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e Court throws o The chevron affair, whit h began Sept 24 when a secret meeting of the student federation executive decided to close the paper, this week reached the Supreme Court of Ontario. Supreme Court Judge Kraig decided in the chevron’s favour Wednesday when he quashed an interim injunction the federation had received Monday from Waterloo County Court.





The dispute over who should control the campus newspaper ofwill yet have more fice days in court. A cburt date for full ppssession of the office has yet to be set, but in the meantime the federation sought an interim injunction to evict the chevron staff, and the staff countered this by going after an order to stop federation harassment. (eg. have phones



University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 7, number 78 friciay, february 7 7, 7 977

-wee. Another

CUP commission

The Canadian University Press (CUP) national executive has called a second investigation commission to examine the conflict between the UW federation of students and the chevron. An earlier CUP investigation, set up January 21 at the request of the then acting federation president, Dave McLellan, fell through

only last week when the CUP national executive called it off. The latest move to launch an investigation of the chevron affair comes at the request of three Ontario Region CUP newspapers, the Arthur, from Trent University in Peterborough, the Algonquin Impact, from Algonquin College in Ottawa and the Ontarion, from the

n steps in Doug Thompson became federation president overnight Wednesday following a late-night federation board of directors meeting. The changeover occurred when acting president Dave McLellan appointed Thompson vicepresident, then resigned from the presidency. The board of directors meeting together federation brought treasurer MannyBrykman, Math rep John Long and Science rep Dave Daunt, who met at McLellan’s house. A chevron reporter chanced upon the new president redecorating his office in the federation office Thursday afternoon and managed to confirm that the

Clarification A front-page article in the Feb 9 issue of the Gazette, pertaining to the serving of an eviction notice to the free chevron staff, misquoted chevron editor Larry Hannant by quoting him out of context. The Gazette: “Overall, we have nothing but contempt for the whole legal process.‘: Hannant was speaking specifically about the efforts by the federation of students to use the courts and police to evict students from studentassigned premises. He tias making no comment whatsoever about the legal process or the legal system itself.

changeover had occurred before having the door slammed in his face. Thompson earlier told chevron editor Larry Hannant that the minutes of the Board of Directors’ meeting would be “prepared in due course”, but until then he had nothing to say about his accesion to the presidency or any of the actions taken by the board meeting, which went into the early hours of Thursday morning. Dave Scott, chairman of the Grad Club Board of Directors, who sought out Thompson to ask about the possibility of quick federation action on the Grad Club’s November 17 request for the federation to change its bylaws to eliminate graduate student rep: resentation from federation council, was told that bylaw changes were being worked on, but that the late-night board of directors’ meeting had not officially changed the bylaws to meet the Grad Club’s request. Thompson’s first day in office was a particularly inauspicious one for the federation of students, with a scheduled pleeting against the $50 per term tuition fee increase coming to naught. An article in the K-W Record Tuesday announced the meeting for 2pm Thursday, with McLellan, Thompson and administration personnel the scheduled speakers, but the meeting did not occur. Asked about the fiasco, Thompson said “It’s not my fault. I can’t be held responsible for it.‘, -larry



University of Guelph. Letters requesting the investigation were received by the CUP national office on February 3 and 4. The call for a new investigation came just as the CUP national office was preparing a report explaining why the first investigation commission did not get off the ground. In a February 4, 1977 CUP house organ entitled “The Commission That Wasn’t” the CUP national executive explains that it was impossible to hold the investigation “within the tinie restraints of the constitution” because the chevron staff had drawn up a list of questions which it wanted the CUP national executive to answer before proceeding with the investigation. From the date it wa! called, January 2 1, the commission had to be struck and functioning within one wegk in order to follow the CUP constitution. CUP president Tom Benjamin, Algonquin Impact editor Randy Sweetman and former Varsity editor Tom Walkom arrived in Waterloo unannounced January 3 1 to begin the investigation. But the chevron staff insisted that it would not take any action on the investigation until it received a written response from the CUP national executive to its questions, which ask why the executive has called the investigation, and whether the executive still supports the chevron’s demand for reinstatement and investigation. The letter from the Arthur- expresses “grave concerns” about the chevron staffs “accountability to the students of Waterloo” and says there is “considerable controversy about the amount of support of Waterloo students” for the chevron. The Ontarion letter asks for an “since the issue of investigation the legitimacy of the free chevron has been an open question for so long . . .” None of the three newspapers contacted the chevron before decontinued

on page 3

restored) Counsels for the parties argued before Judge Mossop in his chambers last Friday. The judge deliberated over the weekend and on Monday granted the federation its injunction, but dismissed the chevr&n staffs request. And so began a turbulent week which ended in a free chevron victory. Armed with the injunction, acting federation president Dave McLellan, and student council speaker Bob White began serving the 46 staff members listed in the court order. The orders were torn-up before them and thrown back in their faces by several staff members. Undaunted., however, the student politicians made several sorties into the chevron office to serve staff members. The councillors were often accompanied by photographers who took pictures of those still remaining in the offices. It was understood that the pictures were to be used in contempt of court charges which the federation was preparing against those who refused to leave after the3 had been served with injunction. President-elect Doug Thompson, and two of his close supporters, Sam Wagar and Chris Wheatly , were keen on snapping pictures of the dissident staff. On Monday McLellan told chevron staffer Tom Cody that the federation was proceeding with contempt charges against those who refused to vacate the offices after being served with the injunction. He also warned Cody that he was prepared to bring in the police to implement the court order. Outraged that the student federation would consider bringing police onto campus to get students out of offices which they believe they have every right to be in, the chevron staff issued a leaflet Wednesday. The statement: “‘A Call to Defend the free chevron” pointed out that the federation had no mandate for such action. It also gave arguments against those used by the federation to’get an injunction, and gave a clear position that the staff, who have occupied their office for over four months were not about to pick up and leave: “No Federation policy short of due process for the chevron staff can resolve this dispute. We intend to persist in our fight against the reactionary Fed hacks, with or without a court order hanging over our heads. For over four months the Feds have attempted to intimidate and divide staff by using petty harassment, threats of violence and numerous physical confrontations, but we have stood our ground. We .will resist any and all attacks on the free chevron.” The statement called on supporters to distribute more of the pamphlets; mobiliie for resolutions in opposition to the use of police in the affairs; write letters of support to the media; and to raise the issue, along with the chevron staffs position, with the current student administration and the candidates running for election. Many of the arguments raised in the leaflet to refute the federation’s legal case were heldup on Wednesday when the chevrbn staff successfully appealed the injunction granted to the federation. An interim injunction can only be awarded in special circumstances and Judge -Kraig concluded that the federation case did not warrant such a measure.

eviction The judge, who occasionally smirked during the proceedings, but more often scratched his head, was disturbed that a campus dispute was before his court. He said it should be settled within the university . Having heard submissions from both sides, the judged listed the following reasons for his decision. -He observed that the issue underlying the dispute was not really the control of the office space, but the control of the paper. _The federation did not specify in its Statement of Claim for the injunction exactly what type of injunction was being sought -The material offered to support the claim, the judge deemed to be insufficient, e.g. the bylaws of the federation were not filed as evidence, thus making it impossible for the judge to decide if the students council executive board etc. had the authority for some of the actions they have taken. -Of the two editorial positions which were eliminated on Sept 30 by students council, the judge said

Conversations overheard in the federation office and at security lead us to believe that this Regional police car parked outside the security building Monday, an injunction granted to the student federation and 46 chkvrics had something in cormnon). photo by randy barkman

because they (the production manager and news editor) were elected to those positions, with the responsibility to put out the paper until the end of their term (April 30 1977), and because it is not clear what authority students’ council has, that the two people have the licence to occupy the offices. -On the evidence before him the judge said -he could certainly not rule the chevron staff to be trespassing. -And because the federation published its own paper it is hard to accept that the federation has suffered “irreparable damage”, which a necessary precondition to an interim injunction. -Also it was pointed out that an injunction can be awarded only to perserve the status quo, which was what the federation argued. However, in this case the status quo would be the paper publishing as it was Sept 24, before it was closed, and not just a status where the federation has the #office space to do with as it pleased. -The delay from the start of the affair until the motion for an injunction was 2 months or more, and this greatly weakened the case that there was a grave urgency in need of prompt action, which is the normal case in injunction requests. -The most compelling argument for the Judge seemed to be that the whole case was too complicated to deal with in a summary fashion, such as in the judge’s chambers. Instead it requires a full trial. Following the decision, the federation’s lawyer Gary Flaxbard said all proceedings for contempt charges would be dropped, and he felt their would be serious negotiations between the two parties within the next few days. McLellan would answer no questions, while Thompson said: “The results are very interesting and shed a whole new light on the matter.” -neil




the free chevron

TWOC .I . Friday


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Fed Flicks: “Prisoner of Second Avenue”, Jack Lemmon, AL116, 8 pm, Feds $l., others $1.50. CC Pub: Kent County Pickers, 9 pi adm. $1. after 7 pm. Film: “Problems of Power”, ELI 501, I:30 pm. Forum: Militarism in Latin America, EL1 12, 7:30 pm. Dr. Jose Nun. Contract Bridge: entry fee $.50. Sponsored by CampusCentre Board. SCH Pub: Kornstalk after 8 pm. Students $1.50, others $2.



tree Movie: “You’ll Like My Mother”, Patty Duke, Richard Thomas. CC, IO:15 pm, sponsored by Campus Centre Board. Coffee House: 8:30 pm. CCllO, sponsored by Gay Liberation. CC Pub: see Monday Math Pub: cash bar 8-lam. MC5136; Mathies $.75, others $1.

Fed Flicks: “Prisoner of Second Avenue”, AL 116,8 pm, Feds $I., others $1.50. CC Pub: see Friday. Pena Folklorica: This party will bring an opportunity for would-be entertainers to perform. Short film also. 7:30 pm. Math faculty lounge, 5th floor M & C.

Sunday Fed Flicks: “Prisoner of Second Avenue”, AL 116, 8 pm. Adm. Feds $1, others $1.50. lnternaiional Folk Dancing: 7:30 pm, 310 Charles St. Info: Mary Bish, 744-4983. CC Coffeehouse: Ed Koenig & Glen Soulis, 8 pm. Adm. $1.


‘Speaker: Joe Collins’on ‘Food First’ at Eastwood Collegiate. 8 pm. CC Pub: see Monday Speaker: Dr. Ross Hume Hall on ‘Fabricated Nourishment” Adult Recreation Centre, Waterloo, 8 pm. Ukrainian Club Meeting: CC 113 7pm. Guest speaker, everyone welcome.


Thursday Speaker &film: “The Social Responsibility of Food Corporations”, AL1 13, 7:30 pm. CC Pub: see Monday

Classified Personal

CC Pub: opens I2 noon, Saltspring Rainbow, g-lam, $1. after 7pm. AIA weekly forum on An Injury At Work Is No Accident. 7:30 pm, AL21 1.

Pregnant & Distressed? The Birth Control Centre is an information and referral centre for birth control, VD, unplanned pregnancy, and sexuality.

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7 7, 1977

For all the alternatives phone 885-1211 ext. 3446 (rm. 206 campus centre) or for emergency numbers 884-8770. Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre rm. 217-C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10 pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-l 211 ext. 2372. Male volunteers for a low dose alcohol experiment. Volunteers will be paid $4.00 per session for participating in 7-8 sessions of 1.5 hours duration. For additional information, call Lynn Lightfoot at ext. 2666. WHAT ARE YOU DOING EASTER WEEK? (April 4-l 1) A warm welcome and unique week await you in CUBP - colonial cities, industrial developments, new schools, factories plantations, the sun, a beach, enter tainment -what more could you ask for??? $379 all inclusive. To join the AOSC Group, contact Canadian Uni. versities’ Travel Service, 44 St George St., Toronto, Ont. M5S 2E4 Tel (416) 979-2604.



Looking for student taking ‘77-‘78 school year off to assume duties as chauffeur and aide to local couple. Position is full-time and live-in, Aug. I, ‘77 - Sept. 1, ‘78. To arrange inter view, phone Mrs. Connell at 579-1337 between 3 and 5 pm.

For Sale Will do light moving with a small truck. Call Jeff, 884-6430. Reasonable rates. Fisher metal downhill skis and poles 205 cm. $60., good condition. Call Mark, 743-l 378.



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Single uhfurnished robms suitable for working girls or female students, Close to downtown Kitchener. Deco. rate yourself. $125 monthly. 884-6430 Three bedroom townhouse in Foresi &leig hts. Available immediately. Cal 884-6430. No lease. Available May 1, 3-bedroom con dominium apt., $270/mo. unfurnished, $330/mo. -furnished 71 Vanier Dr., Phone Phil 745-216s or Bud 576-l 940.

Waterloo Towers 137 University Ave. Waterloo, Ont. Attractive one bedroom apartment Available immediately All utilities included





7 7, 1977



-fe The Board of Directors of the Graduate Club Tuesday decided to call a general’ meeting for March 3 to give the graduates a chance to discuss the relationship between the Graduate Club and the Federation of Students. At the present time graduates have two representatives on Federation Council, but they do not pay incidental fees. In 1970 a re-

ferendum was passed for withdrawal from the federation. The Board of Directors passed a motion on November 17, 1976, calling upon the federation to amend their bylaws to remove graduate representation from Council, and requesting that each body appoint officiers to act as liaison between the two organizations. At its January 19 meeting, of the

All acclaimed



the free chevron

rd chosen

A new Grad Club Board of Directors has been chosen without the election scheduled for Monday. The new board was acclaimed when 24 candidates submitted nomination forms Friday February 4. One candidate later withdrew, leaving only 23 candidates. There are 23 seats on the board. The candidates are heavily concentrated in Arts, with 12 of the 23 directors, although only 5 seats are reserved for Arts. A bylaw passed at the January 27 Grad Club Annual General Meeting allows the board to be filled with up to 23 members from any one faculty if there are 23 or fewer,directors nominated. If there had been one more nomination submitted, there would have been an election in the Arts faculty, but in none of the other faculties. The new board takes office at the Wednesday, February 16 regu-

lar monthly meeting of the Grad Club. The new directors are: Suzanne M. Greaves, geography, Samuel Flores, computer science, George Bollis, applied math, Prem Singla, chemical engineering, Dia El Gabbani, chemical engineering, M.H. El-Dlwany , electrical engineering, Paul Dixon, management sciences, Ray Blackport, earth science’ Audrius Stonkus, history, Andrew Boyd, history, David Carter, hisNorman Fry, history, tory, Maryanne Bowden, psychology, Ed Lackner, Germanic and Slavic studies, Jerry Krauel, Germanic and Slavic studies, Margaret Young, Germanic and Slavic studies, John Varden, English, Rodney Hallsworth, physics, Robert Pajkowski, physics, George Murphy, geography, John Omura, electrical engineering, Nick Redding, computer science, and Tom Cargill, computer science.

n board it was recognized that the discussion of the relationship should be carried to the graduates considering that the referendum which called for separation from the federation was now seven years old. However, the annual General Meeting of the Graduate Club, January 27, was unable to proceed with any motions on the issue. The graduate students had not been given prior notification of the agenda item, thus making proxy voting invalid. The Board hopes that the March 3 General Meeting will be able to resolve this issue through discussion amoung the grads. Another motion was passed by the Board calling for the appointment of ‘a liaison officier to open negotiations with the Federation Council on the question of the form of relationship between the two bodies. ’ The designation of this officier will be left until the new Board takes office on February 16. It was suggested that negotiations should

People reading last Friday’s Real Chevron and free chevron front page stories on the board of governors meeting Feb. 1 will notice an obvious difference in reports on the foreign student fee incrgase.

ival under way

Let’s hope that the amazing weather we have been getting does not keep people from coming to Elora this weekend. The Village is anticipating a wonderful time sharing its heritage with visitors. The Third Annual Heritage Festival will have plenty of exciting activities for people of all ages. Some of the outdoor activities will be skating, cross-country skiing competitive (including some races), snow sculpturing, log sawing, hay wagon rides, an antique steam engine display, and a ‘raku’ firing. The evening will bring a torchlight parade which everyone is strongly encouraged to join. This para,de will start at the arena, pro-

teed through the Village, and finish at the Elora Optimists’ Outdoor Skating Rink. After the parade, an oldfashioned ice carnival will begin at the rink. It will feature a ‘fun’ broomball game between the Village of Elora and students from uw. The judging of the Heritage Festival Queen, King, Princess, and Prince will also take place at the carnival. Judging will be based on the merits of the best Heritage costume and everyone is encouraged to don historical attire. Prizes will be awarded to the winners.. For those who prefer the indoors on a winter’s day, there will be arts and crafts displays, an art


show, movies, puppet shows and a quilting bee. In the evening you can dance your feet off at the square dance. There are at least thirty-four planned activities, so you definitely won’t be bored. The organizers have not forgotten that cold weather and much action make for big appetites. A variety of food and refreshment booths will provide hearty fare for all. Programmes listing all events will be provided at the Festival. So give yourself a break! Come to the Third Annual Heritage Festival in scenic Elora this Saturday, Feb. 12. -rob


tro not begin until after the new Federation Executive takes office on March 1. David Carter, an acclaimed member for both the council and the graduate board for the 1977-78 term, proposed that the Board’s original recommendation to the Federation Executive, for the removal of grad reps from Council, should be held in abeyance until after the graduates had discussed the issue and come to some conclusion on it. He was met with some resistance from the Board. Melanie Campbell felt the Board should not set any president for reversing decisions it had made. Although there was no motion put forward to this effect, there seemed to be a general concensus of agreement. There was a good deal of discussion on the existing relationship between the graduates and the undergraduates, with most members of the Board voicing concern that it has not adequate. Melanie Campbell stateh that the, ‘Federation is still not treating us as equals.’ David Carter and Mike DeVil-

laer, another acclaimed membe&?the Student’s Council, both expressed the opinion that the present relationship, while being ackward, offered the graduates an opportunity to be involved in a mutual forum and the decision making process on issues which concern both undergraduates and graduates. They both committed themselves to working with the Graduate Club in an attempt to make the existing system work to the best advantage. Doug Thompson, presidentelect of the federation election appeared at the meeting about an hour after it was convened. When asked what he thought the relatidnship between the two organizations should be, he stated that ‘areas of mutual concern should be conducted by the executive of each body.’ Later in the evening Thompson stated that the matter regarding the grad seats on Council may be taken up by the federation as early as the next day. He did ntit specify.

The “Real” chevron claims that foreign students will not have to pay the increased fees “if the recommendation of UW president Burt Matthews becomes the final decision of the board of governors.” This has, of course, led people to believe that the decision made by the board in October was not final and that Matthews had called for the fee increases not to be implemented. The free chevron story, on the other hand, claims: “Matthews said he thought the UW board made the right decisions in October to implement the proposed increased of close to 300 per cent.”

In order to clear up any confusion the free chevron asked Matthews to clarify exactly what it was he said. In a telephone interview Tuesday Matthews told the free chevron that at the board of governors meeting he had “reaffirmed” his “agreement with the decision made by the board in October” to implement the foreign student fee increase, but they will not pay the $50 per term increase set for Canadian students. Matthews said that he had read the article by “Chicken Man” of the Real Chevron and said that “it was obviously wrong’ ’ .

Last week the free chevron reported that three Pentax cameras and a wide angle lens, valued between $800 and $1000, were missing from the federation offices. The cameras had been assigned to the chevron but were removed, along with other chevron equipment, by the federation executive members on Nov. 15. The reason given was the supposed need to safeguard the equipment. One of the cameras was signed out in name only and had been missing since November. The others were

not even signed out and had appeared to be untraceable. However, since the publication of the article, all three cameras have suddenly been returned to the federation offices. Leona Kyrytow, Board of Publications chairperson, who was responsible for the cameras, was unavailable for comment on their swift return. No cameras have ever been stolen or gone months unaccounted for from the chevron offices in recent memory.


The CUP executive wanted an investigation commission because “after a four-month dispute we thought that anything was better than nothing.” The chevron’s demand for reinstatement and investigation by UW students “has not gotten the paper reinstatement and investigation,” said Keeton. “I recognize the logic of it, but it isn’t getting you anywhere.” Benjamin also said that he disagrees with the chevron’s demand for reinstatement and investigation. “I think you’re seriously jeopardizing your support” by insisting on reinstatement and investigation. The chevron staff has not issued a statement on the second investigation commission, but will consider the question at its’ regular staff meeting today.




manding the CUP investigation. Benjamin told the chevron Wednesday that the CUP executive is required to consider implementing an investigation commission upon the demand of three newspapers in the Ontario region. The three letters are the only ones received by the CUP executive concerning the first investigation commission. CUP vice-president Dan Keeton told the chevron Wednesday that the first investigation commission had been called without any formal requests from CUP member papers and without the CUP executive having taken an objective assessment of the situation at UW. He explained that “a number of people” indicated that an investigation commission would be in order, including “some old CUP people and people we know in the student movement. ”


’ _


- mark wills







the free chevron

friday, Growth of Canada outlines the aims, history and operations of this organization. 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 6:15 pm Perspectives - In retrospect, a look at the 31st session of the UN General Assembly. 8:00 pm Hockey - Live from the Waterloo Arena, Waterloo vs. Guelph. II:45 pm Radio Waterloo News

The Wnisex Waifityling



at Westmount Place



Noon - The Role of Planning Education - Kent Gerecke, a former member of the University of Waterloo’s Planning School and now head of the University of Manitoba’s Planning School and a board member of City Magazine, discusses planning education. 2:45 pm Down To Earth Festival Janice Palmer of Zero Population

Waterloo, Ont. 744-0821



Noon - The Role of Planning Education - Ira Robinson, from the Environmental Studies Programme at the University of Calgary, talks about the importance of planning on a global scale. Professor Robinson has worked on planning projects in Chicago, was a member of an urban renewal study group in the Capital Region, and has acted as an advisor to the California Assembly on Science and Technology. 8:00 pm Basketball - Live from the PAC,‘Waterloo vs Guelph.

Sweaters etc.

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No. 3

Concert Week


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Noon - Niagara Forum To End The Arms Race - Fred Knelman, environmentalist from Concordia University and twice winner of the White Owl Award. 2:45 pm Down To Earth Festival - In this, the first part of a two part programme, the concepts behind the unique educational system at Twin Val-

(bluegrass) All Next Week


II:30 am Seven Arrows - This programme will feature medicine stories of the Crow, Sioux and Cheyenne people. Noon - Niagara Forum To End The Arms Race - George lgnatieff, former Canadian ambassador to the United Nations and now provost of Trinity College. 2:30 pm Sports - Roundup of National Sports. 2:45 pm Down To Earth Festival Bakavi is a set of guidelines for development an ecologically sound way of life as well as promoting life base pursuits. In this programme, Michael Nickerson discusses and elaborates upon these principles. Bakavi grew out of the Institute for the Study of Cultrual Evolution in Ottawa. 5:00 pm From the Centre - Gordon Cressy, Chairman of the Toronto Board of Education; B.B. Kymlicka, director of Research and Secretary to the Commission on Post-Secondary Education and Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, University of Western Ontario; and Ian Morrison, Executive Director of the Canadian Association for Adult Education discuss Adult Education and the Education Dollar. 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 7:00 pm New Developments in Science 9:00 pm Musikanada - Interviews with, and music from some of Canada’s finest recording artists form the basis for this programme. This week we feature Leona Boyd. II:45 pm Radio Waterloo News

No. 2



Noon - My Country/Man Pays - This programme focuses mainly on Canadian culture and intersperses comments and interviews with Canadian music; both French and English Canadian literature, music, and viewpoints in national and international politics are reviewed. 6:00 pm Live from the Slaughterhouse - Music and interview programme recorded at the Slaughterhouse, a coffee house in Aberfoyle, Ontario. This week George Taros is featured. 7:30 pm Greek Student Programme 9:30 pm Live from the CC Coffeehouse - Pending permission we will be broadcasting live from the coffeehouse, where Ed Koenig and Glen Soulis will be performing.


Hotel w



7 1, 7977

leys School are examined. Twin Valleys School was set up for students who do not fit into other schools, in response to the belief that the present educational system is inadequate and that schools do not teach people how to live, but at best teach people how to make a living. 4:30 pm Poetry Readings 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 6:15 pm Heritage - This programme focuses on issues of concern to native people 9:00 pm Visions - The second part of a programme featuring the music of, and an interview with, Van Der Graaf Generator. II:45 pm Radio Waterloo News




Noon - Niagara forum To End the Arms Race - Ernie Regehr, author of Making A Killing -The Canadian Arms Industry. 2:45 pm Down To Earth Festival -The second part of a programme on Twin Valleys School. In this programme the methods of teaching at Twin Valleys is disucssed. Follow-up studies of Twin Vallyes graduates have indicated a 75% success rate. 3:00 pm Perspectives - A look at South Africa’s apartheid policy, with specific reference to the creation of “Bantustans”, the so-called historical homelands of South Africa’s black population. 5:30 pm Informal discussion - with Hans Selye, this year’s Hagey lecturer on Stress Without Distress 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 6:15 pm Research ‘77 - A discussion with Professor Bert Fraser Reid about the spruce beetle. 9:00 pm Canada Food Week Feature II:45 pm Radio Waterloo News




Noon - Niagara Forum To End The Arms Race - Panel discussion with George Ignatieff, Ernest Regehr, Fred Knelman and Julien Major (Vice-President of the CLC) 2:45 pm Down To Earth Festival - In this programme Rip King discusses Bio-Dynamic farming with some discussion of the French Inte’nsive method. Bio-Dynamic farming involves the use of natural methods, including such things as companion planting, the cycling of crops, composting and natural methods to improve the soil. 5:30 pm Sports Report - Campus Sports Round-up 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 7:00 pm Federation Council Election Results 9:00 pm People’s Music - John Carnegie II:45 pm Radio Waterloo News


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the free chevron

7 7, 7977



Hawkins “If you were to make it an open debate, she’d be roasted,” ‘ventured one of the 200 people gathered in Toronto’s St. Lawrence Centre to hear Dr. Freda Hawkins speak on the new Immigration Bill now in federal parliament. iiHawkins, a specialist on immigration and international migration, who was widely criticized during the Green Paper debate in 1975 was a special guest at a panel discussion on the new immigration bill. The panel consisted of .Bromley Armstrong, Member of the Human Rights Commission and Editor of the Islander (A West Indian newspaper), Gordon Cressy, Instructor, Sociology of Education at OISE and Laurence Kearley, Lawyer for Parkdale Community Legal Services specializing in Immigration. Dr. Jerald Bain acted as the moderator. Outside, 15 picketers marched in front of the St. Lawrence Centre

Socialists The NDP Campus Association has suffered a setback in its bid to become a recognized club at UW. The Board of Entertainment, the body in charge of admitting new groups, declined to accept the constitution presented to it by the NDP students. Doug Kernohan, board member and Arts Lion editor, looked at the NDP group’s proposed constitution and declared it undemocratic. The application was then voted down 5-l-l. The rejection was ruled invalid because a procedural error had occurred, but debate continued. The NDP students present asked to be told what was undemocratic about their constitution. Reservations were expressed about the group’s affiliation with the local (off-campus) NDP riding association. Board chairperson Doug Antoine said he could not approve anything until he knew who would be responsible for the group’s actions.

defends new bill in protest of the present immigration laws, the new bill, and the recent racist attacks in Toronto. Armed with placards bearing militant slogans such as “Stop racist deportation”, they chanted “Working people have no nation, stop the racist deportation.” Alongside, numerous people issued propaganda against the new bill. Hawkins spoke for thirty minutes on the history of Canadian Immigration policy and highlighted the major trends in policy as she interpreted them. The last twelve minutes of her discussion were dedicated to the new bill, which will receive second reading at the end of this month. Hawkins favoured the new bill which in the main, is based on the recommendations of the Special Parliamentary Committee. The committee was established in 1975 to conduct public hearings on the Green Paper on Immigration. “It’s a very good bill indeed, an


The NDP students then asked what actions the board was concerned about. Property damage and others were cited. When asked what the others were, it was repeated that property damage was the main concern. Eventually, it was agreed by a vote of 5-O-2 to table the matter pending revisions of the constitution by the association. Despite the lack of official recognition, the NDP Campus Association met as scheduled on Tuesday. Several amendments to the constitution were suggested which the members hoped would satisfy both the board and the Waterloo North Riding Association. Executive officers were also chosen at the meeting. The following positions were filled: President Mike Helfinger Vice-President Mini Pathria Neil Jensen Treasurer Secretary Dan Mallet t Members at Large - Lorne Gershuny and Jeff Wood. -lorne


For Zimbabwe





A UW student and her husband, both from Zimbabwe, have launched a practical support campaign to aid the national liberation struggle being waged in their homeland. Already, two large shipments of clothing and bandages have been sent to Zimbabwe. The couple (names witheld by request) told the free chevron they are assembling further shipments, each of which costs a little over a hundred dollars to send. The relief programme began early last fall when the couple received a letter from a friend working in a hospital in the eastern part of Zimbabwe. This letter outlines the condition of the thousands of Zimbabweans who have been interned in the “recamps set up in the racist Ian Smith stricted areas”, concentration regime. The letter explains how whole families are imprisoned in these camps without trial, on suspicion of having aided the national liberation struggle. When young men or women join the freedom fighters, their families are, often arrested and interned as punishment. These prisoners subsist on produce from small garden plots of land. The children are released to attend school but are poorly and inadequately clothed. The letter goes on to say that donations of clothing for these victims of the racist state of Rhodesia are badly needed. Grand River Cable TV in Stratford as well as here in Kitchener, are accepting donations of clothing; anyone wishing to do so may leave items at GRC-TV at 48 Preston St. in Kitchener. Money is badly needed to pay shipping costs. Cheques made out to the Zimbabwe Relief Fund may be sent to Box 141, Main Post Office, Kite hener. A further part of the support campaign is a dance, to be held Saturday, March 19th in the Upper Lobby of the Stratford Arena. Tickets may be ordered at $3.50 each through the above mentioned box number. They are also available in the free chevron office. Proceeds from the dance willgo to the Zimbabwe Relief Fund. -nina


excellent report, sensible (and ) liberal.” The new bill does not change immigration policy, rather most of the changes are in immigration management and regulations. The minister is now required to designate certain communities as areas of “economic and population growth”. Immigrants are to be sent via contracts for six months to these newly established growth areas to take the pressure off of the major urban centres. Hawkins explained that this was a mechanism in which those immigrants who were-not able to attain enough points in the point system, would be able to gain additional points if they were to go to one of the communities. Later, someone asked Hawkins where in the Bill it stated that points would be granted for those immigrants agreeing to this contract. Hawkins denied that it was written in the new Bill but stated nonetheless, that she was confident more points would be awarded to those immigrants who agree to the contract. The audience laughed at Hawkins, who then retorted, “I’m surprised at the laughter, which displays ignorance of the bill”. The new bill makes several acute changes in the methods of deportation. Immigrants will be confirmed a right for council and told why certain decisions are made against them. However, only 24 hours is given in which an appeal may be filed. A refugee is given 5 days. The Canadian government is given the right to fingerprint all incoming immigrants by the new bill. Hawkins said that the Canadian government had wanted this for a long time. It gives them a means to see if the immigrant is in some way connected to an international organization. Kearly, the second speaker, disagreed with how Hawkins had described the new bill. He said that he had found forty passages in the act which were either badly worded, undefined, unclear or aimed directly against the immigrant. Sections of the bill were even contradictory. He couldn’t cover all of the points in the brief ten minutes he was given. Armstrong stated that the new bill was against blacks and Asiatics just as much as the old Immigration Act of 1952. Questions from the floor were directed mainly at Hawkins. One person asked why people like General Quang, a Vietnamese General who headed a drug ring in Vietnam are allowed to stay in the country on a ministerial order, and yet people like Leonard Pelletier, an Indian charged with murder in the United States, fled to Canada, are extradicted as soon as possible. Hawkins replied, “In the case of Quang, this is a mystery, no place can be found for him to go.” After many deliberations with the audience, Hawkins stated that she was tired of “arrogant immigrants who assume they are totally virtuous and the government officials are all bad”. In the lounge, two women who had attended the debate, were discussing how immigrants had implied that Canadians were racists. They expressed that they were tired of being the bad guys. When it was pointed out that the immigrants were calling the legislation racist and not the Canadian people, they both agreed that it was necessary for all Canadians to investigate Canadian immigration policy and legislation. -heather


Upset with the continual disregard the federation shows for its own by-laws (witness McLellan clinging to power in spite of a by-law which xalled for a presidential by-election) our artist in Timmins mailed us this graphic.

AIA forum

Jobs scarce If you are concerned about unemployment, don’t look for a solution under capitalism, it is the cause. This was the main point of Monday night’s AIA forum on political economy, the second in a series. The gravity of the present situation was reaffirmed by some statistics. In Canada today, 8.8 percent of the labour force are unemployed, 13.3 percent in the 15 to 24-year-old group. The raw figure is approximately 889,000, which is higher than during the height of the 1930’s depression, although a smaller percentage of the population. The main concern of the bourgeoisie (which can be seen any day in the commercial press) is that the cost of unemployment insurance now represents almost ten percent of the federal budget. But the workers are upset about unemployment and want to know why. Among the “theories” advanced are cold weather, (Bette Stevenson, Ontario’s Labour Minister), and land shortages, which keep new industry out of an area. Unemployment is unique to capitalism. The Marxist analysis given by AIA says that it is the direct result of the inherent contradiction in capitalism between productive forces and relations of production. There is growth in the productive forces (labour, machinery, factories) due to the socialisation of production. That is, production by large, cooperative groups of workers with specialised machinery and division of labour. The fruits of production, however, are appropriated privately. The means of production are owned privately, there i’s competition, and hence there is anarthy of production. Planning is possible only within a single factory or corporation, not throughout the entire economy. This results in the business cycle, periodic fluctuations in production. The mechanism of this is that high de-

mand for a given commodity attracts investment, which increases production and employment. The large number of investors causes over-production. Prices, and thus profits, fall. This unprofitable production is ended, and workers are laid off. When supplies run down the cycle begins again. This process both causes and requires a large reserve labour force, the unemployed. Under socialism, it was explained, planning occurs throughout the economy. When the workers have produced enough of one commodity, they switch to producing some other needed commodity. The purpose of production is to serve the people, not to make profits . Technology, by improving productivity, becomes, under capitalism, the enemy of the worker. The capitalist must use the latest technology in order to compete. Greater, automation reduces the amount of labour time required, thus reducing the price of the final good. However, since profit derives from labour (known as variable capital), profits decline. Smaller, less efficient companies, with less capital to spend on new machinery, eventually find it more profitable to sell out to a larger company. Thus, capitalism tends to monopoly capitalism. A distinct feature of capitalism is that labour is a commodity. It is purchased from the workers by the capitalist. Wages represent the value of labour-power-. This is the labour time socially necessary for the labourers to reproduce their labour power, that is, to raise and educate children who will, in turn, become labourers. The proletariat, organised and disciplined by production, according to Marx, will eventually overthrow the capitalists. Next week: An injury at work is no accident. AL2 11 .- -jonathan



6 the freechevron

Cult&e, The new and controversial super thriller from the man who gave you “The Dirty Dozen“ a?d “The Longest Yard”



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These activities will begin at 10 in the morning and continue throughout the day. Food and refreshment booths will be provided for your Convenience. This is a festival that can be enjoyed by the whole family. DON’T FORGET YOUR SKATES AND SKIS! P.S. ALMOST ALL ACTIVITIES ARE FREE -.- _ -_b t














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7 I, 7977


He explained that in the 16th century the Spanish conquerors began the process of destroying the Amero-Indian religious structure and introducing, by physical and psychological coercion, European culture and Catholicism. This imposition did not go unchallenged, and the evolution of popular religion in Latin America attests to this. The refusal of the -masses to accept European culture is a significant element in understanding Latin American underde-




Latin American The history of Latin American culture has been marked by conflict rather than co-operation between the European and indigenous peoples. The solution to Latin American underdevelopment l/es in dismantling the oppressive social order that perpetuates this polarization. Juan Maiguaskca, a York University professor, was here on Wednesday afternoon to speak on the history of Latin American culture.


8 am-5 pm

velopment , he asserted, adding that the social order that has polarized Latin American societies and is responsible for this refusal must be dismantled. Maiguaskca was one of several speakers giving a series of lectures about the South American continent on the occasion of UW’s first Latin American Week. Latin America Week got off the ground Tuesday night with an inaugural talk by academic vicepresident Tom Brzustowski and sociology professor Luis CostaPinto. Brzustowski spoke of the number of research and exchange programs in which UW is involved in Latin America. The Department of Computer Science has had contact with Brazil since 1966, as well as ties with universities in Chile and Mexico. Earth Sciences, through the International Atomic Energy Agency, conducts projects in water resources in Brazil and Chile. The Chemistry Department operates a nuclear research laboratory in Brazil, and the Faculty of Engineering has “considerable involvement” in Venezuela, Brazil and Cuba. Costa-Pinto cited the “enormous gap” in communication, information and cross-fertilization between Canada and Latin America, but praised UW for its efforts to “improve the level of intelligence and communication’ ’. On Thursday Costa-Pinto presented a class analysis of Latin America. A report on that, as well as on other lectures, will be included in next week’s chevron. Latin America Week ends Saturday evening with a “pena folkorica” in the math faculty lounge. -val


Presidential candidate Joe MacDonald is upset about the election. Because there are no set rules on the duties and responsibilities of the chief returning officer, election procedures change from year to year, depending upon the Chief Returning Officer (CRO). MacDonald is concerned that recent CRO’s have not been serious about doing a thorough job and here MacDonald is speaking from experinece. Because the results of the recent presidential election were so close, MacDonald (who lost to Doug Thompson by 35 votes) asked CR0 Gary Prudence for a recount. A date was set for the recount, but when MacDonald arrived for it he was informed that the recount had already taken place and that the final result was unchanged. Moreover, Prudence did not submit a report and acting federation president Dave McLellan, when querried about the recount, said he knew nothing about it. Along with Thompson, MacDonald also asked Prudence to count all mail-in ballots received after the election that were postmarked January 31 or earlier, citing severe weather conditions that may have affected mail delivery. Prudence, however, demurred. MacDonald replied that he and Thompson had not expected the result to change, but were concerned about the number of voters who would be disenfranchised through no fault of their own. He also saw this as another case where the rules should be made clear. 4ennis




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the free chevron









And the race is on . . . Val Moghadam

1 Arts Brian Byrnes

Doug Hamilton

We would like to see the federation become active, energetic, and responsive to students’ needs and interests. The federation needs to be opened up to involvement and participation by more students. Students’ council should become a more dynamic and representative force on campus, and councillors must be more accessible to their consituuents. This campus needs: Organization to fight cutbacks, fee hikes and rent increases. A just and logical solution to the chevron controversy. A federation that defends the basic interests of students. VOTE DOUG HAMILTON AND VAL MOGHADAM FEB. 17, ARTS REPS.

Bruce Leavens

Brian Byrnes While I was collecting nomination signatures last week I was often asked whether I supported the chevron or federation positions. I repeatedly explained that I understood the positions of individuals on both sides and believed a settlement could be reached both democratically and diplomati. tally. This is a fairly adequate explanation of my conception of the role of a council rep. There are three’reasons that I’m running for council. First I would like to see a quick and fair settlement of the chevron affair; a responsible and progressive council seems to be one of the few ways left to attain this goal. (I personally believe reinstatement would be the best action but am certainly receptive to the discussion of alternate solutions). Secondly I’d like to see greater communication between the federation and the student body. The average student must be much more aware of and involved in federation activities. Thirdly I’m extremely concerned about student fee increases, fewer facilities, and the dwindling quality of education in general. (It doesn’t make me feel any better that my own student loan was recently rejected). There is one other minor part to my platform. Because I have just had my car towed away for the fifth time I will be pressing for more on campus parking. Finally I would like to encourage everyone to come out and vote. If we are seriously concerned about the quality of our university environment we must actively participate to improve it. Anyone wishing to support my campaign can call the Committee to Elect Brian Byrnes 884-7087

Pattijoy Armoogan

John Ruby



Wayne Berthin David Duffus Michael Shupe I All acclaimed

Leonora Hoicka Eric Higgs Bruce Leavens Doug Hamilton Val Moghadam This university is at a critical point. When the federation should be uniting students to fight cutbacks, tuition hikes, and rent increases, it has been splitting the students instead. Since September 24, the federation of students has wasted valuable time and thousands of student dollars fighting the chevron staff. The National Student Day on this campus was a complete farce, because the co-ordinators were too busy writing that infamous scandal-sheet the -“Bullseye”, to organize anything productive. Council has become completely paralyzed by this conflict over the past five months. Nothing has been done to study the question of the differential fee for foreign students and the tuition fee hike for Canadian students, and to come up with a viable stand on it. We feel that the $100 tuition fee increase MUST be opposed if we don’t want to be paying in excess of a thousand dollars in tuition by the end of the decade. To start organizing against the issues of fee hikes and rent increases the chevron controversy must be cleared up. The most logical solution to the conflict is to set up the paper the way it was when it was “closed” in September, and then to have a student-run investigation look into all facets of the problem and make suggestions to help prevent its recurence. This position is no more than just following the legal procedure of due process innocent until proven guilty. The September 24 closure was both illegal and morally wrong. It clearly violated federation by-laws as well as the CUP principles that the federation claimed to operate its paper under. In view of this, we support the demand for reinstatement. We feel it is a just and logical demand. A student-run investigation into the entire controversy should then follow. We feel the students of this campus are best served by an independent, democratically-run newspaper that is not under council control. We wish to see the chevron remain a serious and high quality paper, and encourage more students to become involved in its production.

If one is forced to choose between cutbacks in educational quality, and increases in tuition, I must choose increases in tuition. I am not in favor of tuition increases, but I think until the next provincial election comes up, resistance is futile. Let’s, face it, the people running the Ontario government are vote brokers,- nothing else: More significant action by Queen’s Park might be achieved by educating the public to the provincial government’s near-fraudulent O.S.A.P. plan. Almost 13 million dollars earmarked for student aid was unused and redeposited into the provincial treasury. This is the kind of thing which will generate public opinion against William Davis and his cabinet, and also the only way to hit him where it hurts; by influencing his potential voters. As for the chevron issue, I believe it was within council’s powers to act the way that they have. Council should not act without prior investigation as a rule, however council ought- to possess discretionary power for use in emergencies. It is also my contention that the students who answered the referendum, as well as those who voted in the last presidential election, are the students who are concerned with issues on this campus. It has been stated often that large numbers of students couldn’t care less about the federation or its disputes. No doubt this is true, but those people who do care about the kind of student government they will have - including its leadership - have spoken. I do not intend to ignore them. Some students would not be as dissatisfied with the federation if they were more aware of all the services it does provide. There is some room for internal restructuring, and the problems encountered last term with the fieldworkers is an excellent example. The by-laws are out-moded in some cases, and ought to be modified. Lately, I have been distressed with student councillors not.attending meetings on a regular basis, forcing council to adjourn without quorum being reached. There is no excuse for this, and-it is the very least a councillor can do to honour his/her elected responsibilities. Finally, while I wouldn’t pretend to be able to meet all arts students, my number is available in the federation office anytime.

Eric Higgs The role of the Intergrated Studies representative on the Federation of Students Council differs from the role of representatives in other faculties. Firstly, the Intergrated Studies programme is not a faculty and possesses only eighty-five students. Decisions affecting I.S. are made through Operations Council, a body consisting of every student and staff member. It is a direct democracy and I think therefore, it is somewhat unrealistic to expect Operations Council or the representative from I.S. to make decisions on all issues. Issues confronting the Federation Council should be acted upon by the representative from IS. in whatever capacity Operations Council decides. This might entail a major change in the function of Operations Council with regard to the Federation Council. Any issues that are deemed important enough for further discussion should be decided by Operations Council and its decision transferred by the representative from I.S. to the Federation of Students Council. Other Federation business that does not concern the students in I.S. directly should be left to the representative from I.S. to vote upon using his or her personal judgement. The role of the Integrated Studies representative has been the subject of discussion recently. IS. students question whether the unique structure of I.S. should have a representative that performs the function as representatives from other faculties. I am interested in the activities of the Federation of Students Council and I will serve as the liaison between the Integrated Studies programme and the Federation of Students, in whatever capacity that is agreed upon by Operations Council.



the free chevron

a representative on the math society council. During the past term this campus was riddled with a severe political conflict. On one side there was the almost inept federation and the defiant free chevrics on the other. Neither of the groups would admit that they were wrong nor would they admit that the other group was right. I feel that neither group was totally right but they weren’t totally-wrong either. You will find that in my constituency, regular math, that there are five candidates running for two seats. Of these, two of the candidates are associated with the free chevron, another two are members of the CRG and the last is an independent candidate, myself. It is the responsibility of the federation to eradicate this situation and to go get the student population back on its feet. I, therefore, urge you to get up and vote in the up-coming election and to vote for the person that will best represent you in the federation.

1 Math Reg.. 1 Peter Blunden

J. J. Long Peter Blunden


I am running, for the math seat on council because I am extremely dissatisfied with the current council and their inability to deal with the issues. Little if any research has been done by the federation on issues of vital concern to . students -for example the cutbacks, tuition fee increases, rent increases, and student . housing. I feel students are unclear on these issues. I propose ,that before any action is taken, more investigation and research should be done by the federation so that students can be educated and organized to act in a positive way. Rather than whine about student apathy, the federation should look at the real reasons for so little student participation: namely that the leadership is poor and has done no investigation; that they’ve lost touch with student problems and interests.

OscarNierstrasz J.J. Long

I was active in the Mark Wills campaign committee and before that in the committee to recall Shane Roberts. I believe Wills’ ideas for making the federation more democratic are well worthwhile and should be implemented.

The upcoming council elections are important to out federation. The election of Doug Thompson of the Campus Reform Group, as president, gives us a chance to resolve the chevron affair, by supporting the results of the recent referendum. While I do not agree with the whole Campus Reform Group platform, I am a member, since I believe the C.R.G. is best able toreduce apathy and restore unity in federation. With chevron issue resolved, we can once again deal with problems more directly affecting students. Entertainment on this campus, specifically the C.C. Pub, can and should be improved. The federation bylaws and policies need major revisions and reforms. During my previous involvement in both the federation and Mathsoc I have learned that internal matters such as good society liaison are very important to the operation of the federation. Mathsoc and the federation should work together to produce a more useful Anti-Cal. The federation should give aid to society newspapers,in order that it can keep in touch with students better at the grass roots level. Personally, I have used my column of news and commehtary in mathNEWS to keep open the lines of communication with math students. No one person can make the federation work, people must be able to work together. I am asking for your support so that I can continue working for you. On February 17th, re-elect J.J. Long as Math rep on federation council.

Geoff Hains

Bruce Mills

The chevron affair is five months old and still no resolution has been reached. I believe an impartial investigation of the chevron and the federation is in order, with reinstatement of the chevron first. It is indeed unfortunate that Doug Thompson got in with the aid of his Campus “Reform” Group. The majority of students do not want Thompson for president and not without reason. For example, in a student council meeting last November, Thompson suggested that federation fees be raised by $5.00 or more to fund one of his wild schemes. Mathsoc is fully behind Thompson and even let him use the mathsoc office as his campaign headquarters. This clearly shows that the mathsoc hacks are completely divorced from the students. Thompson didn’t get a majority of the math votes, and Mark Wills got more votes in math than in any other faculty.

My name is Geoff Hains and I am running for federation council. I am presently in my second year in honours mathematics and am

Oscar Nierstrasz

Bruce (bun) Mills Unification is the key!

The present federation of students has alienated itself to the extent that the students no longer know what or whom to believe. It has, for instance, singlehandedly produced this miserable “chevron affair” which has dragged on interminably for well over four months. The difficulty seems to lie in the federation’s lack of communication with its members. It has three airplanes and a giant classical record library that no one knows about (did you?). It regularly sponsors people to speak on campus, and offers other interesting events for students, but they are often poorly attended. Instead of making the students aware of what is available to them, it has wasted its time and our money on an absurd dispute which should never have arisen in the first place. The feds have shut down one paper, and presented us with at least two others, neither of which they claim represents their concept of what a student paper should be. We need a student newspaper that infroms us of campus events,as well as anything else that may interest a great variety of students. No one, I think, denies that the old paper had many problems, but, if we do not want a repetition of the “chevron affair”, we must examine the paper in action, the way it was. Only then can we identify the causes of the problems it had. As well, it will be essential that we investigate the federation’s procedure and by-laws to discover why this happened at all, then make the appropriate changes. The federation can be an effective tool against cutbacks, tuition fee hikes and campus rent increases. It can also find ways to lessen the difficulties students have each term in finding suitable housing. These will only be possible, however, when an intelligent federation is elected - not one that plays childish games with the students’ money, and succeeds more in confusing students than in informing and assisting them.

For this students’ council to do anything constructive, we must work together.

On Thurs. Feb. 17, vote Oscar Nierstrasz Math Regular Federation Councillor.


Geoff Hains

I see the Campus Reform Group as being a means to this end. The CRG is not a party, per se, except in the fact that it is a group of concerned students who feel that the present administration is floundering in a sea of conflict - unnecessary, internal conflict. One of the major faults of the federation is a colossal lack of communication - in all directions and on all levels. From federal and provincial governments, inter-university relations, community affiliations, society liaisons, right down to you, the students, there is no communication. And the greatest deficiency of communication is between council members. As it stands now,, there is no chance for councillors to discuss the reasons for introducing various motions, except during the heat of debate, which is not noted for its rationality. Thus the CRG. The Campus Reform Group is an open forum, for councillors and students alike, to sit down beforehand and discuss motivations, directions and objectives. It is our responsibility to present a united front to those who would detract from the quality of education we now enjoy. It is our responsibility to forge a closer relationship with the community of which we are a part. It is our responsibity to “go to bat” for those students who get a raw deal. And it is our supreme responsibility to ensure that there is an organization to do all of this, and more, for those who follow.



I I, I 977

Math Co-op Lorne Gershuny

Lorne Gershuny The federation could be a strong voice for students at Waterloo. Instead, most of the current council members are champions of inactivity. An example of how the federation has been working for students is the moratorium they never organized. February 10 was to have featured a half-day boycott of classes as part of a province-wide protest of the government’s fee hike. Nothing has been heard of it since the student council endorsed it on January 16, unless perhaps you happened to. read the free chevron on January 2 1. More than ever, a united stand is needed to fight tuition increases. The government will continue to raise fees unless a strong protest is launched by a large block of students. Universal accessibility is a myth, yet the government claims to support it. There is no one to express outrage at their blatant lies. The federation. can mobilize students, but their actions so far have been lame. The gleeful waste of student funds by the present federation is another sad story. Friends of the recalled president were given paid positions as fieldworkers to investigate cutbacks. I welcome information from anyone who knows what these people accomplished. Ron Hipfner didn’t quite make it in that regard. He only got a free trip to Vancouver. Then-president Shane Roberts sent him student money for the fare and he was off. He attended the CUP conference there, not as a representative of the student newspaper, but as an observer for “a third force.” Ron is also asking for your vote in this election. The most senseless action of the federation so far is the expenditure of student money to remove the chevron staff from the offices where they have a perfect right to be. The paper closed illegally, as will seem obvious to anyone who bothers to read the CUP principles, part of the by-law no. 9. Current legal action by the federation against some of its own members should finally alert students to the abuses of power that exist. I ask you to -elect a council that can be trusted to represent students, first of all by obeying its own laws.

Ron Hipfner

Ron Hipfner The published motto of the Federation of Students is “Students serving students”. I’ve been on Students’ Council since June of last year, and frankly that slogan’s implementation was not much in evidence

friday, february

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during my tenure as math co-op representative. There is a great deal to be accomplished on campus and Kitchener/Waterloo. The federation exists to provide information and entertainment, and act in the students’ interests in conjunction with the university and K-W communities. One does not always successfully combat transit service reductions, tuition increases, education spending cutbacks, and other acts of bureaucracy by launching loud protests after the deed is done. I’ve learned in my three years on campus to work within the system, to provide alternate opinion to the decision-makers before the decisions are made, often in ignorance of the student viewpoint. What engineering and Math students (especially) have been able to accomplish/prevent within their own domains at the decision-level in faculty committees is impressive, and certainly puts to shame the records of past federations. OFS failed to notify us of the tuition increase before it was officially announced. Obviously they are not taken seriously at Queen’s Park either. I and the Campus Reform Group bring to the federation a new viewpoint. Students should be in liaison with Kitchener and Waterloo city councils, indeed we should have student members of those bodies. Our federal and provincial MPs are to be regularly approached, perhaps we should have our own representative in provincial parliament ! That is just one method by which the CRG will implement its promises to the student body,and I to my constituents. .. My own record has been as a past coffee & donut stand manager, mathNEWS editor, mathsoc executive VP, member of math curriculum and faculty councils, student advisory council to Co-ordination, CC Pub management advisory committee, and federation OFSiNUS liaison. Support responsible government, vote CRG.

Dennis Rebutka

Dennis Rekuta The fed council is now the last chance for the students to get this campus back on an even keel. We’ve had five months of a council being tied up and unable to deal with questions such as housing, mass transit, cutbacks and tuition hikes. There are people on this campus who can put together reasonable and intelligent strategies to work for student goals in these areas, but they need the active help and encouragement of council. The chevron affair is the best example of the need to revamp the council and reduce the arbitrary powers of the president. It was closed on rumours and without due process as set out in the bylaws. The students five months later are so divided that the president-elect has only one-third of the votes cast. The only active response by the feds to the chevron’s demand of reinstate and investigate is the attempt to use the police and the courts to sweep things under the rug. The whole situation has deteriorated because the political hacks have either done nothing or encouraged it for their own gain. Now the Campus Reform Group wants you to put said hacks in power. Let’s look at the CRG candidates in co-op Math. Ron Hipfner and Steve Risto claim to have done a lot of things. Anyone who worked with Ron in council will tell you that his greatest accomplishment was getting a call from Roberts late in December and a subsequent trip to CUP in Vancouver, paid by the Feds, although the CRG claimed he was their rep. Steve led the move to allow only

the free chevron

Doug Thompson to use Mathsoc offices in the Prez elections. When this was ruled unconstitutional the next week, Steve led the argument that Gary Prudence didn’t catch them until afterwards. I am currently on the math committee that discusses among other things, “should we have a general co-op program?” I have written in mathNEWS and seen the feds and Mathsoc in action. I have and still will talk and listen to anybojdy and everybody anytime, as the CRG has found out. If you just found out who the CRG members are, then you know who the hacks are. Vote for another choice. Vote for Dennis Rekuta.


Steve Risto The upcoming federation council elections are very important. We finally have a chance to restore order to the federation, and to take the decisive action necessary to end the current problems. With the election of Doug Thompson of the Campus Reform Group to the presidency, the opportunity exists to follow through by electing other members of the Campus Reform Group to council. The CRG is a group of students, who, through working together, can unify the federation. This unification can overcome the internal bickering of the past so that finally constructive work can be done. I have been a member of Mathsoc council since the fall of 1975, having served as a class representative, internal affairs director, and as education director. Also, I have worked on mathNEWS for over two years, having been a featured columnist since 1975. Often I have commented on the shortcomings of both the federation, and of the chevron. I believe that it is time for a change. A unified federation can implement the referendum results. Together we can work to help prevent future tuition increases. The government of Ontario will only change its present policies if the people want them to. So we must present our case to the public, in a responsible way, to show them that we are concerned, responsible people, and not just reactionary radicals (sic). I ask you to vote on February 17th, as your vote can help to improve things. And I ask you to vote for Steve Risto, for a unified, responsible, and concerned federation of students.

Science Reg. Brian Burke

the student is usually forgotten..Now is the time for those who care about their fellow students. With this new unification the students will have a power and not just a toy. This new power will need unselfish, nonpolitical students to make it grow. Without this power student organizations end up being just games with children fighting back and forth. This is what I believe and Your vote will help accomplish this. As a member of the student fed., sitting in as a science faculty I am against the $100 tuition increase. It has to increase but not that much. For foreign students and their tripled tuition, it would be impossible for most to attend a good university. Housing is a big issue since most students live off campus. I not only will back bettering housing but I will work on the committee. Student housing is often thought of only at the beginning of the year and this should be continued throughout the year, emphasis being on the periods when the students are enrolling at the beginning of terms. Another big problem which is presented to most students and their spending money is the food machines. Something definitely has to be done about this. All of us have been ripped off by this animal. As far as a student paper is concerned, we all know a new one has to be formed. There is nothing much more that can be said about it than that. Finally to get the students more involved with the fed. I propose to organize opinion polls. These polls will be organized throughout the campus to get opinions and answers on matters that come up at fed. meetings. This can help end fighting between differing groups in the fed. It will give the students more control and power, and only that way will the fed. become useful to anyone. The elections will be held on Feb. 17, and if you want a student fed. for the students you know you can vote for me. I will be sacrificing my time for you, the student, not any political party or other organization.


Their reason, they claim, is so that they can institute actions that are proposed for “the good of the students”, without opponents walking out of the meetings, thereby breaking quorom, and stopping proposed motions. But, as many people who have seriously watched politicians from campaign to caucus can tell you, political hopefuls often include things in their election platforms that somehow become forgotten after power is attained. If either side gains a “majority” in council, whether clear or otherwise, the entire purpose of the body is lost; 15 councillors, working as a caucus, would have the power to institute motions that they alone decided upon, with the result that the rest of council would be irrelevant. Government at any level must remain open to debate and compromise; it cannot be ’ controlled by one group, no matter how dominant, who determine, beforehand, among themselves, as to what the entire body will institute. The only way to ensure that this open debate exists is for the electorate to vote into office enough council members that do not support any political group within or without council. The emphasis in student government should be on STUDENT.

Brian Hodgson

Bruce Burton Brian Hodgson

Bruce Burton Cutbacks

& Tuition

Fee Increases

If we are to fight for greater accessibility to higher education, we must do it a step at a time; first stop the fee hikes w.hen they are proposed; secondly, institute fee hikes higher than those proposed, for those individual students that can afford it. To shoot for a differential fee hike immediately, which has been recently proposed, only tends to suggest that students are once more “demanding” too much. Similarly, on cutbacks, we must first ensure that, no cutbacks are made in the core subjects; if cutbacks must be made, let them be made in subjects that are not absolutely vital for a standard education. From that point, the fight can continue to re-institute the subjects at a later date, and instil1 a higher quality into education. There is an old saying, “You have to walk before you can run”, and I think that most of the organizers of the present campaigns to fight increases and cutbacks tend to forget this. , Chevron

The “events” of the past year have led me to believe that the voice of the science student representative certainly has been drowned out by the various special interest groups and faculties that have dominated the federation and its activities around this campus. I propose to raise this voice to an audible level to express the interests of the scientifically conditionned students, in particular, and the student body, in general. I have had no previous experience in any of these special groups running the federation. As a fourth year student, I am just a non-partisan outsider attempting to get on the inside to see just why so many students are feeling so alienated from their student council. I will attempt to be responsive, concerned, and open to all suggestions pertaining to all issues. I can’t voice our opinions without your support !

John Tromp


The over-riding problem with the chevron, to me, has been that the paper decided, for themselves, what the interests and problems of the students are, without consulting the students.

Brian C. Burke


The student federation is just that, a student organization which should be for the betterment of all students not just those in the organization. Its staff should work for the students and not for themselves and their own political groups. When this occurs the organization falls apart, sides are taken and

Some members of the free chevron have already become councillors through acclamation. The CRG, on the other hand, is publicly avowing that they will have, not just a working majority of council, as they now claim, but a definite majority; that is at least 15 of the 29 council members.


John Tromp ’ Problems with the Federation The federation should be made more responsible to students and I have two proposals which I think would help in that direction. First,, I would like to see partially refundable/fees ($17 out of $27.50 per year) which any student could withdraw in the first few weeks of the term. This would insure that the-federation would keep in close contact with the students, doing what they wan-



the free chevron

ted, so that students would not want to withdraw their money. Second, I would like to see a by-law change which ensures that more councillors would attend meetings, so that quorum could be reached and council business done.

Tuition Cutbacks I have said in my presidential campaign that I did not oppose tuition hikes or cutbacks on the provincial level because I did not feel that anything could be done there. However, on the university level, I have decided that tuition hikes are not the only possibility but if tuition is not raised then the university would have to cut back in other areas or services. I think that an investigative committee should be formed now to investigate the two alternatives and see if anything can be done for next year at the BOG. However, as seen this year, nothing will be accomplished without extensive research and preparation.



I think this conflict has gone on long enough and the chevron should be reopened with changes (eg. an editorial board). This should be done immediately and an investigation set up to determine whether or not further changes could be made. Any feepaying federation member could become a voting staff member, with six contributions, and any others could be members of staff without voting privileges. The in-junction should be liftedafter thenew paper is opened and everyone interested encouraged to join.

Mark Winnett ’ Jamie Midwinter Janet Rokosova

VOTE JANET ROKOSOVA Platform: issues & solutions for a peaceful settlement Issues: cutbacks, tuition fee hike, newspaper, fed. organization Cutbacks: Grants to the universities more commonly known as subsidies are currently being reduced at UW. Why? The gov’t says: It has no money. I say it does. It goes to corporations, who should share the cost of education. Gov’t and corporations and universities need to get together AND AGREE on the use of money. More to the universities from gov’t and corporations together. TUITION FEE HIKE; $100 more. MEANS: low income people, as opposed to high income people, are unable to attend university. MEANS: unemployment in the summer is hard on students. NO JOBS -no money for school-then the use of student loans. The gov’t gains by the use of loans through the interest accrued. Society loses due to the unemployment situation of unskilled people. Corporations lose due to the lack of utilization of intelligence of Canada’s young people. SOLUTIONS; The university and the gov’t and the corporations NEED to reassess their roles. Interdependence of financial, employment areas- are needed, immediately. A trimester system like WESTERN is needed for non co-op courses. More grants to students of money deprived families. Investigation of the OSAP and Canada Student Loan Plan. The orientation of high school students to the real job situation so that they

choose courses that will enable them to have employment. NEWSPAPER; chevron INVESTIGATION? REINSTATEMENT? Investigation by 1. student-jurored panel of: free chevron, president of the federation, real chevron, students choosen from all different faculties. PURPOSE: to decide if the free chevron should exist. , PURPOSE: if there will be another paper to replace the existing one. PURPOSE: Can the existing paper be used again? 25 Investigation by professional people - 2 heads of journalistic enterprises: 1) newspapers 2) magazines 2 independent lawyers chosen by the university free chevron real chevron federation president Investigation first. If reinstatement now and investigation says no, why reinstate now? T’HE referendum stated that the students DID NOT WANT REINSTATEMENT. The mess of the newspaper has to be solved now. IT is high time that people on both sides decide to take responsibility for a UNIVERSITY NEWSPAPER. What is now going on is childish and should be handled maturely, with diplomacy and tact. The school suffers as well as the noblesse of journalism. I believe that ideologies and principles should be laid aside and a paper put out with campus content. THE PAPER SHOULD: inform comprehensive campus content broader range faculty/student doings involvement of university community relationship of university to community via housing, jobs, transit, info about entertainmerit, advertising, off-campus student corner. FEDERATION


NEEDS: ORGANIZATION INTERNALLY 1) Student communication flow between the student body and the federation president. 2) Communication between the federation of students and-the university administration and the student senators. 3) A newsletter once a week stating the minutes and the agenda of the council with the successful completion of proposed tasks. 4) More cohesiveness between the societies on campus and the federation office. 5) A forum once a month to inform the students of the duties and doings of the board members of the federation. POSITION ON A COURT TRIAL OF THE FREE CHEVRON PEOPLE. If a court trial is necessary, then the process of human communication has broken down to stubbornness and rebellion. It is a sad statement about man’s inability to settle differences. A peaceful settlement could be found if talks were the order of the day. As ES. Rep. I will deal seriously with the problems facing E.S. 1) Space 2) Computer Space 3) Computers - more 4) Representative gov’t of all E.S. students and E.S.S. to the council.

Marco Ermbora &I Larry Smylie

I St.-Jerome's*I Bruce Pearson Doug Goodfellow

Doug Goodfellow The present council has shown complete incompetence in attempting to unite the entire body of the federation of students. Individuals on council have continually alienated groups on campus instead of uniting them into a strong active working force. It is-my feeling that we must organize all special interest groups on campus to fight for mutual student interests. This should be the priority of the ‘77-‘78 council. The past two council meetings on Jan. 27 and Feb. 6 were cancelled when they failed to reach quorum, 13 of 26. Are these responsible representatives? As your council representative I must be constantly in touch with St. Jerome’s council and my constituency; always responsive to your demands and ready to bring them to the attention of the federation of students. But the process of representation does not end here! A council representative must take an active stand to defend his/her constituency and to organize effective support. The federation has done very little to fight cutbacks which bring you larger classes, fewer TA’s, and deteriorating library hours, while tuition increases by $100. The task of fighting this has been taken up by a small, organized group of concerned students, The Committee Against Tuition Hikes and Cutbacks, of which I am a member. I propose to have Council take a much greater part in this opposition. At the Tue., Jan. 28 board of governors meeting, I appealed to the board to unite with us in an active stand against the Ontario govt. UW president Burt Matthews responded by saying, “We don’t become active by waving flags on the street”, and “ . . . the decision is the government%. If we don’t like the decision, I suspect there will be an election someday. ” It is this sitting in the closet by administration and federation which gets nothing done. I stand to be heard, and will oppose these ’ cutbacks and increases. I am not a radical, but a concerned student who is not afraid to defend our position. We must unite, educate, organize and, if need be, march in the street, but we must be heard! The chevron affair has dragged on for almost 5 months by a handful of students who .defend ‘Principle’ and a federation which is unwilling to back down even though it has been able to produce no substantial evidence against the paper. The student media is a necessary part of a united functionning federation of students. Changes in the paper, if needed, must be done through a student medium. The paper and federation have to work together for student interests. An investigation is necessary but we are competent individuals and must deal with this problem ourselves. In our democratic system one is still innocent until proven guilty, and so I stand with the free chevron: Reinstate! and Investigate! ‘I ask you for the opportunity to more effectively voice my opposition and to represent you, the constituents of St. Jerome’s, as a vital component of an effective united federation of students.

IHKLS Phil Marquis


I I, 1977

I ctr


One week after nominations for council closed and campaigning has started, it is still uncertain who is running. Most of the controversy has centered around the nomination of Val Moghadam for an Arts seat. Chief Returning Officer Gary Prudence has-changed his mind at least six times about whether to accept or reject her nomination. Moghadam took out a nomination form on Monday, Januanry 31. She got six signatures on the nomination form, one more than required, but forgot to hand it in before the 4:30 deadline on Thursday, February 3. She handed the form in 10 minutes late and asked Prudence if he would accept it. Prudence said he couldn’t ac-cept it and referred her to federation Business Manager Peter Yates. Thursday evening, Prudence told student Tom Cody that he had accepted the nomination. But on Friday, Prudence told Moghadam and new federation grad representative Dave Carter that he was rejecting her nomination. After talking to Moghadam and Carter, Prudence changed his mind and accepted it. Last Monday, a list of candidates drawn up by Prudence did not have Moghadam’s name on it. When Prudence was asked about this, he said that he had rejected her nomination again. Prudence then wrote a letter saying he had accepted the nomination, but that he would reject it if more than one other candidate objected. He also promised to resign as CR0 if the federation complained that this was not an. appropriate course of action. When contacted Monday evening, two other candidates, Pattijoy Armoogan and Bruce Leavens, objected to the nomination being accepted. Prudence then decided to reject the nomination. On Tuesday, Moghadam went to see Prudence to ask him why he was so indecisive and told him to resign. She also questioned him about why he was rejecting her nomination when he had accepted Bill Barker’s nomination for president when it was handed in late. Later, on Tuesday afternoon, Bruce Leavens withdrew his objection. Yet on Wednesday afternoon, Prudence was unaware that Leavens had done so. When contacted Wednesday night, Prudence said he was not accepting the nomination even though Leavens had withdrawn his objection. He would not give a reason for doing so and refused to talk to Moghadam when she wanted to question him about it. Said Moghadam “I find this whole incident absurd but typical of the reactionary clique temporarily in control of the federation.” Larry Smylie, acclaimed Renison councillor, said that he would be resigning as soon as the new council takes over. Cathy Merrified has decided that she too wants to run for the Renison seat. Smylie has decided not to deny her that right. Nominations $or the coop seats ;n HKLS, Science and Environmental Studies plus all three of the Engineering seats were extended until Monday, February 7. However, by Monday only the Engineering seats had been acclaimed. Kevin Willis will not be seeking reelection as he had planned. Instead, he will be dedicating most of his efforts to next year’s Math Society. Michael Dillon, of Integrated Studies has stepped out of the race for an executive position. He hasn’t yet decided for which portfolio he will apply. Mike Devillaer and Dave Carter were acclaimed to the graduate seats on council. Indecisiveness, apathy, and scandal have plagued this council already, and it hasn’t even met yet. -peter blunden -heather robertson

friday, february

7 7, 7977

the free chevron


Riding the gravy train

0 Pill

oyd releases animals

Long gone are the days when a Pink Floyd album was a new and original experience. During the late sixties, the work of Pink Floyd explored the bizarre and far reaching exotics of musical expression. Albums like Umma Gumma took the listener into the darkness and mystery of space, with haunting renditions of their ‘ “Saucerful classic compositions, of Secrets” and “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun”. Then there was “Atom Heart Mother”, possibly the first album to blend classical and rock forms. Subsequent albums, “Meddle” and “Obscured by Clouds”, also demonstrated the unique imagination of the band. However, with the release of

“Dark Side of the Moon”, Pink Floyd, (despite the album title) came down to earth and settled into a rather domestic frame of mind. Their eleventh album “Wish You Were Here”, although not as commercial as “Dark Side of the Moon”, also lacked any really exciting new material. Pink Floyd’s latest release, “Animals” also offers no surprises. It should be noted though, that the music is performed in truly excellent form and the production is razor clean. Any Pink Floyd enthusiast (as I am) will listen to the album again and again and find it quite good. The instrumentals are technically probably the best ever offered by the group. The guitar work of David Gilmour deserves

particular attention. The band has complemented the album title by inserting animal sounds at various places. This is not new for Pink Floyd. It was done on previous albums in songs like Grantchester Meadows and Seamus. All of the songs on-the album are named after animals (Pigs, Dogs, and Sheep), and it is no coincidence these three animals are often used figuratively to refer to people. Roger Water’s cynical view of human nature is once again demonstrated by the lyrics of this ambitious album. To the businessman he fortells. . . You know it’s going to get harder.. .as you get older And in the end you’ll pack and fly

“Twilight’s Last Gleamin -Last Friday the Capitol had a sneak preview of “Twilight’s Last Gleaming” - “a controversial new motion picture” starring Bible Burt Lancaster. Burt plays an ex-American general whose political views have forced the administration to “railroad” him. His problem is that he believes the American government should tell its people why it entered a war it knew it couldn’t win, and knew would result in the wasteful deaths of countless American lives (obviously the Viet-

nam war, though,for some strange reason, the word “Vietnam” is never mentioned). Burt has a gang of three convicts he helped to escape (how he did this is never explained - though it is irrelevant to the story). They kidnap an army truck, and put on the uniforms of the officers in it. Then they drive to the missile base where Burt used to work, give the password that they got froin the officers, get inside the gates, then proceed to quickly and methodi-

After 2500 years Greek tragedy is coming to U.W. Next Tuesday to Friday Euripide’s classic “Medea” will be acted, danced, sung and played in Humanities Theatre in a “festive and ceremonial” production, lavishly costurned and with original music. Euripides, a social critic and dramatic innovator, shows Medea not as an impersonal tragic figure but as a woman trying to fulfil1 herself. But twentieth century director Maurice Evans says, “I feel we can use Medea as a person trying to fulfil1 herself ‘. The Greeks, he explained, regarded Euripides as too much of an innovator. Evans has added males to the traditionally female chorus for this production; Medea calls to them not as “women of Corinth” but “people of Corinth”. The story: Jason went off to get the Golden Fleece. He was having problems. He met Medea, a bar-

(B. Crawley’s film autobiography of Janis Joplin, which used footage of her as the basis of the movie) it strikes this reviewer as strange that a real biography was not made instead of this blatant falsification. Two years ago when Paul Krassner saw this film of his good friend (Krassner edited Bruce’s book How To Talk Dirty -And Influence People) he wrote: barian, sorceress, princess all in one who helped him doing hoirendous things to not a few people. Now Jason has left Medea to marry King Creon of Corinth’s daughter; ambition for an alliance with the king is “stronger than emotion” says Evans. Medea finds this very hard to take, but by the ancient Greek law a man could leave his wife at any time for any reason. She’s driven to do something. The tragedy as Euripides reveals it, arises not simply from the impersonal workings of the Gods, of Fate, but in Evans’ view is “that these two people cannot understand each other”. Euripides’ shift in emphasis from a tragedy of mythological determinism to one of personal motivation in social circumstance represents, in one critic’s view, the beginnings of “bourgeois drama”. - ernst von bezold

Floyd album you like> is “Dark Side of the Moon”) then don’t buy “Animals”. Go buy a disco album: you’ll like it much more. On the other hand, if you know what constitutes intelligent, creative musical expression, the album is worth getting. However, if I may reiterate, don’t expect any surprises. -mike


roudly Hailed

tally take over the base. It is somewhat incredible that they manage it as easily as it seems on the screen, but that’s Hollywood for you. All of this is just preamble. Now Burt heads straight for silo three, surprises and overpowers the officer there, finds the control room, and, with a little help from his friends, deactivates each of the booby traps and safeguards designed to protect the system from loonies like him.

ny” faZs$es Bruce’s li$e Wednesday evening the Campus Centre was darkened for a free screening of the film Lenny. This is a movie corporation’s biography of a social comic who singlehandedly tried to sting the American Nation away from its doombent ways. Lenny was portrayed by Dustin Hoffman although much of the quintessence of Lenny Bruce’s legacy is preserved on film. In view of the recent success of Janis

down south Hide your head in the sand Just another sad old man All alone and dying of cancer. After listening to the album twice, I have decided that it is certainly worth getting. However if you’re one of those people who buy what Mind Control Radios tells you (that is, the only Pink

“No, the film should be seen for what it really is, contemporary Nazi propaganda in the guise of biography. The tragedy of Lenny is that the false presentation of Bruce will remain in people’s heads as surely as Larry Parks in blackface remains their concept of Al Jolson in blackface, but worse yet, Lenny has been made to perform his own lies. Start with the film’s most vivid distortions. Lenny never in all his career was too- stoned to perform. He never came out on stage wearing one shoe and a raincoat. He never went up to a Black night club customer and yelled “Nigger” in his face. In fact, he never really got busted for obscenity. He got busted for blasphemy. He got busted for political heresy. He got busted for promoting sensuality. He got busted because he was the illegitimate father of a generation of flower children. We are left instead with a snivelling Jewish junkie. And this falsification of history is deliberate. The police and the producers - those who define truth as whatever they can get away with knew what they were doing when they took lines out of context, ignored other stuff altogether and finally put Lenny through an involuntary change of life.” -bill


It’s a pity, but this first part of the movie which should be very exciting and suspenseful is instead very predictable, and smacks of very poor comic book stuff. A great deal of the movie, unfortunately, lacks the necessary realism that is required of a good thriller. But I digress. Burt now manages to get the President of the United States (David .Stevens or Steven Davids . . . I forget which), and informs him that he can launch nine Titan missiles at the Soviet Union (where they were aimed), and that nothing can be done to prevent him. He will not fire the missiles if he and his gang get a million a piece, a free ticket to anywhere in the world, and - now here come the crunchers - Burt wants the President to reveal the “Vietnam” documents, and he wants a hostage: The President. Now our real story begins (sorry about that): the arguments between the Presidentand his cabinet (or don’t they call them “cabinets” down there? “closet” is probably a better word), the plots among the generals, and the discussions in silo three. Still the movie refuses to pick up until over half of it is over. Nearer the end there is a brilliant sequence in which the President is arguing with his flunky about whether or not he should risk playing the role of hostage. You can almost believe they are real people. The tension and stress of the situation force them to behave like normal human beings rather than. the papier-mache characters they started out as. Shortly after this there is another powerful scene in which Burt realizes that the President is expendable: His plan wasn’t as clever as he had thought. The best scenes in the movie come right near the end, which is a pity, since it means I’m not allowed to talk about them . . . . One thing that nearly ruins the movie is its irritating use of breaking the screen into two, three and sometimes -four sections,

showing different scenes in each. Instead of telling you what’s happening everywhere, it confuses you, and causes you to lose track. Another flagrant but humourous fault is the reappearance of the word “COKE”. From nowhere in the closed off control room, Burt produces and drinks a can of coke. Later, when one of the generals goes to investigate something, we see him walk past a giant pop machine with an ad for “COKE” on it. As I mentioned earlier, the last bit of the movie is astounding, but whether it’s worth sitting through all the comic-strip nonsense, entertaining though it may be, is a question you’ll have to decide. Also, the “real” reason the United States entered the Vietnam war is , disappointing - we all knew that anyway. It is appropriate to mention that this was all done, and much better, nearly fifteen years ago in Stanley Kubrick’s satiric masterpiece, “Dr. Strangelove”. In this another mad general, Jack D. Ripper, starts World War III by sending the go ahead to attack Soviet Russia, and inadvertently setting off a “Doomsday Device” that the Russians had been keeping secret for a “surprise”. “Strangelove” is an infinitely better picture: it is better acted, better directed, is more suspenseful, more to the point, more enjoyable, and far more interesting. Notes: The movie takes place June 16, 1981. It is directed by Bob Aldrich, and the music is by Jerry Goldsmith. Watch out for Joseph Cotten. He played second fiddle to Orson Welles in two of the best motion pictures ever made: “Citizen Kane” and “The Third Man”. He’s very old now, and rather insignificant (like Welles) but his voice hasn’t changed, and his tiny role is well played. You can’t miss him; he’s wearing a creamcoloured suit, and is one of the oldies on the President’s staff who was involved in Defense when the “Vietnam” thing started. -0scar

m nierstrasm



the free chevron



Participation Intramural


The Intramural Department runs 7 programs under the recreational team sports heading. These programs are quite unique in that they are organized with a noncompetitive philosophy in mind. Waterloo is the only university to run such an Intramural program and with few exceptions, it is running well. There are no officials in recreational sports and it is up to the players themselves to conduct themselves properly. There are no extrinsic awards, no standings, no league statistics and no trophies are awarded. Basically, the idea is to go out and have fun, much in the same way you would get a bunch of

vs competition

friends for a pick up game. The accent is on fair play, at many ret team sports, teams are divided once everyone arrives. For example, in co-ret volleyball, innertube waterpolo and broomball, women are always needed to “fill the quota” so to speak that girls are needed. Teams just simply trade for a “second round draft choice” and get the game going. This unique system allows many more people to participate than would be possible in a strictly competitive structure and gets away from the win at all costs type of attitude. Recently,

Ball hockey however, in one ret

UW forms ski team The newly formed University of Waterloo cross country ski team competed in their first varsity event sponsored by the University of To: ronto at Midland on Jan. 23. Though we did not take top honours, we put on a good show for a first year team. In the women’s 5 km. race, Mary Cotham placed 28th, and Skip Callahan placed 3 1st out of 36 skiers. In the men’s 10 km. race, Stuart Stark, Mark Arbogast, Greg Kay, and Greg Derbyshire placed 2 1st) 47th, 48th, and 50th respectively out- of 57 skiers. Later that day, a 3x3 km. race was held. (3 skiers, 3 km. each) The women’s team -


Earth News

Latest copies at the Upstairs Bookshoppe

12 King St. N. Waterloo -

team sport, ball hockey, the win at all costs syndrome has creeped in. Maybe these ball hockey participants don’t realize that nobody cares whether they win or not. >These participants are not obtaining the true value of the sport. In a recent game, both teams were seen to be at each other’s throats with sticks and fists flying all throughout the game. One should look back when they were 10 or 11 and playing ball hockey on the street; did this type of behaviour go on in those games? Somebody could argue and say “Well the league should be competitive !” Well maybe it should be, and that possibility is being looked into for next year. The fact remains that this year the league is a recreational one and participants act as such. Results from tournaments past are now out.

Mary and Skip - had to borrow a skier from Trent to enter, and although the threesome put on a good show, they didn’t finish any better than 1 lth out of 11 teams entered. Stuart Stark, Greg Derbyshire, and Greg Kay entered as the men’s relay team, and despite Stuart getting trampled in the mass start, Greg D. falling on a hill, and Greg K. losing a ski on a hill, we managed to place 19th of the 21 teams entered.

In Men’s Doubles Badminton: 66A” Division Winner - Robert

. After tabulating times for the morning events, the Waterloo x-c skiers were in 6th place of the nine universities present. As well as competing in varsity events, the team has been entering many Southern Ontario Division ski meets. Our best showing has been on Saturday, January 22 at the S.O.D. Championships, also held at Midland. Mary Cotham and Skip Callahan placed 2nd and 14th respectively in the women’s 2.5 km. sprint, and Stuart, Mark, Greg K., and Greg D. placed lst, 3rd, 4th, and 5th respectively in the senior men’s B class 5 km. event. (Who cares if there were only eight competitors?)

and Michaels and Avery.

Our next varsity event is on Feb. 12; the Queen’s Invitational in Kingston. One week after that on Friday and Saturday the 18th and 19th, U.of T. will be sponsoring the O.U.A.A.‘s in Midland. So, if you’ve been inspired by all this talk of competitive cross country skiing, why don’t you join us? As well as being rewarding, it’s great fun. This is the first year of competition for most of us on the team! Give Stuart a call at 742-3 171. -

Greg Derbyshire - Greg Kay

Advinata math.

and Robert


Doubles Badminton:




- Aldwinkle defeated Van Dyke - Beach and Doll and Crago.



In Doubles Tennis: ‘fiA” Division Winner

- Hazel1 and

Isaacs from Rugby. Winner - Rabley and and Carvir . In the Silver Boot Curling Tournament at the Elmira Curling Club, the coveted prize was won by Darrel Hudspeth’s Rink followed by Rick Buchanan’s Rink. The Silver Boot is on display in the Intramural Office and is an awe inspiring sight. ccB” Division

Mixed bowling The Annual Mixed Bowling Tournament was held on Saturday, February 5 at the Waterloo Bowling Lanes.



Well, its that time of the season again and we’re off with a bang! It looks like it’s going to be an exciting tournament with eighteen teams involved in the schedule. “A” league has eight teams, “B” league ten.



Last weekend, the hockey Warriors kept their playoff hopes alive by splitting a pair of contests. Thursday the Warriors continued in their post-Christmas doldrums as they were outhustled and outmuscled by their crosstown rival Laurier Golden Hawks. The final margin was a convincing 6-2. It


Rm 116

and the Board of Education


St. Pauls West Wildcats Brendas Babes Conglomerates Division


Notre Dame The Basketcases VI East The Lay Ups ‘<B” League-Division


School Marms Conrad Grebel Vl South Shotters VW East B Notre Dame Division


South B & C co-op V2 South V2 West B Renison Each squad meets their division members twice, totaling six games 0

Arts Lecture


Men’s Competitive Basketball This weeks play in the Men’s Intramural Basketball league had at least one unusual game. Early in the season, St. Jeromes B showed up to play Rimmers, with only 4 players. At the time, the officials called the game in favour of the Rimmers due to the lack of St. Jeromes players. Unfortunately, they were in error as a team may play with 4 players. As a result, the game was rescheduled for last Sunday with St. Jeromes playing the first 40 minutes with 4 players as a penalty for fielding a small team earlier. This was St. Jeromes second game of the night, but looking relaxed, they defeated the Rimmers 51 - 28 and were on their way to a 3-O record. An absolutely top-quality B league game was played on Sunday as Conrad Grebel edged VI West Quad 29-28. The score seems indicative of poor quality basketball, but both team’s defences were excellent and the game was close throughout. There still remains a number of undefeated teams in B league ball, but only the Summer Rats, Waterloo Wizards and St. Jeromes A remain unbeaten in a league play. Most impressive are the Rats with a 4 and 0 record. There are still 10 undefeated teams in B league of which the Basketballers and East 5 Selects seem the most impressive, while Football’s Finest sports a 4 and 0 record, achieved by a wounding win of 97 to 25 over the Rugger Buggers. Next week, weakness in the power teams I

UW Puck Wamors

David Robertson, Research Co-ordinator, OPIRG, will show the slidetape montage: WHO PAYS? WHO PROFITS? and speak on The Social Cost of Concentration in the Food Industry by QPIRG-W



In Mixed Badminton: “A” Division Winner






Edison and Pill0 from Notre Dame beat Notzl and Neoh from Vl.


Feb. 17,7:30pm


Division Winner - Dave Dyer and D. Steffler - they came back after an early loss to Beach and Olsen from V2 North - Dyer and Steffler are from the Rugby Team.

In Women’s

7 7, 7977

plus semifinals on March 7th and possibly to the finals on March 14th. The top 2 teams from each division will be invited to the playoffs. Up until Tuesday, February lst, the more prominent teams to keep an eye out on are as follows:





Geography took first place with a score of 2226. Members of the team were Mike Roberts, Wayne Coombes, Bonnie Hassard and Marg Miles. Second place went to the team representing Village 1 with a score of 2165. Team members were Bill Bunker, Paul St. Germain, Judy Stonehouse and Leslie Burt. Les Sunohara (279) and Mike Roberts (276) had the high individual games for the guys while Judy Stonehouse (223) and Liz Gabbott (208) had the high games for the girls. , The high triples for the girls were posted by Judy Stonehouse (583) and Karen Robb (523) while the high triples for the guys were posted by Mike Roberts (772) and Hugh Frampton (669).

League A

West Wildcats VI East The Lay Ups

6 points 6 points 6 points

League B

V2 East B 6 points Notre Dame 4 points School Marms 3 points Game time is every Monday Night at 7:45, 8:30, 9:15 and 10:00 pm. So if you’re looking for some chuckles and some good basketball, come out and enjoy.

move mto third 0

meant a split of two games each this season for both teams. Hawks jumped out to a first period lead of 3-O. The last of the three goals came with only 16 seconds left in the frame. This cardinal rule in hockey - never allow the opposition a goal in the first or last minute of play in a period - attests to the lack of concentration and discipline exhibited by the Black and Gold pucksters of late. Further evidence of the warriors’ current lethargy was their inability to capitalize on a half-dozen powerplay opportunities in the first two periods. By the end of two frames, Laurier goalie Al McSorley had stymied the Warriors while his mates had extended their margin to 5-o. Warriors finally broke the goose-egg early in the third period on a power-play goal by Bill Daub. But it was far too little far too late. Warriors and Hawks exchanged single tallies to account for the final 6-2 stat. Friday, the beleagured Warriors took out their frustrations on the SWestern division tail-enders, Windsor Lancers. The 7-4 margin ended-a skein of 4 games without a win for the U. of Waterloo. The Warriors started slowly and trailed 2-l at the end of the opening period. They got rolling though, in the

second period, as they turned things around for a 4-2 lead. . . However, it was another instance of squandering the lead early in the closing session as the Lancers knotted the score at 4-4. It was at this point that the Warriors decided that enough nonsense had been perpetrated. A trio of tallies by the McKillop men provided the final margin of victory for the home-campus crew. Warriors were led by Bill Daub with a hat-trick, the last goal of which he slipped into the vacant Windsor cage. Other Black and Gold goals went to Don Langlois with a pair and Harry Robock and Jeff Fielding, each with singles. Windsor’s top scorer /was Bert Fournier. Warriors pulled two points ahead of Guelph for the third and final playoff spot as Western Mustangs trounced the Aggies 10-2. Both Guelph and Waterloo have three games left. Tuesday, (score unavailable at press time), Warriors encounter the Yeomen, eastern division leaders, in the York ice-box. Tonight the Warriors encounter Guelph face-to-face at the Waterloo Arena, 8:00 pm. It will be the last Warrior regular-season home game for ‘76-‘77. UW’s last league tilt will be next. Friday, as Bob’s boys sojourn to London to confront Western’s Mustangs.



the free chevron

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Chevrics flattered To the staff of the free chevron: After having had the experience of working with the staff of the free chevron, I must congratulate everyone down in CC140 for the determination and perseverance they have shown in the past 16 weeks. With all the hassles you have encountered, I must say you are all amazing. I came back up for a visit a few days ago, (I worked on the paper in ‘76), and everyone was in good spirits and as happy as always, even with all the shit you have to put up with. I wish you all the very best, and it has been a real pelasure working and knowing everyone. My full support to everyone and to the cause. Take care, Lisa


Students disgusted The results of the election have just come in, and we are personally very disgusted. We find it hard to believe, after months’of the dispute concerning the chevron, that so few people cared to vote in the presidential election. The issue behind the chevron affair is very basic to the beliefs of a democratic society - innocence until proven guilty. Doug Thompson, who won, has shown by his actions that he is definitely opposed to any such rights. Whatever happened to the, 2300 people who signed the recall petition to oust Shane Roberts - the epitome of opposition to those rights? Were their class schedules so busy that they couldn’t take five minutes to vote? Did they have their pens shoved up their asses so far that they couldn’t find them? Were their mummies sick? And what about the other 12,000 students - did they not care about the estimated $10,000 - 20,000 of student money which has so far been wasted? Surely this last remark cannot be, since we’ve heard so much complaining about the two dollars per year that each student must pay to support the paper. This tremendous apathy, (and it sickens us to use that word once more), would have been believable to us up until this week. University students are supposed to be the cream of the crop - the future leaders of society. If this is any indication of what lies before us we are truly disheartened as to the prospects of ever attaining a just, moral or caring society. The irresponsibility of the students at this university must be repulsive to any concerned person interested in making constructive changes in any system. Our only bright point in this whole affair is that we are both in our last term at this university and so will not have to remain in this atmosphere of whining, pampered, pseudointellectuals who don’t really give a shit about anything. The fault lies with those who didn’t vote. You people made your bed, now lie in it. Jackie


& Laurie


Eaglist disputes I find it curious indeed, as a devout Eagles fan, that a favourable review of one of their albums has yet to appear in the chevron. In your 30 Jan 1976 issue, I found myself defending One Of These Nights against Dan Mik10s’ accusation (23 Jan) that the Eagles were merely cashing in on the “current country to Martha rock rage’ ’ . In response Pecheiky’s review of Motel California, I once again find myself in the position of defending the Eagles’ musical ability, style and content.

I will disregard Martha’s comments on the packaging because it really is well done. As for the deceit afforded by the packaging in relation to the quality of the recording, Martha is way off base; Bill Szymczyk is’ widely known for his production and engineering excellence, and is surpassed only by Glyn Johns. Have another listen, Martha, after you take that your head. But to the apparent point- of the review. Eagles in no way “deplore the decadence of California on some tracks and promote decadence on others”. And there is no way Eagles music is ugly. With Martha’s later comments concerning the media in mind, I can only conclude that she, like others of her political affiliation, can see only in black and white; “promote” and “deplore”, “pretty” and “ugly” are but four examples. I am afraid, Martha, that when dealing with artistic endeavour, and for that matter all pursuits in life, one cannot think merely in terms of black and white because the vast spectrum in between is far too important to ignore. The Beach Boys sang of the surf and sand and of the continuance of the California dream. Eagles, however, do not deplore but lament the-decadence of California, and in consequence their music is not ugly, but funereal and mournful; they sing of the death of the California dream, and a quick history of its events can be heard in “The Last Resort”. With regard to your inference that Eagles songs are fascistic, and your assertion that they dispel any possibility of change in the decadence of our lowly system, again I must say you are way off track. Let me draw an analogy between the relationship of the Eagles to their record company, and that of the free chevron and its advertisers: both are supported (70% by the chevron’s own claim) by the “same bourgeoisie” and both serve its interests, one by selling records, the other by selling advertising. Yet, in my opinion, the free chevron is as fascist as the eagle turds that muddle your thinking. Take a tip from Doug Hamilton’s review on the same page as yours, and leave the political rhetoric out of any future reviews. As well, stop thinking in terms of black-and white; you just may see as far and wide and penetratingly as the Eagles on high. Sean M. Kennedy Honours History 3

The best damn paper When the federation executive refuses to give students money to publish a paper but wastes money on salaries for fieldworkers who do fuck all. . .when the federation gives money to publish all kinds of society trash and their own mouthpiece yet closes the free chevron down for no valid reasons. . .then there is something drastically wrong. All four of us had supported the feds, BUT THESE FREE CHEVRICS, PUTTING OUT THE STUDENT PAPER, ARE PUTTING OUT THE BEST DAMNED PAPER ON THIS FUCKING CAMPUS! It is for this reason that they are being evicted? Bill Bourn Steve Thronpike Patte Yeshonko Henry Blondes

Racist redefined In response to the letter in the chevron of “Who are the racists”, I would like to submit the following quotes from Israel Shahak, chairman of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights. Talking about the situation in the occupied territories, Professor Shahak states: “The Israeli occupation regime in the conquered territories is one of the most cruel and repressive regimes in mordern times . . .The

first thing done by the occupation authorities was to organize by all means, both by cruel coercion and in supposedly “humane” ways, a mass expulsion of Palestinians from their motherland.” People who were born and lived most of their lives in Jerusalem are not allowed to come back and settle in their own city if they are not Jews; of course, if a Dutchman converts to Judaism tomorrow, he will not only be allowed to do so at once, he will also get an apartment (in an all-Jewish suburb built on Jewish land). Shahak talks about the so-called “summer visits” that are allowed by Israel. “Brother is allowed to see brother, children to see their father.” Of course, nostalgia becomes overwhelming, and then they are told: You want to re-unite? Please do so - but on the other side of the Jordan river. This serves the Israeli government very well in that it results in the expulsion of Palestinians from their country. About democratic rights, Professor Shahak has this to say: “Not only are political parties - all political parties - totally forbidden; even unions such as trade unions, student unions, or cultural associations are forbidden. It is not only forbidden for Palestinians to demonstrate; it is also forbidden to* go on strike; it is even forbidden to close one’s shop in a sign of protest even though it is hard to imagine a more peaceful way to protest.” Concerning land acquisition in the occupied territories, the chairman of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights, writes: “First of all, the Israeli occupation regime confiscated all the government lands and devoted them to Jewish settlement . . .it transfers land in a racist way to the use of exclusive members of one ethnic group: the Jews. By the way, this was not exclusively for the use of Israeli citizens but for the use of Jews from all over the world. This is racism. Another form of land acquisition is by the way of confiscation of that which is called “land of absentees”. More than one third of the Palestinians in the territories were expelled and among them many whose lands were registered in their own name. For example, if a family father was expelled and if his wife and children remain in the village, then they are living on “absentee land”. Next comes the Israeli government and expels them from that land which it consecrates to Jewish settlement.” On Zionist terrorism, Shahak writes: “It would be hard to find a man more worthy of the name terrorist than Meir Har-Zion. In his diaries he revealed . . . how he purely and simply enjoyed - murder. How much he ‘enjoys killing an Arab, particularly with a knife, because he can then feel that he is “male”. (See Haaretz Weekly Supplemente, November 9,1%9.) He asks of his commander the permission to kill an unarmed Arab shepherd precisely with a knife and then describes the sadistic enjoyment the way his (friend) holds him while Har-Zion plunges the knife in his back, “and the blood splashes from the wound”. (See Meir HarZion Diaries.) Har-Zion’s exploits also include raids across the border: “He got a hold of six Arabs, and killed them with a knife, five of them. He felled them one after the other, while the others watched; he left the sixth one alive so he could tell.” That man is considered a national hero by the majority of Israeli Jews. That man was praised and presented as a model to the youth by Defense Minister Mosh Dayan. Shahak further describes Zionist terrorism, I will add to this the napalm bombings in Irbid, Es Salt and other Jordanian towns in the summer of 1968. I will add to this the summer of 1974, habit of bombing refugee camps in Lebanon, and on top of ordinary bcmbs dropping delayed action bombs which only explode after one hour or two, i.e. when the families and medical squads are searching through the ruins to rescue the wounded.” Israel Shahak ends his comment by citing Israeli law, where “Any Gentile woman is considered an impure slave, Gentile and


whore. When she embraces the Jewish faith, she stops being impure, slave and Gentile, but she remains a whore.” Shahak appropriately titles this section of the article, “Nazification“. These are the opinions of the chairman of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights, “I would like to see some people disprove some of these Israeli laws by simply saying ‘No, that didn’t happen.’ ” It is Phil Cramer and his Zionist friends who are justifying the genocide of the Palestinian people. LONG LIVE THE PALESTINIAN RESISTANCE! Hafis


Feds lose HOLD IT! How can a paid fed. worker tell a student journalist “NO COMMENT” when he asks her to comment on the loss of three cameras worth $1000. I am talking about Leona Kyrytow fed employee. Where the hell do you get off Kyrytow? What happened to the equipment? J. Kang

Grad Prez corrects In his free chevron article “Race To The Grad Club” in the Feb. 4th issue, David Carter has come to some erroneous conclusions which it is necessary for me to correct. The Graduate Club is in the process of examining the nature of its relations with the Federation of Students. It is important to remember that the Grad club and the Federation are completely independant organizations, and have been since 1972. For historical and other reasons, it was the decision of the Board of Directors of the Graduate Club that the current situation, two graduate constituency representatives on the Federation Council, was unstisfactory and that a system of mutual liason officers between the two groups would be preferable. In early December this was communicated to then Federation President Shane Roberts, with a request that the two grad seats on Council be abolished and that liason personnel be designated. This whole issue has been under consideration by the general body of the graduate students since that time and the Federation has indicated that it will move once graduates have resolved the question among themselves. Mr. Carter in his article indicates that, “Several members of the Board hope to integrate the work of the two graduate reps on Federation Council with participation on the Graduate Board of Directors”. This is not an accurate statement, as it implies that the Grad Club would automatically endorse and support any nominee for grad rep as long as that individual also sat on the Grad Board. This is not so! Until the final nature of the Grad Club-Federation relations is defined, the graduates should make use of existing representation within the Federation. The concern of the Board of Directors is that these grad reps, or liason officers, or whatever mechanism is ultimately decided on by graduate students, provide adequate feedback to the Board. No blanket endorsement in any form of grad rep nominees is intended or implied by the Board’s actions. Prevailing sentiment would be more accurately rendered by replacing “participation on” in Mr. Carter’s statement by “feedback to”. According to Graduate Club bylaws, any two members of the Board can, upon seven days notice, call a special meeting of the Board of Directors. Board member Melanie Campbell and myself felt it important to ascertain the attitude of all graduate candidates continued

on page




94 the free


cont’d from page 13 for Federation Council in the area of Grad Club-Federation relations, especially considering our request that the two grad seats be abloished. For this reason, she and I, in compliance with the bylaws, issued notice of the special’ Board Meeting to be held Tuesday, February 8. The memorandum giving notice came from the two of us alone, and not from the Grad Club executive, as is incorrectly-noted in the article appearing Friday last. There is one other point that must be mentioned. Carter indicates that the Faculty of Mathematics has 6seats available to it on the Board of Directors. The actual figure is 5 seats. The remaining distributions are correct as they appeared. H. Robert

friday, february

. ,


Pajkowski, President

Lbmocracy takes a fal!l

Capitd!Iism to blame

Mr. McCartney, your letter to the chevron (4.2.77) establishes your working class background quite well. It provides for interesting reading, but in my view is quite irrelevant to the discussion at hand. The issue is not your class background,’ my friend, the issue is your class interest. This letter is written, not so much to expose McCartney’s fallacious arguments as to provided a theoretical clarification on question of workers’ health and safety and the various distortions presented I on this question. I will show that industrial accidents on the whole are due, not to the fault of workers but to the very nature of capitalism itself. Before discussing this question any further, there is something about the nature of capitalism which must be understood. The sole motive for production under capitalism is making profit - not production because it benefits people; nor because it provides jobs, not any other reason than to provide profits. And not just any sort of profit, or an “average” profit, but precisely the maximum profit. Capitalism attacks the health and safety of the workers both through the intensification of labour and through the tendency to reduce to a minimuni’the value of the constant capital employed in’ the production of a commodity. Capital tends to : 1) reduce the amount of labour employed to no more than the necessary labour; and 2) employ this labour under the most economical conditions.

The President of>the Federation is supposedly choosen by democratic election. However that was not the method used to select our new President elect. For implied in the democratic concept is an assertion of the rights of both voter and candidate. When these rights are ignored or denied the process becomes a mere facade. This circumstance was the rule rather than the exception in the past election. The most important right of the voter is that of casting his ballot without interfer2 ence. In the case of the off campus voter there was a definite denial of this most basic right, in that due to unusual conditions many ballots will not be counted. The ‘method of accepting ballots as to the arrival date rather than the date of mailing effec. The cost of producing a commodity in. tively places, on the off campus voter, the capital responsibility for both the weather and the cludes both the use of constant (capital spent on buildings, machinery, raw The irregularity of both, _ postal service. materials, etc.) and variable capital (used guarantee the disenfranchizment of large for the purchase of labour power). By renumbers. Furthermore, there was another form of ducing to a minimum the value of the constant capital employed in producing a cominterference which demonstrates the atmodity, the capitalists are able to increase titude of the C.R.O. to the electoral prothe rate of profit. (1) . cess. On election day the Gazette published Thus we see that it is an inherent tendency a letter by- a Mr. Randy Barkman concerof capitalism to extract the maximum ning the candidates. Mr. Barkman worked (through the intensification of at one of the polling stations and was ac- labour labour) under the most economical concompanied by the paper bearing his letter. If the C.R.G. had not held the voter in con- ditions (by reducing to a minimum the value of the constant capital employed), ie. tempt he would have reached an understanthat poor working conditions are inherent in ding with the Gazette about campaign matthe capitalist system. erial appearing in the election day issue. As there are a number of circles at this Failing this he should have replaced Mr. who declare that “Marx has been Barkman, as an election official, thus at university let’s test out the validity of ,his least trying to eliminate as much of the in- refuted!“, hypothesis in practice. Let’s see what the terference as possible. has to say about workers’ _ The above two occurrences are enough to bourgeoisie make mockery of an election. However not health and safety. From an article in Executive, October enough for some (C.R.O.). There are the 1975~ “The number of disabling injuries to rights of the candidates to be considered. workers covered by workmen’s compensa.First the candidate should be presented tion has also gone up. From a low of 3.8 inwith a copy of the “rules for elections;“this employed in 1968,. did not happen! Second there is a right to juries per 100 workers ask for a recount, without being rebuffed. In the figure jumped to over 4.6 injuries per 100 workers in 1974.” (2) this case acquiring consent for a recount from the C.R.O. was similar to wrestling a So the bourgeoisie is forced to admit that beer from a engineer. These are minor oc- the number of injuries to workers is on the increase. And how do they explain this incurrences, when compared to the occurrence of Friday, February 4th. crease? “In some industries, worker morale At 1:30 the C.R.O. met with Joe Machas hit .an all-time low, because manageDonald and a member of the Thompson ment has failed to convince their employees group in order to conduct a recount. He in- they are doing everything possible to formed Joe that he did not have the key to safeguard the health of the worker and the the ballot boxes, and created the impression community. Low morale, coupled with that the recount would be held at a later boredom, a breakdown in the work ethic date. However, he then proceeded to con(especially among younger workers), and duct the recount without the presence of lack of pride in the workplace, contribute to Mr. MacDonald and the Fed. Office informs high staff turnover. In turn, high turnover me that there,has been no change in the re- contributes to poor safety records . . .“(2) sult. So we have poor safety records because The above occurrences will go down in the bourgeoisie hasn’t done a good enough the annals of election history as a classic job of “convincing their employees they are example of “how not to”. The attitude and doing everything possible to safeguard the incompetence of the C.R.O. have turned a health of the worker I . .” In other words, normally serious affair into a farce. Another the solution of workers’ health and safety election should be .demanded but with the problems is not to implement proper safety structure that exists it is unlikely that any devices etc., but for the capitalist to do a election could be conclusive. better job of convincing workers that the CM. Dandy bourgeoisie is concerned about their health!

People should read this quotation again. The more times one reads it the more absurd the argument becomes. Let’s see if the bourgeoisie really is “concerned” about the health of workers. From’the same article: “So much has been written in recent months linking asbestos to cancer and repiratory ills that we have practically lost sight of the fact that asbestos has saved countless lives as a fire retardant in homes and industry, not to mention its more than 3000 commercial applications including its use . . .as filters for processing beer, orange juice and medicines . .“(2) So the bourgeoisie is more concerned about processing beer and orange juice than it is about workers’ health. They then go on to say that “ . . .the unions are seeking a host of new pollution control and monitoring equipment and the right to stay home at-full pay if (asbestos) fiber leveli rise above acceptable limits. Says Mooney (vice-president of industria/ relations of the monopoly capitalist Asbestos Corporation’s Thetford Mines - Ed): “If we had to meet

the full extreme of the demands, we’d just shut down. I don’t think they realize \ what they’re asking.” (2) The bourgeoisie admits that they won’t even operate within acceptable safety limits as it would encroach on their profits too much! Anyway, having dealt with the line of the bourgeoisie, let’s see if the line presented by the labour aristocrats (union “leaders”) is any better. In his letter, McCartney says “ . . .we must often work in hazardous environments. That is why people take safety precautions on the job. This may entail the wearing of a hard hat, or avoiding obstacles in one’s path. . .” Let’s see what the labour aristocracy has to say about this. “The safety problem is no longer a broken machine guard, or material left in a walkway, it is now a much more broadly based concern that includes occupational health hazards. ” (3) First of all, I’d like to point out to McCartney that the problem of workers’ safety extends to occcupational health hazards, something which requires more than wearing of a hard hat or avoiding obstacles. Secondly, I’d like to point out to the labour aristocrats that occupational health has always been a safety problem under capitalism, long before it was “discovered” by ‘either the labour aristocrats or the bourgeoisie. Like the bourgeoisie, the labour aristocrats are “concerned” about workers’ safety. “ . .look’at the disgraceful situation that has grown up in Elliot Lake from the twin hazards of silica dust and radiation. The knowledge of this potentially dangerous situation facing uranium miners was laid before the Ontario government and management as early as 1958. A lack of action on their part has, eighteen years later, produced consequences that are as tragic as they are unnecessary - an incidence of lung cancer, silicosis and other respiratory ailments far above normal. What the long term effects will be in terms of genetic damage await the passage of time.” (3) . \ But what solutions do the labour aristocrats pose? “It must be our goal to see that a new system of values and priorities is adopted by all levels of government and all types of industry - a system that measures the benefits to society that accrue from the creation of a product or service measured against its cost in human terms - a system that places the health and safety of even one’ worker ahead of profits. . .” (3) So the labour aristocrats would reform capitalism to put people ahead of profits. They would have us believe that today’s capitalists are more humane - more goodhearted and kind than their predecessors. They sellout the workers by begging to the state and going hat-in-hand to the capitalists “Oh please Mr. Capitalist, sir, set aside some of your profits for health and safety.” This sort of grovelling will accomplish nothing. As I pointed out before, capitalists don’t run their businesses because they are “concened” about workers’ could safety. Stalin said: “If capitalism

11, 197;

adapt production not to the obtaining of the utmost profits, but to the systematic improvement of the material conditions of the masses of the people, and if it could turn profits not to the satisfaction of the whims of the parasitic classes, not to perfecting the methods of exploitation, not to the.export of capital but to the systematic improvement . . .of the material conditions of the workers and peasants, then.. .capitalism would not be capitalism. ” (4) Peter Blunden (Because of lack of space, the rest of this letter will qe printed next week. Then, I shall present the- line promoted by the WCB, the conditions of workers in Canada, and deal further with several points raised in Mr. McCartney’s letter.) Footnotes: 1) For a further explanation of these concepts, see K. Marx, Capital, volume III, chapter V, “Economics in the Use of Constant Capital”. 2) Executive, October 1975, “Health and Safety: The bill will be huge”. 3) Canadian Labour, June 1976, “Occupational Health and Safety”. 4) J. V. Stalin, “Political Report of the Central Committee to the Sixteenth Congress of the CPSU(B)“, Works, volume 12,pp. 250-252.

Stibt)ent misleadiiig In my letter of Friday January. 28, in response to Salah Bachir’s letter of the previous issue of the free chevron, I made a statement which was misleading, to say,the least. I was’ rather agitated at the. time and allowed my emotions to influence my logic and in doing so I momentarily descended to the level of my detractors. My statement regarding the links between South Africa and other nations was much too strongly stated and even a weaker hypothesis was not documented. For this I apologize. Phillip Cramer





a graphic,

take a pit, write

a story,

a sports layout

a review,

report, some

have some,

pages, fun.

BUT NOW! it’s all this and more: advetiising, legal paper

accown ting,

work, handout,

organking and upholding democratic




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the free chevron



The Ontario government ministries of colleges and universities and education last month released a series of three reports dealing with secondary and post-secondary education in the province, together called the interface Study. The Interface Study, conducted by Queen’s University, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (O/SE) and a public survey company, surveyed the general public, secondary school teachers and students, and university and community college faculty. The following feature, written by Ontario Region Canadian University Press (ORCUP) fieldworker Cord Graham, deals with the report and the response to it from Minister of Colleges and Universities Harry Parrott.

Editorialr-h _. , .


-Monday, February 7, Judge M&sop of the Waterloo County Court issued an injunc-m tion against 46 members of the chevron staff, ordering us out of our offices. Unable to obtain support from University of Waterloo students for the suppression of the free chevron, the federation executive called on the courts to intervene. Judge Mossop, sitting in his cloistered chambers, acceded to the federation’s appeal. The basis for the federation executive’s move was the flimsy claim that “‘irreparable damage” would result to the federation if we continued to occupy the chevron offices. By Gord Graham This court order signalled the launching of a three-day long campaign of terror against the chevron staff. “We have to be careful not to ask a loaded question and get a loaded reply,” ,said Harry From Monday until Wednesday evening, when the Ontario Supreme Court quaParrott, Ontario minister of colleges and universities, commenting on a recent government shed the federation’s injunction, several members of the federation executive report that revealed fifty four per cent of Ontario’s voters oppesed to tuition increases. including the former president Dave McLellan and the acting president Doug The study, funded jointly by the ministries of education and colleges and universities, also Thompson - used the court order to attempt to intimidate the chevron staff. We showed over three quarters of secondary and post-secondary students opposed to any tuition were threatened with arrest and the possibility of a contempt of court charge hike. maximum penalty $100 or six months in jail “I think that’s reasonably understandable,” continued Parrott, “no one really wants an if we did not bow down to the petty dictators in the federation office. The federation’s lawyer zeolously pursued conincrease in fees. I don’t and I’ve never said that I do. We’d get the same result if we asked tempt of court charges against those chevron staff members who remained in their whether coffee prices should increase.” office contrary to the federation’s order. Only ten per cent of the public and students questioned felt any tuition increase was What was the supposed mandate for this latest executive action by McLellan and justified. Despite these results, the government has no plans to roll back the $100 university Thompson? First, there was the referendum called by Roberts for January 13, which and $75 college fee increases announced for next year. was biased against the chevron staff by slanted wording and which our supporters The study that asked such “loaded”, questions took over a year and $619,000 to produce, boycotted. This referendum did not raise the question of eviction of the chevron and runs more than 1,750 pages. It’s called the Interface Study and is concerned mainly with staff by the police. Then there was the federation presidential election February 2, the transition of Ontario high school students to university or college. which Doug Thompson narrowly won, receiving only 804 votes, a record low for a Asked whether universities now received enough government funding, about 40 per cent federation president. In his campaign, Thompson never mentioned eviction of of the public interviewed were undecided, with the same number agreeing present funding students from the chevron offices by police. Of the other two candidates whose levels were sufficient. Only 18 per cent of the voters felt Ontario’s universities needed more votes nearly equalled Thompson’s, one supported the demand of the chevron staff money. for reinstatement of the paper and a thorough investigation, and the other called for “The public doesn’t seem to want fees to go up or the government to pump more money investigation of the chevron affair. There was no mandate from UW students to call commented Alan Golombeck, information officer for the Ontario Federainto education,” in the police and evict the chevron staff by force. of this result is that they feel the universities tion of Students. “The obvious interpretation Almost all of the people listed on the court order are UW students. Four of us are and colleges are adequately funded right now.” elected members of the students’ council, two more will join the council on March 1, Parrott found other aspects of the report more significant than the opinion surveys. and five others are running for council seats in the current election campaign. Thus, “To me the report was about the interface between secondary and postone section of the council. calling on the police to evict other students, including secondary institutions. It would be too easy to get into making interesting but superficial members of council, from offices which are intended for use by &dents. comments on its other aspects,” he said. It is to the everlasting credit of the chevron staff that we were not cowed by this Among the findings of the study, which was distributed to student, labour, academic and use of terror. Many of us resolved to show our contempt of the federation community groups for their response, are the following: executive’s action by remaining in the office, even to the point of being arrested - there is almost no co-ordination of subject matter and course content between high school . and dragged out of the office to jailby the police.. and post-secondary institutions At the same time we continued our campaign to inform the UW students and have - many Francophone students are forced to work because the post-secondary courses they them make the decisions about this case. We published a leaflet refuting the would like to study are not offered in Ontario federation’s flimsy case against us. It demonstrated that throughout this long fight - variations in high school marking systems are so extreme that some students are the federation hacks have tried to obscure and ignore the main ussue that they prevented from entering certain highly competitive university programmes such as pharclosed the i=hevron without prior investigation and in contravention of their own macy or nursing Federation Bylaw 2, Section IV, A(c), states that the chevron and the Board - educators generally feel post-secondary entrants are worse prepared than they used to bylaws. of Publications under which it operates “shall adhere to the principles and probe, though achievement tests showed mixed results: deterioration in some subjects but not cedures described in the constitution, charter, by-laws and code of ethics of the other Canadian University Press . . .” But the CUP Statement of Principles of the Cana- students view the development of creativity and problem solving as important goals for dian Student Press explicitly prohibits interference in the newspaper without an inpost-secondary institutions, while faculty don’t feel schools have any major responsibility vestigation. for the personal growth or social responsibility of students The federation of students’ council did not investigate the situation before it “There was some good news and some bad news,” said Parrott. “It wasn’t a scathing closed the chevron and summarily eliminated two editorial positions. Since the condemnation of the whole egucational system.” original closure, the federation executive has launched a long series of attacks on The report has been blasted by New Democratic education critic Jim Foulkes as “both the due process it claims to uphold. studied and presented in a vacuum, unrelated to work experience. . .or to previous learning The federation executive’s case for an interim injunction was a continuation of experiences” of the grade 13 students profiled by tests at 67 Ontario schools. presented in the court hearing contain numerous Foulkes also criticized the report for failing “to treat education in thk context of the that attack. Their arguments gross distortions, groundless assertions and outright lies. economy as a whole” and ignoring the relative success or failure of students leaving high We maintain that our cause is a just cause. The chevron was shut down Septemschool to join the work force. ber 24,1976,. by arbitrary and anti-democratic action of the federation executive, on “In many ways, by design or accident, post-secondary institutions have become ‘holding the basis of rumours and allegations. We are going to fight for reinstatement of the tanks’ to keep young people off the labour market because of the high unemployment chevron and a thorough and public investigation of the entire affair, this latest atlevels,” added Foulkes. “This strikes me as a very expensive way to do it - it would make tack notwithstanding. We are determined to continue publishing the free chevron, much more sense to have a government committed to full employment.” even if the federation again enlists the aid of the courts and the police in order to “As I understand how you do research, you have to narrow your view to see anything suppress our newspaper. The chevron staff and our supporters are resolved to conclearly, ’ ’ responded Parrott. “I don’t think this study was designed fo look at those areas.” tinue the occupation of the chevron offices, to publish the free chevron from our ofThe report did confirm earlier research that showed students from upper and middle principle of class background with parents in high status jobs were more likely to succeed in school ant fices, and many will go to jail in order to defend the basic democratic Reinstate! Investigate! graduate from university. No federation policy short of due process for the chevron staff can resolve this Parrott added, “I dqn’t think there’s any doubt that if you’re fortunate enough to be born dispute. For close to five months the federation has schemed and conspired, into an socio-economic setting rather than another, you’re more likely to get into post lied and deceived and used every conceivable method to try to kill the chevron, insecondary education. But there have been studies done that show even in countries likt rights. Daily, Sweden, when there is no financial costs to the students, the socio-economic mix ai cluding, now, the threat of jail terms for those who insist on democratic actions become more sordid. Daily it becomes more obvious that universities is the same. So I think we have to begin somewhere else than at the matter 01 the federation’s the chevron staff will fight on until a just resolution is achieved. That just resolution, fees.” * the only one which will restore some peace to the federation, is reinstatement and Parrott saw the most dressing problem pinpointed by the study as the need for better investigation. co-ordination between high school guidance counsellors and post-secondary admissions -the chevron staff oficers.

The report was first conceived in 1975 as the first part of an o&all policy review 01 Ontario’s educational system. Now responses to it will be solicited for several months before going to meetings of the provincially-based Council of Regents and Council on University Affairs. Parrott doesn’t expect any solid recommendations back from these groups before May.

rY fee,



* ,A member of the Canadian University Press, the free chevron is produced and published by the chevron staff and is typeset by Dumont Press Graphix. Chief fed hack Dave McLellan was happier than a pig in shit when he came down earlier this week to serve staffers with eviction notices. He was a little less pleased though, when several staffers tore up their notices in his face. And he was downright pissed off when he learned that the supreme court qverturned the county court decision to evict staff from their office. It’s cost us $400 in lawyers fees to hold onto these offices - it’s probably cost the feds several times that amount to try and have us evicted. This shouldn’t be surprising - the feds have more money trying to kill the free chevron than the chevron ever cost while it was publishing. Putting out this week’s paper were: larry hannant, neil docherty, Scott barron, jonathan coles, randy barkman, marina taitt, tom cody, heather robertson, mark wills, jamie thiers, donna wills, salah bachir, doug hamilton, mary faught, val moghadam, lorne gershuny, peter blunden, Charlotte von bezold, t. alex beamish, ernst von bezold, dennis rekuta, jayne pollock, dave carter, doug wahlsten, Oscar nierstrasz, dianne chapitis, doug goodfellow, mike hazell, jules grajower, rob taylor, new folks pat solomshuk, brian cross and mini, mark mcguire and


everyone who may have slipped my mind. Thanks to all those supporters who come to help occupy the offices. And to Val- maybe the agent is smarter than we think, but don’t give up the fight...peter


friday, february

the free chevron

‘Ball Wartiors Slam Hawks The basketball Warriors were host to the hapless Golden Hawks of WLU Saturday night in the PAC. Following on the heels of the Windsor and Manitoba games, expectations were not high for the small crowd in attendance, but they got more than they bargained for as UWdefeated WLU in a close match, 71-63. The Hawks surprised the Warriors with an effective zone defence which Waterloo was not able to penetrate. Meanwhile, the shooting and rebounding of Fred Koepke and Peter Zwart were good enough to give the Hawks the lead for most of the game until the final 10 minutes. All in all it was a boring game despite its closeness. The Warriors, for their part, were coming off two of the biggest games thus far in the season -games which they had to win and did win by very close margins. Laurier has yet to win a game this season and has

shown little reason why they should ever win one. It’s never easy to explain how a team can defeat opponents such as Windsor and Manitoba and then come up flat against the Hawks. It’s never easy and it’s often trite to do so, so it won’t be attempted here I The starting five for the Warriors seemed to forget that they are a good team because they have talent and can control a game by outrunning their opponents without losing their touch with the ball. If anything, they actually improve their ball control as they increasetheir speed.. Without their speed they become just another ball club with some good players on it. The Warriors weren’t running Saturday night, they weren’t looking for the free man and they weren’t thinking. It took the unusual combination of Larman and Tamburino at the guard spots,

Upcoming Events Feb. 11 - Feb. 22 Men% Schedule Sat Feb 12 Mens Basketball : Guelph Fri Feb 11 Men’s Hockey : Guelph Fri Feb 11 Wrestling : Guelph Sat Feb 19 & 20 OUAA Finals: Wrestling Tue Feb 22 Hockey: Semi Finals Women’s Schedule Wed Feb 9 Basketball : Guelph Fri Feb 18 & 19 Volleyball : Finals



The Outers is planning a cross country ski race and hoppet on Sunday, February 13 (a hoppet is where a group gets together and tours). There will be prizes for the 4 KM course that is at approximately Westmount and Hyland. Come out or sign up for the race by calling Brent Hegadoren at 576-6567 or Greg Derbyshire at 884-33 19. During Study Week, there will be a Cross Country trip to algonquin Park or the Gatineaus. Should be good. Phone Bill Mitchell at 886-0086. Also on February 19-20, the Outers Club is planning a winter overnight camping trip. Call Iranz Klingender at 885-6559 for more information. Despite previous rumour, the Ground Hog Ring Road Relay was cancelled last weekend due to unusually hot weather for this time of year, it will be held on Sunday, March 6th if it gets colder. The Men’s Doubles Squash tournament is this Monday Wednesday, February 14- 16, sign up before 4:30 today. Intramural Ski Day is next week, Thursday, February 17 from 1:00 5:00 pm. The cost is $3.00, buses are provided and will leave the Campus Centre at 12:15 pm on Thursday. Rentals can be obtained by contacting Chicopee one week in advance at 578-1740. Giant Slalom Ski Races will be held the

same day for both novice and experienced skiers, sign up in 2040 PAC. The Men’s Broomball Tourney is only 2 weeks away, sign up before Friday, February 25 in the Intramural Office. A problem in ret hockey seems to be competitive hockey players trying to play recreational. If you know of any teams using competitive players let the Intramural Office know and they will be eliminated. There are a number of teams on the waiting list. -York Yoemen rugby and basketball star Ev Spence seems to be having a hard time determining which sport he is playing. Spence was ejected from a basketball game after tackling and exchanging blows with Laurentians Paul Mouseau. The Voyageurs defeated the Yoemen 80-72. -York University is the site of the OUAA squash championship today. Matches are taking place in the Tait McKenzie Building. -The 1977 OUAA Gymnastic Championships will be held at York on Saturday, February 19, 1977 starting at 6:00 pm. -The OUAA Curling Championships till be held today and tomorrow at Gueph University. -0UAA Badminton Championships will be held Sunday February 13 at the University of Western Ontario.

Vance, Darcie and Graham as the forwards to get the ball club moving again. Although they emerged from the first half leading 35-33, the Warriors looked lacklustre. Coming out for the second half, they were more so, able only to score four points in the first five minutes. UW coach Don McCrae pulled the starting five at this point. Led by some aggressive rebounding by Ted Darcie and good shooting by Larman and Vance, this second team was able to inject some life into the Waterloo game. They were able to cut down the margin the Hawks had built up early in the second half and draw even with them. More than anything, they were able to build up some momentum. Capitalizing on this momentum, Brill-Edwards and Hadwen, Visser Yuhatz and Nelson returned to the game and had little trouble opening up a ten point margin which iii the final minute was cut back to eight. Leading the way for the Warriors were Mike Visser and Bob Yuhatz with 20 points each. Fred Koepke and Peter Zwart responded for the Hawks with 17 and 16 points respectively. The next action for the Warriors is on Wednesday when they travel to Hamilton to meet the McMaster Marauders in what would be a good game. So far this year, Mat, has shown a much improved type of play and is capable, especially at home, of beating any team in the league. The next home action will be on Saturday when the Gryphons of Guelph come to town to play what could be the crucial game of the year. Guelph defeated Waterloo in Guelph 87-72 three weeks ago SO one can expect the Warriors to be looking for a win, and one with a healthy margin. In this context, one could define a healthy margin as being 16 points. Mike Visser is the winner of the award-which-doesn’t-exist for the player-of-the-week. His play against Manitoba was axcellent as he accounted for 15 points and grabbed 14 rebounds. Against WLU he shot eight for 13 from the floor, scoring 20. points and grabbed another nine rebounds. -jacques



Playoffs at sta Head Coach Sally Kemp and her Basketball Athenas face a crucial week of three OWIAA games. At stake will be the playoff positions and the all-important home court designation that goes with a higher finish in league play. The Athenas would dearly love to finish in at least second place in the OWIAA Basketball League. If they win ,a11 three of their games, they will be all but assured of second place. Most teams have conceded first place to Western. On Wednesday night the Athenas are at home against the University of Guelph. In an earlier game between these two teams, the Athenas won a two point squeaker that went into double overtime.


The University of Waterloo will host the 1977 OUAA WrestlingChampionships. The Championships wilI extend over two days, February 19th and 20th. The preliminary rounds will be staged at Waterloo Collegiate on Saturday, February 19th. The semi-finals and championship bouts will be held in the PAC, starting at 11:30 A.M. on Sunday, February 20. The meet director is Kurt Boese. FENCING

The University of Waterloo Warriors Fencing team managed a first place finish in the Western Divisional finals held at Western University last weekend. The team, consisting of Tony Remy, George Masurkevitch and Alex Yan, finished first in the only event they were entered in, the foil. Individually Masurkevitch finished third, Tony Remy fifth and Yan eighth. Alfred Huberty of Windsor finished first in the foil individually but the Warriors won on total points, followed by McMaster. In the other events, Windsor’s Ron Taggert finished without a loss in the sabre, and Rick Musta, a

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Coach Kemp is hoping that homecourt advantage will give the Athenas a bit of an improved margin on Wednesday. Game time on Wednesday is 8:00 pm in the UW’s Physical Activities Complex. On Friday night the Athenas will play McMaster in Hamilton. In an earlier meeting between these two teams, the Athenas came out on top by a score of 55-47. On Saturday afternoon at 2:00 pm the Athenas will host the University of Windsor. The Athenas lost to Windsor on the weekend just past by a score of 6 l-55. Once again Coach Kemp and the Athenas are counting on their home court and the enthusiasm of their home fans to reverse that decision.

Grappelers Groping

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7 7, 7977

Warriors Phi/ Tamburino shown here being fouled by Peter Zwart, had some bad breaks against the Golden Hawks. Among them were these: he missed the shot and the referee missed the foul.

modern pentathlon competitor from Western finished first in the epee. This weekend the Warriors will travel to Ottawa where the OUAA finals will be held. The same team will compete in the foil. Remy will also compete individually in the epee and Masurkevitch will compete individually in the sabre. Waterloo’s strongest competition in the foil can be expected to come from Toronto, who dominated the eastern finals held in Toronto last weekend. SKI REPORT: U OF W WOMEN LOOK STRONG

The U of W ski team has been , having a moderately successful season if you examine the results of the last three meets that the men’s team has competed in, and a highly successful season if you examine the women’s results. In the men’s category the Warriors have placed 5th, 4th and 7th in the University of Toronto, University of Trent and the University of McMaster Invitational meets held at Blue Mountain and Georgian Peaks. The men’s team competes against 12 other OUAA teams. To date, Gord Reese has been the Warrior’s most consistent performer, placing in the top ten in each meet. Coach Mike Renaud has been happy with his team’s performance. He points out that, “the team is young”, and that “this is a building year”. The women’s team, on the other hand, has been finishing consistently in the top five at each meet that they have competed in. Led by coach-skier Sue Graves, an exnational ski team member, the Athenas have finished 5th, 1st and 2nd in their respective meets. Sue Graves, individually, has placed 2nd and first in the last two meets. Her chief competitor has been U of T’s Andrea Esson. Patsy Chambers’ strong skiing has also helped to bolster the Athens’ total points. Next week the University of Waterloo Invitational ski meet will be held at Blue Mountain. This is a major two day event and marks the end of this year’s Mol-Star Series. Pending the results of this meet, invitations will be sent to various teams for the Can-Am meet that will be held in Waterville, New Hampshire. Waterloo has already secured a berth for this event, based on its performance in the January Can-Am held at Georgian Peaks. Asked about his teams’ chances at their own invitational, Coach Renaud commented: “If my skiers can finish their runs I think we have a crack at third place.” Good luck Warriors! and go Athenas!

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