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The Engineering Society is denanding a referendum on a volunary federation of students fee, and hreatens to withdraw ,from the ‘ederation if the referendum does lot approve a voluntary fee. At a press conference Monday, Engineering Society A president Peter King blamed federation inefand Ficiency , ‘ ‘ shady operations” “too much bloody politics” for the

dissatisfaction which has pushed EngSoc to demand a voluntary fee referendum. A statement released at the conference, signed by King and EngSot B president Aivars Kakis, says the call for a referendum on a voluntary federation fee results from “long-term dissatisfaction with the federation of students”, complicated by “the chevron af-

fair” and by actions of the federation president and executive. It charges that “the federation executive has exhibited a remarkable disdain for its responsibility and accountability to its own members the students .” As eiidence for the charge, the EngSoc presidents cited “manipulations” by the federation presi-

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume I, number 25 friday, april 7,. 7977

ach week diligent chevron staffers hand out over 2000 free chevrons. nd to give them the opportunity to ask questions.

We do this to keep in touch


with our reader:

by Charlotte von bezolc

Editorial \

The wails of a “national leader_” with nothing but abuse for the people echoed throughout the country last week. Prime Minister Trudeau’s contempt for students came through loud and clear at a University of Toronto meeting where he told students they have no right to jobs and should leave the country if they can not find work in Canada. His slander was more than just an outrageous insult against Canadian students. It’s a clear statement that he and the Liberal government have no solution to one of the most severe problems of the country, a problem especially pressing for youth - unemployment. Trudeau’s accusation that students are the cause of the unemployment problem and that they

The benefit concert scheduled tomorrow has been postponed to Tuesday April 12.

We have been forced to postpone the concert at the last minute because the student federation and the UW administration have refused to let us book a room for the event. Tickets ‘will be honoured April 12, or refunds can be gained at the chevron offices cc 140.

should leave the country if they can’t find work here, is a scandal. The Prime Minister of Canada is telling the educated youth the people in whom so much human energy, time and money have been invested - to get out of the country because there are not enough jobs. And to blame this lack of jobs on the students themselves only further illustrates the bankruptcy of his case. Trudeau claims that there are just too many university graduates in Canada. Does he mean that the skills, intelligence and enthusiasm of the youth are not needed in Canada? Only a man of Trudeau’s wealth and social class -who is not suffering in the least from the economic crisis - could make such an immoral assertion. In the same speech Trudeau claims his heart bleeds, not for “privileged” university students, but for the “chronically unemployed”. Wasn’t it Trudeau whp a few short years ago was asking prairie- farmers, “Why should I sell your wheat?“, and telling Lapalme workers to “Eat shit”? Some concern! Let’s look mare closely at who are the “chronically unemployed”. Figures released at the end of 1976 by the International Labour Organization Show that late last year, when 708,680 Canadians were out of work, fully 338,000 or 48 per cent, were under 25 years of age. This past month there were 932,OQO out of work and youth unemployment is as severe as ever. The “chronically unemployed” about whom Trudeau is so “con-

cerned” are the youth country - both working and educated vouth.

of the class

The same issues of the cornmercial papers that carried Trudeau’s attack on students ineluded a report from Statistics Canada that fully 7.2 per cent of university graduates are still unemployed a full year after they leave university. The people for whom Trudeau feigns “concern” are the same people he so viciously attacks the Canadian youth and students. What should we do about the problem of unemployment, ‘the problem Trudeau so haughtily dismisses? First, students should tell Trudeau to go to hell when he complains that students “overemphasize their right to a job.” University graduates have spent 16 or 17 years in learning institutions, these last few years characterized by declining student aid and quality of education, and rising costs for tuition, books, transportation and housing. We have the right to jobs commensurate with our skill and intelligence, in keeping wiih the time we’ve spent preparing for meaningful and remunerative employment. But at the same time we should not be deceived that having the right to a job will get us one. We have to recognize that unemployment is not just a passing phenomenon of our economic system. Its an on-going problem. Our right to a job will not be translated into real jobs without a fight. We must get organized to take up that fight. -the chevron staff

dent and executive, “the shady operations which mark the dealings of the different federation boards and directorships’ ’ , and plans by the federation executive not to implement “in their entirety the results of the newspaper referendum”. King added that another stimulus was the Board of Directors’ recent changes to the recall bylaw which make recall of an elected official “so bloody complicated that almost no one would attempt it.” EngSoc has taken its appeal to federation president Doug Thompson, the Committee of Society Presidents, and to UW president Burt Matthews. Their pitch for a voluntary federation fee at a Committee of Presidents meeting met with. a mildly favorable response from the other society presidents, and opposition from Thompson, reported King. But UW president Matthews has “concurred with the Engineering Societies in their decision to pursue refundable federation fees as the most desirable solution to the federation problem” following a March 1 meeting between EngSoc and the president, King reported. The EngSoc presidents want a referendum as soon as possible, preferably during the summer, and warn that “stall tactics which may be employed by the federation will not be tolerated.” King noted that EngSoc was prepared to force a referendum by a petition, if necessary . The statement also warns that rejection of the voluntary fee will force the Engineering Societies to seek total secession.” In an interview with the chevron, federation president Thompson agreed that the question of voluntary membership in the federation of “should be discussed” students and that a referendum “is the best way to do so.” Thompson says that a referendum will be announced “sometime between now and July.” But he contested EngSoc charges against the federation executive and president, saying ‘ ‘I consider some of the complaints quite spurious. ’ ’ Thompson denied knowledge of ’ GGany shady operation” in the federation, and charged that “throw-- ing around rumours,, is neither ’ ’ helpful nor responsible. ’ ’ “The Engineers have one of the largest contingents on council. I don’t see why they fbel they haven’t been paid any attention.” He is opposed to voluntary federation fee, saying that “every student benefits, it’s only just that every one should pay.” The federation serves as “a watchdog on the administration,” to prevent the administration from acting against the students interest, Thompson claims. ‘ ‘ The administration has respect

for the potential of the federation” and could easily take action against students if the federation did not exist ,’ ’ said Thompson. He does not believe that a voluntary fee would wipe out the federation. But he vows that he will not call a referendum during the summer, as the EngSoc presidents demand. Thompson argues that the large mail-out ballot would be “hugely expensive”, would mean “disenfranchising an awful lot of people”, and the issue “is not so pressing or urgent that it has to be acted upon immediately. ’ ’ King was adamantly against a referendum during the fall term, arguing that the federation “can bust their ass and put on a great orientation to impress the first year students .” “I don’t. think a month of tightly-scheduled activities is representative” of normal federation actions. Originally the EngSoc presidents, proposed-having a split referendum so that all students could vote on campus. That would involve an on-campus referendum for co-op students during the summer, and a second part of the same referendum on campus during the fall. But King rejected the plan because he do& not trust the federation, which would be holding the ballots from the first section of the referendum for aa least two months. Thompson has proposed an October date for the referendum when it would co-incide with an alreadyscheduled poll on Radio Waterloo. The dispute between EngSoc and the federation boils down to money and to the nature of the federation. King claimed that “every time you turn around the federation is throwing money out the door on useless things.” Paying full-time salaries is a misuse df the students’ fees, he argued. “Show me any fieldworker who has ever done a good job or earned their money.” King also argued that EngSoc has carried out a course critique since 1968 and ‘6we’ve never got a penny of subsidies from the federation.” Engineering students are not convinced that they gain anything -from federation membership, argued King. “We have people coming in every week saying ‘When the hell are we getting out? How can we get back our fees?? ” If the full activities of the federation were known, including a full financial disdlosure, there’d be more students than ever wanting a voluntary fee .” The voluntary -fee “works to keep the federation honest.” -larry


Ontario fed A delegation from UW was scheduled to join students from across the province yesterday in what the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) has called “a mass lobby” of Queen’s Park. Following up on a motion passed at its conference held four weeks ago in Sudbury , OFS requested all Ontario universities to send a “reasonably sized” group of representatives to ask straight questions of MPPs. A reasonable size was deemed to be about five. There was some talk aa the conference that if too many students went, the politicians might feel harassed. According to UW student federation OFS liaison officer, Gord

Swatters, about eight people were scheduled to go from UW. The delegations were supposed to meet in Hart House at U of T, where OFS hoped to issue photos of the relevent MPPs from each district. The UW delegation, according to Swatters, will be seeking out the three local liberals, although OFS has also requested that each delegation reserve some of their people to speak with MPPs from other areas. The provincial student organisation also issued a list of questions this week which it wants the politicians to answer. They are: Continued

on page




the free chevron

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couple will receive $5 for participating and the study should take a little more than an hour. Opportunity to work hard and earn well. Great personal satisfaction for ambitious person. Call 743-l 717 Mon-Wed-Fri 6-7pm. for appointment. Experienced typist for all kinds of typing. $.50 a page includes paper. Call 884-6705 anytime.

Fed Flicks: “Confessions of a Window Cleaner” & “Emmanuelle”. 8pm, AL1 16. Feds $1, others $1.50.


International Students Dance: semi-formal or national dress Music by “Odessy”. 8pm, Festival Room, South Campus Hall. Single $2, doubles $3. _

CC Pub: see Monday Wednesday CC Pub: see Monday Coffeehouse: rm 110, centre. 8:30pm, sponsored Lib.

Agora Tea House: 8-12pm, CCIIO. folk music, conversation & munchies. Sponsored by WCF.

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CC Pub: opens 7pm, Adm. $.25 Disco & Taped Music, g-lam. Fed Flicks: see Friday

CC Pub: see Monday


Agora Tea House: 8-12pm, CCIIO. folk music conversation & munchies, Sponsored by WCF.

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Fed Flicks:

Wanted married couples to participate in a questionnaire study of decision making in close relationships. If you are interested please call Dr. Michael Ross, Psychology Department 885-l 211, ext. 3047. All answers will be confidential and anonymous and the questions are not intended to be of an embarassing nature. Each

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the free chevron

7, 7977


er believers roast P I before pu The largest lecture hall in the <hospital after taking the course. Biology building had standing room The case against PSI was preonly last Friday for a forum critical sented with the aid of a videotape of of PSI Mind Development. a CBC national TV program which The meeting was organised by centred on Adair’s sister Aileen, Ian Adair, a former PSI co- who has filed a writ against PSI in ordinator, to explain the dangers of the Ontario Supreme Court. courses offered by PSI, and adverThe program shows a retised as self-improvement progenactment of the “arena”, said to rams. A panel of five (four of whom had be part of the Inward Bound 7 progtaken PSI’s $1,000 seven-day In- ram. ward Bound course) explained In it Aileen is surrounded, intheir gripes with the organisation. structors force her to her knees and Adair said he left PSI when they make her apologize to everyone introduced an incentive commispresent. The instructors refuse resion to encourage employees to re- peatedly to accept her apologies, cruit members. He also said that his saying she doesn’t mean it. They sister, one of the panel members, finally stop harassing her saying had to undergo psychiatric treat“you’re okay”, and “we love you” ment after taking Inward Bound 7, and “everyone feels better after and that six others had ended up in they have been through this.”

ent hits grads The Board of Entertainment has imposed a differential fee for graduate students and, for the second time, has refused club status to the NDP association. Bruce Leavens, chairperson of the board, claimed graduate students were “leeching off undergrads” since they do not pay federation fees. He suggested they pay “at least 50 cents more” for the coffee houses and South Campus Hall pubs. It was generally agreed by those present (including Ron Hipfner, Doug Antoine, and John Long) that admissions should be raised for alumni, faculty and staff along with the grads. The motion which finally passed called for a surcharge for those who are not full members of the federation “except for Laurier undergrads”. The NDP association’s attempt to be ratified as a federation club was stymied again by a 4-O vote against such a move. Leavens, among others, argued that since voting membership was open only to card carrying members of the NDP (according to their constitution) it should not be sponsored by the federation. Long maintained that clubs limiting their membership do exist. Hipfner suggested the association could conform to the federation’s regulations if they were to allow non-voting membership, as the Chinese Students Association does. Leavens’ additional opposition to the NDP association was based on the latter’s stand against the “anti-democratic actions” of the federation and support for “the chevron demand of reinstateinvestigate” as reported in the free chevron. Doug Kernohan, a member of the board, wanted it known that he was voting against the club for different reasons. “Every club has a right to say what ever the hell it wants.”

Erratum Last week’s free chevron article “Inefficiency gets CR0 dismissed” erroneously reported that engineering representative Wayne Berthin moved to amend a motion moved by Renison representative Larry Smylie and passed by council at an earlier meeting. Smylie’s motion was to establish a commission of enquiry . Berthin’s amendment, to clarify the terms of reference for the commission, was ruled out of order by the speaker. The chevron apologizes for this error and for any problems which it may have created.

Leavens was removed recently from his duties related to the coffee house, since, as he described it: “The turnkeys didn’t like working with me personally. ’ ’ The turnkeys, who volunteer to work at the coffee house, refused to work with Leavens and Bruce Mills. “ They came in as bosses of it and ignored the fact that the turnkeys had been running it since October”, said Bill Stunt, who is the turnkey now in charge of the service. “All of a sudden it was more of a job than fun.” Federation president Doug Thompson met with the turnkeys and it was decided that Leavens should be replaced. “Thompson said that Leavens had handed in his resignation dated May 1” said Stunt. When Leavens was asked in the entertainment board meeting whether he had handed in his resignation, he replied that he had not. Leavens informed those present at the meeting of his intention to phase out the turnkeys at the coffee houses in the fall. -randy

PSI vice-president Paul Pond is interviewed in the program. He denies that there is any violence in the PSI courses. He says that the course was not responsible for Aileen having to seek psychiatric help and that people to whom this happened were at fault. However, Aileen’ s psychologist is interviewed and maintains that her psychotic condition was induced as a result of the course. Dr. Elmer Green, a well knownparapsyc hologist w horn PSI quotes in their literature, is also interviewed. He says that psychic courses offered by amateurs (such as PSI) fail to properly screen enrolees, or to act upon conditions like Aileen’s before they become critical. The program ends on the ominous note that Aileen is suing PSI for assault and battery, gross neglig-

The frisky level.

folk of St. jerome‘s

cal vein with no one defending the organisation. Adair claimed, however, that PSI reprentatives were present, pointing to two people near the front who were taping the whole proceedings. There were also two stocky, well-dressed men who showed an inordinate interest in the event. They asked a campus photographer if they could buy copies of the pictures he had taken, and approached a member of the audience about purchasing a tape he had taken of the meeting. They later shot several rolls of film from their own camera, snap ping both the panelists and the audience . Approached by the chevron they refused to identify themselves. They left campus in a 1977 Cadillac.

ence, illegal imprisonment and breach of contract. After the videotape presentation, Adair argued that PSI uses brainwashing techniques to achieve its ends. PSI states that in the programs people get, at the most, three to four hours sleep a night. Also, he said, the meditative “levels” emphasized in the course are actually an auto-hypnotic state. The combination leaves the enrolee in a very suggestive frame of mind and easy prey for the “arena”. Adair also charged that PSI makes a great profit from the course and refuses to allow a public audit of their books. He said the organisation is building a $200,000 villa in the Cayman Islands as a tax shelter. The comments during the question period followed the same criti-

took to the water this week




of the warm




and the high water


by peter williams

OPIRG pickets strike Reed ‘vision’ About 40 UW students led by the Waterloo Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG-W) participated in an informational picket last Saturday, to protest against an art show entitled “Changing Visions - The Canadian Landscape”, sponsored by Reed Paper Ltd. The informational picket was a joint project of the Coalition Against Mercury Pollution (CAMP) and the London Labour Council. In addition to UW students, there were about 25 representatives from the Ojibway Warriors’ Society in Toronto, the OPIRG organizations of Guelph and Hamilton, and several organizations in the London area. Saturday’s action had two parts. About 160 picketers marched in front of the London Public Library and Art Museum where the exhibit is being held. Inside the library the London Labour Council held a press conference featuring Al Campbell chairperson of the London Labour Council Strike Support Committee who acted as co-ordinator, Andrew Rickard, Chief of Grand Council Treaty Number 9, the area that will be affected by the proposed Reed Development; Murray Favro, a London artist whose works are featured in the show; and Terry Moore, OPIRG provincial coordinator . Speaking on behalf of the London Labour Council, Campbell stated that the concerns of the

Ojibway and Cree of northern Ontario were the concerns of workers across Ontario. Campbell maintained that the Labour Council is concerned with things other than just wages. Reed has a history of poor labour relations marked by many strikes and disputes. Grand Council Treaty Number 9 has asked the Ontario government to establish a commission “to inquire into all aspects of development north of 50”. They want a commission similar to the Berger commission, one which would consult with and seek advice from the Cree and Ojibway people. Rickard, representing the Council, stated that he saw only two alternatives in this new Reed proposal. Either the present development would come to a halt or the Ojibway and Cree people will be totally wiped out. Premier Davis has rejected the request of the Council, saying that all of the necessary “feasibility studies will be done” after the signing of an agreement with Reed. The Grand Council refuses to accept Davis’ decision and is continuing to struggle against the government by appealing to all citizens of Ontario. Favro, representing the artists in the show, relayed the history of negotiations in the art show. The exhibition was organized by the Edmonton Art Gallery and the Art Gallery of Ontario, and was funded by Reed Paper Limited. An anonymous “third” party was involved in the negotiation proceed-

ings for the artists to exhibit their paintings. Favro and several other artists threatened to remove their paintings once they learned that Reed was involved unless the show would also exhibit pictures of Reed’ s forestry activities, letters of condemnation on the proposal from the artists, and letters documenting the entire negotiation process. Reed Paper Ltd. is a Britishbased multinational company operating in 88 countries including Rhodesia and South Africa. Presently, Reed has cutting rights to 4

million acres of northern Ontario. This new development would quadruple its cutting limit by adding 16 million acres - an area the size of New Brunswick. Reed is allegedly responsible for the mercury contaminat,ion in the English-Wabigoon River System. The London Labour Council is organizing picket lines for the duration of the exhibition and are asking for volunteers. OPIRG-W are willing to organize another group from UW, but are waiting for response from students. ’ -heather


IS down on feds Students’ council decision last IS student and gained a majority of week to expel graduates from the the votes cast from the constifederation and remove their rep- , tuency in the presidential election. resentatives from council met with ’ At the operations council meeting there was unanimous condemofficial criticism this week from Integrated Studies. nation of the students’ council’s acThe IS Operations Council pastions. The only debate was whether sed a motion condemning the IS should make an official statecouncil’s actions. ment. Many disagreed with the IS The IS representative on councouncil taking position on student cil, Eric Higgs, reported to his conpolitical affairs. stituents that he saw the expulsion Nevertheless, the motion pasas a clear attempt by some councilsed, 8 to 5. It read: “Whereas, the lors to muzzle opposition to the ex- federation’s expulsion of graduate students was rash and undemocraecutive. The two grad councillors, Dave Carter and Mike Devillaer, tic, Operations Council of Integhad been leading a counter-force to rated Studies commends Eric the federation president Doug Higgs for his opposition to the moThompson’s Campus Reform tion to eliminate graduate memberGroup‘which has a dominant voting ship and condemns the action oft he federation council in passing the block on council. The IS motion has added signifimotion .’ ’ jlamie thiers cance since Thompson is a former


the free chevron




6:00 pm. Live from terhouse - Featured Frank Wheeler.


Radio Waterloo broadcasts at 94.1 MHz on Grand River Cab/e FM from 3 pm. until midnight. These listings include on/y features. Features are genera//y between 75 and 60 minutes long.




the Slaughthis week is



6:00 pm. Octoberkon - Recorded at the first Science Fiction Conference held in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, this program features a series of panels on science fiction. This week the focus is on Science Fiction Art and the problems associated with Canad ian artists. 9:00 pm. In Search of a Country As writer in residence at Conrad Grebel College, author/playwright Urie Bender wrote a play about the life of the early Anabaptist leader Conrad Grebel. lie is heard in conversation about the play with Ruth Klaasen of Waterloo and Maurice Evans who directed the stage production.



6:OO pm. Radio Waterloo News 6:15 pm. Perspectives - The World Health Organization (WHO) is the focus of this program and particular attention is paid to WHO’s slogan “Health for all by 2000”. 11:45 pm. Radio Waterloo News




500 pm. Sex Counselling & Sex Therapy Part 2 - An open forum which looks at the need for setting up minimum standards to govern sex counsellors/therapists, at the types of problems which require therapy,

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at methods of finding a therapist, and at ways sexual problems can be avoided or dealt with. Panel members include: Joyce Askwith, Social Worker, Co-ordinator, Human Sexuality Clinic, McMaster University Medical Centre; Dr. Sarah Isbister, Sex Counsellor and Therapist, Physician in Charge, Family Planning and Birth Control Program, Durham Regional Health Unit; Earl Reidy, Teaching Master, Humber College, Counsellor for various gay communities; and Dr. Wendell Watters, Psychiatric Consultant, Human Sexuality Clinic, McMaster University Medical Centre. 6:00 pm. Radio Waterloo News 9:OO pm. Musikanada - We feature interviews with, and music from some of Canada’s finest recording artists. This program features part 2 of Bruce Cockburn. 11:45 pm. Radio Waterloo News.

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3:30 pm. Gardening for Fun & Food Part 1 - Various aspects of home gardening are covered, giving accurate, valuable information on procedures and reference material. The talks also contain many useful hints which introduce the listener to the myriad possibilities of the home gar-


No. 2

den. This week “The den” by H. Tiessen.



5:30 pm. Community Services Amnesty International. 6:00 pm. Radio Waterloo News.


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alty on resources. 9:00 pm. Visions - Genesis. 11:45 pm. Radio Waterloo News.


6:15 pm. Heritage Phoebe Nahane, representing the North West Territory Indian Brotherhood and James Arvaluk, President of the lnuit Tapirisat of Canada talk about land claims settlements in the North West Territories. In the NWT there are about 17,000 Dene people, both treaty and non-treaty and they are concerned about the possible destruction of their lifestyle due to development, which often occurs without any consultation. Although there is now a measure of self-government in the North West Territories, the political process is one which is difficult for the native people to get involved in. According to Judge Morrow, the Dene have claim to 460,000 square miles because the original treaties covering the NWT (Treaties 8 & 11) were believed to be peace treaties by the Native People who signed them. What the Dene are asking for is land, not money, and no pipeline before settlement. They are asking for 150,000 square miles and a 3% roy-



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3:00 pm. Perspectives - A new United Nations organization - International Fund for Agricultural Development. 5:00 pm. From the Centre - Sex Education Part 1 - Although birth control is readily accessible, there are still many, many teenage pregnancies. Where are the schools’ sex education programs failing? Are the wrong people teaching them? Do teenagers find it difficult to reconcile the information picked up on television with the information received from other sources? Does sex education lead to teenage promiscuity? Panelists are: Doug Barr, Chairman, Toronto Board of Education; Fiona Nelson, Parent, Former Teacher, Former Trustee, Toronto Board of Education; and Dr. Dianne Sacks, Pediatrician, Teen Clinic, Hospital for Sick Children. The moderator for this discussion is Shirley Wheatley, Supervisor, Family Planning Services Division, Toronto Department of Publit Health. 6:00 pm. Radio Waterloo News. 6~15 pm. Research 77 -Separatism in Quebec - Dr. Horton, History Dept. U of W. 9:00 pm. The Years of the Beach Boys. 11:45 pm. Radio Waterloo News.


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apt?/ I, 7977



2:00 pm. New Development in China - William Hinton has visited and written extensively on China. His major work “Fanshen” documents the great land reform movement of the late nineteen forties in which he participated. His talk is a fascinating and at times anecdotal account of his experiences and the subsequent development of Chinese society until now. 5:15’pm. PSI Exposed - A panel of PSI graduates discuss the detrimental aspects of PSI and explain why PSI should be banned. 6:00 pm. Radio Waterloo News. 6:15 pm. Heritage - (See Tuesday, 6: 15 for description) 1145 pm. Radio Waterloo News. D--e-----

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the free chevron

Foreignprofs needapproval

should leave 7

Jobs Scarce in---Canada Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau told an audience of University of Toronto students that if they don’t like the job situation in Canada they should leave the country. Trudeau was in Toronto last weekend for a four-day Liberal policy conference. A group of about 200 students attended a special one-hour question-and-answer session on Thursday, March 24, and listened to him speak on national unity, the state of the

economy and other subjects. “We’re not going to put millions into subsidization of university graduates because they have a bleak view oft heir future, ’ ’ he said. “And ifthey don’t like it here, let them find another country where they) could use university graduates, and if they can’t use them anywhere else it’s because there are too many university graduates, that’s all, he stated, sparking a round of hisses and

Quebec sepa.ratism “What would happen if Rene Levesque ditched the separatists?’ ’ This was one of the questions raised at last Friday’s colloquium with Professor Maurice Pinard on ‘ ‘ Sources of support for the PQ in the last Quebec election”. Pinard began his lecture by arguing that the PQ was born of the independence movement, and that although they continue to comprise the organizers and hard core of the party, it was the dissatisfied federalists who brought them to power and can keep them in power. He contended that this occurred partly because of the elimination of some parties in 1973. This left voters with a choice between a party which was perceived as inept and corrupt, and one which was seen as fresh and clean. He outlined his reasons for the fall of the Bourassa government: the corruption unearthed by the government’s own inquiry commissions; the government’s failure to crack down on the public sector labour unions; the failure of Bourassa to cope adequately with inflation and unemployment; and the handling of the language issue in relation to immigrants. The last of the reasons given was the weakness of the Liberals’ lead-

NDP speech The last meeting offthe term for the NDP Campus Association featured a speech by Ted Bounsall, the party’s provincial critic for colleges and universities. Bounsall, the member of the legislature for Windsor-Sandwich, outlined the NDP’s position on tuition fee increases, differential fees for visa students and the recentlyannounced OLANG program. The NDP opposes any tuition fee increase under the present student For students, says aid system. Bounsall, “the fact of its smallness and the length of time since we had an increase makes it hard to fight single-handledly .’ ’ . He said that if the OLANG programme were implemented, students from families whose taxable income is less than $6500 would benefit. Those students would be eligible for more assistance than they now receive by the present OSAP scheme. Bounsall described the proposed grant reduction formula as “a cover-up for parental support”. Parents who have a combined taxable income of more than $1000 will be expected to contribute to their child’s post-secondary education. A student from a family whose taxable income is $10,000 will have his or her grant reduced by $2500. Bounsall said “this (OLANG) basically isn’t that bad a plan”, but maintained that the NDP policy is to have no tuition fee and an accompanying assistance programme. -lome



ership, highlighted by Bourassa’a failure to live up to expectations of (his being) an economic wizard and I

his attitude of compromise and accomodation. This last reason was documented by an opinion poll which asked which political leader the people of Quebec admired most. The poll found that more people admired Duplessis than Bourassa. Thus, Pinard argued, the key thing that prevented a PQ landslide in 1976 was the fear of separatism on the part of those dissatisfied with the Liberal government. The question period which followed proved to be the most provocative and speculative portion of the colloquium. Here the speaker predicted that the PQ would be soundly defeated in the referendum. Then would come the moment of truth which might result in the departure of the party’s separatist core. Eventually a two-party system would be established in Quebec, with the Liberals and the PQ being the two parties. The PQ would be primarily a social democratic party and would field candidates on both the federal and provincial levels, thus making it a “two-legged party”. It would thereby avoid the fate of the Union Nationale. -rnarc


boos. Trudeau told the packed auditorium “There’s no case for university graduates. They’re the ones who get the jobs.” Knowing that unemployment is lower in Toronto than in other parts of the country, Trudeau declared that “if you’re asking for just a job, my heart doesn’t bleed for you in Toronto. ” His comment that the shortage of jobs for graduates “means there are too many of you in universities” drew several hisses. . When asked what graduates would do to get jobs, he advised them to “get out and slug it” in the job market. According to a recent Statistics Canada report, however, four months after graduation in 1974, 11.9 per cent of those leaving Ontario universities were unemployed and a further 17 per cent were underemployed. A year later, 7.2 per cent of the same class were still unemployed and a further 11 per cent were still underemployed. Still, Trudeau preached his message that the party’s over, that belt-tightening is needed in the bleak economic climate. “You Canadians are trying to live too high off the hog,” he warned. “It’s time for restraint, cuts, and self-sacrifice.” He felt that Canadians have “been living too good for too long.” ?‘he solution, according to Trudeau, is to “work harder” and for workers and university graduates to try not to take more out of the economy that they put into it. Just how students are supposed to “slug it out” in the job market Trudeau never elaborated on. A recent survey has indicated that 76 per cent of students graduating in 1977 have given up all hoi>e of finding any employment in their chosen fields. Moreover, of the remaining 24 per cent, only 8 per cent of them said they were sure they could find jobs in their chosen field, but none of them had actually Y found jobs yet. -peter


Canadian universities will have to obtain government approval before appointing foreign professors to faculty positions. The new policy was announced on March 21 by immigration minister Bud Cullen, who said that until now, universities were able to recruit abroad without any reference to the availability of Canadians and landed immigrants. Cullen maintains that “this situation is no longer justified. The number of qualified candidates in Canada is now in excess of demand in many disciplines. ” A report issued recently by Statistics Canada shows that in 1972; 64 percent of professors in Canadian universities were Canadian citizens. ~ofessors who were recruited from abroad and subsequently became Canadian citizens are included in this group. Of all new appointments to faculty positions in 1972, 58 percent were Canadians. The majority of nonCanadian faculty come from the United States and the United / Kingdom. The new government policy “seems not much different from what we’re doing now”, said UW president Burt Matthews. “It seems to me to indicate that we can still hire non-


. . Presumably if that a non-Canadian is best qualified, there’ll be no difficulty from Manpower.” Bruce Torrie, past-president of the UW faculty association, said that the effectiveness of the government’s new policy will depend on its implementation. UW psychology professor Doug Wahlsten said that the policy in Canada has been to hire professors from abroad, since it is cheaper than training Canadians for the positions. Wahlsten said that in the late 1960’s, there was a large e,xpansion of universities in Canada. Instead of developing slowly so that new positions could be filled bY Canadian graduates9 the expansion was rapid and large numbers of foreign professors were recruited. The Canadian government even went so far as to offer tax concessions to professors from the US, in the form of income tax exemption for their first two years of employment. Wahlsten maintains that the new policy will not help Canadian graduates find faculty positions in Canada, since they will still have to deal with foreign applicants. we judge



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the free chevron

native Technologies; 4) Transmission; 5) Land Use; 6) Financial and Economic Factors; 7) Systems Factors; 8) Public Participation and the Decision Process. The hearings will be located mainly in Toronto and will hopefully provide a much-needed public forum on this controversial subject. Groups supporting and opposing Ontario Hydro’s future plans will probably be the major participants. The line advanced by the AECL, Ontario Hydro, and the Canadian nuclear industry was publicly aired at UW three weeks ago, at a forum -and discussion by a noted AECL official, Liberty Pease. It is quite Ontario Hydro plans to supply likely that the AECL presentation us, in the future, with electrical at the Porter Commission will be power which is generated by similar to that given at the recent CANDU nuclear thermal stations. UW forum. Their plans involve the investing of Those in favour of a nuclear fuabout forty billion dollars in generture for Ontario will document the ation and transmission facilities by exponential growth of our power the turn of this century. consumption over the last 25 years. The Ontario government will Such a high growth rate can only be generate the required capital by the supported in the future by reliance floating of government bonds on on nuclear energy. The iindustry the world money markets but we spokespersons will present the will all eventually pay the costs of proven technological superiority of such massive borrowing. the CANDU system over any other The costs of such a program have in the world. caused the present provincial govThey will also attempt to show ernment to reconsider its implications and have instituted a Royal that the hazards, produced by such Commission to advise the Ontario a nuclear option, will be much Privy Council on the benefits of lower than with any other energy alternative presently available. Alsuch a nuclear future. The Porter Commission, as it is’ though thse proponents’ arguments now known, will begin to hold pubwill be well supported by scientific evidence, many loopholes are oblic hearings in mid-May of this vious in their analysis. year. The commission desires public participation and the submission The diverse groups which will of briefs with regard to the followoppose Ontario Hydro’s plans are ing eight headings: 1) Nuclear composed of consumers, environmentalists, small businessmen and Power; 2) Demand for Electrical those protesting on religious Power; 3) Conventional and Alter-

grounds. The main fallacy which they will attempt to expose in the industry’s argument is the growth rate in our energy consumption. It is quite possible that a change in public awareness (from the “consumer” to the “conserver’ ’ ethic), possibly assisted by government policy, can lower our growth in energy demand without a decline in our standard of living. In addition, the opponents of a nuclear future will present other arguments against such a policy. The thermal load imposed on the Great Lakes will be a serious prob-


She with long discipline she could

of the future?

Marxism and Christianity are both world movements concerned with human liberation. Dialogue is leading to co-operation in worldwide struggles against oppression and exploitation. The “Marxist-Christian Dialogue” was the topic of a discussion here March 23, sponsored by the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. Oz Arnal, a histprian at the WLU seminary, discussed the rational behind the present dialogue between Christians and Marxists. Echoing Roger Garaudy, the French Christian-Marxist, Amal pointed- out that Marxism and Christianity have similar goals humanity, justice, equality. There are fundamental philosophical differences which Garaudy maintains can be the basis for dialogue.

Marx, Engels and Lenin were atheists. Herbert Aptheker, the famous American Communist who is active in the Marxist-Christian dialogue, “keeps asserting his atheism”. Arnal, however, asserts that atheism is implicit in Marxism rather than necessary. Arnal explained that Biblical concepts of history, like historical materialism, are “linear and gooriented’ ’ . Since changes in the mode of production create changes in the superstructure, then the advent and ministry of Jesus can be explained in terms of “a change in the various shifts of productive forces in Palestinian society”. Arnal, who considers himself both a Marxist and a Christian, said he doesn’t see the question “Jesus or Marx?” as a particular issue.

Suzanne’s become quite the social butterfly. Everything she does, she overdoes, including drinking beyond her limit too often. She doesn”t realize there are equally good reasons for selfd’iscipline now as there were when she was a student. ’

got there the hard way, hours of study and the to say noto fun when n’t afford to be diverted.

Today, on staff at one of Canada’s best veterinary clinics, she has every potential for success. But she also has a problem.

Suzanne’s at the crossroads. She can protect her future by opting for a moderate lifestyle, including the sensible enjoyment of beer, wine or spirits. i Or she can gamble. would

I, 7977

lem with expanded power generaThe Cabinet is not bound by such tion. a factfinding commission but will The capital invested in such a make this important political deciventure will be channeled into a re- sion, affecting the future of all of latively small sector of our us, on its political merits. For this economy, continuing growth in the reason, lobbying should be dicities of Southern Ontario. The inradiation hazards involved in the rected towards the politicians plans of Ontario Hydro will also be -valved, not to the Porter Commission. brought to bear against the nuclear Next week, in conclusion to future. these articles, I will present the reIt should be noted that the result search being done on this campus of this publicly-funded investigain this research and the views of the tion will be a series of recommenexperts involved 0 dations presented to the Ontario -w reid glenn Privy Council.

If otentialwere evhything in life, 5 uzanne would haveit made. When Suzanne’s parents gave her the collie she wanted for her twelfth birthday, they also gave her her first thoughts of becoming a veterinarian.


If you were Suzanne, you choose?



since 1857

What he is concerned with, he said, is social injustice, and the need for Christians and Marxists to co-operate in overcoming it. In his talk, Arnal stressed Christ’s social ministry, and cited the New Testament passage “faith without works is dead”. Amal, who lived in Pennsylvania before coming here, spoke of cooperation between Marxists and various progressive Christian groups in the anti-war movement, the civil rights movement, and Cesar Chavez’s lettuce boycott. _ Christians should discard the “standard Sunday-school ‘rhetoric of communist totalitarianism” and false propaganda about socialism, he declared. Christianity and capitalism are in sharp contradiction with each other, he argued. Indeed, some people believe that Christianity calls for a radically egalitarian society and for complete communal ownership. r The Marxist-Christian dialogue is especially strong in Italy, France, and Latin America. In 1966 Roger Garaudy wrote a book entitled From Anathema to Dialogue: A Marxist Challenge the Christian Churches.


By 1974 he was convinced that Christianity and Marxism were not incompatible. His book An Alternative Future: A Vision of Christian Marxism expresses that view.

Garaudy suggests that the dialogue can deal with problems such as transcendence, subjectivity and the meaning of love. In Latin America, however, the dialogue has developed to a more active stage. Class struggle and revolution are the issues there. In April 1971 the Christians for Socialist Movement in Chile declared that: “the working class is still subject to exploitation and its attendant conditions: malnutrition, lack of housing, unemployment, and limited possibilities for further education and cultural development. “The cause of this situation is specific and clear. It is the capitalist system, resulting from domination by foreign imperialism and maintained by the ruling class of this country.” They also stressed the necessity of destroying the “prejudice and mistrust” that exist between Christians and Marxists, and declared that “authentic Christianity” is not the opiate of the masses. In Latin America; a number of priests have been murdered for expressing such views. Prominent revolutionary Christians include the late Dom Camillio Torres from Colombia, Dom Helder Camara in Brazil, Father Fernando in the Phillipines, and Bishop Muzarewa and Rev. Sithole in Zimbabwe. -val





the free chevron

7, 7977



A/A forum

gets i Prime Minister Trudeau’s March 24 attack on university students was met with a militant retaliation at this week’s AIA forum. After refuting Trudeau’s “slanders and lies”, the AIA spokesperson, Doug Wahlsten, called for the jobless students to unite with working class youth and demand jobs from the capitalists. A struggle of this nature can Make The Rich Pay! In February there were over 932,000 workers in Canada who were unable to find jobs. Among working class youth, over 14 per cent were seeking employment. In Kitchener during February, there were 400 job vacancies listed with Canada Manpower, while 7,200 workers applied there for jobs. Thus, students from the universities are about to enter a job mar. ket that offers little hope. “The economic crisis and resulting high levels of unemployment are results of contradictions inherent in the monopoly capitalist system,” Wahlsten said. In Canada, the means of production and the products of labour are the private property of a handful of finance capitalists whose sole motive for production is to maximize profits on their investments. There is a shortage ofjobs and an oversupply of workers and university graduates “because the capitalists can realize higher profit” at this time by not investing in commodity production and associated services in Canada. But Trudeau and his class “mystify the nature of capitalism” and instead blame the people for the crisis. He says that the cause of a job shortage for graduates is that “there are too many graduates”. But the issue is not that there are too many graduates. The issue is that there are too few jobs. This is the point which all reactionaries try to obscure in order to keep the youth and students from drawing revolutionary conclusions. Trudeau is also attempting to divide students from the workers by telling the outrageous lie that his “heart bleeds” for the workers because they are so much worse off than the university graduates. But in 1975 the reactionary Trudeau told Canadian workers either to submit to the wage controls or “face the full force of the law”. .

The AIA spokesperson stressed that the basic interests of the students and the workers are the same and that they can be defended only by “opposing the state of the rich”. “Students must unite with the working class to Make The Rich Pay!” “The only future which the ruling class in Canada has to offer the youth is fascism and war.” The reactionary Trudeau government is cutting back on jobless benefits and health and education spending, while simultaneously increasing expenditures on armaments. Hundreds of riot-control at-i moured cars ar’e being purchased from a Swiss company for over $250,000 each. General Dextraze, chief of “defence” staff, recently announced plans to purchase jet fighters worth $2.5 billion in addition to the $1 billion already squandered on the Orion (Aurora) patrol \ aircraft. In these and many other ways, “the Canadian state is assisting US imperialism in its preparations for war with Soviet socialimperialism.” However, in order “for imperialism to launch war, it is first necessary to repress its own people.” It must greatly increase the accumulation of capital to divert it into war production, which means inc-wasing the degree of exploitation of the working class.

UW President Burt Matthews, other university presidents, and senior fa&tlty were criticised last Thursday by a prominent member of the Canadian scientific community. Dr. Patrick McTaggart-Cowan, founding president of Simon Fraser University and past chairperson of the Science Council of Canada, was speaking at UW at the Annual Earth Sciences Public Lecture. He said faculty needed to get involved in politics and make noise about the government’s declining respect for scientific knowledge. Noting that grants to universities have fallen to 60 percent of their original purchasing power in the last ten years, he,stated that university faculty should start to answer criticisms levelled at universities and actively promote science. Government has criticised universities for inefficient spending. but, claimed McTaggart-Cowan, “universities are as good as or better than industry in handling money, and certainly they are far better than any government.” As for promoting science, McTaggart-Cowan commented that “there is no social or economic problem facing the country today in which science has no role to play.” “ The federal- government’s disrespect for science is evident everywhere”. He mentioned evergy as an example. The Science Council published a report entitled ‘Canada’s Energy Opportunities’. As chairperson of the council, McTaggart-Cowan met with deputy ministers from all provinces. Although they reacted favourably to the report, he did not receive any reaction from Ottawa. Recently the federal government issued a report called ‘An Energy Strategy For Canada’. That report, claimed McTaggart-Cowan j is nothing but an apology for the Liberal’s mismanagement of our oil

and gas resources over the past ten years. “Energy research,” he said, “is terribly lacking.” Only $1.5 million was spent last year in research of renewable energy resources. With all the different resources to be examined - solar, tidal, bio-mass, wind - the money supplied is still not enough. The bulk of Canada’s energy research money is being spent on nuclear research which received $84 million last year. But this year’s increase of only $1 million means that, with inflation, the grant has been effectively decreased. As a result, the expermental phase II CANDU reactor at Whiteshell, Alberta has been shut down. Thus, according to McTaggart-Cowan, --



Continued from page 1 l Do you favour a student assistance program that assigns benefits on the basis of a student’s real financial resources? o Do you favour having the Ontario Student Assistance programme “age of independence” correspond-to the legal age of independence (18)? 0 Do You favour a freeze in tuition fees at the 197677 level? 0 Do you favour the eventual elimination of tuition fees? 0 Do you favour the elimination of differential fees for visa students? l Do you favour the establishment of a permanent advisory body on employment, to include student representatives? 0 Do you favour a programme of full employment, that includes programmes for student and youth employment, as the top government priority? A delegation comprised of federation folk and friends was to fire the questions for UW. In an interview Tuesday, Swatters said he would be accompanied by: federation vice-president Ron

further development of the world’s best nuclear reactor system has been curtailed. He said that these policies can be changed by applying group pressure. One area in which this pressure can be applied is with respect to Bill C-26, which deals with scientific grants. “It is a good bill, it has been mentioned in the last four speeches from the throne,‘? he said, “but no action has been taken.” McTaggart-Cowan was appalled by Trudeau’s comment last week to University. of Toronto students that they can leave the country if they can’t find employment. He feels that university graduates are one of Canada’s most valuable resources. -frank


Hipfner, fieldworkers Diana Clarke and Phyllis Burke, HKLS rep Phil Marquis, Science rep Brian Burke, Jayne Pollack (Math student) and Faye Blackwood (HKLS student). Swatters said he chose the delegation. But though he is leading the delegation, Swatters doesn’t hold much hope for the day. He said: “The government has heard students’ arguments time and time again, and has shown the same arrogance, time and time again.” “I’m fed up talking to these people. The time for pleasent chit chat is over, now it’s time for some action.” But Swatters said the federation is not planning any action at this time. He said: “We feel it is late in the term to build any other significant action this year - but I look forward to action next year.” Swatters hopes the federation will be able to do some work in the community to build support there for student action next year. -neil


Furthermore, it must ‘ ‘ prepare the youth ideologically by decimating them spiritually, creating pessimism and imposing fascism, using mystification and violent repression.” At the conclusion of the forum, it was made apparent that there is a bright future for youth - under socialism. Wahlsten cited the ‘ ‘ shining’ ’ example of Albania, a socialist country “practising selfreliance’ ’ which has the highest rate of economic growth in Europe, is free from unemployment and inflation, and where the proportion of the youth receiving higher education is steadily increasing.

Friday 2 showings at 7 & 930 pm continuous Saturday 2%Sunday 4 showings 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 pm’

“Imperialism is a decadent, decaying system, and, as Stalin pointed out: To eliminate the inevitability of war, it is necessary to abolish imperialism.”

Free List Suspended This Engaaement








the free chevron



Versatile grace I


1, 7977


Winnipeg ballet sptitel’y There are not many


WINNER Best Actor



7 & 9:25, Mat. SAT. & SUN. 2 PM


Best Actress





equally well in several dance forms. However, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet Company proved to be the exception to the rule last Friday and Saturday night at the Humanities Theatre where they presented a program of traditional classical ballet, modem and jazz dances. ‘The outstanding presentation of the evening was “The Hands”, which was composed of seven separate pieces using the hands as a central theme. It was created by Canadian choreographer Paddy Stone. He started as a dancer for the Winnipeg company in its early years and has since worked in London, New York, and other world art centres. Three of the seven numbers were that -light-hearted comedy thoroughly delighted the audience. “Pale Hands I Loved”’ was a caricature of a collage of East Indian ethnic dance. Eric Horenstein danced the lead part in this hilarious interpretation of the “Kashmiri Love Song”, ‘sung by Harry Secombe in Edwardian parlour style. “We Will Take Each Other’s Hand”, from Don Giovanni, lent itself to a humourous Spanish pas de deux where Marina Eglevsky and Harry Williams tried to upstage each other. Williams started the competition by making his entrance on a rope, Tarzan style. Eric Clapton’s “Willie and the Hand Jive” began with one male dancer center stage performing balletic arm movements. With the introduction of music, he adapted his movements to suit music with a jazz ballet style, emphasizing the thumbs and hip actions. He was joined by six other company members dressed in vivid orange and white costumes. In contrast to the comedy in was the dramatic “ The Hands”, It was a story set in “Sebastian”. 17th century Venice, centered around a moorish slave named Sebastian, who dies in place of the woman he loves. Gian Carlo Menotti wrote the story and the music. while Stanley Simmons provided the costumes.

‘fUlAotor IN Mat. SAT. & SUN. 2 PM


Singing strings The world famous Guarneri String Quartet will play tonight at eight in the Theatre of the Arts. The program includes: Beethoven’s quartet opus 18 number four in C minor; Hugo Wolf’s Italian Serenade; Igor Stravinsky’s Concertino; and Schubert’s quartet number 15 in G I major opus 161. Since its formation in 1965, the quartet has met with critical acclaim to a degree scarcely paralleled in recent times. ‘ ‘World’ s Master of Chamber Music” (Time), “No superior on the world’s stages” (New York Times), “The Great American Quartet of the Era” (New York Magazine), and similar accolades have followed this superb group wherever they have goie --which includes practically

is Singles




St. N. - 744-3511

Wednesday THE

Tonight --

Hdtel w

871 Victoria


Royal Winnipeg Ballet dancer, Eric Horenstein, in a scene from Paddy Stone’s “The Hands”.

Gary Norman created a forceful picture of a tormented, helpless slave, yearning for the chance to show his love to a woman far beyond his social status. He appeared to be fighting an outer force as he sliced his arms and legs through space. “Adagietto” was a pas de deux recounting the span of the emotions of love. Bonnie Wyckoff and Anthony Williams moved as if they were not bound by the stage floor, walls or gravity. Because the dancers were alone on stage, clad only in leotards and tights, they were able to create an intimate experience shared with the audience. The piece which opened the show was a pretty, light traditional ballet. “The Whims of Love” was composed of several variations, including solos, pas de deux and ensemble work. Although the technique was good, it somehow lacked life and excitement. This problem could have been alleviated if the entire piece had been shortened. If the Royal Winnipeg Ballet Company continues to create entertaining evenings such as this, they will soon become established as an internationally recognized company.




every place they have had time to go, in North America, Europe, Australia.. . . Their three dozen and more recordings on the RCA Victor label, including the complete quartets of Beethoven, major quartets of Mozart, the piano quartets and quintet of Brahms (with Arthur Rubenstein, piano) and many, many more, have solidly established this group as one of the. string quartets to hear on records as well. The members of the‘ Quartet are Arnold Steinhardt and John Dailey, violins; Michael Tree, viola, and David Soyer, cello. All were acclaimed virtuosi long before joining to form the Guarneri Quartet. The concert is the seventh of the season sponsored by the K-W Chamber Music Society.


& Saturday

David Wilcox & 1 ’ the Teddy Bears All Next Week

2 7:15PM


3 9: 30pM

Coming Soon

Copper Penny Best of the Platters True Reflection


’ Mon-Wed 8:00 PM oo6oooooooo~oooooo~


Thur-Sal 7:OOPM


and Sunday 2 pm




oeeooooeoooooooooo~ THE Go BETWEEN pr 4-6

Ash Mountain


Thu rs-Sat


Thur-Sun 9:30PM (R)



the free chevron

7, 1977

Domino full of holes blissful montage? If your idea of a Adjectives - bad, ill, untotiard, as good film is shots of helicopters and cars driving from point A to point bad as can be, dreadful; horrible; B, then this is your film. Or better rank, foul; rotten, rotten at the core, still, if you enjoy watching helicop,putrid, diserviceable; below par, ters and cars blow up (a novel idea!) sad, imperfect, lamentable; pitiable;then. . . painful, unfortunate, repugnant, reThe thing that hits the viewer pellent. Slang, cheesey, punk, from start to finish is the total lack lousy. Trust no one. No one. Least of of substance behind the words and dirKramer, actions. Nothing suspenseful or Stanley all exciting happens that is believable. ector/producer of The Domino The few plot twists that there are Principle. are mere effects for effect’s sake This complex, mind-boggling and are easily seen long before they suspense thriller will set your mind to work asking questions - Has it happen. One is left with a longing started yet? Where did my $3.25, for Perry Mason reruns. So what is the audience left with? go? Didn’t Gene Hackman used to - swelling music. Gene Hackman star in good films? walks out of the Hyatt Regency in (Actually, I saw this film for free San Francisco and the music builds and I was robbed.) Consider the plot, or lack of it. ’ into suspenseful climax as he walks Roy Tucker (Gene Hackman) is away and -nothing --___~ happens. Characterizations are unconremoved from prison by some vincing and typical. Richard Widgroup (who and what they are we never know) to do something for mark plays a typical calm, cool crook. His side-kick, a temperawhich no reason is given. The plot revolves around the mental genius, is a character too contrived. Eli Wallach is poor and completely unbelievable assumption that a group of no-goods are hardly noticable in the film. Hackman, after great performances in willing to go through all the trouble his French Connections and “The of breaking an unknown quantity Conversation”, is nothing. out of prison to shoot the -e-p governor And who can believe Mickey of California with a machine gun! in a movie anymore? And, besides themselves, they had Rooney There are better things in life than two other people on the job! Anyseeing an old Andy Hardy telling one short of Squeaky Fromme dirty jokes. Luckily for the viewer, could have handled it. the director does the right thing (a The director, who obviously rarity) and violently shoots Rooney couldn’t afford a full-time scriptdead - twice. writer, attempted to make up for Candice Bergen as the wife, (a the lack of an intelligent plot and role second only to the prostitute dialogue with various film vignettes. Remember the scene where the for an actress in the predominantly male Hollywood of today), is said husband reunites with the wife in Badness

Rush catered Auditorium.

to a youthful


last Wednesday

The band relied too heavily on a light show that interfered with, rather than complemented their music. The fiddler was versatile and was one of the highlights of the show. She also carried a few good vocal solos. There should have been more emphasis on the individual’s talents instead of their combined rock sound.

in an extremely





in the Kitchener

photo by stan switalski

Valdy relieves The Valdy concert in the PAC last week provided a lift from the end-of-the-year cramming blues. Mixing familiar tunes with new ones, Valdy and his Hometown Band brought an inspiring show to Waterloo. -The Hometown Band opened with a set of beefed-up folk songs. The five-piece ensemble included a violin, electric guitars, saxophones, and two keyboards. Working with a bright light show, their songs included a lively Irish jig and a new tune, “For a Dreamer”.


to have been better in “The Wind and the Lion”, but outclasses everything else in this film. We have all seen this movie many times before. Everytime was better than this. The lines sound quite familiar: “There’s a pattern in the jigsaw . . .” “I don’t know the answers, none of us does. We just know, pieces.” “You’re on a train running downhill. You can either ride it or. . .” “You can’t go it alone. None of us can.” “I’ll never give up. I never learned how.” The meaning of the movie’s title is revealed after Hackman asked the question foremost on the audience’s mind: “Tell me, is it over?” “I don’t know, the bigger the stink, the bigger there is to cover up. The man who worries the most is the man who gave the orders. If he panics, the dominoes start to fall.” Through the intrusive editing and camera work, cliches, fake punches and rotten dialogue there is supposed to be a message people do not have control over their own lives. Even a determined man is helpless against outside forces. But it doesn’t work. Twenty years after “Twelve Angry Men” all the response Stanley Kramer can drum up (or deserves) is that of the person I went to the movie with: “This is terrible, terrible, terrible: This is a terrible movie . . look at this . . .is it over? This is a terrible movie . . .”


After seven songs the band finished with the promise of Valdy ’ s imminent appearance. As soon as the band left, an unassuming figure came from backstage and started adjusting the microphones. But as he came into the light, the crowd realised it was Valdy making his unspectacular entrance. Photographers rushed forward for their pits, and Valdy continued to check the sound and tune his guitar. After a time he broke into his first medley, calmly and without announcement. In between jokes about the long winter and a stream of one-liners, he played songs about people, about Canada, and about the quirks of living. The true Valdy spirit came through in a series of short jingles, ad-libs, and very moving melodies. The ,audience cheered to “One in the Spirit”, ‘ ‘Acapulco Gold’ ’ , and a tribute to the Greenpeace group. In a toast to the oft-forgotten Canadians, Valdy sung of dis-


placed Newfoundland fishermen, the expulsion of the Acadians, and life in Whitehorse, Yukon. His more seasoned fans enjoyed a run of “Twirl, Swirl and Whirl”, “Country Man”, “Rock and Roll Song’ ’ , and “Hello Mr. Record Man”. The band joined in for the last half-dozen songs, making a startling reappearance in the middle of “Rock and Roll Song”. As the evening was drawing to a close, Valdy urged the audience to sing along, or at least hum to the music. In the first of three encores, the crowd of two thousand stood up for a resounding chorus of “Will the Circle be Unbroken”. The atmosphere had been low-key up to this point, but many spirits were elevated by the finale. People were all smiles on their way out of the doors, keeping a halo of warmth about them, and new hopes for spring weather. -jamie


Mozart’s unfinished

Too bad he died

March here.



of the UW choir-orchestral


is concluded

Wolfgang Mozart’s last work was a requiem mass (mass for the dead). He thought he was composing it for his own death, and, in fact, died before finishing it. Arrangement of the work was completed by -one of his pupils. The solemn first movement (“Requiem Aeternam . . .” Give them eternal rest, and perpetual light illuminate them.) foreshadowed dramatic developments with hushed excitement. But I found the excitement of “Dies Irae” (day of wrath) merely predictable, until the choir hit-the line “Quantus tremor est futurus” (what a shakeup is coming). Quantus tremor! Alfie! - What intensity - what dynamics! Concert director Alfred Kunz’s choice and control of dynamics seem to me to show signs of the romantic mood, and in the range, he asked for and got from the choir and orchestra in last year’s symphonic Beethoven. The requiem’s smaller choir allows a comparatively quick and lightly balanced response. Some mushiness in the violins in this fast movement did not diminish the dramatic moment of “Quantus tremor’ ’ . Individual differences among the vocal soloists came out strongly as each started to sing. The bass’ opening “Tuba Mirum” (the last trumpet) was annunciatory but a bit breathy. The tenor’s “Mors Stupebit” (death is astounded) was so intense he shook with excitement; the alto in “Judex” (judgement) voiced a more judicious calm with almost motherly warmth. The soprano, in fine interpretive form, led with assurance and humility. Their voices blended and wove an operatic quartet conclusion which enchanted and illuminated. It flowered with a distinctively developed lyric balance which also marks Mozart’s later string quartets. Particularly in the “Rex Tremendae Majestatem!” (King of Tremendous Majesty) the altos could have opened their mouths a bit more; they were giving a beautiful golden tone when one could hear them. The tenors tended to shout on the high notes. They and the basses were generally soldily balanced against the treble voices. “Recordare”‘~ great fugue style was carried with serenity and determination by the soloists. The wonder I find in great music - the magic of this art as Mozart, Kunz and the rest shared it with the audience - is that it can, and is likely to, bring out and heighten qualities of reverence and devotion, in performers and audience. This can often happen to a degree which carries us beyond what we recognize clearly (in this respect) in ourselves except in rare moments. A quiet, unselfish dedication or all the musicians - singers, sincere dutiinstrumentalists and conductor - initially contributed fulness rather than joy to the performance of this requiem mass. The joy came out in moments of the music. The tempo overall was solemn but with easy transition between movements - it certainly didn’t drag. “Sanctus”, (the choir’s proclamation of the Divine Presence, near the end of the work) didn’t quite have the awed anticipation of holiness of the “Lux Perpetua” (eternal light) in the opening; perhaps they felt they had arrived. “Benedictus” orchestral phrasing might have been tighter and gentler. The soloists clearly led the way in expressing the spirit of the beginning “Benedictus Qui Venit In Nomine Domini” (Blessed be, who comes in the name of the Lord). Following directly from Benedictus, the trombones’ firm introduction ofHosanna! lifted the compassion of the Benedictus to a mood of exaltation. ‘: - The interpretation of “Agnus Dei” (lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world) reflects a popular twentieth century secularized view of sin; sin is “bad”, but why is poorly understood. As a result its most widely recognized aspect is the subjective experience rather than any subjective basis. The concept of sin (offence against, hence turning away, and classically, separation from God) is then easily identified with culturally conditioned guilt feelings and psychologized away as “negative”. Consequently the idea of overcoming sin by grace has lost some ideological impact and is deemphasized in musical performance. In this respect, religious music is for us rather like the late feudal and early capitalist religious artwork. We may admire it today mainly for composition and colour, even theme, but often with relatively little appreciation of any living meaning and application for the spiritual truths symbolized therein. I had a feeling that the choir, in the start of this recapitulation at the end of the mass (Grant them eternal rest, and perpetual light) was retreating to a formal emotional tone which was ceremonial more than prayerful. After three-quarters of an hour of singing they were bidding the dead farewell by concentrating on the outer performance aspect of the music. But in the final minutes of the work something else was happening that re-evoked the earlier interior magic. For example, the soloists proved their unselfish commitment (mentioned previously) by standing at the closing, and singing the parts with the choir. I believe that this commitment, by all the performers, to giving living music was instrumental to a surprising rejuvenation in the course of a long performance in the hot and nearly stuffy theatre. It brought them out of what was threatening to become pedestrian worldliness (which is a ready consequence of interpreting religious texts from a standpoint influenced by twentieth century vulgar materialism). As a performing ensemble, the musicians may well not have shared a faith in the message of the text. But through a love for what lay in the music they touched on (and were perhaps touched by) the sacred; so that as the work drew to a close, they had effectively rediscovered it as the dominant element. When the music ended the atmosphere was both solemn and joyful. It was shared by performers and audience and sustained throughout the applause. Good woodwinds, particularly in the closing fugue. -ernst

von bezold


Stand up for rights I am writing this letter to draw attention to the deplorable state of affairs- concerning bookings of the PAC. One wonders what closed-minded bureaucrat has his sense of priorities totally screwed up. Think back to all the great concerts we have had in the PAC. Think way back! We had April Wine last summer, and then before that there was the Genesis concert more than a year ago. Not one single concert in the past eight months! We have lost out on Supertramp, Bruce Springsteen, and ZZ Top! Why have there been no more concerts? The answer is simple, according to the geniuses who run the PAC. The intramural sports program would be completely destroyed by allqwing one concert per month, they claim. Their massive intellects find it hard to shift six hours of sports to a new time period. And what about all the unfortunate students, they ask, who would miss a whole night of watching intramural wrestling? Many attempts have beeq made to bring these people to reason. But all have failed owing to the stubborn ignorance of these people. And so I ask the students of the University to protest this intolerable situation. Who are the ones who are depriving the students of a few hours of entertainment, to add one more intramural game to the PAC? Why is nothing being done about this? If you want more concerts in the PAC, write in to the campus papers. Stand up for your rights as students!! Glen


PSI can#t take shots WJ; have-been accused by PSI graduates of choosing not to understand what the course (Inward Bound IV) represents. They go on to quote our previous letter, wherein we set out what we discovered to be the course attracts lost and content: “The organization lonely people and gives them a direction and purpose in life, a sense of identity and value, a measure of self-confidence, and possibly even love. ” this they cite as “one of the greatest tributes we could imagine”. If we take the apparent implication that our statement was accepted as accurate (and not just flattering), then we submit this as evidence that we have an excellent understanding of what the course represents. It will be noted that in our original letter (Free Chevron, Jan. 14, 1977) this “tribute” was contrasted with the claims made by PSI in their literature and introductorylectures about the course content. There was only one phrase in the tribute which raised objection; the reference to lost and lonely people. This description was used at every introductory lecture (and probably still is - we doubt they have revised the script) by the speaker, about his own state before discovering PSI. Furthur, it would seem to be generally applicable to persons paying hundreds of dollars for love, direction, confidence, etc. Our original thesis stands verified by PSI’s own accolytes. There is a dichotomy between PSI’s practice and preaching. We maintain that this misrepresentation is culpable. We will allow that it is a matter of personal choice to spend $200.00 for love, identity, purpose, etc., but our choice is clear. We consider these commodities much devalued by being borrowed or bought. We laud any honest person searching inside&t question the wisdom and scruples of one proffering answers for profit. It should be clear that we would have no objection to PSI if their claims corresponded

to their course content, and their fees to their costs of operation. We reiterate that their material is second-hand, and often of dubious currency and validity, and we challenge PSI to substatiate the first claim of their letter, by demonstrating knowledge which is unavailable through other sources. We hope that they will not have to fall back on the “mind to mind communication” fraud. In closing we note that PSI appears to have only one line of attack on its critics; accusations that these criticisms arise from a need to blame others for lack of personal success, and a desire to be the centre of attention. When levelled in this direction these accusations are ludicrous. Maybe PSI graduates should look inside and ask themselves why they cannot respond to practical criticism with other than silly personal attacks. With disappointment, Ciaran G. O’Donnell Trevor John Thompson

Put shut


or up...

Re. your letter in last Friday’s free the real chevron did not publish on March 14, as you suggested. The issue to which you referred was March 11 (The dates are very easy to remember - they’re the same as for your publication). This is not, however, the point about which I am writing. I refer instead to your statement, “Both continue to repeat this claim, without any proof.” The claim to which you refer is that the referendum is legally binding. If you were as well informed, Mr. Rekuta, about the affairs of the Federation and of journalism as you seem to think, you might understand some things a little better. Two weeks ago, there was an attempt to have me fired as editor of the real chevron. I decided to fight this, because I felt that the paper was already showing signs of degeneration without my input (I was returning from a leave of absense at the time). One of my criticisms about the paper in question was that the lead story in the March 11 issue was w‘ritten in an editorial style. Despite this, however, the points Miss Armoogam refers to have been widely quotes in both papers. Whether the points are eventually proved true or false is irrelevant: they come from different sources, as quotes relating to Federation position. Because the real chevron printed the point of view or opinion of certain people, and they are later shown to be wrong, that quote has no reflection on the paper. Similarly, if the free chevron prints quotes from someone, and he is later shown to be wrong, that does not prove that the free chevron is negligent in printing the facts; the quote itself is a fact, correct or otherwise. But your claim that the real chevron “continues” to insist that the referendum is binding infers that the claim has been made in subsequent issues. I found no such claim in the March 18 issue, nor in the March 25 issue. I hope you learn, Mr. Rekuta, before you leave the university, or any involvement in the chevron/free chevron, at least one thing about journalism; simply because a newspaper prints an article stating one side of an issue, or quotes persons involved in an issue does not mean that the paper supports that position. My long-standing criticism of “student” newspapers is that they feel that they must print only the truth. The problem lies, however, in the establishment as to exactly what the truth is. If the decision of truthfulness rests with the staff of the newspaper, the credibility of the paper relies on the staffjudgement. If this judgement fails, the paper can then be said to “insist” something, or “claim” something. On these grounds, one could claim that the chevron,

is racist, according to the opinion of SaIah Bachir, and against racism, according to its own claims regarding the CUP Code !of Ethics. People read newspapers because they want to find out what others are doing or saying, not to find out whether the staff of the paper agrees with what people are doing or saying. in-quoting certain people, who claim that‘ the referendum is legally binding, in no way infers the the real chevron holds that point of view. In my own personal view, the students of the campus have no qualifications to make any decision on content of a campus newspaper. But his doesn’t mean that the real chevron is going to print only articles with that point of view. The weakness of a paper being controlled by staff is that the policy of the paper is open to the fluctuations of the feelings of the staff. A newspaper, whether commercial, student, or whatever should operate on a consistent policy concerning the nature of their reporting, h-regardless of the staff writing the articles. CUP establishes this idea in a very general sort of way, when they offtcially oppose “racism, fascism, and sexism.“. The unfortunate thing about their stand is that they use terms that are so widely open to interpretation. If an article is printed in which a person runs down women, does that mean that the paper is sexist? No, that merely means that the paper has pointed out the sexism of the person making the statement. Similarly, if an article in the real chevron mentions the views of certain individuals, some whom are as well qualified in legal matters as Mr. Brian Iler, the paper is referring to the opinion of those individuals. If you can support your statement, Mr. Rekuta, that the real chevron “still insists” that the referendum is legally binding, I would, as you put it, “be interested -and perhaps even amused”. In your own words, sir, Tut up or shut free chevron



R.B. Burton real chevron

--lettitor Pattijoy Armoogham did not quote anyone, let alone anyone as well qualified as Mr. Iler. The only possible person who could fit that bill would be the Fed lawyer, and I have already shown how far his arguments got in two courts. Her article was an editorial, and since no $80 a week scab is going to say anything to lose her job, I had no choice but to accept her statements as those of the real chevron. My first “continuous” was as you pointed out, wrong. In keeping with the spirit of my

letter and my “still insists”, it should have read, “have continued, without any proof’. I am much more concerned by your other arguments. In a very narrow sense, quotes that later turn out to be wrong have no reflection on the paper. However, when no attempt is made to investigate and present opposing positions, especially when it should be known that they exist and have substance, the integrity of the paper no longer exists. It becomes nothing more than a mouthpiece for its sources, a position you have stated you wished to avoid most of all. Nowhere in CUP’s Code of Ethics does it state that it opposes “racism, fascism, and sexism” which you have stated. What CUP does state is that “racial and sexual bias or prejudice should have no place in the editorial policy of the newspaper”, hence CUP has nothing printed concerning fascism in its’ ‘principles’. Quotes, Bruce, are sacrosanct. Dennis Rekuta

NDP motions The following motions were passed by the NDP Campus Association at the meeting of March 22: WHEREAS the chevron was closed by the federation of students in an anti-democratic and arbitrary manner; and, WHEREAS two editorial staff had their positions eliminated without the benefit of a fair hearing; and, WHEREAS the staff of the free chevron have been subject to continual harassment by the federation; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the NDP Campus Association condemn the acts of violence and other harassment by the federation; and, THAT we support the staff of the free chevron in their just demand for full reinstatement before an investigation. the Liberal Also, WHEREAS government’s Bill C-24 makes the immigrant the scapegoat for their failure in economic policy ; and, WHEREAS fundamental rights and freedoms _ should be extended to all people in Canada; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the NDP Campus Association condemn the Liberal government’s proposed Immigration Bill C-24 and that we support all responsible actions against it including the International Committee Against Racism (INCAR) rally on April 2 in Ottawa. N.D.P.



Excalibur support York university’s student newspaper the Excalibur said the following about the chevron staff on its editorial page March 24. This week Excalibur sent representatives to the national conference of the Canadian University Press (CUP) in Ottawa. Two representatives that is. Most other newspapers sent the same number, some sent one, and about 25 of the 75 papers in CUP failed to send any. The free chevron staff of the University of Waterloo sent twelve. That’s more active staff members at one meeting than most university newspapers see throughout an entire year. And that was only a small proportion of the free chevrics. Enough remained back at Waterloo to maintain the occupation of their offices they have been carrying on since last September when they were arbitrarily and antidemocratically shut down by the Waterloo student federation and then president Shane Roberts. Apparently, chevron staff meetings are regularly attended by between 40 and 50 people. That means, the free chevron has the largest active staff of probably any newspaper in Canada. And from our experience with them in Ottawa this weekend. They operate in what really is a participatory democracy (Pierre Trudeau take note),-every staff member of every political stripe having a say and a vote. Waterloo operates on the semester, with system functions during the summer, as will the occupation of the chevron’s offices. The staff is committed to maintaining the roundthe-clock occupation, until the paper is reinstated as the recognized student newspaper at Waterloo. And from the size, competence and dynamism of the staff, a glimpse of which we caught at Ottawa, it is clear that the long struggle of the free chevrics, is far from dying but shows every sign of being capable of defying the anti-democratic student federation until they are reinstated. The necessity of a free and autonomous student press is a goal worth fighting for, and we restate our support for their free chevron staff as it fights for the freedom of the press at Waterloo.

there was not enough post secondary education oriented to skilled trades. He said that students should not leave the country, but should stay and try to change it.

Burt Matthews

The following

are responses

groups on campus to Trudeau’s recent comment

from people and Prihe Minister on students and

unemployment. (See news story page 7 and editorial, page 7)

Doug Thompson Trudeau says the government doesn’t owe students either jobs or money. Trudeau also says he is in favour of reforming marijuana laws. This reminds me of what an ancient philosopher once said, “Dope will-get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no _ dope.” It is not unusual for our illustrious P.M. to take a philosophical attitude towards a universe which he has said is “undoubtedly unfolding as it *should.” Nevertheless philosophy alone will not pay tuition or buy food. These are the problems which students are confronting and these are the problems Mr. Trudeau has chosen to ignore. By ignoring them, he is saying that he doesn’t care or that the country is in such bad shape that he cannot afford to care. It bodes ill for the nation if the latter is true. If the country has so many problems that-we cannot afford to care whether people have jobs or if people can get an education then I suspect that we shall not long have a country to care about - or at least a country worth caring about. Since I do not believe that Canada’s problems are that bad, the conclusion must be thatthe Prime Minister himself just doesn’t care. Perhaps we’ll have to call for a referendum on seccession in order to get him to pay attention. It seems to work. Doug Thompson Student Federation President


NDP Association Michael

Helfinger, president of the camassociation, stated, “Trudeau is trying to place the burden of Canada’s economic problems on the groups least able to defend themselves - the poor and students .’ ’ He accused Trudeau of trying to cover up the problem “with populist rhetoric”. “He is attacking welfare bums and freeloaders and students, who supposedly have a soft cosy life on the public purse. Imagine the opulence of a student living on $57 a week!” Asked about Trudeau’s comment that students should leave the country to finr work, he said that students shouldn’t have to. “But .if it were a choice between leaving and starving, I’d leave.” Larry Aberle, NDP student studying economics, said that the problem was that


UW president Burt Matthews thought Trudeau had made “a bit of a ridiculous statement’ ’ , but agreed with him that all students could do was “go out and beat the bushes”. Asked about Trudeau’s suggestion that students who could not find work should leave the country, Matthews said, “He surely didn’t mean ‘that .” “I would hope that students wouldn’t leave the country, because we need them.” Although he sympathised with students, he could not see how the university could do any more about Student unemployment than it does already. He suggested students see Tom Fitzgerald in the co-ordination and placement department, which works with the local Canada Manpower Office. He was not particularly shocked by the situation, saying it was not the first time students had been unemployed. “It has certainly been difficult in other years, for example 30 years ago.” He said that it was not just students who were unemployed and that university graduates had a better chance than most at getting work. He saw no solution to the problem. ‘.‘I don’t think you’ll end unemployment ,” he said.



1) Our response to Trudeau’s statement When Mr. Trudeau attacked students on March 24 for demanding jobs, he spoke not merely as an arrogant individual but rather as the leader of the political party which represents the interests of the rich, the big capitalists and landlords, especially’the U.S. imperialists. The fact that Trudeau has treated Canadian students with such disdain indicates that the ruling class has no future to offer the youth. Not only is Trudeau unconcerned that students have a “bleak view of their future,” but he actually blames students for the lack of jobs by saying that “there are too many graduates, that’s all. ” He then tells students to either leave the country or get stoned on marijuana. He compounds this insult by feigning sympathy for jobless workers at the very time that his government is invoking closure to speed passage of the new Unemployment Insurance bill which will deny jobless benefits to at least 50,000 workers. This Trudeau is an arch-criminal, a reactionary to the very core, a rich man in his own right who is the mortal enemy of Canadian students and workers alike. If he carries on this way and the crisis gets worse, there will be a revolution, and he will be hanged!

’ ,Don OM - closed paper has changed his opinion Supports Reinstate, Investigate As a previous Arts representative on Students’Council (1976-77) and a member of the Federation Executive and as a present member of the Federation Executive (Chairperson of Board of Co-operative Services) I wish to make my views known regarding the chevron affair. I was one of the executive members who voted for the closure of the chevron at the September 24, 1976 executive meeting and again at the council meeting of September 30, 1976 at which time the council approved the closure of the chevron. At those times and the months following I strongly defended these actions as justified because I had felt, as many students had, that the chevron was not fulfilling its responsibility to the-students of the University of Waterloo. I also felt there was an undue amount of influence wielded by a certain political group (AIA) within the ranks of the chevron staff. Basically, I clung to the assumption that the federation, as publishers, could suspend the operation of the chevron if it was felt the paper was not reflecting a representative view of student opinion. I believe yet that my motives as well as Shane Roberts’ and the remainder _of the executive’s were well-intentioned but perhaps misguided.


in attitude

Recently, however, my attitude has changed somewhat drastically regarding the chevron fiasco. I now believe that my actions were wrong and that by closing the chevron in such an arbitrary fashion I violated a principle, which supercedes any good intentions. The closure of the chevron was not democratic in that there was no fair hearing or investigation of the paper and in the long run the closure of the chevron has damaged the credibility of the Federation of Students as well as misdirecting a great deal of valuable time, resources and energy into the chevron affair to the detriment of more urgent student problems. I now realize there never was a forum for the chevron staff to present their side of the story before the chevron closure. At the September 30 Students’ Council meeting, the executive unfairly forced the council to vote for closure under the threat of mass executive res‘ignation, including my own. There was no point in the preceding week (September 24-30) where the executive considered the possibility of establishing a proper investigation into the operation of the chevron where all stu-3 dents could present evidence as to whether the newspaper was fulfilling its function.

2) What should students do? Because the rich are trying to make the people pay for the economic crisis of imperialism, the people must resist and instead launch an offensive to Make the Rich Pay! Referendum biased The capitalists, with the aid of the Canadian Also, the student referendum held on state, are shifting the burden of the economic crisis onto the university students as well as the working class youth by denying _ _ them productive jobs in order to maintain maximum profits for a greedy few. Students must demand jobs -not just any sort of job with any lousy pay, but a job and wage commensurate with their qualifications. Students should get together with jobless youth from the working class and fight the capitalists tooth and nail, thereby forcing them to provide jobs. The AIA opposes all of this propaganda that students should leave the country or drop out and get stoned, etc. Students should stay right here and get organized for revolutionary class struggle against the rich and their state. A member of fhe Canadian University






chevron ,


off till April 12

January 13, 1977 cannot be construed as a “trial” for the chevron. I was on the drafting committee which prepared the questions for the referendum. Reexamining the referendum now I realize that it did in fact contain the basic supposition that the chevron was guilty and it had to be restructured. The referendum was inherently one-sided and in parts contradictory and it is even open to interpretation regarding its legality. I now believe that for a student newspaper to exist it must stand aloof from the direct control of the student government. Without a guarantee of freedom of the press, a student newspaper cannot fulfil1 its function as a watchdog of student government. Lately, as the Real Chevron has demonstrated, a federation-controlled newspaper cannot function in any real sense as a critic of the student government. The free chevron in the past months has demonstrated it is truly a responsible newspaper with a tendency for better journalism than the Real Chevron has ever demonstrated.



I now feel the only course of action open to the Federation Executive and Students’ Council is to re-establish the free chevron as the legitimate federation newspaper. This would entail the reinstatement oft he two dissolved positions and the acceptance of all the demands of the chevron staff. After this is accomplished there should be a properly constituted investigation into the chevron to determine if there should be changes made to the operation of thg:paper.‘The terms of reference of such an investigation should be previously agreed upon by the chevron staff and representatives of the Federation of Students. Such a solution would allow the Federation of Students to return its full attention to more productive endeavours. In conclusion, the above statement does not imply, however, that I fully side with one particular faction in this dispute. I have witnessed behaviour on both sides of the affair which is unbecoming and at times irresponsible. As an executive member of the Federation of Students, my only desire is that the federation settle the chevron affair and that the chevron staff is extended the justice it rightfully deserves and that the students of the campus be entitled to a student government which has the courage to admit they are wrong to prounlong a situation which is causing and annecessary polarization tagonism among students on the campus.


Don C. Brth Chairperson of Co-operative Services

Press, the free chevron is produced and published. by the chevron staff and is typeset by Dumont Press Graphix. The free chevron is produced from Room 140, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.

This product was brought to you by randy barkman, doug hamilton, heather robertson, tom cody, neil docherty, larry hannant, rob taylor, jules grajower, dave carter, nick redding, val moghadam, w reid glenn, t alex beamish, jonathan coles, salah bachir, gerard kimmons, doug goodfellow, marina taitt, Charlotte von bezold, dianne chapitis, jamie thiers, ciaran o’donnell, peter blunden, the dumonf duckies, jayne pollock, frank morison, mart shafroth, ernst von bezold, Scott barron, mike hazell, shih k-ang ti, Oscar nierstrasz, lorne gershuny, stephen coates, stan switalski, jerry (our friendly custodian), Cindy and me, Mr. Dressup. . . pw


the free chevron


-Thompson challenged


The federation executive meeting Tuesday discussed the sacking of one of the co-chairpersons of the Board of Publications and the confidentially of executive meetings. Michael Dillon, one of the cochairpersons of the board, suggested that a motion be taken to council which would make him the only chairperson. He claimed that the board was unable to function because there were differences of opinion between the board’s two chairpersons. Randy Barkman, the free chevric who gained a place on the board as a result of a split vote in council, countered Dillon’s charges, saying that council knew at the time it decided on this arrangement that he and Dillon held conflicting opinions on many issues. He argued that the Board of Publications is working despite disagreements. Thompson insisted that it is obvious that the board isn’t working if the chairpersons can’t agree that it is working. The matter was temporarily _ shelved. The other major issue was the privacy of executive board meet-

what he intends to do, and where the federation is going.” When asked about the letter Thompson said “I’m confused. It strikes me as a document stemming from a confused mind, a misperception of the situation. There’s nothing of substance here other than the points regarding the chevron. It’ s completely incoherent. ’ ’ Thompson said that the rational behind some of the points “completely escapes me”, and that many of the points mentioned were not /true. Thompson said that he had not intended to issue a “bullseye” to embarrass the administration into taking a stand on the chevron issue (as Rokosova claims), though federation vice-president Ron Hipfner and two others from the federation did visit Burt Matthews, university president, to urge him to act against the chevron. Rokosova said that Thompson consulted so little with the other

members of the CRG that “we’re’ all in the dark, we don’t know what he’ll do next, we just spend all our time phoning each other to find out what’s going on.” Rokosova and Renison councillor Larry Smylie have submitted a motion of non-confidence in Thompson to Sunday’s council meeting. Thompson says he does not regard a non-confidence vote as binding and said that he would not necessarily resign if a vote went against him. The executive is not showing any fear over the non-confidence motion, judging from the response of vice-president Hipfner. “Janet Rokosova, Larry Smylie and Sam Wagar (people demanding the non-confidence vote) must have eaten something,” said Hipfner. “They’ve been acting strange all day.” -doug

The purge of the graduate constituency by federation council last week was an act which clearly illustrates the contempt nine councillors have for the students on this campus. They ignored the vote of the Annual General Meeting on March 1, which defeated a motion to remove graduate membership from the federation by a margin of 125121, and they refused to wait for the advice of the graduate students, which was to be made known through an upcoming referendum on the issue. However, not only do they hold .the opinion of the students in contempt, they don’t even respect their own by-laws and the Corporations Act of Ontario. Some members of council demanded that such a major decision as the removal of ten percent of the students from the federation, if it were to be reviewed, should be taken to the students in another general meeting or referendum. These requests were rebuked with the flimsy excuse that council, under the federation by-laws, can “for all purposes be deemed to be and to have all the powers of meetings of the members.” But if this is so, why then do we have general meetings of the members? Why is their a distinction made between general meetings of the members and a meeting of delegates (council) in both our own bylaws and the Corporations Act. If a general meeting of the members is not to be considered a higher body than council, then why must a general meeting be called on the first day of the meeting of a new council? Surely it must be that general meetings are provided for in order to give some kind of direction to council.


Fe The federation of students was turned down by UW president Burt Matthews when it asked him to intervene on their behalf in the chevron conflict. A delegation from the federation visited Matthews February 28 to ask him to take action against the chevron staffs occupation of the

ings. Thompson urged that the meetings be closed because he~did not want to see “the informal and candid nature of executive meetings destroyed by the presence of persons acting’ in the capacity of journalists.” The debate was initiated with the reading of a motion by councillor Stephen Coates and Barkman, intended for Sunday’s council meeting, to allow students to attend executive meetings. According to Barkman, the main opposition to this concept appeared to come from Gord Swatters, Ron Hipfner, Doug Thompson and Bruce Rorrison. I The arguments put forth in favour of closed meetings were that students would “bog down” the executive if they were present and, since the executive is an unofficial body with no legislative capacity, there is no obligation to disclose its discussion. The press are to get their information by interviewing executive members. Due to the failure to pass a motion on this matter, exact policy remains vague. -mart


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on-co Federation president Doug Thompson ran into rough waters early this week when Environmental Studies councillor Janet Rokosova circulated a letter to other councillors urging them to vote non-confidence in Thompson at Sunday’s council meeting. Rokosova listed eight reasons why she thought Thompson had not kept the confidence of council and the students. Among them are alienation from council, taking action without consulting the council or executive, “patronizing incompetents,” and trying to force the UW administration to intervene in the chevron dispute. . ’ Rokosova was of eight students who submitted presidential nomination forms in January. She later withdrew and publicly announced her support for Doug Thompson. In an interview, Rokosova said that “There’s a lack of solidarity and cohesiveness in the federation.” Rokosova also contends that the “administration told Thompson that they would step in if he didn’t solve the chevron problem.” The non-confidence vote said Rokosova, would be taken after Thompson was presented with these grievences and had given his defense. “The president should have to give a report every two weeks or so to council, about what he’s done,


chevron offices. The official delegation, consisting of federation vice-president Ron Hipfner, Mathsoc president Kevin Willis and OFS/NUS liaison officer Gord Swaters, asked Matthews to provide the federation with “free and unencumbered use” of the chevron offices, says federation president Doug Thompson. According to Thompson, Matthews told the delegation that he was unwilling to take action at that point, but “he isn’t ruling out anything for the future.” Thompson also told the free chevron that “I spoke with Burt on several occasions. His feeling is that it’s none of his business - it’s a federation matter.” In an interview this week, Matthews told the free chevron that the chevron dispute is not the administration’s problem. Matthews confirmed that he was visited by a delegation from the federation who expressed their “frustration” at being unable to resolve the conflict. Although Matthews denied that the federation has requested intervention on their behalf in the chevron . conflict, he confirmed that there has been contact between UW and federation lawyers. According to Thompson, the lawyers were trying to clarify- the terms of an agreement between the federation and UW, which provides for control of the campus centre space in which both the federation and chevron offices are situated. -nick


last weekend the Second Annual Ontario University Frisbee Championships were held at Brock University in St. Catharines. Eight teams competed in three events: Cuts, Canadian Ultimate and Freestyle. After a quick warm-up and, a rules meeting Saturday morning, a team of seven UW dynamo-hummers met the Brock team in a gruelling Canadian UltiTate game. Fourty minutes of diving catches, graceful leaps and quick grasps saw UW losing soundly. In an unprecendented repeat of last year’s performance, they went on to lose each and every game of the afternoon. The next morning those members who had not attempted to prove the relationship between beer-drinking ahd Guts frisbee managed to defeat the Brock B team. However the team to secure last place by a spectacular crowd-p/easing display of lovable antics and not-so-near misses. lade gourlay

On the basis of historical precedent it should be noted that every by-law change in our constitution since 1969 has been made at a general meeting and not at a board of directors or council meeting. It is only recently that the council, under Doug Thompson, has had the arrogance to see these powers as its own prerogative. It should also be noted that while the Corporations Act allows for the election of delegates which may have “all powers of meetings of the members”, that same act clearly differentiates between meetings of delegates and general meetings of the corporation. ?Jnder the Act, general meetings of the corporation have powers which are not given to meetings of delegates. Therefore it is clear that while it-may have the powers of a meeting of the members, it may not have the powers of a ‘general’ meeting of the members. The Corporations Act also states that a by-law respecting “the number and method of electing delegates” may not take effect until it has been confirmed by at least two-thirds of the votes cast at a general meeting of the members duly called for considering the by-law.” Clearly the whole arrangement for electing delegates has been transformed by the disenfranchisement of the graduates and their representatives on council. There are two major points here. The vote was not taken at a general meeting and a 9-8 vote is certainly not a two-thirds majority. Council’s actions contravened the Corporations Act. The graduate reps on council will be submitting a written legal opinion to the federation which will clearly outline these points. The purge of the graduates was undemocratic, illegal, hurried, and lacked any consultation with students. It was SO rushed that and poorly planned that the motion which disenfranchised all those who do not pay fees effectively removed, along with the grads, all off-term co-op students from the federation. This could not have been their intention. I must level the charge of incompetence against an already-sick sector of council. \

The Warrior Volleyball Team travelled to Toronto, on Sunday, March 27, 1977 to compete in the Ontario “AA” Championships. They entered the competition as one of the lowest ranked tournament teams, however, they finished the day beating OUAA Champion Laurentian and York Universities decisively. They were invited to this tournament as one of the top four university teams in Ontario. The other universities invited were Western, Laurentian and York. In all there were eight teams vying for the top spot. The other four teams were Ukrainia Volleyball Club, (winner of the Ontario Open), Scarborough kingsMetros, YMHA Macabees and Hamilton YMCA. The Warriors were placed in Pool A along with Ukrainia, Western and YMHA Macabees. The team seemed a little tense and started slowly, losing to Ukrainia in the first round 15-9, 15-6. After that, Waterloo played Burlington, the team picked to replace Western after the Mustangs turned down the tournament invitation. The first game was close at first but at 9-7 for Burlington, the referee missed a touch off a block -and with that



momentum behind them, Burlington won 15-7. The second game saw the Warriors come back to win 15-8. The last match in Pool A was between the Warriors and YMHA Macabees. Waterloo lost both games 15-5, 15-13, which put them in fourth place in their pool. The tournament then went into the play-offs to decide qualification for “AA” in 1977-78. The top four teams were already determined but six were to be chosen. Thus, Waterloo still had a chance to qu# ify . Since the Warriors had finished fourth, they played the third place team from the other pool which happened to be Laurentian. This was a grudge match since Laurentian had beaten Waterloo in the OUAA’s and at the Canadians. The team seemed to come alive and with explosive spikes and excellent defense in the back court, they beat Laurentian in two straight games, 15-8, 15-8. The Warriors went on to play York to determine fifth and sixth position. The final scores were 15-5, 15-9. Thus, Waterloo ended up in fifth place and has qualified to play in “AA” next year.


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