Valentin LAGARDE + Architecture Portfolio (ENG)

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Portfolio - Architecture Porfolio d’Architecture Valentin LAGARDE E N S A M a rs e ille 2 0 1 9

Curriculum Vitae Education June 2019 2018-2019 ENSA MARSEILLE (France) 2017-2018 UPVALENCIA (Spain) 2014-2017 ENSA MARSEILLE (France)

Valentin LAGARDE

23 years old (French) +33 6 80 18 64 23 Medium : @valoulagarde

2013-2014 CondĂŠ BORDEAUX (France)

Work Experience 2017 - Vilalta architects (Barcelona- Spain)

2018-... - Freelance - Bricks app Â


2017 - KLME architectes (Bordeaux- France) Â?

Interests Design, Art, Sport: Football, Rugby, Writing, Reading

Soft Skills  , , Autocad, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Sketchup, Qgis, Vray, Twinmotion

Languages Fluent Daily-conversation level

S e le c t e d p r o je c t s d ’a rc h it e c t u r e S eSleecltee dc tp er odje cPr ts o d ’aj ercchtite s c tu re Equipement


Collective housing Logement





Stand Stand ( Workshop) Stand ( Workshop)

Agrotourism Agroutourisme Agroutourisme

Rural Equipement rural

Equipement rural

Multimodal pole

Day children L a gcare a rdfor e r ie s o u t e n a b le

This project is a day care for children from 0 to 3 years old located on the Polytechnic University of Valencia’s campus. The project site is a wooded park between the school of architecture and buildings of the school of engineering. The main constraint is to design a sustainable project Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt

ut The laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci project is a demountable construction of the piles. At the constructive level, it also manufactured from a pre-built modular tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. element. The implementation of the project is made according to the sun and shadows and does not respect the alignment of buildings

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt The daycare is organized around a given frame by assembling the modular walls. In each vertical part of the frame there is a ut classroom laoreet dolore volutpat. Utblock. wisi enim ad minim nostrud exerci with itsmagna outdooraliquam patio, anderat pre-built sanitary Its position allowsveniam, to put thequis child's classroom away to protect fromullamcorper the sun. The last room that is bigger is the dining room with a kitchen located in the pre-built block. tation suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. To be sustainable, the building uses several strategies. First, there is the protection against sunshine. There is a protection to

Lorem ipsum sit amet, and consectetuer adipiscing elit, diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt the South by dolor a roof overhang, the openings with vertical sunsed protection to the East and West. These shutters can also be ut opened laoreettodolore magna aliquam eratare volutpat. wisi the enim ad minim nostrud exerci manage the solar input. There openingsUtabove sanitary blocks veniam, that allowquis a cross ventilation (as can be seen in theullamcorper section). tation suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

A tree species survey of site made it possible to visualize the trees that lose the leaves or not. Trees that lose their leaves in winter let the sun pass and shade class patios in the summer. The position of the building is defined by these trees.

Collective housing

The project is a proposal for housing typologies. They represent a reflection on what is living in a flat today, in the 21st century. Each proposes the resolution of a housing problem. They are designed according to a fixed frame, and are all bi-oriented. 1. The first one below is a proposition that puts forward two main notions. First, there is the extra room, but also the separation of living spaces. Most units have an extra room that can be a bedroom, an office, or whatever. This additional piece makes it possible to propose a variation of typologies. For living spaces, the separation is made by sanitary and kitchen that divides the two spaces and is an alternative to the model of open living spaces with the disappearance of the kitchen. 2. The second typology presented is more traditional: it is housed with two bedrooms. The reflection is focused this time on the relationship of living space with the outside. Based on the examples proposed by location & Vassal, the space that should be intended for terraces here is a winter garden. Coming as an extension of the living spaces, it forms a double skin, which can, depending on whether it is open on the outside or towards the interior of the dwelling allows different configurations. 3. With the pretext of creating a student accommodation, the 3rd typology proposed raises the questions of collective housing. Living together and sharing common areas brings to mind spaces that must be private or shared. Here, kitchens belong to common areas and private spaces start from sanitary facilities. 4. This typology are duplex apartments. The problem explored by this model is that of independence within the same dwelling. In the case of a young adult still living in the family home, or an inter-generational cohabitation. The two dwellings are identical on their low floor, but differ on the upper floor. They present two ways of, occupying space according to the type of family. The left one has two floors that can be independent with two different entrances and a separation at the stairs. The configuration on the right is more classic offers two rooms and takes advantage of the wet arrivals of the kitchen space to make a laundry.

Between E n t r e msea e r and e t AAlbufera lb u fe r a

Mediterranean Sea - 600m


The site of this project belongs to the Natural Park of Albufera which is located in the South of Valencia. It is a lake surrounded by natural spaces and separated from the sea only by a narrow strip of land of a few hundred meters. Our project site is located on this thin strip of land between sea and Albufera. The objective is to realize a landscaping project to symbolise the entrance of this park. The project proposes to build a footbridge that connects the sea and the Albufera. It connects an existing hiking path that comes from the sea, to a jetty located on the shores of the lake. It is punctuated by three pavilions, and a secondary footbridge that goes to the lighthouse. This bridge and pavilions are composed of straight lines. The intermediate spaces that are located on both sides are composed of elements with organic forms. These are parking, picnic areas, playgrounds‌ The pavilions are a reception area near the car park, a restaurant, and a building for the jetty. Their architecture is very open, with spaces made fluid by the continuity of the walls outside and inside, and flat roofs that overflow widely. Some of these walls are perforated and participate in this continuity between outside and in.

Sea Albufera

Seccion BB

Plano cafĂŠ y servicios publicos 1:200

L a tfamily a b lĂŠ e table fa m ilia le The (W o r k s h o p p o u r le s t a n d Ta r t a n a ) (Workshop)

This project was realized during a workshop organized within the University of Valencia. The project designed during this two week workshop is a team project.The subject was to make a stand for the Tartana company which is a local rice manufacturer. The stand the company will use for events has the constraint of measuring 2.5m x 2.5m x 3m, to be built of wood and to be completely removable. Our team was inspired by one of the iconic photos that the company used in its first day presentation. This is a family business and the photo is a real family photo where all members sit around the family table and eat rice. This photo marked us and our goal was to design a table where visitors could sit and taste the products offered by Tartana. How to make a stand that is also a table? Stands usually consist of vertical walls, but we decided that ours would be a floor in which the table would be integrated. This floor is made from wooden boxes, which also serve as storage for products and allow to be transported as is. It is possible according to the configurations of events to close the stand on three sides with thick cloths that have the same texture as rice bags. The photo of the Tartana family at the table is printed on it.

L eAgrtourism c e n t re d ’acenter g r o t o u r is m e






The program of this project is to create an agro-tourism place from the old farm buildings of a farming family: a shed and an older three-storey residential building. The program elements to be realized are: exhibition space, hotel, conference rooms, shop, catering and administration spaces. The first choice of this project was to design a building in extension of the residential building only, with a public place uniting the two existing buildings. With the requested elements of the program, the presented project divides typologies of spaces into two categories: program elements that require "fluid" spaces and that call for ambulation, and more static program elements that are enclosed in pots or boxes. The boxes contain programs such as conference rooms, kitchen etc. and are closed with no window. Their light comes from long skylights that stand out on the roof. The shape of the boxes produces distortions of space and defines the circulations and the spaces of exposure. The oldest building contains the programmatic elements of the hotel and is composed of traditional spaces and rooms. The roof of the new building is accessible to all and it hosts a bar. The iconic sight tower is part of the public space and is constantly accessible from the public outdoor space.

L Local e lo c connecté a l c o n n e c té



Travailler au sein d’un parc régional Travailler au sein d’un parc régional L’espace de travail est ouvert complè L’espace de travail ouvert complètement l’horizon Vueest extérieure vers l’espace vers commun avec un pignon Sud intégralemen térieure vers l’espace commun avec un pignon Sud intégralement vitré. Des fenêtres latérales s’ouvrent également en d latérales s’ouvrent également en direction du paysage lointain. Si la Nature est présente en lointain. Si la Nature est présente en extérieur du bâtiment, elle est également présente dans elle est également présente dans la salle de travail où certains espaces de la grande table certains espaces de la grande table sont plantés. Ce plan de travail permet différentes confi Travailler au sein d’un parc régional Travailler au sein d’un parc régional de travail permet différentes configurations suivant les creux et les courbes pour permettre L’espace de travail est ouvert complètement vers l’horizon L’espace de travail est ouvert complètement vers l’horizon creux et les courbes pour permettre une table ronde, un travail plus individuel, des face-à-f vers l’espace commun avec un pignonVue Sudextérieure intégralement vitré. individuel, Des fenêtres avec un etc. pignon Sud intégralement vitré. Des fenêtres travail plus des face-à-face Les espaces intérieurs sontduflexibles pour pe latérales s’ouvrent également intérieurs en direction du paysage latérales s’ouvrent également en direction paysage sont flexibles pour permettre une grande diversité d’usages pour les lointain. Si la Nature est présentediversité en extérieur du bâtiment, lointain. Si la Nature est présente en extérieur du bâtiment,habitant d’usages pour les habitants locaux. elle est également présente dans la salle de travail où elle est également présente dans la salle de travail où certains espaces de la grande table sont plantés. Ce plan certains espaces de la grande Pour table les sont plantés.extérieurs, Ce plan l’espac espaces les espaces extérieurs, destiné à accueillir de travail permet différentes Pour configurations suivant les l’espace de travail permet différentes leconfi gurations les sur un public s’ouvresuivant largement le public largement un espace la permettre creux et les courbes pour permettre unes’ouvre table ronde, un surcreux et les hiérarchisé: courbes pour une table ronde, un qui est placette. L’espace de travail placette. etc. L’espace de travail quitravail est luiplus sur pilotis permet travail plus individuel, des face-à-face Les espaces individuel, des face-à-face Les espaces de placer etc. les travailleurs au milieu placer les une travailleurs des arbres leur pour intérieurs sont flexibles pourdepermettre grandeau milieu intérieurs sont dans flexibles permettre grandenaturellem futaie. Ils sont une ainsi isolés futaie.locaux. Ils sont ainsi isolés naturellement de la route et se diversité d’usages pour les habitants diversité d’usages pour les habitants locaux. retrouvent dans les arbres. retrouvent dans les arbres.

Pour les espaces extérieurs, l’espace destiné à accueillir Pour les espaces extérieurs, l’espace à accueillir Le projetdestiné cherche ainsi à tirer profi cherche ainsi àlatirer profi t de ce cadrelargement naturel sur le public s’ouvre largement surLeunprojet espace hiérarchisé: le public s’ouvre un espace hiérarchisé: la des Préa exceptionnel qu’est le parc qu’estpermet le parc des placette. Préalpes L’espace d’Azur pour placette. L’espace de travail quiexceptionnel est lui sur pilotis de une travail qui est lui permet qualité desur viepilotis de travail et de vie po qualité devers vie de travailleur et travail de viede pour les travailleurs. de placer les travailleurs au milieu des arbres dans placer les au milieu des arbres dans leur Vue l’espace de au milieu destravailleurs arbres de travail au milieu desainsi arbres futaie. Ils sont isolés naturellement de la route et se futaie. Ils sont ainsi isolés naturellement de la route et se retrouvent dans les arbres. retrouvent dans les arbres. Le projet cherche ainsi à tirer profit de ce cadre naturel exceptionnel qu’est le parc des Préalpes d’Azur pour une qualité de vie de travail et de vie pour les travailleurs. Vue vers l’espace de travail au milieu des arbres

Le projet cherche ainsi à tirer profit de ce cadre naturel exceptionnel qu’est le parc des Préalpes d’Azur pour une qualité de vie de travail et de vie pour les travailleurs.

This project is the result of a semester realized in immersion on the territory of a Regional Park near the city of Nice. We worked more precisely on three very rural and rather neglected villages. We passed a week with the inhabitants, living with them and sleeping with them. We had to make diagnoses and propose our solutions that we presented to them at the end of the semester.

intérieure My own diagnosis was that many people travelled longVue distances dailydetol’espace work in Nice (more than 1h by car). Moreover,Vue their intérieure de travail working conditions are painful and not adapted to the quality of life that can be found in the countryside where they live. Teleworking would reduce these costs and travel times, allow people to choose their place of residence regardless of their place of work, but also to enhance the quality of life in rural areas. This project of teleworking proposes to connect work, good health and pleasant living_ environment. It connects the sports 39 fields, the building and the vegetable market to offer conviviality and efficiency. The building separates into two distinct spaces. Vue intérieure l’espace de travail Vue intérieurethe deinhabitants l’espace de The first, which is emphasized by thede façade movement, overlooks the main square and welcomes fortravail their associates and festive activities. The objective is to connect inhabitants with workers. The second space is for teleworking. It is on stilts which allows to place workers in the middle of trees. Its openings, open largely onto the surrounding rural landscape and far away.

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Multimodal pole

Ateliers des savoirs faire locaux

Expositions et ateliers sur Giens Espace scénographique Marché aux puces

Espace scénographique et festif Festivals et associations Festivals et associations

Ravitaillement des îles d’Or

Agriculture verticale

Marché des primeurs

This project is a multimodal pole located at the entrance to the Giens peninsula (South of France). The goal is to change the mobility on the peninsula, but also the practices of the inhabitants. It combines a multimodal pole with a public space and takes into account the rising waters on the peninsula in the years to come. The use of cars is a major problem of Giens. They overload the territory during the summer with the considerable number of tourists. Cars can be replaced by bicycles, a bus line and many other sustainable modes of transport in the future. The buildings offer a parking level in the ground floor and two free platforms at the upper levels. These levels may be used to expand the parking when necessary, and also for multiple activities. The multimodal pole proposes a new polarity for the peninsula and wants to change the way of life of the inhabitants. The practices proposed by the public space accompain this transition. The free floors allow flexibility of use in short term : over the seasons ,when there are many tourists or not. They also change in a longer term in the years dealing with the rising waters and the evolutions of way of living near the sea. The proposed uses are sustainable and promote local knowledge.











Plan de toiture










From Chiclayo to Pimentel

The city of Chiclayo is located in North West Peru. This country is part of the third world and has informal neighbourhoods and few amenities. Next to the ocean is the town of Pimentel, which is the closest town to Chiclayo. These two cities are poorly connected. This urban planning project aims to imagine a future in the connection between these two cities. It is about making a long-term project for the development of this territory. Our intervention is on two scales. For the territorial scale, we decided to redesign the main road linking the two cities. We decided to build on one side in the extension of the already planned neighbourhood, and on the other to regularly punctuate the important axis by perpendicular ways. The green and agricultural spaces come between these neighbourhoods to separate them. A second lane comes in parallel with the Chiclayo-Pimentel axis. It allows the passage of new means of transport (bicycles, tramway...) and in the middle of this path we find a strip of shops and equipment respecting the factories and activities already existing in these places. The second intervention takes place on a closer scale: it is the evolution and transformation of the today informal neighbourhood. In its current configuration, it operates with two different frames, and a small hill makes the northern part impassable. Our project is to transform this hill and the space between these two frames into a park. In this green flow, there are new buildings with educational goals in the middle of trees and nature. This green glow is the link between existing equipments and the new extension of the neighbourhood that is made using the same frames on the other side of the road. All streets are not accessible to cars; one in two is entirely pedestrian whether in the vertical or horizontal frame.

Art and Design




Sans nom

Construction This is a footbridge made during the construction course of Rolland Paillat. This project was realized in group with a shelf module reused of the bookstore factory. The bridge has a range of 6m and is built from a 25 * 90 cm module. The footbridge has a contemplative role and the vertical walls are made to guide the look of people to the village of Banon on the hill.

Writing works Mémoire de fin de licence :

La Wikipédisation de l'Architecture

La place de l'architecte dans la Nouvelle Révolution Industrielle

Lien :

Mémoire de Master :

L’économie circulaire dans la ruralité

Les campagnes comme terrain d’expérimentation de l’Economie circulaire

Lien :


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