
Page 1



Regular Content: Speculations-Komecznadiscusses


What should Feds candidates do to get your attention?

See the results You answered our questions, nc read your anwers


Electionsforum Tuesday's Fcds clecuoncandidates forum at the SLC brought up some hefty topics and heated debates over school issues.

"Use the word 'vagooge' somewhere in their campaign."

"Be themselves and be super duper nice."

Brett Haynes

2B science

Kaitlin Weber 3C drama


page 12

Too many students, too few spaces

Heramb's Harem -Ramachandran discusses the topic ofcrazy syidrome and how he relates to it.

page 12 Undefeated-Cowan'sparents speak and share their views on their son's se.ma1 orientation.

Varsity men's hockey: Lancers solve U W goalies

page 12

With the infamous double-cohort ready tost&e,U\T',alongwiththc re\t of Ontario's wversities, sacrifices countless resources to overcome the issue. rnvrr

Despite the weekend efforts of goaliesJason Wdlard and Jeff Johnston, the Warriors still could not secure avictory.

pagc page 3 things." Andrae Martin


48 economics

"Grease the wheels of capitalism with the blood of the workers." ErikWalle

CECS : w i riter co-0p placements "in good shape"

4B computer engineering

A specialreport on how co-opis kccping up during this winter term.

page 4

Top Corner Hockey

Bomber blues

Female Canactan hockey player fin challenge ~k.wf~rap~e~~aa~~W e d n einsthe men's Finnish El League. daynight?PMthy's offershelp tooutO~-WC Bomber K ~ employees. page 1

page 16 Regular Content: Short Order-Kourtney Short compares breakfast menus at three restaurants.

page 17


"Free alcohol outside the Bomber."

"Streakingacross campus."

Who are you voting for?

Ben Willson

Hear fromthecan&datesinthisweek's Impn'nt. Get ready tovoteFebruary7to

B, Grinchy, Tiggz, Guaty, Jungle

4A applied math




Glass in Hand -Take off your winter woolies and mis up this hot chocolatetreat!

pagc 17


How tomamtam our resources forthe future.

page 19

Attack on Iraq: fiction or fact? What is the main reason behmd the impending US-led war?

page 11

Bananas: will they be gone forever? The Black Sigatoka fungus is attacking our belovcd fmt.

cover "Blatant bribery."

"Talk more about the bus pass issue."

James Martin 48 computer engineering

Leslie Cauchi 28 inde~endantstudies

Our house Ocal, a ncw columnist, W&S about the interestingthingsofhtsprofessor, Larry Smith.

page 13

A look at the smilaritiesbetween t Super Bowl and the potentla1war Iraq.


pagc 1

Andrew 'l'erluk,an amateur artisthc at Waterloo, talks about his art.

Sustainability is the new buzzword


Stupor bowl

A budding artist unearthed

pages 7 to 10

1B arts


Regular Content: Microfiles - Lower your vitamin A intake, Bill Gates donates $200 mil lion to research, global warming will openup the Arctic passage, toxic leak in the Silicon Valley page 20



Maclvor invades Waterloo The student drama production g, ready to hit the stage.

page 1 Regular content: Poet's Corner - This week's arti Matthew Ryan Birtch.

page :

Airheads -Brandon Gallantdiscus music culture and its origins.

page :

Candidates say the

Campus "not the same" without bars Adele Pearce

Over 100 students lost their jobs due to the recent shut down, and to some the repercussions of such a de cision are enormous Mibe Paffrath, After U\-Y admistrators made the decision to turn off the taps at two anemployee at the Bombsheltcr Pub fcels that "many ofthe studentswho popular campus hangouts, the ~ o i b s h e l t e r ~ u b a n d ~ e d e r a t i o n ~lost d , their jobs depended on them as a source of income to aid them in the students are in an uproar and are fiancialdifficulties." Paffrath,whois speaking out against the.decision. The announcement to close the also out of a ,iob.,will have to ask his bars purportedly stemmed from an parents for money because he cannot incident involving the beating of a affordhisgroceries IGtchenerman that occurred outside Many students are frustrated and anxious to see the bars reof Fed I Iall on New Year'open. Reiter thtnks that Eve the students should deal Notonlyar "Many of the with the situation by students de who "stmdingbehmdtheFeds and domg everything in pnvcd of th privilege of en losf their jobs theirpowcrtohelpthem" joying a soci; Upset U\Tr students, depended on whether they are emplopnightlife o ees of the establishments, campus, bu f hem as a Source or those who frequent the many student of income bars, contmue to fight to are also out of job. \%at doe -Mike Paffrathf keep the student run bars this mean fc ex-Bomberstaff run by students. Paffrath, who thinks that it is wrong students, ant tor aarmfilstrationtomanage the bar, what are the imp~icauonsor tnc aamnistration'sverdict toclose the bars believes that the employees, "being students themselves, know what is "indefinitely"? ' f i e decision affects everyone m bestfortheircustomers." Many share some way or another. In a telephonc the same sentiments as Paffrath, and interview, Dan Reiter, a bouncer at he speaks forallUWstudentswhenhc says, "the school is not the same Federation Hall, voiced his opinion regardingthcs~b~ect '"lhedecision", anymore without the Bomber and he said, "was made in regards to the FedHall " The Feds executivemet with UW Image oftheuniversity Bytaktngsuch a drastic measure they are trying to admintstrationMonday todiscuss the compensate for what happened on matter and a joint statement was re; leased, sayingthat "Both sides recogNew Year's Eve." Reiter,whois concerned also with mze that time is of the essence to thelackofincome hehascomingin,is attempt to conclude a resolution to forccd to search for another job, but ensurethatthe establishmentsresume "most places have finished their hir- operations m an cnoironrnent that is in the best interests of the students ing since it is already a quarter of the way through the term." Reiter will and the University of \Traterloo." have no help from hs mother with apearce@imprint.uwaterloo.ca financing his education since she is going on st&e.



Former Bombshelter employee Jess Deakin signs the protest banner in the SLC Great Hall.

Coming soon: your chance to elect the leaders of tomorrow F e b r u a r y l O a n d F e b ~ l 2 f r m 915 a m to 415 p m at the following locations PAS 3lM6,BMI-Ifoyer, CPHmam foyer,DC 1301(outsidethe UW students xvd have the opportu mtytoelectnew representatwesdunng "fishbowl"),MC (outsidethe C&D on the Federation of Students election the third floor), B1 Science Society lounge, hS2 165, OPT (third floor from February 7 to February 12 bull t m e undergraduate students lounge) and the AT, foyer All full-tune undergraduate stu wdlbeabletoelect four members ofthe Fcdsexecutive,includmgthepresident, dents are eligibletovote aslongas they arc currently enrolled m an academc %ice-presidented~catim~~~ice-president internalandvice-presidentadministra- term or a co-op work term Students tionand finance, as well as twounder- canalsovoteiftheywereenrolledm fall graduate student senatorsat large. Stu- 2002 and are pre-registered for spring dents in engineering, science rcgular 2003 In order toaccess the clectromc baland scienceco-opcanalsovoteforth& new enpcering senator, science r e p - lot, students must first log onto the lar and science co-op student council- Feds\Veb siteandprovidetheirLTY7&r user ID and password "Studcnts will lors,respectively. The voting pe&d begins on Feb- nccd to have their passwords and 11) ruary 7 at 8:30 a.m. and closes on Feb- on hand tovote either from theirhomc ruary 12 at 4:30 p.m. Polling stations computcr,acomputerat theuniversity, will be a d a b l c on campus between or one of the polling stations that will Susan Bubak


be set up around campus," said Brandon Sweet,chief retumgofficer for the beds election T o protect their pnvacy whde voting, students can downloadthe UWauthenticationcer aficate from the Feds\Xrebsite,which "ensures that the votingisas secure as an o n h e financial transaction," sad Sweet \ T h t have the Fcds done for you lately)Their mandate is to "serve, empower and represent the undergraduate students of the Umversity of K'atcrloo " 'I'he four members of thc Feds executive sen-e a one-ycar term that begins mMay. The president oversees the corporation, represents students on a number of unmersity bo&es, includmg the \enate and the board of directors, and sen es as a 1i;uson between UK' student4 and the Gty of Waterloo. The vice-presidenteducation focuses on academlc and co-op

issues, and serves on lobby groups such as the <>ntano Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) and the Ca nadian Alhance of Student Assocmtions (CASA)toprotecttheaccessilnltty ofpost-secondary education Thevice pres~dentmtemalovcrsces theFeds semices,mcludlngboodSen~ ices, the Campus ResponseTeam,the Gays and Lesbians of \T1aterloo, the Legal Resource Office, Off-Campus Dons, the \Vellness Centre, the Womyn's Ccntr~and Co-op Student Services We/shealsoco ordmatesvolunteers for these senxes The vtccpresident admuustrationandfinance is responsiblefor the financialwcll being of the corporation, and oversees the Fcds businesses, including the Bombshelter,FedWall, Ground Zero, Aussies, Scoops and Used Bookstore

In the article "SLC manage ment agreement to be reviewed" in the January 24, 2003 issue of Impnnt,we said that Dennis Hubcr had not been available for comment Wowe~er,Huber had spoken to the wnter earlier that week but the mcorrect vcr sionofthc storywasrun 1he correct t ersion is avadablc at imprint uwatcrloo ca/story/ 2587 We apologi7e for any mconvemence

Financial assistance steady Student awards office o~timisticabout the future Naomi B. Bruoe



The student awards office clauns that a has been aggressively awardingbur sanes to all eligible students for some time now In the s p m g of 2002, the board of governors passed a statement ofmtent decreed by the university, committing them to ensuring students have adequate financial assistance to complete their studies Students at UW pay anywhere from $4,541 to $6,081 for regular programs of study and $5,442 to $7,550 for those who choose the cooperative programs 1hese figures d o not include the increasingly high costs of living that have students paying as much as $17,243 for the on campus residences and $15,527 off-campus , The statement of intent appears to be an actual written statement of what the student awards office has already been doing The statement appears to be only making their mtentlons official Joanne Wade, of the registrar's office, clauns that the university is "trying to be more proactive than before" in regards to supportmg fmanclalneed She claims that the univekity has always been proactive but are trying to be more so than ever before UW grants bursaries to any studentwho has received funding from the Ontario Student Assistance Pro gram and still has unmet financial needs over andabove the maximum OSAP loan amount allowed AccordtngtoK7ade,the wversity looks

at the total amount of funds received by the student and their total expenses, and provides the bursary to make up the difference It is stressed by Wade that students should first seek financial support from all sources including family, employ-ment,loans andgovernmental support programs The reason

UW grants bursaries to any student who has received funding from OSAP and still-has unmet financial needs over and above the maximum OSAP loan amount allowed. for this, Wade points out, is that the umversity has a limited supply of funds and does only what it can with it When asked about the future of financial aid for students currently attending UW as well as prospective students, Wade said that she is optimistic "There are many resources therefore producing many appli cants," she said The question remains; what has

the university actually done m working towards its goal outlined in their statement of intent? The answer is simple m that nothing has changed and that everything is the same as it ever was Wade pointed to the student awards Web site which provides students with easier access to mformation on the umversity financial aid plans in addition to the application process itself The system used at the office is to be noted also It budgets every student allowing the staff at student awards to assess the needs of UW's students more efficiently Other than these not much has changed According to Amit Chakma, the university's vice-president academic and provost, the university was prc viously concernedas towhether they had enough funds to meet the commitment "So far, so good," he said Chakma confirmed that the univer sity has been able to meet its intentions and that they intend to mamtam them He also mentioned that it will be revisited by the board of governors abd that m the next few months the university will be reporting on the progress m its first year after releasing its statement of intent In a nutshell the statement of intent approved by the board of governors ensures what the university has been doing for some time now and continues to do so It's now only made official m print "I pat my staff on the back everyday," \Trade said

CECS: winter co-op placements "in good shape" Diana Miller SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

CECS reported on January 28 that their overall employment rate for the winter 2001 term was 92 6 percent up slightly from 92 1 per cent at a comparable time last year After mitially lagging behindlast 1 ear's statistics, there has been a flurry of hiring acttvjty tn the past two weeks As ofJanuary l4,ody 88 4percent of students scheduled to be on a work term were placed That figure was down 1 percent from 89.4 percent onJanuary 14 of last pear. Sincc then, however, the statisticshaw improved. These figures also continue to rise every day as more students findplacements. Accordingto Olaf Nacse, CECS communications and public relations administrator, the co op department is still "relatively close towhere we were last year" and in "fairly good- shape " Right now, the facultiesthat have the highest employment rates are teaching andapplied health sciences, at 100 per cent and 99.49 per cent respectively. The lowest rates are in mathematics, at 88.27 per cent and science, at 90.03'percent. The students that seem to be having the most difficulty this term are first- year mathandscience students. Naese claimed that'hprior years,we were doing well in all the sectors," butwith recent drops in the IT sector, employers have been hiring fewer math and science students than they did two years ago kmployers also want the students that they hire to be fairly experienced, which isn't good news for students going on a math or science co-op for the first time Even with these improvements, the rate is still nowhere close to the 96-99 per cent employment rates from previous terms boasted on the CECS Web site. Naese is still optimistic, -

however He said that, "in timi such as these, if we can just prevel ourselves from being any worse ol we're doing pretty well " When asked to explain these fi ures, Naese said, "there are toomai factors invd\ed It's not somethu youcanput your finger on " Me dt however, point out that the rece~ slowdown of the Canadian ar American economies has had a del nite impact oilm atcrloo's co op p r ~ gram Another problem is that U' has been steadily increasingits enrr ment o\ er the past few years to de with the upcoming double cohor Unfortunately, there hasn't been : increase m the lob market to con pensate for this tncreastngenrolmer More important than evplainir these figures, howex er, is what t2 co-op department is doing abo them A number of stratcscs ha1 been implemented recently to de with the lob shortage CECS c, ordinators have begun to shift the focus from visitingstudents on w o ~ terms to job development In 0 tawa, for example, UW employs f i ~ field co-ordinators Two of the now focus exclusively on findir new jobs for U W students CFC itself has also expanded its co c positions to eighteen from the usu eight ornine, five of whichwill foci entirely on marketing As for what's going to happt next term, Naese is "cautiously opt mistic " The summer termisusual when the co-op department has E t most difficulq findingenoughplac ments As of January 14, howex t the Access system had over200mo jobs posted than it did at the san time laqt pear \That Naese is really concernt about IS the double cohort A though it's too early to make ai predictions about the economy I. job alailability, he is expecting th next yearwdldefinitelybeachallens

University of


- Student Community

Contact us: 268 Phillip St. Dormitory Rooms Winter and Spring Sublets 519.884.3670 - Minutes from UWNVLU info@wcri.org




Lampaign pains Reach into a grab bag of election garbage and golden nuggets

Fedsexecutive candidatesbegan campaigning on Tuesday by putting up posters and debating m the uwstudent org-ltzpnnt media forum There are some amusing pearls in the murk of the political talk, whether the! be unusual ideas or laughable suggestions Weird words and strange ideas

FIaynes' "earmark amortization fund" was a term I had never heard before, it seems to mean a capital budget Council approves an operating budget but doesn't deal smlarly with capital cqenses It's okay, the idea is just bizarre Schmtdt showshis technocracy, suggesting that Feds get into "opcn source software det elopment " Dilts's "Party \X'h_pn idea to have someone "to ensure that Feds operations run properly" is okay How about electingan evecutivc that can do that Also keep councillors i n - h e would be good if it works I'd settle for a single e council (like the triple c, equal, electedand effective, senate fromMeechLake) Council,at lea\t,

needs some effectiveness Fdej i\ trying to resurrect the idea of the universal bus pass. D o you remember when that was in former Fed president Yaacov Iland's platform Leo's idea of a nap room is fun Robson suggests the idea of paying dividends to students as so called "shareholders" in Feds as a corporation Dividends can not be paid to students because as the corporations act says that a not-for piofit corporation hke I'eds " shall be carried on without the purpose of gain for its members " Certamly if a was so important to gwe money back to students Feds could convert to a business corporation to pay dividends, but it then would no longer be tax exempt and would have to pap tau on a s income '1 he closes thing to this idea would be a reduction m the student fee thc followlngpear.

promised to succeed where ptcd ccessors failed Much of what Colquhoun writes is full of platitudes about doing a bctter job I Ie is especiallk prepared for the situation where aomeone gets beat up outside a bar and the untvcrslty tries to manage and then shut5 down the bars If that situation ever occurs, he has a plan to handle it At least h s suggestion is a contrast to the belligcrcncc of the current exec, whose plan has pet to pan out

Style over substance

Who are they

Hickson wrote, "the number of student7 mvolved m clubs will increase 50per cent," but doesn't gve an explanation of how t h s might be acheved Fedy wrote, "I will focus on achcvable goals that will benefit student life at Katerloo In the past, candidates have promised things that sunply could not be delivered, I want to be different " First what does this mean and second don't you thmk others have

In the forum candidates were asked to gwe the one word that describes their best quality or greatest achievement Eachperson's choice shows what they like abdut htmself or what image he wants to portray Perhaps the most apt answer is Robert Robson's word,persever ance He is a candidate again, aher losing to Chris Di Lullo last year

Much of the discussion, however, revolvedaroundtherecent campusbar closingsandctrticizmgthecurrentFeds' actions \ W e most of the candidates agreed that the move signifiedalossof autonomy for the student bcdy, Dave Capperwasthe soleVPadmmstration and finance candidate who believed that the Feds should not seek its own liquor hcence "I dunkthat it's important to have a mediating body for the Feds' busmesses," explamed Capper when asked why he felt that way VP admtn and finance candidate Rob Robson, at the same time, sees a liquor Ilcencetobca'long-termgual " Robson was also concerned about the liquor licence's liabilitpnd cost, althoughhe agreed that it would provide student autonomy , I'residental candidate Chns Edcy commented that there "hasn't been enough assertive leadershp" within the Feds, and that the president must be"accessiblc"and"visible " Simdarly, Edey's contenderDanColquhouncnticued the current Fcds for handhgthe bar closmg., the way they did He believes that the Eeds should not "go around callingpeopleliars to organize half-supported rallies and to come off look& bad when [the Fed4 should

just be talktng and resolving issues " VP admm and h a n c e candidateRob Schrmdtalsoctrtic~edtheFcds, claim mgthatautonomy "comes fromworking with admm -not -st admm -to findwaystosolvetheseproblems and findingagreementsthat work for the benefit of students " However, both candidates did not elaborate on

"[the Feds shouldn't] go around calling people liars to organize halfsupported rallies and come off looking bad" -Dan Colquhoun, presidentialcandidate

these alternative measures of dcaling with the situation, and did not acknowledge that the Feds were m a meeting with a h s t r a t i o n at the tune of the debate Later, m a debate about tlution de-


\l'hitey won the elections last year T h s year, out of 13candidates only I ,cc Wudrick and Dominguez aren't whtte and only Hickson and Haynes are female Both these proportiomof the candidates look to be less than the proportions in the student body

see PAIN. page 6


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Forum: candidates talk change Continued from cover

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regulation, Vl? education candidates Aaron Lee-Wudrick and Liam McHugh-Russell demonstrated distinctly polarpohcaIviews W e L e e Wudnck suggested that the money currentlymvestedmCASAandOUSA would be better spent hang"ful1-tune lobbyistslust forWater1oo:'McHughRussell stressed accessibilityand con sultingtheentire studentbcdy through referendum Atonepmt,Lee-Wudnck also commented that the provmcd government "has to" make cuts, and that he was not surewhether "anyone m this position would be able to stop deregulatton" Earlier m the debate, McHugh-Russell'scampagncomrade Dilts pledged to "approach a b s tratton and the provin~dgo~ernment" about deregulation I Iowever, both Lce-Wudrick and McHugh Russell both agreed that further democratic mobili7ation is needed Each candidate was also asked to choose oneword todescnbe hunself or herself Curiously, S c h d t described hunself as a "clue tram:' pomtmg to a copy of The Che Tram Manzj%~to, while most otherschose adjecmes relatmgto serviceor bemga hardworker The twohow forumattractedabout 40 to 50 spectators at a time, most of whom were fnends of the candidates ~chen@+rnpr~nt.uwaterloo.ca

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Pain: if you do n o h g else, at least vote Continued from page 6 Communicating with students

Every ycar pcople use words like communtcat~on,relevancyand awareness and pledge to improve these things for the Feds, thls year is no exception Fedy Lsts "creatmg new means of communication" as a goal and wrote, "Students must have access to as much information as possible on the issues that affect them " Dominguez plans the "creation of a Feds newsletter." Schmidt wrote, "The Feds need to constantly questton our relevancy to our members " I think a lot of students have an answer to that

question The real question is what would be done about student concerns. Capper states a goal to, "Reinforce commumcations and maintain visibdity.. " So many of these statements have a common theme, what will get done and how Tell us Usual suspects

Then there are the common issues Deregulation is a concern but those who say that tuition shouldn't mcrease anymore need to tell us how the university's finances can be pulled out of the toilet Quality has been decreasing,tuttion

has been increasing Where is the money gomg to come from? What can you do about it? The double cohort issue is similar 'We need to cater to underage students," thanks for the newstlash Edey, as aplanner and Feds "75 metre" commtssioner didn't surprise anyone by b r m p g up housing If any changes happen, for how much of it can he take credit. Last word


Application: rejections galore Continued from cover

SuperBuild set out to expand the phpsicalcapaci~ofunix~ersities by 57, 361 spaces over the number of space5 ava~lablein 1998 So far Superbuild has spent $891 mlhon towards the construction of new buildings and the eqnnsion of teaching facilities, mark mg thc most extensive public capital investment m Ontario umversitiesin more than 30 years As it turns out, however, the Ontanogo~ernmentun derestimated the amount of spots needed for the 2003 2004 term by 9,000 students,this mtscalculationwd cost SuperBuild an additional $60 million 1he University of \XTaterloohas been responding to the double cohort since the secondaryschool reformwas

implemented m 1999 "Over a four ycar period," writes UW Director of Admissions P c t ~Burroughs r on the universiq Web sae, "incremental in creasesin the Umvcrsity ofYY7aterloo's first-year enrolment targetswillbring our first-year class from 3,735 stu dents in 1998 to a projected 5,500 students m 2003 " n t h a vast increase in urn%-ersiq apphcants across Ontario, not onlj lcarningandhvmgspace are calledinto question, but also the quahty of the post secondaryeducation Indced,thc protectionof student to teacher ratios, admmstrative support and handson equpment are just some of the issues at the forefront of students' mmds "My concerniswhcthcrornotthe school can handle all these new stu-

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dents and how itwillaffect our education in the short and long terms," says LisaSant, third year scienceandbusi ness student CW claim5 to be on top of these matters "We beliePe ourpreparations for thc double cohort will help us to achieve our goals and at the same tunc help students to achteke their goals," writes Burroughs Other factors also contribute to ~nrolmentgrowth, such as risingpar ticipationfiltcs,an increasem the 18 24 population, and a chanpgwork environmentwhich is promptmgadults backinto the classroom Theqe effects are likely to continue over the next dccadc,though the impact of the dou blc cohortwill reachits peak between 2003 2004 and 2004 2005 I b r e s h n @ ~ m p r ~ nuwaterloo.ca t

UWSP to reopen this week Rachel Shugart SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

How is the University of Waterloo Sustainability Project (UWSP) adjusting t o the new term? Much better it seems, than expected, considering its reliance on volunteer hours and the decentralization of responsibility with m the office Thanks to an "ovenvhelming response" from students in the past couple weeks, UWSP will have returned to regular office hours for the most part by the time this article is printed Since these hours rely on the availability of volunteers, there are stdla few holes, but those should be smoothed oPer in the coming weeks This young organization is still tryingto buildits image in the minds of U b students According to Sabina Khan, who is nom an h v i ronmental Lommissioner, "\\'e7re trying to establish ourselves as an organi7atron \ e're trying to promote more course integration and Polunteer work to increase educa tion and awareness on campus " Thi5 termwill scc the effects of improved financial management, fewer restrictions for participation in projects and amore stream-lined applicationprocess The office space ~tsclfhas been re organi~edso re search materials and board minutes are now well documented and easy

to access Disseminating inform. tion to those who are interested ( involved in various projects is tk focus of the UWSP office Some of theprojectsundenva right now and coming up m tk future a Waste Managementprojel that is looking at installing composting system in the Village a Climate Change project, and a Alternative Transport program An in the works this week is a postc presentationput on byUWTSPat tE Engneers Without Borders confe cncc

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NOT VALID WITH V.I.P. CARDS I COUPON EXPIRES February 7,2003 1 L l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l m l l l l l l l 1

Let the campaigning commence Presidential candidates Q &A



Dan Colquhoun: totally inactive in stu- Andrew Dilts: Feds' relationship with Chris-Edey: student government must AlexMatan: would beanentrepreneurUW is reaching new lows. be strong. for-hire. dent politics. Dan Colquhoun for president What are the zssues for nettyear5 Fedsz Nex? year's euecwdlhave todo abetter job ofmanagingthe Federation Sen ous issues of conduct, accountability and responsibhty need to be addressed I would deal with this problem by making decisions that aren't motivated by pohtics, but by a desire to see thegreatestbenefit for students What bsues are imporfaant lo slude~ts? For most students I know, the issues are marks/grades, availabilityof jobs, quahty of teachingandhow themoney they pay to attend school is used. What zs yourplaijom? 1he beds are a company Feds control resource? that havc a big impact on campuslife Pastpresidentshavebeen doing a poor job of runntng the company A president should shift the focus back to serving students W M expenence doyou bnng? I have been a full time undergrad at U\Tr for five and a half years I'\e acqur~dprojectand people manage ment skills from various companies and cultures I have been totally mactive in student pohtics Whaf wouLd you do better than yourprederessot ? 1 Safety at Fed Hall and Bomber I wouldnot havc extended promotion of campus events to the community, or relaxed R'atcard sign-ins used to restrict'acccss by non-students \X hen unable to fill the manage ment position at Fed Hall, I would have accepted help from U\T admin I would not hme forced action by admtmstration due to failure to ensure that all liquor license and fire regulations were betng met 2 Communicatton and public relations I would not have kept the Bomber closed for food service after the liquor licensewasrevoked I would not have organized a public protest that damaged the reputation of UW students and the Feds I would have kept the lines of commullfcation open

between the UW administration and the Feds. I would not have have used alawyer as a mouthpiecewhen d e d q with the UW administration.

Andrew Diltsfor president What are the issuesfor nextyar5 F e h exec? How n~ouIdyotldeal with each? The double cohort: the 2003-2004 academic year will see an influx of students at UiV. 'lke incomingexecutive mustco-operatewith studentsewices, housingand residencesto see that allstudents' needs are met. The Peds/UW relationship: from the delayed opening of the Bomber patio to the closings at Bombshelter and Fed Hall, the Feds' relationship with U\V is reachingnew lows. Tuition: students face further deregulation,whichwill lead to incrcascs of up to 30 per cent.

ment Affairs Comtntsslon Environment commissioner IIelping t o operate the U\X Sustmabhty Project last year Volun teering m aFeds-related orgarmation, looking at co-operational, pragmatic and down-to-earth solutions that would help to make the UW campus a better place for students Overall community involvement at UW, from froah leader to clubs to volunteermgat Inprint and Engineers Without Borders W h ~wouIdyou t do better thanyourpredecessor? Communicate with students about the issues that matter most to them and provide stronger leadership in resolving those issues.

Chris Edey for president

What are the m u e ~for nextyear's Feds exec? How woIAkIyou deal0 zth ea& 1 Strengthening the o r p z a t i o n student govcrnmcnt must bc strong and represent interests of students The students that sit on senate are vitally unportant, ourpresence builds alliances with faculty members and What IJ your plafoml Pight tuition deregulation contmue others on issues of mutual interest 2 Housing This must be dealt efforts of the Deregulation Action with now Enrollment is due to peak Group to con~~ince&stratlonthat in 2011, which demands long range 30 percent tuttmnmcreaseswillharm planning, not stopgap soluti.ons the quality of education at L W The City of Waterloo is fmalizmg Represent theundergraduate smdents of UTV to the administration, to as Height and Density Study, which the federalandprovmcialpvernment w d shape the city for the next few decade4 We must address student and to the community housing before the study is passed Oversee internal accountabilqof I have been active in this process the Feds Improve councillortraining program, implement a "Party \XVl?llp" already, meeting with city officials to share student concerns \I17ecanmake to ensure that Feds operations run properly, incrcascaccountabilityof the progress by buildingallianceswithcity Feds' board of dxectors, and ensure councilors, lobbying de~relopersand that the Eeds fee is spent effectrely bj votmg m mumcipal elections 3 Enumeration and empowerment -by and large, students don't Whaf expeperience fluyou bring? Feds councillor: Fighting tuition in- rote andwe suffer the conscquences I want to bring enumeration cencreasesas amember of the Deregulation Action Group. Lobbying for tres oncampus, lobbyto resume dooreducation with provincial lobbying to-door enumerationm studentneighgroup OUSA. Workmg to resolve bourhoods, promote the location of stnkable fees issue. Working to 6-voting stations and get more can&prove quality of housing on Govem- dates to visit the university. What 2ssue.s are iiqbortant to .student.r? 'l'he ever-rising costs oftuition. Findingaffordable, quality housing. Qualityofacademicsandeducation.A sense of community.

What issues are importad to students! 1.Stnkilble fees: there will likely be a referendum and the challenge will be to craft a fair question. And in the event of a yes vote, to create a system whch balances mdnr~dualcontrolover fee choices with the need for the or ganizations to get their message out. 2. l'he double cohort: it's coming and the Feds must ready their services.

nencing a vibrant and enriching cul turd life, and feeling connected to a commumty of exceptional people What tsyourplatfom? LeverageUW's strengthsby creatinga searchableslull~/mterests/e~upenences &rectory, allowing instant access to each other's individual strengths, orgam~mgback-to-campus banquets andanmter&sciplinaiythesis/projcct

What I S yourplatform? See quesnon 1, plus untversal bus pass, open communtcations and an environmental improvement fund. What experience do you bring? Government Affairs Commissioner: I have represented Feds on housing issuesandha\-eachievedsomesuccess in educating students and raising the profile of the issue on the city's agenda Impnnf News Editor UKSP former communications &rector

Whaf nwuLdyou clo better thanyourpredecessor? Brenda was not assertive or decisive enough when major issues needed to be addressed I intend to be She let issues sit idle too long,~vhichresulted m the executive losing control ovcr their d e elopment ~ I wdl work hard to manage important issues before they get out ofcontrol rmally, Iwant to be more visible to students

.collaboration matchmg system. Establishing a "spirit" budget to support those trying to make life at UW more interesting.Arrangingpest speakers and daily live performances on campus paths to spice things up. Incorporate extracurricular and communtty activities into froshweek Teach UW's history to build cultural attachment and pride Establish an A d o ~ A t Floor ~ r o gram for residences which will havc past residents mentoringtheir floors What expenence doyou hntgl My experience at U\V spans seven years, two faculties, two continents and a wide spectrum of activities I have beenateachgassistantand frosh leader, co-chair of the Engineer ing Graduation (:omittee, part of Enpeering Society and the English Society, served on the Senate Under graduate Comitteeandworked on the Iron \Varnor I founded the Muskoka club. Poets' Salon Intellectual Forums and the After Hours Arts Festival.

Alex Matan for president WhaL are the zssue~li,r next year's Fecrlr e t a ? How sauLdyou deaIn~zthearb? Campus culturc \X'aterloo has a repu tation for bc~ngboring I will create venues for us to make interesting things happen Integration of younger students K e give frosha great tune for aweek and then drop them behind the sccu rity locked doors of residence 1 will work to build stronger connections between frosh and the rest of UW; What zssueJ are zmportunt to students? Obtaining competitive advantage through their elcpenenceatU\XT;expe

Whain~oufdyoudo better than yompred e~e~sor? I will take the position of president as bang one ofan cntreprenedr for hire 1will seek out opportunities that advance the interests of UTT students I will execute innovativemitiatlvcs thatunpro\ e themterests of students I will reme as a broker ofinforma tion, contacts and material rcsourccs for anyone who needs them, for an) purpose, tomakeit easier for students to do the things they want to do I wdl roam campus and jnvohe myselfm the day-to-day affairs of students, smce parhcipation is the best way to spot new opportumties


Feds election 2003: callini Canddates for vice resident administration and finance invoh ed m studcnt life in the follow ing ways don at Ron Cdyt Village, Federation of Students Orientation Commtttee Chair for the Faculty of EnvironmentalStudies,Inpizntphoto editor, and faculty of environmental studtes frosh leader

Dave Capper for VP administration and finance Whaf are fbe zssuesfor nextyear's Feds? The main issues relate largely to the entrance of the double cohort I his change in the?chool's demographic w d reqwre the Feds to diversify their businessesto cater tothis new market Returntngthe management of Feds busmesses to the Eeds willlikelvcarrv , , on for next year's executive T h s will definitelybecome apriority The new executive w~llalso have to work at maintaining good communication and >isibilityamongst UQ students to learn how Feds businesses can cater to thcm The new executive will need to d e t e r m e ways andmeans of dtversifymg the businesses in order to gain revenue from busmesses that have historically beenaneconomc burden What i~suesare importanl to students? Students in the coming terms will remain concerned as to where and how their Fcds fees are bcing spent, wishtng to get the best value. Housingwill remainan important issue as students face fewerchoicesfor housing due to current municipalbylaws and an increasingstudent population. The younger demographicwill have concernsas to how the university will cater to them when traditional campusactivitiesbecomeinaccessible. Whai ir,yourph@nn? My platform will contain the followingkeypoints: dmersificationofFeds businesses to cater to the new demographic.The double cohortwillpresent significant opportunities and challengcs to the Fcds and its matn rev enue sources (Bomber, Fed Hall). Implement viable econonuc alternatives to allow Feds to gam revenue from the least profitable businesses. Work to strengthen the autonomy of the Federation of Students. Streamline the Feds poster campaign tomakeitmorecost-effectivet h s w d be achieved through target specific adverttsingcamp;ugns Reinforce communication and maintainvisibhty among students to understand their needs. Whaf experience doyou bring? D u m g my time at UW I have been

Wbuf na~ddyoudo befferfbanyourpedemsod I beheve Chr~sDi Lullo has done a tremendous job I plan to complete some of the projects that Mr DiLullo was unable to fmsh Some of these include the creation of a ;offee shop m Ground Zero, increasmg Feds relationships wtthpart ttme Feds business employ ees andincreasmgthe use of Feds TV

Tracy Haynesfor VP administration and finance What are fbe rsmesfor nex fjeark F e M One mam issue is the influx of first year students in the upconung double cohort My goalis to help prepare for the change by offering a vanety of concerts, events and theme mghts that wdlbeavailableto studentsofallages In the c o w year, itwill be necessary torenegotiatethe lease agreement for Federation Hall It is my aim to renew the leasewith favourable terms for students, worhng to ensure that studmtsarenolofigerchargedafee for the facility that they've spent the last twenty years paying for. I would work towards improvements in the budgetingprocess ofthe Federation of Students through such means as ensuringthat capital expendituresaretakenlntoaccountbyco&cil and makingsure that fmancialdecisions regaxding large purchases and mvestmentsconsiderthctotalnetvalue of the corporation I hope to create an earmarkedamorttzation fund to alleviate the problem of capital expenditures bcingimproperlyaccounted for in the budgeting process What zrsueJ are zmportunt to sfudznls? First, the Bombshelter Pub and Fed eration Hall closures are an important issue Considering the situatton with the UW a h s t r a t i o n and the past difficultiesthqderationof Students have had dealtngwith their decisions, I beheve these closures are a hot topic in the m d s of voters m d an issue

that needs to be resolved The keds needs to actively co operate with the admmistrationwhrlcsafeguardingthe autonomy of the orgamzatmn Second, th6 approach of the first double cohortterrnm ofhigh concern due to the large - number of concerns that need to be addressed in this complex issue As a candidate for W A F , itts my respons~bilityto ensurethat all students, regardless of age, are welcome at all venues and events Third, but not of least importance, ~ money students want value f o their It isimportant that the $28 31 FederationofStudents fee isnot beingwasted on servicesthat students don'tuse, or on busmesses that continually act as rcvcnue losers Ensuring that these busmessesandservicesarc cffecttvely run and appeal to the needs of students is a prionty for any good vicepresident administrationand finance. Wbaf isyo~rplazfomZ To create an earmarkedamortization fund to alleviatethe problem of capttal expendtturesthat are unaccounted for in the council votingprocess To explore the possibiht~of the I'ederation of Students holding its own hquor license, thus betng less reliant on the adnutistratton. Continueto improvethe paa-time staff benefits and aim for better rerations among the part-time and fulltime Feds staff. T o actually fulfill the promise of renovations to Ground Zero. Coffeehouse,anyone? Increasevarietyof studentservices, such as movie and video game rentals in the SLC. Investigate the possibility of grocery store facilitieson campus to provide an alternative to the foods currently available to them. What experience do.yoa bring? Marketing-logistics co-ordinator for the Residential Energy Efficiency Project, student council president 2001-2002, and St. Paul's United College student council member 19992000, fundraismgceordinator for the Snow Valley ski patrol, staff and programmyageratthe Buellbitnessand Aquatics Gcntre,onentatmnleader for Environmental Studies and St Paul's College 2000and for the Off-Campus Dons 2002, restdence don, St Paul's United College 2001-2002 Wbat niomhiyou do betler fhanyomrpredecessor? I wtll conttnue to work towards m proving the profitability of the Federation of Students' busmesses Fistng Ground Zero wdl be a mainpriority,aswdmcreasingtherangeofprofitgeneratingventures of the Feds Conttnueandcompletethe restruc turing of the Feds budget, such as addressmg capttal expenditures and operating expenditures in the report to council.

Rob Robson for VP administration and finance What are the itcuesfor nextyear's Feds? Bomber, FederationHall and the liquor licence:it is really important toget our Feds employees back to work. I would not engage in apower struggle at the expense of 150employees. Second,I would re-establisharapport with the administration in order to work out grievances and address both of our issues. It Is important that we are firm in our actions; we need to maintain au tonomy. I would seek out ways to acquireahquorlicense oratleastal&t use of the university agreement. We also need to renegotiate our agreement over Fed Hall m January 1004. 'l'he university would low to u t h e t h e space fortheircatermgscnrices or better s t i l l m o r e class space. Students shouldn't lose their assets. Dealmgwith the increasednumber of studentsunder 19:next year adms sionlevelswill be again hgher. I would continueto expand business activities to meet the needs of this younger cohort. Fed Hall w d have'to be allages. Clubs and athletics will take on a b m e r role with these students. I would support those organizations with fundingand access to resources. What zssues are zmportant to students? Risingcosts pnces are increasing TIUS ranges from tuition and books to housing, utilities and food Access to OSAP Costs are nsing andaccessto OSAl'does notincrease Students are in situations m which they are short of funds Often, students with realneed are not being able toget OSAP This drasticallyreduces access touniversity and a @ty social and educationalexperience Jobs on campus With higher cost and less OSAP, students are faced with findmg job on campus A v u ability and flexibility of jobs on campus are extremely important in terms of paying for rent and tuition Wbat zsyour playom2 Dividends Payable to Students / Orgamzations every fulltune under graduate student 1s a shareholder in a 4 2 mtlhon dollar corporation, the Federation of Students Each term students pay money into the Feds I propose that at the year end we give students an opportunity to get somethmg back -their money1 We

wdl decide an amount and give st^ dents the chance to retriev e their dip dend Students vvill also hare the op tion to direct their dividend to o campus groups and organizations I hope that students will uttli~ our businesses more frequently an takemore actwe interest in the succer or failures of our ventures Ezlore/re-examine 'revenue-gen erating businesses ideas: in the corn ing years, there will be less alcohc revenuegenerated by the Bomberan Fed Hall due to the younger age cohort attending university We nee, to explore new avenues to generat revenue so that students may con ttnue to enjoy Feds businesses ant senricesat reasonable costs With tht we can conttnue to meet the needs a students and work towards the ulti mate state -no Feds fee Increase support toclubs, campu recreation and varsit) sports club. recreation and sports dramaticall\ m crease the quall&of studenthfe on thr campus 1will mrner additional fund to help these organirations maslmiz their impact on campus \Y ireless InternetinSIL andmore I propose a technology fund to set ul a w~relesshternetsy\tem independ ent of the current system We coulc provide a fleet of computers that an student could stgn out and use any where in the SLC Create an OSAP / ftnancialactio~ team I know how hard it n to cope ot campus when OSAI' does not coml through. My action team would iden tify studentsin financdneedand hell them obtain OSAP and other fund kg. No individual should be barrec from a quality life on campus.

What experience doyou bring? My studtesin RecreationandBusines give me a diverse base in business. MI focihave been marketing,accounting human resources and management. I have been active on campus as ; volunteer. Since my first.year I hav~ been involved with the Federation o Students I was a student councillo and a board of directors member. have given time through the Campuq Response Teamand the OffCampu. Dons I have alsoanotrentationlcade for Arts, AHS and the Off Campuc Dons I started Students for Society whichraisesmoneyforlocal chanties WhaL ivouL?yo~LrtO~ better tbanyourpred ecessor? I have a great amount of respect foj Chris Di Lullo; I beheve he has don( an excellent job of handling all situations and aspects of the corporation I would make a very big effort tc include as many people as possible tr work on business projects such a: reformatting Ground Zero and generatingnew ideas to expand our bus1 ness operations. I believe lots of stu dents would love to work on the business side of the Feds.


all candidates Candtdates for vice president education

Rob Schmidt for VP administration and finance

than statements of approval. I will change that There are systemsinternal to the Eeds such as the Used Bookstore thatwould be better managed as open-sourccprojects developedby co op students Relevancy I wdl startaprogram to allow a portion of the Feds fee to be directed towards particular groups within the Feds asrecentlypropsed by Ryan Chen-K'mg on uwstudent org Allowmg students to decide informs them and provides mcentl~efor clubs to strengthen the link between the Feds and their senTicessupporters

What expenence doyou bnng? What are the issuessfor nextyear's Feds? I co-foundeduwstudentorg My ongi 'I'he reds general office expense. In nal vision was aplace where issues of 1998they voted to have two-thirds of bias and conflictwouldbebalanced by the expmsepudby theFe+ fee.Times open discussionby participants My experience at I q n n t I have are better now for the Feds. It is time to return tothe fair 50/50distribution written for every section and I have of this large expense ($656,035). been News Editor d w g an election Feds autonomy. This has been term I have also been on the board of called into question by admmstradirectors tion's proposal to share in manageMy expenence workmg with the ment of the bars. Considering their media I havewritten successfulpress habihty interest in bar operations and releases for Itizprintand other organiour shared p a l of m m t a m g safe zations. Me& coqm+cationisvery and enjoyablesocialestabhshments,I important for this year's exec. My experiencewiththe Feds.In the &&a compromise can be made. Feds relevancy. We need to do spring term, I was students' council things that are interesting and help speaker and I set up the live mp3 students do what they wan!. I'm not streaming of council meetings. I was afraid to challengethe complacencyin a student councillor,on the inaugural the organization. Things are going co-op students' council and I talk to well now for the Feds and we should the current executiveona regularbasis. be leaping forward to respond to stuMy technical proficiency. I have developed web applications, prodent ideas-andwishes. grammed robots and administered What mues are zmportant to studentst Linux boxes. My experience and techThe tmportantissues for the Feds exec nicalproficiencpdifferentiatesmcfrom are thosc that are w port ant to stu- other candidates. They can talkabout dents Pursuing any other personal a, I can do it issues wouldnot bearesponsibie~a~ My understanding of finance I to serve students was fascmatedwiththemarketasakid and learnt about equities and dertvatives at a young age My thinkingabilityandprocedure Finailcia1 clarity I will work to give students access to mrxe detatled data writing experience. I was on thc b y on how the Feds businesses operate laws, policy and procedures committee while acouncillorand haveaintermonth-to-month At a mtnimum I will put monthly fmancial reports for est in writing precise procedures and the busmesses online resolutions.Finally, I am rarely swayed by rhetoric; if your argument is poor, 1 will increase spending on the servtce side ofthe organization(clubs I wdl tell you. and services) by at least $100,000 throughrcstoring the General Office What 1mukd you do better thanyourpredexpense to an equitable 50/50 split eres~or? This willmeanmore money for clubs Tm ' ready to take the corporateh c e that help students do what they want in a new direction. Chris could have Autonomy I will talk to admm adjusted the General Office expense about our shared interests I am not this year, but didn't know the history of the expense at the time of the afraid to workcloselywith thc admin Having a relationship is not danger- budget I will be ready to do corporate ous to our autonomy and paranoia budgeting my first day on the job. I believe m open communication will only lead to student interests bemg marginalized We must restorc between our members and thc exec our close and productive relationship I'm not afraid to let my ideas be torn Open source software develop- apart by mterested students I'll keep ment The beds need to q p o r t stu- confidentiality when necessary, but I dent tmttatives to produce software would prefer to have a good idea to rvtcrnal protects such as student bring to the table than a surprtsing force caanduwstudent orghave been one. Chris hasn't used electronicmesupported bj the Feds withlittlemore dia to its potential, in my opinion.

able to restore funding unless students and their parent5 start voicing their concern about post secondary education Invcstigatmg OUSA and CASA, to find specificallywhether they are valuable I'm going to spend a year making sure and making sure that students at large arc sure as well

What expmence do you bnng?

Liam McHugh-Russellfor VP education What are the issuesfor nexLyear's Feds? The two most important issues are quality ofeducationandaccessibiltty. The economy is doingwell right now and it's important to invest in the brightest minds. Thc largest issue facingthe executive will be to maintain and to expand the quality of serviceswe provide.With the double cohort arriving, the exec's work will all be more difficult, especiallywith the largernumber of.underagers. We're going to need to spend a few more dollars on service resources. As for autonomy, a strong, rationalmind, an eye for detailandplain perseverance are what is needed to keep the university from continuing to take away our priviledges as if we were 6 yearolds who had spilled.milk. \We just have to refuse to lie down. ,


Wha/ zrrues are zmportunt to students? Certainly, the issue on the mmds of everjone nght now is the situation occurrmg with the Bomber and Fed Hall The more information I've been presented, the more it seems that the university is wrong Gettmgvalue for their dollar 1salso prettyimportant to students and that's wh) it's important to let students know what they're gctting and im pro\ e or change if they don't like it A lot of students are concerned about protecting the campus community, the scrvicesprowdedand the opportunitiesavailable Recentlyatthe counctl meeting, the UWPCCA pro posed their referendum on stnkable fees for some of these organtzations It might hurt to admit, but a quick look at uwstudent org's response list gives agoddptcture ofwhat students really care abow It seems clear to me from the large discussion about the C# h s c o that students arelegttunatcly concernedaboutacademtcmtegntythat the education they're getting is determined by the brightest mmds, not the fattest cheque books What zsyourphfom? Restoringfunding topost-secondary education. Getting students more involved in educatton issues I thik's a's necessarv , to get students involved in the pohticalprocess Wearen'tgomgtobe


I've spenthvoyears on student's council, most of the work education-ori ented I've sat on EAC under Stammers and O'Connor, I've been a delegate at Ontano Undergraduate Stu dent Alliance conferencesthree tunes and member of co-op council I also have experience on the board of directors, budget commtttee and clubs commtttee, so I fcel I know the organizationpretty well This is all m addition to my other participation on campus, onMathSoc,asa froshleader and as a Don in Ron Eydt Village.

What ~vouldyoudo better thanyourpredeces~or? Mr O'Connor's right-wmg leanmgs have made it difficult for him to say or do the things that I would if I were VP education. Being a member of the party that has made significant cuts to universitiesputs himin somewhat of aconflict ofmtcrest and as he admittedwhen he ran last year, he was running as .a representative not of his own views, but of his constituency I won't feel any suchcon&ct I beltevc in spending more public money on PSE, on financial assistance for students I believe that tnve&ng in students is investing inthe future-that tt's worth the cost

Aaron Lee-Wudrick for VP education What are the tssuesfor nextyear's Fedd Re-establishing a relationship with admtnistration has suddenly become a priority The key to doing this is cornmuntcation We need to speak with them more Four new faces at the table ~houldchange the dynamic be tween Feds and a h I'mnotknockmgthe current Feds exec; I thinkthey've done anexcellent lob, but there's bad blood there now and its going to take new peoplc to help smooth things over

I think that we need to consult students on OUSA and CASA mtht most direct way possible, by holding a referendum. The current VP edhas done a good job revitalizing the Aca demtcs Commission and I'd like tc expand that by pursuing a studentmttated course evaluation Co op stu dents' council has the potential to be a n effectivebodywith respect to bnng tng student concerns and input ta CFCS. Thesegroupscanhavcamajor posiuve unpact, they lust need dlrec tion and more student mvolvement What zss~esare tqortant to students? K'hat's most important' Right now I think that the relationship between the administration and the Feds is at the forefront m everyone's m d s A lot of students feel they've beengiven araw deal by a h a n d r i g h t l y so At the same tune, the incormngexecutive is going to have to try to rebudd the relationshipbetweenFedsandadmm Concerns about co op jobs are a bigissue at the moment and of course the effectsof the double cohort commgmnext fall- housing scarcity and class sizes for example Also, the cost of education is rising and people are tryingtofindwaysto ensureaccessibility without compromising quality. These arc turbulent times in postsecondaryeducation! What zs yourpkafom? The things I want to focus on are calhnga referendum on our member ship on CASA and OUSA, being proacttve with respect tostudentconcerns ivith co-op, and ensuring aca demc quality through student-mittated course evaluations What eApenenae do you bnng? I've been invohed on campus in lots of activities -I've worked for Campus Kec, had my Imprint column for over a year, done news reporting for Imprint and uwstudent org, been a \T atpubs cotrdinator, volunteered with my student societtes m economics and political science and worked withalumniaffairs raisingmoney for U\Xr I've worn alot of different hats, all ofwhich have influenced how I see the university commuiilty I bring different experience to the table than the peaplc I'm running agamst, but I consider that to be an asset I thmk sometunes the Feds can seem likc a closed shop, wtth only people who've been involved with Feds for years runntng for positions I'm out to challenge that vtew What n,o~~Idyou do better than y o u r p d e~essort One fault of Kyan,if you can cvencd it a fault, was to be too ambitious Ambition is good, but you ha\e to be realistic You can't do e\erything And, you'\e only got one year1 I've tried to keep mygoals reasonableand will stnve to do the job well


Feds election 2003 candidates pnority As the vice president internal, I would act as one linkbeta een the community and the Feds, helping resolve issues of student housing

Leo Dominguezfor VP internal What are the zssuesjar nextyear's beds2 The largest issue will be the double cohort Ensuringthat the largest first year class ever, most of which will be under age, meshes well with the uni vcrsitywill bc my largest concern I willwork to create activities that appeal to all ages, helping to ensure UW provides an environment whcrc studentscan per;onal and social growth I willwork to ensure students are not displaced in the rush to provide for the new first year students Addressing quality of housing is ofpamcular importance Getting stu dents i n d V e d and informed with local democratic processes will be a project that I work w ~ t hif electedto help to increase the student voicc Strikable fees are currently a hot topic and may soon be the subject of a referendum Consultation, ensuring that students are informed as to the ramifications andlistening to the wishes of the student body is the only \;ay to dcal with t h s issue Wha/ issues are important to .rtuden/r? The biggest issue around campus is thc Aombcr and Fcd Hall closurc Student life has been disrupted by the decision to close our bars and many students have been forced to look for neu jobs Students need to be in fbrmed on what is happening. Tuition deregulation is of great importance Studentsarefacinghigher than ever university tuition, with a 'lower level of financialaccessibility Havingaccesa toaffordableq d t y housing close to campus is another

What tsyour pIatfom? Reviewing and expanding the effectiveness of Feds clubs, services and commissions Creationofabeds newsletter and events calendar,improved advertising for Feds events, building up Warnor Weekends , a better Feds volunteer recognition system and the creation of a nap room on campus What experience do~yozlbring? Service coordinator of Off-Campus Dons, member of the Co-Ed Varsity CheerleadingTeam, Federation Orientation Committee member, orientationleader for engineeqand OffCampus Dons, treasurer of the UniversityofWaterloo PhotographyClub, Imprint Staff, Federation Hall staff and Off-Campus Don. What wouId,you do better thanyourpredecessor? I aim to implement a campus-wide volunteer recognition system. I will increase the mediums by which students arc informed aboutwhat is happening. I will help ensure that all Feds organizations are effective and wellrun.I will kview the internal structure of all Feds clubs and services.

John Fedy for vice president internal IVhaf are the issuesfor nextyear's Fedr? One issue of these upcoming elections will be the welcomipg of a new' wave of students to UVIr. It is only a

matter of months until UW expenences the double cohort Feds and the university must focus on them to ensure successful transition to UW A second issue-willbe improving communication with students A h l issuc of the electtonswill be one of continuity 'roo often are the projects started by past executive dropped once their term in office is complete T h s must be stopped in ordcr build the Feds into the strong orgamationwhich they represent What is~uesare tmportant to students? It is mportant to students to have access to information on the issues that affect them It is also important that students are able to become active, to pursue their interests and be come involved It is also important that students are represented by an activeand strongo r p z a t i o n That is what I intend to bring to the Feds What isyuurpLa@m? In the past, candidates have promised things that simply could not be deliv ered. I want to be different. The double cohort. We needmore activities to incorporate this larger population of students. Creatingnewmeans of communcation. One way in which t h s can be accomplished is through the use of multimedia technology. We need infomtion-sharingacross campus.This' new servicewill alsoprovide students with weather and news updates Continuingto orient feds' services towards the future By continuing the work of current VPI and continuing to buddoffthe projects he has started, contmuity can be ensured and worthy project?can be completed I also intend to build beds and unirersity pride through strengthening clubs and building cross campus events Diversity is one of the best thtngs this university has to offer. WarriorWeekends.1willcontinuc to build upon these weekends. Communications and openness. Studcntsmust have access to as much information as possible on the issues that affect them.

What expemnae doyou bnngt Environmental Studies Orientation Committee bxecutive (FOC), frosh leader,plamingstudentsJassociation president, Environmental Studies SocietyVP,bigbananachallengecommittee and freshweek executive. What ~uo~ddyou do b&r Lhanyourpredecessor? I beheve that Mike Kerrigan has done a tremendous job d u m g his time in office 1intend to continue successful work he has started I will try to set my focus on a reasonable number of achicvablegoals Toooftenwe react to change instead of making them. I intend to be assertive and active in promoting change that creates expanded opportunitics for students at UW.

studcnts,rather than helping student do what they want I would addres this by gettmg out of the Feds offic~ more often than my predecessors will go to the society meetlngs anc other forums where students are What tsJueJ are mportant to students2 A lot ofissues that students'thinkarc of upmost importance don't fall un der my portfolio Students may carc about the Bomber being closed, bu fewpcople I've talked to care iftherei auniversity appointedmmagcrornot The t h g s under my poafoho that students find important are Club and services are a major par oEtheculture at LRX Our slatestrateg includes an increase in funding fo clubs and services 1,cadershp development and rec o p t i o n Students deserve more rec o p t i o n for their commitments What tsy u ~ r p ~ a g ' m ~ Therewill bemore relevantcmpws \Wen the Feds launch a campaign students should immediately recog nwe it as the Feds The number of student5involvec in clubs will increase by 50 pcr cent want to help student groups accom modate more members Everyon< should be able to find or create aplace

Janna Hickson for vice president internal What are the z~~nesfor next year's Feds? Double cohort andgeneralincreaseof high school graduates The competi tion to get into U\\ will continue to rise Thc 5tudents commg in mill be exceptional and will present a lot of potential Feds should seize this opportunity by h c l p q these students meet their potential I plan on doing this by helping students find student groups by compiling a list of organi7ational meetings each term Relevance of the Feds Voterturn out continuesto be unacceptablylow Students don't seem to relate to reds This disconnect 1s a direct result of years of beds trying to do things for

What experience dosyou bring? Feds student c~uncillorand director I workedon suchissuesas smokingir Feds establishments, the $35 coop fee and the potcntial'l'ravelCuts law-suit Vl' Internal of Engineering Soci ety: I supported ox7er30 engineering societyeventand service organizers. 1 compiled the calendar of ex-ents. Committee work: I am currentlj 011 thc Senate Student Aid anc ScholarhsipsCommittee where I ad vocate for earlier bursary notice. Wha/ nmddyoa do better thuu yourpred emsor? hkke has not consistently attendec society meetings As the Feds liason the VPI should take as many oppor tunities as possible to interact witk students

page 11


All letters must Include a phone number for verlflcatlon, and should not exceed 300 words Letters should ~ncludethe author's year and program, or faculty posb tfon where applicable All materlal IS subject to edltlng for brevity and clarity The oplnlons expressed are strlctly those of the authors, not the oplnlons of Imprint


Opuuon ed~tor\Tm~ue I~wok opuuon(@mpmtuwatedoo ca ,

Learn from this vear's mistakes

Attack on Iraq: fiction or fact Lauren S. Breslin COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

It's all about 0111 Bush just wants to finish the lob his father started! The U S wants to control the world1 Listen to us, we h o w what we're talktng about1 Nonsense, all of a These and other unenlightened phrases echoed around the world lastweek as protesters marched by the thousands in the name of world peace. Hell, I'm all for peace, but not if a means compromising the safety of North Americans by letting a murderous tyrant get h s hands on the nukes \Vake up and smell the anthrau, people giving Saddam frcc rcign to produce nuclearand chemcal weapons either for his own use or for that of terrorists -is just plain irresponsible You may be asklng, what has Iraq done wrong and why can't the U S prove it? Well, they're gettmg closer everyday There is already a mounting body of e d e n c e against Iraq most notably the blatant -

omtssions in its arms declaration, its refusal to allow confidential inten.iews with Iraqi scientistsand its continued dishonesty when confronted with mising anthra*, deadly VX nerve gas and undocu mented Scud missiles still in a s inventory As a result of this, Hans Blis and his tcam of weapons inspectors declaredonMonday that Iraq has not entirely comphed with UN resolution 1441,wvhich threat ens "senous consequences" lor Iraq if it is determined to be uncooperative wrth the inqpectionprocess Then there's the whole oil thing This oil conspiracy theoryis, by far, the most ridiculous of them all D o vou think that a president would mgood conscience-el oke the fear of war m his own people, invite worldwide criticism,damage the US economy, mobilize thousands of troops, spend $40 billion US on the most cutting-edge defence equip ment and instigate a potentially devastating battle, all for control over oil? See FEAR, page 12



SPECULATIONS A group of ambitious students has festooned out campus with their photographs, nakes and slogans. These fresh and for the most part new faces art. eagerlysearchingout your approval to send them into student government fame when you Iote next week They've come up with all manner of catchy slogans designed to tip the scales in their favour Most of the buzzwords they use are unremarkable accessibility,quality, involvement -you've heard them all before One, though, sticks out in my mnd, precisely because I've heard it so many times communi cation . As a politician, you represent your constituency and the only way to do thts is to communicate with them Pair enough Everybody promises it, but how good, really, has the communtcation track record proven to be?

1he recent and on-going issue regarding beds bars comes to m n d The administration set up a unn ersiq impmcd management structure of the bars hkmday, January 6 I receiveda phone call m the early morning on I hursday of that week from VPAF Chns Di Lullo telling me that something was going to break the next day Having interacted with Impnnt, the beds Lxecutive knows that, unless something entirelyearth shatteringwcre to occur, news that breaks on Thursday will not make it into that week's paper Because I happened to have a wtlter on-hand, we managed get the story about the change in bar management into the paper that week But, don't b~ mstaken -the news did not come from your student representatim It came out, rather, because LW was in touch with The Record Members of the Fed5 executive, havingbeen inteniewed by a repoker, still didn't share it with the student popula tmn 1hey knew about it for four days and, even though employees and bar patrons would see the untversity managers, they still let students know about the situation I understand t h s issue is

complev However, there 14 no better way to keep things under control and to win over the trust of the student body than to communicate The story, as it turn\ out, ended up one of the largest of the year It's a good thng The Record ran with it -othenvise the subsequent closing of the Bombshelter would have ended up a terrible surprise to the students of U\V I hope that this batch of fresh faces will learn from t h s year'\ mistakes \\'hen you say you're committed, to communication, I hope you mean it You owe it to students to live up to J our promise

o Since both Chris Edey and Aaron Lee-Wudrick are candidates in the upcoming Feds election, their columns (Maps and Legends and You! Off my planet) have been suspended until the end of the voting period.


lmpr~nt Universityof Waterloo Student Newspaper

Fnday, January 31 - Vol. 25, No. 25 F. 519 884 7800 SNdent Ltfc C~ntre,Rm 1116

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An inspirational adventure

"I've never met an orgasm I didn't like," exclaimedJosey Vogels as her seminar began at the Canadian UniversityPress conferencethis past weekwhere representativesfrom university papers flocked to Montreal to learn about the vast world of journahsm. After several setbach,my fellow Imprinters and I found a comfort-

able hotel that crackaddlcts and hookers did not frequent -not to mention one where the sheets were clean, dry and stain free. I found myself ltstenmg to columnist Josey Vogels Vogels spoke freely and humor ously about se.;, causing me to wonder will t h s be me in years to come? I think it is possible In fact, I feel that I would be lucky to follow in her footsteps From my perspective, she is truly an inspiration On top of bemg a published author and columnist, Vogels was named 'Canada's top masturbator" and she stands quite proud of her achievement T h ~ s competitive fundraiserwas organized by a group of sex shops and participantswere sponsored per m u t e of twiddling. Vogels acheved a tune of SIX hours and a

total of nine orgasms raising oper $6,000 (the most raised by a single person m Canada) If my future profession could in\ olve such pleasurable antics I would lump in head first Although workmg with subjects such as sex can be a little complicated at times, Vogels loves her lob because "sex is way more fun than politics "Hearing this statement made me giggle, &dung of my political fnends The lecture also brought some concerns since my columnwas at the forefront of my thoughts I am aware that I chose to place myself in this situation but I did not expect suchnegativereactions By negative, I mean that some have decided to use my column as a basis for judgment on my character whlch is absolutely ludicrous Following

Vogels' enteaainingpreaentation, I was mterested to learn more about how she drew a Ime between her personal life and her column I soon learned that, especially at the beginningof her career, there was no line She writes about anythmg that interests her and deals with reactions accordmgly When1 told her of my current apprehensions she encouraged me to continue forward,acknowledging that it can be tough So yes, I write about sex and relationships but that doesn't mean those are my only concerns I simply enjoy exploring and learning more about the area and then writing about it Compare t h s to Chris Edey and Aaron Lee-LVudnck's columns on polttics They both wnte about the subject because it interests them and

they want to make their pomt5 to the student population Rut they arenk allabout politics They are regular guys who enjoy gomg out and h o m g fun I am not a huge fa1 of politics, but I think these guys are awesome They have more to their personahties than just polttics, just like 1am not only about seu At this pomt all I can do is paraphraseJosey's Inspirational words to senre as inspiration pleasure is a journey to be savoured not a destination to be reached I enjoy writing about such issues ano will continue to do so regardless of bemg misunderstood I don't know where this column will take me, but, like Vogels, "I like to travel " All I can do is Invite you all to loin me in this adventure

mine, Bob, walked into a bar called the Zipper He, bemg crazy and all, missed the fact that this was a gay bar filled to the brim with gay youths all having a gay old t m e He was mediately propositioned by a cheerful little couple for a night of wdd strawberries (my euphemism for a battie party) Bob, m extreme disgust, blurts out the followmg, "Sorry, I don't have a flair for sodomy " As an aside, here's what I go through each time T write some politically mcorrectrubbish, "Heramb, you're ternbly offensive and quite unfunny," says my moral conscience 'Who ate the fucking Oreos I bought 'em yesterday. Oh yeah, keep it real, Herambone!" says the rest of my brain. Back to the discussion. I will have to admit I exhibit traces of this crazy syndrome,in a mild form, but craziness nonetheless.

You see, I don't knom how to swm It's 'cuz I have had thts fear of chlorine poisoning ever zmce my dog Mofo got run oter by a truck carqmgchlonne I psttfy my ignorance of swimmmg bv pointing to many significant figures who also stay dr) You're got mv uncle Ralph, Nob from Superman 2, Torw Man (a Norwegian super hero) etc ,etc L'ho's f o o h g who? I'm loonier than a hormone enhanced toon, battier than a steroid strengthened Batman But the crancst award has to go to the guy who stole an army tank and ncnt on a rampage in some small town m the States I mean, there's nothmg sadder than heanng "Tank Induced Mayhem" on the SIX o'clocknews Unless it's followed by "leads to the destruc tion of the local whore house " Oh the humanity!

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HERAMB'S HAREM The clinical definition of msanity appltes to a small percentage of the population the ones who enjoy foot enemas I hanks to a socially conscious nation like Canada, these people are segregated from humamty and placedin fluffywalled domciles where re runs of Farnth Muttersplay in an endless loop So that takes care of a baker's dozen \%%at about the millions of crazy members of the human race that remam untouched? Since they've eluded all firm defimtions of mqanity, they walk among us, corrupttng our youth, s p o h g our -


Teacher Awards

admtrationof firecrackers \Vhat the hell' They're flickeryltghts that make big-ass noises Gimmc a flashlight and I'll scream at the top of m\ lungs And Tm ' sure a room full of cra7ies will shit their pants clappmg. Some crazy people won't even be subtle about it I knew a guy so crazy he flew to Mecca last year,and spray painted "fresh" on the Ica'bah And lust to further enhance the moment, he ran atop the highest pillar and planted St George's cross firmly on the scaffold, boldly proclaiming that he "came in the name of God and IQng Rxhard " Needless to say a mob of trilltons pounced leavmg nothmg more than a nose And then they stoned the nose And this other tune, a friend of

Fear: the reason to oppose war Continued from page 11

People, if Bush wanted to dommate Mtddle East oil suppltes, he probably wouldn't start a war that would inflate oil prices in the shod term and sour relations with other Arab countries in the process If the preqident was so obsessed with oil securiq, he would likely break ties with Israel to make friends with all the Arab countries that oppose them But he has done just the opposite And what about all the mocent Iraqi people whose lives are m danger?Irony alert! With astonishingly precise technologythat can pinpomt exact targets from thousands of d e s away, the US d t a r y is takingpms to avoid civ~liancasualtiesat allcosts

m the event of war Iraqi forces, on the other hand,are strategically positioning their bases m cities and c i v h n areas to ensure maximum carnage and, by extension,maxi mum condemnation of the "U S bullies " What I want to know is, how come the anti-warprotesters are only criticizmgtheAmericans? Anyone who follows the news would know that Saddam has lust as much power to stop the war as Bush does Dialogues between U S and Iraqi officialshavegiven Saddam every opportutllty to surrender peacefully-to take his famtly alongwith agenerous percentage of his wealth safely mto exile Come on, who are we kidding? So, what's the real reason behind

the US-led war?Fear If 9/11 proved anything, it was that no matter how advanced the U S d t a r y , mtelligenceand secunty may be, they're no match for a bunch of guys with box cutters A d if a bunch of guys with box cutters can murder 3,000 people, devastate the economy and forever change the Western sense of security, think ofwhat those same guys could do with a nuclear or chemcalweapon The US, with all their fancy survedance equipment, is s d lust as vulnerableas ever They sunply must root out the problem before it starts -and there's no turning backnow Then again, what's the (only) justifiable reason to oppose the US led war?Fear.

The threat ofbiologicalwarfare on this side of the world is very rea and sadly,prettyhkely. Because weapons inspectors believe Iraq ha! not completely destroyed its stock piles of smallpox, anthrax and the nerve agent VX, any one of these could be deliveredwith relative easc say, many ventilation system of an! budding, anywhere m North Arnerica..hr that reason, we have much to fear m the wake of a war. These are some of the real issue that are facmg us, folks -not U S. domination, not revenge and certainly not oil. Don't be fooled mto overshadowmg complex facts with convenient fictions.


Larrv the bconornizer

"Comng down the awle, from Wall Street, weighmg in at 225 pounds, here is Lny, ,the E~onom~yemrmmmdll" Okay, so maybe that isn'r the best name for a wrestler It doesn't exactly sttlke fear in the hearts of fans and opponents But for some reason, when I took Econ 101 and 102with Larry Smtth, this is all I could think about dunng lecture Larry the Economtzer This largerthan-lifeeconomtstwreaks havoc by pre&ctmgthe economic clunate, warnmg people of their impending doom, whether it be because of bad investments or stepping into the ring with him Larry Smtth would make the perfectwrestler He really would A perf~ctgood guy in today's age Who doesn't get chins when 1,arry the Economuer, in a passionate speech about the fall of Nortel's shareprice, delivers that trademark -

pause and smister glare followed by a slow and deep "you foohsh investors,pou ."He canelmt response from a crowdlike few other professors on campus. And he alreadyhas a.catchphrase, arguably the most important part of any wrestlinggimmick. People wdl. sing along as Larry The Economt~er yells "nmmng ti~ar/zzn~ danger danger" In fact, 1,arry would need only to say i'ti~urnmngnurnzng' before the crowd jumps in with the rest Maybe that . catchphrase can be the start of his theme song (followed by "Money Money Money," perhaps?) . And who knows what kind of foreignobject Larry the Economtzer would use on his opponents, what with all the toys he has collected over the years When thc time is right, Larry could pull out his trademark "right anglc toothpick flossing tooth brush" and start brwhmg his' opponent m the eyes until submission And of course, the ref wouldn't "see" any of a, because Larry gave h1m.a good mvestment lead before the match One thing's for sure Larry the Economi7er certainly lives his g~rnmtckHis lectures are so powerful that I can honestly see Larry S& talking about "Alan -

Greenspan,America's economic puppeteer" to his family over breakfast . Come to think of it, Alan Greenspan just mght make a perfect manager for Larrythe Economizer Or maybe "financial consultant," to make it sdund more interesting If Larry the konomtzer is about to bc pinned, Greenspan can jump up to the ring apron, hstract the ref and lure the opponent over just m time to administer "The GreenEffect" -anice dose of lethal green mist into the opponent's eyes, to gve Larry the Economizer enough t m e to make the quick pm for victory Of course, all of this will never come truc Larry the Economtzer will never challengewrestlers to an "Equity on a Pole" match or gVmg people his ruthless fimsher, the "Bear Market Hug " But if there's one thing I recommend before you leave UVE', it is to take an econ course taught by Larry S d - c h a n c e s are you'll find yourself @ping"'I he Economtzer" a standing ovation at the end of the term And you'll probably learn a b t , too

Cowan's Darents talk I

UNDEFEATED Meet the parents1 We are undoubtedly Undefeated's biggcst fans. Yes, we are Aaron Cowan's mother and father Every week, just like all of you, we follow Aaron on his rants and tirades and 5.0 we just couldn't let another issue go out wlthout us getting our own say (Consider this Aaron's punishment for all of the mom and dad jokes that he writes in his articles ) \While


we of course lovc our son vcn much,\vc srlll hopc that we arc far more phutogcmc than he. \Yhen Aaron told us that he mas e v \ye foundourselves awakened to a new-found appreciation and respect for the struggles of a person who is homosexual We have also found ourselves becommg far less judgmental and more compassionate and understanding We have learned that sexual orientation is a personal and pnvate matter and that people shouldn't be judged on whether they are gay or straight and we have never, nor wdl ever, judge Aaron For his sexul preference As a family,we have all learned that love is so much more important

A.; the parent, o f a p! S O ~ we, arc also ohcn rcm~ndedof the importance o f wpporr ~nour child's hfe. Your child need:, to k n o and ~ understand that hc can come to you at any $me, knowing in advance that he has your unconditional love and support. In thts way, we feel that our role is to love, accept and support our son in every way we can. And we truly feel that we have fulfilled thts role as we now share avery close relationshipwith our son. We would defmtely say that it was the moment when Aaron shared his sexual orientation with us that our relationship with him really began to blossom, there is a greater respect between us now. Of course it is debatable if wc could be considered "traditional!"

I, Aaron's mother, am an elementary schoolteacher and through the years I have really seena change m the percentage of students each year that have ae'traditional family." Everyyear,there are more and more students in mv class that might have one, two or three parents No longer is a family a mom, a dad and 2 5 chddren. These days, a famdy seems to be a group of people who love each other and provide one another with support Certainly through our experiences as parents of agay childwe have learned a lot Our advice to parents of gay chtldren wodd be to first remind them of the history they have with their chdd, as they have already bonded and loved and cared for their child.

Secondly,we would ask parents to become educated about homoscxuahtyand realize that their child did not choose their sexuality,but was born t h s way Most importantly, we would hope that all parents of gay children would remember that their child's sexuality is only a part of him or her and that they are still the same ' person they have always been Essentially,we are bothvery i lucky to have beengvena special opportunity to grow and learn through our experiences with our son and we hope that other parents of homosexual children would recognize thts opportumty to grow and learn as well.


Uptight alumni

As I was reading last week's letters to the editor, I came across two alumni writing about their opinions regardmg the Bomber and Fed Hall closures. First, Kevin Trimm (alumnus - stone age, nppxrenrly .) insist.; that ,tlcohol has no pl;rce I m campus I Ie even goes so far as to compare it to a strip club in church! "Peddlmg the last legal drug?" Come on, Kevin1 Let loose a little University life is not only about "higher learntng" and "training people to work,'Zbut also about life and independence ingeneral There will be alcohol and exposure to it m the big boy world, Kev. Sometimes the biggest lessons we have to learn are outstde the classroom Then, Ned Hepburn (alumnus -real world )voiced his refresh ing opmon about keeping the students safe m on campus b a p I couldn't agree more As a Feds employee, 1 see how the Bomber is run and 1know that there is no other bar that cares more about the safety of its patrons Let's face it Kevin students wdl drink while attendmg university whether it is on campus or not Not everyone is in the SLC on a Saturdavto "inebriate" thcmsclves, some are lust there to have a goo$ time And I don't mean studytng

Start the war!

Dear peoplc, open your eves I was one of vou once You lmow, the anti-war liberals who sav, "Stop the war on Iraq, this is lust America and Bu\h trying t o fleu their muscles, IIussem has done nothifig wrong!" Lest u c forget, the same man, not less than 15 years ago, was the dictator responsible for the lost lives of so many of our Canadian sons and daughtcrs, our big brothers and little sisters But what happened that convtnced me was a night at my frtend's watchmg CNN Ilussein's son satd that "if America brings the war to Iraq, it is going to makc 9/11 look like a joke " Can this be any

more of an admission to terrorism, No, it cannot! So I say that to prex ent this from happening again, we must start this war and we must end it Enc Wong 3B kzneszology


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Cast an anti-vote To the editor, Student elections are fast approachmg How do I know? Well, the

goofy grins staring at me from countless campaignposters are enough indication Like many students, I don't vote I don't know who I'd vote for. But sometimes, I know who I wouldn't vote for. Let's lust say there's a certain candidatewhose weekly Imprint columns do nothing but spur on violent anger during Friday's less interestmgclasses.Suffice tosay,I wouldn't vote for hun.This brings me to the proposal of the anti-vote. Consider an election with three candidates, X, Y and Z. Now, suppose we have a pool of nine voters (a reasonable estimate) Four of thesevoters like X's standpoint on some issues and plan to vote for h m The other five are violently opposed to X, but are indifferent as to whether Y or L is elected \Vho wins this election2 In all likelihood, X wins, as that group of fme wdl split their x otes between Y and Z (barring any collusion) \Yhat if votcrs wcre given an optton to cast either a tote fir wmeone, or an anti-vote uguinst someone? Each anti-vote would subtract one from the vote total for a candidate. In this scenario,X would lose, while Y and 7.tic at zero votes each. With more voters (for instance, 15), a tie would be less likely Think about it wtth this system in place, would George W ha\*ewon? How would this affect the Canadian federal electim~,As a side benefit, any cand~datewhose rote totals dip into the negatives could be forced into exile in the Yukon, or worsc, be forced to find his next job through UN co op \?( aterloo, you could be the first If we put this system in place, who knows who might be inspired to follow suit) In 20 ycars, when European nations are deporting sad-sack candidateswhose vote totals

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resemble CelebnoJeopur4 scores, we can stand proud and say "We did it first "

Is Feds important?

To the editor, Sometunes, just sometimes, I wonder justwhat it takes to get the Federation of Students nled up As we've seen in the last week, closing down the bars owned by Feds is one way to go about it. That urulateral decision made by the administration compelled Feds to orgarme a massive medra campaign, to hold a rally outade the Arts Lecture hall o nJ a n h q 24 and to create a special fund for those who have lost their source of income as a result of the closures. I'm glad that they did all this, but a does make you think, would Feds orgame the above actions if the administration decided to hike tution fees for students? Would Feds rally the students if the City of Waterloo adopted policies that sipficantly affected student housing) If all that the beds wdl do is serve their own interests and not those of the students, it raises a whole new issue: how relevant is Feds to us, the general student body? Iâ‚Źthey won't rally the students to the same degree when other issues come up, I just might want to demand that the Feds fee be refundable or taken off my tuition statement entirely.

hopefully,recycled (though recycling is not a L I T strong point). Why, oh why, must you produce so many copies?Perhaps we could eltmtnatc those offensive,two-page Player's ads tf production was cut by several hundred copies Lately, the major problem with l@rintis content. I know plenty of people have attackedHeramb, includingmyself. I am literally befuddled as to why this "column" is being printed as representing the student voice. Sure, there are a lot of student voices on campus that I don't k c , but I've been fortunate enough to never stumble upon the likes of FIeramb. \my you continue to let words like "cock," "fucktastic," and "sh~t-eater"appear in the same paper as Chris Edey and Ryan Chen-Wing is beyond me, so I'd like an explanation. Is Imprint THAT desperate for columnists? Lastweek's front page storywas about Grindig, but what about the event that went on in the. SLC at the same time? What about the fact that Feds gave us pizza, showed us movies and let us play laser tag for free?Perhaps youwere not aware of all this since Grindig's monotonous drums and guitars drowned out the movies. Finally, I'd Lke to know if you've replaced editors with the spell checker and thesaurus of your word processor. "Juxtaposition" does not mean opposition thc way a was intended in last week's paper.

John Mayer: fat-headed indeed!

-,/i Ytm Chqq 2Bpfanning

Comments on Imprint 1 o the edttor,

I'm going to try to write this without sounding accusatory Since I started rcadmg Impnntin the fall. the list of things ', I don't like about tt has been piling up and now I feel that I must sharc thcsc things with you. My first issue is regarding the superfluous copies of your paper that get printed every weck, but never read. Instead, most of these copies end up getting trampled beside doorways, or at least,

Staines' remarks about John Mayer in the article "The flavour of I<ylie" U,anuary 17,20031arc callow and misconstrued. In her article, the insolent Staines descnbed Mayer as "bland and fatheaded." The article then went on to dismiss Mayer's talent, calling his music and songwriting slulls. With that said, there is only so much a John Mayer fan can take! First of all, hfayer's music is far from "bland." I doubt at this point that Staines has even heard Mayer's most recent album Roomfor Squares. This album is deserving of its two Grammy nominations and is delightfullyrefreshmg. Mayer's soft

crooningvoice and low overtones, coupled wtth hts up-beat tempos and thoughtful lyrics are full of poetic warmth and sincerity. I must admit that when I first Itstencd to Mayer's CD it was hard to take in.I Iis lyrics are often rich in imagery and sophisticatedin prose. Inparticular, tracks 3 through 7 are beautifully arranged, genuine and devoid from all the pop drivel that we hear today. My God, think of our options. From the obnoxious Jennifer Lopez to the deranged Kelly Osbourne, John Mayer is an inviting change. And as for his supposed "fat head," anyone can see that Mayer's headis perfectly proportional to his striktng 6'1" frame! And as far as Staines' comments about Vanessa Carlton are concerned, Vanessa does not have a goat-throatedvoice! OK, maybe a little, but her songs are still enjoyable and unique. Who else these days can incorporate the symphony and the piano and 12/8 music in such a sophisticatedway and yet make "pop" songs? -

Shu Sheng P h q

28 pre-optome~~/pre-health

Electronic materialssecurity system in libraries?

To the editor, Randy Scholl's letter in the last lmpr-ill/issueraises a good point. Why don't our libraries use the electronic matenals security system used by most libraries? At the December\mectmgof UW"s senate, the university's highest academic body, senators discussed an external review of the library prepared by Grant Hill of McMaster University. University librarian hfurray Shepard,when asked why the system has not been implemented, said that it would cost about $2 milhon. To put this in perspective,the library spent $6 million on acquisitions in 19992000. I believe that the library has not implementedan electronic matenals security system because ofthe cost. Randy, if you would like to discuss further the matter, send all undergraduate senators an e-mail at uw-senaton@helmer.ca.

-Jesse Heher 4B EngliJh literature


page 16

U . ~31,2003

FEATURES Where to go on a Wednesday Phil Weiner and Michelle Rorke SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Now that our beloved on-campus bars have been driedup by the administration,we needaplace togo on\Tredncsdays and Thursdays. There are many bars around campus which students can go to get their weekly "watering." AlthoughonlyPhtlthp's andMcC;mnis are truly competing for the Bomber crowd, many other establishmentsare ~ v h g t take o your money. The choice of bar can range froma close-knitpub setting toaparty animal's dream. Distance and price can also be major decision-making factor. Here is a taste of some of your options. Johnny Fiasco's, 140 University Ave. W 888-9814. If youare looking for ahid-back, clullatmosphere,this is the place for you. With a live band, $3.99 pizzaand$6.99 pitchers,itis not too tough on your wallet. Located at University and Lester, there's lots of room to sit down or play a game of pooi with your friends. Loose Change Louie's, 140University Ave. W 888-6214. Louie's is not open on Wednesdays, but it 1xdl take Fed Hall's Boys 'n Girls night on Thursdays -without the cover. 1.0cated right next to Fiasco's, 1,oulc's is large and loud. $3.50 bottles and bar shots make it a good place to ha>-ea good time. For the classier crowd, cocktailsareonly $3.75andif youdon't get too drunk, Mcl's Diner will welcome you for breakfast when you're done. McGinnis Frontrow. 160Univcrsity\V, 886-6490. Agreatbeerprice of $2.15 per pmt (16 oz, domestic) and $3.50 for a burger, it is the pub for students ona budget!Aftcr9:30p.m., the dance floor opens up with McGinnis' top 10 hits. Lots of door

sign you m to the Turret but the atmosphere is a: close to the Bomber a! youare goingto get. Line! are usually long and tht place is packed with ho girls in tight pants. Weavers' Arms, 261 Philip, 88C6606. Evcy Wednesday andThursda! LY'eavers' has jam nigh hosted by the dcliciou Tim Hicks. Amateur art istsarewelcome toplay l! minute sets and U W stu dents arc often on stage The cstabhshinent is nic~ and small,but offers alim ited selection of $1 shot: LVeaver's is located ii \VCKI, just across Philil Street from East Campu Hall. Beer is $4.50 anc there is no cover. WilPs, located oj Laurier's campus. \Ylilf has Wednesday night pul . nights whcre dnnks are we Asan employeeof the Bomber,Chris Sitkowas invited by Philthy McNasty's toexperiencetheir legendary pncedat$3.25abo&,$3.51 for abar shot and $4.00 for a pin Wednesday nights. prizes are up for grabs, so make your anything important to do the next Drink prices have been lowered to The pub isprcnypackedandunderag UWpatrons are not welcome. Thos way to the University l'lazaand havea morning, Phil's is a great place to go match what you pay at the Bomber great night. witha965 coverand$l.75 forbeer and and they even have a campus DJ to whoare ufage needaLaurier friend t' sign them inand will be allowed awtd Morty's Pub, 272 IGngSt.N, 886- bar shots. Don'twearyour nice shoes, spin your favourite music. selection of food available to go wit Raintree Bakery and Caf6, 220 0440. If cheap alcoholand loud music because it isn't the cleanest place and their beverages. KingSt. N, 884-4953.Youcan finda are not to taste, you may consider it's a good walk from campus. It has \Ve hope you find a good place t Morty's. They're famous for thcir in- an excellent selectionofhp-hop mu- quaint caf; with a Wednesday night hare futi on Kednesday nights unt crediblewings andThursdays arewing sic turned nice and loud for you to jamnight. A relati~relyquiet place, the the UW administration chooses t Raintree Cafbprovides relatively cheap nights.The wingsare 43 cents eachand dance to. reopen our beloved bars. they contain agood quantity of meat. Philthy McNasty's, 50 drinks at $3.45 for a bottle and a wide As long as you bring a lot of yo^ Pitchers aren'tcheap,at$13 each, but WestmountN, 884-8558.Ixxatedin selection of alcoholic and non-alcofriends you will have agreat time an the atmosphere is relaxing and sports the \Vestmount Plaza, l'hilthy's is a holic drinks. first year students may find thcir wa The Turret Nightclub, located gamesare alwaysplaying. Youcan find large bar frequented by many U\T hforty's on I&g Street, just north of students.Sincethe Bomber has closed on Laurier's campus. T ,auricr'sadmin- off campus. So bundle up and take a trip t notaspickyas ours- their University Avenue. they're supporting the staff by tem- istration~~ another bar with a different atmo: Phil's Grand Son's Place, 220 porarily employingsomc ofthemand on-campus bars are still open. You phcrc. Cheers! I h g St, 746-3571. If you don't have are inviting all U\Y7students to party. need to have some Laurier friends to


How do you measure up, Waterloo? We love our unix-ersity I mean, who doesn't? \Ye arc proud of being U\X. students and as such, we wouldlike to prove to our readers thatwe haveare the most randy, most interesting and unique out of all the uni\-ersities. It is often said that one should not judge by appearances and I whole-heartedly

1 Figure

lmpri/lf'Jfeatures editors, we arc always trying to create ncm ideas that you,the studei~tpopulace,~viIIenjoy. \That do you think of the Unit-ersiqof Guelph? Xllat is their style?What is McMaster's unique style?\X'ell, our missionnextweekis toprove toeach and everyone of you that U\Thas the best style. If you are interested in demonstrating your ability to be true to UW, drop by the I ~ p i n / ithe n SLC anytime

this out !

your answer as soon as possible t features@imprint.u~vaterloo,ca.\\;

also mclcoine suggesttons, or if yc haw a problem that 1 . o \x~ o d d lib others tosolrc,pst sendus ane-ma) Enjoy!

~e,;tcomcs\~-ater~oostudents.vou r Problem: firstproblemoftheweek. Every week from now until the end of thc term, Conslder a game of chess where or wewill rmaproblcinoftheweek.The rule is changed. hachplayer gets h v problems will range frommathemati- moves. 4 s an example, white mow calproblems,wordproblemsandeven twice, then black moves hvice and r relatlonshp problems.\That youneed forth. Is there a winning strategy fc to do is solve the problem! Send us black? And, if so, why?


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Breakfast all over Waterloo

Mel's Diner 740 University Avenue West 888-7982

Angie's Kitchen 47 Erb Street West 886-2540

Ground Zero

'l'he basic breakfast has the same components virtuallyevctywhereeggs, meat, toast and home fries but the esperience of eating it is also impacted by the price, quality of mgrcdicnts and senrice. In my quest for the perfect breakfast, I visited Mel's Diner, Rngie's Kitchen and Ground Zero. For food alone, Ailgic's Kitchen came out on top, but with \.slue, sen-rceand conrrcnience factoredin,Mel's Dincrwas the clearwinner. At $2.99,Mel's Diner's breakfast is a great value. The servers arc fast (I'm consistently in and out in less than 15 minutes) friendly and hare

great memories -after months of not visiting, one of the waitresses still remembered my order! The food: my standard order is sausages and poached eggs, both of which Mel's does remarkably well. Years ago, Mel's ham was great, but lately it has borne a closer resemblance to bologna. Also, their scrambled eggs leave much to be desired- they're often overcooked and since they seem to be scrambled on the grill mstead of m a bowl, there are often chunks of eggwhite visible. As for the new homefries: good concept (bodedpotatoes, sliced and fried on the grill),bad esecuhon. First, our homefnes arrived cold. The replacement home frieswerc,at best, lukewam, dry and bland. If you don't mind the extra calories, try aslung for them fricd in extra butter, or, you can hare the oldstyle, deep-fried homefries for 50 cents extra.Alternat~vely,Mcl'swdl substitute fricd tomatoes for the homefrtesatno extracharge. Angie's breakfast is a bit more expenswe --$3.49 before 11a.m., but, in my c~pinlon, $3.99 after it's well worth it. Their bread is homemade (you can also buy ~tto take home at $1.50per loaf). Each breakfast comes with a small container of a homestyle jam that is deliciousiyaddictwc.The homehies -

Glass in hand

eady have a degree from a Canadian or nal university, fast-track a 2nd degree ter Science or IT.

are virtually identical to Mel's oldstyle. We also sampled the Belgian waffles and the steak and eggs ($8.49). The cut of steakwas uneven, resulting in some parts cooked medium, some parts cooked mcdiuin-rare, but it was nonetheless tender and quite tasty. The waffle was a bit of a disappointment. It was large and fluffy, but quite dry, with dollops of awful, artificial whipped cream that my cornpanton scraped off. When she requested butter, they gave her a single pat -not nearly enough to moisten the sizeable waffle. The blueberry sauce, however,was nice and warm. .4ngie's has more seating than Mel's, so the lineups tend to be shorter on weekends. If you l i ~ e nearby or don't mind driwng, it's a definite must-try. On the day of my visit, the scn.icc at Ground Zero was slow. I asked if they would substitute tomatoes for the home fries and was told that there were no substitutions because they make so many breakfasts -tell that to Mel's. \Then the breakfast ($2.99) finally arrived, it was disappointing. l'he bread was dry, the homefries were essentially square spicy-fnes(a b ~ t too much seasoning for breakfast) and instead of breakfast sausage, the meal included half of a normalsized sausage. The only point on which Ground Zero came out on top was the value of its pcamcal bacon it's the same price as their ham, sausage or bacon, but it costs $2 or more at Mel's and Angie's. Khcrcver you choose to eat, whether it's for breakfast, lunch, chimer, or after dnnklng, you can't beat an all-day breakfast as a filling meal for under $5. -

Michelle and Andrea's drink of the week Here's how: Are the chilly temperatures violating your 1 mug of hot chocolate warm fuzzies? Sure, 1/2.oz. creme dementhe grabbingawarm bever1/2 oz. creme docacao age of sorts willassist in yourdefrostingprocess TyLERTHoMAs h s h it all together and but add some liquor and you'll be top it with some whipped cream if hot in no time! preferred.

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CROSSWORD O Where you think the answer to a clue involves an anagram, wrlte down the letters involved m a clockwise circle. This breaks their present relatbnship to each other and makes tt easier to spot a new pattern. Across 1. See agam 6. Stakeyour territoryat the library 14. One who takes malicious satisfaction 16. Indicates a woman's maiden name 17. Slow music 18. Aromatic victory wreath 19. Found within our opinion sec-

tion (hopefully) 21. Disburse money 22. British target in Opcration Market Garden 23. Honolulu actress in X-Men 2 and Smrpion Kzng 24. Clean a shtp bottom with heat 25. Sandstone containingfeldspar and quartz 27. Classic 1980spoof,badinflight movie 29. Individual or in pairs on airplanc 34. Prolific left-wing Brit wrote "'l'he Sweetest Dream" 35. Sandstone with a good dosc of silt 39. Stevedore 41. Cellist responsible for thc Silk Road Project 42. Sound made by gentle blow 45. Optical instr-&ent for measuring the diameters of fibres or particles by the diffractionof light. 48. A person likened to a fox 49. Artistic comedy 51. Hazardous material abbreviation

52. If you sit next to the bank, you're here 54. I Iold spellbound 60. Always a precaution against identity theft 61. Proteincatalyzing enzyme 62. In this case. found in pica roster 66. East Indian tart yellow fruit 67. Found on every tradcmarkcd product 69. Presence directly related to gasoline prices 71. A small wooden keg 72. Shines brightly 74. Be composed of 75. Body Shop activist founder 76. Mammarygland 77. Actress Asia opposite Diesel in


78. Five on eachpussvfoot 79. o u t of fashion



1. Devices forward data packets in network 2. Two flaps on Russian, OPP and Chris Edey hats 3. Pipe conducting steam 4. Eel resembling 5. European earth observation satcllttc 6. Tiptoe past 7. Peter visits Spain 8. Keeps the horses in control 9. Succulent plant with spiky leaves, good for healing 10. The true skin 11. 1,egendat-y Japanese horned dcmons 12.1 fosted 2002 winter olympics 13. Aromatic balsam 14. Izzy Asper's TV network 15. Impinti advertising and production manager 20. Dramatic art 25. One of the major Old t h g lish dialects 26. Universal ancient Egyptian creator 28. Indefinite article before a vowel 30. Constitutes 31. A pigpen 32. Taken as spoils 33. One of the three Greek women, a goddess of war and

waster of cities 35. Kitchener garage-owner nightclub 36. Your intention 37Acollection of corrcspondance 38. Explosive ordinance disposal 40. Thick messy substance 42. He escaped 43. Greek god of war 44. Ancient I'gyptian fathcr of gods and men 46. Gold rhodium all017 47. Rattlesnake noises 50. Ucn Eranklm's human trait 53. If you're sclf-ccntrcd, it's all about who? 55. Negative response 56. [;very funcral dlrcctor has a fern 57. A unit of temperature on the Rankine scale 58. Hclping another player score 59. Rough shelter with a one slope roof 61. A European river emptyinginto the Adriatic 63. Major division in a long poem

64. A variation on Raggedy Ann's partncr 65. Muslcal notations indicatmg sdence 67. Necessary tool of the trapper 68. Options, whether in the restaurant or on the computer 69. Choosing the alternative 70. Potters' primary medium 71. Public meetlngs for open discussion 73. Informal title for your sister 74. S h a l l c u p l o s l ~dcvlcc ~ uscd to fire



(519) 893-9000

Are you up to the tusk? Visit the imprint office on Tuesday or Thursday between 2:30 and 4:30 to sign up! (or e-rnail: features@imprint.uwaterloo.ca)

FR~DA?, JANITW 31,2003


Sc~encc&tor Knthenne St James ruence@lmpnnt uwntedoo ca

Sustainability is the new buzzword How small changes can add up to a big difference Hingman Leung

SPECIAL TO IMPRINT Sustainability: it's a word tossed around plenty of timcs in environmental debates, but what does it really mean? The events precedmgand followingthe recent UN WorldSummit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg brought a plethora of buzzwords such as "sustainabilif and "resource development" to the media and public. Since the summit, the term sustainability has been thrown around like tumbleweedin a bad western -picking up various meanings and connotations. Questions pertaining to sustaiaability especiallyinvaded our nation when the Kj~otoProtocol was

battle that led up to the prime mtnts ter's decision willnot easilybe forgot ten I,ocally, we have heard and given many opinions on Chreuen's decision to implement the Kyoto Protocol As one of the arguments against implementing the protocol, it was argued that "sustainabdity" is a pipe dream To sustam By defmtion,theword means to m m t m in existence In an environmentalcontext, sustamabdity means maintaining the environment so that our valuable resources will ContLnUe to emst The pnmc mrnister certady had good mtcntions However, many questionedwhether the Canadiangovernment~vrllhavethc economicmeans to follow through Many believe that

cause thc downfall of Canadian economics, Others believe that our nation's wheels have turned for too long, that it simply cannot stop for fear of the mechanism f a h g apart "You can makeadifference1"-aphrase thathas been drilled into our heads since elementaryschool that even one vote m ademocratlcsociety canmakeadifference Despite this educatmn, many be lieve this idea to be untrue However, when it comes to bwldmg a "sustainable" future, the individual can cer t a d y make adifference Consider this there are 17,992fullumc undergraduate students currently enrolled at the University oNEJaterloo If even half of these studentsbrought a travel mug to schoolin order to store their coffee, that would bc 8,996 disposable cups saved For those of you who arc morc number5 oriented, lookat it this wav, if vou ask each one of these ~tudents for only one cent, you will cndup with

$179 92 There are so many more examples of how Individuals can make a difference, especiallywhen they are with a group of me-minded people Sustamabdttystartsat the individual level We can affect peoples' understanding of environmental issues, therebyindirectly helpingtheenvironment itself, makmg the future idea of sustainabhty shghtly more feasible Making a difference is easy All it takes is to simplyget a travelmug,turn off lights when they are not needed, turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth, etc By doing these seemmgly little things, we could bring our nation one step closer to sustamabd~ty A penny may seem small at first, but they addup and before you know it, you can save the world

We'll bring you more on sustainability in the weeks to come.

This summer consider working in our clean, safe, state-of-the-art water bottling facility. Join a team of friendly, motivated employees and learn about one of the most exciting new industries in the Canadian marketplace.You will receive a competitive rate of $12 an hour and an end-of-contract bonus. Shift work and overtime will be required.

Continued from cover

The BlackSigatoka fungus, while only recently reportedinFlorida, has beenaffectmgcropsmthe developing world for years The fungusattacksall major varieties of bananas and plan tams, turning the leaves a mottled yellow, brown and black, hindcrrng photosynthesis The diseasealso causespremature ripening of the fruit While affected crops appearnormal, the plants npen and spoil before arrivmg at markets Uganda, the world's second largest banana producer, next only to In&, has alreadydecreasedcrop yields by 40 per cent Since bananas are a staple crop and a major export m developmgcountnes,BlackSigatoka is placing a heavy toll on their food security and export economies The banana industry comes fifth m terms ofworld trade m agricultural produce after cereals,sugar,coffeeand cocoa. Over 12 million tons of bananas are exported each year and this number is less then a quarter of the total world production of bananas

Of the entire global production, less than 15 per cent leaves the countries where it is produced If banana plants are wiped out, scientists say the result will be food shortages In the great lakes regionof Africathe shortagesare alreadybeing felt Accordmg to a study by the International Network for the Improve ment of Banana and Plantam, the majority of banana farmers m East and Central Afnca are women With the money earned from banana sales, thesewomen pay school fees for their chddrcn,improve My nutritionand buildwater tanks to store cleanwater, among other improvements to their socio-econormcwelfarecwelfare Without the bananas,their quality of life wdl decline. There are a number of medicma1 uses for the banana as well Tiypotophan, a protein contamed in bananas+ convertedby the body into serotonin, which is known to for its relaxing and mood-enhancing prop erties The high level ofpotassium found

in the banana also makes students more alert assrsting m the leamng process Potassium also helps nor malize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water-balance. Accordmg to research m the New Enghnd Jo~rmalofMeclinne,cating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut thenskofdeathby strokes by asmuch as 40per cent High lcvcls of vitamin C, Al, B6, B12, as well as the potassium and magnesium help thc body cope with nicotinewithdrawaland thus make it easier to quit smokmg When you compare a banana to an apple, it has four umes the protem, twice the carbohydrates,three times the phosphoms, five tunes the vitanun A and iron and twice the other vitamtns andmmerals. It is also richm potassiumandis one of the best value foods around. So maybe its time to change that well-knownphrase sothatwe say, "A bananaaday keeps the doctor away!"

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Mom said to eat your vltamins - she was wrong!

Jennifer Holdner, Michelle Rorke and Daniel Saunders SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Too much vitamin A!

New evidence has drawna correlation between high amounts of vitamm A in men to an increase m bone fractures 1 his supports the findmgs of prev~ousstudies suggestmg that peoplc who consume large amounts of vitamtn A m foods or multivitamins are more Lkely to suffer fromhip fractures than are people who ingest modest amounts. Karl Michai;lsson, an orthopedic surgeon at University Hospital in Sweden, conducted the study. It began in 1970 and was conducted on 2,047 men in their 50s. Men who ingested high amounts of vitamin A everydaywere twiceashkelyto fracture bones than men ingesting less. Currently,. the US. Institute of Medicine recommends that people get 2,300 to 3,000 international units of vitamin A each day and sets?he safe upper h t around 10,000 units. However,Dr. Michaelsson's study showed that men taking as little at 5,000 units per day increased their chance ofbone fractures. Self-tuned piano

As of next year, you could buy a self-tuning piano. Just the hit of a switch a+ within 40 seconds, ,the piano is tuned. Don Gilmore, a musician and en-

gineer from Kansas, is the brains behind t h ~ sinvention It works by applying a current to one of two coils placed underneath each of the piano's 200 strings This current induces a magnetic force thatvibratesthe s t q , inducinga smallcurrent tn the second cod Thc current is amplified and its frequency 1scompared to the correct frequency of each string in a microcomputer The pitch of the stnng is then corrected by the warmngof the string from a power translator Some p n d pianos manufactured by Story and Clark will contain this new feature by the end of next year Taking from the rich and giving to the poor

Rill G&S, the founder ofMcrosoft and multibiUionaire, announced this week that he will donate $200million to research cures for diseases which inflict the world's poor. Thisgenerous act is aiming to create a panel of scientists who will research diseases such as AIDS, malaria and tubcrculosis.The monev will be given as grants to the scientists with the most promising proposals. "It's a wonderful, wonderful announcement for allofus," US. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson said in a news conference. 'Thank you, BIII Gates, foryour tremendousgeneroslty.\%at a great human being you are." Gates pointed out that a lack of public healthinstitutions in developing countries is an important factor slowing their growth. Vaccinations, cleanwater and freedom from infectious diseases should be available to allpeople in this world, regardless of the development of their country. He has previously donated millions of dollarsin research to address these problems -and he is not opposed to increasingthe $200 m a o n should there be enough interest in

reducingthe levelofinfectiousdisease in the developingworld. No processed food, no pimples

The latest theory is that one of the leading causes of acne is eating too much processed white bread A team lead by Loren Cordain at Colorado State Umversity found that highly processed foods and cerealsare easily dgested, increasing the sugar and insulin levels Another problem is the increaseofaninsultn ltkegrowth factor QGb-1) that results inanincrease of male hormones Male hormones encourage pores to ooze large amounts of sebum (the grease that acne promoting bacterta feed on) Another factor is the multiplicationof kerattnocytes skincells,acharacten4tic of acne, of which growth is also en couragedbv IGb 1 Cordain explained that Inuit in Alaska did not have acne until they began eating foods from Western society's diet. Acneisalmostunknown in places like Papua New Guinea and the Amazon where highly processed food are not available. Eating largc amounts of highly processed starches has been linked to diabetes and t shortsightedness as well.

Intel used a suspected carcinogen, trichloroethene (TCE), to clean the' silicon wafers, stonng the waste in metal and fibreglass tanks buriedun derground 1hese tanks iusted and leaked, and now levels of TCE the hvironmental Protection Agency considers 'hnacceptable" are being foundin the air ofhomes and offices To make matters worse. the EPA released a report last week suggesting that TCE may be many times more harmful than previously thought Vulnerable groups, such as children and the elderly,are facinghigher risks of kidney, liver and prostate cancer. The chip companiesinvolvedarenow funding massive cleanup efforts, but despite the EPA's statement to inhabitants that there were no immcdiate health risks, many are worried. As one houseowner said, '''The news isalwavs~resentedas 'Benotalarmed.' . But I'm alarmed."

sage. It wdl cost billions of dollars in navigational aids, search and rescue teams and the ability to clean up pollution. Environmentalists want to safeguard the untouched northern environment that will be accessed more easilyas theice recedes.The U.N. dmctor ofthe polar centcr,SveinTveitdal, said "There has to be a strategy for sustainable development of the Arctic. It must not become a sort of new Africawhere colonialistsexploited the resources." Computer chip poison seeps into Silicon Valley

Tovins from the manufacture of silicon semconductors arc endanger ing the residents of SAcon Valley In the '60s and '70s, semconductor manufacturers suchas Raytheon and


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page 21


From November 22 to December 6, Iinprint ran a survey of its readers. In order to produce better content that is interesting to you, we needed to know what you think. So, here's the lowdown - a summary of what we found out. Raw data and many more comments are available -just come and ask!


flews opialfl feaiures science sports arts

3.5 4.2 3.7 3.8 2.8 2.9



'50[~umberof people that gave each ranking

Number of people that gave each ranking

How about some student art BC More than one article on the same subject In 4+ years at schoolhere, I haveneveronce used ~rr the Imprint Cooks Chooseissues bmacierthanu\.Vcampus,that still resonate here A weekly history s e c p n on UW tnterestmg K things that people wouldn't know about Answer questions, don't just ask them Have debates on issues zi! It seems to be turning into an amalgmat~onof Travel and Life sections of other newspapers 13

Science Comments 33c

Don't just regurgitate press releases onto the cover Open your eyes and talk to people Leave out nattonalandtnternattonalissues That's what the Toronto Star, Globe rrmf~\IIudarefor Get some people who can string together a proper senteilce' Hap e differentperspectivebof Jlfferentpeople The stmesare\ erysurperflcia1,needmoredepth Stop being so damned biased when report% the news it doesn't e\ en seem like there's a Ncws section, lust one long string of opinions There are two sides to ex ery story, you know

What news do you want to read? "r ~ u m b e rof people that gave each ranking



More articles about research happening at U\K' The articles should attract people to become scimttficallyliterate This section 1s excellent for people with some science background, thts however turns off 0th ers who do not have one Look at stranger things Maybe pit science vs theologyhead to head Make Frankcnstetn

1% Ir,r

ci C

Opinion ranking


Number of people that gave each ranking


Edit the language of some of the edltonal col umns and make sure that what they have to say 1s valuable L e ~columns, s more letters and editorials Aaron Lee-Wudrick is a menace to society and should be dragged out tnto the street and shot. Well, its mostly crap, but at least it gves me somethmg - to laugh - at Havegreatervanetymcolummsts,don'thaveset slate but maybe alternate every two weeks More cnticalof therelevance oftheopmonpieces before decidtng to publish it More ~diotsYou've only got about 11 Gone are the days of Nigel Flear & Greg Macdougall but alas times change . It's amazrng Wart More letters Best part of Imprint Congrats to the columns, they have improved from past years An unsigned Impnnt editorial would be a good idea, plus more quality-control over who gets a column in the paper


Covers UW sports very well. Comtcswherethe tune travellingmonkeyplays sports through time and does sports betting knowing the outcome and getting rich, then somehow losing& the money (probablydue to his idiot compamon). Professional sports reports would be nice Morecomprehensm cove--there;rremore teams out there than football and basketball. We have sports teams at Waterloo? Try to avoid "negative" arttcles, i.e celebrate wins, ignore losses. MORESUPERFANSl Campus rec covered more m depth.


What sports do you like to read?

FRIDAY,JANUARY 31,2003 ,,,Rate the use of photos in the paper:



I would like to see more articles about the (:anadianifldiepop/rock scene. Send your reviewersto Drama 109tolcarn how to write a proper renew Bookreviewa \that kmdof Arts sectiondoesn't have book reviews> I haw often never heard of the music remewed. The only bearable part of thts newspaper Don't change tt, unlessyou're sure it'll be better Cntlcal thought about critical thought By belnga little less biasedin its reviewsandbeing a little more researched More discussion of local bands


Rate the use of graphics in the paper:



'"[What arts do you like to read?

There should be more graphics, but 1 like the ones that are there very much Have a photo contest again Strong, unconventional images get people to notice the paper Campus questton should be in COLOUR Not socheesy.


- .

3.4 r ~ a t the e following weekly content from l(worst) to5(best):

What do you want to see on the cover? Comments

I he cover looks fine,looks hke an official (real) newspaper News only please G O BACKTO COOL GRAPHICS ON 1HE COVER11 Roo hiss to the photos without stories I want a professional lookmg paper, not ?he Tun Find a good template and st~ckwithtt CTWthe cover some consistencv. More colour,more student or international cov

To improve the look of the paper

Our readers

More colour More photos Fewer ads Bigger headhes New 'shna~zy'look- brighter, sharper, cool Something that says, 'J'm the kmg/queen of the dance floor, because I read I@nnf' Get rid of ad inserts Put more campus question in if you have fill space Everybody loves campus question It IS becommg too sexual Graphicscover!I savedthemall fromlastyearl

Of the 301 readerswho filledout the survey, 90 per cent of our readers read the paper weekly and ten per cent read it monthly.We evengottwonever-e%erreadersto filloutthe surveyl Ninety three percent of responsescame from UW students, five per cent from faculty, 1 5 percent fromcommunitymembersandone single response froma studentwhodoes not go to UW


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page 25


Warriors unable to pull trigger against Lancers Last meekend saw the U\Y men's hockey squad drop two>erywnnable p m c s to the\\ indsor 1.ancers as they let their leads ex aporatemdisappoint ing late gamc meltdowns, Saturday +3 (011at home and Sunday 5 3 on the road The T.ancerswerelookingto snap a five gamc losmg streak to improve their 5-10-1 record, which bet the stage for a more evenly matched showdown5mcc thc Warriors are better than their 0-15-1 record would sugest Saturday's first period action showcasedanenergeticWarnor team hungry foravictory ~ e a h c o a c h ~ a v e Crewmanqaidlaterthat hewas think ingearly onthat,"Thisis a p e where we can havc a shutout if b e keep playmg the way we arc " UW came chargmg out of the gate as they mounted ~u5tainedpreqsurc on thc Lancers m their Lone At about the seven minute mark, a \Warrior dc fender walked m from the and rang one off the post for one of the home side's beqt chance5 early m the game UK'fonvardMarkRobsmalso had a glorious opportunity when he was ail alone on a breakaway, but the puek rolled offhis stick LT aterloo defencemanme Clarke, pmching at the blue h e , almost got caught standing stdl but &shed out a - .. thundemghip check to blockaLancer Warriors goalie Jason Willard reacts to Windsor's opening goal by Jason Melo in Saturday's second period action. from chippmg the puck past hun and millard]," commented Cressman on 3 Jeff Johnston, who got the start, gaifiinga clear breakaway In the first Chris Hoplavoun played a standout "The goahe almost has to wm a game frameJason Willard faced few q d t y two-way game with a sohd effort at his goaltender that faced 47 shots m made 41 saves m a brilliant performfor u5 because we're so fragile " Unshots Cressmannotedafter the game bothends of the rink,encouragmgthe Saturday's match. "How can you not ance questionably,his team has been getrest of hts Waterloo teammates lo<eyour,focusafter that?" The E'arriors' coach menqoned that in the firstpenodhis team"played tmg stellarg~altendmgespeciall~ coni Wmdsor made it 3-2on the power with the most energy since the preThe following afternoon, Water- that h s team was working on new sidemg the number of shots season"1twas 1-Oaftercmepenodfor play after the Warnors were handed a loo got off to a good staa with a first systems for forechecking as well as questionablechargingpenalty.Nearly penodleadof2-1. However,the Lanc- defensive styles Some of the hard the Warnors. two m u t e s later, the Lancers,bemg ers tied the game 3-3 on a power play work going into implementing these In the second period, UW's hardworking Mike Nixon earned an visibly frustratedbyWillard, sentBrian tally. With about two m u t e s re- new systems clearlypaid offon at least assist on a pretty power play goal due m e m to viciously crash mto the mammgmthegame,theLancers stole one of theirgoals. 'Whentheguysare to his effort along the boards and the Warnor goaltender toget him off his the victory from the Warnors for the on the same page we're playtng quite Lancers'JasonMelotalliedWindsor's game. Whtte earned a game miscon- secondgamemarowwiththetr fourth effectmely,"rd~i~edCressman "We first marker. Waterloo quickly re- duct on the play and the Lancers went goal. f i e yaddedanemptynetterwith have toworksohard forwhatweget," at York, tomorrow, 7 pm spondedandthe secondpenod ended on to wm the game 44 seconds mto asecondremainmgto put the hid, he added m reference to the h g h skill ' vs rock, sunday, 2 pm at 3-1 forthe home stde. Teamcaptam overttme. "It's. hard to blame mthecoffmandstealanothergame 5- level of Waterloo's divisional nvals






Wickenheiser's move will score Canadian woman causes stir in men's hockey pumshmcnt during her three-game tryout. K'bile some detractors, kke Tom Harrington of CBC Newsworld and Kathy R d e s k i of the London Eree Press,~roiceconcernsthat Hayley'c move may damage the women's league mCanada,W~cke&eiseris going to prove them wrong Haylcy\Uckcnheiseris not just After three gamec under the microscopc,Hay1eyWickenhoiserprox~ec~. one of the best female hockey players tntxstory, shc possesses a drive and to the \%orldthat she could play in a d e t e m e d spirit unrivalled among the Finnish Second Divicion Men's her fernalecontemporariesHer -League The24 year oldall tune b u r n R desire.for achievementwill points leader of the Canadian ultimately lead her to success in the National Womcn's FIockey team men's game and her current critics are earned a contract with ffirkkonumnu gmng to cat their words Salamat to fmsh the season after R'ickenheiser is a person who successf~ll~~~thephysical


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lanuary 25 - January 29 must bc chdcngcd m order to uncover more of her immense potential She i c a big game pet former who plays her best in pressure tournaments The National TX ome~'sHockey league is simply not the cahbrr ofhockey that can progress her de$elopment as a hockeyplaycr Wickcnheiserhad to switch to plav as a defencemenin order to be challenged Playing in the F m c h Sccoild Dn isionis aperfect fit for kYickenheiser In r d a n d the fans, hockey federationand teamc are all supportwe of her The style of game is not unneceesarilyrough ac it n, say, in the East Coast I Iockey League where she relectedan offer The nnkb in the league are bigger, which allows . more tune and space for a small creative forward to operate Furthermore, playingfor Kirkkonummi Salamat is suitable for Wickenheiser Her teammates accept her as one of the guys Her coach, former NHL star Matti Hagman, knows how to improve her game 7 he team's p a r d owner is NHL superstarTeemu Selanne, who isn't a greedy money grabbing owner Perhaps the best thmg a b u t her team 1s that the Salamat is in first lace and has avery good chance of being promoted to the F m s h First Division next season Give Hayley some tune to adjust to the men's game in F h d , she is not going to be a disappointment This is a very real start of something special fromHayleyWickenheiser


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Indoor hockey

Queen's 3, \y'arriors 2 Warriors 4, York 2 K'arriors 2, Toronto 2 \X'arr~ors3, Carleton 2

Nomen's basketball

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X'estern 71,Warriorc 66

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X indsor 4, \T arnors 3 ((IT) Xrlndsor 5, K arriors 3 Nomen's hockev

X'estern 3,\X'arr1ors 2 K;mdsor 5, Warriors 3

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1. Western, 65 pts. 2. McGil1,57.5pts. 3. York, 39.5 pts. 7. Warriors, 17.5 pts

0 0 0 0

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page 27


ARTS has &tor

Csnhlason .Acts ass~stmtEmmuel BLum artr@ppnnt uwaterloo ca

Stupor Bowl: newspeak and the militarization of American football Pitting Bush against:Hussein in the ultimate of football matches Ryan Porter SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

A friend of mine wryly expressed his surprise at the appearance of Shama Twain at the onset of the half-time show on Sunday as he thought the half-time show was going to be the commencement of the bombing of Baghdad Convententlysandwichedbetween the two halves, the US administration could have capitah~edon an audience made compliant by the first 30 minutes of testosterone addled mayhem and John Madden's colour commentary/tMy-xulcdwar rhetoric He's in on it, belie\ e me A11 that tacklmgout thcrc gave hima hard-on of NbL proportions that could have only been deflated by agood fuckor a good fight I Ie wasitchngtoget those

"Come on team Bush! Score one for coach George. . ." elephantine hands of his on agun, hi\ own little Luger perhaps, and start shooting something Madden is Amepcainmcrocosm, known for his good natured ignorance and eager ness to kcep talktng The game is strewn with d t a r y parallels the helmets, the captains, the d i t a r y jet flyoversand the attack formatrons All of these things should remindus that American football and the Amemanmilitatyarenot so differ-

ent. Even Shania Twain and her fellas m the backup band seemed to get into the spirit of conflict with their post-apocalyptic costumes straight out of The Road Warnor Just as we root for the home team, the Amencan media urges our neighbours to root for the American military intheirupcomingaway game agatnst the Iraqi non compliers Come on team Bush1 Score one for coach George leading from the distant sidelmes Just hope we can beat 'cm ltkc wc pounded team .A1 Qaedalast year What a blowout1 Justified or not, my concernis the frivolitv and lightheartedness Dubya drives one home for the team. with whichmtlttaryaction ts regarded by some people This Hollywood cowboys i\dtlustanotherfootM~meWhere Senutivities to war have been docsthiswillingness forviolence come eroded, due, m part, to the nature of from) Contrary to popular belief, it war coverage's s d a r i t y to sportscox erage Thc scvcrityandgravityof tone isn't part of that msubstantial scape of the on-field correspondents s p d goat called "human nature "\Y c don't ing about the latest tnlury to the star have a predisposition for unending quarterbackmatches that of the Midviolence as conflict is almost always dle East correspondent takngabout the exception It seems however, so bombs falhng on the heads of stam prevalent because we see tt fictional ing Iraqi chldren. The stmilarity in ized every& y devoid of as mortaland eternalconsequences In the Iraqicase, presentations leads to a similarity in vcorld opinion mcans nothing to the reaction. We see it, are concerned and US admintstration as it seem to hold forget about it when the play or war a personal conviction of a s unerring resumesinaU of its grotesqueglory on justificatmn expressed throughaquiet the TV. "Geez, tough luck gmme them pork nnds " determination only found among



I recently heard of a study whch revealed that many Americans now believe SaddamHusqeinandIraqwere behind the "tragc elents of 9/11." Quotations are the only fitting place forthat phrase as it has been relegated to the level of irony, due torts overuse in the pact year and a half atid we, a ficklepublic,quicldytunatragedy into acliche It is sad that we can't listen to that phrase anymore without rolling our eyes, but it is also sad that the phrase is now the uber-context most recent media stories are put in. It isn't fresh, isn't new and the nature of media coverage-the fast paced, up-to-the

minute coverage thatwe the taxpayers deserve - demands novelty We need fresh tragedy stamgusinthe face to feel empathy because old suffering ts old news Is the U S g a n g to bomb Iraq because itu as behind September 1I? SomeAmencanshnkso. Osama who? Who won last year's Super gmme Bowl? I can't remember them pork rinds

o More on the war in Iraq: Opinion, page 11


UW9samateur artist unearthed Emanuel Blum IMPRINT STAFF

luds that used to make fun of him Terluk stated, "My dad grew up in povertytnSantiago, C e We couldn't affordnicc clotheswhenwearrivedin Canada " Many of his pamtings now include hcesof chddrmhe feelshc can relate to rather than the ones that

Therewas anintensityinhis eyes that can'tgounnoticed He sat alone,penme, seermngh~contemplatingmy mo tivcs I felt uneasy even though I've grown to know him well It 1s an alien situation for us to be in He has never before explatnedthecom plexities \c hich he within h\ passion h r art It a as about time I attempted to enter the m n d of t h s rnysteriouslygiftedartst Andrew Tcrluk was seven pears old when he begancxprcssinghtmself through his art "My chroruc chrldhoodasthma led to prolonged periods oflnactlvtqf I spentcountless hours m my room strapped to a ventolin mask equipped only with my scrapbook and my Crayolas - art is pain," Terluk bellows out a9 he attempt5to tellme what it was that led him to h ~ s passion for art When he turned 15he beganpainting distiguredpoaram of "Art is pain." said Terluk.

torture his past. He stated, "I used to wish those kids that made fun of me dead, but now I can find love m the compassion I feel for my brotherwho still In es in Chile " One painting, m particular,is ofa smallAfrican boythe strongcolours,deepreds andblues, m this work represent the inner scarrmg Terluk feels hc shares with the soulof the youngchildin hts painting He toldme that he "feels the ethmcity of Fib] descendants 1x1 pis] art " He tells me that the "struggle\ [of the people m his work] are @is] strug gles " For a 4B English literature major with little formal training in fine art, Terluk has a sulpnsmgly tenacious approach to his art He under~tands the basic prtnciples that go into oil pamting and has managed to attract a number o f 'Terluk fans" ovcrthe past few years Some of'rerluk's main influences are Ptcasso, Toulousse Lautrcc and Axel Rose LVhen I asked lum what it was about Axel Rose that inspired him, he simply stated, "My technique comes from the ethereal I feel that Axel shares this same understanding with me " I asked Terluk what he thought aboutwhen hepamted.His eyes closed a n d h s mouthdropped. It tooka few


A painting of Africa boy is indicative of Terluk's inner scarring. moments for this eccentric man to express himself Fmally hc said, "I live insldc a dark channel hidden from hcunaruty I search for a faint light buricd deeply in the heart of the infi mte, a light - that bums a channel of recognition in my psyche." I t is clear that much of Terluk's

'l'he Futility of Anxiety . Pen my own words as if I am the author of a book that has been written years ago. This permanent i k c a n be corrected not, and still I write on

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A futde fight, fought on the fronts of the soul Mmd and will wage war even among battle scars, weaknesses revealed m these glass shards and shrapnel of myself, I am nothing but myself A humbling tmth I learn. Thetrue writcr of the story has Hi? own story far greater than any I could conjure up. Safe under sovereignty. Safe under this blanket -MatthewRyan Btrtch Matt is in hisjinabear here a m He ZJin tbejne artspmgram and isgettingmamid in My. vyou're interested in reading more of his poety you can reach hzm at mrbirtch@hotmai1.comorjzlst go to ~n~~~~t~.starI&hI'distn'd.com. You can send submissions to Poet's Corner to: arts@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

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approach to art seems somewhat chched, but when you look at the end productitisdifficulttolookaway The colours,the shadingand the creativi~ all scem to successfullyexprcssthem selves m an intercstmawav , In a few months, Terluk will be showcasing his art m a restaurant rn Toronto He stated, "They've a s k ~ d me to sell my art I've agreed, but I don't know what I'm going to do \Then1 create something,I expose my \oulV1wasn't quite sure how to take his comments It was at this point m the mterview that he left for a few moments -he appeared distressed Whenhc came back1 askedhim to tell me where in Toronto he was showcasinghisart I Ie only replied by saymg, "I can't tell outhat The only people I will allow to buy my art will be from the place m which I sell it." Again, I didn't know what he meant by this. I can only assume that there must be some essenttal relationship betweenthe location ofhis art an8 the location of the people that buy it The Interviewlastedabout another half hour m which we discussed the possibility of him taking his art to a more professional level. He simply regressed and told me that art was merely away he felt he could relieve his stress Some people m y not take him seriously and to that he simply said, "Those are the people whose faces never offer me mspiratioh "


The meaning of music &pa@$i@$i tjgf{fgfg

The players of This is a Play.

MacIvor invades Waterloo Student only production about to premikre Cari Mason IMPRINTSTAFF

Livingwith friends can be dangerous to the friendship;workingwith them can be life threatenmg. For this group of students this has not been the case. FromFcbmary5 to 8 and 12 to 15, a group of students will be perform ing two Daniel MacTvor plays Thzs zs a l'lq and House The plays have received excellent revicws frompnor productions 1tam T,accy from The Globe and Mazl referred to them as "ingemous and whimsical " This is the second year that the drama department has given the students thc Februarv slot in which to showcase their talents. This means that responsibdq rests entirely on the shoulders of the students, but these students are happy to take on such pressure Erika Sedge, director of IIor~se,said that this production has been different than others she has been involvedin because of the com-

pletely studentmvolvement Despite the dangers of worktng with fnends that this expenence has mcluded, she believesthata has beenaveryrewarding expenence, as it is her last chance here at Waterloo to do a production suchas t h ~ sItis cspcciallynice for her that her fellow players are such close fnends The play has only been m official rehearsal for the past month now, smce Christmas vacation ended, but Sedge is confident that the play will be ready for production on the fifth For tickets call the box office, 8884908 Thc costis $10 for students and seniors and $12 for general admission

Music Everyone has their own opinion about what music is good and what music is not Music can be defined as sound w i t h tune Therefore,a jackhammer in the middle of the afternoon can, to some people, be considered music Music is considered to be, along with math, a world language Rut as some people do not understand complex math, everyone understands complex music Music has been around since the bangmg of a stick on a rock Used for communication, education and leisure, music has become one of the most successful businesses in today's world Music can evoke any emotion at any time -music is used for background, to give a certam ambiance, music can be scary, fun, or high class Music is used for religous praise ("Lift up your Voice and Sing"), for social defiance ("Raisc a Little Hell''), to bring you up ("Don't X'orry, Be IIappy"), to throw you down ("She Hates Me'') The world has adapted to various musical tastes Most North American and European music 19 considered to be "mamstream " Music that reflectsa certamregion is considered cultural or world music There are compamescreated to rcgulatc music, to keep certain content on or off the radio and tclcvision Music with pictures are music videos, styles of music creep mtoculture . There will always bc music There will always be new styles and genres, there will always be ncw

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Artsies take over when pigs fly Tom Bryce-Hart --


puzflcd Yes, he 1s in prc optomctq and really has no reason to go anywhere near our fine arts building, but excn I know a hcrc and what the uptometry building is Another time, I a s k d him to meet me in the modern languages building "That's the one with the pig out

Let us say that on a rare, windy day m T i aterloo, someone Icax cs a copj of our belowd lm~nrztona bench o u t d e , completely at the mercvofthe fickle, capriciouswind Let us now assume that on this strange day, by some strangemiracle, only the arts section of Impnnf is taken by the blustery hand of fate and is flung far, far awaj, perhaps all the way to thc armpit of Ontario, to the McMaster Umversity campus or cvcn further to UofT The point is to imagine the paper going some where else Even more strange, let US assumc that t h ~ star s crossed section,at rest after its long journey, 1s grabbed by the grubby little hands of a Mac student (probably looking to wlpe the dribble from his or her lip) Upon reah~ing(many hours later) that he 1s holding the arts section of our beloved Impnnt, what rmght this unsuspecting tool of fate say; Probably somethmg along the lines of, "Duh, Waterloo's gots arts?" Ycs, I know thts 1s a spurious accusationand our arts program is well known (at least its exlst ence is acknowledged) and that many of you reading thts are probably 1n arts J,astweek, I was covering two exhtbltionsat the East Campus Hall galleries I was full of excitement (my first a s s l p e n t ) and fear When I came home from seeing the first of the two exhibitions (Rae Johnson's work) onk of my housemates asked me where I had been "ECH," I responded, "covenngan exhibition for Imprint" My housemate then asked, The arts section of Imprint devoid of human affection 'Where's that?" I was

front, rtght>"he responded At lcast hc knew what building it was Please,gcntlc readers (or harsh critics),do not misunderstand me I am not bitter towards, nor do I blame ml housemate for not being more axtare of\Y.'aterloo's arts

community Admittedly, we are a "techno logical" school One has only to stroll through the SLC and see the malfunctioning computers, or try to use Quest after hours or during a holiday to understand that our university's greatest strength is our reliance on technolo@ This does not mcan t h a t w ~artsies ha1 e to go unnoticed, passing through the system as mere educational after thoughts It is our own fault that the other faculties are more recog ni7ed than we are How can anyone mss a 40-foot pink tie strapped to a monolithicgrey cube; Who can :pore a bunch ofpseudo throwback punks all in black slapping around their subordinate frosh (and how I would like to see those frosh nse against thea normally meek overlords and mock them for the fools they are) \That we need as a faculty 1s a symbol Yes we have the pig, whatever his name is (Forcello; Is that it?) But the pig isn't big enough Perhaps that is the answer a giant Porcelhno pig float that IS towed around ring road on Campus Day and the beginning of brosh \Y. eek, I'm sure our solar powered car could tow it Or, we could put it on top of the DanaPorter Library (or thc ML building) our engineers could rig up some sort of pulley to get :t up there, if we asked mcely Perhaps a few cases of 110-bo's and the Star Wars UVD would swcctcn the deal (what am I talking about, you all ha\ e the UVD already) It would be massive, not as big as the tie and certainly not as pink, but awe Inspiirng lust the same 1hink about it and respond! Here i~my email address lust for hate mail and the like tomblycehaa@hotmatlcorn


page 31


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English Tutors are needed to tutor students and scholars for two t o three hours per week. Shadows are needed t o help new international students adjust t o life in Canada during their first term at UW. For more information about the programs, IS0 website at: please view the


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ANNOUNCEMENTS PERFORMERS WANTED! St.Paulls IJnited College Ulackforest Coffeehouse held M a r c h 7 t o 8 2 0 0 3 . E-mail: spuc-blackforestC@yahoo.ca. EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: February 14. Actors Needed, female 19-26, for Independent Short Film (comedy). Auditions o n Saturday Februarv 8 from 1 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Arts Lecture Hall Room 113 or call 885-9154 to arrange time. Bring 1 - 2 min. audition piece o r c-mail alexquiller@hotmail.com t o request an audit~on plece. T h e Datatel Scholars Poundatwn awards scholars h ~ p son a competitive basis t o full-time and parttime; undergraduate and graduate students. Sclcction factors include academic merit and personal achievements. Visit www.datatel.com for further information and application instructions. Apphcatlons deadline is "Ianuarv, 31.. 2003. Attention All Metis Students, the Metis Nation of Ontario train in^ Initiatives (MNOTI) is offering a wage subsidy program for M e t ~ sstudents seeking summer employment. If you have a native andnonnative parent andlor grandparent and would he interested in our Summer Career Placement Pro-


115 Churchdl St.- Two bcdrooms In three bedroom townhousr. O n r room available ~mmcdiatly,other ava~lableearly February. Furn~\hed.Near #12 busand UW. Laum dry and parking available. $295+util. Call 819669.1 X7h. Bridgeport Lofts - bicycle room, billiard room, laundry, parking. Co-op studcnts nclcome! Turnof-the-century buildmg, ncwtnodcrn dcs~gn.I'honc 1-866-655-5573 or www.pdhco.ca. 300 plus rental listings ~ n c l n d ~ nstudent g housing on a new local rental w e b s ~ t e . Check o u t www.look4aplace.com. New listings daily. Brand New Student Housing - Pour bedrooms, exccllc~~ location t - close t o everythmg, washer1 dryer, new dishwasher/fridge/stove, gas heated (cheap h~lls),alr conditionu~g,parkmg, hugc patio, Perfect for students. These places are gomg fast. Call 741-7724. www.acdev.ca. Student accomodations - groups of four only, brand new student suites, excellent location, closc t o everythmg, dishwasher, parking, patio, washer1 drver. nerfect for students. These places alwavs , . co fast. 741-7724. $350 per month. Six appliances, five rooms, FREE .. parking, Sept. to Sept., 25-30 min. walk, 5 mln-to bus. 574-5739 after 6 p.m.



Math tutoring. Learn how t o learn.

Experienced tutor, 1JW Math T.A., HS Math t e a ~ h m g ,R.Fd, R.Math. Call 880-0257.

UPCOMING FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 1 New Berlin Chamber Ensemble - "Performance1 Coachng Masterclass at the Chapel at Congrad Grehel University College from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Topics covered: cuemg, interpretation, tuning, etc. Free admission.

LIBRARY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 8 Keeping Current - Digitally! 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Offered t o graduate students, faculty and staff. Engineering: Covers engineering databases including INSPEC, C o m ~ e n d e xalerting , services and ejournals. Held iIl the FLEX Lab, 3rd floor, oatla porter ~ i b see ~ IST ~ .~skills ~ for , the ~ ~ e-Workplace, for registration form: ist.uwaterloo.calcslcourses.htu~l.

Volunteer t o visit an individual with Alzheimer's Disease. Matches made based on Interest. Trammg provided. One t o four hourslweek. Call Jill ar rhc Alzheimer S o c ~ e t y 7 4 2 - 1 4 2 2 o r e-mail jrr~ercier@nor~Ii~~e.net.

Free Frontier College Tutor Traming: IJW Tutors needs volunteers. Help a child and gam valuable tcachmg experience! Contact Candace H d l ~ e rat ch~ll~er@fronnercollege.ca or 5 19-747-81 13. V~sit our web slte at www.front~ercollege.ca. Volunteer tutors are needed on a one-to-one bas17 In written and oral English. Tutorsmcct studcnts on campus tor onc tcrm, oncc a week for two or thrcc hours. If you would like t o volunteer, plcasc c o m p l c t c t h e on-line registration form a t www.internat~onal.uwaterloo.ca/current.html or emad Carrie Baumken at cbaumken@unaterloo.ca. The Volunteer Action Centre (742-8610, www.kwvolcentre.on.ca) is recruiting volunteers for the following events: HORSE LOVERS TAKE NOTE, # 1116-9028: Volunteers are needed t o asslst Specla1 Needs Riders during IIorseback Riding lessons. DAYTIME volunteers are especially needed. Volunteers must be at least 15 years of age. HELP T O PROVIDE A SAFE AND SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT, # 3848: lookmg for volunteer support in areas of childcare, program assistance, administrative support and maintenance.

JOIN AN ENERGETIC COMMITTEE! # 113413188: The Elizabeth Fry Society is looking for Event Planning Ass~stantst o help with mass mailmgs, record keeping, and the development of a program booklet. Should have computer experience in MS Word and Excel. HELP PROVIDE SIII'PORT, PUBLIC EDUCATION AND AWARENESS, # 1094: The Head Injury Association Watcrloo Well~ngtoois looking for volunteers for a varicty of pos~tions.T h ~ sir a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested In working with people with disabilities. RF.ADY.GET SET.VOLUNTEER, # 1 1 0 2 12800: Volunteer coachrs arc ~ i c r ~ lto c ~support l individuals w ~ t ha d~sabihryto Irarn the tasks and routinesof avolunteerpouit~o~~.Voluntecrcoacl~ea must be patlent, rehahle, rerpousible and flrxible. They should be willing t o commit to at least eight months as a coach. Call Karcn a t 742-86 10. A DAYTIME VOLIJNTEER OPI'ORTUNI I'Y, # 1209-1204: Canadian Blood Services is lookmg for thrrr t o five vol~inteerswho are fncndly, enthuslastir and communicates well t o serve refreshments t o donors. Volunteers mnst be prepared to offer the best cnstomer service. Volunteers are needed Monday -Thursday and Saturday mornings. I'HE K I T C H E N E R - W A T E R I . 0 0 SEXUAL ASSULI' SUPPORT CENTRE, # 1035: We welcome women of all ages, abilities, and cultural backgrounds t o jom us for an lnformation Night, Monday February 3,7-9 p.m. a t the Rotary Community Resource Village, 151 Frederick Street, K~tchener.N o experience is necessary. Full training and snppor is provided for volunteers.



FEBRUARY 3 Career Services Workshops: Make the Job Fair Work for You - Learn the "do's" and "don'ts" of this excellent networking and work search opportunity. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Register online a t www.careerscrv~ccs.uwaterloo.ca. Letter Writlug - Learn how t o use letters t o your advantage in the job search. 3:30-4:30 p.m. Registcr online at www.careerservices.uwaterloo.ca Resumes - Discover techniques for writing an cffectivc resume. 4:30-5:30 p.m. Register online at

FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 Lacan Colloquim - Several Lauricr academics will screen and respond t o a new film, Lacan, during a colloquium entitled ':Jacques Lacan: Interrogating a Post-structural Hero" from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. tn the foyer of the newboard and senate chamber. For more information, contact Chris Ross at 519-8840710 ext. 3679. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Jazz Concert - Rom Schirm will direct the WLU Jazz Ensemble a t 3 p.m. in the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall. Tickets are $10, $5 for adults and free t o Lanrier o r high-school students who present a valid identification card. For more information, please call Laurier's concert line a t 519-884-0710 ext. 3554 o r Carol Ravmond a t ext. 2150. SUNDAY,FEBRUARY~


FEBRUARY 4: Career Services Workshop: Job Search Strategies - Learn the "how-to" of job1 work search, networking, and employer - . research: 2:30-4:00 p.m. Register online at www.careerservices.uwaterloo.ca. FEBRUARY 5: Job Pair 2003 a t RIM Park, 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.ml visit www.~artners4em~10~ment.c0m FEBRUARY 6: Business Etiquette and Professionalism - Covers dining etiquette as well as appropriate behaviour at intcrvicws, e m ~ l o ~ e r r e c e ~ t i o n s / s e s s iand o n ~other , networking activities, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Register www.careerservices.uwater1oo.ca. online a t ~ d ~ ~ i ~


MONDAYS English Language Lab: Emphas~son pronunciagram, please give our office a call a t our Toll Free tion and listening exercises. Students, faculty, number 1-888-546-3847 and ask for the Youth staff, and spouses are welcome t o attend. Held at Project Officer, Melissa Cabezas. 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. and Fridays from 12:30 - 1:30 ~~~h~~~~ to ~ h ~ ~F~~~~~~ ~ and - ~h d el n - ~ p.m. ~ in~ Modern , Languages 113, October t o June. Wurttemberg, Germany for the 2003-04 academic FRIDAYS year - to undergraduates and graduates; Internal English Conversation Classes: Conversation classes deadline February 7,2003. For additional informaheld in Needles Hall 2080, 2:OO-4:00 p.m., from tion and application contact Maria Lango, IPO, September t o June. Students, faculty, staff, and NH, Room 3015, ext. 3999. spouses are invited. ~~d student debt? Talk about it here ~un with r ~ - For more information on both classes, contact the www.canadastudentdebr.ca. International Student Office, ext. 2814. Apply now for the Canadian Scholars Exchange Program (CANEX). The application deadline is March 1,2003 for the 200312004 academmic year. Attention Undergraduate Students! Interested in CANEX scholars arc provided the opportunity t o applying for undergraduate scholarships, awards or enhance their academic, professional and personal bursaries? Check out the Bulletin Bonrd on the goals while gaining a wider perspective of our Student Awards Office home pagc at: http:ll country by living and studying in a different part of www.adm.uwaterloo.cdinfoawards1 for a detailed Canada. University of Waterloo undergraduate and list of awards open for application this term. graduate students are eligible t o apply and can apply Further information is available at the Student for a term o r a full year exchange. T o qualify, Awards Office, 2nd floor, Ncedles Hall. students must have an overall 70% average. StuHeidi Thiessen Technical Writine Award - Hondents accepted into the CANEX Program recieve - ouring excellence! F ~ r splace t $1,000, second place a $1000 scholarship. For more information contact $500. Open t o all 3rd and 4th year, full-time IJW the UW CANEX coordinator, and WLU students. Vtsit www.stc.waterloo.on.ca darlene@uwaterloo.ca, and the CANEX website, www.international.uaIberta.cdcanex1index.html. for details.




Wind Concert - Michael Purves-Smith will direct the WLU Wind Ensemble at 3 p.m. in the Maureen F~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ all, ~~ ii are ~$10, $5 ~ k for ~l adults and free for ~ ~or high.school u ~ students i ~ who oresent a valid identification card. For more information, callLaurier's concertline at 519-8840710 ext. 3554 o r Carol Raymond at ext. 2150. white Cane week Kick.off - From 2.4 p.m. at the Cambridge Centre, Families can play Interactwe games which will teach sighted people the challenges facing blind o r visually imparred individuals. Formoreinformation call519-742-3536 or 1-866797-13 12. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Nature Photography Slide Show - Peter Risset APRS, APIAP, APSA shows and discusses his "Special Techniques Used in Taking Award Winning Nature PhotographsNAlbertMcCormic Arena, 550 Parkside Dr. Library Entrance. 7:30, Admission donation. Info. 884-2888. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 Student Composition Concert - The faculty of music will present original student compositions at 8 p.m. in the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall. For more information, contact Carol Raymond at 519884-0710 ext. 2150. Focus on Crocus - Runs until February 16, the CNIB's Annual Crocus Sale will he at various malls around the Waterloo, Cambridge, Gnelph area. For more information, call 742-3536. Many vols call unteers are needed t o assist with t h ~ project; us if you'd like t o be one of them. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Gwynne Dyer Lecture - Canadian journalist Gwynne Dyer wdl offer perspective and proportion on current world events during a lecture entitled The World Upside Down? at 7 p.m. Admission is free and open t o the puhl~c.For more information, please contact Deborah Currie at 519-884-0710 ext. 3800.

"...from the president position right now [Koprowski] hasn't provided the accessibility and visibility that students need. ..

"There are a lot of campuswide opportunities where Feds could play a role.. .that have just been ignored while we try to fight battles with people we can't win against."


-Alex Matan


Presidential ' 7 hope that I

't ..it w ouldn 't be impossi-

ble to be getting a l k u o r licence specifically for Fed or student businesses so that3 what 1 would look into." -Andrew Dilts

can be more involved with the management of our bars so that they can be run more effectively an better for the student."-Dan Colquhoun

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