To Serve. Empower and Represent the Undergraduate Students of the Universitv of Waterloo.
Laura Woodworth: The Bomber
Laura Woodmorth is the enplo) ee of the month roi UE Bo~nbshelterPub She is one of the Boinbshelter's hardest wolking staff since she has come on board at the start of tlus term Laura is one of the most enthusiashc workers and ~tshov in the way she norhs n ith her fellom employees and the patrons Her dedication and lmrd worh doesn't go un-ilohcedl Cheers Laura!
THINK FROSH! S t ~ j ~ ~~&lqble s $ ~ ~ ~ ~ * Arts editor Features editor * F a m edt tcx Proofmaders Science rxlitaq * Systems Admrn. And 0 t h s t M too.,.
News editor: G. Edward J. Eby News assistant: vacant news@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca'
UW exceeds admissions target for fall term
for Bombshelter
As of July 9, 4,844 students have acceptedoffersofadrmssiontoattend the &wersity in the fall. That figure exceedsthe admissionstarget of4.630 first-year undergraduate students /idmissions targets are set by the deans in consultation with semor management.'There aremany factors that help deterinme targets but the most important is ourcapauty to continue to dehver quahty educational expenences for all students given our h t e d resources," explamed Pete; Burroughs, director of admtssions One ofthe factorsthat affects how a target is set is the precedent for the university's abhty "to meet targets with quahty students," Burroughs said He added that "targets may be adjusted moderately in response to increases or decreasesinapphcations " The mcrease of apphcations over
Bombshelter patrons will have more room to eat, drink and be merry after the patioisexpanded in August. The addition will double the size of the patio, makingit thelargest patio in the Kitchener-Waterlooarea. "Food se~cehasgoneredy well this summer," said Federation of Students vice-president administrationand finance Chns DiLullo ''Unfommately,weran into problems with not having enough seatmg on the patio." I_ncreasmgtheBombshelter's outdoor capautydreduce the need for overflow space m Groundzero Inpreviousterms, excessBombshelterpatronswere issued a numbered ticket and instructed to w a t in Ground Zero until more room became available m the Bombshelter. When their numbers were called, they were allowed to enter the pub. "Students really disliked the ucketmg system," Di Lullo admitted. The patio expansionwilladd 242 squaremetresto the existing L 240 square metre patio, boostmg its capacity from 165patrons to 434. The Bombshelter's mdoor capacity d remam at 373patrons When the patio expansion is complete, the Bombshelter d be able to hold a total of 807 people DiLulloisintheprocess ofapplymgfor a hquor hcense extension that d allow the Bombshelter to serve more patrons on the expandedpatio Although the patio is currently hcensed for 165 people, a could hold 215 ' m e n theycreatedGroundZero, they expanded the patio a httle bit, but they never apphed for a hquor hcense extension,so theyhad the samecapacity eventhoughtherewasmore room," Di Lullo explamed Xccordmg to the hcense, each patronmusthave 1.1l square metres of space.
last year at UW has been 18 per cent, whdeuniversities across Ontano have had a smularmcreaseof 17.7percent. The number of students acceptmg offers of adrmssion to UW has nsen 10.6per cent, compared to a 15.3per centmcreaseacross Ontano. For the third consecutiveyear, UW has guaranteedon-campus residence to every first-year student who requests it, yet not every first-year studentdrequest on-campusresidence. The deadhe for first year students to apply for on-campus residence was June 12.GadClarke,dlrectorofhous mg and residence administration, stated that 3,945 first-year students have tilled all available spots for on campus housmg and approximately 100 of those students were admitted from a waiting hst. The waiting hst was created from students who were awarded late offers of admission
UW and Royal Bank sending small business owners back to school Erin L. Gilmer
Don Kasta, director of the contmwgeducattonoffice, demed com menbng on the project untd official Anewpa&ership between t h e ~ o ~ a lpromotions begin The university's involvementin an Bank anduniversity ofWaterloo will provide small business owners with e-learntngweb ateis anunprecedented newresourcesformprovlngtheirbusi- mttative tointeractwithpnvate enterness skills and helping the success of pnse and develop new methods of education for them In addition to thew busmesses The conanwng education office educatmgthe community, the project has agreed to work with the Royal dbe of mterest to UW students or Bank on its new e-learningWeb site alumminterestedmstartingtheu own for educatmg small busmess owners businesses The new online learmng euvlronon several busmess-related topics. In addition to online content from ment d replace the pnnted matenal three other national providers, the currently available on these topics by Web s i t e d offer selected UW credit theRoyalBankfor~tsalmost500,OOO andnon-credit courses.These include smallbusmess customers, and add to courses m basic computer skds, credit its current o n h e resources for small courses m econOmtcs, as well as an business owners and youngentrepre accountingcourse onintroduction to neurs Expect to hear more about this mnovative project when the Royal management. Theexact details ofthe Web siteare Bank begins its promotional cam not yet finahzed,but the people of the P W in Xwust continuingeducation office are excitedly anticipating the project. IMPRINTSTAFF
The Bomber patio may feature heaters, new lighting, and areas with overheadcoverto protect patronsfrom inclementweather. /
DiLullo added that uty officials will reviewtheBombshelter's application for aliquorlicmseextension and msit the premses to determine the capacity of the expandedpatio It may be necessary to add washroom f a d ties and hre exits to complywith buildmg code regulations. -DI ~ u l lexpects i construction to begin soon after the Bombshelter , closes at the end ofthe spring termon August 10.Thepatio is expectedto be ready by the tune the Bombshelter reopens for frosh week activities on September 2. The patio expansion d be con structedus~ngthesamepavmgstones and wooden fences as the existmg structure.Thenearby volleyball court
will be rotated 90 degrees to make room for the patio expansion,but the trees around the court will not be cut down. 'We're lookmgmto patio heaters, a better hghtmg system, an awning and covering part of the patio with a tent m the umter," said Di Lullo He did not know how much the patio expansion d cost because a contractorhasnot yet beenchosen for theproject,butthreecontractorshave been solicited for estimates. "It's dehnitely worth it," said Di Lullo. "It's one of those h g s where you have to spend money to make money, and I'm a firm believer m that." sbubak@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca
RIM proposes traffic lights for plant entrance Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINTSTAFF
Based on projected growth of their Waterloo operation along Phillip Street, Research m Motion Ltd. has proposed the mstallation of traffic signals between Phdhp Street and the railway tracks crossmg Columbia Street. X RIM-funded study conducted by Paradigm Transportamon Solutions concluded that lights were necessaqduelUM'spro~ectedgrowth. The Waterloo Trails Advisory
Committeehas been hopmgtomstall a pedestriancrossingsignal at the railway tracks to hnk the TransCanada Trail and provide a safe crossmg for tradusers similarto the signalledcrossing at University Avenue. The TransCanadaTrailis the main northsouth condmt for pedestnan traffic within Waterloo and is well-used by university students. F e the Paradigm study took a survey of the use of RIM lots, no survey of TransCanada Trad traffic was taken. The Region of Waterloo, which
controlsColumbiaStreet,favours one additional signalledcrossmgto avoid traffic queues mterfenng with each other The rail line is used to haul freight, trafficwould mcrease should the proposed rail be built The proposalis bagmodified tomcorporate > anunsqpalled crosswalk at the railway crossmg for trdusers However trail users would be encouragedtowalk 60 metres to the RIM hght to cross at a sqpalled crossing.
Students carefully cross Columbia Street in the absence of the hoped-for traffic light.
Canada Day 2002 highlights: students show communitv what thev want to give back by Fazil Rasheed SPECIALTO IMPRINT
Rob Schmidt
New money for UW researchers
On a day ofrecord-breakingheat,students of UW met the regional community on the fields ofnorth campus UW"s research infrastructurerecently to celebrate Canada. Over200volunreceived a boost to the tune of $254,006 The announcement by teers battled the heat to provde a day of family fun whde giving back to the Canada Foundation for Innovanon and Industry hfinister Allan Rock, is communityin which they live. CMdren were entertainedby varipart of the $30 m~Ulonallocated to 39 ous activitiesoperatedby volunteers. universiaes across Canada The mvestment was made under the New UW engineering society and the math society operated separateareas ofkid Opportunitlec program that is designed to launch the careers of faculty funincludmgspongewars, tug ofwar, face painting, origami, water gun members Accordmg to Industry Mimster games,parachutegames and the everAllan Rock, these allocationsdl also popular water slide into a big pit of place Canadaamongthe top fivelead- mud. Games were operated from2 to 8 p.m. but the work started earlier for ers in innovation worldwide. The projects thatwillbenefirfrom many volunteers. Some volunteers the investmentsat UW are the Facility arrived as early as 8 a.m. to begin for Theoretical and Applied Research setUngup thevanousevents and tents. The organization for the event in Smart Actuators and Sensors (TARSllS)and the Multi-PointInter- began long before that. For several active Performance @PIP)research months prior to the event, a volunteer facility.TtyIRSIRSISdbringresearcherssteering committee of 30 people together and will play a sipficant role worked to make the event a reality. , in existingresearchin applications of Dana Evans, administrative cosmartactuators.ThehPIP facilitywill ordinatorof CanadaCelebrations2002 also benefit from the investments. for the University of Waterloo, was This facility represents a world-class one ofthe fd-time organizers for the data acquisition and manipulation event. Evans commended the hard facility analyzingallaspectsoftheatn- workof the steeringcommittee and all of the volunteers who helped out calinteractivity. duringthe day. "The volunteer aspect
of Canada Day is huge ...because we terloo." many, is a former Waterloo resideni Another initiative was to provide and returned home to play a showm run pretty much on a zero budget." She further exp1,ained that the steering entertainmentfor university students. Toronto called "Synthpop Goes t h e committee members, "head up each "There is a lot of kids stuff but there World" on the Saturdaybefore. Theu different section yoc see during the is nothing really for students." Stu- music may have seemed oddly out oi day." Without their help, sheaffumed, dentsthatvolunteer are encouragedto place in the intense heat of the 4 p.m and that of the sponsors, the organi- staywhen they finish.A sports section sunbut their talentwas not lost on the zation would not have been able to withlawn darts and bocci ball was set crowd. Huss admitted feelingabit ou reach their goalof "the most ultimate up for their entertainment. of place playing to an afternooncrowc Canada Day experiencein the area." Although the weather was hot, a of kids and their parents but ~va! The total budget for the Canada line-up of bands entertained the mudeternuned toplay the show.Thelas Day celebration is less than $40,000 sicallyinclined for the afternoon. One band to play was the B.A. Baracu: not including the salaries of the full- band, Psyche,travelledthefarthest to Band.The duo supnsedeveryonewitl time staff. Fireworks this year cost attend the festivities. Darrin Huss, renditions of everyone's favourite'80' around $1000 per minute and the lead singer, now a resident of Gertunes accompanied by kazoos. total cost was $15,000. UW boasts the largest firework display in the regon and wanted to makeit bigger this year. The firework team sychronized the display with music broadcastover CHYMFRII.The spectacular display drew the largest crowd for the day estimated at more than 30,000. The budget is funded through sponsorships and donations from the university and the Federation of Students. One change this year was the promotional focus. "We are t+g to focus more on the fact that it is a university-run event because most people come and t h d it is a city-run event.\T7einvitethe whole city and the entire region andit is for f a d e s but, "Queen" Brenda Slomka defended herself against many knights on all of our advertisementswe tried - of whom is pictured here. to emphasizeitwas ~ n i v e r s i t ~ o f ~ aone
Changing of the guards On July 1,many departments' chairs and admuustrative positions were appointed w t h new occupants. Geoff Wall became the associate dean (graduate)in the faculty of envlronmental studtes. Conrad Grebel's new dean is Marlene Epp and the faculty of applied health has two changeswth &son Pedlar b e c o m g associate dean (graduate studies and research) and Richard Wells is to be come the new actmg associate dean (computmg and specialprojects) Philip Howanh and Jane Buyers are thenewchmsm the departmentof geographyand the department of fine arts,respectively New cham have also been appomtedm the departments ofrecreation and leisure studtes as well as in health studies and gerontology With files from the Gazette
New principalfor Renison On July 1, exactly 10 years after she became principal ofRemson College, GadCuthbertBrandtfinishedherterm and made way for her successor,John Crossley to assume the position Brandt remams atRemson as professor ofhistory Sheis currently ona year's sabbatlcaldunngwlllchsheplans to complete amanuscnpt on the "his tory ofwomenworkmgin the Quebec cotton mdustiy, 1891 1951." She is also planning to initlate a research project on the lustory of Anghcanaffhated colleges and universiaes in Canada With files from the Gazette
Two political science professors leave Waterloo for Queen's Queen's offers Canada Research Chair and Queen's National Scholar positions Naomi B. Bruce SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
Two members of Waterloo's political sciencedepartment have left forpositions at Queen's University. On July 1 both Professor John McGarry and Professor Margaret Moore took up posts at the h g s t o n university. hfcGarryhasbeengrantedachairat theupperlevelofthe CanadaResearch Chairs program in "Nationalism and Democracfwith fundmgof$200,000 a year overseven years. The program, establishedby the Canadian governmentin2000, has been providedwith $ 9 0 0 d o n to support theestablishment of 2,000 positions across the country by 2005. The key aim of the Canada Research Chairsis to "enable Canadian universities, together with their affiliated researchinstitutes and hospitals, to achieve the highest levels ofresearchexcellenceto becomeworldclass research centres in the global, knowledge-based economy." In a Queen's news release, it was said that McGarry "has establisheda
global reputation as a scholar in the field of nationalism." At Queen's he will study the phenomenon of minority nationalism and its relationship to globahzation, and d research methods in which these minority nationahsms can be managed both fairly and democratically, to reduceconflict. "Queen's is the only university in Canada that I would considermoving to," McGarry said before he left "It has an excellent tradition of supportmgresearchm hearts, andmpolrtlcal sciencein particular.Queen's wants to use me, I understand, to bulld research strengthm the study of nation ahsm and confict regulation,and I'm excited about that project" Moore,who is McGarry's mfe and colleague,dalso bemakingthemove to Queen's to takeup a tenured faculty positionas aQueen'sNationalScholar. "Queen's has four of these positions annually," hfcGarry explained.'"lllley are in the gift of the senioradministration and departments must compete for them by nominating a suitably
qualified candidate.The political studies departmentat Queen'snominated Margaret and she won." When asked how he felt about leavingUW, McGarry said, "I've only been at UW for three years; not long enough to form anattachment. UWs political science department is rather small. It also doesn't not have a PhD program and, as a consequence,lacks an emphasison research. Its teaching workload -5 courses per year -is larger than other political science departments, such as those at Western, York, or Queen's. Becauseit is a small department that seeks to replicatewhat larger departments do, there is, in my view, too much of an emphasis on admstration, committeework,etc." When asked what he hopes to achieve at the Kingstonuniversity,he replied: "Queen's is, in my view, one of the best three universities in the country, and so1amverypleased to be going there. It strongly encourages research in the arts and in political studiesin particular. "The fact that they have simultane-
ously hired Margaret Moore and m~ along with a junior appointment, evidence o f h s . Queen's politicalstuc ies department is quite large: it has good PhD program, post-doctor students and a number of academ centres. Together, this should prc vide forarichand challengingintelle, tual atmosphere. "My aim is to help establir Queen's as one of theleadmgcentr~ in Canada, andinternationally,for tl study of ethnic conflict and confli management." Dr. AshokKapur, the political sc ence chair at UW, commented wht asked about Moore and RkGarq departure that "it is always aloss. W don'twant to lose researchers butv wish them well." Although it is a bit early to a nounce who will be covering tl courses that were to be previous conducted by the two professo~ Kapur assures that they are worki on replacements and that studen d l have professors for the cours they had taught.
Three new appointees to the Order of Canada have UW affiliations
Jan Narveson
Richard Gwyn
Tom Brzustowski
Michael Chiang
Harry Froklage
Erin L. Gilmer
Jan Nameson, alocall~ andnationallyr e c o p e d ph~losophyprofessor, said upon news of his honour, "I was very surprised." He also disclosed that his wife had received a phone call earlier in the year and his work at the university and in the community was discussed. The professor said he wasn't expecting to be honoured with such an award. "In my citation, my scholarly work was discussed. Rut they singled out my work in business ethics and I don't linow why." I Ie is well-known for his work in many areas of the humanities, includingpolitical and social philosophy, business ethics, ethical theoqiand moralissues, as wellashs controversial view on global issues. He feels that it was perhaps his interest in music that earned him the honour of the Order of Cawada. Nameson is the president and chief organizer of the Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Llusic Society." ~ e o r c h e s t mprovides ] a senice for the public and provides a venue for serious players." He also mentioned the benefits of the musical concerts for the community. Narvesonalsowrites aweekly music cntlcism column for the lJWGqette, and regularly hosts a commentary on a chamber music radio program. For this extensive community servicc in the arts, Nameson was honoured with a Community Arts Supporter Award from the Waterloo Kegional Arts Council, along with an Honorary Doctorate (D.Litt.) fromWLLr. As a notable individual on the faculty, Narveson expects that h s appointment to the Order of Canada will probably not affect his future. "I don't t h d it dhelp me," he said about the appointment. For now, Narveson plans to continue his work at UW and in the local music community.
Richard G y m , a distinguished political journalist andinternationalaffairs ardlystwho serves as Chancellor of St.Jerome's University, has been recogillzedinthe communicationscategory for his career as anauthor, medla commentator and foreign policy analyst. The citation accompanying his appointment states that, "He is one of our nation's most highly-regarded senior journalists. Known as a passionate, insightful columnist, heis equallyre. . nowned as an author whose books are often consideredclassics." He has been a columnist with the Toronto Star andits affiliated newspapers since 1973, first as National -iffairs columnist and, later, commenting on COURTESYWR1TERSUNlON.CA
UW's firstprovost,TomBrzustowski, received ~hrsicsfrom the Unihis B.AI.Scin ensineermg " verstty ofTorontom 1958 and aPh D m aeloJan Narveson, UW philosophy profesnautical engneemg fromPnn=tonm1963 He sor, believes his contributionsto music w a s a p r ~ f e s s ~ r ~ f m e c h a n d e n ~ m e e r m ~ aare tI~W more responsible for his honour for 25 years, from 1962 to 1987 IIe was rice than his work in business ethics. ~resldent(dcddemc)for 12bears and ELX'Sfirst provost for a few months. leaving IJW, krzustowski spent eightyears as Deputy hliisterm the Ontano prov~nclalgovernment..lfter that term, he was appointed as president of the NationalScienceandEn~eelllleResearchCouncil of Canada (NSERC) in 1995 and in 2000. Brzustowski's appointment was in recogntlon ofhispromotlon ofexcellencem ncndenm research and innovation One of the goals he has ctated for hlmcelfis to make Canada one of the top five nauons m research and innovation by promoting investment inhigh qualitj people inindustry, government and universities. He is an advocate of increased NSERC support of undergraduates and graduates in enpeering and science, and expresses his belief m the importance of "[giving] our youngpeople to obtain -. . the opportunity .. COURTESY NSERC CA the best shlls and knowledge and the mcenuVes Brzustowski was a mechanito put them to productive use in Canada."
Internauonal Affairs. Richard Gwyn He appears weekly on foreignpolic)~panels forT170'sStudlo'l'wo and Diplomatic Immunity programs and is a frequent commentator for theCBC. He is a two-time-recipient of the National Newspaper Awards, in 1980 and 1985, and received the NationalMagazine Award in 1985.In 1982, he was named Lluthorof the Year by the Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Letters. He received honourary doctoratesfrom the University ofKing's College (1987,Lakehead University (1997) andBrockUniversiv (1997). Dr. Michael W. Higgms, President of St. Jerome's, praised Gwyn's appointment to Orderof Canada: "It is apublic acknowledgement of his extraordinary record as a journalist and writer in Canada on public affairs,andwe are, of course, extremelyproud."
I In the story "Unravelmg the state of housmg" published on June 28, figures were incorrectly reported forthe annual change in the hfference between total university enrolment and oncampus residence spaces plus lodging house spaces. Thecorrectdifferencesare43in2000~and723
cal engineering professor and is now president of NSERC.
in 2001. Thedifference,not accounting for any further lodgiflg-housegrowth, betweenenrolment and on-campus pluslodgtnghousespaces is275in2002andisprojected to be743in2003. The figure for known demand, the sum of both UW and Laurier's fall enrolments, for 2001 should have read 24,526.
UW student joins Asian trade mission Geoff Eby IMPRINT STAFF
Lindsey Love Forester, second year applied studtes and political science student,wd bemaktnga trip to Chma on a mission to improve trade relarions. Thirtytwo students in all, funded by sponsors, who dexpect full reports when they return, will make the trip inZ4ugusr.The students will research such topics as the transinonprocess for companies to adhere ro World Trade Organization standards as well as discuss possibkties with export-oriented companies. Trips like this one are a part of the Junior Team Canada Economic Rlisslons, organized by Global T'ision, whichoccurtwice ayear.GlobalTTsion is a national not-for-profit organization with many corporate, govem~nentand educational partnerships rhat organizes programs to create a newgeneration ofbusinessleadersin the global marketplace Terry Clifford rounded the program in 1991whde a member of parhament for the ndmg of London-Middlesex To tom the missions, students are reqwed to raise the $4,000 in com nunity support and corporate spon ,orshlp to fund their trip With the marketmg matertals of products dnd semceq from theit spon sors in hand, the student5 on the rhina mssionwrl! travel to Shanghu, i;aai1g7hou,HongLoxlg, hhenzhen.
and finall)-depart Chma tovisit hlanila in the Philippines. Love Foresterdl travel as aleader of the team fromthe informahon and communicauon technologes sector. She will be researching markets, political and economic risks. bor one of her sponsors, Desire2Learn, she will be going to different schools to study the market forth- on-heleaming solutions.The other industry sectors represented by teams on the mission include agriculture, consumer products, culture, education, energy, environment,financeand franchising. To apply for the mission, students complete a three-section form. The first sectionasksyouto brandyourself in 50 words. In the second section, you explain your strategies for how youwill raise themoney, how youwill contact companies,what sector you'll be selectmg, what region vou'll be selecting andwhy. The third sectionis for information about what you will do when you fioish the mission:what youwill give back to your communih and how you will firther help the program Love Forester applied for this adventure in Xarchand then attended a two-day training program, mandaton; for applicants, at the Ryerson residenceshIay 13and 14.;lboutahalf of the 100 to 150 people were applicants, Love Forester estimates,while otherswereinterestedmleamgabout world trade. She would like to or-
Love Forester found out about Global Vision trade missions while working as a communications associatefor CECS.
versiucs and the colleges around here," she geby@lmprlntuwaterloo ca
UW deviates from guidelines to fund CECS building Questioning legitimacy of co-op fee increase Colleges and Universities,announced a $3 1.21 million SuperBu~ldgrant for the project Multi-FacilityE-:pansion, including the Co-operative IiducahonCentre, now the CECS Ruildmg. This funding paid for about half of ~ l l c 111 the project. cost of the bu~lct~iigs On March 9,200 1, then-Fedspresident Chris Farley announced in Imprint that the mversity had asked students to agree to a 25-year $25 Students have been talking about increase in the co-op fee to pav for the nouon that the CECS building about half of the CECS building. should be inellgble for 3tudcnt fee Despite opposition from students, fundmgbecause they beheve, \mce the Board of Governors, on April 3 academic credits for work rerrns 2001, approved theincrease. were introduced, that it has become The Ontario Operating Funds an academicbuilding Distribution Manual governs how 'Ihs was brought up at the Jean the hlinistr!- of'Training Colleges of engneenng forum on 2 i,lr L 3 andIlniversities, Universities The nouon is mcorrect, the vndi Branch, dtstnhures operating grants to universities a1 Ontario. 'l'his not the budding would be 71 .i&d manual, most recently published in by operatmgor capitai p d n r i 1990, also governs tuiuon fees and ' I l e regulauons that the govern ancillaq-fees.Vniversities h n e t?ie ment uses to control univervh treo authority to set fees as they wish suggest that mcreasing the co op fee but generally follou~these guideto fund tlle CECS buldln~,T % c ~ lines. 'L'he manual says universities unproper I will explain it background of the CEC 5 ~ ~ u i l d ~ n g that violate its rules will be penal ised with reduced operating grants. and the$% co op fccrncrt,iyi. Compulsoryancillary fees are dtscuss government polici on fees first divided into two types, tuitionand show how this increnw to rhe related and non-tuition related. co op fee is outside the tu!es 5et by l'uition-related ancillary fees are the government defined by the manual as those The number of students m ct) wl+icharc "h-ied to cover the cwts op programs has grown to 10,POof items normall!- paid for out thf -61 per cent of ~ndergradu~~tea operating or capi+~lrevenue (oper lr in the fall of 2001 from '),;%I - i7 ing and capital grants and hution percent-in1991 andb,ii2 -62 fees)." iln!- revenue from this type percent-in 1096 is the ( L C S of fee is considered hution fee department grew so did its need for revenue. Fees of this type have been resources,including otfi~espace prohibited since 1991. On Febman 21,2000, Dlmne Non-tuihon-related ancillary fees Cunmngham, ministel of 1raimlg,
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fund thmgs not normal11 paid foi out of operating or capital revenue This covers fees like the student senices fee, the 5tudent co ordmated plan and thc co-op fee. In order tor non-hution-related fees to be increased, one of three h g s needs to happen heforehana a protocol, a referendum or an exemption. -1p;otocol is a process of consultahon and approval agreed t by student representahves and universih-representatives; this is th case for the student semces fee Fees can be approved by stu dents in referenda such as the student co-ordinated plan, on which students voted in 1992. Certain fees can be exempt; this is the case for the co-op fee. The manual gives the relevant conditior for exemption ;is "ensting and future fees for the total costs of placmg students m jobs for work terms. . . ." Costs eligible for esemptmn include salaries and expenses of coop staff and maintenance costs of the space including utilipes, custodial and security, but the list does not include the capital cost of rhis space. Idat, cost of construction is not included as an exempt cost. Because the CECS budding was eligible for a SuperBuild grant it seems it could normallc be paid lo by capral g u , ts. ~ So the emsting co-op fee is exempt hut the increase IS not, meaning the $25 is essentially a neT and different fee. This new fee would either be tuition-related, which is prohibited, or it must he approved by students in a referen durn or under a protocol, neither c wvlnch h q ~ p m r d Student le~dersmust determini the truth of the situation and hold the universirj accountable for an\
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All letters must include a phone number for verification, and should not exceed 300 words. Letters should include the author's year and program, or faculty position where applicable. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors, not the opinions of Imprint.
Opinion editor: Adrian I. Chin opinion@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca letter~@imprint.~~aterl~~.~a
The question of supply and The changing face of the church demand in education Mark A. Schaan COMMUNITY EDITORIAL
"The rich only select from the heapwhat ismost precious and agreeable.They consumelittlemore than the poor, and in spite of their natural selfishness and rapacity.. . they divide with the poor the produce of all their improvements. They are led by aninvisiblehand to make nearly the same dtstribution of the necessaries of life which would have been made,had the earthbeen divided into equal portions among allits inhabitants." -Adam Smith, The W e a h ofNations When I began to ponder the possible events for this column I came up with two stimuh.The fustwas that theuniversity ofwaterloo has just lost two ofits h e faculty to Queen's University -oneonapres@ous CanadaResearch Chair. The secondwas that the universityhas once a p n surpassed its enrolment targets and so the u n versity d once again be over-crowded and funding will once again be sub-par. The two events got me thinkmg about Adam Smith because,in somerudimentayway, they relate to a question of supply and demand. First, the supply: The political science department has lost husband and wife Dr. John McGarry and Dr. Margaret Moore to Queen's. McGarry wdl head up a new centre of research excellence on nationalism and democracy. A preeminent scholar on ethnic conflict and resolution governance,hfcGarry leaves a large hole within the department as does the equallyrecognized researcher,Dr. Moore. Moore's work on secession theoq- and nauonalism has proven seminal in the growing canon on rights and nations. Sowhat, you say?There's plentymorewhere that came from? Well, first off - there isn't. Canada has a massive faculty shortage and an increasingandwell-founded fear that the current level of PhD output wdl not satisfy the international demand for teachers and researchers. The majority of new P D ' s do not enter academia and those who do, do not necessarily return or come to Canada. The second concern is the way inwhich Waterloo lost these researchers. McGarry left for Queen's to take up a Canada Research Chair. Estabhshed by the federalgovernment in 2000, 'Ihekey objectiveofthe CanadaResearch Chairs Program is to enable Canadian universities, to-
getherwiththeir affiatedresearchinstitutesand hospitals, to achievethe highestlevelsof research excellenceto become world-classresearch centres in the global, knowledge-basedeconomy." W e the program has been able to lure some internationalscholars to Canada, there are more stories like those of McGarry, in which topquality researchers have been poached by fellow Canadian institutions. Next, the demand: for the second year in a row, the universityhassignificantlyovershot its enrolment targets. Last year's enrolment was targeted at 4,300 but the university had over 4,500 acceptances.This year's enrolment target was pegged at just over 4,600 and already the university is anticipatinga first-year class of approximately 5,000. University educationhas become a necessity in the new economy. As the supply shrinks,the relative demand rises. However, where is our invisible hand to ensure equity as the system works out these kinks? Backto Smith: There are thosewhoattempt to understand the university in market terms. While I wholeheartedlyreject this position, the situation I have outlined isolates an interesting market problem. Economics would dtctatethat as the supply weans, more people wdl become enticedinto an academic lifestyle a n d d m a k e up for the shortage. Alternatively, quality wdl dmmush and demand will go down due to the lacklustre "product" students are purchasing. However, neither of these is likely. With the time investment required to become a PhD, we cannot now make up for the supply shortage % faculty.With the current economy continuing to require increased training and with university being one ofthe fewagreed-upon standards for measuringlevelsof training, demand is unhkely to go down. This leavesus with a systemin disarray andno invisible hand to save us. And so, the rich (ltke Queen's) will continue to pilfer our best in the areas where they look to strategically advance themselves. Such is the peril of too little supply and too muchdemand. Forthose ofyouwho stdl believe in LidamSmith, pray for the invisible hand to save us. For those of you who have long ago given up, hope that smart public policy and increasesinfundmgcanoffset the shortages and be the visible hand that saves us.
l Universitv of Waterloo Student Newspaper
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As somebody who was brought up in a loosely religious way but who left that path behind at a fairly young age, I suppose I have a fairly idealistic view of religion. It was not until after I left religious ideals behind that I began to realize that organized religion might not be exactlywhat I had once expected My own religious experience, separate from how I came to perceive religion later in life, was a peaceful and gentle one. To me, it was mostly about closeness, about people who were gentle and kind and who shared their views on how they hoped the world to be I've been observing preparations for World Youth Day @ly 18-28) with mterest. The event, centred around Pope John Paul 11's visit to Toronto, brings together youth from 150 countries to, according to its Web site (w-.wyd2002.org), learn about and celebrate their faith. Although the values of closeness, peace and open-mindedness that this event claims to promote are above valuation, I feel it representsperhaps the changmg face of religion as it attempts to adapt to the modern world. The "Message of the holy father to the youth of the world on the occasion of the XVII World Youth Day" presented by the Pope on July 25,2001, exemplifies this. "Dear young people, do not be content with anything less than the ktghest ideals! Do not
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let yourselves be dispirited by those who are disillusioned with life and have grown deaf to the deepest and most authentic desires of thkir heart. You are right to be dtsappointed with hollow- entertainment and passing fads, and with aiming at too little in life. If you have an ardent desire for the Lord you 4 steer clear of the mediocrity and conformism so widespread in our society." The first part of this excerpt indicates, to me, a new trend in religion. It seems that, to make religion new and applicable, those who preach it are attempting to restructure their words to speak to the dfficulties people are facing in modern life. This modernization of ideals could he perceived as avaluable one, bringmg religion closer to solving the problems that people look for it to solve. Surely this is a useful move from the point of view of the churchin an era where church involvement is dwindling. These words of the Pope's seem good ones to live by. On their own, they may serve as inspirational and motivational. It seems unusual to me, however, to receive such thoughts from this source. Christianity, by its very name, is about following the path set out by a particularly admirable member of an ancient society. It does not seem that there is room in my vision of Christianity for modernization, for the particular consideration of issues peadining to modem life. The fmal sentence of the quotation, however, brings the message back to the traditional spiritual one that I expect from the church. These two aspects, the modernized and the tradttional, do not seem to fit together for me. I think they s i p f y a struggle between the old and the new within the CatholicChurch. The Church may be in danger of losing the antiquity from which much of its credibility stems.
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Lacrosselovers, unite
An abundance of myths
To the e&r,
To the editor.
Members ofthe UWcommunity:It's called the fastest sport on two legs; It's Canada's National Sport(hockey is our national religion); andit's growing in popularity: It's the sport of lacrosse. Would you hke to see UW Campus Rec create an indoor lacrosse league? I would and I've written this letter to gauge interest in the proposal. If you are in support you can send me an e-mail at uw-lacrosse 2002@yahoo.caor,better yet,letCampus Rec staff know ofyour support in a polite manner.
A maximum of 300 word; per letter makes it hard to answer all the Zionist propaganda in the previous issue of Imprint. Therefore this letter will only address the myth presented by hlr. Gutfraind that hundreds of thousands ofJews were expelled from the Arab countries. Oriental Jews came to occupied Palestineor Israel,inmost cases,volL untarily. Thevast majorityofOrienta1 Jews moved to Palestineof their own accord or in response to Zionist recruitingeffortsintheAlrablands.Their emigrationwasnot forced. Formany, the motwe to move was economic. For others,themajority, the chance to liveinaJewishstateasJewswas greatly desirable and attractive. The chanceto tradein theirminority status in their countries of origm for amajority statusin theJewish state wasveryexcitingforthe OrientalJews Formanyothen,direct covertpressure from Zionist agent provocateurs, in need of Jewish colonists, stimulated their emigration. Operations "Magc Carpet" and "Ali Baba" simply scoopedup YemeniJews and flew them to what became known as Israel. In Iraq, Zionist agents planted a series of bombs directed against the IraqiJewishcommunity.As aresult all but a few thousand left for Israel, believing that the bombs were the result of anti-Jyish sentiment. The factswerefirstrevealed,inpart,in 1966 whenYehudaTagar,an officialin the IsraeliForeign hhistry, broke silence about his part in the business. Zionist terrorist activities against Jews in Iraq are well documented but not well known. The Black Panther, a magazine for OrientalJews, tells much of the story in its November issue of 1972.Yehuda Tagar's testimonywas first printed in Ha'Ohm Ha$ (May 29,1966). There are plenty of Israeli myths to dismantle.
Too bad To the editor.
It is very unfortunate that Imprint, in its last issue, became a propaganda tool for Zionism. Let's &scuss some of the Zionist arguments mentioned m that issue. TheargumentthatcountdeskkeChina and France are slrmlarto Israelintheir existenceis false, since these countries were built by their native people on their historic land and not by an imported population. The argument that denies the right of Palestiniansfor self-determination on the basis that their homeland was not sov,ereignis misleading sincemost countries in the world, including Canada,werenot sovereignstatesuntil recently. The claim that Palestine should be Jewish since Israeliteslived there for thousands of yearsin the past ignores the fact that Canaanites,the ancestors ofPalestinians,livedon theland 1,000 years before theIsraelitesand continued into exist since then. I wonder howa CaucasianJew from Europe or Russia has an ancestral claim in historicPalestine. Regardless of hstoric or religious claims, Israelcame to existenceby the expulsion ofthe native population of Palestme and thelmport of a foreign Jewish population supported by a British occupyingarmy. Finally, le?s lookat other ignored facts: Israel had no defined borders untd thls moment, to expand as it wishes. The Paiestinian Authority recognized the existence of Israel shortly after the Oslo agreements, while Israelis sulldenyingtheright of Palestmians to have a state 'lie Arab countries, in their last summit in Beirut, unanimously approved the Saudi plan, c a h g upon Israel to return toits pre-1967 borders in return for recognition of and normalization mth Israel: Israel has ignored the offer Jewxh settlementsin the occupied terntones arcconsidered tllegal by the UN, and Israel has refused the kt-finding mission about Tenin. -Ibrahzm Al-Mohander
PhLl Candzdate, Electnd and Computer Engzneenng
neighbourssuchas Sau&Arabiawhere womencan't evendriveacar, or Sudan where Christians are sold as slaves, and in the Palestinian territories selling land to Jews is punishable by death. Not surprisingly,out of the seven regions of the world, Arab countries had the lowest freedom score according to the firstArab Human Development Report. The report found that 65 million adults including 50 per cent
porters as starving and helpless, can still afford to pay Palestinian suicide bombers $25,000 US a pop. Saddam considersit "foreignaid." Imaginehow many childrenyoucould feed and educatewiththat money.But why deal with the real issues when hating the US and Israel is so much easier?
Land of freedom, oooortunitv and oopression
- Ibyan I'abfiuf; computer sken~,egraduate
Arab countries should help themselves LastweekMr. Ibrahim.11-hlohandes stated that "Israel doesnotallownonJews to buy or lease land and torture is sanctioned by law." Ironically.il-Mohandes made this preposterous claimafter accusingme of "Propagating historical myths as fact." Ingealitythere are over one million non-Jews who live in Israel and comprise 20 per cent of the population. Fnrthemore,millions ofnon-Jews visit Israel yearly including Christian and M u s h pilgrims from around the world. Ironically,Xrabsenjoymorc rights in theJewish state than they do in their own countries. Suchprivilegesinclude the right to vote, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equalrights and the outlaw of torture against women. Compare that to Israel's Arab
of Arab women were illiterate. Ten million children do not attend school and the unemployment rate is the world's highest. Despite all this Arab leaders and their supporters in Canada focus on bashing democracieslike Israel rather than facing their true enemy: themselves. Perhaps they should coflcentrate efforts on democratization, education, health care and the economy. Even Traq,wl~chisportrayedby sup-
I was fortunate to be a part of thc Take The Capital demonstrations against the G8 on June 26 and 27 in Otvdwa. They werevery much a success, as avariety of different actions (diversityoftactics)were successful in expressing resistance to the imperialist, neo-liberalagenda being implemented upon the world by the "leaders" of our eight countries. Just so you know, the protests weren't about violence, or lack of violence, as you may have seen them portrayed in the media.' They were radicalcampaignsto push fonvard an anti-capitalist, antiimperialist position against globalization and war; to work against oppression; to link the global struggle with local organizing efforts; to emphasize grassroots
organizing, popular education and mobilization; and to organize in a non-hierarchical,anti-authoritarian fashion. The protests were a huge success. *inanti capitalist, anti-inlpcrialist, anti-racist,anti-oppression orgasm. '1s more and more attention is drawn to the issues, through events like Take The Capital, a growing percentage ofthe public's consciousness is awakening to see them. As it grows, more and more becomes possible. So like P. Diddy done say -it can't stop and it don't stop and it won't stop . . . so get down. It was an interesting journey back from Ottawa. It was July 4, Independence Day, and I was on the bus sitting beside a man who had come to Canada from South Africa 26 years ago. He made me see what this placc called Canada is, besides being a repressive,genocidal,corporate state. It's a land of freedom and opportunity (unfortunately more so for some people than others). There is nowhere else in the world that provides the same opportunities that are available in Canada.
The people who have come here have made the land what it is. It is very important to recognize that the start of Canada, as we now know it, was the start of the oppression of the hundreds of nations of native people who are indigenous to here. That oppression is still occurring and most people do not see that, ot if they do, they turn away. But what I'm s a p g is that I do not think there is any place in the world more suited to overcoming that than here in Canada. The people who have come to Canada for the freedom and opportunities available are what makes this country what it is. The people who have come to Canada for a better life and who have found it and are thankful for it, are what makes Canada what it is. The people who recognize what has been paid to make the opportu nities and freedom available to them and who will use the opportunities to their fullest in order to make peace with the wrongs of the past. How are you using your freedom and opportunity?
No one is illegal
Asha's Mums
.Isha is very excited about the upcoming school field trip to the Science Centre. All of her friends are going, and she is especially looking forward to the machtne that makes her hair stand-up like a porcupine. llsha's teacher Ms. Samuels tells the class that they will need to have their parents W1 out a form if they would like to go. Asha has two mums. Mum Ahce and Mum Sara. So, just as Ms. Samuels asked, ,Isha has both of them sign the form. When Lishareturns her signed form, Ms. Samuels tells Asha that it was not fded out properly and she must take it back home immediately and have it signed by her mother and fiather. Ms. Samuels does not believe that Asha has two mums. ,Isha thinks that Ms. Samuels must be very confused and Xsha is confused too because she doesn't understand why Ms. Samuels is being so mean. A11 she wants to do is go to the Science Centre and look like a porcupine. I came across thls tragic and wonderful book while at work last week. Simply titled Asho lr Mums, it is a story about poor Xsha who couldn't understand why her teacher Ms. Samuels could not see her family as a "family." Certamly,Lisha'sstruggle is neither simple nor only her own. All across Canada there are people like Xsha and her mums who want to be considered a "fiamdy" in every sense of the word. Take Kelly Kane for instance.When her hfe-partner Robin Black dted in an accident severalyears ago, Kelly felt that her
relationship with Robin should be legally recognized. In pursuit of recogation, she took her case to Canada's Supreme Court. What Kelly found was that Canada's family laws statedvery specific definitionsfor "family" and "spouse." She also found that Canada's family laws could not give her the appropriate spousal status that she had been looking for. Luckdy, Kelly and Robin gained sipficant legal ground through the ruling of another case: Mv. H and Ontario. This case involved the breakup of two Toronto women. "M" wanted her lesbian partner, "II," to pay her support after their 12-yearrelationshipended in 1989.In the M v. H case, the Supreme Court ruled for a re-defitxtion of the term "spouse" to include same-sex partners. The Supreme Court then gave the Ontario government six months to amend its laws. In this ruling Kelly found a definite ray of hope. The cases of Kelly Kane and of M v. I1 and Ontario are merely examples of the type of redefinition that is being called for in the courtrooms of Canada. As same-sex relationships are becoming more accepted, we ask why Canadian law is denying so many fam~liesthe same rights of "traditional" male-female couples.GchoingPierreTrudeaq these "alternative" f a d e s want to know exactly what the state's place is in the bedrooms of the nation We are living in a t h e of tolerance, but not equahty. Put more simply, much of the population these days is in favour of gay nghts but they are also fearful of allowing terms hke "family" and "spouse" to apply to a more generalpublic We are fearful of the imagined implications of allowing people who genuinely love and care for each other to be r e c o p e d by the law. Luckily for Lisha,she has a family that is filled with love and admiration and complete cooperation. Isn't that all that matters? Asha? /Mum is written by Rosamund Elwin and Michele Paulse.
disciiminatory regulations that createobstacles and prevent people from immigrating to countries. ' In particular, citizens of Asia, Africa and South America have a hard time entering Western countries. Capital is given prioriq over people. This is hypocritical,especiallywhen the rhetoric of globahation talks about bringing our world closer together. In reality, globahation is being used as a front to exploit the Third World for its resources, cheap labour and money, through high interest rates on debt to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. "No one is illegal" is an important message consideringthe recent events of the last year when and hluslims were targeted m couiltries that are supposedly "free and democratic." Over 700 people have been detained in the US. since September I I th. Under the Patriot Act, the authorities can detain people without charging them and prevent them from contactmg a lawyer or family. People have disappeared off the streets with no news reaching their family. State repression may not have been overt or brutal during the p o k e operations effected throughout the anti-G8 protests in Ottawa, but the police were omnipresent. Tight collaborationamongpolice agenciesenabled them to set up a massive surveillance apparatus and rapid intervention system whrch aimed to control dtssent. Targeted activistswere constantlymomtored, followed, mtlm~dated,harassed and sometunes arrested The tactics were different, but the mtent the same Several activists were vis~tedor interrogated by CSIS and RCMP agents in the months lealng up to Take the Capital. It is no surprise that CSIS and RCMP are used to intimidate these courageous activists. The message is and has always been "you are welcome only if you conform and obey." -
On June 26 and 27, thousands of protesters converged in Ottawa to express their disagreementwith the G 8, which was meeting in Kananaskis,Alberta. You may have noticed how little media coveragethe protests received. Whatwas shown was the "exemplary" behaviour of the police and protesters "getting along," people dancing in the mud smoking a joint, or naked men basking in the sunlight. This coverage was disappointing, but not surprising. There was no property damage, violence or overt police repression to report on. What else makes headlines? On June 27, between 6,000 to 8,000 demonstrators marched under the banner "No one is illegal" along the streets of Ottawain the biggest anti-war march since September 11. It was a %arch of 1,000Flags ofResistance." It was a march against war, racism, imperialism and genocide, in solidarity with self-determination struggles and indigenous sovereignty and in defense of immigrant and native rights. Prior to the march, police attempted to tow the van that was to lead the march. Protesters surrounded the vehicle, saving the van from this police tactic to disrupt the action. "No one is illegal" was an important message, hecause although corporate globalization pushes for the free flow of capital between borders, there are strict,
Canadian delusions of life, libertv and the pursuit of happiness
YOU! OFF M Y PLANET! Once a year, on the &st ofJuly, Canadians from coast to coast break out the maple leaf, sit on a hill and watch fireworks, and engage in the exact same sort of nationalist hysteria that permeates the United States three days later. Well, maybe not exactly the same. First of all, the majority of Quebeckers don't think much of the day. They aren't the type to paint their faces and sing the national anthem unless it's June 24, St. Jean Baptiste Day. And on that day the maple leaf is nowhere to be seen. None of this seems to trouble the rest of
the counrry. since mosr carn on m their dcludcd Iwhef ilia1 t h ~1sj wmchon one ndtlon, unircd, ~ 7 t ha common nilor1 and common v.~lucs.'lhc ghnsr of.l'rudc.:~uI~ngrr.; irdl; !.et no m:rrtrr ho\v mi~ch\v< : ~ r cipo011 Icd unagcs of n.~tton.~l Ilnln, rlic tl1~151onh persist. Nationalism is not somethmg which arises on command -it arises when a group of people feel they have something in common which makes them, as a group, distinct from any other. Nowhere before has it ever arisen as a product of government programming. Yet that is exactlythe way everyone in Canada seems to think we are to build Canadian nationalism. CanCon restrictions.Official bhgualism. The CBC. The flag. None of these things are authentic. They aren't real. They do not exist because we want them; they exist because some people think they promote the way Canada should be. We pay taxes to a government in order to sprinkle symbolismacross the country-especially Quebec -in the name of being "Canadian." Ask an Xmerican what makes them American,
or a Briton, or a Frenchman. They can answer you in a myriad of ways, most verifiable. What will a Canadian say? Well, uh, I'm not ,Imerican. They might say universal health care. But we aren't the only ones with that. Perhaps our tradition of peacekeeping. Yet we don't seem to be able to do that very well anymore, either. So, desperate to carve out some specialniche in the world, somethmg that is ours and ours alone, we turn to the one safe bet: saying that we aren't American, as if repeatingit to ourselves enough wdl make it all the more true. But it isn't true. We are very much k e Americans. Deep down, in the bottom of their hearts, most people know it. The question is, why does it bother them so much? It may be because we simply want to be different, even if it is only for difference's sake, much like the rebellious teenager who wants to be "unique." Yet too many people never seem to realize what they are r e b e h g against, but merely feel that they must rebel. Are they r e b e h g against "life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness?" It may be that our closeness to the Americans -geographically, economically, culturally-makes us uncomfortable. Other countries have the luxury of distance -an ocean, alanguage,a glaring culturalbarrier. We have very little. And so we turn to government to protect us, to stave off the wave of all thmgs American. If you truly know you are a Canadian -as I do -not having the CBC, or the railroad, or restrictions on Canadian content, or foreign ownership, or massive government programs of any nature shouldn't make one iota of a difference in your sense ofwho you are. Only those people who believe the things that make them Canadian are so weak, so fragde, so hollow, that merely changing a flag on a flagpole can make them all disappear into thin air, would care. And, if it was as they claim, one can't help but ask: ifwe won't be "Canadan" unless the government forces us to, why should we keep m a h g them force us?
Artificial intelligence
University is definitely not the real world. In University-world, we work for imagmary numbers that are stored on a computer system aptly named "Quest." We want bigger numbers, not smaller numbers and we will sacrifice our lives for them. This is a strange world. One of the things that makes university different from the real world is the element of age-segregation. Isn't it odd how most of the people you see around you on campus are around the same age? T o most of us, this is normal, because for most of our lives we have been bunched together with others of the same age. As I spent time in the villages of the Middle East, I began to realize how different traditionallife must be. There, it really "takes a village" to raise a chtld. In rural Iraq, for example, children grow up with extended f d e s all around them, taking care of and learning from grandparents as well as baby cousins. I found that children who grew up in houses where they were exposed to people of all ages ended up having wider outlooks on life. It is important for us, as we grow, to see where we came from and where we will one
day be. On top of that, there is a lot we can learn by having older people around us. We sometimes think that computers and books can teach us all that we need to know, replacing the need for the lessons ofgrandparents. There are, however, certain truths that cannot be conveyed through textbooks and classes. Those who have lived on this planet for more than 50 years are scholars on life and we can learn from them just by being around them. Peoplenaturallyhave a desire for contact with people of different ages. Notice how everyone's head turns when a student brings a new baby to school. Think about how few young babies you have seen on campus-there should be more. One bad thing about the lack of exposure to youth during university life is that it may negativelyaffect our futureparentingabilities. Traditional villagers at our age would have had a large amount of experiencetaking care of children. Here, on the other hand, I have seen graduates who hate all kids and instead expend their love on computer operating systems. This is possibly because they have been raised and educated in an unnaturally childlessworld. Children are our future. That's not just because they will inherit our future environment and economy but because they will inherit our collective spirit.Think about it. Everything you work towards in this world will one day wither away except,possibly, the nurturing care we direct towards our chtldren. Most of us have a desire to one day be successfulat our day jobs. Let's decide also to begreatparents. Peace.
Beef with mankind Jean Yip COMMUNITYEDITORIAL
I wonder how many men would feel "left out" if the word womankind was used to refer to all people in general?I don't mean to pick on you men out there I am more interested in getting both women and men to wake up and address gender-exclusivelanguage as ignorance. I know, I know! I've heard it all before.. .You don't care.. .You don't see it as anissue.. . Youprobably even call me some sort of, god-forbid, feminist. Well I am, but that is beside the point. A significant portion of your professors at this schoolwillusegenderbiased language without even realizing it. When you graduate and attend convocahon, you will walk on stage and kneel before one of three menwearing traditional robes to be blessed and praised for ?our achievements. If you want to speak to the chair of pour department about either ofthesematters, just go into the office labeled "Chairman." I've taken a class at tlus schoolwhere I've had 16 guest speakers, only one of whom was a woman. The professor ofthis class consistently used gender-exclusive language and taught a lesson to the class to prove that he was right in doing so (based on something about the language usedin ancient Greece).CarletonUniversity, on the other hand, has a male English Literature professorwhoopenlycorrects himself before the class when he accidentallyuses male terms to refer to both men and women. He teaches his students that such speechis sexist in this day and age.The reasonwe rarely seegenderexclusive languagc in our classroom textbooks anymore is because language has evolved and
"Form an emergency shelter in the PAC with co-ed washrooms."
"Make a fortune selling cotton candy to them."
Colin Bell
Jennie Aitken
18 computer science
38 mathematics teaching option
"Every 4th year student gets a personal slave."
"Send them to the high school d o w ~ the street."
Mohini Rarnlall and Goutorn Basu
Steve Berg and Jason Cole
3N science-business and 4A mechanical eng.
28 earth sciences
people have become more sensible. Crack open your first-yearpsychology or sociology textbook and youwilllearn that genderexclusive language precedes thought. The images formedin peoples'mindswhen suchwords are spoken are not ones of equality. Thmk of the impact t h ~ has s on our education, our thought process, any public speaking we do in the future, any board meetings we conduct,or even the waywe raise our children to speak and visualize. Being apathetic to what's going on right in front of one's own eyes is one of the worst tragedies a person or society can make. I have addressed this issue with somc of "Create a new clone army to fight the my professors and the dean of arts. Their rcrepublic." sponse-was that they hadn't realizeditwas an issue .. .or they didn't care enough to change.If Steve Engels students address the issue in class when such masters computer science oversightsare made, we wdl have done our part to pave the way for our more enlightened educauon. Hell, shove this article under a few doors while you're at it. Most importantly, mind the language that you choose to use when speaking with others.Learn to saygarbagecollectorlflstead ofgarbage man, or chairpersoninsteadofchairman. You'll soundmore intelligent by choosing to include, rather than exclude, people. Whenever I confront people with this issue, I usually encounter dissent. I fmd this odd, yet not particularly surprising. People don't like to change theirways and allgreat change has come "It's all about fresh meat, baby." against opposition. I wouldlike to send a specialheart-felt thanks to all of the professors and students who arc sensitive to this issue.I alwaysnotice and I always Adrienne Hol 4A kinesiology appreciateit.
"Make them dig tunnels between al the campus buildings." Janey Law and Patricia Lee masters accounting and 2N science
"Put them to work to build a baseba stadium on campus." Tyler Wilson 4A applied mathematics
Featureseditor: Neal Moogk-Soulis features@imprint.uwaterloo.ca
World Youth Day, a modern day pilgrimage Old world religon wdl bring a quarter d o n faithful to a new world metropolis Alex Casser SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
World Youth Day, an event whch actually runs for 11 days, d see a forecasted 200,000 catholic pilgnms betwcen the ages of 16and 35 arrive in Southern Ontano. Partmpants from over 150 countncs deventually ar nve in Toronto to learn, share and celebrate thelr Cathohcfa&. The event bepswthevents called "Days in theDiocese" fromJuly 18to
the 21 where mternaaonal pdgnms d l he asstgncd to aCanadian&ocesc whose r e s p o n s ~ b i l t t y ~be t dto host them and share local customs. Ac cordmg to Ruth-Ann F~sherwho IS helpmg to co-ordinate Days m the D~oceseevents in Waterloo Regon, these days "promde an opportunttp for internauonal guests to find out how Canadans hve and practice thelr fa& " Eachgroupwll be awgned to a pamcular host St. Jerome's Umversity d host about 80 Belgan and Swedishpdgmm.These pilgrimswillparticipate inevents likeawalkwith the World Youth Day cross in downtown Kitchener, trips to ""
Guelph, Port Elgm and St. Jacobs' and alarge Chnsaan concert featuring CnacalMassat Kxchener City Hall on July 19. The concert 1s open to the pubhcand offerings for the Waterloo Regon f o o d b a n k d be collected. Larger World Youth Day events wll be reserved for thevenues inTorontu. On July 22 and 23 all pllgnms d travel to the GreaterToronto Area where they will remain for the rest of World Youth Day. The mornings of July 24 to the 2 6 d g i v e pilgnms the opportunity to participate in catechesmalsessionson topics such as one's catlinginlifeand the need for thc sacrament of reconciliation. Afternoonswillbringparticipationinsocial service projects, inclumng a Habitat for Humanity house build anda youth
festivalatExhibitionPlace.The youth festival will feature various musical andartistic performances and several exhibits. BeginningFriday,July 26, the final weekend holds the climaxoftheWYD Celebrations. Alarge-scale Way of the Cross, depictingthe events leadmg up to and includmg rhe crucifxion of Chnst , d be reenactedon 12dfferent stages along University Avenue. On Saturday morning, pilgrims d walk 8 km from four different locations to Downsview Park. That evening a reflective vigd with Pope John Paul IIwill be held marktngthe time Chnst spent in the tomb. There will also be an opportunity for pil-
grims to receive the sacramentofreconciliation-where Catholicsaskand receive forgveness fortheir sins.That evening pilgrims d sleep outdoors at Downsvicw in sleeping bags tents will not be permitted due to spaceconcerns; however,areas will be set up for those with special needs. World Youth Day events d conclude Sunday morning with a Papal Mass at 9:30 a.m. with four d o n people expected to attend.
See WYD, page 12
D a y
Operations Number of sites: 150 (Catholic churches and Exhibition Place)
Papal mass crowd area equivalent to 180 football fields
ps involved: 450 Helpers (music, Itturgy, organization). 3,000 Languages. 20
100 km of crowd rnanagement materials 10,000 radios
Pilgrims 200,000
60 tractor tra~lerloads of scatfolding, for stages and towers 20 miles of TV cable
500 schools 12,000 rooms in 150 hotels
The Cross leaves Basilique-Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde-SaintJacques in Montreal, en route for World Youth Day in Toronto.
centres (armories, retreat centres, munity centres)
5,000 homes
video screens
8,000 portable to1let7w ~ t h servlcmg 750,000 rolls of toilet paper
This icon, commissioned for WYD 2002, depicts the Magi, the wise men, coming t o the Christ child. It was painted by a Cloistered Benedictine Sister of Calvary in Isreal.
Lofts to add alternative housing units in fall a converted shoe factory thatpromises to be unlike other housing options avdable to students 1.ocatedat 12BridgeportRoadEast Analternativehousingprojcctis opening for Scptemberandmany units are between Regma and King Street, the stiU available. The BridgeportLofts is lofts fcaturc 103 bedrooms, only a short walk from all the sights and sounds of Uptown Waterloo. Short walks are a key feature becausethere are only 18parking spots that wdl be rented bv the month. Bike storage will he available and addxional parking from local area lots can be purchased. ~ a & d out of a century-oldbuilding, designed around a courtyard, these 21 units consist of two to six bedrooms, a Alternative housing to open in September. kitchen, onc or two Geoff Eby
bathrooms (with a shower stall) and a common arca. Some units span two floors, othcrs only one. Somc twostorey units have a second room o f common area, others only one. Few bedrooms havc the same dimensions, or the same size ofwindow, but every tenant wdl pay the same rent of $475 plus utilities on a one-year lease. It is possible to sublet your lease, but rcsidcnts do not necessarily havc to be studcnts.Each tenant must have aguarantor co-sign the lease to ensure payments are received in full on the first day of each month. The units wdl be furnished with a kitchen table, stoveand fridge, as well as a desk in each bedroom. Students dbe responsible for providmg any other furnishings. Last November, residents from the surroundingneighbourhoodlobbied against the $4 mihon projcct becauseof fears thattheirlocalparking spotswouldalways beoccupiedby the hundred studcnts cxpcctcd to join thc
The Lofts are built within an old factory, providing provide modern units with turn of the century charm. neighbourhood. They did not look forward to the idea that the arrival of these kids would mean more beer bottles and furniture on the strects
than they already see in the student ghetto. geby@imprint.uwaterloo.ca
]m~l$jpt fg~ab~vn b& 2n
WYD: modern-daj pilgrims
The Internet and the CBC provide several WYD sources of information.
0 CBC Television coverage: Popc's arnval: 1 p.m. July 23 Way of the Cross: 7:30 p.m. July 26 Closing Mass: 9:30 a.m. July 28
BBQ beef and spicy chicken
Continued from page 11
A massivc cvcnt likc this cannot occurwitk out a lot ofpreparation. Father Thomas Rosic: cxccutivedirectorofWorldYo~thDa~, has bee workingvirtually non-stop on the project sinc 2000, whenToronto was awarded the opportu nity to host rhc cvent. He hopes that beyon, hostinga successfulevent,WYDwill be "a kin, of retreat and spiritual awakening for the entir churchin Canada." However, Father Rosica and his staff of 131 people from 17 countries in addltion to thou sands ofvolunteers are not the only oneswho ar preparing for World Youth Day. Pilgrims ar encouraged to joinin preparationsby "spirituall preparingthcmsclves [since]thebeneht of W W is in proportion to what each pilgnm puts in, accordingtoRosica.The WorldYouthDay We1 site encourages spiritual preparation througl Eucharistic Adoration,prayer, social service, an1 through rcflccting upon the lives of the K W patron saints.
BBQ beef kebobs These kebobs may lookimpressive, but they are remarkably simple to make. The steak tails sold at CentralMeat Markct onKing Streetare the perfect kind of meat to make thcm and are rclativelyinexpensive. If you-don'tlikebeef, you can just as easily use cubes ofchickcnor pork, but they won't need to marinate as long. This rccipe makcs six skewers. lngredients 1 to 1.5 Ib. g a n g steak, cut into 1 inch cubes 1 medium onion 2 clovesgarlic 4 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp olive or vegetablc oil Pepper to taste 12 red pearl onions 12 white button mushrooms 1red pepper 6 12" bamboo skewers
First,preparethemarinadeforthe beef. Pincly chop the onion, mince the garlic and put thesein alargebowl with the lemon juice and oil. Mix well
and add as much pepper as you desire. Add the cubed beefand toss like a salad,ensuringthat the beefis completely covered by themarinade. Thc beef should sit like this for at least four hours in the fridge to pick up the flavours. If you have a less cxpcnsivecut of beef,letit sit forlonger, up to onc day, so that the aclds can break down the proteins and make the meat nice and tcnder. Wash themushrooms. Peel the pearlonions. Wash the peppcr and chop it into pieces about as big as the beef. When the bccf has marinated for long enough, it is time to assemble the skewers. Make sure you haw a piece ofmeat on each end to hold everythngon. I usually put on four pieces of meat and two of each Verne, all mixed up, on each skewer. Warm the barbecue up to medium hcat and place the skewers on the gnll. Flip them aftcr about 10 minutcs, dependng on how hot your barbecue runs. Tcn minutes on the other side and thc kebobs are done. If you do not have a barbecue, these can bc cookedin the oven at 350 degree F for approximately thc same length of timc, dcpendngon how well done youlike your steaks. m e n I did these in the oven, I had the kebobs directly onone rackandabigbakingsheet on thc rack underneath to catch all of the drippings and keep thc stove clean.
sure thcrc is not much fat on the poultry. TI much fat may make the sauce unappealing. lngredients 2 chcken breasts or4lean chicken thighs 1.5 cups chunky salsa, your choice of heat 1.5 tbsp dijon mustard
In acasserole,mixthemustardand salsa. A1 the chicken and mix things up so that the me is completely covercd with the sauce. Cover, al cook at 350째F for about 30 minutes, until t chicken is cooked through. Don't worry tc much about overcooking. Since the chicken covcrcd by the sauce, it won't dry out. When thc chicken is done, the sauce will 1 much runnier than when you started. It can 1 dolloped on top of the chcken for flavour,orp on some accompanying noodles, rice or pot toes.
Imprint Drinks
To celebrate the end of term, Irqpinti! looking for mixed drink suggestions. R c ~ sults will be printcd in the next issue Drinks can be both alcoholic and nonalcoholic.
Spicy salsa chicken Here is another dish that looks imprcssive but takes just two minutes to prepare and 30 to cook. If you happen to comc across any, this rccipc works well with turkey breast as well as chcken. W'hatcvcr you choose, though, make
Submit entries tc features@unprintuwaterlw.~ or drop them off a1 the Imprint office: SLC room 1116.
CAMBRIDGE 600 Hespeler Rd
WATERLOO 35 University Ave. E. (between King & Weber)
good times, goad friends
from II a.m. ti1 close
Ozone research goes into orbit
The world in a test tube
Canada's fust satellitein over 30 years d r e s e a r c h ozone depletion Erin L. Gilmer IMPRINTSTAFF
Canada's first satellitcin over 30 years was unveiled last week at MagellanAerospace's Bristol facility in Winnipeg. The satellite will bc used primarily for a mission called the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE). The mission is headed up by University ofwaterloo chemistry professor.Dr. PcterBemath. NASA will launch the satehte, funded by the Canadian Space Agency, nextJanuary. The ACE mission will involveinvestigationofthedistribution and depletion of ozone, particularly over Canadaand the arcticregion. "The ACEmission A group of scientists completes the installation of the satellite. d i m p r o v e our understanding of the chemicalprocesses that control ister David Anderson m a press re- become aleaderm enwonmental scithe creation and destruction of the lease. "Clunate change andozone loss ence and technology, momng us one ozone in thc upper atmosphere," could well have a serious effect on step closer to unprovmg our underBernath said. Canada's far north. We are already standmg of humanity's ~ntcracaons All-Canadian tcchnologywasused begnmng to see the likely effects of on the enwonment," sad Marc to construct the instruments on the climate change: melting permafrost Gameau, president of the Canadtan satehte. The ACE mission will use and the retreat ofpermanent icepacks. SpaceAgency, at lastu~cck'sunvehng the Fourier-transform spectrometer Despite action that has been taken to "The satehte is a d e s t o n e in space built by ABB Bomem of Quebec City protect the ozonelayer, severedcplc- sciencemnovauon," Garneau sad and the StratosphereandTroposphere don is now occurring in the Arctic Retrieved by Occultation instrument duringthe late winter and early spring. built by EMS Technologies of Ot- The Arctic environment is not well tawa. Both instruments will providc undcrstood and this researchwillhelp shedlight on t h s complex and fr&e Bernath and his team ofinternational scientists with improved measure- region." Thc ozone layer is important to ments of global ozone processes. In theJune28 science section, Thegoal of the ACE mission is to humans, who risk skcn cancer and thc following facts weremisunderstand the causes of ozone de- other health effects from high exporeported: pletion in order to better assess cur- sure to harmful ultraviolet rays. T h s rent environmentalpolicy and devclop research is particularly important for 0The lMini Baja car weighs protectivc measures forimprovingthe Canadians, who haw sccn their 350 1bsplus driverweight. health of our atmosphere. tionofthe ozonelayerdepleted by six "In recent ycars, scientists have per cent over the past 20 years. Thc Midnight Sun car obscrvedmajorchanges in theArctic "Our invcstmcnt in &s al-Canaparadedwith a car from atmosphere," said Environment Min- dim science satelliteishelpingCanada Mchfaster, not U ofT.
Planetary.evolution Couldourplanetary system hc evolv mg? Astronomers have observed a young sun-hkestarwlth orblung dust androcks,whchmay be f o m g p l a n ets. The star is surrounded by clouds of matter that penodtcally orbit between thestar andEarth. Ifplanets are forming, they may be followmg the same evoluaonary process that is thought to have formed Earth and surroundulg planets. L e m g about the formauon of these planets could help sciennstsunderstand the ongins of the Earth.
A sperm fertilizes an egg. Test tube babies
Infemle men's chances ofhavmgchildren of their own are better than ever Doctorshave developedanewmechod of choosmggeneucallyhealthy sperm to create test tube babtes. Healthy sperm are currently chosen on the basis of shape and theway they s m . T h ~ method s 15 based on the fact that lnferule men commonly have a lot of sperm that do not mature What are vitamins for? Mature spermhave areceptor on thelr The British Heart Protection study, membranesthatrecoves hyaluromc one of the largest studies conducted aad, found on the female's egg Lack on vitamins, found no evidence that ing t h ~ sreceptor, Immature sperm supplements reduce the risk of heart cannot f e d z e an egg Because mature attacks, sa~kes,cancer,diabetesorother sperm also have developed chromodseases. The study tracked 20,800 somes,thereceptor canalsobe used as an indtcator of t h ~ srtate. adults for five ycars. The sperm are spnnkled onto a This study confirmed that people who take supplements are healthier Petn dtsh contamng blobs of hybecause of their lifestyle and not be- aluromc acid and allowed to swlm. The mature and hcalthy sperm that causewf the vitamins they take. Vitamins prevent the oxidation of havethereceptors areattractedto the fat particlesin the blood,which causes hyaluromc acid, while the defecave sperm s w m nght by the blobs. The the hardening of arteries. Further researchisneeded to assess healthy sperm are then removed from the Petndtsh andmjectedmtoanegg the supplements'effcct on cancer. ArneSunde, anembryo scicnnstm Researchers advise heart patients to take proven medtcations such as Norway sad, "the techmqueitselfis so Aspirin, ACE inhibitors and beta easy that it lends itself to routtnework, blockers rather than relying on anti- so wc can introduce ~tas an integral part of a f e d t y semce " oxidants.
How things work: The hunt for planets Will Peters SPECIAL TO IMPR~NT
In a five-day period this June, an astounding25 newplanet discoveries were announced.Thediscoverieswere split 13-12betweenAmerican andEuropean astronomers.These discoveries included one of the most interestingto date: aplanet that closclyresemblesJupiter. This discoverybringsastronomers another step closer to finding an Earth-Ue solar system. All of the main planet detection techniqueslook for aplanet's effect onits parcnt starin order to infer the planet's existence. An analogy would be a woman dancing with aninvisibleman, where thcwoman is the star andthemanis theplanet.The invisible man's movements can be inferred from the woman's. Precisemeasurements are needed to detect a planet's effect on a much larger star. Add to this the light-dis-
tortmg effectsofEarth's atmosphere and it bccomes a dtfficulttask O n e technique, known as astrometry, mvolves precisely meas unng the posiaon of a star.Anywobhhng of the star shows up m h s pos~aondata. As planets orblt a star, they p d on it wlth their gramtaaonal field. T h s forces the star into a small orbit or wobble. Polanmeters are demcesthat trans- . mit polarized light and reflect unpolarized light Stars emtt unpolanzedhght. Afterreflecnng off aplanct, that hght becomes polanzed That kthe the light o s d a t e in a specific planc. Thus, astronomers can separatelight rays and detect a previouslyunknown planet. Another method for detecting planetsis to look for transits. A transit occurs whcnaplanetpasses in front of a star, thus decreasing in the brightness ofthe star.Forexample,ifJupiter
AS a planet passes in front of a star, it dims the star's light. passed in front of a distant star it would cause aone percent dropin the brightness of the star.An carth-sizcd planet in the same situation would block approximately one hundredth ofapercentofthc star'shght. Onegas giant, a large planet orbitingits parent star in a tight circular orbit, orbiting
star H D 209458was confirmedusing t h s method. Themajority ofplanets have been discovered using the radtal velocity technique from ground-based telescopes. This method splits the light froma starintoa spectrum.When this spectrumis magnified,blacklines can
be seen superimposedon the colours. These spectrallines correspond to the ,wavelengths of light that have been absorbed by chemicalson the surface ofthe star.f i e r e are timeswhen a star will be spinning towards Earth. Duringthis time, due to the doppler effect, the wavelengths of the spectral lines are "squished." When the star spins away from Earth, the opposite happens. By andjrzingthesespectrdlines astronomers can detect an unknown planet. These methods and others enable astronomers to map our universe. The holy grail is direct detection and i m a p g - thatis,isolatinglight from planets to the extentwherc actualpictures ofextrasolarplanets are obtained. For more information about astronomy andthc ncwplancts,visitthe European Space Agency Web site at sci.esa.int/content/doc/de/ 29406.html.
Sports editor: Aaron Romeo sports@imprint.uwaterloo.ca
Steven Flatt, All-Canadian UW soccer star Aaron Romeo IMPRINTSTAFF
Picture thii: you are standing in El Salvadoran a soccer field.Seventeen fellow Canadian team-mates surround you, in addition to 18 Salvadorian soccerplayers.Youare wcaringa Canadian jersey since you are, after 4representingcanada on theinternationalsoccer stage.Throw in 60,000 screaming fans and you have roughly one of Steven Flatt's experienceswhiic playing soccer on the world stage. Did I also mcntion that Flatt expericnced this while is still a teenager on the under-17 national team? "The national team. That was always a dream of mine. To be selected as one of 18 players from across the country to play for your counuy,wear your country's jersey, .it's an unbelievable feeling." This Kitchenernative started off playinghouseleague soeceratthe age of seven and from there, he reprcsented Kitchener in the regonal southwest division. Then the provincial team when he was 14, the under-17 national when 16 and a short stint with the under-20 national team. He then left the program to come to the University of Waterloowherehe plays varsityeentre back. Whde here he also plays for the city ofLondonin the CPSL and on a Campus Rec team. In2001, Flattwasgwenacoveted positionon the AU-Canah soccer team. Interviewing Flatt on a grassy patch on the Waterloo campus, h s
Steven Flatt has been playing soccer since he was seven. soccer talent and experiencesare not immedmtely obvious. However, the first thing that strikes you about this 20-year-oldishis maturity.In b&tween terms in his second ycar at UW in the joint Applied Math and Computer Scienceprogram, Flattis currently on his co-op term at RIM.
Considering he is on a national scholarshipand needs to maintain an 80 per cent average, it is natural to wonder how he juggles soccer and school. The secret is to "make sacrifices. As long as you want it bad cnough, it is possible," he said. His sociallifeoften takes the brunt
ofhis busy schedule, but he wouldn't have it any otherway. Besides playing for a number of teams during soccer scason,the off-seasoninvolves training. "I train threeto four times aweek through out the year,July and August is sometimes seven days a week." So with h ~ academc s and sporta record, what made Flatt plck UW? Academcs. When finances dtd notwork out ln his original attempt to go to Dartmouth College, Flatt followed h s father's steps. Attributinghis parents as a major influence to his acadcmics and soccer success for their example and support, Flatt takes h s academcs very seriously. He dtd, however, start playmgdefence on the Warnorcmhs first term here, "I started playlng uruverslty soccerbcfore1everwenttoauniversity class," he adds, laughing. It helped knowmg Eddie Edgar, the Warrior coach at the time. Flatt made friends quicklyand finds the coachesexcellent. "I was a little nervous coming to an Ontario school as opposed to a first divlsionUnitedStates school, but the coaching has been good and the play has farexceededmyexpectation. It's a super competitive league and I love it." Flatt credits PaulJames, his under17assistantcoach,ashisgreatest soccer influence. Although he played many positions, centre backiswhereFlattismost comfortable. 'When I went to the provincial and national team1 played centreback and that's probably where I'm best." See FLAlT. page 16
Introducing five great hikes near Peter van Driel SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
Are you lookmg for a way to enjoy nature, but havc no time or money to go far away?There are many exciting hikes to do withm an hour's drive of Watcrloo where you can peer into caves, stand under 30 m high waterfalls, or M e to limestone lcdgcs and take in spectacularvistas,a world away fromRingRoad.All youneedis water, snacks, trail and road maps, fun loving friends and a vchicle. . Although this article covers only fivelocalscenic spots, there are many more out there to be discovered. All the hikcspresentedinthis amclecan be done in an afternoon, however these and other local hike's can easily be extended to day-trips. In addition, many of the conservation areas mentioned also offer camping.
Spencer Gorge Wilderness Area Back to the trail, my first and favourite h k q s p o t oflate is the SpencerGorgeWildernessAreainDundas,
outside of Hamilton. The Spencer Gorge is a 1 km long and 90 m dcep gorgein theNiagaraEscarpment. It is also home to two of the most spectacular waterfalls on the Niagara Escarpment, barring Niagara itself, as well as apanoramicviewover the west e n d o f H d t o n .T h s gorge has been dugout by themergingspcncer River and 1.ogie's Creek. Uponentenngthegorge, the Spcncerkvcr falls ovcrWebstersFaUs,a30 m high drop, while the smaller Logie's Creek falls overTews Falls, 41 mhigh. Thc Spcnccr Gorge Wilderness Area containstwo spectacular hiking trds, totahng 4 km,one following the rim of the gorge, and the other following the bottom. To get to the Spencer Gorge Wilderness Area, follow Hwy 8 south to Dundas (near H a d t o n ) . About 5 krn after crossingHwy 5, you'll come to a T-intersection. Turn left onto BrockRoad, then right at the flashing 1ightontoHarvestRd.Make your next right onto Shoa Road, and follow thls road around a left bend onto FallsviewRoad,whichleads you to the parking lot at Websters Falls.
The SpencerRiver at the bottom of the Spencer Gorge. RattlesnakePoint Consewation Area Anothergreat NiagaraEscqment parkis RattlesnakePoint,nearMilton. Rattlesnake Point's most significant features are spectacular views, high cliffs of 20 to 30 metres. These are exceptionalforrodtdimbingandcaves.
Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area has campingand picnic facilities, with showers and washrooms. This park is located along the Bruce Trail, andoffers access to severalkilometres oftrailswhichleadto adjacentEscarpment conservation areas, includmg Crawford Lake and Kelso. See HIKING, page 16
Intramural basketball playoffs are it full swing
CAMPUS REC This term, intramural basketball h; been more popular than in previoi summer terms with a whopping 4 teams. Some of the hghlights of the season includc the Bus Drivers' opportunity to dominate the A &vision with the absence of BCBE for the first term in a while. And, while the B &vision is the smallest in over two years, it std had some heart-stopping plays. In the A division, the Bus Drivers rose to the occasiononce again, going 5 and 1 with their o d loss to the second place team, Ankleless, and the other major rivals,BCBB. As they advance through the playoffs, the basketball staff looks forward to a nail-biting final bctwccn the two teams. Special mention goes to Matt Kras of Ankleless who, despite a remarkab injury, remaincd in good spirits an managed to strengthen his team's confidenceand spirit aftcr his accident. The team, in his honour, sported his number for him at the follow-up game and included him in their line-up,with his jersey laid out on the floor by their bench. In the B division, Stcvc Kcrr, r4 smallest team In the dm\lon, domnated the courts w t h an undcfcatcd scason Thc Ballhandlerz, another atrong team camc second, going 5 and 1with thcir only loss bcing attributed to their game against Steve Kerr. In the C division, The Scrubs edged out the old favourites, Sout Pengums, by enjoying an undefeated season. The South Penguir with thex uneventful season until playoffs, had one loss, putting them in second place. The finals resulted in the Mennohghts beating the Scrubs. The playoffs have begun, and things are in full swing. The A bracket, 4 B brackets, and 4 C brackets have had an intense rounc of quarter and semifinals. We enjoyed watching the games where the teams had their first run at the full court for their fmals. Good luck to all teams. Thanks for a fantasticseason.
FRIDAY, JULY 12,21102 Well worth the 4U mnute drlve, or 2-houl b~kende, Rockn ooc1 Conservanon Areal? located tn thi town of Rockwood, along I I\&\ ' about 10 km ea\t ot Guelph
Hiking: close to home Continued from page 15
Csc extreme care and common sense whcn hiking the trails ar Rattlisnakc Point, as thc tralls follow the edge of high cliffs.The caves, created through freeze-tha\vaction,are hund ncar the edge of the cliff along the RruceTrail.When exploringthecavcs, only climb into places you know how to climb out of. Rattlesnake Point is 45 minutcs by car from Waterloo; to get there, take Huy 401 East to Guelph Line Rd., take Guelph Tine Rd. South to Derry Rd., turn left onDerry Rd. and follow Dcrry Rd, for2.5 km to Appleby Line, where you will turn left. Follow Appleby Line up a steep and w n d n g lull and the entrance to the conservauon area IS on your left, shortly after the top of the h a .
Elora Gorge Conservation Area
meltwaters, the Flora (>olgets 20 m deep and 2 km lonq ~oiincilI h t h i river cutunv throuch r u The Flor,l ( ~ o r q ii onwrc aunt? Area feature, sexcral k~lomirrtsof h~lungtrak whch expLorL tne gorge, and 10km of\ki trdsmwnttr Uun;: the gorge, one can find man\ \mall waterfalls,as wen a\ cay e, The J'lora ( ~ o r g c1. a 30 m u t e dnvc from UVL The be\ r \x ar to gct to the gorge Ir to takc IOng bt North to Northficld Dr ,and follou N orthfield Dr out of V aterloo to thc town of (,onestogo At the stop \IS, turn nght onto ( onestogo Rd ,and foNow to the town ot Bloom~ngdale t\r Bloormngdale, make a sharp lett onto Regonal Rd 23, and follou this road for about 20 lulometer~to the rlora Gorge Conservanon 11 ea, w h c h d be on the Icft
Rockwood Conservation Area
Rockuwod Conservauon Area m bven closer to I<-LK , some great rock wood.^^ also excellentforhhng. hktng 15 found In thc Elora Gorgc Rockwood featuresboth hhng, swimConsen~anon Area Formed by glac~al m n g and camping, wherc you can
Andrea Wiebe 0 second-year recreation and applied health studies 0 lifeguard / instructor
Andrea is in her 4th term working for Campus Recreation as a lifeguard and swimming
Walter Bean Trail Finally, there are some great trails right hcrc in I<\&'and Cambridge, along thc Grand River, that you can get to by bus! These trails are part of a larger Grand River trail, called the Walter Rcan Trail in the Tri-Cities, which udl eventually run the length of the Grand River from Elora to Dunnville, on PETER VAN ORIEL Tews Falls on Logie's Creek is 41 m. high. 1,akcErie. In Kitchener, onc can access the Grand Rivertrail explore cl~ff\and cave5 along the from Old Chcopee Road, behind the Eramosa Rtver, on foot, through ca- Chcopce Ski Hill, a short walk from noe rentals, or by suqmmng' The the route of bus 8 on the way to chffs are coveredmceda~trees,wh~ch F a m e w Mall One can follow thts make bang m Rockwood feel hke pornon of the Grand Rwer trad to a bemg up north subdms~onclose toV~ctonaSt, near Bmgeman Park. There 1s a c h o m of t+a bus back from Ringeman Park or conunrnngalonganother stretch of the trd,whch lead\ to RtverbendDr., the connnuauon of Rndgeport Rd., where there~salso bus semce
instructor. Recently Andrea has helped cover many shifts at the pool. All patrons and her students appreciate her hard work and smiling face. Andrea has also been a positive role model for fellow staff as one of the team leaders. Thank you, Andrea.
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When prepanng for a hkc: Be sure to Imnglots ofwater. At least a litre per ;xrson Bring snacks or a lunch. Fruit, coohes,ganola bars, power bars, nuts and chocolarc bars are great energy
a a
Hnngsunscreen andinseccrepellent, especially stnce the West Nile virus, carried bvmosqu~toes,has been discovered in ( hrario. Thisv~ruscan cause illness and ~nrarc cases, clcath. D Dress smart.Longpants andlong sleeves provide the best protection from mosquitoes, sun and poison ivy, miniinizmg skin exposure. Wear properi)otwcar; hikingboots are best but running shocs d l d ~ ) Rringaroadmap to hclp youget to the park and possibly a trad map. Trail maps are available at allthe mentioned ~ a r k s . 0 Llse common sense and stick to trails. This preserves the natural scenery and minimizes injury and poison ivy encounters. Also, make sure you areoffthc trails before sunset, Pickup all thegarbage you create. For mnreinformadon about these and other parks, consult: 0 Bruce Trail Association, www.brucetral.ca, or the RruceTrail Guidebook. avadable at lkingstores. 0 Grand lirver Country Trails, hathcnne Jacob, 1999. Available at many iocal bon!mores. 0 hdventure Guidc Inc., 382 IQng St. N. Waterloo, O N (519) 886-3121
Flatt: soccer star Continued from page 15
Stadngitis "because my strengthis probably organisational management on the field, structure, things like that, it helps to keep the shape on the hack. It takesalotofexperiencetoplay centre back, whereas anyone with skdl and pace can play midfield and forward." Flatt has yet to determine his plans past graduation. "l'min co-op at \Vaterloo, so I'm trying to gct as much experienceas 1can.I loveplayiag soccer nowmore thananything,butit's probably not going to be a career at this point." Offers while he was a teenager to tryout for some pro teams nevcr materialised and academics took over in grade 12and OAC. "T'm a little bir sorry sometimes that 1 left thar program to come touniversity, bur at thc same time it was the right decision.In universitysoccer1felt asifl foundmy place so to speak; eveTom thcrc. is a student as well as an athlete so they have more in common with me. Career-wise, it's gomg to be academia, and I'm not sure what I want to do." Part ofthe reason for hsmightbe the statc of soccerinCanada. ljlatt said, "I thtnk that it is changng. It's going tb be a slow process. I think the fact thatwe have no [official]professional
structnre~nC anada hurts us. Because plavers can compete mternatir~ndly untd ther arr I S , 16, 17, but then, whcn our Europeancounterpxts are gomg to play professtonal, we only have aluckv two or three playerswho are gotng that tar. We can't base our naaonal team zround that." losingrhe~rstartingpcr\~uon or jobs ~f the) are heahrignome to quahtvsmce can ad,^ does nor hacc rhe pull that othcr countnr\ have to get them out of the leagues t Lowever, Elatt hopes that in the next 1t l to211yeilrs h s could change and Canada can have aluerarchvof division\. hark~ngonchanges in the CPSL torglunmers ofhope "Soccer 15 nothme like hockev vet. but hopefiillyrharv' ch q e " rlatt t h ~ n a . ins of the Warr~ors hale a lot to lool, tonvard to next term .\lthouc4 Waterloo I\ the defcndlni.C)LA r h mpion, thc wanta betrer performoiii: thanlastyear. Flatt seesLaurieras a cin~efcompedtorstating, "things muid go either way," He was yuck to add thar rhere are many returning players and a great coach who should propel them to the top agm. Fans can scc Steven Flatt and the other Warnors In acnonAugust29m an exhbiaon game a p n s t Toronto.
M ~ c ~ oTech s oTalk ~~ Mobile Computing & Wireless Technologies
Tuesday, July 16 @ 6:30 p.m. Ground Zero I
Free food and refreshments
Arts editor: Lauren S. Breslin arts@imprint.uwaterloo.ca
Seven stories by savvy students 7 Stories by Morris Panych July12613 Env~ronmentalStudies2,Green Room284
Lauren S. Breslin IMPRINTSTAFF
Woody M e n once said thatwe alllive under the same truths, but our lives consist of how we choose to distort them. Suchis the prevailing theme of 7Storics, the latest production staged by the UW engmeers, in which seven stories unfold on the seventh storey of an apartment building. Having launched their theatrical debut in the winter of 2001, the en$ neer/&ama hybrids have improved s~gmficantly in the way they do theatre and this, their fifth production, demonstrates just that. 7Stories,writtenby Canadianplaywright Morns Panych, is a wlumsical
Matt Stevens and Matt Woolsey
matched only by his appeate for fictionmwhchconsplraaes are pfotted a p s t him, and who-oh yesalso happens to be a psychatnst There's the guy who's prepared to live out the rest ofhs hfe asa ficfionalchar acterlust so he canmarry a nch woman There's the fashonable sociahtewhoboastsofhav tng over 900 friends, among them none ef uhom he actually ltkes Or the host who confrontsthe soaal paradox of lovingparties but loathtllg people The stones, or more ac curatel~,thecharacterswhO The 7 Stories cast poses outside of ES2. tell them, callinto question our"stage" ofreality and the so-called in the charactersis subtle, butimportruths we live by. Indeed, 7Storieshas tant. Seasoned with existential motifs, the play drives home the overall the makings of an absurdist c o m edy,butbeneathitsveilofirreverence stated yet poignant message that the dividingline between fact and fiction lurks a vehicle for lofty, provoking ideas. is often indistinct. That "things aren't always what The philosophical significanceof the show and howit finds expression they seem" may be a little clichCd, so sufficeitto saythit the script points fingers at our collective distorted lens and its manifestations in our day-to-daylives. Keeping up appearancestakes on a wholenew meaning here and the cnpeers portray the h e n sions of the script with a nice mix of believability and flair. This is a difficult, fast-paced and sophisticated comedy that demandsmany things of its performers; among them, timing, exuberance and, at times, thoughtfulness. The entire company,under the direction of Sanderson,co-hector LESLEY-ANN JURAWAN Dallas Card and stage manager David Johnson, Grant Holohan, and Jiamei Bai ~ ~ ~ ~deserve d spat ~ on~
anthology ofinane characters and the artificial problems that plague them. "We wanted [theplay] to be funny enough to keep the e n p e e n n g audiencepayingattention,but ahttledeeper than Ofl~,cHours was - so this is what we came up with," commented &rector PIIarce Sanderson. On the seventh-storeyledge of an apartment building a man wrestles with the ultimate "metaphysical" question: to jump or not to lump. His dehberahons,hou7ever, are repeatedly disrupted by people inside the build ing who instst on involving him in their own problems. In the throes ofdespair and ahenation, the man on the ledge Gnds himselfplaymgmediatorto these oddball characters, lendingan - ear to thelrconflicts and complaints Every Itime a window opens, with it opens the opportunity for scenarios rangmg fr,Din bizarre to very, v e q bizarre - and the suicidal guy is suddenly the voice of reason. There's the paranoid incarnate: an insomniac (clad in pajamas) whose tendency to ramble is
the back forundertahg such a projec amtd theu workloads "The challengeswith anv show1 enpeenng is getting the cast ded cated enough to go the extra md when they're already as busy as they ar w t h their ndtculous academic rchcd ules," says Sanderson Wtth a httle more than half the cac members returiung from premou shows, many of the actors echo th experience they've garnered over th year Sandersonexplms,hone\er,th. some members of the group will b performmg for the veq first tune but thts doesn't seem to be a concen "Loohgout there,I couldn't eve thinkof a famous actor I'd want top1 in over one ofmy castmembers," sh says "From dedcaaon to talen they're justgreatpeople tobe around There will be a m e and cheec event be-g at 6 30 p m befoi the bnday and Saturday night show h
Get up to No Great Mischief terb and for the Waterloo region, this particular novel works on severallevels. Rosalynn Worth "The New SPECIAL TO IMPRINT Quarter& has a special relationThe NewQuatter&s proud to sponsor ship with No "One Book, Three Pubs," a whirlGreat ~\rliscbi%;" wind tour of three unique Uptown Waterloo establishments featuring notes editor Kim readings from the novel chosen for Jernigan. "We the One Book, One Community_ were the f h t to publish tt in its project in its inaugural pear: Alistair origmal form as a MacLeod's No Great ibliscbi~.' Winner of the Dublin IkIPLiC short story in 1958." prize, theworld's richest literdryprize, Qua~lferlystaff No Great Mischitfchroniclesthe lives ispretty well-connectedintermsofthe ofthe MacDonald clan:loggers, minregion's arts scene and had no probers,dnnkers,adventurers-men forlem finding some great readers. Mary ever in exile, yet forever linked to the Lou Schagena, host of Monday il\i&ht land of their ancestors. attheAtts,is sharinghermelodicrado For this event, for The NewQuar
One Book, Three Pubs Malt Room of the Huether Hotel
voice. Gary Draper divides his time between running Trout Lily Press, edting Quartervs Postscript Fiction section and teachmgEnglish at St. Jerome's. "His lechlre style is so entertaining," comments one UW student, "that I'dgo to his class even if he was going to talk about hyphens. O r hubcaps, for that matter." Local teacher and actor Ed Tell is a member of the Records Community Editorial Board and an occa sional contributor. In keeping with
the theme of the novel, Celtic music wdl accompany the group onits trav els Glen Sods, of the Beudo brothers, has volunteered hls musical tal ents for the evening. The first reader will kick off the eveningwhileparticipantsrelax over a pint and a steaming plate of the restaurant's famous chicken wings. Those new to the Huether might wish to tly the "beer sampler," a choice of four of their unique brews served in mini glasses.Fornon-beerdrinkers,the red and white house wkes, vinted onsite, are an excellent alternative. At 8:00 p.m., the group will proceed on foot to Paddy Flaherty's Kestaurant & Pub, just a few minutes down King Street. In its cosy, wellappointed atmosphere, participants are invited to drink in the dynamic performanceof a secondexcerpt from the novel-not to mention the bar's
impressive array of domestic and in ported ales, spirits and wines. By 10:OOp.m. the group will win its way to the Duke of Wellingto also conveniently locatedwihnwall ing distance.In the pub's ever-pop1 lar sunroom, a h a 1 excerpt from il GreatMi~chitfwill come to life again the backdrop of the summer nigl sky, minus the mosquitos. The ticketpriceincludes a free ba( issue of The Ne~vQuur~erly, discoun on appetizers throughoutthe evemn ~ l uasdiscounton dinner at any oft1 threelocations before or followtngtl tour Tickets are $5 and will be sold WordsworthBooks Oi,tfyouwou prefer to pickup your ticket at the do( on the night of the event, please c, Kun or Rosalynn at TheNeuQuarter 884-8110 ext. 290, or emad them newquart@watarts.uwaterloo ca
A couple of Wilde and crazy guys The Importance of Being Earnest directed by Oliver Parker Princesscinema
Adrian I.Chin
It's been a half century since Hollywood last delvedinto a celluloid adaptation of OscarWdde's 1895 comic masterpiece, The Importance ofBeing Earnest, and this time it's under the gutdmghand of director Oliver Parker. Parker, who previously adapted Wilde's A n Ideal1 Tusband,employsklements from both the well-known three-act version of Importance and the original four-actversion,whichbetter fleshed out the romancebetween Cecdy Cardew's (Reese W~therspoon)spinster governess, Miss Prism ( h a Massey) and the mild-mannered local clergyman, Chasuble (Tom W h s o n ) . The storyrevolves around two centralcharacters, Algemon Moncrieff (Rupert Everett) and Jack Worthmg (CohFirth), and their trials and tribulationsin their games oflove and marriage under the monikerof Ernest. Everettis perfectly cast as thepouty and spoiledprinceling,Algemon Moncrieff,who spendshalfhis life avoiding tax collectors. FwthmatchesEverett's performanceplaying the comic adversary, Jack Worthmg. The love interestsofthese two characters are Gwendolen Fairfax (Frances O'Connor) and Cecily. In their roles, everything is right with O'Connor and nothing is wrong with Witherspoonand her newly adoptedBrit-speak. Dame Judi Dench plays the dragon lady, Lady Bracknell,and she shines every moment that she
appears on-screen. The troupe delivers some great performances and the script itselfis drippingwith wit like a r e a h g from Bartlett's Fami/iarQtlotations. However, The Importance of Being Earnest plays like an over-embehshed cake that topples under the weight of its own decoration. For example, the fantasy sequences in which Cecily imagmes Algernon as a knight in shining armour, a ragtune band, a hot-air balloon and a horse-and-carriagetraffic jam have a distractingeffect and interrupt the momentum of otherwise brilliant, silly banter. The biggest goof comes in the flashback sequence in which Lady Bracknell is shown as a music-hall floozy. As provocative as this may sound, the suggestion that the implacable Lady Bracknell has a shady past simply does not belong here. To have one o v e r - p s h e d sequence may be regarded as an error in judg- FrancesO'Connor, Colin Firth, Rupert Everett and Reese Witherspoon living in decadence. ment; to have five is just plain careless. Added to the mix is an anxious and aggressive score by composer Charhe Mole whose whimsical style washes the picture and gives it a 1920s feelrather than 1890s. Having said all this, the film was still rather Enigma entertaining and W~lde'sepigrams always put a directed Michael Apted smile on my face. PrincessC~nema
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Turing defamed
Daniel Saunders IMPRINTSTAFF
We now know what's been keeping Alan Turing out of the movies: too geeky, too sane, toogay -but these are all remedied in the new WWII spy t h d e r , En&rna. This film is only of interestbecause ofits settinginBletchley Park, a tent village inBuckinghamshire which was the centre of Allied code breaking -but it even screws that up, makmg a very stupid movie about very smart people. What the movie has to offer are chases, femme fatales, plot twists and tired suspense situations - the same old crap. Everything looks approximately right, but out of sheer laziness -. . . . . the filmmakers miss the real stones about Bletchley Park, where so many Winslet and "Tom Jericho" star in Enigma. brilliant, unconventionalmen and women were of crypto lore to be found in this film caused cooped up in the same place, using their brains critics to complain of boredom. Is it possible to and the world's first computers to sinkU-Boats transmt even really excitingideas about math or science in the context of a drama? and save the free world. There is a book that pulls it off. Neil Because the superstar of the parkwas Turing, the father of computer science and one of the Stephenson created aninstantgeekclassicinhis greatest mathematicians ofthe20thcentury, the novel Cryptonomicon, also set partly in Bletchley cryptologi& movie's worst offense is the substitution of ~ark,&ih besidesexplatningatningmahi Tom Jericho, who leads Turing's team and concepts in the most entertainingwaypossible, introduces electronics hke Turing did, but is introduces theunforgettable character,Lawrence portrayed as a brooding, tousle-haired, darkly Waterhouse -foggily indifferent to the social scene, claimingmathematicsas the fabric ofhis handsome Scotsman. life,not jusths day job. He comes closer than any Just recovered from a romantic psychatric breakdown,heis haunted by the beautifulwoman fictional character yet written to the truth of he had an affairwith.In fact, heembohes all the people like Turing (who appears in a cameo). It's funto imagine the realTuringas the hero clichks of genius - 'We need the best! But Jericho is unstable!" -while still acting as a of a spy story: eccentric,curious,openlygay,with conventionalthriller hero, running around, fall- a stammering~h-pitchedvoice; his bicycle,his principles, and his room full of stuffed animals. ing in love with Kate Winslet, etc. I call this an offense because Turing is so It's not as incongruous asitmight seem:he kept interesting, as is shown in the engrossing and the secret of his wartime work even from his closestfriends, evenwhenhis owngovernment intehgent biography, ALan Turing: The E n h a , and because code-breahg, or cryptanalysis,is so had put him on trial for his homosexuality. interesting.Most of us went through a stage of Turing never talked, not even once. childhood when we were fascinated with codes and secretwriting,But even theminisculeamount -
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Robyn Hitchcock: psychedelic troubadore Robyn Hitchcock July 24 HorseshoeTavern,Toronto
Music that makes vou cry
Daniel Saunders Deadsy Commencement DreamwarksRecords
Album purchasmgrule#I :Beware of any CD that sat in h b o for sm years whde record labels passed it around hke a hot potato. Thereasonisusuallyobv~ous.Meet Deadsy,agoth-rock bandwhoseleader, P. Exeter Blue I, is actually one of Cher's kids. Theu half-decade old de but Commenemenf,whch would have soundedlameback then, is even more out-of-touch and irrelevant now. The formulais the same for every song: brooding guitars and plodding drums beat a repetitive melody to death as unspeaka b 1 y cheesy, highpitched synthesizerswaft in the background.
warms the heart as the singer screams about how everybody hates him and basically how people have no value. The song "Disasterpiece" openswith the frightening words, "I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound," and then ends in the frenziedwhine, "I'm not supposed to be here/ I'm not supposed to be." On another lovely track, "I Am Hated," the singer even says, "I'm gonna kill anyone who steps up in front of me," and then continues his uplifting rant by exlaiming, "I Am Hated/You Are Hated/We Are Hated." Canyou say adjustmentproblem? Yes, every artist is entitled to freedom of expression, but some of the target listening-audence of Slipknot
Exeter Blue has a vocal side s d a r to both orgy's - -Jay Gordon and hrIanlyn Manson, more akm to narratmg than singmg The whole actis dated,especiallythe drum progr-g, I haven't heard beats like these smxVafilllaIcewasinvogue Blue's indeupherable stonerlyncs ("As the spmt bmds morontla rmods, ascend to the cosmc nation/New Urantiagul, everythmg's belowyou") c e a d y don't help Only a cover of Sebadoh's "Brand New Love" suc ceeds m holding your attention the entue way through It's hands-down the album's best song and that's because Lou Barlow wrote lt. Deadsy's attempt at Rush's 'Tom SawyePisn't too bad etther,althoughthemelody is half-bunedunder instrumentationby the end Sadly, Deady's own matenal re veals them as lust another band too artsy for its own good There is no excuse for buymg thts record when you can dust off your old Caeo and create the songs yourself -
relate their own feehngs to those of the band The first thing you see when you take the CD out ofits case is a picture of a slimy, fetal m a 1 The actual liner notes display all eght men m their 'uniforms' -ugly masks they don't take off on stage even if they are vomttmg or bleeding mthem. Unfortunately, themusic has the abhty -if misused, misunderstood or misinterpreted -to make someone want to shp a knot around theuneck ErinDavey,specialto Imprint
'Youknow,Marthais awhole mass of molecules and complexes and things bound together by terrifying physical improbabhties,and the truth is she could fly apart at any moment, like some terrible pent-up lock that's waitingto snap and spatter her psyche across the universe.... you know if it weren't for our nbcages it would just be spleens a-go-go!" Welcome to the mind of RobynHitchcock-the British singer-songwriter's rants are equal parts surreal bedtime story and stand-upcomedy routine from the planet Neptune. , h d those are just the introductions:he'll thenlaunch Into an upbeat pop song with a title lke "Tme Wdl
~atch'~itchcock later this month at Toronto's Horseshoe Tavern.
God," or a lovely, spare acoustic number1ike"OneLongPawofEyes." Ifitchcockhasbeenonthefringeof the pop music scene since the late '.70s, when his band the Soft Boys baffled punk audiences in Cambridge, England,withtheuretroByrdsian harrnonies and chuning guitar melodies. For a while in the '80s, with the Egyptians, it looked like he might have hit the mainstream,but in retrospect, albums like Globe ofFmgsand Qgeen Ehis will probably always frighten the unimaginative masses. All through his yearsin aggressive psychedelia,catchy synth-pop,andhis new relaxed style, Hitchcock's solo shows have always won him the most converts.ThmkBobDylanifhe were a member ofMonty Python, or Eddie Izzardifhe also sang really weird folk songs; thmk Edward Gorey-esque Ylctonan nonsense channeling the
spirit of SydBarrett, the acid casualty founder of Pink Floyd. Very funny, very British andnot anythingliketelevision. After a while it all starts to make sense: his songs and monologues, and even the doodles and short stories on his albums all come to form a coherent world of their own - and although the placenamesareallstrange, it is the landscapeofour private dream lives. His 'songs are about mummies and tomatoesand cat-headedwomen, decomposing gun-fighters and varous forms of sea life, but he's also singing about sex and death and love and religion- he's just found a fresh language to talk about them, after decades of deadening conventional phrasings. 'You've been laying eggs under my skin" he might sing, and affection-
at+, too. Theimages escape and tz on a life of their own, fecund me phors growing hke jungle vines a coilmg around the meanings. ! The' flora and f m n a of ROE Hitchcodisuniversedeservetheiro ful-out.YellowSubmarine-swle a mated f ilmone of these days, but tfeature films in recent years, one them by Jonathan Demme (The lence of the Lamb, Stop Making Sen have tried to capture the charm of intimate live shows. However, y have achance to catch himin the f l ~ later thts month in Toronto. I'll end with some more wo from the man: "If I am a prophet chaos, then t h s is truly my age; 1 perhaps I am a prophet of orc recoiling in disgust from the uncc trollable force oflife. Inside and 01
Universitv of
Slipknot lo wa
If you have never become seriously afraid of music, I suggest putting Iowa, the latest release from the men in the scary masks - otherwise known as Slipknot-into your CD player. Between thelyrics, the screamingvocals, themahe-gun-like drum beats, the ciunchinggutars and the pictures in the liner notes, t h ~ salbum could leave you crying for mommy. Formetal fans,Satanistsandangstridden teenagers, Iowuis an answered prayer.Thetrack'Teop1e = Sh~t"really
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L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I J
The tragically hyped
The Daggers
R~ghtBetween the Eyes
They Might Be Giants
Asian Travels 2
SIX Degrees
The Organ
The Verm~ciousKnid
Days That Stand Still
Balls Falls
The Crossing Guard
Paper Moon
One Thousand Reasons To Stay
The Bruno Hubert Trio
Get Out Of Town
Maximum Jazz
The Corb Lund Band
Five Dollar Bill
Stony Plain
DC and MC host DJs and MCs Electronics Outside the MC July 12, 8:OOp.m. - 2:00 a.m. DCQuad,University ofwaterloo
Sarah Penfold
Electronic music lovers, technobuffs and the curiousalikewill have an opportunity to experience electronica as it has never been experienced on campus before: outside. Located in the D C quad, Ehctoni~~aOutside TheMCwill showcase a variety of electronic music stylesincludmghouse, jungle, progressive, trance, drum 'n bass, jump-up, tech-step and minimal techno. The eventwillfeature~erformers from across campus such as D.J. Phat Albert (fusion freestyle), Sean f (drum n' bass) and Colin Bell (trance). Anyone can attend and admission is free. The event promises to be an "exhibition of technology and music," boasting 4800 Watts of compressed sound and state-of-the-artturntables, mixers and computers.Xlightingsgstem consisting of intelligent lights, flood lights and projected audiovisualizations has been designed especially for the show. Stands selling glow sticks, cotton candy and other refreshments will also be set up. The committeebehind the event is composedofpeople from &verse faculties across campus and members were handpicked by math student and head organizer Albert O'Connor. He and the other committee members
began planning Electonica Outside The MCin early June. O'Connor organized and performed in Ekctonica In the MCin the 2001 fall term, and Ehtronica In the MCA2:the 2002 winter term event. Commenting on his reasons for bringing such events to UW, he said, "I like electronica.Youdon't really get to hear much [electroaica]on this campus, which is a shame since the style has a growingrelationshipwith computers and has always depended on electronics.SinceUWissucha technol-
ogy-baseduniversityit makes sense to embrace a type of music based on technology." O'Connor declared the fall show a success andattributes the poor turnout for Electmnica In the MCA2 to unfavourable winter weather con& tions. He hopes mother n a t u r e d be more co-operative this time around. In the event of rain, Electmnica Outside the MC will move indoors to MC3001. Additional information is a v d able atwww.electronicainthemc.org.
Last month we saw the release of the tenth album from the Tragically Hip, a group of guys who for years now have been extremely successfd withtn the confines of our Canadian borders. 'lhey have, in a way, become symbols: cultural snapshots of what people believe this country is all about. With songs about hockey players and little towns in Ontario they have become a source of national pride, exemplifyingwhat it means to be Canadian. I have even read one article that claimed it was unpatriotic not to like the Tragically Hip. Well guess what? I don't like the TragicallyHip. I don't say these things to offend Hip fans. Nor would I put down a band that has made a good living doing what the musicians love to do while staying true to their artistic vision. That is something that deservesa great deal of credit. Not only have they been very successful, but along their rise to fame they may have helped inspire a lot of Canadian bands b e Blue Rodeo, The Rheostatics,Change of Heart, Sloan, Eric's Trip -the list goes on and on. They are, in my opinion. one of the few bands that deserve their fame and fortune. My dislike of the Tragcally Hip is in no way a slight to the band nor is it a slight to any of their fans. I just don't like their music; it doesn't resonate with me. I don't feel it. It is totally subjective, yet for some reason I constantly have to defend my opinion when really it needs no L
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defense at all. I just don't like them. I would venture that a good deal of people who decided to read this article did so because of the title, wanting to find out who would dare insult the Hip. I am at once fascinated and annoyed by the process by which a band or popular figure becomes idol, or sacred cow immune to criticism. It seems that a select group of values or ideas get attached to these people: values and ideas that mean a lot to the people who hold them. Tlus seems to escalate to the pomt wherc anythmgless than a glowmg endorsment of the Tragically Hip is somehow seen as an insult or an unpatriotic act. The truth is that it is not an insult or a lack of patriotism. The Tragically Hip is just a bunch of guys making music. Whatever we as listeners get out of it is our own. I have no doubt that people may be uninterested in the music I play on the radio, the same way I get annoyed by the music rotations and content of most commercialradio stations. Music is such a personal thing that it is difficult not to become emotionally attached to it, but to limit other people's tastes is not only closed-minded -it's bloody irritating. I don't hke the TragicallyHip, PI& Floyd, The Beastie Boys and countless other bands that have been ingrained into our popular culture. I am not sorry and I am tired of justifying my musical opinion. I take no offence when someone calls up to tell me that the 25-minute Sun Ra moog solo I am playing is buggmg them. It's perfectly valid, as valid as my dislike of the Hip. Andew hosts an hour-long look at eqerimental muic and somd,trom amund the world evey T u e ~ h at y I p.m., on 100.3 FM, CKMS. -
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Room for rent - for a q u ~ e tmdividual in a quiet detached house near both universities. Parking and all amenities. Please call 725-5348. Three bedroom units - September 3102August 30103. All units newly renovated/clean.lutilitiesincluded. Price range $375 to $410. Call W.O.C.H. at 7477276. Student rentals! September availability! Groups andsingles welcome. Check Web site for up-to-date rental offerings, w w w . ~ a n e ~ ~ ~ .orc ocall m 746-1411. Room in two bedroom apartment. Five minutes to subway. Sublet September to December102 or long term. Furnished optional, non-smoker, no pets. Location is at Eglinton &Allen in Toronto. $550 inclusive. Contact Matin at (416) 7879373 or cell (416) 716-0166. Need help with math? 6th year mathlteachmg optlon student with experience as TA and high school teacher can help you. Phone Greg 880-0257. Ultimate Questions! Bible study by correspondence. For a free copy of the course please send name and address to: Bible Study, Zion United Reformed Church, 1238 Main Street, General Delivery, Sheffield, Ontario, LOR 1ZO or e-mail: hihle@zurch.on.ca. Visit our Web site: www.zurch.on.ca. Pet sitter available while you are away from home. Cariue. and reliable service specific to your needs. Reasonable ratra. Call (519) 635-7387 v
T h e Spa O n Maltland, Bathhouse for Bi and Gay Men. Private rooms, lockers, sauna, showers, liquor license and videos. Students 112 price all the time with valid studentID. 66 MaitlandStreetat Church Street. Toronto's busiest. (416) 92.51571.
Volunteer tutors needed for mathematics, science and English with the Waterloo Catholic District School Board Summer School Program for Grades 9 to OAC. The Summer School Program is scheduled for three weeks from July 2 to 24, 2002 and assistance for any portion of that period would he welcomed. Tutors are required in Kitchener at Resurrection High School andlor Cambridge at St. Benedict High School locations. Please phone Alan Green at 74.5-
ESL teachers needed in Korea. Bachelor's degree or 'higher education is mandatory. Good working conditions and wage. Contact Info 81 Money (Igpll4@hotmail.com or 1-519-5745853) for more information. Weekend counsellors and relief staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Expericnce, minimum eight-month commitment. Paid positions. Send resume to Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney Street, S., Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 3V2.
Volunteer Action Centre(7428610) is seeking volunteers for the following positions ... 2002 ONTARIO SUMMER GAMES: #1101-12253: K-W is hosting the Ontario Summer Games from July l8to 21.There are many opportunities including security, registration, data entry, water distribution, etc. DOYOULOVEBABIES?: #1049-1180: Cradlelink, a Lutherwood-CODA program, trainsvolunteers andmatches them with a family in K-W and surrounding areas to provide in-home support three or four hours a week. SUPPORT A VITAL COMMUNITY SERVICE: #1042-1715: by joining the Board of Directors for Meals on Wheels. Enjoy networking and develop newskills while supporting this community-based organization. ACHIEVEMENT IN M O T I O N BOARD MEMBERS: #1046-3139: helieve that community integration is essential to mental health. A commitment of three t o four hours per month, for a two-year term, can go a long way. OFFICE SUPPORT VOLUNTEERS: #1009-10897: are essential to the work of the Canadian Cancer Society. Volunteers can assist with data entry, receiptwriting or stuffing envelopes. A flexible time commitment of about three hours per week is all it takes. Training and support are provided. Attention students - looking for a student placement or volunteer cxperience to add to your resume? Call ACCKWA PIDS Committee at 570-3687 for more :, formtion or visit us at www.acckwa.com.
Looking for extra cash? Three students are needed to move furniture in the Student Life Centre. If you are interested please see Nancy O'Neil in the Student Life Centre, room 1112A.
T e x t b o o k s Microeconomics: Canada in the Global Environment, 3rd Edition ;Accounting Canadian, 4th Edition, volumes 1and 3; Anabaptist History and Theology, revised edition Snvder. $25 each. or best offer. Call ~ a c h e 635-0823. l Darkroom enlareer ', - Omeea Variable Condenser Type D enlarger for black and white prints. Enlarger works with 2" to 6 318" lenses. Included are a negative holder for 3Smm format and a negative holder for medium format; 2 trays, 2 8" x 10" easels, and 1 13" x 16"easel. $300 or best offer. Please call the Imprint office at 888-4048 or drop by the office between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 D.m. to view m the Student Life Centre, room 11 16.
Thursdays You play? Wilham's Cotfee Pub inv~tesyou to show )our love for m u x everyThimday, 8 30-10:OO p m. For deta~ls,contact Lvnn at 6 5 0 4 4 8 8 o r by e - m a d at java~coffeepuh@hotmail.com
Bysubmittingyour 1 3Oword Y mtE announcementupcoming& 1 volunteerposition,etc., yourevent andlorclubwillbegethnglhe
Student Ltfe Centre r o o m 1116 University of Waterloo
888-4048 ; fax: 884-7800
deadlines are Mondays at 5 p.m.
Bi-weekly Staff Meetings are Fridays; July 12 & 26, beginning at 12:30 p.m.
'nt staff meeting held at
p.m., SLC, room 1116. out and volunteer at your
'an Blood Services encournors to give blood. A clinic 11 take place at UW, Student fe Centre from July 15 to July from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ly. The donor sign up sheet is ted at the Turnkey Desk, StuLife Centre (type 0 negative gative donors are in high demand) Tuesday, July 16 Microsoft Tech Talk: Mobile Computing and Wireless Technologies. Discussion will take place at 6:30 in Gound Zero. XBOX and Pocket PC giveaways!!! Free food and refreshments. Sunday, September 22 Mother Daughter Walk for Heart & Stroke. Festivities are at Riverside Park in Cambridge. Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. and the walk begins at 2:00 p.m. For more information contact
MSDN Academlc Alllance Program. This program from M ~ ~ r o s omakes ft ~t easler and less expensive to get Microsoft developer tools, platforms and servers for instructional and research purposes. The University of Waterloo now has the following products ailahle to students: Visio 2002, ual Studio 6.0, Visual Studio ET and Windows XP. For more ails on the program and how to htain the software, go to: t.uwaterloo.caladmin1 msdnstudent.html. Cash prizes for local poets - $5,000 to he won! The Poetry Institute of Canada is conducting its annual contest for Fall 2002 Any subject or style is acceptable, no entry fee, 24 lines or less, name and address at top of poem page, must he typed or neatly wntten, d e a d h e 1sJuly 30,2002. Please send one or~ginalpoem only to: The Poetry Inst~mteof Canada, PO Box 5577Victor1a, BC, V8R6S4 or youmay e-mad ~tto poetrymst~tute@shawca or by fax (250) 519-0029. Improv keyboard playedactor needed w ~ t hown keyboard for Smgle and Sexy s a salar~edpositlon starting 2002. T h ~ 15 August 12 to September 5. Please call ext 2981 and leave your name and telephone numer for a call back.
nselling Sevices' Spring 2002 kshops (for more info 2080). Study Skills - "Study Smarter ... Not Harder" and Prering For and Writing Exams. eer Development - Exploring ur Personality Type and InterAssessment. Personal/Social Assertive Communication, Eating Disorders. Self-Esteem Enhancement Group and Stress Management Through Relaxation Trainfor a detaiiedlist of awards open for ~pplicationthis term. Further information is available at the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor. Needles Hall.
I paper to go, July 26. Bring
your housing classif ieds, announcements, upcoming events, etc. to the Imprint Office, SLC, room 1116, between 8 a.m. 8 5 p.m.