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feds evict two

ocked The fo//owing article was written by three staffers from the Varsity, the University of Toronto’s Student Newspaper. They came from an Ontario Regional CUP conference being held at McMaster when they heard the chevron offices had been taken over by federation president Doug Thompson.

Members of the University of Waterloo’s student newspaper the free chevron - succeeded in holding onto their offices after fighting with Waterloo student council members and campus police Sunday night. The chevron staff has been oc-


doors fail Once’ cupying its newspaper offices around the clockand publishing the free chevron ever since the chevron was closed down by the Waterloo federation of students last September. Two staff members were dragged, pushed and carried out of the free chevron offices Sunday night by about 15 members and supporters of the federation who ganged up on them during the usual nighttime vigil. One free chevron member received medical attention for abrasions after campus police, called in by federation president Doug Thompson, pulled him out of the office a second time, according to a statement by the injured party. 1

When the free chevron later regained entry, however, the campus police refused to remove them from their offices, despite another request by Thompson. Thompson, who led the initial raid, justified his actions in an interview later by saying, “Forceful occupation of the chevron offices could be ended only by one means - force.” The federation recently attempted to oust the chevron with an interim court injunction, pending final injunction proceedings, but a county court decision in the federation’s favor was overturned by the Supreme Court of Ontario Feb. 9.

Thompson claims campus security had told him the only way to get the free chevron out was to wait for the next court hearings on the injunction - expected by. summer - or “to get 15 goons wearing hoods and carrying sledgehammers to go down there and smash some skulls.” The raiding party, however, was not hooded or armed. Free chevron editor Larry Hannant called the episode “a desperate kind of action” on Thompson’s part. “The chevron is the most democratic political force on campus right now. What can Thompson hope to gain from this?” he asked. Thompson claimed that he had tried every reasonable, approach towards a resolution of the conflict, but the chevron wasn’t responding to them. “To combat brute force and ignorance you have to use brute force and ignorance,” he said. The chevron staff and the federation were in the process of negotiations when the incident occured. Ernst von Bezold, a member of the chevron’s legal committee, said, “The ‘federation has shown that they are not negotiating in good faith”. Thompson and approximately 15 of his supporters walked into the free chevron offices between 7:15 and 7:45 pm “in a jovial mood” and joked about installing a pinball machine, according to chevron staffer Jonathan Coles. Coles was occupying the offices with another chevron member at the time. Thompson and company proceeded to lock up the interior offices and to tear down posters, said

Un iversity of Wa ted00 Waterloo, Ontario volume 1, number 2 I march 4, 7977


The much-touted General Meeting adjourned itself after motion number two of a twenty-five About 750 students attended what - again - proved to be a state of chaos. photo

item agenda. by rabid rabbit

lets grads stay One of few tangible results of the federation of students’ general meeting Tuesday is that graduate students should remain voting members of the federation. Less than an hour after it had begun the general meeting was ajourned, having dealt with only two of the twenty-five agenda items. The decision to allow grad students to retain their federation voting privileges came through the defeat of a bylaw proposed by former federation vice-president Dave McLellan. The defeated by-law would have created two types of federation members - regular members, those who pay fees, and others, like federation employees and graduate students. The regular members would be the only people with voting privileges . The vote first appeared to favour the by-law proposal, but it was rechecked when Randy Barkman, a free chevron staffer, counted the first part of the vote (those in favour of the motion) and reached a number considerably lower than the one tallied by the official counters. The vote was recounted, resulting in a 121-125 defeat of the mo-

tion. The relationship between the grads and the federation was considered Thursday evening at a special general meeting of the Grad Club. The results of that meeting, unavailable at press time, could change the decision reached at the federation general meeting. From start to finish the meeting was marred by controversy and mismanagement, with little substantive and audible debate. EL101 had only been booked for three hours, despite the length of the agenda to be dealt with. The meeting began exactly an hour after the scheduled opening time. Andrew Telegdi, former federation president, was appointed chairperson by the board of directors. Immediately the meeting was declared open and a call to change the order of the agenda was made. Telegdi refused to allow the change in the order, saying the agenda had been printed in the “student newspaper” prior to the meeting and that there could be no I t . .. cnanges made to it. It was pointed out that the call was for a change in the order, not for additions or deletions from the agenda. Telegdi insisted on ruling it c

out of order. When he was asked where in Robert’s Rules of Order the changing of agenda order was discussed, Telegdi told the inquirer to look up by-law 12 (of the federation by-laws). (This by-law states ,only that the chair is chosen by the board of directors, rules on all questions of order and privilege, and in case of a challenge must hear two speakers for and two speakers against the ruling .) After repeated questioning-, Robert White said that there was provision in the Corporations Act of Ontario to rule out the change in order. But in the face of repeated questioning, neither he nor Telegdi could say exactly where in the act the provision ‘was made. The first agenda item, appointment of the board of directors, saw Telegdi read the new board members’ names aloud “for those interested’ ’ . They were seconded, but there was no vote. After the defeat of the motion to remove the grads, a call to adjourn the meeting was made. One argument in favour was that such indiscriminate addition and deletion of by-laws could only compound the state of disarray the by-laws are already in. . 4oug




In his own words, Thompson then “asked the individuals (oc-, cupying the offices) to leave. I was told that under no circumstances would they leave. “We then picked up (chevron staffer) Marc Shafroth and dragged him out of the office and we’ll do it again, again and-again until the message gets through.” Thompson contended the federation controls the space occupied’ by the free chevron. According to a report in the February 11 free chevron, however, Ontario Supreme Court Judge Craig observed in a recent decision, “the issue underlying the dispute was not the control of the office space, but the control of the paper.” Jonathan Coles said that in his attempt to defend Shafroth, he was also thrown out of the door after much shoving. Thompson and most of those with him left, except for two who stayed behind. Another chevron

staffer who had been working in the darkroom left shortly after. Thompson then called the campus police. When they arrived and the office doors opened, Shafroth and two other chevron staffers pushed the door half way open. Before he could get very far into the offices, Shafroth was threatened with charges of trespassing and then pushed and dragged out of the office. Abrasions were inflicted upon the full length of his right arm. Shafroth said security police, Thompson and others combined to pull the free chevron staffers out and locked the door behind them. Coles phoned other chevron staffers and within 20 minutes there were twenty staffers and friends at the chevron offices. Six members were summoned from a conference of Ontario student papers&r Hamilton where a motion to support the chevron’s “democratic principle of Reinstate! Investigate!” was passed. The motion was to “support the democratic principle of due process defended by the chevron since its closing by the federation executive of the University of Waterloo on September 30.” Around 11:30 pm the chevron staff managed- to gain access to their offices. Staffers immediately started -working on a statement for Monday and on plans to mobilize participation at the federation general council meeting Tuesday. The Varsity was interviewing Thompson when he found out the h free chevron had gotten into the of-, Iices again. “Goddammit to hell,” Thompson said, reaching for a phone. He had just been explaining that he was “in constant touch with the campus cops.” Twenty minutes later the police arrived again to find another scuffle in progress - this time between chevron staff member Jules Grajower and the federation’s Board of Entertainment’s chairman Doug Antoine. Other staffers intervened however before- a serious fight broke out. Police ignored the struggle and heated argument. Campus police looked over the reoccupied chevron offices but wouldn’t answer questions from staff. Upon leaving the offices, one of the patrolmen told The *Varsity, “As far as I’m concerned, nothing is going on here. These people are just having a discussion. It’s just a hassle between the free chevron and the real chevron.” His partner said, as Gellingham refused further comment, “Somebody’s going to get really hurt one of these days really. ’ ’ - eric mcmillan -

brpnda miller kitty hunter

’ Bi/ saw:

No hike in 78-“79 TORONTO (CUP) - Tuition fees for Ontario’s colleges and universities, hiked by $100 and $75 respectively for next academic year, will not be raised in 1978, according to a. statement by the Ontario Premier Feb. 2 1. William Davis told about 150 student journalists from Ryerson Polytechnic al Institute, visiting the provincial legislature, that his government would not be following next year’s fee hike with another one in the 1978-79 academic year. Student leaders, currently waging a province-wide campaign against next year’s hike have stated their belief that the hike was the first of many called for by a committee on government spending in late 1975. The report of the Special Program Review committee, chaired by former auditor-general Maxwell Henderson, recommended tuition increases of 65 per cent. The Ontario Federation of Students and affiliated student council leaders have repeatedly expressed their suspicions that the recently-announced hike was in answer to this recommendation, and that future hikes would follow. OFS researcher Chris Allnutt said OFS can claim a victory in its fight against tuition hikes in light of Davis’ statement.



the free chevron Fed Flicks: “Duchess and the Dirfwater Fox”, see .Friday. Winter barnival: “Pleasure Skating” VI rink, hot chocolate, tea & coffee available in CC; ‘Snow Sculpture ‘judging” between Arts Quad and Grad House, 2:30 pm.




Free Concert: “Friends of Jesus” noon, CC Great Hall, sponsored by CC Board. CC Pub: opens 12 noon, $50 after 7 pm. Jim-Ledgerwood 9-l am. SCH Pub: “Lady” at 8 pm. Students $I., others $2. “Who’s Afraid of Citizen Participation”: Speaker Prof. H. Coblentz of UW. AL Hall 1 pm. 3 Day Community Planning Conference: Students$5, others $15. “Taming of the Apocalypse”: Speaker John New, UW historian Hagey Hall Rm 334, I:30 pm. Agora Tea House: conversation, folk music, tea, munchies in CC 110 from 8-12 pm. Sponsored by WCF. Dance *Presentation: “Rites of Spring” Humanities Theatre, 8 pm. “Kennedy’s Children”: A play on the political and sexual revdUtiOn Of

1960’s, Theatre of the Arts, 8 pm. Adm. $1. Fed Flicks: “Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox”, Goldie Hawn, George Segal, AL1 16, 8 pm. Feds $1, others $1.50. Music Evangelistic Meeting: “How much for life”, Rev. John Fung, 7:30 pm, Chapel of WLU Seminary.

Saturday Engineering Bus Push: 9am. E4 to K-W Hospital. Contact class reps. CC Pub: opens 7 pm. Adm. $.50, Jim Ledgerwood, 9-l am. Planning Conference: Discussion on Berger Commission, 9:30 am, West Montrose Dam issue, II:45 am. Series of afternoon workshops. Soiree du Cercle Francais: Free music, dancing, games. HammarskjZjld House, 8 pm. Fed Flicks: “Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox” see Friday. . “Mime for aft Seasons”: by Paul GaUlin Humanities Company.

Theatre students/seniors $2.50, others $5. 8 pm. “Kennedy’s Children”: See Friday. Winter Carnival: “Dog Sled Races”, Laurel Creek to Health Services Pond, sign up teams in fed office, presented by BOE; “Pleasure Skating” VI rink, hot chocolate, tea and “Broomball Tournacoffee in CC; ment” St. Clements Arena.

Sunday CC Coffeehouse: “Christopher Kearney”, Adm. $1. 8 pm. International Folk Dancing: 7-1030 pm. 310 Charles St. E., Info. Man/ Bish, 744-4983. Planning Conference: Address by Gerald Hodge, 9:30 am; planning education discussion at IO:45 am. “Chooslng your future”: IO am, chapel sermon by Dan Zehr. Coffee & discussion: 4 om resoonses to theme. (Chapel). ‘Conrad Grebel College.

Monday AIA Forum: AL24 I, 7:30 pm. Sandford Fleming Foundation: officially launched on campus, Speakers: K. Campbell of CPR, R. Leggett of NRC. Contract Bridge Tournament: entry fee $50, 7 pm, CCIlO, all welcome. Sponsored by CC Board. CC Pub: opens noon, $1. after 7 pm. “The Presidents” 9-l am.



CC Pub: ice Monday. Guest Lecture Series: “Environmental Impact Assessment: Four Perspectives” featuring representatives of gov’t, industry, consultants & public interest groups, 8 pm. Eng 1 Rm. 3518, sponsored by Faculty of Environmental Studies. Talk on Hutterites: Dr. P. Stephenson, Contact Info. Services.




CC Pub: opens noon, $1 after 7 pm. “The Presidents” 9-l am. SCH Pub: “Sara Hamilton”, 8 pm.



House for sublet - May to September, $300/month (or $GO/room). 5 bedrooms, large kitchen, dining room, kitchenette, living room. Corner of King and Columbia. 20 minute walk to UW, 5 minute walk to shopping. Phone 884-8656.



J. Bronowski’s Ascent of Man part 3: EL710, 3:30 pm, free. “The Grain in the Stone”.




4, 7977

Public Forum on the future of nuclear energy: speakers Lib Pease from Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. & I Ralph Torrie from Ont. Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility. AL1 13, 7:30 pm. Sponsored by OPIRG and Dept. of Man-environment Studies. CC Pub: see Monday Separatism in Quebec - A contemporary view: Speaker Prof. L. McRoberts, 7-9 pm, AL1 13. Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship Supper Meeting: 4:30 pm. HH161, all ‘welcome. *Restoration of the Art Pieces: slide lecture by Mark Cameron, Theatre of the Arts, 1:30-3:30 pm. No Charge. Discussion on politics of nuclear energy: representatives from Porter Commission and Energy Probe of Toronto. ELI 12, 1:30-3:30 pm.

CC Free Movie: “Funny pm. Campus Centre CC Pub: see Monday

Main Mall, Waterloo Square


Coffeehouse: CC1 10, 8:30 pm. Sponsored by Gay Lib. J. Bronowski’s Ascent of Man: free, ELIIO, 3:30 pm. “The Hidden Structure” Stratford Festival Ensemble: free concert clinic featuring percussion instruments, noon, Theatre of the Arts. Mon Uncle Antoine: WLU 1 El, 8 pm. Sponsored by the Chaplaincy.

Pregnant & Distressed? The Birth Control Centre is an information and referral clinic for birth control, VD, unplanned pregnancy and sexuality. For all the alternatives phone 885-1211 ext. 3446 (rm 206, campus centre) or for emergency numbers 8848770. ..


Looking for student taking ‘77-‘78 school year off to assume duties as chauffeur and aide to local couple. Position isfull-timeand live-in, Aug. 1 ‘77-Sept. 1 ‘78. To arrange: interview, phone Mrs. Connell at 5791337 between 3 and 5pm. Pushers needed for the first great 3 mile engineering bus push for the K-W Big Brothers and Sisters Organizations, 9am, March 5. Contact Class Rep. or engsoc office.

Moving Will do light moving with truck. Call Jeff, 8846430.

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Gay Lib Office Campus Centre rm 217C. Open Monday - Thursday 7-IOpm, some afternoons -counsel~8r~,2~ln~xt -


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WHAT ARE YOU DOING EASTER WEEK? (April 4-l 1) A warm welcome and unique week await you in CUBA - colonial cities, industrial developments, new schools, factories, plantations, the sun, a beach, entertainment -what more could you ask for???? $379.00 all inclusive. To join the AOSC group, contact Canadian Universities Travel Service, 44 St. George St., Toronto, Ont. M5S 2E4, Tel. (416) 979-2604.

For Sale l-way ticket to London, England. Wardair Flight (from Toronto). Departure March 28, 1977. Price $100. Phone 885-4837. Rote1 RX4OOA receiver/amplifier. Excellent condition, $240, call Donna 7443014 after 6pm.

Some guys can go pelting down the Road of Life like an arrow. They never hesitate, never swerve, never even slow down. But, the rest of us get gnawed by these funny little questions. They come, unasked for, unwelcome and usually about two o’clock in the morning. They can stop you cold in your tracks. Samples: Is this ,all there is? If everything’s working out for me, why am I bugged? What in God’s name am I doing anyway?

If they persist, if they make you feel like some’ dim-wit robot programmed by someone else, maybe you should bless take advantage of the the questions, ’ time-out, and think. If you’re asking yourself what in God’s name you’re doing, why not think about doing something in God’s name? That’s iight, a priest. A Redemptorist . It’s an extraordinary life for the right man. Ask

us about

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Needed People to take any useable clothing ordonationsforZimbabwe Childrens Relief to GRC-TV at.48 Preston St. in Kitchener. Cheques may be made out to Zimbabwe Relief Fund and sent to Box 141, Main Post Office, Kitchener.

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4, 1977

the free chevron

Burke, External Relations; Bruce Rorrison, Creative Arts; Don Salachuk, Board of Communications. Don Orth is continuing as chairman of Co-op Services until the end of term. The Chief Returning Officer’s report on the council elections was finally made, and despite conten-

Council ratified seven executive nominees at its first meeting Tuesday night, and tabled a vote on the Board of Publications chairmanship. The new executives are: Ron Hipfner, vice-president; Martha Kutz, treasurer; Bruce Leavens, Board of Entertainment; Brian

Committee formed after RCMP raid Following the recent attack on the Norman Bethune Institute in Waterloo, an organizing committee has been constituted to form the Canadian People’s Defense Committee. In a press conference Monday, Doug Wahlsten, UW psychology professor and acting chairperson of the committee stated that it intends to “mobilize public opinion and launch nation-wide campaigns against the political persecution of citizens and residents by the Canadian state”. Wahlsten was one of 16 persons arrested February 23 in an RCMP raid on a research centre supported by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). Also arrested was party chairman Hardial Bains. An RCMP spokesman told the chevron the raid was “solely for for the purpose of identifying and arresting persons in violation of the Immigration Act.” But those arrested see it as political repression. “People have. been saying for a long time that we need to get organized so we can defend ourselves against these sorts of attacks”, stated Wahlsten on Monday. “This situation of the NBI emphasized the urgency and importance of forming this committee.” The committee will investigate, document and inform the people on various instances of political persecution. The committee stated in a press release that the political persecution of the Canadian people by the state will not end until a genuine democratic state is established. They see themselves as a small, yet important and necessary step in establishing a democratic state. Anyone who opposes these attacks and is seriously interested in taking part in the organizing work of the committee may join. A founding’conference of the Canadian People’s Defense Committee will be held May 4th. The committee has called upon all democratic and progressive people to vigorously support the work of the committee and participate in the founding conference. Wahlsten said that the state has launched a series of attacks against progressive people. The press release stated that “Since 1969, over 2,000 arrests of Canadian Communist Party of Canada (Marxis t-Leninist) comrades have taken place and over 25 have been deported, all because they support the Party.” Wahlsten went on to explain his own case of political persecution. He first became interested and politically active coincidentally with the firings of his colleagues at Renison College in 1975. . “I became quite alarmed and active in their defense. I came forward to support these other people and the next thing I know, the RCMP are investigating me.” In 1975 Wahlsten vociferously argued against the Green Paper on Immigration. Simultaneously, he was applying for Canadian citizenship. Up until the time he had starting campaigning against the Green Paper, Wahlsten’s application had been proceeding smoothly. However, he hasn’t heard from immigration in two years as to whether his application has been accepted. “It shows how the state is using some particular rules and regulations to attack a progressive individual”, stated Wahlsten. The committee will be holding another press conference on March 19th at Toronto city hall. More information about the committee maybe obtained by writ= ing to Wahlsten, P.O. Box 2305, Station ‘B’, Kitchener, Ontario. -heather


Fed flicks to move

The administration is thinking about closing Arts Lecture Hall for part oft he summer and, as a result, the Fed Flicks may have to move. The physical resources depart’ ment feels they may be able to conserve energy by closing the building during July and August, a time when usage is not high. There are major conferences scheduled for May and June, so it is unlikely the building will be closed then. Sean Sloan of physical resources told the chevron an estimate made last year showed that over $7,000 could be saved by closing Arts Lecture Hall for four months. The major savings would be in the cost of air conditioning and lighting. The registrar’s department -is now trying to schedule classes to allow the closure of Arts Lecture Hall for the summer months.

Larry Pearson, the student in charge of Fed Flicks, admits classes could be moved without much trouble. But the Fed Flicks have traditionally used the Arts Lecture Hall, since it is the best facility available. Several problems would arise if the movies were forced to move to Engineering Lecture Hall. There would be no place to keep the refrigerators and cabinets. Theseating there is not as good and there are more doors for people to get in. Most important, Arts has the widest screen and is ideal for showing films. Groups whose bookings in Arts Lecture Hall will be affected are being encouraged to protest to the administration in hope that the building will remain open. . -lorne


tions that the Arts -elections had been conducted irregularly, council voted to accept the report. Council also screened the two applicants for the Board of Publications - Randy Barkman and Mike Dillon. Dillon has worked with mathNEWS since 1974 and was editor of a science-fiction newsletter. He took over the editorship of the “Real” “Chevron” two weeks ago. Barkman explained he had been yearbook editor and ph.otographer at his high school. He joined the free chevron in late September to do writing and lay-out. He has experience on lay-out, newswriting, photography, graphics-production, typesetting and headlines at Dumont, and has attended Ontario Regional Canadian University Press and Toronto CUP meetings. Barkman asserted that personal problems with Thompson would not get in his way. In response to the question about CUP membership, Barkman cited


the importance of the $15,000 ad revenue from Youthstream (CUP co-op ad network), but stressed that CUP principles should be upheld. ’ Dillon, however, said that racists and sexists should not be banned from contributing to a paper. He also expressed the hope that the chevron-federation dispute is soon resolved - although he, didn’t specify how. Barkman maintained that the chevron is the student paper. The “real’ chevron is illegitimate, because it claims to be a student paper, not a house organ. On the question of independent production of the student paper, Dillon said he has been studying the purchase of typesetting and publishing equipment. He said he has found a system that costs about ‘$20,000. Barkman retorted that buying typesetting equipment without full discussion is ridiculous. “Nobody buys typesetters, they rent them. Even publishers don’t buy typesetters.”


He cited space constraints and financial considerations as problems in buying a system. At this point a motion to table the decision was defeated. But the possibility of a co-chairmanship of the board of publications was raised, and a straw vote indicated that a co-chairmanship had considerable support among the councillors. Possibly as a result of this, anmotion to table the decision was again made, and this time carried. Applications for executive positions not yet filled will be open until the next council meeting. These include: board of education, society liaison officer, OFS and NUS liaison officers. Council also voted to extend the contract of the board of education researcher/planner until March 3 1. A by-law revision committee, proposed by Renison councillor Larry Smylie at the General Meeting, will be discussed at the next council meeting, Sunday, March 6. -val

moghadam 4ave porter

weekend _/_



The Engineering Weekend, which coincides with the UW Winter Carnival, started Thursday and continues today and through to Monday. On Thursday, there was a student-faculty hockey game, sleigh rides, and a paper airplane

ig Pus


contest. Ski trips to Blue Mountain and the Molson brewery in Barrie left early this morning. A toboggan race on campus and through buildings starts at 1:30 pm today. Tomorrow morning, starting from Engsoc offices, you should see a bus being pushed around

None’guiHy -

Typewriter Charges and counter-charges came to trial Monday concerning a November 16 argument over possession of a typewriter in the chevron office. The then federation president, Shane Roberts, aided by federation councillor Bruce Leavens, tried to remove a typewriter from the chevron offices. Their efforts were resisted by chevron staffers Neil Docherty, Henry Hess, and Larry Hannant and a scuffle ensued. Immediately upon completion of six hours of testimony, Waterloo provincial court judge J.F. McCormick ordered two chevron staffers and the one.former staffer Hess to sign peace bonds. The chevron staffers stated that they had tried to prevent Roberts from removing the machine following their lawyer’s advice to retain possession of office equipment. This was based on the grounds that it had been assigned to that space for the purpose of producing a newspaper and should remain there until the dispute was settled in court. They emphasized that they had resisted only by holding on to the typewriter. Roberts maintained that the equipment was federation property and that he, as federation president, had the right to remove-it. The judge, in his summation, supported this view, saying that the president had control over all federation property because of his position. In dismissing the charges by Hess against Leavens the judge stated that he believed Leavens’ testimony over that given by Hess and other witnesses. Charges laid by Docherty and Hannant against Roberts were also dismissed. Judge McCormack said he felt the accused staffers were trying to hold on to the typewriter even at the cost of hurting Roberts. In his decision he said he was not ruling on who had rights to the office space. This could be decided by

scuffle further civil action. The peace bonds Docherty, Hannant, and keep the peace, especially tion to Roberts, for a year $200. The order to sign the not a finding of guilt. -jonathan

call on Hess to in relaor forfeit bonds is coles

campus by students. It’s to raise money for Big Brothers and Big Sisters in the K-W area. A pub rally starting at 1:30 pm finishes off the. day. A backgammon tourney runs on Sunday from noon to six in E2-3324. Monday marks the inaugural of the Sir Sanford Flemming Foundation. His works will be displayed at the Theatre of the Arts from-10:OO am to 10:00 pm. Awards for the best work term reports will be given out at a formal dinner for students and engineers. It takes place at the Great Hall in Village I. Tickets are $6 and may be Obtained at Engsoc. At 8:00 pm, free public lectures will be held in the Theatre of the Arts. _

Folk-concert lovers on campus were entertained for about 4 hours by eleven group(s) of students from UW and~other Universities across Southern Ontario. The copcert, according to Gary Doss (the man in charge and a performer), is to promote awareness of the talent displayed by folk singers across Canada. He said that an attempt will be mabe ;o form an annual gathering of folk musicians to perform bn campuses all across Canada. The federa& of students and En&oc are picking up the tab for Wednesday’s performance.


by Scott



the free chevron





2:45pm Down To Earth Festival CANTDU 6:OOpm RADIO WATERLOO NEWS 6:15pm Perspectives-A look at the United Nations Water Conference, which will be held in Mar Del Platta, Argentina in the latter half of March. 1l:alSpm RADIO WATERLOO NEWS

’ Saturday,



5:3Opm Aid to the Third World Douglas Roche, Conservative M.P. for Edmonton-Strathcona talks about the value and limits of aid.

’I .









Delicatessen Fresh and Smoked Meats Imported Foods

_ 14 King N. Wloo


Noon Mon Pays/My Country Live from the Slaugh’ 6:OOpm terhouse - This week we feature Cody. 9:3Opm Live from the CC Coffeehouse-Pending permission we will be broadcasting live from the campus centre coffeehouse, where Christopher Kearney will be performing. 11:30am Seven Arrows-Medicine stories of the Crow, Blackfoot and Cheyenne people. 2:30pm National Sports 2:45pm Down To.Earth Festival Consumer Health Organization John Tuff, from the CH0 talks about the organization and the need to educate Canadians about health care. 5:OOpm From the Centre-These programmes look at health and safety problems faced by workers today. 6:OOpm Radio Waterloo News 9:OOpm Musikanada features Sylvia Tyson 11:45pm Radio Waterloo News




1 :OOpm Strictly Canadian-This programme is the first programme a series of five featuring the music

in of

Canadian turedartist

Artists. This week the feais Bruce Cockburn. To Earth Festival Quaker Prison Committee - In this programme, representatives from the Prison Committee of the Quakers explain why they are advocating the complete abolQtion of prison and the work . . they . have been doing towards this end. 4:30pm Poetry ‘Readings 6:OOpm Radio Waterloo News 6:15pm Heritage-This programme focuses on issues of concern to native people.Leroy Little Bear talks about the Indian Act and proposed revisions. 9:OOpm Visions-This programme features the Straubs ll:45pm Radio Waterlq)o News

2:45pm Down




tl:30am Canada and the Third World-The second part of an address by Shridath Ramphal, Secretary General of the Commonwealth. 2:45pm Down To Earth Festival Canadian Environmental Law Association - In this programme John Wilms and Nancy Finklestein from the CELA outfine the work of the organization. 3:OOpm This programme examines the organization and structure of the United Nations. 5:30pm Landlord and Tenant Bureau-Connie Peterson Gilles “ from the Landlord and Tenant Bureau talks about the Landlord and

1977 SPRING TERM& SUMMER SESSION COURSE OFFERINGS The following courses will be taught at Renison College in the 1977 Spring Term and Summer Session. These courses are open to all UW students even,though they may not appear .- on the course offerings lists. SPRING ISS 3438 Interdisciplinary Investigation of Human Sexuality RS 267R (FINE 247*R) Religion & the Film 2 SOC WK 120R Introduction to Social Work SOC WK121 R Social Problems SOC WK 220R Social Casework 1 SOC WK 221R Social Group Work & Family Therapy 1 SOC WK 365R Medical Social 4 Work SUMMER J ENGL 140R The Use of English I A ENGL 141R The Use of English 2 M ENGL 245R Form & Function J GEOG 125R Introduction to the Developing s World RS 266R J (FINE 246*R) Religion & the Film 1 RS 267R A (FINE 247*R) Religion & the Film 2


4, 7977

Tenant Act and the work of their bureau. 6:OOpm Radio Waterloo News 6:15pm Research ‘77-Bob Whitton talks to Professor Greenhouse of the Earth Sciences Department about continental drift. 11:45pm. Radio Waterloo News




11:3Oam Health and safety problems faced by workers today-A panel discussion with participants including Stewart Cooke, assistant to the director, District 6, United Steelworkers of America and Floyd Laughten (MPP, Nicklebelt), NDP occupational health critic. 2:45pm Down To Earth Festival Terra Nova Representatives from this experimental community give the background to their community and explain how the community is person oriented rather than task oriented. 5:30pm Sports Report 6:OOpm Radio Waterloo News 6:15pm Flying Saucers are Real-An interview with Dr. Stanton Friedman, a scientist who is convinced that extra terrestrial intelligence has been and is in contact with this planet. 6:45pm Beethoven-Second in a three part feature on the classical comodser. These features will examine his life and works. 9:OOpm People’s Music-Dick Goodlet .11:45pm Radio Waterloo News

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the free chevron

4, 7977

ORCUP backs chevron ORCUP delegates passed a motion last weekend supporting the free chevron and the principle of Reinstate! Investigate!. while another motion calling for a CUP investigation into the chevronfederation conflict was defeated by a tie vote. The motion of support for the free chevron read: “We, the members of ORCUP, give our whole-hearted support for the democratic principle of due process defended by the chevron since its closure by the federation executive at the University of Waterloo on September 30. We support the democratic principle of Reinstate! Investigate! We oppose the arbitrary actions of closing a paper before a full investigation is taken into the matter.” Delegates of some 14 Ontario student newspapers met in Hamilton, February 25-27, to discuss

fieldworkers, national expansion, and the chevron. Discussion on the pros and cons of a proposed CUP investigative commission took up most of Saturday. Several ORCUP papers supported the idea of a commission, while the chevron staff has consistently maintained that reinstatement should precede any investigation. The September closure of the chevron was a violation of federation by-laws as well as CUP principles. Due process was ignored in the closure and the firing of staff. Because the chevron was closed illegally, reinstatement prior to an investigation is the only just and logical route. Chevron staffer Tom Cody noted that the federation president who had requested a CUP commission (Dave McLellan) “was the same

Prez picks Arts councillor Doug Hamilton Observers were treated to a lesand grad reps Mike Devillier and son in absurdity at the “informal” Dave Carter protested meeting of the new council MonThompson’s decision to overlook day. qualifications in favor of friendComments overheard included “executives aren’t supposed to be ship. The councillors also demanded democratic” and “friendship is an explanation for Sunday night’s more important than qualificainvasion of the chevron offices and tions.” The new council met to get acassualt on two chevron staffers by Thompson and about 10 Councilquainted and to hear federation lors and executives. president Doug Thompson’s recommendations for executive posiThompson’s reply was that he was president, and he saw the actions. Several councillors protested tion as necessary. when Thompson declared he was The old council never had a fornot considering two applications mal final meeting. The one those of history student Salah scheduled for last Sunday was adBachir and political science student journed with no quorum. Shortly Randy Barkman’. afterwards, Thompson and his men Bachir applied for the position of invaded the chevron offices. Board of Education chairman; -val moghadam Barkman for Board of Publications. Both are chevron staff mem-, bers. Thompson admitted that Bachir has “considerable political organizational and public speaking experience. But regrettably, Bachir would not quite fit in. There are I personality conflicts between him and me.” He said the same of Barkman. Though Barkman has extensive experience in production and writing, Thompson cited “personality conflicts” and “political disparities”. On those grounds he was recommending former mathNEWS editor Mike (Mad Dog) Dillon.


man who had rigged question 8 on the referendum so that he could ,remain president longer” ; Cody demanded to know why CUP should acquiesce to the requests of an “illegitimate” I president. Several delegates claimed that the chevron-federation controversy has “dragged on for too long” , >and that a CUP investigation could resolve it. Chevron delegates replied that the conflict can be resolved only by UW students, and through reinstatement of the paper and an immediate investigation of the affair. It was stressed, moreover, that the time factor of the chevron affair is secondary to the issue of the illegal closure in September. Delegates also expressed a need for more information on the chevron-federationdispute. Chev-, . ron staff responded that the papers that want more information cari simply send reporters to Waterloo, and observe the situation themselves. Chevron supporters among the Varsity (U of T) and the Excalibur (York) insisted that a CUP commission would be regarded as a crackdown from the original position of support for Reinstate! Incontinued on page 9 r Waterloo Towers 137 University Ave. Waterloo, Qnt.

Stuiknts reject compulsory fees LETHBRIDGE (CUP) - University of Lethbridge students voted to stop paying compulsory student union fees in a binding referendum Feb. 17. The fee went down 373 to 337 with a 42 ‘per cent turnout. Council’s chief executive officer Chris Montoya said, “The students have decided”, and would make no further comment until councillors had an opportunity to meet to discuss the union’s future. . University president Bill Beckel said, “It’s too bad, but it will require a learning process for people to discover what they have lost. The system will have to work out a way to find financing to have an effective students’ union. . . and we need an effective union. ;’ “I expect that in a year or so the students will pass a referendum requiring fees. First they have to get through this learning experience,” he said. Meanwhile the student who launched the petition calling for the referendum said he “didn’t know it (the petition) was going to have . such a drastic effect.” “I think I would settle for a compulsory fee of a-lower amount.” But Larry Heninger also said, “I’m glad it went through, that’s what I want.” Student board of governors representative Don Thompson said the “no” vote arose because council was not representative of students.






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the free chevron


4, 7977




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4, 7977

panying chart, the majority of the survey population, both smokers and non-smokers, thought that smoking should not be allowed in food stores and other enclosed public places. The majority also held that smoking was harmful to smokers and non-smokers alike. 42.5 percent of smokers experienced some form of irritation from their cigarettes. One notable trend was the very strong opinions of ex-smokers about some of the issues raised by this habitual practice.

= Most people don’t smoke. That’s the result of a survey done recently in this region. The survey of 1657 people from the community and 359 university students, was done by the Waterloo Regional Interagency Council on Smoking and Health, as part of National Education Week on Smoking (Jan. 9-15, 1977). The week was part of an annual nonto promote campaign smokers’ rights, discourage young people from starting to smoke, and point out the health hazards linked with smoking cigarettes.

Smoking should be banned in closed public places Smoking ads should be banned by the government Smokmg harms the smoker Tobacco smoke harms 1 non-smokers who must


-vicki -Sharon

L 43 9 93.7

57.5 *

89 I

asada fletcher


A 86 3

Statistics Canada, 1972 survey that 67-68% were non-smokers.




972 I



of people over 16 years of age showed

,Grads organize The History Graduate Forum is taking steps to improve communication and co-operation between departmental associations of graduate students at UW. Alexander Forbes, president of ’ the History Graduate Forum, has announced that he will be organizing an information session within the next few weeks at which existing associations can exchange views, and discuss ways of communicating and co-operating with each other and with the Graduate Fl..L LIUU. Forbes

asks officers

of existing

associations to contact him (HH 101, ex. 2647) or the Graduate Club if they wish to,participate. The board of directors of the Graduate Club has expressed support for departmental associations and has shown a willingness to fund them. To date, several associations have been granted money: Geography and Kinesiology to cover the cost of communicating with and informing their members, Sociology for the production of a graduate student handbook and Systems Design for the execution of a course evaluation. -nick


rtalks: fires, party, and attack on chevron

The old Mathsoc council went out with a bang Monday afternoon, and then immediately convened the first new council meeting without anyone having to leave their seat. The new council simply heard brief reports from outgoing and incoming presidents, with new president Kevin Willis promising a comprehensive outline of his expectations for the year ahead. The .old council had plenty of business to clean up first. Council ratified the new council without a complete and formal list of names from outgoing president, Gary Prudence. He said that basically everybody had been acclaimed, and promised to deliver a formal report within a few days. Security is concerned over the recent fires and vandalism in the math building, which some say is because of the ma h pubs held this term. Council deB ated whether outside pubs or other pubs might have more to do with it, and decided to see if there was a relationship. A surcharge on drinks to cover damage was discussed, and Security was to be asked to spell out their exact duties at the pubs. Last several fires caused year, thousands of dollars of damage and it was feared that the computing facilities would be closed at night. Letters of commendation may be given to persons outside of UW for services to Mathsoc. The doughnut supplier to the third floor lounge was mentioned, because he charged Mathsoc less than any of his other customers. Since many councillors work several hours a day for Mathsoc without an honorarium, they voted to allocate $100 to a party for themselves. The bombshell of the meeting was a hastily prepared motion directed against the free chevron because they resisted forceful removal from their office the night before. Prudence asked that it be passed for the Committee of Presidents meeting the next day. Steve Risto felt that the matter should be discussed by the full fourteen member council instead of


the seven present, but his motion to the courts or student representatable was defeated. tion, evidently only forcible action It is with Geoff Hains then asked that it be will solve this problem. these reasons that Mathsoc advoclarified that, contrary to appearance, the motion was directed at cates any action that will lead to a speedy solution to this problem, both real and free chevrons, and within the wishes of the students, several councillors agreed. Howand that if a continued stalemate ever, only one word in the motion was changed: exists, then the federation should Councillors did not discuss the close the campus newspaper and channel funds and equipment into motion much beyond the questions the society newspapers for the upraised by free chevron math students present about several statecoming year.” ments used and the involvement of -jayne pollock Dennis reklita five old or new math reps in the + incident at the chevron the night @ before. It was first denied that president-acclaimed Willis was involved, but he stated later that he Stratford Arena Ma& 19 had only thrown darts at posters and left before the violence started. When the free chevron asked {tickets proceeds to $3.50 1 whether “any means” included busting heads, they were ruled out hevron office or Kitchener of order. Council then explained that they advocated any means inPost Office box 141 eluding force, if the students so wished - but they would have to go to the reconsider if the means were illegal. They want a quick solution, and failing that. closure of the campus pape;and distribution of its funds and equipment to society papers. The motion remains in effect unless rescinded or amended by the new council; (essentially the old council). Despite their claims that the motion was not directed solely 1 at the free chevron, the following motion was passed four in favour, none opposed, and two abstaining: “The free chevron people seem to abide by their own rules, which indicate that they are always right. This is abundantly clear through their occupation of federation offices via their own mandate; their contempt for students via referendums, elections and council. We are not against freedom of the press, but we believe the space beat longs to the students and should be ’ returned to the students’ organizaWestmount tion. The recent action of throwing - Place the free chevron out of the federation offices and their subsequent Waterloo, Ont. breaking and entering create no 744-0821 doubt that the free chevron staff are unwilling to submit to any authority other than their own; be it through

- %


Zimbabwe f





the free chevron



4, 7977 ’

Quebec student journals applaud chevron


Presse Etudiante Nationale, the organization of student newspapers in Quebec, expressed its support for the chevron staff at the Fourth Congress of PEN in Quebec City February 25-27. The motion of support followed a presentation by the chevron editor to the congress. The chevron was invited to the congress to explain the experience of the chevron staff in its fight to build a newspaper that serves the basic interests of the students. The motion of support from the 16 member newspapers and 9 observer papers noted that the chevron faces the same kind of attacks as those directed against PEN itself. The action against PEN referred to is the dismissal of the secretary general of PEN, Jean-Paul Bedard, the suspension of two PEN staff _ members, and the lock-out of the PEN editorial and technical staff, all of which occurred at a meeting of the central council of the National Association of Quebec Students (ANEQ) February 13. The ANEQ action is the latest in a series of skirmishes in the Quebec student movement, which was split followiqg the overthrow of the ANEQ executive in October 1976. Bedard received a standing ovation from the PEN delegates when he appeared to open the congress, and throughout the proceedings the ANEQ action--was vigourously criticised by the 100 student journalists in attendance. The editorial and technical staff of PEN have issued a statement supporting Bedard . The congress was called in defiance of ANEQ and the interim secretary general it appointed to PEN, Daniel Pauquet, who are planning a congress for next month.

Bedard’ s dismissal followed a Feb. 13 meeting of the ANEQ central council, which summoned him to discuss ANEQ’s official organ, La Journal de la Majorite. But the meeting turned into an attack on the secretary general, based on charges of theft of a member newspaper’s copy. The central council later dismissed Bedard and locked the PEN staff out of their workshop, claiming as authority its special relationship to PEN, which was set up under its leadership in 1975. The dispute stems from political differences between the ANEQ central council and PEN, following what the deposed executive in ANEQ have called a “putsch” at the Fifth ANEQ Congress October 8-10 in Hull. Bedard and the PEN staff insist that they are upholding the original mavifesto of ANEQ and PEN, and that despite the original organizational ties be’tween the two, the ANEQ executive does not have the right to dismiss the secretary general or lock out the staff. PEN remains loyal to the original purpose of ANEQ, which is active defense of the basic interests of the students against the state. The new ANEQ executive, they say, have thrown out the original ainis of the Quebec student organization, which was founded in the midst of a long battle against the Quebec government’s inequitable grants and loans scheme introduced in 1974. “The manifesto (of ANEQ and PEN) was built in struggle,” Bedard told the PEN delegates. “It is not revisable.” ANEQ recently called for the Quebec government to intervene in the strike of professors at the University of Quebec in Montreal, and has asked the government to let it

be the administrator of the grantloan scheme. This has converted ANEQ into a conciliator, not an active self-defense organization, militants say. The authority over PEN cited by the ANEQ executive in the dismissal of Bedard does not exist, Bedard said. ANEQ only has the power to ratify action taken by PEN, and not powers to fire, he said. Moreover, Bedard was elected secretary general by PEN delegates at the Second Congress, and only the majority vote of PEN itself has the-right to oust him, he added. As for another charge against him, “from this congress on, no one should speak about ‘theft”‘, he told the delegates.

PEN staff had “totally destroyed” a $26,000 typesetting machine in the workshop, according to a Canadian University Press article. Bedard dismissed the charge of damaging the equipment, saying that one machine had been broken from December and that its repair had been previously requested:’ r ANEQ officials have refused to allow anyone into the office, said a staff member of Percolateur, Matthieu Kokinski. Another charge levelled by ANEQ is that PEN had become a “front group” for the Communist Party of Canada (MarxistLeninist). Bedard dismissed the charges, saying that his political views are not the issue. Z$e insisted that the issue is the way forward for ANEQ and PEN,

The accusation arose from a dispute between the PEN secretary general and workshop staff an,d the ‘ ‘ Percolateur ,’ ’ a newspaper of science students at Lava1 University. The PEN workshop had a contract to prepare four pages of Percolateur for printing, which was done. But a further four pages were added, which were an attack on the Lava1 stud& assqciation for its support of the Lava1 professors in last fall’s strike there. The PEN workshop was opposed to printing the paper because it attacked students and opposed their basic interests, said Bedard. When a staff member of Percolateur took the pages to the printer herself, Bedard retrieved them before they could be printed. Percolateur then called on ANEQ to close the PEN workshop at Laval, which contains typesytting and headline equipment. ANEQ closed the shop, fired Bedard and appointed Daniel Pauquet as interim secretary general. Pauquet later charged that the-

Despite the strong Soviet influence in Cuba, there is a much identity with the stronger nationalist revolutionaries of 1868 and 1895. Said Jupp: “The Cubans really stress their descent from the antiSpanish heroes of the 1800’s. This makes a lot more sense than their rather dubious claims to be Marxist-Leninists.” Wanda Scott agreed: “They say they’re Marxist-Leninist, but Fidel’s speeches aren’t full of ideology. ” It has been 18 years since the Cuban people, led by Fidel and Raoul Castro, Ch& Guevara and others, overthrew the corrupt and oppressive US-dominated Batista regime, and began to build a socialist Cuba. Advancements in health and education have been tremendous. Probably all Cubans are now literate. There are none of the shantytown slums so prevalent in other Latin American countries. Jupp and Scott noticed that everyone particularly the children - looked healthy and happy. Cars are few, but public transport is efficient and very cheap. Police are unobtrusive. The economy is totally socialized. Small peasants have their own land, but there are no free markets. While Havana is somewhat dis-

hevelled, there has been enormous improvement of the countryside, including many modern farm buildings. Scott noticed no commercial ativertising - just political posters. One that amused her was a poster entitled “Friendship with the Soviet people”, in which a huge Fidel towered over a small Brezhnev. Scott also observed that “the people seemed very favorable to the revolution,” and that Fidel as he is commonly called - is “extremely well-liked”. On the other hand, there is no personality cult. In terms of statues, portraits, etc., the emphasis is on Marx, Engels, Lenin, Jo& Marti and two otl,,i famous revolutionaries of the 1800’s. The Canadian visitors were also struck by the absence of -acial discrimination. There is mubh intermarriage, and there are blacks among the revolutionary heroes, army officers, in the Communist Party, the Communist Youth and the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution. The CDRs were set up as civil defense groups following the- Bay of Pigs fiasco and assassination attempts on Fidel. Today they conduct such services as innoculation, daycare activities, and deal with local problems (food shortages, thieves, etc.). Said Jupp: “The CDRs seemed more important than the Communist Party. They- are everywhere, while the Party is in the background. What you have is a mass-based brganization and a minority political party.” Bookstores carry only Russian and Cuban n, .spapers, journals and -books. Some Eastern European and North Korean publications are also available. Only in the university library are different




An enthusiastic and vigourous discussion took place on the question of how to make the rich pay, the topic of the AIA forum Monday evening. Doug Wahlsten, AIA spokesperson, presented the initial discussion, a continuation of the previous forum - “Who are the rich?” He reiterated that the rich in Canada are the class of parasites and exploiters who own the means of production. They are the expropriators of the wealth of workers and themselves do not produce any wealth. Wahlsten explained that in the world today there is a general crisis of capitalism. In Canada, the effects of this crisis are intensified due to the domination of Canada by US imperialism. The question facing the Canadian people is -who is going to pay for this economic crisis? The Tich, through their state, are attempting to shift the burden of the crisis onto the backs of the Canadian people, i.e. trying to make the people pay. In order to combat this, a campaign must be waged to make the rich pay. Wahlsten said that to date, there has been no struggle in Canada which has made the rich pay. Defence struggles launched against tuition fee increases and wage controls are necessary but they do not answer the question of who is going to pay. Defence struggles themselves don’t make the rich pay. The issue now is to advance these struggles by launching an offensive. Only mass struggle can make the rich pay, said Wahlsten. ’ The people must rely on their own strength. In order to do this, the people must first investigate in detail the concrete conditions in Canada. Second, they must participate in developing tactics through their own experiences and by participating in the struggle to make the rich pay. It’s not a matter of a few Marxist-Leninist experts sitting in a library, but a matter of developing tactics based on concrete conditions and actual experience. For example, at Laurentian University a large demonstration was organized. The students surrounded.the university and the workers and staff supported them by refusing to cross the picket lines. The president was even prevented from going to his office. This was an example of action based on the concrete conditions at Laurentian. Demonstrations can be effective but political opportunists don’t organize them according to concrete conditions. For example, said Wahlsten, NUS organized National Student Day months in advance of the named day. Conditions change, he said, and the tactics used must reflect actual conditions. Many students right now are leaving university because of the economic crisis instead of resisting the campaign to make the people pay. The state attacks students, calling them lazy, stupid, enemies of the taxpayers, in an attempt to split the people. Wahlsten stressed that there should be unity in action - students and workers should call on each other to support their struggles. The AIA’s line on the economics of education is that the sons and daughters of the working class should not have to pay for their education and should receive free tuition, room and board, etc. On the other hand, the bourgeoisie, the exploiting class of capitalists, should pay all the costs of their own education plus the education costs of the working class, the class which makes them rich. As far as the middle class, or petit-bourgeoisie, some sections are quite poor and can’t afford to pay. They should also receive free education. These persons should be judged according to their ability to pay. Some studentS from the upper middle class are quite well off and can easily afford to pay for their own education, but they should not have to pay for the education of the working class since they are not the exploiters of the workers. Of course this does not mean that the middle class students should pay the $100 tuition fee increase. They do not cause inflation, and they should not pay the costs of the economic crisis. The rich should pay for all of the increased costs. Some of the ways to make the rich pay are to withhold that portion of rent which goes to pay interest on mortgages, withhold tuition fees, and to demand jobs. What use is education, said Wahlsten, if there are no jobs? Students must demand jobs. This would indeed make the rich pay and would destroy the propaganda that students don’t want to work.

books available. Jupp said that during the week he was in Cuba, China was never mentioned in the newspapers, radio, or TV. But the university library has about 100 index cards on Mao Tsetung. The Russian presence is quite noticeable. There are many tourists, as well as Soviet technical, economic and military advisors. Cuba is a member of the Comecon - the Soviet bloc common market - but has trade also with Canada, Japan and even China. Jupp maintains that there are shortages in food, clothing and consumer goods. Scott said there was no disparity, however, in the way the people dressed. Even in hotels, people were not dressed differently from those outside. Scott is writing a thesis on women, with references to Cuba. She says the trip to Cuba confirmed her opinions, but she was surprised that women weren’t as liberated as she’d expected. “Everythirig western women are fighting for exists in Cuba”, she said. Under socialism, prostitution has become non-existent, and there are women party members, factory and farm work&s, doctors and engineers. However, 18 years is not enough to abolish machismo, which Scott observed among the men. While intellectual life is restricted, cultural life is free, said Jupp. Very little art portrays socialist realism; popular ‘music as well as revolutionary music prevails. Religion is dying out. Scott says she is glad she visited Cuba, and is impressed by what she saw. As she was leaving Cuba, customs officials returned to her a book they had taken-on her arrival - a book on Mao Tsetung. -WI

and whether or not the two organisations will serve students’ basic interest or collaborate with the Quebec government. The PEN technical and editorial staff have demanded that ANEQ explain its actions, publicly retract their statements and end the closure . At the congress, former ANEQ executive members came out in support of Bedard and the PEN staff, calling the closure “completely arbitrary .” Pierre Laroche and Daniel Dagenais, former leaders of ANEQ, explained that the new executive of ANEQ claim that PEN is an instrument of ANEQ and that PEN should submit to ANEQ. When Bedard and the PEN staff refused to do so, they were ousted.

How to -make the rich pay

UW tour impressed~. by Cuba \ Some 75 UW students and faculty joined people from other Ontario _ universities to visit Cuba during reading week. The trip proved a highly informative one for the Canadian visitors. They had complete freedom of travel - as long as they returned to their hotels at night. Political science professor lames jupp, and graduate student Wanda Scott, talked with the chevron about their trip and their impressions.

-peter 4ianne ’

blunden chapitis



4, 7977

the free chevron

the poor get pooper

universify, A report published recently by Ontario is 23.8%; for the Prairies and B.C. is it 17.7%. The lowest the Department of the Secretary of participation rate is in the Yukon State concludes that “there is still wide inequality in participation and Northwest Territories, where and hence probably in accessibilit is 5.7%. ity” in post-secondary education in The report tries to explain this regional inequality, and also deCanada. The report is entitled Some termine socio-economic factors Characteristics of Post-Secondary that affect participation in any one region. On the subject of regional Students in Canada and contains inequalities, the conclusion is that the results of a survey (conducted in 1975) of 60,000 students in uni“students in the Atlantic provinces versity undergraduate and generally paid higher tuition fees graduate programs, professional and had taken higher loans than programs (e.g., law and medicine) students elsewhere in Canada”. and community colleges (i.e., Thus, if the incomes of highly non-degree granting institutions). educated people in the Atlantic That there is regional inequality provinces are lower than elsewhere in participation in post-secondary ’ in Canada (as are average incomes) education can be proved without then the income benefits from student surveys: in the Atlantic post-secondary education are provinces, 13.8% of people in the lower also. This might discourage 18-24 age group participate in high-school students from parpost-secondary education; the corticipating in post-secondary educaresponding figure for Quebec and tion. No explanation is offered for

Canadian profs pay scale queried ‘ ‘ Canadian professors are overpaid” is the title of a commentary published in the Toronto Star last Saturday, and the author - Prof. Jerry Malzan of UW’s Pure Mathematics department - claims that Canadian professors are paid 26 per cent more than their US counterparts. Malzan feels that “academics the world over have lined up to get aboard the already crowded gravy train that the Canadian university system‘ has become”, and that Canada is “paying for fumbling mediocrity as if it were shining excellence’ ’ . The average full professor in Canada receives $3 1,350 per year, while an associate is payed $22,850 and an assistant $18,450. All this for five to nine hours per week in the classroom, Malzan claims. The professor who is not interested in research can take five months per year paid holiday. In the US the average salaries are $24,590 for a full professor, $18,060 for an associate and $14,670 for an assistant . Malzan writes that the 1976-77 operating budget for Ontario universities is $627 million, nearly half of which goes to faculty salaries: the annual saving would be $72 million if academic salaries were reduced to the US level. Malzan claims that there is no great hue and cry about the inadequacy of remuneration (in the US universities). The reaction at UW to Malzan’s article has not been favourable. Bruce Torrie, president of the UW Faculty Association, said that Malzan’s figures for US salaries may be artificially low. Torrie pointed out that faculty in the US are payed by the universities on a 9 month basis, and they pay them: selves from their research grants for the remaining 3 months. This is not done in Canada, and Torrie suggested that Malzan’s figures do not include the research income. He noted that the cost of living in c the.US is no higher than in Canada, and in some areas it is lower. Housing, for example, is up to 40 per cent cheaper in the US. Tom Brzustowski, vicepresident academic at UW, said that Ontario universities have been shown to maintain world standards of teaching and research. Also, UW has a policy that requires faculty to engage in teaching or research for at least 11 months of the year. Brzustowski feels that this evidence discounts Malzan’s claim that a large proportion of faculty

are mediocre and lazy. Doug Wahlsten, a UW psychology professor, describes Malzan’s statements as “outrageous slander” against junior faculty. In an article in the free chevron of October 29, 1976, Wahlsten showed that the value of the base salaries of assistant professors at UW (measured in 197 1 dollars) has declined steadily since 1970, so that the current value barely exceeds that of 1967. Wahlsten noted that well-paid faculty normally receive the same percentage increases in their base pay as do junior faculty when scale increases are awarded. This increases the gap in relative living standards, and the only way that a junior,faculty member can keep up with inflation is by working hard and earning a merit increase or promotion, the standards for which are increasing. -nick



the 17.7% participation in the Prairies and B.C. (compared to 23.8% in Quebec and Ontario) and the 5.7% in the Yukon and the Northwest Territories. It is to be noted, however, that this region contains only 0.3% of the 18-24 age group in Canada. Looking at post-secondary financing, it was found that 54% of university undergraduates receive no cash contributions from their parents, while 16% receive up to $500 per year, 13% receive between $501 and $1000, and 17% more than $1000. In community colleges, 60% of students receive no parental contributions, 2 1% receive up to $500, 10% receive between $501 and $1000, and the remaining % more than $1000. Some insight into the differences between parental contributions to students at universities and at community colleges -may be gained by an analysis of parental income ranges. Of university undergraduate students, 57% came from homes with incomes of up to $15,000 per year, 15% from homes with incomes between $15,001 and $20,000, and 28% from homes with incomes in excess of $20,000. The corresponding figures for students at community colleges are 65% under $15,000, 15% between $15,001 and $20,000

and 20%-in excess of $20,000. Thus, community colleges have a larger share of students from low-income families than the universities. The report claims that access to financial assistance has not been the most important factor in generating the widely observed differences in participation in postsecondary education. The success rate for applications for government loans is 80%) and it was found that 52% of university undergraduates did not apply for loans (the majority stating that they did not need them). Of all students. surveyed, 60% reported that they did not need loans to finance their education. In 1976, there were 8000 applications for OSAP loans and grants from students at UW; the number of successful applications is not yet known. Unfortunately, statistics on the-financial means of students at UW are few and far between. Another factor found to affect participation in post-secondary education is the parental education level. Of the Canadian population ages 18 or over, and not in a postsecondary institution, 37.2% had only elementary level education, 53% had secondary level and 9.8% post-secondary. ’ However, of fathers of post-secondary students,

Westmoreland on Vietnam’


SAN FRANCISCO (ZNS-CUP) ing war, and then imposing strict Retired army general William news censorship. Westmoreland, the US army comWestmoreland lamented: mander during the Vietnam war, “Television and the media had a says the government’s failure to vital impact on the public psyche. If impose strict press censorship was the war had been declared without the single greatest cause of question we would ha& had cenAmerica’ s failure in Vietnam. sorship.” Westmoreland, speaking at a - Westmoreland said he visited press conference in Hawaii reformer president Lyndon Johnson cently said it was a “fatal” mistake shortly before LBJ’s death, and to send Americans to fight in VietJohnson lamented that one of his nam with a divided country at biggest mistakes was not to impose home. He stated the US could have press censorship during the Vietwon the conflict by formally declarnam conflict.

24.9% had elementary level education, 51.3% had secondary level and 23.8% had post-secondary. The report concludes that “students from families with less formal education appeared to have had substantially lower participation in higher education than did students from families with more formal education”. Since income tends to increase with the level of education, the effect of this imbalance is that differences in earnings will be transmitted from one generation to the next. Finally, the report notes that females appear more likely to enrol in community colleges than in universities, and thus are underrepresented in graduate and. professional programs. The survey found that 55% of university undergraduates are male, which contrasts with the fact that more females than males graduate from high school in Canada. -


continued from page 5 vestigate!, and would thus bad for CUP” .,



To back down from the principle of Reinstate! Investigate !” would only legitimize the violation of due process. After considerable debate, a motion calling for a CUP commission “with or without the consent of the free chevron” failed 7-7.


Instead, it was agreed that an informal team of reporters be delegated to visit UW to study the sixmonth-old conflict and write an “in-depth article” on it. On Sunday there was a discussion on expansion of CUP, which would include setting up regional bureaus, establishing a telex systern, and hiring more staff and executives. It was generally agreed that ORCUP could not afford expansion at this time, and that more research should be done into it. -

val moghadam



the free chevron


4, 7977

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4, 7977

the free chevron

Network exposes paranoia in’ TV industry TV newsroom movie grows on controversy. A terrific new movie takes on TV. Network and the Barbara Walters syndrome. Ho/den returns to limelight. Network: TV madness produces ugly reality. Network star Peter finch dies. Network captures 70 nominations for Oscars.

The publicity for “Network” has. been phenomenal. All the praise it has received though, is “Network” is a well-deserved. brilliant, fast-paced, witty and moving farce about the insanity of the TV industry. Howard Beale (Peter Finch) is a TV anchorman who has lost his family, and is rapidly becoming an alcoholic. His ratings are steadily dropping, so UBS, the broadcasting system, decides to fire him. That night, on nationwide TV, Beale tells his audience that, since his job was the only thing left to live for; he was going to “blow his brains out” next Tuesday on his final show. Beale is immediately sacked, and the story instantly becomes frontpage news. Beale asks his friend, Max Schumacher (William Holden), the head of the news department, to allow him to speak for a few minutes on the news show to apologize, and exit gracefully. The following night the audience response is sensational. The news show’s ratings jump several points. Diana Christensen (Faye Dunaway), the new programming chief, gets a brilliant idea: turn the news program into a freak show with Beaie as an “angry prophet denouncing of the . __ -- the hypocrisy

times”. She convinces Frank Hacthe kett (Robert Duvall), “hatchet-man” from the mysterious CCA, the conglomerate taking over UBS, to let Beale do his “angry-man thing” on live TV. The show goes on the air, and it’s an overnight success. Schumacher. loses his job to Diana, with whom he’s been having an “autumn fling’ ’ . Enter the Ecumenical Liberation Army, a group of left-wing radicals based on the Symbionese Liberation Army, who kidnap heiresses, rob banks, spread anarchy, and take home-movies of themselves at the same time. Sound complicated? That’s just the beginning! Don’t worry, though, “Network” is far more comprehensive than its synopsis. One of its main technical virtues is that, despite the complexity of the story, and the several subplots, it.does not sprawl or get out of hand; everything is relevant, and ties in neatly with everything else. All the performances are superb achievements, each one complete and convincing, rather than mere caricature. Best of all is William Holden, though he had the advantage that Max Schumacher is the only character the audience is allowed to identify with. Apart from playing a sympathetic role, nothing was easy about the part. None of the characters is permitted to dominate the screen for very long, so strong, compact portrayals are essential. Howard Beale must have been intensely difficult to portray convincingly. He has to be adequately “ spaced out” without-seeming like

a comic-book lunatic. He comes across as the pitifully exploited, “possessed” man the script demands. Beale may be a crazed madman, cruelly used by the various interested parties, but he is, in some way, untouchable. Nothing they do to him can ultimately make any difference. Finch deserved the Oscar nomination, if not the award itself. Faye Dunaway is marvelously plastic as Diana, the “Bugs Bunny” generation TV workoholic. Nothing, not even her emotional involvement with Schumacher, stops her for one minute from thinking about work. She knows salesmanship, manipula-

tion, and she can feign a sense of humour, but she seems incapaple of any human feeling whatsoever. She is TV through and through. Throughout the movie, Diana is a partly hidden force influencing the outcome of events. It is her scenario that everyone is playing out. She is behind it all, but she never emerges as a power herself. She is as addictive, subliminal and quietly dangerous as the boob-tube itself. Several minor characters are to be specially commended for their work: Nelson Chaney, the indignant, but powerless president of UBS, Clarence Jenson, the ubiquitous, omnipotent president of the CCA, and Schumacher’s wife.



Each of the three manages to reveal their entire essence of character in about one short sequence, without stooping to stereotyping. The powerful cast of “Network” could not have succeeded so admirably without the direction of Sydney Lumet (“Dog Day Afternoon”. last vear’s surnri= shocker), and the-script of Pad& Chayefsky (who wrote ,&Marty”, the low-budget movie which shot Ernest Borgnine into fame nearly twenty years ago) . “Network” is one of the best movies of 1976, and probably your best bet right now for films in KW (* * * *The Cinema). -0scar

m nierstrasz

A real ring dinger

A new novel was delivered to my door a few weeks ago by this “nice” man in a green uniform: and finally after many long sessions trying to fathom this work I feel well enough versed on the bo,ok to comment. The work is certainly on a level equal to Tolstoy and Solzhenitsyn as far as sheer amount of printed word is concerned. But it requires a close perusal to appreciate the full effect of the literary effort. Unfortunately, while the author strives to achieve the same broad plot of great works like “War and plexity is best seen through the fact Peace”, it falls short of its objective and turns into more of a “cast cof that the book has the phone listings ’ thousands“ style of novel. of offices providing assistance to However, the author seems to the reader who is having problems have a problem in developing the with the book. personalities of his characters. The novel is divided into two in They all retain a distant, and for the parts using different newsprint most part wooden, deportment. each section, white and yellow. The characters, more because of The yellow section, or “pages” the author’s inexperience than his as the writer fondly calls them, is lack of effort, remain as little more much easier to read than the first than names on a page. section, which was tedious at Another problem is the repition times. The yellow print is involved of names that results from the literwith the companies that the people work for and own.+ It is the more ally tens of thousands of people that are involved, the author having enjoyable of the two, largely beof humanity” cause of a number of illustrations chosen a “morass that break up the pages into a theme. I was disappointed that the au- good-looking piece of literature. thor fell back upon such noms de To conclude, the author has plume as Smith, Jones and Doe far done a lot of work on this novel but too often for personal comfort. he still needs to refine his writing Even with such weak spots in the style if he has any hopes of denting portrayal of his characters the writhe commercial market. ter still manages to attain an accuOn the point of commercial acrate social cross-section of a ceptability the author’s manager medium size, semi-industrial city in has predicted that there will soon southwestern Ontario. Unfortube a copy of his client’s work in nately who’s

he has not made it clear who. This work is not for anyone who wants some bedside material to read. since it is rather involved. In fact, the Grst few pa,ges of the work tell the reader how to work her/his way through this novel. The com-

every home across the nation, Perhaps on an imitation maple endtable in the hallway, right beside the telephone, next to a pencil and scratch pad. To this I can only say “wishful thinking and good luck.” --chug




In this age of ever-changing events it has become obvious to everyone that nothing remains the same for long. So-is the case with Fleetwood Mat. At one time Fleetwood Mat was one of the best blues bands in Britain, always hovering on the edge of stardom but never quite making it. Several albums recorded by the band during that period are regarded as classic blues records, as is a solo album that band member Christine McVie did using her maiden name Christine Perfect. But changes in the band’s personnel and a relocation across the Atlantic in California has lead to drastic changes in the band’s style of music. The band hit its lowest point in ‘75 when guitarist Bob Welch left to

an escape from a disco

form his heavy metal band Paris. Left with only three people, (Mick Fleetwood, John -McVie, and his estranged wife Christine) the band started its search for new personnel. Late in ‘75 the band was jo&ed by Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks during recording sessions for their next album. The album that came from that union went triple platinum in North America, selling in excess of three million copies. Because of the phenomenal success of that platter, Fleetwood Mat’s latest effort Rumours is stuck with a tough act to follow. It took several listenings to decide that this record is a very good recording. Gone are this band’s blues days. The music in fact could be called mellow, easy listening, and perhaps a product of the Britons’ exposure to the laid-back style of California funk. But that mellow sound is not done to the limits of endurance, a fact shown by the inclusion of the fast paced Go Your Own Way, Don’t Stop, and I Don’t Want To Know. All of the songs are tied into the

theme of love, each looking at the emotion from different perspectives, love as the ultimate, love as’ destructive, love and infidelity, love and losing.

And in conjunction

with the con-

stant theme of the songs, all the material is of a consfstent quality-excellent. The production is next to faultless, all instruments sound clear and smooth as do the vocals. None of the material is overburdened with excessive instrumentation. This has produced an album that has very few weak points in either the sound quality or material, most of which was done by Buckingham, Nicks and Christine McVie. One of the charges often madeabout the band is that since dropping their blues repetoire their music lacks “guts”. Certainly there is no Linda Ronstadt screaming about a Heat Wave on this album, nor is there a Jimi Hendrix wrapping a Fender solidbody guitar arqund the sounds of Foxy Lady. Perhaps that’s what I found so pleasing about Rumours.. No pleading or wailing, just clean pleasing love songs that anyone can put on the turntable whenever you start feeling shellshocked by the trash churned out by Silver Convention, MFSB, and others. This music is just the thing the doctor ordered for those times when the AM meanies threaten. Just put it on the stereo, turn up the sound, lean back in your chair, and throw a few darts at a picture of KC and the Sunshine Band.



12 the free




4, I 977


And Nova.. . after four years of preparation

and production



A Film bv FEDERICO Story














reflects the 60’s


Robert Patrick’s “Kennedy’s Children”, presented by the UW Drama Group, was an intellectual reflection upon the isolationism of the 1960’s. The play, directed by Tom Bently-Fischer, dealt with some of the idealism and disillusionment experienced by the survivors of the era of the Kennedys, Marilyn Monroe and Martin Luther King Jr. The play, set in a bar in the New York City of February 14, 1974, had six characters, five of whom were obsessed by their own particular messianic figure. The sixth, Gary Lachane as the bartender, had no spoken lines but served,



starrang DONALD


quite competently, to unify the five diverse threads of thought by his all-pervasive but unacknowledged presence. The five active characters were representative of the following types: the prudish middle-class admirer of JFK, the Andy Warhol type of homosexual avant-garde .actor, the disillusioned pa&fistic anti-war protester, the drugdependent and war-crippled‘ Viet Nam veteran, and the aspiring sex-goddess. Diane Stainton characterized Wanda, a fan of JFK’s Camelot, who had not yet recovered from Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas.





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Photo ’



Carla (played by Sandy Cowan) idolized Marilyn Monroe, and aspired to be her successor. The death of the 60’s peace movement and the spiritual degeneration of her husband constituted Rona’s purgatory. Grace Newton depicted Rona, an aging yippie who rejected the materialism of her former idol, Bob Dylan, and the apostacy of Timothy Leary. The only character who changed his environment was the veteran, Mark (played by Rick Armstrong). He murdered his “spiritual advisor” and buddy, Chick, who committed’the cardinal sin of “getting involved” by saving Mark’s life in Viet Nam. Mark’s monologue differed from the others’ in that his took the form of a diary addressed to his mother. The characters never addressed each other, nor were they aware of any other’s existence, save that of the bartender. , ’ Yet, in certain ways, they were products of parallel experiences and suffered from the same phobias. Isolation, helplessness and hopelessness were the common themes. You can still see “Kennedy’s Children” tonight and tomorrow night in the Theatre of the Arts at 8 Pm.

&very Tuesday

Basic intermediate photography will be the subject of Photo ‘77 -a weekend seminar to be held at UW on March 12 and 13. A wide range of talks on photographic techniques are scheduled, as well as discussions about the purchase and care of equipment, darkroom procedures and the history and esthetics of photography. Also planned is a display of instructors’ work, and a camera clinic with a technician on hand to give advice. Contributors from UW include Maurice Green, who will speak on portraiture, Douglas Wicken on photographing people, and Paul Barber on figure photography. Other topics to be covered include composition, existing-light and night photography, and landscape tphotography. The seminar fee is $5 for students and $7.50 for others. Since enrolment is limited to 40 persons at any one lecture, early registration is advised. Interested persons should contact Diana Clarke via the federation of students, who are sponsoring Photo ‘77 in conjunction with Creative Arts Board and the UW Photo Club.

Band fans Twelve members of the Warriors’ Band are in Halifax to play at the CIAU basketball championships this weekend. Their playing will not be of the on-the-court variety though, as they only hopeto be “instrumental” in the team’s success. Contributions for travelling costs collected at the Laurentian basketball game amounted to about $400. The board of entertainment chipped in $50 and it is possible that some other groups may still make further contributions. The band, and the three dozen or so fans also in Halifax, should delinitely have a positive effect on the team’s success.

HECK YOUR TICKETS!!! Some tickets sold for the Friday, March 4th performance of “Rites of Spring” showed curtain time as 8:30 p.m. This should have read 8:00 p.m.



the free chevron

4, 7977


In vita tional Meet:

‘s ski team fares well \

The Waterloo Invitational Ski Meet marked the end of the Molson’s Ski series for 1977. This two day event held February 13 & 14, saw Waterloo finishing second

in the Women’s Division behind Western in the OWIAA. During the first day of competition the Slolam was held. Waterloo’s Sue Graves had to set-

Hockey: For the fourth time in the last twelve years, the University of Toronto Blues will have a shot at the CIAU Hockey Championship, which they have captured eight bf the last twelve years. The Blues won the OUAA crown last Saturday when they defeated the York Yeomen 3-2. U of T will now enter a three game semifinal playoff series which will be held in Winnipeg against Manitoba. Wrestling: The OUAA “A” team won the CIAU wrestling championship again this year, winning 6 gold and 4 silver medals. Basketball: 3 Warriors were named to the OUAA A and B allstar teams last week. Swing forward Mike Visser and swing guard Seymour Hadwen were voted to the “A” team and center Lou Nelson was

nominated for the “B” team. Men’s Council on Intercollegiate Athletics: There will be an importqnt executive meeting and council elections on Monday 7:30 in the Letterman’s lounge. All teams are requested to send their representatives. Rugby: The Waterloo Warriors Rugby Football Club returned from New Orleans where they played 4 games in the 64 team Satellite tournament held at Southern Louisiana University’s Hammond Fields. The Warriors won two games and lost- two. Needless to say a good time was had by all. There will be an executive meeting 7:30pm Tuesday at 133 Longwood Drive. The 1976-77 and the 1977-78 executives are requested to attend.

tle for a second place finish behind U of T’s Andrea Esson. Western’s Marilyn Robbins placed third. In the second day of competition Sue Graves captured the Giant Slalom event while team member Patsv

On February 25, Queens ran an Alpine event and Wat&loo finished fourth behind Toronto, Queens, and Western. Westerns Marilyn Robbins finished first over all. The Molson series standings were tabulated after this final meet and Waterloo, to no-ones surprise, walked away with the Giant Slalom. Overall Western finished first, Waterloo second, Toronto third. Individually Andrie Esson and Sue Graves of Waterloo tied for first and Marilyn Rob.bins finished third. Waterloo’s se&id place finisher was Patsy Chambers who placed fifth in the standings. Waterloo’s Athenas will now travel to Waterville Valley, New Hampshire where they will compete in the Can Am racing series. Based on the girls past perfor-

Dave Leonhardt (no. 2) has just had his spike blocked by Kevin Munhill of the Warriors. Leonhardt of the eventual Tournament winners led his Winnipeg Wesmen to an easy victory over the Warriors.

mance they seem to have an excellent chance of winning. Waterloo’s men’s team has not fared as well as the women. They finished sixth out of 12 teams in the Molson series. Queens, Toronto and Western finished first, second and third. Individually, the Warriors received strong performances throughout the year from Gord Reese, Chris Yetman, and Jack Spence.

Coach Mike Renaud acting as soothe sayer predicted that next year if the Warriors can develop a little more depth that they will be a dominant power in the University skiing. Already looking\towards next year Renaud mentioned that the University is approaching the Can Am organizing committee in a bid to host the 1978 Can Am Canadian meet.

/ Intrasport Report Each term, competitive points are accumul?ted in several ways to capture the overall competitive award, the K.D. Fryer Trophy. The K.D. Fryer Trophy is presented to the intramural unit amas. sing the greatest number of points. Points are awarded for both wins and ties and at the end of the season for final league standings in each activity. Also, the farther you get in playoffs the more points are awarded. St. Jerome’s leads the pack with 61 points so far this term, followed by Math with 46, and BS with 40. These points only include tournaments played to date; final standings and playoffs to come in hockey, basketball and floor hockey should change the picture. The Father Bill Townson Award. is presented each term to the Men’s Intramural unit amassing the greatest ‘number of participation points. Units are assigned participation points by simply giving 1 point per participant per game played, be it tournament or league Play * Competitive units are divided into larger and smaller units for obvious reasons in the Townson Award Race. Math, E.S.S, Kinetc. are in the larger unit with Renison, St. Jerome’s, the Villages etc. in the smaller. St. Jerome’s is way out in front, as usual, in the smaller units division, with 61 points. Their closest rival is Renison with 9 points. Math leads the larger units with 30 points (Note: that St. Jerome’s is miles ahead of even the larger units). Both .awards will be presented at the Annual Intramural Banquet on March 17 at the Concordia Club. In addition, the Allan J. McCormick Trophy presented annually to the student who has made an outstanding contribution to the men’s intramural program and the Judson Whiteside Trophy presented annually to the student who exemplifies the highest degree of excellence in skill and participation in men’s intramurals will be presented at the banquet. Men’s Competitive Hockey Playoff Schedule Set In “A” League hockey action on Tuesday February 2 1, Medicine bombed the Nags 8-1. Lenius and Graham each picked up a hat trick to lead the Medicine, scoring while singles went to Stark and Reed. Mathews scored the lone

Nag counter. Also, on February 21, Bad Company dropped Math “A” 3-l. B Warkus, M. Sarazin, and B. Ballantyne handled the scoring for Bad Company, while S. Sutton replied for Math “A”. On February 22, Science was shutout by St. Jerome’s 2-O. B. Dowling and I. Aldwinkle scored for St. Jerome’s. In other action on Tuesday night, West Alumni dropped Renison 3-O. Mark Richer led the way for West with two goals while John Creighton picked up a single. Dave Henning earned the shutout. On February 24, Optometry “A” defeated Math “A” by a score of 4-2. J. Kemp scored twice for thZ Optometrists, while M. Falke and B. Almond picked up one goal apiece. M. Spivey grid E. Teber handled the scoring for Math. Environmental Studies forfeited their game to the Nags on February 27.

In the remaining gaple on February 27, V2 West routed Science to the tune of 10-O. P. White picked up four goals for West while D. Bruce scored twice. W. Umirch, R. Legati, S. Johnson, and B. Hunter scored the remaining goals for West. “B”‘League - Team Alufawhore kept its unbeaten string together by holding Optometry “B” to a 2-2 deadlock on February 22. George Chodoriwsky and Mike Reynolds scored for the Alufawhores, while G. Watson and D. Williams handled the scoring for Optometry “B”. In other B League action on Feb; ruary 22, the Cutsets and the Canucks fought to a 2-2 stalemate. Cantellon and Swindall picked up the Cutset goals, while J. Jackson and Cuzzoerea replied for the Canucks. On February 23, &VI East downed VI West 4-l. England led the way for least with two goals, while Mick and Barnes scored one apiece. J. Ackford scored the lone West counter. Also on Februar 23, East “A” edged the North “ L ” Racers 2-l. Jamie Cerrington and Henry Bentkowski scored for East, while Eric Celentano replied for the Racers. V2 East came out on the bottom end of a 7-6 score with V2 South on

February 24. Gary Milton picket up a hat trick for South with single goals going to R. Cooper, R. Seager, P. Huras, and D. Hodge . Daniels and Love scored two apiece for East while McIntagen and McCullough divided the rest of the West scoring with one goal each. On Fkbruary 25, Co-op rimained undefeated by virtue of,a default win over Conrad Grebel. In other action in the Bible Belt St. Paul’s downed St. Jerome’s 4- 1. Fowler, McVey, Houle and Cowdry picked up the St. Paul’s goals while Curtis scored for St. Jerome’s. In other action on February 25, the Rockers whipped Eng “B” 5-l. Harris, Bowes, Page, Thrasher and Handy scored for the Rockers while Campbell replied for the Engineers. Playoffs The Playoff s_chedule for A league is almost set with the exception being the Medicine and Math placings. c First round action has West Alumni facing either Medicine or Math, W,est Attila meeting Optometry “A”, V2 South versus Bad Company, and St. Jerome’s against either Medicine or Math. West Alumni, Optometry “A”, Bad Company, and St. Jerome’s are favoured to advance past the first round, but further predictions are impossible because the four teams were very close in league play. As of this writing, the playoff schedule for B league has not been set but some tentative forecasts are possible. Team Alufawhore, Co-op and East “A” should receive first round byes, while Coca’s Nuts have a good shot at the remaining bye with Conrad Grebel having an outside chance at a first round bye. The “B” League teams are very close so it is difficult to pick a favourite. Team Alufawhore and Co-op are undefeated at this writing but Conrad Grebel has only one loss as well as East “A” and Coca’s Nuts. But any of the other teams could pull off an upset and the playoff action should feature close scores and relatively good hockey.

Doug Vance slips in behind the Laurentian defence for an easy basket. Vance scored six times on the six attempts as the Warriors defeated the Voyageurs 98-93 to take the OUAA title.

Second in OUAA UW swims to CIAU Thirteen swimmers and divers will represent the University of Waterloo in this week’s CIAU Men’s Swimming and Diving Championships. I The CIAU ChampiGnship is hosted by the University of Toronto at the Etobicoke Olympium, March 3, 4, and 5.

been determined because once a swimmer has qualified for the CIAU then he can be entered in various events by the coach. UW coach Claudia Cronin expects some exceptional performances from several UW competitors I Tim Wilson in the sprint freestyle, and Brian Harvey in the The individuals representing backstroke events, will be among UW will be John Heinbuch, Boris the top contenders. J. Jacyszyn, Paul Aholy, Tim WilClaude Cormier and Steve son, Brian Harvey, Tom Hett, Rick Brooks will be in the running for the Adamson, Carl ‘Cronin, Dave one metre and the three metre Heinbuck, Ron Campbell, Claude championships. Cormier, Steve Brooks, and Eric Warriors finished a* strong secMoffatt . ond in the OUAA Championship The events each swimmer or ’ and are expected to be finishing high this week. diver will be entered in has not yet


the free chevron

nological evaluating system, that lacks personal feedback and encouragement. As long as there is no room for students to creatively express their ideas in the application of concepts and material learned; there will be a stifling of the enthusiasm for its own sake.



In the wake of our February 25 editorial name withheld on request which gave a response to Doug Thompson’s proposal, I feel that the following comments are in order. In October of last year, I joined the chevron staff in its efforts to obtain justice for Neil Docherty and Henry Hess. I felt at the time that they were the victims of Two issues ago, one of the sports stories in McCarthy-like tactics. I thought that good your paper was signed with the pseudonym, journalism springs from the dedication of an “Jacques Strappe”. This was, I suppose, an open and diverse staff rather than from the attempt at cleverness on behalf of your strait-jacket of an elected or appointed by making a pun of the term “jock editorial board. , since it was associated with sports. After four months of struggle, I still hold In- last week’s paper, however, another these beliefs. In fact, the recent threats of the article was signed by this same person, plus federal government to censor the Frenchanother writer, but this article was not about language CBC through loyalty tests, firing of sports. What appears to have happened is ‘ separatist journalists, budget cuts, and other that some person does not wish to make his means have confirmed my conviction that identity known, for personal reasons, which independence of media and government I can accept. He or she seems to have origitranscends this university and must be de- nally written’the sports story, and signed it fended by all of us. with an appropriate name, and re-used the I have fought for restoration of the same name, when he or she co-authored a chevron’s funding prior to- an investigation second article. because I feel it pointless to have a body However, I must object to its use, particusitting in judgement over the chevron while larly in your paper, since it was the publicathe sentence of no phones, no Imail, no tion that raised the hue and cry when a pun money, and assorted harassment continues ,was made of the name of the late Chinese to be imposed. But, I do not feel and have leader. But it is not only the racial connotanever felt that the federation had to pay tion to which I must protest. damages before a judicial process decided Interest in sports is not excluded to “nonthis. I-believe that the federation has as much jocks”. Nor is it barred to women, although of a right to its day in court before it is ob- this is the partial inference in the pun, since liged to cover back pay and debts. women athletes have no need for a jock Moreover, I feel that two distinct processtrap. ses are involved: the first to decide who is The m&n reason for my protest, however, the guilty party in this matter and the second is the racial overtone of the use of the to draft new bylaws to govern the operation pseudonym; we have two official languages of the student newspaper. in Canada, English and ,French. Although Thus I am convinced that Thompson’s their is sometimes rather strained relationpersonal commitment to use violence, deships between the two cultures, it is not immagogery, and dishonesty to obtain an im- proved by making jokes at the expense of mediate end to this affair, I must, and all of one or the other. I will not go so far as to call us with a sense of justice must continue to the pun a racial slur, as your staff might, if it aid and support the free chevron. appeared in the other chevron; I think such a Marc Shafroth claim is stupid, and an attempt to make those responsible appear “racist”, or ‘“fascist’ ’ in the eyes of those who might be led. I am not going to ask, br “demand”, as your staff members might ptit it, an apology, or complete retraction, or an admission that it was -a deliberate racist attack, but I am To our colleagues at the free chevron: going to suggest that you start to put your act On behalf of the staff of The Manitoban I am pleased to enclose a check for $100 in together; if you are going to make ridiculous assertions about others on campus, be response to your newspaper’s request for danined’sure that your hands are clean, both financial support. in the past, and in the future. We wish you success in your struggle. A female Kinesiology student, Please advise us if we can be of any further H. LeRoche assistance in any way.

Pseudonym protested


Manitoban UpPOrt


de Gagnb Editor

The other day I walked out of a multiple choice exam worth 5oalo of my mark, laughing. During the process of the term, we had read and discussed many interesting ideas * and valuable concepts. However, we were to be evaluated by an exam that asked ambiguous question about insignificant facts and figures, that would be of no value the following day. I’m certain that it gave no indication of the material I had absorbed nor the thinking I had done on the subject. Multiple choice answers allow no room for opinion or creativity. They do allow those students that think most similarly to their professors to obtain good marks. It is truly disappointing that computers have not been developed to the point that they can read essays and evaluate the thinking processes of people as individuals. It seems apparent that until that day, the University grading system will remain the farce that it has become. Many people say that they believe University students have changed; they are no longer interested in learning for its own sake. I believe this is partially a result of our tech-

-1ettitor Tlie use of the pseudonym “Jacques Strappe” was intended as neither a racial nor a sexist slur. It was, as you pointed out, merely an attempt at cleverness; however, it was-never intended to be used on anything except sports articles. It was placed on the bottom of the article about David Robertson through a misunderstanding. The sexist connotations of the pseudonym, I must admit, evaded me. Perhaps I am remiss for this; in any event my apologies are extended, and the use of the pseudonym will be ended. As to the racial connotations, all I can say is that I’ve never before been accused of being anti-Quebecois and I’m at a loss for words.-


Jacob Arseneault Jacques Strappe)

In view of the recent social, economic or political events that occur both on or off campus; I am concerned that apathy, formerly linked with my student peers, is quite a ddminant force amongst my alleged educators. One example to most of us is Professor Wahlsten. Only three professors currently (and a handful in the past) have chosen to enter into any public discourse with him. Others either ignore the situation or treat him as a bothersome absurdity that is not worth their time. I cannot be so arrogant as

to proclaim veracity in this situation, but I am arrogant enough to seek the parenthetical academic community’s response. As I hear more, I am often forced to make my own conclusions. Erroneous as they may be, I do have some. But the faculty seems to stand in careful abeyance (at least publicly). I do not wish that the gloomy pessimism of Suzuki’s notion of education taking place in isolation take precedence in my views, but I am learning there is more security in noninvolvement and non-commitment. The old art of pedagogy has developed a new dimension as silence is fast becoming the newest medium of transmitting learning (knowledge)? Sanctions appear boundless and narcissistic pursuits are left unfettered (on both sides) as eagh becomes accountable only to himself in the’ silence. As J. Malyan ( a math prof here at UW) said in his Toronto Star editorial on highpaid Canadian professors: “We cannot afford in this country to go on paying for fumbling mediocrity as if it were shining excellence.” (Feb. 26, 1977) I am also talking about the same except it is no longer a strictly economic loss. It is a loss that can’t be recovered by taking a course in it or any other tangible substitution. All I ask for is involvement and communication. But I guess that’s too much - the silence deafens. Michael

Evidence demanded,


Dear Stanislov Reinis: For two weeks now, I have had to put up with your assertions, concoctions and statements that can only be made by a raving idiot. Seeing a bare wheatfield in Bohemia does not disprove Lysenko. Like seeing the pope with a nun does not disprove he’s a celebate. Now Reinis, provide us with some evidence on Lysenko or Stalin, and don’t just foam at the mouth. When you do this, then a debate dan begin which all students can learh from and participate in. I am also wondering why I have never seen or heard of such a great democrat as you and why you haven’t defended firing of faculty or closing of the paper. At any rate you document your assertions or crawl back to your hole.

Money3 r79orality This is a copy of a letter that I sent to the TD bank in Toronto. Dear Sirs/Madames. Recently we were watching the CBC television program “The Fifth Estate”. This particular program was looking at the proposed Canadian investment by Noranda in the ultra right-wing government of Chile. f It was mentioned at the end of the program that both the Toronto Dominion and Royal Bank of Canada were enquiring into investments in the country also. Since this government was not elected by the people of Chile; this government is pressured by other democratic governments to end its fascist Mussolini-type control, we therefore feel that any and all forms of investment in the country is opposed to the freedom of the peoples of Chile and directly supports and endorses the terrorist military government. Since we also feel that leaving our money in your bank would be supporting the murder and torture which this government so freely uses we must, in all sense of morality, withdraw our savings. In all, we have jointly used your bank for 14 years arid until this time had no reason to change. Because you are considering the support of a government which is so adamantly opposed to democracy we will therefore-, also be encouraging oui friends and any persons we meet with an account at your bank, tb withdraw their money. With all sincerity we wish yo; only misfor- II tune in any endeaiours you undertake for as long as you put profits before morality. Laurie Gourlay Jackie Mood

Zionist replies

Reading the AIA’ s response to my letter of January 28 in last week’s chevron caused me to sit down and think. I was more than a little astonished by what I read, I find it difficult to understand how the AIA and myself can both read the same text and yet reach such totally and diametrically opposite conclusions. J. Kang I am referring to the part of the letter in which the AIA duplicates a paragraph from page 33 of the pamphlet “Zionism is Racism”which I feel serves as a particularly effective and damning indictment of the entire pamphlet. I myself had actually quoted from that same paragraph in my own letter. I’d like to thank Peter Blunden for his very it is contended by the AIA that I thorough and well-researched treatment of However, misquoted this paragraph. I merely refrained Marxist-Leninist economic theory. I enjoy good fiction. Of course, the fact that the from quoting the entire paragraph and I am now indebted to the AIA who did this for me. authors of much of it have ushered several The paragraph in question refers to millions of people into the hereafter adds a “Zionist Ghettos around the w,orld”. I special thrill to it all. Keeps me from falling asleep, you know. The writings of Josef Sta- would like to know what a “Zionist Ghetto” lin arouse in me pretty much the same feel- is and I would like to see how Zionists “work hard to fan the flames of racial hatred and ings as did “Mein Kampf ’ ; revulsion. superstitions toward people of Jewish backI wouldn’t attempt to sway or influence grounds” as suggested on page 33 of said young Peter’s opinions in any way. I probapamphlet. To prove the latter assertion the bly couldn’t if I tried. Why, any man with AIA relies on further “quotes” from sense enough to pour piss from a boot knows is Racism”. These quotes, though that you can’t teach a jackass to sing sop- “Zionism taken out of context, constitute the major rano! You still haven’t told me or the other avid argument for the notion that anti-Semitism and Zionism are “the old twins”. There is no readers of the free chevvy any of the details case in “Zionism is Racism”, of Erhard Kienitz’ on-the-job accidents or documented of a major Zionist organisation working in his hassles with the Workmen’s Compensaleague with anti-Semites. The question retion Board. How about it? mains: why does the AIA and its propaganda This will probably be my last letter to you. rely on the words of Zionists to show the It’s been fun, but I’ve more pressing matters on my mind at the moment. I’m about to anti-Semitic nature of Zionism and not on the graduate and leave this mess behind me. I do actions of these Zionists? Certain quotations cited in the letter and in hope that you’re able to resolve your problems before-the end of April; after all, you the pamphlet do not require intensive research to refute but are merely in need of can’t claim the floor of the Campus Center, When a Jew, such as Dr. or the Kitchener Jail, as an Ontario Tax Cre- clarifi.cation. Nahum Goldberg, says that “a decline of dit . Cheerio ! overt anti-Semitism might constitute a new PS The RCMP sure don’t fool around, do he is not referring they? They wait until they’ve built up a danger to Jewish survival” to the state of Israel but to the Jewish culture pretty good case before they strike. Lotsa luck, Doctor Doug and his merry band of and identity. Before I can explain his meaning I must provide some background inforurban guerrillas, you’ll need it now. mation. Mike McCartney continued on page 15

One for the road




4, 7977

the free chevron


from page 14 Being a Jew lies somewhere between being a member ,of a race and merely the acceptance of the religion of Judaism. In most communities, where numbers of Jews live, there exists a Jewish cultural centre and/or library. At these centres congregate all types of Jews. Many of those Jews are irreligious, being agnosti&or aetheists. Yet they call themselves Jews because they share a common cultural identity, ethnic language(s) and tradition. The irreligious Jew is known as a secular Jew. ‘Being a Jew is more than accepting a religious creed, though it can be only that. There is a vast Jewish literary and musical heritage. This cultural heritage has sprung from the Jewish people and was not imposed upon Jews by Zionists. I do not think that by recognizing there exists a Jewish secular culture means that one is a racist. It is absurd to state that the Jewish people constitute a race. Racially Arabs and Jews are brothers, both groups being Semites. (However, the refers to a racist term “anti-Semitism” theory which is applied directly and only against Jews.) According to the Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary a people is “a body of persons united by a common character, culCertainly Jews have a ture or sentiment”. common “culture” and “sentiment” however rich and varied it may be. It is to deny a great cultural tradition to state the Jews have no common culture. Such a hypothesis is reminiscent of Adolph Hitler’s “Mein Kampf’ in which it is asserted, and quite vehemently, that Jews have never created their own indigenous culture, but have merely co-opted the culture of other races and in doing so have de“purer” stroyed these cultures. Hitler said that Jews are a culture destroying force. When a Jewish leader talks about the “Jewish people” he is thinking in the terms I have defined, he is not extending upon Nazism. Some people I have met in the “free chevron” office have told me that the Jews are not a people; they merely share a common religion. Certainly, one can see that it is different to be a Jew than to be a Protestant. There is no “Protestant language” or culture peculiar to Protestantism. However, there are at least three Jewish dialects spoken today; Marrano (from Spanish), Yiddish (from German) and Hebrew. Furthermore, there are at least three types of Jewish cultures; Sephardic, Ashkenazic and Oriental. The Marrano and Yiddish dialects developed in Spain and Germany, respectively, were influenced by the languages of those countries but grew -as a direct result of the ghettoization of Jews. These different subcultures are still part of Jewish culture and unified by religious traditions and historical forces. All significant Jewish philosophy, not just Zionism as charged by the AIA, is “hostile to the spirit of assimilation”. The reason mainstream Jewish thought is abhorant to the prospect of assimilation is that we believe our cultural tradition is worth saving. The preservation of culture is not a racist tactic; conversely, the denial of culture and the movement toward a culturally homogeneous and uniform society is racist. There exists no “Zionist Ghetto” created by Zionists (unless one considers Israel a ghetto). Montreal is not a “Zionist Ghetto” even in its most Jewish quarters. Similarily, neither are Winnipeg, Toronto and the Bronx “Zionist Ghettos”. Jews associate with other Jews because they want to, because they share a common cultural identity. I have never met a Jew who attends synagogue or studies Jewish philosophy, art or literature because he was told to do so by Zionists. I have digressed from the question at hand, but it was a necessary digression. The :

relationship between Jews and anti-Jewish sentiment can be compared analogously to the relationship between “thesis” and “antithesis”. When Jews arecattacked, they do not rely on help from others, as this help is not usually forthcoming, but turn to other Jews for aid. Those Jews who feel that the best defense is assimilation have been persecuted in modern times anyway. Most of the Jews who died in Hitler’s camps once thought they were “good Germans”. (Contrary to the implication of the AIA’s letter, Jews have in general always felt patriotic, rightly or wrongly so, to any country that they inhabited. Consequently Jews, when attacked, are unified, to a certain extent, for the purpose of mutual self-defense. The unification of Jews against a common enemy always works against the process of assimilation, and consequently, in a positive manner to preserve their identity. Thus, many Jewish leaders have been heard exclaiming that even though they oppose antiSemitism, there have been, upon occasion, positive results derived therefrom. Whether or not this is a realistic or pragmatic approach, it is not a condonance of antiSemitism.- It is merely a defense mechanism for finding a silver lining in a storm cloud. The statement which I referred to above, quoted in the AIA’s letter, warns against the “decline of overt anti-Semitism.” I will explain this as follows: There are two kinds of anti-Semitism - that which is practised ,” and that which is kept openly, “overtly shrouded in darkness, “covert.” AntiSemitism comes and goes in cycles of varying intensity. When conditions are good, anti-Semitism is not dominant, but remains underground. But if conditions change, anti-Semitism may again make its presence known. However, it has not so far died out. Thus, it appears to many that there is a constant amount of anti-Semitism in the world which exists in two forms: overt (kinetic) and covert (potential) or underground. The sum of both types is unvarying. Thus, when a Jewish leader of the stature of Dr. Nahum Goldberg makes a statement, such as the one quoted above, she/he is expressing concern over the fact that as covert anti-Semitism decreases another form of anti-Semitism, which is less easily fought, increases. Phil Cramer

I am writing to correct the allegation made in a letter to last week’s ‘Real’ Chevron that the free chevron, and in particular myself, engage in irresponsible journalism. The letter referred to the reports on the ’ AIA’s series of forums on political economy. The author makes the false claim that the forurn on injured workers did not take place and then draws the completely illogical conclusion that, thus, none of them took place. First and foremost, the forum on injured workers was not cancelled. It was, however, shortened because several of the people there wanted to go to the David Suzuki meeting taking place that same evening. Mr. Wolfe, according to his letter, expected the forum to take place in AL2 12. It is no wonder he was disapointed! The forum was in AL2 11. If he had read the posters he would have known this and could have avoided a lonely evening. I ask how responsible it is to make statements without determining what the facts are. Of course this is, nothing new for the “Real” Chevron (formerly the Bullseye) and its founders; seeing such a letter in that publication did not surprise me. Who is being irresponsible?





omm3on his tfue colour

This week the chevron staff learned’ what “negotiating in bad faith,” @really means. Two weeks ago student federation president Doug Thompson offered us a proposal. He claimed it was an honest attempt to resolve the chevron/federation dispute which has raged on this campus for five months. Few of the chevron staff have much faith in Thompson, we have had tooxmuch experience with him. But we have always been willing to negotiate a just solution to the dispute, and thus we took the time to consider his proposal iii detail and offered a counter proposal (see last week’s editorial page). On Saturday, negotiations began between two representatives of chevron staff, and Thompson and’federation lawyer Gary Flaxbard (even though Thompson, who had repeatedly pressed staff to meet arbitrary deadlines, was an hour late for the meeting.) The lines of demarcation were drawn at that meeting. There were real disagreements. On the other hand, it was agreed that our representatives would present Thompson’s position to staff at a meeting Monday, and continue further negotiations Wednesday. But all for naught. On Sunday evening Thompson led some of his Campus Reform groupies and other hangers-on - about twelve goons in all - into the chevron office, and dragged two chevrics out, locking the doors and doubtless breathing a sigh of relief. We presume Thompson considered twelve on two to be an offer’ “we just couldn’t refuse”. But Thompson’s thugs didn’t stop us. We didn’t come through the bathroom window, but we are here, and we have reassessed our position. Thompson’s actions confirmed our suspicions - he can’t be trusted. Staff has decided that there is no point in continuing to negotiate with this man. But we are continuing our campaign


of explaining our position to $JW’s students. At present we are conducting hundreds of interviews so we can determine the campus feeling, and when that is complete, we will clarify any confusion on our position. We intend to hold a mass rally (date and location to be announced) where we w-ill present our case and explain our position. We will also aproach the new students’ council with our position and any negotiations can go from there.

We were closed without an investigation that is, condemned without a trial charges against the paper should have been proven before action was taken. What is at stake is the principle of due process - the right to a fair hearing before a verdict is rendered. Thus, the only way to reach a just solution to the dispute is to first reinstate the paper, and afterwards so that any doubts can be cleared up, and plans made for better guarantees of press freedom: we welcome a full investigation of this entire matter. We have faith in the students. We encourage any people who have questions about .Reinstate! Investigate! to come to our office, ~~140, and speak with us: -. - the chevron staff



In the counter proposal on page 15 of the free chevron, February 25, 1977, volume 1 number 20, an error was made in the copy. The first point, which read, “The federation council is to condemn and repudiate the three motions it passed on September 30, 1976 . . .‘* should have read, “The federation council is to repudiate the three motions it passed on September 30, 1976.”

A member of the Canadian University Press, the free chevron is produced and published by the chevron staff and is typeset by Dumont Press Graphix. The free chevron is produced from Room 140, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Two chevron staffers absorbed the brunt of Thompson-style negotiations Sunday night but neither scrapes nor bruises nor attack by such plague could keep us from our service to the students. We had some difficulty squeezing Salah under the door, but here we go again. The people who continue to fight for the principle of Reinstate! Investigate! are , . . randy barkman, phil Cramer, val moghadam, larry hannant, mike hazell, emst von bezold,,charlotte von bezot& rabid rabbit, dave carter, Oscar nierstrasz, jonathan coles, lorne gershuny, mart shafroth, heather robertson, peter blunden, jules grajower, salah bachir, tom cody, neil docherty, jayne pollock, dianne chapitis, rob taylor, doug goodfellow, donna wills, scott barron, mark wills, nina tymoscewicz, doug hamilton, t alex beamish, nick redding, and all the people who came down on Sunday after Thompson and his goons decended upon us.. .rpt



the free chevron


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B’ball Warriors OUAA ,Champs The University of Waterloo Warriors earned two titles last week. On Friday against Windsor, they came from a 45-40 deficit at half-time to win 83-79 and take the OUAA-West championship. Two they captured the days later, OUAA title with a resounding 89-83 victory over number-two ranked Laurentian Voyageurs. Both games were played at PAC. Against Windsor, four Warriors managed double figures in scoring. Bob Yuhatz led the way with a brilliant performance of outside shooting, hitting-10 for 15 from the floor. Mike Visser was good for 18 points, Don Larman grabbed 13, and Doug Vance came off the bench to score 12 points, including eight of nine free throws. Trailing by five points at the half, the Warriors came out and in one of their now typical explosions outscored the Lancers 15-2 in the first five minutes of the second half. Windsor, however, was persistent and chipped away at the lead, cutting it back to two points with four minutes left. Yuhatz then hit three field goals in a row, putting the game out of reach, while Visser, Vance and Pat Brill-Edw-ards were given trips to the free throw line as the Lancers desperately tried to gain possession of the ball. However, the strategy backfired as the three went six for six in the final minute and a half. The final score 83-79 was deceptive. While appearing close, the Warriors were not in danger. They seemed able to take control of the game, cutting off the Windsor attack and turning on their own offence, almost at will. Windsor, in addition, hurt themselves in the foul department. They picked up 26 player fouls compared to 17 for Waterloo. The Lancers tallied nine points from 14 attempts from the line, while UW hit on 21 for 29. Windsor is a very physical team. This can have its advantages in that it can often intimidate an opponent. However, against the Warriors it backfired. It got them into foul


trouble and this in turn hurt the effectiveness of their platooning system. To maintain the advantage of the platoon system it is necessary to keep the action at full speed. Too many slowdowns gives the opposition time to adjust and that time is crucial when every four minutes the Warriors must face fresh troops with new faces, new defensive strategies and new offensive patterns. Players in foultrouble means juggling the familiar situations they work under. Top scorer for Windsor was Charlie “elbows and knees” Pearsall with 22 points and 11 rebounds. Vince Landry had 14 points while Mark Smith had 10. The Laurentian Voyageurs came to town on Sunday holding the distinction of being the only team to beat the Warriors this season in the Pac. They came with the reputation of being big, strong and talented. There is debate over their second place ranking behind Acadia. Many feel they are a better team than the Axe-men. They also brought with them Reni Dolcetti, whom many feel to be the best Canadian centre playing in Canada, (McGill, Acadia and Waterloo all have American centres), Jeff Bennett, a prolifik scorer with the ability to score anywhere and any time, and three of the top guards in Ontario. The Warriors, however, appeared quite unimpressed. In fact, they threatened to blow them out of the building in the first ten minutes. OUAA BASKETBALL FINAL

Led by inspired performances on the part of Pat Brill-Edwards and Seymour Hadwen, they scored on their first 11 attempts and built up a 23-8 lead before coasting to a 46-32 half time margin. In the second 1calf, Laurentian nlitcrnrd turned the tables. ThP A-sv,‘v VUC”VV. vu the Warriors 16-8 in the first five minutes to cut the margin to six points. Eventually, they cut it down to three before the Warriors took the game away with some strong defensive work by Lou Nelson who blocked six shots in the game and some fine inside work by Doug Vance, who again came off the bench to put in an excellent game. Vance was six for six from the field and two for two from the line for 14 points. Top scorer for the Warriors was Hadwen with 29 pc)ints ). Visser had 16, Brill-Edwards and Nelson had 13 each. Again, the final score 89-83 indicated a closer game than actually took place. After Laurentian closed to within three, the Warriors shut them off and extended the lead to 14 with 90 seconds remaining. They then backed off to avoid fouls but in doing so committed a couple of errors allowing the Voyageurs to hit for eight points Jeff Bennett and 1dike Heale were top scorers for Laurentian with 17 each. Paul Mousseau contributed 12 while Reni Dolcetti scored 11.



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Western Brock Laurier

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Cindy Elliott and Nancy Moore of the University of Western Ontario Mustangs block an attempted tip by Kim Brand (73) of UBC. UBC won three straight games to capture the finals of the C/AU women’s VolleybaIl championship.


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I Charlie Pearsall gets a hand on Mike Visser’s shot while Seymour turns around to say something to Dan Devin’s elbow. The Warriors Lancers 83-79 to take the OUAA-Western division title.






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The CIAU Women’s Volleyball championship cup went west following an exciting’battle last Sunday between UBC and defending champions from UWO. Five teams were entered in the three day-long tournament. Each team was a regional champion; UBC represented the West, Manitoba the Great Plains Conference, UWO from Ontario, Sherbrooke from Quebec and Dalhousie from the Maritimes. The teams competed in a roundrobin tournament, playing each team in a best-of-three match. The top two teams met in the final. Unlike the men’s competition which preceeded it, the women’s teams were highly competitive. UBC topped the ranking after the round-robin series with eight points. Western with six points in second place were followed by Sherbrooke, Dalhousie and Manitoba. Western, who managed to win two games against UBC in the round-robin series were unable to win any games in the final although each game was very close and could have gone either way. UBC won the match by virtue of 15- 11, 15-13, and 16-14 victories. In the final game Western was down 10-5 before rallying to grab an 1 l-10 lead. UBC took back the lead and extended it to 13- 11 before Western came back to tie it at 13- 13 and again at 14-14. The final was marked by brilliant defensive work on the part of both teams. The excellent defence resulted in long, see-saw rallies which had the small crowd of 1500 stomping and whistling with approval.

Hadwen beat the

UW hostslose!out The University of Winnipeg Wesmen captured the men’s title in Athlethe Canadian Intercollegiate tic Union’s volleyball championship last Friday in the PAC. The tournament featured a round-robin series between five regional champions, the universities of British Columbia, Sherbrooke, Winnipeg, St. Francis Xavier, Laurentian and the host University of Waterloo. The Wesmen finished in first place, collecting 10 points by virtue of 10 victories and no defeats in their five matches. Each match pitted two teams in a best of three contest. In the championship match Winnipeg faced the UBC Thunderbirds, the second place team after the round-robin series with nine points; The Thunderbirds accumulated eight victories and three defeats, losing one game to Sherbrooke, the third place team, and two to Winnipeg. Sherbrooke finished with eight points, St. Francis, in fourth place, had seven points, Laurentian was fifth with six points and the Warriors were sixth with five points. The championship game was an easy victory for Winnipeg. The Wesmen, who have two members of Canada’s National team, Don Michalski and Garth Pischke and


one member of the National Junior team had little trouble with any of the competition, the championship match being no exception as they


15-9, 15-9.

Winnipeg, confidently led by Michalski, Pischke and Ron Hinkewski, exhibited a varied and complex offence which none of their competitors was able to cope with. Their sets were precise both in timing and position and their spiking was devestating. To view any real competition, it was necessary to avoid any of the matches involving Winnipeg which were so one sided as to be dull. The Warriors, present in the tournament solely because they were the host team were not expected to win any games. However, they surprised a great many people by pressing both Laurentian and third place Sherbrooke to the limit. Laurentian defeated the Warriors 15-7, 9-15, and 15-11, while Sherbrooke won 15-9, 13-15, and 15-6. The Frisbee team will be having a practice session this Saturday, March 5, at l-3 pm in the upper gym. The more the merrier - we need more players! Go to the turnkey desk for future practice times, Gourlay , or contact Laurie 885-2004.



Ring Road Relay - Sunday, March 6, 1977 Broomball’ Tournament - starts Friday, March 4 Volleyball Tournament: Men’s - Wednesday, March 9 Sign up before Monday, March 7 2040 i PAC j Mixed - Tuesday, March 15 Sign up before Friday, March 11 2040 PAC Table Tennis - Wednesday, March 16 (Men’s and Women’s) Sign up before Friday, March 11 Hockey Playoffs Finals Friday, March 11 - Moses Springer Basketball and Floor Hockey Playoffs - Finals - Thursday, March 10 for both sports.

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