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Strike Up the Brand. Arts to launch new marketing strategy at a "Distinctive 8. Distinguished" event LAUREN

S. B R E S L l N

Imprint staff


n an effort to add "artsy" to UW's long list of distinctions, the Faculty of Artsislaunchingan aggressive marketing strategy that will be targeted towards Canada's best and brightest. The kickoff event of this new brandinginitiative- "Distinctive & Distinguished, A Celebration of the Arts" -will take place on Wednesday, February 7, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Modern Languages Atrium The event, which can be construed as highly developed self-promotion, is by invitation only, andwill welcome those people who are directly affected by the new Arts marketing strategy: the Chairs of the Faculty of Arts, the President of UW, members of the central recruitment team, the Deans of various faculties, the Arts faculty council, and others. What makes the event groundbreakingis that it will be the first of its kind. UW has boasted an excellent Arts faculty for the better part of its existence, a d it has now


decided to create a stronger and more definitive sense of identity. As UWArts had once subscribed to the notion of individualefforts, the purpo&f this event is to create a sense of the collaborativewhole: "to make the faculty as a whole feel more like a team," explains Connie McEachnie, the head organizer of the event. Anticipating a tremendous influx of studentswithinthe next few years, UW Arts has implemented a marketing team in order to accommodate the upsurge and growth of enrollment. As a result, the Arts Undergraduate marketing team, consisting of Connie McEachnie, PattyIvlah,andStephanieCheckettsKeatinb have worked longhours to promote the event as well as the overall goals of UW Arts. "Distinctiveand Distinguished" will reflect the faculty's many mandates. The eveningitselfwillfeature the introduction of a new recruitment poster asivell as theinaugural issue of a staff and faculty n d e t They also plan to expand the fafully-targeted "Rrts News" to a


studentreadership by the beginning of next September. On the evening's agenda will be the unveiling of the faculty's new logo and new recruitment initiatives, and the celebrationwill unfold with ameet andgreet, followed by apresentation thatwillhonour the accomplishmentsof itsDiiguishedTeachers and the recipients of the Premier's Awards of Excellence in Research, and Fellows of the Royal SocietyAwards. Indeed, for all partiesinvolved, the evening promisesto be engaging, informative, and for U W Arts, very self-fulfilling. Ultimately, the Faculty ofArtsis trying to establish an identity for itself: an identity that will proudly prodaim itslist of accomplishments; an identity that will serve to represent it asawhole; and an identity that will stand independently of W s otherwise technologically-focused disciplines Beingthe largest faculty in UW, A m offers seven PhDs, 14 Masters, and26 Bachelorof Arts programsin an array of disciplines. Furthermore, it upholds one of Canada's largest

It's time for achange and Artsis readytomake it. distance education programs, and offers co-op programs in all d i e plines, which includes the programs carried out by W s four colleges. Arts has the only French teaching co-op option, and is home to the only School of Accountancy in Canada. Its programs span everything from Rhetoricand ProfessionalWrit-

ing to Environmental Economics to Speech Communication,andits Psychology department is extremely well-established. ConnieMcEachnieremarksthat thiscommemorativeeventwill be "a bigstepntowardsaeatingacohesive internal environmentandarenewed sense of loyalty among current and incomingstudents.

Arius Software innovation a hit UW students succeed in big business DURSHAN GANTHAN Imprint staff


ost students in their final year of university start lookingfor full time jobs around now; wondering what the future holds in storefor them, trying to figureout what they would like to do for the rest of their lives, and hoping that there is quite a bit of money involved. AdamZirnmer(fourthyearcomputer engineering)and Mike Neame (fourthyear computer science),however. aren't worried about that. Instead of spendingtime in interviews trying to obtain jobs, they're spending time in interviewsayingto obtain These peopleworkfor Ariusand they rock. friend af a friend, they were asked to Currentlyhiringeight co-opstudents investors. The two studentsformed Arius design and implement a financial from UW,they strive to keep their Software two years ago (the com- databasesystemfor PacificandWest- employeeshappy. "We do what we can," Zimmer pany was formally incorporated in ern Trust. While making it, they April, 1999), and alongwith attrac- decided to make web applications says, explaining that the staff go out tive titles (Zimmer is the President easier to implement, and they hired for lunch together, and they even have games nights. and CEO, while Neame is the Vice friends to help. B~~ ~ r1999, i c they had a fullbeen "We like being here, WS Presidentbf product ~evelo~ment), very helpful," Zimmer starts when they have managed to attract the eye fledgedbusinessrunning. Arius Software creates web ap- talking about the placement of the of investors. Just last week, they were ableto plicationswhichallowcorporatedata comp&y,"butthe~tureisunknown. We're a market entity. if it turns out obtain $1.5 d o n in their initial tobe available at anytime, . .anwvhere. . without havingto re-write any code. that it'sbetter elsewhlie,then [we'd] round of funding. Zimmer andNeamefirst met in Companies, for example, can use it have to [move]." Neame adds that even if they Renison College in 1996,where they to view and modify their stock datawere roommates. They were both base using their web-enabled cell were to move, it most likelywouldn't be to SiliconValley. into computer programming, and phone or personal digital assistant. "Going to Silicon Valley isn't Theirreputationisthat they are would continually try to "one-up" each other by creating various pro- not only a good company, but they plea- sea page 4 grams on their computers. From a are a good company to work for.



On your markn setn campaign y now you may have noticed all the posters on campusand you may have noticed that there will be an election. Campaign posters for candidates running in the upcoming Federation of Students executive elections were placed all over campuson Wednesday morning. Eight candidates are vying for the three open seats available on the Feds' executive. Three candidates are running for President. ChrisDiLullo,Yaacov IlandandAlbertNazarethallwantto be the next person in charge. Andre Cousineau and Dawn Phillips want to handle the %counting aspect by

running for VP Administrationand Finance. BrendaBeatty,YiFanChua andJessica Grossare running to help you out as your next VP Student Issues. Along with posters, this campaign will featureforumswhere candidates will answer your questions. The first forum will be on Monday, February 5 in the Student Life Centreinthe GreatHallfrom 11:30a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Candidates will answer questions posed to them by a panel comprised of people from Imprint and uwtudent.org. The campaign endsFebruary 9 at 4 p.m. and then the voting will begin. Voting will take place for a week, untilFebnmy l6at 4 p.m. and full-time undergraduates can cast their ballots on the Feds' Web site.

It helpsthatthe studentsworkat Arius for co-opthemselves,and they w rk off-stre&, so that one focus on the companywhile the oaher focuses on his studies. 1 "Has the triv been like a travel down the mythi& yellowbrick road to Oz? No," explains Zimmer. "It wasmoreliketravelling downawindy

"It's like a Panacea from the Gods -it'srevolutionary." Zimmer says of the Internet. One could say the sameof Arius S o h a r e , as they have created an affordable eB2B solution for businesscs,savingrhemfrom the cost and hassle of having to rewrite code for variousweb platforms.



. Impnnt staff



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lmprint; Friday, February 2, 200 1

CO-OPbuilding consultation RYAN CHEN-WING

special to Imprint


obert E. Allen commented that "The entrance of the university is a bit grim." Allen, along with Victor Jaunkalns, were the two architects who presented the new co-op building plans to co-op studentson Tuesday. "This buildingwill help create a landscape entrance to this academic institution and allow us to keep the grassy knoll."Allen and Jaunkalns, who are from MacLennanJaunkalns Miller Architects and are also both graduates of the U W architecture program, presented computer graphicsof the floor plansand threedimenisonal renderings of co-ops'

The presentation generated many questions.SimonWoodside, a proponent of the Co-op Society, asked aboui a student office. Allen responded that itwouldbe located at the top of the stairs on the second level. The office would house the Co-op Student Advisory Group or possibly the Co-op Society in the event of a "yes" vote in the upcoming referendum. Woodside suggested that the student office should be bigger and on the first floor. Nicholas Gilhooly who is one of the student members on thebuildingcommitteeexplained, "We were tryingto fit it onto thefirst floor but there isn't much space, so the top of the stairs is the best we could find." Another question was how many more rooms will there be. Currentlythere are about 60 rooms yet the proposal allows for 101 rooms. Another possible use for the roomsoutsideof interviewtimesisas meeting and study space that could be booked. The bdding proposal stillneeds to be approved by the Boardof Governors but if itgoesahead maybe our

The budding, which is to be located just east of Arts Lecture Hall, is long and slender to keep the large swathof land fromthegrassy knollto Ring Road. The existingspace for coop in Needles Hall is about 1,860 square metres and the proposed buildingwouldprovide 3,440 square metres. As a longer slimmer building it providesnaturallightfor most rooms and allows easy circulation of people. The south end of the building would house most of the staff and would be locked outside of offitce hoursto allowstudentsto use the rest of building in later hours of the day. Glass and brick are the primary materials of the building; the glass willallowtransparency. "If you think of any building on campus,they are completely armoured," Allen commented, contrasting the design with existingUW buildings. "Apparently we are in the 21st centurybut initially we had the longest job board in the world." Allen quipped. Schaan explained that posthgs,now on thewallsinNeedles Hall, will be on computer but that they "still are looking at allowing a

Adrawingofthe buildingshowsitas itwouldappearonthe hillbehindsouthCampus Hall.

Vending machine bandits KATE SCHWASS

lmpiint staff


otices were placed on all campus vending machines on January 25 informing students of a rash of break-ins, and asking for the university community's help m catchingthe thief. Accordingto the bulletin, "Over the past 4 months there have been a number of thefts from Red Carpet and Coca-Cola vending machines located in the buildings on the UW cqmpus. The machines have been forced open and coin taken." The Coca-Cola delivery man that visitstheschoolonaregular basis said that many of his machines were broken into at the beginning of the thefts. "I've locked my cash boxes, and that seems to have slowed them down," he said. Whileunwillingtosayhowmuch has been stolen f ~ o mthe vending machines,LarryMcNabb of Red Carpet Vending Machines said that the amount "is enough that we're very concernedabout it." McNabhaoted that in the past there had been some vandalism to the machines, but that in the current thefts, some sort of a tool was used to pry open the cash

Bulletinswere placedonvendingmachines onJanuary25informing studentsofa recent rashofbreak-ins. compartments. "They are taking the cash and coin mechanism.. it'ssomeone that realms thevdue ofthemechanism," said McNabb when askedwhat was stolen from themachines. The break-insstartedinNovember and December. Since then, Red Carpet has "stepped up some of the lockingsystems"by placingmore security on their locks and also by placing a "puck padlock" on the vending machines.




Both Coca-Cola and Red Carpet said that they do not believe that the theftsarebeiigdoneby students. It is suspectedthat someoneis coming from "outside the university" and during a time when there are few people in the buildings. Students and staff are being asked for their help in apprehending those responsible. If you have any information, please contact U W Police at ext. 491 l , or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.


Im~rint.Friday, February 2, 2001

A new ombudsperson GEORGE


special to Imprint


he Universityof Waterloo has a new ombudsperson to take over from Marianne Miller, who is going on maternity leave. Joanne Laws brings the "wisdom of 20 years of experience in. mediation" to the office that provides -sew-

Toronto that worked with the Ontario Government'sMinistry of Housing and Ministry of the Attorney General. Ms. Laws has also worked with the localnot-for-profitorganization CommunityJustice Initiatives,which provides free mediation services to partiesin conflict. "Joanne brings afresh approach to the position"

e n t ~ r e

derstands the

o f f ~ c e of the Laws will be able Ontario On JoanneLaws: she's really nice. landlord to apply her meand tenant issues. diation experience and her underDuring this time she also spear- standing of student issues. headed a mediation pilot project in The office offers three primary




In lastweek's "Hate on Campus" article, we incorrectly stated that Nancy O'Neill was the SLC manager. Ann Simpson is actually the SLC manager.


services: First, the office helps students, faculty and staff sift through the bureaucracy of the university, and various other organizations, by offering guidance on adiverse range of issues from appeals and promotions to housing and ethical issues. Ms. Laws operates as a completely independent body at the university and ensures confidentiality to all her clients. Second, the office provides mediationservicesto parties on-campus who are in conflict. Last, the office works with the administration to report on whether policies and procedures of the university work or are in need of reevaluation. This serves to keep the university accountable to students, faculty and staff. has. Laws can be reached in the Office of the Ombudsperson at ext. 2402.

m m 1 1 1 1 m m 1 1 1 1 1 1 m q





COMPUTER ,150 Unwersity Ave.W.,Campus Court Plaza, Waterloo


Teaching tech to homeless youth E L L E N KAYECneveLDAvorP

special to Imprint


na Maria Andrada is Director of the Blas Pascal Centre in Buenos Aires, Argentina. On the afternoon of January 23, she gaveatalksponsored by the Women in Mathematics Committee on the relationshipbetween students, teachers and technology. She began with an overview of the widespread use of technology and the spread of mass media over the Internet, and concluded that a formal education is no longer sufficient as a student's main source of information. The onusis on teachers to actively work to build a bridge between post-industrial forms of education and the emerging reality of the information age. Andrada also demonstrated a multimedia project called "Interactive Escher: Exploring the Art of the Infinite" and mentioned a Webbasedproject in progress on the subject of African fractals. She said the aim of the latter is to make students aware of their own prejudices through studying the mathematics of indigenous cultures, which are more advanced thanmost of usrealize. In conversation with her afterwards, she talked about the projects

in Argentina where she has worked with homeless urban rural kids, introducing them to technology, and giving them opportunities to express themselves. Computers were made available for the kids to use. When the organizers asked her to d o the project, "They said 'what are you going to do?' I told them I didn't know, and that I would have tomeet the kids first. It'slikemaking a sculpture -you have to bring out what's inside." "The [urban] kids live in the railway station. Duringthe day, they open the doors of taxis. At night, they sleep in the station, or who knows where else." Everythingwent smoothlywhen each child had their own computer. But when she asked them to work in pairs, violence broke out. "They felt that when they had to share something it was no longer theirs." Eventually, she was able toconvince them to work in groups and consider the idea that sharing didn't necessarily mean a loss. The ruralkidsweren't asviolent as the urban kids. In contrast with the urban kids, who were orphans, the rural kids had parents who couldn't afford to feed them. Four buildings were constructed for the project in which there was a library and aplace for kids to do homework. The kids

were fed brunch and an early supper, andonce the parentsdidn't have to feed them, they accepted them back into their homes. In her work with homeless kids, she recognized an opportunity to expand knowledge and a view of reality. "You think youknowwhat is going on," she says, "but until you go andactually do something and work with them, all you-haveis prejudice.'' The homeless kids she worked with were expressive and creative and turned out to be very knowledgeable about technology. Even though they hadn't necessarily used a computer before, they came to itwith awell-developedand sophisticatedconceptual framework. She stressed the importance of listeningto children and finding out what effect technology is having on them. "Some of the best definitions about technology come from kids." At the university, she teaches people of all ages. Andradaasksher studentsabout what they're thinking and writes down their responses. "I've been writing this down for 16,17 years. It gives me a real idea of what's really happening and how it's evolving. WhenIgo toworkonanewproject, I am able to base [my design] on reality, not some imagined view of how itworks."



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IMPRINT Publications Waterloo ANNUAL GENERAL Friday, Feb. 16,2001 Student Life Centre room 1116 All registered University of Waterloo students who have paid the IMPRINT membership fee are invited to attend. The finances of the corporationwill be discussed and the new Board of Directors will be voted in.

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Imprint, Friday, February 2, 2001

Working towards affordable housing R Y A N CHEN-WING special to Imprint


aced with an already low vacancy rate and a potential increase in housing demand, the city has been motivated to create an Affordable Housing Taskforce. On Monday, January 22, Waterloo City Council voted unanimously to form the taskforce for which the terms of reference should be available in February. The City of Waterloo will form two teams to consultwith parts of the city and report back in an expected eight weeks. Enrollment at the Umversity of Waterloo is already expected to increase because of ATOP (the government sponsored expansion of information technologyprograms), but the elimination of OAC in 2002 will cause a doubling in the size of the graduatingclassandan increase in frosh. This expected increase in enrollment at the region's college and two universities will even further aggravate the tight rental market and threaten a housing crisis. The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation reported that the City of Waterloo had a vacancy rate of 0.3 per cent in October of 2000. Only one of the 26 major centres had a vacancy rate lower than Waterloo: Ottawa at 0.2 per cent. Waterloo is not considered a major centre so second and third were Toronto at 0.6 per cent and Kitchener at

0.7percent. Theaverage in metro centresis 1.6 per cent. The Mayor wants to consult student leaders, but the President of the Federation of Students has not yet been contacted. On December 5, Terry Pender of the RecordquotedMayor Woolstencroft assaying, "We want to engage the universities and the college -both their student leaders and their adrninistrators-inmeaningfulandsolutionoriented discussionsabout the problems faced by students, and the very different problems of citizens, when we look at how student housing affectsthecommunity." Federation of Students President, ChrisFarley, however, has not been made aware of the Affordable HousingTaskforce even though he holds a position on the Student HousingTaskforce. "I hadn't been satisfied withthe progressof the [StudentHousing] task force, but I thought we were on track," he remarks. "I spoke with the mayor last week and she didn't mention this new taskforce." Another detriment to the supply of rental housingis the spacing restriction in the Lodging House Licensing By-law. This by-law prevents any new lodging house licence from being granted to a house that iswithin 75 metresfrom anexistinglodging house. The future of student rental housing does not look bright, but the new housing task force is currently striving to make improvements.

The future of student rental housing does not look bright.

U W Drama presents

Building a good thing I

5 one-act plays by Christopher Durang FEBRUARY 7-10 & 14-17 Studio 180 HH 8 a.m. General Public $10 ; Students/Seniors $8 Box Office 888-4908

totally durang - ed totally durang - ed totally durang - ed total y d ra - ed ran - ed

t's long overdue, but finally a new co-op education buildingwill be under construction in the next year. No longer will students be cramped into tight little offices for interviews. No longer will students have to wait in a "pit." No longer will employerscome to the University only to be disappointed by the interview environment. That is, unless, the architects feel some sort of a warped nostalgia for Needles Hall. Two years ago, studentswere in desperate need of affirmation from the University that the co-op program is still top priority. The response is coming in trickles, but the trickleswill lead to floods of improvement in the co-op program starting this year. Last year, the Access system was given a facelift by offeringa Webinterface. Although the system isn't perfect, it's a welcome first step to making a paperless system. I still, however, prefer usingthemorereliable telnet interface. Accordmg to last Monday's Daily Bulletin, the co-op department is boasting a large placement rate for thisterm. Althoughdetails are always sketchy about the statistics (for example, how many people had to find their own placements), the numbers reaffirm the importance of practical education to employers, which reflects positively on UW. We can only hope that the bugs of first floor Needles Hall will be ironed out in the new building, which is scheduled to open in 2002. The student forum held last Tuesday was an important step in tailoringthe building to accommodate students. The meeting may have been even more meaningful for the newly formed Co-op So-

ciety as it faces a referendum that will ask coop students if they will support the society by payingasmall charge on their fee statements. Indeed, it was a perfect platform on which to emphasize theneed for acampus-wide co-op union. The University needs a separate building for co-op. If it's the most distinctive part of UW, then why not?Too often, co-op students dub Needles Hall as the epicentre of the University's own version of Hell. I'm convinced that only in Hell would there exist crooked stairssimilar to those inNeedles Hall. There are three areas specifically that I hope to see improved in the new building. First, students don'twant to be crammed into apit to wait for interviews. Instead, there should be plans to accommodate comfortable waitingrooms. Second, students don't want to line up five students deep to look at a wall of job postings. Instiad, there should be plans to make numerous areas where students can view paper or electronic version of postings. Third, students shouldn't have to stand under a speaker to hear their namescalled for interviews. Instead, a coherent speaker system should beinstalled toaccommodate those students who aren't used to subway-stationpublic-address-system-type acoustics. A new building gives the University a reason to openly reinvest its commitment to the co-op program, aprogram that stillexists as the foundation of a highly reputable education. Thingsare slowly, but welcomingly, startingto come togetherto make the entire co-op system more of a friend than a foe.

Staff Editor-in-Chief, Scott Gordon Assistant Editor, Adina Gillian News, Kate Schwass Assistant News, Lauren S. Bredin Forum, Adrian Chin Features, Melanie Stuparyk Assistant Features, Vivien Wong Science, John Swan Sports, vacant Assistant Sports, vacant Arts, Paul Schreiber Assistant Arts, Jan Guenther Braun Photos, Felix Yip Assistant Photos, Jeff Evans Graphics, Billy Tung Assistant Graphics, Tina Jang Web, Talesh Seepanan Web Assistant, Durshan Ganthan Systems Admin., Rob Schmidt Systems Admin. Assistant, Dave Robins Lead Proofreader, Jesse Helmer Proofreader, Andrea St. Pierre Proofreader, Hala Kalaf Proofreader, Jeff Bueckert Proofreader, Kerry O'Brien Business Manager, Mark Duke Advertising & Production Manager, Laurie Tigert-Dumas Advertising Assistant, Daniele Wong Distribution, Billy Tung Distribution, vacant Board o f Directors President, Kate Schwass Vice-president, Janice Jim Treasurer, Rob Van Kmistum Secretary, Durshan Ganthan StafFLiaison, Adina Gillian Contributors Jeremy Barnes, Jesse Bergman, Jeff Bueckert, Ryan Chen-Wing, Jeremy Crane, Doug, Nicole Fawcette, Nigel Flear, Allison Fleming, Buy Guns,Craig Hawthorne, Chris Inch, Ellen KayeCheveldayoff, Hala Khalaf, Magdalena Konieczna,Lisa Mains, Bart Kunowski, Carrie Lindeboom, Greg Macdougall, Evan Munday, Jen Niece, Ryan T. Porter, Christine Prashad,George Roter, Allison Salter, Robio Stewart, Nick Taylor, Wendell, Jon Willing

Imprint is the officialstudent newspaper of the Universityof Wacerloo. It is an editorially independent newspaperpublished by Imprint Pub lications,Waterloo,acorporationwithoutsham capital. Imprint is a member o f the Ontaric Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Fridaj during the spring term. Imprint reserves tht right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDN Put Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 554677 Address mail to: Imprint Student Life Centre, Room 11 16 Univenity of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 Tel: 5 19-888-4048 Fax: 5 19-884-7800

umr design: Bile Tung

Pardon me, Clinton was bad


f the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged." -Noam Chomsky January 20 came and passed, with no pardon for Leonard Peltier from Bill Clinton. Leonard Peltier is an American Indian activist who has been jailedunjustly for the past 24 yearsbased on fabricated evidence, a biased judge and coercedwitnesses. For more information visit www.freepeltier.org or read last week's Imprint. No one really knows why he wasn't pardoned. Yet disturbing questions are obviously raised by the last minute "deal" with the FBI on the Monica Leurinsky perjury issue. What is interestingis the list of those hedid pardon. Clinton granted over 100 pardons to a host of felons including money launderers. Disgustingly enough, he also pardoned personal friends of hisinvolved in the Whitewater scandal. Butwhat is most shockingishis pardon of his brother. It simply bogglesthe mind at the audacity of thisman. Icouldn't believe itwhen I read it, but it's true. Although, this comes as no surprise to anyone who knows anything at all about Clinton. In the media he is at once vilified for the Monica Lewinsky scandal yet at the same time deified by the same newspapers for his economic prowess. After the GulfWar, thekillingscontinued; now in the form of economic sanctions. This time the targetwascivilians; 1.5 million Iraqis have died as a direct result of these sanctions. What is most appalling is that these sanctions affect children the most, out of the 1.5 milliondead, 500,000 of those werechildren. Clinton admitted, "We must not also forget that the number one health crisis in the world today remains AIDS in Africa. We must do more in prevention, care, medicationsand the earliest possible development of an affordable vaccine." Noble sentiments. but where was he when his vice president was spearheading a

1999 State Department report to Congress to stop South Africa from making- low-cost AIDS drugs available to its millions of infected vic-

tims? In an interview defending his presidency, he stressed hisenvironmental record. But wait. does anyone remember what happenedin The Hague just a few months back? The US, with help from Canada, single-handedlydestroyed the climate talks there that were supposed to carry on the work started in Kyoto in 1997. The US tried to dodge its commitments by paying third world countries to plant trees. In Kyoto, the US had pledged to reduce its emissionsby seven per cent by 2005, but at the rate they're.goingright now, they will have actually increasedemissionsby. 27ver cent. Without the US, talks are impossible - that one country, with iust four ver cent of the world's population, creates 24 per cent of all emissions. That's a great environmental record there; Clinton may have single-handedlydoomed the human race to extinction. Clinton's only redeeming factor seems to be the strong economy of theUS.Yetwhen youlook at who benefitted from this economy you begin to see things in a whole new light. The current economic inequality in America is currently at 1930levels. That'sright, the rich have slowly pulled away from the poor so much that the US has regressed to the worst levels of inequality in 70

years. In fact, the average CEO 20 years ago made 20 times as much as the average employee. Now they make 212 times as much. In 1989, theunitedstates had 66 billionairesand 31.5 million people living below the official doverty line. Now, the United States has 268 billionaires and 34.5 million people living below thepovertyline.Infaa, because of Clinton's policieswhich favour the corporations and the super-rich, of the biggest 100 economies, 5 1 are now corporations and only 49 are countries. History books and the corporate media will continue to remember the Clinton years with fondness. But let it be known that many of us will not forget, and never forgive. -Doug[last name witheld upon request]

International nudity attracting a fair bit of attention these days. The Globe ran alengthy profileon the site's anchors last week and in late December, when the site celebrateditsfirstanniversary,there was a flurry of media attention. Not wanting to be one to miss out on animportant social trend, Imade my way to the site (strictly for research purposes, you understand) tosee thissilliAnd make no mistake, it is Anyone who tries to conyou that it isn't either has kind of fetish or has spent too much time trolling the Internet for porn that they've lost touch with reality. For most reasonablepeople watching a woman undress while reading the news is ridiculous and not the least bit sexy. And don't mistake thismarketingploy as some kind of bold step forward for women. It's doubtful that the predominantly male audiencerespectsthesewomen as serious newscasters. For most of these guys, anaked woman isanaked woman, if she happens to be reading the news sobe it. Havingsaid that, the site'snotwithout some interest. As as the naked

cast is actually superior to a lot of what's out there, especiallywhenit comesto international news. World Report is given the opening slot everyday. On Saturday, they had eight international stories including a plane crash in Venezuela, the earthquake in India, comments made by the Dali Lama and the fact that Cuba will declassify its Bay of Pigs documents. And they use the weather reportto educateviewers about differentcountries; on Saturdaywe were treated to trivia about Brazil (I learned for instance, that 85 per cent of the world's oranges come from there). In addition to this international content, there were also fairly comprehensive reports on the US and Canada. Now just to bedear,theNakedNewsisnot without flaws. The last story in the international report, for instance,involved Romanian convicts rollingcigaretteswith pages from their government-issued Bibles. Not exactly earth shattering, world changing events. And there were no reports or footage from correspondents actually in these foreign locales. But in an age when most media are cutting their foreign bireaus and generally losing interest in international reporting. -. the fact that they have any kind of world report is surprising. A quick flip through a CTV, a Global or even a CBC newscast, makes it abundantlyclear



tionalnews really is. After watching the NakedNews, I checked out a few other news sites to see if maybe the Internet hadmore of aninternationalfocus. The CBC Radio One newscast had four stories all strictly Canadian, while the Web site had a number of international reports that people could read including stories on the aforementioned earthquake and plane crash. ABCNews.com had areport about the earthquake, a profile of a woman who lost money on the stock market and some humourous footage of a hospital in Dublin that defied demdlition. Only the BBC World Sewice had a more comprehensive report, with stories on the earthquake, an uprising in Tanzania and four people sentenced todeathinhan. Most of the; reports were complimented by BBC report& stationed aiound the world. I suppose it'sagood thing that the guys watchingNakedNewsare broadening their understanding of world events whileVbeing titillated. Still, it's sad that apparently the only people interested in keeping people informed about international news are either stodgy Brits or naked women. S c o t t Gordon,Editor-in-Chief

Only the good flip burgers


cheek not Ete inin mouth

harmless implies safe implies good. Dedication to science is no virtuous trait.

To the Editor,


am writing this letter in order to alleviate some misconceptions about my first letter to Imprint. I understand that it isquite difficult to understand the.actual tone of something in print, which necessitatesthis clarification. First off, the letter was written with 'tongue in cheek', and was not meant to be taken literally (for example; the comment about improving athletic success and schoolmorale). Post-new year's overcrowding is a problem that seemingly all the users of the weight rooms complain about. I simply took it to the next level and this was taken far too literally. For example, if all users of the weightrooms were more courteous to share equipment, ask for a spot, or put away weights (the "fit few" included), itwould make the use of our limited resources a lot easier. For those without experience using equipment, please ask one of the weight room supervisors, or one of the "fit few," to help out. I am sure that most would oblige to help you with your workout! I was merely trying to provide some altered perspective the 'reality' that the media has bombarded people with, is the message that exercise iseasy,weightlossisfast,andchanges are dramatic. Unfortunately this message is a fantasy, and leads everyone to unrealistic expectations. When these expectations are not met, people usually give up on their fitnessgoals, which is the 'real' misfortune. It was my intent to shed light on thismisinformation by providingmy somewhat harshcommentary. Fitness is not a short term change, and people should be aware that it requires acommitment. I certainly commend anyone who can begin such achange and stick with it. Being involved in the fitness industry, I wouldlike nothing better than to have everyone involved in some kind of fitness program. So, if I see you in the weight room, welcome. I hope you stick it out, and get to where you want to go with your fitness, evenit makesourweightroom a little bit busier.



would like to respond to several letters that appeared in Imprint discussing Prof. Platonov'scase. Most responses have suggested that because of his crimehe shouldbe let go, despitehiswork as amathematician and as a teacher. Some letters even declared that as a person whe attempted tolull hiswife he isa threat to all female students on campus. First of all, lacking sufficient knowledge I deem myself unable to have any opinion on the judgement handed over him. I urge my colleagues to avoid having an opinion on a matter which they may have little knowledge. Hence, Prof. Platonov did not attempt murder but committeda lesser crime, asproclaimed by the court. Having established my ignorance, I cannot start asking whether his sentence is too light. I may not even ask whether he was charged with alesser crime because he is such adistinguishedscientist. I merely hope that his sentence was just. Beyond this, there is really only one thing left in dispute: should the university keep a person who received almost two years of suspended sentence in its faculty? Irealize that Iamnot in position to have a good answer to this question either. I lack skills to evaluate Prof. Platonov's work, have never met him, or seen any case like his dealtwithby theuniversity. If any of my fellow students hasany evidence to bear on thisquestion, Iurge bringing this evidence up. Above all, it ispuzzlingthatmany of the writers who wanted Prof. Platonov expelled were opposed to creditinghim with his academicwork. Suppobe he volunteered his time to people with learning disabilities. It seems that the later fact is more important to his defense than his academic work. It seems that a person can use evidence on character, as long as he or she is not a scientist. In other words, it seems that a person dedicatedto flippingburgersis more virtuous than an outstanding mathematician. Our iusticeworks like this: scientist implies genius implies scary implies bad. Flipping burgers implies



Dr. Vladimir and Mr. Platonov


nresponse to the Imprint's article "M~xedReactions to professor's return," January 26, Iwas amazedby Imran Aleem's point of view. Aleem says "What he doesat home 1sdifferent than what he does at work. It's two different things". Pardon me, but does Platonov have a split personalitywhere he is one person in the confines of his residence and then another when he enters a different environment? I think not. Aleem would do well to read Jon KabatZinn's Wherever You Go There You Are. Platonov may be capable of putting on a professional face when he is in the academic world, but his emotions, values and beliefs are still exactly the same as when he is at home. Platonov has shown, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he has little to no respect for his wife, and quite possible women in general. What wouldstop him from "losingit" with a student or co-worker andsmashing them over the head? The most disturbingsentencein that entire article is that "others merely dismissedit". Dismissedit?It has been bystanders and those you do nothing that have traditionally frightened me, but now there is a new kind of evil showing it's ugly head. Apathetics who are truly, in my eyes, confused in the realm of reality. Thisman beat his wife about the head with a rock. I ask you, how can that be merely dismissed? -PattiMoses 3A Sociology

Tracey meets Rosie


his past week brought to aconclusion two separate but equally morally problematic cases, one of which occurred in Canada. Robert Latimer, who admitted to killinghis severely disabled daughter Tracey, had his appeal denied for aconstitutional exemption to the minimum 10 year sentence for second degree murder. There is no denying that

Tracey was dependent on others for just about everything and needed twenty-four hour care. Mr. Latimer decided he could no longer see his daughter suffer anymore but rather than place her in a group home for the disabled in his hometown as had been recommended to him just days earlier he decided that Tracey's life was not worth living and poisoned her to death. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine anyone that goes through life with a greater degree of dependency than did Tracey. Nevertheless Mr. Latimer"sactionsand thought process stands in sharp contrast to those of Michalangelo Attard. Mr. Attard is the father of Rosie Attard more commonly known as Mary, one of the two conjoined twins born and separated, by order of the courts at a Manchester hospital last year. On Friday, in Xaghra, Malta, a funeral for Rosie Attard was finally held. Mr.Attard broke down several times during the mass. Even though Rosie was dependent on others for everything and even depended on her sister for a heartbeat the Attards recognized that Rosie was a human being just like everyone else. The only difference was that Rosie wasvulnerable. Nevertheless, they did not see that as a reason to attempt to end Ros~e'slife but rather Rosie's acute dependency inspired them to fight for her right to life. Even though the British medical staff were undoubtly well intentioned (as I believe Mr. Latimer was) it was only the Attards that recognized that all human being mustbe treated equally and loved unconditionally. As a result they could not agree to sacrifice one of their daughters for the potential good of another. A human being is a human being regardless of their level of functionality. As a result it should come as no surprise that one of the most poignant parts of the funeral mass came during the prayers of the faithful as aprayer wasoffered that "the plague of abortion may never come to Malta." Shortly after when Rosie was buried she was given a special grave in thexaghracemetery which will soon have a monument dedicated to all unborn children. After all, Rosie, Tracey and all aborted children all share something in common. All were dependent and vulnerable. They had needs like we all do, butudikemost of usthey didnot have much to offer in return except love and trust in their care givers.



PSnrCrCrlW To M T

Moral island


his past Wednesday night I, like many other people in my house, began watchingTemptationlsland. I was both shocked and amazed by the subject matter on the show. While I sat in my room I could hear my floor mates screaming in amazement at the far end of the hall. I became overwhelmed by the story line of these couples, who decided to go on this island and date other people in front of their partners. Idon't know if it was the excitement that kept me tuned into the show or my utter disbelief at the lackof moralsby these couples, the producers andultimately myself as theviewer. When the show finished one of the couples was left feeling hurt by their date. My question is "What exactly were you expecting to happen to you during this show?" The show is designed to leave the partners second-guessing their relationship. A relationship is filled with mutual respect and open communication. By becoming a participant of this show you just lost both of these. These couples willingly set themselves on this island, unable to communicate with each other and beingtreatedas sex goddesses by paid horny individuals. Are we as people that mean that we wouldask togo on an island, pretend to be single, flirt with and lick the stomachs of sexy singleswho aren'tour partners? Not only are you doing this but you are the personyou love A d care about through it all. Do the participants view this activity as a healthy relationship booster. If they didit for the fame, then so be it, if they did it because they believe it will showthem how strong their relationship is, then please see page 10

The Forum Section enables members of the University of Waterloocommunitytopresent views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. Letters should not exceed 350 words in length. Letters must be signed, including a phone number. Letters willnot be printedifthe Editor-in-Chief cannot identify the author. They can be submitted to: ktters@imprint,uwate~loo.ca. Letters received in electronic form (e.g. fax & email) willnotbeprintedunlessaphone number for verification is included. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse topublishlettersor articles which are judged to be libellousor discriminatoryon the basis of gender, race, religionor sexualorientation. The opinions expressed through columns, comment pieces, lettersandother articles are strictlythoseofthe authors, not the opinions ofImprint.


Imprint, Friday, February 2, 2001


Co-operative education the number one priority? A student perspective


his article is in response to staffer Kate Schwass' article which she discusses how stupid everyone else is except her. In Ms. Schwass' long-standingtradition of spouting completely driveling opinion pieces week after painful week, she'smissedthe point yet again. The co-op experience is completely tumultuous and unbearably painful. I suppose that, theoretically speaking, it could be worse. I bet a crack team of devoted and heavily medicated scientists could, in time, devise new ways for the perennial co-op process to become more inefficient, nonsensical, andclunered, but for now, we'vegot to sit here and accept the fact: co-op isofteninahorrible state of disarray, andnobody inNeedles Hall wants to admit it. Without fail, co-op gives me at least one headache per term. Some headachesare more severe than others. One time, they lost my ranking form after I hadsubmittedit on time, and then a certain Needles Hall em-

ployeewhoseofficeis on the second floor refused to put the co-op staff at fault, insteaddireaing the blame back at me. I ended up at a different job than the one I had chosen, because they refused to take responsibility for their mistake. Or, I guess maybe I was too stupid to slip a form into a slot properly. The inefficiency and random-

distributing these sheets? Having students line up onThe Most Idiotic Staircasein UW (I mean, diagonally oriented stairs?) is utter chaos, and it's a lawsuit waiting to happen (or a sitcom waiting to happen, depending on your industriousness). Could you not schlep a table down to the end of the hall (where the posting boards are) and distribute the sheets

If you want caring, go see Health Services and make sure your leg's-broken. ness of the entire charade would be laughable, if it weren't excruciating. For example, on the day when we pick up our cover sheets, how come the "G-L" last namesline stretchesall the way up to the top of the stairs, while the other linesare nearly bare? And isn't there a smarter way of

fromthere, withclean,straightlines of people, and some semblance of crowdcontrol? Abusy day inco-op almostseems like an exercise in poor people-management. AsweaUknow,thepostings are stapled to the wall, along with a littlesummarysheet of all the jobs, on

Somethinds in the air CI

J E N NIECE special to Imprint


ir pollutiori, particulate matter, nitrous oxides: sulfur dioxide, VOC, carbon dioxide, carbon mon: oxide, ground level ozone; caused by burning fossilfuels including coal, oil and refined oil products, and natural gas. In the first half of the industrial revolution, thousands of people suffered daily from respiratory problems caused by soot from coal burning factories;buildings and trees were covered with thicklayersof thestuff; life expectancy decreased. The pollution left a legacy of health problems in urban populations for decades. Technology and fuel typeshave changed somewhat since then, but air pollution remains a significant health problem. The greater volume of fossil fuels being burned today offsets many of the gains we have made in improving the cleanlinessof emissions. The Ontario Medical Association predicts that 1900 peoplein Ontario willdie this year (1inevery45 deaths) asadirect result of air pollution. The provincial government will spend over $1 billion to treat acute and chronic health problems caused by air pollution. Asthma - a disease exacerbated by particulate matter and ozoneisnowthe leading cause of school absences for children under 12. In a study of 24 cities last year, Kitchener-Waterloo was found to have the worst air quality in Canada

- beating Toronto, Windsor, and Hamilton for this dubious distinction. Transboundary air currents make it hard to isolate the maior sourcesof pollution. The provincial government iscurrentlv embroiled in acourt case with the US Environmental Protection Agency against polluters in the OhioValley andMichigan which are thought to be responsible for up to 50 percent of air pollution in southern Ontario. Despite the importance of this case, it detracts attention from the fact that Canadians

1900 people in Ontario will die this year as a direct result of air pollution. are the highest per-capita users of energy in theworld-muchof which is still produced by burning coal and oil, the two most polluting fossilfuels. Government action on air quality has, so far, focused onmaking emissions cleaner through filtration systems, better vehicle maintenance, and cleaner burning fuels. Little attention is given to actually reducing the amount of energy we use, which is the cheapest and most effectiveway

to address air quality problems. The transportation sector is responsible for nearly 30 percent of Canada's greenhouse gas emissions and other associated pollutants. A plan to build a new, 401 style expressway between Kitchener and Guelph has survived the reign of three different governments and seven years of strong public opposition. The most recent plans, released last week, estimate the cost of this 18km road at $134 million. Spokespeople for the Ministry of Transportation maintain that the new highway is necessary to accommodate projected traffic growth in the next ten years, ignoring strong evidence that additional roadways actually encourage more people to drive than otherwise normally would, thereby increasingthe pollution associatedwiththat driving. The environmental assessment includes only three paragraphs (from a document of several hundred pages) relating to air quality and marginalizes any possibilities of improving mass transit between the two cities. Mass transit is the cleanest, most cost effective,quickest to implement, and most sustainable way to alleviate traffic congestion. A public information open house on this highway proposal is being held on Wednesday February 7 from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Kitchener City Hall. Everyoneis welcome to attend, look at the new highway plans, ask questions and provide written comments on the proposal.

the left-hand side. And guess where everyone flocksto first? Well, other than the Trilogy postings. Right, the summary sheet. Would it kill you to put up two of these summaries, one on each side of the postings, so that theunmly mobsurroundingthe summary can be thinned out? It's insufferable,havingto waitthere for damn near ever while Molly With the Big Hair sits there in front of the corkboard and enumerates her chances ofworking as acasino dealerin Reno. Obviously, few co-op staffers have ever actually been in co-op themselves. However, these are minor kvetchesincomparison to the actual co-op process itself. For starters,why are we only allowed one day to pick up our cover sheets, while postings begin the very next day? Does Needles Hall not foresee the inevitable photocopying disasterlooming over the school's headevery term? Have they learned nothing from the SLC Photocopier Riotsof 1992?Aspacer day wouldworkwonders here, obviously, but the blackened heart of coop hears nothing but its own evil beating. An even more inane use of this one-day time interval is when ranking forms are released. Apparently, theinterviewprocessisallowedtogo onuntil weeks become months. swallowing up everyone'svaluable time, and when it's over, we get a mere 8 or so hours to decide whtch jobwe're going to choose. Co-op, do you really need to bendover backwardsfor companies somuch that you need to put a chokehold on our conscience all day? Can they not wait another day so that we can make the right decision? Like much of what it does, co-op has little reason not to give us another day or so to think it over without time pressure, but this one's shrouded in mystery, like the rest. And the biggest of all crimes against humanity: why won't co-op tell us what ranking each company gave US? It would make everyone's lives a lot easier. Co-op-induced headaches and anxiety attacks would be reduced tenfold, as would co-op-induced scurvy, ricketsand piles. Gone would be the days of toiling over how cute the interviewer thought you were, in

hope that come Ranking Day, you'd see a big fat "OFFER" with the "0" drawn as a heart, tellmg you those' words you've been walting to hear: 'You're in like Flynn, peachcakes!" The little ranking mix-andmatch number game is fun for the whole family (ages three and up!), I know, but it's inherently stupid. It's almost like co-op isdirectly sayingto the student body: "We really only care about the well-being of the employers, not you. If you want caring, go see Health Services, and make sure your leg's broken." And yes, I realize that in the "real world," you don't get "rankings" and you don't get the job until you get that fateful phone call from the employer, so please, save your snooty "welcome to the real world, Bucko" comments for, well, Bucko. For co-op to deliberately take this bargaining chip away from us is completely unreasonable. Coop is supposed to be about matching students to jobs, not matching employers to jobs. We should have accessto whatever aids us in making the right job selection, and co-op withold; information to appease the employers. Co-op doesn't seem to understand * that interviewers are sometimes insanely malicious people who freauentlv inflatethe interviewee's con- t fidence by saying things like "We're gonna rank you number 1"and then not doing so. T h ~ sort s of thing has happened to me on more than one occasion, and each tune, I ended up in a job I didn't want because of it. Did co-op care when I confronted them? Not unless blowlnga mouthful of menthol cigarettesmoke into my face in rebut could be contstrued as "caring." The only explanation I can offer is that the entity we percieve to be the co-op department is actually some sort of elaborate money laundering operation. Because there is simply no way that a university department can be run in such an asinine fashion and claim that co-operative education is their number one priority. Either that, orwe're all too stupid to be using it. A


Within thedepthsofthis buildinglies theenigmaticstaircaseofhorror.


FORUM continued from page 8

I am sorry to say, "Wake Up" To me, Temptation Island is a show that is not only being exclusive towards heterosexual relationships, but it is also promoting promiscuity during an era of sexual transmitted diseases such as H.I.V. I feel just as morally wrong for getting wrapped up in the show as I feel about the showin general. Have society's morals dropped so low that a show such as this is intriguing? Not only do I view the show as being morally corrupt, but I view the couples as being evil towards each other for putting their loved ones through this.

Needless ridicule


tookgreatoffens4atKateSchwass' editorial. "Welcome to Needless ell" in lastweeks imprint. ~ ep irn t seemedto be that the staff at Needles Hall are hard working people and thatwe, as students,shouldreally cut themsome slack insteadof complaining all the time. I agree wholeheartedly with her point, but not with the way that she made it.

Schwassclaimsthatshe"would love to say every student Waterloo acceptsisbrilliant,"but thatunfortunately "some stupid people slipped through the cracks."Thepeople she describedwhoweredelayingtheline in Needles Hall, however, were not "stupid" people, they were frustrated, perhaps - beligerent - or inconsiderate people. To get into the University of Waterloo, students do not have to prove they are kind or considerate of others, they have to earn certain marks in high school. Those people who were holding things up and harassing the staff at Needles Hall may have had averages in the high nineties, but that doesn't mean they won't get upset when their forms aren't getting processed. Schwass' comments seemto imply that people who were not admitted to this university are more likely to have trouble listening to advice and more likely to blame their difficultiesonsomeoneelse. Thisis no less than implying that people who had trouble in high school or who are in severe financial distress are more likely to be mean and insensitive than upper or middle classwell educated people. Please, do not ridicule a person's intelligence when you are really angry at them for beinginconsid-

erate or anything else. In doing so you are applying that negative attribute to everyone who does not live up to your standard of intelligence; in thiscase,everyonewho was not accepted into a university. Putting all of that aside, I would also like topoint out that if ~chwass wants to commend the staff at Needles Hall for doing a good job, she may look for stronger complements than "not stupid and incompetent." The editorial, asa whole, was meanspirited and inappropriate. -James Wbyte

Oh, my virgin ears To theEditor,


'm writing this letter to voice my concerns about the manager of the Bombshelter. My first incident with this chickenshit tobk place last termwhen my band was kicked off of the Bomber "Open" Stage for being obscene. The manager cited a spilt beer, our excessive spitting, and my mock cunnilingual gestures as reasons for our expulsion. When my singer dared to question the mighty manager's authority by protesting thatwe were only trying to play some rockn' roll, he was banned from the

Imprint, Friday, February 2, 2001 bar for life. A later incident, during which the manager discovered that I had lied to him about my status at this school (I proudly lie to all assholes), resulted in me being banned as well. It seems odd that tiis piece of shit would be so morally outraged at a lie when he is clearlv surrounded bv them; the open stagethat he and hi's buddies are so ~ r o u of d is obviouslv far from open (we're not the first, and definitely not the last act to get banned), and his claim that he had been to rock shows before, but had never seen or heard of anyone approaching our level of obscenity is clearly bullshit (unlesshe thinks that rock n' toll starts with Our Lady Peace and ends with Creed). After taking some time to deal with the traumaof never again being abletovisitthesuperhip Bombshelter, I decided to make a trip to the Big Chill at the SLC. I assumed that I wouldn't have aproblemsince I had no intentionof goingintothe Bomber, but I should have guessed that the manager's legion of fat-ass bodyguards would turn me away. I was refused entrance because my presence at the event was deemed a "threat" to security. Irealize that my 5'8", 145 pound frame can be quite intimidating, but I figured that the dozen or so beefy boys in the red

shirts could no doubt stop me from committing such unpardonablesins as spillingbeer or lying shouldIbegin to do so. In conclusion, I would like to send out agiant "fuck you" to the manager of the Bomber for kicking my friends and I out when we were merely trying to have a little fun at the usually boring-as-my-left-nut Bombshelter.


m Wilson

Reunion TotheEditor,


here is an all-years reunion being planned in Mississauga for all former Mentor College and TEAM School students on May 25 and 26, 2001. The University of Waterloo is one of the most popular post-secondarydestinationsfor our graduates, and we know there are many Mentor and TEAMstudents currently studying at UW. All UW students who attended either Mentor or TEAM are asked to contact Chris Starkey at cstarkey@mentorcolledge.edu Come celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the school! 4hri;starkey Alumni Guy

Co-op society: the promised land? Yes committee: co-op representation now


t is thought by many thatthere are six educational units at UW. But there is another that is sometimes overlooked Co-op. Now, with your approval, UW'sseventheducationalunitwill have it's own student organization Co-op Society. The story begins two years ago, when Co-op Society was originally proposed.Actually, it beginsin 1957. Waterloo was the first University in Canada to createbaso-op program. UW lead the nation in education. The co-op program continued to expand and there are now 10,000 students in co-op more than any of the faculties. In winter 1999, a group of students first proposed the Co-op Society. The group proved their ideas during the next two years, working inside the Federationof Students. In that period, the Feds had a mess of groups todeal withco-op: twocommissions, CSS for servicesandCSAG to advise co-op, and a part of Feds council to deal with co-op. CSS did not have a budget, CSAGwasonly an informal group, and the co-op councilors had Iqge responsibilities to the entire Feds. After a long and hard struggle, the campaigners produced a handbook for co-op students entitled "Don't Panic!" The experience taught them that anew structurewas needed to serve co-op students. In a way, it is an evolution of the system they workedthrough, but at the same time it is a revolution, like co-op in




1957, that may improve your life. Last fall, they brought forward a 25-page proposal (www. coopsociety.com/proposal.pdf) for implementingthe society. Their dream in 1999wasa body that representsco-ops' needs democratically to the depamnent, andprovides acommunity and servicesthat match the unique needs of co-op students. Thus, the new society is founded on the three pillars of representation, servicesandcommunity. The three pillars of Co-op Society. Have you ever wanted to have your voice heard in co-op?If Co-op Society is created, you can. Co-op Society is based on solid representation for you. An elected assembly of studentsfrom each faculty will meet to bring your voice tothe top administrators of co-op. Because they are elected, the assembly members will have the power of 10,000 students behind them. Adifectlyelectedvice president of education will work day-to-day with the administration of co-op. Co-op Society can help make issues important to you open to debate by everyone, like the number of rCsum6s youcan submit, the new co-opbuilding (duein 2002) and the promised new online system. Faculty-specific issueswill also finallybe given time on the stage. Ifrepresentationis the right hand of Co-opSociety, se~icesarethe left hand. The handbook isanew service already brought to first-yearsby the Co-op society campaigners. ~ b - o p Socwill guaranteethis essentialservicewill continuewith stablefunding. It will also provide a solid springboard for new services that future studentsinvent. One idea already proposed is a

new online svstem so students on opposite streamscan exchangehousing information. With such a wide poolof peopleusingthissystem,finding a house couldbe easierthan ever. Co-op students form acommunity, bound together by common goals and needs. They came to UW because they wanted to enter aworld where education and practical work were combined. Co-op Society will be the center of that community. In our officein the new building, co-op students interested in co-op issues will congregate. Assembly members will be required to work a volunteer hour in the office and volunteerswill be encouragedto get involved in the issues. Like a new community centre, Co-op Society will become the hub of a new range of co-op-centricactivity. All of this can only be brought aboutby the meansof stablefunding. Co-op studentsk e constantly on the move, socontinuityis important. Part of the $2.50 refundable fee for coop society will go to pay a part-time staff member to ensure that the two streams communicate with each other.The fee isalittle more than the cost of a2Lbottle of pop, anditbrings you astrong and stable organization that will serve the students for years to come. Kick your boss's ass-in Co-op Society Employers vs. Students Ball Hockey!The action startsnow in our demonstrationgameTuesday, Feb 6 at noon in the PAC. Sign up today: emailplay@coopsociety.com.Or just come to watch, and then enjoy a social after at the Bombshelter. The employersbeat us at soccer in the fall,, so now the students have to take sweet revenge. We will also have a model office in Needles Hall for the


first week of interviews. You get to choose whether or not to create Co-op Society. In the democraticspirit, areferendumwill be held with online voting at www.feds.ca from Feb 9-16. We hope you choose for the future.

No committee: the wheel re-invented


nderneath the glossy spin of the Co-op Societyproposal there's a very simple and straightforward reality you're being asked to pay more money for servicesyou already get. The proponents of a Co-op Society saythey want tocreate effective representation, quality services and community for the co-op students at Waterloo. The cost? $2.50 per co-op student per term for something that's already happening.You already have a system that represents you to CECS, that runs Watpubs, publishes the co-dp students' handbook, runs ranking day relief, and getsyou consultations on the new Co-op building.Why would you want to pay for it again? The Co-op Society proposal talks about addressing a lot of the issues facingco-opstudents.What it doesn't do is tell you how. For an extra $2.50 per term, wouldn't you like more details? The Co-opsocietyproposalsays itwill provide better representation. How?By recreatingthe same model for student representation we have

now. It says a Co-opSocietywill offer more services. How? With only a portionof the budget currently dedicated to co-op student services. It says a Co-op Society will get more volunteers. How? Changing the name of your group doesn'tguarantee student involvement. If they're going to try to address the issuesfacingco-opstudentswhy not take advantageof the infrastructure that's already in place? Right now, through the FEDS, co-op studentshaveaccesstoamarketingteam, a researcher, a secretarial and accountingstaff, and astaff with expertise in special events. Instead of leveraging this power, Co-op Society supportersplan to re-create them somewhereelse. Is thatworth spending $2.50 on? Let's be blunt. Under the proposal a Co-op Society will be run on a part-time basis by studentscarryinga full course load while trying to find their next work term. Don't spend $2.50 for weaker representation and poorer service. Why waste your money? The Co-op Society is the reinvention of the wheel., Even if the wheel looks the same, it's actually more expensive. It costs you a strong and united student voice, an effective and efficient use of administrative resources and a full-time, dedicated commitmentto co-opstudents. Say NO to duplication, redundancy and waste. Say NO to the Co-op Society.

Im~rint.Friday. February 2. 200 I



If Friends ripped off Survivor's "tribal council," which friend would you vote off? Jeremy Barnes and Ryan Porter

"Ross, cause he's a littlebitch these days." Devon Scoble 4B Anthropology

"Rachel, so she can spend a "Ross, he's ageek- his story "Rachel, she pisses me off lines involve children and more than Ross." little time with me." Shannon and Nathan responsibility." Richard Pouching ERSlPhysics Julianna and Kyle 4B Economics

"Only Rachel and Monica would stay to be my tribal wenches." Joel Fecht

"They should ail go."

"Monica, because she is just annoying." Jodi and Lori . 2B Economics/2B Classics

"Monica, cause' she's so anal." . Adil Suleniar 3A Actuarial Science

"Rachel, because she sucks."

Amy Jordan


"The most popular, cause they'd be the biggest threat." Van Lee 3B Operations Research

Chris Keirstead 2A Math


NO. 5 4

F R I D A Y , J A N U A R Y 26,2001



Wednesda march 2 l s t The great ha1 / st~dentlife centre


Contact R y a n â‚Źagles a t



for more imformation and to get involved.

P\II ~ Y L O U Pwelcome. S www.feds.~waterloo.ca

Conference to mm February 22 - 24

t's not too late! Imprint's National Student Journalism Conferenceis fast approaching, but you can still register in time for the February 9 deadline. We're gearing up for what promises to be three days of mind-expanding workshops, seminars, speakers and crazy fun. The conference is scheduled for Thursday, February 22 to 24, on campus at the University of Waterloo. We've been lucky enough to get Tony Wilson-Smith, National Affairs Editor for Maclean 8 and, as Director of Media for Maclean Hunter, the person responsible for bringing Maclean 8 to the Web. Wilson-Smith has served as Maclean b Moscow and Ottawa Bureau


Chief of Maclean 8, and has covered major international stories from Haiti to Afghanistan. Seminars will include panel discussions, workshops on photography, graphics, layout, and writing for news, sports, entertainment and features. Independent campus news oreanization uwstudent.orp will offer insight into bring- Maclean 8 National ing Your news coverage to Afairs Editor and the Web with speed and ac- Director ofMediafor curacy. The New @arterlh Maclean Hunter will one of Canada's oldest liter- give afieepublic lecfure ary journals, will expand! on Febmav 22. your horizons with a workshop on editing fiction. The conference fee is $125 and includes all seminars and workshops, lunch on all three days and a final banquet.


Download your registration form today at:

atures Corporate control got you down? a 3

~ightthe power and don't let the Media Man keep you there



lmprint staff


nly 12 days into the 'official' new millennium, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the America Online and Time Warner merger. This joint venture between the world'slargest Internet company and America's second-largest cablecompanyhascreatedadominant global media powerhousewhose ability to influencewhat we see, hear, and live is almost unimaginable. It's in this environment, with consolidation of control over media coming together at unprecedented levels, that achallenge to thiscorporate control is takingshape. 1t's name is the Independent Media Center (IMC), and it originatedat the Seattle demonstrations held in November 1999 against the World Trade Organization. According to the Web site "The Independent Media Center (www.indymedia.org) was established by various independent alternative media organizations and activists for the purpose of providing grassroots coverage of the World Trade Organization (WTO)protests in Seattle last November. The center acted as aclearinghouse of information for journalists, and provided up-to-the-minute reports, photos, audio and video footage through its website. "Using the collectedfootage,the Seattle Independent Media Center (seattle.indymedia.org) produced a series of five documentaries, uplinked every day to satellite and distributed throughout the United States to publicaccess stations. Without this independent organizingvehicle, the only view of the Seattle demonstrations that non-

participants would have seen would have been the mainstream media coverage. Somewould ask,what's so wrong with that? And others would reply, a lot. While it isnot the purpose of this article to examine all the problems

as individuals, unite, and resist the forces of global corporate capital. While IMCsare not entirely 'virtual' (as in, online), their core is the IMC Website. It is aclearinghousefor all news from around the world, in text, au-

The new AOL/Time Warner mega-bad boy had better watch its back. People are getting together to try and change things. that exist in the current state of media, it can be said that not all viewpoints are given equal play in today's press. There are hidden agendas at play, which can only be revealed through access to education and alternatives. The IMC is lookingto challenge the corporately/commercially-controlledmainstream media. Since the Seattle demonstrations, Independent Media Centers have sprung up world-wide as part of a decentralized, autonomom network. They aren't the only alternatives to the mainstream of commercial collusion-Paper Tiger television, Whispered Media, andBig Noise are some of the big names making independent waves out of the US. All of these alternatives found some inspirationin the 1994Zapatistauprising in Mexico. It was here that the power of the Internet to challenge the 'powers that be' was first fully realized, in a struggle that shares solidarity with the IMC's vision and goal. Stand up

dio, visual, or video format. The right hand side of the features links to eachandevery contribution,listed chronologically from the most recent down. In the centre, featured storiesare displayed, withsome text and graphics, and a link to the full story at the originating IMC-the United States currently has 22 Centersspread around the country, while there are seven centers in Canada and 13 others internationally, the site has links to all the local centers. The IMC concept is fairly simple. Anyone can post a story, in whatever format, to the site. While editors do exist to remove hate propoganda, spam, and such, the whole point of the organization is freedom of expression, so pretty much everything goes. "Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionatetelling5of truth. You could be a journalist with a few clicks of a mouse!" The IMCs do not only post on

the Web, they worktocreatevarious other media outlets for different causes. This gets decided by what would best suit the needs and resourcesof the local IMC. It'sall done by volunteers, whoalso work to raise operating funds. Traditional media areas of newspaper and televisionare both part of the IMC's'master plan,' the details of which are still in the fleshingout process. Locally, the KW IMC initiative held a preliminary meeting this past Tuesday to discuss starting up a bi-weekly newspaper, with plans for an April Fool's Day launch. Averyrecent example of IMC in action was the January 20 US Presidential Inauguration for George W. Bush. Enough people had a problem with the idea of democracy in Americatoshow up on Sunday and show they cared. The big problem was that the general public wasn't shown much of the protest because the mainstream media, was focusing more on Ricky Martin than these protesters. But with IMC you could follow it all on the net, o n the Washington IMC site, with continuous streaming radio coverage sup-

plementedwith some video, and lots of stories. You could even find a picture of 'Inaugural Streaker' Joan Roney, with breasts and political message bared for all the world to see. This is something the mainstream media couldn't or wouldn't show you. You could also read about the mobilization of the National Guard for the event: "A line of 5-ton Army diesel trucks lined up along G Street and sat idlingwhile metropolitan DC police conferenced on the sidewalk. National Guard troops were piled into the back of the trucks, clad in full camouflaged gear and riot helmets and holdingwooden batons." In this please see page 13

Beware the media bias ROBIN


lmprint staff


t should come as no surprise to most university studentsthat the news presented in the mainstream media is biased. Between ever-expanding media mega-empires and the increasing polarization between the political right and left, finclingan accurate of eventsgoingon - - in the worldaround us is becoming - more of a difficult challenge. The important question, however, is not whether bias exists. The question is what we, as average Canadians, can do to filter through the maze of supposed "truths" and plece together an objective sense of world events. T h ~ week s spoke to WLU Assistant Professor of CommunicationsDr. Dav~dBlackto help

find an answer to this question. "We have to m a t h e mainstream media for certain kinds of information," says Black, citingtheu~ivaled resources available to the major American newsnetworks. Blackgoes on to say that these are, "good sources of data, but very poor sources of evaluation." Most importantly, according to Black, the mainstream mediacannot be trusted to be critical of themselves, a function which is extremelyimportant should we hope to understand the role that media plays in all of our lives. Black stops short of calling all biases present in the media intentional, or cryingany sort of conspiracy, however. Rather, Black believes that the subtle bias present in almost everything we watch or read is part of a deeply engrained, inv~s~ble system.

"The most poisonous form of censorship," he says, "is the culture of the newsroom." Accordingto Black, today's journalists often find themselvesunconsciouslyparticipatingin a subtle culture of bias born out of power, influence and the known political biases of the few financial moguls behind most of our major sources of information. Thiskindof biasisn't just limited to our corporate giant neighbors to the southeither. Blacklevelshis cannons with equal force at Canadian media, including even the hallowed Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. "There is a history of overt and covert government influence in the CBC," he warns. While overt examples, like appointingpolitically partisan directors to run the CBC, are please see page 13

Imprint, Friday, February 2, 2001


Damn the Man continued f r o m page 12

way IMC has proven that it is uniquely suited for getting event-inspired news out from the front lines andlive, or as close tolive aspossible. Which brings us to the anti-FTAAprotests being ~ l a n n e for d April 20-22 in Quebec City. The people who've beengetting thisIMC thing going are getting ready to make sure the real story gets out, live anduncensored. An Internet Relay Chat discussion for Canadian IMCs and IMC participants was held on January 17. The main agenda was to discuss bringing the Canadian IMC efforts together to have a Canada IMC, from which all Canadian content could be accessed. Another topic was the upcoming Carnival de Quebec and how to best prepare. The protests are seen as a potential launch pad for IMC. Those three days in April could be when the indymedia idea hits a more diverse audience, as more people discover that an alternative media exists to cover the uncovered sides of stories. Stu Duncan, a University of Guelph student actively involved in Guelphand K-W IMC movements, was the facilitator of the online discussion. He viewed it as "the first step in creating aunified alternative mediamovement throughout this country. It is exciting to see a Canadianmedia outlet being developed which is guided by truth and accuracy andnot corporate influence." "There were representatives present from many of the Indymedia Centres throughout Canada, and other Canadian alternative media organizationssuch as Tao Communications www.tao.ca, andasoonto be developed online arternative magazine, www.rabble.ca. There was a definite feeling of excitement perpetuating the chat as people realized the important work that we could do as a strengthened afid unified alternative media movement." "The use of IRC was a very appropriate medium. . .for providing coverage to events which are very often ignored or marginalized by the mainstream press" says Duncan. If you're interested in more about thisnew and exciting challenge to the existing corporate media structure, acouple of opportunities



mostly relegated to decades past, today's government prefer to starve the CBC into submission, according to Black. So, just what can the ordinary Canadian d o to mitigate the effects of media bias? Black has some suggestions. "The best defence is to compare sources," according to Black. While this approach is unlikely to uncover huge discrepancies, it may help to reduce the effect of subtie biases present in the news. Second,Blacksuggeststhat reading, rather than watching, the news may help. "Print is a fundamentally different media," he says, . . explaining that the publicdesire for short, snappy information bvtes has led television to oversimplify the news which results in a loss of complexity and inability to see the whole picture. While Canada still has a thriving newspaper business, between 70 and 80 per cent of Canadian now get their information almost exclusively from television, accordingto Black. Third, independent media is an effective way of gettingabroader sense of world events. Publicationsfrom both traditional left and right wing organizations are helpful includingmagazines like Adbusters. the Utne Reader and the New Republic. Similar publications are also available through the Independent Media Centre (IMC) described above. Most importantly though, Canadians should strive to gain an understanding of the

Student media to converge at UW Scorr



A are coming your way. When Imprint hosts its journalism conference February22-24, one of the seminars will be a presentation on Independent Media Centres and what they mean. One week later, on Saturday March 3, IMC and WPIRG are hosting a one day regional gathering of alternative and independ&t media activists,to help highlight independent media producers and their work, network among midis activists throughout Southern Ontario, and help support the growth of IMCs in this area. The day's activitieswill include presentations, workshops, displays of various alternative media, and a fundraising party to finish things off. The contact for this conference is Mike Burtt, (519) 746-5085 o r diggerbum@yahoo.com So with all these individualsunitingtofight corporate control over the media that shapes our collective minds, the new AOUTime Warner mega-bad boy had better watch its back. People are getting together to try and change things, and they aren't in it for thecash, they'reinit for the cause. And, wel1,I know who I'm betting on. Indymedia-already coming at you, on the Web and in your face.

Defense against media mongrels continued f r o m page 12


limitationsof eachmediasource they consume. Mediacriticism isabroad fieldof study including over 100years of discussionon the important role that media plays in the 21st century. While studying the topic isn't something we all have time to do, Black did suggest a couple of starting points. Counterspin and Undercurrents are two programs that offer a decent introduction to the area and simply droppingby the library andsearching the catalogue under the heading Media would uncover any number of books which could provide a quick summary of some of the issues of which news consumers should be aware. Finally, Professor Black had somewords of wisdom to share on thesubiect of the Internet. "One of the great promises of the Internet," he says. , ,"is that it remindsus that we are allcreative people." The Internet, according to Black, offers us all the tools to become broadcasters ourselves, an opportunity that we should not take lightly. Unless people actively work to define the Internet otherwise, Black believes that it will gradually become much like television, information that we passively consume. "The honeymoon period for the Internet is almost over," he warns. Students who are interested in hearing more from Dr. Black should keep their ears open. Black plans to appear in a Frank Friday seminar for WPIRG discussing the topic of Mediacriticismin March. He may also appear at Imprint's upcomingnationaljournalismconference.

lthough the final product may not always reflect the fact, student journalism is demanding work. While a lot of learning goes on in the process of producing a paper each week, there's often not much time to reflect on student media as a whole or get a sense as to how other schools may do things. In late February, student journalists from across Canada will be taking time out of their already busy schedulesto gather at W a n d talk shop. But wait, doesn't the Canadian University Press (CUP)already hold conferences like these? "CUP does hold conferences each year," concedes Conference Coordinator Ryan Matthew Merkley, "However, Imprint is not a member of CUP,andin fact many mediaoutlets are not members of the CUP organization." Sessions at the conference will cover a wide range of topics. "I've tried to cover the standard bases of journalism like news, sports and arts writing," explains Merkley, "but I've also expanded the concept to include new ideas like Web publishing and fiction editing." The conference's keynote speaker is Anthony Wilson-Smith, who in addition to being a columnist for Maclean's was also responsible for puttingthemagazine on the Web. Wilson-Smith's lecture, while part of the conference, will not be limited to just U W students or conference delegates, but will be open to

everyone in the UW community. Merkley believes that UW is a great place to stage this kind of conference. "UWdoesnot have a journalism program, so a conference like this provldes an opportunity for the UW community and the student newspaper to build their skills and meet other students in journalism." For Merkley, the more opportunities student journalists have to learn new skills the better. "Many people argue that good writing cannot be taught; that you can either d o it or you can't. I strongly disagree with that statement. I think there are people who have what appears to be a natural ability to write, but many people can benefit from exposure to a field that has a longstanding tradition." While it was a something of a bumpy ride to get to this point the conference was originally scheduled for November, but was postponed because initial registrationwaslower than expected - Merkley is confident he's worked out most of the bugs. "This time out, we're more prepared with advertisements and promotion. The interest from other schools is strong, and we expect a successfulconference with diverse attendance, hopefully representing campus papers across Canada." And once this one'sin the can, what about next year? "I'd like to see this become aregular event. We've learned a lot that we could put towards making future conferences even better."


ATTENTION CO-OP STUDENTS Mondav Feb 5 = Interviews begin for all non-architecturestudents = Co-op Job Posting #7 expires at 8:00 PM = Career DevelopmentWorkshop' Job Fair, 10:30-11:30 PM, NH 1020 Tuesdav Feb 6 Job Fair, Bingeman's Conference Centre, free transportation from SLC = Check for a possible C w p Job Posting #8 Wednesday Feb 7 Career Development Workshop: Letter Writing, 10:30-11:30 PM, NH 1020 Career Development Workshop: RCume Writing, 10:30-11:30PM, NH 1020 * Career DevelopmentWorkshop: Selling Your Skills, 5:30-7:30 PM, NH 1020 Career Resource Centre open until 7:30 PM Thursdav Feb 8 Career DevelopmentWorkshop: NegotiatingJob Offers, 2:304:00 PM, NH 1020

ATTENTIONALL STUDENTS EMPLOYER INFORMATION SESSIONS Mondav Feb 5 Synopsys 4.00-6:00 PM Ground Zero For Graduat~ngstudents in Computer Science or Electrical and Computer Engineering Nitido 4130-6130PM DC 2577 For Graduating and Co-op students In Math or Eng~neering Philips Electronics 5.00-7:00 PM Laurel Room, SCH For Graduating and Co-opstudentsin Computer Wince or Engineering Tuesdav Feb 6 Trilogy 5:OO-7:00 PM University Club For Gradhating and C w p students in Math or Engineering 7:OO-9100PM Gmund Zero Sapient For Graduating and Coop students in Math or Eng~neering Wednesdav Feb 7 Motorola 11:00-7:00 PM SLC, Multipurpose For Graduating and C w p students in Math or Engineering lsopia Interactive Network 6:OO-8:00 PM Gmund Zem For Graduating and C w p students in Computer Science or Engineering Thursdav Feb 8 Enterprise Rent-A-Car 5100-7:00 PM Ground Zero For Graduating students in Arts, Env~mnmentalScience, or Math 12:OO-2:W and 5:00$:00 PM SLC, Multipurpose Nortel Networks For Graduating and Coop students in Math or Engineering



Imprint, Friday, February 2, 200 I

Volunteer to get drunk at the Beach Party MELANIE

Why the urgency?Well, it's just like those tricksters at Health Services to have a reason behind their fun. The Beach Party (sponsored the Personalsafety Committee)will take place in the SLC's great hall Friday February 9 at 7:00 pm and promises to not only be educational and raise awareness about vacation dangers, but also to be a ton of fun. The organizers wanted the event to happen right before Reading Week to ensure people are made aware (or reminded) of vacation-related dangers, such as drugs, alcohol usage, STDs, andthelike. "We want toraise awarenessabout safe choicesto make for Reading Week, to help students be safe while they're gone, so that they come back healthy, refreshed andready tostudy" saysLindaGrant, one of the event's organizers. Thisis the third year that Health Services(in co-operation with other on-campus groups) has thrown this . -


Imprint staff


hose crazy ladies at Health Services are at it again. The wild rippin' time everyone had at Single and Sexy back in Septemberwasn'tenough for them. They had to do something bigger, something better, something next week.

One of last~ear'svolunteers.


perfectly cut diamond.

kind of party, but in previousyears it was called Single and Sandy. The organizers didn't want the idea of the Beach Party. to get - confused with the dramaaspect of Single and Sexy, although the idea remains the same: to educateandinformstudents while they're too busy having fun to realize all the things they're learning along the way. The Beach Party will kick off with the Coffee House (due to its popularity the sign-up for acts has already reached its limit) at 7:00 pm where everyone can gather in their beach party costumes to listen to fellow students display their talent. The coffee house will be opening up with adrummerwho will be teaching any wannabe drummers what to do. UW's famous Breakdancerswill also be performing. The Mocktail competition following the Coffee House will allow 10 teams to prepare and then promote their fabulous non-alcoholic concoctions to a panel of celebrity judgesincludingCatherineScott, Bud Walker, Pam Charbonneau, and our very own Chris Farley. To enter a team you can call Heather Fitzgerald at ext. 6876. Officer Dan of the Waterloo Regional Police will be joining in the fun by monitoring three students who have volunteered (out of the kindnessof their hearts) toget drunk under supervision. Officer Dan will be giving them Breathalyzer tests throughout the night to show the

effects of alcohol consumption at different levels. Other activitiesincludelimbo, a hula-hooping contest, and trma games. Prizes will be awarded all eveninglong for the winners of different events as well as to those who come dressed in the best and most creative costumes. Just in case you really need a reason to get competitive, pr~zesincludegift certificatesto Chapters, HMV, and various local restaurants, and businesses on campus. At 10:00, the party will move into the Bomber where studentscan continue the fun with a pinata and take in the performance by Citi~en

Cain. All ages are welcome at the Beach Party as well in the Bomber. The cover at the Bomber that night will be waived for those who attend the Beach Party and get a stamp to prove it. The Beach Party has been a blast in the past and the range of activities is enough to make everyone look goofy, and then everyone has agreat time! So when you're partying hard over Readmg Week, whether at home or in some sunny, exotic locale, try to think back. You didn't have to sacrifice safety for fun at the Beach Party, so why do it now?

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lransgender communication


hen considering the queer community, so often the transgender (TG)comn~unitywithin it is overlooked. One of the first stumblingblocks isunderstandingthe terminology. Transgender is theumbrella term for people who find their physical sex is partially or completely different from their sense of gender. Gender identity is quite different fromsexual orientation. Indeed, TG people may be straight, bisexual, or gay. Similarly,some gay and bisexual people are transgendered, but most are not. The Ontario Human Rights Commission recently published its policy on gender identity after consulting with the transgender community. Includedin their document was aglossary of terms which define different types of transgenderism. Four main subtypes emerge from the definition of transgenderism. Intersex is an umbrella term in itself for people who are born with some combination of male and female traits. There are numerousvariations, mostly attributed to uncommon chromosomal groupings and chemical conditions in the womb. Most intersex conditions result in ~ infertility.

Intersex people are not generally identified as transgender or queer, but some do identify assuch. The term "intersex" replaces the inappropriate word "hermaphrodite." Cross dressers are generally happy with their birth sex, but feel more comfortable dressing and actingas the opposite sex. Drag Queens and Kings sort of fit into this category, although cross dressers usually do so on acontinual basis. Dame Edna and Ru Paul are two examples of cross dressers. The term "cross dressernreplaces the inappropriate word "transvestite." Transgenderists also act and dress as the opposite sex, although they feel that their sex is wrong. In spite of this, transgenderists choose not to seek gender reassignmentsurgery, although some will take hormones to surpress secondary sex characteristics. Transsexual is the type of TG most commonly recognized by lay people. A transexual does seek gender reassignment surgery. In Canada, transsexuals are legally recognized as the opposite sex. The government issues sex reassignment cards similar to a birth certificate.

The TGcommunity is therefore diverse in that some feel their sex is right, others wrong. Likewise, some feel that sex reassignment surgery is for them, for others it isn't. Some aren't even very transgendered at all, they simply enjoy actinganddressing as the opposite sex occasionally. And in the case of intersex people, they have no gender identiy issues, except that perhaps their sexual organs are different than most. Thereason intersex, crossdressers, transgenderists and transexuals are grouped together is twofold. First, all live with the realization that they are not totally male or female in a societywhich views "sex" and "gender" as the same thing and believes that people are either "male" or "female." Second, while many of the subtypes are cultures unto themselves, they find strength in numbers since transgenderism, like queerism is uncommon and often misunderstood. Learning about the differences and diversity of TG people is an important first step towards understanding the issues which affect the TG community separate from the LGB community.

Imprint. Friday. February 2. 200 1

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Imprint staff


n the whole, the British have areputation for being kind of stuffy, some might even say stiff. Unfortunately British "cuisine" has been given the same bland boringreputation as the Royal Guards. However. evidence such as classic Benny Hill episodes point to the presence of a wild streak in those crazy Brits, and you can find it in their food. When you look closely at the food of the common folk, things like Bangers and Mash (sausages and mashed potatoes), Toad in the Hole (sausages in a kind of a casserole with a crust) or the fact that they would fancy something called Fly Pie, the raisinslookedlike dead flies that had fallen into the pie, make it easy to see right through that stiff facade to the sense of humour that's working right under the surface, one that has based almost an entire cuisine on double entendres. I thought these two recipes would be fun and they're pretty tasty. Bothare fairly simple to make, although the dessert may be slightly more complicated. Happy cooking!

SPOTTED DICK (serves6) The name for this dish is fairly self-explanatory; whenit comesout of the roll, it looks justlike. . .well you get the picture. Ingredients:

1cup flour, self-rising 1pinch salt 112 cup margarine or butter 114 cup icing sugar (superfine) 112 cup raisins (add more if you like raisins) 6 Tbsp water Directions:

Have ready asheet of foil or adouble thickness of wax paper brushed with melted margarinel butter

Sieve the flour and the salt. Rub in the margarine Add the sugar and raisins Mix in the water to make a soft dough Turn out onto a floured board and form into a roll Wrap loosely but securely in the wax paper or foil Tie or seal the ends Steam for 1 112 to 2 hours Serve with hot custard sauce or sprinkle with icing sugar

This is a recipe with a voice (kind of like Rice Krispies). When you put all the ingredients together in the pan you can hear them bubbling and squeaking while they cook.



Vote for next ear's executive and council or the Federation of Students! Campaigning startsJan. 31st, 2001 e-voting starts Feb. 9th, 2001

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2 Tbsp butter 1 finely chopped onion 2 cups boiled and shredded cabbage 2 cups mashed potatoes

FEDERATIONOF STUDENTS University of Waterloo

Got a brain? Like to use it? We need %eative ideas and exciting people to help plan the CASA Brain Tour- hitting UW this month. Think your brain can hack it? Contact Mark Schaan Feds office or at fedvped@feds.uwaterloo.ca.


Heat butter in large skilletand fry onion over low heat for 5 minutes or until softened Addcabbage (shouldbe boiled for 15minutes previously) andstir over low heat for 2 minutes Fold in mashed potatoes till well blended Press mixture lightly with back of spoon to form large pancake Cook for 5 min till browned lightly Turn and brown 2nd side for 5 minutes If you don't like cabbage, or you feel like being a creative chef you can make your own variation to the recipe andadd whateverveggie you want. I would suggest something like spinach, broccoli, or even mushrooms. Make sure that you lightly steam or cook your vegetable of choice before adding it to the recipe.

@ Ground Zmu

Think no one cares about your debt? Think the government lives in a vacuum never knowing what it's really like to be a student? Tell them. Help us show them Real Students, Real Debt. This exciting OUSA campaign kicks off in March and Mark Schaap, VP Education needs students to help ensure everyone understands the real trials of being a university student. Interested? Contact Mark at x2340 or e-mail him.

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Home sweet home T

he conference I was attending had just f~nlshed,and I was considering going to Toronto. So when one of the people I'd met offered me a ride, I made my decision and jumped in the car. Off we went. I had barely met this individual, but he gave me the last seat is his car. As we drove, I talked about calling friends from his house to findaplace to stay for the weekend. Nonsense, he told me, and offered his house as a place to stay. He was married with two kids, but that didn't matter. The night before, he explained, eleven people, most of whom they hadn't know beforehand, had come over for dinner, andsomehadstayedthenight. They hadguests all the time, soitwasnoproblem. I thanked him for the invitation but still said I would try to call my friends first. When we arrived, I triedcalling my friends but I couldn't get through or they weren't home, so Isomewhat reluctantly agreed to stay. My hesistation wasonly because I felt like I was imposing since I was pretty much a complete stranger, except for the trivial conversation (or two) that we'd had. I just couldn't believe the generosity of these people. Aride toToronto, my own bed,

my own room, a towel, food, even a dry pair of socks. And it wasn't like a student residence. These were two adults with a family and a permanent place, but they were eager to share both with me. I felt as welcome there as I do in my own home. We stayed up talking for hours, about all kinds of things. We arguedabout religiousand philisophical ideas. Here's one: if free will means free independent choice, then even if animals only operate on instinct, how do they choose between twoinstincts? For example, if an animal is hungry but also tired, how does it decide which need to hlfill first? There must be some sort of cognitive decision, and how is that different from a choice? These kinds of questions were pondered long into the night. And during the day, they let me wander around the house and explore. They had a rather funky drumset in the basement which was fun to play. No one came down "to check" on me or anything, Iwas free to do as I pleased. It made me decide that that's how I want to have a home. The house didn't own them and they didn't own the house. Instead, they had a home to share. And I thank them for sharing that home with me.

Super Audio: is it as good as it sounds? MAQDALENA K O ~ S ~ ~ C ~ N A speeiaf to Imprint


new datamedium is arriving on the audio scene. The Super Au&o CD, by Philips and Sony Corporation, was recently released to a mixed reception from consumers and the scientificcommunity. While the new systemsavesdata inasimplerform than the traditional compact disc, resulting in less expensive storage, Doctors Lipshitz and Vanderkooy of UW's audiolab, argue that these advantages do not make up for the inherent flaws in the system. Members of the audiolab have been studying how to precisely encode soundinvarious storage media since the 1980s, and are largely responsible for several major advances in high-quality recordings. They argue that flawsin thesuper Audio CD cannot be solved by any degree of datamanipulation, implyingthatthe system isinherently worse than systems on the market today. Sound travels through space as a continuous wave, called an analogue signal. T o convert sound to a format which can be stored on a compact disc, the analogue wave is examined a number of times per second, and at eachinstant the wave is approximated by a number. This type of signal iscalled adigital signal, and the numbers used in this representation can be stored on media such as the CD. While digital audio signals have many advantages over analogue ones, such as cleaner and more easily modifiable sound, difficulties arise in trying to convert the analoguesoundsyou hear into strings of numbers. For a digital signal to store all the information held in an analogue wave, the words must be infinitely long or the signal must be sampled with infinite frequency. A CD stores data in 16-bit (or 16-digit)words, witheachwordrep-


Vanderkooy and Lipshitzarebetter than the wheel thing. resenting the signal at a given moment in time. In real digital systems, information is lost in the process of conversion. These lossescan result in distorted sounds and background noise. The challenge thenlies increating a signal storage method that holdsenough information about the original wave so that the differences are not audible to the human ear. The Super Audio CD operates on the same principles as a standard CD, with the main exception being thatthe signal issampledmuchmore frequently and is stored in one-bit words instead of the standard CD's 16-bit words. This makes storage much simpler, proving useful in applications such as portable players and cellular phones, but, according to research done by members of the audiolab, results in a system with inherent problems. "The [signal]precision has been reduced too far," Lipshitz told Imprint. "It's an inherently flawedsystem that can be made to work surprisingly well, but can never bemade to work perfectly." The storage mechanismbehind the standard CD is so precise that original high-quality audio from a

master CD can be reproduced with very little, if any, audible difference. The secret behind this is an idea, which has been under development in the audiolab since the mid-198Os, calleddithering. The processof &theringinvolves adding correction factors to digital signals to account for lost information. In principle, dithering a signal involvesactually adding - noise of certain specificcharacteristics. This addition ensures that a varying background noise becomes a constant one, which can then either be subtracted or shifted to a frequency where it is imperceptible. Properly dithering a 16-bit signal on a standard CD can actually gain severalbitsof perceived quality, making it very close to the original 20-bit master CD sound. The differences, in fact, between the original sound and that recorded on the CD are so minute that they will be virtually imperceivableto the human ear. No amount of dithering, however, can make up for the loss of quality which occurs by converting an analoguesignal to a single-b~tdigital one as on a Super Audio CD. Despite this fact, it is possible that other advantages of the Super Audio CD will gain some portion of the market share. While the emphasis of the music industry l ~ eheavily s on high-quality recordings, consumer demand has recently been changing. Demand is growing for compact, easily transferable music files, with less emphasis on maintenance of original quality. "Whether it [the Super Audio CD] will succeed or not, I don't know," Lipshitz said. "Most of the public really doesn't seem terribly upset with low quality. If they're happy with MP3 files, they're not looking for quality.. "I think what issilly [withregard to the Super Audio CD] is to adopt a format which is intrinsically worse than the one we've got," he said.


We're just examiningthetypicalWestern student.






Let it snow, let it snow JEREMY CRANE special to Imprint

his week at UW The team opened the Toronto tourna- ' .@ent with a 7-3 win over the Western mustangs. They continued their scoring < * ;yith a 7-0 shut-out over the Carleton ;$avens. The team had its only loss of the in its third game against To-+tgurnament " %onto. The fourth opponent of the week-" was Queen's. Again the women used r balanced attack and shut-out the den Gaels2-0 on goals by Erin Morton In the final game, the Warriors deYork by a score of 4-3. Waterloo d the tournament with a 4-1-0 cord andcurrently sit insecond place in e OUA.

The womea's~team entered their game against Guelph last week riding a two game'winning streak that wouldunfortuaately come t o an end. Guelph handed W a d o o athree sets to one defeat. Wa~ Q defeated O the Gryphons in the seca n d s e t 2 5 2 1 after losing the first 25-22. Guelphthen tookcommandof the match wltha2$1Oand25-11 setwinstotakethe mat&Against WLU, the Warriors fell in h e s t r a i g h t sets, 25-15,25-17,25-16. Thewarriors now sit in fifth place in the OUAWest, just four pointsout of fourth. *, .,The men's team opened their weekknd-with a 3 sets to 1 victory over the B g I p h Gryphons. They took the first set :%-I8 and then lost the second 25-22. Afxer that, Waterloo never looked back &ith 26-24 and25-20 set scorestowin the faatch. I, Later in the week, the team was "dropped by Toronto 3 sets to 0. The 'Warriors came close in the f i s t set (2523), but fell apart in the later two losing 25-14 and 25-19.

In women's play, achange in strategy between West Sectionals and Crossovers was truly outstanding. Unfortunately basic fundamental execution was the Achilles heel for the Warriors. Waterloo fell 95 toToronto and 12-6 to Queen's, and as a result, missed qualifying for the OUA Championship. Inmen'splay, skip Chris Schellended his varsity curling career on a disappointing note to an otherwise exceptional varsity curling career. The Warriors managed to win two of their first four games in the bonspiel. They defeated Nippissing 10-9 and RMC 11-0 but fell 7-4 toTorontoand 105 to Queen's. Those two wins left Waterloo in a must win situation against McMaster. Unfortunately, Waterloo ran into a hot shot maker in the McMaster third who threw eight double take-outs and in turn, threw out any hope of Waterloo advancing to the OUAchampionship. Waterloo lost to McMaster 8-4.


he blessingof this year's snowflakeshas taken the Nordic ski team around the province. Thisyear'sexhausting racing season began in November and is culminating on February 10-11 with the OUA finals. Recently the Waterlooteam has been showingthe other universitieswhat the Warriorscan doon skitrailsasthey competedin the University Cup races in Haliburton and North Bay. The Haliburton race was the f i s t chance for the men's team to strut their stuff in front of their Laurentian Universityrivals. Competition was fierce, with the Laurentian team taking a small lead after Saturday's 15 km classic race. However, the Warriors owned Sunday's 10km skate race asJustin Faulkner took to the podium for the first time in hisOUAcareer. He was followedcloselyby veteransJeremy Crane in 4th and Charles Curtis in 5th. These top placings rocketed the Warrior men into first overall for the competition. The women's team also had a strong showing in Haliburton,highhghted by rookie Andrea Dupont's bronze medal in the classic race. A junior national medallist, Andrea has made an impressiveleap into the senioruniversity ranks. This performance, coupled with Mary Ellen Wood's 9th and l l t h along with Kelly Skinner's 12th and 17th launched the Warrior women into third place ahead of their nemesis Queens. Other great performances by Warriors on this weekend were Kyle Guembel's 9th and

CharlesCurtisfinishedfifth in the 1.0krnskate race. l l t h , Ken Murray's 14th and 19th, Greg Brigley's 17th and29th, JamieTremain1s22nd and 25th, Chris Naylor's 39th and 33rd, Monica Henrique's 17th and 15th, Terri Hancock's 16th, Wendy Corriveau's 15th andlath, and Bettina Hans' 29th and 26th. This past weekendwas thesecond University Cup race, with breathtaking competition at the North Bay venue. Rookie Dupont pulled out a spectacular result with a second place in the skate race, ahead of Laurentian's Beckie Laasko, amember of Canada's World University Games team. Dupont was followed by teammates Wood (llth), Skinner (12th), Henriques (19th), Corriveau (22nd), Terri Hancock (18th), and Bettina Hans (34th).


Themost gutsy performance was put in by Colleen Lynch, who finished 19th. This effort is extremely impressive due to the cast she wears for a wrist brokenin early January at the winter training camp. Two more silver medals were collected on the weekend by "FreightTrainn Curtis, showing that his months of dedicated training have paid off as he chargedaround the courses. The men's team was rounded out by FaulknerYs3rd and 4th place, Murray's 9th, his first top ten place in OUA racing and Crane's consistent 1Othplace finishes. The men were missing one of their Big please see page 19

Climb anv mountain C R A I G HAWTHORNE special to Imprint


he UW Outers Club kicked off t h e grand opening of the BoulderingWall on Wednesday,January 17. Although the Outers Club Bouldering Wall has been in operation for quite some time, the final phase was just recently completed. The BoulderingWall now boasts one vertical wall, one 15 degree overhang and the Cave, which stretches from wall to wall. WhereisitandhowcanIaccessit,youask? It's easy. The BoulderingWallis locatedin the PAC 1068 (formerly Squash Court #I). You vurchaseamembershiv from the UW Outers Clubanditgivesyouunlimitedaccessto the Bouldering Wall all term. As long as the PAC is open, you can climb. But there's a lot more to the Outers Club than justtheBouldering Wall. The OutersClub is very active. Whether it's hiking in places as close as Schneider's Farm and the Elora Gorge, or cross-country skiing in Algonquin,you can bet that they'll go there. To participate in the Outers Club, you don't need to be an expert. You just need to enjoy having fun in the outdoors. In the fall term, the club went on hiking, canoeing and kayaking trips all over Ontario. This term promises to be just as busy. This past Saturday, a group 17 strong spent a day cross-country skiing at scenic Hilton Falls. Some upcoming events include overnight


campingin Algonquin and skiingat Mountsberg, just to name a few. To enjoy the outdoors you need equipment. The Outers Club provides quality rental equipment at extremely modest prices. The Equ~pmentRoom (ER)is locatedin PAC 2010 (Blue South). The ER is open every Tuesday andThursdayfrom4:30-5:30. Drop bytorent

equipment, find out about upcoming events, get advice, or just to say hi. In addition to trips and equipment rentals, they offerboulderingclinicsandkayakingclinics. They have an upcoming bouldering clinic on February 6. The novice classstartsat 6 p.m. andintermediate classstartsat 6:30. Toparticipate, just show up at the specified time (although you must be a member of the Outers Club). There is also an Open House on February 7, starting at 6 p.m. Come out and try the Bouldering Wall for free. We are very excitedtobe offeringkayaking clinics this term. The first two are February 4, 8-10 p.m. and February 8 from 8:30-10:30 p.m. Cost is $3 per person. Sign up for kayaking clinics on a sheet posted outside the ER. The Outers Club holds meetings every Monday evening. It's here that trips are discussed and planned. Following the meeting is a Monday Night Activity - which includes skating, tobogganing, sleigh rides, slide shows, andworkshops. If you areinterestedin joining the Outers Club or just want to know more about them, feel free to drop by the Equipment Room or, better yet, come to one of their Monday night meetings. Meetings are held in Modern Languages 104 and start at 6:30 p.m. Another great way to keep tabs on Outers Club activities is to check out their Web site at http://watservl.uwaterloo.ca/-outers/ frontpge.html.



Imprint, Friday, February 2 , 200 I

He's in the big leagues now NICOLE FAWCETTL Imprint intern


ongratulations go out to ChrisKreibich, awide receiver for thewarriorswho recently signedadeal with the Canadian Football League's (CFL)Montreal Alouettes.The UW Kinesiology student received a two-year minimum contract with the Alouettes, which included a thud-year option aswell. Warriors Football Head Coach, ChrisTriantafilou, said that the contractwaslong overdue. Last yearwas "a championship year for us. We were with the National Championships, and Chris, through the whole year, played well butwasn't drafted, and of course the MontrealAlouettes were smart enough and keen enough to sign him right after the end of our season and their season, seeing a brilliant prospect for them." Kreibich agreed that the contract was overdue. "It was a little bit frustrating at the beginning because I didn't know if things were going to work out. I was confident with my abilities, but it was just a matter of getting exploited," said Kreibich. Marshall Bingeman, Assistant coach, estimatedthatKreibichwould probably be playing a slot backposi-

tion, which is a mid-side receiver position. "They are one of the top teamsinthe CFL. So, right now, what Chris ought to do is compete for a spot that has a backup staff position as a special teams player. Covering kicks, blocking for kicks and all that stuff, because that's how youmake it in the CFL," said Bingeman. Chris Kreibich and Warrior quarterbak Ryan Wiknson, are the newest additionsto the crowd of athletes that have made it to the ranks of the CFL. It was just announced on Monday that Wilkinson had signed a contract with the Hamiliton Tiger-Cats. Others that have been drafted in the past five

y ears include Jarret Smith, a r u ~ i n g back for Hamilton,ArekBiios,kicker with the Argos, Jason Van Geel, linebacker for Hamiliton, and Jason Tibbits, a defensive back drafted by Hamilton. Kreibich's father coaches football, and he said he began playing at ayoungage. "Iwasreally excited, it's something I've always worked for and wanted, so it's definitely a very exciting part of my life," he said. "He'sreally looking forward to it and he deserves a shot. He really works hard, he'sin the weight room, he's running, he takes extra reps in the ball machine, he works really hard with the receiver's coach to prepare for games. it just comes through how focussed he becomes in doing agreat job out there and being prepared for it," said Bingeman. "Alot of teams made inquiries; Montreal wasvery aggressive. They came after Chris, they knew a lot about him, they did their homework and signed him the first possible day ofwhen they can, as a CFLteam, sign a potential prospect," said Triantafilou. The 6'3", 210 Ibs Kreibichwillbe packing up and leavingWaterloo for Montreal in the springwhen he joins the Alouettes for their trainingcamp in June. .

Athletes of the Week

Peter Stefanuto Warrior Hockey

Jessa Jennings Warrior Indoor Hockey

A fourth year Pre-Optometry student from Sudbury, Ontario, Peter led the Warriorsto a 6-2 victory over the Ryerson Rams. Peter joined the Warriorsat Christmasand hasmade a big impact on the team. Against Ryerson, Peter recorded a hat trick scoring3times in the win last Sunday. This win puts the Warriors in 2nd place in the Far West division. Next action for Peter and the Warriors is Friday, February 2, vs. York at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, February 4, vs. Guelph at 2 p.m. Bothgameswillbeplayedat the Columbia IcefieldArena.

Asecond year Arts student fromVictoria, British Columbia, Jessa helped pace the Warriors to a4-1 record this past weekend at the first leaguetournament in Toronto. The Warriors had wins against Carlton, Queen's, Western, andYork. Their only setback was a 3-2 defeat against archrivalToronto. Jessa, the OUA Rookie of the Year in 2000, scored five times in the five games. Waterloo is now in 2nd place, one point behind Toronto. Jessaand the Warriors next tournament is February 10-11 at Carleton.


Western drowns in Warriors' wake LISA MAINS special to Imprint


ast Saturday the Western Mustangspaid a muchanticipated visit to the PAC pool. TheWarrior swim team was pumped and ready to go with almost a full squad, with the return of key co-op students including CIAU qualifier Gennifer Sweny and captain Leslie Dowson. Last year the women lost to the Western women by one point and are not prepared to lose again. The Warriorwomen easilywon all the distance events, but ran into some problemsagainst astrongWestern sprinting team. Julie Steinberg (200111 IM, breaststroke and 800mfreestyle)and Lindsay Beavers (loom, 200111, and

40011-1freestyle) won each of their three events and contributed major points to the Warrior's total score tally. Sweny won the 200m butterfly with a classic Gen Swenyfinish. She was also second in the 200m breaststroke. Melissa Thomas was in fine form as she raced to apair of third place finishes in the lOOm backstroke and freestyle. ChristyBell showedher versatility by sprinting her way to third place in SOm butterfly and freestyle, as well as finishing third in 200111 backstroke. Natalie Boruvka raced her way to second placein the SOm freestyle andbutterfly.CourtneyMitchellwas second in the SOm backstroke while

Kristen Brawley won the 200111 backstroke. Leslie Dowson (third) and ArleighRobertson(fourth)wentthe distance, swimmingboth the 400m and 800m freestyle.

narrowly missingqualifyingfor CIAU competition. Leewasalsosecondin theSOmbutterflyand Rohmannwas third in 200m Individual Medley


The Warrior swim team was pumped and ready to go. Beavers, Thomas, Steinbergand Sweny won the 4xl00m freestyle relay, whileMitcheU,Sweny, Boruvka and Jenny Scott were second in the 4xl00m medley relay. The men fared better in the sprints with captain Kurt Rohmann winning SOm backstroke and Alan Lee winning the SOm breaststroke,

Dave Rose (200111 freestyle. backstroke and b"ttdrfly) and Peter Londry (loom,

'Oomandwon a11 of their style) freeevents. Daniel McKerrall swamwellwith personalbest timesin both the 400m and 800m freestyle, while placing a strong third in the 800m. Jay Kinnear came out of the second heat to beat all the Western swimmers and take second in the 400m freestyle. Dave Cescon brought the 'but-

Fri., Feb. 2,2001 vs York ~eomen:7:30PM 4,2001 vs Guelph G hons, 2 PM Columbio lcefi$d%no .a.t...h...e....UW ................................................................

Warrior Basketball

terfly machine' out of retirement to finish in third place in the 200m butterfly. ~ r a h a m~astrebski e sprinted to second and third place finishesin the 50m freestyle i d breaststroke respectively. Andrew Moffat was second in 200111 IMand Carlo Distefano was second in 200m breaststroke. Greg Roderick, Distefano, Rose and Kurt Rohmann combined to win the 4xlOOmmedley relay, whiie Kurt Rohmann, Craig Wills, Londry and Jastrebskiweresecondin the4x100m freestyle relay. In the end, the score wasn't even close as the Warrior women won 117- 105,themenwon 124.5-97.5. The results from this weekend bode well asthe Warriors begin their final preparations for OUAchampionships, February 9-11in Toronto.

i n s b u c h x s , ~trainen,m rmyc~le~interestedin the topk. Contad R e b a at at 5034 or PAC2053 for registratim details.


Heart & Stroke Volleyball Tournament


Saturdav, F e b w 10.2Wl

raisos! Re,@trah'on


is T&,

~ebnrmy6,'4 PM

UW Ski & Snowboard Club 7he W S k i and Snowboard Club is heading to Devils Glen on Feb. 8. Register now m PAC 2039. Only $35 fa your ticketrmd transportation.

Imprint, Friday, February 2, 2001



The ski team has a great season Volleyball anyone?

8. This private club islocated on the Niagara Escarpment south of The second annual Campus Recrea- Collingwood and it boasts eighteen tion Heart and Stroke Volleyball ski hillsanda half pipe.UWSSC memTournament is taking place on Feb- bers need to pay only $35 for their ruary 10. This one-day tournament lift ticket and transportation to Devis open to U W student teams as well il's Glen. Spotson this trip are going ascommunity,facultyandstaffteams. fast. Register in PAC 2039 by MonThere will be an open division and a day, February 5 to get in on the deal co-ed division, where two women of the season! are required on the court at all times. Every team is guaranteed three . Divas ready to strike round-robin and everyone makesthe playoffs. Participants raise For the past three terms, the womasmuchmoney aspossible, andprizes en's ball hockey team, "The Divas," will be awarded to the top four teams have been playing hard in the Camand the top individual fundraiser. pus Recreation competitive C diviEach team must raise or pay a mini- sion. The team, comprisedof Ismaili mum of $60, and all proceeds go to Muslims, has yet to play this year but the Heart and Stroke Foundation of are looking forward to a fun-filled Canada. Teams must register by Feb- season of play. These "Divas" may not have had the most impressive ruary 6, in PAC 2039. seasonsin the past, but are definitely very competitive and keep games Ski and snowboard close against the other C teams. This day trip is the first time many of the 17 team The UW Ski and Snowboard Club members have played hockey. The (UWSSC)has organizedaday trip to team travels to many tournaments, Devil's Glen on Thursday, February organized by other Ismaili Muslim


1s week, I should be pre-view mg Vincent McMahon's new Extreme Football League. I should be talking about how "Good Old" Jim Ross and Jesse "The Governor" Ventura will provide commentary on the game and my desire of seeing Chyna o n the sideline in her typical leather outfit with a microphone. Unfortunately, tragedy and death both have an unique way of throwing awrench into the machinery. And when it involves a varsity team, it is especially important for a university. As a reporter who has covered everything from ice hockey to football (or soccer for barbarians who obviously aren't as erudite or articulate as Europeans), such a tragedy hits home harder than a football kicked by Pele to the groin and begs the question, "What would happen if it happened in our fair land?" For those who know not what I speak of, the tragedy is of the eight Oklahoma Statepersonnel who were killed Saturday night 40 km east of Denver, Colorado in a plane crash. Among the dead were Nate Fleming, who was a redshirt and a reserve for the Cowboys, Daniel Lawson, who played but did not score in Oklahoma State's 81-71 loss against the Universityof ColoradoBuffaloes,Will Hancock (sports information), Pat Noyes (&rector of basketball operations), Brian Luinstra (trainer),Jared Weiberg (student manager), Kendall Durfey (broadcast engineer), Bill Teegins (broadcaster), pilot Denver Mills and co-pilot Bjorn Falistorm. TheBeechcraftKingAir200 Catpass, the plane that was flown on the night of tragedy, is often used by Texas Tech and Texas.

As expected, the community is rallyingaroundthe schoolwith their coddoiences and the game on January3 1between OklahomaState and Texas Tech is postponed. This recent airplane crash has brought backmemoriesof past catastrophes. In 1970, theNCAA had to dealwith twocrashes. In October, 14 Wichita StateAmerican footballplayers lost their lives in Colorado. A month later, 37 players of the Marshall UniversityAmericanfootball team perished outside Huntington, West Virginia. Sevenyearslater, 14 Evansville basketball players and their head coach were killed in a plane crash in Evansville, Indiana. The earliestincident of student athletes killed in a plane crash was in 1960. There, 16 members of the Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo American football team lost their lives. A macabre roster that shows the vulnerability of man indeed. The varsity teams here do not have the luxury of playing in games

groups, throughout the season and use theirplayingtimeinthecampus Recreationleagueaspracticefor these competitive tournaments. Don't exp e a these women to be divas on the court;, this team never shys away from male opponentseven if it means apossiblesuspension(whichhashappened toaDivaplayer). Look forthis team to play competitively in this coming ball hockey season and best of luck to all "Diva" players.

Join a club U W is home to a number of clubs including archery, badminton, curling, fencing, jugghng, kendo, martial arts, outers, rowing, ski and snowboarding, table tennis, mountain biking and ultimate. The clubs usually have aminimal fee to join and many arestill acceptingmembers.To join a club, check out the Campus Recreation Guidebook or look on the clubs bulletin board in the PAC hallway near the equipment centre to find out when the group meets and to get contact information.

where planesbecome necessary. Since most teamsare funded by theuniversity, thismeans that wheia team goes on a road trip, it is by bus. Unlike the NCAA, a team does not have to go from one end of the country to the other in a regular seasongame. Let's face it: the University of Waterloo will not, any time soon, play the University of British Columbiain aregular season game in any sport. Still, we shouldnot be toococky. As the bus drivers of QuCbec have shown time and time again, one isn't evensafe on abus. Okay, that's abad example,butthe point stillgetsacross. Right now, the season for Oklahomastateis up in the air. There has beentalkof cancellingtheseason,but I don't think that will happen. Instead, expect the Cowboys to dedicate the rest of the season to their fallencomrades, fight the good fight and march right into the Big 12Tournament with their heads held high. I think that iswhatFlemingandLawson wouldexpect from their teammates.

the week Maggie Harkness MaggiehasbeenaUbehindthe scenesn contributor to many Campus Recreation events. Among them include presenting at the CIRA conference, administrative coordinator for Aquatics, member of the UW guard team for six terms, regular participant in training swims, a dedicated and attentivelifeguard for five terms. In addition, Maggie is presently a Don and great role model for first year students. Kudos to Mags and good luck in future endeavours!

continued from page 17

Guns this past weekend as Kyle Guembel stayed home to restup and get healthy for the Championship battle. GregBrigleysolidifiedhisposition as the 6th OUAteammember over the weekend, while rookieJamie Tremain, and veterans Joel Kamnitzerand Chris Naylor raced hard demonstrating the depth that is Waterloo's secretweapon. Amidst these OUA weekends, the Guelph Ski team hosted a spectacular sprint race in their university football stadium. Sprints are evolving as the new form of Nordic ski racing in which racers compete head to head in an elmination format. Withmusic blaring and snow flying, skiers snaked

around the 600m course, to the cheers of adoring Guelph spectators. The night sprint races were extremely successful for the Warriors asDupont and Crane brought home two golds and Skinner a bronze. With allskiermoving like shooting stars, the quest for a second OUA championship under the excellent direction of coach Don MacKinnon is certainly withinreach. The next two weeks will be a taperingperiod for the skiersas they rest their bodies and prepare their minds and equipment for the Ottawachampionship on February 1011. While the outcome is yet to be determined, the ferociousnessof the Waterloo skiers is sure to make it an event to remember.

The skiers moved like shooting stars.

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Imprint, Friday, February 2, 2001

Adventures in basketball; on the court KERRY O ' B R I P N Imprint staff


very game seems to be an adventure," says Tom Kieswetter, men's basketball coach. "We demonstrate that every time we play." He'sreferring, of course, to the tumultuous beginning of the basketball season for the Warriors. After .a stunning home-opener which saw the Warriors topple the highly-ranked Western Mustangs (84-69), the team has stumbled through their last six games, sitting at 2-5 (win-loss) and struggling with inconsistentplay on bothoffense and defense. Much of this can be attributed to the fact that nearly half of the 15 spots on the team belong to rookies. Stepping up to the high standard of play in the OUA West is tough on any player, let alone on a team with six greeners. This isn't to say that the games haven't been exciting; in fact, this year'steam hasmade for some of the

most excitingWarriorbasketballsince the CIAU Championship team of 1974175. Two of those losses were "heartbreakers" according to Kieswetter. "Last Saturdayagainst Brockwe played probably thirty-five minutes of outstanding basketball. We had them shut down defensively, offensively we were confident. . . in five minutes we seemed to get rattled at times, we had some concentration lapses as far as shooting," he says. The Warriors wound up dropping the game in the last minutes by a score of 71-69. Part of the loss can be attributed to the fact that the Warriorslost veteransConrad Kreek and Dan Schipper to fouls in the closingminutes,whichallowedBrock to slideahead by four points with less than two minuts remaining. Despite a pair of threes from Shane Cooney to tie the game with ten secondsleft, the Warriors were unable to prevent a last-second field goak from Brock. "To play for 40 minutes hard is achallenge," he said. "In some games

we'll go for largestretches of consistent intensity compared to others." Waterloo's reliance on its rookies hasn't been without resu1ts.Young players, like forward Mike Sovran and starting point guard Bryan Nichol, have shown that they are ready and willing to step up to the next level. "Mike Sovran has shown that he isa big time player and aplayer to watch in the future. michol shows] the intelligence, composure, poise anddecisisionmakingofastar to be." Whencoupledwithveteransldce 6'10" post Dan Schipper and Shane Cooney (who scored 32 points aginst~rock),the ~ a r r i o r s kdefie nitely a force to be reckoned with. Part of the Warrior basketball tradition is fan support. The Warriors look to the stands for their energy, and student admission is free. Come out this weekend as the Warriors take o n the Lakehead Nor'Westers Friday and Saturday nights. The women play at 6:OO p.m. and the men follow at 8:00 p.m.

High action makesaslowstartto theseasonworthwatching.

Stew BFDDlu

UW invited to run with Nike special to Imprint


he UWTrack andField team had a successful weekend at the Nike Invitational Track meet at the University of Toronto. The Warriors finished the day with 1 7 season personal bests (SPB), 10 lifetime personal bests (LTPB) and one varsity record. The varsity record fell in the


women's shot put competition as rookie powerhouse Kristy Heemskerk heaved a throw of 11.35m. Look out for Kristy as she attempts the pentathalon. She can do it all. A SPB in the 60m hurdles proves just that. In men's track, the 6Om team of Neal Roberts,Adrian Blair and Adrian Buchanan all finished with SPB performances. Veteran Paul Gill and Daniella

Carrington continued to show their domination of the sprint events. Gill impressed the competition in the 300m racing against two of the fastestrunners in the country,Alexandre Marchand of Sherbrooke and the Luis Vega Penso of York. Comingoff the second turn, Gill gave Marchand a run for his money. AlthoughGillendedupfinishingthird in the competition, he showed these runners that he is not to be brushed



aside. Gill is currently fourth in the CIAU rankings. Carrington also wowed the crowd with a LTPB performance in the 300m. Carrington's time of 40.42s now ranks her third in the country. The 300111proved to be a good race for boththemen and the women asNicolaWhite,AUessia Ceh, Christy Shantz, Angie Ross, Pierre Labreque, and Adrian Blair all had SPBs. LTPBs were attained by rookiesPaul Monte, Joe Brown and Kristy Heemskerk. The women's 600m saw SPBs by Nicola White, Jill Patterson, Allison Salter andaLTPB by Christy Shantz. On the menlsside,veteranPierre Labreque finished second demonstrating that he is ready to challenge for an OUAA medal this season. George Shamoun showed his


determination running a great race in his first 600111. In the lOOOm race StephanDrew finished third overall with a LTPB. Alastair Lawrencefollowed in fourth with aSPBand Will Gibbons finished fifth with a LTPB in distance running. Rookies Kim Neumayer and Kevin Smith both had a great day in the 15OOm,finishingwith LTPB's. Debbie Buhlers dominated in the 3000m event, lapping her competitors and attaining a SPB. Debbie currentlyholdsthe number oneranking in CIAU. Pentathlete Ange Player finished fourth in the hurdles and earned a season's best performance in the high jump. Rookie polevaulter Erin Kurzak finished5thand showedsome of her speed on the runway.


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N O T VALID WITH V.I.P. C A R D S I C O U P O N E X P I R E S Februarv 16.~2001


Laugh your FASS off 2001: A FASS Oddity Humanities Theatre February 1-3

KERRY O'BRIZN AND CHRISTINE PRASHAD lmprint staff and special to lmprint


aculty, Alumni, Students and Staff (or FASS) is an annual event on campus. Stretching back since time immemorial, FASS has constantly provided a home for actors who don't necessarily have any actingexperience. Each year they also write an entirely new musical/ comedy, rewrite old tunes to make ones relevant to today (and to UW in particular), and manage to throw a few parties in the process. Producer/Actor John Milne describes this year's show as a mishmash. "Take every sci-fi show or movie, throw them in a pot, add comedy, remove the special effects and you've got FASS." 2001:A FASS Oddity is a little something for everyone: a little dance, a little song, a lot of parody and some jokes about mathies. This year brought anew crop of FASSies to the fore front. "We have alot of new talent this year, which is really good," commented Milne. "One of our toughest jobs was not giving [some] people singing parts." The songs proliferate in this year's production. A rollicking ver-

Most of the play is geared towards one-liners and parody. The acting for the most part was good, with only a few botched lines. The quartet of vampires who provided a sub-plot between set changes were especially entertaining, brimming with sass and eliciting quite a few laughs from the crowd. They also picked up and managed to resurrect aslightly slack subplot featuring some characters from Highlander. The best touch of the entire production was the kill counter mounted on the left of the stage. Every death, from the highest commander to the lowest red shirted security guard, was recorded. You might have not~ceda lot of parody goingin. DidImention there was parody? The Simpsons, Austin Powers, Dr. Who, every Star Trek spinoff you can think of, Monty Python, Grease it's all here. FASS willnever be the best-aaed, best-rehearsed, most polished theatre company on campus. But what they lackinformal training they more than make up for in enthusiasm and comedy relevant not to Canadians, not to Ontarians, but to University of Waterloostudentsspecifically. Catch 2001: A FASS Oddity tonight a t 7:00 p.m. and 10:OO p.m. and February 3 a t 8:00 p.m. in Hagey Hall. Call the Humanities Theatrebox officeat 888-4908fortickets.

. ..


Icommandyou to killthe FASStard. sion of "Who Put the Bomp" between a futuristic hologram and a futuristic android provided some swingin' dance moves and got the audience clapping. Whilesomesongsfellalittle flat,

for the most part the musical numbers were well-rehearsed and produced. Takeoffs included "Blame Canada"fromtheSouthParkmovie, Bruce Cockburn's "Loversin aDangerous Time" (as arranged by the

Barenaked Ladies), and others. Since there are about seven differentplotthreadsrunninginaFASS show, it is nearly impossible to describe with any clarity what is going on at any paticular moment.

A good dose of love and murder The Last Resort Waterloo Stage Theatre January 18-February 17 KSRRY O'BRIEN Imprint staff


he Last Resort is a show that efiesdescription.One might call it acomedy-murder mystery-musical. Butthe unique writing of Norm Foster and the talented performances of the cast make it more than an imprecise mixing of genres can possibly describe. Set in a remote hotel in Saskatchewan, TheLast Resort kicks off with the introduction of our two main characters,Nick Galieazzo (Dale Mieske) and Angela Miller (Dale Hobbs). Nick is a paranoid mob informant who is on the run, with Angela providing his government protection until he can get settled in a new identity. We are introduced to the rest of the cast in short order: lodge owner Freda Heitz ("Pat Thompson" and Terry Barna), carpet salesman Sid Barzini (Stephenyoung)and hiswife Liz (Michelle Hillier), poet Trent Belfour (AdrianMarchuk), perpetually perky JuliaYoungblood and her

skanky twin Jessica (both played schizophrenically by the talentedsid Kroach). Later on we meet Scottlsh cop Inspector Kenneth Closely (Randolph J. Johnston). There's more than enough love, money and paranola flying around to make an effective murder mystery, but we don't even see a body until the second act. Instead, the play leans more towards comedy, focussing on Nick's distrust of the other guests and his fumbling over his new identity of plumber Ed. There's agood amount of puns and wordplay as well asvisual comedy (watch what Freda is carrying each time she comes onstage in the first act). While the show is very funny, you sometimes get the feeling that the plot is taking a backseat to the comedy. The murder mystery portion of the script has its requisite twistsand turns, but there isn'tmuch of a build-up tothe conclusion,which makes it feel a bit forced. Fortunately, the comedic talents of the cast make up for any sloppy writing. The entire cast isexcellent; not one bad performance was turned in. Special mention goes to Ms. Kroach for her convincing

"Iwould'vegotten awaywith it, too!" -

turnsas the angel-devilcombothat is Julia and Jessie. Adrian Marchuk's portrayal of poet Trent also had the audience in stitches, especially during the recitation of his epic poem "Peggy." Randolph J. Johnstone's role as In-

spector Closelyis perfectly suited to his talentsas both averbal andphysical comedian. Johnstone is quickly becoming the go-to man for WaterlooStageTheatrecomedies,andwith good reason. Although he only appearsin the secondact, hishalf-baked


attempts at solving the crime (along withabizarre reenactment) give him the lion's share of the attenfion. Call the Waterloo Stage Theatre a t 888-0000to reserve tickets and checkouthttp://~.waterloostage theatre..com.


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Imprint, Friday, February 2, 2001

While the success of Godspeed has forced some efficiencies on the production process, generally the item you hold in your hand has been cut, glued and filled with goodies by the folks at the label. Releases in the past have included schematics, drawings, interchangeablecover art, unique photos attached to the jacket, and, in one case, a penny that has been run over by a train. There isaminirnalisticand stark beauty to them all and Ilove to get a new one and investigate. I alwaysuse mail order for purchases so that I can get the money directly into the hands of the label, and get vinyl whenever possible to really appreciate the art work in its full size. Sofar, there has alwaysbeen a note of greeting and thanks included in the package and I keep those with the records as they seem to be a part of the work. While Imightactually buy these recordsjust to admirethem, the music is what originallyattracted me to this label. Godspeed and its spinoffs (A Silver Mt. Zion, One-Speed Bike, etc), make minimal and emotional music that evokes visions of abandoned factories, vacant lots, and the

decay of Western society (appropriate, given their philosophy). They are masters of the sound bite from the passerby and crazed rants from the street corner. They are also masters of the side-longcrescendo, building to a rock/classical roar that always causes me at some point to suddenly lookup and realize that something very big has snuck into the room. T o me, their music is extremely political, without asingle syllable of lyric. Other bands on the label make equally striking music, that soundsunlikethat of other bands. Do Make Say Think, originating in Toronto,play aminimalist,quietdub, while Sofa, Exhaust andFly Pan Am also produce their ownunique music which also somehow fits into the overall Constellation "sound." Constellationisnot going to suddenly appear on MuchMusic someday, having "made it."While that has been said about many labels, I really believe it this time. Their releases have been extremely consistent in terms of sticking to their ideals and even with success,theusualsignsof a band going to the "dark side" don't seem to be appearing. Check them out at http//www.cstrecords.com.

Even just a little bit? Let it out. Let it all out. Announcing the Imprint Bitter Valentine's Day Poetry Contest. Submit your angry, vengeful verse to Imprint's crack team of spiteful sexy single people. The best pieces will be published in next week's issue and the two most prolific poets will receive an anthology of vengence-inspired Valentine's Day tales and a box of bittersweet chocolate.

RULES~OUmust be a uw stu-



here is somethinggoing on in Montrtal that is great to watch. Constellation records is a fine example of everything that I think can be wonderful about undergroundlavant gardelexperimentaindevendent music. ~ o i of e those loaded terms really do justice to a company that produces art for art's sake, and allows artists to make their music in an uncomprimised and beautiful way. Constellation has had the good fortune to be the home of Godspeed You Black Emperor! who (whether you know of them or not) has been a huge success as far as independent bandsgo. They have attracted a large audience to an otherwise very quiet presence on the music scene. Independent is a word that really does apply to Godspeed and Constellation.The philosophy of this label is strongly anti-corporate and they have been very true to their ideals. Packagingisuniqueand handmade for each release.




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dentto enter. drop off entries at the lmprint office (SLC 1116) or e-mail arts@ imprint.uwaterloo.ca. includeyournameandphone number so we can contact you if you win. deadline is wednesday, february 7 at noon. hurry up - you've only got five days!

Imprint, Friday, February 2 , 200 c



Maestro knows his ish-t GREG MACDOU~ALL Imprint staff


ne week after finishingup a tour out west with Toronto's Ghetto Concept, Maestro will step to the stage at Fed Hall and wreck shit up. The recent tour, where they did "everywhere but Winnipeg" was the "hottest tour" the man responsible for Canada's number-one hip-hop single has ever done. "We went everywherefr0mB.C. to Saskatchewan -the shows were off the hook." And don't think things are going to be any different here in Waterloo. Ghetto Concept may not be here to sharethe stage, butrest assured, "it's gonna be hot, no question." There's going to be some old school, some new school some "Stick toyour Vision," some "Drop the Needle." "It'll be like my career, the five albums." So if you want to hear the song, you won't be disapointed. "'Letyour Backbone Slide' is 'Let Your Backbone Slide,'" Fresh Wes intones by way of explanation. And there'll be the latest isht off hisnewestalbum,Eversince, like the song "U Got Da Best" that's getting play on Much. Which brings us to a topic that hits close to home for Maestro, and


all other on the Canadian hip-hop scene. Back in '89 when "Let Your BackboneSlidenand"DroptheNeedle" were the joints, there were 20 radio stationstoplayhismusic, "right now there's only five." The lack of exposure for this type of music is part of the reason why Choclair, KardinalOffish4 the Rascalz and other talented Canadianhip-hopMCs haven't been able to supplant 'Stro as the number one selling Canadian hip-hopper of all time. Maestro points to the record labels'as being the primary cause of hip-hop in Canada being "25 years behind the States." "The labelsgot to put money in the product, let it trickle down. They got to believe in the artists." But there is a somewhat silver l i n g to this cloud hanging over Canadian hip-hop. The do-it- yourselfmentalitythat'snecessary tothrive and prosper up north (here) has resulted in a hunger and a thirst that makes the music what it is. While this means that we might be getting realer, rawer music from our under-appreciated artists than those fat (no 'ph' here) catswho get backed by the bin, Canadiancatshave suffered in "the longevity of their careers, and their effectiveness." You cansee the state of hip-hop in Canada reflected right here on

campus. Enough Waterloo students listen to hip-hop. The Revolution nightclub's "urban" Friday night is evidence of that, having replaced "alternative" Edge 102 a couple years back. Butwhere's the hip-hop here at Waterloo?Maestro will be the first hip-hop act of the school year to appear oncampus, and it'sFebruary. Next Friday, Toronto act Citizen Kane will do a show at the Bomber after the National Film Board premier screening of their documentary, Raisin fine, opens the Black FilmFestival. The lessonis, if youlikehip-hop, you have to wait for Black History Month. Feds Director of Programming Craig Cardiff says he's pleased "to start bringing back shows of this naWe, featuring Maestro, and other Canadian hip-hopI rap artists. "We're lookingforward to getting more student input on what bands they'd l i e to see on campus thtoughtheFedsWeb site-it'sbeen a fairly integral way for us to work withstudentsinbringinginthe bands they'd like to see." Andnow definitely isn'tthe time to complain. Next week's Citizen Kane filmlperformanceshouldalso be "off the hook," and in Maestro we're getting the single most identi-

fiableperson in Canadian hip-hop. A man who's been around ever since 1989 andULetYourBackbone Slide" and "Drop the Needle." Psych. Actually, he's been in it a lot longer than that. Damn near two decades. It was backin 1982when it all got going for him, at Ryerson's CKLN radio. Maestro credits Ron Nelson as the man who made things happen back in the day for Canadian hiphop, helping Fresh Wes as well as

Michie Mee, the Dream Warriors, and others lay the foundation for the current scene in our nation. Backin '84, when the, relatively unknown Maestro opene&for one of theoriginators,rap groupUFT0, "Iwas nervous-Iwas young. But it was dope." After having done however many concertsin the meanwhile, he may not be as nervous. He's definitely not as young. But that'snot to say it won't be as dope.

maestro w/ 1/2 black italianz and ghetto concept saturday, february 3 fed hall doors, 9 p.m. $5



WINFREETICKETS Imprint is giving away 20 pairs of tickets to the show. Come down to the Imprint office Friday, February 2 with Maestro's oridnal name to claim vour wize.



Imprint, Friday, February 2, 200 I

Where the short stories roam JAN GUENTHER BRAUN Imprint staff


y encounters withMarnie Woodrow have served, almost exclusively, to frustrate the hell out of me. The frustration I encountered with Woodrow stemsfrom the following: I get frustrated with myself anytime I meet an individual who has published her work. I was frustrated with myself because, like an idiot, I forgot to confirm the meeting I set up with Woodrow, and after waitingin Stratford for a couple of hours it dawned on me that checkingmy email the day before might have been a good idea. I found my way to the Stratford Public Library, got myself online and realized that she had been attempting to confirm our meeting and with no reply from me, Woodrow assumed something came up and I had changed my mind.

entitled "Hooked: Ten Takes On Addiction" edited by Lorna Crozier and Patrick Lane. Since 1997 Woodrow has also been writinga biweekly humour column for XTRA magazine. After graduating from high school, Woodrow took a year off to travel and work before attending YorkUniversity, but she soon found out after a year and a half that university was not for her "I finally dropped out on the advice of my FineArts advisor in order to concentrate on my writing," she says, admitting"1don'tthinkIwasvery suitedto formal education." In 1991, after publishing her first work, Woodrow spent three months in New Orleans where she says she was "an artful bum." In those three months, New Orleans must have made quite the impression on her, because many stories in Spice House are set in the Big Easy, and the novel that she is currently working on is also set there.

"I think a novel requires a kind of obsessive effort." The last reason for my frustration was the fact that on several occasions, while reading Woodrow's last book, In The SpiceHouse, I realized that itwasso good that I felt like throwing the book against my wall and giving up any attempts to write again. While Marnie Woodrow is perhaps not quite as well known od the Canadianwritingscene asthe likesof Margaret ~ t & o d or Margaret Laurence, she has some pretty wellknown fans, including Timothy Findley, who has praised her work. At 3 1years of age, she has published two works of short fiction, WhyWe CloseOurEyesWhen We& andln theSpiceHouseamongvarious other piecespublishedincollections. Inspring of 2002she isset to have her first novel, "ThereThatNightnpublished by Knopf Canada. Also on the burner for Woodrow is an essay in a collection entitled "Defining Moments" edited by Susan Musgrave and another essay in a collection

With the date for ThereThat Night fast approaching, I asked if there was some sort of daily routine she had to go through in order to get things done. "I worked on the novel for a longtime without knowingwhether itwould be published or not. So there wasno realpressure- Iwas theonly one who cared about it for quite some time. The final draft does have a deadline with the publisher and so yes, a daily effort will be required in order to meet that deadline. "I thinknovels require akind of obsessive effort even if there is no deadline, otherwise it's hard to keep up the momentum you need for a longer work. I struggled to do that because I also had to work a day job, and also because I'd lost my confidence to some degree." On the back of SpiceHome there is awarningissuedthat starts, " h a g ine if you will that JeanetteWinterson and Raymond Carver had a baby: that the nanny was Julia Child and

the God-pirents were Joe Orton and Old Mother Goose." Although I'm not familiar with Raymond Carver and Joe Orton, I'm well aware of who the others are in that description and the mention of Jeanette Winterson is enough to get me excited about reading someone's work.

in the least and have people thinking Woodrow would perhaps be more suited to therapy than writing fiction. One might be tempted to ask "Where the hell did she come up with thisstuff?" What makes these stories refreshing is the fact that they are told from a homocentric point of view,

"It didn't kill me, but made me more determined than ever." SpiceHoweisa fantasticalset of storiesthatwillmake you thinktwice before asking to hear what all the flavours are at an ice cream shop or accepting a brunch invitation to someone's brand new basement apartment. Woodrow has the ability to mix reality with a hellish dreamworld which somehow in the end, had me laughing and dare I say, left me with a sense of hope. These are not ordinary stories

whichisquite rare. These are stories that either start out quite normally andswerve off into complete fantasy or end up making the fantasy seem quite normal. So what is the difference between fact and fiction? "For me the only difference lies in how it is presented and what it's trying to achieve. Memory, for example, is hugely fictional. The way we look back on our liveshas astrong fictionalelement. Evenaswe present

philsgrandsons@sqmpatico.ca 220 King st N waterloo


what we believe to be facts, we're merely interpreting those facts." In terms of genre, Woodrow has a good sense of most, but has stuck to short stories somewhat out of circumstance. "I started writing poetry, actually, which was rejected by every magazine I sent it out to. I moved into short stories for the fun of it, and I have continued to write poems for the sheer pleasure of the form." Asit turnedout, these lessons in rejection solidified her relationship with writing, "I knew I was a writer. When I got my first rejection letter from amagazine, it didn't kill me, but made me more determined thanever to do it and succeed." Having battled an addiction to alcohol, Woodrow has seen her fair share of pain. How important is pain to writing? "I think painisonly useful after the fact. It's hard to write well when seized by extreme joy or by extreme pain. I oftenwrite well when I am terrified of something that is going onin my life, but I seldom write about that thing itself. I sometimes write to make whatever that upsettingthingisgo away for afewhours." If so much catharsis is found in writine. ",then how much of Marnie is tiedup in Mamie's writing? "I don't think there is much separation at all, to the chagrin of those around me!" Along the line of catharsis I suggested to Woodrowthat muchof her soul would seem to be laid bare in her essay about addiction for the 'Hooked' anthology, but she didn't see it that way. "I don't see my essay for 'Hooked' anthology on addiction as soul-baring. We (society) have decidedthat addictionisshameful,when in fact it's just another aspect of certain human personalities. My essay explores my relationship to alcohol based on my father's death from alcoholism, and how that connectsto the myth that 'real' writers have to drink too much." Finally, I wanted to challenge Woodrow to dig into her philosophy of writing-assomeone who's been published and spends her life surrounded by writing, what exactly is writingfor?"Entertainment, for both writer and reader."

Imprint, Friday, February 2, 2001

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Scratch my big post RYAN



to imprint

cratching Post'smost ferocious feline is ready for a cat nap. Singer Nicole Hughes is still coming down from the thrill of their overcapacity show at Toronto's Opera House, where they rocked over 1000 fans. After touring with Big Sugar, Scratching Post is pumped to play harder and hotter than ever before. Reflecting on the evening, Hughes said, "It's adifferentcrowd. It's more our crowd than any tour we've been on yet. So last night, it just felt right." The metal influence blasts through the band's most recent album, This Time It's Personal, like a rusty corkscrew. Touring with hardcore veteran Corrosion of Conformity, ScratchingPost is inspired to produce the same frenziedenergy metal fans expect. "We'll play more rock," guitarist Mark Holman vowed. "The bandswe're playing with, we have to not-" "Suck," Hughes interjects. "Be out-rocked," Holman corrects. "And I don't think we were last night," Hughes added. "It's inspiring to play with awesome bands that you kind of look up to and go - woah, we have to be really, really good tonight." For the guys in the band, the tour is a teenage dirtbag's wet dream. Bass player Phil Zeller says, "C.O.C., we've been into since we were kids, so last nightwas," he pauses and drifts, "kind of a trip." Despite the different crowd expected for this tour, the band's intense loyalty to their fans has produced a collection of scratch-lings that guarantee some elements of the show will never change. Take Sunny, for instance, a fan

the bandmet over the Internet. "She's our underwear model. She loves being the underwear chick. I think everyone in all the bands is in love with her." Sunny is part of the Scratching Post Army, acultfollowingof intense fans that developed around the success of the band's Web site, Hughes developed and maintains the site personally. Features include news, regular chats, and a "naked fans"section, an opportunity for the band's followers to post their own personal nudie pics. Her commitment to the site is so strong she swearsto answering every e-mailpersonally. This is one cat thatcan'tstop playing with the mouse.

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intense speed metal ditty, featuring demonic screams from Hughes to, "Wake Up,You're On Fire." The song was recorded last, and Hughes describes their approach to its recording as "Balls to the walls." The song is not only significant as the band's first official speed metalsong, but carries a twisted personal message- "Wake Up You're On Fire" is based on a true story. The band's drummer "Jeff Depew went out, had a lot to drink, did a lot of drugs, I don't know exactly what he wason, but what wasn't he on? And he was smoking in bed, and fell asleep, smoking. He started afire, burned the whole fuckingplace down. His roommate burst into the room with a fire extinguisher and

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"Pussy Alf loves to eat pussy! He calls it getting Lucky." "It's pretty uncool actually. But I really like doing it. Actually, last week I said I was bored with the Internet. That was the first time after five years. I waslike,youknowwhat? After five years, I'm kinda bored of this. But now Ilikeit again this week." Thisaddiction to the hard drive has wiggleditself into the band'ssignature musical style.The new album, ThisTimelt'sPeno~1,notonly rocks harder than the band's previous release, Destnrctionofthe Universe, but experiments with electronic elements, such as Internet schreeches, black hole electric guitars and echoy vocal effects a la Britney Spears. Guitarist Holsoncalls it "Beeps and Blips." Bassist Zeller calls it "StudioTrickery." "We just wanted to make it a little more interesting," Hughes explains, "Spice it up a little bit." The album, while undeniably carrying the distinctive Scratching Post sound, also gleefully veers into uncharted territory. It closeswithan

chucksit on his bed, which was burning, also. Jeff sbedwason fire, hewas on fire, his hair was on fire, thank God, it burned off, his long flowing blond locks, his goldilocks. He had this bookshelf with all these novels, encyclopaedias, and wedged in between two books was the Satanic bible. Everything burnt except for that one. Fucking weird." The band isnot entirelvbased in Satanism.At least, not yet. Scratching Post keepsin touch with wholesome. family values by watching reruns of '80s sitcoms. Even then, they find their own messages between the morals and ethics of shows like The Hogan Family and Family Ties. "I've been pretty hooked on Alf lately," Zeller says, "That show gets rerun on the family channel now. What's Alf s favourite food?" Cats? "Pussy. Alflovesto eat pussy! He calls it getting Lucky. There's a hidden theme in that show." "It'sasexy show,"Hughespurrs.


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PAUL SCHREIBER Imprint staff


or the second edition of Going for a Spin, we tooksnack!'~sfomndo piano to people chillingin the SLC'sGreat Hall. The band's sophomore CD - released last Novem-

ber - features 13 tracks of modernrock with roots in jazz, funk, world and folk. 1. I'm not as sad as the last time (The Tomato Song) 2. Dance of the joyous robit 3. CDE 4. "Ambiotic"

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Imprint. Friday, February 2, 2001

Hinterland Jennifer SadSong #2 Brilliant Hate Campfire Unfed Undone Dirty hands I am not a murderer

Kyle Holmes 3NArts

Greg Wootten 4NSociology

CassieLomore 3'4 Ge~graPhy

Lisa Saldanha 3AHealthStudies

"It has good production, but nothing really standsout. Format-wise, it'sallover the place. It's poppy, but darker sounding. You can see some Radiohead and Dave Matthews."

"This sounds like Barenaked Ladies and thisband1heardin Portugal. It's mellow, but not really my style."

"A lot of the songs have a similarsound.You can always hearafluteinthebackground I think it would be a good study CD."

"I would play it if I was working. It's good SLC music, it's fairly mellow. I liked the insaumentals."



February3 Conrad Grebe1College

February2 Bombshelter

Weaver and her band of stellar Canadian artists will strut their musical stuff, performing a set of Weaver's original compositions.The concert will celebrate the release of her latest CD, DancingRiuen,featuring music that treats jazz progressions (with improvisations)as an extension of maditionalAfrican structuresand rhythms. -LSB

Agood time andagoodcause. You can't lose. This coffeehouse is raising funds for Youth Challenge International, a community development and environmental research foundation. Expect to see some of the finest musicians that Waterloo's musical community has to offer. There are some great door prizesup for grabs too! -MS

Chantal Krevlazuk

Kurt Swinghammer

February4 River Run Centre1Guelph

Fe'ebruary5 C'est What/ Toronto

Kreviazuk's pretty much a guaranteed great show with her powerful vocals and outright ownership of the Steinway grand in front of her. Since the Juno awardwinner is between albums, look for Chantal to showcase new material mixed in with old faves like "Surrounded" that is, as long as she remembers the lyrics. Green Apples, anyone? -PS

If you missed Kurt Swinghammer opening for Ron Sexsmith or playing solo at the Jane Bond, here's another chance.Swinghammer's brand of music is for those who enjoy the genre of "concept music." Althoughhismusic is hard to follow at times, this man is truly a guitar god, soifhislyricsdon'tmakesense, sit backand enjoy the fact that he can wail. -JGB




to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Experience, minimumeight-monthcommitment.Paid positions. Send resum6 to Don Mader, Houses for rent May 1/01 -four bedK-W Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney room on Albert Street, four bedroom on Street, S., K~tchener,ON. N2G 3V2 James Street. Available for 4. 12 or 16 Attractive females needed for swimmonths. Call 588-5920. suit and fashion photography.Good pay. p Call Andrew at 7424284. Serious requiet detached house. Parking and all plies only. amenities. Please call 725-5348. Are you connected? Internet users Two bedroom available Mav 2001 wanted. $500-$7,50O/month. April 2002. Close to all amenities. large www.rags2wealth.com. bedrooms, $350 all inclusive per perFemale models needed for Fine Art son, 20 minute walk. Call 746-3384. Nude Photography. Good pay. Call A MUST SEE1 4 bedrooms for Sprina 2001 (May-Aug) Large, clean, laundry, Andrew at 7424284. Serious replies only. near beer, groceries $275/room + utiliSummer o f your life - Camp Wayne, ties, negotiable. Call 581-1261. NE PA. Counselor Specialists for land1 water sports. Tennis, outdwradventure climbing/ropes, camping, mountain biking, sailing, waterskiing, boating, roller hockey, rocketry, arts and crafts, drama, Math tutoring available from 5th-year radio. video and more. RN's for Health Mathfreaching student with 80+ averCentre. Interviews in conjunction with 4age. Experience: high school teacher, high schwlluniversity tutor, university SchooJ Job Fair in Kitchener on Tuesday, February 6. Call 1-888549-2963; TA. $15/hour for individualor groups up to three. Phone Greg 880-0219. email info@campwayne.com. On-line Communicate with confidence1 Need application: www.campwayne.com. ESL help or does English just seem Travel the world teaching English! If foreign? Private, one-to-one instruction you speak English. you can teach Engcan help. Let's start today. Call Susan at lish. Over a thousand new jobs every 725-1638 or e-mail: month. Head to Mexico or pay off a enhancedimage@home.com. student loan! Becomea CertifiedTESOL Teacher. A real opportunity for adventure! Five day certificationcourse, Feb. 21-25. An orientation meeting will be held at The Radisson. King St., Fairway Pregnant can't cope? Our family Road, Exit Highway8on Thursday, Feb. would love to adopt your baby. We will 8 at 7:00 p.m. Call toll-free 1-866-300pay maternal and legal fees. Please 2226 orhttp:llwww.members.home.netl send reply. Highland, P.O. Box 27055, tesoltrainingl 75 DundasStreet,Cambridge, ON, N l R Tutors wanted all grades and sub6GO. jects. Communication skills a must, singles Search Western Ontario. Join wages negotiable. Toll free 1-866-8881.000's of choosy singles seeking qual8677. ity and compatibility. Five matchesonly Part-time wait staff needed. Apply at $65. For free brochure call 1-800-250Almadina EgyptianCuisine, 150 Univer7772 or visit our website at sity Ave., University Court Plaza. Watersinglesearchtoronto.com. loo. Snow Clearers needed LutherVillage on the Park, in Waterloo, is looking for strong and dependable people to clear snow at the retirement communityonan Daytona Beach Reading Week Speon-call basis throughout the winter cial! Beachfront popular hotel (Desert months. Clearers will be requiredduring Inn) Hotel (U-Drive) from $124/quint. Hotel and bus transportationfrom $3241 andlor after snow storms, often in the quint. BringlOfriends,goFREE!Thames early morningor late evening hours and on weekends. This position pays$10.00 Travel (Todd) 1-800-962-8262.Guaranteed lowest price on campus! per hour. Please subml resume to: Human Resources. Luther Village On The Park, 139 Father David Bauer Drive, Waterloo, ON, N2L6L1. Fax: (519) 8849071. Essay Service need help with any of your essays? Take the help of highly qualifiedgraduates. Call toll-freeforcustom editing and essay service 1-88s 345-8295.

and Program Evaluation and the Centre for Applied Health Research All welcome. Gays and Lesblans ot Waterloo Geming Out Discussion Group. Toplc: "Crushes and Infatuations, Friends or Lovers." 7:00 p.m. Social follows. ML 104. Meet old friends and make new ones. All welcome. Details: 8844569 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12,2001 There will be a Speaking Circle in Math and Computer Bullding5136 at 1:30 p.m. Please contact Alastair Farrugia at afarmgia@math.uwaterloo.caorX 6655 for more information.



MONDAYS The Morning Watch: We are a nondenominational Christian group. We engage in scripture reading and silent prayer. Our purpose is to provide a time and place for busy students to pray on campus. 8:30-9:00 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The Student Life Centre Prayer Room. For more info please e-mail Richard Boychuk at rnboychu@artsmail.uwaterloo.ca. WEDNESDAYS Weekly meetings start on January 17, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. at Wellness Centre, SLC, located above Imprint in Student Service Reuurce area, room 2124A. For details call 888-4567, ext. 5951. THURSDAYS GroupforLlbertarianActivism and Discussion. Libertarianism in One Lesson study series at 6:00 p.m.. Student Life Centre, room 2133. Contact Graham at gtjheam@uwaterloo.caor 725-7810.


Study Hall Program from January 30 to April 5, 2001. University students to tutoryournew Canadianchildrenatcommunitybasedstudy halls. Studentsrange Turnkey Coffee House if you would from grade 3 to 12 and need support in English, French, high school Sciences like to perform please contact the Turnand Maths. Own transportation is prekey Desk or Nancy O'Neil, ext. 6283. ferred. Training and screening is reNew office location for Administration quired. Call Big Sister$ at 743-5206. and MaintenanceOffice is 106Seagram E I slster ~ Match Program "YOU too Drive. Waterloo. can make a difference in a little girl's or P us helpyou prepare.h he UWChaplains' little buddy's Ilfe, become a Blg Sister volunteer." Ask about our short-term Assoclabonandthe WLU Chaplainswant to support your desire for a strong and match program created for university meaningful marriage. We Invite you to students. A car is an asset call 7435206 and ask about ourone day training part~clpatein a Marrlage Preparation session on Saturday. February 3 from 9 Course on Friday. March 2 from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, March 3from 9 a.m. a.m. to 4 p m. v l i to 4 p.m. at Resurrection College, ate Technology Conference on January WestmountRoad, N., Waterloo, Ontario. 25-27. Visit cutc.calvalunteer.html or For more info call 888-4567, ext. 3633 or contact Doug Sibley at 884-0710. ext 2240 or 8844404, ext. dasibley@student.math.uwaterloo.caor 610 or 885-0220. ext. 220 or 884-8111, ext. 281 or 885-1460, ext. 207. 746-7945fqr more information. Marriage plans? Join with several othA G m j and tech helpneeded to yolunteer for indepeodent film. Roles needed: ers to study Drs. Lesand Leslie Parrott's one male, 40's or 50's ;one female, late "Saving Your Mamage Before It Starts." 30's to earlv 50's : two females 14-17 Contact Jeff and Marlene Austen at years old ; t k o females 21-28 years old ; three males 21-30 years old. To arrange audition or for more information call (519) 591-3571 or email





Big Brothers come out, have fun and raise money for our programs. You get bowling, pizza and fabulous prizes. Call our "Bowl for Kids Sake" hotline at 5793432 to register. Volunteers required are you able to volunteer a fewhours weekly during the school day? The FRIENDS service at CMHAmatchesvolunteerswithchildren who need additional support in their school setting. Please call 744-7645. ext. 317 or www.cmhawrb.on.ca.


merly BUDS is a UW student, staff and faculty group that provide free tutoring andencouragementtochildrenand youth in our community. Would you like to be on the organziationalteam, tutor, helpat a drop-in centre, or co-ordinate a reading circle, etc.? For more information, please contact Candace (Frontier College) at 747-81I 3 orcmhillie@sprint.ca -




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Audition at ParamountCanada's Wow derland! Seeking dancers, singers and theatre technicians for 2001 season1 Auditions are February 314 at PCW. Questions? (905) 832-7454. Weekend, Counsellors and relief staff

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7,2001 SpedalCancerConbdhminar-"ChallengesandOpportunitiesforCancerControl Research in the Next Decade" presented by Dr. Bob Phillips, Execubve Director and ActingCEO for the Natlonal Cancer Instituteof Canada (NCIC), to be held from 330 om. to 4:30 om.. Clarica ~ 162i. Sponsored Auditorium. R W LHI by the Centre for Behavioural Research


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