Words Editor: Neal Moogk-Soulis Words Assistant Andrew Dllts news@,imprint.uwaterloo.ca
From the President...
From our M.P.P.
Congratulations! With ImprinPs25'anniversary this month, a significant landmark has been achieved at the University of Waterloo. The paper plays an important part in informing and engaging its core student readership. It also performs a valuable service for faculty and staff members who are keen to stay in touchwith the varied and changing interests of students. I find Imprintto be a timely source ofinformation, especially its features on student life, arts and science, along with its regular coverage of news events and sports. The paper's opinion pages are an excellent measure of student views about life at Waterloo. Imprint more than fulfds its contemporary missions of publishing a newspaper that provides the campus communitywith a steady diet of information, entertainment and a lively forum for the discussion of issues that affect the community; and of providing students with the opportunity to learn and gain practical experience in an open and rewarding journalistic environment. Congratulations on a job well done.
Dear Imprint, As an alumnus of the University ofWaterloo and particularily as ex-President ofthe Federation of Students, I rememberwell the importance of the Coyphaeas and the chevron, the student newspapers that preceded Imprint, in providing the University communitywith information, entertainment and a forum for the discussion of issues important to the community. Imprint Publications has continued the tradition of providing these services to the University ofWaterloo community and has fulfdedits mandate in style. I have been impressed by the journalistic excellence of the staff and management of the paper and the opportunities the paper provides for students to learn and gain practicalexperienceina journalistic environment. Sincegraduating1have kept a close connection with my a h a mater as a member of the Waterloo City Council and the Waterloo Regional Council,and since 1993as the Member of Parliament for Kitchener Waterloo. I want to extend my best wishes and continued success to the management and staff of Imprint Publications.
From the Deputy Premier ... From a trol.. O n behalf of the Province of Ontario, I want to congratulate Imprinton the occasionofyour 25& Anniversary. This anniversary is an opportunity to celebrate the successesofI@rintofthepast25 years. Imprinthas earned a high reputation for reporting, investigating and challenging issues of relevance to the Universitycommunity,while maintaining journalisticintegrity,humour and popularreadership. It educates, informs and inspires the University of Waterloo and the larger community of Kitchener Waterloo. I want to congratulate allof the students who have dedicated their time and talent to building and fosteringImprint as it hasgrownandchanged with the University ofWaterloo over the past 25 years. Congratulations, and please accept my very best wishes for the next 25 years. Sincerely, Elizabeth Witrner,
David Johnston, President Andrew Telegdi, M.P. Kitchener-Waterloo
From the Federation of Students President Thomas Jefferson once commented that he would much rather live in a land with newspapers and no government than in a land where the opposite was true. As to how either situation would play out on UW's campus I am not sure, but I certainly am sure that student government and campus life in general are much better off for having a newspaper such as Imprint reporting on events on campus and beyond. An independent, diligent and investigative media is a key ingredient of good governance. This is true all the way from the international level down to student government. Without a vigdant watchdog to keep them honest, even well meaning elected representatives will be tempted to keep some things under wraps or out of view. W e such a course of action may seem like the best thing to do at the time, in the end the institution, and all involved in it, will come out for the worse. Imprint keeps the Federations honest and accountable to those it was designed to serve, the undergraduate students of the University of Waterloo. Imprint also helps student government in other ways. It has always been difficult (and
M.P.P. Kitchener-Waterloo Deputy Premier of Ontario Minister of Education
It's unusually thoughtful, as h u m a n thought goes, for you to ask me for a message from here under the Laurel Creek bridge. As a troll, I'm constantly ignored by the movers and shakers. At the grand opening ofyour new building,when they named it in honour of that Tatharn fellow, the platform was crowded to bursting with human beings, and was there a single troll among them? There was not. But fortunately it's convenient for me to honour youwith a fewwords about Imprint. T o answer the most important question first, do I remember the founding of your organ, twentyfive years ago? Of course I do. It was accompanied by so much shouting, banging, chanting and violent back-patting, even a troll couldn't miss it. I remember lightinga cigar in honour of the occasion. (You could smoke in the Campus Centre in those days.) And over the years, I have been delighted to read Imprint whenever the wind blows a stray page over towards the creek. Yourlimpid prose, your astute news sense, your glamorous ads for night clubs, your highly artistic photographs of Federation aspirants and has-beens. . .no troll should be without it. It's not bad as kindling, either. Simon the Troll
occasionally expensive) to judge student opinion on the many issues that arise on campus. Imprintprovides a window for these opinions, through columnist, community editorials and letters to the editor. Without such a window the Feds would be constantly crossing traffic with both eyes closed. Having sat on both sides of the interview table, I think I can safely say that Imprint has made a major and-ongoing contribution to campus life at UW. This is a true credit to all the staff and volunteers who have given their time and their passion to journalism on campus, even if they do make my new job difficult. Congratulations on a quarter-century of excellence.
Editorial staff Editor-in-chief, Christine Baker editor@imprint.uwaterloo.ca
Middle Row (left to right):
25th Anniversary Supplement editor, Neal Moogk-Soulis neal@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Cover editor, Neal Moogk-Soulis Graphics, John Paul Curry, Ray Kuo, Evan Munday
Production staff Special thanks to those who have helped get the job done for better or for worse. Thanks to Andrew Dilts, Mike Kerrigan, Susan Bubak, Winnie Kwok, Matt Strauss, Chtisane Loureiro, Cathy Bolger and Laurie Tigert-Dumas. Thanks also go to Andrea Kerswell, Adrian Chin and Margie Mansell for production night laughter.
Vo17 No. 23, Jan 11 1985; Vol8 No. 31, Feb 28 1986 Vo19 No. 25, Jan 30 1987; Vol10 No. 30, March 4 1988 Vol11 No. 31,March311989;Vol12No. 16,Nov3 198' Row 3 (left to right): Vol13 No. 23, Jan 11 1991; Vol14 No.19, Nov 22 1991 Vol15 No. 21, Jan 8 1993;Vol16 No. 9, Sept 17 1993;Vc 17 No. 20, Dec 2 1994; Vol 18 No. 12, Oct 6 1995 Row 4 (left to right): Vol19 No. 1,May 3 1996; Vol20 No. 12, Oct 3 1997; Vc 21 No. 27, March 5 1999; Vol22 No. 21, Jan 7 2000; Vc 23 No. 20, Dec 1 2000; Vol24 No.32, March 22 2002; Vc 24 No. 24, Jan 24 2003
Cover design Top corner: Vol 1, No. 1 June 15 1978; Vol26 No. 4 June 13 2003
Sincerely, R. Christopher Edey President, Federation of Students
Top Row (left to right): Vo12, No. 5 Oct. 5 1979; Vo13 No. 19, Nov 21 19801Vo14No.1,May 8 1981;Vo15No. 20,Dec 3 1982; Vo16 No. 25, Jan 27 1984
University of Waterloo
Thank you for your services in celebration of Imprint's 25th Anniversary!!
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Westmount Plaza
FRIDAY, JUNE 13,2003
To those who put it all together Given the chance the abili& the Editor-in-Chifcan be an injLentia/person on campw Each year, a new person is selected andgiven the responsibilio to take the newspaperthatisgivento them andshape itin the coming year. Agood editor can change inj7uence the world t h y cover, lookirg into dark corners and unmasking improprieties. T h y inspire their volnnteers and their stafto push the limits oftheir abilities. T h y are often thefirst in the ofice and the last out onproduction night. It is on them that thejnal responsibili~fallson issues o f content. Without them, a newspaper wodd not last long. Over the years Imprint has been blessed with Editors-in-Chiefwhohave blown throughthe newsroom and the campus, leaving an impressive record in their wake. Thefollowingisatribute to the 1983-84Editorin-Chid George Elliot Clarke, wntten b_v the Imprint volunteers on the eve o f his retirementfrom Imprint
Imprint, March 29,1984, page 4 Each day comes to pass and we learn. We learn that men of power and integrity are very rare in this university. Some have power. Some have integrity. And sometimes, just sometimes, integrity can be power. But to turn integrity into power you must be dilligent, disciplined and quite often take major risks. You must want truth and fairness to triumph over all; and you must include yourself in that "all". If you have to take a fall so that anunjust s i t u a t i o n d stand out clearly and without disguises, for all to see and judge, then you must have already resolved to do so with courage and perseverance. There is no place for fantasies about a predominant and inevitableJustice and no time to sleep peacefully, imagining that all is well. Allis notwell. Recently, times have beenquite rough at UW. We see the president of the Federation of Students mismanaginghis offices and the responsibilities entrusted to him by the students; then lying about it publicly and with a straight face. We see him attacking this newspaper in an effort to keep private his misadventures and failures. We see him,again, trylng to shed the O.F.S., the only voice U.W. students have to represent them to government. We see the Ontario government resolved to dismantle our system of education, to limit our access to knowledgeandincreaseits control over what we know and think. We see a TTice-President Academic quietly dismembering an educational programme, dismantling its structures and depriving its students from the education they were promised by this University. We see him banishing outspoken members of that programmed without due process or inquiry. We see, also, the director of security ordering illegal searchesof students'residences, lying about it and dissociatinghmself from the whole messy affair. Gross violations of the law, basic civil right and principles ofintegnty! These men must have been glad to have the University's Gazette for their voice: and perhaps, more than alittle resentful to have Imprint scrutinizing their shady affairs. The power of integrity had to be brought to bear on the actions emanating from these offices of power. Over the past twelve months, Imprint has turned the searchlightsinto the shadows. It
has turned over the stones to look for what is hidden underneath. It cut through the fog and delvedwhereitwas not invited andleastwanted, exposing those working against the interests of the students. With theinspiringleadership of George Elliot Clarke, Imprint has shown that tyranny,injustice and corruption can only thrive uninhbitedin the safety of anonymity and dscretion. The very presence of a paper in the hands of dedicated students has forcedmany to change their tuneat least in public. It has struck a sort of panic, whichwas quite evident in the persistent attacks on Mr. Clarke and Imprint, and the threat to cast both off campus. Yet, the paper and its Editor have maintained an admirable code of honour and integrity and never lost sight of their duty: to inform the students of the University on matters that threaten their well being. When George Elliot Clarke became editor of Imprint he promised the students of the University ofWaterloo that the paper's doors would be open to all the students, that itwould cease to act in the capacity of a public relations front for the administration and the Federation of Students, and that the power of print would become and incorruptible institution in the hands of all students. Mr. Clarke has fulfilled these promises. He has been a model editor. His integrity and self-sacrificehave not only been aninspiration to the students ensuring the uncompromised quality of Imprint. It is chiefly because of his vision, and almost singulareffort and perseverance,that the paper has managedits considerabletransformation. George Elliot Clarke has brought a vision to this newspaper. We think he has left his imprint for along time to come. Hechose suuggle;chose his battleground and toiled in the Imprint office, night after sleepless night. Warriors flocked from all over campus and the struggle became a triumph for all of us. Mr. Clarke,we, who have worked by your side andwith your support, andwho came to rely and thrive on the newfound integrity of Imprint are quite sad at your departure. Yourwork has been agreat accomplishment andwe are quite certain that it a d shine in the history of t h s campus. Yet, we are consoled, because we are equally certain that your poetic and relentless spirit will carry you to higher ground andgreater feats; that you wiU one day shine among the greats, your heroes: Martin Luther Kmg, Moses Coady and Malcolm X. George Elliott Clarke: this paper owes its nerve to you! God bless you. Each day comes to teach and we pass ... 'Ahab 'abd el-Aziz Paul "No-Response" Hawkins George Cameron Anderson Doug Thompson LindaTranter Dan Kealey Doug Tait Wayne Morris Darren Redfern Debbi Pigeon
Sept 1978-Nov 1979 0 Nick Redding May 1980-Apr 1981 0 Marg Sanderson May 1982- Apr 1983 0 Len Gamache May 1984- Apr 1985 0 George E. Clarke May 1986- Apr 1988 0 Steve Kannon May 1989- Apr 1990 0 Fleur Macqueen May 1991- Apr 1993 0 Peter Brown May 1994- Apr 1995 0 Sandy Atwal May 1996- Apr 1997 0 Sandy Atwal May 1998- Apr 1999 0 Kieran Green Oct 2000- Apr 2001 0 Linda Nagy May 2001- Apr 2002 0 Ryan Matthew Merkley March 2003- May 2003 0 Rick Smit
Nov 1979-Apr 1980 0 Liz Wood May 1981- Apr 1982 0 Peter Saracin May 1985- Apr 1984 0 Don Button May 1985- Apr 1986 0 Rick Nigol May 1988- Apr 1989 Mike Brown May 1990- Apr 1991 0 Paul Done May 1983- Apr 1994 0 Ken Bryson May 1995- Apr 1996 0 Dave Fisher May 1997- Apr 1998 0 Peter Lenardon Apr 1999- Sept 2000 0 TaraHillis May 2000- Apr 200 0 Scott Gordon May 2002- Apr 2003 0 Magda Konieczna June 20030 Christine Baker
There is no accurate record ofthe number ofstaffand volunteers who have helpput together Imprint over fbeyears. By
esdmate, h*e*--
people z~olzmteered Be/ow is a masthead tribute as found in a 1780 edition oflmprint in recognition o j the hard work and crag times at Imprint. November 14, 1980, 3:18, page 4
And so I enteredthe ShadowRealrn,inhabited by Thee Ferocious Bast, the Wilde Sanderson, and the dreaded,fearedJake Ant (acreature which has been known to devour whole tapeworms in their natural environment). I entered as innocent as achild but I was soon to change. My companions wereBrianDorion, a friendof my childhood; Laurie Duquette, a candy girl with usher aspirations, and (as always) Paul Zemokhol, someone whose name had been a source ofinspiration to me since I was a fledgling. Mike Ferrabee had given us the instructions on how to avoid the ghosts of Oedipus, Odysseus, Cliff GoodmanandLiz Wood (slain while typesetting an ad-a horrible death; it was no wonder that her spirit was trapped on this plane). We were to use the Gem of Protection ...or possibly the Sword of NoHurtness ...or couldit have been theMagnetic Secret Ring....Anjway,we had themallwithus; we feared no evil from the spirits of Mimi Smith,Rob McGregor, or DebbieDickie. There were other, darker things to take our fear and throw it at us. Things such as the Pica Pole, a blood-sucking mantis with tiny verniers marked along its sides which Peter Hopkins was eaten
by; along m t h the Wool Cap, which had taken the brains of several worthy men before ourb - expedition; poorBruceBeacock, 1eff Perlston and Time ~erlich."But quick" said Paul but I could not help notice the look oflarceny in his eyes as he noticed my gold ffings), "we must escapeere the bloodofthemonster and What's-, Her-Name attracts other, more fearsome beings." "Like what?" inquired, placing a hand on my wallet. "Like me," announce a deep masculine voice from behind us. We spun, around to behold: Sandy Newton and Alan Angold speahng to us with well-modulated, pear shaped tones. "I took apublic speaking, course in University" explained the critter. "Andnow, I shall devour youboth!" Whenwe stopped laughing the beast attacked. We lost Paul MacNamera, Heather Picken and Ruth Anderson in the fxst assault. "Prepare to die. None who diein the Shadow Realm ever reach their gods!" "Hey," I asked,"what happened to the wellmodulated, pear shaped tones?" "Oh shit!" it squeaked andran off to attend more classes. I was alone and friendlessin a hostile world. A hand reached in and pulled me out, a person with natural rhythm, with green-eyed soul...it was Sylvia Hannigan, friend of my shortlyafter-childhood-days-yet-not-quite-into-adolescence-days. "There are no exits from the Shadow Realm," she told me. So we stayed, and there to t h s day because this damned thing is long enough. McMoo
LEARN TO FLY University Flying Training Program University of Waterloo Math & Ccrnputer Building 3307 Wadnesday a p t . 20. 1978, 7:OO PM hwnd Tkura&y.ehw) ~ap ~ommomsc n l .7:m
Impnnt Pubhcauons 1978-2003 .1mpnnt25@mpnnt uwarer1oo.ca
It only takes a spark
: In the beginning, there was the Coryphaeus, the only campus newspaper in town. Later the name was changed to the chevron. In t h e , the chevron took a deidedb independant stance and the university admillzitration started their own publication, the Gazette. The Engineering sociezj Own theirpublication, The Iron Warrior andyes, who wouldforget mathITEW S ? Thefollouling two articlespresent two perspectives on the stmgple within the chevron which led to it's evictionfrom the campus and thefognding oflmprint, a student newspaper independantfrom the Federation $Students and the administration andfitnded ly Universig of Waterloo undergraduate students.
My contribution to the birth of Imprint By Christopher P. Dufault BSC, BIOLOGY, CLASS OF
My part in the dissolution of the chevron and the establishment of Imprint as the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo began innocently enough on March 3, 1978 with the annual election for editor of the chevron. At that t h e the chevron editor was elected by staff (who were defined as anyone who had made six or more work contributions to the newspaper in the previous year). I had completed a biology undergrad degree in 1977 and was stU at Waterloo demonstrating biology labs in the spring 1978 term. As an occasional contributor of sports stories and photos to the chevron, I was eligible to vote in the 1978 elections for editor. I had been very much on the periphery of the politics of the chevron up to that point being not alhed with either of the blocs on the paper, being the moderates and the Anti-Imperialist Alliance (AIA; a group on campus associated with the Communist Party of Canada (MarxistLeninist)). As it turned out, the events of March 3 led me to play a role in each of the t&ee referenda that resultedin the removal of the
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hoped that if approved by the student body a refundable fee would help ensure that the chevron would become more responsive to the wishes of the students who paid for it, and it purported to serve, and less under the control of the AIA bloc. I decided I would personally carry the petition. I visited classrooms, the libraries and student cafeterias, and in about 12 hours over two days collected over 700 signatures on the petition. (I didnot collect signatures from outside a student pub as was erroneously reported in the chevron!) As I recall, in the resulting referendum held on March 28,1978, close to 90째/o of those who cast their ballots supported making the chevron fee a refundable one. Of course my carrying of the petitionhad the AIA bloc baying for my blood. I was invited to a staff meeting on March 17,1978 to discuss my "wrongdoing." I was called all kinds of names and subjected to uncontrolled foul language. One of the AIA blocin attendance at the meeting was so angrywith me that he picked up an office chair and threw it to the floorwith such force that it broke into pieces, while shouting 'When the revolution comes, you'll be up against the wall." Realizing that the AIA was about to propose "punitive action" againstme, another moderate chevron staffer, Steve Hull, hastily proposed a motion "that no punitive action be taken against Chris Dufault." The motion tied, 11 for, 11 against, with 2 abstentions. Being as this vote occurred at about 6:00 pm on aFriday,I left along with the moderates - some to go home and some to celebrate in the pub. However, the chevron staffwho remained behind (i.e.,the AIA bloc) then proposed and passed another motion to condemn my actions and expel me from staff for six months. The vote was 12 for, 0 against, with 1 abstention. This event helped drive away virtually all of the moderates-not just me-from the chevron, and contributed directly to the establishment of Imprint. When the second election for the chevron editor was held on March 31, 1978, David Carter ran unopposed and was elected The First Referendum by a vote of 29 for and 2 against. Many of the Following this ill-fated election Randy moderates who stayed away from this election, Barkman showed me a draft referendum word- never to return, came together to publish the ing, that he had proposed at a meeting of the first edition of Imprint on June 15,1978. chevron staff earlier in the winter, but that had The Second Referendum gone nowhere. The proposal was to change the $2.00 per term fee for the chevron, which was In the fall of 1978 I was a graduate student collected automatically each term, from being nonrefundable to refundable (much as the fee at the University of Guelph. I was astonished for the Federation of Students had become to hear that close to 35% of the student body at refundable the year before). Randy musedwith Waterloo had lined up to collect their $2.00 me as to whether it would be possible to get the refunds of thechevron fee. Unfortunately, despite minimum 700 signatures on a petition needed the refundable fee, nothing about the governto force a referendum on this wording. (At that ance or coverage of the paper had improved. It time aminimum of 5% of the student body (i.e., about 700 signatures) was required for this.) I continued on next page
majority present at the meeting, they forced a vote on these proposed new electoralprocedures thatwas carried. The only concessiongranted the moderates (of which I now realized I was one) was that staffwere to be permitted to ratify the vote over the next several days. Following this decision, the election meeting dragged on for another 10hours and the vote for the editor didn't happen untii the wee hours of the followingmorning. Not surprisingly; David Carter, the candidate favoured by the AIA bloc received the most votes. (The vote tally was David Carter 20, Nick Redding 13, and Reid Glenn 0.) Only those with revolutionary zeal, shall we say, and a few of their hardy moderate opponents remained until the vote was finally called. Those who had other plans for that Friday afternoon and evening (such as attendance at classes, studying,part-time jobs,goinghome for the weekend, etc.) were disenfranchised. I was appalled by what I had witnessed. I coined the phrase "democracy by attrition" to describe my view of this sham of a democratic process and I resolved not to let the election result stand. An activist was born in Christopher Dufault. As Randy Barkman, one of the moderate chevron staffers, said to me, "We were so moderate we were extremists!" Following the electoralmeeting,severalof the moderates undertook to f i d every non-AIA bloc staffer listedin the masthead of recent copies of thechevronand asked each of themnot to ratify the election of David Carter. I recall trying for several days to find one stafferwhom1had never met previously. He finally answered the phone just two hours before the midnight deadline for ratification. When he discovered that he had been denied the vote, and I described to him the potential outcome, he readily agreed togo straight to the chevron office and not ratify the vote. As it happened, the ratificationvote was a tie (26 for, 26 against) thus forcing a re-opening of norninations for the position of editor.
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chevron and its replacement with Imprint. Prior to 1978 the electoral procedure had been for staff of the chevron to meet on a Friday afternoonin late winter to hear the candidatesfor the position of editor o u t h e their views and qualifications and answer any questions put to them. This meeting typically took a couple hours and was followed by a ballot vote which ran until the following Monday. The candidates' written statements were posted in the chevron office permitting those who could not attend on Friday to review this information prior to voting. At the 1978 election, however, I was to discover that members and sympathizers of the AIA bloc had other ideas with respect to election procedure. Rather than follow accepted procedures the AIA bloc began the election meeting that Friday, March 3 with an unexpected debate, lasting three hours, on how the vote should be conducted. The view of the AIA bloc was that only those present throughout the electoral meeting could vote. Furthermore, their position was that the vote could occur only at the end of the meeting and was not to be extended until the followingMonday as had been allowed in past years. As the AIA bloc constituted the
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Thank you for your services in celebration o f Imorint's 25th Annivenarv!! I
FRIDAY, JUNE 13,2003
Chevron warrior reunion brought back memories Heather Gowing SPECIALTO IMPRINT
On June 26,1977, a group of students won a fight for democracy here at UW. The Chevron, Imprint's predecessor, had been shut down by the Federation ot Students nine months before, beginning a long, sometimes physical, struggle for reinstatement. O n September 24,1976, Federation of Students President Roberts and the Federation of Students executive held a secret meeting in which they decided to shut down The Chevron. The shutdown was sparked by fear of heavy communist influence in the paper. Some staff members were members of the Anti-Imperialist Alliance (AIA), a campus group that was affiliated with the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). According to the Feds, the paper no longer represented theinterests of the students. Larry Hannant, who became editor later in the year, recalls that 'Yes, there was influence. But I don't think that you could say that we [members of the AIA] had undue influence. This was a democratic staff and the thing you could say about it was that it was the people who were not communist who were extremely vigdant about their point of view and making sure that it [the paper] did not reflect only one perspective." He remembers that the Chevron meetings "went on endlessly because everyone had to have their say. It was ultra-democracy in some ways." Neil Docherty, past production manager, commented that the reunion was possibly the "most civilized Chevmn meeting yet." The paper was run in a democratic fashion. As long as a volunteer made six contributions, she could attend any of the staff meetings and was eligible to vote. The staff meetings were well-attended. Staff members voted on the editor, features and editorials. Hannant commented, "I think that in the end it was a minority influence but maybe even that was too much for some people in both the Feds and the administration of the university."
The day after the Feds decision to close the paper, Roberts and two campus police officers planned to accompany Docherty, Hannant and Doug Wahlsten to the Chevron office as they retrieved their personal belongings. "I just remember that we came back one night and we were locked out and we were told we were to get our possessions. We went in and we just didn't leave," remarked Docherty. That was the beginning of the nine-month, 24-hour a day occupation of the Chevron office. Some staff members practically lived in the office, leaving only to go to classes. These were ordinary people who were propelled into an extraordinary situation. Docherty remembers the first night that they occupied the office. The office received many threatening phone calls. "That was quite frightening at the time when you were young and didn't quite know what you were involved with." As another former staff member, Gerald Kimmons, noted, "I was 18. What did I know?' According to Tom Cody, who had been involved in journalism and production, "after the shut-down there were more people on the paper than ever . .. it just proves that you can bring people from different political spectrums together if there's a key issue." Hannant said there were "lots of ordinary people who had no politics- they weren't interested in politics . . . but they saw this basic issue, which was can a newspaper be arbitrarily closed down by its publisher? It's not right for a Fed executive to just be able to close down the campus paper, lock the office doors and say, s 'sorry, you've violated some political ~ l e w of ours and we're not going to allow you to publish any more."' The staff members continued to publish a paper called the free chevron and the occupation of the office persisted. Their demands were for the reinstatement of the Chevron and an investigation into how and why the paper was closed. To some, it was seen as an adventure. T. Alex Beamish recalled the Chevron struggle as being "like a running gun battle. Every week there was something new." The political
tension was high. Anti-Chevron papers such as The Real Chevron, and the Federation's Bzlllsgye sprang up. One exciting night, a large rock was hurled through the office window very close to the couch where some staff members slept. Luckily, no one was hit. The rock was thrown by Franz Klingender, a Federation of Students executive member. The Chevron's occupants watchedwith amusement as Klingender turned and ran, making it about twenty feet before running into the arms of a security officer. Klingender pleaded guilty to vandalism and later resigned from the Federation of Students. The battle continued, as the Chevron gained support from students sympathetic to their cause. They were unhappy with Roberts' decision and the methods that he used to shut down the paper. Chevron staff collected 2,240 student signatures on a petition submitted to the Feds, resulting in the recall and resignation of Shane Roberts. A few days after the new Feds president took office, the Chevron staffwas given anotice of eviction. When they refused to leave, the students were called to the Ontario Supreme Court, where they wonthe case against eviction.Beamish remembers receiving the injunction. "It had my name on it and I thought, 'Holy shit, it's an injunction from the Supreme court of Ontario with my name onit and a bunch of other names.' And I thought, 'my parents are going to be so pissedif they find out."' Docherttripped up his injunction. Finally, on June 26,1977, four months after the paper's win in court and nine months after the original attempt to shut down the Chevron,
through this experience." Many former staff members are now teaching, helping, or informing people. They have become professors, teachers, award- winning journalists, publishers, social workers and political activists. After their victory, some of the staff members left the paper. Some had invested years of their lives in the Chevron and now that they had won, itwas time to concentrate on hnishingtheir education and move on with their lives. Many staff members stayed and continued to publish the paper. In May 1978, a few former Chevron staff members, engineers and members of the journalism club started a new paper, the Imprint. The Chevron didn't welcome the Imprint, viewingit as more closelytied to the Feds. In 1979, there was a referendum in which the students of the university voted to withdraw student financial support from The Chevron and the paper was evicted from the campus office. Later, students voted for the Imprinttobe the offidalUniversityof Waterloo newspaper. The Chevronmovedto downtown Waterloo and continued publishing; however, it became more isolated and its influence decreased. The Chevron continued to publish until 1982,whenitwas disbandedaccordingtoHeather Robertson. The important result of the Chevron suvggle was the victory that was won and the lessons learned. To Hannant, the most important thing he learned was "that it's possible to motivate people and have to have avictory on democratic grounds." As Docherty said, "It was alot of fun; you would have enjoyed it." Some Chevron staff members now have university age children. When Heather Robertson's
the Federation of Students voted.tolmsg-tAe:
daughterwas applyingto universities shewasvery
Chevron's demands. The paper was reinstated and an investigation into the closing of the paper was organized. 'What's inspiring about it is that ordinary students did that and won a huge victory," said Docherty. It was an experience that the participants will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Peter Blunden, another former staff member, noted, "you're not easily intimidated after going
concerned about what to take. Robertson, who had been involved in journalism at the paper, advised her daughter thatwhat is moreimportant is the people you meet, the things you learn and the experiencesesyouhave. Tomany, "that's what the Chevron was all about."
entirelydependent on funding from advertising revenue, its future was tenuous at best. One Friday afternoon near the end of term I learned that this petition was short by 200 signatures. Progress had ground to a halt with only three days to go to the deadline for submission to the Federation of Students. Had the additional signatures not been obtained by the deadline, Imprint would have had to start the petition process all over again in the next term-if it survived that long! I telephoned the Imprint editor, Nick Redding, from Guelph promising to obtain the addtional signatures before the deadline. Copies of the petition were to beleft in an accessible place in the Imprint office for me to find them when I visited Waterloo that weekend. However, when I arrived at the Imprint office on Saturday afternoon the one staff member present and I were unable to find any copies of the petition. Nor could we find Nick. We decided it had to be in Nick's officebut the door was locked and no one had the key. Somehow I got the door open with the aid of a fork and sure enough, found the blank copies of the petition waiting for me on Nick's desk. In four hours I obtained an additional 250 signatures from students in the EMS library and Village 1; this was more than enough to ensure that the referendum could be held. Once again, close to 90째/o of those who cast their ballots
supported the proposed funding and status of Imprint. As to the chevron, for the next several years, it was published from an off-campus location, dependent on advertisingrevenue and contributions from its dwindling supporters, until it finally ceased publication altogether.
Leacbng the charge against the Chevron continued from previous page
was little more than a campus version of Peoples CanadaDaibNews, the organ of the Communist Party of Canada. Consequently, I decided to telephone the Engineering Society President, whom I had never met, with a proposal that the Society sponsor a new petition--one calling for a referendum to be held by the Federation of Students thatwould ask for removal of funding and office space for the chevron. I provided him with a wording for this petition over the phone and an explanationof the procedure forpetitioning for a referendum. The Engineering Society used my wording and b_y noon ofthe next d q had over 1,000 signatures on the petition, such was the depth of feeling against the chevron at Waterloo. In the resultant referendum held in late November 1978, again, close to 90% of those
who cast their ballots supported removal of funding and office space for the chevron. Having given notice to the chevron, following the referendum, the Federation of Students changed the locks on the chevron office doors in January 1979. After Imprint subsequently took over the office, Randy Barkrnan told me that the chevron fdes that had been left behind held a "hate file," or dossier, on many of those who had opposed the chevron. I was, naturally, one of those named. Thank God the "revolution" never happened or I would surely have been "up against the wall!"
The Third Referendum In the spring termof 1979,Imprintcirculated a petition calling for a referendum to grant it status and funding. As Imprintwas at this point
Thank you for your services in celebration of irnorint's 25th Annivcnarv!!
After reading the above recollections, one might ask whether greater respect was due the views of the AIA members and their sympathizers. I could indeed respect their considerable abilities as journalists and the courage of their convictions. But I would not be a party to their anti-democratic actions and intimidation tactics in the spring of 1978, nor would I permit their influence to result in a newspaper that too often did not reflect the plurality of views and interests of the vast majority of students at the University of Waterloo. I still believe in the rightness of my actions in supporting the three referenda petitions. These petitions gave the students of the University of Waterloo the opportunity to exercise their democratic voice on the kind of newspaper that they wanted. I am delighted to see, 25 years later, a vigorous and highly readable paper in Imprint. I will always treasure my copy of the f ~ sedition t of Imprint and acknowledge the tenacity of Randy Barkman, Nick Redding, John Bast and the many others who made it happen in its first year.
The way thlngs were Impnnt Publications 1978-2003 .1mpnnt25@impnnt.uwaterloo.c~
The University of Waterloo campus seen in August 2002 from above the Old Beechwood neighbourhood. Universitv of
Thank you for your services in celebration of Imprint's 25th Anniversary!! Kitchener, ON 5 19-745-6154
FRIDAY, JUNE 13,2003
Meet vour Waterloo
Imprint evolves: irom typewriters and wax to desktop publishing Laurie Tigert-Dumas IMPRINT STAFF
At Imprint's 25thAnniversary it is with pride I lookbackonmy 13years ofhelpingImprintgrow into the millennium. When I joined as a new production manager employee in 1990, I q r i n t had two typewriters, four computers that used 5 '/4': floppies and an ItekPhototypesetter/Itek MW computer. The business manager used a typewriter to accomplish her days work and the other typewriter sat in the outer office for the volunteers to use for essays,etc. The editor-in-chief and assistant e&tor both had a computer with florescent green screens that had one program.. .word wand. The other two computers were totally "empty" so when you wanted to use one you would start the computer with the boot floppy, the word wand floppy and then the dictionary floppy. Needless to say you never turned the computer off in between jobs. IoperatedtheItekPhototypesetter/ItekMW computerwith the florescent orange screen.The volunteer students would bring their floppies to me that I would insert into the main frame Phototypesetter. I would proofread from the computer as I set the copy to the correct column width and the appropriate fonts. Imprinthad two widths ofpaper, sixinch for copy and eight inch for advertising. Imprint also owned two font films that had to be changed inside the Phototypesetter when you wanted a different font. Once the document was saved to typeset paper, the Phototypesetterwould roll the paper
Into a camster thatwould allow me to remove ~t from the machme, turn off my office l~ghtsand then develop it much the same way as you develop fdm; developer, fixer and stop. Within the productton areawe also had a clothesh e that the typeset paper was hung on u n d dry enough to begmpaste up. W e waung for the copy to dry, work was then done In the "sauna" (dark room) that housed the PMT camera that would make aphotograph or drawmgready forpnnt by addmg d p (dots ~ per inch). With copy and PICtures ready for paste up ~t was back to the
production area to start "cutung and waxing." In the producuon area you were sometunes elbow to elbow and if there wa?-r?pf=spough room on the li&t tatles to work, you then worked on a cutung board. One of the blggest challenges was the wax machine.To get your copy through the machme wthout losmg it in the rollers was the highlight of some nights! Thank God they created glue sacks!! Our trusty exacto kmves came m handy for many dungs such as retnemgcopy in the wax machtne, cumng chpart, film and I even urltnessed a haw cut!!
Wednesdays have always been producuon "all-mghters" even thoughm the early go's, you neededMonday andTuesday mghts too. A ntual that was loved by d was that every Wednesday mght at the stroke of rmdmght the edtor-mchefwould take his crew to the Bomber for a cold one.. ..a tradmon that lasted 21 years!! In 1992-1993,Ed~tor-m-ChefPeter Brown led Impnnt into desktop pubhshmg . .. may we never return to the cutung and the waxmg!!
Imprint moves out of the eighties: a first-hand recollection Fleur Macqueen Smith VOLUNTEER 1986-1989 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, 1989-1990
My best friendTerriShewfelt and1 joined Imprint in the summer of 1986. I remember one of the early assignments I was given: to interview the new president of the Federation of Students. I wasn't too clear on who I was interviewing, so after I was all done, I said, thinking he was some obscure V-P, "Now, just so I can get this right in my story, can you tell me your title?" Imagine my embarrassment when he looked at me, dumbfounded, and said slowly, "President, Federation of Students." I made sure I never wentinto another interviewnot knowing exactly who I was interviewing again! I worked at Imprint every school term after that, and when I graduated in 1989, ran for election against long-timeArts editor PaulDone.
I was elected, but Paul stayed on andwas elected editor the following year. When I think back to Imprint, I remember the long nights of paste-up (all done manually, with waxers and exacto knives),listening to KISS and disco music at full blast. I remember getting pizza and subs every Wednesday production night, and post-mortem meetings every Friday, which we were lured to with donuts. I remember one night when I was the assistant editor, burning through copy with then editorMikeBrown on ourglowing orange screens. T o amuse ourselves in the wee hours we were wearing coffee filters on our heads. In walked a guy I had hung out with the previous week at the Glass Tiger concert I had gone to review (no one else would take the assignment, and I, needing help identifying the songs, had found a true fan willing to assist.) Needless to say, he didn't stay long when con-
fronted with the coffee fdters and strains of "I was made for loving you babyW,corningout of the turntable!! Looking back at Imprint, the one thing I'm proudest ofis starting a Science section;a section that endures to this day. Although I can't take credit for the idea; that goes to my then-boyfriend (now husband) Jeff Smith. I have stayed in science and technology ever since,working as an editor at a computer magazine, in public relations at U of T's faculty of forestry, as an executive assistant at severalsoftware companies, and now as aresearch adrninistrative assistant at the University of Calgary's faculty of medicine. But .7mprintwins,hands down, as the most fun I ever had, and least money I was ever paid, for a job. Here's to another 25 years!! fleur@smithicus.com
page 8-9
A look at the production process. Imprint 1978.2003. imprint25@imprint.uwaterloo.ca /
Start here:
Working with the list of ads sold, the Editor-in-Chief creates section templates usin Adobe Pagemaker
purc?;lasers. Working with the
FRIDAY, JUNE 13,2003
page 10
Flashback ed~tor Neal Moogk-Souhs Flashback
assistant: Andrew
The lmprint The Imprint is an editorially independent student newspaper published b y the Journalism Club, a club within the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Our office is located in the Science Society office i n Biology 1, room 253. We are typeset b y Dumont Press Graphix, paste-up is done o n campus. This is the inaugural issue of the Imprint. Who knows? This date might go down i n history. Working o n the lmprint is creative fun. Why n o t j o i n and end summer boredom. Converted
Dilts impnnt25@imprint.uwaterloo.ca
Imprinters this week were Randy Barkman, Ciaran O'Donnell, John McKay, Steve Coates, Steve Risto, Richard Kular, Frank Morison, Cindy, Nichole Delplace, Steve Hull, Oscar Nierstrasz, Mark Mcguire, Dave Ango, Harry Warr, Tom Greenwood, John Kocemba, Leslie Koch, Ray Clement, John Fauquier, John Vardon, John Jackson, Derek Olson, Ruth Harris, Rick Smit, Colin Cannon. Thanks t o the SciSoc and EngSoc and the Gazette. Special thanks t o the Dumont Ducks, Fraser Cutten, Ron Dzura, and Nick Redding.
lmprln t retrieves tenure tiles For the second time in less than four months, highly confidential information has been left in public view by the math building dock. In May, several hundred student mark reports were left in the recycled paper drop there. Lastweekend it was confidential minutes, tenure documentation and recommendations, and students' exams. Iqtvintvisited the loading dock Saturday on a hunch that confidentialinformation may have been left there. We found the entire fdes of P.C. Fisher, a former Computer Sciencedepartment chairman who had recently left UW to teach at Pennsylvania. Includedin Ficher's fdes were the documentation for severaltenure descisionsin the first half of the 1970's. In one case, involvingaprofessor still teaching here, the tenure advisory committee was unanimous in recommending that his appointment not be renewed. The tenure documentation is of a highly personal nature, consisting of frank personal evaluations of professors by their peers. The
university shrouds tenure decisionswith aveil of secrecy--only the final decisions are ever announced. A complete set of marked exams were includedin the recylcing drop as well. Student mark information is also considered pnfidential by the university-access to it isX;estricted to the student and his academic advisors. Math Dean William Forbes told Imprint that he would discuss the handling of confidential information at the next Math Faculty Counil meeting. He expressed concern about the slack way in which this information had been handled, and said he was pleased it was discovered. The hundreds ofmarkreportsleftin the dock arealast Maywere the output of a computerrun that had gone slightly awry. At that time, Mail Services managerAlLawrence said that there wereprocedures for handling such information, including specialpickup by the PhysicalResourcesGroup. However, independent sources confirmed that confidential information had been left in the loading dock area several times in the past.
Nuclear wastes spilled 1979
The s p a of radioactivematerialrecently in Engineering I, Room 2533 was not the result of negligence and very likely did not consitute a health hazard. This is the opinion of Dr. H.D. Sharma, a member of the University's radiation safetycomrnittee. The spill occurred during a fouth year chemical engineering project under the direction ofDr.J.D. Ford. Am of the projectis to concentrate a uranium waste product called raffinate. Concentration of the waste would facilitatedisposal, a key problem facingthe nuclear industry. The direct cause of the spill, according to Sharma, was a leaking pump gasket. A pan had been set underneath the leak, whichwas thought at the time to pose no hazard. The alarm was raised March 6, however, when radiation safetyofficer Roger Babineau checked the area with a counter and found the radiation
Randy Barkman MARCH 22, 1979
UW got a new student newspaper Wednesday, as every faculty o n campus voted YES t o a $1.75 per term fee for Imprint. The turnout for the lmprint referendum was 18.6 per cent; higher than the January 31 presidential election (15.9 per cent), but much lower than the 38 per cent turnout which disenfranchised the Chevron last November. The Coryphaeus/Chevron had been UW's student newspaper since 1959. Some 77 per cent of those voting supported Imprint. The vote was 2,026 i n support, 600 against. lmprint was formed March 31,1978 b y Chevron staffers w h o had quit the paper, along w i t h other students. It
level abnormally high. The experiment was immediately stopped and the area was roped off. An experiment using equipment near the leaking pump was also halted. Student Brian Limes was sent toHealth Services for blood tests, although Sharma said the purpose of these tests was basically to gather dataand to protect the University's interests. Sharma said that a safe weekly dose of radiation is 100 milliroentgens, and that Limes had received only about 30 rdlxoentgens during a week"about the time of the spill." He would not specifythat this was the weekimmediately prior to the spill's discovery. The area remained out of bounds until the leaked material is analyzed and certified safe by the Port Hope refinerythat suppliedit. Themain danger is that highly active radtoisotopes might have been present in the waste product aside from the relatively harmless uranium.
published twice during the summer and has been published weekly since the fall term. The paper has relied solely on advertising revenue, b u t has accumulated a $5,000 debt. Three weeks ago, the paper became a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), an organization of 63 student newspapers across Canada. Off campus turnout i n the referendum was large, as students voted 686-251 f o ~ Imprint. lmprint had mailed out a leaflet t o off term co-op students at a cost of over $600. Engineering voted 10 t o 1 in support of the paper. Graduate students w h o will not pay the lmprint fee, also voted in favour, 42-31. The lmprint fee will be collected next September, and will be refundable in the first three weeks of term.
The Imprint will next publish July 6 News writing, Sports raportiog, Photography. Copy-editing, Layout, Advertising
-ยงa stomp on aver
and see if the shos Sits.
Waterloo, ON 519-880-9199
Thank you for your services in celebration o f Imprint's 25th Annivenary! !
Need typesetting done? Come to Imprint CC 140
FRIDAY, JUNE 13,2003
Senate passes Women's Studies Len Gamache JUNE 30,1982
The University of Waterloo Senate voted last week to accept aproposal for awomen's studies option, and to establish a programme in gerontology. At the same time, they approved a recommendation by the Senate executive committee which essentiallycalls for more information regardng the establishment of Spanish as a separate department. The Senate will not meet again until September. There was very little debate and only one dissenting vote on the women's studies proposal, whch has been evolving sinceJanuary of 1981in conjunction with Wilfrid Laurier University. It has also been passed by the WLU Senate andwill be offered by bothuniversities as a joint endeavour. The introduction to the women's studes option proposal states: "In the last fifteen years women have been the focus of major research projects, particularly in the humanities and social sciences. "Questions on topics such as social expectations for women, melcal, philosophical and religous assumptions of femalecapacities,women's biological roles and vocational places have been raised and the many answers have been intensely debated. "Because this relatively recent focus in research has become such an important component of contemporary scholarship, the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University willco-operateinthe staffingand teachmgcourses in this field of study. "Students dnormally enter the program in their second year, althoughappropriate courses taken during year one can be applied to the
women's studies option. "Before pre-registration each spring, students should consult with the women's studies co-ordinator andwith the department involved to determine which courses will be available in the coming academic year." Some of the reasons given for malilng the programaco-operativeeffortwith Wilfrid Laurier are the combined strength of library facilities along with other resources. Also, the teaching and research areas of facultymembers from both universities pertairing to the field ofwomen's studies are said to be complcmentary. UW is particularly strong in women's relatedphdosophy, literature, political science and psychology,while Laurier's strengths are history, music, anthropology and sociology. The establishment of a program in geront o l o g y d g i v e students the opportunity to earn a minor in that field by completing 10 half courses. The intention is that candidates would receive a degreein another subject, with parallel additional exposure to gerontology. There are about twenty related courses outlined for the program thus far. Among other proposals passed at the Senate meeting was the establishment of a Risk Institute at UW (effectiveimmediately for a five year period.)The purpose of the Instituteis "To provide a centre for discussion between, and collaborationamong, researchers invariousareas of risk, and to create an organizational framework whereby large projects requlnng muludisciphnary skds could be undertaken. "Such an lnstltute could be expected to attract financial support from busmess and government orgam7auon\ that have to grapplewth major problems ofnsk."The focus~s on technologcal nsks (e.g. Three Mde Island and the hfismsauga d e r a h e n t )
Students' Council becomes sad 'joke' The Students' Council of the Federation of Students consists of a rather diverse group of students representing every area of University academic life, including co-op students. Unfortunately, thesegroups are not beingrepresented at all because there have not been any Students' Council meetings this term. There has not been a council meeting since November 21st, 1982.Last term, every meeting tookplace as scheduled.Duringthe winter term, on the other hand, quorum was never reached. Consequently, meetings were not held and certain issues were not voted on. Marg-AnnPearson,outgoingFederationvicepresident, is undcrstandably frustrated by the situation. "W'e've sent out memos. We've tried everything. It's become a real bone of contention, almost a joke, except that none of us here think it's very funny." Pearson did emphasize that some of the coop councillors were on co-op work terms, far enough away that they could not reasonably be expected to attendmeetings.They were expected, however, to inform someone in advance that they would be unable to attend, and this was rarely done. Pearson added that this past term was a particularly unfortunate one for councillors to have missed."A lot of exciting things were going on." She stressed her~hankstothose counciUors who did come out: "While we did not always
agree, there were always good points brought forward.Their (participatingcouncillors) contributions should be noted." Other efforts to attract councillors to meetings included: press releases, were issued to various campus publications and organizations; a schedule of the entire term's meetings was distributed to councilmembers at the end of thc previous term; and ads were even run in Impriwt, asking councdlors where they were hiding. Pearson pointed out that the responsibiiity for what has transpired extends to the student body, who could have, at any time, done what the University of Ottawa &d recently - initiate impeachment procedures. Unfortunately, nobody really cares, says Pearson. There is hope for the coming term though. As a result of the by-law changes of November 28th, 1982,any councillorwho misses, or is more than thirty minutes late for a council meeting without reasonable cause will automatically be kicked off council and nominations will be reopened. "The executive this term has done double duty" says Pearson. Unfortunately, as a direct result of this, the executive has received a good deal of criticism for "railroading" certain issues. This fact irritates Pearson most of all. Certainly, it is everyone's hope that these events will not be allowed to recur in terms to come. If they were, however, it would be the responsibility of the students to become sufficiengy concerned and motivated to ensure their voice in the Federation.
New Bomber patio Waterloo 10K Classic to run Sundav J
Dorothy Laska JUNE 19,1982
What did the 1800 feet say to the other 1800 feet as they were turning the corner from Albert to Columbia? "Cheer up. You've only got 5 mdes to go." The feet could be saying this on Sunday, during the fifth annual Waterloo 10K Classic. The Waterloo Classic, an open race for runners and joggers of all ages,is sponsored by Athlete's Foot. Race organizers (the Waterloo County AmateurAthleticAssociation)are expectingclose to 2,000 runners this year. (That's five times the number ofpeople you could fit in the Engineering Lecture Hall.) If you haven't registered for the race yet, but would like to run, late registrationwill take place on Saturday at the Athlete's Foot in Waterloo between 10:OOa.m. and 5:00 p.m., and on Sundaj~ at Seagram Stadium from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. O n Sunday,June 20 starting at 10:00 a.m., you can watch or be among the brightly clad runners as they start on Seagram Drive, and continue north on Albert, west on Columbia, south on Hallman, east on Erb, and along University to Lester andinto Seagram Stadium. The one mile mark is approximately the corner at Albert and University. The Waterloo Classicisrecogmed as one of the top 10K (6.2 miles) runs in Canada, for both competition and organization.There are 17winning categories. They include,in addition to the usualmale / female agegroup categories, a family team category, a corporate team category, and, a new addition this year, an open team category. Also new this year will be a play by play
account of the race, sent from the pace car to the Stadium.Now everyonewaiting at the finishwill be able to hear the exciting details of the race. Participating this yearwill be: Linda Staudt, the woman's defendmg champion and one of Canada's top femalemarathoners; Greg Lockart, men's defending champion; and Bdl Britton, fromVancouver, the 1981 Canadian marathon champion. But more than a race for elite runners, the Classicis arace for everyone. There are runners in front of you, runners behind you, and runners beside you. Back at Seagram Stadlum there are hot dogs, compliments of Schneiders, and orange juice from Old South for all participants. Who's running in the Classic?Could be the person sitting next to you in class. There is Rob, who has never run six d e s before, but thought it would be a challengng new cxperience when his joggng class instructor mentionedit; he will be happy just to finish. There is John, who is training for a marathon, and is using the race as a speed workout against good competition. There are Sue and the girls who run all year round, but rarely race; they are running to have fun and are perhaps hoping for a personal best 10K time. Daveis just coming offaninjury buthasrun the Classic for the last four years; he would feel left out watching the race instead of running. Although the Classit should be an enjoyable run, the novice racer should be aware of possible heat injury. Body thermo-regulation (keepingcool) should be a concern for all runners on race day, says Prof. Rich Hughson, a recognized expert on heat injuries and their prevention, and an experienced runner. The first preventative measure is two to
three weeks of acclimatization.That is start running in heat slowly and for short distances, increasing the workload each time. In addition, drink one to two cups ofwater before your regularrun to accustom your system to runningwith water init. The human body can adjust to the heat through time. It's a bit late for that now, but there are still a few things you can do to minimize the possibility of heat injury. One of the most important is to drink lots of water the day before, the morning of, and during the race. Pouring water on your head at the water stations feels good temporarily,but to really cool the body you need to drink is definitely recommended by anyone who has tried to drink the water (stopping to drink is definitely recommended by anyone who has tried to drinkon the run -it tends to splash eveqwhere.) O n the brighter side, there is not too much danger on a rainy day. Running in the rain can be exhdarating- feeling at onewith the elements of nature. Most novice racers are concerned aboutwhat to eat the day before and the day of the race. Prof. Jay Thomson advises that the best pre-1OKdiet is your usual diet. Thomson is a biochemist and physiologist ~nthe IGnesiology department, as well as a masters marathoner. The energy required for a race of this length is easily obtained from the usual sources, says Thomson. For those who might be considering carbohydrate loading the day before Thomson said that although it would do no harm, it probably won't help your performancein a race of this length. For this runner though, a carbo-loading party is one of the best reasons for running the Classic.
By this time you may have noticed the recent addition of apatio to theBombshelter Pub. The Patio was built to diversify our pub operation, to meet the needs of summer students and to provide a service on this campus which most ather university cariipuses, possess. Unfortunately, dve to the irresponsible behaviour of a few individuals,we may have no alternative but to close down the patio operation until next summer, or perhaps indefinitely. Unknown to many, the majority of the licensed outlets on-campus are all covered under one liquor license.The Faculty Club and Graduate House are the only two exceptions. Therefore, in no way can we jeopardize the licensingof other areas such as the Villages, South Campus Hall and the Bombshelter Pub byallowinga Federation-operated establishment to be abused. If people cannot enjoy the freedom of drinking outdoors without infringing upon the rights of others, we will be left with no alternative but to close the Patio. The Federation of Students was established as student voice and a service organization.In the remainder of the term the Students'Council and I will attempt to deliver on all the proposals which were brought forward during the last election campaign. However, without your support all our effort may be wasted. This year could be one of themost successful for the University of Waterloo but we need your input and cooperation. It is necessary to have your understanding and co-operation. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to call me at extension 2478. Wirn Simonis, President, Federation of Students
FRIDAY, JUNE 13,2003
Davis turns sod on new building Rick Nigel MAY 13, 1985
Former Ontario Premier WiUiam Davis thanked the University of Waterloo for naming its new computer research centre after him "while I'm still around to enjoy it." University president Douglas Wright, Secretary of State Walter MacLean and Waterloo Mayor Marjorie Carroll assisted Mr. Davis during the centre's official ground-breakingceremonies at its site in parking lot B on.April 16. Construction of the WiUiam G. Davis Computer Research Centre is to begin this summer andit is scheduledto be completed by September 1986. The total projected cost for the centre is $46,820,000, ofwhich the Ontario government has committed $31.1 million. The remaining $15,720,000will be drawn from WATFUND, Waterloo's fund-raising program.
Math & Computer buildmg's computing centre, which was the largest suchinstallation of its time. Dr. Wright referred to the new Davis Centre as a "milestone in the history and development of this university. . . arecognition of the pioneering work in computer research done at UW." At a press conference before the groundbreaking, Mr. Davis is refused to answer questions on separate school funding, university fundmg, and Premier Miller's refusal to debate his opponents during the provincial election campaign. O n theissue of acid rain, however,he said that he wished to soften rhetoric and work "more in a co-operative sense with (American acid rain envoy) Drew Lewis." Commenting on his appointment as Canadian acid rain envoy, Mr. Davis remarked. "I have to be a optimist, otherwise I wouldn't have taken on the job."
Differencesdownplayed No comment on school funding, debate Featuring two long, glass enclosed walkways the three-storey, building is designed to make maximumuse of naturalfght.~swell,the centre will hold two 250 seat amphitheatres, new library space for Engineering,Math and Science,and will be connected to Engineering3, Chemistry2 and the Math & Computer building. The major occupants of the c e n t r e d be theInstitute for Computer Research, Electrical Engineering research, Systems Design, Mechanical Engineering, and the Computer Science department. PresidentWright cited Mr. Davis' support to past projects at U W as the major reason that the new building- will bear his name. While educaaonmmster 1nthe 6O's, Mr. Dams approved the
Throughout the day's activities,which ended withapresident's Committee dinner at FedHall both Dr. Wright and Mr. Davis downplayed any differences they might have on the question of government funding for Ontario universities. Addressinga conference the day before (April 15). Dr. Wright had stated that the Ontario government provides universities with "the lowest level of support of any of the provinces." The next day, though, he said he had made a "general plea" for more money from all possible sources -- governments, private sector, graduates - and was not necessarily targeting Queen's Park for criticism. For his part, Davis noted that it is natural for Dr. Wright to seekhigher funding and that it would be "unfortun;tte if a (universty) president &dn't ask for more money."
No taxation on menstruation Cathy McBride JULY 16, 1982
Wearing buttons with slogans like "No taxation for Menstruation," Barbara Saunders marched to the steps of the OntarioLegislaturelastmonth. Her expected support was not evident, but Saunders was a demonstration in herself. For four weeks previous, Sunders had been circulating her "Petition Against the Budget," mainly in protest of the new tax on feminine hygiene products such as tampons and sanitary napkins. In those weeks, she collected approximately 5000 signatures from all over Southern Ontario. Saunders said that the petition really circulated itself. She started the ball rolling by sendingit to women's groups and universities; these organizations passed it on themselves. Saunders' next step was to the Legislature where she presented the petition to Herb Epp, MPP for Waterloo North. She had hoped to have supporters with her at the legislature, but because of time restrictions the planned rally never really materialized. However, Saunders was quick to point out that despite the lack of visibility, the support for the petition was and is still there. The petitionis stillin circulation and Saunders has been collectingcomrnents from the signees. Many see the tax as another form of discrimination against women: "It is shocking that the provincial government discriminates against women by exploiting a biologicallyintrinsic function of females from which the government expects to collect taxes to pay for bureaucratic nonsense," was one comment from Toronto.
A different light: Harvey Milk's hope Alan Yoshioka MARCH 29,1985
*(Sffer valid fop UW & WLU &u&nta @ s W only UW or WLTT IdanWoatton muat ?xpremnted at m e a f pmm -- unit of one per pf3ssaxa
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Another carried it further: "The women in our society are directly bearing the brunt of the governemcnts' incompetence and I would suggest that Mr. Epp present the obvious list to the legislature on the 21st: inadquate day care, no equal rights or pay; no adequate way of forcing men to pay child support, no Canadian Pension Plzn for housewives. There are many others but this ludicrous tax on sanitaryproducts for women is really the final straw." Even the National Action Committee on the Status of Women commented. "I can't imagine a government being so obtuse as to put such an obviously unfair and ridiculous tax on items which are certainly necessitiesin everywoman's life. In the face of justified anger the tax has caused,we hope the taxwill be withdrawn-and quickly." Herb Epp hopes the tax will bew withdrawn as well. He question provincial Treasuer Frank W e r in the legislature on June 21st, asking when Miller is going to remove the tax, and whether he believed tampons are essential?Miller declined to answer, telling Epp that he would have to wait for the committee stage of the budget. Epp later formally presented the petition to Miller in the Legislature.Miller left just before the petition was presented. Barbara Saunders isn't daunted by Miller's reaction to her petition. If nothing happens at the committee, she is prepared to keep the petition alive all summer. "If this doesn't work, I'll organize the biggest demonstration this place has ever seen...Give me a month and I'll be back with 20,000 signatures."
The winner of the 1984Academy Award for Best Docurnentaryis The TimesojWarueyMiIk,an intricate, lively and compelling history of North America's f i s t openly gay electedofficial. O n November 7, 1977, Harvey Milk was elected San Francisco city supervisor. He and Mayor George Mascone were shot to death November 27, 1978, by former supervisor Dan White. That night, forty thousand mourners, gay and straight together, walked to city hall, in avast sea of candlelight, composing one of the film's most beautiful and stirring images. White, a former policeman, was tried on two counts of first-degree murder. The defence explained that White had crackedunder terrible personal, moral, and political pressures at city hall, described the confessed killer as a defender of traditional family values, and said he had been thrown off-balance mentally by his junk food binges, what became known as the "Twinkie defence." White's lawyer told the jury there was no premeditationwhen White climbed into city hall through a window to avoid a metal detector, shot hloscone, and reloaded his gun before running to Milk's office and shooting him. The all-heterosexual,all-white jury returned averdict of guilty of voluntary manslaughter; White was sentenced to five years in prison andis now free. The gay community was outraged. Fiye thousand demonstrators converged on city hall; in the ensuing riot a dozen police cars were torched and the totaii damage came to three
hundred thousand dollars. Shortly after his election,Milktaped a speech, to be played only in the event of his death by assassination. He urged that people build constructively on their anger at his death: "I would like to see every gay lawyer, every gay architect come out, standup andlettheworld know. That would do more to end prejudice overnight than anybody could imagine." In office, Milk's major political accomplishment was the overwhelming defeat of Proposition 6, a state-wide referendum on f ~ n all g gay andgay-positiveteachers from California schools. At the No-on-6 celebration rally he said: "This is only the first step. The next step, the more important one, is for all those gays who did not come out, for whatever reasons, to do so now. To come outto allyour famdy, to come out to all your relatives, to come out to aUyour friends - the coming out of a nation will smash the myths once and for all." Milk's victory was an inspiration to gays and lesbians in cities and small towns across the continent, a sign that the doors could be opened by anyone. His taped message ends: "...my election gave somebody else, one more person, hope. And after all it's not about power -it's aboutgivingthose young people out thereinthe Altoona, Pennsylvania's hope. You gotta give them hope." The closing scene of the f h shows a smiling Harvey Milk leading the Gay Freedom Day Parade onJune 25,1978; thevoiceover is from that tape: "If a bullet should enter my brain, let the bullet destroy every closet door." Every closet door. One more down, how many to go?
FRIDAY, JUNE 13,2003
UW considers condom machines Recent emphasis on AIDS prevention and ongoing concerns about birth control and other sexually transmitted diseases have prompted a call to make condoms widely available on campus. Currently students have to go off campus to purchase condoms. The Birth Controlcentre (BCC),Health and Safety,and the Federation of Students are pushing for condom vending machines in campus washrooms and the sale of condoms in campus shops. A company that installs such vending machines, as well as servicing and restockmg them is being considered, said Kylie Hutchinson of the Birth Control Centre. Having an outside company look after the machines witl not cost the university anything-they are merely giving the company the privilege of putting the machines on campus, she said. The possibility of selling condoms in the campus shops is also being considered, said Hutchinson. The BCC is hoping condoms sold in the shops would be sold cheaper than at the pharmacies, she said. The BCC would like to see the vending machmes located in enough washrooms on campus so the machines appear commonplace, said Hutchinson. They want to avoid having the machines associated with the pubs on campus, she said. The BCC is pushing for the sale of condoms
on campus because the centre advocatestheir use yet they cannot be purchasedwithout going off campus, said Huchinson. Dean of Students Ernie Lucy said, "the university has no objection" to the sale of condoms on campus. "With the concern over AIDS we'd be very irresponsible if we took any other position," he said. In the past there were condom vending machines on campus but they werevanddzed, said Lucy. He said there is "no reason why they shouldn't be returned to campus," however, they should be put in places where they dnot be vandalized. The Dons in the Villages have a supply of condoms available for students on their floor and students areinformed of their availabilityat floor meetings, said Warden of Residence Ron Eydt. Although thereis this distribution system in existence in the Villages, ifinstahng condom vending machines is more appropriate, he will do it, said Eydt. "The Don distribution system works very well in residence," he said. In past, condom vending machines were in the public washrooms invillage, however, there was a problem with vandalism, said Eydt. He said at the time the machines were not used cnough relative to the damage done to them. Eydt said he would rather condoms be available free of charge to villagers and through the Birth Control Centre than see someone make money from thelr sale. He said in principle the idea for the machines is good but he is concerned
Building the ultimate solar car Dave Lawson MAY
5. 1989
Waterloo students hope shewillbe their ticket to international acclaim in the field of solar car racing. Her name is Midnight Sun, and although she remains mostly on the drawing board, she will be a lean, mean, solar-racing machine: the product of the brainpower of a cross-disciplinary team of UW students, profs and outside consultants. Theyare hopingshewillbe the bestthat $50-100,000can buy. M~dnightSun dbe one of only two Canadian cars raced by teams selected by General Motors for next summer's "Solarayce USA". Solar cells will start soakingup the rays at Disney World, Florida on July 8, 1990; the event d wind up nine days later at - where else - the General Motors plant in Detroit, h'fichigan. Teams received start-up funds of$5,000 (US) from GM and $2,000 (US) from US. Department of Energy. They are expected to raise the remaining funds through corporate sponsorships. Thirty-one cars will race the 1800-mde distance, fuelled only by the sun's power and twohour battery-chargng periods at the start and finish of each racing day. The Waterloo teamis led by Marc Gagnon, a third-year mechanical engineeringstudent from Ottawa. So far, there are more than a dozen team members, he says, "and that number is growing all the time!" There are as many disciplines involved as there are components to avehicle, says Gagnon. "Those of us in mechanical engineering will design and build the body, core transmission and motor. Electricaland computer engineering students will help with power electronics and controls. Systems design engineering students are working on simulation and computer control programs." Most of the students will receive academic credt for their contributions to the project. The 31 teams were selected by a board convened by GM, based on proposals submitted by over 60 universities. GM President Robert
Stempel said the high quality of the proposals "proved the value of the approval process as an
educationalexercise." Waterloo races against the University of Ottawa as well as MIT, among other American giants. Butifthereis a spirit ofcompetitiveness, there is also camaraderie--even at h s early date. Says faculty supervisorAlfredBrunger, "Everybody's going to come out of this a winner ... we're all working towards the same end, and that's getting the public interested in solar energy." GM hosted a mid-April orientation seminar for the teams in Detroit, andBrunger says "there was a tremendous feeling of excitement ... certainly there's the competitiveelement,but there's also a sense of working together to solve an excellent engineeringdesign problem." Rrunger notes Ghf has structured the race to ensure a feeling of unity as well. According to the race rules, ''N.cars will gather at a common stopping point each night ... the day-end stops along the route will provide gather points for all the participatingteams." The racewinnerwill be the car with the lowest elapsed time in completing the entire course. The highest speed achieved by a solar car to dateis 80 mdes an hour, aNovember 1987record . The distinction belongs to GM's "Sunraycer." Built at acost of over $66d o n , that car reached average speeds of about 42 miles an hour at The World Solar Challenge in Australia. If the UW teamwins next summer's race, they wdl compete in 1990's World Solar Challenge. Next summer will ~ obet the first time UW students have enteredvehicles in races. UWwon Canada's first solar car race last spring using a photo-voltaic (PV)vehicle, powered by relatively inexpensive solar cells similar to those used in calculators. UW engineers have also won nationalandinternational prizes for fuel-efficiency with student-built cars. "In England, we achieved the third-highest miles per gallon in the world," says Brunger. 'We're pretty good at pushing a vehicle along using a very small amount of power," he grins. He was not referring to the engineers' annual bus push.
a b o u t w h o d m a k e money from the sale of the condoms, whether there are other better dtstributionmethods and where the machmes should be located. Andrew hboucher, Federation of Students vice-president-operadons and finance,saidit is odd the Feds spendmonep on the Birth Control Centre yet there is nowhere on campus to purchase birth control except Health and Safety which distributes the p a . He said the Feds are looking into having the vending machines installed in the washrooms in Fed facilities. Director of Health and Safety Dr. Barb Schumacher said UW is one of the few uriiversities that does not have condom vending machines on campus. She said that if students are being instructed about STDs and AIDS but thereis no convenientway togetprotection, it is difficult for them to act on the knowledge they receive. The machines should be placedin such areas as the residences, Fed Hall, the Campus Centre, and otherplaces openin the eveningwhere they may be useful, Schumacher said. The machines do not all have to be all over campus right away, but justin keyplaces,she said. Students canmake it knownwhere theywant themachines, she said. Schumacher said she believes students d respond to the confidentiality of buying condoms from the machines.
Students rally to protest cuts James Russell NOVEMBER 4.1994
O n Friday, October 28, the Federation of Students arranged arallp to protest the federalgovernment's planned cuts in transfer payments. These payments, currently worth $2.6 billion annually, are made to the provinces for postsecondary education. The rally was held outside of Andrew Telegdi's office. Telegdiis currently the MP for Waterloo, but used to be the President of the Federation of Students. Approximately 25 people showed up to join in the protest. "The rally that took place outside ofAndrew TelegdiMP for Waterloo's office this morning is just one example of what the Federation of Students is doing to voice student concerns over the aforementioned proposal. We ask for public support from both l t c h e n e r and Waterloo in order to raise awareness and support for the students who could potentially suffer from the doubling of tuition by the year 1997," said a document received by Imprint from the Federation. There will be a forum on campus to discuss these concerns. It will be held in Engineering One on November 10 at 7 p.m. Andrew Telegdi andJohn English (MIJ Iatchener) wdl be attending and will be prepared to answer questions.
FRIDAY, JUNE 13,2003
Imprint sex
Adam Evans MARCH 3, 1995
survev results Diging through the Imprint bound volumes orJe can jnd the most interesting things. A sex survy was printedin the October 17, 1997 issue oflmprint and the results wereprinted in the October 3 1 issue aspart o f a special Sex sgpplement. The supplement covered eveything from abstinence to BDSM to sexual4 transmitted disease and evelything in between the sheets. It's really not surprising. In terms of the number of responses, the first ever Imprint Sex Survey has blown away any that Imprinthas tried in recent memory, including our annual Reader Survey. Out of 220 responses, 103 came from women and 117 came from men. All values are given as percentages of those surveyed who answered yes.
Sexual Orientation Homosexual Male: 9.4 Female: 3.9 Bisexual Male: 1.7
Female 12.6
Average age at which you lost your virginity Male: 17 Female: 17 How many people have you had sex with? Male: 5.2 Female: 4.6 Parents know how sexual active you are Male: 33.3 Female: 39.8
An you ask for what you want during sex Male: 68.4 Female73.8
Does size matter? Female: 37.9 Currently dating Male: 53.8 Female: 56.3 What do you find attractive in a sexual partner? Height, hair, breasts, eyes, smile, face, sexual attitude, body, "that I love h i m , "has feelings for me", felinity,trustworhness, nice set o'legs, butt, personality,intelligence, sex drive, genuine, pussy, virginity, compassion, care, open mind, cuteness, hands, smell, confidence. Toys you use Handcuffs, nightstick, butt plugs, dildos, blindfolds, penis rings,vibrators, beads, creams andlotions, neck ties, safetypins, candles,whips, shoelaces Animal noises you make Cat (meowing and purring), primal beasttype, snortings, platypus croaks, pig, growls, barks, bear, horse, cow, graffe (soft moo), baboon, rooster, seal, sheep, wolf, dolphin, kookaburra, R 2 D 2 Weird places you've had sex Lake, back of a speedboat, floaung dock, phonebooth, side of 401, hangng on a rope from the bottom of a zeppehn (5Ire, but funny - Ed), washing machine, St. Jerome's church, lutchen counter, ASU office, auplane bathroom, pubhc shower, EL 101,MC 2066, SLC elevator, park bench, in a tree, cematary,playground, on a ladder going up, tower, dnveway, wall, East 3 dunng construcnon Foods you use Wine, peanut butter, creme de menthe, Nutella, chocolate syrup,bean burrito, bananas, yogurt, cucumber, zucchini, ice cream, baklava, Pringles,cherries, strawberries,whipped cream, Brown Cow, maple syrup, honey, olive oil,Jello, peanuts, pudding, carrots, caramel,Bdep's Irish Cream, Werther's Original Candies
Have you ever.. Had sex with another person? Male: 89.7 Female: 93.2 Had sex with more than one person
ADREPRINT. SEPT 13,1996.15
Imprint staff has decided to put the weekly edition of UW's student newspaper on the World Wide Web for accessthrough the Internet and campus computer networks. As of this issue, Imprint is now on-line. The World Wide Web is a collection of documents hosted by various corporations, organizations, andindividuals on the Internet to provide information to users around the world. This information is provided in the form of text, pictures, video and sound, which are usually linked to other documents that provide similar and pertinent information from somewhere else in the virtual world. Unlike other methods of navigating the information highway, the World Wide Web provides an easy, point-and-clickway to access literally d o n s of pages of information in truly spellbinding fashion. In fact, since its generalreleaseinJune of 1993,Mosaic ad other World Wide Web browsers have become the most popularway to find and distribute information on the Internet. At a recent university newspaper conference, hosted by Imprint, Niall Wallace of Guelph's student newspapers spoke about the ease of
at the same time? Male: 11.5 Female: 14.6 Given oral sex? hIale: 92.3 Female: 91.3 Received oral sex? Male: 87.2 Female: 88.3 Performed oral sex on yourself? Male: 6.0 Female: 0 Had anal sex? Male: 33.3 Femalc18.4 Had phone sex? Male: 46.2 Female: 39.8 Had sex on the Internet? Male23.9 Female: 19.4 Had and orgasm? Male: 100 Female: 77.7 Had multiple orgasms? Male 41.0 Female: 57.3 Masturbated? Male: 98.3 Female: 77.7 (three men lied! -Ed.) Engaged in mutual masturbation? Male: 70.9 Female: 53.4 Used sex toys? Male: 35.0 Female: 35.0 Had sex while others watched? Male: 17.9 Female: 11.7 Videotaped yourself having sex? Male: 11.1 Female: 4.9 Watched others have sex? Male 19.7 Female: 11.7 Watched porn? Male: 94.8 Female: 64.1 Given money in exchange for sex? Male: 12.0 Female: 0 Receivedmoney for sex? Male: 2.6 Female: 1.0 Lied to get someone into bed? Male: 22.2 Female: 11.7 Told someone you loved them to get them into bed? Male: 16.2 Female: 2.9 Used food (whipped cream, hot dogs, corn flakes) during sex? Male: 54.7 Female: 59.2 Had a one-night stand? Male: 45.3 Female: 42.7 Had sex while under the influence of alcohol or drugs? Male: 65.0 Female: 71.8 Been caught while having sex? Male: 41.9 Female: 31.1
putting their newspaper on-line. The Ontario, which as been on the Internet for about two months now, has had readers from the US., Germany and Australia, as well as from all across Canada. It also includes such interesting features as soundclips fromrecord andvideo reviews, and an option to e-mail aletter to the editor.Wallace urged all those in attendance to consider opening their papers to the world by putting them on the Web, promoting both the university and the newspaper. He also discussed how itwould be easier to access news stories on campuses around the counuy to allow university newspapers a national scope on countqmnde issues. Currently there are four Canadian universities that are known to have all or part of their student newspaper on the Web: The Peak - Simon Fraser University, The Ontarion- University of Guelph, The Muse - Memorial University of Newfoundland and Imprint. With luck, Imprint will go on-line on Friday's as the paper version hits the campus. Having the paper on-line d l allow students, alumni, potential applicants, and co-op students working in other cities (yho have access to the Internet) to keep up to date with issues and events on-campus.
Had sex in your parents bed? Male:31.6 Female:31.1 Had unfulfilling sex? Male: 75.2 Female: 80.6 Worn a costume (cowboy hat, French Maid's outfit) to enhance foreplay? Male: 16.2 Female: 16.5 Used sex as a weapon/for revengelfor sympathy? Male: 20.5 Female: 27.2 Done it doggy style? Male: 79.5 Female: 71.8 Been injured/inflicted injury during sex? Male: 42.7 Female: 49.8 Fantasized about someone other than yourpartner whde engaged in any sexual activity? Male: 62.4 Female: 52.4 Found a "G" spot? Male: 36.8 Female: 41.7 Faked an orgasm? Male: 27.4 Female: 57.3 Disturbed other people with excessive noise during sex? Male: 30.8 Female: 53.4 Had sex with someone whose name you didn't know? Male: 17.9 Female: 11.7 Had sex with a friend's girlfriend/boyfriend? Male: 15.4 Female: 17.5 Practised transvestitism/sadism/masochism/ necrophilia/other? Male: 17.1 Female: 23.5 Said the name of someone other than your partner during sex? Male: 6.0 Female: 14.6 Talked dirty during sex? Male: 59.8 Female:53.4 Made animal noises during sex? Male: 29.9 Female: 17.7 Had sexwithout amethod ofprotection against STDs? Male: 62.4 Female: 60.2 Picked up/been picked up in a bar? Male: 38.5 Female: 51.5 Experimented outside your usual sexualpreferences? Male: 24.8 Female: 31.1 Had sex for more than three hours in a single session? Male: 53.8 Female: 41.7
FRIDAY, JUNE 13,2003
The Johnston era begins UW's fifth resident takes office Robin Stewart JUNE 4,1999
"I didn't think1would ever do one of these things again," said David Johnston just a few hours after moving into the University of Waterloo President's office. Johnston has been out of the administrative business since 1993, when he concluded a 15 year stint as principal of McGill University. After five years of working hard tb re-establish himself as a law professor, the lure of innovation and an information technology focus brought Johnston to Waterloo. Johnston, loohng ahead to the next five years, sees a "more attractive, more positive" period, regardless of which party forms the next Ontario government. Johnston cites the elimination ofgovernment deficits and the return of strong economic growth as good evidence that Ontario should have more funds to spend on its public institutions for years to come.
Johnston agreeswith his predecessor Dr. Downey that agreat percentage of funding that universities will receive over the next few years will be targetedat specificprograms. He looks toward convincing both federal and provincial governments to provide universities with fundmg for basic, fundamental operations as a major challenge for universities in the near future. O n tuition, Johnston noted that he is a strong believer in "accessible, affordable and attractive" education. "It seems to me [that it is] important thatwe be sure that thereis an accessible place in further education for every qualified student." He cautioned that we should be ensuring that everyplace is a "place of quality". Johnston didn't have any f m statements with regards to what an appropriate level of tuition might be, emphasizing bursaries, scholarships and loan forgiveness as key toguaranteeing accessibility. Johnston also notes that he sup-
ports giving universities more freedom to dealwith the accessibilityofits programs. He made particular mention of "working hard to eliminate financialbarriers" for people fromless affluent backgrounds, while suggesting that those from more affluent backgrounds might legitimately be asked to pay for a larger portion of their education. Lackof scholarship support is the number one reason cited by prospective students for choosing not to attend the Universityofwaterloo. This is an area on which Dr. Johnston wants to give some focus. Johnston noted that findmg scholarship support for our liberalarts programs which he caUs "the core of the university"d be a difficult challenge. Johnston also spoke about the importance of measuring how we function as a community as something he would like to focus on. Johnston was deeply impressed with attention paid by the Board of Gover-
nors and the staff to the renewal of campus residence space and hopes to find other similar areas of concentration which will help improve the quality of life in the campus community. Finding a balance between freedom and guidance for students and between academic and social programming would be an important part of suchaprocess. When asked about last year's cancellation of a student organizedrave at FedHall,Johnston replied that he had "noviews on that subject." Johnston did note, however, that he "sympathized with both parties." Asked about the publication of course evaluations, Johnston noted that he supported the concept, declaring that "all of us should be accountable for our teaching." He added that the publicationof that material should be handled with responsibihty, sug-
gesting that "how we constructively improve," and "howwe celebrate the good," should be the major focus of such work. Johnston himself plans to d o some teaching duringthe course of his term as president. Johnston suggested that computer science and applied health sciences would be the likely recipientsof his teachingefforts. Johnston and AHS professor Mike Sharrat will be givinga seminar in the near future on the information highway and tele-medicine. Johnston d spend his first few months in office uylng to "come to understand the unique qualities of the University," and doing "lots of listening." He d be paying particular attention to how UW stays to strong with relatively little promotion and lookingatwhat makes it such a healthy, civic community.
Countdown to
January 1,2000 is being hailed as the day fro revellers to joyously commemorate the last 2000 years while authorities try to cope with the millennium madness. The date holds specialimpomce for someUniversityof Waterloo students whowait to seethe results of the Y2K chaos that is expected toprecedlgthe new year. Many of these students feel they've grown up with the Y2K bug. "I think my generation has maturedwith theY2K bug. We were one of the first computer generations and (Y2K) has been talked about for the last 10-15 years. Coders in the 1970s forgot to put in the extra two digits for the dates in their algorithms, which causedmy generation to feel the effect of non-compliant Y2K computers," says Peter Ciglenec,agraduatingMath student. "I've been hearing about Y2K for quite a few years, over theTV. Professors have been talking about it and people have been sayingthat a big crash might occur and we might be doomed. It didn't seem very significant at first, but as the year 2000 approached, it developed a sinister connotation." Anis Ahmad, a first-year Computer Science student and former Nortel webmaster, indicated that the Y2I< experience has not been without irritation. "I had to move a whole series of websites from one server to the next, andin the process I had to fm up dozens and dozens and dozens of h k s and make sure everything's working propcrly the way it was before. Although it was tedious, Nortel wanted to make sure everything was prepared forY2Kwellin advance. So I had to be careful there were no mistakes (and) I had to do it manually." Although many students lament the advent ofY2K, they do acknowl-
edge the connection between their generation and the famousbug. 'We're so dependent on computers, that we won't be able to function," said firstyear Applied Studies student Jillian Skene ofwhat might happen if disaster ensues when the clock strikesmidnight. Skene is confident, however, that she can count oncriticalcomputer systems beingY2Kcompliant before it's too late. Many other students share that opinion. 'You couldmake
a comparison to the ice storm. People had the motivation to get things fixed despite the immense destruction. So I don't foresee a big problem," says Jeffrey Dungen, a second-year Computer Engineering student. Ciglenecrecommends keeping the mood festive, saying, "The rumor in SiliconValleyis that Microsoft's officialrelease date for Windows 2000will be delayed at least until the second quarter of 1901."
kpt. 4/98
Sspt. 18/98 kpt. 22/98
UW co-op to go online
Osh 2/98
New svstem to be online by February
Oet. 9/98 Oat. 16/98 Oat. 23/98 Oat. 30/91
Greg Picken
JANUARY 30,1998 As the twentieth century draws to a close, the University of Waterloo's Co-op Department is preparing to meet the future with a complete overhaul of the job application process. While their predecessorsused apaperintensive regiment dating from the early days of the program, future students will soon be able to view all postings, scheduling and rankings on the World Wide Web. Gonewill be the days of hundreds of students packedlikeJapanese commuters into the basement hallway in Needles Hall and the mass production of thousands of resumes. Instead, when the systemis fully implemented, every function of the application process will be handled using Web-based technology. These new innovations will allow the postings to be done entirelyonline. Co-op students will then be able to respond to the postings on the Web, and later, find their interview schedules posted all from the comfort of their residence room. Of primary significance for stu-
dents, this newsystemcan beaccessed from any terminal on campus or from home, which, for a campus that prides itself onits technologicaladvancement, represents a dehniteimprovementover the current system. David Thomas of Co-op says it is the hope of the department that this new system "will streamline theprocess for employers and students." The new s y s t e m d be a boon for employers, as they will be able toview student applications and resumes online and easily submit new job and interview information, eliminating a wastell paper trail. SaysThomas, the response so far from the employers has been "quite positive." The idea to computerize the system has been kicking around the department for a few years, but itwasn't until the fall of 1996 that discussion began with Academic Software Inc. (ASI)to produce aweb-based system. Adealwas struckin October 1996and ASI.and the Co-op have been developing the new software ever since. The tentative schedule anticipates a limited pilot run next fall, with full implementation in the Winter 1998 term.
FRIDAY, JUNE 13,2003
Want to know how to have sex? Admin drops
Lauren S. Breslin SEPTEMBER 14, 2001
When the 2001 frosh supplement edition of Imprint was released on August 31 featuring acentrefold article with the title "How to Have Sex," university officials were swift in expressing their disapproval and responded by banning the issue from Village 1, Ron Eydt Village, King Village and the Columbia Lake Townhouses. The article,written by Amy Po& and illustrated by Evan Munday, was intended to parody sex in residence and to characterize some of the challenges experienced therein. The article dealt with topics like communication, accommodation, variation and abstinence with regard to sex that Imprintfeltto be ofrelevance to frosh and their preparation for life on campus. First-year student and Ron Eydt Village resident Becca Wadley agrees. "I personally didn't find [the article] offensive," said Wadley. "It answers some important questions, and people need to know these things." In fact, itwasn't the text of the piece that was condemned, but the images that accompaniedit: namely, five cartoons of fully-clothed students engaged in various sexual acts. Believed to be in poor taste, the drawingsweresubjectto criticism from Leanne O'Donnell, h e c t o r of student life, Bud Walker, director of business operations, and, in turn, all of the village dons. Following a collective decision deeming the papers offensive, the issue was prohibited from all campus residences. In response to the ban, Imprint posted letters of explanation on all of the empty newspaper racks to defend
Ryan Chen-Wing JANUARY 24,2003
their choice in running the article and to encourage students to read the issue before forming an opinion on the matter. When the letters were repeatedly torn down by unknown parties, Imprintissued apress release, andwithin days, the storyhad received coveragein national and localmediaincluding the Toronto Star, the Toronto Sun, the Record, the Ontarion, as well as on CKCO TV, CBC Radio, and St. Catherines7AM610. The ban was consistent with censorship efforts associated with the provost's advisory committee for orientation towards dissolving the frosh weekstereotype as aweekofnon-stop drinking, partylng and sex. The article was thought to misrepresent the ideals of the university,and to send the wrong message to both students and their parents. Indeed, the reactions of parentsif they were to see the article on movein day -was of pressing concern to
O'Donnell, and was an important factor in her decision. O'Donnell - who spearheaded the ban - did not return Imprint's phone calls. She did, however, offer her comments to a host of other news outlets, including CKCO television. Imprint editor-ln-chief, Ryan Matthew Merkley, was unapologeticin the face of the hubbub. "We used some controversial images to transmit information which we found to bevaluable," commented Merkley. "We're talhng to students openly and honestly about sex, and I thinkwe were fair to the topic. No one is telling them that they have to have sex. I don't think theimages are offensive -they're cartoon drawings for God's sake." The upside to this recent controversy is that the attentionhas prompted UW students to take issue with the debate over censorshipversusthe freedom of the press, and to examine both arguments more critically.
Co-op building consultation Ryan Chen-Wing FEBRUARY 2,2001
RobenE. Allen commented that "The entrance of the universityis a bit grim." Allen, alongwithVictorJaunkalns, were the two architectswho presented the new co-op buildingplans to co-op students on Tuesday. "This building will help create a landscape entrance to this academic institution and allow us to keep the grassy knoll." Allen and Jaunkalns, who are from hIacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects and are also both graduates of the UWarchtecture program, presented computer graphics of the floor plans and three-dimensional renderings of co-ops' proposed new home. "We are familiar w ~ t hthe co-op process," Allen explained, "but there are not alot of co-op buildmgs around to model after or compare." They presented their proposal to the ten co-op students who showed up, as well as Mark Schaan, VP EducationofFeds;BruceLumsden, Director of Co-op; and Dan Parent, University Architect.
The building, which is to be located just east of Arts Lecture Hall, is long and slender to keep the large swath ofland from thegrassy knoll to Ring Road. The existingco-op space in Needles Hall is about 1,860 square metres and the proposed building would provide 3,440 square metres. As a longer slimmer building it provides natural light for most rooms and allows easy circulation of people. The south end of the buildingwould house most of the staff and would be locked outside of office hours to allow students to use the rest of building in later hours of the day. Glass and brick are the primary materials of the building; t h e g l a s s d allow transparency. "If you think of any buildng on campus, they are completely armoured," Allen commented, contrasting the design with existing UW' buildings. "Apparently we are in the 2Ixcentury but initially we had the longest job board in the world," Allen quipped. Schaan explained that postings, now on the wallsinNeedles Hall, dbe on computer but that they "still are looking at allowing a paper
copy of postings in binders." The presentation generated many questions. Simon Woodside, a proponent of the Co-op Society, asked about a student office. Allen replied that it would be located at the top of the stairs on the second level. The office would house the Co-op Student Advisory Group or possibly the Co-op Society in the event of a "yes" vote in the upcoming referendum. Woodside suggested that the student office should be bigger and on the first floor. Nicholas Gilhoolywho is one of the student members on the building committee explained, ''We were trying to fit it onto the first floor but there isn't much space, so the top of the stairs is the best we could fmd." Another question was how many more rooms d there be. Currently there are about 60 rooms yet the proposal allows for 101 rooms. Another possibleuse for the rooms outside of interview times is as meeting and study space that could be booked. The building proposal sdlneeds to be approved by the Board of Governors but if it goes ahead maybe our campus will be a bit less gnm.
Bud Walker shut down the Bombshelter and Federation Hall indefinitely when UW administration disallowed further alcohol service under the university licence. Walker, director of business operations for the university, saiditwas because of safety concerns, while the Federation of Students characterizesitas anunnecessary violation of its autonomy. The university announced that Feds liquor service must stop at midnight on Monday night after Feds president Brenda Koprowskirefused to attend a meeting Monday, January 19,as requested by UW provost Amit Chakma, because she had not been presentedwith an agenda. The meeting was seen as an attempt to force Feds to commit to a management structure thatincluded UW managers of the bars. Student leaders reacted by handing out flyers and organizinga protest for the Monday evening. 'We're going to rally students. It's more than the bars; it's about admin encroaching on our autonomy," said Feds VP adrninistration and finance Chris Di Lullo. The university pre-empted the protest by ordering the Bombshelter closed at around six o'clock. Uniformed police officers were present at the time of the closing and watched the doors after the shutdown. Bomber staff outside the closed doors gave students the news and students who had come for the protest and the last Bomber night were given a petition to sign. "It was very quiet," said Staff Sergeantwayne ShorttonTuesday. 'We talked to a couple groups of students and listened to their concerns. They wanted to know both sides of the story." Nicole MacIntyre, a reporter from The Record who was on hand for the closing, said that UW administration had called The Record at about five o'clock, whch was around the time the decision was made. Feds didn't find out until almost an hour later, shortlybefore the Bomberwas forced to close. The dispute centres around who should manage the Feds bars after the beating of a man outside Fed Hall after a New Year's party. The Kitchener man, who is a former Conestoga College student, was beaten up in parking lot R, down a pedestrian path from Fed Hall. WaterlooRegonalPolicecharged three men from Mississauga. The Monday following the attack university administrators met with Feds. They gave them the option of accepting an interim management structure with thc hcad of UW Food Services, Mark Murdoch, managing Feds bar operations, or closing the bars. Murdochwould report to a board made up of the two administrators, two Feds executives and the Fedgenera1 manager whde the board deter-
mined a long-term structure. Feds accepted the structure to allow Fed Hall to open that night for Fed 102, the night after classes start, the busiest night of the term. 'When you are given A or B you choose what's best for your students, but internally we're still fighting it," Koprowski said. While the GraduateHouse andst. Jerome's both have licences separate from the university, Feds bars serve alcohol under UW's liquor licence. The university says itwas forced to bring the bars under its management, saying that established policies and ~rocedureswere not followed and citing "incidents of non-compliance with the Liquor LicenceAct." Walker said he is concernedabout more incidents than just the New Year's beating. "I could mention the capacityissue. That's sort of the main one.There were a couple ofincidents with advertising." He referred to the provincial regulations, which restrict advertisingin certainways. "There was the sign-in procedure recently and the troublewith the foot" ball team last winter. "As long as the licence-holder is confident that the managementis diligent. . .When the licence-holder isn't confident, that's when things have to change," Walker said. Walker is the liquorlicence holder for the university. Walker says that there was no signin, meaning that non-UW students were not signed in by, and thereby linked to, UW students. Feds says that they knew everyone who came in the bar because they were using devices that swipe the magnetic bars on drivers' licences. Underage patrons and people withidentification that couldn't be swiped were required to sign in. Feds maintain that their bars are safe and operated properly. Di Lullo said, "If i h s was about safety, the university would allow these bars to remain open. It's better for students to have a safe place to socialize near theirresidences." University spokesman MartinVan Nierop said,"CKCO askedus to commenton theissue ofapowergrab. It's not a power grab. I think the university doesn't want to be a part of somethinglike that. We need to ensure that we are in compliance with the gquor licence]act." "The only thing we'd really like to see is the pubs back operating. VC7e thnk it's an extremely good thing students are able to go to an on campus bar. K'e have to operate them in a way that follows the act," Walker said. Feds say that the shutdown doesn't follow the process set outinits agreements with the university. Fed Hall is operated under an agreement signed in 1984 and the Bombshelter is operated under a 1976 agreement. Both agreements have conditions under whichliquor service can be suspended. The Fed Hall agreement includes a provision for arbitration.