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News editor: Chris Edey Assistant news editor: Katherine Sparkes news@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca


From BC to home turf

Arts Student Union breaks advertising contract dents, staff, visitors and external organizations. All of these stakeholders are expected to follow all of W s The Arts Student Union was forced regulations while they are involved s a challengto break a contract with Zoom Me- with the campus. T h ~ is &a recently due to a university policy ing goal to achieve, however, p e n thatprohibitsadvertisinginacademic the volume of policies and the buildings on campus. A sign adver- number of people who are involved tising Syncrude oilwas removed from with UW," she said. the Arts Lecture According to Beatty, the raHall just outside the student untionale behind ion office after a "The rationale the policy is to written cornmaintain a sanc~ l a i n t from behind the policy for and thought istornaintaina Bre~anVogel, rather than alan ERS student lowing commerin fourth year, Sanctuary for cia1 advertisewas sent to study and ments to intrude Brenda Beatty, thought" on the intellecFeds vice-~resitual spaceof student student 1ssues Accordmg to VP student issues ASU preslBeatty, "The undent, Ryan derlylng situdBolger sald tlon was that "The ASU repeople weren't mformed; ~t wasn't caved approximately $63 per month ke$ey were hidingit. I spoke to all for the six months the contract was the societypreside& as soon as this in effect. We were not penalized for came up to ensure everyone was breaking the contract." Bolger was not sure how long the contract was aware of the university policy. "As with any rules, it is expected to last as it was the previous president who s h e d the contract. thatevervbodvisawareofallofthem , The Student Life Centre is not includingadministrators,faculty, stuMelissa Graham







Zoom media advertisements, in a bathroom near you. classified as an academic building and the Feds have a contract with Zoom Media for advertising in the Bomber and Fed Hall. To date the three-year contract,which started on October 29, 2000, has generated $9.560.33. According to DawnPhillips,vice-

presidentadministrationandfinance, "It is unpredictable as to how much we will make until the end of the contract, as we only get paid for advertisements that are for profit groups. For example, United Way advertising is not paid for. "The money from Zoom Media


is put back into the businesses' advertising lines, and any profit in the businesses is funneled back into the service side of the organization." "I encourage everybody to familiarize themselves with UW and Feds policies and, when uncertainty arises, to seek out the appropriate avenues with any questions. I hope that thisinformation continues to be shared over time to eliminate the potential for this to occur again. I'm quite sure that some organizations are aware of the high turnover rate among student leadership positions and take advantageofthis by preying on their lack of experience within a specific role." Although Vogel is happy that the billboard was removed from AL,he wouldlikeZoom Media banned from campus in its entirety. "Zoom Media continues to have a contract with the Feds at Fed Hall and in the SLC. Is their behaviour with the ASU not further grounds for dismissal from the UW Campus?" Vogel has been informed that if he wants Zoom Media off campus he must bring a motion forward to Students' Council for either their next meeting on March 10 or the last meeting of the term on A p d 7.

Student lobby group disputes study Feds election begins today &dings show that we need to find additionalways of increasing participationin post-secondary education." The Canadian Federation of StuResearch funded by the Canada Mildents disputes Iwnium Scholarthe findings, sayship Foundation shows that noning the founda"By ignoring the tion is "peddling financial obstamisleading concles are the bigimplications of clusions by gest hurdle to their own downplaying the post-secondary clear evidence of education for research, the its own research." high school The student foundation is graduates. The lobby group's Canadian Fedacting as an main point of eration of Stucontention is the dents, who apologist for the interpretation of charge the founLiberal the data in a redation with misport entitled, representing the government." findings o f its ''Why don't they Ian Boyko study believes figo on? Factors national chairperson nancial obstacles Affecting the Canadian Federation Decisions of Caare the greatest of Students nadian Youth barrier to the Not to Pursue availability of post-secondary Post Secondary education. Education." For thls report, reAccording to a summary of new searcher, UW grad and former Feds research identifyingthe reasons high VP educatton Kelly Foley analyzed schoolgraduates do notpursuepost- data ftom Statlstlcs Canada's 1991 secondary education,"Non-financial School Leavers Survey and 1995 School Leavers Survey follow-up. barriers to post-secondaryeducation "Thts 1s a pohttcally motivated must be attackedto address theproblem" of post-secondary education. reading of the data," says Ian Boyko, "Until aow," noted Alex Usher, nattonal chairperson of the Cana&an Federatton of Students. "The the director of the foundatton. "almost all access policies have focused smgle most unportant finding m the solely on financial barriers. These study, that a lack of hancml reElise Hug




sourcesis reported as the most common reason students do not continue their education,is absent in the foundation's analysis." A press release from the foundation states.that 77 per cent of youth cite non-financial reasons for not pursuing post-secondary studies. The Canadan Federation of Students points out that the single most important reason for not pursuing post-secondary education as is "Did not have enough money to continue" (23 per cent of all respondents).The 77 per cent citing non-financial reasons, is the proportion of students citing all other reasons. Accordmg to Boyko, "By ignoring the implications of their own research, the foundation is acting as an apologist for the Liberal government's record on post-secondary education." He goes on to point out, "Recent research from Statistics Canada, Vector Research, the University of Guelph and the University of Western Ontario all clearly demonstrate that students from low and middle-income f a d e s are far less likely to participate in higher education at the same rate as wealthy Canadians." The foundation's director, Alex Usher, is named in Foley's acknowledgements for "valuable comments on a draft of the paper." The foundation funded Foley's research. See STUDY, page 6


After one false start, Feds officials are confident that the re-scheduled election d run smoothly. However, to guard against the possibility that some legitimate students still might not be included on the voters list, paper ballots dbe available to those who cannot vote on-line.. The problem stems from the fact that the voters list being used by the Feds was generated on February 8. Any student who had outstandmg fees at that point of the semester would have been deemed ineligible to vote by the Quest system. Dawn Phillips, VP adrnifiistration and finance confirmed that any student who cannotvote electronicallyshould come to the Feds office to receive a paper ballot. Once the student has proven his legitimacy he will be given a paper ballot. UW's changeover to the Quest system has significantly changed record keeping and has eliminated paper fee statements and schedules, whch have traditionally been used


to prove registration. After consulting with Needles Hall, the Feds have decided that studentsmustproduce a Quest printout that proves all of their fees have been paid, in addition to theic Watcards. Brandon Sweet, chief returning officer for the election, gave assurances that all precautions have been taken to avoid abuse of the dual voting system. The on-line voting system has been tested. Furthermore, the election will begin at 9a.m. so that any minor problems that may crop up can be resolved during the day. When asked whether conducting the entire election with paper ballots had been considered as an alternative, Phillips replied "IJt would be] very difficult to do a paper vote at this time." She added that if a paper ballot was used, results would not be available until early A p d at least. Under the current system, UW students should find out who the four new members of the Feds executive are by March 8.


The remarks of Feds president Yaacov Hand in the article "Student aid decision delayed" which appeared in last week's Imprint were incorrect. Iland's correct remarks are "It is very difficult to build a good financial aid policy without talking to the students."


Deregulation requires consideration


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UW Innovate is bringing in 6 experienced entrepreneurs to lead practical discussions on business start-upissues.

Get the knowledge, tools and attitudes "the boots"...you'll need to see u r new business venture thrive and ..."kick some butt" ... today's marketplace.


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The dimate at Ontario universities couldn't be any more in need of tuition deregulation than it is right now. In 2003, Ontario universities must find wavs to accommodate more openings to their programs; UW alone is planning to admit 5,000 undergraduatestudents. With British Columbia recently deciding to let its universities set their own tuition rates, it will be only a matter of time before Ontario university presidents join together to ask for the same power. Ontario's promise of $293 million in double cohort funding surely won't be enough to keep most administrationshappy. So the question remains: how will Ontario universities scrounge up the extra cash to pay for almost 10,000 more professors between now and 2010 in addition to the significant costs associated with the double cohort? Universities' lack of power over tuition is the only roadblock to a smooth road for funding the university explosion this decade. Deregulated tuition is a reasonable solution for a lack of government funding only if universities can act responsibly with their new powers. You never saw the HonkpTonk Man use the "Shake, Rattle

should continue to find funds to and Roll" 30 seconds into a keep their programs on the map. wrestling match. Nor should universities, if they were given free T h ~ means s aggressive fundraising campaigns and openness in reign on tuition, drop the gauntlet corporate donations and income on students so quickly. Universities opportunities. All avenues must be must treat deregulation with explored before hurting the ones careful respect, not hke a finishing that keep their schools proper. move on economically disadvanIn the next two years, Ontario taged students, which it can very universities d easily and wish they had quickly become. I control over To " give their tuition universities "Universities rates. More responsibility to mU'Sf f reat spots, more set tuition fees professors and means more deregulation more buildings accountabiltty for universities with careful are needed to cope with the and the governrespect, not increases. ment. Universilike a finishing Notice YOU ues must be prepared to don't see many parents worrymove." implement a solid bursary ing about tuition program and increases? open any tuition raises to student Ballooning in tuition would be no consultation. The provincial biggte for some parents whose government would need to children will be entering universicontinue pumping funds into the ties in 2003. If they're wrlling to post-secondary budget and start pay off the Ontario Universities offering accommodating loans Application Centre for application programs. information, tuition will be a nonDeregulating tuition is not just a issue in light of the presence of matter of writing up a piece of strong competition. legislation. There must he scores of Our decision-makers must treat research and consultation to tuition deregulation delicately. If implement such a plan. Ontario students can't beat The largest problem in a deregulation, they must call their deregulated environment is the universities and the government to threat of the provincial governdemand that they explain how ment lowering funlng to postthey'll keep higher education secondary education as universities accessiblefor students from all would have a greater opportunity walks of life. to harvest these fees themselves. In the meantime, universities jwilling@imprint.uwaterloo.ca


Work terms to count for academc credt Enterptise Co-op -*w-

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B e p n i n g this May, co-op work terms will count for academic credit. Bruce Lumsden, h e c t o r of CECS, says this change is "the next step toward integratingthe co-op experience with the academic experience." Students will see both a formalized evaluation of how much learning takes place onworkterms and greater involvement from co-op coordinators in student work terms. Lumsdenwasuncertainhowthe

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ganized. He contrasted the planned BobTruman,duectorofInstitutional formalities with the current work Analysis and Planning, said that govtermleaming assessment,saying that ernment awards universities funding students will no longer only have according to the number of students "anecdotal experience" of learning they enrol. Truman claims UW has about themselves, their job and per- yet to see full average funding from haps their area of research while on the government, due to a gap of $13 work term. million in the government budget. Lumsden explained that whde This discrepancy in funding made students won't see a Truman hesitant lot of change, they to guess how enwdl be "more aware rolment changes s O n l f~WO that they are in fact (due to counting learning and that Canadian co-op for aca[work terms] are S C ~ O O ~offer S demic credit) might affect the university's botmers, ~ e iVP s edutom line. terms, while cauon, doesn't have According to many in the a problem with Lumsden, only two Canadian counting co-op U.S. already terms for credit, he schools - the does beheve that the University of university shouldbe Montreal and the cautious for what University of Otthey give academc c r e l t Stammers tawa - currently offer credit for sad the changes can provlde "legm- worktems, whde many schools m macy to the concept of co-op as a the U.S. already do. The idea to gwe l e a m g expenence " credit forwork terms has been around Changmg co-op to a creditfor a whde, says Lumsden. It was based system is not only about m- recently raised with the faculty deans creasing students' self-awareness m and was the first item to receive l e a m g , sad Lumsden. The umver- unanunous support this year. sity is "looking for different mcome streams," accordwig to Lumsden


h z





WDAY, FEBRUARY 22,2002 keeping operations, including Kosovo, Bosnia and Cambodia. with files from the Department of National Defence

St. Paul's to expand Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF

Keepingin stride with most things at Waterloo, St. Paul's College will be expanding in the coming years. A plancalls for two new buildingsto be erected and for two existing buildings to be modified. A building to the north will contain two bedroom suites and be meant for graduate students and their dependants. Another buildmg to the south will contain four-bedroom suites and be meant for upper-year students. The current west wing of St. Paul's will have a third floor added, which would also be geared towards upperyear students. With thispopulation increase, the cafeteria/lounge area will also require enlargement. With th,ese plans, the total capacity of St. Paul's will double to approximately 300 students. AccordingtoDr. GrahamBrown, principal of St. Paul's, the current expansion plans have twomaingoals. With an increased focus on upperyear students,graduates and visiting academics,the typesoflearnerwould become more varied The hope is also to be able to offer more space to international students and to offer them another home. The second goal is to offer a program fot leadership in not-for-profit organizations. This goal would be met by an increase in academic space and the hiring of an additional faculty members qualifiedin this area of academia. Once the expansion is complete, St.Paul'swillbecome anundergraduate and graduate international college, one of only a few in Canada. The goal is to emulate something along the English Oxbridge model or the American models, but there currently is no particular model in mind for the schooL St. Paul's students would then be able to live in and attend classes at St. Pads for their entire university career. With a mix of studentsin the college,upperyear students could help lower-year students with classwork or other aspects of studqt life. While there is general support for creation of the new academic pmgram, reaction to the increasing size of the college has been mixed. One

of the reasons people choose to live at St. Paul's, rather than the university villages, according to Ryan McNally, a Master's engineeringstudent and former St. Paul's students' council president, is because of how small it is. Many students consider St. Paul's home and the residents there to be family. The fear is that with a doubling in the population, students would no longer feel a part of the whole community and that they would break off into cliques. The main concern of studentsis that the quality of life is maintainad. McNallyis amember of the building committee along with Aaron Vandonkelar and together they are making sure that student concerns are heard on ?he 10-person committee. McNally particularly wanted to make sure that student ideas and issues were brought to the fore. As a result. studentsrecentlvmetwith the architect to discuss some of the concerns that they had with the plan. According to McNally, the board of directors wants to revitalize the college and feel it is important thal the studentshave input into the fiual plan and that the plan is well-implemented. The current planis okay f o ~ the students, but not exactly what they wanted. The plan has undergone a feasibility study and the results will br presented to St. Paul's board of gov ernors on February 28. The biggesi &ding of the study is that the plan as it currently standsis not economi cally feasible. Student residence feel and other funding would not be suf ficient to-pay for the mortgage McNally said it would be a big con cern if, in order to revitalize tht college, the expansion ended ul bankrupting the institution. Given that no decision has beer made and the current plan for thc development is unfeasible, McNall] did not feel that the current plar could be implemented for the Fal 2003 academic term. McNally dic not see this issue as a major concen and said, "If the demand for resi dences will be there for the next 3( years, delaying the implementatios for another year will not matter."

ChrisEdey and KatherineSparkes IMPRINT STAFF

MIT election farce It turns out that the University of Waterloo is not the only computerand technology-intensiveinstitution that has encountered difficulty conductingonlineelections.Student government elections at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have been plagued by numerous problems over the past several years. Voting in the past year's election was plagued by bugs in the electronic voting system and campaign controversies. Voting in the 2000 election was conducted three times before the results were accepted as valid. MIT has also run into problems with confusing election regulations and adequate election publicity. With voting pushed back two weeks and the election committee deluged with a multitude of complaints regarding the election, U W seems to be dosing in on its goal of becoming the MIT of the north. with files from MIT Canadian Armed Forces wants engineering, science grads

Art Eggleto,~minister of national defence, etlaounced a $40,000 recruitment allowance to attract applicants to engineexing officer occupations. The allowancewillbe available to people who possess engineering and science degrees and enroll in engineering occupations within the regular force. The forces must recruit approximately 600 engineers over the next five years, as the pnvate sector has lured away many army engineerswith higher salaries.This problem extends into all branches of the Canadian Armed Forces: the navy, the air force and army. Eggleton hopes that the new measure will "level the playing field" between the Forces and the private sector. Canadian Armed Forces engineers have served in many peace-

School of accounting receives valuable gift

Certified Management Accountants of Ontario have made a three-year pledge of $85,000 to support the University of Waterloo's school of accountancy and proposed Centre for Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology. The funding totals $75,000 over three years for new course development to mount the new undergraduatemanagement accounting streams and courses in accounting and course development for a planned master's of accountancy -performance measurement and management stream. In addition, Certified Management Accountants of Ontario is providing $10,000 this year to assist with amarket surveyto support the development of thegraduateprogram and professionaldevelopment offerings. , The fundingwill establish a management accounting development fund at the University of Waterloo and may be renewable for a further three years. 'The University of Waterloo and

CMA Canada-Ontario have had a dose association that dates back to the 1970s; said Howard Armitage, head of management accounting in the school of accounting. with files from the UW news bureau Grand River Transit strike averted

A regon wide transit strike was avoided when Grand River Transit employees reached a tentative agreement with the region on Wednesday, February 13 just eight hours before workers could legally have walked off the job. The deal affects 300 employees including drivers,mechanicsand dispatchers, all members of the CAW Local 4304. A strike would have shut down the region's public transit system and left approxunately 40,00Opassengers, indudingmany students scrambling to hnd alternative ways of getmg themselves around town. The contract was the first to be negotiated since the amalgamation of public transit between Kitchener (which servesWaterloo), Cambridge and ProjectLift (now Mobility Plus), took place in January 2000. with files from the Kitchener-Waterloo Record

0 Last week, we asked UW planning professor Roger Suffling if he was aware of any co-operative efforts between UW and the city of Waterloo to investigate or remedy the need for affordable housing in the near future (especially affordable housing close to campus). In the article, Imprint reportedthat Suffling was not aware of any such effotts. Mr. Suffling insiststhat he was misquoted. His written response to our question was: "No but 1 don't follow this issue actively so there might well be such efforts."



Dr. Jeff Hovis from the School of Optometty,Universityof Waterloo is evaluating cdour vision testsdesigned fortherailroad industry.Thetests determine one's ability to identify d o u r codes used to monitor and controltrain movement. lndividualswithCOLOURVlSlONPROBLEMSareneededtovalidate thesetests lihe experiment requires between 1to 2 hours to complete. Compensationfor yourtime is $10.00. IFor moreinfomation.pleasemtad JeIHovisat885-1211,ext.W68.1


E-mail:jhovi@uwaterloo.caorR. Shankaranatrshanka@uwsterko.ca.

This projed has received ethics clearancefrom theOffice of Research Ethicsat the Universityof Waterloo (ORE#9703).


Study: dsagreement on meaning Tuition deregulation arrives in B.C. STUDY, from page 3

In addition to Foley's statisticalanalysis, the foundation commissioned a review of the accessibility of post-secondary education and a qualitative national study of youth not participating in post-secondary education. Recommendations include the supply of better information on post-secondary education prerequisites, program options and student financial aid at the beginning of h g h school, as well as more information aimed at parents regardmg the advantages of post-secondary education. Other reasons given for not continuing in school at the post-secondary levels include: * a lack of awareness of post-secondary education as an avadable option a lack of academic ability and/or learning disabilities


choosing to pursue other priorities, including work, family or travelling the perception that post-secondary education was of no advantage Youth identifiedparents, friends and schoc as their most important sources ofinformatioj on post-secondary education. The foundation is also conducting a na tional survey of the personal finances of Cana &an university students. The study wdl hav particular reference to expectationsof parenta assistance, summer earnings and the use o credit cards and private lines of credit. The Canadian Millennium Scholarshi] Foundation was established by Parliament wit1 a mandate to offer Canadian students ne\: opportunities to achieve excellenceand pursu post-secondary studies. The controversy over the initial study re sults may justify further research of the issue

Naenough morey toconlnue


In contrast to the mtld weather experienced in Vancouver and Victoria, B.C.'s recent tuition policy has been a lesson in extremes. Until now, the province has had tuition fees among the lowest in Canada. The B.C. bargain is a reality thanks to multiple years of tution freezes and a five per cent tuition reduction for the current fiscal year. Despite higher per-student operating grants from the government, B.C. universities have been faced with a budget crunch similar to Ontario's. With the ousting of the New Democratic Party in last year's election, no one expected business as usual in the post-secondaq sector However, advanced educationminister Shxley Bond's recent across-the-board deregulaaon announcement represents a major policy shift that was conveniently absent from the Liber als' "New E d ' election platform. Given the lack of student aid plans in the minister's press release, the government seems

to be downloadingmore than just the abihty to set tuition. The responsibility of helping students pay fox increasing tuition is also becoming the domain of individual.iniversities. Are institutions expected to meet society's expectation of what constitutes an affordable education out of the goodness of their hearts? Recall that Ontario's exercise in partial deregulation includes the blunt dictum that 30 per cent of tuition increases must be,set aside by universities for financial aid. The Ontario government rule suggests that to maintain even a mediocre standard of fmancia1 accessibility in the face of deregulation, tuition deregulation must be accompanied by new financial aid regulation. Nowis the waitingphase for legislation that wdl dehver on minister Bond's promise that mversities will be able to set their own tuition. Before B.C. deregulation becomes law, many hope that its evolution will ensure that affordability can be safeguarded so students still have some measure of protection in the new laissez-faire Wild West.

warted some h e off fnnn studying


For the love of fine food

CarldrW dedde what to do NointereslInfuther educabon Marks too low Had e good lob No programof Interest dose to home Wtnted to rase a famtly

npplled but not axapted Wtnted trade wvcabonal tramnp nmss I










Souce Canadlan Mlllenlum Scholarsh~pFoundatlor

U W f o services chef Roland Lynn meticulouslyprepares avalentine's day feast for Brubaker's patrons. These salmon dishes were very well received.

All letters must include a pnone number for verification, and should not exceed 300 words. Letters should include the author's year and program, or faculty position where applicable. All material s subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors, not the opinions of Imprint.

Opinion editor: Hala Khalaf

And the award oes to...

Opinionless Hala Khalaf OPINION EDITOR

I was left to write the opinion piece this week, and not because of my renowned skills as a writer, but because whoeverwas supposed towrite it found somethingbetterto do. Good for them, I think. I'm not sure I want to be doing this right now. "Just write on anything you have an opinion on," I was told. The first thing I said was, "But I don't have an opinion on a n y h g ! " (I'll tell you a secret. I just said that to be funny.) Then I realized, that's it! I really don't have an opinion. None of us does, at least not one that's completely original. Every opinion we have on anything is based on someone else's opinion on the matter, and it just keeps going round and round in a vicious circle. We're always being told what to t h d . When asked what our feelings are on a certain subject, we rarefy take the moment to analyze the multifaceted sides of the subject and reach our own conclusion on it. Oh, no. Instead, we agree or disagree with what the Globe and Mad has to say or with what the snotty reporter was rambling about on T.V. "Shakespeare is a genius. He's the greatest literary figure that ever put pen (or quill) to paper." I have lost count ofhowmany times I have been told that by teachers and professors. N o one ever tells me wh_ytheguy is so amazing; they just expect us all to share in the opinion. I propose an experiment.Remove Shakespeare from the curriulae of all high schools and universities, and see whether anyone bothers to read Hamlet just for the sake of reading. Only then can they really have an unbiased opinion about that damn play. Youknowwhat's worse than realizing that you simply can't have your very own, original, never-thoughtof-before opinion on a subject?Having an opinion forced on youwhether you hke it or not. Like those religious recruitment people galavanting around campus. Please understand that if I wanted to join a Bible discus-

sion group or get together and have a little chat about God, I would find you myself, and moreover, I would much rather have these heart-wrenching, earth-shattering conversations with a close friend whom I know and who knows me. I wdl not give you my number and1do notwant you following me around telhg me how the wrath of God will fall upon me. Lauren Breslin, an Imprint volunteer with very strong opinions, sums it up perfectly: "I don't think it's fair for students with passionate, religious dedication to impose their beliefs on others, especially in the relentless fashion that I have witnessed," shesaid. She's right,andnot just becauseit's downright annoymg, aggravating and irritating, but because we're a h a h bombarded with opinions from every area in our Lives. Perhaps I startedoffon the wrong foot. The problem is not that we don'thaveoripalopinions (although I still think that this problem exists). The issue is that forcefully imposing your opinion on a person is simply too inconsiderate. Yes, it's a free country, and yes, everyone can say pretty much whatever they want. However, the use of force simply cancels out any positive achievements. Our job is to inform and clarify.Then, and only then, can one's opinion be seen as justified andworth scrutinizing.

Friday, February 22,2002 Student Life Centre, Rm 1116 Univenrity of Waterloo Waterloo, ON, NZL 361 -

Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief, Ryan Matthew Merkley editor@impnnt.uwaterloo.ca Assistant cditor, Mark A. Schaan Photos, Caitlin Sharpe Assistant photos, vacant Graphcs, vacant Assistant p p h i c s , vacant Web, Talesh Seeparsan Assistant Web, Kourtney Short Systcms adnun., vacant Assistant system admin, vacant Lcad proofrcadcr, Jcrcmy Taylor Proofreader, Lisa Johnson Proofrcader, Neal Moogk-Souhs Proofreader, Joshua Safer Proofreader, Heather Macdougall

REMEMBER EARTH CLEARLY With last week's release of the Juno nominations, the entertainment industry award has been on my mind. Over time, awards ceremonies designed to celebrate talent and reward creativity have become an opportunity to celebrate safes and reward mediocrity. AS it is television's unique ability to take a good idea and make it worse - like TV journalism and talk shows - the introduction of the awards show has reduced what was already a fragde idea mto an advertising cash-cow. The Juno awards were started in 1970 by Stan Klees and Walt Grealis, publishers of the magazine RPM. They chose the Gold Leaf Awards as the original name, but a year later renamed the awards after CRTC top brass Pierre Juneau, promoter of better Canadian content through government regulation. Someone made the connection to the Greek goddess of the Roman Pantheon, and the s p e h g change was made to fit.

-Vol. 24, No. 28 F:519.884.7800 P: 58,888,4048


As much as we enjoy awards shows, they're lust not complete unless our favounte performer is robbed by some unqualified hack. Without that essenual element, what would we taik about the next day? How else would we ensure that our independent stmgghg musicians retained their dstaste for the system? If we let the deserving artists win, they'd all turn out like Bryan Adams and stop being Canadian. Take note: it was the CRTC who decided that Bryan Adams' album, Waking up the Neighbours- note the Canadian s p e h g - didn't quahfy as Canadian because he collaborated with a non-Canadian producer. Last year's awards were a demoralizing event; we were forced to watch Canadian songstress Nelly Furtado win most of the significant awards, including best smgle, best new solo artist, best songwriter and best producer. Furtado beat out Sarah Hamer for best new solo artist, despite predictions that a well-deserved Juno win could launch Harmer's superstar career. ,%wardshows are really a chance to sell more records, so couldn't the powers that be have shared the love a bit? Did Furtado sell more records because she had four Junos instead of three? Even more disappointing was

Production staff Dave BarsaqRachel E. Beathe, Natalie Carruthers, Geoff Eby, Nicole Fawcette, Adina Gillian, Melissa Graham, Jesse Helmer, Janice Jim, Neal hloogk-Soulis

glam-rock producer Bob Rock's loss to Furrado in the best producer category. Rock, who was nominated for his work on the Moffatt's latest album, should be given a humanitarian award for squeezing one more life out of Canada's answer to Hanson. That same year, Guelph's King Cobb Steelie and Winnipeg's The Weakerthans were denied the best alternative honours by the New Pornographers, but at least all three were excellent albums. If there wasn't enough evidence of the absurdity of awards ,shows,it may be necessary to bring up Leonard Cohen's 1992 award for male vocalist of the year. "Only in Canada could I get male vocalist of the year," quipped the gravel voiced poet and songwriter. About two years ago, I interviewed trombonist Rob McConnell, frontman and arranger for the Ross Brass, one of the most incredble big bands in recent history. McConnell's band has won four Junos, and been nominated for eight more. What does it mean to win one of those coveted awards? McConnell, warn-hearted and honest, was blunt: "It hasn't helped me to get any more gigs." The 2002 Juno Awards show wdl ait on April 14, from Mile One Stadrum, in Newfoundland.

any other publicahon or g o u p until such tune as thl material has bccn lstnbutcd in an issue of Iqrinl, 01 Iqnntdeclares theuintentnot topublishthematcrial. Thc full text of t h s agreement is available upon request.


Office Staff Business manager, Cathy Rolgcr cathy.bolger@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Advertising & production managcr, Laurie 'rigeft-lhmas ads@unprrnt.uwaterloo.ca Advertising asststant, vacant Distribution, G m p Padhy D~stdbution,Randy Taylor Board of Directors board@~mpnnt.uwatcrloo.ca President, Jesse Helmer Vicc-prcsidcnt, Jay Szymanslu Treasurer, P u p Werner Sccrctary, vacant Staff liaison, Adma Gillian staff.liaison@qnnt.uwaterloo.ca

Cover Dave Barsam,Nicolc Fawcettc andRyanMatthew Merkley Impnnfis the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It 1s an cditorially independent newspaper pubhshed by Impnnt Pubhcatlons, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. J@rin/ is a member of the Ontano G~mmumtyNewspaper Association (OCNA). Edtorial submissions may be considered for publication m any edition of l@rinl. l@rinl may also reproduce the matenal comunercidly in any format or mcdum as part of the newspaper database, Web site or any other product derived from the newspapcr. Those submitting edtonal content,includingarticles,letters,photosandgraphics, will grant I q n n f first pubhcation rights of their submitted material, and as such, agreenot to submit the same work to

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Wednesday, February 27 5:30p.m., SLC 1116


Hooray for Waterloo! To the editor, After two and a half terms of hearing about the impending doom of Canadian cities due to urban sprawl, itwas so refreshing to read last week's article on Waterloo choosing not to rezone the lands near Laurelwood Drive and Erbsville Road for singlefamily homes. It is a very rare and special thing that the city chase to ignore the protests of suburbanites and stuck to their original plan to zone that area for an integrated neighbourhood of commercial and high-density residential use. The members of the Laurelwood Neighbourhood Association need not worry about the increased traffic that "follows" high-density housing. If there are commercial developments nearby, the residents of the apartments and townhouses can take advantageof their legs and walk. And with the "accessible public transportation routes'' that have been promised to accompany the developments, the residents mav not need cars at all. Quite an outlandish concept, but an important one if we are to work towards sustainablelifestyles. Hooray for the City of Waterloo for taking a stand in the name of sustainable development!

-A m j Didrikson 1B planning Money vs. happiness To the editor, I have lived as a resident of Ron Eydt Village since September. As a firstyear student from Waterloo, themost obvious, cost effectivechoice would have been for me to live at home. At the encouragement of my parents, I made the choice to live in residence, speafically, in REV. By design, the floors of REV are conducive to socialization. Over the past months, this reputation has proven to be true. The fdendships and memories I have made will last a lifetime. It has been a great way to integrate myself into university life. I have no regrets about spending the extra money. Many of my fellow residents from Waterloo would agree with me that there is no experience that can compare. In two months' time. we will be packingourbags. Next year, many of us will still be living together as we move into smaller groups off-campus. That too will be a new experience that I greatly look forward to. To all the great people on East B, thank you.

- Craig Devitl 1B planning Love vs. indifference To the editor.


Smiles on subways and love in the classroom are two very impoaant things, and I thank Ali Asaria for

performance. I am no stranger to this; my mark has often dropped after eachexam. But by drop I don't mean a heaa-breaking 20 per cent. Cwiosity came over me and I called my professor to make an appointment to view my exam. And thus my nightmare began. I was informed it was university policy that he did not have to show it to me. Confused, I looked up some policies on the UW site. Policy 19 states that I have h e right to see everything pertaining to me. That sounded more like it. Until a friend of mine told me about the exam polices he discovered. Apparently, my professor was t e h g the truth. I went to the source: "The instructor may informally review the examination paper under supervised access to read only with a student who requests it.. .although notmandatory,instructorsare encouraged - to follow this procedure." My nightmare raged on. The policy also states that faculties may broaden these privileges. I e-mailed a higher power to see if this was in play for science. He informed me that the professorwas within his rights and assured me he would "encourage" my professor, but that I might want to pick up a petition form. In order to see my exam, I would have to appealmy mark to the pointwheremyprofessorwouldhave to show me my exam after which I -Kris Braun Waterloocampusstafiinter-varsigChris- could withdraw my petition. tianjdowship Now I have to start thinking how much &s matters to me. On one hand, it is a time-consuming effort, The case of the but on the other hand, my exam has suspicious C become this all-consuming mystery to me. To the editor, Many people I have talked towere Universityis a scaryplace. Oneofthe as clueless as I was about this univermost feared aspects of university is sity "policy." I can understand why it exams.You hear the horror stories is not advertised, but I refuse to see -the University of Windsor sched- the reasoning behind it. I just wanted uling exams on a Sunday, University others to be aware of this policy of Guelph denying entrance into before they have to jump through classes based on the exam schedule, the same hoops I have. and here at Waterloo the stress of three exams on one day is a reality for -Name withheld by request many. I consider myself laid back and I rarely get angxy, but I ran into Engineers suck, I admit it another exam horror story that is like a nightmare I can't wake up from. To the editor, After looktng up my marks on Quest, I was distraught to find they I guess it's that time of year again had a shght scar to them. A 60 was when I am ashamed to be called an hiding amongmy other marks. Upon engmeer. further investigation and using triedIt saddens me that our lives have and-true math ratios, I found the become so devoid of meaning and mark was the result of a poor exam value that we need to try and con-

challengmg us to consider the implications of "[re-establishing] love as the primary ambitionin our.. .lives." (Findmg Balance, Feb. 15,2002) I think it is interestingthat Asaria chose to describe fear as the opposite oflove. Many would claim the opposite is hate. I would like to suggest another alternative: indifference. To hate, or even fear someone, requires that1 care enough to have an opinion. Love is the essence of a relationship, and indifference is wholly anti-relational. Indfference strips away another's humanity because it says, 'You don't even exist." Fear,properlyhandled, often motivates us to overcome our indifference. Without an element of fear, how many of us would study as hard as we do? As someone who is getting married in less than two weeks, I- can attest to the fact that sometimes love and fear go hand in hand! It is true that "perfect love drives out fear" (1 John 4:18), but I think this elimination of fear is a happy by-product of love, not an essential ingredient. So I would suggest that the starting point in our journeys toward "becoming love" is not to pacify all our fears, but anintentional effort to care for others. Once again, thank you Asaria, and may God bless you on your journey of finding balance.



Imprint. Schaan has paid particular attention to Eunding and quality issues. However, I cannot help but think that we have overlooked a key aspect to university education. Is the university's mission encapsulated in kitschy catch phrases hke "preparing leaders of tomorrow" or is the university's mission deeper than that? Whatever happened to the perennial concern of living well, of being or becoming an authentic human being? With the anxiety of after-graduation work placement of students, universitieshave ceasedtheir grander moral and existential commitments. Universities have ceased to ask the big questions.Even national student groups thinktheirmain functionis to fight over money with the govem- Roger Chen ment. W e I recognize the impormechanical engineering, PhD tance of the all-mighty dollar, are we not missing something? Are we not Don't underestimate$64 missing the existentialimportofeducation itself? To the editor, Thanks to a combination of enhghtenrnent reason and postmodem Last week, someone asked, 'What's fuzziness, the modem student no an extra $64 on top of the $2,200 longer asks the big questions, no you're already paying?" First of all, longer struggles d existence. Inthat's $3,123, not 32,200. And what stead,he usually struggleswith a splitis $64? ting headacheafter drinkingtoo much The optional textbook I didn't at the Bomber the night before. We buy from the used bookstore be have reduced education to a mere ' cause it was too expensive; economic concern and not recogA month of groceries; nized what its true value is - the Almost 20 per cent of a month's good life. rent; Now students arenot all to blame, A new pair of running shoes so professors often are. Either liberal my 25 minute walk to school is blandishness,capitalistopportunism more comfortable; or postmodern mediocrity have My half of the utility bill, caused many of them to cease to My portion of the phone bill for attempt any answer to the big queshalf a term, tionswhich requirebiganswers.They Eight more hours I'll have to work give bland, conciliatory answers, atat my part-time job instead of tempting to straddle the fence and getting a groin injury in the process. studying, A trip home to see my nine-year- 1don't know about you, but the best old sister, and a birthday gift for professors are those that have a pasher; or, sion for what they consider the good The cost of the lenses for my life, either consciousor subconsdous. glasses I have been putting off So if you really want a good unibuylng for a year and a half. versity education, pick up some Need I go on? $64 is a significant Nietzsche. He's worth five courses amount ofmoney formany students. in any subject, I guarantee it. Or, explore the ancient Greek philoso-Lisa Rubini phers or maybe even that wacky libZB computer science ertarian Ayn Rand. Stop being part of the herd and start dstinguishing An authentic education yourself. You may lose some ignorance and get thinktng headaches, but I guarantee you that the hangoTo the editor, ver is much better afterwards - an What is the role of the university? authentic life! Mark Schaan has tried to tackle that question in a series of articles here in -Mark Penner

vince ourselves that we are better than others, with a ring on our finger to prove it. But I'm also honestly baffled. What do we possibly think is going through the heads of those studying quietly for mid-terms in the library?Are theythinking, 'Wow, look at all those drunk engineers parading through here ~eriodically, y e h g and screaming so that we can't study. I guess they must be better than us." Or perhaps their opinions don't count because they're not engineers. One day we will all realize how little we are. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.


Dispelling the apathy myth

Listening to the never-ending prattling from various media commentators, perennial Feds executive candidates, and irate letters to the editor, you'd think the University of Waterloo was a drab institution rife with cold, indifferent youth - just a gaggle of uninspiring kids wearily dragging themselves through four years of mind-numbing academic travails. "There's too much apathy!" they say. 'We need to get students motivated!" they cry. Is there too much apathy? Do we need to

Harness vour love Is it a wild horse or a fluttering butterfly?

The Bible says, "God is love. Whoever lives full of love lives full of God, for it is God who fills that person." I haven't really read much from the Bible, but that is wicked! Why are people so afraid to love? We live in a world where people are weary of loving because of the lasting hurt felt from past failed attempts. The lesson we learn is that if you let only love lead your life, you will come back bruised. Love can be a bhnd yet powerful beast. It's like a wild horse, so we must learn to harness it so that it will carry us forward rather than tear us apart. Thus we see that the first two steps on the Buddhist eight-fold path are loving and knowing. It's no surprise that these steps are to be taken together, simultaneously. Here, knowledge serves as the hamcss for love. That's lesson number two in the school of love; true love is always to be grounded in knowledge. In Taoism, love and knowledge are looked at as two sides of a single circle. Taoists associate knowing and reason with the masculine side, and loving and emotion with the feminine. Only when taken together, in balance, d the true Tao be formed. Buddhist monks prefer to look at love like a fluttering butterfly. It is beautiful and weightless yet delicate and easily crushed. The solution for them is to enclose the

if, for example, the Federation of Students could somehow wave a magic wand and turn entire swaths of formerly uninvolved students into peppy volunteers. For what purpose? To what end? If they wanted to participate in the first place, they already would be; since they are not, why would anyone want to coerce them into doing so? In response to all those who lament Waterloo's lack of cohesion, I offer this: perhaps the greatest attribute of Waterloo's student body - and this is admittedly a somewhat broad generalization -is the individualist attitude of so many students They have their own lives, their own agendas and their own goals, and they pursue them relentlessly -and in so doing give our school the deserved reputation for excellence of which we are all so proud. Cold and indifferent? Not at all. Focused and ambitious? Much more likely.

get students motivated? No and no. I always marvel at the allegation that students at Waterloo just don't care. This is code, though, for saying that students at Waterloo don't care about the same things, on average, that perhaps students at other universities do. But so what? Waterloo is above all a unique university: more than half the students who come here do so for co-op, which suggests that they are already prepared to sacrifice the traditional way of obtaining a university education. Yet when, as a group, they start behaving in ways that don't line up with the student bodies at most other schools, people start shaking their heads hke there's some sort of problem. Did anyone stop to think that maybe they just have different priorities, or maybe prefer to spend their free time in other ways? As for being motivated, the question is again: motivated to do what? To study more? To find a good job? Or to volunteer or participate in extra-curricular activities?

Maybe the numbers are skewed at Waterloo in favour of the first two, but again, so what? Should we scold students for being so caught up in their studtes that they don't have time to join this or that club? Let me stress here that, personally, I happen to find extra-curricularactivities extremely rewardmg. I am fairly active because I choose to be, and I wouldn't have it any other way. However, this illustrates my point. At Waterloo, there is no shortage of things in which to participate. Visibility, availability and accessibility are not a problem. Many students just prefer not to participate, and that is their own prerogative. This school has plenty of students who serve as invaluable volunteers for a mynad of clubs and services on campus. They are the students who enjoy undertaking these responsibilities, and kudos to them for doing so; they enrich campus life for the students who get involved in any of those activities. It is puzzling to imply it would be better

butterfly withm the walls of a pure environment in the form of a monastery. Only in the monastery can love be let free without fear of harm. These are just two ways of looking at the same concept. Don't let love run free untll you have first set its boundaries. For those of us that can't live in a monastery, it might be helpful to look at the life of Buddha himself. I asked a Buddhist friend of mine in mechanical engineeringwhy monks live in monasteries even though Buddha did not. His response amazed me; "For Buddha, the world was his monastery." That is some wisdom that deserves to be pondered. We must all struggle to make the world our monastery by shunning those things that later cause hurt. Only after creating such a fortress in our hearts can the love within be completely set free. Muslim sages say that this fortress is formed on piety, awareness, self-discipline and patience. This philosophy applies both to the love of God and to the love of other people. Love won't last unless it has a solid basis. The love we feel in our hearts is often deceptive and mixed with other emotions that are not so pure. In the case of love for another person, you should make sure that your relationship rationally makes sense before you let love take over. Both people should know each other's boundaries and should feel free to be honest and open with each other before love ever enters the equation. That's because love is blind -without a sensible basis it may lead you far astray. The same applies when you put your heart on a spiritual path - unless the basis of your faith is grounded in reason, you could end up misleading yourself and possibly end up hurt. Shll, don't just think of knowledge as a restraint on love. The more we know about another person, the more we can love them. The same applies to the love of God -it is only by coming to know the compassion behind all things that we can achieve union with it. Always apply knowledge and love together, in balance. And thus we begin our journey on the eight-fold path. Peace.

Historical queers


In addtion, educators may be fearful of being labelled queer in discussing the subject. Worse yet, some schools do not include queer curriculum because it contradxts religious teachings. The scholars who research quccr historical figures (Andrew Hodges and Michael Whlte, for example) are often ridiculed for wrongly emphasizing what geniuses do in the bedroom. Such critics believe this emphasis is a self-servingexercise, since most gay scholars are themselves gay. But on the contrary, the work of gay scholars emphaThe education systems of Western countries sizes that being gay is much more than a have long been criticized for focusing on the sexual act - sexuality permeates many other accomplishments of the dominant group aspects of life. that being white men. Most people are hardA further complication concerns the sort pressed to come up with a li;t of historically of lives that many queer people from history influential people from other groups. led. Many so-called queer role models died While it is fair to assert that historical tragic deaths. intellectuals should best be remembered for Consider Alan Turing (committed suicide their achievements and not for their minority after being persecuted by police), Joan of status, h s group status has important social Arc (burned at the stake for cross-dressing), implications for modem learners. and Oscar Wilde (imprisoned for sodomy, For students who belong to minority d p g shortly afterward). groups, famous minority intellectuals can Others, like Pyotr Tchalkovsky, who serve as valuable role modcls. In addition, didn't die as a direct result of his homosexustudents who belong to the majority group ality, nonetheless had a miserable love life. can also benefit because knowledge about As a result, it is difficult minorities adds to their understanding of I to call these people role models when their human dwersity. "'Many so-called queer status seemed Highlighting the like their tragic flaw. queer role models accomplishments of Finally, because of gay, lesbian, bisexual died tragic deaths." the low prevalence of and transgcndered 1 queer people in the individuals can be population, it is often problematic at best. difficult to find a famous queer indwidual Throughout most of history, being queer for any given discipline. has been a severe liability. Most intellectuals While the task is not difficult for various kept their sexual-minority status a guarded disciplines of art, there are very few examsecret. The historian is often forced to infer ples of scientific intellectuals who were that the individual was queer based on known to be queer. accounts of their social and personal lives. Despite these difficulties, it remains While mere speculation should be important to highlight the accomplishments avoided, it suffices to say that there are of queer individuals, because present-day several wen-documented individuals from queer people -many of whom feel history who are widely accepted to be queer. marpalized from society -need role A second major difficulty in recog&ing models; furthermore, knowledge of queer the accomplishments of queer people is the historical figures reduces the general ignopresent-day society, which itself can be homophobic. Some teachers and students are rance our society has about queer people. unwilling to accept that any famous and respected person is queer. nflear@imprint.uwaterloo.ca


Women of colour unite and conquer We women of colour have been on the front lines of defence for our families and communities. but our work of defence and survival. in the face of various apartheids of war and other forms of genocide has received little recognition, even from our own communities and

On every continent, women of colour, particularly those in countries of the south, have the least amount of resources and work hardest for the longest hours. Yet we are the most invisible workers. Most of us spend our lives growing and cooking the food and collecting the water and fuel that keeps most of the world ahve. Women of colour have given birth to and cared for most of the people of the wortd during centuries of exploitation, through colonialism and every form of slavery. Racism has always been combined with sexism, so that global capital gets our labour for cheap or for free. If we are lucky enough to get wages for our work, we are die lowest paid everywhere. Usually the darker we are, the poorer we are. As mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, grandmothers and aunts, we raise the children of our communities only to see them forced into the hardest jobs for the least pay, imprisoned unjustly, used as cannon fodder for the military, and forced to confront every form of discrimination and indignity every minute of the day.

Women of colour stand at the crossroads of economic inequality, racial discrimination, sexism and homophobia. Today, neo-liberalism and trade agreements like those enforced by the World Trade Organization call for a diminished role of the state in economic affairs; less funding in essential social services such as health, education and social security nets; and elimination of state-subsidized basic needs such as food staples, energy and housing. AU of these have negative consequences on humanity, but hurt women of colour the most. When they are citizens of Third World countries, they often carry the brunt of household work while working full time, thus providing 60-70 per cent of their families' income and material needs. When the price of basic necessities rises, women are hurt the worst. In the north, where we are visible minorities, traditional and systemic marginalization are accentuated by cutbadrs and stress on social services. Women of colour become workers in maquiladoras and sweatshops in the south and up north, and they are trafficked for the global sex

trade, as mail order brides or as prostitutes in brothels. They invest in university education only to finish up as domestic workers in Canada and the U.S., through avenues such as the Live-In Caregivers Program right here in Canada. While women provide 90 per cent of the world's labour, we own less than 10 per cent of the world's wealth and one per cent of all capital goods. Presently, women hold less than five per cent of elected government positions worldwide. These are reasons that women of colour are uniting, particularly in North America where there exists a multicultural mosaic within the population. Even in a privileged country such as Canada, the voices of women of colour are rarelv heard, and racism and sexism are ever-prevalent within society. In KW, a women of colour collective has been formed for all self-identified women of colour. It is an opportunity to get together and discuss issues that no one but ourselves can truly understand. It is also an empowering group to take matters that affect us directly into our own hands. Our first initiative is putting together a Women of Colour zine. The theme of our first issue is "Coming Home." For more information about the group or the zme. contact

Free plugs

Free plugs is where it's at. For those who deserve them, at least. I want to shout some out here. The collective ticket: in case you missed last week's paper, I'm campaigning on behalf of them. I hope I don't get fmed.They are the ones with experience in consensusbased decision-making; a process that leads to everyone's concerns being addressed, and leads to the most people in agreement over the best course of action. Of course, for a consensusbased approach to work, people need to learn how to work with it. WPIRG is one place where you can go if you're interested in learning more about this type of decision-mkg. So big up to WPIRG and all the different action groups for doing what they do. See, another reason I'm pluggmg for the "revolutionaries" is the team members' involvment with the K-W Youth Collective and with The Spot (519-578-1425), a youth drop-in centre in Kitchener. Last Tuesday, I went to a labour council meeting with two of the four "collective" caddates to do some outreach work on behalf of the youth collective to promote their May Day happenings and to promote the K-W Solidarity Network. KWSN is new in 2002. It's a still-being-shaped structure of

communication and facktation of operations for local socially- and environmentally-mindedgroups and people. So far the structure consists of a Web site ontario.indymedia.org/kwsolidarity - and the use of both the Blindspot newspaper ontario.indymedia.org/blmdspot - and the CommunityEvents.ca online event calendar, and it's growing. Getting together makes things work better. Organizing and consolidating strengths and resources helps make things easier to do. So check it out, yo. CKMS, the university's ram0 station - 100.3FM: big up to the Thursday night (6-8,8-10 p.m.) hip-hop-plus duo of Bring Tha Ruckus and the Wax Jungle, for their top 10s of 2001. Special shout out to the Wednesday night/ Thursday morning (12-2 a.m.) show for the Bob Marley birthday celebration. Two hours of Bob. including songs, clips of interviews and "best Bob Marley song of all time" voting. Coming up on CKMS, check the WPIRG radio show (this Monday at 5 p.m.) for a focus on socially-conscious music, and UWS radio (this Thursday 5 p.m.), for a . discussion between myself and Mr. Aaron Lee-Wudrick. The Imp& team: if it weren't for them, you wouldn't be getting this paper. Big up. The UW track and field team: as they head into OU and CI action, it's time for everyone else to start worrying. May speed be with y'all. And, everyone who's got some love to give: don't worry, you'll get some back too.


150 Un~vers~ty Ave W mpus Court Plaza, Waterloo




So what have you read this readinn week?

Think you're goodenough?

"I've been read my rights."

"Housing ads!" Kughwa Lee

Matthew Till

1B applied math

3A actuarial science

Lisa Ly 1B computer science

"The Levi's on this hot guy's ass."

"We're softies -1we don't know how t o read non-java text."

Becki Murrant

Jeffrey, Genelle, Ruchi and David

2A political science

1B software engineering

Nicole Temple 28 science

"The Four Agreements eye-opener."

- it's an

"We're graduates, so we read the help-wanted ads."

Nancy O'Neil

Martha and Jim Lauzon

UW staff

UW grads

"Imprint I read."

- it's the only newspaper


"We're mathies we don't read and we don't have a reading week."

Yang Yang

James Cheim and Harshit Patel

28 computer science

38 math

Waterloo Warriors York Yeomen Try-outs tobe on the Waterloo team will take place on March 1, 2002 at 8 p.m. at the Campus Cove. You must sign up and pay your registration fee of $5 prior to February 27. I you make the team, you will play in the tournament the next day. TRY OUT SPOTS ARE LIMITED! Sign up asap. Come to the Cove for more information.

Network Gaming @ the Cove

Strike, Diablo 11, Starcraft, Internet Cafe www. estarbursl.corn

- waterloocove@starburst. corn


Got a hungry stomach? Porn? Hotties? What do you shop for? An edgy laugh at local grocery shopping Mark A. Schaan IMPRINT STAFF

The hunt for groceries is an essential student experience. Except for those living at home or stowed away in the villages,everyone has to eat and most people have to cook, in some format, for themselves. W1th this in mind, Imptint asked Matt Patterson -who drew on his viewpoint as one of a "white-male sheltered life from suburbia" having watched "too much MuchMusic" to lay out the grocery landscape for us. Patterson seemedmoreinterested in picking up than picking up his groceries, but managed his own tongue in cheek reviews of the grocery stores. Patterson began with the Zehrs location on the comer of FisherHallman and Erb, better known as "Hollywood" Zehrs. Clearly impressed by this particular location of the Ontario chain, Patterson described shoppmg here as "like walking into heaven. Imagine, the first thing you see is the fruit counter, where high school hotties are busying themselves arranging the bananas." While not only impressed by the store's attractive customers and employees, Patterson went on to give credit to the store for being "clean, inviting and it gets bonus points for having the best cheese bread in town." Unfortunately, even heaven has its drawbacks.Patterson'smajorbeef was that "living the good life don't come cheap. Expect to pay a bit more for your food than you would anywhere else." In addition, the location is not close to most student housing, demanding a student with a

Matt Patterson's picks:

Overall cheapest Food Basics Furthest away from campus Food Basics Wannabe Hollywood Zehrs Laurelwood Sobey's Most attractive customers "Hollywood" Zehrs

car or a willmgness to shell out for the cab ride. Patterson warned potential shoppers that this location is "suburbia at its fmest" and, therefore, its parking lot is a mess of SUVs and minivans. Unless you're a millionaire student, Patterson's analysis is that this store is unlikely to be your weekly choice. The location of Zehrs in Waterloo Town Square is not to be confused with its chain kin. According to Patterson, this "Ghetto Zehrs," lacked the windows and bright lighting required to make this outlet spectacular. While the retailer has a prime location for most students near the university, it is also a downtown location, which seems to make the store slightly less polished and the shopping clihtele a little less refined. Patterson described the student users as "people with no cars who aren't too caught up by appearances" and encouraged those students who do make the trek to be diligent about customer service, which is occasionally lacking. Ifthere is one thing correspondent Patterson was emphatic about, it was the difference between "Hollywood" Zehrs and the Sobey's on Columbia. While the Laurelwood Sobey's may feature the lights and glamour of its Beechwood competitor, Patterson said the clientele was simply sub-par. Not far from Columbia Lake Townhouses and much of the Keats Way crowd, Patterson said that the store's strengths lie in its nice and clean atmosphere as well as its good bakery and produce section. Boasting the city's largest alternative food section, Patterson felt that the store is a let-down due toitslack ofupscale

Largest porn selection Farah's Food Mart Best bakery "Hollywood" Zehrs Best organic choice Eating Well Organically Most expensive Eating Well Organically then "Hollywood" Zehrs. Best foreign food University Food Mart

UW student David Carey zooms his way around the 2ehrs;highlighting a local student past time.

however, in what Here's some good looking fruit. Patterson describes as a "bad atmosphere" with Hallman and University. With its poorlighting anda somewhatunkept attention clearly focused on reducing costs, the store is "designed minienvironment. Patterson was very positive about mally," accordmg to Patterson. The clear advantage to shopping the great service one can usually find at Farah's, but saw the store as the here is that they keep prices down place "to pick up some stuff for for "everything from produce to milk dmner on your way home from products to cereal." For those heterosexualmaleswho school" after too much time at either the Davis Centre or the Dana Porter. use grocery shopping as an opportw While often seen as a ktn to nity to cruise, or at least peruse, Farah's, the University Food Mart in Patterson noted that Foods Basics is Campus Court (besides Mel's) fea- "located near a Catholichigh school, tures a more diverse set of com- so agood time to go would be around modities, but also a higher price for 3:30 p.m. on a weekday." Shame, Patterson said, the store most things. Featuring a decent selection of has a "very unappealinginterior." in packaged foreign food as well an in- comparison to its competitors. Adstore sushi chef, the retailer's wares ditionally, the bargain clientele (Patterson notes "annoying old peoare arranged in a somewhat "hodgepodge and just sort of thrown to- ple. . . that have nothing better to do than spend a half hour blocking the gethet" says Patterson. The store's clientele is a more aisle with their cad') and the hapeclecticgroup of students who enjoy hazardmerchandisepromotion made foreign food, but the prices are simi- this store not only a long walk away, lar to those of a specialty shop. Fi- but also d d l yinconvenient for shopnally,inPatterson'sopinion,the store ping. Located right near the downtown had a "&smd porn selection," in comparison with other plaza food outlet of Zehrs, Eating Well Organically markets towatds the "tree merchants. One of the other major retailers huggers with the cash to back it up," within reach of the student ghetto is said Patterson. While wandering down the aisles Food Basics, located at Fisher-

with the "trendy urbanites" and "oldschool hippies that now have real jobs" you'll find a wide selection of quality organic and pesticide-free food. Patterson was disappointed,however, by the "small selection of produce" and other environmentallyfriendly hygiene items. Reverting back to his white suburbanite point of view, Patterson's major anecdote on this location is that "now the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group office doesn't have to reek like Pody odour]" as they "can go buy some biodegradable, not-tested-on-animals, toxicfree, fair trade deodorant." Citing the high prices and lack of selection, Patterson seems to prefer a more upscale, attractiveplace to do his shopping. Clearly, Matt Paterson has a few adhtional criterion for his ideal grocery store than the average student. However, whirlwind tour of our neighbowhood's gocery storeshighlights not only the diverse levels of quahty amongst them, but also the diversity of reasons to even head out to grocery shop.


3urwving on grouse How good aim and basic survival tips can help you stay alive in the wdderness Andre Jardin SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Ah, the great outdoors! Many students eagerly await the commg of spmg for the chance to shed those winter blues and delve into nature The retreat of wmter slgnals and the begmnmg of the camping season provlde a chance for the weekend warnor to explore Canada's vast d demess once agam Before leaving for any outdoor destmauon, it is mportant to have an emergency lut packed and ready to go. When combmed with h a m g the nght supplies, having a basic knowledge of what to do - should thmgs run amuck -can mcrease the odds of survival. Dld you know that good aun, a strong throw and a little luck can keep you fed untd help amves? The secretto keepmgthat rumbling stomach in check lies m a small bud that resembles a d d chcken. Grouse are common birds in Ontano forests and are one of the tasaest as well

North America's indigenous people relied on their hunting skills for survival. Hitting grouse with a stone was a common game for young boys still too young to go on a real hunt. Grouseprovidedtheopportunity for these fledgling hunters to hone their skills in preparation for larger game. Last summer while tree planting with two friends I discovered that it is indeed possible to put dinner on the table with only a stone for a weapon. Ezch summer hundreds of students pack their bags and begin the eight hour journey to Northern Ontario for the beginning of yet another tree planting season. For four straight months they will disappear into the wilderness, hopefully to re-emerge with enough money to cover yet another year at university. One of the best parts of living in the bush all summer is that planters get to see a diverse range ofwildlife. They never know when a curious bear or a wandering moose wdl step out in front of them. Grouse are a

common sight, exploding from cover when someone gets too close, before landing in a nearby tree. Unlike other dramaticescapes,grouseusually don't go too far and they will remain just out of reach of their would-be assassins. It is this false sense of security that makes them such easy targets. Both Frank and Dan, my planting companions, tested their aim when a large male grouse remained on his perch only 25 feet away. Frank's dog Sphagnum had a ball chasing the numerous birds from the undergrowth. After they had missed on multiple attempts, I began to goad them until I was told to put my money where my mouth is. I wasn't really expecting to hit the poor bird but a second after releasing the miniature projectile, the grouse dropped from its branch into the waiting jaws of our camp dog. I had successfully U e d a wild creature with a single stone. Frank took the bird from his dog's mouth, much to Sphagnum's chagrin, and tied it to the back of my planting bags hke some sort of trophy. "Pure

luck" they told me, "but still a nice shot." About 20 minutes later another grouse emerged only to land a short distance away. By this point I was beginning to feel a little bit &ty about having killed something and I didn't feel like testing my luck again. However, once the rocks started to fly and Frank promised to clean the bird for dinner, I picked up a second stone. One, two, three, all three of us threw at once. Whack! Sphagnum dives in. I hadkilled again! Now1 felt really guilty. Our camp contained some people who I thought might become upset if they discovered the origin of their dinner. Solution the dog is a fantastic hunter! Both birds were cleaned and everyone feasted on some fresh grouse for supper. I still feel a little guilty and I refuse to take aim on any more of my feathered friends, though I must admit that it is satisfyingknowing you can provide yourself with dinner using accurate aim.

Hopefully,no one will find themselves lost in the wilderness and in desperateneed ofnourishment; however, if it should occur, maybe this story will help put dinner on the stump. In addition to a good throwing arm it is a good idea to bring along the following items: a Fox40 whistle, flashlight, signal mirror, matches (metal match) and a thick plastic bag or tarp. If you're lost, stay calm, take a drink of water - this actually helps -and try not to leave the immediate area. Search and rescue operations follow a grid pattern, and if you stay put there is a better chance of being found. Also, remember that it is better to drink d u t y water than to go without drinking water all. Following these basic guidelines can help ensure that a mistake doesn't turn into a fatal error. Plan carefully for whatever outdoor activity awaits, and a carefree time is likely to follow.

Ecotourism: are travellers getting what they expect?

COMMPOST Ecotourism has been marketed as a form of nature-based tourism, providmgindviduals the opportunity to receive a deeply personal and "real" travel experience. If you have ever participated in an ecotour, you know it appeals to a certain lund of person, one who enjoys low-impact activities that provide an intimate connection with the local area and its people rather than vacationing in a four-star resort that keeps its guests pampered and, some die-hard ecotouristwould argue, protected from reality. Within an ecotour operation you will not find luxurious accommodations,your laundrywillnotbedeaned on a daily basis, and you will not participatein all-you-can-eatbuffets. That is the point. Ecotourism is more about contributing to theconservation ofhabitat and wildlife, sustaining the well being of the local people, and providmg you with a learning experience. Ecotourism also encourages responsible action on the part of tourists and the tourism industry, being delivered to small groups that require the lowest possible consumption of resources. However, these principles are not

being applied uniformly across the tourism industry. The travel company you do business with may provide a completely different interpretation of ecotourism than the one down the street. How can you plan an environmentally and socially responsible vacation? How do you tell green rhetoric from reality? According to the Institute for Policy Studies, it's not easy, considering there are over 100 "green" certification and ecolabelmg programs around the world, creating overlap, lack of uniformity and confusion. But there is good news. To help regulate the industry by providing a fixed-set of criteria,there are new guidelines that travel companies must follow in order to be certified as ecotourism operations. All of this is particularly relevant because ecotourism is the largest growing sector of the travelindustry, and with the United Nations designating2002 as the InternationalYear of Ecotourism, there may finally be assurancethat travellerswill get what they expect. There is action to improve the environment on campus as well. The mandate of the environment commission is to improve the environmental conditions by encouraging better environmental practice: by students, faculty, and personnel But we hope that you will continuc to be environmentally responsible when you travel abroad. Consider ecotourism next timc you take a trip. Bon voyage!

Wow your friends with this vegetarian delight!

Eggplant and parmesan quick and easy

FAST AND EASY EGGPLANT PARMESAN 1 medium eggplant 2 tbsp oil salt and pepper 2 cups spaghetti sauce % cup parmesan cheese 2 cups mozzarella

Slice eggplant into one to and a half cm thickness. Fry the slicesintheoiluntil slightly soft and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. In an Vx8" oven-safe dish smear some of the sauce in the bottom, layer half the eggplant, then half of each of the cheeses on top. Layer some more sauce, the remaining eggplant, parmesan cheese, then the last of the sauce, and sprinkle on the remaining mozzarella. Coverwithfoilandbakeat350째F for 30 minutes. Remove the foil, and bake for another 10 minutes.

MULTl GRAIN PILAF 1 can of mushrooms 1 medium onion, chopped

2 tbsp of oil 1h each lentils, sliced almonds, brown rice, white rice and barley 2 % cups hot water 2 tbsp soy sauce 1 tsp salt SautConion in the oil until tender. In a separate bowl, combine the lentils, almonds, rices and barley. Put mixture into the pan with onion and brown the mixture for a few minutes. Add the water, soy sauce and salt. Stir the whole mixture into an over. .fe dish (that holds at least 1litre ot liquid), cover with foil and bake at 350째F for one and a half hours.

Science editor: Jason Yu science@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Disney automaton to fill in

c'Heroof the Planet" proposes alternative energy sources Greg Macdougall MPRINT STAFF


The observatory sits atop the Physics building.

Astronomical make-over for UW's rooftop observatorv Geoff Eby IMPRINT STAFF


The view from the Gustav Bakos observatory, on the roof of thePhysics building, will be bnghterthis summer, and astronomy students should seemore extraterrestrialobjects than most students ever dream about. A new guidance system, a new dtgital camera, a new laptop and new professional image processing software will htghlight the improved ms-

ibhty of the telescope that is b a g disassembled for the first tune m more than a decade. The telescope is now in pieces to have its m r o r s refimshed and its mechanical parts stnpped and repamted. Astronomer and professormchel Fich explams that the objective of spending $15,000 on renovattons to the telescope is so that it may have useful purpose in teachmg lowerandupper-year students: 'When you are loolung at a star at a hlgh m a p -

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fication,itwdljump all over the plac because the earth is always m o m Students can now follow that st [using the new modifications for tl telescope] and be able to make re1 able measurements." The new gudance system d1 mportant to students who have di ficulty with manually adjustmg tl telescope for mcroscopic accurac while they follow the msion of a sta A clock dnve motor allows the sb dent to track a star and hold tl mage of the star wtually in plat while an mage of it is taken with tl digtal camera The clock dnve mc tor offers "very fine control" th wdl prevent a lot of the frustratic that students have expenencedm tl past, explains Fich. The digital camera and laptc computer d be an excellent a d 1 students who are fed up with sketcl mg constellations as fast as they cr keep themm memory. Unfortunate] the observatory room isn't secu enough from the weather to sto any computer equipment. Profess Fich explamed that "when studen sign out a key [to the observatol-~ they may also sign out the laptop, tl digtal camera and a CD burner c which to record t h w images " Students can then practise wi professional-level mage processu software that was developed by tl U S National Opttcal Astronon Observatory Thls software is frl for astronomy students to use and a great help for producmg compo ite mages of the earth's outer spac Professor Fich predicts that tl telescope has and wdl contmue recave equal usage by wsitmg pub1 groups and UW students &e. Un the telescope m the Gustav Bak~ observatoryis reassembled, studen may sign out any of the 20 portab telescopes to do t h w homework.

Steve Strong, named a Hero of the Planetin 1999by TimeMaga@ze,came to talk to a large audience in the Davis Centre on February 12. The mayor of Waterloo, Lynne Woolstencroft,was on hand tointroduce him and she also expressed Waterloo's interest in solar energy. Throughout the presentation, Strongshowed some spectacularuses for solar arrays in the design of buildings large and small. One that stood out was a small array positioned outside a hut somewhere in Africa that offered a family of nine a healthier and cheaper alternative to whatever fuel they'd use to light their house, also one that did not require any infrastructure system to access. Another favourite was the Carlisle House, an all-electric, energy autonomous house built in 1980, more than 20 years ago.A thud standout was an enme neighbourhood m New England that had been retrofit with solar arrays and became enttrely electncity independent. He commentedthaths typeofinnova~onis in reach, if we want it. On occasion, he'd shp a slide of some conventional fuel problem oil spill, smoke spewage, a reminder of the negative potentials of nuclear - and make a disparaging comment. Indeed, much of the positive of solar js seen in a far better light when compared with the altematives. Strong addressed how our lifestyles and our society are balanced precariously on a cheap, ready avadable supply of Mtddle East oil, and how our use of fossil fuels links to other areas of foreign policy. He also discussed the situation with Enron and the Bush administration, quipping that the crooked E falls over and turns into a W. He showed a picture of a donkey, suspended in the air because of an overweight cart behindit. The moral to that picture was that there are different ways to solve a problem, some smarter than others. Strong argued that the best solutionwas not to get a bigger ass, but to lighten the load in the cart. Strong applies the analogy to electricity use: "It is always going to be better and cheaper and nicer in every way to save a unit of energy than it is to produce one. That's true no matter how you produce it. We have, m North Amenca, a long long way to go to o p m e our bnildmgs." "I would say that there needs to be better education - the average homeowner doesn't appreaatewhat's available today, how easy it is to implement and the very short term payback and benefits that it brings. That's a fault of public policy, because if they don't know about the alternatives and the benefits, they

Solar education project launched The newly-formed Solar Technol2gy Education Project is looking to get a solar array of 25 solar panels set up on campus. Two students, Jeff DeLoyde (environmentalengineering) and Julie Sperling (environmental science)are working with two faculty members to lead the project. They hope to have the panels set up by September. Whilethearraywill generateelectricity, that is not the project's primary purpose. DeLoyde sees it as a demonstration tool. "If students and community members can get exposure to those panels in that array, they'll say something can be done and something is being done," he said. They currently need volunteers to help with their Web site and fundraising. SinceJanuarfithey have already raised one-fifth of theil $25,000 goal. Once they have the panels, they wdl be looking for stu. dents to help out in the i

would like to volunteer, email STEF at step@uwaterloo.ca, or visit thei~ soon-to-be-online Web site a!

certainly aren't m a position to make unse decisions " After the talk, Strong described why solar is better "It's completely renewable,it7snon-pollutmg,itmakes electncity from sdght,wtually forever so long as it's not damaged, there's no m o m g parts, there's no waste or depletion of resources, and it's the most democratic form of electrical generation that we know of. "Of course, wind energy a another one We can't contmue to depend on these conventional, ftnite resourceswiththe amtude that they're going to last forever because they surely wdl not. "Global warming and chmate change are very real, very senous, near term concerns That's not just my opmon SuJohnBrown, CEO of Bnash Petroleum, one of the largest 011 compames in the world, has pubhcly stated that many tunes, as has the CEO of Shell Global warrmng and climate change require unmediate action, there's no more room for uncertainty and for inaction " "It's very important that we start to make thts transiaon now because we should be mvestmg the relatively plenafuland sullrelattvelycheap conventional resources to budge this transitton because it's gomg to take a major effort and we don't have a lot of tune to waste." gmacdougall@imprint.uwaterloo.ca


Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF

would the owners clone a friendly animal when there's the chance of getting a cranky kitty? GSC argues that cloning would be used in much the same way as show-breeding: cloned animals would be cloned to preservebeneficialgenetic attributes.

Carbon copy kitty

Whoever said you weren't going to live forever?

Under the banner "Hail CC!" an American company, Genetic Savings andclone, has announcedthewodd's first cloning of a cat. The eventual aim of GSC is to begin commercial cat cloning on a limited case-by-case basis later this year. Respondingtocriticismsthat there are already enough unwanted cats and dogs in the world, GSC claimed that a reciprocalagreementwould be worked out with spayingdinics. The cloning process requires dozens of eggs to produce one clone and, by paying the clinics in exchange for the eggs, GSC would enable cltnics to spay more animals, minimizing the amount of unwanted ammals. At the moment, GSC is banking genes for clients who may wish to clone their pets in the future. For standard service, the fee is $895 US plus a tissue sampling fee o f f 100 to $700. For deceased or terminally ill pets, the fee is $1,395. GSC acknowledges that a cloneis not an exact copy of the o r i p a l animal, raising the question: Why

Scientists at the University of.California at Berkeley patented a combination ofnaturalmicronutrients that, in tests on laboratory animals, reverses the effects of aging at the cellular level. Laboratory tests have demonstrated that h s combinationofcompounds enhances strength, stamina and certain brain functions, and it also improves the appearanceof skin and hair. The studies were performed under ;he direction of Dr. Bruce Ames, renowned expert on genetics and nutrition, and inventor of the Ames test for mutagenicity. Juvenon, the company set up to exploit the patent, is currently running clinical trials to expand on and commercialize this technology worldwide. Juvenon scientists have gathered anecdotal evidence from more than 50 healthy olderhuman subjects who volunteeredto take theJuvenon composition on an informal basis in a non-clinical setting. The subjects reported a wide variety of positive effects, including

increased energy, steady emotional state,improved sleep and lowerblood pressure. To test these anecdotal findings Juvenon will conduct double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. In trials, when fed the compound of naturally occuring chemicals,old rats began to act like middle-aged rats.

Rumbles in the jungle A plume of hot volcanic mantle rock, called a mantle super-plume,is rising beneath Africa, trying to split the continent apart and, according to international researchers, it could eventually create a new ocean. The crack in the Earth's surface runs 2,000 kilometres from Malawi throughTanzania,Kenya and Ethiopia, to link up with the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The mantle super-plume may be responsible for the high elevation of much of Southern and Eastern Africa. It may also be responsible for the chain of volcanoes in the Great Rift Valley, i n c l u h g the volcano that erupted earlier this month in the Congolese town of Goma. For the most part the Great Rift Valley resembles a rift running through a continent, but furthernorth the valley floor resembles a midoceanic ridge, a line of cracks along whichvolcanicmagma rises to create the floor. So far, indications are that a mantle plume alone is not enough to open an ocean. There needs to be

a sideways pull to rift the continent, allowing the hot magma to nse underneath to fill the gap and form the floor of the new ocean. Opinions vary over whether that d actually happen along the East African rift. With the Atlantic Ocean still opening and pushing on Africa from the west and India still colliding withAsiaand theIndian Oceanopening to the east, there may be nowhere for the rift to expand. Further north the picture may be different. The continent in the northern part of Ethiopia is separating and there d be an ocean penetrating down into East Africa.

return to the E d . However, if this colony of humans were to fly away and never come back, scientists foresee other problems. With these colonies isolated from the general population for time penods spanning beyond the human lifespan, language would diverge mto two separate dialects of Enghsh. If 500 years afterthese ships setsadthey returned,the sadorswould be speakmg a version of space Enghsh that hadn't evohred on Earth. ThinkofShakespeare talking to novelist Stephen h g . Another possibility is that with a limited gene pool, space humans could evolve into a species different from that on Earth.

To infinity and beyond Robo-Bush At the American Association for the Advancement of Science's Boston 2002 conference, scientists have presented new ideas for the future exploration of planets that circle faraway stars. Interstellar vehicles will expand greatly beyond the size of the space shuttle. Instead, space vehicles will growto the size of the smallcities and be constructed in space. Rather than Star Trek's warp nacelles for power, scientists envision vessels driven by gigantic sails, blown across the deep space by intense bursts from a giant laser. Volunteers who went on the missions to other stars would also be accepting a one way ticket off of Earth, since scientists have yet to figure out how these ships could ever

Florida's Disney World is now alittle scarier. American President George W. Bush, or rather an animatronic version of him, has been given a seat in Disney World's Hall of the Presidents. The 42 former presidents move and turn,occasionally rising to their feet and sonietimes speak to audiences in a patriotic tableau conceived by Walt Disney himself. The speech gven by Robo-Bush was recorded in the White House Oval Office. Unlike the real president, however, the delivery was impeccable andleft no handlers sq*ing as yet another metaphor put Bush's foot in his mouth. nrnoogksoulis@imprint.uwaterloo.ca


Assistant sports editor: Adrian I. Chin sports@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca

Warriors go hawkish on Women eve second dace in West Christina Ghanem IMPRINT STAFF


The Warriors defeated Laurier's Golden Hawks 61-57 last Saturday in what appeared to be the most physically demanding game of theu entire season. The game was a nail-biter. In the first ten minutes of the game, the Warriors were trailing 15-8, and throughout the entire first half both teams were contmuously s t q l i n g for the lead, but Waterloo managed to blockmany Hawk shots and traded 31-27 at the half. Lamer's tight defense and qwck drives to the net certainly kept the Waterloo women on their toes, but they were able to contain Laurier with strong efforts from point guard Julte Devenny, who finishedwith 15 points and six rebounds. Center Meghann Clancy also playedstrong, finishingwith 12points and seven rebounds.As always, guard Annabelle Manalo's quick thinking and smooth shots, sinking 10 of 12, made the diffeience. With the team making 44 per cent of its field goals in the &st half, the second half looked promising, but the Laurier women returned and posed a definite challenge when they

Men's basketball Laurier



71 (OT)





Next: vs. Windsor, February 23.2 p.m. Women's basketball 57







Next: vs. Windsor, February 23,4 p.m. Men's hockey 3


Indoor hockey Warriors















Curling (women) Laurier















Laurier Waterloo

57 61

Men, February 16 (OT)

Laurier Waterloo

69 71

made 42 per cent of their shots. The game looked like it was goinginto overtime with the score tied at 57 and less than a minute remaining. After a questionable reaching call that went in Waterloo's favour, the women were able to ensure a two-point lead before taking their final shot and winning the game. O n Saturday afternoon, the Warriors d host the Windsor Lancers, who are seventh in the OUA West Warriors' Andrew Coatsworth (33) and David Munkley (32) rebound over Laurier's Chris Keith. division. The Warriors' record is 136 and they sit in third spot in their , division. The game against Windsor is the last of the regular season before the playoffs. Waterloo is two points behind second-place Western.

Ellis and Carrington continue to dominate track meets

Larsen hero in overtime win over Laurier

dewitt, Karmen Too and Lindsay Anderson won singles matches in a 9-2 victory over Queen's in the fifth place match.

Men's hockey: thumped Jon Willing



Warrior PaulLarsen managed to sink a lay-up in overtime with less than one second on the clock for a thrilling 71-69 victory last Saturday at home to the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks. After leading at half by a single point, the Warriors tmded baskets with the Hawks, which eventually lead the knotted score at the end of regulation time. Mike Sovran finished the game with a team-high of 19 points and nine rebounds, while Graham Jarman finished with 12 points and six rebounds. The men will play their final game of the season at home against Windsor February 23 at 2 p.m. They are eght points out of a playoff spot.

by Toronto


Track and Field: Ellis vaults past record

Jon Willing



Women, February 16

Dana E h s set a UW record at Westem last Fnday in pole vault with a vault of 4.05m. The vault was also the best ever in OUA and CIS meets, but records can only be set at provincial and national finals. Daniella Carrington won her 6Om race and Alison Brazier finished first in the long jump. On the men's side, David Brown finished &st in the 6Om and Justin Lutchin was the best shot putter of the meet with a personal best throw of 14.26m.

Badminton: finish fifth At the OUA championships last weekend, the Warriors finished fifth in the league, which is an *rovement on last yeais sixth-place finish. Kenny Ng, Stephen Docking, Tyler

The men's Warrior hockey team was blasted by Toronto last Fnday, 11-3, finishing the season 3-20-1. Trevor Graham, Mark Robson and Brett Turner each scored one for the Warnors, while Darryl Fabns notched two assists in the Warriors' last game of the season. Toronto goaltender Jamie Bruno stopped an impressive 41 Warrior shots.

Curling: women place fifth at OUA tournament In the OUA championship tournament lastweekend,thewomen's curling Warriors took fifth place after beating Queen's 8-3 in their final game. Waterloo posted a team average of 75 per cent shooting and controlled play through eight ends. Single stolen points in second and third ends coupkd with an added steal of three points in the seventh end to shut Queen's down.

Indoor hockey: split at York In theu second tournament of the season at York, the Wamor indoor hockey team walked away vnth a tournament 2-2-1 record. The Warnors notched wms agamst Carleton, 2-1, and Guelph, 7-1, and lost to York, 5-3, and Toronto, 5-3. The women tied Queen's 4-4. Wendy Moffett and Juha Morton were multiple goal scorers in the tournament. Waterloo ddefendits OUA champlonship atle at the OUA finals at York on March 3. with files from UW Athletics

Figure skating, OUA championships at Western, February 22-23.7 a.m. Track and field, OUA championships at Windsor, February 22-24 Swimmlng, CIS championships at the University of British Columbia, February 21-24 Conection: the men's volleyball team lost its fmh set in the quartefinals last week 15-13 against Windsor.



Warriors of 2002 are smart and sporty Fall and winter seasons shaping up to be some of the most successful in school history Laurie Nicholson



At the end of every varsity season there are always a number of outstandingindividualand team accomplishm&ts that stand out amongst the crowd. The 2001-2002 season has been very prosperous for the Warriors, resulting in several remarkable feats. Keeping in mind that our student athletes are maintaining world-renowned academic standards, the following achievements become even more impressive.

Field hockey This year the Wamor field hockey team earned a silver medal in the CIS field hockey championships. This is the firstnationalchampionshipmedal Waterloo has won in field hockey. Robin LeslieandErin Morton are two members of the team who have continued with much success and have been carded for the national eeld hockey team. Both Leslie and Morton d-begin training with the national squad in the spring and willprepare to represent Canada in the CpmmonwealthGames to be heldin Manchester, England this July.

Defensive standout Chuck Walsh was chosen as the OUA representative for the J.P Metras award for the CISmost outstanduglineman. Walsh had a tremendous season and finished with eight sacks, which tied him for secondin Canada. W a l s h d be eligible for the CanadianFootball League draft coming up this April. The Warriors lost in the quarterfinals to a strong Western team, 19-11 in London.

The Warriors will be sending 12 swimmersto the CIS championships held in Vancouver at the University ofBritish Columbla on February 2124, including Matt Mains who was named swimmer of the meet at the recent OUA championships. This is the largest number of swimmers from Waterloo that have q&ed for these CIS championships since the 1970swhen the Warriors last won gold. Waterloo dominated the CIAU championships throughout the late 1970s. Could this be the start of another dynasty)

Women's basketball First year player Julie Devenny has lived up to her fieshman expectations for head coach Tom O'Brien and the rest of the Warriors. O'Brien commented that, ''Julie has played with the consistency of a veteran." Devenay is cun-ently ranked as one of the top ten scorers in the CIS, averaging 16.9 points per game. Devenay has established herself as the "go to" player for the Warriors a i ~ dwill need to continue her hot play as the playoffs approach.

Themen's soccerteam tooktheOUA by storm claiming their fvst Ontario title and advancingto the CIS championships heldinHalifaxatSt.Ma$s

The Warriors' women's rugby team capped an impressive season capturing OUA gold in the fall. Fall sports teams were particularly strong with field hockey and men's soccer winning medals. Track and field

Athens, Greece. Similarly, speedster Daniella Canington is following su~t DanaElliscontinuesto5yhighabove in the 60m dash competition. the competiiion as she looks to re- Carrington is also ranked number peat he&d medal performance in one in this event. She won silver in the pole vault event at the CIS track 2001, but has steadily improved this and field championships to be held season and is the one to beat at the CIS championships this year. in Sherbrooke, Quebec this March. Ellis is currently ranked number Track coachTim Mussar said that one in Canada and has her sights set helikes Carrington'schancesforgold on the 2004 Summer Olymp~csin this year.

Warriors are elite athletes By featuriag these athletes and their accomplishments, we have just scratched the sulfate of the qual~ty of student athletes that attend the University of Waterloo. Waterloois acclaimedfor ouracademic excellence, but our reputation for producing elite athletes is also evident.



Nuclear missile target: Canada Figure skating fiasco teaches youth that winning means having a gold medal around your neck



Well,itis more or less hearsay, but we may as well prepare for nuclear war considering the controversial judging in the Olympics figure skating pairs. Although many of us believed that Canada dearly deserved to win the gold when we lost to Russia's Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharadlizhe, I don't think any of us

anticipated the rate of exchange for our rightful podium stance - a nuclear attack. Did the IOC even consider the safety of Canadtans when they decided to anger a country that has the capacity to destroy planet Earth? Of course, I believe that it was unfair that Canada's favouritesJamie Sale and David Pelletier, won silver after completing a flawless performance. It would have definitely been more pleasing to see Canada win its &st gold at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Conversely, I was not overly inclined to act like a sore loser or continuously argue with the Olympic committee to obtain what apparently everyone seemed to think they

deserved: a goId medal. Granted, there was proof of favouritism and so-called pressure on behalf of the French judge, but I am concerned and somewhat embarrassed with Skate Canada and the IOC's manner in which they decided to proceed with the proposal of awarding two sets of gold medals. My concern is the message we have sent to the other athletes, and more importantly to our youths who one day hope to be Olympic participants. Clearly, we've announced to them and the rest of the world that if you don't have a gold medal around your neck at the end of your performance, then everything you've worked for has been a waste. Even Sali and Pelleltier themselves said,

'We may have received silver, but it was a gold performance to us." Was this not good enough for Canadians? Was the message that skating your best is more important than your position on the podium? I believe that Salt and Pelletier's performances both on the rink and in front of the press were gracefully done, but I'm more dtsappointed in the performance of the viewers after hearing the results of the questionable judging. I just hope that we continue to remind ourselves and those younger that athleticism and sportsmanship are more important than where you place. Knowing that you performed your best is what matters and receiving an acknowledgement for it is only a recognition

of what seven other people thought of you and your performance. Moreover, I hope people are not consumedwith theidea that if Canada should place second, third or 12th in a competition, it may be the result of a conspiracy. illthough it occurredin this competition, it does not necessady imply that it will happen every time. Interestingly,the French judge is now claiming that she was never pressured. Rather, she says that she acted as a professional and truly believed that the Russians were better. Unfortunately, it's a bit too late considering we've already angered the nuclear-armed country.

Chnktina Ghanem, afolrrth;yearpolitica/ science major, ir an Imptrnt staff writer.

Canada wins Davis Cup tie over Mexico at RIM Park, will play Chile in April Jon Willing IMPRINT STAFF

Canada's number one singles player, Frederic Niemeyer and Australian Open champion Daniel Nestor teamed up to down Mexico in a regonal Davis Cup tie last week at RIM Park in Waterloo. Niemeyer won his Friday match over Alejandro Hernandez 5-7, 6-3, 6-4, 7-5, while Nestor made easy work of Miguel Gallardo 6-3,6-4,60. Niemeyer and Nestor teamed up in doubles on Saturday, smashing Hernandez and Santiago Gonzalez,

6-1,6-1,6-1. Canada won the weekend tie, 4-1, andwill meet Chde April 5-7 in Calgary. Canada's only loss cameinamatch with Niagara Falls' Frank Dancevic losing to Gallardo 6-3, 6-0. Sunon Laroseof Cap-de-la-Madeleine,Quebec, came from behind to down Gonzalez 6-7,6-2,6-2. The tie was played in the indoor soccer field at Waterloo's new RIM Park. The court was layed over the field and bleachers were added to each side. RIM Park is a 500-acre sports complex complete with three ice pads, an indoor turf field, a full-

lengthgym and a 18-hole golf course. Attendance was impressive at the three-day event with many spectators painting their faces in maple leafs and waiving Canadian flags. Larose gave credt to the fans for supporting the team. "The crowd was great," said Larose. "It was an amazing atmosphere." Canadtan captain Grant ConneU, who was a Davis Cup team member from 1987-1997, said the Chilean team will pose a strong threat.

Arts editor: vacant Assistant arts editor: vacant arts@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca

"Mini tour" for the fans Amy Ouellette SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Where there is energy and a love of music, you'll find Wide Mouth Mason and their fans. Currently recording a new album in Toronto, the trio has a slew of new songs they cannot wait to share with their music-loving audiences. In a recent interview, bassist Earl Pereira said that the band is "more than half way done recording" their new album,which should be released later this year. But, because the band's record label will only allow them to put a certain number of songs on the new record, the band is going on the road seeking help with the selection process from the people they love best - their fans. Wide Mouth Mason, without a doubt,love their cult-like fan following. That is why the guys decided to take their new songs on the road to see what worked best for both them and their fans. The band figured that the best way to choose the songs for their yet-to-be-titled fourth album was to test fan reaction. Since this won't be a real tour, the guys had a chance to pick the cities they would visit. Theirktent is to go to the places where they know they'll get the most feedback and, as Pereira put it, 'We chose Waterloo because we have a lot of speclal fans there." The fans in the K-W area seem to hold true to the band which appears to be one of Canada's best-kept rock and roll secrets. And that is just fine

p Wide Mouth Mason plays Club Abstract on February 28

with Pereira; he loves playingin small clubs just as much as -if not more than -playingin big arenas. Pereira loves the challenge of making smallclub audiences feel hke they are really at a big arena show. Pereiraknows that no matter how popular the band gets, they d always play in intimate settings like Club Abstract, where they will play on Thursday, February 28. That's refreshingnews to die-hard fanswho want great h g s for the band but love the ktnd of accessibility that small-club tours provide. Pereira, discussing the almost overnight celebrity of their good friends Nickelback, finds that kind of success inspiring, but not for his band. He loves the energy he can get from a small-club show where the audience feeds off the band and the band, feeds off the energy of the crowd. Anyone who has been a part of the live Wide Mouth Mason experience is well aware of the vibe that Pereira is talking about. As a band known to let fans write the set lists before a performance, Wide Mouth Mason claims that their powerful musical energy h d s from how much the entire band "enjoys what other

people enjoy," and that, no doubt, is good rock and roll. As fmt-time producers, the hand is taking this "confidence-building" experience rather seriously, and intend to make a disc that is most reflective of them. Pereira, quick to agree that Wide Mouth Mason is a "gotta-hear-live" kind of band, says that this album is going to best reflect what the band sounds like on stage. 'We're a rock and roll band," he says; "we want this album to be more rocking than some ofour others with more in-your-face, live sounding stuff." Together, they areusingtheir time in the stud10 well - maintaining a good focus, staying true to themselves and recording songs that are edgier and more representative of the band as a whole. Pereira says that they have more freedom this time around to do b g s the way they want. And what they want is to really capture "the essence of the band." Surely, all of the new songs that Wide Mouth Mason has for their "mini tour" ujll be great, but some will he left off of the album. Not to fear though, the band is & d i n g u p some innovative ways to share the songs that won't be on the record with their fans. They definitely want all of the songs heard somehow;Pereira himselfwouldlike to see B-sides to coincide with all of the released singles. Pereirarevealsthat they also have a live record in the works. SO, for


those of you who thmk you'll never get enough of Wide Mouth Mason, rest assured that this band is l o o h g out for you. More than anything, Wide Mouth Mason is a fan's band. "I definitely appreciate the fans," Pereira says;

"you can quote me on that!" No doubt the fans already know this. The give-and-take relationship between the fans and the band clearly gives way to the wonderful chemistry that makes Wide Mouth Mason such a powerful music trio.

Andy Stochansky; signed, but still independent Lisa Johnson IMPRINT STAFF

It's understandable that my interviewwithAndy Stochanskywas brief, considering he was calling from a van in Bloomington, Illinois and he's been on the road for a gazdlion years (not an exact figure) in support ofhis

1999release, radiofusebox. And there's not an end in sight because his new, as yet untitled, a l b u m d be released by RCA records on June 1, which means another slewoftour dates and seeming lifetime on the road. It's been seven years since Stochansky's first album, While You Slept, was released, but it was his



follow-up, radiofusebox, that really made the world take notice. The album is heartbreakmglybeautiful in its complex layering of every instnmentandpseudo-instrument youcan name. And the vocals . . . well, we'll save the comparisons. The new album, recorded in Toronto and Kingston (at the Tragically Hip's studto) and produced by Starling's Ian LeFeuvre, will feature alfteerent side to Stochansky. "It's a totally different record because it's a guitar record- somethingh e never done before," he said. Releasing an album on a major labelis somethingStochansky's never done before either, so the new disc will be a record of firsts. The independent amst recently signed with RCA Records, but assured us that, as he says in his press release, "They are definitely not allowed to wear the suits around me." But how was Stochansky able to sign with a major label that was willing to grant autonomy and creative freedom? 'You just ask for it and demand it. If they believe in you, then they'll do it," he explains. "And I think they knew that I wasn't going to barter for

that; they knew I felt pretty headstrong about it. But you have to trust the people you work with, too. I work with some great people. And they trust me, soitworks both ways." I asked Stochansky in what ways his life and career have changed since signing, and he said, "I'm responsible for a lot of people now. A lot of people take home their pay cheques because of me. That's kind of scary, but exciting at the same time." "It's scary because I know that if I work really hard and the album does well, then a lot of people can keep their jobs. That's kind o b a frightening concept, but it's reality nonetheless." Aside from the exclrement o l the new record dea; and albltm, Stochans~islookmgfonvard toplaymgmth a full band agam after a long penod of touring solo. "I really wanted to workmth pop or rock mustcians - whatever you want to call them - so I hired an entlre new band." The new band is a who's-who of Canadlan music, featuring Steve Krecklo from the carnations on guitar; Marks Lockhart, of Big Sugar, on drums; Darrell O'Dea,

who used to play keyboards for Staggered Crossing, on bass; and Dean Drouillard on electric guitar. Stochanksy, while happy to be playing with a band again, says he doesn't have a preference for band versus solo performances. "I think I like both," he says. "I like the solo thmg because the oneon-one interaction with the crowd can be really cool." "But I love the band as well because it's a powerful thing to have the suppoa of other people like that. It's kind of like eating all kinds of different food as opposed to just one kind." An apt analogy. Fans who want to snag a listen of the new material before the album's release on June 1should definitelybe at the Bombshelter noontime show on March 1. Says Stochansky, "Ifyou come to the show you'll hear the new album because we'll basically be performing it from top to finish, and we'll throw some new stuff in too." You can't ask for better incentive than that.



No sparks mean no tire When Brendan Met Trudy directed by Kieron J. Walsh Princess Cinema from March 1- 5

Rachel E. Beattie IMPRINT STAFF

There are several key ingredientsthat all good romantic comedies must have. Probably the most important is that the main characters should be likable enough for the audience to stay interested in all the twists and turns that the would-be soulmates' relationship will inevitably take. In the film WhenBrendanMet Tnrdy,these rules are tossed out the window and ilm completely suffers. the f When Brenhn Met Tm& tells the story of Brendan, a lonely and ultraboring teacherwho's onlyenjoyment comes from watching classic films and singing in a choir. One day after choir practice, a spunky woman named Trudy picks him up in a bar. Brendan is completely enthralled with Trudy, but is also afraid of her. Where does she go at night? Is she a serial killer? When it tums out that Trudy is actually a thief, Brendan is unsure of the relationship. Will Brendan be able to accept Trudy's non-traditional occupation? Will Brendan get over his fears and be able to love this free spirit? D o you have any doubt how this film will end?

When Brendan Met Twdy was penned by Roddy Doyle, author of classic novels like The Commitments, The Van and Pad4 Chrk HA HA, for which he won the Booker Prize. Doyle's screenplays for the film adaptions of his Barrytown Trilogy novels (TheCommitmnts, TheSnagper, and The Van) were brilliant. They crackled with life and energy while making the audience care about the protagonists. However, every author has a dud text. When Brendan Met Trudj, is Doyle's first original screen play, which I suppose proves that as a screenwriter, he makes a good novelist. Needless to say, this is not some of Doyle's best work. The film does have its moments, but it also has its problems. Brendan, who is supposed to be sort of stalled in his life, is almost too boring. Obviously Trudy is supposed to come and save him from his pathetic life, but Peter McDonald plays him with such a lack of personality that it is hard to get excited about their relationship. McDonald was utterly charming in the 1997 tilm I Went Down, but Doyle's dull script just doesn't give him enough to workwith. Brendan is supposed to have amusing quirks like "film buffery" as Trudy calls it, and his love of hymns. These could beinterestingpersonahtytraitsifthey

belonged to someone with even an ounce of charisma, something Brendan is clearly lacking. F l o r a ~ o n t ~ o i e r y&Iy i s slightly more interestingasTrudy. McDonald and Montgomery have no on-screen chemistry. For all I cared, they could break up and go back to their boring lives. I couldn't help thinking throughout the film, What does Trudy see in this loser, anyway?'The rest ofthe characters are just a bunch of romantic comedy clichCs: Brendan's sister and brother-in-law are boring, conventional snobs and his mother is kooky, yet nice. When Brendan Met Tw@ shines when it plays up bits of film intertextuality.The film opens with a play on the famous opening scene from Sunset Boukvani. One hilarious touch comes at the end credits. In these often vacant .moments; Doyle .mocks the traditional epilogue sequences in whtch the audience learns what happens to the characters after the film ends. This was probably the funniest part of the film. There are some cute visual references to other films,includinga scene that pays homage to Jean-Luc Godard's classic A bout de ~ouffle. Brendan and Trudy walk down the street dressed as the characters and they even speak ~rench.In another scene, Brendan echoes Gene Wilder's "I'm wet and I'm hysterical" speech from The Pmducers. The film is rife with fake movie posters and titles. However, when you are scanningthe background for a clever sight gag and not watching the main action, there's probably something wrong with the script. And often the visual or dialogue references to other J 3 m s only serve to remind the audience how vastly superior those classic films were to the tutg~dand boring bit of celluloid they are currently watchmg.

Aren't you lonely? In terms o f songwriting Halstead says he doesn't have a specific time or place forwhen or where he writes. "I don't go anywhere special. I don't go, 'Oh1 want towrite some songs so I am going to go and write them."' And his general overview of this album: "It was a fim record to make. I really enjoyed makingit with a bunch o f friends. I am fairly happy with the way it turned out. I don't generally have great expectations." When you listen to Sleeping On R o d for the very first time, the gentleness of the music accompanied by his fragile vocals may remind you of Bob Dylan or Nick Drake. "I love Bob Dylan and I love Nick Drake, but I don't really think1 sound like Bob Dylan at all!" laughs Halstead. He has gained a reputation for getting stage fright, so touring by himself with only his acoustic guitar is quite a brave decision. "I actually do enjoy playing live, but I'm not very comfortable with it. I have to make myself get used to it." Despite that, he still attracts sold-out crowds who smile and listen attentively at every word of his achingly honest lyrics. Sheping On Roadr is absolutely remarkable and proves that Neil Halstead is one of the most talented songwriters of our time. As for Mojave 3 fans, Halstead reassures, "We are going to be recording and hopefully releasing an album come September." So it appears that fans will get the best of both worlds- hearing both a responsive Halstead and Mojave3. '


British singer and songwriter Neil Halstead,onceofthegroup Slowdive, and now of Britain's lea* alternative country band, Mojave 3, has chosen to go it alone. Halstead plays a sensitive soul and acoustic guitar on h s solo album, Skeping On Roadr. "Duting the recording sessions for Exlwsesfor Travelkw, I just had a bunch of songs that wouldn't really fit into Mojave. When you're in a group, there are certain confines. I sort of had a lot of tunes that didn't sound theway Mojave did, and I also wanted to do something a little more intimate," said Halstead. These delicate melodies evoke a dreamy calmness over the listener. The song'Two StonesinMy Pocket," shows a melancholic mood of intimacy, while tunes like "Hi-Lo and Inbetween" and "Dreamed I Saw Soldters" will just break your heart. "A lot of the music comes from relationships and just the people you meet everyday," explains Halstead, "but it is also from being on tour and playing concerts in different towns night after night."


The problems with new metal

CKMS AIRHEABS Ilello everybody. Now before you read this article, I have to stress that these are my opinions, which I'm entitlcd to. I must also state that I have not written in a wlde, so this might get messy. I recently caught the New Muic special on "new" metal. You know, that hIuchMusic show with George Strommanomanomanomdnompolous

as the host. It dealt with all these new bands who are producing what we're told is new metal. If thts is tnie, then this genre of music is in a sorry state. It seems that any music/noise that is in a dropped tuning with lots of screaming is considered new metal. I don't hke it; not one bit. I think there are many problems with t h ~ smovement. I could go on and on for days about the problems. Unfortunately, I have to try and say it in 500 words, so I will stick to the three main problems. Problem # I : Too many bands

The scene is like grunge all over again, only this time w t h "new" metal. A new band pops up every week. We've got Disturbed, Linkin' Park, Project Vl'yze, Puddle of Shit and so on and so on. To tell you the

truth I cannot tell the dtfference between any of these new bands. How do some of these bands get recording contracts? Every time I turn on MuchMusic I see Staind s i n p g that cheesy power ballad. All I can say about Stamd is that you can put them in the laundry machine with a little Tide and get them out. I went to see Nickelback and I want my 25 bucks back! Alien Ant Farm? It's sad when your claim to fame is a cover of a Michael Jackson song, but at least they're Bad. Don't even get me started on Kom. Jonathen is a hWe Patton wanna be. The only problem is that his volce is very weak. Compared to Patton he sounds like a five-yearold boy. Korn's pals Limp Bizlt are constantly rewriting the same bad song - maybe that is why Wcs Borland quit the band. Finally, I have to mention the godfather of all thts crap, Marilyn Manson. I can't take this guy seriously. He makes me laugh more than anythtng, so I guess that is a good thing Problem #2: No merit

There are many metal bands who command respect. Black Sabbath, Metallica (before the black album that is), Pantera, Megadeth and Faith No More, to name a few. These bands are the forcfathers of this movement. Even Rage Against the Machine had some dipntty. When Pantera sings "Mouth for War," I believe every word. When young college gads like Papa P.oach sing, "Cut


my life into pieces..." I feel dumb

This band has angered me since they came onto the scene. They claim to be an oripal, really disturbed band with their "scary" masks and built-up teen angst. These dorks are the most unoriginal losers out there. Has anyone heard of a band called Mr. Bungle? Slipknot has basically stolen the trademark look from the early years of Mr. Bungle. In fact, they even wear some of the same masks that Bungle used. It's almost likc watching an early Mr. Bungle show . . . that is unnl Slipknot play their first note. Mr. Bungle's muslc is original, melodic, scary and complex to the point of being ridiculous, with a vocal range nobody in metal can come near. Slipknot's music is just recycled crap that 50 other flavour of the minute bands are doing. I don't mean to sound too much like a 60-year-old man. I am, in reality, 24. I just have a big problem with this lame music that is being lapped up by the general public. To end thts off, I thtnk I wdl send praise to a band lopped into this movement. System of a Down's song "Chop Suey" is the greatest "new" metal song out there. That is because it's original. I love listening to it and tying to sing it. If Chop Suey could sing and play music, this is probably what it would sound bke.






1 The Band From Planet X

You Should Never Have Opened That Door

2 Various

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Bar None



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call Dianne at 576-8447. Like music? Got school spirit? Join the w ~ ~ ~~N~~exoerience ~d . ;re. quired, just a little spare time and a friendly attitude. Thursdays 5:30 p.m. Blue North PAC. E-mad Tun Wmdsor at tpwindso@yahoo.com or 880-0265. Conrad Grebel University College Peace Conference presents: PublicDiscussion; Questioning Preferred Methods of Force: from Militant to Non-violent Intervention with Jack DuVall, book author and producer of a video series. On March 6 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Conrad Grebel University College Cafeteria - discussion on non-violent ac-

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fice, N H 2080, or call ext. 2814 for more details. AnentionUndergraduateS~dents - merested in applying for undergraduate scholarships, awards or bursaries? Check out the Bulletin Board on the Student Awards Office home page at: http:// www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/ infoawards1 for a detailed list of awards open for application this term. Further information is avalable at the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.



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erful" followed with discussion. 7:OO9:30 p.m. in The Great Hall at Conrad Grebel University College - open public lecture with Jack DuVall. On March 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the Student Life Centre, UW - public debate with panelists and people of conscience regarding the preferred methods of force: ideology ranging from Bush to Gandhi. Nominations are requested for the following two undergraduate student seats ~on Senate* ~ (terms~from May ~ 1,2002 to April 30,2004): Onestudent elected by/ from the full-time Arts and Science undergraduatestudents. Nomination forms are available from the Secretariat and at: http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infosecl elections/undergradelection.html. At least five nominators are required in each case. Nominations should be sent to the Chief Returning Officer, University Secretariat, Needles Hall, room 3060, no later than 3:00 p.m., Friday, February 22,2002. *Refer to thefollowing web sites for information re: Senate and its Committees and Councils: http:/ /www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infosec/uwact~ uwactindex.htm1 and http:ll www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infosec/Committees/committees.html. Imprint Publications, the student newspaper of the University of Waterloo needs volunteer Board of Director applicants for the term beginning April 1,2002. The position is a one year commitment with many opportunities and achievements to be had. If you are interested in the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Staff Liaison position, please submit your Letter of Intent to the Board of Directors at Imprint Publications, University of Waterloo, @ Student Life Centre, room 1116. i . Questions can be e-mailed to board@imprint.uwaterloo.ca. Volunteer tors are needed to tutor students on a one-to-one basis in written and oral English. Tutors meet students on campus for one term, usu-

ally once a week for two hours. If you have agood working knowledge of English, are patient, friendly, dependable, and would like to volunteer, register at the International Student Office, NH2080. For more information about the program, please call extension 28 14 or e-mail darlene@admmail.uwaterloo.ca. Big Sister Match Program: needed immediately: Big Sister volunteers. Over 60 children waiting for a friend. Help make a difference by spending 3 hours a week with a child. Inquire re: our short term match program. Car an asset. Call 743-5206 to register. Volunteers required - are you able to volunteer a few hours weekly during the school day? The Friends Service at CMHA matches volunteers with children who need additional support in their school setting. Please call 7447645, ext. 317 or www.cmhawrb.on.ca Your time is valuable. At the Distress Centre you can volunteer providing confidential supportive listening to individuals in distress. We provide complete training. Call today. 744-7645, ext. 317 or www.cmhawrb.on.ca. Help kids succeed with homework! The Kitchener Public Library is opening a Homework Centre and needs volunteers to be tutors and provide homework assistance. Two hours per week, evenings andweekends. Interested? Call 743-0271, ext. 275 For more information about any of these volunteer opportunities, please call the Volunteer Action Centre at 742-8610. THOSE WHO LOVE ART #3567 Volunteers are needed for Art Galleries and to help local artists get involved in different areas such as the face painting team, selling art supplies at various locations in the community and delivering of art supplies to events. PATIENCE WITH AN ELDERLYPERSON ... #1085-1758 - Parkwood Mennonite Home in Waterloo is needing volunteers to help seniors at meal time. One to two hours per week is needed with training provided.


SPEND JUST A FEW HOURS AND HELP MAKE CANCER HISTORY #1009-1481 - .The Canadian Cancer Society's annual door-to-door campaign takes place in April. Training and great support are provided. IF YOU ARE ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT VOLUNTEERING #I102 - contact the Volunteer Action Centre. They have many opportunities such as reception duties, welcoming visitors, data entry, etc. from 5:OO-8:00 p.m, every other Wednesday. GAIN OR ENHANCE YOUR OFFICE SKILLS ... #2974-10991 - by volunteering with Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Canada. One morning or afternoon a week is needed at their busy office doing data entry, mailings and other clerical tasks. CHILD CARE VOLUNTEERS ARE IMPORTANT #1227-11736 -at the Kitchener Downtown Community Health Centre. Training and support are provided. One in nine Canadian women will develop breast cancer during her life time. The Breast Cancer Society of Canada is recruiting volunteers to help out with upcoming events and adminstration duties. For more information call 1-800567-8767 or visit our website at www.hcsc.ca. International volunteers needed! Development project in Central America, Asiaand Africa: environment andhealth, AIDS education and community economic development with The Institute for International Cooperation and Development. Please e-mail: information@iicdmi.org. Web site: www.iicdmi.org or phone (616) 7820450.






IMPRINT SLC, room 1116

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Mondays English Language Lab - A lab/ class is held from 2:30-3:20 p.m. in Modern I.anguages 113 from Octobet 2001-June 2002. The .-lass has an emphasis on pronunciation and listening exercises. Students, faculty, staff and spouses are welcome t o attend. For more information contact the International Student Office, ext. 2814. Wednesdays oets O n The Run presents "Fresh Squeezed Readings" at the Mostly Organic Juice Bar Caf6, 119 King Street, W., Kitchener, at 8:00 p.m. For more info call James at 745-4884. Fridays English Conversation Class - the class

lives are affected by epilepsy and promotes public awareness, understanding and prevention of this disorder. parent Awareness Group discussing "Enhancing Couple Communication: Dealing with your Child with Special Needs." Guest speaker Yvonne Evans from K-W Co"selling 7:00 - 8 3 0 P.m. at Calvary MemorialUnitedChurch.RSVP to Melissa at 745-2112. Wednesday, February 2 7 Eating 101 - m e Choice Challenge, Finding A Balance Right For You! Sesion 1 is February 27 and Session 2 is March 6 from 4:30-6:30p.m. at Health Services Meeting Room #126. Register early by calling 888-4567, ext. 2424 and leave name and telephone number. There is a 20 person limit per session.

meetsFridayafternoonsfrom2:00.4:00 Musicians wanted for the Radius On 27, in Needles Hall, room 2080, SepGreat Hall at 8:00 2002 in tember to June. Students, faculty, staff Desk. Sign UP at the and spouses are invited to For 365-24-07' more information contact the InternaMichael Wood will be presenting "Jazz, tional Student Office, ext. 2814. Sweet Jazz" at Conrad Grebe1 University College chapel at the corner of Westmount and University as a part of Friday, February 22 the ongoing Noon Hour Concert series. Impriot staff meeting held at 12:30 The concert will take place at 12:30 p.m., SLC, room 1116. Come out p.m. and admission is free. and volunteer at your newspaper. ~ h ~ ~~b~~~~~ ~ ~2 8 d ~ ~ , Tuesday, February 26 Imprint presents "The Frank Truth" - a H o w t o market your stories and documentary about FrankMagazine, the poems - a panel discussion by notamost hated and often-read publication ble experts in the field at Waterloo on Canadian politics and media. EveryCommunity Arts Centre, 25 Regina one is invited to attend this free lecture Street, S., Waterloo. For more info at 7:00 p.m. in Physics 145. call 886-4577. Friday, March 1 at the UW This Magazine's annual Creative NonBlack visit Our Fiction contest! Prize is $250, no entry (SCH) 'pecial guests KarO1~nSmardz and fee, multiple entries allowed with deadAdwoa Badoe from noon to 1 p.m.

email thismag@web.net. Ultimate Questions! Bible study by correWednesday, March 6 spondence. For a free =ne ABC'~ of ~ ~ ~~~i~~~ ~ .a l ~ h ~ copy of the course please send name and drop-in nutrition display sponsored by HealthServicesandEng,Socfromll~OOaddress to: Bible Study, Zion United Reformed Church, 1238 Main Street, in the CgtD in the a.m. to 2:00 Barton, RD will ofGeneral Delivery, Sheffield, Ontario, CPH Foyer. Linda LOR 1ZO or e-mail: bible@zurch.on.ca. fer great tips and recipes on healthy Visit our Web site: www.zurch.on.ca. eating, Cookbook draw and free apples!

LSAT-GMAT-GREFriday, March 8 MCAT contact An evening of &its, music, dance, and www.PREP.com. testimony be presented by the Chi"Chance Favours the PREParedMind!" nese christian ~ ~ l l in ~if^^^^^: ~ ~ h Flexible i ~ formats and frequent U of T p.m. this is my story,,,n at 7:00 Theatre. startdates. Subscribe toour "Law~chool at Hagey Hall, admission is Bound" e-mail newsletter at: Everyone is welcome and free,


ESL teachers needed in Korea. Bachelor's degree or higher education ismandatory. Cood conditions and wage. Contact Info 81 Money (lgpl14@hotmail.com or 1-519-574-5853) for more information. ~ ~babysitter ~ for~ an 11 year old child with ADDH and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, twodays a week, Saturday and Sunday. References required. Car is anecessity. Please ca11747-3443. Weekend counsellors and relief staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. ~ x ~ e r i e n c e , minimum eight-month commitment. Paid positions. Send resumt to Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108

10startsMay 4,11,25,30. GMATprep Winter2002-~~StudySkills-Study starts monthly. Dr. Ferdinand's Gold Sydney Street, S., Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 3V2. Standard MCATprogram starts on June Smarter ...Not Harder": Study 410-PREP, 8 andJuly 20--.prep.com. 1-800Java Programmers to work on educaSkills Workshops, Preparing For & Writing Exams, Exam Confitional programs. Start immediately, or when classes end. If you are truly expedence. "Career Development" rienced in Java, you can earn much more R~~~ for rent .for a Exploring Your Personality Type, than the hourly rate because we pay for quiet individual in a Interested Assessment. "Personal/ detached house all programs on a contract price basis. Social" - Assertive Communication,.~ating~ i ~procrasti. ~ ~ near d both ~ ~universities. ~ , Parking and all can your programming any any place. Fax your resumt today to nation, ~ ~ d~ ~ ~~and i amenities. ~l ~ ~,Please call ~ 725-5348. ~ i ~ ~Publishers Inc. at 1-716Audiovisual Waterloo Off-Campus Housing - for all managing Anger, Self-Esteem En856-6617. Be sure to provide telephone your housing needs! Call 747-7276. hancement Group, Stress Mannumber and the hest time to contact agement Through Relaxation Large room for rent immediately, close you. Training. For more information to the university. Please call (416) 491and registration, visit Counselling 1370 for appointment. games, sports and crafts with after-school Services~Need'esHall~room2080 Ten minute walk to UW. The place on children at Laurelwood Public School. the the Amos. Two semi-detached homes with Only a 1 0 minute walk from the univer~ ~office),A ~minimal materials i ~ eight rooms ~ available. ~ 589-1276. ~ ~ sity. Interested , ~ persons should leave a fee applies for most workshops. message at 741-8997. A short course on Essay Writing - CounHonda scooter - 80 c.c., selling Services and the University of 6,800 km, rare two Waterloo's Writing Clinic is now offerseater model, red. Great ing a study skills sesion on essay writing. Need help with math? 6th shape and ideal for fun, getting around year mathiteaching option student with experience as




AND ENGINEERING STUDENTS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27th GROUND ZERO, STUDENT LIFE CENTRE DoubleClick has returned to UW for another round of hiring! If you're looking for a fun and challenging place to work, consider what DoubleClick has to offer:

Located in downtown Toronto Cool, friendly co-workers Funky offices and games room Casual dress code Join us on Wednesday, February 27th. Meet some of the folks from DoubleClick, grab some free food and bring your rQumB to enter for giveaways! DoubleClick is in the business of making your marketing work better, by providing a broad range of technology, media, direct marketing, email, and research solutions. The list of smart tools we offer are unparalleled in our industry and help marketers and web publishers build powerful brands while generating demand, loyalty and revenue for their products and services.

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