2003-04_v26,n08_Imprint-August 29

Page 1


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3 Here at Imprint we have tried to make being a frosh as easy as possible. Beheve us it has not been an easy task! Check out what's inside to help make this first year as easy as possible. Since yearbooks don't exist here (along with recess and ume out's -but

don't let that discourage you, you'll adjust) you can hold on to this to

help remind you of whatever you have blacked out for. Remember: lt's always fun and games 'till someone loses an eye. weld@ mpn"t"wmrl00 Ca

Welcome to the Universtiy of Waterloo

journey The o r l w malor role ofthr I zdaamonn n,~rprrieittiour LIITCIC\P r o u n n i r s ~ nadmmrirra11fmcreaitnrharyou'1leeeeneeei Thir unwersq rs about Imrmng and i d u ~ o m .ihe C m of\\ areiloo, t h ~ cariontsnoragsatlsq ofms~ghhr.rhar Pnmnci of0ntenoend lbe!ond mosroitr occuriooti~dcofrhr c l a \ i ~ \\ hcrhcr I r rakes rhe iorrn of seekmq~mporemenri~nuff~ loomil not du a\ 5 as appaicnr islde from\ ~,ur&iclplmcofsrudy,you~iill campui houimg, campqnmg for l c ~ r nlrnportam Isswns about life, loner rmmn or puih~ngLor mpmvemerits to rhe co-op r \ \ t c m . otherpeople, r ou, mahngcnd, mser > r 1s our iwb to iiorlr on \ ~ ~brhjli u r and \\here i o u a a n r \our parocular ru unpm. c rhc qudln oflifc tor purnrx rotakc you nexr, The FederaU\? imdcnri hen of Srudenrs is here to s e n e and i oucanfmil~smrhi~rudtntL~t empornel xou from rhr f i n r dm of C s n r t c ~ ~ ~ d i ~ u r d r ~ i ~ r ~sopen arc~lu-a! f~oihaeekrr,~~~urionrocar~oriday. \Thcrhcrrr~uannrrogeim~oIied,asB The Fcdermon suns busineisei, qursnan. makc a complamr or p i c -emcr\ andclubs thar are allgeared iar 1xllo.aeaant ru hear fromiou to sen-e the h~ehlr erse mrrreira > o u r urn>e l s t t i cipenencrid!x an unpmnllrlrd i i v aqc a hcrc m d e ~ pendsnce.educanr,nmduppo~niilm all rncer Tcwll be a faorastic nde Chns J,dsy Prrstdenr,redi~monofandenti


I h a d Johnston Preitdenr

Waterloo -a new world to discover cures Pcnmcrcr Inianm for Thir~rcncnlPh!sxiandrheCenrx fix InrernanonalGorernancrInno~ahon, ~rhcllchh~,~rpubhcIcctllfcc~~d~~~oridrmrnincdicholars Ifyouieskcofks h o p \ , lnrircarmg r i w u r a n r i , local 1c~ellers.or home! pubs. come L pm"n Thsiearephatmac~e~,ciclr shop\,aharduarc wxc, afincgoccr. srorc.fmitradennd hedrhfondsroiss. a rrerid~optman, andclothers. You a~llfindsnceit,umsnifromli~ ethen~ rre tc, a locaU~,wnedthree-icricn moue II(IU\L ir the norrh end of \X arsrloo. rhers 1s a commuotr~-conscmmr s ~ qonal shoppmng c a m , Conestoga hiall, as well as a Ihg box srore area nearby. mdamukl-pies, au&tonumwanngrnone theatre. Around the urn\-rrnm\ rou wll tind mrimanonal catcncs and shop^ pmgare~sto meet a student's nerds. ]om ~nour street f e s a ~ and d ~ the b I r & c i d F u c m \ i arcr1ooPaak The U'-ondtii g I R n i i i l i on' of rhc a u e ~ m\plnng cicnrs ot \\ nrerloo The rhousandioflights~nthepatharethe i~orLofaI1andfulofdrc~catrdr~~1111~ reels L se om \iallrmgr~dsand blkr paths, Thei are mrerconncctcd snd tabc \ou around rhc an. \.en e f i l ~ clcntli 1fyunseelnmeanmgtitil~va~-rc, belong. urn\ e m t i siuiirnrs m om conunumn irrrhremr ofmhcrcmr\ \\'eboa~rthrl~~I~eirconcr~~u~nunof

Federation of Students 2003-04 our commmroni. !om one of our cmnr plannmp commlrrici. or appl! f a one ofthe man! pair-ume powxma rharnc otfcr Chcck our u~lv feds.cn lobs formore mformaaon ahour opportrxmaes that are a\ adahle ro > ou. \\ e ale !our srudsnrovernmint. Om role is to repleien1 \ou. rc5pmnd t o i o u r cimcrma and advmci liaucs thnr arc m p o r t a n r ri] srudenrs \bore all,ac arc h c r ~ro icme m d IO ernpowei t o o \\ c hhopeiou arL cicircd z i ~ o u c m h h u n r1x e~pincnccoi:i hfrrunr (;r,r,dluc?

Looking for a new 'do? Where to find the bigwigs at Waterloo

other spors.

Tog~er~~um~dcaofu-hatgoeion Andrew Dilts belxndihc wines. h e r < ~a bnefour-IMPRINTSTAFF lli~ci~frhrgore~nn~ent~~f~hc Imrer>m of\\ arerloo. The ar ernpt Umrirsl? of\T atdoc, srirune at the m p rhs n%olu& m d t n r . I r l i iafs ti, s a . k n m i \in. esr~lereid c c l i ~ o n ~ m a h nbgo b i i ar ]It& a b w r rhr maclxnni rhar mms L \\ anre rheBoad rofirrrirnors and I\\~ x ~ t o a i u n c n ~ , n i ~ c h o o i e r ~ r lrheaenare ri~n mtnt Thc Roard of G m c m r ~ r~r~ i e ~ In rcalln, thou& llrarmng h o a sponr~blcfor rnakmg the find finmthe h n i r - l ? of\\ atedooar>rkscan cia1 and l c p l decmonl &at keep the help man! rrudcnri o\-cr rhc c o u ~ s s C 111, i i i m of\\ a t d m iuncmnmg rhelr rducaormal career. e~pcc~allr ~t Iri durtca mciudc iirong miuon rhcr haxe ploblem, relarid ro rhsn and fez t i t t s . b x d n g L\\ 's rnoni, d ~ g m amongrhcdiftersnrfjculnri

dent Souetr .roacrasahvionbcnxrcen ,UofL\X"s dean5 \rr on the Senstudents and thc Lacul? m . a s dothurrcipecr~~ecuunrep~rts T o find our mnre about L\T mrhi collegci admmtst~atron,mclubng hon n, gcr Thc Scnatr nppmres lmporranr mx i h edahdeyuuie s d l n irudcnrar dic~s~onireg.inhgthecrraaoi~i~ti~~a C\\ ,cnntacte~thirrhrrnidcntriprc,'LOg,S'""i,tlpini<,nr,facademcf,lsentanlei a rhc P~dcranonu i S r u chuc\. mlci i u ~ r o u n d f ~ ~ g p r a d u i n ~dints n rheu office IS m U\T '* Studtnr and rhe adrmmirrmon rof digrees J~~fsdenrre;,orlnc~~~bcri ofrheranThe mncr aorkmgs o t rhe LTi oui iaculrr\ocrsnss, spread through^ adrmm\ummrunmuch deeperihm our inmpni mnpl! rlic Board and rhs b e n m hlosr facultrsiha\earlr~t~t a n L ndcrpndunrs Council, for d c i l i m n ~ rnnhng u ~ r h the n iuculn., nn Lndergmduari Offici, ro ,am students m~ formeam ahom school ,and a b r u ~

Get a jumpstart on your education


Vanessa Reid and Christine Baker lay it all out on the table for frosh week



Any advice for frosh? "Be good t o your dons " K ~ r Mast n

"Don'tskipclass." Sarah Huttei

3A Appl~edStudes

3rd year History Honours

"Don't leave anything to the last minute." Pr~scillaKhan 3rd year Psychology

"Keep your snout out of other people's troughs." "Keep your shit on your side of the pen."

'Wearsunscreen and drink ...water." Paul Karplak ZAARS

to ~ ~tofind~the l hot women and Laurier t o find the hot men."

Shannon Cole 3A

Man Ltndsay Eanh Scences Kathryn Sentance M Sc


"Leave. Leave now." ~ h BreRHaynes 4th year drama


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Support in sight for co-op students ~~~


Thssc nco. prqscii supplemint r a n h g d a ! rchrfnnd thifirir\earco~ op \mdmr handbook, mc mnud pmlscr\oithriedeiaai,n Tlxsemic a l w u i eriees\\ rrPubs,\x.h~cho~ganlzss i i ~ a ueLrnts l tor indrnrr on c o ~ opmclaes ncrroia rhe w i d d Thc LSS ongmarid n u of an i f f w t to fonnd~zrand cciirrih~erhc repreimtmnn ot c r ~ irudenn ~ p undcl a co-op 5mdrnt soclcn. The p m p o d u a s supported ar latge parr b~ Sunon\\ ~iodixle.maih gr.idunts and co-op l i ~ b b t i i i errraimhars Thc effmrs had m o resulri-thi c.rabhshm~nioftbeCS3. and a pitmmcnr ~ ~ f i l ~n c c rhc nru homc r o f i o ~ o p r. h c T a h m C e n r c r \\ I d i 117s r i m i c mded up bcmg an arm o t rhr I A c r m i m , iniread r ~ .in t m d r p s n d ~ n biiJc, r In purpmeli s d l r h c s ~ m em m a k i h k h c t r e r f r ~ r u m p -ntdinri T ~ i SL S office ad1 bc lips" rhc d w c h srb o i % p m b i r . s r ~ r n n p ~ u s t as ,nb ~uhnniawn;dr>Irl\ locarsd ar T i 121J~.unrhcBrirtluor.bihindrhc cuifc, ihi>pl h o > e r n n r ~ i r r d n\nlL i unktnnz 7r!.1+rr;namc,rt t n t r ~ r m a ~ oon c x c i ~ n t i:lx ~ I ICC p r r i ~ d ~ n ~ a r \ p i d h f d i C A H e m i '\\ ~'IIneid', ni\\ c u ~ > r d ~ n i nd~m: r. . . \\<I> .lrL ~lr~~n.c~~.prp.uc~i~icc~d:~r~..mr' <> <II,L V \* lit, 1. ,,ltLre, ecl ,I I h V

Co-ap~iliugcpm u i a Lmrrrsit: of \Yarrrloo educaaon and etpcncnce formam r t u d s n r ~ , a n d u ~ t h t h s h e n ctirr of rhs co-r~psrstern came ni &nwhackr Lsuallr !ou h;nr to m o w cieri fewrnimd,~,h n d ncu plncr rolirc, achnmreii~uiielfroa n e u cm ,make n c a fneridi andget to ILnounca c o ~ worker, . W t h n r , a a ~ u ~ ~ m g r h e c o ~ o p pmccar u d . r to ger you u p b \Yxh tharlnt~md,rhsl-edcraaun ofSrudc~xshas o i f i c d r opened rhc dools ro rhc Co-op brudcni S m x e

:<:ss; ThiorcacaUj, rhe kdcraoon has IiadaCbb torlLno~rruo:caii H u a cxcr,mmnrrhti tdl.CSaiLlllhm an a c t r e ,and rewpni,abli liome in h e %r\i 2nd m p m i i d n f f i c ~m the TarhvnCcnrii. 'accr~rdmprol,edcru~ uon nee p r i w l e n eduianon I.lan; \IcHugh-Rosid Hciilnunue, rhar ri~el'ed~mn~,nofSmdinr~e~rriin part to p~mnorc%ma1 icrnlrlii. to irc,llrari ~nrir~umiiirrr! u ~ n m u m c a r m n ., i d [,ex h a p rnmr ~ r n p m ~ . ~ r ntoh support rrudsnr 1x1~ tCICSII

l h i C\\ n d x i ~ , n ~ p h irhl ~ ~ . c wl<~ip~l:<',ll\, , > r ~ < > ~ , > p \ t , , ~ I c , . , r . \\,t,Il,!,\ (-<,,mc1,>2- ,gar

! k c ,l,k



> ,l,,l-,_,I~ [ b e , ,:

Things have changed for new frosh Liam McHugh-Russell FEDS VP EDUCATIOh


V I S IOur ~ New Locat~onat

417 King Street, W., KITCHENER (corner afU~ngand Francis andvtctora)



.i, .,T,&t ,',t.,d \ , > u r ?<%X t l o m !,I" 1 - l i 1'1.111111 ,I, %r'i I*, tl-?I,: I < 1~ I t 4,0,,ILlbL .,I \\,,h,I >,> l ~ < ~ t ~ ~ , ~ ~ tc~, ,,, , ~l r; u~l .rT',,e,e l~< <A *in- p h IIC ui' on t h e d. rot r i k ma+, 15~Idm~. c I K ~ L ' ~ ~, f m r u r i n d u n d ~ s p l a rm ( liFI i n d d ~ n ci a I h i p ~ ~ - ~ dcl ~ n gc:he l ilrs qu.d S i n w thmi- rhi,~.qt,, arin'r q ~ n r ca i good tor m u \rudunrl , ~ r h c ~v r i c f a t h r M a h o S l i l l ~ dB i t r m , s dgr, H ~ r r ' aan nurllnr ofinmc rhmoi w u cangrm.iil,zl~our~t~r~u'reuaiunji~t~ " Ontario's unia Lne longer d u n n \v?- law i e a i You ma, not I\nm r h x ilrs versities are the n ~ r n I , ~,,fr rrudsnri 11~5~ C Wp m g second worst c p 6 1 r i x pa\i I 1 pcnr\ ~ ~ l xI l ~t L n ~ ~ m b c r o i p ~ n t c ~ ~ c ~ n l ~ a s h c c i ~ pfunded ,~~n~ perup no" h e r e m a a i L l i r I ' i ~ c ~ ~ \ ~ ~ l r ~ i 25 itndcn-. p n ~ p , o t L l ~ ~ ~ r of ~ ~ w c i dstudent and per1'1 l l u r ~ ~ a n s l a r c ~ ~ ; r . o I ~i,dL ~ \ * ~ i ~ i r capita in all of ~ : ~ g u ~ c h ~ o c r p r rmoxclal\i.~ti~~c~r North America." ~,ul-<r',<x.r\% 0,I.I. n . , A d i x $ ,JU .ire i r u d u n t ~ n i r i ~ rotd;wul ~ p o f ~ . ~ ,r,r..~nd~nn~imulaplc c h ~ , ~ccii a m \,I dqxndmg on \rh-r hlld o f i d n ~ '"rl<>,, !r>U ~ C I I ' I L r<>c<r lr'~.~,~U\e<i hlminu ar bcir -I i ~. ,~i~~llll< I",~"LI"I~I>~,IIcIL no.,r~itl?:r rhcclaiwa! rm'Ubetah~ ln: all' be lhgct. the dn,r\~r; i l t ir,.l,,c~ . r.u can ,,.LC ha,r l,cr,. r c ~ d ~ c i i . a n r~,~rhkrh;?i~~>ar,r~e.t~~~q r ~nrt>i,<>p~d.~rcr>ur.~i hlti rioncdi)ni r 1.1 cornpurct i c ~~c cI: . m i n i -1i.c <>Ll bI,,~,d<>I%\ 1, ~ r ~ m ~ ~ ~ r t h c l . , ~ > < ~ m .IT ' .. , > mI.m,t <c,:,ng ,,It,, 1, ,,,,~,t,rv,,r"*~ L<lLl,<,Lt<>, <,a!, I l k . In ? , > I , >,,!7L! t,l \.I d L., I t .T.",,~ c-1 Lr'dt'Vr l"r',p.,,m. ,!l<lh!.,~,~.I,,?\<





How to make it to (and through) your co-op X step-bj--step guide to live by Krystina Benson SPECIALTO IMPRINT

ihodd be rhi m n e pasiaord rim i o u u i c to logsd m r o (jussr to choose your c o u r i o and imd \our class schedule

MUSTDo's for Co-op Frosh: If !-ou don't already kno\\, rind outnhatstreamyou arein-?,8or 2"")eal cowp. T h ~ rmformuoon 1s ax dnble rhrough 1our t a d ? - Ii5ou srem irrem8,jou'is\iarungr<1urco~ op rcrm m Ma\. soyou'\r got 2 four rnunrhpmod before the co-op proce+ b ~ y n sbut . ~filg< br> faster than you tlunk. ,i, irarr nn t h e hir n l d If \i,u an ~nsrream h,ut.$on'\r qot r o yir golog on rim. c ,in co~rip procc s irirr. ~ firs, szrnerrit b ~ c a i l s etmn firir wnrk r i u n 16 ~ n j a n u mDm'r

o iix mpi arcrinu c i and trmx-nrd rht lnai from !our U\5 account ro \our ac~ou~itotchi~icc-E.7.ifiou hare a homdaicount rim i~,uwouldrarhrr use,rmcanrecen e all ufpuiichool rnadmrhii accounr Goto LX'dnnr. htrp://eg~~.uware~Ioo.ccI-uwdirl andupdare~uurmforinamonnnnrheee

as well Check your UW elnail accounc-daily! Log on to ACCESS. Dunng the poinnps and m i m e a s do h a as roonai~rupdare~mrhr rnormnpanil rsnembcr ro do ~r-dadv You d l ha. i an ~ n s r r u c a ~ ~ n b r o c l ~ u u e g ~ ~ c n ~ ~ !ou a t C,,-op 101. hut i f \ i , u w a n t ~ t . I ~ e a d i ~ f n m s . p ~ c k ~ rhelobbr ~t~cup~~~ ,,<rhc Taclmm C L I ~ I ~ S GeryourrCsud ready! I f ~ w haif n q , qutm,n.abc ,n.rhi,o ~r.hnuld pm*'l\n,~ar~' bc irmmrred i h a r ~r should m~ Ger your L-W e-ma11 account dudi, check c u r ihc Cnisrr a i n - u s acrive. Th,i ixrremcl- 1xnlio8unr. c a ~ c e r DLX-clopn..int \ii;nual ?r a. all rot themformanon iromCECS i\ox cdxn u\iattrlcir> ca 01 c.l! .md ~x~lll~ssrnro~rh~~nccounr Inrinxe\\> l i u r h a ~cro bsrsscI~iciulcd.l.ii~mu~iac mahe in appomtmsnt \LC\, Browse through the co-op stu1. B i n N u m b e r s rctei ri, .,?don m t e i r x a r q u e i r , from i m denr manualai lpline~,. and i n r m l e \ \ m\iminons madbox 11hi ilois. u h i t h arc n n m calrrliw~dd r~ berrdcorrer],i~ndu~grr~iacl~ ~ubpinr- trim rhc emplw ~r lrlll ?U he i ~ ton ~ a x a CLCS ~ \ i n r r d i ~ e ansu c r w m i . q u e i u u n ~01 ~. rhlr account A i h r uur tacult! filrin~ b ~ a h l 10 mg char sou xn11 find on i C C k F b may lia.ie..indinl~phrinro u r ~ n s o m f bernngupi oui accuunr \k hen i r ~ are u applung r o ~obs.\ i > c suu~oonqon r h , thnoiin xi Logoncc Quest,lx ,turd~.nallof s ~ h ~ e c r \ ~ - ~ ~ u m a y n oeven d lpur \our reiumc packages m thc ahour ~lors,iilxch arc located on thc lower !our conrait loformsuim comcr lfyouha>equestions,sskl L l i t \our L'\\ mu1account as l o u r les elotriicTnrhm~iinire 5. \ o u r ACCESS pnssr%ord dcbulr e m d address or gc m r o

about being in Bop?

"The best thing is getting paid. The worst thing is finding a job." Jason Wong

"Co-op is great if you're willing to do 100 per cent ...if you know what I mean." Naz Ebraham

Actuarial Scrence 3A

Graduate Account~ng

Muskoka (a.k.a. Party) Club T h s r ear rhr team plans ti, h c k thmgs otfuirh acorn roairm cadi rmd arprrrnbei. Bur rhc club m ' r lu\r a a o c d urgam~er-x's a S O C I R ~fachraror Loahng iornumberi i t , our oiin shnmg: .idvernse ir unng hihkoka'i " p m hnr".ahrrr \ u u can emad feuom L\\ smdenrs about i u u r rm n ,om1 endeavours Loohng for people \nth s m d a r ~ U W ~ L I Imrrrerri; hIoiioka'r membei&tecton-tncludcs hum clreds of plmWei o f TI\\ members I t L\T h a i trndmomllr been a

Sign up and this could be you.






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Student ambassador

Need a little S.O.S? There may be an answer close by Brian Gastaldi

Arda Ocal

Based uponthc phys~cdfidlngs,


rhe nh~\~otheren~sr d lfonnuhre



plani,frre~rmentrharindudeihmdstm cmr (mob~l~arion, mampubuon, roftoi~uerelsair,rmrchmgj.md~~iic of n number of modahmi mcludmg aci~puncrurz,ultla\ound,cnod~rrapi. hrarrherapr, orelecuorhcmpy .In m r c # i pair of chi t t r a m r n r plnn~sa s p c c ~ f i c e i e r pcopamot c~~~ lborhn~clmrcandhom~eiercm\ Thlc e\-crc~srprogn~nuflbcpiog c w ~ s u. ~ r h ~ - u n a n obeing n s made ar each \ t i \ l o n dependmg upon the rare i ~ f i ~ n p r o ~ r r noirhclnlun rnr or disfuncnon Tl~cph~~iorhtrap~ai~~~iilllso~cnd i rcporr oirhcimirialfinilng\. ~ncludinprht utarnienrplan,ro!ou p h i i i ~ clan .\llmformatii,nis keprm\rncr~ e\tconildencrb\ rhephiuorhcnpist ,md !our docror Etfccm t beprcmbei I ', bunhfcudl hc r h r n ~ i u ~ ~ t ~ c c ~ aU~d~e ir r~f ~ i t h ~ p d u m Sruclent Errerrded Hcalill A real pain in the neck Cnrel'lan L ndcrri~?tplan,811peicenrorcach dexd ph- wrhenp. apporntrncnr :uprnin \Iorso\er.rbc c l m c u flu.,rkrhe annual masmiurn, \iiuch is currind1 accoimtr~nbchdfofthchnnnlmt So IWrl) licoiered i m can see rh.n ~ f i o u n e r d p h i r > ~ oiherap c i i ~ is~tcacidi r adable, Of t\.m p a r e r conrcmencc for mldenr ~r r h e i a c r t h . ~ r S u n l i f e i i f l ~ ~ affordable. and conr tmtnr iiui.cd\ roriieph!aaxhcnp\ c h c r h n r In nddiorm r n phiiiorhsrap ,811 pcr csno poraon for the \tmci. b . 0 . S proildei m'wage thelapi (thiraplits are rcg~sieredwrh d i e The rmdmr nceds onl! to pa) the 20 College of hlarsa,gr Thtrapisrs of peicrnrdrducobleto the c h c a r die

\Tho was that person rhar gave rou a om oirhe c a m p , crsn biiurc rou begm 3 our tirsr ierm hire er U\T :a lho \ i n , thar person rhar pur rogethrl r h pa~Laee ~ ~ O got U 1x1 rlx mall a h e n \ i > uongmall! pxkeii LT\i as one o i ~ o u chum r unxcrilttes; Or rhai lierim rhsr h+sd ) ou our at L m p e Dm or Student Llfc 101: Chmii, are, rharptlwn\x as i irudent arnbas.idr,rl Thrsr 5mdcnr dtplomir\ s c i ~ z a i a dmct andprr\onal pomr of contact and~nfr>mauonsourccfor rhowands ~ i n e i applrcanri i ro L\\' cvchrear.rep~r~intmq thischr,i~lm man\ mtiircnr u a - a m i e r i n p emads, sending packages a h all rhc mf~~rmauonapro~pecme ~rudinr sneedi,hrlpineour i t rhi kiln tls:~ uc\ F a n m ,hifall, b u n g a g e n i d prcimcearmwn campubn i n r s , and ofcourse. p a n g cnn~pucnwrr B t c a u ~ c a m b a ~ s a d ifie1 ~i. pawonate abim I \\ and nhar om s ~ i ~ ohit\ o l rcl o f f e ~~, i i ~ n narural xc o, proudly leprcicni rhc ichoi~lm such Iu@ pr~ssm-ssxurnm; In man! iuics, irudcnra and i n d w iidI baie 3 good p m u m o f thix schuolchn~rconrhc~rcnnracrwrha .rudenr arnbai\ador Hur rhi challengei s gtmhmg, as ambawad o n get the chance ro m e e t mvnv x ~ c a rm ~ I m r and s fam~llc.;611m uocnd rhr wi>rid l l ~ g t c . ~ r r i r c r i m p l ~ r n s n t m r m h a r ~ a i ci ia~n~ recz~rc~soi~cvhrrerher srca rrudcnc rhe! \iire m conracr u ~ r h

.tartme m L,\Vm rhc f d hluch h l ail~orher wrnic\ i m cmnpw, rhe ambisadr,r- a1.n iiwrk for \nu If! ou h n L a m qu;,arm~ ilr c<~nuilcnri il~nutthe ~.im:xs. i d ficr r n dtop b~ r h 1~ lwnl\ Cinrrt ~nSourh Campu\ Hnli. a hcrc l n arnba>\idrx cl~!idabor~!t,drnam icla \d hb croa~ .!t,drnam icla \d hb croa~ .!t,drnam icla \hcrba. be glad to help ~m ocr ocal~a@hotrna!lcorn



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11 1' 111

Froshilicious things you need to know in rc\~dcncr.\\herher

rhrough a dnmken rampngc. pr,\r~relaaonshrp mgcr or pre~eiamirre's. rhmg\ per broken The carih is that cvsqoni Iusbeennskcdrr~~hlreafiii rhouyhn n Boor a b m r b i m g a frosh a n d ~ r m r a d i ~ c e m m c ~ n h p u rheriildcnrr Thls mcludii 6mxrurr. fiirurei and i o ~rhe 7r.r r o i r m . \lecpme tn an u n t a m ~ l mplace a t r h u n i l m ~ l ~ a r u m d r ~ n , \Xhsn iorntrhing brral.,, c\ i n o n e pa!r \Vilirmirc~r h s j o r ~ o t roommaw and ncn irpznencc* ci,rnmuni h \ m ~ around rhc come1 I coniimplatril hon to pl-ssenr rhl5 mrhoin mundBiggest surprise about living in .~1prr~i~muili~rr1~zi"ICC)ci~mmrResidentIAway from home ... rss and u ~ t h i m rL1U191nq ,m rhmg 1 I had t o m a k c 13) o n n bcd snaorrmr hP -r,iuaim. Get a it\\ 1 n ~ ~ ~ p a l rb, n nr p allli ,I r ~ o t n i u c r , U r a i n ~ i s t <, p ~ r h e r . p crlmna&mh ihillingei.likscle~mngup a h \ nur~ ,and ici nhar adiice L/W\ had Thi-L i4f. i>u\myr o u l u \ \ n food. rnm.+~ ',ti t h resu1ri ~

whar \ou make o f tr i f that means runmngrheT)cbamgaoasn or join^ mg rhc aamg and S o c d dance club rhengoforir Itxmemslusr h m g n g onrmrh inends on Pndai mlrhr. rhar iiorks roll - \ \ 1 ~ a r ~ r f e e l s l ~ k ~ o ~ b c hRcalli. robe re~llrlin~kc Budget, budgii. budget i o u u d soor) learn ihar rnunei d w d t groa o n r r L i \ Beer b a l x s a n d b o u k i ~ o o n corrsprcir~cmpn, ourunllic Budgc n n g i i m arsias~crd~mciU~ng home anda4a;lngioi m o l t mime\. or ,tan.mg unrd rhc end o i thc monrh Uo marrrr\i hdcvoudr>,h\~nza.ia\irom honic w l i hhcli clihr ~ W L Ccl~an

Most important think I learned in first year ...

The best thing I did during Frosh Week. . .

2 llcal~~irharrl~trea1<~:n~rarriafr~r t n A \\ zch 111 dus ciss, r i l n m ~ a n ~ r mdtc~rni s n d c i ~ i v ~ a n d ~ r u u ~ i pr d~w~ ~ ~ c c i ~ memu l o u r f n m d d u u n rhe I d 1 a a h g i o u our for i dnnb biforr an nun,! nurmomc,~Utngioutr,maki. sure \ o i r e okay, you cahng \our mum f i l r rrarsuranii and grnsralix haimg h n

One thing I wish my frosh leader had told me...

Surveillance cameras capture the oddest things

mp Inr sn,~hl!. h b i d o ~prt sn rhc nm o f .chiid hie Genrlimcr., rtrnsm he :~~~tc~~n~~ne:lur~L~r~~ar~~~ure~t r t god ~ 3 \'I, "leans n,,l Ycm r e hcald rhc mmrra repsar~ d r . a n d d u r ~ rhsssnirrxr r m i Um \ irim.nndc~~npuihfia~sforricnonirriemm I i p f i c l r o ~ i rbemp r arkedroiio somcrhngioudon't ficl comfortable domg. don'r dr, It Tlu, couldmean chu&gnprhar keg,nim conirniuzl sexual brhmmur [or drunken consensual h ~ h a n ~ u OI r) umshippmg h i funny god alulr XTeanng whire robci Wle that fnsnd dmxn rhe hall L f e a ihorr c n r q h . don'r make t i r l a m c r 4 l%ilrhhehadnorbecnlnngahcn he said '\\ c'll be domg lots of tun t h q s \ i ~ r hour floorfund''' ,ill "fir went m a a r d ~replacrnp iandvhzed and stolen ~ t c m \ ) inn7tabli.peol~lcgcttninecIa~ta!

rance plan for phomng home. Somc peopie$parmr~evenmsrailamUfrre hne at rhelr homc to ease rhe long dmnncc c h a r p i r the s a n e m e , \ou are here ro gron up and learn ro h s on vour o r n , so i&ng hornc rrrgmghitr~askhoii-todolsundrr, or h r n to do rhar calculus prohltm mghr nixbr aseasy as a\kmgaruurrd and asemgahr, can hclp inu h'il 5 Thctrrihman 15irmgain ~>rlosr: li onl! temporm Dependng on hon ,i l u car. ti=\ cangrc borhwa!~T h ~ i r c ~ h m 15 i n1' a tlrcon.rhar \mi moir rwih pam 15

knew in first year?

CKMS: Waterloo's hidden gem

210 King Street, N ,WATERLOO (cornerof K~ng& Un~vers~ty Ave)

> h i m p a i n frorncornme~culrim conrr\r\ and gn e . n m i uherr rhchrrcneibrnciirr). CIChIS a m i r o pro~~demeclecacnw;ofeee~~ fomoi mnsx m ~ i i a b l iFrom Hcum \ t r a I (Spacnn\ourFxr) roLndrrpound H l p ~ t i o p\Ib,Thc\\ nrjungl~).Fcmair.\rnsrs XA'ommspm, mdPunk 6rmrphr Ourtarhe Pin, CKAIS a r m to <,tier nhar most o t l m atanimi dnn'r - a more-rhan-fir-e~songrota^ :\ax r



Our h g h l i culn~icd- r a r l r m uim "rannnoi,hf\r e*, 1 ' ,0,n""'11121U2 ixirh Lcho m u a r m c . along ulrh a


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Hey, DJ keep playing that song all night long

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Cobblestone Gallem


f hooslngrhcnshihrr n c t h ~ ~ i l o f l ~ ~ IOIR, ~ ~ l the ~ ~C ~C C~ CnC t C~C o~ Ci<of~nanv ~ C ~~~ ~ ~ ~ 1nnnnnnn,1ncIud~n~I1f~~n1~, f q ot i n ~ c : c r , u ~ rand i , nnnmb~> ot p.lrrnz>>Tr)help ilgult unr1il1.~t11111~111d1~ bcsr il,rlr,~:,cur~aulr~liui di~crororhidmsinicr. r o d ~ u . !oui , niidi nndmcdrdhsioi! Rcmin,bern,~onsulrrx~thh 1~urdr~irotr~srdu1~t1~cciiects n i l i t r r l ~ c c ~ ~ ~ r rho~l i~l t~I~: c~oan~d ~ ~ n! < oum.n ~n~ !>'I, i

Onh ~,mdomspn~rccr wuagamst \exuaU~tranimlrr~ddl.sast\ ' < I D S and r ix.can iir S I D s rirmi~ralis\' C\irondi~miregulirla,ieduci 61ensh r , i Y l L l s B c u u s ~ n r , method i>tblnh connol I. l l l i l ~ l , ~ ~ i r p t ~ b i .r~ ~ ~~~m ~ nbi~r ~ ~ ~ m ~ r l ~ ~ d - ~ ~ r r d ~ ~ ~ : hIi~r~~~~b~rrl~cr~nrtolmcrhr~df.iil~.c~~oract~ourdocti~roiHrrlrliScm~eifoi cnahofpri~~?linci cmrlgsncr . ~ m i ! a c c o i ~ \ r ~ai p Liberal :~r,~~tplrgnancl r r i r i a i ~ r i a ~ ~ r u n s n d i r i ~ ~ h c r ~ ~ i o u r ~ ~ p u i a i o ~ i ~ n m r l ~ e eFrienr~dci~nfidzr~nali~nnta~~dI~l~~orllircp~nc: r-c~~~fia~lilr~ rc~ricanbend~1~mire~cdrhrou~l1nursrrarkI~alr1iScn~ii.a Hrairh bcniccs 519 888~409(> lhrrp nuu hdrhieriac- umarrrlho ca '.T1p~a1Lie" r c r c r i to i n i u r ~rircr 401 \ri,tnm and xncnolroie u i c t i n,,r ci,niii:tntnr aln.in\ cozricr '+Perf~itC\<' retcrirc fiiuwrzrci fot rhoicn h o , s u s ~ \con.~irinrmrialr a i c i i n c c r

Method: Abstinence Effectiveness:TlpmlL sc- 10I1~'~,PcrtccrLse"l W o Description: hbsrmmcr mean, not hnvingilni rirual c m n c t ~ w r hapaitnc, P t r p a n q c m u r h a p p e n ~ f y x r m ~ \ ~i x e pt or i d w r u g ~ n i Advantages: KO slds eftc~rr,lr3s rhc onlr merhod rhar guarantee3 no n A ofprcgnancr cs iTDr. Is sndrmcd by m a n rsbgtouigroup; Disadvantages: \Yomen and mcn ma? find ~r iLi'ficulr ro ~ l i r a l nand of e n cnd rheu abbnnmce wrhimt b e q prcpzred ro pmiscr rhcmsrlr-c, r p m s r plegnancx i r T D s

Method: Male condom

Effecti~eness:TlptcaiUsc.85' o,PerieciL-~r.98" ,, Description: .i mdc condom II I thin, i k ~ n ~ n gsliearh l ~ r in& oiLa~cc,p l m x C d n ~ r e t h m i )or antma1n u Ir t i placed on an erect piixs m crop sperm from rnrenng a parmer's bodr. Advantages: The latch condom offers berrcrproiscnon sgamsr STD\, indudmgHI\, rhan anr other hrrh conrrol mrrlmd. T h o are cheap 2nd diposable and may help mantam an eircaon. Condoms are casdt avadablca~thoura prrscnpnon and help prevent prcgmmcy. Disadvantages: Condoms can rear, slip off. and ma! tcduce seniaaon for some people r m d o m s mu) break rlii mood or cause an nllcrgx

aircrrmr\ezi D i s a d ~ a n t a g ~ ~ : T Imu-aa ~ i i e ~to~>top rhciffectr o f t h e D e ~ > ~ , ~ ~sde r ~e~ ~fe rfa , e conimur untd the iheer~viiiioifI l 2 ~ I h e e k 5hemrlrc effecra mat inciudeaaphr gnn, iLim~i.~.s o i e lbriam.meplar blesdmg. depriiamn, haiigoarh or Ims. nen.ouinzis. iklnra& or 5pomdarkemng oftheihn. changem iea rlnre, hcadachei,nauitaand delatsd r i n m to firilhrx Doci notprcrcnt STDI Accessibility: Serum arulablsalrh adoctor'i prcicnprmn fromaphammc\ or licit11 s c m c i i and ad*xror or nurseudladmmmr the Injccuon Cost:About $35pcr lnjecuon It mar lbccoiirzd Ih \ome lxdrhplms. mcludtn~rlicr m ~ e r i mHsalch Plan. Not suitable for: \\ omcnuho mght be prcgmnt, or po\s~bl)chow uith scxcre dcpccsmn Note: S1nssa~ng,uhe~i~lecur~n sire mq itdocc thc rffscmcnc;i Thmnamen ihould get inlrcatins in burmck\ \Inn) a i m e n ahi>grrp r c p m r on Depn-Prrnrradon't rrahie ~ i n then d 2 rnmrirer bciauis o f ~ r t ? ~ ~I~IcciLng. lar lmllang rhar opuons, hbrral us' of prsgnancx tesnngia recom minded If l a r ~for mlecnon, use e haik~upm e h d of lbrrrh control

Method: Intrauterine Dcnce IICD) , ,

p-"--3'-'- ' - + :p,g.g.g.iii~* ' "_ '* '' - a * 4 Effectiveness:T~~ulacalU,e.99.299.90o,PerfictUrr:99.499 9% Description: AnlnrraurcnnneDence (IUD] is a smdptece ofpiasnc or cccpper thar 1, pips b a doctor ?he IL~Dprcrrntsi p r n frum ~ fernhrmgan e. If rile sperm does fernhar ihe egg, tlx I L D p r e i e n r i ~frommplmrr ing~nrheuremr Some IUDs release hormones to prcrcnt pregnanci. Advantages: It can sra) mside a \xomm's b o d for 3 ro 10 \cars, depcndmg on chc land. Can be remood at an:- "me. .in IUD canbeuiedas mrmeigenc\ contracepmr (see emcigmc) conrracepaon) S~,planmng~~rp~epnra~~onneedcdbef~~e~~ie~course, not fclr dunng mrercourse. ? . r m g a l l o r r a a o m a n orhrrchmaan to hnowtftheIL'Di~m plsce i n I U D can bemserrcd a t an! nmc. Disad~antages:TheIUD can facilirate the spreadof a S T D andcause h m r e m f e r d q Side sfftcti may include he%>, and more p~nhlmensimaoon,utenncperforadon, peli~cmflammaroq-d~srase. Senous comphcatlons assncmrdw~rhIUDare ectopic (tubaloroianan) pregnancy, and rarcli, dearh frnmmfecoon. T h e IUD needs to bcmserred br phpman and checked pena& call!- by rhe women or docior b) feehng in the vagna for the thrcad hangxngautade hci cemn. Cramping may occur m the f i m SCHER~NG 24 houra after mseroon. It does not proreciagemst STDs Accessibilit).:IUDsareprrscnbedandmsertedb~akensedhedthcaicprofesaonal. Cost: Inserted for $50-Sl50 Not Suitable For: Couplesmth STDs. The IUD is nor iecommended for women under 25. It n not agood chotce ior those not in permanent relauonships, due to rhr nsk ofSTD exposure. Note: If the s m g can't be located, ~r may mean that conrracaons of the uterus haw expelled the ICD. It 1s rmporranr to hwr a pelvic exarmnanon vld a complete medtcalhsto~taken. If the IUD gets rejecred and expelled, you must see your doctor ? "

Method: Spermmde

Efiectweness: I ~ p i a l L ' i i -1' .13czf~cri re 8;' Description: ic : ~ i r n m dl i ~ nrmi,\\ d 1x11~9 that c o r n s i r c r m m , g ~ I .foam. fiirn<>r\cpp.nmx fotm .i~i~~.~~t~n~,r~dze:~~r~to~;~~r-z;?na~nrrr~nri,:r.~ci~n-~~.~rdr-:~o~~ \.im~ c r ~ d m i i r di r l u r c . ~ . p ~ r u ~ \\& l l t n i p i . ~~ m c i r ~ - p ~ ~. ~~i m h ~cm~cd. l~rci o~ m ~ r l m ! - l a r ~ +L,'





.kd\mtqes: I : M C ~ I ~ ~ ~I ~l ~~ f, fX~ ~ ~ : ~ r l ~ r : ~ It,,' ~ d ~ a ~ .c ~f t! el ~. ~ .l t~~l e~n e~~ ~l wf ~c ~ ~ ! ~ v x . ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ ~~ ~ d : ~~ .~ ~ ~c l~ ~ ~~ ~~ cn~ :l~~ ~c ~l ~c ~m~ ~~dl ~~~n ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1 ~ 9 , t t ~ r b ? r o tI c, , ~,',za,! ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ r ~ , ~ : l ~ , ~ t ~ c r ~ < > , ~ ~ ' ~ c l p h~W l \? .~' ~ ~I "~fc'A , l~~I>~lL~ ~ , ,. J , c~~.~L~" ~ P AL ,',L ;L .,\ l-.'t:,9>~l',t?tl',,, ' ' , ~ < I C ~ , , \ \ , d l hc,>,-J,>": rhc ch.,+~'L!,:lc~! tIkC,l> I L . ~ ~ I T L .




!@ -- -

Using the female condom can sometirncs be noisy - exercise caution.

- -- -



- --


- --

Method: The Sponge Effectiveness.8iJ~91째 oiffefecaie Description: 4 Conuiccpoxe Sponge t i a soir round spimgc &d anh apcimc~dero kill \perm \ a oman puts a m rhe ra~zbrforcmccrcourir,l r c u ~ c rrhccenxi..indblocha i sperm Advantages: Can hc lefim place i i i up ~ to 2411o1i11, x i i eitccm c f ix 12 houri a f w t i l e i n plnc~,rou can h a c ~ ~ C C C C C U U U P rnulrtplr irrnre durmg d u r pmod, hur rhc ipnnge mncr be left m 6 houts aftci rhc last rjaculauon \\ h m uwd m c u m b m n o n w t h i l x male crmdom, rlie h ! u e rate I \ onh ?" u Disadvsntages O n n i o a n , t t ~ s n r ,cxrremeli r sificasc Yor reu\?bli'Can brenk.rliftiiiculrro rcinor-e,i p i r m d e i a n c m r i allcrgc reacnon, imdl polslbdtn oirrmc dioch sindrumc bpctrnmds msrss bid Caniausc an m b c a u n lt lefim roolong 'iarnc\iomen i q i r to rake i r rmn Some v u m r n rcpoir iecurrsnr \es\r inkcuoni

Method: Kithdralval Effectiueness T ~ p c i l L -.Yo.Prricci '~ L ' c 9fP.1 Descnprion: Duimc c ~ xilrc , manpalli In. p e w our of rhr \npn:r ~ C L XhLe ~)dcuIdtri Ad~anteges: I r 15 betrtr t h m n i ~ r b m g r o ~ p ~ e xn~prignmcv t Disad\nntnges:\orrcrr ~ffeircnrc.nrip~rirrrnond~~~1~~ii.iID~ lr~rqu~ri~grear~c!Fci~nrrr~l,c\psrlcnci.?ndrrusr hiam pnbpul Not suitable for: Scltlalli mciperancdcouplss.\o~~n~pir~~li~nd plirnaruicc~aculsn,r~ Note: T h ~ i m z i h o d ~ m ' t i cerlccvvc, n b ~ c a u s c r h c r c r n a \be i p e i x n i n r ! ~ e p r c ~ ~ l a c u l n t r . a h c llead ~ ~ . ni rl~p r L p a o c ~Srudxs rhi% per IOii I i j o u w r h d m \ i ~ i n Iari,calliour ~c docrororhealrh ~ m i c c iinrilm \ '2 hrxua.:~obram cmergcnc! conuaccpiron

Oakley I Dolce & Gabbana 1 L.A. Eyeworks 1 SABAHN 1 Persol 1 KAOS 104 King Street, S., Waterloo 1888.1784 Iwww.uptowneyeworks.com Mon' Closed! Tues-Wed: 9.30-5.30!Thurs-Frl. 9.30-7:00 1 Sat: 10:00-4.00


And \ n u thought there u e r e onl) sexy clucks a t Launer!

When you get bored with being here Get out and do sometlung with t h s idiot's guide to Eaterloo (rske-out 01 eat-m) for ~ ~ n d525 c i If 17:Soheys,Colmhia&Fischer11. Sabor / T h e Silver Spoon rnrher m o i x brorei go to reni', FineChocolates: li~ou'rcloaded,or Hallman: .Again.diccomemilenceof you Lhe iuihl, rou'U lo, e rhs placc 'GenY ha- s wdc ranen of just 27. Loose Change Louie's: 24,'' operamon, but a h a blt of !ou ha, e a rrallv lmponnnt dare, or about am genre on V I E and D I D 'Loosc hlear Louie's‘' ro some, addtdpnce. i o u r pnrenis arc in toan and rhm'le Bychcway,don'rgohmhgtorpoin Louie's IS a good mghr .Yrhough 18. LCBO, Erb & FischerThe, don't seem to hnie any thcrcla aiepuratlonforthe occaalonal Hallman: Ir'a the iloii.ir one toresi6 . Sobey's Bridgeport: Badpro~ht~nrhsparhnglr~tahen~rletsout drnce Sredwesnr rnorc' d u e , buigood houri (241"). t i p c ar 2 a m , ~fi o u go mth a bunch of 19.100.3CKMS-EM, RadioUiacdlr u hcn !riu nccd. om, personal later n e w door IS the placc to get anr fnends m d don'tmqrop~ckup someterloo: Check Tour fcc srsrrmenr, so~r,~fsaerrnfrforrharspecial someproducts rrihrse o'clockin ihcmornone, or ro m a t \ourirli rou'rcpnung frn~rS o a h r not know one clar'r dare xou should bc a-ok me. 28. Brady's: Ram hlear. Good. 7 .ZeUers Bridgeport: Forsllrhar 12. Uptown LCBO: Xoithcblg nhelt x ~ s ) Cheap 20. JB's klongohan Grill: S450 ou'rsmrhearea 'ruff rhai sou forgnr i r home and g~~t,burirsuificrs~i\ 29. Little Caesars: The p m a , maruns on hhndal i, S-plrchels of 13. Waterloo Town Square: 1t.s iiantmrepiace chenph ~t-ings,atidhicad\ucke \uulmou.and bai~cd!ad~~ngmall,hut~rdoes hare Xiosehead on \\edncidais, and 8.BulkBarn: \X hrrherrou'reon The. barsacoupn~i~dil\ueeYs 101-e SZ JOdnqu~nsonnioridars. lasrumc a Shopprri' Dlug hlali and Blaci'i a meal plan or not. you absolutcl! w e chcckcd 011-andsppa~sntlirhe p w hITSTgototheBukBarn. Ifn i adn- Ptmio, i t also ha\ Waterloo 30. Redly Big LCBO f00d.s g o d 7 0 0 14. Valu-Mart (a.k.a. Ghetto goodrheyhaic~r,and!i,ucanbu!lori 31. R o u m n e ' s : Smppers S 1000 21. FarahFoods: 2&-. and rhei 1.Conestoga.Md/GdajCinandlorsofcand\ rohelprourfrosl~15 Zehrs): The romsunlei cheaper~erimn oiZshrs Sonic things are mole i e l l m o s t a ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ g . Y o ~ q u ( t e ~~mareur g o c e n nlght If that', ~ o u ' l rrlung, along emas: Ir's gut n hindfui nfsrorss and r h \ 1s ohtre to gsr ,r .o~rr,bur mole than R c o n i c m c n c c e\psnilre, and t,ne b ~ mark g on rhc 9. Moody BluesTeaHouse and a moilc rhcarrc If !ou're gomg to placc IS thar I hare a h t n d who had storc. Bookshop:~~luiaanabsoIuteI~ amwG i n ~ vsmng , by thcTurnkcydcskin Kitchener 22. Campus Pizza: Home ofthe someone aalk up to her ~nt h e e and ~~~g,q~~lcr,crcrnmrandromrntlcplace the SrudenrL~feCentrefirstand ptck up a p i c ~ p a dadnuis~on"Srarrhp to ipendaneuemng. Gowth amone, askherformoney.Yss,iomconc\iaa 25" pma. Thsv're open unul 5 a m 32.FrequencyNightclub:1>~1c~ c\ c q mght and rhe shcei are reasonpanhandhgmzdi agrocem store bur. for goodness' sakes. go Ticker"- ~ t 'valid i for all ihrm- and mg,grsatmuunls. thcplace~rbrauuable 10:Princess Cinema / Heuther 15. Philthy klcN\lasty's: ilno a costs ud! 58 -5 23. PhatCatGdllandSalads: So ful. Ir's a ga! mghrclub rhansn'rglar2. Revolution/TheFI~ingDog: Hotel/ Go1dCrounBrewe~:If~r'i reitaumanr, Phllth!'~ does haie r mgh su far,lr~eemshkePh,~tCathai thcbcar t "The R e i IS agood mght our, and lf afilm and it'igood,~t's~hmimgarrhr dancefloor - bur you may f i n d ~can 33. Club Renaissance: The gar frncsin\X arcrloo Yuucan'tbrarrhnr somcumcc be frequented b$ memPrincess Get R memberihp. Ir onl) cougars (that's oldcr~romentor !ou nx-o p r o s for S5 and rlieir u a k ~ m mghtclub that 1s glanngl! so coirirou$8forone\ear,andthenaU bers ofthe Iounger qcr .4 fnend of mnocenrs) are >-ourr h g , so I S chc 34.ClubAhstract:Hardrocband epecialforarhree-toppmglarge p z z a nunr uenr at abour 11 o'clock one Fl!>ng Dog ucketi cox S6. Dcpcndingonwhch nlternauv~m~isl~ ($2cheaper than Campus Pizza.) door rou gomro, the Heuthei can he cicmng o~find mme~rea-olds on the 3. Chapters: Yeedai. i a \ more; 35. Frederick Twin Cinemas: dance floor i i j m c k ~ v o r d u ~ t h m s n - 24. Williams Coffee P u b restaurant, a pool hall, or a Someameitextbnoksarccheapcrl~cre, a fa* Cheap sho\imgsofrnmsueam films. 25. MeI'sDiner: hlel's~sadasslc agemenr had ihe klddles and d ~ c l r bur nor often Check char \Teb site itnp club. Sleanwhic, it<connrcuon Thex all~daybreakfast 1s a standard, mrh the Gold Crown Breueq- keep parenrsleaxmg, arltuas farpairbedbefore yougo andrhcy're anerienualdeianatlonar tme the t a m suds tlo\img Y o u can buy 4. Phil's: Another club, rei-cu-cd 16. Zehrs, E r h & Fischer3 a.m on 2 Frlda? or Sarurdm m&t. r u bottles ofGoid Crovn Prcrmum elsewherem thts issue. 26.Mr. Sushi:?ir S u l u 1s amarHallman:I~ce.lsrgc.and~fioo'rem 5, Generation X Video: Calling (mx personal fax-ounte) forunderSl0 mg. T u o people can lunch=-ell here that pan of roun, conxenicnt nght from rhe brev er\ nsr1i~'Thcp k i i a h t r e clerhr from


FRIDA>-,,4L GLST 29,2003

Sex secrets revealed Staci Morris SPECIALTO IMPRINT

Myth#lYoucan'tgetpregnant while on birth control.

Myth #6 Thc Pill can make you mtemle. Tahng rhe Plll wll not cause !ou ro beinferde Siostwomenwho use amethodofconuaccpuon,mclu~ the Pd1, can get prepant uhcn rhtv

not an ear) one. Alongmth the >bvmus changes-freedom. fnends - one thng that rakes n blr onger o~grasp concerns darmg Unforn~narelvUVidoes nor offer 'Danng lOl", mrtend~rvbased on 2 ulalandcriorapproach. Learmng x experience and observaaonudl assistm creaung an understanhg 3fdaung at umreiii?. 10 assst wrh dvs process, an x e m e a of~mponanraspects of the umversin.-damgscene has been DtNNE changes m most women. H o r xonded. moneim the Plllmay causechanges The female orgasm and the Slovmgmtoreiidencecan be m appeure. unicorn; moremyths. Just kid- ~wteovrruhehmng-leavmg Thesechangeioccuroverseierd ding, everyoneknowsunicorns hml) and fnends and moilng ln years and may cause some aclghi xith a manger. This q ~ ofe are extinct. loss orgam, whch can be conirolled accotnmodaaon contnbures to the br met. Some women have ilterauon ofdaungdrnamxs temporan tlud retenuon dunng Myth#6:Awornan can'tget iread\ \Y hen ashngsomeonr to thc first month or so a i m sinrnng pregnant ifshe douches after 'cornc hach s o u l omp1acr"mstead the Plll The Plll ma! + p a \ are sex. l i r e r seh, rhc sperm rnrcrs the ,f being able to chll dune on a depressmn fur some this cemx andx our ofrcachoiani :ouch m \our house rou are mght lead to mcreasedenuag. douchng soluuon reirncted to h a n p g out onrour Myth #3: Pcegnancycan only Myth #7: The Pillshould x d in iour dorm. Of course i o u occur if a couple has sex during only be taken for a limited time. : o u i d ~ e n m emto one ofthe man\ ovulation. There aremmedical benefits to wtdcnce lounges, bur the hkehear Eachu-oman's menstrual cycle a talang a break from the pdl. In >fharmgpnvacpis s h . So, different. Iris therefore h o s t most healthi women, the Plll can Ireryone on your floorw~!l the lmposslble to predmulxch days arc be taken from pubrrq to meno:hance corneet)ouidatcwq safe. pause Its effecuveness does nor xforelt'snecessq. Sperm can s u i v e for several decrease as amoman gets older. If youprogreis to the "noohe" days inside a umman's bod?, so a Myth#% The Pillcauses hem stage hmngaroommate can get couple could have sex well before attacks, strokes, andcancer. iien more fmstrsung. It IS ihe woman owlates and still get There is no ~ncreasem the nsk of m p o m r to commumcate w ~ t h pregnanr. heart atrackor strokeamonghealthy each other in order to wold Myth#4: Pregnanq can'toccur~f momenu-ho use the h l l and who do wkuard s~tusuons.Creamg rhe man doesn't cum inside the not smoke. The Pill protects agunsi ,peaahzed signals showng that the woman. canceroftheovanesmdcanceiofthe o o m ~ ~n s use (scrunchie on door It'sposslble for aman t o d e a s e a h g of the utema Most experts rtc.) urlllremove anyposs~bhues smdmountofsemenpnortoejacuagree that tahng the Plll does not for embarrassing rmsunderstandlatlon. You can gct pregnant from increasetheo~erallnrkofdevelopylg ngs. precum! breast cancer, no matter how long a hithough ~tseems that there Myth#5:Thehirth-~ontrolpill woman takes the P a . Clams thatrhe ire more prospecrr ro choose from, i s effective immediately. Pillcauacs~ancerofthckerorcen1cd acmaliygetmga date canbe more It can takeup to one compietemen~ cancer havenot beenproven lfticult Whereas m hgh school srmal~clebefore~oucancountonthe .ou knew evewone ~nyourclassei, pillroprmentpirgnaq,rherefore,~t Mvths rake" from here that is imposnble. To that IS best to umt one month before uu-m.senual~t!xndu.ca and :uileuhosalhs mlate eretydarm counung on the pdi. u?iw.plmnedparenthood.org Psich and i x s m the back rou are - - - -. -


- 1 W h a t ' s the best pick-up lineyou've ever used? --


just om ufthe man\ faces m the cnmd. It t&es much more shU to get rogerher wxh someone

fromclasirhanbrfore. Recom~ mcnded arrempts mclude borro\nngnores. sirung beslde rhe oblecrofaffecuonorm! persondfa\ourne,app~oachng than at the bar mth rhe h e 'her, aren'r youm one ofmy clascs?'' hiorenaksarereqmred to berakenmunwriim

compared ro the hgh school scene


ihr game. Ean m n s ~ u o nmto ths irepreallydepends on past cxpenences. Remember to keep your o u r pace and Ignore pdgcments made bx others. If !ou are unfortunate enough not to hook up for a u l d e , relimg on o ours elf to reheie sexual irustrauons 13 e i c n more comphc a t 4 rhan before Shmng a room on n flour alrh numerous communal bathroom users resulrs m the need for sneaky masturbanon pracuces. Guys tend

you! Reltermghs stress u-lll deilmtelyeaseumvers~~renn~ons

u hen the' seem insumounrable. \T-ell. the basxs h a ~ been c prm~ded,the resr hhae to learn on your own. Jusr a couple other points ro remember, whcn daung "go Dutch," ~ ts' nor thar the c h i alq rhng is dead bur afrer all i o u both m e m~deniiiilth h m d budgers Also, ~t1s not a date uhen rou get bought dnnks and rhen mess around, dmit make acsumpuons.

to hareireas~erastheyacceprtheact

And fmelly, damg does nor

more wdely than gxls who s d n e v lt as taboo. As a mde they can rug ~talmost anywhere.. .sho\qcr, bed - and no o n e d ire the wier. Itrequies more EMfoe a female who 1s m touchmth her sexual

exlsr dunng frosh week. T h ~ 1s s a m e to adjust to your new surroundmgr, partr hard and get to knou- new peuplc Do not resiricr


The besr opuon 1s the shower, w t h no clean-up n e c c s s q ~ t i s &out the most private and convenlent spat you canget. Sneakingm a u-aterproof toy could also be fun but uharever pou do don't drop rhese aids onto the nasty door' Pleasuring ourselves would be much easierm anaccepungenvironment, don't let others discourage


It's fake.nght? It iurc IS, and we love ~ t .

L V has finally estabhshcd a club spectficalirfor fans of profssmnal vresdmg. Jom us on bar hops (rsprcmlh on payi m i m v n i g h t s ) , tnpe to Lire events, talks mth wrestlers on the rndependenr arcmr, aUuxh w r s h g fans from allwalks of hie From hfe-long fans to u-erklong fans, e i e m n e IS welcome Learnmore abour thehisrocofthe game, as u d as 11s present and future. \Yxh alarge Lbraq-oftapea

youselfro onemerest, keep yo& doors open and your uppommhes to hook up later m the year may become easierdue toyour contacts firstweek. Y e a , p u are now m ururersin you smarty pants you! But, one i h g udl remain thesame, you all are sull "pung, dumb, and fdof cum" so hme a blast and take care of!om ammal msmcts! Good. luck! rntitus@uwater!oo.ca

wdab!e,watch some of wre~thng'sgreatest matches and gctdifferentperspecmes and thoughts both m the ring and backstage BI rheway,ae also haxc iome\:resrhngmerchandlse to

pcau-ayl Ifyou hkevhatyou hear, conran

HerambRamachandran -l-n ' \**c)i

orArdrdaOcd (d,unonnt.uu~aierloo~ u)to 1" Ir'r free, and ~ r ' wmsdmg. i Ger lt?

@ - Places to have sex on campus wi A photo essay by Vanessa Reid and

Full of dick-tionaries hallwavs for a reason

within earshot

Meet the hairy troll

Don't settle for a mind fuck in the PAS

Making love is art Especialb whde making love on art

A little DP in the DP

When this is not ar

hout bothering your roomate

May require quick action and tricky positioning!

Jungle fever?

The elusir-e Suite 401; the ES 4th floor

)ption consider your options

-mybusiness on a R ednesday night

Needless Hell.

Plentv of fish in this sea of inequity J

Michelle Titus IMPRINTSTAFF Everbeen told that rhrre are man! fish in the s e a a f i ~ r e r i m daung 1s one big pool wth vanow npei of fish ST w a m g to be caught. Some schools have rrpuraaons ofan abundance ofcerrvn species whde others are rumourcd to be lacking. Apparend! \X'dfnd Launer 1s iwmrnmgwxh easl grli contenrmth random ~ e r u dcncounters uhde U\T i female popularmn tends to be dubbed an more u p q h t Redmcalls though thfs hsuncmn makei sense.\\'LU 1s much smaller than UW, thus rxplmmng why lr 1s necessqforcermn females to 'put out" (smce there are less gulsj. Regardless,ofcertmgenderirereo t p e s found at ranous schools all tend to have smlarcharacrensucs when companngfacdues and programs. Reoccurring rralts rend to occur," eachfaculv,resulong~na totalabhorrence forcertamfracoons of the school. B d a r to nor cnloring the taiteof certrilnseafuod, fish from some facdaes aren't appetmng Bemgawarc ofrhese tram before gerang ~niolredulrh an mdiiidual canprerentnegameourcomer E n p e e n n g s the most noronous facdq ai LTT. It 1s a worldrenowned program, explmmgrhy manv of ~ t srudcnrr s are o\ erl! pompous and self-assured. Bemg acceptedmrothlr program boosts thar egos and homs h e m onto an ~ m a p q p e d c s t a l .So, be prepared

to be mated as rhuugh !-oynu are

"nu-orthr and be ,udged 2nd evaiuaredregularli. .%though, students ore ven.compeuure m r h i faculn-,I t is unhkcl) rhatrhei can mntea coherent ienrence \Vennnesili nrceisan a h r n a n m q p e e r dares an 'artsy'; someomes all ther w a n r l r aproofrradcr Another aipecr ofthcse iruilenrs'uxprness concerns ncombmauon ofsocial dndumem;untenance s u e Lachngthe abdh ro express rhemsel~eicanproieto h e i e n frustraungeipecinll) when the! m toexplanthc~rlam-packed-chedulri Ycs. engneeri are husyand are an a drmandmgprogram but they must r e d u e that others are p i t as, or buster than, they are due to various commiunenrs mcludmg educauonanda ioc~alhfe Sfore spec~ficcategonzanonscanbemade whencompanngparucdarprogram but these rend to onl! be rele\ant roother e n p e e r s To ercpone elsesnengmerx just that -mechsrucal, chenucalorcwil-lr docs nor matter p u i on i o u r hard hat- and go bang rour heads on a a dl, ma!-be rhar udl h o c k some mteipersonal skills Into rou Smcethelirtsfacuin consists of numerous programs, ~tonlv makei sense that the dmncuonr aremorespeclfic. Generdy,'ames' are outgoing, c l e a a i r , unglnal and pierq chdl mdmduals bur when ~t comes toromancceach f a c u l ~ dtffers shghri?. Drama smdenrs, plav mmy roles m relaoonshps;

rhcy may i c r one wa! rhli mghr and ielauonshipi, ne~erlemganrthmg cornpletel! &ffcrentthenextday. go. In the bedroom they hks io dig T h s dno can nng m e m the deep and g e t r e p - u e ~ d x qAc. bedroom, w t h a drama srudeni be cuunung and busmeis srudcnts are prepared forrole-plalmgand bercn- pretrvqmer and resen-ed on the suspicious of their (muluple) outside but on rhemude thri can periondmes En&h students can be qute stressed and upught. Thev be separated mro nio groups; can be rough nurs to crack but literature and rhetoric. \T ~ t the h iomcumei di the rxua rough ones firsr,thcyareprerq relaxed, fitung who hate some great meat on the intuthegenerd'arri!'c~tegor~ u h l e m,ldc the second rend to be more~erbose Those mrhe sciences areblg usmg languqee ro get what the! fans of cxpcrirnenrauon both In and want. Fmr armts are ememel) our ofthe bedroom. Thcy are p ~ k ,pnonuzingthe ! cuiies of interested m how dungs work and others Different poses are urhzed whi so be prepared for ulamare w d e l ~whde , they smoke with gear iauifact~onwiththese hdi. It care.Pohocdscienccsrudenrssre doesn't reall! rnattei whnr majormaster-debaters and won't g r e up B ~ o l o pchemistmvor , therest - thev until thelr god 1s met. Followng all have a blast mvlg our nex thngs the wvorldr of manppoh~clanrcan and alllike to bc ongnal ar creaung result ~ntheir emdauon ofpohucal thelromconcocuons. trax-estm. If rou see a Poh Sci IOnes~ologstudents take pnde itudenrmth a agar be careful and m rehevmg bod! pan. Then expect denials tooccur~ftheydec~de knodedge of muscles makei them cerranpastacnoni~iereuncouth. eicellenrmasscurs. Hooever, keep r \ i u s ~srudents benr to char own ~n m n d that the! get to work on drummers Usuall! ~nrune wvirh cadai ers, necrophh can bca feuih other pla!eri the! prefer roger ~ton In emmnmental siu&ei b d r mpurc harmom Sure they may are devoted ro then surroundmgs. seem mnocenr but rhankr ro The. srcue~con~calu\of\vhar revclauons madem the '.%mencan occurs around them and hoii rhei Ple' tnlog!,. non-msmmentahsti can m p i o r e the smauon Bang have gamedaaholc nexv apprecm commltred is iomerhing that comes uon for music and ni apparatuses. narurallr to these students although Psychology and s o c d o srudenrs ~ therpasswe andpeacefulnarure can iike to testand research behaiioui\ get annoimg Relauonsh~pscan lack concermngorhers. Rhdgamescan i p m andexmment. be pred-alentm o n g them. Anrhro"5lartuei' and computer p o l o r srudents dwell on the past sclencegeeks arequte s d a r They m d tend to &g up old d m m both are obsesseduwh techmcshues

and problem soliing Ubde lachngsoc~alskdlathcymteracr heir w ~ t hther oxin lund, especlalli rmce spendmg so much ume m the Math billihng resulrs ~nthe absorpuon of rhar funkv smell On a p o w r e note, their fingers are r e n q l e due to t p n g on kerboards andcdculatoiiconsrantl~socTpect your buttons to bc pushed - m a good =.a?. No attempt .id1 be mads m respect to rchgmus ituiCei except for that c o n u q ro asiurnpuons piactmngwhsrthcy preachdoesn't &a!s happen. It seems that x's a wlntoss between bemgchaste and devour or wdd and kinky. In some respects I r can put a irhole ncw meanmg to "b~blehumper thumper" Some faculaes are an acqmred taste, others absolutely revolung. Over the rears atumrernt) tq to rasre as man! ? p i as pois~ble;take amother's ad~lce,'iouuon' t know ~f!ou hke ~tunless l o u tq n'. Dunngfirstvearrhese taste test are perunent, and i t t i eailer t o a n r e offndxulous mreracuonr w t h the "Iaas a frosh"clause. Hopefulli rhi ox e n m v u d a d m preparauon for unnwiin daung rqlcs, sure stcreonqei suckand there a m almari excepuons but Ir s u r e ~ sfun to categorize irudents m this way. Reman hghc-hearredmth campus daunganddeclde for!ourselfifyou udl judge by scaler. Happy fishmg.

Healthy eating guide (eat an apple with these drinks) Vanessa Reid


Agent Orange#S Ingredents: l/Zoz.TnpleScc 1/2 0 2 . Absolue Mandann 1/2 oz. Grandhlarmer 1/2oz. OrangeJuce (Fresh) Insmcuoni: Shake w t h tce and s i r m mro a shor glass. Or increase theproporuons and iemem a large cup garmshed wtb fresh range shces Blood Clot Ingredmxs: 1 0 2 Southern Comfort '-Up 1/2 oz. Grenadme Instruceons:

Drops shot glass w t h rhc Southern Comfort into a lourballglass tilled wth i ~ U and p grenadme Cellulite Ingredmxs. 114 02 \Thlskey I /l oz Seapm's 7 Crou-n 1/4o~.JackDarnel's\Yh1she! 114 oa Southern Comfort 114 01 Kahlua 114 02, Insh Cream 1/40>, Rose's h m e Jute Dash of Sugar (Opaond) Insuucuons. Combme allmgred~entsm a shot glass and add the sugar. The Insh

Cream should lookhke a blob of fat. Thti tastes a lot better than ~t looks. Diablo #2 Inye&enrs: 1/2 oz. Jugemelrtcr 112 or BacardllSI ProofRum 1 glass of Beer (Opuonal) Initmcaons: h h x m a shot glass, shoe and chase wrh a beer (or not'). Evil Woman Ingredients: 1/2 01 Insh Cream 1 / 2 m Frangehco Iniriucuons Shake and shoor! Subnutted By: 4Horsernen Ingredients. 1/4 oz. Goldschlager 1/4 02 Jagemaster I,'+ oz. peppeimm schnapps 114 02 Black Rum Instrucuoni. Layer m a shooter glass m the g v e n order. Ground Zero Ingre&ents1/4 or Vodka 114 0 7 . Sloe Gm 1/4 oz. Kahiua 1/4 07. Peppemnt Schnapps Iniuucooni: him and shoot.

Icy Hell Ingred~enrs: 1/3 oz. iodka 113 02. peppemnr schnapps 1/3oz. Glac~erflavourGatorade Inauucuons: Pour m order m B shot glass and shoot! Jennifer'sTattoo Ings&enrs 2/5 02 Sloe Gm 2/5oz.Burterrcurch schnapps l / 5 0 2 Tcqmla Instrucuons: Layrrm a shor glass in t h s order Burierscorch schnapps, tequila,Sloe Gm Sweet taste wrhakick Kare Bear Ingrcdxnrs 1/3 02. imaretto I I I,. . . I !r-. . I It I ., ..I 1,. ... I , , 8 P .:.,. \ v . i.1~ ,r.>r, , . . .t .I,<. r i 1 . I ,. ,.

, ,






L .

I a t ~ i r r ~ n a L cSprcxdcr g .,'I.








i.,T I

/ I C . ,



, -I:.~.I.I,. . I - ,c l r > , ~ " .,J


WTJ:., ~


Shakew~thIce and strun over a cherr) into arocksglassprei~ously fllcdw~th1/4ozofcherm]wce. Drop the cherq m theglass. Insmcr ~mbiberto not choke on the aforemeneoned garmsh, and let the "leg spread&' bean! Mgooo! Ingre&ents. 1/2 07 Dark Rum 1/2 0 2 Teqlula 1/ 2 glass ofBrer Inirmcmn\: Pour the spirits m a shor glass and drop the shor glass m a draft glass flled halhva!-mth beer. Chug-dug p o r e the longer e ats, theworse 11 e @

99Roses Inyedxnts: 112 oz. banana hquor 1 1 2 0 ~TequilaRose . Insmcuons: Layerma shotglass. OiwerBooter Ingred~enti: 1oz.PepperYodka I rsp. CocktalSauce Oysrer(Raw) SplashofLemonJmce Insmcuons: Served m a smallrocks glass,licalli for adash of horreralsh too, for rhoseuho dare. Take n deep breath, down the hatch.

See SHOTS, page 30 .-



Downtown Kitchener

Options for the under entciica m h s area lncludmg aomc fine, ones. 1 am too l m rollit them

Heramb Ramachandran


look 'em up on the lntcincr llcic'i a more arnbmous u n d c r ~ n h n g , on1 rxlnyandSarurd?i mghr. cl~t~~bo~rhrroufofan~esrahl~ahn~et~r m rhsplaiaa~idhuil~lickels ardmnkr ~~e~'Uheconiusedf~~ra~~ivlrmd chin rhs conhI\lon rums roparanura Tim'\ g w d forafewlmura otiaugh~ ir,



Labour Dav New Furniture

AU Monday, September 1,200 Preview 9:00 a.m., I Auction 10:00 a.m.




Once agaln Dan Balley has the pr~vilegeof offer~ngth~s exceptional selectlon of"new' qualityfurn~tureforsale to the hl~hestb~dderatthisvhenomenal"noreserve"auct~on Thls~s yourchance to outf~t'~ourentre home orlust buythat speclal accentata orrce you are wrllinq - to vav. Featured is a stunnina selectlon of sold mahogany furniture including a gorgeous canopy bed w ~ t hmarble top nightstands. a beaut~fulcheval mlrrorand more.There~salsoab~nam~csolidoakfourposter that includes dresser and mlrror. armolre and two night stands. Thereareover 10 llvlng room sultesofferng deslgner fabrlcs to sulte every taste Including fabulous all leatherseat~ngWe havea hugeseiectionofd~ningroom suites for all slzes of homes Students ....check them out ....lots to suite your taste and budget! Quality mattress. futons and more. Accents and art, carpets and lamps. Canadlan plne furniture and so much t h a t w l rlval your imaglnatlon Something for everyone. We hope to see you therel! -see Colourpictures at www.unclejoesfurniture.com



From London: Hiahwav401 east until hlahwav8 west, exit

c IC -acalel ac , ? c'o F: 0 . 1orn-1T ,n -1on.o Street 3 ncen-sni + : n - e l ~ r-n i ,C-I

(lcr e

highway 7 to kitchener. Turn lefl and contlue 15 km to Bingemans, on right hand side Hghway 7 becomesvictorla Street n Kitchener.


iugqeoriaons ale freahng common sense Sat somedungmight some^ e're b e p ~ u n gto i~ur\oonrourcredenoali." Sliuriour ple hole and hreprad'"& The abois ndrlcc rcqum\ no strenuous moremenr. For bdancc, !ou must gci our of nng road from nrni m trme FIerc'iinldin,pla\ thr b i r a r i n r u ~citau~antsaci~~iceh"gd~d~d~c Frxd~r,.t i~ireunilrimIGichener,mahefntnds ~ n r ah p i r i ~ mrhat dm-ir. or rahi the bu\ r h ~ r xc i xn~mm d e \ d > pncsd

thng on,qnal, \T

Ample parking &delivery service will be available. Payment: cash, Visa, MC, debit. There will be a 5% buyers premium.

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Thc "\r,n-alcohohc J xprc\s' I \ rumangouroti r i r n c u r q ~ u rhanbli i dnnlurc. > s the SOGICC ot 111 tun and II\IU\L Hov C \ C T , ~o ~ j c x n a ~ lt iul ll ~ carnpus,rhi! rrrkmrmill\ iL- eterxs Org~mziaonihke L5.i Chlncicbnident iinoclanrm) rnd S.iS.1 ,murh . k a n Sruiisnf~ i s i n c m m i ~ ) haie ~cmi~formala throughour rhs reim I? I gu! 5. rhc hrmc,\ are rim at rhese~r-ro~drers.Tne~ea~calalalalalIubs rhsrpr,~morrdancmg~~pFInp.Salsa, and ha%-edanccoffi\x~ti~otbri um>ersines Thar'i fun roo. For those m&\~dualsn t r h pollocalasplranons,~oin~ou~fa~cdn roaen or Fcdiranon dSrudmts. L d s noi forget the ar~rld'is e a t e s t . Im)n,#. . pubhcunm Hasicdr.d~ercurcmanioptionsat h i ichoolth,~rdo notlnroli cgcrnng ua5hcd Thrko ~iromeerfis-moded lndiiidueli The clubiand iorganizaaonilpre nrii~fnendsh~]~i,uh~chlevdo~b~~er mdbertergmesofmonopolv,mo~lr mghrs, restaurant cruusiona, and hurhqg nickili ar dnmhi


FRID i ~ . . - ~ L 29.2003 GUST

ClBC welcomes you for the Fall 2003 Semester

Bon Apetit, mon cherie Kourtney Short IMPRINTSTAFF

Full banking services including Education loans, account openings and teller transactions

Far and away 1a.k.a. the parental visit)


Monday Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5 0 0 p.m.

Liz McAllister, Branch Manager and the ClBC team look forward to servicing all your financial needs.

HuetherHotel 886~3.W Inrlvliaicmmt.rhi I.~r,n&mcn First University Plaza R c ~ r a u r m t ~ i a f a mmJl~e r ~ \ c 1 r r m r MirngeRestaurnnt i n c u r n s x e mcnu Tlk Th.u \\nh 86652-1 Irelam cncncomirrr,d>rLnricr~ ch~ckirip n a $13 20 iot i 1 f pti; Bageland luicc p i , r ~ a i n ~ p c ~ v ~ r n 7 r h s pcpprrs. p1cc sln plai~b,hhngi'\ rzlmccandiood 886-5999 \oftinn;ndgarlrc i n d a r r q q peami a>P stcadh ~mproimq\Yldsr ouo i l r Foimcrlr Bagel Dch. a ltcsnr orksoiferia chmngrmmanag~mmtl~a~pri~duicd fix \our order. small diihes oi knn \aucr L~lisrur~.Aarler\\ chcc lmceii aplcrd, bur r x t d saly) largc pano mid u mole cnwal armoq~ r m ~ e dtcialrs \fcnu mrns can be nndporaro salad (rrmicentofnurs- pherc Iti smalicrmrnu i d hiwmr confui~ns.burv~rh n hr ofolanmnv , 198 25 w t h rhaxrcd frozen nmrd goi>dopaons,rheicpr&p~z~e ~ i ~ u c a n g e r a g ~ ~ r ~ d d e d . F o r c ~ a merr p l efood , addcheesc~5centi)and'%mschena" rtgctables) help to fll rhc \ old. The for a 8 1, 2 mch pie> a f r a p n t mrh peiro. ol~ies and roaired~ e w c b For lunch spccldofsp~! tofu (Si.50) l e a (scaioned canned romarotr, ax erne srandout: Agrnrrous helpmgofrofu a feu dollars muie.rheOpci~~Sesame roppmng for 25 cenrr) to nbagelu~th S h o n ( S l 5 99).airndcrilabofgdid m a spin-~*aeer saucee accornpamrd butrer (99 ccnri) and rou'ie s a r e d b) rendercnipvegerablesmdsen-cd fish,~sencellinrEspecrtopaynround almoir two dollars on the pnce o f a on a bed of nce. Thts d \ h a a s a S20 per person, lnclu&ng a pmt of bagel u x h cheese and bruschcrta Lon's B r c a e q beer s u r p s e after earher n a r s , when an ($3 69) Too rushed to mampulatc omrleare camesmotheredinherchup the wstemj The Xonireal Smoked and the tofu sreu, w h c h sounds as jf Meat and Corned Becf sandwchcs ~ruughtrobevegeranan,contaned an conrmagrncrousporoonoffresh~ assoamenr of seafood skcdmeat. Sen-lcc at mealomcs 15 iloi. bur ]oh>-Fiasco's the New York~stylebagel%are large 883-8578 and f h g Thxs swdown restaurant offers Salad,, sush and clcken ten-alu lunch ipec~dsthat ,,on? break the aredso a~slable. bank or make jou ]arc for class Slup dreblmd,greas~falttai(S19~ andtheBLTC (omtrhe cheese andsmrar ChsstcrFnedCh~ckm'sleresnn~ on some ma: o 6 1 a rradmund R1.T) orrhtpero~er,cachcomei~~~dr adad camanon 1s anlndianiesrauranr. Its and soda for 5 1 99. henrag 1s apparcnr from Icftm er ch~chsn~imblnmnedcups and u Mel's Diner on Campus framcd ceitjiicart proclamlng rhar X88~-982 Chesrer'. c!ilcl<en2s hid.,! l-zwfnendli .imcs nndgeat-ialuc \-our facri5t opnon 1%the Thall (SF 99;,ahchconii5rr ~ourcho~ceof are rhr hallmarl\ of this smdenr hangour Thi &dai brcakfasr (92 99; three read! -made trims, m a n (rhiit - ~ p n e d r c r i a ~ m a c l o s ~ r m a ~ l l r d ~ncludrsiourchincr o f m i a i o r x e g ~ cranan opnoni, eggs. omr and home pucledcsr pita). lccbrrg salad ,(lamfnci I d d rhc h h h i e l iundae @(I 99). cnriblr no d r c w q and ~ rai mnlat, a n scoop of ice cicam arrh chocolate dessirt s d a r to 2 doughnut ~n i ~ u c ea n d o r r i i s r u p The read!-made Items a c r e crumbles, for a satlukraarm but fillrng The ~harnu ~si! ~ngmezlcosang n , ~ i l i ~ / o . a c l u c k p c ~ ~ ~ ~ . hapcc adhrdt OL aroma The,0a~9~~~1ef~.freshchressunrlerffi on week^ cnd muroinga (and m ipmach 5auce. cmramcd a Ln s m d p ~ e c e i o f i l ~ c r s e ~ n a r a r h e t m e ~r o m c m i i Intrl rlie a f t m m r d hneup\ ralltc iauce The chcl.en~nlfnntuai rhs bcii ofthe lor It u 1.; sdl k i s ~ cmbelong.wcbeck ~ f d counrcn, x hse dm-rplc\. burct ,ncamcdagsncriw pornon ,of cli~chrnrhlgh\ in i n c h Mr. Sushi tnmarr, ,3"CC 880-0111 Your hcrr qmon is om of rhc You c a n t go regular menu \tern\ The chlrken arong a,th $"3hl b q m (66 99)1imaromatlcmxnnnn irarong at $4 (inof ncr and clucken seasoned wrh cluding tau;, -7th salfron, b l ~ pcpprr, k devil, c a d e comphmentary tea momnnd orherspices This dah\xas and mro wup. If hot f r e ~ h snd filllnv )ou'rc of a cuhnaq bent (or cf i o u rust xiant to share Some raw fish w t h a fnend), 112 Ib, of dehcmus salmon 1s Ir may nor be rhc lded place to abarpnatf10 The do )Our ROCCZy shopping (d-

Second University Plaza

& .

[ weekend breakfast buffet 8a.m t o 3 p r n . -





ou can walk or bikef rorn c a r n ~ u mm our cmernas)

Where to go if you want to booze it up and boogie down Dr. Mojo SPECIAl TO IMPRINT


on thr cool couchc\ or rhe peno Better get rhcrcqurkii beforerhc\nou the< . Xgh To Go AIoridni. \Vrdnesdn Btiure SO! toiliir Tzstv. cheap marnms


Sokdi,%ouvedectdedu, cometo\\ ,~reiloo

Fed Hall

Youbsrcncd o,iourguidance councellors and math reachcrr and ~gnoredrhc !d.t c rlir cornel fizhnn!:or e r v h o gcri t o imfiihilair

Phil's I'cchup\ uns of \\ arcrloo's moir umque ixpenences Ui>xxheleisrhercmr~~herequtre cheiamr niPhd'i DnnkiforurrderS2aplrcr mat ssernlkenaki buensssatfnst,andbyrhc umc I~u'ri.m rhlrd \car \ ou'll know i i a c t l i u harmu'rcpermgi o u r ~ e l f ~ n o ~ a s ~ ~ o u h n e u p nr rhi door Popularu~il~n,cksri~vl~i~ a t i mcdofhcar~ 1째F rhc trpcal dancc mime ar othcr bar,, a rndn? nght at P l s s wll p n m d t uppoirum nciro heair our faiounre\'me lnchY,duia or Ragc Agmir the hlachlne song And uhdc cock and roll $ 5 the flaxom- of Fnday mrlm, U idnesdar s uffer~mootl~ lup !lo!> nnddanc~

b~rofgluruhuroldinurhaplacs~sf o i n ~ r d ~ , lpowbly gerki. You cnmc a n ~ x a \\\ell, con^ gr~rarulaaons.andlcrmrear uelcomc S i ~ a . ~ r ' i nmc for i o u to srarr learnmg wmc rhngi WL forguiiorelliaumrhcrecru~menrbri~churcs.

Jn c a e rou harin'ihcard I r rhrough the p p e . i m e and >ouhaven't ~ c m i l m m i HOIIIE, d n n h p is an tmpoirinr p r i ofiout d e ~ e l o p m g m ca more marurc and undcrimn&ngumrerey-educaridman 01 woman \Y hat umi tram srudcni'\ Sanmd;li mormng 1s complcn \wh<,a:snecdores oi ills nlghrbeforr's close call: \\ h ~ mi h err m studenr can't rcmunbrr oimq to tind his or her o a t back to rhen nix h m c ,fret a mghr of lreni- booamng \\ ho hasn't b ~ c n loir tnlng to tind 111sor h ~ r a a back i from the\\ arerlim bict~am\d\inhs c r a n rcd hurcd nca fncnd in rou \\ha( I'rc zmed to pmvide foriou hire l a a run down of nenrb! bar, mil clubs i o u r n q a m r rr, rn m toor h r month ot school. Rnrr arc agrrarplace io meer n i w people and rher's onc ot l o u r mam goals ~n fro& rear - along &ah all rhar cducatlon you mu% be domg also So w~thouihrthcr adxu. here \1 eredoo fioihes e your bar end club rumman.

Loose ChangeLouie's

'"g S& :lock,

Mongolian Grill

Bombshelter Pub (nka"da Bombel, Truly areasonto bcpn,ud.ioungu~ammt The bombshelter pub 1s perhaps one of the hnesr dnnking crmbiishments m the an rou nou cail home. Opencd just for you after a t h n g a x acatlon smce Februaq, the bomber promies to be backu-dl arengeance -\pub staffed h o s r rnarrly b) arudcne, playing hp-hop,dmccsongsandevenihehkcs ofBon Jom,theodythgyou'Uceemoreofihanbeer bottles are d r s ! Keep an evc out for your comeTA'sasyou~oovecohsplace'sf u n h nebs.

Revolution Open the doors and mlklnto \T7aterloo's prermere nightclub. VMe an o f f i d dress codema) notbeineffecr,hsplace~sdefimrek upper end. Puton your besrshmmdcutamg as!m takem ail tiusplace has to offer Jungle

\\hnrtormxa feehgofcampuihfeahde rrntunngoffcampua~hlonphanGnli~srhe placc forxourhen. X henthr ~ungosidoiiri mdrheplacc'~\hadmi nolongmfalis onnng road, thc $Ioffers hungq and rhmty students a plethora of cho~cssfor m m n ' and rda-m' If vour dnnkmgh\rory consisrs of keg party '\iolson Canadlm and shoomg jourdad'sbordc oiuhskevbeforchrcomei h m x , &en pu'Uu-anrm checkourhlungo~ Lads m a w hiondq s, With a full menu of mfferent flavoured m a w s to pck from, there ~c a o r n e t h g for eveFone. If m a w s aren't your style, q then $8 p~rchersofmooseheadmdhalfpnceappemers on Wednesday nighrs In any case, r i u a pIaceoffersamquecWedourenrvomenr foryoutros~p yourmamrumas jousuerchout


Ga \Vcdm&i

(dnncc), Fndm


A. CsiSot Toi,iLir \-our friinda ho's had ru much tu dnnh as i~~rand.ihzei eremhnp m 11gl11011r h \horr ~ walk hrmcl 111~pipo1ii~rsrhatr!ur ~amclecan'rcoirrall rhebarim\\ iieriooforrherr areman! m a n mure. I leave c h i as i u u r f i r s homeworl, a s s p m m r , to check our d ~ folloumg s bus and wnre rrmr oan damn r e n e a for rhem. Pam 0' Plahctn's (Inah pub on Kmg St.), hicGuinrs5 Front Rou. [$pons bar m the Umve-snin plaza), MoU) ?IcBloom3s Qnsh pub m the b m i c r a q plzza). mckoff ((soccer bvrnrhe Cmverem PLua),SdrcrSpim~mkc baron Ktng), Ron~annr's(imp club onKmg be w r i a, check our amateur mghr on Mondays for that p l who's dcfimreh norm yourenpeemgormarhdais'). ..thehatgoes on and on. There ypu go \T'aterloo froriue, the bar knouledge ofa fourth yeu\T'arerloo student professcdrorou, free ofcharge. Take wth youdusnewkn~wled~eony-our journe) through your frst few months of . school h i d e fnends, bemem, be rafe,tqnor roger into tighrs and a1uvays remember have fun




Huohs. Thex'iealargc cxprnseasiuc m ~ ud ~ r hr i e n urnrerim school term 4 smdenr tvling t h e courses can cxpccr to par m the nelghhour~ hoodof $400 on tcxthrwk\. before e r m coni~drnngrheadded c o r o f lab manuals m d c m r w notes

\\ha O p n O n S


LOI 5nlb

drnrsj Ho\t can a smdenr s a r c c x r n m o n o on books rhat could be betrer spcm on brcr and ilaclioa: Thrrc arc iiwr pnnuplc u a! i to bm reitboois nn carnpw Tcxrbwks rr the Ll\iRool\sam d l at rhc h-r p n i i i s an added bonus, rhc C\\ Book-am'\ \I eb m i nuii booksrori u\rsr~rlrmi a book\tore) hasasearcI>iezmrc ther allous you ti) find our tcirbrmk\ b~ cmrse riurnbsr and rerurns rlie ~ m m b c of r i r , pm ~ ~ irrich i t thc bcpillulli: 0 F f h i eerniircr, rhs I'\\Rnobirorc 15 a zr,r,. i d o t .mdmrs m m g LO ger rhea textbooks \I1 rh15 c w i ~ f u w n i m r c a k birr mro die lhmted houri ot irti nine m a rrudin<b dr\ i h r i\\xooiirote h i mnoduccdancn \ i r n c i i ~ l l c ~ i ExpreisRooks~nrecentreari i l l bi,r>h, purchasd rhi nugh r\px'iBook\are lOprt cent cheapcr r h m ~ f r h e i a r r bought i ai


coplci u n d m second tcrm o t u w rherMHoobsrule To Eiprrsi inothcr forgetung C'\Booi'irure\\eh ~ l ~ rrxrboohs a p i s robm dmcdr ,xi.and tii our the onlmc form O[llCt sn,dmrs Sums s m ~ F.~prcsaBmok,c l m s rhe process e h n a r e r lmer. but sull a char's e ~ a g g ~ r u r Theleli id lme that fmms \while intdcnt* a m tor rhi papcni ork aisoclired iixh the book iptck-up t o b i cimplrred.rhe h s l s genciallr ahorttr than the une found ours& rlx U\\Boohrroxlroweiel ilso. 1 rpresrBor~k\riqmtra that midinti puchase rhc hook b ~ h r clz\icr i r\ m h t @ n Ths mean\ srurlenrs could cnd up bunng a boob tirat the prof larer eipluini to b i useless, Iraxmg rlxm ro h p i c our n h , n n a, mcludrd on die b n o l l ~ * t h d c n r i n h c art nor hungup on u5my nc\i bonks also hate r1,sI-eds IscdBimk\rori. a i m o p a i m Helc t e r r b n o l i arc smsrallr 2 0 p ~ r ~ ~ n r c h i a p c 1 r l ~ a n ~ \ \ ~ ~ ~ i ~ k i ilia. o~r~prt~~c oldcr cdroonc oirrxrboobr can be p c k e d up for a,r,und 51n. \,I. it ch.ingc\ bitmiin siirnnns ,aim r s~pmficnnr..mdcne can make huge iaiirrqi b\ usmp a dents u.111liosi fl'cr~ . m m d shghth d d c r i d m m campus ad, e r u m g tlrerr old r c w i r rhs I ied B o o k ~ n mwltcnun T h c p n c Lm ~ rlhiih ~ x l ~ ~ r i - I i~nbilti~urcd,cip~c1,i1I1 to, U ~ ~ P I C I CIS" IC T ~ I CI-idBooI\stwre uccd,n lnorc ipcc,dl,rd pnici b\ rhnnnanng t h c c r i n v p irid unpopular cr,ut\i- I t .I mLnr fic T ~ method P >sn t ~ x i r i x r b o o k f o ~ a c o r ~droi ~ c i changi, clap-rhoor , r r m ~ - m x s r e l i the the L i d R o o h i r o r c a < n ~ get 'r

There are, ofcouri~.opuonrthat e u i r bcrond the bi>undarwso i Ring Road Some irudenti hare hccn renmnngro Chaptprsrsm hopes oifindtng hargam b o d s . Chaprcr5 ha, r o m z ic\tbc,oks a\loi,-leaderi. hopmg rhar ahcn indents come m to bu!- rhe chcap rcrrbook dw<U srai and bur rheor-er~pnccdonciroo Chapreri' mno huimc-i Ir not t n thc rixrbook marker and a s s result, ~ i l i c t m ~ ~ \ l~rnncdYou can c i i u n ~ sro ha\c a book ordircd. but i i m c a n q r c r ro umt morL rhm acr~uplc~ ~ t a i c b i beEoreria~ilrc~ Chapters ~ l haw aclub. LhaprerOnc \lemberrh~pr~ductrthi pncriori honks br l l p c r c m r , rhc coir rr, bccrmr 1 mcmbrr 1s Sl5 an nu ill^ O r h ~ sntdcnr. r ha. c gone rlnhnr m h o p u i i i i n ~ g romLcash T l i c p l ~ c r i i t chapters ~nclqoc i a r i d t i n m ~C I ~rC I I~V \ e t h i n ~ l m i e ar tire I \\ Kor,kiir>r~.bur rhi r m dues bsnetir trom the same ChapnrOncilub a i the bncl. m d mclnar cham Agam. c h n p r ~mdlgo t <aha-airurcrl d e c r m n b c m x o t c h h~ ~ ~ >t i lka i c a n be fmmJ ar tihe LTXBoohrtoic, a n nor e\cn hsrsd on rhc Chapttli \\ i b iltc If rht b o d \ !\ there, and

For Frosh by Frosh

Tim's first day at Imprint cilnirmrl! fllppng burger, or p r , ~ n n g c u i f e iLuclilr,wmc hale cir-edmr~ncl,and for ilthsr;, rhe p e r n m e o t is wllmg to pimide, i a loily ar r o u p a ) r h e r back. plus sums oicr,ui5e Fncrhouiand

Icarchinnr Frari ofIoncllnci\ it?, r croppmgup, pilred u ~ r h cximmenrar berngindcpcndtnt Thosi firit i i v meal, are fnghrcn mg, rhc oni< rhsrulll be prepasd a n d , h a t r d \ \ ~ t h a n f uticc~tmrcaii

rhzr ~ a u dfeeluncomforinbli l Tlui iearjs lusnficd, imcr I r u f l n o i he a i all hkr home Tnsread, o r d becurne homi J u t hen rhe fear hlri n\peak nnorkrpaprrem elope bearmgthe L m $ e , s m o i \ \ m r l i ~ ocoarof,mns i h m , up ulrh the niad T h s m e , b o u i .~ LI ~r 15 nor abdl, tnsicad rhi k ltrte i s an m i ~ r m o nto a \ ~ e oi oncnraoon, r m a l l ~primuic , of mhsf h m chc fear has corns b n ~ i h acck. a p t h e n n g n i all ihc fir\rw tar student. ~nanctfmr r o p ~ t r t d e kpdancc , ~ c l v r c e , n n d u c ~ ~ ~ ~ \ - t l i a ~ nonal .xmosphetc In u hlch frlindi car) bemad' Then, i > n sday oft t*,,m..u.k. r h m g nttd ro be done \ ou imt ihs campus h r dx Fust m e and 5t.mhiot tlizSmdcnrL~LtCenter iircr an hour oiroammgundcrneath rhc hrn wn, w u decide rn d o r h ~\mart dung and look at rlir map Ir li fnghrrmng to see t ~ r r ~ b i l d y c l i calimgroaardin v d~~o~aa~,n,iiMeroufianncd\


,,&G, wv Missing

mom? Recipies to recreate

home Vanessa Reid IMPRINTSTAFF

Chances arc nor all o f l o u double c o h o r t u c m <gotinto rea~dence. h d even more hkeh many ofvou hwe n o er touched a sroir before (icc- the large knohb! tlungm thc luichen). So, instcad of uasungmone\ on rnkeour or eamg I<D all 1% cheesi smcU iecps from sour pores (true 5 r o t ~ )here . are some sunpie uer ddilrarm reclpes t<,spice up your coolunglife. Included t i thc classic chckcn noodle soup, bnbr n a m roommarci to make thn for I oa rmd wmer when most sntdenr\ hare ciarnplague Chocolare c h p cookies help for those o f r o u ii-hr, u e rmssmngthelrmornrmes. For rhc tellas u h o are lnrerestedm impreiqga 6"s frosh for u~rhthstrixcepuonal a d m g iWa I haicmcluded some h n r r reaper guaranteed LO makc grls put our Ok I can't poislbh p n n t s e rhm bur ~r couldn't hurt Uso lfronprr cannot ger enough mac and ~ h r e s c , ~ o u c ~hn a rt r ~ ~ ~ ~ a k ~ t ~ g nu,udd~ngpo\x~de~ediheesi, ~t~-~~urIf marganni and n d k 15 mot -'mahmg" h o d Enpi.'

Ctucken Xoodle Soup S e n u l g S ~ r elpeoplc :

l,armer's Breakhst SmrvmgSizc.6 ln~riucnmi 1.In %quart (3 1; \aucepm, a~~~llnncbrorlr,irarer,cclcn,carror, omon, parslti, poulm scaruntng and rhyme Orrr rncdum hear. bnngmgtedlcnrs r o a brdlng

iolnngoccasamali\ 2 Reduce hiar ro h i C m e i and s l m s r tix 20 immures or unu! \ cgetnblesare render, srlrmg occsi~onalli.~dd~hcbcnsndnoodlca,hsarrhrou~l~,sarnn~occzsa~nall!

SIoi5t Chocolate Chip Coohes Y~rld60 s e i m g i

3tbs butrcr 3 medium przroc\. m,cro.i i i c d for 20 rmnurci on mrchum high thcn ihccd +green onions, shccd 1'2cup swcctgrccnpeppel, &ced 2 cups d~ccdham papnka,garhc, salrsnd peppcl to r a t e ?large c a s . bcaten ?o~chrddarchcc\e,shrcddcd

Italian meat Sauce llakrs6 scmngs. I / ? cup omon, d c r d 2 rahlcspoons o!meod ur vegcmblcoil Hcrr~c~renl~~odcliocolatrch~pcook~i~ec~prand the) arcreall\ motat C r ~ a r nropthcr burm and w g r s . I d d t @ s . ~ a r u l l a , rllr and mda Add flour lcup at,a m e , then 1!3 cup Add chocolate chps Drop from rraspoons o n aungreascd coolue shcrr Bake at 37jcC fur8 ru 10rmnutes. -1 use 112 burrir and 1 12 rnatgannclll T h s makes ahour 5 dozen, lust a few more.

Saurc n m , n s and carrots iniegsrable oil i d d the ground beef m d b r m n and rhm dram off e x r s s y e a s e .id4 rhc flrur and oammJgirixi,\X ~ , r c r s a r \ h uii. l u e n n d jpcpper n,rastc Fur rhe

bo~ulioncube ~nthe hot carer, irrr o~gerherand ~ d n, d beet Fur brsfm a balung dl\h and top wrh ohippcdporarori Spnnkic*trhpapr,nka or cheddar and bahs m 315'C urcn25 a ) 30


I pound ground becf 2 cIovesgarhc,minced 2 (16 ounce) cans comatoes 2 (8 ounce) cans tomato sauce 1 (3 uuncc) can sked rnushroorns 114cup chopped pmiev 1 112 reaspons arqgano 1 rcaspoon salt 114 trasnoon r h m e

Women love nothng more than a man who is good with his hands...in the kitchen.

EWE Day at Woodbine Arda Ocal


I r i i n b a s c i d q hot dm



Sunda~afrirnoon.anclad~srs~? a s s rn thc mhciore he i r m

s n a p r d foor on*, chi. harrle~ ground \r he snrn.dh~\,ehcle. hccix:ld feel rhc hunudw mck i r ~ l uL c~e I l k n u i s pun rr, .Ihapless h c \ \ h e valbed. icimnzl\ utrh j n ~ r p mhe ~ , had onl. one g o d ~n m n d p r i x a l i at ali cost' The fronr lmc dreo cloic, 11- hcprep-ircd hmmdt tor h ~ ririr s f h lnrm ombar . irrncdmrh a x a l i d p ~ wn?i. bum 101pnuti l u l lira~nI C ~ X ~ C I wnildsnrlx iur,dr rwuard- \\ O I 1hni iol?\Y\\ b p i s confcrexm Flr k n i v n hat he had rr, do - sign m ; ~ g n n m i r i il l h ~;\.I- ridd ~ n r h c r mr h t v c ~ k . \ ~ r a r l oarigc hi ,~~:nal~ng hli a E A m o n \ r r h m ~ d m nnu c r , i i r r , r c e v ~n r n ~ r h r r a p x :r> r rhr -up<r-rar, 2 45 - Ilqx,m: c n m \ \ \ o c d ; , r w . ncdlcri?te\ 111. ~ l d rt m r 2 ; ' I - ifre* il,nullghl\ Ja+i-,~~'hidm rr, - ~ c u n t \.,Lrhi r m r ,


Apparently they needed a whole paddy wagon to drag Arda away


do im d x plwmr>tor ripotrrr i d m rlwa on ( 1\\1, 14 51 - I k p r ~ rn, s x ~a r < > -175 t h ~ d d m yc. m n o r tino n,ic.lr. and i m r e r c ~ n r u u b .srnmmi .ic~ r l r @Md<,""C < >~t I L ca n L 0X.L , > I > h , r Tni i e c m n gu.niii ,A r.po, r c r n hr he \,,I\ ~ l ~ ~ r ' d d n t l x olunrre~rrr, d .urn :n t i n ~ ~ n ha g

14 is-( iound Rcpmrci a l i h c \ rorake r m rnorzpxn~rir u i the biuldm;. bur icccr:r; m h m s h m that tiler a crc a r k d ro r n . k .urrrIharthc r r i . p . ~ i i t r u a c c~ccrcd imme&arclj The rcporrcr'a rmsrabe Had our rrporrei wdlicd ox er to the nght a d c of the renr a u h rhc \P of sale5 ah& ar rhr a u t o p p h rent, and made sure the apptehenaire rrcunn guards saw h m w x h the \ I' of sale\. r h c ~v o d d h a w n o grounds cr~ roelecr him f r i , m r h e ~ v ~ n n cmle (whxh mas occuplcd\mh medm in t h e firsrplace!. The facr r; unlirrntr paixis u o n ' r y r r!w heir rrcommt.it

Party Over to Goodwill for furniture, clothing and household stuff 52 Maln Street Carnbndge, Ont 620-9719

1348 Weber Street Kltchener, Ont 894-0628


Shots Continued from page 22




The City of WaterlooNoise By-law#86-75 The Clty ofWaterlooNom B)-lans arc dsaignrdtoreduceaodconno unnecsrsar) andcrceislie sound that cancauienutsanceaodgeneiall! degrade the qualny and p e a c e h l n e s of ne~ghborhoods. NoiscBy-lawa86-7 1s ab)-laii rhar resrrlcti any personfrom"rn&ng causing. or p e n t t m g any unusual nowe or n o w lckely to disturb thi ~ n h a b ~ t a n t s o f t h e C ~ ~ o f \ i a t n"This l o o by-la\\ doesnotrestrictnoise wthm speclfict:rnea Recently the C I ofWaterloo ~ applied torhe Attorney General'sOffict foranincreaae~~~thesetfine amountoftl~~s by-Ian Appravalwasgranter frornthe SemorJustm ofthcOntana Courtofluit~cetoincreasethefini for acon~ictionundertl~is n m e b)-lax+ trornBlO5 to$3W.

Police Departmental 653-7700. to the \h~aterlooReg~onal B Y - U I ENFORCENiNTPROTECTLESERI'LiS



The OhZoneLqer In~ehenri 1 ' 3 oz Tnplc i e c 1 3 07 k ~ i and r Sour \[:I 1 iciz Blur Cur.icac 1nstmcurm. I i!er la '1 ihorg!n\iil1,tgl*~< $11 the fnllon ng m d e ~N i c r mrl >nu Brit. r h m T ~ r i ~ 1$ LcC .mil eridmp \ ~ ~ r h b lI mu r r ~ n o\;n Eliinim~ mrntallr Smr,r>rh' Urine Sample Inyi&cna 1 2 07 R a n a m R.irnnmru 1 / 2 oz \ odka Inirmcoons La\rr\ odka chcnhanana Ramworn Vornir ingremenrs 1 0 7 Jugnmnsrsr 10, Vodka 1n*rrucmns S i n will d ~ m dnnk tr rhrough a \Ira\, WnlkThe Plank Ingredsnr, 1 '20, legcrnmsrer 1 2 or Hluc Curscac 1 2 o? i m o n u r Rum

:+ -


Living off campus; a more serious note


Rcgmilmerour rear of u n n LI~ SIC- c a n hc mme, bur lnnlg off c a r n p ~ ~ i c a n m n b c u m ~ rIrk i ~ tinn e . i s n p a r L tchaUmge.nrotidr fur fir\r\rar ~ c u d i mb~~, t u p p e r > i a r erudenr\ a,nrU I t r i , ~ .l r c luir starang! urn firir r cat, rim mar hc rhc tint n m i tau hi\-c b c t n m a y from !our home. f n m h m c m b e ~ \ and inendHoiiex-si.nhirlirr~ouarc srarnng\oai t i i r t \ e i r r > ta irudsnc malung rlic rranimun from a campusres~denccii~ ~,ffkirnpus I m ~ n g rhr , clps rhar h l l o a \ h o d d h c l p ~ z l i s r c. i m i o t lour aamcn n n d m a k i the m o r c a\ ~ n r i a - h eas r poirddc

Landlords Dcihrr,catrh almdlotd can br or-cni hclnnqg, ntrci all. landlords d c a l w r h r h e ~renanr, c\ t l \ i i a \ Ir t i t i h i ~ r hahrrcsi , mu ma be rclra\eh neu rr, icnanr Isndlord I tlar~~ilbloacxcr. r h ~ ~ e d c i l i n c.m gr b i m i d i s a i w it IOL, . n d l r ~\aur.clt ftdh ~i ire <.i:h, tlghrb vf h n r i ~x . r m i n i i ~ ~ ~ m l a n d l i \[ah, ~ r d .urc s r n .

bnou ihc rcrmr r ~ rour f Icasc, and it ~ r , m r r l m gt i uncliat. be wre rr) ash Ir'i dw unpornnr r o get LI erx rhiogm xinnng rril sxarnplc. l i r o u r landlord agrees ti, llllhi ICpIITI. CC<]UCct\LnlCS" ilerads and k e p c o p x i on hand m oldel to RI md 1111 future rnlsundcr.rxndmpi

Roommates l.rmngw\?rha znommare can 11s~~ be s r r c d d I . n m g m i l o ~ t quartei5 ulrh iimlrons can pur a m n n u n e \ r n rhc h c \ c o f f m n d ~ &h,p, Hl,u-evcr, l i 3 <,aboth In1 our i r m x h o u ~ c > u l eri-pectench i, other s p r l r a c ~andciimpronnir, i h l t l ~silould ~ n!n mloothh Grocery s h o p p i n g I C o o k ~ n g 1.rx~mpi~ft-campt:s also mcam rhar ~ o n p a ~ h a l ivan't lr Iiwc a xniil plan > ou all1 bc folced n, d o the grocm iiropi>ing,m d COOLi o i w m w l f Srmirirns. tou m g h c be iblr to coordnme mrali w r h Tour r00nnlllte ' . l h ~ ~ , ' i C r , ~ l ' , i ~ .thedulesnri~~v.iNs, e l $ dltfcrcnr 1.1d rhrlt rnniraiclr be I mns w h ~ hixh n \r,u .mil \our In,mmari,\ l i Lhcnw fr,r d m n i r ~r +c \ . m e mne Tin ,, rhc

y,#NO# ; >

c h d l m c e rs bunng lurr the nghr

c a m p ud!-home program

nmounr o t f w d h s o n e pm,,

'\\ alkrafc', and know rhnr \\ d h a f e operarcs aevrn days s w e i , all~rlirrouod,f m m 8 p m to 2 a m . Just dial thc number and tell thcm )our name. smdcnt number, locanon and d ~ r m m n .

mrlthar c3nl.e cbfticdt H<>a t\ er. )I! rouplar ahead. ~ O Li.m I buy o d r lu s and rircp.m meals ulrnr ou d rlur u n be r s o x n ~ f t h e l eari IP~~OV'II F r ~ r n n m p l ~ . c h i l ~ f t i e ~L'I ssa and I C t i ail a,rclicar tor .I q u c S l i and xncnl P a m is zlw r i l ~ ~ i ceair meipcn-n c meal ro par together I u i r maLc w r i !ou eaL plcnr. r,! tmnh 2nd regcnblcn. dnnh lor- of u m r a n d ~ n a r n r a mu balmccd dlcr


6 1 Living in the student ghetto


Heramb Rarnachandran IMPRINTSTAFF Rriidcnccrciecvdiou.hahrh.~h~ T h s a l t c ~ n m x s rh . i e o f r ~ ? m p r ~ . l t r c m I car r m ? i g l > , m ~ aand n cmimurc, L\ r w~rirr our pnrcnrs ?U ndhr. ni* opuon 3 (.a\ o r house i l w c s r a 2 1 -1, r i r a m ~

pmihab!ei a h i l c .i i b d f holds ail Jcalmi.wth a m n n m a t ~ ' \u m i i i ~ can\ ofbrarr\ Irtrn. mu5r be c m i o r h c r tin be mug11 If he 91she l , ~ ; ~ e l l ~ d' L~L V~ma ~ ~ Il \hot ~ c ~ ~ l ~~r m e i d tr'i cxLn rougher i f r i r t<l<mm'~ v>mc&m, LI,*I>L~~' ~ ~ r u m gon mrhclr r x h u b c x m ~nralinxnlirahng I r ib, mx hcrrmi. rwi I h c ~ r n a h n g .h o do ~ r nu m.ihc .I urnple l z b ~ l n ~ ~huml ds p r c ~ ~ u l p ~ r t lconuer'inon ~m~ \ \ ~ r hhim i i n r c d Ins r l i u g ~ . n ~C l ~L cuma ~ rz, t w rhc 11~1tda1 O~yanmng-IP 1.1 rhi iuper''ho Ralph 'mickcr, mlr me Ilk' rnrzker ro riplcx,.. .utm f m d can I ' i p r , thHah,~hahhahah'FreaIi' b c a r e d p a t n In r l l ~Ihrroiki The h;rprncnaaUr r o w s,mac,<,t, <,CCLZI< !\Xh h e

spoken iccordtnrrua Heramb's house last term I d d t i h piovcrb. Therr'i dwars onc rrxmmare s x h "El-eqonsis kneaded our o f t h e an clccrroh us sppomrmcnr that ianic dough bur not hahsd in rhc clashes dtrecrl! x d ~ r h c g r o c rnp e~~ same o i i n " i h . rhnr c x p l a m \i o u p b her hit and rrr io aamh ~t reasrinfccnm, ru the best ofxour a b h n I n e r t r a ~ . I n v v q , adapangrc ne n onz'i blr, \ o u b u ) rhc 'Par P x r S r m w prliunahn rscruc~alIfihc\'rc bcrq Smc '.ibsn~bcipcc~ilcdi i i l u z i ~30" rnuir , h p r rn all rhcu requc.rcdrht 'L7lrriI ar1.r'~ "Shc ~ 5 ~ ~ 0 d lh lo\ ti~ih l ! k n g ?chi rears m e Iniorr>unhdt \ o u m a h s barluuom ficlliric\ \\ ~ i h r , x , m fun rot her urn-hmu blic hdli , < i n i c h t d u l i ~.m cIra\,n q,.h x n ir, g n l d i l ~ hhimo, \\Me !nueat hcr r h ~ I ? i [ s e c ~ n d h kthe\ c \\tlZ hlwpnnri r h c X ~ ~ i m ~ n r i ~ n.mbrer m a ~CIICIOII\ \npphmn c c r Thc neht <la$!c n ~ \ pf < ~ r a \ - e rm-ismn I f ! r>i<lcctrnallpdrid rhar each o i h u C O I thdiipatt o i r h c dal, b n n ~ s n r l c ri>omm~recrclc ofiurcncc The net p e n - l a l 1,-uc n x d < d l nlrh the peoplc mngl~, Om tndgcgtnrmU\ hold. all


Ir 15 llso lmpoctanr ro lrmsrnber r h a r y o u m not Rzcreamm \ 'Tn Ir a l m r inrndmizcpourscli\iIrh the \Virk' rhar mn- fri~rn>spiemhir 8" lnanr x n l c e s offercd oncampurhrough Srpremlitr 11" Just l i d and mu d lbee that ihirc are up n T n Ir \\ r i b ~ r c b c rf r r m ~ numewus peuplc youcan g o tc tor Safety Sports Rep, )our D o n or rrom the help and sdvicem all arm, of M.m psopli a h o h \ e otf 1' 4C i r h l ~ a c Ufilcc s and take pair urui srnn- l i f ~A few O C ~ ~ C I C c a m p u ~\idat mmc nmr or and moihsr h a i i rr, a r l b home a t m g h pcoplr l n c l u d e a c a d c m c a d \ ~ i o r ~ , m free chnlc\, dcm<,nsrmnon\ CLIPART firnc~\claisss couniilr~rr,thoseathealthier\ tccs Otrcn m a cnrnpui icrong npci,im Thcrc ~r dho an opcn house c a n a c c l u ~ r e i f . i l s s ~ e n i c i ~ f ~ c c u n n ~and , the Cnendr you meer on b n n q h d d on 5cpridbel 1 0 ' ~a h e x callpus. bur I , q > ~nm n d that [ h i l.m\ c r ~ \ i w can iind our mrnr abour i l w , q r o keep ~nr r w h ulrh -1" of\\ m r l o < ,i \ alarqs s h u d LampuiRtc~san~m Gcrune high school fnrnds artendmns c~rher and rhc w n r cm:non i o u pracase mr o l w d a d 1 d o \ \ )ou n, mrrr umiclntles. T h c p m sure to hc c \ e r \ i l ~ clicihould c b i cxcrcmd pcopli r u ~ i d of c clier and a d l hi salxrcncrngmany of thc \ame h i x rm c~rnpusand Irs x r r r o u i d .ate ro maki i o u r unrirrim dmgi tau ax, and n is unportanr, lny ireas irpln;nceamemorablconi u-hlle ~niuch a stare o f m n u n o n , n \ l a bc i u l r n x 5 r u d r r n ~ mchc U aIbrati(il9'888-1940Ehx ltht~8, ilolihmg up a n ds~l.g~ment kccp m cnnractwtththoseu ho 1049 1x1 rhr cumpurer lab. { ~ rrldne i n share a p a n of)our paqr, s h d r . ~ l i o ( n u n i c l l m u r n ~ c e i:19,888nrzhr cii.i, b u r \ \ i r a r e r ~ rrhc icasiln, malung fiends wlth those char a d 456-Lxt 2655 bc a p.m oflour hmrc r 1, m > s i ~ l r a nrto bc ha& i r ill l I ~ ~ l r h r n ?19~81(8~40'16 ic~~ Getting Involved r n 1 \ \\all< - ~ I hh~ c n d o~ . l t . lor (.',,,,:,I \Rccri.mm Laat bur nor I c a a ~ g r m r oli Id r r ? d h c . r A c ad\an:apLutrhc ax\\\.irhlrucs u\x?rcrlim ca 1x1 - o m c ~ , f t h e m n n y a i a v m r i ralmenlacc ., , o n c m n u i . c,r I r,:ai~~ C*",pTLC hrm cri for a ~ a m p ~ b u ~ g m a r i o n r h a t s oflnrcicir Nso, be surc tc i h i c k

Subden udl nor u-ork, thus blatant mwlrs m e a i to rhr only u-ay n, i penerrare then mnki he.id.lAeihc folirnmg, "1 ou smcll like a gangrenous wound, shower a I r c a d \ " ' 0 ~ . 'yourunaa;hi.d 1aundn.m the f a d r room caiprr i d d i a crrrain amblince to the placc Ir'aUuclsar l l i h c a u i r r s q u c ' Thcrc i n e w a dull mi,mcni tl,~n;. m f i p r ~ o u t t h e nuance\ of ~ m : rrr,ommares Thar', h d f r h e lbairli T h c i ~ r h ehalfconuir, r ot ilnd~nndillclr,u\iulnedhemsrcr lCLlDr>

Poetry by Heramb R'elcome to W~telluu \There lt alwar s smells hke poo There are lots' of Chmese people here Lots of heteros, tlannles and uecrs The UW women can be ' ~udsifiat tmes Xot hke Launer, uhele rKex. put out for dimes. hfaclean's dunk n-e are da bomb Because their edtors slee TI irh our moms. If rou meet a bor In mat: Cliances are he's.ne\-er taken a bath. The engineers can't hold their liquor, All thev do IS lmcli, m x m . JIIJlx-kcr. j i k n c e srudcnrs, got n o p,'ble'ms \v~rh rhcm Ucc'lusu the!. n.cnr and c ~ i r c nq. ~l pllle,m.: Art inmalors .lrc rather A

K::kc\. clnrc clw f , ) o i l d l

team. Shitty. Welcome to Waterloo Where it always smells hke poo. aw

If you find this offensive please e-mail complaints directly to Heramb.


Feds are us mrnr and undersrandmu. by the

umreriin wd iommumcetr wrh la undergduates. Tlui rakes up a p o d chunk o i d x tcdi' nme and buQsi and mi oh CE ex in rimg ilomp oxichng uudcnt ryrescntanim o n the u ~ u i i r i ~ r rdoiins 'i of comnut;ici to n i > r l u ' l ~ \ w h r\hone vudcnt 5 - 3 ~ c groups c on campu' mincurcrffccor e a n d cttic~enticudunrr~pleiinrarmn.

Thcrcprc*inran\ r funcnool\ nor c o n m ~ n r ial h r n &ng R m d h m e \ ~ Therpd\repri.mt r irudcnr mrtreir. to i l ~ Cm r of \\ arirloa, r h e r e g u n and to the pnnmcxal and fed~ml,qncrnmcnis through a n alpbaber w u p oflobb) orgamiatmni and br wixhing wth

rhe smooth operahon !>f all of Fsd\'repre~entaaoxislandsemci acmlars. Counciln ro hold the exccunrcaccounrablr. rudsbatrand mscuis rnpnrranimuei ofthe dar and a150 p r o d e commcnr on t h i rnarcgc~itrecnunoftheriipiercnraoonal half o f r h ~orgamzarlon. Cr,unol a l s o p v r q a r e . m sirmg rhe budgcr and managng rhe tlcctorslprocrss Thr hccond iuncnonal halfi>frbe I cdi rs r h i corporate half T h ~ r . ~ ~ r h o n1,? -p i n io the Ikda rllrough tihe Onizno Corporaaons i c r TheFcderauon'\ b u s m c ~ ' ~ \ . i > i on trolled bi a hoald rofdircctori i h ~ISr ~!ccridfrom couilrd membtri nndlm B m n - C I C C Ue ~ major,n. The board ss respomillc. andimancralh l I z b l ~ . f o r a l l c o ~ n ~ rare a c m m e s ofthe bcderaaon ~niludmgitsbuirncises. contiacri that the t&rauon cntsri mro and mi m a p i i h m g r m Irs itaiimg aq~lcmeor

see FEDS. oaae 34

&PL "0%

Purchasing a Computer: PC or Mac


Ibme\ ro c m d o u p t e or iornethmgsquAl\ nhculous. If!ou look at a machmr wrh an Inrel Penuum 4. !ou'U acc speed, of Ok busme+ before pleasure, ao aroimd 1 G H . Bur UfD'a l~i'ilookart h c * o i b a y c c r o f ~ r -3rhlon i h q x top our ar 1 4 GHz f ~ ~ t \Ii,u~rol~'nPo~~~erPC G4 c h p 'ilurc rhan h k ~ I ~ , a U ~ ~ ~ ' U n r 'found cd m I'oiier liacsj tops our ar ro do IS edit \oms rcxr tides. rna!br 86- h i l i z cornpllr wmr code, or une math The Pennun 4 1:n.r rhe fastcit sotn~areruclia%bPSS $forirauwcr) among hi bunch .\r!di's ot \lap!e and h l a r l ~ hNorhng \Iacaoild Eym, ihc Pou .it Mac ti4 uiirh uung p i r b n n t d a sent\ ofPhomihop Yo\, r h p hm wdf plnung tcsrs 50 r o 80 p i r cent L ~ r edun r rlv garncr.l~ir~nmgri, mpii. narchtno l'snnur 4 T i c h i \ d d n t bcl~cvc DYDs,~rcr,rd~nzi-ldec~ and o\tn r i > i i In lpyls and I a n r h u ~ dla:aC! ~ d l m q l o l -in.ndi r hrdi rhs~atr~rcasr.~nu~~drrco.~h~~~c~d on other prr,ple, bodles l'oacr \ [ ~ c G + ~ u U l i ithi a i 'f,ster" 1 up l r s s i m rhst w u t lhobbi P c n n u r n 4 r a r l ~ z r halt r rhz t t \ r could dimandmore himepowcl Desktop or notebook \tar b d rhanr our ~cliool\~ork One blpdcc~s~uniou'U h ~crfu \i,u don't r ~ l it l x ~ro i10m and make 1s x h d m to ~ I I I I L a~ C Dnd. r h i ~I! undcritand u.h> r r ~ u deihrop oi noribouh crmparrr need n Gerorcei \ ~ d e ocard for. uh Drikrop computer\ rind a,he E~~lcharo cheapcr~ndha, elmgcr illbplari than What's reallv ImDortant (~t's norcbnoh. do The hlp adrantage ti, a noribooh u ponabdm Ir'srd\i to bnnp !our iomputet i o school, to I inend', ht>use,liome for rhr a ~ e h e n d . ani\iheti \T hrrexreellr hclpliirm i\idterm in\hod> iih<s e\ cr hid n, log nto gmnr bores around mrli rhcm to ere,) r r r r \id till !ou that mrxin,qr our cumpurrf can be a p a n m rllr a \ c J bought i norebooknlren I m a r golngmro iuir year, and I ihdn'r regrerlt lfr ou can ifford the enrrn couple ot hund~cd!~uck\,gofor l r ao u h x h norebook should you b w ; The aupgiitlon I'd make I. .ipplt'i mu 1Book It comes a d cqulpped 12''3c>sen.128 SIB RI?. 10 GB hard dnr r, piur Fm\\nr. S ~ O C


f The Laundromat 7 465 Phiillp S t r e e t Parkdale Plaza I I


WATERLOO (corner of P h t p l


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Lose vour attitude J


!\ hen1 came to umtrrnn oneirar ago, I We man) L\Y' atudeno) was conunguxh a background of achevement: imdcntcounal, schoolpla) i andgieargiadei. So \then I heardmy piofessors gir thc speech about how umver~ s q would be different, I uas skeptlcnl-after dl,I had hrarda i d a r speech g a n g mto hlgh school and i i a a s not as rough as m) reachers made ~tseem

Yet three weeks later, m i amtudc

changrdcomplerrl) In one class, the prof\*as thscumng rhroreina that I dldn't undcrsrand, hut rhar orhcr hds m the class seemed to g a s p rrallr.

pckl) It was a hard h g to do, tu realm that 1 was not among the strongest students m the class- m anwr heir close toit. Oncc agvnas rhe assrgnments started, I smmggled - a lot. I \>asn'r used ro chis ntuahon and it n n k me a rhdr o~ask for help because 1 \,as manudared.

It wasn't u n d I h t rock botrom - I studied for and bombed a rmdrerm - b a r 1decided Ir was ume to l o x my atarude. I u s so fruauarcd I called my morherm tears and she finally) elled some aenie mto me Dld I want to ger high marks and prase, she asked Then I should swrih Into an easy program. She sad that I should h k abour wheherc I u a a and rhankGod some people can't e i m spell "Calculus"1er alone rake a coursearumversm I a s s not going o, bc the besr at c r c q thlngm lhfe- I'd better srarr

accepengthar and fasr, o t h e n m e ~ r \tould b e a > e q rmserable f i i c p a r s It was ame to srarr measuring my successwrh somerhgelse other thanmy aicragc Comng ro umyersq udl change i o u m manyuays- foi many people, a n-ill humble vou. But v h e t h e r p u arc dolnggiear ~nyour progam or strugghmg to s t q off academc probailon, prtrcmcmber the piorcrb about the man who cned thar he had no shoes all he saw his netghbor wth no feet Somepcople thdn'tger accepted rnro umversmy t h s !eu. So to those

lucky ones that did, I recommend chat youmake the best of your m e here and don't be too hard on yourself lf you fmd that you're nor achie%mngthe results that 7ou're used ro. The biggest i i a i to fdure and rmseq a to sergoali for yourself that are unre&stlc Here's a healher plan: ro do your heir and be proud o f ~ o u r ~ e i f w t h ~ h a r e)ou ver a&mc

Sucess should never be measured against others...unless you are the greatest.

Top 10 Ways to Survive Rez -qtar, ..-. Mnrrlr ...-...SPECIALTO IMPRINT

Life's Good

Entertainment guide Kimberly Mackhan IMPRINTSTAFF

\Tclcome a, \Tarerloul A ucuqui and iplendd rmc fuliof cxclrcmcnr Ir ahead of onenwuoniveek As~dcfrom meenng new people andu o q ~ n g a b o u cleraei, r &ere are mam new acmmri ro explore m t h i s cmq-. E n p r rhewondrrs of )our nev home before r ou are a suphomore stanilmg bi to yaduaw Inpamiular, b e s m m n d chat )our u n r r r s m e.;pcnences here a r e h r e d Youonl> get our of rhi\ place uhat i o u pur Into ir, so don't spend joui enore irrahman)earlockedaiia~myaur room sranngar noxnpurer ccieenl The stage

If iuu enjoicd Sqgh o n d . i q then indulge i o u r d f m the themes ofK~\T.Theseare nor yourrun-oirhe~rmliveauer A9 soon as mu enter, :our artennon d lbecome grasped instandi 1 The Crnrre InThe Square, amdst~rs caphvatmg.uchtrcnvaiappcaIance, Lmpara a mdomous h a m o n i o f performances ItacriaiaionrcnUonallodging Cor The Krchener~ LX'aterloo Symphon?, The lOrchener\VaterlooOperaandThe lOtchmer~arerlooI\Ius~cal Producaons. Around 150,000 members drop m on The Crnrre annuaU!, for a combmanon of s\mphom,dance,oprra,cuncens

andmagc If you fancy a more subtle professional-theatreiccnmo,then deliemto'& Gait LirtleTheatre The GaltL~tdcThearrepro\ldes h e , community theatre a n d u d unfold ns91st season m Sepiem~ ber 2003 wch the r h d e r The Innocinii The Theme 8; Compani 1s an d i e m a a r e knorof arnsts. Tha sssemblagr rhox~aperfom~ancei that mfor radmce in the .l-ta bi CO~memoraMg~he expressre and m)mrd "hes" of mhab~tanriof the \7 aterloo R e y o a Har-mgsct up the pnnclplr char rlus is theme, a m t h n g i m take place on con&

Athletics and games galore

n u up some happy-gducky da!s, m a r from the cioads, at rhe \\ alrci BeanGmndFuverTrd T h c r r d arrerches our oxrr 7 8 ICmalongsde rhc Grand River and, rqardless of age, ,!dlorrrpenence, ~r d d m enilronmrnr full of leaureh tranqudtp- that udl remabze your lnnerrclf. Iftranqu~iwalks m rhe park are \our chmg, thenienrurr mio rhe 59 acrc\lcronaI'ark \icronaParks endowed u~rbptcruresquegardens, asoccerfield,aband-,heU\x.hrretn

The &ffeirrcntappn,achcsptoplc encounter to enjoy sports and spornng advmmres 15 c h b m g ereqday. ThelOrchener Mzmond .\uhronurn Complex is the home oftheOHL IOtchener Rangers \T harevet Tour sport, the Complex wJ1 aupply yiiu wth aeon? fur rout amuscrnenr- be ~tan ~ c c e i m r , arournamenr, rrzck and field ot hancbaU The Complex P aim noronirw throughour cenrrd locdenrerrunet~mr~mm~rrhr crowda, and nrciraurnnr fmng Omano for holdme cxrraiaganzas. enh~bmona,iemnars, and wade tonards rheparklake The palk ha, shows. qute a feu skamgnnki, m Xniintrr. and occasamdl\ ?Uo\bs ihnong on Ere? dar .a newwai to play 1s mvenred. The hianuhfefmancd the froxnlakr. Soccriand Sports Cenut&spmses Skuatedon 1'0 acres beslde rhc le~sureliapaeforprcpzrmonneeds GrandR~x-ei,l)mgcman\ canpyoundi also d e h i e B~ rranquil ~nnumcroua sports These mclude baseball, field hockcy and la\m and relaxmg aunosphcre At bowlmu Soccer, howevei,li the Bmgemana, stumble upon a Iughhghr of rha aeioblc nudeus an' mimawtc golf course, go karti and barung cagci or dmc mto the Cenrrrii casuallrrcferredto as "SoccerCenad." uatrrshdes, ahugc hrateduare Sporrs\\.orld 1s one of the spots pool and reguhr su~mrmngand wadmgpouls. T h s funk! retreat char folks allude ro as the unusual, has tuo hor rubs, tradmonalh the exclun~re, and the cool. The) nored for therapeuucrducs, fur hale the dtstncr'e biggestmrenoi g o l f - h g r a n g e , arockciunb~ng adults only. AdBuonall>,one can cenrreandbamngiages. Dunng d~scovetthelrb d o g c d p o n d or summer, pauonr can u n m d and paddle down the waters of the "KmTrack "Furthermore, Grandher. Sporisuorld hasa4.5 acte Hawm Nature parks H.0 \Taterpark. os aell as aaaaaen ofamuaemrnr ndei. Srudenta can Parksrehnqmshpmond expedmons that can keep !ou expect ro whoop ~tup ar dus veairound heme parkwth \peaal amused all rhrough the dai. Get fcsmmes such as the- Rackto together w t h a couple of bud&, School Rach wth CHYXIm and prepare yourself fura weekend ofacuon~pckrdfun becausethe Septembn, Nghunare on lOng br in Octobcrand rhe Vlbter Woader- norrh-esstcornerof\X aieriooplays landinDecember host to RIA1 Park. Vlitb 18 o u r Spr~hngofwntrr~vonderlands,door qmrts iieldx, agolf courae, centrdtoli-\5 arcrheChcopec and art, RIA1Park 1s rhe pndc of Hdli'fac~aes.Thisrecrding~aciet \Y'aterloo. T h 500-acre turf oor 1s anearb! haven for shlorers and only has a mdupurpose recreamon sniiuboaidera kke. a h e n the cenue bur io opcn-aramemrrer snow mela awq, ihe escapades on prondr space fur a m d c range of the \!opes become rhoroughlr 5porc groups and enthus~asriIrs uansfomedmro asancmaq for ud&feshelrer, tracks. csmr playmg rcnms, iuking and b k n g landmgandnchhmrageaca Htkrrs andbtkers, b c h q Brnrss prc~rntnamrcloreri\iirl~ access m fanaocs orrankammxrs, cnnnlvqs e n w r o m e n d bhsil \\'hde at Rlhl

Park.ons can observe arangc of tlora and fauna Anewplace forenploraaon~i anotherlucrauve excuse roenjq the beauy of\%aretioo 1.entngron Park the ongnnl location of the K\7 Sfumapal~1..porr,and Hdhde Park aremongirrhescplaces. Semcesar rhe former consst oia ball d~amond and green space \%'areduo's besrconcealcdsecrrr~iundoubredlr Brchrell'ark.V~r~rorscantravel around 4km oi foorpaths and nanm uds all theaay through the park's pastures, wetlands and foresr Take a p r n q through the woods and meadows and watch h e manv ,peati ofbuds \%aredooPark, h o u e u e i , ~chi. ~ '-Jc*-cl o i t h c C q '\Vhriher)ou'm m the mood for b l a h = liround the

tlonalgreen-*pace has agreardq awuang!our arnvsl! The parkis home ro a model of the Abraham Erb Gnst hlill, the o n p a l Eb! farm house m d m a l dspla), Lmn lagoon and Sdrrr Lake. In summer, the park has concerrs on Sunda: afrernooni Other atrracaoni rndudr The 6" Annual R q a l Medm d Fwe, comngupm September-la&ri,peasanis and courr~esrersare d orlcome.Ttus year,\X aredooPark\~*bbecelebrarlngm 10'anmver.m ofawmrer wonderland. InDecember, there arc usuaUi 100,000 hghts and 60 diiplai' Cumc our of your room, m u andcxpenence e\cmng acailaei, sports and ioclal oumgi nghrm!our own backtardl

the last rem~mngcoreredbndge m Onmno, known as the "&ismng Bndge." Let the sranngly hor tone and ~ntenselr . dnrme,- rhithrmc . .pulse of TheUptown\Y aierioo Jam Festival rake )ou over. The ealaia de&cared ro muoducmgsodd-clasi jazz m u s s m s and fearunng them along the storefronts m 5QngSueet. Many musical moments hare been ahared by feshrai instrumenrahsri and those momenrs are usually chcr~shedb)heaudxnce. St Jacobs'nvo farmeis markers arc popularamacnons for both residents andrwturs The St. :.I ,.l.n...-'\I r . . . & I < . \ l ~ , ~.r. ,I, \\ * 1 ,.,\ I d 9 1 . . , !.'~ ..r. i, ' * .,<' produce and a hiel) place ro rhop Uaave treats and dmaes- by Slennorute farmers trekking to mnrkct bi horseand b u m mdude summa sausages, and sre snapped up &e hot cakes. \Y atcrloo's most prevalent celebianonaunquesaonably Oktoberfest. F r o m b r e m g t o consumpaon, afrer the hamestis alreadygdthered,tbis sophsticated beerdnnkmgculiufepves peoples lor ofsaaifacaon and,\veU. beer. Ersnrsmlude resthallen, Srompn' Tom Concert. Rockroberfestandaparade.Ths mnr day fete a d l m m m e n c e on h d a y Ocrober 10,2003wwhrhe nrud "Tapping of rhe Keg."


Outside Campus

Other noteu orthrplacr\ of mrerc\rmclude the DoonHenragc Crosswords, rhrJoscphSchne~dtr Haus hluseum and hlcDougaU Fiestas and celebrations Cottam Scudenrs mar also seek Holidays and f e s h ~ dharea s slpBcantinreresrmi.iahng the u q u e q u J q and are mumarely Cana&anClai.uldGLassGallem, enrumed uitb thc hres of the K\Y' Casde IClibnde, die K-Whrt mhabmmts. Laugh, have fun, and GalleqandtheJ SteckieHentage re-energme rhe bes~yearsofyour Homesread Ifyou haw not figured ?dolescenrhves. The Welleslq n out by now, the mosi mporranr Apple Burterand Cheesc feaovd a u g p h o n to all of ?ou energeoc starts off%-th a rradmond pancake freshmen (andnon-cneigetic ones breakfast and homemade apple coo) 1s to go our ind haye a ader Thereareusudy stagecoach momentous a m ours~deof the rours and a boar regatta, as \ell as U\T Plaza (hr rhc Rmg Road as the Lots of apple butter cnic mar be) Youonlvger oneleer The Elrmra hlaplr $rup Fesnia! rouse rhr c.;cusi 'I'm lusr R has n sarpli~ao t 180 psllona ofpurc freshman.' so get some pleasure maple irmp that are appbrd to hom ir- don r v i-ce ~r Hare h a . ~ii!accm c r 15.UOOplnreful~ of enlo) bemgm \\ ireiloo and a i i a i pancal.r\ U?~iltarElmra,es~~lorr from home' rhr Old Ordrt llrnnonire Xceon,el~cuici,a hu-ggr facron; and

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