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oSludent Newspaper 11-



• • 18,2IM • 1.121," 4


Federal election candidates spar in SLC

Green Party candidate Pauline Richards, NOP candidate Edwin Laryea, Conservative candidate Steve Strauss and Liberal candidate AndrewTelegdi open up the debate in the Student Life Center for the upcoming federal election on June 28. 'f Christine Loureiro IMPRINT STAFF

OnJune 14, University of Waterloo and WJJ.frid Laurier University students filled the SLC GreatHallhoping to become better informed about and possibly persuaded to vote for one of the people in the group that sat before them, all contenders for the KitchenerWaterloo parliamentary seat in the House of Commons In their efforts to attract attention to both the upcoming federal election on June 28 and to the issues concerningstudents and post-secondary education, the Federation ofStudents organized an all-candidates debate in tandem with the WLU Students' Union and the Graduate Student Associat1'on. Students tuned in to hear incumbent Andrew Telegdi of the Liberal Party, Steve Strauss of the newlyminted Conservative Party ofCanada, EdwinLaryeaoftheNew Democratic PartyandPaulineRichardsoftheGreen Party offer a taste of their platforms and attend to the questions posed by panelists and audience members. The event, billed as an opportunity

for local media and students from both universities to question candidates primarily on issues concerning post-secondary education, often strayed from the intended subject matter. Students used the opportunity to question the candidates on the broad range ofissues thatmake up the current Canadian political landscape, from same-sex marriage to abortion, intellectual property rights and file sharingvia the Intemet,immigration, proportional representation and war in

Iraq. Enthusiastic to participate, students began to form a question line that wound around the Great Hall even before questions from the media panel began. Telegdi's comments served to highlight the Liberal track record of enabling accessible and affordable post-secondary education. The liberals, said Telegdi, have establishededucation funds for low-income families, improved access to studentlqans and increased funding for resea!:ch and development, while Telegdi himself helped establish the Liberal caucus task force on post-secondary education.

However, the Member of Parliament failed to mention any new liberal party initiatives, as noted by Jeff Henry, Feds vice-president education. ''They didn't have anything new for us," said Henry. "It was disappointing not to see education as the top priority." "Our party will not be able to help you graduate debt free," said Conservative candidate Strauss, who was once accepted to UW's engineering program but was unable to attend because offinancial constraints. But, he continued, his party believes that the best way to eliminate debt is to cut taxes so that businesses cangenerate more jobs; the Conservatives pledge to create new grants for first-year, low-income students and ensure that loans are repaid on an income-contingent basis. "We're not going to give you a free education," said Strauss. ''We want to inspire you to invest in your education." NDPcandidateLaryeawaseagerto note thathis partyreceivedanA-grade from the Canadian Federation ofStudents on their education policies. ''Education is an equalizer," said

Laryea. TheNDP,hecontinued, would cut tuition by 10 per cent and then freeze it. "[Having a] job is taxing, it interferes with studying," said Laryea, in response to the Conservative stance. Using Germany's freepost-secondary education as an example, Laryea said ''Wehavethecapacity,it's been proven by other countries and we, the NDP, are going to do that." Richards' Green Party would like to go a step beyond the NDP's proposal, and make post-secondary education free. "Ifthe Swedes can do it, we can do it," she said. Richard and her party would like to enable what she called the most talented work force in the world. The Green Party would also work with their provincial Ontario chapter to build a program which, before free tuition could be implemented, the cost of attending a post-secondary education would be equal to what a student would eamin a summer job, Richards continued. Herpartywould also allow students to do public service in lieu ofloan repayment. Some of the more contentious

questions were posed by students interested in the candidates' views on same-sex marriage and abortion. Notable was the reception to Strauss' views on gay marriage and abortion. In response to a question from the floor, the pilot and father of two said that, if elected, he could not promise to vote in favour ofgay marriage and abortion, should that debate come to the House of Commons, a view that was met with a mix of jeers and applause. "[Same-sex marriage] is a complex socialissue," said Strauss, ''Marriage is not defined and a vote is required to do so in the House of Commons by elected officials." Telegdi,Laryeaand Richards spititedly affirmed they would defend same-sex marriage in the House of Commons as well as uphold the current legality of abortion. In his response, T elegdi made an especially clear effort to distance himselffrom whathe called the "Christian right," citing the limitation ofliberties he believed to go alongwith opposing gaymartiageandcurrentabortionlaws.

See DEBATE, page 5



II you WIpe prime mlni_ of canada what would yau want. be


II 118. Dillm IlIIl•• Elm

"Sneaking entire pizzas into parliamentary session." DaveLeuty 38mi1th


"Revolutionizing the way Canada is run economically/'

~~n=.\ lfri&i\\'

1. French enthusiasm 5. Coke and Pepsi w~pon of choice 9. Forgets to mention 14. Traditional knowledge 15. Sit on top 16. The divided peninsula 17. Scarcely detectable amount 18. Tearyourclothingviolendy 19. Not in the least 20. Schoolyard accessoryforanyseven year old girl 23. Verb of ownership 24. To what degree? 25. A final memorial 29. Essential oil 31. Miss 33. A farmers smallest worker , 34. Can.dian heroine and chocolatier 36. Related to barometric pressure 39. Gangster tools of the trade 42. Aneveningparty '43. First generation Japanese iniorl-


6. Lace or lattice work, not closed 7. Desire 8. Romaniantennis piayerPavdruUn.ed grant for Scodand's patron saint 44. A large vase 9. A short giraffe with stripes 45. Getman wife 10. Unaccompanied choral composl47. The luckiest unlucky General on tion 'the Plains, of Ah&ham , 11.lrish nationalist resistence group 51.lnnocentyounggirl 12. Common to Nortel, Nextel and 54.Shakespearean disapprovill 56. Undettheweather" ' Sasktel 13. ~Brown's sister, only shorter 57. An autobiographical novel 21. Short musical passl!-ge 6O.,A dense growth of bushes 22. Physics oflight 63.,Awkward, stupid person 26. French religious man 64. Butter used in Indian dishes 65. Round or fiat-rye orwholewheat 27. Growswith oats, beans and barley 28. Fefuale possessive 66. Jump Willy, jump! 30. Fruit crop chemical

'NJfut\6~7~':~==~~hk&1:,ihp'';:''h'''k'''''''H'' 69. To pee one's pants 70. Very quickly Down

"I'd make Vancouver equal to Toronto."

"Turning Canada into a party wonderland."

David Leong

Eugene Chan

2B biotech

3B arts non-major

1. Actress Cuthbert is the girl next door 2. Examine carefully 3. A creative person 4. A jumbled hymn produces a less than avemge tide 5. A collector's item


• • -.E

48. Fungus found on rocks and trees 4C). Groups ofaircraft SO. Ftrst-bom child 52. An attempt to inake a point, be it about Chaucer or World War I 53. Demands 55. Tiny amounts 58. Concentratewith every effort 59.Atangerineandgrapefruithybrid 60. The makers of 60 minutes and Survivor 61. Food scrap 62. Common green froienvegeta.ble


35. Capable 37. Distorted truth 38. Italian olive oil 39. Come into the world 40. Wagner's fascination 41~ Your legal right to use someone else's property 42. Sixth century Chinese dynasty 46. Thaw liquid


Julllble the.: Baldwin BPIIhePI Unscramble the mixed-up letters, one letter to each square.

UMaldng decisions without a crystal ball." 4A computer science

"Taldng a,strong international stand on politics not being influenced by American policies."


Swastik Patil

4A computer science

4A computer engineering

Eric Lam

Each unscrambled word is the title of a movie starring one of the Baldwin brothers: Alex, William, Slephen or Daniel. CLEAIM

Then take the letters in shaded squares to form the answer to the jjnaf Baldwin brother-re/atea question. Final Question: k

personal assistants."

"Letting ....!tlarasget married."

Sukirtha Tharmalingan

Rocio Morales

2B science/business

visiting students for GLOW & RAINBOW

Mimi Sivongsay 2B science/business

Kelvin Lee 2B sciencelbusiness

This 2003 movie earned a Baldwin brother an oscar nomination for actor in a supporting role: '\

Tear In lOy baer Falll Iilitalillp08 On-C181111 ~ 10CIII. - IIlla 5

Universitie~ and Colleges

Researchers at York University have discovered a correlation between older people who spea.kmore than one language and superior cognitive abilities. According to a York psychology professor, the older bilingual subjects excelled on tests of"fluid intelligence" that which enables a person to focus their attention and respond to varying reiated tasks. The findings, which correspond with recent research conducted on bilingual children, suggest that speaking another language fluendy ·may help senior citizens stave offthe threat of Alzheimer's disease and similar conditions. Here are some ofthe highlights from the 26th annual Guelph Sexuality Conference, " which ran this past week at University of Guelph: a workshop outlining the therapeutic . applications of sex toys for the sexually stagnant;aseminarad~singhowstudentswho

are both Muslim and queer reconcile between ·the tWQidentities; and a lecture on the political implications of drag queen and transvestite cultures by U of G theatre professor and esteelnt!d playwrightSkyG.i1hert;,wh,ot:Udthe msthalfofthelecrureashim.<;dfandthe~

half as his glamorous drag alter-ego, Jane.


Members of the UW community strutted their stuff at the second annual Ulympics event last week in honour of oUr school's phenomenally successful Keystone Campaign. UW staff, faculty members and retirees were all present on Wednesday, June 9 to help celebrate as many showed their school pride bywearinggold (a UW colour, naturally). The activities commenced at 11 :30 a.m. with a parade along Ring Road leading to the Student life Centre (the original destination by the Columbia Icefield was halted by rain), where the participants passed torches backand fcirthas they

dent DaveJohnston opened the games by lighting gold flames with the assistance of Matt Mains, a UW student who will compete for his place on the Canadian Olympic swim team next month. The gamut of activities included cycling, archery, javelin, ping-pong and sailing. The theme was the "try" athlon, a marathon that combined fillingupwater buckets, tricycleridingand a threelegged race. Prizes were awaroed all day long, not to mention the grand prize of a free ticket on Northwest Airlines to anywhere in North


According to Shelley Rudd, a member of the . annual events working group, the event fulfilled its goals of raising money and advertising the need for the Keystone Campaign. "The event ran. was to raise awareness ofthe campaign, which is The opening ceremonies included a "Hoops a very important UW endea~our. It was not a and Ribbons Dance," where gymnasts performed to the music from the film Chariots qf fundraiser, everything~s free ofcharge. It was Fire. A particular highlight came when UW presi": just a really. fun way of spreading the word and

A global survey conducted by Mercer everybody had a great time, especially the organHuman Resource Consulting reports that izers," she said \vith a laugh. Canadian cities are among the best in the 'This yearrnarlred the second year of festivities world, with Calgary claiming the number one in honour of the Keystone Campaign, which spot. ~algarynabbed top honourswithascore was launched in 2002. Last year's celebration, of121 points, just beating out the number two which had a beach theme, was such a well~ city ofHonolulu. Ottawa tied fort:httd, Monorganized blast that it won a silvef award from treal and Vancouver tied for ninth and Tothe Canadian Council for the Advancement of ronto ranked 15th. The scores are based on Education, a counciJ that awards accolades to such factors as the quality and availability of schools across the country. medical tare, disease rates, cleanliness ofwater The Keystone Campaign was established to and the efficiency ofsewage syStems. r;Use money for Campaign Waterloo, which is seekinga total of$260 million by 2007, when the International University ofWaterloo celebrates its 50th birthday. Donations to Keystone mosdy go towards. • This year's Glastonbury Festival in the student aid, funding academic programs and tJ.K will feature stand-up urinals forwomen. funding campus buildings and supplies. Of the Two sets of the pink-coloured urinals have. $4.5 million it plans to bring to the birthday been installed around the main _stage and bonanza next year, UW has so far raised $3.89 . were unveiled at a ribbon-cutting ceremony million-due in no small part to the people who on Wednesday. Women will be assigned an helped comm~orate the Ulympics this year. anatomically shaped funnel before using a urinal and "concierge" attendants will protect their privacy. A spokesman for Glastonbury said that the urinals were brought in to allow women as manyplaces to pee as men have. "If,s equality for women, basically," he said. •

Huw Lobb has become the first human being to emerge victorious atBritain'sannual «man vs. horse" marathon. .For the past ~4 years,menhaveracedagainsthorsesthrough a 35-kilometre labyrinth of countryside and moorland, but last Saturday marked man's first-evertriumph;iobb,a~-year-oldrunner, finished the race in just over two hours and · receivedawinner'schequeof$45,500.Bookies musthavetakenahit,as the odds againstman de!eating horse this yearwere 16-1.



Imppint n

Real issues, but a' fake debate

They-grow up so fast . • •

graduate students. After 30 years, the WaterlooManriheim program has involved as manyas 629 students who have spent a year or more studying abroad in Germany and Canada.

Bueford R. Pusser SPECIAl TO IMPRINT

Debaters take to in mock debate




Heads will spin and invective will fly when the UW Debating Society hosts a mock candidates debate on Tuesday, June 22 in the SLC Great Hall qub members will be playing the roles of'the five federal party leaders, withUW Debate Society president Michael Currie as Paul Martin (Liberal), Jason Todoroff as Stephen Harper (Conservative), Chris Ferguson as Jack LaYton (NDP), Hsiao-Chien Lin as Gilles Duceppe (Bloc Quebecois) and Sean McKenna as Jim Wilson (Green). ''We hope this event will be witty, fiery and at least as full of slanderous accusations as the real campaign has been," said Currie. The "candidates" will be addressingissues ofnationalinterest,_such as health care, education, the economy, theenvironment3gd~srolein

the world. Justlike the real leadership debates, which aired this past week on TV, each participant will respond to questions provided by a panel, and will then be given time for open debate. The event begins at noon and will run for about an hour and a half. Students are encouraged to come prepared with questions of their own.

Waterloo-Mannheim program produces book Thirtyyears ofscholarlycollaboration between the Univ¢rsity of Mannheim in Germany and the University ofW'aterloo has been marked with the printing of a "festschrift," a book commemorating a wealth of academicreselirchandaPrievement. The book is entitled ClllhlraJUnk: Kanada - Deldsehland, and it contains a list of more than 100 titles of masters' research papers, theses and PhD dissertations produced by exchange

Aboriginal role model gives speech The Aboriginal Students' Associations at UW and the UniverSity of Guelph are welcoming Jennifer Podemski,Aboriginal Gemiciaward~ winningaCttess,director,produCerand youth entrepreneur, to address the local community on Monday, June 21. Her presentation will focus on youth empoweiment and aboriginal stereotypes in the media. Recendy, Podemskihas appeared in such TV shows as Degra.rsi: The

Next Generation, Eleventh Hour, Riverdale, This is Wonderltmd, and Zoe Busiee Wild Card. She is the co-creator .and producer ofMoccasin Fkltrand The Seventh Generation, and she also


Alook at Wednesday's convocation, which ltOnOured students in the fields of applied health studies, environmental studies and independent studies. Congrats to 2004's spring grads.

UW teams with IBM for business venture an

founded the production company, Mark Stratford Copeland. "We hav:¢ alumni team The UW Next Generation library Big Soul Productions. IMPRINT STAFF atffiMrightnowofl 3 people that are proiect aims to beef up our libraries 'Podemskiwillgiveakeynote speech helping us; ffiM's been very support- ' and make them more technologically and will also be screening the short UW's Office of Development and, ive of this proposal." ' a d v a n c e d . The bulk of the money film, Moccasin Flats. This event cel- AlumniAffairs (ODAA) launched the would be used toreconsttucttheDavis ebrates NationalAboriginalDay, and UWAlumni@IBM Campaign last u ," ' •' ,Centre library, including individual will begirt at 7 p.m. in MaCKirdy Hall ' 'rooath. ,The campaign,tuget&" U\W:s'i;,,~*"I_.lli "ll"<10~\WI&easWith~~. . . atSt. Paul's College. Admission is free alumni who are now employed by at IBM we have an and wireless study rooms for group and all are welcome. ffiM, a company that prides itself on '" workand theRBCInformation Combeing the largest all-time employer of opportunity to mons, complete with m.ultimedia UW gives medal to RIM . co-op students and graduates. ~odate, leave a tremendous' workstations.Otherptospectivefeaexecutive ffiM has employed approxtmately , t u r e s include e-learning labs and a 10,500 post-secondary affiliates. ,,~ legacy for the laptop lending program. Waterloo graduateDavid Yach,a viceThe campaign works like this: ~or University of UWhas raised $3,000 in this campresident ofResearch In Motion, will paign so far, which means $9,000 in every dollar donated to the c a m p a l g l l , ' receive the 2004J .W. Graharil Medal by anffiMemployee,ffiM will match Waterloo. " ffiM credits. The campaign has along in Computing and Innovation dur- . itwitha$3equipmentcredit,goodfor -John Wetmore waytogo,buttheUWAlumni@mM ing spring convocation formathemat- $3 offfiMelectronic goods. The uniUWAlumni@IBM volunteer team is hard at work trying ics on Saturday, June 19. Yach is the versity will pool all those credits tohonourary chair to recruit past UW-ers to give as much tenth ,recipient of this prestigious gether towards UW's Next Genera~ as possibleandhelpimprove the study award, which honours mathematics tion library. The goal is to raise $1.5 quarters of future graduates. "As graduates who have made significant million in equipment credits over the To sweeten the pot, alumni donaalumni working at ffiM, we have an conttibutions to UW and Canada's next five years. tions will also be used to fund three opportunity to leave a tremendous computer industry. The idea was bom out of convernew student awards, which include legacy for the UniversityofWaterloo," As part of the honour, Yach will sation with ffiM, and according to schoJarshipsforincomingandremmsaid John WetmOJ;e, ,a present the Graham Medal Seminar Bob Copeland, director of Annual ing students. UWAlumni@mM honourary chair todayin a talk, discussinghowtypes of Giving and Special Programs, it just, _ Callers with the ODAA are pitchand UW math grad, class of 1973. computerefficienciesiulvechangedin made sense to start such an initiative. ing the idea to UW grads at ffiM, More information on the the past 20 years and how the skills of givenffiM'shistoryofrecruitingstustUrlngwith a donation plan of$30 UWAlumni@mMcampaigncan be past soft:wate developers can still be' dents fresh out of t:heiJ.studies. "We per month for five years. Standard found by logging on to applied today. The talk will take place have over 700 alumni at ffiM, and asks areforalump sum of$250 to 300 http://ciunpaign.uwaterloo.ca/ibm. at 1:30 p.m. in Davis Centre, room obviouslywe'rettyingto reach as many per year, and the alumni are aske(J to 1302. as possible to contribute," said come on board fora three-year gift. mstratford@imprint.uwaterloo.ca


Campaign Office 'Phone: 571"()()()8 '" 187 King Street South Waterloo, ON N2J 1R1 info@stevestrauss.ca www.stevestrauss.ca

. FRIDAY, JUNE 18,2004


Locked up behind bars


路Elections elsewhere

This way it is less likely that parties concerned with the environmentwill lose seats because of vote splitting. (The Green Party, by the way, supin such a way that it impedes students ports electoral reform.) in the least possible way." This procMuch of the world practises p~颅 ess would have to be followed for portionalrepresentation (PR). In PR, every event. people vote not for a regional candiThis change comes as insurance date but for an entire party. Parties companies are accepting less and less create lists of MPs. Were Canada to According to Elections Canada, just risk. ''The insurance policy change has have such a system, Parliamentwould 61.2 per centotCanadians bothered been long time coming. It would have to vote in the 2000 elections. Voting have Liberal, Conservative and other happened sooner or later," said Wroe. has become increasingly easier, and MPs in proportion to the per cent of Feds is looking into switching insurCanadians voting for it. Th1s way, yet tumout has remained steady or ance companies to remedy this situamost votes would be represented but even declined. Some activist groups tion, but finding an insurance comno MPwould be coming from just the blame the low tumout on the system panywillingtoinsureastudentsociety City of Waterloo. This is a defect of we use for elections. So what do other is notoriously difficult. Anderson PR One solution called ''MixedMemcountries use to electParliaments,and commented, "A lot of time, universiher Voting" (yes, it's a weird name) are they really better? ties get lumped together as a class of Most parts of the former British . involves electing some MPs byPRand risk. Right now we're looking at not empire, including Canada, the U.S., some by district. Germany, Italy and a only changing insurance companies, and India use "First-pass-the-post" few other countries use this system. but working with the insurance comOf course, there is more to our system. (This name sounds like cricket pany that we have, and get an underParliament than just how MPs are howappropriateQ The country is writerto come in and just seeifwecan elected. We have two dominant pardivided into di~tricts or ridings electgetre-evaluated. ties at the centre. Wehavefairlyserene ing one MP each. This system has the ''The occurrence ofincidences repolitical dialog. Parliamentary debates advantage of1inkirigMPs with a place ported during-Feds-rdated events in are relatively civilized. Perhaps this is and a group of voters. However, it the past is low. It is out belief that, why the tumout is falling! has atleastthree disadvantages: many compared to other similar instituContrast our system with the Istions, our risk may be lower. Al- . votes are wasted, two parties dominate politics, and winners sometimes raelidemocracy-analtogetherdifferthough this will not change the ent extreme. Although a former Brithave less than SOper cent of the votes immediate future, a goal of ours is ish colony like Canada, Israel elects due to vote splitting. A minor tweak to have our risk reassessed," on this system is practised in parts of . MPs by simple party lists. FurtheraddedWroe. more, no partyihere has ever received theformerFrenchempire. Thesecoun. This isn't just a problem at tries have a ruttoffbetween the most more than 40 per cent of the vote., UW: wUversity student sOcieties popular candidates. This way, the UsuaIly,thereareoverl0smallparrles all!lCro$$ theoounttyarefulding (which hate each other's guts) formwinner always has more than 50 per that their insurance companies cent ofthe vote. . . ~nolooge.rwillingtoCQVstbe 'petfuips the mOst intereStingaprisk ofalcohol. rity guards on duty ready to remove proach to vo~ - -at least to my Wroepointedout, "Asapast MPs. mathiemind-is called "preference society president. I know this While all Israeli votes count, the voting." Consider Malta and Ireland: change will be a hindrance not arrangementis clearly not ideal While voters in these countries rank the canonly to societies, but also to the we Canadians might be wasting votes didates from first to last. This way, affiliated clubs." _ in elections, at least the MPs themsupporters of the Green Party can EngSoc B President Josh selves don't waste their time posturrankGreen candidates first and then Levitl1:commented, ''This coming when they get their seats. Or at give second and subsequent ranks to pletely hit me by surprise...in least. we hope they won't. candidates from big parties. A comterms of our society, it would . puterthencalculateswhoactuallywins probably affect two to three sgutfraind@imprint.uwaterloo.ca eliminating candidates one by one. events a term, ge!lerally well attended." SciSoc PresidentAmie Vualsosaid, ''Itwasn'tfunhaving to break the news to clubs Continued from cover Henry was pleased with the tum.who weren't aware ofthiS policy. Groups such as PhysClup hold out and the candidates, noting that they' stayed over an hour longer than eventsliketheBrickBrewerytour In his response, Telegdi made a clear that have become a tradition for effort to distance himself from "the scheduled. Christian right," citing the limitation ''It was phenomenal thattheywere them. It's a shame that students who are legally allowed to drink ofliberties he believes are imposed by here for two hours," he said. ."But." he noted, "we didn't hear have to abandon these traditions opposing gay marriage and abortion. for reasons beyond their conTelegdiargued that suchissues should enoughabourspecifics.Itisevenmore troL" be decided by courts, stating, "Are you important [for students] to followgoing to leave it to the elected and upon that and do their own research." mdavenport@impruwaterloo.ca lobby groups or the Christian right like in the U.S.?" cloureiro@iniprint.uwaterloo.ca

Feds' insurance on liquor-serving off-campus events rup.s dry Michael L. Davenport IMPRINT STAFF

BeginningonJuly1,Fedswillno longer be insured to hold events at licensed off-campus establishments. The change in policy affects the Arts Student Union, the Math, Science and Engineering Societies and every other group '. or club under Feds. The impact of this policy change cannot be understated. "Licensed" not only applies to , ~~yestab~tthat . serVes altohol, including bowling alleys, pool halls and dining rooms. Even if no drinking is planned to be subsidized by the student society holding the event. the eventcannotbe held at an offcampus establishmentthatserves alcohol without the insurance. Groups pot under the Feds umbrella, such as the Faculty of Science Foundation or the Engineering Grad Ball Committee, are not affected by this change; the Feds' insurance is separate from the insurance for the University of Waterloo. Oubs can still use off-campusvenuesthatdo notservealcoho1,ortheoncampus establishments and Gftd House. Thereisaprocessinplace for procuring insurance for a single event. which will allow the club to hold an event off-campus: nJ.s requires some paperwork for . the host club. Feds President Becky Wroe explained that. ''The event approval form exi,.sts to assess events which Feds groups would like to hold off-campus. The approval ofaneventisdependenton many factors. Should the. event be approved, the groupwouldbe able to pur- . . chase event insurance for that single event." Feds VP IntemalJohn Anderson elaborated, "We're trying to do everythingwe have to do, as faras meeting our requirements for liability and risk management. and trying to do it




Debate: student issues expressed


Teach Ellglish Overseas

tl In the June 4 issue of Imprint it was reported that CS students developed the new JobMine system in

three years.

The article

should have read that JobMine took eight years to complete, with 1ST and CECS spearheading the

efforts for the last four. Students who worked on the project were employed through the co-op program.

B21QJ& "~~wlliklifftdJlllg III

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Imprint is published by Imprint PubucatiOO$ StudentllieCentre 1116 UniversityofWaterloo Waterloo. ON N2L.3Gl t


Before you fire up. the grill. • •

._l6 So I recendy had occasion to throw a b.irthda.y celebration. While I enjoy throwinga good party just like everyone • • I was ~ooking to mjnjmize the~tofworkandmoneyspent

in t:heeibtt. There are so many things to consider - food, guests, drinks, location. etc. When I realized that I was lookfugataguestlist ofarbund 20 people and indoor seating availability of around half of that, it hit me barbecue- the perfect summer celebration. It's comparatively cheap, quickandeasyandpeoplewouldn'tbe cram.med into my house. And besides, you just throw some food on

the barbecue, sorncdrinksinthe fridge and let the good titxies roll - what could possibly go wrong? . One weeklUltil party: check the loogtange forecast. Theyarecallingfor 16 degrees andsunny. Nice.;,....couJdn't ask for a better day. I think about expanding the guest list to include a few friends that I haven't seen in a while. You can?thave too many good friends ata barbecue, right? I amreally looking forward to thisl Five days until party: Wow, everyone that I am inviting can come ~ should be a full-house so to speak! Forecastoowsays20andpardycloudy. Fine with me - I'll just make sure to haVe more ice on hand. Should start thinking about food andtnake a shopping list. Three days until party: Hnurun. Forecast now calling for 25 degrees andrala. Okay - I now have over20 people corning to my house and I realize that should everyone have to

move inside, I a) don't have enough places for people to sit and b) don't have air conditioning•. Look on the Internet to teadup 00. un-inviting guests to a party. Day before.pa.rty; Hit thegtocery stote-iftheWeath!ris pgto suck. the foodtnUStrock:.lhaVedeclded 00

hamburgers. hot d<>gS and sausages. I don't want any wimpy wicin.er type hotdogs anddecldeon some bigguns that I have never seen before. They should mote than do the trick. PartydaiT&ebig~yhas arrived - and it's muggy as hell. The latest weather update has it hitting 29 degrees with thunderStorms. Did I mention that I dori't,have air conditioning? Just checking. Everyone shows up and my house is now £illed to capacity. Everyone seems to be having a good time and the snacks-veggie tray and chipsare disappearing. Time tum on the barbecue and get things c;ooking. Due


to the immjneqt storm, the barbecue is moved into the garage for the fes-

Food is ready! Everyone helps themselves to some juicygrilledhatntivities. t..f~basjraciouslyagreed burgers, some plutnp sausages and tocookand dwfreesmeuptomingle . some Plastic c~ed hotdogs. YUp. • .amongStmysweatifmguests. When I You heard me right. Tums outtbOse eXcuse to ~ the faciti.ties. I big boys ate individuaIlywrapptid in noticethattnyhairisnothandJingthe plastic - who knew? Not us! For humidity well. At aU. somereason,theplasticneitb.ernielted Food is cooking and the crowd is to the dogs Ot the grill and is relatively growing resdess. I check on the easy to :remove. ..' I.' , progress a few times and in theprocI tackle the embarrassing task of ess,let in enough smoke from the approaching guests with the news gatageto setoffthefirealartn. NoJhthat if they ategoing to eat a hot dog, ing sets the mood at a party like the they must peel the plastic otf first smo~·~tectOt going om Fortuand fortUnately, they take it well. All nately a'taUgUcst fans the detector the .hot dogs are eventually consumed. for a moment and ~ crisis is over. Oops: Finally everyone leaves. I am exAs mycladputsthe last three hatn- hausted but pleased that everyone burgers on the grill, I run -out of seems to have had a good time propane. Apparendy I have violated despite the weather and food. Decide thenutnberooeruleofbarbecue-fiJ1 that I am much better at attendmg yourtank.Isayaquickthankyoutotb.e parties than throwing them. ~gods that most of the food , gotcOOfed:-'-lessonleamed. editor@imprint.uweterloo.C8


Opening .the door and sharing witb the world" t




ber of the queer community. For utnn. My name is Graham Barclay optimistic and hopeful to cynical and always read was Aaron Cowan's sarcastic at the drop ofahat. those of you who ate not as familiat "Undefeated" column. It was an and I am a second year English literaOh, there is one other thing that with queer people and issues, I hope ture major undergoing the trials and oudet, allowing me to confront the wiD have a large bearing on this col- ... tQ~hine some light on what it is like partofmyselfwhichI nevenllowed Utntl, which, is this: I'm not gay. • ·h~t(: on the other side of the fence. others to see. Confused?:&> was I. It took me .. ·rlll.g<>ing to represent my "qrothInitially, what most amazed me several ye~tounderstand my own ersand sisters" as best as I am able .was that Cowan could be so comOh ... ther~fis one bisexuality and now that I'm here and present to you my own take on fortable with who he was as a perother I'm glad I made the journey. current events and issues regarding' son, that he was willing to place For the past year or so I've been GLBT culture. himself in front ofan entire univerhave a large bearing in a homosexual relationship, but I Por now, however, I'll leave off sity, and proudly declate, "This is on this column, have experienced and enjoyed the with a few words of wisdom which who I am! Love me or hate me as you otherfrideofthesexualityscale. This s~ me down this path, leading choosel" this: gives .r;ne a unique oudook on Jife me to where I am now. My cement Go figure. Two short yeatS was "ot gay~ enough to take me from irnagihing .' and love, as wellasmany othertbingsbQ~ has?'t changed much, but I've in between but I'll save that for later . ;. opened the door. .' what it must be like to be that perarticles. "It is better to be hated for who son, to actuallY being that personl Ov"r the.course of my column, ... Y0\l:are; than to be loved for who . , Since this my fitstarticle, I figure it would probably be best to tribulationS ~fwaterloo's co-op pr0.- · Ylltrytot()u(;honsomeofthemany .,.youare not." -Kurt Cobala a little about myself and why I degram. I'm an acttve writer and poetin t.hing& I've learned on my journey. gbarclay@imprint.uwaterloo;ca 'cided to take over the gay issues col- . my free time, and I can flip from · both as a human, as well as a mem-

thing that will

On April 2 of this year. one of my favorite rituals came to an end. Every Friday, for almost two years now; I'd walk through the SLC on the way hack from the daily grind of . classes, grab up a copy of the latest Imprint, and retreat into the sanctity of my little cement box. It was a satisfying end to a week: close the . (loor,'du.mp the books and flip to the Opinion section. Without fail, the first thing I

which is I'm


tell you


-11IWatadoop--0I1 .

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4:00 p.m.,SLt 1116

Imprint' opinion

FRIDAY. JUNE 18,2004


End Liberal corruption on June 28 The l.iberal way Paul Martin has been busy repeating liberal rhetoric on the nighdy news: onJune 28, choose yout Canada. The Conservative party WiU provide sound fiscal and for~ign policy, sustainable. health care, a strong military, the beginning of a great democratic reform and the end of the liberal tax-and-wastepolicy. The liberals, on the other hand, will keep Canada in its current state: a transcontinental dO,ormat run by Paul Martin and a band of scandal-plagued flunkies. Duringmore than a decade ofgovemance, the orily significant Libera,lifl~~9wplishments liave been bureaucratic overspending and political underachievement. The liberals claim there are no' funds available for health car~, education or the militarr. Theyclaitn that moderate Conservat;ive tax' cuts and responsible economic policy are unaffordable. Both of, thes.e statements may be true because'the liberals have squandered,our fedeta1resources. 'I:hiSyear, the liberals have spent $18 billion on corporate sponsorship, $1 ,billion on a useless gun registry and over $1 billion in HumanResouteesDevelopmentCanada(HRDq bureaucracy. Theaverage Canadian sees little to no benefit from these programs. As a centre~rightvoter, Paul Martin!s policies have attracted my attention. Unfqrtunately, while Libetal ideas are sometimes appealing, they are almost always poorly executed. Consider how. the liberals handled risirig tuition costs: rather than providing more funding earmarked to re-

duce tuition, they created the Millennipm Scholarship Program. , At first, the average critic might applaud the liberals: everyone likes scholarships. Unfortu- ,_ nately, the Millennium Scholarship Program simplycreated cosdy bureaucratic processes requiring new government staff and lengthy student applications.Furthermore, the scholarship is a'\Varded tostudents who have spent a great deal oftime volunteering for liberal-friendlyinstitutions rather than to top academics. It is programs like these that make the cause of the so-called "brain drain"obvious. We are being flooded with foreign-educated skilled workers while our local talent is being passed over for yming liberal cronies. The Conservatives will take wasted funds from programs like the Millennium Scholarship and give them direcdy to educational institutions.

our interests and tight alongside our allies- that includes the"Ameritans. (In other news, three terrorists died today in Afghanistan after they were greeted with a warm, glowing Canadiari smile. The cause of death is still unknown.) . -.We need. a strongfuilitary. Of all our NATO allies, Ca~ada's military spending exceeds only that of LuXembourg. Our men'and women are defending our coasdines with Sea King helicopters thatrequire'2S hours ofrepair time f01'every single hour offlight. Aside from being a national embarrassment, these helicopters are also putting our soldiers at risk. When we ask people to risk their lives to defend ourway oflife, we must be wiJ)ing to give them the tools to get the job done. Brian Mulroney ordered replacements for the Sea Kingsadecadeago,and. Jean Chretien spent $500 million to cancel the order shordy after forming government.


What's a free market?

We need a strong, intelli/ gent, and charismatic leader to guide us into the future, and that leader is the Con'seNative Party's own Stephen' Harper.

loves Canadians

liberal foreign policy is easy tounderstati.d: they believe thatifwe are extiaordin~y "nice" and do exacdywhatthe UN tells us; we will never needamilitary. Peacekeepingcan be accomplished by shippingout soldiers with guns and inappropriate camouflage on American cargo planes. . But with conflicts brewing betweenchina: and Taiwan, North and South korea and in the ~fiddle East, we need to be prepared to defend

In the United States, corporations are expected to operate with only private funding. In Canada, the liberals often become SO excited about the prospect ofa Canadian-based company that they hand out monthly cheques drawn on the public purse. This is ridiculous fiscal policy and ids corporatewelfarerunoutofeontroL (For those of youwhohavenottcedlibernlsignsonResearchin Motion's lawn, make no mistake: RThfs votes

were boughtwithIiberalgoveinmentpatroriage. On the phone, a RIM manager claimed the company was investigating how the signs got there, , but a quick check reveals thatthe signs arestiUthere several daYs hiter.) .Whether you are pro-American or not, you must agree that the American economic strategyis far more flexible and sustainable than our own. Economic. prosperity c;umot be forced to happen with direct government grants, it can only be encouraged withlo~tcorporate taXes. The former merely creates reliance on government support ' while the latter lets strong companies grow and' weak companies die off. Economics is not a static science. We must be ableto tolerategradualanddynaniicchangeinorder to build a Canada that is fit for the 21 ~t century. Fishing for weHare Stephen Harper was right on target when he said that a cu!ture of dependency exists in the Adantic provinces. Why is it that our eastern . coasdineis primarilyinhabited by seasonal workers who rely on government support while the American· east coast drives the most thriving economy in the world? The liberals have sent a me~sage to the Adantic provinces with their hefty welfare cheques: itis okay to underachieve. On June 28, the liberal policies of appeasement and corruption need to end. The liberals have had a decade to build "their" Canada and theyhavefailed miserably. We need a strong, intelligent and chatismaticleader to guide us into the future and that, leader is the Conservative Party's own'Stephen Harper. -Tom Levesque

Not missing Reagan a bit one? There is no room in the system for error. . The Ontarloliberals have found this out the hard way. Attempts to right some of the Conservative mistakes have been met with howls of indignation. "Hands offmymoneyl" Were you to get a good or service at a discount price one week, could you assume that this price would remain . constant? No, the much-loved market means that Ronald Reagan has been buried for less than a week. I'm almost tempted to dance a jig and costs and prices are never constant, Just as taxes may. go down, so too they must be sing, ''Ding, 40ng~ the Gipper's dead" but that . might be seen to be disrespectful to the dead. expected to-rise to reflect the needs and de~ mands of sQciety. Reagan, along With the doyenne of the right, . Has our society hecomeso selfish thatwe are Margaret Thatcher, ushered in an age ofslashand unwillingto payourdues for collective services? ._ burn government cutting - euphemistically called ratiQnalization, the likes which were not Nothing big mind you, just the little things of seen in Canada,until the mid-nineties. Reagan'S the world, like the fire department, the road down-home cowboy attitude and Thatcher's system or the passport office. A goveriunent Iron Lady persona did more' damage than 30 cannot_.survive on bread and water. alone: .it years of post-World War II progressiveness mu$thave substance and substance cOsts money;' could ever prepare for. . I will not argue that all that they did was I often wonder what will happen, in a decade, once those who voted forlower taxes unnecessary, all systems must protect against stagnancy,butratherI would like to highlight a . move on with their lives. They might start to look around for the government services. rather disturbing trend. Has anyone noticed that government changes to services and taxes only Nothing grandiose, just the little things in life, . like small class sizes for their children, a sep~ seem to go in one direction, down? The libertarian woUld stand With noisemakers ior's health plan for themselves or their parheld high andcheer on the late&i:~~.cut, no ents. Utiimportantstuffthatthey'renotusing matter the size .or shape. Lower taxes mean more ' . right now, sow~ypayfodt? After all, it's their money: and they should be able to decide how money in the pocket. More money in the pocket means a bigger economy. A bigger economy to use it. . This brings me full circle to R()flald Reagan means more taxes and the same·revenue. Don't look now, but Ontario is still waiting for that to' and MargaretThatcher:As they grew older, the . happen. invincibility wore off. Rea,gan gotAlzeimer's,' ~nd Thatcherhad,a stroke. What happens ifsome.one made a mistake? Say, hypothetically, someone, sQmewhere picked You can bet th~y didn't spend anytime in a government hospital. But for us, this is our a number outofahat, say 30per centinsteadof world and taxes go no where but down. 20 per cent and now the government that the , someone worked for cut the taxes too deeply nmo~gksoulis@imprint.uwaterloo.ca and now finds itself in a deficitposition? A big

Neal Moogk-Soulis THIS IS YOUI. WOILO




'Andrew has made a difference in education and technology in Waterloo Region. • With Drs~ Peter Adams and John English, he founded the Post-Secondary Education Caucus of the Liberal Party that is instrumental in promoting the interests _ofstudents and Universities. ' . .,He led the drive to create Communi tech. a pillar for the high-tech sector in Waterloo Region. • He has promoted the needs of students and post-seeondary institdtions as President of the University of Waterloo Federation of Students, as a member of the U .of W ' Senate. as a member of the Board of WLU and as Chair of the Basic Job Readiness Training Program for Conestoga College.

What Stephen Hatper proposes is "the pulling back of government, puUmg it back from , the environment, pulling it back from the defence of equality. pulling it back from the defence of Abori~ls, pulling it back from the defence of women. 'Internationally, , what he proposes is by and llqe a policy that would very closely fonow the hard line of the Bush W):Ute HoUse...I do think it would be dangerous for Canada to have a.1eader with the kind of mentality that Mr. Hmper has." THE RT. HON. JOE CLARK Campaign 0fIIce: " 220 King St South Warerloo, Ontario N2J IR3

=~=~~~ax:(519)579-3879 Website: www.Telegdi.otg

LluI!lI1D·· .c·a ....


~L ~f Ci'J

'Ilkillilliflna fir YDB Ind fir GlNAOA

. Authorized by the offlclal agent for Andrew Telegdl

Imprint '. opinion


FRIDAY, JUNE 18,2004

laltaps Out of province blues

letters@imprinl.uwateploD.CI ment. at the Mongolian Gnu, leam to' run a business in Canada.

of Mark's lies

To the editor,

To the editor, "

To the editor,


Confessions of a fooflover

-Edwin Vane 1B Compllter SciefJce Grad S IUdics

Consider the 'foliowing: two friends walk into ,People wonder what sort of fetish I possess. This lett:er is in response to Mark Johnson's the University Plaza's Mongolian Grill. Qne is They keep asking and it pisses me off. I never article '~t the liberals work their magic." The " from New York, the other is, from B.C. The Get up and vote hesitated to give them the classical response, reasonhehas been "tJ:ieobjectofattack" from the ' whl¢h is, "I don't have one." Conservatives is because he isn't merely stating friend from New York has llis American pasSport,and the one from 13.c. hasavalid driver's his opinion, hI! is writing outright lies, ' To ,t~ editor, However; upon much request, I decided to , 'Since Mark trusts The EC(Jnomis(magazinem licenq:. Theydecide to orderalcoholhceptthat' end mas~ivecuriosity by revealingtny the ~opgolian Grill i~ gojng to J:eje~t. one of ' Canadians are notonly t;U:jenthusiastic but apa-se:xual tantasies and secrets via the school hisarticl~itisnoteworthythati:hisve.rypub1ica­ their IPS, Whicho'ne is itgoingtohe? The one thetic towards exercisingtheir citizenship righi:s '. newspaper. , ' tionis calling for increased competition ~ Canafto~ B.CJ ", -' in election., We are bestat taking.democracy,for, Yes, my people, I do have a fetish called the dianhealthcare-a Conservative Party,phltform. ,I discovered this past week that th,e Mongo- granted; whilemafiy countries to this day still floten~ jeJiShm (Cantonese for foo~, fetish.) Stephen Harper has continuously said he ,suplian9rill has a polii:;y to not accept out-of- ,struggle in bJoOds~s'for this basic right. Co~~ S~ccinctly put, tlUs means ,I like to put aman's ports uniVersal delivery ofheatth <;are, I?ut this is feet in my mouth, wrap them liroundmy body ''nottnutualiyexclusiv:ewith privateirivolv~ent. ' proVince liCences as valid ID. Over the past five ' election time, w~decide thatdemocracyWilltake years that I've studied at Waterloo, my care ofitse1£ WegiVe Upourvote;; lI.ndthe chances and eatthem.£or diruier. Forme, feet come first I would also like to know how JO~!lP}l can before anything o~ a ~'s body, even his -' claimdjmina)sweteagainstthegunr~.id MaOitohan license hasn't been rejected once by , to shape 0ll!" government tha~ Win alter' our , any bar or <;,lub. lcan even use theli~nce todrive landscape, tax oUr dollars ~d exert power on mQney. theyJolm a lobby group? I must liavc::missed The foundJition for my weird-ass fetishinife in Ontario. Maybe we should remind the Mon~ -virtually all aspects ofour lives. The only excep~ this. I'm sure we allknowthai: before a c.r.i.minal , golian ~rilithatthis is Canada and IDfromany .lion to voting apathy is when C~ans decide ,mchwas builtinmiddle school Mymath teacher shoots someone he makessu,re that he promptly' p.rovin4;:e,is valid eVerywhere else. Do we out~of­ to vote in ll!l expression of spite. Thus,itis not wasahotpiece ofass who caine to teach With flip , registers his stolen gun. Those people that do a surprise when the,Ontario Liberals won a flops eve.rysingleday (the bitch even wore them , ,register their guns are the law-abidingdtizens~ , province people 'reqqire passports in our own country? What makes the Mongolian Grill so dramatic 70percen~ofoverallvoi:es at the recent in the winter). So; instead of focusing on linear (Andno;Ihaveneverowned,norwillJe'\rer,own ~-li " provincial election,a symbolofthevoters'v~- ' eqqati~nl?, Lwould find myselfUnravelingin the a gun.) Many farmers, or "rednecks" (and we speW<u: , " , I find this a rather bizarre business move 'anceforthemassiveblackoutandothermishaps mystery of her beautifulfeet.I would stareaf wonder why Albertans don't like thelibc::rals), consideriiig they are less than 50 meters from a ' thattocikplace-qnderourConServa:tivegovein~ them for hours and hours. Next thing you , use guns as tools, so of course they will oppose merit S~ly, public consultations in theplart-, lm0w, I'd be checkiO.gout foot~jobs on theNet univetsitywheremanypeop~ecome fromdifferany barrier to purchase! ownership. The gun rungprocess areoften underused pydtiZens. The ' while my friends were still, playing with their entprovinces and countries; UW r:p.ade offers to t¢gistryis ahuge waste ofmoney that could have result is commuitity projects that draw contro~ Teletubbies at home. ' over 20000ut-of-province students, in ,this been spent in better ways to fight crime,~ and versyamotJg~gryci#Zeps,asituationthatcould" ' Although ,having, a foot, fetish gave me upcoming.year. Add this to th~ many that are it is certaicly not popular-as he claims. already studying here. '. • have b~e.n<;:asily~~uidedif citizens had cared to, immaculate orgasms as a youngster; it made .The last point is when Mark called the Conattendthe prelimiflary consultations. In ~ age mel<>se my first boyfriend; Ihad atendency to Out ofcuriosity, I explicitly asked two other servative Party of Canada, "the grumpy, bitter, ' when,OPPQrfunities for perso,nal opinions, are stare and play with his re.!,:t; He preferred hold:. , rightwingserrii-unltedneo-Conservative party." establis~ents if my licence counted as valid ID. Both said that it would be. One of the continually diminished, we should take advaning hands. Althollgh 1 was quite okay with This seems to:bein line with the libe~al policy of people I asked even'said it wasricllculousthat , tageofthevotingprocess as a chance to voice our , thatattimes,it~s neveren<;>ugh to satisfy me. trashing anyone that opposes them with empty an out~<;>f-province licence would be rejected. opinion, loud and clear. Tr~dein criticism for ' A '14~y~at-old woman n:eeded to be satisfied. , rhetoric: TheCPCis a uruted grOup ofCanadians. ' action this year in our federal election to at least I told the assholelie had to compromise: , SteVe Strauss, the candidate for theK~Wtiding, Indeed! try to..avoid disappointment. ' He d:\lffiped'me. was fed up wU:h the'liberals and wants a change. I ~ugge~tt;hat~ofus<;>ut-:of~province people and'those who are against such'discriminating -Natalie Mason -Ken Dllbien policies s~yawayfrom theMongollim Grill until -Ti.ffa1!J TSlin 1BMath, 3B BHsin;ss/Math they ameli6ratethe, poliCy; As for the manage-, 2.13 Planning



Defend Canada with your vote - , make the


Accord, designed to limit global warming emission8-"- theyobviouslydon'tcareaboutprotect~ majoritygo",emmentlThereisafrighteliingpos~ ,ing the environment ,He'd also strap the gun SibilitythattheConserva1:i.vt;scouldformaininor- "registry,which would drawtheire of the police. , •tty government and they're atreadytilkingabOut I've been a~ding all-bndidates meetings , ~thth.eBl?CQuebecois.TheBloc!What·, and I've been greatly disturbed by what I've dedication toC~ eli? hc:ard from Conservatives, who are high on the It's a scary thought Harper h~ said that the ' prospeciofwirulingpower.Evenrecently, their 'Liberals are nowtimning scared in this election. candidates have inade comr:p.ents that are anti, I ccime'to you today with a heavy heart. It's You're damn right we're scared! I love Canada. abortion, anti..;bilingualism and anti:.gay- for altnosrimpossibletobelieve,buttlieConserva- ,Ilove our history, our heritage and I love the , the record, those would ,be the for tivesareactually leading in the polislPeople had- 'country we've become. That's I'm a.£raid. YeIlowbead,Lanark-Carleton and the candidate. become aCCustomecl to the idea of a liberal I've seen the destruction the Conse.t\Tatives are for Kitch~er-Conestoga,respectively. ~oritygovetnrDentcoopera!ingwiththeNDP ~apable of and their inept handJ,ing of our, StephenHarpersaidthattheyhavenopolicy toformamajority. Therewastaikofthisbeing 'economy;Tworryabouiour future. on same-sex marriage 'or abortion, but they 'PrimeMinisterStephenHarper.Whatadan:-' woUld allow dfree votes" if the subject wefe a benefit to demoo;:a,cy,and I admit, itwould forc~ a gov~rnmentto paymore attention to the gerous prospeCt! The Reform!Conservatives acbrought to lightvia apriva~e meml:fet's bill. This grassroots and would combat any government' cuSe all others offear mongering, but they do is a prettybackdoorwaY'totakeawaya woman's tendency to b~tomeattogant. ' 'representathreattotheCanadawc.:knowandlove. righfto choose, because thegovernmentwould Hut ~ have taken a tum fortJ:ieworse. Harper has stated that he'd d~ the Kyoto plead innocence and say that the privaw'l;,Ilem" , ber'sbill was responsible for the prospective end ,to.ab~rtionrightS. wtliHarper'sConservativestry to end women's reproductive freedom?Whynot? The last Conservative gove~ent tried to criminaJjzeabortion-fortunately,theSenateeven'tuaIlydefeated them. The Conservatives have an outrageous economic platform dismissed byc::c,onomistsas being based 00 faulty math. Typically conservati".e, they want to spend, spend, spend, and then squander lots more on tax cuts for the rich. The Same 'path th~ last ConservatiVe government ' took, it's a recipe for enormous deficits and mounting 'debt. We students are already goingto have to pay enormous taxes to pay down the Mulroney pationaldebt-we cannot afford anymore! The Basedonrecenipredictions, even theliberals and' .'.: NDP' combined might not be enough to fonn a,



Conservatives will not, I guarantee, be ableto keep anywhere near allof~eir promises. It's a' , chilling repeat of Brian Mulroney's victOrY in 1984; he too said whatever he needed to to get , elected and, ~en 'proke his' promises." Why shouldn't Harper follow suit? We lleecl yOur help:Aliberalminority government backed by'the NDP is fav9ured by many, but there is a distinct possibility that the Conservatives could be the-winners and would be abletQ wreak havoc on this country while .being backed by the separatist Bloc Quebecois. When it cOmes dOwn to it, we have a choice

between1heConservativesandtheLibemls.IfHalper was Prime Minister, we'd be participatingin the quagmire in Iraq; If the Conservatives win, gay, marriage will definitely be canned. They want to dump hate'crimes protection for homOOexuals. They'<lliIrelytossdiec:lec:rimipaliztionofmarijuana. Ifyou reject Stephen Harper's wild spending plarls, his backward social conservatism and his dismisslll of Canada as a Hsecond-tier socialist country," I plead with you to vote against them, Let's open the door to a Liberal-NDP coalition govertunent Itworked with Ttudeauin 1972; it ' cw work today. " The alternative is a Conservative/Bloc, Quebecois coalition: This is not fearmongering; this is fact. Dq we want the western separatists workingwlth the Quebec separatists? I think not. The liberals will not win a majority, so we need to make sJ,tte their minority is large enough to make the coalition with the New Democrats possib!e; Fightto defend Canada and Canadian values; on June 28 make the right choice. mjohnson@imprint.uwaterloo.ca, .

, ~ -lI,

~ .... ,.



.. ........... "" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "

.,. .......... .it

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Imprint opinion

FRIDAY. JUNE 18,2004


~t'-splay ." a.\ game

Resume padders

of pick-up

These guy games may seem distasteful, butit should be no secret that girls play similarly in bar go to India ahd boost my resume but I also like situations. Just like how men and women are helping people," I could accept het honesty. It different, so are their games. While men's minds bothers niewhen people cover up "their true: seem to revolve around physical attributes as intentions with bullshit rhetoric. This was her outlined in the aforementioned games women response, "My trip to India is for the good of may be more interested in bragging righ,ts and humanity. I hope others can follow in my foot.: monetary offerings. Guys go for the self-esteem steps and make this world a better place." I and girls go for the wallet. gagged on an Oreo. Reminiscingabout bar experiences one night the Getting guys to buy drinks at the bar can be Other people voluriteer in certain organiza-. conversation turned to bar games. For the first the sole purpose ofsome girl's nightespeciallyif Resumepaddlngis when people throw so much tions (like newspapers) for that bit on their time in a whlJ.e I felt eXtremely naive about the a bet is made on who receives the most free bull. poopoo' on their resume that it actually resume.Feds,WPIRG,insertorganizatiqnwith . activitiesOfboyS.SliteIkn'ewtheyplacedbt!tson cocktails. It can even be based on least body a "mandate:' are all examples ohtudent run" girlS arid stuff but so.mehow I neglected paying smells. They ga~ that standard set ofskills at the contactwith the drinkbuyers orit can be no holds top like, "adept at problem solving," "ttemen- . resume paddersat Waterloo. Genuineidealismattentidti to the details. barred (if you know what I mean). is rarer than an Asian kegger. dous e£ficiency/'ormyperSonal favorite, "excelThe first game discussed 1waSslightlyfamiliar Aless intoxicating choice is collectingphone l~t oral skills." ';; . with, ''Nail the Whale," andwhileitis prettyJVde ' numbers. Ratherthan countingdrinksit's notchMyfoIks';llkegoOdIndian parentSwh0\Vant their 501,l to' d.o better than .all other' Indian I'm not going to pretend that it doesn't happen; That's fair biitthen the next part of the ingthenumbers. This game is not only easier on parents'dffspring,usedtopokeandprodmetb This involves a plus~~e female and a guy not resu.tne?plodeslikeasphincterafterthreepieces the liverandthepreys'wallets butitismucbmore ~:O.[7-" 1,/ l?n~.~'"tf\ 'y.r-·';"'i".,,'~t-~J~~' get off my aSs and do something..Like once I attracted to this body type. It can include a bet . simple to keep track of. We all know that at 'a volunteered at a hospital. Yippee; Had I helped 'between a group ofguys to get the biggest girl or A few people genuinely volunteer their efpoint the drinks seem to blur' tOgether. Alforts to causes that interest them. But then most sick people;perhaps thatwouldha:Ve been genuit can nappen due to awingman situation. though this option is available to both sexes Beingawingmatf(orwoman) can happen to ~tiople do crap for the sake ofsmearing said crap inely worthwhile. But alas;! worked in the from my' experience girls partake in it more research department conducting useleSs experianyone at any time, eVen in the middle of a pre"."piece of paper, which impresses co-op readily. ments on steam; It was th'e;kind of job that lirraIlgedgameandis us~aresultof'allegia.nce ;~yerswhohire·the mostctaptabulous stuWheriitcomes topkk-upgames theskyis the would get me into med school! Then I filled to a frie1ld. Ita,Jleviates the tension when a friend ~ts; Unfortunately,res~e paddingis neceslimit. All it takes is an imagination. They can be , is ttyingto pick up someorie accompanied by a $~j,nt.oda.tscompetitiveexistence but some. OAC chemistry and biology. Shit. nice or mean - it really depends on the participeoRle:Wre the cake. . Mypointis,yougottamak¢yourintentioosfriend.Sometimes the winger must settle for pants. . In Oi1e example, some,girl told me-she's clear when:you join stuff. Ifit's for the resume, sOmeone loWer than their expectations and is For one of my favourites I hay-e coined the thenciUed "Jumping on the Greruide"or "taktrust me, people will respect your honesty. going to India for fourireeks. to orgaruze a term ''Dare to Diss," agamewhereguys are dared Toend,Ileavewiththis·petsonalanecdote.ingonefortheteam"unlik.etheirfriendwhogets literacyprogratn. Had she been MotherTheresa to go tell off or embarrass anover-confident I wQuldhilve applauded her altruism. The oply Lastyeat I joined Hip Hop Club 'cause I heard to woo their chosen landing pad. lookingchica. I thinkitis awesome to knock a girl girls ,congregate to this thing like it wa.s tlle Another game,'dubQed "Dog Fight" blew thb:!8she and mother Theresa had in common down a few pegs and I think that girls could nieawayand the namerea1ly says it all. A group were their sexappeaJ.: .' . . ' niillion poontang march. HoWever, I artfully capitalize with this game to do tbesame to cocky When your marks are good and your ~xtta tOld 'the instructor that learnj!}g how to dance ' otguys al\pitcil in equal mOney and they must guys. CutticU1ar involvement is solid you p.eed that was myonly~onfor joining>ltbjpk~s~.locate4jtdoi· (see~~e femaIe) and fol- _ ~. :Gam~s ofthis sort flow like the liquor in bars . ' . "'~;:loW the rules 'out1in&l in order to win the pot: and,pethaps, ~moreawareofsome<>fthem ..:que extra humanitarian ba.fot~~­ myhoxofTtbjanil.·· ", HeCk. I thoughtmynovicedanceskiDswouldOneguyexpJained how for one fight the chal- wiIlmakeus a little morewary otoutpeds;W&iJ.e tiooatschola'rship~ lIef; let's go to IrulialThere are poor people there that could use my knowlbe mther charming to, the opposite sex. They . lenge was not only flirt with the girl but "get a the stories sound amusing, attached to them are ,;~ ()flitera~ b 'fot.r\ll7eef£& atfallleitt'tan unheard feelings of embarrassment and hurt. . wem:notefocukedt:hanlthought'~eac,htinle pi#, ~ther' naked in her OWn bed!" What is ."'"5"" "'''7 or. . . ditch 'em, fly to Antarctica and protest the I fellon the floor, I'd hear cliiCk inuttet;~"evC:li.cra~~h:han the goaIisthatone guy sucSometimes the price for such fun is much too "Tell this loser to get his ass home. He's killing ceededl Oth~games merely require to leave the penguin hunt. hlgh. and that should not be forgotten. out rhythm." barfirstwitha"dog" orgetherhome so the othet Yeah,I'ma cynic butit's pretty obvious when mtitus@imprint.uwaterloo.ca PeoPJedostufffors.elf~prombtingr~olis. Had guys can do a comparison. hramachandran@imprint;uwaterloo.ca told meflatout, "yeah Heranibone, I wanna







My new McWalkometer get in one day without· knowing it. 4,513 steps to and around Waterloo Park; and '. ,,~,And; believe it,orfIot;I got mystep-a-mcQ!! .'. 9~3 siepsback:home. ln$i.de the.oome,:it ~es me 13 steps to.get "ft~,ofall p1aces.McDonalds. They are giving them out free with a pur~ of a meal-sited . ,to the kitchenj 16 steps to talkwith my roOIp~ salad.... yes.salad.Asmanyofuswouldbe,Iwas 'mates, and a measly six steps to go to the sceptical to even touch anything green from bathroom. McDonalds.thatwasn'tona burger. But! must ,Okay, so I think l'ill taking·my new step-aadmit, the salad wasn't half bad, and I got the meter to the exttenle. But the numbers were step-o-meter. defioitelyimpressive. ,This has to be a prime example of turning a So I went to the Bomber last Wednesday night, , ' For example, Iwa1ked. the equivalent of2.9 and I tOok a total of 3,587 steps. kilometres:while at Bo¢ber, which equates to ,looming problem into a sparkling opportunity. McDonalds has been trying for months to win That breaks down to 1,234 steps inside the .decent exercise (and thatdoesn'tincludingdanc:customers over with their "healthier lifestyle" Bomher duringtbe initial i'bello'WaIk-around" ing or random make-outs). uponatrival, 89 stepswhilewaitingin1ine for the Inonegay)ltook9,~steps.whichamounts ' approach, trying to tag along to the health machine. Unfortunatelyforthem,McDonalds firmly patio, 485 sQ!ps outside on the patio, and 1,779 to 7.9ki1ometres. Granted, visiting Waterloo holds the "grease and'obese" position in our steps duri.nS the final "goodbye walk-around". Parkwasanextraordinaryoccurrence (the rabbits minds.' ,. During the day, I took 1,850 steps from were particularly frisky that day), but it really Things were thought to get worse with the home to scliool, 2,150 steps while at school, openedmyeyes toh'owmuch exercise we really

release ofthe docutnentary '~erSize Me," in which one man decides to eat McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 30 days. But, instead of fearing the~91 ~ thcirsupersized reign over fast food, theMCMatketingcrewover at the Golden Arches saw an opportunity to makemoney. . . In the,movie,.the man monitOrs all of his exerclsewhile onhlSMcDiet,includinghis walking by using a device that counts the number of steps he takes as he is walking. As a ''biz kid," I see a move like this as the genesis ofMcDOnaldsandtheirattemptathealth positioning. Then again, I might be just a marketer's dream (in my defense, I'm certainly not goingtO buy aBigMac combo for a"fi:ee song'').


IAI fUll So you're really dOting CherUze Theron?

t Yup. You're notmoking n up?" I


ao~al@imprint.~waterloo.ca ..,-

1Ia~'8i'cha~'~fdi i:,1 want:,.:. "-~"~""

Seriously? I

You're not pulling my leg?




Is....;..' .;lr tc>,4WCII"e of thlO





Imprint opinion


Five steps to a shadier you #3. Single-mindedness. If you care really, really sttongly about something,

We should all enjoy the life of the Canadianfederalpolitician

#2. LoadedwOnir. Do people avoid you cangetawaywith sayingthe silliest conversationswithyou?Maybeyou're things about everything else. Martin choosing your words wrong. You has. his health care, Harper has his should try "politispeak," a magical governmental accountability and language in which you pllt,~positive Layton has his environmental secuspin on everything and always say, rity,andeachoneisstickin'tohisguns. what your subjects wantto hear! ConI wouldloveitif, at my next interview, more_ob~esse4with.1:he:,\\'ed~g~,.s~e1- thisc~l~fromthe federal ,IcoUld respond to an employer's theminlage,.a politiCian on, the war-•• ··,:~a,~s:JiHvesting,"""hich suggests . question about how I would solve an path for votes is both insatiable aruj ,'~is bettertbantheharsh, office inner conflict by saying, completely oblivious to his actions,' honest word "spending." Or, try "Hmmm. I don't care much for that. I'm surprisingmyselfby how involved whole phrases like, "I will not level Bllt I love oJIice lottery pools! Boo-yah!" I'm getting in the federal election and people seem to respect that. I wantin. So, permitm~t9present new legisla~," which r~y means, This one may be the hardest to apply malarkey. (Usually I like to bury my "I wonder how much moi¢11 would to real life. five methods politicians usf .to captinose closer to home, butthe new Feds vate whole nations that jUst. might have to 'invest' in order, t() btand my., #4. Positive and I!egative, interaction. are behaving themselves.) And as I watched last Monday and Tuesday's help us students in our daUy lives. initials onto every UterllS,m ~ .cogp.- '. Think of it like this: your friends, and «federal debates, I felt overwhelmed by #1. Egostroking. ThepotentW.lead,. ,r.ry."The best thingaboI:lLpoli~; familyare perfect, and everyone else is : ,,'i:., '.", emotion,.,.as I'm erg of,(he country is thatjf someone challeriges,~ true Satan's secretary. Lifewould be so easy realize they have ~ of your words, you just, au", ," ifitwas that black and white, and for sure~yaCana­ tO'impress us: tomatically say, ''That's notwhaL, Ifi politiciansitis. Notice how the federal For me, "Notice how the young adults; said." Foolproofl leaders can change from chummy to the emotion was jealousy, because federal leaders c~n which explains, _ it was then that I change from .fllture-minded.. ' ..... , ~sueslikepreser~', realized ... politito ',va«ollofWl,tural, cians have the sweetest job ever! a nanosecond resources and:~ Here I am, litsame-sexma:ttle graduating me, (except for layton, riage.L:t'smllkitt putting on a suit who by choosing our",.. , ,... own personal and tie every few agendas and redays to go to ,an jectingany atinterview where I put up a· false tempts· at comfront to lan4a job where my petsonpromise! People admiteyou for being ality will be largely repressed. And . hard~nosed. ~esid~s, we have every there'sabickering~~Harper, . ~eason to ~a tougp~eJl; J:4'1:4a~J?£ t21kingovereach other, tryingto conliberating protest music and Campus Unrest are over, so we must find Our vince their classmates thatthey should be teacher's helpet rather than that fun elsewhere. (I don't mind the Nastupid smelfyheadfThese men - confi- tional Guard shooting at me, as long dentandchatismatic,allofthem-are as he does itoffcampus. It's summer embodiments of our hyperactive - the bot dog vendors are trying to youn,gerselves. When a guyisn'tweardo business, fer chrissakes.) ing campaign ribbons, this kind of behaviour gets him a social worker. I realize there's more to beingprime minister than winning the title. Then again,I've rarely seen a candidate who worksharderafterthevotesaretallied than beforehand; like a "bride-zilla",

Mark Stratflrd

• EIII· 10.118




pissyin '.

never stons smiling);; .


i B Little Caesars- i j l;~tOODrt'· j I I







I• ?

. •



I •



i I I


• 46~=:=ET 746-6893 j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ - _ . _ _ • • • • 111

pissy in a nanosecond (except for

Layton, whoneverstopsS11liJiI1';.Iguarantee you that drawing a yisibleline

betWeenloveandhate~~yqtlt goals muchcl~. But please, don,'i

pull a Harper and put those 16ved ones of yours in a soft-lens TV cOmmercial. That's just breeding contempt. ., What, you say that was only four steps? Haveyounoticed (hat! ha'j("en't even mentioned Gilles Duceppeyet? That's a demonstration of the most important step of lill ~ #5. Sidestepping. Just ignore something and it win go away! Thais what politicians do . best, and you can do it tool !JQme-

WOrk?~9~?>-<>p~.mee .. <./. ?.Finit~l. Sober~li!Ii> ,: '. JII.,~,,*'~~ manlWhat, you've beenexpclIed from UW? Nowyou're really catching on.

The Barley Works patio entrance is guarded by stone lions.

McMullan's patio gets ready for a night of drinking.

Patio face-off: the battle of King Street and Pat Carson CIEERS OR JEERS TIlls pastweek, two Imprintcritics (Laurenand Pat) made their way to patios across Waterloo to begin a series of harsh and grueling patio evaluations. The culmination of this rigorous exercise will see the crowning of the "ultimate patio - the champion among champions." In futureissues,IflIprintwill present more face-offs between patios. TIlls week, we present the "Battle of King Street - Barley Works vs. McMullan's.

Barley Works 59 King St. North, Waterloo

Atmosphere Lauren This patio is a lot bigger and louder than McMullan's. It's a lot windier because it is above streetlevel. They had music playing which made the atmosphere more relaxed.

The Works is probably the largest patio in Waterloo. Being part of the Huether Hotel it has a large client base and needs all the space it can get. Lots of seating and space to walk around. You'll definitely find people you know here!

Price / Service Lauren The price ofbeer was cheaper, because they brew their own. The service was good, they had designated patio staff, and they were very quick.

quiet because it is off the main road, and there wasn't any music playing outside. Pat

With a small sub level porch just offof King St., McMullan's porch is great for a small get-together and a nice relaxing pint on a sunny day. If you are going for a ni~ afternoon date with that special someone and just want to keep it relaxed and casual this may be the atmosphere for you.

Overall Lauren They had a Conservative sign outside their fence, but overall I think I would go to McMullan's ifI wanted to sit and relax in the afternoon with a few friends.

Size LaIJren Definitely a smaller feel. I think it would be unlikely to run into my friends there, because they usually like a louder crowd.

I enjoyed this pub a lot. The porch is a great place to relax on a downtown visit and its location just off of King Street keeps the noise down while not being inaccessible. Prices were average, however they make up for it in portion size. I would definitely go back there again, especially for one of their specials; $20 can get you a large pizza and a pitcher of beer. Not too shabby, eh chaps?

Pat Pat

Once again your average prices for a pub. Order the fries though, can't go wrong with $2.50! Good service, and pretty cute waitresses. Hey now, any guy likes to be served by a cute waitress smiling and laughing at all your corny jokes, it just makes you feel good.

Overall Lauren They had a Liberal sign outside their fence, but overall I think I would go to Barley Works for a fun night with a large group of friends.


It's your typical pub. Smaller, dimly lit interior, with a medium-sized porch that has some great spots to catch some rays. Maybe not the best place for a large gathering offriends, but good for small gatherings and to keep a visit more intimate.


The atmosphere says party to me. The porch is large and in charge. The atmosphere provides a great place to party with lots of space and plenty of sitting room. Although they did change Pink Floyd on the stereo to Alicia Keyes at one point, I can forgive them and let it slide this time.

Size Lauren I think that I would run into my friends there because there's good, cheap beer and it has a louder atmosphere. There is also more room for big groups. Pat

tender I received pretty damn good service. The true test would be to see it operate on a busy night or during a Turkish football game.


Good porch to hit with a large group of friends that are looking to consume their fair share of wobbly pops. Cute waitresses and some good tunes [if they let you hear a Pink Floyd song] and their own brewed beer make it a good place to experience atleast once while in Waterloo.

Price/Service Lauren The price was as expected, but there was a good deal for a pitcher and wings or combo platter for $20. The service was good even though they didn't have designated patio staff, but there weren't many people there when we were.



56 King St. North, Waterloo

Any pub like McMullan's is going to have similar prices. The prices are comparable tb other pubs, however, you get your bang for your buck because the portions are more than one can handle. With one bartender as the waiter and bar-

Atmosphere Lauren The patio isn't very big, but it's a good place to visit with a small group. The atmosphere was

And the winner is ••. Lauren I'm a big town girl and I'm going to stick with my big porch, big attitude, Barley Works. I like how music and the location can make even the hottest night seem cool. Its own beer and some sexy waitresses pressed the right buttons - I'm definitely bringing my friends here again. Pat

This was a close one, it was the David vs. Goliath classic batde, but I'm going to have to go with McMullan's. I've got a soft spot for the small and intimate pub, pool tables, familiar staff, and great beer on tap. You can't go wrong "vith Carlsberg and a good football (soccer to the uneducated) game. Ifox@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

1m· till P . U '"," rat ~


lagtlfliUli. ",UUUI-'uO


Art and Spirit estival returns to St. Jerome's

The autistic social butterfly

Michelle Gallant



Creativity and spirituality are making their way to St. Jerome's University June 24 to 26 for the second annual Festival of Art and Spirit. This year, the festival focuses on the visual arts, showcasing the work and lives of five outstanding Canadian artists, with stories, interviews, workshops, barbecues and musical presentations enriching the theme. All five talented artists will also act on their creative impulses by sketching throughout the festival. The drawings \\lill be part of a silent auction at the end of the fesrivalV,-',-)fL, , Festival Highlights

ThursdayJune 24 The U ofW art gallery presents a showcaseof the work from four Canadian artists: Rene Meshake, Catherine Paleczny, Ted Rettig, and Gerald Squites. Each artist comes from a different generation, place and spiritual tradition; all share an apprehension of the role of the spiritual in their creativity. The exhibitis free of charge and will be open throughout the festival.

FridayJune 25 Rene Meshake, an Ojibway artist and performer, presents "Nenabozho," which draws upon native oral traditton and combines his unique storytelling ability and creative eye.

Queen's University artist-in-residence, Ted Rettig, a sculptor and visual artist whose work is influenced by his study ofcontemplative practice and inter-religious dialogue, offers a slide show entided Reflections on his life and work ofthe past 30 years. Friday eveningauthor Lesley Millard willread her short story, "A Fine Country" against a backdrop of artistic projections by Kitchener artist Isabella Stefanescu.

SaturdayJune 26 Catherine Paleczny hosts a sculpting class, "Amalgamation" in East Campus Hall. Spaces are limited to the first 25 people, but spectators are invited to watch. Rub elbows with the stars ofthe festivalatthe ''Lunch With the Artists"harbecue. Afterwards CBC host Michael Enright interviews Gerald Squites, renowned Newfoundland artist "Inside the Artist's Studio." The festival's closing performance, "Falthin Music" will be lotal mezzo-soprano singer J eonifer Enns Modolo,followed by the closing reception. The St. Jerome's Festival of Artand Spiritis generously sponsored in part by BMO Financial Group, The Federation of Students, and St. Jerome's University. Events are open to all and opening nlght is free. Festival passes are $25, day passes $15, and single performance passes are $10. Students and seniors receive a $5 discount.

Don't hide in your cocoon. Come out and spread your colourful wings! Forsevera1occasionslhavewanted tointroduce you to my buddy, Plutarch. He is not attald of m(!eting you. As a matrer of fact, he likes to meet everybody. He's Monsieur Plutarch; The SocialBut- . Mf!j,Nowthatyou've beenquicklyacquainted with him,you'll notice that !leis very hllppy to become youifriencLHe's got charm, and with Imprintand theSunrplled and tucke~ under his arm he is ready l:9~veon~impressQtherswithouthesitation.

••. :S$owlJ~t~ydoeshehaveuphissleeve?The iatist BOlfib~' Bombshell? The Sunshine Girl? ~!:'to be revealed is deeper than skID. ~e'~ got a knaCk fpr knowing all the statistics and scorfs for hisfavourite sportsdubs, Alouettes and Expos. '. . His abilities come hand in glove at any social scene.··He'll be able to meet distinguished.overachi~, frierids and familyatcock:tall parties, or even fellow litudents on campus. You won't need toworryaboutcomingtohirn-he'll come to you! He d~slo~tq socialize,In fact, the moment he realizes youatea trustworthy-person., he'll ask you for your date birth: .. "Danny, my dear chap, when were you bom?" heMked, (responded, "Plutarch, ifs.December 31"" Thlnking about the year I was bom, "Oh yeah, 1982~ 21. 21! Alas, I am old, I am old." "Thatwas a Friday!"



G9"'op rolepta -finest

Plutarch is clairvoyant, retrospectively. Would hebeabletoguessthedaysofthedatesinthefuture? I haven't had the chance to question that. Anyhow, his mathematical tricks embellish his sixth sense of detecting some genius activity. The bottom line is that he craves conversations and makes you feelat home-insofaras hehimselfis comfortable andhe receives the dignity thathe deserves. He has autism but it s1:lOuldn't stop him from becoming th~ nextDon.~~(!u:y, weathet anchor, statistician, or the next ''g;ime theorist" As supporters w-ecanbetter.serye his inherentgifts that would lead to eclectic achit:vements.. Oursocietyshelters Plutarch so hedoesn'thave t6qm:ythe burden ofachallenge, orpethapsdue to the perception that he is deemed exploitable by wanton desires.of fellow men. However, I have a different:view. iaanilieM?nmeut ~or ~ tl1anfle~ ~ cotltagewhichembodyp~,lifNffirm.ingfriend­

ship; Ihmdhim .as a role modelforhi-s lmmertse



me realize !hatl, too, can build expertise in mychi)senfieldinmymlliergra,G$tUdieS.MediOCracy in t~ ofgenera1knowledge,Iasc,ertai.n.ed,islame. Andgraduatingforthesake.ofaclegreeseemsto be picayune. Plutarchexemplifies soinethingmore. Taking a step back, University ofWaterloo is the ideal place for Plutarch to rQam andbiIDk!;()ut his latentautistictalerit;(Nothing is egteg1oUl>ly Wtoog; Thismight just the next reve4tion on campusnextto the diSeojiery?f the B4tkBerry. Plutarcliwaslast$'~ti.;1tlk,>!J1b~. Others have claimed thathehas thekeyto rendetitlgrl,;ieGa,J.lssMarkhovTheorems and the BLUE (Be§tptlear Unbiased Estim~tor) model as trash.':"'nottrore Econ321!


enough information to understand the story without having read the books. It also takes place in the same world as the first Dark Alliance, and somewhat carries on the stories of the three " heroes in the first. Instead ofthe three classes in the original, you are able to choose between five: monk, barbarian, necromancer, cleric and rogue. Also, there are two secret characters that are unlockable by beating the game on hard and on extreme. Personally, I think Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 the monk kicks some serious ass. The m.onk is Playstation 2 best without weapons and pulls offfiercea>mbos $59.99 of up to six hits. There are, however, a few problems with the Since the days ofMario 3 and BattleToads there game. The first and most angering is the ending. has been an untapped treasure chest in game I'd say I'm going to ruin it for you, but I doubt design: two-player gaming. Those games where it can get much worse. There's this sarcophagus you work through itwith another person, sharand a dude talking to it. The dude's all talking ingall the loot you find, and constantly yelling at about how you (the hero) screwed up his plans the other guy for dying, or perhaps saving over and the sarcophagus says, ''We've gottago shitkick your co-op game with his single-player game. them" (or something like that) and it fades out. Bastard roommates. Notonlyare these characters not present elsewhere In any case, lately co-op gaminghas been a sad in the game, but also there is no mention of second to the first player mode, often lacking a anything remotely Egyptian. I presume it's alludgood engine to complement having two players. ingtothefactthattherewillbeanothergame,but In fact, it's usually much better to playa single come on guys. Thatis a serious downer after laying player game (like, say, Ninja Gaiden) and switch out 11 hours to beat the game. off. The other problem is that the weapon upBaldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2reallY changes grade system, while neat and a little bit interesting, the whole idea of co-op gaming. They combine fails to keep up with the character's level. I mean, an excellently crafted RPG with the ability to there are lot ofgem combinations and whatnot comfortably play with two people at once. but they can't get powerful enough to make a real In terms of graphics, the game features an difference. engine capable of creating the most glorious Overall, the game is a shining example of a lighting and particle effects. It's capable of dishack-n-slash RPG. I'd suggest picking this up if playing in both the standard dungeon-crawler you and a friend playaloNf:video games together. overhead view, and a more close-up view, both Alas, the game doesn't seem to know about the with a fully controllable camera. Internet but hopefully the next will. The storyweavesin to the Forgotten Realms series of books, while still giving the player talamen@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Alamenciak 1-UP








Serena WOllg ~--.,--------~----"-




rt -"-


Attending Teml Cotta !f'amors in Toronto last week was a unique theatre-going experience. For me, it was a number of firsts, but not the ones mentioned in the playbook. This was the first musical I've attended that, well, is not a musical! It calls itself an "actionmusical" but really it's better described as a dance/ acrobatic/instrumental performance with a few operatic songs thrown in. «Musical" implies a story told through dialogue and song but there is not a single word ofdialogue or song tlJ.at escapes the mouths ofany ofthe characters in this production - unless you include the overdone screams of the backgmundrecording (theywere going for anguish but the effect was ridiculous and laughable). No dialogue or songs, you say? Well then how did they tell Lhe story? The playbook says that this is achieved more through action than dialogue, but the truth is it's a m~n-issue since thete's no story 10 speak of. \'Ii/hat ,vriter/ director/ financier Dennis Law (l'v£D) passes off as a storyis a handful ofhistoric events ahoutthe lite of China's First Emperor mixed in \\~1:h pseudohistorical events. One such scene had the emperor being visited hythe ghost ofConnlCius, bathed in a green tight like something out of TheXJiles. but a handful of events tossed t:ogethet '-'~tbOHt eXlp';J:!'.J!tw,n or conncrte.dness do-es nc~r a

High.flying antics like these can't quite save Te"a Cotta Wa"iors.

Even the choice of events seems arbitrary --the relevance of the queen mother's affair, for example, a scene spent illustrating the bedroom gymnastics of the queen mother and her lover, seems unnecessary and irrelevant. (Incidentally

the queen motht.'1:iB playedbya dancer who looks about 20, she must've given bil1h as a fetus.) It's odd how there's no mention at all ofhow the terra cotta warriors, the natnesakes of the show, came about. It looks like Law simply tried to identify a bunch of events in tbe emperor's life that might give the dancers something to dance about-w-ithout !,.nmg any thought to flow or reason. The playbook claims that this "musical" is "telling a simple but compelling story... a moving story of passion and betrayal;" but an undecip!Jy;t;:~ble story can llardly be compelling or moving:' . This was the first time I've seen everyone in an audience simultaneously scramble for their programs at intermission to try and decipher what was going on. Even as I read the scene synopses, I had trouble idc,!ltifYingwhich dance corresponded to which scene and had to do quite a bit ofment,ll-stretchingto figure out how each scene related to the others (perhaps this was what the playbook meant when it said this production was "an incredible journey of the mind"). The man who sat in front of me acquired a flashlight during intermission and used it frequently during the second half to use his playbook as a crib sheet for what was happening on stage. Other than oftering such cryptic scene synopses as "Emperor fears both Confl1cius and death," the playbook may be tlH'; fltst everto use the £1J:st few pages as a disd:aitm;r. It basically insulates itself from criticisIl1 with such statem(;'1lts as "action-musicals... should not be -"'lc,,\\TC(i within tradiJion~t! boundaries" and cross'" cultural entertll.imnent does demand some degree of open-mindedness," basically calling anyone who doesn't like this production a closedminded bigot. See TERRA COTTA WARRIORS, page 14

Lessons learned along tranquil paths Ifyou'rdoolcingforsomethingthat's theantithesis of summer Hollywood blockbusters, a palate-deanser, a reprieve from things exploding, this is the film for you. Sprill,f!; Summer, Fall, U7intel: .. dnd Spring is the latest film by South Koreamvriter/ director Kim Ki-dukandis absolutely everything a Hollywood blockbuster is not --- it's quiet, profound and unexpected. The movie takes place on a breathtaking and ttanquillakc nesded amongst isolated mountains --- so beautiful it has a surreal quality. floating Buddhist Situated on the lake is a temple ,-- actually, the word "temple" is probably misleading. "Temple" elicits images oflarge statues and incense bru:ningarnidst the hypnotic Ul"U • .ulJill of many monks'-'-' this temple is an exce!edjln2~h simple it is a one-room but we'll get to that later) house ",,.jth, a small shrine with a single doll-sized Buddllist statue in the middle. Bed paUets flank either side of the shl'ine. There are no walls inside the temple, but there are doors d1at lead to each of the two "lx~drooms"; the doors are used as if walls were there -- symbolic perhaps of taking the proper path rather than lhe easiest one. The story begins in the spring. The scene opens on the Hoating temple that houses a pair of monks -- an adult (Oh Young-·soo) and a child (Kim Jongho). TIK two lead a simple and contented life; every morning they wake,

worship at the shrine, and paddle their unassuming boat to gather medicinal herbs or take nature walks. There isn't the insufferable rigidity sometimes associated with religious life - far from it. The child monk explores his world, plays with animals and learns life lessons from his master. 'Theirtelationship is one ofrespect and affeccion. The older monk watches over the child, but does not interfere, even when the child makes mistakes and does wrong. Discipline is administered sparingly and wit..~out anger or cruelty, but also without excuses forthe child's age. One such lesson involves a very literal interpretation of the Golden Rule (roughl.y: do Imto others as you ,>'louid wish done to and we imagine that this is one such lesson the child ,,111 carDJ\;\>id1 him his entire life. Each season brings ,:v-ith it ne\" life lessons and both monks grmv older as time passes. In the summer, th.e. child monk has become a I :1f·.-k\'!Jl,l!Y~ and a female visitor (Ha in need attention disrupts and hU!l1(,)1"c)Usly their simple world. the two begin an unlikdyromance. monk is am,v faced 'with a choice between the simple life he has always knO'w"D and the more exciting life of "the of man," the outside life. Predictably, the ofthe outside 'VlOrld is too strong and dIe teenager leaves his master to be with his lover. What happens in the fall and winter chaptets of this movie are both fitting and surprising.


A floating BuddhisUemple sets a surreal stage for life's cycles and life lessons. \vodd of the monb is not without accident and suicide. But all of this is dealtwtith in the has seen it all and ut!ldeTS!:andsan,[j aCCi.:pl:S tlrlll1lgS as arc. In tIle latter spring chapter,we'r.:. shown hc)\v life llas come fulJ-cirde as the now grown up child 1110nk imparts wisdom on a fit:'''W chil& Tius is a difficult movie to describe - the closest comparison that cornes to mind is to the Dutch film A'ltlmia's Li!te, another excellent movie about the cycle of life. TIlis film is a timeless parable, its characters are archetypes-so much so that none of the main characters hiwe names. The movie's setting is simple, the

dialogue :'parse and the events stmighrfur\l{ard and .


you as the credits roll. The mood of this of its the g0tg"OU5 citletnato)~apbs to be seen to be understood. one of these frames would on the '-1talJ of an artgallety" . This is not a movie for everyone - it's slowpaced, it's about symbols and it's subtitled. \'i'ithout a this is an art.. house film v-"hethcr that's a positive or a negative thing depends on the kind of movie you're after. siywoflg@imprint.uwaterioo.ca

Imprinl 18



a sequel that doesn't suck Serena Wong IMPRINT STAFF

·TosaythatShnk2doesn'tdisappoint may seem like alukewannresponse to this movie, but it's not. Shnkwas one of the. most widely loved animated movies in recent memory-loved by children; adultslUld critics alike. So to say that Shnk 2 dOesn't disappoint is saying something indeed. Sbrek 2 hl1-S managed to, petfOrm the impressive feat qf side~stepping . the curse bf the sequels ( merely·the mention of the word "sequel" generally elicits. involuntary shudders of dread from film buffs as horrible images of sequels past flash in our

to give Shrek a hard time and Shrek returns the favor, all of which puts Fiona in an awkw3.rd and unhappy position. The plot thickens as we learn 1jlat Fiona's fairygodmotheds actually the devious mother of Prince Cha.rmiDg and plans to set thingS right byrepW.:ingShrekwithherbeloved son~ ing. This Ftriry. Godtnotheris . sweet old biddy and more sche~


mafiab~ss (~Tony&p~o~

Tinkerbcllwings)anditseemsshe~ something on the King ·that rnak:es ~ a somewhat unwilling aq;6m~ plice to her designs. . To fulfill Fairy Godmother'sdtmands of offing Shrek, the King,~ . listS his mpst accomplished assasptu•. en . J: amysterious cat named Puss inbOOtf. Shnk 2 continues where Shnk left Puss steals the show with his unco»off. Shrek, thelovable ogre, and prinventional fighting style, his look (Ilke cess Fiona return from their honeyZorro;except,ofcoursehe'sacat... in moon (the movie opens with a hilari- boots) and his accent.. ous montage of their honeymoon) to In themeantim~, Shrekand Fiona have a major fight and ShrekJ.eaves to their swamp-home where Shrek is faced with the scariest foe yet: the infind a way to make things better belaws. Fiona's royal parents summon . tween them and all the while Prince the new couple to their casde in the Charming is ttyingto edge his way in land of Far Far Away, which is, fit-with Fiona: The plot twists and turns involving such things as the Fairy Godtingly, far, faraway. . Like any son-in-law, Shrek is less mother's potions, mistaken identity, than enthused at the prospect ofmeet-and giant cookies all culminating at a ing his in-laws, especially given their . ball (where else?) celebrating Shrek difference in, well,species.I3utoffthey and Fiona's marriage. go anyhow, Shrek, Fiona, and their The characters are charmingly trusty (if annoying) steed, Donkey. voiced by veteran Shnk talents lYlike As expected, the in-laws are less Meyers(Shrek),CameronDiaz(Fi~) .than thrilled bytheirnew.so.n-in-law, . and~¥urpl:ly (Do~ey)~aswell espedallywhen they expected Prince' as new cast members J oha Geese Charming, literally. The king proceeds (King),JulieAndrews (Queen),Rupert




How do you frighten an,ogre and his donkey7lntroduC8 them to the in-laWs.


Everett (Charming) and most notably Antonio Banderas (Puss). Like its pre<i;eces$Or, Shnk 2 is bursting with sight gags, winks· at f1lirytales and pop culture references. Some are just clever - like the Versachery, Gap Queen, and Old Navery stores that line the streets of Far FarAway and then:d-carpettreatment Fiona and Shrek receive on arrival, complete withJoanRivers doing the interviews. Other spoofs are equally inspired

news do an OJSimpson-styled play-by-play overhead. Everything from Mission Impossibkto Flosbdanceis parodied so wen that it really makes you pity the kids - they're missing out on the best part of the Sbrek movies! ' The creators ofShnk2really have an admirable attention to detail .:..everywhere you look on the screen there's somet:hingto see (note the ''Sjr Justin" poster on the bedroom wall, a nod to Justin TImberlake's popular-


itywithteen~)""e.veq ~4calcu~ .. ·

chase ofShrek and cOtnpany; Shrekis, of course, riding a white bronco and

lated, (the King's references to "old crusade wounds'') and subtle refer-

ences mix with the more obvious spoo'fs (Shrek sneaks into the Fairy Godmother's lair not with guns blazing but armed simply with the claim that he's with the union). I was especially impressed that the ginger-· bread man had icing on !:ris knees bondinghi~ body to his legs - a nod to the original Shnk. There is somethingfor everyone in this movie. nus is a crowd-pleaser with genume sweetness,. clever and entertaining from beginning to end. Wbata treat. . slywong@imprint.uwaterloo~ca

Terra Cotta Warriors: nqt a musical, and not that great Continued from page 13 What's more, the claims made by the producer (Law's wife) that this new"accion-musical" formatisneeded to replace the Broadway standards of "comedic dialogue, tuneful songs and Jight-heartedromance" arerather bold

1lSsetrlOOs forsucha~production. Callmeold-fashionedandtraditional, but a comprehetisible story is still

appreciated. .. Furtbermote, the playboolc's in-

sinuation 1hatCh41ese~,l¢gp1<)t ad:, prOduce good Songs, or tell agood . story on pat with North Americans (''Rather than competing in ~ of

traditional North American strength, e.g. acting ability, comedic qualities, and pleasing western tunes'') is igno· rant as evidenced by the plethora of excellentfilms,greatmJJSicandawatdwinningactots from China. The ChineseknOW howto act, tell a goQd story and write good songs -even if Dennis Law doesn't (to be fair, I'm . sure he's an excellent vascular and thora:cics~on, perhapS he ~hould stick to his strengths). Having.said all of this.. there !!te a few good: things jiliouttbis.produc-

tion-forone. thecastisimpressive; these talet1ted men aoowomen(there are ()vet' 900£them in the cast) ~ye

clearly worked hard. There are a few nicelycho!eographedscenes (thehanging sc~ne in-patticular) that are wenexecuted by the dancers and are enjoyable to watch. The martial arts arid acrobatics are impressive; in addition to the standard flips there. are some creative~ticswithstringandpots.

Themusidans,alllocatedoffthemain stage oil the balconies, are also good ~ a woriuulcplays the pi-pa (a traditional string instrument) and a man plays a variety of percussions instru~ ments. Oddly. the musicians are onlyemployed .between scenes; during the scenes themselves, arecordingis used

(accordingtotheproducer'snotes,the live performers are just there to augmenttherecordings). The<>perasinger also does a credible job. _ The costumes are decent but unfortunately. there is ~ awful lot of fake-looking metallic fabric thatadds a gdish quality to many ofthe outfits. The few non-metallic costumes, such as the beautiful long red number featured on the cover of the playboOk, were much more elegant and fitting. I don't usually pay much attention to the make-up, but the painted-on moustaches on many of the principal male dancers also don't do .any favours for the look of the show.

The best part of thewholeproduction takes place during the curtain call where talented acrobats do mini-demonstrations that are a treat to watch. It makes you wonder why they didn't focus on that for the show. Perhaps if . this showwas revamped to feature the acrobati<;s. the musicians and a.few dances and the pretext of a·narrative was dropped (as well as the applause track that's inexplicably used in one scene), this would be a decent cultural show. As it stands, it is lUlincoherent mess of a production - in any language and in any culture. slywong@imprint.uwaterloo.ca


. FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 2004

.even.all agJ:eement ~()~tW14te:,:" uytoil's p~orinan:ce~alitdesur~ . . HousephotomaphetSto nqt capt:ure', ~e,dtoh~ thata,P thebthermajoi l\llY jrnages of 1;ltePtesident in }psparty l~~ .had tIim~ doWn the / .wheetch:air;At tli~ tinle.,it was,teared 'chlfnteto dQ~sru.:rle.f>espiteafew, • . ,



~t ~'()bSeyelt'sa,biAtieswo~' be '~PtO~~{.kn~~Were

questtoneddut;to hl$Qisabilitr.·


's~~19::pwte!tjJteNDll~) ~

·".C·'.,'.K'E··.·...•'·. • ··::'.· . .' In 1966;]0hn: ~F.l<enD.edy.and "c<~ehlngW¥~succ:ces~' :."w",• •:..IEt. II . .RiChardNixPnwere.~~st'~~~V()~fu.!d<iqt~2OQQ~.

:. ..' "'. '.c' eacl,l other forpresiden~Both candi~ .. '~y' (it) PeFceht, down~~ As'I ~tetbls arricl~l'i:nwatchjngan 'da!C:s agnIedtouse the ev~l:virig m~- ': 'ttOnlfOu1~prior,~dt'#~ . abridged~oftl:ieleadentdepate·.' ...'<li\l1l! of televisiOn as a venue for the ,YOUllgPePP1e~pc;ciaUY~~-· OQF~~,tt1evisl~,~' were C\1stQ~' leadt;rS1 ~e~ate; Mt¢rre- froni ,~ottatic apathy -~~~et , surpriSingly~scan~ous,despitetheccntlYteco~f[t9m agriefilhiess-", hefo~EleCtioA!9~~rtsthat_ fact that welu!.v~ a~least 'One, fascist . andchOQgjpg~ot,io~af:lY~Up ., as~yll,s t:hre,C:q~.ofpeople.in atteinptfugto~q>ntrolofbutcoun-, fo!the NixopJQ~ked .p~e· rn:¢..age~9UP.whQ \v~ eligible to tty. Thedeba~gotmethinkin:gabout ~dqisheveled.l,iewas~~Q sporting vote in2000,didn't, Anclwecaneve9, howciucia!a.fO\ethe~Play~ someclassy5-9'clock s~ao\V that 'Vote oncatxipus: , ' influ~cingo~ politicat 4eci$ions. lIDade hltn look kind. of bomeless. . "The NDP w.eretheonly ones to don'q~t:xncim advertisements~ a1:- .' :Kennedy;_oo,theothtrhan9. with his take up :MuCh i>n-thcirinyitacionto tho~th¢ire '~~y ~rtal1t." , r-{~ ~Q charm and handsome appear. But'cafi you reatly.blatne the ' TV co~eta~e .of eleC#6l1$ ,~nd to'ok$, easllYtQok !hedc:t>at;e. . other parties,foqiotshow!rig up? go~entalaffairsC:lUlmakeorbr~ .'. TV canl;>ea tool~th .w.hich to b~dyd<>" ': , apolitician'scareer~' . ,r~chyoungt;r:votersina\Vaythattfiey /' fmno!a,politicalexpett:,leastofall· Frankl.in RbO$evelt was" ele(j:ed', respect and completely iulderstal;ld. when it comes to Cahadiati' politics. ' presidentfour .time!;, which is p~tty.~i!tclin,ts>n,· used MTV in 1992. He ButTreallyfeel that decisions arp made I?Y su.rptising since he.was almQst c6ni,' ')l':re;~~tedb,imself}ls i9un~,hip;vi~ those who show up. ltisour re~ponsib~:pletely confined to a wheelchaidor pfant; ~p intouc;~.. f;Iis strategy paid ity toeducate ourselves on the issues niost ofhis life. fed4ttricpoliohadleft, off aru,J this year ac~ sOnle~ne is andtnakeinformeclchoiCesaboutwho hislegsnear~yParalyzed,butthrQugh ,ttYln~~~\;.~~$ucces's; .". we wa,nt running our country, Sure S0n1ec;levermediaInlUlipulation this, taStwed~ a'rri~nd andl wentto .TVisn:ttbe onlY-way to do this, hut wa,s notdisciosedt(tthepublic. Since Mu~usi<:to.~~J~j:..aytptiSp;eak " it's a start. No matter who you' vote he served ih bffice before tele~sion ~thmy VJ::nemesis Jennifer Hollett. for, m~ sure you do. Show ~p. . wasPopularized'12'D~Jwl416Ptob- Althou~h, the interview' only lasted lerns with ~cbverage.There was half an hour, we were impressed with dcarev@imprin,t.uwaterloo.ca



'Ehtmer.grUhge 4own-~tage~ ~eleasesc s~lo debu~ MeJis$a: Auf der MI\\U:.....-AttfCfe.r Maur Having built uphet,ch~ ~ with bands like Holeand The Smash~ ing Pumpkins, it's no surprise that Melissa Auf der Maur's solo sound emboWes the after-math of the mid~ dle'90s. Aided on the aibum by fellowaltrock heavy-weights like Nick Oliveri


fessionaJ:£ewmusidanscaneventouch .

her kind ofhysteria, let alone control it the,way she does. Veering between rock, punk and guitar pop in'almost painfuno~fi, this is some of thelustiestmusicbC:ittgmade these days. "Take the cap /Offthe pen,~1 she tells a lover in "The Letter." ''Wet the envelope/ Lick and lick it." Please tell you don't firtdBritney. Spears pllntillg in pirik c~~ps sener t¥U'this. IMS] .'



Iha (TheSmashlng Pumpkins, A Perc fectCircle),AufderMaurcultivatesthe same thl!atrical, post-grunge sotirtd as . Kudess--- 8ea'of(laces groupslikeA PetfectCi'rcleand Filter. ItdoesrtYreally feel. tbatgOOd tottash ' ~r Attiriles,. it seems a Jittleself-.con-, the hard'work and commitment. that I~n Ble(:hscl1ll}idt' linprin!staff scious, but there atetbout nin:ety~ abandputs intri an 'album; but some.' Mark Stratfor~; Impijnt staff times tb,eyclon'tglVey-ouniUch choiCe. thousand ways inWlrich iecoulclha"Ve been much, much worse. {IB]Wheq. youemploythis'rrtanypredict" .able sdtlgstrucfures, overused instru~ Stereogtam-:-Scbmackl mental arrang.ern:ents, Eddie Veddero~ page'1'~th~June4 . Clearly1:lle l)'est~tiamed'album since waona1:ievocals and cheesy lyrics with issue; the a.~i~le tttl4td -, ,.. .Does This Look Infected?, the debtit passive sentenii constrUctionS 010, you're "Cambridfl~.$tudio;pr"pares ., ,from thisNewZea1and five-piece does pretty much asking for it Unforfufuture thespian," Iist~(Uhe its damndest to try to keep you' from nately for Kudess, the of their Web site for F8Uingstar . taki.P&th~jetcsp~dtl}.p:-:~9Cktoose·' ,albUlll,says it~7tlrisit j~t.dn~. :Flns~_'~bW.\'iudiO::.F\,,,f riou811, Ail iJ.r~Ul~ the al1d~is'£rin of (,i 'morediop iriisea6tgenen~t6C~ [$J ~~~~hot!t,1et;; amusingly s~lf~deprec;ting' songs' .. . " the prop,r w.Usite ... '.' " : " sec;urity'guards and PJHanrey"':"''m Www.faUin~s.cotn/~'" ,: the· benefits o£b!:ingoverweight.Few· things are serlerthan a woman' work$hop'. . ,;;;? ' kgiv~$ 'yPu get the feelitlgthat with an' electric guitar, and nObody Steteogratn axe as misc!llevous as understands thatllke apJHarVey fan. B~~jiit'Boy,s b~tkit;l the day;just n6t Harvey'sheyclaywas backin: the tU1d:asde!inijuenk-..cthey'll still dropcon~90s, wbe.\lless. vlgilaniaudiences saw . dom:~:iIB;Y~u from thdr hotel win.her as just ano1)lerioopyaIternati~e dow.:b~trat least Y9U can be..sure that mUsicWl. Morecarefulllste.\lerskneW' 'they'it~yever be' full ofwater.fIB1· theyw~reIieaIingone o£ihe sharpest .-~,~( , __ an<i,mostinspiredrocksongwriters'of . • ( •.• )It. . . . . . . ......... ;Vario~ Artists -- Vada·2OOJ ' our gellecition ~ the opening .salvo· ............ 'VAt SItu.... . AniJ:ld~dentlyproducedcompilaf"J:Otn 1993's ~'50,Ft., Queenie" alone . . . . 1. . . . . " . u....lMrt.' • • e............,.." ....... . tion Qf¥.die tnu~ic,V~20QJis the .("Heee.iMl!! I'm one big q~enll') is .11 I.i..............·: . , . latest iq~. series offree cotnpilaticpts,' bettertital).at! tireweekof2004 , ,... . available to anyone who logs on t9 '.tadio.(QQeGfthefew-brigh:t$pots\>f ~-..... wwwiva,ria..oom~org':l'h:is~ today's~ie'-s~ the¥eah Yeah· •••1Iii!I....fI;_~ includes1l.<;tssuc}:l~;Fteakency Y~,are<lirCctHarvey:des¢endants, , and The ~thstyle$var.ying so wliatdO!!s~te1l you?), ·.1 ..........7f9 fronihardcorerocluoeqro.;dancein~ neWflhHtthJ[ermWds the 41...,.... . . .' fluenced trance m.usic "- ,like a Borg many petSQfillsshe"S. taken on since W>NW.oxfordseminars..com QJ;Qnedi~t;ilkd~o musical form; .[lBJ 1992's Dry~. fi:azzle~n!!tVed sc;reamer







F"M' .

.............. ........



chick,blues rfJVivaliSt, misunderstood "digital:pop princess, queen ofgqthic



. . . .:.



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UW comp confirms more acts Beastie Boys fmally let the beat drop Ian Blechschmidt'

and UW alumni. Ian Leung, an IMPRINTSTAFF electronica artist, is currently a student in the engineering faculty. Several new acts were conftrmed this Arda OCIlI, one of several people week to appear on Warrior Nation, a who pored through over 50 entries to compilation CD produced by CKMS select the winners, expressed exciteand FEDS thatwill feature talent from ment about the announcement. "I 'theUniversity of Waterloo. am proud to say these talented musiSeveral acts including Masters and cians will be added to the CD lirlc-up," Modems, Sweetline, and Ian LeUng he said. "They are represetltativeofthe will join local talents such as swint- great talent and spirit atUofWthat rockers Samsara, K-Whip-hop artist oftengges u111loticed." Ocal,'als() Brown (who is currently producing known as AoK;is the hostofCKMS' his own video for Much Music) and Wednesday night pre-Bomber radio Bombshelter regular Craig Cardiffon ' show and co-organizer of t:j;le W.arrior " the album, slated for release this Sep- Nation project. tember. The ftnal selections, rounding out All ofthe acts appearing on the CD the 18 spotS on the CD, will be made ~e,artiS'tS:wtid, atone time or anothei, this weekend. All proceeds from the have been affiliated withtheUniver- sale of Warrior Natiol!will go towards sity of Waterloo. AIt-rock band Mas~, a yet-imnamedcharity. ters and Modems,for example, feaFor more information, please visit tmcs' currentUW undergrads. http://rad,i02.feds.ca/warriomation Sweetline, who will be featured this or http://www.ckmsfm.ca/aok. year at UW's Canada Day celebrationis ianb@imprint.uwaterjoo.ca . comprised ofhoth current students

The election on June 28 is about , ,your future.


Everybody is sick of hearing about . how It's been a really longtime since the last Beastie" Boys album. We all know how long it's been. So let's skip that and get right to the point. The first thing one notices is that To the5 Boroughsis an almost nostalgic effort that relies heavily on a kind-of back-ta-basics (well,basics circa 1994, anyway) drum-and-bass-based hiphop sound. The upsiae is that To the 5 Boroughs

usually lack the resonance oftheir many politically-minded counterparts. Nonetheless, though they certainly take themselves more seriously on this album, Beastie Boys' trademark humour is all over this album (especially the notes in the lyrics sheets apparently their editor makes really good mint julep), and there is a welcome optimism on To the 5 Boroughs that is often missing from political music. In particular, the references to post9/11 New York avoid wallowing in doubt or pity - tellingly, the New York City skyline depicted throughout the insert路deftantlyincludes the towers of the World Trade Centre. Ultimately, this. serves as an abstract for the whole album: as bad as things are, as dispossessed as the Beastie Boys or their fans are with the world, they al~ays have the power to make it better. And To the 5 Borottghs is nothing if not a call to make it better. Ian Blechschmidt, Imprint Staff

Mixtape Masterpiece: anti-establismentarianism Patrick Carson and lauren Fox SPECIAL To IMPRINT/IMPRINT STAFF

Vote Green Party Vote for: * the environment ,. greater democracy * peaceful conflict resolution * holistic medicine * better education

Be,stie Boys To the 5 Boroughs

easily pleases the ear of anyone who's become a fan any time in the last 15 years. The downside, though, is that it almost seems like a step back, espe~ ciallyaftersome oftheirmoreprogressive work on Hello Nasty. And with acts such as Outkast andJay-Z upping the ante in thehst year, resting on the same bets they made with theirpreviousalbums seems risky - especially since it means fewer killer intros ala "The Move" or ''Intergalactic.'' More interesting than the sound, though, is thefact that To the 5 Boroughswilllikely be remembered as "the political album."Beastie Boys are rarely shy about expressing their political views, but this time around they get downright overt. Clearly displeased aboutAmerica's direction under George Dubya, more than a few songs take the Bush adminc istration to task over its policies on the environment, gun control and (dub) Iraq. Unfortunately, their occasionally forced and often platitudinous rhymes tend to sacrifice form for content, and

Pauline Richards Kitchener-Waterloo

www.greenparty;ca 573-3794

"Whenever the Green 'Party has held the balance of power, it has acted with integrity. " . Victor Chan, author, "Tibet Handbook"

To register to vote call 1..800-463-6868 Authorized by the official agent for ..Pauline Richards

more oil reserves for him artdhis Texan buddies. Pearl Jam sum up George W. perfectly with this song.

With the federal election upon us all that we hear about is Liberals this, Dea<iPrez - "AnimaIin the Man" Conservatives that, NDP ...who is the Moving from rock to hip hop, the NDP?The mediais constantly throwgroup DeadPrez is a political hip hop ing~ewinformation a.bout these par~ group that sings about being black ties and their candidates. Amazingly, and growing up in the south. One the news media usually jumps on the song that I like is "Animal in the handwagona little late compared to . Man." It takes its view ofl'evolution others,,such as music. After all, music from the book Animal Farm, which has been political as long as it;s been was also a strong political tooL The around. . lyrics of this song can be related to the book and revolution, and to the life of a black male in the south. PearlJam - "Bu$hleaguer" PearlJam has always been a great su:p~ porter of the Bush adnunistration. U2-''WalkOn'' One ofmusic's largest political juggerWell, when I say supporter I really nauts is Bono from U2. Lobbying mean, they think he is. a bumbling redneckldiot, but then again, to some c~nstantly to help third world nations that is a compliment. The song around the world and to fight AIDS and starvation in Africa, Bono has "Bu$hlCllger" isabout,GeorgeW. l)ushand his reign as (for some, argue demanded respect and co-operation from political leaders worldwide. A ably) the wor~e'presidentin US hisBurmese leader, Anug San Suu Kyi wry. My favol,lrite line in the song is, "He's notaleadet, he's a Texas leaguer." and her struggle inspired the song I think it d~scribes him pe&ctly,with "Walk On" for free election in Burma. his llficannyability to disguisea war as The song has'lines such as, ''You're packing a suitcase fora place none ofus an act ,againstterro~ism,. only to wrin

have been." Describes how one pei~ son can make a difference politically and makes many sacriftces to do so.

Rage Against the Machlne''War within a Breath" I think almost every song by Rage has a political message. This one particularly stood out because ofits openingline, "Evetyofficial that comes in/Cripples us leaves us maimed/ Silent and tamed." They are talking about the US government and how theyareable to disguise any mistake as something they've planned. The government has control over everyone; Americans are notlivingin a free country at all. The funky beats that are essential in any Rage song help drive their point into our minds .. Ifox@imprint;uwaterloo.ca

SLC ~ punks gets political for federal election Matt Charters

to the show, where maybe they'll get an idea of what the local youth are interested in. Headlining the show is apolitically . The third installment in the all ages charged punk rock outfit from WiruiipUnk rock extravaganza that is SLC peg called the Brat Attack, who convey Punks is all set to go for Saturday,June their message ofsocial consciousness 26 - and this time things are getting . through some hard hitting music. political Also appearing at the show will be This "Rock the Vote" edition of another Winnipeg band, One Night the concert series comes only two days before the polls open for the Federal . Only, plus local bands the Charge and the Rotten. Rounding out the lineup election on June 28, and for concert is the Decay from Guelph. All the organizer Moses Bogart, it's all about bands are political to some degree, So getting the word out. He's put the get ready to hear some discourse as voting spin on the concert so that well as some good 01' rock 'n' roll. university students and local youth Ifyou can't make it outto the show can get informed about the upcoming on Saturday, there are still some ways election -where to get registered to you canftnd out about the candidate's vote, when to vote and so on. He's views on youth issues. Bogart is interalso invited each of the candidates out IMPRINT STAFF


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viewing all the major candidates on his CKMSradio show, Straight Outta the Pit. You can catch liberal candidate AndrewTelegdiand Green candidate Pauline Richards this Thursday,June 24 from 9:45 - 12:00 p.m. (NDP candidate Edwin Laryea and PC candidate Steve Strauss were interviewed June 17) . You can also visit www.kwyouthvote.com to ftnd out where the candidates stand and how you can get involved. Your best bet is still to attend the show - for $5 you can witness some of the best punk rock the scene has to . offer and ftndout all about the election at the same time. The show starts at 6:30in the SLC multipurpose room. mcharters@imprint.uwaterloo.ca


UW grad eases Internet use on cellphones Dursl1an Ganth.m IMPRINT STAFF·--··-·-'-----

seat, Ihe operation would be based in

Camera phones are the latest craze for cellular companies, but thanks to it UW grad, they're not just gimmicks anymore. Simon Woodside, a 2001 MathlCS grad, tookan existing prodll.ct and gave it a new purpose when he created Semacode. '. The system allows camera phone uSers to take pictures of semacode symbols, which are thendecodedinto ,'I' . standardintemet LJRLs. Once decoded, the URLis presented to the user on the phone,andthe user can then confirm that the URL was indeed decoded correctly and be taken to the Web site on their phone. This method is much simpler than trying to type an entire URLusingthedialpad ona cell phone. Although Semacode only came to fruition about six weeks ago, Woodside fIrst began thinking about harcodesand cell phones three years ago. "I was really impressed with the ftrst version of W AP (the wireless internet system)," he says. "It was highly limited but showed huge potential, I thought, because it was on a new kind of portable akvays-on device I was thinking aboui: systerns

Canada, but. the ultim.ate aim. is to


Concept art: ASf;Nlce bound rocket first brought up to 24,400m by a balloon.

Space flight: the new extreme sport Ft:.'efiey's rocket hasaHydroxylTerminatedPoly-Butadiene (m~B) core fueled by nitrous ~xide. It i; not the highest-performance fuel, but it proLaunchinginto outer space is the next extreme sport, according to Brian' vides high reliability. The heliumballoon system the team has adopted Feeney, Team Leader of the DaVinci allows them to increase the rocket size Project, dne of 27 teams competingin the X-Prize. Initiated in 1996, the Xto 6.5 feet in diameter. A· ground Prize is an international competition launch for a rocket of that size would to design, build and develop a craft only rise 20,000 feet. Marek Krzeminski, a former UW capable oflaunching three people 100 electrical engineering student, is the kminto space, return them safely, and simulation and control team leader. repeat the achievementwith.the same vehicle within two weeks. The X -Prize His main contribution is the space founder, Peter H. Diamandis, preflight trajectory simmator, which give~ dicts that the competition will be won' real' time data flow. With inputs like launch altitude, launch angle, wind in the next few· months. In fact, SpaceShipOne, a California based con- . forces, fuel ~f6ciencyand rocket mass, tender has set aJune 21 launch date. the flight path and dynamics are determined. Krzeminski has dreams of Two Canadian teams, the Toronto based DaVinci Project and the Lo.n"one day walking on the moon. or don based Canadian Arr()W, are rising floating up in space" and hopes the ."X-prize makes this possible for civilto the challenge. ians." The $10 million prize is based on an insurance system that expires on Mostdefinitely, financing has been the most substantial obstacle the January 1,2005. Ifno team has won by that date, the cash reward is revoked. DaVmci project has encountered. The To date, the DaVinci Project.has public has supported theirpioneering spirit and the manpower and knowlreceived over $4 million in cash arid in edge in Canada has proven to be readkind services and materials. Currently ily available. More than halfthe rocket 200 members are activelyinvolved,alis complete, but operations continue though over 500 people have particio 24/7 worldwide in Canada, the UK, pated over the project's lifetime. The currentplanis t~ have a helium balloon the U.S. and Russia. The first ever Canadian government approval to carry the vehicle to a height of 24,400 launch took months, but the wait was metres, before the rest of the vehicle proceeds to its destination height of worth it forKrzeminski, who proudly has his name on this historic docu100 km. At 85km, the self-stabilizing ment. spherical capsule separates. Each piece has its own parachute system, comAssuming success, Brian Feeney has plans to go commercial. In fact, an plete with redundancy for safety. The eight-person vehicle is already in deselected launchsite, the Kindersley Air. portin Saskatchewan, was chosen due . sign phase. How much would ~ passenger have to pay for what Feeney to safety considerations, regional supdescribes as the next extreme sport? port and favourable weather condi~ tions that provide a high number of Initial costs, including astronautttaining, would likely be $10'0,000 US per possible launch days. Reyna Jenkyns SPECIAL TO JMPRINT

~pan(ho 10 16catiorisworldwide'with four ships per location. To minimize the development costs, Feeney proposes a partnership with existing vac cation resorts. Feeney advises, "Don'tbe afraid to .take on anything. Ta~e action. There are no barriers." He has more advice for mechanical and aerospace engineers, stressing the importance of computational fluid dynamics and especially finite element analysis. He has been underwhelmed by the skill sets of Canadians in this area. U nfortunately, UW students that took a shot at CFD for the DaVinci project wereundertrainedand produced many errors. Itwas like runrunga classroom. The Canadian Arrow· has' announced plans for testing this August . at an Ontario location. Testing will verify proper functioning of the powerful solid rockets that pull the crew cabio to safety in the event of problemswhile on the launch pad, separation of the nose cone from the crew cabin and, deployment of parachutes for safe recovery of the nose cone and crew cabin. Aerodynamic tests will ensure that the rocket can reach the correct altitude without demonstratingabnormal flight characteristics. A caption on the DaVinci Web site conVinces me that this competition could impact all Canadians: "As a Canadian team, this is about showing the world that there is more to Canada than agteat beer commercial. As Prime Minister Diefenbaker onCe said, 'Canada had too much geography and not enough history.' By winning the X-Prize, Canada can go the distance and make world history by demonstratingworld class results as innovators."

and \'Voodside notes .that anyone is free· to make their own software to generatesemacodes, as long as they fIt theSemacode specifications. There are two steps used to retrieve the URL from t!te semacode: image recognition and decoding. Although the Semacode is always square on the page, it usually doesn't photograph 'that way, due to slight shifts in, the camera angle and image distortion through the lens and imaging softWare;M'i iswhere th,e ~~fa!H~gr&­ tioncomes in. It entails a variety of · well-known image recognition tech,niques, "such as thresholding, edgedetection and line fItring, to locate the symbol within the photographic image." Theoutline of the image is found . using a fInder pattern ("which is two solid· edges and two dotted edges,") and then the number of modules' ("the little dots') are counted. The software then locates each module in a grid and creates a two-dimensional area of module values ("light or dark, · which represent 1 and 0.") This image recognition process · outputs a binary raw data stream, which then goes into the decoder. "ISO 16022 (the data mattixstatld.nd barcode symbology) specifies a

ofinformation about UPC codes giving information like allergy alerts, better prices, and eco-friendliness, to name a few. "After about a year or so oftinkering with UPC codes, I came up with the idea of embedding a simple URL into . a one-dimensional barcode like Code 1'28. This was the first incarnation of the system called Semacode." Woodside notes that barcode readersforcellphoneswere expensive at the tim~, so he focused mainly on laptops and the free Cuecat readers that were widely available then. "I was reading about camera phones after they ftrst came out when the light bulb clicked on. I realized that' it would be possible to usethe camera builtin to the phone to read barcodes." Unlike one-dimensional barcodes such as UPC codes or Code 128, 'Semacode uses !he publicdomain data matrix standard barcode symbology, which is a two-dimensional barcode. ''1 could breakout of the limitation of line barcodes and go with a two-dimensional, sqqare barcode to almost any length ofuRL," Woodside explains. Now that the system is up and run,rung, Woodside is trying to popularize the system:by supporting more phones and trying to licenSe the software to operators andgettingmanufacturers to pre-install the Semacode software on their phones. «Semacode was used at Monday'sNokiaConnection2004event in Helsinki, Finland," Woodside proudly states. ''1twas pre-installed on over200Nolcia 761Ocameraphones that were given to attendees, and used as part . ofthe registration process;" The Semacode creator (to create semacodes by typing in URLs) is free,

random.ization pattern algorithm to

spread out the bits across the code to increase resistance to image damage," states \'Voodside. H\Ve reassemble according to the specifications, and then we perform the specifIed ReedSolomon error correction, which is a fairly advanced type of error-correction that can recover from more than half of the bits beingincorrect."This technique recovers the whole data stream, which is then decoded. W00dside points out that the data stream is encoded in ASCII format, which makes thefmal decodingprocess fairly simple. The Semacode system currently onlyworks on SymbianSeries 60 camera phpnes, such as the Nokia 3600, Nokia 6600andSiemensSX1,among others. Woodside plans to port the system OVer to UIQ~based camera ' phones (such as the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900) and camera phones that support theJ2MB (Java 2 Mobile Edition) platform. Possible uses include placing Semacodes in strategic locations for travelers, which would then link to a mapping web site to show them where they are; using semacodes on posters forevents,whichcould,then takeyou to the web site for buying tickets; and callingacab toyour currentlocation by placing semacodes at popular locations or intersections. "Why would anyone want tonse Semacodes? The possibilities are almost endless. The world seems like it would be a very different place ifeach physical object could be attached to arbitrary virtual sites ~d actions." For more. information, visit 'www.semac;;ode.org dganthan@imprint.uwater/oo.ca




.UW's Ellis vaults to. new Canadian record.'.' <".

















Kitchener native successfullycopIpletes chaseto attain rig6rous:Canadian'Olympic standards for Athens Ellis, who is ~o stranger to s~c;, cess, was an accomplished varsity athlete durin!fh~iiifue atUW and After tying, setting and betteting the was 200~ femaI¢ athl~te of tb.e year. ' Oinadian,women's pole vaulting However, herr~centmeteml,c rise to record ill a matter of three weeks the upper echelon.of the Canadian ',: ' with three conseCutive personal best ',track and field scene has yet tOsihk perfonnaiIces,fo~er UW track an,din. ' c ' ' field star Dana Ellis was featured in "Oh my gosh,-it's crazy," admit'- , a Canadian Press (CP) pr~-Olympk ted Ellis in the CP, stoiy~ "!tall >s~onr ..;>tbit J{ec~ntly appe-ared "on happened all of a suddqn. Whenthe www.canoe.ca. first bigmarkhapperi~aatthe Hbu"Dana Ellisis vaUltingiJ? ~ome , ston meet, I thought, 'Wow, thls is rare 3ir these days," pr3.ises the arti~ , awesome.' I had beerrjumping very, ,,' de's author. The',article goes on, to. well in practice, clearing sQme bigger" say that Ellis' r~peated impro've- heights, out I hadn't figured out ments of the Canadian record last why I hadn't been able to' put1t all month is " .. .launching her into the together in a meet.'" , During her varsity career at UW, , upper echelon of women vaUlters." While competing at a meet in Elliswas,a fOUr-timeacademkall,. Houston, Texas ort M:ay 'Z,tb.e Cartadiartian OUAall'-star arid a CiS Kitchenei, native vaulted over 'all-Canadian. When sheleft Water•4.41m, which matched thepr~vious lo()sneheld the CIS p()levaultrecord , Canadian record that was held by ,(4,01m).:tvtanyWipun the UW ath:Stephanie McCann. letics ,department ate happy to see Buoyed bY,the factthatherlatest her finally achieving the stepping,. mark was llcmhigher than her pte-' stoneS that are marking the way to-' vious, personal best, Ellis vauli:ed wards her goal of representing ,~ver 4.42m less than a weeklater at Cat;!.ada in Greece this August. anothet: meetjn Modes!o, Callfot:' Ellis' 4.431Ilre~or4-settingtnark: ' nia to capture sole possession of the on May 22 continues the steady irorecord. On May 22, she raised the 'provement Qf her performances' record again, byt:ecording a mark: of,' over the past five years. Since 2000 4.43tn in Carson, Califorriia anhe , ,when ~he was reeordingv'auits with Home Depot <;:o~petition. a height of .(02m, she ~s seen The CP atticle adds that Canada "roughly a 1Oetn pe~ year increase in isn't well-known globally for its her results. women ~le vaulters, but "Ellis' With her exceptional performmatkof4.4;3 quickly dosed a gap and , ances in May, Ellis has already met' propelled het to No. 7in the world." t.he Canadian Olympic stanqard foi. " Since the atticle appeared on the' Athens. She now wily has to conCanoe Web site~ the 24-year~old Ellis~, tinue her current string of SUcCess at " has competed in the Oregon Track' the upcoming ~anadian Olympic " ',' , " ' PHOTOS COURTESY STEVE DnUV"",,/U'" Po Classic where she set a niarkof430m, trials'in Victoria, B.C. pn Saturday, Dana ElliS,aformer UWpoie vaulting star, has recently achieved international success. (Below left) which was more thangood'enmigh July 10. . Ellis shows off the 2002Waterloo female athlete of the year award thatshe captured. (Above)Ellis, to put her in a four-way tie for, secrePresenting the Warriors, prepares to sail, at a past varsitr competition•. ~nd placeoverall, butithasdtopped ·11/itb rep0Tts from OW Athletics her international ranking back down, • to number 30. ' rm"lachlan@imprint.uwaterloo.ca' Rod McLachlan


' , ' j

'HeetIlsketkselected 'to compete' in World University Rugby, 'Championship" in 'China

.-Heemskerk set to compete in Beijing. , On Jut;!.e 14, Canadian , InteJ!Utli:versitySport(CIS) announced tbe Canadian team, and staffthat are to compete in the~uguraI2004 Federation Internation.ale du Sport ,Universitaire (FISU) World UniversityWomen's 7-on-7 RugbyCharllpionship. UWfouith-year centre Kristy Heemskerk was one of the names to (be announced that Will help lead

Canada tointemationalsuccess at the ,FISU champi9nship, which will be, , hcldinBeijing, China. ' Last oCtober Heemskerk earned' . all-Canadianhopours for the second time in her varsity career. This latest announcement caps offanotherhighly successful season for the Waterloo native. In atldltion to :fIe~mskerk, an all,starrosterthatincludesKateHamiI.:,

tive at the, c~pi()ns!llpt commented Chaulk pn Canada's chances in China. The championship is to be' held fromSep~her 15-18, 2004. Birds &Gado golf championship wi~s

TheHtunberCollegeHaWksmen's team and, the University of British tpnandJill~oftheUniversityof Columbia Thunderbiids women's Alberta PaiIdas, as ~ell~ Concordia's teamw~n the 2004 tahacfum Uamrthree-time all-Canadian, Sommer ,sity I, College Golf Championship, Christie will headline the Cana~ whlchwasheld()fl May 31 toJune4. team. " With a team score of 1260 in the ' Matt Parrish will assist UniversiJ:Y fo\U'-round championship the Wa'of. Ottawa Gee-Gees' head coach ' terloo W~ors men's tt:am finished Suzanne ChaUlk in managing the eighth out ofthe 10 schools that made . squad. the cut. ''We have every ~ason to expect 'that this squad will be very competiSee BRlEFS~ page 19



High h~ndicaps and.hot tempers This is the moment where the golf . betrays me. As my ball flies in a banana-shaped trajectory deepintQ the nether regions ofaheavily-woOdedarea,I conCede the ; , fact that my hopes,my!keams andmy g.eri~yvoc:W~arenOwaIlgonfi Virtually all of my' tee. cShots are honjply sliced" as myball seems 1:0 be I have co~ to thecbnclusionthat I maineti~ally drawrito hazards; poor hategolf."' ~ys~df6~!ltstotheinun+t~ll!fI:()f

AdaIR McClle., TWI-MI."E.WAlllfIG'

pqtter i~ the eas~est club lrt the b\lgto snap. ; By th~!ime I rea~ the 18th hole, ~~ gruP~fgblfhas:seiiou~ly kicked my ass. But then; the game delivers its tJlost'frustrating blow.

"JlV thetim&,l. . .. '. reach tbe 18th· Withev~ringtlQijlesnt:#oUndthatW1.chartedstripof~comingturf· <f1.()je;"thega~~~{;.: .. ,

optimism thai mayqe;j'usf-maybe:I kn.own astliHai~y. .ASsUtningthatI,· '.' . d~f ,bll5 Willbespared'ftommywtetchedgame ~c()nsistendyhackaD.dslashmYway.., when lhft the coUt$e.But alas; my Qutfr~ the.overgrownshiul;>bery, J.:'::.~al.ri<M.t$I¥kk;k.ed lofty expectatiQnsareso()n destroyed "~surely nnd every sarid:fcip on'the ' ' , . ".1;,:,.\,. " •. ' " ma futybf club-tossing and fou!.~C9u!.se. And I do not getilong with '8!i$~;" l~tterw~r~s. .'i. . . . . . . . '. . slUl<itiapsverywell. ... · · ;~;~<.":., ': . My anntial sea~n9£.6:us~tiQn ' . Bcingit:}"th¢ ~and.makes me want ,.ji~.~\~".~'·' begms ,wiWa few trips totalreup croquet Infact ifIcanescape ~,inst,iQ'ge.t~rny golfspikes'w~ a from.a bU$erin under four. shots, I follQW~Y:~ llia,jestic;irQqsli6t.i¥itta ... '\}it, '.... , .. .. ~fraih'ftom'~ppiogU;\ysand wedge OH:t~ln~ut':~~put:tidcondud~WY . . ..whil¢ my hopes of mkacu~ around a tree, . .:'. toikd~ Ifltnygiddyswpidity,lforget: l~~.all@f my swing fj.awsin .But for as muchas.~hate the sand, theprpvious;171101esoflleartacheand one buck~ of balls n,ever comes to the bane ofmYS9lfinS.~cehas to ~'~~y:JroIti~e eighteeti1h!¢ien fruitioI1, I am usually able to find a belosinggolfballsiNotonlyaniIout readyforano~e!:J?gund. .,ft.':. moderatc<,~ountof success on the the cost ofaball, b~t I am penalized . T,he·. hand$-dQWn worst thing range -just enough to cruelly en- a strokeonfilystgtecafd:lt's like two aPOut gill! is the gruP~'sabmtyto cout\lge nie to keep playing the game. reasons to sw~ 4lLOnlyQrte'swing. te~ Even thro~ theQ.~d,shqt!l, So with my solid ~e,.perform- ". OfcOprse;anof~ypoQrshotsare the missed llUtls and,!he foui Ianances fresh ~ mymirid, l;inevitably" simplyprecutSot's tli teai source of gu\lge, the clliince ofhit1ing~ei96d find myse.lfstaftmrtg orithe first tee; myJntstradob~'-'puiting. I have an shotsomeho'Ykeepsmecoiningback ready for my maiden rqt;r.nd·of the 'infuriating tendenc:yto smack putts formore.· season. With~ii'my face that no less than 10 feet past the hole; that I guess thatis whyI have c:;ome to Will~omentarily,I take a deep is when PninQt babytngth~lO£ec;t1;heconduSi0ll:1;hatIlovt; &9lf. bt6lthof~shgolfcourseairandtake short. of the cup~,My futy is most . . . amcguire@imprint.uWatert()O~C::a . .my ~~~t J;ipat1:he iwaiting ~all.: ~us orithegfeens, ~usethe







.BHefS: Grieve:' attracts 'national

~~lleiballtaietit to W~terl6o Continued from page 18

Lesniak, who'attendedHamilton's '. Bishop Ryan High SchoO!, has been The Hawks won with an impres- an exceptionalleftside hitter for not ·sive combined team score of1204. only her secondary school but also for , . O~th~ local scene, tivals Guelph the national champibn Waterloo Tiand Western finiShed in seventh and gers for the past two seasons. nm,threspectivelywith team scores of The Hamiltpnnative played club 1~51 and 1261. ~estoga College volleyball for the Hamilton Seekers ~.oile of the 12.men's teams that from 1997 to 2001 prior to her time didn'tlnakethe cut.Westem's wom- with the Tigers. en's. team finished in second place "Gaby is an impact player with with a score of 141 '7. outstanding physical ~bilities," com, Eachuniversityandcollegefielded mented Grieve. "She has been suca five-persQn team at the champion- cessful at every level of play, and I ship, which was held at the par-73 .expectthls to continue with the WarWyldewood Golf and Country Club riors. She is .one of the most dediin Hornby, Ontario. catedyp~.athltf~J,:~eJ~lHe~~~~s. . . UW's teamwascomprisedofMark Gabywillkve an excellentacaaemic Burke,JuSrlnFluit,MarkVanderBeek, and athletic experience at Waterloo." Jaspteet Walia andJud Whiteside. Lesniak, who is a provincial beach Whiteside led the way for Water- volleyball champ in 2001 and 2003, 100 with two rounds of 73. will be a kinesiology major this fall at This is just the second ye!lt the ' Waterloo in the hopes ofexploring a championship has.been held. ,career in physiotherapy. "I like the atmosphere and the people at the university," Lesniak National Champion Lesniak joins cotnnIented on Waterloo. ''Ever since Warriors participating in the Ontario Summer Waterloo WartiorsheadcoachJason Game$ in 2{)02, l wanted to attend . Grieve'shardwork:atscqutingoutnew Waterloo and play volleyball with the r~ts is paying off dividends, as the . Warriors." k.r.JQ~ledgeable benchhoss recen,tiy -with ,:ports jro;n UW Athletics ~unced thathighschool volleyball 0/


,t) I>S' MINlIi 4&

On campus '-tired of·longwalksto class? good communicator,"enth~~ti¢anc.t ..• "1": ~ Sick of cooking and cleaning? St. Paul's depePdable, thenwevfanttotalktPyo&'·:.'~!<~h~l.lu>~("=I rez welcomes upper;year,.undersradstuPlease~pply in. p'~rsoh at the'Office of _____________ _ ~:$1.0:ClO!;25; .. ':dentsl All you caileatmea1~fOtS;'Ofst1idy' ~elopment:' iA South Campus Hall. ·l8M-'S$CRIPTIONS' Friday, June 18, 2004' . 10th Annual Canadian poetry contest _ ·sPllCela!wayssom~dne.c:lsewhci jllst~afits 'Ple':&e:fu4+oatovet letter, resume, class :~FaIlOr'Wint$r$17:75!:·· , to hangout. Apply~ow!or\Vii)ter~OO5: sch~dule 'aiRtthree references. CQ.pecelebrate51 years of Panther Pride cash prizes for 1ocal'po~ - $5,000 to :;Suml11~r $8:00 . Please' call885-14(;0, ore::thaW' ~~~w-occasional eveningsl at Pru..~erPublic SC.bool, 40 Prueter Ave, be won- new contest is open to all CastPiuls@uwat~rloo.ca, or visit weelteilc!s;MiiSt· have own' transportafr0fl 5· p.lJ!.~ to 8 p.m., rain or shine. nadian rC!sidents· and entry is &ee with Bring family, reconect with old friends closing date of July 30, 2004.To enter, 579-6128 Qr at t;he carruval, BBQ, etc. For info call please send one original poem only to: ,. < .: >7' : :: . :A%f." , .·.h~.use.' '. Two i:i-lIba"I.." ·walking.d'·tance "-L·-Vl·"·-~·-j.' ~'i.er·"a·p:"t·.·-· Um·"'''''''''"''. '. "ar·.e"a579-4058. The Poetry Institute of Canada, P.O. Box Thiee~'fOarbediOOfu uiUts availahle. 1_~." nc:na UUJ:iU. w ""-~··1 Saturday, June 19, 2004 55?7N Victoria,. BC,. V8R 654 or you • , . c .' . &om UW. E,mailjezika_s@hotmai1.compart .. ·. ···;he ..,ha.·VI.'.Oilt.al, '..thell ...anict. wanted., May r~s.av. ailable f(lt 4 months ($25i) ..... 'f· £' d i s " r-, or ciw 1~866-303-1528 (or etai. for at! applied behavioural analysis proPet lovers tenJsale and multi-family nllly e-mail topoetryinstitute@shaw.ca May tOl~) or,t2 month leases (Sepc . . . odax your entry to (250) 519-0029. street sale today beginning at 7:30 a.in., te~~AJi8ust~005 $450)~ qne .Available August - r.ent.a rogm -get angr;un, towor~with...anautistic boy. Must Name and address should be included NortHside Drive, St. Jacobs. F(}l' map . .. ' _ . .... .. '..·n·~· .•.,~._l"'··c..om-"'.·.. ·'IiinUl·.'pp~." ,~~~t'\~4;; a ride, to school. One· be iilile to.:connnitJo.r at JeaIlI:: Ol;lefeaI'· parL;:.··.~ ·ll.s . ;' VlSI~ " website at the top of the same page on which wi~';;an::ashe;~. ,~: if'attialIy fU'tnislied room in biisemerlfOt:- FJ:~ ~eah'C:Stf4y ailtfFi1~ya&er­ di i:eIltute~o~;eom~ " .' ,~hiap~s.l'~d.ot.n~W,ritgle ~irlS'iiJso Ilv~l~ -' askfqtdetails. . hQuse .. Includes mai1ye~s. Person noon~ FllPtraining and ongoing~rxi­ '. - .... .". .. ..t~.,poFJii6'pl~a~e.Eatri.es~b~ida be Pleasecan:s.'72'-7:465t).t visit our Web site "MYST~\<ptietf . ~~. ~a r~ons)le.sion.%G?¥sa.tm;a.,n~~twOrkUJg . "-~~i;~,i:J>6!t.~·Dis-:;PQ~ked.o.~rtbilrnnl'y:30, 2004. at, www....;Chap.ro.!J?ertyin~ement.ca.preasecanPamaaftef5:00-:p:fu.at 5.79~ co!ididons.. 'Please . e~inaif r~ujnetQ . ... ·e.sC()alitiOll;;~ {rom 8 .. f; •. : . '.' •..•.•. "~" .••.•. :!~~.: ;'. \......_,ie, 61Z8. steffen;c.tar!a@togers.colJ!.. . . ~~ p~"ltS .Fi!.eaeri~k Street, RoQ'tIl;fqr, rCiuJor a quietinPividual in a detached'hOme' near both univefsi'ties; Relit fo[;quiet,neat, mature non~okitt,To a~te~caIlDC3iney Par~ andaIt ~mties: PI~e call125 _ en. Sp~o!lS brand new tw.Obec:lroom cH.t;~~at74S-4875 534lt,. .' . . house: J,>rime location .near Conestoga MalI.Gorgeou$parkliklsetrlng.'$1,3S0. . Call:72S~06U;·(eveiIingS);885.8605,ext. OnetWo,bedtOOin and one three bedroom apartiJlCnt for ,May and September '.274 (days). of an' ;mij$OJSpeciaUst~?i$~ bome1, 2004.$395/month/room ~. fUrnished .s{loWs.:~ 'at 4urel' Creek Con, basedp!p~~ Pi~~~.Or,Dan or unfurnished. 746-6327 or 501-1486. Thieebedroomtownhouseavailablenow. •on'.areil,FQt' tickets/information at 632:'81~.· .,,;;,/.:. ',.,:, .. '.: Freshly. painted, new flooring. Call ~~' f 9l44,i~543 or(519)746-7502~ .Cruickston.charitabk~lll:serve Free BllQ comes with townhouse when Darlene for <,ietails at 746-1411. renting now for September. Three bedneecls 8-10 reS9~ce'iltteiI>r~9n volTutor available for linear algebra a n d " c • room student townhouses starting at $350 unteers bt.June:7, ipb4:Tr8mingsescalculus. Please e-mail Mouli at .t;'~. l)ily ~6oJiS at Columbia per .month, per bedroom. Some units th . .,~;j;'iel&frQAt·t~ p.~. to' 11:00 sions. JU1J4:7; 14;and2'k GI!ll Patf;i650ma . mentor~@yahoo.~om,.."./ -." ... '4,:.tn;·~isaffi:eeveIit! Events include: include u.tilities. Professionally managed. 9336 for info aJid to' ~t;gtstitt. :~;.' . Cali Darlene at 746-1411. Certified TESL tutor (Ontarjo and ~'s~~v!ties;,li~e music includ- . Meals on Wtieds isa.ni'>t::Jordpfb,fit orWeekend counsellors and relief staff to Canada accredited) I will help you\vith . , . work in homes for individu:ili; With develQuality fall rental - a large well mainganization that relies¢ .vol¢iteers to any of your English'Janguageconcems ' ingDerekMilIer~:Gryner,artsand opmental challenges. Minimum eighttained house with five bedrooms, three . craftsfair'; ..sPeCtacular;fir~orks show deliv~ bot meals Ioc3liy~h \1(e..kday. including reading, wtiting, llstelnng and' a O(fp.jp;ahd mucb,lnuch more. month commitment. Paid positions. Send bathrooms, four appliances including &ee cuiT~tJy .nooiIli!lUl '~livery' Once a speaking skills, TOEFLpreparatioo,conjoin'ns!J, '... res~ to Don Mader, K-W Habilitation laundry, three car parking, Internet conweek or on a spare tUne bilsis is needed. versational studies, etc. Con~ Patrice Services; 108 Sydney Street, Kitchener, nections, 15 minute walk to UW, nonCall Beth 743-1471;. ext. i5 or e-miril at 886-5380 ore-mail at:;:; ON, N2G3V2. smokers, no pets, one year lease minipat_smythe@hotmail.com.·: .. ' . ; , JOB HUNTING? '",,' cpvcmo~et.Ca for more info. mum at $350/moiIth/room, plus utilities. Waitres~es/Waiters needed part,time at . ' V.ol~~': Project READ is Call Peter 885-1086. Allnadina Egyptian Cuisine. Brinllresume •• .• _ _ ........ t:I._ . chin . ,,,,,,,,,,~~--. '"~V"WIiA;: Seal)' g ~Qrenthusiasticvolunters to to Phillip Street; University P~ WaterTirw of dumps? Glendene Crescent ~ th'e.:,;, best" ;,: -''CO-oV '::, , job? help with. thei.r Readlng.Cjrcle P(ogram loo, during business hours. five bedroom, two bathrooms, laundry, Bedroom furniture ... twin bed and mat. ,a~=~~='dUrin&the$llUtifiermoll~' thep~ition cleaning service. September 1 - one year tress, desk, bookshelf,<lresser.,NC!aJ;lyb , ;~,~ ~ ~ Obtain; involveS weeklyp:rogr~:'~~Erin Now hiring student fundraisers - $8.501 lease. $365/person, plus utilities, Cali . hour to stalt.·Work on campus, flexible brand new, ali &olll ~ea. $3SQ. negoil~ ~rmation 360Ut jabS;it1terVi~ luid "F<lrtune ai:;'7So.':.3t)J~[. or 886-2726 or 888-0561. able. Call (613) lt68-7S71. hours, raises every 20 shifts. H you are a rartkings. VlSit www.eooprankings.COn1 ,",. eringloria@hotmail.coni~·' .' "':",, . '. f....,~Students:$3.00/.15 , NPR~:$6'.00I.25


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