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Dr. Bronner s One Soap One Planet

Brand Project Book

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Dr. Bronner’s Magic All-One is a successful company, with an excellent product, that does many good works beyond its commercial enterprise. At the core of Dr. Bronner’s there remains a passion and an active involvement with causes that have a positive effect upon our world. Dr. Bronner’s has been faithfully and successfully adhering to their vision since 1948. But their branding needs a “facelift” to give the company the exposure it deserves. This campaign will present Bronner’s in a more vibrant and contemporary manner. You will see on the following pages how an outstanding total visual package will invite a large new audience to the brand, and thus magnify Dr. Bronner’s solid success and real benefit to the world at large.

Table of Contents 1

Brand Research


Logo Standards..................... 32-33 Typography............................. 34 Color Palette.......................... 35 Images...................................... 36-37 Brand Personality................. 38 Print Media.............................. 39 Digital Media.......................... 40-41 Packaging................................ 42-43

Introduction............................ 1 Abstract.................................... 2 Brand Objective.................... 3-4 Target Audience................... 5-6 SWOT Analysis....................... 7-8 Creative Brief........................ 9-10 References.............................. 12-13


Creative Design Research.................. 14 Competitive Analysis.......... 15 Design Toolbox..................... 16-17 Moodboards........................... 18-19 Logo Development............. 20-21 Print Concepts....................... 22-25 Digital Concepts................... 26-29 Packaging ............................... 30-31

Style Guide


Design Solutions Website..................................... 44-45 Print Advertising.................... 46 Outdoor Media..................... 47 Social Networking................ 48 Collateral................................. 49 Packaging................................ 50-51

References Research.................................. 52-53 Images...................................... 54-55

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3 STYLE GUIDE Logo Standards..................... 32-33 Typography............................. 34 Color Palette.......................... 35 Images...................................... 36-37 Brand Personality................. 38 Print Media.............................. 39 Digital Media.......................... 40-41 Packaging Specs................... 42-43

Page 6

LOGO STANDARDS Primary Logo The primary logo for Dr. Bronner’s reflects the colorful energy of the company and connects with the integrity of the environmental ties. The organic connection is important to the company. Anything colorful and exciting is often defined as vibrant. The logo incorporates a vibrant experience with the rainbow colors but maintains the green-living vision with the leaf used as a apostrophy in the logo type. The font choice is expressive and supports the brand strategy. The following standards have been developed to create a memorable experience of the brand essence.

Logo Orientation

The orientation is intended to be used in a horizontal format only. Stacking the logo in any other way is not permitted and will diminish the integrity of the brand.

Dr. Bronner s

One Soap One Planet

32 Style Guide

Logo Components


Dr. Bronner s

Logo Type

One Soap One Planet


The brandmark and logo type will always be used together to ensure optimal recognistion of the brand. The tag line is meant to be used to further define the Dr. Bronner’s campaign mission. When placed in marketing media such as print advertising, outdoor billboard media and collateral such as a brochure it is desirable to ues the tagline.

Page 7

Logo Minimum Size

Dr. Bronner s

.5 in.

Maximum legibility is vital to the logo standards, therefore the logo minimum size without the tagline is 1.5 in wide and .5 in. high

1.5 in.

Dr. Bronner s

One Soap One Planet

Maximum legibility is vital to the logo standards, therefore the logo

.6 in. minimum size with the tagline is 1.5 in wide and .6 in. high

1.5 in.


Clear Space

s Dr. Bronner s s


Clear space around the logo is equivalent to the “s� used in the logo type, Dr. Bronner’s. The space is based on the width of the letter as demonstrated. This space is also utilized when including the tag line.

Reverse Single Color

Dr. Bronner s

Dr. Bronner s Style Guide 33

Page 8 “Constructive Capitalism is where you share the profit with the workers and the earth from which you made it.�

~ Emanuel Bronner

Dr. Bronner s One Soap One Planet


Page 9

Dr. Bronner s

One Soap One Planet


Page 10

Table of Contents


Brand Research Introduction.......................................1 Abstract...............................................2 Brand Objective............................. 3-4 Target Audience............................ 5-6 SWOT Analysis................................ 7-8 Creative Brief................................9-10 References.................................... 12-13


Style Guide Logo Standards........................... 32-33 Typography.......................................34 Color Palette....................................35 Images............................................ 36-37 Brand Personality...........................38 Print Media........................................39 Digital Media................................ 40-41 Packaging...................................... 42-43

2 Creative

Design Research............................ 14 Competitive Analysis.................... 15 Design Toolbox............................ 16-17 Moodboards.................................. 18-19 Logo Development.................... 20-21 Print Concepts.............................. 22-25 Digital Concepts.......................... 26-29 Packaging ...................................... 30-31


Design Solutions Website.............................................44-45 Print Advertising............................... 46 Outdoor Media................................ 47 Social Networking........................... 48 Collateral............................................ 49 Packaging........................................50-51

Research.................................. 52-53 Images....................................... 54-55

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Section 3

Style Guide

Page 14

Dr. Bronner s

Primary Logo

The primary logo for Dr. Bronner’s reflects the colorful energy of the company and connects with the integrity of the environmental ties. The organic connection is important to the company. Anything colorful and exciting is often defined as vibrant. The logo incorporates a vibrant experience with the rainbow colors but maintains the green-living vision with the leaf used as a apostrophy in the logo type. The font choice is expressive and supports the brand strategy. The following standards have been developed to create a memorable experience of the brand essence.

Logo Orientation

The orientation is intended to be used in a horizontal format only. Stacking the logo in any other way is not permitted and will diminish the integrity of the brand.

Dr. Bronner s

One Soap One Planet

Logo Components

Dr. Bronner s One Soap One Planet

Brandmark Logo Type Tagline

The brandmark and logo type will always be used together to ensure optimal recognistion of the brand. The tag line is meant to be used to further define the Dr. Bronner’s campaign mission. When placed in marketing media such as print advertising, outdoor billboard media and collateral such as a brochure it is desirable to ues the tagline.

Page 15 Logo Minimum Size


Clear Space

s Dr. Bronner s

.5 in.

1.5 in.



Dr. Bronner s

Clear space around the logo is equivalent to the “s� used in the logo type, Dr. Bronner’s. The space is based on the width of the letter as demonstrated. This space is also utilized when including the tag line.

Dr. Bronner s

One Soap One Planet

1.5 in.

.6 in.

Maximum legibility is vital to the logo standards, therefore the logo minimum size without the tagline is 1.5 in wide and .5 in. high Maximum legibility is vital to the logo standards, therefore the logo minimum size with the tagline is 1.5 in wide and .6 in. high

Reverse Single Color

Dr. Bronner s

Dr. Bronner s

Page 16 “One touch of nature makes the whole world kin”

William Shakespeare

“We’re all-one or none”

Emanual Bronner


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