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Survevs not readv J
Committee fails to provide proper consultation RYAN M A T T H E W M E R K L E Y AND RYAN CHEN-WING lmprint starand special to lmprint
ailure to distribute a feedback survey has pushed the Waterloo Campaign committee's consultation behind schedule. As a result, the committee responsible for publicizingthe expansions could find themselves without sufficient information to modify their proposal. The office of research did not accelerate its review of the survey though Mike Kerrigan, committee member, claims to have requested high priority. Last week, Kerrigan told Imprrnt that the surveys had been sent to the office of research ethics for review. Once complete, the dons would distribute them to frosh, and OCD would orchestrate offcampus distribution. The survey results are to be used to modify the proposal to ensure that it meets student needs. The proposal must be finalized before the October 14 student council meeting. According to Susan Sykes from the office of research ethics, the consultation survey was submitted on September 24, and she has not yet reviewed it. Sykes said that groups can normally expect to wait three weeks to have their survey reviewed. A three-week turnaround means that the survey won't be available for distribution until October 15, the day after student council is expected to vote on the proposal. Sykes added that some projects can receive accelerated status, but that no request was made. "It's in the queue," she said. It is standard procedure for all surveys to be submitted for review by the office of research ethics. "The office of research ethics is charged with protecting
parties in human research. That includes things that might be lab-based as well as interviews, surveys and focus groups," said Sykes. The office of research ethics will help groups to ensure that they are collecting all the relevant data, and also protect students from invasion of privacy. "If we can contribute to strengthening the suvey, that benefits the research. If the survey is not well-designed, it is a burden on the participants," she said. When interviewed on Wednesday, Kerrigan commented, "They told me they'd have it done for me by Friday." He was surprised to hear the survey was not on high priority. "They told me they were going to speed up the process and put it on priority. I told her when I wanted it done by. She told me they should be able to get it done by that time." When asked when he was told it would be done, Kerrigansaidthat it should have been approved by Monday of this week. "I am going over tomorrow after I speak to Brenda [Slomka, another committee member]," said Kerrigan. Feds President Yaacov Iland said that responsibility for the surveys rested with Kerrigan and Slomka, but added that if surveys were still coming in, he would ask council to consider modifications after the October 14 meeting. The proposal will expand facilities and cost students $7,090,450, representing a $20 per term fee for 25 years that requires approval by referendum. It would be called by student council. Kerrigan says that they will be meeting on October 13, the day before the council meeting, to prepare the information and change the proposal.
HALAKHALAC Imprint staff
Mike Kerrigan: member of the SLC exoansion committee.
Yaacov Hand says council may allow for modifications after the vote.
Out in the cold
Students face uncertainty in local housing mix-up NATALIE CARRUTHERS lmprint staff
arlier this week, Waterloo Regional Police arrested a man in connec tion with auniversity student housing mix-up. Sandra Meader, a UW physics grad, rented a sublet for an eight-month lease for $150 amonth, whichshe found posted on the SLC bullenn board. She paid $220 rent for September and October and was told she could move into 81 Talbot Street on September 24. Meader phoned the advertiser, after paying part of the lease up front, wishing to pay the rent on a monthly basis. The advertiser wanted the year's rent paid in full. Meader informed lmprint that she was told she "could either get [her] money back or give $400 up to the end of March. Instead of the advertised amount of $750 for the remainingmonths, the lease holder offered to sublet:his place for $400 claiming that the "landlord wouldgive a couple of months for free." On September 24, Meader received
a call stahng she could not move into the bachelor apartment until September 26 and was expected to pay another $150 for April's rent. Meader said she would not give up anymore money unnl she had keys, agreeing to meet to pick them up. When Meader trled the apartment keys, "they were not even close." Meader then contacted the superintendent, who wished to remain anonymous, for the spare keys. When they tried the new set of keys, the super realized the locks had been changed. Meader went to the police to report the complaint and found WLU students, Craig Ballantyne and Emily Tufts, filing a slmllar complaint Ballantyne, a philosophy and commumcations student, and Tufts, a history and communications student, found the ad for the same apartment posted on a bulletin board at Wilfrid Laurier Un~versty. They saw the apartment and p a ~ dthe first and last month rent totalling $700. A receipt and lease were issued. Like Meader, they were g~venkeys
Abu Sitta's conflict resolution
that did not open the doors. When asked why they paid the first and last month's rent, Ballantyne blames the K-W housing market. 'You go and visit a place, come back in an hour and it was gone. It's crazy competition." Ballantyne and Tufts went to the pollce after discovering the keys did not work. After reporting the incident to the Turnkey Desk, Nancy O'Neil, the SLC assistant manager, removed the ad. It is not known whether WLU has removed the ad. The superintendent has reported that the landlord, Danny Macerollo, is trying to evict the advertiser. Neither Meader, Ballantyne or Tufts have received their money back. Ballantyne is pessimistic. "If I ever see that money, it's not going to be for a long time." According to Waterloo Reg~onal Police, Kevin Macintyre, also known as Kevin Jacobson, was arrested on October 1, and charged with fraud that involved six to seven UW and WLU students.
plan forthe rehlrn of Palestinian refugees to their homes was revealed September 27 in Westminster Hall, London, before an audience of MPs, diplomats, journalists and NGOs interested in the Middle East. The plan, if implemented, should bring an end to the 53-year old Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The internationally well-known researcher on Palestinian refugees, Dr. Salman Abu Sitta, presented the plan. Supported by two dozen maps and tables, Abu Sitta said that 90 per cent of the depopulated villages could be repopulated by its people without the shghtest effect on the Israeli Jews. Of the remaining 10 per cent, 7 per cent can return with some adjustment and 3 per cent have some difficulty in returning, he said. It was suggested that all the refugees in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, "who experience the greatest hardsh~p," are equal in number to the Russian immigrants, more than half of whom are not Jews, yet admitted to Israel in the '90s. The impact of the refugees will hardly be felt in Tel Aviv, said Abu Sitta. The plan is divided into seven phases which would take eight to ten years to implement. The labour for construction of demolished homes and technical skills required is available among the refugees. In a detailed series of maps, the past, present and future situation of 530 towns and villages from which Israel expelled the refugees in 1948 was shown, including the urban plan of the 14 Palestiniancities nowturned into Israel. The speaker rejected the Israeli claims of rejecting the Right of Return as false, alarmist or simply inapplicable. Abu Sitta proposed a procedure to implement the return: forming a Palestinian land commission to receive the transfer documents of Palestinian land from the Israel Land Administration, reaffirming Security Council's Resolution 194 calling for the return of the refugees, reactivating the Conciliation Commission on Palestine and allowing UNRWA to undertake the repatriation operations. Abu Sitta said that having shown there is no legal, demographic, geographic, economic or logistical reason to deny the return of the refugees, the only remaining obstacle is Israel's "racist policies" which are contained in 24 laws condemned by UN agencies. The event was organized by the London office of the Arab League, the Council for the Advancement of Arab British Understanding and the Palestinian Return Center.
Web ACCESS: new and improved? Latest version online
ow in full service, the new version of the Student ACCESS went live on September 19. The new web-based system is said to employ a user-friendly Peoplesoft application tool that can serve a number of simultaneous users at any given time. The highest number of recorded users on the site at one time was 464. This number surpasses the capabilities-ofthe old system, which was consistently backlogged with traffic. Co-op students can use the sytem to check job postings, interview status and interview schedules. As well, when it is time to check job rankings, students will be able to view their rank from the same site. While the site is designed for current students enrolled in co-op, graduating students can also take advantage. According to IST, almost4,OOOstudentshave browsed ACCESS since the site went live in September.
Imprint, Friday, October 5 , 200 1
JSA celebrate new home LAUREN8. B R E ~ L I N Imprint staff
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heJewish Students' AssociationofKitchener-Waterloo celebrated the official opening of its new clubhouse o n Sunday, September 23 with a ceremony In honour of the benefactor, Albert Latner. Students from the Un~vers~ty of Waterloo and W~lfridLaurier Un~versitycame out to express their grat~tudeto the Latner famdy, as BERNIE MOSKOFF well as to k ~ c koff the ~naugural event of the fall semester. Through Community celebratesJewishStudents Association's new home. speeches and presentahons, the ceremony catalogued the development of Waterloo's Tewish community, ganization, Hillel, the JSA exists to did it embody the long-term gratiand explained the sign~ficanceof preserve and protect Judaic integ- tude they will feel as they use the having a self-contained Jewish S ~ U - rity, andsponsors students who want house for meetings, movle n ~ g h t s o to maintain their own religihs dedl- simply to unite together as a family. dent centre. The house, n o w off~cially cation by engaglng them in a roster As was evident from the speeches, known as the Albert and Temmy of Judaic programs, from Holo- the weight of the Latners' contribution stretches farther than a single Latner Jewsh Students' Centre of caust education nights to provinceK~tchener-Waterloo,wdl act as club wide Chanukkah partles. But be- philanthropic act; it provides the headquarters for JSAmembers from yond programs and events, the JSA JSA of K-W with a sense of stabil~ty serves many other purposes for Jew- that will shape and define Jewish both unlversmes. "Th~smarks an ~mportantmo- ish students in Waterloo: among students in Waterloo for years to ment m the development of Jew~sh others, a soc~aloutlet, an open fo- come. Due to illness, Albert Latner campus I~fe,"commented M~chael rum for discussion and a place to himself was unable to attend the Soberman, d~rectorof communlty enjoy kosher foods. All of the JSA programmmg in event; however, among the speakdevelopment under the Reg~onal Jew~shCommunit~esof Ontarlo. Waterloo reglon has taken place ers were Paul Socken, chairman of "Local Jew~shcommunmes are es- under the wing of Rosanne Brown, the dean's advisory committee o n senhal for the well-bemg of the officially the director of regional Jewish studies at U W , and Barbara campus organizat~ons,but unoffi- Banks, the chair of Canadian Jewwhole." Boast~nga membersh~pof ap- cially the friend and mentor of the ish campus services. Lynne prox~mately500 students, JSA stu- JSA members. In additon to being a Woolstencroft, the mayor of Waterloo, also made a brief appeardents consider the home to be more doctoral student at the University ance to show her support. than just a space where they can of Toronto, Rosanne puts tireless Seeing their new house as a host bagel brunches and Shabbat efforts Into the development and dinners; to them, it IS a mdestone In improvement of the club, and was symbol of permanence, students feel the local communlty. As was de- entirely respons~blefor the kickoff that the voice of the JSA is becoming stronger and more resonant. scr~bedIn the varlous presentahons, event. Anticipating an influx of JewIndeed, the students felt that a sound Jewsh mfrastructure helps carry out the JSA's educat~onaland the celebration in honour of the ish enrollment, the JSA will be able Lamers' donation was, at best, an to accommodate the students in a soc~alefforts. An affihate of ~ t umbrella s or- appreciative gesture, but in no way community-based establishment.
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Imorint. Fridav. October 5. 200 I
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Prof. Rempel, Prof. Green, and Prof. Young (left to right) will each receive awards for excellence in research.
UW profs win awards BEN GUZINSKY
special to Imprint ut of the many distinguished professors that roam the campus of the University of Waterloo, three have been singled out for the annual awards for excellence in research. This year, the winners are Prof. Howard Green of kinesiology, and Profs. Murray Moo-Young and Garry Rempel of chemical engineering. The awards, which were introduced last year, are presented to those professors whose research is judged to have the most impact on society. The committee that selected this year's winners is chaired by Prof. Paul Guild, the vice-president of university research. Members of the research council make up the remainder of the selection committee. The process by which the winners are selected is lengthy. A maximum of four professors are eligible to win the award. Two are selected from the branches of applied health sciences, arts, environmental studies and the church colleges. The other two belong to either engineering, math or science. The professors' names up for nominated by department heads, who are required to provide the motive behind the nomination, the professors' curricu-
lum vitae and four letters of support. Ofthese four letters, one must come from the university; threemust be external references, one of which should be from outside of Canada. At the end of this year's nomination process, threewinnerswere selected. The lone representative from applied health sciences is Prof. Howard Green of kinesiology. Having been a physiology teacher since 1965, he is the longest-serving member of that faculty. His research deals with skeletal muscle cell functions along with the study of muscle proteins and their transformations. Through his research, Prof. Green focused on what occurs when these muscles lack oxygen. Such a deficiency can lead to diseases ranging from emphysema to chronicheart failure. Consequently, his research's main focus is creating models through which he can find a common strategy to defend against this lack of oxygen. Prof. Murray Moo-Young, who is still hard at work despite the fact that he has been retired since July 1, is one of two winners from the successful faculty of chemical engineering. Prof. Moo-Young, a professor emeritus at UW, was singled out because of his work in the field of bioprocessing. This refers to the various physical operations which are involved with the handling and
treatment of biological agents or materials. Through his research, he is trying to develop bioprocesses to improve the production or creation of drugs and foods. Another function of such a development might one day lead to a more efficient method of cleaning up the environment. T o date, his research group's work hasgenerated nine patents, 11 books and 292 papers (quoted from CUTC speakers program, January 2001). Prof. Garry Rempel, another member of the faculty of chemical engineering, will also be presented with a research award. His research involves catalysts, which are substances that speed up processes. He intends to develop his catalyst and apply it to the production of high performance rubber, a widely-used product in the automobile industry. He is also being honoured for his leadership in the design and development of novel polymer entrapped metal catalysts. Along with the award, each winner will receive a $1,500 grant. While Prof. Green intends to use the money to cover the expenses of a conference his students will be attending in Montreal, Prof. MooYoung plans to take his students out for a good time. Either way, all three will be given awards at a special convocation, on October 20.
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Dissecting Feds politics JON WILLING
Imprint staff
ow do we expect to get anything done as a student corporation with a Feds executive that's cramming to leave its legacy in a one-year term?We expect our president and vice-presidents to come into office and go gung-ho on learning how to run a corporation and never look back. This is the foundation of the problem with the slow movement of Watpaign(the buzz term given to the proposal by the Feds and the university to build an addition to the SLC)a turf field, a fimess centre and a dressing room for the women's hockey team. The total price tag comes to about $7.5 million. Many students haven't heard of this proposal since the reign of King Farley, and numerous students haven't heard of this proposal at all. Things have been pretty hushhush about the whole deal, but it's not on purpose. Little news has been provided regarding the pro-
gression of this multi-million dollar plan because no one can figure out what's been going on with it since the new Feds took over in May. The changingoftheguard every spring is part of the reason why projects are delayed and sometimes scrapped every year. Consider the mess the new Feds walked into. The previous executive suggested that a proposal and referendum question be finalized by the summer, which would set up an October referendum asking students to vote on what would have been a drafted proposal. This put the pressure on the present Feds executive to educate themselves about every facet of the project, draftproposals, solicit feedback and meet with council in the summer, while at the same time learn about what their jobs would entail for the next vear. I'm not trying to provide an excuse for the lack of progression on the Watpaign proposal, but it seems to me that throwing the task ofcoaxing $7.5 million dollars from
students to a new student executive seems pretty daunting. Furthermore, the executive and student's council has to pick up where the previous Feds left off, which completely breaks the momentum that would be carried straight through the summer. The fact is, the Watpaign proposal must pass for the sole reason of expanding the SLC, but it won't be passed before there's a mad dash by the Feds to catch up where their predecessors left off. Our system of keeping a consistent and aggressive student government is ineffective. Finding a new way to smooth the transition between executives is essential in keeping projects moving forward. This may mean that one member of the previous year's executive works throughout the summer as a liaison to the new executive. It may mean that execs should run for a second term. Whatever the minimal cost, we need some sort of continuity in our student government to better serve students.
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Imprint, Friday, October 5, 200 I
Ex-neo Nazi speaks out Lauder enrages the white power movement KERRYO'BRIEN Imprint staff
ore than 80 people were in downtown Kitchener .last Tuesday to hear antiracist Matthew Lauder speak. Lauder infiltrated the underground racist movement in the tri-cities while working on his PhD in the spring of 1998 and began collecting information on the various grouvs and their figureheads in the area. The lecture was sponsored by Anti Racist Action and held in the S D O ~ . a youth center located in a , second-floor loft in Kitchener. Lauder gave a 45-minute presentation profiling groups such as the Heritage Front, Canadian Heritage Alliance, Tri-City Skins, the Canadian Association for Freedom of Expression and the Canadian Ethnic Cleansing Team. During the Q&A period, Lauder denounced violence as a means to remove the racist presence in K-W, saying that violence only brings fringe groups closer together. He also expanded on the st way t o fight the white &
supremacist movement. "Collecting information and analysing ideology and behaviour is important, [but] you need to combine that with an approach to create awareness and mobilize the community," he said. The lecture finished by detailing neo-Nazi group movements in the area; including the distribution of hate literature on the UW cam-pus last year. Lauder spoke briefly about his experience undercover in the neoNazi movement in an e-mail earlier this week. " ~ was t very difficult. The problem was that I has known in the movement as an academic researcher before I wentcovert. But, that role had a distinct benefit; that is, they saw me as a challenge for conversion." After gradually gaining the group's trust, Lauder found himself in the unenviable position of helping a group that he depised. "[You] need to be a benefit to the group in some manner," he said "However, this is extremely difficult, as you need to balance actions that will assistthegroup, butnotgoover that
invisible, and often hazy, ethical line." Lauder, after spending three years in the movement, finally decided he had enough information and went public, enraging the very large (and often dangerous) white power movement. Lauder has since received numerous threats on his life, but continues to give lectures and information to whoever will listen. And he doesn't regret his three years spent undercover. "Knowing that I was able to assist law enforcement and government agencies track or arrest members or prevent violence is very rewarding. Most important however, I am glad to create an understanding among the public about the problem of organized hate." Lauder warns against stereotyping racists as uneducated oddities. "We must get away from generalising these people as 'kooks' or 'fanatics' and identify productive ways to challenge organized racism." "The problem is real and does exist in small and large communities across Canada," he said.
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Do you know where the missing walkie-talkies and cellphones are?
Theft in the SLC DAVID MITCHELL special to Imprint
nly a few weeks into the fall term, the office of the Campus Response Team suffered a break-in.Among the items reported stolen are six walkie-talkies and three cellphones. In the coming weeks, these items would have proved crucial for the CRT as they try to keep in close contact during the maiorkvents on campus. he CRT .office is lbcated upstairs in the SLC, just off the Great Hall. On Wednesday morning, when the CRT volunteers arrived at their office, they found the door pried open, and items missing. They informed the Turnkey desk and campus police of the situation. When police arrived they discovered that those responsible for the break-in had also attempted to get into other offices including the Off-Campus Dons, the Ombudsperson, and the Chaplain's office, but were unsuccessful. The doors of these three offices were damaged and it appears as if the' assailant attempted to pry them open with a crow bar. The campus police believe those responsible for the break-in were looking for things such as money and cellphones. Since the SLC is open 24 hours
a day, it is hard to pinpoint exactly when the theft occurred. The student service area is locked at midnight and re-opens at 7:00 am., so the theft is believed tc have happened between these hours. It is also believed that the perpetrators either came through the back door after hours or they entered through the front door before it was locked, and waited for everyone tc leave. SLC Manager AnnSimpson says that she does not know too much about the incident, but she does know that measures are being taken to prevent break-ins in the future. These include a new video monitoring system that would monitor certain areas of the SLC 24 hours a day Also, the SLC is looking at locking the student service area earlier than midnight. Ann Simpson also said that they have alist of everyone that should be going up there at anytime during the day. If they need to access the area after it is closed then arrangements can be made. Currently the police have no suspects and are looking for possible witnesses. Any leads or information would be greatly appreciated and can be reported to campus police at ext.
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October 5,2001, Volume 24, Number I2 Student Lfe Cenue, R m I116 Utllversuy of Waterloo Waterloo, ON, N2L 3Gl
F: 5 19.884.7800 unprnnt uaraterloo.ca
Editorial Staff Ed~tor-m-chlef,Ryan Matthew Merkley edaor@unpnnt uwaterloo ca
Ass~stanted~tor,Jason Yu News, John A Drummond Assstant news, Natal~eCarruthers Forum, Amy Potvm Features, Kmka Bussell Ass~stantFeatures, Kourtney Short Sc~ence,Magda Konelczna Sports, vacant Ass~stantsports, vacant Arts, Lauren S. Breslm Ass~stamarts, Emdy Collms Photos, Jan~ceJlm Ass~stantphotos, vacant Graphm, Chr~sInch Ass~stantgraphics, vacant Web, Dave Barsam Systems adm~n.,Talesh Seeparsan Lead proofreader, Hala Khalaf Proofreader, Adma G ~ l l ~ a n Proofreader, vacant Proofreader, vacant Proofreader, vacant Contributors ~ e n ' ~ r o wLesley n , Burnett, Ian Blech ~chmidt, Ryan Chen-Wing, Adrian I. Chin, Brian Code, Talea Coghlin, Pritam Daniel, Erin Davey, Nigel Flear, Ben Guzinsky, Neeraj Jain, Gabe Kempe, Greg MacDougall, Brendan McLeod, David Mitchell, Evan Munday, Narina Nagra, Brendan Newman, Kerry O'Brien, Kirk Schmidt, N e a l Moogk-Soulis, Amanda Watkins, Philip Weiner, Felix Yip
Cover design, Chris Inch Office Staff Busmess manager, Cathy Bolger cathy bolger@mpnnt uwaterloo
Watpaign: what campaign? I
n mid-November, you will likely be asked to vote on a proposal to expand the SLC and the North Campus Recreation Complex. Feds President Yaacov Iland, Senator Brenda Slomka and Turnkey Mike Kerrigan are publicizing the proposal and gathering feedback. Good plan, but wher.1you consider that they've known about the proposal for 16 months, it doesn't sound so good. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. The representatives have said that students will be surveyed; that the proposal will be changed to accommodate feedback. Unfortunately, the survey isn't ready: it was submitted to the office of research ethics on August 24 and is waiting to be approved. Will it be approved, completed and analyzed before Students' Council determines the referendum question? Probably not. And about that referendum question. The three representatives, despite their claims of non-bias and concern for student opinion, do not recommend splitting the proposal into its most obvious component parts. Iland says, "I personally believe that the proposal should be voted on as a single piece. This asks students to consider the needs of the rest of their student community when voting, rather than just supporting the facilities that they will use frequently. To me, the question is 'Is the proposal of great enough benefit to me and my community
that I am willing to pay the fee?' not 'What will I use?'." Here, Iland makes a terrible blunder. He assumes that dividing the question into its component parts will force students to vote against those parts of the proposal from whlch they do not directly benefit. This is not necessarily true. I say merely ask the question that Iland proposes for each of the five proposals. Wouldn't that be the most accurate way to measure student opinion? The attempt to bundle the five proposals into one question reeks of impropriety and disdain for the opinions of students. Hopefully, the Feds will realize the error of posing one referendum question and create five separate referendum questions. With a referendum looming only six weeks away, a survey of students isn't ready, let alone distributed, completed and analyzed; the referendum questions aren't drafted, let alone approved; and there are no blueprints for the proposed expansions. Even during the wonderful CECS building fee consultation, there were nlans. Iland
prints: "Detailed plans are quite costly and given the current financial state of the university (running a deficit of several million dollars this year) I agree with their decision not to have these plans drawn until a commitment to pay for them exists. Students will be involved with the design process." UW is asking students to donate $7 million dollars, yet isn't even offering blueprints. These mistakes cannot be unmade. What the Feds can do, however, is support dividing the question and delay the referendum untd sufficient student input is gathered. It might mean that the proposed expansions are built later rather than sooner, but at least our representatives will have been diligent. At least the proposed fee will fund expansions that students feel are necessary. For something as big and permanent as the expansions, proper process and due diligence are required. Speak up and tell your representatives that now is the time for excellence, not expedience.
Advert~slng& product~onmanager, Laur~eTlgert-Dumas ads@mpnnt.uwaterloo ca
D~str~but~on, Greg Macdougall D~str~but~on, vacant Board o f Directors board@im~.int.uwater1~.ca
President, Jesse Helmer Vice-president, Jay Szymanski Treasurer, vacant Secretary, Melanie Stuparyk Staff liaison, Adina Gillian
Does it have to be dramatic to be noticed? E
rnie Coombs, a Canadian hero and legend, died on September 18 at age 73. The bespectacled man that so many of us grew up staff.liaison@imprintstaff.liaison@imprint.uwaterloo.ea~~~terloo.ca watching as Mr. Dressup suffered a stroke on September 11. Coombs came to Canada in 1963 with Fred Rogers, who was working to develop his Imprinr is the official student newspaper of the University al Mister Roger's Neighborhood show for the Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper pub, CBC. Four years later, after appearing on the lished by Imprint Publicarionr, Waterloo, a corporatior CBC's Butternut Square program as Mr. without share capital. lmprmr is a member of the Onran< Communiry Newspaper Asrociarion (OCNA). Dressup, Coombs gotShisown show. Mr. Dressup has been on air continuously Editorial submissions may be considered for publication it at the CBC for over 30 years with few changes. any edition oflmprinr. Imprint may also reproduce the mare rial commercially ~n any format or medium as part of rht Casey and Finnegan retired in 1989 with newspaper database, Web site or any other product derive< Judith Lawrence, the puppeteer who played from the newspaper. Those submitting editorial content including articles, letters, photos and graphics, will g r m them for so many years. Coombs became a Imprinr first publication rights of their submitted material member of the Order of Canada in 1996. The and p such, agree nor to submit thesame work to any othe last episode of Mr. Dressup was taped on publication or group unul such rime ar thematerial has beet distributed in an issue of Inprint, or I m ~ r m tdeclares rhei Valentine's Day in 1996, but the CBC still airs intent not to publish the material. The full r a t of thi repeats weekdays at 10:30 a.m. andSaturdays agreement is available upon request. at 6 p.m. Imprinr does not guarantee to publish articles, photographs Despite his enormous popularity among at rhq letters or advertisinn. M a t e d mav. nor be~ublished, . children and adults alike, Coomb's death dmretion oflnprint, ifrhar material is deemed to belibelou passed by all but unnoticed because of the or in contravention with Inp.ids policies with respect to au code of ethics and journalistic standards. devastation in New York and Washington, D.C. Impznr is published every Friday during fall and winte terms, and every second Friday during the spring term In the wake of major disaster, it is not lrnprrnr reserves ihe rcghr toscreen, edit and refuse advertir -or surprising -for other news uncommon mg. One copy per customer. lmprmt ISSN 0706-7380 to be pushed by the wayside. The stunning Imprmr CDN Pub Mail Product SalsAgreementno. 554677 events in the U.S. have kept us riveted to our television sets. Even as I write this, we are waiting to find out details regarding a bus crash that involved an attacker slashing the throat of a Greyhound driver.
But there is no question that Ernie Coombs was anational treasure; one of Canada's greatest heroes. Is it possible that his death was simply not sensational enough for the press? Could Greg Macdougall's militant leftist slant be infecting my world view? I spent a little time poking through the history books to find some evidence to support my theory that the media sometimes skips over important news to chant the "if it bleeds, it leads" mantra. We only need to look back as far as August 31, 1997, to the death of Princess Diana in Paris, France for ev~dence.Pursued by the paparazzi, Diana and her beau Dodi Fayed were killed when their driver lost control of the vehicle, crashing into a concrete support. The horrific crash photos immediately found their way into the media, and into the minds of millions of viewers. Not quite a week later, Mother Teresa died in her convent in India at the age of 87. The world had worked itself up into such a frenzy, that it was weeks before many people reallzed that she had died. Diana's enormous funeral, a mammoth event that featured a live performance from Elton John - and a subsequent collector's CD single -took place on September 6, the same day that the world found out about Mother Teresa's passing. The cynic in me suggests that if only Mother Teresa's death had been more dramatic, she might have garnered the attention
her life deserved from the Western press. Should we call ourselves (or the media) callous for ignoring these important moments in history because they lack that sensationalist quality? I wonder how difficult it must be to get our attention these days. A pair of collapsing buildings and thousands of innocents presumed dead is strong evidence that North Americans are not yet completely desensitized to violence. My theory apparently extends much further into the past than I'd originally thought. American President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. The impact of the assassination terrified the American people. In the days that followed, I doubt many people noticed that two famed novelists died on that same day, Aldous Hwley (Brave New World), and C.S. Lewis (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe). My point is not to launch a conspiracy theory about the media's malicious intent, but at the same time, it is disturbing to watch George W. Bush say that "one person who is laid off is one person too many," while thousands of bodies lay unidentified in the rubble of the World Trade Center. Perhaps the business of grieving is not as important as the business of business. -Ryan Matthew Merkley editor-in-cheif
Kumbaya To the editor,
f Christian Leveille had his way, we would all hold hands, sing "Kumbaya" and be "journeying towards a new global perspective." How positively utopian! In the real world there are battles to be fought and wars to be won, both physical andmetaphysical. In his article, there are a number of "facts" and claims that must be refuted. 1) America is "branding all Muslims or Arabs as terrorists." In his congressional address, Bush repeatedly stated that Islam was a peaceful religion; extremists were responsible for these attacks and that acts of vengeance against Muslims in our midst are morally wrong. 2) U.S. reprisals for the actions of September 11 are reverse terrorism. This is completely untrue. Terrorist attacks target civilians and aim to cause huge civilian loss of life. American retaliation will be targeted against the perpetrators of terrorist activities; not innocents. Will innocent people die? There is that chance, however (unlike the terrorists) they will not be targeted and losses will be kept to a minimum. We have seen this restraint in Kosovo, when Serbian military targets were not attacked because of the fear of too much collateral damage; a euphemism for civilian casualties. Missile attacks against training grounds in Afghanistan, following terrorist attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa, is a further testament to American humanitarianism. 3) The emphasis should be on "mourning and rebuilding" not "punishment and justice." We shouldn't focus on bringing these people to justice? 6,000 civilians have died in these attacks. While rebuilding and grieving should and have been taking place, to sit back and allow terrorists to plot against and attack its own civilians would leave the U.S. government criminally negligent. The challenge has been issued and our tepid response points to the rot in our society. We are afraid to stand for ourselves against a very real and powerful threat: terrorism. When advocating negotiation with terrorists, one must first assume they can be won over by our arguments. We cannot reason with these terrorists. They do not want concessions; they want us eliminated. After decades of being force fed to never resist aggression and that reasoned debate solves every-
thing, we find ourselves incapable of legitimate self-defence. Western civilization has the moral highground over these terrorists and we must root them out and destroy them in any way possible. -Peter Mensinga 2A civil engineering
Bitter and angry
do it again. 5,000 lives. I'm not a believer in war or violence, but the U.S. needs to do whatever they can in order to find out who was responsible for the attack and bring them to justice. 5,000 lives. I hope you're enjoying life in that little bubble of yours. 5,000 lives. -Matt Patterson 3A kinesiology
To the editor,
hank you ChristianLeveille for enlightening me with the truth. Before I read your letter I thought that the U.S. as a country (government and people) was working very hard to help heal the wounds from the September 11attack. Firefighters working around the clock, a drought-ravaged town in Montana donating more than they could afford and countless numbers of other compassionate acts. But you told me that Americans, "focus on the people responsible for this attack rather than on the victims." Over 5,000 people killed, a great city in ruin, an attack on a free country. Yeah, you're probably right. The Americans shouldn't try to track down and punish the criminals whodid this, we wouldn'twant "reverse terrorism" now would we? The U.S. is in no way blaming the people ofAfghanistan. Bush himself stated that a suspect is the A1 Qaeda terrorist group, which is based in Afghanistan. Bush also elaborated that it is not the Afghanistani people who are to blame, and that the Al Qaeda is not representative of the Afghanistani people. "The United States respects the people of Afghanistan, and we are their largest provider of humanitarian aid" said Bush. But, this must be false because, when I read your letter you told me that the U.S. government is "branding all Muslims or Arabs as terrorists." Christian Leveille, you are an uninformed, ignorant and insensitive idiot. 5,000 lives. Obviously you lost nobody in the terror. Obviously you do not support freedom. 5,000 lives. I do feel that this is a sign for North America to rethink our foreign policy, we've been living at the expense of the Third World for too long. 5,000 lives. The worst terrorist attack ever. This was an attack on freedom, but if military dictators want to attack freedom I guess it's okay in your mind. 5,000 lives. You think the U.S. should not try to retaliate, you think the people who did this won't
fore World War I1 there were also individuals who opposed the war. They said there were other ways to deal with Hitler than war. These people apparently had some influence on the world, as the world was late to go to war and we all know the consequences of that. The evil should be dealt with promptly and without delays. -Roman Podolny 2A computersciencelbioinformatics
Lack of intellectual effort
Don4 steal guys
To the editor,
To the editor,
n a series of outrageous articles, Greg Macdougall has demonstrated a lack of analysis, intellectual effort and objectivity. He makes it imperative that the thinking public respond to his fallacies. Greg's conspiracy theory has no merit. Putting the blame on the victim allows him to shift the focus from the real issues into some imaginary wonderland where the democratically elected government kills its own people, and fully armed and trained terrorists in camps in Afghanistan wage a peaceful existence. Macdougall is offended by lack of detailed proof presented by the CIA to the public, as if he does not understand that presenting such a proof would make it impossible for them to prevent those crimes in the future, as terroristswould then know the methods and agents CIA employs. Armies and intelligenceagencies should not make public every step they make, because itwill hinder their operational abilities. Instead, they should present only their final conclusions to the public. When Bush says you are "either with him or against him," as stupid as it sounds, he doesn't mean Greg Macdougall has no right to disagree with anything U.S. does. What Bush means is that if countries like Syria (which has in its capital bothan embassyof theunited States of America and of the openly terrorist organization Hizbullah) or Iran (who on one hand support sinternational terror and on the other hand expresses grief over events in the United States) think that they can continue with their hypocrisy - they are wrong. This was the message the president tried to convey and I am sure this is how it was understood by most of the public. In conclusion, I would like to remind the reading public that be-
y wife and I live on Avondale ve. Waterloo. Students from the two universities live in the neighbourhood and walk by, to and from school and other activities. We know most of you are honest, hardworking young adults, eager to fit into the community and concentrate on your studies. However, every late August the residents of Waterloo notice another unwelcome arrival. With the return of students come the return of petty theft from our property. My elderly neighbour is afraid to place expensive lawn ornaments in her front yard. She has lost several over the years and cannot afford the expense or the heartache. A bicycle was taken from a retired couple down the street during frosh week and the nonsense has struck our home. Twice, we have found the emblems pried from our automobiles, following a night of inebriated youths stumbling home and talkingloudly as they pass our home. I purchased a large Canadian flagthis early spring. It hung proudly from our porch all summer. We looked at it and felt patriotic. This is the flag of the country my father fought for. It is the flag of the country we proudly call home. This weekend it vanished. The thief walked onto our porch and removed it from its hooks. I have no doubt it now hangs over a window as a make-shift curtain or is draped on a wall. I know that anyone who would steal it cannot appreciate it as we did. To us, it represented far more than an hour's wages for a coloured piece of cloth. May the person who removed our flagsomeday own a home and cherished possessions of their own. I hope some day the same indignity happens to them. This may seem like an unfair judgement but as a long time resident, I would like to conclude by
1 I
saying this. Most of you are temporary guests in this town.You arrive here fresh from under Mom and Dad's wing. This is your first big venture in the world as an independent soul. Remember that you are an ambassador for your university and your generation. Dress as you wish and enjoy the freedoms and thrills of your ~outhful,student lives. Just don't lose the common sense and social conscience your parents instilled in you. So nice to have you back in town.
Raised by demonic hellhounds To the editor,
was once like you. Hopping aboard my Zellers-purchased Ridge Racer, flipping the kickstand aloft and drifting out into the Kanata streets en route to work. It was good for me. It was also dangerous, which is why I kept to the streets. Sidewalksare for pedestrians, after all. Which begs the following questions of Waterlooites: Who raised you people? What pack of demonic hellhounds brought you into this world? In what jungle universe is it perfectly acceptablefor you to weave your banana-seated two-wheeler in and out of a row of helpless pedestrians on your way to school? Understand this: is it not okay to ride your bike on the sidewalk under any circumstances. I realize that the road conditions in Waterloo are akin to those of many Third World countries, but it is no excuse. The walkways of Columbia Street have become an unsupervised motocross pit. Bikes are heavy and metallic. People are fleshy and ignorant. The two don't belong on the same path. The great cyclist paradox is that bikers want to act like either pedestrians or automobiles, depending on which is more convenient at the time. Well, we loathe youeither way, so stay on the road where you're out of arms' reach. And to those of us left traumatized or mud-splattered by obnoxious sidewalk riders, I encourage you to speak softly, carry a big stick and practices aiming it downward at bicycle spokes when the opportunity strikes you. -Nick Taylor 4A computer science
The forum section enables members of the University of Waterloo community to present views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. All letters must be signed by the author, with a phone number for verification, and should not exceed 350 words. They can be sent to: letters@imprint.uwaterloo.ca. Letters received via fax or e-mail will not be printed unless a phone number for verification is included. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or in violation of Imprint's code of ethics. The opinions expressed through columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not the opinions of Imprint.
Imprint, Friday, October 5, 200 I
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action N A R I N A NAORA special to Imprint
s the world waits for the U.S. to respond, many citizens in Canada and the US. are mobilizing for peace and creating awareness around issues in the Middle East. September 29 was declared an international day against racism and war. Demonstrations were held in many major cities around the world promoting peace and tolerance and calling on the U.S. government to hold restraint. In Washington, tens of thousands of people had planned to demonstrate against the Bush administration's foreign and domestic policy and the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. In light of the current crisis, with its tragic consequences for so many thousands of people, and the cancellationofthemeeting, the demonstration addressed the immediate danger posed by increased racism and the grave threat of a frightening new war. Toronto was host to a large march through the downtown core,
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citizens of the terrible effects of the UN sanctions on the Iraqi people and to lobby our members of Parliament to speak out against our government's support of these sanctions. It is a timely event as it raises awareness around the plight of people in the Middle East. After the Gulf War, the UN imposed economic sanctions against Iraq in order to get Saddam Hussein and his government to disengage their weapons of mass destruction. With such sanctions came immense sufferingfor the citizens of this country. The combined effects of the Gulf War and the international embargo have killed 1.5 million men, women and children in Iraq in the last 11 years. According to UNICEF 600,000 children under five years of age are among the victims. The last two coordinators for the United Nations humanitarian program in Iraq have resigned to protest this embargo. A presentation with speakers from the caravan is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, October 9 at 7 p.m. in DC 1302.
PrideVision vs. Shaw Cable
i150 University Ave.W.,Carnpus Court Plaza, Waterloo
as over 2,000 people called upon the Canadian government to support peace and the rule of law over military force in response to the September 11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Locally, educational forums are being planned for students and community members to participate and become informed. Justice or Revenge: ATeach-In against Racism and War will be held on Saturday, October 27 in MC 206512066. The teach-in will provide students with an opportunity to hear alternative perspectives about the implications of September 11,as well as provide aspace for people to express their opinions and become involved with local actions. Topics and themes to be covered include: How the West Wages War, Terror and Justice, Facing Racism, Media Hype, Understanding Islam and others. Contact WPIRG for more information. Next week, the End the Sanctions against Iraq Caravan will be stopping off at U W campus. The objective of the caravan is to raise awareness to Canadian and U.S.
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Exp~resOctober 3 1,200 1
oes Canada have a big enough market for a 24-hour gay cable channel? The answer may be no, if Shaw CableIStar Choice has anything to do with it. Canada's second largest cable company has refused to offer PrideVision to its customers hassle free. Barely off the starting block, the new queer station may be as good as cancelled. PrideVision was one of the 16 "category-one" English channelsauthorized by the CRTC inNovember 2000. The station, owned in part by Alliance Atlantis, beat out other gay TV contenders from CHUMiCITY and Quebecor to become Canada's first dedicated queer channel. The station began broadcasting this September on digital cable and satellite. Like the other new stations, PrideVision will have to fight for survival given the small market share. About one million homes in Canada are equipped for digital service. Most of the stations will have operating deficits for several years, and many simply won't survive. The stations have to bank on attracting potential customers
during the three-month free trial period this fall. Enter Shaw Cable, with a 40 per cent Canadian market share, primarily in Western Canada. The digital provider is gladly offering all 16 stations this fall. Its subscriber base can watch the first 15 channels hassle free. But to view PrideVision, the subscriber must phone Shaw Cable to request the free trial,prove that they are over the age of eighteen by providing a credit card number and pay a one-cent fee per month. Sound like discrimination? Shaw Cable doesn't think so. They feel they are striking a fair balance between fulfilling the CRTC mandate to carry the channel and providing a porn-free experience for its family-oriented subscriber base. Shaw cites PrideVision promotional material indicating that the channel may not be suitable for minors. PrideVision felt Shaw's policies were discriminatory, and last week the CRTC agreed. One viewer even thought Shaw was violating Charter rights and initiated a lawsuit against the company. In its appeal to the CRTC, PrideVision successfullyargued that
Shaw was placing PrideVision at undue disadvantage compared to the other new channels by requiring additional measures be taken to subscribe to the station. The issue will barely be resolved before the trial period expires, but the battle with Shaw will be far from over. Shaw has already decided not to bundle PrideVision in any of its cable packages. Most up-and-coming stations count on being bundled with more popular channels to attract viewers and higher revenue. PrideVision must be requested separately and paid for individually -perhaps about $10 a month -which may further starve the channel of an audience. Far from being a pornography station, Pridevision's line-up includes the familiar series QAF and other series new to Canadian audiences including Metrosexuality and Dyke TV. The program grid also includes documentaries, classic sitcoms and movies. Interested viewers can tune into Pridevisionon thegay-friendly providers, Rogers Cable and Bell Expressvu. Other new television stations with queer content include Sex TV and Men TV.
Imprint, Friday, October 5 , 200 I
What are you thankful for this year? Hala Khalaf
"Two awesome rugby teams. " Eric Ciezar 5N leisure studies
"A big, spicy Oktoberfest sausage!" Ryan Moynes 3A science accounting
"Smirnoff! Definitely Smirnoff!" Naveen, Deepender & Neha
"Residence keys that break in locks on your first day." Dave Dezoete 1A arts
"What?! No zbeakEnglish." Samer, Wissam, Hala, Nadine, Razan, Armen & Omar
"Booze, weed & the freedom to get mashed." Melissa & Alma 1A applied arts
" A lot less class hours."
"My mom & sister visiting me from Vancouver." Laura Ive'rson 2A science
Morgan D a m 2A science & business
"First year girls." Matthew Henry 3A psychology
"Graduating this year!" Jassie & Kemi 4A applied studies & 4B political science
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Run raise s funds, awareness BRIANCODE lmprint staff
Imprint staff
his year's CIBC Run for the Cure, which raises money and awareness for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, was a success, attracting over 1,600 participants who raised over $140,000 in Waterloo Region. Individualrunners donned "I'm Running For" bibs in tribute to friends and relatives fighting the disease. The Wall of Hope was covered with signaturesand mementos showing the love of family, friends and colleaguesfor breast cancer victims. There were 32 run sites across Canada this year, which marks the 10th anniversary of the run. Nationwide, the run attracted more than 115,000 participants, with a run-day tally of over $10 million. The final projected estimate for the run is approximately $12 million. The first run, which was held in Toronto, drew 1,500 participants and raised $83,000. Last year, 98,000 participants in 29 cities across the country raised $9.3 million. In Waterloo Region, the event attracted 1,003 participants and raised $100,000. The CIBC Run for the Cure is the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation's largest national fundraising event, supporting the advancement of breast cancer research, education, diagnosis and treatment, and marks the start of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. Awareness is crucial because an estimated 19,500 Canadian women will develop breast cancer in 2001, and 5,500 will die from the disease. For more information or to donate to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation visit www.cbcf.org or call 1-800-387-9816.
ere are some ideas for a semi-traditional Thanksgiving dinner for those of you who can't make it home this year. I've chosenarecipe for chicken because it's a more manageable size than turkey. In addition to these recipes, check out the back of a bag of cranberries for a great recipe for cranberry sauce and the label on a can of pumpkin puree for a great pumpkin pie recipe.
Barbecued chicken 3-4 pound whole chicken salt, pepper and paprika 1 onion, quartered Preheat the barbecue. Remove the bag of organs from the chicken cavity and discard. Wash the chicken, inside and out, and sprinkle liberally with seasonings. Put the onion quarters in the chicken cavity. Turn off one side of the barbecue, and turn the other side to medium-low. Place the chicken on the side of the barbecue that's turned off and close the lid. Turn the chicken every 15 to 20 minutes for even browning. It will take approximately one hour . Be sure to check that the internal temperature registers at 190째F. Serves three to four.
"I'm running for my mom"
Mashed sweet potatoes
Top fundraisers in Waterloo Region Popeye's Spinach Sprinters (team) Galt Collegiate Institute (team) Exclusively Women's (team) Jender Walk,Abreast (team) Barbara LeBlanc (individual)
You'll need approximately equal weights of sweet and baking potatoes. Wash and pierce the skins with a fork. Cook until soft, either by baking at 350 "F for one hour or by microwaving on high for about 10minutes. Remove the potato skins and mash the potatoes together.
This ain't no tree-hugging hippie crap Comm-Post: The environment commission KIRK SCHMIDT
special to Imprint
elcome to the CommPost, the soap box from which the Feds Environment Commission will speak to the student body over the next eight months. Not sure what exactly the Feds Environment Commissionis?Well, that's understandable. Until now our group has not been terribly highprofile. Patrick Quealey and I have been working hard for the past four months to prepare for our term as Environment Commissioners. We hope to bring a new look to the commission and plan many comprehensiveprojects includingatleast one dynamic and high profile speaker. We would like to intro-
duce ourselves to you. The commission is a group of student volunteers working toward an environmentallysustainable campus. We needvolunteers from every faculty. The environment is something that we should all be concerned about as students attending Canada's leading university. The commissioners guide and oversee the commission, manage its budget and delegate projects and meetings. Quealey is a fourth-year ERS student who has worked for the Department of Foreign Affairs, Environment Canada, and Northern Affairs. His interests include climate change and environmental security. I am a second-year math student. I have worked in several business-oriented jobs at places such as
the Lethbridee " Chamber of Commerce. My expertise lies mainly in the business and financialside of the commission. While my environmental knowledge is limited, I am learning at an exponential rate. Patrick and I have created several projects to make this year a very productive one for the commission. We have also created a new logo and redesigned the commissionWeb site. It can be found at www.student.math.uwaterloo.ca/ -kbschmidt. One of our main projects is the Clean Vehicle Initiative. We are looking to retrofit at least two of the UW fleet of vehicles with compressed natural gas engines. Another large project is our Energy Efficiency Initiative, where we are looking to reduce power
Add butter, milk, salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot.Youwil1needabout one sweet potato and one baking potato for two to three people.
Rutabaga and carrots Peel a rutabaga with a knife. Be sure to take off a thick layer as the outer layer is stringy. Cut the rutabaga into chunks. Peel and cut into large chunks an equal volume of carrots. Put the rutabaga and carrots in a pot and cover with water. Boil until the vegetables are tender, about 20 minutes. Drain and roughly mash the vegetables together. Add butter liberally and season to taste.
Thanksgiving's dark side B R E N D A N MCLEOD
special to lmprint
he 24th annual World Vegetarian Day took place last Monday, a date that also coincides quite closely withThanksgiving weekend. Given the proximity of these two events, it seems appropriate to include a vegetarian perspective on the holiday. The sheer magnitude of meat consumption on Thanksgiving is mind boggling. The U.S. National Turkey Federation estimates that about 45 million turkeys will be eaten this Thanksgiving in the U.S. For the most part, these turkeys are domestic, raised on factory farms and crowded into extremely small spaces. Due to such close proximity, turkeys often peck at each other, and thus have their beaks cut off without the benefit of anaesthetic. Due to the overwhelming demand for turkeys during holidays, they are raised to grow at an exceedingly rapid rate, which causes many of them to die of heart attacks. Not onlv is the growth and consumption of turkeys cruel, it may also lead to potentially harmful effects for humans who consume them. Turkeys are routinely dosed with antibioticstopreventthespread of disease, and humans as a result become less resistant to fighting disease when they consume meat that contains antibiotics. This holiday provides us with the opportunity to give thanks, rest and also to reflect. Our choices as consumers send direct messages to meat companies. Turkeys will continue to be raised in an inhumane manner if the demand exists. Perhaps this is an opportunity to reevaluate the traditions that encourage this industry. There are plenty of alternatives to eating turkeys raised on factory farms. Try a Tofurkey, or at least a free-range or pasture-raised turkey.
consumption at UW. We are also working on paper reduction across campus. The Honourable Gilbert Parent will speak at the university in mid-November. Some of you may remember that he was Speaker of the House of Commons from 1994 to 2001. He is now Canada's Ambassador for the Environment. We need volunteers in order for this year to run effectively. If you are interested, we encourage you to visit our Web site for more information. Patrick and I would appreciate any assistance. We are the top university in Canada, and the students at the top should be setting an example for everyone else. This not only goes for academics, but for environmental initiatives as well.
The sun prepares to rise again Midnight Sun VI set to show off renewable energy technology at race MAGDA KONJECZNA Imprint staff
esearch into renewable energy sources is one of the factors fuelling the engineering department's Midnight Sun solar car team as they put finishing touches o n their sixth vehicle, set to compete in the World Solar Challenge in Australia this November. The team has a lot to live up to. In their last race, UW finished third overall, as the top Canadian team in the American Solar Car challenge in July. Project manager Greg Thompson was very impressed with the results. "[We performed] better than our expectations. Our car was very reliable. "It just [required] a couple of minor tweaks here and there." Since then, the group has purchased a new space-grade solar array that can convert ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths, as well asvisible raysinto usable power to prepare for the stiffer competition at the solar challenge. The old array was 16.5 per cent efficient, generating 1.5 hp, while the new array is 22 per cent efficient, generating 2.2 hp.
NEAL MOOGK-SOULIS special to Imprint
It's all in your head Researchers at Brain Actuated Technologies Inc., an Ohlo-based mmpany, have mastered what may truly be considered groundbreaking technology. The Cyberlink Interface program allows for the hands-free use of computer and electrical devices. T o operate a computer, the traditional keyboard and mouse are replaced with a headband filledwith patented Cybergel. This headband contains sensors which monitor surface brain electrical activity, then transmit the brain signals t o the computer. The system is aimed primarily at patients who have suffered severe paralysis as a result of a brain injury or chronic illness. With a little practice, users of this technology are able t o competently use avariety of computer software as easily as anyone else. T o operate the system, users require only standard computer hardware, $2,000 U.S. and an active mind.
Just when you thought you had everything Remember the first cellphones?The big, bulky grey boxes that you needed a briefcase and maybe even a car to transport? Those phones pale in comparisonto what is currently being tested in Japan. Japan's leading mobile telecommunication operator, NTT DoCoMo, has launched the world's first third generation (3G) mobile phone service. Dubbed 'Freedom Of Mobile multimedia Access' (FOMA), the system will allow users to access a variety of multimedia services over their cellphone. Although the initial launch will be lim-
The catch? The new array is expected to arrive just a week before the car is to be shipped to Australia. As a measure of prudence, a second upper aerobody will be built to hold the new array. The old array will also be sent to Australia in case of failure of the new array. Thompson said that it is difficult to asses the team's chances at this point, due to uncertainty associated with the performance of the new array, which will only be tested briefly in Australia before the race begins. Tougher competition from teams from Australia, Europe and Japan, using more efficient cell and battery technology, also makes it difficult to predict the outcome of the race. "With the new solar array for the WSC, I'm hestant to make expectations, just because we haven't seen what the array will produce," Thompson said. "We've got ideas that it will be one of the more powerful arrays at the WSC, but there's a lot of very good competitors down there fromacross theworld so I don't really want to make too much of a statement as to where we're going to be." The UW team's only past appearance at the solar challenge was in 1999, when motor difficulties caused the team to lose a full day ited to a 20-mile radius around Tokyo, this generation of cellphones will soon become as ubiquitous as today's common cellphone. DoCoMo boasts that FOMA will be able to handle mobile multimedia applications with i-mode, videophone, high-speed data communications and simultaneous voice and i-mode, as well as improved voice clarity. With the ability to look at anything, anywhere, anytime through a screen the size of a matchbook, we will always be asking ourselves why we even put up with large screen TVs, books and face-to-face communication.
As if the Internet wasn't big enough Oddly enough, the king of the unregulated, the Internet, is regulated and monitored, and the monitor has just flexed its muscle. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is in the process of selecting new Top-Level Domains (TLDs) for Internet domain names. Most people are familiar with .corn, .net, .edu and .erg, along with the individual country domain codes like .ca or .uk. ICANN has recently authorized the domain names .biz, .name and .info. With the further addition of four more TLDs, .aero, .pro, .coop and .museum, ICANN will bring the number of common Web domains to 11. These new domain names will become global standards for Web sites of specific content. For instance, .aero Web sites would deal with the aerospace industry. However, this raises two interesting questions. The first is of a growing corporate presence on the Internet. Global Name Registry Ltd., a British company, pushed for the .name TLD and is ajready selling cyber real-estate. The second is the increased difficulty in trying to remember a URL. Was that ROM Web site listed as rom.com, rom.edu, rom.ca, rom.museum, rorn.net or rom.org? The pos.sibilities are mind-boggling.
Fasten your seatbelt. Midnight Sun team member Rob Wood tries out the driver's seat. and a half of racing time. "This time we have a spare motor," Thompson said. Much interest in the car comes from the fact that it runs on renewable resources. Thompson and team members said they did not see solar power becoming a viable energy source for cars in the future; however, they believe work on the car is helping bring ideas about alternate energy to public attention. "The reason why we [work o n the solar car] is to show that there is the applicability of renewable resources. We can take a car with about the power of a hair dryer o r a toaster, and drive at highway speeds across the country," Thompson said. "You don't have normal commercial vehicles that can d o that right now, yet we can with the solar car. "So it's showing that solar power, even though it may not beapplicable to an automobile right at this date, is applicable for use you can heat your home and there's a lot of other applications for it. "There's a lot of interest being generated by the project, especially now that we finished third place [in American Solar Challenge] - a lot of people know about the Waterloo solar car," he said. In fact, Thompson said new technology would have to be developed for the solar car to become a viable consumer alternative. "For a commercial market where you're going to want something like trunk space," Thompson said, "there's going to have t o be changes in the way the solar car is designed
and the way that power is transferred from solar cells to the engine. Right now we don't generate enough to have a car with a very heavy frame, trunk space, glove compartment, cup holders and air conditioning. "There is a technological gap in between where we are now and what you are envlsloning," he said. Team member Chris Urbaniak envisions solar car technology ~mprovingother alternate energy technologies by advancing battery and motor technology and researching light-weight and aerodynamic vehicles. 'You'll see a lot of technology being applied in other areas such as these hybrid vehicles, more so in the near future than you'll actually see a solar car," Urbaniak said. "So you might see an electric motor tacked o n with a hydrogen fuel cell. "It may not be the car that makes it but technology from the car certainly does." Nicholas Gilhooly believes the team's work with cutting edge technology provides a valuable testing-ground for solar devices, as well as helping to develop the field. "[Solar energy] obviously has a huge future, especially as some of our other conventional sources of fuel go away," Gilhooly said. "Solar energy might be our only resource. "It most certainly will be a new source of energy in some form. Most people don't realize how far ahead we are with solar technology," he said.
Warriors win gold Men's volleybal 1 team is shaping up PRITAMDANIEL special to Imprint
Captain A1 Colquhoun single-handedly blocks a Lancer attack.
he Warrior men's volleyball team kicked their season off by finishing first at the Laurier InvitationalTournamentlast weekend. The gold medal is the first for the team in many years, and is a sign of good things to come. The Warriors began their pool play on Friday afternoon by cruising to a3-0 win over Ryerson. Later that evening, the black and gold dropped a hard fought match to the Windsor Lancers in the fifth set. The Warriors never seemed to be in sync, making inaccurate passes and hitting balls out of bounds. After beating Laurier 3-2 in the semifinals on Saturday, the Warriors played the Lancers again in the gold medal match. By passing more consistently than on Friday and reducing the number of service errors, Waterloo was able to hold Windsor to a 3-1 score and claim the gold medal. Returning to the h e up this season is A1 Colquhoun, a fifth-year veteran and the team's cavtain. Colquhoun has moved from being
the libero last year to being the setter this year. Walter Froese and Steve Mousseau will fill the middle positions. Froese was named to two tournament all-star teams last season and uses his enormous jumping ability to solidly close blocks across the net. Paul ~ u l s hreturns to the team for his fourth season, and has the size and ability to play all three hitting positions. In their second seasons with the team, Brian Fuchs and Hani Fadali are both using their provincial team experience to positively impact the team. Fuchs uses incredible speed and excellent defensive skills to pass many serves and dig a lot of attacks. Fadali has improved his defense since last season and has also incorporated offspeed sharp-angled spikes into his offensive arsenal. Three new standout players
were added to the roster this season. Former national team player, Geoff White, joins the team in his final year of eligibility. At 6'8", White is the tallest player on'the squad and is one of the hardest hitters on the team. Jeremy Fabian is in his first year at Waterloo after spending the last few years at Briercrest Bible CollegeinSaskatchewan. Fabianwill start in the power position. Finally, Scott Townsend has spent the last four years with the Nova Scotia Provincial Team and will set behind Colquhoun. He brings with him a natural setting ability and a powerful jump serve. Townsend has the potential to be a dominant setter as he gains experience in the OUA. The Warriors will face the Canadian National Master's Team in the PAC October 6 at 7:15 p.m.
Western takes a bc B R E N D A N NEWMAN specral to lmpnnt
n front of a capacity homecom ing crowd at TD Waterhouse stadium,9the Waterloo Warriors football team stuck it to the eighth ranked team in the nation, beating the Western Mustangs 22-3 in London last Saturday. The Warriors began scoring early in the game witha Matt Armstrong single-point kick. The second scoring play of the game came after a long run by Mike Bradley who set up a 10-yard Armstrong field goal. A Matt McKnight 60-yard fumble return for a touchdown put the Warriors up 11-0 early the third quarter. Western's only points came in the third quarter when Rob Pikula kicked a 44-yard field goal. Armstrong would kick another field goal in the fourth, this one from 32 yards out, putting the Warriors up 14-3. The final touchdown of the game came o n a solid Jay Akindolaire run from 30 yards out. Armstrong would add another single late in the game, giving the Warriors a 22-3 victory. For the second consecutive game, the Warrior defense did not concede a touchdown, holding the Mustang offence in check the entire game. The defense forced three fumbles (one of which was returned by Matt McKnight for a touchdown) and sacked Mustang quarterback Chris Hessel eight times. Chuck Walsh turnedin another superbper-
formance on defense, making six tackles and assisting on two more. Walsh also sacked quarterback Hessel twice and forced a fumble. For his efforts Walsh was selected as the Pioneer OUA male athlete of the week. Chris Wolfe, Mike Laporte, and J.J. Jones all had sacks in the game, while Jamey Verdone had a team high of seven tackles. The Warrior defense suffered a major loss when all-star defensive linemanJerermy Bezairewent down with a season-ending injury late in the fourth quarter. The entire Warrior backfield was involved in running the ball, as all three Warrior backs each rushed for more than 75 yards behindsohd blocks from the Warrior offensive line. Jay Akindolaire rushed 11 times in the game for 75 yards, and scored the lone Warrior offensive touchdown. The OUA's leading rusher, Mike Bradley, also played well, rushing 18 tlmes for 100yards to remain first in the OUA with a total of 515 rushing yards. Miro Hadjinian made his first start of the season as cluarterback. Hadiinian had several big runs early game and rushed for agame total of 84 yards. Warrior running back Mike Bradley set the OUA record for career regular season rushing yards last Saturday. Bradley passed Waterloo alumnus Tom Chartier to become number one of all time. After the game, Bradley said, "It feltgood [setting the record]. It was actually kind of a surprise when they toldme after thegame, Ididn't
even know that I was close to the record." Another record was set by a Warrior during the game. By kicking his 15th single point of the season, kicker Matt Armstrong set the new OUA mark. After the game, Armstrong noted the importance of kicking single points. "The rouge [single point kick] is a very important part of the Canadian football game. It may only be wortha point, but that single point could turn out to be the determining factor in whether a team wins or loses a game." A low point in the game came when the Western fansset the standards for lack of class. Fans sitting behind the Warrior bench began to throw eggs at the Warrior players in the fourthquarter. These actions almost cost their team 15 yards in penalties and the police were called to the sidelinesto ensure no further childish antics would occur. The Warrior players let their action on the field serve as revenge against the Mustang fans. After the Warriors' final touchdown (which came with 10 minutes left in the game) the majority of the fans sitting in the sections that had thrown the eggs were nowhere to be found. Whether these fans left out of embarrassment over the score of the game, or out of the realization that they are classless and childish individuals, I am not sure. This weekend the Warriors will play at home against the Guelph Gryphons. Kickoff is at 7:00 p.m.
The Warriors earned a tie last Saturday after a long, hard fight.
Warriors prevail and escape whh a tie AMANDA W A T K l N S Imprint intern
unday afternoon, the women's soccer team battled the McMaster Marauders at Columbia Lake in an intense game that allowed the Warriors to keep their undefeated record. The first half of the game, the Warriors struggled to keep the Marauders out of their half of the field. ' Although the Warrior defenders were successful in clearing the ball, the offensive Warrior players had trouble getting through the strong McMaster defence. The first half ended w t h the Warriors trailing 10. Going into the second half of the game as the underdogs gave the Warriors a goal to aim for. The Warriors were able to tie the game by talking to each other more and making clean passes. The entire game seemed to turn over quite often, as both teams had trouble keeping possession of the ball for long. The final score was 1-1. Although "the first half was a struggle" according to coach Bruce
Rodrigues, the girls were able to pull up their socks in the second half to tie up the game. The Warriors'only goal wasscored by Tory Westbrook. The " eoal came half way through the second half when Westbrook slipped the ball past the McMaster goalie for the first Warrior goal of the game. The game proved to be quite rough, resulting in a yellow card for one of the McMaster players "They always play us tough at home," commented coach Rodrigues. The second half of the game put rookie goalie Kishanie Jayasundera in nes. Jayasundera played a stunning half, in which she snatched up all shots on goal, proving herself an asset to the team. "We were off to a slow start but we had a good pep talk at half that helped us to realize our potential," stated Jayasundera. Despite the fact that the Warriors were unable to achieve the desired win, they showed that they are a determined and skilled team who do not give up easily.
special to Imprint and Imprint staff
it, the higher the pitch will get,"said Slone. Even though they have not done an extensive Canadian tour in a while (they spend the majority of their time touring in the U.S.), they still seem to have garnered a substantial Canadian fan base. "Sometimes Wanna Die," and "Beautiful," two singles from the albums Viberate and Metasexual, respectively, had the crowd jumping and singing along. Considering the recent success of the new album and single, it is clear that people like what they hear.
t's very difficult to sit at the back of a messy bus and meditate," IamentedTara Slone, lead singer of Joydrop, who kicked off their cross-country tour with the boys from Big Wreck at the Lyric on September 29. The last time the band played in the K-W area was more than three years ago at Phil's. Quite frankly, it's about time. Joydrop's live show is a wellbalanced variety of sound, making for stellar musical entertainment. Singer Tara Slone's impressive vocal range melding over the pure rock energy produced by Thomas WC Payne (guitar), Tom McKay (bass) and Tony Rabalao (drums) got everyone's heads a-bobbing and feet atapping. 11 During "Metasexual," the band's last song, Slone busted out an instrument most of us have never seen before: the theremin, an inSlone's response to the general strument that uses antennas to emit state of rockmusic in Canada was to sound waves. Slone discovered the theremin .call it "pretty healthy." "Canadian radio is a lot in the Vancouver studio where they recorded their latest effort,V~berate. healthier than American radio," she She enjoyed playing it so much that remarked, asserting that variety inshe decided to incorporate into the terspersed with Canadian content helps to mix things up a bit. "Amerilive show. "It emits a frequency, and ~t can radio is very homogeneous right now," notedslone, "and somewhat changes with proximity, so the closer your hand or your body, or the of a 'boring listen."' Slone also discussed the differcloser any grounded thing comes to
Bein2 - the front )man in an allalale ensemb1e has its ups ar d downs . . .
ences between Canadian and American crowds: "Americans tend to be a little more vocal. If they don't like you they'll let you know, if they do like you they'll let you know." After further discussion about the US., Slone described an incident at a show in Talahassee where the security guard carried Tasers. "The second time we played there, he actually used it on someone. He said that somebody broke a beer bottle, so he tasered them. That really fucks you up." Aside from that, Slone does not recall any other major problems during joydrop's live performances. Being the front woman in an all-male ensemble has its ups and downs, especially when dealing with media-driven expectations. "It's confusing being a woman and growing up with all these media images. Where do youstand? I want to make myself look beautiful, yet at the same time I struggle with that. Because why am I shaving my armpits? Why am I shaving my legs? Why am I wearing makeup? I like lipstick, I like tnakeup!" Despite their hectic tour schedule, Slone still manages to find time to relax. As part of her daily routine, she uses pilates which focus on "stretching, strengthening and aligning in order to combat the otherwise selfdestructive lifestyle." It is easy to see that, as Slone said, spirituality is "an integral part of who we are."
joydrop gave a rockin' performance at the Lyric.
A weekend of marital mischief The Waterloo Stage Theatre presents a Norm Foster comedy KOURTNEY SHORT
imprint staff
The Long Weekend Waterloo Stage-Theatre September 20 - October 20, 2001
anadian playwright Norm Foster's The Long Weekend is a comedy of manners in which the secrets of a friendship are grudgingly revealed. The story follows two married couples, Wynn (Heather Stewart), her high school friend Abby (Erin Marian), and their husbands, Max (Stephen Welch) and Roger (Kevin Etherington), as they spend the weekend in a New England summer house. The first act takes place on Labour Day weekend when Max and Wynn invite Abby and Roger to visit their new country home. It closes with a twist as Wynn and Abby swap husbands. Because of this twist, the second act is a distorted mirror of the first act, taking place on a similar weekend two years later. From the beginning, it is apparent that the characters' relation-
ships with one another are, at best, dysfunctional. At first, Wynn continuously fusses over the house in anticipation of the arrival of her guests, and Max complains incessantly about the intrusion of their visit. Wynn is the typical psychologist in denial, having rationalized her husband's clandestine affair with another woman, and even dedicating her first book to the mistress. Max is a hilariously fussy snob, refusing a "quickie" with Wynn on the grounds that it takes him five minutes just to lay out his clothes. Wynn, Abby and Max delight in making fun of Roger, revealing that he left the teaching profession because one of his students threatened him with a spoon. Also, we find out that he had writer's block for three months bpcause he couldn't think of a synonym for "pacify." The set design, by Stephen Degenstein, and construction, by Jeff Collins, was brilliant, complimenting the sharp wit of the dialogue. continued on page 16
Imprint, Friday, October 5 , 200 I
Get your mind out of the gutter The Comedy Network's Gutterball Alley wants you to be its next victim LAUREN
8. B R E S L l N
hat would you be willing to d o for fifty bucks? Would you eat poop? Would you touch a fat man's bare ass? GutterballAlley, the latest opus of.uulgarity to emerge from the Comedy Network, is seeking university students from across Ontario who are willing to humiliate themselvesin exchange for cash and prizes. Now in its third season, the show has been described as a twisted amalgam of Bowlingfor Dollars and the Tom Green Show. Wacky, zany and just plain shameless, GutterbaN Alley appeals to one of our most fundamental pleasures: namely, watching other people embarrass the hell out of themselves. Perhaps you've seen it. The show opens and closes with a fifty dollar dare, which is awarded for such feats as kissing a dog's private parts or licking an old man's dentures. Fo!lowing this, contestants can earn large sums of money by submitting themselves to one of -" many "games of skill." The contestant who outplays the others - like the guy who can bob the most bull testicles -is then
awarded up to three bowling balls, which can be bowled for cash or prizes. The "butt vineyard," one of the show's more appetizing games, involves their token fat man and a whole wack o' grapes. From backstage the 300-pound-plus fat man emerges wearing only a T-shirt and underpants. Within a 30-second timelimit, the contestant must shove as many grapes as he or she can into the fat man's tighty-whines. After their time runs out, the man sits down on a mesh chair, draining the grape juice from his underwear into a container. The participant then earns the corresponding number of bowling balls to the amount of juice produced in the container. If the contestant chooses to drink the juice, he or she would earn all three balls. The concept of Gutterball Alley was the brainchild of Wade hcElwain, who is also its writer, animator, executive producer and co-host. McElwain, who hails from New Dundee, has been a part of the Canadiancomedycircuitsince1997, when he was named Funniest New Comedian in Canada at the Molson Canadian Comedy Festival. He was also the winner of the Just For Laughs Homegrown Comic Competition, andmostrecentlycaptured the title of Best Newcomer at the 2000 Canadian Comedy Awards. Having toyed with the premise
of Gutterball Alley for the better part of two years, McElwain and co-host Johnny Gardhouse were finally able to shoot the pilot in 1999, bringing their gookall antics to glorious fruition. "A lot of love has gone into this," revealed Gardhouse, who is also an accomplished comedian with stand-up credits from coast to coast in both Canada and the United States. A native of Owen Sound, Gardhouse has also appeared in numerous national and international commercials, and has garnered a long list of television and film spots. Gardhouse explained that they are eager toget representativesfrom a range of colleges and universities to participate in the show, or simply to cheer on their friends from the audience. "Students are the most spirited and competitive, especially when one university faces off with another," remarked Gardhouse. "Every school says they're the ones who are going to kick ass." Contestants on the show are eligible for some pretty decent prizes, such as season tickets for the Blue Jays or vacation packages. "Nobody in the audience will leave empty-handed," promised Gardhouse. It is a marriage of the sitcom format and the bowling game show format, and everyone is invited. The next show will be taped in
You don't even want to know what these guys have touched. downtown Toronto between October 11 and 14. Students can apply by visiting gutterballalley.com, or by calling (416)410-5444. Students who apply by phone are encouraged to make their messages as creative as possible. Once the calls are processed,
contestants will be contacted for a brief phone interview, at which point their level of "wackiness" will be assessed. GutterbaN Alley airs on Tuesdays at 9:30 p.m. and Thursdays at 11:36 p.m. on the Comedy Network.
a historicaI venue. It opened as a movie theatre in 1937 and was renovated into its current state in 1997. The theatre only seats 260 people, giving it an intimate feel. The sound and lighting systems are modest, and although the actors aren't miked, the acoustics are decent. As for decor, the theatre has a wonderfully eclectic atmosphere,
with concrete floors and plaster muses on the walls. The Long Weekend is funny and touching without being overly analytical, and in this version, the characterization is very believable. I highly recommend going to see it. Tickets range from $21 to $28. For more information, call 8880000 o r visit the Web site at www.waterloostagetheatre.com.
The Long Weekend ESL Temher Training Courses rn Intensive 50-hour TESL courses rn Classroom management techniques Detailed lesson planning Skills development: grammar, pronun ciation, speaking, reading and writing Comprehensive teaching materials T e a c h i practicum included rn Listings of schools, agencies, and recruiters from around the world For How Info Contact Oxford Semtnm 1-800269-671 9 1 4 16-924-3240
continued from page 15
The set aptly reflected Wynn's unfashionable design choices, including strange wall colours and some ugly furniture selections, which were the object of fun throughout the first act. Indeed, the director, Lezlie Wade, understands how to carry out the laugh-a-minute style, and
did so thoughtfully with attention to detail. During the intermission, all of the pictures and alounge chair were changed to reflect the personality of the new chatelaine, Abby. A picture was askew, the mirror smudged and her belongings left strewn about to reflect her poor housekeeping skills. The Waterloo Stage Theatre is
Imprint, Friday, October 5 , 200 I
Televisionary Oracle unique in its message healing way. Brezsny is also a syndicatedastrologist, whose weekly forecasts can be f o u n d a t The Televisionary Oracle freewillastrology.com and,asof thls August, in Echo Weekly. Rob Brezsny The female co-star is Rapunzel Frog Ltd. Blavatsky, a.k.a. Rapunzel uck the threat of war! The Chucklefucker, who is the relncargenoc~deof the lmagmatlon nated Mary Magdalen Uesus' partis at hand. You're lucky you ner and equal, yet almost wrltten don't have to h e In fear of l~teral out of B~blicalfame). She's out to "k~llthe apocadeath squads, but you're not so lucky to be liv~ngin a country where lypse" that this crazy mad patrlardeath squads of the lmaglnatlon are chal society we live in is headed welcome guests everywhere you towards. H o w IS she planning to accomplish this humungous feat, go!" you m ~ g h ask? t That's just some of what you'll She could be "getting a job as hear out of the mouth, or the pen, of Rob Brezsny, a.k.a. Rockstar, the some Nelson Mandela-meets-Mahatma Gandhi politician who author as well as the leading male Mach~avelliates all the nuclear figure in this story. As a rock star (both in real life and this book), he weapon arsenals into oblivion," or communicates a rage against the maybe "building high-tech medical research labs to serve as our front machine of mass mind destruction, although I must admit to not having line of defense against nasty new successors to the Ebola virus and heard any of his music. As the writer, the same fight is AIDS," or "buy and operate a chain fought in a softer, gentler, more of newspapers that awakens [her] GREG MACDOUGALL Imprint staff
celebr~tygoss~p-drunkreaders to the traglc fact that anunal and plant specles are gettmg snuffed out at a rapld rate, unseen slnce the mass d~e-off65 m~lltonyears ago." But no, that's not for t h ~ "Ans n ~ h ~ l a t of o r Armageddon." Instead she's golng to take a d~fferentroute. But I can't tell you what that IS and rum the surprise Thls book IS as much a novel as ~t 1s an ~llustrat~ve horoscope, one that has the abhty togo much deeper than any paragraph-sized weekly adv~cecolumn Brezsny's writlngs are full of surprlse and del~ght.H e wr~tesabout love and nurturing, about death and dying and about death and hfe brought together In menstruation. He wrltes about shaman~sm, paganism, mystlclsm and femlnlsm, and approaches them all w ~ t hrespect, compassion and mlsch~ef. One of Brezsny's most InterestIng concepts 1s that of pronola. Pronoia 1s the bel~efthat everyth~ng is conspiring to bestow blessings
upon you, unhke paranola, w h ~ c h IS the belief that everyth~ng1s consplrmg agalnst you. Cons~der"pronola" w ~ t hregard t o the vlew that your own thoughts have some ~nfluenceIn the way thtngs turn out to be. If there IS any truth to that argument, then Brezsny feels that pronola makes a whole lot more sense than paranola. So thmk of th~s-asthe begmnlng of your knowledge of pronola. Havlng read this review, you too have been blessed w ~ t ha newfound understandmg of pronola, wh~chIS valuable enough on its own. So ~f the book teaches you anvthmg. . -. let ~tbe what ~thas taugl Brezsny offers a thought-provokme: life is good. - ing contemporary perspective.
There's something about Sting
were hlred to appear as a bleached- on the strength of the ballad''~ver~ spenal to lmpnnt blonde punk band in a chewnggum Breath You Take," reportedly writcommerc~al.Whde the comrnerc~al ten in five minutes. n the occasion of Gordon prov~dedexposure,~tdrewthe scorn During the Synchronicity tour, Sumner's (a.k.a. Sting's) 50th of genuine punkers. personal and creative tensions bebirthday this week, here's a little Late In 1977, the band released tween the band members had escarun down on the history of one of t h e ~ rfirst s~ngle,"Fall Out," on lated, and they had no desire to the world's best bands. I.R.S., a n Independent label work together for a while. Nominally, The Police were Sting began work~ngon a jazzCopeland co-founded with h ~ s punk rock, but that's only in the brother Mdes, who was also the tinged solo project ~mmediately, loosest sense of the term. The tr~o's manager of The Pohce. The s~ngle releas~ngThe Dream of the Blue nervous, reggae-mjected pop-rock was a s~zeableh ~ for t an Independ- Turtles In 1985. The album became was punky, but ~twasn't necessardy , paved the way for ent release, selhng about 70,000 a huge h ~ t and punk. the new, St~ng-hteseries of baby coples. All three members were conboomer radio hits. Copeland and From 1980 to 1981, the band siderably more technically profic~ent released two class~calbums, Regatta Summers demonstrated no lnclmathan the average punk or new wave de Blanc and Zenyatta Mondatta. tion to follow their bandmate's path. band. Andy Summers had a precise Preceded by the number one B r m h Copeland recorded the world beat guitar attack that created dense, Inslngle "Message In a Bottle," Re- explorat~onThe Rhythmatrst in terlocking waves of sounds and ef- gattade Blanc estabhshed the group 1985. and continued to comDose fects. Stewart Copeland could play In England and Europe. Cap~tal~z- scores for film and television. polyrhythms effortlessly. And Stmg, He later formed the neo progIng on thew success, the band rewith his high, keening voice, was turned to the stud10 In the summer rock band Animal Log~c.W ~ t hh ~ s capable of constructing infectious of 1981 to record t h e ~ rfourth al- solo career, Summers contrnued h ~ s catchy pop songs. bum, Ghost rn the Machrne, w ~ t h art-rock and jazz-fusion experiAlthough they were at the producer Hugh Padgham. "Every ments; he also occas~onallycollaboheight of their fame at the rime, rated w t h F r ~ p and p JohnEther~dge. Little Thing She Does IS Magic" ~nternaltenslons caused the band to W ~ t hthe exception of a re-do became t h e ~ rblggest h ~ to t date. spllnter apart In 1984, w ~ t hStmg Follow~ngt h e ~whlrlwmd r suc- of "Don't StandSo Close to Me" for s the p~ckmgupthe major~tyof the band's cess, the band took a break In 1982. a m~d-80sgreatest h ~ t package, follow~ngto become an mterna- Stmg acted In Bnmstone and Trea- dark pop of Synchrontclty was the t ~ o n a superstar. l last Pol~ceoffer~ng. cle, releas~nga solo smgle, "Spread Stewart Copeland and Stmg aLlttle Happmess," from the soundThe Pol~cewere a product of r formed The Police In 1977. Prior to track; the song became a Brlt~shh ~ t . their tune and place, and t h e ~ pop/ the band's format~on,CopeLand, the Copeland scored F r a n c ~ sFord punkireggae was a huge lnsplratlon son of a CIA agent, had attended Coppola's Rumble Fish, and re- for many known and unknown college In C a h f o r n ~ abefore he leased an album under the name bands. moved to England and joined the T h e ~ rfirst two albums are a Klark Kent progresswe rock band Curved Air He also played several sessions must for any fan of melod~c,postStmg was a teacher and a d ~ t c h for Peter Gabriel. Summers recorded punk pop muslc. d ~ g g e r who played In jazz-rock an instrumental album, I Advance bands, lnclud~ngLast E x ~ t o, n the Masked, with Robert Fripp. ]en Brown hosts Seizure Salad, side. The two musicians met at a The Police returned In the sum- alternating Friday nights a t 8 p.m. local jazz club and decided to form mer of 1983 with Synchronicity, on CKMS. Listen for vintage wnyl a progressive pop band. Soon, they which becamea blockbuster success on each and every edition.
by, October 5, 2001 7LU Golden Hawks,(W)1.00 PM,(M)3t00 PM North Campus Field (
WARRIORKIOTBAU Saturday. October 6, 2001 vs Guelph Gryphon2 7 30 PM Unrvenriy Stadrum
WARRIORFIELD HOCKN Tuesday, October 9, 2001 vs York Yeowomm, 7 00 PM, ~ n r v e r s rStad~um f~
WARRlORYOUEYBllU Wednesday Ortober I0 2001 v i WesternMustnng~ (W) 6 00 PM,
8:Chuck I
(M)8 00 PM PAC Gym
L8H Foolbnll d the Wmors in shuttine
2 mck\:;md one tumble recovely on llle aflemoon. Chuck now leads the wunrry ~nsackswith 6.
Campus Rec, Instructional Programs: Limited Space still available in Aquatics classes, Bike Maintenance classes, selected Fitness classes and Skate classes! It's not too late to register!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for the Oktoberfest lifeguard competition - October 13. Come to the Athletics Office PAC-ZQ~~ for more information. BUDDY WEEK! OCT. 22-26
Bring a buddy to your fitness class, instructional class, or . club session during the week! ALSO... Special clinics for sports and free Buddy Week
r 1s on rhe most diKzcult six,na nl organize d w to high l n ~ r e s tlevel c
Elbow Asleep in the Back V2 Records
NEERAJ JAIN special to Imprint
Elbow is agroup of five with a fresh
" sound out of the U.K. They've been
around since the early '90s and have gone through many hardships to finally deliver Asleep in the Back, their debut album.
1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10
Lead singer Guy Garvey's voice can be compared to that of Steve Hogarth from Marillion, with a soft but crisp sound. Influences from other groups like Radiohead and the Doves are apparent throughout the CD. Their music can best be described as progressive; however, Elbow uses a wide array of instru; ments like acoustic and electricguitars, percussion, analogue synthesizers, wineglasses, harmonica, piano, organs, keyboards, cello and saxophone to give their music a unique sound. The lyricsthemselves aren't too obscure or symbol-ridden; they don't take much thought to extract
Artist Money Mark The Moldy Peaches Various Sparklehorse Gaffer Schwimmer/Caine/Feldman Plaid Ben Folds Nihilist Spasm Band &Joe McPhee Clive Holden
Title Change is Coming Sfl Under the Influence It's a Wonderful Life Ending Again Theremin Noir Double Figure Rockin the Suburbs No Borders Chains of Winnipeg
themeanings. They're full of gloomy themes like violence, unexpected pregnancy, substance abuse, drunkenness and growing old that give the album a contemporary dark feeling. Elbow could not have picked a better title for this album as it caused me to do just that - fall asleep. Don't get me wrong, it isn't that bad, but the songs just don't grab your attention immediately. Granted, they do have a distinct quality, a wide array of musical sounds and edgy lyrics. If you like something that's off the beaten path, or something you can listen to while you're working, then this is the album for you.
Label Emporer Norton EM1 Six Degrees EM1 Antiantenna November Warp Sony No Music Endearing
Imprint, Friday, October 5 , 200 1 Mudmen
Made OST Various
IAN BLECHSCHMIDT special to Imprint
KERRY O'BRIEN Imprint staff
You have to hand it to Mudmen; it takes guts to build a rock band using two sets of bagpipes. I can't honestly say that I've ever been singing along with the radio and thinking to myself, 'You know what this band really needs? (Insert phony Scottish accent here), a good piper(rr)!" But thanks to the debut selftitled album from Toronto sextet Mudmen, I've discovered "pipe rock" and I'm wondering why I'd never heard of it before. The addition of the pipes to a typical rock arrangement of guitar (Lonny Knapp), bass (Tommy Skilton), drums (Ryan McCaffrey) and vocals (Zoy Nicoles), creates a musical feel that is worthy of attention for more than its originality. The musicis generally onthe punky, heavy end of ah-rock. While the underlying guitar/ bassldrum foundation is simple, it is still engaging and aggressive without relying on repetitive hooks and cheesy guitar solos. Nicoles' vocals are throaty and melodic, adding haunting quality to slower songs like Lost and intensity to harder ones like Coma andDnnkandFight. Finally, founding members Rob and Sandy Campbell's super-technical bagpiping helps mould Mudmen's sound into a raucous, Highland hard-rock. Best of all, Mudmen rely on well-crafted songs rather than unusual instrumentation; the bagpipes aren't just a novelty. All in all, this album is a blast to listen to.
Contributions from DJ Quik ("Do Whutcha Want"), Underdogs ("Ain't Nothin Wrong WithThat"), De La Soul ("Thru Ya City") and Black Eyed Peas ("Call to New York") give the Made soundtrack a solid, upbeat hip-hop vibe. Highlights from the hip hop portion of the disc also include the "Properly Relaxed Mix" of A Tribe Called Quest's classic tune "Electric Relaxation" and Jurassic 5's single "Quality Control." Jurassic 5's pass-the-mic style is reminiscent of Black Eyed Peas, the four MCs in a six man crew, exchanging spirited one-liners. Apart from these artists, however, the CD lacks cohesion because of the extreme dissimilarities between tracks. Rather than being eclectic it comes off as incongruous. Dean Martin and his Vegas stylings ("Mean To Me") are scared into a corner by Monster Magnet's screaming and stomping ("Down in the Jungle") who are just plain confused by Tom Morello's Rage-esque overhaul of Stargunn's "Katwalk." Havingnever seenMade, I can't say for sure whether the soundtrack represents the movie. On its own, the album tried too hard to combine different styles, reducing itself to an awkward compilation CD. Combining a multitude of genres that will appeal to the John Doe listener requires the individualsongs to be above average quality. Even as a hip hop album, the tracks just don't cut it.
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For infonnatlon call: Student Life Centre U of W 888-4434 15 Charles St W. 585-2370
Imprint is weekly until Nov. 30101 Friday, October 5 Imprint staff meeting held at 12:30 p.m., SLC, room 1116. Volunteer at your school newspaper! Comeout andenjoy a"tonof wings" (gl, and your favourite beverages, sponsored by the local Baden, New Hamburg, St. Clements and St. Agatba Snowmobile Clubs and the GreenwoodRodfk Gun Club. From 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Greenwood Rod & Gun Club, Regional Road 12, (2 1/2inilesnorthof St.Agatha). Saturday, October 6 Elora Festival Singers launch 200 1-2002 season "A Choral ~ a r v e i t :Music and Readings for Thanksgiving." The concert takes place at 8 p.m., St. John's Church, Elora. For tickets and information contact Kelly or Diane at 846-9694. Woodside National Historic Site, 528 Wellington Street N., Kitchener invites you to enjoy the aromas of pumpkin cookies, roasting turkey, ginger beer and much more, also Oct. 7 and 8, from 10:OO a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Call 571-5684 for more information. Wednesday, October 10 A WorWStudy Abroad Fair is being held at the Great Hall, SLC, from 11:OO a.m. to3:OOp.m. There are approximately 25 educational agencies and organizations participating in this event representing institutions from the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia. Between 12 noon and 2 p.m. there will be a panel presentatons in UPR where employers andstudentswill talk about international employment, ~UltUreshock, etc. For more
information contact the International Programs Office at ext. 3999 or Career Resource Centre, ext. 2590. Media Watch presents a screening of Manufacturing Consent featuring Noam Chomsky. 7:00 p.m. at Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome's. Be there, it's FREE! Saturday, October 13 21st WorldReligions Conference - "Reconciling the Existence of God and Human Suffering." The program is from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Hagey Hall, Humanities Theatre, UW.
Student callers needed. Dev e l o ~~ ' o t e n t i a liobs for Co-operativeEducation and Career Services by phoning your previous co-op rmployers and/or alumni and discussing :be Waterloo co-op program. Applicant Voluntary Service Overseas Canada must be accepted in the WorWStudy 1s recrulting for two year math1sc1program. Pay is $9 per hour. Contact enceleducation teachmgplacements mchunt@uwaterloo.ca. overseas and for slx month overseas youth IT mternshlps. For more InOccasional babvsitter needed. Nonformatton, vlsit our web slte at rmoker,inmy home, close toUW, $6 pet www.vsocanada.org or call 1-888hour. Call Alicia at 885-0271. 876-2911. Weekend Counsellors and relief staff to R6sum6 Builder - Friendly volunwork in homes for individuals with deteers areneeded to prov~decompanvelopmental challenges. Experience, tonship to people wtth Alzhemer's minimum eight-month commitment. Disease, one to four hours per week. Paid positions. Send rCsum6 to Don Tramine. uroaram ~rovided ( w ~ t h -Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 cert~ficateupon complet~on).Call Sydney Street, S., Kitchener, ON, N2G the Alzheuner's Society at 742-1422. 3V2. Help the world's chddren -VolunPart-time $300/week. Want extra cash? teeithis term for UNICEF! Call Sue 818lhour to start and generous bonuses. Maciaczyk 748-5663. Our company needs to fill five sales So what does it take to be a real positions immediately! Approximately man?Anas-of-yet unnamed journal aim15 hours per week. Call now for an ing to showcase the art and literature of interview.Ask for Tvler 15 19)725-4473. men is looking for submissions from Female models needed for nude photogaspiring men, as well as volunteers of raphy. Good pay. Serious replies only. either gender. Submissions should be Call 742-4284. directed to one of asklo@uwaterloo.ca or lsmmchug @uwaterloo.ca.
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Yours to
The Local Universe PART I11
The History of Urantia