Erst printed March 16,1878
"Not putting out." Peter Downing 3N Speech Communication
"Not understanding fundamental macroeconomic principles." Victor Ghanem and August Claxton
"By being as sexist as men used t o be. Men formerly put women down; women refuse t o settle for men less than perfect." Steve Simin
"There are so few women on this campus, they don't have t o be nice. Women should be in supply, not in demand." C. Lamb
3B Econ and 38 Poli SciIEcon
48 Math
2A Chem Eng
"By accepting equal rights in relationships, yet perpetuating dated rules of courting in which the man must exercise chivalry and pay for the expenses." Chris Young
"A l o t of w o m e n iust flirt and tease m e n and don't give us w h a t w e really want." Murray Voates
"They always w a n t t o snuggle after sex." Areez Ladak
"Let m e count t h e w a y s Mark Bowden and Kyle Bowden
28 Bioinformatics
1A Kinesiology and 3A Physics
I N Science
"Nothing a t all. Women are perfect. (Girlfriend standing right beside him)" Ahmed Farrakha
"Everything's perfect except for t h e breakup." Zheng Wang
"Pure and simple rejection." R.S. Gray
"Whips and chains!" Richard Sargent
3A Elec Eng
2A Math
3A Computer Science
3A Math
"Avoiding vulnerability." Jordan Smith
"Dressing immodestly." Stephen McKenzie
38 Science
2B Actuarial Science
"Some wish t o enjoy the benefits of being liberated and not being liberated." Dennis Lafleur Grad Civ Eng
SLC 1116 @ 12:30
Construction on Columbia continues Temporary inconvenience in exchange for permanent new housing units way through the loose gravel, or carefully share the streetwith the cramped SPECIAL TO IMPRINT traffic. As soon as work on the eastFor weeks, Columbia Street has been bound lanes of Columbia is comunder major construction, and indicapleted, the northern, westbound half tions are thatitwillnot be finishmgany willbe completely replaced as well. The time soon. According to the city web city says that at no time will Cdumbia site, road closures began May 21 and be closed entirely, t'hough traffic may be reduced to a are expected to last four months. Since single lane for then, Columbia both directions "[The work is] Street at Phillip has at times, and that welcome the scope of the been torn up, and workmeans that where four lanes of because that it cannot be motorists used to stretch of road stopped for peak pass, backhoes, dump trucks and traffic throughconsistentl~ out the day. steamrollers have been taking their O n sunny rated some of place. They have days,largeclouds the poorest in of dust billow been &@ng and replacing more than Waterloo." upwards tnto just road. Large the faces of cy-John Fedy new concrete pipes cltsts and regular are being tnstalled pedestrians under the street as ahke. O n ratny part of a complete overhaul of the days, parts of the area become underlylngtnfrastructure. New apartswarnpedwlthduckmud. JohnFedy, VP Internal at the Federaaon of Stuments are golng to be b d t on the north campus as well as two townhouse dents and the only student represtructures nowcurrentlygomgupnext sentaave on the School's Health and to the Good L ~ f egym. Safety Comrmttee,calls the work, "InI n the meaname, traffic 1s reduced convement,butwelcome because that to one lane each way at best, and the stretchofroadwas consistently rated southern stdewalk has been completely some of the poorest m Waterloo." He removed. T h s makes it d~fficultfor also said that Feds was not noufied cychsts, who have to elther slog thetr beforehandofthe closures The com-
Timothy Haloun Kimberlv Mackhan IMPRINT STAFF
Universities Members of the UW Aerial Robotics Group (WARG) are in Fort Benning, Ga. this week for the International Aerial Robots Competition. Their mission will be to construct areconnaissance system for a hostage, nuclear disaster or biological hazard situation. A unanimous vote by members of the York Federation of Students (YFS) council, at hand, removed Angie Joshi from her position as president of the student council. o Dr. Michael Doucet, from Ryerson University, is the new President of the Ontario Confederation ofUniversity Faculty Associations (OCUFA). o McMaster is making double rooms into "trio-rooms" for fall to accommodate the 400 residences places that they over-booked. Canada R A former pig farmer accused of being the country's worst serial killex stood trial on 15 counts of firstdegree murder on July 23. Guelph's Better Beef fears 490 people will be laid off as a result of a US. ban on Canadian beef. Ottawa recalled its ambassador from Iran after the death of a Montreal photojournalist in Tehran. o With John Manley's withdrawal, Paul Martin is poised to be PM elect with the Liberal leadership race narrowed down to two candidates. o The Molson Indy roared into Toronto but our peak summer tourist season is in worse shape than irnaginedwith 13active SARS cases in Toronto-area. Over half of the province's 36 health units have reported at least one bird felled by West Nilevirus &us year.
International The Queen got an unexpected view on Tuesday when one of her guests dropped his trousers and dashed off among the tea-drinking crowd at Buckingham Palace. The Whte House, attacked by critics for anow-retractedline about Iraq seehnguranium fromilfricain President Bush's State of the Union address, has gotten some surprising support from ex-President Clinton. Infant South Korean twin girl5 connected at thelower backwere successfully separated Singapore's Raffles Hospital.
Dust and noise pollution are among the obstacles students face when accessing the Columbia and Phillip intersection. mittee has yet to meet this term, and do not have plans to discuss the work. In addition to the underground infrastructure work, the goal of the projectis to add a fifthlane to theroad, while replacing the old surface. The loss of theuniversity's primwinternet connection, caused by aphyslcalcutby a backhoe on Tuesday, July 8, was caused by unrelated construction near Waterloo town square. In the rush to get everything done in the summer &
months, it seems the convenience of commuters falls behind compared to meeting contract schedules and the haste to frx what has been a chronic problem for the area.
o Trafficlroad-closures. html
Finkelstein funding issue settled Council failed to recsind reversal of funding Alexander Lunde SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
Controversy surrounding the Norman Finkelstein's June 10 speech has yet to wind down, as questions have been raised as to whether UW has become too "censored". Also questioned are the'duties and obligations of the Federation of Students when holding special events. During Professor Norman Finkelstein's speech on the Israeli Palestinian conflict, sentiments turned sour when the question and answer session turned into an ideological and emotional battleground, which has left a messy aftermath of administrative issues and debate in its wake. I2eds had allowed funding of $500 for the speech under specified conditions that included a Feds approved moderator and proper security.Groups, like the Jewish Students Association were uncomfortable with Finkelstein's speech because of hlswritingsand teachings that can be considered anti-Semitic. Feds have "procedures dictating how people should apply, and how Councilactuallygves away money, but
,4t the July 12 council meeting, not on howthat specialmoney should cousillors considered two motions. be spent," explained Liam McHughThe first was to reRussell, Feds vice verse the decision to resident of education. rescind funding to I' [The lecture] organizersandgrant During the queshalf the amount. tion and answer pehadalltheintel- Thismotionfailed. nod, moderator BW I<a~7,apoliticalscience lecf ual stirnulaThe second motion was to grant Ida professor at Wilfrid f ion of a Jerry T h i b e h , Students Laurier University was offended and Springer enfor Palestinian Rights organizer, left. "I felt I had been C O U ~ ~ ~ T . '$380 ' for her out of dismissed. I was dismissed by -Barry Kay pocket expenses. Politicalscience profes- T h s motionpassed. Finkelstein.1feltIwas When asked for hooted off the stage, sor at Wilfrid Laurier and J tried to take over moderatoratfinkelstein the number o f lecture events Feds has canand enforce the rules celled or withheld I thought were acfunding for over the ceptable. I told the last year, Liam McHugh-Russell student organizers [they] had to re-legitimize my role as answered "We cancelled TheBig Chi// mediator, otherwise I would leave. because the Feds weren't allowed to Theywcre unable to or unwilling too. sell alcohol anymore. But I can't reI felt sandbaggedby the organizers,so member any events thatwe cancelled or withheld funding to because of after five to ten minutes I left," recounted Kay. subject matter." The Feds internal f~mdingcumAt the councilmeeting, councillors rejectedamotionwhichendorsedthe mittee claimed that their stipulation had not been met, and as a result cut principle of not funding racially confunding to the organizers. tenuous issues. -
The Letters Patents ofFeds states that the duty of Feds is "To promote and assist in the maintaining good conduct and proper discipline of the said meniber students of the University ofWaterloo in all activities of such students." As to whether funding Finkelstein's visit would have violated this, Liam McHugh-Russell believes that "funding Finkelsteinwould have been contrary to the Letters Patents of Feds." Said Kay, "It's their decision, but I certainly understand their response. I think that this d have further implications for future events. They did not prepare the speaker I gather, for the rules of the lecture. It had alltheintellectualstirnulation of a Jerry Springer encounter.
The next council meeting will take place on August 10th at 12:30 in the multi-purpose room in the Student Life Centre.
FRIDAY, JULY 25,2003
Used'books to be heavily armed in September Through fraud and theft, UW's Used Bookstore has incurred major losses this term fraud more than theft, despite the rumours ofbookstore theft. 'We have SPECIAL TO IMPRINT students who'll steal a whole stack of TheCsedHookstoremightjustbethe books from the new bookstore and come to us to resell them," Stopper most popular business on campus. said. But overall, students respect the Ir's certainly the most profitable Feds Used Bookstore. "Ir's hurting thembusiness, and was so even \%-henthe Bomber and Fed selves," Stopper Hall were still explained. "Since o p e n ",Almost we're studente l e n student "We have run, and I think c o m e through most students restudents who'll ahze that ~ t ' snot ~iereatlea\tonce," Sf ea 1 books fro like stealing from \aidJoel Stopper, somegiant corpomtenn; manager the New ration." for the Used Bookstore and T h e bookBookstore. store, nonethe"Even if it's just come to US to less,is considenng to check it out " stricter security With inresell them. " creased popularmeasures for the - Joel Stopper fa" term. "We're it] comes ininterim manager at tl.lllllungaboutlncreased probUsedBookstore creasedse-tyfor lems. "I think the fall," Stopper there has been said. fight now, more loss this secunty in the Used Bookstore 1s lax term," said one bookstore employee. compared to the UW Bookstore, "I don't have the figures, though." whchrequres that students leave thelr Neither did Stopper, though he said, "In a lot of the cases where we find bags at the door dunng the first few weeks of class, when the crowds are books missing,it's not because they've been stolen. It's because we've mis- largest. "We're very relaxed now. We don't watch students and wonder if placed them. We pay the students for they're steahngbooks," Stopper said. them, of course, and then threeweeks "That's becausewe've got elghteen later, we find the book in storage." secuntycameras," bookstoreemployee The UsedBookstoreisplagued by Tara Zachariah
Stress: party conquers exam woes Continued from cover
I h o w n as "End-Of-Term," or EOT, the EngSoc-sponsored event sees students from all faculties gather for a night of (licensed) partyingon the last Fndaynlghtof each term at the engineenng bar POETS. Incoming EngSoc (A) PresidentLaura Mooney commented, "It's a big party for anybodywho wants to show up at POJ,TS. It's a great ume. We show the end of termvideo there. K'e take footageofallour events fromacross the term, and show them
* Comglell! 25-EIuur & 42-Raur -%adnm
* Raven "&st-lkinp,;Wralcgirs
r PmmaIFaLd Yrafm1rmal l t ~ r ~ E t M @ r Cmaprt.!&w Stua Mtcritlk r Fm Kqmt Pdky
* Rimubtnl R;lcpk!e ICxams
W m ~ a "futaxi~q: $ Available TfrmwwtkaE Stltisfi~d~~utfmrlx
I Oxford Seminars
on the last Friday before the exam." Mooney noted that the event is open to everyone, and has no cost of admission. In addition to EOT, EngSoc also hosts BOT and MOT, similar events in the beginning and middle of kach term. T h e Applied Health Sciences Undergraduate M e m b e r s (AHSUhI - pronounced "awesome") also helps students dealwith exam pressure. 'They also have an exam bank and regular office hours, and hold a pub night during the last week of each term. ' q 7 efind that alot ofpeople comekut to the pub night," noted AHSUM director Tracy Selst. "A lot of people come out for t h s eventwho don't go to anything else all term." None of the Arts Students Union (ASU), the Science Society (SciSoc)or the Federation of Students are hosting spring term events to deal with exam pressure. Although SciSoc does, however, have an exam bank; some disciplines in the arts faculty also keep copies of past exams on hand. Representatives from other student societieswere unavdable forcomment.
This hapless crook would lead you to believe that the Used Bookstore loses most money through theft, but the fraudulent techniques of a few cunning students do the most damage. Shane Fifield saidwith mockenthusiasm. This impression is bolstered by the many "Warning SurveillanceCameras In Use" signs posted, but the Used Bookstore doesn't really have eighteen cameras to itself. 'We might have securitypeople at the entrances," Stopper said, about the fall bookrush. Otherideas include Ji&ting the number of people in the store at one time. "The only problem is that it might increase congestion in
the bookstore and time spent buying books." 'We're not sure," Stopper said. "We don't want to make students think wc're suspicious of them, and we don't want to make it unpleasant to use the bookstore." With huge crowds of students both buying and selling books at the beginning of term, students using the Used Bookstore already experience long and uncomfortable waits to get
into the store. Currently, the bookstore has only one dedicated terminal to look up booklists.After the panic at the begm ning of the spring term when the traditional paper lists weren't posted and students had no idea what books they needed and whichwere available, the bookstore set up a computer just inside the entrance for student use. Line-ups to accessitud beinevitable when the fall rush returns.
Feds exec reveal "Strategic Plans" Mark Stratford IMPRINT STAFF
As the termwraps up, our Feds representatives have released their "Strateg c Plans," which outline what they eachplan to doin the coming months. First and foremost, they identify their jobs as "to serve, empower andrepresent the undergraduate students of the University of Waterloo," and this means a lot of changes to be made by the end of 2004's winter term. For the benefit of all returning undergrads, here are the four Feds executives' basic strategies for improving your school. Chris Edey (President) Goalsin anatshell "Three simple thmgs: Cct studcnts voting in the municipal election, get a better deal on student housing and get the bars open." Awareness andcommzlnication:Edey recognizes that keeping informed and relayingthefacts are necessary to stabilize relationships with students. Involvement: Edey wants students to stand up and be noticed. This includes persuading students into taking part in the upcoming municipal election (through debates and publicity) and strengthening our Students' Council. Accessibihy I'm a student - gimme gimme gimme! Edey d, including sufficient student housing, ongoing dependable service with the Grand River Transit and a smoothly operating Feds.
Fiscalstabihj: The main focus here is reopening the bars; they must remain under Feds management and the Feds' autonomy must be recogntzed to start making some profit again. Liam McHugh-Russell (VP Education) Goals in a nzltshell: "I'm going to try and focus on getting students involved in my job -be it improving co-op, participatingin pro-vincialpolitics, or getting course evals online. I want to encourage people to 'help me help them'." Awareness and communiation:McHughRussellwants you to be aware of thmgs on campus, and aware of what he is doing for you. That's why his top goal is to increase academic resources and information for student access. Involvement: Inform other students, voice your opinions (in Imprint, for example) and tahng part in activities you have never tried before. AccessiDi.@y:Increased funding, more info on student awards and better coop student service. Fircalstabi/z": McHugh-Russellclaims that the office of VP Education is usually "spend, spend, spend," but this year any foolish expenseshavegot to end, end, end. John Fedy (VP Internal) Goals in a nzltshell: "To give students access to the information they need to promote change on campus."
Awareness and communication:Fedy will work to improve Feds' visibility on campus while introducing Feds TV, which will broadcast in the SLC and student residences. Involvement: Fedp wants all students to have some fun, which will require cross-campus events and aresurgence ofWarrior Weekends. Accessibility: The students must be informed to get active, to which Fedy suggests avolunteer info booklet, but his most curious idea is definitely the umbrella borrowing service. Dave Capper (WAdminand Finance) Goalsin a nzltshell: "To increase operational efficiency and diversifyrevenue streams." Fiscalstabili~:Thsis Capper's ballpark, as h e d create standarhzed boolung procedures for Feds businesses and increase revenue through such innovations as an Internet Cafi. built into part ofthe Ground Zero space. Communication: The students should all have input in such economic ventures, says Capper, and he hopes to acquireit through plenty of surveying. He's also on board for Feds mT. Accessibility: Professional development days for full-time Federation staff, communication with part-time staff and customer consideration are allkey in creatingaproductivenew year for UW. We can hardly wait.
FRIDAY, JULY 25,2003
Distance education hits closer to home Mark Stratford IMPRINT STAFF
Are you tired of spending your class time in a sweaty, packed auditorium? Perhaps you should consider the almost-as-popular learning alternative -distance education. Since 2001, enrolment in UW distance educationcourses has been steadily increasing, and while the double c o h o r t d probably not havemuch of animpact since few &st-level courses are offered through distance education, the figures continue to grow. In 2000-01, the total number of distance education registrations was 11,410. By the end of the 2002 winter term, that number had risen to 15,374. The numbers have nothing to do with distance from campus, either. "About 42 per cent of students taking distance education [courses] are Utime on-campus students," said Don Kasta, W s director of distance and continuing education. As forwhy distance education is so popular, there are severalreasons. "Some of these students are opting for the convenience of distance ed, but in more cases it's probably because their classes were full and they had no choice," said Kasta. Kasta also alleges that many students would rather enrol in a distance education coursewhere thereis room, than hold out for a seat ~na classroom.
Tim's: Digging out Ground Zero from the rubble Continued from cover
The majority of this year's frosh will not be able to go to bars and the univeristyis aiming to create an environment that would allow students the chance to meet people and socialize while being constructive. "There are students who like to go out and dance but [for other UW students] that's just not their thing!" claims O'Donnell, "It is very socially acceptableto invite someone forTim's at 11 o'clock and go hang out over a cup [of java]. It's kind of the "in" socially h n g to do." O'Donnell believes the Student Life Centre (SLC) is just not happening and ways to facilitatemore nightlife programming within the SLC should be created. As Canad$slargest coffeeand fresh baked goods chain, Tim Horton's serves pretty much every young person, agroup thatrepresents about2025 percent of their customers. Currently there are three Tim's, as it casually referred to as, within the UW niche. Each Tim's serves a different market. ~ ~ t o m e t r y ~ i m ' s ' s ~stuares dents in the north area from trekking to main campus whereas ML Tim's delivers goods for south campus students. DC Tim's, in contrast, caters for students in late-night, big classes within the main campus locale. "We do need to move to having a 24-hour franchise on campus and the SLC is
the most logcal place [for this as] it is able to fulfill a lot of student needs," Llurdoch commented. He reiterates that it does not make sense to coordinate all of our activitiesin the SLC whilst there is nothmg to sustain the needs of the students. From the Food Servicestandpoint that areais storefront property. Food
"There are students who like to go out and dance but [for other UW students] that's just not their thing!" -Leanne O'Donnell Residence Llfe Co-ordinator Services offered to pay standard occupancy cost for the space and remit $20,000 orgreater as apercentage sales on an annual basis to FEDS. If sales exceed $1 million they are willing to shell out 5percent of net sales. UW Food Services also plans to make extensive use of students on apart-time basis withn the outlet and were wiling to take on former Ground Zero
staff that would have been dsplaced by the transformation. The kitchen equipmcnt and facilities already there would have made it less costly for the UW adrmnistrationto implement this strategy. This 24-hour Tim Horton's would offer soups, sandwiches and bagels that did not exist at otherTim's menus. The store would be open seven days a week and would be an immense service to students and concurrently demonstrate a ioint venture between the University and the Federation. With Ground Zero closed for the summer,FEDS need to expound newfangled tactics for the deserted SLC area. As long as the province keeps the legal drinking age at 19, younger studentswillalways flock toTirnHorton7s. They don't need to be legal to get in, they don't have to tip a waitress/ waiter, the drinks and food are cheap and they can stay as long as they would like. The main rationale is for the SLC to act as a "living room" for approximately 25,000 UW students. .Throughoutwarprotests, parties and blow-outs, the SLC has seen many drastic changes. It is unquestionable thatin future years UW d u n d o u b t edly see the reshaping or even renaming of this student hub. In the meantime,mosey over andgrab aniced-cap at Timmy's while you can.
(at universitv) WATERLOO
The growing interest in distance education canlargely be attributed to Quest, which all UW students now rely onwhen constructing their schedules. Quest attracts interest to distance education courses as it specificallytells students whch classes are available off-campus and which are not. As to whether or not the escalation in distance learningwil yield better or worse results than so-called ''fa&facenlearning,Kastais not concerned. 'We certainly feel that, especially with online courses and more and more people enrollingin those courses, there is much room for cornrnunication between professor and student [in distance ed]. If you think about a class of 300, how much interaction is really available there? Also, in many classes,the profisn't even really teachinganymore. The profis just handmg out the CD-Romwith all the information on it so the student can study at home and the classroom time is used for discussion. It's starting to change the way instructors are teaching." Just remember that with distance education, there's no prof to breathe down your neck waiting for the assignment to drop. Whether that's a pro or a con is entirely up to the student. - with
excerpts~fromDaily Bulletin
Page 6
All lettersmust lncludea phone nurnberfor verification, and should not exceed 300 words Lettersshould Include the author's name, year,and program,orfaculty posltlon whereappl~cableAll material issubjectto editlngfor brevlty and clarlty Theoplnions expressed arestr~ctlythoseoftheauthors, nottheopinlons oflmprint
Opmon edtor vacant ' op~mon@lrnpnntuwaterloo ca
The perks of getting it in the morning the next big thing? FACTS OF LIFE Some people need it fxst thing in the morning. Others like it late at night. Those who get it a lot know exact4 how they like it. Some people say that size doesn't matter. Not me. I like mine large. And regular. According to Statistics Canada, cream consumption is up by almost 500 per cent from a decade ago. The average Canadian consumes 5.3 litres of cream per year. Sound strange? Maybe the worlds "large double double" will help clear that up for you. The increase in cream consumption is in line with anincreasein coffee consumption over the same period. So how much coffee does the average Canadian have to drink to consume that much cream? How d o 102 litres of coffee a year sound? That translates into just over three cups per person per day. Since only 67 per cent of Canadian adults drink coffee every day, there are some people getting more than their fair share. All of us know someone (or are someone) who is a coffee lover-a real die-hard caffeine user. They can normally be found with a coffee cup in
hand or scanning the area for the nearest coffee shop in case they feel the urge brewing. They tend to be the ones buzzing slightly. I lived in H a d t o n , the birthplace of Tim Horton's, for severalyears. Every year, people lined up outside in the middle of the winter for their caffeine fix after Tim Horton's had been closed for Christmas day. This was also when you would hear people brag about having had the foresight to buy extra ones the day before, refrigerate them and reheat as needed. Now that is dedication. Even for the "average" Canadian, coffee percolates its way through many aspects of our lives. We dnnk it with/ for breakfast or dessertwhat else goes so well with both grease and sugar? At home or with friends, coffee has become a social practice. Many a stimulating conversation has taken place over a steaming cup and it has become a necessary accompaniment at any meeting. And a road trip without coffee is simply missing something- namely coffee. It can also be the benchmark of any dining experience. A true coffee lover knows that the hallmark of a truly fine establishment is the free reW. Coffee accounts for 18per cent of all beverages consumed in Canada. Although the local tastes may vary, the evidence that Canadians love
their coffeeis everywhere. In Hamilton, it is actually possible to stand on a street corner and see three Tim Horton's locations. For real. G o to Vancouver though and you'll stumble over a Starbucks (read $tarbuck$) at every comer. Just like everyhng else, coffee has been marketed in such a way that there is a coffee to fit every taste and budget. From your instant crap to your large double double to your high-end latte, thereis a coffee for every lifestyle. If you add enough steam, foam, vanda/ cinnamon/whatever and chocolate to a coffee, someone somewhere will be willing to pay big bucks for it. Granted, not everyone drinks or evenlikes coffee (freaks!). Eden for them, exam pressure may be grounds for knocking back a few. After all, what's studying without a cup of joe? So why do we love coffee so much? Is it the tantalizing aroma? The distinct and robust flavour? O r is it the stimulatingeffects of caffeine which have been known to make people feel "unnaturally alert"? I don't know, but I think it's time for another one.
It's only a matter of time before someone at UW creates an online dating service. It's completely logical, especially at our school - for the amount of workload we get (publicly stated by administration as more intensive than other universities), and the amount.of time that is spent at a computer finishing that work, it seems like common sense to have something entertaining like this that you can access anytime (like, during homework breaks, for example). At, you can browse through in-depth profiles of your fellow UW students - see their picture, learn about them (kmd of like a condensed version of the "tell us about you questionnaire" forwards you get every once in a while), and email them based on their compatibility with you; in fact, the website will give you a list of who you are compatible with right after you create
your profile. Emails can lead to chats, chats to meets, meets to dates, and dates to.. . well, I'll leave that up to you. Y& don't need to worry about distance issues like with other online dating services, because all members are already on campus. There's no hit/miss mentality of joining a new club on campus to meet new people, because things in common are easier to find through reading profiles. And best of all, no need to worry about 13 year old boys posing as 21 year old girls! The foundations are already laid, if you think about it - the people directory on our UW website is just screaming for a few additions. If it already displays your name, program, website (if you have one) and email address when someone searches for you why not tell them a little bit more about yourself before they email you? Clearly, also has a practicaluse. Of course, not many people are eager to admit that they chat on the internet, let alone look at profdes of people they've never met and blindly email them. But really, how different is that
'Coffee should be as strong as hell, as black as death, and as sweet as love. "-Turkish proverb
Production staff John Paul Curry, Adrian I. Chin, Christine Louriero, Liz Marton, Timothy H. Mollison, Kourtney Short, Stefan Todoroff
Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief, Christine Baker Assistant editor, vacant Cover editor, Lauren Fox Photos, Margie Mansell Graphics, John Paul Curry Web, Kartikaya Gupta Systems administrator, Ross Jordan Lead proofreader, Steve Kennedy Proofreader, Heramb Ramachandran Proofreader, Ray Kuo Proofreader, Rebecca Versteeg Office Staff Business manager, Catherine Bolger
from going out to a bar only there nobody hands you an info sheet on the girl/guy you're trying to pick up. Some might claim that UWSingles.comcould cause "techno stress" and cause more stydents to lock themselves up in their rooms (note: "War Craft 3" and other internet games take care of that already, at least in the computer labs in the Math Building). But really, if you're talhng (key word talking) to a member of the opposite sex who you find attracti~~e, who cares if the first meet is in person or behlnd a computer. Most people find a sense of security behind a computer, allowing them to open up more. You'll both end up meeting anyway if the chats go well. It's almost like having the first date on a computer... if the first date goes badly, you didn't even have to see hirn/her in person in the first place! All signs point to yes for, and the potential can only get brighter. And in the end, who's really going to reject another venue for hooking up, anyway?
Advertising & production manager, Laurie Tigert-Dumas Advertising assistant, Gopaul Deosaran Distribution, Aluru Neelakanteswar Distribution, Girija Padhy Information Assistant, Winnie Kwok Board of Directors President, Andrew Dilts Vice-president, vacant Treasurer, Neal Moogk-Sods Secretary, Wchelle Titus Staff liaison, Mike Kemgan
Iqrint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Editorial submissions may be considered for publication in any edition of Imprint. Imprint may also reproduce the material commercially in any format or medium as part of the newspaper database, Web site or any other product derived from the newspaper. Those submitting editorial content, including articles, letters, photos and graphics, will grant Imprint &st publication rights of their submitted material, and as such, agree not to submit the same work to any other publication or group until such time as the material has been distributed in an issue of Imprint, or Imprint declares their intent
not to pubhsh the matenal. The full text of tlus agreement is available upon request.
Imprint does not guarantee to publish articles, photographs, letters or adverusmg. Matenal may not be published, at the discretion of Imprint, if that material is deemed to be libelous or in contravention with Imprint's policies with respect to our code of etlucs and journalistic standards. Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. One copy per customer. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDN Pub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 554677.
Next staff meeting:
Wednesday, September 3 12:30 p.m., SLC 1116
Next production nights: Wednesday, August 27 5:30 p.m., SLC 1116 Wednesday, September 10 5:30 p.m., SLC 1116
FRIDAY, JULY 25,2003
Breaking up is hard to do
Africa's jewel
Choose your own battle
Powerful message mav be lost
TOUCHED Ending a relationship is extremely difficult. I have learned in the past few weeks that breaking up is even more painfulwhen circumstances are ruthless and two-faced. Whether it be unfaithfulness or mistreatment, leax-ing your partner can be torturous. You'd think that such acts would push you away and justify the breakup but this is not the case. Rationalizingevents can be next to impossible in a situation where love and commitment were previously shared. Throwing away such time with another is wasteful and frustrating. One wishes for ' things to return to the way they used to be. After being in a relationship for approximately two and a half years a good friend came to terms with her boyfriend's manipulative, disrespectful and secretive nature. Attempts were made to discuss her concerns and return the relationship to its origins but all failed. He had transformed over time and had no interest in such salvaging. Instcad hls behaviour worsened and hurtful words were flung in all directions. This boy is a professional mud slinger and after each dirty match he still claimed to love her. In the end, actions spoke louder than words and his worthless butt was finally kicked to the curb. Good job babe! When the breakup happened between another friend of mine and
his girlfriend, many were baffled. It was unexpected and unjustified not only in his mind. Just three days before, they had celebrated their seven year anniversary with envy in the eyes of others. She denied cheating and seemed to have no basis for her choice, As he plotted to win her back he slowly began to come to terms with the split until the next day when he unsuspectingly pulled alongside her car at a stoplight. She had a male passenger who was definitely more than a friend. During a phone convcrsation that day she admitted to cheating and he was crushed. His acceptance of the situation had dissolved and his confusion heightened once again. Trying to grasp how his hghschool sweetheart could be so ruthless was completely mind boggling. The real hcker was that she couldn't care less, well at first, then she began to waiver and question her decision when he showed interest in other women. Neither wants to let go no matter how serious and destructive past events have been. The battle continues. Having experienced a similar situation in second year, I can relate to these separation anxieties like many others. It can seem easier to stay in the relationship rather than . leave the battleground. Realistically both terrains are treacherous but conquering the fight and actually leaving ends the confict while continuously fighting in the relationship is unlikely to result in a victor. In any situation, innocents are usually affected, and breaking up is no exception. Looking for comfort, advice and companionship, suffer-
ers depend on their support systems. Amidst the fighting, crying and kissing, it can be hard to be helpful but maintaining an objective perspective is key to assist in the annihilation of ridiculous relations. Although it can seem absurd for some couples to stay together there, is no use in giving orders. Everyone fights at their own pace and surrender or abandonment of a mission must be planned, not forced. When a serious relationship ends badly it can be hard to fathom your partner's role. Blaming others or ignoring reality is a predominant defence. Relying on friends for advice or even just a sounding board should be mandatory. Sometimes they might be sucked into the confict but there's no way to prevent this. Just be grateful for your friend's risk taking. Over the past two weeks my name has been dragged though the mud and my sleep schedule has been severely altered and let's not forget that I got ditched in the end. Breaking up is hard to do even for the friends of the couple. Frankly, I have had enough of break-ups and they have no place in my near future. That is unless Imprint decides to break it off with me in the column reapplication process but only time will tell. I might be the one needing a shoulder to cry on if this partner breaks it off.
(Touched was re-@prouedfOrthe fall term dztring the staff meeting held Wednesdgy,Jab 23, so Michelle won't be needing a 9 extra shoulders to c y on. Socy, b y s - Ed.)
SOBER THOUGHTS Kofi Xnnan, the head of the U.N., recently earnedmy respectwhen he strongly chastised Africanleaders for their part in bringng about the vast problems that exist across the continent. illthough he was condemned in some quarters for 'blaming the victims,' an unbiased assessment of thegrossly corrupt regimes in place across Africa clearly shows how Africa's vast potential has been squandered. Nowhere is t h s shown more distinctly than when the nation of Botswana is compared to its neighbours in sub-Saharan Africa. Botswana has had the fastest growing economy in the world over the past thxty years. I learned this when I had the good fortune to attend the launch of the Economic Freedom oj'the World 2003 Anntla/wort at the Fraser Institute's new office in Toronto. Botswana has consistentlymaintained one of the highest r&gs of economic freedomin Africa, this year ranking 26" of 123countries, tied with such nations as Japan, Sweden and South Korea. The report demonstrates how individuals are able to enhance their standard of living when provided with the tools and freedom to do so. In far too many minds, the reasons for poverty in developing countxies are clear: their societieswere destroyed by Western colonialism,
they are paralyzed by debt and they are exploited by us for cheap labour. In other words, they're poor because we're rich. The re&ty of the situation is far more complex and requires an understandng of the most irnportant and least appreciated economic principle: wealth can be created, not just transferred. Two hundred years ago, countries in the developed and underdeveloped world were similarly poor, with people expected to die in their late twenties. Nations across the world have prospered and generated n7calth unirnagnable in the past, but some nations have been much more effective in creating thswealth than others. The economic freedom of Western societies has been pivotal in our success. Economic freedom does not simply equate to low taxes and minimal government intervention in the economy, although that does have an important impact. What is most important, and what is most sorely lacking in developing nations, is the rule of law and clearly defined property rights. Low tariffs and the freedom to trade with other nations is also important to economic success; it's estimated that a dollar received in trade is twice as effective as a dollar received in aid in Africa. The report rightly condemns the agricultural and textile subsidies in the West that limit the developing world's ability to trade with us. Unfortunately, Botswana's example and Kofi Annan's message to the leaders of Africa's nations seem to have been lost. At see GEM, page 8
I'm your angel
Milk and twinkies
Keeping the peace when all hell breaks loose
I'mvery relieved that the end of the term is upon us. It's been a rough one for everybody, what with all the feuds regarding personal and religious beliefs. Okay, some stuff is resolved -a potentially apocalyptic world war, for one, but that's old news. Take a look closer to home, and what do you see? Well, avandalized Objectivism poster, spats resulting from Ontario's newfound recognition of same-sex marriages and, last but not least, the human relations wrecking ball himself, Dr. Norman Finkelstein. So many fingers are being pointed and arguments being rebutted that it's damn near impossible not to get involved in some good-ol'-fashioned mudslinging. And with so many intellectual and 'fundamental alleyways to go down, it's harder than,ever for someone like me to carry on as an absolute pacifist. Yes, I am. And for all you gung-ho activist types who wouldn't know passivity if it punched you in the face -not that passivity would - let me tell you this: Being a pacifist in times of relative peace is hard
enough. Try as you might, you're always going to encounter things that interfere with somebody's mode of thinking, which leads to one of two inevitable situations: (1) A pacifist will take offence to what has been presented and be forced to take a stand, often with hilarious consequences; or (2) Two or more parties in the pacifist's environment will disagree, and the pacifist will try and fail to settle things in a mutually satisfactory way. (You can't please all the people all of the time is aphrase every pacifist swears by.) Please don't confuse my pacifism with apathy or cowardice; I have the conviction and the courage to stand up to anything. Usually, though, I either don't know how to go about inflicting change or don't feel the end result will be worth the effort. So I go with the easiest route possible - swift and temporary resolution (hallelujah!). For example, take the issue of same-sex marriage, which has been the topic of endless debate ever since the Ontario Court of Appeal spoke on June 10, gving Alliance Party members the chance to focus momentanly on hating minorities who aren't visible. Imprint soon received severalletters and community editorials, all of which seemed intent on '
finding flaws with the Court's decision either on a legislative or religious basis, making us edltors more and more amazed as we continue to sift between the good, logcal arguments and the Alex Cassar resubmissions. Well, here's my pacifistic plea. But before I begin, I will state the following -as it so happens, I am gay, but it has nothing to do with my W t e d ) political scope and I would say what I am about to say even if I weren't. Here goes (ahem). . . Who t h e j d cares? Can't we all just agree to &sagsee rather than trying to knock the validity out of every viewpoint that isn't ours? Look, I don't mind if someone wants to be religious, but could that person please get it through his head that whatever God said upon Joseph who said upon Abraham who said upon Blizblazz the 19th apostle has no impact on my unbiased belief that all men are created equal? Wait a minute - did I just say I hays belief? See, that's the catch-22 of being a pacifist:Just to want peace, you must side with peace. But that's okay -we're all s d angels, no matter how much we fight. As the ultimate flower child himself, John Lennon, once sang, "Love is all you need." Or some tree-huggmg hippie crap like that. Just joshin'. No worries. Peace out.
Harvey Milk's motto of " M y name is Harvey Milk and I'm here to recruit you" seems terribly coincidental given his sexual orientation and the assumptions that the public often made in the seventies about homosexuals being out to canvass their neighbourhoods for new "team members." While today we can only hope that Mr.hfilk was only ever out to recruit possible voters, the fact remains true that he was a fully fledged homosexual, the flrst openly gay politician in California. Born in Long Island, New York in 1930 as "Glimpy Milch" (one can only imagine why he eventually chose to change his name), Milk moved to San Francisco in the 1970's, along with thousands of other queer folks in search of a gay paradise in the hippy West Coast city. Ending up in the city's Gay Mecca that is the Castro, hfilk became an important member of the community, acting as an advocate formany local businesses. Evcntually he set up the Castro 17illage Association (CVA), an organization that provided hfilk with his first real taste
of politics. Over the years, Harvey Milk's success as apolitician grew rapidly, and soon his struggle to secure equality for gay men and women was taken on by the city as more than just a token gesture of tolerance. Certainly at this time in United States' history, hiilk was considered an architect in the West's plight for gay and lesbian rights. Urging gay men and women to take on influential positions in business and
Milk was considered an architect in the West's plight for gay and lesbian rights. government, soon Milk stood atop an unashamed gay rights platform while the rest of the US viewed homosexuality as a crime against nature. Unfortunately for Milk, his term in office was shortlived. O n November 27, 1978 San Francisco's first openly gay pohuclan was murdered in Clty Hall alongside the mayor, George Moscone. It was the despcrate act of a disgruntled former city employee who was refused his old lob back.
Have a nice day, if you dare Patrick Allanach COMMUNITY EDITORIAL
Why do we say, "Have a good day."? D o the events of our day fall into some grand scheme of fate and destiny? If so, then the quality of our day is out of our hands. I guess when I wake-up tomorrow morning, I better hope that life has planned a good day for me. Hopefully I'm not scheduled to get hlt by a car on my bike, get dumped, lose my job or have my nose broken playing basketball. Unfortunately, I have had days where all those blessed events have transpired (not in the same day thankfully). They came with no warning and offered no alternative choice in the matter. I was helpless indeed.
We all have those days when nothing seems to go right. . I think we do have a say in how our day unwinds. It is not the events of the day that shape our demeanor, but it is in how we choose to react to them. It's like the saying, "Only with our permission can someone put us down." It's so easy to make excuses for our unhappiness. The truth is, we should not 'have a good day,' but 'make a good day.' I like how we rationalize feeling poorly. "If I didn't have all these loans, if my program wasn't so tough or if I had a car.. . then my life would be so much better." The grass is always greener on the other side isn't it? Truthfully, I can't think of a bigger mistake than when
you start comparing your situation to others. When you do this, all you end up doing is concentrating on all
your marks could be better, your ex did break your heart, thos pants did look better on her, your hair is receding. . , that is missing in your life. I t h k the fact that you're here, getting this great
educatibn, is plenty to be thankful for. Sure enough, your marks could be better - your ex did break your heart, those pants do look better on her, your hair is receding and your prof is out to fail you. So after numerous uses of Rogaine and no results, you realize it is a lost cause. There is only so much you can do and thus, none of these things are really worth ruining your day over. Life is not perfect or easy. Every new day will bring us joys and pains alike. Perhaps, it is with that realization, that we begin to truly give ourselves a chance at happiness. Trust me when I say that there will be a day when the OSAP loans are gone, that your bed is more than a
The murderer, Dan White, shot the mayor first and then on his way out of the building he sought out Milk and shot him as well. Unsurprisingly, San Francisco fell into a state of shock. However, even more shochngwas the fact that White was sentenced to only eight years in prison. Apparently the court's lenient sentence was in response to White's usage of the "Twinkie Defencen- an outlandsh claim that he had eaten far too much junk food on the day of the murders, and therefore could not be held accountable for his actions. (Only in America!) Through his tireless work for gay and lesbian equality, Milk is sull considered a hero the world over. Dubbed the "Mayor oECastro Street", his achievements are marked annually with the Harvey Milk Memorial March on November 27, the day of his murder. The story of Harvey Milk is one that is terribly typical of a politician who did not hide behind false platforms to gain the popular vote. N o wonder the man has achieved hero status; he stood up for who he was, what he believed in, and did not quiver under the pressures of popular opinion. Certainly, the queer community owes much to the bravery of the Mayor of Castro, Harvey Milk.
Mugabe: s t d 'Hitler' mattress on the floor, and that K D is not part of the four basic food groups. Life is a journey that should be tackled no more than a day at a time. When we begin laying out the subsequent years of our life, we are setting ourselves up for certain disappointment. To save you the suspense, I'll tell you now that it is not going to unfold as planned. And really, if it could, would you want it to? How boring would life be if the road never veered? If you take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.Just believe in the future, no matter how bleak the present may be. As long as you have optimism in your heart, you'll never, ever struggle to rise from bed and face the world again.
GEM, from page 7
the recent African Union summit, the leaders chose to elect Robert Mugabe as the organization's head, the tyrannical 'president' of Zimbabwe who has proudly declared, "I am stiU the Hitler of this time." Africa is far from being a lost continent, but to recover it requires real leadership and an appreciation of its greatest limits to its prosperity. If true economic freedom is pursued we may one day discuss the African lion economies the same way we discuss the Asian tiger economies, and not simply lament Africa's poor.
FRIDAY, JULY 25,2003
Lefties are so right
To the editor, I too have felt as though I've had some lefq ~nme at times, and let me say that the feeling has been pure bliss. My motto is, "if it's not left,itqsleft-overs." Let us consider the following left handed men... George "Bush"? "Dick" Cheney? Bill Clinton? My poor, misinformed Nitin. Don't you see what these left-handed men have in common? I'll go on -Alan "Thicke"? ''Dick" Smothers? "Rocky" Balboa? It must be obvious by now; ladies, south-paws are preordained to go places especiallydown. So I say, give these men a 18gauche their window seats, special kitchengadgets and their strange looking scissors, they need to save their energy for what lefty men are truly made for - doing it right. Long live lefties! 7
-Kdtherine Sparkes 4 A ERS Stratford exposed
To the Editor, Kudos to Mike Kerrigan for causing Mark Stratford to expose himself for the vacuous little hypocrite that he is. He accuses Kerrigan of being an ass incapable of accepting twoviewpoints. And what's the basis for this accusation?Because Kerrigan dared to object when Stratford imposed h s own views by edting Kerrigan's
To the editor, The meeting of Federation of Students' Council held Sunday July 10th dealt with a very contentious issue that djrectly affects many of us. I write to address criticisms drawn in response to my call for a secret ballot. A secret ballot is usually resorted to when the question is of such a nature that some members might hesitate to vote publicly their true sentiments, this was clearly the case on July 10th. The motion, as many know, was whether or not to overturn the Internal Fundmg Committee's decision to revoke the funding of Dr. Norman Finkelstein's lecture and to provide partial funding. As many who attended this
original work. All this from the same person who wasted his first two columns crowing over the fact he had a column, and then, when he finally decided to tackle some content, did so in half-measures: talk about sex, but not as openly as Michelle Titus; delve into politics, but not with facts like Mike Kerrigan. Then there was the infamous rant about free speech, which, according to Stratford, should be limited arbitrarily,based on whether or not people get offended. I don't suppose he's considered that the only speech which really needs protection is controversial, but that's just by the by.
-Aaron Lee- Wudcck 4 N Economics Q Political Science More swimmers please
To the editor, All t h s information about Matt Mains is impressive, however there are other swimmers at Umversity of Waterloo. One which is three-time National Champion, Canadian record holder, memeber of the Sr. National swim team having represented Canada at the Commonwealth games, and Pan Pac and who currently are at the World championships. However no one has heard of him because he does not swim for the school. How come the school does not get any big name swimmers; and why does he not swim for Waterloo?
lecture have stated, its atmosphere and ensuing discussion bordered on the brink ofviolence. Fortunately, the Feds and the organizers of the e x n t ensured that precautionary measures had been taken. I had three concerns when I called a secret ballot on this motion. First, present were 22 Councdors and 27 observers made up of alumni, interested parties and a mediator (Dr. Barry Kay). Furthermore, a CBC cameraman was there to film the meeting as part of a documentary that is intended for national release. The major stakeholders in this motion were two highly polarized student groups. As a result Councillors were facedwith a situation that could be likened to staring down the
-Jim Best rts 4 AA Confusing confusion
To the editor,
the average Canadian were to donate $1 per week to help the needy in the third world through Canahan aid agencies approximatelfl.5 bdhon would be raised every year with $500 million of that amount subsidized by the federaland provincial governments through tax credts. When it comes to feeding the hungry either locally or in the third world the solution lies in each of us being as generous as possible and hunger can be eradicated. The EFC appears to have its lobbying in order. Assisting fellow humans with food and material needs is somethng we can and should do without further assistance from the government. However state protection for the lives of all human beings is something only our representatives in government can enshrine.
Benjamin fies' community edtorial in the last issue of Imprintraised a number of tough questions facing Christians in a secular society. It is quite clear that Mr fies has good intentions. Nevertheless, I would like to address two key points from his article. Mr Ries wrote: 'As an "evangelical" Christian, I am admittedly uncomfortable with both human cloning and abortion.' This forces me to ask a key question: why are you uncomfortable with human cloning and abortion? If human life is not created at the moment of conception then abortion should be regarded in the same manner as any other minor surgery. However, the reality is a new human life is created at the moment of conception as indicated by the embryo's unique, yet human DNA that indicates a human identity separate from both the mother and the father. Faced with this reality the EFC is right to lobby on the abortion issue as every abortion not only takes a human life, but also causes great hardshp for women. As for assisting those dying of hunger 'the government has already provided a partial solution to the problem with tax credits ranging from 23-40째/o for charitable contributions. If
This is likely the last letter I'll write to the editor as a UW student. I'm nearly done my MA in history, after having finished my BA last April. After five years atwaterloo, there are some observations about the school, and the changes I have seen, that I would like to share. I guess I could wax poetic about how the school has treated me well -and it has. I've learnt so much in terms of academics, and the support staff within Needles Hall and definitely in the Grad Studies office have been
wrong end of a doublebarrelled shotgun with two active student groups on opposite sides of the spectrum waiting for each vote to be called. The CBC camera was acutely documenting the actions, statements and reactions of each councillor. I believe it was necessary to call a secret ballot in order to keep outside influence from causing councillors to hesitate to vote publicly their true sentiments. Secondly itis difficult enough for Council to keep a full slate of councillors to actively represent the wishes and needs of the students without adding the potential for on-campus duress outside of their councillor responsibilities. Requesting a secret ballot alleviates the
possibility of off-campus alienation especially in the case of anationally broadcast documentary on such a contentious issue. There is a fine line between transparency and potential for intimidation, and in this case Council was in the danger zone. I am open to transparency. In fact, in my nomination speech for a position on the Board of Directors at the Feds AGM in March, I highlighted this important aspect in our organization as one I would work to improve and sustain. I am always available to discuss issues that our students face, but in thls situation I maintain that a secret ballot was crucial to keeping . - Feds Council out of the gap that these two groups are actively
-Alex Cassur 411 Accounting
TA strikes back
great. (they don't hear that enough) I could tell you how I've made life-long friends here, and I have met people who will always be in my heart. But there have been some very negative changes in UW, and the ones that concern me the most are the changes in academicexpectations.This was the first year I was officially employed by the university as a teaching assistant and boy! that was an eye-opener. If ever I had doubts in the education system in Ontario and Canada, they were only confirmed by this last year of marking and dealing with students. I've taught students rangmg from first years, to fifth pears, and often I found that their ability to understand history, reason, and write coherently had little to do with their programs or their age. If I could give any advice to incoming students or to current students in ANY program, it is this: take a wrlting class. Do not assume that because you are smart enough to get into Waterloo means you are able to write brilliantly or even moderately well. I am shocked, horrified and appallled by the abilities of students these days to understand criteria of assignments and be able to communicate ideas. While I have had exceptional students quite capable ofwritingeffectively, I have seen far more who had wonderful and insightful ideas but were unable to write well enough that those ideas could be understood.
I fear that as time passes, and the emphasis on communication is lessened, that more students will come to university, unable to write well enough to even pass a first year arts course. And at a school of this calibre, that is not acceptable. So, my advice is that since t h s IS university, take responsibility for your own success, and enroll in some sort of writing class or beware grad students who WILL be your TAs (the prof to student ratio is dropping rapidly in the face of the school's expansion and they will start to have more TAs in the upper year courses at a higher rate) and who do not have any patiencewith students who are unable to write. While I make no pretence to being a literary master, I think it is reasonable to expect some sort of basic writing sklls in a student at this school. I do realize that this IS a rant, but my fellow TAs ( in various faculties) have expressed this same opinion, but with a lot more swearing. Trust me when I say, if you as a UW student persist in refusing to learn to write in a coherent manner, you will run into a TA or prof who will not accept this and who will fail you or hurt your feelings terribly with their comments. Take responsibility for your work, and learn to write!
trying to bridge. I laud the efforts of these two groups and feel that their increased involvement in student governance at UW allows us a campus that is diverse in representation. Due to the multi-faceted nature of this situation I invite all interested indwiduals or groups
to stop and talk to me on campus. I will be happy to address any concerns that I have not satisfied in this forum.
-Mar9 McCrae Masters Histoy
-Will Hamilton Feds councillor, Arts Regular
Can you make a funnier comic strip than this?
E-mail samples to
FNDAY. TULY 25.2003
page 10
Features Editor: Andrew Dilts
Summer fun in southern Ontario Races to eo and eniov natural areas in the Waterloo Region - a photo essav bv Andrew Dilts
1. The Grand River Conservation Area's trademark sign welcomes visitors to the Elora Quarry. 2. A panorama of the Quarry displays southern Ontario's geography. 3. Park visitors display the daring - and sometimes dangerous - practice of jumping off the Quarry's 30-metre high cliffs. 4. A view of the beautiful summer sunshine. 5. The Elora Quarry doubles as a great beach for chilling out. 6. Sunset shows colourful hues over Guelph Lake. 7. A dam shows another side of the human-made Guelph Lake. 8. Sunset comes over Guelph's Lake Island, home of the popular Hillside Festival. 9. The beauty of southern Ontario sky at twilight.
FRIDAY, IULY 25,2003
Tim Mollison and Kourtney Short IMPRINT STAFF
W ~ t exams h fast approachng, many students find themselves w ~ t hless m d less unlc to cool, a dccent meal. Here are a few recipes that are quick, easy, Inexpensive and flexible.
Kickin' Kidney beans These beans are very versatile. They can be servedwith steamedrice, polenta (recipes follow), or on their ownwith lots of sour cream or creme fraiche. Herb de Provenceis a mixture of herbs, often including thyme, rosemary, tarragon, chervil, sage, marjoram, basil and fennel seed. It is available inexpensively at i4yres baking supply, or you can substitute your own mivture of herbs. Before you make this recipe, you should decide what you want to serve with your beans. Both rice and polenta can be made in about the timeit takes to prepare the beans, so start them while you're heating the pan for the beans. 19 oz. canned red kidney beans 6 tbsp. olive oil 4 tbsp. herb de provence I tsp. curry powder 1 clove garlic pinch of cayenne pepper In a medium-sized non-stick frying pan, heat the oil until a drop of water makes it spatter (your burner should be on medium to medium high). Meanwhile, drain and discard the excess water from the beans. When the oilis hot, throw in the beans and immediately add the garlic, herb de provence,currypowder and cayenne. Fry until most of the remaining water in the pan evaporates, stirring
3 c. coarse cornmeal 1 I /2 cubes chicken or vegetable bouillon (we used Knorr) olive oil Preheat your oven to 500 degrees. Bring the water and bouillon cubes to a boil, ensuringthat the bouillon cubes are f d y dissolved.Slowlywhiskin the cornmeal. After about 2 minutes of stirring, take the mixture off the heat and, using a spatula, spread it evenly onto a non-stick baking pan with raised edges. Next, drizzle a bit of oilve oil onto
19 oz can kidney beans, rinsed and drained 2 Tb. Olive oil 2 Tb. Tahini 2 Tb. Lemon juice 1garlic clove, finely minced Mashallof theingredientstogether. Refrigerate for at least an hour to allow the garlic flavour to permeate the mixture. If youwant, you can add chopped mint or ground cumin for additional flavour.
FRIDAY, JULY 25,2003
August 1 to August 14 = pain
HERAMB'S HAREM Exam season is that time of year where men are separated from the boys; where women are separated from the transvestites; where you have three precious hours to prove pour worth as a human being. Nobody gives a flyingcrapola about the regular season - the time where essays and quizzes make you sweat. That's crocodile sweat, my friends! The more enlightened have realized the first three months are mere sesame seeds on the Chinese bun cake of academiclife. Mrnrnmm, Chinese bun cake. Basically, what I'm hinting at in a metaphorical sort of way is this: don't waste your time with the first three months of a term. Attending lectures are for people with nothng better to do.
Heck, most teachers holdreview sessions in the last week of classes anyway, where they focus on testable elements of the course. After all, eachlecture has three interesting points with about seven more thrown in to extract the remaining 48 minutes.If you don't believe me, go blow a goat, the hell I care. In other words, for these three months do something rewarding. Something that can make a profound impact on someone's life! Write poetry. Volunteer at the local shelter. Learn how to use chopsticks. And then when exams rear their ugly head, let the cramming begin.. . Finding a place to study can be difficult. I personally find the DC library too dwracting. The cute chicks there make it hard for me to concentrate. And for sheer hilarity, you got your requisite number of Asian "thugsx- i.e guys with cool jewels, the latest in Fubu wear, and a funky walk where thcir neck and shoulders gyrate in unison. But when you see what they're studying it's always like "Differential Calcu-
Once more unto the breach lus.. . for Bad-asses." So nix DC. Dana Porter is too lonely. The S I L smells like cheese. Classrooms are always booked. Someone suggested study outside. Hey, do I look like a fucking hppie? That pretty much leaves my house. It's not that bad when I think about it. There's always food in the fridge. I got a TV in the f a d y room. I got a good porno stash on my computer for "breaks." But most of all, it's nice and empty, except for one roommate.That's good 'cuz after a couple hours of study, we usually jump around on the sofa holding hands, relieving stress. Then we'll take a Cinnabun break at Cinnabuns and play "guess the CS major" among the seated customers. Just to break up the routine, we'll go to Bubble Tea, or "Bubba Tea," as my friend with a speech impediment would say. It was at Bubble Tea where I enjoyed my finest one liner to date at Waterloo. I glanced at the menu and notlced a Kumquat flavoured tea. All right. So 1 utter the following to the lad! takmg down our orders, "Yes. I would hke number 3. The Kumquat. But, can you hold the 'quat." ,4h boy, that was some funnj sht. r y e r days of laughter, I faded manmany cxams.
A VP'S EDUCATION I've heard from many students, especially in my experience as a don, of the futility ofvoting. This mindset is reflected in the participation rates in the most recent provincial election; only 27 per cent of people our age vote, compared with a 7lper cent average. This is a dangerous precedent for our generation to be setting for ourselves. Equally frightening for me is the precedent set in student politics, where this year, only 14 per cent made their voice heard; a six year record high. For many, voting voicing opinion - is inconvenient. In his article "No More Unto the Breach" in the March issue of Halpert Jonathan Schell speaks of how the beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi shaped his movement of principled non-compliance. Schell writes: "The central role of consent in all government meant that noncooperation - the withdrawal of consent -was something more than a morally satisfgng activity; it was a powerful weapon in the real world." Mr. ScheU presents GandWs argument to demonstrate
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that opinion, not force, is the decidmg factor in not just democratic states but also dictatorial ones like India under British rule. He defends the necessity of political participation: not only is politics important, it is necessary; not only is public consent a
powerful tool in the current day, it is the only tool. As an individual, the express dnever serve you unless you state and act on your opinion. Unfortunately, many people believe this and also conflictingly believe that as individuals they are powerless. The argument that says no individual has power leads to a redzlctio ad abstlrdzlm. If no one person has power, then how does a y n e evcr get elected? How do coalitions ever accomplish anything? Keep in mind that even without coalitions, important events reshape lives. Amnesty International's campaigns have been successful hundreds of times in freeing prisoners of conscience and preventing the torture of people a world away. Simply through the work of individuals writing letters. Democracy only works for those who participate. The alternative is living in a hegemony of the majority. If you do not vote, advocate, lobby, sign petitions, or discuss political issues then you become a prisoner of your own belief that you are powerless. Your freedom is limited by a public consent that omits your voice. The importance of public opinion - in fact, the importance of the idea ofthepublic itself - is defended in Power and Betrqal in the Canadianhledia. The author, David Taras, argues that the public is, in current society,a"powerfulpolitica1 reality." Now that decisions are made on a large scale by all of us, it is important that each one of us participatein creating and disserninating "public opinion." This is as true in a small community like UW as it is in our entire country. This is why I ran for office, it is why I encourage you to write letters, email, and visit your elected representatives, and it is why I strongly encourage each of you to figure out how you can drive the force of public opinion on our campus. The alternativeis a democracy in name only, founded not in consent but in convenience.Waterloo should not stand for such a farce.
Acts emtor: Jeff Tran
Lion King's departure set for
Third album awelcomed departure for Choclair Choclair Flagrant GreenhouseRecords
It's been hard to findany brightpoints this summer, what with West Nile, SARS, and Kobe, however it all depends where you look. In adesperate attempt to revive Toronto's struggling tourism industry, there have been packages, deals, coupons, and sales galore. One of the most attractive packages thus far has been the Mirvish "Time forLittleTOUpackage. Each package ($125) included 1 ticket to either the six-timeTonyaward winning Lion King musical or the widely acclairnedMammaMia, a threecourse meal at one ofToronto's finest restaurants, a ticket to aBlueJay game and, a one night stay at a luxurious Toronto Hotel.. A great deal by any means, seeing as how a ticket to either musical can cost up to $126 alone. Orignally the package was originally intended forthe month ofApril, but due to its overwhelming success, it was extended through Map and June. When1 heard about this package I
great so it really wouldn't have made adifference, but I chose the Crowne Plaza because it was close to the SkyDome, and it looked nice. A quickrecap - Jayslost, hotelwas amazing, restaurant was great, and chances are that they will still be there next year, though I'm iffy about the Jays sometimes. Whatwon't be here come October is Disny's The Lion Eng which will ha;e it's last performance on septem2003. , ber ?.P The Lion IGng has had as many as 1300performancessinceMarchof2000 and has been seen by more than 2.3 d o n people. The show lives up to the hype. The
music is exhilarating, the costumes are breathtaking, and the actingis superb. The show is very much like the cartoon movie released in 1994, but there are a few twists thrownin there for good meas, ure, and a few jokes that will have many kids aslung their parents "what does that mean?". So, amoung the things that you shoulddo before schoolstarts again is to get your tickets for the Lion King. 1t's.a heist!
After leaving Virgin Records, Scarboroughnative Choclairreleases his third album under the independent Greenhouse Records label. Solitareand Saukrates teamup again to produce many pleasing, but all too familiarbeats onFhgrant. The album opens with three strongtracks that showcase some quality production. The fxst single receivingrachoatrplay, " ~ a c where k h e Stayed", is a welcome change from Choc's usual rhymes about cars, booze, and his virility.
He speaks about his childhood and his dreams of the future, and the requisite this-is-where-I-came-fromand-this-is-where-I'm-at-now that every rapper speaks about when he makes it big enough. The second single off the album, for more informauon on how you can "Skyline", also has the catchy beat and purchase uckets. catchy hooks tomakeit agoodenough summer party track. However, after this track the contentgoes back to the same old stuffwe're used to hearing about from Choclair: cars, booze, and glrls. strangers on the street. Lyrically, Choclair has taken on a Using the 'net to find that song bit of a different style; if you can you keep hearing on the radio is one believe, he rhymes in even shorter thing. Finding your favourite music sentences, and sometimes his rhythm video or dscovering new artisrs is is a bit off. okay too. Downloading and Nost of the beats Choclair raps burning entire albums and movies? over are the same methodically synDude, seriously.
thesized sound, at the same tempo, except for one weird slightly nonmusical track, "Thought Train", that just doesn't seem to have a beat. There are a couple of tracks which manage to pick up the pace l
duced by The Circle and featuringThe Circle. All in all. there are a few catchy tracks on this album, but for an artist labeled as a "groundbreahng Canadian h p hop artist", thereisn't enough originality or lyrical greatness in F/agrant to warrant this title. Melody Lei, Special to Imprint
The dance of capitalist superiority
It all started so innocently, and I blame Aaron Sorkin for it all. About two months ago 1 decided to catch up on my West Wing episodes by downloading them off Kazaa. I had started watching the show regularly in my second year at university, but this yearitinterferedwith avery crucial bar night. Suffice it to say, there are times when retro music and arnaretto sours are just more important than tv.In any case, I turned to the Internet with the intention of downloading episodes from the fourth season that I had missed. When episode 4x01 wasn't available I randomly discovered the pilot, createdway backin 1999.After that things just spiraled way out of control. Certainly I had been downloading music on a casual basis for quite some time but this was different. I was downloading like a crazy mofo, so to speak. My housemates could rarely do the
same because I was using pretty much all of our bandwidth. I quickly became a West Wing junkie, even burning the episodes to CD and distributing them out to friends like some sort of medm crack dealer. To date I have 53 episodes, which takes up approximately 8 gigs on my desktop. To put things in perspective, about one fifth of my hard drive is The West Wing I can justify my actions pretty easily. The DVDs for the show aren't yet availablein North America, but once they are I will no doubt buy them. Shows like Six Feet Under and The Fami4 Gtly are ones that I discovered online, but ended up buying on DVD the minute I found them at my local Futureshop. As you should by know by now, I am a polite little consumer. The thing is, most people that use programs like Kazaa don't share my justification. Most of YOU who download on a regular basis do so instead of purchasing. And to me, that's just not cool. Sure I've heard all the arguments that support fdesharing. I'm no legal expert, so I'm not sure exactly how the law views the process, but let's not fool ourselves. Downloading isn't exactly stealing, but it's not exactly buying either, is it? Filesharing is the equivalent of someone buying a book, photocopying it and distributing it to
I know CDs and D \ D s ha-re become increasinglyexpensive, but that comes with the territory. Our society is based around capitalism, which allows all sorts of products to be available to all sorts of people. But before you start doing The Dance of CapitalistSuperiority,recall what it's based around: the exchange of money for goods and/or services. So you can't afford to buy the latest Radiohead (or whatever). . .. Guess what kids? If you don't have the cash you don't get the product. That's just the way it works. And trust me, music and television are PRODUCTS before anything else. Diet Coke Head is signing off for the rest of the year, but if the editor gods are smiling down on me I'll make my return in January. I leave you with a very simple and only slightly patronizing message: be consumers. Be capitalists. Be downloaders. But don't try to moralize it unless you can acttla4 moralize it.
>, * ' 0
. l ' "
Fr, 4:40pm. Sat. 9:10pm, Sun. 9:lOpm
6 Pr~ncessStreet West Narerloo 8852950
FRIDAY, JULY 25,2003
Going to such efforts as to wave a loaded gun at the teen, and threatening to kill him if he didn't bring her home on time. The scene must have lasted at least ten minutes if not more and had no relevance to the plot or story development whatsoever. However, I didn't say that this was abad thing. Granted, d i n d I felt that this movie was a tad on the long side (running time of 147 mins) and that the plot could have almost been broken down into two separate movies, I felt pleasantly pleasedwith the overall movie. For every crazy high budget special effectsladen action scene, there was a hilarious well written comedic scene. Itwas as ifDirectorMichaelBayset the film to a formula as if we were riding a roller coaster. We recelve lust the tlght amount of t h d s andwhteknuckled exc~tement, and enough m e In between to enjoy the scenery and laugh and have agreat time. Now,wecan takeit as a sequel. The original was more of the action movie for the 90s. Goodguys encounter bad guy plot, good guys try to foil bad guys plan, good guys succeed, and along with a lot of explosions and stunts and Will Smith running slow mo'in awife beater (one for theladies I assume) the movie wraps up gener-
Bad Boys II takes on Terminator 3: The rise of the machines in an effort to rule the box office as the top action sequel of the summer. ally all hunky dory. However, BadBoys I1 follows the formula for the new millennia. Since it comes eight years afterit's predecessor, the action f h g e n r e has become a lot more high budget, extreme, and shall I say less moral? The typical action fan nowadays wants gratuitous violence, 'TNA', sexual innuendoes, violence, 'TNA', and dtd I mentionviolenceand 'TNA'? Heramb Ramachandran And Bad Boys I1 delivers in kind, IMPRINT STAFF if not generously. Scenes that includemice having sex First off, Arnold's boobies didn't in thernissionaryposition, club goers sag. The action, the d a m % the enddancing seductively and overdosing ing all make thls flick fantas~cally on 'E', cadavers withlarge - breasts (?), Scrumpuous. and close up after close up of people must have watched bang dwmboweled, shot, bludgthe first two films to better undereoned, and kdedmvanous creauvely stomach churmng ways. . . Question is will you like it? It all depends on what type of movie you enjoy. If you want a long thnll that'll make you bust your gut and give you you're money's worth? Then yes go for it, but if a long- ,drawn out, action explosion-blood-festis not your thing then it'll allbe seen that, been there to you. My Radng: "* * * --" I
is magnificent. T3 used more stunt work than CGI to make the actionlook authentic. Although not as visually stunning as Matrix, T3 more than makes up for it with the well choreographed chase sequences and explosions. There are moments of intentional comedy that are quite effective. The endtng will lead to philosophical discussion. I'll say no more. Also, fans of Arnold's Austrian vernacularwillbe pleased-the accent is intact. T3 is directedbyJohnathanMostow and plays at most theatres.Herambone gives it the brown fist of approval.
Terminatrix heads up new action sequel
hnold'Sback ... and again?
j _
stand the story Pne. But if you didn't, here is a brief synopsis.. . John connbr (Nick Stahl) is now a 20-something - lad who leads a nomadic lifestyle. His mom passed away some years ago probably 'cuz Linda Hamilton wanted too much money. connor ~ d Furlong, ~ aohn ~ ~ din T2) also passed up hs role for unknown reasons. For the most part, Nlck Stahl dtd a good job. He blended arug&ly handsome look w t h boy~shexuberance. ,
contact us at: editorsin
S c ~ c n c cr d ~ t o rLiz : Marton
Mars is back with a vengeance The Red Planet is coming closer to Earth than it has been in the past thousand years Graeme Stemp SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
So, you were working late on your last calculu~assignment, due earl\ the next morning and rather than deliver it tomorrow you decide to drop it off tonight. During your trek across campus, you happen toglance up at the sky and see a blazing red star. What is that?! It's hlars. And it's close, too. Approximately every two !-ears, Mars appears [o get larger and brighter in the sky. This event, called an opposition becausc the Sun is in thc oppositc parr of the sky as hlars, occurs uhen thc Earth, in its smallcr orbit, catches up to Mars inits larger orbit. Since LIars' orbit is slightly morc eccentric than the F,arth's. some oppositions can be better than others. Tf the opposition occurs whcn Mars is at perihelion, closer to the Sun, then Mars can look bigger and brighter. This year's opposition is such an event, with the gap between the two planets dwindhng to a mere 55.8 million krn at the end of r\ugust, closer than in the last thousand years. With Mars looming large in the morning sky, astronomers are capitalizing on a great chance to study our neighbouring planet. Amateur astronomers all around the world have been observing Mars for pears as part of the International Mars Patrol, which was started in the 1960s and has amassed over 30,000 observations. This opposition is no
This view of Mars, taken in March 1997, just before the opposition when the Red Planet passed the Earth by 100 million km, was taken by the NASA Hubble Space Telescope. different, with amateur astronomers spending countless hours at their telescopes drawing, photographing, and digitally imaging the Red Planet. With the telescopes that amateur astronomers use, it is possible to see many Martian characteristics. The most prominent features are the ice caps at the North and South Pole. These ice caps are composed of both ice and dry ice (frozen carbon
dioxide) and grow or shrink as the seasons change. Mars has seasons just like the Earth because Mars' axis tilts, as does the Earth's. However, because Mars is nearly twice as far out from the Sun, its seasons are nearly twice as long as Earth's. One canalso seelargedark patterns in the Martian sands which were considered earlier in the century to be
examples of another civhzed race constructing "canals" to irrigate a drying planet. This idea turned out to be false, though the life on Mars debate is still raging on a microbial scale. Attempts to solve the Martian life riddle involve going to hfars and seeing if there is, or was, water since it seems that wherever there is water there is life. T o accomplish this research, four new spacecrafthave been sent to Mars. The spacecraft, two fromNASA, one from the liuropean SpaccXgency,and one fromJapan, should reach Mars in December and January. The tu-o NXSIZ spacecraft, Spirit and Opportunity, in\-olve rovers that will land on 2Iars and driw around, examining intcresting rocks and taking hundreds of pict~ires. Thc European spacecraft, hlars Express, is a lander thatuill employ a mechanical arm and a drill that will burrow into the soil to conduct geochemical and astrobiological experiments. Finally, the Japanese spacecraft, Nozomi,will hopefully finally makeit to Mars. Nozomi was originally launched in 1998 and hoped to reach Mars in 1999, but propulsion problems forced ground controllers to set back the schedule d lthe next opposition. Nozorni isn't the first time that Mars has beaten a space agency. Approximately 70 per cent of all the missions to Mars have failed. Most recently were two NASA missions planned for the 1999 opposition.
The first mission, Mars Climate Orbiter, didn't stop h s t enough and crashed into hlars because engineers didn't convcrt between metric and imperial units properly. The second mission, Mars Polar Lander, inexplicably &ed duringlanding, though chances areits landmgwas less than smooth. ilfter those failures,NASA took a step back, spendmg more time and money designing and testing their spacecrah. Opportunity and Spirit \\.ill be thc first of these nev-,better thought out missions, and hopefully the extra careudl pay oft: For now astronomers arc simply lookng at hlars' freshly exposed Lice rhrough their relescopes,u-hile drcaming of the \,iew from thc surface that should be arrix ing in 6 tnonths timc.
The UW observatory typically has observing nights the first Wednesday of the month this August 6 and September 3 starting at 9pm.
To arrange a night of Mars viewing, contact Laura Parker at or 885-1211 x5130.
Will water save the world? Debate rages on whether hvdro~enfuel cells are the oromise for a new world J
Debate continues to rage overwhether or not hydrogen-powered fuel cells are a mable solution to global problems, both economc and en~uonmentalIn nature On one s d e are the proponents of hydrogen-powered technologyes, who clam that hydrogen - fuel cells wll do everything from saving the environment to reducing the reliance on foreign fossil fuel sources. Thoselessgenerous to heap praise on hydrogen technologies note the abundant problems involved in the implementation of new systems, and point out flaws in proposed "ideal solutions." Proponents of hydrogen technology say that new fuel cells will help solvemany greatproblems in the world today. Hydrogen fuel cells arc special types of fuel cells, using hydrogen rather
than fossil fuels as a source of power gcneration. Theoretically, hydrogen can be derived cleanly and safely from such HZ!()), simplc substances as water ( where splitting water's two hydrogen (H) molecules from its oxygen (0) molecule could provide an abum dant, safe and readily available source of fuel. T o proponents, switching the main fuel supply from such environmentally unfriendly sources as fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) to water will greatly benefit the environment. Motor Magazine, for example, regularly runs stories on cars whose only exhaust by-product is watervapour, the by-product of the environmentall friendly hydrogen fuel cell. Othersin favour ofhydrogen technology note that it is alreadyavailable, and needs only to be applied cornrnercially. In one example, hydrogen fuel cell
technology powered the machineqthat allowed VS astronaut Neil Armstrong to broadcast his famous "One small step.. . " announcement
Hydrogen fuel cell technology is already available, and needs only to be applied commercially from the first moon landing in 1969. It merely needs to be applied for many to use. Supporters also point to the fact that switching technologies will decrease many nations' reliance upon the current available sources of fossil fu-
els, obtained greatly from the confictridden Middle East. They claim that decreased reliance on foreign sources of energy udl help to bring about greater stability to an economy easily influenced by its fuel supply. The move towards hydrogenpowered technology is notwithout its critics, however. Some point to the United States, where many claim that President George W. Bush is putting too much emphasis on hydrogen rather than on other renewable sources of energy. Focusing on hydrogen cells, they say, takes both attention and investment money away from other reliable, economical and environmentally friendly technologies, such as solar power and wind generation. Others point to the claim that the mostrehble sourcesofhydrogencome not from safe, clean water, but instead from fossil fuels. Continued reliance on fossil fuels for hydrogen technol-
ogy, the!- argue, udl keep the process from being as environmentally beneficial as is popularly believed. Another key problem to implementing hydrogen fuel cells is providing a stable, nation-wide source for hydrogen "refueling." Switching from ethanol to hydrogen udl not be an easy move, considering the massive network of gas stations and fueling depots currentiy in place to provide for the transportation industry. The cost involved in switching fromone system to another wiU be substantial. Perhaps the day will come when society will see its cars and buildings powered by littlemore than clean, clear water, leaving little more pollution than water vapour. Until that day comes, though, the debate will continue to rage onwhether or not hydrogen fuel cells will bring about a brave, new world.
FRIDAY, JULY 25,2003
Putting the genome to work Liz Marton IMPRINTSTAFF
The simultaneous sequencing of the human genome by Celera and The Human Genome Project in 2001 was a monumental achievement in biotechnology and medicine, and an apparent code for quickcures.The media hailed the progress as the miracle key to better drugs,better cures, faster. So, in these days of West Nile, SARS and cancer,where are the cures? They're coming. US biotechnology company AVI BioPharma,Inc. may shock the world in as little as 10 months if their West Nile drug passes clinical trials. The .-. drug, based on the growing area of antisense technology,proceeded from design to product in only a week last October. The key? Readily-available information on the West Nile virus RNA sequence, which is analogous to the way DNA carries geneticinformation in humans. Arrnedwith the powerful information on the disease-causing bitofRNA, researcher Patricklversen quickly designed a drug that would bind the malicious RNA and thus disable it.
This technology of custom-creating drugs that bind a target D N A or RNA sequence to preventit fromproducing the disease-causingprotein is referred to as antisense technology. The ability of researchers to freely access the humangenome sequencein online databases plays a crucial role. Possible interactions of the newly designed drug molecule with human DNA could lead toinactivatingessential genes in the patient, causing serious side effects. m a t i n g this possibility is literally as easy as doing a search of the human genome for suspected sites. AVI BioPharma is planning on launching clinical trials o n West Nile virus patients this summer, after obtaining promising results with a similar drug that successfully treated sick penguins at the Milwaukee County Zoo last fall. Cancer research has also received a boost since the sequencing of the human genome. Last year, scientists at the British Cancer Genome Project have identified a gene that, when mutated, contributes to the onset of melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. The purpose of the BCGP, a spin-
off of the Human Genome Project, is to discover mutant genes by systematically analyzing the entire human genome. The results of theirwork can then be used to develop drugs that attack cancer at its molecular roots, rather than treating side effects. Their approach to fmdingthegene, named BRAF,was to compare cancerous and normal cells from the same patients. The researchers are continuing the demanding task of analyzing all 30,000 or so genes in the human genome on a gene-by-gene basis in their quest to identify more cancerrelated genes. New generationcancer drugs cause fewer side effects and boast greater effectiveness.Theyare more specificin their mechanism and are much less toxic than their pre-biotechnology counterpaxts. The deciphering of the human genome was a huge boost for medicine, but, it appears to some that it wasn't enough to reach the ultimate finish line. However, to those who didn't expect more than it really offered, the paybacks have already made the journey worthwhile.
Midnight Sun VII was dwarfed by trucks as it battled traffic on Interstate 40 W in Arizona during the eighth day of the race.
Midnight Sun finishes third Liz Marton IMPRINT STAFF
Midnight Sun VII, UW's solar car, placed third at the American Solar Challenge by crossing the finish line on Wednesday, July 23, beating all other Canadian teams. The team took just over 58 hours to complete the 4000 km race from Chicago to Los Angeles, and finished less than seven hours behind the race winner, University of Missouri - Rolla. This year's race represents an improvement for the team, who beat their time from two years ago by 3
hours, despite technical set-backs that held them backafter they kickedoffthe race with avengeanceand heldthelead for the first two days. 'We've had a lot of problems with the motor andmotor control,whch we had to fixor swap twice duringtherace," explained driver Calli Citron. "If we hadn't been off-road, we would have been neck and neck with the winner." "We are very thankful to supporters back home and the team members who couldn't make it," added Citron. 'We're really happy with whatwe did." - -
Mice dying for chocolate
Rebecca Versteeg IMPRINTSTAFF
Scientists bring new twist to "death by chocolate" with chocolate mousetraps
A mousetrap made of chocolate developed by scientistsat the University of Warwick is set to bring a new meaning to "death by chocolate." The novelinventionleadsmiceinto temptation with the irresistible, alluring scent of chocolate essencewithout the use of bait. Trials showed chocolate, not cheese, is the mouse's favourite nibble.
Caribbean coral suffers "phenomenal" loss Coral reefs across the Caribbean have declined by 80 per cent in three decades, UK scientists say. They believe the causes are both natural and human, but found no evidence of climate change damage. Reefs in some areas appear to be recovering, but there are doubts about how well new coral formations will cope. The scientists say this dramatic ... . rate ofloss appears not to have slowed since 1975.
Computer program detects author's gender According to a study published in Nature, a new computer program can tell whether a book was written by a man or a woman. The simple scan of key words and syntax is around 80 per cent accurate on both fiction and non-fiction. The > ,
program's success confirms the perception of dfferences in male and femalelanguageuse. Crudelyput,men talk more about objects,whilewomen talk about relationships. Femalewriters use more pronouns (I,you, she, their, myself), say the program's developers, Moshe Koppel of Bar-Ilan University in Rarnat Gan, Israel, and colleagues. Males prefer words thatidenafyor determine nouns and words that quantify them.
Anthropologist predicts major threat t o species If the world's human population continues to rise at its current rate, the number of threatened species d i n crease by at least 7 percentworldwide in the next 20 years and twice that many by the year2050. In arecent model of theirnpact of human population growth on biological diversity, Ohio State University anthropologistJeffrey McKee and his colleagueswarn that the United States alone will add at least 10species to the threatened list within 50 years.
Yellow school buses t o run cleaner in N e w York When New York students return to class in the fall, the familiar yellow school b u s e s d emit fewerclouds of black diesel exhaust as retrofits to reduce the chokingpollution are phased in across the state, especially in areas with poor air quality. Most school buses are powered by diesel engines that lack the sophisticated pollution controls now required on automobiles, suchas catalyticconverters. Burning regular diesel fuel emits what the Environmental Protection Agency says is "a significant amount" of fine particles, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide into the environment.
more informationplease contact Dave McDougall: 888-4567 x6338,
Frora*r OM
page 17
FRIDAY, JULY 25,2003
Sports Editor: vacant
Coach takes on double dutv for the fall J
Playing both sides: Peter Mackte juggles both the men's and women's soccer teams Charbel G. Balloutine SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
Peter i\Iackie will be doing somcthing that is rarely done in uni~wsityathletics-he mill coach two varsity teams this fall. hlaclrie, a 38-year-old graduate of \Yilfrid Laurier Vnivcrsity, has taken on both U\S"s men's and women's soccer programs. He was offered the position on thewomen's team after former coach, Bruce Rodrigues, accepted a position as a school principal in Cambridge. "Pt] was something I couldn't turn down," said Mackie. "I would not have taken the women's program if I thought it would hurt the men's program. If one program suffers, then so does the other." Having served as head coach of the men's team for the past hvo seasons, Mache is wellequipped to handle both teams this fall. "Socceris a huge part of my life," he said. "It's always around me." Mackie has been playing competitive soccer for 34years. The sport is in his genes. His father played semi-pro 'football' in Scotland. T o this day, Mackie plays in aleague withmen half his age, some ofwhom are members of the Laurier soccer team. He is also coaching two teams this summer and runs Grass Roots SoccerAcademy- a soccer camp for underprivileged chddren. Maclue knows, however, that coaching two varsity programs will be no small task. As a father of four children-all ofwhom play soccer-Mackie looks to his family for encouragement. "I might be dlvorced right now if I didn't have the support of my wife," he said johngly.
After t w o season's as the U W men's soccer coach, Mackie prepares to balance both U W men's and women's soccer teams this fall. But he is confident in h s leadership of the men's team. With the departure of only one player, goalkeeper Kyle Owens, whograduated this spring. Mackie believes his team has a strongnucleus. The teamalso possesses the intangibles to make a run for the Ontario University Athletics title, provided Owens is replaced by a solid goalkeeper. Mache is also familiar with the women's team, having guided them through fitness sessions in the winter. Mackie knows the strengths of the women's team. He believes that they will need a strong
coach after the departure of all-star captainJessica Whte. The female Warriors have four new recruits with tremendous soccer backgrounds, which bodes well for the future of the program. Most importantly, Mackie knows that the women are motivated and want to improve upon past results. "Things are going to change in the women's program," he said with conviction. "I'm going to set the bar really h g h for them." \Xrithidenticalrecords- five wins, threelosses, two ties and first-round playoff exits toToronto -for both the men's and women's teams, Coach Mackie knows there is room to improve.
oil,nforltSsoCCer ..I,a n t t program. 1want the student-athletes to get the recognition they deserve," AIackie said. From 1985to 1989,hIackiewas amcmber of the Golden Hawks' soccer team, a-hichreached the national finals nvice and -ras named an ,\llCanadian on three occasions. Speakingabout the \X'aterloo-Laurier rix-:~lr!when he played soccer, he said "the games \vcre not even competitix," referring to the KTarrior teams ofthelatc-1980s as the "doormats" ofthe league. "I'm just a Laurier alumnus. Rut I'm a \Yaterloo guy now," LIackie stated proudly. Llackie, a social worker who counsels troubled youth, may bathe most passionate soccer coach U \ V d ever have. "I'm not leaving this schooluntilwe win that provincial or even national championship. I want that for bothprograms," said Mackie. "But we'll take it one year at a time." "I may have to be more of an observational coach because ofthe physical work that goes into coachingtwo varsity teams," he said reflecting on a possible change to his usual routine. And CoachMackie does even drill and exercise with his players, not because he has to, but because that's the way he has always done it. "I'mdnven," the two-team soccer coach said simply.
The men's and women's soccer teams open their seasons at home against Windsor on Saturday, September 13. The women play at 1 p.m., the men at 3 D.m.
Canadians' world domination imminent
TOP CORNER HOCKEY Canada's domination of international hockey &as one step closer to completion as Anson Carter's wrap-around barely trickled over the Swedsh goal line in the overtime of the gold medal game in the 2003 World Championships. After captain Ryan Smyth bssed and lifted the World Championshp trophy over his head, the glorious Canadian national anthem was played pet again. Although Canadanvictories were relatively sparse in the late 1990's at major international tournaments, Canada has quietly been on a monumental roll. The men and women's national teams currently hold five of the seven major championship titles. The Canadian men are the reigning Olympic Champions, World Champions and World Under-1 8 Champions while the Canadian women are the reigning Olympic and World Champions. The only two titles missing from this collection are the men's World Juniors and the men's World Cup.
However, these two elusive titles could very well be claimed by the Canadan men next year. Canada is sending a very strong team to the 2004 World Juniors and has an excellent chance of winning that title. In the past two years, Canada lost to Russia in the gold-medal game. However, the Canadian World Junior team looks to be better this year and the United States will be their main challenge. The second of the missing championships in Canada's impressive collection is the men's World Cup. Canada lost to the United States in the heart-breaking finals of the 1996 World Cup. However, the Canadan stars appear to be in good shape based on momentum carried over from their 2002 Olympic victory in Salt Lake City. With superstars such as Joe Thornton, Jarome Ignla, Dany Heatley,Joe Sakic, Chris Pronger, Rob Blake, and Martin Brodeur, the 2004 World Cup could very well end up in Canada's hands. Could Canada do the unthinkable and sweep all seven major championships? The biggest obstacle to t h s unprecedented feat may be the timing of the World Cup, scheduled for August-September 2004. Therefore, the Canadian men and women must defend their World Championships in April/May 2004. The women's World
Championships will be held in Halifax. The home-crowd advantage should lead the Canadian women to a successful defence of the title. However, the men's World Championships is more difficult for the Canadlans to defend because the European teams heavily target t h s event every year. Whether Canada sweeps all major international tournaments in 2004 or not, the state of Canadian hockey is still clear. Skd develop-
ment was an incessant point of criticism for Canadian hockey in the late 1990's but that is no longer true today. Who knows, maybe on September 14, 2004, Canada will complete their total world . domination of international hockey with a win in the World Cup gold-medal game at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto. With glowing hearts, we see thee rise, O Canada!
FRIDAY, JULY 25,2003
Teams braved the early hours of the weekend in support of the Grand River Hospital. Over sixty teams took part in the Kiwanis Dragon Boat Festival at Laurel Creek conservation area July 19.
UW teams fired up at dragon boat festival Paddlers make a splash to raise money Christine Baker EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Over 60 teams h t the water at Laurel Creek conservaaon areaon July 19 for the slxth annual &warns Dragon Boat
Festival. -
The 40-foot boats, whch come complete mth a dragon head and tad, are filled wth 20 paddlers, a drummer who sets the pace and a steersperson
The team navigates a 500 m course (usually in under three minutes). This year, participantswere cheered on by an estimated 7000 people who attended the event, which also featured an arts and crafts fair. Teams competedin two categories - open, and colleges and umversities. After initial heats, teams were divided into divisions based on time. According" to repistration co0
ordinator, Jamie Meek, eight teams affiliated with UW took part in the event. The WLISA Paddle Pushers placed h r d in the Iron division consolation final. Hot & Groovy placed fourth in the Iron division final. In the Silver division consolation finals, the Mennoknights placed fifth, CHRISTINE BAKER D ~ a g o nAlong placed third and PA DA Boat placed first. Dan Murray, left, and Brock Pehar practice on the court outside In the colleges and universities di- the Student Life Centre. Murray and Pehar compete on the vision consolation finals, The Fast Ontario Volleyball Association beach tour. and the Furious placed fifth, Not-lnSync placed fourth, and UW DA Boat placed &st. UWAlu~ll~llTeamRuckus ger and bigger eachyear," saidMcFater. placed fourth In the universities and Christine Baker Also playing the beach tour are EDITOR-IN-CHIEF colleges division finals. BrockPehar, second year mathco-op, Tony IOm, a member of the UW and Dan Murray, a new UW recruit grad assoclanon team, Dragon Along, UW'svolleyballplayersmay have more who will be entering environmental s a d the event was "fun and well run." to gain from going to the beach than civilengeneeringin the fall. The team, "It was fantasuc." s a d Kim. "I'll a tan. SeveralofUWsvolleyballplayn7ho placed first in the 20 and under definetely do ~tagam next year." ers have been hitting the outdoor category on June 1 in Toronto, have "I really enjoyed the comradene courts in this summer's Ontario Volalso been competing in the 24 and 1eyballAssociadonbeach tour. under category,placing as high as secAccording to the UW women's ond. Alarge pordon of the funds raised volleyball head coach,Jason Grieve, The three-month beach season beach volleyball is excellent off-sealeads into the indoor season which son training. runs September through February. Because there are only two players Accordingto Grieve, beachrolleyper team, they are required to contact ball provides excellent physical trainthe ball more and have to anticipate ing by increasing stamina and jumpand read the plays sooner. ing a b h q . "Playing [volleyball] in the sand "It is also a complement to the increases quickness,lower body power strength training that they do for the and court awareness," said Grieve. Dragon boat racing began indoor season," said Grieve. "They can apply all of that to their According to McFater, playing over 2000 years ago when it indoor game and become a much beachvolleyball helps players work on better indoor player via beach volleywas believed that boat racing all around skills with the added bonus ball as a training tool." would ensure prosperousand of being at the beach. CW women's volleyball team bountiful crops. "It's a greatway toirnprovc indoor members Kelly McFater, 3Achemicd The dragon boat festival is skillswhilegettingout ofthe gym and engeneering, and IGistina ICowalski, normally celebrated on the out in the sun," says LIcFater."Playing who d lbe entering fourthycar kinefifth day of the fifth lunar in sand, you have to work a little bit siology in the fall, are partners in the month and is one of China's harder. When you get back indoors, Ontario \'olleyballAssociation beach three major holidays. your movements seem so much tour. In this, their second season Dragon boats can be between easier." together, hIcFater and I<owalski have Grieve admits there are benefits 40 and 100 feet long. placed as high as third in thc 24 and beyond the physical training. under category at this summer's first The dragon head and tail are "They get to go out 'and experitournament in Wasaga beach on May attached to the boat prior to ment without the presence or pres24. the race and the dragon is sure of having a coach there," said McFater, who has been playing "brought to life" when taoist Grieve. beach volleyball for five years, heard priest paints the eyes on the about the league through friends. dragon. "[Beachvolleyball] is getting big-
UW volleyball hits the beach
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Hungry? Need food? FEDS Food Bank is a confidential student-run food bank that provides free groceries to anyone who needs them. No questions asked. Visit us in the Student Life Centre, r o o m 2 1 2 5 . Please email us a t Counselling Services is offering- a number of personal1social and study skills workshops during the Spring term including: Stress Management Through Relaxation Training, Assertive Communication, Self-Esteem, Study Skills Workshop, Exam Prep Workshop. For more information and registration, visit Counselling Services, Needles Hall 2080 or c a i ext. 2655. 2700 Children will die today, what will you do? Help make the 30 hour famine a success. If interested contact Anna, and Nancy, For more information visit uwfamine. EQ - Environmental Quescense - for upcoming show information visit the Web site at
Friday, August 29, 2003 Frosh Issue will be in newstands today until September 12! If you are needing Campus Bulletin space or Classified space please submit by August 20 to the Imprint office, Student Life Centre, room 1116 between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Spacious four bedroom house near Chicopee Ski hill. Furnished, two bathrooms, laundry. $350lperson or $1,150 plus utilities. Call Kevin 4776. Fully-furnished 4 bedroom, executive home; near shopping, universities; available September 2003 t o June 2004; non smokers, no pets; $1,600 + utilitieslmo.; phone 742-3735. Room for rent for a quiet individual in a detached home near both universlties. Parking and all emenities. Please call 725-5348. 8 Amos Avenue apartment - two bedrooms with kitchen, laundry in building, near bus routes #5 and #12. $7201 month including water and parking spot. Call Will 589-9455. Room for rent - $420 all inclusive with parking. Close to Fairview Mall, off direct bus route to UW. Call Amy 8950312. One clean bedroom available in new condo available September 2003 at $430/month. Fully furnished, in-house laundry, swimming pool, gym. Parking, bus route and Conestoga Mall near by. Please call 8 8 5 - 0 3 8 9 o r e-mail: A
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Attention Undergraduate Students! Interested In applying for undergraduate scholarsh~ps,awards or bursar~es?Check out the Bulletm Board on the Student Awards Office home page at: http:l/ for,,afldetalled 1st of awards open for appl~catlonthis term. Further information is ava~lableat the Student Awards Offlce, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.
Distress Centre Waterloo Region requires Volunteer Distress Line Workers to provide emotional support, crisis intervention, information and referrals to callers by telephone. Successful candidates are caring, reliable, open-minded, non-judgmental adults with good verbal skills. This is a challenging volunteer position with many personal rewards. Training is provided in communication and listening skills, suicide prevention and crisis intervention in exchange for a one-year commitment of not less than. 16 hours per month. Flexible hours. To apply . - . call 744-7645, ext. 300 any time or apply on line at www.cmhawrb.' Isinglass Theatre Inc. is -preparing - to mount a production of, Herschel Hardin's Esker Mike and His Wife Agiluk, directed by Ted Phythian. We are still looking to cast seven people for the play. Those interested in auditioning, call Ted Phythian and leave a message at 884-0241.
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