Jelly 4 - Student's book - Unit 3

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Jelly 4 - Student’s book

Student’s book ISBN 978-90-306-7668-3


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Student’s book


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La plateforme Udiddit te donne accès à : • des exercices en ligne pour t’entraîner • du matériel de cours • des jeux captivants Ton professeur pourra t’indiquer comment accéder à Udiddit.

Collection d’anglais Composition de Jelly 4 Pour l’élève 1 livre (student’s book) 1 cahier (workbook) + CD 1 accès aux compléments via Udiddit (

Jelly 4

Pour l’enseignant(e) 1 guide (teacher’s book) + CD 1 accès au Manuel Numérique et aux compléments disponibles via Udiddit (

Student's book

Auteurs : Cindy BURTIN, Catherine DERESTIAT-WAUTELET et Dominique SPIRLET Couverture : Octopus Creative Communication Mise en page : Octopus Creative Communication Illustrations : Olivier AUQUIER

Les photocopieuses sont d’un usage très répandu et beaucoup y recourent de façon constante et machinale. Mais la production de livres ne se réalise pas aussi facilement qu’une simple photocopie. Elle demande bien plus d’énergie, de temps et d’argent. La rémunération des auteurs, et de toutes les personnes impliquées dans le processus de création et de distribution des livres, provient exclusivement de la vente de ces ouvrages. En Belgique, la loi sur le droit d’auteur protège l’activité de ces différentes personnes. Lorsqu’il copie des livres, en entier ou en partie, en dehors des exceptions définies par la loi, l’usager prive ces différentes personnes d’une part de la rémunération qui leur est due. C’est pourquoi les auteurs et les éditeurs demandent qu’aucun texte protégé ne soit copié sans une autorisation écrite préalable, en dehors des exceptions définies par la loi. L’éditeur s’est efforcé d’identifier tous les détenteurs de droits. Si, malgré cela, quelqu’un estime entrer en ligne de compte en tant qu’ayant droit, il est invité à s’adresser à l’éditeur.

© Éditions Van In, Louvain-la-Neuve – Wommelgem, 2016 Tous droits réservés. En dehors des exceptions définies par la loi, cet ouvrage ne peut être reproduit, enregistré dans un fichier informatisé ou rendu public, même partiellement, par quelque moyen que ce soit, sans l’autorisation écrite de l’éditeur.

1re édition : 2016 ISBN 978-90-306-7668-3 D/2016/0078/114 Art. 564438/01

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Summary Introduction 4 Jelly’s map 6 Here we go... 9 Unit 1 - A new beginning


Unit 2 - No problem, man 23

Recap 1 35

Unit 3 - Into the wild 39 Unit 4 - Long time no see 49 Unit 5 - Kia ora 61

Recap 2 71

Unit 6 - Que sera sera... 75 Unit 7 - So long, farewell... 89

Recap 3 101

Glossary 105 Contents 115

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c’est :

• un student’s book • un workbook • deux CD audio • un accès aux compléments (pistes audio, exercices de vocabulaire, de grammaire, de conjugaison) via Udiddit ( Ton professeur pourra t’indiquer comment accéder à Udiddit.

Bienvenue! Voici quelques explications pratiques pour aborder Jelly 4.

c’est : • 7 units

à unités d’apprentissage

• 3 « recap » à unités de révision


Student’s book SAM’S BLOG

WB, p. XX

Dans chaque unité, le blog de Sam introduit la matière.

Workbook SAM’S BLOG

Les 4 compétences sont annoncées de cette façon : Expression orale SPEAKING

SPEAKING With interaction


Without interaction

Compréhension à l’audition CD audio élève/professeur* CD X - n°X



Compréhension à la lecture



Expression écrite


* pistes supplémentaires sur le CD du professeur

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Student’s book

WB, p. XX


Chaque unité présente également les rubriques suivantes :





Du vocabulaire sur un thème bien précis


Des expressions utiles dans des situations précises de la vie courante


Des notes de grammaire, regroupées par unité


Une auto-évaluation de ce que tu as appris dans l’unité


Une dose de culture


Une balade à travers les pays visités


Des stratégies d’apprentissages



Le vocabulaire appris est clairement mis à ta disposition : À la fin de ton student’s book, tu trouves un lexique complet anglais-français. Dans le workbook, le vocabulaire anglais-français est classé par activité dans chaque unité.


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Champs thématiques



• Understand an event and information about travelling

• Understand information about gap years

• Ask questions about a crime that has been committed

• Understand airport announcements and tourist information about a town • Understand a life story

• Understand a text about the weather • Understand the moral of a story

• Congés et loisirs

• Talk about a place, a museum or an exhibit you visited • Talk about extreme sports

• Understand an • Understand adventure happening information about live how a product is • Understand an made interview about sport • Understand an explicative text

• Habitat et environnement

• Debate ideas about environment • Talk and set out your arguments about a specific issue

• Understand information about planning a trip • Understand an interview about an unusual person

Here we go…

1. A new beginning


• Habitat et environnement • Vie quotidienne • Transports et voyages • Temps

2. No problem, man


3. Into the wild

• Transports et voyages

• Understand information about a park • Understand a fictional story about an imaginary future

• Services • Caractéristiques personnelles, de la famille et des amis • Relations avec les 4. Long time no see autres • Éducation

• Talk about • Understand physical stereotypes descriptions about • Talk about your point people of view regarding • Understand education information about a foreign school system

• Read about changes in the life of a person • Understand information about people defending specitic topics

• Ask and answer questions about lost and found properties • Describe problems you need help with

• Understand the description of different objects • Understand procedures to follow • Understand information about someone’s health

• Understand information about a cultural tradition • Understand health advice

• Caractéristiques personnelles, de la famille et des amis • Relations avec les autres • Lieux et directions

• Describe an object • Ask and give directions

• Understand information about an invention • Follow directions on a map

• Understand a text about inventions • Understand a fiction

• Caractéristiques personnelles, de la famille et des amis • Relations avec les autres • Achats

• Give a presentation to my classmates • Compare and ask questions about different items

• Understand somebody speaking about their life experiences • Understand someone talking about their job

• Understand information about someone’s life and job • Understand a text about the importance of English language in the world

• Santé et bien-être

5. Kia ora

• Nourriture et boissons • Services


6. Que sera sera…

7. So long, farewell…

• Langues étrangères RECAP 3

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• Write about an • Simple Past vs Past adventure you lived Continuous • Write summarized messages about daily schedule


• Wordsgate: weather idioms • How to express happiness and sadness • Make it easy: reading

Get smarter

Take a hike

• A few facts about Canada

• Canada (Vancouver)

• They put Jamaica on the Olympics map

• Jamaica

• Christmas in South Africa

• South Africa

• It’s Hollywood… but not quite

• India

• The kiwi

• New Zealand

• Yes, I can! • Write a scary story • Write your opinion about a subject

• Past Perfect or Pluperfect • Indefinite and definite articles

• Wordsgate: play, go and do to express sports and recreational activities • How to express fears • Make it easy: writing • Yes, I can!

• Write enquiries about • Future hotel facilities • Time clauses • Write a letter in • Countable and which you describe uncountable nouns a problem and propose some concrete solutions

• Wordsgate: do and make • How to express enthusiasm • Make it easy: listening • Yes, I can!

• Describe people • Write arguments about education

• Present Perfect Simple • Present Perfect Continuous • For vs since • Conditional

• Wordsgate: physical description • How to express interest • Make it easy: speaking • Yes, I can!

• Give advice to a friend • Describe a memorable party or ceremony

• Modal auxiliary verbs

• Wordsgate: landscapes • How to express you are feeling unwell • Make it easy: linking words • Yes, I can!

• Write your own fiction

• Passive voice

• Wordsgate: landmarks • How to ask and give directions • Make it easy: speaking alone

• From penal • There’s nothing like settlement to present Australia day

• Yes, I can! • Write a biography • Relative pronouns • Write a fictional story using the Simple Past

• Wordsgate: onomatopoeias • How to express wishes, regrets and complaints • Make it easy: the tip of my tongue

• Global language English

• England (Notting Hill)

• Yes, I can!

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Unit 3

Into the wild

SAM’S BLOG CD 1 - n°13

d l r o w e h t d Aroun g Pretoria! Good mornin

end 3 I’m going to sp . a ic fr A th u o al in S Kruger Nation utiful Pretoria in a e re b tu n m o ve fr d a g I’m writin our and for an exciting . It’s only an h then I’ll leave rg d u n a sb e re n e n h a h ys Jo the da It’s not worth ke the train to ta s. ly te b u a in b m ro p ty l Park. I’l railway it’s about fif ve to call the train. By car a y h b I . s ve te u si n in e m ten quite exp ne ticket to train ticket is to book a pla ve a h o ls a I drive. But, the . e ry short ric ut the exact p irport. It’s a ve o A l d a n fin tio to a n rn tio te In een sta urg to Kruger ch week betw a sb e e n ts n h a g h fli Jo ve go from are thirty-fi inutes. There m ty fif ly n o , trip orts. those two airp re, he will en I arrive the h W . e id u g a t in a first two days r Park, I’ll mee e e g th ru d K n e in sp m a to Once I e sauna, g. I’m going ool, relax in th re I’ll be stayin p e h e w th e y b m t w o se n an: sh see what I me I’ll enjoy the su . u e yo g d ll, lo e t w n e c t… magnifi e restauran ious food in th lic e d e th h lis re VIP treatment! only my ad again with ro e th n o s, start fort uide. We will g re home com o a m , e o rs n u o t, c a f th After on foot pany and, o l in a jeep and keep me com ve a to tr k ’ll c e a w kp re c e a b th t their iver and from curious abou R so ile d o I’m c s. ro e C ib by the ly running meet local tr ology or simp ks. I hope I’ll n e h e c w te e t re u o th r ith fo ing w an’t imagine liv way of life. I c . en so spoiled and water! I’ve be t. That’s scary ita b a h l ra tu a n als in their go wrong. see wild anim t anything will a th k in th to We’ll probably fuse same time. I re exciting at the ook, rooms e, tickets to b iz n a rg o to lots s a lot of thing aps to study… ve m a h ll, a ill c st to I le y, p a o Anyw make, pe angements to to reserve, arr of work. veryone! ;) e. Take care e tim g n lo a r g fo to post anythin I won’t be able

WB, p. 61

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4 The future I’ll probably take the train to Johannesburg. I’m going to spend the first two days in a magnificent lodge. I hope I’ll meet local tribes. I won’t be able to post anything for a long time.

WB, p. 72

1. LISTENING CD 1 - n°14

Planning my journey Samantha wants to get some information about the trip from Pretoria to the Kruger National Park. She makes a phone call to the park to ask for information.

WB, p. 61

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HOW TO... CD 1 - n°15

2. WRITING enthusiasm I’m (so) (very) (really) happy. I’m (so) (very) (really) glad. I’m pleased. I’m delighted. I’m in a good mood. I’m in a great mood. I’m really excited! It’s fantastic!

I’m crying for joy. I’m jumping for joy. I’m shouting with joy. I’m wild with joy. I’m overwhelmed with joy. I’m moved to tears. I’m on cloud nine. I feel on top of the world.

Book a room Your parents and you would like to go on holiday. They heard about a great hotel and ask you to look up some information. Unfortunately, their website is under construction. You write them an email to find out the information you need before making a reservation.

WB, p. 62


Kruger National Park You would like to go on a safari in South Africa, but your parents are not sure. You look up some information on the Internet and find an interesting brochure about Kruger National Park. Read it carefully.

primar y l Park is the Kruger Nationa r many South Africa fo destination in ore than ists. Each year m international tour rs are registered. half a million visito Park of­ ed Kruger National The world distinguish the best nce that ranks with fers a wildlife experie the wildlife d in 1898 to protect in Africa. Establishe l park of Lowveld, this nationa of the South African diversity res is unrivalled in the nearly 2 million hecta nced en­ world leader in adva of its life forms and a policies. ent techniques and vironmental managem

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Truly the flagship of the South African national parks, Kruger is home to an impressive number of species: 336 trees, 49 fish, 34 amphibians, 114 reptiles, 507 birds and 147 mammals. Man’s interaction with the Lowveld environment over many centuries is very evident in Kruger Na­ tional Park. Visit the Timbavati Nature Reserve, which shares a common unfenced border with Kruger National Park. This allows the animals free range and ensures guests to the area the op­ portunity to view the grea­ test diversity of wildlife that South Africa has to offer.

Adapted from: http://ww

Accommodation: Kruger National Park offers a wide variety of accommodation, not only in size, facilities and visual appearance, but also in price range. Activities: A large selection of wildlife Sa­ fari Tours are available in Kruger Game Reserve. These gui­ ded safari tours normally depart from Johannesburg and include a trip through the Mpumalanga panoramic route to Kruger Park. All meals are included and ac­ commodation varies from stay­ ing in chalets to camping in large tents in the Southern or Central regions of the park. Airport or accommodation pickups and drop offs are also arranged.

tion in the game reserve is in a tented camp on a riverbed, in two-bedded safari-tents, with communal toilet and shower facilities. Camp staff cooks and clean while your guide leads you into close encounters with the African wild. To maximise your wildlife sightings, 1 or 2 game drives are also included in these game hikes. If you are looking for exclusive comfort right out in the open savannah, open air dining on traditional cuisine under an African sky, superior personalised service and adventure safari - then visit Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve, for a preview of private luxury lodge accommodation.

There are no restricting fences between the Private Game Re­ serves and Kruger National Park, so exciting wildlife encounters in the open veld are the order of the day. With convertible safa­ ris to create your dream safari holiday or vacation, you can be assured of the sheer enjoyment of unspoilt nature. The vitalizing air and open vistas will leave you relaxed and energized for when you return to civilization.

Experienced rangers with an ex­ tensive knowledge of the area, the wildlife, birds and indigenous vegetation guide all walking sa­ faris hiking trails. Accommoda­ WB, p. 63

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The zoo The first, if not the only, place you’ll get the chance to see a wild animal is probably in a zoo. Even if in most places they are well taken care of, it’s not the same as living freely in the wild. What if tomorrow zoos closed and were prohibited? How would you react?

Student A You are totally against zoos and think wild animals should live freely.

Student B You want zoos to stay open because for some people they are the only place they’ll ever see a wild animal.


5 Time clauses When I arrive there, the guide will show me where I will be staying. Once I am there, I will meet the guide.

WB, p. 75


Listening comprehension seems to be the students’ worst nightmare when learning a language. Yet speaking a language always involves understanding what other people have to say! But don’t worry! Even if listening is not easy for you, you can learn how to make it much better and easier. WB, p. 81

5. LISTENING CD 1 - n°16

Meeting with Kyle, a young white sangoma During her stay in Kruger National Park Samantha was lucky to meet many nice and interesting people. But Kyle definitely impressed her most. She decided to record an interview with him so you could learn about traditional African healers.

WB, p. XX

WB, p. 64

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CD 1 - n°17

Do and make French-speaking people sometimes find it difficult to choose the right verb. Here are a few general rules to help you make the right choice.

1. DO


• We use do when talking in general, without saying exactly what we are talking about. To do nothing To do something

• We use make to express an idea of building or creating. To make a wooden hut To make a skirt

We use do when talking about work. To do some work To do homework To do the housework To do a job

We use do when we perform an activity. To do the cleaning To do the cooking To do the ironing To do the laundry To do the washing-up To do the shopping To do a crossword To do exercises To do gymnastics To do sports

• We use do in some expressions that you have to learn! You have already seen a lot of these expressions in Jelly 1, 2 and 3. To do your best To do business with someone To do good To do research

We use make when we talk about food. To make a cake To make coffee To make tea To make breakfast To make supper

• We use make in some expressions that you have to learn! You have already seen a lot of these expressions in Jelly 1, 2 and 3. To make arrangements To make a bed To make a (phone) call To make a choice To make a decision To make an effort To make a mistake To make money To make (a) noise, (a) sound To make peace To make plans To make progress To make a reservation To make a speech To make a suggestion To make trouble WB, p. 65

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6 Countable and uncountable nouns It’s a very short trip. I’ll meet a guide. I can’t imagine living without running water. Lots of work.

WB, p. 76


What a wonderful world Read what this person thinks the world will look like one day. Explain this vision in French and tell us if you agree with everything, with part of it or with none of it. “My children will live in a perfect world. The earth will be clean and healthy, no more pollution. Seas won’t be full of plastic. The boats will never discharge their oil or garbage in the middle of the oceans. Whales, dolphins, orcas, albatrosses, seals and starfish won’t be in danger of disappearing. They’ll be protected and respected. Wild animals will live freely in their habitat. No more fear of hunters or poachers who try to sell ivory or priceless skins. People will stop their overconsumption and act environmentally responsibly. They will sort their trash. My children won’t be scared to play outside under a beautiful sun. No more skin or lung cancer, no more deadly diseases, no more hand, foot and mouth disease or bird flu. Cars will use clean fuel.

Wars will no longer exist. People will live peacefully in their countries and welcome everyone who is different and comes from another culture without any fear and with open arms. I believe we can make it happen. I believe this is our future.”

WB, p. 65

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The butterfly effect Our beautiful planet needs our help. Find an issue you would like to talk about to your friends. It can be about protecting the environment, helping animals, fighting against pollution. Present the problem to your classmates but make sure to also present a way you / they can help with that particular issue.

Do something! You discussed different issues our planet encounters with your classmates. Write a letter to the European Commission in which you describe the problem and then suggest concrete things people could do to help with that issue.

WB, p. 66



trip ning a n la p t bou ation a m r o f in ities tand tel facil Unders o h t u s abo rk nquirie e ut a pa e o it r b a W n atio ta d inform n a t ts abou s r n e e m u Und r arg out you t e s d Talk an sue is specific Future Use the

ou Now y

WB, p. 67

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Which of these pictures remind you of Christmas? Well, the poinsettia flower, the Christmas tree and the crackers certainly make you think of Christmas, but because South Africa is in the southern hemisphere, Christmas comes in the summer! So there’s lots of sun and beautiful flowers in full bloom! So how do South Africans celebrate Christmas? Of course, schools are closed for the Christmas holidays. Like in England (some 12 hourflight away), South Africans decorate beautiful Christmas trees. On Christmas Eve, children leave a stocking for Santa Claus and go carol singing. Carol by candlelight services are very popular… but the days are longer and the singing takes place later than in England.


On Christmas morning, children discover the presents that Santa Claus has left in their stoc­kings then they might go to a Christmas morning church service. The family gathers for lunch on the 25th of December. The Christmas meal usually consists of turkey, duck or roast beef, mince pies or suckling pig with yellow rice and raisins and vegetables, followed by a Christmas pudding or a Malva pudding, a traditional South African desert. People also like to pull Christmas crackers. So indeed, because of its history, South Africa shares many Christmas traditions with the United Kingdom. Yet there is an enormous difference: after lunch, people can go for a swim, go for a trip in the countryside, play games outside, have a barbecue, also called braai, in the evening or even go camping over Boxing Day! By the way, in Afrikaans (one of the 11 official languages spoken in South Africa) Merry Christmas is Geseënde Kersfees and Santa Claus is also known as Sinterklaas or Kersvade. Unit 3 - Into the wild

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South Africa Of course, it is in the south of Africa, but South Africa is a country in its own right, and possibly, as Nelson Mandela believed it to be, one of the most beautiful countries on Earth. Among some of its treasures: Blyde River Canyon is known as one of the great wonders of nature in Africa. It is 25 kilometres long and 1,383 metres deep at his deepest, but is on average 561 metres deep. It consists mostly of red sandstone but is covered with green vegetation. The Kadishi Waterfall is the tallest tufa waterfall (when water running deposits more rock formations than they can erode) on earth. It looks like a face crying and is called “the weeping face of nature.�


The Cape Floral Region is a protected area inscribed on the World Heritage List since 2004. It includes national parks, nature reserves, wilderness areas, state forest and mountains and is remarkable for its vegetation that adapted both to the Mediterranean climate and the periodic fires. It is one of the richest areas for plants when compared to any similar sized area in the world: it represents less than 0.5% of Africa but is home to nearly 20% of the continent’s flora.

Take a

Kruger National Park is one of the largest game reserves in Africa. It covers an area of 19,485 square kilometres and the UNESCO recognized it as an International Man and Biosphere Reserve. There are 147 species of mammals in Kruger National Park and among them the big five (lion, rhino, leopard, elephant and buffalo), 517 species of birds and a lot of fish, amphibians and reptiles.

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Unfortunately it is not its beauty that made South Africa famous. Indeed from 1948 to 1994, South Africa was the only country on Earth that had made racial discrimination a system of government under the name apartheid (living apart). After long years of suffering and struggles, black and coloured people led by Nelson Mandela were finally allowed equal rights as the white citizens. Nowadays the apartheid museum in Johannesburg wants to show the world how South Africa is coming to terms with its oppressive past and working towards a brighter future for all South Africans. A series of around twenty exhibitions assembled by teams of filmmakers, historians and designers illustrate the rise and fall of apartheid. Film footages, photographs, text panels take the visitor on a journey into the heart of the darkness of evil, remind of major events and tell moving human stories, and finally bring the visitor to the museum gardens and its space for reflection. WB, p. 68

Unit 3 - Into the wild

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