The University of Winnipeg 2023 - 2024 Research Manual

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2023–2024 The University of Winnipeg Research Manual

Research Starts Here

Contents 03 Research and Innovation Office Contact Information 04 Definition of Terms 05 Support of Research–Funding Programs 06 Funding Program Deadlines 06 Internal Student Funding Programs 07 Discretionary Grant 08 Distinguished Faculty Travel Award 10 Knowledge Mobilization and Community Impact Grant 13 Major Research Grant 14 Partnership Development Grant 15 Research Grant In Lieu of Salary 18 Research Workshop and Conference Grant 19 SSHRC Explore / Exchange Grant 20 Travel Grant 21 Remote Research Student Fund 22 Undergraduate Student Research Award, Humanities & Social Sciences 23 Undergraduate Student Research Award, International 24 Undergraduate Student Research Travel Grant 26 Graduate Student Research Award 27 Indigenous Student Research Support Grant 29 Applications and Vetting Procedures 32 Support of Research–General Information 34 Funding Regulations–General 38 Things to Know about External Research Funding 40 Developing an External Grant Application 42 Research Contracts and Agreements 44 Using Your Research Grant Funds 46 Additonal Information 48 Appendix A–External Research Funding Links

Research Starts Here


The University of Winnipeg

Research and Innovation Office Contact information Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation The University of Winnipeg 515 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2E9

Jino Distasio, PhD He / Him Vice-President, Research and Innovation 204.982.1147 Jaime Cidro, PhD She / Her Associate Vice-President, Research and Innovation 204.988.7653 Bea Spearing She / Her Executive Assistant, Vice-President, Research and Innovation 204.786.9734 Lauren Bosc She / Her Lead Program Officer, Research Partnerships 204.988.7814 Rachel Keijzer She / Her Program Officer, Natural Sciences Research 204.786.9137

Dylan Jones He / Him Program Officer, Canada Research Chair Coordinator and Special Initiatives 204.258.3065 Theresa Mackey She / Her Program Officer, Research Implementation and Ethics 204.786.9058 Larissa Wodtke She / Her Program Officer, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Decolonization (EDI/AR/D) and Research 204.258.2983 Arshnoor She / Her Legal and Administrative Assistant 204.258.3058

Research Accounting

Research Starts Here


Definition of Terms Fiscal Year

Study Leave

The University of Winnipeg’s fiscal (financial reporting) year begins April 1 and ends March 31. Applications to the internal grants begin in June of each fiscal year, with the final intake in March of the following year.

The following is an excerpt from Article 26: Leaves, Holidays and Vacations; Collective Agreement between The University of Winnipeg and The University of Winnipeg Faculty Association, Regular Academic Staff [2016 – 2020]. Please see the full document for further details.

Invitation As it relates to the Travel Grant and the Distinguished Faculty Travel Award (DFTA) programs, an invitation is defined as a personal invitation from the conference organizers to present a paper, or to act as a keynote speaker, at a conference. A personal invitation is made prior to the general call for papers, and is not the acceptance of a submission for consideration from a call for papers.

Research The attempt to discover new facts, knowledge, and information; to develop new interpretations of facts, knowledge, or information; or to discover new means of applying existing knowledge in all disciplines.

Research Training The training, through research, of highly qualified personnel (HQP) including: › Undergraduate students › Graduate students › Postdoctoral Fellows › Other trainees (i.e., Technicians, Technologists) Note: Research training is not considered to be only the training of academic researchers.


The University of Winnipeg

26.01 Research/Study Leaves (1) Research/study leaves shall be provided by the Employer to enable Faculty Members with tenure or Instructor, Coach, Counsellor and Librarian Members with continuing appointments to engage in research (encompassing scholarship and creative work) and to enhance their effectiveness as teachers, scholars and professionals. Such leaves must benefit the University, the individuals on leave, and the academic community in general.

Support of Research— Funding Programs Faculty Research

Student Research

The University of Winnipeg Research Committee currently supports faculty research through eight funding programs:

Support for undergraduate student research is provided by three funding programs offered through The University of Winnipeg Research Committee and/or Research Office:

› Discretionary Grant › Distinguished Faculty Travel Award › Knowledge Mobilization and Community Impact Grant › Major Research Grant › Partnership Development Grant › Research Grant in Lieu of Salary › Research Workshop and Conference Grant › SSHRC Explore / Exchange Grant › Travel Grant All of the above applications must be completed using The University of Winnipeg WebGrants application system found at:

› Remote Research Student Fund › Undergraduate Student Research Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences › Undergraduate Student Research Travel Grant › Undergraduate Student Research Award for International Students in all disciplines › Graduate Student Research Award in all disciplines Each funding program has its own application form available at: Note: The University of Winnipeg must be acknowledged in all publications and presentations of research work/results supported through the above funding programs.

Note: As internal resources are limited to a maximum of $7,500 for the largest research grant the University may offer, faculty members are encouraged to seek support for their research pursuits from external sources when possible.

Research Starts Here


Funding Program Deadlines Grant

Application Deadline

Discretionary Grant

June 15, September 15, January 15, March 15

Distinguished Faculty Travel Award

June 15, September 15, January 15, March 15

Knowledge Mobilization and Community Impact Grant

September 15

Major Research Grant

June 15, January 15

Partnership Development Grant

June 15, September 15, January 15

Research Grant in Lieu of Salary

June 15, September 15, January 15

Research Workshop and Conference Grant

June 15, September 15, January 15

Travel Grant

June 15, September 15, January 15, March 15

SSHRC Explore/Exchange Grant

January 15

Internal Student Funding Programs



Application Deadline

Remote Research Student Fund

March 15

Undergraduate Student Research Award, Humanities & Social Sciences

March 15

Undergraduate Student Research Travel Grant

June 15, September 15, January 15, March 15

Undergraduate Student Research Award, International

March 15

Graduate Student Research Award

March 15

The University of Winnipeg

Discretionary Grant Value


Up to $1,000

To support preliminary and/or small task-based research costs.

Application Deadline June 15, September 15, January 15, March 15,

Competition Results July 15, October 15, February 15, April 15,

General Information Discretionary Grants support the direct costs of research, such as: › Manuscript Preparation: administrative support; preproduction materials (e.g., graphs, slides). › Publication Costs: page charges for refereed journals; translation fee; colour printing fee; subventions; reprints. › Travel and Accommodation: support for travel and accommodation related to research. › Research Assistance: wage rates and benefit costs must be verified with Human Resources. › Equipment and supplies.

Ineligible expenses › Conference travel. › Teaching-related equipment and supply purchases. Applicants may only receive one Discretionary Grant in a fiscal year.

*New as of 2023* In order to increase flexibility, researchers may charge expenses retroactively for up to 2 months prior to the date they apply. While these grants remain competitive, and the risk falls on the researcher to make a research expenditure between intakes without prior approval, researchers will be permitted to apply for funds for research expenses incurred just prior to the scheduled intakes. For example, a researcher applying for a Discretionary Grant in the September 15 intake can charge expenses dating back to July 15 to their grant if it is successful.

Research Starts Here


Distinguished Faculty Travel Award Value



To support travel costs for a researcher with a well-established research track record who has been invited to present a paper or keynote address at a prestigious, international conference.

Application Deadline June 15, September 15, January 15, March 15

Competition Results July 15, October 15, February 15, April 15

General Information Up to four Distinguished Faculty Travel Awards will be offered in one fiscal year. The DFTA may be applied against conference costs such as transportation, registration, accommodation, and subsistence. Recipients of DFTAs will be expected to have a significant role in the conference beyond the presentation of a paper.

*New as of 2023* Distinguished Faculty Travel Awards no longer require evaluations from the researcher’s department as part of the application.


The University of Winnipeg

The conference will be of the highest quality and prestige. Applicants must be invited to the conference, according to the definition of “invited” as provided by The University of Winnipeg Research Committee (page 4 of this manual).

Research Starts Here


Knowledge Mobilization and Community Impact Grant Value



To support the efforts of researchers moving their research into action through community engagement. This grant is supplemental funding to assist with knowledge mobilization and should not be a source of funding for a research project/program. The KMCI does not support research activities, but should be used for knowledge mobilization activities such as dissemination. Applications must make clear how their project extends beyond academia to reach the community/communities connected to and/or affected by their research.

Application Deadline September 15

Competition Results October 15

General Information For the purposes of this award Knowledge Mobilization is defined as – services connecting academic research with people or organizations seeking to develop sustainable solutions to challenges in society. One KMCI Grant may be awarded per applicant (or research team) per fiscal year (April 1-March 31). The applicant for the KMCI Grant must be a faculty member of The University of Winnipeg. However, the project itself may involve multidisciplinary teams, communication or community engagement specialists, community partners, or student community-engaged learning opportunities under the general guidance of the faculty applicant.


The University of Winnipeg

Knowledge Mobilization and Community Impact Grants support KM costs, such as: › P ersonnel: student research assistants, research coordinators, website designers, etc. Wage rates and benefit costs must be verified with Human Resources. › P resentation Material Preparation: clerical support; preproduction materials (e.g., graphs, slides, filming, editing) › Promotional costs: design/layout, media training/ relations, translating complex research into understandable language, non-traditional and leading edge communications

Ineligible Expenses › Conference travel › Teaching-related equipment and supply purchases. › Contribution to University overhead or administration fees › Direct research costs › P ersonal remuneration or speakers fees for applicant or project personnel, except for social media assistance › Publication page charges and Open Access fees

› S ocial media assistance: fees paid to personnel to manage social media and web presence. › Presentation Costs: translation fee; colour printing fee; subventions; reprints; equipment rental and supplies › E vent planning and support for activities to engage community (e.g., food, venue rentals) guest speakers; publicity › Travel and Accommodation: support for travel and accommodation related to working with community partners

Research Starts Here



The University of Winnipeg

Major Research Grant Value



To support the highest quality research through the funding of fully-developed research proposals.

Application Deadline June 15, January 15

Competition Results July 15, February 15

General Information Major Research Grants support the direct costs of research, such as: › Research Assistance: wage rates and benefit costs must be verified with Human Resources. › Travel and Accommodation: support for travel and accommodation related to research. › Materials and supplies. › Research equipment. A Principal Applicant cannot hold more than $15,000 in Major Research Grant funding within any four-year period. Applications must include an evaluation from the researcher’s Department Chair and Department Research Committee Chair (or equivalent).

Ineligible Expenses › Conference travel. › Teaching-related equipment and supply purchases. Applicants may only receive one Major Research Grant in a fiscal year.

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Partnership Development Grant Value



To support the costs associated with the initial stage of research collaboration in order to foster new relationships between University researchers, colleges, and other sectors including government, industry, not-for-profit organizations, and community organizations.

Application Deadline June 15, September 15, January 15

Competition Results July 15, October 15, February 15

These grants provide a mechanism through which researchers may coordinate their collaborative research projects in order to get such projects ready for full external funding proposals.

General Information Partnership Development Grants will cover such costs as communication, travel, and research assistance. There can be no existing or past relationship with the partner (i.e., research collaborations, consulting contracts). Applicants may only receive one Partnership Development Grant per fiscal year. The initial stages of implementation of the development plan may be considered for funding under the University’s Major Research Grants Program, but the research team will be expected to pursue external funding.


The University of Winnipeg

Research Grant In Lieu of Salary Value


No established maximum for those on study leave.

Designed by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Canadian Universities to allow researchers to use their personal income (University salary) to carry out research. Through an RGILS, the CRA provides tax relief when a researcher incurs research costs from personal income.

The amount of non-leave grants will normally be limited to $10,000 (for any 12-month period, which includes normal assigned duties). The grant cannot exceed 50% of the remaining calendar year’s salary for those NOT on study leave. The grant may not be larger than 50% of the amount of unpaid salary, less benefits, remaining in the calendar year at the time of approval.

Application Deadline June 15, September 15, January 15

General Information › Researchers must outline a plan in their applications to use their salary to carry out research between January 1 and December 31 of the year they apply. If research needs to be carried out over more than one calendar year, researchers are required to submit a new RGILS for the new year. › Only one RGILS may be held at any one time. › Awards made under this program will be treated as T4A income. › Applications must be submitted in advance of the proposed start date of the project. › Applications must be approved before costs are incurred.

Competition Results July 15, October 15, February 15

Note: The award holder is responsible for reporting the income to the CRA and declaring eligible expenditures against the grant.

Guidelines and Conditions Read Income Tax Folio S1-F2-C3: Scholarships, Research Grants and Other Education Assistance; contact the CRA or your tax advisor for more information. This program CANNOT be used to cover costs associated with degree completion or projects directed towards teaching, or for the development of teachingrelated skills. There is no guarantee the University’s interpretation of the applicant’s eligibility and deductions will be acceptable to the CRA. The individual should maintain detailed records and consult their tax advisor and/or the CRA as appropriate. Applicants are reminded that the grant funds are NOT considered salary; they constitute a research grant subject to the conditions of the RGILS and University research policies.

Research Starts Here


The University’s role is limited to awarding the RGILS. Questions regarding the interpretation of the eligibility of deductions submitted by the individual to the CRA will be resolved directly between the individual and the CRA.

Eligible Expenses In general, all direct costs of research, which have been adequately justified, will be accepted in the internal review mechanism. These may include: Travel and subsistence: › Economy airfare should be quoted more costly modes of transport must be justified. › Only the costs of traveling between the applicant’s home and the research location are eligible. Brief field trip costs may be eligible.

› University policy regarding per diem and accommodation apply. › After 10 days in any one location, the researcher is deemed to be sojourning. Note section 33 of the CRA Bulletin IT-75R4. Salaries for research assistants: › Grantees should consult section 30 of the CRA Bulletin IT-75R4 for information on the responsibilities associated with the hiring of research personnel. › Materials and supplies as they relate to the research project. › Purchase of equipment as it relates to the research.

Ineligible Expenses › Salary to the researcher. › Travel costs of spouse and/or children.

Notification of Award The applicant and the Payroll Department will be notified if the grant is awarded. The grant will be reported as a “research grant” on the appropriate income tax forms. Grants will be shown as a separate line (Research) on your pay stub. The University will not make any alterations with regard to salary payments already made to the applicant at the time of the approval of the award. Grants awarded under this program are considered as taxable income. The Grant will be considered as T4A income tax purposes and the University will provide a T4A form.

On Leaving The University of Winnipeg If the salary of the researcher ceases at any point during the term of this award, the grant arrangement will terminate. The salary and grant will then be reconciled between the University and the researcher.


The University of Winnipeg

Research Starts Here


Research Workshop and Conference Grant Value



To promote research development, linkages, and knowledge mobilization among disciplines and across institutions and sectors.

Application Deadline June 15, September 15, January 15

General Information

Competition Results

Research Workshop & Conference Grants will cover such costs as communication, travel, and research assistance.

July 15, October 15, February 15

Workshop/Conference must be held at The University of Winnipeg or virtually to be eligible for funding. Applicants may only receive one Research Workshop & Conference Grant per fiscal year. Workshops must have a well-defined research theme, be invitational, require no registration fees, and produce a concrete deliverable. Conferences must have one or more defined themes relevant to scholarly research issues in a particular field and be open to all interested and qualified researchers, i.e., involve a call for papers (though it is recognized that keynote speakers may be invited). Conferences must charge registration fees and must not be an association’s annual meeting.


The University of Winnipeg

SSHRC Explore / Exchange Grant

Value Faculty/Postdocs: SSHRC Explore: up to $7,000 Postdocs: SSHRC Exchange: $1,250 domestic / $2,000 international travel

SSHRC Explore Grants: › Support social sciences and humanities researchers with modest research funding requirements. › Allow for small-scale innovation and experimentation by providing funding to develop a research project or to conduct pilot work.

January 15

› Enable researchers to hire students at any level to participate in their research projects, thereby contributing to the students’ professional development.

Competition Results

SSHRC Explore Grants will be awarded on a priority basis to early-career researchers.

Application Deadline

February 15

Purpose To fund small-scale research and research-related activities by faculty and postdoctoral researchers in the social sciences and humanities. These funds are intended to help Canadian postsecondary institutions strengthen research excellence in the social sciences and humanities.

General Information The SSHRC Explore and Exchange Grants are offered through the SSHRC Institutional Grant, which allows institutions to fund projects through their own merit review processes and complementary to, and in line with, SSHRC’s three main pillars of activities (Talent, Insight and Connections).

SSHRC Exchange Grants (Postdocs only): › Support the organization of small-scale knowledge mobilization activities, such as workshops and seminars, to encourage collaboration and the dissemination of research results both within and beyond the academic community; › Allow researchers to attend or present their research at scholarly conferences and other dissemination venues that align with SSHRC’s mandate in order to advance their careers and encourage the exchange of ideas and research results at the national and international level. Applicants can be awarded one SSHRC Explore/Exchange grant per year. Travel must occur after the competition deadline to be eligible.

Eligible Expenses Eligible expenses are outlined in the Tri-Agency Guide on Financial Administration:

Research Starts Here


Travel Grant Value

General Information

Up to $1,250 (Canada) Up to $1,500 (Continental USA) Up to $2,000 (International)

Applications may be made to any of the of the four annual competitions, but each applicant may only be awarded one Travel Grant per fiscal year. Dates are based on date of application, not on date of travel.

Application Deadline

Applicants must be active participants in research dissemination at a conference.

June 15, September 15, January 15, March 15

Competition Results July 15, October 15, February 15, April 15

Purpose To support the professional advancement of researchers and raise the profile of the University by covering the costs associated with travel to conferences and meetings. Note: Eligible meetings are those in which the researcher is presenting/disseminating their research findings, rather than a meeting in which the researcher is learning new research tools or discussing potential research ideas/projects with collaborators.

Travel must occur after the competition deadline to be eligible. Priority will be given to applicants who are invited by conference organizers to present a paper or keynote address at the conference, present a paper/poster, or participate in a significant role. Travel Grant applications may be submitted before confirmation of abstract acceptance by conference organizers has been given, but if the grant is successful funds will not be released until the researcher can show confirmation of abstract acceptance to the Research Office.

Eligible Expenses Eligible expenses may include airfare/transportation, accommodation, conference registration fees, and subsistence. Travel Grants are awarded based on the following: › The excellence of the research, as shown in the grant application.

*New as of 2023* Travel Grants no longer require evaluations from the researcher’s department as part of the application.


The University of Winnipeg

› The relevance of the conference to the applicant’s current research. › The level of involvement of the applicant in the conference. › The quality and prestige of the conference. The University Travel Policy regulations apply to all travel funded by the University Research Committee.

Remote Research Student Fund Value



To fund students undertaking research in remote locations where infrastructure limitations, isolation, and high costs often present barriers to conducting the research. This can include, but is not necessarily limited to, research in geographic areas of Northern Canada, areas with no regularly scheduled flights or phone service, or areas where field work occurs in a remote location outside of the connected South. If you have a project in mind but are unsure about whether the location can be considered remote, please contact the Research Office to confirm.

Application Deadline March 15

Competition Results April 15

Eligibility Undergraduate and Graduate Students

General Information The new internal RRSF will require students to prepare a two-page proposal that will contain the following: › Project Description › Academic Record › Personal Statement › Contribution to Community Successful students will commit to providing a one-page report on their activities and two social media posts/ photos acknowledging their funding from the Research Office. The Research Office will highlight all successful students on the Research Office website. This new internal fund supports student researchers who would typically apply for funding through the Northern Training Supplement Program (NSTP). Students still wishing to apply through the NSTP can do so through the University of Manitoba or another academic institution.

Eligible Costs Direct costs of research, including travel, analysis costs (i.e. SPSS/SAS/NVivo), and dissemination (conference/ travel). Up to 50% of the costs can also be allocated as a stipend to be paid directly to the student.

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Undergraduate Student Research Award, Humanities & Social Sciences Value

General Information


Students may only receive two USRA-HSS awards throughout their academic career, and can only apply for and hold one USRA of any kind per year.

Application Deadline March 15

Competition Results April 15

Duration of Awards Minimum of one month

Eligibility › Be registered as full time students in an eligible undergraduate program in the Social Sciences or Humanities at UWinnipeg. › Have completed at least 30 credit hours and have at least 18 credit hours remaining to complete their Bachelor’s degree. › Have obtained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 (B).

Awards may be held at any time of the year where permitted by the student’s academic program, and may commence at a date mutually agreeable to the student, supervisor, and the University. The student must work under the supervision of a tenured or tenure-track faculty member with an established research track record, actively engaged in research at the time of application and for the duration of the award. With permission from the research supervisor, an award recipient may register for a maximum of six credit hours of course work in addition to holding this award. This funding is not to be used for current course-related research projects, and can be for either an independent research proposal designed by the student or for the student to participate in a supervisor’s research program.

Application Procedures Application forms are available on the Research Office website at:



The USRA-HSS program provides financial support to Humanities and Social Sciences undergraduate students wishing to spend a period of time in a research setting. These awards are intended to stimulate the interest of undergraduate students in research in the Social Sciences or Humanities, and encourage them to pursue graduate studies and a research career. The number of awards available may vary from year to year.

Submit the application, personal statement, transcript (WebAdvisor transcript acceptable), supervisor’s letter of support, departmental letter of support, and supervisor’s six-year research grant and publication history to the Research Office.

The University of Winnipeg

Undergraduate Student Research Award, International Value

General Information


Students may only receive two USRA–I awards throughout their academic career, and can only apply for and hold one USRA of any kind per year.

Application Deadline March 15

Competition Results April 15

Duration of Awards Minimum of one month

Eligibility › Be registered as full-time students in an eligible undergraduate program at UWinnipeg. › Have completed at least 30 credit hours and have at least 18 credit hours remaining to complete their Bachelor’s degree. › Have obtained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 (B). › Demonstrate international student status.

Awards may be held at any time of the year where permitted by the student’s academic program, and may commence at a date mutually agreeable to the student, supervisor, and the University. The student must work under the supervision of a tenured or tenure-track faculty member with an established research track record, actively engaged in research at the time of application and for the duration of the award. With permission from the research supervisor, an award recipient may register for a maximum of six credit hours of course work in addition to holding this award. This funding is not to be used for current course-related research projects, and can be for either an independent research proposal designed by the student or for the student to participate in a supervisor’s research program.

Application Procedures Application forms are available on the Research Office website at:

Purpose The USRA–I program provides financial support to international undergraduate students from all disciplines wishing to spend a period of time in a research setting. These awards are intended to stimulate the interest of international undergraduate students in research, and encourage them to pursue graduate studies and a research career. The number of awards available may vary from year to year. Submit the application, personal statement, transcript (WebAdvisor transcript acceptable), supervisor’s letter of support, departmental letter of support, and supervisor’s six-year research grant and publication history to the Research Office.

Research Starts Here


Undergraduate Student Research Travel Grant Value



To support undergraduate student research travel.

Application Deadline

General Information

June 15, September 15, January 15, March 15

Applicants may only be awarded one Undergraduate Student Research Travel Grant per fiscal year. Dates are based on date of application, not on date of travel.

Competition Results

Students may only receive two Undergraduate Student Research Travel Grants throughout their academic career.

July 15, October 15, February 15, April 15

Eligibility › Must be registered as a part-time or full-time student. › Have completed at least 30 credit hours. › Have obtained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 (B).

Students must work under the supervision of a tenured or tenure-track faculty member with an established research track-record. Travel must occur after the application is submitted to be eligible. Eligible expenses include: airfare/transportation, accommodation, and subsistence.

Application Procedures Application forms are available on the Research Office website at: Submit the application, supervisor’s letter of support, and departmental letter of support to the Research Office. Note: The University Travel Policy regulations apply to this grant.


The University of Winnipeg

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Graduate Student Research Award Value



The GSRA program provides financial support to graduate students from all disciplines wishing to bolster and support their research work. These awards are intended to provide research funding to outstanding graduate students, and encourage them to further pursue graduate studies and a research career. The number of awards available may vary from year to year.

Application Deadline March 15

Competition Results April 15

General Information

Duration of Awards

Students may only receive one GSRA throughout their academic career.

Minimum of one month

Eligibility › Be registered as a part-time or full-time student in an eligible graduate program at UWinnipeg. Students enrolled in Joint Master’s Programs are not eligible for this award. › Have obtained a cumulative grade point average at The University of Winnipeg of at least 3.5 on a 4.5 scale. › Have completed at least one year of an eligible graduate program, be nearing the end of their program, and/or be within a continuance term. Note: This is not an entry-level award for graduate students.

Awards may be held at any time of the year where permitted by the student’s academic program, and may commence at a date mutually agreeable to the student, supervisor, and the University. The student must work under the supervision of a tenured or tenure-track faculty member with an established research track record, actively engaged in research at the time of application and for the duration of the award. The proposed research project, however, must be led by the student and not be a request to undertake research work within a faculty member’s research program. This funding is not to be used for current course-related research projects.

Application Procedures Application forms are available on the Research Office website at: Submit the application, personal statement, transcript (WebAdvisor transcript acceptable), supervisor or academic advisor’s letter of support, departmental letter of support, and supervisor’s six-year research grant and publication history to the Research Office.


The University of Winnipeg

Indigenous Student Research Support Grant Value



March 15

The purpose of this grant is to support a research project led by an Indigenous student which incorporates traditional Indigenous principles and methodologies. Preference will be given to research projects related to Indigenous Governance.

Competition Results

General Information

April 15

The grant will require students to prepare a two-page proposal that will contain the following:

Duration of Awards

› Project description

Minimum of one month

› Academic Record

Application Deadline

› Personal Statement

Eligibility › Be registered as a part-time or full-time student in an eligible undergraduate or graduate program at UWinnipeg. › Student must self-identify as Indigenous.

Students will commit to provide a one-page report on their activities which will be submitted to the department. These findings will be reported back to the donor.

Eligible Research Costs Costs will cover any part of the student’s research.

Application Procedures Application forms are available on the Research Office website at: Student Research Funding | Research | The University of Winnipeg ( Submit the application, and two-page proposal to the Research Office.

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The University of Winnipeg

Application and Vetting Procedures When Applying For

Applicant Responsibilities

› Major Research Grants

Submit the appropriate, completed application form to the Department Chair and Departmental Research Committee for formal approval, as per the application requirements. Contact the Research Office with any questions about the application procedure. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered for funding. For Interdisciplinary Programs, departmental evaluation is provided by the Program Committee. Department Chair’s comments are provided by the Program Coordinator. Departmental/Program evaluation must include an assessment of: › The impact of the research. › The applicant’s ability to carry out the project. › The benefits expected to accrue from this work. › How the regular duties of the applicant are to be handled in the event of a researcher’s absence.

Vetting Procedures Applications are forwarded to the Research Committee members for review. Funding decisions are based on the feedback of all committee members, according to the guidelines of The University of Winnipeg’s Research Manual: Policies and Procedures. The applicant is notified of the funding decision by the Research Office, after which the Financial Services Office will open a research grant account for the successful applicant. A researcher may postpone his/her ethics approval application (if required) until after the research grant application has been approved. Funds related to the compensation of human participants or research applications that involve animals will not be made available until ethics approval has been obtained. See General Procedures, page 34. Any substantive changes in expenses or research direction must have the prior approval of the Research Office.

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When Applying For › Discretionary Grants › Knowledge Mobilization and Community Impact Grants › Partnership Development Grants › Research Grants in Lieu of Salary › Research Workshop and Conference Grants › Travel Grants › Distinguished Travel Faculty Awards

Applicant Responsibilities Submit the appropriate, completed application form to the Research Office. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered for funding.

Vetting Procedures One Research Committee member reviews Discretionary Grant applications, and two Research Committee members review the Partnership Development Grants and Research Workshop and Conference Grants. The funding decision is made based on their review, according to the guidelines of the Research Manual: Policies and Procedures. The guiding principle in evaluating applications for these grants is embodied in the question, “Is it a reasonable research proposal and one which the applicant is qualified to undertake?” If it is not, further information may be required.

Travel Grants and Distinguished Faculty Travel Awards are reviewed by all members of the Research Committee. The funding decision is made based on their review, according to the guidelines of the Research Manual: Policies and Procedures. The guiding principles in evaluating applications for these grants is outlined on pages 8 and 20. Knowledge Mobilization and Community Impact Grants are reviewed by four members of the Research Committee and one non-university community representative. The funding decision is based on their review, according to the guidelines of the Research Manual: Policies and Procedures. The guiding principle in evaluating applications for this grant is embodied in the question, “Is it a feasible knowledge mobilization activity that will help communicate results of completed research to a broad audience?” Research Grant in Lieu of Salary applications are reviewed by the Research Committee Chair and the Vice-President, Research and Innovation. The applicant is notified of the funding decision by the Research Office. As this grant is the conversion of salary into research funds, the Payroll Office is notified and adjusts the salary and pay of the applicant accordingly. A research grant account is created upon request from the researcher, otherwise research funds are managed personally by the researcher. The applicant is notified of the funding decision by the Research Office, after which the Financial Services Office will open a research grant account for the successful applicant. A researcher may postpone his/her ethics approval application (if required) until after the research grant application has been approved. Funds will not be made available until ethics approval has been obtained. See General Procedures, page 34. Any substantive changes in expenses or research direction must have the prior approval of the Research Office.


The University of Winnipeg

Research Starts Here


Support of Research— General Information Eligibility UWFA Collective Agreement, Regular Academic Staff (RAS) The Research Committee will consider funding requests in support of research from eligible University of Winnipeg Faculty Association (UWFA) Members, as defined by the Collective Agreement, RAS, including the following: Faculty/Counselor members; Librarian members; and Instructor or Coach members whose letters of employment include a research obligation. Pre-PhD Applicants UWFA Members without a PhD are eligible for funding by the Research Committee as per the UWFA Collective Agreement, RAS. Research proposals will be evaluated with all others and judged on qualitative grounds. The Research Committee will not support research that is undertaken in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a higher degree. This includes research in direct fulfillment of degree requirements or preliminary work for such research.

Special Cases There are some special cases for which eligibility may include: › UWFA Members who do not have a contractual research obligation. › Tenured Faculty without a research obligation in their contract. › Part-time teaching Faculty appointed on a continuing basis. › Faculty with shared appointments with the University of Manitoba (minimum 50% appointment at UW), and others as determined by the Research Committee. › Others on a case-by-case basis, as decided by the Research Committee. › Academic administrators and Members of UWFA excluded from UWFA, by virtue of their appointment, by election to the Board of Regents. Other The following are eligible for funding support on a non-priority basis: › Former Faculty holding an emeritus position. › Senior Scholars (see the University’s policy).

Ineligibility › Teaching Faculty who are not UWFA RAS Members. › Applicants who cease to be employees of The University of Winnipeg during the tenure of the grant.

Adjudication Committees Internal research grants for faculty listed in this manual are adjudicated by the Research Committee. Internal and external research grants for students listed in this manual are adjudicated by the Student Research Committee. Internal and external faculty research awards are adjudicated by the Research Nomination Committee. For more information, visit our website.


The University of Winnipeg

Funding Priorities

Ranking Applications

In approving research proposals, the Research Committee will pursue the following goals, in order of priority:

Committees recognize that research direction varies among disciplines and will judge requests based on the excellence of the proposed research and the need for project funding.

1. To support applications that exhibit excellence. 2. To support initial requests from junior faculty whose research activities are developing and becoming established, in order that they may obtain support from external granting agencies. 3. To support scholars whose applications have ranked highly in competitions conducted by major national granting councils but who have not been funded because there were insufficient funds available. The purpose of these grants is to enhance a scholar’s chances of subsequently obtaining external funding. 4. To support high quality research for which other funding sources are not available due to either the project’s small scale or stage of development. 5. To support established projects in conjunction with external support or during periods when external support has been withdrawn for reasons unrelated to the merit of the project or the researcher’s conduct. 6. To assist in the fulfillment of The University of Winnipeg’s commitment to support major/ institutional research projects and research chairs such as the Canada Foundation for Innovation, Canada Research Chairs, and other prestigious awards.

In evaluating all requests for support, the Research Committee will consider only the information provided in the application form, evidence of past achievement contained in its records, and the judgment of its members. It is, in part, through the research proposal that applicants demonstrate their capacity to conduct the proposed research. Applicants are expected to provide a logical narrative which demonstrates familiarity with the subject matter, and a carefully formulated research plan. The Research Committee must make its decision based on what is presented in the application. All applications must be complete. The purpose of the Departmental and Chair reviews for the Major Research Grant is not only to seek approval but also to ensure the application is complete. If the application is incomplete upon final submission, it will not be considered for funding by the Research Committee.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Research Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) principles are progressively emerging as a significant lens through which to plan and implement research for more effective impact and to begin addressing the systemic barriers faced by equity-deserving groups (e.g., people from racialized groups/visible minorities, 2SLGBTQ+ people, Indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, women, etc.). Incorporation of these principles is increasingly mandatory in Tri-Agency grant applications, therefore, researchers at The University of Winnipeg are encouraged to consider EDI in their research design (e.g., literature review, methods, knowledge mobilization, etc.) and practice (training/mentorship, team composition, governance, etc.) when applying for external research grants. EDI requirements will also soon be added to internal grant opportunities.

Research Starts Here


Funding Regulations— General Information Eligible Expenses Research grants must be used for the project as described in the application. Grant holders wishing to transfer funds from one budget category to another in response to changing research needs or to use funds for a new non-budget item must secure the prior written approval of the Research Office. This is not an exhaustive list. If you are uncertain of the eligibility of an expense, please consult with the Research Office. Data Entry At the approved rates available from Human Resources. Family members are not normally eligible for payment (exceptions made only with prior approval of the VP Research and Innovation). Equipment Includes research tools and instruments, software, and computers. The equipment must be justified in the proposal and integral to the research project. All computers MUST be purchased through Purchasing Services, with consultation with the Technology Solutions Centre (TSC). Note: Equipment designated as part of a research grant, including all computer equipment and software, is the property of the University and is loaned to the researcher on a temporary or permanent basis. Equipment may revert to general University use on completion of the project, as appropriate, or if the researcher leaves the University.

Lease (Computer or Equipment) Budgeted on an hourly basis. Manuscript Preparation Includes clerical support, photocopying, microfilming, preproduction matters (e.g., graphs, slides, photographs). Materials and Supplies As necessary for completion of the project. Media Services When required for research purposes, should be included as project costs. Per Diem Maximum claim for individual meals, including gratuities, while traveling inside Canada: Breakfast - $15.00, Lunch - $15.00, Dinner - $30.00. Maximum claim for individual meals, including gratuities, while traveling inside the USA: Breakfast - $20.00, Lunch - $20.00, Dinner - $40.00. Maximum claim for individual meals, including gratuities, while traveling Internationally: Breakfast - $20.00, Lunch - $20.00, Dinner - $50.00. Printing Rates as set by UWinnipeg Printing Services. Publication Costs Page charges for refereed journals, translation fees, colour printing, subventions, reprints. Research Assistants At approved current rates – Contact Human Resources. Technical Solutions Centre Use rates set by Technical Solutions Centre (TSC).


The University of Winnipeg

Travel Costs (all travel is governed by the UWinnipeg travel policy) › Incurred in the collection of research data to a maximum of return excursion/charter airfare. › Overseas travel for research purposes normally supported at excursion or charter rates. › Travel to conferences is supported only through the TG and DFTA programs. › When travel by automobile is more expensive than air travel, funds will be granted to the maximum of return excursion/charter airfare only. › Exceptions to the excursion/charter rate must be justified to the committee.

Ineligible Expenses This is not an exhaustive list. Generally, ineligible items are those not directly related to the research the researcher wishes to carry out. Please consult with the Research Office if you are uncertain of the eligibility of an expense. › Consultation with other Faculty Members › Contract Research › Non-Research Related Travel (for eligible applicants on study leave) › Retroactive Research Expenses (i.e., conference travel prior to the deadline date) * This applies to all internal research grants except Discretionary Grants, which allow for expenses to be charged retroactively 2 months before the intake date in which the application was submitted.

› Severance Pay for Research Assistants › Subject Payment Payment of subjects may be considered under the following circumstances: › That this practice is normal for the discipline. › That the payment is a token amount. › That the project is not for the purpose of teaching. › That the project has received approval from the University Human Research Ethics Board.

Accounting Procedures—Internal Funding Access to Granted Funds Following approval of a research application by the Research Committee, the Research Accounting Office is informed of the amount awarded. An individual research account is established in the researcher’s name. Research expenses from that account may be paid for through payment vouchers, invoices, and, in some cases, accountable advances. Contact Research Accounting for further details. All funds must be spent on the precise items outlined in the original proposal. Any changes to the expenses MUST have the prior approval of the Research Office. Please contact the Research Office for details on this process. Requests for Extension A request for extension is required if a researcher is unable to complete the outlined project within the term of the grant (1 year). A request to extend the end date of a research grant can be made on all internal funds with the exception of Travel Grants. The maximum amount of extra time a researcher can request is 12 months from the end of the original grant term, or two years from the award date. Requests can be sent in writing to in advance of the current end date. Over-Expenditure of Individual Research Accounts The University does not accept responsibility for over-expenditures on individual research accounts. It is the responsibility of the researcher to ensure that research expenses do not exceed the amount awarded. If over-expenditure occurs, the researcher must reimburse The University of Winnipeg for the full amount. The Research Committee will not grant additional funds to cover over-expenditures. Unexpended Funds At the end of the fiscal year (or in the case of Travel Grants, 90 days after the authorized travel dates), the Research Committee will reclaim unexpended grant funds for which no extension requests have been received.

Research Starts Here


Biological Safety *New as of January 1, 2024* In order to be eligible to apply in an internal research grant competition, researchers must complete and submit all outstanding final reports for grants previously submitted to the same grant competition. If a researcher has an outstanding report that is not completed by the deadline by which they intend to apply for the same grant, they will not be eligible to apply. For example, if a researcher has an outstanding final report for a Research Workshop and Conference Grant (RWCG), they cannot apply for another RWCG in a subsequent fiscal year until the first grant’s final report has been submitted. In addition, researchers may only actively hold one of each type of internal research grant. If a grant is still in its active posting period and funds are unspent, researchers cannot apply for the same grant until the funds have been spent and the final report submitted for that grant.

Final Report to The Research Office Internal A final report to the Research Office is expected to be completed at the end of a grant term. For internal Travel Grants the report is due 90 days from the return date, and for all other internal grants it is one year from the award date. If a request for extension has been approved, the final report is due at the end of the carryover term. Applicants must ensure they indicate research results (e.g., publications, presentations) that have been supported by The University of Winnipeg. External A final report to the Research Office is expected to be completed at the end of a grant or contract term. It is expected that the final report will be submitted to the Research Office one month from the end of the term date.


The University of Winnipeg

Although a Biosafety permit is not required at the time of the application, the approved permit must be submitted to the Research Office before any funds will be released. biosafety-committee.html

Radiation Safety Although a radioisotope permit is not required at the time of the application, the approved permit must be submitted to the Research Office before any funds will be released.

General Procedures To access awarded funds before ethics approval a Request for Preliminary Access (RPA) form must be completed and sent to the Research Office. Please note that only funds for research-related activities not subject to ethics review are able to request partial fund access prior to ethics approval. More information on the RPA can be found at: apply-for-human-ethics.html A declaration (part of the Application Form) attesting that, where applicable, ethics approval has been sought and granted is required of all applicants. All members of the University must comply with UWinnipeg’s Responsible Conduct of Research Policy. COVID-19 Research Safety Plans are no longer mandatory, however, COVID-19 resources in relation to research can be found on the Human Ethics Resources page:

Human Ethics Faculty members whose research involves human participants must adhere to vetting requirements of the University Human Research Ethics Board (UHREB). The completion of the federal Panel on Research Ethics Course On Research Ethics online tutorial (CORE) is a requirement for human research ethics reviewers and all researchers whose research with human participants falls under the auspices of the University of Winnipeg. This requirement applies to any faculty members, thesis supervisors, course instructors, post-doctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate students, as well as research/laboratory staff, project managers, and research assistants who will be responsible for recruiting or interacting with human participants or who will have access to data containing identifying information about human participants. Before submitting your human ethics application, consider whether your research will require the completion of Section 4.0 (Research Involving the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples of Canada) by using the Indigenous Research Ethics Self-Assessment Tool:

Animal Ethics Faculty members whose research subjects are non-human vertebrate animals or cephalopods must adhere to vetting requirements of the University Animal Care Committee (UACC) and the Canada Council on Animal Care (CCAC). UACC meets once per month from September to June. For a full schedule of UACC meetings please go to: Note: Please allow at least 30 Working Days for UACC approval. For more information on human or animal ethics, please email:

Administrative Costs

UHREB accepts applications on an ongoing basis, but meets approximately 5 times annually to discuss regular business and any applications considered greater than minimal risk.

The cost of conducting non-operating related business at a Canadian university includes not only the direct costs of the project but also a range of indirect costs. These indirect costs include expenditures to support the infrastructure and supports required to allow a research project to proceed. The indirect costs of the research project are either recovered in the form of overhead charges to the project in the case of a contract or agreement, or they are found within the operating budgets of the University. The Tri-Agency’s Research Support Fund assists Canadian postsecondary institutions with expenses associated with management the research funded by the three federal research granting agencies. In the case of research funded from other sources, researchers are expected to include overhead costs into their research budgets in the funding proposalsto the extent practicable. For guidance on how toreflect overhead costs into these proposals, please contact the Research Office.

Note: Please allow at least 30 Working Days for UHREB approval.

Research Tools For additional resources on conducting Indigenous-related research or completing your human ethics application generally, please visit the “Human Ethics Resources” page and select “Indigenous Research Ethics”:

Research tools such as concordances, bibliographies, dictionaries, archives, or collections of documentary material may only be supported if the research element in their production is clearly established or if they form part of a larger research endeavour, and if they are judged to be of scholarly merit and utility.

Research Starts Here


Things to Know About External Research Funding *New as of 2023*

Applicant’s Responsibilities:

The Research Office requires ALL researchers who intend to apply for EXTERNAL research grants or contract research support to complete the Research Starts Here form in Webgrants (Funding Opportunities section).

› Submit a penultimate draft application to the Research Office for review at least 15 working days before the external agency deadline. Internal deadlines for external grants are available on the Research Office website.

Researchers submitting proposals or contracts for research funds to external agencies must have the approval of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation before submitting. Without approval, the work will NOT be supported by The University of Winnipeg. Externally-funded research work must comply with University policies (e.g., Contract, Travel, Ethics, Integrity).

› Ensure that all other required signatures are in place prior to the Research Office’s final approval and/or signature. › Meet external agency deadlines. › In cases where the Research Office DOESN’T submit external grant applications on behalf of the researcher, it is the researcher’s responsibility to submit the application directly to the funder—the Research Office does not provide courier service for external applications. › Inform the Research Office of awarded funds. › Submit copies of all research project progress and final reports to the Research Office.

The Research Office will: › Help applicants understand application requirements, including but not limited to EDI aspects, budgets, knowledge mobilization plans and open access requirements; › Review all applications and provide constructive feedback before the external deadline. This review includes looking at compliance with external funder’s instructions, university policies, eligibility and selection criteria, and recommendation for improvement, time permitting. › Provide letters of support when required by the funder. › Provide access to successful applications from previous competitions, upon approval of award holder. › Provide technical assistance with electronic forms and funder portals. › Liaise with Research Accounting regarding administration of research funds. › Communicate with external funders on behalf of an applicant if required.


The University of Winnipeg

Research Starts Here


Developing an External Grant Application External Review Deadline (6)* – Voluntary

EDI Inclusion Content Review (3) – Voluntary

What: Help from an external grant writing expert refining a grant application

What: If a researcher would like the Program Officer for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Decolonization (EDI/AR/D) and Research to review their EXTERNAL grant application for effective integration of equity, diversity, and inclusion principles, they need to indicate they would like an EDI Review in the Internal Review Request section of their Research Starts Here form in WebGrants.

When: 6 weeks before the external deadline How: Researchers let the Research Office know they’d like help from an external grant writing expert and Research Office will connect the expert and the researcher. The Research Office provides up to $1,000 per application. Note: This option is only available for applications requesting more than $100,000

Internal Peer Review Deadline (4) – Voluntary What: Feedback on a grant application from an UW-internal peer When: 4 weeks before the external deadline How: Researchers let the Research Office know they’d like the help of a peer (and offer some suggestions on who might have the appropriate expertise) and Research Office will connect the researcher with an amenable peer.

When: 3 weeks prior to the external funder’s deadline How: Submit the full application to to the Program Officer, EDI/AR/D and Research.

Research Office Compliance Review Deadline (2) – Mandatory What: The Research Office will review the application to ensure compliance with funder’s requirements. Some minor changes may be required at this stage upon request from the Research Office. A substantive review may not be possible at this stage, dependent upon the number of applications under review for a given competition, so researchers wishing for a more substantive review are encouraged to send in their draft application as early as possible. When: 2 weeks prior to the external funder’s deadline How: Submit the final application to the Research Office, if possible, through the funder’s application portal.


The University of Winnipeg

*New as of November 1, 2023* The Research Office is instituting a new mandatory internal deadline of 3 business days before an external deadline, which would be in addition to the 6-4-3-2 (week) review deadlines. This would require researchers who did not meet the 2-week internal deadline to submit a completed grant application to a Program Officer in the Research Office by this new deadline, regardless as to whether notice has been given to staff of the intent to apply. If researchers cannot meet this deadline, the Research Office would not agree to sign off on, review, or forward an application to an external agency. While this new deadline would be strict, there will be times that the VPRI can make some exceptions in exceptional circumstances. Some examples of exceptions include:

Researchers are required to get in touch with Research Office staff immediately if they are faced with an exceptional circumstance which would delay their ability to meet this deadline. This is instituted for all external grants, including but not limited to those submitted to: › Tri-Agency funders (SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR) › Federal funders (CFI, Governmental Departments, National Organizations such as CMHC, CSA, Mitacs, Global Affairs Canada, etc.) › Provincial funders (Research Manitoba, MMSF, Governmental Departments, etc.) › Local funders (Winnipeg Foundation, etc.)

› Unexpected illness › Unexpected family issues, including an unexpected death in the family › Documented issues with the portal/application system › Early-Career Researchers who are unfamiliar with the application systems or requirements

Research Starts Here


Research Contracts and Agreements Under The University of Winnipeg’s “Contract Administration Policy,” there are two types of contracts:

The Research Contracts and Agreements Review & Development (Drafting) Process:

Personal contracts or private consultancies: For research and other services negotiated between an individual and an external individual, agency or organization, which are not administered by the UWinnipeg and are not approved by the Research Office. These contracts cannot use University resources and are not eligible for career progress. Researchers should review their Collective Agreement and speak with the Dean if they are seeking a personal contract or private consultancy.

1. Researchers must submit a request through a Research Starts Here (RSH) form, which helps track the contract drafting/reviewing process from request to approval.

Research contracts or University contracts: Which are administered by the University and are recognized for career progress. Any activities outside the normal teaching load and normal research which involve the use of the University name, University facilities (equipment, space, services), Universitysupported time, University-supported personnel, or the University accounting system and which meet the definition of “contract” as outlined in the institutional policy are considered contract activities. As such, they must be approved by the Office of the Vice-President (Academic) and are subject to indirect cost charges.

2. The Legal and Administrative Assistant in the Research Office starts the process on their end, and the Legal Counsel – Research advises the researcher(s) and UW regarding the red flags of the agreement/contract. 3. The final decision/signing authority rests in the hands of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation and the Associate Vice-President, Research and Innovation. This process usually takes 6 to 8 weeks and requires great attention to detail.

Contract Review vs. Contract Drafting There are two main ways researchers engage with contracts and agreements when it is determined that they are a research or University contract: Seeking support for contract/agreement review These involve contracts that are initiated by a Third Party, who is often providing funding or requiring a researcher to prepare a number of research deliverables. Asking the RO to help draft a new contract/agreement These often involve contracts where researchers are looking to contract out work funded by a grant they currently hold, or are prepared as requirements related to intellectual property or agreements where there is no third party institution involved. Note: Every contract/agreement is unique and requires Legal Counsel – Research to review it from a legally exclusive/unshared lens. No set rule can be followed when drafting/reviewing different contracts/agreements, as they are often case specific.


The University of Winnipeg

Below is a non-exhaustive list of the different types of contracts and agreements the Research Office supports:

Contracts/Agreements initiated/ prepared by the Third Party

Contracts/Agreements drafted by the Research Office

Contracts/Agreements initiated by Research Accounting

Collaboration Agreement


Institutional Transfer Agreement (when funds originate at UWinnipeg)

Contribution Agreement

Copyright Licence

Invoicing Agreement

Data Sharing Agreement

Delegation of Authority Agreement

Engagement Offer

Independent Contractor Agreement

Funding Agreement

Intellectual Property Agreement

Loan Agreement

Memorandum of Understanding

Material Transfer Agreement

Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement

Service Agreement

Visiting Researcher Agreement

Standing Offer Subcontractor Agreement Institutional Transfer Agreement (when funds originate at another institution)

To learn more about research contracts and agreements, visit the UWinnipeg website:

Research Starts Here


Using Your Research Grant Funds Once you’ve successfully received an internal or external research grant, there are a number of steps to consider. External Grant Only* 1. If you have not already done so, please fill out a RSH (Research Starts Here) form in WebGrants with your external grant information. 2. Be sure to send the Notice of Award letter from the external funder to to attach to your RSH form.

More details on using your grant funds are available in the *NEW* Research Account Management: Best Practices guide

Both Internal and External Grants* 1. Staff in the Research Office will process your award and send a request to Research Accounting to set up the award with a unique award number. 2. Once set up, Research Accounting will send you the award number with instructions on how to view the account in WebClient (Nav). › All of the forms you will need to request reimbursement and/or access the funds are available on the Financial Services website: You will use the award account number provided to you on these forms. › Travel costs: Fill out an “Application for Travel” form. You can also request an advance in this form to cover the costs up front. Travel costs such as flights and accommodations can be charged directly to your award account if you book through Out ‘N About Travel. Otherwise, you can pay for your travel up front and get reimbursed after the trip. Keep all receipts and boarding passes to submit with your “Travel Expense Claim Form”. › Hiring costs: To hire a student as a Research Assistant, please contact your HR representative for more information on the process. › Research material costs: Fill out a “Payment Voucher Awards” form to get reimbursed for research material and other expenses. › Research equipment costs: For larger equipment purchases, including computers and other hardware, please contact the Purchasing department for the proper forms and procedures. 3. Once your project has finished, please fill out a final status report on the grant in WebGrants and Research Office staff will work with Research Accounting to close your account.


The University of Winnipeg

Research Starts Here


Additional Information Postdoctoral Fellow

Visiting Scholar

Postdoctoral Fellow is an individual in training who has completed a doctoral degree within the last 5 years and is engaged in research and training at the University under the supervision of a faculty member. All Postdoctoral Fellows much have a faculty sponsor responsible for supervising the PDF during the duration of the appointment. The Faculty Sponsor must have an academic appointment under the UWFA-RAS collective agreement

A Visiting Scholar is a researcher or faculty member with a PhD with ongoing affiliation at an academic institution. Normally, a Visiting Scholar will remain at a host university for a fixed period of time (usually a full year) to conduct research, engage with department members and to otherwise participate in academic life at the university. A Visiting Scholar should have an ongoing presence on campus, conduct research and participate in institutional activities such as:

The length of a PDF appointment is normally not less than one year and not longer than three. Appointments exceeding three years will require renewal. For appointments less than one year, a rationale for not considering a Research Associate or Senior Research Associate will be required. Appointments under twelve months may be considered in cases where funding from a funding agency stipulates shorter durations. PDF appointments are expected to be full time and based on 35-hour work week. For further information, please see the Postdoctoral Fellow Guidelines by visiting the Research Office website under Fellows and Scholars. Guidelines for hiring a PDF: 1. Prior to requesting a PDF at The University of Winnipeg, please contact your Human Resources Consultant to discuss salary and benefits option for the appointment. 2. After contacting your Human Resources Consultant, complete the Postdoctoral Fellow Appointment Request Form. 3. Forward the completed form, CV, and award/ authorization letters (if applicable) to your Chair and Dean to obtain signature approval. 4. Once the signatures have been obtained, please attach CV, and all applicable documents to the form and forward to the office of the Vice-President of Research for final approval and a Letter of Invitation to be issued. Note: The Letter of Invitation is not an offer of employment. The Letter of Invitation will be used by Human Resources to issue the official letter offer.


The University of Winnipeg

› Delivering formal lectures to the host institution; › Engaging in discussions with research students; › Undertaking collaborative research with faculty and staff; › Contributing to the university’s teaching by presenting guest lecture or faculty seminars; and › Presenting at a public event. There is no remuneration associated with the Visiting Scholar status. For further information on Visiting Scholars, please visit the Research Office website under Fellows and Scholars.

Guidelines for hosting a Visiting Scholar: 1. The faculty member wishing to host is responsible for completing the Visiting Scholar Appointment Request Form, upon identifying a potential scholar.

Guidelines for hosting a Research Scholar: 1. The faculty member wishing to host is responsible for completing the Research Scholar Appointment Request Form, upon identifying a potential scholar.

2. Forward the completed form, CV, and award/ authorization letters (if applicable) to your Chair and Dean to obtain signature approval.

2. Forward the completed form, CV, and supporting documents (if applicable) to your Chair and Dean to obtain signature approval.

3. Once the signatures have been obtained, please attach CV, and all applicable documents to the form and forward to the office of the Vice-President of Research for final approval.

3. Once the signatures have been obtained, please attach CV, and all documents to the form and forward to the office of the Vice-President of Research for final approval.

4. Confirming housing is the responsibility of the Visiting Scholar.

4. Confirming housing/accommodations is the responsibility of the Research Scholar.

5. The office of the Vice-President of Research will consult and engage with Human Resources before issuing a Letter of Invitation to the Visiting Scholar.

5. The office of the Vice-President of Research will consult and engage with the immigration consultant in Human Resources before issuing a Letter of Invitation to the Research Scholar, if any discussions are related to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for an international Research Scholar.

6. Any discussions related to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for international Visiting Scholar shall be with the immigration consultant in Human Resources. 7. A Letter of Invitation will be composed and sent to the Visiting Scholar for acceptance.

Research Scholar Some faculty colleagues may wish to establish formal links with independent researchers with whom they wish to collaborate. Research Scholars promote the exchange of ideas, research, mutual enrichment and linkages between research and academic institutions. There is no remuneration associated with a Research Scholar status. For further information on Research Scholars, please visit the Research Office website under Fellows and Scholars.

6. A Letter of Invitation will be composed and sent to the Research Scholar for acceptance. The following applies to Postdoctoral Fellows, Visiting Scholars, and Research Scholars: 1. The appointment is for the period specified in the application. 2. It is suggested that at least six (6) months of lead time to ensure all documents are in place, due to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for hiring/hosting visiting international fellows/scholars, due to IRCC processing times. 3. The designation “Postdoctoral Fellow, Visiting Scholar, Research Scholar” carries with it certain privileges: › Office space, if available, may be shared. Lab privileges is at the discretion of the department or program; › Access to administrative services after the ongoing needs of the department members have been met; › Access to email and printing / copying; › Access to University library privileges. Note: Researchers affiliated with another university or institution should apply for Adjunct Professor status through the Vice-President, Academic Office.

Research Starts Here


Appendix A—External Research Funding Links The Canada Foundation for Innovation

Research Manitoba

Federal research infrastructure funder CFI invests in research infrastructure at Canadian universities, colleges, research hospitals and non-profit research institutions.

Provincial research funder With funding received from the Province, Research Manitoba funds research in the health, natural and social sciences, engineering and the humanities in Manitoba.

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research


Federal health research funder Composed of 13 institutes, CIHR collaborates with partners and researchers to support the discoveries and innovations that improve our health and strengthen our health care system.

Student stipend funder Mitacs attracts and deploys top talent to industry and academia, matching need with expertise.

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Federal humanities and social sciences funder By focusing on developing talent, generating insights and forging connections across campuses and communities, SSHRC strategically supports world-leading initiatives that reflect a commitment to ensuring a better future for Canada and the world.

NSERC Federal natural sciences and engineering funder NSERC funds visionaries, explorers and innovators who are searching for the scientific and technical breakthroughs that will benefit Canada.

Manitoba Medical Service Foundation (MMSF) Foundation supporting new health researchers MMSF funds new Manitoba researchers and students, for the advancement of scientific knowledge, and other endeavors, in order to improve the health and well-being of all Manitobans.

Government of Canada In addition to the Tri-Council funding opportunities, the Government of Canada offers a number of other funding opportunities in the categories of: › Agriculture › Arts, culture and sport › Business › Environment › For Indigenous peoples › Gender equality › Health › International development For more links and resources, contact the Research Office or visit the Research Office website at:


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