Grapevine & Cornerstone Issue1 2014

Page 1

Issue 1. 3. 2014 2013

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Contents Page 03 Communication 06 Features 10 Events 18 W ine

and Media

& Dine

25 Social

& Community

36 Spor ts

& Leisure

43 Stable


45 Safety

and Security

49 Telephone

Director y



PUBLISHER: Phoenix Creative Communication for the Val de Vie HOA EDITOR: Jaime-Lee van Sittert ADVERTISING SALES: Jaime-Lee van Sittert (021) 422 4445 / 072 171 1979 ChrIstoff Geldenhuys, Mina Vigliotti ACCOUNTS MANAGER: Louise Martin DESIGN & LAYOUT: Louise Martin Kurt Levendal HOA EDITOR: CarlĂŠ Geldenhuys FRONT COVER: Mark Atkinson The Grapevine magazine focuses on the Val De Vie Estate. It is mailed on behalf of the homeowners association to residents and landowners. It is published in collaboration with several freelance companies and does not necessarily portray the opinions of these companies. Please send inquiries to 1

Grapevine Communication

Chairman’s Desk


or us and I guess for most of you, the sound

airport close by, good schools, beautiful

to a wide and diverse audience. K-Day filled

of sea gulls, the smell of suntan lotion and

mountains, lakes and the Berg River on our

this gap for a few years, but since the event

the taste of ice cream are long forgotten as this

doorstep. As part of a World Heritage Site

was discontinued, we kept looking for the

year commences with a staggering pace. So

and located on the Franschhoek wine route

right artists and managed to secure UB40

let’s get stuck into business.

we are spoilt with choice when it comes to

on the 4th of April for an early evening show.

restaurants and outdoor activities. We are yet

We expect less people than we had at K-Day.

Property Sales

untouched by crime and Homeowners sleep

In addition it will be a three hour event with

The outlook for property prices in 2014 is

with doors open at night. Our professional and

less impact on the fields and Estate. The

extremely positive. The 2013 calendar year

competent management team has succeeded

HOA is closely involved with the concert

was marked by very good liquidity, and in total,

in establishing a tranquil atmosphere of

arrangements and we will ensure that the

130 Val de Vie properties, including erven and

harmonious living where families and children

event has as little impact as possible on the

homes, were transferred to new owners. We

can enjoy the open spaces, walk ways, jogging

Estate and its inhabitants, including our pets

are now entering the phase in the development

routes, river pools and play parks. Surely, a lot

and horses.

where vacant erven will become increasingly

to be proud of and thankful for at Val de Vie.

scarce and the shortage of investment

We have featured well in the media lately. We

opportunities will fuel a seller’s market. The

Events and marketing

now have 4300+ Facebook followers, 2600+

vibrant building activity also supports the

Be sure to look out for some key dates on our

Twitter followers and our website attracts

growing market. By the end of February 2014

social calendar:

7200+ unique visitors per month. Since

we had 265 completed homes. We now have

• 29 March, Cup of Nations Polo Invitational

our previous newsletter, various aspects of

96 active building sites and we don’t expect

• 4 April, UB40 Concert

the Estate featured in magazines such as

this number to fall below 80 at any time during

Die Burger, Die By, Legacy Magazine, SA

2014. This means that come Christmas this

In between all of this we have the Valentine’s

Homeowner, SA Deluxe, Polo Luxury, Cape

year, there should be 436 homes on the Estate,

Day Dinner, Sunday Markets and Sunset

Town Magazine, Marie Claire, Business day,

either completed or being constructed. This is

Fridays at the restaurant. A fair amount of effort

Beeld, Landbou weekblad and Environmental

very good news and we can agree to patiently

was put in to make children feel welcome at

Magazine. We also featured on Pasella, SABC,

contend with the temporary inconveniences

the restaurant by introducing Bambino Friday

CNBC Africa and various blogs and digital

that come with a high volume of building

afternoons where children can make their

forums. Guardian Development Management

activity. Within an Estate, a strong correlation

own take away pizza. A polo pony is now also

won the “Best Single Unit Development”

exists between the rate of property value

available at the restaurant over weekends

award at the International Property Awards

appreciation and the amount of homes which

for pony rides, which can be enjoyed by the

held in Dubai in 2013. All this exposure gives

are completed.

younger generation.

a continuous momentum to a wave of positive

Lest we forget how blessed we are, our visitors

We continue to pursue one or two signature

for the Val de Vie Magazine which is currently

remind us frequently that it is for good reason

music events per calendar year. Apart from

being compiled and expected to be available

that Val de Vie is such a sought-after primary

the enjoyment the events bring on the day,

by March 2014.

resident destination. We have the international

they go a long way in promoting the Estate

reports of Val de Vie. Be sure to keep a lookout


Grapevine Communication

Restaurant and Wines

If you are not familiar with the new paperless

Much to our own frustratin, the take-up on this

Thank you for supporting our restaurant and

system; it basically allows the residents to

offer was much slower than we had hoped for.

wine brands. Sunset Fridays at the restaurant

request a unique Pin Code for a visitor or

ICT Globe, the suppliers of this service, initially

are extremely popular and it’s wonderful to see

contractor which allows them to enter and

set a trigger amount of 80 subscribers. They

that our residents make themselves at home

exit the Estate. It replaces the cumbersome

have so far managed to sign up 65, and they

and bring friends along.

paper system and is meant to speed up the

continue to lobby for the rest. In the meantime

visitor’s entry as well as notifying the resident

their installers are conducting site surveys and

The Val de Vie wine brands enjoy consistent

of the visitor’s entry and exit times. We also did

preparing for the installation. Again, if all this is

growth and the wine specials are well supported

away with issuing remotes to visitors. Detailed

news to you, please visit the Val de Vie website:

by the residents. Our wine can be purchased

instructions are listed on our website under

from the restaurant during restaurant trading

the “HOA/Internal communications” tab. This

for further details.

hours and we deliver country wide.

is one step forward in enhancing the overall experience at the main entrance.

Animals and Speeding Regardless of the many residents who attentively

We have in the past released detailed press statements about the wine cellar at Val de Vie,

Community Portal

comply with our rules regarding animals, we are

which was purchased by Perfect South Africa,

We are pleased to see that some residents are

still experiencing gnawing problems with certain

a joint venture between Hein Koegelenberg and

using the Community Portal to communicate

animals and with speeding on the Estate. We

his Chinese wine partners, with the cellar at Val

with us. As from March the portal is our sole

regularly receive complaints of dogs barking,

de Vie becoming the home of their L’Hugeunot

communication mechanism for all Estate related

animals walking around unsupervised and

brand. They are currently busy with extensive

matters and we therefore urge you to log on

consequently without a leash, owners that do

renovations to the cellar and will soon complete

and update your profile to avoid missing out on

not clean up after their pets and cats causing a

a truly special destination with improved

important information. Please follow this link to


maturation capacity and tasting facilities.

log on:

Visitor enrolment system

Most residents usually respond positively to our appeals for adherence to the Estate rules. One

Thank you to everyone that is using the

Weekly bulletins as well as monthly newsletters,

of the reasons we chose to live in an Estate is

new visitor enrolment system. We know

important notices and updates, levy statements

the comfort of knowing that the rules are there

it’s something new to learn, but it’s easy to

and water accounts will be sent via the portal

to promote harmonious and nuisance-free

use, and it pleasantly enhances the visitor’s


living. Remember, we all contractually agreed do have the rules in place and to employ

experience. Its true value will, however, only be experienced when all of us use it. So please

Please do not hesitate to call us on 021 863

people to enforce them. Furthermore, it is an

take the time to register on the system. We

6128 if you are experiencing trouble using the

absolutely accepted practice within the Estate

cannot issue your visitor with an access code


to have rules regarding pets and speed limits etc. Unfortunately, we are being forced by a

if you have not registered on the system. This means our patrol vehicle must escort the visitor

Fiber to the Home project

tiny minority of inconsiderate pet owners and

to the boom to open it.

Thank you for bearing with us on this project.

speed rebels, to resort to the legal mechanism


Grapevine Communication

available to enforce these rules. For the sake

Other smaller civil and storm water repairs

we are continuously looking for an effective green

of the common good, we will continue to take

have also been commissioned.

way to reduce their numbers even more. These

a much tougher stance. To enforce these

traps are doing a great job, so much so that we

rules we have asked the Trustees to agree

We installed a new generator at the main

have had inspections from other Estates of our

to and commit funds to prosecute habitual

entrance which ensures that our security

facilities to see for themselves how it’s done –

transgressors. At our next Trustee meeting this

systems can now operate uninterruptedly for

another green achievement.

will be further explored.

an indefinite time, should there be a municipal power outage. Our sewage pumps and irrigation

Pearl Valley Golf Membership

It is best to report any transgression to security

pumps were also upgraded with improved

Pearl Valley recently launched a limited number

immediately, as they are coached to either

control systems. The irrigation water pump

of non-resident golf memberships. Usually

resolve the matter onsite and/or to file an

house inlet in Lake Michelle was changed from

these memberships are reserved for Pearl

incident report to our offices, from where it is

a stationary inlet to a floating inlet. This reduces

Valley Homeowners only. We encourage all

taken further.

sediment in our irrigation system and lengthens

of our golfing enthusiasts to make use of this

the lifespan of many of the parts.

limited offer. Full details can be obtained from

Security can be contacted on 021 863 6110 or 072 900 3954.

the Pearl Valley offices. The HOA is generally pleased with the state of the landscaping. However, we want to give

Please enjoy 2014 with us and thank you for

The rules can be downloaded from our website,

special attention to our trees this year since

your support.

Estate Rules.

they have become one of our most valuable assets. You would have noticed that they

Morné Bosch

Facilities and landscaping

received specialised pruning. Special feeding


The HOA team was on site for the duration

programmes and re-staking will also be done.

of the December holidays, with no serious

We will again make provision in the budget for

matters to attend to. The implementation of our

extensions of the irrigation system, as well as

electronic asset management system during

tree replacements and bed upgrades which

2013 now ensures that systematic preventative

will all be done in optimal planting times.

maintenance is done on all of our assets and infrastructure. To a large degree this eliminates

Fly Traps

reactive crisis management and in general our

Along with our strategy to promote “green”

infrastructure is better maintained and things

practices on Val de Vie, we assisted Homeowners

run smoother.

in purchasing very effective non-chemical, bio-

It took some time to finalise our insurance claim

that there are generally few flies on Val de Vie

for the flooding in August and November 2013

comparatively to other areas in the country. This

but rehabilitative work commenced and the

view was confirmed in an independent expert

gravel road along the river is now completed.

study done by Professor Geertsema. Even so,

friendly fly traps. We have been fortunate in


Grapevine Features

V al




V ie E state

Greener Future

hree years ago our living environment looked somewhat different at Val de Vie. Our trees

were smaller, our open spaces and landscaped areas young, and very much in the early growth stages. For those of you that have been here since the onset, or shortly after the beginning of Val De Vie, I’m sure you’ll appreciate just how far we’ve come. One only needs to look at some of the earlier photographs of the Estate to remind oneself. The Landscape Planning Committee and Servest have really gone the extra mile to ensure long term growth and care of our Estate. Our Landscape Planning Committee meets once a month to discuss every agenda; from planting new trees, shrubs and seasonal flowers, to fertilisers, composting, weed control and budgets. Since Servest began the maintenance on the Estate, the general appearance and beauty of Val de Vie has really been enhanced. The lawns are looking immaculate, the seasonal flowers and roses offer bright displays and finally our trees are getting their roots down deeper into the ground. Water applications are better managed and new areas are now under the irrigation systems coverage. We’ve put together a few pictures as it’s always good to take time out to enjoy and appreciate the loveliness of our natural surroundings. Enjoy!



With 2014 well under way, we are all aware of the negative impact of the weakening Rand. A higher inflation rate and rising interest rates are now a given. Therefore the goalposts are constantly shifting for manufacturing businesses such as Incanda. As a result we constantly need to find new ways to keep our costs down and stay affordable for our clients.

Interior Design . Furniture . 8

Incanda now follows a four-tiered strategy: • We buy raw materials in bulk and pay upfront. By doing this we secure larger discounts and avoid the inflationary effect of the weakening Rand. At the end of 2013 we had already bought enough Blackwood from the Knysna forest to last us for the whole of 2014. We are especially excited about this batch, as all the wood originates from old-growth trees harvested deep in the forest – our sawmill operator reckons it is the best Blackwood he has seen in two decades! • We steer away from imported raw materials and constantly look for new sources of local products. After our extensive research and a number of trial runs, we are confident that we can now supply two Eucalyptus species for indoor wooden flooring or for outdoor decking. Not only is this timber much more affordable than imported wood such as Balau or Maple, but it also boasts with a beautiful natural/ organic look. • Our new designs focus on using less material and being more affordable. This requires creative design, as we do not want to compromise the quality of our product. Our design team has recently completed prototyping two new chairs, namely the Clarens and the Loxton. Both chairs form part of our “Blackwood and riempie” combination and priced at respectively R3900 and R3750, they offer great value for money (see pictures attached). • We manufacture larger batches of our most popular products to decrease manufacturing time and to run regular specials on these items. Our first special will be on our most popular couch – the Karoo Classic. We aim to manufacture approximately 50 extra Karoo Classics which will be offered on sale during March at a 20% discount. Now you can buy a 2-seater Incanda couch in top quality fullgrain leather from as little as R7900. So, 2014 might be the year of the weaker Rand, but for Incanda clients it will be the year in which the quality to price ratio will just keep getting better and better.

Clarens and Loxton chairs

. Design . Interior Design tel: +27 (0) 21 863 1965 | web: 9

Grapevine Events and Media


Richard Shardae Caetano-

Me a d e W

hen we got engaged, we instantly knew that we wanted a stylish and elegant affair

so the decision on where to have our big day wasn’t a hard one. Val de Vie ticked all of the right boxes. It was modern yet still classic, timeless and completely different to any other venue we had seen. We had so much fun planning the wedding of our dreams with real life fairy godmother, Elsjé Oosthuizen. She took all of our ideas and made magic happen. Our big day had arrived and after spending almost half of our lives (12 Years) together, we were more then ready to say I do. With the backdrop of the magnificent Franschhoek Mountains, the ceremony area was breathtaking! Once the I do’s were over, we had the honour of starting the polo match. All of our guests said it was a goosebump moment with the anthem playing in the background. Now it was time to celebrate and the reception was beyond what we could have wished for. The white banquet tables were adorned with a variety of delicate white flowers and candles. Above was white cabana draping stretching the length of the ballroom with sophisticated chandeliers to add a touch of glam. At the end of the room was our wedding cake surrounded by a delightful sweet station where our guests could indulge in their sweet desires and let their inner child come out. When reminiscing about our wedding day and how we wish we could do it all over again, all that is left are memories of love, laughter and special moments with family and friends. It truly was a magical day.


O u r P h i lO s O P h y The recent economic trials force us to look hard at our values and what we value. Some brands manage to reflect these truths. They are born of a visionary ambition. They come to stand for unsurpassed excellence. They embrace change while staying relevant in a fast-paced world. Ultimately, they escape short-term compromise to ensure prosperity across generations. Meta-luxury observes the rise of a paradigm of luxury beyond luxury, founded on the principles of knowledge, purpose and timelessness. It is based on the concept of Unique Achievement and the pillars of Craftsmanship, Focus, History and Rarity. It is about the culture of excellence.

At Guardian Project Management we understand the emotive nature of building a dream home. We provide that vital independent and professional service to plan, lead, organise and control the management of projects and programs, from inception to reality.

C +27 83 641 8887 路 路 338 Thoroughbred Street, Val de Vie Estate, Paarl, 7620 11


Grapevine Events and Media

Veuve Clicquot

Masters Polo Cape Town 2014

Veuve Clicquot Masters Polo Cape Town 2014

at this year’s Veuve Clicquot Masters Polo

sets a new benchmark as a world class luxury

2014 and hosted the world land speed record

event in South Africa

holder, Wing Commander Andy Green as their


special guest in their VIP Lounge. Showcasing ynonymous with flutes of champagne

their flagship luxury performance automobile,



the Bentley Mulsanne as well as their recently

and international guests of the fourth annual

launched Bentley Flying Spur, it was the new

Veuve Clicquot Masters Polo 2014 attended

Bentley GT Speed convertible parked side by

Saturday, 1 March 2014, what has now become

side with two rare Bentley Blowers on the day

South Africa’s most exclusive polo and luxury

which stole the show.




lifestyle event on the annual social calendar. With notable VIP’s in attendance such as The

Drawing inspiration from polo’s global presence,

Minister of Sport Fikile Mbalula, Tokyo Sexwale

with its rich cultural heritage, the prestigious

and world land-speed record holder Andy

champagne house sponsors some of the world’s

Green, along with local celebrities Cindy Nell,

leading polo events such as the Manhattan

Jimmy Nevis, Tanya van Graan, international

Classic in New York City, the LA Polo Classic, the

super model Katryn Kruger and fashion icons

UK’s Gold Cup and the Veuve Clicquot Masters

David Tlale, Malcolm Kluk and Christiaan

Cape Town. This is the only event of its kind on

Gabriel du Toit, guests enjoyed an afternoon of

the African continent and draws both local and

stylish décor, perfectly chilled Veuve Clicquot

international spectators in numbers.







D’Oré, the Official Fashion Partner for the day, showcased some of the world’s top luxury

In keeping with tradition, Bentley was both

fashion brands such as Emilio Pucci, Escada,

Associate Sponsor and Official Vehicle Partner

Cavalli, Armani Collezione, Rupert Sanderson,


Grapevine Events and Media


Grapevine Events and Media

Elie Tahari, Herve Leger and Vanessa G in a

More than any other sport, polo is best savoured

quintessential runway show. Global prestige

live with all eyes fixed on the polo games played

Beauty Sponsor, Elizabeth Arden Inc. kept

on the day. With an added opening exhibition

guests of the annual Veuve Clicquot Masters

match, a first for the tournament and the final

Polo 2014 beautified all day long. With Elizabeth

8-goal tournament comprising of top local and

Arden ‘Beautiful Colour’ touch-up stations and

international players, play was organised by

their team of expert makeup artists, guests were

HRH Prince Malik Ado-Ibrahim of Nigeria and

treated to a truly prestigious beauty experience.

saw the day’s nail biting finish with winning team

Committed to the concept of holistic beauty,

Veuve Clicquot, captained by Johan du Plooy,

Elizabeth Arden ensured everyone was beautiful

narrowly beating team Nigus with a 6/5 victory.

from the inside out with a Prevage anti-oxidant bar on the day for guests to enjoy. Official Time Keeper for the polo, Breitling for Bentley, showcased a timeless collection born from a cross between the grand art of British car making and the finest Swiss watch making traditions. Avouching a new art of living, Breitling for Bentley is the most trusted when it comes to their unique blend of elegance and performance, power and style, sportiness and refinement.


Grapevine Events and Media

A n n iv e rsary Di n n e r


he Val de Vie Estate ran an exciting

with guests being treated to delicate mini cakes

social media competition for brides who

by Edible Art (

celebrated their weddings at Val de Vie in the

The experience will never be forgotten, having

last two years. The winners were Johann and

been beautifully captured on camera by Inecke

Janine Bensch, who tied the knot on the 20th


of December 2012. The lucky couple and six of


their friends received an indulgent stay at a Villa on the Estate along with a dinner experience

To top it off, Legacy Lifestyle gave 4000 Legacy

courtesy of Val de Vie Events, The Polo Club

Rands, as well as a weekend stay in a luxury

Restaurant and Val de Vie Wines.

hotel for the couple to enjoy.

The occasion started with the ladies being

What Johann and Janine thought of the

pampered by talented make-up artist Helga


( while the guys enjoyed

“For us to celebrate friendship and love at Val

tasting Val de Vie’s award-winning wines at the

de Vie is always an exceptional experience. A

Estate’s tasting room.

lifestyle that feels like home, where we can relive the magic of our wedding day! Thank you Val

The guests were chauffeured in a vintage Rolls

de Vie and sponsors for our beautifully planned

Royce to the Polo Club Restaurant, where

anniversary dinner! An atmosphere which

a table had been specially styled by decor

cannot be described, but only to be enjoyed

specialists N Designs and Concepts (www.

time and time again. See you soon!” - Johann &

Janine Bensch



experts Secret Diary Designs (www.secretdiary. Vinyl art by Supa Sign Paarl (www.

Follow us on Facebook: completed the amazing decor. Event enquiries:

Guests enjoyed a tasty three course dinner while sipping on Pongracz and the meal concluded


Grapevine Wine and Dine

P roudly

South African


e as South Africans are normally a very

Sauvigon and Pontac, it has a very hardened

fickle specimen, especially when it

character, with all of the flavour associated with

comes to being proud of our nation. When we

Cabernet Sauvignon. Wines made from this grape

do well at sport, it is as if the heavens above

are distinctly grassy and somewhat different

have opened up, showering us with proverbial

from other red varieties. It is often blended with

glue, sticking us together tighter than ever

Pinotage to create a truly South African blend.

before, and in difficult times, especially with protests and Bafana Bafana playing, we seem to throw our hands in the air, walking away from a situation that we deem fit for someone else to handle. There are however a couple of things that will once again reinstate the pride that eludes us in times of a despairing economy, political turmoil and duck-face selfies. Not many people know that our beloved SA has its very own grape cultivars, unique to only us. Here is a little rundown of what we produce: Pinotage This famed cultivar was bred in 1925 by Prof Abraham Isak Perold, former lecturer at Stellenbosch University. It is a cross between Pinot Noir, which at that stage was very difficult


to grow in South African conditions, and the

The most famous of the South African white

very robust Cinsaut, also known as Hermitage

wines, Nouvelle is very often used in blending

in South Africa; hence the name Pinotage. It is

with Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc and Semillon

widely accepted that this is the flagship wine

as it has a very distinct green apple, green

from South Africa, with numerous wines made

pepper and grass flavour. Nouvelle is a hybrid

at the famed Kanonkop, winning top honours

of Semillon and Crouchen Blanc, also known as

at international wine shows; normally with

Cape Riesling. It was also created by Prof Orfer.

smoky, blackberry, mulberry and herbaceous undertones. There is also the coffee style


of Pinotage that has had a massive boom in

Being fairly unkwown, a lot of people are

the early 2000’s, which was a great way for

surprised by the easy drinking nature of

non-wine drinkers to get to know wine. Since

Chenel. Being a hybrid between Chenin Blanc

its early days from being widely criticised,

and Ugni Blanc, it produces wines that are not

Pinotage has now become loved and revered

to upfront or acidic. Mainly used as a blending

globally. A distinct wine panel has also been

component, it is well known for its high yield

formed to help the growth and marketing of this

and its resistance to rot.

proudly South African wine. An aroma wheel was even created by Pinotage enthusiasts.

Weldra Mostly used in blends for its good levels of



natural acidity, this hybird of Chenin Blanc

Roobernet is one of the most interesting varieties

and Trebbiano, also known as Clairette

to be found worldwide as it is one of the very few

Blanche, is normally very neutral, and is

wines with red juice. This is one of the trademarks

unlikely to blow your mind. That being said,

that Prof Orfer wanted to create through his

wines made in the Beaujolais Nouveau style

hybridisation. Being the lovechild of Cabernet

are very refreshing.

Grapevine Wine and Dine

Therona Therona was bred by Prof Orfer by hybridising Cape Riesling and Chenin Blanc. The first wines to be made from this cultivar were released in 1986, with the thought of it growing very popular, especially in areas of high irrigation, due to its disease resistance and above average yield. However, other cultivars with the same attributes with more flavours were favoured. Many people don’t understand the difference between a blend and a hybrid. A blend is made when two wine varieties are combined in wine form. A hybrid is made by combining genes, in this case by cross polination. To make it simple; blending is getting a chocolate labrador when combining a yellow and black labrador. Combining a tiger and a lion will give you a Liger, something completely different. So if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime you like. Have a great season! Harold Versfeld




RRR11111000ppepererrb bobototttlttel lee 00 0 p epre rc acsae s eRR6 6 per case R 6 0 0

56% 56% Shiraz, Shiraz, 20% 20% Mourvedre, Mourvedre, 56% Shiraz, 20% Mourvedre, 13% 13% Carignan, Carignan, 7%7% Grenache, Grenache, 13% Carignan, 7% Grenache, 4%4% Cinsaut Cinsaut 4% Cinsaut Platter Platter **** **** Star Star Platter Wine **** Star 2012 2012 International International Wine && 2012 International Wine & Spirit Spirit Competition Competition Spirit – Silver – Competition Silver Medal Medal – Silver Medal “Black “Black currants, currants, redred fruit fruit andand “Black currants, redHints fruit spice spice fillfill thethe glass. glass. Hints ofand of spice filland theand glass. Hints of vanilla vanilla oak oak flavours.” flavours.” vanilla and oak flavours.”



100% 100% Sauvignon Sauvignon Blanc Blanc 100% Sauvignon Blanc “Green “Green fig,fig, cutcut grass grass andand “Green fig, cut grass and peppers peppers compliment compliment thethe peppers compliment the tropical tropical flavours flavours of ofgooseberry, gooseberry, tropical flavours of gooseberry, melon melon andand passion passion fruit.” fruit.” melon and passion fruit.”

p epre rb obtot tl te l eRR5 5 5 per bottle R 5 5 RRR33300000ppepererrc accasaes see

w iwni en@ e@ v avladl a | |O O f f fefre rv avlai ldi df rfor m o mMM a racrhc hu nu tni tl i le ne dn dJ uJ nu en e | Offer valid from March until end June w w w .wv.avladl iwni ensehs oh po p





Beef Carpaccio R70 Grilled Chicken Waldorf Salad


Smoked Salmon Salad


Five Spice Duck Salad


Grilled Chicken, Walnut, Apple and Celery topped with Parmesan Shavings and a Gooseberry Dressing Recommended wine: Polo Club Sauvignon Blanc

Served with Spicy Harissa Paste, Rocket, Parmesan Shavings and Prawn Tempura Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC

Oven Baked Portobello Mushrooms (V)


Goats Cheese Tart (V)


Stuffed with Garlic and Ricotta Cheese on a bed of Provencal sauce Recommended wine: Polo Club Chenin Blanc

Baked with Cherry Tomato, Basil Pesto and Onion Marmalade served with Rocket tossed in Blueberry Glaze Dressing Recommended wine: Polo Club Sauvignon Blanc

Sliced Duck Breast and Crispy Bacon Bits with Roasted Beetroot, Naartjie Segments Green Leaves and Chilli-Coriander Dressing Recommended wine: Polo Club Chenin Blanc 2012



Glazed Rib Ciabatta


Smoked Turkey and Avocado Tramazzini


Deboned BBQ Ginger and Cola Glazed Pork Ribs, Cos Lettuce, Grilled Pineapple and Cucumber served with Chips or Salad Recommended wine: Val de Vie Ryk Neethling

Slices of Tender Turkey Breast , Avocado, Peppers, Gherkins, Feta and a Light Mayo Spread served with Chips or Salad Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC

Gourmet Beef Burger R88

Homemade 180g Ground Beef Pattie with Guacamole, Cheese and Biltong Shavings Served with Chips or Salad Recommended wine: Val de Vie Shiraz

Snack Platter R72

Prawn and Vegetable Tempura, Crumbed Chicken Livers, Marinated Feta and Olives, Crudités, Cajun Calamari and Chips Recommended wine: Polo Club Cabernet Franc

Cheese Platter R150/R78

Chef’s Selection of Local Cheeses, Fresh Fruit, Freshly Baked Bread, Cold Meat and Preserves

Franschhoek Smoked Salmon Trout with Confit Cherry Tomato, Cucumber, Capers Mixed Greens and a Cream Herb Dressing Recommended wine: Polo Club Sauvignon Blanc

Jack Daniels Glazed Tiger Prawns

Cabernet Sautéed Garlic Prawns,Franc Flambéed in Jack Daniels 2010 and served with Steamed Rice And Seasonal Vegetables Recommended wine: Polo Club Craftsman


Linefish au Gratin R134

Parmesan Crusted Baked Fish Fillet, Served with Lime Risotto, Sautéed Vegetables and Chive Lemon Caper Sauce topped with Crispy Parma Ham Garnish Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC

Herb Crusted Beef Fillet


Danish Feta Chicken Breast


Grilled Beef Fillet served with Crème Fraiche Baked Potato and Seasonal Vegetables Recommended wine: Val de Vie 1783

Feta Stuffed Chicken Breast, Topped with Marinated peppers, Basil Pesto on a Grilled Butternut Boat with Honey Mustard Sauce Recommended wine: Val de Vie Ryk Neethling

Melanzane Lamb Bake R93

Baked Aubergine Wheel Filled with Baharat Lamb Mince served with Steamed Broccoli Recommended wine: Val de Vie Shiraz

Vegetable Lasagna R64

Layers of Rich Tomato Sauce, Lentils and Pasta served with a Refreshing Beetroot Salad Recommended wine: Polo Club Sauvignon Blanc




Shoestring Fries R21 Sautéed Seasonal Vegetables R21 Leafy Greek Salad R21 Port-Blue Cheese Sauce R21 Bacon-Mushroom Sauce R21 Green Peppercorn Sauce R21

Kiddies Beef Burger and Chips


Bambino (Small Margarita)


Deep Fried Chicken Goujons and Fries Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce

R35 R20

PASTA Primavera Pasta R45

Rich Homemade Tomato with Olives, Garlic, Spinach and Ricotta Recommended wine: Polo Club Sauvignon Blanc

Pancetta Bacon and Mushroom Pasta

Creamy White Wine and Garlic Sauce with Crispy Bacon and Sautéed Mushroom Recommended wine: Val de Vie GVC


PIZZA Margarita R59 Vigliacco R102

Bacon, Fig Preserve, Blue Cheese and Rocket Recommended wine: Val de Vie Shiraz

God Father R105

DESSERTS Iced Hazelnut Nougat on Shortbread and Peach-Berry Compote R34 Rooibos Pecan Nut Pie with Chocolate Ice Cream and Fig Salsa


Fresh Fruit and White Chocolate Mousse Tartlet


Cabernet Franc

Cake Selection R40 2010 Enquire with Waitron Restaurant Operating hours. Monday : Closed

Beef Mince, Ham, Chorizo and Pepperdews Recommended wine: Val de Vie Ryk Neethling

Tuesday : 10:00 - 16:00

Spinacci Pesto Rosso R79

Wednesday : 10:00 - 22:00

Ricotta Cheese, Olives, Spinach, Cherry Tomato, and Sundried Tomato Pesto Recommended wine: Polo Club Chenin Blanc

Papa Joe R92

Thursday : 10:00 - 16:00 Friday : 10:00 - 22:00

Feta, Bacon, Caramelized Onion and Avocado Recommended wine: Val de Vie 1783

Saturday : 10:00 - 22:00

Anana R88

Sunday : 10:00 - 16:00

Banana, Pineapple and Ham Recommended wine: Polo Club Sauvignon Blanc

Pollo Concarne R88

Chicken, Mushroom, Peppers, Feta Recommended wine: Polo Club Chenin Blanc

Sunday Buffet R 150p/p The Polo Club restaurant now offers a Sunday Buffet. Menu varies every week but always offers a Meat, Chicken and Fish option. Accompanied with a range of side dishes, salads and soup.

Tickets NOW available at CHECKERS & SHOPRITE


n o i p

s in A gri

Wednesday - Saturday

9 - 12 April 2014

• Farmer’s Market


• Ladies’ breakfast with Kokkedore! • Exhibitions • Wine Garden • Agri youth activities • Debate: “Leadership challenges 2014” -



e ur



Book now!


WEEK LNR Bien Donné, R45, Simondium/Paarl 33°50’30.17”S 18°58’36.03”E

supported by VinPro • Music • Family Fun & lots more! For more information contact Jan Greyling at +27 82 556 8778 or To exhibit contact Reinette Basson at +27 21 863 0397 or

ENTRANCE: Adults R50| Children R10 | Pensioners R30

4 days

family farm fun, wine, fruit and veg! Longing for that little piece of imaginary land you have always been dreaming about, stroll on bare soil, smell the day’s production and indulge in farm fresh produce? Dream no further! Set aside at least a day from Wednesday 9 to Saturday 12 April to bring the kids, grandparents and your loved ones along to the Bien Donné Agri Cape Week. With “Champions in Agriculture” as the expo theme and an expected array of exhibitors it’s not just an ordinary agri expo. This year Standard Bank, Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Western Cape Department of Agriculture and Agri Mega Group invite you all for relaxation in a farm atmosphere at the ARC Bien Donné Research Farm on the R45, halfway between Paarl and Franschhoek. Especially on Friday afternoon and Saturday the focus will be on you and yours. With a stunning wine garden, lots of tasty farm food, freshly cut fruit and veg, a fun touch farm, balloons galore, face painting, jumping castles, puppets and a stilt walker the little

ones will be safe in seventh heaven.Come meet Rossouw Cilliers from Ceres, South African Farmer of the Year 2013, a leading fruit and vegetable grower responsible for most of the top quality ready to use farm fresh veggies in the Western Cape. Saturday kicks off with a very special ladies’ breakfast hosted by Rendill from Kyknet’s Kokkedoor cooking series. Industry champions, Wine makers of the Year, Young Wine Makers of the Year, Cellar Workers of the Year, the Cape Winemakers guild as well as many other award winners will be there. As champions, also expected are the Potato Farmer of the Year, Seed Potato Farmer of the Year and the Researcher of the Year as well as the industry Farmworker of the Year. Gates open: Wednesday - Friday 09:00. Saturday: 09:00. Just be there, have fun and win!



The Filly’s






... comprise of a group of like-minded women whose main objective is to make a difference in communities that need it the most in our beautiful country.We provide humanitarian services and create awareness in support of our various charities. We are a non-profit association and arrange and manage various annual charity events to raise money to assist with our many community projects.


ll y


We are also on Facebook so please “like” our page to receive updated information regarding our charity’s, sponsors and events.

Save The Date for our 3rd Annual C asino Ni ghts Corporat e Charity Fund Raiser, 9 th May 2 014

As the new year starts off at a sprint we continue to work in our local community striving to make even the smallest difference wherever we can. We are looking to support some new charities this year including supporting the elderly people in our valley who would benefit from something as simple as sharing a cup of tea with them. It is only a matter of months until we glitz the night away entertained by a variety of breath-taking performers. With the theme being, Dress the Decade, Sensational 60’s, you can really come and shake it down! Tickets are available at: along with all the event details. Should you wish to continue your support with any of our projects & charity foundations, you can make a donation to: The Filly’s Club; Society Scheme, (Savings); Standard Bank – Paarl Mall; Account # : 374 722 870. Please email your payment and your donation information to with your name or selected charity as a reference. 2545 Issue 1 Grapevine

Grapevine Social & Community

L ight ove L Project


Spreading light and love: For the Val de Vie

was drawing near, we thought we’d add a little

is in constant need of food, cleaning supplies,

Fillys, their smiles said it all…

short-term light and love to these disadvantaged

blankets and volunteers to assist with their

kids’ lives, by providing them with gift-wrapped

ongoing mission of animal anti-cruelty and care

“Often, all it takes is just one grateful smile, to

shoeboxes containing basic toiletries, educational

and The Rock Crisis Centre in Paarl, which offers

realise that you’ve made a small but crucial

supplies, a toy and a few treats to enjoy with their

vital counselling and support for pregnant teens

difference to somebody’s life. Being in a position

families. Unbelievably, for many youngsters,

from disadvantaged backgrounds. A number of

to share the simple joy of a Christmas party, with

these were the first ‘gifts’ they had ever received.”

crèches in the Boland area are also recipients of

presents for 750 needy children, made a huge

The Fillys fundraising endeavours.

difference to our lives too. It was an incredibly

“Co-ordinating the Light of Love project was a



daunting task, and we would never have reaped

Leigh concludes: “The Fillys have enjoyed a

Leigh Swart, spokesperson for (and founder of)

such uplifting rewards without the financial and

jam-packed year of fundraising events, from

The Fillys – an NPO comprising a small group

personal assistance of our generous sponsors

our incredibly successful 1920’s Harlem Nights

of likeminded female philanthropists from the

and donors. As you can see from the pictures,

Casino Evening, to our Spring Day High Tea in

exclusive Val de Vie Wine and Polo Estate,

the youngsters’ expressions clearly show their

September, (both held at Val de Vie). We realise

situated between Franschhoek and Paarl.

overwhelming (and unaccustomed) delight. All

that The Fillys’ commitment to effect positive

we can say is, ‘thank you, thank you, thank you’ to

change amongst our community is nothing

Moved by the plight of Amstelhof, located on the

everyone who contributed in any way, for helping

without the support of our benefactors. Should

outskirts of Paarl, which is attended by severely

us bring a little love, light and joy, in the true spirit

you wish to assist with any of our projects and/

underprivileged Grade R to Grade Seven pupils

of Christmas, to these desperately needy kids.”

or charity foundations, please make a donation



who largely reside in the sprawling squatter

to: The Filly’s Club; Society Scheme, Standard

camp encircling it (and 65% of whose parents are






Bank – Paarl Mall; Account #: 374 722 870.

unemployed and indigent), The Fillys decided –

kitchen, and developing the skills of the school’s

(Please email your payment and your donation

in September 2013 – to add the primary school

bakers and volunteers, other short-term goals

information to with your

to their burgeoning list of local charitable causes.

requiring donations/sponsorship include creating

name or selected charity as a reference).”

a proper library of books and DVD’s, supplying Leigh explains why: “As we are extremely

sporting gear and equipment and providing

“On behalf of The Fillys, I’d like to wish you a

blessed in terms of our quality of life, we

school bags. The Fillys would also welcome any

blessed, healthy and prosperous 2014. May it be

were horrified to discover that the single meal

input as to how to improve the general schooling

filled with the same love and happiness you’ve

provided at the school by community volunteers

environment, on every level.

helped us to share with others less fortunate

is the only food many children receive in a

than ourselves, over the past three years!”

day! And even this meagre sustenance is not

Since their inception in 2011, The Fillys have

assured, as the school can’t continue to cover

used innovative fundraising events as a platform

“P.S. Save the date for our 3rd annual Casino

the cost of retaining the baker who provides

to generate awareness and sorely needed funds

Nights Corporate Charity Fundraiser, to be

bread, without financial assistance.”

for – amongst others – Franschhoek Hospice,

held on May 9th, 2014, and check us out on

which relies solely on donations and a charity

Facebook for updates regarding charities,

“Actually, the list of immediate needs at Amstelhof

shop to maintain high standards of palliative

sponsors and other forthcoming events.”

is endless,” she adds, “but, as the festive season

service; the Paarl & Wellington SPCA, which



Fi ll y s

Grapevine Social & Community

Kinder Ark


inder Ark has started the New Year with loads of excitement. We welcome all of

our new sprouts to the school, they are very precious and we are enthusiastic about every new face. It is also wonderful to have all of the familiar faces back at school. The Kinder Ark family has grown to 72 children and we are almost bursting out of our seams! Thank you very much for your support and loyalty. At the end of 2013 we had to say goodbye to one of our star classes who graduated to Grade R. We wish each one of these princes and princesses a great time in their new “big school”. To serve our community, we created a gratitude gift project. To show our appreciation, each child had to collect items to make up gifts for staff members who work on Val de Vie. On a sunny day in December, we met with 90 staff members and handed out our “gratitude” in the form of gifts to say thank you to everyone who creates such an awesome environment to live and play in.


Grapevine Social & Community


Grapevine Social & Community As always the New Year brings with it new “resolutions and this is so easy to do in Val de Vie with its beautiful and secure environment. ” - Mariette Grobler

Photo Competition

Thank you to all of the residents who shared

The winner of the photo competition will receive

their photos with us.

a bottle of Polo Club Wine. Winners are to collect their wine from the Sports and Leisure

Congratulations to our winner, Mariette Grobler,

Centre. Mail your photos and captions to:

for her picture proving her dedication to her

New Year’s resolution.



C 072 691 2455

E A 6 Savoy Street

Courtrai Paarl 7646

Mark van Eyssen launched VE Succession Planning on the 1st of March 2011. He was born and bred in Paarl and Matriculated from Paarl Boys’ High in 1991. He joined the Life Insurance Industry in 1995 and is currently a Financial Adviser at Personal Wealth Solutions (FSP : 703). His knowledge, skills and experience, together with professional conduct and Integrity, add a lot of value to the specific needs of his clients. Mark’s primary focus is on holistic Financial Planning for individuals as well as contingency – and succession planning for Family Owned – and Privately Owned Business. His advice process starts with the practicability of the Last Will of the individual or the Succession Plan of the Business. Mark developed a passion for the dynamics of Family Owned Business, thanks to his relationship with André Diederichs, Family Business Guru of South-Africa ( PWC defines a Family Owned Business as follows: A Family Business is an enterprise in which the majority of the votes are held by the person who established or acquired the firm (or by his or her spouse, parents, children or children’s direct heirs) ; at least one representative of the Family is involved in the management or administration of the firm; and, where the company is listed, the person who established or acquired the firm (or his or her family) possesses 25% of the voting rights through his or her share capital and at least one family member sits on the board (Source: PWC Family Business Survey 2010/2011). André Diederichs adds that there must be an intention to hand over ownership from generation to generation. Mark assists Family Business with their Succession Planning and Governance (Family Constitution) under the VE brand, his personal Consulting Business. Only 30% of Family Business survive from first to second generation and only 14% from second to third generation. The main reasons for this occurrence is the absence of a qualified successor and a lack of thorough planning or governance. Every Business must have a clear vision of their way into the far future, at least for 100 years. Mark assists the Business in formulating their vision, together with a Succession Plan and Family Constitution, to achieve their goals.

“My advice process starts with the practicability of the Last Will of the individual or the Succession Plan of the Business.”

A summary of his 5 step advice process as Family Business Consultant : 1. Understand the wishes and goals of the business 2. Governance (Family Constitution) 3. Meeting with other important role players 4. The Succession Plan is drafted 5. The Succession Plan is reviewed annually The following services form part of the process : 1. Visioning 2. Exit Strategies 3. Asset Protection 4. Family meeting facilitation A summary of his 6 step advice process as Financial Adviser 1. Establishing and defining a professional relationship 2. Gathering data, including goals 3. Analyzing and evaluating your financial status 4. Developing and presenting financial planning recommendations and/or alternatives 5. Implementing the financial planning recommendations 6. Monitoring the financial planning recommendations Accredited products and services include : 1. Estate Planning (Last Will, Liquidity Analysis, Administration Costs, Tax Implications) 2. Investment Planning (Old Mutual Wealth, Funds include Allan Gray, Coronation, Investec and Nedgroup) 3. Risk Planning (Life cover, Severe Illness, Capital Disability and Income Protection) 4. Business Risk Planning (Contingent Liability, Buy and Sell, Key person) 5. Medical Aid


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Grapevine Social & Community

Resident Review

Newin Chick Town


omeowner John Hanger sent us this

taking turns to sit in the blazing sun waiting for

running pretty quickly and has even ventured

picture of a little Kiewiet that was found

the shade to come over.

out onto the main Estate roads.

near to their family home. The little guy in the picture started walking

This is a crested plover, but the bird people

“I think the nest was in the common property

recently, closely watched by his parents. His

have introduced all sorts of “correct” new

along Berg River Boulevard across the way

usual hiding place was in the shade under a

names for this species. It is called a Crowned

from us. We have been watching the parents

tree as you can see in the picture. The chick

Lapwing (Plover) in the latest Sasol bird book,

guarding the nest for some time, very patiently

now seems to be ambling around on his own,

known locally as Kiewiet.” – John Hanger

Lady White Hat with the


any of you have probably spotted

Facility on the 8th of February 2014 and I’m

“the lady with the white hat” walking

glad the weather cooperated courteously for

on the Estate in the early mornings and in

the morning run; another breath-taking and

the afternoons. The lady behind the white hat

picturesque route that is right on our doorstep.

is homeowner Geraldine Monareng, and we

Events like these help with meeting and

were able to intercept her for a minute to learn

building relationships with people who are

a bit more about her active lifestyle.

like minded about overall wellness and have similar values. Nothing beats that on any good

“I walk quite a lot on the Estate. The longest


distance I have done is 19.66km in under three hours and my best speed has been just

Geraldine Monareng

under 8min per kilometre overall on a 16km and 18km walk. I walk mostly for exercise and peace of mind, not to mention to take advantage of the surroundings, the weather and safety within the Estate. It helps me sleep better and eat healthier and I get to look great, which is a bonus! I participated in the 27km Freedom Race at the Drakenstein Correctional


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Voertuigspesifikasies mag vir die Suid-Afrikaanse mark verskil.

Standaard met die nuwe PremiumDrive diensplan. Finansiering verskaf deur Mercedes-Benz Finansiering en *Versekering, ’n afdeling van Mercedes-Benz Finansiële Dienste Suid-Afrika (Edms.) Bpk., ’n gemagtigde Finansiële Diensverskaffer (Lisensienr. 18 604) en Kredietverskaffer (Lisensienr. NCRCP80). *Onderskryf deur óf Regent Versekering (FSB. 25 511) óf Alexander Forbes Versekering (Lisensienr. 30414).Voertuigspesifikasies mag verskil vir die Suid-Afrikaanse mark. Net by deelnemende handelaars.

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Standaard met die nuwe PremiumDrive diensplan. Finansiering verskaf deur Mercedes-Benz Finansiering en *Versekering, ’n afdeling van Mercedes-Benz Finansiële Dienste Suid-Afrika (Edms.) Bpk., ’n gemagtigde Finansiële Diensverskaffer (Lisensienr. 18 604) ​Dealer​Address.​Tel:​>​•​<​ ​Dealer​Address.​Tel:​>​•​<​ en Kredietverskaffer (Lisensienr. NCRCP80). *Onderskryf deur óf Regent Versekering (FSB. 25 511) óf Alexander Forbes Versekering (Lisensienr. 30414).Voertuigspesifikasies mag verskil vir die Suid-Afrikaanse mark. Net by deelnemende handelaars.

Grapevine Social & Community

Congratulations “We would like to congratulate our twins, Joshua Kerstin who was elected Headboy of Paarl Gymnasium Primary and his sister, Kayla who was also elected on the student council/prefect.� Homeowners Tania and Paul Kirsten


Grapevine Sport & Leisure

W estern P rovince




The WPA Championships were held from the 6th till the 10th of December 2013 at the University of the Western Cape in Bellville.

The Players Swim Club was one of the twenty-four clubs and six hundred odd swimmers from all over the region that participated at the prestigious event. The Players team consisted of the following swimmers: Anè Botha(14), Emma Botha(12), Bob Fick(12), Danèlle Joubert(15), Tarien Joubert(13), Emile Lützeler(14), Darren Minnies(15), Pierrie Pretorius(14), Walter Travers(14), Andre van Huyssteen(14), Imre van Huyssteen(17), Dian van Niekerk(17), Franco van Niekerk(15), Alex van Rooijen(13), Ivan van Rooijen(11) and Aelke van de Venter(17). The team did exceptionally well by winning 39 medals (24 Gold, 7 Silver and 8 Bronze) over the duration of the Championships. We are especially proud of our 15 and Under Boys

Relay team as they won all of their events.



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2014/02/06 12:23 PM

Grapevine Sport & Leisure

P ilates V @V al de



al de Vie started hosting Pilates classes

injury, and her example is so worth it. I am so

in 2011 and we would like to share a few

grateful that I could join her classes.”

pictures and testimonials from our members:

– Dalene Schutte

“It has been such a wonderful experience for

“Pilates has helped me improve my posture

me to join Mieke’s Pilates classes. I have no

tremendously. It has also strengthened my

more back problems and with Mieke’s help

core, something that benefits my everyday life.

and guidance in class, I can feel the difference

Mieke is exceptionally good at progressively

in my body but most of all in my back. Thank

building one exercise upon another, ensuring

you for making a difference.”

a good workout each time and working all

- Monique Surkont

muscle groups. Even in a group class she is able to individualise exercises to accommodate

“Want dis leker, lekker, lekker.” – Cialee Oosthuizen

varying fitness levels and abilities. Her classes are social and fun, yet very effective.” – Wilma van Biljon

“My experience doing Pilates with Mieke from September 2013 is outstanding. It made a

“Pilates with Mieke has been a fantastic

huge difference in my life; my flexibility is 80%

experience. It has helped me build strength

better and that makes my aches and pains

around old sports injuries, helped rehabilitate

less. My quality of life and improvement in my

new injuries and has strengthened my core.

posture is so much better and I look forward

Mieke is the best Pilates instructor I have worked

to every class. She is professional, no one I


know of since I’ve been with Mieke has had an


- Pete Ethelston


GEAR AND ACCESSORIES SERVICE’S OFFERED INCLUDE BIKE SALES AND RENTALS We are the sole suppliers of BIANCHI Bicycles in the Boland All bicycles sold come standard with a service plan, worth in excess of R650 and include an Ergo fit Bike setup worth R500.

PROFESSIONAL BIKE SETUP’S We use the ERGOFIT system designed by Dr Jeroen Swart. Servicing and repairs to all makes of bicycles. Collection and delivery of bicycles available (Charges may apply). Power Training Studio and Coaching available from Mid-March 2014. All training and coaching is overseen by Danie Marais, 2 National and MTB SA Veterans cycling champion, and winner of 7 more SA Time Trail Championship medals in the Veterans Category.

Premium brands such as Silverback, GIANT, Cervelo and BIANCHI bicycles, First Ascent, Giordana, ADIDAS and ASSOS cycling gear, GAERNE, First Ascent and Raleigh Shoes, LAZER, BELL and GIRO Helmets.






Grapevine Sport & Leisure


T riathlon T rials

The triathlon circus rolled into town on the

Multiple Olympic gold medallist and Val de Vie

environment for spectators and family. Val de

19th of January 2014 with the WP Triathlon

resident Ryk Neethling gave everyone a fair

Vie gave its athletes a huge welcoming smile

trials hosted by Val de Vie Estate. The

chance by swimming backstroke in the relay

and made a lot of friends in the process.”

weather conditions were fantastic for racing

event along with winemaker Harold Versfeld

and we saw some hardcore professional

on the bike, and Val de Vie resident Sarel

athletes taking part, including Xterra Champ

Rossouw with a remarkable running time.

Stuart Marias, Ironman star Matt Trautman and




Chris Hitchcock


The media write-up about Val de Vie was

Wagenvoorde. In the woman’s field Olympian,

extremely positive. “The Val de Vie Estate

Thank you to all of our residents who gave the

Di McEwan, Marie Rabie and Robyn Williams

in Paarl is simply stunning with manicured

athletes a warm welcome and support.

were clear favourites.

lawns, perfect water quality and a secure


Grapevine Sport & Leisure


Grapevine Sport & Leisure


Grapevine Stable Talk

Stable Talk

Summer is here and it is wonderful and hot hot

of our riders and horses are working very hard


towards their goals.

As most of you have surely had a very well

Homeowner, Maureen De Waal and Thembelani,

deserved rest over the festive season, our polo

one of our Val de Vie grooms, did superbly well

ponies continued with their fitness schedules

in their 40km endurance ride and exceeded

preparing them for all of the exciting polo this

even their own expectations finishing within a


very respectable time – hard work pays off! Well done team ‘Mamma Tahila’!

We have a whole month of spectacular polo coming up in March – make sure you check out

Our children riders will be competing on their

the Val de Vie website for details and book your

ponies in the upcoming SANESA competitions


and we wish them all the best and may they do us proud!

We recently had The British Army join us for some impressive polo at the Estate and we are

Be sure to book your polo lessons with our polo

rather fortunate to have such players gallop

professional Kevin Rixon – he has fantastic skills

around on our fields.

and coaching to share.

In the last article I mentioned that I would be

A big thanks to Janna, George and the grooms

competing in the two World Cup Qualifier

for the continuous hard work!

shows in PE which ended in our very own Cape Town. I definitely had plenty of ‘eek’ moments

“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the

but my loyal pony puff Brandenburg Silverwood

saddle.” – Winston Churchill

out performed herself and we came home with several rosettes. The competitive season for all

Kelly & The Team

equestrian disciplines has kicked off and most

Have a Blessed Christmas

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Our dedicated small animal vet is available for your dogs, cats, birds, reptiles and small mammals.

Our shop will deliver dog & cat food to your doorstep! Small Animal consulting Times: (by appointment) Mon-Fri: 08h00 – 11h00 and 14h00 – 18h00 Sat: 09h00 – 12h00

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R301 Jan Van Riebeeck Drive/ Wemmershoek Road Phone: (021) 867 0700 Email:

Grapevine Safety & Security

T horburn S N ecurity


We would like to take this opportunity to

During the December break we noted that many

damages, loss or otherwise created by their

welcome back our Homeowners who were

residents have ‘extended family’ staying with


away over the festive break. Congratulations

them on the Estate. The ‘extended family’ I am

to the parents whose little ones started school

referring to is pets, which in many instances

These are just some of the basic requirements

this year, you could see the enthusiasm and

are like family members and children to our

we please ask our Homeowners/residents

‘anxiety’ in some of the little one’s faces.

residents. With our Estate developing at such

adhere to. We are in the process of creating

a fast rate, we have more pets arriving on the

an ‘impound’ were pets found on the Estate

There are/have been some exciting challenges

Estate on a daily basis. I would like to take

will unfortunately be impounded and released

for our security development and enhancements

this opportunity to remind our Homeowners/

once a fine has been paid. Any pets not

here at Val de Vie. The PT Guest System in

residents of our Estate Rules relating to animals:

claimed will sadly be handed over to our local

particular; we are pleased to say that this has


made it considerably more pleasant and easier

- Only two pets per residence/household.

for our Homeowners to receive guests without

- All dogs must be on a leash when taken for

If you experience any problems with pets,

huge delays. We have had our ‘gremlins’ in

a walk/run on the Estate, even down at the

please inform the security office and we will

the system but these have been addressed

Berg River.

take the necessary steps to solve them.

and put to bed as they arose. Thank you to our

- Animal litter must be retrieved/picked up by

Homeowners/residents who are utilising the PT

the person walking/running their animal and

Guest System to its full capacity. We encourage

disposed of in a responsible manner.

all of our Homeowners to use the PT Guest

- Pets (dogs and cats) must not create or

System as it will simplify and speed up your

cause any noise disturbance. Excessive

guest’s access when they arrive at our Estate. For further information please contact the HOA office at the Lifestyle Centre.

Brett Ashington Thorburn Security

barking/meowing will not be tolerated. - The respective pet owner/resident will be responsible/liable





Shop 60, Paarl Mall

Shop 60, Paarl Mall Tel: 021 863 3154 Tel: 021 871 1470

Grapevine HOA Pages



Val De Vie

Telephone Directory

HOA ENQUIRIES 021 863 6128

OTHER SAPS – PAARL 021 807 4000


POLO 021 863 6169


PAARL LIBRARY 021 807 4871 / 4742

FIRE BRIGADE 021 872 2323

PAARL TOURISM 021 872 4842



AMBULANCE PAARL 10177 021 872 1970

POISON/ SNAKE BITE INFORMATION 021 689 5227 021 931 6129





SALES OFFICE 021 863 6101 WINES 021 863 6100 POLO CLUB RESTAURANT 021 863 6174 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 021 863 6127 RYK NEETHLING SWIM SCHOOL 082 747 8277 SECURITY 021 863 6110 072 900 3954 HEALTHCLUB 021 863 6136 EVENTS & MARKETING 021 863 6191


Wholesale nurseries specialising in the production of large, container-grown indigenous and exotic trees ranging from 2.5-15m in height. Professional relocation, rescue and storage of large and mature trees. Expert advice and professional service. Arboriculture consulting.




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Featured in SA

Homeown er

June 20 10 edit


from architectural design to completed build... Bergstreme Developments & Architectural Designs have over 16 years building experience on some of the most prestigious estates in the Western Cape. They have a strong focus on designing and building at Val de Vie Estate and are on the preferred builders listing.

...with a focus on building and designing energy-efficient homes Bergstreme Developments offer a full service solution to clients, from architectural design (including 3D rendering) to completed build, including a full showroom for clients to choose their own finishes. They are a member of the Green Building Council and also work with EcoDesigner software, so their attention is also on building for the future. This small and flexible team’s approach remains on quality and detail. 50

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3D renderings c reated by Bergstreme design team

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4 52

Estate Building Newsletter Issue 1. 2014 53










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Contents Page

02 Aesthetics Newsletter

About the Cornerstone The Cornerstone was born out of the need to communicate and encapsulate the unique Val



de Vie Aesthetics Guide, to explain building procedures and the supporting documentation as well as to discuss the building statistics on the Estate.


Build Plan Cycle

The cornerstone of a building is an integral part of its supporting structure and the aim of this publication is therefore to support home-owners


Building Plan Process


Aesthetic Gallery


Landscaping and Nature

with building and design-related enquires. Many Val de Vie land-owners live elsewhere in South Africa and around the world. In this newsletter we cover issues such as building progress and aesthetic elements, so as to give a clearer understanding of the Val de Vie Estate Guidelines. All advertisements in the publication relate to building, maintenance, interior design and landscaping. Thus providing an easy reference guide to assist in the building process.

55 1


a esthetiCs n ewsletter


hile there are often isolated complaints

which allowed for the analytical discussion

Having drafted the minor revisions and

or comments about aesthetic guidelines

of the properties and in particular the way

amended the submission requirements, the

and their application and outcomes, it is more

in which their key architectural elements

aesthetic committee was satisfi ed that the

diffi cult to plot trends when the sample group

responded to the guideline. The presentation

guidelines were still in a good state to guide

is small and the applications for approval are

of these images then also provided a forum for

the development of the properties on the Estate

made over an extended period. Against this

discussing the application of the guidelines,

and that the rules would continue to encourage

background, the aesthetic committee felt that

looking at the way in which the submissions

the original design ethos of Val de Vie, as well

an exercise should be carried out to assess

are assessed and considering any proposals

as maintain the quality of the urban fabric for

the general design quality permitted and

which could improve on the way this process

which the Estate was recently awarded the

encouraged by the guidelines, identify any

was conducted.

best African multi residential Estate prize at

clear trends which may need to be addressed,

the prestigious Dubai International Property

either by limiting undesirable outcomes or by

Overall the guidelines appeared to be working

encouraging or loosening restrictions, which

well, minor revisions were made to the rules


may provide better options than those which

around pergolas, large glass expanses and

My thanks again to the aesthetic committee for


exercised, and to form a clear opinion

the colour palette was refreshed to favour

the time, effort and diligence which they put

of how effective the guidelines and their

lighter colours which had become prevalent,

into considering and discussing the individual

implementation has been up to this point.

and to permit the use of an off-white colour as

submissions and their positive approach to the

After some discussion it was decided that this

a rule. Possibly the most interesting outcome

task which makes for enjoyable meetings to

would be done by way of each member of the

of the discussion was the signifi cant infl uence


committee selecting a number of properties

which the landscaping has on the success of

which they felt best epitomised the design

the individual projects and it was clear that

ethos of the Estate. The lists were sent to the

the design of the gardens need to be seen

controlling architects who developed a matrix

as integral to both the submission package

to isolate the most universally supported

and the budgeting for the project and not an

properties and then prepared a slide show,

afterthought to the project.

2 56

Stephen Whitehead









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Cornerstone Newsletter

Cornerstone Newsletter

t he F unCtions anD a DVantages oF using


P rinCiPal a gent

• Co-ordinate review, the approve preparation and issue of the monthly Contract stated bythe thepreparation South African of Council fi nancial forcontrol Quantity • Monitor, • The Receive, co-ordinate and monitor approval of Principal Agent is the custodian of the JBCC • Monitor Principal all contract Building documentation Agreement provided which isby entered the into

reports Surveying by the Profession other professional is listed below: consultants.

Payment Certifi Documentation cates. for signature.

between contractor.the Client (Owner of the land) and the • Prepare, co-ordinate, agree and monitor Builder. The Principal Agency function is generally • Prepare and submit progress reports. • carried Agree on the quality assurance procedures out by Project Managers, Architects and

a detailed design and documentation

• Issue the Works, Practical and Final • Arrange the site handover to the contractor, Completion Certifi and issue the JBCC Site Handover Certifi cates. cate.

programme. nal account. Quantity and monitor Surveyors the implementation and Engineers; thereof all by of whom • Monitor the preparation of the fi • Manage the agreement of the fi • Establish the construction documentation nal account.

operate the otherwithin professional the Building consultants Environment and the and must • Recommend and agree to the procurement be contractor. registered Professionals with their respective • Co-ordinate, monitor and issue practical Councils. Furthermore they need to have a very

completion lists and the Certifi strategy for contractors, sub-contractors cate of Practical

• good Monitor the preparation and auditing of the understanding of how the JBCC Suite of

Completion. and suppliers with the client and the other

Documents contractor’s Health functions. and Safety Plan and approval thereof by the health and safety On consultant. Val de Vie Estate, permission to commence with building by the Home Owners Association

professional consultants. • Facilitate and expedite the receipt of Occupation Certifi • Prepare and agree the procurement cates. programme.

• Monitor the preparation of the environmental is only granted once a JBCC Principal Building • Co-ordinate and monitor rectifi cation of Agreement management has plan been by the signed environmental and a Principal Agent consultant. has been appointed. The Principal

entire cost variations. process strictly in terms of the clauses stated in the JBCC Principal Agreement. • Monitor, review, approve and issue Payment

appointment • Instruct the contractor on behalf of the client to of an experienced and professional Principal appoint Agent, sub-contractors. one can ensure that both parties are represented fairly, which will ensure

• Review, approve and monitor the preparation

maintenance manuals, guarantees and

of the construction programme Gavan done Meyer by the

warranties. • Manage the procurement process and


GM Quantity Suveyors

recommend contractors for approval by the • Manage the preparation of as-built drawings client. and documentation.

that of a Project Manager, and it is important to

• Agree on the format and procedures for

monitoring and control by the Quantity • understand Receive, review and adjudicate any contractual who will be responsible for which • Manage the procurement of outstanding

58 6

of construction documentation. One can see from the above that with the

professional consultants, on the appropriate

The Certififunctions cates. of a Principal Agent can overlap

tasks. claims. The functions of a Principal Agent as

Report. • Agree and monitor the issue and distribution

Conduct and record regular site meetings. completion of the Contract. defects. • Advise the client, in conjunction with the other the• successful

insurances. Agent must act independently of either party • Manage the procurement of operations and • represented Establish procedures for monitoring scope and in the Contract, and handle the

issue process. • Prepare and present the Project Close-out

statutory certifi Surveyor of the cates. cost of the works.

• Regularly monitor performance of the contractor against the construction programme. • Adjudicate entitlements that arise from changes required by the construction programme.


Cornerstone Newsletter

Cornerstone Newsletter

t he F unCtions anD a DVantages oF using


P rinCiPal a gent

• Co-ordinate review, the approve preparation and issue of the monthly Contract stated bythe thepreparation South African of Council fi nancial forcontrol Quantity • Monitor, • The Receive, co-ordinate and monitor approval of Principal Agent is the custodian of the JBCC • Monitor Principal all contract Building documentation Agreement provided which isby entered the into

reports Surveying by the Profession other professional is listed below: consultants.

Payment Certifi Documentation cates. for signature.

between contractor.the Client (Owner of the land) and the • Prepare, co-ordinate, agree and monitor Builder. The Principal Agency function is generally • Prepare and submit progress reports. • carried Agree on the quality assurance procedures out by Project Managers, Architects and

a detailed design and documentation

• Issue the Works, Practical and Final • Arrange the site handover to the contractor, Completion Certifi and issue the JBCC Site Handover Certifi cates. cate.

programme. nal account. Quantity and monitor Surveyors the implementation and Engineers; thereof all by of whom • Monitor the preparation of the fi • Manage the agreement of the fi • Establish the construction documentation nal account.

operate the otherwithin professional the Building consultants Environment and the and must • Recommend and agree to the procurement be contractor. registered Professionals with their respective • Co-ordinate, monitor and issue practical Councils. Furthermore they need to have a very

completion lists and the Certifi strategy for contractors, sub-contractors cate of Practical

• good Monitor the preparation and auditing of the understanding of how the JBCC Suite of

Completion. and suppliers with the client and the other

Documents contractor’s Health functions. and Safety Plan and approval thereof by the health and safety On consultant. Val de Vie Estate, permission to commence with building by the Home Owners Association

professional consultants. • Facilitate and expedite the receipt of Occupation Certifi • Prepare and agree the procurement cates. programme.

• is Monitor the preparation of the environmental only granted once a JBCC Principal Building • Co-ordinate and monitor rectifi cation of Agreement management has plan been by the signed environmental and a Principal Agent consultant. has been appointed. The Principal

entire cost variations. process strictly in terms of the clauses stated in the JBCC Principal Agreement. • Monitor, review, approve and issue Payment

appointment • Instruct the contractor on behalf of the client to of an experienced and professional Principal appoint Agent, sub-contractors. one can ensure that both parties are represented fairly, which will ensure

• Review, approve and monitor the preparation

maintenance manuals, guarantees and

of the construction programme Gavan done Meyer by the

warranties. • Manage the procurement process and


GM Quantity Suveyors

recommend contractors for approval by the • Manage the preparation of as-built drawings client. and documentation.

that of a Project Manager, and it is important to

• Agree on the format and procedures for

monitoring and control by the Quantity • understand Receive, review and adjudicate any contractual who will be responsible for which • Manage the procurement of outstanding


of construction documentation. One can see from the above that with the

professional consultants, on the appropriate

The Certififunctions cates. of a Principal Agent can overlap

tasks. claims. The functions of a Principal Agent as

Report. • Agree and monitor the issue and distribution

Conduct and record regular site meetings. completion of the Contract. defects. • Advise the client, in conjunction with the other the• successful

insurances. Agent must act independently of either party • Manage the procurement of operations and • represented Establish procedures for monitoring scope and in the Contract, and handle the

issue process. • Prepare and present the Project Close-out

statutory certifi Surveyor of the cates. cost of the works.

• Regularly monitor performance of the contractor against the construction programme. • Adjudicate entitlements that arise from changes required by the construction programme.

59 5

8 60

61 9

House 233

Erf 233, Val de Vie Estate

Guardian Project Management, Louw & Louw Architects and Brick Art Construction offered a turnkey service to create Guardian Project Management, Louw & Louw Architects and Brick Art Construction offered a turnkey service to create a project of exceptional design and built quality, completed within the time and budget constraints. a project of exceptional design and built quality, completed within the time and budget constraints.





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10 62

Guardian offers complete project management, delivery support and design services aimed at strategically guiding the various phases of the development process.

Our key differentiator lies in our quality workmanship. Our name, Brick Art Construction simply refers to the quality of the work of our artisans and craftsmen.

Guardian's ofďŹ ces are located on-site at Val de Vie Estate and offer clients the ability to engage the planning, design and product selection process without having to travel to numerous showrooms throughout South Africa.

We endeavour to deliver buildings of international standards, structural integrity and spaces where people want to live, work and play.

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Cornerstone Building & Property



b uilDing by

Plan CyCle

1. Planning

Documents needed with submission:

• Choose any registered architect of your choice. • Download the aesthetic guidelines and checklists from hoa-documentation.html

» Building plan application forms as required by Drakenstein.

» Architectural

fees from

Controlling Architect (Boogertman & Partners) Janine Cronje

compliance certifi cate SANS


• Download Building Rules & Regulations and

Contact Information

» Engineers appointment. » Power of attorney document needed when architect submits plans on behalf of the client

» Proof of ownership, e.g. title deed.

2. HOA Aesthetics Committee

021 930 9210 Controlling Landscaping Architect Kobus Meiring 082 453 3654

• Submit the building and landscaping plans, hard copy and PDF’s as required to the

4. Drakenstein Plan Circulation

Drakenstein Building Inspector

Controlling Architects offi ce.

• Plans are entered into the database once all

Piet Kriel

• Pay the plan scrutiny fees directly to the Controlling




documents as required are submitted and the

082 415 9346

invoice is paid.

Landscape Architect before plans are tabled • Plans are tabled at the HOA Aesthetics committee every second Thursday. • Committee comments are to be sent back via Controlling Architect. • Collect stamped plans from Controlling Architect’s offi ce after approved. • POS (public open space) landscaping is

Circulation is as follows:

» Health department Wellington » Building inspector Wellington » Town planning Paarl » Engineer department Paarl » Fire department Paarl » Building Control Paarl

referred to the Landscaping committee for comments and approval.

Drakenstein Plan Submissions Marietjie Visser 021 807 6331 HOA Building Control Kobus Rossouw 021 863 6127

After the plans have circulated to all departments, comments will be sent to the architect and after

HOA General

3. Drakenstein Submission

all the amendments are received, the plans will

Carle Geldenhuys

• Plans submitted to Drakenstein Wellington

only be circulated back to the departments that

021 863 6103

requested the amendments.

branch where fees are calculated and the invoice prepared. • Three sets of plans with Controlling Architect Val de Vie stamp on and client signature.

11 63

Dempers Sentrum, Hoofstraat 405, Paarl Tel: 021 872 1608 • Faks: 021 872 3772 Epos:

Betroubaarheid Authenticity Uitnemendheid Excellence Verantwoordelikheid Accountability Regverdigheid Righteousness Sedert Since 1948


Cornerstone Building & Property D rakenstein m uniCiPality

b uilDing

Plan ProCess

an Approval Process

Plan Approval Process

Applicant hands in plans

START tart erk handss to Building Examiner for Clerk hands utiny plansFees to Building

Clerk hands plans and account Building Plan PA pproval rocess Building lan APpproval Ptorocess Building lan APpproval Process applicant for payment


Clerk hands Clock Starts plans and Clerk hands plans to Building account to Clerk hands Clerk hhands Applicant ands in plans Clerk hands Plan Examiner forBuilding Scrutiny Fees plans to Clerk hands applicant for Applicant hands i n p lans Applicant h ands i n p lans plans and plans Plan to Building Examiner plans for to Building payment account to Scrutinyfor Fees Plan Examiner

Clerk prepares approved plan for collecIon and noIfies applicant via phone or e-­‐mail

Building Plan Approval Process

Plan Examiner for Clerk record in Building PPlan A pproval Pcreates rocess Scrutiny FeesScrutiny Fees applicant Building lan for Approval Process

Collaborator and Scan plans START


Head sign o Clo




Applicant collects approved building plan/Approval leHer & InspecIons slips

Plan Examiner for Scrutiny Fees

Building Plan Approval Process

Clock Starts Clock Starts Clock Starts


Clerk hands plans to Building Plan Examiner for Scrutiny Fees

Building Plan applicant for Approval Process





Clock Starts

Building Plan Approval Process

Clerk hands Clerk hands plans and Clerk hands plans andto plansApplicant hands in plans account and applicanttofor account to account payment applicant for

DECISION Yes DECISION creates Clerk hands Clerk hands No Yes Clerk


Clerk hands plans and account to applicant for payment

Clock Starts

Clock Starts


Clerk creates DECISION Clerk hands Clerkrecord hands in OR Applicant hands in plans Building Control OR N Applicant hClerk ands oifficial n plans Clock Starts c irculates p lans t o a ll OR Illegal Buildingplans Workand Clock Starts record in plans and plans to Building Collaborator and Clerk creates plans to Building Officer r ecommends Clerk offi cial circulates plans to all Clock Starts Clerk c reates Clerk official circulates plans to all departments (Land Survey, Land STARTS CLOCK Clerk hands Scan plans in Clerk hands Collaborator a nd Plan for approval Plan or account to Examiner for account to record Plan Examiner for departments (Land Survey, Land Clerk hands Clerk hands Building C ontrol Attention is drawn thereto thatcirculates no building Use, H eritage, E ngineers, F ire, Building C ontrol record i n Applicant h ands i n p lans Building Control Land Clerk creates (Land Survey, Clerk official plans to all Applicant hdepartments ands in plans Clerk hands official circulates plans circulates to all plans Clerk o fficial plans tBuilding o all plans and toCollaborator amendments Clerk Clerk plans and Electric plans tohands Building Officer recommends Use, Heritage,Scrutiny Engineers, lan Examiner) Scan precord lans Officer rpecommends applicant for& B(uilding Collaborator and applicant fordepartments (Land Survey, Land FeesFire, Scrutiny Fees and Officer recommends Applicant hands in Use, lans departments Land SPurvey, L(and i n Heritage, Engineers, F ire, departments Land S urvey, L and account to Plan Examiner for work may commence prior to the approval account to and for comments Plan for approval or PlanPlan Examiner plans Clerk oor fficial irculates plans to for all plans to Building Scan plans Electric & cBuilding Examiner) Plan for approval Scan plans Use, Heritage, Engineers, Fire,




payment for approval or Use, ngineers, Fire, Clerk prepare Heritage, Engineers, Fire, Fees Collaborator afor nd Heritage, EUse, applicantpayment for Electric &Plan Building Pfor Examiner) Scrutiny amendments applicant Scrutiny comments Clock Fees SLtops account departments (lan Land SExaminer urvey, and for amendments Plan Electric &Should Building Plan Examiner) amendments of relevant building plans. building Electric &to Building Plan &E xaminer) amendments letter Electric Building Plan Examiner) payment Scan plans payment for Hceritage, omments for comments Use, Engineers, F ire, applicant for Scrutiny Fees for comments for comments Clock Stops work have commenced prior to building payment Electric & Building Plan Examiner) YES Stops Clock Stops Clock for c omments plan approval, an additional building plan or DECISION DECISION Yes Yes noIfies applicant Applicant collects plan DECISION DECISION Yes No Clerk Clerk prepare OR Yes for collecIon of OR for amendments scrutiny fee will be applicable. Relevant legal OR OR amendments leHer Clerk creates amendments via phone Clerk creates Clerk creates Clerk creates No No Clerk noIfies applicant or e-­‐mail Applicant collects precord lan proceedings will be instituted where DECISION No No record i n Building Control Offi cer recommends Yes in ol record Building C oontrol airculates record in building ding Control Building Control lans Applicant Clerk ipn repare plan Clerk noIfies aClerk pplicant irculates c ollects p lan Clerk fficial c p lans t o a ll Clerk o fficial c irculates p lans t o a ll n oIfies pplicant Clerk o fficial c p t o a ll Applicant c ollects Clerk o fficial c irculates p lans t o a ll for c ollecIon o f for amendments lan A pproval Pfor rocess plicant Applicant Plan forP approval or amendments Clerk OR prepare Clerk c pollects Collaborator and Collaborator and Collaborator and Collaborator and repare plan Building r recommends ends amendments leHer Officer Officer recommends for collecIon ofor f rcecommends aLmendments work has without prior approval departments (Land Survey, Land ollecIon of Survey, amendments vcommenced ia Spurvey, hone LSand for a mendments departments ( Land departments ( Land and departments ( Land urvey, L and CLOCK STOPS or cpreates leHer for amendments Scan plans Clerk Scan plans Scan plans amendments leHer Plan for approval ohone r Fire, Scan lans amendments vUse, ia apH hone l oof ar pproval or amendments Plan f or pproval o r Use, eritage, E ngineers, amendments v ia p or e -­‐mail Use, H eritage, E ngineers, F ire, Heritage, Engineers, Fire, No eritage, Eplan. ngineers, Fire, ofUse, the Hbuilding phone record in mendments rol Applicant building or eamendments -­‐mail Electric & re-submits oBfficial uilding lan Examiner) or Beuilding -­‐mail Electric & Building Plan Examiner) a pplicant es Clerk amendments cPirculates lans to all Applicant collects plan Electric & Plan Epxaminer) Electric & Building Plan Examiner) Collaborator and plans for re-circulation for c omments ends for c omments ecIon of departments (Land Survey, Land for amendments for comments for comments Scan plans al Clock Stops Clock Stops ts ovr ia phone Use, Heritage, Engineers, Fire, Heritage Clock S tops Clock S tops s -­‐mail Electric & Building Plan Examiner) No person my alter or demolish any structure for comments Applicant re-­‐ Clock Starts or part of a structure which is older than 60 Clerk official re-­‐ Building Control Clock Stops

Applicant re-­‐ submits building plans for re-­‐ circulaIon

Clock Starts

Clerk circul plan depa sign am

rk prepare dments leHer

submits building Clerk noIfies applicant Applicant collects plan CLOCK STARTS noIfies applicant Clerk notifiClerk es applicant for collection circulate building Officer plans for re-­‐ for collecIon of Clerk repare for a p mendments for ollecIon olan f P Building Plan APcpproval Building P lan A pproval P rocess ofpproval amendments via phone orrocess e-mail plan t o r elevant recommends Building P lan A rocess amendments v ia p hone amendments l eHer Clerk n oIfies a pplicant Clerk noIfies appplicant Applicant collects plan Clerk offi cial re-circulate building circulaIon amendments via phone departments f or for a pproval o n Clerk p repare or e -­‐mail plan for to relevant departments for collecIon of for or collecIon for amendments e cials prepare -­‐mail of Clerk offi collaborator eHer off of signing off ofvia amendments amendments phone amendments lsigning amendments via stamps phone on approval letter and amendments Clerk nor oIfies applicant Applicant collects plan e-­‐mail building plan or e-­‐mail

Building Plan Approval Process Building Plan Approval Process


Building Plan A

e Her

for collecIon of for amendments amendments via phone Applicant re-­‐ Applicant re-­‐ Clock Starts Clock Starts or e-­‐mail Clerk official re-­‐

Clock Starts ck Starts

Clerk official re-­‐ Building Control submits building submits building Applicant re-­‐ Clock Starts circulate building circulate building Officer plans for re-­‐ plans for re-­‐ Clerk o fficial r e-­‐ submits building plan to relevant recommends plan plan to relevant circulaIon circulaIon cer recommends circulate building Building Control Offi departments for for approval foor n departments Clerk official rplans e-­‐ for re-­‐ Building on Control approval collaborator Clerk official re-­‐ circulaIon plan forBuilding Control signing off of plan to relevant signing collaborator o ff o f circulate building Officer Clerk officials Clock amendments Stops departments for amendments circulate building Officer

Applicant collects Clerk prepares plan to relevant recommends plan signing off of prepare approval to relevant recommends Head of pDlan epartment prepares approved plan approved building plan approved pClerk lan for departments for for approval on for collection amendments leHer and stamps for for approval n sign of bouilding plan plan/Approval leHer departments and and notifi noIfies es applicant via phone or e-mail on building plan signing ocollecIon ff of collaborator off applicant of collaborator & InspecIons slips signing via phone or amendments amendments e-­‐mail

Applicant collects plan

years without a permit issued by the relevant for amendments Applicant collects plan Provincial Heritage Resources Authority. Any for amendments person(s) found to be directly or indirectly involved in this illegal activity may be cited as an accessory to a crime and will be

Building Control to the full extend of the law. prosecuted Building Control Officer recommends plan Officer Any project of whatever nature affecting for approval on recommends pthe lan preservation of structures older than 60 collaborator

for approval on years must comply with the National Heritage collaborator

Resource Act no. 25 of 1999. Failure to do so could cause the transgressor to be fi ned and/or be issued with a Compulsory Repair

Clerk oStops fficials Clock Stops Clerk officials Clock Order at his/her CLOCK STOPS collects approved Applicant cApplicant ollects Clerk prepares prepare approval Applicant collects Clerk prepares prepare approval Head of Department Head of Department Head Department approved bbuilding uilding plan/Approval approved lan for letter leHer aof nd stamps approved bpuilding approved plan for leHer asaid nd stamps the Act. sign collecIon of building plan plan/Approval leHer oIfies ign ouilding f of building plan planClerk officials building on b plan plan/Approval and nClock oIfies Stops ssign & InspectionscollecIon slips and nleHer on building plan & InspecIons slips collects applicant via phone or prepares applicant via phone or Applicant Clerk prepare approval & InspecIons slips e-­‐mail approved plan for approved building e-­‐mail Head of Department leHer and stamps

Dianne Cook (Building Control Offi cer): Egbert Husselman (Building Inspector): sign of building plan plan/Approval leHer collecIon and noIfies Clerk officials Clock Stopsslips & InspecIons Clerk voia fficials 021 807 6444 applicant p021 807 4816 hone or Clock Stops Clerk prepares prepare approval e-­‐mail rk prepares prepare approval Head of Department pproved plan for leHer and stamps Head of Department oved plan for leHer a nd s tamps sign of building plan ecIon and noIfies on building plan Bosch (Building Inspector): sign of building lan James September (ChiefpBuilding Inspector): Ion and noIfies on building Malcolm plan icant via phone or nt via phone o021 807 4809 r 021 807 4807 e-­‐mail e-­‐mail

own cost in accordance with

Marietjie Visser (Clerk)

on building plan

021 807 6331 Alida Huisies (Senior Clerk) 021 807 4823

Piet Kriel (Senior Building Inspector):

Geraldine Fortuin (Building Inspector):

Brendon Gabriels (Building Plan Examiner)

021 807 6329

021 807 4697

021 807 4678

Alberta Rohrbach (Senior Building Inspector):

Geraldine Lewis (Clerk)

Leon Wehr (Building Plan Examiner)

021 807 6317

021 807 4525

021 807 4812

Mario Roelf (Building Inspector):

Felecia Ferris (Senior Clerk)

021 807 6332

021 807 4820

13 65


Cornerstone Aesthetics Gallery


gallery WINDOWS: (NEW)

“4.3.12 All windows shall have as a minimum,


DOORS: “4.3.4 Large





one of the following: Raised plaster

“4.5.3 The guidelines strongly encourage the

surround, decorative moulded plaster

extensive use of wrought iron balcony


lintol or a decorative moulded plaster

railings and trelliswork. Owners are allowed

the accepted vertical format, will be

cill on the external face. Such detail is

to substitute any length of trelliswork in

permitted, where screened or recessed

to be shown in suffi cient point on any

excess of 6m (garage width), on the street

a minimum of 1500mm behind the

submission. (rule)”

facing façade, for either the shutters or the

outer line of a pergola, veranda or other

pergola requirement. (rule)”

accepted device. (rule)”



are divided by frames into panels of 900mm






Custom-designed Home Theatre, Multi-room Audio & Video Distribution, Intergrated Air Conditioning Systems and Car Sound & Security


14 66

a : 546 Main Street Paarl t : +27 (0) 21 872 9556 f : +27 (0) 21 872 8481 e : / WWW.PAARLAVC.CO.ZA

15 67


Cornerstone Aesthetics Gallery CLADDING “4.2.3 Drypack





matching that is used in the gatehouse columns only.) No stonework tiles or cast

“4.5.1 All external balustrades are to be of a steel

concrete cladding will be permitted. (rule)”

type with the elements (except support posts) having a maximum width of 10mm in any one direction and to be composed of primarily curvilinear elements typical of decorative wrought iron work. All balustrades to be black or a dark grey unless prior approval is obtained from the Home Owners Association for use of an alternate colour. (rule)”

4.9.1 EXTERNAL LIGHTS “4.9.1

All external lights mounted on the street facing elevation or ahead of this line shall


be of the carriage type units in the colour black or dark grey. (rule)”



ERF 151 (completed 2012)

16 68

4.5.1 Unit 9a, Riverside Industrial Park, Textile Street, Paarl, 7646 Phone: 021 872 3147/8/9 Cell: 082 922 9669 Fax: 021 872 8714 E-mail:

ERF 347 (completed 2013)

BOLAND 17 69

Cornerstone Aesthetics Gallery

Solid timber flooring and decks installed with workmanship guarantees • French oak ooring sealed with Rubio Monocoat Oil available in 53 colours

Visit our showrooms

18 70

Cornerstone Aesthetics Gallery SHUTTERS “4.3.8 Shutters, which are strongly encouraged, must be operational and are preferably side hung. (rule)” “4.3.10 It is mandatory that operational shutters be fi tted to all street facing windows on the ground fl oor. Approved shutters are fully framed with horizontal angled louvre elements, any other type is to be separately submitted for approval. (rule)”

AIR-CONS AND POOL PUMPS “5.15 Mechanical equipment and plant such as air-conditioners (and grilles), ducts, pool pumps, etc. must be designed into the buildings and/or adequately


enclosed or screened off from view. (rule)”

PERGOLAS “4.8.1 A pergola element is mandatory in front of the garage or an equal length of pergola provided elsewhere on the street facing façade. (rule)”



19 71

Cornerstone Aesthetics Gallery FRONT DOORS


“4.3.5 Front doors, where visible from the








street, shall be solid doors. Glassed

combination of Smartstone (or similar)

entrance doors will be permitted where

concrete cobble (charcoal or grey colour)

a wrought iron screen or gate is fi xed

clay brick pavers, or exposed aggregate

or installed between the door and the

concrete surface beds. (colour to be brown)

street. (rule)”


MOULDINGS “4.7.1 The colour palette and the style of the estate encourage the use of plaster moulding to create relief on the facades. The use of corbelling and banding below eaves and along the line of the window head and cill height is strongly encouraged. Window surrounds will also be permitted. (guideline)”








Tel : ( 021 ) 876 2399 Fax : 086 618 8126 Cel : 082 449 5674 E-mail : morne @ almor

20 72

Member of the Boland Master Builders Association

Cornerstone Aesthetics Gallery



rules highlighteD Rule 8: Animals Only two domestic animals posing no danger will

Homeowners need to ensure their property

No dogs will be allowed on the polo fi elds,

be allowed per home. All animals shall at all times

is properly enclosed to prevent animals from

berms, in the stables or paddocks under any

bear a tag which shall refl ect the name, telephone

straying off the relevant homeowner’s erf.


number and erf number of the relevant owners. Owners need to carry a receptacle with them at Animals need to be on a leash and under strict

all times and clean up any mess created by their

control when they are outside of your property.


FAQs What are the HOA offi ce hours and where are

between Paarl and Val de Vie for your domestic

you are provided with. Then place it next to or

they situated?


on top of your refuse bin ready for collection.

Val de Vie Sport and Leisure Centre

How and when can I obtain a remote for the

Homeowners can also make use of the paper

Offi ce Hours:

inner lane booms/river frontage gates?

and glass banks at the Maintenance Centre.

Monday to Thursday 07.30 – 16.30

Remotes are only available to residents at R110

Fridays 07.30 – 16.00

per remote. Land owners that are in the planning

How many pets are allowed?

Closed on weekends and public holidays.

phase may request the building control offi ce to

Each unit is limited to two animals. Only domestic

motivate an application for a remote. Remotes can

animals posing no danger, noise or odours may

be ordered and paid for at the HOA reception.

be kept. All domestic animals shall at all times

When are Levy payments due and how does the extra levy affect me?

bear a tag which shall refl ect the name, telephone

1st of the month in advance. When you buy a

How and when do I obtain my Post Box Key?

plot from 1 September 2012 in the extra levy

The post box key can only be obtained after

phase you have a 4 month grace period from

the deed of transfer, during offi ce hours at the

What fi sh have been established in the dams

date of transfer to do your planning and to start

HOA reception.

and is fi shing allowed?

building before the extra levy is applicable.

number and SG number of their homeowner.

Grass Carp, Kurper and Bass have been stocked

When building starts you then have an additional

What is my Val de Vie postal address?

in our dams and fi shing is only allowed on a catch-

11 month period to complete the project in

Name and Surname... (your SG number) Val de

and-release basis. Please respect these resources.

which the extra levy will again not be applicable.

Vie Estate, Paarl, Kliprug Minor Road, 7646 Picnic Area and access to River Frontage

How do I update my personal information with

How often is postage sorted?

The HOA Picnic area is located on the banks of

the HOA?

Postage is retrieved from town and sorted daily.

the Berg River on the Northern side of the Estate.

Please send an email to

You will receive a notifi cation slip in your box for

Access to the River Frontage and Picnic Area is

parcels that are too big for the box. These letters/

controlled and only possible to residents via pre-

How and when can I do my security gate

parcels need to be signed for and collected

programmed remote controls (same remote as


during offi ce hours at the HOA reception.

for inner lane booms). Access is only possible

New HOA Members:

via three gates - Southern Gate, Gate at Picnic

Gate enrolment can only be done after the

How do I apply for a dustbin?

Area and Northern Gate. Access is limited to non-

deed of transfer, in offi ce hours and at the HOA

It is the homeowner’s responsibility to apply

motorised transport during day-light hours only

reception, proof of identifi cation is required.

for a dustbin once Drakenstein occupation is

New Tenants:

issued, use SG number as reference and phone

Who can I contact for electrical or plumbing

Drakenstein Municipality at 021 807 4715.


Enrolment can only be done on completion of a


tenant enrolment form, available at HOA reception.

When is refuse removal?

MD Loodgieters, 021 872 4617 / 082 453 8867

Copies of identifi cation documents and rental

Our refuse removal is done weekly by


agreements must accompany completed forms.

Drakenstein Municipality. We form part of their

Steven Jones, 021 872 8711 / 082 802 7219

‘purple zone’. For collection days, please refer


to their schedule at

The Drain Surgeon,

Workers: All domestics, gardeners, au pairs, butlers, etc.

021 855 3035 / 073 228 4278

need to be enrolled, with necessary identifi cation

Does Val de Vie provide for recycling?

documents. Valid work permits are mandatory for

The Estate is part of the municipal door-to-door

How does the PT Guest System work?

foreign workers.

recycling service. Each week on the same day

Please visit the Val de Vie Website – HOA

as your refuse removal, your recyclable material

– Internal Communication, for step by step

Taxi services

will be collected. All you need to do is get your

instructions on how this paperless visitor

Mr Driver on 078 927 9674 for taxi services

‘dry’ recyclable waste into the free clear bag

enrolment system works.

22 74

g n i d l i u B Your r e n t r a P t c e j o Pr


rv We offer the following se Building cost estimations ilding materials Supplier of full range of bu

tance Professional on site assis facture Roof truss design & manu homes Supplier of timber frame On site deliveries Timber cutting & planing Paint tinting facility Board cutting for approved contractors Credit facilities available

Great Service Professional Advice BUILDERS TRADE DEPOT PAARL: Driebergenstraat, Dal Josafat, Paarl Tel: (021) 868 3040 Visit us at


23 75

Cornerstone Landscaping and Nature

l uCky b ean t ree In Early spring from August, you will see the

throughout all of the main continents of the world,

two trees near to the pavilion come into their full

probably being distributed by the seeds fl oating

splendor of bright scarlet and red hot poker-like

around the world on ocean currents (some

fl owers, showing up against the dark bark of the

species being called ‘sea beans.’)

trees before the new leaves appear. They are covered in cylindrical, compact fl ower heads

Lucky Bean Trees are widely used in traditional

standing proud from their stalks.

African culture. Many people believe they have both medicinal and magical properties. These

The Lucky Bean Tree is a magical tree also known

sacred trees were planted on the graves of tribal

as the Sacred Coral Tree or Common Coral

chiefs, who while still alive would also wash in

tree.Its Botanical name; Erythrina lysistemon

water that the bark had been soaked in as they

is South Africa’s Tree Number 245. The genus

believe that this will ensure the respect of their

name Erythrina comes from the Greek ‘erythros’

people. The fl owering of the trees is a good

meaning red as both fl owers and seeds are bright

signal to people that it is time to plant their crops.

red. These trees are widely used and enjoyed

The beans have been collected by Africans and

by mankind, playing an important part in our

used for necklaces, earrings, lucky charms and

ecosystem as they provide food and shelter for a

also rosaries in catholic African countries such as

variety of birds, animals and insects. Many nectar-


feeding birds like the sunbird and bees, feed on the abundant nectar produced by the fl owers.

open wounds. Crushed leaves are applied on festering sores and an infusion of the leaves is

There are also medicinal properties in the

used as eardrops to relieve earache.

bark of the Lucky Bean Tree. The raw bark is Nine species of Erythrina occur in southern Africa

laid on skin to treat arthritis and rheumatism,

The Lucky Bean Trees were some of the fi rst wild

and there are over 100 different species scattered

boiled to ease toothache, and burnt to heal

trees to be planted in gardens in South Africa.

24 76

Tel: 021 868 3977 Cell: 082 323 2410 Fax to mail : 086 868 3977

Gas Cages Single Gas Cages

Cert Insta ified Ga LP G llations s as S & up




ga s

Double Gas Cages


• Fitment of GAS Stoves and Hobs. • Fitment of GAS Geysers (Water Heaters).



• We sell assorted regulators, copper tubing and fittings for installations.

Wood Boxes We con du on all ga ct services s and cer appliances tificatio ns insuran ce purp for oses.

Namibian wood sold in 10kg prepackaged bags!


25 77


Tel: +27 21 981 2732 Fax: +27 21 981 1722 Cell : 083 299 3925 E-mail : 11 Dana Street, Springbok Park, Brackenfell, 7560

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