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VOL 28, NO 28


24, 2006


Reading week surprise at Bomber

Pilate performed at the Bomber on Wednesday night. Vocalist Todd Clark displayed his distinctive voi~ and wowed the crowds with songs both new and old. Angelo florendo MPRINT STAFF

Woeful students left on campus during reading week were rewarded for their troubles with a 5ecret concert by Toronto's Pilate. Held in the Bombshelter, the identity of the actual perform~rs was a surprise until the group's arrival, though the ample amount of Pilate fans in the audience proved the secret was not well kept. The underground bar served as an ideal substitute for Pilate's practice basement. ''We really :lidn't want to ticket a concert where we didn't feel we were ready:' says vocalist Todd Clark. "It's better to get in front of people and try to work stuff out."

Making sure not to overlook any experimental possibilities, Pilate piled up equipment the Bomber's small stage. Their multitude of instruments and effects pedals inspired the band to try an assortment of tricks, which Clark felt was ''better than last shows. Some hits some misses." These misses included vocal stumbles and equipment feedback, but the band's slips never seemed to upset the crowd, as fan favourites "Hideout" and ''Alright'' spurred the audience to get involved and sing along. Never resting on their previously established style, Pilate made sure to change even their most recognizable songs with distorted guitars and vocal delay effects. Pilate's new approach was inspired by Sell Controlfor lift's Speed, their upcoming album due

outinApril Theneweffott saw famed producer Jim Scott join the band in. the recording studio, who had previously collaborated with Wlko and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. "It was great to see an album be mixed like they did it in the old days," Clark says of Scott's antiquated recording equipment. "[The songs] have a bass and breadth to itthatyou get from that equipment that you don't get from cOmputers." Equipment wasn't the only thing to change in the studio, as Pilate switched their clean sound for harsher tones. ''We wanted to capture more of a live feel;' Clark says of his new album. "Most of [the album] is just four guys playing." Sticking to their new live sound, Pilate played current radio release ''Barely Listening" with

unexpected ferocity. Their successes with newer tracks inspired the band to play some songs for the very first rime to the exclusive crowd. This trial and error reminded Clark of playing tounfamiliarAmeticanlisteners. "It's beengood:' he says with a hint of uncertainty for his upcoming shows in Los Angeles. "People don't know the songs so you gotta win them over - you just gotta play well." Judging from the audience's passionate recep- ' tion, Pilate played well enough to gain the crowd's admiration, despite their slight missteps. If this is the band's practise session, the sky's the limit for Pilate. aflorendo@imprint.uwaterIQo.c;a

Imprint board of directors shapes up for 2006路2007 Ashley Csanady MPRlNT STAFF

Imprints new board of directors was elected February 17, 2006. The five members will serve from J\fuy 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007. They were elected by approximately 30 members of Imprint. A member of IflJjJrintis any full-rime undergraduate student who did not request a refund of his [flprint fee. The position of president was the first to be voted upon. Jeff Anstett and Salim Eteer were both nominated for the position. After brief statements and a short question period, Anstett

was elected as Imprints new president. He is a 4B political science major. He has been involved at Imprintfor three years and is the current treasurer for IfJprint. An absentee nomination of third-year computer engineer Tom Levesque was run against Scott Houston for the vice president position. After some confusion as to who was speaking for Tom, the votes were cast and Houston was elected. Houston is an atrs studentwho has been involved at Imprint for one year. Darren Hutz ran for re-election against Salim Eteer for the position of staff liaison for Imprint. Hutz won the position. He has been a part of

Imprint for three terms, is the current co-author of the come Euchred and has been staff liaison since he was voted in by the current board when the position became vacant in December 2005. The positions of secretary and treasurer were acclaimed and went to Jessie Quinn and Jacqueline McKoy respectively., Quinn is a 3B rhetoric and professional writing major. She is the head of English Society, recently acclaimed as an arts councilor and was first involved at Iflprint when she was an intern in Fall 2002. McKoy is a 2B economics and math major who is part of the Peds Internal Funding Committee (IFC), the economics society and has been

involved in Imprintfor two years and is currently the news editor. Imprints board of directors is in charge of the managerial aspects of the Imprint corporation. Their duties include policy, finances, fqll-tinfe staff and many other ~usiness decisions integral to the production of Imprint. The current board of directors and the members at large also ratified a variety of policychanges concerning computing usage and equipment replacement. It was also determined that the Imprint fee will remain at $3.30 for the coming year. acsanady@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

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tlews@imprint.uwaterloo.ca News Editor: Jacqueline McKoy News Assistant: Ashley Csanady

New Feds exec uncensored



A man in Japan has taken cat-burglary to a whole new level. The Toucan Sam of theft, he literally follows his nose to find his victims houses. Allegedly, the man selected houses to burgle by smelling women's houses for expensive perfumes according to Kanagawa prefecture police. Arrested in December, Seiichi Shirota, 46, would smell his victims doors for expensive perfume before breaking in, assuming that a single woman likely inhabited the apartment and was likely to own an extensive collection of designer bags, watches and jewellery. Shirota has said he relied on his smelling abilities to ensure he Vias only targeting single women. He added he also always made sure no men's underwear was hanging with the laundry on the balcony. Shirota was caught after stealing two rings worth 300,000 yen, approximately $3,000 Canadian. Police have linked him to. over 200 robberies worth over 60 million yen, approximately $580,000 Canadian. I guess this means Britney Spears, or anyone else who has purchased Curious, is safe.

rhe newly elected Feds exec are all smiles. They will take office May 1 after spen(iing the remainder of term in transition. Suzanne Gardner MPRINT STAFF

:In the night of February 16, the online and )n-campus polls for the 2006-2007 Feds ex!cutive, senate and council seats closed and :he awaited results wer~ released on Friday norning. Almost 17 per cent of 22,000 full:ime undergraduate students and Feds em)loyees turned out to vote for four new Feds !xecutives. Shape the Future ticket member Michelle Zakrison won the position of Feds Jresident. Renjie Butalid and Jeff Henry, both :rom the Feds 2006 ticket, won the positions )f vice-president administration and finance lOd vice-president education respectively and ndependent candidate Sai Kit Lo won the )osition of vice-president internal. When asked how the new politicians beieved they would all work together even though :hey are not all from the same ticket, the execs :emained positive. ''People ran because they ,vanted to contribute to student life," points Jut incoming VP Admin and Finance Renjie 3utalid. "All we want to do is improve student ife, so we just need to find a common point n our platforms and work from there." The new executives were not all smiles hough, as the dramatics of the campaigning xreeks and election days had clearly taken its toll )n some of the candidates. Upon being asked xrhether there was anyone candidate that they

would have liked to see elected, most of t;he politicians carefully avoided naming names by explaining how they respected the students' opiilions, yet incoming president Zakrison showed her true feelings about the results of the VP internal race.

"I really v,vanted to see Sabrina Bowman elected. I felt she was the most qualified for the position and I'm very upset that she only lost by a few votes." - Michelle Zakrison Feds president-elect "I really wanted to see Sabrina Bowman elected. I felt she was the most qualified for the position and I'm very upset that she only lost by a few votes;' Zakrison explained. The VP internal election was the closest executive race this year, as Sai-Kit Lo beat his runner-up BoWman of the Shape the Future ticket by only 24 votes. .

All of the candidates were also asked about what promises they were determined to fulfill and what legacies they wanted to leave after their term of office ends. VP Education Jeff Henry takes time to emphasize his desire to improve upon his last term in this position; he was elected into the position of VP education for the 2004-2005 term of office. "I want people to have a better impression when I leave the job ... than they did last time," clarifies Henry. VP internal winner Lo echoes similar sentiments about the effect he wishes to have upon his constitutents: "I want students to have a new passion and see a new energy and a new attitude from the student representatives." Alongwith the Federation of Students election, students also cast their votes for engineering senate, science senate and St. jerome's council seats which were won byAdam Schubert, Robert Allie and Christopher Neal respectively. Two important referenda were decided by students during the election period as well. Full-time undergraduate students voted against the implementation of a $10 per term academic services fee, while arts students showed .their support for the creation of an arts endowment fund. Both referenda received quorum, meaning that at least seven per cent of eligible voters cast their ballot, and therefore the results of both referenda are binding. sgardner@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

A discount store, Building 19, in Boston Massachusetts has recently come under attack for advertising the sale of ''wife-beaters'' as opposed to "undershirts" in a recent flyer. Jane Doe Inc. spokeswoman Mary Luaby noted the use of the words "wife-beater" as "numbing and dumbing down and normalizing and suggesting that battering is a normal behaviour." Even the store's officials said the flyerwent too far. Jerry Ellis, a spokesman for Building 19 said; "they were right. It was awful and I am sorry it happened" He added, "it's a slang expression, a street expression, but we should have known better not to use it. I am supposed to read every word. Sometimes it's busy or I am lazy. We are working on a retraction." Do you really want to admit you missed it because you are lazy? Better to fix it late then never - but wait! Has anyone told Ryan from The o.C about this sale? Netherlands

Talk about an open house! Amsterdam's infamous Red Light District held an open house February 18 in hopes of convincing city officials to leave them be. A plethora of strip clubs, sex shows and bars handed out free drinks and entertainment an night long. , Amsterdam is known for its legalized prostitution and marijuana, but the Red Light Distrjct (its name comes from the use of ,red lights in windows to improve the prostitutes' looks) has a long history. In the 17th century, prostitution in Amsterdam boomed because of the large quantity of sailors passing through. Prostitution was legalized in 2000 in hopes that through regulation the practice would become safer and disease less rampant. The open house was in response to a major Dutch political party advocating against women selling themselves in shop windows. Some of the' most-popular joints opened their arms and their bars for free in this event which was supported by the Prostitution Information Centre, the Sex Museum and the Salvation Army. I don't know about you, but if I had a time machine and a private jet, I would have been in Amsterdam on February 18. acsanady@imprint.uwaterloo.ca



EWB volunteers get national nod Kiran Dhaliwal SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

The University of W:aterloo received national recognition agait:l at the annual Engineers Without Borders Conference that took place from January 18-22 in Ottawa. The UW chapter of EWB took home some of the most prestigious awards from the conference, including "Chapter of the Year," an award shared with the University of Western Ontario chapter this' year. The UW chapter was hailed for its active voluntary .contributions, expansive high school outreach program and professional chapter structure. Other noteworthy awards to \1/laterloo students include the ''Volunteer of the Year" award presented to Sarah Lewis, the president of the UW chapter and a recent volunteer in Cameroon. Another member, Catherine Denis, received the inaugural Ontario Society of Professional Engineers EWB scholarship for $1,000. She will be representing the chapter during her upcoming internship in Burkina Faso to work on development projects forEWB. . , Engineers Without Borders started as a glimmer in the eye of two Waterloo engineering graduates in a coffee shop over five years ago. Presendy EWB has 25 chapters in

various universities across Canada and over 5,000 members. The main credo of the organization is to bring technology to the aid of developing communities across the worl~ and to educate Canadians about the need to support sustainable development. With this in mind, the UW chapter is holding "EWB Day" on March 1. This event is intended to raise awareness across caqlpus about the projects that the UW chapter is involved with, while having some fun at the same time. For a small fee, students will be able to "wash away poverty" by throwing buckets of water at EWB members sporting the word "poverty" written in paint on their backs. All the proceeds from this and other events will go towards supporting EWB activities such as sending three students on international development internships in Burkina Faso, Ghana and the Philippines this summer. Along with raising funds and awareness on campus, the group also plans to get the attention of the newly elected goverpment with the help of the Waterloo student body. From March 1-3, UW students will be able to sign cards addressed to local MP's, meant to enlighten them on issues that EWB wishes to bring to light. As Sarah Lewis put it,


Members of Waterloo's EWB chapter celebrate their successes at the organization's national conference last January.. "The EWB Day political campaign encourages Canadians to use their political voice by signing cards that welcome our local MP's to office and that ask for policy change to support international develop11J.ent." Some of these goals for the Canadian government include increasing the nation's foreign aid budget to a promised 0.7 per

cent of the GNP) having Canada support developing countries in international trade negotiations and untying the rules governing spending of aid. In addition to the EWB Day activities, the group will be holding an educational campaign on March 3 to make the campus aware of the student-run second annual

International Development Student Conference (IDSC) that takes place in the Davis Centre from March 3-4. EWB general meetings run every two weeks on Tuesday evenings in the Davis Centre, the next one being March 7. General meetings are open to the public and encourage attendees to discuss various issues of international development.

Feds acclamations take toll Students show lack of interest in council .

Jacqueline McKoy IMPRINT STAFF





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While the showcase of each year's Feds election campaign is arguably the executive race, student council and senate seats contested during this period may have attracted even less attention than usual this year. Only three races other than those for the Feds executive seats -occurred during for the past election; . students were only asked to vote for an engineering senator, science s~nator and St. Jerome's councilor. Twenty-six seats outside of the executive were originally for grabs at the beginning of the nomination' period; with few nominations for arts, engineering and math, council remains seven representatives short. The trend of few nominations and many acclamations isn't new to the Federation, however. In the 200506 Feds election period, a total of 21 council and senate seats were contested, with only engineering short of councilors. With the Feds campaign period coinciding ~ith midterms in many faculties, some potential candidates balked at the idea of splitting carripaigning and study time. Student senator-at-Iarge Ciprian 1-Iihalcea commented that he was "relieved" to not have to spend two weeks campaigning after the withdrawal of two other senate candidates led to his acclamation at the beginning of the campaign period. Being on co-op work terms during Feds elections appears to hinder. students in some faculties from campaigning or making an informed voting decision. Secondyear systems design engineer Simon Ruggier, who is currendy on a worl5. term in Ottawa says that "[he] was going to vote after I found out about the election from that


Feds c:;,mail, but I put off reading the bios when I got that email, and I didn't remember until it was too late." To alleviate this, one or two council seats in engineering and math are often held for by-election in spring or fall term to expose students on both streams to Feds campaigning. Many students, potential candidates or not, may also be unsure as to what council and senate's role is in Feds and UW administration. This might be illustrated in the turnout statistics for non-executive Feds races; this year's percentage is down by 7 per cent from 21.4 per cent. Former Feds VP internal candidate IYIichael L. Davenport helped to define the importance of council in an interview with Imprint. "First: they act as the liasons between the students and the Feds exec. Every councilor reports at the monthly council meetings. The exec also present reports to counCil. So: ideally, exec and the councilors are always kept aware of what's going on in the different far-flung regions of campus. "Second, council acts as kind of a 'check' on the executive. The executive can't actually do very much without the support of council. Fot example at the last council meeting: Feds had to accept or reject changes CASA wanted to make to their constitution. The executive couldn't unilaterally do this on their own: council had to vote on it." According to Feds exeC'utive researcher Brandon Sweet, two arts seats and three math seats are available on council for the 2006-07 term; nominations will be accepted for these seats until a by-election is called later this term'or in the spring. jmckoy@imprint.uwaterloo.ca



The buzz around campus gusiness students compete and show entrepreneurship skills, the Midnight Sun is paraded around southern Ontario, , r:eds examine the dental plan that raised so many refund issues, water is discussed and weather analysed.


uw students compete in business case studies

On March 18, UWDEX will be hosting a business invitational competition. As a business and marketing education organization, DEX gives students the opportunity to develop entrepreneurship and business skills. Students involved are put to the test, given case studies and different scenarios that face many companies daily. :mma Tarswell MPRINT STAFF At this year's competition, over one hundred undergraduate university students and some high school students will be joining Nater, water everywhere , together in groups of four to eight to solve case studies for Fed Hall and UWACE. Fed temember the tragedy of Walkerton or the lisaster at the Kashechewan reservation? Well Hall, the campus reception hall on campus, has not been reaching their financial goals hey are still very real and pertinent moments and UWACE is an entrepreneurial club which n history, and one man will have us learn from creates mini-enterprises. Both these groups hese moments. This year, a lectute delving into the safety will be judging the competition, taking the solutions of the students in to account and )f water in Canada is coming to Waterloo. possibly applying them to either Fed Hall rhe lectute, entitled "150 Years and Counting: orUWACE. )rinking Water Safety Lessons are Learned ;Iowly," will be given by Dr. Steve E. Brudey )f the University of Alberta. Feds asks for dental plan comments Hrudey's belief is that the government s too slow in adapting new technology and The Federation of Students is performing a nformation on water safety to their programs. survey for the new dental plan and the UW -Irudey will discuss prevention measures to health plan. le taken to stop further water contarninaThis survey's main goal is to get input ion disasters and the problems with the way from students about the dental plan and the lrevious disasters have been handled by the student supplementary health plan so that they can evaluate the plans' performance, ;Qvernment. This event is free and will be ~ven at the Humanities Theatre on March shape development and guarantee that the ~ at 3:30 p.m. plans reflect students' needs. The survey is


completely confidential and located at www. studentcare.net/ survey/.

This event continued a 44-year tradition in the engineering faculty.

20 degrees of Kevin Bacon

Engineering hope for higher female enrolment .

Over the past few years, the University of Waterloo weather station has held a contest to predict the arrival of spring-like weather. The challenge is to guess the date and time when the temperatute at the radio station will rise above 20 degrees Celcius. The earliest date for this temperatute change of winter to spring so far was March 8 and the latest date was April 18. The deadline is Monday, February 27 at 3 p.m. The person who guesses the closest date and time will have a choice of two prizes: a digital indoor/outdoor thermometer or a copper outdoor thermometer. The runner-up will receive the prize thewinner did not choose. Information on entering the contest is on the weather station's website: www.weather.uwaterloo.ca.

The faculty of engineering is hoping to raise female enrolment in their faculty over the next few years. Over the past 10 to 15 years, 22 per cent of the engineering undergraduate program has been women but the university still wants this percentage to rise. Last year the number of women applying to the faculty of engineering fell 13 per cent as been seen across Canadian schools. This year the number rose to 16 per cent giving the university hope for their goal of a higher female population in the program. Rise of the Midnight Sun

At this year's Canadian International Auto show, Engineers graduate with all due • the University of Waterloo's solar powered car, ceremony will be on display. Taking Midnight Sun On February 21, graduating students from the place from February 17 to 26 at two different faculty of engineering "took their obligation" locations, th¢ Rogers Centre and the Metro and were given their Iron Ring,.a symbol of Toronto Co~vention Centre, the auto show commitment to their chosen profession. will showing pew cars, trucks and many other Three Iron Ring ceremonies took place in automobiles. , the Theatre of the Arts during the afternoon. Over 3,000 people are expected to attend Afterwards a party took place for all 700 throughout the week and the show will offer graduating students where they will finally be a great experience to show UW's Midnight . able to touch the Tool, the UW engineering Sun VIII. faculty mascot, which until graduation engietarsweli@imprint.uwaterloo.ca . neering students are not permitted to handle.


Seeking the competitive edge THIS IS YOUR WORLD rhe biannual nationalistic athletic orgy; also ;!lown as the Olympics, wraps up this Sunday n Italy. The airwaves and print columns have leen flush with glorious successes, tragic failures Lnd heart-breaking almost winners. For the ;eneral public, this is usually the only time in our years that they will have seen a particular mateur sport covered. For the athletes, this s one of many competitions in a given year. rhis one however, is the big one for raising heir profile. If there were medals for fourth place, :anada would probably lead the pack. How nany times have we heard stories about ,thletes who just missed the podium by a 'ew hundredths of a second? In the grand cheme of statistics, the Olympians are udged by the quantifiable things, like medals lr new records. While a medal is always nice, the thrill )f the competition trumps everything else 'or the athlete. How many times have we leard athletes say, "For me it wasn't about he medals, but it was just about competing lere at the Olympics." These athletes are lready competing among the top echelon n the world. Aside from the ski hill or rink, we have seen hese athletes throughout the mass media, from :ereal boxes to television ads in the lead up to he Olympics. The standard ad campaign is )fie where a company or organization touts ts sports sponsorship, or at least its intrinsic ole in maintaining the athletic mythology. By at, the best ads for targeting the mythology ore the Tim Hortons ads. Another campaign that evokes the nyth is the Olympic-updated RBC "First"

campaign. The root story is RBC's 1948 financial support that allowed the men's Olympic hockey team compete in St. Moritz, Switzerland. RBC uses that story to segue to their support for the current Olympic athletes. The Olympics come but once every two years and then quickly fade away. During the two-week competition, the Olympians must push a message and push it quickly. In order to travel around the world, to compete and to train for the next Olympics, athletes must be funded. You cannot train an athlete overnight, or expect a team to play effectively with only a few practices under their belt before the big show.

If there were medals for fourth place, Canada would probably lead the pack. In that respect, students are in same boat. They cannot be expected to pursue their dreams on their own. If they were, athletes, like students, would only be drawn from the top tiers of society, while the rabble would need to content themselves with a game of shinny and satellite TV coverage. Athletes do it for the passion, not for the money. In the end, after decades of training and moments of glory, what's left? A few medals, pictutes and some memories. The same could be said of your university education. You might have some pictutes, you might have some term papers, you might have. your diploma. Neither of us are in it for the money and both of us usually end up in debt. nmoogksoulis@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

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PINION Friday, February 24, 2006 -

Vol. 28, No. 28

This is what you've elected

Student Life Centre, Room 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1

P: 519.888.4048

F: 519.884.7800

imprint.uwaterloo.ca Editor-in-chlef, Tim Alamenciak editor@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Advertising & Production Manager, Laurie Tigert-Dumas ads@imprint.uwaterloo.ca General :Manager, Catherine Bolger cbolger@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Editorial Staff Assistant Editor, vacant Cover Editor, Irshad Mulla Photo Editor, vacant Assistant Photo Editor, vacant Graphics Editor, Claire Mousseau Assistant Graphics Editor, Aiden Stanley Web Editor, Cheolsoo Park Assistant Web Editor" vacant Systems Administrator, Gautam Khanna Sys. Admin. Assistant, vacant Lead Proofreader, Suzanne Gardner Proofreader, Scott Houston Proofreader, Paul Marchwica Proofreader, Veronique Lecat Proo~reader,

Brian Fong

Office Staff Sales Assistant, Jason Kenney Distribution, Tiffany Dejak Distribution, Amy Pfaff Advertising Assistant, Karen YiJun Chen

Board of DirCctors board@imprint.uwaterloo.ca President, Dan Micak president@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Vice-president, Sarah Allmendinger vp@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Treasurer, Jeff Anstett treasurer@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Secretary, vacant secretary@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Staff liaison, Darren Hutz staff.liasion@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Production Staff Dean Whelton, Sabrina Bowman, Jessie Quinn, Stephanie Dillon, Neal Moogk-Soulis, Dan Mieak, Andrew Smart, Mathieu Guay-Paquet

Imprintis the official studentnewspaperdf the University ofWaterJoo. It is


editorially independent newspaper published by Impn'nt Publications, \'i\tterloo, a coipotation without share capital. Imprifli is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Editorial submissions may be considered for publication in any edition of Imprint. Imprint may also reproduce the material commercially in any format or medium as part of the newspaper database, Web site or any other product derived from the newspaper. Those submitting editorial content, including articles, letters, photos and graphics, will grant Imprint first publication rights of their submitted material, and as such, agtee not to submit the same work to any other publication or group until such time as the material has , been distributed in an issue of Imprint, or Imprint declares their intent not to publish the material. The full text of this agreement is available upon request. Imprint does not guarantee to publish articles? photographs, letters or advertising. Material may not be puhlished, at the discretion of Imprint, if that material is deemed to be libelous or in contravention with Imprinfs policies \,lith reference to our code of ethics and journalistic standards. Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter ter~s, and every second Fridayduringthe spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. One copy per customer. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDN Pub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 40065122. Next board meeting: To be announced

opinion@imprint.uwaterloo.c: Opinion Editor: Wasim Parka Opinion Assistant: Jennifer GU(

I had to prepare for this column. Exhaustive meditation with two forties of Old English - err, some nice green tea and a silk pillow -led me to a few conclusions. The first is why do people bother drinking Old English? The second is that this is going to be a very, very interesting year for our Feds exec. I'm not sure there is enough radical thought to push the envelope on student government. We won't see much change or advancement for all students, rather I think the status quo will be well maintained. Let's start with Renjie Butalid, everyone's favourite VPAF who hypothetically would close Aussies. He didn't know they were making money - fair enough, I can understand how you would c<?me to a decision like that without looking at financial statements of any sort. And indeed it seems plausible that a VPAF candidate

wouldn't know the current financial status of all Feds businesses ... All that aside, I'm sure Butalid will get a handle on the job eventually. I mean, as long as his extra-curricular activities don'tinterfere. You know, being pictured on the Compass Catholic Fellowship homepage, all that evangelizing takes time. And hopefully all the Sigma Chi activities don't tax his time further. Jeff Henry will be putto the test in the coming months. Given his experience, the transition from Howie Bender to Henry shouldn't be painful. With McGuinty's big two-year tuition freeze coming to a close, Henry is going to be called to battle like Russell Crowe in a Russell Crowe movie. Picture that, ole Jeff Henry all armoured up, taking a mace to the face of rising tuition. Solid. Speaking of champions - the unlikely VPI candidate Sai Kit Lo certainly makes for an interesting case. Lawrence Lam has done a great job of glorifying Lo on his blog - the lone soldier, a true rags-to-riches story. When you've got the support of one of the larger (and more political) fraternities on campus and all the Christians - things definitely tend to go your way. Interestingly enough, Lo received a testimonial from Ciprian Mihalcea,

Sigma Chi's webmaster and UW's senator-at large. I wonder if Lo will support fraternitie~ especially after such a nice gesture. And then there's Michelle Zakrisol - friend of the environment. She has a gOO( head,on her shoulders, something we'll nee( to ensure the execs make fair and balance( decisions. I'm not saying they won't anyway, but it' important to realize where your decision-mak ers hail from. It gives an idea for the future who will get support, and what decisions wi) be levied. And while clubs still crave attention, you VPAF definitely has a vested interest in sup porting fraternities. And Lo, with the testimonia from Mihalcea and all the wonderful suppor during his campaign, doesn't make me fee confident about impending decisions. All inall, the Feds execs were elected reason ably fairly. It's clear that certain organized group on campus "got out the vote." But at the sam. time, the interests of the student population a large were represented. I can make one concrete prediction: this i going to make for some damn good news. editor@imprint.uwaterloo.c.

BARFLIES 路Wow. Look at the concentration on that face, Karen." "Indeed, Bob. It's easy to see why he's the gold medal favourite at this aerials competition, here in Torino."

"He's looking good on the approach .....

路Uh ok - something appears to have gone wrong. Bob. This could end in disaster."


Well, you get points for' degree-of-difficulty, but that'


i:::-':~~:. get these skis off.


The key to getting along Turmoil over the c;artoons could have been solved with one ~imple step

.AsK Ns UTER The idea of building a culture is as complex and complicated a problem as you might come across in your life. There are no models on which it can be based nor any laboratory where it can be experimented on. And yet despite the fact that I can't show you culture in my hand, it is as real and dynamic as any person on this planet. As defined by askoxford.com, culture is "the customs, institutions, and other achievements ofa particular nation, people or group." Within this basic framework, however, there are virtually an infinite num-' ber of variations. Some may be as similar as following a minutely different interpretation of the Bible, where others contrast 'like black and white. People within a culture are, in a general sense, all alike. While that may not result in a harmonious existence or a common belief system in all aspects in life, it is essentially a foregone conclusion that they prefer their culture to any other.

Where the idea of culture is important stems from the designation of the most basic of human rights and freedoms that every person on this planet is entitled to. What is clear is that this definition can differ from culture to culture, and that rllis list can serve as a source of friction and even conflict between them. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the controversy between Denmark and much of the Muslim world over a series of cartoons with which I am sure you are well acquainted. At the heart of the matter is the breadth of freedom of speech and just how free it actually is. Danes, as well as most of the western world, say that so long it is not a hate crime (a term that is continuously redefined by the courts), people have the freedom to express themselves in whichever way they see fit, including by way of the cartoon. The counterpoint to this are represented in this case by the many nations with strong affiliation with Islam and use prescribed religious law as their own, where any depiction of the Prophet Muhammad is stri'ctly forbidden. The question of which perspective is right in this case is not a simple one, and there is likely no one true answer as what is right and wrong depends strongly on the moral fibre woven by the generations who have upheld the customs and institutions of a given culture.

Thus, there cannot be such a thing as a trul: unbiased judge of cultural issues despite th, UN's attempts otherwise. Perhaps a start in the right direction, lik, most contested issues, is with education As Tim Alamenciak, the Imprint Editor-in chief talked about a few weeks ago, mere!: tolerating other cultures simply does not gl far enough - to fully comprehend an issue there needs to be a certain level of under standing. For the average Dane I am sure i is difficult to understand the outrage cominl from Muslims worldwide on an intellec.tual emotional and spiritual level just as it woull be for a Muslim to understand the point 0: view of the editor who published the cartoon iri the first place. For me to say which side is right in thi is~ue would be hypocritical at best, and thu I'll simply reserve my personal opinion 0: the matter to a criticism of both partie involved who have allowed ignorance anI short-sightedness to run rampant in thei decision making abilities. But perhaps more importandy, this debad is proof enough to add at least one item tl the list of basic rights and freedoms for al of humanity - that being the right to at education so that we all can understand th world around us a little bit better. kruch@imprint.uwaterloo.c,



Bertuzzipresence diminished Olympic spirit


argue that nationalism is foolsh, given that one doesn't choose )ne's country of birth. I doubt lOyone could sustain that attitude ;vhen they watched Jennifer Heil ;vin Canada's first medal of these )lympic Games! I myself actually viewed it on a ~epeat, being a night owl, and didn't !Venrealize whatl was watching until :::anada had won gold! What a rush hat is, eh?

I find the moguls a lot of fun to watch, as welills .the aerials and of course hockey. Sadly, my wholehearted support for our men's Olympic hockey team has been diminished by the presence of the slightly psychotic baboon of Kitchener, the infamous Todd Bertuzzi. As I hope we all know, Mr. Bertuzzi is known worldwide for his savage attack on Colorado Avalanche rookie Steve Moore. Bertuzzi skated up to Moore, grabbed the youngster from behind and punched his neck with all of his might (and Todd has quite a bit of might!) He then jumped on top of Moore, shoving his face into the ice, '¥ith some of his teammates pouncing on top to help.

Steve Moore suffered three broken vertebrae in his neck and a concussion. Bertuzzi received a pathetic slap on the wrist - a few games missed, 80 hours of community service and around six per.cent of his season salary forfeited. Man, what a killer. And all he did was nearly murder a fellow Canadian NHLer! If Bertuzzi had done that on the street, he'd be behind bars right now. Perhaps he instead belongs in a psych ward somewhere. Instead, he's representing our beloved Canada at the Olympic Games in Italy. How embarrassing for us! Far more talented players, such as Jason Spezza and Eric Staal, are only on the team as alternates

because Mr. Ford Poster Boy (a.k.a Wayne Gretzky) chose instead to make room on his team for his old pal Todd. I mean, it's not like there were no other Olympic-calibre players available. " I pity the other men's Olympic hockey teams who will have to watch their backs because the so-called "Great One" (Gretzky could never hope to match the skill and grit of Mario Lemieux) chose a violent ogre man to perform on behalf of Canada. A man who simply doesn't play fair. Kevin Lowe, a former NHLer and Team Canada's assistant executive director, dismissed the criticism of Bertuzzi'.g appointment to the team, saying that they picked who they did for the team because they simply want to win.

Sure, we may well win the gold, but at what cost to our reputation? What a slap in the face to Canada, anq particularly to Steve Moore, whose NHL career is mostly likely .over! Lowe even said he was "proud" to have Bertuzzi on the team. Now, I'm sure even Bertuzzi supporters would admit that's going a bit too far. One wonders whether Lowe would have the same attitude were it he who was viciously assaulted. I sincerely hope Canada kicks ass in these Olympics. However, with this thorn in the side of our Olympic hockey team, our upcoming gold medal win just won't mean as much as it should. mjohnson@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Gaymers weather the Blizzard \s I'm sure I've said before, aside Tom my many literary interests, I also :njoy computers. So, really, it should :ome as no surprise that I am an avid :omputer gamer. I tend to enjoy those ~ames which manage to mix equal )arts of storytelling v.rith adventure LOd so the multiplayer role-playing ~ame World of Warcrqft is one of the itles that is right up my alley. Recently, however, Blizzard Enertainment, the makers of World of 'Farcrqft, has garnered some attention rom the media for reasons other than he massive popularity of its game. :1kewithsomanyotherMMORPGs - or massively multiplayer online ~ole-playing games Blizzard

enforces an anti-harassment policy as part of their user agreement, a method of cutting down on the juvenile actions of some of the mentally pre-pubescent player base. Of course, no system is perfect, and with the sheer number of users playing World of Warcrqftat anyone time; enforcement of the anti-harassment policy is often held in reserve for the exceptionally blatant cases of racism and miscellaneous hate-mongering. As such, one of the most frequent outbursts you will hear during an average hour of game time is typically along the lines of "Oh my god! Thatwas so gay!", "Damn fagganked me," or, in cases of true eloquence, "GAY!!!!!" Th~ fact that, by and large, these outbursts are largely ignored and accepted by the player base at large is a sad sign of the fact that this kind of outburst is widely seen as acceptable - if not normal - to many of the players of Warcrqft. Because of the widespread, if not rampant,

tones of homophobia and anti-gay outbursts, many of my fellow "gaymers" have come together to form their own "gay-positive" guilds or teams - places where people were either LGBT people themselves or allies who are as tired of the attitudes as we are. It was in the process of creating such a guild that Blizzard's anti-harassment policy came under fire for being ass-backward. It should be noted that Bizzard's heart was at least in the right place - they were working to cut down on the harassment of theirGLBTplayers by the rest of the player base. The problem is they decided to do this by silencing the GLBT players under the rationale, "If nobody knows you're gay, nobody can harass you for it." Essentially, what Blizzard was trying to do was put a padlock onto the closet, hoping to keep their GLBT members within and sheltered from the hostile atrnospherewithin the rest of the game. And so, when a player was advertising her gay-friendly guild

Libyan riots show opinions run high COMMUNI1Y EDITORIAL


What the hell did he think he was dong? Why would a minister, a person IIho represents his country, be so gnorant of people's beliefs? Those are possibly some of the luestions that would cross your mind Ipon hearing that an Italian minister 1I0re a T-shirt depicting the controrersial cartoons that have caused mtrage across the Muslim world. Reforms minjster Roberto Calleroli is whom I am referring to Ind by his refusal to apologize he :atapulted Italy into the centre stage )f the cartoon controversy. Just as I side note to the reader, Calderoli s a member of the anti-immigrant \I orthern League Party (l think that he party's name speaks for itself). Now, what would you do if he "efused to resign - even after he :vas asked by none other than his own

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi? Back in my home country of Libya, people had something in mind. They decided to protest throughout the streets of Benghazi, Libya's secondlargest city. The protest, however, soon took an unexpected turn as a group of protesters headed towards the Italian consulate and began throwing stones towards the building. When the Libyan police opened fire- withKalashnikovs, live ammunition and tear gas, killing 14 - the protest turned into a full-scale riot. The civilians stormed the consulate and burned it to the ground and then continued rioting all through the city, targeting both foreign interests and government establishments. Although I recognize that burning down a consulate is not a very logical move, I have to acknowledge that their protest caused the Italian minister to resign. All this just because someone published some silly cartoons, you say? You might think that the whole situation is ridiculous, but there are approximately 1.3 billion Muslims world-wide and most of them don't share your opinion.

The right to freedom of speech is what most people would come upwith at this point. Let me tell you one thing; freedom has its limits. Freedom limits unjustly stepping on the toes of your fellow human. The acts committed by the Italian minister, the cartoonists who drew the cartoons and the Danish paper that originally published the cartoons were deliberate and calculated insults to all Muslims. Any other publication that chose to publish the cartoons - some of which werein Canada (cough,Laurier's The Cord WeekM - should be wary of their decision, seeing that at least two publications have been shutdown just for republishing. Cartoonists don't need a warning, seeing as the Danish cartoonists now have $1 million bounties on their heads. As for any other ministers that would like to prance around like idiots, ex-minister Calderoli is under investigation back in Rome for possible offense to religious beliefs. My last message to Calderoli is in Italian: arrivederci (ciao). - Salim Eteer Imprint staff

in the hopes of attracting a few more members, she was dealt a warning by an administrator and threatened with having her account suspended - all due to the fact that Blizzard was really trying to protect her. Now, it's a fairly basic knowledge to any GLBT person that if you want to avoid grief and harassment over your sexuality, you keep it to yourself. This is a no-braine!. We are an invisible minority - as long as you stay in your own little personal closet, very few people \,rill be able to tell that you ar~ a~ part of the queer minority and most of those who do will have closets· of their own. Choosing to come out in certain environments is a personal decision which we all eventually have to make. But in an arena-like World of Warcrqft, the surrounding hostility naturally makes us want to find spme sort of shelter - a place where you can find friends similar to you who won't drop into a homophobic tirade simply because their pixelated charac-

ter "died." The only way of doing that is to advertise the fact that you are a queer player and the guild you are a part of is friendly to queer members. Considering the game comes with an "ignore" feature, allowing you to effeetively block all incoming chat from particular players, avoiding harassment)s not all that hard. Aftera couple weeks of press about the issue and the game's forums literally drowning with irmumerable posts on the subject,Blizzard changed its attitude around, allowing players to advertise their sexuality in game - at their own risk - in order to find their own safe haven. This was, of course, followed immediately by vows from many of the anti-gay forum posters to crc;ate their own "pro-Aryan" or "pro-Nazi" guilds in response. Like I said, "lMentallypre-pubescent player base." Is it really any wonder some of us want to escape these people? gbarclay@imprintuwaterloo.ca

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LETTERS of the victim from the site. Would the government not have to ban the site after an extreme tragedy? I think that the Swedish~overnment should act now to prevent such a disaster from happening. - Jason Kenney 1A environmental studies

Swedish government needs to step in It's all a matter of perspective

To the editor, I ~as ~ecently reading Graham Barclay's arttcle lfl last week's Imprint and I could n?~ belie:e some of the examples he was glvlflg: H1S article, "Freedom vs. freedom" was about how freedom of speech should only be upheld under certain circumstances a~d that some religious groups are using the nght of freedom of speech for inappropriate reasons. There was an example in particular where a Swedish religious website has named "nearly 130 prominent gays and lesbians." T.he site suggests that these people should ~he by carefully using biblical quotes. And 1f t~lS wasn't .enough, the site gave informatton regarding their home addresses and professions. Evidently, Sweden's Supreme Court did not think it was very important to ban the site. This just doesn't seem right to me. Having-r~ligious beliefs is fine, but usi~g those beliefs to call death upon another is not alright. . I .went looking f~r the site simply to see if 1t eXlsts ~d was unsuccessful but I did find a lot of sites with Piscussions on the topic, and I read some good points. One person asked what would happen if one of the people on the list were murdered and the murderer tells' authorities that he got the name and address

To the editor, After reading the most recent issue of the Imprint I was·' particularly struck by one of the articles, "students lose vital learning tools," written by editor-in-chief Tim Alamenciak. . First' and .foremost, I want to make it clear that I really do sympathize with the students in Cambridge who don't have access. to the "vital learning tools" they need. I th1nk the university administration .needs to rectify the situation as soon as possible -:- pe~haps onlin~ ordering with free deliv~ry 1S the solutton? Regardless, there is a httle more to this story than was told in Alamenciak's article. For those that don't know, architecture used to be located in ES2 and part of environmental studies. The program moved to Cambridge about two years ago now and became part.of engineering about a year ago. When architecture moved so did many resources that were previously housed in ES. Most significantly, architecture took a countless amount of books with them to stock their new library. Some people seem to have conveniently forgotten however, that many ES students, especially planning students, used these books and resources too,

arguably just as much as the architects did. The ES2 workshop, a workshop used by all of ES students, was also devastated when many of the tools and machines were relocated to the Cambridge new workshop. Not only did these resources move to Cambridge, but shortly after the move architecture became a part of engineering, all of these supplies are now in the possession of archit~cture, which were paid for primarily by env1ronmental studies. It has now became the po~session of engineering. The1r move to engineering also reduced the number of students enrolled in the faculty of environmental studies. This reduction . was enough to affect the formula used to determine faculty representation of Feds and thus ES lost a council seat and some of its voice in Feds. . So now let us consider that environmental studies to begin with, lost its books and machines which it paid for as well as a council seat on Feds. This commentary is not an attack on the architecture students who moved to Cambridge when their program did and to engineering when their program did but rather questions the decisions made. Were they made too quickly before considering all the implications? The unfortunate situation is that architecture students are down in Cambridge without access to the supplies they need and many ES stu~ents are up here with many resources they patd for gone. The administration needs to solve the problem of no supplies but there are' problems here too that resulted from architectur~ leavin~. At the end of the day students d1d lose vltal learning tools but it wasn't just the architecture students. -DrewAdams

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"OOOP'" \


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Dave Chappelle's ...·w''-'' There are 10 double passes in . the Imprint office. Come .down by Match 1, 2006 to pick some up.




Club. Renazssance





I p liti We live in a cynical, cynical society. It almost seems as though the only kind of fame one can attain nowadays is infamy. One bad move and you can count yourself as good as done. The world of politics is especially notorious for this, I find. Granted, it may just be me that's the cynical one, but I highly doubt it. Cases in point: Dan Quayle was the Vice President of the United States of America. He "rill


o e- h

forever be remembered, however, for misspelling potato as "potatoe" at a children's' spelling bee. His superior, George Bush himself, is most remembered for vomiting on Japanese Congress. Forget the Bush administration, though. It was never that popular to begin with. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, was loved by practically everyone and yet what people remember most about him is the affair that he had with a Monica Samille Le\.\rinsky. Bill Clinton had a lot of charisma, but he will probably never stand as one of the truly legendary presidents of all-time as John F. Kennedy will. Even as such, he may have very well been remembered most for his own

scandalous affair with Marilvn 1fonroe had he 110t been assassi~ated. Abraham Lincoln, as far as history recalls, had no affairs of any sort. His accomplishments can only be described as being legendary. He freed the slaves for God's sakes! Unfortunately for 01' Abe, the first thing that pops into peoples' heads about him is, in all likelihood, tha1' he was shot at point blank range in a theatre by some guy named "Booth." It's not enough, however, to do no wrong and not get shot to leave a lasting legacy of your political career. Take the Supreme Court of Canada for instance. A new Justice will soon be chosen to replace Justice John Major. Did you know

g m


that? Did you know who Justice John Major is? Can you name any other member of the Supreme Court of Canada? If yOU said yes to any of the above qu"estlons then you are a dirty liar Gust go along with me here). Prime Minister Stephen Harper is trying to change the public'S complete and total lack of knowledge of the Supreme Court of Canada by putting up the new candidate for questioning on national television on February 27, but his attempts will be in vain. The reason for this? Its members are soooooooooo boring. They never do anything exciting, but more importantly, they never do anything stupid. This may have something to do with the process

by which therare selected, in which case, maybe the sarne people that pick our Supreme Court Justices should select our politicallcaders? Just a thought. Very few politicians are able to transcend their position and really make a name for themselves. Some figures that come to mind are George W"ashington, Winston Churchill and Pierre Trudeau. All of the aforementioned people followed the magical formula of: -Doing all the right things -Doing none of the wrong things, and -Not getting shot. It's as easy as pi.

of this new form ofJiteratLlte, ho\vever, this new section at Chapters is st1U a pretty awesome feat. Throughout the middle age~ and even the renaissanceitvl3S considered imprudent fix women to write. The development of "Chick Lit" ShO\\'8 iust how far women have reanv come - but it started long before C~ndace Bushnell shocked the world ,vith her book SexaJirl fbI' Gty. I'd say one of the earliest and best pieces of "Chick Lit" is Jane Austen's PndealldPr!:]lfdice. Her characters may not be as independent

as modern "Chick Lit" gids, but Lizzie still goes against the social norm to


serious chic lit rat re

for a book to read reading week tbe otber day, I myself in the new "Chick Lie' section. Ghmcing at the table 1 noticed a number of books I had re.a.d as \vell as a number that r

""- which is awesome. The books range from historical dramas with strong women like Diana Gabaldan's Otlt-

provide somethi.ng unique to women -- literatute written exclusively for them. You don't see a "]\;1e11's Pens" section poppingupin Chapters because no such animal exists. The idea of a book written exclusively for men has never really taken hold. The main problem 'with that would be ,vhat to write. \\'()men read murder mysteries and science fiction as much as men but men do not read romances or other forms of "Chick Lit" because it doesn't appeal to them. More and more books are \vritten and to women than ever before, These books areIl't yom cheesy romances ivith pirates and hust-iers, they are real novels with a wide varietv of female characters, from housewives to the working woman to a 17th century courtesan. These books portray women in a light that previous to the past

two centuries was hard to find. The change is that they are in fact \vritten bv a woman, so the female characters a;en't stereotypical damsels in distress, homely but smart girls or superficial bimbos. Thev are l'eal \yomen that can be ever):thing from neurotic to optimistic to doctors to mothers aU in the course of one day. The one real problem with "Chick I.it" is the name. It makes the novels sound like they are empty romances for stupid women. The inclusion of the word "chick" GUl be construed as sexisumd derogatory but it can also be a tongue in cheekreferencc to the "Chick Flicks" of the 19905, which are now dubbed "romantic comedies." Sure, some of the books in that section are more like the novel form of a romantic comedy, but others have real value. The name might detract a bit from the value

marryi\Ir. Darcy..Morc importantly however, is that Pride and Prrjudici! is a novel written by a woman fonvomen. The roots of female litcratu,re lie in this age ,vith the Bronte sisters and their peers. So ,ve can thank their pion~ering when we pick up that next book the high-powered attorney, courtesan or time-traveller. acsanady@imprint.uwaterloo.ca




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features@imprint.uwaterloO.C2 'Features Editor: Kemet Bahlibi Features Assistant: Jing Huang

Waterloo girls need some lovin', too Just because our girls have brains, doesn't mean they can't be ridiculously ,attractive young ladies COMMUNI'lY EDITORIAL


As a 'second-year student at the University of Waterloo, I've been around just long enough to recognize certain known truths that run rampant throughout the University of Waterloo student body. One in particular circulates mainly among 'the male student population: Laurier girls are far superior to our own Waterloo girls. Guys out there, you know exactly what I'm talking ~bout. We all do it. I can't tell you how many times one of my buddies has gone to an amazing party and described just how

incredible it was, by adding, ''Yeah, there were so many Laurier chicks there." Whatis most guys' response to this? ''That's awesome. I wish I could have been there." Based on this small bit of information; the friend is able to come to the conclusion that it must have been a great party because Laurier girls were there. I've even seen guys thatweregoing through a rough time and a little down on them-' selves refuse to go

. up and talk to a girl that they were attracted to because the girl was "probably from Laurier" and so was somehow too good for them. Does this mean that


if the girl were wearing a University of Waterloo t-shirt she would miraculously become approachable? If the girl was in fact from Laurier, does this mean that she would be so much b$!tter than a girl from Waterloo? If you even have to think about it, the answer is no. However, becauseouruni'versity is known for its academic achievements and Laurier is know for, well, being nothing other than the ''high school down the road" most guys think that a girl can't be both smart and beautiful. First, a little advice to our female student body: rise up. Don't listen to these comments any longer. If you have a boyfriend, make him take you out to an expensive restaurant and make him glad to do it. If you don't have a one, show us guys what you're all about. You go to Waterloo. It's one

of the most prestigious universitie~ ill all of Canada and just because you have something in your head tc keep it from floating away doesn'l mean that you aren't beautiful at the same time. My advice to the male popula. tion: look around. There are beauti路 ful girls everywhere. Be proud of your school and the people in it Also, be glad that the women ir this school don't judge us by the same criteria as we judge them. Be thankful that it took our womer more than a 70 per cent Grade 1~ gym credit and a lifetime membership to Airheads Anonymous to gel in this school. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to find a date for this weekend (preferably a girl from the University of Waterloo.) -

Landon Mitchel

A great escape from mundane everyday dining Oasis offers a (expensive) break from the cheap and boring restaurants of K-W

K-W BITES Oasis fine dining restaurant 2 King Street North, Unit 4 www.oasisfinedining.com

***** (out of five) In my mind, a restaurant called Oasis conjures up images of a dank sports bar decorated with a smattering of plastic palm trees lit by neon beer signs. Oasis, newly opened this month, is the complete antithesis of this depressing picture. It is class and warmth embodied. The restaurant took the place of hit-and-miss Sabor at Erb and King. I like fine dining, but I cannot stand it when the staff is snooty as if it is a privilege for you to be spending your hard-earned dollars in their establishment. Fortunately, we received none of this haute attitude. This was especially impressive since I was completely inappropriately dressed in hiking boots, jeans and a cutoff sweatshirt. In fact, our host and server were delightful and well attuned to our mood. The server joked casually, but emitted wonderful warmth and respect - the best service I have received in a long time. My dining companion, ~hris and I were seated in a lovely corner banquette accentuated by cranberry lounging pillows. The walls were painted with muted browns and beiges and our table was smoothed and finished in a wood chip design.

The room (one of two) was gently lit. All elements converged into an upscale tropical design. The only frustration I had was that the Latin-themed music was milch too upbeat for a Saturday night dining experience - though to their credit, it did change halfway through the night to something more attuned to the romance and elegance of the space. The first item to arrive was an asparagus salad ($7), an arrangement of mixed greens in barelythere balsamic vinaigrette, smoky tender-crisp asparagus, pancetta (an Italian cured bacon) and an alluring silky mousse of purest asparagus essence. Tht; assortment was presented in a considered manner and the straightforward flavours shone through. It was a tantalizing start to what I hoped would be an excellent meal (and I was not disappointed). We picked our way through the appetizer and commented on the two-foot pepper grinder on the elegant bar. Our mains arrived quickly on the most fantastic plates - they were large, white and round, but set on an angle that pointed towards us, showcasing the food. Appropriate considering the careful layout and design of the entrees. Chris had chosen the chicken provence ($22), which paired the fowl with herbes de provence (a French herb mix), boconcini cheese and cherry tomatoes. He found it .well-seasoned, delicious and to be savoured. On the recommendation of our server, I had ordered the housemade cannelloni au chevre\C$18). While it was much more pastrylike than pasta-y, the three plump pouches were filled with a bright spinach and goat's cheese mixture.

A muted, sweet leek cream that nicely complemented it and was scattered with extremely fresh walnuts, which added texture and crunch, delicately highlighted the cannelloni. The combination was unctuous, texturally diverse and overall fantastic. Not ready to throw in the towel yet, we sipped our wines - Chris's a shiraz ($5.99) and mine a delightfully peachy and sweet chardonnay ($5.99) - and decided to order dessert.

Weighing many enticing choices, we decided on the Oasis banana cheesecake ($7). We talked about engineering and Chris drew me some diagrams of metal flexibility while I nodded and pretended to understand what he was talking about. , The hefty wedge of cheesecake was brought to our table soon after we ordered it. The banana taste was light and barely detectable but the cake was covered in an astounding warm strawberry sauce that was tart

and true to the taste of the fruit The crisp graham crust was a lovel) complement to the creaminess of the dessert. It was a stunning finis~ to an excellent dining experience. Oasis easily provided one of m} best restaurant experiences in K-W It is not for the faint of wallet, bw is an excellent special occasion dining destination. And since it has jus' opened, we can only expect greatel things from here on in. sbowman@imprint.ullliaterloo.cc

The classy entranceway at Oasis is just the beginning of a fabulous dining experience.



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• I



Acomplete guide to mastering and enjoying the fine art of a one-night stand and afterwards

has thought about it from time to time. \Ve all know what it is and we all know ho",)' there isn't one fixed formula to depict exactlr what will happen when we do it. It's rhe one·.night stand, and let me tell I'OU that 1 have only heard of a fe\\, ~uccessful one· night stands while here at U\'Z Also: to be honest, I usually only speak to half of the party, which leaves a 50 per cent chanc;e that it really wasn't all that passion; it's about I.ust; it's about the unexpected, and the list goes on. There are tons of worlds in the one-night stand that yOU can discover, from the guy de .. ciding to hunt at a bar for the night


to the random instance where 1\'10 people get introduced, hit it off and make it back to the bedroom for a night to rernernber, or forget. Regardless of how it happens, once you're there and in the action of hooking up ,,·ith that random hot-looking mystery, you should definitely be sure to take a few things into account. Hygiene. Most gals seem to be pretty good in this department with the ridiculous world of beauty prod ~ ucts constantly giving them a smack in the face, breasts, hair, ass, legs, toes, you-name~it, to look, smell and be their best, but guys, just because we aren't constantly told to be clean doesn't mean that we should be dirty either. Keep your teeth spot .. less, your breath fresh, your penis clean- and above and beyond all else, keep your body hair trirn and proper. And after that's taken care of you'll be ready for anything. Well, almost anything. Don't kill your chance with the one who just threv: you do\vn




Spending reading week at a cottage with four guys who live and breathe hockey, during the winter Olympics, with no place to bide and no one to hear me scream, I got some terrific lnsight into male thinking at its worst. There were girls at the cottage as \vell, but they were outnumbered. In fact, bet,veen the beer and hockey, I'm pretty sw:e their presence was negligible. During the retreat, I was insulted lbout everything from my mother to my choice of beer. "\'{Tho's drinking the goddamn Moosehead? What, you're too good for a beer named after a person? Sleeman and Miller are probably rolling around in their staves. And by the way, Stella Artois lS a bitch. I wouldn't touch her with my ten-foot pole." In the presence :)f other guys, esrecial1y in hightestosterone 3ituations,

will revert back to their true

~ature: a pack of wolves. In normal circumstances, with normal people, some of the things uttered during the trip would either cause somepne to develop a mental complex, be charged \vith harassment (including 17 separate counts of sexual harassment) or possibly climb to the top of the Dana Porter library with a rifle. But on the outskirts of Haliburton, with no witnesses except the passing deer, this behaviour was not only accepted, but encouraged. So, although guys can be cruel, sadistic and generally mean, this does not compare to how women, when provoked, treat each other. Guys may hit hard, but once the hit has been made, there's nothing but laughter and shoulder slapping. Girls on the other hand will carry those comments around with them for the better part of their lives. In my line of work as junior management at a fortune five hundred company (read: McDonald's swing manager) .1 have the dreaded responsibility of working with far too many teenage girls. I've seen these girls say things that I

by realizing that you don't have a condom. Really, if you're the type to be the one-night stand man, then I would say it \vould be just plain stupid to forget the .rubber. But if you're not the type and this whole sex situation popped out of pune spontaneity, then keep protection in mind before you make it to the nest of 10\"e. Unless you have this subconscious desire to get some random fling pregnant 'while still in university without making the connection that ,-ou will need to care for a baby, than skipping the "remember the rubber" sequence might be of your style. Regardless, rubber or not, once you've made it that far, there's still' much to consider. Do not ask stupid questions. "\Vas I good?" "\\'1a s I better than your last boyfriend?" "You don't go to the gym, do you?" These are all stupid questions. \'l/hat else would you expect other than a smack in the face followed by a "get the hell outta herd?" So when you're done



,,'ouldn't say to my worst enemy on mv deathbed. The cruelty, backs tab .. bi~gand vindictiveness r';',:\vitnessed can only be described as a character massac;e. Nothing I witnessed during the past week can even compare in cruelty to the things I've heard these girls say to each other. And here's the kicker: the jokes we guys make at each others expense are usually fairly random, recently topical or generally obvious. The fourth-year RPW student headed for a bright future gets labelled "the dumb guy" for the weekend because he missed a Jeopardy question. Childish? Yes. Fun? Yes. Founded? Hardly. But girls will bring up the most obscure and cruel ammunition they can muster. These girls 'Wi.1I bring up an instance from Grade 7 when one of the girls knew the other liked a guy and still passed him a note anyway, which makes her a slut for the rest of eternity. I also have a pair of sisters working for me. They like to bor.. row each others things often. One time the younger sister borrowed the older's clothes right from the changeroom leaving the older sister with nothing to wear home. \'{inen she confronted her sister about this, still in my store, I was privileged to hear every dirty fan:llly secret as far back as either of these girls could remember. So 'why is it tbat guys can argue until thn- come to blows and then go for a beer as if nothing happened, \vhereas girls will argue about what appears to onlookers as some.. thing trivial until one develops an eating clisorder? \Vhy dO'guyscall each

the duty, if you're the type to ramble on during any sort of after-sex talk, my advice \vould be to keep your words short, simple and to the point. There's nothing worse than talking the ear off someone whom you just met and just finished doing with random-ass stupid questions. And trust me, this isn't the worst that could happen when it comes to words in the moment of sex. \Vhile the two of you are ill the process of banging and the heat is turned way up, don't stop to ask something like "why are you mak~ ing noise?" or "what the hell is that smell?" This takes the mood down from a 10 to a two faster than ,,,,hen a 16 year-old boy gets a spontaneous erection. Just keep it to yourself and let the experience shape your memories of the moment. Sure, they might he really shitty memories, but it's better than talking about your ex girl· or boyhiend doing it better. So what do you do after it's over? Do you sleep there? Do you make

your visitor breakfast? The truth is, it's up to the people at the time and all depends on the game they were playing. If the guy is a dick, he might just pick up his shit and leave that night, or worse, tell you to leave. Though, if you and your partner aetuall\' hit it off and this one night stand has the potential to pick up into something of substance, than brealdast isn't the worst idea. J would say that being respectful would be your best bet. Do \vhat vou fed would be the right thing and be honest with yourself and who you \vere with. Before you part, say w'hat you want in tlle bture with regards to seeing each other again or not. H you just aren't that into the person, there's no harm in being open about it. And if you don't know, then just let it be, but there's only so long that you can play that card. rcoie@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

ill e other horrible names as terms of endearment and girls take any op portunity to slyly remind other girls about every awful thing tl1ey've ever done? My guess is this: guys just don't care as much as girls. Guys look more at the big picture and girls look at the details. Guys will let the little things slide because it all comes out in the wash, and if it builds up too much, they'll just crack the other guy across the jaw once to shut him up. For guys it's all just chops in the bucket. Once the drops are in there, you can't tell them from another. Girls on the other hand consider everv encounter to be like a run in a sw~ater. That little strand of yarn keeps getting tugged at, making the sweater less and less beautiful and a little more \varped, each time. Once it's been tugged at, it'll never look the same again and


the girls always hold that against tile person doing the tugging. Girls' memories are like a \'Voodv Allen movie: much longer than th~:y need to be. To girls, bygones are an)nhing but bygones. After a weekend of bliss in a winter snows cape that made our hockey team seem all the more Canadian, I endured more calls than I care to remember. I can't even count how many times I heard the phrase, "You shut your mouth when you're talking to me," uttered. The only thing I don't understand is, if guys don't remember these encounters thewaygu:ls do, then why did I spend last night whimpering "I'm not a sissy and mv mother's a saint so you gt~ys can ,ill just go to hell," while eating pralines and cream ice cream in the bathtub? janstett@imprint.uwaterloo.ca



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Ii ht

The unwritten rules of band


t-shirt wearing Suzanne Gardner iMPRINT STAFF


I remember making these oancakes frequently as a firs'ryear s~udent in Mackenzie King Village. A smile still comes to mv face when I think about the time or~e of mvroommates commented, "ooh ... tho;elooknice!" _._. and indeed they were. Not only were thev. v(suallv~ ;ppealincr but th~ b' unforgettably moist and Huffy texture vrith the contrast of the refreshing orange zest made these pancakes a nElst at breakfast time. And, of COllrS(\ having chocolate in the morning '07aS a welcome addition. J came to be so fond of this recipe that I made it for dinner on several occasions. Chocolate Orange Zest Pancakes

Ingredientr: · 2 cups all-purpose flour (500 mL)

· 3/4 cup of bittersweet chocolate chunks (6 oz) ·1 cup granulated sugar (60 mL) ,1 Tbsp baking powder (15 mL) ,1 tsp salt (2 mL) ·2 eggs, lightly beaten · 2 cups buttermilk (500 mL) , 1 cup melted unsalted butter or margarine, plus some for frying (60 mL) grated peel from 1 medium orange o



A perfect and tasty start to your day. Dirediolls: 1. In a large bmvl, sift together the flour, chocolate chunks, sugar, baking powder and salt. 2. In a medium bowl, beat the eggs with the buttermilk and melted butter. Add the grated peel. 3. Combine the ell'\' and the wet ingredients into a lum"py batter, being careful not to overmix. 4. Melt some butter in a skillet on medium heat. S. Spoon 1/3 cup (75 mL) of batter into the skillet. 6. Cook until bubbles start to form on one side, then turn over to brown other side. 7. Serve immediately with a dollop of whipped crea~1 or pure maple sywp, Use a mictoplane to 7.est the orange into a fine consistency. If you don't have a microplane, usc a box grater and grate the orange against the side with the smallest sized holes.

For this recipe I used Baker's bittersweet chocolate, which I cut into same-sized chunks, but you could just as "ell use anI' other chocolate on hand. . \\;'hat I have found is that the temperature difference between the melted butter and the buttermilk mixture has made it difficult for a unified mixture. To remedv this situation, I suggest combini~g the buttenvith room temperature eggs and then adding this mixture to the buttermilk \\7hile YOU can substitute the buttermilk for milk, I highly rec ommenJ using buttermilk. The properties in buttermilk lend a hand to the light and fluffy texture of the pancke mix. A little FYI on buttermilk: Buttermilk of times past was the liquid left after buttenvas churned. Today it is made commercially by adding special bacteria to non -fat or low fat milk, giving it a slightly thickened texture and tangy Havour. o

As I sit here wearing the newest addition to mv band T-shirt collection I begin to t1~ink back on a discussion I '~'e had with ti-iends in the past regarding the unwritten rules of band T-shirt wearing. Scoff at such a suggestion if you must, but for those of you out there who tmly cherish the T-shirts you own from "your favourite bands, I'm sure that some of these do's and don'ts will ring true for you and hopefully the rest of you will pick up some useful tips for the future. 1. DO},\'T wear a band's current tour T-shirt to their concert: Sure, your favourite band's new Tshirts might look super cool, but wearing said n';;w T-shirts to their current tour '.vill only make youlooklikeabandwagon jum~ \vhich is ddinitdv not cooL DO wear a b~1d's old tour Toshirt to their concert or wear another band's T·shirt to the concert instead: If you fed the need to vvear vour favourite band's Tcshirt to their'mvn concert, make sure that it's one from a previous tour. This way you appear to be more like the true, hardcore fan that you really are. Anotherviable option is to \vear another band's Tcshirt to the concert \vhich helps to display your snazzy musical diversity. , 2. DOJ\.;'T wear a 1"-shirt 01:- a band that you don't actualk know much about but you thought that wearing theirT ·shirt-would make voulook cool: Basically, this is justarecil~e for disaster, Inevlmh11y, completing sach an act, going to end up funning into said band's all-time bigf,J{:;;t tm \~'hlch \"ill result in you feeling like a gigantic fool as 'lOU are dumbfounded bv the vast ma(oritv of their comments t()yOU about this ~nd. Sure, you'lllookco;)l at first but really it's not~ worth the risk.

DO wear a T-shirt of a band that you really like and can talk about ·with fellow fans you may encounter: Wearing T-shirt; of a b~nd that yOU really like is a perfect way to ~eet other people\vith like-minded tastes in music. This wav wm'll haye new friends with \vhi~h' to discuss this band and, in addition, rour newfound comrades will n;obablv be able to introduce you v~ other good bands for you to check out! 3. DOSTwear a band's T-shirt to a concert which could unintentionally seem absolutely hilarious to your fellow concert--goers: This no-no can best be explained by a sad yet true example that I \vit~essed at a Green Day concert in :Mav of 2005. During the lull between' the opener and the main event of this sho\v, my friend and I commenced the ever-:entertaining act of people\vatchll1g. Standing in the row just in front of us ,vas a middle-aged man with his three young daughters, the eldest of which was probably about 13, The girls were all caSllally sporting various band T-shirts from the Ramones to the Beatles and apparently the father vyanted to feel like he fit in as well. This 40--something man was wearing a Tool T-shirt which he had tucked into his pants. The fact thatthis man looked like a such a tool and was in fact wearing a Tool T-shirt ... ohhhh, it was simply too much. DOvvear a band's T-shirt to a con eert v..hieh could intentionallv seem absolutely hilarious to your fellow COflccrt-goers: Making people laugh Wit..l-; you (rat.her than at you) is al'ways a good thing, so weari11g the T-shirt: of a cool band that also happens to be funny -;= mega bonus. <


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atrick's hich means I PRINT wants publish your best S t . ' s celebration stories!

send your submissions features(mimprint. u\vatcrloo.ca




. "},,C-.?r::-' .~~~~.\l. QUESTION 'F"'.

A ~.PUS tnlYJ.

What aPI you 811 dOill

hereY R's

"1 want to perfect my DDR perfonnance. I have been practising for seven years." Thomas Lee


"Fulfilling our dream of being asked the Campus Question." Nada Basir and Andrea Pop UW graduates

1B software engineering

"Five and a half years going and I just can't stop." Greg Hines

"Because CS is a bitch and God hates me." Jason Wong

1B masters in computer science

3B computer science

"Two midterms and four assignments this week. UW has me bent over the table." Brandon Kenteo

"No money to go to the Dominican." Alia Akwi 2B mechanical engineering

3B computer science

"1 am in charge of babysitting the SlC couches. n Ahmed Farrakha 4A computer science

"My parents don't want \ me home. I cost them too much." Parth Jani 1B kinesiology

Neai Moogk Smalls

CIOSSWOlt Across 1. Digestive 10. Scientific nutrient 15. Pair of gametes 16. French cap 17. Eight syllable verse 18. French island 19. Egyptian king 20. Pot-boiler author Roberts 21. Classic computer game 22.~odelofperfection

25. US war theatre 26. High-ranking Muslim woman 27. Eye lens cover 29. Yugoslav dictator 31. 100 square metres 32. Short fall month 33. EUmoney 34. Cash register company 35. Radio interference 38. Grow a third arm 40. Chinese dynasty 44. As soon as possible 43. Santa's little helper 44. American Medical Association 45. Duty roster 46. ~anatee 50. Covered with frost 52. The link in Ii la mode 54. Statistical illustration 55. Stubborn and orderly 56. Gypsy people 58. Train service 59. Jewish holy book 61. Sweet and fragrant taste 64. Also spelled align 65. Islamic ascendancy 66. Intoxicating time 67. Counterbean



Down 1. Pupil constriction 2. Old Portuguese money 3. Unsteady walk 4. Turkish leader 5. Loud noise 6. Foreshadowing sign 7. Reveal knowledge 8. Perform again 9. Algae philum 10. Disney TV 11. Hollow rock with crystals 12. Cocky attitude 13. Money or goods 14. Device for removing stems 23. The king and I protagonist 24. Body suit 26. Ripped CD

3 6

4 9 1 4 2 1 3 6 2 7 3 9 2 7 8 2 8 1 7 6 4 9 .

28. Dispatch boat 30. Aligns properly 35. Floridian Indian 36. Rum-based Jamaican liqueur 37. Large waterfall 39. In the distance 40. Australian shrub 42. California mountaintop observatory 47. Hors d'oeuvre egg 48. Narcotic 49. Whaling ship 51. Large African antelope 53. Leisurely walk 57. Elaborate solo 60. Attention-getting interjection 62. Roman fertility goddess 63. Egyptian air god



arts@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Arts Editor: Angelo Florendo Arts Assistant: Margaret Clark

Local band knocks out Grad house crowd Angelo Florendo IMPRINT STAFF

Irs hard to maintain the concept of the glorified rockstar when the show's headlining act is sharing a pitcher of beer two tables down. It's even harder when their choice of venues - the indie-centric Grad House - entirely lacks an elevated stage, the difference between casual showgoer and exalted band being mere steps. But Waterloo's Knock Knock Ginger isn'tlooking to play to packed stadiums anytime soon. "I'm not even looking that far ahead," says vocalist and guitarist Milosz Sikora. Don't mistake his nearsightedness as a lack of ambition; he's probably just busy studying like the rest of us. A fourth year computer science major at our very own university, Sikora isn't the only UW student in the bunch as keyboardistMelissa Djurakov and grad-student-turned-drummer Owen Cherry both took the leap from book to band, while Andy Melter on bass and Matt Charters on guitar and horns round out the rest of Knock Knock Ginger. Content with laying back and taking constant swigs of beer, Sikora waits for openers The D'Vbervilles to finish their exces sively involved soundcheck, when an unsuspecting third opening act walks toward the mic, guitar in hand. Solo artist Ryan Stanley isn't on tonight's bill, but even if he were, his self-conscious waddle and half-closed eyelids make it easy to mistaken him for one of the band's friends doing final equipment checks. Imagine the crowd's surprise as he begins to introduce a song instead of the expected "mic check, one, two, three." The broken, stinted speech present in his introductions carry through to the performance, as his hushed vocals and sparse, palm-muted guitar strums exude a sense of debilitating reservation. But Stanley's quiet stance is like that of a deep thinker rather than an angst-ridden preteen. Forcinglyrics from his reluctant lips, his songs are pensive and deep, however short they may be. Understanding the brevity of one of his songs, Stanley concludes the track and jokingly sings, "that was just a short one." In keeping with his set's newfound informal tone, he calls for a vocal helper by signalling to his seated wife. Her presence is, admitted by Stanley himself, less for collaborative reasons and more for assistance with forgotten lyrics. But his plan fails and Stanley is reduced to bending over to read sheets of lyrics strewn about the bar's floor. Hoping to turn up the volume a bit, The D'Urbervilles take up their instruments but still manage to have a few problems with tuning, despite their earlier soundcheck. Lead singer Tim Burton had since abandoned his previously adorned jacket, signalling for some serious rocking out.

Armed with horns and inverted guitars, Waterloo's Knock ~n~Giqer .~~,.. Grad House. With. clear influences from '80s P?st-punk bands like The Cure and The Smlths, the band's high paced rhythm guitars and groovy bass~es were a nic~ change. of pace from the prevtous set. Burton s caressIDg vocals possess a European suave that his onstage spasms lack, as he paces the short span of the Grad House while ~cking ~dly to c.ymbal crashes. But his enthuslasm WlnS over his ~essy dance moves; when he b.elts o~t a screamlng countdown, the crowd believes It. Introducing showpiece track "Organ Song" with the band's first hint of uncertainty, The D'Urbervilles still manage to grind it out through the song's changing pace and tricky keyboard sections. . With the crowd geared up, Knock ~~ck GIDger took ov:r the stage for the headlining performance. Thickglasses and trumpets may not be the best indi~ation for a jumping ~ock s~ow, but the bandq~cklystrayedfrom theIDtentlOnal volume of thel! newly released Hurry! EP by turning gui~s way ':P' Cherry'S finely tuned pop drummin~ was g;:ven the extra punch ~at a live show bnngs. DJurakov sat casually while

playing keyboards with a constant grin, ~, . ~e everyone's part of it. It's within this having as much fun and the enthused crowd. same independent music scene where Knock The horn sections on "You Could Have Been Knock Ginger has found success; especially My Johnny Marr" provided.by Charters offered on UW radio station CKMS. Djurakov says that hint of geek rock goodness akin to The simply that the Waterloo scene has been ''very Decemberists. supportive" while Sikora calls the Grad House Fronting the band with his nasal tenor and "one of the best venues. People really get into delicate falsetto, Sikora managed to straddle the the show." line between pop singer politeness and rock They may be gaining a lot of attention as 'n' roll overconfidence, saying, "I'm going to of late, but Sikora has humble expectations for be the egotistical frontman tonight." Though the year, hoping to finish another record and his glasses continually slipped to the tip of keep playing shows, with a performance at the his nose in a grandfatherly fashion, it didn't Bombshelter slated for March 9. stop him from using his guitar's headstock to These modest expectations are overshadsmash cymbals with the same violence of a owed by the band's potential as their accessible pop sound and animated performances are hardcore band. The upbeat yet self-admitted "black sheep" reaching - and winning over - more ears song of the group "Just Like the Movies" was everyday. "We might be onto something." says' indeed a departure with its disco beats and Sikora with a glimmer of hope, but not without danceable bassline, but it certainly managed to his usual reservations. If their current status as get the crowd moving; In an attempt to get the a Waterloo scene favourite continues, Knock crowd involved, the band handed out cow bells Knock Ginger may soon find themselves bangand other noisemakers for their last song. ing on the door of success. Their final performance closed the night with a communal tone; everyone's involved aflorendo@imprint.uwaterloo.ca





r n r di g




Arts snobs embrace the Communist south, explore Cuba's rich cultural and literary history for kicks THE


SNOB It may come as a bit of a surprise to you, dear readers, but your beloved, pasty-white, library-frequenting, urban-·area·worshipping arts snob columnist is heading to the Caribbean for his reading week. Yes, I admit it is I had my own problcms with it mC;1n, shouldn't I be going to keland o.r something? Venturing to perhaps? Even Montreal


would be more appropriate from an arts snob's perspective, for goodness sake! Alas, as classes end for the break, I will be trudging with the eager masses from the beautiful gloom that is Canadian winter to the horrid heat and humidity of tropical lands, where sand will invade my white loafers and loud, horny students will interrupt my philosophical ponderings. Why, you must be asking, would your devoted arts snob, submit to such a pedestrian pleasure? \Vhy would I choose to go for a week wearing shorts instead of my tightfitting blue jeans? And what in God's name (besides the obvious) would

convince me to spend a week with scantily-clad, drunk-off-their-face co-cds? My decision was actually affected by quite a few factors, many of which have led me to believe that perhaps spending reading -week in the south may not, jf properly appreciated be such a bad idea for an arts snob. First off, the island that calls my name is the Communist Republic of Cuba. You know all those fashionable CCCP shirts with the hammer and sickle? Well, this is the real deal, sucl.;:as: communes and workers' revolutions, statues of Lenin and murals of Che, missile crises and those really sweet-look-

e aunt/et: Seven Sorrows owcas s a full eight

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows f'iaystation 2 and Xbox

Sorrow is not a strong enough "ford for the tragedy that was this game. l'd be more apt to call it catastrophic. The Gatmtlet series has long been a favourite of garners everywhere. This series is the hallmark of hack-n-slash dungeon crawlers that require little or no attention to play. It's simple, fun and bloody. But this new iteration made me sadder than I was when Bruce Lee killed Chuck Norris, and laid his belt down all honourable-like. (As an aside, all those jokes are inherently flawed as Norris is clearly inferior to Lec.) The game is fun enough. It's straigh.tfo!ward hacking through piles of enemies. The story is unfortunately similarly basic. There's a king, and he's pretty sad (he has seven sorrows ---- a Jot more problems than most, butless thanJay-Z. No, a bitch ain't one of the king's ,... ,.,-,h"£·,,,,,,, either). So the four warriors embark on a guest to make the king happy by savagely murdering his seven sorrows. It sounds like an interesting premise, but it never fleshes out into a decent story. It remains only a premise until the game ends. A't the end I repeated the words I hear every night through the walls of my house, "Already? Christ." There was even a little bit of crying. :ltl}en Sorro/J/J was a fun game though. During its unimpressively short lifecycle, the player gets to hack through an endless sea of anonymous baddies. The skills of each character use a button-mashing combo system to execute, and arc small in number. By the fifth sorrow, I had them all with two more sorrows to go. The graphics arc typical hack-nslash bird's eye style, but with some added Hair. The game is nicely rendered and definitely weHdesigncd. Cut scenes are minimal. .. actually, they're mostly line-drawings with voiceovers.

ing Fidel Castro military caps. It's tion, but this sort of intervention is one thing to say you're a socialist also responsible for extremely high (and grow a beard to prove it), literacy rates and billboard/ combut it's another ballpark entirely mercial-free streets (which can't be to experience life under a leftist a bad thing). regime. I hope to be able to get And history has shown that it's out my plough and collectivize not just beer.. guzzling frat boys with those drably-grey peasants and impressionable valley girls who while in Cuba --- really get a taste frequent the area. l\fany brilliant for the life, you know? northerners have shown an affecCuban culture, perhaps surtion for Cuba's colourful towns and prisingly, has a fairly developed dark Havana bars, most famously and diverse arts sector. This is perhaps being the modernist noveldue partly to the society's mix of ist Ernest Hemingway. The writer European, African and indigenous wrote his Nobel-prize winning cultures, but has novd The Old also been someAlan mid the Sea what enhanced about the small by Communist ... Cuba is not one of Cuban coastal rule. The result those single-minded, village where of being comhe lived in the pletely cut off 1930s and 40s. non-creative from American Hemingway was countries often culture means so well loved in artists, film-mak· Cuba that Haassociated with ers and musicians vana's marina is are generally vi .. Communist rOle ... named after him, brant and indeand photos of pendent, uncon- - - . - -....-------.--------.--.... him still decotaminated by the rate the bars he poison of such \Vestern models for frequented. Sllccess as "reality TV." So in the end, Cuba is not one Francis Ford Coppola, who of those single-minded, nOD-creative filmed part of his famous Godfacountries often associated with Com.. ther trilogy in Cuba, commented munist rule, but a well·educated and on the nation's film industn' in creative force. his also, as shown by the 1975: "I know very well the i)ain pattona"c;e of Hemip,g\','ayand Coppola, of a countrv like Australia, that's a a retreat for far more than hormone\",ealthy civilized place and yet has accelerated university students inboard no film industry, because it's d:leaper shorts and Corona t-shirts. for them to buy our old television So all ye art snobs out there, hangshows and our old movies. You see ing on my every \vritten word, I be .. them struggling to have a little bit seech you: do not underestimate the of a film thing. Yet here you have cultural wealth of the South. And if Cuba, \",hich is a small place by tbe literary and cultural appeal doesn't comparison, and they have healthy, convince you, consider this: in Cuba rea! ambitious films." they drive' Jtjopedr. I merul,what more Much of Cuban art is governcould an art snob \vant? ment regulated, ho\vever, so you get cmoffat@imprint.uwaterloo.ca a lot of movies about the revolu-


sent over 1 mlUion Europe over the years.

This is YOUR year. The storyline is weak in the latest iteration of Gauntlet. The game trumpets its online playability as the greatest thing since three-ply toilet paper, but I feel the same about this as I do about all online dungeon-crawlers: it's useless and boring (frothing fanboys rela..'\: -- I don't mean World of \-X;larcraft). Games like these are only fl.U1 if you're sitting beside your buddy and chiding him about his sissy warrior. If there's one redeeming quality about this game it's the sweet catharsis it provides. There's something ridicuiously appealing about slashing

through throngs of enemies to the tune of "Courage" by l\1andwarwhik sipping a nne box of wine wearing nothing but a smoking jacket and Superman underwear. In all seriousness, it's a fun couple hours, but I wouldn't expect an epic gaming experience. Definitely save your $60 for something else, but check it ,Out \vhen it drops to the $9.99 bin ... L.'1 two v;eeks. -·-Tim Alamenciak Editor-in-chief

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Scared runs astray

Tom Maddix Running Scared: the Call of Pilgrimage Navalis

The back of this book markets Maddix's work as follows: "Part guidebook, part personal journal, part prayer book, Running Scared takes readers to key pilgrimage destinations in Europe, North America, and Asia." From this description, I was expecting much more from the book than I received. The book touts itself as biographical, but there are few descriptions of the many places being referenced and sometimes not even any pertinent details about the settings. As a biography, it fails to create a strong sense of location for the reader, despite its exploration of a numerous sites not usually associated with the religious pilgrimage experience. Yet Maddix's book does have animmense inner power despite the misleading description. Namely; in walking with Tom through his journey, we can see our own journeys in a new and clearer light. Maddix examines many aspects of pilgrimage: the call to pilgrimage, the ins and outs of pilgrimage, chance encounters, heights and depths, how the spirit can nudge, and listening and life lessons on the path. As one who has travelled the world over - many times - and visited pilgrimage sites, religious communities and shrines in a variety of religious cultures, Maddix is in some ways a professional pilgrim - and in many ways even an expert. So even though this book was not what I expected, with a far stronger emphasis on spiritual impressions and responses than the style and imagery explored in most guidebooks and travelogues, Running Scared was still an excellent read which opened my eyes to many places of pilgrimage hereto unknown. -

Stephen R. McEvoy

Movie woes, pink elephants on parade

This past month has been one of the worst movie-going months in recent , memory. I suppose it's hypocritical for me to say that since I haven't actuallygone to a first-run theatre in over a month, but what the hey: forgive me Hollywood, but! just can't seem to get excited about this stuff While I've managed to keep myself sated with both the sweet nectar squeezed from a supple DVD collec_tion and the tried-and-true Princess Cinema, I suspect I'm not the only one longing for something mainstream

that's actually worth seeing. Consider the most recent box-office champs: B~ Momma's House 2 - There "are no words. When A Stranger CaUs- I have no idea who'd want to go see this. I suppose the same crowd that flocked to the Final Destination flicks ... Final Destination 3 - I have no idea who'd want to go see this. I suppose the same crowd that flocked to see When

A Stranger CaUs ... The Pink Panther -

This movie makes me sad. Steven Martin is cool I know he is. Meanwhile, Firewall seems like a nice pay cheque for Harrison Ford and Date Movie's trailer made it look like it came from not two writers of Scary Movie, but one - the writer who came up with the title. Spoofing Napoleon Dynamite, a subject that is rpost likely spoof-proof anyway, with a guy

doing an impersonation of Napoleon Dynamite isn't funny. So if, like me, you've been craving something new, now is a perfect time to catch up on Oscar nominees. And hey, V for Vendetta comes out in a few weeks and after that we're only a hop, skip and a jump away from a summer that, while not explosive, looks like it shoUld be a good time. I found myself mulling this over in class. There I was, cursing the lack of a real reading week, bracing for a midterm, when the screaming began, and around 50 drunken"costumed,and screaming engineers began to parade through our room. It wasn't until I realised that they were not going to leave that I started to crack up. Duffinanrecitedhis famous quotes, a Teletubby pranced and two guys danced on a desk. The professor's notes were history. Background music

was provided by someone thoughtful enough to bring along a big drum. At one point a guy jumped on a front desk, spread his legs, raised his arms in the air and shouted, "Football in the groin!" From the back of the room someone provided the football. That person had good aim. With a somewhat less enthusiastic cheer of "footballinthe ... groin ... " groin-man hopped off the desk and joined the rest of the engi-parade as they took their crazy-train to another classroom. Of course, they came back. Yes, my column is about movies and television shows. And yes, this little anecdote had absolutely nothing to do with movies or television shows. I justthoughtitwas bloody hilarious - unlike, say, Hollywood. Maybe they should take notes? fvukcevic@imprint.uwaterloo.ca-



R memb ring n of rap's greatest leg n 5 Jordan Noakes SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

On February 10,2006, hip hop music !ostoneof its pioneers.James Yancey, better known as Jay Dee or J Dilla to those in music circles, died suddenly from complications with lupus, leaying hip hop fans 'round the globe to pour out a shot for their fallen soldier. And Dilla was just that: a soldier. His illness stemmed from multiple extensive sessions of beat-making, often going into thc studio for full days, ignoring his need for precious nutrients that keep the human body functioning properly. He was that dedicated to pleasing tbe ears of his fans. I Ie literally died for hip hop. The saddest part of the whole scenario is that Dilla's "'fOrk, as a producer foremost but al so as an "tvfC, was never embraced by the mainstream. Simply put, he was too real for record ex;.'C'i. He refused to "sell-out" and 0'",,'''CW.'. sound that garnered hltn the r,"~pect of his colleagues and rJp heads alike in order to sell mote records: Amir "Questlove" Thompson of The Roots recently called Dilla "the producers' producers' producer." And that's why you probably never heard about his death either, as artistic ability and record sales rarely correlate. But for anyone who has jammed to A Tribe Called Quest, Busta Rhymes, De La Soul, Common, Slum Village,

or The Pharcyde, chances are you have heard Dilla's music; and I'm 'willing to bet you loved it, too. He hroke into the game as the driving force behind The Ummah production tean1 that crafted numerous hits for Tribe. From there, Dilla became the "it" producer for any artist who attempted to create an alternative to the majority of radio-friendly material. He soon proved that he could not only work magic behind the boards, but also on the mic, becoming a vocal member of conscious hip hop trio Slum Village, and dropping a solo album titled "\'V'elcome 2 Detroit" in 2001. .l\fore recently, other than produ(> ing three of 12 tracks on Common's Grammy-nominated "Be," Jay Dee decided to go back to his underground roots, signing on with Madlib's Stones Throw Records. Like many longtime fans of hip hop, Dilla had become disillusioned \vith the superficiality that dominated the rap industry. He again turned down more lucrative offers from major labels, and signed on where he knew his music would be appreciated (maybe not by the same number of people, but defiantly . by the right people.) Those people include some of the more popular names in the industry today: Pharell Williams of The Neptunes recently told BET "my favourite producer? J Dilla... Jay Dee, he's bringing it strong," and even uberstar Kanye


James Yancey, better known as Jay Dee passed away February 10,2006. West was quoted as sayi.ng "Dilla is a drum god. His drums can't ever be topped." For over a decade, Dilla was one of the most consistent artists of the genre, point blank. And while he may not have been on any Jay路路Z or Puff Daddy albums along the way, he attntctedlegions of fans that respect his work and will ensure his music lives on forever. Only three days before his death (and on his 32 birthday), Stones Throw released Dilla's instru-

mental opus titled "Donuts" (because who doesn't love the good-ol' holey snack?), an album that beautifully meshes tlle sounds of hip hop, soul, funk, and even electronic and reggae into a continuous 31-track blend of chopped samples that works as \vell as any instrumental album ever. I loved the album for the two days J had it before he passed, and the eerie emotions that now accompany any listening of the album establish it as a personal dassic. I suggest anyone

who iikes to be actively involved in their music to pick it up as soon as humanly possible: if not for your own listening enjoyment, as a way of familiadzing yourself with a fallen legend. While I refuse to become one of the many who claim that hip hop is dead, it may just be on life support now that .lay Dee has taken leave to the thug mansion. Rest in peace Jay Dee~-- you will be missed.

Don't court Date Movie Date Movie Fox Directed by: Aaron Seltzer

Date j\{0[7.8 is shit and really, that's all that needs to be said. Unfortunately, this is not Vice, so I'll have to give a few reasons why this movie was so terrible - and if you don't get that reference then you'd probably like Date AfOl'ie. Anyways, Alyson Hannigan is not nmny at all. 1 mean she was on Huffy and that was a cool show but really she bad no comedic talents and didn't have any in this movie either. The opening begjHS wit.h Hannigan dancing to "Milkshake;' a really crappy song, and honestly I didn't laugh once. The movie was also way too into, as Brodie from CbasingAf,!,),would say; "dicbnd fartjokes"which,I won'tlie,I kind of c:x:pected. In the pastthese types of jokes have been balanced out with some other kind of humour, however in Da/.e /'viovif! they are not. The \\'fiters, Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, definitely chose the wrong Chick Flicks to parody. The ones chosen were HOI/l to Lose a GIg ill 10 DayJ, iHeet the Parent,~ Wedding Cmrhers and many others. The main reason why thes~ choices were bad

was dlat they already have the gross out factor, which is what Friedberg and Selt:r.er wanted to produce. The only time where I was remotely moved to have a twitch of a smile was when Sqy A/gtbing was parodied. That might be because I love John Cusack and Jeremy Piven and love t..~e movie itself. Sf!)' A'!)!thing is also a movie that could be parodied, as it wasn't made in the last five veats where every romantic comedy to come out of Hollywood has been marketed to draw in both female and male audiences equalling to the previously mentioned grossout humour. The other moment of the film that was alright was the PrettY !J:?OIJltlfl parody but even that was pretty bad. Except for t11at one Beeting moment, I spent the entire movie sitting there with no emotion. I think the movie was actually only about an hour and 20 minutes but it feltlike much longer. Even if you are deathly bored, do not see this movie, YOU will leave and be forced to make your own nm as 1 did by shopping for magazines and drinking some Starbucks.

niversity of

aterloo ur red Auto and Insurance Faculty S

Save on

- Emma Tarsweli


This movie sucks, but lloyd Dobbler is still awesome.


to 50 o ,. ttr 111surance




Ad/Production i\fanager:' Laurie Tigert-Dumas

ads@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Ad Assistant: Karen YiJun C~en


Room for rent for a quiet individual in a detached home near both universities. Parking and' all amenities. Please call 725-5'348. High Street - side-street off Hazel. Lease May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007. $450 per person, utilities included. Licenced group rental for four people, free ensuite washer and dryer, private entrance, four large bedrooms, front porch,. backyard, close to shopping, 15 minute walk to University. For appointment call June or Don Smith, (416) 491-13.70, cell phone (416) 705-5648 or e-mail turtle005<1frogers.com. Available now - two-bedroom apartment at $900 per month and threebedroom house at $950 plus utilities per month. Available September 2006 - three-bedroom apartment at $395 per room, two-bedroom apartment at $900, five-bedroom apartment at $350 inclusive per room, five-bed~ room house at $425 plus utilities per room (on Hazel St) and three-bedroom house at $950 plus utilities per IOOl'lth. For more info call 746-6327


UPCOMING Tuesday, February 28, 2006 "Industrial age to information age: cultural identity and the Kitchener industrial artifacts project" public lecture by Nicolas Rees at uw,lipe arts, ECH 1219. . Wednesday> March 1,2006 Waterloo Engineers Without Borders will run a series of high energy events to raise awareness about Canada's role in extending extreme poverty. It will kick off at noon in front of the SLC. For more info call 635-4768 or email sa2Iewis@uwaterloo.ca Thursday, March 2, 2006 "150 Years and Counting: Drinking Water Safety Lessons are Learned Slowly," lecture by Dr. Steve E. Hrudey, from the University of Alberta. The lecture will explore the· Walkerton disaster to the Kashechewan reservation evacuation. The event is free and will be held at Humanities Theatre, UVv, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Along with the lecture environment scholarships will be given out. For info ext 6549. WLU Fringe Festival hits the stage in March! Ten short plays. Three short days. One exploding whale. Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, WLU, March 2 and 3 at 7 p.m., March 4 at 2 and 7 p.m. For ticket info email laurierfringe@hotmail.com. Questions for the prom queen? Challenging definitions of rights and equality and institutional be-

or 501-1486. Three-bedroom ,for three people -lease May 1,2006 to April 30, 2007. $425 per person, utilities included. Free ensuite, washer, dryer, private entrance, back yard, close to shop-' ping,. IS minutes fro~ university. For appomtment call June or Don Smith at (416) 491-1370, cell phone (416) 705·5648 or e-mail turtle005@rogers.com. Only $359 - four-bedroom housing starting May 1 and September 1, 2006. Excellent location, close to everythin'g, must see, goes fast. Washer/dryer free, dishwasher, gas heat, gas water heater, cheap utilities, free parking, open concept kitchen, dining room and living room open onto a private balcony, air conditioning plus huge rooftop garden patio great for relaxing or enteraining. Perfect for students - $359!studentlmonth. Can 741-7724 or www.acdev.ca for more information and pictures. April and September leases - wellmaintained four-bedroom townhouse units on Albert Street, each with two bathrooms, free private laundry and

free parking. Competitive rates. Call Ryan at (519) 375-5663. One all-inclusive, fully furnished room available until Apri.l 30, 2006 at Albert and Columbia (Cardill Crescent}. Al1 utilities, laundry amJ internet included. $345/month, negotiable. Contact elevinson@uwaterloo. c:.i or (416) 832-3613. Bridgeport Lofts - Bridgeport Road! Regina Street, Waterloo. www.pdhco. ca. Shared accommodations, single bedroom leases in three, four and five-bedroom lofts for May 1. Fourmonth, eight-month and one-year leases. bridgeportlofts@rogers.com. 747-5294. Premium 3 bedroom townhouse unit in a professionally managed student complex. Perfect for students and withm a 20-minute walk to UW campus. Available May & September 2006. Call Perry now at 746-1411 for all the details and to set up a show- . ing. The University of Toronto at Mississa4ga Residences is now accepting applications for our summer term


liefs. Movie and discussion at 5 p.m. DC 1302, Marc Hall Story. UW Fine Arts Film Society March program: films from Japan, Singapore and Korea. March 2: Ballad of Narayama (Narayama bushiko), 130 minutes, with English subtitles. East Campus Hall auditorium 1220 at 7 p.m. Free admission. For more info call ext 6923. Friday, March 3, 2006 The City of Kitchener is proud to invite submissions for two new public art competitions funded by the city's innovative "% for Art Policy." The Chandler Mowat Community Centre and Victoria Hills Community Centre as the two locations with a budget each of $13,000. For applications and guidelines contact Linda Pretty at 741-2224 or linda.pretty@ city.kitchener.on.ca. Wednesday, March 15,2006 "Money matters" - what every student needs to know about OSAP, personal banking/finance and debt. Plan on attending this free event at 12 p.m., SLC, Multipurpose room. For more info contact the Ombuds office at ext 2402 or ombuds@uwaterloo.ca. Friday, March 17, 2006 St. Patrick's Day Pub at the Waterloo Inn, 475 King Street, N., \Vater100 from 4 p.m. to I a.m. For·info and tickets call Deanna at 894-0001 or email thedaa@sympatico.ca.

2006 at the low rate of $1,700 for four months. Each summer resident will be placed in a single room two bathrooms, air conditioned, four- person apartment-style suite. This is a great opportunity for Waterloo Co-op students working in the Mississauga . area. For more info please visit our website at www.utm.utoronto.ca/resicence and click on "summer."

H• ..,. wAlln" Weekend counsellors and relief staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Minimum eight-month commitment. Paid positions. Send resume to Don Mader, KW Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney Street, Kitchener, ON, N2G 3V2. SP - 100 Forest Fireflghting course; . London, March 8-12 or Waterloo, March 16-20,2006. To register, please call Wildfire Specialists Inc., 2233 Radar Road, Sutie 5, Hanmer, Ontario, P3P lRZ. Toll free 1-877-3815849. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources accredited. No guarantee of employment. Now accepting resumes - Ziggy's Cycle & Sport Ltd is looking for likeminded students to join our team for the upcoming season. Full-time and part-tilne positions need to be filled include mechanics and sales people. E-mail resumes to Marta at ziggys. cycle,sport@bellnet.ca or drop off to our store at 417 King Street, W, Kitchener. Summer camp counsellors on campus interviews for premier camps in Massachusetts. Positions available for talented, energetic and fun-loving students as counsellors in all team sports including roller hockey and lacrosse, all individual sports such as tennis and golf, waterfront and pool activitieS, and special tv activities in'cluding art, qance, theatre, gymnastic, newspaper, rocketry and radio. Great salaries, room, board, travel and US summer work visa. From June 17 to August 12. Enjoy a great

summer that promises to be unforgettable. This is a great co-op opportunity. Apply now! For more information: Winadu - www.campwinadu. com (boys): 1-877-694-7463. Danbee - www.campdanbee.com (girls): 1800-392-3752. Interviewer will be on campus Tuesday, March 21, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Student Life Centre, main floor. Assistant camp director at the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society for '~imaniacs" Day Camp. We are looking ~or a post-seco?dary graduate havmg worked With children. Previous camp experience is an asset, leadership skills, above average computer skills. Will assist with hiring and training of camp staff, create w?rk schedules,. pur~h;Ise camp supplIes and momtor Inventory, create and implement camp actirities and crafts, encourage and provide guidance to the counsellors, ensure that the campers are having fun, learning and participating in an enjoyable and safe camp environment. Position is for 16 weeks, May 15 to August 31, a 40 hours/week position at $12.00/ hour. E-mail resume by March 3 to education@kwhumane.com

FO. . . . . . Coleman gas electric portable generator. 110 and 220 outlet, 6,250 surge, 5,000 running constant, 5 gallon gas tank, II hours running constant, complete with wheels. Brand new still in box. Call 577-5620. '

FUFO. English tutoring available - trouble writing essays? Is English new to you? Friendly UW EngliSh graduate offering tutoring and ESL services. Please call 741-0353.


Pole-Fit Flare Fitness-diScover K\V'spopular pole dancing fitness program! Check us out online at www:polefit.ca for registration and program information or call (519) 342-2974.


Saturday, May 13,2006 Charity yard and bake sale to benefit ~dopt-A-Rott" (Ontario) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Creature Comfort, 1553 King Street, N., St. Jacobs. For more info or to donate items, e-mail cmckenty@Yahoo.ca or call Chrissy at 579-7843.


Workshops are as follows: Monday, February 27 - "Writing CVs and Cover Letters,"'12 to 1:30 p.m., Te22I8. Tuesday, February 28 - "Special Session for International Studenfs," 4:30 to 6 p.m, TC 2218. Thursday, March 2 - "Law school bound?" 1:30-2:30 p.m., TC2218. "Teaching English abroad." Find out about TESOL certification. 3:30-4:30 p.m., TC 2218. "Interview Skills: Preparing for questions," 430-5:3Op.m. TCI208.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Win up to $1,000 for your writing. Students in third/fourth years qualify for STC's Heidi Thiessen Memorial Award for Student Technical Writing. Visit wv.'W.stc-soc.org/ awards/student.php for details and an application. MHATES is an on-campus group, St. Jerome's Community Contributions Committee, raising awareness of mental health issues. Visit the SLC displays during February to get all the facts. For more info contact Sarah at 725-8032 or noonanburg@ gmai1.com.

Tell us what you think - "National Su~ey of Student Engagement." All first year and graduating undergraduates will receive an e-mail survey asking for input about their UW experience. For info call ext 3989 or e-mail nsse@uwaterloo.ca. The Walrus magazine is coming to a university or college near you. The magazine is sponsoring "The Student Field Note Contest" with an entry deadline of March 15, 2006. For more info visit www.walrusmagazine.ca.


The YMCA is seeking dedicated volunteers for our children's global education classes. Teach children about the world around them and valuable experience by getting involved today. Classes run Wednesday from 5' to 6:30 p.m. at the Kaufman Family YMCA. For more information contact the International supervisor, Sarah, at 741-8585 or e-mail intemational@kwymca.org. The LOOP is coming to K-W A city rep volunteer is needed to write about the music and cultural scene ..:.. free tickets. Check out wwW.theloop.ca or (519) 716-0688 for other positions.,

The City of Waterloo is currently recruiting secretary and operations director for Senior Summer Games FINANCIAL AID Host Committee. Call 888-6488 or Tuesday, February 28, 2006 888-0409, or e:mail at volunteer@ city. waterloo.on.ca. McKegney Memorial Award, Ca~a­ dian Friends of Hebrew University Prueter Public School (UnionlLan. caster area) needs yolunteers to work Award. in classrooms or with individual stuWednesday> March 1, 2006 dents. Call Bill Shouldice 578-09W. iAnywhere Silutions Inc.' scholarK-W regions second annual non-vioship. lence festival will take place in WaFor further information, check out terloo Park on May 13,2006 in recogthe student awards and financial aid nition ,vith the international day of \Vebsite at: safa.uwaterloo.ca. non-violence. Volunteers are needed. CHURCH SERvICE .Please contact www.nonviolencefestival.com for more info. twenty20dhections: service starts at FBN Multimedia is looking for males" 7:30 p.m. every second and fourth 18-35, males 35-50, females 25-35. Sunday (Feb. 26, March 12 and 26) The cast' is ensemble style with five at Koinonia Christian Fellowship, main characters, five supporting 850 Sawmill Road, Bloomingdale, characters and several bit parts and ON .. University pickur at UW - 6:45 extras. Also looking for a compOser to .p.m., SCL and WU pickup is at 7 score the film. Please contact: info@ p.m., University Ave entrance under fbnmultimedia.com or visit www.fb- the walkway. For more information nmultimedia.com. - www:kcf.org.



science@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Science Editor: Rob Blom Science Assistant: Vacant


Is climate change the real deal? New evidence linking greenhouse gases to global warming Rebecca McNeil IMPRINT STAFF

Burning enthusiastically for years has been the great environmental debate of the twentieth century: is global warming caused by human actions, natural conditions or does it really even exist? . Under the request of President Reagan in 1987, Bob Corell has spent the last two decades examining climate change. Almost 20 years later, Corell is displaying research that shows the North Pole is shrinking and that the glaciers have melted considerably over the past five decades. More dire news is that there may not even be a way to stop this Arctic warming as it is a chain reaction; snow and ice thaw exposing dark-coloured land and water that absorb solar heat, melting further snow and ice. The results of the assessment illustrate that the seas are rising, natural disasters such as hurricanes will become increasingly devastating, and polar bears (along with other Arctic life) may be on their way to. extinction. Temperatures are mounting twice as quickly in the Arctic than in the rest of the world, putting "the entire planet out of balance," according to Corell. The melting ice running to sea in Greenland is what we will see in the rest of the world in a matter of' decades. With 98 per cent of the world's mountain glaciers melting, all across the globe, sea levels will be three feet higher in 100 years. Forecasts Corell: "Sea level will be

inundating the low lands of virtually every country of the world, ours included." While many don't immediately see the problem with a rising sea level, Corell anticipates floods in North America, heat waves in Europe as well as an increase in catastrophic storms globally. "The oceans of the northern hemispher~ are the warmest they've been on record. When they get up in that temperature, they spin off hurricanes. Well, if it goes up another degree, it's gonna spawn these with more intensity," explained Corell.

Polar bears, along with other arctic life, may be on their way to extinction. But much of this is already known to the rest of the world. The scientific community agrees that the temperature of the world is rising, but there is disagreement as to whether or not it is humaninduced. Paul Mayewski from the University of Maine, who has led 35 expeditions collecting deep ice cores from glaciers, says the ice records cover half .a million years, and illustrates our impact. Mayewski explains that the ice records display what the temperatures and climate were like and that we haven't seen a tem-

perature hike this significant in at least 2,000 years. Confirming man's work in this temperature rise, says Mayewski: "We haven't seen CO 2 levels like this in hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years." With the CO levels off the chart, Mayewski deems it obvious that fossil fuel-~urning activities, which release carbon dioxide, are to blame. It is the sharp rise in CO 2 that "points to something that has changed and something that has impacted the system which wasn't doing it more than 100 years ago. And we know exactly what it is. It's human activity," he says. In fact, the world releases so much greenhouse gas currently that even if every vehicle and power plant were shut down immediately, Mayewski says the planet "would continue to warm for another, about another degree." That's enough heat to melt the arctic, and a hypothetical "if": there's no way every car and power plant will shut down today, nor likely any time soon. But like many pollution-related pandemics, this warming impacts more species than just humans. The polar bear is only able to hunt on ice, which is breaking up three weeks earlier than it did 30 years go. N ow evidence on these creatures is finding weaker mothers and fewer cubs. If there's a complete loss of ice in summer, which Corell's study predicts will occur by the end of this century, the bears are unlikely to survive. Although the team believes their findings are both grave and

Path of least resistance

This column is dedicated to the new Feds exec, of which I am (sadly) not a part. I'd' describe what the Path of Least Resistance is, but it's easier for me to include a snippet from Wikipedia: ''The path of least resistance describes the physical or metaphorical pathway which provides the least resistance to forward motion by a given object or entity, among a set of alternative paths." (There'S a metajoke in there, methinks). Note that the definition is wide open, this can be applied to particles and people alike. Why would the electricity in your house tunnel through the air and electrocute you when it's just much easier to flow in the wires? It's not that electrons aren't out to get you, they're just lazy. Okay, but what does any of this have to do with Feds?

A year ago on a co-op term, a coworker and I were disposing of some wood crates: we took turns smashing wood to bits with a sledgehammer. (I really let loose with that sledge. His quote to me: "I've never been so glad you have emotionaIproblems.') Anyway, it turned out that in this process, he cut himself. Not badly, mind you, a notch above a papercut, really. He did want a Band-aid though - but ran into trouble trying to get one. See, the closest first-aid kits were kept in the machine shops. Someone there told him that to even open the first aid kits, there was paperwork that needed to be filled out. A bureaucratic maze to be navigated, to get a Band-aid. He did get one in the end, though I forget how - probably by surreptitiously opening the box and just taking one. Bureaucracy isn't inherently bad. Some bureaucracies operate like welloiled machines. For instance, that very same work-term I frequently had to order lab equipment. After shopping around and calling ,companies and such, all I had to do to actuallyget the equipment was fill oui: a single form. Then, some time later, the equipment would just appear in the lab. Nothing could be easier.

(You want another example of an efficient bureaucracy? Whenever I keep a UW library book out late, I get a letter in the mail. Every single time.) People will accept bureaucracy, work with bureaucracy so long as it makes life easier for them. But if bureaucracy is a hindrance, then people will just treat it like an obstacle and route around it. If you're a Feds or UW insider reading this: yes, I know some bureaucratic obstacles are there because of "the L word." (That word being "Liability." Might as well be a curse word, makes me cringe.) I'll bet the policy I cited with my band-aid example was created with liability in mind. That didn't stop it from being, in that situation, inane. In short, people will always follow the path of least resistance. _Make sure the bureaucratic channels you set up are the path of least resistance, if you want people to follow them. The new Peds exec would do well to keep this in mind, as well as every politician and bureaucrat on the face of the planet. mdavenport@imprint.uwaterloo:ca

The northern hemisphere Arctic ice breaks away. accurate, they realize there will always be skeptics who question climate change. But circumstances predicted decades ago are proving accurate in the Arct:ic today and without the skeptic; says Mayewski, this documentation might not exist. "The skeptics have brought up some very, very

interesting issues over the last few years. And they've forced us to think more and more about the data that we collect. We can owe the skeptics a vote of thanks for making our science as precise as it is today." rmcnell@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Sleep: a thing of the past? I say we just hibernate Rebecca McNeil IMPRINT STAFF "

In most places in the world, schedules and conflicts crowd busy days and most people would die for a few extra hours to get things done. Most settle for getting less accomplished than they wish or stock up on caffeinated beverages. But for some, a new drug in the process of development could be the answer to their prayers. Scientists are hoping to build on the success of the drug Modafinil, a stimulant launched seven years ago 'Yhich allows people to wake up refreshed after a few hours of sleep. Originally designed for individuals suffering from narcolepsy or fatigue related to sleeping disorders, Modafinil is now being developed to allow people to survive off only two hours of sleep per day. The "wakefulness-promoting" drug is unlike current ''uppers'' used to keep people awake as it does not seem to cause jitters or impair judgment, according to researchers. Also, Modafinil is not supposed to merely keep~ne awake longer, but

enhance the sleep that they do have, allowing eight hours of rest to be simulated into half that time, according to New Sdentist magazine. This wouldn't be the first time in history peop~e tried to avoid sleeping for the sake of pursuing life, work or passion. We spend about one third of our lives asleep, but for some, like Leonardo DaVinci, Seinfeld's Kramer and various other msomniac types, sleeping is something worth avoiding if it means we can get more crammed into our already tight schedules. In fact, one of the biggest funding sources for the research comes from the United States military, who would love the medication to be available to soldiers路 on duty, making it P9ssible for them to work two 4O-hour shifts separated only by eight hours of sleep. Russell Foster, a circadian biologist at Imperial College London, said ''The more we understand about the . body's24-hourdockthemorewewill be able to override it." See MODAANIL, page 21



Accuracy of traffic-monitoring devices

Many of you are familiar with the video camera installed at intersections; one of the traffic-monitoring. devices we have at intersections and highways. Some of you might have ended up with a traffic violation ticket over a red run and might be saying bad words to people who have installed it. Hey, well, I used to do that some time back, I haven't been involved in it recently so no violence please! Traffic-monitoring devices have been typically used to detect the problems or problem creators in the network that include identification of accidents and emergency measures. In addition, traffic-monitoring devices can count or classify vehicles or measure characteristics such as vehicle speed to portray traffic movement. A traffic-monitoring device is an automated system for collecting information to characterize vehicular traffic on a road. Traffic-monitoring devices can do such things as count passing vehicles or determine their

speed or classify them by vehicle type or estimate the load on each axle. Examples of traffic-monitoring devices range from simple road tubes with air switches to complex weigh-in motion systems. Traffic monitoring devices with non-intrusive sensors such as infrared, radar, video or acoustic devices count vehicles, estimate speed and use a vehicle length measurement or electronic signature to classify vehicles. Obviously with every hardware device there is an'issue of accuracy; the same is true for traffic-monitoring devices. The rudimentary method of finding accuracy of these devices is through comparing aggregate or "binned" outputs with reference values. So you either go out or . measure some values or you compare the ones you already have with the ones you get from the traffic-monitoring devices. However, there is a catch in doing so: since this is assessed on an aggregate basis, it overlooks the error in the detection or measurement of individual vehicles. Typically vehicle-by-vehicle data is costly to measure, which can substantially increase the accuracy of thesetraffic-monito ring devices.

Accurate measurement of moving vehicles is a challenge for several reasons including the range of vehicle speeds, the variety of weather conditions and problems with the measurement of fleeting events.


Manufacturers of traffic-monitoring devices make various claims about their models and technologies that are difficult to assess. Some applications such as tolling require very high accuracy. There is increasing interest in vehicle. classification but it can be impossible to distinguish between two vehicle types based on only one measurement such as axle spacing. For example, an undercount some vehicles would be cancelled by an overcount of others. It is better if a traffic monitoring device is assessed vehicle-by-vehicle through a comparison of the output for each individual vehicle with the corresponding output from a reference data source operating simultaneously. For example, two traffic-monitoring devices may be placed next to each other and collect data on the same traffic stream for the same time period. Or a video recording may be made of the traffic stream while a traffic-monitoring device is operating (carefully maintaining temporal correspondence between them) and then analysis

of the recording produces a baseline reference ("ground truth',) for comparison. The measures chosen for analyzing the accuracy of the traffic-monitoring devices should be based on their main application. If the traffic-monitoring devices are tested at the same or a similar location to where they will be used, location-based errors may not be a significant issue so normalization for location error is not needed. However, you need location-based correction for traffic-monitoring devices that need to work well in a variety ·of traffic streams. If some errors have significantly less impact than others, weighting is a way to incorporate that into the accuracy measure. What we need is good quality control and quality assurance for traffic monitoring devices based on precise assessment of their output. Traffic-monitoring devices are a vital component of the city network and the accuracy of these devices makes difference in the analysis (signal design, progression, mitigation plans, etc). A careful scrutiny should be carried out in order to overcome the accuracy issue, as this can seriously affect someone's paycheque at the end of day! zabdy@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Forgery causes step backwards in stem cell research Faisal Naqib IMPRINT STAFF

The o.c. isn't your only source of drama; science can have drama too and this time it's in the field of cell biology where one researcher has effectively ruined his career and shed doubt on an already controversial subject. Stem cell research is already a minefield of a philosophical topic,

laden with a diverse set of issues from human rights to ethical experimental procedures and Woo Suk Hwang isn't helping to solve these problems. The foul done by Woo Suk Hwang, a researcher at the Seoul National University in South Korea, was manIpulating experimental results and yielding conclusions that in effect were not observed. This forgery has not only had repercus-

sions on the actual science, but also in the way that scientists view their information gathering systems and the way that they co-operate with each other. Hwang's team claimed that they had accomplished the feat of somatic cellnucleartransfer,meaningthatthey transferred the nucleus of an adult cell into an embryo, thus creating stem cell colonies specific to the person who donated the adult cell. This result

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would open the door to personalized transplantations ofany tissue oroegan that a person requires. The somatic cell nuclear transfer would be done using a patient's nucleus derived from almost any cell within their body and the resulting stem cells would be coerced into forming the required tissue or organ. This means we would no longer need organ donors; the supply of such tissues and organs would be vittually unlimited. However, Hwang's team forged their results and their long list of accomplishments was mostly fraudulent, with the exception of cloning a dog. Fortunately, stem cell research is no worse off now then it was before this scandal. It's just not as advanced as we thought it was over the past two years. But with the amount of effort going into the field, the lost ground should be caught up with eventually. There are really two victims here: the image of stem cell research and the scientific method. As described above, stem cell research is already clouded with many ethical problems and now the introduction of this forgery w!11 only cast a darker shadow on the subject. This could rob research institutes from much needed federal money because

public opinion has lost confidence in stem cell research on account of one bad apple. The other victim is the scientific method which is the process of conducting experiments, having your results reviewed by fellow peers and if approved then published for the entire scientific community to read. Since Hwang was able to get his results published and gain international media attention on his accomplishments without anyone noticing the forgeries for several years, he has planted the seed of doubt in science circles regarding their ability to control the authenticity of scientific exploration. This of course is not the first time that a scientist has modified their results in the attempt to be first credited. with the accomplishment and the world of science ,vill live past this hiccup. But it could mean a change in the way things are run - possibly more regulations governing research and scientific publication which could put a strain on international scientific cooperation. All these new problems caused by one runaway researcher.· . fnaqib@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Modafinil: mimic of sleep Continued from page 19

"In 10 to 20 years we'll be able to pharmacologically turn sleep off. Mimicking sleep will take longer, but I can· see it happening," replied Foster. While this seems like a dreamcome-true for many, lack of sleep is related to obesity, diabetes, immune-system dysfunctions and safety issues: being awake more

than 24 hours impairs performance as much as having a blood-alcohol level of 0.1 per cent - which is legally drunk. And while -it's easy enough to recover from a few days of sleep deprivation, there's no information available on what long-term chronic sleep deprivation can be responsible for on this medication. rmcneil@imprint.uwaterloo.ca



t s stain

r Rebecca McNeil IMPRINT STAFF

Senior energy co-ordinator for the United Nations, Gustavo Best, highlights t\VO to reduce global climate-related \Farming and epidemics. reduce the amount of greenhouse gases we produce, and second, find a more renewable, less polluting source of energy. That and the fact that experts are predicting only forty or fift\' years of use left for' fossi( fuel reserves, many in the scientific community are looking for "greener" sources of energy. For those sceptical of the ability of -wind or solar energy to meet our current energy demands, the growing sustainable method du jour'provides potential for dean, efficient, technologically-advanced power. Scientists arc discovering new and even more efficient ways of extracting energy from biomass, to such an extent that it i" now being studied earnestly as an energy option for the near future.

Biomass is a general term for liv--ing substance like plants, fungi or arimals, but when their energy is harvested for llse as an energy source, they become efficient, renewable biofuds. Producers, or essentially plants, capture solat energy which is then stored between the chemical bonds of the plant fibres. By eating plants, we simulate the biofud experience, using the original solar energy pwduced by the plant as fuel. Extracting energy from biomass is an ancient practice first discovered by burning wood for fire. But when combined with current technology, biomass becomes a very efficient, potentially renewable method for creating energy. Currently, some businesses use excess heat from production to power electric genera tors, then powering the factory. Excess heat could also be used, though, to gasify biomass then used in a gas turbine. Both methods are renewable, but the latter use of biofuel is a much more efficient use of power.

As of no,,,, the Earth's biomass embodies an enormous potential of stored energy: one expc;t suggested thatif 2.5 percentof the worId'sland area was used for energy crops, and we committed to using\yaste as fuel, we would have enough sustainable energy for h?Jf the \yorld's current demand.

As of now, the Earth's biomass embodies an enormous potential of stored energy ... Beyond burning plants harvested for that purpose, biomass energy has the potential to reuse residential and industrial waste while reducing our reliance on more polluting, less .renewable fos-

sil fuels. Organic waste is a source of biomass and indudes kitchen scraps, sawdust and lawn clippings. In Australia, the fibre waste fr0111 sugar processing is the st(:am captured, \vhich in turn PO\\'ers the electricity generators for the mil1. is another potential for biomass use. The sludge, often sent out for use as fertilizer in farmer's fields, could be burned as biomass, producing more energy for local communities. As long as it is harvested in a sustainable manner, biomass does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. But s.ince some experts don't t.l-j,ink our waste systems currently provide enough to satisfy our energy demands, it looks like we wiI! soon be seeing a new,industry born: harvesting for biomass. This has some sceptics worried because while biomass has the po-tential to be renewable, over-produc-tion/harvesting of cash crops for fuel use could cause other environmental

issues. For now; howeyer, those imple-menting the technology seem to see it's potential for using waste as and are using\vhatwould normally go oul:\vith thetl'ash topowcrindustries and communities. China has been this technology for over 20 no\\' with ten minion biogas ers using animal'waste. Th(: success of the technology in Australian sugar cane plantations has kad their government to examine using the technology to provide one per cent of their energy by 2010. But like most things, it v;ill be economics that prove the success of failure of this project. \"Vilile the generators to convert this energy may be expensive now, industtles using their waste as biomass will save money on energy needs, or earn money by selling it, creating great potential for biomass to become a popular energy method for the ncar future. rmcneil@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

From co.operation to tinier microchips to 9000.year-old boozing

Jacqueline McKoy Rob 810m IMPRINT STAFF

IBM expands microchip power

Researchers at cmnpminggiant IBl\f have fi)Und a way to make today's fast computers even faster. The compan.y has pioneered a method to add up to tll.ree times more circuits to processing chips forincreased speed. Deep-ultraviolet optical lithography etches electrical circuits Lhat afe less than 30 na110metres "- 30 billionths of a metre - \vide onto silicon chios. These new circuits are about on~·third ti1e \vidth of the smallest circuits commonly bdngmanufactured today and \\1.ll help lead to new applications of computing. New uses of microprocessors in handheld devices require increasingly smaller processor chips with as much povier as tbose used in :full·siz.ed computers. \X'hile IBM's new technique helps the industry to create smaller and faster chips, this innovation will onJv be sufficient for another several years, until the future's devices rccluire even smaller processors.

and out-of-print material available to searchers. This task involves the use of Google's proprietary method of scanning and digitizing the text of often fragile materials without harming them. Tn addition to the three universi-tics, the collection of the New York Public Library will be available on Google Print; plans to digitize other libraries arc in the works. MacBook Pro lands betterequipped

Apple and Intel's much--hyped technological love child, the MacBook Pro, has made its way into the hands of many lucky consumers earlier this 'week, nea.rly six months ahead of schedule. The MacBook Pro is the first Apple laptop to use an Intel microprocessor like those used in Windows-based computers. Intel's technology makes the MacBook Pro up to four times faster than Apple's last flagship laptop, the PowerBook G4, which used a Pov.-erPC chip made by IBM.. .As an added bonus, this new computer ships \vith faster processors than those mentioned in Apple'S earlier-released specs. MacBooks will contain 2.16, 2.0 and 1.83 Ghz Core Duo processors to rival the market's fastcst \Vindows-based systems.

Indiana home to ancient tree Google makes library searches faster

Students at Haryard, Stanford and Oxford vein SOOl1 be able to search their university library's entire collections thr01.1gh Google, according to a statement by the search pioneer earlier this \yeek. Google already allows users to search the text (;f recently pub-lished books and give them an option to buy those books through its Google Print service. Google's plans for library collections, howeyer, give users a "snapshot" of the book's contents so that they can decide if the book is worth seeking. They also make the contents of various types of rare



A.tl oak tree dug pit in Edinburgh, ma\' survived the last ice age, accordil1g to scientists. The missing ancient tree was discovered last summer b,' construe· don workers, and has ~ince been the subject of numerous tests to pinpoint its exact age. Researchers at three Indiana· and .Michigan-area universities believe that the tree has celebrated, at the very least, its 6,OOOth birthday and co~ld be as old as 30,000. The secret to its long life was that it \vas buried underneath a glacier during the ice age, and eventually uprooted and moved to Indiana due to plate shifting and tha\'ling. Dozens of centuries underground has left

the tree well-preserved -


it the target of an Indiana lumber yard looking for valuable antique wood. \X'ork is underway, however, to determine if the tree h~s any commercial value. No ordinary PVC endcap

The world's largest detector is an endear away from completion, being constructed at the University of Liverpool, one of the UK's leading research institutions. The endcap \\111 be transported to the European Centre i()r Particle Physics Research in S\vitzerland. The size of a fiye-story building, this partide accelerator \vill take 1:\vo particle beams and have them coincide forty million times per second. '111e5e high-energy collisions will allow scientists the chance to recreate particles and reactions taken place on!v a billionth of second after the spe'culated "Big Bang" occurred. Specifically, researchers' goals are to discover the Higgs particle and uncovering the origins of mass by finding evidence of supersymmetric particles. Finding these would offer explanations for "dark matH:r" and why the universe is made the way it is.

equate materials. The analysis of the pottery revealed tar1:rates - a chemical concentrate from grape seeds and ha\\1:horn trees, which were common in China at the Jiahu site. Earliest relative of Tyrannosaurus Rex discovered

Remarkablv intact, 60·million·yearold fossils' were ffJUnd .in the' rich area of Junggat Basin, located in the far north-west outskirts of China. The three metre dinosaur, ha\'ing a unique crest upon its forehead, might reveal how the lineage of tvrannosaurids evolved 100 million years later. Researchers suggest that the crest may have been brightly coloured. The dinosaur was named Guanlong ,"vucaii which translates into "crowned dragon." In addition to size, the rive features of its skull and pelvis pwyided insight into what may be the intermediate group between tyrannosaurs and tl~e coe1urosaurs. The coeluroaul's, an archaic dinosaur

species, are thought to be the predecessors to modem birds. Socialization, an evolutionary trait

Our early human-like ancestors played their cards right as simulations support the that, coopcn:tion, escaped prey to other animals. The research suggests that their teannvork gave sufficient advantage over Paranthropus, our ancestral cousins, contributing to the latter's .-:xtinction. \'l!;-hy Panmthropus becanle extinct has be~n a myster~' to scientists. Yet the leading theory deals v,--ith primal linguistic tactics, such as the shating of information of the location for suitable stones to create tools and weapons. Such sites were usuallv 30 kilOl~letre5 away, making individual efforts highly unlikely in finding these spots on their own. jmcKoy@imprint.uwaterloo.ca rblom@imprint.l1waterloo,ca

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Our forefathers of tippling

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The art of brewing alcoholic drinks dates as far back as 7000 B.CE. from Jiabu, a village from the Neolithic period in the Henan province of China. Before, the oidest evidence of brewing ,-vas pinpointed to Iran around 5400 RCE. Old Chinese texts alcoholic beverages from the dynasty period (1200 B. CE. to H.CE.) had archaeologists suspect an earlier form of tipple, but lacked physical evidence. \Vine in the Shang dynasty consisted mainJy of rice, honey and fruit. However, potsherds recently discovered in the Jiahu v-illage by an American-Chinese archaeological team, brought the speculation to a dose. A proper seal is needed to prevent the fermentation process from rurn-ing the liquld into vinegar. Earlier form of tipple cannot have existt:d since wood and leather are not ad ..

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sports@imprint.uwaterloo.ca Sports Editor: Dave Klaponsky Sports Assistant: Vacant

Warriors badger Brock路in ~UA postseason game and hammer on .Hawks

Warrior defenceman Jim White and goalie Curtis Darling hold down the fort against the Brock Badgers in .a playoff game. Rod Mclachlan IMPRINT STAFF

Playing a dangerous version of roulette on the ice, the Waterloo Warriors men's hockey team blew a 2-0 lead in each of its first two games in the best-of-three OUA West quarter-final series against the Brock Badgers. They were fortunate enough to return home with the series knotted at one apiece. On Sunday night, UW stopped its gambling ways, thoroughly thumping Brock 8-2 to advance and face its cross-town rival Laurier, in the semifinals. Brock entered the series as the sixth seed with a 9-11-2-2 (win-losstie-overtime loss) regular-season record. Meanwhile, Waterloo was seeded third after going 15-6-3-0. In game one on February 15 at the Columbia Icefield Arena, Waterloo

went ahead on first-period goals by centre Mike Della Mora and winger . David Edgeworth. However, Brock quickly reversed its fortunes, netting three secondperiod markers - one from Ryan Del Monte and two from Jonathon Labelle. . In the third period, the Warriors stormed back, scoring two goals in only 86 seconds, Della Mora's second of the game and the game winner, which was a beautiful wrister by a pinching Matt Iannetta. The final score was 4-3. In game two on Saturday night in St. Catharines, it was much of the same as the Warriors jumped out to an early 2-0 lead on goals by Ottawa native Alex MacDonell and rookie winger Edgeworth. In the second period, a Del Monte power-play shot eluded Waterloo's netminder Curtis Darling.

In the third, Brock'sJohnJ. Martin forced overtime, scoring at 8:56. Darling and Badger goalie Tom Lee both foiled a number of outstanding scoring opportunities in the first two overtime periodsbeforeJosh Bonar broke free in the slot in the third overtime and chipped a Shawn Doucet pass over a sprawling Darling to send the series back to Waterloo for game three. . Lee, who backstopped the Badgers throughout the entire series in relief of mjured starter Matt Harpwood, wound up with 46 saves in the 3-2 victory. In the decisive game on Sunday night at the CIF, Waterloo staked an early lead on a goal by right winger Kevin Hurley at 1:38 of the first. Although Chris Knighton replied for Brock just 81 seconds later on the power play, that would be as close the Badgers would get

as the Warriors would score seven more goals in contrast to Brock's one during the course of the rest of the game. Alberta native Matt Levicki guided the Warriors offensively with one goal and four assists in the contest. Also, integral in the victory were Doug' Spooner and Shane Hart as each UW forward lit the lamp twice. Waterloo next faced the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks (13-8-2-1), the OUA West's second seed, which received a bye in the first round. Game two saw the Warriors start off quicl~ out of the gates, potting two goals in the first period. Darling played well between the pipes; letting in one of five shots from the Hawks. The second period was quiet, with the Warriors sitting happily at a two goal lead until 1-.fatt Grenier

scored a short:handed goal for the Hawks at 6:37. The final period saw Darling put up an impressive performance against the Hawks' five shots. Waterloowasn't going to sit with a tie for long. ' The fitst half of the third held a flurry of action for the Warriors with Sean Roche and Kevin Hurley bringing the score to 4-2. The Warriors hammered two nails in the coffin with a pair from Mike Della Mora and Doug Spooner. The final score of the game was 6-2., The warriors will go on to face the Golden Hawks February 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Waterloo Recreation Centre. The game is also being webcast from www.ckmsfm.ca.

- with files from Brock and UW athletics rmclachlan@imprint.uwaterloo.ca



Life doesn't end without Olympic men's hockey Let's not forget our other medal-bearing Canadian Olympic atheltes

There are no excuses for the exodus of the Canadian men's hockey team. They were hurt. They were tired. They were coming off a long lay-ofE The big ice. The shrinking power compared to the rest of the world. But all things considered, Team Canada has no excuse for the factor that led to their demise - the lack of cohesion in what shQuld have been the

gold medal champions. Our nation sent the best team - talent-wise - to these games. If the game was played on paper with statistics, we would already have our alarms set across the nation for the 8 a.m. gold medal game on Sunday. But, in the interest of salvaging the use of a cliche, games are not played with points and goals against average and plus-minus. This team never formed. Instead, it was a collection of players trying with the will of 33 million people to play essentially by themselves. It's probably not the best time to off~, my opinions about this loss, seeingas though I write this 45 minutes after the 2-0 Russian win that eliminated Team Canada from medal

competition. But it was apparent long before Alexander Ovechkin's third-period game winning goal that we were in trouble- seriolls trouble. Anybody that saw Canada lose earlier in the ga.rnes to Switzerland and Finland saw the lack of structure that plagued this team and led to the utilitarian downfall of Canada - a lack of goals. Three in their final four games of the tournament, all coming in a first -period blitz versus the Czech Republic on Tuesday- far too low of a total to compete against the best teams in the world. The men's hockeytouroamentwill continue without Canada, although nobody in this country will likely notice. Finland still has a chance. So does

Sweden, the Czechs and of course, old cross-country skier. Earlier in Russia. It will be a barn-burner of a the day, Chandra Crawford came out final four, a collection of European of further-than-nowhere and won teams that know each other far to well a gold medal in the women's sprint arid dislike each other far too much. races - defeating every world cup But the alarm clocks on this side of champion and top-notch competitor the Atlantic are shutting down for along the way. It was the first of two SUnday morning's final. renditions of 0 Canada to be played It feels kind of silly writing the on the day, which was all-around obituary for the men's hockey team, successful for this country, save the especially on a day where Canada 60 minutes on the ice. added four medals to its overall toAnd while Crawford celebrated tal. The reality is that men's hockey her gold medal, teammate Beckie means far too much to Canadians at Scott - who finished a heartbreakthe Winter Olympics, and everything ing fourth in the same race - stood else means far too less. . behind the ropes and beamed an So it was as much of a surprise ear-to-ear smile rivaling that of her to me when my hockey-mad mind own medal presentation. p~t the Russian loss in perspective Now that is what I call a team. with the recollection of a 22-year-

Nordic skiers fight hard at OUA Championships James Rowe SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

This past weekend, the Waterloo Warriors' men's and women's Nordic skiing teams put in a strong performance in the OUA championships, resulting in three team members being named OUA All-Stars. The event, hosted by Laurentian University in Sudbury, was dominated by the defending champions and powerhOUSilLakehead Thunderwolves. The beginning of the event on Saturday waS delayed due to extreme weather conditions. Once the races got underway it did not take long for the dominant Lakehead team to heat things up. The first event, the men's 10 km classic, saw the Thunderwolves claim the top five positions, led by Stephen Hart who won the race in a time of 37:49. For the Warriors, Bryan Hughson and Hairy Seaton had solid races and were able to finish ninth and tenth respectively, just over three minutes behind the blistering pace set by Hart. Next up on the schedule was the women's 5 km classic, and once again the podium was dominated by Lakehead. Thunderwolves skier Linnaea Kershaw won the race in a time of 22:40, 11 seconds ahead of teammate Rena Bode.

The Thunderwolves placed three more skiers in the top ten, including the fourth and fifth place finishers. Veteran Waterloo team member Andrea Dupont finished in seventh place. With their outstanding performances in the individual events, both the men's and women's Lakehead teams entered the relay events as prohibitive favourites. In the men's relay, which consisted of three team members racing four km each, the Thunderwolves did not disappoint. The Thunderwolves' tremendous depth allowed them to enter two teams in the race and those teams finished 1-2 to continue the trend of Lakehead dominance at the championships. The Warriors team of Andrew Rees, Harry Seaton, and Bryon Hughson finished in fourth place of the 10 teams in the race, well behind the third place team from Carleton. The women's relay, in which three team members would ski two km each, was the final event of day one of the competition. The results were no different from any 6f the other events, as the top two places were once again claimed by Lakehead teams. See NORDIC, page 24

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Matt, a fourth year political 50ence student from Fort Saslcatchewan, Alberta, led the Warriors to a first round victory over the Brock Badgers in ~UA playoff action this past week. Matt had 6 points in the series including a 5 point night in the third and final game of the best of three. Sunday night, in the sudden death showdown, Matt had one goal and 4 assists to lead the Warriors to a 8-2 win and take the series 2 games to 1.

Andrea Dupont, Nordic Skiing Andrea, a Master's program student from Timmins, Ontario, was named an ~UA All-Star this past weekend at the ~UA Championships held at Laurentian University. Andrea placed 7th in the 5km classic race and 6th in the lOkm skate race to claim an All-star honour for the

Matt Strickland fights hard for the Warriors at the nordic skiing championships in Sudbury.



Nordic: Warriors' hounded byThunderwolves


QUA championships

Toni Carlisle and teammate ski hard in Sudbury at the QUA Championships. The women's team placed sixth in the 13-team field. Gontinuad from-page 23

The Warrior women finished in sixth place in the 13~team field The women's team consisted of Nellie Dow, Toni Carlisle, and Andrea Dupont. The skiers returned on Sunday for the free skate races, an evedt in which Waterloo's Hughson and Dupont had performed very well last year. The men's 15km free skate saw Lakehead claim the top four places, v.>ith Stephen Hart winning his third gold medal of the championships and second individual gold medal on his way to being named Skier of the Meet on the men's side. Hughson had a strong race to finish in fifth place in a time of

21:53, while Harry Seaton wound up in ninth place in a time of 45:35. Dupont entered the women's 10km free skate as the defending champion but was held back by an ankle injury which greatly restricted her training throughout the season. Despite the injury, Dupont finished in a respectable sixth place. Laurentian's Carley Kenwell became the first gold medalist not from Lakehead, winning the race in a time of 41:36. Kenwell was named Skier of the Meet for the women's competition. Lakehead did however take up

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places 2-5 in the standings, once again cementing their position as the dominant program in the OUA. Having dominated in every event, both the Lakehead men and women took the overall team titles by a wide margin.

The Warriors' men's team finished in third place of the nine teams entered, while the women wound up sixth in the eight-team field. With the season coming to a close at this event, the War-

riors were able to pick up some post-season accolades for their accomplishments. For her efforts, Dupont was named an QUA AllStar, while the same honour was given to Hughson and Seaton on the men's side.

Waterloo Warriors take to the tracks and come out on top James Rowe SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

The University of Waterloo men's and women's track and field teams travelled to McGill University on Saturday, February 18 for their final tune-up before this weekend's OUA championships. The Warriors were looking to build, on the momentum they had gained throughout a solid season as they arrived at the McGill Invitational, held at Richard Tomlinson Fieldhouse in Montreal. In the men's 1000m race, Waterloo's Scott Arnald and Colin Lawrence finished second and third respectively. Arnald barely missed out on a victory in the race, finishing a mere 0.2 seconds behind his ~UA rival Braden Novakowski of Queen's University. Arnald added a solid fourth place finish in the 1500m race, sending a message to the other competitors that he would be a forc,e to be reckoned v.>1th in all the middle distance events at the OUA championships. UW's relay teams also left their mark on the meet. The women's 4 x 200m team took home a bronze medal, placing behind the teams from McGill and Queen's.

In the 4 x 400m relay, the women's team competed alone and was able to putin a strong performance, v.>1th three team members posting personal best times. By finishing in a time of just under 4:02, the team will be able to maintain its ranking of 10th in the CIS heading into this weekend's provincial championships. The Warriors were able to carry over their success from the track events and pick up several medals in the field events. Karen Belfaliled the way for the Warriors in the women's high jump, reaching a personal best of 1.SSm to capture the silver medal. Belfall's achievement was matched on the men's side by Ryan Wight, who also claimed second place in the high jump. Wight jumped 1. 85m to equal his personal best, a mark that was topped only by Canadian Olympian Kwaku Boateng, who won easily with a top jump of 2.20m. Another medalist for the Warriors was Laura Pearson, who placed second in the shot put with a distance of 11.S1m, a new personal best. In the men's shot put, Justin" Lutchin took home the gold for Waterloo with a winning distance

of 14.94m. Lutchin defeated the second place finisher by well over one metre. The Warriors' Donald Moon continued the team's success, placing' fourth in the men's pole vault v.>1th a personal best of 4.0Sm. Despite all these outstanding performances, Waterloo's most encouraging results came in the triple jump. On the men's side, UW'sJason Goetz and Andrew MacDonald claimed the top two spots with jumps of 13.77m and 13.37m respectively. Both Goetz and MacDonald appear to be .serious threats to medal at the provincial championships. For the women, rookie Victoria Tschirhart captured the silver medal with a jump of 10.27m. Clqse behind were teammates Jennifer Kelly and Karen Belfall, with jumps of 10.18m and 10.14m respectively, good enough for fourth and fifth place finishes in the event. ..., With so many team' members capturirig places' on the podium and achieving personal bests, the Warriors will enter the OUA Championships with lots of confidence as well as high expectations. The championships will be hosted at the University of Windsor and will begin on Friday, February 24.

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