Project brief

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Media Design Master of Fine Arts Degree Program MDM530 Brand Development | Project Brief

Valerie Davidson MDM 530 -­‐ Project Brief, 3.4.3. Brand Development Media Design MFA Month 3

Project Brief 1. Company Name Name: Dr. Bronner’s All-­‐One Magic Soap Industry: Consumer Packaged Goods Category: Health and Beauty

2. Primary Products or Services Organic skin care soaps, lotions and body treatments. Hair products. New all-­‐purpose cleaner. Organic Awareness and Education, including Fair Trade, Industrial Hemp use, Employee Incentive, GMO Labeling, All-­‐ One Interblastic Foam Shower and Spa Experience.

3. Campaign Project Objective/Synopsis

4. Big Goal (BHAG) or Project Outcome and how it will be measured for success

To establish a renewed awareness of the Dr. Bronner’s brand. To increase the customer base, thus increasing sales and generating revenue to enable the company to continue and expand it’s work in making the World a better place. To make Dr. Bronner’s a household name in the industry of healthy organic products.

5. Primary Campaign Deliverables Updated Web Design, New Logo Re-­‐design, Advertising Campaign, Increased Product Positioning. Increased Awareness Campaign for Industrial Hemp, Fair Trade and 100% Organic Ingredients by developing Educational Material that can be distributed for teaching purposes.

To increase customer base by utilizing a new exposure to the products other than the liquid soap, (their top selling). This would give the company an ability to increase involvement in services they have a passion for. This would bring an increase in sales of 5% in the Rirst year and an expected 3% for the following 3 years above the spending for an advertising campaign.

6. Key Tenets • Conscientious • Generous • Passionate

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