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FRID 1Y,h M C H 21,2003

If you had to join a cult, what cull would it be?



Path to decriminalization


UK speaksouronimpnnislasnssue

Kech LeBlanc walks the long and umding road to rnanluana law reform.



It's 'that ame of the monrh' for Columathlar6Srrarford.

page 8

Marijuana changes ?.WrKerngandoesn'tthkchangci to manluanalamsudl changc much

page 8

Feel N Q Arbuckle's pain Kern-Freekreimiirhchtesrf~omrhe Cana&anballsdccr

page 13

SCIENCE Last dance with Mary Jane Gopaul Dcoaaian on wh~rnanpana ~ w ' as r safe as i,,u r h i .

page 14

FEATURES "Matrix" Verona Lawlo,

"Pantheism" Chr~sBrodhurst

4th year SDS

2nd year Ans

page 3

Shakedown Street

Growing old Impnnfi U e i , rdltor Kirnherlr Slackhan ancnds St Paul, annircraaTieianars

im/lnnt untel Vancaaa Reid rakes a 'rnp'down roK~\T"alocal hemp soppli \mrc

page 10

pagr 3

Second hand study

Quarter Millionaire Club

Sccond hand rmr,kcnoras danpsluul nrwsthough+\hke Kcrnemrcpolr\

P r i i i d e n r l h t d Td~nioniiL\\ i rop mrm! m a i a rmd our a h o rounds our rhs top 10

"I'm already in one ...Fedism" Vincent Cheng

"The Mile High Cult" Mike Arblaster and Joe Kenel

4 4 Electrical Engneerlng

28 Physics

"A Nudist Cult" David Zach

"Super Friends" Ian Leung and Ar~ckArslan

3A Electrical E n g n e e i n g

3A Engmeemg

UW Mathies take on York

A VP's Education

FrdiraoonofSmcisnts\PEdui;mon Thc lurh annual Cma&an L-ndcr~ 1 iunAIcH~h~RusarU mrroducearhe gradu;irebLrhC~~i~fcrcncecallsonfi~e readerilup tc rhs Me of a studen: ofLT\\'s fine% execurn c

page 11

Psychedelic, man. Iqmntnhes arebo\picarelookarrhe manluana q u e r n o n u ~ t hchis Cberrn,~


Arts Grad 2003

"Crush Cult [you know, a cult of crushes)" Larlssa Geraghty 4A Recreation

abmt one of L\\ carnpuirecclubi


muit popular

Page 16

pagc 12

"Harry Potter Cult" Shauna Gu~llemin

Go for green! \\ hrrchead uu&nes hon \Y a~ rerloo bsnetits iiom r h Ci~mmurer ~


page 16



.aror ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ T \ I ~ c w n~,,. ~ I . ..sl,t,l

\ ~ & s ~ ~ nrrrgvnpmtuar&d ~ ~ d . is

Puffing the magic dragon Liberals start the long process of decriminahation Keith LeBlanc SPECIALTO iMPRlNT

Houerer, groups lobbjmg for tougher punishments h d their protests f d h g mosrli on deaf ears m purushments for drugrraffickmghenrmcesaremore serere,~~~tthsrnrencesOttau-a Instead, current debate focuses on hou-tareformandmoderare reachmgas far as ltfempnson Harsh p e d u e s for manjuma users are m- the laus. It ls an accepred truth h-! most ofthepoliucdeehterhat eraibcatended to deter people from eyer beuonofthe diugls mposstblc,rrgulaco-g users and Lfe m pnson for traffickers a m s to keep the suppliers tmn as opposed to elumnarmn may be the onl) w q to cope mth the off rhe streets However, 11has been - -~ nplrln rmtimmcmce maquana\iaa fuir made lllegal In cave double that Ir is no surprtse that proposed



offence .iuchetvi~ouldbe\x-ntterand the contiabandconfiscated For I s - makers, ~t IS d?fficult to d e t e r m e uhar an acceptable amount of drug use I$ Potcntdly, neu- laur could resemblerheundeiage d r h g l a w s . Lavenhrcerscouldstep mwhen the occurrence la bhtmt, or poienually dm~rous,butp-~hmentsate4hi, culang the cnme Supporters of decdauonsdbehevethenresence of manpma 1s a problem, the lor d~fferences the acceprn m a n p n a ,




wrh no lnrcnr to CIIIOV it themiclrcs I'hm clam that rhex 1s no o mesoaedef~ p-nh users ofmarquana so serrrrl! vhrhen the,= c r m e hurts no one but themsehra Thcn there are thocr m P ~ n u of i d ~ current e imcr, and perhap~\rricter,pendtles Pohceassoc~a t m s andanu-druggroups clthar m a q w n n leads to the use of h e m e i drugs,u~thuseiscontmuallpneedmg drugsthataremo~adLLcuveandmore dangerour.


supporters a f l r p h r i r m i folluii a dtfferent ldeoloa than those supp o m n g d e c d a a o n d o n e Thelr behef 1s people themsehes have the nghi to choose what a safe and unsafe Supporters ofle&auonuould kke to see manluana ieguiated Lke

Lquoror tobacco The? feels should be produced and sold legall), prortded wthout rentncimns about a&e mdporencpand, of course, taxed cr a long ,\-a) a v q I,e&auon Although conautuuonal prmctples ma\ support Iqpahzauon, a e nor uncommon for thoseprmciplcs to be orerlooked. e r m m Canada IImever,someckvlgesare t h g place In September 2002, the Cana&mSenate~sruedareponabout~nlu- use. Its iecommendauon uar clear,smmgSnenufic ewicnce 0%e r ~ i i h e h g l y mdrcates that carnabs In subrtanualh less harmful than alcohol md.should be rrrated not as a c r m a l ~ s s u e b uaiasoctalandpublic t liealthtrvx "Thcrcportcononue~to irate thar thc same snrtofreplulauoni that control tubrcco should KO>-em manluaw Polloningth~s,mDecrmber 21102, the Home of Commons iclezseda imlarreportrccommend~ ing decnmmaltzanon of small amounts of rnanluma Thcse nro reports hare led to thenru leplauon bemg proposed m the House t h i ueek . mom to b e p the decz-alzanon of manluana In a t p c a l Canadian fashon,chilgesu~dkslow..4iter&, fihdieadyaakeniO!-earsofresearch and protest for marquana to reachas


Going bald with St. Paul UW college celebrates its 40th pear Kimberly Mackhan IMPRINTSTAFF

they are purrung a course of hlgher l e a m g not only to enable them to

eamalirmgbuttolearnhowtobeas L a r g e w r e r s ~ u e i c a n k n e ~ ~ e ~ m l uwell" ng Btenl-enuea'ZaBarde~"-me for some people The U\T'church rehtedcoUeges~erehenceesrabLshed f m d e francam de St. Pad's Umted to fac~lirare,as quoted by the U\T' College ItsthemIyFrench-kiiguage websae,"awarnandueIc-gen res~denceontheL3Ycampusoffe""g iianceoomttothem~-e~sst~."Ariheabout 18 Engltsh~speaknq . . students rhe chance to m p r o i e their French smdestofL3~'sfourchu1chcoUeges, la-ge skdllis Stacted m 1984, the St.Paul'stsrex.~vedbpthedtch~m:'To unoaa\T'~thPaii~on.maCanneCm- floor nmc&v' has a French assstant mmr)., a Lsfe-long L w e of Learn- itomFrance St Paul's, smatedonthewestsxde mg."It awrrh t h s methodologyrbat St Paui'sUmtedCollege commano- oftheU\Tcampus,~rarsoctatedw-nh n r e d ~ t s ~ a m ~ e r s q w ~ t h a n o pthe e n H m ~ l t o nConference of the house on Saturday May 24 Among UmtedChurchofCanada It tendeis the celebmtmnsw-ereroursb!- current a ressdenual commmr) to 150 sturendents, a lunch-hour barbecue, denteas\t~eUasacadermcnroeramsm photo exposiuonsmd achapel sen--



The festmues helpedrerrerate St. Paul's absorpuon of acadermc and res~denuallifetoachlevepezsondm~ tegnty RobertJohnRemson, former Archhshop of Mooronee andMetropohtm Toronto, once sad, "It a the feehg of the college authmiues thatallstudmtsshddrec~ethat

ooment. The coUeee e notonous for tts student-organxzed annul Black ForestCoffeehoue,thea~&en~e~~nnsts of a l m and fnends and feaN r e s e n t e n m e n t from talented muacruls,come&sand~~~~&sts

UW's quarter-million-dollar man Y h o ranks uhere in paycheques at U K n t h i . to hclp che u m e l ; m L i iolre or, i i drfiicult n, ~ i a l r i mpricliclx. ronro'\ presdmr Robirr Blrgensau rheli financnlpn~hlems.he iild c o n ~ p m ~ a n rem y x r f s and lnformcd wai paid s lrtfr. Sih?.OOU folhi Y\\ ' 5 ' Sunshmz CluW l ~ \ rhas u r n t a m anrchershrhi~crhs&sclu u s Unrhri1rhcihand.l'le1111c~Er~~~c also gmun ilgruiicand\ i i r m 202 hlam o f us \idp d u x r e clr drparr i m r ~ ~ ~ l l l i n n s ~ b o u r i i i i i ~ ~ ~ a s ht ~ i snsrearncd h r h ~ u s t u n d i 51112,0110 r fa names m ?(In1 o, numbers m a 310 f r ~ ~ m r h e i ~ u ~ ~ c i s ~ n - n f \ \ i r c r l ~ rro~apnod~ ~ ~ ~ i l g r ? f h ~ h ~ ~ , ~ d s n l ~d nI i \Cu g h [ - p l u s m o n r h s o n rhc In 1995.thcroral narnbrrr,i-taA,md t a d ? eammg~,ictF11~O~1~lUperrerv aa\ il T h v number.howevc~,bxl dropped to 1 9 ~n19'16 J~~lrnirim. u ho became part d r h I~\i rnoncx iluhm 1'199,1air r h r~o p o f Ire20112 k t , lames Doan~vu . h o \,,ah rhi ~rcsxlcnt~ L L O Iml. ~ C IS no\\ !xi I\ ?Ucrormancu\-inngnbe~en~Scncs aru&in ~ni d iourih place Thcrc are qure a tin H'il\\, but uirh an annual d a m of pn,pornnn ii~n~f~tihnm~e~clii~niltihnm,e;ci~srrorhcpcal\otii~niltihnm,e;ci~srrorhcpcal\oof t~et~~rhrhp~ah S248.666 6 8 d thr2ii~2l~ar.incl~1~gp~00ost.irmt raxahic bincfirs C h a i n n x h o h a d h x s h &u\hcdIu; e i c ~ c d l n g iirir f u l l ~ r a r a r \ \arniooburrinicd SlO,~lIlJm3fll. UW's "Sunshine rhird .Urn George, dean ot ma111 i o h n w m rs nu Club" list has atid torme~pr<>ro~sranked.icr,nd str',,,Lr ,I,? Ziembersofdic 'Sunslmi('bb r l a d ~ r m n of also grown mamh h d d adrmmwarirc posrrplcnd~dl e a d r l ~ n m - prei~denr,\ ~ c ~ ~ p r e r t r l c n r , -hll,sxsnb,~nn significantlyfrom dcan.wlligeh~ad,airocwcrpo~i~~sr Uoix nii. Doug 202 names in u m i c ~ ~ m m l i h m n a n o r m r , rslr~r r~ui~ \\ q h r . Butr larposr. ST'-CLIxnnrnei arow from br '~M,LXX-S 2001 to numbers letome'i Unmersm. o n e from Gcrrrliagr .hi over 300. Rsniion Colleg? ind one from prcdecesiul, m Conrad Grcbel Llmicrrln Lollset rhi p l e s ~ d r n ra Ihrrcmunerntlonpti~cedu~zzotL?\ r,ffiiirp . .. barhe1 rlus rcar il\T rcrcaled t h e narnss,pr,imons, 511mc1and taxable benehr\ofemplorec~ul~o tookhomc "id \I,>run,O roiT'i wffa\irmaSlOO,(UOorrnnrcl~~~~e,ir Slnci 1996, r h c O n t a n o P u h 1 Secrorialan ~ 131s~ tlr~nx~~ce-pre~der~rsliIar! and benctirs, h~hcx-esd u \ c h ~ c l m ue ~xs “the gmlx clo~urci c r r c q u l r c i ~ u h h&\closurc ~ oi the \ d m :mi\ l c n r h r i , p i im good dung Rr H u m s g o ~ i . m i x n r rc~p~'r"fmploime"~ ioempio re\ hasdone People rhouliiuakeup and ~~hucnrnasalnnofElll(l!li~~~~r~nore s ~ ~ n h ~ r ~ rardr~llariha\ rhel? tgimc " I" r11r prcvloui rca: ilrlx~ughthe Ingcnaai i d a n disclorurt\i~llxnnlrc li~n~~ran~ctfe~tsr,ir~lezi~t~g~uch iraf~rmriiinrnn~rs~ni)nrzn~~m~~rc -?Ian h c l r m r c a r i l n r i n o om~-cr.~rntiamlgcnr~r:rlmrdmsrids .mdliii

Kimberly Mackhan IMPRINTSTAFF



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Special General Meeting Friday, May 30, 2003 1:00 p.m. SLC Multipurpose Room OPEN TO ALL

board@imprint.u\ratedoo.ca for more infomration \Innberrm,i\ iurcn~prox>


FRIDAY. bLiY 30,2003

Canadian undergraduate math conference underway Five UW students to present

fi$jgpP$; #fjpj;$

Capitalism: Objectivist lecture to discuss morality of capitalism

Continued from cover and la ailed "SARS. SAS and blah fromPublicHealthroDnra hnalya~sro 'Iuw ancndmgdecturebyDt I-=on AIathemmcliSolunon " Brook, aded The l i o ~ a Caiejor l SUPLinoDcmasi.confeience airendci Thsmeehend Cluvcraq on\ aterloo l , there? cndofrhr sntdenrr ud be celehrnnng thc l0rh andorgamzerofthcL\T CUSK con- p a ~ ~ l i i aandat lecture he made apruhmndconnecanmx-ersq of rhc annuli Canaman ongcnr, crmmmred on the event. "I non tbar &cd rnr mmd," erplmed Undrrgradunre hlarhemaoia Confer- wanted ro leainabourmarhemaucs ar Sdaedze. orhcr schools, ro meet orhet math ence (CUAIC) ar York L-nn ersw m '.pr. Brook] made tbc point char smdcnrr and iind out u-hihai rhey'rc Toronto \\ nhanmualg?rhenngof h a a m 1s shapedbyplulo~oph\.ahch .sorhnpon, and rolratnmors about CanaiLanrtudenrrmtcrcaridmmatb1 kncm,mdldenniled thatuilii rrsln rmaacs. the CUhlC's mtseon~\"to the fieldmu-hrhlu~llhkelibeaorkcmpuaesare\ihcrcrhefunuemtelleclearn abour mailmmnci bqond the mgaomrdai."Lrke hspeers, Demm lalso be prcainmg at rhc confer- ruala arrcrntrd,whchl aIw knccc He classroom, rneerorhcritudenri from d rhen ~dentlfiedrhar lf there 1s r c be a across Canada~idahmthrlrmtr~eits ence I n hlr prisinratlun "The Game ofSer," he\i?Udiscussthcmathrman- changem thigcniralculrme,trhairr~ mrnathrmaacs " Srudrnr paloctpanri are encour~ calproblrmofeipan~hgrheussofe i t a n m die unmcrrmc\. and that as ctudents u s ale m rhi bc-r poilaon aged ro makc prrrentamna ar the spcc~dizcddiikoi~ardi andhsr erhebcsrchvnceofsucccsi,a Thi CLhlC \\-A, held nr i'\\ in confcicncc, a chdcngr rhar Fix eL\\ students have l a d l i acccprid Thb 1996,andmq agamrirumaAlacle~s cimnecaon whcb I had luir nrler made Ir w a s these r u r , pimt. t h ~ r )ear,roc~lebmrtrhcanruanruanruanruanruanru~~ ofthe I d e s s m rhcncar&nm .iccoi&ngro made mc r c i i / c rhar the i q p o z m n q confermce,K\\ srudenrsmllullprcw~r Demast. L\\ has pur In a bld ro host rile evenr ncxr \ t a r If ~uccsistul rhur I hare noi\ ud ncrcr p r w n r on such d l ~ e r r\ r~q x i i a, "Ttans. nceliagnn-rhara\ . ~ \ i i ~ ~ l hi ~ i ir~c Dim',nipec~daresrhar r h e c m i c r m r c himor\ .and r h i q w i l o i J qhr"and uiil Lnlo! an mirc.~iid ~mendincc - ' h l l n ~H f ~ - n , not Inilmrr " In return.rhcyndlarrcndIcc~rt~ g c a i l \ rlhani. a, I~zriI ~ J ~ ~01L P .n diml ~nI \\ 'imath depirmlenr 1ike"Thi h < , i \ r Qc.inmmClumnr:

Andrew Dilts



hlleir and achenngmy hghrst porcnai. In.%mtode's umd5, ir ts 'himg rhe good ]Ife.'Tk b ~ quesnon" g t h e quesnon thar objccn~mman^

m forcing rhrlrs on orhers." .\loremfonnaoi~nabourob~ecmrsm a n d \ ~ nRand's phlloroph~cm befoundond~r\\ rbp~esofdic.4)n swered for Sdaedze -"1s how onc RmdIn~arutenrgnmndog~Tne iyn p,c, abour domg rhat." RandInromte's acunt~e~rangrfrom Objccn~~sm's embrace nf capxalpresmrngRand'sjolunals i o d s m b ~ uangherbookaro lnghschools, fcom lam, howeeer, is an ldcal that Is not shwrdbvdsntdenrsar~T'.Recenrl~. p ~ b h s h n gand c c h g poirhumous a Srudcnr4 f e Centre banneradirmscollecnon- ofhrr works. io oigailirmg the u p c o m g event was repearmg an Oblecnx-at Summer Confercdly 'andahzed. In one Inarmce. the enugraffinonihcbannerread'youhimng The L'\\ Obleconst Cluh~xdbe rhe shorcl. hr'U bnng the hullsh~t" hcld m J R. Courri Hall, Room 101 \Xhenaikedaliouths frehgsonthe on\\ edncsda~,Junr.l,It~v~llbe~nar I andalum, Sdagadze rcapondrd chat >pm and I\ scheduled ro last about h i brht\rd the culpnrs to bc ''rrrr~ one hour sponi~blrlefast thugs, who arc n o r mreieired ~nrhicussmg~dees, buronl!

' I h e L e \ n i l r p a d d r e r i \ ~ ~h.mmrcYorL ll

Uiu, errin p r o f e s m !:anhong


"Uh-oh. Maybenow'sa good timetoreconsider lettingstudents drink on campus."






taxes dellvery extra *excludes Party Plzza and double toppngsl '*extra cheese addtlonal cost







pap 0 All eltars must " d u d e a phone number for ver,f#cafon and should not exceed 300 wards Lsners should n c u d e r h e a u fhor's year and arngram, or iaculty posttlon whereappllcable A materlallsrubled to editing far brevtty and c a n t ? The op,nani expressed are strlclly those of the authors. not the opnionr oftmpirnr

OPINION n,""".,rur

\ k @ r hla".,,,



, ~ Y , , I ~ ' ' , ~ ~ ~ , , I ~ I I - P I IO . L*

A quick trip into psychedelic reversion X retrospective look at the marijuana question inrill~~entindcuncc~nrclmimber of i ~ u ioaerr r t h i r such brharmur can


sornemncs d m s ~ nc:ill\,uxl~i~aud, Haiedonrecendi comp~ledmed~cal~aural, and espepi)choloycd research, and rhs rn- a d r recalesensafomedopinions uinuihontau\-cansaons aisummg lyits mgorernmrnr,lm, finance and ileu dunmaions ihsmedm, ihs Canudlangoirrt~lnent ~ c l ~ r a r i o n nof hnsmoredwth cemmeod?blc speed <pace and, more andioresghtm arrnchgthcnauon'i larcr m a icnei of ''c~aics" or fad, norable fin rhm omnous mrplicaams Yes, grnrle readers, another "drcrmon of consc~ouaness" phinomenon ieerni to bc about ro bursr

An ocean of bliss surrounded her and her mouth hung Open in awestruck re-

enphatabourrhi of the,r


~ ~ rrendsassoaated mth duaparnculac aireraorm of our normal con-







onrhercene .\i Ter un-named, the phenomenon sppeari dangerau4j sirmlar m

m m e o i d ~ i'mdder"dmgiwd~aiuch ourmaen rcplnrl) doicsltself, such as m a n l u a n a and LSD. I n rhc early

. .


a x lioften i s low-as nio, and there a noaceable tendrncv for uscra to


stagrsofad&cnon,ureri~p~cali~ I - r ~ bandrugerher,adoptsldarhfes~les, porr r e l m d T ihght phis~calscnsa- and even undergo subsrannal and

unrmmkable signs ofparanoia,amlem,hos&ri mddepresaon~x~hihen~t~s suggested rhar the! p c up iheu sd&coon Thmr atotudei rouard au-

Don't believe everything you hear anonvmous, or even make up a


nane .inimyrmtr ~sacruallyentenanmg rn some, more irnoua forum ropm If rou'ic bored,gr, and read the c u m c n r s of.'ass'' and -'Dusn Juan Cnrhro" m thr "Bomb Iraqul" ,arena\ d i e y p r iourherpohncallr cr,rrecrspewngsonei-i,race.and rhsu sranic on rhs w n on Iraq (nurnJum "1f)ou do nnr support C S, then 70" can euck rn! n u s ") Of cimrse, xou wll someumes gcr r h ~ rjpe i ofrespomi from a i o n m thar aUoiia complete anon)rmrr

In rssponec, rhc iTrb ream at lm$nnt bas rcorgamed the fomn, secuonr -one for general fredbach (\+here-'DuanJuan" ends up posmg) and onone foi spec~fic

w1rh n w

EdJt0"d sraa EdliorMn chiit, u i i n , rd1ro:91mnnn1 u*arcrloo ca i i r ~ r m r?&or, %zc?n: emir idlror Llwr, rllr Pa":,M >. a, r r e \,m.cu b r % p k < !ohn Prrl C l l l U"h. h a r d d > r G<DU S x m n . mm:~. Ro.. Jordan 1 . d prooirrndcr s t n i Krnoedt Pmntr~ader, H i i a n h K ~ n a ~ h a , l ; n ~ . Pn~ofreider,Rar Rou

srncle discussion, e h n a a n g a good porrron of 'junk' p a t s and gerrrng nghr to relrranr comnmui. There la also a ' l \ b e r ' s Hot" s e c o o n , ~ ~ ~ h c h l u g l ~onl! l ~ &the ri m o s t rccenr smnulamngpom and convcrsanons I.ike mmt orher meisage board\, t h s forurn has resldcnt mnmbu~ tori iuch as "mpnnr ~taifcr,"rile

prrennml harshcrux ,ifhclrkciroir work then !ou k n m ~ o u ' r cdomg \iell\, and rheplcuiantlt c o n m r e r ~ ual I-lsmnb ot nou dciuncr "I-leramb', Haiem" bme . s d a s funm as in h s preuous attlclcs, and ersnlesspohncallj correcr Thc pomr is thar rhs fo1s a q s r e m w should all rakc advanragc of If )ou don't bkr aomethng about hpniit, and leu umr ro be

"1 ndrerumg Milarcnd ma\ not be sr?.hihed, ar h e discr~oonofI,,qnr:, 1, thar ",?rind 1%deemed rob" llbrloui ,or IZI conrraTimnn nril I , ~ p mpobcl.. u d ; re,pccr to om codr rot d n c i 2r.d lo~lniLinc .rardards


E d m m z l r u b w . i a x n m ~ ~b c c ~ n ~ ~ d i r e d i o r p ~ > L L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ a", cdinun ot 1*nv rmrr; ma> a1io leproduii rhe marenalconunrrrla0lm an; iv""*ror l l l ~ t h v l nr l parroi rhc n c r y p e r dzrabi\c. U c b slrc or in, orhcr produrr dirlred irwn t h c ncu\prper Thoic ."bmliany ~ r n ~ d conrror mcluhgrmclr:.let~crb,phhhrrrrrrd~rpiuiuiu,iulil g m r Iqpnn/ hi pul~bcmonrights at rhcm ,~hrmrrcd Next pioduceon mghr Wednesday, June 11 marenal,rnd a, iuch,rpee "0rror"brmrthe , m e x o r k t o



Same-sex marriages argument flawed

To ' 1 ) ~dmr,

lxnm~~cxual couples \tho r due i d >a n mirtnmon 111 be c i a m i d ~f winL honeheaded a q u n i n r hkc Caawis I S gomp ri stop them lu\r bicausi i r gers puhlrshsdl

Hrmirir. as Cowan pomcsd our, some peonls wanr to engage tn iexud relmon~iup atrhpeople ofbothgrndrri rrfirnngrc blsemahn as " p r u n r ~ t i u rcolour on thc flag ro! vaual d ~ r i i s l q"The proposal mads b r ifiicr the HC C o u r n i ~ l p p e i a i x l d m dlicnm~naicagamsr b m ~ n a l slh denirng lbr~erudithe nght to marn bod? ruf thin l,ne*h Cassar's letter a delusion \\ har rhs courr 2nd Coiian forcer 15 t h x marriage n a s n i t rr Incant :u be an miornorm char mcrcli formilves ,arslzr~nn&~p rhar l h s ~ i m r ~ i p r , nrr, i c -\Icy C a s i o ' s lertzi iuu5fici a scrual d e w Rarhtr, m r m q e ' S a m e - i r i ~ n i r n a gahiurd ~ ~ ' Fls rim rcpriicnr\ ahfi~longcoral cornrntrrnmr buggtLr5 thar same-sex ielatrunih~psdo nor bcrucin nxo people i s br Paul urort. 'The quahli ir~rmanmpebecauiirhri,' mrich mil shall becomc on? tlt41." mdxanng rhar in 5 a n r l i ase\ualdcsltr ' a true and complcr~rnarrmpe nbaohrslr I thmk Alr Ca5-m li ddudmy h~nmzlimro nuriung~iheld back trrm one'; spouse rhmhmg rhar h o m i ~ x u a l -iri i m p h ~n \\ hdcmam hirerore\-uil cwtq>lisfad to h r r ~ r l m o n ~ h for p \ i w I f r h n r u e ~rhs ~ crse, up ro thti ~randard.homusriual r i h u r n s h q ~ r rhcrr uould h i n,, inch thmg as a tiwmo~ b r rhen r e ) ! nature cannot c ~ i hope n or arm Same-.sex marriages absurd? ~ r a b a rclmrmrhlp l ill homc~ssuual~ xiodd m becc~rneartlano~~ihp~,irr~ml~clf~wci~rice imp15 11101~from person ro persnn hmmg a 1nr example, m a homoicxual rilwon+:p. x n c i of on' mghr ;mndi.\T h\ m the a orld one'; fcrrdm cannot be r h i r r d m t h r h c ~ r t a m r ro gcr named; \\oulri a m i ~ rhun pzrrncr The p i n ofi,nc'\ firohn l i hcld Rather r n a c l ~ s ~ ~ e.nidmr m C i ~ a.in'- d u r n n Ncxr. he hnrlgi uprhr old argurnmr rhrr back b~ rhi r c q nature o i r h c ~ e l a u o n s l uIn ~ unl\ hsrrrosrw.d\ \hould b i able ro m n m n rhc \la\ 2 n d ~ i s ~ ~t i I m p n i ~ f r e ~ l u n d i d a hornnwwd relaoonhp the nri, i a n n o r b e i ~ u wimh rhc\ ~ r ~ c m i b l e r , f h a i m g ~ c d i r ;or rlk ahsurihn that \ a m c ~ \ i i 'liecorns m e tlcih' .md rhcrc c a n m x be a ciuld:cn P ~ r h a p rhc , u ~ x c r n m e n rshould a w n i g e rill, 10 (iniiIar l\r. Thc HC (.ourr complete umim cIrinuir!hrmarmyi lam- .n iharmfsir~ls ot ?ppeal wried Comr. in Onnnr, and l i l m m t ~ ~ s i unmnagr d pcrmmd. rhl(>uebsc :n declaimgd~.~r riirrlcrlngm-irnnecro ir>uplc\o r coupl~s\\'lo don r w r h rr, i a x c Let dlrnngvi,hr:cchar~ctiinnn~~otmmmmnnq4 children i r e banned tnmgiruqgmarrled 1 hcrcroseruai c r q l e \ :\ anolrnon nirhs 1 d he no more, ind rhcri ml1 bc ni, r L a i i m for n n ~ rhnh . rhar n l w ~ g a nadopted cldd IS (.anadsan Chairrr ot Pqht- and Prccdums ro bi>rlmm r h ic-rricnngmnrn,qs ru I U S ~~ w o l u h r . ~ rnobli acnu.c ,is i m q , , h ~ d w ~ ~ d The HC Lourr i ~ i ~ i p p cadded al a i~y,qmd ptr~plc \\ hhr nor rhrce or more, i l d d Hr>mr>seiualcni~plc\a:e a i i , p b l ~rot rthxm~.~larid ditinlrmr ofrnarnnee a i rhi ~ u~ pf lhc ~ ' I ~ ~ i Lt ~d~ I OOZ ~I ~ J -IO~ ~ I E Oto~rhe S eli~ll\l~~l nisingch~ldrenas ~ l c t r t o ~ e ~ u i l c ~ \\ .dl t h i chrldrcn ~nhnd liornes irrd so minr

Rose-coloured glasses t l m \ ~ n w o r l d - n e v 'i S u c h c o n t h c r s m ~ ~ r ~ r l d ~ x ~ r a i xmer!a i e ~ r hard for somronc n, 1.5~ quimmnns h u m rhe H ~ b l to i prom rhar homoseiu,Ar~IS ~n ircr a im Ir t s d>iticulr.brcawi morr people n hi, alrendi h d d the n o r l d ~ r ~rhar a hr~moieiualrr~ I> normal and hcalihi probabh alro hehex r rhar homosertuahr\ la accepted b i G < , d In ficr, 1 suppose rhar l f l n u l i belicrcd thai C o d &I nut mrcnd for me ru br g i \ and d d nor lo\r me tor u hu I F a m rhc moment char we arc born lnro the wa,. I q h t consider m a i n m g a a o m m nor u d d ro rhs da5 m u h c h a e dte, \\e as our oilore, bur our u f a d c r m ro iultiu humans dtxrlop our o u n sysrems oftircd God's alshrs. Fornmarcl! for myself ,and brlieti.parad+ms illatwe acctprw mirhi and fol rhar porcnual woman' I have come to rhersfo~rmrehqu~mon,Some ofthew accept r h c i r ~ i l d ~ ~ char t e wmr hie ihould bc paraihgmi m a r be pnaied un n, u\ frrm our bed according t o whar < .od mrmded for me, is a gm man parenri and our ancestors, a h d c orhers a r t crcared by p e l i o n i h h cipcnences Ofcoulie For ~ome,Rihlequote, o i k r an c a i r u a! a e all reqiure uur <,ansirs oipiradigmi, tur rr, cornmumcare rhen oan icr of p u r a d l p s . thev ere .ii n much t h c glariei r h r o ~ g ha hi11 Lntormnartl!, for rhr p r r w n a ho matnmmni a i n c w our w d d , and rhc\ gn c u; d l a rsnie theaorld-xrzu that homo\crualin 1s of mcaning and purpoai to bc a h e U n f o ~ r u ~ icceprcd b\ God. such Htble qlroraDolli natrh, z\weotrerl associate b d ~ c f ~ a n d mean ren hrdc Thl? 1s because rhri do nor p a r a & p s \nth abaolure rrurh. iomcrmes u e share the Lumc acts oiihrolurc rrurh-, and can become closrdhmdcd or resenridto c m not accepr rhar such ijuurauoni sic meant niternmre~dcaa to be rarerpirred I" such away is aresulr, whrnpcoplc t q ro debate rhnr thruuorldT h s seema to often be the c a w m dcbarei reeardmg rchgnon and sexualin Ir musr lieu 1s the "urrrd ot Cod" rhe) a r t ofren hme speahngon deafears. ctrtadybe&fficdr iorpcr~plcwho Thc word o i G o d mrmi man\ different gruwn UP le,~rnmgi qpcafic p ~ n d ~ g (or rn \\odd-iiea) ro acctpr ihe alrernatire. T o be things to many different peoplc Over rhe more spratic. l r muii be d~fficultfor om^^ course of human h s r o n rhc Blhle has been one u h c has been railghr that h o m o s e ~ u a l q translated, rewnrrin, inrerprered andremrerpreted .W rhat uc can do ~t seems is to find 1s ncnne aeamst God's ulll io easdr. accrm someone &i'r world-new chat homoscxufor oursel~esa p a r a d i p and a uwld-vmt d m ~ normal, r health! and acceprcd b> God. that offers for us puiiuve reasons to be h e .Uternaavelr. ~tn also mfficult for someone Just please, find those thngs for yourself, a h o has grorn up acccpung homoieru&t) nor fur others. to understand h o a others can be s o m t o l e r ~ ant o f x . These are what I hke ro call "con-



clddm~ .ialang t o b i adoprcd from t o r e p counrnr.. liIr r d r idcrnment rn soc~s?that h r ~ m ~ ~ . c \ c a l c i ~ u p l er~hc, a~nx s h o l o ~ c d oifspnnq and oftin turn io adopnon; T maU\. i d hke a, addle+ rhc lair crimmmr ma& b\ rhi aurhor m r i ~ a r d sco nor :nn~nngxnarnnps to nio people Rxhr noa. I drm'r hcli~vrCanadtan iocren 1s tcaili ru ,accsprmamei.t her\irenmoir rh.mrnc prr~plcH m c , cr. b a d on rrcenr polls. out wclin isread! roacc~liisarne-ieimamagr Oocesocwrr hasrhc f~amc.io~hmplacr tor acccprmgmsrnage.; bmvcen more than nio people. rhrn I i r i no pnhlcm u harroe~el ~n the lrgalizaarin oiihar ail\-ell \\ har real h a m aould thlr cause ro our w c ~ s t i ;



&fl;$$#+ $;#:



FRIDAY, hlAY 30,2003


It's that time of the month for laughter! BIG EARS BURNING I'm an aasle, and as iuch I aatch a lor of telex limn i n d T, K c so man! forms ofmedta,rareh liri a urnen's vo,ces rtar abmc * u-Impel Some brash shouung nox and then i s nluaii a $01ro behold Ixanple A feu month, back I a a r ~ ~ a r c h ~ g ' S p e a kCorner"om eri Cln.lTand on camc rn o roung a omen talking abour "hoa great a 1s to be 'on rhe rag "'Om clamed that f e t p g cmnps can get you out oirpeedmguckrri,wMe the other cheered about how used tampons sitcktoaalls I loredtr @h morher, r h o had lust entered the mom, was audblj mortlficd) Ueedlesr to m, my momwns

Orheis mlght be afratd that the \\hole erent t i j p r an oppommr) for s t e i e o n p d f e m s t s to bash mcn n htle ar the iamr t m e emulaunjicquzllystererxpcalmale hubm - a suspmon that, hrmeetl., a n s heightened for me dunng \llurcnash'i"md~calchrrrlc~dmg," malilch Sengeiand compmr jumped *round to choreographed cheeiswth urlr.l*i ' H a q irmptrs.ke Oka\"and"Luc! Bled .UCX e<l he Plzcr " But iheie'? more r c n thin thar \\omen'\ bodm, much like ui omen's erprrtrnce$ mgeneral,arr marLgnzhzedm r ~ u culnm r ilr female fncndiconcur that rhri a ctc educated on what a permd 1s m clcmentaq-cchool hralrhcbsiei, but uere nerer rralli ihmin hou- to deal ulth menstruauon,phmccall~ or mentalli, aomen'i m dplenrure, the! tell me, gor no mcnrton at all In he1 "'1 ouched.' column bst % s u ehkchelle , T m s menuoncd hon fen& mairurbauon ia less prerdent h n male mairurbauon

notprrxmr backmibich\ihen I attendedaprr-Il~rcrnaftonal \Xomen'r Dar "pussy pa<." oigmved bi \\htcaash, a femuitir actntrrgoup I r u a i acelcbratmn of femdc se\md healthand hbbcra~ uon (mcludmg bang "on the rag,") and "vagina," alongmth as mnoy mahgned eeuphemsms, iias used atth abandon A table markid "cuntcraftd' fcamredliandmadr burton. acth chroni-fmndl> e\prescmni llki "cat puisl-, nor meat" N o u - d r d s t u a , to promorc vegermamsm' '1\ e'ic taking backaorda i*e 'cunt,"' \Thenash member CaroLne Senger had told me "Thc~cnordc hare bern used to rnsulr p i m e n ] b\ referrmg to our own gcmtalm,whtcli 17 nd~culous" ihectlcbrmonatrractedaiatr turnout from both aomen and men, a h c h had me pietn. s n m e d at the umr I mean, sure, some gun would be curmus about the erenr, but then some r ouldn't go near z &rpIq related to men\rruauon ~f thetr peruses depended on 11

bccause~iomenarctaught to be m m d a t e d by rhe~rdmin-belo~ii ~ h adhde parri of wc~crr-has come a longuai- from u omen d c s c h n g blood rmanarmg from rhnr p",taha a, " a n s t ? from m\ aunt Flo," n'r sull treated as somedung drmnr, somerhmg tc be locked auaj and cenamlynot rdcnhghhily Ofcouric,aS aguiuy I'm,\aUmng on eggshelk smpli dticussmg tlui h d c ~ c as n I tq ro deicnd uomen r i e l \ %here. l~velcomr rhccicimcivn cf m, upmmon t s nor 5hatcd Rut m a nod to the a omen at \Yhnn\?ih (mhom 1 agree atrh), I thmk a ~ m c n ' syapnas, m both tlmt s e n d and bmlogmd connotatmns, should be celebrated h u m o r e augna,ll rear n as ltghtl! ur !uu a m r l It's awondrrfid thmg' For ezample,let'\ ,re some equal m e p e n to the s r n a l conquests of!oung female?ar the box office The adolcscenr morte hall of f m e IS hrterrd~wh teenage males dj-mg to get thecr rocks off, from the peeping Toms of !'orb3 to Jason

BIME humpmg the titular drseir m Am 'in Per (ulnch, to t r i cte&r,

contamed a happ cunmln.pi icinc) Ruru here ?ic the monrr about r oung iemalr manturbamna It's ex en. bcr ac hemp a, thc gu> acts ofonamsmscnpn~n t w c d r ieem to muck quckli enough (.'moll, let's turn rlir ol'"loit hot dog" m n h mto a sununrr bloc!+ buster indger Thorn Rtrch for the p a r t she rockr Thc qame d c i appl! to men^ ,tmanon It's a n~ruml,C O S ~ ~ C ~ J I derermmrd fimctmn and ihould be honoured z i mch And, once a y m , I ~ p p l m dthnie u o m m I sau on "Speaker\(:omcr" thatda!. hot11 forrhe~rcouragrand thetrlerq T h i 15 sll l u x ,Ine.;amplr ofhou gcttli~gnd of m e a m ~ g l c taboos r~ andeuphem~snc~rbagr canmake foraclcaicr,less reirrtiuie himre And lf you don? agree, u hat can I sari For xoumi- heart er, blecds

Decriminalization won't make the grass greener

So nlooka &I pot smokers, those modern day panahs a ho arc ceaielesslyhunredacrois thenatmn b) a large "em-ork ofehtr and brutal lam enforcemrniof~ccrna~Ilfinallr be able to emerge from thetr h~dden rhelteii, thankr to m i m u enLghtenedpokcyoimarlluana d e ~ n r m n ~ a n o\\ell, n nor qwte

Desplre the pubhctty thar the current le~ilatmnhas beenattractmg, n's unhkel) that! our axerage tea head~villnoucemuch&ffcience u-hether or not the le,qslatmn e passed Smokmg the 1has become so u-tdespreadandaccrptedthatrhe l a i m place are used more ohmas an excuse ro arrest someone who haa causedproblems for thepohcr thanto acran a n i n p e ofdeterrence Thls 1s good, because all lusufica~ hon for prohlbmng the drug has become hopelessl~anachromstic Some sill stdl charge that weed 15 a 'pte\i-aydrug'lradu>groa coke^ addled ltfeinle of c m r , p r o i t t ~ ~ rmn and nrual murder I'll acLmoiledge that many drug addxta Ilkel!

B J one ~ complete palr of eyeg,asses or soft contacl lenses at regu ar pr ce, and get a second p a r FREE $140 on dal.)




r o h g , because a's not u o a h the haisleoflqmgcharge.; hlanj officers curelyhght up after aork, hndwthout charges latd there's reallrno need towaste the Evdence Department's ume by paiamg on anythmgthar'rbeenconfiscated \\hen the pmihment 8s a mere Fme, officeiswll be muchmoie Ilkel! to take achan,especld) s hen monthly quotas are mrmtabk ~mplemenred \\lac we should bc most concerned about 15 whar most people would argue ac should be leastconcernedabour. the Amencan ieacuon Some people start f r i d m g at the mouth at the meie sugge5~ tmn thatue let our sacrosanct eomiccgnrybe sullied b! t a h g hencmmrcrests tntoconwirntmn, but that aon't change renllty The iralln IS rhat.\mencanpohuclans ha7 e to an\a c r r o . h e n c m roters,md.imrncan40rerse\pecta rcsponseahen the cowm the!-

alread) see as .4m~terdamNorth finger xvhm the1 e x p e i s concernrharmoreLberalL %zeddrug laws m our couas could lead to more dope m theu meets If die Liberals hadn'r bern actlrelypurmngthe qstemahc destructton of m i rclatmns u-tth the L-S oxer the past several monrhs,\ie Ikeli could hm e passed dils n c s lam atth Lrtle fuss h Lttle obhque rhetonc about cniurmg diat out bordcrmfrastruchm has adapted tu nen iealmes would haw at least assured moir m e n c a m thatxe were domg somedung, cren sf ~5-e lust chamedup B few retlred drug sn~Mngdog, outstde our border posts h i t r stands rhc US m a feel5 compelled to ttghren up ilic border, and that can only harm our cconomy nut l i d , l i some Canadtani lose theti p b r as a resuli, at leait thcr 'll hare i o m r t h g ? llnle leis illcyl tn do to paw thc rum

gires them thc


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srarted out bj smokmg bud, but then man: r e h p u s ektremsts wrel! sraaed out br takmg thrhcolo,q lessona hlost ofur cnnmanye our do*age e The medm seem ro h a ~ seued on the subpct becausea'i about the only thmg happemg m Parllamrnt outstde o f p a n leadership inces and Liberal mfighung The debate on rhe mue dnedup pirt-quckly and rhftcd to arguments over hmi much of a 'splkci ~ e ' l see l m usage rates once the leyslatmn passee Iir rote's for 1111 It iidl be ex-enmore ~llegalto sell c m m b ~ sso , John Q Dealer ham'? suddenly b e e n p m a free hmd to crum for expenmentd mopprtc at the loczlplaypound 'I'he irony of rhc b d 1s that a's keh romcrease the number o i aqucczcd by <helong a m of t h e lmx ior smokmng a \pLff Pught nom, a lor oiofilcers turn the odm cheekor letpeople ofiwttha azrnmngahenthci catchrhem


Ckm<>,\L&? 30,2003

page 10

Shakedown Street: adventures in wonderland Vanessa Reid IMPRINTSTAFF

"Alusr be 19 ,ears or older ID re^ qurrd." Such read$ the it@ on the shel~Io~~-thebngh~c010~1edbngs at Shakedown Streer, dou-ntown KItchmer's iaunbowcoluured aonderiand ofnhrmtglass, hemp clothlngand'tobaccopmducipaiapherna-

La ''lilyname's Petei:'mtroduceithe clerkbehdthecounter "I'~~ework~d herefor~i\renrr,"he elaborarei,offerm g h s help '15e'iethe only [Qop] of thlr im,"Peter mformi "There u e othci smaller ones m the arc*, but none of rhr m u p t u d e or \-anew" 1.ocated on Kmg Street neat K~tchenrrcqhall, YhrikedoiinSfr~et~s owned bvlocdhpplpplepmiRobLaz~c m d hasbernmoperauonforten~earr The shop sells evenrlung fromclothillg and magumes to ppes to d t n g papcri mdhcmp seeds The latter of whch "are o* for eamg," irreaiei Petei, ''s they're h g h rn benehcial rarr1xnal~o3and~oIacidnn z.proporuon thar! ourbody c m e a i j Kitchener's Shakedown Street displays a broad selection of colourful 'tobacco products.' use Thq're Ten. ,good m r m l ~ i l ~ catrngthelargr ielecuon "lhmpa"Ther 'T e been steamed to ensure per is better, ~t burn? ilo\uein nothmg g r m r , of couise" Specdn papera m n on a, eragc Shakedoum Street a d ~ c r t s e sp n ~ from S1.OO to 53 00 and come m a muJrat&'co~essoq.m~ 'None i;mq of uzcs and f l a ~ o i i Babylon made totallj from hemp ofmy p p s here are for dmgs," emphasvea Peter, "theyall are intended Peter's top recnmmendatmn 1s W e m p 1s the strongest fiber," Peter ex^ plamed Hemp 1s ' s o strong s'5 ere" ro get a i a p o w e i "lhe\'rt these for the ~ m o k m g of herbal used by the UlutedStates N m furallof mcounr whatyoudoouradeofherr neu productr commg out on the thexropes." Sh&cdownbrrcetalwcar~ maiket," he e~plami' T h a t the! s p x r buamrss" Proper idenufica~ do15turn smoketnroa\apormore r e necklaces, soap, hacker sacks and tton e reqwred to make a puicha,e Ihe\iaterlapor, s~!oudon't have creams made from the namrd &herand UndeiCmadancn-dim, tobacco to uorn about the tar Ihar's the hied 'Tnformnairly, hemp s std rrprr~uctsandaccesior~cirequie~of penstre toproduce,"Peterexplams, bem a p q to be sold Trus and other healtluestaay" laviaierespected here dthgmtly. Unfommate$, vaponzeii are cause "their's not a huge market for ~t rehhx-el!-r~~enslre,u rrhpacesrmg !et" \Thenasked forhrrccommmdaAccordmg to Peter, Shakedoan mg a q ~ - h e m from $200 to S300 uom on purchasmg a 'tobacco' ptpe, 'Tnat'swh! bongiarrgood,"Peter Street's usual cLentele t s mpresn\ely Peteresplmsthsr,"lr'aailamatterof vaned .hall)-somedung couple learea peiso~~alpieference,~~-~ththeglassyou notti "Not o i h ate the! cheaper but the! help remmc the tai from h;ippdi r i ~ r l xa nra prpe screen, he o b ~ don't rnrre ani-thmg other thanuhar tobacco "Tlus means usmg bongs serves, "You'd really bc rou are smokmg \Ttth metal Iptpes] amazed eren-body from students to you mste meral,u~thwoodjou t a m 1s a healthlei amol\mg optmn m woodand arth ceramc m u tastecerompamon to prpec and rolling rourpaicnrs" shop ar the store "illage IilW'

groups, i o u coulth~'tptck one out, that's how random s 1s m here " The move tonard* decrmnalatton of maquzna has not affected bu\mess " h o t h g h a a chamged," especdy smcc ther sell merchanthw for tobacco use Thc decrmmahznnon tope 17 hot rtght m u , esprcmili for thorr m the to^ baccomdu,tnlkePcter "Icouldtdk to p u for h o u s about ~t,"hc explams He m u x i that nothmga 111ieall! change a& the nro leeilznon because " d n m m m n d t t a f t i c k p n ~ ;ilne,adldr~uble,rotfi.ouget c;~ught sellu1gyoua4go a u q for fourteen iearrm$readof sexen foe traffichg and 28 for cultt~~atmg" Hcbeltrresrhatthcsela\i aadldo n o t h q more than mcreasr paper^ uork b! arnctlyficmgerenone thatts caughr ' ccrearmg more rerenuc," he sars Thc hrurr.he behrics,wl!ice the prr-enr rrend of c h a i p g come and dtimssmg orhcis repLced\xah only a warnmng m small posse5rmn i m ~ u o n s'l earealreadiwneofthe \ more la* countre around hen it comes to ihebe h a , ' he c\plams



legal %lua act 1s nor tum-g Cmd* mto a strumon I& Amatrrdam" Instead he b e h r ~ r thar i the law -111 r e p i d the substance smlkr to hown looksatanaboix \teroxdi, drugs that also enlo! a gray area m Canadcan legslauon Shakedown Street offers obltgmg mdexceedingl! hodedgeable staff to make the 5hoppmng exper>rnce enln!able,andmyexpenenceti

noexceptton Leavmgrherambow colouredu.onderlandofhandblan~~ii~ I am one more happi. c u i ~ tornrr m iraich of m! o x a n h m rabbtr

Life of a student executive: the secret tricks of the lobbying trade

Liam MeHugh-Russell

Ir's a week %go,and mr dormzt~omianatamalconferr~ice of d l rhe qtudent umms that could afford to 'end delegate, \\ e are hrri to meet. dtscu~stisues, recounr approaches, znd hashour succes%ri and ÂŁ&lures 21 im oan rnmrunonr

i (Sample "\literloo, huh; H ~ i stdl clmedj") \?c d l hope to gam rime skdli fmuurupcommgrral Retummng to clmde~unrplot? I'rnrhe onena~blcVP Exrcmal of peiperrarrda~thbatungeyela\hcs, a our student umun, a hlch m e m s 5rlnon on lobbpng *MISv-odd I qoendalot of umc on cheap-fare mlmei I m,therrfo~e,ofte~~pany haie been most u ~ r f u lCnfrmw nard) ,no ,uch iesaam occurred to the itark and iaguely uncrttlmg T.ucMv, I're had iomeprlor blacklratl~ci~~acketutufo~m~ofrhe p i r p m t m r ~sack ro the agcnda, do Jrtsgo fltght attendanri roui reararch,aearaumformoi The effecrlsas pornrrdir starch-zndhc rhataais Y o u k e me Kubnckcique as d ~ back e room and m i ~dcas' deals oflobhung In hoth ca\es, Bar! rau eyelashes,but make one feels aa ~f yome clandrsmeplor \"re your mrssye b m none 8s abour to unfold, perpetrated inth Y ow, the secret ro good starched\kni,giernnes and bmmg lobbymgti romassage !ou~target e!rhihes


not when they're m the a d d l e of a dab-ofwork, burnhen dielie off~guardat a p a q Fundrairer or

gala duu~eri famly member of mme u-ho lobbas for a Iring har lczinedrhs leiamnell Shc'b b r m k n m n to shake hand, ,iicr beer a & psopli she de\pises Imr to get her pumt across rhrrr 15 the rule of thumnb ~f youare both drinkers Dunk le*i than hdfas much as youiptey, for othcmtse 3 ou'li probahlr unlensh too much of!our agcnda wthiwr hezrmg cnough of thex's Kmi, at lair seek'\ conference I'm read! rouse rhc s k d i I've learncd, for aome are dnnkmg enough for b e hndrawrs even lughi The quecuun rhough, at t h 5 confer^ ence, u ho 1s rhr raiger;\\ho are \+e as itudent leadcis supposed to underdmth, Tr rr each other3

aome specific school atdlail dcohohcgenerdmmagrrahchcu~ unbrhown\r ro me offer some Ti t r

benefit to \Yarcrloo studentsi Onday three of the conference the ansi rrbecomrrclearaianenrorhg

lunch I thought thar x i r a ould hm c a chmcc t o n e i o r k a ~ t hthe o t h e ~ drlrgres xtth \i horn a e hnd bcen hmmg srssloni Insread the nehiorkmg 1s w t h dclegatei frum about 511 corporate cponiori mcludmg Sodevho, who uses p i o n labour m the itares io make rheticafeicna i m J , Gzllrr an, o ho rakes exec5 from clteni school<on weeklong all~paidrerrrm andIOah,a lubstthzn ofaTobacco compani \\hence rhc reahzatlo the t q e r of the Iobbymge me, rnyco-e.iecuttre, and r i q other sudent lcaderar the conference \K earc theprr! d o u r sponsors, r h o ply", wcth prracnra~ ?cons,take~homewzg, and - the piece de resrewnce -free dunk*

I am not rw~pgeramgOn r m fourth mght, I uarch a rep from our itlvci spr~nioib m * delegate four beelsiihlc slmrlre~plnuung to h m the necrmt! ofputttng rhmr ad, up on rhe ~ t a l lof i hn campus I nrrerovuld haie gureied tbatrher\i t i c n corporate iep, fm rheraoie the 5tandnrd umform ofthe eirnda!- \tudent poluc~an the Roar* sa eanlmr, the Gap lean, He even had the lmrard mrrh namerag luir hke rien-odmdelegztc I hale to sa! that the behailour of rhe corporare sponsors puts the stark, obmom urnforms of the Jetego emplorees m tmng contrast Jrrsgo mght be hatchog aplot for world mkeoitr, but at least d m dre5s the part \\hen Captam M o r p shoua up at ail event (nlght fire), i o u don't aluay, ~ I O W \%hihe'e these Cheei\,yesj


FRIDAY, MAY 30,2003

My trip to a strip club Hersmb Ramachandran IMPRINTSTAFF

nere probably former strtppers who hcked a \lobben. patron m a mow gonewrong So~nstendoffiringthem, theywere allm~edto totlas stnp d u b uatrresseiunuipooiJohngothiceiebellumieattached Thn club had some attractre women mdxitrha bemgmy b~rthday and all, mj buddm got somethmg exria specd for me In a fewmmutes, I found our what ~twas .4smellybounccrmstmctedmcro go on stage and stand caL* b~ the pole I complied brcau~rhe hadascaa blggerthanrnyheadonhts ear \X'tthm

Sob\-mcie&bIech~ceethap~ pened to be myru-entleth btrth~ day i n d I a as m l l o m i e d Durmg h a parucular~~eek~ cnd, the A orld (.up and Jazz fcitli-d kept moat people occupied Bur of c o u r ~ eI're hated Jazz eyer imceI'uffDaddy&dhs rendttlonof ''Take the .&Tram," and 1 find soccel d d l ! more enterwtnmgthantoenadchppmg ilx aproceinofrlmu~auoi~,srr~p clubs urrr all that rcmulibaurarlharcmanlrdmed I'll be fax andplie hfontreal t r i DroDs 'i'her have this world

&surct~ioffe~\~~meshffcom~ peuuon-themmimum female dress code was louered to sis garments Inierthughri hlv huddles and I entered a fairlyupscaleertabhshmeet The coverchaigcaai$3 butmth the


to m i ankles althout a moment', hesaauon i h e r were sensonedretennsandprobably adm,mstered th,? form of h u ~ d a m n on a duly basis TlmeIuan,mkedfromrhr umit down m front of G O g u r i , 10 gal5 and m o a h o !ou couldn'trelloneuqortheothei And n camera snapped C B ~ N N mg that gloiious moment for p a r s to comc It aasn't 50 much the fact d ~ t c o m p l c t ermredat ~ ~ r ~ myadl! h r thieermnutes, but <taouldhave beenmce if someone applauded Instead1 heardammureof '21here 1s ,t)" and "'hi Ld~~ecdspcmiplila~"Hut thu*full? astilppercame up ro me afternards and appl;iudcdm~coumpfor gomgon \rage and 5houmg the woild what I had to offer,u-htch CmanabIrX ambly dtdn'r turn out ro be much Thankfull! I'm a d ~ ~ tmaplaan al so I fully enhanced the Polaroid d 1 ou knoa r h ~ Irmean \X'e left the club half drunk, lauglung uproar,ouslyatm)mucsonstage ~~henapro~tmteencounreredus I\iybudtheswere coral amateurs u-hen n came to

for sex a o r h q left tr up to me to

mqure herrares Shewas

Nash the Slashvisits Kitchener hn andr axe. In addioon hl\ a o r k m the rlecmmcmu~xspicaa, Ktrh

Andrea Kerswill IMPRINTSTAFF

delves ~ n i orhe much-abandunsd genrc ofthe d e n r i%n thechanccrumrriem~selfmcrea- '3 irh h e usc of films from rbe call! 112(Tsmrorhc3l'~.Sash m ~ aqn d o n p & r \ hasbren7dch In focusci on the a* m n h c h fac~Ihaiebrensorrmficdofbrc&~oundtrachsormuiic~ra~~~~t. mg a u q from Chnrnna and J u a m i5Kash s;ud"Tacked onto thc rhst I hale vet roger hciondthe tram f l m a~rhouran: thought to ofso-callcd"chansmanc 'arnsnmd conanurn " h a s h compoiss acmdy lump mro a itanon dl my and i p p h v rhrse rrachs ro rrld ox-n.ls such,\vharman! civldrenmr films, chc iusr ofahlch bemng ge~eneraaonamliookmg ior 1- sonw r h g h a t d o e s i ~ o t r e s m c t t h e ~ i m d s i-it ChrrvA,ddiiu. from 1926. m u h c h \'ash firir e i p m ro '.Do !ou feel that bsbxj' fiYml,, menrcd aith sound m d srlcnt mnk, Jusnn.4 film hiualc is xn mrlf a genre that Fnmhsaorkmiimth. demands difieiencr,burcasd! dlous hshcrcatedhts uwnpirsona for man! sheep Much b e theatrc. from the huder m the fh, Do one need nor travel to the "Rig ApDrirrh~riThmk, I%-, d~uscieple" to see a phenomenal perform a m g the name 1-jib the Siiiih. as all )ou often nerd 1s n, clisIn s p c h g wrh Sash, xi corer what Ir nght around gou w n s obiious what made his anya?s work m the music and fh Sreenngcompletel?awa fromrhe comern&zed,matllcuredpop~unk mdusmc$ stand our among rherist. ,s a Canaman amsr that has been His work m creamg an a r ~ pmducmg munc for sound and fh tliuc chow, whch he s q s atfor over 20rears rimpis ro mcorporarc eound h P g u > t h acarchaandthowhcandilsion, dows torihcau&proiohng name, >-,ash the Slab ha5 sncerobcnoi,>d!-cnirrtmcd brmeoremmmgauillmcri smcerhc rhroughmumc burgwes them dapi of T h Wbo Also known as "the the a b h n to ~ncomoratethe Construction worker jams on eclectic electric guitar on work break. bandagrddude,"Kashcreates a n t i penencedhsow-n,~ncorporumgarr andelecuomcrock. Lke man\ o n p a l ?rustF. Nash has been bred into musc as a c l l d rhroughfomalur-g, nanelr m o ~

As a childaho y e w up on rhc pmh? bubble-gum pop \ c m e of the '9Oa.

Tales from the Black Lagoon David Carey DIET COKE HEAD

geme of f h emerged, begtnmnguith Aired H~tchcock'iPgchoThta y o u n d b r c h g mooon

I ~ ~ ~rl.r-.l;.lr 5 r ~ ~ 1 : 1 :15 2 ~ y ~ ~ $ 2 $ ~ ~ t m


Then, much hhr nhm had

been qmpped of mrrem;il~ng and was teduced rhellhrs


1996,iLrecror\TesCra~snrcleaied J m a m L~heHii/loii;m, rhs film reiliahied thcgenremrh the help of

anocher monr is reliried and pratscd for rcl~r&nngrhehorror gmrc I l o ~ dasher c moner, but

r . . . , ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , . . ' : . . .d i m n

.\lor ofpeople mould argue rhat idshermonelpsnri ainhirenrii

most ofrrn male, and sex almost mi anabli leadi ro death for female ihuacica.

Thcre n another aide of the coln Formeach hrmormoile thciris rhc scream queen (You mav alao Imou her as rhe prcm rugm girl u h o dorsn'cdr., Thcre hmc been man, m the haton of momes, mmr norablv rhe one and onk ] m e Lec Currts She appeared m more than a few alaiher moues. a b q s the young heiomeuho oursmarc\ h e k l r r m a c h a c u c finalchaicicens C u r o s u a s d u - a i i tindng neu- and mienu\c a ays ot bilmg rlie btg bad - from srabbmg hun w r h a m e r v l ~ o a rhanger. ro chopping hs head o f i to bloximg him up. And that'e jusr rme of he, nemrsei, hhchael.\lyrrs. So slasher movm pramore ponme femalerolc- nphP Gul poacr. sock n to thc (hashed) man' Thei can't bc that bad S o no no Don't gir ahead of me class Horror < h i arc br far a marrer oftaste \\ e can't ftxgcr the autrks ofthcpenrc r m m ,

rrulrfnghremng d c a r e y e i m p i n t uwaterloa ca

Jim Carrey bac:k in Bruce Almighty Darrin Chung SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

to be God " '1hcre mone conrams otherunderIimgmessagesa1,out flee wdmdtmc h a p p m e s s , ~ i l u c h ~ o u c ~ fmd our ~ourielfb) \i*rchmg the mm-le The filmcrosses some boundanei bemeen the mterecnrm of God and humans, bur it'q a m m > e for Go oodnrv sake, and SE iuch, should be t a k c n a d ~agram of salt . h d c frim rrl%gmn,,f!ou took ~ntroducnoi~rr,piuloiophyyou'Ufmd that the mince sheds lcghr on muri ruch*i free d l and thc ensrmcr of

cud to be s~multaneously\ e n hplcal andmconccciahlee~vdH o ~ r i e r , m rhc iva. of mterrammenr, rhough ~t won't keep you on the edge of ?-our reat,a'sagiomgabhngIriill111~ c o r n rd! that has sornegrearlaughs,a mce message, and leaves youpre? Fam~ fied h! rhc end of lr I pl-r lt 3 stars (out of 3)


'Alllllllmighty then', quoth the joking jester of judgement Jim Carrey in his newest film, Bruce Almighty.

Freek reviews NQ Arbuckle N O Arbuckle Hangmg the Battle-Scarred Pinata

SIX Shooter Records

Kerry Freek SPECIAL TO IMPRINT Forthoseronderfuloccas~onsuhen )ou feel Lki pamfull? recnlling each and e i e n r m r iour heart hasachcd, NQ AibucMr has created a muucal compuuon N e ~ i l i eQumlan's scmrch~, Tom \T utwsh r a c e makes Iimgiig t b ~ Rattl~-S~rn~rdI~tnnfa~~~onderiuladd~nun ro an) drunken, depressing ex eimg klat~outbleanryed ballads Ibc " I iusDarkiCrchen"praclzimhiure happmrv as a form o f r i ~ e n g eon a g i l u ho done iitong, but for noxi-, these songs Imngei m a daikccxner of a bar hllofluncso~~iecr~~ibo~ i,dndmgoiurkei a n d f e e h p o m f o r t l ~ m ~ scl, CI I ~ e the n bluegrass-tmgcd,balllon~frctednmeiltlie"It~.lnod~erTme" (fearunng Czrolrn hi&'\ healthy ptpes) p m d e a hrel) facade for the lyiics to tremble behind 'Young Lorers, Strong Swmmerr" chiomcles a couple's hap@> umes, only to harc them dnre off a brtdge and dmppear mro the r r e i Yes,rhe itu~dardcount~songequauon s p u r togoodurc on ArbucMe's debut. "Song for Deborah" closes the album and, true to the theme, 1s sad bur not cheeiless - hopefully d u s meansrhere'sahtLglglitartheendof NQ's mdd-weary tunnel.

385 Fredensk Street



Llne 896-3500



BRUCEALMIGHTY (PG) nightly at 7 00 9 20 prn Mats Sat & Sun 1 30 4 00 pm

Mary Jane not so innocent GoPaul Deosaran IMPRINTSTAFF

Second-hand smoke: Not so bad after all? Continued from cover Drspireh ~ , n t f e d &eta o blanker bm<,nrclcar'hklndcdbi rhsrob,,cco ~ n d u s r n-'rould be anitiaencs. b,.srimaocalh dlsrornng rhe screnuilc record' i s a p a t o f f h e p t c r ~ r \ ~ m proces,rhesmd\ a a s p i \ \ i d r h r r ~ u g h m c ''cop" cpldcrn~ologt;rs bpfois hungrcni\xed by a hnngtngcomnvr~ rcc. icqulnng changes to the rtudr b i f o r r ~ r u a a p u b h i h t d Hcack~Ti,aI~ r d e r d rhar rhirc are "tlaus ' m rhe m d x . bur stared char rr 'alsi, has

cons~deial~lesrrzn~hsS'iind~~a 'mr~ ful contnbuoon ro m lmpoirmr d c ~ bare " Suppomers of the reararch d~

qwmuns U P I P I ~ U S Si ~l m x r l e~f ~f e c ~ ,group< 1- cnaugh tr, zllr>\i c i m i l u ~ ot e n c s i o f r k . t i e s ~ c hn r d ~ o d o l o m <,on. to l b i drlall \ h \ r ~ ~ ~ ~ f i ~ ~ ~ i ~ Ir-el ~ ~ u h radI&~the e .hencan r t h r cancer suclen oieipowrc ro second~hnndm o k e 1s pubhcl! condemmng rhe r r ~ e a r c h e r ~ affectedemad! eoi>wl~b\ rhemokmg and the Hnmh ALsiLcd ii~ocratlorr srarus or the mnornl palmer D r n n g i . . whoproducer d~e~ournd.hickmgau the ' 5 0 s md '60s.pamapants aodd fro,,, dl" stud,, It 1L d i m r!m SOrn" h a i c c i p c n c ~ ~ c i d a i u g h l ~ ~ r~o cu l d~ huxc ~ i ~ p~r~c t~c r~r ~~dihar r h i iiudr suic aiuori. and orher publrc dace;. remsd doctor conunenrsd. ? \ ~ t I i u ~ r InLutaprehcnircS~uch\lillwiak confoandingrhe~eiulrs, irritmmarrd iCnharanaaparediiusconcemmd~on~ ducrcdr i u n - c v r ~ f t h c p m c l p u n \ d ~ a r d r e ~ i ~ c o r r e l a n o n b e w e e n rihms o i . ~ ~ngiraiuioichei~iousennd rhsamounr ofsecond-handsmoheehposursours ~ d r r h t h o u i r h o l dHoarrrr,thrhk di~cin'rnccciaunlrmcanthatd~i rcla~ a\-rlnrirofripo~urrbmwrenthtmi~

May 30 to June 9

Ewww, yech! Despite disputed health effects,second-hand cigarette smoke sure is unpleasant.

Come to the Imprint Office, Student Life Centre, room 1 1 16 to receive your FREE tickets on May 30 between 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.


A new 83-cent coin? some s~milarabsurd combmuaon. UCl~ar~fihcUbsrrtcmhad 1cenr.j-cent. 1 8 ~ csntmdli-ccnrcomsi Fw 36 c a m changc.rlre greedy dgonrlun mould return a 25~centcorn. CS prof counts his change wo5-crnrcomr andapiin~.msrccd~f~ustnno In aprperpubhshed~nrhellarl a u e of Wath- 18-ccntcoms Shalht's emotica/I~it~ih~ti~iir,V\\c ~ ~ m p u t c r ~ c ~ e n c e p r o - The fullpapcr ~saiadableonJeffrr~ web s x e ni ~ \ i ~ v . m a d ~ . u u a r c r l ~ ~ . ~ a l - ~ I ~ a U I t ~ fesiorJeffici O Sh&thasdetermncdrharchc addmon of a n 83-ccnr coin tc the Cailacban papers.htd denorntnarroni \iould lower the average Would you like some cyanide with that? number of change 5 90

Liz Marton


corns p e n n s




fifth c a n u o d d be a 32 cent corn, whch would reduce the average number of 'hange cons to 3 4 4 Bcsldesrheob~~ousdra~&ackrhar rhesenew

OhoSrareUmversiq enennsr~PuchardSa\re

demands T& new geneecalh c n p e e t e d v a m q cuts doun on r h s nsk

Other common foodi rhar are porenuall! ppolsonouemcludethegrcenshinand sproutsof 83-centoilB~centcolnsarrharderrocountmih, potatoes, applc seeds, and iima beans h h c h also concyanogens.) Yews of rradmond thereaanaddnonal&sadianragetorhssystcm planr breeding, houcr er, haw produced a bma Shalht uorked out Dd!oucrrrnoriccrhe itrere;3 caahersusr branranen mrh aloaprnion content. m m&ng change?They dii-ays g i e the largest I m a n o n ~ ~ m p r ~ n t . u w a t e r Ica oo valued corn first. rhcnrhe emalle~rmesmoider


Ben Q 3ew3's

zaaon, ran n pracace Commuicr Challenge

throughourSlar,\i stedoovaionly5.52kmshy from theiead %inamnalchdcnge~s aaccCent h e held dunng Enuronmenral \Teek,June 1-7, m whcheachccr,.artemprsmreduce~rigeenhouae The Commuisr Challenge also helps to reduceaxpoUuuon TheicologdandEnv~rongas ermiamns. 1 s t vrar,\X arerloo had the srcondlargertgeenhousepsreducoonrnOnra~o. mrntd I d n s o ~C o m t r c r of \X atcrloo has rcleased a repoa that stares disc rhe \Taterloo The rmswm of rhc Commuter Challenge 1s to promotc a heairher IlimguMlir also saivlg rcyoncannot nanrmall\ firer thcpoiiuranrsmfhc ur. money. To learn more abour thr Commute, ChdReseaichgadicrrdhyrheCrnrer forDtsease Conrrol ~n 1999 concluded rhar "obesq IS lcngr,plearecontact\~atsrlooRr~onorgamer and U\T siudcnt Grcg Powell at ulxiphnked to the nmon's number one k~llrr.heart dtirase Onereason~~rharirailungandcjchg r r m s l f o @ p i r g . u i v ~ i ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .


All %his and more a-t:







F ~ r o whLw30,2003 ,

page 16


Getting in touch with the Outers Club Andrew Diks IMPRINTSTAFF

boundcd br U\Y iruiisnt Lisg Derb?shmm 19-4. the Oursri Club haabeennmeer~xgplacclora d n r r i e 'to\,-iecnonofpeoplernandaround L\\ who share the common goal ot m n m g rhe @car ourdixzs F n m wnrel camping tnps rn till ciclmii excuna~m.rhcclubl~a~sco~eii~icreni~ gomgon ar all nmi\ ofthe heir. r ra1? dw \pnngtsrrn a i xnn cwcpnrm Club rncnibir hr,r,tw Himkm. MIRGIEMANSELL uh~~harbrtnuiacuirmirnb~ri~frhi A practising climber takes advantage of the Outers Club's bouldering wall in the PAC. ~ ~ r ~ r ~ r i ~ forrhep~srstghr b . ~ t r \ l \tars hstsrloff~u~iaku rii<hcc~rnri Perhapi as i r ~ w l r>t * niopen ?carril~bltro L\T msnlL?>. rhr i r m Ilm a\ar;cn r,Fciinr5rhatrlkeplace limgcr h, ~ k ~ ~ elcurwon; m n , " In the liw. chi Omcri i l k ha\ hairid ceprinccpr~ili~. thi Ourirb C l d , c u ~ ~ 1n.11~ ium~~~crfi~r~dillmcn~birs,"nuisd TIPI ~ , t n i , e ~snrl.lxmir\ nbrm 1 5 1 pcilple , n 1:.'na\I.,I.~c,r,,,p n . ~ i .2duhl,< H,,,,L.,~ ..~omimi:xhcri chor,ri I,, iar~r~2c\crlr-~l,n,.%~ rripi ,and m , r r mcnlbcrilq Irlailrortlatnelh m e \ ~ t ~ c k t o u . ~ ~ ~ l u k c i , a l ~ i l ~ o r h c r auwpi l,lc?mpmg d~~ e r ~ u ; i l ~ n , - ~ h i , r ru r :hrlg tnps,a c H s a i s t ~ r m r d ~ e~nni~r i~ r a , ~ > r u b iw n w c n, ,om. n ~ r ha rnimbershq> c ~ ~ ~ n on11 n ; . S- pLr rLrm 01 212 hlr amimbcrmrhcilub 'lI~c;~,torzc l i rhruerirms dw d t b 1, ,uch that n o n x r o a i arc The o n \ n r l w r r q m r i m ~ nf h >eqcl>sdr ijlo~x up - ~ i r C C L ~ I I I I I numbt; ot t $ e m l each nssh 01 m~mlxrahmm rhc club I \ t h r one ., monrh ' amemhc~~iLarnlmiI k c . rnorgml-

Annika and Hayley are true he

. .


Phone 888-4567x6065 Offlce CPH 3381A ~nnovoteuwaterloo ca

challsngc I m ~ c l f b ilgmnqnlrha i men i hockey ream m rhi tinmah Second Dn mon m J a n u i n 2001 BorhHarleymd inntkaw~rcfactd \iltb a rimed barrage of ikeprmam and support D~wbrrrsa c r e often conserarre-mindid rndeiu ho cnrd the dangerufernhmnsrrncnr for rhc icmdc profrsi~onalizrguesr l star female arheleresusre shoan a, bc uncomprmve aganst rhelr male counrerpur,. Inan rdnonal b! Inrsrnauonal Ice Hocker Fcdermon@IHF; president Rene Paselm rhe \larch 2003 IIHF nsii-s release. Parel irarcd rhnr female horkci m r ~ " ; h o d d b r ldohzcd as stars ~n ummen'r hocki! and nor a i banged up pmneers m n p r o ~ m a a l h r d ~ l c ~ r i m m ' s l e'a , ~ e Opposmm [O i n m k a ' s b ~ dto pla~mmen'i golfnas c i c n more hosnle 1'Gh %ratYsai Smghaas quoredby iisocmed Prcsx~ntrr Doug Ferpson as snllng among orher arrackc "I hope \hc rmises the cur \ \I!;Recausc she docm'r brlung our h a e . and "She's rhe hsst woman golfcr m d ~ c uorld. m d I xiant to emphasmc ~ v o m a n "'

hlim@imprint uwaterloo ca

Springtime sports UW enjoys the sunshne X photo essay by John Paul Curry


UnwersltyofWaterloo,Wlllam M Tatham Centre for Coope ratwe Educat~on& Career Sew~ces

When: Who:


Tuesday June 17 2003


Welcome and Introduction Unlversity ofwaterloo


Open Text Welcome and K ~ c k ~ O f f Anik Ganguly, Executivevice President, Products - Open Text


OpenText and the University,Historicai Origins FrankTompa, Professor Un~versltyof Waterloo - CS


Research Relationships (OpenText) Gary Promhouse, Chief Scientlst, Search Technology


Research Relat~onships(University of Waterloo) Fakhreddine Karray, Professor - University of Waterioo


Open Text PraductsKJirection Neil Wilson,VP Product Marketing


Keynote: A Coliaborative Vision Tom Jenkins,CEO Open Text / David Johnston, President - University of Waterloo


Q&A Sessions / Presenters


Why: OpenTen is one ofthe largest soitware companies in the world. Starting from the UnlversityofWaterloo asa spin off,OpenText has grown to more than $250 miilion In annual revenues in the past 10 years. As a proud member of thewaterloo technical community and ongoing research programs at the Universityofwaterioo, OpenText will be sharing knowledge and m i a n with its partners in innovation at the Unlvers~tyof Waterloo.Researchers,students,professors and the pubiicare encouraged to come out and see what's on the cutting edge and heyandl Keynote presentanonsby the President of the Universityand OpenText's own Chief Executive Officer w ~ lbe l preceded by semons on researchefforts,technicai synergies and vis~on by OpenText research staff and management as well as the Unlvers~tyofwaterloo academ~cand management staff.


Open Text Challenge! Win a scholarshipfrom Open Text Corporation OpenText Corporation is issuing its first Engineering Challenge,opento both under^ graduate and graduate studebts!The chaiiengeconssts of two industryipeciiic engineering problemi.The answers may be submitted I" plain English and contan any level of detail (no length requirement).Thecontest 18open to a11 students,and the winners, who produce solutions most apt to today's technologies and bumesi requirements.will receive a oneferm workengagement or researchfellow sponsorsh~pby OpenText

Please v ~http://www.opentext.comluwaterloo t for the challenge questions and addmonal mformat~onl

Answers must be submitted to uwcontest@opentext.comby 12:OOam June 10th to be considered.

G r e a t M i n d s W o r k ~ n gTogether..

page 19

FRIDII,SLu 30,2003 .-





I l o n % d s n e $600126 e u s m n e r # s ~ d ~$10 n~ ~ 1 2 1


Sunday, Junc 1 , 2 0 0 3 Begmner Swmg Xb'orkshop - 5.30 to 9.30 p m. at rhe ';Carerloo Communw Arts Centre, 25 Regina Street, S Con terested ~napplymg for undergraduate tact Danrela to rerlsrer and mformascholarships, aiardsorbursanes' Check trun at. dance.easv@y*hoo.ca our <he Bullerm Board on the Srudenr Monday, June 2 , 2 0 0 3 Awards Office home page at hrtp:!! Plan to attend Imonnt'i Staff hleenne. ~~?r?r.adm.uwarerI~o~cav'avavfoaw~rd~ for SLC, roam 1116 at 12:30 p m. a derailed lhit of awards open for apphWednerdav, June 4, 2003 catmnihlarerm Further mformatlon 1s Free Prenatal Health F a r - for parents available ar the Student .4waids O f f m , 1" rnrly pregnanq or p1inn1ng a preg 2nd floor. Needlei Hall. nanci at the Cambrldee Newfoundland Club from 5.30 to 8 . i 0 p.m For more mformarron call 883-2308 Thursday, June 19,2003 Mondar. Tune 2 4th Annual Chlckrn Wine Comnerirlnn Affenfmn Undergraduate Students! In-


D O YOU LOVE BABIES' ...#1O491 1 8 0 . C r a d l e l m k , a LurherwoadCODA program. t r a n s %olunreers and marhes rhem wrrh a f a m h m K-K or surroundmi: areas ro pravlde m-home support for~threeto four houri a week. RELAY F O R LIFE ...# I 0 0 9 ...1s a celehratlono f cancer iurvlvori and 1 rrlbure to the lire or loved ones. On June I ? tor 1 2 houri beelnnlnr at 7.00 p.m. ioiunrccrs are needed SUPPORT T H E 'JEW REGIOUAL CARDIAC CARE CEKTRE AT ST .MARY'S HOSPIT.4L . . o m rlde, ride. i a l k or rolunreei ro help m manv other ~ a ! iduring the ~ i a n u h r e~ ~ mkd Hke e for Hcarr, Sundah June 8.

820-525 enumeration-type work. Pieceworkguaranteed by

Lease affordable space -

contracts. Full r r a n n g prorided for acceored a o ~ l i c a n t iSrudents

ness Across tram new children's Museum and iragc theatre m Kltchener



VOLUNTEERING Dlsr'ess Centre Waterloo R w n re^ Dmreii Lme %rkers

~ U L K SVolunteer

fo pro-de emotlonai . w a r t m s l s

mv.globalresol.com W e c k ~ n dcounsellors and rehef atatf to *ork in homes for lndlviduals rvrth developmenral challenger Expemnie, m m m u m elghr monrh commlrment P a d posnoni. Send resume ro Don A4ader. K \V Habdmrion Serwcei. 108 Sydnci Street. Kirchendr. OX. N2G 3V2


1990 Ford Muitnng Need food? FEDS Food Bank 1s a con ruromarlc, 4 nclmder h d e n t d imdenr-run food bank thar Neil paint lab, brakes and xmdshheld. pioilde, free groccrles to a m o n e r h o Ao~roxlmareh130 K. E-tested. $2.250. necdr rhem. T o questmna asked. \ h r Call 1 7 7 ~ 5 6 2 0 us ~n rile hudenr Life Centre. room Artenrmn A r c h ~ t e c t r / E n g ! n r e r i 2125 Please emad Crlcomp Pen Ploaer D w e for m l c a n h uatoodbank@ hotma,I.com stand. pens, clearlmg klr $60 or best ofter Call 888-0992 and leare rncasagc Councillingsen~cer sofidrmganumher o i p e ~ n arlo ~ d a n d i r v d ii k d i i x o r i ~ for l c f i i h o p a d u r q r h e Sprmgrirm ~ n ~ l u d ~ n g . Stress Uanagemcnr Through RelaxaUsed furn,ture - bed troll Tram1ng. Asserrlie Cammunrcaroom,, k1rcher.n Ililng non. Selr~E,recm, Stud! Skdli \Y orkroom,, crc. You need hlmlmre, ae can ,hop Exom Prep U arL5hop Fox more ~ n f o r m a t ~ o n i n d r c g ~ , r i n o ni n~ , ~ r C o u r ~hclp' Delneri available Call -12-8109 or I h l r us ar 4 0 8 Kmg Srreet, E iclllng Senl'ci. Needles Hall 2080 a: L A exr 2655

rrnention. mroimanon and rcferralr to caller, bi relcphone Succo,ful czndtorksllopa. Cnrccj date, arc r r ~ l a b ~ oc p. c n - m i n d c ~ , Caraer k v l c e s non.l,,dgmenra~ iilrh good rer. Declrmn hIii.!ng - Self Arreirmenr. O i ~ u w o n a lR ~ s e a 1 - h ~1 n t o r m a ; l o ~ ~ bal S ~ ~ I ITS ~ I S a iha~~cngllig vo~unrccr 1nrenlel-r and Career Decl,lon ~ a k . pos,tl,,n * ~ t hman! 1 " A f t I s o 0 1 b n a Tr,,,,,, ,,d,, ',mm"",inn,,n better poslrlon to aseees ~ ~ and l ,>,d liqrenmg f r k l ~ ~sulride i. prr,cn:lon v o u r " ~ ~ t " ~ n t l l r ~ ~ o r TClaom l d ~ ~ ~ ~ o dr.. k . l,,ter,e,,t,o,, exc~iangcfor a 1208 froln 2 30 ro 4 00 F." p k a e ,ne comn,,tn,,nt of nor l e , ~ rcgxirer onlrne 16 houri pel month Flewble houn. To wm careenerrxii uxatirloo sppl, iall -44 7h45 eyr 300 rlmc Wedneiday, June 1 1 or apph con lhnc at x x x .mhai,rb on ;a Cnrccr S c r i l ~ e rT o r i s h o p , Letter J01" us for eirrenle tun durrng C a m Wr'imn8-lparnhouiouieleriersrovuur d~an~Ca~icrSoaety'iRelaiFoiLitecom a d ~ m r i e e~ n r h c l o b s e a r c h f r o t3~ ~ i n to mg J m r 1 3 14" You an help b, r d u n reerllig or buylllg a lumlnary Far llioic 4:30 p.m . T C room 1208 Please reg,, fei onhe miormanon, contact Dlnna Bumstead x x ~ ~ . ~ a r e e r s e r ~ ~ c e s ~ ~ a r e ~ laot o ~ ~8 8 6 - 8 8 8 8 . exr. 25 or dbomsieadCnccsonr.org Rebume U rmng - diicoier techniquei A m " needed, male and m a l e . all age,, from for ar,rlng a, f o r a f l e a ~ r n ~ ~ o , p o s s threerhorrr~lmi ~bli 4:;0 m , TC room l Z 0 8 rcgiiicr onll,le bemg shot m K-\Y r h rummei ~ Look'"8 for people tor speaking paris. l l o n ~ *-* c3rcerierrrce s.,, .8terloo speakmg p q r s and axrro, It mrereired, Fnday, June 1 3 u\ at please e~mn'l Emplmer i n r e r i ~ e rend. i curnngrmrriiloorp~~~rei(G hotma11.com Audmonmccrlng r m e i \id1 rake place the xee!, or lunc 7-13 on UU iampoi \olunteer Amon Centre (742~86IO)l e seekmg rolunfeeis to, the iulloi~lng Fndni, Ma: 30,2003 p o a n o n i .. Plan to attend lmprmrr SPCLIIIGcn THF CAXADUPI .\ID; ~ ~ E \ I O R I A L era1 Alertma. SLC. \Iulnpurporc room QUILT D I ~ F L .#~~ l i jl i b j ~X G , I ~ 1 00 P 1 E ~ m d be R I ~ park I In \ ~ ~on jvne t ~12 ~ l rhioueh lunc 14 ylcronapark boaiddlimpilnr u\?arerloo 'a for mrrrc , lnformirlon Pa,~lion on June 15 hlarn p o m o n e arc Sarurdar. Mas 31.2003

Tuesd.W, June 1 0

,, ,,"






25 Regma Streer. S .idm!ss~on charge.

OPEN 8 0 0 K CONTEST 17 - 22 year olds only 250 Multiple choice luest~onson Part I\ of The Urantia Book ~ "The ~ Life and -eachmgs of Jesus :OR DETAILS PLEASE VISI w.eventodaward.cor

12 a.m

perfect for s t u r w p busi-

welcome. Call for mremew 1 8 8 8 ~ 5 6 4 ~ 416 712 8271

ANNOUNCEMENTS research. Crcarne n n d r ~ d m o n a l m e r h ods are explored. NOTE: blvch of thl, lnformarlon a s1mrlar to the co-op I 0 1 iob search serilon C o - o ~srude,lrs ;hould m e n d onl! lf rhei n e e d a retres~,er.TC 1208 from 3 30 4. allllne at w+w aIeersel r,ie,.u,,afee~o~


Fall or W~nter$17 7 5 . Summer $ 8

S c r n c c i , I, o f f e r m g the rollowmg shon(and tree) i,orkshops ro help \oo

Bright and spacious - three and four bedroom rownhomea m park-ltke set tmg. Freshly pamted, tour appliances, extra paihng BZSrspor, gas hear, 1 112 bath, d m n g room, full basement. 1 0 mmute u i i k to unwerslty Three bedroom 5400 per person Four bedioom S1.400 p h i Warerloo. Uorth Ruby 747-10-1. Great rublets: from May to August S250.00 a month per room. Or 5500.00 tor r n o bedioom apt, All m l u s i v e Clean. newh renovated. Call K 0 . C . H . 747~276. Student rental r r e have flre, three bed^ room, m o four bedroom and one fwe bedroom. Comes n i r h fridge, stove. masher and drver, one parkmg space per umr, e n r a parkmg 1s $:O,month, fwe mlnure walk to unlreriln. A d a b l e Sep rembcr 1 Call 572-7465 Room for renr tor a qmet mdn ,dual m a dcrached home neai bath umrerrares. Parking m d ill nmenmds Plelie call 725 5348. Nevly renmated house for ienr Three and m o bedroom unlo Mlnurer from unnersmei. malls. e ~ p r e i i r i a vCentral

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