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ews editor: Chris Edey ssistant news editor: Katherine Sparkes ews@~mprint.uwaterloo.ca

Former UW prof wanted 9 leniency sentence restrictions reduced :o allow pursuit of software levelopment Catherine Sparkes WPRINT STAFF

:ortner l.'\Y1 professor .ladmir l'l~tono\, was poted a reducuon to he restrictiun?: of his 0ndirion.d sentence last veek. Plaronov, A former )rofe~sorofni;~tli at U\\', ccc.trcd ;I condmonal .entente i n J a n u ~ n 2001 .fter att~cklnghis ride, CARR E LINDEBOOM .'alennnr Pl.~ronora,in Former UW professor heir Kitchener home. 'latonov requested an Vladimir Platonov. txtension on his courtmposed curfew, from 6 pm to 11 pm, so that he could ravel to Toronto in order to pursue business and ~cademicpartners for new cryptography software that leis developing.Judge Robert R d y granted the former xofessor an extension of curfewunal8 p.m.. Platonov dso requested permission to travel to Belams to place i stone on his father's grave. This request was denied by ludge Redly. Platonov,who was originallychargedwith attempted nurder, plead gudty to aggravated assault and used the iefence of dissociation to obtain a conditional sen:ence. Platonov was sentenced for two years less a day uith house arrest between the hours of 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. md was forbidden to travel abroad. The attack,which occurred in November 1999,was a result of Platonov's behef that his wife was engaging n adulterous activities. Platonov struck his wife in the lead several times with a rock from behind, until she was able to lock herself in a washroom, beyond his reach. Platonov retired from UW after the attack while many members of the school community condemned his actions, and organized to oppose his return. Local women's groups were concerned by the lenient sentence Platonov received. Niki Chinnick, a coordinator at UWs Womyn's Centre, noted that there is a tendency for perpetrators of domestic assault to receive Light sentences. "There is a trend to not take these matters as seriously as they should," she said. Chinnick noted that, 'There seems to be a backlog of [domestic violence cases] in the legal system," She commented that women's groups have responded to this trend by conductingpetitions; the Womyn's Centre responded to Platonods actionin 1999by attempting to hold a forum on the issue, but the group could not gain support from the professors they contacted at the time In support of his decision,Judge Reilly stated, "1 don't want to see a man whose career has been bnllianr end that career with a whimper." In an interview with the Record, Valentina Platonova stated that she was not opposed to Redly's decision tc suppoa her ex-husbands career goals. Although she suggested that she was glad he would not be allowed tc leave his home after dark. Platonov siad that he would like to persue academic support for his project from the University of Torontc and York University. Platonov also expressed a desirc to obtain the assistance of Toronto area investors to ge his ciyptography software completed and marketed The software could be used to enhance compute1 security systems.

Scholarship reform on horizon nark A. Schaan MPRINT STAFF

1proposal from the Senate Scholarship and &dent Aid Committee is calling for a maor renovation of current scholarship-giving moss the university.While plans have been mdenvay for quite some time to revise the icholarship policy of the university to be nore competitive and more comparable Icross faculties, the new proposal seems iirectly tied to funds raised by the Waterloo Zampaign. In a report given to senate this week, Ian Williams. the chair of the committee. outlines a proposal which would see an endowment created for undergraduate,merit-based scholarships on campus increasing the total amount to around 1,000 (from 443) and increasing their total value to an average of 84,000 per award. Scholarships are currently largely controlled by the faculties and administered through the dean's offices. Each faculty currently has adifferent awards strategy. They vary the number and size of their awards to address their particular recruitment strategy. UW's central scholarships are mostly accounted for by the Waterloo county scholarships,which represent only a fraction of total scholarship offers.

The new committeepolicy does not spell out who would administer the scholarships but does suggest that some level of autonomy for the facultieswould be retained. It is this autonomy, and the policy's place within a larger strategy for student recruitment, that seems to have been the most contentious piece of this proposal and its predecessor, most notably the calls for a standardized scholarship grid across all faculties. One of the leading factors of students declining offers'from the UW is the lack of merit-based money, something that the deans seem to want addressed without losing the ability to go after the particular students they want. Ryan Stammers, Federation of Students VP education, feels that the faculties "have fundamentally different strategies." For instance, Stammers noted that "mathematics is a faculty that, based on its size, gives out fewer scholarships but does give out a few higher-value scholarships which they see as attractingthe type of students they want." It is these vatylng strategies and the deans' push against "an homogenizing effect" on scholarship giving, which he pointed to as themotivation behmd thisnew policy. While the report does not spell out how the distributionacross faculties would bemade,Stam-

mers believes "there's a desire from the Senate scholarshipand student aid committee to have healthy levels [of scholarships], regardless of the faculty." Also addressed at the meeting was the possibility of having non-monetary rewards for high achievement. The idea was raised by UW president David Johnston as something that the university has pondered. While Stammers understands that there is currently no official proposal on the table, he is concerned about the possibilities for such a program. "I think one of the downsides of having so-called non-monetary 'perks' for top incoming students is that if you are focusing on these things, you might be sacrificing the quality of students for these non- supposed 'super-star' S ~ I dents." Commentingon the specificidea of small seminars for top students, Stammers noted that "that type of thing seems very resource-intensive and would seem to chisel away at the general quality of our programs." The report from the Senate Scholarship and Student Aid Committee to Senate is still in discussion amongst senior a b s t r a t i o n officials.

Trudeau scholarship to rival Rhodes Becky Versteeg SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

On February 20, industry minister Allan Rock announced the creation of a $125 d o n fellowshipfundin honour of former Prime Iviinister Pierre Elliott Tmdeau. This find is designated for students who are involved in advanced research in the humanities and human sciences. Up to 25 $50,000 fellowships will be awarded each year to doctoral and postdoctoral students. A further five $50,000 awards wdl be given yearly to prominent scholarsat Canadianuniversitieswhosework in humanities and the human sciences have received international recognition. Finally, 15 mentors will be appointed to provide advice and counsel to the fellowship winners. Mentors will receive a retainer of $20,000 per year. The fellowshtp award wdl ensure the legacy ofTmdeauandwillmirror the Rhodes scholarship. Its purpose is to pay for whole doctorships and to attract people to doctorate work. The award will also be an encouragement for Canadians to stay in Canada, and thus fight the "brain drain." Liam Arbucklc is the national director of the Canadian Alliance of Student Associauons, a federal student lobby organization. Although he feels that the alliance could have been more involved in the consultation process for the award, he is very positive about the investment the Pierre Elliott Tmdeau Foundation is making in education. Arbuckle noted that the last education budget was in 1998, and seeing that education is the second most important issue to Canadians (after health care), it is time for another. When this happens, Arbuckle belieJes that we will see this award as a precursor to more funding for education. The foundation has also received criti-

cism. Recipients ofthe awards are lunited to scholars of a narrow range of themes w i h the humanities and social sciences. The eligible themes, which include human rights and social justice, Canada and the world and humans and their natural environment have been chosen because they reflect Trudeau's interests. Cridcs, such as a recent Nationai Post editorial, suggest that a $125 d o n investment in education should be channelled into more innovative fields, or at the very least, a wider range of fields. Even within the field of social sciences and the humanities, the fellowshtp has been criticized. Ian Boyko, national chairperson of the Canadan Federation of Students. sees the fellowships as "tokens" and "gimmicks." He believes this attempt to recognize social sciences and humanities scholars is somewhat misguided. He would prefer to see the government invest in the areas of these subjects that have been identified as a

Former PM Pierre Trudeau. priority for hancial aid by various studies and focus groups. See TRUDEAU, Page 4

Senate reviews accessibilitv Jesse Helmer IMPRINT STAFF

On Monday, February 25, Feds president Yaacov Iland and fourth-year planning student Elise Hug provided UWs senate with information on accessibility to universities. At the outset of the presentation, Hug quoted statistics from "Survey of Tuition and Living Expenses Accommodations Costs at Canadian Universities," a study released by Statistics Canada in 1997. Hug disputed the notion that tuition is a small part of the cost of attending university. She said that in 1986, tuition was 29 per cent of the total cost of attending university (room and board, tuition, and other fees), and that

in 1996, tuition was 47 per cent of the total. Hug also talked about student debt levels two years after graduation. She noted that debt levels between 1990 and 1995rose for all graduates and that debt levels in the same period more than doubled for doctoral students. Hug commented on participation rates between 1986 and 1994: "University participation rates have increased across the board. We always talk about rising pamcipation rates and what that means for enrolment, but what we haven't really talked about is that this increase in participation is not happenhg equally across the board." See SENATE, page 5


Two students attacked near campus Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF

THIS WEEK: UW'S SUPPORT STAFF For the majonty of the people at the university, John Sitler is invisible. While he may be directly connected to the book you recently took out for a term paper, or to the latest research being conductedon campus,hish c uons are all behind the scenes. L&e hundreds of other support staff on campus, Sitler may not be seen but is an equal member of the university community,andtheseimportantsupport h c t i o n s are equally at risk as our university populations grows and budgets decrease. . Sitler works as a lending clerk in the interlibrary loans section of the library itself. One of his responsibilties is to help students and faculty to track down catalogue items at other libraries. He also assists students and faculty from around the world to gain access to the UW collection. Yet, despite his impoaant role, he has become more aware that "the contribution of support staff isn't noticed until it's mssed." Last year alone, the interlibrary loan department processed over 30,000 different requests. Sitler noaced that as Internet resources become more available to students, the requests of students and faculty are becoming "more detailed,more fussy and moreunavailable" and this makes the functions of his department all the more critical.Yet, as Sitler noted, "as budget cuts continue every year ... staff positions disappear." "Stafhg problems create service problems" says Sitler,who notes that the problemsin stafhgcomplements is not something unique to UW. Budget cuts are hitting all university libraries and some universities simply can not respond to the requests of their students and faculty, never mind other institutions. "Some people can afford to keep up, some people can't." Catharine Scott, associate provost student semces and human resources,is wellaware oftheincreased burden on support staff. Scott noted that it's not lust staff but also senior administration and the deans who are "very concernedwith workload." The difficulty hes in the fact that many support services, including the library, rely on funds from a shmkingoperatmg budgetwhlch comes at the very tune that themvecsitypopulamon is growmg in sue ilnd need. "If growth comes, there needs to be some understanding thatwe don't have the capacity withm the system to simply contlnue to expect more out of our staff," noted Scott. "The last thmgwe want to do is exploit that sense of goodwill betweenthe staff and faculty," which Scott cited as the reason UW has been able to survive the last years of severe budget difficulty. Despite hopeful optimism,

John Sitler,a lendingclerk in the interlibrary loans sectionof the university's library department is indicative, of many support staff who provide critical service to students. With increasing budget cuts at the university, important support services such as this are at risk of having their operations decreased or reorganized. A recent memorandum from the Staff Association warned employees of the potential for layoffs suggesting they ensure termination and review proceduresare closely followed. Scott echoed dean of engineemg for growth, she requested that each Sujeet Chaudhun's sentiments that of the departments create an action the breaking point is "closer than it's plan o u U g how to cope. "In most student services, there is a direct ever been before." Scott dld note that many impor- correlation between numbers and services." This increased demand tant semce funcaons of the w v e r sity are operated by "a bdhant pro- should be met by the student service tocol" that has been able to remain fee, resulting in "very little pain, if "responsive to student needs" in any, to the students." these tunes of budget uncertamty As noted earlier, Scott's human U&e funcaons such as counsehg resources department and other supsemces,disabhty semces and health port functions arenot nearly aslucky. semces that are governed by the While faculty can parcel expenses student semce fee, library semces is through nothgsessionals orwaitnot dependent on core operatmg ingbefore hiringreplacements,UWs fundmg sources. staff turnover The student rate sits at an insemces feewillmcredibly low 5.5 'As budget cuts crease accordmg per cent which to the rate of inmakes budget continue every flaaon. These incuts all the year staff creases, as well as harder to hanthe increased dle. Most depositions funds that come partments are disappear." from more stusimply hoping dents paying the that there will be fee, will allow the "enough move-John Sitler associated sewment in the next Dana Porter Library Ices to be more year" to be able lending clerk ready for into manage excreased growth penses without than semces oplay-offs.AsJohn eratmgoncore funds. However,Scott Sitlerasked,"we canworkwith fewer noted that they would not have been staff, but where are the tools to do ready "had the referendum not that?"The budget crunchin the compassed." The referendum will allow ing year will conmue to increase the for an increase in the capauty of pressure on all of these departments, athleucs, a service whlch is quickly just as our i n c o m g "cohort mmeetmg its capacity. creases" and those needs become Other rehef in sight might come more specialized. As the breakmg as a result of the new co-op bddmg. point becomes nearer, it is quesuonAlthoughUWis famous forits "space able as to whether the goodwill that wars," the exit of the co-op depart- has allowed for s m v a l up to this ment from Needles Hall might leave point can contmue It may be, in the room for disability semces, which IS near future, that ~tis not only people "absolutely beyond capacity," to re- likeJohn Sitler that are mvlsible, but lieve some burden. The service is that the important contnbuaons of now operatmg m a facility deslgned him and his many colleagues have for 300 whde UW is currently serv- disappeared completely from UW. ing 950 students. As Scott and her staff prepared


On the evening of Monday, February 25, two separate incidents occurred, one at 10:22 p.m. and the other at 11:30 p.m., in the Hazel Street and Albert Street area. Both incidents involved a male suspect approaching and grabbing hold of lone female victims. The suspect fledwhen thevictims screamed. Staff Sergeant A1 Cassidy, in charge of the Division 3 Detectives who patrol Waterloo, has reason to believe that it was the same suspect in both cases. The suspect was described as being in his late 20s, six feet tall, of a medium build, with shaved blond hair. At the time of the incident, the suspect was wearing a dark coloured toque and a navy waist-length jacket. At press time there had been no arrests. According to Sgt. Cassidy, one victim was known to be a WLU student. In one attack, thevictim was grabbed by the arm and groin while in the other, the suspect attempted to

lure the victim into a secluded are behind a building, which concernel Sgt. Cassidy. In the second attack there was a suggestion of a knife, bu no weapon was produced. No othe incidents of this nature have bee1 recently reported in the area and Sgl Cassidy believed that this was th first time any incident committed b this suspect has been reported. The Waterloo Regional Polic' have stepped up patrols in the ares but Sgt. Cassidy encouraged femal' students to take some extra precau tions. He is discouraged by htm number of lone female students tha he sees when he is out on his patrol of Waterloo. He encouraged female to walk with a friend or in groups 11 well-lit areas. Sgt. Cassidy also rec ommended that females use U W Walksafeprogram wheneverit is nec essary to walk at night. Walksafe c a be called at 888-4949when off-cam pus or extension 4949 on-campus The Ridesafe program is also avail able nightly from the SLC.

Pay raises for UW profs UW hopes to attract new professors Becky Versteeg SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

As a reflection of the annual rise in the basic cost ofliving and to "recognize the excellent work that faculty members do for the university," the Universitv of Waterloo and the UW faculty association have reached a new two-year salary agreement. Effective May 1,2002, all faculty-based salaries will be increased by 2.6 percent. In the following year, a further percentage increase, based on the average percentage change in CPI, will be applied. The salary floor and threshold salary will also see a total increase of three per cent. In order to attract quahty professors and researchers, UW tries to offer faculty members salaries that are competitive with those of other universities. The next few years will see many retirements across the university system because so many pro-

fessors are part of the aging "bab: boom" population. This means tha many faculty members will be hired As an incentive to attact profes sors to theuniversity of waterloo,^ addtion to offering respectable sala ries; the university has decided tc offer a merit program, comprised o a series of bonuses, to its faculty This excellence award is being addec for each year of the agreement. It purpose is to recognize the work o outstanding professors. Because t h ~ new award will be allocated on t h ~ basis ofperfoniance, themost skdlec faculty members can receive t h e h h est salaries. Unfortunately, these changes wil impact the university's alread: strained budget. The university i anticipatingbudget cuts for the com ing year. This means it will be diffi cult for the salary raise to go througl without some departments having tc make other cutbacks.

Trudeau: "Fitting Memorial" TRUDEAU, from page 3

However, a $125 million investment in education is difficult to criticize. Overall response to the fellowship has been positive. Feds president Yaccov Iland is very supportive, and commented, 'This award is a very fitting memorial to Trudeau and it's nice that the government chose to use the money for something that is not only long lasting, but is also renewed each year through new recipients. Canada will benefit because not only will it help to retain our top scholars, but one-quarter of

the funds have been designated tc attract foreign students." He addec that this announcement "brings a lo of attention to the problems in edu cation h d m g , and although it wil not result in an increase in govern ment investment in this area, it ma: increase private donations." When awarded,recipients of thesl Rhodes-done scholarships will bl selected according to region fron across Canada. It's a level playiq field and it will be exciting to see i the best and brightest students fron the University of Waterloo will ben efit from the fund.



Valentine's shocker Fictional story depicting incest causes storm at Ryerson student newspaper Bruce Millerd SPECIAL TO


The role of student-run publications came into question this month at Ryerson UniversityinToronto. I v h y students at the school were shocked and appalled with the publication of a Valentine's day issue that did anything but inspire love and merriment. Ryerson'sindependentstudent newspaper, The Eyeopener, has managed to incite uproar with just the one issue. Celebrating a 10-year tradition in shocking Valentine's Day themed publications, The Eyeopener took the idea one step too far this year for some students. The love and sex issue was created with the aims of shocking the readership with scandalous pictures and steamy articles. Although the edition has not seemed to be an issue in the past, this year many felt the newspaper went too far. "Something StirringDownstairs," a ficuonal story by an anonymous author, has received the most complaints. The story described a man having sex with a young woman who the readers later learn through a surprise ending may be his daughter. A seemingly pointless pornographic photo spread and the cover of the paper depicting a naked couple from the neck down also offended some siudents. The Eyeopener has received many of the complaints in the form of letters to the editor. Zita Alexander, the coordinatorof theRyersonWomen's Centre, wrote: "The pornographic images depicted on page 10

are offensive to all women, as they glorify violence against women, dehumanize women, insult our intelligence and serve no purpose as far as educating students on sexual issues." The Women's Centre received a number of people for counselling on the day ofreading the fictional story. Another reader, Deborah-Ann Armstrong, responded by writing: "I feel that the title "Love& Sex" isvery inappropriate consideringthe fiction story on page 12 is not about love or sex but rather about trauma, incest and rape. After I read this story, I thought about it and felt physically sick for the rest of the day. I began to try and justify to myself what purpose this story was serving. I can understand that the anonymous author may have been tryrng to get a point across, but so far I haven't been able to grasp exactly what this point was. Who have you helped and what have you really accomplishedby sharing such a heartbreaking scene with the public?I am concerned that rather than being proactive, this story could be potentially damaging,intrusiveand unfair io thevictims of incest/rape/ abuse." Shane Dingman the editor-inchief at The Eypener has offered an apology and explanation to the Ryerson community and the paper has entered into discussion with the Equity, Harassment and Safety Investigation Board at the school. Dingman feels that the community has a point and that some things could have been done better within theissue. H e d continue to publish letters to the editor with the goal of voicing all concerns.

TheEyeopeneJs controversial love and sexedition sparked anger, disgust and an apology from the editor.

0 The remarks "I encourage everybody to familiarize them-

selves ..." which appeared in last week's Imprint article "Arts Student Union breaks advertising contract" were incorreclty attributed to VP administration and finance Dawn Phillips. VP student issues Brenda Beatty was the speaker.

Sex! Now read this

READYAND WllllN6 Editor? note: some readers m q f i n d the Jirstparagraph ofJon Wiinglr column dirturbing because of itsgraphic nature. Useyour judgement befbre proceeding.

"He was breathing heavily now, his face buried in her neck as his fingers pressed sharply into her cunt. Pushmg into her until hls knuckles folded against bone, he felt her softly textured walls sucking his fmgers like a warm mouth." Tkts is an excerpt from The Eyeopener, the Ryerson University student newspaper. It comes from a short story called "Something stirring downstairs," which vividly describes a father's incestuous rape of his daughter. In fact, this is all it describes. There is no underlying moral to this piece, nor does it offer commentary on the wrongs contained in the story. This is just one article among many unnecessary pieces of content in the newspaper's annual love and sex supplement, which this year was published on Valentine's day and included pictures of what looked like Internet porn. Apparently nothing says happy Valentine's day more at The

Eyeopener than a good ol' incestuous tale. The situation at The Eyeopener causes us in the campus media circuit to give careful consideration to the stories and pictures we choose to run each week. Campus newspapers have enormous freedom in the material they publish because they are "alternative" publications. Sometimes our need to have a newspaper that's entertaining, edgy and humourous blurs our visions of tact, respect and responsibility. Even last week, a few of us at Imprint talked about how beer and sex sells and brainstormed ways we could incorporate it into our feature content. There's a place for racy content in our campus newspapers, but every once in a while, an editor can visuaIize readers opening papers and cracking a smile rather than considering what the content is actually worth. Flash back to September when I t p i n t was in the spotlight for publishing its own "racy" material in its annual frosh issue. The illustrations of air traffic controllers "teaching" readers how to have sex in their residence rooms caused a minor uproar around campus. The illustrations were harmless fun, but let's not try to justify the material as educational for students. I considered this article a humour piece, not a feature piece. And that's part of the problem with publishing articles that have to do with sex. Sometimes there's no purpose to the material other

than it gets people excited about reading about sex. We must be clear on our intentions for publishing material. Is it for humour? Or is it just because people get gi&y about reading about sex? Shane Dingman, the edltor of The Eyeopener, defended his choice to run "Something Stirring Downstairs" in last week's issue "It was never our intention to cause harm," he writes, "But rather to raise issues in a blunt and unfhnching manner." Then he goes on to say, "The Eieopener is committed to the betterment of student life on campus." IIe also cites the Charter for his right of press freedom, which explains little for his editorial judgement. The fact that the article does not raise issues or enhance student life at Ryerson is problematic. If an issue was attempted to be dicussed by the author, it was shadowed by its lack of explanation. Allan Woods, the paper's features editor, joined Dingman in wiping the slate clean in his own editorial: "Each year, The Eyeopeneri features editor embarks on a mission to produce the best love and sex supplement ... to be more provocative and more thoughtful than in previous years. If done right, it can be the jewel in that editor's crown. As features editor this semester, I attempted to do just that. In retrospect, I r e h e I may have gone too far." Yes you did, Mr. Woods. Uneasy now is the head that wears the crown.


-Senate:to examine tuition levels SENATE, from page 3

"Students from the lowest souo$economicstatus group -whde their numbers at universities are increas!ing, this increase is nowhere near as *significantas the [mcrease m parhciipation rates of] middle and high SESs," sad Hug. According to the data that Iland and Hug presented, participation rates for students m the middle SES have increased the fastest, followed by the highest SES, then the lowest. Smce the data is from 1986 to 1994, the effects of Ontario's 1995 tuttton deregulation in selected programs is not included. Referring to data contained in UW's non-confirmed survey of apphcants who decline to attend UW, Iland noted that slightly more co-op applicants than regular applicants indicated that finanual reasons prevented them from attending UW. He also noted that the number of

co-op applicants who declined offers for financial reasons was similar to the number of co-op applicants who dedined because they were not guaranteed residence (15.0 and 14.8 per cent, accordmgto UWs survey). Following the presentation, the floor was opened for &scussion. Vice-president academic and provost Amit Chakma noted that UWs bursary fund has grown since 1995, that UW students have the lowest OSAP default rate in Ontario. When asked how he thought Senate would act on this information, Iland replied, "It's hard to tell. There will at least be more in-depth examination oftuition levels. Wenow have to admit that increases in tuition prevent poor students from coming to university. As a public institution, we should be open to all academically qualified students."

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Half inch costs candidate $22.50 Complaint to election committee filed by electoral rival Chris Edey IMPRINT STAFF Half an inch - the width of two pencils - has cost Chris Dildo, Feds VP admirustration and finance candidate, five per cent of his campaign spendingallowance,an amount equal to $22.50. In a decision made on February 20,the Feds election committee ruled that two of Di Lullo's posters near Tim Horton's in the Davis Centre were too close to posters advertising competing candidates. The procedures governing the conduct of the election state that "No campaign signs 11inches by 17inchesor smaller may be within 11 inches of a campaign signalready affixed to any given surface without permission of the candidateswhose signs areinvolved." The complaint was Wed by Rob Robson, who is running against Di Lullo for VP administration and finance on Brenda Slomka's ticket. He confirmed that he had filed the complaints against Di Lullo, as well as another complaint regarding similar postingviolations in MackenzieKing Village. "I just wanted to make sure that the posters were set apart at a reasonable distance," ~ o b s o said. n When asked about his motivationfor tracking down and filing complaints regarding posting violations that are "absolutely not major" in his words, he said "I just wanted to make sure that the election committee is doing


UW Staffer awarded Canadian Literary Award

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its job [to ensure that all candidates identified by the election committee. Dawn Phllips, deputy returning follow the rules]. Rules are rules and officer for the 2002 Feds election, I expect everyone to abide by them." commented that A total of five "One reason the infractions were practice [anoincluded in nymity of the "Rules are rules Robson's com-complainant] is plaint, andin each and I expect in place is to case the comminimize the plainant stated everyone to possibility ofvinthat "the 'Green abide by them." dictive and frivoTicket' member lous complaints." posted too She also added, close." Chris Di -Rob Robson VP administration and "If a candidate Lullo is running on the ticket of finance candidate finds out that another candidate presidential canhas complained didate Albert Nazareth, and their posters are a about them, they may be prompted fluorescent green. Out of the five to complain about something the complaints, two were deemed valid. other candidate has done. It t u n s Both were in DC, and in both cases into a cycle of complaints." Phdlips also added that while it the posters b+nginfringedupon were 's the yellow advertisements of team was unfortunate that ~ i ~ u l l dname ROKS,presidentialcandidateBrenda was accidentally released, there was no consideration of changing the Slomka's ticket. The Feds electioncommitteedoes practice for the remainder of the not typically release the identity of election. Phillips also said that the elections committeewill recommend complainants. Although it is not adding the anonymity provision to stated in the elections procedure that the official elections procedure once complainants are granted annonymity, it has become standard this year's electionin concluded.SevFeds policy overpast elections to not eralotherchangesmight also bemade release names. Although, earlier in in the upcoming months. Voting for the Feds election conthe election Chris Di Lullo's name was accidentally released (in the com- cludes today at 430 p.m.. Students mittee's minutes) following a com- can vote online at feds.ca. plaint he had Wed. Since then, no complainants have been publicly

New strategic plan for the Centre in the Square The board ofduectors ofKttchener's Center in the Square approved a new strategicplan that wdl cover the next fiveyears. Smceitsinception 22 years ago, the Centre in the Square has provided the Waterloo regon wlth "first-class e n t e r t m e n t "The strategic plan includes promoting performances by local artists and a greater focus on corporate sponsorship. with files from the Centre In the Square

Recently the 2001 Canadian hterary Awards for short stones, poetry, and travel wntmgs were awarded. Erin Bow, manager for epSTAR in the Davis Centre won &st pnze under the English poetry category for her book Poemsfor Carl Hruska, written under her maiden name of Enn Noteboom. with files from University of Waterloo Senate minutes

UW professor named Member of the Order of Canada Professor of Earth Sciences Dr. Robert Gdlham was recently named a Member of the Order of Canada. Professor Gillham's research interests include the remediation of sod and ground water contaminants. with files from the University of Waterloo Senate minutes

Double cohort construction The availability of space during the double cohort was an issue raised at a recent senate executive committee meeting. Construction currently underway is estimated to add some 300,000 square feet for academicuse. Other proposals to deal with the enrolment growth include weekend classes and early spring admission in select programs. with files from University of Waterloo Senate minutes

25th anniversary for Project Ploughshares Project Poughshares, based at the University ofWater100,will celebrate 25 years as apeace and justice organization on March 23 with a talk by Canadian statesman Stephen L.e\;is. Lewis, UN Special Envoy for HIV/ AIDS in Africa, will deliver a speech entitled The World is Falling Apart What Role CivilSon'eg? The event will take place at the Cedars, 543

Beechwood Drive, in Waterloo, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The public is welcome. Free tickets are avadable. Call Project Ploughshares at (519) 888-6541, ext. 256 e-mad them at wstocker@ploughshares.caformore information and tickets with files from UW News

Canadian Alliance leadership hopefuls to square off this Saturday The Canadian Alliance will be conducting a leadership debate t h s Saturday, March 2 The event will take place at 6:00 p.m. m the WLU Science Budding Atnum. All four of the leadership contenders (Stephen Harper, Stockwell Day, Diane Ablonczy, and Grant Hill) are confirmed to be m attendance. with files from the Canadian Alliance

Feds election closes today Today is the final day of voting for the Feds election. Electronic polling wdl contniue unt114.30 p m. this afternoon. Those who find that they cannotvote electrontcally shouldproceed to the Feds office, where paper ballots wdl be made available Students must provide proper identification, including a Quest printout confi-gthey haveno outstandmg fees and thew Watcards to be ehgible to cast a paper ballot. with fdes from the Federation of Students








Preliminary - and as of yet unapproved

- drawings for the new face of Conrad Grebel.

Conrad Grebel produces expansion plans

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Plan focuses on "self-fundmg" elements Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT


Plans for expansion of the Conrad Grebel University College campus areunderway. The newplan calls for four phases: new residence beds, an atrium, a new chapel and new offices to house Conrad Grebel's international peace and confhct studies affiliates. Sod turning for phase one d be July 29,2002 and phase one wdl be completed in August 2003. The plans are an entirely new initiative accordmg to Paul Penner, operations manager for Conrad Grebel. The &st phase will involve the constructionofnew residence rooms. the expansion of the main parkinglot and the renovation and relocation of existing student services space and the student lounges. Sixteen beds will be added to the main building and a new apartment complex will be built to the northeast, between ConradGrebel and St.Jerome's. The

apartment complex will have eight four-bedroom apartments, s d a r in design to the Mackenzie King residence suites. According to Penner, "We have tried to focus on elements that are self-funding or require minimal fundraising." The first phase of constructionwillcostapproximately$2.7 d o n and will be funded through a mortgage paid off by residence fees. The atrium, which will connect the two existing college buildings,wdl be paid for via a low-key capital campaign led by college president John Toews.The new chapel and the Peace Centre will be joint ventures with Rockway Mennonite Church. A meeting of the Conrad Grebel finance committeewill be held within a month to d~scussthe financial feasibilityofthe rcmainingphases. Once that has been approved, a special board meeting d l be held deciding the future direction. Penner sees the atriumbeingapprovedand the chapel

and peace centre postponed pending further study and more detailed planning. Conrad Grebel's mandate has been to keep residency levels at the college split evenly between firstyear students and upper-year students. Unlike the St. Paul's expansion plans, the population demograptuc will remain the same. The apartments wdl be geared towards upper-year students. Penner said that it lvould be difficult to expand the college beyond these future plans, due mainly to site restrictions. Because of the college's proximity to Laurel Creek, any new construction would affect the immediate watershed. Penner was not sure whether Conrad Grebel College had yet reachedits ideal size and thought the idea needed to be explored further before any final decision could be made.

Internatiorial Women's Week comes to UW Jeremy Taylor IMPRINT


In celebration of IntemationalWomen's Week, which runs from Monday March 4 to Friday March 8, UWs Womyn's Centre has organized a wide variety of events. The weekis anchored by Intemational Women's Day, which falls on Friday this year. March 8 marks the day in 1857when women working in clothing factories in New York protested against low, unequitable wagesand 12-hour work days. In 1908, again on March 8, another demonstration was held to moum the deaths of 128 who died in a factory h e in New York. Two years later, at a conferencein Copenhagen, 100 women from across the world established International Women's Day as March 8, a date rich with significance. Where UWs past International Women's Weeks have typically been marked by a few individual gatherings and the distribution of Voices of Women,a literary publication put together by Waterloo students, next week will see a number of new happenings and events added to the regular schedule. "It's much more events-intensive this year," explains Marika Chandler,

a coordinator at the Womyn's Cen- being feminine.Womyn's Weekgives tre. The week's many events, she you a chance to get together and do adds, "basically b d d up to Friday," things you might not normally have when the week-long celebration d a chance to do." end with an art show and concert at Chandler also emphasizes that Ground Zero. Some other events of events are not restricted, based on noteindudeinforsubject matter. mation sessions, a to specific soself-defense semicial groups. "Women's Week nar, and the ever"You don't popular Pussy gives you a have to be a Party on Tuesday woman of colchance to get night. As in years our to come to past, Chandler extogether and do the Womyn of plains, those atColour presenthings you might tending the Pussy tations, just like Party are afforded for the breast not normally the opportunity to reduction seshaveachance learn things likelitsion you don't tle-known facts have to be conto do." about menstruasidering getting tion, and are also your breasts re- Marika Chandler given a venue to duced," ChanWomyn 's Centre share stories and dler said. experiences. The UW This event, like Womyn's Centhe drum circle tre is located in whlch precedes it and the yoga work- the Student Life Centre, in room shop on Wednesday evening, is in- 2102. "We're always looking for new tended for women only. All other faces," said Chandler, "to drop in, events, however, are open to the engage in debates, or just chill out." entire student body. Every event planned for the week is "Most events aren't targeted just free of charge. at women,"Chandler said. '"I'his is , about celebrating being a person, jtaylor@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

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- -

All letters must include a phone number for verification, and should not exceed 300 words. Letters should include the author's year and program, or faculty position where applicable. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors, not the opinions of Imprint.

Opinion editor: Hala Khalaf opinion@imprint.uwaterloo.ca letters@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

How you play the game Tiffany Murray COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

After 14 years of skating, five of Garate, three of cross-country and $0 of rowing, I felt I finally undersiood the true nature of competition, which has always been part of my life. So when I was faced with the competitive edge that co-op at UW offers, I felt like a fish in water. The Gutterflies that accompanied me to interviews were old friends, offering a sense of security, of comfort. Two months ago, I started my fifth work term where I faced an awkward situation with a co-op student from another university. I'm not sure if it was my competitive nature or if the new working environment intimidated her. In any event, my co-worker did not agree with my love of competition. What began as a simple misunderstandmg of personal characteristicsendedin a series of questions: is competition z good thing? Is there a line where a competitive attitude becomes detrimental to one's well being? Is one born with a sense of competition or does one inherit it along the way? I thought about every time I had gotten up at 6 a.m. to have my hair curled, pull on a pair of thin tights ind a sparkly dress and lace up very thy skates, only to stand alone in the middle of a huge ice surface. The intiupationof the &st sounds ofmy music was the most nerve-wracking. Lessons learned:independence, selfreliance and confidence. I rememberedone particular competition when I was about eight years old and at least six years shy of my fellow competitors. As I sat in the dressing room, distinctly aware of how small I was compared to these young women, my mother leaned over and whispered, "Just skateyour best; that's all you can do." Lesson learned: sometimes the best winning performances are personal ones. It wasn't only figure skating that had a competitive edge to it; my karate classes had elements of competition. We used to hold specific strength tests for as long as possible - the last one standmg was the winner. The worst were the knuckle


push-ups. I thinkthat may have been the &st time I exoerienced the sense of sheer determination. Lesson learned: mind over matter. I'll never forget my last competitive event as a skater. After a year of training, several competitions and a bitter rivalry with another team, it all came down to about 30 seconds. I remember standmg in front of the judges with my team-mates as the defending Canadian champions, knowing that the skate couldn't have been better - and the feeling of utter disappointment when we came in second. It's a moment that will forever be burned into my memory. Areminderthat sometimesyour best just isn't good enough. Lesson learned: how to be a graceful loser. When I think of the experience and life knowledge that competition has given me, it's hard to thmk that it's a bad thing. Still, I recognize that when taken to the extreme, competition can consume people. Any issues that have arisen in my life have come from conficting personalities: competitors vs. pacifists. Competition is what's inside you. It gets you out of bed at 6 a.m. and pushes youtoworkthat much harder, regardless of any circumstances. It's the tired sayings, mottoes and slogans written on "No Fear" T-shuts. It's raw, emotional and powerful. It can be addictive and fed to increase your desire for success. And in the right proportions, that's agood thing.

Don't hide your pride Canadian anti-pride has to stop


REMEMBER EARTH CLEARLY After a weekend of serious hockey watching, I've been left wondering about the nature of our selfdepricating Canadian anti-pride, and whether or not it even exists. In recent years, it has become Canada's second national pastime to proudly -insert clever grin here - assert our lack of pride, measured against the overbearing chauvinism of our southern neighbours, the United States. Canadtans have made a cottage industry of their own victimization on the part of American cultural and egoistic imports. Maybe it's time we dropped the charade and accepted that we're as brash and pushy as any New York cabbie ever was. It's possible that the Olympics are to blame for the prominence of Canadian nationalism in recent weeks, but the examples are so striking, it's hard to accept that this

profound self-loving doesn't have deep-seated roots. Take Dan Craig for example. In spite of the low international value of the Canadian dollar, the Edmonton native -who just happened to be responsible for ice conditions at the E Center in Salt Lake City where the Olympic hockey games were played - took it upon himself to buty a CanadIan loonie beneath the centre ice faceoff circle. According to the Ghbe and MaiL Craig pointed the coin out to Wayne Gretzky, executive director of the men's Olympic hockey team, just before their fmt game in Salt ~ a k City. e Gretzkf, kept the secret untd after Canada won gold in the final, producing the loonie with a promise to add it to the Canadlan Hockey Hall of Fame. What an incredible amount of audacity it must take to tamper with the ice surface at an international hockey competition. I don't object to Craig's gesture, but if we gave every nation a chance to bury something special at centre ice, well, ice hockey would be a lot more hke it is out on the pond here in Canada, lumps and all. We might just be better than the Americans, with our better quality of life, better hockey teams

'Yorly, eh, W eput the hurt onyou, Team U S A A n d showed the whole world that it's stdl ourgame Three cheersfor Team Canada

WeJ//slide andglide Skate over any line red or white or blue What makes it nice Is that we did it twice 'Cause our women beatyou too. "


Produet~onstaff Dave Barsam, Rachel E Bcattlc, Geoff Eby, Durshan Canthan, Adma Gllun, Melissa Graham, Jesse IIelrner, Neal Moogk-Souhs

Editonal Staff EcLtor-I-chef, Ryan Matthew Merkley e&tor@unpnnt uwaterloo ca Asststant eltor, Mark A Schaan Photos, Ca&n Sharpe Asststant photos, vacant Graplucs, vacant Asststant graphics, vacant Web, Talesh Seeparsan Asststant Web, Kourmey Short Systems adrmn, vacant Asststant systems adrmn, vacant Lead proofreader, Jeremy Taylor Proofreader, Lsa Johnson Proofreader, Neal Moogk-Sods Proofreader, Joshua Safer Proofreader, Heather Macdougall

(double gold, thank you very much) and better coffee. But it's about time we stopped saying we're better because we're not as pushy as those Yanks, and asserted it because we honestly think we're better. If being the better country matters - and it does- then we shouldn't apologize for it, despite our tendencies to apologize for things, no matter who's fault it is. If there is any doubt remaining about our national pride, take a quick look at Canadian country star Paul Brandt's latest tune, "Ode to Team Canada," and ask yourself just how quiet our pride really is:

Office Staff Busmess manager, Cathy Bolger cathy bolger@mpmt uwaterloo ca Advertlsmg & produchon manager, Laune T~geit-Dumas ads@unprmt uwaterloo ca Advertls~ngasststant, vacant Dtstnbuhon, G q a Padhy Dtstnbuhon, Randy Taylor Board of Directors board@unpmtuwaterloo ca Prestdent,Jesse Helmer Vtce-prestdent, Jay Szymanslu Treasurer, Phhp Werner Secretary, vacant Staff h o n , Adma G l a n staff.hason@unpmtuwaterloo ca

Cover design Florence Iiauw and Felix Yip Imprint is the offinal student newspaper of the Umversity of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper pubLshed by Impmt Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Editorialsubmissionsmay be consideredfo~pubhtionin any edition of Inpint. Imprint may also reproduce the material commerciallyin any format or medium as pact of the newspaper database, Web site or any other product derived from the newspaper. Those submitting editorial content, includingarticles,letters,photosandgraphics,will. grant Imprint first publication rights of their submitted material,and as such, agreenot tosubmit the same work to any other publication or group until such time as the

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Friday, March 1 1230 p.m, SLC 1116

Next production night:

Wednesday, March 6 530 p.m., SIX 1116 (Dinner is provided)



On boxing and columns

Boo bus passes

To the editor,

To the editor,

The very word "column" suggests a separation, a segregating of ideas, but as I read more of Impnnt, I am more prone to see the columns as and attach the labels as you see fit the rehgous one, the que& one, the womyn/wpirg-y one, the smoke one withlots ofsubstandardquotes from "consuous" hip-hoppers, yo, and the scary Ayn Rand-esque one Perhaps tt is a failure of my imagination to see them as transcending the above catchy catch phrases, but perhaps also it is the colummstswho fail to go beyond what they percave the pubhc to perceive them as (Was that confusmg or what!) Wtth all the barbed words b a g launched between them, especially between a certam paw, maybe they need to see themselves as standing on one side or the other. (Is it lust me, or does that nng eenly as being a hide Dubya?) Of course, people are predisposed towards one way of thought or another, but it would be truly inspiring to see the columnists leavmgthe protectwe comers of thetr respective boxmg nngs for just one issue, and writing something that reaches beyond the names of the= columns. Also, kudos to Mark Penner for his letter that finally shoved me off my ass to wnte this one Here's to the search for an authentic hfe, andif I'm lucky, some authentic columns

I was outraged upon learmng about the implementation of a mandatory bus pass for allUW students,mcludmg those l i w g on campus. I understand that numerous students d benefit from the bus pass, but what I do not comprehend are the wversity's reasons for not offemg optional bus passes I have hved in residence for approxlmately six months now and can count the times I have used the atchener-Waterloo bus system on one hand. If the mandatory bus pass is implemented and costs a substannal amount, I d feel obhgated to ride the bus to ensure that my hardearned cash is not gomg to waste. Students are already faced with so many fees; why do we need more? The university should be looking at ways to reduce student fees mstead of searching for unnecessary services for students to purchase. Looking at the environmental aspect, as ES students are always encouraged to do, one could debate that the bus is environmentally friendly.Yes, I agree that public transportation does improve the atmosphere. However,kinesiology students could develop their own theory relating to pubhc transportation and students' physical health. W k of how many students w i h walking distance of the university d be lured into lazmess and start taking the bus. What form of transaortation could be more environmentally 'friendly than ridinga bicycle orwalking?

- h y h 1B English and appbed studiss

More menu

-Nicole Nmh

To the editor,

I B envimnment and businesr

UW Food Services makes d o n s each year from their domination in food retailing on campus, yet the food and service is not up to par. The lack of competition facing UW Food Semces causes students to face a lack of chotce. Recently, I vlsited the York Universtty campus, and though fast food may not be the healthiest of all foods, I found a much larger selection. Filled wlth a Pizza Hut, KFC, Wendy's, Subway and Second Cup, I felt lunited being at UW. Sure, you can argue that University Plaza is a couple of minutes away and there you can find variety, but why do we even have to go there? P a p g as much as we do for everything, students deserve at least a little bit of choice and a little less of a monopoly by UW Food Services. By demanding a mandatory meal plan to be purchased by all students in residence, the restriction to eat from UW Food Services is alreadyin place. The money has already been pocketed by UW Food Services, so it should not hurt to encourage other food retailers to enter onto campus. A little bit ofvariety and a little bit of different food for the students should not be too much to ask for.

There are some good people To the editor, On Sunday, the Canadian men's 01ympic hodrey team hally reclaimed their gold medal. I don't think I'm alone when I say this accomplishment was exating, to say the very least. Somethinglike this, on such an international scale as the Olympics, calls for celebration. So after the game was over and the medals were handed out, my friends and I knew we had to go out and celebrate our victory with our fellow Canadians. With flags in hand and tattoos on our faces, we got into our car and started yelling. As we drove down University, we were welcomed by the sight of hundreds of fans shanngourenthusiasm. With everyonehangmg out t h w wmdows or standing through t h w sunroofs, accompanied by the endless crowds of people on the streets, it was quite the scene. We were driving down University and prepared to turn around on Westmount, when a police officer made the interesting choice of pulling us over. In our excitement, I guess we forgot to wear seatbelts, and standing through the sunroof seemed to attract some attention.

Thinking we were only going to be warned, we were surprised with a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt: a $110 fine. My faith in the goodness of people and of our country was completely destroyed. In light of all the celebration, someone found the opportunity to ruin it. Crushed, we continued to drive back down University, with much less enthusiasm. Near WLU, we noticed that with all the traffic congestion, someone had run into another car by the entrance. Curious and snoopy, we all watched as they both got out of their cars. After inspecting the not major but noticable damage,we were overwhelmed to see the driver of the car who got hit take a look around at the impressive show of patriotism, then shake the other driver's hand, smile and walk away. This selfless act redeemed my hope in the goodness of people, and the kind of country we live in. Even though there will be those people who make life harder, Canada is still the greatest country, and it's because of people like that dnver.

-Jon Cowan 2B computer science Girnrne a break, guys To the editor, I went to a local nightclub recently and as a male, I'd hke to express my disgust towards how other men were treating the women there. I began noticmg things that made me rather embarrassed to be male. I saw guys walking up to gills and domg the most outrageous things. I saw guys grabbingormaybe1 shouldsaygropmgg~rlsas they walked by. And more frequent were the distasteful comments: "Hey baby, come over here," "nice ass" and many more that are inappropriate for this paper. I know not all males are guilty of thts, and sometimes women do the same thing but I ask the question, "What are you trylngto accomphsh?" It makes no sense. They see a pretty g r l and instead of being gentlemen andmaybeb u p g her a dmk, or finding out her name, they haul off with the stupid comments and actions. I have a word of advrce for you sleek wannabe Don Giovannis out there: you will never pick up acting like that. All you're doing is wrecking it for the rest of us guys. And more Importantly than that, you're bemg disrespectful and obnoxious towards another human b a g . Those of you out there that

this applies to, just give it a rest.

-Jonathan Meb 3B environment and bwiness

I agree, $64 is a lot To the editor, Last week as I was apping though the letters, one specific letter caught my eye: 'Don't underestunate $64." I agree, prices on campus are too high. You'd think wlth all the money we students pay for t m o n , they would give us a break on other things such as books, medicine and everyday necessities. I remember when I was in h g h school, if you lost the textbook you had to pay $30, but now, you have to buy it, no matter what, for a hundred dollars. In addition,when you buy mk or mediune from the SLC, they charge almost double what you would pay in other stores Granted, it is a lot more convenient for students, but that doesn't mean storeowners have the right to rip us off. It's not like most ofus have cars here that we can go to the closest mall, and even if we did, there's another $252 needed to have a parking spot for three terms. Being a student is already costly enough and most of us will be p a p g off our debts for a long time. Trust me, even the m e s t amount ofmoney saved can deterrmne whether you can go to your favounte restaurant or tf you have enough money to take the Feds' bus home to see your famI~Y

-D$ika Mod 1B environment and buJinen Kudos to our bus drivers. To the editor, I have used the city transit system for many years now and I reahzed one morning that hardly anyone takes the time to thank the bus drivers for t h w hard work and dedication. The city owes a lot to these fine people. Not only does it take necessary skdl to operate these large machines, it also takes a great deal of patience. Once three o'clock rolls around and schools are let out, the city bus becomes a chaotic carnage of noise and foul language. Is it not hard enough to manage these oversued automobiles around the uty without the y e h g of voices and pushing of adolescent teens? Obviously not I honestly can't say I have taken the bus one day without havmg to overhear how so and so is a

bleeping bleep bleep. Ladies andgentlemen, although the bus is a public area, &ay I remind you it is a confined public area. Not everyone the bus wants to hear your recent problems with whomever. So thank you bus drivers. Thank you for putting up with annoying children. Thank you for takmg the responsibility to drive us home when we feel the roads are too bad to drive ourselves. Thank you for waiting for us stragglerswho never seem to be at the stop on time. And finally, thank you for your hard work, dedication, politeness, fantastic conversations and friendship. I hope this message finds its way to the hearts of those reading it. If you out there use the ctty transit system, next time you are on the bus, take four seconds out of your life and thank the bus driver. Trust me, youwillmake a difference.


-Mat Vincent Vaughan phnning

Let's have some fun To the editor, 1 ' i a first-year student who was anticipating a university career f l e d with footballgames, pep rallies, spirit days and speaal events. T o my sad dismay, this university is not spirittilled or community-oriented at all. I left my high school hoping that these next five years would be different. The only difference seems to be that the-students are older and the classes are larger. The university experience is supposed to be one that stays with you the rest of your life, one thatyoualways look backon and smile. Unfortunately,I think this university is lacking in school spirit. It appears that the school is divided. Everyone is within his or her own faculty or residence and they do. most things separately, which does not promote unity as a school. Since I've beenhere,it seemslikethe school morale is limited to going to the Bomber, Fed Hall or Louie's. You hear people on campus talk about other universities and how much fun they are and you can't help but think what that experience would be like. This is a prestigious school, but it would be nice if fun and excitement somehow fit into ththat mould. The school should look into bringing the whole university together and boosting energy. I think you'll find that people d have a more positive perspectiveon their school if they enjoy what goes on in it.


Scientific advancement is cause for worry Tories to hear reactions To the editor, Like many other students in Ontario and Canada, I've been privileged and unfortunate to study at a post-secondary institution. I say privileged because I've learned so much and am so lucky to have so many opportunities that others did not have. I say unfortunate because the stresses of school, part-time work, financial struggles and regular living all combined have created a stress load that if I had not gone to unversity, I would not have had. That said, I'd also be very limited in my career options and levels of potential success. We all share these stresses and my concern lies with the increased stressesthat deregulation of tuition fees would have upon students younger than I andmy classmates. I'm graduating (hopefully) in two months, and the increases in fees will not affect me a great deal. It will affect those younger than I, and that irritates me to no end. I was recently asked how I felt about the changes in the education structure and my blood pressure quickly went up. I explained to thls person that I and many of my high school and university friends lived through severe education cuts and +t we would likely not forget the PC government --.nor would we support them. I stronglyfeel that the Tory government represents a danger to accessible post-secondary education, and while I smile inside when I think of the thousands of young, educated and soon to be wealthy university and college grads voting at the next provincial election with deep bitterness and resentment at their experiences of the 1990s and the Tories, I cringe when I think of the damage that can stdl be done in the two or three years. I'm not an extremist, as those who know mewill attest. What I proposeis quite simple. It's even expected of responsible citizens. Please write, call or e-mail your MPP and tell them that it's unacceptableto make theexperiences that you had at UW impos-

sible for the kid you babysat, the little boy you helped coach when you were in htgh school, or the little girl to whom you were a Big Sister to. Ten years from now, let's not look back and fed g d t y for our lack of action.

Show a little appreciation To the editor, While it was wonderful to see that the Warriors' women's hockey team received such a large article in the February 8 issue of Imprint, the article itself did little to actually promote the team. Perhaps from a purely varsity athletic standpoint, the information on how the team is st111 far from competitive, and the implied lack of skill, was essential information to include when discussing the state of the, team. However, as it was emphasized in the article, it is not yet a varsity team. Perhaps then, attention should be drawn to the aspects that the team does have. For instance, dedication, something of which the group of 26 women have more than enough, especially since they practise five days of the week. More than well aware of their "lack" of skill, these women kill themselves during gimes in an attempt to close that frustrating 3-4 point gap. They show up every day to sweat and exert themselves and strive to improve their skills and game play, when more than half of them are well aware that they will not even be sitting on the bench come this time next season. Since October, the team has come together through concussions, strains, sprains and of course the occasional night out. Credit must be given to these players, and they should not be described as a joke in any circumstance. It should be remembered that without these players, there wouldn't even be hope for a team next year, regardless of the funding issue.

-Jennqw h u e / / Women's hoekg team member

Dog hunt not for sport To the editor, This letter is in response to Barry Tuddenham's letter: "Legal to kill a dog after sundown." Although I stand stronglyagamst animal abuse and brutakty, Tuddenham would have you believe that such a bylaw is mere justification for a dog hunting,sport. I contend that it serves a s i p h a n t and important purpose. I hail from an emu ranch on Vancouver Island, B.C; The island is home to few natural preditors (the occasional cougar or midget black bear). The only real threat to livestockaredomesticdogsrunningin packs. I highly doubt that Barry has ever picked up a spade to dig a hole for six dead emus, put down a young lamb mauled by dogs, or stitched up the neck of a pig. I am also w d h g to bet that he has not seen dogs ravaging stock, or the look of trance-like bloodlust in the eyes of a dog aftera fresh kill complete with a frothy blood-foam beard. The Mulrnar Township bylaw is there to protect property. It is not a metropolis, but a township of 2,509 people. Their Web site quotes it as being "wide, rolling plains that are suited to raising cattle and feed grain." Of particular note is the clause that states you may kill a dog "between sunset and sunrise straying from the premises where the dog is habitually kept" is between the clauses "that is found killing or injuring livestock or poultry" and "that is found straying at any time, and not under proper control, upon premises where livestock or poultry are habitually kept." Tuddenham states that onemistakewhile travelling with your dog could land it dead. Perhaps that is the case, but every dog owner is liable for destruction of property, as is any person who puts down a dog (and fun isn't a good enough reason). It may be difficult to lose a dog because of it being biologically wired to hunt and kill, but trust me, nothmg is more dtfficult than to put down three of your own dogs because they continued to ravage livestock.

-Brian Code 3A computer engineering

Whitewash exarmnes termmne concerns

I N YOUR INTEREST Menstruation affects half the population, but is vastly avoided by the general public and regarded not as a life force, but as a curse. The issue is kept "under wraps," and few women are aware of altemative feminine products or the need for them, such as the Keeper (reusable menstrual cup) or cotton pads. The synthetic materials used in tampons, such as rayon (bleached by chlorine), contain carcinogenic substances like dioxin, and have been known to cause toxic shock synarome. Ladies, TSS is still among us. The average woman throws away over 10,000 sanitary napkins and/or tampons during her lifetime, contributing to

inaeased landfill waste and consequently causing unnecessary environmental degradation. Health and environmental factors point to the logical conclusion that altemative products should no longer be the alternative, but a mainstream menstruation necessity. It is crucial for women to claim their sexuality from the misconstrued version of today's perfect woman. The pressure for women to become an image that is created and desired by Western culture manifests itself in eating disorders, loss of self-esteem, unhealthy sexual relations, and other unhealthy behaviours that reinforce the entrenched stereotype present in many women. This coming week is International Women's Week, and WPIRG's action group, Whitewash, is hosting its third annual Pussy Party on March 5. The intent of the event is to recognize vaginas in all their glory by providing a safe space for education, exploration (theoretically), and discussion. Topics will include menstruation, sexuality, pregnancy and childbiah in a cultural context.

A goal of the Pussy Party is to provide women with the opportunity and an accepting environment in which to discuss their concerns and passions. Issues relating to menstruation, self-love, fantasy, love with a partner of either sex, pregnancy and childbirth will be embarked upon. A discussion of these issues will help to empower women to explore and expand their understanding of themselves and how to deal with pressures of the society in which we live. The event is in the multi-purpose room of the SLC. The room will be open for perusal of educational exhibits from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.. From 6 to 10 p.m. there will be a women-only drum jam, yoga session and potluck featuring favourite foods to eat d&g menstruation, followed by discussion. This year's International Women's Week's theme is 'Working in Solidarity: Women, Human Rights and Peace." Whitewash promotes the need for women to work in solidarity on these issues and recognizes this importance by furthering goals of environmental and social justice.

Mammograms: smart choice or dangerous risk? Caitlin Sharpe PHOTO EDITOR

Happily going about my life, as any carefree girl should, I received something in the mail that scared me enough to make me stop, think and investigate a topic relevant to my well being, but very unknown in my life. Like all f a d e s mine has a hlstory. Our history is not rememberedin war heroes or those making a new life for their families in a new country, but in the fact that 85 per cent of the women have died of breast cancer. In the mail I received a notice to make an appointment for my first mammogram . .. at 20. Over the past century, medicine has wrought so many miracles that progress has come to seem inexorable. A discovery is made, a cure is found. Next, please. But the truth is that medical science, like all science, does not proceed from ignorance to enlightenment in a straight line. Indeed, it is more accurately described,in the words ofthe philosopher Miquelde Unamuno, as "a cemetery of dead ideas," with one seeming truth being thrown out for another that fits better with the latest research. A particularly painful example may be occurring right now. For years, women over 40 years oldwere told that a yearly mammogram could find breast cancer early enough to save them from death. T h ~was s medical dogma; the truth. But in the early 1990s, doubts about whether the test helped women in theit 40s arose. Now some experts question whether it saves anyone. People cling to mammograms.They cling to the idea that there is something they, can do to protect themselves. If that is taken away as a security blanket, people turn and say, "So what am I supposed to do?" The mammogram story shows both the uncertainty of scientific progress and the slipperiness of scientific truth. All too often, science progresses in fits and starts, reexamining data, reinterpreting evidence - a path that can be hard to accept in medicine, when answers are needed now. The mammography argument, scientists say, is only taking place because the test's benefit was never that great in statistical terms. W e the test can Gnd tumors too small to feel, does findmg and treating them that early save lives? The question is whether there are enough doubts about mammography's benefits and enough evidence of its risks that women should reconsider having them. Some risks lie not in the test itself, but in the treatments -chemotherapy, surgery and radiation whenmalignanciesare found.But what if mammograms are picking up tumors that would never threaten a woman's life, and would otherwise never have been noticed -or treated? What if mammograms are finding tumors that could be treated just as well a few years later, forcing the woman to spend those years with the dreadful suspicion that she has breast cancer? It defies beliefthat women should forgo the only test they now have that can find breast cancer early. But it is not just statistical arguments that cloud the picture. There is also the image of cancer as a relentless enemy that will advance unless it is conquered. It is an image of war. Last week, for example, a doctor asked hts female staff and male resident a pointed question: was there anythmg to this new debate over whether mammography lowers the death rate from breast cancer? The unanimous response was that the entire argument was without foundation. "It's just a way for insurance companies to save money," they told him. In the meantime, he said, not a single patient has told him she questions the value of mammograms. This is the story of the limits of scientific evidence. Ultimately, the data casts doubt on long-held beliefs and they don't replace them with definitive answers.


A moment frozen in time tance. Some media observers estunate half of all Canadians watched the game Those around for Paul Henderson5 heroics say that the victory celebraaons back in 1972 were nothing compared to the outpouring after last Sunday's gold medal game Canadians have often been harsh on themselves for not bemg patnotic enough, but anyone who took part m the post-game euphona d know that Canadians are extremely patpotic, if there is somehng that moves them to feel proud Hockey, as our most popular sport, serves the purpose mcely. Even those who are indifferent get drawn m by the drama - a snowball effect, if you d Most beautiful of all, is that such feelmgs cannot be manufactured, and cannot be dictated. they can only be felt As weeks, months and years go by, the elation wdl fade It wdl gradually recede mto a comfortmg saasfacuon, a reference pomt for years to come Eventually we may end up sliding back mto our traditional malase, should thrngs not go so w d for us next Ume. But no matter what, we wdl forever have our moment, frozen m tune.

neous outpouring of emotion in the streets; never before have I felt such a part of.something so wonderful; and never before have things seemed so right, as they should be. To see complete strangers embrace each other, to have the streets h e d with delinous fans, giving high fives all around -it was something incredible. I didn't even care that I had to stay sober to drive. The more superstitious among us would have sworn our hockey luck was pnxed. From the dreaded shootout losses to Sweden m Mehammer to the Czechs m Nagano, Canada always seemed to get the short end of the stick -we fought hard, played well -but came up empty-handed. T h s tune was different. The Amencans were on our heels from the drop of the puck and, save for a brief nap at the begmmg of the h d penod, Canada dominated the entire game. It was no fluke, no squeaker, no luck of the draw. We won and we deserved to. Yet, the game itself was only half the story. What is more telling is how much it mattered to so many people. Yes, we know it's our sport -it always has been and always will be -but never has a single game held so much impor-


VOU! OFF M Y PLANET! Make sure you're sitting down for this, people. There will be no acerbic ranting this week. No mocking other columnists, no rebuttals to"-angryletters, no claims of great wrongs that need righting. This week is different, because I'm not feelmg unsettled. A11 I feel is elation. You may have guessed by now that this is a result of our victory of this Sunday past, and I am sure I am not alone. And for good reason: many years from now, our children d ask us what we were doing on two important days: September 11,2001 - and February 24,2002. Obviously, there is no question about which was more important. September 11 was a horror, and thousands died. February 24 was just a hockey game. But it was an event -a victory -that we all needed. Never before have I seen such a sponta-

Hetero- vs. homosexual; who's more faithful?

A few weeks ago, I participated m a survey for gay men concerning relauonshps, sex, HIV and nsk behamors. In readmg the questions, it was clear that it could only have been designed for gay men. For one, a general survey on relationshps would never ask about sexual behamours w t h one's "regular" partner and then "causal partners." The survey remtnded me of

how dtfferently gay men conceptu-

to fmd any useful stats on how

the straight world, there's an implicit expectation of monogamy. In practice, lesbians tend to be more fathful than heterosexuals are But if that survey was any mdication, gay men don't really pretend to be monogamous It would be u n f a to claim that most gay men are m open relationships, although it may have been true m the pre-AIDS era. Researchmg for thls arttcle, I came across statistics that seemed to corroborate the claim that most gay men used to be m open relationships The threat of AIDS didn't stop open relationships, but it did force gay men to take senous precautions While I didn't manage

are common enough for AIDS researchers to account for them in their surveys In many ways, I like how the gay community conceptuahzes open relationships. For one, the language is positive. Consider the heterosexual equivalents. mfidehty, cheatmg, affws, sumgmg, prostitution. It sounds unnatural, evd, uncommon, bad; and yet it happens all the tlme.What's worse, heterosexuals feel great pressure to keep mfidehty a secret as if thls was an adaptive thtng to do! With gay relationships, side mterests are talked about, not kept a secret


See GAY SURVEYS, page 12

The inescapable media Brennan Vogel COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

Maybe you've noticed those annoying advertisements that plague your vision and mind as you try to relieve yourself at the trough or on the can. This is the work of Zoom Media, the adv&tismg corporation that dominates our student-owned bar -Fed Hall - and the bathrooms of the Bomber and the SLC. The purpose of Zoom ads in our washrobms is simple. They claim that their "ads just won't go unnoticed. For at least 30 seconds, 3.7 times a night, the ad in the Zoom framehas yourundividedattention." If you're 18-34, you're in the demographic that advertisers live for, "enhghtened consumers with dollars to spare and an image to earn." Apparently, we're "in the accumulating years, making lifestyle buys like cars, homes and trips." We are the perfect consumers, ripe for marketing. Earlier this semester,the removal of a Zoom Media billboard from the AL haded in a new era for UW politics. This event signals the impetus for the complete and utter removal of Zoom Media from UW, the first step on the long journey towards the de-corporatizationof our university. Says VP Student Issues Brenda Beatty of the banishment of Zoom Media from AL, "The rationale behind the policy is to maintain a sanctuary for study and thought." I ask of you all -how then, does this same policy not apply to that most holy sanctuary, the bathrooms of the SLC? And what of Fed Hall? The hypocrisy is glaringly obvious - if Zoom Media has been expelled from AL, there is little reason for the Feds to maintain a contractwith them; except of course for the $9,560.33 profit the Feds have



already accumulatedfrom this exclusive, unscrupulous deal. But can you put a price tag on your freedom of thought; your morals and ethics? The day this shall come to pass shall be a frightening, Orwellianshaded day indeed. I propose we stand up for principle, since that is what post-secondary education is supposed to be about - the acquistion of critical thought and application to real world situations. The Feds' contract with Zoom Media represents the further corporatization of UW and the continuing commodification of us, as students, into the next brand of consumers. We are more than consumers, we are "the leaders of t o m o r r o w " -remember? Join the anti-globalizationbattle. Take a step towards the extermination of a capitalist icon that promotes mindless consumption at the expense of the environment (i.e. Syncrude oil ads in Fed Hall and the repercussions of Global Climate Change) and that compromises our dignity as human beings to freedom of mind space while we perform the most private of bodily functions. I say strike while the iron is hot; the precedent has been set with the expulsion of Zoom Media from AL. Bathroom advertising is absolutely ridiculous. Zoom, you've got to go! The termination of the Feds relationship with Zoom Media is an easy battle to win.It is a step in the right direction-away from aworld where we are "born, hired and disposed" -a baby step towards aworldyhere we hctate our own future and decide whatisinour bestinterest, our (mental) health and the (mental) health of those future students to follow us. Let's fight to win and "aim a little higher," both on moral grounds and at the urinals.



Dr. Jeff Hovis from the School of Optometry, University of Waterloo is evaluating colourvisiontestsdesignedfortherailroadindustry.The tests determlne one's abllity to identify colour codes used to monitor and control train movement lndlwdualswlth COLOURVISION PROBLEMSare needed toballdate these tests The experiment requiresbetween 1to 2 hoursto complete. Compensation for yourtime IS$10.00. For more ~nformat~on, please contact Jeff Hovlsat 885-1211,ext.6768. E-ma~l~jhovls@uwaterlm.cao~R S h a n k a r a n a t r s h a n k a n a ca This project has received ethics clearancefrom the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo (ORE #9703)

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Look in the mirror

SECONDHAND SMOKE Being in math, Thursday was my first day of ' reading "week" and I was headed home to Ottawa. There were five of us in the car we'd rented to make the journey up and back. We stopped in Kmgston for a little something to eat and for a bit of a tour. I lived in Kingston for a time when I was attending Queen's, so I was the tour guide. We drove through the campus, then to downtown, where we parked in front of city hall. O n our way to a diner for lunch, we walked by a couple of vendors who were e h g produce, flowers, jams and maple syrup. After our lunch we returned to the vendor, where I purchased some apple cider. We then walked up to Princess Street, Kmgston's main street. A couple blocks along, we stopped in at the Army Surplus store; two of us each bought a pair of sunglasses and another guy bought some ski pants to use for skiing the coming weekend. We continued up the street, in search of the Hemporium at 123 Princess. It turned out that the Hemporium had moved. But before we got there, we passed a girl begging for money on a street comer. I stopped, and realized that I knew her. As my alternate placement through Queen's, I'd spent three weeks at StreetSmart, an alternative h_lgh school environment. It was for students no longer in the regular school stream for whatever reason. It offered workbook courses that allowed students to independently pick up the high school courses they wanted or needed to take. Some of the kids who came in had not had great lives. I was amazed at times to hear them talking of being in jad, of their kids, or of other things they had going on in their lives. One gul attempted suicide one night


during the time I was there. Others talked of their problems with anger management, or with substance abuse. At the end of my year at Queen's, I was presenting a workshop to other teacher candidates on the subjects of drugs, schools, teachers and students. I convinced one of the StreetSmart students, along with an accompanying staff person, to help me give the presentation. I thought that she was a special person to come and share some of her personal experiences and perspectives to an audience of 50 or 60 apprenticing teachers, all older than her. She did a very good job of it, too. Now, two years later, I was meeting her on the streets, as she asked passers-by for money. I offered her my change and then the last $5 I had, as she explained she needed $60 by the end of the day for her rent, and then $25 for some special medical shampoo. I'm sure she could have gone on listmg more thmgs that required money she didn't have. It broke my heart when she told me how she hated how cruel and rude people would be to her for begging on the streets, not understanding that her begging for money she needs was in place of her breaking into their houses to pay her bills. It made me a bit happier when she told me that she'd been using my reference letter repeatedly. I had written it for her +thout her knowing that I'd do so, as a kind of bonus thank you for helping with the presentation. But what had the biggest effect on me was the disparity between our two lifestyles. We had just spent $25 for lunch, $5 for cider, $16 each for two pairs of sunglasses, and $30 on ski-pants, as well as $70 each on the four-day car rental and gas; she desperately needed $60. Looking back on it, I don't feel too good about not having done more to help her out Six or seven dollars is nice, but I could have gone to a bank to withdraw $60 for her, or even $85. I probably could've handled the loss of money without too much trouble. , But what I'm not so sure of is if I can handle how different her life is from mine. That's a bit harder to get over.

the face!

SU: Grpiat Hall Tue#lap- 2~30to 4~00D.M. Thmdays -1l:3O a.m. lo 1:30 p

rligital soapbox

Soulmate search

A friend of mine couldn't balance his school life with his love life. His marks were dropping and his relationship was getting complicated. So he dumped his girlfriend and swore never to date during school again. My friend gave up women for computer science. I don't mean to be mean, but that is crazy. It's not like he is a monk who gave up women for God -we all know that it is much more likely that CS is the tool of the Devil rather than a path to salvation. Then again, some people say when you accept admission into UWs CS program, you've implicitly gwen up women anyway. Long-term relationships are challenging. As it was for my friend, it's tricky to balance a long-term relationship with all the other things in our messy lives. Even if you can manage that, it's too difficult to keep a relationshp together over a long period of time. Every bond has its highs and lows. Part of managing that is just accepting the fact that there will sometimes be lows, that the other person will never be perfect and will hardly ever pick up his socks from the floor. You have to change your expectations. Of course, there's more to it. If you want to establish clarity in your love life, you are going to have to figure out what you are

really looking for. It is called loving logically and it means that you have to think with your head as you love with your heart. For those who are looking for a spirituallj meaningful relationship, here are a few tips on what to look for in another person before you let love take over. First of all, accept the person as they are. If you thmk you can change someone, you are wrong. The person you are involved with will likely get worse before they get better, sc look at the person and figure out if you can accept them as they are. Just as you have to accept your partner, you should feel accepted by them. You should feel safe to feel the way you feel without fear of judgemeant or rejection. Ask yoursel6 if one day you feel like changmg your name to "queen of the darkness," painting your face black and joining a cult, will your partner still love you? If the answer is no, perhaps you need to make some changes in your love life. Then again, if the answer is yes, then you absolutely have to make some changes in your life. If you are looking for love, then you have to look for a loving person. Someone once told me that a good way to judge a person's ability to care is to see how they treat others. How do they treat their parents, their friends, and even strangers? Are they materialistic? Do they care about themselves above all others? If so, they may choose themselves over you or your relationship. So what about soulmates? Is it just about one day colliding with our karmic other-halfi What do you think? Peace.

Gay surveys:they knowwe sleep around GAY SURVEYS, from page 11 Couples agree to be in an open or closed relationship. Not to discuss monogamy would be as foolish as not to inquire about HIV status. Open relationshtps in the gay community account for the natural desire to have sex. It sees a casual partner as a sexual outlet and not a threat to the emotional attachment with a regular partner. There are, of course, some big problems with open relationshps. I already alluded to the threat of AIDS. From what I have read in psychological studies, those in open relationships are, by necessity, more careful about STDs than those in closed relationships. The other big problem is jealousy. Being in an open relationship requires communication about boundaries and

acceptable behavior. There are many variations to the open relationshtp, from infrequent swinging as a couple to regular clandestine affairs as singles. The couple needs to decide what is appropriate. Some in the queer community may feel ashamed that gay men can't be as monogamous as lesbians and straight couples. I couldn't disagree more. I think open relationships are an improvement on the heterosexual "let's pretend it won't happen" approach. Gay men should not be ashamed to admit that they enjoy sexual variation. While open relationships aren't for everyone and they don't always work out, open relationships are an important aspect to the sexual liberation of the queer community.





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"Mike Harris, for his superior support of the educational system."

"Millie the duck, because she's in imprint every week."

Alisha Tharani

TK crew

4N kinesiology

"Ryan Merkley, because w e love imprint and he has a great first name."

"Edmonton Oilers' ice specialist w h o planted the gold medalwinning loonie."

Ryan Eagles

Sanj Gosain

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48 computer science

Krunal Patel 2B computational science

"To the vicious Canadian goose."

"Leslie Nielson, because he showed everyone that Canadians can be funny as well as play hockey."

Shaun Hirdes

Jeff Waldron


3N arts


Features editor: Melanie Stuparyk Assistant features editor: Florence A. Liauw features@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

The elements of design Florence A. Liauw IMPRINT STAFF

International designers took Toronto by storm last month with everything from arm chairs that evoked memories of Grey Poupon to love seats with pillows of lush green foliage upon a cushion of cherry red roses. The Interior Design Show was the playground of vivid imaginations. For four straight days, February 14 to 17, the Interior Design Show 2002 was host to 50,000 visitors, including architects, interior designers, retailers, international media, and the design-passionate public. The 175,000 square foot space at the National Trade Centre was transformed into trade showrooms with over 250 uniquc design booths. Featuring key Canahan interior de-

signers and architects, the show also included up-to-the-minute design trends in furniture and accessories from Italy, France, England, Holland,Denmark, Germany, Sweden and the United States. IDS 2002 accomplished its goal, which was to "get to the heart of design" by showcasing some of the latest international designs, while raising the level of awareness through insightful presentations given by design heavyweights, including Milanese visionary Piero Lissoni, famous for a variety of works including his kitchenwares for Alessi; internationally renowned curator Paola Antonelli from the Museum ofModern Art in New York; and Helsinki's product designer Ilkka Suppanen. The show kicked off Valentine's day evening with a keynote address from "the British knight ofgooddesip,"SirTerence Conran who was celebrating 50 years in innovative design. Among the concepts that Conran introduced to the stern design culturc of thc Brits wcre the beanbag chair, colourful plastic furniture from France, and the espresso pots from Italy.

Entertainrncnt on opening night was provided by Guvernment while VOX Vodka welcomed guests with an outdoor "ice bar." Guests relished good eats and beverages from some of Toronto's hippest restaurants and catering companies, such as The Gourmet Tree, Campari and Eatertainment Hospitality. The festivities werc the perfect backdrop to the designs that took centre stage. A true safe haven to any university student after a tough night at Dana Porter Library was the living room by Nekkamper. The room was as aesthetically pleasing as itwas comfortable. With a great big fluffierthan-polar-bear white rug and space-age, comfortable, poppy red and black sofa sets angled towards a hugc flat screen television, the room was definitely happening. Some of the showrooms, such as the one by Skypad, looked so inviting that a female guest crept into bed and tucked herself in under the soft fur comforter while laying on a bevy of designer pillows. Supreme minimalist luxury was apparent in the space designed by Gluckstein Home. The calming sound of water tickled the ear while it trickled from a metal candy-caneshaped faucet into the marble bathtub to form a deep celadon green sea that would ease even the most extreme case of midterm anxiety. The spa-like bathroom was

constructed almost completely with thick slabs of high-polished marble. It was accented with rich brown wood that was used as shelving, chairs and a spa bed. Bamboo framed thc mirrors, and tropical lime green flowers with bursts of magenta were finishingtouches to this indoorgctaway. The bathroom was supremelyluxurious in its own right, but the kitchen was a dream. The marble island had a flat screen television that automatically raised and lowered into the counter top, showing that technology as well as design was at the forefront of this work of cuisine art. A major trend in home furnishings seemed to be the use of complementary colours. A few of these observations came from the use of red with green by floral designer Lidia Tacconelli of Fiori, and yellow with purple accents by Snyder. The theme of colour versus form was also popular. The L-shaped couch by Skrpad was a contrast in itsclf with powder blue upholstery and sharp-angled comers. This year's intcrior Design Show also incorporatcd exhibitors from the appliances, electronics, tiling, and ornamental glass industries. Undoubtedly, IDS 2003 will be just as innovative and lively, and Toronto will be awash with its colorful delights all over again.

Far left: Shaped like a wave, Dorn Bracht's design booth by David Ling , embodies a natural futurism. Left: A purple floral arrangement accents Snyder's dijon leather furniture set. PrlOTOS BY FLORENCE A LlAUW



Global environmental concerns go local Conference in Portland, Oregon brings students from across North America together to share information on how to fight global warming Chris Edey IMPRINT STAFF


In a forested enclave in southern Portland, Oregon, Lewis and Clark College has become a leader; it is the first post-secondary institution in North America to become compliant with the Kyoto treaty, meaning it has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions (principally carbon &oxide) to six per cent below 1990 levels. Thts was accomplished through concerted action by students, administration and a genuine commitment throughout the college to do their part in combatting c h a t e change. From February 8 to 10, they played host to 90 representatives from campuses across North America to demonstrate what they had learned and to share the latest findingsin the field ofclimate change. The college is nestled into a hdlside and is surrounded by a magnificent stand of fir trees. It was hard to imagine a more idyllic setting for an environmentalconference.However, the effects of a gradually warming climate were still on the horizon. The towering Cascade mountains to the east of the city have lost 50 per cent of their snow pack over the past decade, reducing stream flows throughout Oregon. Duringlast summer's drought,local farmers and fisherman nearly came to blows over how to allocate the dunhished water supplies. This, in the richest nation on E d . The confeience began squarely on the global level. "We are putting out enormous carbon dioxide emissions, paying no heed to the decades of small environmental crises. Essentially, we are taking our stupidity from the local to the global level," said Eban Goldstein, an economics professor at Lewis and Clark, and the host of the conference. Goldstein said that scientistsnow predict that without serious action to reducegreenhousegas emissions, the world will see an average temperature increase of approximately 5 "C over the next century. T o put that in perspective, a 5 "C drop in temperaturewas significantenough to plunge Earth into an Ice Age 20,000 years ago. Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author Ross Gelbspan was the next to hammer home his message on the severity of climate change and America's culpability in it. "The general confusion on climate change ends at America's borders," he said. He went on to label the well-financed fossil fuel lobby and their "campaign of


Lewis and Clark University's scenic campus. disinformation" as the leading cause of lingering doubt in the American public over the scientific validity of global warming. "Thts manufactured denial is still the biggest obstacle facmg the environmental movement," he added. The United States is responsible for approximatelyone quarter of global carbon dioxide emissions, and under the leadership of President George W. Bush has opted out of the Kyoto protocol, citingpotentialeconomic losses and the 'uncertainty' of the science as key reasons. Congressman Earl Blumenauer was very frank in his assessmentof Bush's environmental record. "I was asked to give a 60 minute speech on environmental initiatives coming out of Washington, D.C. today. I don't know what I'll do for the other 59 but I'll give it a try," he said. The news was not all doom and gloom however. The Netherlands plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent over the next four years and Britain is planning to slash her emissions in half. Gelbspan proposed the creation of a .25 per cent tax on internationalcurrency transactions (which total $1.1 trillion per day) to create an investment fund to speed the development and application of clean technologies around the globe. But the most important part of the conference focused on how clunate change can be fought from the bottom up, at the campus level. JulianDautremont-Srnith,aLewis and Clark student, and principal architect of the college's success in reducing emissions, identified the creation of a campus greenhousegas inventory as the first step. It is not an easy task as factors such as direct emissions, the exhaust from commuter's cars and the emissions of the power plants that supply a school's electricitymust all be counted. Once the numbers were finalized, it was found that the college needed to reduce carbon &oxide emissions by two tons per student to become

Kyoto compliant. Vehicle emissions were a major target of the college's strategy. Through an aggressive approach of raisingparktng fees, refusing to build more spaces and promoting transit, the college was able to acheve a 33 per cent reduction in emissions attributed to commuting. Savingswere also realized through replacing older light bulbs and appliances with newer energy efficient models. The final step towards compliancewas realized through the purchase of carbon offsets, a somewhat controversial way of meeting emissions goals. Essentially, the college paid another body either to reduce its emissions, construct non-polluting power sources (We wind farms) or to plant trees, which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere . Since the college paid for the improvements, it gets cre&t for the reductions. Offsets have been dscredited as an end-run around reducing one's own emissions,oran accountingtrick on nature, but Dautremont-Smith dsagrees. "Some people feel that you can't pay people to reduce your emissions. I don't care as long as it doesn't end up in the atmosphere." Other savings were found in very basic efforts. Computers, lights and other electrical devices were simply tumed off when not in use. The overall effort was financed by a $10 US fee charged to all 2,000 Lewis and Clark students. The fee was not forced upon the students from above, it was proposed by the

In the February 22 issue of Imprint, Kirk Schmidt was given credit for the article entitled "Ecotourism", this article was in fact written by Mark Chambers. Imprint regrets the error.

Stylish downtown Portland,Oregon,city oftheenvironmentally conscious, as the Web site says, "Ahh Portland. Green. Clean. Friendly. Vibrant." college's student body and was approved with 83 per cent supp campus-wide referendum. So what lessons canUW, a tuaon whch pndes itself on tahon for mnovahon, draw from Lewis and Clark's expenence' J?mcipally the college demonstrated that becoming Kyoto compliant is neither expensive nor overly hfficult, and its only real requirement is commitment and determination on the parts of students, faculty and administration. Consider that U W has an annual electricity bill of approximately $4.5 d o n . Any one-time costs to become more efficient are likely to pay for themselves several times over in the long run. Evidence of a changing climate is

mantfestmgitself dady m several &ft ways. D m g the 1980smsurcompames patd out an average bfion a yeac to cover damages extreme weather across the globe. In 1996 alone the bill was $89 bdion, and the compames all agree that it will not decrease any time soon. The University of Waterloo, an advanced institution of higher leaming has the capacity to be a leader in this field and to set an example for the world to follow. Lewis and Clark College has conclusively demonstrated that campuses can play a role in combatting global warming. Hopefully UW is also up to the challenge.


NomJnatlorns for WPIRG Board of Directors

Thts Wat&o Public Interest Research Group is governed by a b a r d a f Directors of nine mernbars, Six af these Dirw$w positions will k fllld by e l d o n at next W l R G Ptnrroal Glenmi Meeting on March Wh, 2002, 5:N PM at the UW SLC Ground Zero restaumnt.

Nominatiansop~n 4 OAM, March6,2002, and close 4PM, March,$2,2002.





one have the time?

A silly question in the Davis Centre, thanks to a largerthan-life clock

OMELETTE BONANZA Omelettes are, hands down, one of the easiest meals to make. They can be made any size with any combination of differentingredients,making them both satisfymg and delicious for everyone. The basic compositionof an omelette, for anyone who doesn't know, is eggs. So no matter what the ingredients are, the simple directions are as follows: Mm at least two eggs (can be more depending on how hungry you are) with a little bit of milk and some salt and pepper. If you like cheese a lot, you can add in a grated handful. Pour the mixture into a small to medium sized skillet and cook until it is mostly cooked all the way through,




then tlip it over. Cook a few more minutes,stackchoiceingredients,and fold over. Finish cookmg on a low heat so the ingredients inside can cook, flipping as needed so the eggs don't brown too much but the inside gets warm and the cheese melts.

When entering the Davis Centre, people immediately notice two things: it is not boring and cavernous (unlike the math and computers building), and it has a breathtakingly beautiful clock in the atrium. A clockof this stature is not available for purchase Gom Ikea; rather, the clock was created and donated by Brendan Redly, who graduated Gom theUniversityofWaterloo with a degree in honours physics in 1975. "I approached the university with the dockidea about three years ago," Reilly said. "I had been building household-size standmg clocks and wall clocks in limited editions since 1979, and I felt it was time to expand my horizons. "It seemed, however, that my chances of getting a paid commission for such a work were slim without a concrete example, so I offered to donate the clock." Reilly began work on the clock in 1999, and made it in his home workshop. He tried testing it in a room m his house, but realized it was irnpossible. "I couldn't accommodate the 14- foot pendulum," Redly explained, "so I rigged up a horizontal pendulum to operate at the same rate." After getting it to work in his house,

Ingredient ideas: Vegetables, meat and cheese can be added in any portion according to your preferences, a good gauge is about a handful of each ingredient.

Fhrentine: spinach, mushroom, mozzarella, onion Garden: tomato, cheddar,broccoli Western: ham, cheddar, broccoli, mushrooms, onion Western 2: bacon, tomato, spinach, cheese, green onion Evepthing,mushroom, green pepper, onion, any cheese or meat SantaFe:red and green pepper, corn, mozzarella and cheddar cheese, green onion

Brendan Reilly's gift to UW hangs in the Davis Centre .

Reilly moved the clock and set it up properly in a high-ceilinged storage room at the university. He had the clock there for about four months, adjusting it and ensuring that it worked correctly. After one long year of hard work, theclockwasfinished.Reillyinstalled it in the Davis Centre in August 2000, and to show its appreciation, the university held a dedication ceremony the followingmonth. "It now gives me great pleasure to see my clock working in the Davis Centre. I especially like watching people's re-


action when they first see the clock," said Reilly of his accomplishment. "In fact, the best thing about making the dock has been the very positive publicresponse-that,andthegreat party the university threw for the dedication ceremony." When asked why he made the clock, Reilly answers in a way that epitomizes the spirit of UW. "The driving force behmd making the dock was the desire for creative expression. The idea of making somethingcompletelynewandoriginal appeals to me."


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Science editor: Jason Yu science@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca

Definitely not shoe polishing Polishg wheel rimsis the subject of a new robotics project at UW Jason Yu IMPRINT STAFF

Last Friday a new research project was launched at UW that will lead to more effiaent robotic polishingtechnologies. Prof. Jan Paul Huissoon, of the mechanical engineering departm e n t , d lead the project alongwi+ Prof. Ismail, Prof. Khajepour and. graduate student Dave Garins. Prof. Huissoon has had numerous experiences in this type of research. Several years ago, he set up a local company called Mercator Robotech with a UW grad. Their work involved designing and budding hard-facing machines - a type of welding m which a layer of chromium carbide is put on the inside of steel pipes. This procedure is necessary for applications such as the Alberta tar sands. The new initiative at UW also involves Kitchener-based Kuntz

ElectroplatingInc. The company has emerged as a leader in polishing and chrome plating of alloy wheels and other components for the auto industty. They have donated precision robotic calibration equipment valued at $300,000 to UW. In addition, $200,000 was provided by Materials and Manufacturing Ontario, one of the four 0ntario Centres of Excellence supported by the Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology. 'Supporting excellencein university research and making connections between that research and the needs of Ontario industry is what paterials and Manufacturing Ontario] is allabout," said Geoff Clarke, president and chief executive officer of the ministry. "Professor Jan Huissoon, a veteran [ministry]funded researcher, has an excellent track record of delivering results.. ." In a recent conversation I had with Prof. Huissoon, he was able to

explain to me U.concepts behind polishing and electroplating, as well as the goals of this new project with Kuntz Electroplating. Stamng from the very basics of his research, I asked Huissoon to define pohshing and electroplating. "Polishing is basically prepanng an object's surface for electroplating," he explained. "The surface has to be smooth enough and clean enough so that the electroplating [can] adhere. Electroplating is any type of metal plated onto another metal chrome-platingisthemost common. Gold-coloured nms [on cars], for mstance, have a specialtype of metal plated on to the nms." To pohsh an object manually is extremelylabourmtensive Largevats of very caustic chemicals are used to prepare the metal. Imagine a couple of hundred workers whose jobs are to do nothmg but polish wheels all day. These workers are also requred to wear large body smts that must be attached to hoses m order for them to breathe. "It's a really, really duty process," said Hmssoon

Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF


Transportation fiction becomes reality Public transportation in Cardiff, Wales could t h e a leap mto the future withm the next 14 months The national assembly government m Wales has approved a transport grant bid by Cardiff County council to Implement the urban light transport system within the city h i t s . The transport system IS the braincluld of Martin Lowson, professor of aerospace engtneenng at the Umverslty of Bnstol and a director of Advanced Transport Systems Ltd The system consists of pods, which seat up to four passengers, ru-g along guideways at an average speed of 40 KmJh station-tostation. Pod stations, laid out along the network like bus stops, are off the mamline, which means that other pods arenot delayedby loadmgpods. Smce pods would have a lowei per vehicle capacity, rndivldual pods could wait for passengers, elurnatingmuch of the waihng tune. Moreover, aguidewayfor this system would cost one-tenth of the construction cost of a road lane and takes up onequafter of the space. Pods will have a capauty of four people, along with accompanymg luggage, bicycles orwheelchairs. The

Visualization-ofthe urban light transportation system as it will appear in Cardiff, Wales. pods are designed to be resistant to vandalism, snow, rain and ice. The transport system has a great potentialto reduce congestion within urban areas and it is designed to operate m medium-stzed uties hke Waterloo. With the fare per pod nde (mcludmg four passengers) comparable to a single fare on busses or light-rd transport and reduced costs, the urban-hght transport system has potential. If it it suceeds in Cardiff, we may soon seeit around the world.

Blair government's plans to improve p u b k transit are able to offer adequate opaons, the plan would see motonsts charged for travel on UK, roads no matter where they dnve. Under the commission's proposals, all cars would be fitted with a small m-car w t linked to a GPS navigation system,kovenng the nationwide road network from motonvays to resident~lareas Vehicles would then be charged accordmg to the road space they used and the m e they used it. Most travel would not mcur Toll roads on a micro scale any charge. To offset these charges, the current gasoline and vehicle sales Britain's Commission for Integrated . taxes would'be reduced. Transport recently outlined a new The comnussion rationalized thls method forpayingfor roadusewhich system, e x p l w g that other transcould reduce road congestion across portation networks already charge the UK by up to 44 per cent without vanable rates for use at peak hours. increasing the overall tax take. De- For mstance, dnvulg in central Lonsigned to be implemented once the don dunng rush hour would cost $1

Kunt~andUWphntocomplete1~ to analyze how the mbot should automate the wheel polishmg proc- polish a wheel based on a computer ess. SOfar, robots have been usedm model of it. One goal of them is to mdustry to pohsh wheels, but there explain to a robot how to polish a aremanyproblemswithextstingtech- wheel's individual parts correctly. Another goal of Huissoon's is to nologies. According to Huissoon, there are dozens of vanables that develop a program that will allow a need to be taken into consideration robot to move at high speeds with when polishing awheel Formstance, little error. 'We want to find ways of the speed and amount of 011 that is correcting the robot so that it does put on must be carefully taken mto actually go where you want it to go," added'Huissoon. consideration. The partnership Kuntz ElectroIn total, there are upwards of about 1,000 pomts for a robotic pol- plating has made with UW will see many benefits for the company. Roishing untt to detect on a wheel Hwssoon and his team of research- botic polishingis less hazardous and ers plan to generate a CAD program much more efficient. Huissoon's for a wheel that will teach a robot to work will likely replace the most exconsider allof the vanables andpomts perienced ofworkers in the industry. The equipment donatedby Kuntz involved in polishing. 'We have to figure out what combinations of has been set up in W s robotics facility, where reserachers will conpolishing variables [the robots] should use on vanous parts of the duct various experiments to evaluate automated polishing conditions, as wheel," stated Hurssoon. CAD programs are basically 3D well as develop robot path control models of an oblect on computer. strategies for a new breed of robotic With CAD, you can have models polishing technologies. that can be rotated and analyzed on a computer screen Hmssoon plans

per mile. In contrast, d n m g m the country dunng peak time would cost $0.02per kdometer. Useofhighways would cost 10 cents. In companson, the toll for Highway 407 is 12 cents per lulometer. Cumngcongestion by 44per cent overall does not mean that the amount of traffic on the network would simply vmsh. The commtssion used the same measure of congestion as the government used for its 10-year plan. The results show that traffic levels would fall overall by about five per cent and speeds would increase on average by about three per cent, with greater changes m areas suffering the worst congestion. Themudence ofgndlockwould also be expected to reduce significantly and reliabhty would improve.

Heated textiles Amencan company Malden Mdls has mvented a fabnc that can generateits own heat, using steel microfibres and lightweight h h u m battenes. Malden Mds, the makers of Polartec fleece, 1s licensing the technology to makers of outdoor sports clothing and the Amencan d t a r y The wired cloth has stamless steel fibres, thinner than a human hair, woven mto the fabnc which can be folded, washed or ~ronedwithoutbemg broken. A devlce woven mto the cloth can heat the chest cavlty up to 42째C for five hours. Malden Mds sells the jacket for $500US. The main drawback of the technology is that the battenes are bulky and only last a few hours. In the future, Malden Mdls plans to expand the technology into gloves and even

air-conditionedfabrics.The ultimate goal of the company is to use the wires to carry data, not just heat, and to create a fully wearable computer that could monitor a person's heart rate and body temperature.

Next Canadian in space Astronaut Steve MacLean yill be next Canadian iri space when he lifts off aboard the Endeatlour space shuttle in April 2003. MacLean, who was last aboard the shuttle 10 years ago, will take two walks in space to become the first Canadian to operate Ckadann2 and its mobile base at the Intemational Space Station. The robotic arm will be used to install truss segments and solar arrays. This year will mark the first time in seven years a Canadian hasn't gone into space and future opportunities could be fewer still.A budget crisis at NASA brought on by the war on terrorism could limit opportunities for non-American astronauts. f i e . number of crew members aboard the Intemational SpaceStation could change from six to three.

Gutenberg's second revolution Almost 600 years ago, Johannes Gutenburg revolutionized information trading with the perfection of the printing press. His Bibles suc-" ceeded in spreading the word of the Christian Bible, which was previously guarded by the clergy, allowing the common man to have access to and read its words. See MICROFILES, page 18


Microfiles: e-mail news E-mail advertising

MICROFILES, from page 17

Has gaming gone too far? Jason Yu IMPRINT STAFF

Now,many years later, Gutenburg has moved o n h e . Two copies of Gutenberg's Bible are now online at: prodigi.bl.uk/gutenbg/default.asp. Using satellite-strength cameras, Japanese researchersand technicians dtgitized the Bible cover to cover, rendering gloriously detailedimages. The same technique is now being used to capture 1,300 high-resolutionimages of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. By digitizing these ancient texts, more people may look at these priceless artifiactswithout the risk of further damage to the original. Using a search function on the Web site, anyone can find their favourite passage, complete with calligraphy and illumination.Soon, the Internet may become closer to the Alexandrian library than anyone 'ever imagined.

The Internet advertising company DoubleClick Inc. wdl unveil a new software product for sendmg e-mail advertisements. The company said its new DartMai13.5 will help advertisers segment and analyze their customers according to demographics and shopping habits. E-mail advertising, which is relatively inexpensive, is one of the few forms of Internet advertising that is thriving, and has become a key area of focus at DoubleClick. DartMai13.5 will help track customer transactions in more detail, recording such information as the value of agiven purchase andwhether or not it was made in direct response to an e-mad transaction. Spamming has just reached a new level.




COLLEGE PRO PAINTE is presently looking responsibleand hardwork university orcollege studentsf

If you thmk Internet caf6s are for checkmg your e-mad and dnnking lattks, then you've definitely got the wrong idea Not too long ago, I walked mto one of these caf6s m downtownToronto for the first tune. At first sight, the wmdowless, pitchblackcaf6lookedlike it came straight out of a drug film. And then there were the games The caf6 boasted rows of computers with sleep-depnved teenagers mtently seekmg out their fnends m armed nrtual combat. Network gaming and Internet cafks have quckly emerged as a new pastme of the 21st centuty. For about $3, you can walk into an Internet cafk and spend one hour with your very own computer, supedup w t h fast processors and graphics cards that are ideal for a pleasurable g m g expenence After some dehberaaon, Counter Stnke seemed to be the hottest game at the caf6, so I decided to give it a try Desplte the fact that I lost round after round, the smooth graphics and fast-paced game play of Counter Stnke were enjoyable In Counter Stnke's gameplay, you choose to be either a terronst or counter-terronst force. There are bombs to dtffuse, weapons to buy and plenty of bad guys to kill Counter Stnke,like many

..- - .. ..-

- . . . . . ..

Every night the Campus Cove is completely packed with students taking advantage of the network gaming facilities. games for computers, is a game that you can play m networks or with people around the world n a thousands of dedtcated Internet servers. In other words, you can choose to face 10 of your fnends who are in the same room as you, or even halfway across the world. Desp~teall the hype behind it, I didn't hnd my whole g a m g expenence to be too enthrahg. Perhaps t h ~ was s because I couldn't buy mto

all the obsession over a game.

In my opinion games like Counter Strike, along with Internet cafis, have create'd yet another way for our generation to waste time. Gaming has advanced so far beyond innocent fun that a whole new degenerative culture is upon us. T o think, I used to believe that television was the ultimate way to escape reality.

A lank inside


Sixth-place Gryphs give Warriors a scare The battle of two fours keep Warriors on their toes Christina Ghanem and Jon Willina



Last Wednesday's women's basketball quarter-finalbetween third-place Waterloo and sixth-placeGuelphwas a tale of two fours. The Warriors' Kristen Eisner and the Gryphons' Anne Marie Ssemanda, who both wear number four, dominated the court, but it was Eisner who finished on top, leading the Warriors to a 66-61 playoff win. The Warrior victory set up a semifinal match-up Thursday against McMaster in Hamilton. The Warriors startedoffthegame with a 22-6 romp, but the Gryphons battled back to even the score at 25 just before half.The Warriors carried a six-point lead into the locker room at the half. Eisner, who finished the game with 15 points and five assists, said Ssemanda was difficult to stop and wasimpressedwith her counterpart's play. "Itwas a tough battle," saidEisner. 'We let up def&vely for a httle bit in Ourgoalwas toplay even in the second half. "Guelph played really well." Eisner, who leads the Warriors with 79 assists, has racked the most playing time out of any player on the team. Eisner has deftnitely been a key player for the Warriors and the leading force behind the ~ a & o r s strong leadership, smart decision making and quick drive to the net. Ssemanda, Eisner's counterpart finished the game with an impressive 24 points, but was the only Gryphon standout. In the last three minutes of the game, Guelph managed to close the gap to threepoints, but couldn't keep Waterloo off the foul line. Warrior coach Tom O'Brien cred-


Warrior's Julie Devenny (23) calls Meghann Clancy for the ball as the Gryphons' Margaret Davies tries to block the passing lane.


Guelph Waterloo

61 66

ited Eisner for her strong leadership, preventing the Gryphons from taking advantage of an injury that sidelinedWarrior guard CasieKergan for the remainder of the game. Kergan succumbed to an injury after a Guelph player fell awkwardly on her ankle. Second-year guard Amanda Kieswetter came in off the bench, forcing six turnovers. O'Brien

was uncertain if Kergan would be able to play against McMaster, saying she was on crutches after the game. Waterloo capitaltzed on Guelph's loose defenceby making court-length passes, setting up key scores. The Gryphonshadadlfficult start. With Ssemandaleadingmostof their attacks and guard Leanne Rowthorn managing nine rebounds, 14 points and three assists, they managed to pull within three points in the last five minutes; The Gryphons played first-year Warriors star Juhe Devenny tough under their hoop, but Devenny sull managed to score a double-double, rebounding 10 and scoring 19points.

Devenny has displayed impressive numbers, ranking fourth in OUA scoring with 16.91 points per game. Imprint's press time came before the Warriors' semi-finalgameagainst MacMaster. Waterloo has split with Mac this season, winning 69-62 and losing 53-40. The winner of the semi-tinalgame wdl meet the winner of WesternBrock in the OUA West final.

Men's basketball ,





Women's basketball Windsor




Indoor hockey, OUA finals at York. March 2-3.10 a.m. Track and field, CIS finals in Sherbrooke, March 8-10

Ketp posted to www.imprint.uwuterho.ca for women's barketbu//pbyoffresultsfmm Be O U A semijinal.

CIS hockey men's hockey championship, Kitchener Memorial Auditorium,

Track team racks up eight medals at OUA championships

The Warriors track and Geld team capped a very successfulseason with a strong performance at this weekend's Ontario championships in Wmdsor. Thewomen's team picked up eight medals, including four gold, and broke two varsity records on their way to a fourth-place finish. The men's team managed a solid seventhplace finish. Combined,the Warriors

came an impressive fifth in Ontario. Daniella Carrington ran away from the field winning three golds, a bronze and breaking two varsity records. The fourtt-year actuarial science sprinter broke Latoya Austin's five-year-old 60m record in 7.51 to become the fastest-ever women's Warrior. She followed this up with a gutsy run to gold in the 300111. Carrington leads the nation in both events going into the upcoming national championships. Dana Ellis continued her dominance of OUA women's pole vault, an event she hasn't lost all year. The graduating AHS student beat her

nearest competition by half a metre to win her third straight Ontario title. In the 4x200m, a determined Daniella Carrington, Troye Carrington, Margaret Fox and team captain AlisonBrazieroutclassed the competition on their way to the second Warrior gold in the last three years. The other women's captain, Allison Salter, joined +e Carrington sisters and Fox in the 4x400m relay as they re-wrote the varsity record books posting a time of 3:53.66 to win the bronze medal. In the 4xSOOm distance relay, Allison Salter, Kim Neumayer, Joanna Fedy and Jill Patterson ran to a bronze. Rounding

out the medal haul, Allison Salter ran one of her best races this year to win silver in the 6OOm and Margaret Fox won bronze in the 6Om. Geoff Thiessen, special to Imprint

Swimming: Mains gets full collection at ClSs The Warriors headed into Vancouver, British Columbia for the CIS Championshipslast week. They tinished in the middle of the pack plating 12 out of 24 schools led by Matt Mains, who capturedgold in the 50m breastroke, silver in the 100m and 200m breastroke and bronze in the

the 50m butterfly. Julie Steinberg had strong performances finishing seventh in the 50m backstroke and 10th in the 200m breastroke and 100mbutterflv.Other Warrior swimmers with strong performances include David Rose and Grahame Jastrebski, finishing just outside of the top 10. The women's relay team of Kristen Brawley, Steinberg, Jen Sweny and Carrie Kilpatrick finished 12th in the 4x400m medley and 13th in the 4x8OOm freestyle. On themen's side, Damd Clarke,Jastrebski, Mains and Rose placed 16th in the 4xS00m freestyle relay. Adrian I. Chin with files from UW Athletics



New park in town City-owned RIM Park caters to the multi-seasoned athlete Jay Dubecki SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

RIM Park is the largest project ever undertaken by the City of Waterloo at a total estimated cost of $56.7 million. The park is attempting to fulfill Waterloo's recreational needs, presenre the environment, support the local economy and improve quality of life. The project has been funded from public donations, internal reserves, and a financing partnership with Manulife Financial Senices. Waterloo city council has approved a resolution that provides for an annual limit of taxpayer support of $1.2 million. For the average homeowner in Waterloo, this will translate into annual tax payment of $26.72.

0 RIM Park is located at the end of University Avenue East in Waterloo. Facilities include 18 outdoor playing fields, a golf course, four ice rinks and a field house. RIM Park is promoting a healthy lifestyle through recreation and leisure. The 500-acre park possesses some of the best recreational facilities in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Amongthem are 18outdoorplaying fields, consisting of 12 fields for soccer,rugby andlacrosse, three slowpitch diamonds and three fastball fields.




Buy one complete pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses at regular price, and get a second


Kids practise on one of four Olympic-sized ice pads at RIM Park in Waterloo. Waterloo's first municipal18-hole golf course is also located within the park. The course, named Grey Silo, will be ready for the upcoming golf season, complete with club house, pro shop and practice range. Grey Silo wdl also be the site of next year's OUA men's golf championships, hosted bv UW. Themulti-purposeindoor recreational facility is state-of-the-art. Inside there are four Olympic-sued ice nnks, two double gymnasiums, an indoor field house, a theatre stage, banquet facihties and numerous meeting rooms. For the aspiring figure skater, the Carolyn Fedy Skating Centre is the perfect place to hone your sklll. For the outdoor enthusiast, there

'aie plenty of ways to get your fix at RIM Park. With over 15 Ism of asphalt-based community trails, the jogger orwalker is well-taken care of. Canoeing is also available with park access to the Grand River. And for those who just want to relax with the kids, there are loads of picnic areas. and numerous children's parks. RIMParkis attempting to benefit the local economy in four areas. City officials hope to attract and retain local businesses, make Waterloo Region a desirable place to work and live, contribute to the overall economic development of the regon, and increase tourism and attract world-class events to the area. RIM Park has already hosted some maior sporting events, includmg the men's

Davis Cup tennis tie three weeks ago with Canada beating Mexico. The park facilities are catered to enhance the quality of life for people of all ages. Park officials want to help children develop skills and creativity through play, provide teenagers with an outlet to funnel their energy into sports, encourage adults to develop their physical, social, creative and intellectual potential, and help to nurture wekbalanced individuals, families and communities. If you're into healthy living or want to start living a healthier life, head over to RIM Park on University Avenue East. With the numerous facdities located on one site, there is bound to be somethmg - to catch your attention.

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Olympic hockey format needs tweaking Canada's win was nice, but tournament round-robin should be changed, malung every game important


With the hysteria of Team Canada's victory over the U S . in Sunday's men's hockey gold medal final be@ning to subside, now would be a good time to offer some criticism to the Olympic tournament format. A formatwhch Canada benefited from more than any other nation. In a tournament that was a showcase of the best -players in the world . and was to decide which hockey n a tion truly is the best on the planet, shouldn't the International Ice

Hockey Federation have a format that can determine who is the best? The first three gamesof the tournament are completely meaningless as witnessed by Canada's performancein the roundrobin. Thesegames amount to nothing more than three exhibition games. Why was the Gretzky led management complaining so much prior to the games that they were at a disadvantage because they did not have time for the players to become fanuliarwithoneanother? They had plenty of time in the round robin exhibitiongames,ofwhich they took full advantage. hfy point? In order towin thegold medal, you only have to win three single elimination games. Is that really a way to determine the best team in the world? My solution? Change the fomat

so that every game is important. Adopt the format similar to the one used in curling. Every team plays each other once in the round robin, after which the top four teams by point total advance to the semi-finals. If there is a tie in the standing for one of those top four positions, it's broken by goals for and against. In this format, a 3-2 win over Germany is more like a loss because every other team is beating the snot outofthem 7-1. Everygamematters, and you s d get your gold medal final. Let's be honest. Even though we did win gold, do you believe that Canda was the best team in the tournament? With the exception of the final game, that team had nl shown any reason to believe it wa: In essence, Team Canada wc

Ball hockev celebrates its 25th J

CAMPUS REC Ball hockey is a game played in Canada primarily during the summer when the ice has been removed from the arenas. The game is much like ice hockey, except that it is played with running shoes on a cement floor, rather than with skates on an ice surface. Slightly less equipment is worn in ball hockey, as compared to ice hockey. The Canadian Ball Hockey Association is a registered nonprofit group that administers the sport of ball hockey in Canada. The association began operation in 1978, and this year it is celebrating its 25th anniversaq of the association. To help celebrate the 25th anniversary, the association wiU set-up a display area at the 2002

Nationals in St. John's, Newfoundland. Newspaper clippings, photos, and old programs will be on &splay to commemorate 25 years of ball hockey. They will also have some special souvenir items for sale that will feature their 25th anniversarp logo. Currently, there are eight provinces that are part of the association. They include British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. Along with various other responsibilities,the association organizes men's, women's and junior national championships, promotes ball hockey across Canada, and represents Canada at the international ball hockey level. This term the University of Waterloo has 37 teams competing in the ball hockey Campus Recreation league. The sport has been pretty competitive tkis term. In the A division, the race to fmish first in the regular season is pretty close. There are four teams

that have a shot. B.O.H.I.C.A. is currently the only undefeated tean 'at 5-0-0 (wins-loss-tie),but Explai THIS Rash, the Lakeshore Boyz, and That's Two 0 ' s in Goose are all in the running at 4-1-0. The rac WIU be decided on Monday, which is the h a 1 day for the regular season. Each of the four teams h: a single game left. The top of the B division is pretty tight as well h s term. The Mavericks have finished a perfect 6-0-0, while the D d Bits are 5-0-1 with one game left. Currently Victoria's Secret is in third with a 5-1-0 record, but three teams are : 4-1-0 and hoping to create a logjam with a win in their final game. In the C division, the top three teams have clinched their positions, hlr. T Dawg finished in first place with a perfect 6-0-0. Peter and the Other Guys finished in second with a 5-1-0 record. C.P. Style finished at 3-2-1, good enough to c h c h third place. The final games of the regular season was played on February 25 The playoff captam's meetmg was February 27, and the playoffs started on Thursday, February 28.

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two games to capture thegoldmedal, by beating the US. and narrowly slipping past Finland. The biggest game of the tournament for Canada was a 3-3 tie against the Czech Republic. Why? Because it gave them an opportunity to play Belarus in the semi-finals.I waswatchmgthe Czech game at home, hoping that Canada would not win so they could have a weaker road to the gold, and at that point in time they needed it. Before everybody starts to tar and feather me, or put me in the traitor category with Brett Hull, I'm as thrilled as anyone that we won. I'm Brantford born and raised, whch automatically qualifies me as a rela-

tive of Wayne Gretzky. It just seems that there was something unsatisfying about the way we went about winning, through no fault of our own, but because of the poor tournament format. What kind of international hockey tournament doesn't have a game with Canada against Russia? Let's fix t h s so that next time there can be no doubt that Canada is the best hockey nation in the world. Right now, U.S. head coach Herb Brooks may have a legitimate beef when he says the tournament setup is not perfect.

Jay Dabecki ir an Imprint staffwriter:

Arts editor: vacant Assistant arts editor: vacant

Theatpa and Company review

Constantines humbly leave basement Ryan Matthew Merkley IMPRINT STAFF

It was in elementary school where I first met Steve Lambke, guitarist and sometimes-vocalist for The Constantines, in a multi-school enrichment dass designed to satiate the burgeoning interests of a group of over-achieving fourth-graders. Lambke then was much like he is now quiet and decisive, but cautious with his words. He sull has that ambitious attitude, but it's now tempered with experience and realism. He is uber-considerate;he apologizes for failing to answer every one of my questions. Like many kids, his interests defined him. Back then, it was skiing and comic books, but as he grewup, those interests turned to rock 'n' roll. Years later, Lambke would go on to study physics at the University of Guelph. The Constantines' bass player Dallas Wherle studied fine art there as well. The. last time.I snent ~r time with Lambke and Wherle, we were high school h d s rehearsingm a nameless band at Lambke's father's machine shop on Industnal Road m Cambridge, laying recycled cardboard on the greasy floor to protect our instruments. Even then, Lambke had ambitious listening habits, espousing the. do-it-yourselfethw and teachinghunself to play guitar. His singing was moreinspirationthanintonation,but he was passionate about music. Since that time, Lambke and Wherle met Bry Webb and Doug MacGregor, two London, Ontario musicians, and formed T h e Constantines. Local historians take note: Doug MacGregor is a UW Masters student in chemistry. What happened between garage (or machine shop) band ambitions and Canadian indie rock success? "There was a string of bad bands, then there was school and all those sorts of things, and now there's a slightly better band and school's over," said Lambke. - --

-- - -

- - - ~

Steve Lambke still manages to wow the crowd at Hilside 2001, cast and all. After connectmgwith Webb and MacGregor, The Constantmes began rehearsals, w t h Lambke and Wherle d n m g to London to pracuse. Eventually, the group assembled itself in a house ~ i e l that ~ h would play host to the group's first shows. Thanks to the embellishments of a string of journalists, the house has entered into the realm of indie rock legend, but Lambke insists it's just the way things were done. 'There's not really a story behind the house, that's the thing, itwas just a house that we lived in and we did what lots of people do: they just do things in their houses." Sure,lots ofpeoplewatch hockey, have dinner parties or drink in their houses, butwho throwspunk shows? "The thing is, a lot of people do," saidlambke. "That's sortofthe scene we came from; people just did that. It's justwhatwas done." Admittedly, the basement wasn't the best place


for live performances "It was a totally not ideal room to have shows m," sad Lambke. "There was a furnace m the rmddle of it, and it was really narrow and small and lund of dank,butitwasgood. ~~uitemissit." As word of mouth spread, so did the reputation of the Constantines, Their combination of the romantic do-it-yourselfethicandanincredible live show had made them music media darlings -if only for a short time -but long enough to be hailed as the next Fugazi, and the harbingers of the full-on resurrection of rock that had only been attempted by The Strokes. Fast fonvard to W s i d e 2001, where The Constantines performed for a huge crowd at the Island Stage. Sandwiched onto the bfl between the funky Pocket Dwellers and the live dance of The New Deal, The Constantines seemed out of place. As the group moved their gear in through the back of the tent, hun-

dreds of fans squeezed themselves in, some standmg on picmc tables whde others were sittmgpaaently on the ground at the front. Outside the tent, the audience extended back another 20 feet, unable to see the show. Lambke turned up sidestage wearing a cast on his right arm; he'd fallen off a ladder only weeks earlier working as a painter, but it didn't stop h& fromplaying. You'd never have known anything was wrong if the occasional ambitious arm movement hadn't revealed awince or two. The group's performance was stunning. The band played with an intensity and honesty that could put faith back into the most jaded of music critics.Maybe there's still hope for live music. Sitting sidestage, I remarked to a friend that I would feel sorry for any band that has The Constantines opening for them. The reaction to the band's show was incredible. Minutes later, there wasn't a CD to be found in the mer-

chandise tent. Lambke admits that they didn't bring nearly enough albums. "It was a small box," he said, laughing. That seems to be the defining characteristic of Lambke's attitude. He responds with sincere disbelief when asked about the band's success. He rehses to let me call the band's self-titled debut album a hit record, despite the indie-label biddingwar that landed them a dealwith Three Gut records, despite the fact that they're going into their third pressing for the album, and despite the band's recent Juno nomination for best alternative album. 'You're the only one who's ever called it a hit record, you know," said Lambke. That may be the case, but a win at this year's Juno awards could change all of that for The Constantines. Lambke is reluctant to rccept the promise of Juno-motivated sales. "It doesn't feel like it has much to do with what we do at all and howwe play in the band and work on the band and what our goals are or a real measure of success." That said, Lambke is quick to add his appreciation,while puttingit into perspective. "It's totally nice, and I don'twant to shit on it and say it's not mce, because it is. But in a lot of ways it's more important to my Mom than to me, y'know?" For now, The Constantines are schedulingsomeOntario shows,and waiting ti see what happens. They were hopingthey would beinvited to play at the Junos, since it would have meant a free trip down to the event. Unfortunately, the glitz and glamour of Canadlan rock starts to fall apart when you call for airline tickets from Toronto to Newfoundland. What's the key to selling records as a Canadian indie? Lambke has no idea. "I don't know what the key is. I don't know anything about s e h g records;you'reaskingthewrongguy."

Controversial film to kick off UW queer film fest Homoerotic content stirs up controversy and an NC-17 rating for inQe film Emily M. Collins IMPRINT STAFF

A film that has sparked recent contioversy after receiving what many feel is an unfair X/NC-17 rating - will be screened at the upcoming queer film festival, beingheld March 14-17 at the University of Waterloo. Directed by Michael Cuesta, LLE., which stands for Long Island Expressway,is acoming-of-age story about a 15-yearoldboy namedHowie w t h homosexual tendencies whose mother died in a traffic accident on


theL.1.E. andwhose father is unable to provide the support that he needs. After being led off-track by his criminally-minded friend and the object of his attraction, who draws hun into the world of after-school break and enter adventures, Howie is lured into the home of an older man named Big John who, though obviously a pederast, dearly displays humanisuc quahues and is curiously tame around Howie. The film has received countless favourablereviews that cite Cuesta's remarkable ability to illustrate the

insidiousness and complexity of pedophilia and his maturity in dealing with such a sensitive and controversial subject matter. Despite the hlm's utter lack of graphic sexual and violent content, the Motion Picture Association of America branded it with the X/NC17 rating, citing its subject matter. Mark Schaan, one of the organizers of the UW Queer Film Fest, points out that US. filmmakershave been making Loha-type movies almost since the beginning of film. He said that the idea of a significantly older man with a woman is seen as not only acceptable but attractive. This suggests to him a significant bias against homoerotic content.

"U.S. filmmakers have been making Lolita-type movies almost since the beginning of film."

Schaan feels that the rating was unfortunate because he thinks it important that the issue of pedophilia be addressed not just among the "arthouse cinema crowd" but also by a mainstream audience in a man-

ner that engages people m dtalogue. Schaan also sad that it was unportant for the organizers to mclude the NC-17 rated film in the film fest, not only to attract more people to the event, but also because they see a need for people to discuss and debate not only the issue of pedophha but also how society treats young homosexualmalesand to explore the reasons why the youngprotagonist is drawn to the older man m the tilm. L1.E. will be the opening film of the film fest playing at the Princess Cinema on March 14. For more coverageon the queer f ilm festivalcheck next week's issue of Imprint.



The New Deal keeps the funk fresh with fusion sound


The Band From Planet X You Should Never Have Opened Strange Strange



Lauren S. Breslin IMPRINT STAFF

Forthosewho've become boredwith the stale thump-thumping of mainstream electronica, or with the mysterious, shadowy figure spinning from behind the turntables,The New Deal is an experience you won't want to miss. DanKurtz @ass),JamieShields (keyboard), and Darren Shearer (drums) arc three guys from Toronto who've caught lightning in a bottle with their concept of live house music performed completelyoffthe cuff. ~d set list, no hit songs, nothing predetermined - just pure, unadulterated improvisation. Combining the spirit of jazz, the personality of funk, the free-form of jam bands, and the energy of electronica,The New Deal has seen fit to throw down the conventions of dance music to become one of Canada's most promising live acts. The beginnings of The New Deal trace an interesting path. Kurtz and Shields had played with one another for the better part of 15 years when the two of them were invited by Shearer to perform at an acid jazz gig in Toronto. 'We liked the sound of the three ofus playing together so we saidlet's not play any of this acid jazz and see what happens if we do freestyle grooves," said Kurtz. Who would have pessed that what began as a smallgigin'99 would launch this talented trio to the success they enjoy today?Now signed to Jive Records, the label that manages popicons Britney Spearsand N'Sync, The New Deal's fame has been somewhat of a whirlwind. "This is somethmg that has been entirely life-consuming," said Kurtz. 'We've never had that experience before." As musicians, The New Deal brings together the epic wanderings of a jazz jam with the suspenseful rise of a house track, softening to a downbeat or rising to a climax. Whereas conventional electronica uses repetition and predictability to draw the listener in, The New Deal does just the opposite, making sure that there is no shortage of surprises. "Typically we walk on stage, we listen to what's spinningon the record that the DJ is playmg before us, and we lift that unul it melds into something else," explained Kurtz. While their fan base was once concentrated in Toronto and surrounding areas, The New Deal boys capitalized on the powers of the Internet, and word of mouth travelled far and wide. Before they knew


DJ Logic The Anomaly Ryko

5 The Carnations s/t Ductape

it, they were playing big concert halls in New York i d L.A., enticing music lovers of all tastes: the house heads, the hippies, the ravers, the hepcats -you name it. "The band tends to attract people who like music for music's sake," said Kurtz. "Once we go back to cities more often, you weed out the people who don't really care, and the crowds get better all the time." And because every show is an improvised performance, every show is entirely a unique creation, highlighted by themoods, flavours, highs and lows of that particular night. "Given that so much of what we're doing is in reaction to the crowd, it's going to determine whether we're playing up or we're playing down," said Kurtz. In a sense, then, The New Deal groove pulsates to the heartbeat of the crowd. "For us, how we feel when we're playing directly affects what we'regoing toplay," said Kurtz. When it comes to the relationshlpswithin the band,Kurtz describes how the stress of life on the road can take its toll. "In the last month and a half we've played 32 shows that have ranged from San Diego to Halifax to New York toVancouver to all points in between," he said. 'You end up hating many aspects of life on the road - includmg the people you're with at some times." Although Kurtz concedes that there are strong friendshipsin the band, he still sees things for what they are. "Any band that says they all love each other all the tjme are fucking liars," he said, laughing.. With a bright and prosperous present, one can only wonder what the future has in store for Canada's newest dance music revolutionaries. "We're not at the point yet where

we'vehittheendofourinstruments," Kurtz said. "The minute we feel like we can't grow anymore, we know it's time to put it to bed." Beyond the talents of each respective member of the band, the success ofThe New Deallies in their ability to ignite jam band mayhem over self-infused beats, and leave you salivating for more. Indeed, it is an intelligent dxection for dance music, and these guys are certainly propelling themselves into the future with innovation and imagination. "I would imagine there is a much longer road ahead in terms of the development of our music," said Kurtz. TheNew Dealplay at the Lyric on March 8. Prepare to be dazzled.

8 Lovage Music To Make Love To Your ... Tommy Boy


9 The Plutonics

Don't Call It Love independent 10 Nero Is It Morning? independent

Free cake and music nark A. Schaan dPRlNT STAFF

t's a tradition that began before the lajority of students on campus were om but the Blackforest CoffeeIouse is brewing with new life. R d g on March 8 and 9, start~gat 8 p.m. at St. Paul's College, the m u d coffeehouse hopes to once gain feature the best talent the uniersity has to offer. JulieBryson, coordinator ofaudiIons for the event, is excited about he high caltbre of talent. 'We have a teat variety of acts," Bryson said. The performances will range from msical offerings to poet* readings nd dance. The coffeehouse has also mded a special performance from

local performer Matt Osborne who will headline the festivities on Friday evening. Included in the reasonable ticket price is cake and fair trade coffee, a part of the coffeehouse's 30th anniversary celebrations. RyanMcNally,promotions director for the event, encourages everyone to attend the two-day event. "As usual we are inviting the UW community to attend and joinus in.. . the celebrations." The Blackforest Coffeehouse takes place in MacKirdy Hall of St. Paul's College March 8 and 9. Tickets are f 5 foronemght or $7 forboth and are avadable at the door.



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Approachables: nowhere but upI Living up to their name, Approachables a fun chat Lisa Johnson IMPRINT STAFF

You probably know nothing about The Approachables; I knew very httle about The Approachables, but I plungedinto this interview anyway. I recommend you do the same. The few songs I have heard from this slx-piece band are fun, solid, catchy, and well performed; they're balanced with instrumentation that points to an appreciation of the craft of songwntmg, not just the garageband novelty of songwntmg I spoke with five of the slx members of The Approachables (Phd Dehsle, vocals and keyboard; Dave Fox, drums; Marco Pedrosa, guitar, Jason Stone, guitar; and Ben Van Dyk, bass). With five people on the phone$ was interesting to figure out who s;ud what. This is an independent and local band that has had little to no exposure. The guys have been playing together for about a year and a half, but in that time have mostly performed at open mics, coffee houses and a few festivals. They've been working hard at honing their craft, however, and will bring their personal brand of good times to the Walper Pub fortheir first "real" show. This essentiallyrockand rollband will throw out two sets of original music and anticipates a "fun and loud" show. They told me that no one will be getting naked, though. Unless it's requested. Six members is a lot for a band, and we talked about the level of maturity, sensitivity and respect it takes to maintain a relationship with



To hear a performance by The Approachables, log on to impint.uwaterloo.ca. -

six people. The guys have to be careful not to step on each others' toes and are always open to others' ideas. Five of them are also University of Waterloo graduates and are concentrating on the day job realities of life rightnow. Noneofthemis counting on music to sustain their living just yet, but they all feel confident that the band will continue to grow and flourish. But what of the inevitable move to the big city that most indie bands from this area are prone to? The band member conspicuously missing from this interview, Adrian Bos (vocals and guitar), lives in Toronto, but is planning to move back to Waterloo soon. The Approachables say that they are local and will stay local, although they do hope to gig in Toronto and strike up a following there. Their following in Waterloo is small. The band joked (or did they?) that their fans are mostly made up of friends, family and girlfriends. But that's just because The Approachables have been under a gauze of anonymity for so long. Now that the guys are doing promotion and shopping themselves to local clubs, they will undoubtedly be a known commodity in the K-W music scene before long. The band members a t e dtsparate musical influences, but manage to

use their overlapping tastes to wnIte truly collaborattve songs LyncalIY, many of the songs are charact er sketches of people who the b ald ~ considers humorous or mterestq:. Speakingofinteresting,how does the band explam t h w logo? It's a sketch ofwhat appearsto be two@rls kissing. After much band debaIte ("they're supposed to be sexua"Y ambtguous," "one of them's a gill f or sure, the other one is sexually atnbiguous"), the amst himself declared that itwas,in fact, two grls kissing A self-indulgent gumnick? Well, n1 0t exactly. One explanation - perhaps a stretch, but intelligent - is that 1t's juxtaposittonal "Here's somethi"g that maybenot everyonedbecolmfortable with, and it's being used in conjunction with a band called 'The Approachables'." In theend,it's open to interpretation, whch is represcntational of music itself. With no CDs (although an EF' is in the planning stages),very fewhe;ldlining gigs, and little to no press, The Approachables is definitely a ba nd with nowhere to go but up. They play some really great rrIUsic, and the guys are talented, n Ice and, er ... approachable.(I feel I c an make that pun because I'm probal3 1 ~ the first.) Naked or not naked, you sholdd definitely check out the fr ee Approachables show at the Wall~ e r Pub on March 2. For more infomlation and to see a really cool (if soniewhat frustrating) Web site, VIsit www.theapproachables.com.

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Paul Macleod's joy in music Caitlin Sharpe IMPRINT STAFF

PaulMacleod,a Kitchener-Waterloo native, had only one thing to say about his career: "It's a lot of work, but I love it." This guitar playing wonder has been a fixture on the Canadian music scene for quite a while now, doing everything from recording solo records to backingup theskydiggers. "I have this solo thing, then recordingwiththe Skydlggers,andnow what I'm doing with Martin Tielli [the lead singer of the Rheostatics]. It's so much fun because I like the creative process. I like taking songs, polishing them, bringing them out and playing them as well as possibile, but most of all having funwithit. To me playing live is more about you and your personality being up there and not just kind of being up there sounding exactly like your record. 'What's great about this year," he continued, "is that normally I'm doing this all by myself and now I'm doing it with a bunch of other people. It's great to have other people's opinion whether you want it or not. It's hard to knowwhat the best thing is you'redoing ...and they may show you your strengthinsomethingyou've been shying away from. It gives you more confidence, to make mistakes and try things out. Out of all the hundreds ofmistakesyoumake some gem may pop up ... the best t h g s always happen out of mistakes." Although this pop craftsman is very aware of his talent, he's not one to search out gloty and recognition. "I also really like to write for other people. Martin and I are doing anew record together and we did some stuff together and then he asked me for a song, so I wrotehim a new song.

Same thing with Luke Doucet, I just wrote him a new song for his solo record. He was herein Waterloo and I went down after h s show onenight and played it for him and he asked me to write some more. I'm not very precious with my things," he said laughing. "I don't act like I have to record this because I wroteit. I'd just rather see the song work. Someone else may be able to breathe something into it I've never even thought of. To think 'yeah, I wrote that, but I couldn't quite get it and now listen to bow great it sounds.' You feel like you got to share something." Askedabouthis start,Paul smiled and said, "I've made up for a lot of lost time. I didn't start playmg the guitar until I was about 17. The first gig I played was with my brother-inlaw's brother's band, and I was the drummer. He looked at me and said, You're writing all these songs, you need to get out and play them.' Itwas a tough decision [to record] at first because you don't really feel you're worthy. You think you need some sort of mystique and you constantly ask yourself "is this worthwhile and is it worth anyone listening to!" "It's much cooler coming from a guy fromNew York City or London, England than from Kitchener-Waterloo. Eventually though, you get overall of that stuffand see that it has nothing to do with anything and if your stuff is actually any good then you should get out there and play it. "The joy ofmusic remains in stuff like that for me. When you see people like the Rheostatics or Danny Michel. You know it's just raw. Sirnple and honest." And on that note, Macleod refilled his drink and took to the stage.


History rewritten falls flat Cat and crew upstage the cast in Theatre and Company's British comedy Nicole Fawcette SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

I wanted to leave during the second intermission because, after sitting for almost three hours, my head was soggier than week-old lettuce from watching Paul Shaffer's British comedy, Lttice and Lovage. The story: Letuce Douffet (Lmda Bush) is fired from her lob as a tour gwde because she p m t s her tourswthmbrant and exciunghes to make them more bearable for visitors. She is fascmated w t h history and theatre, two loves passed down from her mother. ' l h s and her outward theatrrcalmannermtngues the woman who fires her, Ms. Schoen (Kathleen Sheehy), enough to befriend her. Together the ladies become fnends and recreate history's most famous scenes m the^ own mterestmg way The play is not so much plot-driven as it is character building. We discover these women's passions for the past and how they are unable to cope in a changing technologicalworld. There are interesting underlying themes of change; however, they are fouled up and hard to recogmze in Theatre and Company's production because of basic theatrical mistakes. First is blocking. Through all three scenes, at least one actor had their back to me, whether it was Sheehy standing to watch Bush's tours at Faustian House, or Bush turning to talk to Sheehy, or George Joyce, who played Lettice's lawyer Mr. Bardolph, taking to the two women. Watching actors' backs on stage is boring and makes it incredibly hard to hear what is b a g said. I missed a lot of jokes and lines and, as well, itwas a long time into the first act when I hally was able to see Sheehy's face. This blockmg is a major prsblem and could have been solved with the repositioning of actors. Second is pacing. Three hours i i a long time for a play, especially when it could have been spedupwithout damagingthe story.The actors said theu lines in long, sweeping sentences, accentuating each word and taking forever to move ahead. The h a l act, whereLettice andMs. Schoen, also called "Lottie," are recreating the night of Lottie's accident, is extremely overacted and could be performed in a quicker, more fervent manner to make the accident seem as suspenseful as it really is. Instead, the slow pace makes the recreation seem like a technicality

that must be played back, which makes the viewers wonder, 'Will this ever end!" Uncommon and utterly useless was the second 1 0 - m u t e intermission. Charactershad no costume changes, norwere there significant set changes; instead, it was just more time that added to the drag of the play. I will add that the set design m the play was incredible. Placed centre stage was a large stmcase with a portrait hanging above it. Dunng the fht'intermission, a crew screwed, drilled and hammered away to change the front-facing stattcase into. Lottie Schoen's office. Later, an inter-play change modified the set so characters entered through a door close to the ceiling, and came downstairs to what looked &e a basement apartment. Also included in the set was a working intercom. It was quite impressive and the set designer and crew deserve significant praise for their work. The incorporation of a live animal was also interesting in this play, which may or may not hint at the rest of the acting. Seamus HoltPeng, a cat (a fat one at that) promded a bnef moment of uphftmg entertamment playing

Felina, Queen of Sorrows. I personally would have liked to have seen more of the cat than the cast. Another notable actor was Alison Jutzi, who played Miss Framer, a secretary with a highpitched exaggerated laugh. I was informed that the character Miss Framer is stereotypical of British humour, being a mix of conservative lady and over-excited hyena. She's funny during her time on stage and performs her role with great success. Lttice and Loveage had a spectacularruninBritainin1990,whlch leads one to believe that English humour doesn't easily translate into Canadian theatre. Fans of British comedy, however, may want to venture their luck with this play, but, unless you don't feel @ty about leavingdurmgmtemssion,get some sleep at home instead of at the theatre. A

Felina, Queen of Sorrows, steals the show.

UW makes poetry a priority Emily Anglin SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Enn Noteboom has a double identity. As Enn Bow, she works on-campus as manager of professional education for epSTAR. As Enn Noteboom, she is' an emergmg poet whose Poemfor Carl Hm~kawon the 2001 Canadian Literary Award, an honour received in the past by wnters such as Mcheal Ondaatje, Carol Shields and Bany Callaghan. Noteboom balances her two careers with unpressive grace. I wondered how she makes space in her busy hfe for poetry. "For starters, I watch almost no television," saidNoteboom. "I gave it up for Lent I'm a btgBu+@theVampm Sberfan, but other than that it's not bothering me." Noteboom has pnonazed her hfe accordmg to what she values most, and ensures that her wntmg tune will not be consumed by the concerns of daily hfe. "I try to wnte about 10 to 20 hours a week. I do it m a structured way," Noteboom sad. "James per husband] goes to the gym, and I go to the coffee shop andwnte. He's there for two hours and I'm there for two hours -and I can't get up and do the dishes. You know how hardit 1s to wnte at home. The dishes are c a h g you It's the only tune they speak." Noteboom moved to Waterloo m 1997


Erin Noteboom's poetry page: www.sitehouse.net/erinpoems Erin Noteboom will do a reading sponsored by the English society on Monday, March 4 in HH 373 at 7 p.m.

from her hometown of Omaha, Nebraska to marry her husband, James, who also writes. The couple first connected through one of James's shoa storiesthat Noteboom readin an o n - h e pubhcation. He has just completed h ~ sfirst novel, a science fiction novel for young adults. "It's about a 14-year-old gxl who gets sucked mto the world of fiction," Noteboom sad. "She gets pulled mto clich.6 after chcht, and it's very funny ..." Noteboom muses on the world of fiction, with which she has h e d herself. She met Carl Hruska whde collectmg research for a novel aboutWorldWarI1. Aveteran,Hruskatoldher hismemones ofthewar She qulckly found that these details were not compauble with the novel form. "Ongmally, I tned to incorporate his details mto the novel ... to sort of let hun into the book from that dtrection. But it just

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didn't work and that's where I stopped." After trying to fitthem into both fiction and essay forms, the Carl Hruska details finally came to life for Noteboom in poetry: "His stories ... are almost about memory and the possibkty of story: what can and can't be said; what can and can't be remembered. That's not something I'm up to as a novelist .... To me, that's a poem." Noteboom enjoyed worlung with a subject outside of herself for the Hruska project. As she points out, most poets these days begm mth autobiographical matenal. "It's nice to try somethingelse for a change," she said. "It edges you away from the tendency towards melodrama that you occasionally get in confessional verse 'You can spot in somebody else's story what's melodramatic and what's poignant, but m your own poetry it's harder to see, so it's helped me in that way." However, Noteboom mentions that it's never really posslble to find "a voice that isn't yours," and the Hruska poems contam detail from her own experience. OnepoemthatfeaturesHruskaandawoman at a tram station hmges on an image of spidersilk. Noieboom had seen this spider-silk hangmg from the c h e q trees m front of UW whde dnvlng down University Avenue. "It was so lovely. I stopped my car and stared at it. Poets are.. . always causmg car accidents," she sad.



Gorillaz hit the stage, er, screen Cartoon "band" weds multi~lestvles in ultra-short show I

Nemanja Dundjerovic SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Feb. 25 to March 2



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Fronted by a foursome of animated characters, Gonllaz is the heavily conceptual brainchild of Damon Albam, Dan the Automator and cartoonist Jamie Hewlett (Tank Girl). Combiningdub,hip-hop,rock,punk, reggae and trip-hop, kept tirmly in check by Albam's pop sensibilities, the band's February 23 show at The Docks featured guest performers as varied as Cibo Matto and Ibrahim Ferrer. Their self-titled debut was a tour de force, a record at once wildly expenmental and eminently accessible. Buoyed by the success of "Clint Eastwood," a song with a hook so catchy it's been stuck in my head for going on a year now, the album became an unlikely hit with critics and audiences alike.All of a sudden,what began as a vanity side project in the vein ofUnkle became apopulistphenomenon, with eager fans clamouring for a tour. So the Gorillaz obliged, in their own cheeky manner - the band would play behind a silhouettescreen, lettingtheirviaual selvesoccupy cen-


tre stagethrough the miracle ofvideo. After a good half-hour delay at the start gate, the "band" took the stage to the sounds of the Britpopmeets-punk anthem "MlA1," then segued seamlessly into "Tomorrow Comes Today." The oddity ofwatching a cartoon band perform was quickly offset by the energy of the "real" band, as well as the stunning visuals -combining still photography, animationand filminto remarkably cohesive pieces that accompanied the music perfectly. Wastinglittle time between songs, th; Gorillaz tore through most of their (admittedly slender) catalogue in a little over an hour. While that may seem on the meager side, I have to stipulate that the old adage about quahty over quantity definitely applies in this case. About halfway through the set, guest star Del tha Funky Homosapien took the stage for the centrepiece of "Clint Eastwood" and "Rock the House" - a double whammy of infectious, cerebral (and remarkably topical he managed to workin a bit about the Canadian hockey team) rhymes set to the Automator's funky beats. "Clint Eastwood" also (andrightly

so) featured the best accompanying video, which was really not much of a contest considering it's pretty hard to beat seeing a pack of gonllas getting jiggy with "Thriller"-style dance moves. The comedown was the haunting, minimalist "Starshine," a perfect showcasefor Albarn's dreamy vocals, followed by the equally elegiac "Man Research." Returning from the somnambulismwith "Re-Hash", the band finallyclosed outwith the gnarly "Punk," a lesson to all the lame neopunk wannabes on how to do punk nght (are you listening, Blink 182?). It's all too bad that just about the only song that was left out was the gorgeous "Latin Sirnone," but I guess they needed at least half of the Buena Vista Social Club to perform that one, and senior citizens tend not to be into gruelling tours and all. The wedding of Gonllaz's urbane, West London aestheticto pop hooks has producedwhatis unquestionably the most interesting new band to come out of Britain since Radiohead (eat your heart out, Travis). I honestly can't wait for the day when they have enough material in their oeuvre to play a longer show.

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Brian Jonestown Massacre attacks Call the Office Chris Edey IMPRINT STAFF

The Brian Jonestown Massacre: they started the show with five members and finished as a four-piece.GuitaristJeffrey Davies quit the band somewhere in the middle of the set after taking a punch on the chin from frontman, and lead asshole, Anton Newcombe. The fist fight was only the finale of the on-stage war that had been brewing for .the first hour oftheir set. But through it all emerged some of the most inspired, textured and rich music in rock today. The band emerged from the Haight Ashbury district of San Francisco in the early 1990s and has carried the psychedelic youth culture and music of the area with them ever since. "Them" is perhaps the wrong word, considering that the band has hadin theneighbourhoodof60 members duringits run,Newcombe being

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the only original. Sincethen, the band has put out nine albums, mostly on Bomp Records, an independent label specializingin psychedelic rock, power pop and dream pop. Their sound evokes memories of the Rolling Stones in the days before they decided to be the biggest band in the world, as well as the Velvet Underground and My BloodyValentine. In an era when most bands revert to cranking up the overdrive to fmd power, The Brian Jonestown Massacre sticks to a mostly clean guitar sound, which conveys more emotion and raw feeling than any of the self-described "heavy" bands out there. Their three-guitar lineup produced a wall of overlapping sound, immersing the audience in impassioned songs mostly about love, and occasionally hate. Therewasnot much of the former, but plenty of the latter on stage, however. Right after the first song, Newcombe yelled over to Davies and thud gutanst Frankie Eardrop, "Get your shit together. People are fuckmg paying to hear you play, you know" It got worse. But somehowbetween yelhg at a woman m the audience to "go back to your organic food store" and unpl-g Dames' amp because he did not like the sound, Newcombe conh u e d to push the band to a dnvmg, relentless somc attack, l a s h g untd 230 m the mormng. New songs, such as 'You Have Been Disconnected" and "Just For Today' were unleashed w t h unreserved fury, and older tracks hke Strung out zn Heawn's "Jennifer" provtded a more mellow take on love and passion

One can never really know, but it seemed that the rest of the band's hate forNewcombe's uncompromising perfectionism and violent outbursts drove them to push their own talents as far as possible. The result could not have been better. FullWhhe~ragwasthefirstopening band. As the music began, confusion reigned, as it sounded like the DJ had accidentally put on a Nickelback record. The crowd quickly realized that it was actually the band putting out those predictable guitar riffs and ubiquitous vocals. The band played eight songs, but it could have been one long one for the musical range they displayed. Philadelphia's Asteroid #4 were next, and put on an infinitely better performance. Playing an amalgam of pedalguitar-based bluegrass andelectric guitar rock, they put on a convincing demonstration that country music does not begin and end with the bland sounds of Tim McGraw and Faith W, and that it can played sans mullet. After the show I asked Guitarist Scott Vitt of Asteroid #4 if Brian Jonestown Massacre would still be a band tomorrow. He put it this way: 'Well, half of them will ride to Cleveland in our van and half in the other. By the timeweget there they'llprobably all want to play another show together again." Brian Jonestown Massacre's latest release is entitled Bravety, Rpeiition and Noise and is probably not available atmost major record stores. Too bad. .

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Students half price all the time with valid quiet individual in a An evening of skits, music, dance, and Sunday, March 3 student ID. 66 Maitlandstreetatchurch quiet detached house testimony will be presented by the ChiStreet. Toronto's busiest! (416) 925Advocating for Wellness - an interactive nese christian ~ ~ l lin ~ if^^^^^: ~ ~ h near i ~both universities. Parking and all health fair with women who promote 's,,,and is my story.,,n at 7:00 p.m. amenities. Please call 725-5348. 1571. health and in Our at Hagey Hall, Humanities Theatre. Waterloo Off-Campus Housing - for all 12:00 t04:00~.m. at the Everyone is welcome and admission is your housing needs! Call 747-7276. ESL teachers needdin Korea. Memorial Rec Complex. For more info free, Large room for rent immediately, close Bachelor's degree or higher call Dianne at 576-8447. Wednesday, March 13 to the university. Please call (416) 491education ismandatory. Good Monday, March 4 Accounting Students' Education Con1370 for appointment. working conditions and wage. Contact mixed metribution (ASEC) presents Volunteer ~ ~ ~room ~ i ~ chinese h ~ famd Info & Money (Igpl l4@hotmail.com "Internationa1 dia Art Exhibit Aziz Tax Clinic today until March 15 from or 1-519-574-5853) for more informa;ly looking for non-smoking female stuand Jakki bott Portray their exper;11:OO a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in SLC Great tion. to share this very clean and quiet dent ences of life in Third World Countries Let us Your tax returns for house. cable, phone, air-conditioning, Experienced babysitter required for an from March 5-23. Reception is today FREE! 11 year old child with ADDH and and laundry. May 1,2002.886from 7:OO-9:00 p.m. at Waterloo Community Arts Centre, 25 ReginaStreet, S., Ann Weaver and Rebecca 3U7. Oppositional Defiant Disorder, twodays will be presenting "CollaboH e y and Referwaterloo. F~~ info call 886-4577. 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