Bon y Bel
Ingredienti per 4 persone 300 gr di ricotta di pecora 2 palle di topinambur 500 gr brodo vegetale 70 gr di burro 70 gr di farina erbe fresche (maggiorana, timo, erba cipollina, i Ì>] L>Ã V ] V À > ` ] w VV Ãi Û>Ì V ] aneto, crescione, spinaci) 200 gr pecorino romano olio di semi per friggere olio extravergine di oliva q.b. sale e pepe q.b.
Für 4 Personen 300 Gr. Schafsricotta 2 Topinamburkugeln 500 Gr. Gemüsebrühe 70 Gr. Butter 70 Gr. Mehl Frische Kräuter (Majoran, Thymian, Schnittlauch, Minze, Basilikum, Koriander, Wildfenchel, Dill, Kresse, Spinat) 200 Gr. Römischer Schafskäse Kernöl zum Frittieren Olivenöl Extravergine Salz, Pfeffer
Preparazione Prendere tutte le erbe e dopo averle lavate, frullarle con olio extravergine di oliva, pecorino e sale ottenendo un pesto. Preparare una besciamella, utilizzando il brodo al posto del latte e aggiungere il pesto di erbe facendo bollire per 5 minuti sul fuoco. Filtrare la crema e collocarvi al centro il canederlo di ricotta di pecora al naturale. Decorare con chips di topinambur e qualche foglia di erbe fresche.
Zubereitung Alle Kräuter waschen und mit Olivenöl, Schafskäse und Salz zu einem Pesto mixen. Danach eine Bechamelsauce machen, aber anstelle von Milch Gemüsebrühe verwenden, das Kräuterpesto dazugeben und 5 Minuten aufkochen lassen. Die Creme durchsieben, im Teller den Knödel von Schafsricotta in die Mitte der Creme stellen. Mit Topinamburchips und frischen Kräuterblättern dekorieren.
06 Grien 08 Alaska Un consiglio speciale Questo piatto è un concentrazione di gusto dato dalla qualità delle 10 Alpenroyal erbe che dovranno essere fresche. Per una buona riuscita delle patatine di topinambur consiglio di tagliarle con una affettatrice e lasciarle La Posta in acqua fredda corrente in modo 12 da eliminare il loro amido. Friggere in olio bollente dopo averle asciugate. 14 Mesc da Paratoni 16 Ciastel de Val 18 Frëina 20 Suinsom
22 Sal Fëur 38 Blue Restaurant 24 L EinFudlé 40 Plaza Geheimtipp Der Geschmack dieses Gerichtes hängt von der hervorragenden 26 Nives 42 La Tambra Qualität der frischen Kräuter ab. Für das gute Gelingen der Topinamburchips empfehle ich eine Aufschnittmaschine zu gebrauchen. 28 Genziana 44y i~i `i Anna > ÌÜ>ÃÃiÀ Stuben >ÃÃi ]
i «Ã à Ìi > à > }i Õ ÌiÀ L à ` i -ÌBÀ i à V >L}i ÃÌ >Ì° >V `i čLÌÀ V i i ~i 30 Maurizkeller 46 Gran Baita Öl frittieren. 32 Tubladel 48 Vives 34 Oswald 50 Mar Dolomit 36 Chalet Gérard
Grien Restaurant 39046 ORTISEI / ST. ULRICH U Str. Mureda 178 Tel. +39 0471 796340 U www.hotel-grien.com U info@hotel-grien.com Booking recommended
>À >Ìi` `iiÀ w iÌ V>À«>VV Ü Ì VÀ Ã«Þ Ü i i> LÀi>` Ingredients: £ `iiÀ w iÌ v >««À Ý° {ää }] « «i««iÀ V À Ã] Ã> Ì freshly ground pepper, extra virgin olive oil, 1 lemon 1 wholemeal bread (preferably 1 or 2 days old) raw baby spinach leaves >À >Ìi Ì i `iiÀ w iÌ Ì i Ûi ] « «i««iÀ V À Ã] i Õ Vi] Ã> Ì > ` «i««iÀ > ` ÃÌ Ài it in the fridge for 24 hours. " Vi >À >Ìi`] ÜÀ>« Ì i w iÌ w ÀÃÌ V i>À ÌV i w > ` Ì i Ì v ] V à } Ì i i `ð Put it into the freezer for at least 12 hours. - Vi Ì i Ü i i> LÀi>` «ÀiviÀ>L Þ Ü Ì Ì i à V } >V i® ÛiÀÞ w i Þ £ Ó ®] >Þ Ì i à Vià v LÀi>` > L> } Ì ] LÀÕÃ Ì i } Ì Þ Ü Ì Ûi > ` L> i Ì i Ì i Ûi >Ì £Èäc Õ Ì Ì iÞ LiV i VÀ ëް ,i Ûi Ì i `iiÀ w iÌ vÀ Ì i vÀiiâiÀ] Ài Ûi Ì i «>«iÀ > ` > Ü Ì Ì `ivÀ ÃÌ > ÌÌ i° 1à } Ì i à V } >V i] w i Þ Ã Vi Ì i w iÌ° " Ì i « >Ìi >ÀÀ> }i à i à Vià v w iÌ v Üi` LÞ Ã i L>LÞ Ã« >V i>Ûià > ` > à Vi v VÀ Ã«Þ LÀi>`° Repeat this step two or three times. / i `ÀiÃÃ Ì i ` Ã Ü Ì > ÌÌ i Ã> Ì] vÀiÃ Þ }À Õ ` «i««iÀ > ` iÝÌÀ> Û À} Ûi °
Alaska Restaurant 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Str. DantercĂŤpies 65 Tel. +39 0471 795298 U www.hotelalaska.it U info@hotelalaska.it
Buckwheat dumplings with cheese and speck on a bed of coleslaw Ingredients: Dumplings: 250 g old bread or Schüttelbrot, 0.20 l fresh whole milk, 50 g Speck, 150 g coarse LÕV Ü i>Ì y ÕÀ] Ü>ÌiÀ] Ã> Ì] «i««iÀ] ÕÌ i}] > ` LÕÌÌiÀ `i«i ` } Ì>ÃÌi] ¤ ii ] ¤ ] 80 g mountain cheese Coleslaw: Half a head of white or red cabbage, fennel seeds, Italian extra virgin olive oil, white wine vinegar, salt i Þ V « Ì i V>LL>}i > ` Ü>à V ` Ü>ÌiÀ° Serve with olive oil, white wine vinegar, salt and a few fennel seeds. Mix the ingredients and rest for a good hour. Instructions: Vi Ì i LÀi>`] V ÛiÀ Ü Ì Ü>ÌiÀ] > ` > Ü Ì Ã vÌi v À £Ó ÕÀð - iÛi > ` `ÀÞ out. Sauté the leek and onion in butter and add the Speck at the end. / À Õ} Þ Ý Ì i i}}à > ` Ü Ì > Ü Ã > L Ü ° č`` Ì i ÝÌÕÀi Ì Ì i LÀi>` > ` y ÕÀ] leek, onion, and Speck and soak for 20 hours. Form dumplings from the mixture and wedge a chunk of cheese into the centre of the dumpling. Boil in salt water for 10 minutes, cover, and simmer for another 10 minutes in water. Serve with coleslaw.
Alpenroyal Gourmet Restaurant 1 star 3 forks
16 points
2 forks
39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN Str. Mëisules 43 Tel. +39 0471 795555 U ÜÜÜ°> «i À Þ> °V U v J> «i À Þ> °V 16 points
iÀL VÀi> Ü Ì > à ii«½Ã À V ÌÌ> V> i`iÀ LÀi>` `Õ « }® and Jerusalem artichoke chips Ingredients for 4 servings: 300 g sheep’s ricotta cheese, 2 round pieces of Jerusalem artichoke, xää } Ûi}iÌ>L i ÃÌ V ] Çä } LÕÌÌiÀ] Çä } y ÕÀ] fresh herbs (marjoram, thyme, chives, mint, basil, coriander, wild fennel, dill, watercress, spinach), 200 g pecorino romano cheese, seed oil for frying, extra virgin olive oil as desired, salt and pepper to taste. Wash the herbs and blend them with a little extra virgin olive oil, pecorino cheese and salt to obtain a “pesto-like” mixture. Prepare some béchamel sauce using the stock instead of milk, add the “pesto” of herbs and boil for 5 minutes on the heat. Filter the cream and ladle it into the centre of the natural sheep’s ricotta canederlo. Decorate with Jerusalem artichoke chips and some fresh herb leaves. A special tip: / à ` à vviÀà > V Vi ÌÀ>Ì v Ì>ÃÌi Ü V `iÀ Ûià vÀ Ì i µÕ> ÌÞ v Ì i iÀLÃ Ü V ÕÃÌ be fresh. Jerusalem artichoke chips: for best results, cut the artichokes with a slicing machine and allow them to sit under cold running water in order to drain off the starch. / i `ÀÞ Ì i Üi > ` vÀÞ Ì i L } °
Restaurant La Posta 39047 S. CRISTINA / ST. CHRISTINA U Str. Dursan 22 Mob. +39 333 2578392 U www.la-posta.eu U info@la-posta.eu
iÃÌ ÕÌ Ì>ÀÌ > Li` v «Õ « >Þ > Ãi ÃiÀÛi` Ü Ì ÀÞi LÀi>` VÀÕ LÃ Ingredients: Tart 100 g parmesan, 100 ml milk, 200 ml single cream, 300 g chestnuts, 5 eggs, a pinch of salt Wash the chestnuts, then boil for 20 minutes in salted water. After they’ve been separated and cooled, it’s time to mix them. Beat the eggs with milk, single cream, and parmesan, add salt and then add the chopped chestnuts. Pour the mixture into greased moulds and cook in bain-marie for 40 minutes at 180°C. Pumpkin mayonnaise 100 g pumpkin, 6 ml apple vinegar, 6 g olive oil, white pepper Stew the pumpkin and set aside to cool. Mix all ingredients and place in a blender/mixer. Dry the rye bread in the oven and, as soon as it’s cold, place it in the blender until you obtain bread crumbs.
Restaurant Mesc da Paratoni 39047 S. CRISTINA / ST. CHRISTINA U Str. Insom 17 Mob. +39 333 5443668 U www.paratoni.com U info@paratoni.com
Dumplings Ingredients for 4 servings: 300 g hard bread cubes 120 g Tyrolean grey cheese 3 eggs ¼ l milk 30 g butter ¤ 1 tbp chopped parsley salt and pepper 7 Ã Ì i i}}Ã Ü Ì Ì i > ` « ÕÀ Ì i µÕ ` ÝÌÕÀi ÛiÀ Ì i LÀi>` VÕLið ->ÕÌj Ì i w i Þ V ««i` Ã Ì i i Ìi` LÕÌÌiÀ] >`` Ì i }ÀiÞ V iiÃi Õ Ì Ì i ÌÃ] > ` >`` Ì Ì i LÀi>`° č`` Ã> Ì] «i««iÀ] > ` «>Àà iÞ Ì Ì i `Õ « } ` Õ} ] i>` LÀ iy Þ] > ` > Ü Ì ÀiÃÌ v À £ä ÕÌið - >«i à > `Õ « }Ã] «ÀiÃÃ Ì i ` Ü y >Ì] > ` Ã>ÕÌj Ì i > «> Ü Ì > L Ì v Ì L Ì sides. Place them in boiling salted water to cook for 8 minutes. Serve with a mixed salad and baked onion rings.
Restaurant Ciastel de Val 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Str. Val 2 Tel. +39 0471 795467 U www.ciasteldeval.com U info@hotelval.it
Jufa Ingredients: 1 l milk £ää } ĂœÂ…i>ĂŒ y ÂœĂ•Ă€ xä } ĂƒĂœiiĂŒVÂœĂ€Â˜ y ÂœĂ•Ă€ salt 2 eggs butter +P CP KTQP UMKNNGV CRRTQZ EO DQKN VJG OKNM CFF UCNV CPF DQVJ Ćƒ QWTU Constantly mix with a whisk and simmer over low heat. Remove from the stove and set aside to cool. Mix the eggs and pour over the milk. Pour hot, melted butter.
Frëina Restaurant 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Str. Frëina 23 Tel. +39 0471 795110 U www.hotelfreina.com U info@hotelfreina.com
Potato ravioli with chanterelle mushrooms Ingredients for 4 servings: * Ì>Ì ` Õ} \ {ää } « Ì>Ì iÃ] 2 egg yolks, 30 g butter, £Îä } y ÕÀ] Ã> Ì] «i««iÀ] ÕÌ i} Filling: 300 g fresh chanterelle mushrooms, {ä } ` Vi` ] £ V Ûi v }>À V] LÕÌÌiÀ] 1/8 l fresh cream, chives, pepper, marjoram Peel the potatoes and cook them for 20 minutes in salted water. Drain and mash. č`` Ì i LÕÌÌiÀ > ` Ì i i}} Þ Ã Ì Ì i >à i` « Ì>Ì ià > ` > Ü Ì V ° 7 À Ì }iÌ iÀ Ü Ì Ì i y ÕÀ] Ã> Ì] «i««iÀ > ` ÕÌ i} Wash the chanterelle mushrooms and cut them into pieces.
Vi Ì i > ` }>À V > ` vÀÞ Ì i }i Ì Þ Ì i LÕÌÌiÀ° Then add the chanterelle mushrooms and allow them to cook for 2 minutes. Add cream, salt and pepper. Season with chives. Roll out the dough, cut discs of approx. 5 cm in diameter, w Ì i Ü Ì Ì i V > ÌiÀi ià > ` V Ãi Ì i Ì i à >«i v > VÀiÃVi Ì° Cook them in salted water for 5 minutes. Spread some of the chanterelle sauce on the plate, add the ravioli and sprinkle them with Parmesan cheese and melted butter.
Ristorante Suinsom Restaurant 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Str. Puez 12 Tel. +39 0471 774100 U ÜÜÜ°ÌÞÀ Ìi ° Ì
Val Pusteria “Graukäseâ€? gnocchi with beetroot sauce Ingredients for 4 servings: ÂŁ ÂŽ} Âœv 6>Â? *Ă•ĂƒĂŒiĂ€Âˆ> ÂŤÂœĂŒ>ĂŒÂœiĂƒ] Ă“ i}}Ăƒ] ĂŽxä } ää y ÂœĂœiĂ€] Ăƒ>Â?ĂŒ Filling: 300 g Graukäse cheese, 150 g of fresh cream, salt Beetroot sauce: 1 kg red beetroot, 30 g of butter, salt Garnish: chopped herb salad, fennel Steam cook the potatoes for an hour, when cooked peel and mash them and remove any lump UQ CU VQ JCXG WPKHQTO CRRGCTCPEG #FF VJG GIIU Ćƒ QWT CPF C NKVVNG UCNV OKZ YGNN UQ CU VQ QDVCKP C UOQQVJ CPF EQORCEV OCUU /CMG VJG Ć‚ NNKPI D[ RWVVKPI CNN VJG KPITGFKGPVU KP C DQYN CPF ETGCVKPI a fondue – not too liquidy – with the bagno maria technique. Put the resulting fondue in silicone semi-spherical shells with a 0.5 cm diameter. Freeze the fondue (should be enough for 20 shells). Prepare the beetroot sauce by washing and peeling and whisking the beetroots and place in pan on an average burning oven ring and add butter and salt. Next, prepare the gnocchi by spreading the pasta and creating a thin layer and then with a pasta cutter obtain 20 discs of 5cm. Position in each disc the frozen fondue pieces and close over so as to make a ball. Cook in boling water for 4 minutes. Pour in every fondue plate a spoon of hot beetroot mix and arrange 5 gnocchi. Garnish the dish with small leaves of mixed herbal salad and fennel.
Sal Fëur Restaurant 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Str. Puez 6 Tel. +39 0471 773153 U Mob. +39 335 8218030 www.salfeur.com U info@salfeur.com
-ÂŤÂˆÂ˜>VÂ… “>VVÂ…iĂ€ÂœÂ˜Âˆ ˆ˜ > Â?ÂœV>Â? VÂ…iiĂƒi Ăƒ>Ă•Vi ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… LÂ?>VÂŽ ĂŒĂ€Ă•vy i Ingredients for 4 servings: Spinach pasta: ÂŁxä } y ÂœĂ•Ă€] ÂŁĂ“x } `ÕÀՓ ĂœÂ…i>ĂŒ y ÂœĂ•Ă€] Ă“ i}}Ăƒ] ÂŁĂ“x } vĂ€iĂƒÂ… ĂƒÂŤÂˆÂ˜>VÂ…] Ăƒ>Â?ĂŒ Cream cheese: 300 g mountain cheese, 50 ml fresh cream, 200 ml full-fat milk, salt, white pepper, ĂŒĂ€Ă•vy i œˆÂ?] LÂ?>VÂŽ ĂŒĂ€Ă•vy i To make the green spinach pasta, cook 125 g of washed and drained spinach in a pan with 4 tablespoons of water and a pinch of salt. Cover with a lid and leave to cook, then dry the spinach before RCUUKPI KV VJTQWIJ C UKGXG 6Q QDVCKP C UOQQVJ OKZVWTG RQWT VJG UKHVGF Ćƒ QWT VJG GIIU VJCV JCXG been kept at room temperature), the salt and the spinach puree into a bowl, then mix the ingredients well, then put onto a pastry board and knead until even; if the mixture will not pick up all of VJG Ćƒ QWT QT KH KV DGEQOGU UNKIJVN[ JCTF CFF QPG QT VYQ VCDNGURQQPU QH YCTO YCVGT CPF EQPVKPWG VQ MPGCF WPVKN KV DGEQOGU UOQQVJ CPF Ć‚ TO VJGP EQXGT CPF NGCXG KV VQ TGUV HQT CV NGCUV VJKTV[ OKPWVGU KP C EQQN RNCEG #HVGT TGUVKPI VJG HTGUJ RCUVC YKNN DG UQHVGT CPF OQTG Ćƒ GZKDNG PQY UVTGVEJ KV VQ QDVCKP the desired shape, either by hand or with an appropriate machine. Prepare the cheeses that you will serve for the sauce; pour the milk and cream into a pan over a low heat, and throw in the cheese which has been cut into cubes. Mix with a wooden spoon until the cheese has completely melted, ensuring that the heat is low, then season. Boil a pot of salted water and cook the pasta for 3 – 5 minutes. Parboil the pasta with the cream cheese, adding a few drops QH VTWHĆƒ G QKN Ć‚ PCNN[ FGEQTCVG YKVJ UQOG UNKEGU QH DNCEM VTWHĆƒ G
L Fudlé Restaurant 39047 S. CRISTINA / ST. CHRISTINA U Str. Dursan 86 Tel. +39 0471 790255 U www.fudle.it U info@fudle.it
* Ì>Ì VÀiÃVi Ìà w i` Ü Ì À>}Ù v `iiÀ > ` VÀ> LiÀÀ ià Dough: Îää } « Ì>Ì iÃ] £ää } w i Þ }À Õ ` Ü Ìi y ÕÀ] Ó i}} Þ Ã] > « V v Ã> Ì > ` ÕÌ i} >à `ià Ài` Filling: 300 g deer meat, 50 g carrots (diced), 50 g onion (diced), 1 clove of garlic, 250 ml red wine, 80 g fresh cranberries (or 50 g jam), salt, freshly ground pepper, vegetable stock or water, thyme, 1 tbp of tomato concentrate Other ingredients: butter, shelled walnuts, parmesan cheese *ii Ì i « Ì>Ì iÃ] V ] >à > ` > Ü Ì V ° č`` Ì i « Ì>Ì iÃ Ì Ì i y ÕÀ] i}} Þ Ã] Ã> Ì > ` ÕÌ i} > ` Ý Ì }iÌ iÀ µÕ V Þ° , ÕÌ Ì i ` Õ} Ü Ì > À } « Ì > i } Ì v >««À Ý° half a centimetre. Using a round cutter with a diameter of approx. 5 centimetres, cut the dough into discs. Vi Ì i i>Ì > ` LÀ Ü Ì Üi > Ì vÀÞ } «> Ü Ì > ÌÌ i Ãii` ° čÌ Ì i Ã> i Ì i LÀ Ü Ì i > ` V>ÀÀ Ìà > vÀÞ } «> ° Add the roasted meat, tomato concentrate and garlic to the pot containing the vegetables and continue to brown them. Douse with wine and allow to evaporate. Add salt and pepper. Pour in the Ûi}iÌ>L i ÃÌ V > ` > Ü Ì Ã iÀ v À {x ÕÌið / i >`` Ì i Ì Þ i > ` VÀ> LiÀÀ ið č Ü Ì i w } Ì V ] «ÕÌ > Ì>L ië v Ì i>V ` ÃV > ` v ` Ì v À VÀiÃVi Ìð
à } Ì Þ Ã> Ìi` Ü>ÌiÀ v À >««À Ý° x ÕÌið ->ÕÌj Ì i Ü> ÕÌÃ Ì i «> Ü Ì LÕÌÌiÀ > ` ÃiÀÛi Ü Ì vÀiÃ Þ }À>Ìi` «>À ià > V iiÃi°
Nives Restaurant 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Str. Nives 4 Tel. +39 0471 773329 U www.restaurant-nives.com U info@hotel-nives.com
“Explosive“ raviolini Ingredients for 4 servings: (QT VJG Ƃ NNKPI 60 g Speck, 80 g organic egg yolk, 200 ml fresh mountain milk, matured pecorino cheese, salt, pepper For the pasta 500 g remilled durum wheat semolina, 80 g mineral water, 180 g organic egg yolk, 8 g salt, 10 g extra-virgin olive oil For the garnish cellar-matured pecorino cheese, 60 g Speck, large ground pepper Mix all the pasta ingredients until they form a smooth, even mixture and leave it to rest for 2 hours in an airtight container. Slowly cook the bacon in a saucepan until it browns and then save the fat it RTQFWEGU YJKNG EQQMKPI #FF VJG TGUV QH VJG Ƃ NNKPI KPITGFKGPVU VQ VJG OKZVWTG CPF OKZ GXGT[VJKPI CFFKPI VJG HCV DKV D[ DKV KP QTFGT VQ QDVCKP C OKZVWTG KP VJG CRRTQRTKCVG OQWNFU 2QWT VJG Ƃ NNKPI CFF VJG ETKUR[ DCEQP CPF VJGP HTGG\G GXGT[VJKPI #U UQQP CU VJG ECTDQPCTC Ƃ NNKPIU JCXG HTQ\GP TQNN VJG RCUVC QWV WPVKN KV KU VJKP DTWUJ KV YKVJ GII YJKVG CPF RQUKVKQP VJG Ƃ NNKPIU KP VJG TKIJV RNCEG %CTGHWNN[ close the pasta, ensuring that there is no excess air inside. Place them quickly into a freezer. Cook VJG TCXKQNKPK KP RNGPV[ QH UCNVGF YCVGT HQT C HGY OKPWVGU NGCXKPI VJG Ƃ NNKPI NKSWKF 5GTXG YKVJ VJCYGF ETKUR[ 5RGEM UCNV CPF Ƃ PGN[ ITCVGF RGEQTKPQ
Genziana Restaurant 39046 ORTISEI / ST. ULRICH U Str. Rezia 111 Tel. +39 0471 796246 U www.hotelgenziana.it U info@hotelgenziana.it
/ĂžĂ€ÂœÂ?i>˜ }Ă€iĂž VÂ…iiĂƒi ‡ ĂŒÂœĂ€ĂŒiÂ?Â?œ˜ˆ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… ĂƒĂŒi>“i` Ă€i` ÂœÂ˜ÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ Ingredients for 6 servings: Dough: £ää } y ÂœĂ•Ă€] £ää } `ÕÀՓ ĂœÂ…i>ĂŒ y ÂœĂ•Ă€] Ă“ i}}Ăƒ] ÂŁ ĂŒLÂŤ iĂ?ĂŒĂ€> Ă›ÂˆĂ€}ˆ˜ ÂœÂ?ÂˆĂ›i œˆÂ?] Ăƒ>Â?ĂŒ /KZ VJG Ćƒ QWT YKVJ VJG GIIU QNKXG QKN CPF UCNV WPVKN [QW QDVCKP C UOQQVJ FQWIJ %QXGT YKVJ RNCUVKE Ć‚ NO CPF UGV CUKFG HQT CP JQWT Filling: 100 g ricotta, 50 g Tyrolean grey cheese, 10 g Parmigiano Reggiano, salt and pepper Mix the ricotta with the chunks of grey cheese and parmesan and add salt and pepper. Onions: 100 g red onions, 20 g sugar, 20 g balsamic vinegar, 1 tbp extra virgin olive oil Chop the onions and brown them in olive oil. Add sugar and reduce with balsamic vinegar. Simmer for a few minutes. Herbs: 30 g Parmigiano Reggiano, 10 g chives, 1 tbp extra virgin olive oil For the tortelloni: Roll out the dough and cut out circles with a diameter of approx. 8 cm. 2NCEG C VCDNGURQQP QH Ć‚ NNKPI QPVQ VJG EKTENGU YGV VJG GFIGU YKVJ YCVGT CPF UGCN UJWV VQ HQTO [QWT tortellone. Boil the tortelloni in salted water. Place the steamed onions on a plate, add the tortelloni, and add a dash of parmesan and chives, complemented by a drizzle of olive oil.
Maurizkeller Restaurant 39046 ORTISEI / ST. ULRICH U Str. Rezia 32 Tel. +39 0471 797301 U Mob. +39 335 5255714 www.maurizkeller.com U info@maurizkeller.com
“Mauriz” macaroni Ingredients for 4 servings: Ó{ä } >V>À À «i i 120 g pancetta 500 g tomato sauce 150 g cream chilli pepper «>ÀÃ iÞ] w i Þ V ««i` {ä } }À>Ìi` «>À iÃ> V iiÃi «>À iÃ> y > iÃ
ÕÌ Ì i «> ViÌÌ> Õ i i ÃÌÞ i > ` vÀÞ Ì }i Ì Þ Ì i Ûi ° Add the tomato sauce, then the cream and let it boil a little. -«À i Ü Ì V «i««iÀ > ` w i Þ V ««i` «>ÀÃ iÞ > ` Ý°
Ì i «>ÃÌ> « i ÌÞ v Ã> Ìi` Ü>ÌiÀ] `À> Ì Ü i w À Ì Ì i L Ìi > ` Ã>ÕÌj Ì Ì i Ã>ÕVi at a low heat. -«À i Ü Ì }À>Ìi` «>À iÃ> V iiÃi > `] ÃiÀÛ }] >`` Ì i «>À iÃ> y > ið
Tubladel Restaurant 39046 ORTISEI / ST. ULRICH U Str. Trebinger 22 Tel. +39 0471 796879 U www.tubladel.com U info@tubladel.com
Spare Ribs Ingredients for 4 servings: { -«>Ài À Là Îää }À £¤ ÌL« Õ Àiw i` ÃÕ}>À 3 tbp sweet paprika ¤ ÌL« ÕÃÌ>À` 1 tsp ground garlic 1 tsp ground onion 1 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tbp salt ¤ Ìë «i««iÀ 3 tsp soya 150 g glucose syrup 150 g ginger 150 g maple syrup Mix all ingredients in a bowl and marinade for 24 hours. Rub the spices into the ribs and soak with the marinade on both sides. Set aside to rest for another 24 hours. Pre-heat the oven at 200 degrees and grill the ribs for 20 minutes. Rest for 10 minutes, gratinate and serve.
Oswald Restaurant 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Str. Mëisules 140 Tel. +39 0471 795151 U www.hoteloswald.com U info@hoteloswald.com
Braised lamb leg served on a bed of Vialone rice with citrus and escargots Ingredients: { > L i}à vÀ 6 ~ 1 carrot 1 stick of celery 1 onion ¤ >}Ài 150 g ricotta Vialone rice ¤ } >Ãà iÜØÀâÌÀ> iÀ 1 lemon 1 tbp butter 1 tbp grated parmesan a handful of cooked escargots Cook the lamb legs by braising them in a pan with the onions, the carrots, and the Lagrein wine. As soon as the lamb legs are ready, remove from the stove but keep them warm. Cook the rice in a pan and add half a glass of Gewürztraminer. Allow the wine to be reduced. Slowly add the hot vegetable broth and cook the rice for approximately 18 minutes. As soon as the rice is cooked, add a tablespoon of butter, the grated lemon peel and lemon juice, together with a tablespoon of parmesan cheese. Add the previously cooked escargots to the risotto. Prepare the rice and serve the lamb legs on top of it.
Restaurant Chalet Gérard - The mountain lodge 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Plan de Gralba 37 Ì i Ü>Þ Ì *>ÃÃ >À`i >® Tel. +39 0471 795274 U www.chalet-gerard.com U info@chalet-gerard.com
n lodge
6i à i`> à ÃiÀÛi` Ü Ì > L ÕiLiÀÀÞ Ài`ÕVÌ and herb Spätzle Ingredients: Venison tenderloin chopped onion celery and carrots >}Ài Ü i blueberries salt and pepper juniper berries thyme and rosemary Sear the venison medallions on both sides, then set aside to cool for a few minutes. Ì i Ì i Li }] LÀ Ü Ì i Ûi}iÌ>L iÃ] Ài`ÕVi Ü Ì > >}Ài Ài` Ü i > ` V Õ Ì Þ Õ LÌ> a thick sauce, sieve, and add the blueberries. Pour the sauce on the venison medallions and server with herb Spätzle.
Blue Restaurant 39047 S. CRISTINA / ST. CHRISTINA U Str. Palua 40 Tel. +39 0471 774444 U www.saslong.eu U info@saslong.eu
6i> Ü Ã Ü Ì Ì Þ i Ûi}iÌ>L ià > ` « Ì>Ì Ã iiÌà Ingredients: Jowls: { Ü Ã] Ó V>ÀÀ ÌÃ] Ó « iVià v Vi iÀ >V] ¥ ii ] £ ] £ Ì>L ië Ì >Ì V Vi ÌÀ>Ìi] ¤ } >Ãà Ài` Ü i] ¤ } >Ãà * ÀÌ] > v> À > Õ Ì v ÃÌ V ] V À y ÕÀ] Ã> Ì > ` «i««iÀ] 100 g butter, thyme vegetables, 1 kohlrabi, 2 carrots, 2 courgettes, garlic, thyme, a pinch of salt Potato sheets: xää } V i`] >à i` « Ì>Ì iÃ] Ó i}} Þ Ã] £Èä } y ÕÀ] ÕÌ i} >à `ià Ài`] Ã> Ì] v À vÀÞ } -> Ì > ` «i««iÀ Ì i Ü Ã° , >ÃÌ Ì i Ü Ã > ÌÌ i ] «ÕÌ Ì i > Ã>ÕVi«> > ` i>Ûi Ì i Ì i à `i° , >ÃÌ Ì i Ûi}iÌ>L ið / i >`` Ì i Ü Ã > ` Ì i Ì >Ì V Vi ÌÀ>Ìi° - > Ài` Ü i > ` * ÀÌ° >ÃÌ Þ] >`` Ì i ÃÌ V > ` LÀ> Ãi v À >««À Ý° £°x ÕÀð ,i`ÕVi Ì i Ã>ÕVi > ` Ì V i Ì Ü Ì V À y ÕÀ° Ì i Ûi}iÌ>L ià Ã> Ìi` Ü>ÌiÀ° i Ì Ì i LÕÌÌiÀ > ` >`` Ì i }>À V] Ì Þ i > ` salt. Then add the vegetables to the butter. Make a bag using “Carta Fata” transparent cooking foil. Ì i L>} Ü Ì Ì i Ûi}iÌ>L iÃ] Ü > ` Ã>ÕVi° > ` >Ã Ì i « Ì>Ì ià > ` i>Ûi Ì i Ì V ° 7 i Ì iÞ >Ài V `] >`` Ì i y ÕÀ] i}} Þ Ã] Ã> Ì > ` ÕÌ i}° , ÕÌ Ì i ` Õ} > ` VÕÌ Ì Ì ÀiVÌ> } ið ÀÞ Ì i à iiÌà >Ì >««À Ý° £näc °
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Plaza Restaurant 39047 S. CRISTINA / ST. CHRISTINA U Str. Cisles 5 Tel. +39 0471 793463 U www.alpenhotelplaza.com U info@alpenhotelplaza.com
Baked fresh trout Ingredients for 1 serving: 1 trout of approx. 300 g 50 g fennel 50 g potatoes 30 ml olive oil 10 g sardine butter 5 black olives 1 garlic clove 1 bay leaf 1 rosemary shoot 1 fennel shoot ground pepper salt, sheet of tinfoil Wash the trout. Wash the fennel and cut it into thin strips. *GCV VCDNGURQQPU QH QNKXG QKN KP C Ćƒ CV UCWEGRCP CFF VJG HGPPGN CPF UKOOGT HQT C YJKNG Cut the potatoes into 2 mm thin layers and boil them for approx. 2 min in salted water. Brush the sheet of tinfoil with a little olive oil, place the potatoes on the tinfoil in steps, season the trout and place it on the potatoes together with the simmered fennel and the tomatoes cut into strips, and cover everything with the sardine butter, the olives, the halved garlic clove, the bay leaf and the shoots of rosemary and fennel. Close over the sheet of tinfoil and cook in the oven at 180 degrees for approx. 15 - 20 minutes.
Steakhouse Restaurant & Pizzeria La Tambra 39047 S. CRISTINA / ST. CHRISTINA U Str. Dursan 13 Tel. +39 0471 790063 U www.tambra.it
À> vi` À L iÞi «Ài Õ Liiv Ü Ì L>ÀLiµÕi Ã>ÕVi Ingredients: Rib-Eye 1.2 kg grain-fed rib-eye premium beef, 5 kg Italian charcoal,1 coal oven Cut the meat into four, thick, 300 g discs.
Ì i i>Ì L Ì Ã `iÃ Ì i Ûi Õ Ì Þ Õ >Ûi Ài>V i` Ì i `ià Ài` V } Ì i] > ` Ì i VÕÌà >Ûi LÌ> i` Ì >Ì ÌÞ« V> ] Ã Þ y >Û ÕÀ° Barbecue sauce 250 g tomato sauce, 10 g tomato concentrate, 80 g onions, 1 clove of garlic, 60 ml white vinegar, Èä } ÃÕ}>À] xä } ÕÃÌ>À`] £ä } V ] {ä } LÕÌÌiÀ] Ã> Ì] «i««iÀ ÀÞ Ì i LÕÌÌiÀ > vÀÞ } «> ÛiÀ Ü i>Ì Ì }iÌ iÀ Ü Ì Ì i w i Þ V ««i` }>À V > ` Æ }À>`Õ> Þ « ÕÀ Ì i Û i}>À > ` iÌ Ì Ài`ÕVi° / i >`` Ì i Ì >Ì Ã>ÕVi > ` Ì i V Vi ÌÀ>Ìi] mix well, add the mustard, chilli pepper and sugar, continue to cook over low heat for approxi >Ìi Þ Óä ÕÌið -i>Ã Ü Ì Ã> Ì] «i««iÀ] 7 ÀViÃÌiÀà Ài Ã>ÕVi > ` Ì>L>ÃV Ì Ì>ÃÌiÆ Ã iÛi Ì i sauce and set it aside until it is time to serve.
Gourmet Anna Stuben Restaurant 39046 ORTISEI / ST. ULRICH U Str. Vidalong 3 Tel. +39 0471 796315 U www.gardena.it U info@gardena.it
Carrot, citrus sorbet, biscuit and ginger Ingredients for 10 servings: Biscuit: £ää } }Ă€>ĂŒi` V>Ă€Ă€ÂœĂŒĂƒ] Çx } Ă€ÂˆVi y ÂœĂ•Ă€] Çx } iĂ€ĂžĂŒÂ…Ă€ÂˆĂŒÂœÂ?] ÂŁ i}}] £ä } iĂ?ĂŒĂ€> Ă›ÂˆĂ€}ˆ˜ ÂœÂ?ÂˆĂ›i œˆÂ?] £ä } Âœ>ĂŒ ÂœĂ€ Ă€ÂˆVi “ˆÂ?ÂŽ] { } VĂ€i>“ Âœv ĂŒ>Ă€ĂŒ>Ă€ ÂœĂ€ L>Žˆ˜} ÂŤÂœĂœ`iĂ€] }Ă€>ĂŒi` Â?i“œ˜ ÂŤiiÂ?] }Ă€>ĂŒi` }ˆ˜}iĂ€ %TGCO VJG UWICT CPF GII CFF VJG ECTTQVU CPF VJQTQWIJN[ OKZ VJG KPITGFKGPVU #FF VJG UKGXGF Ćƒ QWT CPF DCMKPI RQYFGT fold gently in. Add the other liquid ingredients, the ginger, and the lemon peel. Pour the mixture in individual silicon baking moulds. Bake for 10 minutes at 180°C. Citrus sorbet: ÂŁxä } Â?i“œ˜ Â?Ă•ÂˆVi] ÂŁxä } VÂˆĂŒĂ€ÂœÂ˜ Â?Ă•ÂˆVi] ÂŁxä } ÞÕâÕ Â?Ă•ÂˆVi] ÂŁxä } ĂƒĂ•}>Ă€ ĂƒĂžĂ€Ă•ÂŤ Îä ÂŻ] Ă“ } }iÂ?>ĂŒÂˆÂ˜i] ÂŁ } V>Ă€ÂœL y ÂœĂ•Ă€ Melt the gelatine using the sugar syrup, add all remaining ingredients, mix with a blender and chill (4°C). Pour in a sorbetière and freeze. Carrot cream: 300 g freshly pressed and sieved carrot juice, 50 g lemon juice or 2 g citric acid, 20 g ginger water, 5 g agar Mix all the ingredients. Pour into a pan and slowly bring to a boil. Set by cooling in a fridge for 4 hours. Mix using a hand blender until you obtain a smooth and silky cream. Candied carrots: 10 small carrots, 500 g water, 500 g erythritol Mix the sugar and the water until you obtain a syrup; bring to a boil and then add the previously washed carrots. Simmer until the carrots are crunchy, then set aside to cool. Place the carrot biscuit on the plate, add the sliced candied carrots, the carrot cream, the sorbet, and the fresh Stevia leaves. You can also decorate the plate with a carrot leave powder and candied citrus fruits.
Gran Baita Restaurant 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Str. Nives 11 Tel. +39 0471 795210 U www.hotelgranbaita.com U info@hotelgranbaita.com
Strudel in the glass Ingredients for 4 servings: 120 g apples, cut into brunoise and sautĂŠed, 80 g raisins, soaked in lukewarm water, 260 g hazelnut crumble, 160 g pine nuts, ice VĂ€i>“] nä } Vˆ˜˜>“œ˜ vÂœ>“] { >ÂŤÂŤÂ?i Ăœ>vy iĂƒ] `iÂ…Ăž`Ă€>ĂŒi`] { LĂ€ÂœĂœÂ˜ ĂƒĂ•}>Ă€ Ăœ>vy iĂƒ Hazelnut crumble: ĂˆĂ¤ } LĂ•ĂŒĂŒiĂ€] ĂˆĂ¤ } LĂ€ÂœĂœÂ˜ ĂƒĂ•}>Ă€] Îä } Â…>âiÂ?Â˜Ă•ĂŒ y ÂœĂ•Ă€] ĂˆĂ¤ } y ÂœĂ•Ă€] Ă“ } Ăƒ>Â?ĂŒ] xä } }Ă€>ĂŒi` Â…>âiÂ?Â˜Ă•ĂŒĂƒ Mix everything and let the mass rest in the fridge, grate the mass and bake the crumble in the oven at 170°C for 13-15 minutes. Pine nut ice cream: Îä } “ˆÂ?ÂŽ] Îä } VĂ€i>“] Óä } i}} ĂžÂœÂ?ÂŽ] ÂŁx } ĂƒĂ•}>Ă€] {ä } ÂŤÂˆÂ˜i Â˜Ă•ĂŒĂƒ Cook and mix everything in the thermomixer at 82°C for 10 minutes. Whisk the mass in the Ice-cream machine. Cinnamon foam: 75 g English cream, 1 sheet Isinglass, 5 g cinnamon Dissolve everything in a pan at 65°C and once cooled put in a cream dispenser with 2 cream-chargers (N2O). #RRNG YCHĆƒ GU FGJ[FTCVGF Cut an Apple into slices and place them on a silicon mat to dry them at 65°C in the oven. $TQYP UWICT YCHĆƒ GU £ä } LĂ€ÂœĂœÂ˜ ĂƒĂ•}>Ă€] £ä } y ÂœĂ•Ă€] £ä } …œ˜iĂž] £ä } LĂ•ĂŒĂŒiĂ€ Mix everything and place on a silicon mat in round shapes. Bake in the oven at 165° for 10 minutes. Once all the elements are ready, assemble everything in a glass. Place the hazelnut crumble, the sautĂŠed apples and the raisins on the bottom, make a scoop of pine nut ice cream on top and pour the cinnamon mousse with the dispenser around the ice cream UEQQR (KPCNN[ FGEQTCVG YKVJ VJG CRRNG CPF DTQYP UWICT YCHĆƒ GU CPF UGTXG
Vives Restaurant 39046 ORTISEI / ST. ULRICH U Str. Rezia 231 Tel. +39 0471 796782 U Mob. +39 333 8176029 patriarca.giorgio@alice.it
Ì Ingredients: For the basket 10 g melted white chocolate, 13 g biscuits Thoroughly mix the two ingredients and put into a mould. Shape the biscuits into a basket. Leave to cool in the refrigerator for approx. 1 hour. Cocktail 19 g cream, 1/2 lime, 1 tablespoon rum, 2 mint leaves, 38 g gelatine sheets, 1 gelatine sheet Mix the lemon zest, lemon juice and condensed milk. Add mint leaves. Soak the gelatine in cold water for approx. 6-7 minutes. Melt with a little cream and slowly add the rest to the cream. Add the rum and cream to the condensed milk. Leave to cool in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Decoration x } VÀÕÃ i` L ÃVÕ ÌÃ] x } V V > « Ü`iÀ] { } V> i ÃÕ}>À 4GOQXG VJG DCUMGV HTQO VJG OQWNF CPF Ƃ NN YKVJ VJG ETGCO Sprinkle the crushed biscuits on top together with the cocoa powder. Add brown sugar to taste.
Mar Dolomit Restaurant 39046 ORTISEI / ST. ULRICH U Str. Promeneda 2 Tel. +39 0471 797352 www.restaurant-mardolomit.it U info@restaurant-mardolomit.it
č«À V Ì > i`iÀ LÀi>` `Õ « }î Ingredients: ¤ } « Ì>Ì ià 2 egg yolks a pinch of salt £Óx } y ÕÀ 15-20 apricots 60 g butter 150 g breadcrumbs sugar powdered cinnamon Boil the potatoes in their skins, remove the skins while still hot, mash them and leave them to V Æ Ì i >`` Ì i i}} Þ Ã > ` Ã> Ì° - iÛi Ì i y ÕÀ > ` >`` Ì] Ý } Üi Ì LÌ> > Ã Ì ] lump-free dough.
ÛiÀ Ì i Ü À V Õ ÌiÀ Ü Ì y ÕÀ] À ÕÌ Ì i ` Õ} > ` VÕÌ Ì Ì ÃµÕ>Àið "«i Ì i >«À V ÌÃ] `i ÃÌ i Ì i > ` «ÕÌ > ÃÕ}>À VÕLi « >Vi v Ì i ÃÌ iÆ Ì i ÜÀ>« i>V >«À V Ì > õÕ>Ài v dough, so that each apricot becomes a canederlo. Cook in boiling salted water at a medium heat for around ten minutes. i Ì Ì i LÕÌÌiÀ] >`` Ì i LÀi>`VÀÕ Là > ` vÀÞ Õ Ì } `i ° À> Ì i V> i`iÀ Üi ] À Ì i the breadcrumbs, sprinkle them with sugar and cinnamon and pour the golden, melted butter over Ì i ° -iÀÛi i` >Ìi Þ°
Bon y Bel
Ingredienti per 4 persone 300 gr di ricotta di pecora 2 palle di topinambur 500 gr brodo vegetale 70 gr di burro 70 gr di farina erbe fresche (maggiorana, timo, erba cipollina, i Ì>] L>Ã V ] V À > ` ] w VV Ãi Û>Ì V ] aneto, crescione, spinaci) 200 gr pecorino romano olio di semi per friggere olio extravergine di oliva q.b. sale e pepe q.b.
Für 4 Personen 300 Gr. Schafsricotta 2 Topinamburkugeln 500 Gr. Gemüsebrühe 70 Gr. Butter 70 Gr. Mehl Frische Kräuter (Majoran, Thymian, Schnittlauch, Minze, Basilikum, Koriander, Wildfenchel, Dill, Kresse, Spinat) 200 Gr. Römischer Schafskäse Kernöl zum Frittieren Olivenöl Extravergine Salz, Pfeffer
Preparazione Prendere tutte le erbe e dopo averle lavate, frullarle con olio extravergine di oliva, pecorino e sale ottenendo un pesto. Preparare una besciamella, utilizzando il brodo al posto del latte e aggiungere il pesto di erbe facendo bollire per 5 minuti sul fuoco. Filtrare la crema e collocarvi al centro il canederlo di ricotta di pecora al naturale. Decorare con chips di topinambur e qualche foglia di erbe fresche.
Zubereitung Alle Kräuter waschen und mit Olivenöl, Schafskäse und Salz zu einem Pesto mixen. Danach eine Bechamelsauce machen, aber anstelle von Milch Gemüsebrühe verwenden, das Kräuterpesto dazugeben und 5 Minuten aufkochen lassen. Die Creme durchsieben, im Teller den Knödel von Schafsricotta in die Mitte der Creme stellen. Mit Topinamburchips und frischen Kräuterblättern dekorieren.
Un consiglio speciale Questo piatto è un concentrazione di gusto dato dalla qualità delle erbe che dovranno essere fresche. Per una buona riuscita delle patatine di topinambur consiglio di tagliarle con una affettatrice e lasciarle in acqua fredda corrente in modo da eliminare il loro amido. Friggere in olio bollente dopo averle asciugate.
Ein Geheimtipp Der Geschmack dieses Gerichtes hängt von der hervorragenden Qualität der frischen Kräuter ab. Für das gute Gelingen der Topinamburchips empfehle ich eine Aufschnittmaschine zu gebrauchen.
i «Ã à Ìi > à > }i Õ ÌiÀ y i~i `i > ÌÜ>ÃÃiÀ >ÃÃi ] L à ` i -ÌBÀ i à V >L}i ÃÌ >Ì° >V `i čLÌÀ V i i ~i Öl frittieren.
54 Sofie 56 Daniel 58 Comici 60 Salei 62 Tirler
Sofie Refuge 39047 S. CRISTINA / ST. CHRISTINA U Monte Seceda Mob. +39 335 5271240 U www.seceda.com U info@seceda.com
À>vÕ V à -« >V VÀiÃVi Ìî Ingredients for 4 servings: Dough £xä } y ÕÀ] Èä } ÀÞi y ÕÀ] £ i}}] xä Õ iÜ>À Ü>ÌiÀ] £ ÌL« v ] Ã> Ì Ý Ì i ÌÜ ÌÞ«ià v y ÕÀ] >`` > Ì i }Ài` i Ìà > ` Ý Üi ° Cover the dough and allow it to rest for about an hour. Filling 180 g boiled spinach, 30 g diced onion, 1 tbp of olive oil, 2-3 tbp of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, Ó ÌL« v w i Þ V ««i` V ÛiÃ] Ã> Ì] vÀiÃ Þ }À Õ ` «i««iÀ i Ì Þ vÀÞ Ì i Ì i ] >`` Ì i ë >V ] w i Þ V ««i` > ` Ì i >`` Ì i Ì iÀ }Ài` i ÌÃ] Ý } iÛiÀÞÌ } Ì }iÌ iÀ Üi ° Roll out the dough with a rolling pin, or use a pasta machine to obtain a thin pasta sheet. Use a cutter to make discs of approx. 7-8 cm in diameter. * >Vi > Ì>L ië v w } >Ì Ì i Vi ÌÀi v i>V ` ÃV° 7iÌ Ì i i`}iÃ Ü Ì Ü>ÌiÀ > ` v ` Ì i ` Õ} Ì LÌ> à > VÀiÃVi Ìð *ÀiÃà ` Ü Ì i i`}ià v Ì i ` Õ} i` >Ìi Þ Ü Ì Þ ÕÀ w gers. Cook the crafuncins in salted water for approx. 4 min. Arrange them on a plate, dust them with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and serve them with butter, hazelnuts and chives.
Daniel Refuge 39047 S. CRISTINA / ST. CHRISTINA U Monte Seceda Mob. +39 335 6482660 U www.seceda.cc U daniel@seceda.cc
-« >V V> i`iÀ LÀi>` `Õ « }î Ingredients for 4 servings: 200 g cooked leaf spinach 2 tbp of butter 2 eggs 50 ml milk £ ÌL« v y ÕÀ 160 g stale white bread or canederli bread ¤ V Ûi v }>À V a pinch of ground nutmeg freshly ground pepper a pinch of salt {ä } «>À iÃ> V iiÃi 80 g browned butter i Þ V « Ì i i>v ë >V ] >`` }>À V] «i««iÀ] Ã> Ì > ` > « V v ÕÌ i}° Ý Ì }iÌ iÀ Ü Ì Ì i i}}ð č`` Ì i ë >V «ÕÀji Ì Ì i ` Vi` LÀi>`] > ` y ÕÀ > ` Ý Û } À Õà ް i>Ûi Ì ÀiÃÌ v À £x ÕÌið Ì i i> Ì i] LÀ } > >À}i « Ì v Ü>ÌiÀ Ì Ì i L °
> «i Þ ÕÀ > `Ã > ` v À Ì i V> i`iÀ ° Add them to the boiling, salted water and cook them for 10 minutes. Arrange the canederli on a plate and serve with grated parmesan cheese and browned melted butter.
Comici Refuge 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Plan de Gralba 24 Tel. +39 0471 794121 U www.rifugiocomici.com U info@rifugiocomici.com
Bavette with lobster Ingredients for 2 servings: 1 live lobster extra virgin olive oil 2 cloves of garlic, chopped 100 ml white wine w à vÕ iÌ cherry tomatoes, halved 2 bay leaves 1 tsp of paprika powder salt pepper 150 g bavette chopped parsley Cut the lobster in half, lengthwise. Salt and pepper the inside. č`` > `À ââ i v Ì > ÛiÀÞ Ì « Ì > ` LÀ Ü Ì i ÌiÀ > «>ÀÌ v Ì i VÀÕÃÌ>Vi> ° Douse with white wine and allow to evaporate then add the rest of the ingredients. Remove the lobster and bring the liquid to the boil. ,i`ÕVi Ì Ì Ì i V à ÃÌi VÞ v > Ã>ÕVi] > ` >`` Ã> Ì > ` «i««iÀ Ì Ì>ÃÌi°
Ì i L>ÛiÌÌi] `À> Ì i Ü i Ì iÞ >Ài w À Ì Ì i L Ìi > ` >`` Ì i Ì Ì i Ã>ÕVi Ì }iÌ iÀ Ü Ì Ì i LÃÌiÀ° ->ÕÌj Ü Ì > `À ââ i v iÝÌÀ> Û À} Ûi > ` V ««i` «>ÀÃ iÞ° -iÀÛi > Ì plate.
Salei Refuge PASSO SELLA / SELLAJOCH Tel. +39 0462 602300 U Mob. +39 335 7536315 info@rifugiosalei.it U www.rifugiosalei.it
iiv Ü Ã iÀi` > Ü i>Ì Ingredients: beef jowls salt ground pepper paprika rubino garlic, onion, rosemary, bay leaf meat sauce polenta from Storo seasonal vegetables ,i Ûi > Þ iÝViÃà v>Ì À à vÀ Ì i Liiv Ü Ã] > ` Ãi>Ã Ì i Ü Ì iÀLà > ` ë Vià >à `ià Ài`] ÃÕV >à Ã> Ì] «i««iÀ] «>«À > ÀÕL ] }>À V] ] À Ãi >ÀÞ iÌV° Add olive oil and allow to pickle for around 6 hours. ÀÞ Ì i Ì Õ Ì Ì iÞ >Ài Üi LÀ Ü i` > ` Ì i «ÕÌ Ì i Ì Û>VÕÕ V } L>}ð č`` > ÌÌ i v Ì i i>Ì Ã>ÕVi] À Ãi >ÀÞ > ` L>Þ i>v°
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Ì ÃiÀÛi Ì i Ã>ÕVi Ài > } à `i Ì i Û>VÕÕ L>}° Ì Ã ÛiÀÞ } Þ y >Û ÕÀi` > ` V Õ ` Li Ì Ã> ÌÞ°°°> Ã>ÕVi >`i Ü Ì vÀià i>Ì Ü Õ ` Li «ÀiviÀ>L i° -iÀÛi Ü Ì Ã i `i V Õà « i Ì> vÀ -Ì À >VV «> i` LÞ Ãi>à > Ûi}iÌ>L ið
Tirler Refuge 39040 ALPE DI SIUSI / SEISER ALM U Saltria 59 Tel. +39 0471 727927 info@hotel-tirler.com U www.hotel-tirler.com
Marble cake For sixteen slices Ingredients: 200 g butter 160 g Isomaltulose sugar 1 packet of vanilla sugar 1 pinch of grated lemon rind 2 tbp of rum 6 egg yolks, 6 egg whites 120 g Isomaltulose sugar Ă“nä } y ÂœĂ•Ă€] ¤ ÂŤ>VÂŽiĂŒ Âœv Ăži>ĂƒĂŒ 100 ml milk 20 g powdered chocolate Beat the butter together with 160 g of Isomaltulose, vanilla sugar, lemon rind and rum until the mixture becomes creamy. Add the egg yolks one after another. Beat the egg whites with salt and 120 g of Isomaltulose. #FF VJG Ćƒ QWT [GCUV YCTO OKNM CPF GII YJKVGU VQ VJG RTGXKQWUN[ RTGRCTGF OKZVWTG Pour half of the mixture into a cake pan. Mix the rest with the powdered chocolate, add it to the cake pan and mix it with the white mixture. Put the cake into the oven. Temperature 180°C - Time 60 min.
Bon y Bel
Bars & Cafés 66 Café Adler 68 Cërcia Vinotheque 70 Café Villa Frainela 72 Café Des Alpes 74 Café Cales 76 Café Sal Fëur Patisserie 78 Café Andy
Café Adler 39046 ORTISEI / ST. ULRICH U Str. Rezia 5 Tel. +39 0471 775563 U bebe.ploner@gmail.com
The CafĂŠ Adler Aperitif freshly pressed peach and grapefruit juice 2 cl 8025 Gin a dash of Prosecco juniper berries ice cubes Decorate with sliced peaches
Cërcia Vinotheque 39046 ORTISEI / ST. ULRICH U Str. Rezia 30 Tel. +39 333 1522847 U lacercia@hotmail.com
Moscow Mule {°x V 6 ` > 12 cl Ginger beer 0.5 cl freshly pressed lime juice 1 wedge of lime 1 slice of ginger / Ã V V Ì> Ã Õ ` «ÀiviÀ>L Þ Li «Ài«>Ài` a copper tumbler. Mix all ingredients, add ice cubes, and decorate with a wedge of lime and a slice of ginger.
Café Villa Frainela 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Str. Dantercëpies 66 Tel. +39 0471 794339 U www.villafrainela.it U info@villafrainela.it /ÕiÃ`>Þ V Ãi`
Traditional apple strudel Dough: Óää } w i Þ }À Õ ` Ü Ìi y ÕÀ] £ ÌL« v ÃÕ y ÜiÀ Ãii` ] £ i}}] Ã> Ì] à i Õ iÜ>À Ü>ÌiÀ Plus: 80 g butter Filling: 12 medium-sized Renet or Gravenstein apples, 1 tsp of cinnamon powder, a handful of pine nuts, a handful of raisins, lemon juice Mix all the ingredients together to obtain a soft and elastic dough. Let it rest for 30 minutes. * >Vi Ì i ` Õ} > i Ìi> Ì Üi ] À Ì ÕÌ Ì > ÀiVÌ> }Õ >À à >«i Õà } Ì i L>V à v Þ ÕÀ hands. / i ` Õ} ÕÃÌ Li ÛiÀÞ Ì ] > ÃÌ ÌÀ> ë>Ài Ìt Brush the surface with melted butter. Arrange the cut and sliced apples and season. Close the strudel with the aid of the tea towel. , i Ì i ÃÌÀÕ`i Ì > y >Ì L> } Ì ] LÀÕÃ Ì >}> Ü Ì i Ìi` LÕÌÌiÀ > ` «ÕÌ Ì Ì i Ûi ° After 10 minutes’ baking time, brush the surface again with melted butter. Serve lukewarm without adding icing sugar.
} Ì i\ {ä ÕÌià >Ì £Çxc
Café Des Alpes 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Str. Mëisules 155 Tel. +39 0471 795501 U Õ « ÌJÞ> °`i
Tiramisu Ingredients: (QT VJG URQPIG Ć‚ PIGTU ĂŽ i}}Ăƒ] £ää } ĂƒĂ•}>Ă€] £Îä } y ÂœĂ•Ă€] Â?i“œ˜ Ă€ÂˆÂ˜` >˜` Ă›>˜ˆÂ?Â?> ĂƒĂ•}>Ă€] ˆVˆ˜} ĂƒĂ•}>Ă€ vÂœĂ€ `Ă•ĂƒĂŒÂˆÂ˜} For the tiramisu 1 egg, 70 g sugar, 250 g mascarpone cheese, 1 tsp of rum, 50 ml whipping cream, ÂŁĂ“ ĂƒÂŤÂœÂ˜}i w ˜}iĂ€Ăƒ] iĂƒÂŤĂ€iĂƒĂƒÂœ] Also cocoa powder for dusting 5RQPIG Ć‚ PIGTU YJKUM VJG GII YJKVGU UWICT XCPKNNC UWICT CPF NGOQP TKPF KPVQ C HQCO #FF VJG [QNMU YJKNG OKZKPI CPF Ć‚ PCNN[ IGPVN[ CFF VJG Ćƒ QWT 2QWT VJG OKZVWTG KPVQ VJG UJCRG QH URQPIG Ć‚ PIGTU QP C DCMKPI VTC[ NKPGF YKVJ DCMKPI RCRGT CPF FWUV with icing sugar. Cook in a 200°C oven for 10 minutes. 9JKUM VJG GII CPF UWICT KPVQ C HQCO VJGP CFF VJG OCUECTRQPG EJGGUG CPF TWO CPF Ć‚ PCNN[ VJG YJKRRGF ETGCO 5QCM VJG URQPIG Ć‚ PIGTU KP VJG GURTGUUQ EQHHGG CPF CTTCPIG VJGO KP C TQY EQXGT KPI VJGO YKVJ VJG OCUECTRQPG ETGCO #TTCPIG CPQVJGT NC[GT QH UQCMGF URQPIG Ć‚ PIGTU CPF CICKP cover with the cream. Finally, dust the tiramisu with cocoa powder.
Café Cales 39047 S. CRISTINA / ST. CHRISTINA U Str. Val 55 Tel. +39 0471 793471 U cafe.cales@tin.it
Buchteln Ingredients: For the dough Óx } Þi>ÃÌ] {ä } ÃÕ}>À] £ää Ü>À ] Ó i}}Ã] £ «>V iÌ v Û> > ÃÕ}>À] £ Ìë v }À>Ìi` i À `] Óä ÀÕ ] Îää } y ÕÀ] {ä } i Ìi` LÕÌÌiÀ] £ « V v Ã> Ì Also apricot jam, melted butter, icing sugar, 100 ml vanilla sauce Mix the ingredients together and knead the dough well until bubbles form. Cover and leave it to rest for 15 min. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1.5 cm and portion with a cutter (6cm diameter). Add the apricot jam and seal tightly. Brush the Buchteln with melted butter and place them side by side with the seam facing down. Cover the tray with a cloth and leave to rest in a warm place for 20 min. Cook in a 180° oven for approx. 30 min. Leave the Buchteln to cool for a short time, then tip them onto the worktop and separate. Dust with icing sugar and serve with warm vanilla sauce.
Café Sal Fëur Patisserie 39048 SELVA GARDENA / WOLKENSTEIN U Str. Puez 6 Tel. +39 0471 773153 U www.salfeur.com U info@salfeur.com
* ««Þ VÕ«V> ià Ingredients for 6 servings: Poppy tartlets 125 g butter, 35 g icing sugar, vanilla sugar, ground cinnamon, a pinch of salt, 5 egg yolks, 5 egg whites, 100 g sugar, 160 g ground poppy, 100 g ground almonds Cream the butter with the icing sugar, the spices, and the egg yolks. Beat the egg whites and the sugar into stiff peaks, then fold gently into the previously prepared mixture. Fold in the poppy and almonds. Pour the mixture into paper cupcake moulds and bake for approx. 30 minutes in a fanassisted oven at 180°C. Cool. Yoghurt cream 200 g natural yoghurt, 25 g sugar, 1 sheet of gelatine, 200 g whipped cream Place the sheet of gelatine into cold water. Remove after 5 minutes, allow the water to gently drip off, then allow to melt in bain-marie. Remove from the bain-marie, and add the yoghurt. Mix well. Fold the whipped cream in, then pipe the cream on to the cool poppy cupcakes using a piping bag. Set aside for one hour, then decorate with fresh berries and mint leaves.
Café Andy 39047 S. CRISTINA / ST. CHRISTINA U Str. Dursan 9 Tel. +39 0471 792097 U V « °iÛ>J Ì > °`i
ºč `Þ» vÀÕ Ì Ã> >` Seasonal fresh fruit Fruit ice cream Fresh whipped cream
Heinrich Gasteiger comes from Luttach in the Val d’Arno and lives with his family in Lana. He’s a chef, former cooking instructor and author of a cook books. Gasteiger received a solid foundation for all those activities by training in renowned South Tyrolean restaurants and by investing in training in, among others, Gstaad, Munich, Seefeld, Lugano, Vienna, and Waging am See. In 1985, Gasteiger changed career to inspire young people about his passion for cooking. He teaches at the Kaiserhof specialist high-school on the internationally recognised WACS Global Master Chef for more than 30 years the subjects Kitchen Management and Organization, Kitchen Practice as well as Event Management. Gasteiger has also made a name for himself as the author and co-author of successful cook books. He has contributed to over 80 cook books, among others bestsellers the likes of ‘So kocht SĂźdtirol’, which has surpassed a run of over a million copies.
6JG ICUVTQPQOKE IWKFG p$QP [ $GNq can be downloaded from Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x153;°Ă&#x203A;>Â?}>Ă&#x20AC;`iÂ&#x2DC;>°Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x2030;LÂ&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x17E;LiÂ?
GherdĂŤina. Val Gardena. GrĂśden.