Jelly 1 - Student's Book - Unit 3

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Jelly 1 - Student’s book

Student’s book ISBN 978-90-306-6569-4


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Student’s book


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Collection d’anglais Composition de Jelly 1 Pour l’élève 1 livre (student’s book) 1 cahier (workbook) + CD 1 accès sécurisé online Pour l’enseignant 1 guide + CD 1 accès sécurisé online

Jelly 1

Student's book

Auteurs : Cindy BURTIN, Catherine DERESTIAT-WAUTELET, Françoise ESQUENET, Ingrid FRISON, Nathalie HAUTAIN Couverture & mise en page : Octopus Creative Communication Illustrations : Virginie VIDAL

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© Éditions Van In, Louvain-la-Neuve – Wommelgem, 2013 Tous droits réservés. En dehors des exceptions définies par la loi, cet ouvrage ne peut être reproduit, enregistré dans un fichier informatisé ou rendu public, même partiellement, par quelque moyen que ce soit, sans l’autorisation écrite de l’éditeur.

1re édition, 1re réimpression : 2014 ISBN 978-90-306-6569-4 D/2013/0078/263 Art. 550188/02

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Summary Introduction 4 Jelly’s map 6 Welcome unit 9 Unit 1 - Back to school!


Unit 2 - It’s my party! 23

Recap 1 34

Unit 3 - After school 36 Unit 4 - Have a nice day 50 Unit 5 - Fashion victims 60

Recap 2 72

Unit 6 - Home sweet home 74 Unit 7 - Hit the road 84

Recap 3 97

Glossary 99

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Tu découvres Jelly ? Voici quelques explications pratiques…

c’est :

• un student’s book • un workbook • un CD • un accès online c’est : • 7 units à unités d’apprentissage • 3 recap à unités de révision


Student’s book DIALOGUE


WB, p. XX

Dans chaque unité, des dialogues introduisent la matière.



Les 4 compétences sont annoncées de cette façon :


Expression orale


CD audio élève/professeur*





Compréhension à la lecture



Expression écrite


* pistes supplémentaires sur le CD du professeur

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Student’s book

WB, p. XX


Chaque unité présente également les rubriques suivantes :







Des notes de grammaire, regroupées et détachables


Un récapitulatif de ce que tu as appris dans l’unité


Une dose de culture anglaise


Une balade à travers Londres et ses principaux sites touristiques



Des conseils pour faciliter ton étude et attirer ton attention sur certaines particularités de la langue

De l’aide en ligne à la prononciation

Le vocabulaire appris est clairement mis à ta disposition : Dans le Student’s book tu trouves un lexique complet anglais-français. Dans le Workbook le vocabulaire anglais-français est classé par activité à la fin de chaque unit




Taste English with Jelly and have fun in London!

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Unit Welcome Unit

1. Back to school!

2. It's my party!

Champs thématiques




8 Éducation

• Say what's in a schoolbag

• Understand simple class rules

• Understand simple information about the UK

1. Caractéristiques personnelles, de la famille et des amis 13. Langues étrangères 5. Transports et voyages

• Greet someone • Introduce yourself • Answer questions about you • Spell your name or simple words • Ask questions about someone's identity

• Understand someone presenting himself

• Understand someone presenting himself in an email or a letter

1. Caractéristiques personnelles, de la famille et des amis 3. Vie quotidienne 6. Relations avec les autres 8. Éducation 10. Nourriture et boissons 12. Lieux et directions 14. Temps

• Tell the day and date • Understand a physical • Describe physically description someone or myself • Understand information • Ask and answer questions about family about family • Talk about a party

• Understand a physical description • Understand a text about family

4. Congés et loisirs 3. Vie quotidienne 7. Santé et bien-être

• Talk about my tastes in music and sports • Talk about my hobbies • Ask questions about someone's tastes in music, sports and hobbies • Tell the time

• Understand someone talking about his tastes in music and sports • Understand somebody talking about his hobbies • Understand somebody telling the time

• Understand a text about music, sports or hobbies

3. Vie quotidienne 7. Santé et bien-être 10. Nourriture et boissons 4. Congés et loisirs 9. Achats

• Talk about my daily routine • Talk about food and healthy food • Ask questions to a friend about his tastes in food

• Understand somebody talking about food and healthy food • Understand someone talking about his daily routine

• Understand a text about food and healthy food • Understand a message about someone's daily routine

9. Achats 10. Nourriture et boissons 1. Caractéristiques personnelles, de la famille et des amis 3. Vie quotidienne 11. Services

• Describe physically someone or myself • Describe clothes • Ask information like colours, prices, ... • Order a meal at the restaurant • Describe what people are doing

• Understand a physical description • Understand a clothes description

• Understand a text about clothes • Understand a text about activities happening now

2. Habitat et environnement 4. Congés et loisirs 3. Vie quotidienne 9. Achats 10. Nourriture et boissons 12. Lieux et directions

• Ask questions about quantity • Describe a house and give information about it • Talk about things I regularly do or I'm doing now

• Understand holiday activities • Understand information about things to buy

• Understand a hotel flyer • Understand a text about holiday activities

9. Achats 12. Lieux et directions 2. Habitat et environnement 4. Congés et loisirs 11. Services

• Give and ask directions • Give some advice to someone

• Understand directions to follow • Understand people talking about shops

• Understand a map and follow directions • Understand information about shops • Locate shops on a map


3. After school

4. Have a nice day

5. Fashion victims


6. Home sweet home

7. Hit the road



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Get smarter

Take a hike

The United Kingdom • Write some information about yourself

• Personal pronouns • To be (+/-/?) • The alphabet • Articles: the / a / an • Numbers : 0 - 20 • Possessive adjectives

• Soundbox: TH - H • Yes, I can!

The British flag

Means of transport in London

• Write a physical description • Write information about family

• Numbers : 21 - 100 • Dates and ordinal numbers • Have got (+/-/?) • Question words • Possessive case

• Soundbox: NG/NK • Yes, I can!

Education in England

Buckingham Palace The parks

• Write a short mail about hobbies, music or sports

• Prepositions: in / at / on • Gerund • The hours • Simple present (+) • Can • Personal pronouns

• Soundbox: CH/SH • My coach: réponses courtes • My coach: adverbes de fréquence • My coach: compréhension • Cornucopia: hobbies • Yes, I can!


Trafalgar Square Piccadilly Circus

• Write a text describing a daily routine • Write a mail about food and what is good for health

• Some / any • Countables / uncountables • Simple present (-/?) • Frequency • Plurals • Would like

• Soundbox: stress • My coach: OMG! • Cornucopia: activités quotidiennes • Cornucopia: nourriture • Yes, I can!

British meals

The London Eye The Thames

• Write a physical description about people • Describe what clothes people are wearing • Communicate about money

• Demonstratives • How much? • Present continuous

• Soundbox: pronunciation "a" • English money • Cornucopia: couleurs • Cornucopia: vêtements • Yes, I can!

Saint Patrick

Sherlock Holmes Madame Tussauds

• Write about things I regularly do or I'm doing now • Give information about a house or an apartment

• Present continuous / Simple present • There is / There are • How much? / How many?

• Soundbox: pronunciation "i" • Cornucopia: la maison • Cornucopia: prépositions de lieu • Yes, I can!

April Fool

The British Museum Westminster Palace Big Ben Westminster Abbey Westminster Bridge

• Write advice to a friend • Write directions to follow

• Imperative • Numbers: >100

• Soundbox: pronunciation "u" • My coach: mile / yard • My coach: opposite / above • Cornucopia: itinéraires • Cornucopia: magasins • Cornucopia: prépositions • Yes, I can!

William Shakespeare The Shard

Tower Bridge The Tower of London

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After school


Brian, Samantha and Kelly are in the park close to their school.


Brian: Where is Nipun? Samantha: He is at his tennis practice. Brian: Nipun plays tennis, how fun! I can’t. I play basketball. I practise twice a week with the team and we have matches on Sundays during the basketball season. Kelly: I don’t like sports. Brian: What about you, Sam? Samantha: I like skiing, swimming, running and I love dancing. Brian: Wow, you’re quite athletic! Kelly: I go to the gym once a month! Samantha: Yes, once a month... Brian: Just kidding Kelly. I’m sure you can do many other things. Kelly: I like shopping! Nipun arrives. Nipun: Hi guys! What’s so funny? Kelly: Nothing!

Check your comprehension. GRAMMAR NOTE

WB, p. 43

9 Prepositions : in, at, on He is at his tennis practice. Brian, Samantha and Kelly are in the park.

We have matches on Sundays.

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10 Gerund

I like skiing, swimming, running and

I like shopping.

I love dancing. WB, p. 56


Likes and dislikes Talk about your interests. What do you like, dislike, hate or love doing? play basketball

play football

play tennis

do karate

play rugby

play the guitar


play baseball ride a horse play cricket

ski ride a bike


do gymnastics




play golf



do shopping

listen to music

box go online

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Useful words and expressions

I like I love I’m crazy about I quite like I like ……… very much

Examples: I like tennis I like playing cricket I quite like diving I’m crazy about dancing

I don’t like I hate I can’t stand I don’t like... at all I don’t like ….. very much

I hate football I don’t like R&B I dislike boxing I don’t like chocolate very much

Your turn Now, tell your friend what you like or don’t like, what you love doing, etc… Try to use as many words and expressions as possible. Find new ideas! Or ask your teacher about other activities… WB, p. 43



Samantha: Nipun: Kelly: Nipun: Brian: Kelly: Samantha:

Why don’t we go to the gym together? Yes, that’s a good idea. Kelly, are you ok? Yes, I am but I don’t like sports at all! What about you Brian? Yes, great, I’m coming. I like going to the gym. I practise a lot. I am very good at it. Aren’t you a bit lazy, Kelly? Oh, Brian, I am not! But those exercises are really boring. I can come with you anyway. Let’s go tomorrow at 10 a.m.!

Check your comprehension.

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MY COACH • Never answer : ‘Yes.’ / ‘No.’ but ‘Yes, I am.’ / ‘No, I am not.’ • At nine o’ clock

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11 The hours

Let’s go at 10 a.m.!

School starts at 8 o’clock. What time is it? The gym closes WB, p. 56

at 9 p.m..


What time is it? Listen carefully to the different sentences and choose the right clock.

WB, p. 44


12 Simple present I practise a lot.

Nipun plays tennis.

We have matches on Sundays.

WB, p. 58

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At the gym. Kelly: Wow, what a wonderful place! And plenty of very good-looking boys! Samantha: Hey, hey, Kelly will love sports! Nipun: Tell me Sam, can you show us how to use those machines? Samantha: Yes, I can! What do you want to try first, Kelly? Exercise bikes, running machines or weights? Kelly: Let’s try the running machine, but not too fast, please. Samantha: Don’t worry! I can’t run very fast for a long time! And you Brian? What do you usually start with? Brian: I always run before using other things. I’m very good at it, and so I can help Kelly if she is in trouble! Kelly: Let’s do it! Only fools don’t change their minds.

MY COACH • Don’t hesitate to play each role. • I always run. I’m never late. à adverbs of frequency = before the verb / after to be

Check your comprehension. GRAMMAR NOTE

WB, p. 45

13 Can I can’t run very fast. Can you show us how to use those machines? Yes, I can!

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I can help Kelly if she is in trouble.

WB, p. 60

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Nipun’s family

Dear classmates,

picture? Do you recognise me in the This is a photo of my family. t-shirt. short black hair and a red I am in the middle, I’ve got lot of them live in India. people in my family, but a of lot a are ere Th ily. fam I’ve got a very large rs and sisters. my parents and five brothe Here, in Britain, I live with his two sons. My in France with his wife and s live and d rrie ma is dar My oldest brother, Sa l. r and a big smile. The tall nephews are Adi and Kama m; he’s got short black hai mu to t nex ng ndi sta is lin, My little brother, Na ache. er, Udar. He’s got a moust She likes man, on the left, is my fath she always wears earrings. and r hai k dar g lon got ’s she tty; My mother is very pre colourful clothes. eir names are Aditi, really nice, but a bit shy. Th are ey Th s. tim vic n hio fas My three sisters are ar glasses. lucky, they don’t have to we and have the same Vanani and Panna. They are ther. We often play together bro ite our fav my a, div Sa And the last one is vous. hobbies but he’s more ner ris, she’s too haughty!! Pa nd I don’t like his girlfrie India with the rest of the s. My grandparents live in tive rela my ut abo re mo ause it’s too hot in their So, you know a bit like the British weather bec ey Th . don Lon to e com n e me news about our family, but they ofte re really funny and they giv ey’ Th s. sin cou my h wit t village. I often cha country. Well, that’s my family, what

about yours?

NIPUN WB, p. 45

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What can you do? Tell your friends what you can or can’t do.

Drive fast cars


Ride a horse

Play ice hockey


Play football

Use a computer




Speak Chinese

Lift weights

Read Dutch

Learn languages




Watch TV


Chat online

Say if the following people can or can’t do these activities: Your grandmother, your French teacher, your best friend, your neighbour, Nipun, Kelly, your brother/sister, your mother/father, etc.. Examples: My grandmother can cook but she can’t drive fast cars. Nipun can play football and juggle. I can use a computer but I can’t fly.

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Nipun’s email

Hello my friend, ing is well on your side of the

How are you? I hope everyth

North Sea!

need another activity for too old for my chest club. I now I’m g; thin one for ept ys volleyball in a girl team. All is great here exc nds are busy. Samantha pla frie my all e aus bec ons y one with nothing to do. Wednesday afterno plays basketball. I’m the onl an Bri nd frie new my and Kelly goes shopping I instrument. I love food but e music but I don’t play any lov I . ool sch at gym e hav I like sports but we I do? don’t like cooking. What can do during your free time? you do at Please help me. Wh Write back soon.


Don’t translate each word!


Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything!

WB, p. 46


Answer Nipun’s email.


Sam’s interview


WB, p. 46

Sam works for the school paper. She writes the sports section. Today, she’s interviewing the captain of the school cricket team: Jason Duncan.

WB, p. 47

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It’s your turn to be a reporter. Interview a friend about his/her likes and dislikes. WB, p. 47


Now, like Samantha, you can write an article for the school paper. WB, p. 48


14 Object pronouns I can come with you anyway. I am very good at it. WB, p. 61


Music Read the articles and complete the chart in your workbook.

Jessica (13) I like French pop very much. I'm a fan of Christophe Maé. I think he's fantastic! My favourite band is Suarez. I like Mika, I also like Enrique Iglesias, but I don’t like Britney Spears at all.

Jonathan (12) I love rap. I’m crazy about 50 Cent. I like pop and rock too. I like Coldplay, but I prefer the Black Eyed Peas. My sister loves Justin Bieber... I think he’s rubbish!

Youness (11) My favourite kind of music is R&B. I like dance and reggae too, but I hate heavy metal. I like Rihanna and Stromae, but I don’t like Lady Gaga very much.

WB, p. 48

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Write an article about you for the magazine.


Music styles

WB, p. 48


heavy metal


classical dance



French pop

What kind of music do you like? What’s your favourite kind of music? Who do you like? Who’s your favourite singer? What’s your favourite band?



Cornucopia gives you lots of new words.


a. chat

b. draw


hang out with friends


listen to music


do sport

n. dance


watch TV


play videogames


sleep late

e. read


play the guitar


surf the internet


go shopping


send texts

q. cycle


go to movies

m. sing

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In your free time Speak about your free time.

I like listening to music.


What’s your hobby?

I like chatting and singing.

I love sleeping late,

What are your hobbies?

but I hate dancing.

What do you

I like going

like doing?

14. LISTENING n°30

to movies.

What’s your hobby? Listen to the interview of three teenagers. Pam, Roy and Duncan talking about their hobbies.

MY COACH Listening to your cd will help you understand better. Don’t say you don’t understand. You can always understand something!

WB, p. 48

YES, I CAN! can: u o y w No

is time it ing like do u o y t a say wh do o u c an y t a h say w ts ut spor o b a lk ta ies t h obb u o b a talk sic out mu b a lk a t

at say wh

WB, p. 49

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Sport Sport is very important in Britain and is a very large form of entertainment. Lots of British spend a lot of time attending sport events, reading newspapers or magazines dedicated to sports or watching TV-programmes related to sports. Here are the most common sports.

• Football is the most popular and played sport. Men mostly attend football matches. Football = soccer in the USA


• Cricket played in summer by two teams of eleven players on an ovalshaped grass field. It’s a bat-and-ball game and each game can last a very long time: up to five days of six hours each!

• Rugby is very quick and aggressive. Each game lasts for eighty minutes. Two teams of thirteen or fifteen players carry an egg-shaped ball over the opposing team’s line. ©


• Horse-racing Lots of English people like betting money on horses. Even the Royal Family is present at some great meetings (Ascot, Epsom).

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• Tennis and particularly lawn tennis, on a grass court, is the British game par excellence.

© Lucy Clark-shutter

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hike Take a

Trafalgar Square is a famous public space and tourist attraction in central London. The name “Trafalgar” is in memory of the Battle of Trafalgar against Napoleon in 1805.

The famous National Gallery, one of the most important museums of London The statues of James II, George IV, George Washington...

Two huge fountains in the centre of the square, lit by different colours

What can you see there?

Nelson’s column (44m high) with the statue of Horatio Nelson (4,50m high), the admiral who died after winning the Battle of Trafalgar Four lions around the monument protecting the statue of the officer

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Piccadilly Circus is a well-known public place in London, built in 1819. It’s called ‘Piccadilly’ like one of the five streets of the roundabout. Piccadilly Circus is famous for its video display and neon signs.

Take a

The Shaftesbury memorial fountain and statue of an archer called Eros

The London Pavilion

Photo : Pedro Rufo /

What can you see there?

The Horses of Helios statue The Criterion Theatre A circus is a round open space at a street junction. Ex: Oxford Circus, Holborn Circus, Finsbury Circus...

The London Trocadero, an entertainment complex and shopping centre

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A square is a more important public place. Ex: Grosvenor Square, St James’s Square, Berkeley Square... WB, p. 50

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