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inside Entertainment Date Squares Coffee
Page 8 page 13 paie
Last week we omittd the source of an article on the Social Consequences of Engineering. This came from chapter 13 of the book, Digital Design with Standard MSI and LSI by Thomas R. Blakeslee.
So you have just moved into your ing bills which were arriving as a result of their efforts to keep the shiny new, sparkling clean. townhouse. After searching for weeks, _ place warm. When you are already paying as . looking at run down apartments much as $350 a month in rent beand overpriced flats, and facing the usual “we don’t want students tween three people the prospect of here”, your troubles are over. Or paying an additional $150 in heating and utilities is far are they? a.. from pldasing. A , Not according to Jim, a fourth The problem with this newly year planning student. Now that the sun is a little kinder, he and his developed area, near Harvard Place, is that the condominiums room mates can sit in the livingare so poorly built that the heat room of their townhouse without literally gushes out of windows, the usual barrage of hockey door jambs, etc.. . How the governsweaters, long johns, wool socks etc.. ment allows this kind of slapstick is a mystery since The problem was, that they just construction is, at the same couldn’t afford the enormous heat- the government
1 no. 15
18, 1977
--- ‘-
time, pushing energy conservation down our throats. Most townhouses in this area are privately owned and the owners, or tenants through the owners, are required to pay an additional fee for grounds maintenance. Pat is a student who got into his townhouse a few years ago and was paying $250 a month. Recently his landlord decided to up the rent by about $100. Pat took his case to the rent review board to appeal it, but the board told him that $350 was an O.K. price considering the fact that everyone else was paying a comparable amount. So, - the price of housing, like everything
Short and sweet not capitulate to any demands of In an unusually short and calm meeting on Sunday, council set a any small group on campus. All sides should be given an equal Commission of Inquiry to investi. hearing. gate the chevron affair. Smylie stated that all students Larry Smylie ( Renison rep. ) on the UW campus are entitled to again stressed the need for an ina gathering of factual evidence. vestigation. This time his speech was ‘“short and sweet”. Smylie emphasized that the Commission Following Smylie’s conclusion, Dave Carter (grad. rep. and free of Inquiry (to be made up of all councillors) was a fact finding chevric), said that the free chevron wanted to present their case, body, an investigative body for both the Federation and the chevon tapes, to all councillors on Tuesron to present their cases. day 15th March in the chevron office. All matters regarding the chevron affair would have to be brought to the Commission, and not to Carter said that the free chevron council. wanted to present their case of why Smylie said that councillors they opposed investigation in the should act as responsible individupast. als, and give both sides a fair Wayne Berthin (Eng. rep ) hearing. He followed, that despite pointed out that this plan was personal feelings, council should faulty as it only presented one side
and not both. Steve Risto (Math coop rep. ), said that the chevron would only negotiate on how to implement their plans, and with that attitude, the free chevron was working against the students and not for them. Said Risto, “council is not trying to smash a free press but to create L a new one”. Smylie’s motion of setting up a council Commission of Inquiry to investigate the chevron affair was accepted 12-7-O. Item 3, regarding reinstatement of the free chevron was ruled out of order because of the motion previously passed. Council then adjourned. - Pattijoy Armoogam %
else, is going up. The advantages of living off campus, in Jim’s opinion, probably outweigh the disadvantages. you can cook Your own food, a mixed blessing at times, establish an aUtOnOmOUS hft?Styk without fifty peering eyes at your door, entertain friends in your own living room,. and of course, you can maintain a more. open perspective on humanity; seeing kids and old people instead of the usual homogeneous mass of act-alike junior intellectuals. There are some things to look for if you are planning your escape from on-campus housing or from life in a seedy sub-standard
type accommodation. Don’t be fooled by the shiny white appearante of your prospective new home. See that the windows close tightly, that the paint is real and not whitewash, check the basement for leaks, and see that the doors close properly. Students cannot be too picky, _ however, since in these times most landlords would prefer to rent to working people, so if you are forced. to take one of these modern matchboxes be prepared to dish out some extra bread next winter, or get granny to knit you a few extra pairs of woollen socks. \ - Wolfgang Nagy
iS FEIVE talks about the - Foundation, which is an ’ environmental research group based in T.O. 5:00 pm Law 81 Politics in the . U.S. - William Kunstler 6:OO pm Radio Waterloo News Darcnr+itrq~ . This pluylat.tl 0zuses -in on CCl~+harii 4frica. examining in paIrticujar. corn-’ plaints fra em Botswana that it was being invaded by Rhodesia. 9:00 pm Bob-‘ Seag& Sto’ry courtesy of Capitol ReI. cords - produced in-Jow ronto at Crystal SoupA I” Studios. Written’ by Gr; a‘*‘. - -ham Powers and’ David ’ Marsden.
It should be noted that almost half of Radio Waterloo’s staff *objects to the publication of the, schedule in the Reat Chevron.
Radio Waterloo broadcasts at 94.1 on Grand River Cable&M, from 9 a.m. tn
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. . .
Friday, March 18 Chemical . -F_ood Additives pm Derek Stevenson-from
11:30-a-m -’ 2:45
features, Features are g erdly tween 15 and 60 minutes r ong.
’ ,
.* Saturday,‘March 19 2:30 pm Alcoholism and ’ Behaviour Modification - I Part 1 ‘5:30 pm The Viorlis Explod, I_ ing Cities - Reverend Al-
\\ ‘------
community based out of tuesday,March22 ’ . ( tre in T‘.& talksabout the Toronto talks about a sop&&s of ever incisa&- __ 12:OO noon Canada and the third q - ciety of integrated livi,ng. . World - Canada’s role -* ing urbanizatien around . 3:00 pm Perspectives - A -Jook’ Past & Present : Sir Rothe world. Discussion is _ at the Usted Nations Debert .lackson, Under-sec,,afso focused on the mes. , velopment _ Programmee, retary’General of the Unit. iages of HABtTAT- I to the -\ - and Bn examination of its . ed Nations talks about world. , ; _ /-----, the development of the 7’ --_ \ United Nations and ,the \ policies,X’ ’ methods and. ’ role Canada has played . prospects. ‘. . Sunday, March 20 both in the development _ 5136 pm Community -’ Sewices 12:OO noon- Mon Pays/My ‘Coun7-e zof the United Nations and, ’ , -try-/ - The Global Communin _the_ assistance of deity -Centre in Kitchener 6:00 pm .Live from the Slaughveloping nations. 1 seeks to make people in terhouse i This week f&z,,< ;t :00 pm Strictly Canadian - ,the K-W area more aware - tures David Essig. ‘, ’ Featuring GinoVinelli of the world around them, . 9:so pm Live from the C C Cof-. 2:45 pm -Peo.ple or Planes - This with particular emphasis * feehouse - Pending pergroup is opposed to therki,111 ccinn YYlY,, ..V... from tha.I.” z&at on the 3rd world. In this -. L.W.. $onstruction of th? Picker- orooramme This wnc?k fc?at:rms Melis- I the workinas -‘_ ing Aiiport and .&lines’ of-t&centre z&e exam& sa Peterson,. Peter Ma’ ’ the- work that has b&n ‘ ed. thieson. . done to oppose the airpm Radia Waterlaa News . - .-port. . -. : 6: 15 p’m Research 77 - A series 4130 pm Poetry Readings ‘ of piagrammes Socusing ” Monday, March 21 6:00 pifi Radio .Water!oo News’ on research on campus. 11:30 am-en, Arrows * This 6: 15 pm. Heritage .The Berger 11:45 pm Radio,- Waterloo News -_ -,I features medicine stories &&rings r --r - “of the Crow, -Blackfoot 9300.. pm ‘I&ions~-d.j.Cale .b and Cheyenne people. -_ : -. 12:00 noon Canada a and‘ the _ 11:45 pm Radio W&e&o News -- - ‘r-jThird World ‘- Urbahfia._I. Thursday, March 24 tion and Environmeiital. Wedne_sday, f&oh 53 11:30.ams.Sox , Counselling & .e+* Issues - Dr. Bala&de Ter/ 12~00 nOOh C&8d6 and the. Third Sex Therapy, - An open _r-y, c:former President _ of ., World- Education; Worn_forum which looks at the Peru, talks about the-proben and International Deneed for setting up minilems of rapid-urbanization m.ce.’ * velopment - Dr. Caplan mum standards to gov._ * in the 3rd‘world’with par- ’ 1: of DCSE. talks about edu- * ern sex counsellors/ther’ ,ti@gr reference to Latin II _ _ “cation in the 3& world apists, at the types of . America.. must take an entirely new --? problems which require .\ 0 2: 30 pm National Sposizs approach .to;%ducation ,_ therapy, at methods of 2:45I pm -Down to Earth - Festi\ ratherthan re!y upon the’ , finding a therapist, and at val 2 The Libertarian * models of education that . ways sexual problems can ’ -- party, discusses -their be- . the developed world has > be avoided or dealt’with, liefs in a decrease in size * (set up.- He emphasizesPartl. F andcost of government . that educational systems 2:45 pm Down to Earth Festi7 and .opposes such’ things -- 1 mustreflect, local culture. val - Paul’ Ogden talks as rent controls, because ln the second part of the abo-ut exposing the health they believe that there programme Ellen Johnson industry and focuses on - should be less interferSirleaf. from the World ,_ the “health and illnessence in private life, Bank talks about the role busine&.” 5:OO pm From the Centre - i women _ play in inter5:30 pm Sports Report Work Can Kill You Pt. 3 I nationalbevelopment. - / , 6-100 pm Radio Waterloo News 600 pm Radio Waterloo sews 2~45 pm‘ Down to Earth Festi- .. 9:OO pm People’s Music - Dick 9:00 pm Musikanada I , val - ‘Bsuce Ryan from ’ Goodlet 11145 pm Radio Waterloo Ne&. 7 Pala, an experimental .. 11:45 pm Radio Waterloo News ’ _/ /\ --.._ - *a‘ ,
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DlS@-+ L[!‘g-NH&, GRtiT.ENTERTAiNWENT. -
At a meeting of-the Caribbean Grenada,.r-Jamaica, St. Kitts, St. Students on Thursday, March 10,. Lucia, Stc Vincent, Trinidad and 1977 plans were finalised for Sym- ’ on the :continent of South Ameriposiuk Caribbean. . President. ca, Guyana. --I Ingraham. commented that \,.it‘ _,Partii3’ipatin+g in cultural/ actiwould be the first Symposium held _,vities will be the York Univerby the Caribbean students and en- - sity ensemble’ in “Liberation”, thusiasm is at an all-time high Wilfrid Laurier Uniyersity, - Con“The many kommittees formed by estoga 1 Colle@, McMaster Uniour social director. are operat- ’ versity, Guelph; Windsor and ing very smoothly and CnthcskaUniversityof Toronto. McMas,’ . \ _ tlcally . ’ ’ ter, Guelph and .Windsor will pa-rMembers \of the Caribbean Stutake in athletic dompetitions. dents Association hail from the Rapport with ,Fr. Pascal’on “This Bermudas, Bahamas, Dominiki, house maintains that the recent /L.
publicity of ‘Roots” was a negative one.“’ The talks will be in-formal and range from a variety of topics. The Caribbean students at UW _ will .host and house one hundred guests. Date and time of activi- \ ties are posted around the campus and in Kitchener. Four professors --from University’ of Waterloo have -donated trophies for the athletic competitions, % professor from University of Western Ontario and K. W: Grocers. ’ All-are - welcome, :
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Departs Uni. Ave. _\ Entrsfica -
a7 piece female band) ‘Night-every Tues. d-continuing
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the real chevron
1977 1
Letters should be addres&d to “the editor”, Campus ‘Centre 235, and must arrive b-y Tuesday noon of 1 each week.
We Get
Letters: i _/*
Be Moderate
TO THE EDITOR: A study of interest to people concerned about society, is a study on alcoholism financed by the National Institute of Health (US), which has shown that mental retardation is among the defects in the off-spring of women who drink heavily during pregnancy. Dr. Frias, director of University of Florida birth-defect centre says “from the clinical data now gathered, it can be stated accurately that a woman who drinks alcohol chronically during pregnancy stands a 50% chance of having a child with some degree of mental retardation and a 30% chance of having a child with additional multiple physical malformations.” “Dr. Frias’ conclusions are based on a review of more than 50,000 pregnancies, in which babies were born defective and follow-up checks of the children through age (7) seven”, (Toronto Sun Vol, 6 no. 92 thurs. march 10, 1977‘ pg. Certainly there is a high social cost to altoholism: Evil pursues sinners. The simple believes everything, but the prudent man or woman looks to his or her going. People ought to have understanding and instruction so they don’t become a nuisance to themselves and society. So be moderate in your drinking and in everything. - Mark Van der Wal
j Predictions
Following the publication of the second issue of the real chevron, I wrote myself. a letter, which I intended to give to Sham Roberts after we were both out of affiliation with the “Chevron affair”. Because of developments in the past week, I opened it last Monday, with the purpose of checking the accuracy of my predictions. It was dated NOV. 27. Dear Shane; Less than three weeks ago, you asked me if 1 would consider being “Publication Co-ordinator” for an interim newspaper. Your own reasons for asking me are probably more than suspect, and my reasons for accepting your offer are probably much different than your reasons for offering. My purpose for running for Chevron Editor last month was something that very few people in this university can understand: I do not feel that a group controlling a newspaper is relevant, regardless of their political affiliation. The most important element of any newspaper. as l explained to Dave Daunt after the election for Chevron Editor, is the ethics upon which it is based. I ran for Chevron Editor simply because I felt that I was the only person willing to get involved that was capable of being fair to both sides. The critics of the Chevron, now the free chevron, point out that it is worthy of being closed because of its alleged control by a Communistaffiliated group. Yet, at the same time, they seemed to delight in every charge and accusation printed in the The Other Voice and Bullseye. Simply because publications such as these support positions that certain individuals in power might hold does not mean that these publications are better than the one they are criticizing. In my view, the Bullseye is equally as guilty as the Chevron of the charges it is laying. If the sole declared purpose of these publications had been to answer the charges made by the free chevron, its existence would have been justified on the grounds that it was aimed at presenfing the truth. But they went beyond merely pointing out the facts, and began a red-
scare campaign to turn public opinion against a newspaper that students weren’t that crazy about in the first place. I realized when I agreed to do it that I would be kicking a hornet’s nest. I doubt very much whether any of the Federation Executive realizes the feeling of those on the staff or even cares. It is the main weakness of “democracy” that everyone is participatory to achieve their own ends. Murray Kernohan, once N.D.P. candidate for Halton East, told me the first time I ever talked to him, “The first goal of politicians is to get in power; the second is to stay in power; and the third is to institute what policies they can without losing too much support.” It’s a shame that the personal ambition-of many people is inversely proportional to their concern for other people. Many of the people in, the office seem to think that the -“chevron issue” will be over rather quickly, as evfdenced by Leona’s motion in last Council that I be given an “honorarium” equal to three weeks salary, at the rate of $160 per week. But this is no short battle that you have entered into; the battle for “freedom of the press” is one that can only be ended by the staff giving up their battle, or the politicians use of force to eliminate the newspaper. I cannot predict how it will end. A staff the size of the chevron, with leadership, will be able to hold out long past the end of your term as President. I doubt if anyone realized, at the time that the motion was brought up, just-what power they were putting in the hands of one person. They literally gave me more freedom than the chevron staff ever had, since there are no by-laws that cover the paper or myself. Until the money runs out, or the motion is rescinded, I can virtually print whatever I please. I mention this only because the possibjlity exists that I might, at some time, decide that the free chevron is right, and support them. This is not out of the question, since I am still learning more about the situation every day. That, however, remains to be seen. If the two papers are in existence together longer than the four weeks of Doug Thompson’s publications, I can foresee the one paper gaining more public support than the other. If that paper should happen to be the real chevron I can see some of the, present executive members trying to gain control of it for their own ends. Many of your present Executive, and certain councillors would turn it into another Bullseye if given the opportunity. But the one most capable of making this attempt, at the moment, is Thompson. As a “journalist” he is well aware of the workings of a newspaper,*and is probably aware of how subtlety can be used to implant ideas into readers. Goering developed this art to a science, and others have used it to great effect since. My earlier observation of those being most ambitious also being least concerned about others is most obvious in Thompson: there is little question of his ambition, and I’ve only known him three weeks; at the same time, I can discern almost no concern on his part for the feelings of others. Already, I can detect wishes on his part to try and influence my decisions on the paper. I will have ts keep reminding myself that his writing will be occasionally biased, and in need of close editing. For the distant future, I can see a newspaper that is controlled by one internal group, while the “staff” changes yearly; or a newspaper that has mostly paid staff, because the free chevron staff refused to work on a paper that the council set up after their paper was kicked in the ass. This can only be remedied with time: as new students enter the university, some of them will eventually become the voluntary staff of the paper. Eventually, any paper on the campus will be controlled by one of two groups: the staff, who will operate much as that of the chevron; or a Federation body, who will turn the paper into a Public Relations organ for the Federation executive and council. My intention is to resign at the end of the win-
ter term, and find a suitable replacement in the meantime. I have fears of finding a qualified person with my ethics by then, and, even if I did, I doubt very much if my successorvvill have the same demands, or even if he or she will worry about’such, for a subsequent successor. Again, what must evolve is another free chevron or Bullseye, depending on the political atmosphere or concern of the Federation. The students, which everyone claims to want to serve, cannot win: I have met very few mature individuals at U.W.. and those I have met have not expressed any desire to become involved in student politics. The ones most interested in the student politics are, generally, the most immature, wherein lies the weakness of democracy. Those that want positions of authority do so for their own ends, which are the feeling of power, or, more usually, the boosting of their own egos. You have exceptions in your Executive- but these are the exception, rather than the generality. I fear that a lengthy battle over the paper will result in violence, due to the impatience of young people with due process, and the frustration involved. You will be reading this probably after I’ve resigned, and, unless you run for re-election, after your term of office is over. But I figured it might be interesting to see if any of my predictions have come true, six months after you offered me the position of “editor” of a newspaper to not be involved in the Chevron/Federation struggle, and what other developments have occurred. Good Luck, R.B. Burton
All About
Dear Sirs In the past I have been quite upset with the content of the free chevron. I,still do not like their content, but I am also unhappy with the content of the last issue of the real chevron (by ‘the way I’d appreciate if-you changed your name to distinguish from down stairs). Some of its recent practices have reminded me too much of the free chevron. For instance why was an article regarding the grad student membership (an on-campus issue) not printed in favour of an article about the excesses of the Iranian dictatorship. I get the feeling that we are quite familiar by now of the faults of the Shah. However the rejection of an article is not the only reason I write to this paper. There seems to be a tendency in recent articles to mix commentary and bias with the news articles rather than putting commentary where it belongs in editorials and columns. Such bias was shown in last week’s lead article. What is the purpose of the paper? If it is to be a Federation mouthpiece it should say so and not pretend to be otherwise. Is it council, the executive, the president, or a select group of paid staffers who control the paper? , These staffers, who were never hired by council, seem to feel that they have the right to fire the only person whose hiring was approved by council. It reminds me of the chevron production manager (never hired, by council) who last summer tried to get the council-appointed editor fired. Such a move could have allowed the production manager’s friend to become editor. That did not happen at that time. What will happen with the real chevron now? I ‘hope, that in the future, it will be better run than the free chevron, and less biased. J.J. Long
- page 3
On Lysenko
Some time ago, Dr. Wahlsten published an article in the “free Chevron” entitled “In memory of T.D. Lysenko” in which he praises Lysenko as a good scientist. Later, he promised that he would present evidence showing that the “vicious attacks” published in the book of Zh. Medvedev, “The Rise and Fall of T. D. Lysenko”, (Columbia University Press, 1969) are not substantiated. Dr. Wahlsten still has not presented his convincing evidence; on the contrary, he and a few others asked me to write what I know about Lysenko. Well, I am willing to do that, although I have always been interested in .Lysenko more as a part of the Stalinist system than as a scientist. I hope that Dr,Wahlsten will be able to show why the Medvedev’s book is “vicious”. I found it very precise, convincing, and devoid of ordinary Marxist rhetorics. It provides, of course, devastating evidence against Lysen ko and Lysen koism. My presentation today is based partly on Medvedev’s book, but I am trying to avoid everything that I cannot confirm by my personal study or experience. The main points of Lysenko’s theory of heredity are as follows: Lysenko did not agree with the basic postulate of modern biology that cellular chromosomes contain a hereditary substance separate from the rest of the organism (genotype). He assumed that heredity is a general internal property of living matter and as such does not need a separate genetical system localized in the chromosomes, and transmis-.ble from generation to generation. He completely rejected the existence of genes. One of his pupils, K.Y. Kostriukova, wrote still in 1962: “The hypothetical connection of the empty abstractions (of the gene theory) with specific substrates chromosomes,, DNA - declared to be the ‘material carriers of heredity’ does not confer on these abstractions material content, any more than superstitious deification of objects makes the superstitious materialistic” (cit. after Medvedev, but I feel that this citation. is very typical for Lysenko and his school.-1 have seen in my life many articles written in this vein.) Another part of his theory was the “law of species life”. If several plants are growing in the same place in a cluster from seeds, most of them placidly die, sacrifice themselves for the prosperity of one plant which they guarded battting like soldiers with the surrounding world. This is not the result of crowding. Lysenko ( 1955 cit. after Medvedev) wrote: “It must be emphasized that self-thinning-out or the death of individual saplings in the group occurs not because they are crowded but for the express pur*pose of insuring that in the future they will not be crowded.” I canriot help myself, but this reminds me of Friedrich Nietzsche and the arrival of his superman who will grow on the bones of us, ordinary people (in “Also sprach Zarathustra” etc.). In any case, this is another example of Lysenko’s mysticism. The third part is his theory of the transformation of species. Lysenko wrote in Agrobiologiya in 1952 (Medvedev, p. 170): “Under the action of external environment which is unsuitable or little suitable for a given species, particles of a different species for which the conditions are more suitable arise in the body of the plant. From these particles rudiments (buds or seeds) are formed which develop into individuals of the other species”. Thus, he and his
on page 4
rzeaL ct2euRon
This ‘week we almost had our second chevron affair when the staff members decided to fire r.b. Naturally, r.b. didn’t like this idea at all, so we managed to settle the affair, and now we’re once again a big happy family. The family: Maddog, Brenda, the Wolf, lots of joy and r.b. would like to thank and encourage all those who contributed articles and support, and especially Stanislav Reinis for mor on Lysenko. Wolfgang
Don’t let the work get
-. 4
page 4, - the real chevron
_I _
. >\$ r-
18. 1977
and all other violations of scientific.thinking are- - rect wtien he says; “Next to Stalin, Lysenko ‘on our behalf. followers reported transformations -of wheat ‘just a speCial gxample of’ deformations of life I dop’t seem to remember a time when the ’ ihto rye and vice versa, barley into oats, firs was the person’ most vilifiedX, and $lavdered by devtating from the rea’sop/- ’ Western scientists and‘ the press, as well as by student body was asked whether fhe chevron into pines, alders into birches .... Probably th’&, under state/Systems was a worthwhile organizat‘ion to save. Through most “beautiful” is the theory of thd origin of ,*able norms of organized human societv. the Soviet reyisionists”. ’ Stalirl wrote (Leninism, P. 26): -“Thus, the l cuckoos: When “a bird in the forest feeds on thick or thin; lawstiits and degradation; they did When I,’ feel homesick, I go to the Arts liundivided leadership of one party, the’ Com,it oh their own behalf, for their own benefit. ’ hairy caterpillars, cuckbos hafch from its eggi. brary and read lzvestiya and Pravda. It-serves munist Party, as the; principal factor in the pre’ What then of this madness that the big, bad It is needle& to say, I hope, that experimental as a sort of shock treatment, and I get angry evidence to all these claims was either comparations-for October - such is thecharacteristic federation ,(most acclaiFed).was giving them an in nd time, effectively diminishing homesickfeature of the October Revolution, such is the unjust thumb; a Caesar in progress, without due pletely lacking, or incredibly illiterate. The practiness. Over the past f&r years,, I -was unable to cal application of all these-theories then -cost first peculiar feature of the tacfics of the Bolprocess. find one article there vilifying Lys,eriko. Maybe sheviks ....” Here everything began. The %nLet us not mention the facts that the federathe Soviet state billions of rubles. Dr. Wahlsten reads these newsp’apers inore divided leadership of one party is the main charAnother law is “the law of transformation regularly, and will let us know. tion owned the paper to the tune of a very large of nonliving matter (fdod) into living matters t acteristic of the Stalinist state. As the system subsidy ( 1974 budget $92,531); that the editor Stanislav Reinis developed, the Party appetite to co’ntrol and was responsible for what went into the paper, by means of the latter”. It means; ,in other words, that, food, if it) is .nonlibing. is assimilead everything increased. Not only politics, not ttie! entire’staff as it became in practice and lated by an organism only when it is eaten. industry and police but also science was exthat the federation controlled the space in which What a discovery! Quring his lifetime, he proternally ruled and controlled $rom the party’s the chevron was-operating, n;ot the chevron. posed also e.g. summer planting of sugar beets bureaucratic apparatus. When‘ Comrade’ .Stalin _ Within the federation the paper was answersaid in public: able to the Board of Publications.-When the-dein parched steppes of Central Asia (nothing “Bravo. Comrade Lysenko, Bra. vo !“, it meant more than any scientific experigrew there of course) etc. cision wag made to close the paper both the The chevron affair is the biggest fiasco since ment! truth or scientific discussitin. People Chairman of the Board of Publications and himLysenko was only pait of .a general trend in the Arts Society President made off with, the s’elf had resigned, Soviet society: Comrade Stalin asked communnear to the’ Leader were then able to liqtiidaie the two people totally money. * all others. good scientists. Real scientists were responfi fof .the +operating of the paper. The ists in research institutions to build a -new soIn the 6 years that I have been here, I ha& depriyed- of,.their ,po&tions and &e opportunity ‘flederation had evei riGh;t to dose ‘the chevron pialist science and- they answered with vthusyet to’see a good issue of the chevron. I am ‘of iasm. Olga Barisovna Lepeshinskaya w&e. the to work. and we& replaced by Lysetiko and .his based on its very existende. ’ . the opinion, like- many ,bthers are and were, Then there was the complaint dhat the act’ion book “Ori& of cells-from living matter”. I found followers. That social system did not have true (before Shane Roberts was singled out), that it;l’ this book here in the library, in German transintellectual feedback. Controversies I were set\ivhs todhasty, ~ ‘r _ was necessary to shut down the Chevron be‘, lation, and I am going to present the informatled by the liquidation of one side. Wh_at is a reisonable ‘waiting peiiod .before cause of a small group of. people who effectively v tion abgut it in the niar future. In one experione closes a paper? Try to’ convince me--that attempted to take over the paper for their own Solzhenitsyn in The,. Gulgg ArchJpelago, ment Olga Borisovna homegeniied a populrs. because t,wo non-students lost their jobs and a purposes. The only reason whySha& w&s cdnVol. 1, p. 57 (pap@ack) wrote: “Certain group of peoble no longer had a tool to propation of Hydra, /filtered the hqmogenate, and demned by the Fl’ee Chevron staff is because he a-gronomists failed to put into effect the prowatched how ?“w Hydras argse from.the amorbate theii politics,. this i4 ,npt the reason why was in the posit&n to effectively do-something found instructions of Lysenko - and in one. phous, “acellular” mass. Further, she saw. the these oirtcasts still occupy federation offices and about the complaints that were presented to such wave, in 193 1, Lorkh, ths so-called _spontaneous generation of lnfusoria -in the dupping others into believing- in their fictious him during the summer of ‘76 by the societies. “king of the potato, was sent to Kazakhstan. broth of hay, the production of cells in acellular I cause? , At a &eting with Neil Docherty and Adrian Others carried out the Lysenko direktives too egg yolk 9~ albumen etc. etc. Later, she dis* What is the importance of the free chevion? , .Rodway (news editor and ‘editor resp&ctive!y), precisely aiid thus expdsed their absurdity. covered g new method of rejuvenation. A bag What does this paper do for advancing the three society presidents,representing their 8 (In 1934 P&o; agronomists sowed flax on ,of soda inc.-thebath was c’laimed to restore youth. cause of students? people, stated point blank:that the Chevron- was the snow exactly as Fysenko had ordered. If one did not haye a bath rub an.itnema would Has it improved your knbwledge of the cani+litically ‘slanted and was turning off the cam’ The seeds SW&led up, brew moldy, and died.. sewe just’as weti., dus, universities, your relationship with the pus to the paper. However society presidents The big fields lay empty f?r a *year. Lysenko Professo; -Bdshy& discoverled tiansformagovernmerit and a job prospect? are in no position to handle this prublem, yet i ,-could not Say that the snow was a kulak, tion of bacteria into virus& and vi%ef yersa, These are important article topics y&t most of when their proper representative does do someor that he himself was an ass. He accused crystallisation of bacteria etc. the-paper is devoted to attacking the federation. thing, it becomes his fault alone, a sole vendetta the agronomists of-being kulaks apd of disEven the ori$iniliy correct the&es were They claim ta be, protectors of truth and of stuand persecution. torting his technology. And the agronomists transformed, in this world of madness, into dent rights by exposing the fed hacks. Ho,w can * In case you didh’t know, society presidents went off to Siberia.)” . i dogma. The “Pavlovian” s&sion of the Academy ,they objectively report on the actions of the are non-voting members on -federation .council of Sciences in 1951 proclaimed that Pavlov’s federation when theq themselGes refuse to acy After this, of course, no one dared to’comthus giving the societies a direct, link to the fedideas about the role of .the cerebral cortex in plain that Lysenko’s “new” cept the.’ authoriiy ‘of this organizstion and almethods did not eration. Therefore any direction a federation learning shoyld be used in all areas of mediready have an opinion >against the ‘federation. work. It was similar everywhere,-in other dispresident ‘receives from’ the society presidents cine and biology. Suddenly, the cerebral cortex How can you exp?!e something you are trying ciplines, and I can present pxamples of peoat a Committee of Presidents wting, has the was everywhere. All !papers in the scientific to bury. ple who bent and simply served. Some were full yeight of the society and its membets behind journals were expected to contain, at least in Capitalists and fascists is what’ they call us, b;oken f&ever. In the Biology Department of this ‘directive. Add to this the opinions of the the introduction, the name of Big Papa qavlov, so what are they .doing here? Are any of th%m Charles University in Prague, there was a young federation council and you’ll find that‘shane was even in totally unrelated problems, e.g.; sur- ’ assistant Professor (around ‘1951) named.Grozgetting a d*degree? Will they use it to become not alone in his effort to restore the paper to th& gery of the thumb. The brain cortex dqmjnated‘poor or to @,ecomd part of the /ich whobwill pay -danovicb. Under pressure, he wrote a Ph.D. students. everything. When I studied for a physiology exfor others to become rich with their degrees? If thesis in wh@h tie found the ‘experiments of Against these odds and unable to get what amination in 1953,.one of the _suggested book‘s they’re not getting a degree, why are they wastLepeshinskaya to be reproducible. As a, result. they wanted they took what they wanted, shutwas Mayorov’s “Answer to the American cri.?ics in a feti -years he became a chronic alcbholic. ing the taxpayers money by being here rather ting out those who opposed them. Their claim is of Pavlov” where ‘Mayorov attacks several I was sorry for him* when I* met him a decade ’ that they truly represent all of the students and than being on unemployment or-welfare. These authors like Deese and others because of their -titer. are two ways to be part of the poor class. Better their basic rights to the.freedbm of the press. descripJion of spinal conditionivg. TA admit These things ate history now, but many events still they could have done,,it all with a grade Hogwash!! Each society has the yoney to pubthat spihal conditioning ei<ists was to invite fasare:‘s$ll warning. ,Lysenko did not fold up after lish any material importanf to their students. A ten education. -Yet maybe &ill thGy are here to cism, Tro,tskyism, liberaiistn, racism into U.S.conv&t us from our sinful ways aid if that\Ss Stalin’s dea’th in 1953. He was very successvehicle exists for the distributor. of information S.R; My dormer Ph.D. ‘supervisor Jaromir Myful, and even more po’pular.in Khrushchev’s time. and not by a renegade staff of misfits who see the ‘iase .they would need an outlet -for their slivecek in 1960 said, just in a discussion at platform or propaganda. 1 Still, in 1962 TASS published a statement themselves as ttie only .ones capable of represome meeting, that conditioning* might be pos- ,/ saying that “In U.S.S.R.. T.D. Lysenko successLadies and gentlemen of this university I give senting us (all 15,000). . . sible even in other areas of the, brain. That was you. the Chevron’ and Free Chevron and I rest futty managed to -control heredity . .. ‘etc.” One 1 This possibility surprises me since not that a peak of civic arid scientific. courage. ’ ‘my case until’ part two of my letter next week has to remember that Khrushchev was an many people worry‘about a president or council On the other hand, the officially controlled “imperialist fascist capitalist enemy of Mao when I’ll be ahswering back all this garbage (via elections) that will handle $500,000 of their science in U.S.S.R. ahd their satellit& did not about the elections. Tse Tupg - thqught” by that time. I don’t undercollective money. Indeed at most 4,000 con.allow “react&nary Einsteinism”, cybernetics ‘stayd the latest turn taken by Dr. Wahlsten who cerned students have taken any effqrt to voice was an’ enemy gf the proletariat, statistics was now praises some revisionist Khrushchevian Gary Prudence their ooinions. How in all this did these Dotena pseudoscience. Comrade. Stalin wrote even ! policies. tial. leakers ‘get a mandate to represent us-or act Chief Returning Officer, Feds’ an article about litiguisti& - and. suddenly, we .Khrushchev was recalled in 1964, and Lyhad- progiessive, Soviet linguistics and reactionsenko followed in 1963. The cause of the fall ary linguistics ebewhere. For us, young underwas more pdlitical than scientific. One of the graduate and graduate students, all this was an causes of Khrushchev’s fall was his agricultural education in critical thinking, and I am not sorry policjr, and to justify his removal Brezhnev bad today that I have gone through..it. At. least, I to also let go Lysenko, the closest agricultural don? take any authority for granted any more. advisor to Nikita Sergeevich. Here, I am afraid,, Fortunately,‘ I studied other things as well, not Lysenko’s critic Medvedev did .n& get-the mesonly Lysenko’ and ,lepeshinskaya. Still, after sage and believed that the fall of Lysenko was ldeft Czechoslovakia in 1966 I had to read and a sign of better times for Soviet science. Thus, study so I many things, genetics, psychology, he wrote his book and atteinpted to publi$h it neuropfiysiology, everything that I missed bein Russia. Well. Comrade Brezhriev soon, onb’ .fore. _A year after the publication df this book in the Everyone No reads Medvedev’s book or West (I do not recall its publication in Russia) hears aboutother similar events mu@ ask one sent Medvedev to a psychiatric hospital for question: How can scientists themselves al“treatment”. Sometimes, I listen to the “radilow the spread of such false doctrines? What I _ cals” talking about academic freedom and freeis the system where this is possible? dom generally, and ‘think: “If you knew what Last week, I wrote a--- story . in the Chevron means a r&l tack of academic freedom ....” , T about the conversion of Marxism to Leninism Thus, I do not think that Dr. Wahlsten is cor-I dx-o’clock new8 wh wr4&’ 4
‘Prudence Criticises - 1 dhevrics +’ 1
_ Lack :i
&xpport _ for orient&oh ,
. -.-_
has Dotig Kemohan had a- lot to say plained _that the situation changed. at ‘Wednesday’s Board of EnterSaid Kemohan, “1 feel that the tainment meetbg, concerning Executive is \ placing priorities the lack of suppj of the Execuin areas that a?e unjustified.” tive to the Orientatiori Commit* he said, t$. Kemohan announced his re- ’ On several occasions, signation as’ Chairperson of that he ‘tried to contact the Executive members, and left message’s for Comtittee at the meeting, citing them, but they never replied. lack of co-opetiation in his. budget een the Chairperson and Vice -. preparation.. In -,an earlier proChairperson ratification tiere Bruce Leavens, posed budget; &ently-ratified by Council as the brought to tfie Board, KernbFan expressed -the opinion that Board new Board of Entertainment Chairpersons should not be memChairperson, suggested a _ reduc’ tion in the Orientation b;i‘dget, ,,, bers of Council. Both Letivens and nom&e, Bruce _ although his overAal1 Board bud- Vic+hairperson bs )get .was incr$ased. -Leavens ex- +lls, are Council members. Leav-
‘77 i ’
* ‘;
, .&rnohati z
\‘-If _’
ens represents &ts, and Mills Leavens answered that tie saw no in time as to when the Board was this from haprepresents Mtith regular. . conflict between his ‘pbsitibn as to meet prevented pening. ’ When interviewed afterwards, Chairperson and his seat on CounKemohan said, “Board Chaircil. . Out-going ’ Board Chairperson persons should be, ex-officio from’ The position of his Vice-ChairDoLg Antoine, who is handling next week’s ,Bruce Cockbum arid Council; they have a vote on Coun- person was not settled at the meetconc’erts, announced to cil, and executive powers- that ing, since it was felt that theposi- Valdy are unspecified. tidn was not well advertised, arid the Board that Cockbum tickets, which have been reported as sold “It’s g’etting so that everything’s should be left open for a sufficient getting toward <more _centralted period as to give those interested ‘out, are still’available. . , ’ . :/ During the closing announcecofitr61 “.’ time to apply. Whei the point was being dis- j The Optometry Club was giveh ment, period H.K.L.S. rep, Cathy informed those - pres‘cussed in Council, he asked Leav$200 to make up most of the !$2j)I Bu,mfiries deficit incurred from their March etit that Kip-Ret is sponsoring ens if he intended to resign from Council, because of Jh;is high ,num- 14 Semi-Formal. The matter was a Co-pub at the Transylvania Club ber of voting positions. resting in scheduled to appear. before an ear: on MaFch 30. Tickets are $1.00 for a one person. , ., lier Board. meeting; but d mix-up Society members, $1.25 for others. * I ,^ r’:I \
the real chevron
18, 1977
Excellent Casanova Exposing the myth behind history’s greatest sexual athlete is the subject of Fellini’s latest venture into surreal cinema. If you’ve been turned off by some of Fellini’s earlier pictures, you may find that English dialogue and concentration on characterization make this film more watchable. But be warned; this is not everybody’s cup of tea. j If you’re into soft-core porn, I’d advise you to wait until the
Music The Best New Vocalist of the year is 32 years old and has been pounding out his particular brand of rock and roll since 1965. His songs range from haunting rock ballads to get up and move rockers of the first degree. He describes the regional basis of his sound as “high energy white rock and roll with soul undercuts from Motown and a strong dance beat.” His latest Nightmoves album has recently been certified gold. Please welcome Bob Seger to the current music scene. Seger’s ma-in ticket to national .fame has been the single ‘Nightmoves’, which he says is about “the first big thrill, if you will.” In addition to a single that clicked, the old adage about maturing and growing in the rock experience seems a factor too. Newsweek says Seger’s songs have come to reflect an aging rocker’s blend of wistfulness and hope, hovering eloquently. between lament and affirmation. Fame is not new to Bob, but widespread recognition is. He has always been very big in Detroit.
Tony Curtis version drops around. There should be plenty of bare boobs and butts in that one. In Casanova, the sex scenes are anything but erotic. Drawn freely from Casanova’s autobiography, the film moves not so much through 18th century Europe, but more through the landscape of Fellini’s imagination. The bizarre settings, occurrences and individuals (ranging from cockney midgets to Asian
female giants) are all impressions of an era that Fellini obviously had no respect for. The grotesque architecture, the pathetically pseudo-intellectual conversation, the decadent revelry are all exaggerated to create an image of a people living in a world they have created where spontaneous pleasure is disguised as romanticism. Casanova is seen as both a perpetrator and victim of the prevailing emptiness of the times. Instead of being seen as a bed-hop-
‘Jodi Girl’ and the new ‘Mainstreet’, a street song capable of mellowing you out until you’re just as wistful as the artist himself. Moving on to the realm of the Last year/ Michiganians (? ) less restrained, there’s the bought over 174,000 tickets to go Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man, who crazy in concert with their man. was just 13 when he had to leave Detroit disc jockeys who have home. (“knew I couldn’t stick moved elsewhere have spread the around ; had to roam”) And the Seger gospel to their new flocks, man searching frantically for an helping him nationally. out. “I think I’m goin’ to KatThe artist himself attributes the mandu, that’s really, really where new success to his Silver Bullet I’m goin’ to; If I ever get outta Band which was put together a here. ” few years ago. He notes that “we You’ll hear more from Big don’t have any light gimmicks or Bob, but his past work is also explosions on stage . . . the guys worth listening to and partying by. in the band are more serious . . . His double live album, the one the band wants to be tight.” And previous to ‘Nightmoves’ comes the band is. Rolling Stone says the to mind. Seger produces his own music is in the classic mold: bold, albums, declining the services of aggressive and grandiloquent, producers because he says they while naming the new album simwant to make the music sound ply one of the best of the year. commercial. Bob likes playing Seger’s sound is essentially and responding to an audience, tough, but it’s not a punkish tough since he believes that in a studio like Aerosmith nor young ‘a la you’re more careful and unwillBoston. It’s Detroit rock and roll. ing to take the chances that could Seger’s music covers a wide result in a special sound. range, as he can apparently.fill so It’s been a long drive, through many roles comfortably. He has 200 live appearances a year, been described as a romantic in through albums released and not search of an adolescent love that recognized. A belated success has always eluded him. In that story, but success all the same. tradition, emerge such ballads as - Sal Tomek
Farcical Feydeau
“Good God Darling, Not in the Nude! ” and ‘ ‘Leonie’s Jumped the Gun”, this week’s university drama group presentations are two very fast, very witty one act plays. These plays are great fun for those who have outgrown pie throwing but still need to witness ridiculousness to make them laugh. Georges Feydeau may have shocked some old maids in his time but the shock has worn off. What is left is called mildly amusing ; something like a Victorian
“I Love Lucy”. The farce is clever, logically illogical and somewhat artful in its plot construction, but any attempt to compare ,Feydeau. to Shaw is ridiculous. Feydeau chooses to play with mannerisms which, although they still exist in watered down forms at present, have largely been dismissed as unimportant social factors. Feydeau’s humour is in danger of becoming obscure or ridiculous, especially when one
ping trickster, he is presented as a man, of many falsehoods and deception. The scholarly front he puts up is no more than a cumulation of ideas and philosophy he derives from others. He condemns the barbarianism he sees in Prussia and Rome, but he indulges in meaningless sexual exploits, finding his true mate to be a mechanical life sized dummy. The subject matter is treated with more contempt than in any other film by Fellini. This sharply contrasts with the sentimental handling of “Amacord”. The viewer cannot identify with central character. Even to feel sorry for him takes quite an effort. The prevalent negativism may not appeal. to many people, but these qualities do not make it an unenjoyable film. Sutherland once again proves
Bool$s Joy
The Joy of Triuiu
by Bernie Smith. Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd. $6.95 in softcover. Have you ever looked at your partner after the supreme moment and not had something suitably witty to say as a denouement; well you won’t get any ideas from reading this book. For those of you addicted to “It Happened in Canada”, in the daily papers comic section or the “It’s a Fact” fillers, this book is a must. It goes a long way in showing that one man’s moot point is indeed another man’s triviality. This is not too say that there were not any bright moments, For throughout the text there were indeed many brave attempts at humour. Brave, yes; successful maybe. In 344 pages -the author manages to pack in numerous trivial The
- page 5
his worth as a versatile actor. There is not so much as a hint that this is the same man who played the wise-cracking surgeon in “M.A.S.H.” or the lonely, melancholy private eye in “Klute”. If you think “Casanova may be too heavy, but are intrigued with the theme, you might catch “Shampoo”, a tale of a modern day Casanova whose obsession with sex leads him to confront, the pointlessness ‘of his life. It’s playing along with last year’s “Taxi Driver”, an examination of an out-oftouch loner who attempts to rebel against the oppressive surroundings of New York’s human zoo. The film gives a fascinating picture of a lost soul in this type of environment, but the ending is not only destructive in its content, but also to the film as a whole.
of Trivia
points about the arts, people, history, science and that catchall group miscellaneous. For example : did you know that, “Of all the 250,000 species of flowering plants, there are just two that don’t need moisture from the soil.” “The Panama’ianal does not cross the Isthmus from east to west. Much of the way it runs north and south.” or “On July 4, 1776, King George HI of England noted in his diary: “Nothing of importance happened today.” But then again did you really care to know. For $6.95, you can have a simulated University education or have plenty of ammunition to bore someone to death. > -J.L. Lee
considers the amount material in the plays.
of sexist
The production has its own problems. Accents are one of them. Vickie Dyke, who played Clarissa in “Good God Darling”, seemed to have more than a little difficulty getting her rapid fire lines out without shifting accents a few times. r The casts of the two plays, however, gave the overall impression of competency and control, with-
out which the plays would become sideshows. Deane Clarke’s bellowing could have been a little louder, but other than that he seems to have caught the spirit of the times in his past. In “Leonie’s Jumped the Gun”
Vickie Dyke and Joel Kaiser, also the leading characters, manage to hold control over the potential overacting which this material could easily inspire. Still, it’s only a buck fifty and reasonably entertaining. -W$fgang
New film hits campus
photo by Michael
A scene
the successful
held last weekend.
The longevity of a recent release “The Chevron Affair”, based on a book by Ernie Shmedly, never fails to puzzle me. It opened at the Uniloo cinema on Sept. 24 and despite its lack of viewers, its poor critical acclaim (some reviews have been scathingly negative) it has been held over now for over five months. There seems to be, however, two groups of regular viewers who throw popcorn and hot chocolate at each other during intermission. Set in a fictitious Canadian university, the film opens with a slam-bang action sequence of corrupt demagogue of the Student’s Federation, Shamed Roberts, battling furiously with several viscious a-looking char-
acters over a type-writer. In one of the goriest scenes ever put on film, his index finger is torn open. Bewildered at this point, the viewer is gradually let in on the reasons behind this occurrence. The action switches back and forth between the offices of “The Really Free Chevron” and those of the Student’s Federation. In the- newspaper office, we are introduced to a group of revolutionary student radicals, the IA1 (Involved AntiCapitalist Indignif iers ) who are using copies of “People’s Canada Daily News” as a model for the tabloid they are gradually subverting. Meanwhile, Shamed Roberts and his cocontinld
--A ‘-,
page 6
,- the .rital chevron
. \
^ march
_ -- 1
. _
Friday 18 M.arch ,,CC_‘Pub Michael Hasek CFolk) 74~ after 7: 00 pm. SCH IPub. -Lavender Hill Mob, _Stu-, “- *dents $1.90,_, Others $2.00. Doors
in congert
comedies in the Humanities Theatre. . Monday 2! MarchCC Free Movie. Bad News Bears. at &pm. $2.00. CC Pub. Rupert .(Rockj ‘744 after Great Hall 9:30 pm. ’ Symposium Caribbean. Music of 7: 00 pm. -_ Photo Display. CC Great Hall ‘b’ the islands, folklore .-show, drama, Bruce Cockburn Concert. ‘Students _Ascent of Man; Drive for Power, luncheon and. dance,’ ga<mes. - Spon$4 advance, $5 at the door,. others Part 8.3:30 EL 105. sored by Caribbean Students Assoc. ‘Ascent of Man; Generation Upon $5. 8)~ rn: Humanities iheatre. TickBach Choir. Bach motets, Brahms’ ‘ets s&II available i&the Fed/office. .Generation, Part 12.4:36 EL 105. ,.Marieniieder song cycle, B$tten RePhoto Contest. Judging of entries. ‘From Music halI *to Chorus Line ,,’ --’ 7 joice in the Lamb. 8:30 pm. St. JoFass brainstorming session to write starring ,Vicki Dyke. $1 at 8 pm, Theopen at 8 pm.’ seph’s .R.C. Church, 148 Madison script for next year’s show, the Roar: atre of the Arts. Fed Fiicks. Animal Crackers, g-pm. ’ St. S. Kitchen&. Tickets $3.50 at ing Twenties and the Mob. Everyone Mar&t-Christian *Dialogue. Dr. AL 116. $1.00. welcome.HH Undergrad Lounge, ’ Oz‘ Amal will discuss the rationale Good ‘God Darling Not in the-Nude% - th-e door’or phone 886-2 i 66. Agora Tea House.8 pm. CC 110. 8:OOpm. __ , ’ for the present co-operation .and di& Leonie’s Jumped the Gun. 2 alogue between Marxists &nd Chris-.& \ tians. All faculty and students welSaturday-19 March * Tuesday 2PMarch ’ CC Pub. @lichael Hasek (Folk) 74~ come. World Room, CC, 7:50 pm. CC Pub. Rupert (Rock) 74~ <after after 7: 00 pm. i 7:OO pm. Fed .Flicks. Animal Crackers, 8 pm. -Ascent of Man; thejMajestic ClockAL 116, $1.00. L work;Part 7.3:30 Ei 105. ’ Thursday-24 March Good God Darling, Not ‘in the Nude Photo Display. CC Great Hall.CC Pub. Rupert (Rock) 74~ after’ & Leonie’s Jumped the Gun.. 2 From Music Hall to Chorus Line, 7:00 pm. - *’ . comedies in ttie- Humanities Theatre starring Vicki Dyke, $1 at 8 pm. ThePhoto Display. CC Great Hall. at8pm.$2.00: ._1 atre of the Arts. Inter-Varsity Christian -Fellowship Conrad Grebel\ College Choir and Chess Club Meeting 7:30 pm CC-- Supper Meeting 4:30 pm. HH 161. Orchestra, $4. :Theatre ,,,of- the Arts, 135. All welcome. s. ’ .. ’ 8:00 pm. . j English Society’ Poetry Reading s The Role of-\l\iildlands -as a Naturalby Tom Wayman, 3:30 l 5 pm..‘-HH Friday 25 March Resource. One- day symposium in _ 161. Everyone Welcome. * ’ CC Pub. Rupert (-Rock) 74~ after A.L 1 i6. Regjster at 8:30 am. F-or 7:OOpm. . ( more information call Neil Hester W‘ednesday 23 ‘March Fed Flicks. Mother Jugs & ‘Speed. at 885-l 329. CC Pub. Rupert (Rock) 74~ Tfter .8pm. AL j 16. $1.00 Kinesiology Semi-formal. Music, by 7:OOpm. _ Photo Diiplay. CC Great Hall. w Opus II. Ticketsl$l5 for Kin students, $18 for others. Valhalla ilnn, Kitchener. Call 884-3744 for more infor: mation. . ;I / Sunday20 March _ Bruce Cockburn Concert. Sold. out for tonight. Tickets still available for the Mondaylperformance. CC Coffeehouse. M,elissa Petersen and Peter Mathieson. $1.00. Doors open at 8 pm-. show starts 8:30. Fed. Flicks. Animal Crackers, 8. pm. AL 116. $1.00 , . Spring Awakens: “Just a ‘Simple Get-together”. Live Bluegrass music, creativity workshop, rsku pottery firing, food and more. Starts. at<noqn. Price $1.00 with draw. Tickets availab& at--the Heaven on Earth‘ Learn, ing Centre or contact Mark at 884; -4 5261.
guests_ -
. ph&
Tjwrsday, March.24 \ - Kitchber Auditorium 8~00 pm,
Swimming season starts as our fine feathered - “water in Laurel Creek. Sorinatime is here? I
friends take‘to
bV Michael
Reserved Seats
’ ; $4.50 ,-,$5.50 $6.50
Tickets oh sale at: ’ Art’s , Re !cr&ation, across from Waterloo Sqtiaie; Sam’s Kitchener, RecQrds onN$Whe@s - Cami-1 bridge, De Auditorium’ Box Office- and all ot;he&udjtorium outlets. ‘. ; 1 /
I& the music of ti simpler life: Canada’s musicc&f& hetiValdy, -and .a backing band that’s very up front 6th theirtuiek A- * Discover it all in ionc&t. And on ,two ‘siti$ly sensational Gibum? i I z .’ -. A . ..from A&M Records &Tap&s.\
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Beginning in September ,1977, the may apply; qualified persons from o&English Language Profi,ciency Proside the university .also-may do so. . gram‘me will require additional pa; After various screening procedures, -6 time tutors in the-writing Clinic. Some successful applicants will be- given tutors will work with native speakers training in the kind of teaching they of English; others p’robably will work will be required to do. For further ‘with students for whom* English is a information, call University of Water~uiurs WIII IOU GxLGl15lulL I IJ. be needed. The rate bf pay will be Apply inwriting (with resume) to $7..50.per hour. Working h-ours will be Ken Ledbetter, Associate Dean of flexible .to accommodate individual Arts HH 290. ’ schedules, ,but_ each tutor wili-be- exIn your letter, please indicate your petted to work at least eight hours per academic programme (full or part- week. time, year, etc.), what, other employ.Qualified persons .are invjted to ‘iment you will have (TA, research ’ apply. A -background in a university assistantship, etc.), and the number _ English programme is not required; of hours per week that you could work qualifications are simply -?n7 the Writing Clinic. Please provide - _ necessary the ability to write .welI and the ability the address and telephone number to recognize ,weakness in I another’s where you‘can be reached in -April writing. .Appropriately qualjfied graduand’hnay. ate and advanced undergraduate stuThe deadline for applications- is dents from, any university deparfnient‘ April 4, 1977.
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the real chevron
18, 1977
Since the Khmer Rouge took Cambodia in April of 75 not much has been publicised about the state of affairs in that country. In February’s Readers Digest a condensed version of a book appeared; a book which is to be published in the near future by some members of the Digest’s editorial staff. The book deals with supposed eye witness accounts of some of the atrocities which have been and are still going on in Cambodia. The people interview-
page 5
horts are involved in questionable activities never really disclosed to the audience. All the while, there are brief scenes of the formation. of the Chevron -Removal Group (CRG), which is co-founded by a well-spoken but unscrupulous individual, Dug Tom Sohn. The viewer wonders about the future significance of this organization. The film deteriorates into tediousness at this point (a prevailing pattern in the film as a whole). The producer gratefully left out the sub-plot concerning the changing of locks which was in the book. But the film is still complex. A mind-bogglingly little more co-operation among the script-writers would have been appreciated. I had to see the movie three times to figure it out. The film’s central crisis occurs after the “Really Free Chevron” has been converted into a mouthpiece for the-IAI. against A recall petition Roberts is started by members of the “RFC”. With strains of the “Internationale” playing in the background we see various - students scribbling their names on the petition, dissolv- ing into scenes of Roberts rejecting it because of all sorts of silly little things. Finally, in a sequence that employs the use of low-angle photography, and done * completely without sound, Muck Kills walks into Roberts’ office. He hands the petition to Roberts’, smiling only once because it will make a good picture for his campaign posters. Overhead shot. Roberts slumps down on his desk regretfully muttering something about what a good green Beret he would have made. Kills looks on with a sneer on his face and then turns to leave the room. Fade-out. During interm&ion, I barely escaped three angry looking viewers from the far left row who came at me wielding leaflets. The first scene of the second half is a lengthy one. It is a meeting of the CRG. The importance of this organization dawns upon the viewer when we discover that they will support Dug Tom Sohn as a presidential candidate. In the middle of the meeting, we are introduced to a minor character by the name of Creat Whisley. Played by Marlon Brando, he gives a strong performance (the role was a toss-up between him and Robert di Niro) . Naive in the ways of politics,
of affairs -ed are some of the 26,000 refugees who have managed to escape the military rule of the Khmer Rouge since 75. . Since I the communists took power from the corrupt and incompetent government of Gen. Lon No1 strange occurrences have been reported. Refugees state that government soldiers have evacuated Phnom Penh and other major cities forcing the people into the wildzess to #build small towns and grow rice. The government and new to the university, Whisley is captivated by Dug Tom Sohn’s eloquent speech and soon joins the CRG. In a symbolic sequence, we see a tattered picture of Shamed Roberts taken down from a wall and replaced by one of Dug Tom Sohn. A dart hits him square in the nose. An unknown voice shouts, “Bullseye! ” The only interesting sequence in an otherwise lifeless campaign comes during a speech made by Sohn in the Campus Centre. Various R. Free Chevrics hurtle vicious rumours and allegations at Sohn. In contrast to the shouting Chevrics (unfortunately most of their remarks were undecipherable as a result of poor sound equipment and overacting), Sohn’s voice seems weak and evasive. A comment on the other candidates. c Elliot Gould gives a dull and stereo-typed performance as Another Joe McDonald. ‘John Vernon exuded overconfidence as Muck Kills. Jerry Lewis gives a very funny performance as John Trump who does fancy footwork as cc)mic relief during his speech. Sohn is barely elected and begins to worry immediately about the possibility of recall. Taking precautions to clog- up the recall process., he appoints Ron Hefner, a Capitalist Playboy, as vice-President in hopes that he will seem as an undesirable successor . in the eyes of the Really Free Chevrics. After a court Injunction, the Chevrics illegally , occupy the newspaper office while the Campus Police don’t want to get involved. All the while, Sohn’s true character i‘s revealed. Laurence Harvey gives a brilliant performance as a man whose hunger for power conflicts with. his responsive concern for those around him. But it turns out that nothing will stop him from abusing that “room at the top.” Making an offer contrary to the sentiments .of his supporters, Sohn proposes to reinstate the Chevron, pending an investigation. But he finds out that this is not as simple as those two words that the Chevrics display on their buttons state. Certain devoted anti-capitalists want to be paid ‘the salaries that have been denied for severaimonths. To negotiate the matter, Sohn
The successful applicant mum wage rate for the hours
Sunday Evening 8 p.m.
will be paid at the spent on the job.
Both Council and Executive meet end of term, two or three times (for the summer and regularly in the Fall.
Mar. 20 MelissaPetersen PeterMathieson
There’s only one specialist . ..
The Bd. of Ent. in co-operation
weekly till the full council) in
Applications should state qualifications, days and hours available and should be sent to the office of the President, Federation of Students, Campus Centre 235.
The student’s heaven
32 QUEEN ST. S., KITCHENER (next Walper Hote
- page 7
ed the villages, fields and jungles a result 3.5 million of the couninto charnel houses where untry’s 7 million people were buried corpses lie putrefying in living in the cities. the sun.” As the No1 regime retreated, One must wonder why a story more people were forced into has stated that it is removing which protests the death of “apthe cities. Agriculture was forced the evil created by the Lon No1 parently more than a million” to a standstill, hence, the fear government. finds itself in the back of Readof mass starvation spread in the Digest provides us with this ers Digest, following an article urban areas. introduction: Historically, the cities of Cam“The story that about Macdonald’s Hamburger follows is one of the most extraland, and not on the front pages of .bodia are based on commerce ordinary and chilling ever to our major newspapers, next to and not on industry, which is appear in the pages of Readers Margaret Trudeau. the backbone of any communist Digest., It is an account of the In the spring of 1975 a new hope society. Theoretically, then, the monstrous dark age that has was forming in Cambodia. The city’s economical structure is engulfed the people of Cambodia.” Khmer Rouge were met in the bad from a communist point of The preamble goes on to tell streets of Phnom Penh by cheerview. of liberated supabout the horror to be found in ing crowds If the reports are true they the article. “. . .a pitiless terror - porters. The soldiers maintained cannot, / however, be excused has emptied the cities and turnorder and kept the masses from by any theory. The kind of conlooting and causing other distemptible killing which ’ turbances. described in the unmistakabi: and several CRG members Now we are told that the situaDigest storybook style appeals march into the Chevron office. tion has drastically changed. directly to the emotional element. Seeing .only two members there, The cities have been totally evacAny country under military rule, Sohn immediately shouts “Take uated by government troops who Uganda for example, is in ‘em, boys.” have offered no quarter to anydanger of becoming a nightmare In a scene that makes the one, either old state regardless of the political or young, CRG members look more like sick or wounded; all, according to orientation of its leader. night club bouncers than conthe refugees, have been forced Certainly some violence is excerned students, the two fightto march without water or proppected. Whether what is being ing Chevrics struggle heroically, er food. Their destination was done is being done out of but also make sure that they’re empty patches of land where economic, necessity or revenge, suitably brutalized. They are those who survived the trip the rest of the worId, especially discharged from the office. were forced to build homes for the communist nations, should Many beatings, profanities themselves and plant food. observe the situation and make and an exaggerated limp later, Digest couldn’t offer any exsure that the laws of humanity the Chevrics return to the office planation for the mass migration. are being upheld. and even the most conservative It was evident in 75, however, The article in Readers Digest among them joins the IA1 . in that Cambodia was in for a hard .has stated its point with graphic song of glorious revolution. time. During the war the urban realism. Unless the upcoming Cut to the headquarters of the population of Cambodia increased book has less emphasis on the CPC em Mao. The doors burst almost five times its original suffering and more emphasis open and they are raided by the number. Those people who on the politics involved then its Rugged Canadian Militant Pigs. were left on the land were either value, other than as a horror Clint Eastwood and Gene Hackcommunist supporters or people story, is limited. man play the kind of cops who who had no place else to go. As -Wolfgang Nagy search and harrass first and ask questions afterwards (after puters he plays with. Orson Wells bitter taste in his mouth and there’s something to ask- quesas Lasalle Backhere, whose the occasional nasty look from tions about). A prominent IA1 an scruffy, angry appearance makes angry IA1 member. member, Doug Whywastime, him look like a time bomb ready comment on the direction. is thrown in the slammer and TheA scenes of secret CRG meet.to go off at any moment. Rodsings songs of glorious revoluings and those inside of the ney Dangerfield as Shamed Robtion. office have an eerie, erts, the man who gets no respect. This is a cheap attempt on Chevron surreal quality about them. We Jane Fonda as Heathair Robbingthe part of the producer to evoke whether people really . son, a girl who flirts with radisympathy for the IAI. It has wonder act as fanatically or as despercalism but will probably end up its dramatic aspects, but its inately as they seem to, or whethin a house in the suburbs with a clusion is inconsistent with what er this is an excursion into the husband and two kids in ten years is supposedly an unbiased film objective viewer’s imagination. time. Woody Allen -as Sad Frog -for the students Brief glimmer:, of humanity Dylan, who captivates %he audiAnxious to rid himself of the are seen in men like Sohn and ence with his insane charm and Chevron Affair entirely, Sohn IA1 members. They can almost Jack Nicholson as R.B. McBurmakes a second proposal which be seen as real people, ‘whose phey, a slovenly non-conformist. completely fulfils the wishes of fanatical beliefs and lusts have -Chris Wheatley the RFC. But he has made one overpowered them. impetuous decision too many. Several performances worthy Even his so-called CRG yesof mention. Peter Sellers as men turn against him. The streets are for the Sam Whizzo who, after his hilThe ensuing Council meeting is people. arious escapades on an underExercise your rights! chaotic, confused and unnecesground newspaper, barely esTake a walk. sarily complicated by irritatingcapes beatings and bouts of verly picky editing by SAG Bite. bal abuse. Ned Beatty as Hag Dissatisfaction mounts between Rite, a man as frustratingly council members and RF Chevcold and efficient as the comrics. The Chevron issue is reincarnated several times. Democracy is defined several times. _ We see interspliced scenes of real students who are studying, eating lunch, -looking for adequate housing, waiting impatiently for buses and dreading feehikes. These scenes are effectively disassociated from those of the A secretary for taking minutes of Students’ CounciJ council meeting. and the Executive Board of the Federation of Students. Finally, Creat Whisley, by this time cynical and tired, walks out in the middle of the Must be able to make legible and consistent notes meeting with nothing but a on motions passed and debate at such meetings.
Doug Thmpson, President Federation of Students
page 8 - the real chevron
Coffee is a relative newcomer in the world of psychoactive ‘drugs. According to Arab folklore, it was discovered in about A.D. 850 by a melancholy Abyssinian goatherd named Kaldi, ,who noticed his flock .gamboling about the meadow after nibbling the fruit of a glossy green tree. Curious about their friskiness, Kaldi ate some of the bright red fruit himself, felt a rush of energy, leaped up and began cavorting with his goats. A passing monk was amazed to see the once sad goatboy dancing merrily round the tree in such oppressive heat. The monk plucked some berries and took them back to his monastery, delighted to find something to keep him awake during all-night vigils and prayers. Like most of the other caffeine stimulants that pharmacologists call excitantia - tea,
“Coffee saved my life once, back in my dope smuggling he continues. as opera days,” blares from the, jukebox. “We had scored a ton of weed in 1969 and driven it across Mexico to Lagunas de 10s Leones, where a boat was waiting to pick it up. The skipper of the boat had never smuggled weed before and wanted to get his goddamn papers signed by the port captain. ‘What do you want to be,’ I said, ‘a legal smuggler?’ He was adamant, though, and refused the load, which meant we had to stash it someplace for the weekend. “So there we were, sitting on a ton of dope in a Ford camper. The back of the truck was a furnace, sweat was pouring off the weed and it smelled like a king-sized marijuana factory. I went and bought 25 pounds of ground coffee from a very sur-
prised shopkeeper and threw kola, ’ chocolate, mate, cassine, guarana-coffee was first con- it in on top of the weed to disguise the smell. Then I parked sidered a food. Even today, many tribes of northeast Africa it / in Puerto Vallarta next to crush niacin-rich coffee beans some fancy gringo apartments, with butter or fat and munch where I could watch it from my the pellets for energy on, war hotel. All weekend people walkparties. ed by, pausing and sniffing. Across the Red Sea in Yemen, Man, it reeked ! It was like nothdiscovery of the beverage cof- ing you ever smelled before, sort fee is attributed to a disreputof a cross between mota and able dervish named Omar, who mocha. ’ Finally, after three days parked in the middle of ha$d been banished into the desert behind the port of Mocha. Dy- the hottest town in Mexico that we drove it back to ing of starvation, he sank into a weekend, delirium. At midnight he was the lagoon and loaded it up. startled awake by’ a visionWhen it got to San Francisco the spirit of his former teacherit was a legend-coffee weed! who guided Omar to a coffee It went over big. This town tree and instructed him to soak really loves coffee.” Coffee is now the most poputhe berries in water and drink lar drug in the world-sipped, the “wine” (qahwah) thereby slurped, quaffed and created. Literally awakened gulped, savored by more than a third from death, the happy dervish the planet’s population. staggered back to Mocha and of Americans consume about 40 proclaimed a miracle, offering percent of the’six or seven bilhis own survival as proof of it. lion pounds traded .each year News of the exhilarating drink market. spread. quickly through the se- on the international A mortar and pestle for grindcret Sufi underground. Dervish ing coffee came over on the Maydances and Sufi legends were flower, but it was not until Deinspired by the bitter black cember 16, 1773, that it became’ brew. Pilgrims took it with America’s national drink, when them on arduous trips to Mecca, where it was rumored that the Sam Adams and a mob of hotheads disguised as Yippies Archangel Gabriel, had presentdumped 342 chests of British tea ed it to the Prophet Mohammed in Boston Harbor to protest taxhimself once when he was sick. ation without representation. Physicians acclaimed qahwah women emptied as a new medicine. Rhazes of Revolutionary their tea canisters,, and soon Baghdad mentions a stimulating you could tell what side people wine made from raw coffee were on by what they offered beans and dried husks as early you for breakfast. as A.D:900. Roasting and grindCoffeehouses became centers ing the beans, and steeping of sedition by providing discreet them in boiling water-the trameeting rooms away from watch-ditional Arab method of making ful Tory eyes. Daniel Webster coffee-developed in the thircalled Boston% Green Dragon teenth century. By the sixteenth, of the Revolu“headquarters ’ the clinking of coffeepots could and the Sons of Liberty be heard throughout the Muslim tion,” Empire, from the nomad camps plotted rebel strategy at the Merchants Coffeehouse in New of North Africa to the palaces of Cairo and Constantinople. York. ‘ ‘Medicine indeed, ’ * says Jerry As thenew nation moved west, Kamstra, author of Weed and no wagon train would depart The Frisco Kid, as we duck into the Caffe Trieste one mornwithout a year’s supply of cofing for a cappuccino. “You fee to be brewed over the campfire. Tall sailing ships brought could almost say coffee brought poetry back to life here in North coffee from Java, Rio, Aden, Beach in the Fifties. The San the West Indies, round the horn Francisco poetry renaissance to the boozy and brawling Barbary Coast of San Francisco, began in these little coffeehouses where miners would pay $30 a and jazz cellars and bars. .
pound in gold dust for the beans. Massive migrations from Europe brought millions of coffee fanatics to our shores. Between 1880 and 1920, one in ten Italians left for America, and many ended up in San Franciso. The area along Columbus Avenue from North Beach to Fisherman’s Wharf became “Little Italy.” In fact, the famous restaurants at the Wharf began as dockside eateries for fishermen who didn’t “It’s in The Seven Sisters of dare leave their catches unguardSleep. He was a Lebanese mouned for even an hour. Italian caftain man who supposedly taught fes lent the city a distinctly Medithe women of Tripoli a unique terranean flavor. ‘method of making coffee. He Now it’s as natural to step appeared out of nowhere one out to the local coffeeshop as it day, sat down on a busy street is to attend a socialite party in corner and took an enormous Washington, DC. - it’s where bowl out of his bag, , which he the real business gets done. attached to a long pipe stem. Folgers, MJB and Hills BrothTesting the pipe bowl on the ers started in San Francisco ground, he put a little tripod and maintain busy roasting over it and stood his coffeepot plants here. And you can still on it. He filled the bowl with stop by Graffeo’s down on Colblond hash and dark tobacco umbus Avenue * to see coffee and proceeded to smoke pipe roasted the old-fashioned Italian after pipe, boiling his coffee all to a cinder, its way, charred the while. aroma so powerful that your “The news got to the harems, nostrils are still flaring halfway and the women came to watch down the block. Fine coffee is this weirdo make his coffee on one of the charms that makes his pipe. .They soon won the San Francisco the highest city right, to drink coffee and smoke in the universe. dope like the men, and by the “It used to be illegal to drink time coffee got to Turkey, the coffee,” I announce as some of failure of a husband to provide the Ludlow Library curators coffee for his wife became legal swap stoned stories in the Risgrounds for divorce.” torante Vagabond0 after seeing “That’s all right, friend,” the movie The Man Who Fell to Michael says, “You have nothEarth. , ing to worry about.” “In 1511 the Sultan of Cairo Coffeehouses became the rage sent a new governor to Mecca. of Constantinople in 1551 during The orthodox young official was shocked to find pilgrims drinking coffee openly in the mosques, so he called a meeting of theologians to determine whether coffee was an inebriant and therefore forbidden by the Koran. One learned worthy claimed that coffee did act like wine thus revealing that he was familiar with wine and was promptly condemned to a certain number of cane strokes on his feet for this infringement of the law.” “He probably sucked his toes,” Michelle smiles, “and that’s how we got the expression ‘putting your foot in your mouth.’ ” “Some doctors testified that coffee was terribly harmful, and it was immediately prohibited. Sale was banned, coffee trees were burned down and those convicted of drinking it were led through town on a donkey. But when the Sultan heard this he withdrew the prohibition, for he was an avid coffee drinker himself. Various other rulers tried to ban it too. In some places people who dared open coffeehouses were given the death penalty. Eventually coffee drinking became so widespread it was impossible to stop. the reign of Suleiman the MagLike every other drug prohibinif icent. The game of bridge tion in history, the ban failed for was invented in these fabulous the simple reason that people hostels, which bubbled with who liked it couldn’t be preventpolitical and intellectual exciteed from using it, no matter how ment. Magicians, orators, belly harsh the penalties. ” dancers, travelers and musi“Didn’t they eat hash with cians from every exotic realm it?” Michelle asks. made coffeehouses the rock pal“Yes,” says Michael. “Reaces of their time. Shah Abbas, member the Arabian Nights wise ruler of Isfahan in Persia, story about the hashhead who even appointed special coffeepisses all over the Sultan? It’s house mullahs “to be there thought to be a rather late interevery day betimes, to entertain polation because he also drinks the tobacco-whiffers and coffeecoffee.” quaffers with a point of law, Michael ’ Horowitz, a High history, or poetry.” Ornate Times contributing editor, makes Turkish and Persian coffeehis living cataloguing books houses provided the model for and remembering this kind of the later great cages of Europe. arcana. “The tradition continuThe spice and drug trade ed in the Hashish Club of Paris flourished between eastern Euin ’ the 1840s. Moreau de Tours rope and Constantinople, dewould hand them a confection spite sporadic outbreaks of the of Algerian hash, saying, ‘This last Crusades. When coffee was will be deducted from your first introduced to Venice about share of Paradise,’ and Gautier 1600, Christian priests tried to and Baudelaire say they washban it as a drink fit only for Sared it down with coffee Arabian acens and Satan. They petitionstyle, the grounds still in it and ed Pope Clement VIII for his no sugar. ’ ’ ruling on the subject. “Delj#“Ever hear the story of Abu cious ! ’ ’ pronounced the Pope, Gallioun? ’ ’ Cindy chimes in. who promptly baptized the brew
Cafe 016 at -,the World’s
to make it legal. Capuchin monks experimented with different coffee preparations and invented cappuccino as a remedy against plague. Of all the caffeine stimulants coffee has the most demonic undertone. Beneath its shimmering surface lurks something secretive, sinister, even satanic : a . dark mysterious force that gossip, wit and laughter cannot allay. An unearthly feeling in the most mundane of drinks, that conjures up apparitions in the desert, ghostly sailing ships, strange tales of bravado and duplicity understood with the heart, not the feverish brain. Mark Twain, in The Mysterious Stranger (an exorcist tale set in gothic Austria), recounts the myth of how coffee came to Vienna. An old manservant, says Twain, “had served in the wars, and was at the seige of Vienna ; and there, when the Turks were defeated and driven among the captured away, things were bags of coffee, and the Turkish prisoners explained the character of it, and now he always kept coffee by him, to
\ drink himself and also to astonish the ignorant.” The Holy Wars also brought coffee to England. Cyrill, Patriarch of the Greek Church in Constantinople, was assassinated in 1637 and his disciple, the prelate Conopios, fled to Oxford. There Conopios regaled. students with fables of the Orient and the advancements of Arabic science and medicine, over tiny cups of Turkish brew. Soon scholars were meeting regularly at the Oxford Coffee Club, and in 1662 they were granted a charter by King Charles II. Thus began the most prestigious scientific association in English ’ history, the Royal Society. It’s a real joy to initiate a novice into the pleasures of coffee tasting, especially one who already takes pride in drug connoisseurship. Fred is such a person - a marijuana mavin who can distinguish Oaxacan from Michoacan ,in one toke, blindfolded, but has never paid much attention to coffee. We saunter into Cost Plus down on Fisherman’s Wharf at noon one day and I ask him what kind of coffee he likes. “Strong” is the only description he can muster. So we get a half-pound each of Kalossi Celebes and Guatemala Antigua
the real chevron
ight-hearted Popular
inside these walls,” he says. “Since we had a policy of not smoking dope in the office, we’d walk around the block cupping a joint in our hands and end up here afterwards. ” Recalling that Gordon had done his political apprenticeship as a Nixon staffer in 1969, I ask if he knows any good White House coffee stories. “The White House was divided,” he replies. “Half were cafing in Robinson Crusoe, Gullifeine addicts like in any busy ver’s Travels and Tom Jones? organization, but many of the At. first coffeehouses were Christian Scientists, Mormons exclusively male domains, ex- and Southern Baptists wouldn’t cept for the barmaids - serving touch the stuff. My boss (Harry wenches who carried , coffee to Dent) didn’t, so I’d run down to the patrons from the “bar” the vending machines in the where .it was warmed. Often east wing basement, where the their only pay was tuppence , White House police were stationdeposited in boxes labeled “To ed. The cops always, grumbled Insure Promptness” - the oriabout how bad the coffee was, gin of the word “tip.” But soon but they drank a lot of it. I don’t /
!t /’
and retreat to my house to brew it up. “There are three things to start with in coffee tasting,” I grinding the Celebes. say, “Body, aroma and acidity. Body is the thickness of the coffee, heavy as mud or light as feathers. Aroma comes from its volatile chemicals, and some people can tell different coffees by fragrance alone. ’ ’ I bring water to. a boil, let it cool a minute and pour it over the grounds in the filter of my “Acidity is the sharpChemex. ness. All coffee is acidy, but in some you can hardly taste it, in others it shocks you. Here. Try this, and go slow. Smell it first.” Fred cocks his nose over the cup, inhales and gasps: “Spicy!” Then a tentative sip. “Smooth and thick. Guess that means heavy-bodied. ” “Right. That syrupy quality is characteristic of Indonesian coffees. How’s the acidity?” A long slurp, contemplating rolling it around in his mouth. “No special sharpness. Low acidity?” “Relatively. Don’t savor it so ladies of fashion demanded admuch, you’ll coat your taste like their sisters in buds. I want you to be able to mittance, Paris, where a pamphlet urging taste the Antigua,” I say, brushfemale access to cafes circulating out the grinder and filling ed in 1715. The first London it with Guatemalan beans. “This is grown at high alticoffeehouse to open its doors to was the Goldtudes, ” I add as the Braun cof- women customers en Lion in 1717. fee mill whirls. “I call it Guatlooks The Parisian court was the emala Red because -it showing him the dis- glass of fashion for Europe. In like this,” A 1664 the “Sun King,” Louis XIV, tinctly rust-colored grounds. curled his pinkie round a demifew minutes later Fred is samptasse and advanced the fortunes ling it. after the of coffee in one elegant sip, for “WOW! ” he exclaims sharp. Lots Louis set the style of all the second sip. “That’s royal houses of the world. The of zing.” “Yes,” ‘ ‘connoisseurs Turkish ambassador threw posh 1 reply, at Versailles : coffee parties like to think up adjectives for bended knee, the black acidy coffees: zesty, brisk, snap- “On py. Aroma and body?” slaves of the Ambassador, arin the most gorgeous “Smells ’ rich but delicate,” rayed “and it’s not as Oriental costumes, served the slurp, slurp, choicest Mocha coffee in tiny thick as the Celebes,” cups of egg-shell porcelain, hot, “Or, as they say, bracing and fragrant, poured and medium-bodied. Which of strong out in saucers of gold and silver, the two coffees is stronger?” silk on embroidered “Well, it depends on what you placed doylies fringed with gold bulmean. Antigua has a sharper lion, to the grand dames, who smell and flavor, but the Celebes fluttered their fans with many has real body and smoothness. bending their piquant Each has its own special com- grimaces, faces be-rouged, be-powderplexity.” - over the “Welcome to the ranks. Pro- ed and be-patched new and steaming beverage. ” fessional coffee tasters train A Sicilian lemonade vendor For 20 years to be able to make named Procope opened the most that kind of disti ction.” coff I. ehouses were famous coffee parlor of Paris London talk centers for the greatest wits in 1689. At the Cafe de Procope, heady French Roast sustained and wags of the Restoration. cynical mockery of John Dryden held forth daily at Voltaire’s “the best of all possible worlds”, Will’s smoke-filled coffeeroom inspired Diderot and d’ Alembert like a Persian mullah, enchantto compile the first encyclopedia; ing his listeners with poems: and sprightly critiand caused an unknown artillery invective, plastered the officer named ’ Bonaparte to zism. Broadsides leave his tricornered hat once walls of coffeehouses catering to the maritime trade, and, one when he couldn’t pay his bills. enterprising proprietor, Edward Marat, Robespierre and DantonLloyd, erected a pulpit for auc- plotted their plots there. As in America, Paris coffeetions and took offers to underhouses were the birthplace of Nrite valuable cargo : modern A hundred years nsurance began at Lloyd’s of revolution. after Procope started his little London in 1698. cafe, the sip the Sun King took Satiric poetry like Pope’s came back and washed over the Bastille. I ‘Rape of the’ Lock” was inspir!d by coffeehouse gossip, and Afternoon coffee break with crowned cintillating prose Gordon Brownell, West Coast he Augustan Age. Addison and coordinator of the National gteele’s Tatler and Spectator, Organization for Reform of ull of malicious wit, fashion’ Marijuana Laws (NORML), at tongue-in-cheek moralHardcastle’s on Fillmore Street. lotes, zing and sly doses of scandal, Over a mug of mild but tasty vere designed specifically for Peruvian, Gordon reminisces he coffeehouse crowds. The about the 1972 California Marilove1 began here too: cannot juana Initiative campaign. a decision was made ve detect coffeehouse tall-tal_ “Many .~
know what President Nixon’s coffee habits were.” , Anything else? “No... wait a minute. Have YOU read All the President’s Men? Coffee .helped lead Woodward and Bernstein from Watergate directly into the White House. Remember when Bernstein was ‘trying to get that bookkeeper .. from CREEP to open up about the Plumbers’ slush fund? He kept sipping slowly on cups of coffee and finally got her to agree that Liddy, Magruder and Porter, I think, had gotten money from the fund. “Bernstein rushed back to Woodward all excited -’ in the Hoffman says ‘Well movie, you’d be crazy too if you were operating on 20 cups of coffee’ and they started digging deeper into secret White House intelligence activities. Eventually it. led them to Mitchell, Haldeman and the president himself. Now that’s a White House coffee story! ” The tale of bringing, coffee to the New -World reads like an Errol Flynn movie script. The Dutch recognized coffee’s commercial potential sooner than the French, introducing it to JaJa in 1690 and Surinam in 1718, but limiting seeds and cuttings to Dutch nationals only. Then as now, however, the great botanists of the world shared specimens and the Dutch sent Louis XIV’s royal botanist Antoine de Jussieu, one little plant from which the mighty Latin American coffee industry grew. De Jussieu - who, not coincidentally, was also the first taxonomist to describe cocazealously guarded the few coffee trees he’d managed to cult&ate at the Jardin des Plantes from the Dutch specimen. In 1723 a young French naval officer Gabriel de Clieu, approached him with the idea of growing coffee in Martinique, but de Jussieu refused to part with any of his treasured plants. Undaunted, de Clieu clambered over the garden walls and stole a small coffee tree, setting sail *for Martinique the next day with it enclosed in a glass cage. The voyage was incredible, including storms that shatter-
ed ~the cage, and nearly washed the plant overboard, a pirate attack, a swordfight’ with a Dutch spy over the coffee plant and a long panoramic scene in which the ship was becalmed and de Clieu had to 1share his sip of rationed water with his tree. Eventually they reached Martinique, where de Clieu planted his prize, surrounded by armed guards day and night, beginning the West Indies coffee trade. But that’s not all there was to it... In 1727 a suave Brazilian army colonel, Francisco de Melo Palheta, was invited to arbitrate a dispute over the boundary between French and Dutch Guiana, both coffee countries that prohibited export of cuttings on point of death. In the mornings Palheta met with the governors and diplomats about the boundary squabble; in the afternoons he secretly romanced the French governor’s wife. When the border was settled, she presented him with a bouquet in front of hundreds of witnesses, obstensibly for having resolved the dispute, actually a token of her appreciation of his sexual finesse. Hidden in the bouquet were a few cuttings which Palheta. triumphantly smuggled back to Brazil to start what later became the world’s largest coffee industry. All this from the one plant de Clieu swiped from de Jussieu’s gardens. “What’s all this about Jamaican Blue Mountain?” asks the friendly silver-haired lady at Freed, Teller & Freed’s, a dank traditional coffee store right in the heart of San Francisco’s flashiest gay shopping area,, Polk Street. “I’ve had fifteen requests for it today.” Reggae and Rasta, I think, go great with ganja - but I reply, “It’s my favorite coffee, and even at $5 a pound here it’s less than anyplace else. ” “There’s only about 100,000 pounds of it produced every year,” she muses. “We have to ration it. It’s ironic, you know? We’ve never been so busy, but right now the coffee industry is in chaos. Frosts in Brazil last year. War in Angola. Earthquakes in Guatemala. * Commercial coffee has been downsliding, but there’s a revival of interest in gourmet coffees. ” “Maybe it’s drugs,” I blurt. “The drug revolution started over in North Beach with the beatniks 20 years ago, and kids started flocking to the coffeehouses. They got a taste for espresso. Now they’ve grown up and it’s a revival. Since coffee’s so expensive anyway, they might as well throw out their percolators get a drip system, and taste some real coffee. for a change:” Still searching for pure Blue Mountain I try Hardcastle’s retail outlet on Greenwich, where Doug, the counterman, tells me they’ve been out for almost two months. “Most of it goes to Japan. We were ‘selling it for $8 a pound and it may go up to $10 next time. Jim Hardcastle of Capricorn Coffees is the only roaster in the western United States who imports it, and he has letters from the Jamaican government to prove it.” . I notice a gleaming silver canister labeled -Java. “Is that real Java? I thought the Arabicas in Java got wiped out in World War II and all they produced any more were Robustas. “, “It’s illegal to sell Indonesian Robustas as Java,” he- replies. “They use Robustas as filler in commercial blends. But there’s still a small Arabica crop and that’s the real thing.” “Far out,” I think as I exit with a bag of Java ($3.30), “you can get it if you really want. If you wait long enough.” Passing the Coffee Cantata,
- page 9
a swanky restaurant on Union Street, brings to mind the Baroque era when coffee inspired dozens of tinkling minor masterpieces of chamber music. In Bach’s famed “Coffee Cantata” of 1732, a young woman named Lisette is threatened that she’ll never find a husband because she drinks so much coffee. She agrees to stop (and Bach tosses in some strange “medical opinions” against coffee), but finally wins from her fiance a written contract guaranteeing her the right to drink it, as a condition of marriage. At the other end of Union Street, over Russian Hill in North Beach, is Malvina’s coffeehouse, one of the finest in a city full of great cafes. Margo St. James, chairmadam of Coyote (“a loose women’s organization” working for decriminalization of prostitution) breezes into Malvina’s spacious loft late one afternoon. In cut-offs and Coyote T-shirt, she radiates the wholesome healthiness of a champion long distance runner, which she is. She’s just back from a Pike’s Peak competition and the Democrat and *Republican national conventions. “It was perfect timing to be at the conventions during the sex scandals,” she says, “but the pols are running scared. It’ll be hard to get Congressional hearings this year, and it’s a shame, too, because we’ve finally worked out a detailed decriminalization program. We had a loiter-in in New York, which is gonna get the hippo-critters in ‘cause they arrested trouble, a lot of ordinary housewives.” Margo flashes a toothy grin. “You know, coffee had a lot to do with the early women’s movement. The idea of a coffee break originated when working women and children in the cotton mills of England demanded a break in their 16-hour days. they And kaffee - Klatsches: were treasured institutions among a rising new class of German housewives and working women in the early 1800s. Theyyd gather to discuss political affairs, and the men - who were originally excluded from these gatherings - tried to put it down as just ‘gossip,’ klatsch. Nowadays we’d call it consciousness raising. ” In Paris; too, women defiantly carved out a new niche for themselves in the Bohemianism of the 1830s. George Sand set the style by clipping her hair short, wearing men’s clothes, and accompanying Balzac to the coffeehouses where she almost singlehandedly created a new type of women: la lionne. “She did not want to please by her beauty or charm by her wit, she wanted to surprise and astonish by her audacity,” wrote a contemporary. “Horsewoman and huntress whip in hand, spurs on boots, gun across her shoulder, cigar in mouth, glass in hand, all impertinence and rowdiness, - la lionne delighted in‘ defying and disconcerting the peaceful elegance of the salons, and left them.. There was an *empty place where she should have been, and nobody came forward to fill it” - except, we might now add, the legions of libertarians men and women, who crowd the cafes of every civilized corner of the globe. Out over the Golden Gate Bridge in Marin County, Bea, Linda and Jim have a super house high in the hills, where Michelle and I go on weekends to escape the city. As the sun fades this afternoon, it’s still 97 degrees under the plum tree and we’re all clustered around skinnydipping with the pool, Eleanor and Herb. Eleanor fresh from two years in Paris, translates a section of Balzac’s Treatise on Modern Excita_nts --continued on page 13
page IO - the real chevron _--
Prin&les The cratic Tuesday touchy tions.
A resolution passed by the el Belt riding association -year called on the party cept and solicit donations Canadian firms with assets
UW Campus New DemoParty Association met afternoon to discuss the issue of corporate dona; -
NDP Nicklast to acfrom of un-
der $1 million which engage in fair labour practices and do not act in any manner clearly contrary to public well-being. The -executive of the Peterbor-
18, 1977
They maintainough riding association passed a matic approach. counter-resolution urging that ed that the party was in desperthe party not solicit funds from ate need of money and that the private companies until the mat- . additional funds could buy enough ter has been resolved at the provpublicity and advertising to give incial convention, scheduled for the NDP candidates- a definite boost summer of 1978. The Peterborin Icrucial ridings in the next proough resolution was passed by a vincial election., vote of 6 to 4, but several memSaid Helfinger, “Socialist prinbers complained about the vague ciples are worth screw all unless wording of the resolution, which you can put them into practice. said nothing with regard to ac- I fail to see how the cause of demo.. ceptance of voluntary donations. cratic socialism can be advanced Vice President, Mini Pathria if we don’t win any more seats moved that that question be dealt and let the Tories continue_ on in
tance of money from capitalists would constitute a violation of fundamental socialist principles and could possibly compromise the party program. Pathria and Association president Michael Helfinger argued for a more prag-
nounced that Ted Bounsall, NDP Colleges and Universities critic in the provincial legislature,. will speak at UW on Wednesday 30 March at 2:30 p.m. The place will be announced. -Ed Marimba
.Environment issues & tiedia formats Smitty3s
Pancake -
. Westmount
every sunday s
froti FREE
5 pm-10
Tickets for Monday, ‘March =I j at 8 p.m. Humanities Theatre University O’f Waterlog 1
Tickets * available only in the Federation Office, u of \Iv
His Limited, Toronto. There will be a colloquium tie- \ cations in topic will be: “ ‘Environment ing in the concerns of environSearch of a Medium.” mentalists with the concerns of The Saturday workshops will news media people, at UW this start at 10:00 ‘a.m., 1:OO p.m. Saturday, March 19. The colloand 3:15 p.m. Each will last quium is being organized by the approximately two hours. The Faculty of Environmental Studworkshops will be held in various ies and it is entitled “Environclassrooms and seminar rooms mental Issues and Media Forin the Environmental Studies mats.” building on campus. Throughout the day a series of “The colloquium will have a workshops will discuss topics : number of purposes,” says Dr. “Media participation and the Colin De’Ath, one of the orand citizen,” ‘ ‘newspapers ganizers. . ‘ ‘These will include : energy decisions, ’ ’ ‘ ‘technocratic examining problems of reporting to communicating approaches complex environmental issues with citizens,” “environmental via media; facilitation of comissues and the mass media,” munication between -environ“inverting traditional teaching and media personnel ; practices,” “the ethics of en- mentalists promoting an understanding of “the vironmental journalism,” the differences between mass “environalternative press,” media systems, mental films and the politics of and small-scale and of the potential of each for use film production,” “computers by environmentalists; assistance and environmental _-education,” to UW’s Environmental Media “prospects for CBC and ‘public and Information Centre in its “the third world media outlets’,” mission to make media tools and and media oppression” and “seinformation-sharing techniques mantic environments.” available to students.” A keynote address will be deThe colloquium is open to the livered Friday evening, March public. There will be a $3.50 18, at 7:00 p.m. in the Theatre of luncheon charge. Registration the Arts. The speaker will be begins at 9:00 a.m., March 19 in Studies Phil Lind, secretary and vicethe Environmental president, Rogers TelecommuniBuilding. .
._hhloto~ 871 Victoria Every
Hotel w-
is Singles
St. N. - 744-3511
Friday & Saturday. -
$4.00 students (U of-w,WLU, Conestoga College) j%OO extra at the door) $5.00 general admission
-- McLean E -’ McLea n ’ All Next
’ SHOOTER Coming Soon: Jackson Hawk Amateur Night every Tues. ,
the real chevron
18, 1977
On March 25th, in London, the peoples. Reed Paper Company art show “Changing visions”, indeed! entitled CHANGING VISIONS It is an affront to all of us that THE CANADIAN LANDSCAPE Reed should attempt to use an will open for the last time. art show to improve its corporate Reed, you may recall, is the image. For that reason, this show international conglomerate which has been met with demonstrahas despoiled the English-Wabi. tions and informational pickets in every city in which it has opengoon river system with mercury, damaging the health and livelied across Canada. It would seem appropriate that the Reed show hood of hundreds of native peoshould be greeted when it comes ples in N.W. Ontario. _ to London. It is also Reed which has designs The Coalition Against Mercury on the last remaining large tract Pollution (C.A.M.P.) in Waterof virgin pulp wood in this provloo, Guelph, Hamilton, Peterborince, an expansion scheme which threatens to destroy the way of ough and Toronto in conjunction with the London Labour Council life for 10,000 Cree and Ojibway
A motion may be brought up to Council at this Sunday’s meeting to fire the editor of the real chevron, R.B. Burton. At last Friday’s staff meeting, from which interested students were barred by Federation Vice-President, Ron Hipfner, the three staff members who have been responsible for the bulk of the content d,uring the last few issues, along with President Doug Thompson and Hipfner informed Burton that they wished him to relinquish all control over the content of the paper. Burton was appointed editor of the paper last November by Council, and went on a leave of absence in February, in order to catch up on school work. He was requested, however, to continue, on as “Co-editor” since the person assigned to do the job of editor for the three nothing about weeks knew sports. however, The controversy, stems from his refusal to allow the rest of staff to print an article promoting only the Federation side in the forced eviction of Chevron staff members Marc Shafroth and Jonathan Coles from the Publication Offices two weeks ago, and a “comment” criticizing an article written by Val Moghadam in the free chevron. During the in camera meeting, Thompson, former editor of the Bullseye, suggested that the real chevron has evolved beyond the point where it is to remain neutral in the continuing Federation/ Chevron debate. One of the conditions made by Burton when ‘he agreed to accept the position when it was offered to him by then-President, Shane Roberts, was that it would not exist to promote the Federation arguments, nor criticize the position of the free chevron. The motive behind Thompson’s and Hipfner’s support of the rest of staff, Burton suggests might have a lot to do with their continuing suggestions that the name of the real chevron be in changed to The Chevron, order to pick up the $15,000. of Youthstream , advertising, which can be carried only by a University of Waterloo newspaper carrying that name. Burton has pointed out continually that the real chevron was set up as an interim paper only, and that
Reed are working towards this end: a large informational picket at the Reed art show in London, Saturday March 26th. !! The tentative schedule of events 2 is as follows: 12 :OO-assemble in front of Gallery 1:00 p.m. - showing of films in library auditorium in 1:30 p.m. - press conference library meeting room No. 3 2:00 p.m. - speakers in auditorby Al ium, . chaired Campbell of the Len don Labour Council Terry Moore - provincial coordinator, Ontario Public Interest Research Group Andrew Rickard - Grand Chief, or another representative of Grand Council Treaty No. 9. informal gathering in library meeting room No. 3. If you want more information, if you can help with pamphleting, postering or with a donation, contact the Ontario Public Interest Research Group - Waterloo office at 88419020.
it ’ would never become The Chevron as long as he was editor of it. Burton said that The Chevron was closed September 24, and, the staff of that paper now comprises the staff of the free chevron. To change the name of the paper would not only be unfair to these people, he said, but possibly in contravention of the the Federation bylaws, and Corporations Act. The people at the meeting Thompson, Hipfner, interim editor, Mike Dillon (recently ratified by Council as Co-Chairperson of the ‘Board of Publications) ; Arts Councillor, Pattijoy Armoogam; and Wolfgang Nagy indicated to Burton that they had decided their position previous to the closed meeting, and did not wish any further time to consider the matter, or talk about it with the editor. Burton suspects that there are very definite wishes on the part of certain members of the Federation Executive and Council, and the Campus Reform Group, of which Thompson was a founding member and their choice for Presidential Candidate to control the content of the paper. These people are aware of the feelings of the staff members on the matter, -and are supporting those that will serve their aims, Burton feels. After considering the matter over the following 48 hours, Burton decided that he preferred to be fired from the position by Council, rather than quietly relinquish control of a paper of which he had been solely responsible for its weekly publication for the first ten issues. At last Sunday’s Council meeting, he presented his position to Co-op math Councillor, and form-
Sign Painting
If you have a car and can give someone a ride let us know. If enough people are going down, we can all charter a bus and split the cost (about $4 per perso$. Please contact us as soon as possible so we can charter the bus if necessary.
We’ll provide the bristol paint and brushes, you yourselves. ( Donations fully received to defray the March 24th at 38 Margaret Kitchener, 744-1324, ask for We are asking for and for your help and support. C.A.M.P.
: : ~0
er Speaker of Council, R.A.G. White, who assisted him in getting his request onto the agenda of next Sunday’s Council meeting. It stated that he would like Thompson, Hipfner, Armoogam, or Dillon to bring this motion before Council, if they wished his firing. Since he was hired to the position by Council, under By-law nine, he can be removed from the position only by Council and not. as the staff and the top two Executive members hoped by the decision of paid staff and Executive members. “If the other three- paid staff had approachedme with their position, we could have discussed it, and I would have probably acceded to their points, to a certain extent, since I never originally intended to continue in the position after the end of this term. But I resent very much the attempted intervention by Thompson and Hipfner, whose only interest in this is a political one. “Their current plan is to have the real chevron appear on cam pus on May 1 as The Chevron, of the so-called irregardless they claim to be “negotiations” currently carrying out with the staff of the free chevron. “If need be, I am now prepared to continue on as editor as long as possible, in order to prevent the turning of the paper into - an Executive mouthpiece, and another Bullseye. “There have been suggestions made to me in the past that I might be fired if I printed certain articles, or did not print certain articles, but these came from former Publications Chairperson, Leona Kyrytow, \ an d were in jest. As I have pointed out on more than one occasion, to both Council members and free chevron staff members, the content of the paper. is de-
i : :l
Dr. Bildstein, Director,of Studies in Christian Living, St. Jerome’s College, announces that Rev. W. Debly, C.R. will not be one of the instructors in-the Christian Living Programme during the 1977 Summer session.
board, supply gratecosts. ) Ave., Ian. hoping
- Waterloo
revisited termined by nobody but the editor. The paper is responsible to no-one but Council, who are the elected representatives of all the students, and not a select minority of individuals. ” As to whether Council will support him in the matter, Burton said, “If Thompson has the number of Councillors in his back pocket that he claims, I have no illusions as to my continuance as editor. But I wish the matter to be presented before open Council, rather than decided in a secret meeting of a small group, who had made up their minds behind my back, before confronting me. “There has been talk of introducing another motion at this week’s Council meeting, eliminating all paid positions from the real chevron. If the motion is carried, we may quickly find out who is interested in working on the paper out of interest, and who is doing it for the money.” Burton and Dillon have been
sharing the salary that Council decided to pay Burton, during Burton’s leave-of-absense. The $160 shared equally by the other two paid staff members was decided by Thompson alone, and it has never been revealed as to where the money is coming, although it is known that it is being paid from Federation funds, never brought before Council. -christian sur Note to Council: it looks like newspapers will always be a problem.
by Chaplain
EVERY SUNDAY MORNING 11 a.m. Room 373 Humanities Hall, U of W Theme : Pictures of the future
The Board of Entertainment is now accepting applications
7, 7 977
Responsibilities: - to co-ordinate and run next September’s orientation program - to work in close co-operation with the societies in organizing a successful program. This is a very demanding job, requiring much and effort. The co-ordinator must be on campus throughout the summer.
l0ooooeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooooooo~ Announcement Q 00 0
- page 11
i : :0 : 0 :a
10 week full salary position ($160 per week) beginning
in late July.
i :: : 0m a~OOO@.OOOOOOO*OOOO@OOOO~~OOOOOOO Apply to Bruce Leavens Chairperson, Bd. of Ent., Fed. office,
of Communications
page 12 - the real chevron
6pen Have you
Doors aid Open Minds - wished fo meet your , Federation President? --new ideas ‘you .wish to convey? questions about your S Federation’s role? +--questions on currenf issues? wished to get involved with Fed or Society activities ?
Although the President’s <office is receptive to student input, specific opporfunities- are sometimes limited. Stutiing next week, the President’s office will be open specifically for student communication at the following times: . Juesduy, Wednesday and Friduy, Noon to 2:00 pm Campus Centre, Room 235 Why not drop in and say hello m
Doug Thompson
18, 1977
’ Baha’is celebrate New. Year The first day of spring conjures up images of renewal; rebirth and new beginnings. These are some of the reasons that the Bab, one of the principle figures in the Baha’i Faith, chose March 21st to celebrate Baha’i New Year. It marks the first day of the first month in a new 19 month calendar designed by the Bab, each month consisting of 19 days. The names of the months are based on the various attributes of God; for instance this first month is called “Splendor”. On the first day of each month Baha’i communities gather together to celebrate a Feast which involves devotion, consultation on the affairs of the community, and fellowship. The last month of the year from March 2nd to 21st, “Loftiness” is set aside for fasting and prayer in preparation for the forthcoming year. The fast is observed from sunrise to sunset each day. Prior to the beginning of this last month, a four day period called the Intercalary Days equalizes the calen-
dar to the 365 day ‘year, and constitutes the gift-giving time of the Baha’i year. It is the conviction of the Baha’i Faith that the lives and teachings of both the Bab and Baha’u’llah who cameaafter Him, have infused a fresh capacity into the life of mankind, much as the arrival of spring itself revives in the earth its inherent . capacity to foster growth. All the myriad achievements of mankind in the fields of technology, mass communications, transportation and science in the past 100 years are the physical manifestations of this new capacity. From the cycles of nature the Baha’i Faith draws a parallel to the history of religion. Each of the world’s religions has gone through the same four stages of spring, summer, fall and winter. Each experiences the youthful vigor of spring when its Founder appears in the world, the intensity of summer during its most creative period, in the fall, when it yields its harvest and the fullness of its achievement; then, inevitably, it slips into winter, when like a tree its leaves fallen, it stands silent, awaiting the return of spring. With the coming of the Bab and Baha’u’llah, Baha’ is believe, the religion of God has been renewed once more, this time to culminate in the zenith of its achievement, with the unification of the entire human race in one common faith.
m.Yr#-.L IllalLIl
10 IO,
1 n11
the real chevron
Won Ton Soup Meat filling: about ‘/2 pound finely ground pork l/4 medium onion, finely chopped 1 beaten egg 3 tablespoon soy sauce black pepper
Cook the pork and onion in a heavy saucepan and drain off the fat. Combine with other ingredients. Egg noodle skin: 2 cups flour 1 lightly beaten egg 1 teaspoon salt
Stir together flour and salt and stir in egg. Add water (about l/3 cup), a few drops at a time, mixing well after each addition, until the dough forms a ball the right texture for rolling. Turn onto a lightly floured board and knead until smooth. Cover with a towel and let stand for 20 minutes. Roll as thin as possible and cut into 1 2-inch squares (about 20). Place a spoonful of the filling in the center of half of the squares. Cover with the rest of the squares and stick edges. together, using moistened fingertips.
The 2 quarts chicken bouillon filled won tons 3 or 4 stalks of celery 2 tablespoons chopped shallots soy sauce
From its appearance, this dish would seem to be dull and tasteless. But it is one of the most flavorful ,foods you are likely to experience, the more so because its flavor is unexpected. To achieve the most flavor, use the ingredients as specified (that is, butter, not margarine, and natural, not processed cheese). l/2 cup butter 1 teaspoon salt l/4 cup grated natural Swiss cheese (or more) 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1I b”p r-llr\ flnII”“B lr 4 eggs
\ Green
Bring the chicken bouillon to boiling in a large saucepan. Add the won tons a few at a time and cook them for about five minutes in the boil’ ing bouillon. Remove with a slotted spoon, drain on paper towels, and keep hot. Cook all the won 1 tons in this way. While cooking the last batch of won tons, add the shallots and celery, sliced diagonally. If you wish, add the celery leaves also. Before serving, return won tons to soup and heat to boiling. Serve with soy sauce (serves 5-7). Baked
the butter or margarine, stirring in the flour, and gradually adding the milk (instant will do well), stirring constantly. Heat over moderate heat, stirring, until thickened. To assemble pour a small amount of tomato sauce into a 9” x 9” baking dish. ‘Cover with a layer of cooked lasagne noodles. Spread a thin layer of the- meat mixture evenly over this. Then dribble the white sauce thinly over this and scatter some of the grated cheeses on top. Cover with another layer of noodles, and repeat, adding meat, white sauce, cheese, noodles, meat, white sauce and ending with a generous topping of cheese. Pour the rest of the tomato sauce over top. Bake in a moderate oven (350) for 30 minutes. Serve with grated Parmesan, more tomato sauce (heated) if desired, garlic bread, and either a dry red wine or a white wine (try Blue Nun). The lasagne can be cut more easily and will stay together better if you wait about 5 to 10 minutes after removing it from the oven before cutting it (serves 4 to 5).
Most stores don’t carry green lasagne, but this recipe will work with the plain egg pasta also (just not as well). We have only found one place in KitchenerWaterloo that sells the green pasta (made with spinach,. and much more flavorful than the plain pasta.) It is a little Italian grocery store at 25 Bridgeport East (the street next to the Waterloo post office), on the second block from King. This store has just about anything you might need for Italian cooking. about 6 pieces of lasagne, cooked according to package directions 1 pound ground pork 1 pound ground beef 1 cup chopped onion 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 stalk celery 1 carrot about ‘/4 pound salami or mortadella (if you have some) 1 teaspoon nutmeg l/2 teaspoon ground allspice l/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper 1 ‘/2 to 2 cups Qmato sauce VI cup dry white wine salt l/2 cup butter or margarineLL l/2 cup flour 4 cups milk L l/2 lb. mozzarella grated Parmesan, grated
and drained ,
In a medium saucepan combine 1 cup water, the butter and salt and heat until boiling. Remove from heat. With a wooden spoon beat in the flour, a little at a time. Over low heat, beat the mixture for about 1 to 2 minutes (it must leave the sides of the pan and form a ball). Remove from heat. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating with wooden spoon after each addition until well blended. Stir in the cheese and mustard until well blended. In a large (about 4 quart) saucepan, bring 2. quarts slightly salted water to a boil. Reduce the heat so that the water is below boiling point. With a teaspoon heated by dipping it into the simmering water remove 1 teaspoon of the dough and slide it into the water with another heated spoon. Cook about one fourth of the dough at a time. Simmer, uncovered, 10 to 12 minutes, or until the gnocchi are firm and cooked through. Remove them with a slotted spoon and leave to drain well on paper towels. Repeat until all the dough is used. Arrange the gnocchi in a single layer in a \ large shallow baking dish, or two smaller dishes and set aside. Sauce:
‘/2 tablespoons butter 2 ‘/2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt dash cayenne 1 M cups light cream 4 tablespoons grated natural Swiss cheese
Saute the pork and beef for about 10 minutes. Drain off the fat. Add the onions, garlic, celery, carrot, salami or mortadella, spices, l/z cup tomato sauce and the white wine and simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Meanwhile, make a white sauce by melting
In a small saucepan melt the butter. Remove from heat and stir in the flour, salt and cayenne until smooth. Gradually stir in the cream; bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat and simmer 1 minute. Add the cheese, stirring until melted and smooth. Pour this sauce over the gnocchi. Sprinkle with--about 2 or 3 tablespoons grated natural Swiss cheese, and dot with 1 or 2 tablespoons butter. Broil, about 4 inches from the heat for 5 minutes, or until the top is goldenbrown. Serve this as a first course, or as a main course with back bacon or ham (serves 6. ) -w Ping
[clcbssifieds Job
Looking for student taking ‘77-78 school year off to assume duties as chauffeur and aide to local couple. Position is full-time and live-in, Aug. 1, ’ ‘77-Sept. 1, ‘78. To arrange interview, phone Mrs. Connell at 5791337 between 3 and 5 p.m.
Cosy room in Friendly Co-op House in downtown Waterloo for female. Rent: $80/month. Current occupants all students. For more info call Bruce, Doug, Tom or Sue at 886- 1492.
Typing: Term papers, Essays, Theses, etc. Experienced typist with IBM Selectric typewriter. 576-56 19 or 742- 1822 Sandy.
for me. It’s about a droll experiment he claims was made in London. :, “The destinies of a people depend on their food and diet,” Balzac intones in Eleanor’s melodious voice. “The English government permitted disposal of the lives of three condemned prisoners; who were given the option .of being hanged according to thei usual practice of that country, or of living exclusively on tea or coffee or chocolate without additional food or drink. The unhappy fools accepted. Perhaps anyone condemned to die would have done the same,. As each ailiment offered more or less the same chance, they chose willy-nilly. “The man who lived on chocolate died after eight months. “The man who lived on coffee lasted two years. “The man who lived on, tea succumbed after three years. “I suspect that the East India Company solicited this experiment in the interests of its own commerce. “The man of chocolate died in a horrible state of- putrescence, devoured by lice. His limbs fell off one by one, like those of the Spanish monarchy. “The man of coffee died burnt out, as if the fires of Gomorrah had roasted him to a crisp. You could L have made lime out of him. In fact, somebody proposed that - but the experiment seemed contrary to the immortality of his soul. “The man of tea became emaciated and almost transparent, and died of consumption in the condition of a lantern; you could see right through his body: . a ’ philanthropist could have read the Times by putting a light behind his corpse. ‘ ‘The proper English couldn’t have permitted a more original
Man-Ekvironment It was evident at Tuesday’s meeting of the Man-Environment dept. that the students and staff were pissed off about the proposed budget cutback which they are currently facing. There was also much concern over the fact that certain courses are being dropped and, in the words of Collin De’Ath, a’ lot of profs are being “shafted”. Dept. Chairman, G.B. Priddle made a small speech near the opening of the meeting in which he explained that he had every confidence in the Ma&Environment dept., and that he was never more positive about anything. He explained that the dropped‘ courses would make more room for various new ideas which had been suggested to him by some faculty members. Priddle went on to list many new courses which are being considered for next year. He did not, however, address himself to the question of cutbacks, or the fact that at least one prof will be dropped next year because of this. When a student asked about the plausibility of getting more money, Priddle made the old joke about pulling teeth while stating that he didn’t see much hope
- page 13
experiment. ’’ After dinner we settle in for a game of ’ Dealer , McDope. Linda sips Antigua from her grandmother’s cup, a dainty bit of gold-rimmed china made a hundred years ago in imperial Austria. “Wow! ” she . says, rolling her dice. “It spells C-O-FF-E-E in big letters in your mouth!” Taking it as an omen of good luck, Linda charges into Guatemala City on the game board and proceeds to corner the dope market. Two hours later the rest of us are lamenting the deplorable commercialization weed will probably undergo once it’s legalized. “Look what happened with coffee,” Jim says. “With all the incredible kinds of coffee in the world, people still drink instant. Brim was the official drink of the Olympics. Have you seen those new ‘European’ mixes? They’re all powdered non dairy creamer and sugar and chemicals. Balzac was right - what’s going to happen to our destiny with Americans glugging down gallons of this kind of shit?” Jim is an architect and sometime NASA consultant who specializes in . spacecraft interiors ,and other mini-environments, so I ask if he knows what kind of coffee the astronauts took to the moon. “Probably freeze-dried,” he replies. “All their food was freeze-dried, because you can boil water on a spaceship without too much trouble. But can you imagine it ? We spend billions of dollars so some astronaut can sip a cup through a straw while he’s dangling out there, and that’s, the best we can do. America’s legacy to outer space - freeze-dried cof fee. Sooner or later they’ll be growing it hydroponically on Mars.”
of getting more monev After a short question and answer period the Chairman left, and the students and faculty began to discuss a strategy. It was decided, with regards to the cutbacks, that they would demand a statement from the dean one in which he would clearly state his position, by Monday. Then they would form a committee to quickly deal with the problem since there isn’t much time left in the term. It was also decided that a statement be sent to the Faculty and University Administration by the students of Man-Environment studies. In this they will demand ’ that the university recognize the importance of the programs and the fact that the success of the Man-Environment program is dependent on a low faculty-staff ratio. They want a committment from the university to review the formula which determines departmental allotment. It is hoped that this letter might result in an increased per capita allotment ,for the Man-Environment department. The effect of this, on the rest of campus, should it be granted, would make an , interesting study -Wolfgang Nagy
a change
ALGOMA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE A S,,ll, iitformal College. situated in Sault Ste. Marie, offers a full range of B.A. programmes.
14 - the:real-chevron
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--I - Art$ - . ‘Society Co~rkil~~Electi~n % -\ .-< -t - - For 1977-78, \
. <
. _---,fiotiinations -OpenThursday March 17-24 Elections on Tuesday -- March 29 -
Anthropology Y ’ ’ Dr&ma - Fine-Arts ’ Economics ’ I . -7 English \ General Non-Major . I , -HistoryT: /- . .Language I G. Philosophy --ReligiotiKStudies Political Science, I’ PSychology Sociology ’ L. ,- +. .
I I ,
-. _, v
1 1 1
2 2 _. 2 l, 1 *\ 1 -3 1 . . I /
.Arts Society Executive Ekctions For 1977178 WednesdayMarch 23 . L / . .
’ - Polling Station. In Arts Society Coffee Shop ’ HH280. , , . j. Hours 9:30 - 4:30 _. ‘-. I ‘. > / -
. i
i __
. Hank Van de VondervoortChiSe f Returning. Officer
i j-
. (&kn&
- Tuesday, everitig; the $e chevran acted as host for 10 Councilmembers in CC135, to present their position and proposal conceming the entire cdntroversy surrounding the Sept. 24 closure of the Chevron, the qfficial cam-pus newspaper; published by the Federa_tion of Students. The main emphasis of the .proposal centred arotid the fairness of the firings of Production Manager, Neil Docherty, and News .Editor, Henry Hess. . They &quested those present to amend. the recent Council-approved motion for an investigation into the closure to an investigation as to whether the procedure used by the Federation against the Chevron and,its staff was fair, ie. thit a fair hearing was permitted.. ----I ‘I They% feel that such an Snvestigation, if it reveals that the: %ederation acted irhpmpefly;, sho,@d naturally precede reinstatemen’t, accordink to the formulas &hey liave presented since the beginning ; the Chevron ~ publication budget and schedule should be returned to them, and the two salarieg‘ non-students be given back-pay {or the period of time during wh3ch they received no reinuneration. The -investigation would not inelude an investigation into whether
c Writer’s
, .
18;-1977 _
tik charges laid by ‘the Fed&ration w&e founded. Their reasoning -is that the investigation concern-ing the closure should take place before any investigation into the reason for any closure, hitice this is the order of events in which they occurred. /Dave Carter, Council Grad Rep-resentative, tried to have the mqtion for a Council investigation tabled until after the meeting, but last S.&day’s Special Meeting of Council went ahead ‘with the motion-. to set up a committee to hear both sides of the situation. Following agreement of this by Council, the staff would agf&e to participate and co-operate with the $hnc~ CQmmission to that point, however, it would then have $0 dissolve. ’ ‘It was also stated ,at, the -meeting that a‘ ne.w “Committee of ‘Investigatioq”, comprised of university Students which the staff agreed upon as be&g unbiased could form to investigate the enti.re affair. If the unbiased conditions of this suggestion were not met, the staff woui& refuse’ to co-operate. It was not to be a committee comprised of elected student c&ncillors. .Such motions may be put forward at this Sunday%. Council meeting.
teaching poetry, along with Joe During’ the past nine summers, ovef 1,000 aspiying novelisfs,‘pets, Rosenblatt md sotid poet Steve McCaffery. C_arol Bolt, author playwrights and jotimalists have of fourteen produced plays, will brought their manuscripts ‘to be teach drama. Journalist Philip read and criticized by some of Marchand’s style has been ca’lled I Canada’s top creative writers at the two \Ilreek writers’ workshop ‘electric’. He and Eleanor Wright in Toroati. Many have since been’ Pelrine, author of MORGANTALER, will conduct non-fiction sempublished. inars. Eliiabeth Salter, the AusThe workshop takes place August tralian mysiery virritqr; New l-13 at ,Ney, College, _Univer&y York Rovelist ‘(and-- ‘for@& Pl$ of Toronto.’ And this year, the mate of the Month) Alice Denteacher-writer staff is imiresham; Peter Such; acclaimed novelsive as usual. Larry Fineberg’s most recent play, Eve, played in - ist and editor of #Book& ]sn Canada; and novelist Gerald Lampert (*diStratiford and won the Chalmers rector of the wbrkshop) will cdn‘Award for Best Canadian Play duct fiction cl&es.’ of ~1976. Novelist Austin Clarke FQ~ brochure write WRITE& has been called “one of the two WORKSHOP, 165 SPADINA AVE., or tliree most tal@ted black writSUITE 8, TORONTO, ONTARIO, . ers in North America” by .NorM5T 2C4, or call 364-3818: Dobmiman Mailer. Governor .General tory room? are available at moderAward winner, P:K. Page will be : ate rates.
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SWaterloo Cowpefativ83 -El?esidence-Inc. ’. 280 Philli@ St. - . *WaterI& ‘\ 884-3670 1 . 1
I _ -
the real chevron
“A” League Semi-Finals: On March 7, Optometry A and West Alumni met in semi-final action and the Optometrists were dropped by a 5-2 margin. March Richer picked up a hat trick for West Alumni and Ted Sanders scored twice to close out the scoring for- West. John Kemp scored both Optometry A counters. In the other A league semi-final Bad Company shutout St. Jerome’s 2-O. Bruce Warkus and K. Bain scored for Bad Company while S. Bubnick earned the shutout. ‘ ‘B” League Semi-Finals : Team Alufawhore’s unbeaten season came to an end on March 10, when they were defeated by Vl South 3-2 in the B League semi-finals. Galt scored twice for the Villagers while Herridge scored the other South marker. Dave Beason and Rossie Stachuk scored for the Alfawhores. In the other B League semifinal Conrad Grebel lost an overtime decision to the Rockers by a score of 5-4. Robinson, Holroyd, Harris, Thrasher, and Bowes scored for the Rockers. Robert Lofthouse scored twice for Conrad Grebel while L. Block and K. Dick picked up one apiece for the Bible Belt Boys. Finals
On Friday, March il, ’ the A and B League finals got under= way with the Rockers meeting Vl South .at 2:00 p.m. to decide the B League championship. The ,Rockers proved to be the winners with a 3-2 overtime decision. In regulation time, Handy scored twice for the Rockers while Bajinski and Galt replied for Vl South. ABowes scored at 9:45 of the overtime period to win the championship for the Rockers. . The A League Final got underway at 3 :30 and a partisan crowd was on hand to support the underdog, West Alumni team who upset Bad Company by a score of 3-2 to decide the title. The fans certainly got their money’s worth as the match proved to be one of the most excitingof the season. In the opening minutes of the game, it appeared that Bad Company was going to run away with the -game. They kept the puck in West’s end for the first five minutes of the game and only the magical work of Dave Henning in the West goal kept Bad Company off the scoreboard. Play evened out in the second half of the first period and each team enjoyed numerous scoring opportunities which kept the crowd on edge. Bert Keene had the best chance for West by virtue of a breakaway but Bubnick came up big in the Bad Company net to stop the drive. Bad Company had the closest opportunity of the period when Bruce Warkus hit the post on a two man break. The first period ended without any scoring by either side and after a short intermission the second period got underway. Bert Keene proved to be the hero for West by. scoring three times in the final frame to win the game for West Alumni. Bruce Warkus of Bad Company opened the scoring at 1:45 of the second period but one minute later, Ted Sanders sent Keene in alone on
Intramurals ’ ne.aring
- page. 15
Bubnick and this time, Burt made no mistake as he picked the bottom left hand corner to tie the game. Bad Company regained the lead at 14:30 of the second period when Mark -MacLeod scored on assists from Bob Ballantyne and Teminski. Bad Company’s 2-l lead only lasted for one minute as Bert Keene sailed in unassisted and tied the game for West. Two minutes later Keene sent the crowd into a frenzy as he scored his third goal of the game to seal the victory for West Alumni. At the -end of the match, the crowd poured onto the ice to congratulate Keene who was voted the most outstanding player of the game. Men’s Competitive Basketball
“A” League: In a fitting climax to a term of well played basketball, St. Jeromes breezed by the Tiny Toddlers for the Men’s IM A League Championship. In an excellent ?first half, the lead managed to change several times and the crowd looked forward to a close finish. St. Jeromes managed to edge ahead and the half ended 25-31 in&heir favour. The second half was an entirely different game, the Toddlers lost the ball repeatedly and were un= able to rebound against St. Jeromes tall forward, Shaw. The lead steadily climbed as the Toddlers ‘were unable to sink an outside shot. The ball handling of Walker brought them close to key, but no one seemed able to sink a shot from outside twelve feet. Finally settling down, the Toddlers tried to run their strong offence but could never quite manage to break home. Short flashes of brilliant play were shown, as in the case of an excellent rebound and inside shot by Frank Moskal, but these were very sporadic. In sheer desperation, ’ the Toddlers fouled Slowikowski and the other guards in an attempt to regain the ball, but St. Jeromes continued to avoid them and the game ended, St. Jeromes 53, Tiny Toddlers 45. .-- The game was sown on strategic and consistent offence against the Toddlers. strong defence, at no time, did St. Jeromes panic and lose control. It was this consistency that won for St. Jeromes both B league and A league championships. -_ In B league final, St. Jeromes B defeated the, Mists 47-40. The Mists, a relatively unknown throughout the season came on strong in the playoffs and nearly upset the favoured St. Jeromes squad. The Mists committed many turnovers and bad passes in the 1st half and- came out down 25-13. A stronger effort in the 2nd half but the Mists tied the score ‘at 38-38 with 8 minutes left but St.. Jeromes applied enough pressure in the remaining time and came away with the win. Matt Wever had 9 points for the winners. Lauri Williams, a standout all season for the Mists had 10 points. Summary Competitive
of Men’s Basketball
This term’s Men’s Basketball league comprised 56 teams and over 450 players. The quality of basketball ranged from pick-up to well-above average. A num-
ber of ex-junior varsity players kept the quality of ball excellent. There was also a championship team in the “B” league play. The Chinese Students Association travelled to Toronto to win a Chinese Student Tournament for the second year in a row. League play was not without upsets as not one of the four undefeated teams failed to reach the finals. Both “A” league division champions, The Summer Rats and Waterloo Wizards were eliminated in their first games. “B” league had some excellent competition in the finals and a number of teams with a weaker season record upsets over supposedly heard verbal abuse on the referees should perhaps stop and consider just what they would do being in the officials position. This year’s group of officials, headed by Doug Richard were more than satisfactory as they reflected the season play. Thanks also goes out to the players who play the game for enjoyment and recognize the game as simply that - a game. They are the ones who tell the winning opponent they played well and shake the officials hand, they are the very best in the league and make all the effort worthwhile. Next term? If ,you enjoy basketball, why not join .a league, basketball is played year-round and it is a great way to become involved with other people while at the same time getting some . exercise. ‘Broomball
knd of season
point for a win, one point per end won l/2 point for a blank end and l/4 point per rock. Two of University of Waterloo teams swept both honours, Pat Munro’s team finished first and won the Molson’s Award, Dave Smith’s team won the Presidents Trophy finishing second. Women’s Basketball
Tissue Tension? You bet, as the players and coaches alike took the floor to officially begin the final games in the Women’s Intramural Basketball Schedule. The first game of Monday Night’s agenda was the B league clash between Village 2 East B and Coop. I must admit, that if one was to glance over to the Co-op bench, they would certainly consider the Coop squad, the underdogs. This simply is because of their limited reserves they had to call on, which totalled “one” and the fact that some of the girls had somewhat limited experiences playing basketball. On the other hand, there was the Village 2 squad, a well disciplined and experienced team who looked rather impressive and along with their colourful fan club, seemed to dominate the court. Although Village 2 did not have my verbal support, they could quite easily have persuaded the direction on my bet, if only I could have found the local bookie. As the final score indicates, 15-14 in favour of Village-2 East
The Whiz Kids won the shoe league championship defeating Renison 1-O. In the consolation shoe league$game, The Hot Dogs led by “Scrooge” defeated Thee Team in overtime 1-O. In the non-shoe league, Coop defeated, the Wreckers 2-l in overtime. St. Jeromes took the consolation championship. Ring
B, Coop did in fact display excellent Basketball techniques, most importantly, the desire to hussle in order to stay in the game. One could easily have learned a lesson from that particular game which as I see it, was simply, never underestimate a group of individuals’ determination if they so desire to obtain a mutual goal. Village 2 East B, is definitely the Women’s B League Champions, and rightfully so, but that there Coop squad deserves mentioning for they’re- the type of women that makes Intramural activities fun. For that reason, I applaud both teams for their excellent presentation of Intramural basketball. The evening included the final games for both Men’s and Women’s Basketball leagues, but the game I’d been waiting for had Village 1 East meeting the West Wildcats. To be honest, I took Village 2 East to triumph over the Wildcats but my major concern was to have a good, entertaining game. Entertaining it was, and quick, almost to the point that I was getting exhausted sitting beside Sally.’ Never-the;less, the final score was 23-15 in favour of the Wildcats but the game was balanced until the Wildcats began pressing near the end of, the game which may be responsible for the wide gap in points. Once again, the final scores were V2 East B - “B” League Champions. West Wildcats “A” league Champions.
A Radio-Waterloo
Six teams competed the Ring Road Relay on Sunday, March 6. The Faculty Joggers won the event with a time of 35:20. I. Williams had the best lap time of 8 minutes 34 seconds. University Invitational Tournament
of‘Waterlo0 Curling
Sixteen teams competed on the weekend representing 6 universities. Each team played 3-8 ended games and gained points during each game; 5 points for a win, 1
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