Sham uses A/SD to,polish *
qSD came to a close Tuesday h federation president Shane berts advising students to work bough the administration’s ng-Range Planning Committee. <oberts was speaking at a leration-sponsored forum itled:’ ‘What is the Future of our iversity?” n keeping with the workshops lier in the day there was a heavy bresentation of administrators as npared to students. UW Chanlor Carl Pollock, vice-president, ante Bruce Gellatly, vice:sident, academic Tom Brzusvski, and graduate dean Lynn’ ttt, were all invited by Roberts to lress the forum. Apart from adnistrators, student politicians, 1 media, there were only about students present. The chancellor saw the future k of the university as: “ a misn of the highest order,” to make nada a better place for people to e and work. Reviewing UW’s history and bking to the future Pollock deu-ed : “You ain’t seen nothin
Finance chief Gellatly was not so timistic. He gazed into his istal ball and said: “The best we n hope for is that levels (of govlment funding) will be tied to intion.” * Brzustowski, however, has no e for a crystal ball, instead he has uck a Long-Range Planning bmmittee. -The committee will dress itself to key questions on e university’s future, and will ike a report to senate. This committee also formed a tjor part of Roberts’ speech. He 2s it as a great opportunity for [dents to talk with their profesr-s and fellow students on the Dblems they face at university. Roberts said a lot of the quesIns students are asking about :ir education “ . . . are dependent I outside agencies, an.d a lot thin the university itself, ” but i speech mainly dealt with inter1 problems. He lauded the co-op programs, cause they give students practi1 experience, and help ease stunt unemployment and housing ” oblems.
Nhat are __-_.c hey hding) I
An executive meeting on Monsy took an unusual turn when sev-al people were barred from atriding. In particular, federatio-n student )uncillor Heather Robertson was bld she couldn’t attend b-ecause le was, in the words of viceresident Dave McLellan, an enemy of the people.” Radio Waterloo co-ordinator ave Assmann was another of the :ople who did not stay. He ex-essed considerable surprise at ie decision to hold a closed meet45 Two other students later tried to tend the meeting and were also irned away. President Shane oberts said the executive wdas dislssing some “legal questions.” Ihen asked why there were people :tending who were not in the exzutive, Dave McLellan replied iat the meeting was closed “to horn we object to having here.“, Id that the people there were inited by him. The two students fere Peter Blunden and Alex eamish, both members of the hevron staff. This seems to go against the sual practice of the federation of aving all meetings open to all stuents.
He called for course evaluations; credits for work done with the federation or societies, more systematic feedback from alumni, and for more study space (quiet, with good lighting). The president concluded his NSD address by saying there was no ready formula to the problems. The picture for graduate studies at Waterloo is that despite a current funding freeze and the poor job prospects, the program must be kept in good running order. Dean Watt’s strategy is to strengthen the areas where the university is already strong and keep the whole program ‘idling for the next decade. Then in the 1990’s when a large number of Ontario faculty are due toretire, and the undergraduate enrollment is projected to rise, the program will be ready to be put in gear. If this is achieved, he said, Canada will not have to search for faculty outside its own boundaries, as it was forced to in the sixties. During the question period Roberts was challenged that following his election he had written in the chevron that he was the only candidate with “an elaborated strategy to combat the cutbacks.” Roberts replied that he wasn’t sure if he had used the term “elaborate”. He reiterated his position that the cutbacks come from two sources-the provincial government .!---= and the university. The Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) was dealing with the provincial situation, he said, and the UW federation’s duty was to keep students informed on that activity. Locally, he said the societies and the federation fieldworkers would find out what areas were short of money and would raise it in Senate. The question period brought the only spark of militancy to appear in any of the federation events. AIA spokesperson professor Doug Wahlsten suggested to Brzustowski that-a very concrete way to fight the cutbacks would be to stop paying interest on the mortgages of the university residences. Wahlsten pointed out that the university has a debt of $94 million and paid $6 million in interest last year. The proposal brought the meeting to life with Watt and math council rep Bob White both attempting to answer the question before it could reach Brzustowski. None of them considered it a favourable suggestion.
Brzustowski replied that if the university stopped paying the mortgage it would lose the residences. “So occupy them,” said Wahlsten. The people have the right not to pay for these cutbacks, he said. Instead the rich should be taxed outrageously. The free chevron asked Roberts for his opinion on Wahlsten’s proposals. He said he would like
more details on where the interest is going but that he didn’t want to make it a priority at this time. He also said, “I’ve always been a supporter of a much more progressive taxation. ’ ’ Other suggestions from the audience about building more apartment accomodation on campus which would better suit the needs of upper year students drew little ‘.
-brass response
from the speakers.
NSD was brought to a close with those left at the meetingthe administrators and the student politicians-adjourning for a brief reception. There the events of Canada’s first day of national studen~t protest were discussed over some beer and cheese. -neil
t University of Waterloo Waterloo; On taiio volume 7, number 6 friday, novem-ber 72, 7 976
‘_ . free -y- ,,. L ttle c
_____ __-Laurentian condemns Two free chevron representadents attended the workshops, tives attended the NSD activities at which also covered issues such as Laurentian University. At the invi- ’ cutbacks, students and labour, OSAP, and bilingualism. tation of the NSD committee there, they presented a seminar on the In the afternoon the students aschevron affair and the role of the sembled in the campus hall for a student press. plenary session. Several motions Over two hundred and fifty stufrom the workshops were pre-
Recall demanded At press time, a petition for the recall of Arts representatives Franz -Klingender and Don Orth had collected about 335 of the necessary 359 signatures. The two reps, elected in a proRoberts campaign in February, refused to comment to the free chevron on the prospect of their recall. Klingender, who initially refused
an interview but consented to write out a statement for the free chevron, later changed his mind. In separate letters, both Klingender and Orth stated that they did not regard the free chevron a “legitimate student newspaper on this campus ,” and thus did not feel “obligated” to answer questions for that paper. That many of their constituents do recognize and support the free chevron in its stand for reinstatement and investigation seems to be inconsequential to the two councillors. , - val moahadam
People from K-W Probe have been selling apples and cider in various locations around campus recently to raise money for the flora Gorge Defense Fund. They are aiming at preventing construction of a br;idge across the gorge, which would destroy much of its beauty. By Tuesday over $200 had been raised from the sales. They also hope for a grant from the federation. The apples are organicaI/y grown by a UW Man-Environment grad and are rated “very tasty” by our food critic. Buy some and find out how you can keep a spot of natural beauty from being sold out to developers.
photo by henry h&s
sented to the students ratification.
One of the motions that passed unanimously condemned the UW Federation of Students for their anti-democratic closure of the chevron six weeks ago.
your sots It seems to be the season for society elections. Three campus societies are in the process of choosing, or have just chosen new presidents. Only one, however, will be elected. Two new men have taken over the top positions in Environmental Studies and Arts societies. They were unopposed and so get the posts by acclamation.. For Engineering Society A, however it is a different story. For the Nov 17 elections there are four candidates running for president, three for vice-president, and two for secretary. Ed Attfield, Hugh Alley, Joe Barabas, and Peter King are running for president. John Shaw, Doug Steele and John Vinke are the vicepresidential candidates. Joe Cmcich and Paul Johnson are contending for the secretary position. There will be one acclamation; Parnell Levesque as treasurer.
’ In E&fourth year planning student Mike Kabasiewicz was the sole candidate. He stated that he was prepared to make way for somebody younger. The position was vacated by Andrew Tucker, who resigned.
the free chevron
Fed Flicks-Taxi Driver: Robert de Niro, Cybil Sheperd; AL 116, 8 pm. Feds $1, Others $1.50
Fed Flicks-Taxi Driver: Robert de Niro, Cybil Sheperd; AL 116, 8 pm. Feds $1, Others $1.50
PAPERBACKS? There’s only specialist.. .
32 QUEEN ST. S., KITCHENER (next Walper Hotel)
visit us soon at No. 5 in the unique Market Village, downtown Kitchener. We’re just ha/f a block from the Farmers Market, off Market Lane, near parking and bus stops.
weekday, Thurs. until 9 p.m. Telephone 742-2401
& Fri.
Concert Pm.
Choir rehearsal
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VANCOUW? “189.tiwi ’ -
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Toronto, (416)
$ 99. !!!ktm
Street Ont.
Concert 5:30-7:30
Band pm.
The Drama Group presents “A Mi summer Night’s Dream” by Willia Shakespeare in the Theatre of tl Arts, Modern Languages Buildin Directed by Tom Bentley-Fishc Special matinee at 2 pm, only $1 a mission for everyone. Evening shot 8 pm admission is $2.5O/Studen $1.50/Seniors. Third World Film, 12:30-l :30 pm, I 217. Free. Hike for Foreign Students - Gue speakers: Alan Rix (Exec. Dir. for i ternational education), Bruce GC latly (VP Finance & Operations UV John Sweeney (Liberal MPP), Bit Garcia (ISA Press, WLU), Walt McLean (Chairman - Committee ( World Concerns). Special featur David Campbel, Third World fo singer. Eng. Let. Hall, Rm. 101,7 PI Free. The Bahai Club on campus extend: warm invitation to anyone on 1 about UW who would like to tea more about the Bahai World Faith drop by HH 334 any Thursday aft 7:30 pm. Little Symphony Orchestra re he: sal - AL 6, 7:30-9:30 pm.
The Birth Control Centre is an information and referral centre for birth control, V.D., unplanned pregnancy and sexuality. For all the alternatives phone 885-1211, ext. 3446 (Rm.206, Campus Centre) or for emergency numbers 884-8770. Do you need information about pregnancy? A free pregnancy test? Practical assistance if you are pregnant? Call BIRTHRIGHT 579-3990.
Large renovated original conditic farmhouse, one block off King downtown Waterloo. Spruce, Chef nut, Cherry trees: i/2 acre I( Stained glass windows, attic skyligl appliances, dishwasher. New h water heating, re-insulated with i jetted foam in all exterior walls. Re $650/month from Jan til August ‘7 Phone 579-2676 at 6 pm. Terry Goo Rent a completely soundproof luxu townhouse near University ar Weber. 2000 sq.’ of living space. C living room with natural brick fir place. 2 l/2 bathrooms. Appliance Dishwasher, Dryer, Softner, Air Co ditioned. Large finished basemer $399. Heat and hydro addition: Phone 884-3612.
HELP-745-l 166-we care. Crisis intervention and confidential listening to any problem. Weeknigtits 6 pm to 12 midnight, Friday 5 pm to Monday 1 am. . Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. -Open Monday-Thursday 7-l 0 pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-l 211, ext. 2372. M.A. and Ph.D. thesis editing. Consult John Vardon or Clayton Burns. En’aish Department, ext. 3886. Offices 247 and 2280, Humanities Hall. 2-5 pm, Monday-Friday.
Babysitters required. Persons wishing to have thei/r name placed on the Graduate Club babysitting list, please send brief resume including rates, hours available, at home or outside of home, etc., to Graduate Club, University of Waterloo, Schweitzer Farm house, Waterloo. Typists required. For typing of essays, theses. Persons wishing‘to have their name placed on the Graduate Club typing list, please send brief resume including rates, experience, speed and equipment available to Graduate Club, University of Waterloo, Schweitzer Farmhouse, Waterloo. Will do typing in my home near the university. Call 579-6618 evenings.
Responsible non-sexist pew wanted to live in large co-operatic farmhouse on Kitchener’s trouse cuffs. Own transportation and set-r! of humour definite assets. $60/m plus $lO/wk. food. We have thicker too. Call 578-2304.
Three students need daily ride frc Margaret and Guelph Street area campus. Winter term. 1977. W share costs. Phone 579-0577.
Will do light moving pick-up. Call anytime.
with a sm; Jeff 745-129
For Sale Alpac? wool sweaters in both men and ladies’ sizes. Natural colour 885-0721 (Mat-ta)
black and portable $55, console, $35. tion. Recently
white, 19-inch Zeni 22-inch Electrohon Both excellent cone serviced. 884-3387.
The Drama Group presents “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare in the Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building, at 8 pm. Directed by Tom BentleyFisher.‘ Admission, $2.50/Students, $1 .SO/Seniors. The Fencing Club is starting and meets this week in PAC upper red deck at 7 pm. Lessonsand equipment are provided. To join: come to these practices or phone Cam Smith at 745-8733. Free Movie-“Tommy”, Elton John, Ann-Margaret. lo:15 pm in the Campus Centre Great Hall. Sponsored by the/Campus Centre Board. ’ Amateur Radio Club (VE3UOW) meeting - Everyone welcome. 4:30 pm, E2-2355. CUSO speaker and film on CUSO work in Africa. AL 210,12:30-l :30 pm. Free.
African Students Associatic presents a speaker & film. Discussic on Africa’s Immediate Challenge Humanities Theatre, 7 pm. Free.
Latin American Students film “Tupamaros” & speaker, 7-8 pm. Humanities Theatre. Free Caribbean Students Assoc. presents “Ole Mass” - a satirical look at the foreign students’ fee hike & Caribbean poetry & song . . .plus a special feature length film. Free.
The Drama Group presents “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare in the Theatre of the Arts, at 8 pm, Modern Languages Building. Directed by Tom BentleyFisher. Admission - $2.50/Students, $1.50/Seniors.
Pakistani film ‘“‘Ghandara”, 12:30-l :30 pm AL 217. Free
Handwoven clothing, table linens, wallhangings, pottery, jewellery, wood, glass, and a carefully selected variety of gifts are featured-and there’s more! Browsers welcome. Open
14 ’
Lady Sings The Blues-the career of Billie Holiday was a study in tragedy. The super talented jazz singer overcame numerous obstacles to leave us a legacy of fine recording. At 8 pm in the Story Room of the Kitchener Public Library. Doug Lloyd will review Lady Day’s recording career. Third World film: 12:30-l :30 pm. AL 21P, Free. The Fencing C’iub is starting and meets this week in the PAC upper red deck& 7 pm. Lessons and equipment are provided. To join: come to these practices or phone Cam Smith at 745-8733. Official Opening of ISA Week Ruth Rempel. Greek Students Association presents an evening of folk music and dancing. Humanities Theatre, 7:30 pm. Free.
For Cknadiah g$fts and handcrafts,
Fed Flicks-Taxi Driver: Robert de Nit-o, Cybil Sheperd; AL 116, 8 pm. Feds $1, Others $1.50 Chinese Folk Song Group practices every Sunday at 1 ‘pm till 3 pm in AL 113. All are welcome!
72, 797
This Week On Campus is a free-column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and happenings on campus-student, faculty or ’ ’ staff. See the chevron secretary. Deadline is noon Tuesdays. Maximum of 30 words per submission.
Parfait Sale7gG
November 1st Male smokey grey tiger cat in vicinity of McDougall Road and Keats Way. Please call 884-5292. Reward.
Draw drapes, lined, floor to ceilin IO feet wide. Neutral shade. Ve good condition. $14. 884-3387. Two charter one-wayto London, En land. Cheap. 884-2706, evenings.
12, 7976
’ ,
the free chevron
Foreign- students dan IS week m
A week of films, lectures, discussions and social and cultural events sponsored-by the UW International Students Association will make up International Students’ Week. Organized around the theme of “awakening Canadian consciousness to foreign students’ contribution on campus”, the international students week is the first one of its kind held at U W. It ope,ns Monday and ends Saturday with a dance. In years past the ISA has held an annual lniernational Students’ Night, but ISA raised its ambitions because “you can’t present everything about international students in two or thre,e hours,” says ISA vice-president Tony Mand. “We want to bring all students , together to explain why the third world students are here,” Mand told the free chevron this week. “The government is not doing anything to show the contribution of Third World students, the con-
In last week’s article “An interview with Hardial Bains”, a mistake was made in typesetting the copy. In reply to a question from Hamilton, the answer should have been: Bains: First of all, the point is that when .PCDN writes, it’s going to be the objective truth. To say that CPC(ML) has influence in the chevron versus saying CPC(ML) has taken over, or should take over the chevron are two different things. We are sorry for any confusion this may have created. A
tribution Canada makes to them, and what role the international students have when they return to their countries.” The week will be highlighted by a panel discussion on the Ontario government’s tuition fee increase for foreign students Thursday evening. ’ One of the speakers at this forum will be the ISA president at Laurentian University, where the Board of Governors recently voted to refuse to collect the differential fee from foreign students r The planned tuition fee increase will take effect in January and will raise fees for foreign- students by almost 300 per cent for two terms.
Soccer final for A league: Two church colleges competed against and St. each other_, Renison Jeromes. This was truly a game well played. After the first half, the score was 3 to 2 for Renison. During the second half, St: Jeromes tied the score, making it a real fight to the finish. A few minutes later Bill Randle from Renison, on a penalty kick, scored the final goal. The final score was 4 to 3 for Renison, so Renison are the champs of A league this year. Soccer final for B league: This was another suspended game with 3B Sox and Golden Guys II battling for victory. After the first hilf, the score remained 0 to 0. During the second half with just minutes left in the game, Alex for Golden Guys II s&red a goal. yith strong determination, 3B Sox tried to tiethe score but couldn’t. Final score 1 to 0 for Golden Guys II. Golden Guys II are the champs for B league this year. Flag Football Final for A league: This was a hard fought game with Kin and St. Jerc)mes battling to the end. At the end of,the first half, the
Two inaccuracies were pointed out to us regarding the article “Clubs Cash Dispute,” Free Chevron, October 29, 1976, p.3. The policy motion regarding department clubs was in fact moved in the October 20 meeting of Artsoc by Joe MacDonald and seconded by Doug Kernohan. Further, this motion passed in the Oct. 20 meeting, unanimously, not just by a simple majority, although this was all it required for its “first reading”.
A November 19 conference on Third World countries will feature, Dennis Benn, a representative of the Guvana government at the United Nations, UW history professor Jim Walker, Renison professor Donald M’Timkulu and U of T professor Jeffrey Johnston. This conference will begin at 7 pm in AL 217. The Caribbean Students Association will present “Ole Mass”, a satirical look at the foreign stu- , dents’ fee hike in the Humanities Theatre, beginning at 8 pm Tuesday. Cultural events will include Greek folk music and dancing, Caribbean poetry and song, David Campbell, a prominent Third -World folk singer. The week is co-sponsored by the UW federation’s Boards of Education a.nd External Relations, and several international students’ clubs.
local charity The 500 mile charity run by students from St. Jeromes and Notre Dame colleges ended at 5:00 pm Monday with a mass last lap walk around the Ring Road. The run started early Friday afternoon and throughout ihe weekend pairs of runners could be seen circulating the campus. Distances covered by individual runners varied. One participant said he had comple’ted 14 of the 1.7 mile - laps, although five OF six laps was nearer average. About 185 studebts from the two colleges participated in the event which, by Monday, had raised at least $1,650 for local charity. The final figure is expected to top $2,000. The money is being donated to the K-W children’s aid society’s
finals for a point. Final score 3 to 2 for Kin. Kin rose as champs this year. Both teams displayed excellent sportsmanship. Flag Football Final for B league: Renison won another final event. At half time Renison and West B were tied 7 all. During the second half, Renison got a touch down and a convert. Thin West B got a touchdown but didn’t get the convert. The final score was 14 to 13 for Renison. Soccer: What a soccer game! After. a protest meeting between Hellenes team and Carribean teams, the game was rescheduled by the Men’s Intramural Protest Committee. The rescheduled game was tensely played. The Carribean team played well but Hellenes team had a little more skill and won 3 to 1. Badminton: This was an excellent tournament with highly en: thusiastic participants playing with great skill and sportsmanship. - The winners -were: first place, Leong Goh and second place Rick Funstall from A league and Robert Adiwinta and R. Lee,%rst and sec-
special proiects fund. Th’at is a fund used to help children still living in their own homes meet “normal aspirations and needs,” say society director Hunsberger. It helps children from low income families to go camping, participate in programs at the “Y”, buy skates or a bicycle or even clothing. All the money for this fund mist come from private sources, Hunsberger explained, because public funding does not provide aid for children who are still in their own hgmes. ‘Anyone wishing to contribute is invited to send donations to St. Jeromes College, c/o 500 mile run. A
This is the start of the last lap of the St. jeromes “500” $7,650 for underprivileged children in this area.
photo by henry hess
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tiei2 chevron
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_* *
ture, in Spanish, produced for Latin pmerican Students on campus by a inember of the Latin American Students Association. 6:OOpm LIVE FROM THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE - This is a music and interview programme, recorded at the Slaughterhouse, a coffee house in Aberfoyle, Ontario. Today the featured artist is Frank Wheeler. 7:OOpm GREEK STUDENT PROGRAMME - A programme for the Greek community, put together by Denis Stamatis. 9:OOpm LIVE FROM THE CAM-
For the return of a small ‘3 * long haired black cat. If 3 * * found please call 886-0229 Jt ~3 or contact 516J Sunnydale PI. 3 Friday
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Large Selection of * -PRINTS -POSTER REPRODUCTIONS -what we don’t have 1 we will order -browse through our catalogues
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Ph 886-24303
events, as well as reviews of events in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. 6:OOpm LIVE FROM THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE - This is a music and interview programme recorded at the Slaughterhouse, a coffee house in Aberfo yle, 0ntarl”o. The featured artists on this programme will be.’ the Original Sloth Band. Sunday
K-7 STEREOPHONES Reg. $22.00 -
/. Now $14.00
, 50% Off
Saturday November 13th 390 p.m. WHAT’S ENTERTAINMENT - A look at entertainrpent
3:OOpm SCOPE - From United Nations Radio, Professor V.J.G. Nossal, Consultant to the World Health Organization, talks about the newly launched programme by WHO on tropical parasitic Diseases in Africa; the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, helps to resettle displaced persons in Laos and a World Employment Conference is held in Geneva - a report from the International Labour Organization. 6:OOpm RADIO WATERLOO NEWS - Produced by David Assman 8$Opm WARRIOR HOCKEY Live from the Waterloo Arena, coverage of the Waterloo vs. Windsor hockey game. 11:45pm RADIO WATERLOO NEWS-! Produced by David Assmann
AF-6, ETC.) 20% Off
RECEIVER . Reg. $999.95 (Plus Cabinet) - Now $799.95 (Plus Cabinet) KLIPSCHHERESYSPEAKERS Demos for $750.00 Pair
11:45 p.m. NEWS
Monday November 15th 3:OOpm SCOPE - From United Nations Radio, a special “Earth Alert” programme is held as part of the Earth Day Observance. Participants include John McConnell, President of the Earth Society? Dr. Margaret Mead, Anthropologist; Robert Arbib, Editor of ‘American
Birds’; Father Ron Saucci, Matyknoll World T.V. and also an interview with Dan McHugh, a Space Research Programme scientist. 5:OOpm GENETICS OF ALCOHOLISM - A researched programme on the genetic trans-
of alcoholism.
72, 1976
J(rednesddy November 17th 3:OOpm SCOPE - From United Nations Radio, a programme on the U .N. Water Conference including: a) A summary of UNESCO’s Hydrological Decade, b) A discussion on general water problems by Professor Gilbert White, Principal Advisor to the Secretariat making plans for the Water Conference, and c) Richard Pordes of UNICEF tells about three ways of supplying water in needy areas. 5:OOpm NIAGARA FORUM TO END THE ARMS RACE - Produced from material recorded at the Niagara Forum To’ End The Arms Race in St. Catherines, Ontario in September 1976, this programme features % panel discussion on the problems of disarmament including Fred Knelman, an environmentalist from Concordia University, Ernie Regehr, author of The Canadian Arms Industry Making a Killing and Julien Major, Vice-President of the Canadian Labour Congress. 6:OOpm RADIO WATERLOO NEWS Produced by Tom Greenwood and Scott Sutherland 6: 15pm COMMUNITY SERVICES - Tonight we talk to a member of Amnesty International about their organization and plans to set up a chapter in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. 9:OOpm PEOPLE’S MUSIC - This programme features a local musician, recorded and interviewed in Radio Waterloo’s Trak Four Studios. Tonight we feature the music of Nelda Vankruistun and Winnifred Linseman. 11:45pm RADIO WATERLOO Produced by Tom NEWS Greenwood and Scott Sutherland
Pending permission, we will be broadcasting live from the Campus Centre Coffee House, where Hughes will be performing.
by Mike Devillaer. 6:OOpm RADIO WATERLOO NEWS - Produced by Dennis
Funk 6: 15pm SORCERY - A feature on sorcery, produced by Doug Taylor. 8:OOpm SOUNDS CARIBBEAN Hosted by Bill Farley 9:OOpm MUSIKANADA - Interviews with, and music from some of Canada’s finest recording artists form the basis for this programme. This week the programme features Dan Hill. I1 :45pm RADIO WATERLOO NEWS - Produced by Dennis
Thursday November 18th UKRAINIAN STUDENTS ON CAMPUS - Thomas Haubenreiser interviews Myroslaw Ilyniak, President of the Ukrainian Society and Taras Soltys, VicePresident of the Ukrainian Society. 5:30pm, RADIO WATERLOO SPORTS - Hosted by Gary Fick and Ian Hanna, this programme examines campus sports including scores, interviews and information about upcoming sports events. 6:OOpm RADIO WATERLOO ‘NEWS Produced by Steve McCormick 6: 15 WHAT’S ENTERTAINMENT - A look at entertainment events, as well as reviews of entertainment events in the Kitchqner-Waterloo area. 9:OOpm SPOTLIGHT - This programme features well known musical artists by utilizing researched material. Tonight the featured artist is Focus. 11:45pm RADIO WATERLOO NEWS Produced by Steve McCormick
Funk Tuesday November 16th 3:OOpm PERSPECTIVES - From United Nations Radio; this week’s Perspective reviews the Security Council session on the situation in Namibia. This session ended with a triple veto barring the adoption of a mandatory arms embargo against South Africa. 5:OOpm INDONESIA - An interview with Carmel Budiardjo, an ex-political prisoner from lndonesia about conditions under the military regime in Indonesia, the plight of 100,000 political prisoners in Indonesia and the ties between Canada and Indonesia. 6:OOpm RADIO WATERLOO NEWS 8:OOpm WARRIOR HOCKEY Live from London, Ontario, the Waterloo vs Western hockey game.
Sat. November
20 at 7:30
MUSIC BY TIME EXPLOSION (Reggae, Calypso, Disco)
Tickets: Cent& Box Inter. Student Office, Refreshments:
$3. Students
$2.50 Couples
Office, Federation R. Mand 884-7527
Off ice,
$4. Worldroom, bar.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WEEK 0 NOV. 15th - 20th For further information call R. Mand 884-7527
the free chevron
72; 7976
Refund refused
Psigoes to court /
A fourth year math student lost ment, a formal contract, prior to $175 in a court,case last week when , the four day course. a judge ruled in favour of Psi Mind In court, however, he found out Development Institute. The stu- that the guarantee does not apply to dent, Trevor Thompson, had taken those persons who finish “the forPsi to small claims court in attempt mal tutorials or classes .‘I The conto get back the money which he had tradiction is obvious. A person depaid for a course. siring this form of communication Thompson was acting on the be- enough to pay $175 ($200 now) is lief that Psi backed its claims with a going to complete the course. But money back guarantee. Its doing this invalidates the guaranbrochure states: “Psi Mind De- tee, which in Thompson’s case was velopment Institute Ltd. guaranhis insurance against the group detees that unless you have expericeiving him. enced mind to mind communicaThompson was very skeptical tion at the Altered State of Conand before he signed he was aware sciousness by the completion of the of the above contradiction. After four day course you will be given classes began on Thursday night, the following 24 hours to request a refund of your entire tuition.” With this guarantee and with verbal confirmation from Psi officials Thompson decided to take the course, as have thousands of others in the Toronto-Hamilton-London area. He signed a four .page agree-
he received the agenda which showed the course lasting until the following Sunday at 12 midnight. Thompson participated until he decided in disgust to leave on Sunday at 6 p.m. When he requested his money back he was refused. He threatened legal action and Psi agreed to a suit. When both parties appeared in court, Psi revealed its final ace up the sleeve. The Psi representative said that the refund was refused because he left after the formal classes were completed. They stated that formal classes were over at 6 p.m., the first time this had been mentioned. The judge decided in favour of Psi, the decision being based on the letter of the contract. In his summation the judge commented that the contract was deliberately misleading and said afterwards: “I would never sign a contract like that.” -
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Board meets The Campus Centre Board again failed to get a quorum at its Monday afternoon meeting. The last time it did have quorum was on March Monday 18. Consequently, afternoon’s session was simply an information meeting. It seems though, despite the apathy of board members, director of the campus centre Susan Phillips, and the turnkeys have been able to offer the students an active fall term. Activities at the Campus Centre during the last two months have all been quite varied. The turnkeys have organized backgammon, chess and bridge tournaments, sponsored weekly movies and one all night movie session with a pancake breakfast, a Hallowe’en celebration and a weekly Coffee House cosponsored by the Board of Entertainment. Bill Groom has been nominated as chairperson of the board for 1977-78. This will be Groom’s third year at it. The board felt Groom best suited for this position because of the need for strong leadership when Phillips leaves this June. Nominations for positions on the Campus Centre Board have been extended until Monday, November 15th. Nominations should be sent to Emile Barnes, assistant university secretariat, Needles Hall.
to Saturday
417 King St. W., Kit. Fully Licensed
As an escape from the approaching Canadian winter, the University of Waterloo Dra’ma group is offering an imaginary flight to Athens and a wood nearby in a pre-Christmas production of William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. The show opens in the Theatre of the, Arts on November 76th, and run’s through November 20th with a special matinee for students on November 79th. Ticket prices for Tues., Wed., Thursday are $2.50; students and seniors $1.50 Friday and Saturday $3.00 and $2.00. Available at the Main Box Office, Room 254 Modern Languages Bldg.
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“If you’re going to present something to students at large give them facts,” fourth year Architecture student Peter Archer advised organizers of the NSD forum on cutbacks. Archer’s comment came near the end of a session devoted to discussing spending cuts in education. Trends such as increasing class sizes, deteriorating lab equipment and shortening library hours were noted, but few facts were cited. “I don’t have any background (on cutbacks at UW),” admitted salaried federation fieldworker and former NSD coordinator Doug Thompson as he prepared to address the forum. - . Thompson, OFS fieldworker
Abdool Gafur, and NSD coordinator Mike Dillon spoke to three students and a reporter about “Educational Cutbacks and the Quality of Education”. When asked whether the value of the BIU (basic income unit) had increased this year, Thompson didn’t know but thought the government wasn’t using BIU’s anymore. (The BIU is a formula by which the Ontario government fixes university financing, with an Arts undergrad worth one BIU. Its value this year is set by the ministry of colleges and universities at $2,3 12, up from $2,111 last year. Since this rise in value is less than the rate of inflation, however, the real value has declined.)
The-NSD workshop on Student Aid and Tuition was attended by less than six people excluding the speakers. The speakers were awards officer Dave Reynolds and an OFS representative.
Reynolds said that OSAP was the main awards program, but that there were others. He said that he “hadn’t had enough good bursary applicants”, and felt that students didn’t apply for bursaries because ’
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Thompson blamed the cutbacks in education spending on the Ontario government’s lack of a plan for education. Cutbacks arise from a “problem in popular perceptions - not seeing education-as a social benefit ,” he said, and suggested the solution lies in better “public relations. ” “When education suffers, society suffers,” claimed Thompson. But he felt it is difficult to reach students with information since “most people don’t perceive cutbacks as something that influences them” and “most Canadians are politically illiterate .” “We can sit here and bullshit all day,” one student fired back, “but where is the evidence? Have you ever done any investigation on this campus?” “We haven’t done much, no”
Gafur denied that apathy is a real problem. “Students can be mobilized if we give quality leadership.” Questioned why the federation has done so little on cutbacks, Thompson said that although most members of council ran on anticutbacks platforms they are “very queasy to jump.” He said the federation’s attitude toward cutbacks is characterized by a lack of urgency: “Do it tomorrow .” When one person commented that the federation seemed to be set up to organize dances, Dillon responded: “That’s because we have a weak federation right now. ” Those present eventually agreed that a cutbacks committee should be set up to investigate cutbacks here and inform students of wavs in wh& Wey are being implemented.
they equated them $&fi ships. But he stress&?>. %&timarv is a combination of Mc’paIity and need. .: ‘I..,~,” C.‘:‘.:. The OFS repres@& ki*q bstimated that one in e$$## ‘XilHw stuA--L_-_------l-l L-’ A..&% uenrs was unaore Lo-.;sr%@& last ‘summer, and that th&{i@@& &&jc or reason for students?‘$#$&@ti difficulties. He said th$$$& V@!&@.%nt has cut out the stud&&ti MiX@OYment surveys and thoti& Lr*l.. fm~ *-_wasdeliberate. The surveys have been done for the last five years at very small cost. OFS has suggested a tax shift to put more responsibility on the corporate sector, but the government says it has obligations to other sectors (usually the corporate sector). The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toronto has responded to OFS’s suggestion by presenting a brief which focuses on three major points: 1) Students do not have a right to
expense. ‘.I ..” 2) Costs ti &@@&% should be increased in arder @Y drive the demand down md I %p encourage a ‘ ‘responsible a$ H?*’ of post-secondary edu~%&~; &. tuition fees should rise Xa &%#x _I__ _3,;A..I enrolment. 3) Assis&&& e should only be granted in UX&~SU& circumstances. Accorw ta 0pS, bright lowincome students have less chance of going to university than mediocre unper-income students. It was pointed out that a recent article in the Toronto Sun quoted one governmental official as saying “the tuition fee increase has serious political ramifications. ” The serious political ramifications are probably the upcoming elections. The OFS representative pointed out that many countries have free tuition, among them France, Australia and Austria. -peter ‘blunden
Election review Transit, housing and day care were the major topics discussed at the NSD workshop on municipal elections. Participating in the discussion, with 17 students, were Maryjane Mewhinney and Marjorie Carole from the Waterloo city council, and Morley Rosenberg, who sits on the Kitchener and Regional councils. All three are candidates in the December municipal elections. Rosenberg thought that the main issue in the election was the transportation system. He said that the present Kitchener council is trying to eliminate bus service even though surveys show that peopIe favor better service. A suggestion was made that better service between the university and Lakeshore village would re-
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duce the threat of assaults in that area. Carole responded that once the Westmount road is finished, such a bus route becomes a possibility. The question of housing occupied much of the workshop’s time. Carole said that “students’ image with landlords leaves a lot to be desired” and suggested that they work to improve that image. Rosenberg maintained that students actually do little damage to property, but encounter objections from landlords in their redecorat-’ ing. The quality of housing was also of concern to the candidates. Tom Raidy , a former UW student who is also a candidate in the election, was concerned about keeping fire inspectors enforcing the minimum maintenance bylaws. Carole and Mewhinney replied that there is not enough money to hire more inspectors, and besides, if the laws were strictly enforced there would be fewer accomodations available. On the topic of day care, Rosenberg said that a study done about six years ago foun’d there was a need for 5,000 places. Since then, only one day care center has been built by the municipal government. Last year, the day care subsidy was frozen but this year people are being cut off the welfare rolls instead. Day care and welfare are Regional responsibilities. A ward system was seen by Carole and Rosenberg as one way to elect alderpeople who are more responsible to the electorate. Carole favored a ward system for Waterloo and pointed out that it likely would give students a representative on council. The decision to have a ward system, and its type, is being decided in the Kitchener election. . -stu vickars
Gimm A workshop on the problem of student housing saw little participation from students. Dave Millar, an architecture student, Cail Vinnicombe, UW Director of Housing, Maurice Moreau from Paralegal Assistance and Al Woodcock, the UW officer responsible for residence admission discussed the question among themselves.
Millar pointed out the demand for more on-campus housing, and said that studies showed improved social and intellectual development among students living in residences. He noted that a large number of students who apply for residence are turned away. Vinnicombe replied that the high
NSD worksh-op in the UnS The wo
me panel serectea 0y fxt@ NSE committee to speak on w~mgn ir the university consisted of Is&e Assistant Dean o McKay, Women, Jenny Ashworth, from the Pacer Committee, Linda Daven port from Health Services and : representative from Mature Women Students. Phyllis Burke, workshop co ordinator , introduced the panel and started the session by present ing some superficial research de signed to prove that sexism existec at Waterloo. Although the workshop wa: meant to cover the general topic o women in the university, most o the discussion revolved around da: care facilities for women students presently an issue among Graduat
untered that -there is be students who 3 the villages because ige life, and that new s, like town-houses or tments, would attract 1 now live off-campus lot satisfied with their
ues net lines of thought ring the discussion.’ 3f women maintained idual in society has a exactly what he or _she _ you want something 1 it can be done. Failas\ the problem of each holding this point of rot see the socioystem as a blocking ; assumed that women children. or attended ie chose to have chilthe responsibility of r those children was others’. posing this point of t women should not be s to education because ildren. they felt that were problems Dblems”, and it was ke a distinction. Issues r care are not only a )blem, but a man’s as ierly
blaney-jackson -dianne chapitis -heather robertson
Woodcock noted that this would remove the pressure from offcampus housing and thus improve its quality. Vinnicombe said that the need would have to be established through surveys. He said that his only disagreement was that, in the face of high vacancy rates in winter and summer terms, the costs of mortgage and upkeep costs would be too high. -jonathan coles
Working class youth should receive. free post-secondary education and working class students who have taken loans to attend university should refuse to repay them, Anti-Imperialist Alliance spokesman Doug Wahslen told a National Student Day meeting titled “Make the Rich Pay”. Wahlsten presented data prepared by the AIA describing the history and effect of cutbacks in education spending in Ontario universities. He outlined how the huge rise in spending on education during the
Manpower man: no lack of jobs.... --
are The NSD workshop on unemp- ’ “The first thing employers looking for is attitude. They look loyment became an opportunity for first for attitude, enthusiasm, wilManpower counsellor Sherm lingness to work, interest in the Taylor to hold forth about students company. and their problems finding jobs. “Second, they look for Taylor insisted that “anyone know you can who wants a summer job can get reliability-you count on the person, that if you one ,” but stressed that students have overtime, you know they’ll be must’ adopt the correct employaround. m ent attitude. “Third, they look for skill and Taylor spoke to Gary Dryden, or, in the case of stuFederation fieldworker who is experience, dents, trainability. ’ ’ conducting a survey of summer The two chevron reporters aremployment, Tom Fitzgerald, UW students’ at,A gued that improving y titudes did not meet the fundamen-JY ta1 problem of too few jobs for all w %ose seeking them, but instead p* &%@ered more intense competition, ;y ‘-&xmng those looking for jobs. e effect of criticizing “at%” is to shift &e-burden of-
uy-you ,” advised km
city of jobs,
1960’s had been achieved by vastly increasing personal taxes but not increasing corporation taxes. The Canadian people were paying to train skilled workers to turn a profit for the rising U.S. imperialist investment in Canada during the 1960’s. Education spending peaked in 1971-72 and since then the Basic Income Unit -used by the provincial government to provide stan dard financing to universities, has increased; but less than the rate ofinflation. The economic crisis which hit the U.S. and Canadian economies beginning in 1974 has severely affected universities, said Wahlsten. Provincial government spending has been cut back selectively, with education and other social services for the people most severely affected. At the same time, corporate profits have continued to rise. This program is part of the campaign of the monopoly capitalist class to make the people pay for the economic cri sis. Instead of making the people pay, said Wahlsten, the working a
The rich shddd ‘ipay!
9rne sheltef sts only during fall ter and spring terms ancies. Vacancies rerevenue which must : made up by the resi1. Vinnicombe feared Ience would worsen &nd would itself suffer vacancy rate which it economically unvi-
the free chevron
class and people of Canada, including students, should fight to make the rich pay. Answering the question of how to make the rich pay, Wahlsten outlined several methods by whieh all students, and UW students in particular, could bring this about. . Because of long-term mortgages accepted during the boom of the 1960’s the UW debt now stands at a total of $94 million, with $6 million paid in interest alone in the 1975-76 year. Wahlsten proposed that instead of raising tuition fees, which now provide $9 million a year, the university should-refuse to pay the interest charges, and ease the burden on students. Interest charges also eat up half of the rent paid by students in married student apartments, said Wahlsten. Students should refuse to pay the $500,000 (out of total rent payments of $1 ,OOO,OOO) which goes to interest payments. Demanding free education and jobs for working class students would also be methods to make the rich pay, said Wahlsten. -larry
Friday & Saturday den on the Orrttio tm payers and they in fact r-n&e. a positive con*tribution to the province. This was the consensus at the
NSD forum on foreign students and the differential fee, led by Bill Farley , president of the International Students Association. The differential fee for international students was condemned as discriminatory, and the government’s rationale for levying the fee misleading and inaccurate. Contrary to the contentions of Harry Parrott, minister of colges and universities, Ontario is not following the lead of the United States and Britain. In fact, the U.S. does not have a differential fee for foreign students, and Britain recently decided to stop charging extra tuition for international students. Neither is there evidence of “mounting public concern” in recent years about the cost to the Ontario taxpayer of educating international students. Indeed, the actual cost per taxpayer is less than one dollar. Ruth Rempel, of the International Students’ Office, maintained that the government’s decision to triple the fees for foreign students is “scapegoating” and it also discriminates between wealthy and non-wealthy students. Abdool Gafur, an OFS fieldworker, said that since the issue was never discussed beyond party circles, students should take the initiative and inform the public of the facts. An all-out campaign to mobilize opposition to the differential fee should be undertaken by student organizations, he said. ,4t the same time, foreign students should contact their ambassadors or high commissioners, as well as their heads of government, and urge the’m to apply pressure on the Canadian government to abolish the differential fee. -val
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Pioneer ES-2000 Stereo system. (!%takers.. Receiver, Turntable). Reg. $450. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pioneer SX-434 Receiver. (15 watts R.M.S. per ch.). Reg. $299.00 Sale . . . Pioneer SX-535 Receiver. (20 watts R.M.S. per ch.). Reg. $379.00 Sale . . . . . . . . . . Pioneer SX-636 Receiver. (25 watts R.M.S. per ch.). Reg. $439.00 Sale . . . . . . . . . . Pioneer SX-737 Receiver. (35 watts R.M.S. per ch.). Reg. $519.00. Sale . . . . . . . . . Pioneer SA-6500 Amp.’ (25 watts R.M.S. Per ch.). Reg. $219.00. Sale . . . . . . . . . Pioneer SA-7500 Amp. (40 watts Per ch.). Reg. $379.00. Sale . . . . Pioneer SA-8500 Amp. (60 watts Per ch.). Reg. $499.00. Sale . . . . Pioneer TX-6500 Tuner. Reg. $199.00. Sale.. . . . . . . . . . Pioneer TX-7500 Tuner. Reg. $299.00. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . Pioneer PL-1150 Turntable with ADC Cartridge. Reg. $191 .OO. Sale . . .
R.M.S. . . . . . R.M.S. . . . . . . . . . . .
369 209 265 309 359 159 297 386 W5 938 147 212 225 363 458 637 692 '32 $24 $
HA-610 Integrated amp. 60 watts R.M,S. Per ch. Reg. $469.95. Sale . . . . . . . . . . FT-920 Tuner. Reg. $299.95. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SR-502 Re&eiver. 20 watts R.M.S. per ch. Reg. $329.95. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SR-702 Receiver. 40 watts R.M.S. per ch. Reg. $399.95. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SR-802 Receiver. 50 watts R.M.S. per ch. Reg. $499.95. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PS15 Turntable with audio technica cartridge. Reg. $199.95. Sale . . . . . . . . . _. PS-38 Direct dHve turntable with audfo technica cartridge. Reg. $249.95. Sale. D-231 0 Cassette Deck. Reg. $139.95. Sale.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3500 Cassette Deck. (Three heads). Reg. $499.95. Sale . . . ,. . D-410 Cassette Deck. Front loader. Regr$250.00. Sale . . . . . .
376 239 259 319 399 165 199 $109 $419 209 $
$ $
. .
. . . . . . $ Q30 . . . . $ with ADC-Q30 Sale . . . . . . _ . load) Cassette $ $259.00. Sale $ load) Cassette $459.00. Sale load) Cassette $ $579.00. Sale . open reel tape $ . . . . . . . . . . . open reel tape $ . . . . . . . . . . .
Pioneer PL-117D Turntable Cartridge. Reg. $270.00. Pioneer CT-F2121 (Front Deck. Dolby system. Reg. Pioneer CT-7171 (Front Deck. Dolby system. Reg. Pioneer CT-F9191 (Front Deck. dolby system. Reg. Pioneer RT-1011 L 10%” deck. Reg. $799.00. Sale Pioneer RT-1020L 10%” deck. Reg. $879.00. Sale Pioneer SE-305 Headphones. Reg. $40.00. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pioneer SE-205 Headphones. Reg. $30.00. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All Accessories Bose Reg.
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$445 $765 249
2 Headphones. s Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Headphones. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44 Headphones., Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
B.I.C. 940 with Shure Reg.’ $219.00. Sale . . B.I.C. 960 with Shure Reg. $283.00. Sale . . B.I.C. 980 with Shure Reg. $348.00. Sale . . All B.I.C. Turntables CHURCH
M55E Cartridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M95ED Cartridge. . . . . . . . . . . . .\ . M95ED Cartridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with genuine wood
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STOREHOURS & Wednesday, 11 a.m.-7 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday
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Model 502 with A.D.C. Q30 Cartridge. Reg. $249.00. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model 510 with Shure M95ED Cartridge. Reg. $301.95. Sale . . . . . . .*. . . . . . . . . Model 704 with A.D.C. VLM Cartridge. Rea. $435.00. Sale : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ $
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TA-1630 Integrated amp. 22 Per ch. Reg. $199.95. Sale . TA-2650 Integrated amp. 45 per ch. Reg. $279.00. Sale . TA-3650 Integrated amp. 55 per ch. Reg. $399.95. Sale . STR-1800 Receiver. 12 watts ch. Reg. $249.95. Sale . . . .
watts R.M.S. . . . . . . . . . watts R.M.S. . . . . . . . . . watts R.M.S. . . . . . . . . . R.M.S. per . . . . . . . . .
STR-2800 Receiver. 22 watts ch. Reg. $299.95. Sale . . . . TC-377 Open reel recorder. Reg. $479.95. Sale . . . . . . . TC-280 Open reel recorder. Reg. $369. Sale . . . . . . . . . TC-645 Open reel recorder. Reg. $649.95. Sale . . . . . . . TC-755 Open reel recorder. Reg. $1125.00. Sale . . . . . . TC-118SD Cassette Recorder. Reg. $249.95. Sale . . . :. . . TC-135SD Cassette Recorder. Reg. $299.95. Sale . . . . . . . TG186SD Cassette Recorder. Front load. Reg. $349.95. Sale SS-700 Loudspeakers. Reg. $129.00pr. Sale . . . . .
R.M.S. per , . . . . . . . .
NOV. p.m., Thursday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
185 237
169 239 329 909 249 389 $
Model R.M.S. Model R.M.S. 5120 Reg. 5220 Front 5420 Reg. 6300 Reg. 6200 Reg. 6100 Reg. HD44 Reg. HO55 Reg. HD66 Reg.
. . . . . . . .
$ $
1150 Integrated amp. 75 watts per ch. Reg. $549.95. Sale . . . . . 1250 Integrated amp. 125 watts per ch. Reg. $799.95. Sale . . . . . Cassette Deck. $399.95. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cassette Deck. load. Reg. $499.95. Sale . . . . . . . . Cassette Deck. $549.95. Sale . . . . . . . . . . .‘. . . . . . Turntable with A.D.C. VLM Cartridge. $390.00. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ Turntable with A.D.C: Q30 Cartridge. $289.95. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turntable with Shure M55 Cartridge. $196.90. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loudspeakers. $249.95 pr. Sale . . . . . . . . . . _ . Parr Loudspeakers. $179.95 ea. Sale . . . . . T . . . . . . ea. Loudspeakers. $249.95 ea. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . ea.
B.E.S. Model U-50 $149.00. Sale.. . B.E.S. Model U-60 $225.00. Sale . . . B.E.S. Model D-60 $299.00. Sale . . . Dahlquist DO10 $1295.00 pair. Sale Sennheiser HD 414 Reg. $50.00. Sale Sennheiser HD-400 Reg. $35.00. Sale
Loudspeakers. . . . . . . . . . . Loudspeakers. . . . . . . . . . . Loudspeakers. . . . . . . . . . . Demonstrators. . . . . . . . . Headphones. . . . . . . . . . . Headphones. . . . . . . . . . .
- Craig,
Reg. . . . . . . . ‘Reg. . . . . . . . Reg. . . . . . . . Reg. . . . . . . .
$ $
$ $
$ $ $ . $
117 168 225 900 $43 28
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
\ 15% OFF
. . . . . . . . . .
225 299 419 489 539 659 829 325 $245 . $189 $235 $339 299 479 699 339 $429 $459 299 219 149 *'199 139 $190 $
289 539 $929 $209 $249 289 $109 s
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. . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Parking Adjacent To Store
14 Queen’s Square SALEENDS Cambridge (6) - 65312835
98 Queen St. South Kitchener - 742m6951. Tuesday Friday
at Wesseling
(Top L. to R.) George Wesseling. (Bottom L. to R.) Paul Wesseling,
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STORE HOURS Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday 11 a.m.-g p.m. Saturday
11 a.m.07 p.m. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
72, 19
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Allen steak
the free chevron
the show
“The Front” The blacklistings of the early 1950’s were a time most Americans--and especially those who, were directly involved-would rather forget. Many people in the entertainment world found themselves out of work. Some were grilled in front of the Committee on’Un-American Activities, while many more were blacklisted without being told why. Others such as Lee J. Cobb and Sterling Hayden had’ their lives screwed up after they were led to believe it was in the best interests of the country to name names. Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon (amongst others) who helped push the listings onward went on to greater things while McCarthy died a subject of ridicule. This period of uncertainty remained a touchy subject for Martin Ritt, director/producer of The Front who was blacklisted in 195 1. He held the idea of a movie based on, the blacklistings and their effects for years waiting for the right moment and the proper script. Ritt et al. (including five other blacklisted actors and writers) has finally produced his movie and although it is not a classic, it proves to be a film of class. While The Front is not a comedy it has many amusing moments and though the film can be touching it shies away from dramatics. The light handling of the film is Ritt’s way of laughing at the foolishness of this rather. serious period. The plot revolves around Woody Allen who plays Howard Prince, a front (or a body) for blacklisted writers. Howard, a former cash register operator continually in debt who “couldn’t write a grocery list” becomes a star writer for a television station. He does this on the writings of others. In his attempt to win the girl (Florence, played by Andria Marcovicci) Howard takes a crash course in literary appreciation: “Gimme two Hemingways and a Faulkner.” Howard begins to think_ so much of his talents (spurred on by network compliments) that he even starts to criticize the writing abilities of the real writers. He wants the scripts written more in the style of Eugene O’Neill to live up to his standards. Florence does fall in love with Howard the writer (Allen wins again) but not with the cashier. Eventually he must win her on his own merits. In his rise,
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however, there are those who wish to see him fall. Herschel Bernardi, blacklisted in 1953, is well cast as Phil Sussman, a spineless TV executive who is against the blacklistings but i,s weak to authority. With little’help from Sussman, the non-political Howard Prince is left to be watched by a government agency and informed on by someone he considered a friend. In the end Howard is left to restore dignity to a world gone mad in a finish similar to that of Serpico and The Great Dictator. Zero Mostel is Hecky Brown, a comedian forced out of work because he “marched in a May Day parade’ ’ . Hecky had apparently been duped. The movie points out the dehumanization that can result from the blacklist, through this character. Mostel himself was blacklisted after miming a “butterfly at rest” at a public meeting billed: “Artists Fight Back Against Un-American Thought Control.” In a committee meeting Zero refused to co-operate stating “there is no crime in making anybody laugh.” Unfortunately Mostel has a hard time making people laugh in The Front. But he shows his years, and this makes him well suited as the
comedian ruined by the hysteria of the times: Woody Allen is at his usual best. It is, for him, his first dramatic role and he proves he can handle it. The Allen mannerisms are still there-the incessant ramblings, the innocent stare -but they become part of Howard Prince’s character and not those of Woody Allen.’ Allen breaks little ground plotwise for he still plays the little man-hero but characterwise he has never been so human. He easily steals the show. The film abounds with ironies-. Frank Sinatra sings “Young at Heart” to a 1950’s montage of innocence and violence. Statements are made stating that “to be a spy on the side of freedom is an honour.” In The Front one can see how in the SO’s, people of position tried to cleanse America in the name of the people and in so doing attacked the rights and freedoms America had stood for. It is a topical film for today and for this campus where twenty one years later the president of the federation is reading off lists naming ! communists and communist sympathisers and on such a basis putting people out of work. -randy
2 SHOWS NIGHTLY 790 & 9:oo PM Matinee Sunday 2 PM
Correction Correction to bylines in last week’s free chevron: “Who’s next” was written by Jason Mitchell. “Librarian and bear tangle;+ was written by John Ryrie, not by Jason Mitchell. Our apologies to both John and Jason for this typographical error.
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at Westmount Plaza enjoy our daily
Lunch Special roast beef on a bun with homefries homemade soup Oktoberfest sausage veal schnitzel on a bur
The fwnkst With Mwc
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COMPLETE :SHOWS 7:00 - 9:00 FEATURE TIMES 7:30 7 9:30
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name I am writing concerning the movie review of The Hiding Place as submitted by ‘a member of Waterloo Christian Fellowship’. I would like to clarify the statement that 1 asked to have my name withheld from the article. This was not my intention, but I merely wished to be identified as a member of W.C.F. I gladly put my name to my very positive reactions to this excellent film. Bob Chapman
thinking I would like to clarify why I termed the editorial in Sci Sot News (Oct. 18) by Mr. John Lee “fascist
the free chevron
Ideologically, fascism is anti-communism, mystification and racism. ’ To a fascist, anything is permissible, ‘as long as it is in opposition to communism. Mr. Lee attacked an analysis presented ?n the free chevron(Oct. 15), not because of its statistics, but because it objectively supported the AIA and discredited Shane Roberts’ contention that AIA was trying to control the chevron for its own use. Similarly, Lee defended Bullseye and Roberts, not because of their integrity, which they lack, but because both are opposed to the AIA. In other words, for Mr. Lee a thing is, go&d if it is against AIA and CPC(M-L) and bad if it supports them. Whether it is true objectively or not is wholly irrelevant for him. In this context, it should be apparent that statistical errors in, themselves are common occurrences and do not in any way indicate fascist thinking. Fascist thinking does not clarify issues, but instead it mystifies and obscures truth. It purposely bewilders people and creates confusion about right and wrong. As an example, Lee asserts that statistics can be used/ “to prove any point valid.” What is truth thus becomes a mystery, and the world becomes unknowable to ordinary people. Lee in his editorial repeatedly mystifies by attributing, things to the free chevron and AIA of which Shane Roberts is actually guilty. Roberts attacked the chevron and AIA with lies and slanders, yet when the free chevron rebutted lies with facts, Lee said this was attempting )‘to provoke an elected official of student government into a mudslinging duel.” When chevron staff entered the Federation offices to collect the chevron mail, Shane Roberts punched one staffer in the back. But Lee credits Roberts with “magnanimous generosity” for not pressing assault charges against the very person whom he punched. Lee promotes Roberts’ concoctidn of a threat of “violent actions” by AIA, when it was Roberts who tried to use security police to keep the chevron closed through force. These asserti-ons by Lee constitute mystification in the service of anti-communism. Of course, someone who wants to get rich under capitalism and does not want socialism, but who does not resort to mystification or attempt to suppress the views of communists, should not be regarded as a fascist. Now, what about rascism? True, this does not intrude into Lee’s ravings about Statistics. It does appear in the paragraph immediately preceding his statistical foray, however. Lee defends Enginews against criticism of its rascist content last year, accusing critics of trying to “stomp on ENGINEWS when it was down,” and castigating them for not defending the “freedom of the press” of certain rascist elements in en: gineering. From this it is apparent th&Lee
university campus, where there is presumably some interest in studying the world and discovering truth, it is absolutely impermissible. Many people recognize, the brutal, militaristic side of fascism. But these acts of barbarism mark the end of the road for fascism, the final corruption and decay of an imperialist system in its death throes. Before large numbers of people can be induced to march down that road, they must \be prepared for it ideologically. This is where anti-communism, mystification and racism play a big role. To oppose fascism, we must oppose fascist thinking. It is imperative that people investigate the world for themselves and seek truth from facts. Doug Wahlsten
Young so.cialistS We, the Young
council of the Federation of Students for its action of closing the chevron. The closure of the chevron raises a que<tion to which we would like to address our selves at this time-what is the student press?, what is its function? We feel that the primary function of the student press is to serve as an open forum for debateon issues of general concernand as a mobilizing and oiganizing centre on campus. -- While the Young Socialists do not oppose the student press Earrying its own editorial line, we strongly assert the right of all students and student organizations to have their views expressed in the student newspaper. We feel that the right of freedom of speech can only be defended for all. If socialists try to restrict the expression of reactionary ideas, then they provide justification for actions which &ppress progressive ideas. Socialists should have no fear of debating reactionary ideas in the student press. It allows us to expose them as repressive and anti-democratic. The crude attacks on the A.I.A. and on chevron staff and the arbitrary attempts to close down the chevron clearly indicate that the Federation executive has no interest’in making the chevron an open forum for debate on this campus’s issues. s The A.I.A., by statements of its members and their leaflet of September 30th indicate that they see the chevron as an open forum for debate only for “progressive” ideds and would be likely to oppose publication of articles by their opponents of the right and left. The decision on the form of the chevron must be made by the students of U. of \W. The Young Socialists challenge all students on this campus to seriously consider the issues involved in the attempted closure of the chevron. HANDS OFF THE CHEVRON!! - Samuel Wagar Paul Wyman
,Bu/lseye examl’ned
The chevron over and over again has been accused by the federation executive of not serving the needs of the students. The evidence for these lies is their frequent fmgerpointing to “biased reporting”, “lies and misrepresentation”, etc. In an effort to serve students’ needs the federation authorized the publishing of a newsletter. Its mandate as published in the first Bullseye was: Providing news to the campus will take ,precedence over political commentary. ’ Political commentary will be’ restricted to ‘ ‘actually supports racisni; he wants “&einterviews and editorials and will be labeli dom” of the press for rascists but not‘ ,for.. . . 7, :>kd;ts such. Suggestions~,or submis&ns are -1;members of the AIA.
how it has not fulfilled its mandate and has gone ahead and done exactly what the federation executive accused the chevron of doing. First, “Providing news to the campus will take precedence over political commentary.” Iri a twelve-page tabloid published by the Federation under the guise of the Bullseye, I counted five and one half pages (nearly half of the newspaperj full of off-campus comment and opini‘on. Two of the articles were feature length. One was taken directly from PCDN and the other, a Variety of quotes from some Quebec organization (Who the hell is MREQ, anyway?) Second, “Political commentary will be restricted to interviews and editorials and will be labelled as such”. It’s hard enough to find in Bullseye an article with a byline let alone one with the label of being an editorial comment. In. last week’s issue of Bullseye only nine articles had bylines. The front cover story “Hannant: the grad rep who would be editor” clearly was an editorial, which was not labelled as such, was not an interview and had no byline. Third, “Suggestions or submissions are welcomed from any student.‘,’ I submitted d letter to the editor for last week’s Bullseye, which was not published. The federation executive alleges that the
chevron has not published many student articles. Evecytime a case was discussed with the chevron staff, the situation was resolved. When ‘Doug Thompson was approached about my letter he replied that it was hard to include all of the letters to the editor in that issue. What are you guys trying to hide? We the students, who paid for the paper, should demand an explanation for the Bullseye-which is nothing but a cheap piece of journalism. Heather
Feds stall Well, it’s been some time now since the “Chevron Affqir” began, about five weeks, I b’elieve. At t‘he outset I would have laughed at anyone who told me that the issue would last four weeks. But as fate would have it, I turned out to be wrong. However, one thing’ I am sure about is that it should never have lasted this long. Personally, I’m beginning to tire of al1 the fighting back and forth. I’m sure ‘a great deal of students are. So why is this issue still unresolved? Shane Roberts and council have closed down the Chevron and fired two paid Chevron staff because Council believes that the Chevron is threatened by AIA control. The Chevron staff, on the other hand, denies this, and despite an order of eviction, they have continued to produce a newspaper, under the title of “The Free Chevron”. Both sides feel they are right and refuse to yield to the other. With this present state of affair%, the controversy could go on for a long time yet. As I have already said, I don’t want this, and ITrn sure that the majority of students do not. $0 what can be done about it?! It would seem to me that we must look at the crux of the issue. This is: Who is in the right? - Roberts and council or the Free Chevron. Council decided to close the Chevron on stories, rumours, and ‘allegations made about the paper and certain staff m’embers. There was no evidence produced to support the claims. Perhaps they just wanted to be on the safe side, so they closed down the Chevron and fired two staff members ‘just in case’. Now students may not be able to agree on who is right in this is&e, but what they should be able to agree on is that democratic and just process must be used in making ALL decisions. It is tragically the case that a democratic and just process was not
used in this matter. I personally was gusted that couacil could do Such a thing, what revolted-me even more was that majority-of students,,didn’t seen~ to-care> institution of higher lee&& if%a@h+~. :aL‘&II,..ShQUM b4$S,P~~,iii~~‘~~~~~~~~~~~ . .:L” j ,j . ’ : ” ,. 1
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cess is respected above all else. However, many students have turned their backs on the most unbelievable travesty of justice I have witnessed in my five years at this institution. Terribly disheartened by this general feeling of indifference on the part of the students, the Free Chevron launched a desperate campaign to recruit sympathy fol their perilous position. With great pleasure (and relief) I witnessed a spectacular event on Friday October 29 when several hundred students came out to the genera1 meeting to support the Free Chevron in its battle for justice. Their concern enabled the,Free Chevron to win every motion over Shane Roberts. It was indeed unfortunate that time limits and impropeL wording of a motion prevented the students from restoring the Chevron and the two positions that were eliminated. In the ensuing debate that followed in the Campus Centre Great Hall it became obviovs that the great majority of students - supported Neil Docherty’s plea for Shane Roberts to provide evidence of his claims. However, Shane Roberts disappointed the crowd by producing none. At a student council meeting on Sunday October 3 1, a motion was passed that would allow the Chevron to be re-established if they submitted to certain conditions. What these conditions mean is that council is trying-to dictate editorial policy to the Chevron. This is entirely against Canadian University
Press code of ethics which clearly states: “In no case should a repres,entative or representatives of the student government or the administration have the explicit or implied power of censorship or the power to set editorial or advertising policies.” Thus Roberts and council have shown no concern for what the students wanted at the general meeting and the debate: nor do they have any concern for what has been democratically decided upon by the Canadian University Press. Thus they have continually demonstrated a complete disrespect for the democratic process. 1 just cannot see how this can be justified. I would very much appreciate it if Shane Roberts or any member of council would come forth and try to justify it for me. From their lack of action, I can only assume that they are trying to drag the whole issue out for as long as possible so that students will get sick of the whole thing, and just forget about it. This, I think, is evidenced by the fact that Council wanted to continue Friday’s General Meeting “on the last Wednesday in November”. By this, it is obvious that they are in no hurry to settle the issue. Their delaying and deceptive tactics are further illustrated by the passing of a motion to re-open the Chevron given that the Free Chevron follows certain demands which Council knew would never be accepted. Thus, council continues to delay while making it appear that they are trying to promote a settlement. So the whole affair will drag on a little longer, and a few more students will get fed up with it, and choose to turn their backs on the whole affair. This, of course, is exactly what Roberts and council want. It is also what the Free Chevron fears most. Since they cannot get a fair deal from council, they must rely on the students’ feeling for democratic process. The Free Chevron has asked that the paper and the two fired employees be reinstated, and then an investigation be launched. They do not fear an investigation. In fact, they encourage it ! Only in this way can the Free Chevron staff prove their innocence to the students. HOWever, they need the support of the students to force council to give them a fair trial which, to this point, they have been denied. As advocates of democracy, the students of the University of Waterloo must demand it!!! If you have neveI\: -become involved in any issue here at UW, then perhaps it’s time you did. An issue this important may not come by for a long time, if ever again. Don’t leave it to the “other guy” -- yet involved!! Please go down to the Free Chevi-on ahd ask how you can help. Let’s have.‘a proper and just investigagion so %vecari bring‘this me,ss to an ’ e@. ’ ‘, ;;;* :: ‘I@~~~ Qe?liu$rgr * ‘ ‘-- .’ ”f. .I 2,i :
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c-Comment-\ The general meeting perfomance of Friday October 29 showed bureaucratic misuse of power. Were the chair’s arbitrary actions legal? What could interested persons do to limit the undemocratic exercise of the chair’s power? Before the federation council meeting of Hallowe’en, 7976, ! reviewed The Corporations Act September 7975 Office Consolidation. The Federation of Students of the University of Waterloo is incorporated under the authority of Part II! of this provincial statute. / had earlier checked about the powers of the corporation with a number ofsolicitors working in the Ontario Department of Consumer and Commercial Relations or in private practice, and . had referred to one written legal opinion and to the federation by-laws and students’ council meeting minutes.
The Federation of Students of the University of Waterloo appears to h&e acted, and to be, in violation of The Corporations Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1970, as amended. This has become clear as a result of questioning and investigating what basis could exist in accepted democratic and constitutional principles. / law for actions which contravene The federation council, on behalf of the federation, has been acting contrary to specific provisions under the Act and contrary to the federation’s own by-laws, which is ,beyond the powers of the corporation to lawfully do. 1 urge the correction of students’ council practices and motions contrary to lawful by-law or to The Corporations Act, or for that matter contrary to any other applicable statute or legal principle that supports democratic rights or human ri hts. Change of any by-law which could be or is being ti applied in a way contrary to The Corporations Act (etc. as before) is desirable. A general review of by-laws and their overhaul to reduce the potential for abuse of power such as we have witnessed, for example very glaringly and publicly at the general meeting, would be necessary to corporate maintenance. But the problem looks to be more basic than that. Apprehended and apparent illegalities One instance: the Jast annual general meeting (AGM) of the federation, on March 2, considered. a by-law proposal providing for proxies at council meetings. The announced inter&on was to “regularize” something that was already being done, by embedding it in the by-laws. I pointed out to that meeting that this by-law would be illegal since in section 13 1 of the Corporations Act, which section deals with meetings of delegates of the members i.e. students council, subsection (3) states: “A delegate has only one vote and*.shall not vote by proxy. ” (R.S.O. 1970, c.89, s.131).1 then suggested to the AGM that we could better use our time discussing (1) why representative student government had degenerated to the point where proxies were needed to insure a quorum at council meetings, and (2) what we could do about it. Someone immediately moved adjournment of the AGM. This WAS quickly seconded and passed. The matter of councillors’ proxies had been dropped without discussion. . Despite this, council continues to allow proxies in its meetings! By what authority is this illegal practice accepted? It is time councillors questioned themselves on this. It is time we questioned the responsibility of the actions of those councillors who were present at the AGM, yet continue with this practice. (P.S: “A PROPOSAL FOR PROXIES”--“J.J.Long’s Annual Meeting Draft on Proxies, with Minor Modifications. - submitted by Shane Roberts”was “CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY” ‘as standing policy, according to council meeting minutes of March 28, 1976.) If council repeatedly would have failed to make quorum without proxies, then surely what was needed were changes which go to the root of the problem, and not convenient illegality. Ordinary students muzzled at council meetings Another instance: it has long been the practice of the federation of students council to , allow only elected council members, or members of the president’s “executive board”, the power to speak at council meetings as a matter of right. Others may be recognized as “delegations”, to make a presentation to council, but ordinary federation members wanting to take part in federation business are routinely ignored by the chairperson, unless they are sponsored by a councillor who thereby surrenders his .or her place on the speakers’ list, or unless council passes a motion to allow anyone to speak at that particular meeting. This, too, is a violation of section 131 of The Corporations Act. Subsection 5 states: “No I such by-law respecting delegates shall prohibit members from attending meetings of delegates and participating in the discussions at such meetings.” (R.S,O. 1970, ~89, s.131). Elected councillors are given a vote. By what authority do they limit the right of those federation members who are not on the president’s executive board, to participate in the discussions at council meetings? Councillors who have accepted this practice ought to consider that it is not only illegal, it is antidemocratic.
the free chevron
(NSD ‘f/op a scanda> The UW Federation’s official contribution to National Student Day is cause for scandal among UW students. Th6 scandal is not that only 75 students -to give a generous figure attended the workshops sponsored by the Federation. It was ng surprise to see so few students at the sessions. Students know next to nothing about the significance and aims of NSD. Students know so little about NSD because their Federation executive, most councillors, and the Federation’s paid employees knew next to nothing about it. This ignorance is an indictment of every official who had anything to do / with the event. Doug Thompson, who was I\lSD co-ordinator until he became occupied with Bullseye, introduced the forum on cutbacks, but had nothing to say about cutbacks at UW! Questioned further, he revealed that he doesn’t even understand the Basic Income Unit used as a standard to provide’financing from the Ontario government to provincial universities. This is the man who is paid to be an authority on cutbacks! A full eight months ago Thomps,on told students, in an election Statement, that “I am seeking a mandate from Integrated Studies to voice my concern about threatened tuition increases and to object strenuously to any cutbacks iti faculty or in student enrolment. “I shall commit myself to do everything reasonably possible to organize an effective resistance to any and all government moves to destroy the university as we know it.” All we can say is “Bullseye”! Also in February Fe’deration president Shane Roberts insisted that, of the presidential candidates, only he had “an elaborated strategy to combat the cutbacks.” Where was that “elaborated strategy” on NSD? Robe&’ close associate on the Federation executive admitted that he did not know anything about the cutbacks, much less have “‘an elaborated strategy” to fight them.: And if Roberts has that “elaborated strategy”, he’s keeping it a close secret. He didn’t even appear at the cutbacks forum to explain his grand’ \ strategy! Lacking information and a plan, the Federation went to the most unlikely possible source for aid - the UW administration. Rather than National Student Day, November 9 should have been called Administrators’ Field day. UW administrators took an active hand in at le’ast five of the eight NSD workshops, often taking over completely from the federation reps. The evening session was even worse. Federation president Shane Roberts joined fgur other administrators -including some of the UW top brass - in a discussion on ‘the future of the university. They wQund up with a social session between the administrators and several council representatives, with students paying for the bar attendants and the snacks. Ordinary students were nowhere in evidence. With another outrage against students under their belts, the Federation officials are hiding behind apologies like “NSD is not the end, its the start.” This from Michael Dillon, who with paid fieldworker Diana Clark, took over as NSD co-ordinator when Doug Thompson bulled out. . This might be palatable if NSD were something recently conceived. But the National Union of Students began agitation about NSD in May, a full six months ago. Let usadvise Dillon now: This fiasco might be hisidea of “a start”. But its our idea of an end-for all those hacks who misplanned, stifled and misorganized the whole affair. And NSD is not their first failure. This insult to students I is only the latest of a long string. Before that it was the anti-democratic closure of the chevron. . Indeed, if the executive and council had been acting with any sense of democracy and with the will of students in mind, they wouldn’t have been embroiled in a losing fight with the chevron, which Dillon himself admits hampered the Federation’s work on NSD. Meeting students’ demand for a just solution to the chevron matter wouldn’t be a redemption for the Federation, but it would be an indication that they’re willing to begin to serve the interests of the majority of tudents at UW.
“chevron” motions contravene by-laws: attempted closure and firing illegal A third instance: As well as motions or by-laws (or actions taken under them, or other actions or motions), being contrary to specific parts of the law, it appears that the federation council has been acting beyond the powers of the corpor@ion (i.e., “ultra vires”) by passing motions contrary to the corporation’s own by-laws. The solicitors who were consulted working in goverQment, and in ptivate practice - held that one cannot pass motions contraryto by-laws. ,What one would have to do is pass a by-law to amend a by-law. Council passed motions on September 30 to close the chevron and to eliminate three editorial positions. The motions ignored by-laws numbers 2, 9, 14, 17 and 18, concerning the board of publications of the federation. (Elimination of editor-in-chief was, however, subsequently . rescinded or L‘removed from the Roberts/Long underlined motion, as Council cannot eliminate October 7, 1976 students’ council minutes.) this position. ” These are the by-laws which provide for the existence of the chevron and for its autonomfq, ous functioning under “the principles and procedures described in the constitution, charter, by-laws and code of ethics of the Canadian University Press” (by-law number 9 IV A (c) ). In a written opinionToronto civil rights !awytir Brian Her, who is a former president of the federation of students, stated: “ . . .The clear intent, then, of the By-laws is to preserve the A newspaper recognized and supported‘by the Canadian University editorial independence of ‘the Chevron from interference by the publisher, the Federation of Press (CUP), the free chevron is typeset by mem-bers of dumont press Students. To alter this clear intent would require substantial amendments to the By-laws of the Federation which are in essence the constitution of the Federation. graphix and published by the staff and friends of the old chevron. ’ .The motion passed by the Students’ Council of the Federation on the 30th of September, Content is the sole responsibility of the free chevron staff. Offices are (eliminating editorial positions), does not purport to be an amendment to the by-laws and located in the campus centre, room 140; (519) 885-1660 or ext. 2331. cannot stand as such.” 66. . .I am therefore of the opinion that the resolution adopted by the Students’ Council of the I would like to take the opportunity to dispel the rumour that free chevron meetings are Federation of Students was one which neither the Students’ Council nor the Board of Directors closed. Free chevron meetings are open to ariy student who wants to come down and particiof the Federation had power or authority to make and is therefore of no effect.” pate in discussions. Just ask Herr Roberts and his aides, who came down to last Fridays staff meeting and were educated in the process of democratic decision-making. Couiicillors ought to recognize that the motions and actions in the chevron matter, in trying This weeks crew of hard-working and frenzied chevrics were: larry hannant (our newly to suspend publication and eliminate staff positions, also violate important safeguards of the elected editor-in-chief), linda and henry hess, sam (sleepyhead) wagar, lisa kwas, marina taitt, rights of the people: due process, called for under the C.U.P. principles and procedures mary vrantsidis, randy barkman, dave carter, ernst von (verbose) bezold, t alex (and ti), nina referred to in by-law number 9 IV A (c), and an editorial autonomy which is the prerogative of tymoszewicz (whew), neil (ne’erLgive=up) docherty, brian gregory, rob taylor, doug hamilton, an edita!-in-chief (same by-law, part (d) ) chosen by staff and ratified by council (by-law jamie (Cicero) thiers, Oscar nierstrasz (another whew), julesgrajower, salah bachir (who isn’t a number i4)., bad cook), mark (recall-the-lackies) wills, ken jdhnston, george masurkivitch (yet another No repeal of ineffective motions is necessary to make them legally ineffective, but such whew), marilyn leach, malcolm mckiel, dianne chapitis, jacob arsenault, phil rogers, doug repeal would declare a recognition of responsibility both to democratic principles, and for wahlsten, val (a lackey is a lackey is a lackey) moghadam, dave porter, mike hazell, jonathan liability to make amends. coles, stu iickars, beverly blaney-jabkson, Charlotte, roscoe, heather (smiley) robertson (who . - ernst von bezold also isn’t a bad cook), and me...pb
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the free chevron
Championship- team
means the players are comfortable an impressive offensive display by It was a cold windy day last 12 points had been with each other and more imporSaturday when the University of the Warriors. tant they can rely on each other to Waterloo Warriors successfully descored by the time the first fifteen get their respective jobs done. This fended their first place position by minutes of the game were over. is why we are a championship team beating the University of Toronto Dave King converted two penalty kicks into 6 points in the very early this year.” Blues by a score of 12-O in the final Full back Mitch Hammer and game of the regular season. This minutes of the game. At about the win means that the Warriors will 15 minute-mark Steve Pibert the wingers Peter Kewin and Bernie host the championship playoff team’s hard running number 8 bulLesage made many unerring game against the York Yeomen led his way across the goal line for catches on the cold windy day. The another 4 points. Dave King confront row consisted of Dave tomorrow at 2 pm at Columbia Haynes, Jamie Errington, and _ field. verted making the score 12-O. Going into Saturday’s game The rest of the game saw the Mike Hazel1 who played superlative rugby in the strum winning Warriors as the definite aggressors, against the Blues, there was some 80% of the ball. The back row of speculation about whether or not but unable to score any more Dave Dyer, John Ewuing and Steve the Warriors would make it to the points. The Blues only had two Dibert was relentless in its pursuit in the afterfinals. There was a three way tie scoring opportunities noon. Both of these came off of the ball. Dyer and Ewuing made between York, Waterloo, and To: punishing tackles all over the field, ronto for first place. The Warriors broken Warrior plays where the and Steve Dibert carried the ball . win against Toronto means they Blues centers intercepted Warriors successfully again and again, from are-still tied with York on a point passes and broke down the open field. Full back Mitch Hammer efthe strum and the loose. The secbasis but because the Warriors beat ond row powerhouse pair of Ralph York-in regular season play (10-3) fectively stopped the runs by makWilson and Jeff -Sage were the dothey are awarded the first place ing the necessary last ditch tackles. finish. The Warriors also missed a minant players in the loose and the lineputs, driving over Toronto and Saturday’s game saw Waterloo number of scoring opportunities. tying up their key jumpers. play a tough aggressive style of Loose head prop Dave Haynes rugby. Toronto seemed unable to managed to carry the ball into the Strum half Regan Trethewey mount any type of offense as end zone only to have the try called * played another outstanding game Waterloo’s pack blocked off the back because the referee ruled that making gutsy plays, delivering his the ball was not put down, under open field. The game was indicabacks clean fast ball, and making tive of th‘e style of play the Warriors control. Jamie Errington, the teams split second kicks to move the team have adopted for this entire season. hooker, also had an opportunity to from a defensive position to an ofIn seven starts the Warriors have score a try when he picked up a fensive position. Dave “the golden only allowed a meagre 35 points to bobbling ball on the Blues one yard toe and sure hands” King, as albe- scored against them. Toronto line, but to no avail. He was dragways, played a heads up no nonwas the fourth team that the Warged down by Toronto before he had sense game moving the team conriors have held scoreless this year a chance to cross the line. stantly forward; with his kicking but defence is not the Warriors’ The Toronto game was probably and passing he gave the backs dionly strong point. The team is the best all round game that has rection. Ralph Jarchow, and the powerful offensively. Scoring 140 been played this season. Coach teams leading try scorer, and outpoints in 7 games the team has exHumphreys was pleased with his side center Dave Parry, made a hibited its ability to put points on teams performance and felt that number of powerful runs taking adthe board. The League’s leading they demonstrated a type of “balvantage of the opposition’s errors. scorer is David King, the Warriors anced cohesiveness whereby each Waterloo this year will also host standoff and kicker, who added member. of the team fulfilled his the 7-aside Ontario University another 8 points to his point total Championship, which they won duties as a team member in each this weekend. While King has been and every game situation”. When last year, and the club side champa stalwart player for the Warriors asked to single out one or two -ionship. The Warriors will have all season this is by no means a players who stood out from the rest two teams entered in the 7’s and 8 one-man team. All of the backs Humphreys stated he couldn’t. other teams should be competing as have scored tries and,are potential “We have 30 outstanding athletes. well. At this time it is believed scoring threats. Similarly the War.We are strong in every position and Guelph and Queens will be in the riors pack has proved its ability to we play as a team. Each player on club side championship, In any score by coming up with tries in -the team knows and realizes that he case, tomorrow will be rugby day at ditch situations. can depend 100% on the player Waterloo. Be There ! +nike hazel1 Saturdays game started off with next to him to fulfil1 his duties. This
Fryer Cup
’ St. Jerome’s feels the Crunch
St. Jerones were somewhat unlucky to meet a fired up Crunch Bunch in the finals, and were downed 10-O in a game which saw some bruising tackling and grim determination. The Waterloo Barbarians, who improved steadily after losing their first game to the champions, came on strong in the latter part of the afternoon to beat the Addicts 10-4 in the consolation finals. Other teams included the Riff Raff, Shopsies and the Renison Rats. Overall, the Tournamentwas well or-
72, 7976
--Warriors still winning
The Warriors Rugby Club held their annual 7-a-side tournament on Sunday last which saw seven teams competing for the coveted Brian Highfield Memorial Trophy. Due to a heavy snowfall during the day not only was the ground slippery, but the ball was frequently covered with ice. However, that did not deter the ‘Crunch Bunch who downed three teams on their way to the championship. The team, consisting of Ralph Wood (Capt.), Dave “27” Frittenberg, Nick “Hooker” Rasula, Jim “Scooter” Pointing, Randy Bauer, Willy Morris, and Reginald “cold hands” Wood, continually outplayed its competitors with good ball movement and support. (Jon Isaacs and Jim Book acted as coach and supporter respectively).
ganized, and despite the cold, intense at times, good fun was had by all. A word of appreciation should be extended to Kirk Olienuk and the Rugby Club for organizing the tournament. -marilyn
Although not extensively publicized, U of W has a well organized fencing club that meets Monday and Thursday evenings in the red activities area of the PAC at 7 pm. The club is small, and as president Cam Smith commented, “keen”. Keen they must be because last Saturday the club sent a three man team to London to compete in the OUAA Western Team Foil Invitational and won the whole tournament without a defeat. Ten teams competed in the elimination event and on and on, round after round the unknown Warrior team fought its way to the finals, till there was only one team left to hold them from first place-Wayne State, one of the American powerhouse teams, presently rated second in the USA. The battle soon began-steel flashing, hand blows given and received-but try as they, might,
What is the Fryer Cup? The Fryer Cup is presented each term (Fall and Winter) to the Intramural Unit amassing the greatest number of competitive points. Here are the point standings for 10 events. First place: St. Jeromes with 146 points Second place: Renison.‘ with 112 points Third place: Math with 74 points. Fourth place: St. Pauls with 73 points. Fifth place: Conrad Grebel with 65 points.
when the dust settled Wayne State had been beaten five victories to two. So who were those masked Warriors from Waterloo? There was team captain, Tony Remy who former coach Don Fraser feels will someday be representing Canada internationally. He is an explosive fencer with great potential. There was also Jim Hamilton, a veteran of the British system who proved again why he was a county champion in England. George Masurkivitch with years of experience gave what it took to come away from the day unbeaten. The Waterloo contingent was rounded out with Rob Nichols, an international fencer, and Isabella Stefanescu a former CHCI fencer who directed and kept score. The Warriors will do battle next at the R.M.C. meet on Nov. 20,21. +eorge
masurkivitch -mike hazel1
Greg McKeigan jumps on Bob Yuhasz while Don Larman looks on, during last Friday’s game. Waterloo played host to the Toronto Estonians.
Toronto defeated On Friday evening the basketball Warriors played their first game of the season at the PAC, defeating Toronto Estonian 84-82 in overtime. The Warriors, ranked as one of the top two teams in the country (along with the University of Manitoba Bisons), trailed early in the game by fourteen points, but by half time had moved into a small lead. Coming out for the second half, the Warriors looked like a team in mid-season rather than one making their season’s debut as they stretched out their lead. The Estonians, however, relying much on the strength of Jamie Russell managed to stay with the Warriors and in the closing minutes initiated a very effective full court press. The Warriors were forced into making solme costly turnovers while the Estonians narrowed the gap and finally slipped into a nar--_ row lead. With seconds remaining, the Warriors tied the game and sent it into overtime. The first half of the game was rather sluggish as one might expect for the first game of the season, however, the accelerated calibre of play exhibited in the second half and the five minute overtime period proved, no doubt, to be a pleasant surprise to the 1500 or so fans who made it out to the game. Another pleasant surprise must have been experienced by Don
THINGS Rugby vs York * Volleyball OUAA at PAC this CHAMPIONSHIP Nov. 30, 2:30 pm HOCKEY vs Columbia Field TONIGHT
MacRae the Warrior coach. The Torontonians were undefeated in seven games this--year and were boasting the presence of former collegiate all-stars Jaan Laaniste, Bob Sharpe, Phil Schlote and Jamie Russell. ’ The effort on the part of the Warriors was definitely a team one. The forwards controlled the boards taking 51 rebounds as compared to 37 for the Estonians. Leading in this department were Seymour Hawden, Trevor Briggs and Bob Yuhasz with eight apiece while Mike Visser grabbed seven. Jamie Russell dominated the boards for Toronto with fifteen rebounds. The big scorers for Waterloo were Mike Visser with 18, Trevor Briggs with 16, Don Larman with 12 and Lou Nelson who grabbed 13 points. Again, for Toronto it was J. Russell who led the way accounting for 23 of their points. The Warriors continue their pre-season exhibition schedule this weekend when they travel to Ottawa to compete in a four team round robin tournament. Also entered in the tournament are the Carleton Ravens, Ottawa Gee Gee’s and the Manitoba Bisons. The encounter with the Bisons should prove to be the highlight of the tournament. Although it is too early in the season to be an indicator of which team might be the favorite for the National title it will be a game that both teams will want to win. -jacob
TO SEE tourney weekend WINDSOR 8:00 pm
MENS VARSITY BADMINTON TRIALS week of Nov. 15 details at PAC