Meal plan questions Food senices saps that abuses of the tax-exempt meal plan could generate a tax penalty for the university. The concern is with students who purchase tax-exempt meals for others.
Waterloo deserves more
page 9
Back to Berlin
'The government affairs commission plans to flex student muscles to better the housing situation.Itwill alsocampaign to get students voting in municipalelections
"III Nave you my phone number would y~ call? Why?" -Michelle Titus
A turnkey profile
U%'does not receive the recoptionit deserves based on its status and achievements.We shouldworkto get our name out there.
cover and page 6
Flexing student muscle
IGrim IIassanem has found more things to hate about the town formerly known as Berlin.
Although 'l'urnkeys do everythmg fromcleaninguppuke to brcakingup bar fights, thcy do not in fact know everythtng.
page 11
page 14 Reaular content:
pagc 3
Radio Waterloo 2
"Sure, i'll try anything once."
This soon-to-be-launched t a k radio will bring a frcsh initiative to the ears of students. Muskoka Club plans to w-ebcast student-based "radio."
"I refuse to answer on the grounds that it will incrimi nate me."
Tanveer Ali
Joyce Ouyang
2A applied studies
4A anthropology
"Yes, because you're wearing a halter-top."
"No, because I've got five numbers already to call."
Regular content:
Pigs saving the world Scientists have developed a way to decrease farm pollution from pigs. Phosphorous in pig manure causes dangerous agricultural pollution. To counteractthis, Dr. Forsberg,amicrobiologistat the University of Guelph, has geneticallyen~$neered apig toproduce less phosphorous m its fecal matter.
Royal Queen's too for waterloo
Pete Malysewich
38 economics
Imprir~tprofilesalocal band with Waterlooconnections.
pagc 22
Burning dogs Iqprillt rips apart a locally-produced movie. No holds barred-they aren't goingtolikeus aftertheyreadthis one.
page 17
cover and page 22
Free concerts?
UW hosts adiscussion of the current state of our crysosphere,and the significance of the human impact on our chte.
Michelle Titus eqdores Conrad Grebe1 concerts and exposesthe tricks of the trade to scoring free concerts.
'l'empers flare as Queen's defeats Waterloo 38-2.
page 19
page 23 A
cover and page 18
Dan McGahby 3 history
U W golfers really score The varsity golf team prepares for OUAchampionshipat Grey Silo Golf Course after winning Challenge Cup.
"Yes, 'cause you're cute."
Kunle Dee science grad
"Sure, because I like talking to people and making new friends." John Paul Curry 1st year arts
The Strokes Wssed the Strokes concert? Don't x\iorr~-I(!.lc Rea was there and still managed to deliver a review.
c o x r and page 25
page 20
Soccer triumph After last week's tie, \Tarriors outplayed the defendingnational champions to beat them3-2.I.aurier scored a smartgoal by headingthe ball out of the keeper's hands.
page 23
\Ti11 Peters goes to the Shaw Festi~al aild rcviewes Cuj~ciida,the classic romatic comedy. FTeltked it. He l&ed "I wouldn't have asked if i it fine. Better than the wine. wasn't going to call."
Ramsay Hanlon
"Actually I meet enough gir in my SMF 204 [Introductiot to Human Sexuality] class." Jesse Arks
3rd year science
1st year arts
page 26
Government affairs commission launches to address close to home issues Commission of students to educate politicians about student needs Christine Louriero SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
1he beds Government Affairs Com mission is an amalgamation of the National Affairs Commission and the Provmcial Affairs < ommission Ryan O'Connor proposed to put the two commissions togeth~rin hopes of gaimng more shldcnt interest Chris Edey was appointed the Go1 ernment Affairs Commissioner Feds council introduced the commiasion along with a renewed sense of purpose The commissionhas identifiedthe educationof loca1,pr~mncialand federal politicians on issucs that affect post secondary institutions, student needsandissues faced by students a\ mportant According to bde) ,they wish to "foster commumcation and understanding between" students and the political community at large The commission's current mandate is educating students and locals and gathering local support m the hous ing bylaw issucs hdey stated that the comnussionn ishes to incrcasc communication with city council in order toincrcase competition and decrease monopolies m the U aterloo houaing market The studcnt awareness campaign is d l in its organirational phase Thus far, several poster campaigns have been run, including one that began with the passingofrecent Feds councilresolutmnto educate students on mwcipal affairs and to fight a
lodgmg house bylaw restrictionmWaterloo The community launch, which the commission hopes will includc offcampus medin exposure, i$ planned for the ncvt one to nxo weeks The commission is planning an information session targetedto educatingfirst year students, many of whom are new to the city andwillnot feelimpacted by the Waterloo housing crunch until their second ycar An outreach is also planned in order to improw community relations and gather "allies," encourage participation of the planning students association and its pro fessors, as well as gather support of municipal councillors According to Edey, the l'lannmg Students Association is especially interested 111 \Y aterloo housing issues. as a di rectly affects their course ofstudy The association First on the commission's agenda is tackling the housing issue. is attempting to gather support for their stance from plan- also better housing for students, bringdownhousmgpricesand force ning profeqsors which, he believes, can be mcreased poor landlords to adhere to housing Edey sees t h ~ sissue as one of with the remo>al of the 75-metre codes AccordingtoEdey,thecityisnegcommunity benefit, not only atu restriction on lodging houses im dent benefit He stresses the impor- posedby city council. Increasmgcom- ligent in enforcing property standtance of not only more housing, but petitioninthe housingmarketwould ards bylaws, citing a maximum of
$25,000 e r a fmt offense bnforce ment of such fines would also bolster "community health and wellbeing," said Edey See GAC, page 7
How safe is your university? Safety audit identifies problem areas around campus ogy and sociology building and L'WJ l h e walkway to the optometry Place Another group of volunteers building was identified as a problem surveyedthe residences area because ofpoorlightmgandovcrThe teams looked for a variety of grown shnibs "All the lightswere out The Federation of Students and the safetyofficeconductedaperscmalsafety safetyhazardsoncampus,suchaspoor alongthe pathand there were bigpiles audit on October 9 to identify safety hghttng inadequate signage and places concerns on campus "'I he safety audit is intended to that couldconcealan ensurc that the campus environment attacker 'We look fcels non threatening to all students for darkspotswhere whether or not thepare alone or even the lightmgcouldbe ifit's late atntght," sadMike Kerngan, improved, places bederation of Studentsmce-president thatmayneedanad ditional help line, internal About 15 d u n t e e r s participated overgrown plants that could hide peo in the safety audit The voluntecrs formed teams that inspectcdanumber ple at mght and any of areas on campus, including the odd locationswhere students could feel church college walkways, East Cam pus Hall, Hagey Hall, the optometry uncomfortable." saidKemgafi Another safety van will soon be added. building, the psychology, anthropolSusan Bubak IMPRINTSTAFF
of dirt running up the side," said Kemgan "Additionally, we noticed thatalotofbushes hadgrownup tothe , path, possibly concealtngpeople" Plant operationshas been notified ofthese safetyconcerns andis intheprtxes\ of corrcctingthem Major recommendations suchasncw lightingand signsmustbeapproved by the a committee of several university groupsbefore the) can be implemented AccordmgtoI<evm Stmartofthe safetyof fice,the recomrnendations will be evaluated SUSAN WEAK by several umversi~ bodies. "The recom
mendations for improvements are summarued and then reviewed by a personalsafetygroupwithrepresentation fromU\VPohce,plant operatmns, health services and the safety office " The audit report will be presented to thelmthealthandsafetyco-tteem November In other campus safety news, thc Ridesafeprogram,whichprovidesfree transportation to students, staff and faculty todestinationccmandoff cam pus, will be expanded with the ad& tionofa second\ an The Student Life Endowment r u n d contributed $33,791 60 toward the purchase ofthe vanand the StudentSen ices Advtsory Committee allocated funds for mamtenahce and the dnver's wages
Talk radio for UW
Deregulation, part one: accessibility Are the poor turned away by hgh tuition?
d..; d4r il gT *f 2 ~P $Y ~3 vir!hb
~#van ? '*+ ?,
UWRVAN.COM If! ou gn e someone money tt does not instantly make him smarter or generally morc able of apcrson It does, though, make him more able to pay for things, such as a university education If money does not make stu dents more able to benefit from a umversity education,thcn why should it factor in thelr abllity to accesssuchaneducation This question is the essmce of the issue of accessibilityof post secondaryeducation Because of underfunding of universities, that is less fundingper qtudent in real dollars, deregulation generally means higher hution Lower revenue from a university's operatinggrant from the province puts a stram on finances and makes tuition hikes a morc attractive option If programs are deregulated, whichmeans theprovincialgovemmcnt's controls on hutlon are removed, then the financd pressure canbe released by another large revenue source t w o n Other sources must also be pursued, but would require larger p r o p o d p s to reahze the same absolute p, that is smaller sources would
The ways that high tuition affects accessibllityisby prospective student\ not being - able to afford it in an absolute way, students hnking thev aren't able to afford it and thmkmg that the cost is not worth the potential benefit Various organi7ations ham performed studies to gauge whether tuitionaffectsaccessibdity
At the University of Toronto, the Prowst's Task Force on Tuition and Student FinancialSupport releaseda report m 1998 As a part of its report it studied the proportion of students from different household in~omes and suggested that increasing tuition didnot affectaccessibilitybetween 1991and 1996 at U o f T It said, "The group then rewewed recent evidence fromthe Untversity of Toronto wh~chsuggested, in aggregate terms, that there had not been a decline in the relativepropor tmn of students from lower-income households between 1991 and 1996 as tuition levels increased." The Federations of Students performed a study in 2000 comparing the houshold income of students at Ontario m e r s i t i e s in 1991 to those in 1998 It found that over thosc sevenyears the percentage of students from backgrounds of below average income dropped from 71 6 per cent to 61 1 percent In h s 5ame period engineering hubon, for example, rose from .I
$973 to $1,943, a 99 6per cent increa\e '1he report indicated the correlation between rising tuition and smaller lower-incomeattendance "Overall, this report suggests that recent increases in tuition fees have made a untversity education harder to afford for lower-mcome students," tt read Last month the Canadian AssociationofUm~ersitt Teachers published a report, ALCUJ Ilerued, which compared unix ersity tuition to wages for different types ofworlc as far back as 1857 up to this peat I indicates that inflation-adjusted tuition is at its highest lex el in history and that average undergraduate arts tuition rose mobt rapidly over the 1990s In the United States an advisory committee on student financial assistancereported to congress in hmpy l'romzrer The Myfh of College Arcess z n h m ~ The a report says, "While parents' education specificallyh a v q a college degree along with f;unily income is positively related to student academicpreparation, there is no evidence that it has an effect on college enrolment independent of the effect of family income and f m c d a i d for college qualified high school graduates " Problemswithaccessibllitythat stem from the perceived barrier of high tuition, sometimes referred to as "sticker s h o c c can be addressed with information Both this and lack of financial means, however, cai be addressedwith better financial assistance. The problem that expands the debate on deregulation beyond accessibilityisthatproviding education requires money and tuition is a significantpart of a university'\ revenue The next question then becomes how to ensure qualitv, malung a umveisity education worth while
The motivation behind Radio Two is so slmple, one wonders how a void that obvious remained empty for so long Radio Two is an online broadcasting statton that will act as a counterpart to the already existmg University of Waterloo radio station, CKMS Organized independ ently from CI<MS, Radio Two, modelled after the popular CBC Kadio Onc format, is designed to corn plementCI(MS Radio Two was conceived as a sub project through the UlT-based hhskoka Club, a group of students dedicated to campus life and building a strongL?Arcom munitp Realizing the lack of a "common cultural institution" within UW, the statmil's founder and president, AlexMatan,mas encouragcd to crcate a station that appealed to all students regardless of their indi vidual malors or interests Re sponding to both private and pub lic criticism that thc University of KJaterloo is too segregated, Radio Two was created as a discussion forum in the attempt to bridge the gap and foster a real spirit of com munity within UW In defense of the criticism, Matan was quick to point out that it is not for lack of interesting on-campus events and clubs that many students feel left out, but rather as a result from the absence of a common forum to relay relevant information about these events'to the student body Unlike other radio stations, Radio Two is entirely online Being online is an important part of the station's mandate as it enables the station to provide more than one channel at a time to its listeners While the primary channel will remain discussion-oriented with breaks scheduled for radio staples like the news and weather, other channels will exist to facilitate the varied and divcrsc interests of U\Y' students BJ visiting the \\'cb site and clickingon a link, listeners will be able to acccss ainyriad of shoms
dealing with different issues TI commitment to diversity stel from the station's desire to sho case a wealth of on-campus talc that has, in their opinion, been nored The nature of an online stati offers real solutions to problel that often restrict frequency rac stations. Shows, speakers andgui lecture series that once depend on physical attendance can now taped and accessed at the convt iencc of the listener The quality a content of spccializcd broadca will alw improve as many cont butions can be taped ahead of tir and edited to mcet a standard oft unachierable by Iir e broadcam One of the station's main cc ccrns is actingas an on-campus ne bulletin,informing students abc current news stories and camp e\ents as the7 happen Matan coj mented that his goal is not to 1 place other news forums such Im~rzntbutrather, to "facilitate t already existing institutio through a new medium " Mat envisions a vibrant broadcast rr dium that would see live broa casts of relevam campus el ents,h beds meetings that in the past ha been largely overlooked or i p o r by UW students, heard live In preparation for the Octot 30 launch of the radio static countless interviews. discussio and special presentations have ready been taped and are now be1 o r g a n i ~ e dwithin the atatic Among these presentations is a 16 ture on the imDortance of wom in e n p e e r i n g tapedearher this yt at the University of Waterloo. In offering something for cvc listener, Radio Two hopes to 1 come a permanent fixture in t UW community that it so c h ~ ishes. Those interested in learni more about Radio 1wo can vi their Web site at radio2 feds ca b thosc seekinga more involved rc in the station, a list of voluntc positions ax~ailableis posted on t Muskoka Club l\ e b site
Bet you have a problem
with gambling From lottery to the stock market, it's all a gamble The council has tips for responsible gambling which "Seven per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds they claim, if folhave severegamblingproblems," said lowed, guarantee Lisa Coupcms, council project man- that youwill not de ager at the Responsible Gambling velop a gambling Councdof Ontario Tncontrast,counul problem. Responsible gamblers bal researchindicates that 3.8 percent of ance gambling with adults have severe gambling problems "Resear~hiscurrentl~bemgcon other leisure activi ducted to find out why," said ties, only use money set aside for leisure Coupems to gamble, set a time Prom October 7 to 10 the Re sponsible GamblingCouncllof On- limit, take frequent tario was at the Student Life Centre breaks and avoid and on campus residencesto educate on-site cash mastudents on how to gamble respon- chines for addisibly and identify signs of gambhng tional gambling money, the council addiction Gamblmg,whosedefinitionis not offers. The council ofhmted t~pla~ingcards in smokycasinos, occurs anytime someone risks fers many services IMPRIWARCHIVES for those who susmoney onanuncertainoutcome 'The most popular forms of gambling p~ctthatthe~ortheirStudents are easy prey to gambling. among 18 to 24-year-olds are sports friends may have a betting, lottery scratch tickets, cards gambling problem The council, information on Gamblers Anonymous and other programs available foundedm 1983, runs 45 treatment and occasionally sloth at casinos," facilities in Ontario The organuafor those struggling withgambling Couperus said addiction Inthc Idtchener-Water '1 he council includes investing tion's Web site can be found at in the stock market as a form of responsiblegambling org, and has loo region, counsel~ngforgamblmg contact information for all gam- problems can he foundat St. Mary's gambling The mission of the council is to make the public aware bling treatment centres as well as CounsellingSenxes of signs of gamblingaddiction and safe gamblingpractices Signs of gambling addiction are \pending increasing amounts of 465 Phillip Street time at gambling venues, chasing Parkdale Plaza II lmaes by playtng higher stakes to WATERLOO try to win back lost money, gam (corner of Ph~ll~p & Albert) bling to escape daily pressures and W e OtTer: obligations, neglecting family, coin operated laundrd;nat with attendants friends and personal health and STUDENTS: 20% discount on drycleaning only becoming involved in tllegal activiwash & fold service I shoe repair i' alterations ties to finance gambling. We offer a dean B friendly atmosphere. Come B visit us! Gambling t - addiction often de vebps when someone is feeling vulnerable and m going through a difficult or stressful time in h~slife, said Couperus Above all, the council stresses, some of those addicted to gambling do not view it as a means of entertainment but as a source of income. It is important to remember that gambling venues such as casinos, racetracks and bingo halls design games that will allow them to make a profit, not the player Sean Lauria
GAC: students get involved Continued from page 3
The c o m s s i o n is content to find support m the community '1 he 75 m restriction on lodgmg houses impacts community members when it becomes a property rights issue As ~tstands, ifa resident ofWatcrloo sells his or her home, she could not sell it to a landlord intending to use it as a lodging house, or turn it into a lodgmg house herself As Edey pointedout, studentsin\Vaterlooare responsible for989 d h o n of discrcttonary spendingintheWaterlooarea and Umversity ofWaterloograduates are responsible formanyof the hi-tech companiesm the area Universitystudents provide a steady source of rev enue for the city and an "econormc impact is felt in Toronro, Ottawa, Montreal,Vancouver and California's Silicon Valley," according to a Pricewaterhouse Coopers study detaded on uwstudent org Waterloo students also contribute to the community through acts of
volunteerism,suchas a cleanup of the Clair CreekwithWaterloo Parks Sew ices Edey said it seems that this student infl~lencein the Waterlooareacan be overlooked and the commission will be encouragingstudentsto regs ter to vote in the Fall 2003 municipal electionsin ordertogather better student representatton The comrmssionalsoplansto distribute to students a pamphlet ex plainingcoursesof action avadableto studentsexperiencingproblemswith Iandlords Edey stated that students might fear enction and hesitate to report housmgmfractions The pamphlet will outline landlord responsibikes, applicable city bylaws and list resources for student consultation The comrmsston plans to meet Thursday, October24at 5p m in the environmental studies coffee shop They wdl be planning and discussing o r p z a t i o n of future events and a form letter on housing issuesfor stu dents For further information, Chns Edey canbereachedatgac@fedsca
Stooping to tie laces is so beneath you. Blundstone boots are pull-on, kick-off easy. Weatherproof, too. , With iust minimal care. they last
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HOURS: Mon.-Wed. 9:30 a.m.-8:00 p m. , Thurs. 8 Fri. 9:30 a.m.-900 p.m ; Sat. 900 a m -6.00 p.m. :Sun. 12:OO-5:00 p.m.
Watcards: one meal at a time please Continued from cover
\Then asked if this was a new food semces policy, Murdoch said itwvas not "It gets posted every year we didn'tput newpostersup at the start of the i ear Hadwe had the onginalposters up atthe start ofthe year itwouldn't be anissue." He added that whtle the policy applies to all students holding- meal plans, food sewices m l o o h g for the most frequent abusers first "Four Chtnese specials being bought at Davis Centre at lunch and it's like, for three weeks," he said, descnbmgone ofthemore memm rable instances of meal plan abuse I-Ioweber, he also said "For starters, 1 don't bclicve aiq one7$card ha\ been confis cated" and he added that if food senices noticed abnormal purchasmg habit\, they would "have a chat nith that \tudent " Meaim hile, the po\tcr has raiqed some other issuer 1 he poster \tates that "ail Ontario univcrsio was fmedmore than $60,000" for not ha\ tng safe p a r d \ in place to prexent the abusc of the meal plnns \\hen a s k d n htchunir ersin mques tion was fined, hfurdoch sad "vou'd h , ~ \ eto ask them " \\ heilasbedwllo"t1leinnwa5,
he said 'bell, I'm not going to tell you that," citing a confidentiality agreement with other food senlice directors from otheruniverssties 'We saw a rapid escalation in the amount of rniwse of the meal plans this year and are very concerned that thatwillgenerate orcreate for us a huge tax penalty " Fdy,whenaskedabout his position on the policy, Murdoch stated "our commitment is to
make sure that we're treating students fairly and maximizingtheir taxadvantages We're trying to make sure that wc have apohcy mplace that they continue to receive that ben efit "
Federal and Provtncial tax leglslatlon prohcbits the w e of tax exempt meal plan fundsby ~ndivldualswho are not quoiified to receive these beneftts The use of your tax exempt UW Food Serv~cesmeal plon to purchose fwd for someone else is strictty proh~bited. An Ontario unwersw was fined more than $60,009 because the universliy In question did not have In place sufficientcontrols to prevent this abuse Meals may be purchased oniy by and for WE WATCARD holder Each transaction the cashier will examme the photo on the WATCARD to ensure that the person mak~ngthe purchase is the WATCARD holder The cashter wil also determine li this person is attempting to purchase food for other people If a WATCARD is being used by someone other than the WATCARD holder or if the cashter suspects the person is
attempting to purchase meals for someone else, the cashlet nust Keep the WATCARD The WATCARD can be recovered from the WATCARD Office the next buscness day All discouqts and tax exernpt~onswtll be terminated for this WATCARD TYLER THOMAS
Students are only allowed to purchase one meal at a time with their meal plan. This message is posted at food servingfacilities.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18,2002 teachersmOntarioandacrossthe cowtry.Hewasa teacher's teacher." Flu shots available
Saranyah Yogarajah SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
After many mquiriesinto t h e a d b i l ity of flu shots on campus, health service's Linda Grant revealed in a memo, 'We now have on hand flu vaccinc forthc hlgh risk population of students, staffand faculty.This is available without an appointment. "The clinic forthe healthypopula&onof students, staff and facultywill be in the multi-purpose room at the Student Idfe Centre from Monday, November 11, until Thursday, Novembcr11, from 10:30a.m. until 5:30 p.m."
tion forms to be elected for Senate. The form must be returned to the secretariat by noon on October 30, complete and signed by threc regular faculty members. Awards for volunteering
In recognizing the contribution of students within the university and Math professor passes away community, the President's Circle The Universityof\XJaterloois moumAwards for Volunteerism was established in 1997.Each yearacommittee ing the loss of mathematics professor selectstcnrccipicntswho have particiRon Scoinswho passed away on S w pated it1 extracurricular activities in d a October ~ 13 followlngabrave fight various organizations. A $250 award againstcancer. . . In a mcmo, dean of mathcmatlcs is p e n to each recipient. Alan (;eorge wrote, "Ron faced his Any member of the University of Waterloo or of the community may dlness in the samc way he faced other nommate a student for this award. challenges -~ithcourage,~acc,and Graduate dean search optimism. To thosc who knew him Students are also encouragedtoapply and worked with him, saying that he The University ofWaterloo has started directly for an award because volunteeringworkhaving such a smallprowitlbe misscdsccmsprofoundlyinadits search for its next deanofgraduate filc. Application forms are available in equate.\7(.'eha~~elostamtmderfidfriendstudies afterJake Sivakof the optomwith whom it was a joy towork, and a etryschoollcfthispostonAugust31. Needles IIall and the Federation of vety specialman." Associateprovost Gary\Yraller is sen7- Students in the Student life Centre, Funcral services for Wyear-old ingas interim deanwhile the search is and they arc due by Novcmbcr 1. Scorns tookplacc at Mount Zion 1,u- carried out. Feds president ties the knot theran Church on Thursday, October Theuniversitysecretariatreleaseda I I. Brenda Slomka was thc first Feds memo delegating an election for the leader to get married while in office. George also said, "[Scoins] served nomincc committcc comprised of This past Saturday, October 12, she the faculty and the univcrsiq formore seven members. than 23 years. I Ie was an outstanding The memo states, "Per Policy 44, married fellow Unk-crsityofWatcrloo teacher, receivinga U\X'd~stingu~shcd nominations arc rcqucstcd for one student Ray I(oprowslu. They had 'reachii1gA~vardinl999~1dOCUbA's senator of professorial rank, to be the ceremony in Ray's home town of 'lta~lu~iIwardin2000. Moreover,his elected by the Senate;and onc senator T.ondon, Ontarm, tryingto avoid "the contributions went well beyond the ofprofcssorialrank fromeach faculty whole Oktoberfest thmg " campus. I Iewas a keyindiv~dualifiour (a total of six), to be elected by a vote I'hcy only took a \hart hone! inathcmat~cscontest operations, and ofthe regular facultymembcrs within moon and Brenda returned to murk was one of our leaders 111 the dcvclop- that faculty." inent and nurturing of the wonderful her surname and is now lwown as The secretariat inNeedlesHal1, or relatmnshtpweenjoy with high school tho secretariat\Tebstte offers nomina- Brenda I<oprowrk~.
Professional and post-degree day
Representativesof44 universitiesfromacross Canada and around the world were in the Student Life Centre October 16 to talk about their professional and graduate programs. This fair was organized by UW career services.
I ---
oaee 9 All letters must lnclude a phone number for ver~f~catmn, and should not exceed 300 words Letters should Include the authol's year and program, or faculty pos~ tlon where appl~cable All matenal IS sub lect to edltmg for brev~tyand clarlty The oplnlons expressed are strlctly those of the authors, not the opinlons of Imprmt.
Opmon &tor hIatt Strnuss opm~on@~mpmt uwaterloo cr
Waterloo deserves more Turn to Yale for tuition ideas Josh Kornenda
R'heti I thmk of the achievements of the Uttiverstty of Katcrloo, I'm often amazed In less than half a century, we ha\ e grown to be a world-class tnstttutton Chr students and graduates compete against those from prestigious universitieswhtch are six or se>en times older, have ten tmes the financial resources and cost five ttmes as much in tuition U\V launchedthe idea of co operative education which has been mim tcked by countlcss other untvcrstncs m the U S and Canada U1\' has been rated as the best university tn Canada for the last 10 years m a row. It is the only school in the world to consistently rank in the top 10 every year for the ACM International Collegate Program mmg Contest tn whtch tt competes with MI'I ,Caltech, Stanford and top schools from around the world I'm so proud, yet at thc same time frustrated and disappointed I wrote a lcttcr last fall to the heads of my department (k&Cb) as well as the president of the universtty that explamed my grievances I told of my experi ences, comparing my program with frtends andacquaintances who attend school m the U S and Canada I compared computer engineermgcurriculums and workloads wtth students at McGill, C niverstty of Toronto, Unwersity of Manitoba and none could recount any stones of the grueling pressure and stress that my classmates and I ha\ e endured nl,leil mnting friends at Stanford and Georgetown Unn eraities, most students seemed far more iela\cd and had much more free time than 1ha\ e c\ er had hlj problem is this Khile many in Canada know about \\ aterloo dnd its achiel ements, I\ aterloo ts larb~lyunknown among the general population and many companies outside of Ontario While .i.isiting a friendm
Boston last fall, I had dinner with 15 other students from I Ianm-d, Stanford and MIT \%'hen the sublcct of Canadtan universities came up, all had heard of University of Toronto and McGill and considered them to be good schools None had heard of the Lnn erstty of W'aterloo When searching for employment m the U S outside of the co-op system, FIR departments have often told me that because Katerloo is not on their recruitingltst, they cannot accept my resume. In fact, a woman at one company in Maryland told me that they only "recruit from schools wtth strong co-op programs" -obviously she hadn't been informed of Waterloo's role in the invention of co-op I'm frustrated because I know that Katerloo ts an amazing school and I've worked very hard to earn and keep aplace here. Despite the fact that the Lniverstty of Katerloo has every reason to he confident and tnfluenttal,we are humble, intmidated and, desptte what we say, act like a regional school more than a world wtde institution I'm not suggesting that we become elitist, but there is no reason not to take prtde in your achievements and to stnve for the top, not lust a high place
See REPUTATION, page 10
SPECULATIONS The topic of tuttion has been garnering gmwmginterest in Ontario as the coat students contribute to their education continues to rise and the topic of deregulation looms ever more steadily Thanksgivtngw~eckcndT visited Yale U r n ersity inConnecticut and gained some understandmg of their strategy towards tuition As with our own strategy, theirs i\ definttely not without flaws, however, understanding their sp stem will allow us to dectde whether there 1s any part of tt that would be useful to US In private American schools, ~tudcntsare accepted based on a merit-only scale This means that anyone, regardless of financial situation, can be accepted to one of these schools, provided she fulfils the requirements of admisston If the student accepts her offer of admission, she is then rcqurrcd to provide financial information about
herself and hts guardians I'his information is used to determine what fraction of tuttton she should Pay Two years ago, m the 2000 2001 school year, 37 per cent of under graduate students at Yale received scholarships or grants, whtch are based purely on financialneed and not at all on academic merit Scholarshipsreceiv ed by under graduate students m that ycar ranged from $1,175 to $35,400 US, averagingat $17,141 US In that year, undergraduate tuition was $25,220 US and the cost of room and board, as estimated by the untversity,was $7,660 US This means that students who received the average grant were left paying $15,739 US and the student who received$35,100 US had$2,520US left in spending money a h i l c this funding system at private h e r i c a n ufflwrsitiesis not ideal (at Yale, the average under graduate student who received a grant still paid $15,739 for room and board in the 2000 2001 school year), we should consider somc of the features of this system as we look for creatit e ways to fund our own, desperately under- funded, schools. We are extremelylucky here in Ontario, where students pay only 25 per cent of the total cost of their
post-secondaq education Even now, though, a univcrsrty educatton is not within the reach of el erpone who qualifieq and is interested in one Addttionally, our schools are suffering tremmdouslj from the lackof hndtngthcprcccrvc Before we lookat across-the-board deregulation, could mean a reduc tton iil accessibility (lookat the example of University of Toronto's law school where students from all of Canada's law schools filed a human rtghts complamt against U of 1's faculty of la*, saying that their tultionincreases, $2,000 per year for the next five pars,will affect accessibility for students of lower we income dtspr~portionatel~), should conqider how the problem of post secondary funding has been soh ed elsewhere Especiallpat\X'aterloo,wherc about 60 percent of students are in the coop system and therefore earning money every other term, thece is room for a redi5tnbution of funding Allowing tuition to continue c h m b q and our schools to remain under funded ts not an acceptable solution Y c should learn from solutions that other institutions have come up wtth as we try to find one that work5 for us
Fnday, October 18 - Vol. 25, N o . 14 Student Life Centre, Rm 1116 Unwcnlty of Waterloo Waudoo, O h , RZL 3Gi
519 884 7800 P 519 888 4048 tmprmt uwaterloo ca
Prodnchon staff D a v ~ dBo, indrew Dllts, Gcoff Ebj,
l B n a Gdhan, Tonn lurman, LIZ Ngwen, huurtney Short, Ryan Chen Wing, Dan Zloankov Cover layout
UAVCB n r i m Page two
Editorial St&
Editor-~n-ch~ef,Alagda Kon~eczna Ass~cmntektur, Dave Barsam Photos, D a v ~ dCapper A1ss~stwt photos, vacant Graphics, Tyler lhomas Assatant graphics. Jeff Tran \X.cb; Tyler Slqhoom Ass~stantweb, LIZ Llarton Systems a d m i . , Sunon Lam Ass~sranr systems adnun, Stephen \Yebb Lead ptoofreader, Neal Sloogk-Soul~s Proofrrader, Dxmrl Dharmasucya Proofreader, .\shlel Kakade Proofrcadcr,' .\dclc Pcarcc Prooficader, lason \;u
Bus~ncss m;m;igcr, Cathy Rolger cathy.bolger@lmprmt.uwatcdoo ca Idverusmg & produchon m;m;ger, L;~uneTlgcrt-Dumas ads@; ldverusmg nsslstant, racant D~sttrbuaon, G q a Padhy D~stnbut~on, Rachel VJks Board of Directors Pres~dent,Bnan Code T'xe-pres~dent,Fehx YIP ' r r c ; ~ s ~ m rPhd,p , \Y'r,ncr Sccrctacy, I<ourtney Short Staff limson, vacant staff.I~a~son(~~~tnpr~nt~~~~vate~l~>~~ ca
any other publ~cahonor group untll such m e as thc matenal has been Bstnbuted m an Issue of Impnnt, 01 Impnntdcclaresthe~rmtcntnt>t topubhsh thematend Thc full text of thls agreement IS avdable upon requcst
Geoff bhv, Kym Chen \Vmg Imprmi 1s tbe offictd student newspaper of thc IJnwerslry of Waterloo I t IS an ed~tor~ally mdcpcndcnt newspaper pubhshcd by Impnnt Pubhcaaons. U t r r loo, a corporatton wthout share capital Imprint 1s a member of the Onrano Commun~tyNcmspapcr .issociaaon (OCN.1).
Impnntd(>e\notgmmnteetopubhsharuclcs,photographs lettcrsoradverasmg hlatendrnab notbepubh\bed, , ~tht t d~screhonof Impnnl, ~f that matenal IS deemed to be l~belousor m contravcntmn w ~ t hImpniiis p o l ~ c ~ w~th es resprct to our code of ethlcr and lournal~sncstandards Impnnr 1s publtshed even- Fnday dunng fdl and wmtel terms, and every second Fnday In the spring. Imptm. resrnw the nght to scrccn, cdlt and refuse advrrhsmg or&copy per custorncr Tmpr~ntISSN 0706-7380 Imprint CDN Pub h I d Product SJes Agreement no 554677.
Ehtonal sulmlsslons maybc cons~dcrcdforpubl~catxmm any cd~hono f Imprint lnqrint may also reproduce the aspnrt of matcnal comn~crc~dlp ni an) fo~nintorme&the. new,p,iprr datnl~asr,\\'eh sltr o r mly other product N e x t staffmeetmg: Monday, October 21 denved from the ncwspapcr Those submtung erLtonal 12 i 0 p m , ST C 1116 contcnt,mclu&~igartlcles,lettere,ph~~t~~s;mdgrxph~rs,wll grant Imprint first publicnbon nghts of then suhm~tted N e x t produchon n ~ g h t : Wednesday, October 23 mnrenal, m d as such, agree not to submit thc sntnc work to i3 0 p 171, SLC 1116
End the liberal scandalocracv dollars that have been spent inappropriatelyand/orunaccountablv, no m t s t c r in the Chretien cabinet has ever resigned Indccd, the Pnme Minister himself rou tmclj shrugs off misspending as ~f ~tm ere no big deal so what, these things happcn, and so on and so on Conttast this wit17 the action, of disgraced Ontalio touiism mini5ter Cam Jackson \Y hcn i t n as exposed that he had misspent taxpa C ~ ' Smoney, he promptly resigned N o cox er up No c\ aston Just plain and i m p k responsibiltty But ha\ e 1% e ex cr, or \T ill IT,e ex er, see this sort of responsibtlity with the federallib~rals;Of course not Jane Stewart lost sex era1 billton dollars at FTRDC and shc's sttll there Alfonso Gagliano was rewarded for his extensive pork barrellmg with a dtplomatic posttng to Denmark Anyone who is removed does not do so voluntartly, as any honourable minister would They get pttched overboard by the boss, who then insists thcir removal had nothing to do with any sort of misbehaviour whatsoever All this and thc opmon polls still have the gnts hght years ahead of any opposition So the question is, do Canadians just not care> Or have the I ,ibcralsmerely succeeded m lowermg our expectations to the --
YOU! OFF MY PLANET scandal. Solicitor General 1,awrence MacAulay, hm-ing doled out jobs or mone) to pretty much evcryonc on Prince Edward Island, 1s now under fire for having handed out federal gowrnment contracts to a fcw of lns fricnds. So what else ts new? 'l'his is the problem with a Liberal government: it's lcss about policy -they nerer have much policy anyway and it changes on the fly -and more about conduct It's about systematic favours It's about lapses m ethics And most of all, it's about lowering our expectations Nowhere is this defining charactcnsticof big-LLiberalism more prevalent than m the party's kingpm, Prune Mmster Jean Chrtitien A p m , I'm not talkmg about policy -though I don't care for most of the PM's vtews I'm talking about personal responstbility Despae the bihons -yes, that's hzllzonr, every year- of
point where we vtcw incompetent governance andgrievous waste as a regular part of government? It ts true that the absence of a strong second party is part of the problem Yct, i t has also been cdightemi~gin a strange way, as it has shown us all how the Liberals beha\ e when the\ do not have to worq about public opinion defiant, unrepentant, arrogant. I can hear the catcallsalrcadj-: othcr partiesare lust as bad. Rut are they> I like very 11ttlein the NLII' platform, J et I \\auld nerer claim nor 1s there an! evidence to sugest that mcmbers of that par4 would beha\ c in such a11 irresponsible manncr And a's hard to see how the Canadtan Alliance, who propose that their constituents should be able to recall members if they are unhappy with their performance, could ever even try to bchave as flippantly as the Liberalshave I repeat: it's not about policy. It is about conduct. \#hatever you thmk of the Liberalparty's policies, the behaviour of manv -dare I sav most? -of the cabinet is a desecration of the institution of government and an affront to all Canadians Next tune around, given the fight push, perhaps Canadians will fmally be fed up with this garbage and remove them from office. -
Four easy steps to undefeatedness you will regard every letdown as somethmg to push you and drive you harder. An empowered person can not be defeated 2 Fznd strength ~~yozdr 1nk7zkd
As my column name suggests, remaining strong m the face of defeat 1s extraordinarilyimportant to me As a person who is gay I ha\ e been dealt a difficult hand, but I do not allow that to h t my ahlltty to be happy Instead 1 vsew my sexvality as a gift - something that makes me vcry special -and I feel as though I ha\ e been g~en the opportumtp to teach others about honest love and acceptance This week I present to you my personal recipe for remaimngundefeated It's for anyone, gay,straight, bt, whatcver 1. Allow the struggle to empower and enhgbten you. There ts no such thing as f d u r e R e c o p z e your shortconungs as only learmngexperiences,merely steps onward on the greater road to success If we did not struggle,we could not denve enjoyment out of our achievements Our struggles make us stronger and much more hardy when threatened wtth defeat If J ou view life as a struggle that will empower and enltghten you, ) ou can never be defeated Instead,
I he Buddhtsts point out that hfe provides nothing for one to grasp onto. I disagree; I believe you can grasp onto your individuahty Recognize that the unwerse mtended for you to be special and unique as everyone is created as an original work of art. No matter how strange or extreme your habits or lifestyle may seem, 101-e yourself for tt, as there is no one ltke vou. God and the umversc have put you on a specificpath, therefore youcannever compare yourself to anyone else or their personal victories A true individualcan never be defeated 3. Re~ognqethatyou run he radqendent of sonety by lyhaUetgng rtc des. Remember that neither God nor theuriiversecreated soctctv's rules, we did. That means that we are hvmg according to humaty's rules and those rules are not perfect Unfortunately before you were born society had already determmed how difficult your life would be just by your sex, class, race, religion and sexuality Societym extraorhardy shallow but you don't have to be You can rise above all that has been assumed of you and challenge the rules and show that the w-odd can reklly be aveqr acceptingand
beautiful pIace A person who lives mdependent of society's rules can never be defeated 4. Seeyoursef UJ theg~~ardan of your u1m happztze~~. No matter what happens to you durmg this bfetime, know that J ou can die a happy and fulfilled pcrson You can hvc and dic undefeated So do this one needs to undcrstand that one can choose how one reacts to life'simperfccuons Realve that people do not hurt 1ou, you allow to feel hurt Tafe 1s not unfair, you arc just too lmited By choosing to react m a postttve waj to life's little ups and downs you wd1 alwavs come out on top You can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and mo\e on to thc next challenge, playinglife for thc game that a 15 And edeq one will be amazed by how wonderful your life seems to be Khat they don't reali~e,though, is that it isn't your hfe that is wonderful, it ts you By seemg yourself as the guardian of your own happmess, mstead of other people, you can never be defeated As an individual living wtth the tribulations associated wtth bemg gay, I remind myself that rematnmg undefeated is kel I remind all of you to do the same Change the glasses through which you see the world and no matter what happens, victorycanalma) s be yours
How I learned to stop worrying and love Moby
ESSENTIAL INSANITY 1Io\\. many laments have you heard from [insertyour-favorite-musicalgenre here]-heads complaining about how corporations haw managed to co-opt thcir culturc and use tt to icll clothes, cars,perfume, tnlhng stuffed animals>Too many; So man! you have kept a notebook detailmg all such laments in chronological order and the notebook 1s now the swe of the Greater'l oronto Area phonebook (if such a monstrosity exists)> Or how many ttmcs has "sub culture" reportedly died; The answer is 42. The answer to everythingis 42 Fortytwo times and some of the more spectacular moments bcmg Moby smgle-handedly endearing mtddle aged people everywhere to, "that new-fangled electronic music, you know, the kind m those Tide commercials " Hsp hop What more need I say? Everyone's favounte, Ntke, taking the momcntum of the anti-Nike movement and using it for one of their ad campaigns Yes, Nikc created billboards m Autraha for a new soccer shoe with text that said,
"The most offensive boots we've cvcr made 100%Slave Labor," the hada fictional group of "acton~ist< stage a mock rally and wage a wcke bombing campaip against the company, not because the ad was. offensive, but rather because the shoes allegedlygk-eathletes an unfair competitn-eadvantage (No J q q o , Naomi Klcin). But crappy music and slick marketing teams asde, cail evcnts S U C as ~ these really result i n death: of whole molements? Nerds with laptops are still making music for sad robots in thetr basements, hip hc~pthrives despite Nell) and one mock rally organiscd by that "dcmomc" Ntkc does not undermme the force of 50 others Really, the ones who are bemoaning thcsc deaths are the hipsters -the ones who only ltsten to records no one else has heard of, who wear labels "you can only get at this little store m Berlir and who worship in the cult of exclustvity, a subsidiaryuf the machine known as capitalism A sub-culturewith a real core, a real meantng, 15 not dependent upon the approval, or disapproval, of tk mainstream It is not built upon the same principles It is not a re hash of somethmg-or-other, wtth new coat of paint It has the legs t run away It will sing Glotla Gaync as a leaves the spotlight and you need not mourn
Reputation:Waterloo must Continued from page 9
Take a look at our school's \Yeb page, or more specifically,the co-op Web page It barely lists any of our most notable achievemcnts. To someone unfamiliar with the school, L'W might seem like a mcdiocre institution In order to push \\ aterloo from a regonal school to a world-class Institution, we must pursue several courses of action First,increasepubhc awareness, not lust tn Ontario, but also all over the world I'd e5timate that less than half of Canadians even know that \Yaterloo is the best school in Canada. Public awarenessis achieved through media exposure, aggressive corporate networking (especiallym the U S ),and branding - building a unified, luxurious, and professional mage surrounding the Univensity of \XTaterloo name University of Waterloo is already well known m Ontano, but wc must put a greater emphasis on showcasmgour achievements in the US. andwesterncanada. The fact that we have only one employee m the co-op department dedicated to US corporate relations ~ho-s that there is a serious defictency in this The second major step that 'Xatcrloo must take is to target a
broader geographic area for under graduate recruiting \Ye must recru awcssivcl~ at htgh schools in western Canada, the L'S, Furope and Asia \'ire should follow the \Y aterloo mandate recruit the bes regardless ofu here they arc from Right now, about 85 pet ccr of student5 are from Ontano, but a truly global mstttution, this number should be much lower TI order to help gatn international reputation. Waterloo should conta the Prmceton Review and U S Ncws and K orld Report, invite them to the campus and encourag them to rate Waterloo along a ith Amencan schools Currcntly, McGillUniversttyand Umversity c Toronto are the only two Canadia rated by the Princeton Revicw- It actually quotes a McGill student c l a m g that thetr academicsand workload " are second to none " It is imperative that this mtsconceptton of higher educatioi in Canada be corrected If Wraterl, could even get a top 20 spot m the rankmgs, there would be a flood c apphcations from Amertcan and other high schools Great people, compames and institutions didn't get where they are by selling themseh es short or re framing from trying something different
Back to Berlin Karim Hasanem COMMUNITY EDITORIAL
Hey you guys, I found more stuff to hate, so yay for me, nay -yay for all of us So if I can tear your attention away from the homoerotic goings on of the latest episode of Smallville,we can get down to business I hate the name I(itchener hate hate hate hate hate hate hate, hate it Never hked the way it sounded Before 1916,however,Kitchenerwas known as Berlin This name should be restored for three important reasons First, the German Mennomtcs settled ths region and cultivated the land lT1ell,to get techmcal, the land was claimed by the British Crown and then granted to the SLI Nations Indians for their loyalty dumg the American war of independenceThe Native Amen cans sold the land to Colonel Richard Beaslev, who sold the land
to a group of Mennonite farmers, who then formed the German Company 1ract As far as I'm aware, no natipes were sodomized and slaughtered for this particular plot of land, which, considermg the history of colomal expansion, is just weird, but okay, whatever, let's lust move nght along W l d e our notion of German tolerance of other races may still be coloured by the actions of Nazi Germany, GermanMennonites have long been an exceptionally tolerant group of people It was this clunate ofacceptancethat attracted large numbers of immigrants In 1833, the hamlet of Berlin was named in honour of the heritage of its settlers Try to remember the word "tolerance" and the phrase "named m honour of," because they're going to play an important ro1~ in understanding my latest rant Second, the name l3erlin acknowledged and valued the cultural heritage of its inhabitants Berlin
was considered the German capital of Canada, and probably std is However, World War I brought with it an ugly tide of anti-German sentiment In an act that immortal ized an otherwise passing mood of bigotry, the name Berlin was abandoned in favour of Kltchener Everything that the city's culture was supposed to stand for was demcd out of exstence for a name that would sound better to English ears But why IGtcheneG Third, the town of IGtchener is named after a steamingpile of shit GeneralHoratioHerbert Kitchcner (1850 1916),was anEnglish d t a r y officer during the peak of Bntish impend eqansion Among his many achievementswas the massacre of the Sudanese army during the battle of Karan in 1898 Lbhy were the Bntish fightingthe Sudanese? To steal their land and subjugate them, silly See KITCHENER, page 13
A planner's protest to housing bylaw
MAPS AND LEGENDS In these pages last week, Joe Nethery took aim at the Feds efforts to oppose the City of Vi'aterloo's restriction on new student lodging houses and successfullymanaged to touch every base for a grand slam of completelyincorrectplanntng arguments Joe starts off by saying that the removal of the restriction on student housing -no new lodging house may be established within 75 metres of an existing one -would "inevitably lead to a real estate frenzy" and that property values and rents would rise. Excuse me for pointing this out, but having more landlords renting out more rooms would pull prices down, not up. Supply and demand,Joe Property values would indeed go up, as current residents would be able to sell their property to whomever they want and not have the city telling them what they can and can't do with their house. As it stands now, lodgmg houses are overvaluedand can
charge high rents because they don't have to worry about any new competition moving in next door Students and residents both lose under the current system, the only winners being the landlords Next, Netheq questions the desirabthty of establishingmore student housing close to campus, implying that a is "isolatiomst " LVrong - it's good plamng The City of Waterloo desperately wants people to get out of their cars and onto buses, or even better onto sidewalks Enabling people to live near where thcy w o r k or where they study -allows them to walk or bike instead of dnving Having more students living closer to campus would mean less congestion on University Avenue and Columbia Street and less pollutants m the air, a desirableplanninggoal if there ever was one As for student ghettos, they are much more a product of shady landlords and poor enforcementof the law than seedy students and their rambunctious lifestyle Ifcities with large student populations were half as vigilant in enforcing their property standards by laws as they were with chasing around parlung violations, Columbia Street would not look l&e file footage from Sarajevo He then moves onto dumping on student council for their direct
stance on this issue and wondeis why thcy aren't being more "concihatory " IfNethery hadchecked the hstory of this issue he would have noticed that the restriction has becn in place for almost a decade and that the Feds have been"conci1iatory" the whole time And what was the result of all of t h s quet and polite diplomacy with city hall? Absolutely notlung, except that now thc mayor characterizesstudents as arsonists and the city's planning staff is considering doubling the restriction to 1SO metres Clearly a new approachwasr e p r e d and council delivered I stop here to correct myself; NethEry only h t a tnple of inepti tude I Ie had two very correct, very important points "students do not vote" and "until we use what rights we do Aave to instigate change, get used to being laughed off" The city pays no attention to our concerns because we don't vote and city councillors don't thtnk we ever will Students showing up at the polling booth is the second thing that must happen if student interests are to receive considerattonatcity hall The Feds took the first step by demonstrating that they w d d no longer accept the city's doubletalk Now they must work with the rest of us to take the second
Minding Waterloo's business Neal Moogk-Soulis COMMUNITY EDITORIAL
In response to the letter to the editor 1astweekcnticizingImpnnfs recent publication of stories dealing with issues on UW campus, Imprint's mtssion statement, as found in the policies and procedures, says that Imprint's mtssion is to provide "the University of Waterloo community with informa tion, entertainment and a forum for the discussion of issues that affect the community " The author of last week's letter implied that both Launer stories PKLU student umon is holding its own, October 4,2002, KTLU Cordcditor-in-chief tcrmi nated, September 20,20021were not of importance to Waterloo students and as such did not deserve coverage As the author of both stories in question, I beg to differ In the first place, a significant number of U\V students study at Tamer and vice versa As such, these ~ u e do s mean a lot to some U\V students Impnnf, as the campus newspaper for this demo graphic, has a responsibility to inform them Second, for the week that I covered the issue of Cordeditor in chief Maneesh Sehdeb's firing, at the beginning of the week a did not look as if the Curd would be published at all that week The Cord production staff did manage to rally and produce a paper for that week, I'he issue still stands that an unexplained firing by a campus orgamzation is news for UW students Granted, the story was long, but in order to inform the student5 as much as possible, a was necessarytocoverallanglesof the story and leave nothing to conlecture. Thrd, with reference to the WLUSA strike, UW students should be aware ofwhat is affecting the post-secondary community as whole and not simply what happens w i t h our own Rtng
Road At the time of this writing, the WLUSA labour dispute had entered its fifth week with httle sign of a resolution and the Umversity of Guelph staff association had voted to st&e pending the breakmg off of their labour negotiations which have been under way since the b e g i m g of June \Thy should UE' students not be concerned with labour disputes as the two closest universities to Waterloo, both of which with UW has close academic ties,includingthe TRELLIS system University of Guelph enrolment numbers about 15,000 students, what would happen if that group put added strain on the Waterloo library system, practically doubling the size of the UW library usership? Granted, the space which both stories were p e n was large in comparison to the rest of the news section Fach of the three stories m question were written ~ i t the h best of intentions to cox er as many sides of each issue as possible to avoid the possibili~of being a~cusing~biasedandunresearched writing As a smgle reporter, I am only responsible for my own stories and not the enttre section IIad the news section in each of those three issues had more content as a whole, then perhaps my stones would not have stood out However, due to circumstanceswhich I did not control, local on-campus news was not adequately copered andmy stories tookprominence in the section I was informed afterwards that my energies could hax~ebeen better employed coveringthese events, but again I beg to differ As I have shown before, the storieswhch I covered are impor tant to UE' students and it can be argued that they are lust as important as many of the other stones that Impnnt runs, save for the fact that the incident dtd not happen on the UW campus See WLU COVERAGE, page 13
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In response to Mr. Nethery
Vi aterloo's Propeq Standards Bylaw
and provincial legislation - if properly enforced, canadequatelyad dress any housmgqualityissueswhich may arise in the future Mr Nethery in his editonalgoes on to question theability ofthc f cds and students to effect change inm~mcipal politics, noting that "until we mobihzea force atthe polls ncstNox ~ m b e r behmd an anti bylaw candidate there isnoneed [forthe c i q to hsten " No anti-bylaw candidate,or 5omeonc fa~wuringstudents' perspectives on municipalissues, will present himself for election unless students and their reprcscntativcs illustrate toprospectne and currentmembersofcitycoun cil thatwe, as a group, wish to become more mvolved in municipaldecision m h g and will m turn actlvely participate by voting in the nest muncipal election To do these things we cannot afford to sit idly by until ne\tNovember's election-wemust now start engagngourseh es and be come more involved 1 encourage students to participate and provide input on the affairs of the mumipalin whtchaffcct thcm dtrcctl~ C h Monday, cltycouncdn 111 hold a meeting, pait ofwhch n ill include significant section5 dm otcd to 5tu dent housing beryone in the com mum5 is welcome to attend, the meeting commences at 6 30 p m at city hall, on the corner of Regina and
To the eenitor
1hough I disagreewith the the urban planning arguments made by Joe Nethery mhis editorialconcemgthe Federation of Students' stance on the 75 metre lodging house restriction, I mill leal e aresponse to that for others better \ ersed m that discipltne I do, however, wish to respond to other comments he makes in his piece Many ofthosewho support the 75 metre minimum distance separation often cite the example of the "student ghetto" which exists just north ofthc campus of Queen's UmwrsityinKmg ston,as a situationwhchwouldinevitably be rephcatedin\Vaterloo I hs, however, is alarmist -and simultaneously untrue The dilapidated houses which can be seen m k g ston's ghetto are the result of age and densit) I he neighbourhood near Queen's is almost a century old and many of the residences contained thereinare row houqes I o clam that the neighbourhoods closest to the unir ersities in \\ aterloo -many of 1% hich are b u n p l o \ ~ s and fen are as den5eh situated as IGngston's -woulde~, entuall) resemble thata hich occurs m I<ingston is fallacious and clcarlj negates the suable conte\tual chfferences between \Vaterloo and ICmgston Italsoncglccts the fact that
William Streets in Uptownwaterloo Joe Nethery's pessimism aside, I very firmly believe that the deciskn that Students' Councilmade ,mcludmgendmgdiscussionsonthe U Pass, was appropriate and has certainly caused some at cityhall to engage in a discourse about our clfferencesin phi losophy regardmg housing issues
Saddam not worth Iraq
Bassam Khadori's assertion m last week's communiq editorial that protesters shouldacquesce toaUS bomb ing and invasion of Iraq that would allow its people to "regain freedom" requires some comment The argument for US militaq in terventionmust be predtcated onwhat Saddam Hussem is currently doing, not on hypothetical scenarios Today, the Kurds and the Shi'aes, both of \\horn were bnrtall) suppressedin the early '90sn ith US passivi~,are living in relative freedom Things are ob\ i ouslr not ideal - T won't den), for example, the political e\ccution of some Shi'ite clerics But, by andlarge, these groups are not being harased by Saddam's goons It 5eems to me, then, that the most saddening and freedom restrtctmgaspectof Iraqi society owrthe last severalyears has been theeffect that the U N economic sanc tions have had on the population Fortunately, there is no need to go to war to get rid of these murderous sanctions, which have only served to strengthen Saddam and M1innocent kids The onus to end them resides with those countries, including our own,thathave argued for their establishment Indeed,theU S couldpeace fully end the sanctions nght now if a wanted to Of course, a world without Saddamwould be better for everyone But the way to get nd of this tyrant is not to blow up tens of thousands of innocent people Conservative csti mates put the number of Iraqis killed durmg the 1991 Gulf \& ar at 110,000 This was lust to expel the Iraqi d t a r y from Kuwait It is almost a certamq that a forthcoming confhct to overthrow aleaderinstalledm a city of over three million -will have much grimmer consequences And I hardly thinkthat suchconsequencesareworth thc toppling of one man -
From one woman to t w o others
ferently, spealungclfferentlyand,hot tom Ime, looking homosexual It i' as if Mr Cowan is saymgthat the 014 To the editor, safe and straight-fonvardwayfor ho mosevuals to put themsell-es ou In responseto the Glom's andNicole's there is to subscribeto the stereotppc letters regardu7gthe\Vaterloo\YTomyn put on them by society Centre for two women empowered Gone are the freedoms to dres enough to speak their minds, it sur- hke a hcterosemal Gone are thc prises me that you are too afraid to freedoms to moveand talkand thml come visit us in the \\'omyn's Centre like aheterosewal All the freedom As two women deloted to im whichheterose\uals enjoyin regard proving the lives of women, it sur- to acting how they want and stil prises me that youdo not come to the bemg ablc to let people know of the1 centre, gctinvolvcd and make it what sexuality are takenaway from homo youwant,as eachwoman or manwho sexuals Mr Cowan seems to haw comes to us is encouraged to do (you accepted this homosexual model o would know that if you paid attention appearance and has indeed celebratec instead of writing ignorant and the ease and success that domg sc mflamatoq letters) brings to his search for other homo As two women conccrncd with sewal men ptice,peace and equahty forwomen, More mportantlp, by forcini a surprises me that you are attacking homose.iuals to accept this differ the very mstitutions that agree with ence m appearance for the good o your ideal5 Instead, you have taken their ability to "pick up," it further societal impulses and opportunltie the cowardlypath of criticizing some to stereotypehomose\ualsmailega thing without tqmg to change it It seems to be a common path tile context It 1s as if Mr Cowan i here at \\'aterho two years agoitwas saying that because homosesual~ Imprwt, last year it was RPIRG \1L c have embraced the stereotypicallook ha\ e a proud traditim at this school it can no longei be used as a deroga for slammmgthe sen71cc\wc call use- tory and msultingtarget foi slurs an1 less, while not trying to make thcm hate more effectiveoracccptingthatwe are There is agowing trend in socleo part of acommumtywhere e\ e ~ o n e ' s to reclaim words and actions whicl money goes toward eveqone else and have in recent times become used a eachperson takeswhattheywantfrom insults and ba\is for hate Eve Ensle the experiencethat money creates has set out to reclaim the word '>a As along tune,actme\dunteer for p a ' ' through the stage show 'Thl a varietv of acti7ttles on campus, it Vagina Monologues," similar to hog conmually frustratesme to see a s m d homosexual men have set out tc core of dedlcatcdvolunteers working reclatm the word "fag "It seems t h ~ hard to keep our extra curricular com homosexual appearance is just t h ~ munity alive andvibrant, while bemg latest addition to that list criticized that we do not work hard In the clostng paragraph of t h ~ enough, thatwe are not accommodat- column, Mr Cowan goes as far as tc ing enough, or that what we do is sa) that "gaydaris acrucdandneces useless In doing this, you propagate sary part of living as a gay person I the apathy that we volunteers are try makes random run-ms and pick-up ing to remcdy Are you looking for possible for eben the queer cornmu change, Gloria and Nicole, or are you mty and lessens the importance o lookmg for a fight?I suspect the latter gay bars and online chat rooms ' If so,please take it somewhereelse At Perhaps Mr Cowan should thinko the 1Vomyn's Centre, we're too busy the effect this gaydar has outside o butldmg a commumty and helping the ease it gives homosexualsm find others to have t m e for your cowardly mg romantic or sexual partners an( attacks think about the consequences of ac cepmgtlus stereotypicalappearance Charlotte Clurke I'he sad truth is we still live in Womyn'i CA7en/reI nhnteer world where there are people wit1 closed-mmdedviews about race, re Open-mindednessstill closed ligion, sexuality and a number o other issueswhomay see this homo To the editor, sexual stereotype as a target for ex ploitation and abuse rather than Aaron Cowan's column on October way to get a date. 1(Gaydar.the homo-homingdevice) only served to reinforce stereotypical vicws of homosexualsas dressigdif -
Kitchener: end this honour to genocide V
Continued from page 11
For his actions, he was awarded an honorary degree. In what, I have no idea, maybe a bachelor in the arts of genocide or something. A year later, he was made chief of staff to Lord Roberts during the South hfrican\X'ar. Left to carry out Roberts' plans to crush the Boer resistance,General IGtchener employeda "scorched eartWpohcy, mcarung he had 30,000 homes and farms destroyed Oh, he also interned 115,000Boers into concentraBoncamps. Concentrati011 camps. Of the 115,000,they were mostly women, children and the elderly. In fact, this marked the birth of concentration camps or at least, when people began to call them that. Emily Hobhouse was an Englishwoman who was the first civilran to visit the c m p s and lobby for better condrtions. \Yrhen she attempted to visit the camps a second time, after already having received permission to do so, Kitchener stopped her. He only allowed her to visit one camp, Bloemfontein. In Bloeinfontemn, she was horrified to find the condition of the prisoners, especially the sick and dying children, who
were dcnied basic necessities for survival. There were in total 115 camps for whites and 80 camps for blacks. 'l'he blacks were, of course, used for slave labour, because that is just what the British did back then. From 1901to 1903, almost 18,000 imprisoned Boers died, 22,000 of them children. The victlms of the camps died because of overcrowding,inadequate nutrition and unhygien~cconditions. The official number of blacks who died in camps is placed at 14,000 although it is suspected to be closer to 34,000.For thcse acts of heroism, Kitchener was awarded with more trtlcs: viscount, field marshal, consul general, earl and secretaryof state during\WVI. The only detail of his sordid life story that made me laugh was the manner of his dcath -while on the 1XM.S. Hanphire during a mission to Russ~a,the ship h a a German mine. Ship sank. I Ie drowned. 1,4ggled. This happened m 1916,the year Berlin, Ontario mas renamed in his honour. Good stuff. The funny thing is, it's not as though hts actions in Sudan or South Africa are skeletons UI the closet of his career; they are the victories for which he is celebrated. The name of our
neighbouring city is a direct commemoration of his military "adv-entures." It's a shame no one waited until the end of the twentieth century to rename Berlin. Tfthey had, we might have had such gems today as Hitlcr Town-Waterloo. Or Pol Potville-Waterloo. Or G.W. Bush-Waterloo. A damn shame mdeed. So let's review. German Mennonites settle the area, cultivate the land and buld the infrastructure. Check. Mennonites' tolerant outlook encourages other immigrants to settle in the area. Check. As a reward for their tolerance, the German inhabitants of Berlin arc greeted with antiGerman sentiment and the city is renamed after agenocidalmaniac. Check. \'lTell, colour me tickled to be here! I'd like to staff a campaign to change the name of Kitchenerback to Aerlm. I'm sure many of you could give a damn. I'm sure there are many arguments not to change thc name, like financial costs. Frankly, I couldgive a damn. If there are costs, good. 1 hope it will be a lesson a costly lesson m naming an entire city after a coldblooded little troll. \Y7e out.
WLU coverage: Imprint wnter seeks greater scope Continued from page 11
Furthermore, each story grew as I researched further. As a reporter who feels the necessity of creatinga balanced story by givingeach side equalprominence, I could not shorten my research time. In the case of the '&%USA stories, each one took approximately six hours to researchand two hours to write. This is more time than I have spent on writing term papers, but w ~ t hmy term paper, only the professor will be reading it and not a host of in&viduals who have a vested mtercst in the issue at hand. In that van, by the time we had discovered the lack of local content, I had already researched andwrittenmy stories and was unable to contribute more. By informing students of
issues relevent to students in gcneral, I have hoped to make them more aware of the world around them. The hope is that once we see that there is more that just U\W and the little events here on campus, students will have a greater appreciation for this community and their world in general. In closing and as a final suggestion to readers who are unhappy with the coverage that Imprint has given to select stones deemed unimportant to \Vaterloo students in the face of other issues: volunteer to write those stories yourself. A volunteer organization, as Impri~~tis, works only as well as its volunteers do. The more volunteers that we have, the more stories we write and the more issues are brought to U\V students.
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page 14
Sex by numbers Birthday gifts and birthdav suits as a challenge. If you really pride yourself on being comfortable with your sexuality, use that rubber vagina! If you don't hke it, toss it. To three or not to three
Ride the rubber!
--, , L,,
Helping out a fellow student, the turnkeys launch into a flurry of activity.
A desk for all seasons Lauren Staines SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
Virtually emry studentat Universityof \Vaterloo will, at some point,visit the Turnkcp desk. The Turnkey desk is part help-desk,partcoffeebar andan invaluable resource for UW students. Nancy O'Neil, coordinator of special events, booktngs and programs, has been working at in the SLC for almost six years and says that the turnkey desk is "the greatest place to work. .. everybodygets along sowell." Although she admits that being open 24 hours a day can be taxing on the staff,they are very dedicated. The Turnkey desk is unique to UW. 'We've had people come from other universitiesto see how thc desk runs," said O'Neil. TheTurnkeysendeavour to answer any questions, no matter how bizarre. If someone approaches the deskandneeds to speak to a lawyer, for example,the Turnkeys will help the student find the phone number of a local lawyer. Sometimes students ask the employees questions that cannot possibly be answered."I get people calling me up to ask me Fobin's number.]
I'm like, 'Robin who? 'Oh, I don't know, she's a student here,' " said TurnkeyHala Iaalaf. IChalaf says that many people approach the desk just to talk. 'We're here to be friendly. . . [but] we have ways of dealing with it if it gets too annoying." I M a f said that although shegetshit onquiteoften,she's "never been completely bothered enough" to feel threatened. One Turnkey employee,Tara-Lee Markides, said that her job includes "cleaning up puke, disrupting bar fights, sometimes seeing guys run around naked, talking to the police, retrieving furniturethat's beenmoved to the street . . . it's a barrel of monkeys." Althoughshe saysthattheTurnkey desk is a great place to work, one drawback tothe jobis that "it's thought that the Turnkeys know everything. We don't, butwe know where to look it up." Ona typical\Wednesday night, she gets ten phone calls from people wanting to know the status of the Bomber's infamous line-ups They would hke to clear up two misconceptions: "Feds tickets mean Feds office!" exclaims IChalaf, as her co-worker Markides adds, "Fcds
would make a lot more money if they had us selling tickets here." In addition, they do not give change on the weekends anymore,because they run out of change and the banks aren't openon theweekends.Thisisapopular request - usually from people who want quarters to do their laundry -andindeed,duringthe the 15 minutes of the interview. no fewer than three people asked for change The exasperation disappearsfrom their voices as they dcalwith customers. Both Turnkeys are outgoing and friendly,whichclearlymakes customers more comfortable. Between their lively chatter about how bizarre some of thelr tasks are, they politely help all of the customers lined up in front of the desk. Bothembody O'Neil's statement about the employees of the Turnkeydesk beingpolite, sweet and willing to help anyone. They are also able to laugh at the quirks their iob entails. "One time I got a call asking the exchange rate for rupees. L~ke,they were serious, with the accent and everything, y'know? And I'm like, call the bank," says Khalaf, laughing. "I get the weirdest calls, I'm serious." -
Q. As a birthday gift some friends of mine (both male and female) gave me a selection of sexual items that included a rubber vagina. I found it funny and was touched by their kindness. Also, I think the rubber vaginawas expensive. Unfortunately, I would never use the item. I feel bad about this; what do you think? Also, I pride myself on being comfortable with my sexuality and it bothers me that T am uncomfortable using the item. Women use vibrators and they are comfortable with them and society deems it acccptzble. Why am I uncomfortable with the rubber vagina? Sexually confused
A.You're very1ucky;not everyone gets a rubber vagina for his birthday! My thought on the female versus male usage of sex toys is that for women to simulate penetration they need something beyond fingers. Thus, women are requred to use something beyond their own body to satisfy this curiosity.Men have everythingthey need to happily pump away. Now let's consider the unwanted vagina itself. Sex stores usually have a no-return policy, thankfully, so taking it back and trying to get something else is not an option. That leaves you with giving it to someone else (kind of creepy), throwing it away or trying it out. My advice would be to view this
Q. My boyfriend and 1have been together for a few months and he is starting to complain that our sex life is getting boring. He recently suggested getting someone m volved in a threesome. I like the idea, especiallysmce I enjoy flaunting my body in front of other women T Towever, my boyfriend has a crush on one of my room mates and wants her to be the one. I don't want this, because I find my roommate unappealing and I can't picture myself rolling around naked with her, much less sharing my sex toys with her. I don't want my boyfriend to break up with me for not wanting to participate. what should I do? 7hree's company
A. My reaction when I started reading this was, "Okay, he wants a threesome; she doesn't," but then you said you're into it. Your boyfriendis lucky. More men than women are interested in a minage a troi~and since the standard fantasy requires two women and one man, the numbers just don't work out. This gives you leverage. Tell him you would prefer someonc that neither of you knows instead. Make him buy new toys for the big event. Trust me, if you're willing, there's no way he's going to let you go over a few conditions. Additionally, I'm a bit worried that he wants to do this with a roommate he has a crush on. A threesome should be about wild sex between the two of you, not a way for him to screw some woman he has the hots for.
Blackshop a romantic experience
Blacbhop Restaurant 20 Hobson Street, Galt 621-4180 A moonlit walk is the perfect ending to a meal at the Blackshop, both to prolong the romance of the experience and to compensate for any overindulgence. My entire experience ofthe Blackshop was estraordinary;thefoodwas decadent, the service friendly and the atmosphere casualyet elegant. While we waited for our table, my companion and I perused a wine list as extcnsive as one would expect of SolC's sister restaurant. I ordered a glass of Fetzer C;ewurztraminer ($6),a sweet Californiawhite, whde my companion had a glass of Rosemount Shiraz-Cabernet($7),a dry Australian red. By the time winewas poured, our table was ready. Although we had planned on sharingan appetizer, I couldn't rcsist the escargotala Bourguignonne ($7.90) while smoked salmon ($9.90) is one of my companion's favourite dishes, so we each had our own. The escargotswere tender, bathedin butter infused with garlic and, I suspect, shallots. I was surprised that chopped tomatoes and onions were served alongsidethe escargot, but found that spooning the mixture on bread dipped in escargot butter yielded pleasing results. The lox-style smoked salmon was excellent, servedwith rosti potatoes (a fried potato patty), red onions, capersand sour cream. My entrbe was a rack of lamb ($27.90), prepared medium-rare and encrusted with dijon mustard. I was impressed by the chefs restraint in applying the dijon; too much and the mustard overwhelms the lamb. The dish was further enhanced with a Burgundy jus, which tasted equally good with the mixturc of seasonal
vegetables (carrots,cornand broccoli) as with the lamb. The single disappointment was the mashed potatoes, which were bland and a bit dry. My companion ordered the special, aveal chop ($27.90).As my experience of veal is mostly limited to schmtzel and osso bucco, this dish was a surprise. The vcal was grilled medim-rare like a steak, but the meat was almost white and the flavour was quite mild. The long rib attached to the veal chop was frenched,enhancing the presentation of the dish. It was served with a dclicate,creamy sauce and asparagus wrapped in prosciutto, in addition to the samc vegetables and mashed potatoes as before. This dish would be an excellent addition to the regular menu. For dessert,we shared a slice of chocolatetrufflemousse cake ($6.50).My companion commented that the cake remrnded him of the inside of a truffle and declared it the first truffle cake he hadexperienced that was worthy of the name. Indeed, the darkchocolatelayer had a properly bitter edge, whlle the white chocolatewas sweet and rich.A perfect end to what may just have been the perfect meal. Dinner for two cost about $110 plus a well-deserved tip.
Cuisine:French, German Prices:lunchappetizers,$4.90to $9.90; lunch entrees, $9.90 to $14.90; dinner appetizers, $4.90 to$13.90;dmnerentrees,$l2.90 to $27.90. IIours: Monday to Saturday, 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday, 4:30 to 9 p.m.
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Climate change will affect Canadians Saence e&tor E m Gtlmer. scm~cefihnonnru~vnterlno
Guelph cleans up pig manure Scientists put rat DNA into pigs to reduce phosphorus pollution Jennifer Holdner SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
Scientists hate developed a waj to decrease farm pollution from pigs Phosphorous in pig manure causes dangerous agriculturalpollution and results in increased algae and dead fish To counteracttlus, Dr borsberg, a microbiologst at the Unwerslty of Guelph, has genetically engineered a pig to produce less phosphorous in its fecal matter This may lead to a reduction in aquatic pollution from agricultural run off Phosphorus frompigs is a significant environmmtal concern forwater systems P~gsproduce,onaverage,5 5 liters of manure per day Farmers spread the manure over crops as ferth7ei in order to dispose of a The manure must be spread over large areas to provide the crops with adequate amounts of nutrients After pears of spreading manure, the phosphorous buldsup in the soil and rain oftenwashes it into the local water systems Algal blooms, toxin production and eutrophication ( w terpollution caused by excessiveplant nutrients) occur as a result of this phosphorous ltis estimated that use ofthe engineeredpig can reduce land use by 33 per cent Dr borsberg and his team have inserted a DNA construct, made of E . d ' and rat DNA, into a pig em bryo The product is a transgenic pig (containing DNA from a foreign or-
ganism),termed the Enviropig,which produces the enzyme phytase In normal pigs, 50 80 per cent of phosphorous from grains is attached tophyttcacid,makmgitunavailablefor pigs toabsorb Ifthe phosphorus and phytic acid combinatton is not abd in sorbed by the pig, it is gotten i ~ of the fecalmatter Phytasc is produced m the pig's mouthand is activated by the stomach acids It breaks down the phy&cacid, thus reIeasing the phosphorus so it can be absorbed into the pig's abdomen The Enviropig, having more phyta\e than normal pigs, is able to absorb more phosphorus, which means less of a is released into the em ironment via fecalmatter According to Dr Porsberg, the phosphoms absorbed is used by the pigs to meet their nutntionalrequirements and any extra is excreted in the urine Phosphoms is an essential nutrient for pigs and is commonly found in most feedgrams Pigsabsorb approximately one-third of the phosphorus in feed Currently pig farmers have been addtng phytase directly to pig feed which reduces the amount of phosphorus excreted by 25 to 35 per cent The Fn~iropigcan reduce the amount ofphosphorous by at least 60 percent Toachieve the same resultsby addmg the enzyme to the feed is expensive,costFngthe farmersabout$8 to $10 per pig Dr Forsberg and his team have
screened the pigs and concluded that ex~rcmelylittle phytase was found in pig tissues. Largerconcerns for the project stem from the Novel boods Act which 15 concernedwithallergrcreactions 'in humans from the expression or production of the new protein. Market demand and consumer ac ceptancearealsosigflificant issueswhichwrlldetermine whetheronedayyouwdbe eat% Envirqlg meat.
Researchersat the University of Guelph have developed transgenic lines of Yorkshire pigs, trademarked Enviropig, that use plant phosphorus more efficiently.
Fish: not the brain food we think it is? I
intake as mercury slows down the de velo~mentof the child
Leena Singh
High levels of mercury in fish
EIarmfulmercutyiscreepingontodm ner plates everywhere Mo\t of the tun^ the mercury content is so low that it goes unnoticed, howeb er this does not mean that a is harmless Eatingtoomuch fishthat contains highlevels of mercury can be damag mg to the nervous system and the brain Pregnantwomenare especially
it's belie5 ed that the good nutritional content ouhveighs the bad effects of the mercury,ithasn't yet beenproven Mercury trab els far along the food cham before reaching humans It enters the environment through coal fired power plants burning fossd fu els The rams carrymercury fromair to wateqwhere it is eaten by mtcro organ isms, turning it into methylmercuy The microorganisms are in turneaten by small fish, and then eaten by larger fish, absorbing the meth~lmercuty After eating these larger fish humans end up with high concentrations of
Ward off warts with duct tape '
rs have come upwith anew f removing warts duct q r L I K duct tape method is more effective and less painful than hquid nitrogen, which is traditionally used to free~eand get nd of warts A studywas conducted where pa tients wore duct tape for six days On the sixth day, the tape was remox ed and the infected area was soaked m waterandscrubbeduithemeryboard orpumtce stone Anewpiece of duct tape was applied the next morning The treament lasted for a ma-umum of two months, or until the wart Asappeared "The tape irritates the warts, caus-
thegrowths,"explalnsDr Dean (Rick) Focht of the Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Medical Center The study was conducted on 51 patients, 26 usmg the duct tape treatment method hghty-fivepercentofthese patientsgotridofthetrwarts,whereas only 60 per cent of the other 25 pa tients,whoused the free~ingmethod, got nd of theirs 'Carrot tops' need more anesthesia
A new study suggests that redheads need 20 per cent more anesthesia to knock themout in the o p e r a w room, as compared to patients with other hair colours But this study needs more confirmation
* Your choice of p * 8 to 12 proofs to
hale linked visible genetic traits to anesthesiadoses,"explainedDr Dan
iel Sessler of the University of Loui\oille Iiraccurate do\cs of anesthesia can cause people to recall surgeryorwakeupdumgit Dr Sessler went on to explain that if "redheads require more anesthew and are not given more, their chances of haling recall surgeryincreases " While inlecttng a patient with an anesthetic, physicians must pay close attention to signs of possible underdosmg such as slight movement or perspiration, or signs of 01erdosing such as low blood pressure and heart rate Information about redheads needtngmore anesthesia can be beneficial to physicians predicting how
Cryosphere: a warmer world may be a scary rea Continued from cover
mint! rn plam~ingnf di)n.nstr~;lm Satellite images can he used \\ id1 n-atci suppl~cs,flood prot~fingand trrtptwm maiiagemetlt due to changes mathemat~calmodcls to measure the in the annual pattcrn ~ ) f d a c i cmelt; r amount of m ~ ~ i s t uin r c the mom and for ihc hrctic pert1 o f sli~pnax-ipt~on the concentrationnfice in the Arcttc. c o m m u n ~ t ~due e s to cctcnsiw Arct~c ..ill fm7en phenomena [sea, lake and sca ice or to thc d c l q of spnng melt, ?IT-erice,sntm-ccn et.,permancntl!- froand aer-eremeteorologcalevciits such ~cngrouiidmid glac~ers)are portions as the ice stnrin 111 lanuar! 1998 m of the Fartli's clirnate ~ T I C I \ Vas~ the ciy,sphere.'Ilie st~idyofdlecr.!-osphere J lastern Canada LeDrc~x-'s research, p a r t o f is important as i i is an inregrated part CRTiSYS, a NASA Ilarth Obsertanftlieglobalclimate syrtemaildglr-eh t ~ o nI'rogram, also in\ eslipies the useful iccdbackclue toits influence [In surface encrfirnoisture fl~urs,c k ~ ~ l s ,interactton bet\\ e m the atinmphcrc m d the cryospherc and the possible precipit"t"m, hydr~log!-a i d atmospsedtcttoi~s of short-term climate pheric and oceamc circulat~on chmigcs thxt can he mnde. Much of the cr!~ospherc is located L.cl11-en.made an important point in high l a t ~ n d e s\\.her? n - a r ~ n ~ can ng near the end of his psesentalion. Tie be pre~lictedusing cltrnatc t111)iIcls spoke o f h c great importance 11foh'! he cryosphere m the north IS semitn-c to smldl clla~lgesin tcmperahlr?; ch;mge In order t i ) hell? irnilcrstmiil ~t15 iiierehxe considcrcd an early\\ aril~ng~ndicati,r ofcltm,ltc cllnngc 'J'lie elistence ilf rhc ci-!-ospherc >I(IS illall! 1111pt~ta11t ~I~II~IC;w II~I
derstnnilrng the regonal cl-J-ecrs. ;\lthough climate clxulgr 1s cleat.lyaffected by nanlral factors and ;~lwa)s brmgs neu i;lctors into the e c l i ~ a t ~that m cannot m d should not be igiiorcd. I Iumanactir-itics affect chmate change bymcrea\ing carhi~ndiosde ;md methm e It.\& cnustng marinrng, as n-ell as mcre;rsing aerosol (clust) causi~lgatmospheric coding. (;loha1 climate modcls haye sho~vnan increase of ha1fxde,~eeCcls~us,n-hch 1s statisticall!- s p i f i c a n t , Global temperature has been increasing since at least 1860. imcc themicldle 11f thelast
e rec! cllilg and dr-
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( 111 a c~iol,drear!, o\ rrcnsl Sah~rda! ; ~ f t c m o o i ~h, e \T.accrloo \\ wi-ioi-5 hi ,itrd the Quccn's (;oliIen Gael.; at Inn-ersttl- S i a c l ~ ~ ~Queen'> ~n. \\-as ~;ud,cclnuinher .;evxm the (:IS,\\-hile \ \ ; ~ t c i hI \ \ ;LS unraillted t11;d' I I I ~ L T ~ to t l l e ~ c!i ~ ~ t i t n ~ ~;lit< ~~m ~ sc ~I 1i I& 1C -~ itt! Th?s:\ ah the Fu-itinc.etii!::bct\\ cell QL~KII'\x i ~ doiis t n ~ g l ~ t\Y'ari-li~.; ! ,111cr tllc ( )L'*\ ,\a\ C~l7~i.'iC~I I( 11) ichooli 1niyc.11 -\pparel~rl!,Quei~i'., I!:!> ,! I1 It oi- I < !I 21 I'm>. c >I!.,<:!-\ ,lLtilIl\,!!lh Cnhx'l 51,eivc,I I, > ,ilg!pt l h t the Qlee,l'\ h 1 1 > <>1:tnwdxv.d the\\ , ~ i u I11;< C,LI!,\ ;1~ '7g~. Lmyr 0i-s;d f ~ t x\\R< F <!l!lL,.ia?-,P~,IL T:.211, \ w l ? ni:u<\ :I~:I~ILA, , ,C \ ~ i - \ t . y 8
time, hut unfot-tunntely they left \\he11 tllc secimd half began, seriously i-educmg the mimber of\\ atcrloo boi~stcrsin the c r r n d Tbcy dtdn't miss much, though. I'hr second hall\\ as ~ n c r e d ~ builex-ently hl.\ T ~ a t e r l o o m a t ~ a ~toe add d some ius111ng ed pards to the I 1 t, )tdyards t h ~ c c u ~ m u l a t in o u brought thc h s t llall (.mch I r m l ~ ~ f i l alv I l l ~ o r d 1 e1 IilltIlll m d ] 011 hl0rIx)- t o y~~artccbncl< fc >raf e n - C ~eb I T\v~thlittie iL1cces.i. \\ ,iterlooh;d , i ~ l re~q\ )ic~gl;itciiiL ~ fo~~i-tll C qll:L1~tcr. ~.~ilforhlilate!y,thc L ~ I \ - C iralled after a ti111c c, lililt\ l~>l.ltL<ltl'lllLl :I p:l<i]>l'l\0 7 1 tI11rd LII
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Adam Welsh (# 7) bearer hawe w licensed chiropsacter.
UW golfers can really score Waterloo wins Challenge Cup for third consecutive year Heramb Ramachandran IMPRINTSTAFF
As fallbrings on f w d temperatures, the UW golf team remains smoldering hot. The team has enjoyed some fine success this year. In particular, with strong showings in the. Challenge Cup, the Guelph Invitational and the Western Open, the golf team appears in top form heading to the OUA championship October 20-22 at Grey Sdo Golf Course The Challenge Cup was hosred by UniversityofWaterlooat EImira Golf Course October 4. Four teams in addition to the hosts were invited to
participate. University of 'I'oronto, McMaster, Western and Untversity of Guelph. The format of this tour nament was a match play where six points was the rnaxunum score each golfercouldattain \Vaterlooremned the cup with a score of 21.5 with Guelph fmshing second with 17 points Waterloo has won this tournament for three consecutive years. Ian MacDonald had the most points for Waterloo with six, followed by Steve Johmon with five points. Rookie Jud Whiteside and second year player Chns Vredeveld contributedfour points eachwithcocaptamJustm Fluit adding the final two and a half pomts to seal the
Saturday, October 19, 2002, 7:30 PM vs York Yeowomen CZF Arena
(MI WARRIOR HOCKEY rday, October 19, 2002,2:00 PM
victory. The GuelphInvitationalwasheld at Cutten Club GolfCourseon October 7. The wet and windy conditions made scoringsomewhatdifficult Undaunted by the weather,the Warnors fmshedsecondwithanoverallscore of 302, the sum of the four lowest mdividual scores Laurier won the tournamentwitha score of297. First yearplayerDerekPatinawas the low Warnorcardinga73w~chwasgood enough for the third place medal for individual scores Fellow freshman Jud Whiteside shot a 75 which gave him the fifth best score of the day As a final tune-up for the OUA championship,\Vaterlooparticipated in the Western &en at St. Thomas Golf Course on October 10 Agam using the lowest four scores from each team to tabulate the winner, Waterloo &shed thirdwith a total score of 326,lG shots behind Western, the eventualwinner Launerhshedsecond with a 321. Ian MacDonaldwas the low Warrior and finished third individually with a 75. Other Waterloo scores Justm Fluit - 79, Mark Burke - 85, Chris Vredeveld-86andDcrekPabna - 87 J m e Steedman was the low female Warrtorwinningabronzemedal in the women's division with a solid 89.As matter ofnote, the OUA championshipwdl for the first time feature a women's competition. In next week's championship, both the Waterloo men and women wdl bce stiff competitionfromLauaer and Western.Theirpoiseunderpressure will be heavily tested If the season so far is any indication, the Warriors wdl have a strong showing. Stay tuned for scores and h~ghlightsfrom the OUA champion
October 11 - October 18 Cross country
Mustang Invitational(atWestern) Waterloo womenranked first Waterloo men ranked third Field hockey
Waterloo 2, 0 Waterloo 1, Toronto 1 Waterloo 3, Guelph 0
Coming up October 18 - October 25 Men's basketball
Oct 18-19at WLU tournament Women's basketball
Oct 19vs. ConcordlaatLaurier Field hockey
Oct. 19 20crossoverat\Vestern
Queen's 38, Waterloo 2
Oct 19 at Toronto, 2p.m.
Men's hockey
Waterloo 5, Guelph 4 Waterloo 4, Guelph 1 Waterloo 3. Slovema 3
Oct-20-22OUA Champion ships at Grey Sdo, Waterloo
Men's runbv - .
Men's hockey
Men's soccer
Oct 19 vs Windsor, 2pm (Columbia Icefield Arena) Oct 20 at Windsor, 3 30p m
Waterloo 3, Laurier2
Women's hockey
Women's soccer
Oct 19 vs York, 7 3% m (ColumbiaIcefield arena)
Waterloo 34, Launer 5
Waterloo 0. Laurier 0 Women's vollevball
Men's soccer
Men's volleyball
Oct. 19 vs. Western, 1p.m (ColumbiaField #2) Oct. 20 at Windsor, 1p.m.
McMaster3, Waterloo2
Women's soccer
McMaster 3,WaterlooO
Oct 19 vs Western, 3p.m (Columbia Field #2) Oct. 20 at Windsor, 3p.m. Squash
Oct. 18-19West Sectional#l at Western Men's tennis
Oct. 19vs. McGillandBrockat Brock, 9a m. Women's tennis
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Learn t o Read the Bible Effectivelv F&! Sponsored by the Christadelphians To be held at University of Waterloo
Oct. 19vs. Western and McGill at McGill,
Rugby: strong defence leads to victory Continued from cover
Ciezar praised the Warnor defence believing that it won them the game. He alsostated that therewas much to work on before the Guelph semifinalgame,puttingrucks highon the to-do list. Among\Vaterloo's key players for thisgame,CiesarnamedKerriWebb who hadgood drivesand goals,leigh Nevermann who scored within the first eight minutes, Kristina Heemskerk who had a good tackle and Beth Bookerwho had two game winning saves. The Warriors face Guelph man awaygame this Sundayin a sem-final game
FRIDAY, OCI OBI-X 18,20113
Warriors stun Laurier in an epic match Goalkeeper Alex Hearn talks about the freak goal Ryan Chen-Wing IMPRINTSTAFF
Men's soccer beat their down-the-street r1x als, the national champion Golden Hawks, to show that there are two soccer teains m townand that the7 are the better team. The briday before Thanksgiving, six days after tying Laurier at IJnivcrsity Stadium, the Ly'arriors won 3-2to keep second place and a home play-off opener \vithtn reach. Led by captam Stephen Flatt the team kept high energy.They stayedfocusedon the play and kept the pressure on so Laurier didn't have time to plav . . around with the ball and build up a s confidence in the p m e . This strategy evidently paid off. "I told the guy to go out in the first 15 minutes and dictate thepne, coachPeterMackie said. Go out, there's got to be lots of ball mowment, but be physical with them. Nothing cheap." Mackie talked about the start of the p m c saving, "You're playtng on grass, go out and set the tempo." 'l'hc IIawks got a bit ch~pp!.at times and swore and cursed throughout the match, prompting the referee to handout tu o cautions. "1 getalongwith the boys but I'm \ cry strict wlth them. In-ant them to respectthegame, the officials and the players. It is tough. It is an emotionalgame. There was an~gl~incideilt out t11ere;the coaches moreat oilc ofmyplayers,and I didn't like that," Mackie said. hlark Accardi scored the onl!.goalofthe first
half. Into the second half Accardi scoredapinina run from the half after beating two defenders. Laurier moved ahead when Daniel Dillon scorcd off aNikiBudalic frcc-kick. The team found some scormg opportunies but couldn't fimsh.They alsogave Laurier some openings. After one chance Flatt yelled, "That was agift; no more chances." Jeffliiorino scored offaNickIUassencorner kicktopull theXkrriors aheadby two, fora score of 3-1to restore a two goal lead. Moviiigintoinjury time, the last few m u t e s before the fiilal whstle, Laurier got a clever but sneaky goal. \Xrarrior goalkeeper Alex Hearn grabbed the ball after some close play m the box. As he held the ballandprepared to clear it,Hawk Kordo Doslii headed the ball out of his hands andkickeditinthenet tomakcitaoi~e-goalgame, 3-2.
"...for your team to be effective, you sort of scare the other team into believing you are crazy." -Alex
crazy yourself. I'm thinking 'I can't believe I'm doing this, I sound lLke an idiot.' And people watchingprobably think that too, but it's amazing how effective ~treally is. It's qulte the phenomenon. It started working for me a couple of years ago and 1 noticcd when I started rushing guys the ball wouldn't end up in the net." AfterthematchMache takedto the team. "In the two yearswei-ebeen tc~gctherThave had high cxpcctauons.Today you've shownthat hsgroup of h d s can go back to nationals and win." IfLYlesternbeats Lauricrand thc K'arriors~vin the remainingtwo seasongames, they will finish second in the division and get a home play-uff opener. Othenvise a third-place finishwill mean a mid-week away game.
Mark Accardi in jubilant celebration after scoring two goals.
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I Iearnwas obviously surprised. "I was holding the ball getting ready to lack it, and I b r d o Uosh was crouching behind me and lunlps out and heads the ball away, and then scores. And I've played soccer for a long time and I didn't think you could do that." Hearn thought that his error could have cost the match. "Ohitwas [an] awful, horrible feelmg L'hat was flashing through m!. mind was them scoring again and us losing. I thought I let the team down. It's the worst feeling you can imagine, and after we played against the number one team, to ha\ e a goal go in, a stupid goal like that. I vas so relieved that we didn't lose, but 1 mas also annoyed that we could have." 'I'hroughout thegame the most vocalplayers mere Flatt, as sweeper he is the furthest back
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"They [the team] don't let much get by them. I'm a lucky guy you could say, me and Kyle [Owenstheother goalie] both," Hearn said.
very back and can see the whole field. "I'm not a very loud guy normally and I have [been on and off this team a couple times]," I Ieam said. "It dawned on me one day that what I should do is be as loud aspossible, because for your team to be effcctwe, you sort of scare the other team into believing you are crazy. And if you do ~tlongenough, you start to think you are
you achleve natural body ment Your shoulders roll back an
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page 22
ARTS hrts =&tor Andrea Ken&.
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K-Pet takes a neo-lounge approach Two UW graduates return to the Bomber to perform K-Pet Bombshelter Pub October 18
It seems that lately all IGtchencr-Waterloo has to offer,musicallyspeaking, is watered-dow-n punk and screamy metal. Fortunately, K-Pet is herc,with a style they describeas "neo-lounge." In an interview with Imprint, bassist CliffSnyderanddrummerKarl Snyder talked freely about the state ofmodern music and pretty much anything I threw at them. "There ain't nothing else like it," saidCliff. "There's a shortage oftnusic that sounds like us." Listing Macsirc Attack, Portishead, 'livin and DJ Shadwv as some of their main musical influences, Cliff says that he and brother/band-mate I h r l (who does synthesizersand drums) like to laugh at bands like Nickelback. "It's funny that it catches on so well." K-Pet (the name, accordmg to the Snyders' was purchased at K-Mart as a "bluelight special,") starfed in 1998 with@taristI(azuto Okawa and IGrl
K-Pet's album cover hints that interesting things are to come. usingcomputer equipment and making heady techno-sounding music. In 2000, they made the transition to live music and also added Cliff By 2001 they saw the addition of Natalia Lorbach, a vocalist with xvhat Cltff described as a"jazzy"roice, cvmpletu ~ what g Karl called KPet's "very modern souiid." T Tc later added that I<-Pet's music clearly shows that they ha\-e their roots in electronic music and that "it doesn't sound like [they] came out of a garage."
The band is strorlgly connected to the K-\Y area and thc University of \\;'aterlooinpatticular. Cliff graduated in 1002 with a music from ( Grebe1 (a degree that took him six ycars to complete, he is happy to admit) aud K Pet singer I .orbach alsograduatedin 2002 with a degreein health studies from LW'.Guitarist Okawa is now a sociology student at the University of Guclph. "It's a really good school to find yourself in. I didn't know what T
not gonna lea\-ewith your ears killing you."FTc's right. Cor2nafio1zdeftlyfuses electronic backing with hi-fi alternative, creatmgaunique and memorable sound, enhanced by a laz~-mspited feel Chff told hpmtthat IC Pet'smusic defimtelp hay something for all age groups, especially their own (I<arl is 20; Lorbach, Cliff and Oliawa are 23). Karl described I<-Pet'sappeal,saying that "people \villlisten towhat's coming along," and that KPet's music is LkeMassive Atacli'sandPorttshead's, but less depressing. "It doesn't completely lounge out, but at the same COURTESY OF K-PET time. it doesn't kill vou." Cliff told of a fan who approached him after a wanted to do when I came here, so I show and said, "For a whde, I felt like took a bit of time and I fuund my I should bc wearing a tusedo and passion, and then they had the right sittingata table, but thenlater on1 felt program for me as well," said Cliff, like I should be jumpingup and dancwho also wrote for Itzpri/ilul his first ing around." He laughed, and said year at U\V back in '96. that the fan's reaction "lust about Their latest album, Co171/r~./in1i, sums IK-l'ctl up.. .from tuxedo to "sounds like [they] spent thousaids tec-~hirt." and thousands of dollars cm it," due Check.out Kl'et tonight at the to the band's experience and mnous Bombshelter, and see TX hat our own musical training. Karl referred to it as graduates ha%e to offer lust good music," saying that "you can P(-Pet's] show and you're C'.
Dogs: why I d we let them out? Continued from cover
cernable plot and hopeless two-di mensionalcharactersand,evenmore
Although the subsequent film hada \tory, some semblance of character developmentand thus managed to establish some pathos aside from being a somewhat pleasant di~trac tion from the band-aid rip roaring good time thatwas Bx?mtgDog~,itleft me mutter confusion Tt confwes the hell out of me that these filmmakers are not ignorant to the makmgs of a good film The) sunply chose to ignore their o b i~o u ~ abthty and make a film with no dis
puzzling, chose to replace necessary elements with what I can onlv, mess was intended to be humorous CIerhesque banter. Had he been deceased,this movie would probably have Kevin Smith rolling in his smoky, oddly skunksmellmg grave. Instead, I'm sure he just sleeps naked in mounds of dollar bills, la~ghmgmanicall~ at poornondescript schmucks like Szuto and Waldeck who trv to imitate his profouid, yet simplistic magic. -3
The dialogue was so hopelessly u n h y that a boggles the mind. These guys leave absolutelynothing unsaid; had the charactersbeen transplantedinto real life theywould be the most annoying individuals ever.. .hands down. But perhaps the most incredble dialogue came from the female charactersin the film. Despite the lack of the female's characters' s p e h n g time on-screen, it was made quite obvious to anyone with half a brain that whoever wrote their parts knows absolutelv nothing- of the female species;in fact,Twonderif
theseguys have evermet a g r l What ever the caqe, if this is how they &I& women &I& and talk and interact, they've certady got bigger problems (read. getting laid) How sad, Instead of something funny, or touching, or even mildly mtcresttng, Rurnzng Dogr ended up being nothing more than a misogyntstic nightmare - pathetic men t a h g a b o u t piclung up chcks, pathetic men toiling over love lo%, pathetxmen ogltnggrls and, oh God, pathetic men playing - . - video games Don't get mc wrong - pathetic is
funny, but after a while it just gets excruciatmg. In fact the whole movie can be assessed in a similar fashion as the male characters w i h i t . Like a clown car wreck, the film is kind of funny looking at First, but after a couple a minutes you realize that it's far too perverse to laugh at the situation. Iguess the best course of acttonat this point is lust try to forget the whole ordeal happened and hopefully Szuto and Waldecli will follow suit and continue in the tradition of their more stellar sho~vings.
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In memory of her son, the Silversides Series was born
Swollen What? The swelltngwill not recede anytime soon
Hosted by UWS drama department Adam Pettle South Campus Hall October24
Michelle Titus
Mentioning the bookstore at South Campus IIall conjures up thought9 of hornfymgly long lmes at the beginning of the term Another negati7-e conno~tionusuallyasso~iated\~ith it is the great amount of mone) spent during the visit It is time to re place this portrait withamoreplcasing experience Thir can be done by head% over to South Campus onThursday, Oc tober Z4andprc pare to be sur pnsed I'he LR d r a m a d spcech communication department is hosting the third annualSh erudes rheatre Artists series This ewnt Adam Pettle to is 111 mcmoriam ofBnanSdtersides,a(;anadianactor,
stagetechcmandentrepreneur kol lowmg his death in 1996 his mother donated $10,000 to the department
which now funds t h s wonderhl senes In addition to this generous do nation, the student loungelocated in the dramadepartment is the home of avast collectionof Brian Silversides' CD's,\ idtheatre books,maga~mes, eos and other memorabilia These resources are a\ adable to students for apcrrod of24 hours It only requires a deposit of a mere $20 The structure ofthis senes is very mformal, sho~casmgsi~nificant contributors to the theatrical w orld In the past years playwrightssuch asMichaclHealey and Dlanet Sear have ~ o k e This n year the department is proud to announce two guests Adam andJordanPettlc I'hc brothers weretrainedatthe NationalTheatre School Adam Pettle is a writer actor \those recentplay, visit UW. Zad~e', S/,ou,prc imcred at Toron to's Factory 1heatre m 2001 was a great success T Tis newest play, Tl~erac 27,deals with Adam's own expert encewtthcancer
Jordan Pettle starrcd m his broth cr's plaj Zad~e'rShoa and has also performed in such shon s as Pmsso r ~ f /he Lapzn Aple (C,anStage/.l orohto) and A A ~ ~ S W Z ~ NNght'r U Dream(Stratford) Duiing this past season he directed his brother Adam in the play rhera~25. 1o hear thew collaboratit e broth ers speak about their various exptri ences m the dramatic realm, note that the preyentation begns at 12 30 p m led m conversation by <;erd Hauck, a drama and speech communtcation department member Forthosearriv mgearly,alive chambcrgroup begins at noon followed by complimentary refreshments pnor to the Pettles This time the bookstore is offer ing a truly stress free visit -no h e ups, free food and free learning, a wonderful combination for U\T stu dents
Swollen Members Monsters in the Closet
Battle Axe Records Tfyouare not ahernut livmgmdistant mountains, you had to have heard of the hip hop/rap group Swollen Members, even if only vaguely You can hear them on the radio, at the clubs oron television &hj~are they so popular2After bemg soprivilegcd as to have obtained their th~rdalbum, 1&4unrterr zn the C h e f , I can tell J uu wh j Prex ail and Mad Child, the main emcees of Suollen Members, are an
4AD Elektra Records
I IofIuwThec oBreederr? ~ l d a n ~ o n e m t l oKiml>eal w She is the alt rock goddess who enjovs dtcssing like m her words - a "fuclung h a w housewife " She lets her sisterI<elle) play lead guitar for the band, despite being totally unqualified and why2 I3ecause high spints alone can carq a 1 h Dcal tune A'herc has she been>a'eU,afterthe Breeders' 199'3 classic I xrtJpInsh IGm
133 Weber Street N (near Bridgeport) WATERLOO
(((HOURS: Mon.-Wed.930 a.m.-8:M) p.m. ; Thurs. & Fri. 9:30 a.m.-9:M) p.m. ; Sat. 990 a.m.-6:00 Dm. ; Sun. 12:OO-5:00 D.n
Hingman Leung, special to Imprint
Kim Deal curiously remains
The Breeders Title TK
Djanet Sears was a previous guest.
ele~trif~mgduo fromvailcouver.They have an amazing chemistry and behveen them, they stay true to their bcats.Theynex-ertryto conform to fit into the bad boy images that other rap stars emulate, nor do they ewr stray from being who they arc A4otzstm ili the C;lorr/wasmeant to be a thank-you for S&M's fails As Mad Chld put it, itwas meant to be an album benveco albums for their core fans T Tc called it "album number two and a half" Some of the songs featured n e hamall heard on the radio,&e ''Steppal 1 hru" and "Bring Tt Home " All of the 20 songs on the album were pro I hen duced a d mived very well Y listened to you just can't help but move to the bcats Prevail and Mad Chdd showed us once agam that they are veq talented and they will be around for a while
on cent rated on rccordmg all future output n ith a stad, demo like qualm Nine years later, ' I /fieTKpair5the latesthe upxtith Stc\ cRlb~ni,\~hom the group first used on 1990's I'ud 1here arc no shimm~mngpop choruses here -thc guitars are bare, the basslinesarecreep) and thevocalshave neT er sounded so abrasir e 1his is most notably on "Too Ah\ e," where the gals appear to be singing two different songs entire11 h c h is the case \*ah IGmDeal hcrsclf Ox er the course of this album, we hear her agh and crackhei voice as she strains tohit the high notes In the second \erst of "Huffer," she scren s up a Ime, mutters "Fuckl" arid keeps going God bless Kim Dcal, nobody knows how she does it, but shc does it, even if lt is sex eial years at a time Mark Stratford, special to lmpr~nt
Unique sounds take us back to the '80s The Strokes light up the hCanada Centre creating momentarily blindness and nostalgia material, supposcdlj~ destincd for an upcommgalbum,included the catchy ''The Way it is" and "Meet Me m the October9 Bathroom " Surprisingly, "Last Ntte," the Kyle Rea Strokes' hallmark song, was a d~sap SPECIAL TO IMPRINT pointment Yeah, the song is good and it did The Strokesare one ofthe nexvestand rock, but it didn't stand out from the frechest bands currently pla)mg in other song5in the set andmas totally North America Dubbed part of the " p a g e rock" movement of recent eclipsed by "Someday " As a wrap up to their shorn, the yearc, The,with theiralbuml~ fhz~zf, ha\ e a catch7 and unique '80s Strokes did not do an encore - a sound thilt sets them above and apart situation that was was probabl) due more to the intouicationoflead singei froin other mainstream bands Okay, so what? Many bands ha\-e Jultan Cacablancasthan anytlmgelce The Strokes are so reminiscent of received this label and have faded away after a single album. The Strokes, '80s rock that jou would thmk this howex-er, are not. that kind of band. would chox\ through m their ctageset Yet they captured none of the Lnlik~some contemporaw bands, ostentation andglain characteristic of the) ate not ~ustgoodmusiciansonan album, they arc agreat band to see li~. e that time In fact the set was \cry mnimalietic, almost mundane The as well l h e Strokes played at the Air lighting made up h r ail unadorned set, since much of the lighting uas Canada Centre on October 9 with Sloanas their opemngact The tone of the showwas set by the opeilingsong "NewYorkCity Cops", keptofftheir albumdue to9/ll,whichhasaumque sound, unforgettable lyfics and did euctlywhat itwas supposed todo get theaudience right into the show The Strokes played a m n of their old and new music, with songs like "Someday ," "The Modern Age" and "Is this~t"astheirbectnumbers New
that bright. The orange and white lights were blindhgly bright andmany people could be seen covering their eyes. If this had been for oilc song, that would be okay, but they were used for multiple songs. I'm sure many people walked out ofthe concert like I dldmith the~reyes still sore from the lights. I lonvcxr, this was oidy m e i l e p tive aspect out ofmanyposltlre ones. The showwasreallygood -the bald played well, the music soundedgood aiid the crowd really got into the show. If the Strokes continue to play music as\vcllasthey did at this conceit, the)-are gomg to be around for a long timc.Thc Strokes just fimshed their tour In Canada and are currently on tour in the U.S.
The Strokes Air Canada Centre
The Strokes played the Air Canada Centre on October 9. used effectir~el~ Hovever, wh& the lightingwasgood,it~vasalso the only real problem with the concert The
lightswere setup to shine out into the aud~ence So \\hat, most bands do that, right2 \Tell, most lights aren't
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Shaw Festival's Candida a great show A taste so delightful, the world-classwine is unnecessary Candida George Bernard Shaw FestwalTheatre, Nlagra-on-the-lake
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Will Peters
1s Candida master of her own 7)01l'\ House' or acleversla\e>Thts ts ont of the malor questtons put forth rn George Bernard Shaw's classic romanttc coined) Candid& The play is in\pired by I-Ienrd<Ibsen'sADo//s1 iomeandit concentrates on the agc old problem between the \exes As the trtle implies, CanddaMorell,pla\ ed byI<elll Fo\,ts tht femalclcldm thisplaj Shc 15 thewife oftheRex crcndjaincs hIorel1,portray~cbyBlair \\ illtam5 and the aptx of a lor c triangle wlth Mortll, and the othei malt lead - the voung Fugene Marchbanks As the pla~beps,me ffld Landida returning home from three weeks in the counttp She IS accompamed by bugene Marchbank\,an 18 )ear old poet and nephm of an earl, whom Morell dmzovercd some months ago sleeping among the homeless on the T h a m ~ sembankment When the two men are alone, a nervous Marchbanks tells Morell that he is in love with Candida and starts t o u n d e r m e Morell's confidence that Candida is still happy in thetr marrtagc Although Candida shows that she is fond of them both, sht speakswarmly o f h g e n e and
seemsobltvtousto her husband's growing concern Eugene offers metaph~stcalpoetryandphysicallove Morell0ffersdependency;a confrontation is clearly brewq The plot action of this three act play encompasses a full day and is set in the drawing-room o f St. Uormmc's Parsonage in the north-cast quarter of Lon don,circa 1900 The setwas well designed, rich yet not c-ccssix-e; it adequatelydepicted the ume Also ofnote was the lightmg. Thc passing of the day was skillf~~ll~ accompltshedwithlighting effects. The loneliness of blarchbalis,readhgunder a street lamp on acold120ndon evening ~ 1 1the final scene,waspartdarly~eElit Candida is currently playing at the Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake. VeteranShawactorMike appropnate, yet there wasn't anything particu mature Bernard Behrens performed well in hts Shara stole the show with his performance as lady memorable about them either The world role as the elder, colourfull~gruff Mr Burge5s Cugcne Marchbanks The young, handsome Shata used good physical gesturing, was 7-ev Miss Proserpine Garnett, the v o q Eelsty secre- class wines may attract people to this region, howeb er, a's the Sham Festir a1 that 1s the re tary to Rev hlorell, was played wtll by Laurie belie1eable and kept the audience laughrng Two Paton The costumes, sound and music u ere gion's beat asset ofthe threemtnor roles deserve recogution The
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Friday, October 25 Employerhtewlews end (excludes Arch~tectureand Teachmg Opt~on). Saturday, October 2 6 Career Services Workshop: Career Essenhak - Mornmg: Self assessment, resume wrltlng, Interview skdls. Afternoon: Lctterwr~tmg, work search, networkmg, eniployer research, mtervlew skdls. From 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please register I 11 advance at
Monday, October 2 8 Arch~tectureand Teaching O p t ~ o n : Employer Interv~ewsBegm. Tuesday, October 29 Ranking forms available after 10 a.m. at the paging desk, 1st floor, Needles Hall. Forms due back by 4 p.m. (excludes Architecture and Tcaching faculties). Co-ordinator Ranking and Interview Consultation ends at 4 p.m. (excludes Architecture and Teaching faculties). Wednesday, October 30 Career Services Workshops: Letter writing - Learn how to use letters to your advantage in the job search. 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Please register m advance at Resume Writing - Discover tcchtnques for writing an effective resume. 4:30 5:30 p.m. Please register in advance at
Thursday, October 3 1 Teaching Option: Employerintcrv~ews end.
Be a Btg S~ster.Female volunteers from all cultural backgrounds who are 18 years of age or older have the opportunity to make a p o s ~ t ~ v d c~ f ference In a chdd's hfe. Each Rig S~ster1s matched w ~ t ah g ~ rbetween l ) the ages of 4-17. Presently there 1s a large walhng hst wwlth over 6 0 ktds wamng for a fnend. Can yon share three hour\ a week for one ycar to enr~cha chdd's I~fe?Next trammg date a November 21, 2002 from 9:00 a.m. t o 4.00 p.m. Call 743$206 to register. Enellsh Tutors are needed to tutor students and scholars for two t o three hours per week. Shadows are needed to help new international students adjust to life in Canada dnring their first term at UW. For more information about the programs, pleasc view thc IS0 website at: Volunteer a few hours wcckly during the school day and make a hfe long differcnce to a child. The Friends Scrv~ceat CMHA matches volunteers with childrcn who need additional support at school. Friends operates in partuersh~p with the local school Boards and helps children 4 to 15 years. Call 744-7645, ext.317. Volunteer to visit an mdividual with Alzheimer's Disease. Matches made based on interest. Training provided. One to four hourdweek. Call Jill at the Alzheimer Society 742-1422 or e-mail jmercier@) The YMCA of KitchenerIWaterloo is looking for volunteers In the following areas: Computer Literacy, Resource Devclopment, Children and Youth Services and Special Events. For more informa-
or Winter $17.75 Summer $8.90 Rates: 20 Worddover 20 + GST Fee-Paying Students:$J.OO 1.15 Non-Students:$B.OOI.25
ESL teachers needed in Korea. Bachelor's degree o r higher education is mandatory. Good working conditions and wagc. C o n t a c t Info & M o n e y ( or 1-519-5745853) for morc information. Applicants wanted to studv Part IV of .. The Ifrantla Book. Earn $25,000. For dctails TRAVEL & TEACH ENGLISH: Jobs, $$ guarantccd. 'I'ESOL certified in 5 days. Attend a frce information seminar. Free infopack: 1-8 88-270-2941 or Weekend counsellors and rel~efstaff to work rn homes for individuals with dcvelopmental challenges. Lxper~ence, minimum eight month commitment. Paid posittons. Send resume to Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 Sydncy Street., Kitchener, ON, N2G 3V2. Need Some Extra Money? Aver inhome tutoring is hiring math and science tutors. Must have own transportat ~ o u .Fax Resume to 888-7125. -Looking for Scripts for short and feature l c ~ ~ g tfilms. h For more deta~ls pleasc contact Part T~meNannvneedcdfor twovoune , ch~ldrenIn the waterloo area. Approx. 3 hours, 4-5 days1 week. Send resnlnc t o Waterloo Inn Now Hirmg! Banquet Servers (10) part-time positions, some heavy I~fting. Contact Human Resources, Watcrloo 11111 473 King St. North, Waterloo, ON. N2J 225. Pleare Call (519) 884-0221 ext. 518 or Fax (519) 884-0321, or you can e-mall
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"Ultnnate Questrons" The Lord Jesus Chrt\t I \ the dlffcrence. Learn about Him. Bible stndy by correspondcnce. Please send name and address to: B~blcStudy, Zion United Reformed Church 1238 Mam St. Shefficld, O N LOR l Z 0 or emad: Sign up today. It's free.
tion please contact Sam at (519) 57688.56 or hv e-mail at Volunteers needed for study hall, Laurentian School for international Somali and other foreign students. Students will choose either Tuesday or Thursday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Starting October 1 to Dccember 6. Orientationltraiuing to be given a week in advance. For more info contact Abdi N o s u r 6 6 2 - 4 9 3 6 . e-mail a t Volunteer Action Centre (742-8610) is recruiting volunteers for the following positions: DO YOU LOVE BABIES?: # 104911 80: Parents of a newborn baby or twins need someone to provide emotional support, link them with the community resources and help with childcare. Cradlelink, a lutherwoodCODA program, trains and matches volunteers with a family m Kitchener or Waterloo. THE "HO, HO, HO" CHRISTMAS HOIJSETOLIR: #1097-12786: helps to support individuals and families facing cancer. Assist with t h e fnndraising event for the I IopeSpring Cancer Support Centre. Volunteers arc needed t o assist as ambassadors and activity supervisors. Tour volnnteers will bc needed for shifts on the weekend of November 1 6 and 17. HELP YOUNG PEOPLE MAKE INFORMED CAREER DECISIONS: #3740-12872: The Business and Educanon Partuership of Waterloo Region is recru~tingspeakers t o share information about their careers and life experiences with students. READY GET SET VOLUNTEER: #1102-12800: Enables people with disabilities t o volunteer. This program is currently in search of volunteer coaches to provide support for individuals with a disabdity to learn the tasks and routmes of a volunteer position. Volunteers must be flexible, patient and willing t o commit to at least 8 months as a coach. MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN T H E LIVES O F PEOPLE LIVING WITH CANCER: #1009-1327: The Canadian Cancer Society is encouraging those wishing to take a leadership role in the Annual Door-to-Door Campaign to gct involved early this year. Primary duties of a Captain will take place from February through May. THE HEART AND STROKE FOIJNDA'I'ION: #1009-1327: Seeking volunteers for positons such as: Council Memhcrs, Committe Members, Off~ceVolnnteers,Canvassers andHealth Promotion Speakers. A commitment of approximately 2 t o 4 hours per week is rcqu~red. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCE IN T H E IIEALTH F1EI.D: #1076: Are you qualifted in First Aid and CPR? Gam mvaluable cxpereinces by volunteering in our community paticnt care program. St. John Ambulance will hold a Volunteer Orientation and Information evening on October 21 at 6 pm. The meeting will take place at St. John Ambulance, 250 Gage Street in Kitchener.
Saturday, October 1 9 The Flora Fest~valSmpcrs, under
Jabot Bartendmg School cerr~fied~nstrnct~on Inlust four weeks! Smart serve classcs held evcry month. Call Judy 1877-329-6873.
Profess~onalT u t o r ~ n gServices Develop i r ~ t ~ c read al ~ n and g wrmng sk~ll\for current courses. Contact Marlon Rahn at 461 $758.
the d ~ r e ~ t of ~ ofonnderlconducn tor N o d ,&son launch another specta~ular\eason of choral Lonccrts at 8.00 p m at St. Mary's @ Church, Elora St. (267 Geddcs @ St.). 10order h ~ k e t scall 519846-9696 or 1-800-265-8977. Start your own cngmes and rall) tor the I ung Assoc~atmn! I earns ot 2-4 people are needcd to con)petr 111 the 2nd annual Bcat the Bug Car Rall), a glgantlc sLa>en gcr hunt around town 1here wdl he
live music, amazing prizes, and free food. Each car must raise at least $80. Reg~ster in advance by calling 886-8100 or e-mail 'The Rally begins at 1:00 p.m. St. Jacobs Church Theatre prescnts, John Mtlard and Happy Day at 8:00 p.m. Part of the St. Tacobs Professional Performance Series, live from St. Jacobs at the Church Theatre. For infoitickets call 664-2293. EQ Technology Yard Salc at Courtland Scn~orPubl~rSchool. Call 743-0187 for morc mfo. Sunday, October 2 0 Salsa Workshop at the Waterloo community artscentre, 2.5 Regma St. S. 5:30-930 p.m. N o partner necessary, to registcr call Jeff at 747-9850, Monday, October 2 1 Waste Reduction Weekin Canada. Join us to reduce waste by recyclying, using alternative transportation, composing, etc. For morc information pleasc visit Tuesday, October 22 The SpecialEducationAdvisory Committe of Watcrloo Region District School Board and the Waterloo Region Distr~ctSchool Board Special Education Departmcnt wonld hke to mvite the commnnity to attend SEAC information forum. From 7:00-9:00 D.m. at Forest Heiehts Secondary School Cafetena, admission is free. Trade Talks - A series of eight intcractive career talk shows exploring careers in the skilled trades and local apprenticeship program. From 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. at Preston Memorial Anditorinm (Cambridge). Wednesday, October 23 Free Prenatal Health Fair, offered by the Region of Waterloo Public IIealth. Find the answers to your questions about having a healthy baby. Held at the Cambridgc Newfoundland Club, 1500 Dunbar Rd, Cambridge, from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Nutrition Drop - In! Drop by our nutrition display and talk to Linda Barton, R.D. and a nutrition nurse, t o learn the best way to eat for energy! Enter the Draw for a great cookbook i d pick up a free apple at 11 :00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. in the SLC Food Court. WasteReduction WorkshopiBooth. Come and learn more about waste reduction at our SLC booth or help yourself to a workshop at the SLC Great Hall in the morning or at the DC fishbowl in the afternoon. Thursday, October 24 Alzheimers Society (K-W), offcrs a free public cducation session. Sharc in the expericnces of four local family memhers who carcd for mdividuals with dcmenha. At 7:00 p.m. at 1.utber V~llage,139 Father David Baucr Drive, Waterloo. Saturday, October 26 Victorian OrderofNnrses, Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin, (VON WWD) is having a fund-raising Halloween Bowling Party, at Brnnswick Fredrick Lanes in Kitchener from 5:00 - 8:OO p.m. There will he bowling prizcs and games all w ~ t ha Ifalloween theme. Special prizes for wcaring a coshlme. T o receive a pledge sheet or for moreinformationcall 894-0880ext. 1157. Sunday, October 2 7 Swing Workshop at Waterloo community arts centre, 25 Regina St. S. 5:X-9:30 p.m. N o partnerlexperience necessary. T o registcr call Jeff at 747-9850. Monday, October 2 8 Trade Talks - A serles of eight interactive carcer talk shows exploring careers in the skdlcd trades and local apprenticcshrp program. From 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. at Erin District School1 Communrty Centre (Erin) Tuesday, October 29 The ContactICall Centre Committee of thc Greater Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber of Commerce is holding a Career Fair from 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. at the Region of Watcrloo buildmg lobby, 150 FrederickSt, Kitchener. Saturday, November 2 T h e Faculty of Applied Health Sc~enceis hoshng the Applied Health Sc~enccHomecoming 5 km Fun Run. Run 1s taking place around Kmg Road from approxnnately 10:lS-11:30 a.m. , ,
EQTechnology Yard Sale at EQ Headquarters, 121 Secord Ave. Kitchener. Thursday, November 7 The Leadership class of thc speech commun~cationsdepartment will be hosting "A Step Towards Success: Careers in Communications,"at Laurel, room SCII. Saturday, Novemeber 16 Live Jazz! UW Swing Club prescnts "Dancing in the moonlight" featuring Alex Pangman and IierAlleycats. From 8-12:00 p.m. at the Royal Canad~an Legion, 19 Regma St. N. For Tickets email Monday, November 11 Flu Clinic!! Held at the SLC and will run nnhl Thursday November 14.
Thursday, October 24,2002 1:30 Keep current - d~g~tally! 3:30 p.m. Offered t o graduatc students, faculty, and staff Mnlt~d~sc~plmary: coversthe SLIences, soc~alsclences and arts and h u m a n ~ t ~ edatabaws. s Th~s hands-on sesslon wdl show you how to save your search strategle\ In varlons databases and lravc the resnlts emailed to you on a regular bas~s.Reg~strat~on opens on the first day of the month the course 1s bemg offered. Held m the FLEX Lab, 3rd floor, Dana Porter I ~brary.See IS 1 Sk~llsfor the Academ~ce-Workplace, for reglstratlon form: cs1courses.html. Wednesday, November 20,2002 Keepmgcnrrent-d~g~tally! 9:30- 11:30 a.m. Offered to graduate students, faculty, and staff. Mulad~sc~phnary: covers the sclences, soc~alsclences and arts and human~hesdatabases. T h ~ s hands-on sesslon will show you how to save your search strategies In vanous databases and have the11 results ema~led to YOU on a reaular bas~s.Ree~stahon opens o n the first day of the month the course is being offered. Held in the FLEX Lab, 3rd floor, Dana Porter Library. See IST - Skills for the Academic e-Workplace, for registration form: ist.owaterloo.cdcsicourses.html.
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