist, the musician, the
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Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto offers a one-year Waldorf Teacher Education program. Call for a free brochure 905-764-7570 9100 Bathurst St., 1 mile N of Hwy 71407 mnw.rudolfsteinercentre.ca
Difficult Times might be arranged at a later date. If thisisnot feasible,youmay complete a "Petition for Exception to Acaas a result I was unable to properly demic Regulations" form. A petition means you are acfocus on my final exams. Previousto this, Iwasastudent in good standing, knowledging that university regulabut last termlfailed three finalexams tions have been applied correctly, and as a result, I failed two courses. but you are asking for an exception based on your current difficulty.You What recourse do I have? may petition to repeat the courses or During traumatic events such you may make an appointment to as these it may be useful to see your academic advisor to discuss visit Counselling Services, which is other petition options. Your completed petition form located on the second floor of Needles Hall. Professional counsellors and all supporting documentation are available to assist you through should be sent to the Registrar's Office on the second floor of Needles thisvery difficult process. In terms of your academic stand- Hall. Make sure you keep a copy of ing, you have several options open to all this information for your own vou. Your first ~rioritvis to s ~ e a k files. with the professors of the courses in All information in thisarticle was obwhich you failed your final exams. tainedbmtheRegrstrar'sOflic, UniDo this immediately, and provide versity of Waterloo, Needles Hall, them with documentation to con- Room2001. firm your situation. Contact the Ombudsperson at SLC Under certain circumstances a Room 2128,888-4567ext. 2402 or rewrite of the final examinations mmiller@uwaterloo.ca Last term I went through a very difficult emotional time,
Imprint staff
eeing as it's Chinese New Year, I thought you might like to try some simple Chinese appetizers. These two appetizers are healthy, tasty, and easy to make. They are my favorites to cook when I don't have much time, but want something deliciousto eat. For those of you who are afraid to cook with hot oil, don't worry there is none involved. I think the contrast of hot and cold dishes go well together. Hope youenjoy themasmuchIdo! Happy Chinese New Year to all of you! Happy Coohng!
Imprint, Friday, January 26, 2 0 0 1
Egg Drop Soup
Chinese Fruit Salad
Ingredients: 1 can of cream style corn 1 can of chicken broth 1 egg Directions: pour cream style corn and chicken brothinto apot (youmaywish toadd only 3h of the chicken broth and add in '/4 water instead if you prefer it to be not as salty) bring to a slow boil beat the egg in a separate bowl and slowly pour it ina thin streaminto the soup in a zigzag fashion while soup isboiling liwer tern-
Ingredients: 2 apples 2 pears 112 a honeydew melon or cantaloupe (you can substitute the melon for any another kind of fruit -except oranges - if the melons are difficultto find in the winter) 2 eggs 1 potato mayonnaise Directions: peel apples, pears and honeydew melon and cut into small cubes hard boil the eggsandcut 1egginto slices and the other into small cubes peel and cook potato, then cut into small cubes throw all cubed fruits, potaeggs into a bowl, add se and mix as you would essing iced eggs on top of the r decoration and serve
January 29 to February 2 FANTASY4 place
Student Life Centre Multi-Purpose Room hours
last day
Figure skaters strike gold UW ends Queen's winning streak to finish first overall NATALIE HERR
his week at UW Indoor hockey Warrior indoor hockey team travelled ork to take part in theYork Invitational
he indoor hockey team will be in again this weekendwhen they travel Toronto to take part in the U of T
asketball team took two tarting with a 56-49 road rock Badgers. Casie Kergan loo scoring with 16, while ellscored 11andstefanie Egilo rday, the Warriors built up a ead against WLU before the Cddenhawks got with~ntwo points of the g ~ dThe . Warriors regained their composure and went on to win 61-52. Casie Leslie Mitchell led the scoring 16 points each while Stefanie he men, however, were not so lucky, 82-66 to the Brock Badgers. Down t the break Waterloo battled back to
pointswhile Mike Sovranand Dan Schipper followed with 11 and 10 points respectively. Saturday, the Warriors avenged their early season loss with an 86-71 win over WLU. Leading the Warrior chargewas Dan Schipperwith26pointsandShane Cooney with 16 points. Both teamsare inaction on January27 when they entertainBrock. The women tip off at 1 2 noon and the men at 2:OOp.m. at the Physical ActivitiesComplex.
Warrior Hall of Fame The UW Athletics Hall of Fame will welcome five new members this Saturday, Janaury 27. The new inductees are Barney Lawrence (Squash),Steve Hisey (Squash),Karen McAllister-Kenny (Volleyball), Dr. Chris Glover (Hockey),andNancy Falls (Campus Recreation). The night will also honour last season's Athletes ofthe Year. Val Walker (Swimming), f eat her M O ~ & ( ~ uan~rack b and ~ Field), RyanWilkenson (Football)and lason
to Imprint
t the Waterloo Figure Skating Competition held at Columbia Ice Field on Saturday the Warrior figure skaters made history.After aday of battling for the first place position, Waterloo came out golden at the awards ceremony. Queen'sUniversity, who placed second behind the Warriors, has won every competition in the past seven years. In the processof breakingthis streakand winning gold, the team also skated for a combined points total of 8 1-the most points by Warrior figure skaters in a number of years. JudithTuck and Sherri Molzan paired up for the Warriors' first gold of the day. Both skaters' excellent jumps as well as their outstanding overall pairs program ranked them first in the Intermediate Similar Pairs event. Tuckalso placed thirdin the SeniorAfreeskate.
Jen Littwowed thecrowdwith two double axel attempts, the first landed witha double toe on the end, and won the Short Program hands down. Litt then joined teammates Molzan, Melissa Ens, and Wisty VanSnellenbergin the Pairs Fours freeskate, in which all four skaters were triumphant. Ens and VanSnellenberg later paired up 'again for silver in the Senior Similar free skate event, landing anumber of double jumps. And VanSnellenbergcleanedup in freeskate, again skatinga program of consistent double jumps, with another second place finish in the Open Singles event. Amanda Breen had a strong finish in freeskate as well, placing fourth in the Senior B Singles event. Waterloo placedamongthe top teamsnot only in free skate, but in dance events as well. In the final dance event of the day - the intermediate Similar Dance - Kristie Vermeulen and Stephanie Schmidt danced a
powerful HarrisTango to another gold medal. Kristy Bertrand, in Senior Solo Dance, sweptpraaically all first place ordinalswith her lilty interpretation of the Killian. She later paired up with Michelle Wong to finish fifth in the Senior Similar event. The Warriors finished the day with a surprising third placein precision, which put them ahead of all other teams overall. As part of Waterloo's goldenvictory,specialmentiongoes to the outstanding efforts of Allison Bethune, Hayley Carroll, Katie Churchill, Teresa Townsend and Jean Yoon. The Warrior figure skaters next compete at the OUA finals held at the University of Guelph, February 24-25, when they take on their new rival Queen's, as well as eight other Ontario universities. Waterloo is looking forward to another golden finish and will be defending their newly acquired title in the hopes of bringing home an OUA banner.
Onlv the beginning for UW track ALISON B R A Z I E R special
to Imprint
he Track and Field team headed t o the St. Denis Centre in Windsor this past weekend for the Can Am Classic. Who better to start the first night of competition on the right foot than "tough as nails" pole vaulter Dana Ellis? With a camera crew following her every move Danaclearly didnot disappoint her fans. She vaulted four metres (good enough to further secure her first place ranking in Canada), set a new varsity record and a new Windsor field house record. With Dana'sresultsinmind, the Warriors tookto the track for the running of the 1,000m. Kim Neumayer ran a Lifetime Personal Best (LTPB) of 3:03.28 in the 1,000m to place second and Shauna Ellis placed a close fifth. Training partner Will Gibbons placed ninth in the 1,000m with a LTPB of 2:38.76. 'Tmeisslowingaround us!" The women's 4 x 200111 A and B teams placed third and ninth respectively. The 4 x 8OOm women'srelay improved upon their last Nvinderpal (Paul) Gill placed fifth against a performance with a time of 9:39.18, with Jill field of nationally ranked competitors. Patterson and Neumayer both running LTPBs Meanwhile, in the field events, Leanne and Shauna Ellis and Captain Allison Salter Stanley and Angela Player finished 12th and both running Season Personal Bests (SPB). 16th in the shot put. Alison Brazier placed first The first night of competition at St. Denis in the longjump, with Dana Ellis finishing sixth Centre proved to be successful for the men as with aSPB and Alessica Celliplacing 12th. Joe well. Themen's4x 200mAandB teamsplaced Brown placed a solid eighth in the high jump. third and eighth respectively, with Paul Monte Backtothe track, as Pierre Labrequeplaced and captain ~ockendorffboth running first in the 600m with a SPB of 123.48. This LTPBs. The4x 8OOm men's team consistingof rankspeirre 1lthin Canada, but his time isonly Will Gibbons, Pierre Labreque (who ran a & ~ three secoilds away from the top rankings. of 159.2), Stephen DrewandRob Bruceplaced Warrior Jill Patterson stepped to the line fifth. in the 1,500m with previous CIAU competiDaniella Carrington proved that she came tors, but this did not faze her. With numerous to run. She went through the heats and semi- Warrior team members cheering her on as she finals, improving with each race. As she went passed athletes on every lap, she came blazing into the 60m final with the fastest qualifying into the final lap in third place. With 15Om to time, she ran a LTPB of 7.62 s to win the final go, Jillpicked up the pace and passed one more and gain CIAU standard. This time ranks competitor to take second with a huge 12 Daniella third in Canada, only .12s from the secondLTPBtime of 448.27.Thistimeplaces top ranking. Alison Brazier alsomade the final Jill fourth in Canada in the 1500m. In the placing seventh in a LTPB time of 8.00 s. The 300111, rookiesKristy Heemskerk andStephanie men's 60m final took to the track next, where Freeman placed seventh and 10th with SPBs.
aso on
Just when you thought that was it, the grand finale of track, the 4 x 400m relays, took centre stage. The women's 4 x 400m A and B teams placed fourthand fifthrespectively. We took our positions on the track, ready to cheer on our boys. They were looking to do some serious damage and they did not let us down. Adrian Blair's start fired out of the blocks and he handed off to Gill who ran past Western and Windsor inless than three strides. He passed off to Neal Roberts who heldour lead. Itwas all up to Labreque to bring it home and he came across the line in 3:24.93. Not too bad, I suppose. That time not only won the race, but gave them the Can Am Meet record, the second fastest 4 x 400m time in Warrior history, and ranks them nationally. After all of this excitement, a U of T competitor came up to me and said, "Can you guys get any better?" I answered, "This is only the beginning!" T o check out how our teams rank in Canada, see the national site at http// www.sportingcanada.com/index-tf.cfm.
Imprint, Friday, January 26, 200 I
Curling team wins some, loses some sreve U r z special
to Imprint
erhaps this year's Men's Varsity skip Chris Schelldescribed this past weekend's trip to the West-Sectionals best with the wellknown sports clichk, "You win some, you lose some." For it was certainly a wild roller coaster ride of a weekend for the Waterloo Men's varsity curling team. Their first game was a close one that saw Waterloo and the heavily favoured Windsor teams trade unbelievable shots until the tenth end when Schell found himself traillng 8-7 and facing three Lancers stones, including one fully in the four foot. Needing a piece of the button to send the game to an exuaend, the reliable skip made acolddraw to the pin. But in the end, Windsor survived this scare with a 9-8 win by virtue of a single point in the extra frame. The boysthen found themselves facing Lakehead University. The hard-throwing team from Thunder Bay blasted their way to an early 6-1 lead over the Warriors and clung to their five point margin, winning by a final score of 9-4. In their third game, the Warriors faced a team from Western,which they had tied only a month earlier. Perhaps angered by their slow start, the Warriors showed no mercy with
their charges that hammered out a string of three consecutive steals for eight points, finishing after just five ends on the happy side of a 9-1 scoreline. The squad roused Sunday morning only to be routed by the Brock Badgersinthe most unusual of manners. The boyscurledpretty well, but as Schell later confirmed, they failed to take advantage of opportunities to score points and reverse the momentum. The teamcalled it quits after five ends. The weekend concluded with another nail-biting match, this time against Wilfrid Laurier. The Warriors came out firing, stealing one in the first and forcing the opposing skip to draw against three in the second. A marvelous split by Steve H e m in the third set up a deuce and from there on Waterloo was generally in control of play; the front end of Dave Cerantola and Jeff Dungen were superb, representing the difference in the late ends. Skip Chris Schell wrapped up the victory with yet another cold draw to the button with his final stone of the extra end. The Warriors will take their record of two wins and three losses with them today and tomorrow to the Avonlea Curling Club in Torontoin hopesof winning four more in the fight for a OUA Championships berth.
This year's Women's Varsity curlingteam isawonderfully capable crew of fundamentally solidcurlers. Each of Valerie Sloan, Tara Middlemiss, Andrea Bartlett, Jerianne Montgomery and Jen Mercer have made superb curling shots despite the discouraging result this past weekend at the West-Sectionals in St. Catharines.
Men Windsor
Lakehead UW UWO Brock
5 3 3 2 1 1
0 2 2 3 4 4
WLU Windsor Brodc UW Lakehead
4 1 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 4 14
Despite their best efforts, the Waterloo Women trailed from the start in their bout versus Windsor. The Lancers had the Warriors chasing after their well placed stones all game long and itwas only a matter of time before they cracked the game wide open. Steals of two points by
Windsor in both the seventh and eighth ends, followed by another in the ninthsealed Waterloo's fate. The final score was an unfavourable 10-5. The Warriors next drew Lakehead, and as before, fell behind, but caught a huge break in the third end when the opposition accidentally ended up taklng out their own rock, and skip Jen Mercer drew to the four foot with her last stone to tie the game. This seemed to breathe new life into the Warriors, who traded points until the crucial ninth end, when a magnificent draw by Andrea Bartlett forced Lakehead to play down an unpredictable stretch of ice. Three misses later, Waterloo had a steal of three for 10-7 lead, which proved to be the final score. Having gained some momentum, Waterloobegan their thiidgame by scoringthree straightpoints against the University of Western Ontario Mustangs.Yet much to the dismay of our fans, the Mustangs replied with eleven straight points and won in seven ends. Putting the past behind them, the Warriors began Sunday morning in theunenviable position of playing Brock on their home ice, and their opposition's familiaritywith the pebbled playing surface proved paramount. The Badgers were successful inluring the Warriorsaway from the
finesse game, and missed takeouts by Waterloo made the difference in Brock's9-6 triumph. In their finalgame, the teamwas at its finest, opening their game against Laurier with their four best called, executed, and entertaining ends of this year's campaign. The Warriors led 4-2 and coach Scott Allen could scarcely conceal his delight that the Golden Hawks were seemingly at our mercy. Unfortunately, and it seemed harmless enough when it happened, the Laurier second slipped her first stone of the fifth end behind cover and Waterloo hit the panic button, once again reverting to the hitting game. Laurier put up three points, and followed with four more in the seventh. Trailing 9-5, skip Jen Mercer craftily carved achance toreturn the four-ender with her final stone of the eighth, but she was much too heavy, garne~ingonly an inconsequential two points. Waterloo succumbed to their cross-town rivals 11-7. This final crushing blow left Waterloo with a record of one win against four lossesthroughthe roundrobin; thus, the teamwill be insearch of at least three more winswhen they resume match play today and tomorrow at the AvonleaCurling Club in Toronto.
Swim team makes waves
Athletes of the Week
Warriors are ready for Western
LISA MAINS special to imprint
top three in all of his events if he wasn't exhibition this year.
he Warrior swim team had a rough time in Guelph as both the men and women lost. The men had excellent swims from Matt Mains (100m Individual Medley, lOOm breaststroke and 5Om butterfly) and Dave Rose (200m freestyle, 200m LM. and lOOm butterfly) who won each of their three events, while Alan Lee provided the only other win. in the 5Om breaststroke. Kurt RohmannandCarlo DiStefano each had a pair of thirds in the 5Om and lOOm backstroke and breaststroke respectively. Dave Clarke, a transfer fromLaurentian,dsoswamwellwith swims that would have placed him
Only eight of the 19 women competed at Guelph, as eight are on co-op and three were sick. With this small team, they could only rack up 59.5 points to Guelph's 139.5. Lead-
T Mark Robson Warrior Hockey
Melissa Ens Warrior Figure Skating
Athird year Economicsstudent from St. Mary's, Mark scored two goals and had three helpers to spark the Warriors tovictoriesover the ureviously unbeaten Western Mustangs and the Windsor Lancers. Check out the action at the next hockey game on Sunday, January 28 vs. Ryerson, 2:OOp.m. at the CIF arena.
Melissa is a fourth-year Kinesiology student from Burlingon. She (along with her teammates, Litt, Molzan, and van Snellenberd -. olaced first in the Pairs Fours event and later went on toplace second (with partnervan Snellenberg) in the Sr. Similar Pairs event. All this paid off with a gold medal finish for the team.
ingthewaywasKristenBrawleywith a win in the lOOm backstroke and two second place finishesin the SOm butterfly and 200m freestyle. Courtney Mitchell had the other Warrior win in the 5Om baikstroke alongwith athirdplace in the 1OOm backstroke. Melissa Thomas sprinted to second in the 50m freestyle and 50m backstroke. Jenny Scott was not far behind in the 5Om freestyle as she placed third. Lora White was thirdin the lOOm breaststroke. The Warriors look forward to Saturday, January 27 as the "most lovedn team in the OUA, the Western Mustangs, pay avisit to the PAC. H o p e they're bringing their lifejackets.
nless one has been llving in a cave or Afghanistan, many people know that the Super Bowl will be on January 28. Held in TampaBay, this year'sannualevent is between theNewYorkGiantsand the Baltimore Ravens. Yes, this should be quite interesting. Indeed, touchdowns for this game will be worth their weight in palladium. Of course, if you aren't interested in the match, there are always the commercials that pop up while the quarterback readjusts his spine and internal organs. From familiar corporations like Coca-Cola to Whatdowesellagain.com, these multi-million dollar adverts have the potential to garner new customers and delightviewersin what can be an extremely boringgame. This year, EDS isplanning to have a commercial that mocks the' annual tradition in Pamplona, Espafia. Yes, it involves squirrels. And guess what you're not going to see if you live in the Great White North? Every year, Global Television shows the Super Bowl using feed from CBS, Fox or ABC. And every year, Global has decided not to let Canadians see these American commercials. Instead, Izzy Asper'snetwork shows shameless promotions thatwouldn't even pass the standard for Qatari television. Worse, when you tune in to an American channel, lo and behold, they screw you over the table by showing those same blessed Globalpromotionsandlame duck adverts. Why, oh why, does Global play thls insidious trick upon us? Well, the reason is really simple. It's all a matter of simulcasting. To those who don't watchmuchin the way of television, thissadistic and debased practise is used by Canadian net-
works to substitute American ads with Canadian ones. Americans docome up witha fairly decent one about once a week, but Canadians are lucky if this occurs once a month. The rest of the time, the Canadianads try to humour us, but no dice. What's worse, this is done in the name of culture. The CRTCcondones thisevil. satanic and perverted custom, saying that this is done to preserve Canadian culture. Yes, the CRTC are the same gits who told CBC Newsworld they could not show The Royal Canadian AirFarce and ThisHourHas 22 Minutes, because they are not news programmes. True, they are not news programmes, but rather satires of events in the news and thus, they deserve time on this channel. But I digress. Now, Ilike Canadajust as much as the next guy. I'm a regular fan of the two above mentioned shows, I enjoy drinking Canadian beer (although Fosters and Dos Equis are my favourites), I do read Robertson Davies and Farley Mowat and I do enjoy the odd beavertail. But if Iwant to see Canadian commercials, then I'll tune in to acanadiannetwork. Similarly, if I tune in to an American network, I expect American commercials. Combine this with the fact that Global has these virtual billboards in stadiums like Miami, Denver and Milwaukee makesmy blood boil.Yeah,like I'mgoingto see aresident of Houston try to pawnoff Canadian Tire dollars in my lifetime. Hopefully, these folks from Global will allowus to watch the Americancommercials on CBS. Or at least, show one or two of them. Otherwise, I may have to go to Toronto and enlighten them on the error of their ways, if you catch my drift.
Imprint, Friday, January 26, 200 1
Warrior ice hockev team prove lousy &sts
Two daysafterthe huge win, the Warriors went to Adie Knox Herman Arena to play the Universityof Windsor Lancers. Having lost to the Golden Hawks a day earlier, Mike Rice's squad hoped todefeat the Warriors. Thus, Rice decided that Ryan Gelinas was the man who would stop the highly charged Warriors. Cressman, on the other hand, relied on McCracken once again to protect the Waterloo net.
Imprint staff
hat a difference two days makes! The Warriors began last weekend as a team hovering around the SO0 mark. Yet, when Dave Cressman's crew left Windsor on Sunday night, the Warriors were firmly entrenchedin second place andonly two wins away from clinching a spot in the minitournament. How did the Warriors get into this position? On January 19, the Warriors, on theirway to the Thompson Recreational and Athletic Complex to play the third-ranked Western Mustangs, received some good news. The last game against the WLU Golden Hawks was awarded to the Warriors after it was discovered that the boys from the high school down the street had allowed an ineligible player to play. With the two points Waterloo gained, they hoped to add to this weekend by ending western's %game winning streak.. For the goalies, it wasgoing to be a&at battle between Waterloo rookie Take McCracken and Western veteran Denver England. The first goal came courtesy of Ryan Painter, who at the seventh minute snuck the puck in to give Waterloo the early lead. The Warrior lead lasted for five minutes before Shaun Fairweather penetrated the five-holeof McCracken to tie the game up. Then Darren Mortier scored a decent goal on a face-off between him and Mike Nixon. After one period, the Western Mustangswere in front, 2-1. In the second period, Waterloo went on a scoring blitz and bewildered both the Mustang defense and England. The first goal, off a power play, came from Mark Robson. This prompted Clarke Singer to take England out of the game temporarily, allowing Jarrett Rose to take a few shots. After a minute of solid goaltending, England reentered the game. Mike Murphy then scoredtwogoalsin a span of four minutes to give the Warriors a two-goal lead heading into the third. The third period was one of agony and ecstasy for the Warriors. The Mustangs, sensing danger, began their assault on McCracken. With one minute expired in the period, Jeff Attard wasted n o time in exploiting McCracken's weak side. Brett Turner scored three minuteslater to recover Waterloo'stwogoal advantage. But after Turner's goal, the Mustangsrelentlesslyattacked Waterloo's territory in hopes of continuing the former's winning streak.Justin Davisscored agoodgoal to reduce the lead to one goal. Then, with 3 1 seconds left in regulation, Fairweather sickened the Warrior fans by scoring on a breakaway. But Turner would be the hero of thegame when, with 42 seconds left in overtime, the Warrior forwardcapitalized on a turnover and with a mighty shot, scored the goal that ended Western's 16-gamewinning streak as the Warriors won 6-5. Clarke Singer, coach of the Western Mustangs, was somewhat glad that the Mustangs finally lost a game. Now the pressure will be off the Mustangs as they plan to take their frustrations out on the University of Guelph Gryphons tonight. -
UW Warriors 6 , Western Mustangs 5
UW Warriors 6 , WindSOr Lancers 1
For the early going, the Warriors experienced a bit of aletdown. The Lancers beean the game charging the Warriors, but their lack of accuracy and constant mistakes would condemn Windsor time and time again. One of the more fatal mistakesthe Lancers made was in the firstperiod, whenTurner got a hold of aLancer turnover, passed the puck to Mike Johnson and watched as the latter completed an excellent two on one play that would make even Don Cherry greet. When the first period expired, Waterloo had a one-goal surplus on the Lancers. The second period would prove to be a clinic for the obviously outclassed Lancers. Waterloo knew that they would have to improve their performance if they wanted to win. And improve they did. The first goal came in the ninth minute, when Jay Henry's top shelf shot whizzed past Gelinas. But the real blow to Windsor's pride was with five minutes to go in the second period, when Mark Robson receivedan unfair minor penalty for obstruction. Despite the penalty, Mike Murphy and Sami Hakola both scored a short handedgoal togive the Warriors an almost insurmountable four goal edge on the Lancers. The third period was probably the best period Windsor had played. Unfortunately, thatwasnot sayingmuch. DanielMurrell, with help from Kevin Hansen and Darren Schmidt, scored a consolation goal for the Lancers, but Mark Robson and Chris Hopiavuori tallied two great goals for the Warriors. Even Brandon Moffatt had agood opportunity for agoal, but Gelinas stopped him cold. Nevertheless. Waterloo clobbired windsor 6-1. Waterloo will conclude their little adventure on the road when they travel to Thorold Arena to play the Brock University Badgers on January 26. The game commencesat 7:3Op.m. Then, the Warriors will play on Sunday at Columbia Icefields against the perennial whipping boys of the Midwest, the Ryerson Polytechnic University Rams at 2 p.m. Both games should be good, so come on out and watch Waterloo beat up some poor defenseless (and offenseless)animals on the ice.
Imprint, Friday, january 26, 200 I
Leaders of the Week February Fit ~ k s t On Saturday, February 3, Waterloo is hosting the February Fit Fest. This one-day workshop is ideal for personal trainers, fitness leaders and aquafit leaders. Learn new skills for teaching, be introduced to the latest popular classes,refresh fitnessknowledgeandhave agreat day of funwith fellowfitnessleaders. Presenters include some of the top names in fitnessin Ontario, with many diverse fitness backgrounds. The cost is only $35 for the day, so contact Rebecca White at ext. 5034 or in PAC 2053 for details.
Black Knight squash tournament results The Kings and Queens of the courts for the winter term were decided this past weekend as the PAC was home to another incredible squash tournament, brought to us by Black Knight. Three round robin matches on Saturday and single eliminationplayoffs on Sunday satisfied everyone's hunger for some intense action. Black Knight's ongoingsponsorship of the CampusRecreation tournament provided prizes for everyone and free racquets to try out and evaluate. The biggest prize of the
weekend went to GarthSheriff, who walked away with a free Black Knight racquet of his choice valued at over $200. After the round robin, the competitors were dividedinto five pools for the playoffs to match players of equal skill against each other. In the competitiveAdivision, Andrew Kane and Anthony Bellomo took an early lead and both players won the semifinalsagainstDavidBraunandsatyen Vyas respectively. The final was a hard fought battle, with Kaneemerging as the winner. The highly talented players in the B1 Division put on quite a show of physical and mental skill. Glenn Parmenter and Shawn Kashyap emerged from the round robin undefeated with each having lost no more than 30 points in nine games! After surviving semifinal playoff matches against Matt BeHaan and GarthSheriffrespectively, Parmenter and Kashyap were pitted against each other in the championship. Although Kashyap put up agoodfight, Parmenter claimed a decisive victory. In the B2 Division semifinal% Asif Makhani andTommy Li won to advance to the finals. Ina hard fought final match, Makhani eventuallywon over Li. The B3 Division semifinalssaw
TimHughes winagrueling match to advance to the finals against Robert MacKenzie. Hughesemergedvictorious in a 3-9,9-2,9-5 win. Finally, Darrin Gavey and Josh Pike hooked up to contest for the C Division championship. In the end, Gavey proved too good on this day claiming the title by scores of 9-7, 9-5. Overall, the friendly, competitive tournament was a success for evervone involved. Don't miss out on this exciting event in the future.
Ski and snowboard club trips The UW Ski and Snowboard Club (UWSSC)stillhas roomavailable for their day trip to Devil's Glen on February 8. The cost is only $35 for membersand this includestransportationand liftticket. Register by February 5,4p.m. in PAC 2039. The annual reading week trip is almost full. Members who are interested in going on this four days of sluinglridingin QuCbec andVermont should get their $370 into the PAC 2039 and register assoon as possible. Youwill not finda better deal on aski/ ride package around, so sign-up today for one of the best trips you will ever go on.
Andrew Kane
Julie is a veteran fitness instructor who has been with campus recreation for four years. Her speciality muscle toning classes have left even her sore the next day. As the fimess instructor coordinator, Julie brings her confidenceandimpressive wit to the team. She keeps everyone on their toesand bringsrenewedenthusiasm to the group.Juliewill finish off her UW years with a bang as the Fitness Instructor Coordinator.
Andrew was the convenor for the BlackKnight squashtournament that took place last weekend. He did an excellent job registeringplayers, answering rules and format questions, keepingtrackof scoresand any other tasks that helped the tournament runsmoothly. Inaddition to hiswork as the convenor, Andrew also competed in the tournament and won the A division finals. Keep up the great work Andrew.
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Fantastic fifth-floor photography FELIX YIP Imprint staff
new trend has emerged in the photographic world and it's not another high-tech, state of the art camera, but rather the use of apinholes or low-end, plastic toy cameras like Holga, Diana, and Kodak 126. Toy cameras have been around for quite some time and have been falling in and out of fashion since they were first introduced. Now they're back and hitting the artistic photographic world in a big way. ElevatorPhoto Gallery & Framing, founded by photographers Bob Carnie and Kevin Viner of Toronto hosted aToy Camera Chal-
for individualsfromallover the world who share the same enthusiasm in toy cameras. There are two categories, one for students and an open category; both have grand prizes of $l,OOO. The competition's jury is composed of Dianne Bos from Sheridan College, an expert in pinhole photography, Stephen Bulger of the Stephen Bugler Gallery, PhilNielsen of Agfa Canada, Cathy Bidini of Humber College and Paul Hoeffler, a commercial photographer. "It's more liberating, it's about capturinga feeling," explained Kevin Viner, co-owner of Elevator Photo Gallery, describing the appeal of a toy camera. There is no worrying about the technical aspects because there is little or
Avisitorto the ElevatorGalleryadrnireswhat'shangingaround.
the outcome of the Until you pick it up rom the lab, you won't have
a clue as to what you'll get. The images created by these cameras have a soft focus effect due to the unsharp lenses. Because of the cheaply-built camerabody, there are often light leaks that end up giving a surprisingeffect, with avintage look. Shootingwitha toy cameramay 0 4
not be for everyone. The photographer must be willing to lose control andletthecamerasurprise him. 'You must bypass your ego, and the results are just on the wall," explained judge Paul Hoeffler, while pointing at the wonderous images on display. Toy camera photagraphy is "a 44 4
reaction against digital technology," noted Hoeffler. The toy camera movement, in taking a step backwards in technology, seeks to reinvent photography and return it to its origins. The movement showsthat artistic value is not simply derived from the ability to master technology.
Rockin' twins gritty, honest all the way PAUL SCHREIBER Imprint staff
wouldn't be able to handle it," Sara confesses. "It would be like meeting Santa Claus, it's not true, you can't meet him.'' She's talking about Bruce Springsteen. "He's not human.". If Sara was stuck on a desert island, the Boss's Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ would definitely be with her. The younger half of Tegan and Saraison the phone fromSaskatoon, :alkingabout what gets her passionlte about music. Touring with Neil foung and The Pretenders, for instance. "I was blown away every light." She's passionate about writing, LOO. "Everything inspires me. "I went and saw that cheesy movie Proof of Life; I'd never felt 'lore inspired in six months. I got out 3f Proof of Life and I was dying to write. Acheesy love movie will make n e feel like writing." Tegan and Sara's latest album, l%is~u&essof~rt,was produced by heeclectic Hawkslev Workman. who Sara describes as a normal guy. His ikill as a producer came from his xrongmusical background. "Instead ~fhaving to try and explain what he anted to hear, he'll just get on an nstrument and show you." With Workman, what you see is lever what you get. "I dway&ought ~fHawksleyas Hawksley until1found
out it wasn't his real name, and then
I couldn'tstop thinking of him unless I knew his real name." The pseudonym illustrates the striking difference between Workman and the twins. "Part of having a fake name is sort of about what he really does. We're about the grit and the honesty; he's playing a game." The pair are very active politically and lend their talents to benefit women's rights causes whenever possible. Sara explained that "while our music isn't political, we try to make sure that we get it in at least on apersonal basis." Tegan and Sara have played TakeBacktheNight, Rockfor Choice (twice),and Vancouver politicalfestival Under the Volcano. Sara's a strong advocate of the pro-choice movement, due in pan to her mother'sinfluence. Her mother works with teen girlswho have been prostituting or have been sexually abused. "I've alwaysbeenpro-choice and have gone out and stood up for
Tegan andSara poseforthe prornoshot. the rights of women." As for the prolife festival, Rock for Life, and their boycott of pro-choiceamsts?"I think that'sgarbage." Touring keeps the duo busy; they'vebeenbussingtheirwayaround the west coast and are spending a couple of days in the States before heading up to Ontario for a week of shows. Sara'slooking forward to the gigs, but didn't used to be that way. "IusedtodespiseOntario.When I first startedplayingthere, I had such
abadvibe withit. I wassointimidated and I was so far away from home." But time, familiarity and a move to Toronto have changed that. "Ontario has grown on me like a bad pair of shoes." The vibe's a goodone these days. "I like how into the music people are. It really is different than touring anywhere else." The singer-songwriter prefers smaller venues to larger ones. Sara explained that the biggest venue they've played on this tour is 500
people. "Five hundred and under, it's heaven." While the audiences have been at times disorderly and drunk, Sara relishes being able to look at every person in the crowd and feel theinteraction. Last year's tour of the States with Young was different, she explained. "Americans are dumb. "I spent awhole summer listeningto them be dumb. It's a secret,you please see page 21
Imprint, Friday, January 26, 200 1
The musical evolution of a self-proclaimed goof
own music was pt aYork University campus pub. "I was terrified!" she recalls. "I remember being in my residence room all day practicing." She graduated from York University with a degree in Theatre and Art History, and says that York was very supportive of her. "I submitted aproposal to the school for my first CD to be an independent study, and they approved it," explains Erin.
"The thing ;bout the labels is that it's a mega-corporate business, and right now they want Britney Spears or Korn. And we ain't that!" Indie musicians are no strangers to the business of music, having to handlemoney, bookings,promotion, rehearsals, gigging, and producing CDs. Plus there is the creative side, and day jobs,and, if they're lucky, a sociallife.Thisseemslikealot for one
Sara continued from page 20
just go 'uh huh uh huh' and in your head you're thinking 'God, we're so much smarter than you.'" The patriotic 20-year-old may not go around waving flags, but it's difficult for people notto beaware of their pride. "As soon as Tegan and I start yapping, everyone knows we're Canadian. I'm so proud to be a Canadian artist." Teganand Sara attract diverse a crowd to their shows, including a large gay and. lesbian contingent, which she attributes to the coverage they used t o get in local weeklies. "The only press we would get would be a picture of us, and a little article, and you get the whole grrl
person to handle. "I take on too much," admits Erin, "butitkeepsme busy. Ifindthat if I'mnot doing much, then I won't do anything at all, but if I'm doing a lot, 1'11do everythingand then some. "But it's alot of work, and some jobsare bunk. Sometimesyou'redoing things and you're like, 'Oh my God, if I have to do this for five more
g snap!' minutes I'm g ~ i n to "It's a little intimidating trying to promote yourself. If you're promoting somebody else, you've got that whole degree of detachment where youcan say, 'This person isso great!' Burwhen you're like, 'We're really great!' you feel like a bit of an asssometimes." Erin is alwaysawestruck by the
comparisonsshe receives. "As a band we get a lot of Dave Matthews, Ben Harper, and Jamiroquai, whichiscoolbecause it's goodstuff. Vocally, I've gotten everything from hickin' Jewel to Bjork. I got Lisa Loeb on this TV show we played, but I think that was just be-
Boss crowd coming out." These days, that part of the crowd has got lost in the rest of it. Getting airplay on MuchMusic and mainstream~ress hascreatedamixed audience, something more to her liking. "I like to see diversity. I don't want to be known as this type of act or that type of act, I like to thinkthat we're universal that we're writing music that can be open to anybody." Music showcases aren't Sara's idea of a good time. She's a harsh criticof the industry schmooze-fests. "It's so much not about the music." The places are crawlingwith industry types and there's a lot of pressure based on who turns up at the performance. "It'sso much about 'sell me."'
Sara spends a good chunk of time online, mostly usingitto keep in touchwith the friends she has spread across thecontinent. Butthat'sabout it. She hasn'tfor example,spenttime on Napster. "I never download anything. My computer is slower than a grandma in a walker." The Calgary-born singer c,asee both sides of the issue. "Iunderstand it and Iunderwhy people don't l~ke stand why people think it's great." The online file-trading services isn't abigconcern, however. "I don't lose sleep over it," Sara added. She hadn't yet heard of FairTunes.com, the onlinevolunta@ tipping service for musiciansstarted by a pair of Waterloo students, but
1tegan and Sara w/ the erin smith band-
tuesday, january 30 the bombshelter doors, 9 p.m.
liked the idea. "lthinkit's&eat."lfmoneywas sentto her, she'dpassiton tocharity.
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"It's nice that people are so inspired by you; I'd donate the money to somebodywho inspires me."
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lmprint is giving away five pairs of tickets to the show. Come down to the Imprint office Friday, January 26 with the older sister's picture circled.
please see page 22
OB FAIR There aren't a lot of places like the Volcano around K-W anymore. It seems as though the main concert y fondest memory of spots are either meat-market dunnow-defunct Volcano geons like the Lyric, or mooky Club in Kitchenerwas the hangouts like Fed Hall. I know I can't expect bands like Headstones concert I saw in 1994. The Volcano had an intimate the Headstones or Big Sugar to book feel to it, partially because of its size just anywhere now that they're big but also because the stage was fairly name acts, but I miss the intimacy low to the ground. Back in those smallervenuesaffordtheir audiences. days, lead singer Hugh wore his tat- I miss being able to make eyecontact tered black army sweater to every with the band without running the show, and still had a penchant for risk of being squashed flat in the gobbing on people. In the middle of mosh pit, or squealed to death by the song "Oh My God," he plucked horny groupies. I miss the good-naat my shoulder and pointed to the tured folks that would scoop me off stage, where Hugh andguitarist Tim the floor if I happened to wipe out on were thrashing around spastically, spilled beverages, and I miss being the former covered in spit, the latter able to get a drink at the bar without soaked in sweat. "I just honked one having to viciously wield my bony right on Hugh's shoulder!" Steve little elbows. Mrs. Robinson's (now an offyelledin my ear, grinningandpointtrack betting lounge) was another ing like a proud father. Hugh didn't seem too con- small but comfortable place to see a cerned about the risks of wearing the show. It had two levels of table seatspittle of strangers back then and he ing, perfect for those times you was more interactive with the audi- weren't in the mood to stand up and ence, too. During "Absolutely," he rock out. There was a step rather proceeded to leap off the stage and than a stage, which meant you were advance, singing menacingly, to- practically butt-grabbing distance away from the band. I saw the Phiwards my pretty friend Ali. Poor Ali discovered she could losopher Kings there, so1knowwhat only back up so far in a crowd, and I'm talking about. That kind of raw winced her way through Hugh's beer sensuality and crazed energy would breath and saliva covered gesticula- be wasted in a larger venue; Gerald tions. That moment alone was worth Etonand his boys deserve to be seen in the kind of setting where it's easy the ten bucks I paid to get in. KIM T R S L S A V S N special to Imprint
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to haul acute girl up on stage and sing alove songto her. Rest in peace,Mrs. ~obinson's. Although the Volcano andMrs. R's have gone the same route as Super Skate Seven, there are still a few decent places to catch a show in this city. I can always count on the Jane Bond to furnish me with aquirky band experience on a regular basis. It's a cozy, laid-back place with lots of opportunity for people watching and fashion critiquing. The most memorable band I've seen there was Transylvania 500, which consisted of a whacked-out duo named Count Suckula and Wolf Boy. They played a Hammond organ and snare drum badly, made venomous observations about audiencemembersspecifically, and insulted everyone (including each other). You just can't see a drunken drummer wearing a wolfman mask howling at the end of every song at a place like Fed Hall. Where would their token guy in the Gorilla suit do his breakdancing? And how long could they make their jug of Mescallastinacrowd that big? Places like the Jane Bond Cafe, the Bombshelter and even Club Abstract are keeping the tradition of small weird venues alive, and I'm thankful. I'd much rather have the opportunity to dodge gob or be personally insulted by a singer at asmall clubthanbeafacelesscrowdsurferat a laree one.
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cause of my glasses. After a while it's enough to drive you crazy!" "I have a lot of fun playing upbeat, dancey stuff," says Erin. "1 get the best vibe from playing when there'sawhole whackof people dancing and everybody's like, You guys make me happy!' That's agood feeling to walk away from a show with. "I'm just into positivity. There's so much negativity in this world and in the business, and if you can keep yourheadabovewater,doyourthing, have fun, and have people tell you that it makes them really happy, then it doesn't get much better than that." It does get better than that for fans, though -ESB's new CD is ex-
pected to be out in the fall. "It's going to be partially live tracks recorded from shows, partially brand new studio tracks, and partially re-mixesthat some buddies of mine (from Mundane and Monster Voodoo Machine) are doing," Erin explains. The Erin Smith Band debut album is Hey, Nzce Pants!; last year's follow-upisG&YourOumSandwich. "I kind of like doing the dorky title thing," expbms Erm, "because we're pst goofy people, and to have some really artsy-phansy title just doesn't suit me. "TheHey, Nicepants! thingwas this running joke forever and ever. My hiend was walkmg down the street in Amsterdam with these re-
ally cool pants on, and some guy walked by andsaid, 'Hey,nice pants!' And it just kind of escalated to the point where we decided thatwas the best compliment you could ever get from somebody." So in keeping with the grand tradition of goofy album titles, Erin has been talung suggestions for the new disc. While an honourable mention goes out to "Get Your Sandwich Out of My Pants,"Erinsaysthe name will likely come more organxally. "It'sprobably gonnacomeup at some drunken, silly evening of rowdiness, and someone will say something really stupid and we're gonna laugh about it a lot. Because that's what we do."
Imprint, Friday, January 26, 200 I
African thenles, fusion and all that jazz LAUREN S. B R E S L I N Imprint staff
composer, aperformer, and an all-around enthusiast, Carol Ann Weaver isarather accomplished musician. Originally fromvirainia. - . Weaver earnedaBachelor's and Master's degree in piano performance at Indiana University, andshe isnow Associate Professorof Music at Conrad Grebe1 College teaching composition, jazz, women in music, and theory. OnSaturday, February3, aconcert and CD release of her latest recording, DancingRivers, will take place at Conrad Grebel'sGreat Hall. Weaver's music has been enthroughout North America .ioyed . and in various parts of Europe and Africa. Fusing avant-garde, jazz and world music, her compositionscover a wide range of sounds including chamber, solo, dramatic, lyric, choral, orchestral and electroacoustic. As a composer, it is extremely important to her that her music be accessible, rather than overtly academic or obscure; as a performer, her work often features keyboard scoring that she herself plays on the piano or on synthesizers. A former chair of the Association of Canadian Women Composers and a member of both the Canadian Music Centre and the Society for Ethnomusicology, Weaver is a dedicated composer who displays a keen interest in musical fusions. Weaver workswith avast range of genres, and is interested in the close interconnection between African music and Western jazz. A year in Kenya solidified her fascination withAfrican music, which has culminated in anumber of works
relating to African themes and incorporating African rhythms, harmonies, melodies, and structures. Weaver spent her sabbatical yearin Durban, SouthAfrica, performing research on female musicians in popular and jazz music, and studying SouthAfrican jazz and mbqanga (African improvisation).While there, she was granted the position of Visiting Professor of Music at University of Natal in Durban, and as such she gave various seminars, classes, and concerts. According to Weaver, South Africa is a famousAfricancentre of jazz, containing its own distinct musical idioms and biases. As subjects for ongoing research,.her primary focusesarewomen's contributions to traditional and popular music, as wellasthe intimate link between music andculture. Her research also involved interviewing and working with several leading women singers in South Africa, including such Zulu singers as Busi Mhlongo, dubbed the "Aretha Franklin of South Africa," Pumzila Ntuli, and Thandeka Mazibuko two other prominent female vocalists. Discussing African vocalist Busi Mhlongo, she beams over the rapport the two of them established after they met at a concert. "She actually calledme to wishme aMerry Christmas." Weaver exclaimed. Reaiizing the limitations of verbalinterviewswithmusicians. Weaver remarksthat her insightsinto African oral/aural music were revealed through havingworkedin close quarters with them. "I discovered how strongly [African]singingisbased on personal interpretation andimprovi-
Paul MacLeod
Don McKay
Every Wednesday Johnny Fiasco's/ Waterloo
January 26 St.Jerome's University
MacLeod got exposure on campus before Christmas when he was part of the crew opening up for Ron Sexsmith and has now released his first indie CD. The singer-songwriter playsguitar and has one sweet voice. This local talent who is definitely worth checkingout, especially for free. -JGB
Canadian poet Don McKay will be reading works from his new book Another Gravity. Governor-General's Award-winner McKay's poetry beautifully explores ideas of our home and place in the world, as well as being a reflection of nature and how we fit into it. "Natural history is family history" and all life on earth is somehow connected. McKay has another book coming out soon and the opening will follow the reading on Fridav. -MS
Danny Michel w/ Andy Stochansky January 28 sation rather than on adherence to a notatedscore," she observes. Having worked and recorded with both a Canadian band and an African band, Weaver describes the pleasures of playing with each of them respectively, cautious as not to exalt one over the other. Although she admits to the necessity of studyingin foreigncultures with an open mind, Carol Ann Weaver has ultimately maintained her own distinct musicalvision. On February3, shewill perform alongside a lineup of stellar Canadian musicians - "the band of my dreams," as she likes to put it: Cate Friesen and Rebecca Campbell, vocals; Kim Ratcliffe, guitar; Andrew Downing, bass; Jean Martin, drums; and Dave Wiffin, Ernie Kalwa, and Bradley Moggach, saxophones. The music that is featured on her latest CD, DancingRivers, is yet another testimony to her undying passion for Africa.
When he's not dodging groupies, Michel can be found entertaining audiences with his talented songwriting and multi-layered guitar effects. Andy Stochansky, perhaps best known for his work with Ani DiFranco, isnow a big part of the Toronto indie scene. If you're lucky, Mchel will squeezea marimba player or steel drum into the Jane Bond's tiny stage. -PS
International Ad Festival until January 28 Princess Cinema1 Waterloo Can't get into CrouchingTiger,HiddenDragon? Why not check out the International Ad Festival on at the Princess. Sure, they've got Bud's "Whassup!" and the infamous Molson Canadian Rant, but they've also got some good ads too. -SG
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