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1 asr un Mark Stratford iMPRINT STAFF

U\\! Prof. Mohamed Elmasrv has the whole country buzzing because of comments he made on October 19 while a guest on a TV shm.v. NO'w, Elmasty -~ a senior profes.· sot of electrical and computer engineering at U\>;7 and the president of the Cmadian Islamic Congress (CIC), a \'7aterlou-bascd Islamic organization -- finds his comments in the spotlight. A university investigation has been announced, putting his career at risk, while police in Halton Rq:,'ion are investigating whether his comments qualify as a hate crime. Elmasry has been a hot topic in all f~)mms ever since he served as a p;U1elist lastweek onJ1it-hadCoTeli Live, a cur· tent affairs discussion show filmed in Burlington. Speaking on the topic of "\X'hat is a terrorist?" Elmasry remarked that aU adul t Israelis arc valid

targets for suicide bombers because they all have a connection to the country's army, refertingto Isracl'sm;mdatory military draft. "They [victims of suicide bombings1 are not innocent if they arc part of a population, which is total population of Israel is part of the ,1tmy.... From 18 on, they are part of the sol-diers, even ifthey haye civilian clothes," Elmasry told the program's host. A stunned Coren attempted to re iterate, "So anyone and everyone in Israel, irrespective of gender, over the age of 18 is a valid target?" he asked. "Yes, I would say," answered Elmasry. "\\!e regard those statements as lTlost serious and most unfortunate," said U\V President David Johnston at last Tuesday'S board of governors meeting. In a brief addendum to the mcering,Johnston said tbatunder the school's procedures, Elmasry's statements call for a serious review.



tion by

"That process will start immedi-

ately, beginning with the sampling of the documents from the raping of the show and other related comments," saidJohnston. "\ll'ehave been helped by external council with assistance of therev-iew.l do not expect it wOlild be a matter of a few days. 111ese are chal· lenging, difficult, very regrettable mat-ters fl'om the point of vie'w of every· body involved and we will proceed with care." Johnston confIrmed that there had been a series of discussions involving the school's provost and several oftlcials on how to handle the issue for days up to this point. Johnston also read an official sf.ateJncnl: that had been hurriedly rek'ased by U\V last SUllday. "111e University of \\iatedoo is a pluralistic, publi.cly supported w1iversity that is an inclusive, tolerant com·· rnunity," reads the statement. 'Johnston_ .. stated today that he condudes the statement attributed to Pro f.

Elmasl'Y is abhorrent and conflicts with the university'S values. The uniycrsity expects that the important principle of freedom of speech will be responsibly exercised by members of its commu-·

nitr·" The investigation was to have begun earlier this week. Nonnally, an investigation of this kind '.,"auld he carried ouI" by the dean of the faculty of which the professor is afmi.a.ted -- 1.11 this casc, Add Sedra, dean of engineering. How..;ver, due to Sedra's adnusslon that he has been Elmasty's colleague for rears, resulringina contlict of interest, he has been relieved of the responsibility. George Dix:on, dean of science, will lake over. I\Ianin Yan Nierop, U\\"s director of communications and public atIairs, could not comment on what, beyond the lvlidh1d Coml Lit,!' incident, will be considered in the review. "It's up to the dean to detenTllne what will be investigated; although, obvious 1y the \vORis

that were stated on A1i{had COrtn Lire [wi.ll be included]." Meanwhile, Elmasry's problems have extended beyond the campus, as his comments are also being investigated by police from Ontario's Halton Region (smce the comments wcre made in the City of Burlington, a part of Halton). HWe will. he determining if there are any otIcnces against tl-J.e Criminal C:ode that have been committed," sergeant Jeff Corey, public affairs officer for the 11 alton Regional Police Setvices, told the Ream/on Tuesday. Corey added thatthepolicesen>ices' intdligem:e branch, which handles hate crime investigations, ,vouid be the group investigating words. According to Corey, a few days arc recl'.ltred beklxeadecigjon will be r(~lched on whether or not cornments violate Canada'sCrul1inal Code section 319.

See PROfESSOR, page 5

·.I1\/fl) n11




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-rm gonna be a mammogram machine so I can get some HaUowe'en boobies." Alexander Casey 2A ERS

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·rm gonna be the giant K

1I1'm, gonna be a princess."

froIrI K-Mart."

Ian Gilchrist

Ely Schwartz

2A kinesiology

3A rae and leisure


. 28. Playboycentrefold 29. Temper tantrum 31. Hazardous gas 33. Fundamental group values 34. Front and centre Down 35. Mother-of-pead 1. Typical male reaction to talk of 37. Snoopy's fiery adversary marriage 39. Unpopular winter dining spot 2.JenniferGamer's pseudonymicTV 42. Zipped by show 43. Bear hug 3. Write back 44. Lots of power 4. Prophesize 45. Damages 5. Should your parachute not open ••. 48. Corporeal 6. Oh, look, a sports editor 50. '" sorry,l forgot 7. Help, as with a heist 52. Strong cotton fabric 8. VlrtUe 53. Result 9. Spider's home 55. Oliver's g1mious wish 57.Microbe ..... . 10. Adam's companion 58. Angry emoti~h ' H.Diary 59. Pawns and rooks 12. Nordic transport 13. ChickenUttle'smother 60. Welfare 61. African antelope 18. Log report 63. Struggle to carry 22. Flutecall 24. Musical opus nmoogksoulis@imprint.uwaterloo.ca 26. Buzz Hargrove's domain 27. Upper crust 66. Racistrematk 67. Giveahilities 68. Adventurous and excitingly new 69. Appear

. . . . .:...... -..IIIadIIIIe8' f'


2. "POLICE BEGIN _ _ _ TO RUN "I was thinking of being a French maid." Jennifer Thai

"I was thinking about being Wonder Woman" Nicole McPhail

1A accounting

lA history


"Working." Sice

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3A english


6. "LAWMEN FROM MEXICO - - - GUESTS" CEBUAERB I.····.··.·.'···.··.·). t







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SLC gets. '~wasted" by Greens Universities/Colleges

A man accused of spreading hate literature around the Ryerson campus and making death threats to campus groups was released from Jail last week after his mother po~ted a whopping $25,000 bail. Kevin Haas, 21, is accused of putting up posters, handing out flyers Ryerson promoting hatred and sending death threats to the presidents of the Arab and Muslim student associations. He is charged with seven counts of' mischief and ~vo c<?unts of threatening death. He may be tried for hate crimes with the Attorney General's permission. Haas returns to court at the end of November. '


A study released earlier this month shows that violence and harassment toward women



Members of the University of Waterloo Green Party sort stUdents" lunch scraps in the SLC.

~ ~ew?~laceF~sts just as so;o.ngly today as lteve.tdld1ntheprovmceqfOl;ltar10,Thestudy involved in-depth conversations With'61wotnen in Ontario who reported harassment at ",'Om, from being belitded publicly by their angry male

, . ~~路itre aIrel'dy'Ones"thitt lta:t~ ..<l'+'liI}t,,',...."'toone'wotnlbl路$~tt>ftrr'lta iIIl; ,,,~Qb~.:~iI~ti~n~q~I~ICa~~k~.~~~::::::@::w-:::-':"":"",:'-:w='w'=""'''w~aumrgmerugn:tta1licart;;;noon'homs> mpedtoachairand~byhermalecolleagues IMPmNTSTAFF creatingquitethevisually(andol&crory)srimu-' ootside ESt and Mackenzie King V'illage." into performing oral sex. The study calls for latingscene. The UW Greens hope to work on more lawyers, police, unions and employers to learn The UW Greens, the on-campus branch of the "Students reacted very curiously to what education programs in order to teach Green more about this problem. Labour l\finisterChris Green Party, sorted through pizza scraps, old was going ,on," Higgins said. "Several [stuvalues, including encouraging people to use cloth Bendey has called the report helpful but has not pasta, sandwich wrappers and partially-eaten pitas dents] stopped to ask us what they can do to grocery bags and possibly distributing them as yet offered any plans toward further research. as they brought waste reduction efforts frontrecycle better and how to make a difference." well. row-centre in the university's "living room" At the end of the re-sorting efforts, the ''With the UW Greens, working for change during the October 18-22 Waste Reduction volunteers dealt with the remainit:g waste. International is our politics," Higgins said. Week. ''We recycled everything that was recyclable Higgins believes that the provincial Iiberal Darcy Higgins, UW Greens president, and in the appropriate bins," Higgins said, adding government's goal to divert 60 percent ofwaste Palestinian leader Yasser Ararat collapsed other dub volunteers performed a "mini waste that the recycling bins were often right next to fr<?m landfills to variops forms of recycling by Wednesday, losing consciousness for a s~ort audit" in the SLC Great Hall, re-sorting SLC the garbage. "Because there are no green bins, 2008 is a worthy goal. the club found that over time after vomiting. The 75-year-old's health is garbage bin contents into trash, recyclables and the compost had to be thrown out with the 60 per cent ofthe material tossed in the SLC trash in serious condition, prompting)sraeli officials compostable material piles. ~bage. was indeetirecycIable. to anpounce that he will be moved to itRamallah "This event was don(;! as a step to educate "A green bin program would be a great "For the UW community to reach this hospital. Arafat has not left his compound for students and staff about how to help the earth," asset to Waterloo and the campus to help divert路 . target, staff and students must make changes at more than two years. Disputed reports have Higgins said. "Waterloo has an excellent recycling , waste," he continued. home and administration should make changes surfaced saying that a three-person committee program, and we thought it was important ''Though mass collection of compost would in our campus buildings," Higgins said, "To use has been formed to manage Palestinian affairs if during Waste Reduction Week to teach people be a great step, it actually use,s less energy to the' compost example, we definitely need to be Arafat can no longer do so. Arafat has refused to how to take advantage of it." compost at home, so we be encouraging composting at home and at schooL" prepare a successor despite heavy lobbying for WiththepermissionofNancyO'Neil,SLC people to do it at home ifpossible, and advocate such an action in recent years. director, the club re-sorted three bins over two 6;>r compost bins right on campus. cloureiro@imprint.uwaterloo.ca mstratford@imprint.uwaterloo.ca @





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SchooJ of architecture wins prestigious award The University ofWaterloo's new school of architectur~ in Catnbridge has won the BroWrue Award from rhe Canadian Urban Institute (of the development of a former indu~trial sit~. The national award wasanrtounced October 21 at an annl,lal co~ference in Toronto. The award is an acknowledgement of the heri~e and adaptive reuse of a ''brownfteld,'.' a former urban industrial site. . The school of~hit(;cture, which held a public <>penhouse last week- end;relocatedto.the former Riverside Silk Mills site· in downtown Cambridge. But first, metal, dye' and oil had to be removed from the site. None of the materials were toxic. : , Politicians and dignitaries from . across the country celebrated ,the build-, jng's grand opening; While the buildiog has been getting plenty ot kudOs for its elegance,' ilii\; ;award doe~ not consider the design of the building. "It's a -nationalreeognition of an initiative to tum an underutilized in. dustrial building into an active and thriving institution," said the school's director, Rick Haldenby, who accepted the award. As well, he said, the award recognizesthe project's contribution to the economic well-being of the community.

. will be the featUred speaker at the book launch and fundraisingdinner. A documentary filmmaker and journalist, Alexandre came to national promi~ nence in 2003 for his reporting of the AmeriCan invasion ofIraq. ~ Those attending the dinner, which will take place in the St.Jerome's CommuriitjCentre', will also receive a copy of the book arid enj~y a gourmet dinner. . Tickets are $150~person. A'Charitablereteiptwillbeissuedforaportion ofthe iicket cost. To order tickets, get in tbuch with Sarah Daly, development coordinator at St. Jerome's University, at 884-8l11, extension 277 or send an e-mail to s¥aly@uwaterloo,ca.

Admission is free for the luncheon; however, those attending are asked to register with Brandi: Gillett Woods, special events and.alurnn{affairs. co-ordinator, at -bgillett@renison.uwat~~Qo.caor884-' 4404, extension 657.

De';;ocracy'tally this 'Friday Students from WIlfrid Laurier Uni';'ersityand fue Unl~etSii:yofWa­ terloo will be parrlc,ipating in the Active Der.nocracy Ra,J1y, being run by Laurier 4 Peace at2p.m. on October29. ' , '

As the riame sugge~ts, this rally is to suppo~,~~ti~e pari,icipation in local, provinciiil'arid national communities . On the ev'eof an American election which Canadians Will observe with Additional.grant$ to be offered gt:e!tt attention, the group wishes to promote ~ctivepariicipation in the to UWstudents democratic processes ofouro~ counc . A special. task forceis urging UW to try. . guarantee grants or bursaries to unTherallywill be followed by march dergraduates who need more money' to uptown Waterloo. Pltrticipants are than the provincial assistance program asked to bringpl~cards; noisemakers is loaning them. , and your active selves! For more info, That promise, says the study, along e-niaillaurier4peace@yahoo.ca. ' with 20 reco~endations - including boosting scholarships --,. would Student forum on education vault Waterloo to among the top uniNovember 1 will see a student foversities in the country for support ~f rum held in the GreatHalloftheSLC its students. from 11 :30 a.m. to .12:30 p.m. "This would place us in the top tier Students willbegiven the chance to ofprogressive and generpus financial voice their oRinionsand offer suggesaid systems in Ontario and Canada," about the rec<;nt education retions said Ad~ Sedra, dean. of engineering W.t view by former ·NDp Prbriier Bob and chairman of the provost;~ task Rae. The Rae re'Vi~w is conducting force on undergraduate student financonsultations atpost-secondary insti. cial support. . tutions across On~rio. Afterm6re than a year ofstudy, the InI>ut<;ollected at the forumwill go five-member task force released its fitowards the creation ofFeds' response nal report on stu,dent fmancilll aid to , to Rae's discussion paper. The Feds senate last week. reSponse is due November 15 and will The study urges UW to follow the be created I;>y Peds VP education Jeff path set forward by the University of Henry. Toronto. Students are encouraged.to come It wants the university to promise o~t and speak up for education. to provide fmancial assistance when studedts need money over and above Trudeau son to speak at St. what they get from the Ontario Stu- . Costa Ricans tell their story dent Assistance Program (OSAP). , Six members of the Durika EcoJerome's. Other pr~posals range from guarVillagein Costa Rica will be on the UW Alexandre (Sacha) Trudeau will anteeinga first job placement to needy campus on' November.4 to tell their be the special guest ~t a fundraising co-op students to creating an entrance story. dinnetto launch a book examining scholarship grid, something that most Fourteen years ago, 40 people sold his fatheis spitituality and t() raise Ont3.no universities already have. everything they owned, started a comfunds for students exploring the UW feels it is important to munity, and now live completely interface between faith and politics' str~ngthen its financial aid program sustainably, prod\lCingwhat they need through. the Pierre Elliot Trudeau . because'tuition fees are expected to rise on-site, includini food and building Scholarship. once a two-year tuition freeze is over, materials. ~ . , The event takes place on Novemc~~ating more n~ed among Students. ' The Durika &0-Village is located " ber 6 ~t St. Jerome's University. In its,brief to Bob Rae, head of a postat a 6,000 foot elevation on the deforThe Pierre Elliott Trudeau SchoIarsecondary education review, UW is ested slopes of Mount Durika along ship was established by former UW arguing to be allowed "greater flexibil- thevolcanic spine ofCosta Rica. Itnow professof and 10caLbusinessman Dr. ity" in settipg tuition fees. includes families and children (who Ronald SchlegeL It is available to stuPaired with that is a-"greater reare schooled on-site thro~h distance dents at St. Jerome's University and sponsibility" to provide student aid, 'education), has been open to visitors the University <;>fWaterloo who are the university says; sinc~ 1992 and has been accessible by enrolled in history, philosophy, reli"road;' since 1997. , gious studies or political science proThe'members of the Durika comEast Asian luncheon on tlfe , grams. / munitywill be at UW on November 4 The book, entitled TheHiddenPierre horizon Elliott Trudeau: The Faith Behind the TheUniversityofWaterlooBook- ' to share their story and show us how Politics, compiles presentatiol\s made store is hosting the EastAsianLiterarY to live more lightly on the earth. To heat the visitors, please come to at a c~nfe1;ence cosponsored by St. Luncheon on November4 from noon CElT 1015 from 7:15 p.m. until 8:30 . Jerome's and UW in May2003. Politito 1 p.m. at Renison College. p,m. next Thursday. Formoreinforcal colleagues, biographers and friends Guests will be able to experience mation, send an e-mail to came tog~ther to ~xplore a hitherto the literary art of award-winning aujdeloyde@uwaterloo.ca unex~ed aspect of former Prime thors Judy Fong Bates and Wayson MinisterTrudeau's character and po-, Choy. -with flIesfrom the Record lititallegacy - his faith and spiritualThe event features their latest ity. works, Bates' Midnight at the Dragon mjohnson@imprint.~waterloo.ca Alexandre, Trudeau's second son, Crife and Choy's All that Matters.




.< -~.



Evaluating Ehnasry

Profes~or:· apology



accepted; resignation rejected

inspired a new stud~nt organization, upon those. students." Continued from cover The oc issued a statement of their . Coalition Against Hate, which hopes political victories for their senseless Criminal Code section,319 states bloodshed, ownonOctober23,butcriticshaveJY<rlnted .to reach all student groups and build opposition against Elmasry and any.. Neither India nor the Philippines that it is illegal to '.'wilfully promote" it asunderwhelming, with Elmasry's are about to accommodate the,ir deor to "incite" hatred against a group . remarks described only as "regrettable , one whose rhetoric supportS viol~~ce, ''It seeks to create a diverse collection identified by colour, race, religion, ethmands for statehood. Even al-Qaeda and misunderstood." The statement [...] in ordertoeffectivelyvoice general achieved lillie from 9/11. nic origin or sexual orientation. If offers no apology for the remarks. . community concerns," said Tomer Furthermore, while the statement However, it has galvanized the Ontario'sAttomeyGeneral then gives Chervinsky, WIPAC president admits that Elmasry ~'failed to articuworld's most powerful nap-on against , his approval, charges may be laid. This FaisalJoseph,nationallegalcounAl~Qaeda. At the same time, many late his organization's position on Is indiscriminate murder of civilians . is especia11ypertinent, since the.em~ selfor the CIC, reported that an emernon-violent movements-like Ganterrorism,'; it also suggests that deploymentagreementbetween UW and an acceptable thing? Apparendy iris, dhi's in India ~ have probably its faculty clearly states that being conaccording to University of Waterloo spite the controversial nature of , 'gency board meeting was scheduled forTu.esday, October 26. engineering Prof. MoliamedElmasry. . achieved farmore than violence would victed of"a serious breach of c~al . Eimasry's views, they are shared by "a "'The board will review the circumhave earned them. ln an interview on Michael Coren law" is just cause for dismissal and in significant segment of Palestinians stances and his explanation and decide In the case ofIsrael and Palestine, some cases nullifies a professor's under.occupation." Live, he was repeatedly asked whether . all of'the concrete gains to statehood whether to go fUrther on this;"'said "Anyone and everyone in Israel To that end, another campus tenured !lPpointrnent. Joseph. . ':.The r~ of disciplinary action irrespective ofgender~ over the age that die Palestinians have achieved Elmasry, who is not teaching this with Israel in the 1990s Were during a ranges from a letter of reprimand to of 18 is ~ valid target?" He replied, term, has been resisting all contact with period ofrelative non-violence-they ''Yes, I would say." outright dismissal. That could apply IIFailing to arshould take notes! . media for the past few days, declining' . to any situation where 'a professor.is Elmasry has perverted free speech, ticulate "my beThe benefits of "resistance" furnot only to speak to Imprint, but also investigated for transgressiOn," said an? he is also wrong on two major many national news sources, including ther diminish if you consider the cost Van Nierop, adding that there is no · counts. liefs clearly ...was theNationalPostand the Globe andMaiL The first is the horrible ide~ that of thestruggle. Thanks to .theviolence way to know at this time if Elmasry's the biggest' mis- . III a CICrelease Wednesday, it was case wiltgo that far. targeting innocent people is some- . and the Israeli retaliation it has invited, thousands of Palestinians have died.' reported that Elmasry issued an apolA number of catnpus groups have how justified as an act of resistance. take in my 30 ogy at a CIC meeting. . Palestine has seen a horrific 50 percent spoken out in disappointment With The second is the belief thatterrorism "Filling to articulate my beliefs . drop in GDP and surges in unemElmasry's comments, many of whom · is an effective weapon. years of public clearly... was the biggest mistake in my . ployment and poverty. called foranap,?logyand,in some Judging by his views, there is lillie, life." 30 years of public life," Elmasry said. severe p:wushmeht or termination of Thousands of people joinep. the chanceofanybodyconvincingElmasry -Mohamed Elmasry .. '.'1 apologize for anypublic remarks United Nations aid rolls as the vio: employment. A statement from the that Israelis are human beings, not I made which offended Canada's lence has destro"yed th~ Palestinian Jewish Students' Association GSA) fighting robots, . economy, government and society. A Muslim,J ewish, Palestinian and Arab In this article I will demonstrate states that the group is "extremely disgroup, Students for Palestinian Rights, thatresistancethrougterrorismisutconcerted" by Elmasry's words, as well whole generation of people has been communities and Canadians at large.': wrote their· statement to clarify that terlyineffectiv~, lost. Ultimately, the terrorists are their He also gave his resignation to the as his reluctance to take responsibility Elmasry's views do not represent CIC but it was turned down.. own worst enemy. The utopian goals for the implications ofhis remarks. FromSeptember11,2001inNew theirs. "SFI>R condemns unequivomost terrorist orgaoizatiops set leave Elmasry faced much less heat last A statement from the Waterloo· York City to attaCksQn buses in Kashcallythekillingofcivilians, both Israeli their foes few options. Israel Political Affairs Club (WIPAC) mit to the murder of Iraqi police and Pales'tinian," it reads.' "~~e •monthteSulting from a lettet he wrote I think thatifIsraelis really believed reads as follows: ''WIPACis shocked recognize the right of Palestinians to to The GiobesUggestmg l1rohlbitiol,'l recruits to the carnage against Israelis on nationwide campuses as a precauthat they could win peace by making and appalled that a university profestaking a bus to school, terrorism hll,s engage in armed resistance against the tion against alcohol-related incidents. concessions to terrorists, theywowd sorwould advoc:1te the targeting of Ismeli occupation, this resistance must invaded our world, "£' ·;.;"h ~le StAtis......,~ ;··'mstr8tford@imPrint.~~ ';' ,,,,*,,,,<I&<4_.on.e.. . . . . . . ; · · .... " cOnsicler~'ft;~· ci:vilians;tegatdk;ss<>£~OO1uext.~fls ~~duetedinacc~~the September 1, 2000 Until September 1, However, as it stands, the choice our view that, in doing this, Elmasry Geneva Conventions, which specifi2004,885 Israeli civilians were killed by facmgsovereign countries like Israelis has created a 'poisoned environment.' cally define what is an acceptable miliEditor's note: news if Elmasry's apology easy: fight or die. Palestinian terrorists, [.. ,] Seeing as there are Israeli students tary target, and prohibit any action that was receiviJd -at press time, so most sOl/reeS at UW, we are conce~ed about the One.group ofpeople does benefit Yet, terrorism is not rlJ!ldom viomayresult~ the loss ofcivilian lives," \ cited in tbis story had no knowledge ijit from terrorism. These are the leaders lence ("militancy''). According to one effect that these comments might have . _ Elrriasry's comments have al'so wh~rJ irJtervz'ewed. like Yasser Arafat or the late Sheikh deftnition, terrorlsmis the calculated use ofviolence or'the threatofviolence Y assin (the latrer ate art Israeli n;llssile against civilians a,;;,<1'Civil operations to justrecendy) .. achieve political goals through fear, By controlling and orchestrating . intimidation or coercion, To cite a 'the violence, these people are able to gainintemational power, suppress dospecific goal, consider one group, the Hamas, It views v:lolence as a way of mestic opposition and remain in power indefinitely (surely no ele~tions are building a Palestirlian Islamic state in possible while the "evil ?ionists" are all ofpre-1947 Palestine, Brutal Palestinian terrorism is acdropping bombs, Ara£at has said repeatedly). Ifyou believe that terrorism tually credited with many' political successes, In 1974, thePLO, another. is not orchestrated violence, I'd be . terro.rist group;' had managed to glad to send you many ~vailable referachieve "observcr" statUS at the United ~nces to the contrary. • I Nations. Perhaps there will come a day when By the 1990s,Palestinian terrorism people like Elmasrywill see their folly had also convinced many Israelipeo- .' , and call for non-vi~lent solutions to problems in the Middle East. pIe that peace can only be achieved While they probably would neve!; through'flegotiations, This happe,ned consider Israelis to be actual human while non-violent resistance movebeings, they might realize thatterrorments like Tibet'slangtiish.in powerism is self-destructi~e in more'ways lessness, I • The record o{terrorism is mixed, . ·than one. Many' terrorist organizations . like . sgutfraind@imprint,uwaterloo,ca groups in Kashmir or the Philippines have never really gained any noticeable



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Tir less Byro cr w

Hindu dance festival lights up SLC Chantel Williams IMPRINT STAFF

With that simple question,you can no !onger bea passive witness. Even if your only reply is "I Last week a celebration for the festival Navratri don't care," you area member of the debate. was held in the Great Hall of the SLC. The Hindu There is at least one similar "Do you agree Students Association (HSA) and the South Asian with ... " campaign going with the same thumbsStudents Association (SASA) celebrated the fesup logo. I t's effective - you can't avoid it. tival by teaching a few cultural dances to the rest Fifty years ago, a similar type of campaign of the University of Waterloo population. took place on camera. The 1954 f.tlm It Should Ask the right questions and people will kick Navratri is a nine-day down your door to seek the answers. Though . H~ppen to You tells the story of a nobody festival held annually in Gladys Glover - moving to New York to only time \",ill tell how many people the Campus honour ofthe Hindu godbecome a somebody.'She purchases a billboard Crusade for Christ's recent "Do you agree with dess Parvati, who was sent that simply says "Gladys Glover" but ends up Byron?" campaign has recruited, it has served its to rid the world of evil. She with eight similar billboards around town. The primary purpose -.to get people to ask quesc came to Earth fornine days, hype builds. Who's Gladys Glover and where tions, Just who is Byron? Does it really matter? appearing in a different indid she get the money? For close to two weeks, the catchphrase wI's carnation each day. On the One must be careful, though, once a dis~ plastered on walkways everywhere. The camninth day she defeated the course moves from the private sphere into the .paign was as cheap as it was ingenious. All that evil in the world . public sphere. his no longer within yourcontrol. was needed was a few buckets of sidewalk chalk Navratri started on The public takes the message, re-interprets it, and a dedicated team of volunteers to re.-chalk Wednesday, October 13. after a rain. question1> it, prods it, pulls it apan and puts it HSA and SASA held their back together: Where will this Byron campaign Yes, there was also a series of posters and ads dance on October 21, the go? Gl'anted, there are some upcoming campus in Imprint, but the crux of the canipaign was these ninth and final day of gatherings where presumably Byron will be residewalk warriors. E ve!)'\v:here a student looked Navratri. vealed for all. And yes, you can visit the website they could not avoid the cluestion. The event started at 9 and get a free t-shirt. But beyond that? Within a week of the chalk messages appearp.m. and went on until after midnight, accordSimple Gladys Glover encountered things . ing to Sarika Bakshi, p~esident of the HSA. They ing, counter-campaigns emerged. The simplest she had never expected: those who loved her, 'performed two types. of dances. The first dance \vere those with the white chalk answering the those who loathed her and those who envied' is called Garba, which is basically a clapping of the Byron query. The more sophisticated that haw her. Time \vi11 only tell what will happen to asked their own questions: Do you agree ",cith hands. The second dance is called Dandia or Raas, simple ERs third-year student Byron Bright. Kafka? Do you agree with Shelley? which is a stick dance. Regardless of where Byron goes and what he Chalk is a wonderful medium for guerriHa "Garba and Danelia are dances that we do does, he and those who support him have discourse. It's cheap, environmentally friendly especially for the holiday Navratri," said Bakshi. inspired a guerrilla discourse the likes of which and most importantly, washable. Discourse need N avratri has two parts - the religious aspect has been a long time coming. Maybe Ishbuld not and indeed should not be permanent. Quesinvolves praying and fasting.' The festivities inbuy some chalk .. tions and answers, rebuttals and refutations Ely volve celebrations, like the dancing that was in the public forum, inspiring conversation, even performed. if only, "\I;fho the hell is Byron?" nmoogksoulis@imprint.uwaterloo.ca .Bakshi was very pleased with the turnout that

the dance event received. She sqid that there ,vere quite a lot of students that participated in the event. "It was great to see so many people from other cultures come out to try our culture,". said Bakshi. MahimaJaggi, HSA executiv~, stressed that the event was open tQ students of allnationalities. It wasn't just a performance; students new . to Garba and Dandia were taught how to do the dances. "I invited a lot of my non-Indian frienqs," saidJaggi Sharingthe Navratricelebration with other lJW stuaents has become a tradition for the HAS and the SASA. "Pan of our culture is to share with everybody else," co~entedJaggi. Navl'atriis a holiday that has been celebrated at UW in previous years and Bakshi says that it will definitely be celebrated next year as well. It usually takes place>in September orOctober each year. Any students who wanted to participate but missed out this year are encouraged to become involved at the Navratri celebration at the end of September next year. For more information on' the holiday Navratri, you can contact the HSA at uw_hsa@yahoogroups.ca. \YJatch for their next event, the Diwali "Festival ClfLights,~' to be held on November 10 from 4 to 9 p.m. ~




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Imprint is published by Imprint Publications Student Life Centre 1116 Uriiversity ofW~terloo Waterloo, ON NZL 3Gl

Student politician invents campaign manager



Friday, October 29,2004- Vol. 27, No. 15 Editorial Board

Features Editor, TiinBoo! Alamencia!< Arts Editor, Ela La Loba Malkovsky Science Editor, Penny Pitch Fork Rorke Sports Editor, Adamned ·.M¢Dire • Photo Editor, Chris Killer Graphics Editor, Julian Kingpong Web Edii:or, Hack-ellne McKoy

Editor-in-chief, pon Katsirdakis editor@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Assistant Editor, Phil "Chop off yout" WeIDer Cover Edit<it~:beadly Dan Micak News Editor, Sarah .Allmenkiller Opinion Ediror, Rachel Slasher Shugart . .student Life Centre 1~16

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Elmas~y does~'t

speak f~r us!

. Electrical and computer engineering Elmasry, there is no distinction be. Ptof.MohamedEImasryappearedon tween military targets and civilian tarme Michael Coren Live show last week, . gets in Israel. The onlyexceptipn he allows foris children under the age of and the comments he made on the 18, those who have not yet been program eamed him negative press in drafted to the Israeli army. several local and national newspapers. This means that] oeStudent's SOUnfortunately for the UW comtnurlity, Elmasry was referred to as a year-old grandmotheris a target! No UW professor-in all of the news re7 one in their righ! mind would conports. His connection to trW was , sider an SO-year-old woman a military target. Keep in mind that Elmasry is. touted in headlines, cutliries and article the same man who got media attentext. The negative press was such that tion earlier this term by declaring that UW administration was compelled to alcohol should be banned from unirelease a statement addressing the isversity campuses. He is certainly not sue. media-savvy. Elmasry was not speaking oni>eCoren himself was shocked by half of UW - he appeared in his

So who wants' to he~ something funny? You ~an callme cyrti.cal (which would be true) but I often get frustrated c'ed.use of a universal truth: people ciuibe really stupid. . . Once in awhile, it's enjoyable to laugh atstupid people, just to lighten things up. AIIowme tQ introduce you to]ungSukRyu.A 19-year-oldstudentatthe University ofAlberta, Ryu decided to run inthe municipal election in Ward 5ofEdmonton. His campaign website boasts ofmany leadership experiences and awards and on September 23, 2004, the Edmonton Journal Qoted "if he wins, he will be the youngest councillorevereiededin Edmonton ... and maybe the only one whos~ lives at home with his pru;ents.'l Ambitious guy... eh? Well the election took place on October lS, 2004, and Ryu did not win. Care to guess why? It could be that he's new to politics and was up against some more

contactedRyuaboutdie d1s<;repancies, be that voters were skeptical as to his competence at the tender age of 19.R:yu admitted to the lie. He justified the fib by saying the made-up support Unfortunately, ~truthis much'tIlore interesting. wouldbe more credible than self-piORyulaunchedan active campaign, motion alone. whichincludedawebsiteandliterat:ure What follows is from Farrell's rethat quoted several people expressing port: "Of course I lie,"[Ryu] said. "Everybody lies at one point or ansupport for him. One of those quoted was Alberta opposition leader Kevin other. Do I lie often? No.'" Taft. After inves~tion by localre- Ryualso said;''I can't say that [these port~rs, it·was revealed that Taft had blunders] have helped, but I don't nevetheard ofRyu. think that they affectedmy campaign Another of those quoted waS Bob very much." . Bradley, s\tpposedly Rye's campaign . In addition to the damning news manager. $oon after, it Came to'ligl:it· .reports ofRye's untruthful clltIlPaign, a website was formed by a fellow U of that Bob Bradley does not exist. When contacted by the Vancouver A student, devoted to exposing Rye's S",n about this inconsistency, Debby lies to ensure that he never made it into Carlson, formerLiberalMLA for Edoffice. monton-Ellerslie (ireat-lifesupporter Regardingthewebsite, Ryu sai~ ''I ofRyu's) confirmed that she had perwas flattered to have the website made about me, since if! wasn't a serious sonally met Bradley. AfewdayslatershewentQnrecord candidate, I wouldn't have people openly criticizing me." sayingshewould continue to support Ryu, but "in a less overt way." She did Steve Smith, the site's main connot explain her own lie; she blamed tributor; has saiq on record, "JuhgSukRyu~itomizesevetythingIsee~s Ryu. "It's a lack of maturity .. ." ,she continued, ''It's cine thing to make it beingwrongwithpoliticsandI wanted rnistake and retract andsayyou're sorry, to do my part to stop those characterbutYQu"C,aA'tmislead.people." isncs from further permeating the Uh huh? Good advice, thanks.' Canadianpolitit9:llandscape." How flattering. So Ryu appeared to be making up a campaign as he went along. When II

is beyond doubt that his comments have had an effest on the UW cqm-

~.ty'. {:if., ". . pellpite the fief that UW1s statement *hru;acte~$l£lrnasry's com.' m~ts as "abhQ'~t,1rd cOhflict[ingl with the University's values," many &tudents will stinfeel u~afu.nortable h(:te. For example, iOoe Studenthas \~lyrelativesinIsrae~hewillhaveto. :~ction'on a crunpus where a tenur!!d ~~Ulty member has stated that alllS7 raeli citizens oyer the age of 18 are legitimate targets for sUicide bombers. The Canadj.an Islamic Congress issued a statefuent which claimed Elmastywas ~culatingtheviews of "a significant segment of Palestinians," not his own views. Even if this was remptely trUe, thi~is not an excuse. If this is, ""hat Elmasry was trying to do, he should have made this very dear. No civiliaxldeserves to be targeted by terrorists, but accordirig to Editorial Staff NewsAssistant,Matk"ConsetYative"!ohnson Opinions Assistant,Jonathan CheW-You Chiu . Fearures Assis1lIflt, Brendan GraveyaidBurrowS 'Ans Assistant, J?&vid Gorge-Cock Science AssiStant; Jeff Hatchet Anstett'

butI have neverhqrdanyonesaythat every Israeli everywhere is a legitimate target," he said in an interview with The Globe and Mail Elmasry should have been able to . handle himselfbettetwhen talking to '. the media; ~ man in his position has ~ respon~ibilityto be more sensible. His.. comments ;"~r~ also justplain wrong. It isindisputa:bly abhorrent for anyoneto say that a group of pe?ple.are . legitimate targets forterr~ris~~ There is no excuse. Perhaps the media ~overage did damage by linking Elmasry's comments to vW, but what's done is . , .done, and the UW community must now deal with the fallout. For all those students; staff and facultywhQ were made to feel uncomfortable or offended by Elmasry's comments, we stand in solidarity with "you. . edboard@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Fergal McConnon, Mark Stratford, D{!an Whelton, Serena WOllg

Office Staff General manager, Catherine Bolger cathy.bolger@impriilt.uwaterloo.ca . Advertising '& productklll.manager, SportsAssistant,ImpIIIed-on-a-Rod~ PhotoAssistant;Mohammad GangstaJangda . Laurie Tigert-Dumas Advertising Assistant, Bobby HyleUllg Graphics Assistant, HitoshiMurakillme ads@irnpcint.uwaterloo.ca Web Assistartt, Scott Hex Houston . Distribution, Chandra Mouli Systems Administtator,Javed Eyeball Iqbal Distribution, Su(esh Dada . Lead Proofreader, Simoll Zombie" Yarrow ~Proofreader, Nada'a Freaky Fayyaz Volunteer co-ordinator, Kirika Bussell Proofreader, Burnie Ow . Production assistant, vacant Proofrl;llder, Anthony Lock n' Lodi Next ~taff meeting: , Proofreader, Rebecca Terror Temmer Monday; November 1 Production Staff 12:30 p.m., SLC 1116 LaShonda Shaneesha Brown, Durshan Ganthan, Jessica Honsberger, Janice Jim, Christine Loureiro,






___:;. _.__


sbmetiIDes garbage is just garbage







_____· ·__· ·___

Next production night: We<Jnesday, November.3 5:00 p.m., SLC 1116 Board of Diri'!ctors board@imprint.uwaterloo.ca President, Andrew Dinko Dilts Vice-president, Erin Blood n' Guts Gilmer Treasurer, Neal Spook-Soulis Secretary, Margie Man-eater Mansell Staffliaison, Heramb Scare-em Ramachandran staff.liaison@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Next board mee~: Monday, November 1 IBA, SLC 1116

Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. ItI1pfint is a mem. ber of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA).~torial submissions may be considered for publication in any edition of ItI1pfilTf. ttl1pfint may also reproduce the material commercially in any format or medium as part of the newspaper database, Web site or any other product derived from the newspaper. Those submitting editorial content, includillg articles; letters, photos and graphics, will gnint Imprint first publication rights of their submitt.edmaterial, .anthis such, agree not to submit the same work to any other publication grO\lP until such time as the matecial has been distributed in an issue of Imprint, or Imprint declares their intent not to publish




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able to aswell, regardlessofhowmuch their parents make? For those paying tuition levels comparable to mine ($4,650 a year), I seeusastwodistinctgroups. Thereare . students like me and then there are the "others." On top ofmy five courses a term, I work an average of 40 hours a AreyoutttedQfhearingstudentsrant week (three jobs) during the school and rave about how their tuition fees year to pay for tuition. I pay my bills and still have money are too high? I've gotnews for them: leftovet for necessities like alcoholarid ·they're actually too low! Blue Jays games. I refuse to go into .Yes, I'm going to argue based on my own biased perspective. No, I am debt. There are a lot of students like not a spoiledric4 kid who simply me-whoeitherwOl:kdUrlngtheyear hands the tuition bill to mommy and or work super-heavy hours during the daddy and then parties my life away. . summer - and these people escape I'm a relatively hard-working stufrom~university with little or no debt. . dent who. pays his own tuition fees Then: there are the others. Many and I believe domestic rates should be constantly bitch lPld complain about higher. tuition fees and how theymustgo into I'm'sUre we can handle a modest debt.Meanwhile, they're getting hike if our services are increased. Perwasted at the Bomber every night or haps we could have smallercla.s.s sizes squa'nderi~gendless' evenings - or m<;>re classes offeredt Off camstudying.Tiffieis money-theycould pus, money is desperately needed to beworkingandwouldonlybehelping themselves in the long run! clean upthe environment, hoostpublie transit and pay down the cripplirig 'Some actually find it abhorrent to national"debt.' ;', .. hold a jobdur;ing the school year. Thisisgoingtosoundc61f1..~earted¥ 'When they graduat1:, they'te stunned and believe me I'm the firs~one out . to findthemselves thousands of doladvo~atirig \llore ~elp {qt tJie p60r,' lats in debt: . bur although my parents ~t1 middlePeoplemightsaytome, "J-Ieyjackincome earners, I myself m.~e less ass, you live with your parents - of than $20,000 a year. I arnalQw~income course you can stay out of debt!" Let earnet, but I can single-h~<!edly afme point out that with $4,800 a year •


others should be


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and laughs very hard in yourface in a guish uS from Americans, there actu, highly threatenitigand engaging man- · allyarechara~teristicallyCanadian at-' ner.") tributes, toler;mce and its a side-effe~ In book The PartlY Cluutfy Pamoderation. Or maybe the other way triot, underrat;edAnletica.n writerSarah around. As Sattirdqy Night Live pro~ ducer tome Michaels put it, Canadi~ , Vowevdescribed Canadians: "all these nice people, seemingly normal but for ans wouldn't make It's aWondeiful the hockey. ohsession,hacla likable Life beca\lse "that would be bragknack for loving their country in public ging." We'd have made It's an All It's funny how it takes an outsider to without resorting to swagger or hate." ,': make you think about your country. HightLife· By ~otittas~ another great American Canadiaris not only wouldn't say, This week I overheard an Irishman humorist, Jon Stewart, when asked but we wouldn't even think to say to ask, "So what is Canadian culture about~hatAniericans really think of another country that, "our way is the about?" AriearbyCanadianresponded, Canada, answered, "We don't." only way" or "you're eitherwith us, or ''We're just like the Americans." I spend a lot of time peering over My knee-jerk response was to proyou're against us." Sure, we have our the border and Ia.mentingthe state of opinion on tne issue§, but we don't . rest, to scream, "No!" But to some U.s. politics and culture and I forget to extent, Canadians are "Americans ... think we have a mOnoPoly on moralbaskin and cherishwhatwe have here ity or righteousness. We tend to be,Lite" - all of the freedom, but just itrCanada. lieve ours is one way, it wo~ks fqr us, ·halfthe extremism and jIDgoistic arroSure, we have our scandals, Qur but there are probably other ways to gance. Wfrejustastasty,butbetterfor crimes,ourcorruption. Weha~eloud. you-and what's more, we~re funOy the top of the mountain. mouthed close~minded bigotS,hare Maybe this is allmyown romantic . and you can safely take us to see your grandparents - we're that polite,- gro,ups and our sh~ of p1airl mean- ,. notion of what it m~s to beCananess. But our. scandals are tempered, except for Torn Green, but he's been dian- but that it's my perception reprimanded, kindly. .And afterwards 'whether we're cogrusant or not, by probably says something. That this is moderation. .And generally, the ugly we gavehimsome Tim Hortons cofmy romantic. idealistic view of my things that happen are acknowledged .cOUtltry~ratherthan a different kind fee and some maple cookies.. Oddly, two better descriptions of and denounced, however politely. · offantasyaiongthe lines ofwe're the Can you imagine something like what it means to be Canadian came· best in the world and the champions . FQxNewsasCBC2? Canyouimagine · of righteousness, we're on a moral from an American and a Brit. TheNationa/usingCNN graphics and In The Salmon of Doubt, BritiSh crusade and we'regoing to bring demaster humorist Dougla.s Adams de4O-point block letter animated fonts mocracy to the rest of the world. saying ''War on Terror" with flashing I'm ~ll aware that I'm speaking scribed our I;ountry: pictUres of various weaponry and ex. "Every country is like a particular from a place of subjectivity. After all, plosions in the background? No, it's I'mCanadian~andlapologize.·Not type ofperson. Americais like a belligfor being Canadian, but for being sub.erentadolescenthoy, GlUiadais like an .. not hoW we do things. It's not how intelligent· thirty-five-year-old our mothers raised us. jective. S?rry. Please and thank you. woman." (This is unrela.ted but"too .For all ofthe, hand-wringing about good to omit: "Australia is like Jack· culturaidifferenGes and canadianS not slywong@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Nicholson. It comes right up to you . having anydefming traits that distin~


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An Irishman, an Amencap' and walk into a bar~ ..


two terms. Perhaps tuition fees just seem low to me because I work hard to pay for them. Surprisingly, it's not that difficult! . Fifteen years ago tuition fees were less than half of what they are now. Perhaps this explains why both our federal and provinruu governments were in multi-billion dqlla.r deficits at the timel We were juSt mortgaging our future. Just because the generation before us was spoiled·rotten, there's no reason for us to be as well. In an ideal world, perhaps we could have free tUition. But with the United States' on our' doorstep we have to ~tain competitive tax rates and the hikes necessary to, offer free tuition would enrage both the population and our conservative-minded media.. . Higher tuition fees will force stu~ dents to take their education seriously - some do need kick in the ass. IknowthesocialistsrunningFeds likely disagree with me vehemently, but I'd expect no lessfrqm an organ;." zation that~ur money to run election ads atta.Cklligthe~berals and Conservatives for ·di.uegedly allowing tuition fees to gogp: . . I suppose they'd prefer taxing the worJri;1g cla.ss to death to ensure a free ride for students? Get real, people. '


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Which f~atwiU buyoutAmecica'slast~ute voters? a vote to kill more' of those, "bad guys" on How does four to eight years' ~ortl;l sound? p~ to build social housing for them. Both Bush television - the ones who want to takeaway your Some mightwithhold theirdeqsion tillt:il they 1, and Kerry have agendas that will cost, trillions of SUV and two-car garage. . are in line at polling statiQils. Fatedwith himilai . dolla.rs.Kerry will pay for-programs with uppei~ It is a low but accurate measurement of the choice at the Conservative leadership convention class tax dollars, while Bush will pay for wars with averagevoter'sintellect. . in Toronto, I switchedmyvote from Stronach to ~hll> graodcliildi:en'stn~ but neither one . , TheKertycamp~sanevehlo~~~~tion HarperjustsecondsbeforeIreceivedmyballotAll " has a plari to spendiess. The cimdidates spend of that intellect. Kerry should b~.p!()vidirtg a, day,Ihadbeenhauntedbyherscrl':l':chy,iv.sincere".!fiffe~~f1t!J.':,. ' most to reS1st overvision to supplant Bush's dead-terrori~t utopia. voice. (Sorry,Belinda.) " " ,',' "·,,I.:~ A~:Is~~ the ire~ ~, H~re 's anoth~ whelming urge to predict the winne~of the . Instead, he has been relendesslycriricizing Bush I envisioned the Conservative partyW1nnin:g ~ soltinon"'t6'the tptobl<!m: It's dilled theJack upcoming l,J;~. presipential election. on the issue of Iraq. amajority.after I casttny ballot) imaginedlisten-. #yt?Q D~d~aby T a:x,~ It wq*~; ~e thisThechoic~is ~.yote for Bush and send the Kertyseemstothinkthatweneedhisacadermc ingtoStronacheverynightonC:SCiadio. With'~ ~ur~thept;pillation'toha\re!burtdants~ economy fora ,Q()sedivewi~ eitraordinaryfisc~ lens tointerpretthe tragedy surrounding the death' " iliat thought fresh in my mind, I sold my 'Soul to:, '"'Setupprivatclyownedabortion clinics andtai;.~ and trade defiCits. Vote for Kerryandgetlife's only of thousands of US soldiers andinnocentlraqis. .. . the socialconservatives,v0tedfor Harpet;andleft'fld,.tose abo~ns.~t~'S's~casm, forthost two certainties- death and taxes. Just as voters understand that Bush killed some towashmy hand~. Perhaps someKerry~.upport- <"r~~pt):;::~ ",;"?'~ :~ Despite belonging to the "big tent" Republic bad guys, theyalsoacceptthathecreatedafT1a~.qg e!l' will,do the same. On Noverri6er 2, many votetS will purcha~ can party, Bush has campaigned almost exclumess doing it. Bush screwed up - we get it. Putting aside terrorism and Kerry's conde- 't}le fear that Bush:sells: The p'o~s say anything is sively as a one-,issue candidate. , Many Americans believe that Kertyis the right scending voice, we should not forget the fiscal p~~i,ble. I will&: glued to n1Y teleVision: , Theimpo!Wlee ofthe Bush campaign strategy choicebutsecredywonderhowmuchmoreofthat conservatives that are being thrown out on the .is simple. It's easy to articulate. A vote for Bushis patronizing.intellectual banter they can tolerate. street in this election. Not evenJac;:kLayton has,a talevesq@imprint.uwaterloo.ca [





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IThtIPRINrr ()PINI{)N because ofthis link to cultural preservation; without it, our ceremonies and traditions will cease to exist. To the editor, $1725millionoverii years comes ou1! UWsAboriginalStudents' Association tObelessthan$16millionayear,orlessthan would like to address remarks made in adollarayearfortaxpayets. Butthe.amount TomLevesque'sOctober8,2004arrlcle, ofmoney is inconsequential since until ' '''TheTbroneSpeecb.'' such rlme as natiVeJandissues are settled, We do not see how Levesque can the federal, government has a fiduciaty state that he would like to see federal resp0nstbilityto continue to provide for' spending become more "responsible" the well-being ofAboriginal Peoples. when he stated that the funding should This is not something that should be used for "anything" m:stead ~f pre~ be up for debate, since itwas the Canaserving Aboriginal language and culdian govemmentitself that was largely ture.Atverybestthis statementisinsultresponsible for this decline when they ing to us. prohibited of use of Aboriginal lanBut there's something more rnlsS-, ' guage in'residential, schools in the first ing from his response. It's any sort of place. ' understanding ofwhatit means to lose !tis sad that this writer believes this language and culture. It is effectively mbneycouldbespent"moreresponsiru.similation. Of the over 60 nadveJanbly." Howmuchmoreresponsiblecan guligeS that exist in Canada today, only the Canadian govemment get than by 3areet.pect:edtoliveoverthenextfew tryingto mend the abuse andracismthat generations. The preservation ofAbothe Aboriginal People have been riginallanguagesisextremelyimportant through?Wedon'tparticularlyappreci-

Perpetuating cultl•• ral genocide

, ian Blechschmidt

IAR Hehe~ great zombie

costume, man:" ,

- yeah, yoL(re uf.ldead!.I get it. Grrr...arrgh ...

atepeopleadvocatingforculturalgen.ocide that is a part of Canada's past, ,present,and bythesoundofyourfi:ighteningarticle,fu~.· ,

-Aboriginal Students Association

Spend money w,",ere it counts To the editor,

Duetol.awSp~thJgmefromkicking thecollectiveCampusCrusadeforChrist in the nuts, I've decided to do what everybody else does and complain to


parent, this leaves mein awe ofthe love . that God has shown for us. There is nqthing on this earth that ~ would t):ade my own son for. The Canadian Constitution'gives every Canadian the right to believe whatever they want and express this belief freely'. This is a right that I, for , one, am very proud of. In addition, it is not jUst the CCC that uses chalk to mark all over the sidewalks. I've seen ad~ for bands, Leave the Pack Behind, and other camp~s events. , AccordingtoMr.Koulis' comments (Imprint, October 22), I am completely irrational (andany6neelsewho believes in God or another deity is as well). I thriveonlogicimdfacts. I weigh the pros and cons beforemakingdecisions. I finish my assignments and midtenns. Igo to church every Sunday. I teach my kids to tell the.truth, to be kind to others, to be thankfulforwhattheyhave, to he1p others who have less than they do and to share. I strive to do the same things. Ifsomeonecanpointouthowanyof this is irrational, p1ease share your opinion. I wouldbevei:yinterested to hear it.


fore, sinceanypersoncaribeabomberat a later point, 'they are now legitimate military targets. Their actions are irrelevant because theyare nowgeneriilized into.agroup, arid are no longerindividuals: they are now all tci:rorists. I hope Mr. Elmasryfinds comfortin not approvi'ng or disapproving of suicide bombersyetjustifyingthe targeting of all Israelis over 18, through suicide bombings and other means. The differences between terrorists, freedom fighters, revolutionaries, soldiers and civilians can now disappear. If hewants tolegitimizethe targetingofall adults in every country, he will open a Pandora's box. I'll have no part in it.

Byron, God "doc::sn't care about sidewalk chalk and he cert'ainlydoesn't care. that you spent a' few hundred -AriSinger dollars on a full page ad making a 4~political science garbled profession of faith; Ifyou're, so desperate to serve God, Harmful association don't you think your time and money could be better spent?How many peoTo the editor, pIe here in the city of Waterloo will be spending the next fewmonths sleeping WhileElmasryis certainlyentided to his outside in the snow? Don't you think oWn private opinions, when thoseopinions are offensive and made public, the' that God would be infjnitely more pleased with you just buying someone university cannot remain blind to the inneedacoffeeonacoldnightthanwith " -Ki~berfy Rowsell impactthatthey~haveonhisclasses. Visiting student I myself am Jewish and had the yourP<M-incoherentrantingandraVIDg? Focusonyourownrelarionshipwith benefit ofnever feeling any racial ten- ' God and let the rest ofus make rip our Editor's Note: Thefollowing letters aw ~ion while studying at UW, but I fear own rOinds. wsponding to UW Professor Mohamed . thatif the university takes no action to Elmasry's comments on theMichael Coren distance itself from Elmasry, other -~anSnider live show on October 19, 2004. Elmasry students will be less fortunate. 4As~ . slated that since Israel has amaf!!latory How musttheJewish students in. EditOr's'Note: spent not ajeNlbun- military drc(t, aUIsraeli citi~ns otJeftbe age his ,classes feel~u~his comments? I dwd, btltclose toonethousanddollorsonthedds. of 18 could bejustijiab!y considered,targets wOwdprobablYsitthroughlectures feelingangry and frustrated. I(y Palestinian suicide boinbers, , " I would be afraid to approach the It's not irrational Opening Pandora's bOl( instructor for extra help and I would question his academic integrity. No To the editor, To the editor, doubt otherJewish studerttsin the class , would feel the same• I have to saythatmy beliefs are very . much the same as Byron's. I believe' Elmasry's logic is dangerous ,and that God sent his only Son to us to die -Elliot Smith flawed. Men, women, and children have for the forgiveness of our sins: As a UWalumni been suicide bombers in Israel. There-


Hahal What a ham! I love Halloween!


; Quick, call 9-1-11 Some guy just had a terrible acCident with a - oh. Never mind.



Pretty people suck - as all of my experiences with this crave from your family, they'll cater to breed have been ofthe female persuayour spoiled cessPool ofvanity. By sion ---' though I'm certain that the way, you'd bemon: atttactive to decent 'maleversiqnexists just as prominendy people if you were modest, and the as the female version (probably in folks who do want you justwantto get Venice Beach). , you in bed for statistical purposes I was in line forPhilthy's aweekago because they assume your dirty attiwhen I had the gag-re£lexing pleasure tude means you do dirty things that of watching three girls showofftheir they haven't notched on'theit point bodies to get into the bar. Naturally chart yet. thqgotin, and probabtygotall oftheir I'll give them Qne thing, they are drinks for free and felt satisfied in the' smart-there enough of them on process. campus. I would have honestly However, the bar is the least ofmy thought that the UniversityofWaterbeef. It's the girls who translate this 100, an institution of higher educakind of behaviour,into everyday life tion, would be rid ofsuch people or at that really puzzles me - people who least provide them with an alternative feel that their being attractive earns culture - a different point of view ,them VIP access into office hours with that would open their mihds - inprofessors, in line at the UW Bookstead I see these students on campus . store or at Brubakers and especially as closed-minded as ever, and it really womesme. while waiting for a taxi. They feel that they are held on a pedestal, like the . How do youttansmita message to planet should cater to them.1lke the a person who doesn'twant to hear any world owes them something for provoice buthisorherown? One column viding the rest of the world with such atatime. Be aware that they are around beauty and grace. campus andgive them a helping hand GagmewithaGoddamnedspoon. intryingt.o let them know they are only Nobody owes you anything, you 'hurting themselves in the end. self-indUlgent, egotistical, flawed brat. Get the attention you so desperately aocal@imprint.uwaterloo.ca



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The other d~y I was talkingwith a few of my fellow (extremely attractive) dons in the Vi cafeteria:One had a pondering gaze on her fate and my inquisitive nature sprung up this con, versation: Arda: "What ~e you thinking about?" Fellowdon:"Article... Arda-cle .. ,. Maybe it was fate that you write fot Imprinft Oh andby the way you have a girl's name." (Note that it also works formyfullnameifyousayitfast-:-also mentioned in the discussion). On to myactual topic. It's not often I choose to rant negativelyiil this Imprintrealestate ofmine, but! figure . that this collective group of people have stay~undertheradarlongenough these days that they are due for a good , written shellacking. Unfortunately, I amgoing to have ,to dire<;t ~~ ?Pinion to females only





''You maykiss the groom" ~ "couple." 'Meanwhile, any mixedgender marriage would be eligible for those rigil:ts before the ink was fin. ished drying on their~ certifi-

care: ''Fiistthey said wewere promiscuous. Now that we want to ge.tmarried they are upset" So said the Reverend Troy Perry~moderator ofthe Metropolitan Community Church; as he presided overa ''uoion ceremony" in Colorado . this July, a state in which same-sex unions ofany type are not recognized by the government . , Over the past two weeks, I've discussed same-sex marriage, and outlin(!d '~<;?!lI'?' pf·th'e'many:~~rl):f> ;iga\nSt:&angi.ngtoCietrs.ta~. week, the other side of the card just why are we being so blasted persistent about this whole "marriage" thing, an~ay'? W~in the States alone, there are well over one thousand reasonsthose being the 1,049 federal laws in which an individual's nW:l.tal sta~s is a factor. Everything from income tax, to worker's. rights to hospital visitation rights... in every case, a same-sex couple who have been together for 25 years would receiveno recognition as

Here in Canada, our reasons are much the same.. . • Iikeevetyothercouple, wewantto be allowed to visit each other in the hospital, should the need ever arise. Withoutbeingabletomarry, we would be forced to sit in the walttngroom alone, while our ~ouses' exten"ded family could be free to visit them at clieir bedside. Would you want your lover's potentially last words passed on to you by their thiid cousin? Like evety other couple, we want to . be able to gaiti the rights to s1.l!Vjvor 'benefits and inheririili&.'A.swas' Said byperformance artistTimMiller, "Ifl died, Alistair could not inherit the house. I could as easily -leave it to a neighbor or the cat. The law does not respect our relationship, our family, our household - in effect, our humanity." Like every other couple, we want to be eligible for adoption rights and child custody. We may (lot be able to have kids of ~ur own using the"traditional" methods, but we want to be able to care forandlove and raise those .that we adopt or have though new

This '.



scientific metho9.s avliilable to us, in the same way that you do. Likeev~oi:hercouple, wewantto be able to list our significant others as spouses on our 'income tax forms, being truly equal in the eyes of the . Canada revenue agency, and earning the monetary benefits that come with that recognition. But,'perhaps most important of all, we want to'be abk: to declare our love fOE.our partners and take part in one' of life's milestone, ceremonies together. I know of gay and lesbian. couples who have been together for upwards of 20 years we want to celebrate this fact with our families and friends ... Jl!istlike every othet-touple. - Cana~~s~t:'~deinC3lliOg. itselfthe land ofmulticulturalism, the land Where you can come and live your . life freely, followingyouroWn beliefs, ideals and passions, and forev.er be equal under our laws. Unfortunately, as it now stands there is' a disclaimer to this, which ' reads, very simply, "does not apply to gays, lesbians, or,biseXuals." Hopefullywe can erase this disclaimer in due time, and again have our pride in Canada cO!lIPlete.

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Kicking to success Wlrl'llrsplayllll DIlle I. Friday -page 14 .


Ice Warriors kick off season with upset over Lakehead Two .qUick goals stun visiting Thunderw~lves in 2-1 Waterloo victory last Friday night at Columbia Icefields Brad Moyle SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

The Waterloo men's hockey team showed that they can cOfi?pete with the best this past weekend in their two games against a Lakehead squad ranked sixth in Canada. The Warriors played to a2-1victory last Friday and a 4-1 loss on Saturday against a determined Lakehead Thunderwolves team. . The fIrst game started at a tremendously quick pace as b~th teams came out flying. Lakehead dominated the opening minutes and Waterloo went offside on several excellent scoring chances, but the Warriors were quick to find their footing and were ,so.pn playing a strong cycling game. . Waterloo forced Lakehead into several ,early penalties but was unable to capitalize on two power play opportunities in the first perlo!). Itwa~ Lakeheadwho would strike first, when Cliris Schaffer banged in a rebound at the side of the net to make it 1-0 at 13: 15 of the first period. ' UW kept up their tempo and were rewarded with two goals within a minute in the third period to ma~e , the score 2-1 for the Warriors. Defenseman Alex 'MacDonell and forward Doug Spooner scored the goals for Waterloo, who outshotthe Lakehead Thunderwolves byan 11-3 countio the third period and a 31-22 margin ov~rall. SIMONA CHERLER

Lakehead Thunderwolves forWard Jason Lange (left) buzzes in front\Of f0!lrth-year UW goaltender Nick Pannoni on October 23.

See UPSET, page 14

Warri.or hopes evaporate in 40-7.10s8 Scott Houston IMPRINT STAFF

•..Last Saturday's 40-7 loss to the Windsor Ltncers proved to be the final nail iN the coffin for the fooball Warriors regular season. The Warriors finish .the season with a record of 2-5-0-1. The game started offwell, with the Warriors scoring a touchdown off a 24-yardrun by Kyle Raymond, taking a6-3leadattheendofthefirst,q~er. From there on outitwas all Windsor. They scored four touchdowns and a field goal over the next three quarters. Waterloo quarterback John Morl?eypassed for a total of166 yards on the night, and Waterloo rushed for a total of 97 Yards. This is com. pared to the 203 yards rushed by Daryl Stephenson of the Lancers. Windsor " quarterback John Dent passed for Waterloo's struggling defensiye unit, shown here earner this season during practi~e, proved to be . 175 yards on the game. ~:t~~ ~I~.b,'~ ~~~i.II~!i .h,e.a.1 ~~i!i .s~~~~~~ T~e W~(r~~rs.i!l!s.s.e~.th~.pos.tse~~~n f~~th,e.f!r,~~i~~~~~ce 1.9~~ ...... TI:ll,s~ ~a.s .ap.j.t:ppbrtant one· "a ..


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for the Warriors; who had to win this game to get in to thr.: OUA playoffs. But if it Were 2003 this year's team would have made the playoffs due to the league's switch this year from an eight-team format to a six-team format. Also, with Yark's loss earlier in the day, the Warriors were the masters of their own destiny. With this loss, the Warri6rs have missed the playoffs for the first time since 1993. The Warriors have Qever made it t~ the Vanier Cup. This year also marks another great loss: the loss of safety John-Sullivan, thewinnerofthe'2003 Stand-upDe~ ,fensive Player Award and a UW Hall of Famer. He finished second this year to David Wheeler intotal tackles in' Canada and was number one for the Warriors.

·A14:ol~"'IIl'''' ..

-with jiles from CIS online shouston@imprint.uwaterloo,ca ·4.


. t ' .....

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FRIDAY, ocTOBllR.29;2°04

BasR~tbaU teams. have l'0oroy . . . . ~.... '. ·.::beypn<l th~. ~cfQr 2Q'm>iAts ,<>yC;rtd1.".:i: . 'Ihepetfotmance~edaNobleSelec-:


'IhefinalFefOf.theW~~ ...

c~t hostteam Laval and again

the ."

··W~ors. Q!1Il.e up short,l()singQ~5i. •...





, , '


Poor showingatt.aval tGum81ii;:.' .olfr ofbdng the {]W ;lthletics~fema1e for.~rrior women '~;~~::t:~~~~oftheW~HerrnalycQ~tet-. .'. . , atriorwomen's basketball partfort:he~~.was~~ winless in their three game '~. ':" ),.> ".

round robin series against top east~Yi ' ; · ; > : . ; i : " Canadian t e a m s . ' > " ' "

;'e: ' •....

Waterloo opened the i:o~t .' ' Laval with a 54-40 loss to th6:St~·;·.",· MarYs Huskies. Forwards Gilli.an ~dl arid' Iiindsay Offnetboth fouled out early in the second half in what was a foul-st:rewn contest.. The Watriots' secondgarnewas against the Montmorency Nomades, a local CEGEP s~ool team. The game

. at

wastheWatriorS~sttongestinthetour­ na.rnent, but the team still fell 52-50.

Second-year guard Madeleine Noble put in a stellar performance for the Watriots, shooting five of six from


1M, 4OQfree.and 50llreast individuaL events thiID\· with ms team ~to. win the 400 medley relay. On !iunday won the 100 free, 200 free and 50 breast events as well'as the medrelay wining a ~{. of 6.'!udivid!Ja{ ~. relay ,wjtIs. .



Upset: Warriors earn weekend split in series against number-six ranked Lakehead Continued from page 12 The only black mark on this game was a checking-from-behind penalty given to Spooner in the third, which resulted in an automatic ejection as well as a two-minute penalty. Curtis Darling, playing goal for Waterloo, had an extremely strong game for the Warriors and fifth year defenseman and team captain Chris Hopiaviouri played very well at both ends of the ice. Goalie Grant McCune took the loss for Lakehead. On Saturday the action resumed and neither team hesitated in keeping up the previous day's intensity. Although Waterloo outshotLakehead 36-32, Thunderwolves goalie Chris Whirley made 35 saves for the 4-1 win. Waterloo came out especially strong at the beginning of this game and Lakehead's Jason Lange was assessed a four-minute spearing penalty early in the first period, but Waterloo quickly took a bench penalty for too many men on the ice that negated the majority of the power play. Schaffer again opened the scoring for Lakehead with a goal after a solid cycling effort by the Lakehead squad to make it 1-0 at 3:38 of the ftrst. Hurley ftnally scored for UW after a flurry ofgood chances by the Warriors, while on a two-man advantage at the 14:30 mark. Despite not scoring again before the ftrst intermission, the ftrst period concluded with both offences humming, resulting in a very fastpaced game and few offsides against either team. Lakehead was the better team forthe balance of the game, scoring a power play goal in the second period and two goals, including one into an empty net, during the ftnal period to make the game 4-1 for Lakehead. PeterCava,MarkRobinsonandJoelScherban scored the ftnal three goals for Lakehead. The ftnal shots were 36-32 for Waterloo, including a 19-7 margin for UW in the ftnalframe. FourthyeatgoaltenderNickPannoniplayedwellforthe Warriors despite the loss. The Warriors' next game is scheduled for tonight (Friday) againstThe Western Mustangs. UWO had a 4-4 preseason record and are currently ranked 7th in Canada.


withftksfrom W amon ho(k~ and Canadian

Interuniversity Sport


UW forward Doug Spooner (left) celebrates his game-winning goal against Lakehead with teammate Matt levicki.


Warrior women set to host Carleton in opening round of OUA postseason Adam McGuire IMPRINTSTAFf

Warriorswomen's soccerheadcoachPeterMaclde can't help but feel good about his team's chances heading into the postseason.

Despite going winless in a pair of weekend games to close outtheregUlar season, theWarriors will begin theirdrive towards the OUA championships today (Friday) when they host the Carleton Ravens in OUA quarterftnal action. "We feel good about [the playoff game]," said

Mackie. "Carleton is a strong team." TheWaterloomomentumwasderailedsIightly as the Warriors concluded their regular season schedule with a loss to cross-town rival Laurier beforetyinglast-plat:e Wmdsorin the seasonfinale. <vrhis past weekend was a bit disappointing,"

Waterloo keeper Catherine Vanderburgh (left) faces a shot during practice earlier this week.

Mackie said. "We knew we had a playoff spot wrapped up, so we kind of let our foot off the

pedal" Intheweekend'sfirstgameon October22,the Warriors looked to ftnish the back half ofa homeand-home series with Laurier on the same note it began - U\V topped WLU 3-1 on October 16. But it was the Hawks who evened the season series on home turfby registering a 1-0 victory in a tightcontest.AlthoughlYfackie feelshis team pulled up their socks as the game progressed, headmitted that the club came out flat. "We played really good in the second half," 1f.ackie said, ÂŤ{but] they deserved to win thegame." The following day back at home, the Warriors hosted the struggling Wmdsor Lancers. The two sides ttaded goals in the first halfbefore following suitin the secondhalfas thegame endedin a 2-2 tie. Nuala Marshall and Jen Smith notched tallies for the Warriors. Waterloo will now move their focus to their showdown with Carleton (6-4-2, third in OUA Eastdivision). Because UWwon the second-place tiebreaker with Laurierinthe OUA West division, the Warriors earned home field advantage for the important contest against the Ravens. GametimefortheOUAfirstroundpostseason match up from North Campus Field is 3 p.m amcguire@imprint.uwaterloo.ca


FRIDAY. OCTOBER 29, 2004 i

Wounded Warriors return to line-up leading UW to 47-22 win Waterloo to face a huge playoff challenge on Saturday in the form of two-time QUA champion McMaster Rod McLachlan IMPRINT STAFF

After thoroughly defeating the Carleton Ravens 47-22 on October 23 in OUA quarterfinal playoff ac-

tion, the UW men's rugby team will be in deep against the two-time defending OUA champion McMaster Marauders this weekend in the semifinals. On Saturday, October 23, the

Warriors hosted Carleton and set the tone early by jumping out to a 27-0 lead. "'We set the pace - that was the pre-game thing," said Warriors head coach Craig Stuart in a telephone

The UW men's rugby teamt6t.rgfit for. we1fvfttned 47路22 playoffwinsoYerCarietonlast weekend.

Warriors fall one point short of postseason Adam McGuire IMPRINT STAFF

!twas just one of those seasons for the Waterloo men's soccer program. After winning an OUA silver medal andappearingattheCIS nationalcharnpionships in 2003, the Warriors endured an injury-plagued and disappointing season in 2004, culminating with a winless final weekend and elimination from the OUA playoff picture. ''It was a really emotional day," said Waterloo head coach Peter Mackie. "It was a disappointing end to a frustrating season." The Warriors will now undergo a number of roster changes, as many core members ofthe clubwill be graduating after this season. "We've been through a lot in the lastfouryears," Mackie said ''We didn't expect to [miss] the playoffs." The fInal nails in Waterloo's coffIn came this weekend, as Laurier topped their cross-town rivals 1-0, sweeping the home-and-home series on Friday, October22. Then,inamust-winshowdown for the OUA West division's fInal playoff spot, the Warriors came up a goal short in a defensively charged 1-1 tie with the Windsor Lancers. Because the Lancers won the head-tohead tiebreaker with UW, a tie was good enough for Windsor to squeak into the postseason. "Their goalkeepingwas unbelievable," Mackie said. "He just stood on his head." Jeff Fiorino, in what would be his fInal varsity match, scored the lone

Waterloo tally. The intense match up with Windsor was actually created a day before when Waterloo fell 1-0 to the Laurier Golden Hawks. In a tight affair, Hawk midfielder Daniele Toto broke a 0-0 deadlockinthelate stages togiveLaurier the victory and force Waterloo into a must-win game with Windsor. Although the 2004 season was one

to be forgotten, Mackie said he was confident that his team's depth will help strengthen his club next year, despite losing a bevy of veterans. ''That's the good thing about this team," Mackie said. ''We have some rookies that are ready to step in [to more prominent roles]." amcguire@imprint.uwaterloo.ca. ,

The UW men's soccer club found no room to work against a stingy Lancers defence in a 1路1 tie last weekend.

interview. "I didn't even say it. I just wrote it down on the board. We wanted them to keep up to us." The change in strategy defmitely was fruitful as seven different Waterloo players scored trys in the total club endeavour. "It worked beautifully," added Stuart. UW's coach said it became evident that an alteration in his team's game plan was needed after the U of T Varsity Blues jumped out to an early lead in a game two weeks ago on October 16. Luckily the Warriors were able to respond in that contest and win. In the victory over Carleton, the Warriors were also bolstered by the return of a number ofinjured Waterloo players, including 6'0, 210 Ib team captain Brian Stubbs and rookie fly Gavin Richmond, who both played for the fust time in three weeks. When asked whether Stubbs, who scored two trys against the Ravens, would have to have another stellar outing for Waterloo to win thisweekend against McMaster, coach Stuart replied, "For us to beat Mac,' the whole 15 of [UW's roster] better have a good game." Earlier in the season, on Septem-

ber 26, the Warriors lost 43-5 to McMaster. However, this time around, the McMaster Marauders will face a different Warriors line-up after a number of younger athletes have earned their roster spots, said coach Stuart. "We go into the game with our eyes wide open." Yosuke Fukushima, Kevin Lau and Adrian Liu are all among the players named by coach Stuart as young athletes that have won their roster spots and will help the Warriors give McMaster a difficult test. Waterloo heads into the weekend clash sporting a 4-3-0 regular season record and have won three of their last four games. McMaster, on the other hand, ftnished the regular season with a 61-0 record and in the process earned a fust-round bye. For that reason, the Marauders might be showing a little rust against the \Varriors considering that Mac's last game was on October 17. Saturday'S tilt between these two divisional rivals is at 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 30 in Hamilton.

-,Pith files from UW athletics rmclachlan@imprint.uwaterloo.ca



















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., BIG"





















R 19TH



Yes, the Boston Red Sox did just win the World Series ,


And the world will n'ever be the same

Ladies and gentlemen, if you would direct your attention to the centre ring, a flock of pigs will now fly. Yes, pigs call fly now. In fact; Hell has frozen over, too. And if this trend continues, the Toronto Maple Leafs might actually win the Stanley Cup (I shudder to think about it). But the truth is, anything that has ever been deemed an impossible feat - even a Leafs cup - is now conceivable becauseofa single event in October 2004.

The Boston Red Sox won the World Series. No, seriously, they did. Honestly. The Red Sox. It's a tough sentence to comprehend, especially since it has not been uttered. since World War 1. But now that the Red Sox nation has recoven;d from its collective hangover, we must take a step back and look at the global irnpactthe 2004 World Series willhave. First, the nearly orgasmic euphoria at ground zero in New England will forever change the landscape of the Northeastern seaboard. Random Beantowners will be inclined to break out in pro-Sox celebrations thatwill be known only as "wicked good pahtees!" Everythingwill now improve in

Bostonians, theywill just have a brand Boston - the traffic jams ",>ill be more new reason to shower the field with , tolerable, the sketchy harbour water beer bottles. will seem clear, even the chowden,,>ill But the aftershock won't stop taste better now. there. Elderly fans across the country The fallout of Boston's title will will instantly lose prominence when .also be felt'in the Big Apple after the their once unique claims of "I was big bad New York Yankees collapsed alive the last time Boston won the faster than Ashlee Simpson's career. Now, the Yankees and their fans pennant" become commonplace. Former Red Sox first baseman Bill know what it is like to be afflicted with Buckner, whose gaffe in game six of little brother syndrome, standing in the wide Red Sox shadow. The expethe 1986 \Vorld Series cost Boston a rience of blowing a 3-0 series lead to . championship, \\>ill fmally get a good the Red Sox (of all teams) could give night's sleep after6,579 restless nights. New Yorkers a whole new perspec-' And the overworked ghost of Babe Ruth, who has been pestering the tiYe. All of a sudden, The Bronx Zoo of Yankee Stadium will become a Sox for decades with the Curse of the Bambino, ",>ill at last be allowed to warm, welcoming place where the fans judge you not by the colour of truly enjoy the afterlife-wherever he is. your uniform but by the mechanics of your curve ball. Okay, who are we And the biggest effect of the Red Sax World Series title will be felt for kidding? New Yorkers will still hate

a long time, because nothing is now impossible. The 2004 Sox will now become the standard proof t9 th:e statement "stranger things have happened" because nothing stranger than Boston's title drive this yeat\\>ill ever happen. . Nothing is impossible now that the BoSox have won the \Vorld Series. You knO\V that midterm you neglected to study for? Piece of cake, because the Red Sox won the \'<;'orld Series. Backing Ralph Nader in the upcoming presidential election? Hey, he might \vin, because the Red Sox won the World Series. And as for the Red Sox title giving hope to all the .Maple Leaf fans out there? Okay, so stranger things have happened. , amcguire@imprint,uwaterloo.ca

UW eliminated in heartbreaker Andrew Dilts

ors appealed the referee's decision to have only two 10-minute overtime periods. Fiona Boyd, captain of the The UW women's rugby tea,m reUW women's team, was available cently experienced a great deal of for comment on the issue: playoff excitement, on and off the "We appealed the decision for field. two reasons. First, we believed that The \Varriors, who fmished with there was a [third] 1O-minute period a 2-4-0 record this season, faceq off of sudden death ov¢rtime that we . against the Brock Badgers on should have been given to play, but Wednesday, October 20 in OUA were not. quarterfinal playoffaction. The match "Second, we thought that there was a close one, with one, try and one should be five different kickers inconvert being scored by each team yolyed [in the overtime,kicksJrather during regulation play. The resultthan just one." . ing score of 7 -7 meant that" a tieThe Badgers had only used one . breaker was necessary.to settle the kicker during the overtime shots on match. Rugby Canada rules call for Wednesday, where the Warriors had three 10-minute periods of overused five different kickers for their time, followed by five penalty kicks five shots. by each team,ifnec€ssary. UW" s appeal resulted in considerFacing off against the Badgers on able debate as officials consulted two Wednesday, though, the Warriors only separate sets of rules - those for twice went into the 10-minute overIlugby Canada and those for CIS. 'In time periods. The score remained tied, the end, the Warriors won the first resultingin penalty kicks being taken by part of their appeal but lost the sec. each team. The Badgers came out on . ond. top, defeating the Warriors. "We ended up going b}~the Rugby Unhappy with the way the game Canada rules," noted Boyd, "stating played itself out, the women \Varrithat there should only have been one IMPRINT STAFF


The UW silver-medal winning ultimate frisbee club.

Frisbee team finishes second Michelle Titus IMPRINT STAFF

Flying Frisbees Last \veekend, the women's ultimate frisbee c<ompetitive team placed second at a university nationals tournament held in Hamilton. Losing by only one .point to the University of Alberta, this is the best showing the U\V team has ever had at this tournament. Campus Rec challenge In response to boasting by the University ofAlberta for hosting the largest indoor fitness class in Canada, U\'X' is ready to beat their number of 187 participants. So, on Wednesday, November 3 they will attempt just that. In a class from 4:45 p.m. until 6 p.m. at the Columbia Icefield gyms, various fitness genres will be covered, such as cardiocrunch, TKO and TNT. ,

'* ,





The class is free for all UW students as well as gym members. Not only is ita free chance to get your heart pumping, there will also be prizes and giveaways. Campus Rec challenges U\~' students to participate and hush U of' A's banter. . Can u diggit7! Saturday, N oyember 20 \vill see a volleyball tournament brought by the varsity women's volleyball team and campus recreation. "Can u diggit?!" ",>ill take place from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. in the PAC gyms. \'<;!ith various skill levels available to competti in this tournament, it is great for all. Students are encouraged to get a team together. Entry fee is $50 ~r team.

-with files from UW Campus Rec press release ~"

mtitus@imprint.uwaterloo.ca J'





.,. ,.




kicker." Howeyer, officials agreed with part of the \1{:'arrior appeal, stating that three overtime periods should have been played before the game went to kicks. As a result of the ruling, the Warriors bussed all the way to St. Catharine's to play that last 10-minute period on Friday, October 22. ''It was pretty incredible that we ended up \vinning that appeal, because it doesn't happen very often in sports," s'aid Boyd. Unfortunately, the women Warriors were again defeated, remaining scoreless during the 10 minutes of sudden-death overtime and only scoring three kicks to the Badgers' four, resulting in a final score of 19-16. ''We are extremely proud of how we played, certainly in the [extra] 10 minutes of oyertime," stated Boyd. "It was very disappointing to go through that and come up empty, but it was definitely a learning experience for all of us . ''Next year we'll be better for'what we've learned." adilts@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Proudly presents Homecoming Weekend Extravaganza! 7:00pm-

8:30pm 10:00pm 11 :45pm 12: 15am Unlimited 9:00pm

Friday. November 5. 2004 (7pm-2am) Waterloo WarriO'rs Pep rally for Naismith Basketball TO'urnament Shave fO'r a Cure event hO'sted by Smiling O'ver Sickness' (All prO'ceeds go to' the Canadian Cancer SO'ciety) Fan O'f the game cO'mpetitiO'n-win amazing prizes Shrek 1 Shrek 2 Break (pizza and pop) Anchorman play at the Campus Cove for only $5 ($6 non UW students & Alumni) Saturday. November 6. 2004 (9pm-2am) CO'ffeehO'use hO'sted by Rez CO'uncil showcasing sO'me O'fWaterlO'O"s best Free internatiO'nal cO'ffees, teas, and snacks thrO'ughO'ut the night Swing Dance lessO'ns - 9:00pm-II :OOpm in the SLC IO'wer atrium



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Pilate's magical melody and lovely lyrics Musical perfectionism rocks Fed Hall Ela Malkovsky

very tuned into their combined melo-


dies, as though they were on a separate plane, playing for the sake ofplayingin their garage. As soon as they hit the bridge, the group seemed possessed, moving around with the highs and lows of their instruments like there's no tommorow. Pilate's first unofficial recording, a dark melancholic EP titled For All That's Given Wastcd was composed before Keely had joined the quartet. Their debut album, Caught By The Wi~ features songs such as "Don't waste your breath" and "Into your hideout" and presents the band's combined refreshing musical talent. One thing that cannot be ignored when listening to Pilateis Todd's silky voice. Other tricks up his sleeve that were received.well among the crowd included his skillfulincorporat;ion ofa harmonica, as well as his solo on the piano. Toddhad defiantlyproved that he is a music .pro with these multi-

Comingbackto their neck ofth.ewoods after touring the U.K. and the U.S., Pilate returned to Waterloo for the third time in the past year. Pilate crammed over 600 excited fans into Fed Hall on October 23. Astherecently-arrivedPilatemade their f'i.ruU preparations for their show atFedHall, just outside their room, an anticipatory crowd sang along to Eels andWeezer.Aftetafewnot-so-short minutes, out ofthe darkness and into the light, Todd Clark led his band members on stage. The screams ofthe crowd drowned into Bill Keeley'S beats, Ruby Boomrah's bass, Chris Greenough's guitar,and Todd Clark's voice. As one songvery smoothly motphedinto the next, theirskill.fully crafted soundechoed throughout the head-bopping crowd. The band members seemed

talents and musical education from the University ofWestem Ontario. Just as I was about to make a comparison betwee!l Pilate and Radiohead, I found myself wonderingwhyKeeleywasplayingthedtums . barefootwith the bottom ofhis pants slightly rolled up. Perhaps that's the secret to his talent, acquired duringhis many band-ful years. It is safe to say thatRadioheadfanswillappreciatethe tunes that these guys conjure up, but let's hope that their talent will not be wasted by the unoriginality of their sound. One qUestion pops to 路mind ::- are we entering into an age of a Radioheadgenre? Itisseeminglysolove it or hate it. An in all, I was impressed with Pilate's musical tal~nts and their performimce. Judgingbythecheers ofthe crowd at the end of the show in comparison to when they came on, as well as the look ofsome of their hardcore fans who thoroughly enjoyed Todd's decending from stage, Waterloo will look forward to Pilate's next appearancehere.


Pilate tear Federation Hall's walls down and hold you tight between their lines. You can catch the boys at one of their upcoming show's in Ontario throughout October, and the rest of Canadain the upcoming months. For more information on the band log onto theirwebsite atwww.pilate.com. For an audio interview with Pilate

before their Fed Hall show, which inclucies. stOries ofgetting kicked out of Bomber and Fed Hall in the past, visitAoK Onlineatwww.ckmsfm.ca/ aok and click "Audio." emalkovsky@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

CBC wants you to care who the Greatest Canadian is Stephanie Radcliffe SPECIAl TO IMPRINT

informarlveandengagingbutit's.what who argued,andwonawomen's right theprogramsrepresentthatis farmore to vote in Manitoba. In fact, only 20 women in total made the Top 100, interesting. This list gives Canadians, The CDC's list ofthe Top 100 Greatest a no.toriously passive people, some-; only one is woman ofcolour (Senator Canadians was releasedjustoveraweek thing to argue about. However, the Anne Cools, thefirstblackpersonever ago tomuch fanfare. Mediacolumnists listis viewer-nominated, so when we appointed to the Canadian Senate in complain that the list does not ad1984at#72). Donovan Bailey (#89) hitched on to the list and the criticism has been harsh at times, ru,though in . equately represent women or minoriis the only black male to make the list, some cases not invalid Spots 11 to 100 ties, we have no one to blame but and there are just abandfulofAborigion the list (available online at ourselves. nal men. For a country that prides itself .on its multiculturalism, this Andwhatofthatinadequatereprewww.cbc.ca/greatest/greatcanadians/) are already filled, but the top 10 are sentation? Well, the glaring omission white-washed list should make us all currently being decided through variof anyone with ovaries quifkly stands feel a little uncomfortable. ous forms of voting. outwhenyou take a lookat the top 10. Threeptognttns(forTomtnyDougThe public is being persuaded to In fact, ifyou take a look at the full list hu!, Wayne Gretzky and Don Cherry) vote for the top 10 through a series of oflOO,ShaniaTwain (#18) is the first Qave atted so far. Yes,I saidDonCherry. one-hour biographies where celebrity . .woman listed and sits a full seven Ofallthelist's criticism, the "plaid clad" "advocates" argue forwhytheircandispots ahead ofNellie McLung (#25). commentator is bearing the weight of For those of you who missed that mo~t of the disparaging commentary. date deserves to be recognized as the "Greatest Canadian." The actual proparticular Heritage Moment, McLung . However, in aletterto theNaIiona/Po.r; was a member of the ''Famous Five" . Elizabeth FaWcett rightly reminds us grams profiling the top 10 are

that while voting was going on last

spring. Cherrywasinthemiddleof~free speechdebatewiththeCBC-thesame network now honouring him - and elevated his alread): highly visible per- . sona. Thefussislargelyunwarrantedsince it is highly doubtful he'll win. My prediction? TettyFox. WhileTommy Do~s and Pierre Trudeau were great men and politicans, Fox is the onlypersonon the list who managed to unite out, fractured nation and exemplified true Canadian values. In the end, it's just a list and it reflects our current values just as much as how much we value our history. Whoever wins the honour of the "Greatest Canadian," the discussion that these programs have provoked is certainly worth all the fuss.

The Greatest Canadian airs on CBCMondayand Wednesd~ynights at8 p.m. \



An ventn with ycho ing videogames of inciting violence in youth. Pen1!JArcadewas, at the rime, the most popular web comic out there and anauthoritativevoiceingamiflgculture. Theyused their popularity to spearhead acharitydrive, "Child's Play," intended to both better the reputation ofgaming and, more importandy, to help out sick With gaming steadily rising in popular culture, certain figures are beginning to appearasrepresentativesoftheind{;.stry. Jonathan Gabriel and Tycho Brahe started Pen1!JArcade when web comics werestillfewandfarbetween. The comic's fan-base has grown exponentially since its inception and the creators are conrinuallymakingtheirpresenceknown as representatives of all that's good in

gaming. During Christmas of 2003, the . gamingculturereceived bad press accus-

children. Last year, supporters donated over $2,500 andgamerseverywtteretounited for this common cause. I had a chance to chat with Tycho about Pen1!J Arcade, Child's Play, and gaming in general.

Tim: To begin, how did you g'!Ys get involved in. the web comic scene? Tycho: When we started doing it, I'm not sure it qualified as a scene yet Thiswouldhave beenin '98 or so, when

I believe you could have counted the majority of them on one hand.

What isyour opinion on the Cltrr!,l! state of PC gaming? Console gaming? I'll tell you this much - we're in the middle of one of the most insane holiday seasons on record, great, longanticipated tides with no end in sight on PC and console. Askrne in a doldrum, andI'llbeabletodrumupsomeapocalypticopinioneeringforyou. Rightnow, I'm too busy enjoying myself.

,What wereyour motivations for starting Child's PIqy? Collecting toys for children's hospitals is a good thing all by itself, but if Child'sPlayis able to counteract some of the hostile and jUst plain odd media aboutgamers evetyrimea youngperson misbehaves in this country, that's a nice side benefit

LIstyear, you !l!Ys raised an incredible amount for a great cause. What sort oj ftedback didyou receiz'e?

were happy to act as a conduit for their generosity, but that's all we did.

The feedback was almost universally positive. Not only from th~hospital, as you'd expect-even participants themselves wrote to thank us for the opportunity. Thatwas nice ofthem to do, but they'retheoneswhomadeitwork. We

As a child of the gaming age, and a person who still turns to videogames in rimes ofstrife, I commend Pen1!JArcade ontheiracrions. Ifyou'd like to help out, checkoutwww.childsplaycharity.org. talamen@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

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Golden Dogs play to an empty Bombshelter Nathalie Brunet SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

I previously saw the Golden Dogs in my hometown of Sudbury at the end .of this summer. Having been impressed by their concert in Sudbury,I was filled with excitement and anticipation and automatically assumed that the Bomber would be filled to capacity for theit show. Such wasn't the case this past Friday. Nonetheless,those wise enough to venture out were not disappointed. Hailing from Toronto, the Golden Dogs delivered a high-energy performance not soon to be forgotten.

The lyrics, "just can't get enough," from their song "1985" best describe how I felt about the show. My ears enjoyed their fresh and creative sound, while my body was overcome with an overwhelming de site to shake and twist. My eyes were drawn to each ofthe bandmembers' enthusiastic performances. Frontman Dave Azzolini was allover the stage, throwing his head back, marching on the spot and generally being a textbook-quality rock stat. All the while, keyboardist/back-up vocalist/ tambourine player Jessica Grassia blew me away with her fantastically sharp and crisp manner, like


an attractive drill sergeant having the time of her life. ' Song transitions were fun and seamless, ensuring the show flowed smoothly. Songs such as "Can't Get Your Face out of my Head" had catchy choruses that I was able to pick up just in time to sing along before the song ended and left me wanting more. In the end, no review can come close to describing the Golden Dogs experience. The energy of theit live performance and the positive atmosphere they create is something that should be experienced for yourself. Catch them at theit next show, and I promise you won't be disappointed.

at Westmount. next to Food Basics I Info@hJshlandimagecentre.com

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From a Basement to your CD Player Elliott Smith From a Basement on the Hill Anti Records

CliChes arewondetful things. Y oucould spend days upon days overusing them to help eXplain the inaccuracies thatsutround us in life. However, the music of ElliottSmithcan never be acliche. It just won'twork.Nope, neverhas,neverwill . Elliott Smith's last album, From a BtisenJCI1! on the HiD, released posthumously, is aperfectexample ofa clicheless album. It continues thejoumeythat was abrupdyintertupted by an unfortunatefatalaccident-anaccidentthathas bumeditselfinto the collecrlve minds qf his devout fanbase. And the songs on this.album don't allow those scars to


FABOIH startsoutwhereF~8, his last release left off. "Coast to Coast" beginswithaslowttemblewhichquickly rises to a fullcrescendo. ''Let's GetLost" isa beautifullovesongin theveinofNick Drake, while ''Don't Go Down" continues to showcase Smith's majestic songwiiting ability. Numerousreferencestohisdeathare snuck into most songs. "King's Crossing" includes the refrain, "I can'tprepare for death anymore thanI already have," and on "Fond Farewell" he sings, "The cold comfort of the in-between/a litde less than ahuman being/alitde less than a happy high/alitdeless thana suicide."



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,~: Neither on a basement or a hill, Smith's music will be missed. Smith eveninclu4es a sharp dig at the Otiginally,FABOIHwastobeadoucuttent U.S. government on "A Disble-album but was scaled back to just torted Reality is Now a Necessity to be one CD. The only explanation is the Free"with "God knows why my counfinancial incentive his estate eyes now try don't give a fuck." that they have a bulk of unreleased Smithoftenplayedall ofthese soQgS material at theit fingertips, without at solo performances prior to his death, the guidance of Smith to interfere. so they are not enrirelyunknown. The With all its detractions, this album increased effortin production adds to is heavily recommeded. The melodic the Spector-ish sound Smith was atand lyrical content that Smith effort-. tempting to create with each album, lesslyprovides will draw the listenerin but lacks the sincerity that his live andwon'tletgo. This is an album that shows possessed. even the harshest critic will enjoy and The only unfortunate aspect one . treasure foryears to come. Itisoneof can look at this album from is that the year's best releases. Smith'scareerwillalmostcertain1ycontinue by his estate, ala Jeff Buckley. Dave George-Cosh

•• •• I I



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Exposing the right-wing media bias Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism Robert Greenwald The Disinformation Company

Outfoxed is made with neither the level ofwit nor the pure entertainmentvalue of Farenheit 9/11 - but its still worth \vatching. Outfoxed is about the dangers of media conglomerates ~ the trend toward a few big companies controlling the majority of print and TV media. Filmmaker Robert Greenwald has

focussed on a case study, the most obvious example of media partisanship: the FOXi.,\JEWS Network, one of the jewels in media-mogul Rupert Murdoch's crown. Whethru: based on choice or necessity, Greenwald has composed his documentaryinawayeerilyakintoanE-true Hollywood story. Outfoxed featutes a number ofinterviev.'s with people who have worked at, observed, or have sttongopinions about Foxl.,\lEWS. 'W'hile comments from people like AI Franken are easily dis-

Old-fashioned tranny fun an earlier 9 p.m. screening in addition to the 11:15 p.m. show. This is quite an event; there's a lot Hallowe'en is just around the bend of demand for this crazy, frightening asifyoudidn'talreadyknow.Ofallof flickmdeachyearthemovieplaystoa the celebrated days out there, Hallow- . fully loaded theatre. The only downeen is probably the most fun. Can you side is that tickets are $12-a bit costly. cover yourself in fake blood and deThe movie does "Sell out each year so I mandcandyfrom strangers on Christguess they can say that the price has mas? Heck no youcan'tl Well,1 mean, becbme infIateddue to <;lverwhelming I guess you can, but you'll probably get demand, but I've still got to raise an arrested. But come October 31, eyebrow at this. there's nothing holding The~.again, how can you you back, baby. put a price on transvestites dancing around and However,ifyou're into something a bit singing 'TIme Warp'? more low-key, but Exactly,youcan'tlIf still appropriyou haven't seen ate1y:festive, then the flick before and there are other less COURTESY ROCKYHORROR.COM are interested, I'd

missed as partisan rabble-rousing, criticism from venerated ne\vsman \'{!alter Cronkite has a force that's harderrodeny. Greenwald has also included remarks from non-partisan media watchdogs like Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR),Media11atters, etc. Truly fascinating are the clips compiled from various ~oxl"EWS broadcasts. The illustration of the extreme tactics and the distain for facts is shocking. The selectiveness of the "news" presentedandthevariousotherpropaganda tactics (theconstantflashingofthe

Frank 'Black shows a bipolar side on new CD

Filip Vukcevie


dramatic options available. Do you like musicals? Do you like catchy songs from the '70s?Or maybe cross-dresslog transvestites are the thing for you. Well, then Princess Cinema has the perfect solution to your HallO\ve'en woes: The Rock), Horror Picture Shaul Each year Waterloo's lovely Princess Cinema holds amid-night screeningofthe '70s cult classic. Yeah, that is sort oflate for a Sunday, but we're in greatluck this year: since they also have

definitely recommend you come on down - it'll be a fun time. If you are familiarwith the film, then what better wano celebrate Hallowe'en than with a movie that has been playing in thea!res since 1975?1fyoudon'tgetyour ticket in advance, make sure to come a bitearlyas tickets are scarce on the night of the show. For more details check out www.princesscinema.com.It·s just a jump to theleft - hope to see you there.

Mosh-ing of a different type Zach Slootsky SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Eminem has taken a political aim ,'lith a track offhis ne\vest album EnCfJre, set to beteleasedNovember16. Thettack, entitled 'I\fosh,'wasleakedto theintemet thi~\\'eekandhasalteadycreatedquitea

stir in the media. Last \'</ednesdayon BBC 1National Radio, Zane Lowe gave out the link to download the fileillegally. Multiplecopiesofthettackeanquicklybefuunciacross the web. . Thetrack, produced by Dr.Dre,isnot yoUr t}'Pical Eminem song in that there areno gags, punchlines orgoofysounds; ~imply a message about the upcoming election. Follo\Vlng Eminem's sudden left-wing stance, he comments in an interview set to be·published in the November issue of Rolling Stofte that, "Bush is definitely not my homie."The 32-year-old also admitted to the maga-

zinethatheplanstovotethisyearforhis first time, animpressive feat considering he's had the chance to do so for the past 14yeru:s. . In the song Eminem tells Bush to fight his own personal battles, ''Let the presidentans\verouranarchy/Sttaphim" withanAK-47/lethimgofightbisown .war/Let him impress daddy that way/ No more blood for oil/ wegotouro\\n battles to fight on our own soil." He continues on bluntly, "\'t;'e got young people over there dyin', kids in their teens, early twenties that should have fututes ahead of them. And for what? It seems like a Vie~two. Bin Laden attacked us, and we attacked Saddam. Explain why that is. Give us some answers." \~'hetherthis songis a sincere political protest on behalf ofEminem, oryet another tactic to shock somemorepublicit}" outofreactionary American media t.; still open for debate. .


flag, the shouting down of critics chanceofdying[...]in1mqthantheydo inCalifomia;"'J0hnKenylooksFrench;" and opponents) is outrageous. «204 days till G~orge W. Bush is ~­ Though the multitude of talking elected'j,clipupon clipisrainedd~non heads andmelodramaticmusicgets old, us, some funny, some just scary. worth noting are the quiet pieces of ~ Forallofits faults, thestorytoldbythis evidence such as the memos sent out by film is worthwhile. \~'hat's more, OutFoxI'JEWS'headhonchos dictatingexact1y how news stories ofthe day will be . foarJistimelyforCanadiansastheCRTC iscurrentlydecidingifFwa'\JEW'Swillbe covered - which stories should be corningroa1Yscreennearyou. Consider glazed over or overblown. thisapreview--ei.therthat,onvatchitfur The caseagainstFIJXJ.l\;'E U7Sis overpretty-bo}~ Bill O'Reilly and Heraldo whelming -.-: from the. 2000 election Riveirn. debacle to the presentdaylraqwarcovSerena Wong erage (sample news: "citizens have less

Frank Black Frank Black Francis SonicUnyon

This is why an artist shoUld do theit own thing, and tell their.managers to shove it when they o£f~r "helpful"



Frank Black Francis consists of two discs. The first is the result of an impromptu recording of the Pixies first aIbum,ComeOnPilgrim,playedbyBlack. The album's prod).lcer asked Black to p~y a couple songs into a cassette Walkman so he could have some audio

notes for the upcomingr!!cording session. Understandably, this disc contains some very informal versions of what would become Pixies' classics. Theseconddiskisare-recordingof 13 Pixies ~ongs. There is no doubt that these re-recordings are pitiful mutilations of the original songs. As Black writes in the album cqver, "I realize some fans or critics might feel like I'm messingwiththeGospelhere ... "Black also explains that his manager convinced him not to release the first disc alone because buyers might feel "a bit ripped off." The Pixies' originals are masterpieces, but the second disc seems to indicate that they are fragile in that denomination. When the free-flowing lyrics of, say, "Caribou" or ''Nimrod's Son" arecombinedwithmusicalstylings of the Two Pale Boys they not only sound like a complete reinterpretation of the songs, b~t they seem to be insults to the original form ofthe songs.

Itis difficultto describe what makes the Pixies originalmusic so captivating, but this re-recordingsttips awayagood partofwhatthemagicwascomprisedof. " Itrecombines the skeleton ofthe songs withahollowinterpretationofthe songs which does no justice to the originals. The first disc, however, is the polar opposite ofthere-recorded perversions. It is the original Pixies in theit rawest fonn. FraOk Black belts out Come On Pilgrim all by himself. For those who don'tknoworcare about the Pixies, this disc is probably not entertaining at all. ' Butforanyonewholoves the Pixies, this is a rare treat. So, if you're a neurotic fan you'll probably buy this album anyway, but here's some advice. Ifyou're not familiar with the Pixies, shlp'this one andgo get any other Pixies album. If you're a fan, buy the album but don't bother to injure your ears by listening to the rerecorded disc. Laura Katsirdakis

Your annual Imprint Hallowe'en mixtape Amy Lam

Chris Oark- The Dogs

Patrick Wolf - Childcatcher


The cover ofthis Chris Clarkalbum has a vfry forlomlittle blond boy looking lost in the snow. It's probably the howling and barking of the mean machine-dogs that he can hear in the distance, dogs fiercer than pit-bulls who threaten to eat each others' faces.

Another forlorn blond boy on th.e lam from yet another sinister adult: if there's anything you learn from olden fairy tales and deep, dark forests, it's that you can't trust anyone over 30.

Remember when forests were actually scary, tilled with all sorts ofcarnivorous animals and ill-bearing hermits? Rememberwhenfood\\>aSscarceandyour parents sent you there to die? This is for thelittle children who didn'tmakeitoutalive. Suffer unto ye!

Liars Witch·

As the squirrels dance about collecting fallen acorns for theit young, a bro\\n frog falls victim to the trials of mother's nature. Please,please,please,my friend, do not step on thy spots, as the asphalt has not begun to trost.


Thefirstthingyomvill encounter when you. enter the evil forest is probablyawitchwho enjoys eating the tender flesh of young boys. One way you can counter this is to make like craz~d (sexy!) !Jars frontman Angus Andrew and want to be a horse. 1fyouhaveatail.*nwitchwillprobably think twiceaboutmakinga delicious pie out of you.

My Morning Jacket I Will Be There When You Die



i\faybe that horse thing won't work out, and youget stabbedinthe face. This sounds like you're actually getting stabb-b-bedin thefa-c-c-ce.

Xiu Xiu - Brian the Vampire Imagine Joy Division in a giant blender with five million chickens, woods of dark persuasion, and a single vampire named Brian. Yeah, that's Xiu Xiu.

Teenage Jesus and the Jerks EmptyEyes

Sometimes, though, you just can't escape your fate, despite all your attempts at foiling the evil ofthe forest. Thankfully, a little tree gnome will sing you to eternal sleep \vith this lovely ballad. Oh, it's notso bad after all.

OldTimeRe1ijun-Vampire Victim 1fnotstabbedin the face, then bleedingfursorrteraspy-voiced,age-oldvampire shouldleaveyousufficientlydrained (and yet strangely exhilarated,

Listen to AnD' and her co-host Ke17)' S sholJi, Short Shorts, Tbllrsdqysfrolll midflight - 2 a.m. all CKMS 100.3 EH Rodio If?a/moo





1111 11...-,.,. IhIIIIIP _ _




Is camp.us security securely secure? Christine Loureiro

Kevlar vests and is conferred with , police powers ofsearch, seizure, arrest and rdease byWaterlooRegi.on Police When Yotk University's student newsServices Board, giving them special constable status. paper, Excalibur, broke with their investigative news story on the stat~ of UW security's status as a police force wassetlongago. AccordingtoSergeant theircampus securitysemce, they raised • Wayne ShorttofUW Police Services,it concem about the safety ofuniversity has always consisted ofspecial constacampuses overOntarioandprompted Imprint to conduct its own look at bles and upon past reviews, a commit,tee consisting of administrators and UW's security scene. Throughout September and Octhe Federation of Students suggested tober, in a three-part series, Excalibur that UWPolice Services shouldtrulin: tain its police presence on campus to used testimony from members of the better serve the community. York University Security Services to Excalibur's articles provided stunexpose theinadequacy and inefficiency oftheotganization. According to staff ning revelations made by security officers, reporting that the main funcspeaking under the con<4tion of anotions of the security services do not nymity,ExcaliburreportedthatYork's include "physical intervention or any campus security is frequently undersort of altercation." staffed, embellishes community poThat's been a yery conscious and licing reports in favour of a,positive cleat decision because tbatis the role of reputation, are unarmed (they do not carry handcuffs) and most alarmingly, the police and that's what the police are prohibited by York policy from should be responding to, explained Andy Wickens, York's assistant vicephysically intervening in any crime in progress. Excalibllr successfully porpresident ofcampus servicesandbusitrayed York's securityofficers,asgloriness operations. The campus safety officer ,"Bill," fied hall monitors. reflected on anincidentwhere one stuWhy does it seem acceptable to student \VllS assaulted by as many as ten d~tsar1dparents~~ve~se<:Wio/~ ihatoolyservestocaD.tht;~when people~securitystaffstood byand something goes wrong? Couldn't the watched. Their mandate, he said, in a witnesses who called c;unp!lS security situation like this would be only to make the caD. themselves? Is this sup- instruct the assailants to stop and inposed to make students feel safe? form them of the impending visit by' lJW~~ own campus safety organiToronto police. On this day, he added, zation is certainly not perfect (one police didn't show up and the ambu-" thinks of a ce~a!tercation at Fed lance took an hour and a half to arrive. Hallin December 20~which Police The Waterloo difference Services reportedly failed to respond to adequately) butis thankfully differAccording to Sergeant Shortt, ent - UW Police Services ensures UW's officers hllve either. previous adequate staf~g, arms its offices with experience in police forces or are new ASP collapsible batons, handcuffs and recruits from college police foundaIMPI3INTSTAFF


better for the students, better for the staff and better for the faculty. While Excalibllr reported that York's security services were often understaffed, Sergeant:, Shortt told Imprint that there are always one platoon sergeant and three officers on duty at UW, plus office staff during business hours. In Excaliburs Octoper 6 issue, ''Bill'' claimed that York's securityservicesrunshortifanofficer doesn't make a regularly scheduled shift.At UW, police services willmake an effort to have atleast a full plat.oon offourrunninga night shift, especially on pub or special events nights. UWPolice Services does notdefer its cases to Waterloo Regional Police, as York does to the Toronto Police. "Everything is handled here from original complaints and findings to court preparation and presentation if required," said Sergeant Shortt. "At times, WarerlooRegionalPoliceiscalled for backup situations." UW Campus Police also call on "Waterloo Regional Police's specialty services as required, including sics for fingerprinting and securing a crime scene.

tions courses. Allofficers receive additional training, including a two-week special constable course focused on university issues and a yearly in-service on the use of force. This in-service trains and certifies officers on the accepted procedures foruse of force. "I just think that at the University of Waterloo, becauseweareswqmas special constables; giving us powers of search, seizure,arrestandrelease,we can betterservethecity," saidShortt. "It just helps to provide a safer coriununity."

Exe.libur IS report provided stunning revelations'made by security officers, reporting that the . main functions of the s~curity services do not include "physical intervention or any sort of altercation."


Grant of power is kay

It is iinportant to no~:t~at Surprisingly though, UW is one of only eight Ontario campuses to employ~ecialconstable forces - justthe universities of Windsor, Western, Guelph, Toronto, Carleton,Brockand MacMa~t;qhave followed the trend. SergeantShotttwamedagainstcomparing the York andWaterloo services directly, siven the one-sided nature of the Excalibllrreport. But he would say

Excalibur did not provide any'con-



plan and actin any given situation was

crete, historicajreason for the status of York's security service, although in an October 6 editorial by Gary Brewer, vice~presidentfinance andadministration at y ork,itwas noted that "York's security policies were developed to refleet the standards and values of the university comm~ty, not as a result of some administrative decree.'~ Bkwerwtote that arming security officers with batons, handcuffs and

pepper spray wou.!d not necessarily make the campus safer and could put students at risk. Whatmak.esthecampus secure and peaceful is a continued emphasis on prevention. What makes UW and the other seven policed universities special is that their powers, in varying degrees, arecoQfetted by local police. The UW Police Services fall under the jurisdiction ofWaterloo Regional Police and are directed to enforce provincial and municipal legislation as well as criminal code violatio~!? They are able to deal with any infraction with the use of ' administrative or legal sanctions. Through the administration and Federation of Students, according to Sergeant Shortt, UW decidedlongagq that a police service would be the best way to serve this communitY. SergeantShortttoldImpri»tthatone of the benefits of on-campus police forces is that in Waterloo, London, Toronto and Hamilton, the universities are centrally located and open to . entire communities, not just students. Campuses arenotonly cross- sections ofthecommunit}'.butofculture, which ' sometimes requires the special training that goes alongwith a campus force. YM'sFedetationofStudenishave calledfortheimplementationofspecial constable status, believing that security guards are fairly useless. According to Sergeant Shortt, our Federation ofStudents played an active role in securing a c;unp!lSpoliceforcefurstudents. Whatever York's reasons furmaintainingits security service instead ofswitching to anon-campuspoliceforce, this'S~ent can only feelsaferfor thepowers given to UW's campus police. cioureiro@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Close encounters with wild jheri curls That's how :Michael Jackson burried his head. I don't mean to mock Asian Jhericurl~fanbutwhenyougotfresh

My morning routine is fairlypredicable and uneventful. I walk to school. I grab a steeped tea at Tim Horton's. I walk through the SLC while gazing at attractive dames in the Great Hall. And then I go to class. Sometimes interesting developments arise that transform my banal mornings into barial mornings with interesting developments. So last week I see this Asian dude . with a Jheri curl. Yo, that shit's rarer than catching the abominable snowman writing the ELPE. Now, I'm not one to judge, but dudes, he had a Jheri curl. That went out of style back when Urkel was crapping his pants. I know retro can w~rk but Jheri curls are flammable.

Jheri curl juice still dripping from your head, let the mockery begin. That was my moming. In the afternoon, I encountered another hair-raising incident Okay, no more puns. This other guy, I swear he was waiting for his Rastafatiatj membership. He was this Caucasian chap sitting under a tree whistling Bob Marley. Fair enough. Bob Marley's cool but Rasta Man was straining for the chorus. Heck, even Chewbacca could whistle "One Love." Shiiiiet, dude even had clip-on dreads. Richie Rich had more rasta credo If you're gonna embody certain cultutal traits of a group, do it right! Myvittiolic attack on posers shall now be reserved for a 0

subset of the brown crowd 'cuz I like making fun of my people. Disclaimer- this is a humour column so I will satirize society as I see fit. If you have a problem, go lick a lactating hippo's nipple, the hell I care. , Take the "thugs" on campus. i.e. die skinny brown dudes who hang out in packs of ten with nary a female in site. These guys talksmacklikeitwas oxygen, but then attack their differential calculus when smack talk eats into their assignment time. They also talk like this: . "Yo guy, see that fine hiatch over

there. I'm gonna slap that tonite," there Hetamb goes labeling again." holdly announced Poser # 1. This is 22 years of empirical evidence '~Reany guy? Shelookin' nicer than my lame-o friends. You'd think these a souped up Honda! Hold on: I got a brown girls were wace Kelly by their text message from my girl! ... Oh she princess behaviour. Guys knowwhat wants me to come over tonight! I'm I'm saying. g<>nna slam her like Hogan slammed . Thisis a standard line from a brown Andre;' mentioned Poser # 2 in an chiquita club - ''Wow, did you just affirmative tone. see the cut eye that hoe gave me?" said Actual text message reads: "Habib. the brown-girl who thought she was This is mummy. Eat the samosas all that but, in reality, was kinda nastY. Shantiauntymade for you. The tamalooking. rind chumeyis in a Tupperware conConscience in my head: "Whoa tainer in the fridge." now Herambone, yo~ just insulted The poser puts on this fa<;ade of a demographic that provid~s you phony coolness. Hey,hrownguys only minutes of sensuous pleasure each ham it up forthe girls, year. They'll never sleep with you let's berea!. Speaking now!" of which, the brown On that note, brown girls are smart, can be quite a beautiful, even-tempered, rational, packagt; themselves. humorous, playful and whatever the lfyoucouldbottle " opposite of mental is. Herambone ,,«rtitude','at a club, gives brown girls the brown fist of brown girls would approval. take the cake. Sure Myconscience:"Nicerecovery,son." some of you lame-os are crying, "Oh no, hramachandran@imprint.uwaterloo.ca o






Guyananesepolitics divided on racial lines -





The vote is a black and brown issue Guyanese for th.e People's National .Co~ess (pNC); it is sadly, a simple stat~entoffact. Freeelecti.ons, which . retumedin 1992, while they have ben- . efited the couritry, also serve as a remmder of the division and ra:ncor between Guyana's own two soli!Udes. Unless·this democratic deadlock is For me, one of the side benefitS of broken, Guyana's future does notlook working abroad for six months was promising. the chance to escape the Oaily banality It would be impossible to sumofCahadian }Wlitics, especiallyourgla- ~inentiretyhowGuyanaarrived ciallyfrozen votit;l.gpatterns. In highly . at this juncture, but here are thennpor- . predictable fashion, Albertans ,vote . tailtevents.lntheearly1960s,BritiUn . Conservative, Ontarians liberal and andAmericaw<:J:econcemedaboutthe. French Canadians Bloc. Post~electi.on, popuWityand the Marxistleaningsof we are allleftWringingour handsatthe tilePPP. They then intervened to cremule-headed stubbornness of 'those ateanelectora!systembasedonpro" . people' for alwqys voting for 'them.' portional representation that would After two months of observing prevent the PPP from winning an Guyanan politics, I would gladly take outright majOrity, and hopefully force banal any day. Here, voting patterns thealreadyract!-basedpoliti~parties have been set in concret<7 along racial to co-operate. This plan backfired terlines since the British begandisman- ribly'when the PPP w:on the most tling th~ir empire in the 1950's. It is votes in the 1964 election, but were not a generalization to state that Indo- maneuvered out of power by an alli- ' Guyanese vote for the People'S Proance ofthePNC and the small United . gressive Party (PPP) and Afro- Forcep~. By 1968, the PNC, under .




the leadership of Forbes Bumh~, loser-take-allelections with the PPP's host. In a gross simplification of tlJ.e had dropped its coalition partner, bewinner-take-all votes has resUlted in situation, Afro-Guyanese claim the gunthesystematicliiggingofelections anirnprovementin Guyru:la'S economy government is illegitimate and disand proceeded ~o transform Guyana and civillibetti.es, ethnic tensiong,are criminatory against their cotnmunity, into a single-party state. increasingly acute and there remains • whlle the Indo community believes Onceinpowet, thePNCablysreered widespread dissatisfaction with the that the PNC and its supporters are Guy:anafrombeingoneofthewealthidirection that the nation is heading.. fomenting racial violence and sub'est Caribbean coootries to sharing the Difficulty in obtaining co-exisrence, . vetting democracy to ~ngineer oa reeconotnic basement with Haiti. They much lesscoop<:ration, between the tum to power; stale~ate. • also rewarded their supporters with twomajorpartiesisthemajorfactorin' Race aside, it is very hard to deterjobs, and as a result Guyana's public this .situatio'n. mine what exactly differentiates the service is almost entirely Afro' . The' PNC refused to accept the two major parties on' the issues fac-" Guyanese. In comparison,· Indoresultsofthel997 elections and caIled . ingGuyana. Take local government Guyanese dominate in ~ agriculupon its. supporters. in the union .. elections for example. They have not tore and the urban btlsiness sector. movC!Ilent, pUlJlic service and elsetaken place foradoun years, resultWith close co":'operationfrom where to take to the streets. Public ingin an obvious decline.intheqoalformer u.S.PresidentJi:mn.b.y Carter demons1;rations, vandalism and vio-. ity ofmunicipal govdnance. ThePPP andhisAtlanta-basedfoun~tion,free lence followed, along with continucan<fPNCboth claim a desit-eto exelections haveretumed t@ Guyana. 6uS labour strife. All the while the pedite the elections and blame each The 1992, 1997 and 200·1.votes, all opposltionpartychallengedtheelecother for holding up the process. monitoredanddeclared''basicallyfair'' -",tion results in court. . ' One is leftwiththe impression that by international observers have led to The High Court eventually called neither wants elections to take place three consecutive rnajoritymandates. for new elections in the spring of and that it is simpler to cast blame foithe PPP. It is at this poifitthattbe 200L The PPP took 53 percent ofthe than to sol~e the problem. Allin all, logic of demograpbics took hold of vote and the PN C again took to the despite reading the papers every day, Guyanan politics as 50 percent of the . streets. Political and criminal violence I find it almost impossible to detel'population is of Eas! In~ descent_ began to rise in tandem, culminating miD;e what, substantively, the parversus the 36 per cen.t whQ,are of in a July 2002 storming of the presities' stand for. African descent . dentialcompound by protestors WhiletherwlacementofthePNC's,' egged on by a prornirient talk show See POLITIC page 23

Being scary and staying sexy Michelle Titus .

.', ,:'




I START~ NOVEMBER 12 I Pi1iii!iifcrNiMA

For children Halloween is about go;ing door to door for candy, for parents it's a matter of dressmgyour kid warm enough, and for many it's about finding the perfect costume.

Thegreatthing ahout this holiday are thelack ofbouridaries. Costumes can be barely there or even extremely . tat:ky. It is ;l time' when we can ex_plore our inner selves and share. them . in costume form and giving in to your sexuiI self can be extremely helpful.~Being sexually free on this. nightpromotesexcitingend~avoi:u:s,




however, there are certain things that must be given consideration ill order to promote a truly pleasurable eve ..After all, what's the point of digging deep within for a t.!lcy costUmeand then have a small detail ruin the experien~e? Sometimes a costume idea seems so great that little things that could erase all chances of meeting a special someone aren't realized. For instailce, make-up heavy costumes can mean a messy make-out session. On the other hand this can add an erotic, sloppy aspect to the fes~ties. Just be sure to plan~eadandbuygoodqualitymake­

up that will not stain sheets (there is a . t:hUlg as too many-stains). While some opt for make-up others take the mask route. This avoids later messes, but brings its own set of problems. Masks should not be depended upon throughout the night, take it offa few tinies to advertise that youaren'thidinganythingundemeath. Thatis unless you are into the thrill or anonymity. Ifthis is the case be sure to keep the mask on during the entire time and be prepared to slip out the next morning. When taking someone home weaiing a mask be aware that what lies beneath may not fit the costume so save the curiosity for George~ Halio'Weenmakes role play possibiliti.esclljl<!,splay and getting more mileag¢~na.costumeiseven better-just be ~utioirswhen decidingwhether to renib'Vetbe mask.

'Another iinpottant cos~e at-' tftbtitt!is accessibility. NI'fth:in~wr~ the mood more "than awkward 00dressmg in the heat of tj:J.e moment. This is easily forgotten when puttiiig together a costUme 'and isn't tealiied until later tlrat night. While role play is fine and dandy Itcomes to an end eventually and there's no need for costumedismahtl€'io be next to im· possibI~:l11CIvise strongly against one piece body suits and pants with too many buttons (ie. Authentic sailor outfits). The final concern is undergarment neglect. After putting much effort into a costume, underwear can 'be forgotten. Ot course comfort is a factor, but there is a line that shoulCI not be crossed A sexy costume should mean as a whole including underneath. Imagine a sexy deyi} stripped down toratty granny panties or a .' firefighter will skids on his boxer briefs. ;Roleplay goes out thewiridow and reality is resumed. All in all Halloween is a great reason to get crazy and dress funky. It also makes getting booty Ii little more exciting: When it comes to. a successful costume details are the · keytohavingpost-m~squerade satisfaction. So pay -attention to the little things and be safe. I remember being told to be safe before going trick-or-treating as a kid and that still resonates in my head. Don't' eat unseated candy translates into don't · forget the condom when sealing the deal. . . As a child I also remember the excitement of-going home and eating and that's what I look forward to this Halloween as well. I will eat and be eaten and so should you. mtitus~print.uwaterloo.ca .



Pierre Trudeau takes on Richards

Continued from page 22 ofalla square such as yourself." Keith The PNC has no agenda aside doesn't flinch, just says, ''Prove it" and starts eating eggs. Now the crowd is from getting back into power. I have "ai, it's the 'prime minnista! 'E's roaring, and counting. "One!" ''Two!'' not seen them deliver any new ideas for Guyana or one legitimate argufancy,'e is. T like. your parits, Miista I don't know what to do. He makes it prime minnista!" Then he lets out up to seven, and I think, do it for ment for being included in the govthis kind oflaugh-cough type thing, Canada,'Fierre. So I pick up thr~e eggs ernment, aside from their braying and, the entire room just cracks up. It arid swallowthemm one mighty gulp. about "inclusivi1j' and veiled threats must hav:e been at least a hundred The room is silent, and I can see the about what may happen if they are people. I'm thinking to myself, fear in Keith's eyes. Unbeknownst to . not brought into a nebulous damned if this hooligan is going to many, I dabbled in the professional "power"sharing agreement." In the make fun of my suit, which by the eating circuit before ftook up the law. interim, they have taken their toys way was a fine custom number from From there, the <;ontestgot ugly. The and gone home, ,as part of their Saville Row. But, diplomacy is a vir- smell of sulphur filled the air. ''Twenty campaign of "selective non-particitue a good leader must have, so I Five!" ''Thirty!'' "Forty!" pation." PNC Members of Parliaresponcied,"Why, thank you, yours Now at this point, I'd belyin~if ment are now a rare, sight at Parliaare quite nice as well." Atthis point I said I wasn't scared. I could see:the . mentor on its many committees. I look down at his pants, and it headlines, ''Prime Minister expfodes This has of course, not prevented occurred to me that I shouldn't have in bizarre rock and roll egg orgy." them. from collecting their spokeri .so soon. He was wearing a Bu~ I wasn't about to go back down paycheques. pair of lavender· fishnet stockings with out a fight. "Forty Fivel" I Alas, there are no innocents in with purple ostrich feath~ knew iEI ate another egg, there'd he Guyanan politics. The PPP sees any ers attached at random trouble. But suddeniy; out of nocriticism of the government as eviintervals. So where, Keith jumps to his feet and dence of a conspiracy to defraud them Richaros . cackles mutters "Sod." and runs for the out. of power, a la 1964, and the • ' again and bel:" . balcony. NoW; it would be un-genresulting paranoia keeps tensions. lows, "Canada!!t tlemanly for me to describe what between the government, the public ain't no real coun- happened next, but suffice to say, service and the Afro population at try, •they's British the pigeons on Front Street did not large high. property, they is. go hungry that day. I looked at the Fear of a return to power by the 'Ere's what I fink a crowd and, in my best prime minis~ PNC is what keeps the PPP in Cinada, ya wee nancy~" terial voice, said, ''Let that be a le,§~pn po,¥er, ..as only 2,7 per cent of Arid he hawks a gigantic to you all. Do not mess with Canada, Guyanese say they are sapsfied witfi loqgie" which flies directly and do not mess' with Pierre Elliot its, performance. Just as frustrated off the balcony of the suite. Ttudeau!" Brezhnev high-fived me, Ontarians came back to the Federa:l Now I think to myself, "Trudeau, ;nd from then 'on in we were fast Liberal tent to keep out the Con~ it'~ one thing for the man to insult friends. I wish I could say the same servitives, Indo-Guyane.se have your suit. But nobodyspitli. QA:}C.QW; ~r·Keith Richar,d~~~I;,~el£. . !orlg.Jllemo.,ties...<:>:£. the.R.n<;ien r~ country." Ofcourse, I know exactly though. That man does not like me gimeand are serio~sly concerned what's running through Brezhnev's to this day. that voting for a third party will head: if Trudeau can't stand up to Wow, I must Sf!}, that is a magnijicent allow the P~C to run-up the midthis emaciated guitarist,what's he . story. dle and back into power. The race going to do against the Soviet Un_The moral is: If anyone ever chal·on race nature of the current crime i~n? So I look Richards in the eye, lenges you to an egg eating contest, situation only adds further salt to and say "Now look here, you're not don't back down. Even if.it's Keith Guyana's racial wounds and politiRichards .. cal paralysis. togethe.r;;man." '. Frorn.;tllat point, things just escaWords to live I?J. In the end, I must conclude tHat lated. Keith stands up, and addresses I've had a few more run-ins.with perhaps trying to readan article about the crow'd. ''Trudeau, 'e. ain't but a the Stones since then, but we caA'save our Byzantine provincialequalization bloomin Canadian, ionit. 'E ain't got theln for another day. system is n,ot that complicated and no tro.u~ys! Ireckon'f;! can't even eata You. can't make stufflike that up: Mr. that one can do alotworse than hiring egg!'; '" • Trudeau,you trulY are agreat Canadian. I Quebec advertisingftrms to'sponsor Saywhatyou will about the man, he betyou could e~n get me an intcrviewiifh .hunting events that mayor rnay not the 81f} from Mamma Mia!; ,", was a magni6cent orator. . happen when all of the alternatives are A hush falls over the party. Chfetien Consider it done. considered. elbows'11Ie'. ilQ.d I say, ''Look, young '\¥'-:~.,. man. No'd£canout-eatCanada,l~ast riedeY@jmprint.ywClterloe.ca ajOhns@imprint.uwaterl'.~~ :-. : ott ' ,. . "' .

.The epic egg~earing battle that never made the cr~ble h~ws

AdaJ'n and Pierre Trudeau sit at the barofthe Royal Canadian Yacht Club's St. George Streetlocation, decked out in squash clothes. They are sharing a pitcher of beer. Adam appears mark- . " edly out ofbrea.th. .• Adam: We/4 Pierre, I have got to Sf!}, you plf!} a mean glill1Je. My dad tqld me: ~'Adam, ifyou want to interview someone, not onlY does Pierre.Trudeau"have some killer stories, but he· Will beatyour ass at squash. " Pierre Trudeau: Did Randall ever tell you about the.time he and I unscrewed Chairman Mao's s31i:shaker at that state dinner? He got salt all over his chicken. !twas priceless. OnlY about amillion times!S 12 tl'!Ywf!}s, Pierre, I knowyou area bud qfmy dad's, but what exactlY isit'lhatYaH do again? You were in Mamma Mia, right? Um;n, actually I was the Prime .Minister of Canada for 16 years. Oh ... wow... that!s great. So much .better than Mammd Mia ... fA single tear rolls down Adam 'sfocej So a'!YwqJs, how 9yoJ!l /ellingouJ. re.qIifrtfxW'!l: flithfJ,f~.J'E~ mous stones 0/yours? Sure thing. I know you're a Rolling Stones fan, so I thought you might like to pear how I 6rst met Mick and Keith. T/Jat w,ould be ama'tfitg. The year was.. 1972, I was prime minister, and thfO\jS,1;~l1es had jpst . ftnished recording Exile on Main Street. I was in Toronto, and I get a call from Chretien,who seemed excited. "Pier.re! It's so far outLThe Stones are having a party at the Royal York, and we just got invited." So I toss on my cape; and Chretien swings by. Wegetto the party, and there are all kinds of inter~~ting people there, and more than a f~w attractive young ladies. So I'm s~I\ping my scotch and

schmoozing a bit.. Interestingly enough, I thought I'd be the only head of state there, but I look iri the ~orner and there's Leonid Brezhnev! Jean and I are chatting with him when Mick Jagger walks up, says, "blimey, you's the blokes from parliament, innit" and introduces himself. He's talking to us about how much he likes Canada, but I'mfl:ot really paying attention because his lips are somewhat distracting. PictUre the jaws of a hippopotomus, only more flaccid. All in all, though, he was a very nice fellow.' So all of a sudden, Mick exclaims ','Oi, Keef's got 'is eggs, like!" Then he wande·rs off to the other side of the suite. Now, unbeknownst to myself, Keith . Richards· was, at the time, pushing the boundaries ofrock star excess; You . can only do so many: drugs and · ruin so many hotel rooms before it gets boring, so Keith had ordered 600 · hard-boiled eggs from r~~m service. I look over to t4~q~her.s¥.le Qf.th~ "" ." room and he's sitting with two young ladies in the biggest pile of eggs r had ever seen, and believe me· r have seen some big piles of eggs. Jean, Brezhnev and I walk over to check things out. , As soon as we get there, Keith takes one look at me and sneers. Believe me, a sneer from Keith Richards is not something one takes lightly. Have you ever seen a child carve a face in an apple, and then dry it in the oven? Picture that, but c~ntorted, and you'll get an idea of · whatit was like. And I'm pretty sure he was only in his late 208 at that point. I don't knowwhatitwas,but something about me just rubbed him the wrong way. He cries out

Politic: black and ... brown

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All UW students are invit9d to display

or sell' your creations. Please see Nancy O'Nei! in room 2117 (SLC) to pick uP an application form, between the hours of 9:30 to 11 :30 and 1:30 to 3:30 dail . .


mizing the benefit of Tuesday's production by producing as many first proofs as possible. Candidates should I)e proficient with Adobe PageMaker .6.5 and Photoshop. Knowledge, of Quark and Indesigri are strong assets. If interested, bring your resume to Laura Katsirdakis, room 1116, Student Life Centre or email to editor@imprint.uwaterloo.ca. Need Extra Money? Tutors Required. Maths and Sciences. Must have own transportation. Fax resumes: 888-7125 or call: 883-7477. o Waterloo Inn Now Hiring Banquet servers (10), Coat checkers (3), Dishwashers 0). Part time positions, various available shifts, some heavy lifting. Interested ap.plicants please contact: Human Resources, Waterloo Inn, 473 King St. North, Waterloo, ON N2J 2Z5.Phone: 519·884-0221 ext. 518 or Fax: 519884-0321 or e-mail: ddoogan@waterlooinn.com. Christmas Gift Wrappers - Creative individuals, locations-Downtown Toront, North York, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Mississauga, Brampton. Managers to $10.lS/hour and bonuses. Wrappers to $8.15/hour. Full/Part time, December 124. 416-533-9727 or www.torontowaraps.com. Egg Donor needed. Looking for Caucasian, 175cm or taller, with above average IQ; with no hereditary/genetic ·diseases. If you fit 'the above and are willing to help, pease call 416-638-4466/email: andre152718@yahoo.com.


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free. Wednesday, November 17, 2004 Univmity of'Waterloo Student Artisan Sale & Exhibition. Student Life Centre. Students pick up your applications(s): please see Nancy O'Neil room 2117, SLC. Satunlay, November 20, 2004 Public· Art Competition, City of Kitchener. Artists in Waterloo are invited to submit innnovative proposals for the Eritrance'Feature Public Art Competition at die new Downtown Community Resource Cel)tre. Deadline for artist sub· missions is November 20, 5:00 p.m. Contact Linda' Pretty for Info and guidlines: 741-2224' or LiIida.pretty@city.kitchener.on.ca.


Friday, October 29, 2004 Work Reports (marked by co-op coordinators) available for pick up Information Centre, ground level TC. Co-op (Accounting) & Grad employer interviews continue. Job rankings (Accounting) close at 9~. Job match results (Accounting available at lOam. Job rankings (Architecture and Teaching) open at3pm. Job rankings (Architectur.e and Teaching) close Sun Oct.31 at 11:59 pm. Monday, Novermber 1, 2004 Co-op P.ostings begin t.<> occur daily. Each posting closes a the end o~ the following business day. Job ranking cycles and Job match results will continue until DecemAttentioll UW blood donors! The signber. 17. Watch JobMine login page for up qooklet for the upcoming blood donitification of any change in the posting nor clinics has been inisplaced. A new, schedule. one will be available as of October 18. Co-op (Main & Accounting) and Grad We are asking for your help in stopping employer interviews. by the Turnkey Desk in the SLC to reNote: "Main" refers to students in AHS, enter your appointment at your earliest A.rt$, EnvironmentafStudies, Engineering, , convenience. Our sincerest apologies for Math and Schience. - any inconvenience this has caused you. Job ttl.arch results (Architecture and We appreciate your tIelp and look forTeaching) available at lOam. . \vard to seeing you at the clinic. Seven clinics will be operating frem Oct. 21 to Nov. 1 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Need food or short. of cash? The Feds food bank is a confidential student-run Friday, October 29 to Nov. 14,2004 food bank that provides non-perishable Kriyayoga Meditation - free classes - ingoods to UW students in need. Visit us crease your power of 'concentration in the Student Life Centre, room 2108 eliminate fatigue and stress. Taught by or you can e-mail us at: Yogi SatyamYog Fellowship, 388 Plains uwfoodbank@hotmail.. com. Road (Fisher-Hallman & Plains Road) For Philosophy in Action. Join a discussion info 696-39,93 or 647-895-7492 or that looks at how philosophy applies to www.kriyayoga-yogisatyarn.org. everyday life. Saturdays and Wednesdays Sunday, October 31, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in downtown Kitchener Halloween Family Fun Day. 1:00 p.m. 742-4.433 (leave message). . to 4:00 p.m., Homer Watson House and Check out all the events happening in' Gallery will be . hosting its annual Halthe Student Life Centre at http:// loween Family Fun Day. Join us for pumpwww.studentservices.uwaterloo.calslc/ kin carving, mask maJcing, haunted house, events.htm. ghost stories, fortune telling and much The University of \v.iterloo would like more! Call 748-4377 to register. to welcome all prospective students and Easi Meets West Garden. Celebrate the their families to You· @ Waterloo Day, grand opening of Renison College's East Saturday, October 30, 2004, 9:00'a.m. Metts West Garden during the 10th an: to 3:00 p:m. Activites include faculty and nual East Asian Festival at 1:30 p.m. in program inforrrtation,:campus and resithe Renison College Link. Please RSVP dence tours,'Co~op presentations, and in- . to Brandi Gillett Woods at 519-884-4404 troductory sessions about uw. Visit ext 657 or bgillett@renison.uwaterloo.ca www.findoutmore.uwaterloo.calvisitus Friday, November 5, 2004 or call 519-888-4567 ext. 5732. Shave-J'tr-A.Cure: PAC fr'om 8:06 to The Canadian Clay and Blass Gallery, 9:30 p.m. (half-time at Naismith) & Pep 25 Str.eet North in Waterloo, presents two Rally in SLC Great Hall from 7:00 to unique exhibits: Etudes/Studies, a col8:00 p.m. Proce.eds to Canadian Cancer laborative venture between Karen Society. Fletcher, ceramist and Isabella Stefanescu, visual artist, and It's All Relative, by inSaturday, November 6, 2,004 ternationally acclaimed artists Carl and Renison College, University ofWAterloQ, Ann Beam, together with their daughter invites YOIl'to attend Family and Culture Anong. Now through January 3,2005. Day at the East Asian Festival. 10:30 p,m. For moer information, see to 2:00 p.m. Admission and parking is www.canadianclayandglass.ca or call . 519-746-1982. The Asscociation of Caribbean Students would like to thank to the Math Undergrad Office, UW 'Food Bank, WCRI, UW Business Club, and students and staff at UW for contributing towards the Food and Clothing Drive, held in September. All collections go towards the victims of Hurrican Ivan which swept ed w\th neat neW through the Carihgean. We also want to fl.. store pac~ es and bOngs. thank those who came to Bomber Ice~ clot~s. PIS ilver jewellery • breakers Jam on 30th September to raise pierCIng ~nrySand wigs. haIr' funds for this cause. Your kindness and cool h~sle and hemp support will be greatly appreciated by . 'd e mcense Y· be ds records ... . those in need.



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The science pf being!. scared',·

furnace. of fiety fury "

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;P'floyMichaileRotke . . ';IMPRINT STAFF

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.. 'Zombies, ceP:1etc::rie~,.ha\:u;J,ted,Mqses aiJ.d scary .J~cesare allp~'9/th~fIallqwe~~~'frigh~. 6k~y, . .:'~ybe that stuff doesn't scare most<>f us, but about when your toommittehidesbehlnd .' the couch and then j\'itnps out and scares you? .



jrOUiuiJip or

'ttetfible withiear{Well, you sh~uld. . ; :J";1\ccor<fuig tQd1eUW website,' our :bodies '. react to danger by entering a sta'tt.: of "high physiologicalru:ousal."The hypothalamus sends .a signal toyour adrenalglands to release adrenalfue. Within seconds, you can run faster, hit . h~der, see better, hear more acutely,think f~ster and j~p higher thari you could only secondse,arlier. This is known as the classic fight or flight response. The increased heart rate and breathing allo~ 'for more hlood flow and therefore greater excltange of oxygen in large muscle groups. Th.~li\Ter r~Lel!J~$s.~~.<;.o,sei,n,.t9"tPt.: b}o~psttearp

t~~~rovidr~The tiny capillaries under the skjp;iQOSe} increasing blood pressure. Impor~

tlU!lt·(!)~~~thf :~a.tS ~~,:ey~ o/sq,re~efv:e

'in'~" blobd:ancl. oXy~ >~u1ting).ri better : hearing and larger pupils, allow more light to

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The.last time l\IIountSt. tlelenserupted, it was one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history. ACfa.q, Gardiner'

• maginais driving lava to the surface, which has cr.eated a new lava dome in the mountain's Humans aren't tl1e~y pn,.es coughirig things ~rater. Attimes,inforrriationis hard for USGS to' up this flu season.,Scientlsts are keeping a come by, mostly because of weather coriditions close watch on Mount St. Helens in Wash,. but also because the scientists must keep a safe ington state, after more: than' a month of distance ofaround 14 kilometres fr.om the moununs.ettling seismic and volcanic activity whicil . tain. Lookout pointS have been closed, leaving has everyone in the area, waiting to see what the many curious people in the ar~a to t:1.lrtlto the w1ll happen next. . media or die USGS website for updates on The g;oup of scientists is part of the U~S. Mount St. Helens? current state. Geological Survey; an American scientific agency which monitors Mount St. Helens and other mountains in what is known as the Fifty~seven people died .Cascad~ range, They first took notice on the morning of September 23, when a. series of during the explosion. ' small earthquakes occurred under a l.ava dome within the mOUntain'serater, which. was period, which blasted formedberween 1980 and 1'986.Theearth~· burning lava .•t speeds of' quakes, '.although considered usuaLfo.tthe site, were occuririgmQre frequently'than up to km/h upon they h!ld in sevetal years; Trn,ee days: later. anything within 10 prompted by the change' in s~ismicactivity, USGS issued a n~ttce of volcanic unrest and km of the mountain. three days following that the volcano advi:", sory was 'raised to a level two (out of three). Then, on October 1, Mount St. Heleris sent a cloud of steam .and ash into the air The last majo): eruption, in May of 1980, acCompanied by tremors indicating the po~si~ was one of the worst natural disasters ever to bility of travellingrriagmauQderthe surface. befall the United States. Fifty-seven people USGS raised:the volcano'advis()ry to three, died during' the explosion period,' which anticipating a large eruption at>anytim~.. blasted burning lava. at speeds of up to 300 . Although this never happened, 'small erupkm/h'Upon an,tthingWithin 10 km of the tions have continued consistently since then., mourithln. Nearby' forests were turned into Seismic activity has slowed and the advisory dead wastelandS; towns within a 400km was lowered back to level two. However, it's radius wete cover~din ash, destroying prop~ still largely a gUessing game on the pari of erty and injuringn:~aqy more,'. . USGS which warns that an "increase in the But if a majoretuption does occilt once intensity of eruptiQncouldoccur suddenly or more, would it'be as devastating as 14 years with very llttle warning." ago? Not liIrely~ "We simply don't have the What they do know is that "slow rise" of input of magma that we had in 1980," said SPECIAL:'TOIMPRINT



Jon Major. a vol~anologist observil?-g' St. Helens, to the DiscoveryChannel. "The earth· quakes we'te having are ... no bigger than a. magnitude th.ree; in .1980 we were. having, magnitUde' four .ll,nd five." tie . also pointed 'out that the defotmation oflavRonthe . mountain's side is ri~here'1'lear i:~e degree that it was in 1980, . , . How~er a ~ enough eruption could srin prove harmful even from a considerable distance. Lava flowing into waterways could create a hazard in the rive~ ups~and enough ash would be camedby the. wind to.en~ craft and communities in the wind's direction. So It's still a considerable worry for the people living in thearea,and still a mattet of watchingandWaitirig for the scientists keeping an eye on the tumultUous Mourit St. Helens to see whatherne~tmove will be. One thingis for certain -.: if this latly blows he~ top, many will not be happy about i t . ' .


Scientists prepar. aBlIS packele that inciudestwoseislnometerS and a ;. microphone..

our 1>{)Qi:esa:na directs blood away from the systems that are not needed to fight_DigestioIl, sexual function arid immune systems aretemporarilyshutdown. Secondary timctions of the brain, like' speech, are. impaired. The muscles involved in fine. motor skills are deprived ofoxygen, and that's why we tremble ill fear. When blood flow is diverted from our digestive systems, our stomaChs become slightly deprived of oxygen, resllitirig in the classic fluttery feeling known as butterflies. So the next time someope scares you, just ~xplain to them that you weren't really afraid, it was only your primitive natural response to the stimulus they created. And then use the extra strength in your arm to give them a nice big . charlie.' . pmrorke@imprint.uwaterloo.ca


Il\rfI?llIN1~ .S(;IENCE

, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2004

Freaky' frog's sticky substance have been able to see the beautiful bloody moon. A limar eclipse occurs when the earth comes between the sun and the moon. The colour of the eclipse depends on the amount of dust suspended in the stratosphere, which will distort the sunlight as it is refracted around the . ~dge of the earth into its shadow. The refraction of the light also gives the moon a threedimensionalappearince. . Size matters in spe.rm 'counts " Vanessa Thoo and ,Beth Payne SPECIAL TO IMPRINT ,Frog glue?


Scientists at the University-of Adelaide have discovered a new medicaJ.·adhesive that could play. a huge role in '~urgical processes in tl:e future from the most unlikely somce - frogs of the genus Notaden. It seelAs iliat these amphibians secrete a sticky substance to pro~ tect themselves from insects. Now, this exudate may have the potential to alter dinical methods. At the moment, there is a significant need of ~ suitable bioadhesive for use in medical procedures. Joint surgery requites, a strong bdndingagentthatwould prevent further damage due to moderate a~tivity. As well, there has been research into n~w ,methods of sealing topical woUnds. Previpus adhesives, 'although safe for use, are too weak to hold massive cuts together. Synthetic glues are more resilient; however, these produc;:ts can have toxic effects and can deter healing, There is also potential for use as a bonding substance for inert o~jects. The frog glue has been found to adhere to a wide range of materials, including glass, plastic; metal, and wood. Recent studies have shown that when dry, the a~chment of surfaces by this substance is equivalent to that of PVA and cyanoacrylate glues. . Australian scientists have already performed preliminary knee surgery on a s~eep and the results have been piomising. Much ofws success has been attributed to the glue'S abilitY ' to be sterilized. As well, the porous nat:ur~6f the ex:udate allows for the wound to breathe, a . desirable characteristic of a bioadhesive. Sci~ entists are now trying to synthesize this substance for widespread use in surgery and other clinical procedures.

Men who are overweight or underweight should worry about the strength of their "small soldiers." A recent study of 1,600 young Danish men found' that there was a marked. de" crease in spe~ count, concentration and overall quality for men who had aBMI above or below the standard range. Sperm count decreased 28.1 per cent in underweight and 21.6 per c~nt in overweight men. Women aren't ~ff the hook either, there has also been a link discovered between obesity and the implantation rate during in vitro fertilization. Half-pint prehistoric people

The remains of a one-mette-tall hUman species, named Homo flore,siensis have caused scientists to question their understanding of human evolutionary theqry. Several bone fragments and a full female skeleton dating back' 13,000 Years were found in a cave on Flores Island in Indonesia. Modem Homo sapiens migrated to Indonesia between 5~,000 and 3?000 ye~' ago, m.eaning they were living along side the "little' people" for many years. This species would have had a brain about the size ofa grapefruit, yet stone tools found among the bones gives evidence of a high level of intelligence.

World Series win and .a big red moon .

On Wednesday' night you may have been. watching Boston win the World Series, or perhaps you were sitting on the Bomber patiQ enjoyiJ).g a nice cold pint. Either way, at about' 10:15, you would have seen the moon begin to change from .white to shades of coppery orange and red! Whereever you were you should


'Pennycook operates the VGMicroscopes ~TEM with Nion aberration corrector.

Atoms: Now for your

viewing pleasure the entire world of science will be affected l}ecause this new microscope technologyma; help tO'replace countless experiments in the fields ofnucle~ science, quantufn physics and Anyone who took Grade 11 chemistry might ,remember the talk about the atonp.c theory and molecular biology. After being able to distinhow scientists think they know what' s going on' , guish the individual a~oills, scientists can then at the atomic level, but they're not exactly sure. begin to manipulate atomic configurations. Sure we have lots of practical examples of One possibility of this sort of manipulation could tum carbon into either graphite, or diaatoms at work, in all fields of science, but without actually being able to see the ~toms, the mond. In graphite, the carbon ;atoms are arwhole theory lacks assuredness. The transition ranged in sheets, whereas diamqnds are''COtn~ from light mi~roscope to electron microscope' posedofaninterlockinglattice: The implications allowed us to see all sorts of microscopic pheofthis newtechnology'could potentially open up 'nomena-':'" from the intricate compound eye of the entire field of nanotechnologY-a fruit fly to the infamous spores of pollen Nanotechnology is all about arranging atoms . The dream of nanotechnology is to enable us to . but we could never see the actual atoms, until now! ' snap together the building blocks of nature in as At Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tenmany easy and inexpensive ways as permitted by !leSSee; ,lead researcher of the Electron the laws of physics. Currently, mi~o technology Microscopy Group, Stephen Pennycook, pub-- , is like,.trying to assemble a LEGO castle while lished his recent achievement.. Five years ~;,~.,;:'wearifig~ boxing gloves. Nanotechnology will Oak Ridge lab set a world record, establishing a allow us to remove the gloves. Being able to see micrQscope r~solution off.1.3 angstroms. An atoms is. only the .first step. angstrom is 10-10 meters (about 500,000 times ,. U~doubtedly, the possibilitie~ are vast, but smaller than the thickness of a human hair). another big question begs to be asked: how Now with new aberration technology, the lab long will the atomic theory stay as a theory? Is was able to set another record with 0.7 ang-. simply being able to view atoms enough, or stroms and announced in September that a does the definition go beyond mere appearmeasurement of0.6 angstroms had been reached. ances? One thing is certairi - we're not in In the past, the magnetic lenses used to focus the Grade 11 chemistry anymore. ele~tron beams had limited resolution, about 1.5 angs1;!oms. As' the micros-cope's aperture be- . comes ,larger, the resolution increases, until a . certain size is reached and the images' become blurry. Pennycook fitted an aberration corrector that uses software to~e adjustments accordingly. "You can think of aberration correction as a pair of spectacles for a microscope," says Pennycook. "Previously the vision was blurred but now we can see twice as clearly as before." , .The next step is to be able to view the atoms in three dimensions, as the current technology only allows a two-dimensional im~. -' Using this new technology, Pentlycook was able to distinguish the individual dumbbellshaped' atoms of a silicon €rysral. This new technology earned him the Thotrias Young Medal and Prize for "his pioneering work in the deVelopment of atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)." This breakthrough has been 50 years in the making; that's how long this achievement has been attempted. Realizing how materials acImage revealing individual platinum attually bind together will prove extremely'useoms on the surface of an alumina'supfulinthe semiconductor industry, as well as port. Pt3 trimers are circled. chemistry, to develop new materials. In fact, Arlen Panchoo SPECIAL TO IMPRINT


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