Neither member
rain, nor sleet, from bringing
nor cold, nor dark of night, nor broken skis keeps our other staff in his pits at 3:00_.a.m. Doug Thompson was actually snapped
in$o the office
last week,
he didn’t
stay long! photo
eys avoid \
The Campus Reform Group (CRG) had the first real test of its mettle in the Students’ Council meeting last Sunday. This w’as the first meeting for the group since the Jan. 6 meeting failed to achieve quorum. And the free chevron supporters /et the world know what the9 think of the CRG. The two groups voted against each other on all matters except those concernicg action on the fee hike. When the CRG niotions on the agenda finally came *up for discussion after three hours of minutes and reports, the dree che’vron supporters got up and walked out, thus breaking quorum.
Those who have never been to Council meetings can never quite believe what they see when they
first attend. Conversation to move in circl&. Because
lays another a
seems of the
chevron supporters on Council continue to object to Orth’s presence. It was pointed out that it is not within Council’s power to force a member to resign. Then, with little debate the CRG put the motion ’ to question, forcing an immediate vote. Orth received overwhelming support. from council when the _ vote came. Another Hannant motion called for a reinstatement of the free chevron as the official student newspaper, which would, he s&d, . include the positions of News come from the following cateEditor and Production Manager gories: and restore the newspaper budget a) all students from whom fees for the paper are collected, 1877 retroactive to Sept. 24’ when the b) all students, 720 paper was closed. c) faculty and non-academic This occurred after Council had , staff of UW, 406 accepted the results of the referd) anyone from K-W communQ endum which went strongly ity,. 79 ,against reinstatement. Speaker of 6. This question concerned that Council, Robert White ruled the nature of the fee if a separate motion out of order since Council corporation should be established does not have the power to reverse from question 3. -referenda results. So Hannant Refundable, 1946 compulsory, 554 challenged the chair. White put 7. Should the chevron be re-in‘stated ’ the challenge to Council. After as it was September 24, with Neil listening to appeals from ES rep Doctlerty as production manager and free chevron supporter Henry Hess as new‘s editor; and Heather Robertson that the referback-pay given to those indiviendum could not be held binding duals for the period when the chevron was not p@Ish<ng; and because the free chevron had boy-, cotted it, the CRG again put the outstanding bills of th&%ee chevron be paid by the Federation of question and soundly defeated Students? Hannant’s motion. This motion developed out of a Yes, 224 No, 2276 8. Concerning a by-election discussion of ways and means of a) hold a by-election as required dealing with the provincial govby current by-law, 68 1 ernment’s recent hike in tuition b) have the Vice-president confees. Hannant said that the free tinue to February 28, 1055 chevron must be reinstated before c) have the person elected on any action could begin. February 2 take office early, Aft& council refused this re841.
motion to fdrce Arts Rep Don Orth to resign. Last year a recall petition was circulated on Orth which% received the required number of signatures. Unfortunately, the free chevrics doing the petition neglected to have the petition forms certified by the chief justice, beforehand thus rendering them invalid. The free
18.3 per cent sohtibn
“all the news that fits!‘. Henry Hess came up to visit me Wednesday night, to say that he did not use the word “attack”, as reported in last week’s issue, when suggesting why each article should be signed. If that is the case, Henry, I apologize. You told me that things like that were beginning to upset you, which I can understand. But I’m starting to get a little upset, too, about a small group of people on campus who offer no constructive criticism but feel that they must make derogatory comments, no matter how small, about a paper put out, invariably, single-handedly, whose only purpose is to try and inform the campus of what’s happening, without getting into the heavy weather of the Bullseye or the free chevron. Now that the Council has acknowledgement of student support through the referendum, hopefully they will undertike to amend the By-laws to cover all the possibilities, so that we can get back to having one “student” newspaper on campus..rBut, at the same time, Council, let’s for once think of the other.guy: don’t set up the By-laws so that your position is over-balanced, just because you feel you have student subport. The staff of the Chevron will always be more involved with the paper than Council, so let’s also think a little bit of them when you do your word juggling. - r.b. At 4:30 in the morning, I decided to go only eight pages, with the result that some articles we had planned to include were left out. We made our choice based mainly on timeliness; could an article run next week? Sorry!
kyriday morning, the Federation, ’
s-= -I’ ‘-
Sunday’s meeting, but they were subdued, relative to the meetings rules on speaking order, a memof the past few months. ber of council may rise to speak Several motions which would to a matter which was brought up’ have initiated prolonged and bitby another councillor three speakter debate in the wild and wooly meetings of last year were dealt ers ago. Debate is easy to obstruct. All a ~ with expeditiously. councillor has to do is bring up Grad rep and free chevron edi.dozens of spurious or irrelevant tor Larry Hannant introduced a points, introduce ridiculous amendments to motions, object to the calling of question (which forces a vote), or ultimately, when the meeting is close to quorum, if a couple of councillors just walk 1. Should there be a student-funded out, the meeting is brought to an Campus Newspaper? Yes, 2348 end. No, 3 11 All those things happened at 2. If there is a Campus Newspaper,
A phone message came in to us last but, since we share our office space with tended to become LLmiSSing in aCtiOn”-
should it belong -to CUP (C&adian University Press) and pay the compulsory Cup member- ship fee? Yes, 1419 No, 1043 3. lf by word we refer toI the hiring and firing of staff, provision and administration of funds, assumptisn of all legal responsibilities, rules by which staff operates, who should publish a student-funded campus paper? _ a) Students’ Council or a body appointed by it, 1181 b) A body separate but controlled through direct election, 1 13 1 c) the staff bf the paper, 1 13 d) other, namely . . . . . , 88 4. If by editorial control we mean the control over exactly what news and commentary are provided in the newspaper, who should have editorial control? a) Students’ Council or a body responsible to it, 790 b) A separate body controlled by direct election, 916 c) the staff of the newspaper, 33 1 d) the editor, 399 e) other, namely . . . . . . , 107 5. Voting staff of the paper should
(story on p.5)
cont. on p. 4
. page 2 - the real chevron
Letters should be, addressed to “the editor”, Campus Centre 235, and must arrive by Tuesday noon of each week.
We Get
Letters? Chicken I
dear editor; I read with interest the notice you had in last week’s letter section. Indeed, when I sent you the letter with the pseudonym, I intended to insult nobody. What I did intend, however, was to give my impression of the students’ Council meeting, about which I was writing. The pseudonym is simply how the classic Dr. FuManchu might say “Chicken stew’:,. Chih kang’s-tu
. ..from
the mouths
of babes...
To the editor; The “broad masses of the people” have made their wishes known and thus, the final curtain may soon be drawn on the Peking Opera downstairs in the Campus Centre. The whole chevron fiasco has dealt a rude awakening to many of us in the democratic Left. It. has shown us., that Totalitarianism ideology is Totalitarianism ideology whether it be Left-wing or Right-wing should not have any bearing on its acceptability. The AlAs claim to speak for “the broad masses of the people” is highly reminiscent of Hitler’s claim of being the embodiment of the will of the German “Volk”. The Nazis denounced all who opposed them as being part of a JewishCommunist conspiracy; similarly, anyone who disagrees with the AIA positions is seen as a “fascist” Of some sort. The fundamental totalitarianism ideology is the same; the movement claims to have a monopoly on the truth. The AIA mouths platitudes upholding democratic institutions and rights, and denouncing “elitism”; in reality, it subscribes to the Leninist notion of “vanguardism”, which states that the masses must be led, for their own good, by a disciplined, revolutionary elite! That this collection of rabid fanatics should be allowed to continue to maintain control of a paper claiming to represent the students of UW (and the free chevron is appearing more and more like the PCDN with each issue) and wield the influence that it has must be- considered intolerable. ) In light of all this, the appearance Reform of the so-called Campus Group would seem to be a heartening development. But why the mad scramble to repudiate Shane Roberts? Most of the organizers of the CRG were closely tied to the Roberts administration, and they should not be ashamed of it. To be sure, Roberts had certain deficiencies as a leader, but he stood for reason and pragmatic reform, which are the same things the Campus Reform Group wishes to promote. This manoeuvering can only damage the group’s creditability. The recall petition should not be seen as a true indication of student opinion; with enough hard-sell and arm-twisting, it is possible to get
2200 signatures for anything. Rather, the referendum should be seen as ample proof that the vast majority of students prefer the “bureau: dratic hacks” to that motley collection of neo-stalinist buffoons which has, despite slogans and catch-phrases to the contrary, nothing but contempt for the students’ democratic Michael Helfinger
Mr. Editor; Was the all-important question, number seven slanted? That’s what the free chevron has been saying. .On the referendum ballot question sqven looked like this: 7.’ Should the CHEVRON be reinstated as it was September 24; with Neil Docherty as Production Manager and Henry Hess as News Editor (both salaried positions); and back-pay be given to these individuals for the period when the CHEVRON was not publishing; and outstanding bills of the ‘free chevron’ be paid by the Federation of Stud&ts? Ye4 1 No( 1 The free chevron has argued that their demand was “reinstate! inGestigate! ” This question was criticised for not including an investigation. Some members of the free chevron staff have also said that back-pay and outstanding bills were not really an issue and should not have been included, or included in a separate .question. Late in the Fall term, a motion was brought to the floor of Students’ Council, not by any of the free chevron supporters, but by John Long, a Math rep on council. The motion called for the re-hiring of Docherty and Hess, presumably without back pay because that was not included in the motion. Never did the free chevron supporters bring a motion to council, except for one to recind the motion closing the paper, which specified exactly what they wanted. What they did do, however, is argue against the Long motion because it did not represent a full return to the situation before the closing of the paper. Docherty and Hannant, the editor of the free chevron said at that meeting that they wanted a recognition by the Federation that the paper’s closing was undemocratic. They opposed the Long motion because that was not included. Other occasions when the topic of reinstatement was discussed saw staff of the paper insist that re-hiring was not enough. Full reinstatement, including back pay had to be offered. Before the referendum question was written, the free chevron was asked through the two lawyers involved how it wanted the question worded. Their reply was ‘that the referendum would be opposed by them period, and that they would not cooperate with the Federation in any way. The question of investigation perhaps would have been included ‘on the referendum ballot. But the free chevron has made it clear on many occasions that reinstatement had to
precede investigation. The Federation has attempted to three different investigations get on the road, but each one has been opposed by the free chevron. The first was a CUP commission of inquiry including a professional journalist, a staff member of a regional student, paper and a member of the CUP Executive. Docherty turned this down flat on Sept. 26 calling CUP “a bunch of Trots”. (Sept. 26, to Doug Thompson) The second, The Chevron Investigation Task Force, brought about a boycott by the free chevron. That fo%rce’s membership was entirely students except for one professional journalist. The third, involving lawyers, journalists as well as students was protested because it was .not entirely SWdent in membership. Obviously the question of reinstatement ha-d to be settled before the free chevron would consider investigation, so why put it on the ballot? If the question on reinstatement had passed, the investigation could have been set up immediately..ln the absence of that, why bother to investigate- at all? The third, and perhaps most important point is that even if one accepts the premise that the question contained an ‘implicit bias, it did clearly represent the free chevron’s stated wish for ‘reinstatement -as it was Sept. 24’. Any supporter of the free chevron could have marked an X in the YES column. In fact only 224 did SO as opposed to 2276 who marked in NO. That huge margin would not likely have been turned back by a question not including back-pay or even re-hiring. A few voters may have been influenced by this hypothetical bias but to believe that 2,276 students weren’t clever enough to recognise this as the free chevron’s demand certainly represents a lack of faith in the student body at the miniDouglas Thompson
for paper
The past months of the Chevron affair have affected all ranks of people at UW - both pro and con, leftist and moderate, scientist, engineer and humanist. Yet all the articles written, all the hasty words spoken, have apparently neglected the central source of the Chevron problem; control by the Student Federation. Consider the situation, for a moment, in which’ the Chevron is constituted solely by those supporting Council positions. Add to this the long-standing tradition of the Chevron to not divide -editorial content from reporting of facts. Add a little pressure from the Student Council in the form of, say, salary raises for an editor who agrees with the actions of the council and a pay cut for a managing editor who fails to kowtow to the powers-that-be. Stir well and simmer a while. Result: a paper that prints propaganda, an insidious propaganda that is hard to recognize because it is well mixed in all the newsarticles. Is this what the students *want? Hardly. Consider then the situation rn which the Chevron is run solely by opposition parties - whether Communist, Fascist or a little of both is irrelevant. Add the same tradition of mixing editorial content with reporting and mix in the type of pressure that can come only from the noisy rhetoric of a group who, rightly or wrongly, feel themselves maltreated. Result: a paper that prints all the propaganda that’s not fit to ‘read. Is this what the students want? Hardly. What ties the two situations together? Council funding and operation! By the well known principle that “he who pays the piper may call the tunes” any Council will have some control over its brainchil’d. But simply because Council does have control of the paper and simply because the paper is so lavishly funded that no other privately run journal may compete with it for student attention, makes it a target for radical opposition groups. Under Council control, regardless of the “safeguards”, the best newspaper that can be hoped for is one in a state of dynamic equilibrium with neither one group nor the other gaining full control and with the editors frequently fired. The solution? Council must relin-
quish all but nominal control of the Chevron. The present office space for the Chevron, Free (?) Chevron etc. could be simply left open. Any group that desired to put out a campus publication could but without Council funding. If the group could generate its own money either through sales or advertising or contributions they could function. This would eventually mean that any paper started would actually have to cater to the needs and desires of its audience in order to be sold profitably. Very quickly the students would get what they wanted to read. Regular Honours
Julian Dust Chemistry
Dear Editor: The Campus Reform Group believes that apathy is not a necessary condition of student life. We feel that with the problems besetting students - cutbacks and the attendant decline in the quality of education is an example - we cannot afford to have a Federation council that drifts aimlessly. We feel that the time has come for a re-assessment of the role of Students’ Council. Council should move towards: ” 1) an opening up of communications between Council and Students, 2) a re-orientation away from. external affairs towards providing more direct services to the students, and 3) co-operation with the local K-W community to solve our common problems. The Council has to stop telling the students what to do and start listening to them. The Council should ensure that students know what they are doing and should strive to find out what students think of Council’s plans. This could be done by appointing a person to co-ordinate communications with the students, perhaps using surveys and even referenda. We of the Campus Reform Group that the Federation also believe should give a lot more serious consideration to the way in which it spends our money. The present Council appears to have no firm policy as to where and how it spends our money. In the election on Feb. 2 we are supporting Doug Thompson for Federation of Students President on a platform which includes the above points. Our main emphasis is on responsible student government and we believe that Thompson can carry out a responsible, responsive and active policy oriented towards the students of uw. Campus Reform Gro,up
. ..more
I think the two small articles by R.B. Burton (“Notice” and “rat squeaks”, p. 2 the REAL CHEVRON, Jan. 14, 1977) only reflects who Burton is - a REAL HYPOCRITE If Burton still thinks his explanation is good, then maybe somebody ought to stick a piece of sh-t into Burton’s mouth and. “assure everyone that it was not intended to be interpreted that way”. kind of human waste, notorious of it’s unpleasant smell I that is, to most human beings that means, most people, possible exception: Burton this does not imply that Bur ton is a sh-t lover *nor this implies he is not a sh-t lover * * * nor does this imply any thing else A student with spirit of fun as preached by Burton (name not included, but letter * presented with following letter) l
21, 197;
so-called “pun”, we are certainly no1 humorless. We consider it. an insult that the front page photo and cutline in the Jan. 7 “Real” Chevron should appear in a university student newspaper. If the “Real” Chevron considers itself one of those degenerate rotten papers that practise vulgar and unscrupulous journalism, it would noi be worthy of our protest, and our request for a public apology would be quite taken out of place. Therefore, ,if the “Real” Chevron can be taken as such, an apology certainly would not be necessary. But if that is not the case, we’deem it necessary that our demand be met. We believe your squeaking .explanation is not good enough. By the way, we have yet to see any of the “puns” you mentioned occupy the front page of any other university student newspaper. ’ Enclosed are names and signatures of “a group of angered students” and we are not withholding anything! Heather Robertson, Evita Satya, Peter Pang, Winky Yiu, Aldous Wong, Fong Ky, Richard Cheung, Cam Ng, E. Mohamed, C. Doobay, L.H. Goh, S. Bachir, R. Lam, T. Tang, S. Teo, Marshall Hui, Y.N.A. Alfred Chan, F.M. Ballre, Tang. A. Ahmed, Yut-king Jean, Barbara Ngan, Antonio Tsang, Ben Lee, Sam Shum, Bernard Law,’ Philip Tsang, Patrick Wong, CT. Lo, Joseph LI, Yvonne Ng, L. Gershung, E.W.H. Kwan, J. Li, Y.Y. Tsang, C. Kwan, Danny Lau, T. Tsang, C.Y. Jim, Ho-Kwok Dai, C.W.W. Mok, Peter K. Chiv, V. Mar, H.K. Chan, P.C.H. PO, Randy Barkman, V.Y.W. Hui, H K Ho, S.L. Barron, Donna Rogers, Jamie Thiers, Denis Rekuta, David Carter, Val Moghadam, Larry . Hannant. L Your letter puts us in a rathel awkward position: if we wish tc avoid being considered a “degen. erate, rotten paper” practising “vul. gar and unscrupulous journalism” we should apologize for printing the material; but by so doing, WE open ourselves to attacks, be. cause certain people on campu: will interpret it as an admissior from us that we printed “racist’ material. We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t! In last week’s paper, in “rat squeaks” we explained our intention in in eluding the picture and cutline. Un fortunately, some - of the univer sity population is convinced tha* they know the real reason behinc its inclusion, and will believe nothing else. If you want me tc say that I’m sorry, all right; I’rr sorry that people have to believe that there is a hidden meaning tc any remark that might be inter preted more than one way. Bu if you want me to apologize fol my intent, that I cannot do, because I intended nothing-to be apologet ic ab%out. -r.b. burtor An interesting side note : couldn’t help noticing that 8 oi the 55 names were staff member: or supporters of the free chevron After our second issue came ou last term, we heard that the pa per did not “recognize” our exis tence. Now they’re sending u! letters !
Lint collectors Men swimming at Cornell Uni versity are instructed not to wea suits because of accumulates lint in the filter system, but wher a group of Cornell women chose to swim nude during a reguja Friday night swimming perioo complaints were filed against then by the school’s safety division The issue became a major topi, of discussion at the next trustee meeting, but was not picked up b major news service. Jhc any news <s, of course, that. women can absorb lint!
To The Staff and “Burden” of “Real Chevron”: Although we are angered by your
PAPERBACKS? There’s only specialist...
32 QUEEN ST. S., KITCHENER (next Walper Hotel)
the real chevron
21, 1977
It should be noted that almost half of Radio Waterloo’s staff objetted to the publication of the schedule in the Real Chevron. Radii Waierloo (CKMS) broadcasts in stereo on Grand River Cable FM at 94.1. Our broadcasting hours for the month of January.are 3 pm to 3 am (January 5th - 8th). noon to 3 am (January 9th - 16th) and 9 am to 3 am (January 17th - 31st). This schedule lists only feature programning.
6:00 pm 6: 15 pm
I 1:45
Radio Waterloo News Towards 1984 On January 2 1st we feat,ure‘ a talk by Mr. Mipanik from the Canadian Civil iiberties Association on What is a ‘Civil Liberty’?. As racism and discrimination appear to be increasing in all areas of society, viola. tion of civil liberties is an important issue. pm Hockey - On Jantary 2 1st, live from the Waterloo Arena, Waterloo vs. Western. pm Radio Waterloo News
Sunday January 23rd 1:OO pm Mon Pays/My Country - This is a bicultural programme, presented in a format. The magazine programme focusses on French and English Canadian music, literature and politics. ‘International politics will also form part of the programme, with an emphasis on French and
sentative for ZANU in English Canadian reactions to international poliCanada gives some histical developments. torical background to the 6:00 pm Live From The Slaughsituation in Zimbabwe ant teihouse - Recorded at discusses current events the Slaughterhouse, a cofthere. fee house in Aberfoyle, Ontario, these piogra.m9:00 pm Visions - These programmes feature American mes feature some of Ontario’s finest musicians. and British recording artists and include both 7:00 pm Greek Student Promusic and interview. On gra mme January 25th the pro9:30 pm Live From The CC Coffeehouse Pending gramme features Ameri\ can recording artist Billy permiision, we will be broadcasting live from Joel. ~ the Coffeehouse in the 11:45 pm Radio Waterloo News Campus Centre. January 23rd will feature Brent Wednesday January 26th ’ ’ 5:00 pm Octoberkon - Recorded Titcomb. at the first Sc‘ience Fiction Conference to be held in Monday January 24th 5:oo the Kitchener-Waterloo pm Public Affairs -at the area, this programme Centre -On January 24th, the programme will be on features a series of panels on science fiction. On Solar Enekgy. Premier January 26th the proAlex Campbell of Prince Edward Island discusses gramme looks at Science Fiction Movies. The conhis province’s commitference was sponsored ment to alternative energy by Watsfic. sources; Dr. John Todd, 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News Director of the New Alchemy Institute: talks 6:15 pm Perspectives - Perspecabout the ark that the tives is a programme . Institute set up in P.E.I. which provides a balanced it is self-sufficient in genview of facts and points erating energy, growing of view to provide an food, recycling wastes understanding of major and providing shelter for ’ issues before the United four people; and Frank Nations, including recordHooper, President of En. ings from meetings. On virogetics Ltd. and proJanuary 26th Kurt Waldfessor of mechanical enhei m’s re-election as gineering at the UniverSecretary General of the sity of Toronto discusses United Nations is the the feasibility of using topic of discussion. solar energy in Ontario. 8: 15 pm Basketball - On January 26th. Waterloo vs Brock. 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 9:00 pm Musikanada Inter11:45 pm Radio Waterloo News views with, and music Thursday January’27th from some of Canada’s finest , recording artists 5:30 pm Radio Waterloo Sports Report - Hosted by Gary form the basis for this Fick and Ian Hanna, this programme. On the 24th programme examines the featured artist is Ken campus sports including Tobias. scores, interviews and 1 1:45 pm Radio Waterloo News information-about upcoming sports events. Tuesday January 25th * 6:00 p’in Radio Waterloo News 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 6: 15 pm World Around US - On 8:OO pm Hockey - Live from Guelph, Waterloo vs. the-25th. we look at the Guelph. situation in Zimbabwe. Mr. A. Chidida, the repre- 1 1:45 pm Radio Waterloo News
me to your larder”
Star Trek was one of the toprated shows during its entire run on T.V. ; there is talk now, as therg:. has been for the last couple of years, of making a full-length mdvie of the science-fiction series; there are Star Trek comic books; there is a regular Saturday morning cartoon show; and the entire adventure collection has been put into paperback form, as “Logs”. But what has to be the low point in the Star Trek history occurs on February 2, when the 15th. annual FASS show opens for another run (from the critics). The theme for this year’s FASS (Faculty, Administration, Staff, and Students) is, of course, that up-to-now popular series. Heather Nyland, a five-year veteran of the satirical revue of UW life, said, “The cast is smaller than &her years, perhaps about 40-50 people. But the overall campus reaction to ‘FASS is not like it used to be; there used to be lineups at 5:00 p.m. on opening nights, but there’s too much competition
from other things how. The Drama Department is much -&larger and there’s so much else going on, because the school’s gotten so large.” The best show, according to Nyland, has traditionally been the 10:00 p.m. show, Friday, when the cast is loose from the first show, and a lot of the audience has been to the pub. Nevertheless, despite popular request, the show will go on. The Wednesday and Thursday night shows are $1.50 each admission, with the Friday and Saturday night shows going for $1.75. Shows begin at 8:00 p.m.:, except for Friday, when there are two shows; one at 7:00, and one at 9: 00. .I r.b.‘burton !* ’
Iti”’ i&%&g with the nonsensical nature of the production, it has been suggested that the, ballots for th’at day’s Presidential’ election should be counted o’n stage during intermission, since. the Chief Returnina Office? is a cast mem-
. “Mr.
- scoffed,i I from SCI-Sot ,, .j,
Optometry StudentAssociation lectures
Dr.Robert Morrison holder of the first patents on
Associate Professor, Pennsylvania \ College of Optometry Assistant Profes$gr of Opthamology
New York Medical College
The value of a diamond is based on quality, not quantity. Expert cutting brings out the fir& and radiance of even the smallest diamond. Color and clarity is a major factor too. Let us show you what determines the quality deep in the heart of your diamond.
- page 3
Monday,January24 8:OOp.m. Optometry LectureHall (OPT347) . Sponioredby the llpl~metryStudentsAssociation and the Boardof Education Federationof Students .
Vol. 3. no. 1
c ,
* m
page 4 -the
real chevron
21, I.977
Rad Wat, Engineers and OFURG >get theirs cont.
p. 1
quest, Hannant and Mike Dillon were appointed by Council to draw up a plan of action to deal with the tuition hikes. Council awarded $5,000 to Radio Waterloo for the purchase of a transmitter so that more students can make use of their service. A motion which would provide $300 to the engineering student garage was forwarded to the Treasury Council for a recommendation. The Birth Control Centre, after considerable discussion which saw an amazing agreement between Hannant and CRG member Thompson, received emergency funding to continue their service on campus. In addition, the Warrier Band received
a grant of $300 for the purchase of new instruments. Council recommended to the Board of Governors that the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) conduct a refereaum on their request for a one dollar fee increase. OPIRG had gone to the Board of Governors for a request and this request had been forwarded to Students’ . Council. Three hours into the meeting, the CRG motions were ready to be dealt with. At this point free chevron supporters Donna Rogers and Larry Hannant got up and walked out, thus breaking quorum. Heather Robertson was left to call quorum, saying that everything
Your choice of the following items Pepperoni Mushrooms Bacon Olives Ha& Green Peppers Ground. Beef ,Hot Peppers Double Cheese Onions
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important had been dealt with. Thus motions to create a ri%nthly journal of Politics, Education, Science and the Arts; to study the feasibility of improving the accessibility of Federation files to students; to publicly post agendas and meeting times of Students’ Council meetings; to give the power to call meetings to the speaker and a third of council, in addition to the president; to require a minimum of one meeting of the committee of presidents each month; to create a new executive portfolio called Society Liaison Officer to strea.mline Society-Federation communication; and one to accede to the Grad Club’s request that they be removed from membership in the Federation of Students all died on the floor. John Long, Math rep and founding member of the CRG said that this technique was highly reprehensible. (His language was actually much stronger). Long said that .the CRG first drafted these motions in December and have enough votes for them to be accepted by Council, but “since they don’t have thirteen members, they cannot make quorum by ourselves. “We sit there and listen to all their garbage and vote on their motions, then when ours come up they just walk out. That’s their idea of democracy and I don’t like it. They complain about the Fed-
/ CAMPUS by Chaplain
-@ERY SUNDAY MORNING “11 a.m. Room 373 Humanities Hall, U of W Theme: Pictures
of the future
eration lacking direction and then arrogant elitism. they pull stunts like this. I’m They claim to be defending the ready to give up. It’s time to take basic interests of the students, they this issue to the students.“’ ’ claim to provide some sort of ‘revDoug Thompson, also a founding olutionary’ leadership but all they member of the CRG and the Intedo is flaunt the will of the students, grated Studies rep on council, and be it at council or be it on a referacting leader of the party on Sun- endum. The chevron was closed by day in the absence of Bruce Ror- a vote of 19-2 (9.5-l) in Council. rison whose car broke down in The referendum ratified that Toronto, had harsh words for the action by a vote of 2,276 to 224, free chevron when they walked (10-l) yet they keep insisting that out of the meeting. this action should not have been taken, that it should be undone, “I just wish every student on this campus could see this stunt.” that the unquestionable wishes of he-said. “I don’t know what these the students be ignored in order to suit their purposes. Every time the folks mean by the word democracy, but I resent being called Federation tries to do something constructive they stand in the way. ‘undemocratic and arbitrary’ when they, boycott referenda They are like a bunch of children, because they know they’ll lose, saying “If you won’t play my way boycott meetings when they know I’ll take my ball and go home.” they won’t get their way, and President McLellan hopes to call generally obstruct anyone who another meeting soon and said the does not agree with them. ‘DemoCRG motions will receive priorcracy’ to the free chevron means ity. - chih kang’s-tu getting their own way. I call that (see letters, page 2)
ence denomination with distincWhat does freedom to be yourself really mean ? What does it tion as Manager of the Board of require of the individual? Lectureship. He isxurrently on an Thomas -A. McClain, C.S.B., of extensive tour. Chicago will ask these questions “Riding Easy in the Harness” in a talk on campus on Tuesday, ’ is the title of his talk here, which January 25. is open to the campus public at There is a “way of freedom and no charge. fulfillment for each one of us,” , Mr. McClain will tell his audience. Fair to middlin A well-known Christian Science lecturer and teacher, he will speak The Campus Centre is holding in the Campus Centre, Room 135 another of its Crafts Fairs next at 3:30 p.m. under the auspices of week, January 24-28. the Christian Science OrganizaThe various stalls and booths -tion at UW. will be open for business from Mr. McClain has given more lo:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., in than 1,000 public talks in some the Great Hall of the CC. 40 countries. He is also known These Fairs, a monthly “regfor his participation in a number ular” during the Fall and Winof internationally-released teleter terms, are sponsored by the Campus Centre Board, in an vision and radio programs. Mr. McClain was in the newseffort to provide unique crafts at prices not paper business in Louisville be- to the students available anywhere else, as fore entering the healing ministry of Christian Science in 1950. well as to provide students and others an opportunity to sell the He became a Christian Science objects d’art that they have teacher in 1964. produced. He’ .first joined The Christian Anyone wishing to set up a Science Board of Lectureship in 1962, after serving as Assistant to stall in some future Fair should Susan Phillips of the the Xanaeer of the Department of contact Board, through Branches and Practitioners. He Campus Centre also served in the Christian Sci- the turnkeys’ desk.
We,d. - Sat.
the real chevron
21, 1977
Students The free chevron’s demand hat it b,e re-instated as the oficial student newspaper was tuned down by an overwhelmng majority of UW students in he referendum last week. The ote on the crucial question seven oncerning reinstatement was 24 in favour, 2,276 opposed. The ten to one plurality is artly explained by the free hevron’s request to their suporters to boycott the referenurn. However, it is doubtful that he result would have been afected had the boycott campaign ot been conducted. According to Bruce Rorrison, nember of the Campus Reform froup and recently-resigned from he Federation executive, the loytiott was organized because he free chevron knew it did not .ave enough support to win. All hey could hope for, said Rorrion, was to obstruct the. demoratic process enough to call ny result into question. HowNver, the plurality won by the ree chevron’s critics is so huge hat any attempt to credit it o a so-called “slanted” question s rather absurd, according to / lorrison. The turnout at the polls was 8.3 per cent. That is just a Nouple of points below the aver,ge turnout at Federation elecions and may provide some ;uide as to the success of the boycott campaign. The referendum campaign aw intensive efforts on the Iart of the free chevron supportrs to convince voters to stay lway from the polls. A special ssue of their newspaper and ables set up at most polling tations urged people not to rote. The campaign conducted on rating day has been called a lirect contravention of election by-laws by speaker of Council, lobert White. The by-laws tate that all campaign ‘material nust be removed 24 hours beore the polls open. They also rohibit direct campaigning _. on. lection days. Acting Federation President
*put Chevron
Dave McLellan issued his ,own statement, a gestetner 8?4 x 11” sheet urging students to vote. Also, the, Campus Reform Group published a similar sheet urging students to support democracy and turn out at the polls. But that was about the limit of campaign efforts by those who supported the referendum. When more than 10 per cent of eligible voters cast ballots in a referendum, the results are legally binding, according to Federation by-laws. Other than deciding to not re-instate the chevron,’ the referendum has established new guidelines for the operation of a student-funded campus newspaper. The referendum gives Students’ Council the role of publisher, including the provision and administration of - funds, hiring and firing of staff, and rules by which staff operates. This may be done by Council directly or through a body directly responsible to Council. But editorial control will be the jurisdiction of another body, this one directly elected by students with the express purpose of controlling editorial content. That will be its only job. In addition to President and. Students’ Council, students will now be called upon to elect a publications board which will be the policy-setting body for the paper. In question 6, the referendum determined that only feepaying members of the Federation may have votes on the paper. Question number two, concerning membership in the Canadian University Press, saw pro-CUP support win out by a margin of some 500 votes. But this does not mean automatic membership in CUP. That organization accepted the free chevron as a voting member in its December conference, and ejected the real chevron editor, representing the Federation of Students. That action left a bitter taste in the mouths of many Council members, which may\ affect
ball in Council’s
future voting on the membertions across the country. The ent opinion of students on this ship question. lesson is that student newspacampus that there must be On the other hand; however, pers and ,student organizations avenues of iappeal for those it remains to be seen as to must be responsive to and rewho are displeased by the paper whether CUP will accept the spectful of the wishes of their and that a publicly-funded body membership of a future chevconstituents. “When a paper must be accountable to that ron under the editorial control is used as .a platform to expound public through elected bodies. of a body outside of the staff of one’s own views, whatever they It seems unlikely, however, the paper, since this contravenes may be, the populace is going that CUP will abandon their the CUP Standing Resolutions : to be resentful,” said Thompson. own position in the face of a “That the Canadian student CUP might seem to be in a single defeat, albeit at one of the press should be free from, pres- . bind that I would require very country’s largest universities. sure by students governments, capable leadership to get out What is possible, though, is university authorities, or any of. They have already decided that other students’ councils other external authorities, whethto support the _ free chevron, across Canada will follow the er or not the press is a. part of- only to find that this alliance lead of Waterloo and establish such an organization.. .” is embarrassing in the presence clear lines of appeal and acDouglas Thompson, member of an almost total ‘lack of supcountability from the paper to of Students’ Council for Inte- ‘port for the paper on campus. the students. grated Studies and a founding Combined with this is their The last question on the refmember of the Campus Reform belief that the student press erendum concerned the by-elecGroup, said he has already been should exist outside of the nortion possibility following Roberts’ in touch with CUP to “sound out mal channels of political acdeparture from office. The retheir reaction to the referencountability ; that the press sult called for McLellan to serve dum.” Thompson said he asked must be free to do anything it out the remainder of Roberts’ CUP to participate officially or deems appropriate. term, until March 1,1977. informally in the .efforts to draw This differs from the appar- r.b. burton up new by-laws for a student newspaper, but that CUP was less than enthusiastic. According to - Thompson, Tom Benjamin of CUP felt that the paper had been closed down initially because it was political. “Benjamin felt this was a bad precedent because a lot of student papers -* are political” said It ,is honestly possible to become an Thompson “and I can see CUP’s accredited physician, and overcome the fear that what has happened at Waterloo could happen anymedical weed-out system. where.” But Thompson added that “the real substance of this Physician’s eye-opening methods fully issue involves an effort by the students who fund the paper, explained. _ first through their students’ Council and now through whatSatisfaction guaranteed or money refunde ever comes out of the referendum, to- exercise some influence upon the paper. Why should Send $7:98 to:’ people be forced to pay for something that a majority of them do not want, just because the staff, or CUP, or some politician thinks it’s good for them?” Thompson feels that a lesson has- been learned at Waterloo . that may have important rami-’ fications for student organiza-
“BACKDOORS TO MEDICINE” 2409 S. Monroe St. Tauahassee, Florida, USA 32301 d
Presidential Candidat.e Opens Forums4
i Thursday,
January 12:30
Suspense! Mystery!:-. ‘-.: stranger
$5.50 (Students/Seniors Tickets at Main Box Office, 254 Modern Languages Bldg., UW Campus
Environmental building]
Engkeering - E4
January’31 12:30
$3.00) t
of studies
27 ES
[basement Studies
rAn exciting new mystery drama based on the actual documented Baldoon ‘Mysteries of the Wallaceburg area in the 1830’s. A world of witches, flying silver bullets, strange phenomena... complete with songs and dances of the period, puppets and marionettes for special effects. A taut and scary thriller designedto entertain the entire family!
Humanities Theatre, University of Waterloo .. a p.m.
the candidates will be pre-senting thernsmelves t-o the stu-d.ent body and answering questions
p.m. [3rd
Math Lounge floor Math building]
p.m. CC [Campus
Great Hail Centre]
page 6 - the real chevron
by request
mav kt J
A group of K-W doctors, lawto Planned Parenthood and althat, among its counselling seryers and clergymen has organlow most of their contribution vices for contraception, it reized a petition demanding that to go to Federated Appeal for fers pregnant women to doctors Planned Parenthood be rein- . distribution among its member who will perform abortigns. stated as a member of the Fedorganizations. However, the agency says that erated Appeal in 1978. The petition committee inless than 10 per cent of its counThe petition will be circulated eludes Rev. Al Baetz, St. Stephselling involves pregnant womto obtain signatures, and donaen’s Lutheran church; I Rev. en, and an even smaller percenttions of $1 will be requested to Frank Morgan, Trinity United age would involve discussions finance a campaign to force the church; Rev. Cliff Plant, Christ on abortion. appeal to reinstate Planned Parthe King United church; Rev. Supporting the decision, apFred Zinck, St. Matthew’s Luenthood. peal president Steve Menich said “Planned Parenthood is a mortheran church; lawyers Coulter a poll of the organization’s memal, useful and valuable group in Osborne and James Neebd gynber agencies showed eight fasaid Dr. Derek ecologists Dr. Irene Hain, and this community,” vored dropping Planned ParWyse, a Kitchener allergist and Dr. John O’Brien; and televienthood and six were opposed. the main organizer of the pro- sion hostess Betty Thompson. There are 29 agencies in the apThe petition says the attack test. excluding Planned Parpeal, &cording to the organization on Planned Parenthood ‘was enthood. committee, which includes four “distorted, exaggerated and However, many people opposKitchener ministers, three .doc- destructive,” and the organizers ing the appeal’s decision, includtors and two lawyers, the issue “deplore the fact that these ating members of the petition comis not abortion, but the manner tacks have turned the’ field of mittee, insist that it was made in which the organization was charity into a battleground.” to appease the Right-to-Life dumped by Federated Appeal. In a 26-14 vote Dec. 9, the organization, an anti-abortion The petition does not discourappeal’s board of directors degroup that lobbied against Fedage support to the appeal, in- tided to oust - the organization erated Appeal because funds stead, it asks that people ear- for its stand on abortion. were to be distributed to what it mark a portion of their donation Planned Parenthood admits considered .*..............................*.................................................................................... . . . . . . . . to. . . .be . . . .a. . .pro-abortion . . . . . . . . . . .. ...................................................._................................._...................... ......-............-......................................._.........................................._.........._..-......._..._.........._.........................*............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . .-......... . . ... ... . . . . . . .
Federation of Students
%Nominations for the positions of representatives to Students’ BCouncil for the academic year 1977-78 open on THURSDAY, $$JANUARY 27, 1977 and close on THURSDAY, $$ February 3, 1977 ‘at 4:30 p.m.
b’.‘. .*A*.
$$ Nomination
forms are available from Helga Petz in the office located in the Campus Centre, Room 235, and be returned to that office by 4:30 p.m. February 3. .
,*.*. f... I’... ta.*. * \ t.... ,*t* B..‘. Election Committee .*.*. ,*.*. .i.....................................*.........................................................................:-~ . . . . . . . . . . . ..*..........................................................................................................‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. . . . . . . . ..~...~.-~...-.. .-.- .-.-. ~.~.-.~.-..*~~~.~*-=-=~*-~~*. _ - -.m.e.A...m...-.e.e. -.-.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. _l ~*~~~=~*~~~.~.~*~~~~.~.~~=~=~=.~.*..~~.~~=~~~*~ ... l
I -II .
January 21,
group. “My opposition is that Planned Parenthood was dropped on the grounds that one group had raised a sufficient fuss... and this is not grounds to drop an organization,” Dr. Morgan said. The petition started circulating Friday and those signing will have their names published in an advertisement in The Record at the end of the month to coincide with the appeal’s campaign for funds. The petition was printed at St. Matthew’s Church and distributed by members of the organization committee. . Dr. Wyse says that the appeal’s decision will cost every charitable organization money because many people in the -cornmunity have decided not to support any organization this year. “The directors placed expedience above justice... and the (appeal) organization will be subject to future attacks,” said Dr. Wyse, who has practised medicine in Kitchener for 22 years. ’ “I’m not a wide-eyed radical, but I’m outraged by the tactics of extremists on the other side of the fence. I’m not attacking the churches or the Right-to-Life people. Unfortunately it’s going to split the community,” Dr. Wyse said. Mr. Zinck says the appeal “made a mistake by submitting to pressures from one *group in the community.” 0.0. l .*. He says that reports stating l .*. l .*. l .*. that the Lutheran Church supported the move to oust Plan.$ .*.*. were not true. 0.0. ned“WeParenthood no.*. are in defence of them,” 0.0. 0.0. l .*. he said. “That doesn’t mean that .*... ..*. we agree wholeheartedly with ..*‘. l .-. l .*. everything they do. The exag5’. .*.*. gerated claim that Planned Parl .*. enthood is pro-abortion is very ‘% ..‘* wrong. l .*. l .*. “They let. one group push l .*. ..‘* 5.. them (the appeal) around and *a*. l .*. there is a backlash. They’re go.‘... 0.0. .*.*. ing to find out whether or not :t. .*.*. 1 hey made a mistake.” . . . The petition states that Planned Parenthood “is not a proabortion group.” Dr. Wyse says that while many mav dispute this statement, “we feei it isn’t... t’s a matter of definition. “The real anger is over the lersecution of one group that ‘*. ... .
is doing a lot of good in the community. We want to heal the wounds created by this for the good of Federated Appeal,” Dr. Wyse said. The petition asks that people print the word “justice” across their donation cards to signify the protest. The petition asks that Federated Appeal, in reporting its collections, publish the amount raised under protest. The petition reads in part: “We are dismayed at the expulsion of Planned Parenthood by the directors of Federated Appeal in response to these attacks, placing expediency above justice. They have placed the appeal into doubt as to its representing the community as a whole and have made) it vulnerable to attack from any vocal group in the future.” Mr. Zinck said that the funds collected will be used “to make a very public protest in the community” by those who berieve the appeal will suffer from the alleged injustice shown Planned Parenthood. He said that the protest actually started before the Dec. 9 decision, “but we didn’t have enough support at the time.. . it was a little late to stop it.” Mr. Zinck said that a meeting of the St. Matthew’s Church council “voted unanimously to prothe ousting of Planned test” Parenthood. “Tolerance is the big word,” Dr. Wyse said. “We’re dismayed by the intolerance that exists here. The major issue is tolerance for those within our society that we disagree with. We have to learn to tolerate those we don’t agree with.” The petition is being circulated by people approved by the committee. Those signing are asked to include their occupation and address for publication. Judy Chernysh, president of Planned Parenthood, said that the organization is also planning its own fund-raising campaign to help finance its operation. It needs $30,000. It had requested $3,000 from the appeal. Dr. Robert McClure, former moderator of the United Church of Canada, is to help kick-off the campaign at the agency’s fifth anniversary dinner at the Walper Hotel Feb. 8. - d. mccurdy
regarding a change in
the departure location for the TORONTO EXPRESS BUSES
Motor Hotel w 871 Victoria St. N. - 744-3511 Every Wednesday is Singles Night
The Toronto Express Buses will no longer depart froni the PAC driveway. Effective
IIimmediatelythe buses will board and depart from the* II II
IIMath‘ building
service road locat’ed on the north
(formerly- of -Myles S Lenny
ft side of the Math and Computer Centre.
. Coming Soon:
Federation Board
of Students
of Co-op
DOUGLAS (A tribute , to Elvis) Amateur Night every Tues.
the real ghevron
21, 1977
ht mid &y which offers few S-urprises or A Day, At The Races, or A Night At The Opera, Part 2, challenges, but manages to proappears to be the second in a vide forty minutes of entertainline of what will probably be ing progressive pop music. very similar looking and soundThe major difference between albums. Following ing Queen -Day and Night can be heard the million plus sales of their on the iatest single “Somebody last album, the group has now To Love.” Here, Queen has delivered a reasonable facsimile, chosen to adorn a relatively
straight ahead pop number with the mock operatic arrangement which suited ‘f Bohemian Rhapsody” so well. However, unlike the latter, the content of the new single bears no relation at all to the production, and is obviously just another attempt to come up with a safe
duction from Roy Thomas Baker). and successful follow-up. In fact, most of the songs on the album bear a striking resemblance to selections from A Night At .The Opera: “White Man” is a less successful excursion into the style of Brian May’s ambitious “The Prophet’s Song; ” the opening cut, “Tie Your Mother Down” echoes the hard sound of “Death On Two Legs” ; “Long Away” evokes the exceptional acoustic based ” ‘39”; anh “The Millionaire Waltz” and “Good Oldwith a number on it, to record Fashioned Lover ! Boy” are who bought which item. further examples of the humorThe prices of the art range ous 1930’s-influenced ’ ‘Lazing from $30 to “several thousand”, On A Sunday Afternoon” and according to Bryan, so students ’ with a limited bank account can “Seaside Rendezvous.” The twe exceptional cuts on purchase an authentic work of A Day At The Races, which art for a modest amoui%, represent successful departures During the preview, a pianist proven formulas, are will play on a grand piano. At from pro8:00, those present will be ask- softer and less elaborately (Queen has ed to leave, so they can set up duced numbers. now completely _taken over profor the actual auction. The price for tickets ,is $3.00, which includes a catalogue of the works, and refreshmknts in the form of sandwiches and coffee. There is a limit of 275 people, since this is all that room on the stage will allow. Hagey Lecture ticket holders There will be 140-160 items are advised to be in their seats of the Howard Mann Arts Cen- by 8:00 p.m. each’ evening; all tre International Collection, plus the tickets are gone, and it is 20 items of Canadian origin. the policy of the Series’ organLocal artists represented in the izers to start admitting standauction are Jim Tughan from by ticket holders at that time. New Hamburg, and Bruce Herchenrader, f rom Ki tchener . Proceeds from the auction are divided evenly between the Performing Arts Fund and the a 25inchcolourTV Art Gallery Permanent Fund. Any further information can $18 per month all inclusive be received from Marlene Bryan at extension 2126. - r-h. burton no long term contracts
Freddie Mercury’s “You Take My Breath Away” is a remarkable ballad which contrasts the cornball romanticism of the lyrics (“Every time you make a move/You destroy my mind... Anywhere you go, I’ll be right behind you/Right until the ends of the earth. ..” ) with Mercury’s breathy vocal, while the understated and intimate arrangement creates . a perfect balance between the serious content and the light delivery. The closing cut, Brian May’s ’ ‘Teo Torriate” (Japanese for “Let Us Cling Together” ), is another romantic ballad with a memorable melody and subtle production. The chorus is simple (“...In the quiet of the night/Let our candle always burn...“) and sincerely sung, and the song climaxes in a child-like sing-along which does more for the tune than all of the falsetto operatic take-offs the group can muster. A Day At The Races is a highly listenable record, which will likely be enjoyed by anyone who bought A Night At The Operd. The album shows that Queen can do what they .want to do extremely <well; however, they have the potential to do so much more, and hopefully will tackle a wider range of material on future albums. m
Art auction .next week The audience will be the show, next Wednesday, January 26, when the Performing Arts Centre holds its Art auction in the %Humanities Theatre. Instead of sitting in the theatre seats, as most audiences do, they will take part in- the auction from chairs placed on the stage, where the auction will take place. From 3:00-8:00 p.m. there: will be a preview of all the works
on display-. According to Marlene Bryan, one of the organizers, “We would like to consider it an exhibition, since people don’t often get to see the quality of work available throughout the world.” The auctioning procedure itself will not be any different than regular art auctions, or many country auctions. Those present will bid, the highest buying and holding up a card
Ernst von Bezolt, tree - chevron staff member, read the contents of a writ of possession for room 140 of the campus centre, the Chevron office space, at last week’s referendum meeting. It was dated January 5, 1977, 20 names”, and listed “about according to President Dave McLellan. “I don’t remember all of the names off-hand”, he said, “and I don’t have a copy. But the list includes at least three Council members. “The lawyer contacted us on January 4,” said McLellan, “saying that the writ had been prepared, but I told him that I would have tb think about it, before it was served. I phoned him back the next day, and itwent through the courts that An.7. ” ucly The people named on the writ have twenty days to answer, or
Flowers The Second Annual Scarlet Snowball Plant Contest is being held on February 10, 1976, at Renison College. There are four categories open to entrants : 1. Most Beautiful Plant 2. Best-Cared-for-Plant 3. Most Eccentric Plant 4. Most Beautiful Yellow Chrysanthemum Students of Renison may enter twice, on the college and the university level, since the college is one of the sponsors of the affair. . Other sponsors or supporters of the show aye the free chevron, the UW Chinese Students Association, and Ivey’s Flower Shop. Anyone interested can obtain further information from Kiyohire Yamamoto (884-0429)) Linda Wang (885-0463)) or Janice Young wr.b. burton ( 884-9556 ) .
the Federation has legal grounds for any eviction. discussed ‘ ‘The Federation many alternatives with its lawyer last term. This was the one eventually decided on, because it gives the option of executing the writ or stopping the action, depending on the results of the referendum. ” When asked if the figure mentioned by von Bezolt of $1000 was answered, accurate, McL$llan “That sounds reasorable; I think the estimate was somewhere around there.” The basic premise for the action, according to McLellan, is the fact that the staff has refused to c+operate in the past, and the writ gives the Federation the legal grounds on w&ich to act, outside of the Federition Bv-laws. -r.b. burton ”
Fast accurate typing, page. I6 M Sele&c.Call anytime.
cents a 884-69 13
Lost: Man’s ring, . silver m.with . silver wire ornamentation. Also Key on leather keychain and Spotmatic 11 camera. Call 744-8434. *** For sale: poster distributor ha& large selection of posters and reproductions for sale at cost. For more information, phone 884-8438. *** Saxophonist urgently needed to pe,r- ’ form in March dance-concert rehearskals - Friday afternoons, 4:30 p.m. Start immediately. Call Diana, 8842503 ***
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Graduate, Club
Special rates to U W Students
to be held on
cancer ned res ponsi ve
THURS. JAN.27/77 at 7:30 pm in AL 116
Classif ied Kinesiology Students Association needs a general typist. Pay is 50’ per page. Contact Cathy at 8843744
-john y. sakamoto
(upon availability)
- page 7
70 Moore
of Moore
& Allen) Refreshments will be served at the Grad Club after th.,emeeting.
743-3414 8850790
Plea& note: the Grad Club will be closed during the meeting.,
)r 0.
Mother with one child, looking for same to share accommodation. Nonsmoker. Phone 579-6777.
To and from Toronto International Airport Departs Uni. Ave. Kiosk, U. of W.
5:lO 1O:lO 2:lO 7:lO
a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.
Arrives Airport
6:35 11:35 3:35 I 8:35
per, person
for further Airport , ,&,‘>
Departs Airport
a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.
750 11:50 4:50 8:50
a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.
9:15 1:lk 6:15 lo:15
a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
This service is in addition to our door to door Airport Transportation Service
one way
information Tra’nsportation
Arrives u. of w.
contact United Trails, Service, 578-0110
Pick Up Areas Return Flights ARRIVALS LEVELS
Teiminal No. 1; Toronto Ground Transportation Booth at Baggage Carousel
Terminal No. 2, Toronto Air Canada Ground Transportation Booth, Module “E”
huat-y 21, 1977
page 8 - the real chevron
It’s still possible
to sweep, schuss trek a. and paddle
clubs you can still get involved in Athletic Clubs form a large their programs. part of the Intramural program 5-pin bowling meets every Sunand even if you missed the organizational meeting for any of the 8. day night at the Waterloo Bowling Lanes from 8:30-iO:30 pm. The cost is $1.50 per week. The club has approximately 37 memvote for a bers with usual ratio of about l/3 the female variety. They can accommodate more members so concerned responsiveif you are- interested contact Dave Potje at 743-2555 or Ron Hope at 885-6184. The club has organized.a league on- Sunday nights with 5 members per team and as many teams as possible. There are awards presented at the end of the term for low and high average for both federation men and women. The teams are mixed and fun is emphasized in the program. In addition to the regular Sunday night league. the club is running the Letterman Award Tournament even if you’re not a club member. Each team plays 3 games. The entry date for this tourney is Mon. Jan. 31 in the intramural office 2040 PAC. The Bowling Club also enters a team ON in the Conestoga College Tournament; 3 girls and 3 guys will take FEB 2 part on Feb. 23 at Waterloo Bowl-
ing Lanes. The Curling Club has about 50 members that compete 3 nights a week at the Granite Club. There are 2 nights for mixed curlers, Monday 4-6 pm and Thursday The men’s 10:30. - 12:30 pm. league is on Tuesday 10: 30-12: 30 You can curl -as much as Pm. you want; there is no experience necessary and to promote togetherness the teams are simply drawn from a hat. The Granite. Club is licensed which allows for a social gathering of sorts ( ? ) after the games. The curling club could use a few more members and president Ken Lynch reminds us that there is a fully subsidized party at the end> of term. The Club also runs the Silver Boot Curling Tournament (a men’s only tournament) on Sat. Feb. 5 at the Elmira Curling Club; only 8 teams are accepted to play 3 games each. Sign up for this tourney before Mon. Jan. 31 if you’re interested. In March, the Club runs an Invitational Mixed Tournament, club teams from other Universities are invited to compete in this tournament. The Ski Club is off to another great start having just returned from a fantastic weekend trip in Vermont. You can join for $5.00
- 0
This past -weekend of Jan. 15 marked the first indoor track meet of 1977 for most of the Waterloo track team. The team competed in the weekly All-comers meet held at the CNE’s Industrial Building in Toronto. In the women’s 50m event Faye Blackwood ran a very fast 6.2 to finish first. This is a very good time and Faye is expected to place well _at the OWIAA finals in March. In the men’s 50m Jeff Mohun came through with a second place fin: 6.0 seconds. Michael ish in Steele was 7th with a 6.1 second effort. Sprinter Steve Keating failed to make the final , after i pulling a muscle at the finish of the semi-final while posting a 6.2 sec. time.
PM 13” Ail students & faculty invited to attend.
Know YGur Maker You are
to TUESDAY, Bring and
a friend, appetite
to an
finest held
a favorite for
UWO loses final
- 9pm.
recgrding, old
home - baking.
100 pork
st kit.
Dft. HANS SELYE Monday, --d 3:00 Board
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of Educution,
In the 600m event we had 3 the long jump for the second entrants. one woman and two. and 13.77m in the triple jump men. ’ Sandra Ford posted a for &other second place finish, time of 1:45.3 (a personal best) Other athletes entered but to finish eleventh in the womhad no available times for their en’s section. Paul Dowhaniuk events. They were; Al Baigent ran a strong race to finish 7th in the 3000m, and George Lomoverall in the men’s 600m with aga in the 50m. Special thanks a time of 1:27.8 - (a personal is given to John Doyle who best ). Don McQueen finished a passedup his chakce to run the strong fifth in the 600m heats 6OOm race so that he could tape wit a time of 1:32.0. the ankles of the other 600m Tk ‘e men’s 1200m had two com- runners from Waterloo. (John petitors from Waterloo. Howie would also like to say hello to Saunders had a personal best his mother and father again ). of 3:08.0 while finishing 7th. Besides the All-comers Meets Gary Crossly finished 9th with in Toronto, other track meets a time of 3:11.5. Waterloo was coming up will be the #York Unirepresented in the men’s 300m versity Meet, Jan. 23; Eastern race by Steve Peet who finishMichigan University, Jan. 29; ed with a time of 924.0. Toronto Star Games at Maple In the field events Gord Rob- Leaf Gardens, Feb. 11; 91st ertson was Waterloo’s only comHighlanders Meet in Hamilton,. Feb. 19; Ontario Senior Champetitor. Besides Faye Blackwood and Jeff Mohun, Gord- was the pionships, Jan 26; and the OUAAMarch 55. only other person to place in the OWIAA Championships, top three. Gord jumped 6.32m in -don mcqueen
2nd floor
pm, Fri. 1: 30-3 : 30 pm. For more information contact Tom Cargill at 886-4855. The Whitewater Club is now part of the Outers Club; they a meet Sundays 4-6 pm. in the PAC pool. There is inctruction on Eskimo Rolls and different techniques in Kayaking; a mold is also available for building your own kayak. Contact Bruce Kennedy at 886-0833 *for more information. Although orienteering is basically a spring, summer and fall organization some things are being planned for this term. The club, a charter member of the Ontario Orienteering Organization is planning a X-Country, snowshoe orienteering course around Laurel Creek near the end of February. Phone Gerry Baycroft at 884-1374 for more information. Next week, Fencing, Rugby, Sailing and Table Tennis Clubs are featured. A reminder that a new event this term is coming up. A doubles tennis tournament will be held for both men and women at Seagrams on Sunday, January 30. Final sign up date is Monday, January 24 in the Intramural Off ice room 2040 PAC. - gary fick.
UW athletesS in runnmg
per term to obtain a reduced rate on all of the trips. However, you can still go on the trips even if you’re not a member. The next trip is on Fri. Jan. 28 to Holiday Valley in N.Y. On Thurs., Feb. 3 they travel north +o Georgian, Peaks. The big trip, though, occurs during reading week; the club has arranged a trip to Mont Ste Anne in Quebec. For only $124.00, a week of fantastic skiing can be had. This price includes transportation from campus to Quebec, daily transportation to the slopes from the luxurious QuebecHilton Hotel right in the heart of Old Quebec City, 5 days of tows, everything except food & booze! To sign up for anylor all of these trips, go to the front desk in the PAC office, or, for more information, contact Vicki Behune at 884-3485. The Outers Club basically provides a service to the university community giving them an opportunity to organize and advertise any member or kinds of trips; newsletters come out frequently to let you know what’s going on. Snowshoes, backpacks, sleeping bags, ensolite pads (for insulation ) cooksets, etc. can be signed out in Red South 1lOlA PAC on Mon. 9:30-11:30 am, Thurs. 1:30-3:30 c
p.m. Federation
of Students
The University of Western Ontario Ladies’ volleyball team entered the tenth annual Waterloo Invitational as one of the pretournament favorites, but it was not enough ‘to stop Sherbrooke from defeating them in a ‘come,from-behind victory in the finals, with scores of 8-15,158,‘and 15-2: This prevented the Western girls from increasing their domi-
Carnival In a special meeting held Wednesday, January 19, the Board of Entertainment decided to initiate a campus-wide Winter Carnival, a new event to the University of Waterloo. The carnival is to be held March 2-6, and is jointly sponsored by BEnt. and the Arts,. yaths, Engineering, Science, E.S.S. and K.S.A. Societies. Some of the proposed events include an ice sculpture contest, ski trip, sleigh rides, field day and casino night. At the time of writing, final details were yet to be worked out. , -Cathy humphries
nation of the event. They had won all but two of the first nine Invitationals, and had won the last five. Waterloo made it to the semifinals before being eliminated by the eventual champions, 15-8, and 15-7. Western won their semi-final, 15-6, and 15-6. Waterloo finished fourth overall, in the round-robin standings, with 12 points, behind Western * and Sherbrooke’, with 16’ and 15 points respectively. Next Tuesday, Western, the current Canadian Champions, come here to meet the Athenas. I
Simmer Film Course in Europe
The Department of Fine Arts will offer a film Course in Europe (London and Paris) this Duration 3 weeks; summer. weight: one full credit. No prerequisite. Students interested please contact: Prof. J. Uhde ext. 3709 or Fine Arts Office ext. 2442 J..B. Number of participants limited