
Page 1

lems we all have in common, page 8

Feds under criticism 'l'he Feds may not bc as right as they think, as a poor voter turnout will thwart the bylaw resolution, says a Waterloo planning student. Read more on page 8

Bike racks busting Calling foul over the crowded cycle carrcls? Susan Bubak explores bikes on campus and what's being done toaccommodate the nurnerous bikes without spots. Read more on page 3

You! Offmyplanet!-Lee-1Vudrickcriticizes our mayor's biases, page 9 Maps and Legends - Edey shows how a new creative form of accounting can help the environment, page 9 Finding Balance -Asaria tells of his visit to the Shia Muslim's spiritual leader and what we canlearn from him,page 10 Undefeated-Cowandebates theroleofgcnetics m sexual orientation, page 10

agreat price, page 15 Ask Landers - "Landers" discusses homosexualintercourseand the ethics ofavoidmg our parents, page 15 Crossword-Moogk-Souliscreatcsanew challenge,pagel 5

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11,200 - injuce yourself and get the most out of you winter sports activity Read more on page 1'

Raptorsextravaganza On Saturday,the Raptors came to Waterloo fo

Implosion A candy machine imploded m the SLC. We all know that black holes implode and buildings can implode, too. Read more on page 17 Microfiles -A virgin shark gives birth, a test forthe date-rape drug andause for slaughtered cow's eyes,page 17

traintng camp. In attendance were Vince and JYD among othcrs. Read inore on page 21

Wirelesswhirlwind Singh talks about the emergenceof the campus wireless network. The data, my friends, is blowing in the wind. Read more on page 3

Physics survivor Chris Lyon chroniclesthe end of LW Survivor. Physics student Derek Aylward outlasts them all. Read more on page 5 uwRyan.com - Chen-Wing asks: how changes to homecoming will help us, page 7

Letters to the editor-page


Myths about Scientology Lastweek's Imprint Scientologyinsecthasmany students askmg questions about the religion. Saines answers them. Read more on cover and page 13

A turkey feast without meat The solution for vegetarians who feel awkward on Thanksgiving has been found: tofurkey, a new tofu based alternative to turkey. Read more on page 14

lg Nobel prize These awards are given to science that makes you laugh and makes you think. How does stinkfilteringunderwear sound? Read more on page 18

Two skills combined Warriors' soccer rivalry The highly-anticipated game against Laurier last Saturdayendedin a 1-1 tie. The teams meet again this Friday on the Warriors home field which may provide a key advantage. Read more on page 19

Cool running

"'Have them plant a tree for every paper they use." Candace Jagarnauta

Detailed interview with a musician Take an indepthlookinto the essencc ofK-OS. F,xplore hts spirituality, musical intentions and goals. Hip-hop has never looked so good. Read more on page 22

Short order -Shoa tiids goutmet burgers at

Want to run in the winter? Learn how not to

"Make everybody convert to Trinidadian."

"All the women top-off and make a big video and kick out all the males." Mehdi lspahany

Read any good books lately? Professor Eric McCormack excels in the art of teaching and the art of wntiig. Read more on cover and page 22

Please note that the Scientology advertorial insert is a paid advertisement and does not necessarily represent the views of Imprint, its staff or volunteers.

"Make everyone in the university less bitter by giving them candy."

chem grad

?A enviro eng

Talesh Seeparsan

Jessica Rumfeldt

Alicia Chin

speech communications

chem grad

28 cs

"Herd a bunch of geese and attack administration."

"Build and distribute bottle-heads of me."

"Bitch-slap everybody who comes after you."

"Write for mathNEWS."

Ken Chung

James Peltzer

Danielle Dmytarl

Bradley T Smith

48 cs

28 cs

2B cs

rnathNEWS editor

Gayatri Nicholas

& envlro eng

Too many bikes, not enough racks Cvclists forced to find alternate lock-up arrangements Susan Bubak

IMPRINT STAFF Take a look around campus, and you'll see dozens of bikes chained t o trees, street signs and other inanimate objects. Is it a matter of laziness or a shortage of bike racks o n campus? "1 think it's a combination of both factors," said Mihe r<errigan, bederation of Students vice president internal Some students choose not t o lock thcir bikes to a bike rack because it's too far a\vay from their intended destination, while others lock their bikes to trees because there is n o alternative. "I have noticed that thcrc will be some bikes lockcd up to other objects around a bike rack that is full," said I<errigan. According to Jcrry IIutten of Plant Operations, there are approximately 350 bike racks on campus with 1-arious capacities and plans are underway to add more bike racks in problem areas. "There is a continual process of replacing old and damaged racks, trying different styles and plac ing additional racks in busy areas

hen necessar~" H e added if and 1% that this process usually takes place in early spring and early fall Plant Operations currentl> has a number of oldcr bike racks that need t o be repainted before thej

can be installed around campus About three )ears ago, these bike racks wcre replaced by "U racks," which are more secure than oldcr models because thev are designed t o lock both the front

heels and rear 1% Bikes that are not locked t o a bike rack are ticketed "If the bike 15 locked in a p o o r location," said Kerrigan, "it map hare its lock cut and be brought toPolice Serv

ices." H e explained that a bike may be removed if it is locked in an area where the groundskeepers need t o mow the lawn. All bikes that are seized will be put in storage for up to 90 days. If thc owner does not claim thc bike within 9 0 days, the bike will bc sold at the Bike Centre auction. Andrew Cameron, a volunteer a t the Blkc Centre, said the number of bikc racks on campus is "not even close to cilough." TIC added that there is a chronic shortage of bike racks outside Carl Pollock f-Tall (CPII), \\here he attends class. Another bike enthusiast described the hilie rack area outside CPII as "horrible." Other problem areas include the ox-ercron dcd bikc racks outside the Math and Computers building and the Student Life Ccntrc, where numcrous bikes wcre chaincd to trees, lampposts and handrails. K h e n asked ~f it was fair t o penalize bihe riders who loch their bibea in such A manner, Cameron replied, "I don't think so It's up t o the uni5 ersity t o provide enough bike racks " sbubak@~mpr~nt uwaterloo ca

Construction out of: thin alr Tushar Singh

SPECIAL TO IMPRINT When somebody mentions construction you immediately thmk of the new buildings that arc being built on campus or the research park on north campus, but there's a different sort of construction afoot The new construction corers a larger regton, is almost inlisible and cheap compared to the million dollars of concrete that dominate the landscape Latc last week, the Grad house pined the list of locations from which students can access the Internet through the university's wireless network Those fortunate enough to have wireless cards in their laptops can surf the net from avariety of locations including Carl Pollock Hall lobby, CPI1 second floor, E2, Rod Coutts Hall, the Davis Lentre and limited sections of the math building Thcre are also several undocumented wireless access points in the residences that willgive you access to the university networks Even with this expansion and service available, a small number of users have been scen malung active use of the system In fact, many

students in math and engineering recognize that the system exists but d o not use it. The primary reason given was this: "I'll use it as soon as I can afford it." The wireless network on campus is a wireless fidelity GVIFI) network using the 802.11b protocol. Usage ofwireless facilities typically requires a36150 card to connect to an access point An access point is a radio receiver and transmitter, which typically cost $300 for me dium range connectiviq. Thismeans that wireless nctworks are useful where alaree number of users exist and the cost and inconvernienceof cable merits a conversion towireless fidehty Another reason that studcnts do not use the networkwas cited by Ed Gorham. "I have to sit in a hallway or stairwell to get reception in k2,except for Poets,and it's hard to do actual work m Poets unless bar services are offered " Reception problems are caused by the thick walls that are present throughout campus Better recep tion can often be obtained by going up or down one floor rather than on the same floor as the access Doint There is another reasonwhy recep-



tion is bad - the access points used by the university are some of the lowest power models on the market That, in combination with the thick walls, leads to limited coverage which can sometimes be hard to find The best way to findwireless access in the engineering buildings is to look for the "Wireless Willie" signs The wireless areas in math and computing are not labelled but the area around the C&D and class rooms on thefourth floor are well coxcrcd as are the offices on the fifth Althoughnot mentioned by stu dents, security issues a r m f primary conccrn among 1VIFI users Cap turmg the data that flows through the air is quite easy for those with the approprtate equipment T o pro tect users when they are signing on for access, thc untversity has provided a security certificate which encrypts data Users should take their own precautions but keep in mind that reception problems mean that anybody eavesdropping on your connectionis sittingwithin 10 meters A good qign to watch out for is somebody witha Pringles can with a wire coming out of it The network is fast, reliable, and the abiltq to check the weather fore-

The antenna points down from Doug Wright Engineering building.

the library Those who do not have wireless equipment andwish to use the network should keep the costs mmtnd Equipment is sold at the computer stores on campus but most of the cards are for laptops For those with handspring PDAs, h d o r a w e b will allow you to sign in through the wireless project's Web site

o w a n t touse the wireless facdi hes>You can findmstruchonsat www laptop uwaterloo ca 0 I Ielp can be found on the site ' from CHIP or the E n p e e n n g Computer User Support Centre


Physics student outwits, outplays, outlasts

Dismissed councillor regains seat Susan Bubak IMPRINT STAFF

Aylward survives residence competition

AfterlosqherseatonStuden~'Coun cil onSeptember 15,MtchcllcHokhari has been acclauned to her formerposi mnas science c~tpcouncillorBokhm lost her seat for faihg to attend any councilmeetingslast tcrm Inthe Sep tembcr 27 edition of Imprint, Bokhari explmedthat shewasunable toattmd councilmeetingsbecause of"pressmg famdy comtments " Accordmg totheTederationofStu dents bylawVIII G ,a by-electmnwill be held to till seats that are pacant or vacatedbvNovember 1 "Thereare no restrictions limiting a councdor who has been removed from council from re-nuuung for their seat," sad Mike Kemgan,FederationofStudentsvice president internal Since Bokhan was the only person who submitted an applicatton by the endof the nommationpenod,shewas acchmed to the position "I am ex tremely optimisticabout attendingthe council meetings for the upcomng yeaqandameagertodomy verybest in what is expected out of me," said Bokhan sbubak@~mpr~nt.uwaterloo.ca



Three days of exhausting physical challenges, friendship, bonding and deceitful alhancesarc finally over for the 16 contestants of Survivor UW Held in the three village residences, Survivor UK' pitted two tribes of frosh against each other for a grand prize of $100 cash and $25Watcard money The winnerwas physics student Derek Aylward, who managcd to avoid getting voted out during all 15 tribal councils. Aylward told Imprint he plans to spend the money on textbooks while he waits for his OSAP cheque to arrive Winner of the second-place sweatshirt and $25 Watcardmoney was psychology student Sara Murphy Both Murphy and Aylward were originally from the Dopamush tribe before Murphy was switched to the Woluhawa tnbe carly Saturday morning Saturday

afternoon the two tribes merged to form the 10 member Trtbetree There were 14 immunity chal lenges held over the 52-hour pcriod, including a food eating challenge where contestants had to eat canned dog food, a rock climbing challenge at the PACs bouldering wall and a food drive which resulted in 232 non perishables do nated to the local food bank Despite the hardships, the contest ants enjoyed the challenges "I would recommend it to anybody who thinks they are mentally and physically strong enough," said Tom Shelswcll, Waluhawa tribesman The Woluhawa tribe won the first challenge.outdoor paintball at Flag Raiders. At the first Tribal Council, Dopamush could not decide which of their members to vote off. Votes were cast twice,and twice the results were tied Fmally, the tribe had to pull acorns from a bag to decide who was to be cast out of

Aylward: Survivor champion

the game Lyn Garrah pulled th one blackacorn andwas the first t have her torch. the symbol of life i the game, extinguished At 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, Octc ber 6, Adam Doyle, organizer c Survivor UW and January's Surv vor CLT, tallied the finalvotes an announced Aylward the winner. See SURVIVOR, page



The Federatron of Students IS a Corporat~onunder the laws ofthe Pmr race of Ontano The moetug Wtll be held at 4 30PM on Wednesday, October 23,2002 In the Great Hall oi the Student Ltfe Centre The Agenda for th~srneetmg wrll be as foUows

All reiermces to Students' Council meeting notice uithrn the Bylaw Policiep and Procedures ofthe Corporation shall be changed according lo the provis~onsof this B)lm




R e p ? of the Audited Findnc~alStatements tor the year endtng Apn130.2002


Motton to change Bylaw 3, a9 follows

1 i The councillor has been absent andlor more than 30 minutes late for two or more meeting&without bems murt rwfity the Prcwknr or Errc~tive~ e w u r c h ehe);! e euck eicused Councillor, wmhmng to be excu.~~,d meenm fur whtch thcv dc.vcsirc to br r r c m d Furlurc ru rlo so WIN resi~lrtn a cuwollor kmnx wnxidered unexcmed at the rlrJcretron of the Prerrdent

2 ) The counollor has been absent or more than 30 minutcs late for Four or more mwungs Ibr which their lrar el cads would hase been paid for by the Federation of Students. This inclr,dex ho~hhwued und unexcused absences

Deletlon ol &lmt 3 I B &letion of Bylaw 3, 1, C.


Insertion ol'nru B,laa, J I. B 'Governmrnr A t f o i r ~Conunmion: All instances within the Bylaws, Policies and Pmcedu~vsof lhe Corporauon where 'National Affairs Commissiw', 'Provincial A f f h Commi>sion', 'National Affairs Canmissioner', and 'Pmvincial Affan Cotnissioner' shall be changed accordingly.

ifa counrrllor q~~ukfies for removal wnder wbsect~onI, und 19 ubsequentl~exoneratedbv Students Cumcrl, MY subsequent unexcused absence will qual!@ them for removal


Ifa councillor qualrfics for rcmoval under ruhrection 2, and is bubs~qumtlqexoneratedby Studenh Cottncrl any suhwqurnt rrbsence WIM qual~flthen! for removal

Govermnt Affarrs Commisrwn Dtmes and Funcnonr

Insemon of Bylaw I Vlll 1 and renumber follom mg sechons awordmgly To encourage and developpmgrarns dedzng with educufioml issum ofpmvrncral or federal inrerest

I 2

To auslsr h e Vzce-Presrdent Education m ecoumgmg anddwrlopingprogramr to raise which the Federwzon may be a the awarenew ofprovrnc~alor federal lohby p u p b <?t member. as weN as other relevant e&afton issues


To asslsf the Vice-PIemdent, Educahon andStudents' Councrl with the developmentof pulirm regarding educatrun Issues

J Wntten nutrce ot regulslly scheduled Students' Council meetmgs must be sent by Gm&&es su"...-able means to Students ' Cowwrl not less than sewn days pnor to the satd meetmgs 4 Changes to Bylaw 1 VllI K 'Standme Commttteus'


To assist the President andSfude~~ts ' Cormcil with the development ufpolicies regarding mrmiripal issues;

The name of Bylaw I VIll K 'Polrcy. Procedure and Bylaw Revleu Comm~rtee'to be changed, all references to thename ofthe cornnuttee shall be changed accordrngly


To encorua.qe anr1,fucilitate students ' interest and involvement in educutionul. notionrrl andprovincial issues including the development ofa volunteer base;



To encourage a n d j a ~ d m tstudents e tnterest and tnbolvefnenr m mrmic~palrvsm rncludmg the d~~elopmenl of a ~nleutteerbuse


To encourage rhepartrc rpuhon ofstudents an the alecror ol pPoce.rt


/h us~zstthe ficr-Preudent Eduuztrlron zn preparing the Fedrratron of Slrrrlentsfo, nntnrczpul p ovrncrul andfederal electronr ar n d l us local by-electwm

Stundnre Commmttee~

5. Motion to remove Bylaw 3.11.A. 1 and renumber accordingly


Aiis Commission

Duties and Functions. ~ ~ i d d i i zconcerninx rs Commissionew of the federation of Studenf,~as otitlinedin Bylaw. 7


Changes to Bylaw 1.\~111.1 'Absentees' and insertion ufBylaw I.VI1I.J


6 . Adjournment

Agenda prcpared bj Brcnda Siomka, Pres~dent The agenda for this mecrin~is restricted to the above items of husincss, for which ~~ro~xl,er . . notrcc has b&n given P t o q in& are available in the Federatmn of~tudmtsoRicr ( S W I 101). Thesc ~muclibc rcturncd hv 4:lO~mon Wedncsdnv Octobcr 23"'. 2002. For all thoce who anend themeet~ng,please ~nakew e l o bring lour WAICAIU3

Dancing the night away

Survivor: one dropped out voluntarily

UWs South Asian Students' Association is the first students' associatton in Ontario to partake m the m e day Navratri festtval Tht5 Gusarati ceremony honours the " D i m e Mother" as well as the goddesses of valour, wealth and knowledge Tradhonal folkdancesare fundamentalto the celebrationprovidmg entertainment from eleven o'clock till dawn The Raas is a dance popularized by the Lord Knshna, who danccd in the mddle of a circle of shephard girls, now men and womcn dance around the circle knocktng bamboo sticks together, giving the preformance its common name, thc stick dance On W'ednesday, UW's SASA danced the mght away in the Great Hall of the SLC

off "It's a game and it's only for $100 I could make $100 easily within a week, so take it as a game," About $0 people including a said Jain H e el entually became so Rogers Cable film crew showed up fed up with the adversarial atmos-. to witness thc final tribal council phere that he volunteered to be The last five participatingvoted off aotcd off after the trivia challenge tribe members (Julten Laveau, on Saturday night and did not at 1,aurielle Brooks, Rvan Watkins, tend the final 'Iribal Council ChemOskar Lindhe and Tom Shelswell) cal engineering student Marie Pier asked the remaining two contestlJoulin had similar ants one questton feelings She each before casting dropped out of the their final \ otcs game resulting in a Questions ranged Tribal Council 6efrom Brooks' in ing cancelled quiry about what According t o cach of t h e m Aylward "prewould d o with a sumption and hypothetical one misconception million dollar ruled the gamc " grand p r i s e t o Despite that, he 1,aveau's accusatried to play fairly tion that Murphy and honestly, but backstabbed him, considering "the going so far as to insanity that sur call her a "bitch " roundcd, I'm surLaveau wasn't the only one who Murphy: Second place Jain: Dropped out prised I managed t o come out on felt betrayed Thc teams divided themselves into alli- of tribulations, not all felt thc Sur- top " FTis only regret was that he ances and as a result both friends vi\ or atmosphere was appropriate was perceived as untrustworthy Organizer Doyle agreed that and enemies were made Tribe for a university setting Computer there werc elements of dcccit and members who were perceived as science student GauravJaincnpyed backstabbing, but insists the) I\ ere weak or untrustworthy were the the game until the tribes merged, just part of the game "In m r opm \+hen he said things turned u g h prime targets ofthese alliances "It's Hc felt his tribe members wcrc tak ion, thcvall backstabbed cach other, tough because there are alllances but of course only the ~ \ + people o and vou hw e to bachstab people no ing the alliances too seriousl) and matter what," Lindhe remarked forgetting that ~t mas lust a game who were at the end get called oi Murphl complained that it wa\ dif One member reported11 broke into becauw thcy wcrc the ones w managcd to backstabsuccessfull ficult to get an honest impression tears at the thought of beingvoted from the other tribe members "People would misread ex7erything," she said Some contestants

Continued from page 4

were almost relieved to be voted out early, avoiding the inevitable backstabbing that went on. "I was lucky not to have to put up with the crap that the other people had to," said Hilaq Brown, the first mem ber of thc Woluhawa tribe to be voted off Although most of the contestants seemed to enjoy their weekend

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Adver tizing insert stirs UD student bodv Church of Scientology advertisment raises issues at Imprtnt Lauren Staines SPECIALTO IMPRINT

Upon opening the October Iissue of Impnnt, many readers wcre surprised to find an eight page insert from The Church of Scientology, entitled "L Ron Hubbard's 'Dianctics The Evolution of a Science ' " The insert covers manj subtopics related to Scientology, in cluding a biographv of a s founder and an essay oil the irrationality of the mind It

comes complete with suggestions on how to use Scientologv's prtnciplesandtethniques to help the brain function Some readers were upset that Impnntwould choose to publish the insert, which is an eight-page advertisement, citing the ethical and moral issues surrounding what can be percelted as Imprznt's endorsement of Scientology A few readers even chose to come to the Imprznl office in search of answers The Churchof Scientology has come



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under fire in recent years, being called everythmg from a corporate scam to a "cult of greed" zn Iime magadine It is banned in some European countries including Greece, Switzerland, Germany and Spain for what the governments find to be money-grabbing greed in the guise of religion Stories of brave "cult survivors" fill anti ScientologyJ.lleb sites, giving fodder for those wishing to ban the Church of Scientology The Church of Scientology,however,views itself as a bringer ofpeace "The experiences ~ decades ofmillions over the course of s e cral show.Dianetics [the h)pnocis like state in which souls are cleansed] and Scientologj tu be the moct effect11e and practical path to spiritual improvement of any religion this world has seen," claims one of the Church's official \71 eb sites Thcy believe that the human soul is a thetan, best translated as an "immortal spiritual being " Despite the controversy over Scientologp'c ~alidity,Imprznfwasgoingto run the insert in early September. Due to printingproblems, the insert was not published until the October 4 issue of I ~ ~ p i nThe f . newspaper's Code of Ethics states that "any material containing a racist, sexist, or otherwise preludicial substance or tone, will not be printed." Since the insert did imt contain any oblcctionable material by theae standards, it was appro\ ed b) the editor in chief and advertising/produc tion manager In additron, w ~ t h11,000 is sues printed weekly and$70per 1,000inserts paid bl ad\ ertisers (in this case, thechurch of Scientology), Imprzwt made $760 00 b~ run ning the Scientology insert Howeter, Phil Weiner, treasurer of Inpnnfand a member of the board of directors, said that "the decision to run the insert was not based on money \\ e accept advertisements from all organiza tions, regardless of their religious affiliations " At Imprznt's weekly staff meeting October 7, the topic of thc Scicntology in\crtwas onc of the first discussed Some staff members found it "offensive," due to the church's reputation as a cult Others took issue with the fact that there was no disclaimer on the insert to inform Impnnfreaders that the insert was apaid advertisement, not the work of any Imprint staff Howcter, one staff member commented that most readers probably did not take the time to fully read the Scientology insert Some pointed out that since the October 11 issue carrles the second part of the insert (the October 4 insert bills itself as "Feature Seriali~ation- Part 1 of a 2 Part Serie?), there 15 still the possibility of adding a sticker or disclaimer to part two

Saranyah Yogarajah SPECIALTO IMPRINT

Record entry marks for first year students

First year students attending the Umversity c Waterloohave arecordh_lghentrya\leragethtsye; of 85 5 percent Last ycarthts fiprc was 84 2pc cent According to admissions director Pete Burroughs, thts year's average "is the hghe reported over the last seven years " 1he mark\ improved from last year in art engineering,softwareengineering,en\ tronmer tal studies, math and science Applied healt sciencesdecreased by two tenths ofapomt (82 from 83 2) Highest incomgmarks came from softwa~ engineering with 94 1 per cent and engineem with90 8percent Other faculq adnussional e agesincludeartcwith79 ?per ccnt,cmlronmcnt studlesa ith 81 5pcrccnt,math\titl188 Ipercen and scieucewith838pcrcent Atotalof 5,113sn~dei~ts~vereadrmttedto fir )ear, ten per cent over the target of 4,630 Professional and post degree day

Career Services is hosting the professional an post degreedayonWednesday,October 16,intl. Student Life Cintre Representatives from 4 schoolsacrosa Canadaand the Umted Statesw beat the event,aswellasrepresentatives fromtl. Umted I h g d o m and Australia Examples ( graduate programs offered at the mstitutior include chiropractic,education,health technolog optometry and multibody system dynamics. The Unix-emity of Katerloo decided to ho tlus event for the first tune due toinquiries frorot U\Y students.Universitiesand collegeswereala loolung for a method to get information I studcnts Professionaland post degree day offe an opportuntty for studcnts to gaininformatic aboutprograrns,salanev andthe applicationprot ess bor more information, please contact Ekz. beth Admnat 888 4567 ext 2590 International fellowships

The J Armand Bombardier Foundation and tl Canadian Bureau for International Educatrc announced the second competition for the Armand Bombardier Internationalist bellov ships The competition is intended for mversi graduates p u r m g studies, research, or w o ~ abroad The applicationdeadlineis m March fc the academlc year 2003 2004 Twenq five md vidwls will be \elected to receivea fellowshipwit a~alueof$10.000 Candidates should have a clear program ( studyand excellent academc record demonstra mg their a M t j to use new slulls globally 'The Armand Bombardier roundation will provic funding of $17 mlhon oter fixre years Appllc tion information is a\ ailable on CBIE'a Web si www cbte caunder"Scho1arships " The J Armand Bombardier boundation is private foundation dedicated to preserve ti memory, achietements and work of Josep Armand Bombardier CBIE is a non-goven mental orgamLauon promoting internation mobihq of students The national orgaiwatir is compnsedof 200 colleges,umversities,\tho boards, organizations and individuals New principal at Renison

On Sunda~,October 6, Remson (,ollcgc wc comed its sixth president,John Crosslev, at tk Church of the Holj Saviour m \Y aterloo John Crossleywas the former vice preside1 ofthcacademic support in the Umvensty of PI?



Resurrecting homecoming There's no place like home, no place like Waterloo

People oftenlament the indifference of LJW students to their school as people ironically and s d r l y do at other schools. The connection and feeling students have with their school benefits the school through contributions to the community and a positive vibe on campus. Thts m turn can strengthen the connection by attractmg more and better students. The studentsof yesterdayare today's alumni and an alumnschool connection also benefits the school The connection that UW alumni have with their school benefits us m many ways First, the alumni connectioncan translate mto future donations. If they feel good about UW they wdl want it to succeed and will be more hkely to contribute funds. Last year alunuu donations constituted more than 47 per cent of the $22 d o n of contirbutionsto UW in 2000 and 2001. For the same reasons, but, m other ways, alumni can help the university by hiring co-op students, helping recruit studentsand telling others that they, as fine people, are from the University of Waterloo. Through these mechanisms homecoming contributesto W s success as a university. Sowe can therefore further our school's success by, among other things, contributingto the success of homeconmg. Attendance at homecomin9;

declined since a high of 734 regs tered alunuu m attendance m 1994 to a lower number in 1998. One issue that people suggest could increaseparticipationin homecoming is changmg the mam event to a football game Football is a common homeconung sports event Every one out of the m e other OUA schools that compete m football combines a football game with their homecommgactivities. Carleton University,whtch does not compete in football, is the only other Ontario university that has a basketball tournament as part of its homecoming, the House-Laughton Hoops Classic tournament. UW changed the homecommg major sports event m 1985 from a football game to the Nasmith Classic. a basketball tournament. The tournament is superior m terms of planning smce UW schedules the tournament instead of the OUA for football games As well it is easier to control the environment m the PAC than the weather m the outdoors. The Office of A l m Affairs is trymg to make homecoming more successful through cross campus partnerships, promotion and events. A l w affairs is workmg with different parts of campus to put on events Athletics runs the Nusmth, student groups help with promotions and other organizations plan events as well. To spread the word they sent emad newsletters to 4,800 alUINlj, printed 3,600 pamphlets and set up a new Web site with 67 separate pages. Alumn~can also ask ahmm affairs to set up reunions during the year or cross-promoted with h o m e c m g . ' h s year during homecoming they are running six

reunions includmg Feds staff, the 25th anniversary of swun team championships, West D/West E 1987and engineenng2002. They want to make sure that undergraduatesknow homecommg is for them too, not just for students. Students can come out, have fun, network and pperspective on theu school careers. Alyson Woloshyn from alumni affairs said "As far as registrations to date for homecoming 2002 the total numbers stand at 127 -that is countingeach event md~vidually. It's climbingevery day and I am hoping that it will spke up very soon but we shall see." She said that preregistration numbers are less than expected but higher than they were last year. We have yet to see what impact the changes wdl have. Homecoming is not vital to our success as auniversity,but it can help.

Religious representatives discuss world peace On Saturday, October 5 the 22nd annual World Religions Conference was held in the Hagey Hall Theatre of the Humanities. The theme, "World Peace - What Religions Can Achieve,"wasdiscussed by representatives from most major world religions and a repre-

sentativefrom the atheist community was invited to participate. The event wasorganized by various campus religious groups with the co-operation of UW. For information about next year's conference, e-mail religions@canada.com.


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Feds bylaw resolution Newspapers, students share problems is flawed Joe Netbery COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

Bomber \Vednesday, and sfutlenh do not tsofe In short, wc bother those citizens who do vote

What happens when a student union tackles the mystery of municipal zoning? A whole lot of muckity-muck that will sink into the ground quicker than the Sugar Cube; that's what. J for one am

Students commit petty theft and vandalism, students have late hours, and students do not vote.


with how this whole bus pass/ lodgmg house debacle is playing out. This political gambit, mark my words, will netarwork out in our favour until the Feds change their lobbying strategy. Being an aspiring urban planner, I noticed the same "mix-up" the mayor did in the Feds resolution of September 15. The Feds executive says it knew of this. Alright, so our student representatives did their homework and figured out that the best way to get the ci) of \K1aterloo to bend to our iron will is to break off bus pass talks with of Waterloo. the r&onalmuni~i;pali~ Or, stop tallung with one level of gowrnment to change the ways of another. Smart. Well, there is one link between the city and the regionalmunicipality: Mayor \XToolstencroft.So, the intended force of the Feds resolution is to get the regon to put pressure on the mayor to bend to "our" iron will. Smart. It could spook city councillors into getting the mayor to change or possibly spook the mayor herself. Even smarter. Here's the flaw in "our" iron will -where is the incentive for Mayor \Yoolstencroft (or the city or region, fur that matter) to give an!, more timc to this issue than she heady has? Students strain civic resources with thcir "disruptiveless," students clog the immediatc ~ r e with a triple-s17c mufflers, hip 'lopping, gglom-in-the dark cars, students commlt pctty theft and ~~andalism, students have late 'lours, students gather before

Forgive me for being the individual to break this to the world, but Waterloo's zontng policy, orWgrandsocialcng~neemg prolect" to include as many socio economic group? m a single neighbourhood, ugoodphnzng The Ontario Professional Planners Institute and Canadian Institute of Planners endorse inclusive 70fflng and so do I Isn't establishing more student housing ncar the untverstttes lust as sola at tom st as the status quo?

- See BYLAW page 9

Every week, we put together a newspaper in relative isolation in the basement of the Student Idfe Centre. It is easy in such a capacity to cut ourselves off from the rest of the world and to imagine we are the only ones facing our pamcular challenges. Thts weekend, I had the opportumty to meet other people involved in university newspapers and bcnefit from the experience of some professional journalists at the CanadianUniversity Press conference in Toronto. I found out that not only do other student newspapers face the same issues, professional journalists do as well. Tomnlo S t d s Catherine Dunphy discussed the sorry state of features writing, not just in university papers but also in the professional media. Shc presented samples of features stories from that day's major Toronto papers that, when pointed out, were obviouslypoorly-written.Bruce

Arthur from the Notional l h ? chamcterizedfmdingsports writcrs at university newspapers as one of the great mysteries of our time. It was good to hear that this problem, which has plagued Impin/for ycars, is not one uniquely our own. 'l'his lead me to wonder what other situations in our hves might benefit from insight from otherswho face similar challenges. One thing that has been foremost in discussion on this campus lately is housing. The BrockPress,Brock Unwersity's student newspaper, recently ran an editorial explaining that, even the last school year began with conhct between Hrockstudents and locals ieguding housing, and the year ended in the same way. In St. Catharines, the housing situation has overflowed to affect low-income rentcrs. Competition for housing space resultingpartly from the three-student-limit on houses surroundmg the university and partly from less funding for universities, implying less oncampus residence,has been impacting non-student renters. l'he Queen's Journal reported their student government president urgmgcity council October 2 to make housing a priority. The report highl~ghtsthe

quality of housing, stating that quantity is also a problem. Another issue many of us have In common is rlsing tuition. The Varsity, U of T's student newspapt rcports their administration urgtng more "flexibility" with tuition, a stance similar to that taken by our own president David Johnston, who asked for "more freedom" om tuition fees. A Queen's Park rally in response to a proposal for furthermg deregulation at Queen's university last December prompted apres release from the Ontario Undergraduate Students Alliance arguing that dercgulation at Queen's would result in "domino-l~keeffect" deregulationacross the promnce. The release stated that this would result in a two-tier education systcn It's interesting to note that we seldom compare our issues to similar ones experienced by others. As we struggle through issues with housing, tuition and others, we should remember that these problems have likely already been solved m other instances. Clearly, such a comparison would be beneficial not only because it would help us dlscover how other people have dealt with thcir issues, but also because it feels better to know you'n not the only one.


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I Universitv of Waterloo Student News~aoerI

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Phd m i n e r


Can selfishness save the environment? Bylaw: b a r h g up the

MAPS AND LEGENDS I am going to take a position that will likely make me very unpopular in the environmental studies coffee shop, namely are more government regulations and command and controlpolicies necesqarily the best way to prbtect the environment, And can the free market help encourageenvironmentallysustamable behaviour? The knee-jerk response to the latter is usually no But consider that when people reflexively call for more government action to protect the environment, they ignore the reality that the worst environmental offenders over the past century have been countries where the government controlled everything -the former Soviet Union and communist China Every year, more oil enters the world's oceans by way of Soviet rivers than by every oil tanker disaster or other spill in the rest of the world combined The reason the ecological record of the free market is not much better is that the enmron ment and the ecological \enrice\ ~t provides have been wddly undercalued For example, the

world's plant life removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and produces oxygen. Despite the fact that this process keeps us all alive, it is assigned no economic value zero. It is treated as a free good and consequently gets abused Secondly, connder the way we measure the economy, the Gross Domestic Product. Let's say a forest in British Columbia is clear cut and the l o p g com pany pockets a billion dollars. Unfortunately, the clear cut increases run-off dramatically, the town down the river is wiped out by the resulting flood and needs to be rebuilt (a bLUlon dollar boom for the construction mdustry) GDP-wise, all this economic activity is great. Every town in Canada should be lucky enough to get flooded Somethmg is clearly not nght with this

logic Since the market economy is something humanity invented and not subject to set in stone laws (like physics), it follows that we can change the rules to better suit our purposes If the natural environment is not sufficiently valucd by the market, we can change the rules to make it so The trees in the previous emmple have a value beyond the amount of toothpicks one can produce from them They keep the \oil in place and reduce run off, which keeps the town down the m e r from being flooded,

clearly this service has some economic value If the trees were properly priced to reflect this value or if the l o p g company was responsible for duplicatmg all of the services that the trees previously provided, it simply would not be economically smart to cut them all down The company would instead follow a more environmentally sustainable approach and find a balance between harvesting trees and maintamg the serwces that the forest provides The company profits off the trees it does harvest and the people downstream don't have to start sleeping on their roofs Are there problems with this approach) Most certainly; here's a few: what's the value of a aver? An endangered species? Can you put a pnce on the Earth? (More on this next week) However, it is an approach to environmentalism that has not been p n an adequate try, and which shows great potential to protect nature within the current context of our world Since global capitahsm does not appear to be going away in the foreseeable future, perhaps it's time that we started to use it to help protect nature instead of waiting it out I doubt nature would last long enough if we hesitate

wrong tree Continued from page 8

cedey@~rnpr~nt uwaterloo.ca

Repealrflgthe by-law, as the student council wishes, would inevitably lead to areal estate frenzy between here and Launer as prospective landlords snap up the land Supply verws demand the number of prospective houses is the same, but with demand to buy, all the property values go up Wh~chmeans mortgages go up and so t w does rent What study or case has ever been quoted showing that having a student housing distnct makes thmgs better) Have any of the Feds councillorsevcr been to Kingston? Kingston is not exactly a wonderful student gheao and is just as separated from the town as any socially enpeered suburb (there is no better way to keep undesirables out, or m for that matter, than the suburb) Sure, they have some wicked keg parties involvingwhole streets, but that city does not appreciate sending police in twice a month to cordon off the area IGngston's student housing is structurally sound, lFke ours, but it sure looks shabby lined with the city's garbage The rents aterage out about $50 less per month, but their student union, the Alma Mater Society,actually talks to the city about improving condit~onsand bylaw enforcement

They even participate on an open city committee Sorry to the enemies of "social e n p e c m g " and consensus bu~ldmg,I guess I forgot that thmktng ideologically is just downright communist Damn me and damn the city for resistmg that urban blight So what leverage do the students of Waterloo have to negotiate with? Bus pass negotiations that could have changed thc horribly flawed GRT and the environment All studentswere struck by an adversanal studentunion because maybe the mayor would feel the pinch Or, essentially n o h g Until we m o b h e a force at the polls next November behind an anti-bylaw candidate, or student council grows up and gets its heads out of protest mode and into conciliatorymode, there is no need to listen If Georgetown University can do it, even with the threat of lawsuits tossing thew right to vote, we sure as hell can do it And we won't have to hold a single letter writing campaign or bakc sale We have no fight to quality housing near campus and there is no legal document out there to enforce that (sorry, but not evena recognmon m two official plans can't make this bylaw"dleg;rl") Until we use what rights we do have to instigate change, get used to being laughed off

Madame mayor, why do you despise us so? hap@@&as-$V!sl$aLC

You! OFF My Guess what, ktds? The mayor of Waterloo doesn't think too highly of you After all, you are a student and in the mavor's mind that's merely a convement synonym for troublcmakrng subhuman political pawn. I assure you, I am not exaggerating In her article posted recently on umtulient.org, the mayor reflects upon the antics of a few "out ofcontrol, disrespectful" students. She later complains about our "self absorption," "idiocy" and "aggres siveness "She reaches the conclusion that, because some students (the vast m o n t y ) msbehave, it is acceptableto treat allstudents however the city pleases I am referring, of course, to the now-mfamous 75 metre bylaw which restricts the number of lodging houses in the city of \Vaterloo The Feds recently severed negotiations with thc regmn for a untversal bus pass, since they correctly reasoned it would be smarter and cheaper, in the quest toincreaseaccessibdttyfor

housmg, if the city got rid of the bylaw The mayor was thoroughly unamused X'orse, in refusing to even d~scussthe 75 metre bylaw, the mayor appears to be ~ustifyingaas a sort of convoluted social engineering project for the city Forcing students to spread out, she ,a, would create more diverse neighbourhoods Not too many old folks over here, not too many students over there You know -to create the sort of "balance" that healthy communities need. But why stop there? Why not make sure that we have a more equitablemix of race too? After all, there's some pretty "white" neighbourhoods that could use a little "colour." And don't forget the need for diverse height levels if too many tall people h e inthe same neighbourhood, there mght be a risk of spontaneous outbursts of basketball The possibilities are enormous and that's just talktng about where you can live1 As a next step, the city could pass bylaws ensurmg that these mandatory neighbours socialize in order to better absorb each other's culture Students would be rcquired to play shuffleboard and bridge on Sundays and every other Wednesday the seniors could come to the Bomber (15 per cent discount on drtnksl) -

If this stdces you as ndiculous, you mtght ask why the mayor doesn't find it less say to restrict the housing market The right of a student to live where housing is available>Restricted Thc right of property owners to rent to students? Restricted Why) The city said so What is this, the U S.S R Worst of all, it doesn't even

The right of property owners to rent to S ~ U dents? Restricted. Why? The ,ity said so. What is this, the USSR? work1 The mayor likes to ctte nasty things a few unruly students do Well, they're happening already -is there evidence that killtngthe bylaw would make things worse? Meanwhde, housing demand goes up, housing supply goes unchanged, rents go up and quality goes down -thanks to all the slumlords who are rentmgdlegallybecause the city won't let them do so legally If the mayor assumes that all students are hooligans, she should

say as much Oh wait -she basically did Okay, then why not spare us the bullshit about the need for "diverse" communities Just say students are troublemakers and we need to dilute their n u n bers as much as we can If the mayor truly feels this way about students, let notice be served


for the next mmcipal election we are 18,000individuals, most of whom resent being pasted as subversives We are not a collective to be bashed for politicalpoints She should keep this in mtnd, or nsk paying at the ballot box aleewudeck@~rnpr~nt.~~aterI~o.

Waterloo Kinsmen present

OKTOBERFEST at Seanram Haus



Peace protests inconsistent Nassam Kttadori COMMUNITY EDITORIAL 1

fraq has been &g top news in t k last couple of weeks and it has been causing a lot of controversy &ongst many people. People are clemonstramgall over the world; i50,000 took to the streets in England aione Some do not believe this war is justified, others feel sympathy for the Iraqi people and are concerned that a lot of qis are going to die as a result of s war. Others feel that this war will lust add to the mstability of the Middle East What a lot of them do not redze, or choose to forget, is that in the long run more Iraqis are going to die if Saddam remains in power In 1980, Saddam started a meamngless war with a neghbouring Muslim country, Iran. The Umted States, along with other Arab countnes such as Saud~ Arabia, were backingSaddam with ftnancial and military aid The Gulf Statesfeared the upnsing of a Strong Shiite country which may &reaten their majority S4ountries The Amencans feared the &Ilitarystrength of Iraq,which


ere also bitter about losing their

&evolutionand wanted to open inother cold war frontterwith the S S.R 'Ihe war lasted cight years clauned the lives of one &ion $nd raqis and Iramans I do not recall, however, seeing 50,000peopledemonstrating gainst these innocents deaths In 1988,Saddam used chemical

k m e d a blind eye to this genocide

j' In 1990, Saddam invaded #Cuw;u. His actions caused great @mionin the Arab word and

started the Gulf War. This war resulted m great destructionto Iraq and claimed the lives of ~ emore t Iraqis After the war, many Iraqi Kurds m the north and Shiites in the south rebelled against Saddarn'! regime. Of the 18Iraq4 provinces, 14 fell under the hands of the rebel: and the Americans promised them a a support agamst Iraq troops. 'fiat promise, however,was never Mfdled Turks feared the creation of an independent Kurdish state in nocthern Iraq, whde the Saudis feared the creation of anindependcnt Shute state m the south. As a result, the remainder of Saddam's army was able to crush

. . . kids were thrown from helicopters in front of their families. Silence to these crimes was deafening. the rebels. Thousands of men, women and chtldren were buned alive in mass graves. Random executionsbecame the norm. Somt kids were thrown down from a flying helicopter in front of their fanulies Theworld's silence to these crimes was deafentng. The UN imposed economic sancaons on Iraq, whch has so far claimedthelives of 500,000 Iraqi chtldren It has also forced 4 d o 1 Iraqis, most of them intellectuals, to flee Iraq and seek refuge in aty nation that might adopt them. It i not uncommon to find an Iraqi holdmg a PhD and working as a jmtor m some store in Jordan, because the Jordanian government will not gtve most Iraqis a pemut to work m Jordan. ' See I R A Q page '

A lesson in humility FINDING BALANCE


It was only a couple years that I was wallung on the streets of Baghdad. Now, Iraq isn't letting foreignersinto its borders because of the threat of attack by George Bush One of the main reasons I visited Iraq was to meet a special man In the small city of Najaf lives the highest leader of Shia Muslims A h Seestam Seestm is an aged Muslim \cholar who studies the derivation of rules for Muslim daily life based upon the teachings of Muhammad He has studied these teachugs m various schools for about forty years in total, makmg him the most qualified scholar in the world on these affairs As a result of his immense scholarship md expen ence, he is also one of the most spiritual men m the world, some h g e v e r y o n e confirms lust after l o o m at his face SeeingSeestam is illegal in Iraq because Saddam Hussem doesn't allow scholars to speak or pray m


should be. In our society, we choose our leaders by selectingthe one that appeals to us the most the way consumers selectwhich frozen dinner to buy from the gocery store In the East, however, leadershave traditionallybeen selected by choosing the most qualified scholar of that field H m l i t y is regarded as an essenaal quality of a leader This column isn't about politics, but I do want to say that it scares me when we have arrogant (or ignorant) mcn controlling the affairs of our world while the most qualifiedpoliacalscientists m the world are only calledupon for commentary on the radio If spirituality does havc any mplicaaons on politics, I think tha spiatual people must value the same qualities m their leaders that they seek forthemselves.Personally I am looking for a leader who is wise, humble andhowledgeable I am looking for leaders who stave for liberty and fight against oppres sion Anyone know where 1can find one?Peace

Of genes and worms seen thatHamerwas more effecave can of worms than in proving to society that homosexuality was the result of a mere strand of DNA. Society's reactionwas scary, to say the least. Now that homosexualitv was proclaimed to be the direct result of the mother's X chromosome, it was tmagmed that someday we could destroy a. There was this fantasy constructedof a world free fromgays and lesbians, the same fantasyworld free from the mentallyhandicapped, or murderers or bankrobbers or maybe even send rapists.Yes! One day, children, we could live in harmony, normal and straight and smart and perfect. Oh and blue-eyed too But no, Hamer was wrong in opening a whole new

UNDEFEATED "Science has never waited for societv" - Chandler Burr, author of "A SeparateCreation" The ongins of sexualityhave always been a contentiousissue. It has been argued for decadeswhat makes us straight or gay, or the degree towhichwe are creatures of our genetic makeup or environment Therefore,whengeneticist Dean Hamer announced his dscovery of the 'gay gene' in 1993, societywas flooded with reactions from every side of the issue. Surely,

- Get the car you want before you graduate!

I was expectingto see a huge office -after all, Seestamis the highest living leader of millions of peoplc all over the world To Shia Muslims, he IS the most powerful man m the world, respected in a way similar to the pope of Catholicism Milltons of dollars go through Seestani's hands because allShia Muslims are r e p r e d to scnd their mandatory religious taxes directly to him, which are eventually distributed amongst the poor. I was expectingh ~ residence s to be of palatial proportions. I was wrong 1-11s house was an old, dilapidated cellar The walls were made ofunpamted concrete and there were only a couple of small rooms visible As we sat in front of him to ask him some questions the light from h s face amazed us all I was only a few feet away from him -we were all sitting on the ground -but he spoke so softly that I couldn't hear his voice My friend askcd him some questions about what it means for a scholar to be humble and as a lesson, Seestani pulled up his sleeve from beneath h s o17ercoat FTis smple white shirt was full



the 'gay gene'was neither counted nor discounted as agenetic reality. Rather, it was concludedthat yes, homosexuahty may be the result o genetic makeup, but not entirely. I is assumed that sexuality ts determined through a combmation of genetics and environment and so t this day the actual cause of homosexuality is not known. Thank goodness. As I mentioned previously, Hamer's conclusions opened an entirelynew can of worms. Almos immediately people questioned thi unpLcations of such a discovery F instance, if sexual orientation is t n decided by genetic makeup then could the 'gay gene' be destroyed>


See GAY GENES, page



Womyn's Centre useless To [he editor, I've got to hand it to the Womyn's Centre -they've done agreat job of convincingthemselves and others that they're still somehow serving UW students Nikki Chmmck's response to Gloria Tchun (Fenunism not Black/ W'hite, October 4,2002) was a very flowery defense of a service that has rendered itselfuseless To the Womyn's Centre ladies why should Glouaattend any of your weekly meetmgs or try to learn from you what feminism is about? I suspect that she could actuallyteach the Wromyn'sCentre a thing or two about fcminism, since their representatme, N&, wrote that, "feminism is about beingawoman" and that, "a feminist m not defined by what she does or does not believe " Accordingtothese statements, every woman is a feminist, regardless of her beliefs Would N& thengrant the label of feminist to awoman whopreferred to be subservient to men? Nikki went on to accuse Gloria of placing the Womyn's Centre ladies "all on one notch" and rightfdly so The Womyn's Centre does make it preqclearthroUghthei~displayboard, Web site and the numerous but narrow scope of resources and activities that they have certain beliefs and that thore isn't room for every ideology at the Womyn's Centre It doesn't take a gemus to realize that Nikki and her posse of womyn have chosen to pigeon hole themselvesas hairy-legged, pussy chanting,pottery making,pro choicegrrls At one time, femmlsm was about fighting for the rights ofpersonhood - a chance to vote, work etc ,but now, at the Womyn's Centre, it's just "about being a woman " 1Iow ntce h d s t all this criticism,I will ad mit one thtng. I'm glad thc Womyn's Centre had a discussion group for women of Islam and I thtnk a's wonderfulthatthefveparticipatedmmTake Back The Night " Unfortunately, I can't help but wonder if that's the most they can dowith the money they receive as a UW "service?" How about thls,N& since some thinglike99percentof theUWpopulationneverusesthe "scrvues" ofthe Womyn's Centrc, why can't we put our money toward thtngs we'll actuallpuse, or toward people whoactually need it-womeninpoverty,w7omen in crisis, victims of abuse the list goes on After all, who are you really sen, ing? The Womyn's Centre is chockfull of homosexual resources, but there's GLOW for that So, do you need womyn's resources? Try the lrbrary A safe place to hang out? The Great Hallhas videocamerasand there are always plenty of people around Wouldn't your weekly meetings survivejust fine if youwere only aclub and weren't wasting everyone else's money on things that are rarelypoliti cally or soc~allyconcerned~You'llhave to f o r p e me,N&, but I'd rather not say it to your face The \Vomyn's Centreactuan~isavery scaryplaceforpro -

life women of faith like me, socially concerned women who are f e m s t s in a truer sense and many others as well. But that's okay, I'm sure the Womyn's Centre and UW students' money is servingyou and your dozen just fine.

don't, terrorism is our new reality, as we do not represent the majority of the world's population. -Mike Paterson envimmentalscien~eub4mnrrs

The UN's wide range of councils and conferences are a tribute to the desire to save our future generations from farmore than just the scourgeof war Iwouldgo so far as to say that the mandate of the UN is forever evolv-

ing Naturally,it can be argued that the passing of resolutions and the creation of conferences are futileexercises To the editor, m our world, as they are so easily -Andrea Collins IA honom arts applied studzes I am writmg this after over two ignored or rarely enforced,or that nayears of volunteeringatImprint. Dur- tional agendas will forever domtnate ing that tune I hadmany great oppor- theSecuntyComcilratherthanadlrectmties to do reporting - and other tive topreventwarorestablishpeace the fact that the UN conduties. I was able to report on many ~egardless, Send letters to differentthings I was personallyinter- tinues to functionis evidenceof peoestedm,includmgaconferenceagamst plewho stillbelieve that international letters@mpmt uwaterloo ca war and racismafter September 11 of co-operationis within our sight I sound like an idealist, I'm sure. I last year, an interview with leading Include name, year, program nativc actiast Ward Churchill, two will continue to believe in the UN as a and phone number for vcrififeatures on nutntion with Linda forum for confict resolution and a Barton, UWs nutritionist,and inter- toolto~mprovelifeforpeoplearound views with Canadian hip hop artists the world. Letter submissions must be TheUNmustelustasadeterrentto Maestro, IRS, Jelleestone and most less than 300 words. unilateral action and to enforce the recently,K-0s. I started writing for Imprint as a member of the track and field team, covering our meets and later spent two terms as editor of the sports section. I also had the luxury ofwnting a column for over a year. At,the end of this past summer, Secondhand Smoke wasvotedout of the paper by Impnntvolunteersat the same tune as theyvoted out\WIRG's In Your Interest column. I recently applied for reinstatement, but my subnussionwasvoted down. (If you'd 11ke to read the columns I sent e-mail me at ghmacdou@uwaterloo ca I worry that Imprint'sopuuonpages do not reflect the diverse student population of this university I worry that groups like WPIKG, which are active inmany differentpositiveacti~ittes, donot receive coveragein Imprint for reasons that are political I urge Impnnt to do something about this, but I also urge others to Stooping to tie laces is so beneath you. XJntingaboutdungsyou're interested Blundstone boots are pull-on, m is a great way to pursue your paskick-off easy. Weatherproof, too. sions while at the same time sharing With just minimal care, they last them with other people. We ,need for years -and with nary a L more people to bring that passion to broken lace. these pages, to openup our collective Good value? imaginations before they die of sen Damn right. ousness, conservatism and groupthink Take up where I left off.

Peace out

-Nicole LeSlanc 3A psychology

To the editor,

pmciples of international law If ;e recognize our own fault in rende* ameffectualthenthere is noreason for us to not revitalize itandreinvestho e ? in international relations A world without conflict is nbt possible, but there is no reason to @ it extst in a battle when it could extst in a conferenceroom


I read the last Friday's issue of matbNEWS and someone commented about the changes from 1B to 2A that he "transferred to [engineermgl." He noticed that most of his second year math classes are in engineering buldmgs. What is gomg on here?I have two mathclassesmEL,astatandoneactsci in E2 and have my fifth class,which is offeredb~facultyof&s,mMC.Wky arewe takmgacourseofferedbymath in the engineering budding? Are we supposedto have aclass m their faculty's budding? This may help faculty know their colleagues from other faculties, but this makes our lifeinconveillentsince we have toget back to MC to handin assignments.

2A mathematics

U.S. a battered woman To the editor, I wouldlike to respond to AaronLee Kudnck's opmon from Oct 4. VChy is it so hard for people to understand that the politics of the world is far more complicated thana smple yes or no? The U S and the West (ourselves included) live off of the rest of thc world Whether you want to admt that or not is up to you. When we force feed our culture tothe rest of the world, what type of response do we expect?We stickour noses into other people's disputesto protect ourinterests, welcome or not. That is what is really at issue here but no one seems to be able to talk about it m the context of September 11 without offending someone We are happy to live in our little bubble ignoring the outside world, then we ask how could thls happen? Welcome to the rest of the world Has anyoneactually stoppedto thinkabout what drove people to feelthe way they do? NO! I dunk the analogy of a battered wife is a more appropriate one than that ofa scantily cladwoman.Day m, day out, her way oflife, her +ty and her freedom to live the way shewants to are takenawayfrom her Eventually she can't take anymore.The onlyway out to her isto kill her husband. Is she justified? No, but I guaranteeyou the jury wouldgrant her leniency The acts of September 11 were horribleanduqustifiablebutwe must adnut U.S. andWestempoliciesmight haveplayeda role ifwe are to actually understand why it happened. If we




-Greg Macdoz/gall Math / Teaching Option grad

Faith in the UN

I was intrigued by Chris Edey's thoughts on the current state of the UN. It is obvious that the body has faded onmany occasionstoaveitconflict or stop genocide, etc. Thus, the need to lay the blame for suchineffecpeness is certamlyjustified However, I disagree on his final conclus~onthat the UN "stmgles" on ma "wahqdeath "With all of tts shortcommgs, the UN still holds a place in international affairs msofar that a allows for discussion, the admmsteringofaid,peacekeepmgintervention and the development of glo bal strategies

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Iraq: protesters 30 years too late Continuedfrom page 10 Some Iraqi women are forced to seU their bodies in many rich Gulf States to support their families and themselves To the people who are protesttng against this war because they fear for the Iraqi people, I would like thcm to reassess the suffering of Iraqis for the past 30 years, thtnk of hoxv many times they failed to protest I am not ashng them to support Iraq's people, but simply to maintain their sdence and gi5 e these people a chance to tegain freedom 'I he cost of Iraqi cn ilian life m the coming wat WIU add a minute fraction to the total of tmllions of innocent Iraqis who have died and will continue to die if Saddam stays m pan er I, pcrsonall~,do not belleve an) of the propaganda bullshit that the

Americans are trying to sell the world to gain international support Saddam simply cannot afford to use weapons of mass destruction against any of h s neighbours or the U S He could, however, use them, if he really has them, against his own people in this coming war. The US. has interest-in Iraq's oil. The U S . will remain Iraq's last hope to topple Saddam, because none of Iraq's neighbours will ever support an uprising agamst Iraq's regime. Their economic interests are much more important than the suffering of the Iraqis. Saddam is the creation of the L S He has been loyal m fulfilling the Interests of the U S m other countries at the evpense of the Iraqi people's blood No\\, h ~ sen s ~ces are nolonger required Therefore, it's time for America to go to Iraq and clean up its own mess

Gay genes: nature versus nurture Continued from page 10 Could society finally be free from sexual renegades and emerge Genetics is as a better civili.ililation~ frightening not because of what we can learn about ourselves, but because of what we could one day use it for I truly fear the day when a woman might go to a "hlahe Your Own Babyn clinic with a cup full of sperm and say "fix this for me Doc, make him tall and funny and make sure he's straight too "

Sciencebreakthroughs havc never wa~tedfor society It didn't hold off to announce that the Earth was round or that a revolved around the sun And in Dean Hamer's case, science did not attempt to prepare the world for the gay gene either While today, the actual existence of agay gene is undetermined, everyday we are growing closer to an answer of what truly determines sexualiq For now, the pry is out


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Mind your businesslmprint

Recently events at Laurier (Cord EIC firing, WLU staff strike) have been covered by Imprint. The events happcningat 1,aurierare interestingbut, I don't sce how the news stories relate to UW or its students. Last I checked, according to the IqrintWeb site:"lmprYn/is the official student newspaper of the University of lVaterloo." I think the stories coveredare important, but that Impnntisn't the place for them. Lauricr has its own newspaper. In fact we've heard all about The Cordin the last few issues of lmpht. How about we let thcm covx the \VT,Unews?

Sports not bums, please

sports section There were bigger h g s going on with that game that couldha\ e beenwnttenabout mmore detail The Superfans v e r ~ LX' u ~c\tern Cheerleaders,or even the fact that the Wamorswereactuallycontendmgwith the numbcr 6 team m the country Like I sad, thereu asnothqwrong withthe stor),actually Igotahckout of it, but it should hwe been in a different section of the paper

Snapshots of Waterloo

1he other day I watched as the f a d y ofa J oungwoman (who looked to be a nev~recruit to K'aterloo) took pictures oftheingtnueas she sat ona step m front of an academicbuilding The scene caused me to reflect onmyown collection of photos, culti~atedover the past three years of my university

To the edifor. With so much going on in sports at the Universityof\llraterlooat this time of F a r , I must say that I was rather upset with the story that you printed on the front of the sports section: "Can I please touchdown your tight end?" Let me first sap that I have no problem with the story. The writer nailed it to a T on why people do attend football games (especiallyCana&anunlx~ersi~footbaU). I lust don't believe that this story belonged in the

me m a classroom The lessons ingrained in my mind like my student I D number are thosethatwere learnt d u m g 3 a m coffee breaks, latentght pita runs, heart warmingrelationship discussions during group meeting time,politicaldebates on the Bombtr patlo,Halloween costumed drunken debauchery and the shared idioms of mv beloved friends and colleag-mes Now, as 1get begmdgmgly closer to the end ofmy undergraduate evpc ricncc, I know that too few pictures remain to be taken hfy thoughts turn a p to thegirlon the step, I hope that she 19 quick to discover that the most meaningful cublectq here at \Y. atcrloo are not captured bj Quest And that she has enough film to capture them all

Globally warming the Kyoto debate

70 the editor, There are snapshots of ftlends at carnival during Frosh Week and parties of the same period (a g ~ o thing d too, because the memones hat e grown a little hazy for many reasons). I love the shot of my floormates and me in front of the Big Nickel, marhng the htghlight of our end of first year road trip I have candids of Larry teaching wilderness survival to a very zealous bunch of inner city kids during our stint as student teachers and enough pictures of the ES co-op h d s in Ottawa to compile a 365-days-of-fun tourist brochure of the capital region. Inmy reflectioqit occurred tome that of all my pictures, not one in cludes theunage of anacademicb d d mg Three years here at Waterloo and not one shot of ES,Biology,SLC or any of my other stumping grounds I don't think that this is a coincidence Despite hours in ES,Biology, SLC, DP, NH andmany others, it is evident that thegreatestmemonesandindeed the greatest lessons of my life during the last three years were not taught to

Listentng intenth to the 1 afious de bates about the ICyotoProtocol,what I find mostd~sconcertingistheimme date stereo~~u~gassociatedwithh ing an opinion on the issue l'refacingsupport for Kvotow~th amonologue on the need to send rays of love to the world, Care Bear style, \% on't win points with fiscal consenra tives Nor will en\lronmentahsts be satisfiedwitha quote fromThc Book ofRandonthe mer~tsof self Interest If statistics are your fancj, perhaps David Suzuki can provide you with some information on the financial cost of not ratifying I<yoto Person ally, I'll stick with the numbers supportingthe abandonment ofthts misguidedprotocol from the true author ity on environmenalpresen~atton,Impenal Oil I'mnot sure if all of this makes me acymcalconservattve,or iust a sociahi cynic, but one thmg is certain argu ments for and ag;unstratifyingI<yota havc been pathetic at best The strong est argument against the protocol thanks to corporate America, is the economic costs of T<yoto 1 find it somewhat interesting to speculate about a behind the scenes war for control of the global energy markets \TithKyoto, the Caspian Sea and Iraq all coming to a headunder the careful guidance of an oil tycoon turned President'spuppetmasters, &s theoq might actually have some credibility The truth is, businesses will manoeu vre to profit and they'll use theirprofits to protect their profits. The unfortunate side in this debate is that those arguing for Kyoto don't havc any oil tycoons to finance their message It environmentaland socialactivistsare going tomake progress m c h d c n g q the flawed logic of the anti Kyotc voice, perhaps it is time they started wielding a little of business sawy There are more ways to match tht volume of the pro-business propa ganda machme than bullding a tallet soap box Shunnon P~ddisfer SGience graduate studeni


FEATURES Features e&or vacmt


Another challenge is presented by Neal Moolk-Soulis

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Dianetics: cult or legtimate religon? Scientoloev and the storv of Lisa McPherson Insert.The final decisionwas made by the editor-in-chief and the advertisNot so, claims the creator of ing/production manager. Although xenu.ilet, a prominent anti- the insert passes the Imprint Code of ScientologyWeb site. 'The sits has a Ethics, there has still been much denumber of features,includinga linkto bate over the merits ofImprintchoosthe ~to~ofLsaMcPherson.A36~ear-ing to include the insert, which was old Scientologkt,McPhersonwasad- not marked as an advertisement. mitted to a hospital under the care of Inaninterview'ruesday afternoon, apsychiatricnurse after shewas found A1 Buttnor, director of public affairs w a h g d a z e d m d n u d e onthe street. for the Toronto branchmd amember of the Church of Scientology for 22 Members of the church checked her out of the hospital against the wishes years, explained that the controversy of McPherson's medlcaladvisors.She surrounding the insert "doesn't surwas brought back to the hospital 17 prise @m] at all. The bottom line is days later, after spendmg time in a that I thLnk discussion is good at university. Students should be exchurch retreat and was pronounced posed to new ideas; that's what LU-I dead on arrival. Several Irrpintreaders have sent e- versity's reallyall about. There should mails decryingthe decision to run the be a healthy discussion." Later in the Continued from cover

The various markings used by the Church of Scientology.

about the possibility of expandingthe campaign, Buttnor says that the Church of Scientology "would like toget [the inserts] into most universities." He went on to say that in matters of spirituality and religion,opendlscussions of the sort are usually "frowned upon." Buttnor dismissed the objections of students over the Octo-

ber 4 insert, saying, "there's always a minorim ofpeople who disagreewith anything." Hc compared the controversy over the insert to the UIVuniversi~~colleges, saying that "I'msure there's some people on the university [campus] that have problems with Chfistianitybelllgpushedonthe camwus." In contrast, xenu.net decries the church's r e c m ~ t e c h n i q u e m s d h plrcs that they, yo - far beyondm eightpage insert. "The whole machincry called the "Church of Scientologyn needs to be jammed somehow so that more people do not get suckedin m d the people already in it have a chance to get out," the sight said. The church has always steadfastlydenied these claimsandmaintains their opinion that they are m fact a "real" religion. However, public affairs director Buttnor stressed that the insert "is put in there to Interest people" and that "people look at it and find out if tt's true for them." He believes that the insert is an excellentway to reach out to unlversity students and emphasized that the church's intent is not to "bludgeon" Imprint with Scientology, but rather to open their minds to a new p055lbility. ,








According to the book of Scientology, we're composed of three parts: a body, mind and spritual being or the thetan.

arcFdF- f@ljk,[g~$$ sq%t%+;A



A meatless alternative for the holidavs Vegetarian feast for Thanksgving of CS at UW, said that her f a d y is more accommodatingtoher diet now than they used to be. "It took them a The table is laden with food - thc while to understand. Ifwe're going to stuffing,the cranberrysauce,the yams, have a tng family dinner, I'll cook for myself. It's more trickywith extended the potatoes and of course the mas family because often people feel unsive-turkey that whets your appetite comfortableabout bringing your own Perhaps not. food. And since meat eaters don't One of the most difficultttmes of year foraveganorx~egetarlanisThanks- often know exactlywhattocook for a giving day UnlLke regular days when wgan,it canbc difficult. SometimesI vegetarians can plan their meals and find I can't eat anythingifI go to other do their own cooking, 1hanksgiwng people's places for dinner." For some vegetarians, finding a presents a c o ~ yfamily atmosphere wherc the mention ofavegetariandiet common ground of rcspcct between may dampen the festive mood for themselves andmeat caters is a tough both meat eaters andnon-meat eatcrs battle. Peter,whois m his second year ofCS, spoke ofhis troublesin first year alike. Caroline,a student in her third year residence: "If you're vegan and in resiMonika Smetana IMPRINTSTAFF

Life lessons and sex If you consider the sexual acts above deviant, then many straight couples are just as guilty as queer couples. Pissed at inconsiderate people


Q. I was happy to see your column as a place to ask something I've been wondering about since high school. I understand that homosexuals have sex, but how do they actually do it?

A. Sex is a funny thing to define. If youuse the Merriam-Webster Online definition,"intercourseinvolvingpen-

etration of the vagina by the penis," then you're right, it would be pretty hard to do this without both a vagina and a penis. However, just to prove that dictionary guys aren't stuffy prudes, they've expanded the definition and offer as analternative,"intercourse involving contact between individuals other thanpenetration of the by the penis,"which doesn't tell us much more. Clickingto intercourse, we get as the third definition, "physical sexual contact between individuals that involves the genitaha of at least one person." This is something we can work with. Some optional accessories fur the pcrson whose genitalia is not involved could be mouth (fellatio), tongue (cunnilingus), fingers (hand job), hands (fisting), anus (sodomy), toys, vegetables, etc. Fetishists get into a whole other territory and require consideration of sexual acts that don't involve genitals at all. But let's leave that for another day. In your wisdom you've decided to write me rather then Merriam or that rat bastard Webster. This entitles you to some of my musings along with your answer. These days straight,gay and lesbian couples arc all performing pretty much the same sexual acts. For example, most participants on the dating circuit accept oral sex as par for the course.

Q. Why do students on this campus aJl crowd around the doorwaybefore lectures?It's pretty retarded to think that they can get in while the whole other class is trying to leave. A generalpolicy should be that people leaving a class get out before people come in.

A. Consider your message passed along. Sick of home life

Q. AU last year I went home for every holiday. I'm getting sick of spending so much time there and this year I want to stay at school more. Am I an ungrateful daughter? My parents pay for my education so I should probably feel indebted and want to make thcm happy.

A. What you're feeling is natural and doesn't make you ungrateful. Parents' funding of your education does place pressure on you to do what they want. Any time you rely on the benevolence of others it puts you in a difficult position to manage both their desires and pour own. In this situation, follow your own. If you don't think they'll take the truth well, tell them that school is busy and that you could use the extra time here to get caught up on coursework

dence, it's not good. For about 45 days all I could cat was white rice. After a whde I just couldn't sand rice anymore so I stopped eating altogether for a few days. I contacted the food services hierarchy to request something - a microwave at least sothat I could cook but to no avail. my own food Pcople don't realize that vegans just wanttoeat. It's not that difficultwe just want food. It wasn't until I got too sick to continue my studies that anyone paid any attention." So what are some of the altcrnatives for vegetarians whose friends and families just don'tget it? Sylvia,in her second year of arts, sad she just simply eats all thc sidc dishes and ignores the meat. "My mom wasn't veqaccommodatingwhen I first be: m e avegctarian,but now she tries to espectmy choice more. Iloveallhds ~ffood so I don't mind stickingto the lon-meat part of a meal my mom >repares." For vegetarians who feel that side lishes simply don't make the cut, -here are other options. Web sites ;uchaswww.vegweb.compostmany recipes including meal ideas for -

who come from an anglophone family -it all centers around meat. For some people,Thanksgivingisjust not the same without the turkey. Tofu turkey, especially when store bought, looks amazmglyclose to the real thing. It doesn't tastc cxactly the same, but it gives vegetarians something to share with their family and you save the life of a turkey, which for some is very important."

I can't believe it's not turkey!

Ueal Moocak-Soulis


Turning a liquid into vapour (4) 3 A comment made outside of normal dialogue (5) 6 At the centre of the flag (4) 11 Incrcaseor raise (7) 12 A class of things having commoncharacteristics(7) U Editor-in-chef (9) 14 Without passing it, you don't collect$200 (2) 15 Male indicative (2) 17 Change the meaning (7) 18 Medals frequently come with


-(7) 19 Thanksgiving is a good time to relieve -(7) 21 The pcrson in whom you have the most confidence (7) 23 It's an either -situation (2) 24 I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like thcm Sam-I-(4 25 People whose occupation is the purchase and sale or goods for profit (9) 27 A volatile liquid used to dilute Pant (7) 28 Alert and fully informed (7) 29 Temporary living quarters (4) 30 Participate ingames or sports (5) 31 Grow old or older (4) \



Need he& on renour mrsues? Hat mng problems dealzng ii~zths~hooLfnends, or euenyour marrzage? Wnte to Andrew Landerr 1 1 4 1 all ofthose tough, ltji questions that have kept you ainake at night. Andrew Landers has kmzted.pace topnnt hzc he&, rm please keep all letters to a maxzmum G O O n~orh.Remember,Andrew Landers carer.

Thanksgiving such as Thanksgiving casserole, tofupumpkmpie and tofu turkey with stuffing to name a few. Tofu turkey is a good alternative to pcople who cannot eat meat for reasons not related to ethical or political values but still like the taste and testure. Caroline added, "a lot ofpeople have been raised arouild family traditions. \When we think of a traditional holiday dinner, especially for those

1 Companion to Lmus (7) 2 The creation of somethingin the mind (10) 4 God bless you (7) 5 A student's state upon receiving mid-term marks. (7) 7 The ftrst place to head in a fire (4) 8 Cause to he firmly attached (7) 9 An activitythat entertains (13)

10 l\.'hereit'salwaysaheau tiful day for Mr. Rogers (13) 16 UW department for post-graduate learnmg (10) 19 Run at a moderately swift pace (7) 20 A symbol used to represent a number (7) 2l The people in the SLC whom Imprint loves (7) 22 Decorative or artistic works (7) 26 Canada's Second World War prime minister (4)



Hamburgers, gourmet style SHORT ORDER Stanley's Burgers 210 King North 885-1850 Marbles Restaurant 8 \T7illiamEast 885-4390 In these days of fast and frozen foods, real hamburgers are becoming a thtng of the past. \Xhile Stanley's Burgers and Marbles Restaurant have dramatically different facades, inside they share the secrets to a great burger: pure beef, freshly cooked, servcdon homestyle buns. White, of course - this isn't health food. In my time in Waterloo, I have walked past Stanley's Burgers numerous times without giving it a second thought. Upon entering, however, I realized how foolish I had been. The gruff, older man at the counter was not-so-patiently explaining that he takes no respon-

sibility for the spicy fries since they are made by McCain. By contrast, the plain fries are anythtng but they are hand-cut,perfectlycooked and crispy despite their pale appearance (a sure sign of clean fryer oil). Initially,they accidentallygave me spicy fries whtch, although massproduced, certainlybenefitted from the competence of the cook. The burgers are huge, so I ordered the pmor burger combo whtch includes an order of fries and a small pop for $3 99 '1 he 10 per cent student dtscount kept the total under $4after tax. I had plenty of time to observe my surroundtngs while I wattcd for my burger. A sign by the door proudly proclaims that the burgers are 100per cent beef and served on bakery buns. It isn't exactly fast food, but it's worth the time. With lettuce, tomato, pickles and dijon mustard, the burger was juicy perfection. For a few dollars more, Marbles offers an interesting twist on the traditional burger. On the day I visited, the restaurant was full. I had a glimpse of a quirky design touch, a




large pieces of spinach Marbles' eclectic facade reflects its eclectic menu. (baby spinach being the norm in restauburger was apleasant departure, rants), rough chunks of grapefruit, a medtum -it's a luxury to be asked -were fabulous.The although the chkvre overwhelmedits boiled egg that looked as if it had melted blue cheese and tomatoes flavour somewhat. It was served been broken by hand, bacon and a on mine eliminated the need for with a tangy mint sauce for dipptng. sprtnkltng of sunflower seeds. any further embellishment, The meal, whose remains the Fortunately, the salad's flavour was although Heinz ketchup in its waitress cheerfullypackaged togo, far superior to its appearance.My tradttionalvessel, sweet relish and cost $25 plus tip. companion had a generous portion insipid yellow mustard in homey of caesar salad, heavy on the bacon. kshort@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca glass disheswere offered.l'he lamb Our burgers, which we ordered

A feast for your arteries


A cast iron pan is ideal for cooking steak and duck because it distributes the heat evenlyand stays hotwhen the meat is added to the pan. If you don't have one, consider a s h g your relatives if they have one you can borrow. Since the advent of non-stick, many good cast iron pans have languished m basements.

and leave it for three minutes more. Reduce the heat to medium-low,place a plece of foil over the pan and cook until the meat reaches your desired taste. For medium-rare, thts will take about four minutes. Remove the steak to a plate and cover it with the foil. Add the garlic and onion to the pan. Cook for three minutes, or until both are softened. Add the port and bring to a boil. Boil for two to three minutes or until the sauce is thickened. Serve a small amount of sauce on each servingof steak.

Optional presentation: Remove the bone. (This is the cook's treat.) Thmly slice the meat and arrangeit on the plates. Drizzle with the sauce. Servestwo. Duck breast

Cookedmedim-rare,duckbreasts have a rich meattness reminiscent of steak. You could instead marinate the duck in red wine or grape juice and make a port sauce as above, except pouring off all but one tablespoon of the fat before startingthe sauce.

2 duck breasts salt and pepper zest and juice of one orange zest and julce of one h e Marinate the duck breasts in the juice mixture for at least four hours or up to one day. Discard the mixture and pat the breasts dry. Heat a cast iron pan over m e b high heat for five minutes. Score the sktnand fat on diagonals one cm apart, being carefulnot to cut into the flesh. Score the breast on diagonals perpendicular to the first

1 prime rib steak salt and pepper 1 tbsp. oil 1/4 onion or 1 shallot 1clove garlic 1/4 cup port Mince the garlic and onion. Heat acast iron pan overmediumhtgh or high heat for five minutes. Season the steak on both sides with salt and pepper. Add the oil to the pan. Place the steakinthe pan and leave it for three minutes. Turn it over

: -



Steak with port sauce

Despite its fancy name, prime rib steak is actually quite affordable -I bought mine for $5 per pound at CentralFrcshMarket.It is quite a rich (read:fatty) cut of meat, but resist the urge to trimit before coolung. The fat adds a lot of flavour to both the meat and the sauce.

ones, creating a diamond pattern. Liberally seasonthe breasts with salt and pepper on both sides. Place the breasts fat side down in the hot pan. Leave them for four minutes. Turn the breasts and cook for three more minutes. Remove to aplateand allowthe breasts to rest for five minutes before serving. The duck fat remainingin the pan canbe usedto fry potatoes or instead of butter in mashed potatoes. Servestwo.

I I I I -



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HOMEFEST SAT NOV 2 Bombshelter 9pm 2am A11 Alumni are invited to "take back the Bomber" for one more evening. Relive the memories! Come see what's changed and what's still the same.


FED BRUNCH SUN NOV 3 Ground Zero Restaurant (SLC) 10:OO am - 2:00 pm. Come for one last chance to relive old memories and the weekend's highlights at a special Homecoming Brunch. Join all your friends for a scrumpious brunch

Virgin sharks and cow eyeballs


Virgin shark gives birth

Detroit's Belle Isle Aquarium is celebratingthe arnval of mplets fromits whtesbtted bamboo shark The births of these sharks ha\-e come as quite a wmrise smce the mother has not been in the presence of a male sharkm approxunately six years This, however,is not the first tlme that avirgm shark has gven birth Last year a virgin bonnethead shark gave birth at a Nebraska zoo A hypothetical implosion of the Dana Porter library. Genetic tests are yet to be con ducted on the Detroit baby sharks to determine whether the births can be explained Scientistshowever have a few theories to explain the unusual births It could be possible that the bamboo shark retained the male's sperm in her reproductive tract, al&oughthis is h&lyunlikelysmce she never encountered a male shark 'lhe mother could also have both male and femalereproductme charactensticsgiving her the ability to feaillze her own sure is greater than the internal pres Andrla Ventimiglia eggs Onceagain,thisscenariois hghly sure In otherwords, if someone had unlikely SPECIAL TO IMPRINT o ken amega-poweredvacuumto our The most &ely situationwouldbe candy machme and sucked out every that the mother stimulated her eggs Apparently, a candy machine in the SLCmploded recently. As ridiculous last molecule of air around it, the without sperm This process is known internal forcewouldhave been enough asparthenogmcsis,whereunfe&ed as thts sounds, it is possible Unfortuto cause a glass-shattemgunplosion. eggs develop into embryos without nately, eye witnesses have been hard Besides candy machines there are sperm. S d s and water fleas often to come by andno one at the Turnkey some other types ofunplosionsworth reproduce in this manner deskwould comment But, being the dlscussfflg. science student that I am, I thought Date rape drug indicators thts strange incident mght provide a Black holes Froshat St. Mary's UmversityinHall-good opportunity to educate the UW community on the science of imploEver heard of a black hole?Whde fax received a special kmd of dm& they may commonly be portrayed in sion and remind the good people that coasterthat hadtest stnps for date rape science fictionasdeep space portals to drugs in their frosh kits A finger or sciencecan be fun Strictlyspeaking,animplosionmay alternate universes, your basic black straw is dimed into the drmk and be defmedasaviolent collapseinward then rubbed on the strip. If the strip See IMPLOSION, page 18 turns red, blue or green after one because the externalatmosphericpres-

minute, thls is an indication that the drink was spiked with Ketam~ne, GHB or Rohypnol These drugs arc designed to make the drinkerhelpless, trigger blackouts and wipe out short term memory Experts question the science behtnd the coasters However, Donnie Jeffrey, a student councillor at St Mary's University, argued that the "awarene5s [the coasters] create is lust as im~ortant."The drugs ~ r o d u c e hcghs and aphrodisiacal effects and have also been known to cause death



UW biologist to conduct five year research On lens

Jacob Sivak, University of Waterloo bioloast and optometrist, is set to conduct a five year, $12 million re

search program that will replace the Draize eye test The Draize eye test is designed to test the severityof chemcal irritantsby splashingtheminto the eyes oflive rabbits and evaluating the damage Sivak's bovine lens test will shine lasers throughslaughtercdcows'eyes, infected with the chemcal~rritants. Unlike the D r a i ~ test e which focuses on the cornea, the Bovine lens test focuses onhow theirritants affect the lens of the eye The lens is bathed in the chemlcal irritant If the lens15 ingoodshape the laser's beam will focus into a sharp point, but if the chemical irritant has had an effect on the lens, the laser beams will not be properly focused onto it

Demise of a candv machine





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New test for eye irritants will use eyes from slaughtered cows.

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APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, October 31,2002 Have questions? Looking for more information? Check out one of the Information Sessions: Monday, October 28 - 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and Tuesday, October 29 - 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Village One Great Hall


Science rewards the weird A look at this year's Ig Nobel Prize winners Erin L. Gilmer IMPRINTSTAFF

There are somany scienti5tsout there doing the usualcredible research that the average person finds boring and even science-enthusiastsmight strug gle to keep their samty trying to main tam their interest But among the masses ofresearchpublishedcach y ear, there are a few individualsandgroups who have produced research that is a little different, unorthodox enough to be r~cognizedin a category of its own, worthy of the Ig Nobel Prize The Ig Nobel Prize is given out

each year for research that first makes people laugh and then makes them &I& The achevcments of these individuals and groups are described bv the Ig group as that research which either, "cannot or should not be re produced " The Igs are designed to celebrate the unusual, honour the imaginative and stirup some interest in aspects of science,medicine and technology that many people might otherwise deem w o r t h y of takmg an interest The enthusiastic scientifichumour magazine responsiblefor the Igawards is t h e h a l s of Improbable Research

magazine Other sponsors include the Harvard Computer Society, the Haward-Kadchffe ScienceFiction As sociation,the Hanard-Radchffe Soci ety of Physic5 Student5 and the new book Ig Nobel Prizes This year's winners arc among the mostintcrestmgmthe areaofinterest ingandweird researchmmany fields So, to relieve your suspense at what this 1aughableJearnableresearchrmght include, open up your mind to thtq year'? recipientsof the IgNobelPrizc below eg~lmer@~mpr~nt.uwaterloo ca

Implosion: black holes and broken bddmgs Continued from page 17

hole is slmplga star that has imploded or collapsedin on itself leavingapoint with infimte density The larger the original star, the more matter there

the resulting hole Feel free to watch an episode of Star Tmk if you require a more detailed description )

areas of concerncompletelysurroun a \When t h s situation exlsts, the en p e e r s have no choice but to make th building collapsc m on itself This method was used to tak down the nort grandstand of th

1oronto Blue Jay. Just for interest' I sake, the record fo COURTESY THE ASTRONOMICALSOCIETY most buildtngs m A blackhole is a point of plodedatonceishel, infinite density created by bJ, Ste,co Stcc

the implosion of a star. Buildings Physics Arnd Leike (University of Munich) for demonstrating that beer froth obeys the mathematical law of exponential decay. Interdisciplinary research Karl Kruszelnicki (University of Sydney) for performing a comprehensive survey of human belly button lint. Chemistry Theo Gray (Wolfram Research, Illinois) for gathering many elements of the periodic table and assembling them into the form of a fourlegged periodic table table.

Literature Vicki L. Silvers (University of Nevada-Reno) and David S. Kreiner (Central Missouri State University) for their colorful report "The Effects of Pre-ExistingInappropriate Highlighting on Reading Comprehension." Hygiene Eduardo Segura (Lavakan de Aste, Spain) for inventing a washing machine for cats and dogs. Medicine Chris McManus (University College London), for his excruciatingly balanced report, "Scrotal Asymmetry in Man and in Ancient Sculpture."

Building demolitions are another common example of implosion. In ths case, the collapseisactuallyattributed to gravity and not atmospheric pressure; however; the term implosion is often used in the industry. Thc basic idea of building implosion is that if you remove a building's support structure at a certain point, the section of the building above that point will fall down on the part of the building below that point. Provided thatthisupper sectionis hcavyenough, it will collide with the lower part with sufficient force to cause significant damage. A true building implosion is only imtmted whenother structuresor

plant in ~~~~l~~~ Ontano which in volved the simultaneous demolitio of 20 structures I leave you now with some word of wisdom and one final illustratio of implosion to consider Wit midterms m full swing it is engagm to think that your headwillabsolutel collapsc with all thc information tha you're cramming into a You may argue that the images r ahmy, busted brain bits deter yo from retiewing your notes But rec assured- to date, there is absolute1 no documentation of anyone in th world e\ er suffering from a crmi, implosion So cram vour httle hearts out guarantee it won't kill you

Men's soccer rivalrv Cool runnings Tips lor cold weather running runs deep at Waterloo Erin L. Gilmer IMPRINTSTAFF

looked the fresher of the two The) looked &redand I thought wc wcrc the better team in the second half It After meettngin town rival Laurier m was our inabihty to fmsh," he said anaway game, the final scorc oilSatur- "RobCerullo and ShrleyAustin had day stood at 1 1 With the tale left goodchanccs " incomplete, both the women's and The team was b a h g on the men's soccer teams face T.auncr on odds of playingan outstanding final Columbia Ice 20 minutes m a fields this Friday tied game. In afternoon Sun spite of many atday's men's game tempts by thc against Windsor Warnors,mpar resulted m a 4-1 tichlar three victory shots on goal Bothgoals for from Waterloo the Lauricr and m the seventyWaterloo game fifth m u t e of were scoredinthe the game where Lauricr could not first 30m1nutesof play Six minutes clear the ball, into the game, things did not Lauricr made it pan out as first on the board planned due to a penalty "They are shot taken by such a techntcal team that I don't K'oiciech Cwik. --.. ~ l e k e nminutes ' w e are definitely gunning for think they conlater,NickKlassw three points [a win]. Now centrate on as was able to equal [Laurier] have to come to our much of the fitisethescorewitha field to play on grass that we ness as we do: shotfromoutside play on every day,nsaidsteven saidMa&c. the box. With WaterFlatt, Warrior'ssoccer captain. lmmLamer Waterloo lookedtheweaker agam this Friday, team m the first half, defending,with one ofMackie's concerns is the lackof the ball mostlyin their end. However, goals m the last part of the game. the Wamors had the better possession "~fter~racticewe do this,we dialot statistics in the second half. of fmishingdrills. It's all about ball "This weekend was excellent. We movement and h s h m g . And we do playedreallygoodstuffthisSaturday," a lot of this to resolve our lack of men's coach Peter Mackie sad. h s h m g . We do this d d almost "The first half we looked a little everypractice. The emphasisismlots mtmdated Wewerelandoftentative of ball movement but lots of shots on the turf. The second halfwe played * . really well. In the last 15 minutes we S e e SOCCER, page 20 Aaron Romeo IMPRINTSTAFF

As runners and joggers who enloy the outdoors, you prob ably have been too busy enjoyingthe warmweatherwe've been expenencmglatelyto evenbegin worryingabout how to keep up your sport or hobby through out the upcoming cooler months It is important to prc pare for the falland winter if you mtend to continue running outside safely andcomfortably One of the most important things to remember for cold weather running is the impor tance of staymg warm Slightly coolerweather canmake healmp easier and improve run times, but if you intend to run m the intense cold, fading to matntain body ternperatureandprotect skincould be dan gerous Keeping warm and comfort able will also cnhanccyour enjoyment and keep you going longer Make sure to dress properly \\'ear mg cotton clothing next to the skin, tncludingundenvear and socks, is not ,anideal situation as this paturd fabnc tends to holdinmolsture close toyour body Eventually this will endup coolingyou down '1he newer microfibers tend to be better at absorbing less rnoisturc, although they may be somewhat meaner to your bank account Fleeceor oneofthenew fangled h h c s that are good as a second layer hold m warmth but not water. Windbreakers aregreatfor keepmgwindout;thereare many good waterproofand breathable fabrics avadable Unfortunately,good products may also be costly, but having quality clothmg can mean the differencebetweenkeepngup your stellar performance and cowering mside all wmter Up to 40percent ofyour body heat can be lost through your head For this reason, a is crucd to keep your head


covered- heniunningoutside mwmter A balacla~aor somedungto cover the face is ideal and will also help to watm thc coldairyouare breathingin Anvonewho has spent apenodof time outside on a cold winter day has surcly felt the pain dfreezmg fingers Wearing mittens and not gloves nil1 keep your hands warmer, avoiding frostbite Sometune5wmd is ani\we to the winter athlete Besides wearing a windbreaker, you can also take measures to protect your skin Try putting petroleum jelly on yourlips,nose and cars Pctrolcumjelly on the hands can also help to keep them from drying OU t T o keep the wmd from tlmg- you, try facing thewindat the beguuung of your run and on the way backlet the wind push you home. When it comes to actually runmg,it's agood idea topace yourself somewhat differently in very cold weather.It's wise to decide how long you are going to run mstead of how far. Runmore slowlyand for a shorter time than you usually would. Runm g at too fast a pace without ad-

equate warmup puts you at nsk of injury since musclcs, ligaments and tendons tend to r e m tight in cold weather Resides mjury, ypu will be runnmglcss câ‚Źficicntlyand thc cold air will tend to hurt your throat and lungs duringvery hard runs Because of the mcreased risk of injury, a is very important to do a long and slow warm up in the winter Ice is also a risk m winter Whde it may be fun to run and sltde across a, there is always a risk of slipping This makes a important to try to run with other people A sad finale to your run would be hamngtodragyourselfhome on a broken ankle after tnppmg on a snow-covered patchof ice There is a lot to remember about winter runnmg,but most ofit is common sense The important things are to have fun and stay safe And if you read through these suggestions and stdl think you won't be able to hold your own m the cold, you could always try a treadmill or the mdoor track at Waterlooreccenter


rriors Nadia V. Ursacki and Brian Fox --



At least there n.as more to look at in this football game t h m the playeri' butts. I h i s season illere seems to be ,In eoqhasis on cqmnding the passtng game (;is the rut1 h;~:,been the bread and butter of past squad<) Cflf~rhlflately,this expansion has 1~cci~an.orlimprogrcs~ NcedprooR r . c\ cr,(Iii tlik \\;.inone. Lose h ~ ~ H~cin day aLgili~~st Guclph. the!. got tlmr nlnning game md p;lssing game 111 gear. The game started out rather dull with neither teain being able to put

Field hockey

together a <ill\c. l'hen a short punt from <;uclph's Norm l\';~ssergm-cthc\T7:lrt-KITS better fieldposition, I'liatscti~pArmstroq's jO-!-;urdpu~lt,p~~tt~tlg C;uelphdecp m their on 11end late in the Iirst quarter. Dcfcnsivc Inck Chris \T~a!-rnouth set

hei~aill-yardfieldgoal attempt\\ ent n itle right for the single point. (;uelph tried lo mix things LIP by starting their freshnlan quartel-back hlatt Hr!-ms, whose fanmsite target n-as his hr~utlicrShanc. Hr)ans h x-oured the shotgut1p o s ~ t ~ otonallonI\

during one play, tlic ball was snapped Stillm the first quarter, q~lartct-back Mtro tladlinian lnt lail1,orde fora46lard touchdo\vn pass, putting the \\.araors at 14-11, The only pomt for

rn-er 111s head for a loss of about l i yards as h c .;csarnbled to recows the ball. H t y i s only connected on 15 of -1-3 altcrnpts for2lO~;rrils. I I;rdlmian\vas 9 for 30 frx 131 !ar~ls.The other 52 pards of\T~aterloopassingcamcfrom a spec~"c~11ar pla! that should h x resulted in ;I touchdo\vn. Hadjinian passed to Jeff Nosal \vho was .;ttll

behind the line of scrimn-iagc. Nasal thse\\- a beautiful p . ; s t11 1;in Fordc Continued from 19 along the sidclme. \vho was taclcled and stripped of the ball ~t about the on goal. Not too inuch cl\velling 01 lj-!acti hne. Guelpli I-ccorered the the hall, get the ball kiloclccd." fi~mblc.\Yatcrloo scored a p i n 111 the *Ineven biggec concern is poo fourth \nth a 4%) a r d T D pass to[cff perfoilnanccin the iirst half. Mackir Nosal 'l'hc l d c t r I)r,~c!LlcG<r\\.; atdcaptamStc\ en Plxttaclinim lcdgi fiiiisl~ciiitoffn-itha79-!xrd hcltl p n l , for n final scorc of 24- I . The i-rini~in~ t h : ~the g:mc ngamst \\ ~ n d s o ralv 1xqun SIC)\\ "\\ e'll play poorly in tllt histhalf or the sec1n1dl1alf. \\ h,1t I'tr a&ng them non- In the \veek.; head ing intrJ tlic play~ffs.is '(:an y w pu a n hole gainc together?' Hcadiilgint~ the playoffs 11's n( it about 45 minutes It's ahout a complete 90 mmutcs.' aplayoff q m t IF ~hc!beat I'onmco or LIackie pointed too^-ercooftdence as; ~ Queen's. This leayes T.aut.icr and 1c;idlng factor m first half perform Guelph to battle for the last playoff spotwhen the!-meet o n ( - k ~ o b e19. r

Women's tennis

t ~ t t r ~ l > ~ ~tllr t i iIl .iurli'r g gamc's Ing ti the Iackofcc Inhilcr~rcplaii i ~ g i turf ~n l i i p r d t n g the pcn:llt!- ihot 111 thc L.ll!rterg,ime, L l ; i c l ~raid." I he pcn \t ~ ~ .lit\ shot t h c ! ~ l ~ a d n - , l s r r i - ~) i~~Ic:lll

Men's volleyball Football


\llxrt2 7,\T-,li-iioi-s1 1



101 \ , ~ . l ~ , ~ l : L t l ~ ~ I l l \ , ~ , l ~ i ~ l i l l l .

.5 I ~ V I I( ; h .i \\-c\I!:-t11 Men's hockey

Field hockey


o Stare 6, \\ arrii~ri2 \\ csici-n hIichtgari 12,\T ni-slc~i-.; 1I


Menrs rugby


k t , 1 I ( I 1) I o~-oilto, 2 1~.111 ( k t I 6 (FH) (;irlph, - p.m.


Women's rugby

k t 12 (1 1) Queen's, 1.31I p.m

Men's hockey (kt I I (ti) C;utlpli,

7 30 p m

Women's hockey Men's soccer

Women's soccer

Men's rugby (

k t 10 ( \) I ,LLHICI, 4 p in

Men's soccer Swimming

Oct. 11 (IT) T.aurtci-, I p.m Women's soccer (

k t 1 l [tl) I,aut.ies, 3 p.m

Men's squash

Oct. 12 (1\) \\ cslSectional, I p.m. (at l i n d ) Swimming

\Y~xnei~: Vc\h\rer I0 i ,\T-xrr~oss87 (top \\~~lsrlor I<'l!~lcell13111g:~ second i,i 21 11 I !.,lrtI 111,2 25 61 1 1

Men's tennis


"Respect and enjoy the rivalry you have with haurier," said Peter Mackie, men's soccer coach, now that there are two strong university soccerteams.


Raptors rock Waterloo

Men's basketball looking sharp


The 'Toronto Raptors training camp was held in \X'aterloo from Monday, September 30 to Sunday, October 6. The camp marked the beginning of what looks to be an escitlng seasonin which wc expect great things from Vmsanity andthe rest ofthe Raptors. It was great to have the team in town and it was even better to watch them play - although it wasn't all fun and games. The Raptors were here on a mission: to practice and to work with a squad that has not been 100 per cent healthy for most of last season. WhenMorris Peterson was asked whether he had a chance to tour Waterloo, he replied, "Unfortunately, no. We've been w o r k g hard the whole week." And when Alvin "Boogie" \Villiams was asked the same question, he replied,'@%s is trainingcamp. We're not here to play, we're here to practise." Although his injuries did not allowhun toplay in the intrasquad game on Saturday, that won't keep Alvin away from the game. During the shooting sessions on their Saturdaypractice,anotherRaptorteammate challengedhimtoa three-point shooting contest. The bet was that Alvin Williams could not make 11out of 15 three-point shots. Always a showman, Alvin made 10 out of 12 baskets easily and after taunting his opponent with two errant shots he calmly drained the last basketandwonthebet. BelievemeAlvin can shoot. Saturday was an eventful day for the Raptors. After amornifigpracticc from 11 a.m. to 1p.m., they were to play an intrasquad game in front of a sold-out crowd at the PAC at 5 p.m. The game was such a popular ticket that it sold out 40 minutes after the ticketswent on sale. There was also a pep rally for the Raptors from2:30 to 3:30 inwhichRaptors analyst Chuck Swirsky and general manager Clcll Grunwald were present to meet and greet the fans. h basketball clinic followed from 3 3 0 to 5 in which the assistant coaches taught fans some of the fundamentals of basketball. At 5:30pm, the intrasquad game began. It was amazing to see the amount of support theRaptors hadm\Vaterloo. Che fan told me he hadlined up four hours before the game began just so that he could get a bctter seat. And luckily for him, he did so. By the time the game started, the PACwas so crammed that pcople were standmg and loohng over the shoulders of other fans w,ay above in the concession stands. As expected,the Raptors delivered an excitinggame. KrithVince's team down by as much as 30 points, Team Purple came backandhat Team\Y"hite by one point thanks to the clutch shooting of Mo Pctcs, who scored fivethree-pointers,andthegame winning three-pointer by rookie Chris Jeffr~es. Here are some highlights

With the new season starting today, there is plenty Warrior basketball fans can look forward to Ian Spitzig SPECIAL TO IMPRINT


Vince gets the rubdown from a Raptor's trainer. from the game: Morris Peterson is hot h e single-handedly brought Team Purple back into the game; Lamond Murray can score -he can dish, drive, dunk a n 4 of course, shoot;MichaelBradley andMamadou N'dlaye demonstrated somegreat effort and skill, and finally V i n c e is back! \Vith a 360-degree lay-up and another monstrous dunk over yet another victimized opponent, it was evident that h s jumper's knee was no longer b o t h e r i n g h and that he was ready todominatelikethe Vince Carter we're used to seeing. Before and after thegame,I had the opportunity to ask Alvin, Morris, Vince, theJunk Yard Dog and Chuck Swirskyabout the importance ofplaying in front of a student population and the significanceeducation played on their carccrs a n d the reply was


unanimous Willtams said, "Education is very important to me " Mo Pete5 added, "My cducationm school, mmy f a d y andinlife haveallplayeda~eryimpor tantpart in my career" and JYD said, "bducation is the key " Chuck Swirsky, the Voice of the Raptors, had this to say about education andwhy itwas important to play in front of a student body, "Education should be a top pnoriq -edu cation is key Basketball should be second to education " Vmce added "Education is veq importantmmyhfe "Aswe canrecall, he left the Raptors in game sexen of the Conference Championship two s~asons ago to attend his graduation in North Carolina Itwasbreathtakingtoseethe crazed fans screaming and jumping up and down

After lastyear's somewhatdisappointLfig season, the K'aterloo Warriors basketballteam,lcd by 1I -yearveteran coach Tom IGeswetter, is looktng to improve this year. The new team will be throwing its weight around in the paint, crashingthe boards and forcing turnovers with iron-tight dcfensc. After finishingeighth in their division last ycar, coach Kieswetter has set his goals for the team a little higher. He sounded optimistic, saying that he was hoping to make the top four this Ym, This will be a challenge for the team, especially sincea few skdledveterans wdl not bc returning. These include Paul Larsen, last year's MVP; MilidragMhdrag, the defensive specialist; a top scorer on the team last year,Shane Cooney;JoshVanWeeran and a few other notables. Their absence docsn'tworry coach I(ieswetter. A strongcore ofplayersstdlremam from last par, with top scorer and rookie of thc year Graham Jarmen returning, and with some fresh faces ready to fill in as replacements, Kieswetter seemed confident in h s outlook for the team And why shouldn't he be? Last ycar's recordwas misleadmg. Overthe course of the season, after an encouraging start (winning the McGill prcscason tournament), the team lost several close games whdc having to

start two roohrs. Another reason for his optimism is that, durmgthelast f i v e p e s of the season,the team was ona quasi-streak, winning three oftheir last five games. Furthermore, with the return of co-captains Mike Sovran and Bryan Nichol andwiththc addedexpenence of thc youngerplayers, ths year's team should be more competitive and more successful. The team's strengthsare undoubtedlyits skdlleve1,itsleadersh~p through the co-captains and returningplayers andits tcamplay.Ifthe teamcan focus on these key characteristics,it should be able to evolve and strengthen throughout the year. One of the caveats, though, after ~pealung~iththe coach,istheulackof experience.T h s wdl bewhere theveterans come in. Theywillhave to teach and season the team's newer players and he$ to make them comfortable so that they can learntoplay effectively and competitivelyat the varsity level. The early seasonunfolds this Friday.Your Warnors will be facingUW Alumni here at the PAC. One week later, the team ventures over to the Wilfrid Laurier Goldcn Hawks tournament. A week after that they travel to Ottawa for a tournament and then on November 1 the team will be at home hosting the Nusmith Classic, which should be a treat toany basketball fan. For more information about the team, visit the athletic Web site at



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page 22

FRIDAY, O C ~ B E11,2002 R



Aas &tor- Andrea K c r s d i\rts assistant.hfichelleTitus artrid~morintuwaterloo ca

K - 0 s : up close and personal K-OS Bombshelter Pub

McCormack: the art of balancing teachmg and writing



Continued from cover Greg Macdougall SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Hip-hop artrstK-0s recentlyplayedat the Romshelter. I@& water Greg Macdougallhad the chance toaskhun about his career, spirituality and the phenomena of hip hop.


G: Talk about your musical journey, from starting out to where you are right now. K: Iguess youcouldcallitanatural progression. One thing T was always aware of was I neverwanted to force anything. I wanted things to feel for me and also to appear to the people who were listcningandwatchingme, that everythingwas happening naturally. 1didn'twant it to seem contrived or prefabricated, and I thtnk that was accomplishedbecauseI w a s v e r y p noid about the choicesTmade throughout the songs I put out, of how it sounded and I was a bit paranoid too about people seeingme develop, but I thtnk that ended up being a good thmg, ofpeoplewatchmgmego from whatever I was doing with Musical Essence towhere Iamnow. They feel they're a part of your life. Something about that first video, I feel people saw me go from like a boy to more of a man hnda thing, saw me grow up, grow a beard ctcetem I thinkthat has an effect on people. They feel they h o w you and they can relate to you and~ou'vejustbeenmundand ~ou're somethingin their consciousness, so f thinkitwasgreat thewayithappened and I wouldn't wish it any other way. G:How about your spiritualjourBey, from where you were when you stmedinmusic towhereyouare now. K: My parents were very,very religious, so a lot of that was set for me &omprobably 0 to 16. It wasn't till I was around 17 or 18 that I s m e d to make choices ofmy ownandinvestigate miles and mounds of paper and religions. Spirituality is about how

K-OSis getting personal. you feel, how you relate to the God w i t h you, how you relate to the infinity and the greatness within you that's already there. I think that the prime battle everyone'sgoingthrough is happening w~thin. G: In your lyrics, you talk about getting people to realize they aren't who they think they are.. . K: 'l'he images we try to put out to people, the images that are pushed uponus, might not always be whowe are. We might just be those things because we think it's cool to be it, or somethingin our soul feels that we'll be fulfilledifwe'rethis type ofperson, but maybe that's notwhowe really are, Maybe we're something deeper that. maybe we need to look in a different type of mirror and not just compare ourselves all the time to what society says. Maybe we really need to see who we really are. It's just a metaphor for self-awarenessand seeingwhat's beyond the surface. ' G: So how do yougo about doing this hip hop? K: It's kind of like riding a surfboard, you know. Hip hop would be


the wave and pour job is to figure out how to.. .you can't try to attack the wave, you can't try to conquer it, basically you have to just ride it. It's the same thingwithhip hop. Youpstgot to get a feel forthe naturalmovements of how it goes and know when the wave is moving this way, you move thatway.Yougetvery sensitivetothis giant, this natural phenomena of hip hop. G: Something I wanted to talk about here was hip hop and issues around raceandstereotypes andprejudices and misunderstandings. K: Hip hop is amusic that has been evolved out of the ghettoes of inner cities, whether it's in Jamaica or the United States. Inner cities are composed of all races, from Portugese to black to white. However, this music has ended up being primarily black and Latino and now with the arrival of Eminem etcetera it's now being branched out. Other culturesare starting to grab onto hip hop.

See K-OS, page 26

When asked whether he would rather write full time insteadof teaching,he said that he enjoyed the teaching element and besides sometimes you need to "get away from the blasted writing." His reasoning behmd this is that too much time set aside for any one particular activitycan become quite a scary thing. The studentshere should be gladthatMcCoi-mackcontinues to teach. Those who have been in one of his classes will agree that his passion for the written word shines through in his lecturcs.Thislovcofbooks bcgan asachild.Livinginaxdent and poor area of Scotland, he enioved the escape that the ficti, , tious worldprovided.When he began writing in university, he wrote poetry to try to impress the young ladies. ltwas thereatuniversitythathc met Edwin Morgan,an accomplished Scottish-I'nglish poet. Morgan was the first writer that McCormack met and he provided the necessayencouragement. "Really all a writer needs is someone there to support you." As McCormack said, "if someone was there telling you what to write, you wouldn't want to do it anyway." FromScotland to Canada and everywherein between-McCormack has travelled extensively in Europe and has lived in both Mexico and Noahern Australia- the question remains, why would an author choose Waterloo as a place of residence?There are many places that one would think could provide much more scope for the imagination; however, for McCormack,Waterlooisas nurtwing as anywhere else. In fact, of all of the places he has visited, Waterloo is his favourite."Everywhere else has been delightful,butthey haveall hadat least

one stumblingblock, whether it be a pohtlcal or health problem " It 1s understandablewhyMcCormackwould hold this view, in 19%Waterloowas voted the cleanest spot to live in the world. McCormackisdefinitelymterested inhumanbehaviour.This shows even s for his cats (he has five), in h ~ love which he describes as having "great human qdties." Thegreatestadvice came from his wife who said "evembody should have a cat at some time or another just to practise loving." It isn't the money, the publicity or anything else that makes Eric McCormackwrite.Ofthe many things that drive otherwrlters, forhunwriting is fun, a way to pass the time. Besides, he said, "if I didn't write I don't know what I would do with myself." You can pick up a copy of The Dtuch Wqeat Chapters. You can also visit onheandcheckoutpricingand shipping feesatwww.chapters.ca.



K-W4theatre:up from the ashes that to our new design." The hope is to have the new space available not ' only for theafre but also for allkinds "The show ~vill'goonl"Thtsnew catch of aaistic endeavors within a year or phrase of the K-W-Little Theatre two. (KWL,T)seems f i t q when considWhennKV(iLTvolunteers10~kback emgthe firethatdestroyedtheirpre- onthe2002Wate~looBuskerFestival, vtous home onPnncess Streethas not &e mage they most likely imagine is soldto stalled their efforts in continuing to awhole Iotofpizzawh~chthey provide quaktytheatretothe commuU help fundraise for the theatre. Not nrty. It was acomplete shockerto see only did the fundratsmg sub-comthe theatre godown in flames,but the mitteegetinvolved in the Busker FesKWLT board was quick to react. tival, but they also held a benefit conExecumeproducerRobLeGood,says cert featunnganurnberofspectacular ' m e n the fire hit, one of the first short,one-actplays.This showhelped decisions we made was to break the spreadthewordthatthetheatregroup is strong enough to continue to be a board into three focused sub com force in commuty theatre Julie mttees, one to oversee the rebdding effort, a second to concentrate on Taylor, alocal member, has compiled fundsaisingand a third to ensurcthat a smallbookwithKWLT stones span75 year history, submttted by our producttons continue as sched- -the uled " These commtttessare clearlyon past members of the theatre This their way to regenerating the ICWIAT booklet is available for sale at all of from the ashes intoaproment com- thew shows LeGood said, "In the near future, expect to see a K W T muntty theatre group One of the biggest decisions that magc show alongwithposters and tshirtsavailableforpurchase." the rebuilding sub-committee has made so far is the decision to rebuild Itwasanecessityto continuetheaon the emstinglot. "Itwas an easyone tre in the communitythrough KWiLT [decision] tomake, as moving to an- As LeGoodexplmed, "It has always other site was an option," LeGood been onc of our mandates to involve said, "but, in weighing the pros and peopleofalllevelsinallofourproduccons ofeach choice,there reallywasno tions Our door is wide open I've other choice to make " Currently, personallydirected a lot of first-tune KWIdTisintheprocessof selectmgan actors and a good number of them architecttocomeup withaprehinary come back to try their hand at larger design for their new home, making roles " 'Ihe 1<\lZ'1' also has its sight the best possible use ofthe space they set onmakingthe thearrea focalpoint have left ''We're going to use this for alltypes ofart w i h the commuopportunity to learn from the short- mty "The pnce to rent 6ur space was comings of the old space and apply andwd be extremelyaffordable,thus Marjorie Buck-Ouellette SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

encouragingartists toperformat our space. We want to expand upon this for the future. One fantastic idea we w d most hkely be following through with n to have local visual aaists display and sell their work during the runs of our shows.", The October One-ActWeekendis justaroundthe corner '"The One-Act Weekend, put on three times a year in January,JulyandOctober,hasalways been a favounte of the community. For less than the pace ofamovie, you get an evening qf enteitamment put on bydedicatedvolunteerswhowork long and hard to make it a fkn and enjoyableexpenencel This year's Octoberversimof the one-actswd surely be a hit with a selectionof three comedies. place^, Phase!, dircctcd by 18year-old UW student,Nick Walsh, 1s a 2 5 - m u t e comedyabbut the "real istic" ctrcumstancesthat allow couples to stay together John and Sharon dtscuss the possibility of a break up, however,thereare other forcesatwork around them and the outcome may not be wholly theirs to decde Conxr~attunTherapy, dircctcd by RobCard,is anobscure comedywith a message for all students never urderestimateyourteacher \Wenahigh school teacher who does therapy for students finds she is going to lose her job, her students take a upon themselves to help her out,neuroses ornot Rob is also directingI<\WJ,T'sproduction of You Can't Take It Wzth You written by Moss Hart and-George Kaufman scheduled to perform m March of 2003

Second-year UW drama major Sean Chesney in Places, Please! Attack .ftheLme Rhombu~,written by localwnterDanSchickerowskyand dtrectedby Dustin Windibankis a45m u t e bizarre comedy The relauonship hctwccn a man and a woman bccomes a four -sidedlove tanglewhen a moose and Robm, Batman's 5idekick, are added to the moc Allthree directors are duectingat KVCZT for the first time, expanding their repetwe fromthe~rusual onstage explmts The October One-ActWeekend will be performed at the Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick Street, from


October 17-19 at 8 p.m. with amaunee performance on October 20 at 2 p.m Call 886-0660 to reserve your tickets Even though the KWLT may be temporarily out of a home and finding alternate venues for rehearsals, auditions and shows has been a chal lenge, they are still surviving All m all the I<-\VLittle Theatre continues to thrive onstage through the production of many great shows. Come out to some theatre mOctohcr and get a taste of the arts.

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Singing Waterloo home Masters and Moderns focus on local performances Melissa Bunn SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

A common lament of many Waterloo students is the lack of a local music scene What many people don't reali7e is that the lack of a sccnc is mostly due to the h t c d n u m b e r ofvenues and promoters,notdue to alackofgreatbands One band try% hard to generate some local support is Masters and Moderns Not only are we lucky enough to have them call \X1aterloo home, the majority of band mcmbers arc also students at UW Masters and Modems have been playing around southern Ontario, spreadmg their gospel of rock for about eight months The quintet consists of guitaristsJon Niem and Matthew Nip, bassist Brad Woods, drummer Chns Inch and vocalist Dan Irvme It all started with Matthew and Jon piecing together their mtncate gutarwork ChrisandBrad joinedshortlyafterwards and the band created many mstrumend songs. Eventually, they found Dan to support themwithvocals andMasters and Modems was complete. These guys aren't only musicians either, Danls currmtlyin first eara at the University of Guelph, while the rest of the band is m third year here at \Vaterloo I am sad to say that I missed out on Masters andModerns'last local show at FedHall I did, however, make the treh ox er to U\Y Place thts summer to see them play Thls showwaspart of anend of summer barbecue and talent show for

UWPlaceandsadlymost of the people there were more concernedabout free burgers thanmusic Masters and Moderns still managed to pull off the show like true rock stars, excludmgtheapologies for their screamer songs I have alwaysbeen a sucker for live bands, but after listemgto one of the songs from their Web sae, I felt that my enjoyment of Masters and Moderns was com pletely lustdied Their songs are full of complex p t a r interactions, smooth bass lines and melocLcvocals with occasional emotional outbursts complete withpounhginstrumentalsand scaring vocals Citmg their influences as Penfold, Mmera1,FmeatherandThursday ,Masters and Moderns produce melodic, intricate and cmotional rock Now,forthose ofyouthatwouldliketo hear more, you'll be happy to know that they spenta good part of September in the studlo recordmg tracks for a seven-song release entitled Wasted SkyLnes The CD is due out on October 31, but youcanpre-order it x h t now from the Web site, www mastersandmoderns.com You will also be able topickaup at their showsafter the release date If you would like to hear some of their music before headmgout toa show then youcan download two tracks from their Web site This weekMastersand Modernsplayedwith Ten Speed Hero and the Video Dead at Lee's Palace They also have a show in Hamilton this Novcmbcr and are currently worktng with a promoter at LY.IlfridLauricr Umversity to bring us more local shows

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Cannibalistic killer is back Hophns returns to the big screen Red Dragon Brett Ratner


Hold onto your liver and hlde your chianti, everyone's favourite cannibalistrc serial M e r is back Anthony Hopktns reprises the role of Dr Hannibal Lecter in Kerl Tlrqon, the first instal ment of the Lecter trilogy writtcn bv Thoinas IIarris The trilom, which includes JzLenlc dlhe Lambrand HannzbaI, first sawHoll~?voodhghtin 1986 Michael Maim's Manhnnfe~was a film adaptation of Red Drugon starring \%Illtam I l'etersen andBrian Cox Five years later came a mome that made Hannibal the Canntbala household name, well, at least my house, Sdence oJthe Lamk starring Jodie Foster and Hopkins It swept the Oscars w m i n g best movie, director, actor, actress and screenplay In 2001,we were reunttedwiththese charactersagainin the &sap panting Hannzbd H o p h s , who dons the straight jacket and restraint mask once a& m RedDragon,proves agam to be adeltcioussuccess.The story, similar to Si(ence@helambs,involvesanFBIagentwho, wMe trying to track down a scnal luller, must turn to Lectcr for help EdwardNorton stars as Will Graham, the FBI agent who put Lecter behind bars. He is now on thc trail of the Tooth F a q (Ralph Fiennes), a senal Mler who leaves tooth marks on hls victuns Norton puts up a decentpedormanceplaylngtheveterafiFBIagent even though he may not have been the tired

looking squinty-eyed agent I was hopmg for H o p h s delivers another great performance as the good doctor He reminds us why Hambal Lecterwasvoted one ofthegreatests c r e e n v h s of all time, behmd Darth Vader and one ahead of Norman Bates Three other standout performancescome from Fmily\Vatsonwho plays Reba McClane, the Tooth Pairy's convincingly blmd love interest, Philip Seymour Hoffman whoplapsbreddy Lounds, a slea7y tabloid lour nalist andRalphbiem~esu~ho plays arcmarkably behex-able and mtensc Tooth Fairy Brett Ratner has certainly raised the bar for himself after this effort Ha>ingpreviously directed I heFu~r/dyiMunandthe RuchHonrmovies, he does a surprising job of creating the tense atmosphere that a good thriller needs He also had the sense to keep the gore in checkin order not to repeat one of Ridlcv Scott's mistakes in Hannzba/ Danny Elfman augments Ratners' efforts withavery effectiveandhauntmgscore,complementing the tension b d t m the images on acreen Red Dragon is a supenor remake of the 1986version of Manhunter, so take your family and friends, it will be a treat

Friday-Monday: 12:30,1:00,3:30,4:15,6:40,7:10,9:30,10:00 Tuesday: 3:30,4:15,6:40,7:10,9:30,10:00 Wednesday,Thwsday: 6:40,7:10,9:30,10:00

A close encounter

A festival of the arts

An overlooked olav turns out better than expected

A sign of great thmgs to come

volved in Judy and Howard's shared life but is not targeted by the govemment because he is, as he himselfputs October4-5 it, "not very interesting." . The success (or failure) of TheDesLauren Staines ignatedMorrrnerdependslargelyon the SPECIAL TO IMPRINT actors.Because the play is entirely&aThe Registry Theatre in downtown l o p e with very little interaction beIGtchener was the perfect setting for tween characters,theactors must draw The De~lgnatedMo~mzer.It is a small you m and make you squirm. Phythian theatrewith an mtunate feel Itworked aslackwasmost successfulatthis He because m this play, the audience is is a strong actor, one fully enveloped truly a character, with the entire play in the character.Jackis defmtelynota consisting of the sohloquies of three likeable character ,pcrhapsduempart to his hobo-like visage and obnox characters telling their stones to the ious demeanour. but Phvthian someaudimce TheDe~gnafedMourner, directed by how manages to add a little someU7XTdramagadTom Leslie and writ- thing to make Jack tolerable, even ten by NewYorkactor/writer Wallace when talking about playing with his dick and comparing it to both a large Shawn, is a story told in "flashbacks," recounting the violent overthrow of rodentanda baggedlunch (you don't want to know the details;my suffering an unnamed country in which a new dictatorialgovernmentsystematically from these mental images is enough rids the land of all intellectuals, free- for us all). Mills' Judy didmanage t o p t e on thinkers andartists.This results in the imprisonment of Howard (Scott my nerves at some points. She played Crockard), a somewhat pretentious acouple of sceneswith just a touch too but ultimately harmless poet, his much melodrama, like a graduate of group ofhangers-on;and his adormg the "Passions" school of acting. Her daughterJudy (KathanneMiUs),who devotion to her father bordered on disturbing.Why shewas so enthralled hangs around Howard's house wear mgnothmgbutapairofjeans,lipstick, with this pompous ass I could never andan often"forgotten"lacy bra Jack know, as Crockard's portrayal left (Ted Phythtan), Judy's off-and-on- somethingto be desired- that someagain lover, becomes inextricably in- thing being an ounce of h d t y . The Designated Mourner Wallace Shawn

Howard is yet another type of person I avoid the pseudo-intellectual poser who uses words like "socio economic" to impress us peasants and goes to see condescending bullshtt like A BeautIfuIMmd thinking it to be highly intelligent thee-yah-tuh While the play was enjoyableoverall, there were moments that I felt I was being talked down to and the play's somewhatpretcntiousconcept (pop culture as a stepping stone to doom) may be m part to blame However, the uiliversalqualiticsofthe designated mourner (man against op pressive society)prettymuchmadeup for any feeltng of pretension It's not often that we get a unique play as The DeszgnatedMournerm K-K' and that's a shame However, the rcal travesty m this situation is that only two dozen people attended the play on the night that I attended Tlus regon ISalternately praised and criacued for being artisticallyvibrant and devoidof culture The latterwasdefinitely m full swing last Fnday night Pasty suburbanites may be a driving force m mainstream culture, but they shouldn't affect K-W's theatre scene Put down the remote control, resist the urge to see SweetHomeAbbamaat the megaplex yet a p (I know, it's tempting,) and get out to your local live theatre

ber 5,anartgalleryexhtbitionwasheld showcasingthe pamtings and photos of Tony. Urquhart. This was followed SPECIAL TO IMPRINT . by a screeningof Citizen Kme, the life This past weekend UW hosted After of the newspaper baron recalled Hours: A Festival of the Arts. The through the flashbacks of Charles intention of the event was to inspire Foster IGne and WifdStrawberriesthe and encourage furtherparticipationin story of anagcdprofessorwhomakes the arts and to give students the op- the harsh realization that his life has portunity to create artistic works. All beencoldand emptywhde onhisway eoentsandacti~~itieswere free ofcharge. to receive an honouraqruni\rersitydegee. The festival beThe After gan on Friday OcHours arts festitober4at 7p.m.and "An excellent 14bostedby the went until 11.30, Warrior Weekshowcasmgavan 0 ~ ~ 0 r f l I n ifor fy endsproject,was ety of different students to an excellent opforms of the arts. portunity for 'l'herewere student Create, listen, students to creartworks on disexamine, and ate their own arplay, campus figtistic works, lisures read from the viewn ten to the music books they love and stylesand examstudent musicians ine the artworks performed their music for the public Swmg dancing of other students and to view great lessonsand demonstrationswereheld classic movies and short films After Hourswasdefinitely successin the lower level of the SLC A selec tion of short films such as TbeSweatr, ful m encouragmg further participaLagdriver? WaIt~ApoLo1I and Charle tion m the arts at UW Although the Cb@Lvz. Pamung, sculptureand writ- crowd was small it still introduced an mg poetry was held in an arts work- area of the arts at UW Keep watchmg for futureupdates shop that at Bmbakers cafetenam the on the next arts festival and lmmerse SLC In the East CampusHall on Octo- yourself in arts Chris Ladoucer




Canadian metal? --

CKMS AIRHEADS Canada seems to be a small player m the heavy metal world, known for only a few stand-out bands Most people struggle to list more than three To callRushmeta1 stretches the defmitlon, but they're one of the first to come to m n d What are the rest of Canadians doing, Do we have nothing to offer but "alternapop" -the TragicallyHip, Sum 41,Nickelback and .lx ril

Since Voivod proved that Quebecois know how to thrash, the province has produced many excellent bands, mcluding Obliveon, Martyr, Quo Vadis, Moonlyght - and Howling Syn Both Cryptopsy and Katakly5m have earned themselves major label deals and mternational appreciation It's not only the French who know how to rock B C 's Dcvin Townscnd is renowned worldwide Theglory days of Sacnfice,Exciter, Razor and A n d may be m On tano's past, but newer acts like Eidolon and \TJarmachine are fighting their nay towards recogni

tion and many of the old classics are s d hve and kickmg Despite the difficultycataloguing C a n a h metal, our contributions can't be summed up m a few acts One of our country's most promtsing metal bands has risen out of the unlikely plains of Saskatchewan Rccently signed to Century Media Records, Into Eternity has already earned the respect of metal fans worldwide A self-titled indie debut demomtrated their early potential, landing them a European tour and some dates opening for Neverrnorc in Canada What began as the creation of three friends mRegtna has evolved into a rich six-musician tapestry, winning them a recordmg contract for the rclcase of this year's Ileud or Dreumq and a futurt re release of Into Ltermt) Song

wnter/vocahst/guitafist Tim Roth takes you on a high-speed rollercoasternde,never leavmga moment for boredom The songs on Dead or Dreamzng make room for only the briefest breath between chaotic explorations of a surreal sonic landscape,mwngStyx-esque vocal harmomes, death growls and complexprogressive metalarrangcments with poetically critical philosophy There's nothmg obviously Canadian about Into Eternity As representatiJ7esofCanadian talent thcp already belong in our heavy metal hall of fame Let the world take notice, Canadian metal lives on h r a ZJ the host ojlCII, hat, Explozt the Weak on ukernatzng Srzt/m&~~s from I lp m t o 2a m on CIO14\ 1003TM

K - 0 s : an interview where he gets personal Continued from page 22

I don't think there's anything wrongwithother cultures participat ingin hip hop, I just think that there's beenalotofblachmusic that has comc out of thc ghettoes that hax e been explotted and sort of changed to fit morc of a pop format In a way, the recordcompmes arelikemusicalcolonists, it's like they come mto a music, they take it over and they use the resource5tocreate whatevcrthcywant I think that's what happens with a lot of blackmusic, It starts at a certain level and then all of a sudden people explo~tit and we have to move on to somethtng else That's why hip hop was created-noonewas feelingwhat was gomg on m the seventies and eighties music so we created somethmg new and I thtnk people arc on the verge of creating other new thtngs now, too 'I hat's my biggest issue with race, that people should respect these un derground street musics that grow,

because it's ntal to the pop culture. It drives pop culture, it informs pop cultureand the bi,ggestracismissuein hip hop is that the true or~ginatorsof this music, mhether it's KRS I or wvhocver,are net er r e c o p e d f o r ~ h o the) are lt'5 never Ncw rdition, it's ala ays someband like N'S ync Ahchacl Jackson gcts made h n of, but Justin l'imbcrlake mutates him People take themusic and dowhat theywantwith it But music is for all of us It should be for everybody, if you respect the cultures of the people that created it. That's why there's other music l i e Spanishmusic and some deeper stuff that's harder for people to just take it andmanipulate it, so they just leave it alone. But I fmd black people are alway.; open to lcttmg other cultures mto their music As long as you're good and youmake people dance and laughand have fun, they're downwith you. That's beautiful but dangerous at the same time.

G: SomethmgelseI wanted toask you about mas thc stereohpes that pcople haw of h1p hop music and how they see ~t and also how your music is mahngit more accessible. I<: 1think it comes back to these types of conversations that are perceived as pseudo-intellectual. You know, you become a spokesperson and people like the CBC or the more intelligent aspects of our media will want togravitate to youbccause they probablyahvayswantedto talkabout hip hop but there wasn't really agood dialogue I think people are attracted tothis music because it's sayingsome thing, because it seemspositive, you know, the cover's grccn, it's about "let's go, let's move forward," you know I thinkbecause that happens, people are open to trymgit It's kind of like a new dish that people aren't afraid to try, this sort of album It's just Exit G There's this great synergy Figure IV, West Coast, Toronto


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they're uniting Canada maybe?How do you see that? K: 1 don't know, I don't sce them uniting Canada, I more see it Itke the rascal^ when they first came out, lust reprcscnted the four elements of hip hop and you can't come any more raw than that and peoplewere attracted to that. I think that's what drew people to that group of people, was hip hop and just like this new video. So I wouldn't give it up to any kind of management company or label, as much as I would give it up to the hip hop, you know. G: You talk about highs and lows, are those analogies for somethtng. .. marijuma?


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Get unstatic, get up, get down Peter Gabriel

"P MercuryRecords

Empathy with an artist isn't always demand of hstening to pop music Most often, you lust have to like th look of the artist If you had thouglJohn Lennon was -, grooxy lookln character, it didn't matter how yo related to him rntcllec~~all~~ , .lust a longas thechoices hcmade donotgt m the ma) of his good looking stylc there would be no effect on the popu larity of his music. Ditto P-Diddy. So how do you relate to Pete Gabrielintellectually?Call yougct any thingfromthe rhythmofthat 1986 hi1 "Sledgehanimcr," or do you recharg with "Solsbury EIdl" one of hi carliest hita, about his break-up witl IucbandGcncsism 1975>Youshoul, be aware that this old man has man devoted fans who probably can't gi mole than a few days without talktn; about him or his ideas If you're goin; to listen to Peter Gabriel's music, yo1 might as well pay attention Gabriel experimented witl minunalsm through the early '80' and it is difficulttounderstand how o if one can analyze his songs into el emental parts Recognizmg the uni that was designed by him will not be : precise methodwithwhich to discove themeamngof his music The sound are flowing,with changmgdifference' in the channels -front and back, lef and right. In each song's rhythm, oncc you set down some units to study thc richness of the piece, you reahae tha every unit is sharing something wid the other units. Simply, it is not static His artpresents adifficut and chal lengmgmof effervescentcalculatior of blends, collections, mstances anc surprises The huge ambitlon of Petel Gabriel's art commands a large effor to rclate the feeltngof his music FIe i' veryeclccucandhsmmofa~tiesis sc bizarre from the common concept oi an artist To listen to the whole Lip album i c a sour experience that plays twistins tricks on the mmd This album is a whole workof art and as meamgtled as much to the images that accompanj each song as to the artist behind it all The fullnessof~twdleavc youoverf~d and the sensrtivityof itwd make it feel ahen If you're the type of person who rattles off N'Sync orJay Z rhymes to give yourselfideastolive by, youprob ably won't tolerate the impossible feat of relating toPeter Gabriel Heismuch too ambiguous, his meanings much too pliable, for the "pop-art sensibil if#' to live happily with his tunes ln that collectivehead Ed J. Eby, lmprmt staff

For more info contact Ahdi Nosur 662Be a Big Sister. Female volunteers from all cultural backgrounds who 4936, e-mail atanas1rl960@yahoo.com. are 18 years of age o r older have the Volunteer Action Centre (742-8610) IS opportunity t o make a positive ditrecruiting volunteers for the followiop, fcrcnce in a child's hfe. Each B I ~ positions: Sister is matched with a girl beHELP CHILDREN START THEIR DAY tween the ages of 4-17. Prcscntly WELL NOURISHED: #1120-2350: thereisalarge waltlng I~stwithovcr Local school breakfast programs, help t o 6 0 kids wait~ngfor a friend. Can @ you share three hours a week for cook, serve food, and d o groceries. Proone ycar t o cnrich a child's hfe? grams run from 7:30-8:30 a.m. Next training date is Novcmber AFTERSCHOOI. PROGRAM V O L @ 23, 2002 from 9:00 a.m. t o 4:00 IJNTEERS: # 1030-121 6611 2677: Need p.m. Call 743-5206 t o register. voluntccrs who arc paticnt, asscrtivc, English Tutors are needed t o tutor and cnjoy working with children. Kinstudents and scholars for two t o dergarten to grade six, with programs three hours per week. Shadows are runnmg from Monday to Friday afterneeded to help new international stunoons. dents adjust t o life In Canada during ASSIST T H E BOX OFFICE MANtheir tirst term at UW. For morc inforAGER: #3657-12832: On performance mation about the programs view the evenings handing out tickets and helping IS0 website at: set up concessions. Position available www.international.uwaterloo.ca. from September t o June a t Theatre and Volunteer a few hours weekly during Company. the school day and make a life long LJNICEI: "FAMILY ITIN DAY" VOLdifference to a child. The Frrends ServLJNTEERS ARE N O T EASILY ice at CMHA matches volunteers with SPOOKED: #1192-925 1: Volunteers children who need add~tronalsupport at will assist with hay rides, the haunted school. Friends operates in partnership with the local school Boards and helps barn, ch~ldren'sfun barn, grounds m a n tenance, parking and much more. Event children 4 t o 15 years. Call 744-7645, is held on October 26-27. Orientation ext. 317. will be held on October 1 9 at 1:00 p.m. Volunteer to visit an indiv~dnal with INTERESTED I N C O M M I T T L E Alzheimer's Disease. Matches made WORK?:#1192-925 1: UNICEF combased on interest. Trainlug provided. mittee of K-W reglon IS looking for a One t o four hourslweek. Call Jill at the Al~heimerSociety 742-1422 or e-mail secretary. Help maintain UNICEF jurercier@nonline.net records, attending taking nnnutes at all meeting and assist with special events. The YMCA of KitchenedWatcrloo is looking for voluntccrs in the following A DAYTIME VOLUN'I'EEK OPPOKareas: Computer Laeracy, Resourre DeTUNITY: 1209-1204: Cand~an Blood velopment, Children and Youth services Bank is looking for people t o serve reand special events. For more informafreshments to donors. Vol~mteersneeded tion please contact Sam at (519) 576through Monday toThursday and Sarur8856 or by e-mail at days. samantha.veniez@ywcakw.on.ca. ' M E C l l Y 01' KI'ICHENEK: #1101: K-W Boccia Club rcqulrcs volunteers of Volunteers needed for study IIall, Laurcntian School for mternahonal Soall ages t o work with people with d ~ s a b ~ l i mali and other foreign students. Siw tles on Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00 p.m. dents w ~ l lchoose elther Tuesday o r Thnrsday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Starhng October 1 t o December 6. Orientation1 trammg t o he given a week in advance.

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Saturday, October 1 2 K-W Chamber M U S K S o c ~ e t y Presents. "Avo~d-OctoherFest" Concerts Juana Tayas, P~ano,at 8:00 p.m. a t KWCMS MIISIL Room, 5 7 Young St West, Warerloo. For Info and h ~ k e t scall 886-1673 or e-mad kwcnls@ yahoo ca Sunday, October 1 3 K-W Chamber MUSICS o c ~ e t y Present\. "Avn~d-Octoberfest" Concert,. Quatern~onFnwmhle, a t 8:00 p.m. at KWCM5 MUSK Room, 5 7 Young St. West, Waterloo. kor info and t~cketscall 886-1673 or e-mad kwcms@'yahoo.ca. Monday, October 14 Imprint staff meeting at 12:30 p.m., SLC, room 1116. Come out and volunteer at your newspaper. Tuesday, October 1 5 TradeTalks - a series of eight interactive career shows explormg careers in the skilled trades and local apprenticeship programs. Each event features a dynamic host, draw prizes, special guests and hands-on exhibits. Held at Conestoga Mall (Waterloo) from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 1 6 MBAILaw School Fair - get the answers to your questions about these professional programs from school representatives. Organized by WLU Career Services. The event takes place at Paul Martin Centre, WLU. Thursday, October 1 7 K-W C h a m b e r M u s i c S o c ~ e t y Presents: Avoid-OctoherFest" Concerts. Fryer &Young, cello & piano, atX:00 p.m. at KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo. For mfo and tickets call 886-1673 or email kwcms(@yahoo.ca. Saturday, October 1 9 T h e Flora Festival Smger,, under the direction of founderlconductor Noel E d ~ s o nlaunch another spectacular scason of choral concerts at 8:00 p.111. at St. Mary's Church, Elora St. (267




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ESL teachers needed 111 Korea. Bachelor'sdc~rccorh~p,hcr e d u c a t i o n is m a n d a t o r y . Good working conditions and wage. Contact Info & Money (Igpll4@hotma1l.com o r 1-519-5745853) for more mformation. Applicants wanted t o s h ~ d yPart IV of 'The Urantia Book. Earn $25,000. For details visit www.eventodaward.com Now hiring student fundraisers! $8.001 hour t o start. Work on campus, flexible hours, raises every term! If you are a good commnnicator, enthusiastic- and dependable, then we want to talk to yon! Apply at the Office of Development, 2nd floor, South Campus Hall.

Geddes St.). T o order t~cketscall 519846-9696 or 1-800-265-8977. St. Jacobs Church Theatre presents, John Milard and Happy Day at 8:00 p.m. Part of the St. Jacobs Professional Performance Scrics, live from St. Jacobs at the Church 'Theatre. For mfoltickets call 664-2293. Tuesday, October 22 T h e SpecialEducation Advisory Comnntte of Waterloo Rcgion District School Board and the Watcrloo Rcgion District School Board Special Education Department would like t o invite the community to attend SEAC informat~onforum. From 7:00-9:00 p.m. a t Forest IIeights Secondary School Cafeteria, admission IS free. Wednesday, October 2 3 Free Prenatal Health Fair, offered by the Region of Waterloo Public Hcalth. Find the answers t o your questions about having a healthy baby. I Ield at the Cambridgc Newfoundland Club, 1500 Dnnhar Rd, Cambridge, from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Saturday, October 2 6 Victorian OrderofNurses, Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin, (VON WWD) is havmg a fund-rasing Halloween Bowling Party, at Brunswick Fredr~ckLanes in Kitchener from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. There will be howling prizes and games all with a Halloween theme. Special Prizes for wearing a COSNmC. '1'0 receive a pledge sheet o r for more information call 894-0880 ext. 1157. Tuesday, October 2 9 The Contact/Call Centre Committee of the Greater Kitchener-Waterloo Chamher of Comn~erceIS holding a Career Fair from 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. a t the Region of Waterloo buildmg lobby, 150 Frcderick St, Kitchener.

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Saturday, November 2 T h e Faculty of Applied Hcalth Science is hosting the Applied Health Sc~enceHomecommg 5 KM Fun Run. Run is takmg place around Ring Road fromapproximately 10:15-11:30a.m.

Tuesday, October 1 5 Arch~tectnre: Co-op job postmg avallahle by 12 noon. Teachmg ophon: Co-op jobpostmg #1 available by 1 2 noon. Wednesday, October 1 6 m Arch~tecture:Co-op job postlugs explres at 8:OO p.m. Teachmg O p t ~ o n : Co-op job postmg #1 explres at 8 p.m. Chartered Accounhng: Match Results posted by 3 p.m. Meehng for students w ~ t h o u temployment at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, October 1 7 Architccturc: Co-op joh posting available by 12 noon. Teaching Option: Coo p job posting #2 available by 12 noon. Chartered Acoounting: Acceptance of E m p l o y m e n t mcctings with coordinators for students matched with a job. Check the co-op bulletin hoard in Needles Hall for your scheduled appointment. Career Services Workshop: Career research package-selfasqessrnent, occupational research, Informatton interview, & career decision makmg. 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Please slgn up at www.carccrservices.uwaterloo.ca. Friday, October 1 8 Architecture: Co-op job postings expires at 8 p.m. Teaching- O y.t ~ o n Co: job posnng.#2 expires a t 8 p.m.


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