ATTENTION CO-OP STUDENTS Mondav Feb I 9 Employer Interviews continue all week Tuesday Feb 20 Employer Interviews Wednesday Feb 21 Employer Interviews Career Resource Centre open until 7:30 PM Thursdav Feb 22 = Employer lnterviews Fridav Feb 23 Employer lnterviews
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS EMPLOYER INFORMATION SESSIONS Mondav Feb 12 Fujitsu 6100-8:00 PM University Club For Graduating and C w p students in Engineering Thursdav Feb 15 National Instruments 5100-7100 PM Ground Zero For Graduating and Co-op students in Math, Engineering or Science Sun Microsystems 6:OO-8:00 PM DC 130111302 For Graduating students in Math or Engineering
E-vote disappoints some, pleases others Frustration runs high as people cast their ballots L A U R E N S. B R E S L I N imprint staff
s the 2001 Feds election draws to a close, for some it is the barrage of relentless campaigns that will be most remembered; for othersit is the thrillof political debate whose echo resonates in our buildings and balls. An unfortunate few, however. come away with only the sheer frustrationof the electronic voting system. The election is almost. but the i m ~ r e s sion of a sub-par e-vote lingers on. T o be fair, this being the first full online vote for the Feds, the system should not assume blame for a poor voter turnout; however, a flawed votingprocess does little to help matters. "Serious configuration error: no voters list!" was one of a list of error messages that students encountered when trying to vote this past week. 'Your account has already been activated" was another one, prompting the student to locate their password from one of several offices on campus. Along with other problems, error mes-
sages worked against the candidates, and invalidated the Feds' claims that an online vote would increase accessibility acrossthe board. "I have never activated my e-mail account, so I called the IST help desk to obtain a password," saysMichelle Rorke, a first-yearSci-Bus student who openly expresses her annoyance with the online system. IST, the department that runs UWdir the authentication system -is only able tohelpwithauthentication ~roblemsand not the whole voting
only help
with authetication problems, not voting.
"When I mentioned that I was having trouble voting, they [IST]were really quick to dismiss my problem," she explains. "I realized that IST was absolutely no help, so I went to the Feds office, who told me there was nothing they could do either. After that, I just couldn't be bothered." When asked about the problems with the online vote, namely the internal server errors, Dave Drewe, Executive Researcher of the Feds, jokes, "These things happen for areason," and confidently remarks that the majority of students who wanted to vote were able to do so. On his Web site, datasquid.net - a site targeted towards Computer Engineering stu-
dent -Dan Colquhoun ranted about his experiences with the Feds vote: "So I quickly check off my choicesand hit 'vote.' Great, one vote registers. Then Inotice a 'vote'button for each question!Ack!WTF?So I go back, clickthe first, back, second, back, third etc. 'Decline ballot' wasmy selectionon one of the one's I'm not eligable [sic] to vote for. I'm told I'm not eligableto decline the ballot. ARRRRRG. Then why the hell was the option there?" There were students who found voting a simple process and had very few problems.
Fed up with Fed Hall SUSANB U B A K Imprint staff
athryn Sinclair, a fourth year political science student, still gets emotional when she talks about how she was fired from her job at Fed Halllast month. She claims she was fired without prior warning, and she never received an explanation for her dismissal. However, the Feds are defending the manager's decision to fire her. "I was hurt by this and completely surprised," said Sinclair. "I had never been pulled aside and told that Iwas doing anythingwrong. I was never late for a shift. I never asked to be let go early. There wasnever an instancewhere
I was told, You're doing this wrong.' I was never warned of anything." Sinclairwas hired on December 20 of last year, and worked her first shift on Newyear's Eve. Like all new employeesat Feds businesses, she was put on a three-month probationary period. When she was fired on January 29, she claims that she received no explanation other than that she was being fired because of her "work performance and for the safety of the other staff." The day after Sinclair was fired, she went to the Feds office and spoke toVPAdministration andFinance Shannon Willis who oversees the Feds businesses. "I sat down with Shannon and told her what happened to me and that I
KathrynSinclair said she had no idea her positonwasgoingto be terminatedat Fed Hall.
...---, .K
wanted answers as to why I wasdism~ssedfrom FedHall,"saidSinclair. "Ibelieveditwasunjust and unfair and that I deserved some type of explanation." According- to Willis. the Feds are under no obligation to give probationary employees an expalanation for their dismissal. "In a ~ r o b a tionary period, there really is no wrongful dismissal." saidWillis. 'You're on probation, so for any reason, if themanager feels that you should be let go, then that's sufficient, but at the same time we want to practice positive feedback." Willis added that since Sinclair was fired during her probationary period, "we don't really have any requirements to give any reasoning [for dismissal]. ..Regardless, we still try and give people feedback." When questioned, Fed Hall manager Tamara Collinsrefused to comment, referring Imprint to speakwith Willis. Sinclair maintains that she never received awarningabout her work performance before she was fired. However, Willisclaimsthat she wasindeed warned. "There were incidents of poor performance that Kathryn was alerted to, but it wasn't in the sense of adisciplinaryletter, itwas verbal feedback." Since Sinclair'scomplaint againstthemanager of Fed Hall is the first of its kind, Willis is taking the manager's side. "We've never heard of any other incidents where anybody's had any problemswith our manager, or any wrongful dismissals," said Willis. "If I hadaline-up of students, or more than one complaint, then 'there would be more cause for concern. This is please see page 5
"I found the new e-voting system easy to use and it encouraged me to participate in the process," commented Jeff Bueckert. Many students had yet to vote at the time this article went to print. Most would agree that in spite of error messages, server crashes, and dismissive staff, an online vote is a groundbreaking electoral process -one that has the potential to greatly augment voter turnout. Voting continues today until 4 p.m. and the winners will be known later this evening.
Imprint, Friday, February 16, 200 1
Arts might look into a new logo -
H A L A KHALAP Imprint staff
he new Arts logo designedby Patty Mah (Recruitment Liaison and Publications Officer), Connie McEachnie (Marketing Director) and Stephanie Checketts Keating (Marketing Assistant) has resulted in a swarm of controversy from numerous quarters on campus. Students' reactions towards the logo range from the severely critical to the extremely appraising. On the one hand, students understood and appreciated the message that the logo was trying to convey. "It looks pretty good. I like the fact that the f&re of the person in the logo is so big; bigger than the globe. It shows what an important role artsgraduatesplay in the world," commented one student. However, the majority of the reactions were condescending, disbelievingand bordered on the highly
he new arts faculty logo was unveiled last weekin a ceremony that kicked off the start of a new marketingcampaign. Being in arts, I feel compelled to offer my thoughts on the new logo and how arts students may respond to it. First, we must take into consideration that people put time and energy into creating the logo and for thatweshouldgive themcredit. Having said that, I fail to see howthe new logo in any way represents the Faculty of Arts at UW. It's not just the designers that
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help from the Arts Student Union." "We want to choose experts that are not only considered the best advertising directors in Ontario, but also individuals that know what the public want and how they would receive it." Dean Kerton is very aware that many people do not like the new
identity and brands the faculty. "It is a strong logo; a strong visual image," she explains. "The Faculty of Arts is extremeIy diverse andextremelydifficulttorepresent." When asked about the negative onslaught arisingfrom this logo, her responsewas simple andstraightforward: "You can't please everyone all
are to blame, though. Ultimately, it's the university marketing gurus who gave the green-light on the desgn. For those who haven't had the opportunity to see the new logo, it features what seems like a clip-art silhouetteof aperson holding aglobe in one hand and a book in the other with the words "Arts @Waterloom resting over the book. There is an odd checkered string trailing from the person's foot into the background. Oh, and the person has no neck. The logo looks very simple,
which isn't necessarily a bad quality. However, I fail to see the details of the symbol that are supposed to distinguish it as a Faculty of Arts logo. Furthermore, I find it difficult to believe that out of all the programs under the umbrella of Arts, marketii;% d 7 d n y tfind a way to uniquely show off all of its academic facets. In his column last week, Scott Gordon questioned the need for marketing the university when all efforts should be made to improve the quality of the university. Although I agree wholeheartedly w ~ t h Gordon'scomments, Ido believe that
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logo. Those who liked the logocommented on the balance between the book, person and the world.
the time." So why exactly did the logo's unveiling exclude UW's students?
GlobalTelevision,CKCO, The , and so on. We planned on another ceremony after the celebration but some munication occurred. The
negative. "Idon'tlikeit. First of all,itlooks too '80s, we need something more
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sociate computers with arts, too. Maybe I'm just not seeing the l ~ ~ ~ attraction of this symbol. Perhaps this is something that arts students will sew on their baas - and hats to let the campus know that, yes, "I'm in arts and I this is what I'm about!" Ifthattruly ~swhatwe'reabout, then I'm sorry; 1won't conform.
ma1 amount of students from differ-
ent faculties,scholarship studentsand graduates. Those frustrated with the logo and the lack of student input hope that Dean Kerton's wishes for a reconsideration of the logo will be carried out. "Unfortunately, students didn't get a chance to voice their opinio~swith this logo." However, the Dean ofArts stressedhis desire to receive as much student input as possible. If any student wishes to comment on or discuss the search for a new arts logo at all, contact Dean of ArtsRobert Kerton at his request. Email him at kerton@watarts. uwaterloo.ca or call him at extension 2217.
Imprint, Friday, February 16, 200 1
Is your rent money going up in flames? JLN
cense is required and the property is not licensed, do not rent the place. All the units listed in the offcampus housing list have been checked; landlords can't advertise their place without a licence. Another question worth asking is, "Are the smoke detector sand extinguishers serviced and up to date?" You should have a detector on every floor, and an extinguisher by the kitchen. This extinguisher must have an annual inspection tag. The basement should contain two exits. Should your primary exit becomeblocked, you would stillhave a way to get out. These are some of the minimum fire safety standards, according to Lillico, and they mupt be followed. If your landlord isn't following these simple rules then heishe may not be concerned about the condition of the house or your personal safety, and you don't want to live there. If you're curious about your rights, contactthe Ombudspersonat ext. 2402, Roni Oestreich at OffCampusHousingat ext. 5725, or the Fire PreventionOfficeat 884-2122.
very year, at least a dozen students are evicted halfway through the term because they didn't ask their landlordsa few simple questions. The most important questionto ask is: Is this house licensed? The landlord must have a licence once four or more people are living in the unit, according to Andrew Lillico, the Public Education Officer for the City of Waterloo fire department. Somelandlordsrent out houseswithout city approval, and that's when students may run into trouble. Thecityreceivesanonymoustips on unlicensed houses, and come to inspect. If theunit isn't up to fire code regulations (some aren't), then the studentsmayhave tomove out. The landlord is required under the bylaw to have a copy of the lodging house licence mounted on the wall. When you're lookingat aplace, ask to see the licence. If thelandlord doesn't have one, find out if one is required. Contact the lodging house licence office at 884-0900. If a li-
Former staffer unhappy Sinclair wanted to work at Fed Hall to get a reference from the university before she graduates. She evengaveupshiftsather other job to work at Fed Hall. Now that she has been fired, she lost her reference and cannot regain the shiftsshe gave up. Tisisaplacethatisrun,owned and operated by the students," said Sinclair. "A student gets employed there to help out their financial situation. I was let go and I wasn't given reasons why, no one was telling me why, and I felt that I was the run around by Federation Hall and the Feds. "I just wanted other people to be aware of what happened to me. I think the students have a right to know what goes on at their businesses."
continued from page 3
certainly on our files. If thiscomesup again, thenwe may have to question, but right now it's a 'she said, she said' sort of thing. We have to support what our managers are telling us." Sinclairwas dissatisfiedwith the Fedsresponse. "It'sdisappointing that they can't do more for the students, and that they chose to back up the managerbecause thisistheonlycase." Sinclair proceeded to sendan email about her situation to the Feds Executive, student senatorsand university administrators, including President David Johnston. She also contactedthe Ombudsperson aswell as the Office of Ethical Behaviour and Human Rights, which provides conflictresolution services.
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February 16,20Ol,Volume23,Number27
itaff Iditor-in-Chief, Scott Gordon issistant Editor, Adina Gillian ?Iews, Kate Schwass kssistant News, Lauren S. Breslin ; o m , Adrian Chin ?eatures, Melanie Stuparyk hssistant Features, Vivien Wong kience, John Swan $ports,vacant Assistant Sports, vacant Arts, Paul Schreiber Assistant Arts, Jan Guenther Braun Photos, Felix Yip Assistant Photos, Jeff Evans Graphics, Billy Tung Assistant Graphics, Tina Jang Web, Talesh Seeparsan Web Assistant, Dunhan Ganthan Systems Admin., Rob Schmidt Systems Admin. Assistant, Dave Robins Lead Proofreader, Jesse Helmer Proofreader, Andrea St. Pierre Proofreader, Hala Khalaf Proofreader, Jeff Bueckert Proofreader, Kerry O'Brien Business Manager, Mark Duke Advertising & Production Manager, Laurie Tigert-Dumas Advertising Assistanr, Daniel Wong Distribution, Billy Tung Distribution, Ryan Porter Board o f Directors President, Kate Schwass Vice-president, Janice Jim Treasurer, vacant Secretary, Durshan Ganthan StafYLiaison, Adina Gillian Contributors Jesse Bergman, Susan Bubak, Ryan Chenwng, Talea Coghlin, Jeremy Crane, Caitlin Crockard, Allison Fleming, Nadia L. Hohn, Jen Jeffrey, Magdalena Konieczna, Drew Kudelka, Lisa Mains, Ryan Matthew Merkley, Ryan Porter, Kelly Skinner, Minh B a n , Jon Willing, Simon Woodside, James Wong
Give me architecture or give me death ver the past several months, the City of Cambridge, in conjunction with a group of private interests, has made motions towards attracting the University of Waterloo School of Architecture. Cambridge is willing to pay $7.5 million towards the construction of a new school in Downtown Galt. Despite attention in the larger community, I am saddened to see a general lack of awareness (and, ~erhaps,apathy) regarding the proposed relocation within the student body. For those unaware of the situation, the School of Architecture, having just recently launchedamastersprogram, has founditself in dire need of more space. The benefits of relocation for the City of Cambridge are relatively easy to see: the infusion of three hundred or so architecture students into its flagging downtown, ready to spend their money on nightlife, restaurants, and black clothing, is seen to be a catalyst for urban renewal. While the relocation of the school will undoubtedly be in the interests of the City of Cambridge (and in meeting the short-term space needs of the school), I fail to see how the separation of the School of Architecture from the main campus will benefit the studentsof the University, and, in fact, may harm their education. To begin with, architecture cannot be an autonomous field; the benefits of transcending petty professional boundaries towards greater co-operation within and between faculties should be clear enough. Yet any proposal that aims to send architecture students and faculty some 22 kilometresaway will necessarily limit the potential of interdisciplinary work. Thus, architecturestudentswilllikelyfind it extremely difficultto takeclassesofferedby other schools and departments. The limiting of ones academic and educational potential should be seen as deplorable. Second,students outside architecture will
findit difficultto take architecturecourses.The problemisexacerbated by the highratesof carion-ownershipwithin the student population and the difficultyof taking transit between the university and dalt. Third, there are obvious questions of accessto university facilities.Architecturestudios require a lot of infrastructure, including computer labs (for word processing, photo manipulation, 3D rendering, etc.), photo studios, darkrooms, and woodworking shops, not to mention libraries and photocopying facilities. At present, these facilitiesare shared with the other schools anddepartmentswithin the Faculty of EnvironmentalStudies, and are open to -people - across a range - of disciplines. Unless there is duplicationof facilities,any proposed relocation of the school will result in the loss of servicesfor studentswithin the rest of the Facultyandmay negatively impact upon their studies. Furthermore, architecture students would lose access to universitywide services and facilities, ranging from co-op services, residences, athleticfacilities, counselling, the bookstore, and student clubs, not to mention the library. Although the media has largely couched the venture as involving the development of a satellite campus, I know of no other schoolsor departmentsthat would join architecture in Cambridge. Thus, the proposal currently before Cambridge City Council should be seen more as the separation of a school from the larger whole rather than the creation of a true satellite campus, as is currently underway in Brantford, where Laurier has recentlybegun offeringcourses.The
key difference is that whereas Brantford exists to tap under-served markets, the proposed relocation of the School of Architecture is purely a matter of space. That said, I find it deplorable that the University and the Tory government have let the space allocation problem progress to its current state. If and when the proposal currently in front of the City of Cambridge is submitted to the University, I hope that both' students and faculty will see that the potential harm to quality of education will outweighany short-term space needs and reject the relocation scheme, while also appealing to provincial and federal governments for assistance so that the School of Architecture remains in Waterloo.
n Friday, just hours before voting was set to begin, Feds referendum commitdisqualified the Yes side of Co-op Society referendum comments they made in the orum section of this newspaer. The Yes side apparently tepped over the line when it rote: "After all, CSAG and SS their co-op related
clearly a kneejerk overreaction on the part of the election committee. While technically they're correct - CSAG and CSS have not been officially disbanded-the fact is the Feds decided months ago to disband them, they just haven't got around to doing it yet. Is the Yes side's argument slanted?Yes. But is it false?At best it's a grey area that requires a careful judgement call. And who gets tomake this judgement call, youask? Adisinterested third party that hasno stake in thevote'soutcome? Nope. Despite the factthat the Feds tooksidesin the debate-W EducationMarkSchaan headedup the No side and council took an official"No" stand-it fell to a committee headed up by a Feds employee -Dave Drewe, the Feds Executive Researcher who is also the election's Chief Returning Officer (CRO)-to decide whether the Yes side should be disqualified or not. When arethe Fedsgoing to realize that the referendum processcurrently in place is fundamentally flawed? After all, this isn't the first time in recent history that aconflict of interest has reared ~ tugly s head during a Feds administered referendum. Anybody remember the 1999 CapitalImprovement Fund referendum? The proposal was to raise the Feds fee permanently by $2.00inordertocreate afund that Feds businesses could access and then temporarily raise it by $4.25 to pay for reno-
vations to the Bombshelter. As with the Co-op Society referendum, it was again a Fedsemployee actingas CRO who was responsiblefor hsqualifying the No side after some allegedly inappropriate statements were made regarding Feds financialpractices. Two referendums in three years have left the Feds in an apparent conflict of interest situation. In both cases the Feds have had to disqualifythe sideswith whom they openly disagree, in effect silencing their opposition. Whether the disqualificationswere warranted is beside the point. If the Feds want to take sides on referendum issuesthey can't pretend that they're objective supervisors. Referendums need to be overseen by a third party with no interest in the outcome. By forcing the Executive Researcher as the CRO to pretend he or she is capable of being objective, the entire process is compromised. It may be that this disinterested party would have also found the groups to be in contravention of the election rules. The differenceis, their decision would not have had the appearance of being politically motivated.
Imprint is the official student newspaperof the Universitvof Waterloo. It is an editoriallv independent newspaperpublished by Imprint Publications,Waterloo, acorporationwithoutshare capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDN Pub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 554677. Address mail to: Imprint Student Life Centre, Room 11 16 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1
Tel: 5 19-888-4048 Fax: 519-884-7800 h~://imprint.uwaterIoo.ca editor@imprint.uwaterloo.ca
believe things which are not true." As aresult, when students went tovote, they're provided with this little reminder: "TheYES Campaign has been disqualifiedby the Referendum committee due to inaccurate statements made by their representatives, whichcouldcausevoters to believe that neither representation nor services for coop Students are provided by the Federation of Students. The referendum is proceeding, buttheYES Campaign is barred from further campaign activities." First off, disqualifyingthe Yes side was
-Alan Tse
S c o t t Gordon, Editor-in-chief
Too rich to paint fire hydrants
uring my almost three years here at Waterloo, I have made many changes in my life. One change I was looking forward to the most was being able to go to school wtthout hearing people complain about how hard their life is. I always thought that university was aplace where everyone was more or less equal and they succeeded on their merits. I attended a high school in an affluent area. It wasn't a very long bus ride to school but it was worth it to enjoy the benefits of the enhanced program. It was a constant pain to listen to people throughout the school complain that "Daddy only give me $50 for lunch today," or "Daddy won't buy me a new car, I have to drive our old BMW." These people had no idea how good they had it. They drove to school every day in their nice carswith their expensive clothesand thensaw the worldevery summer or worked for daddy for part of the summer and travelled for the rest. Which bringsme to mypoint. I am sick and tired of listening to coop students cry. Do they not realize how good they have it? I would love to have an entire school set up programs and functions just for me. I would love to have a high-paying summer job handed to me on asilver platter. In hisarticle on February2, Nick Taylor complains about all of the hardships he must endure. Hey Nick how about this: How about you give me the inevitably cushy job you land through co-op and I'll let you hunt around for your own job? I'll do ya one better. I'll set you up with the job I had last summer. You can walk aroundToronto pushing a shopping cart full of paint and paint fire hydrants. I had enough money at the end of the summer to cover tuition for one term, buy my books and pay two months rent. This left me with another term's worth of tuition and books as well as 8 months of food and utilities and 10 months more rent. Next time you feel like complaining about not getting the job
you wanted most try thinking of those of us who have to find work on our own without the benefit of the Cooperative education system. You should tryitsome time.. .tryapplying for a job and have them tell you you have to apply through the school because they only have openings for co-op students.
-1. Matthew Bleuins 3N Planning
Job unfair
e write this letter in absolute w d .ismay over the disorganization of the recently held job fair. We thought the idea of holdinga job fair was great when we first heard about it, and made a point of going to it in the hopes of finding part time or summer employment as indicated in the many flyers and posters around campus. When we walkedin the doorsat Bingeman's and began to look for booths that perhaps were of interest to our areas of study we soon began to feel overwhelmed by the number of tech companiesthat covered every wall and aisle in the fair. For reference purposes we are both students in Environmental Studies, in the Department of Geography and the School of Planning. We were optimist~cthatwe would find some companies that would require people with our interests, in our discipline. However, only one was found. Wespoke with afewpeople that we met up with at the fair and they had the same comments as we did: there are no jobs here for those of us that are outside of the engineering and computer science programs. Why has there never been a job fair that has targeted ES, Science, AHS, Arts and even the Math department? When one looks at co-op postings, the majority are for engineers and computer science as well. I think this is a good indication that there is little being done to recruit employers for the rest of us on campus. We pay the same feesand yetwe don't receive the same treatment. It becomesvery clear in situationssuch as this that engineers and computer
science students truly run this campus. The rest of us may be in smaller faculttes but we are here to learn as well. Why, should they receive all these extra privileges while the rest of us are left out in the cold? Perhapsus "lesser known" facult~esneedto make our voices heard and make it clear that we are able minded as well and deserve the same opportunities as those in technical programs. We are the teachers, developers, artists, accountants and scientists of the future, and yill be neededlust asmuch as someonewho is in engineering or computer science. We feel that it is time that this is finally acknowledged and efforts are made to atd us in attaining our future career goals as well.
I'm sure that there are many other programs here that are excellent and innovative, but get overshadowed by the CSIEngineering brand. I simply have never heard of them. Coming in, I didn't know UW had architecture, let alone one of the best architecture programs in Ontario. Most people assume that Arts at a university known for technical excellencemust be pathetic at best; in my experience, that's simply not uue. You may not be comfortable with the idea that Arts is explicitly marketing themselves, but the fact remains that if high school students don't know about the quality of our non-technical programs, many talented students will go elsewhere. If employersdon't know, they will recruit from other schools.
-Matt Standen
S o n a l Champsee 4B CSIRPW
2N Planning,
-Elizabeth McLaren, 2N Geography
Don't be a victim
Branding is good To the editor,
hy shouldn't Arts develop a brand for themselves?uWCS students (and probably engineering students) have been milking the Waterloo brand for years. The UW CS program is wellknown for being one of thetop CS programs worldwide. Companies like MS and Trilogy come to UW and all but begforrCsumtsfromus. They give away free software. They raffle off high-tech toys in exchange for rtsumb. Trilogy went so far as to draw rCsumCs for a Lexus. Why? Because UW CS has a reputation for excellence. And that's what a brand is: a reputation. Levis has a reputation for comfortable, well-made jeans. Disney has a reputation for cute, family-oriented entertainment. Microsoft has a reputation for well, let's avoid a lawsuit and not go there. I'm a CS/English RPW double major. I picked UW for its CS program, figuringwhateverEnglish program they had, it hopefullywouldn't be too terrible. ItwasonlywhenIgot into the RPWprogramthat Irealized that not only was it an excellent program, it's also a unique and innovative one. There areveryfew schools that approach communications the way the RPW program does; similarly, there are very few schools that approach CS the way UW CS does.
he case of the 19-year-old fe male being attacked on Tuesday, February 6 attracted my attention. As a female, I feel that women should all learn to protect themselves. Having discussed this case with my fr~end,she told me about an interview she did a while ago. She interviewed a group of rapists on what they look for in a potential victim. All the ladies should watch out for these facts: The first thing they look for is hairstyle. The crime committers are most likely to look for someone with long hair, a ponytail, braid, or other styles that can be easily grabbed. The second character they look for is people who are on their cell phone, searching in their purse, or doing other actions while walking. Thevictims who aren't aware of their surroundings are more easily overpowered. Here are some tips that I've learned from a self-defense class: It is ideal to carry an umbrella or other objects that can be used from a distance. If someone follows youin anelevator, onastreet, or into your garage, lookatthe person in the eye and ask the person a small question such as, "What time it is?"This is to let the attacker knowthat you can recognize them after you've seen their face: Nevertheless, the most effectiveway wouldbe to yell "Stop"
or "Stay back" if someone is coming towards you. This actually convinces the attacker that you arenotworth attacking. Areminder is that they are looking for an easy target. If they know that you are more powerful than what they predicted, they will draw back. The last thing is to always be aware of your surroundings. If you have to walk alone, go somewhere that IS well lit. However, it is always suggested to walk with a friend. If youareaguy, tell your friendsabout this. I hope that the ladies will learn to prevent being the next victim.
-Joyce Chan 1N Planning
Learn self defense
am writing in response to the recent sexual assaultthat occurred in Waterloo Park early last week. What kind of sick person does this sort of barbaricthingto aninnocentwoman?Asafemale, Ilike to feel fairly safe whenIwalkthestreets. But it is incidents like this that make me feel uneasy when1 leave the comfort of my house. In this day and age, women should not be treated so horribly. I feel it is very important to know what to do in case you ever find yourselfin thissort of situation.Some tips include: taking self-defense courses, always know your surroundings and who is around you, and never walk alone in isolated areas or at night. Most importantly, don't let the predator take you to a second location. I know that self-defense practices won't always be effective in a please see page 8
The Forum Section enables members of the University of Waterloocommunitytopresent views onvarious issuesthrough letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. Letters shouldnot exceed 350 words in length. Letters must be signed, including a phone number. Letterswill not be printed if the Editor-in-Chief cannot identify the author. They can be submitted to: letters@imprint.uwaterloo.ca. Letters received in electronic form (e.g. fax & email) willnotbe printedunlessaphone number for verification is included. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editorreserves the right to refuse to publishletters or articles which are judged to be libellousor discnminatotyon the basisofgender, race, religionor sexualorientation. The opinions expressed through columns, comment pieces, letters andother articles arestrictly thoseofthe authors, not the opinions o f h p r i n t .
8 Continued from page 7
traumatic situation. But it is better to know what to do than to not be able to do anything at all. I also realize that this man hada weapon, but there are things that you can learn to do if this happens. Chances are that he is just wielding it to scare you and has no intention of using it. If you find yourself in a critical situation, fight back! They usually don't anticipate this and it could be the only chance that you have of gettingaway. Remember, be safe and be careful, don't fall victim to another one of these disgusting and appalling attacks.
Are boys stupid? No, girls are. To the Editor,
oys are stupid? I really enjoyed the poem written by Mae Cantos since I have known her for many years. I do not doubt that this poem reflectsher experiencewith the other sex. But I do ask . . . Who is more stupid? The stupid boys or the girl who goes for the stupid boys. Hmmm
-Rex Turgano 4th andfinal year (Yahoo!) ERS
Want some cheese with that whine? To the Editor,
special to Imprint
t becomes tiring after a while, walking around campus hearing the endless tirade: "I brushedmy teeth twice today," "I shower on a daily basis," "I'm wearing fresh clean underwear!," "I wash my hands after taking a dump." and on and on. What is this obsession people have with hygiene and basic cleanliness? People. Give it a rest. The only person you've managed to fool is yourselves. Lookwithin,that'swhere the fungus, dirt, bacteria and stinkis. No matter how hard you scrub outsidey'all stillsmelllikedoodoo inside. Cleanse vour soul instead of flossing your gums, purify your spirit instead of wiping yourbums. Letthisbecome your mantra. The evidence can be found everywhere. Lady Macbethwails in Act 5, scene 1, line 31: "Out, damned spot! out, I say!" as she attempts to scrub clean the perceived blood on her hands, to no avail. Because the filth is within her - the murder of King Duncan a stain no water can remove. In the Simpsons' episode "Treehouse of Horror III" Production code 8F17, when Burns asks Smitherswhat he thought about hiring Marge, Smithers says, "I think women and 'sea-men' don't mix." Burns replies, "We know what you think!" Hygiene-obsessed Waylon Smithersisunableto confront Burns regarding his homosexual feelings for him and instead buries himself in neatly maintaining a collection of Malibu Stacy dolls, etc.
comment in this matter. I really would like to see the Fedsmake a deal again with Coke.
Analogies can be drawn to further defraud the farce we call hygiene. Are the girls most confident about their looks the ones wearing the lip liner, mascaraand eyeblush or those without? No, and that's why they pile on the lipstick and why you pile on the deodorant. Were the bullies who stole your lunch money and gave you wedgies in elementary school the strongest within themselves?No, that's why they masked their inner-weakness with drop-kicks and fists of fury and why you mask your inner odourswith Paco Rabanne and Obsession. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that instead of plaguing yourself with fear of whether anyone is seeing you pick your boogersinstead of blowing your nose, you should address inadequacies you have with yourself directly. Exorciseyour demons. Exactly how you do this I have no idea, everyone takes their own path to what Icall "inner-hygiene." Listen to Coltrane, readThoreau, debug your Goddamned Java, determine why the constant "en stays the same no matter how many times you derive it andsomewherealong the way maybe one day you'll wake up in the morning and not feel the pressing need to brush your teeth. I know I don't.
-Ryan Shaw
A good way to
meet new people
Drink Pepsi, be sinful
am writing this letter in response to the recent take over of Pepsi in the business run by the Federation of Students. I can remember for the past three years this campus has always been a Coca-Cola campus and I for one loved every minute of it. The Bombshelter, Fed Hall, the Variety Store are all presently selling Pepsi. I for one rather dislike Pepsi and I am quite sure I am not the only one. There are many others who have voiced their grievances to me about the fact that when smdentsgo out to any of these places they endup having to drink Pepsi. I for one do not drink alcohol, but still enjoy goingout to the Bomber and Fed Hall and try and enjoy myself there. Since alcoholand Pepsi are both sinful for me to drink, I just find myself not going to these places anymore. The variety store in the SLC is another lace where I would like to buy some Coke but end up having to go acrossto the Campuscove or the vending machinesonthe main floor. I am sureother people feel much in thesame regard. Please feel free to
am writing in regards to the letter "Moral Island." I agree with the belief that anyone going on this show for the good of their relationship is stupid. Where I disagree is that you have to realize these people are not going on the program to show their partners how much they love them. In my opinion, these reality shows are fixed. If it is not fixed in the script, then it is the producers choosing people who have already cheated. People donot goon thisshowto prove how much they love their partners. They go for afreevacation on a tropical island with many hot and horny people of the opposite sex. These couplesare probably losing interest in each other and they figure that thisisa good way to meet new people. I agree with you that this show is immoral, but what most easilysellstheirproductissex. It isthe same reason why people watchsoap operas. It is the immoral actionsandsex that caused your housemates to scream with excitement when thev were watching it. If this show is so offensive to you, all you have to do is change the channel.
--Graham Duke
Voting is e-=cult
ood lord. What the hell's with the letter "E" these days. Imean, its on pretty much everything; etrading, e-voting, e-commerce, ebreathing. It's e-xasperating. t to vote. I went So I ' m ~ o going to the Web site for this purpose and immediately became frustrated. Get a password. Verify. Sit around. The usability may be fine enough, but who should feel as if they're pulling teeth instead of selecting their smdent government. Not me. So I tried anyway. I must have entered something wrong so anerror message cameback. I took it as more of a, "Ha ha ha, you tried to vote in this election and failed. Try again when you have become more comfortable with your computer. Dork." Message received. One less vote for the lofty Feds. With that said, I have only one suggestion. Let usvote in person. Let us take a pencil and make an "X" on the paper beside our candidate of choice. Call me old fashioned but I digthe aesthetic of crouching beside a cardboard wall andmarking my socalled territory. I'm not trying to be a hypocrite making all these suggestionsto astudent government I'm not going to vote for. I'm sure my withheld vote will be replaced by a robot somewhere. I'm .iust saving the last thing the Fedsshoulddo ismakethevoting process more difficult. Remember the turnout last e-year?
-Abbas Halai
ith regards to lastweek'scomplaint tosmokersaroundcampus by Steve Workman, I have to bitch. I've been around since'96 and I've been smoking on and off since then. WhehIstarted, there wassmoking in the SLC smoking room which disappeared some time before May '97. But thatwas justified by students being able to smoke at the Bomber; not anymore, since the Bomber decided to go non-smoking. The reasonIsay "decided" isthat asa~rivate club, they are not legally required to comply to the municiple no-smoking legislation. The MC had a smoking room too, on the fifth floor. That vanished likeafart in the windabout two years ago under the excuse that the office space was needed. We're talking about a room less than a quarter the size of the comfy lounge used by twice as many people. Ichoose to smoke and I canlive with being relegated to standing outsidein the cold, but I cannot abide whiney jerks complaining about me taking up one square foot of real estate outside the door and fillingthe environmentwithsomething far less bad than comes out of my car.
Hygiene is so overrated MlNH TRAN
If you really want us off the doorstep, then get us back our room. Otherwise, get youself a gas mask and piss off.
Imprint, Friday, February 16, 200 I
. -
Iced in black NADIAL. H O H N special to lrnprint
orthern exposure is tough for any Canadian filmmaker. How do yougetnoticedamongstall of the Brad Pitt and Sandra Bullock films out there when you've got Mark Taylor and Rachel Crawford in yours? (Recognizethosenames?You get some maple syrup and a Mountie's hat if you did). The point is that there isanuneven playing field in the film industry. Canadian filmmakers have a fraction of the budget, little media coverage, and no "high-profile, glossy" Canadian actors (when you're high profile you're "overexposed" in Canada and a "star" in the US). This statement is even truer for filmmakersof colour who are just getting their stories told. Token designations are being removedas the "colour bar" isslowly being lowered. Today, black directors are being taken more seriously andgiven more control of their own film production. For this reason and many others, Iced in Black Canadian Black
Experiences on Film, WPIRG's first Annual Black Film Festival at the University of Waterloo, met a great need. The event took place from. February 9 to February 11 in the Davis Centre. Despite large articles in the Echo, the Record, radio commercialsand interviews, on-campus ads, and the front page of the UW Gazette, the turnout was mediocre. (Doubtless this festival did not even dent the numbers of audiences that filed into mega theatre outlets this weekend, playing the blockbuster American filmsthat continue to score millionsof dollars at the box office.) What many didmiss out on was quality filmsand discussionsbetween filmmakers, academics, experts, and audiences. "Raisin' Kane: A Rapumentary, "aNational Film Board new release had a sold-out audience in Toronto and is currently on its national tour. Citizen Kane, the hip hopgroup on which the film was based, the film's directorAlison Duke, producer Karen King-Chigbo, and WLU prof David Black added to our discussions about the music and film biz. CK along with UW Breakers performed
at the Bombshelter for the Iced in Black opening night after-party. Theuniversity of Waterloo was the first location to screen "Speakers for the Dead." Director David Sutherland thanked the organizers for this rare opportunity to have such a venue to show his film. The discussion of "Black, Bold, &Beautiful" coveredthe sociopolitics and personal experiences with hair. The award-winning "Another Planet" brought forthscores of laughter and talk about "culture shock" experiences and African spirituality and culture. Virgo Night showcased two award-winning films by filmmaker Clement Virgo. Rude, representing Canadaat the Cannes film festival in 1995, was a three part story that unravels over an Easter weekend. The star of the heart-warming "The Planet of Junior Brown" gave insight to the acting industry in Canada as the audience munched on West Indian food and drink. All in all, Iced in Black was a success and marks the beginning of a new and exciting tradition here at the University of Waterloo.
I f y w ~ 1 90danywhere fw reading week where w 1 d y w go?
"Vegas baby! "
"Cancun and Paris."
Aimee Demeter 4B RPW
Tales Coghlin and Adrian Chin
Kim & Shauna KinesiologylBiology
"Acupulco, because of the weather, the beach and the women." Rajeev Duyal
"I'm going to get lost in the BermudaTriangle." Sean Flanagan 3A Arts
Dominic & Andrew 3A Actuarial Science
"Anywhere with a beach and hot boys."
"Rocky mountains."
"Anywhere but Waterloo."
Catharine & Maria
Cameron Dunning 1B Civil Engineering
Alvin Tam 1B Accounting
"Grandma's house for some real food." Melissa Findlay 1B Kinesiology
"Toronto, because there is a lot of strip clubs." Sami Badawi 1B Planning
2B Psychology
hpriBt Natiogal Student Journalism C o n f e q ~ gPQB , 41.4
IMPRINT TO HOST CONFERENCE Confererace to nro Februnry 22 - 24
t's not too late! Imprint's National Student Journalism Conference is fast approaching, but you can still register in time for the February 9 deadline. We're gearing up for what promises to be three days of mind-expanding workshops, seminars, speakers and crazy fun. The conference is scheduled for Thursday, February 22 to 24, on campus at the University of Waterloo. We've been lucky enough to get Tony Wilson-Smith, National Affairs Editor for Maclean b and, as Director of Media for Maclean Hunter, the person responsible for bringing Maclean b to the Web. Wilson-Smith has served as Maclean's Moscow and Ottawa Bureau
Chief of Maclean 5, and has covered major international stories from Haiti to Afghanistan. Seminars will include panel discussions, workshops on photography, graphics, layout, and writing for news, sports, entertainment and features. Independent campus news oruwstudent.org ganization will offer insight into bringing your news coverage to the Web with speed and accuracy. The New Quarterly, one of Canada's oldest literary journals, will expand your horizons with a workshop on editing fiction. The conference fee is $125 and includes all seminars and workshops, lunch on all three days and a final banquet.
Maclean b National Affairs Editor and Director ofMedia for Maclean Hunter will give a free public lecture on February 22.
Download your registration form today at:
"Icefishingin Alaska."
Russian aluminum foil saved this man's life Experience as a foreign correspondent was "the best time" for Wilson-Smith KERRY O9BRlEN Imprint staft
n February 22, the University of Waterloo will play host to 40 student journalists for to the Imprint National Journalism Conference. Arnongthemany featured workshops and seminars, there will be a free public lecture on February 22 by Tony Wilson-Smith, who is the National Affairseditor for Maclean's magazine and the Director of Media for Maclean Hunter. Wilson-Smith graduated from Concordia University not in Journalism, but in Political science. "Whether it's better to go to [journalism] school or not, it's split, six points for and six against," he says. This rings true with many UW students who may have an interest in journalism but have no journalism program. Wilson-Smithspentthreeyears (1987-1990) in Moscow as a correspondantforMaclean's. He says that it was "the best time. . .not only in professional terms, which is obvious because the world's attention was focused there, but also in personalterms." Heexplainedthat Westerners held an odd reverence from the population at large.
"We don't know still if it was truth or mythology, but there was this idea if you were a foriegner or westerner inMoscow thatwherever you went every step you were shadowed by the KGB. Because of that ordinary citizens left you alone, and there was really almost no danger of street crime, even though as a standard issue Westerner I hada lot better living conditiones than most Russians at the time. "I never had to really worry about being mugged because everybody figured 'jeez, if Irob thisguy the Secret Police are five feet behind him and then I'm really in for it." Wilson-Smith also reported on war-torn Afghanistan during that time, which led to few apprehensive moments. "I was flying into Afghanistan on a soviet troop carrier from Uzbekistan.Theway to [land]inthose days was that you'd fly over the airport then turn the plane on its nose and fly in a corkscrew going down towards the airport. The reason for that was the rebels all had US made stinger missiles. "[The Russians] would release literallystrips of aluminum foil from the bomb chutes of the plane to confuse the radar on these stinger mis-
siles. And I remember thinking, 'all you need to know about how screwedup international politicsand internationalrelationshipsisthat here I am a Canadian counting for my life on that Soviet technology will be better than American technology.' Obviously it was, because here I am today." One of Wilson-Smith's biggest accomplishments has been putting Maclean's onthe World Wide Web. He is cautiously optimistic about the influence of the Net on journalismas a whole. "It's democracizing the news process, both the manner in which people are reading and the manner in which people collect news. In terms of gettinginformation to the masses it's been great, because theres millions of different voices out there. The downside is that it becomes difficult to pick out the ones you should listen to and the ones that aren't as reliable." His talk will cover many different topics including corporate involvement in journalism and changingprinciples within the field. Tony Wilson-Smith's lecturewilltake place on Thursday, February 22 at 7:30 in Hagey Hall. Tickets are free andcan bereservedat the Hagey Hall Box Office.
Africville, the devastating story of a Black settlement in Halifax M e LAN I STuPARYK imprint staff
hen we think of Nova Scotiaandthe Maritimes, we thinkof the salt seaair andthe fisherman.Whenwe thinkof Canadian Black History we think of the Underground Railroad andpeople like Harriet Tubman who assisted slavesescaping from the US. So why do we never put these twoimagestogether? The textbooks that teach us about slavery and the history of Blacks in Canada during elementary school rarely, if ever, mention one of the most important stories in Canadian Black History: Africville. Africvillewas a smallsettlement in the north end of what is now Halifax settled by former Black American slaves after the War of 1812. Itwasofficially foundedin the 1840s, but many of the familieswho settledthere can trace their originsin Africville as far back as the 1700s, its people were among the first settlers in Nova Scotia. According to Parks Canada records, the population of Africville never exceeded 400 people, who came from up to 8 0 different families. It was a tight community of lawabiding, tax paying, Baptist citizens
who did their best to survive in the conditions they were forcedto live in by the Canadian government. Despite the rosy reputation Canada has of equality and the antislavery movements,the travesty that was Africville shows anotherside of the story. In the decades before the city of Halifax bulldozed Africvilleto the ground, they made life miserable for its citizens. Due to unequal political rights and discrimination, the residents of Africville had no say in what happened with their community. The city built up a series of offensive industries around the community's borders; a prison, night soil disposal pits, an Infectious Disease Hospital, and a dump and incinerator. As a result of these industries and the lack of sewage, water, and lights, Africville gained the reputation of a dirty lawless slum, when in reality it was a group of heart bound citizens striving to survive while being treated like lower class citizens. In the 1960sHalifax beganpostwar renewal projects to clean up the city and wanted to clear out the area where Africville stood. The government officials offered the residents of Africville better homes, jobs, and economic opportunities in turn for tearing down their homes; the resi-
dents resisted, but having no rights, the city went throughwithit anyway. Many citizens were shipped off to slum housing, their personalbelongings transported to their new locations in city garbage trucks, and they were given less than $500 compen-
sation. Bulldozers were sent in to level the community, not only the houses,buttheirlivelihoods--stores, businesses, andeven thechurchwere all destroyed in the dead of night. The site where Africville used to stand is now an underused u ark. It
stands only inmemory of the spirit of Africville,astronglittlecity, thatsurvived hundreds of years of neglect and turmoil. The surviving citizens now put forth all their efforts to recover the history of the communitv anditsamazines~irit.
Imprint, Friday, February 16, ZOO I
Imprint staff
orld Champion and 01ympic gold medallist Daniel Igali has been thrust into the Canadian spotlight since hisvictoryat the Sydney Olympics last year. His gold medal in freestyle wrestling was a first for Canada in the sport and one of the highlights of Canada's lacklustre performance at the games. Few Canadians can forget his touching victory celebration. After winning gold, Igali placed a Canadian flag on the wrestling mat and proceeded to do a few victory laps around it; he then knelt before the flag and kissedit. Itwas a truly unforgettable expression of his love for Canada, his new home. However, even more awe inspiring than his Olympic gold is the story of how Daniel became such a beloved Canadian. Igali was born in Nigeria to a very modest and large family. His father had fourwives, which resulted in 21 children. The children would sleep four to a bed and share toothbrushes. It was those humble beginnings that sprouted a world class wrestler. In 1990, at the age of 16, Igali began to freestyle wrestle at the national level. He won the senior national championships and went on to wrestle as a job. His success continued and he became the African champion in 1994. It wasin 1994 that Igalicameto Canada to compete. In the Com-
monwealth Games in Victoria, he finished 11th.Itwas during thisthat he made the very difficult decision to stay in Canada. Igali began studying at Simon Fraser University while continuing to wrestle. In three years at Simon Fraser, he won 116 matches without a loss.
lgaliwithChretienafter discussing fundingforarnateurathletes. During his stay in$&&&&# host mother, MaureenMatheny was very important and inspirational to him. Igali'ssuccess in wrestlingcontinued to grow in his new country. He placed fourth at the 1998 World Championships and second at the 1998 World Cup. Igali reached the top of the sport in 1999. At the World Championships in Turkey he faced Lincoln McIlvray, his nemesis, from the United States in the finals. Igali had lost his three previous matches with McIlvary. It was avery close match, but Daniel won 3-2. In nine years, Igali had gone from bleak beginnings in Nigeria to world champion. Unfortunately, no
the sport ofwrestlin& Not one fan, not one reporter. But there was something of much greater importance to Igali than waiting reporters. Hisadoptive mother was dying of cancer and she was his first priority. He was able to share his world championship with her during her final days; she died five days after his victory. Igali says that she continues to be one of his greatest inspirations. After victory in 1999, Daniel's sights were set on Olympic gold. In Sydneyhewasafavourite towin, but still faced some stiff competition. One of those would be his archrival, McIlvary. They facedoff in the semifinals went into overtime. Igali soon pulled out the victory and upon attempting to shake McIlvary's hand, he was rejected. Prior to his gold medal match Igali had a dream about his adoptive mother where she told him how proud she was of him. He won the match 7-4 and thrilled Canadians with his victory lap. Upon returning to Vancouver after his Oiympicvictory there were certainlymorereportersgreetinghim than before. The airport was full of fans,anxioustowelcome home Canada's newest hero. Igali is now finishing his criminology degree at Simon Fraser University. Visit Igali's Web site atwww.igali.com
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friend of a mine recently quit school. He wanted to share his ideas about doing it and wanted others to think about his decision. So I decided to ask him a few questions and share his answers. Why did he leave school, why did he quit? "I quit because it was crap and I didn't want to do it anymore." I asked what he meant by this statement. "I was waking up everyday and doing anything but school because I hated it so much." I asked him why he hatedschool so much. "It's not that I hated it, it's just that itcompletely disinterestedme. I was much more interestedin so many other things, like writing, like music, like acting, and so on." He didn't want to get just an-
other joe job. So he decided to make a difficult but exciting change. "It's kinda the hardest decision I've had to make in a while, and it's a decision to do what I've always wanted to do, whichis focus on being artistic. It's very easy to fail in an artistic world," my friend reveals, "but if you think about it, what does it matter? Who does it hurt if I fail? It hurtsnobody! Icould just geta job, make some money, quit that job and try the artistic life again." I asked him if he knows what holds people back from doing the thing that they really want to do. "Some people are just sitting around doing what they are doing because they think they are supposed to," he answers, "or they aren't doing what they really want to do because they are afraid they will fail." I asked him if he thinks others
should follow his lead. "It depends what you're in school for. Sure some people are in school to work for an end goal, but there are other people who really want to do something else, like be a magician, but their parentswant them to be an accountant." Can you sum up what you're trying to say? "Sure," he says, "do you want this life that you're making for yourself? If you never ask that question, then you are losing out. It's not like you are killingapiece of yourself, it's like you're not giving that piece a chance to live." In last week's column two lines were alteredthatdidnot expresstheviewsof thewriter. ~ e a ~ o l &forthealterm: e tionandany misinterbretations that occurredas a result.
Crowded house
I share a house with six other
students and my landlord is trying to evict some of us. Officials from the City of Waterloo inspected the house recently andtold the landlord there are too many people in our house. Can the landlord evict us?
The City of Waterloo requires dwellings that house four or more people to be licensed. This lodging licence isgranted to the landlord only after he complieswith safety and fire code regulations. The licence is renewed once per year and the lodging house is in-
ADlNA GILLIAN imprint staff
displays. It's the best that life has to offer.
>k H E A R T S
O N F I R E .
o the big day has passed, but you're stillinto each other, right? Okay, okay, it has garlic in it, but I mean, what's a little bad breath betweenvalentines?Eat it up, it'sgood. P O S T V-DAY LOVE SALAD
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12 oz package of bowtie (farfalle) pasta 1 red pepper, cut. into 112 inch pieces 1 yellow pepper, cut into 112 inch pieces
spected regularly by municipal officials. One of the safety and fire code concerns is overcrowding. To this end, the lodging licence will specify the maximum number of people permitted in the dwelling. Whether the landlord filled the house with too many lodgers or you decided to bring in extra roommates to help with the rent, the landlord must reduce the number of lodgers to comply with the licence. If you and your landlordcannot negotiatea settlementregardingwho will leave, the landlord will have to make a formal application to the Ontario Rental HousingTribunalfor
an eviction order. TheTribunal may then order the eviction of the tenants, who will then have a few days to vacate the dwelling. Therefore, it is to your benefit to make sure your prospective landlord has a lodging house licence and to review it before you agree to rent such a dwelling. The licence will increase your safety and your security. Allinformation in thisarticlewas obtained from the City of Waterloo and the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal. Contact the Ombuhperson at SLC,Room2128,888-4567ext.2402 ore-mailombuds@uwaterloo.ca
1medium eggplant, cubed into 1 inch pieces 2-3 portebello mushrooms (tops only),sliced 3 small yellow squash (or amixture of squash and zucchini) 1 112 ounce sundried tomatoes (soaked in 112 cup boiling water) 112 cup torn arugula or your favourite field greens 112 cup fresh basil 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 Tbsp garlic, minced 113 Ib of feta cheese, crumbled 114 cup and 2 Tbsp olive oil
foil and spray with a non-stick spray In a large bowl, combine all the vegetables, garlic and the 2 Tbsp of olive oil and toss to coat Bake for 25 minutes on the cookie sheet. Tossoccasionally In a pot of salted water, cook the pasta until al dente Rinse under cold water and drain. Drain the water from the tomatoes, saving the liquid In a large bowl, combine the pasta, arugula, basil, tomatoes and vegetables Add the remaining oil, reserved liquid, vinegar, and feta cheese Toss to coat Season withsalt and pepper to taste and serve immediately
Preheat the oven to 450째 F Line acookie sheet with aluminum
land, rice and nkenfoods MAGDALENA KONIECZNA
special to Imprint
lot has been saidin the media recently about geneticallymodified organisms (GMOs). Every report seemsto contradict the previous-some groups argue that untested and potentially misunderstood organisms are being soldin the produce aisle of your local grocery store, while others believe that GMOs have been proven adequately safe for human consumption. It is difficult for average consumers to know what to believe and whether or not they should be concerned about the food they eat. According to Dr. Bernard Glick of uwsbiology department, much of thisconfusion can be attributed to a misunderstanding among the general public about the nature of the technology and its potentialimpacts. He cites as an e x a m ~ l ae recent survey performed in Ireland. Pamciants were asked whether itwas true b a t genetically-modifiedfoodcould alter the consumers' geneticmakeup. Twenty-five per cent of participants believed the statement -which scientists agree is strictlyuntrue -to be correct. Forty-five per cent said they were qot sure. "That's 70 per cent of the people who don'tknowwhat'sgoingon and think that their genes are going to be modified by eating transgenic fruit," Glick said. "So we've done a poor job of educating people about science." The first gene-splicing experimentswere performed in California in 1972. For the first time DNAfrom one organism was cut and spliced into the DNA of another forming what is knownas arecombinant DNA molecule. At the time, the experiments generated a tremendous amount of controversy. "People feared it was going to create monsters," Glick said. "People felt that it was man playing God." Many newspapers ran editorial comics depicting things such as an elephant's head fused onto a fly's body. "That was just an indication that people didn't understand what a gene was and what the nature of
Saleema Saleh, labtechnicianfor Dr. Click, inaction. the technology was," Glick said. "We don't just take some DNAand throw it in and hope that it works. We can definepreciselythat DNAsowe know exactly what protein it's going to produce." By inserting well-defined DNA segments, one gene at a time, the outcome of the splicing can be prediaedto about 80 per cent accuracy before even performing an experiment, Glick said. Another 19per cent certainty can be gained in the lab, leaving a very small margin for unpredicted behaviour. "Aplant has about 4 to 5 billion genes. We're adding one or two genes," Glick said. "We're adding a miniscule amount of DNA. "We're changing the properties of the plant, butwe're changing it in a very small way. Is it a different species?Absolutelynot." Glicksaid that the potential benefits of the technology far outweigh the possible risks. For example, 400 million people in the world suffer from vitamin A deficiency, and 3.7 billion fromiron deficiency. Most of these people live in the world'spoorestcountriesand their major staple is rice. By genetically-engineering a variety of rice higher in vitamin A, many of these people would receive much-needed supplements to their diets. In fact, rice strains have been
created that are high in bothironand vitaminA. Althoughthesegrainshave not been grown in large quantities, the ~otentialclearlv exists for imprwednourishment for the world's poorestcitizens. Glick argues that opposition to examples such as this makes it obvious that people are not fighting against the science,but rather against the corporations which are implementing it. "I think that corporations obviously think in the short-term and I thinkhavetheconcernsof their shareholders as their first concern, and that's why a lot of people would prefer not to have the technology at all," he said. "Ithinkit'sthrowing out the baby with the bathwater." "The science promisesto create untold wealthandto feed the world's population in an efficient and effective manner in a way that we've never been able to do before. It promises literally another green revolution." "We as scientistshave not done agood job of explainingthe technology to the general public. However, the general public is brought up on SesameStreet and wants everything explained in 90-second sound bites and it's more complex. To truly understand it, YOU have to work at it a bit and not everybody is prepared to do that," Glicksaid.
Imprint science: An intelligent constant in a world full of utter stupidity.
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bring home the first Warrior gold in the OUA Championship Men's Relay competition. Inspired by the men, the women's team showed what they were made of in the reliy. Kelly Skinner started strong for the Warrior women keeping the team in the hunt and handed off to Mary Ellen Wood in fourth. Wood blew past Queen'sasshe came from 22 seconds down to 6 seconds up at the tag off to the powerful Dupont. Andrea put it into overdrive on the final leg, picking off Laurentian's AlisonJeffkinsin the final 1.5 km. Andrea had the second fastestwomen's time of the day on the hilly 4 km Camp Fortune race course. The last seconds of the race were the most exciting, as Dupont wasclosing in fast on the Lakehead team, placing a close second. The battle ground was more favourable for the warriors on Sunday as the women had amazingraces, finishingsecond. They were led by Dupont's blazing second place followed by Woodin eighth. Colleen Lynch, whogot acast off just in time for the race, placed ninth. Skinner, Henriques, and Terri Hancock rounded up the women's team in fast style. The men's competition was a nail biter. Led by Faulkner in third, with Curtis, Gumble and Crane in hot pursuit, the team finished second for the day. As the snow settledafter the battle, Waterloo left Ottawa with four all-stars (Dupont, Wood, Faulkner and Curtis), a fourth for the women and second for the men.
his week at UW Indoor hockey arrior indoor hockey team travelled d OUALeague Tournament. Waterwakedaway from the weekend with4-
formances by Mary Ellen Wood and Monica Henriques placing the team in fourth. The afternoon brought the highly anticipatedrelay for which the Warriorswere ready to strut their stuff. In the men's race, Jeremy Crane skied a valiant first leg, and then handed off to Justin with a 45 seond deficit to the front running Lakehead and 3 0 second deficit to the Voyageurs. Justin was on fire, leavingavapour trail behind as he sizzled on the second leg made up of 2x4 km loops. He caught and destroyed the wills of hisLaurentian andLakehead rivals on the final kilometre of lap one uphill leading out of the Camp Fortune stadium. He continued to keep the hammer down over his final lap giving anchor Charles Curtis a huge 1:30.00 advantage for the final l e ~ .Charles held off Laurentian's Chris Algar to Hot~nthetrail,Waterloopushesitscompetitorstothelimit.
stern. ErinMorton
special to Imprint
orton andJessa Jennings
nd 4, hosted by the War-
rrior hockey team had the oppormake life alittle bit more stressful e WLU Golden Hawks last weekend. In the openinggame of a back-to-back es the Warriors tied the Hawks 2-2 at ica Arena last Thursday. Rob Maric red the Warrior goals. Warriorswere back at f the ColumbiaIcefield proved anything but gracious hosts. Mike Nixon scored three goals in the Warriors 3-1 victory over the Golden Hawks. Brett Turner hadthree assistswhile Rob Maric contributed two helpers. The Warriors host Windsor in their final regular season game on Sunday, February 18 at 2:00 p.m. at the Columbia Icefield Arena.
Volleyball The women'svolleyball found the win column again lastweekwith a3-1 win over the McMaster Marauders. The 5-13 Warriors defeated the Marauders 25-21,27-25, and 25-16 losing the second set 25-17. Later in the week, the Warriors were defeated in three straight sets byToronto. The set scoreswere25-18,25-9 and25-15. The Warrior men handed McMaster a 3-0 defeat en route to a playoff berth for the Warriors. Waterloo defeated the Marauders 2519,25-23 and 28-26. The 8-6 Warriorssit in second place in the OUA West and will host Windsor in a playoff game this week.
amp Fortune, in the renowned Gatineau hills near Ottawa, was the sight - of the first Ontario University Nordic Ski finales of the 21st century. Here, Waterloo squared off against their competitors in what proved to be a battle of the titans. JackFrost gotthe weekendoff witha bang, by covering the entire course with a layer of freezing rain before blanketing the area in an arctic air mass. This turned the already technical course into a skating rink. Despite initial doubts, racing began on Saturday with the skate race. This battle was rough on many of the Warriors, but Justin Faulkner conquered the treacherous conditions to place fourth with other strong performances by Kyle Gumble, Ken Murray and GregBrigley.With thispowerfulleadership the men's team wasable to place second, only nine uoints behind the Laurentian team. The women were led with strong per-
Warriors clean up at OUAs 6 medal winners and 14 records broken LISA MAINS special to Imprint
eptember to February. That's five long months of early mornings but in the end, it was worthit for the Warrior swim team as they posted their bestresultin recent memory at OUA championships and the records of 14 teams were erased. The Warriors started off strongly on Friday as 12swimmersqualified for secondswims. And we occupied an amazing 6 of the 16 qualifying spots in the men's 100m breaststroke finals. Leading the way was Athlete of the Week Matt Mains, who won gold while settinganewteamrecordin a time of k03.03, while Carlo DiStefano was seventh in the "A" final. Inthe "B" final,AndrewMoffat, Grahame Jastrebski, AlanLee and Parag Shanbhagscored 17points while finishingthird, fourth, fifthand
seventh respectively. Shanghag took off an incredible five seconds to qualify for the "3" final. JulieSteinbergbrokeValWalker's (19992000 female athlete of the year) record in the preliminaries in the lOOm breaststroke and lowered it again in the finals while claiming silver. In the 400m Individual Medley (IM), Steinbergand David Rose each captured silver with Rose loweringhisteam recordto4:27.65. Lindsay Beavers also had a record breaking performance in the 200m freestyle winning silver in a time of 2:03.56. The 4x100m medley relay of Kristen Brawley, Steinberg, Gen Sweny and Beavers raced to fourth place and anew team record in a time of 4:29.72, only 0.01 s off the podium. The Warriors were more than ready to go on Saturday with large expectations after Friday's performance. The breaststrokers led the way as three
men qualified for the "A" final. Once again, Mainsledtheway qualifyingfirstwithDiStefano and Moffat qualifying fifth and sixth in a tight field. The Warriors were hoping-to see two swimmers on the podium and they did not disappoint. Mains destroyed the field by four seconds while breaking former Olympian and world record holder Alex Bauman's OUA record in the 200m breaststroke with a time of 2: 16.25. Not to be outdone, DiStefano swam an incredible race to grab the bronze medal and qualify for CIAU competition with a personal best time. The surprise qualifierJason Kinnear took off 15 seconds to reach the "B" final and finished seventh. In the 200m IM Rose collected silver and another team record. Not to be outdone by the men, Julie Steinberg won the 200111 breaststroke and deplease see page 15
Im~rint,Friday, February 16, 200 1
UW basketball goes big KERRY O'BRIEN hprint staff
Games have just begun for XFL n February 3, a new league when there's a kickoff or an extra began their inaugural season in point, for it is quite exciting. Finally, there is the no fair catch Las Vegas and Orlando. VincentK. McMahon, themod- rule, which means that once the ball ern day P.T.Barnum who proved is caught, that jobber must run or be hrvnnd a -shadnw nf -- a- douht that hit into sometime next week. suckers were not born, but rather On the broadcasting side, there bred(andattimesinbred),wasthere are interviewers who interview the judges while the in LasVegas with pomp andcircum- ~oaches,~la~ersand game is going on. stance that rivals the Queen Mum. For those who are interested in Jesse Venmra made his debut as a colour commentator and Jim Ross what really happens duringthe game, this is a plus, although it can get also commented gn the game. But, being objective as I always annoying at times. am, Iwatchedtwo weeks worth in order to pass a verdict on the X-treme FootballLeague (XFL). ito of d,thereare positive aspects of this league that in my mind improves the game. In promising a smashmouth, in your face game, the tradiButtry as thisleaguernight,there tional coin toss has been replaced with amad 1 5yard dash for the ball. arebigproblemsthatplaguetheXFL. One thing is the camera angles. While trainers andcoaches cringe at the very thought of a player getting Attimes,it lookslike someonetooka injuredbefore the game even begins, home video camera and filmed the itstill provides an entertaining start. game. In fact, therewere some techAlso, one of the easiestthings to nical difficulties experienced that do in the game ofAmerican football, added to the frustration of the fans. Also, the "cheer1eaders"ladced the point after, cannot be kicked in the XFL. No, the ball must either be certain things like coordination and run or passed into the endzone to synchronization. While they were receive the extra points. This is a attractive enough (I am a leg man goodthing, for if onewantshepoints, myself), it looked at times like I'd you pretty much have to earn them. been watching The Replacements, a Onkickoffs,oncetheballreaches movie that makes HowardtheDuck 20 yards, it canbe consideredlive for look like Oscar material. Really, if I wanted to go into astrip club, Iwould any of the two teams to catch. You cancertainly guess that one have gone, even if it did mean blowing $50 for beer, women and song. won't be going to the refrigerator
And then there was Jesse Ventura, who should really stick to his day job as governor of Minnesota. He knows as much about football as Don Cherry knows about ice hockey. Judging by Cherry's past endeavours (Colorado Rockies, Miss~ssaugaIce Dogs), it's a wonder that this wahoo is still on the air. The football itself can be exciting at times. But the gameslikethe Las VegasOutlawsversustheNewYorkNew Jersey Hitmen (and Outlaws versus the Memphis Maniax), can become god-awful affairs that make a mockery of the sport. There have been a couple of excitinggames like the Los Angeles Xtreme versus the Chicago Enforcers (which went to double overtime) and the Orlando Rageversusthe San Francisco Demons, but the league is basically nothing more than a glorifiedNCAADivision I-AAgame. Yes, fans, there is some good football out there in them hills that Vinny built, but for the most part, you'll be howling in agony at the fumbles, missed plays and strategic blunders. Overall, thisisspo~~wise anokay league, but nothing to write home about. If there isnothing else on, the XFL is suitable,but the best advice is to wait for NFL Europe to start on April 21, when the Scottish Claymores face off against the Frankfurt Galaxy. All I have to say is "Scotland!"
Despite losing their head coach to a technical foul halfway through the game, the Women's BasketballWarriors managed to pull out a nine point victory against the Windsor Lancers Wednesday night, 67-58. The Warriors only shot 14 per cent in the first half, but still managed to pull ahead by six points before halftime. With about seven minutes left to play and the Warriors up by nine,coachTomO'Brienwasejected
after questioning a defensive foul against Waterloo. The team managed to hang on for the victory. After aroller-coaster season, the team has clinched fourth place in their division. While this might not sound like much, it means that the Warriorsare assured of their playoff spot for the first time in over five The Warriors play McMaster at home next Wednesday. February 21 at 6:00 p.m., and theh host thk playoff game Saturday, February 24. Their opponents could be Brock, WLU,orWindsor.
For the most part, you'll be howling in agony at the fumbles, missed plays and strategic blunders.
vs Windsor Lancers 290 PM, CIF ARENA
Warrior Basketball Wednesday, Febwary 21, vs McMaster, (W) 6:W PM, (MI 8:W PM,
students wih a valid WATURD F*I-m about all
7he C&fioningRoom is nav staffed on a barir to assist@ St?tfare available to give you m orisltahbn to the equrpmsltmd to answer any questiDrn you mny haw. ~taffhowsare posted on the ConditioningRwm O@ door.
Bronze Medallion, Sr. R.A., Bronze Cross Crash Come Stab Fnday, Mmh 16. Get all the ~'fiunlrn p i need to become a cerd'p lifaawr!No P r . i t e . Register in PAC 2039.
Imprint, Friday, February 16, 200 1
Athletes of the week Great Lakes Swim Challenge Don't see the point to swimmingback and forth and back and forth in the pool? This term, instead of swimmingcountless,monotonouslengths, challenge yourself to swim the distance across one of Ontario's Great Lakes. The Aquatics Department of campus ~ e ~ hdesignkd as a program this term to keep - you . motivated towards your fitness goals. By recording exactly how far you swim each time, we will calculate how close you are to swimming across the Great Lake of your choice. All participants will receive a Campus Rec T-shirt when their swim has beencompleted. For more information, consult the Swim Challenge binder on the pool deck, or one of the friendly lifeguards.
Campus Recreation Heart and Stroke Volleyball Tournament This past Saturday, February 10, the PAC gym was filledwith people digging, spikingand setting.That's right, the annual Campus Rec Heart and Stroke Volleyball Tournament turned the gym into a battleground withwhitemissilesflyingeverywhere. The tournament provided players with an excuse not to study on a Saturday and helped raise money for the Heart and Stroke ($945.50 was raised by players). The top fundraising team was B1 CS Grads who raised $300 as a team.
Two pools comprised of five teams each played in round robin action throughout the morning and early afternoon. When the dust had settled, AS Iron Monkeys came out on top of the "AnpoolandM Dragon Balls were the number one ranked team in tlie "B" division.
25-14,25-21 match-up. Over on the consolation side, A3 Steve's Minion and A2 Word to Your Muthah came out on top of semi-final gamesagainstB1CS Grads and BS Inverse Matrix respectively. The consolation final was a bitter battle, but Steve'sMinion ultimately gained the title after three games (25-23.19-25 and 8-15). A special thanks to all the referees who donated their valuable time and effort and helpedmake the tournament aqualityevent. Hope to see everyone on the courts next year!
Reading Week Hours for the PAC
Iron Monkeys made the championshipfinals,beatingB3AsianSensationin two gamesin semi-finalplay. A1 Wheat Kings emergedasthe other finalist, surpassing Dragon Balls in three games. In the end, Iron Monkeys took home the gold medals, in a
There are some changes in the PAC hourscomingupover ReadingWeek. February 17,18 - 11:OO a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ~ e b r u a q19-22-8:OOa.m. to 11:OOp.m. February 23 - 8:00 a.m. to 9:OOp.m. . February 24 - 11:OO a.m. to 6:00 p.m. From Sunday, February 25 onward, the PAC will be returning to normal operating hours. Have a great Reading week!
Julie Steinberg Warrior Swimming
Matt Mains Warrior Swimming
Athird-year Recreation studentfrom New Hamburg, Julie had an exceptional weekend at the OUA swimming championships weekend. Competing against a couple of Olympiansinthe Individual Medley events, she swam to third place in both the 200 and 400 I.M., setting personal best times and a new Warrior team record in the 200. In her specialty,the breaststoke events, she improved upon her I.M. event placings with a win in the 200 and a second in the 100. Both times were new Warrior records surpassing Val Walker's records. For her medal effortsJulie is recognized as an OUA All Star.
Matt is a first-year Computer Science student from Kitchener. When it comesto settingrecords Matt took on one of those set by an Olympian and world record holder of note. The old 200 m breaststroke record was held by Alex Bauman and Matt proceeded to surpass the old record time of 216.85 with atime of 216.45. Thisgave Matt first placein the 200 m, to go along with his first place in the 100 m breaststroke. Matt also had a second place in the 50mbreaststroke andafourthin the 200 m LM. For his medal performances Matt is recognized as an OUA All Star.
Leaders of the week
Naomi Carrara
plus taxes ; delivery extra *excludes Party Pizza and double toppings **extra cheese additional cost
Naomi is the Referee-in-Chief for Campus Rec competitivebasketball and one of the sport supervisors.She coordinates and schedules 20 referees during the term, which means 384 referee games to schedule. Naomi is extremely organized, and youcan bet nothingslips through the crackswhen she'srunning the show. She has covered gameswhen referees had not shown up and oversees games practicallyall day Sundayand Monday - helping to keep the league runningsmoothly. Congratulations, your work in CampusRec is noted and valued.
Referees from the Heart and Stroke Volleyball Tournament These volunteer referees took agood chunk of their time out of this past Saturday, February 10 to assist with the Campus Rec Heart and Stroke VolleyballTournament. Their enthusiasm was a great asset to the competitive tournament and their expertise was much appreiciated by players and organizers alike. Most of theserefsalso refereein the Campus Rec competitive league and are an asset to the program. Thank you folks!
Edgy, unscripted hilarity PAUL S C H R E I B E R imprint staff
nce I had to save the world with a toothpick and a t-shirt," Greg Morey explained, smiling. Improvisational theatre is like that. Sometimes you're talking about chicken feed, other times it's half-eaten wedding dresses. Being able toinvent your ownskills on the spot is an interesting challenge; you have to think on your feet and work your way out of trouble. When Morey's not working on his Master's degree in Computer Scienceor playing drums, he's making pebple laugh as part of Theatre on the Edge (TOTE). We sat in Williams Coffee Pub, munching on bagels and sipping kiwi juice. Morey and Bernie Roehl, a software developer in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, describe what makes a good improv show. Like any well-told story, improv should have strongcharacters, an interesting location, andconflict. All the elements come together to make a scene successful. "Agood location gives you goodcharacters, good characters give you astrongconflict, and 8 strong conflict makesit easy to raise the stakes," Morey explained. "Raising the stakes" is a technique where improv performers make another character's goal harder to attain. For example, instead of meetingastranger, you'dmeet acharacter that you later found out had "murdered your parents, ran off with your spouse and stole your bunny slippers." Roehl's been active in the improv scenefor a long time -back in 1981 he was a part of Theatresports. As TOTE's Artistic Director,
he's responsiblefor coordinatingand teaching workshops, selecting cast members and determing the artistic focus of the group. TOTE is composed of 25 people from a wide variety of backgrounds - students, salespeople, tech workers - ranging in age from earlv twenties to late forties. Morey and Roehl are not the onlyU W people in the group; TOTEcounts close to a dozen alumni as active participants. Two weeks ago, the group took part in "Pushing the Envelope," an improv competition in Hamilton. Six teams were given 15 minutes apiece to impress the judges. Theatre on the Edge performed a musical, a Shakespearean play andascene called "The Balladeer" in which one performer sings a ballad and the others act it out. Their open scene revolved around one character in the midst of puberty and another going through a midlife crisis. The man having the midlife crisis tried to steal his son's girlfriend. Did he succeed?The audience was left hanging. - - TOTE won -gold in the competition. The prize wasn't big-cookies-but the team came home all smdes. Theatre on the Edge'sshowsare amixture of games (hke the show Whose Line is it Anyway?) and open scenes. Popular improv games include props, shde show and musicals "where everyone randomly breaksinto song;" Besides performances and workshops, Theatre on the Edge does corporate gigs, too. In one instance, they were asked not to be overly sexual, but the audience's suggestions turned out to be more explicit than TOTE's. After an audience member suggested using an eight-inchconnecter pipe as a prop, thingsgot going. "Once you talk about an eight-inch
connecter pipe, you have to talk about a 10inch connector pipe, then 40 inches," Morey related, smiling. At one of the~rweekly shows, they were asked to combine Rumplestiltskin andTitantic. The funniestpart of thatshow,Morey recalled, was that "at one point Rumplestiltskin asked someone to go and find out more information frpm the female lead but not reveal his name. Theguy goesout andsays 'What's your name?' andshe saidLI'mnot gonnatell you'and he said 'Hisname's Rumplestiltskin.. I'm the king of the world'"-the only Titanic reference in the wholescene.
Ron Hawkins stays sharp D R E W KUDELKA special to imprint
hat rock star sets up an interview for 9:30 in the morning? "No rock star would," replied Hawkins. Apublicist does, however. Hawkinsrelated that despite the early hour, he is very happy with hisnewdistributio~company and has come a long way from when he would deliver his records on his bike. Things are gearing up for Hawkins again. And they should be -he's been callingthis way of life a living for 10 years now. "Sometimes it's a good living, a n d sometimesI'mselling books and CDs to cover rent." That is not surprising comingfrom one of Canada's most real rock musicians. This new project of Hawkins has been around for quite awhile. Ron Hawkins and the Rusty Nails are based out of Toronto and tour frequently. I saw them in Guelph at the Albion hotel five years ago. At that point, Hawkins had just left the Lowest of the Low. We arrived early enough to catch the band eatingdinner. I gave an impromptu interview on the spot -digging out informa-
tion as to why the band broke up.He gave interesting but not necessarily true answers then. This time. I knew better than to ask. Surprisingly, the Lowest of the Low got back together for some reunion dates in Toronto last summer. Hawkins was surprised "how incredible it had turned out." He suggested that the myth factor had added to the band's growth in fan base. "We had 5000 people in two nights. I guess big brothers and . big sisters and word of mouth have been building up the myth of The Lowest of the Low." If you are looking for Lowest of the Low material, all the shows were recorded on twenty-four track and will be sorted out by this summer. But Ron Hawkins and the Rusty Nails are not the Lowest of th'e Low. "At the beginningthe Rusty Nails felt please see page 18
ron hawkins and the rusty nails club abstract 10 P.M.
MONDAYS The Morning Watch: We are a nondenominational Christian group. We engage in scripture reading and silent prayer. Our purpose is to provide a time and place for busy students to pray on campus. 8:30-9:00 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, The Student Life Centre Prayer Room. For more info please e-mail Richard Boychuk at rnboychu@artsmail.uwaterloo.ca. WEDNESDAYS The Wellness Centreweekly meetings start on January 17,2001 at6:30 p.m. at the Wellness Centre, SLC, located above Imprint in Student Service Resource area, room 2124A. For details call 888-4567, ext. 5951. THURSDAYS Group for Libertarian Activism and Discussion. Llbertarlanism in One Lesson study series at 6:00 p.m., Student Lifecentre,room 2133. Contact Graham at gtjhearn@uwaterloo.caor 725-7810.
Students can transferto architectureif you wish to transferto Architecture for the Fall 2001 term, make sure you have completed an "Application for Internal Transfer" form, which can be obtained from the Registrar'sOffice, secondfloor, Needles Hall. Applications must be received by arch 12, 2001. Turnkey Coffee House if you would like to perform please contact the Turnkey Desk or Nancy O'Neil, ext. 6283. New office location for Adm~nistration ~ and MaintenanceOfficeis 106 Seagram Drive, Waterloo. Getting married?Congratulations!Let us help you prepare.- he UW Chaplains' Association and the WLU Chaplains want to support your desire for a strong and meaningful marriage. We invite you to participate in a Marriage Preparation Course on Friday. March 2 from 7 to 9 p.m: and Saturday, March 3 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Resurrection College, Westmount Road, N.. Waterloo; Ontario. For more info call 8884567, ext. 3633 or 884-0710, ext. 2240 or 8844404, ext. 610 or 885-0220. ext.
community based study halls. Students range from grade 3 to 12 and need support in English, French, high school Sciences and Maths. Own transportation is preferred. Training and screening sreq~ re0 Call B.g S stersat 743-5206 Actors and tech nelp neeaea to v 0 . m teer for independentfilm. Roles needed: one male, 40's or 50's ; one female, late 30's to early 50's ; two females 14-17 years old ; two females 21-28 years old ; three males 21-30 years old. To arrange audition or for more information call (519) 591-3571 or email alexquiller@hotmail.com. m u t o r s : VolunteerstorL~teracy(torWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21,2001 merly BUDS is a UW student, staff and Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo Comfaculty group that provide free tutoring ing Out Discussion Group. Topic: "What andencouragementtochildrenandyouth Do I Want in a Relationship?" 7:00 p.m. in our community. Would you like to be Social follows. ML 104. Meet old friends on the organziationalteam. tutor, help at and make new ones. All welcome. Dea drop-in centre, or co-ordinate a readtails: 884-4569. ing circle, etc.? For more information. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25,2001 please contact Candace (Frontier ColK-W Chamber Music Society presents lege)at 747-8113 orcmhillier@sprint.ca "Janina Fialkowska, piano" at 8 p.m. at bor more detalls tor the tollowlnq opthe KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young portunities call the Volunteer Action Street. W., Waterloo. For infolreservaCentre at 742-8610. Quote the number tions call 886-1673. associated with the opportunity. http:ll WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,2001 www.wchat.on.ca1publiclkitchenerl 2002: Building the Future Lecture with vacfiles/vac.htm Bob Rae, former premier of Ontario; 7 FRIDAY NIGHTS AT THE MOVIES: p.m.. Humanities Theatre. All welcome. #7101-1768 - volunteers are needed to Free admission. help with the snack bar, clean up and music, cards and game activities. BEFRIEND A WOMAN IN NEED OF SUPPORT: #1134-1520: by volunteering with the Elizabeth Fry Society you support a woman at the Grand Valley Instituteforwomen. Three hours a week is needed. Build Your Resume! Give to the comTHE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCImunity! Friendly volunteers are needed ETY #1074-1518 - needs help at their to providecompanionshipto peoplewith customer service desk which entails reAlzheimer disease. One to four hour ception, equipment loans, etc. Morning weekly commitment. Training provided. or afternoons are available. Next sessions March 3, April 7 and May COME PLAY WlTH US!: # I 148-1088 26. Call Alzheimer Society 742-1422. young children (three months and older) P need you at Hildegard Marsden Co-op raise money for our programs. You get Day Nursery.Threeto four hours a week bowling, pizza and fabulous prizes. Call is needed. our "Bowl for Kids Sake" hotline at 579RETIRED & LOOKING FOR A RE3432 to register. WARDING VOLUNTEER EXPERIVolunteers required are you able to ENCE?: # I 103-1374 -the K-W Seniors volunteer a few hours weekly during the Day Program needs volunteers to help school day? The FRIENDS service at with card games, shuffleboard, bingo, CMHA matches volunteers with chiletc. Staff support is available. dren who need additional support in HELP HUNGRY CHILDREN START their school setting. Please call 744THEIR DAY WlTH A FULL STOMACH: 7645, ext. 317 or &.cmhawrb.on.ca. #1120-2350 -the local school breakfast Studv Hall Proaram - from Januarv 30 program needs volunteers to help with to ~ p r i5,2001T~niversit~ l studenis to cooking, serving food, clean up and grotutor young new Canadian children at cery shopping. Hours are 7:30 to 8:30
220 or 884-8111, ext. 281 or 885-1460, ext. 207. Marriage plans? Join with several otherstostudy Drs. Lesand Leslie Parrott's "Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts." Contact Jeff and Marlene Austen at jeffnmer@altavista.comor 725-0265.
~ e a Hat day a t the beach?
smn/ a5
Essay Service -need help with any of your essays? Take the help of highly qualified graduates. Call toll-freeforcustom editing and essay service 1-888345-8295.
Summer sublets: May to August. Four bedroom townhouse on Albert Street, 20 minute walk. Six bedroom house on Erb and Westmount, 15 minute walk. Phone 588-5920. One room available May to August. Twom~nutewalkfromUW, sharedbathroom and kitchen. $240/month, utilities not included. Please contact bdmander@uwaterloo.ca or Blake at 747-8191. September rentals: various houses and apartments. Three, four, six, eight and nine bedrooms. Ten to twenty-five minute walk. Various locations and prices. Renting to groups, 12 month lease. Phone 588-5920. Spring 2001 Term -St. Paul's College, located on UW campus, offers single room accommodation and meal plan (15mealsweekly).Special rateis$1,900 if paid in full by February 28, 2001. For more information or an application, please call (519) 885-1460 or email ~tpaul@uwaterloo.ca. London, Ontario: one bedroom available from May to August. Two minute walk to malllgrocery, five minutes from UWO, on bus route, parking available, utilities not included. $360/month negotiable. Call Carrina after 6 p.m. at (519) 858-8680. Room for rent for a auiet individual in a quiet detached housk. Parking and all amenities. Please call 725-5348. Fall 2001 Term U.~, o eYear r Students - St. Paul's College, located on UW campus, offers accommodation and meal plan (19 meals weekly)'. Single and double rooms are available. For more information or an application, please call (519) 885-1460 or email stpaul@uwaterloo.ca.
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Imprint, Friday, February 1 6 , 200 1
CAITLIN CROCKARD special to Imprint
ith all that major-label amalgamation nonsense that's been in the music news these days (can you even keep track of what company owns who anymore?),it sureisnice to findsome relative sanity among the smaller, independent record labels that keep quietly producing quality releases, free from the pressures of creating hit singles or chart toppers. Most founders of indie labels cite frustrations with major labels and a desire to put out good, hypefree music as reasons for taking the major financial risks that go along with releasing records. Be glad that people like ShelleyMaple felt strongly enough about the dearth of quality labels to take that risk -otherwise Jetset Records wouldn't exist. Maple started Jetset in 1996 out of what she has said to be an almost "Christian duty." Though Jetset bands run the gamut from torch songs to post-rock instrumentals, all do share one thing in common: to take rock music and subvert it a little, resulting in mostly gritty tales and a dark, "rock noirn feel to many of the releases. Prolapse's Black Saturday was the very first Jetset release. The album &d well in college radio circuits and the band ended up on tour with
Stereolab. Prolapse's most recent album, GhostsofDeadAeroplanes,isa great indicator of their modus operandi-swirling guitar, dreamy keyboards, and then the duelling vocals of a mumbling Mick Derrick and a softlysingingLindaSteelyard,which keeps the music grounded. Firewater is perhaps the "big name" band on Jetset's roster; their second album, ThePonzi Scheme, hit the top of college radio charts and was picked up by Universal. (It remains to be seen how they fared in the major-label shuffle). The band specializesin gritty rockwithEastern and Klezmer influences -a potentially messy mix, but they pull it off with a swagger best heard on their debut, Get Off the Cross. Another successfulbandin indie circlesisMacha,foundedby brothers Joshua and Mischo McKay. The band'ssoundisinjectedwithabase of almost-traditional Indonesian Gamelan music, which they successfully top off with soft, whispery vocalsandrocksensibilities.Their most recent project isacollaboration with the now-defunct Bedhead, an EP that marries the two groups'visions wonderfully. Two groups on Jetset are duos who specialize in slow-burn torch rock. Elysian Fields, featuring Jennifer Charles (the daughter of a torch singer) and Oren Bloedow (who has played with avant-jazz
group The Lounge Lizards), create haunting songs of dark beauty on their new album Queen of the Meadow. Sally Norvell andguitarist extraordinaire Kid Congo Powers teamedup for one album,Abnormals Anonymous, under the name Congo Nowell. It's a thing of beauty - a slow, almost anguished look at love gone wrong. Mogwai, though not well known in North America, gained widespread recognition in the UK after one of their songs was granted "Single of the Week" status by New Music Express. Since then, they've released four albums of dissonance, feedbackandcrashingguitars,mixed with great melodies. Other greatJetset bands include Kid Silver, Arab Strap, Black Box Recorder, and the Go-Betweens,who just released their first new album in 12 years to great critical acclaim. It would be no exaggeration to say that everything put out by the fine folks at Jetset is worth a listen, something that can certainly not be said of most record labels today. People are starting to take notice: this past fall the label was rewarded with Gavin's College "Indie Label of theyear" award, honoured by the respected radio and music trade magazine. If you find yourself disillusioned with the politics of major labels, try out asincere, heartfelt labellikeJetset.
ALLISON special
ormed in 1997, the Swedish band Last Days of April released Angel Youth last September. Within these 10tracks are a variety of instruments, including a glockenspiel, organ and accordion that listenershad a tough time drawing comparisons to.
Josh Pike and Jordan Roovers 2BRecand3AKinesiology
Tim Fowler 3APureMathlComputerScience
"Track five is slow for what I like to hear. There are distinct and different songs, and I liked the majority of them. It didn't sound mainstream, but had a softer and slower bass."
"Good drivingmusic. It was too slow for dancing,but too fast for studying. Hard tocompare to other bands, but in the middle of popular alternative music. Thumbsup!"
IerryXing 1B Pre-Optometry
Shauna Guillemin 2B Anthropology/Biology
"All the trackswere goodexceptthe last one -there was nothing to it. It was really quiet and mellow. The CD was a catchy mix of slow and semifast, but still givesyouenergy. Overall, pretty good."
"Tracks one, four, and five are 'Faaan-tastic.' Every song is different, so it's not repetitive. It has a new age-y sound. It won't put you to sleep, but you could study to it."
' g
Student Ulhitewater Weekend JUOO8-10,2001 Everclear Somabackforan AmericunMovieVolumelI: GoodTimeforaBudAttitude Capitol Records RACHEL E. BEATTIE Imprint staff
Soundtrackis the companion piece to Volume I: Learning How to Smile. Although the CDs are dividedup by name as beinghopeful(LearningHow toSmile) andangry (GoodTime fora BadAttitude) there is not much dif-
to Imprint
Whitcudor Raftlag ference in the two albums. 0th- Rlvw Volume IIcontainsthesame kind Only $150 I!! +jst of songs about failed relationships kll~rtansrnrw and the problems of fame. Alexakis ~ W H 8 ~U)II b~ d MUIU~S$~(~1 treads identical lyricalground in both Wilderness Tours volumes. His world is full of disaffected people trying to keep on top 1-800-267-9166 of a tidal wave of drugs, depression m.rilknastwn.wm and simple relationship entropy. It L m m r Em~lopentk k ut oar wtbritc all gets tiring after awhile. The more they singabout thisgrittyworld, the less sincere they seem toget. Volume I1 is just too similar to those two CDs, except for the most important element: their heart.
-oeter travers. rollina stones