Dr. Bronner’s All-One Magic Soap SWOT Analysis Mood Board
Valerie Davidson MDM 530 Brand Development 3.3.3.
u Positive
publicity pieces u Label is nostalgic and recognizable u Expert knowledge of organic benefits u Explores new ideas for product u Positioned in major stores u Excellent employee benefits u Brand has a loyal following
u Packaging
design may be outdated u Company may be identified as too liberal u Target audience is limited u Product line has an inconsistent look u Website is clunky and outdated u Product lacks exposure
In the strengths panel I convey a happy message. I wanted the strengths to set the tone of the entire mood board, so it would feel good to come back to after viewing the other panels. The combination of images were set up to read positive. The quality of product is shown with the happy shopper. The colors green dominate the strengths and opportunities panels to define the organic meaning of the company.
In the weaknesses panel I tell of the singleness of issues that define the possible limits the company is experiencing. For instance, the outdated vintage label shows a packaging weakness. The hippies communicate the limited target audience as well as the liberal company. The blind man is a metaphor for the weakness that the product lacks exposure. The color in this panel is darker and not as cheerful.
u Positive
publicity can increase sales u Expand health and beauty products u Promote awareness of the Brand vision u Position in more locations u Outreach opportunities are growing u Packaging label re-design u Re-design online communication u It is all about marketing
u Weather
could increase supply costs u Economic downturn u Could lose their high ranking u Supporting political causes is costly u Label is easily overlooked by consumers u Foreign involvement is risky u More companies are going organic
In the opportunities panel, success is key to the images. The main message tells of advertising and expansion opportunities. The blank packages shows an empty canvas for creating new labels. The hand holding the plant signifies growth and also tells of the organic nature of the company. Advertising is the strongest word for the opportunities of this company. The colors feel uplifting and hopeful.
In the threats panel images are placed that depict the sharp tone of things that could potentially hurt the company. This panel shows how outside issues affect the success of the company. The symbolic nature of the arrow pointing down instead of up for one. Much of the message is a forecast and connects strongly with political and environmental actions. The color in this panel is bright and chaotic.
Summary The panels are combined with text and images to tell the story of the Dr. Bronner’s SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. The purpose of the SWOT mood board is visual communication. As a tool, this mood board can point in the direction of design answers. The idea is to combine elements that create each segment separately but pull the story together to understand the brand of the company. The panel colors all encompass greens and blues which I intend on using in the project design concepts. I also want to incorporate the good feeling the company speaks about it’s products and services. Showing the threats and weaknesses help to make the strengths and opportunities clearer. Deep research reveals what to do and what to look out for. So with Dr. Bronner’s the mood board harmonizes decisions and directions in one visual treatment. This will help with choices that will be used on the project step by step.
Photo References STRENGTHS Rising Success-http://explaininginternetmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Internet-Marketing-Success-2-300x225.jpg Happy Shopper-http://www.sunpack.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/happy-shopper2.jpg Lotion Plant-http://smallbusiness.chron.com/DM-Resize/photos.demandstudios.com/184/101/fotolia_2459252_XS.jpg?w=600&h=600&keep_ratio=1 Happy Employees-http://learnthat.com/files/2012/09/Happy-Employees.jpeg Article Reading-http://ak6.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/2383826/preview/stock-footage-businesswoman-smiling-while-reading-a-newspaper-against-awhite-background.jpg
WEAKNESSES Hippies-https://www.mtholyoke.edu/courses/rschwart/hist255-s01/boheme/hippies.jpg Vintage Label-http://cdnimg.visualizeus.com/thumbs/ce/64/design,graphic,design,packaging,typography,vintage,ornamental-ce641cf3afafb601cf82e40108498b37_h.jpg Lonely Theater-http://drinkmetosexy.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/theater.jpg Bad Computer-http://static2.businessinsider.com/image/4f7d98f1ecad04a24300006e/bad-agency-website.jpg Blindfold-http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yJUwIWidU54/TaJRC3cHPeI/AAAAAAAAAH0/RHKZXKyiS0k/s1600/searching-with-good-eye-closed_blindfolded-man.jpg
OPPORTUNITIES Shopping Shelves-http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_deDzKhAjlPs/Swb5pZNTExI/AAAAAAAAAhY/YIbiWz-ApJA/s1600/organic.market.jpg Product Bottles-http://uxmag.com/uploads/guypackagedesign/1_abc_packages.jpg Hand/Plant-http://www.thebusinessofme.com/resources/hands%20holding%20plant%20growth%20and%20change.jpg Computer w/Earth-http://www.bestcommunicationsdegrees.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/CommunicationsDegreeOnline-300x268.jpg Advertising-http://ufcplatinum.com/wp-content/themes/ufcmarket_v182/custom/images/masthead/public-advertising-masthead.jpg?9d7bd4 Green Planet-http://www.creatrixrealms.com/Assets/images/Marketing/Organic-SEO-Marketing.png
THREATS Hurricane-http://ww3.hdnux.com/photos/15/71/61/3644502/3/628x471.jpg Risk-http://tradecompliance.ghy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Global-Risk.gif Earth Belt-http://www.zenlegalnetworking.com/uploads/image/iStock_000007714309XSmall.jpg Eco Downturn-http://www.buzzle.com/img/articleImages/276744-14513-55.jpg Organic Earth-http://www.eventective.com/photo/717843.jpg