BOMBER, SUN MARCH 17 1 1 :30 - CLOSE / 19+ / MUST W
March 21st, 2002 4:30Pm-8:3Opm
from all over the tvorlc~
lews editor: Chris Edey rssistant news editor: Katherine Sparkes
Fights brin Zhris Edey-
an on UW football tea
Gurley adinittcd that hc n a s resisting being thrown onto the floor, where there wcre sevcr:i cases of empty bccr bottles, hut he maintains .1 paw of unrul) liights at campus 3ars has resulted in one student hcthat lie wa.i not tning to fight Fed ng hospitalized, several arrests and a Hall staff (or thc campus police ofIan on UK' football players in the ficer. "The policeman was assisted by a Fed staff member; they handFeds' hvo campus bars. cuffed me and they basically threw Fed Hall's pvpular Boys and Girls i ~ g hwas t the scene of the first disme onto the ground headfirst into the bottles. hl!- head split opcn ... .urbance as approsinmcly 25 pasons, one ofxx-hornwas a member of there was blood e\-er! where," he said. \Then 'lsked if Pc(l ITall staff orU\Vs football squad, werc invoh-cd n a scl-ics of altercations ~rn~olving campus police pro\-idcd medical ,ittcntmn to his wound, G~~ileyrcplied, Fed Ilall statTanc1 other patrons. "No, the!-lcft me on the tloor to the Fi~urth-year student Damien Gurley was ialceri ro hospital by amaml-rulatice attendants. every hod^hulaticc andrequircdadozcn stitches w s on the opposcte side ofthc room. t o close a gash in his forehead after Nolmdy would even Ioolc at vou; The early stages of the impromptu drum circle. Waterloo regional police were later called. nobody tool< any rcsponsihility." ,In inc~clcntin a hack room in Fed ahout thcir safc-t!. and that of thc~r Hall. rlfter being in$olvcd in an alinvestigations arc completed. ally they just fluttered around m d Staff sergeant \T';i>ne Shurtr of patrons." Staff mcnibers have reacted like a bunch ofdicks to everyLKY Police said that tlircc arrests tercation on the dance floor, Gurle! The fighting cari-icd o\.cr to thc patted the same cosicerns regarding Bomher on Sarurda) night. A large body, wall<ing into pcoplc, being were made Thursday night. All wcre was cscortcd outside b) l'cd Ifall the football team. mumher of football team member? tough gu) s, because that's n-hat they staff. H e was allowed back into the students and none were mcmhers of Bomber's regular end of night arc," said one Bomher patron, v h o bar to get h s coatwhen he was asked were present. X confrontarion beFed 1Id1 staff. N o charges have been exodus of intoxicated student5 hapl a d thus far. As for Gurley's ac nx-eent a m members,who are friends wished to remam unidentified. b\- staff to come to the back room to pened to coincide with animpromptu count, Shortt said, "Therc wcre injuof those involved inThursday's fightJesiie acLnowledged that some discuss the earlier incident. drum circle in the ST.<:'s great hall. ing, and Fed Hall staff \\-ho were metnl-rers of the team were behaving ",As 1 reached the door I snw my ries as a result of an arrest b e i q "Wcplavcd forahout45 minutcs and made and one subject was taken to present as patrons, ended w~thout inappropriatelv roommate o n the ground, and saw .. hut said "Ninctr. per . . thcn as people started to leave thc ccnt [of the team members] are hot1 hospital." \Vatcrloo Regional police any punches being thrown, accordhim h a n g brutalized and thrown BornLcracouplepeopIegor involved, est, harcl-working students. There werc called to assist with the large, ing to Tim Icske, a Warriors captain around by the bouncers, s d stormed which was great, we loved it, the arc a select few whose actions reflect unruly crowd. in. I guessbecausc 1 stormedin, 1hacl this past season. more the merrier-," said drum circle As the night continued, some badly on the rest of the team." Gurley has submitted complaints to push aside a few bouncers to get participant Marc Daalderdrop. Fcds presidcntYaaco\-Iland conmembers of the team continued to to several b(~tiieso n campus; howinto the mom. T was hasica11~tackled firmed that "staff from Bomber and cause problems for both Bomber ever, he has heen told that there is 1,y three bouncers and a campus puFed Hall have expressed conccrns See WARRIORS, page 7 nothing that can bc done until the staff and other customers. "Gcnerliceman," Gurley said. -
OSAP financial aid and vou
UW Bookstore to scrap
Waterloo students have lowest default rate in L~rovince
ExpressBooks discount
At UW's most recent Senate meeting, vice-president academic Amit Chakma used data regarding U W s low student debt dcfault rates to argue that UW does not have a significant accessibility problem. Ryan Stammers, vice-president education for the Federation of Students, argued there are other reasons for OSAl-' default rates being lower at U\V than elsewhere. According to OSAP, the default rate for OSAP loans for studcnts who attend U\Y stands at 3.5 prr ccnt, the lowest rate of an! untvcrsity in the province, and much lower than the Ontario-wide default rate of 7.08 per cent for the year 2000. Stammers noted that UW's default rate may he misleading. "'She studcntpopulationat U\Y:has roughly a h0:40 co-op split." Stammers indicated that co-op students are treated differently by OSAP. Co-op students have, in the past, not been rlig~blefor significant amounts of OSAP because of thcir wnrk term earrungs and their four month study periods. ~Iccordingto Stammcrs, "Because of the volumc of co-op studcnts at the University of Waterloo, our students' low dehult rates may reflect the fact that
fewer students at UW are eligible for OSAP in the first place, and those that are receiving loans are receiving smaller loans [than at schools without co-op programs]." Stammers has other concerns about the student assistance program. "The OSAP system is premised on the idea of independent or dependent students,where a student's financial dependency on their parents is viewed as an on-off switch." OSAP expects parents to make financial contributions totheir child's education until the student has been out of high school for five years. "But," said Stammers, "Statistics Canada data is showing that the majority of parents arc not saving for their children's education." Statistics Canada data has shown that 40.7 per cent of pdrents in all Income categories ha\:e saved for their childrcn's post-secondary education, while 87.1 per cent of all parents hope ~hcirchildren will continue to post-secondary education. Only 18.7 per cent of parents with household incomes less than $30,000 have managed to sarreat all for thejr children's education, whilc 79.8 per ccm of them hope their chlldrcn will continue to post-secondary rducation. ilccording to a study preparcd for the Lhllennium Scholarship Fund by Ekos Research, "one third of stu-
dents 22 years and under get no financial support from parents." After a student has been out of high school for five years, her parents are no longer expected to her educational costs at all, regardless of their financial situation. AlexUsher,directorofresearch for thehfillennium Scholarship Fund, previously commented on this problem. "Students over the age of 22 can apply for aid without reporting parental income and end up with more money than they need." Another problem with the financial aid system, according to Stammers, is that "the OSAP sysrcmis not transparent to students and theirparents. Parents and students don't linow how much money ')SAP expects them to contribute. "Students often tell me they don't know how much OSAP they arc getting. 'l'hcy tell me, '1.ast term I got X amount, and this term I g o r y , hut I feel like I'm in the same situation.' Students don't linow where the difference is coming from." According to Stammers, "Institutions with academic programs that chargc tu~tionfees ahore the rekwlated tuition fee cap are now financially resporlsihle for student financial aid." See OSAP, page 6
The cost of the ExpressBooks scn?ces are many. It's convenient for students, but we have to h w e someone go around the store after it The UVCr bookstore will stop offercloses and pickup the books, ring ing a 10 per cent discount on their them through cash and its very laI~xpressBookssenrice, effective this bour intensive. It costs us a lot more spring term. The service to process the orders than allows stuYThe per cent w h e n st(]dcnrs to log dents come onto a Web discount has lived on, in and plck up slte to find out but if'S causing a lot their own whathooksare Melissa Graham
p -
for a of money to be lost." book.;. Then b y g v ~ n g a10 course,choose per cent dlswhlch b o o k - UW Bookstore manager count, the to order, and Chris Reid costs h a x ~ n par . . tor them three weclrs I c r e a s e d again. \Ye arc before classes start. Bookstore staff thcn fill the a non-profit service. Wc have to get our hottom hnc to zero at the end of order and process pa) ment before the year." the first week of class starts. StuAsked if the bookstgre has condents only have to show up, present sidered giving a discount to studcnts identitication and arc given their box who gather their own boolis and of books. stand in often long lines to pay, Reid Chris Reid, manager of the boolicommented that it wasn't a bad idea. storc aaici, "\Ve first offered this sen."Other universities have test book icc In the fall of 1997 and filled 42 o~ders.This past fall 2001, we procservices that they charge extra for. We still will provide the service, just essed about 2,500 orders. The s e n not at an additional discount. The icc has gradually incrcasod in popupurposc of the discount has been larity. The discount was originally served," he said. intended to increase awareness; the 10 per ccnt discount has lived oil, but it's causingalot of'money to be lost."
Group to ease Iraqi suffering Althetic reputations threatened by poor conduct Stephen Lockwood and Gloria lchim SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
More than 1.5 million people dead, over 650,000 of them children. A 100 per cent increase in childhood leukemia. A severe shortage of food, medicine and school supplies. This is the reality that is faced by the people of Iraq due to the sanctidns placed on them by the UN. On August 6, 1990, the United Nations Security Councilpassedresolution 661 in response to Iraq's invasion of neighbouring Kuwait, subjecting Iraq to one of the most comprehensive economic blockades the world has ever seen. Thts has been coupled with the massive destruction of infrastructure and ecological damage caused by the Gulf War. According to UNICEF, over 650,000 children that have died, representing a 250 per cent increase from 1990 levels in the under-five mortality rate. Incidents of childhood leukemia in Southern Iraq rose over 100 per cent between 1990 and 1999. Even taking this extreme increase in leukemia into account, the leading cause of children dying in Iraq remainsthe lack of clean water. Advocates of the sanctions claim that it is justifiable to maintain them in hopes of instigating a rebellion against the current government. However, thls approach has yet to yield any results. The sanctions are responsible for severelycrippling the Iraqi economy. With virtually no trade, the Iraqi currency has lost most of its value and, due to the shortages caused by the blockade, prices of nearly all basic necessities have risen. Many political analysts argue that this policy actually helped consolidate the Iraqi
government's power, due in part to the civllian population's increasing dependency on the government. It was in this context that in January of 2002, Project Iraq, a WPIRG action group, was formed with one concrete goal: humanitarian aid for the people of Iraq. Currently, there are only a handful of groups that actually deliver any sizeable quantity of food and medical supplies to Iraq. Through a comprehensive fundraising plan, this group intends to raise $500,000 in food, medlcal and school supplies. Their plan puts them in contact with ambassadors, pharmaceutical companies, politicians, community activists, schools, and many others. Project Iraq decided on this plan because the group members have been moved by the plight of the Iraqi people. Those in Canada know that they have access to great resources and Project Iraqwill therefore do all that it can to make the best possible use of these resources to achieve its goal of humanitarian aid. Project Iraq brings together students and communitv members. In order to carry out this wprk they require support from the community. Project Iraq's &st major event will be a fundraising dinner on March 24,2002 at 6 p.m. It wdl take place in rooms 2034 and 2066 of the math and computer building at UW and will feature films and speakers about the situation in Iraq. Project Iraq can be reached at project~iraq@hotmail.comor at WPIRG. The group meets every Tuesday at 6 p.m. at WPIRG, located at the University of Waterloo Student Life Centre, room 2139. These meetings are open to everyone who would &e to get involved.
SUMMER JOBS presently
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READY AND WllllN6 Athletics director Judy hlcRae must cringe whenever she hnds out some of the school's athletes are in hot water. This might be the case this week when she reads that Warrior football players were allegedly involved in a shoving match last Saturday at the Bomber. This isn't the first time that our football players have caused a ruckus off the field. In October 2000, three Warrior football players caused $10,000 in damage on campus after brealung hghts, windows and parking arms. The gents had to pay for the damage and escaped without charge. It's not fair to just illuminate these two instances that involved football players in particular. I'm sure there have been incidents involvmg other sports teams. Hazing problems come to mind. But it's interesting how a group of people can be unfairly labeled for the actions of a few members. For example, when I first learned about the problems at the
Bomber on Monday, I heard it was the "football team" that was involved in a brawl. Right away, this marks the football team - the entire team - as thugs. This of course, isn't reasonable, but it's an example of the h d of name people get, albeit unfairly, when just a few people think they're above sensibility. Situations like these also make us wonder in what situation athletes step out of the marker of "UW athlete" and become just a regular UW kid. It's an old sports paradox that frequently poses questions, such as does Jose Canseco step out of his marker as "professional baseball playet" at times when he gets in a bar fight? Or even in our own political system, when do our Feds executives step out of the marker of "Feds exec" and just become a Waterloo resident? Do UW athletes represent their sports for the entire school year, or just when their sport is in season? It's difficult not to associate students with their sports affiliations. We all become familiar with names like Bradley, Walsh, Leslie, and recently Devenny, Carrington and Ellis, and know that they are football, field hockey, basketball and track and field stars. So when names pop up in news, they are
immediately linked to their teams. People are intelligent enough to know that the actions of some people don't speak for the group. But when that group is linked to multiple pieces of bad news, we wonder, "what is with that team?" In the last four months working with athletes, coaches and sports adrnitllstrators for Imp& Sports, I can honestly say that I've been impressed by the openness and friendliness of our sporting stakeholders. That's why now I'm begmning to cringe when I see a sports team linked to bad news. But let's be honest here: athletes must think about their associations before acting ridiculously. That doesn't mean you have to stop getting drunk at the Bomber or quit partying as a team. Just be aware of your actions and the larger body you represent (that being UW Athletics) before breaking windows or slapping someone's ass In most cases it just means keeping a lower profile. If you plan on starting problems before you go out, remove your UW athletics jackets or shirts that proudly label you as a Warrior footballer, basketball player, curler or whatever. Athletics wdl thank you for it.
Environmental commissioners dumped Becky Versteeg SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
On March 12, 2002, Kirk Schmidt and Patrick Quealeywere terminated from their positions as the Feds environmentalcommissioners for their refusal to work with the University of Waterloo SustainabilityProject. This refusal resulted in the letter the commissioners received from Feds,presidnetYaacovIland and VP SIBrendaBeattyonMarch 12,which indicatedthattheirpositionshad been terminated.The letter thanked them for their work, but explained that workingwiththesustainabilityproject is a requirement of the position of environmental commissioner. When the sustainability project
was proposed this past summer, the Feds offered thex support under the condition that the project be joined with the environment commission. When Schmidt and Quealey took on the positions as environmental commissioners in the fall, they maintainedtheconnectionwiththeproject for the first part of the term. The two groups worked together on projects such as I S 0 14001 certification, but for the most part acted separately. In January, Schmidt and Quealy decided to release the project from the commission. They cited their own disagreements and made accusations against the project including "misrepresentation of students by the project, poor management ethic, poor communication with superi-
ors, andinsufficient researchprior ta implementation." Brenda Beatty spoke with the commissioners regarding their decision to terminate the k k to the project. She reminded them of the practicalunderstandmgthathadbeen reached with regards to the h k between the environmental commission and the sustainability project. Schmidt and Quealey responded that they could not be commissioners if they were required to maintain links to the sustainabilityproject.They were subsequently fired. Schmidt and Quealey feel that they were misrepresented, misinformedandmisunderstood. "It'snot over, I can assure you of that" commented Quealey. -
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Soon to be the bustling home of UW's school of architecture.
Architecture receives provincial funding Geoff Eby IMPRINT STAFF
Provincial SuperBuild fundmg for the school of architecture's relocation was announced from within its future home -the Tiger Brand factory in downtown Cambridge -on March 7. The bddmg, located between the Grand River and Queen's Square, was in the process of being converted into loft condominiums when that project was abandoned around the time the school of architecture droppedits plan to construct a new building in the same area. The fundmg forthe $27.2-&on project is to be shared by four part-
ners - a consortium of local business leaders ($12.7 million); the city of Cambridge ($6.25 million); SuperBuild ($4.1 millton); and Industry Canada ($4.1 million). The federal funding from Industry Canada has not yet been confirmed. UW president David Johnston mentioned a "poetic justice" to the announcement of Cambridge as the university's destination for expansion ''When the university of Waterloo was founded in 1957, the people of south Waterloo pegion] had obtained a grant for a university ... the men ofnorth Waterloo shortly thereafter obtained a grant ... in the discussions that took place,it seemed at
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that time to make sense to locate it in north Waterloo, and the people of southWaterlooverygradouslytransferred their grant so the university of Waterloo could proceed at the present campus. Today, I think that we are seeing some poetic justice by coming back to south Waterloo." Whde some students have expressed concerns about the &stance of the new school from UWs campus, others have recognized the importance of increasing the school's space: "Basically, h s is a life-saver for our school," said architecture student Farid Noufaily.
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Applications to Ontario universities soar Melissa Graham IMPRINT STAFF
UniversityapplicationsfromOntario secondary schools are up across the province by 15.8per cent. However, therehasbeenanincreaseofonly 7.6 per cent in first choice applications, The difference is accounted for by the flexibility students now have to apply to more than three institutions. T o date there are 47,080 more applications but only 9,461 more people applying for admission to Ontario universities. Non-Ontario applications have increased by 9,373 with an accompanymg increase of 3,213 individual applicants.
Here at UW, apphcatons are up 18.2 per cent mth &st choice apphcatlons changmg httle. The greatest increases in applications are where UW is the fourth choice or lower. Aaron Judah, a prospective UW student here for Campus Day, was asked how many universities he had applied to and how he ranked UW. "I've applied to eight and UW is my second choice U-of T is my first choice. I'm not sure which is actually my first choice but I had to put one first I'm keepingmy options open." The faculty of arts has received the biggest increase in applications this year at 29.5 per cent, followed by science at 28 per cent, health science
at 21 per cent engneenng at 17.9 per cent and enwonmental studies at 2 6 per cent. Math had a neghgible increase in applications. Within the faculty appli&ons to regular and co-op Computer Science programs fell, which according to Peter Burroughs in his memo to UW administration,is most ltkely due to the "job market" effect. Applicants do not seem to be too concerned about the competition. As UW hopeful, Steph Ellens put it, "My grades are pretty good I'm in the top of my class. My grades have to be good to come here."
For a lifetime of performante 2685 KINGSWAY DRIVE, KITCHENER
OSAP: eligbility issues key for co-op students OSAP, from page 3
not the way things have worked out for me. I've had to take out a student Thirtyper cent oftuitionincreases h e of credit, instead. It's not a great in deregulatedprograms are set aside deal, but it's better than [the interest for student fmancial aid. "OSAP is rates they charge on] credit cards." "I'm not eligible for OSAP, but no longer enough to coverthe costs of education [especially in the then that means I'm not eligible for deregulatedprograms].Students also bursaries or some scholarships, or the on-campuswork-study program. need UW bursaries to pay for their I don't need a lot of extra money schoohg." "The important question to ask each term, but I'm always short. I'm is: 'What are students doing when pretty 'busy since I'm taking six they stillhaveashortfdafterdealing courses right now. I would love to with OSAP and the university's [bur- get a part-time job, but, he-wise, sary system]?'We're seeingthat some the only kind I could handle would are takmg on part-time jobs, others be an on-campus position. At least are taking a year off. We don't have half ofthose positions,hkeWalkSafe for example, are reserved for stua lot of data on that question." June Gottschalk is one of the dents who are eligible for OSAP." students with a financial shortfall. A According to Gottschalk, OSAP fourth-year student in the co-op ap- eligibility criteria do not account for plied studies program, ~ o t t s c h a k the extra costs related to co-op. "Cosays she is not eligible for OSAP op can be expensive. There's movbecause OSAP expects her parents ing expenses and transit, and your general living costs. Plus, I needed a to support her fmancially. "But that's
car for my work. But those costs are not considered part of my education by OSAP." ThehighestdefaultratesonOSAP loans were for students who withdrew from their studies before completing their degree. Stammers also noted that the provincial government has downloaded much of the administrative work relating to financial aid to the schools. 'This can be a good thing," said Stammers, "but I thtnk that if you check with the Student Awards Office, you'll find they need to do more work nowwith less resources. What I mean is, when tuition goes up, the number of students needing financial assistance also goes up. Even just in terms strictly of the volume of bursary applications, the workload for the student awards office has increased. But then one-on-one attention for students with special circumstances, that takes a lot of time."
Camping out for the cause Phillips's election-time call for more charity work on campus. But, as the organizers explain,the support hasn't Students are bemg offered a whole been there. "We're all pretty persistent peonew way to beat the exam blues Camp Out for the Cause, organ- ple," said Alvares. "Any regular stuized by a team of enterpnsmg UW dent would have been discouraged students, is a campus-wide end-of- in September with the kind of support Feds have given us." term celebration that sends its proCiting apathy and a general lack ceeds to chanty. This is the &st year that UW has seen anything hke h s , of support, both financial and infrastructural,the organizerssay they but orgmzersMehssaAlvares,Tanya Vasey and Doug W h s hope it can were surprised to see how little the Feds were wdling to help. become an annual tradiuon "Here are students volunteering "We wanted something to b m g all facuhes together," explamed the to do something - something that organizers, who are undergraduate will look good on them [the Feds]. science students "Every other u n ~ Why are they not being supportive?" Theeventwas ong~lallysupposed versity in every other province has a to take place at Fed Hall, but was huge end-of-term party " Camp Out for the Cause vnll take moved when Feds representatives place on Apnl 4, the last day of pointed out that April 4 falls on a lectures, and d be anchored by an Thursday. "They said there was an all-day paap at the Bomber The 'expectation' for Thursday night to campus bar mll be extending its pa- beBoys andGirlsnight," saidAlvares. Fed Hall was also, apparently, u t tio as a special feature of t h s event "Plus, it's for a good cause," con- willing to host an event with a cover charge. But Alvares pointed out a tmuedVasey. AUof themoney rased d g o to Amnesty International.The number of instances when Fed Hall organizers are accepting fundrasing had broken both of these expectaproposals from all groups on cam- tions with their own events. The Camp Out for the Cause has pus.The top 2 0 d r u n concurrently found support from local corporamth the all-day show at the Bomber The organizers are lookmg forward tions, however, such as Maple Lodge to the "fair atmosphere" that will Farms, who will be sponsoring a huge barbecue event. result from all the activity. To volunteer, audition, or submit The event has been m the works smce Alvares contacted Feds VP a fundraising proposal, contact admuustration and finance Dawn Melissa at or Phihps last summer Alvares ex- or Tanya at pected big support from P W p s and the Feds, especially because of Jeremy Taylor IMPRINT STAFF
Dr. Jeff Hovis from the School of Optometry, University of Waterloo is evaluating colourvisiontestsdesignedforthe railroad industry.Thetests determine one's ability to identify colour codes used to monitor and control train movement. lndividualswithCOLOURVISION PROBLEMSare needed tovalidate these tests. The experimentrequires between7 to 2 hours to complete. Compensationfor yourtime is $10.00. For more information,please conffictJeff Hovisat 885-1211,ext. 6768. E-mail:jhovis@uwateflo~~ca~rR.
This project has received ethicsclearancefrom the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo (ORE #9703).
lLm.INeEss EIUNEMA. 6 Princess Street, W . 885-2950
An oft-forgotten,but important part of the Federation of Students is the Board of Duectors. With financial and legal responsibility for the corporation, it is the board that makes long-term financial and business decisions. Lack ofdirection and lack of attention from executive has, in past years, contributed to stagnation of the board and failure to operate most effectively. The board has nine voting members -four executive, and five student councillors - elected to the board at the General Meeting. The corporation has made a significant financial turnaround in recent years. During the mid-'90s, it was losing some $150,000 annually. The budgets for the last two years were slightly better than break-even, after setting aside four per cent of student fees (about $30,000) forlongterm investment. Credit for this improvementmust
be'at least partially attributed to the past boards. The current structure of the board of directors works well, but could be improved. The remainder of thls article describes some problems with the board's existing structure and possible changes. All the members of the board are members of student's council. In the perspective of many, the board is a subset of and secondaly to students' council. In fact, from alegal perspective, students council is just an advisory board with little 6r no power, whereas the board is responsible for all decisions. I suggest that at least two of the non-executivepositions on the board be opened to all students, not just councillors. There is little connection between the work of a councillor and a director. Students who would make excellent directors may not be interested in the politics of students' council. Opening the seats tonon-councillors also serves to give the board a separate identity. The bylaws currently call for the retirement of the entire board each year on Apnl 30. It is possible, as happened with this year's board of directors, that no incoming member had previously sat on the board. The new board must then f d a r i z e itself with the corporation before get-
ting down to business. But a corpo ration is a going concern, so there': no need for the whole board to retin at one time. In fact, most corpora tions stagger the retirement of thei directors to minimize the impact or governance. It would be more effective tc stagger the retirement of hectors The easiest way to accomplish tht! would be to elect three directors a the annual general meeting in Octo ber to take office in November. One final concern with the boarc of directors is its composition. A1 the voting members are students (0: just-graduated students). The o n l ~ other official member is the genera manager. Though well-intentioned most students don't have 20 or 3( years experience in business. The creation of advisory positions on the board for qualifiec businesspersons - lawyers and accountants, for example - wodc allow the board to have regular advice from more experienced individuals while still being able to dtrec a student-run corporation in its owr unique way. Brenda Slomka, ~ e d president. s elect, included changes to the boarc of directors as part of her campaign I encourage her to consider thesc ideas as part of her changes.
Downtown Kitchener on the upswing? Cory Bluhm
SPECIAL TO IMPRINT Many UW students have a perception that downtown Kitchener is a dirty, run-down place, fded with freaks, crazies and lots ofpurple hair. Most students share the opinion that uptown Waterloo is the preferred location for shoppmg,entertainment and alcohohc consumption, as opposed to downtown Kitchener. Downtown Kitchener went through a decade of deche, pnmarily due to the centralization of social services and the existence of a few sketchy busmesses. However, in order to alter thts image, the c~tyof Kitchener has undergone an extensive process to overhaul the entire downtown core, to restate its claim as a desirable place to live. In late Februaly, hundreds of people gathered in the luxurious Walper Terrace Hotel to "celebrate the success" of downtown Kitchener's urban evolution. Although the evolution process is far from complete, the city took the time to recognize the accomplishments and efforts that have been made to this point. The top award went to Theatre & Company, which recently opened theKing StreetTheatre Centre, a brand new 383-seat flexibleperformance space, complete with teachmg and rehearsal facilities. The Theatre Centre is now a crown jewel where live performances in many disciplines occur. Also receiving recogrution was the Waterloo Regon Children's Museum, a 50,000-square-foot world-class facilitv that will not onlv educate and entertain thousandseach year, but will become a cornerstone of our community. These are just two of the projects that contributed
The venerable Lyric hosted her last show on Saturday night. to the $25 d o n of pubhc and condominium units (slmilar to the pnvate mvestments m Downtown . Seagram's lofts), and an open-air piazza. Great efforts are being made to Kitchener m 2001. The evening, however, was also erase the negative perceptions that dedicated to showcasing the exctting many have of downtown Kitchener. Through public-private partnerdevelopment o p p o w a e s slated to commence mthm the next year. ships and mvestment, the appeal of These mclude theTncar luxurycondo Kttchener's core is on the upswmg tower at Queen and Weber, the rede- The 18,500 residents and 11,500 velopment of the centre block (cur- employees m downtown Kttchener rently home to the Lync), and the are already aware of the character, reconstrucuon of the Metropolis vibrancy and excitementthat encomnight club (soon to be known as The passes the urban evolution that is Waxx night club). underway. Within a few years, the The city also showcased plans for perception held by many U\V stuthe new IGtchener Market Located dents may also see an evoluaon as at IGng and Scott Streets, h s $26 4- downtown Kttchener becomes the d o n structure ulll house year- preferred place td live, work, study, round vendors (farmers, butchers, shop and be entertained in the region bakers, flonsts andamsans),60luxury of Waterloo.
FRIDAY, MARCH 15,2002 est air polluter in Canada. The Ontario Clean Air Alliance has argued that switching to natural gas would generate cleaner air for about the same cost as coal power. Tessie Abraham
with files from Ontario Clean Air Alliance
Extended library hours Starting on March 25 the Dana Porter library will have extended operation hours running from 8 a;m. to 2 a.m., Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. on weekends. The Davis Centre library will be operating between 8 a.m. and 3 a.m. Monday through Friday and 9 .a.m. to 3 a.m. on Sahirdays and Sundays. Extended library hours wdl be in effect unttl April 19,2002. with files from UW Library
Calendar Web site for community events WPIRG has established an online calendar with the aim of increasing awareness of community events in the Waterloo Regon. Posting events on the Web site is free and the site allows users to e-mail event descriptions nght from the site. The information can be found at with files from WPIRG
Kitchener City Council to vote on cleaner air Kitchener's City Council wdl soon vote on whether to phase out the purchase of coal-fired electricity when Ontario's electricity market opens up in May. Currently, the city buys electricity from Ontario Power Generation,who operate a coal-fired power plant, earning the title of larg-
Winter 2002 work term a success Co-op employment figures for the Winter work term from January to April 2002 were quite successful. According the report, 96 per cent of 4,400 students found co-op employment. Bruce Lumsden, duector of the Co-op program, acknowledged that while the Canadian economy is facing uncertain times, he is confident that with active involvement and support from employers, students and the University of Waterloo, the co-op program wdl continue to enjoy success. with files from CECS
Charity millionaire On March 20, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the SLC Great Hall, SIX faculties on campus will participate in a charity edition of "Who Wants to Be a Mdlionaire?" Each faculty has selected one professor, one student and a charity to play for. The participating faculties will be arts, applied health sciences, engineeling, environmental science, science and mathematics and computer science. Pledge forms are available at the student societies of the participating faculties. Pledge forms wiU also be available at the charity event. Students can pledge money in three ways: 1) direct pledge - you can give to the charity regardless of how well the faculty team does; 2)
pledge per question-youcan pledge a set amount of money per question answered correctly by the faculty team; 3) challengepledge -you can pledge a certain amount of money if the faculty team can answer a certain number of questions. For information regardmg who is playing for each faculty, contact the respective student society. For any other questions, contact Tyler Slijboom, VPAS of MathSoc, at or ext. 6515. with files from MathSoc
UW to host entrepreneurial "boot camp" The University of Waterloo has announced that it wdl hold a business camp to motivate students and alumni and provide points on how to successfully plan their business ventures. The "camp," set to take place from April 22-25 on campus, will feature keynote speakers such as Clarica Life Insurance Co.'s Hubert Saint-Onge, one of the world's leading experts in knowledge management. Students and alumni who register prior to March 15will pay $199, which will indude three nights accommodation and meals. with files from UW News Bureau
Warriors: banned from Bomber Iland said, "Both incidents are being taken very seriously." As for dlscipliLater, as the final rush of patrons nary action, "It's not a question of if exited theBombshelterPub,thesitu- but rather of what [actions will be ation changed dramatically."The at- taken]." One decision that has almosphere turned from festive to in- ready been made is that the football timidating quite quickly," said team has been banned from the Bomber and Fed Hall for the reBrennan Vogel, another drnmmer. mainder of the semester. Members Variouswitnessesdescribedsome football players flipping over chairs, of UWs football team have previripping off their clothes and wres- ously been banned from McGinnis h g o n e another to theground. Once Front Row and Johnny Fiasco's. Jeske said that while it is unfortuagain Waterloo Regional police were called to the UW campus, a d o ~ e n nate that the enare team must be officers strong. Eye mtnesses said pmshed for the acbons of a few, he that members of the football team acknowledged that the Feds "have to verbally abused and taunted the po- do what they have to do." Coach hce officers. Vogel beheves that the ChnsTnantafilou has called a special team meeting to discuss the weekpoliceused "poor tacticsVintryingto &sperse thdcrowd and that there end's events and team discipline. UW police are conducting two was a great deal of posturing on both sides. Shoat said that charges may separateinvestigationsinto the alterbe laid against six individuals for the cations that occurred on Thutsday and Saturday nights. end-of- night incidents. Univer& officialshave been ing to sort out the details this week.
WARRIORS, from page 3
1I Off
1Off0 ~I ~
UW awarded government research grant The Honorable Andy Mitchell, Secretary of State, announced that the University of Waterloo will receive $6,740,322 to help support costs associated with federally sponsored researchprojects.It is hoped that the increased funding will help strengthen research programs and attract and retain Canada's brightest minds. with files from Industry Canada
ITHIS ENTITLES THE SR~DENT BEARER TO 10% OFFTHE PURCHASE OF ANYI I REGULAR PRICED MERCHANDISE. I I I I I I I I I I I I I Grad Suit, Prom Suit, Interview Suit, whatever the I occasion I I Fai~ew Mall I 894-0770
All letters m u s t include a p h o n e number for verification, a n d should not exceed 300 words. Letters should include t h e author's year a n d program, or faculty positlon w h e r e applicable. All material is s u b ject t o editing for b r e v ~ t ya n d clarity. T h e opinions expressed a r e strictly t h o s e of t h e authors, not t h e o p ~ n i o n sof lmpnnt.
Opinion editor: Hala Khalaf letter~@imprit?t.~~aterl~~.~a
Degrees of
Could coffee sumort the clubs? I I
Every little bit helps to save the olanet Grace Peacock
-.- - .
When I decided to join my local environmental awareness group, my cholceu-as not met wjth support and enthusiasm, but instead harassment from my roommates. I was sarcastically referred to as "Captain Enviro" whenever I reminded them to recycle -which usually had to be done every week. They would ask me if it was going to be the pandas or tigers that I'd be saving that week. One day, when I came home from the mall with a newly purchased suede jacket, they snorted and said, "Some environmentalist you are .. . if your committee only knew! They'd kick your ass out in a second!" My roommates do not amuse me. Many people do not realize that it is possible to drivc a car, occasionally use styrofoam and aerosol hairspray, and still care about the environment. They figure you'rc cithcr a tree hugger or a baby seal killer. I'd like to i n m duce myself as the exception. I'm not active enough to clam the title of superhcro protector of the harth, but acme enough that I t~ tomakeconsc~ousdecisions about the way I hve. I do what I can. 1 couldn't tell you how many environmental lectures I've been to where the speaker would ask the audience how many of them wanted i o help save the environment? Usually everyone puts up a hand. Then, the speaker would ask how many of thcm w o ~ d dbe willing to give up thcir car to do this? At this point, everyone would scluirm in his or hcr seat, hands down in shame. The speaker might as well ask us to give up an arm or a leg. You may not be able to sacrifice such a necessity, but that's no reason to feel like ;here's nothing you can do. We've all bcen told, "If evrryone did their small part, it would make a big difference." Well, it's true. As for my unappreciative room-
mates, it's that type of arr~tudcthat prcvents rhc average person from taking any environmental initiative. Thcy associatc activism with Grcenpcacc attacks u n oil rigs vr psotesting animal testing at Parliament Hill. Whcn you'rc asked to imagine an environmentalist, what do you conjure up? 12 hemp-wearing, Ani DiFranco-lisrcning, dreads-bearing, protesting ucgan? 'I'hat's not mc. That's not anyonc in my environmental group. Such a stereotype creates a false impression of environmentalists as a hostile, closed-off group of individuals. You'rc cithcr in or you're out ancl there's no part marks for mediocre effort. I'm trying to break that stereotype. I believe Canada needs the Species at Risk Act mobilized. I hate smog. I hatc sccing garbage o n the sides of roads. I would like to see the crcation of more green space on campus. I use non-toxic household cleaners And yet, I mill continue to drive my car and will probably use styrofoam and aerosol hairspray again. But at least I am aw-are of what's good and bad, and this knowledge will drive me to makc changes in my life.
REMEMBER EARTH CLEARLY As tuition dereplation looms ancl believe me, it's closer than you think - and costs continue to climb, universities and student groups \viU have to find crcativc ways to fill their funding requirements. With all the debate ovrr who should pay, we should consider a couple of alternatives. As much as 1respect Brcnnan Vogcl's reccnt call for sanctity in his washroom space, I hare to disagree with him on corporate advertising in the SLC. Corporate funding in the form of advertising revenue, not sponsorship, is an escekmt may to support our programs. Vogel argued that we arc influenced by these companies' amazing how corporate agendas that has become a four-letter word these days - becoming hrainwashed automatons, unablc to formulate our own desires, only those of our masters. How, then, docs Vogcl csplain my lack of desire for a new SUV?
Friday, M a r c h 15,2002 -Vol. 24, N o . 31 Student Life Centre, Rm Ill6 F:519.884.7800 University o f Waterloo P: 519.888.4048 Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1
Editorial Staff Edttor-in-chicf, Ryan Mattliew hlerhlc! cdltor@~mpnnt.uw~tcrl~~~,.ca A s r ~ ~ t a endt ~ t o r Mark , A. Schaan Photos, Caitlin S11.1tpc lisslstant photus, racant G r z p h ~ svaranr , Assisrani graphics, \ acant Web, l'alcsh Seepanan Assisrant \\-cb, liirurwc! Slwtt S! stems adrn~n.,1 ac:mt Asslsunt systerns admln, r;icant Lrad prmlrcadcr, Jcrctny Tavlrx Pr<rdsradel-,I .i\.r Johnson Prrroiseadcr, N e d Mrwgh-Soul~s Prorrfrc'dcr, ~osliriaSafer Pro~ifreader,t leather 5lacdr1ugall
Office Staff Husiness managcr, C:rrly Bolgcr catl~y.boQcr@~~nprim.uu.atcrluir.c,~ i\dvcrnsing 8i pruductirm manager, I.aunr Tgert-Duinas ~~ds(~~mprirrt.uw:rt~rI~~<~ ca d ~ c r n r i n gacsistanr, PcnqIi (:hen 1)1ct1-~hurion, C;inja Paiihy Diitnhunon, Randy 'l'nrlor Board of Directors I > r , a r d ( ~ ~ m p r ~atcrlor,.ca ~~t,~~\~ 1~1-csidcn1, J e \ c tlclrncr ticc-prcsidcnt. Ja, S+tnaaAi 'l'rcasntcr, Plilhp W'cincr Sccrcrari, racanr Staff liaison, ,\iirna Gillian sraff.Ii,
Why don't I want a trip to llorida? I'm not interested in joining chc Pepsi Generation, 1 don't own a single Britney Spears album, and I can't stand Burger Icing. I think wc ought to gct ourselvrs a corporate safeg van. I Iell, let's get two. If my ride hvme is sponsored by Pizza Hut, I don't m n d . They've sponsored space launches; we should consider it an honour to have thcir greasy-pizza support. And what about Ground Zero? Doi~glasStebila, author of Irnprit~t's series on student government (and a recently elected student senator) will be mccting with Chris DiLullo, Fcds TiP admin and finance-elect, to hear his plans for the failing restaurant. In a pre-election interview, DiLullo told Imprint that he planned to close Ground Zero's doors, rc-opcningwith sotncthing "along the same lines as what's available at St. Cinnamon's." DiLullo's o n the right track, but what the Feds really need here is a cash cow. Let's be honcst with ourselves, several of the businesses have issues; the Bomber is desperatcly in need of renovations, Fcd Hall is only busy one day out of the whole week, Feds programming is a shadow- of its former self, and the Used Bookstore still includes thousands of dollars of undistributed cheques as part of its revenue.
P r o d u c t i o n staff 1)1,1nr \I,-lunr N g Poon F l q , David Barcam, Rachel E. ncnrttr, Lrslcy Borneti,Talca Coghiin, GcvliEb! , l h r s h n n G.intlian, i l d i n : ~Glllian, J c r w Hrltnet., Magria I u m i c c ~ n a
li,qn,if 15 the o f i a a l \ ~ u d c n tnc\\spapcr of thc U n i ~ c r s l t ) rjf \ & : L ~ L I ~ (ItI o1s. an rdltonallj mdcpendent newspapcr p u h i ~ s h r dh! l r n p r ~ n tI'uhliratimc, \Ynrrrloo, a corpotatmn wirhrrut \hare c q i t a l . li~p,rii/ is a tncrnbcr o f rhc 0nr:mci (:ommuniy kcwspapcr Aaaociarion (OCN.4)
Here's my idea: Ground Zcro becon~esa full-service Tim JIorton's. Not some watered down, call-ahead-to-orcier-a dozctidonuts, daytimc hours only operation. I'm talking about 21hours of soup, sandwiches and all manners of baked goods. In order to buy a hanchise, the Feds would only need about $178,000 in liquid assets, and thcy could finance the rest (about $250,000).Add a walk-up window, and that place would be bus) cvcry day of the year. The Feds would make money hand over fist. After paying off their financed investment, they could drop the Feds fec, serving students through cvcr-climbing coffee sales. (On that note, check out Melanie Stuparyk's i n v e s t i p tion into the nature of coffee on page 14.) Should the Feds try to run a profitable business? Sure they should; senring students requires cash, and thcrc arc lots of worthwile money-losers for a successful Tim's to subsidize. 'l'he naysayers shout that Food Services would ncvcr girc up thcir franchise in D.C. I say the Feds have done plenty for UW admin, and it's time to call In a favour. I suggest free double-doubles all around as a negotiaring tactic.
an) other publication or group nntd such time as rhc materlai has been dlstriburcJ in an tisue r,i Im,hi/iif, o r lizpir17tdcclarcs t h c l r l n t ~ n not r t o !,r~!,lisli thc rnatcnal. T h e full tcxt o f thls agrertnrnt t c aralbidc upon rcqucst Impnntdocs norguarantcc ro p u h l ~ s hart~cles,pliurograpli~ lcttcrs oradvcrtising. hhtcilal tnd! rnoi l x publ~slieil,a i ihr dlscrcuon of I,r@nnt, if that m.'it ,tal 15 drrmcd t o ht libelous o r in contravcnrmn w ~ r l ,i ~,p,r,iPsp o h a c s w r l respect n, our code o f c r h m and journalistic standanis. Impint is publiilieci cncry I rida! during MI :in<! uintcj tcrmi, and every second Pnda! ii~~l-lng thc spring tcrin I m p ~ z n t r c ~ m nthe ~ c right to scn.c,i. crht and 1 - c F k adxct tlslog. Onc copy pcr cuat<imel- I m p s ~ n tISS\ 07(10 7380 linpnnt C D N P u b hlad P r d u r .Snles .\greemenr n o 5.54673. N e x t staff meeting:
Friday, M a r c h 15 1 L : l l i p.m., SLC 11 1 6
N e x t p r o d u c t i o n night:
W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 20 5 3 0 p.m., S1.C 1 I 1 0
Could the wind storm be the cause?
I was \valking back from I muie's this ?asr Saturday night (SIal-cli 9) and mas shoclieci to see the state that our K'aterloo grounds wcre in. P:rssing by Vllinge 1, I noticed thar garbage zans, recycle bins and cvcn the containers which holcl sand and salt had ill been overturned. ~ \ sI walked a little f~irtherdoamtoa;ids RonEydt Village I saw that p~cnictahles 1iaJ been thrown into the rwer and man! morc garbage cans had been o w r turned. I questionrd myself, asking, "1 Ion- irnmaturc :ire people these days? What is gmng through thcsc peoples'minds? Is there norhingbetter to do when !-ou are adliing your drunken self hack thcn to cause a ruckus?' I am r e n proud of being a part of the University of Waterloo, hut it disgusts me to see hvu s t m c pcoplc trl-at the campus.
What is going on?
Interacting with customers can be a tnind-bogglingespcricilce! As acashler at Zchr's, I encounter many diC tirrcnt types of customers, from nice, very strange and some who could he r iewed 21s \ iolcnt. (:ustomer reactions are often unpredictable. I t is amazing tu see how somc customers react to different situations, includlng perceived o\-erpricccl food, Icing humped by a shopping cart and people cutting in line. O n e parucul:d\ unpleasant incident c~ccurrcdhetween twc adult males in thcir 30s. . \ stolen parking space caused a major uproar in the store. Qu~cliintervention had to be taken by our store manager in order to prevent the verbal q~larrclfrom bccoming ph!-sical. If c ~ ~ i ithe y nvo men could w e how foolish they looked in front of hundreds of people. The! shoukl hare heen unbar rasscd by their \cry own actions, whicli continued to escalate, o l w an insigiiticanr reason, \\,hch could have just been a nl~s~~liilcrstanding. It is rcinarkahlc how some pcople can get so upsrt over such petty ciccurrenccs. 'I'here is no reason for it! Please, thenext timc somcone taps you \vitli their grocery cart, cuts in line or steals your parting spot . . . let it go! l h n ' t clwcll o n the small hings! Try to picture how others are viewing you. If you don't, it's your repiit a ~ i o n ,your emharrassnicnt and maybe e\wx your hmlth at stake.
C'mon, what is this?
. . . I remember woncicnng if the roof was going t o stay o n my house that n~ght.N h:it \vould you ha^ done? These~nstaticcsareineant to point to the overall trend ol increasing I u m both disappointed and dis X u ~ c dupon opening the Febrilar! power tnps that are taking over my 22 edition of l///p!.ilztand reading an once beautifully casual Bomber. I'm article by Mark Scliaan titled, "Got a S U ~ Kmany of you ha\ c csanlples of Hiiilgry Stomach?" Consqucntl~,I your own. I'd \ c n much hope that have lust a great deal of respect for this leads to some kind of changc to your p ~ ~ b l i c a ~ i o n . the needless d~splayof po\vcr recently employed by somc members Mr. Scliaan collaborated w t h a most ignorant fellow named Matt uf the Hornher staff. I know cleahng Patterson to pri~videus wit11 a ao- with drunk people can be a chalcalled "tongue in chccl," assessment Iengc, but outr~ghtrudeness and in of locd grocery stores (for somc humane acuons are not called fix. unkmwn reason, tills trivial infor1\ v o ~ ~ like l d to end t h ~ sby s;i!ing ination \bas dccnlcd significant for that it's only a small minorit\- (of the an mtclligcnt university populat~on). Bomber staff that arc ct-earing a detBut this article is not tongue Incheek; r~mcntalreduction in the casual ~ t ' sjust offensive. beauh that once described my heMr. Patterson sl~ould be morc loved Bonlbcr. <:omc back olci concerned ahout being charged \v~rh Bomber ... I miss Ioil. statutory r.qe thin where to find the c h c a p e ~ cereal. t I fecl sorry fix the "young" women \\ ho arc unlinowingly the objc-cts of his pathcticgaze. Get rid of Lee-Wudrick If you are having difficult! filling yourpaper\%~jthintereating,thoughtprowking and respectful art~clcs, thcn 1,v all rnwm lra\.c a couplc OF Aaron Lee-\Y;ucinck sh~)ulcln'rbe alp:ycs hlanl,. U~~tdon't rcsorttoprintlo\vc.d an~~x-here neat. a nemspaprr. tng frnolous, sexist, insultmg gar / I t least not one of an! Interest to the bage. general pubhc. Hc reall!- h:~sno o p m Ions ofhis o\vn, hc just spcns out the 1:ditod staff, !-ou reall!- ought to i)c :ishamecl o f ! ouj-selles, cspccially thoughts of the author from t l ~ "P(: c !.ou, Mr. Schaan. In a progrcssi\c Bl)oL of the hlonth (:luh" lie's cursocletr- we should hi- s i r i n i y to rently reding. l'oht~cs,politics, p d i changc callous attitudes like Mr. tics . . . man, :)u've got :ill tllc i-csr of Patterson's, not prutnote thcrn. your life tu be scrcous - let Io(~sea Smarten up! littic! l'ffff, and! r)u w m t to IK Prime Minister? I'm no( men sure ~fyou're Canadian! I have it ongovd authority that you watched the gold n~cdal game from rhc Oly~npicson tape!
Where everyone knows your name
Recently, 1 havc noticed an orerall down\var(l spiral in my beloved Bomher. Allow me to relate some specific, albeit brief, instances. O n e Saturday night after cvcntually getting into the 13omher from Ground Zero at 1 a.m., I f(xind that all of the people n.aiting in (;round Zero conld h n x easil~fit Into the tiomber. \Yhy wcre tlicy n-aiting? Capacit! \wuldn't h a w been iiolated and staff mould havc hecn xble to clcan Ground Zero and get off work faster. This isn't the onl! timc thi5 has happened. Secondly, an incldent from thrs past Saturday \\,;IS rclated to me by my friend. I'll call her 1,ola. She xvas chattmg in the Bomber \ ~ h c nsomeone told hcr thar her roommates had just tahcn off. She boltcci Into the ST.(: In hopes of catching up w t h thcni. Cnforrunately, she was unable to and found hersclf alone in the S I C , intoxicated and \bithout a coat (which sheleftm thc Bomber). I'i'hen shc tolci the "gentleman" working ihc door\vhat happened, in an effol-t to just get back into the Hoinber to get hcr coat, the guy actually denied her. (Ibviously, hemas new.. . and b j new, 1 mcan neu7 to the concept of human decency. Drunk girl left alone, wants her c(mt so she can get home
they see what they expect to see. 4) blaybe this whole "W factur" phenomenon doesn't exist at all, but ail the good-looking aocnen are avoiding Rcn Petch because they heard hoxv shallou, his attitucks arc.
S.O.U.f:~ctoranJtrcattl~elacl~eswith the respect they dcaer\ e. LY'c are all accountable. especially tl~osealrcady mfcctcd. l'lie only cure 1s to t:ilie ;I shower and uy not to Ilc a pompous ass for at least m e night. 1:or onl!-wc can stop the S.O.H. factnr.
Forget Guelph, visit UW
A need to face reality
In response to the letter that Ben l'etch wrote ~n last week's Iybi-iwt, 1 would life to suggest tl~at,unlike men, women hcrc h a w not lowered thcir standards when it conics to the opposite sel. This does not mcan, however, tl~at~vomcneapericnce this s o called "irlrwsc \Y; factor." Since arririnp at UW', I have not cxactl>-seen flocks of good-looking blokes. l'erhaps 1 should seek out this Bcnperson since he 1s the cream in the tuinkic. .lfter all, one does have to cons~derone's self aesthcticall\ outstanding in order to feel that one's selection of partners 1s 11ot of high enough c l ~ d i t111 \ anygnrenplace. \Xhilc I aclinit 1 have not nict
I'm glad to see that someone 111 t h ~ s coLmrr!.isn't so hid as to den!. (hat both sides In the h1ide;ast conflict hare acted poorly. Bill Graham's speech highlighted the imp(~rtantissues of Israeli rctal~atorystrikes and land settlctnents on disputed tcrri tory, two points which hare often been overlooicd in the media. He was also right to condcinn Palcstininn attacks on Isracl~citizens shrn~rmg that, despite what somc critics thought, his spccch portrayed an even-handedness not often seen from out-Foreign l\ff,rirs Office. His message mas that Immhs, rockcts and rocks will not hi-in# about pcace an esc;ilatmn ofviolence is lilieh onl\
"eye c : d y , " I have met man! that to the C;inacln-Isrncl rotnmittce t o o l . ~ r just. r .;mply, henutifid to the rol-c. cr~ul-age.\Till both sidcs to the .\fter getting to bnmv and like peoc ple, thcir good ilualittcsbrco~i~cn~ag-hhdcast cr milict tind this s a n ~ courage t ~face ) reality anel get o n with the nificd and it Lecomcs \ w y difficult peace process? to consider them "a dog." If, therefore, )ou men er-cr feel liLc you are ~ u f f ~ n nfrom g this \Y' facttoranddonoc ha1 e agood enough sclcctmn of ladies here o n campus, thcn do feel free to seek out those at Think before you write I ,aurier and Guclph. If you feel you deserve better thail us, then chances are we don't want you anyway. For the rest of you, however, for a good \T-e'cl like to apologize to hlinh for timc, visit \Y7aterloo! being so disgustingly ugly.\Yc are so Women, watch out for Petch ashamed that we could el-cr h i k to \ve:rr\vhatwc wear. Forgive us forwe hare sinncd. Meet the S.O.B. factor \Vhat awes you the r g h t to judge I'd like to respond t ( ~Hen Petch's who we are by what we wear? Our letter regarding what he calls the "\Y st! le oi dress defines our character. factor," wherein, due to a supposed Everyone \hould be proud of what lack of attract~ven-omen on campus, the!- \vex; it gives us a glimpsc of Hey Den, >-ouso ugll your momma men at U\Y: hegin to thmk that "ugly" who rhey .Ire. had to tieporliclwps toyourfice just women are hut. Accorciing to Petch, sr) ilic dog \vould plx! \\ ith you! This Our school is filled with all differthe longer tncn :ire at C'\Y, thc more ent kinds of pcople, with thcir own must he n-here you learned to treat they tend to pick up and go out with views, person;il~ties and tastes, but femalzs l ~ k clogs! c 1:cmalca at Water"ugly" \votncn. For proof, he tells n~ith(me thing in common - we're men to compare thc impressions ~ h c y loo are not dogs, nor 1s there such a here to learn. \X'e'rc not hcrc to wake thing called the \Y Factor. Since I am m:& of gids SIX months ago w t h up extra rarly in the morning just to hca14y mrolved in wotncn's studies, their current ~nipressions.Supposstand In front of our closets clec~d~ng I fecl I am knou-lcdgeablc in this edly, women the! used LO think were subject. 1 Iiax-c travelled an)un~l- what to wcar t o impress otlicrs. unattractire start to look better. For an avcfilge day at school con(;uelph, T.aurier, Western, Urock, me offc'r sotnc alternative esTrcnt, iliac and ercn York - and I planations for this phenomenon: sisting mainly of going to class, seehave dated ladies from them all. Thc mg your friends, studying m the li1) Women at U\T' arc so bus) brary and participat~ngin extracur fact remains that UW's ladies arc as building thcir careers and gettlng a fine as !ou can find. ricular xtir-ities, we \vill \ve;lr what top-cluaIit!- education that they clon't tnakcs us the most comfiortahle. \Ye 'The phcnomcnon that esists 1s hare time to blow-dry their hair in the S.(O.I3. factor: it affects ~nales shouldn't liaue to think about what the morning or add that extra coat of young ;and old. 'l'his sickness L Y ~ I other people think, and we don't. lipsrick. (Xhcrr are our priorities?) cally affects ugly guys and males who E x r ! one has a choicc to wear 2) Some men arrive at L!\Y still what theywant to \Tear. The pictures hax.e large egos. The S.O.B. fixtor is holding their high .school beliefs, but easily detected by all fcmalcs, and in > - O L L ~article show people \\-caring the longer they're here the morc thcv since our ladies are tbc smartest in clothcs that express who the!- are. mature and bcgn LO value xvomcn Imposing !-our L-iewsof fashion do's the nation, rhey hide from thoscguys for their Inner beauty. and don'ts serves onl! to amplif! 3) Men come to C\Y' and hear all ~nfectcdwith the S.O.N. factor. The ~nsecuritiesthat me all I~a~re. about the "uglv women" stereotype. g~rlsat J-our precious Guelph, on the other hand, are knee -deep in pig shit Nextt~me,think before\ ounrite. This causes them to tioticc women looking for anyone to pull it out. ~ v h ofit the stercotyz morc than So guys, ~tis up to us to defeat the wotncn who don't. In othcr words,
Stop ignoring raclsrn
A changing self-identitv
Being blind to colour doesn't helo anvone L
IN YOUR INTEREST In hlarch 21, 1960, 69 black Semonstrators were massacred and 180 were mounded by armed South Ifncan pul~ceduring a peaceful xutcst apinct apartheid. More -han 40 years later, communitiei lround the world are still strug;ling against racism, inclucling ::anada. Masclb 21 has been deemed the International Day to End Racism by the Unltcci Nations. Every !ear across Canada, high schools, NGOs, universities and even the fedcral government (through Heritage Canada) ernbark on awareness campaigns and events to urge citizens to "Stop Racism!" In light of incidences that have occurred since September 11 and the racism that has come to the surface since then, a day such as this is more poignmt than ever. ;\larch 21 1s probably one of the o d ~da)-s - that the word racism is not a taboo. I am in awe of how so man!- peoplc a ~ o i dusing the word. They'll use tcrmc like racial
prejudice, discrimination, ~ntolcrancc of differences, hut it's amazing hu\v so many people steer clrar of thar six-letter word. It 1s pn~l,aldyhecnuse, histor-;c;tll!, many horrific events were jusrified through racism, such as slabery. Thus, today that r-word is such a dirty word. \Y'cll you know &at? If me don't name it, lee am't c\ er gmng to get rid oi it, lxcause although racism was the cause of many atrocities in the past, it still exists today, althouki not so blatantl\.. I am a part of a camp of people who call themselves ;inti-raasts. \Ye recognize that racism esists withm our society on many levels, overtl~-and covertly. Overt ways are easy tu ~dentify racial slurs, white supremacist neo-Nazis, ctc. It's the covert ways that arc the and are also the ones hard ones that get over looked so often. If you are not anti-racist, then you arc racist - there's no such thing as being non-racist. The reason is that racism exists on every level in our society (even in our university). So to ignore it (i.e, to be non-racist) is to help perpetuate it. What 1 call on pcople to do is to not only speak out against racism, hut to look w~thinourselves to see how one has aided in the rxistcncc of rsicistn and whitc primlege. Bec:lusc racism isn't ahout feeling gu~lt!, but acting and changing the -
way it so casil) plays irself out. So u,sc the word dc~n'tshy awn! from it. Uecaiuse the phetlomenon crf racism hasn't dicappearcd. If !v)u ignore it, it u m ' t go away. ,\nd what is LIP with the notion of colour-blindness - the idea that "when I look at people, I clon't see colour." me tell you folks, as a person of colour, 1 am highly offended by that, ;md 1'11 tell ~ O L I why. This goec along the same line o f ignoring thc problen-~.By stating that you arc colriur-hlind, you are rcallj- no bcttcr than one who uses racial slurs. You are deny~ngthe fact that racism d w s exist, and thar I and an) other person of colow get tt-eatcd differently than a white pel-son. So even if you don't hold racist attitudcs or notions, doesn't mean that thcy dm't cxist in reality. By denying the fact that we are treated differently in society, that we are (unfortunately) not treated equally, is part and parccl to the way that racism continues to exist. So please see my colour, because I d o every time 1 look in tlic mirror. O n hlarch 21, I hope we all can stop, think and recognize the reality of racism in today's society. I also hope that ure a11 continue this struggle nf fighting ag:linst raciini the other 364 days of the year. -
I'm coming out
T o r centuries, the battle oi morality \\.as foughr hetween those who claimed that your lifc belongs to God and those who claimed that it belongs to your neighhours between those who preached that the goocl is self-sacrifice for the sake of ghosts in heaven and those who peached thar the p o d 1s sclf-sacr~ficefor the sake of incompetents on Earth. And no one came to sa!- that rour life belongs to you and that the good is to live it." - Ayn Rand S o ~ h c r cyou have ~t- I'm out I'm an of the clvset. Yep atheist. Since I was correctly fingered a.: the bigA1-n Rand disciple, I figured, why not go all out? (No. I'm not gay- though I'm sure Nigcl Hear w ~ u l dhave n-clcomcd the sexually-oriented ally. ;\lco, my girlfriend would mt be impressed.) There's plenty of faitli-related opin~onthat gets tossed around in Imprillt - especially in the letters -
to the editor \vhencrcr the campus psdifcrs get liypcractn-e, ilnd I think that's ji~stp ~ c h yD. L I ~ (surprise!), I'd like to give those of us sans futh a little hit of print space. First, lets make the distinction hctween atheism and agnosticistn. The lattcr is a hclicf that it ic impossible to know whether or not God (or any supernatural being) e ~ i s t sthe ; former is a belief that God does not esist. 1 know lots of people \\ ho are agm~stic,but ver! few atheists. So why am I an athcist? 1'0 put it bluntl!, for lack of pmuf that God exists. Of course, f a i ~ hby definition is bellcf in the absence
of proof hut since I d m ' t take any hing else in In! d:iy-ro-day life o n hlth, 1 f i d ~t a h!t odd ro do so for s~~nicthing as allegcdl) m p m cant as :I supecnatu~.aldeity. From my perspecti\-c, !fit can't be lxoven, it does not e m t . I'\ e oficn heat-d pcople yay they believe in scmwthing beyond this Earth simply because ~t gives them sonle sort of purpose in life. 1mould propose that in this sense, atheism placcc the value of a lifc as even hlgher than any rcligion does: because it is the hc all and end all, and there is nothing other than life to concern ourselves with. This is food for thought f;)r anyone who thinks atheism is a -
OUTLOOK If ~ o L I ' \ rver ,~ Iinown someone bcfore and after the\ came out, yo~l'dprobably swear that a 111tof things changed along wlth rhar sexual orientation. Perhaps ~t seems like they hccame a completely different pesaotl. Thcy ma? hare changed thelr appearance, the! ma!- have changed their attitudes, they may even have changed their friends. All of these transforma tions comc about as a I-esultof a overall change - the transition from a straight seKidcntity to a gay self-identity. Physical appearance is thc most noticcable evidence of a changing self identity. A person who comes out consciously or unconsciously will start to look gay. This can come in many forms. The most deliberate attempt tu look gap is to wear gay symbols, most commonly rainbow-coloured jewellery. In doing so, the in&vldual is clearly labelling themselves as gal- to other gay peoplc. T.rmIiing gay ma) be the result of a nerd t( I tl-y something one had previously been avoicling. 111 particular, a pcrson ma! tr) s m ~ c t h ~ thar n g is gender atypical. Neophyte lesbians often cut off their Long hail-.Kcophyte gay men try dying tlieir hair a different rolour, or piercing slime part of their bodics. S o r e that min! queer per~plcd o not d o this, but ~t I S a stereot! pe that h~ilditrue for sotnr (like tn! sclf, for inszince). A chnnge ma!. ir~stcacloccur so that thc ~n~liv~iirsal hcgins ro look
ci~ld,prss~niisricview of the wr~rld. Another defensc of rellglon stems fr<-~in thc nced for morality. Ccrtainl!-, we all nced rulcs to live by if we want to hvc in a peaccf~il and organized n-orlci. But a.hy is ir alxvavs ac~umcdthat these rules are to a i m ) s (and only) be found in rehgion? Whj- can't thcy he premised on ;I respect for individual human rights?
ultra masculine or ultra feminine. For example, many gay men start going to the gym to bccome mot-c masculine. AIore subtle, subconscious changes In appearance may also comc about. I .oolung ga! ma)actuall! just hc dressing hctter as the individual IS more niotivated to look good and feels more free to e ~ p l o r ehis gal s ~ d ein his clothing. In additim to appearance, changcs in self identit! ma>-t-csult in shifting fr~endsh~ps. ,It the start of the Q z w i 1 . i Folk senes, the main character J ustin starts spending all his time with n e w found gay friends at the expense of his old best friend, Daphne. Havmg gay friends is instrumental to discovering a gay self-identity, unfortunately it can put a strain on old friendships. Changes in attitudes may also move in line with gay culture. These attitudcs may reflect differing beliefs about sesuality, religion and relationships. In short, a complete change in identity can accompany the coming out event. The changc is so marked because closeted peoplc tend to over-identify with the dominant, straight culture and delibemtely avoid gay culture. Aftcr coming out, newly outed people tend to immerse themselves in gay culture, completely ignoring straight culture. The tranciti~mfrom stmight to p y can be quxe nrrticeal>lcbecaux a host of changes occ-urs in rapid succession: changes in appearance, attitudes and friends. \Tit11 time, a pcrson will find ii balance between py anti straight culture and will integrate them hot11 into 111siclcnr~ry.l'his intcgm [ion proem. 1-10n.ct el-, takes longer th:in the in~tiidcl,;mgc? that accmnpanr coming out.
Let me end here 1,) stating that 1 am not anti-religion, but rather, pro-reason. 1 am n r qof the following of blind faith, but in a society that recognizes the need for a separation of religion and state, and thc r~ehtsof each indlr'idual to freedom of religion, to each his (or her) own.
What would you use this for?
"Who made this? Did an engineer. make this?"
"Idon't know, it's obviously too large for me."
Marcy McCrae
Ryan O'Connor
48 history
4N political science and classical studies (and Feds VP education-elect)
"An ironing board for really teeny clothes."
"I would use it for target practice."
Nicolas Provost
Wakeel Alli
18 computer science
1B arts
Go Suzuki masters Dure mathematics
"It reminds me of my mom, Iwould kiss it goodnight."
"It could be a welcome gift t o Mike Kerrigan."
Alex Q.
Brenda Beattie
1B political science
48 psychology
"Your momma."
"Iwould pray t o it as the penultimate false idol. Praise Jeebus!"
Jackrnelio, Buzzard and Juicekelly
Liam McHugh-Russel
48 science and business
3A applied math
?atureseditor: Melanie Stuparyk jsistant features editor: Florence A. Liauw
Coffee: heaven-sent or the Devil's drink? 'Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death and sweet as love." - Twhirb maxim flelanie Stuparyk JPRINT STAFF
'here's no reason to d~mimshcoffee ~y s n m g it is anything less than an bsolute necessity tormost students, specially those here at Impmt. Tim lorton'c 1s a cultural icon and Uilham's Coffee Pub is busier than he Bomber on Saturday nights :offee has been a comfort, an m u ,ator, and a cure for whatever ads ou for hundreds of years
The birth of the bean The coffee bean melf 1s found nside the pit of a small red cherry hat grows o n the coffea shrub. fl~thineach cherry is two seeds, called >ems,and apprommately4,OOObeans
An average cup of coffee contains 80 t o 150 milligrams of caffeine. Caffeine can increase the speed of rapid information processing by 10 per cent. There are more than one thousand chemicals in coffee; of these only 26 have been tested and half were found to cause cancer In rats. The best way t o keep coffee fresh is to refrigerate it in a sealed, opaque container. Cappuccino got its name from the fact that its colour ressembled the clothing of Capuc~n monks. Tips started at coffeehouses where owners put out boxes that said "To Insure Promptness" for customers t o drop coins in for good service. Indonesian coffee is left t o be eaten off the bush by wild carnivorous cats and is then taken from the animal's droppings. Having fermented in its bowels, the beans are a delicacy costing around $300 per pound.
can be harvested from one tree. Those beans are dried, roasted and then ground to brew a cup of coffee. Native to Ethiopia, coffee was first caten around 875 RC when the raw beans were crushed up into balls with animal fat to give warriors a quick shot of energy during battle; the caffeine was thought to make them more savage. It was not made into a beverage until 1000 BC. Each religion has its own myth about how coffer was discovered. Two of the most popular myths are that the Angel Gabriel stumbled upon it, and the Islamic story of an Ehopiangoat-hcrd whose goats ate the cherries, prompting him to try them himself. A monk noticed their effect on h m and thought that boiling the cherries for their juices would make an excellent drink; its populaity spread from there. Coffee tnaiie its way from Africa to Europe in the early 1600s by way of Venetian traders and spread to other continents with the help of colonists. When it arrived in Europe, doctors promoted it heavily as a cure for stomach ailments and digestive troubles, still a common belief today in countries such as Italy where espresso is served at the end of most me&. It was also seen as a solution to drunkenness, opium addiction and was thought to have the ability to ward off the plague.
Coffee terminology There are two general types of coffee beans, arabica and robusta, which yield hvo verydifferent beans. Arabica bcans, used mostly for specialty coffees, have a distinct aroma, and are mild and fruity. Robusta, used in lower-quality coffees, is very strong and bitter. The dffercnt combinations of the hvo beans in varying quantities allow coffee producers to make an slew of hfferent kinds and brands.
Coffee rouses the masses Sitting around and musing in coffee shops did not start with the beatnik generation. Oneof themost noteworthy thngs about coffee is that it has always been associatedwithmass uprisings and revolutions. When coffeehouses first opened in the 17th century, they were more popular than tavcrns with men corning to drink t h e dark brew. Coffeehouses allowed for the intermingling of classes, and gave people a place to socialize without being
intoxicated by alcohol, leading to indepth dmussions of politics. Coffee historian William H. Ukers said, "Where it has been introduced, it has spelled revolution. It has been the world's most radical drink in that its function has always been to make people think. And when the people began to think, they became dangerous to tyrants, and to foes of hberty of thought and action." Aftcr coffee's rapid rlse to fame, it fell quickly into disrepute accused of being "an invention of Satan" with the potential to invoke savagery and riotous behaviour. As with alcohol, coffee was banned and a prohibition was put in place. The prohibition was lifted just as quickly when government officials saw that the ban was causing more of an uprising among the people than the coffee itself. Women in the 17th century also protested agamst coffee Demed entrance into coffeehouses. the women complained that their husbands were lured away from the home too much, leavingthema1one.They also thought that drinldng coffee in excess left their husbands without the ability or desire for sexual activity
Colonialism and cultivation The coffec trade has a long history of slavery, oppression and exploitation. From the beginning, colonialists were enslaving natives in South America, Portugal and the West Indies for cultivation of the coffee plant. They are responsible for coffee's spread to the tropics for cultivation, and its eventual introducuon to North America by way of colonial settlers. Equalll- exploited were the rainforests to make room for huge coffee p1antations.Accordin to The Cuffk Book:Anato~yofan Indtcstyj?or*l n-op tu the last drop, in 1869, 176,000 acres ofrainforests hadbeen cleared, a practice still done today to makc room for the cultivation of crops and the rasing of cattle. The coffee industry today is not much better than it was when it first started. Although slavery is now illegal, in some countries workers on coffee farms are paid obscenely low wages to work in the h o t sun handpicking the cherries. Others, on larger plantations where machinery is used to help cultivate and harvest, are constantly exposed to pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides containing dangerous chemicals. In terms of the amount of pesticides used per acre of crops, coffee
comes third behind cotton and tobacco with D D T and benzine hexachloride topping the list of chemicals, both illegal to use in North America because of health and environmental hazards. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration research shows that these chemicals are not present in the roasted bean exported for North American consumptjon, leaving the effects of the hazardous chemicals with the land and the people who work it. In the early 1990s, the poisonous insecticide Endosulfan, used on coffee crops in Colombia, was responsiblc for the poisoning of over 200 people.
You pay for what you get T h e cost of environmental cleanup and medical attention for farm workers is not included in the price North Americans pay for a cup of coffee; the price is paid by the locals in the form of taxes. What is included in the cost of a cup of coffee is: transport, farm labour, grower's share, the value added by the exporting country, and the majority of the cost coming from the roasting, grinding and packaging process done in the country that imports the beans.
Coffee, the life of the party? Caffeine, the main addictive and energy inducing component in coffee, starts to take effect 30-60 minutes after ingestion. A mood-altering drug, caffeine has been proven to
reduce irritability and improvc social skills, memory, motivation and concentration. O n the downside, it can cause sleeplessness, nervousness and shakiness in people whose bodies do not respond well to it. As with any other drug, when the body gets used to having caffeine in large doses and then has to go without it, it goes into withdrawal. Side effects of quitting coffee cold turkey caninclude: mood swings,headaches, fatigue or drowsiness, and cramps. These effects usually last no more than a day or two. Caffeine should be given up sloudy by reducing the number of cups of coffee per day, or diluting the full strength coffee with a decaffcinated version. A study by Dr. Ichiro I<awach and a team of researchers at Haward University revealed that coffee can be more than just a quick picli-meup. 'Women who drank more than two to three cups of coffee a day were at about one-third the risk of suicide over the 10-year period compared to women who never drank coffee," said I<awacht. Double the amount of suicides were found in non-coffee drinkers. Although caffeine has no serious long-term effects, medical studies have shown that hemy intake results in decreased bone density because caffeine sucks the calcium out of bones. Studies have shown drinking more than threc cups of coffee a day may also affect fertility and increase pregnantwomen's risk of early delivery.
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2002
Mark A. Schaan discusses the political and environmental consequences of grocery shopping, aslung:
What does milk monev really buy? Mark A. Schaan IMPRINT STAFF
Food. It's something we all need, something that we almost all have to buy (consideringthe difficultyofselfsufficiency within the student lifestyle) and something that is part of our normal consumer experience. Yet, what are the consequences of the choices we make in our food, and how is our consumption manipulated or coerced by the way supcrmarkets opcrate? O n a completely different note from Imprids recent evaluation of grocery shoppmg, Melanie Stuparyk and I set out to find out about the economic, social and political consequences of our food choices. "We might talk to you guys like you're kids, but you can handle it." These were some of the first words from our tour guides, Ryan Weston and AyalDinner, nvovolunteers with thc Waterloo Public Interest Research Group who tra&tionally do tours for elementary school children to get them thnking about grocery store shopping. While not patronising or simple, the tour was certainly a new view of our conventional notions of grocery shopping and a reeducation on issues that seem fairly simple when hunting for the cheapest brand of macaroni and cheese. Pacing down the aisles of Hollywood Zehrs, the first thing we discussed was the organizational nature of the grocery store itself. "The first thing is that almost every grocery store has just one entrance and you're sort of directed in a certain way," noted Weston, highlighting that the grocery store automatically frames the order in which you will select your food. The choice is intentional. "Most things that people need are at the far end of the store so you wander through everything to gct there" and the "things like vegetables are
Shopping Alternatives Shop local markets and farmer's markets Buyat a Co-op, it gives you the ability to choose what goes on the shelves. Boycott, don't buy foods that are produced with little regard for workers, the animals or the environment
put at the beginning bccause they nccd to move out vegetables as fast as they can." Dinner commented o n the more recent phenomenon of vertical integration. In a perfectly clear example of "how the store has tried to make ltsclfmore than just agrocery store," we came through the entrance of Hollywood Zehrs, passing by the new photocopy and print shop to peruse the fine selection of patio furniture and stroll past the coffee shop. Thegrocery store has &verged from the corner store ideal. This is partially a function of the fact that several corporations own so many facets of the consumption, distribution and production of so many products- most ofwhich end up in their stores More conscious than ever of the product placement in the store, we trudged off to the produce section. Here we found peppers, avocadoes and everything else under the sun, hailing from such foreign locales as IIolland, Spain and Mexico. What the geographical survey of the vegetables highlights is the significant distance required to meet our g r o w ing diversity of needs. That distance comes with a cost. "What kind of consequences do we have from lots of things being transported from far away places?" asked Dinner. At its most basic, the transportation translates into "high priccs, h g h energy costs," but in a more complex analysis we realize how it is "very easy to be removed from these things," as we are only willing to see that the green peppers are fresh ignoring that our vegetable choice is also a global choice. This choice revolves around issucs of oil extraction, greenhousegases andthe global labour exertcd to feed North America. Also interesting in the produce aisle is the growing popularity of organic foods, significantly smaller than the other produce section. "There's health concerns and safety concerns which is why places like Zehrs have branched o;t into the organic food market," noted Dinner. Organic foods are trendy due to pesticide use, the impact it has o n soil maintenance and the health of the consumer, but "it's a highly inaccesible area of the store ... it's not something that evervone can afford and part of that is because mainstream factory farming is highly subsidized in Canada and in the rest of the world," while xganic produce reflects the true
cost of food. This "creates a false perception that organics are much more expensive to grow." Our tour continued, touching o n a number of issues of importance. Passing through the aisles we learned of the increasing lack of biodiversity due to thc increased corporatization of food production and consutnption. Weston highlighted that the rich and diverse Indian rice production industry has been reduced from over 100 varieties of rice to a mere 12. Heading into the meat scction, our discussion turned to factory farms. The ncgative consequences of produce come from the fact that the majority of it is produced in mono-cropped farms, a practice which can be harmful for the soil. Similarly, the majority of grocery store meat is produccd by factory farms whichessentially turnlivcstock fuming into large-scale industries with a significantleapin the scale and size of the farm operation. "When you're not buying it from the market or somebody that's farming the arca, you don't really have a sense of how they're grown," said Dinner. Weston agreed, suggesting that this lack of awareness leads to "not a lot of protectmn for the e m ronmental problemc that can anse from [the farmmg]." As we are separated from the processes of the meat market, we are completely unaware of the sometimes deplorable conditions in which our "food" is forced to live prior to its death, as well as thc cnvironmental concerns associated with thc factories that produce cows, chickens and pigs. Also in the meat section, we discussed genetic modtfication. which has become perhaps the most publicizedissuc around grocery shopping. Genetic modification has become an increasingly accepted practice within a number of food production industries. However, its use raises ethical and food safety issues such as the potential health consequences that have been associated with bovine growth hormones. Dinner stated, "They're finhng that Fumans] especially females, are developing earlier and earlier," aphen o m e n o n with far-reaching implicatons linked to use of the hormone to improve the production of milk in cows. This highlights the unsettlingpotential risks which exist within the increasing need to make a more efficient and profitable food industry. The tour could certainly leave the - -
consumer unsettled, shaken and pourerless as we learned ofissues including the use of antibiotics in dairy products and meat, the growing concern over a lack of local goods and the waste associated with food choices. However, perhaps the most important lesson of Weston and Dinner's tour was that the constant connection with our food consumption doesn't need to translate into a radical decision to stop eating anything that's not organic, locally produccd and vegctarian. Instead, Dinner notes, the information can simply lead to greater awareness and that change can occur as a matter of degrees, not extremes. "It can often be a choice of conflicting priorities. It's about keeping those things in mind, more than anything else, and then making the dccision based on what you prioritize," notes Weston. However, the two cite buying local, buying from markets, seed-sharing, buying from a co-op, growing your own food or buying organic as possible options to try and be more responsible in your food consumption. However, Weston and Dinner put this in perspective: "I don't expect most people that are reading this are going to read this to say 'Oh, I'm going to change my life right now.' Well, think about t h s stuff.. .Me making20 changes o r 20 people making one change d have the same impact o n our world." Perhaps an elementary school lesson, but one o n a complex, difficult and life-essential question.
IRISH COFFEE Whisky to taste % cup strong black coffee Sugar to taste 1-2 tbsp, thick cream
COOKIN6 WITH COFFEE Believe it or not, all of you aspiring chefs out there can add coffee to a number of classic recipes to give it that extra kick of caffeine and flavour. Some of the most popular redpesthatinclude coffee are chili, stews and even some soups. One of the recipes here traditionally has coffee as a main ingredient; the others are a bit more off-thewall. Just remember, as with sex so goes food: experiment, it's the only way to find out if it works for you. We even threw in a recipe for Irish Coffeein honour of St. Paddy's Day.
PERKY PASTA Instead of a tomato sauce, this pasta has a flavourful coffee and wine reduction on it. Sounds strange, tastes great. 1 lb of pasta (any medium sized noodle will do) two onions four spoonfuls of olive oil or butter % litre of red wine '/Z litre of regular strength coffee salt and pepper Chop the onions, and put them into a large skillet at a mehum-hlgh heat with the butter or oil and cook until they start to look transparent. Add salt and pepper to taste, and then slowly add the wine allowing it to reduce. Once it has reduced do the same with the coffee. If you want to add ground beef, chicken or turkey to this dish, add it in with the onions and allow it to cook all the way through before you start to add the wine. Serves four.
Put whisky into warmed glass, add coffee and sugar to taste. Slowly pour the cream into it so that it rests on top of the coffee. Serves one.
COWBOY CHILI Coffee is a great ingredient for chili, you can add as much or as little coffee as you want. Add a small can of hot peppers, salsa or hot sauce to this recipe to suit your tastes. * 2 tbsp. vegetable oil 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 % tbsp. chili powder I tsp. thyme 1 tsp. ground pepper 1 cup broth (veggie or beef) 1 cup extra-strength coffee % cup chopped onion 2 lbs. sirloin steak, cut into '/z inch cubes or 2 lbs. ofground beef. Vegetables can be used instead, tq green and red pep pers, zucchini, summer squash 1 tsp ground cumin (optional) 14 oz. can tomato puree or crushed peeled tomatoes 14 oz. can of kidney or black beans (drained and rinsed) salt
In alarge pot, heat one tbsp. ofoil and fry the onion and garlic over mehum heat until the onion becomes transparent. In a skillet addone tbsp. ofoiland a few splashes of coffee, brown the steak cubes or vegetables until cooked. Add the remaining - cup - of coffee, spices and tomatoes to the onion and garlic. Bring to a boil, stir well (stirring is key to m a h g good chlh), and let it simmer for at least 10 minutes. Add the broth and the beans and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for one hour stirring frequently. Add salt to taste. Serves six.
Before the Florence A. Liauw IMPRINT STAFF
Are you pulling your hair out over midterms -or, is it falling out on its own? For those of you who treat your hair as a source of pride and indwiduality, this may be cause for major concern. Before you start researching the ingredients to the peanut butter solution, there are some facts abouthair loss youshouldknow. Although the most common type of hak thinntng, androgenetic alopecia or pattem baldness, generally begins in the 20s and early 30s for males, and after menopause for women, it may begin as early as puberty. Affecting one-third of all susceptible women and 15 to 30 per cent of men between the ages of 18 and 29, this hair loss is predominantly from the top and sides of the head. Age, coupled with genetics, is the root cause of pattern baldness. There is currently no cure for this type of balding. However, hair loss is not necessarilypermanent.Two other types of hair thinning that affect both men and women are anagen effluvium and telogen effluvium. Anagen effluvium results from internally administered medications, such as chemotherapy agents, that poison the growing hair follicle. Telogen effluvium occurs when an increased number of hair fohcles enter the resting stage. Typical causes of telogen effluvium include physical stress such as surgery,illness, anemia and rapid weight change. Emotional stress can also play a laree Dart in hair loss of this h d . In A
addition, pattern baldness can be caused by thyroid abnormalities, blood pressure medications, and medications that includedhigh doses of vitamin A. For women, hair loss can also be attributed to hormonal causes such as post-pregnancy, the dlscontinuation of birth control pills and menopause. Once the causes of telogen effluvium are reversed, normal hair growth should return. There are some diet programs that require theingestion of vitamins to prevent hair loss associated with dieting. However, from the dermatologist's perspective, these supplements are ineffective in retarding hair loss and can actually exacerbate the condition because many of them contain high doses of vitamin A. Hair loss attributed to surgery, severe illness arid emotional stress causes the body to shut down production of hair as it is not necessary for survival. Instead, its energies are directed toward repairing vital parts of the body. It is important to note that hair loss attributed to physical stress, emotional stress and hormonal changescan occurup to threemonths after the actual event to begin. Another three months may be required for the noticeable regrowth of hair to occur making the regrowth cycle a total of six months or longer when experiencing either physical or emotional stress. Recently,whilemany pharmaceutical companies have begun to seriously +vest in hair loss research, several myths related to hair still exist. Frequent shampooing,perms, po~ular colors and stress.. desoite . . .
belief, do not cause permanent hair loss. Additional misconceptions are that hair loss does not occur in the late teens or early 20s and that brushing your hair 100 strokes daily will make it healthier. If a serious hair loss problem is suspected, a dermatologistwho has a good amount of experience in this field should be consulted. A physician will give a dtagnosis and help choose an appropriate form of hair Ioss treatment. Treatments that can have sigmficant effects without having to make a major decision include perms, cuts, colour and other cosmetic options to give the look of thicker hair. While it does not stimulate hair growth, Rogaine, which is the only FDA-approved medication currently available forpattern hair loss, retards thinning. Hair replacement surgery and hair additions are remedies that require further consideration. There is also, of course, as many men and women have done, the acceptance of hair loss and the realization that life goes on.
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How things work: the science of beer Kourtney Short IMPRINT STAFF
This Sunday, St. Patrick's day, many of us wdl sit down to a pint of green-tinted beer. Beyond wishing that science had discovered a cure for the common hangover, few of us will think of the science that went into making that beer. Beer consists of water, barley, hops and yeast. The barley is malted to convert the starch, or complex carbohydrates, into sugar through a tedious process. To begm, the barley is soaked in cool water for several days, then drained and held at about l6OC for five days. This causes the barley to sprout, releasing enzymes that convert starches into sugar. Next, the process is halted and the barley is dried by increasing the temperature. Drylng the barley
Regarding last week's article "Engineers bring top honours home":
o Theresa Cooke should have been quoted as having said, "The speaking competitions (explanatory and editorial) require less preparation, so there is no excuse for engineers not to compete." Prof. John Thistle is a part of the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.
at a higher temperature results in a darker, more flavourful beer. The barley is then used to make barley mash. To make the mash, the malted barley is crushed between rollers and then wet with hot water, at around 65OC. The water is circulated through the crushed grains to remove barley sugar. After most of the sugar is removed, the barley is then discarded and the sweet liquid, called wort, moves on. At this stage of production, the wort is brought to a rolling boil. The boihngprocess occurs for90minutes to extract the acid from the hops. Hops are added to beer for bitterness and flavour. They also have a preserving effect. Hops are the flower of the hop vine, which is a member of the hemp farmly. Although hops are closely related to marijuana, they do not contain any hallucinogenic compounds. More hops may be added during the last 15 minutes of boiling for aroma and flavour, dependmgon the type of beer being brewed. The solids are then removed from the liquid by creating a whirlpoolin the wort and allowing them to settle to the bottom. The wort is then drained, leaving the hops in the kettle. Finally, the wort is cooled so that yeast may be added. The yeastused to make beer is the same type that is used to make bread -in fact, breweries used to sell their yeast to bakers for use in bread. Yeast used in making beer metabolizes the sugar into ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, and carbon dioxide as shownin the followingequation: C,H,,O, -> 2C0, + 2CH,CH,OH. The ethyl alcohol contributes the alcoholic content ofbeer,while the carbon dioxide contributesto the carbonation.
Stockpiles of beer awaiting St. Paddy's Day in the Bomber. The difference between ales and lagers lies in the yeast used, the temperature at which they
are fermented and the duratton of the fermentatton. In beer productton, yeast is used to make ale nse to the surface of the beer dunng fermentation, which occurs for roughly two weeks at an optimal temperature of around 21째C. In contrast, the yeast used to make lager settles to the bottom of the beer. Lagers are
traditionally added to beer. The most common green food colouring is FD&C green dye #3. Formoreinformation about the chemicalcomposition of green dye, visit the US. Food and Drug Administration's Web site at
If you want to colour your beer naturally, and you accept the nsk of possibly altenng the flavour of the beer, then you can try some tradittonal colounng agents that take t h m colourfromchlorophyll Spmach,mtnt,beetleaves, parsley and sorrel can all be used as natural food colounng agents. kshort@~mprint.uwaterlooca
0 Ever want to know how something works7 E-mail your query to:
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Reimbursement: $20.00 for one visit group and $75.00 for four visit group paid upon ompletion of study fWM: 5?i&$i?&JS, 1 &%io73?3&120 BIZ, 4 &%lo7%%1 75 &lZ Please contact the Centre for Contact Lens Research %&%lS%%IIB%W%41Cc Opt. Rm 352 $&!jkf 352 t Ext. 4539 or 8884539 E$%ft$l4539 $ , 888-4539 Email F$3h114*: his study has been reviewed and received ethics dearance thmugh We Office of Research Ethics. University I Waterloo. File #10133. %;4tfRE!S#OPcB*~%RRSlBef &~SrirBBS, 3 3 W W 10133.
Sports editor: Jon Willing Assistant sports editor: Adrian I. Chin
p -
at nationa Carrington and Ellis lead impressive charge for a team that doesn't have a track to practise on Jason Dockendotff SPECIAL TO IMPRINT -
This past weekend a select few \X!arriors from the track and field team travelled to Universite dc Sherbrooke in Quebec to compete in the 2002 CIS track and field championships. & a-' terloo shipped 17 of its finest to the compctition with hopes ofbetteringlast years team and personal perfortnances. Friday's schedule started off with tlie. 4x200m relay semi-finals. The women's team entered into the meet ranked third in the nation. Daniella Carrington, Alison Brazier, Margaret Fox and Troye Carrington easily won their heat with Brariei a d Fox both running persvnd best times. 1,uck was on the u-omen's sidc in this went as the two top-ranked t a m s dropped the baton and did not qualify for Saturday's final. As a result of pour hand-offs, the men's tearn of Dave Krownc, Adrian Blair, Ian For& and Joe Brown did not qualify for Saturclay's final.\Krarrivrhigh jumper,':Junip~n" Joe Brown, competed in the high jump and cleared an impressive height of 1.90m, just missing his persotla1 Lest. \Vomen's co-captain Alison Brazier had anlaying results in her last univcrsrty long jump competitiun. Hra7ier just squeezed into thr top right in her event aftcr tlircc jumps. 'l'cnsion mounted on .\i~\on's sixth and final lump as she leaped 5.0 11n,improving on her lifet~me personal best I y onc centitnetre. That huge leap moved Alison u p to fifth p<)sition,pining raluahle team points. In the wornen'b 30Oni,13aniella (:arrington, v h o was ranked first in C:tnada cnic-rmg the competition, :mi{Ol! mpian hlargaret I7ox both qu:ilified for thls event. Carrington hada strong wmi-final race, qualifying first for the final. Pox unfortunately suffcrrd a muscle cramp 200n1 into hrt-I-:iceand decided save herself fotSaturday's hOm, 4x200n1 final and 4~40iOm. In the 300111 final, Carrington ran a strong met., hut was edged out of the gold by a Sherlxookr athlete. A silver tnedal mas the first of many rncdals that Carrington would collect. ,As theseracesuwe takingplace,polevaulter e~traorclinaireDana Tillis was anxinusly aualt-
The 4x200m women's relay team celebrates after capturing the gold medal. and Kelsie Hendry from Saskatchewan. In the ing her chance to repeat last year's gold medal end, Ellis came out on top,\vinningwithavault perfomlance. LSllis entered into the cotnpcti tlon with only two other athlc~csren~aining. of 3.90m. l X s then i~nprovedon her CIS The field was c1uicl;ll- narrowed down to Ellis record vault from the previous year by one
ccntitnetre, vaulting 3.01m. The end of the da>-Ixought the exciting women's 4x800m. The team ofl<imNruniayer, Shauna Ellis, Jill I'atrcrson and Allison Salter did not disappoint as all four athletes ran personal best times, finishing one spot oftthe podium. Saturday started offnith the 60m. Ian Forde was the only \Vatrrloo male entered in the event, but narroudy missed the final. O n the women's side, Daniell? Carri~ygton,Fox and Troye Carringtoti all qualified for t!ie 6Om. Only Daniellaadvanced andin the final she ran a blazing 7.54s, winning the silver medal. In the 4x300m final, the team of Carrington, Brazier, Fox and Carrington, ate the field alivc winning gold. This mas a perfect cnding to a very successfuluniversity tt-ackcareer for i\lison Brazier. \Y'hile all the 4s2OOm cxciterncntwas taking place, Justin Lutchin was doing some damage in the shot put. Lutchin finishcd eighth in a strong field of athletes from across the coun try. The conclusiun of the track meet brought on the 3s40iln1, in xvh~ch\Vaterloo had hoth men's and women's team cntet-ed. Troyc Carrington, llanlella Carrington, Fox, and Salter \vcrc up first and had amaving results. Salter and Fox ran a personal hest,ahich added up to a new U\V varslt! rrcnrd. 'l'he xvonlen just missed a bronze merial, finishing fourth. In thc men's 3x400n1, the first two runners, Adrian Blair and Forde, lmth ran pcrsonal bests. Forde thcn handed off first year starJose Caivalho. \\;'hiie running in the pack, Carvalho xvas spiked from bchmd and \vent down hard, dropping the baton in the process. As he was getting up to grab the baron and continue the race, the track official ordered a spectator to kick the baton off the track. Once the baton u a s kicked into the infield, the team was dis qualified. This left mteran Pierre Thbrecque standing at the finish line, unable to run in his last umversit), track meet. In the end, the wonicn's team finished fonrth overall, which is an amazing feat considering the team does not have a rrack on which to train.
Carrington grabs national honours Dominating IOtchener duo named first team All-Canadians Jon Willing -IMPRINT STAFF
U:iniella Carr~ngton,a third-year math student froin L<itchener, has bccn named Canadian I n t c . r ~ ~ n i ~ - e r sSports' lt~ most o~~tstanciiny uonlan tracli runner rn the country. 'l'he honour was gi\.cil to Carrington at an a\varcis banquet during the national finals in Sherhrooke, Quebec llst Thursday c\,ening. Slic was also n:mcd to tlie first ,411-Canadian team with polc v;~ultinggold medalist Dam Ellts. Carrington's :!ward follows up on her rccem OIJA honour, c inning the l k \Y'endj)crotne trophy as the most outstanding u ; o m performer in Omario and the w ~ ~ m e ntrack 's most valuable athlrte. She won four medals three gold and one hi-onze - at tlie OUA
Warriors CIS track and field results from Sherbrooke, Quebec. Sports, page 21
championships in \Yrindsor and r d e d up five pwsonal hest tirnrs. All of this, and she neber Ict go I ] ! her nutnher one national ranking in the 60111. "I was rc:illy honoured and really flattered because there's su man\- good athletes in the CIS and the C)UX," Carrington sad. Last weekend, Carrington brought home three medals from the CIS finals in S'herhrookc. She won gold running in the 4x200m rela! and silwr in the (jOm and 30Otn races.
Although she donlinateci the track all yeason m d had an impressive nicct in Sherbrooke, Carrington said slit would have 11ked to track in one o f her silvcr tnetials for a gold. "The season was great, hut ~t didn't end exactly the \va! 1 wlntcd. I was iooking h ~ ar gold in the OOm," C.irr~ngtonsaid. "You can't really judjir !-our success in track h \ your finishcs because it will duve )-ou insane." Carrington awn gold in the 60m at the O U A finals ~vitha lifetime personal best of 7.51 seconds mcl won the 300m with ;I personal best of 39.13 seconds. She also ran the first leg o f the women's 4x200m gold tnedal I&). With one !car of eligihil~tyleft, Camnqon's plan For nest year is simple. ':]ust run faster," she said.
Ellis, also a I<itchencr-native, has tom the pole vaultitig field to shreds this season, and is undrFe:ired in OU,I competition t h ~ ssi-ason. The fourth-!rar L1n~~i~11ogy tmajor held the numlxr one ranking in the country all season, and I-au1tc.d a new CIS record of 4.0lm. In her last !-ear at U\Y, she has rewritten the I-ccord books, landed a spot on the CIS AllCmadmn first tearn and xvon U\V provincial and national gold tncdals. Still, Ellis said she Imd her sights set on broader heights last weekc~ldin Sherhrooke. "1 feel real p o d in a may m c 1 in another sense 1 would've liked to have gone hig!2eln Ellis plans to take nvo years off to train for will the 2004 Canadian Olympic team, w h ~ h be competing in /\them, Grccce.
Devenny keeps family high priority Canadian roohe of the year happy to be close to home during her fnst year of varsity hoops Kerry O'Brien IMPRINT STAFF
I n the women's basketball team manual, you will find three priorities listed: family, school and basketball. In that order. Which explains why Julie Devenny has been so successfulthis year: to be close to her family, she went to UW for school, where she plays basketball. In that order. If you haven't heard, Devenny is the first-year post playmg phenom who tore up the hardwood for UW this year (contrary to rumouts and Web sites, she is not a point guard). She averaged 16 points a game this season for the Warriors en route to being elected co-rookie of the year for the OUA (with Laurier's Sarah Zagorski) and sole rookie of the year for the CIS. Away from the court, Devenny could best be descnbed as unassuming. She dresses casually, speakscasually, and generally presents nothing about herself that would identify her as one of the top hoopers in Canada. The beginning of the interview is a little stiff. I trv to break the ice with a few light questions: favourite colout (blue), car (Dodge Durango), music (R&B), etcetera. Pretty standard. It's the simple question ofwhat's m her CD player that gets a spark. "My CD player has like,200 discs. My dad is a hi-tech freak, he sees these hi-tech toys and he just buys them. My stereo takes up half of my room in residence. I've got a disc changer for 200 hscs, and then I
Height: 6'1"
Position: Post Hometown: Waterloo. Ontario Birthdate: January 5,1982 High school: Waterloo Collegiate Institute Program: First-year kinesiology
didn't have anythmgto runit through Devenny poses for animprint photographer at her second home, the hardwood at the PAC. s o h e b o u g h ~ m e t ~ s o t h e r C ~ p l a y eJulie r with five discs." to do was go to basketball games, Another question about music was on the application. He's hke, beginning of the internew. what am I gonna do with my time She refuses to order pizza ("my comes back to her dad, who bought 'just for fun, we'll just see if you get roommates arehke, 'you're retarded, now?' They're all really cool, and it's her the new Alants CD even though in, and then you can dunk about it.' really good I'm in town for that." I was hke, that's ridiculous. He's Lke, just call"') and hates making doctor's she only hked one song Perhaps it's her closeness to her F d y seems to be a consistent You can buy the practice! By the appomtments, especially when her f a d y that has kept her so leveltune you're done optometry school mom is close enough to do it. "I topic know it's ndicu- headed despite her success h s seaDevenny grew up here m Water- I'll be ready to 'o""Y extreme. son. loo w t h her parents, younger sister retire,you can just 'uulie is the type of it's so bad beCoach Tom O'Brien recalls the and cat ("It hates me. It's my cat and take the practice it hates me," she lamented) Her over, I'll sell it t~ perSon who always cause I blame it last home game of the season against Windsor, when the team traditiondad's an optometnst, which means you for $2, you putsothersbefore ~ ~ r e ~ally honours a ~ its ~ graduating ; ~ players. ~ ~ he graduated from UW. Which also can have the herself." at him! I-~edoes One such player was Erin Jaffray, means he wouldn't mind seemgJuhe butldme. too."' For the the same h g ! who had played very little over the in pre-optometry. It's not my fault! season. O'Brien decided to start Erin "I left my apphcaaon form at record, Devenny - Tom O'Brien I have no control in Julie's spot. home the night before it was due, wants to go into Women's basketball coach "When I told Julie about the went out, came home and pre-op physiotherapy change she was really excited for when she hushes Devenny's h e you looking for the most rewarding, fun, challenging famlly boosters Erin, almost as excited as E m was. the kineslology program here at UW. also include her mom and both of There was no sullung or dIsappomtsummer ever? Then look no further W e she doesn't share his affin- her grandmothers, who can be seen ment. Juhe is the type of person who always puts others ahead of herself. ity for opucs, Devenny claims a at just about every Warnor home number of shared charactensticswth game and on a few road trtps as well. Even with all ofher success this year, "My onegrandma, at thelast game she has always placed the team's her dad, mcludmg an aversion to is hiring summer camp counsellw and program staff tallung with people she doesn't know, we lost, she says 'What am I gonna gods ahead of her own." positions and more.If you are energetic, love kids, love the which explms her hesitation at the do? My soaal hfe, it's over, all I used
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finals come to Kitchener Jon Willing IMPRINT STAFF
dies in Silicon Valley North
"I just like to sit in the Student Life Centre every week and hitch about
the paper. " in Electrical and Computer eking bright Ph.D. and Master's nt professors, including I E E E
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Sound like you? Get your ass in gear. Hire, fire, spend our money. Run or vote in the election of IMPRINT'S new Board of Directors at the General Meeting - or stop your inane bitching!
SLC Multi-Purpose Room March 26, 2002. 1:00 p.m.
The men's CIS hockey championship tournament will be held March 21-24 in Kitchener. It's the second year in a row that Kitchener is hosting the national finals. The Guelph Gryphons are the host team by default after UW and Wifrid Laurier failed to make the playoffs in the OUA. Joining the Gryphons will be the University of 'Alberta, Western, the University of Saskatchewan, Saint Mary's and the defending CIS men's hockey champions, UQTR. UQTRwonlast year's championship in double overtime over St. Francis Xavier Vist for more information.
Power struggle in CFL brass creates low politics
For those of you who haven't noticed-probably themajorityofyou - the Canadian Football League has been makingit into thenews alot in the past few weeks on an issue most wish would never have surfaced. At the heart of this issue is a power struggle between the league's commissioner Paul Lysko and one of its owners, Shenvood Schwartz,
and how their ineptness translates into power politics. This feud goes back to last season, a disappointing one forthe Argos both on and off the field. Not only &d they lose the majority of their games, but they lost money - a lot ofit. With a losing team on the field, the Argos tried such pre-game marketing tactics as wet t-shirt shows, whlch some of my friends have characterized as either reeking of the now defunct XFL or as being a duty play. CFL owners publicly challenged Schwarz to come up with a workable business plan to regain the confidence of its board of governors. To meet this request, Schwartz
brought in Garth Drabinsky, a move that Michael Lysko has compared to making a deal with the devil. In this endeavour,Drabinskyhas been confident enough in his tactics to promise 40,000 to 50,000 fans a game compared to the fraction of that number they were getting last season. Soon after this, Lysko, in an interview with the Toronto Star, called the Argo orgamzation incompetent as well as everything else under the sun. In !us own eloquent way, Lysko summed up his frustration as saying he's mad because "the Argos think they're smart about this, and they're dumb." This can hardly be thought of as
Warrior CIS track results
constructive words from a league commissioner who only six months ago was on the verge ofbeing thrown out of the league for flip flopping on whether to cancelgames in the wake of 9/11 when every other professional league in the world decided to take time off as a sign of respect, consideringthe fact that the majority of players in the CFL are American. Now we have Schwartz c a h g for Lysko's head on a pike. Bear in mind that Lyskois aleague employee who has no vested equity in the league. The board of governors can in fact vote hun out of the league at any time. So now Schwartz called a meeting of the owners to discuss Lysko's removal. The board has a tough decisionin terms of alliances because of h s . Do they close ranks with the owners
and side with the same Schwartz in whom they lost confidence half a year ago? By doing this they risk not only coveringthe remainingtwo years of Lysko's contract, but also the difficult prospect of finding another commissioner to gulde the league right at the dawn of a new season. The other option is to follow Lysko and risk alienating a troubled Schwartz whose financial situation does not ensure the continued existence of the Argo franchise in the largest CFL market in Canada. Whatever the decision, it is one I'm certain the owners, and the rest of the fans of the CFL (those few that still remain) wish would just go away. This is low politics at best.
Bradl9 Reiter is a fourthyear political science student.
Daniella Carringion: silver @Om),silver (300m). All-Canadian, CIS outstanding women's track athlete Dana Ellis: gold (pole vault), CIS record, All-Canadian Alison Brazier: 5th (long jump) Allison Salter: 6th (600m) Justin Lutchi'l: 8th (shot put) Joe Brown: 11th (high jump) Women's 4x200m relay (Daniella Carrington, Troye Carrington, Margaret Fox, Alison Brazier): gold Women's 4x400111 relay (Carrington, Carrington, Fox, Salter): 4th Women's 4x800m relay (Kim Newmyer, Shawna Ellis, Jill Patterson, Allison Salter): 4th Men's 4x200m relay (Adrian Blair, Ian Forde. Dave Brown. Joe Browne): 11th
Daniella Carrington (left) and Dana Ellis receive their AllCanadian honours from Dennis Barrett (second from left) of the CIS. Warrior coach Brent McFarlane (far right) joins in.
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FRIDAY, MARCH 15,2002 s
You're lifting wrong, you little girly man Peoole need to be more safe and productive in their weight-training Tom Toth SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
I walk into the PAC gym, and it is always the samestory: the guy doingbench presses bounces the bar off his chest, the guy doing squats rounds his back, the girl doing curls uses so little weight the exercise can't possibly be effective, and so on. Poor form is endemic in our esteemed school's gym. I decided to write this article to teach beginner weight-trainers the proper method for lilting weights. So if you want to improve your gains and be safer at the same time, listen to me now and hear me later. To keep things simple, I will split correct form into two parts: the speed of the movement and proper technique. First, let's discuss speed of movement. One of the most frequent mistakes I see in the gym is the weight being lifted and lowered too quickly, either because the weight is too heavy to be lifted using the proper speed, or too light, in which case it does not provide enough resistance. My recommendation is using the following speed (i.e. tempo in gym-speak) for most lifts: lower the weight for three seconds, pause for one second, then raise it for two seconds. Repeat, without pausing at the top. If you do eight reps per set (my recommendation), this will amount to a time of 40-50 seconds under
tension for the.musc1ein question, very close to the optimal time. The first time you try this method, it wdl probably seem very slow, but stick with it because it works. The science behind slower tempo is simple: it isolates the muscle (allows for less cheating), it focuses onthe"eccentriccontraction," which reportedly is responsible for 60 per cent of strength and size gains, and it is much safer, because tendons and ligaments are not being stressed by the free-falhng weight. You will also find that you can lift less weight this way. I recommend you swallow your ego and use only as much weight as you can handle. When your strength starts going up and you gain new musele, you'll be glad you dtd. Next, I'd like to talk about using proper technique forlifting. Using a slower tempo will help with a lot of the problems in this area, but a few more things need to examined. First, you must use a full range of movement in all your lifts. It is well known in exercise science circles that muscle only gets strongerin the range that it is trained; therefore, to get the most benefit out of your program you should make sure you fully extend and contract your muscles in every rep of every set. The major exception to this rule is squats. Going too low on squats can hurt your back. I recommend going only about five centimettes below the point where your thighs are parallel
Recstudent Paul Laskenbench pressesin the PAC gym. Is thisthe right way,Tom? to the floor. Also; focus on isolating the muscles you're working by moving only the joints that are absolutely needed. For example, your biceps' main job is to flex your elbows (bring them closer to you shoulders),so a biceps curl should be done with only your elbow joint moving. Nearly all beginners commit the mistake of not
keeping their elbows locked to their sides when curling. This reduces tension on the biceps and places it on the shoulders, which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
Tom Toth weight-trainson a regularbasis. Ifyou have any questions about weight-training, contact Tom Toth at
Broomball teams are high on spirit, competition fierce in Campus Rec hoops
Campus Recreation broomball has two leagues this term: competitive and co-rec. Competitive broomball features refereed games, use of the offside rule and scorekeeping. The games are often fast-paced and very intense. Co-rec broomball is played ulthout referees, offside rule and score-keeping, and also features end to end action with fine
offensive and defensive plays. The playoffs will soon begin in the competitive league. The Whackers are currently in &st place and are aiming for their fifth championship in a row. The Crazy Latex Penguins and Stallions in the Desert are in close pursuit and are challenging for the title. Additionally, all of these top teams have perfect spirit of competition scores. The spirit scores evaluate the level of a team's fair play and sportsmanship. Other teams with perfect or near perfect spirit scores are Tigers, Endangered Species, and Scorching Heat. All of these teams will be rewarded with an extra game at the end of the regular season. The co-rec league features many beginner players and teams that emphasize fun over competition. They have shown much improvement throughout the term and an excellent level of fair play and sportsmanship as well. Special mention to the following teams:
Mike Crough Allstars, The Cowards, The Pilons, Heap of Sweeps and Grover's Army. These teams have greatly conmbuted to a very fun and exciting term of co-rec broomball. We are always looking for new players to this alternative sport on ice. If you are interested in playing next term, please contact for more information. Also this term, Campus Recreation hosted the largest competitive basketball league ever with 88 teams participating in the regular season! Competition has been fierce and close between many teams in different &visions. In the A division with 16 teams, BCBB V -The Dynasty has ruled the courts along with Wildest Cats with the only difference being their score differential. Both teams are undefeated and we look forward to seeing them play each other in the A1 division championship game. Bus Drivers are close in thud. In the B &vision with 39 teams, The
Corporate Team and Steve Kerr are both undefeated at five games each, entering the last week of the regular season. Both teams are tied for wins and their point dfferential. Close in third (and also undefeated) are the G.C.I. Allstars followed by Hardcourt Thugz. In the C division with 28 teams, Team O.V. is the only undefeated team in the league. Second place is 105th Element, and closely following is Gone in 60 Seconds, with one more game to play and a very close point differential. So, a n y t h g can still happen in this top bracket. In the D division, with 6 teams, it's Firetruck in the lead as the only undefeated team followed by MECH 2K5 wrth three wms and 177 points. In third are the F l p g Buttresses who edged in wrth the last game. It has been a fantastic season. Congrahdadons to all the teams who have pushed through the regular season with the Super Bowl, reading week, and NBA all-star game, and still made it to their games.
Arts editor: vacant Assistant arts editor: vacant
sense of morality in John Q
Cut and paste memories Author Mike Barnes comes to St.Jerome's Mark A. Schaan
the form into a series of responses to an illusory "friend" on the other end of the Web. 11 seems fascmating that Canadian The novel chronicles the reauthor Mikc Barnes's new novel responses of the character "M." to the volves around the concept o f surveyonmcmor) byhisp)scholo$st memory. friend "W." M. chooses school as the Thefascinatiotlstemslargelyfrom lens through which to examine his the fact that Barnes seems to be a past and the chapters play out like \vrIter ~vhoseproccss is largely the p d e s in school. procluct of amnesia. When pressed to reveal how his Unable to rcnieniher the separa cotlien1 dictates his form (especially tions lxxvccn form a i d content and fur ail author u.110 has erperlmented unsure ahout nherr thc muraht! of so much \mth gcnrc), Barnes related remcml~rancccrccps into his work, that it conics "h;icli to something Barnes had much to aa!, ln a recent \ sry s~nlple ... 11'sver! hard to separcacling on campus. rate the mo." T Ie traditionall!- creSpeaking to a coz) audience at St. atea content wherc "form is already Jerome's. Barnes in it," making ~t was ~ntervieued TL, "hard to go back hy The Sew_Ouot= af~cm-ards" and fei$'s editm Iiim autopsy whcrc the Jeriugan and then two became disread f r o m his tinct identities. novel to be pubLY'hile Rarnes lished next year, was conscious of under the workform in his new ing title of 'l %e.)j,lnovel, he soon be/fl/Mr. came swallowed The novel is once again by the Barnes's first charactcrs and foray i n t o the ideas he was degenre after a long veloping. flirtation with "That decision flash fiction and ahout the form the longer short was the last time I was able to sepactry and his first Barnes graces the cover. tatc them." work of fiction Ttvcn more intriguing was the novel's gencsis as hare both rcccivcd numerous award nominations. somewhat autobiograph~cal,which, utlcotlsciously to Barnes, became Barnes's novel stems, in part, from something not from his espcricncc. ail original set of conversations with "\Y". started to rake on characterjernigan over e-mail for a f ~ a t u r c istic? that were not my friend . . . piece in Thc 1:(Te72, Q~iurter+'s most Right awa! it uould he a complete recent edition. tangent to anydiing I could 11a\-e Barncs was compelled by thc freet q x r ~ e n c r d. . . l i ma! have hegun dom of the c mall rant atid evtended IMPRINT STAFF
with two linown people, but it didn't end there." When pushed, Barnes can admit that thc act of memory within the novel may have moral implications. While uncomfotrahlcwith theidea that his fiction is prescriptive,Barnes does understand that what we remember and moreimportnatl), what we amcnd, alter or omit, has irnportant ramificarions on ~vhatwe ralue and the judgements ITT make. "\V'hen 1 scc the molxl cpestmns ... 1 see it afterwards. It's nerer uppermmi in mr. m ~ n d .It's groping reall!-. '\\'hat would this guy in this place do?'' quest~onedBarnes. l h i s pov-script examination malies Barnes feel like a rcader lookinginto his 07.7;npiece, analyzing and assessing it for the first time. As a writer, he 1s " t r y q to make the shape ofsotnethmg that seems true and the n~oralitcjust takes care of itself" In characterizing his writing, Barnes provides nietaphors of doors, windows and an art collage. l-le, in some ways, pruvides the distancc of a u~inclowwhileat other times allows the reader to enter the scene.Narncs also cuts and pastes until a story feels like it has filled in all the holes and avoids the clutter of confusion. Barnes confessed of his own character, "He's not always aware ofwhat he'somitting."Regardless ofu-hether it's conscious or not, what the reader is left with is clearly a deft sense of prose that exposes, examines and certainlj- forces a "groping" towards understanding. Consciousl! or uticonsciously, Mike Barnes's writing and illumination of the writmg process is sornething that will certainly lil-e on in the memory of Canadian fiction. ? ,
Witches at UW? Lauren S. Breslin
couraged to contr~hutecreatively.
IMPRINT STAFF 'l'lie process all began in car11
UW Dmma will be exploring the nature of one of the strangest and most homble chapters in American history with their production of The C~-llczbIel'ryect, opening Wednesday at the Theatre of the Arts. This is no conventional rendering of Arthur Miller's classic, T / J<.htci/de ~ -a play that charactcrizcd the Salem witch hysteria of the 17th century. UW Drama used Miller's original text for inspmtion only, inventing a production that IS entirely their own. Driven by "collective creation," a relativclj- new form of theatre that invol\-es each cast member in the creation of the script, this performance will be groundbrcalung. Director Iiim Kcnders, alongside assistant director Erilia McNiece, utilized this innovative concept to shift the focus from the tinalproduct to the process itself. In Ihc (;;.~cii?lr PruJed, everyone plays an activc role in the various elements of production and 1s en-
Januarywhen, follominga roundtable reading of Mller's test, each rncmber ofthc cast set about investigating the play's central characters and thcmes. From there, the actors devised a cluster of nionologues, slats, and improvisations that would eventually meld into a structured performance. Think ofjt as the ongoing and selective process of evolution: whatel. er works moves forward, and whatever doesn't is scrappccl. "It has really openedup the actors to see themselves as theatre- artists and a part of the creatlre team," says stage manager Stephan~eColeman. Because of this creative freedom, putting together Thr O z i d d e Pryect was less ahout d~rection,and more about interpretation. Everything from the sound to the lights to thc costumes were part of a fragmental-!process, brought about by the imaglnations of the company. see DRAMA, page 25
South goes west to meet t le North American tans Eight-year-old Brit pop band is at its finest, getting rave reviews from British press Katrina Koh SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
One of the latest buzzes toconirout of thc U1< music scene is South. Hailing from T.ondon, the trio, Joel Cadburl-,Jamie McDonald and Brctt Shaw, started playing together at the age of 14. R combmation of guitars and break heats create the South sourid, drawrng James his Mo\X'a.r record lahel to sign tthemup. "[La\-ellel heard our demos. I t was just purely hy chance that he had a demo. I Ic was really impressed by it and he cvcntually put out all our demos that we spent time recording, so that was really cool. 'l'hen he just let us d o our thing." explained Cadbur!-.
Although the band got together eight years ago, they have spent a lot of that time learning how to p h ) eactiothcr'sins~urnmts.\X'1ienasked how much of the eight years was actually spent on creating the album hror~Hen~O~nIn, Cadbur!iresponded, "Well, I guess since day one m one way, because as soon as you find the right people there are going to be things and ideas reflected. With writing, it probab1~-collects the last four !ears. Tile majority ofthc album was xvrltten after we got signed. N'e also built our o\vn studio and then we spent about a year and a half to two ).ears locked axmy just writing." It is difficult ti) categome South into a specific genre simply because oftheir variation in sound. From T I p l p Onlnopenswith theelectronic-trippy
as pseudo-rockanddance f;dnsu70~lld .beat, "Broken Head I," which after look at it as pseudo dance, since the one minute immediately f l o ~ to s the albutn contains largeelements ufboth next track, "Paint the Silence,"\vhich rock and dancc music. is a soft, ac(~tisticstrum accompa"I guess you could rnor17j about n ~ e dby Cadburfs gentle vocals. The that, but we didn't set ourselves out song "1 Know \Xrhat You're Like" to have one foot in rock and one in llasadrfis~iteco~~ntryballad~oingon dancc. We just enjoyed building L I ~ while '.Sight of Ale" is more of a sounds and worlasig with things Like rock-sounding tune. L>cspi~ctheiruiderangeinsound, that. So T think it's a very organic ~ hdance recorci and i-1-cnt h o ~ it~ has there arc still strikirig sin~ilaritiesto tendencies orbeats, the)-are still ver) 'l'hc Stone Roses and '1'1~Verve. organic sounding and the) 're a part "I listen to The Stone Roses a:id of our process," Cadhury explained. dcfinitt-lyThe V c n c 'l'lic first Verve \Then this 90-plus-mlnute albulu album made me want to he in alland. \\as released it rccelred great reSeeing The Vcrvc o n the .Ctol-,n 1n views from magazines, which called T-Ip'vei2 tour was just like, a.ow!" said Cadbur! abwtt some o f l m inspit-a- them "Britain's mosl promisillg band" or "best new act." tlons. Just one category isn't enough O n e can't help hut wonder whether rock fans regard their music see SOUTH, page 24 for South.
Music for the masses
Lenni Jabour and the Third Floor At the Clarion Cafe Independent
While Lenni Jabour's demo CD was produced by Hawksle~ Workman and recorded at Hawksleytown Studios, her most recent offerings, Ten Songs Live and now A t the Chion Cap, are lessons in frugahty. They were both recorded, produced and mastered without the aid of a major studio. Or any studio, for that matter. The first was recorded live at Toronto's C'est m a t , and the new release was recorded before an intimate by-invitation-only audience of ThirdFloor friends at the tiny Clarion Cafk, nestled snugly between shops on Queen Street West. Theselive-off-the-boards recordmgs are apt, smce Lenm Jabour and the T h d Floor is a band best expenenced live You've gotta see it to become a believer.Jabour's fun cabaret shows capture the forgotten m e of vaudeville, flappers and bawdy piano bars The band is fast s e h g out larger and larger venues m Toronto and accruing glowmg media coverage. A t the C h o n Cafe' c o n t k s 11 of Jabour's newer songs performedwith insurmountable flair and class by Jabour on piano, glockenspiel, and vocals; Alex McMaster on cello; Natasha Sharko on viola; Drew Burston on double bass; andRosalita Whyte on tambourine. Band mainstay Fred the Dancing Dog is also iepresented on the album, if only as inspitabon for the first musical interlude. The songs themselves, stripped of the flamboyant stage Performance, are solid constructions ofbeautifd melodies studded by Jabour's passionate, clear voice. They range from baroque to pop to cabaret to jazz, containing many a can-can and waltzing rhythm. The moying ballads best showcase Jabour's voice, which is heartrending when it gets mournful and verges on cracking. If you're human,
Stratford Jazz and Blues Weekend March 21-23 Gallery Stratford and the Stratford Hotel Info: Call 276-9619 Poetry Slam Mostly Organic Juice Bar and Cafe Info: Call 745-4884
its enough to brings tears to your eyes and shivers to your spine. All of the songs on t h s album are titillating for their own reasons. Jabour adopts a German accent for the amusing "A Very Interesting Man" and sings in French on 'Toujours Tr&sDoux." She tugs at your heartstrings wth "Old Falling Down" and "Trouble Song (Angle, Say a Prayer)." "The Famous Song" and "Song For a Thlef' are pamcularly goosebumpinducing when Jabout lets her voice run free. A t the Clarion Cafe'is a splendid example of how lucky we all are to have an artist likeJabour in the music scene; it's magical from the orchestral tuning at the beginning to the uproarious applause at the end. To purchase a copy of Jabour's CD, or for a good time, visit Lisa Johnson, Imprint staff
I wish Cake would go back to theu Fashron Nuget sound The song they donate to this albumis typical of thar newmusic: lame, feel-good and trying too hard to havea funky sound. It was disappomtmg to find out that Crazy Town has a song on Orange Counp. Of course, it's t h w one and onlypopular song, "Butterfly." I can't stress enough that this song and this band is garbage. Untalented, elementary riffs and composition, not to mention their video in which they frolic aroundlike fairies. in a field. Good to hear some new stuff from Lit. Their song, "Everything's Cool" isn't much different from what we heard from them four years ago, but it was good then and it stdl is now. A live version of "Story of my Life" by Social Distortion is a welcome addition to the disc. Tracks from Offspring, Foo Fighters, Lit and Social Distortion make h s album a good one. Shame on the stupid producers who mined so many good tunes by mixing them in with big fat donkey shit. This album isn't selling crap either-proving that an album created just to make money by hocking stuffthat is supposedly bemg listened to is destined to be a flop. Once agam, good work Hoyywood. -
Oliver Schroer Restless Urban Primitive Big Dog Music
Oliver Schroer is potentially best described as an eclectic and enigmatic person who likes to t h d of himself as a conduit for the music of the world that is swirhg around us. On his latest dlsc, Restless Urban Phitive, Schroer displays this very ability,harnessing~esoundsofmany of the world's styles in a cryptic, cultural and compelling set of songs for the v i o h . Schroerhimselfdescribesthe disc as "about a journey" as he ventures to musically convey the " j o e g s , sketches, and the odd portrait" displayed to him in his geographic travels acrossEngland, Turkey, Norway, Sweden,Cahforma and Quebec. The disc manages to convey many of
these very distinctive styles, at times reflecting an abstract classical form indicative of western Europe and at other times fusingviolinand fiddlein what is clearly a more agrarian and narrative tale. The album is actually a compilation ofmusicalimprovisations,which Schroer attempted to put down in response to his wanderings. Interwoven with the raw sounds of home recording, the disc is very much like sitting down to watch someone's awkward slides of their latest vacation. L&e those ventures into the dingy living room for a voyeuristic snapshot of someone else's idea of interesting,Schroeroccasionally loses thelistener inwhat is clearly his own inside joke or story from the musical trip. That being said, the dtsc is largely successful, fusing a bizarre and inter- . esting set of sounds and rhythms, which reflect to us not only the diversity of the world's music but also Schroer's own personal understandingofit. W e not a journey that has been glossedinto a photo album, the raw and unedited "snapshot" is a powerful voyage for the ears. Mark A. Schaan, Imprint staff
Matt Patterson, special to Imprint
Various Artists Orange County OST
Drama: great
Columbia ISony Music Soundtrax
DRAMA, from page 23
After heanng Offsprmg's "Defy You" on the radio and seemg the video for Foo Fighters "The One," I was excited to get my hands on the Orange Coanp soundtrack. The contnbutlons from Offspring and Foo Fighters are about as hard as this album gets, which I thought was a letdown. The compilers of Orange Coungtty as hard as they can to make this album mainstream popular. with a few one-htt wonders and nothing too outside the box, it appears their goal is met. Orange Coung has its fair share of the type oflame-assmusic onewould expect from a teen-graduating-hlghschool-off-to-the-big-worldtype of movie. These songs blow and are just being used by producers so 13-yearoldJohnnie's parents willlet him play it in the car. Songsm this category are exemplified by CreeperLagon, Brian Wilson and Phantom Planet.
It was then up to the director to sort through the bits and pieces, and to compile them into a coherent, meaningful work. Coleman, for one, was enthusiastic about the innovativeprocess, and described the experience as one that was very gratifymg. 'You start with nothmg, and all of the sudden you have this show," she exclaimed."It's incredible. I can't describe it." Miller's original text examines the perversion of justice by religious fanatics during the legendarywitch trials, a historical c h a t e paralleled by the "Red Scare" of 1950s McCarthyism. Although only time will tell what insights UW Drama has to share on this theme, the show promises to be a unique and entertainingexperience.
P Danko Jones Club Abstract March 20
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170 University Am. Wed
- Animal friends in danger
Finally, a label with heart
It's almost too much to read. But the adorablekiwi is not the only chars( ter m Mackay's book that expenences suc Earthscan Pubhcat~onsL ~ m ~ t e d hardships. Each page is turned only to reve another vulnerable personality. The majest Jeremy Taylor polar bear, the magmficent blue whale, tiIMPRINT STAFF mvsterious monarch butterflv - none c If you read lust one book this year, make it Mackay's captivating protagomsts is able t evade the abhorrent mllms that haunt hlm. Richard hlackap's TheAthsojEndangeredSpem. Admittedly, Mackay has amassed an mcrec You won't be dlsappomted hfackay's tour-de-force book~sthecompel- lbly long hst of characters, but tt IS thls vel9' hng story of a number of colourful characters abundance of hapless heroes that lends tfle who struggle against adversity. Each character book such power. Besides, there's a very hanciy mtroduced mto the book, such as the Vancou- index at the end. Mackay's story mcorpc1ver Island marmot and the rates a truly world-mde setgreat Phihppme eagle,works tmg, from the rainforests c1f its way mto the reader's afBrazil to the tundra of Sib1efecaon through the mvld na. The author has, than1kcharactekzaaonandaccompanjmg lmages fully,mcluded beauaful ma11s to help the reader trace ttle But t h ~ snot ~ s a book for characters'whereabouts.llle the f m t of heart. Mackay's masterful full-colourphotographyis&1valuable in setting the scerle prose bnkantly manipulates for Mackay's tragic tales. the reader's _emotions. At You may think you' re one point, the author strong enough to withstarld presents the fightless luwi the implications of such a bud, a delightfdly endearstory, but oh no. Not yoU. ing character that, through Once you've met the bat,Y some great injustice, is alorangutanon page 101,you'11 ready burdened by an almost insurmountable Characters to cheer for. 6nd yourself cursmg the VIle handlcap force that could mfl~ctsuch Just as the reader has fallen hopelessly m harm on so precious a character, ficuaous (x love mth this delightful httle creature, Mackay not. This is a book that IS guaranteed to lealre announcesthattheluuna "threatenedby snakes, you reehng. madvertently introduced into the premously jtaylor@~mprint.uwaterloo.~ snakeless New Zealand by mternauonal trade." Richard Mackay The Atlas of Endangered Species
KMS AIRHEADS An interesting little record company is starting to make a name for itself in Toronto. Known as "a musician-run label for musiC1ans by musicians," Gen-Sub records is the bl:&child of Darryl Hurs, who has taken a H air-Club-for-Men approach: not only is he tble founder, he also releases his own music 0 sI the label. I first heard of Gen-Sub while digqng th,rough the piles of promotional mail that cam e to me from CKMS. I immediately noticed that Gen-Sub's plromoter addressed himself as Rawkul' Ray . I figure anyone who understands why to m isspell "Rawk" is worth checking out. SGce thLen, Ray has been feedmg me Gen-Sub lo formatton and music. He recently sent me a sampler called I(r//er K nockouts Vo/ume I , featuring none other than H urs himself and a couple of tunes from arlother band on the label, Snoozer. Both of these acts produce some fme Canadian independent music -if you dig tl;le sounds of Hayden, Mystery Machine, ~lmonblasterand the b e , then this album is orth your time. The price is right too, at a leasly five bucks o n h e . What has Impressed me most about GenS1ub IS that rather than lust whine about the lack of opportunlues for mdependent acts, ti-~ey'vestarted a monthly Indle Showcase n:~ghtfor local unsigned acts at Sneaky Dee's (4I31 College Street, Toronto). I think that this is a fantastic way to get
I 2
Microbunny Gorillaz
3 1C Kick In The Eye Lowest Of The Low Various Artists 6 Various Artists 7 Various Artists 8 # The Band From Planet X
4 5
\ Tickets on sale at the Club now!
EdST'Ek WEELEND Thurs. March21
Ex~~$,~:G N J~ J =Sun.March 31
9 10
n n
n Lisa Walker # Rhume
otherwise unnoticed acts some exposure, but Ray points out that it also "alleviat[es] the pressure of out-of-town bands to drum up a draw." Rawkin' Ray has encouraged me to pass the offer along to bands outside of the city, whlch is a huge opportunity for K-Whands, like my own, that couldn't get a Toronto show if their careers depended on it. I have also been informed that the bands ulll get a cut of any money made at the door, which I consider justification for anyone wary of spending gas money to haul their gear out to the city. I have found every aspect of contact with Gen-Sub has been friendly and goodnatured. I believe that this label really does just want to push the music, a refreshing change from the legions of companies mimicking the Sub-Pop business model of "sell the brand, not the star." They honestly just want you all to hear music that, for reasons fmancial, political or geographical, cannot fmd a forum elsewhere. It's also nice to meet a promotions h e c t o r who acts like an honest-to-goodness human being rather than an annoymg sales representative. I encourage you to check out some of the music avadable from Gen-Sub, especially since you can own their entire library for about 25 bucks. Also, if you're in the Toronto area you can swing by the Indie Showcase and maybe catch the Next Big Thmg. Check out GenSub at If you're a band looking for a chance to play you can e-mad Darryl at
Mr. Mikejoins Mr. Tim (and sometimes Ms. Stacy)for Igneous Rawk! every other Fn'da_rat 1 1 p.m. on CKMS 100.3 FM.
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Attention Undergraduate Students - mterested In apply~ngfor undergraduate scholarsh~ps, awards or bursaries? Check out the Bulletin Board on the Student Awards Off~cehome page at: http:i mfoawardsi for a deta~ledl ~ s of t awards open for a p p l ~ c a t ~ ot nh ~ s term. Further ~ n f o r m a t ~ o1snavailable at the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.
information, please phone or e-mail our residence office. Telephone 8844404, e x r 610 or ext. 611 or e-mail a t or TOEFL Preparation Course - T h e Test @ of ~ n ~ l i s as h - a Foreign Language (TOEFL) course begins April 2 and ends June 5. Classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:OO-4:30 p.m. This 10 week course is designed for people taking the TOEFL exam. Q Like m u s ~ c ?Got school ~ p i r ~ t ) The course fee is $100 and includes the course book. Register at the InternaJom the Warrior's Band. N o experience requ~red, just a l ~ t t l e tional Student Office, N H 2030 or call spare tune and a fr~endlyatt~tude. ext. 2814 for more details. Thursdays 5.30 p.m. Blue North Saturday, March 2 3 & PAC. h-mall Tim W ~ n d s o rat Students For Society 3rd Annual Pushup Challenge is being held in the SLC today. Proceeds will go to a charity (yet March is Red Cross Month. Please to be determined). T o sign up, go the support "Bean Blitz for Char~ty". booth set up in the SLC or e-mail Ten years later and stdl $1.00 a bag! Jelly . . bean bans are ava~lableat many Monday, March 25 l o c . u ~ o nthroughwit ~ \V.mrIw Ucgiot~. -Chemical Engineering Society Coffee 38th Annual Used Book S ~ l ~rcsznred c House is at 7:00 until 10:OO p.m. Fun, by the Canadian Federation of Univerfood and giveaways plus great performsity Women of K-W will be held on ers - including you. If you can act, sign, April 12, 11:OO a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and dance and love doing it, e-mail: April 1 3 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at EveFirst United Church, King and William ryone else just show up! Streets, Waterloo. T o donate books please call 7 4 0 - 5 2 4 9 o r email www.wlu.caiwwwliblcfuw. The Senate election for one full-time atImprint Publ~cations,the student large undergraduate student closed at newspaper of the Univers~tyof Wa4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 1. Douglas terloo needs volunteer Board of DIStebila (Combinatorics 8( Optimization/ rector appl~cantsfor the term beg~nComputer Science) was elected with nlng Aprd 1,2002. The posmon IS a 445 votes. one year commitment w ~ t hmany opportunitles and ach~evernentst o The call for nominations for underbe had. If you are interested In the graduatestudentrepresentatives tosenPres~dent,Vice Pres~dent,Secretary, ate closed at 3:00 p.m., Friday, January Treasurer or Staff L ~ a ~ s oposition, n 22. While n o nominations were replease subm~tyour Letter of Intent ceived for the Science seat (term from to the Board of Directors at Imprmt May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2004), there Q Publ~cations, Un~vers~ty of Waterwill be an election for the Arts seat loo, StudentLifeCentre,room 1116. (term from May 1, 2002 to April 30, u e s t ~ o n scan be e - m a ~ l e d t o 2004). The nominees are Andrew Dilts " (Arts, Non-Major) and Jesse Helmer $E Volunteer tutors are needed to tutor (English). T o obtain information about students on a one-to-one basis in the online voting process for the above written and oral English. Tutors meet Senate seat, visit the Federation of Stustudents on campus for one term, usuhomepage (http:i/ dents ally once a week for two hours. If you From 8:30 have a good working knowledge of Enga.m., Monday, March 18,2002 to 4 3 0 lish, are patient, friendly, dependable, p.m., Tuesday, March 19, 2002, eligiand would like to volunteer, register at ble students will be able to select this t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Student Office, site and, using their studentQuest userid NH2080. For more information about andpassword, vote from any computer. the program, please call extension 2814 Renison College is now accepting resior e-mail dence applications from 2nd. 3rd, or .4th year students for Fall 2002lWinter Big Sister Match Program: needed Im 2003lSpring 2003 terms. For further
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mediately: Big Sister volunteers. Over 6 0 children waiting for a friend. Help make a difference by spending 3 hours a week with a child. Inquire re: our short term match program. Car an asset. Call 743-5206 to register. Volunteers required - are you able to volunteer afew hours weekly during the school day? The Friends Service at CMHA matches volunteers with children who need additional support in their school setting. Please call 7447645, ext. 317 or Your time is valuable. At the Distress Centre you canvolunteer providingconfidential supportive listening to individuals in distress. We provide complete training. Call today. 744-7645, ext. 317 or wwu; Help kids succeed with homework! The Kitchener Public Library is opening a Homework Centre and needs volunteers to be tutors and provide homework assistance. Two hours oer week. evenings and weekends. Interested? Call 743-0271, ext. 275 Formoreinformation about any of these volunteer opportunities, please call the
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hprintstaff meeting heldat 12:30 p.m., SLC, room 1116. Come out and volunteer at your newspaper. U W Spanish Club presents "Noche de estrellas" formal event. Walper Terrace Hotel. Dinner, dancing, entertainment. $26 per members, $30 per non-members. Contact: for ets or infarmation. Saturday, March 1 6 "Swingin' in the Rain" - a night of swing dancing at 8:00 p.m. at Waterloo Community Arts Centre, 25 Regina Street, S., Waterloo. For tickets and information please contact Sunday, March 1 7 The Elora Festival Singers will perform J.S. Bach's masterpiece "The St. John Passion" at 3:00 p.m. at The Chapel of St. Margaret and St. John, St. John'sKilmarnockSchool (ShantzStationRoad, Maryhill). For infoltickets call 846-9694 or tickets can be purchased at the door. Monday, March 18 4" Annual Hula-Istic Health Caribana at WLU from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more info call Courtney Enright at (519) 8830975. Tuesday, March 19 K-W Chamber Music Society Concerts presents Kodan Quartet from Prague. Concerts begins 8:00 p.m. - KWCMS music Room, 57 Young St, W., Waterloo. Tickets: UW Box Office; Words Worth Books; 12th Night Discs; or call 886-1673. Careers In Health Informatics. Join us for presentations by health informatics professionals followed by a reception with refreshments. 4:OO p.m. -7:OO p.m. Davis Center 1302. Pre-registration recommended. Those who registerd are
eligible for a draw prize. Register at: http:lleph~p.uwaterloo.c~. Brine vour non-oerishable food items to campus! The ~ e h Students' h Association is holding a food drive in the SLC today and March 20. Donations will go to The K-W House of Friendship and The Anna Kaljas Home. Wednesday, March 20 Student Career Assistants needed for 2002-2003. Career Services is looking for student to fill a variety of volunteer positions. Depending on the position you will gain valuable job search, marketing, andlor career-related skills by either promoting events and services or by helping other students in their career planning and job search. Open to regular and co-op students who are creative and possess strong interpersonal and communication skills. Applicationsavailable in Career Services, NH 1115, or from our webpage by clicking on Student Career Assistant Program at http:/ Deadline is March 20, 2002. Theory and History of Individualist Feminism- a lecture by author, speaker, freelance writer and editor of, Wendy McElroy - at 7:00 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre. Presented by Youth for Liberty ( Admission is free. Six faculties on camDus will ~articioate in a Charity Edition of "Who wants to Be a Millionaire?" Each faculty has selected one Professor, one student and a charity to play for. Ways to pledge: forms are available at the Student So& eties of the participating Faculties. Also, pledge forms will be available at the event. For information regarding who is playing for each faculty, contact the respective student society. Any other questions, contact Tyler Slijboom,VPAS of MathSoc at or ext. 6515.
LSAT-GMAT-GREMCAT Contact "Chance Favours the PREPared Mind!" Flexible formats and frequent U of T start dates. Subscribe to our "LawSchool Bound" e-mail newsletter at: -LSATprep for June lostarts M a y 4 , l l , 25,30. GMATprep starts monthly. Dr. Ferdinand's Gold Standard MCATprogram starts on June 8 and 11dy 1-800-
Room for rent - for a quiet individual in a quiet detached house near both universities. Parking and all amenities. Please call 725-5348. Large room for rent immediately, close to the university. Please call (416) 4911370 for appointment. Hey you! Partially furnished one bedroom in four bedroom apartment. Available May-August. $280/month, utilities included. Phone and internet available. Located five minutes from UW and ten minutes from WLU. Call 880-1800 or One unfurnished bedroom available at WCRI onPhillip Street apartments. Fully furnished, parking and laundry available. $300/month (negotiable). Contact Mark at 880-1152 or Ten minute walk to UW. Two side-byside semi-detached houses. Four rooms available in each semi. $340-$380, very clean, large rooms, 12 monthleases from May 2002 until April 2003. Call Jason at 589-1276. Single rooms available at Resurrection College for FalliWinter terms. Eight month contract, quiet residence. 8854950 or www.ionline.ned' resurrection. Five bedroom house available Septem-
ber 2002. Great uptown Waterloo location.. . parking, -. laundry facilities, close to all amenities, one year lease, $1,6751 month. Call 888-7377. Sublet available for the SpringiSummer term. One room in a four room house, 15 minute walk to campus, lots of parking, $275 utilitieslmonth. Call Jenna at 8x6-3x01. Best Deal Ever!!! SubledMay. Skylights, air conditioning, large rooms, great location, rent negotiable, internet, cable, . Christine @ 585-0858. I DVD i n ~ lCall am also looking for accomodation from September to December. Subletllease now. One room in three bedroom apartment. Two full bathrooms, large closet, laundry, parking, storage. ErbIUniversity area. Call Adina at 880-0125 or 888-4048, e-mail Student Rentals! May and September availability! Groups and singles welcome. Check website for up-to-date rental offerings, or call 7461411.
May 1 - three bedroom semi on GlenForest Blvd. Appliances included. $900. Call Bob Perkes at 885-0200.
YamahaANlXsynthesizer - modelled offer the classic analogues like the moog. Great for dance, techno, ambient. $850. Call Phil 725-9577.
Need help with math? 6th year matfiiteaching option student with experience as TA and h ~ g hschool teacher can help you. Phone Greg 880-0257.
Ultimate Questions! Bible study by correspondence. For a free copy of the course please send name and address to: Bible Study, Zion United Reformed Church, 1238 Main Street, General Deliverv. , . Sheffield, Ontario, LOR 1 2 0 or e-mail: Visit our Web site:
ESL teachers needed in Korea. Bachelor's degree or higher education is mandatory. Goodworking conditions andwage. Contact Info & Money ( or 1-519-5745 i j 3 ) for more information. Experienced babysiner required for an 11 year old child with ADDH and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, two days a week, Saturday and Sunday. References reauired. Car is a necessity. Please call 74713443. Weekend counsellors and relief staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Experience, minimum eight-month commitment. Paid positions. Send resume to Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney Street, S., Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 3V2. Conversational English Teaching China Teaching positions in Harbin China (population 9 million). Begin May for 6 month to 1 year term. For information or to send resume, Telephone 519-578-3453.
SLC, room 1116