Panel: Student Media Forum Mon, Feb 4, 7 1:30 1:00, SLC, Great Hall
Panel: Math Forum Tues, Feb, 5, 7 1:30 - l:OO, Math Comfy lounge Panel: Fed Execu rive Forum Wed, Feb 6, 7 7:3O - 1:00, . SLC, Great Hall Panel: informat' Meet and Greet Forum Wed, Feb 6, 8:30 - 9:30 Mackenzie King Village, Multipurpose Roam Panel: Engineering Society Panel Thurs, Feb 7, 12:00 7:00, CPH, Foyer
lections 8 - 75
News editor: Chris Edey Assistant news editor: vacant
Restaurant owner thinks demands
Fee deregulation: Waterloo and Queen's what shall be taught, who shall teach, who shall be admitted to be taught, and how they shall teach. With respect to the controls exDavidJohnston, UW president, personally supports tuition deregulation erted by the i'vhstry of Training, Colleges and Umversities, Johnston and fuaher autonomy for Ontario universities wMe Queen's Univer- s a y s "There is a degree of sity admintstration pursues full de- mcromanagement that 1s counterregulation of tuition in all programs. prodactive for all paliaes." What kind of policies would Principal William Leggett of Queen'suniversityhas proposed that Johnston support at UW with rethe institution be a test case for full spect to deregulated tuition fees? 'We try to look at this as our own deregulationoftuition fees. Ontario's Ministry of Training, Colleges and institution and adopted that policy Universities is considering his re- which said that the maximum inquest. Imprint interviewed president crease would be 10 per cent [per Johnston to find out his views on year] on the regulated side and 15per cent [per year] on the deregulated tuition deregulation. "My own personal view," said side, and I d u d that is the policy that president Johnston, "is that it would we would continue td look at as we be helpful for the Ontario universi- ' make these decisions year to year." ties or some of them to have more Imprint asked president Johnston freedom over tuition fees than at the if he thinks that higher tuition fees present tune." would mean that low-income stu"With that freedom," said dents would be discouraged from Johnston, "[theuniversitywouldneed applying to UW in view of steeply to] take on the responsiblltty of en- rising tuition fees. Johnston replied, sunng that no student is denied the 'Yes, that is the case, but I think the oppoftmity to study at our univer- problem is much larger than that. sity, for financial reasons." With all of the experimentswithvariFurther, Johnston sad, "Give us ous levels of tuition fees at least for the freedom over our tuition fees the past 50 years, smceWorld WarII, through our organs of government there has been very little change m to deternune what is the appropnate the pathupation rates m university level of tuition fees, urlth the finan- education of people from lower mcial a d responsiblltty to ensure that come strata, including in Quebec we are both an accessible and hgh- where m a o n fees were frozen for quality operation " over 20 years. There was very little Johnston sees the freedom to set change m the parnupation rates for tuiaon fees as part oflarger freedoms people from lower mcome f a d e s , requred by universities to dete-e m spite of the fact that tuition fees Elise Hug
-.....- --- .
Johnston believes that Ontario universities require more freedom over tuition fees. were frozen. My conclusion, which is not very profound, is that there are factors that are much more sign~ficant than Ntion fees and the student h a n d a d package that have to do with the fact that a very, very low percentage of people from low mcome f d e s attend universities." Feds president Yaacov Iland says that t h s is not true, or at least that this is not the whole picture, quotmg Statistics Canada and a study commissioned by the Feds. Statistics Canada,m their report entitled "Educanon QuarterlyRevlew"stated, 'We found that the university pamcipation rate for students from low and
middle souo-economic status (SES) backgrounds were qmte s d a r m 1986 - 13.7 per cent and 14.5 per cent respectively.However, by 1994, a wide gap had occurred between these groups, with the rates standing at 18.3 per cent and 25.3 per cent, respectively.This ever-wid:ning gap has been present since 1989 - the same period of time when rapid tuition increases occurred. It may be that young people from low income backgrounds cannot afford higher w o n fees and these increases have affected their participationratemore than the participation rate of students from middle or high SES fam-
ily backgrounds." Accordmg to a study commissioned by the UW Federation of Students, "As m a o n has mcreased, the percentage of the entering class at the University of Waterloo from areas with median household mcomes below f 50,000 has decreased. In 1991,60.86percent ofstudentsm the Waterlooentexingdasswere from lower mcome areas. 1998, only 52.17 per cent of the students in the Waterloo entenng class were from lowerincome areas. Duringthls time, tuition rates steadily increased."
Sustainability project takes flight
Changes to be made to co-op
Grand opening draws large and &verse audience
The University of Waterloo Sustainabdty Project had its official launch Wednesday, in an event that drew speakers and aulence members from every comer of campus. This nascent group, already 95 volunteers strong, has dedicateditselfto increase student environmental awareness and leadership, and to I duce the environmental impact UW.
"UWSP is not just student volunteers. We're part of the university fabric: faculty, administration and students."
- UWSP founde Sandy Man!
Project founder Sandy Kiang, a third-year environment and resource
Interested students and staff packed the UWSP off ice stules student is the pnme d n m g force b e h d the successful launch of the project. When asked how the project differs from past wellintentioned, but not always successful, student environmentalinitiatives
Kiang replied "the project 1s not just student volunteers. We're part of the university fabric: faculty, a h s trationandstudents."Shealsoadded See SUSTAINABILIn, Page 6
Co-operative Education and Career Services is cleaning house. The biggest differenceswill come from their new building and from new software. CECS is scheduled to move into their new building for fall term 2002 and will begm using a new computer system.Thesetwo changes will reduce the co-op process by at least three weeks, without changing the process itself. On Thursday January 17, h c k Roach and DaveThomas, both from CECS, spoke at a co-op forum hosted by Feds. V i t h the new bddmg, we're gomg to have 50 per cent more mtemew rooms.We can do what we do now in three weeks what we're doing m four weeks without changmg the process," explains Roach. Softwareisbemg developedm-house usingthePeoplesoftplatform. O h e application and self-scheduling of interview times are features being b d t specifically for students. Online receipt of job descriptions is a feature designed to eliminate the' manualdataentry of job descriptions by CECS. This process change will allow the application process to be-
gm up to two weeks earlier m the term. Rankmgs are "entered by hand to make sure there are no mistakes Andit takes almost a week to process that. So we can save tune on the match as well," sad Roach "These changes are a big advantage to theunmatched students. Why would you want to know m the tenth week of term that you don't have a job? We're fmdmg out now m the fifth week, sutth week or seventh week that you don't have a job, and now we can work ulth you a lot sooner." Roach s a d he is very excited that students won't even have to worry about gemng mto midterms, and a lot of them are going to be h s h e d t h w mtemews by then. Students dhave jobs by the begmnmgof the second month of term, allowing lots of tune to visit the new city, arrange accommodationsand figure out movmg detads for the next term Smgle-week rank-match cycles wtll fill the five weeks between the current, large rank-match phase and the conhnuous phase, which "is better than conhnuous, m which you have to make a decision every day " See CHANGES, page 4
Candidates fined for comments Chris Edev IMPRINT STAFF
Come to the Imprint Office, Student Life Centre, room 1 1 16 to receive your FREE tickets on Ian. 25 between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
In an inauspicious start to his presidential bid,NbertNazareth has been fined for comments that appearedin last week's Imprint. In a decision, made by the Feds election committee made,on January 19, the committee ruled that Nazareth had violated Council Procedure 6b, section B.2.v, which covers advertising outside of the official campaign period. The decision reads, "The elections committee deems the comments made by Albert Nazareth in the Imprint article published on January 18, 2002 on page 4 titled 'Three-Way Feds election battle' as advertising by a campus medium and as campaignmgoutside the campaign period.", Imprint posed questions to a representative of each of the three tickets on January 15 regarding the makeup of the ticket and potential campaignissues.Two responseswere received. Ryan O'Connor declined to comment on his platform before the start of the official campaign period, wlule Nazareth provided an
overview of his ideas, some of which were included in the Impnnt story published on January 18.The official campaign period is scheduled to begin on January 30.
"We were not in any way campaigning" -Albert Nazareth Feds candidate
As a result of thls decision,Nazareth and all other members of his ticket (Melissa Alvarez, Liam McHugh-Russel and Chris Dildo) have each had their total campaign spending limits reduced by 15 per cent. Each of them may now spend up to $382.50ontheircampaigns.All other candidates running for executive positions are allowed expenses of up to $450. The election committee is a powerful body with the authoritytointer-
pret the Feds election procedures and to h e candidates that it deems are contravening the rules. Can&dates who are censured by this committee have the right to appeal its decisions to the election appeals committee. In the past, this board has not overturned many election committee decisions, but has often reduced the fines. Nazareth is planning to launch an appeal as quickly as possible. "It is clear we were responding to basic questions that all candidates had the chance to reply to. We were not in any way campaigning," Nazareth explained. When asked whether the electoral ides require clarification,Nazareth replied, "Absolutely. The candidates spent two hours going over the rules and we still were not able to cover everything." m s i s n o t the hrsttime thatNazareth has run afoul of the Feds election committee. During last year's Feds election he was fined for campaigning in the Bomber. Campaigningin Feds owned businesses is prohibited.
Fourteen now running for Feds executive Electronic elections to be held February 8-15 Chris Edey IMPRINT STAfF
University of
As the deadline for prospectwe electlon candidates passed last Fnday, a total of 14 caddates had declared their lntentlons to run for office, a sipficant mprovement over the nine who ran in last year's contest. Other than the three ttckets that were known to be nmnmg, two mdependent candidates have also thrown their hatsinto the k g . David Hyunh, a fourth-yearplanning student,is running for VP studentissues,andDavid Ellis, a fourth-year arts student, is biddtng for the presidency. The makeup of the third ticket was also revealed Friday. Fronted by presidentdcandidate StaceyWatson, it also includes Stephen Lockwood. In the last federal election, he ran under the banner of the Green Party in Windsor. This time around he has set his sights on the position of VP education. Rounding out the ticket areVP studentissuescandidateJulian Ichun and VP finance and a h i s -
tration candidate Nick Sydor Some expect this team to b m g up issues that have rematned somewhat dormant dumg the last several elections, but nothmg can be known for sure untd all the electoral platforms are revealed when the campaigning penod commences on January 30. The campatgnmg penod lasts for a total of 10 days, whch could be a vety short time to effectively reach more than 20,000 potential voters, both on and off campus. The Feds election committeeregulates the campaign; the rules governing the conduct of the campaign are both detailed and strict. Candidates are only permitted a limited amount of promotional material, and the activities of candidates and their volunteers are under even tighter control during the votingperiod, in which only 'limited campaigning" is permitted. Candidatesrunning for presidential or vice-presidential posts may spend a maximum of $450 on their campaigns, while those running for
student council seats are restricted to $75. With all members of Albert Nazareth's ticket already fmed 15 per cent of their spending allowance, one would expect all caddates to be extra vigilant about following the rules. Voting wiU be spread out over eight days and d not include a single paper ballot. The eight days of voting are intended to allow as many busy students, both on campus and on co-op, to cast ballots. However, concerns have been expressed that the lack of highly visible, traditional, paper polling stations may lower the prolile of the election period and possibly reduce participation. Brandon Sweet, who is co-ordmating the voting, has plans to set up electronic poll$g stations in "highly visible areas of campus" from February 12 to 15. The total voting period has been scheduled to extend over February 8 to 15.
Changes: for better or for worse? CHANGES, from page 3
Accordmg to Roach, "The process didn't change. We didn't go to continuous. We apologize that it got out there that we're changmg to a total continuous process; that never was intended." Only once exams have begun will the continuous process commence. Employers will no longer have to wait 10 weeks to discover a student was not matched with their job. Roach describes the student side of things similarly: "Students wait for almost 10 weeks to find out where
they'regoing to be working. Ifyou're going out looking for a summer job, you wouldn't do it for 10 weeks." After six weeks, the largematch-rarik phase wiU be complete and weekly cycles w d begin. Interviews are proposed to begin in the fourth week of the term and continue until all students are matched. Bruce Lumsden, director of CECS, believes thls change is necessary to maintain UW's competitive advantage against other sources of co-oplabour.lJW'scompetitors typically use a one-week interview period. Lumsden hopes to shorten the
four-weekturnaround time for three key reasons. Firstly, a shorter time frame d l be more responsive to both student and employer needs by reducing the time commitment required for the co-op process. Secondly, other universities and colleges are operating with much tighter schedules, and UW needs to change to remain able to bring in employers. Lumsden describesthe current process as being "still too long for employers." Finally, updated computer technology will enable this change.
Feds election gets a needed shakeup
li!i READY AND WllllN6 After reading the candidate list for the upcoming Feds election, I couldn't help but smile. Not only wdl there be multiple candidates for all four executive positions, but there wdl also be some u n f a d a r names on the ballots. This is refreshmg.We're all f a d a r with the usual suspects, like the Nazareths, Kerngans, Slomkas or Dddos. These people we've read about m the past year, whether it was in last year's election or this year's referendum stones. But then we're introduced to new faces and unheard-of names: Watson, Sydor, Lockwood, and Huynh. I'm parucularly mterested m the so-called WPIRG ticket composed of Stacey Watson, Nik Sydor, Steve Lockwood and the Wayne Gretzky of modem-day activism, J d a n I c h . This is one of the first tickets to emerge out of nowhere in some time. In the past, we've been treated to the archetypical tickets of past Feds councdlors or senators with little fanfare or care from the electorate.Tlus year, I anticipate thls d change. Students have been watting for a story h e m a Feds election for gomg out to choose the best candidates. The electton turnout numbers say it all: 7.65 per cent turnout last year, 8 per cent m 2000 and 16 per cent m 1999. Clearly, students have not had much reason to come to the polls. Thls year's contest may attract more students to the polls just for the names not mvolved m Feds polittcs. More importantly, it's time for outsiders to step up to the plate and challenge existing Feds thumpers in
policy and vision. I focus on the WPRIG entry because it's surfacing from a club that can drum up support at the drop of a hat. Flash back to last year when the WPIRG fee almost went to a referendum. About 30 students showed up to a student's council meeting to express theu support for the student activist group. They managed to convince eight coundors to reject the motion, which was just enough for the referendum to be stopped. The same 30 students that showed up to save WPIRG (students would've most likely voted to scrap the fee) would have no problem convincing colleagues to support the "alternative" ticket. The point is, this WPIRG ticket should notbe taken lightly, contrary to some rumblings I've heard over campus this past week. They wdl be the true oppositton to two popular tickets m the mamate Feds chques. There d be students who d come out and vote for change m Feds personnel. There dbe students c o m g out to make sure some people won't step foot m the Feds office. Yeah, yeah, the most important thing is for students to come out and vote, blah, blah, blah. The song echoes from all campaqgers takmg the podium m the SLC m the past decade. It's mce that people are gomg to come out and vote, but I want to see some true challenges on candidates' plans m the next year. I want to see a forum where the candidates rhyme off t h w blueprints for the other candidates to bum them up I want some debate on vision Let's face the obvious The caddates vnth experience under theu belts wdl be more o r g m e d coming mto a Feds executive position and I'm certmly not takmg anything away from theu forthcoming campatgns. Just for a minute, though, let's sit back and let these office seekers duke it out. My votes will go to the candidates that can mtellectually knock the others out cold.
Feds account for extra voters Adrian Chin IMPRINT STAFF
The referendum committee has released the official results of the Waterloo Campaign referendum two months after the polls closed. The final results of the referendum is a yes win with 1,348 (60.48 per cent) votes the no side accumulated 853 (38.27 per cent) votes; and 28 (1.26 per cent) votes were declined. Concerns over the number of eligiblevoters had been raised after the preliminary results were released. It was initially reported that there were 21,646 eligible voters but after a careful review of the criteria for eligibility and revising queries made against the registrar's office data, thevoters listwas reduced tol8,413. The difference in the amount of eligible voters was a result of an oversight in the computer query used to derive the list of voters. The problem was that 3,233 part-time students were included in the list because the query faded to recognize their ineligibility. A cross reference was made against thelist of 2, 229 v;ters from the referendum and it was discovered that there were 16 votes that were cast by ineligible voters. These 16 votes, representing 0.72 per cent of the total number ofvoters, were not enough votes to statistically impact the results of the referendum. Since records are not kept of how individual students votedin the referendum, the 16 ineligible votes cannot be removed from the results. However, it is clear that a difference of 0.72 per cent dnot change the overall results
of the referendum. Theconfusingprocess offindingtheproblem with the voter's list was put in the hands of two individuals, Brandon Sweet, chief returning officer and Feds president Yaacov Iland After identifying the problem, they set in place new measures for preventing this problem in the future. "There is going to be a standard database query set up to generate voters' lists both for referendums and elections specifically for each faculty and that standard query will be used each time to generate the lists," Iland said "Results will be available to the Feds before the vote begins. It wdl be a query with a significani amount ofinformation to tell status of students and the term in which they had the status tc verify that we have the correct records," Iland added. Asked if he was satisfied with the way the referendum was run, Iland commented that "There are d e b t e l y areas for improvement. I'm satisfied that the results are accurate however, there are certainly a lot of thmgs tha~ we can clean up for next tune and we're work ing on cleanmgit up already for this coming set of elections and further referenda electtons." The official wording of the referendum quesaon was as follows "Do you support the construction of an expansion of the Studenl L f e Centre and the North Campus Athletic fadties as detded m the Waterloo Campaign Student Projects document through the add aon of a non-refundable, 313.80 fee to the fee statement?''
Local restaurant fined $700 'ood inspectors find four health violations Nguyen explms that the jackets found on boxes of food belonged to employees Employees have since been ordered to keep theu After conducting an inspection at the Pho jackets out of the kitchen area altogether The accusation that no hand soap was proaxun last month, healthmspectors from Warloo Region's food safety dtvision brought vided was also maccurate, Nguyen explms. ur vlolations and $700 m fines to the atten- Their smk was supplied with "bar soap" but )n of h h h Nguyen, the store's manager who has smce acknowledged the region's desue for :fends hunself agamst some of the allegations h to upgrade to liquld soap. The cutting board that was found in a at have been made. The vlolation for " f h g to keep the wash- washroom was "for the garbage," Nguyen ,om faulity clean" was m reference to a adds to hls list of msconcepttons. "They never ashroom that "is not used," he explamed. check with me (to find out more about the situation) " guyen's opmon of the After four visits be~liciesthat have been tween December 13 and ;ed to tell him how to "After four visits January 2, the Pho Jerate the restaurant is Maxim was deemed to at the demands are "too between December have corrected all the rict." 13 and January 2, problems found in the The inspectors comhealth mspections. The ained that raw eggswere the Pho Maxim was owner of the restaurant, ing storedat room temdeemed to have Xuan Tri Tran, has xature instead of in the promised to pay the full idge. Nguyen says that corrected all $700 in fines. is was one ofmany misThe public health inthe problems mceptions. Staff will spector cited improper ring a carton of eggs found in the food storagetechniques, om the fridge to the mcluding the use of patchen as the eggs are health inspections." per towels to seal per:quested and return ishable foods, exposed lem to the fridge afterdry goods and the placeards. The inspectors (formedhim that the eggs were being left out ment of garbage m food storage areas The fthe fridge too long. The same complaintwas inspector also observed food bemg cooled on lade of cooked meat. "I don't understand the floor and the storage of condunents tn the hat they say is too long. I have been working washroom. Recommendations were also issued for improvements to the operational proIthts business for many years. I know what we cedures and the general upkeep of the restauD is okay." Allegations such as blood found in the rant. Pho Maxun is the first restaurant to be eezer, duty jackets left on boxes of food, no and soap provided, and a food cutting board charged with new fme mcreases smce the food premses regulations m the ProvmcialOffences )undin the washroomwould give people "the Act were updated last November. Some of the rong message," explains Nguyen. The blood in the freezer is noi irregular for fines have tnpled theu h u t s after staymg the is "or any other business" that receives large same for 60 years The p r e v i o u s h t for break lipments of meat. The inspectors "must have ing food premises regulations was $375. )und some of the blood that gets out (of the ackapg)." eoff Eby
No hand soap at sink in prep area. Provide liquid soap instead of bar soap in washroom and provide paper towels. Provide proper containers with lids for the storage of dry goods. Remove garbage from washroom floor. Walls and ceilings in kitchen and storage areas need cleaning. General housekeeping poor. Other infractions observed during inspections that must be rectified: meats cooling at room temperature; eggs stored at room temparature for extended period of time; failure to thaw meats under cold running water; paint stored in washroom on the same shelf as vinegar; floorsfilthy; walls in need of repair and painting; cutting board stored in washroom. Chipped utenstls must be disposed. Newspaper used to wrap food in walk-in cooler. Paper towels used to absorb grease from food. Brown paper towels are not acceptable for food contact. Clean utensils not stored properly in kitchen. Clean and line all shelving In kitchen area with shelf lining paper. Wiping cloths must be sanitized in sanitizing solution ( 1 tsp bleach12 litres of water) when not in uSe. Equip all coolers and freezers with indicating thermometers. Foods stored in walk-in cooler must be covered to prevent potential contamination. Dry goods stored in washroom on the floor. Do not store any food in washroom. Do not store foods on the floor. All foods must be stored at least six inches off the floor as stipulated in the food premises regulat~ons. Do not store dirty coats over opened dry goods iri storage. Do not store garbage in food storage area. No hand soap at handwash basin in kitchen to facilitate proper handwashing.
Deregulation: the future of UW tuition? DEREGULATION, from page 3 In 1991, students in Waterloo's mathemathics undergraduate program (regular stream) paid $885 in tuition per term, before incidental fees. In 2002, tuition fees before incidentals in this same program stand at $2,015, an increase of 145 per cent over 10 years. Federation of Students president Yaacov Iland does not support deregulation of tuition fees at Waterloo. "Why should the provipce financially support universities if the universities can charge whateverthey want in tuition fees? So ifa university chooses to deregulate, the province can cut its funding even fiuther." UW's provost Amit Chakma estimated that as the university grows and its costs increase, UW will need to cut its budget by four per cent each year for the next several years. "There is a two per cent cap on tuition fee increases for five years," explains Chakma. 'TVe have four to five percent inflation.The consumer price index is 2.5 per cent but our costs are rising faster." Chakma said that the province's lack of an inflationary budget means UWwon'tbegettingany moremoney fromthegovernrnent. Chakma added that 'We need to cut an estimated four per cent per year for the next several years before [the end of the two per cent cap on tuition fees in regulated programs]. How long can the university sustain those sorts of cuts? We need to look at whatever sorts of proposals are on the table." According to Chakma, "To put that into perspective,without tuition fee increases and without new funding from government,we would need to eliminate 50 faculty positions each year for several years." Chakma said that even with increases in tuition fees in deregulated programs, UW will only be able to keep up with the cuts, but not with inflation. Iland suggests that tuition increasesin deregulatedprograrnscombined with pressure from the Ontario government to increase enrol-
ment are a dangerous &. 'Where [the university] chooses to grow, those areas will get resources. Other areas oftheuniversitydbe starved. That's why I'm very, very concerned about targeted growth," said Iland. There is a new mentality at this university, to protect andgrow our 'quality' areas, and let others decline." Accordmg to Iland, "to avoid cuts, you need to grow, so the incentive is to grow in the deregulated areas because of the higher revenues from increased tuition fees. But the vast majority of the money will stay in the faculty or program where the growth happens. The deregulated programs wdl be able to maintain quality while the regulated programs wdl suffer the four per cent cuts."
"There is a new mentality at this university, to protect and. grow our 'quality' areas, and let others decline" - Feds president Yaacov lland
Student emotions on the issue of tuition fee deregulation are running high. University students across the province are ramping up their protests against tuitionderegulation. Last week, Queen's University students occupied university principalWilliam Leggett's office for tive days in protest ofproposals to further deregulate tuition at that school. This Monday, approximately 45 students blocked entrances, exits, stairs and elevators leadtng to the administrative offices in hchardson Hall at Queen's by laying down end-to-end on the floor. Studentsare demandingthatprin-
cipal Leggett rescind his proposal that Queen's University be a test case for full tuition, that any further deregulation of tuition at Queen's be subject to a binding referendum requiring a majority of student votes and that tuition fees be frozen in all faculties for the 2002-2003academic year. Tuition fees for undergraduate students in Queen's arts and science programs, including additional fees, are $4,727. This compares with fees ofup to f 8,034in commerce(second year) and $12,233 in medical undergraduate programs. Thelatest communiquk from students blocking access to the university's administrative offices, dated Monday,January 21, read: "Enough! Enough of being ignored! Today, if the administrationdecides to use its officesin Richardson I-Iall, they must stomp on us as they have stomped on the principles of democracy, accountability, and the right of equal access to education.We lie down this momingwithour bodies, hearts andminds, to say, trample this." The first occupation lasted five days; according to the occupiers, "As we had anticipated, the most nervewracking part was actually getting into the [principal's] office. But as it turned out, this went off without a hitch. Armed with flowers and notes for the secretaries and hauling gear to secure the office and a week's supply of food and water, we moved not quite as quietly as we probably could have through the hallways and &ally, into the office area itself. Within .minutes, security was working away at the locks. It didn't take long for them to cut off the phones and Internet access in here either [note: as of 4 p.m. Tuesday they've cut power, but not the lights]." According to the occupiers, "it would appear that the adrmnistration is more concerned with providing us with adequate bathroom facilities than they are with providing us with affordable, accessible university education."
Sustainability: Group to green UW Tohnson and Iland offer support SUSTAINABILITY, from page 3
that the project has strong support from the Feds and that the VP student issues wili allocate environmentalcommissioners to runthe project's office. Despite its youth, the project already has a wide variety of projects on the go. Initiatives in bringing I S 0 14001 certification to UW, environmental education, and green building design are in the planning stage, and will be joined by other ideas proposed by the group's membership. UWSP is also planning to involve itself in the highly prominent and urgent issue of geenhouse gas emissions and clunate change. In midFebruary two sustainability project volunteers are travelling to Portland, Oregon to participate in the College Climate Response conference. In Portland delegates from universities and colleges across Canada and the United States wdl discuss ways that campuses can reduce their emissions and become compliant with the Kyoto Protocol. UW would have to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 20,000 tons to become Kyoto Compliant. Gang cited the introduction of solar panels to the rooftops of UWs buildings and "the development and promotion of Kaizan (the transformation of several units withim the Columbia Lake Townhouses into ecopods)," as the two new initiatives that she would most hke to see succeed. During the ceremonies in the Great Hall, UW president David Johnson and Feds president Yaacov Iland professed their support for the initiative and for the push for environmental sustainabilitybefore alarge crowd. In his address, Johnson hkened the birth of Univerity of Waterloo SustainabilityProject to theemergence of the campaign against drunk driving and the invention of the Internet. "Allthatwas [accomplished
with] the power of students and young people's mmds," he stated. Iland commented that he recognized the dedication of the fledgling group's volunteers right from the outset when the group was able to quickly raise enough money to rent office space in the SLC, which is in the price range for retail businesses, not the average non-profit group. Referring to the promise of the project, Iland said "It allows an outlet for student inquisitiveness." He also added that its formation poses a question and a challenge to all UW students: 'What does sustainability mean to you?" Following the speeches, the lower level of the SLC was packed tight, as l a n g and Johnson cut the ribbon at the project's refurbished offices, which are located across the hall from the CIBC branch. The office was well-stocked with informative material and free handouts,donated by numerous sponsors from both busmess andgovemment. In an admirable show of generosity, Ron Smg, of the Group 4 Technology donated four new computers, a pnnter and the necessary components for establishing a network to the group right after the ceremonies concluded. Whilevolunteers mingled through the crowd distributing cake and signing up new members, representatives from many diverse campus groups dropped by to take stock of the new kid on the block. WPIRG members expressed their solidarity with the environmental aims of the new initiative and parts of the Midnight Sun racmg team chatted with project members discussing how they might work together. A representative from the office of local MPP Elizabeth Witmer also attented the grand openning. Withwide-ranging support evident, the future of Univerity of Waterloo Sustainabhty Project is looking bright.
Winter co-op numbers troubling: 371 remain jobless
JOB FAIR Over I00 recruiting employers in a single location Permanent, Contract, Summer, Co-op and Part-time jobs
RIM PARK 2001 University Avenue, E. WATERLOO
FREE transportation provided (from SLC) FREE admission with UW ID
Three weeks into the term, the Department of Co-operafive Educatton and Career Services stdl has 371 students sall acttvely seeking work The malonty of these students come from the faculty of mathematlcs and the faculty of engmeemg (mth 85 3 per cent of math students placed, and 92 3 per cent of engi neenng students). Asked about what this says about our recent significantgrowth m both of these areas, and the futurevlabhty of co-op, Bruce Lumsden, Director of CECS, suggests that "those ques ttons are hard to answer" as they're "dependent on so many factors " Math grew by over 300 w-op students this year, w t h engmeenng growmg by just under 100 students Lumsden suggests that "[the department] has been able to handle the growth" and that, if the "economy
"We aim for 100 per cent employment. However, what's an acceptable level of unemployment? Two per cent is acceptable." - CECS director Bruce Lumsden
was stdl as buoyant we'd be m okay shape " Cathy Jenkms, assistant program director at CECS, suggests that "the [mformaaon technology] lobs, orlack thereof, have been affected more than anyone else " Lumsden, whde
concerned about future growth in both of these areas, feels that in good economic condtions CECS is able to accommodate growth and that, given current economic conditions, "we're doing an okay job." 'We aim for 100percentemployment. However, what's an acceptable level of unemployment? Two per cent is acceptable; five per cent is the maximum" because the numbers are meaningless. "It's the bodies beingthose numbers. They mean something to us." Having added additional resources into the department to seek out more jobs, and aggressivelyworkingwith the faculties "who have been just amazing," notes Lumsden, the department 1s trymg to get through. Half joking, Lumsden qulps "there have been 13 recessions smce the 1920s." Lumsden hopes we d weather this storm too rnschaan@~rnpr~nt uwaterloo ca
hris Edey and Jeremy Taylor APRlNT STAFF
Groups to vote on niove to Cambridge he proposed development of aUW rchitecture campus in downtown :ambridgewas one of the topics on ie agendaduringUWs senatemeetig on January 21. The 100-membersenatewas prented the plans of the proposal and 7as to make its official decision. A ondition was added to the approval :quiring proper fundmg before the 27.2 million proposalproceeds. The mate passed the measure, and the zhool of architecture is now one tep closer to its May 2003 target of pening its new facilities in the bandonned Tiger Brand factory. :ambridge Mayor Doug Craig exects an answer on full funding by ne end of February. UW's board of ovemors w d hold its vote on Febuaq75. with files from the Cambridge Reporter
UW senate passes financial aid promise it the January 21 UW senate meet~ gdespite , a number ofpleas by UW tudents, the senate voted m favour ) f a plan to ensure that all enrolled Wundergraduate studentshave suficient financial assistance to comdete theu studies The students r w g agamst the plan, mcluding iederauon of Students president laacov Iland, suggested that the )romse may lead to mcreases m ultion when the student aid funds un out Iland and other students namtatn that UW is spending its tudent a d budget faster than the noney comes m. The senate vote ecorded 25 m favour 16 opposed md 10 abstentions with files from the Daily Bulletin
including the cities of Waterloo, ~ i t c h e n kand , Guelph, as wellas the PIRGs of UW and the University of Guelph, offers "an economical, env~ronmentallyfriendly alternauve" to driving alone on a daily basis. The service connects residents in KW, Cambndge, Guelph and surrounding areas. In the future it is hoped that the service will be able to aid Toronto-bound commuters as well. with files from
improve quality oflife. UWis already involved in some of the 22 existing networks. Thegroup's steeringcommittee is accepting letters of intent from research groups in both the private and public sectors unal July 12, 2002. Selected applicants will then be invited to submit full applications by March, and from these the new centres will be developed. with files from the Government of Canada
summit on sustainable, transportation
Library looks to heighten "information literacy" skills
In Ottawa, between May 10 and 14, the Youth Summit on Sustainable Urban Transportation will bring together 75 young people from across the nation to discover afid discuss solutions to Canada's transportation failings. The summit is comprised of four core sessions: teamwork and leadership, urban and transit planning, youth targeted programs (such as off ramp and university passes), and active transportation and community marketing. Those mterested in representing UW and the Region of Waterloo should consult for more information. The deadline for applications is February 15. Grand .River Transit has expressed great interest in having a UW student represent the region at this conference and would gladly recommend any prospective student to the selection committee.Those interested are advised to contact Sandy Roberts of the regionalgovernmentat 585-7597 at extension #7231. with files from
The UW library department has turned its attention to improving the "information literacy" skills of the UW student body. In addtion to the library's ongoinginstructionsessions designed to help students locate and use library resources, the library is exploring new ways to encourage libratyusers'development ofthe skills necessary for complex information searching and retrieval. The new focus comes as a result of a document issued a year ago by the Association of College and Research Libraries that suggestedthat most students do not have the awarenessofhow to use a library to its maximum efficiency. with files from the Daily Bulletin
Contest will select new Networks of Centres of Excellence Approximately $12 &on annually will be available to support a series of new government-organized Networks of Centres of Excellence. These networks create partnerships among governmental and industry bodies anduniversities,in fields such as health,communications, andnatural resources and are designed to
Web site connects enviro-friendly commuters
There was no competition for sevedavailable seats on student council and the senate. As a result, nine candidates have assumed their seats without the need for a vote. AndmeMartin,Kyle Selmesand Christopher Ferguson of regular arts were acclaimed to council. From environmental studies co-op, ShannilaSetaramwas acclaimed. She joins CourtenyPreziosiandParambii Sing K d a from math co-op. Also acclaimed were Danielle Jeannault (science regular), Zareen Charania (optometry) and Jdanna Yav (independent studies). Adtian Chin was acclaimed as both the senator and student council representative from applied health studies. with files from the Feds
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Oxford Seminars
The most profitable business of the Federation of Students, the Used Bookstore, is about to fmd a home on the Internet, after a recent move to a new physical location. But the new changes might mean less profit for the Feds as more money gets back into the hands of students. The Used Bookstore opened some 20 years ago, in a small office somewhere in the Campus Centre (now the Student Life Centre). In 1995, it ended up in the space now occupiedby the StudentHealth Pharmacy. Although the Feds had no intention of moving the Used Bookstore, they agreed to move into a new, larger space, at the request of the SLC management board, so that the pharmacy could expand. The cost of the renovations and move (about $65,000) were split three ways between the SLC, UW Administration, and the Feds. The new facility opened in July 2001. An additional 400 square feet of floor space in the new facility allows the bookstore to have more inventory on the shelves and less in storage. However, the financial benefits of the new move are difficult to quantify, said Dawn Phillips, Feds vice-president administration and finance. Year-over-year profits for the three-month period ending in ~ o v e m b d r2001 have increased by about $25,000, but about $20,000 of that increase is due to more unclaimed consignment cheques. Over the years, students have grumbled about the bricks-and-mortar nature of the Used Bookstore; Phillips campaignedto bring the Used Bookstore o e e , a process that she says is well underway. The Used Bookstore currently uses a computer system that is over 10years o1d;it doesn't ailow multiple
n o s e interested m getting to and i o m work in a more enwonmenally consuous way can regster at www to connect mth ,her carpoolers t r a v e h g s d a r eoutes The Web site, a jomt project >fanumber of governmental bodies
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Nine candidates acclaimed
computers to access the same database Only one of the te-als m the bookstore can be used for sehng, resultmg m large queues at the start and end of term The Feds have contracted the Kingston-based firm DAS Software to implement a new computer system for the Used Bookstore. DAS implemented a similar system for the Used Bookstore at Queen's University (,so the expertise from that system is being reused in the Feds' system. The first phase of the project will add terminalsto the UsedBookstore to decrease lineups and bring inventory and book status online. Although originallyscheduled for completion in late F d 2001, Phillips says that computer problems in the Feds office have pushed the rollout date back to February 2002; setup should be finished by the end of the term. Later phases of the project will likely see some back-end additions, like accounting features, as well as more featuresfor students, includmg e-mail notification of purchases. P M p s would like to see more options for students to get the money earned from sales, either by addmg a direct deposit feature to the system or by doing weekly or biweekly cheque printing, instead of once per term. The profits of the Used Bookstore help compensate for the losses ofsome ofthe other Feds businesses. In the year ending April 2000, the Used Bookstore made a profit of $116,852 on sales of $1.07 million; figures for the year endingApril 2001 are similar, save a one-time disbursement. However, directdeposit andmore frequentcheque printingwould mean fewer unclaimed consignment fees and a decrease in ~rofitsfor the Used Bookstore, as unclaimed consipment cheques usually amount to between $25,000 and $40,000 annually. If these new features are to be implemented to the benefit of students, the Feds can no longer afford to have one business subsidize another; it's essential for all Feds businesses to have a healthy bottom line.
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All letters must include a phone number for verification, and should not exceed 300 words. Letters should include the au. thor's year and program, or faculty position where applicable. All material is subject to editing for brevity and Clarity. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors, not the opinions of Imprint.
Opinion editor: Hala Khalaf
Fibre optic ribbons Paula Johnson COMMUNITY EDlTQRlAL
Rumours continue to circulate as to why Brian Tobin, a bright and ambitious MP, chose to end his political career so abruptly. Presumably, one of the factors that precipitated Tobin's departure from politics was his recent dispute with Finance Minister Paul Martin, after only a small fraction of the federal budget was allocated to Tobin's broadband project. Although many costly projects have been placed on the back burner& favour ofthose aimed to combat terrdrism, the broadband agenda - which would have guaranteed high-speed Internet access to all communities by 2004 - was doomed well before September 11. At one time the "innovation agenda," of which the broadband initiativeis a key component, seemed to set the tone for the overall direction of Canada's government. It was in a Speech from the Throne, after all, that the Feds first articulated their goal to become the "govemment most connected toits citizens." Most Canadianswould agree that essential services, such as health care and education, should be universally available in our country. It is evident, though, that citizens who live in remote communities do not have access to the same medical facilities, educational resources, or business opportunities as those who reside in large urban centres. The proposed broadband infrastructure would help bridge this gap; it would enable avast range of electronic services to be delivered to those who would otherwise be forced to go without. Why then, did the broadband project lose momentum so quickly? In large part, it can be attributed to waning public interest, which in turn has prompted the govemment to abandon its high-tech commitment in favour of more "marketable" objectives. One may ask why the public cares so little about aproject that has been dubbed (albeit by the govemment itself) the "new national dream." Is the concept of a nationwide infrastructure for hlgh-speed
Internet, partially funded by the federal government, too interventionist, too socialist, for our right-leaning society? Or is it simply that citizens cannot foresee any quantitative benefits that would justify the project's immense cost? If the latter is true, one should examine how the public has been educated about h s policy issue: the media. The meha greatly influences citizens' political views and priorities. The broadband issue is certainly no exception. Skeptical from the outset, the medla has paid little attention to the long-term impact of the broadband project, and has instead focused on the minutiae of the national Broadband task force, established to advise the govemment on the development and implementation of its high-speed agenda. What seemed particularly troublesome to reporters was the homogeneity of the task force, composed primarily of executives from Cana&an high-tech firms. Although the composition of the task force determined its legitimacy, and the extent to which its subsequent conclusions truly reflected the public interest, the media's decidedly negative outlook detracted from the greater issue. Moreover, the meha's tendency to dwell on the initial costs of the project, while fading to explain (or to at least identify) its long-term impact, was not conducive to an accurate cost-benefit analysis. See BROADBAND, page 10
Studio's fight for stars 'n stripes
American Jerry Bruckheimer's jingoistic production Black Hawk Down opened in movie theatres last weekend with a $29-mtllion gross, unseating The Lord ofthe Rings from the top spot. The W e y Scottdirected bum-number - clocking m at 144 minutes - ts just the a p of the tceberg for what ts about to become a full-frontal assault of Amencan army fhcks. I went to see Bbck Hawk Down, like I've gone to see most of Bmckheimer's movies, this time because of Ridley Scott, director of such great hlms as Alien, Blade Runner and Gladiator. For the uninitiated, Jerry Bmckheimer has been producing flag-waving epics like Top Gun and The Rock for years. The hlm retells the true story of a 1993 mission gone awry when U.S. military forces moved into Mogadishu, Somalia to capture two lieutenants in warlord Mohammed Farrah Aidid's d t i a . Everything goes wrong, and two helicopters -Black Hawks - are shot down. But the story isn't the issue; what struck me about Black Hawk Down
was the timing of its release. North American society has become so hyper-sensitiveto all things relating to the second week of September (old you-know-whatmonth-and-day) that Fflendr producers are editing out references to the World Trade Center, and Warner Bros. executives have pushed back the opening of Arnold Schwarzeneggar's terrorist romp Colateral Damage. Despite the sudden bout of sensitivity, I guess they're not quite so concerned about producing films that feature American troops killing about a thousand famine-stricken people in a war-tom nation. Hollywood has a long tradition of mining American history for film plots, but lately it's been harder to find those essential happy endings. Ever since I7ietnam, filmmakers couldn't rely on winning the war for a warm resolution. But losing the battle hasn't stopped Bruckheimer. PearlHarbor, his latest offering on,video and DVD, recounts Japan's surprise attack on the Hawaiian port of the same name while somehow making the Americans look like winners. Even though they lost over 2,200 people that day, Bruckheimer's film shows the US. as a bunch of winners as they close out the film by bombing a munitions plant, "turning the tide of the war." I think that dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshma and Nagasaki
Production staff Da~reBarsam, Rachel I < . Beathe, Lauren Breslin, Lcsley Burnett, Adrian Chin, Talea Coghlin, Emily Collin@, Durshan Ganthan, 11dina Gllian, Cindy Hackelberg,Jesse Helmer, Janice Jim. Lisa Johnson, Florcncc 4 . Ltauw, Heather Macdougall Editorial Staff Editor-m-chief, Ryan Matthew MerMey Assistant editor, Mark A. Schaan Photos, vacant Assistant photos, vacant Graphics, vacant Assistant graphics, vacant Web, Talesh Seeparsan Assistant Web, Kourtney Short Systems admin., vacant Assistant systems adriun, vacant h a d proofreader, Jeremy Taylor Proofreader, Lisa Johnson Proofreader, Neal Moogk-Soulis Proofreader, Joshua Safer Proofreader, vacant
Ofice Staff Business manager, Cathy Bolger Advertising & production manager, Laurie Tigcrt-Dumas Advemsing assistant,vacant Distribuaon, vacant Distribution, vacant Board of Directors President, Jesse Helmer Vice-president, Jay Szymanski Treasurer, Philip Weiner Secretary, vacant Staff liaison, Adina Gillian sta&liaison~N1tuwaterloo.~a
Imprint is the offic~alstudtnt newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It IS an editorially indcpcndent newspaper published by Impmt Publications, Waterloo, a corporatlon without share capital. I@& is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Editorialsubmiss~onsmay be consideredfor publication in any.edition of Iqrinf. I@& may also reproduce the material commerciallyin any format or medium as pas of the newspaper database, Web site or any other product derived from the newspaper. Those submitting editorial content,includingarticles,letters,photosandgraphics,will grant Znprin, fmt publication rights of their submitted material, and as such, agree not to submit the samework to any other publication or group until such time as the material has been distributed in an issue of Inprint, or
was what really locked thtngs up for the U.S. in dubya dubya two, but that's just me. So just how much of a propaganda machine is Hollywood? It'r hard to tell, especially with films like Black Hawk Down, which s h o ~ the horrors of war, complete with blood-splattered camera angles. But it's the way that they end that always puts it into perspective. As the credits roll, the f i reveals that about 1,000 Somalis were killed in the mission, and 19 American soldiers lost their lives. For those of you not studying math, that's about a 52:l ratio. That's a pretty harsh spin to use just so Americans can feel hke winners. Just in case you didn't gc the hint that America had the last laugh, they point oyt that the day after Aidid was assassinated, the U.S. general responsible for the botched mission in Black Hawk Down resigned. Soon, North American theatre will see f h s starring Bruce Willis (about U.S. troops in a German concentration camp) and Me1 Gibson (in a return to Vietnam). It's only a matter of time before we're treated to a World Trade Center disaster film. As gruesome as it sounds, I'm not ruling it out considering what been produced already. I bet it wi be a hit in Washmgton and Kandahar.
Imprint declares their intent not to publish the material. Thm full text of thls agreement is avadahle upon request.
I@rintdoesnotguarantee topubhsharttcles,photographs letters or advertking. Material may notbepublishcd,at th( discretion of Imprint, ~t that rnarnal 1s deemed to b~ libelous or in contraventton with I@&s policies wid respect to our code of ethics and journalistic standards. I q n i t is published every Friday during fall and winte terms, and every second Friday during the spring term I@rint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse adver tisiig. One copy per customer. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380 Impnit CDN Pub Mail Product Salcs Agreement no 554677. Next staff meeting:
qriday, January 25 12:30 p.m, SLC 1116
Next production night:
Wednesday, January 30 5:30p.m, SLC 1116 (Dmner provided.)
Better than friends
To the editor,
To the editor,
With the Feds elections coming up, Waterloo is about to embark on its annual ritual of candidates and Imprint carping on people to vote, and the students' thoughtful reaction of not even realtzing that there's an election going on. This is usually not that- big a deal, as the most that student politicians typically get up to is throwing macaroni at federal politicians amidst demands for more money. Waterloo isn't even part of the group that did that, so our votes usually aren't even needed to avoid embarrassment. This year's elections have much higher stakes. The student community has to be aware of what the worst student government might be. OneJulian Ichim,convicted crimig for VP Ed. That might nal, is d not be the best message to send out. (Hey Julian, got any milk?), especially in such a tough job market. Another danger of little or no participation is highltghted by the 2001-2002 Concordia student handbook, available at This handbook was written by an executive that won in an election with four per cent participation. We want Waterloo to get much, much more national attention, but I want my school to be famous, not infamous. So please, for the love of God/ infinity/...Vote! Vote for somebody. Don't just sit back and do nothing. You might just find your school on the front page of the National Post, next to thewanted photos ofOsama.
Imprint staff, I wanted to let you know that I believe you are doing an excellent job by providing us, the students,with agreat sourcefor news and editorials.I typically start my day later than my residence friends, and your paper provides me with better entertainment at breakfast. Now that's saymg something! Thank you, and keep it up.
- Graeme Hein 3B ystems Bitter about books To the editor, In the last week's Imprint, an article concerning the UW Bookstore was printed statingthat theproblemswith texts have been addressedand solved. This is not true. There are stdl not enough PSCI 282 texts, forcing students to scramble to the Courseware office to get photocopies of a text they should already have. Secondly, HIST 220 has a requited book, The Rumor4War, which was not in at the start of term and is still not in. The bookstore hasinformedmethatJanuary 30 is the date the text should be in. However, this book is necessary for the completion of amajorproject in the class.. . thereby leaving students scrambhg to complete the projectwhile s d trying to make time for their other studies. Basically, the bookstore has left many students out in the cold this term wlth no hmt of mprovements for s p m g 2002. The bookstore is here to assist the students and provide the requlred matenals for the compleuon of our degree. In th~s, the) have falled -q
i e Rams9
2A enwronn?en~a/ s/udzes/poilttcalsnence
-Maxwell T. Kenigun IA planning Cambridge turnaround To the editor, I amwritingin regards to ChrisEdey's "School of architecture on the move again" in last week's Imprint. I think it's wonderful that the school has purchased this land and decided to revive an abandoned and unused area of the city of Cambridge. This is a perfect example of how Ontario is working towards smart growth developments. This relocation will redevelop what is known as a brownfield zone: an abandoned area that is likely to be hazardous. It is a beautifulmill, situated along the waterfront, that creates both atmosphere and a place for inspiration. Thanks to UW's restoration of the building, both its architecture and history will be preserved for years to come. This redevelopmentwill allow for an increase in business and housing in the downtown core. It also leaves +e previously purchased site untouched. As was mentioned in the article, perhaps it could be used to develop student housing or perhaps it could be best utilized by Conestoga College, which is fighting to expand its facfities.
-Shannon LeBlond IS planning Imprint rocks To the editor, Last week, m Chns Edey's artlcle "Three-way Eeds elecaon battle," I am shocked by his use of the words "genume choice " Edey reports that there are 12 am I sure that the known candidates ( number has nsen smce then) with elecaons at all four Feds posiaons, offering "genume cholce this t m e around" to UW students The Feds have done a temfic lob this year, includmg the acclauned VP Education Ryan Stammers I won der how the fact that there were three more cdndidates than last year defines "gemune choice " So there is one more race to follow, and nearly enough candidates to apply for official club status There was "genume choice" laat year that gave t h s school three phenomenal executives who have worked their tails off to help make this school what lt is We are lucky that people like Mr Stammers
are the acclaimed who get these jobs. Likewise, I am grateful to the Imprint staff for delivering the only newspaper on campus directed to all students. I am more than happy to make the "genuine choice" of giving you my $4.10 per term and to read the UW student paper, acclaimed in that role for some 20 odd years.
-Joe Nethey 1B planning
Greenhouse, shmeenhouse To the editor, I write in response to Stephen W. Young's letter on the greenhouse effect (or lack thereof), for I, too, have become increasinglyconcerned with the uncontrollable"furor'' over greenhouse gases that is tearing rampant through thenation. I can't count the number of "opportunistic politicians" who have used this issue as an easy ticket to fame and re-election. It seems every sly official knows that if they want Joe Q. Public's vote, they need only talk about lessening the greenhouse effect.You can't turn on C-PACwithout hearing MPs fiercely arguingthatsomethingmustbe done. Perpetrators of the greenhouse myth have also "whipped" the media into a frenzy. I am constantly assaulted by news reports of our imminent doom due to coastal flooding. It has been the major topic of discussion on Meet the Pess for the last five weeks. The widely influential greenhouse lobbyists have even infltrated numerous powerful "special interest groups," from environmentalgroups to environmentalorganizations. The hysteria has even spread to average citizens. New hybrid vehicles are horrifically outselling their vastly superior, gas-guzzhg counterparts. I have personally witnessed public bumings of SUVs in the streets by outraged citizens on an environmental rampage. Yet, the environmentalistswill not relent in their outrageous demands. Lower greenhouse emissions? At long last, have they no decency? Do they wish to bring civilization to a grinding halt? This summer, I stood in downtown Toronto, staring up into the crystal blue sky, wondering when this madness would end. I can only hope level heads like those of Mr.Young, myself, and the editors of ScientlficAmericanin 1989dprevail in the hture.
Straw man opponent To the editor, Week'after week our esteemed columnist, Aaron "General-Lee" Wudrick, as I like to call him, spews forth another batch of seemingly unresearched drivel in his attempt to represent right-wingpoliticswithdry, sarcasticwit. Instead, he soars weekly to new heights of mediocrity by portraying what he thinks are the left's grievances with corporations, the
US., or the WTO. Lee-Wudrick should attempt to take a real issue to task instead of followingthe easy route and bashing diluted and often fictional views of actual issues. Along the same vein, he has a nasty habit of putting words into people's mouths as opposed to formulating hts own arguments. For example, from his previous week's submission, we were provided with a fantastically uninsightful and absolutely untrue analysis of Greg Macdougall's statement that, in regards to Sept2mber 11, the U.S. "brought the attacks upon itself." He translates the simple statement into layman's terms for us "to say that 1) ifB has a grievance against A, A is to blame for any action taken by B, regardless of whether or not the grievanceis legitimate,and 2) if B has alegitimategrievance, any action they take as a result is legidmate." Quite simply, no. Greg was not saying that. He was stating, in quite plain English, that in this particular instance, he feels the US. brought the attacks upon itself. Interpreting such a simple statement with such a wide-sweeping definition is incorrect, but makesit a much easier point to refute. It is a simple task to pick apart the straw-man opponent that he creates for himself. Anyone can find fault in the fictional tree-huggmg, hemp-shirt wearing, fair-trade-lattedrinking, bongo-hitting hippie that you portray as a leftist, or tear apart the ridiculous argumentshe seems to think come from the left. As he quite proudly stated, he "doesn't ever relieve people of the responsibility of thinking for themselves." This is true. Yet it seems someone relieves him of h s duty before he writes his weekly column.
-Jon McDemoa 4B mmputer science
Duck a I'orange To the editor, I believe it was December 18. I was strolling home from a study session at the Porter, full of biological whatnot and caffeine. I was hungry. I saw a strange-lookingduck sitting on the shore of our beloved Laurel Lake. It was a hybrid alright, and its albino appearance made me starewith a fixedgaze.I think I heard my stomach rumble, but it could've
been the bus that passed as I crossed the road. Regardless, I walked up to this fantastic animal and became better acquainted. The seduction was difficult, but I soon found myself alone with the duck in my apartment. I boiled some water and began the preparations. I figured a side of vegetables and rice would be appropriate. I didn't hear any objections from the duck, apart from a rustle of tail feathers. I'll spare you the details of the act that followed. All I can remember nowis wishing1 had some Worcester sauce for my oh-so-tasty meal. So can you imagine my surprise when I saw the cover of Imprint last week? I probably wouldn't look for " W e " any longer. She's migrated to a better place.
- Roland Showers
Women's volleyball not so bad To the editor, It is my sincerestwish that the point of your article,"Winless Women Look to Rebuild," would be to highhght the dedication of the players on our team, not to cause the ridicule' that has been endured from fellow students and even complete strangers here on campus. This season has been full of challenges, and facing such odds, the team has done well by playing hard and not gving up hope. We currently have three to four first-year players on the court at any one time, putting our limited experienceto the test. A quickglance at the rosters of other teams in the OUA shows no other teams with that many rookies on their rosters, let alone on the court. Experience is a great factor in this sport, and a fourth-year player, loosely based on a minimum of practices perweek,would have over 1,000 more hours on the court then a firstyear player, putting us at a disadvantage. However, evenwith the current record, we stdl dedicate an enormous amount oftime to representing our school, whileholding a fullcourse load and everything else university life entails. I am #7 on the Waterloo women's volleyball team, and I am proud to be a Warrior.
-Laura Pearion 1B mechanicul engineering.
Trouble at Queen's YOU! OFF M Y PLANET! Faced with the possibhty of tuition deregulation in arts and science, on January 14 five Queen's students -backed by the local PIRG's Coahtton Agamst Deregulation - deuded to take acaon by o c c u p p g the Queen's pmupal's office for the week. Now, nobody should question the sincerity or dedication of these students. They even declined to use the toilets, opting mstead to utilize plastic bags which were then hung outside the window. Yummy. Alas, for all their dedication, these students seemed to be unable to avoid contradicting themselves in their series of "communiqu6s" released to the public (a.k.a. indie media -gotta love it!) over the week. In one statement, the group calls upon Queen's principal William Leggett to rescind "all present and future plans for further deregulation of university tuition." They then go on to state in their list of demands that "any future proposals for tuttion deregulation must be agreed upon by the majonty of votmg students
in a binding referendum, on a question collectively devised and agreed upon by an equal number of representatives of the Queen's administration, student government, and the Coalition Against Deregulation." So, first they want a guarantee that there will never be any dereplation, but then set out terms that gve the impression that it is still a possibility, so long as there is zero chance of it actually happening. Additionally, they want to tie the hands of the administration on composing any referendum question. And, as a h a l poke in the eye to so-called fairness, they wish to entrench the involvement of the obviously-not-neutral Coalition Against Deregulation. Gee, I wonder which way they would tend to lean. Democracy's h e s t hour, no doubt! . Why the mocking of such a reasonable-sounding proposal? Well, has it occurred to any that asking students if they'd like increased tuition fees is akin to asking vegetarians if they'd like a hamburger? It does not take a genius to figure out that nobody, myself included, hkes to pay more money than they have to for anything, including education. g Don't be fooled into M that the underlying impetus for the little medta stunt executed at Queen's was only about deregulation; it was also about advancing a case for completely tuition-free post-secondary education.
Now who wouldn't ltke that? I'll teU you who: most of the taxpayers in the province of Ontario. It's easy to be in favour of something when it doesn't cost you anythmg. It is a somewhat different issue when the cost remains, but the burden is simply shifted to someone else -which is exactly what happens with tuition. The costs don't disappear - you're just off the hook in terms of having to worry about them. Yet, at the end of the day, someone still has to pay. And therein lies the crux of the problem: you don't want to pay more money - but do you feel right about the fact that other people have to pay for you? Understandably, different people have different opinions on this -particularly depending on whether or not you believe postsecondary education is a right or merely a privdege. This is fertile ground for debate. What the intemperate office-occupying students at Queen's and their dk want, however, is not debate; they simply want it their way, period. Proof? Well, since these students are supposedly so big on participatory democracy such as referenda, I wonder if they'd support a referendum for all taxpayers on whether or not they'd hke to fork over more cash to pay for rising tuition costs?
What's in a name? Gay just doesn't mean what it used to
Gay /gei/ adj & n -dj. 1 a: (in ref, to a person) homosexual. b: of or relating to homosexual people @q bm,gq nights). 2 demg. ss,! (in ref. to an object or idea) lame; effeminate; stupid; unpopular; deplorable (That? sogy..r).3 happy, carefree. -n. a homosexual person, esp. in plural (Gqs and Lesbians). Gaily, gayliess from Fr. gai. A long time ago, say 1950, professional writers would have you believe that g q had only one meaning: mirthful. Consider The Flintstotm, 'We'll have a gay old time." In fact, the word gay and its one meaning is quite old. It dates back to the 1200s and is referenced in centuries of literature and song from Chaucer to "Deck the Halls." Imagine how frustrating for a writer in the late 20th century to find that such an innocent word as g y was taking on a very racy
meaning in colloquial language. Gay began to be associated with same-sex attraction in the early 1900s as a code word with a playful surface meaning. The "new" meaning didn't reach the general public until the 1960s. In fact, a 1950s newspaper would happily print an ad requesting a gay roommate, but would refuse an ad seeking a homosexual. Reaching back futther in history, it is apparent that the word gay was never really so innocent. In the 1800s it was linked with female prostitution and personal indulgence. This theme was underscored in the 1934 musical G y Divorde featuring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. But really, the wordgq has been associated with various unsavory groups as far back as the 1200s. Returning to the 1960s, gay quickly rose in popularity, supplanting the more plodding labels homosexual (which had a medical connotation), and homophik (which sounded like pedophile.) But some purist holdouts, namely the New York Times, refused to use the word gay as a synonym for homosexual until 1987! So long dismissed as slang, by
the 1990s, homosexuality had captured the primary definition of. the word gay. But close behind was a nasty and thoughtless backlash definition. Gay was always a target word for homophobes, but it lacked the punch of other pejoratives hke jiggot, dyke and queer. But then the word migrated to non-human subjects. Suddenly everything could be gay in a bad way. "That's so gay" made its first appearance on the Internet in 1991 on the newsgroup soc.motss. It was apparent to this queer newsgroup that the phrase was already popular with youth who used it carelessly, without particular regard to gay people. It wasn't until the late 1990s that the phrase exploded into popular use on the Internet. The word gay has changed a lot in the last century. Such a short word really does lend itself to multiple meanings. No doubt the usage will change as kids gradually realize that "gay" as a catch-all insult is quite insulting to gays. Maybe then gays can gaily claim gay for themselves without feeling so gay in doing so.
No need to worrv
I feel a need to inform and educate people about independent media. Some fears and doubts have been expressed. One is that it sounds good, "except for one small catch: merely having an opinion on something does not an expert make. Far from serving as a guarantor of truth proliferation, independent media ensures even more dubious commentary from God-knowswho, on God-knows-what. As if it wasn't difficult enough trying to sort out truth with the corporate spin doctors." I'll try and dsconcept this. One: It doesn't guarantee truth proliferation, it guarantees truth avdability. From that, you have to hope that it proliferates, based on whatever spreading mechanisms exist. Two: "Independent media ensures even more dubious commentary." True enough, yet it also ensures any accurate commentary can be posted as well. Then, referback to point one. Three: "From God-knows-who to God-knows-what" is true. It can also be extend to you-know-who and you-know-what as well, if you take the time to look into it. It's not all that hard; two reliable sites, among many others, are (in-depth analysis of issues) and (the latest news to keep you on top of what's going on in the world). Four: It makes it a lot more difficult to sort out the truth with the corporate spin doctors, when you don't have access to all the information that counters what they're saying. Five: Goes back to the primary thesis of the paragraph, that "merely having an opinion on something does not an expert make." That is saying, I believe, that the opinions of some people matter, and the opinions of.others
do not. Or, at least, that some of them should be afforded more credibility than others. That I would agree with. The problem is that if only some groups control the opinionspreading media channels, then only some opinions get spread. We're trying to move beyond that, so that all p e o p l e d be able to make their voices heard. Because all peoples' voices matter, as much as ~ o u ' dbe led to believe otherwise from the way things are. A democratic media system would reflect the interests of all people. And to have a freely democratic society, you need a way to have a democratic media system. Guess what? We don't have either. But things are going well with the anti-corporate meda domination movement. Maybe it's not really a movement, more of an awakening. There are some good things happening, with more and more opinions being voiced and heard, and more thrngs heard by more and more people. And here's some advice on how to deal with the onslaught of opinions. Think about what the various people are saying, but go above and beyond as well. Think about why they are saying what they are saying. That is one of the best ways to evaluate what they are saying. Another thmg to consider is where emphasis is placed. Emphasis can subconsciously affect one's concept of the hierarchy of importance. Think about what gets placed front and centre and what is at the periphery, or not even mentioned at all, because that is just as important, if not more so, as what is said about it. What detds are gven attention and space, and what details are not mentioned? What it comes down to is that you, as a consumer of media, are responsible for more than just reading what's written; you've got to read between the h e s as well.
Broadband: Medra fails intellectually BROADBAND, from page 8 Thus, citizens were unable to determine if the socio-economic benefits of such a network would outweigh the costs to develop andmaintain it, and quickly lost interest in the project. The media should provide citizens with the information necessary to make informed policy decisions; not make those decisions for them. In this case, however, the media failed
to create an intellectual framework for senous pubhc debate. Instead, uazens have been presented mth a brief, one-sided account of the broadbandissue.Thesubsequentlack of pubhc interest, in addition to the impact of September 11, has prompted the government to reassess its pnonaes and, for the tune bemg, to abandonitshgh-speedcommtment Now,mth BnanTobm out of the picture, the broadband project has suffered another loss
'80s' come back!
Finding patience, finding guidance
Melanie Stuparyk FEATURES EDITOR
When you walk around campus do you notice anything strange? Anything crazy or different in how people are dressing? No? Exactly. In the last few years, our sense of danger and risk in howwe dress has been replacedwith cookiecutterbrandnames and neat, clean clothing in plain colours. The kings and queens of fashion claim that it is cyclical, that trends will come around again and again, each time more exciting than the last. But lately we seem to be stuck in a boring lull of non-descript clothing. You might stdl see wackiness on fashion ranways and red carpets, but unfortunately, those clothes are not accessible to the general public. So where are the outlandish garments for the middle class consumer? In the last few years, we had a revival of 60s and 70s fashion, with turtlenecks,bell-bottoms and jeans cut to fray dominating the landscape. And if you look close enough in stores right now, you can see the asymmetry of 80s fashion peeping its irresistiblelittle head over the retail racks. There's no need to resist it in favour of that plain navy blue Gap sweater. The 80s chdd in you wants to dress wdd and crazy; it wants to take chances and be shocking with clothes again, to be so piled high with accessories and prints and patterns that simultaneously everythtng and nothing matches perfectly. The 80s were extreme; everythingwas big, big, big. Bighair, big shoulders,big earrings,big statements. Clothes were catered to one's own style (e.g. knotted plastic beads, ties, or lace gloves). No one ever wore the same thing twice, let alone the same h g a s someone else. I wiU be the first to admit that there were tacky aspects of the 80s. I'm not saying walk around like Madonna in her "Like a Virgin" days or Mikey J's "Thriller" days.Just because I'm on a one-woman mission to bring back fedoras and leg warmers doesn't mean you have to be. I'm saying that it's that time to take chances with our clothes again; to dress in a way that expresses ourindividualpersonalities. I say embrace the 80s comeback full force. There's no stopping it. It's not just about the clothes, it's the attitude that goes along with taking chances and accepting one's own unique weirdness. Don't just take the more tasteful elements of a decade's worth of fashion to add to your basic black safety net. Try something new and buy .those crazy items if they call to you, even if they aren't something you would normally wear. And for those of you who have forgotten one of the greatest decades of the 20th century, you can consult any John Hughes movie to refresh your memory or callJenny at 867-5309.
gr; & " s ~# & s p&$'?& i
FINDIN6 BALANCE It sucks how there just aren't any real good spiritual guides in town - at least none that I can fmd. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places. I suppose that mystic masters don't really come down to Waterloo, perhaps because of the lack of co-op job postings in related spiritual fields. If there are such teachers, I am determined to find them. Spiritual w d e s hang out in relaxed places where they can be of assistance to others without revealing their supernatural powers. Maybe that quiet guy who works behind the turnkey desk is really a spiritual master-in-hiding. Or maybe he's just on drugs; it's
hard to tell the dtfference sometimes. Regardless, he still saps some cool thmgs. Once, I went to him to report my lost backpack. He said, "It is through separation that we learn the value of union." My wallet was in that backpack, which helped me realize the value of Western Union. My teacherm Iran toldme to stop searching everywhere for the nght teacher Become de s e m g of *dance, sad he, and the teacher will come to you I thmk that means that we have to put into practicethelittlelessonswe have alreadylearned before searching out larger ones. It is funny how we tly to h d tricks that will raise us to high spiritualrealms hut we stillhaven't learned how to do the simple things. We know that we should be kind to our parents, to our relatives, to orphans and to the poor. We know that we should speak nicely to people, be consistent in prayer and give to charity. If we can master these h g s , perhaps doors of guidance will open for us. The path of spiritual purification requires fortitude and sacrifice -we must be patient. At the same time, we must also recognize
that we have many teachers and forms of guidance around us. We just have to look and listen more carefully.In fact, it is said that every atom around us is a sign that poitits to the truth. Look to the world around you and to the world within. Let your heart settle upon the unifying message that resldes behind allthmgs. Youwill comprehend it when you give up trying to comprehend You wlll see lt when you dose your eyes and open the eye of your heart If the lessons are simple and the teachers are all aroundus, then how come everythingseems so complicated?Why don't the trials we face everyday have clear solutions? Why doesn't everything just make sense? Well, the world around us will always appear clouded when we look upon it with a clouded eye. The mystics say that once we purify our hearts, the veils of this world wlll be lifted and we wdl be able to see things as they truly are.And nothing clouds our hearts except for arrogance and fear. So be humble and love. Breathe. Remember God. Peace.
Freeze tuition, stop deregulation
IN YOUR INTEREST The Canadmn Federation of Students has deemed February 6 a Student Day of Action - a day for students to walk out of their classrooms, c a h g on the government to freeze tuition and stop deregulation. I heard about this day through WPIRG, but I haven't seen any mobilization on campus. Perhaps it's partially due to the fact that UW isn't a part of the group. I think it's more than that. Students don't feel their voices count or that they can make a difference. As I've dispensed WPIRG's refund of $4.75 the last three weeks, I was once again in awe at the fact that students go through all that effort to get a measly amount of their money back. Perhaps $4.75 can pay for a meal, but tuition has more than doubled in the past 10 years. Yet that is not questioned. People accept this as a matter of fact. It doesn't have to be that way. Students are on the forefront of creating change. If students stood up together and took a stand against our a h s t r a t i o n , the university would have to listen.
In December, Queen's University submitted a proposal to the Ontario government to deregulate undergraduate fees. In response, students stood up and expressed their dissent. Last week, 6ve students occupied the principal's office for a week. Although their actions may seem extreme, what they are standing up for is supported by the majority of students in Ontario. Two separate surveys recently conducted by national public opinion research companies asked Ontarians about tuition fees. In one, 82 per cent of respondents from across Ontario said that tuition fees should be frozen. In another, 82 per cent of conservative voters & the 905 area code said that they would support lowering tuition fees. Ontario's fees are 20 per cent higher than the national average, yet the quality of education is no better. Quebec, Newfoundland, B.C. and Manitoba have all frozen their tuition. Ontario, on the other hand, has increased tuition fees and cut student aid in response to the crisis of under'funding. In recent years, specific programs such as optometry and dentistry have become deregulated. Deregulating fees has resulted in massive tuition fee increases ranging from 40 per cent to 700 per cent increases in only four years. Studies at UW have suggested that students from low-income backgrounds are vanishing from these programs. At UW's last senate meeting, the issue of
deregulation was brought to the forefront. During a discussion around a statement of purpose about financial aid being brought forward, David Johnston stated that he was personally in favour of fee deregulation. T h ~ is s a serious concern for students at UW. Not only are fees at an extraordinary high, but they could go even higher if fee deregulation was to occur. The result would be a two-tier system where only those that could afford the expenses would be seeking post-secondary education. Studies done at other universities that raised their rates showed that the demographic of the student body changed dramatically. In the case of Guelph, students were less hkely to come from workmg-class families, and when . deregulation came to Western's medical school, the nlumber of well-off students more than doubled. Now is the time for students, faculty, staff and university administrations all across the country to work together to place added pressure on governments to fully restore public funding for post-secondary education. It is not the time to let governments off the hook and eliminate any incentive that they may have to restore funding. The issue here is not about a tradeoff between increased tuition or decreased quality. It is a question of whether a university education should be accessible and publicly funded.
What did you gie up to come to uninersily?
"A career i n the NFL."
Nicole VanderBeek
Didier Karimwabo
28 kinesiology
38 recreation
Dave Browne 1B geography
"Dancing girls, orangutans and headless midgets."
"The ability t o not eat Kraft dinner."
Pete, Stuart, Jean, Brad and Annie the maniken
Jen Cook
Lifeguard team
Joe Stuattener
36 drama 2A computer science
We are looking for a diverse group of people, interested in and dedicated to helping other students. Benefits 9 Meet new people . 9 Acquire leadership skills and training 9 Develop communication and conflict mediation skills 9Good compensation package
Hd- qzzesl3ions3 qor mom Mormdion?
"Piano life."
Kandy Wong
Christa, Erika and Ian
1B science
36 arts
"My soul."
Aaron Banwell
Jeff Tong
28 historv
1B science
Check out one of the Information Sessions: Monday, January 28th 5:30 to 6:30 and Tuesday, January 29th 5:30 to 6:30 in the Village One Great Hall
Don Applications are now available on-line at: and in the Housing Office in Village One
\ppl ication Deadline: Friday February 1s t
"A life of travelling around the world."
Features editor: Melanie Stuparyk Assistant features editor: vacant
Tips for the unseasoned traveller A good trip starts with planning and extensive research before you even leave Monika Smetana SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
Hot, sticky, frustrated and tricked out of $60 in Brindisi, Italy at a supposed "American Express" exchange office. I fell victim to one of the many tourist tricks played on innocent young backpackers. Becoming a knowledgeable traveller starts the moment you plan a trip, before you wen walk into a travel agency. Amidst the promisedcommercial bargains, a traveller needs to sort through layers of advertisements and make educated decisions. Travel agencies are the means of booking travel, misused by many as the only legitimate source of information. I have learned from experience what kinds of things to look for when planning a tnp. Before leaving for Europe, I assumed that the Eurorailpass was the best method of transportation. In hindsight, a bit of research on my part before and during the tnp would have saved a lot of money and frustration. ManyWebsites adverbsethe same companies, and so it 1s no wonder that people are misled. Compames like Eurorail, BusAbout and Contiki Tours drill themselves into the head of the inexperienced traveller. A travel agent once told me that it is not possible to backpack through South America. She was striving to keep in place the notion that North Americans need to be led by the hand to experience other cultures. What emerges is a quick fix of the intoxicating vacation that detours new travellers from taking the initiative to choose their own routes and experiences. Despite my contempt for the
dominance of resort packages and organized tours, there are advantages for choosing vacationing over backpacking. During the short reading week, many students look for a quick escape out of the confines of the pressured academic walls and into full immersion of a land of gleaming white snow or sand. Resort packages can provide a relaxing time without a lot of worry.
"Keeping an open mind and a positive attitude will help you deal with any situations as they arise." Desplte the mfamous mtoxicaaon of most of the rowdy Conttki tour-takers, Con& tours do, nonetheless, give an excellent taste of a new place m a bnef and affordable manner. U e w s c , m spite of the tuneconstrattits of the Euroradpass, it can be advantageous for first-tune travellers, as they can concentrate on planning out the journey to their desired destmatlons. The frustraaon of these companies hes wthm the seduction of the culture the traveller is absorbed mto, because often-tunes the temptation to stray off the beaten track is overpowenng. Inebnated w t h the desire to explore wthout constratnt, I am s d m the toddler stages of becommg an educated traveller People have the choice to backpack anywhere m the arises world, the well-mformedcho~ce
Backpacking and vacationing give two different travel experiences. Lonely Planet also publishes a lot of travel guides. There are many other gutdes out there, though I found k t ? GO and Shoestting to be very brief and prone to error. Travel books are an excellent way to tip the decision: to travel or vacation. They provide you with an introduction to the culture, and give you the details to determine what it is you are looking for in your travels. Budget and time allotted to your travel will determine the cultural depth in which you wdl want to submerge ourse elf. Among things to consider are the political climate and crime rate of the country you will be entering. Research into the type of accommodation and local transportation is also valuable. Female travellers will want to be especially careful not to travel in night trains (or opt to spend the extramoney for a sleeperette,not a unisex couchette),and not to cause themselvesunwanted attention from the locals. Without expanding a philosophical debate on this issue, travellers have to be respectful of the cultural environment they are entering. A tight tank top may be tine for Toronto, but will cause you pain in a country such as Morocco where the men will leer and touch you regardless of what you're wearing. Travelling with cash is asking for trouble. Traveller's cheques are excellent because they can be easily replaced if stolen. Getting smaller denominations will allow you to exchange only a bit of money at a time. They are a hassle, but so is getting your friends/family back home to wire you money. It's a good idea to leave an approximate plan of the dates and times you will be in each country/city with someone back home. Researching into the local Western Unions (or similar companies) of your chosen destinations is a must, so that you can be prepared in case of an emergency. A photocopy of your passport should also be left with a trusted person at home. Wearing a money belt is also smart -though if someonewants to rob you, they will. I met a girl who had her money belt cut from her waist while she was asleep in a Dublin hostel. Hostel +efts are common;hence, the door to your room should always be locked - don't be afraid to inform your new roommates of safety precautions. If theft does occur, knowing at least a few phrases in the language of your destination will be a tremendous help, although most European countries have at least some of the populace fluent in English. If you decide to travel to South
Africa, other parts ofAfrica, or Asia, however, buying a phrase book (Lonely Planet has an excellent selection), or better yet, taking an introductory course will ease your anxieties one you arrive at your destination. A language course isn't practical for Asia, as there are so many languages to learn, but if you plan to head to a region where one language is dominant throughout, an intro course is invaluable. Other steps can be taken before the trip to avoid future hassle. A website such as comrnerce/embassygives ali9t of all the consulates in Canada. Call the consulate of your planned destination to find out if you need a visa. This is essential information often left out by travel agents. Buying a health plan and consulting your doctor for needed vaccinations seems obvious enough but is at times overlooked.If you're the paranoid type, you can research associated diseases of your planned destination yourself at travel. Whether your choice is to opt for a resort or to beat your own path, be sure to ask your travel agent to sign you up for Aeroplan if you travel by air so that you can accumulate points for future flights.A World Air Ticket is great for larger areas ofexploration such as South America, as transportation between countries may be tiring, unsafe or even non-existent.
"Travellers have to be respectful of the cultural environment they are entering." Packing light is crucial for longer trips, but a good idea even for short trips (a good rule for the weight of a backpack is less than 25 pounds anything more and you'll hurt). The advantages of being an educated traveller are innumerable, though complications are bound to arise despite all the planning. Keepingan open mind and a positive attitude will help you deal with any situations as they arise. Budgeting your money carefully extends your travel, but you should also be aware that you might have to cut your trip short if you run out of funds. With all this said, the best piece of advice I can give is to get absorbed in the places you travel to - meeting the locals as well as fellow travellers is part of thewovenweb of seduction that drives the new traveller to thirst for more.
"Ihc undersigned member of Imprint Publications, W&loo
her* uppoint5
oi the pay of the undersigned to attend and act at he meeting of Imprint Publitdim. Waterloo to be held on februory 8,2002, od d my Pdjwmnent or diwrnmenis thereof in the same manner, to the $meextent, md with h e rrme p s i ar if the undersigned were present at the mid meeting or s ~ djournment h or adjwmments thereof
Entrepreneuring student gives back to his roots Melissa Graham IMPRINT STAFF
If you made a lot of money on a co-op term would you donate some of it to U W Tyler de Witt, a second-year enpeering student who launched his own company,TRD Internet Systems Corporation, with the help of the Enterprise Co-op Program did. He gave $3,000 of his hard-eamed money to sponsor a UW Enterprise Boot Camp to be held A p d 22 to 25. Imp& sat down with de Witt to talk to him about his company and his decision to donate the money. Why didyou decide to donate $3,000 to UWand the Enterprise Co-oppmgram? "Enterprise Co-op helped me a lot [by] getting h g s off the ground. Not many people are aware of this program, from what I can tell. Qht now I think there's 10 to 15 people who have actually gone through the program who have had help starting their businesses. . . and helped them out along the way. Because my business has turned out to be successful, if I can give the opportunity for other students to do the same thing, I think that would be worthwhile. "I know exactly what the money is going to be used for. It's not like some lofty thing. I'm giving $3000 so they can run a boot camp for interested students. I knowwhat it's beingused for and I think it's a great cause. "One of the spirits of Waterloo should be innovation, and if we can b d d that as something the university is known for, more power to everyone." Didyou know anyone who had been in Entepise Co-op? /lfnot/ how t d y o u hear about it? "No, I didn't know anyone who had been through it. The way I heard about the program was when I came back for my retum-to-school interview. Cisco didn't know if they were taking their co-ops back so I told my co-ordmator that I had been thinking about [it] for a while
and I was going to run my own busmess. I &dn't know if I could get a credt for it but it was what I wanted to do. She told me about the programandI wentand talked toJohn [Collen]." What was tt about the Entetpnse co-op that heked you the most? "People with more busmess expenence being able to use them as a soundmg board. Sittmg down and tallung to them sbout thelr busmess plans, and they ask you all the nght questions "Have you thought about this or that?" Things that you haven't thought about because you haven't been through that expeilence before. It helps you to solidify your ideas and your plans, make sure that what you are doing is realistic and you can actually reahze something over the co-op term " When dtdyou startyour compav? "I was doing this last term for four months How can you start ilght away and actually have chents>I started out really small m high school where I was mtlally doing a ltttle Web site design semce just for local busmesses. Then it came to the point where one parttcular customer became interested in some I this. and wanted to know if I could became a contractor for them and they told their friends and other businesses and I networked like that, which is where I've gotten most of my clients from. That's ramped up slowly over the years to the point where I decided to do it for a co-op term. "By the time I started my co-op term, the big point wasn't actively marketing. . . it was more incorporating it and all those other general business things so I could operate it as a business." When t d y o u getyourjrst customer? "In grade 11. The guy who was my first client was a really nice guy. He was interested because of the Web site I built for myself. It was about guitars and for my own personaluse. I b d t a guitar search engine so you could search for guitar music and things like that.
Tyler de Witt shakes the hand of UW Prof. Doug Sparkes, director of UW Innovate Inc., a company that supports students in starting up their own businesses.
"This guy, he was operating a bunch of his own guitar sites and he was interested in it. He wanted something hke that and contracted me to build it. It was because of the common interest in guitars that it happened. I was really lucky in that respect, there wasn't a lot of pressure or demands placed on me by a big company expecting me to do something." Doyoujhdgoingto schooland nmning the business stres-rful orparticular4 dt@mlt? "There are times [when] you are on the hook for a lot of things. There is tension and responsibility that comes along with all of this but it's just time management.I work about 10 to 15 hours a week while in school, when I'm working full-time [it's] anywhere from 25 to 60 dependmg on the week."
Doyoupkan on workin9fulItime at the mmpagfor your other work terms? "I can't say for sure - probably not. I'm going to be doing this in the summer for sure, for that co-op work term. After that, I haven't decided yet. It's a pretty sure thing that I'll always do this in some way, shape or form, like on the side as I've been doing. . . but I'd like to explore other options. There's a lot of things that you can do in industry that you can't really do on your own running a contract business." For more information on the Enterprise Boot Camp, o r to register go to bird registration ends January 31,2002.
'World's toughest dog sled race" which ran in the January 18,2002 edition of lmprint contained incorrect information. Canadian Bruce Johnson won the Yukon Quest in 1986. The start date for this year's race is February 9,2002, and the $125,000 winnings are paid through the first 15 places. Only first place receives $30,000. Imprint regrets the errors made.
6ARLlC OLIVE OIL 1/2 cup olive oil 3 cloves garlic, grated or minced 1 tbsp. dned parsley (optional) Combine ingredients in a small container with alid. Spread on bread and toast for garlic bread, or use in recipes. This mixture will keep, refrigerated, for up to two weeks.
CLAM LIN6UINE I lb. linguine 1/4 cup garlic olive oil 1 tsp. crushed dried chiles 1/4 cup white or red wine (optional) 2 cans baby clams, rinsed and drained 2 cups tomato sauce salt and pepper
Cooklingume according to package dxections. Heat a large frying pan over medium heat. Add garlic oil and dned chiles. SautC for two minutes. Add wine and boil until most of it has evaporated. Add the clams, tomato sauce and salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for five minutes. Add the sauce to the drained pasta and toss to coat.
That's a good looking clam linguine.
SPICY SPAGHETTI SQUASH 1 small spaghetti squash 2 tbsp. garlic olive oil 1/2 tsp. crushed dned chiles salt and pepper 1/4 cup pine nuts Cut the squash in half and remove the seeds. Bake at 350째F for about 45 minutes, or until tender. At this point, you can refrigerate the squash for up to three days, or cook it immediately. Heat the oil and chiles in a large frylng
pan or wok over medium-low heat. Using a fork, remove the spaghetti-hke strands of squash from the skin. When the garlic is soft, raise the temperature to mediumhigh and add the squash, tossing to coat. Add salt and pepper to taste. SautC for three minUtes to warm the squash and combine the flavours. Remove the squash to a plate. Lower the temperature to medium and add the pine nuts to the hot pan. Toast for two minutes. Sprinkle over the squash.
If you have a hobby that you think is unique or weird, Imprint wants to hear ail about it.
Drop us an e-mail at and tell us about your hobby (and why you think the whole worfd wants to know}.
Genetics, coming soon to a supermarket near vou Do genetically modfied foods have a place in the Canadan market? Melanie Stuparyk IMPRINT STAFF
Do you eat genetically modified foods? If you answered anythmg but "I don't know" then you'reprobably wrong. According to an article by Phillip Brasher, farm writer for the Associated Press, Canada grew eight million acres worth of biotech crops in 2000, and there's a good chance that those crops have made their way onto your plate. Despite Health Canada's assurance that the genetically modified foods that have reached the market are entirely safe, there is a lot of controversy surroundingtheirpresence in the Canadian market-The most controversial issue right now concerns thelabellingof these foods and consumers' right to know ex, actly what they are buying. In October2001,BillC-287, calling for the mandatory labelling of genetically engineered foods, was defeated in Parliament. According to the Council of Canadians Web site (an independent, non-partisan citizens' interest group) 95 per cent of Canadians were in favour of the labelling policv. , Genetically engineered food modifies the cell by transferring genes from one organism to another. The most common method of doing this is Recombinant DNA where viruses are used to carry foreign genes into the cell. Their introduction came with the idea that crops could be improved upon by rebuilding the genetic material to include "natural" pesticidesandinsect resistance, better lookiag produce, and improved
Genetically modified produce has made its way into our grocery stores without our knowledge.
nutritional value, such as a higher presence of lycopene in tomatoes, which helps to reduce the risk of heart disease. But genetic modification does not stop at plants; it could include animals as well. Although cross-breeding has led to some more desirable characteristicsin livestock, scientists suggest that genetic engineering can take it one step further by exceeding the limitations of breeding to pmduce animals with a mix of species
that can provide the consumer with leaner meat. It is difficult to find information fromgroups that support GM foods, as the Internet and journals are overwhelmedwith specialinterestgroups and scientists opposingit for numerous reasons. But according to claims made by companies that promote their food products, this technology could go as far as solvingworld hunger by producing foods such as rice that contains a multitude of vitamins and minerals. This daim is up for debate as no one can guarantee that they will be used to serve h s purpose. Many environmental groups claim there is more potential for corporate gain than any other. So what about the consumer? There are lists of potential nutritional and cosmetic benefits of numerous modified foods (as mentioned earlier), but at present the large spectrum ofpotentialriskscombined with what many groups feel is
insufficient testing of these products, outweigh the advantages to the consumer. The more scientists continue to test and understand the genetic material and potential outcomes they are working with, the less risk involved in terms of human consumption, environment and ecosystem. Right now there are std many risks that have not been ruled out entirely. Allergensgobothwayswithmodified foods as some companies boast that this technology can remove the allergenic aspects of some foods, allowing people to enjoy it without being hindered by allergies. However, by combiningthe geneticmaterial of unrelated species one is increasing the chance of allergenic elements crossing into new foods, creating a danger for consumers who may not know that they contain the genetic and allergenic aspects of another food. The reactivation of dormant toxin
pathways and the concentration of metallic substances from the soil in plant tissue are a danger for increasing the toxicity of plants. Plants carrying antibiotic resistant genes have the potential to decrease the effectiveness of antibiotics when consumed with medications. Even more dangerous is the potential for the resistant genes to h d their way into the cells of animals or humans, causing strains of diseases to become resistant to antibiotics. Also suspectedaspotential health dangers is the increased risk of cancer, and unexpected damage to the nutritional quality of foods. The list of potential environmentalharms varies from sourceto source and is quite extensive. It includes increase of weeds (plants showing up in places in whch they don't naturally belong), herbicide tolerant plants, pesticide tolerant insects, poisoned wildlife and increased pollution. The Web site of Canada's Natural Law Party cites counterfeit freshness, veggieswith anunnaturallylong shelf-life, and the infringement of religious freedom in terms of dietary restrictions. The biotech food industry's goal is to one day have the entire world's food supply be genetically modified, but for now the biggest concern among critics of modified foods is the for unexpected and dmgerouseffects after the products have invaded infinite aspects of the market. Accordmg to the Royal Society of Canada the government has not yet proven thatthey are safe in their entirety. As a consumer, being given the opportunity to make an informed choice while grocery shopping is important. Expect to see genetic modification in the media for years to come as the debate over whether these are "Frankenfoods" or a hopeful new technology that will bring consistent benefits to both farming and agriculture and the worldwide consumer.
aso on
Science editor: Yu
CUTC leaves a powerful impression Annual UW-sponsored conference plays host to technology leaders of tomorrow Talesh Seeparsan IMPRINT STAFF
Imagine spendtng three days with engineers and computer science students, and the occasional science or arts students Not too appeahg? Now unagine 500 of such students all m one place Not much better? What you need to envision is representatives from some of the biggest names m technology, a team of dedicated organizers, a technology fm, mnovative activities and, last but not least, free food and subsidies from one of Canada's leadmg universities From January 17 to 19, UW sponsored the annual Canadian Undergraduate Techonology Conference m Toronto The Web site of the conference states that its mission is "to be the most e m e n t , innovative and stunulaang forum for Canadian undergraduates to learn about, explore and mfluence the future of technology through mteraction with each other, as well as leaders and vlsionanes from mdustry and academa." One thmg clearly c o m g out of this year's conference is that the orgamzmg c o m t t e e is good at achieving their mtssion Maybe they can also add "while having fun" m there somewhere to make it a bit more accurate Many of those attending the conference, delegates and speakersahke,
Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF
Standardized testing hits a speed bump It became apparent late Monday everung that students takmgpart m a global standardized entrance exam had been grossly disadvantaged. The mathematics AS paper on decision maths was taken on Fnday, January 18 by students m education centres ranging from Hong Kong to the UK Completion of this test goes towards the A-Level awards whch students m the UK and affihated countnes must recave to be accepted into a university or vocationalschool They are typically wntten m the fmal year of secondary school, or the equiva lent, and are s d a r to the SATs reqlured by hmencan umversiues The BBC reported that students grew concerned when their answers were different from the fmal answers despite double checking At issue was a geometry quesuon m whlch a
were amazed at the level of professionahsm with which this conference was managed Conference team leader of communications Doug Sibley put it best when he said that after they finahzed the speaker h e up for the seminars and keynotes he was so unpressed that he wasn't sure how they managed to pull it off. Even the staff at the International Plaza Hotel offered kudos to the conference. Assistant banquet manager, Margaret Ryan, said that this was one of the most organized conferences to be held m the International Plaza Hotel She was surprised to find out that it was run solely by students. The best place to attnbute this success would be the dedicanon and the passion that the organuers and volunteers held for the conference and for technology. And there was no doubt that there was dedication. Special events team coordmator Saurabh Guptaleft the hotel after 2 a.m. on Thursday momng butwas up m a couple of hours and back there before most of the delegates made t h w way to the conference centre This kind of sleep depnvation and dedication usually shows up m students only when term projects and finals are upon us. One cool aspect of the studentrun conference is that it caters to students from fun soual activities to seminars on topics of particular mdiagram was labelled differently m the answer booklet than on the on@nal exam. Students were unclear which set of numbers were to be used. Due to delays because of tune zones, the mistakewas discovered m Hong Kong but no correction was made before tests were grven m different time zones. . Cntics of this method of university adrmssions cited this error to show the unsuttabihty of standardued testmg. Quoted by the BBC, John Dunford of the Secondary Head's Association mBntam clauned that the entue senes of tests would need to be re-evaluated m order to avoidputtmgadditionalpressuteand stress on the students "It reveals a wider problem, however, thatwe have becomeunmensely rehant on exammations," he said "The whole system has come mtensely pressunsed and I h k that pressure is on the exam boards as well as students."
Quebec company and the U.S. army spin a web Recopzing that spider sdkis poundfor-pound among the strongest matenalsofits size,Quebec-basedNexia and the U.S.Army have collaborated
Conference attendees in an animated discussion with a tech representative. terest to students. Perhaps just bemg a student-run technology conference is what made it all so much fun. m s year,pamcipationm the conference was phenomenal, with over 500 delegates from across Canada. What was even better was that there were so many mdustry and academic leaders present that attendees could sit m smallgroups andnetworkwith. The ThinlrTank was one such activity where the emphasis was on delegates worlung m groupswith "men-
tors" (leaders from industry or academa) to discuss topics concernmg technology and where it is gomg. Some feedback on theThmkTank sessions indicated that students found it too short. It was so interestmg for some groups that they had to be thrown out of the rooms after the ThlnkTank session was done The ThmkTank sessions were not the only tunesthatdelegatesfoundthemselves m m a t e d discussions with members from the industry; after
to create a goat which has genes that were spliced with those of a cow and a hampster (yes, a hampster). The milk from this goat contains silk proteins, patented as BioSteel, of the same nature as those found within a spider. Scientists had tried spider farms to harvest the silk, but due to the territorial nature of spiders, the farms failed. Using the goat's milk instead, scientists can now claim to be able to make man-made silk. Nexia has exclusive worldwide rights to broad patents covering spider silk genes and proteins and is in the process of developing commercial quantities of spider silk using its proprietary transgenic goat technology. Nexia has developed a number of male and female BioSteel founder goats. Males are being used to expand the herd and females will begin producingmilkin the second quarter of 2002 to provide increasing quantities of BioSteel for spinning process optimization, product development and commercialization. Anybody scared yet? Nexia touts this material as a huge breakthrough in technology. While the silk is strong, it is expected to be biodegradable in an aqueaous environment. This would make it good for use in medical suturing where
satches would be needed, but which would have to Oe ermrually removed. The sdk could also be used in fishing I ~ n e s or other places where longlasnngstrong lines would pose a hazard.
senmars andkeynotes, groupswould form m the halls where speakers and students stood and kept discussions gong Quite often organizers and speakers would joinin as well. Notably, most pickup discussions did not revolve around what is the next bigger, faster or smarter thmg m technology Smce a lot of emphasis at the conference was put on the ethics of technology professionals, more See CUTC, page 18
COURTESY OF JUN ZHANG silk thread in a flowing silk film.
Flags in a flap Consider a flag: Why does it flap, instead of streaming straight in a steady breeze? Sounds pretty simple to explain: "the wind, uh, hits it and then goes, uh.. ." Nope, not that simple. However, scientistsare working on it. Jun Zhang of New York University is examining one of the most complex problems of hydrodynamics. To simplifythe flag model, Zhang uses a silk thread suspended in a flowing sheet of soap only a few microns thick. The thread is held on the upstream end, but is allowed to move unrestrmed at the other end In expenments, two states were found to exist. a "stretched state" and a "flapping state " When
stretched, the filament becomes ilm ahgnedwith the flow of the soap f and very little dsturbance, called streets,was observed at the tail ofthe thread. When the thread flaps, it oscillates with awavetravelling downstream. The free end of the filament flaps in a figure eight motion.
In last week's article entitled "Refrigerators: what Chem 123 doesn't teach you," there was an error in the chemical formula for Freon 12, dichlorodifluoromethane. It should be CI,F,C (not CI,F,CH,).
Canada Research Chairs at UW receive major equipment grants Jason Yu IMPRINT STAFF
Several UW faculty members have recently received major eqmpment grants totahg $2 18 d o n to conduct theu research. The fundmg came from two research-granung agencies. Canada Foundation for Innovation, and Ontano Innovaaon Trust. These agencies were designed to promote Canadian research, as well as to fund the capital costs for research in w versiues Amongtherecipients atUW, four of them are Canada Research Chairs The Canada Research Cham program promotes leading-edge research in Canadian universities. Other goals of the program are to develop new
enwonmental technologes, as well as to strengthen federal, provincial and mwcipal infrastructure. In to tal, there are 10 Canada Research Chairs at UW, out of 448 across Canada The money from the agenues wdl support acumues geared at topics such as the health of the Great Lakes, thermoelectnc matenals and cardiovascular biology, among o&er h g s Two of the four CanadaResearch Cham receivmg grants at UW are conductmg studies m chmstry The hrst, Prof. Jean Duhamel, is using fluorescence spectroscopy to examine polymenc chams at the molecular level. His research seeks to reduce the tune required to study the dynamics of polymenc chains in synthetic and biological systems. The
second, Prof. Holger Kleinke, is investlgatmg new thermoelectric matenals m order to create energy-efficient cooling matenals and power generators. Kleinke plans to use a high temperature powder dtffractometer to test semconductors with high temperaturestabhhes. Among the other Canada Research Chairs is Prof. Ian Munro of computer science, whose work encompasses pure and appliedresearch in algorithm design. His studies aim to improve theorganization ofinformation on large computers in order to achieve optimum performance w i h the constraints of time and space. Fmally, En-Hm Yang of electncal and computer engineering has received fundmg to conduct work in the field ofmultunedia compression. Yang plans to b d d a world-class multimedia communications research lab.
The TechPanel discussion: a highlight of CUTC.
CUTC: a success CUTC, from page 17
philosophical topics were discussed, such as theintricaciesof open source with Bob koung, chairman of RedHat, or the views of Ken Nickerson, co-founder of,on Microsoft and small technology startups. The TechPanel discussion revolved around the issue of the ethlcal responsibility of technology professionals mainly because those in attendance wdl &ely steer the development of technology in the future.
At the finai keynote address, the founders of the conference, who are presently working in theu respective fields, made a short presentation on their visions for its progress. Perhaps the most interesting plan they have concerning the conference is to make it a foundation. As for the future success the Canadian Undergradute Technology Conference, we need not worry knowing that it is all in the hands of very capable UW students.
Science team named MVP Lisa Weeks SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
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From January 10 to 13, 11 lucky science students had the oppomnity to participate in the science 01ympics hosted by Concordla University in Montreal. The games consisted of friendly science competitions includmg "The Weakest Ld," a scavenger hunt throughout downtown Montreal, and a construction/ ingenuity game. This was the fourth year of the science games, and UWs first year entering the competition. As it was Waterloo's &st year in attendance, the team was not sure what to expect.Upon arrival, agroup of about 70 Laval University students (all in matching winter jackets
and t-shuts) greeted UW's team in thelobby of the Holiday Innin Montreal. Needless to say, the small Waterloo team, affectionately dubbed "Big in Japan," was a bit intimidated at &st (having only brought matching lab coats). But the UW team proved that fashon was not required for team unity and spirit. The team pulled together during the scavenger hunt, completingsuch arduous tasks as collecting over 100 metro transfers, counting the steps up to St. Joseph's Oratory, and convincing a local radio station to make an announcement about the science games. For this, the UW team won MVP, or Most Valuable Posse. The goal of the constructiongame was to build a device that could de-
liver a ping-pongballfrom the ground to a Styrofoam cup at the top of a post. Equipment supplied induded marbles, straws,pipe-cleaners, stling, scissors, tape, newspaper, foam tubing, a rat trap, a post, and whatever else one could find in the room of competition. UWs elaborate plan consisted of amarblerunningthrough a maze, triggering a rat trap to start a pulley system to raise the ping-pong ball from the ground to the top ofthe post. Despite somesetbacks,theteam pulled through at the last minute, and the system was successful. Next year, the Science Games are being hosted by Laval University. Partcipants are chosen based on an application form and previous science involvement.
Tech projects hit the mark Jane Lai SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
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Tlus past week, on Wednesday and Thursday, 51 booths were on display in the Davis Centre's foyer, showcasmg the final design projects of fourth-year electncal and computer engmeenng students More than 250 of these students were on hand to present their prototypes, enabling them to expenence real hfe situations in whch they had to communcate and sell their mtncate ideas Adorned with Lmpressive and pro fesstonal posters and prototypes, these final protects conshtute the second year of this new tradihon m the program forgraduatmgengmeers Among those inmted to attend the symposiumwerelocal smthgrade to OAC students, as well as representauves from the mdustry Students enrolled m the mtensive fouryearenpeenngcoursewere~equired
One of 51 design projects displayed in the Davis Centre. to work in groups to address real design problems, prepanngthem for what they may encounter m their careers. Some of the desgn problems the e n p e e r groups were faced with m-
cluded such issues as wireless and Bluetooth systems, large-scale World Wide Web based apphcations, voice controlled systems, location trackmgsystems,plant efficiency systems, and robot control systems
Sports editor: Jon Willing Assistant sports editor: Adrian I. Chin
Paul DeBoy opens me 1
Warriors floored by first-place Mustangs
Men's basketball Warriors 73 Guelph 82 Western 90 Warriors 69 Next: at Ottawa, January 25,8 p.m.;
Strong Western defence fazes Warriors
at Carleton, January 26.8 p.m. Women's basketball
Helen Bao
Warriors 81 Guelph 71
Western 74 Warriors 50 McMaster 62 Warriors 69 Next: at Ottawa, January 25.6 p.m. at Carleton, January 26.6 p.m. Men's hockey Windsor 6 Warriors 2 Warriors 0 Windsor 1 Next: vs. York ,January 27.2 p.m Men's volleyball
McMaster 0 Warriors 3 (25-17, 25-14, 32-30) Next: at Western, January 30,7:30 p.m. Women's yplleybell 8roik 3 Warriors 0 (25-12, 25-19. 25-18) Next: at York, February 2.1 p.m Swimming Men: Waterloo 120 Western 90 Women: Waterloo 106 Western 104 Next: at Laurentlan. OUA Fmals, January 31-February 3 Track and field Windsor Can-Am Classic First place finishers: Daniella Carrington (60mJ Dana Ellis (pole vault) Allison Salter (600m) Second place finishers: Alison Brazier (long jump) Ian Forde (60m)
Mdseason can often be the toughest tune schedule and thmgs dldn't get any easier for the women's basketball team when the Western Mustangs came to visit last Saturday afternoon The OUA top-ranked Mustangs teamehanded the Warnors a 74-50 defeat m what was an uphill battle all the way for Waterloo The game was especially slgnificant because a m would have placed them m a tle w t h Western for first place. Furthermore, it was the first game of the season to be televised as the OUA Game of the Week, whtch created some real home-court advantage unth added spectators "It's disappomtmgm that a was a biggame onTV at home," saidleshe mtchell, who scored a team high of 12 pomts The first half saw somegood plays and lugh scores from both teams, even after Western pulled out to an early 14-7 lead Mitchell scored three three pomt shots to keep the Warn ors in the game. The half ended with the Warriors down by six but the Warriors would not be able to rally. The girls collapsed in the second half as they shot an abysmal 27.6 per cent while their opponents maintained a 50-plusfield
January 19
Western 'Waterloo
74 50
- -
goal percentagethroughoutthegame. Western went on a 15-4 run nght at the start of the second half. "The &st four minutes of the second half dld us m," said coach Tom O'Bnen. For the rest of the game, the Mustangs significantly out-rebounded the Warnors, got to the free-throwline more frequently, created23 pomts off 19Waterloo tumovers, and played some extraordinary defence. "Give Western credit,"sald O'Bnen. "They're hurt but they came out and played well " The tough Western defence kept the usual htgh scorer Juhe Devenny to only seven pomts and kept the bench meffective StarterJoanne Chehade for Westem really hurt the Warnors unth 24 points and seven rebounds Both Utchell and O'Bnen agree, that one game does not take away from what has so far been a successful season. "One game does not a season make," said O'Bnen.
Julie Devenny (23) watches as a Warrior shot goes down. The Warnors' record now stands at 7- 4 with 10 more games std to go untd the playoffs. They are now m thlrd place behind Western and McMaster If there is anythmg positive that the team can take from this game, it IS that they did not seem to completely lose their spints Down by 20-plus pomts, the women fought hard, puttmg on httle spurts of runs even unttl the end of the game.
On the bnghter side of all thts, the team put on a greater performance than the Warnors Band, whose verslon of "0 Canada" sull had a few listeners cnngmg
Warriors edge Mac The Warnors gained on McMaster for second-place last Wednesday night, edgmg the Marauders 69-62. More in next week's Imprint.
Upcoming events: Badminton at Ottawa, Full Crossover, February 1-3, 10 a.m.
Swimmers smash records in London, curlers split games play from Launer combined with some unsuccessful gambhg by the Warriors ultimatelylead to a 9-3loss. In the women's draw, the Warriors lost all four matches against Westem, Brock, Windsor and Laurier.
Curling. Waterloo Crossover Round Robin, February 2-3, 8:30 a.m. Track and field at Western-Don
Invitational, January 26; at York Open, February 2 Indoor hockey at York. Invitational, January 26-27.9 am.; at Guelph, Tournament, February 2-3, 10 a.m.
Canada vs. Mexico February 8-10 RIM Park. Waterloo T~cketsfor this event are bemg offered at a 50% dlscount to unlversity students. Regular prlce for the three-day event IS $60. Un~versity students can purchase the weekend package for $30. Students can also purchase daily t~cketsat a 15% dlscount at a rate of $21.50 a day For more information, call: 1-600-398-8761 ext. 333
Swimming: long-standing records fall
Clarke and Dominic Chow The men's 4x 5Om medleyrelay of Clarke, Hu, Mains and Chow captured first. O n the women's end, Steinberg skunmed through thewater to record two new team records m the 50m fly and 50m breast. Other mdivldual wmners for the women mcluded Sweny, Brawley and CJ Mulh.
Curling: mixed results After some controlled play, the Warriors rebounded from a steal of two in the first end and earned a welldeserved 9-7 victory over Western. In the next game against Brock, the Warriors' skip had a light final stone to seal the victory for the opposing Badgers. On Sunday, Windsor stole three in the second end and problems were compounded as Warriors' skip, Ryan Merrick, was forced to withdraw from the game w t h a muscle strain at the end of the fourth. Problems contmued as Windsor earned three m the 9th end towin 103. Next, the Warnors faced crosstown nvals, Launer. An unfortunate "pick" on Mernck's &st sktp stone dashed hopes of added pomts m the sixth,settltngfor a smgle.Some strong
At Western, the women's team of Ktisten Brawley,Julie Steinberg,Jen Sweny and Melissa Thomas swam a time of4:09.53,erasinga 12-year-old record. The men's team of Dave Clarke, Matt Mains, David Rose and Kurt Rohmann posted a time of 3:31.22, demolishing the 20-year-old record. Both teams swam extremely well as the Waterloo men ended with a 120-90 victory. The women lost a close meet, 106-104.Individualwinners for the men's team included Mike Goodwin, Rose, Mains, Clarke and Carlo Distefano. Individual winners for women included Steinberg, Brawley and Sweny. On Saturday at Laurier, the Warrior men posted a 129-55win and the women a 120.566.5 win. Individual winners for the men included Richard Hui, Mains,
Track and field: PB weekend in Windsor At the Wmdsor Can-Am Classic, the track and field team dominated the track, producmg 39 personal bests. The women's team was led by firstplace finishes from Daniella Carnngton, Dana E k s and Allison Salter.Carnngton blazed through the 6Om finish h e at a tune of 7.60s, while E k s soared 3 86m m the pole vault, d e f e n h g their CIS tttles and number-one rankmgs m the country. Salter outdid herself once agam n u ning a lifetune personal best of 1.35.19 m the 600m. Ahson Brazier leapt 5 53m m the long jump and moved mto the top twelve m national rankmgs Troye Carnngton held her spot as one of the top six
sprinters m the country. Ian Forde finished second in the 60m. Waterloo will compete at the WestemRon Wright Invitational on January 26.
Men's volleyball: catching first-place Western The Warriors cruised through their first two sets with McMaster last weekend. They then prevaded in a third set marathon 32-30 to sweep the three games over the visiting Marauders. The win gives the Warriors a 9-5 season record and sets them only two points behind first-place Western. The Warriors travel to Guelph this Wednesday in a battle against the Gryphons.
Women's volleyball: falls again to Mac Once agam the Warriors lost both matches but continued to show improvement. Rookies Melissa DeMers, Ellen Ewaa and Laura Pearson played extremelywell against McMaster last week. wlth flies from UW Athletics
Gav marts show first of its kind The Locker Room hopes racy content d break misconceptions, make people laugh Mark A. Schaan IMPRINT STAFF
Warrior Eric lbey (right) and Windsor's Stew Nowosad exchange a few words.
Playoff hopes placed on ice Jon Willing IMPRINT STAFF
If there was a chance for the Warrror men's hockey team to g m ground on a playoff spot, ~t came twofold last weekend. I n a home-and-home serles a p s t the thud-placeWmdsor Lancers, the Wamors were only able to score two goalsm 120m u t e s agamst Lancer goalie Ryan Gelinas, keepmg the Wamors seven points behmd Windsor for the final playoff blah m the OUA West division: The Saturday game at Columbia Icefields saw the Lancers kill seven
of eight Warrior power-plays in a 62 win over Waterloo. On Sunday, the Wamors pelted Gelinaswith 37 shots in Windsor, but were unable to beat him, eventually losing 1-0. Waterloo's power-play units kept d e n t overmght as the Warriors failed to capitalize on five oppormfiities. With only five games left in the regular season, the Warriors are in jeopardy df missing the playoffs. Division leader Western, Mid East division leader Toronto and Mid West division York are three teams against whom Waterloo must scrounge for points to have hopes of playing later in February.
January 19
Windsor Waterloo
6 2
' 1
Waterloo Windsor
Paul DeBoy has an interesting take on the sports environment. As a gay man who loves recreational sports but is also a comedian and an actor, DeBoy can't help but see the spotts arena, and particularly Paul DeBoy is the thelockerroom, as the ultimate comboy in The Locker edy opportunity. Together with his Room, a new gay boyfriend Josh Levy and friend Paul sports show, Bellini, DeBoy set to create the firstever all-gay, all-comedy sports show. 22 Minutes. The show is certainly reminiscent Picked up by new specialty cable ofthis previous work,with upcoming channelPridevision, ~ h e ~ o c k ; r ~ o o m sketchesincluding a skit about an exwill air 14episodes this season, every Friday at 7:30 p.m. The season pre- gay ministry organization targetkg lesbian softball players, a tranvestite miere will air Friday,January 25. DeBoy credits the show's crea- investigative reporter looking at tion to the "crazy thoughts of Levy which sports legends are r e d y genand Bellini." After the initial concept der impersonating, and a search for was determined,thecreators decided Biggayslut [the homosexual version of Bigfoot] at Whistler, who apparto cast DeBoy as host. ently is always "reDeBoy grew up playing all ally inebriated" Sports show 1ike and has %aL4 big kinds of sports, including basethat wouldn't look f e e ~ ~ e r e o t y p e s ball, basketball, would seem to tennis. skateat Derek Jeter's work against the boarding and ass and say idea of a gaywrestling. It was themed sports this passion for 'WOW !''I athle&sm that show. Stereotypes or~gmally attracted h m to the show's muscular,pl-loving jocks and a gay theme. "I love gettingoutthere," DeBoy comments. world fdled with prissy, effeminate "I love meeting all these gay amateur twinks.Deboy suggeststhat the show is aimed at "getting past that. I can't athletes." The show took on a comedic believe it's still an issue." He suggests that a show ltke this twist because, as DeBoy puts it, 'We're dgoofs. We wanted to laugh might be able to better link the gay a lot." By using sketch comedy as the identity with athleticism so that an athlete isn't "hiding all the rest of medium for the segments,the show's creators also draw on their previous F s ] life when he's not playing." workcrehts, whichincludetimewith See DEBOY, page 21 The Xidr in the H d a n d This HourHm
0 1
The top three teams in each divi sion continue through to the O U l playoffs. The CIS championshipswi be hosted in Kitchener March 8-IC
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Warriors feeling growing pains Men's basketball team drops four in a row after losing to Western Christina Ghanem SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
Last weekend, Waterloo played the Western Mustangs in what looked by the end ofthe first halfto be avery tight game, but the Warriors lost 9069, their fourrh consecutiveloss. The Warriors are last in the OUA West division. Throughout the game, the Warriors were consistent and quickin their offence. Within the first two minutes of the game, Waterloo's starting centre, Mihdrag Milidrag, scored the first three-pointer of the game followed by a quick lay-up by starting guard Paul Larsen. The majority of Waterloo's force during thts game appeared to come from Larsen, with his quick decision-making and impeccable drive, but it was W d r a g who challenged the Mustangs, takmg them by surprise with his outside shots. "We never saw Milidrag hit his shots before like he did today," said Mustang guard, Scott Seely. "We definitely had to play him on the perimeter." At the end of the first half, things were looking stable as the Warriors were only behind by six points, 4732. In the second half, &sappointment began when the majority of the team's shots were off. Waterloo made only 34 per cent of its field goals and was unable to patch holes in its defence, leadmg to uncontested points by Western. "It's tough playing against Westem, because if we make a mistake in our play, Western will make us pay,"
DeBoy: "not going to cruise" DEBOY, from page 20
He hopes the show d break down some of the misconceptions people have about gay athletes. Despite the racy content of the show, includinga regular segment on "Hot Moments in Sports" which includes naked surfing,DeBoy wants straights to know that gay athletes are "not going to cruise the other guys" just because they play together. DeBoy does admt, however, that the show is coming from a gay perspective. When asked about some of this personal inspiration for a gay sports comedy show, DeBoy points to his thoughts about tennis being "like the male model open" and that he oftenwonders "how [sports]could be if we could sexualize [them]. "Sports is the lens that we look through and we comment on a lot of
0 The Locker Room appears on Pridevision Friday nights at 7:30 p.m.
stuff through that," says DeBoy. When asked why thts couldn't be done through a tra&tlonal sports program, DeBoy laughs, "A sports show like that wouldn't look at Derek Jeter's ass and say 'wow!" The show certainly isn't all about sex, but lt's a veryhomy show," continuedDeBoy. The Locker Room dcertainly expand sports content avadable from your cable provider. As DeBoy concludes, the show is "sheddmg some light on issues and viewpoints that wouldn't normally get seen."
Warriors' Andrew Coatsworth (middle) chases a loose ball.
January 19
Western Waterloo
69 90
sad Larsen. That is exactly what happened. When renewmgthe team's roster it is endent that the young Warriors are exactly that - young. Most of the players on the team are first- and second-year students who have not yet been fully exposed to varslty level basketball. With only a few veterans on the team, it's going to take a httle bit of tune for team members to become a c q m t e d w t h one another. Startmg forward Dave Munkley,
who playcd in Saturday's g m e Iwt was dl for the pasr fcw gmcs, says, "Once we learn to play with each others' talents, we will be a team to be reckoned ulth " Munkley concurs that because the majonty of players on the team are young and haven't been exposed to wversitygames, playmg consistently as a team is dtfficult, but with tune and experience it donly get better. Larsen beheves that once the team gets to know each other, they will advance in t h m plays 'We need to make a consuous effort to play as a team by growmg together," says Larsen. Milidrag sums it up by saying, "It all comes together eventually " The Warriors' next game is on January 25 agmst Ottawa, which is sixth in the OUA East dtnsion.
CPR-a-thon highlights guards
CAMPUS REG The University Lifeguard Club hosted its second annual 24-hour CPR-a-thon in the SLC on January 23-24. This activity was used to raise awareness of lifeguarding as well as act as a fundraiser for the club's competitive season. Lifesaving sport is a new way to minimize the number of drownings and water-related injuries by enhancing the effectiveness of lifesaving organizations. It is recognized as an Olympic and Commonwealth sport with 21 ' standard events: 10 stdlwater (pool) events, 10 surf (ocean) events, and a simulated emergency event. It is the only sport in whlch skills are first learned for humanitarian purposes, and then applied in competition. Before the 1880s, very little
attention was paid to the development or instruction of lifesaving. It wasn't until 1891 that a group of people got together to form a lifesaving society. The techniques for resuscitation skills were adapted from the program of the Royal Humane Society and the lifesaving skills and instrudtion methods had to be developed from scratch.
Any UW student holding a current NLS certification is allowed to compete.
The Lifesaving Society sponsored lifesaving races as early as the 1930s. and has organized lifeguard competitions since the late 1960s. The first Canadian Lifeguard Championship was held in Winnipeg in 1977. Lifesaving sport trains lifeguards at an early age to eventually staff community pools. It is a
great self-esteem builder and a quahty-of-life enhancer for everyone involved. Dreams of representing your country at international competitions and opportunities to travel the world as a competitor, coach or official are possible through lifesaving sport. UW's teams will have their first competition from March 1 to 2 in Guelph, followed by the Canadtan University Championships being held at McMaster from March 15 to 16. Events are to include water rescue, &st aid, individual skills, mankin relay, obstacle relay and medley relay. Any UW student holding a current NLS certification is allowed to compete. The club is open to anyone who wishes to improve their lifeguarding skills and is a great opportunity to learn new first aid techniques as well as keeping up to date on new lifesaving techniques. Lifesaving sport is a challenge for anyone to test themselves against personal best times. Practices run on Thursday evenings from 530 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on the pool deck.
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Arts editor: vacant Assistant arts editor: vacant
Portrait of an artist Russell Braun, Figaro's Count, brings life to opera -
Accordingto the G.hbeandMd,when you're "one of the most sought-after lyric ljaritones on the international stage today," you don't have a lot of free time.Thus one can excuse Russell Braun's tar&ess for his phone interview with ImDrint last week. Braun is in town for four performances, split between Opera Hamilton and the Kitchener-Waterloo Opera, of Mozart's 'The Marriage of Figaro." This amongst all the other distractions and focuses of life, including famdy, friends and the naturopath appointment that delayed Braup for our talk, can create a somewhat splintered and shattered life for an artist. fl Yet this seems strangely fitting, as Braun has come to b m " e his life to opera while also allowing opera to be the major focus of his world. In the performances, which run on January 26,31 and February 2 in Hamilton and February 8 in Kitchener, Braun plays the Count, a role he has recently been able to rediscoverand deepen for audiences. The German native spoke about his recent rekindling for the role. "I'm rediscovering that the Count is one of the most satisfying roles for me." Alyricbaritone,Braunoften plays whimsical and fun-loving roles such as Papageno, the birdcatcher in Mozart's "The Magic Flute." Braun, who noted that he's "often not in the dramatic role" has found that he can express himself as the Count. "The Count is very complicated to even grasp at the beginning ... Mozart, like no other composer, manages to create characters that are reflected in our society.'' This personal touch allows Braun to strengthen his portrayal of the Count. Findingpeopleinhis ownlife who embody the very quahties and characteristics of the Count "helps me. refine my presentation," said Braun. He continued, "[the Count] thiaks he'sincontrolwhen really he's in control of nothing." Braun hopes to present this rich contextual and layered tribute to the Count to audiences. He credits Mozart, however, for laying down a solid foundation for his presentation. The singmg sensation hopes to "&stinguish between what [opera singers] do and what true actors are." Braun admits that this is a difficult task to understand. As someone who sees himself eventually acting as well, Braun admits that "the task is
Russell Braun (second from left) and the cast of Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro." The opera comes to Kitchener on February 8. much easier [in opera] when the role has been interpreted for us." So, instead of pure character development, Braun attempts to "understand why the composer has written the part in this particular way ... actorsin the theatre.. .need to search much more deeply in themselves."
"The most important thing we can do as singing actors is trust the music to create the role for you." -Russell Braun Braun is not only a formidable Count. Last year, he turned in stunning performances with the Canadian Opera Company as Billy Budd
in the opera of the same name. The opera, written by Benjamin ~ r i t t 4 requires , a greater personal dimension in the portrayal of the characters.Here too, though, Braun acknowledges the composer as his inspiration. "The most important thing we can do as singing actors is trust the music to create the role for you," said Braun. He noted that there are "very few composers who understood the music" and applauds both Mozart and Britten for creating characters that allow him to step into a life already lived. "If I immerse myselfin the music and trust the briulance of the composer ... I can translate what it is he meant to communicate." That said, the life of an opera singer is hardly all travelling and phenomenalcompositions.Braun spoke of the great stress of a musical lifestyle. To aid him in this quest for balance,Braun has establisheda small network of artists with whom he works regularly. This circle includes Michael Schade, also one of Canada's most phenomenal musical artisans.
"Michael is a very good friend," noted Braun. "He's helped my career a great deal. Michael introduced me to a very good New York agent and then to some peoplein Europe." Together, Braun and Schade have recorded two &scs, one of rare French arias (elaborate solo vocal pieces accompanied by music) and another of popular Itahan ones. Yet, at his core, Braun has been able to create a wonderfdwholeness between his family life and his singing career. Despite repeated requests for performances across the globe, Braun stdl understands the difftculty in maintaining friendships and the significantfocus he must place on his family. 'We get to meet many, many people at an intimate level. Part of
Friday, February 8 at 8 p.m.
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the frustration, is the separation ... there's a certain threshold of personal interaction." To counteractthis newness,Braun has concentrated on maintaining a very close relationship with his family. "The only constant source of sanity is my family." Braun appears to have meshed the duality well. Already a glowing constellation w i t h the opera sky, Braun seems likely to build on his success. A holistic and weU-balanced life also seems well in check, meaning that Braun will continue to delight as the Count and be able to spend time at home -and make his naturopath appointments.
Visit for more information
Jazz with class
Read all about it Diverse group of authors to read at UW
Amanda Brunk comes to King Street Trio
Rachel E. Beattie Mark A. Schaan
When one thinks about jazz, especially jazz cabaret, pictures o f smoky taverns and dusty bars filled with cigars, cognac and an overflowing quantity of dinner jackets comes to mind. King Street Trio doesn't quite have this kind of aulence - but Amanda Brunk isn't your standard lounge musician. Brunk has straddled what is almost always a greatly conflicted divide - between "classically trained" or "traditional" vocal methodology and that of the jazz world -of strenuous but fundamentally lfferent vocal technique. You'll hear no catchy runs or sostenutos, no aria-like Mozart-esque musicality. You d, however, hear the dusty, chromatic and edgy tones of some h e historical jazz music. Amanda Brunk sings sultry songs. Yet Brunk continues to straddle the divide, allowingfor some "non-jazz" elementsto enter Dressed in a phenomenal classic swing-era into her concert program. outfit of black dress-mini and pearls, Brunk was able to further illustrate that she was not A former Laurier music student, Brunk's more standardized and traditional vocal tech- just background music but was instead a pernique comes through with a set of Broadway former in her own right, transforming the hall songs as well as some small pieces of operetta into her own dinner theatre. or musical. Brunk was joined on stage by Heather For those who are admirers of this musical Campbell,awoman whose voice seems smokier genre, Brunk manages to perform with spunk than her age would permit. However, Campbell and a great lightness. She seems able to make too performed some wonderful jazz work, that cross-over, ensuring neither mediocrity illustrating some of the challengmg chromatinor forced transition for the listener. cism and irregular syncopation with which jazz The King Street Trio atmosphere is one of music is synonymous. quiet lstraction -with b e t s constantly t r y Campbell reflected a more crooning style ing to wolf down flavourful dishes whde lend- -allowing her voice to fade offinto the room, ing an ear to the cabaret. Brunk uses this to her gently nudgingdmerswith the tight lines of jazz advantage,dedicatingmany songs to particular standards. audiencemembers and trying to pull diners out Both Brunk and Campbell highlighted the of the mindless chit-chat of dinner conversa- wonderfully personal nature of jazz, which tion and into another world of performance, allows singers to develop an approach and a creating a fuller, more enriched dining experi- line that meshes with their vocal style, their ence. range and their previous training. While Brunk manages the changes in style Together with other musicians, a jazz comwith her varied set ofvocal techniques,many of munity is formed which unites singers and the jazz pieces occasionally revert to her classi- instrumentahsts, audence and performers cal training, especially in the higher registers, something that certainly was evident through but this is compensated for by jazz-perfection this performance. finishes to phrasing, ensuring that even the highest note ends with a gntty and jazz feel.
How often have you sat in an English class buried in some dusty tome, bored out of your mind? Now imagine sitting in that same classroom and listening to a rousing rendition of Joyce's Ubsses or Milton's Paradise Lost performed by the author himself. You're interested now, aren't you? Well, untd they are able to create a time machine, that's not going to happen. But at St. Jerome's this term you can get the next best thing: a real h e Canalan author readmg from his or her work. Over the course of the term, St. Jerome's d bring several Canadian writers to UW to read from theirworks and lscuss theirwriting. The readings are an excellent chance to bring books to life by hearing selections read by their authors. The readings also offer a valuable chance to discover new Canadian talent that you are not likely to read in most English courses at UW. TheSt.Jerome'sReadmgSeries starts offon Wednesday, January 30 with poet Helen Tsiriot&s.Tsiriotakisis aToronto-basedwriter who has livedin Crete, where she worked as an English-as-a-secotld-languagetutor and translator. TsiriotAs will read selections from her first book of poetry, A House of White Rooms. The readm5 will take place in the St. Jerome's Common Room (Rrn 327) at 4 p.m. The readmg series dalso include readmgs by Ktngston-basedauthor DianeSchoemperlen. Schoemperlen's Form of Desire won the 1998 Governor General's Award for Fiction. Her novel, In thehnguage oflove, was nominated for the Smithbooks/Books in Canada First Novel Award. Schoemperlen has published numerous books, including Doub/eE@osm, Fmgsand Other Stories, Hockey Night in Canada and The Man ofMy Dreams,which was nominated for the Governor General's Award and a Tnllium Award. Schoemperlen's latest novel is O u r h d y ofhelost andFound.This reading will take place on Wednesday, March 6 also in the St.Jerome's Common Room (Rm 327) at 4 p.m.
St. Jerome's common room (327)
Modern dav coliseum
Helen Tsiriotakis Wednesday, January 30 at 4 p.m.
Emily M . Collins
Diane Schoemperlen Wednesday, March 6 at 4 p.m.
David Macfarlane TBA
While we sit in wait, couch-potato style, for the dreaded, or anticipated-howeveryou choose to see it - return of Suruivor mania, there is a plethora ofotherreahty TV shows youcan tune into if you're m the mood for some good ol' bra-numbing acuvlty The most obvlous choice b a g , of course, the lstasteful and downnght trashy Temptatton Island11 On this show, four sets of couples are flown to a remoteisland so that they can "test," or rather jeopardtze, thelrrelatlonships by separatmg themselves from their partners and puttmg themselves at the mercy of 13 attracuve smgles who have been planted there to woo them into bed How any substantlal bonds could be made under these circumstances is beyond me, conedenng that the newly made, let stdl attached, smgles are not above cheaimg on thelr partners and the vacauomg smgles are not above dmmg themselves m betwcen a couple and potent~all)breakmgup along term relauonshp What 1s perhaps more sickening IS that
millions of viewers across North America settle in front of their television sets on Thursday night to watch this spectacle. I, too, am not exempt from guiltily indulgmg in an episode or more, despite my growing dsgust with the whole thing. It is no secret that since the turn of the mtllen&m, reahty TV has been all the rave and has invaded the t m e slots of major T V networks such as CBS and Fox to an embarrassing degree ~ ureality t TV is not somethtngnew. Candid Camera, which "caught people in the act of being themselves," first aired in 1948 and is considered the grandfather of the since developing genre. Some shows to follow m later years were the Fox senes cop^, where the cameras followed cops chasmg down and busting suspects, and W s Real WorLd, which threw a bunch of 20-somethmgs together in a posh dwelling and let the cameras roll. Real World set the precedent for shows hke Suwivorand Big Brother, which would also allow viewers to revel in the mini-dramas of an isolated select few who inevitably create their see N,page 24
And finally, Toronto author David Macfarlane wdl read on a date that will be announced in the near future. Macfarlane was shortlisted for the 1999 Giller Prize and won the Chapters/Books in Canada First Novel Award for his novel, Summer Gone. The Danger Tree, Macfarlane's previous book, won the Canadan Authors' Association Award for nonfiction.You may r e c o p z e Macfarlane's name from his weekly column in the Globe andMai1.
Helen Tsiriotakis will read at St. J's. Also talung place at St. Jerome's this week, but sponsored by UWs literary journal, The New Quarter& is a readmg by UW alumnae Sandra Sabatini. On Monday, January 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the St. Jerome's Common Room, Sabatini wdl speak about her writing. According to a New Quarterb press release, Sabatini's work examines "the nature of faith, loss, hope and the grace we all need to remain upright." Her book, The One With the News, looks at the effects of Alzheimer's lsease from the perspective of family members, professional caregivers and even the Alzheimer's sufferer hself. The closing story in the collection, "Gifts from the Well-Intentioned," won both the UniversityofWaterloo CreativeWriting Award and the Thomas York Memorial Short Story Competition, and the book itself was shortlisted for the Upper Canada Brewery Writers' Craft Award. All the readings are free and open to the public, so there is really no excuse not to check them out.
From England to Canada Michael Crummey River Thieves Doubleday Canada
Sandra Martin commented in Saturday's GhbeandMdthatwritingabout sexual intercourse in Canadian fiction is just like sex itself, that "performance anxiety can lead to overwritingin an author who is trying too hard, or limpness in a writer unable to rise above self-consciousness." It might do Michael Crummey some good to read Martin's article and obs&e from other Canadian writers how a flaccid sex scene can -.turn writing sour. River Thieves, Crummey's debut novel, is a wonderful historical fiction about the relationship between late-nineteenth-century European settlers and the Beothuknatives who inhabited the woods of Newfoundland. Unfortunately,Crummey might want some tips on improving his sexual writing performance.
"The image of John Peyton as this urgent, almost violent, sexual being is never described anywhere else in the novel.. ." That's not to say that the entire novelis a flop, just thatitneeds alittle help staying solid, so to speak. Captain David Buchan is determined to make peace with the Red Indians living in Newfoundland. From England and working under the governor, Buchan assembles a crew of men for a 40-day mission up the River of Exploits to Red Indian
Lake in order to acquaint himself with the natives, eventually integrating them into European society. John Peyton, his fatherJohn Senior, and caretaker Cassie become involvedin Buchan's plans and a series of harmful relationships evolve throughout the story. The tone of the novel is very distinct, but it's shaken when Crummey uses the words "fucking," or ''cock." For some reasonit doesn't mesh with the rest of the diction and seems strange and inappropriately vulgar. To demonstrate, Cnunmey starts a graphic scene between a whore and a drunk John Peyton with. "Everything soid in hi& seemed to have dissolved but for what was concentrated where she touched him.He didn't want it and didn't want it [sic] and she pulled him to her where she leaned against the wall, wrapping a bare leg about his waist, hts face awash in the sickening smell of lavender." A good start, but then it changes tone: "He pumped h s cock inside herwith furiouslittlemotions,gruntinginto her hair,untilhis body shook with spasms and then there was nothing at all to hold him up." The image of John Peyton as this urgent, almost violent, sexual being
dantes & vibrates wiih life!" Roger Ebert, CHICAGO SUN-TIMES
"A MUST SEE! An entirely new art form" Glen Kenny, PREMIERE MAGAZINE
is never described anywhere else in the novel and seems offbeat with the character Crummey was developing before. Despitethis littleirritant, the novel itself is well researched, especially in the descriptions of terrible weather and sparse living conditions of the early white settlers. Those who are farmliar with Newfoundland culture will recognize the characters' diet of salted pork or brewis, as well as locations hke Burnt Island and the Exploits River where the story is set. Interestingly enough, Crummey was born in Buchans, Newfoundland and grew up in Wabush, Labrador. Rwer Thieveswas short-listed for this year's Gdler prize, but lost the coveted award to Richard B. Wright's Clara Calkm. This is Crummey's first novel, after three published books of poetry: Argumentswith Gravitj(1996), HardLight (1998) andEmergen9Roadside Assistance (2001). Likehis poetry, Crummeyfocuses on the characters, culture, htstory and geography of Newfoundland. His ability to write about the mentioned topics so clearly probably results from hls hereditary bond to the land. Through his poetry, and now with his glorious novel River Thieves, Crummeybrings a soundimportance and identity to what many refer to as the butt end of Canada.
TV, from page 23
own little pseudo-world within the confines of the show's set for the duration of the its taping. Some would argue that it is the widespread myth that the camera never lies that has kept reahty TV alive as a genre. Sociology professor Augie Fleras says he thinks it's "the unscripted aspect of so-called reality programming that appeals to a generation that rejects the scripted and the predictable, sees through theB.S. of advertising and craves rubber, neckmg at people's foibles." The Survivorseries,whchwill now be running practically all yearlong as the fourth season airsin just amonth, is perhaps responsible for starting the most recent fad that has now become the full-blown reality TV phenomenon. However, even as the thwd season drew to a close, speculation rose among viewers as to how
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V2 Records
Ryan Matthew Merkley, Imprint staff
What does a film about a mentallv challenged father and &s legal battle to keep his seven-year-old daughter Lucy have to do with the Beatles? Not a whole lot, except that some smart screenwriter decided that Sam ought to reference the music of the Beatles to guide him along the way. The result is a soundtrack composed e n ~ e l yof Beatles covers. The problem with Beatles covers is that the original songs are so perfect that no one really wants to reinterpret them, for fear of destroying their original beauty. The I Am Sam soundkackis plaguedwith this problem. More than three quarters of the perfomers,including EdheVedder, Sarah McLachlan, Sheryl Crow and Ben Folds, turn in gorgeous renditions of Beatles tunes - almost indistinguishable from the originals. It's a treat for fans ofthe perfom-
Alfie If you happy with you need do nothing X L recordings
One song sounds ltke Oasis, another hke folk, and I won't even get into the crazy mix of sounds on track seven. Despite the weird background ins-ends, the mix of vocals and instruments is interesting to say the least. For music lovers with multiple personahties this CD is all you need. Melanie Stuparyk, Imprint staff
TW contrived characters, not real ~ e o ~ l e
ESL Teacher Training Courses
January 25 to 31
Various artists I Am Sam
ers, but comes off like high-end Beatles karaoke. At the same time, songs from Grandaddy ("Revolution") and Chocolate Genius ("Julia") are brave interpretations that almost completely miss the mark, destroying the inspiration of the originals. Nick Cave's rendition of "Let it Be" is avalium-drenched finale to an album that, unfortunately, couldn't have been better.
much longer the series can captivate its audiences without the formula becoming stale. Already the show has become highly predictable, not only in terms of what the next Survivor challenge will entail, but also in terms of what type of people will be cast as Sumivorplayers, what sort of confhcts will arise between them, and finally,who is likely to take home the much sought-after cash prize. After all, what is real about handpicking contestants and removing them from their real-life situationsto be placed in a highly pre-determined situation where they are set against each other in a competition for money? Not to mention that people automatically cease "being themselves" with a camera on them and even in the unlikely event that they momentarily stop being conscious of the cameras, their characters will inevitably be edited to produce the most intriguing portrayal possible. But according to RPW professor Dr. Glenn Stdlar, the problem with reality TV is that if you give it that name, "it's not supposed to have characters init, it's supposed to have people.
"I don't think there's a given reality that can be represented on television. They're making our notion of reality by creating a sort of social consciousness about what we would label reality, primarily through using stock characters with really exaggerated motivations and limited semiotic repertoires, so that the viewer can begin to predict how types of people act." Stillarsays he thinks thatitis really this ingredient of predtctabihty that appeals to viewers. "Basically, reality television fills me with despair because it sells itself as reality when it's the exact opposite, and it shows human beings interacting with each other with limited meaning-making resources rather than the full,rich complexity ofinteractingwith others -which is what reality is really like." Sothemoralofthe story?Whether or not you decide to wean yourself off of reality TV or continue to plan your schedulearound it,if, of course, you have been swept up by the craze, remember that what you are watching is just that -a story.
Open the pop bay doors, Hal
AIRHEADS The year 2001 is over I thmk I speak for a lot of us when I say "it's about time " It has been a bad year for pohacs, morale, world stability and the economy It has also m my opmon been a bad year for music Granted, there were some bhps on the radar Mike Patton released three albums wrth three different bands The Fantomas covering old horror movle tunes, Tomahawk, a collaboratlon includmgJohn Stainer (Helmet's old drummer), and Loveage, an album produced by Dan the Automator, but made much more sexy by Mike's bantone Tool and Radtohead managed to put progressive rock back on the radto w t h bnlliant releases ot longer, more emotlonal songs coupled ulth some really complex music Danko Jones fmally released a
Bullfrog Just Like The Movies De La Soul Entombed Vegasphere Evalyn Parry Hawksley Workman Hrsta L'eeclat Du Ciel Erick Sermon Various
full-length album, and even though a significant portion of it is a rerun for those with his EPs, he's finally getting the dtstribution a man of his talent deserves. Les Claypool put Primus on hiatus and toured first with his own band, the Frog Brigade, and then with Phish's Trey Anastasio and the Police's Stewart Copeland as Oysterhead. Lke him or hate him, Claypool knows how to entertain, and h s new directions (and less time singing) have expanded both his audience and his abilities. Scratching Post blew up Abstract a few times this year, and casually mentioned after the XL tour that they were headmg back to the studio. Why aren't more women making metal? Of course, what's the good without the bad: Is this it? That's exactly what I was saymg when I finally heard the Strokes. Yes, they're a rocking good time. No they're not doing anything new, and I've already got a Stooges record. Once again I've been deceived by the hype. Another band launches their career with a cover song -Alien Ant Farm is the latest act to employ the cheapest attentiongrabbing strategy I know. But hey,
it worked for Limp Bizquick. I don't think AAF has quite got the staylng power though. Think I'm wrong? Quick, name another Alien Ant Farm song besides "Smooth C m a l . " Thought so. Enjoy your 15 minutes guys. Male and female pop teens stdl have careers; probably because we found out that Britney's now old enough that middle-aged men can stop feeling g d t y and that squeaky-cleanBackstreet Boys can have addictions too. Napster is dead and a pay version of the software wdl soon be released. Watch how fast that fails. After all that's happened the RIA4 has faded to recogntse that the whole appeal of Napster was the fact that you could get your music for free. Par for the course, cnes for change in the industry have fallen on deaf ears. T h s artlcle could make it look ltke an even break, but I thmk I bought 10 albums that were actually recorded this year, and that's an abysmal record for a guy ltke me. Here's hopmg 2002 goes a little better ... for everything. Mr. Mike and Mr. Tim host lgneous Rawk! e u 9 other Fn'dq at I I p.m. on CKMS 100.3FM.
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Universal BMG
And now for something completely different
Roger Hargreaves Mr. Funny Price Stern Sloan
This 1s not a book I would recommend to everyone It's true that urnverslty studentshavevelybusy schedules and most people just smply can't afford the tune it takes to read all 32 pages of this action packed adventure. Half of those pages are dlustrattons, so it's really only 16pages (with roughly 35 words per page).
For those of you who are ambittous enough to take o n h s task, you wdl be rewarded with an epic tale about a man (well, not a man -but some sort of round, green creature) and his tnp to the zoo. Like all good writers, Roger Hargreaves spends significant tune developmg the mam character; Mr. Funny. Through inspmgdlustraaonsand eloquently flowmgverse,we find out that Mr Funny lives in a teapot and he dnves a shoe. This is a commendable hfestyle Think of all the space we would save if we all lived in teapots (no more Waterloo housmg crisis) Think of d the p o h h o n that would be prevented if we all started dnving shoes. Even m h s eaung habits Mr. Funny puts the enwonment &st He eats daisy sandunches and dnnks toast -a true mspuatlon to all tree huggers. Though I can't really magme how one would go about dnnk-
ing toast. The conflict in the story comes when Mr. Funny arrives at the zoo. The zoo is closed because all the animals are too sad. I won't tell you what happens next - I wouldn't want to spoil the story for anybody. I feel it is my duty to reveal a d u t y secret about Mr. Funny. His shoe, the one that he drives around in, was made in China. Likely in a sweatshop type setting. I've reported Mr. Funny to WPIRG and they are holdmg hun in their torture chamber. His punishment includes only being allowed to eat tofu, drink crappy fair trade coffee and listen to Phish all day. Like all celebrities Mr. Funny has been a victim ofhis fame. But, don't let that small fact take away from what Mr. Funny truly is: a literary masterpiece.
Editor's note: This book is not reab new, mntmvenio/ or cha//snging to univwsip students.
Select 0~ervice ACURA
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TOEFL Preparation Course The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) course begins January 15 and ends March 21. Classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 2-4:30 p.m. This 10-week course is designed for people taking the TOEFL
wards1 for a detailed list of awards open for application this term. Further information is available at the Student Awards Office. 2nd floor. Needles Hall. Heidi Thiessen Memorial Scholarshios ($500 & $1,000) are available to thiid and fourth year students at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier
University. February 8 deadline. For details, see Advocating for Wellness - an interactive health fair with women who promote health and wellnejs in our community. Sunday, March 3, 2002 from 12:OO to 4:00 p.m. at the Waterloo Memorial Rec Complex. For more info call Dianne at 576-8447. Like music? Got school spirit? Join the Warrior's Band. No experience required, just a little spare time and a friendly attitude. Thursdays 5:3O p.m. BlueNorth PAC. E-mail Tim Windsor at or 880-0265.
Mondays English Language Lab - A lablclass 1s held from 2:30-3:20 p.m. inModern Languages 113 from October 2001-June 2002. The class has an emphasis on pronunciation and Iistening exercises. Students, faculty, staff, and spouses are welcome to attend. For more mformation contact the International Student Office, ext. 2814.
Wednesdays Poets On The Run presents "Fresh Soueezed Readings" at the Mostlv Or&ic Juice Bar cafe, 119 King Greet, W., Kitchener at 8 p.m. Special event on January 23 - oro onto G e t s Omaha Rising and Andrea Thomson. For more info call Tames at 745-4884. Fridays English Conversation Class - the class meets Friday afternoonsfrorn2:OO-4:00 p.m. in Needles Hall, room 2080, September to June. Students, faculty, staff and spouses are invited to attend. For more mformation contact the International Student Office, ext. 2814. Volunteer tutors are needed to tutor students on a one-to-one basis in written and oral English. Tutors meet students on campus for one term, usually once a week for two hours. If you have a good working knowledge of English, are patient, friendly, dependable, and would like to volunteer, register at the International Student Office, NH2080. For more information bout the program, please call.extension 2814 or e-mail Study Hall Program: needed immediately: January 2002-April 2002. University students to tutor our new Canadian children at community based study halLStudents range from grade 3 to 12 needing support in English, French, high school sciences and maths. Own transportation is preferred. Training and screening is required. Call Big Sisters at 743-5206 to sign up for training session on January 14, 2002. Big Sister Match Program: needed immediately: Big Sister volunteers. Over 60 children waiting for a friend. Help make a difference by spending 3 hours a week with a child. Inquire re: our short term match program. Car an asset. Next training se;sion on February 2, 2002 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 743-
5206 to register. Volunteers required - are you able to volunteer a few hours weekly during the school day? The ~ r i e n d sService ' at CMHA matches volunteers with children who need additional support in their school setting. Please call 7447645, ext. 317 or & Your time is valuable. At the Distress Centre you can volunteer providingconfidential supportive listening to individuals in distress. We provide complete training. Call today. 744-7645, ext. 317 or Help kids succeed with homework! The Kitchener Public Library is opening a Homework Centre and needs volunteers to be tutors and provide homework assistance. Two hours per week, evenings and weekends. Interested? Call 743-0271, ext. 275 Fr~day,January 25 Impnntstaff meenng held at 12:30 p.m., SLC, room 1116. Come out and volunteer at your newspaper. Canadian Blood Serv~cesw l l be at the Student Life Centre, UW today from 10:OO a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sign up at the Turnkey Desk. Epdepsy Waterloo Wellmgton spec ~ aevent l -Youth Support Group "Sunivor 2, Dealing \nth Relationships." On January 22 Parent Support Group meets from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. and on January 24 Just 4 Kids (chddren 10 & under) meet at 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. All events take place at 301 Frederick Street, Kitchener. For moremfo and toregstercnntact Mel~ssa at 745-2112. Saturday, January 26 Th~nkmgabout volunteering but don't know where to start, Visit the Volunw Mall where teer Fax at F a ~ r v ~ ePark over 30 agencles will be offering Interesting and rewardmg opportunities. Monday, January 28 Muslim Students for Universal Justice presents "America vs Islam." The quest
limited time offer
for a peaceful co-existance or the new crusade war? The case of Abdulhameed vS the USA. MC, 9:00 P.m. 2006 from 7:00 Tuesday, January 29 Epilepsy Waterloo Wellington special events - "Sibling Support Group at 7:00 p.m. to 8:30p.m. at301 FrederickStreet, Kitchener. On January 31 "Ice Skating Fun from 6 3 0 to 8:OOp.m. Call Melissa for infolregister at 745-2112. Saturday, February 2 Danu - traditional Irishseven piece band performing at 8 p.m. at The Church Theatre, 1376 King Street, St. Jacobs, ON. Call 664-1134 for infoltickets. Wednesday, February 6 Bake sale, mini garage sale and raffle is being held at the Environmental Studies 1 foyer from 9 a.m.-3ish! Raffle draw will be held at noon. Proceeds go the ERS 47ST field trip.
Winter 2002 -"Study Skills - Study Smarter Not Harder": Study Skills Workshops, Preparing For & Writing Exams, Exam Confidence. "Career Development" Exploring Your Personality Type, Interested Assessment. "Personal/ Social" - Assertive Communication, Eating Disorders, Procrastination, Reducing, Releasing and managing Anger, Self-Esteem Enhancement Group, Stress Management Through Relaxation Traing. For more information and registration, visit Counselling Serves, Needles Hall, room 2080 (directly across the hall from the Registrar's Office). A minimal materials fee applies for most workshops. A short course onEssay Writing- Counselling Services and The University of Waterloo's Writing Clinic is now offering a study skills sesion on essay writing. The sesion will be offered January 31. February 14 and March 14 from h e ~ t u d ~ ~ k i l l s ~ o o in Needles Hall. Call ext 2655 for info.
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TERM SUBSCRlPnONS Fall o r Winter Summer
Fee-Paying Students: Non-Students: BusinesslStudents:
SummerCamp Counselors on campus interviews for premier Campsin Massachusetts. Positions available for talented, energetic, and fun-loving students as counselors in all team sports including roller hockey andlacrosse, all individual sports such as tennis and golf, waterfront and pool activities, and specialty activities including art, dance, theatre, gymnastics, newspaper, rocketry and radio. Greatsalaries, room, board, travel and U.S. summer work visa. June 19 to August 16,2002. Enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable. This is agreat co-op opportunity. Apply now! For more information on the camps visit the following: MAH-KEE-NAC 1-800-7539 118. DANBEE (girls): 1-800-392-3752. Interviewerwill be on campus Wednesday, January 30, 2002 from 10:OO a.m. to 4:00 o m . in the Student Life Centre. Come home to Camp Wayne for the Summer of your life! camp Wayne, NE PA. Counselor Specialists for all land1 water sports. Tennis; outdoor adventure-climbinglropes, camping, mountam biking; sailingfwaterskiingfboating; roller hockey; rocketry, artdcrafts, drama, radio, video and more. RN's for Health Centre. Interviews in conjunction with 4-school Job Fair at RIM Park on Wednesday, February 6. Online application: Please call 1-888-549-2963: Weekend counsellors and relief staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Exprience, minimum eight-month commitment.
Paid positons. Send resume to Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney Street, S., Kitchener, ON, N2G Camp Wayne for Girls. Children's resident camp in Northeast Pennsylvania (619-8/16/02). If you love children and want a caring, fun environment, we need female staff for: tennis, golf, gymnastics, swimming, water-slumg, sailing, team sports, cheerleading, campinglnature, ropes, drama, ceramics, photography, videography, silkscreen, drawing and painting, batik, printmaking, sculpture, calligraphy, guitar, piano, aerobics, martial arts, Maintenance, Night Watchman, Kitchen. Interviews at RIM Park Job Fair, February 6. Call 1-800-279-3019 or (516) 889-3217. Online applications: L
Waitresses/waiters needed at Almadina Egyptian Cuisine, 150 University Aven&, corner of Phillip and University. Apply within. Now accepting applications for fulltime seasonal Supervisor of Kitchener Ice-cream Parlour. Experience in icecream treats and desserts a necessity. Duties include all aspects of running your own business. Excellent wage, will commensurate with experience. Responsibility and transportation are required. Start date approximately. April i. Fax resume to 743-4565. Imorint's Distribution Deoartment is looking for two people to deliver (Imprint) newspapers every Friday, approximately 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., now until March 29. For more information visit the Imprint office in the Student Life Centre, room 1116 or call
888-4048. Ask for Laurie. Student callers needed - have fun, learn communication skills, and meet new people while developing potential jobs for Co-operative Education and Career Services. Must successfully apply for the WorkIStudyprogram.Applicationsavai1able at Student Awards Office in Needles Hall. $9/hour. Contact Summer jobs for 2002!! Come toMaine! Staff recruiter on campus Wednesday, February 6, 2002. Interviewing for positions in: waterskiing, tennis, climbing, outdoor tripping, athletics, waterfront, ceramics, arts and crafts, riding. Competitive salary, room, board, travel allowance. Please call Camp Laurel at 1800-327-3509 or e-mail to set up an interview. Visit Oriental artifacts includes tapestry, theatre costumes, manuscripts, prayer rugs, clown sculpture, etc. Phone Christopher at 5710383. Performers wanted for St. Paul's 30th Annual Blackforest Coffeehouse on March 8 and 9. Contact us at
Car must sell!! 1986 Dodge Aries, 4 door, great condition, reliable. new brakes. cassette. $500 0.b.o. 88515253 or 59i-1317. Attention Student Painters - new and used ladders and crew kits for sale. Great prices. (519) 754-8410.
Yours to
Ultimate Questions! Bible study by correspondence. For a free copy of the course please send name and address to: Bible Study, Zion United Reformed Church, 1238 Main Street, General Delivery, Sheffield, Ontario, LOR 1ZO or e-mail: Visit our Web site:
LSAT-GMAT-GREMCAT Contact "Chance Favours the PREParedMind!" Flexible formats and frequent U of T start dates. Subscribe to our "Law School Bound" e-mail newsletter at: LSAT prep for June lOstartsMay4,11,25,30. GMATprep starts monthly. Dr. Ferdinand's Gold Standard MCAT Dropram starts on Tune 8 and July 1-800410-PREP.
. -
Room for rent - for a quiet individual in a quiet detached house near both universities. Parkine and all amenities. Please call 725-5348. Large room for rent with four other girls, dose to university. AvailableJanuary 1 to August 30, 2002. Eight month s Call lease - $325/month ~ l u utilities. (416) 491-1370 for appointment. September rentals. Various houses and apartments from two to ten bedrooms. Renting togroups. Ten to twenty minute walks. Various prices and locations. Call for details - 588-5920 and ask for Ray.
53.00 1.15 $6.001.25 $10.001.25
One - five bedroom hbuse. Extra large living room and kitchen, very large bedrooms, one complete bathroom and one two piece bathroom, laundry room with dryer at no extra cost, ample parking, close to both universities. Utilities extra. Lease September 1,2002 to August 30,2003. $345lstudent/month. For appointment call (416) 491-1370 or cell phone (416) 700-9840. May 1sublet - four bedroom townhouse on Albert Street, 20 minute walk toUW. Phone Ray at 588-5920. One - three bedroom apartment. Newly carpeted, new windows, ensuite with dryer at no extra charge, ample parking. Utilities included. Lease May 1,2002 to April 30, 2003, minimum three students. $370/student/month. For appointment call (416) 491-1370 or cell phone (416) 700-9840. One bachelor aDamnent. Kitchen bed sitting, ensuite bathroom, ample parking, close to both universities. Utilities included. Suiteone student $475/month. Lease May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2003. For appointment call (416) 491-1370 or cell phone (416) 700-9840. Seven and eight bedroom houses available for rent. All are close to University. All are well maintained and have laundry and parking. Call James or Mark at 722-4556 or 722-41 87. Three large rooms available now in a six bedroom house. Two full bathrooms, two common rooms, hardwood floors, newly renovated, free parking and laundry. Upstairs-$420 inclusive ; downstars-$400 inclusive. Call for details and apppointment, 569-8260.