This book represent first intellectual product of the Erasmus + project: PROJECT ERASMUS +KA219 “BRIDGING THREE GENERATION: TIMELESS GAMES AND TOYS” Project No: 2015-1-TR01-KA219-021800_1 2015-2017 ISBN 978-605-67740-0-3
FOREWORD The societies go through a never ending and inevitable change throughout the centuries. Societal changes throughout the world are affecting the families and schools. As the development of the children take place in the context of family and school, then, the parents, policy makers and educators must understand the changes that both institutions are undergoing. Among others, there are three most important societal phenomena in most regions of the world that directly affect families and how they interact with the schools: Increasing Urbanization, changes in the labour force (especially the increase in number of women who work outside the home) and new technologies. Today, more than half of the world population lives in urban areas. The creation of urban conglomerates changed family organization and habits. There is generally less space available for family life than in rural areas. More time is spent in daily life for travel from home to work, to school and to other places. Family household size is getting smaller while the costs of raising children are higher. The industrialization process that began three centuries ago in Great Britain has influenced all nations. The effects of the industrialization on society go beyond restructuring the labour force or vast migration of people from rural to urban areas. The growing participation of women in the labour force places the female share of the labour force close to that of the male. New technologies are everywhere influencing people’s lifestyles and their interpersonal relationships. In the home, they can free women from domestic chores, allowing them to spend more time with their children. However, they can also absorb children’s time, interfering with their opportunities for richer human exchanges. The effects of technology in the home can be illustrated by research findings on television and micro-computers. It is not the presence of technology, but its use that can improve human relationships and education. Parents may have to compensate for technologies by intensifying care and family relationships. One of the positive aspects of recent technological development is the increasing access to vast pools of knowledge by many people. But it is not without its drawbacks. The new demands for living imply a continuous and selective use of knowledge and the skills to adapt to changing circumstances. The continual expansion of knowledge is a constant challenge to schools, since it implies
the need to update curricula. This can result in parents becoming less able to help their children with their schoolwork. New approaches and the teaching of new content in schools can widen the gap between school and home, especially when the culture of the school is clearly different from that of the home. Formal educational institutions for children are getting fewer resources at a time when more is being expected of them as the roles of other institutions in the child’s education decrease. The underfunding of education is not being helped by the fact that rates of economic growth are slowing in developed countries, while economic adjustment and social changes are taking place in developing ones. In light of the explanations above, Partners of Bridging Three Generations: Timeless Games and Toys Project developed a Curriculum for proposing to the decision makers of the education policies in the countries of the partner schools. There are numerous types and definitions for the term “curriculum”. Most commonly known type is “school curriculum” is for sure. It refers to “all planned learnings that the school is responsible.” However, we have to accept that “schools are not education”. Instead, they are only a part of education and learners learn from many resources. Thus, the Project was based on concept of “all the experiences learners have under the guidance of the school” in regard to the Curriculum proposed. The Project developed and proposed a “Societal Curriculum” where the teachers of the knowledge (traditional games) were oldest living generation. The schools played the guidance role to facilitate the pupils experiencing the knowledge that they acquired (how to play traditional games). The objective of the “societal” curriculum is to develop a set of strategies and actions aiming to improve interaction between the oldest and youngest generations. Such an increased interaction between two generations is essential for: - Closing evident generation gap between two ends of generations, - Ensuring the youngest generation benefit from the oldest generation as a source of knowledge and experience in relevant areas as much as possible through different “thematic programs” such as “traditional games and toys”, - Ensuring transfer of traditional intangible values (games) to the next generations by learning them from the oldest people who used to play those games in their childhood. For the purposes of developing the Societal Curriculum that you are holding, a common template was developed to determine its content and the Partner Schools proposed various lesson plans for different segments of school education (pre-school, primary and secondary) where the oldest living generation can actively participate as the source of knowledge or the facilitator. The
lesson plans proposed have been implemented by one, several or all partner schools during the implementation period of the Project. Therefore, all lesson plans include recommendations for the teachers who will be implementing respective plans in their classes. As the Partners of Bridging Three Generations: Timeless Games and Toys Project, we hope that this Societal Curriculum will contribute to active and better learning of the students in different segments of school education through active interaction with and involvement of the oldest living generation. Havva GEYLAN Coordinator
Societal Curriculum TURKEY
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM SCHOOL SECTION:Pre-primary NAME OF THE LECTURE:Language Activity/ Story Assessment Activity CURRICULAR TOPIC: Introduction, producing and playing “Shadow Theatre” Hacivat- Karagoz TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 1 hour INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Inviting grandparents to schoolenvironment; A) Inviting the grandparents to an event organized by the teacher in the class, B) Asking them to introduce traditional shadow theatre to the students and produce and play the game in cooperation with the students, C) Assisting the students understand and comprehend the old times when the grandparents used to create and play traditional shadow theatre, LEARNING OBJECTIVES: A) The students learn about traditional shadow theatre “Hacivat Karagoz” that is included in World Heritage List of UNESCO. B) To contribute to linguistic and verbal development of the student C) To contribute to understanding of humour and cognitive development encouraging them for thinking, D) To contribute to transmission of traditional shadow theatre from generation to the other by means of demonstrating, MATERIALS NEEDED: To demonstrate traditional shadow theatre; A) A special stage, B) Long wooden sticks, C) Table lamp, D) Acetate paper, E) Coloured acetate pens,
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PREPARATIONS NEEDED: Framed canvas (for stage), table lamp, acetate papers and acetate pens are provided.Sitting layout of the class is changed. METHODOLOGY: A) Grandparents may introduce a traditional shadow theatre if it is supplied beforehand. B) The theatre characters are drawn to acetate papers and they are painted and cut together with the students. C) Wooden sticks are attached to the characters of Hacivat and Karagoz by punching holes on the acetate papers. D) The classroom layout is converted into a theatre layout and it is darkened by closing the curtains. E) The students become spectators, the stage is set up and grandparents demonstrate a show of shadow theatre. F) Written texts may be used as scenario of shadow theatre or an improvising may be preferred by adding some humour. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: A) Demonstrating traditional shadow theatre, that is included in UNESCO World Heritage List, together with grandparents and students, assists transmission of this tradition to the next generations. B) They learn about the history of shadow theatre and how it is produced and played. C) The students get the opportunity to share valuable moments with oldest living generation. D) Entertaining, laughing, enjoying good time helps development of socialization and humour. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): A) During the meeting with the parents, the activity is shared with the parents and they are asked to communicate with the grandparents to share the idea and to guide them about the expectations for the activity. B) Written texts may be shared with the grandparents as scenarios to facilitate demonstrating/ staging in the classroom. C) Different practices can be created for the other values that are listed under heritage list of UNESCO. D) Awareness may be risen in the society by publishing the publicity materials (photos, short video clips, etc) of the activity conducted.
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool- Support Education NAME OF THE LECTURE: Science and Mathematics Activity CURRICULAR TOPIC: Exhibiting My Collection TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor- Exhibition Area DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: Creating a collection in two semesters– 2 hours for Exhibition Opening Ceremony- Exhibition for 3 days INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Inviting grandparents to school environment, Sharing their collections with the students to inspire the students for creating their own collections, Sharing their story of starting to collect things and benefits of this hobby for the students, Explaining the students value of time and good and joyful things that they may perform during their leisure / free time, LEARNING OBJECTIVES: -Creating a collection is a joyful hobby.Assisting the children to start making their own collection according to their preferences, -Raising curiosity of the children in different areas, assisting development of different points of view to direct them studying and researching in different areas -Assisting the children has joyful activities for their free time and rising curiosity in different fields, -Assisting the students to observe and understand everybody is unique and special, -Contributing the feeling of protection of the goods specially selected and maintained, -Spending quality time with the grandparents and developing emotional ties and bonds with them while enjoying leisure of creating collections. MATERIALS NEEDED: -Photos of different coins, banknotes, stamps, stones, buttons, beads, key holders, magnet, napkin, postcards, invitation, dried flowers, 11
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seashells, clothes pegs, bottles, pens/pencils, boxes, miniature cars and all other areas that may take interest of the children, -Tables, table clothes for the exhibition, -Classic music and audio system, -Ribbon, scissors and a tray for opening ceremony, -Refreshments, cookies, chocolate, etc for treating the visitors of the exhibition, PREPARATIONS NEEDED: -Collection materials that were collected during entire school year are brought to the school on an arranged date, - They are placed on the exhibition stands (tables) in a representable manner in exhibition area/ hall. -The collection materials are displayed and open to the visit of the grandparents/ parents / teachers, -The exhibition is opened in a special ceremony to be attended with the grandparents, parents and teachers, METHODOLOGY -Grandparents bring and demonstrate their collections to the classroom and raise curiosity in students explaining why they preferred this hobby. -The students decide what to collect and they make their collections in entire school year. -The students design presentation style of their collections together with the grandparents and take them to the class, -The collection materials are placed on the stands / tables with the help of the grandparents and parents. -School master, teachers, grandparents and parents will be ready during opening ceremony of the collection exhibition, -The exhibition is opened with an opening ceremony in accompany of suitable music -The students share story of their collections and the motivation behind for deciding to collect respective particular material, -Refreshment, cookies and chocolate are offered to the visitors. Respective refreshments and cookies are served by the students.
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EXPECTED OUTCOMES: -To help the students having collection hobby to create curiosity, -To develop researching, studying and information collection skills of the students, -To assist the students enjoying quality time, -To provide students with curiosity about different subjects, -The students develop the feelings of collection as well as protection and possessive feelings for the goods which are special for them. -It ensures that students take responsibility and fulfil their responsibilities in the long run. -The activity helps the students coming together with their grandparents for a special topic and contributes to their emotional development by working together for a common goal. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): -Invitation cards can be prepared for the exhibition day. -The dates for introduction of the activity and exhibition may be different. The exhibition may take place for three days in row. Students can explain their collections in front of the class at any time during this period.Grandparents can accompany to the students when they explain their collections in front of the class. The exhibition can be photographed during the opening ceremony, exhibition visit and description phases and the photographs may be displayed on school billboards. Parents may assist the teacher in preparing cookies and refreshments that will be served to the visitors during the exhibition.
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM SCHOOL SECTION: Pre-primary NAME OF THE LECTURE: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) in Preschool CURRICULAR TOPIC: Science Fair in Preschool TYPE of ACTIVITY: Indoor or Outdoor DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 4 hours INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: With the participation of grandparents; To serve as assistant to the science child (pupil) who will make a demonstration in the science fair, To ensure activity participation of the grandmothers to the event organized by the teacher, - To ensure that they serve as facilitators for the pupils benefiting from their experiences during the experiments and activities to be performed in science fair, - To ensure that they spend quality time with the pupils in school environment, OBJECTIVES: - Providing awareness about STEM in preschool period, - To raise awareness of the research, questioning and scientific process by starting STEM education in pre-school period - To establish a mutual learning environment by including grandparents in the process, - To contribute to the establishment of strong communication links between grandparents and grandchildren / children, Students are expected to interact with different groups, to increase their trust and respect for themselves and for the elder people, - To create an environment in which new generations can transfer experiences that are not normally shared but only learnt in specific cases down to the smallest details,
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MATERIALS NEEDED - Open or closed large area for the science fair, - A stand (table), chairs for each pupil and his/her assistant (grandparent), -Experiment materials prepared by the pupil together with his/her assistant (grandparent), -Information poster, leaflet, booklet, etc about the experiment to be conducted, -Medallion for the pupils, -Participation certificate for the grandparents, -Refreshments and cookies, -PREPARATIONS NEEDED: - To organize a parents’ meeting in school and request from the parents to find appropriate experiments for the children suitable for their age group at home to perform in science fair (parents are warned that experiments should be conducted under adult supervision) - It is recommended that the experiments be simple and suitable for children’s level (melting, freezing, colour mixing, etc.) -Invitation cards for the science fair may be prepared in school together with the pupils. - The fair area can be arranged with the help of the parents - Unique designs of students created during the year (if any) may also be displayed. - In Science Fair, the children will receive the title of Scientist, and grandparents will be the assistant scientist; thus, children will be in frontline and grandparents will serve as guide for the pupils. - Medallion for the pupils, -Participation certificates may be organized for the assistants (grandparents) - Refreshments and cookies, - Children with special education needs can be included in this study in accordance with their level. METHODOLOGY 1. A suitable fair area is created with the participation of teachers and volunteers(experiments, refreshments, cookies, etc.)
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2. Grandparents and students organize their stands together in fair area. 3. In turn, children demonstrate their experiments with their grandparents to other children and the visitors. 4. After all children demonstrate their experiments with their grandparents, medals and attendance certificates are presented and collective photo is taken as a memory of the day. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: In terms of the pupil; - Students have the opportunity for researching many experiments at home and choose whatever they like. - Students learn about many different topics/ subjects. - Students have the opportunity to interact with the oldest living generation. - Students have the opportunity to express themselves in front of the community. In terms of grandparents; - They get the opportunity to work together with their grandkid(s) to investigate the experiment and bring the appropriate materials for demonstration in school. - They feel that they can help and contribute to the education of the grandchild when they are invited to the school for a specific purpose. - They have the opportunity of sharing the conditions of the past times with the pupils to help them understanding the changes in the society. - They realize that science can be a means for meeting with his/her grandchild. - Participation certificate and memorial photograph provide a permanent moment. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): - At the parents’ meetings to be held, the parents are informed that the grandparents will be invited to the school and actively contribute to the education of the grandchildren. - Students may be required to perform simple experiments with grandparents at home as a preliminary preparation. - Guests from various scientific institutions can be invited for various scientific demonstrations. 16
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- Children may be asked to bring their pets to the school (provided that necessary measures are taken). -Grandparents may be asked to provide information about animal care. -In case grandparents are very old, the parents may serve as assistants for the pupils when they demonstrate their scientific experiment. -A botanical corner can be created under the guidance of the grandparents. - The teacher prepares participation certificate for the grandparents as a memorial of the day. - A medal of science may be prepared for the students. - The teacher can take a memorial photo after getting the necessary permissions to use it in various means of communication.
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM SCHOOL SECTION: Pre-primary NAME OF THE LECTURE: Turkish Language Activity CURRICULAR TOPIC: Learning proverbs and organizing a festival TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 40 minutes INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: - Inviting grandparents to school environment; a) Inviting the grandparents to a festival organized by the teacher in the class, b) To help the grandparent feeling special by reminding the proverb forgotten by his/her grandchild during the proverb festival, c) To perform folkdance with the grandchild to help them remembering their good old days OBJECTIVES: - Learns the proverbs of their own cultures and traditions. - Demonstrates the proverbs he/she has learnt in front of the public. - Learns traditional folkdance according to the correct patterns and rhythm accompanied by folk music. - Allows traditions and proverbs to be passed from one generation to the other. - Uses proverbs learned in daily life. - Help the students developing imaginative worlds as well as contributing to their socialization and word power. MATERIALS NEEDED: -Traditional costumes for the festival, -Folk music, - Traditional toys and authentic items for decorating the class, - Illustrations describing the proverbs, - Coloured balloons and decorations created with the pupils,(cat stair flower pictures, etc)
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PREPARATIONS NEEDED: - At the beginning of the year, the teacher identifies proverbs that students can learn. -After the schools are opened, one or two proverb(s) is/are taught by explaining the meaning of the proverb(s) using different methods. Learning becomes permanent by using the proverbs in suitable opportunities. - By contacting with the parents, the list of the proverbs learned in the class is sent to the home and the parents are asked to support their child in understanding and expressing the proverbs. - Proverbs learned are described and illustrated in pictures and posters in the following days to make it easier for students to remember them. On the festival day, all students come to class wearing folkloric costumes. - The class is decorated with flags, balloons and traditional toys and accessories. METHODOLOGY: - On the day of festival, students sit in front of their grandparents or parents in crescent sitting layout. - Volunteer students compete in remembering as many proverbs as possible. - Tip cards about proverbs are hanged on places where students can see easily. - Students are encouraged to ask their parents about the proverbs that they have forgotten during the competition. - As the students tell a proverb in turn, folkloric music is played and students are allowed to dance with their parents to relax by releasing their energy. - In addition, the student demonstrates and describes a proverb chosen by him/her to his/her parents and/or friends with the illustrations he/she has created.The illustrations are demonstrated in billboard of the class. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - Learns the proverbs of their own cultures and traditions. - Student learns to use the proverbs in everyday life and realize the charm of the past conveyed with the proverbs.
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- Students have the opportunity to interact with the oldest living generation. - The activity helps developing imaginary power of the students. - The activity helps socialization of the students. - The activity helps developing word power and public speaking capability of the students. - It helps developing self-esteem and confidence for the students. - The activity contributes to cognitive development by embodying abstract concepts. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): - Short proverbs with more concrete concepts may be chosen for small age groups. - Reminder tips cards for proverbs are prepared by the teacher beforehand. - The students may wear traditional costumes if they have. - Balloons and small gifts can be given to students participating in the competition during the festival. - A memorial photo is taken with participation of three generations as a memory of the day. - Photographs taken can be published in school newspaper, clipboard, website to promote the festival.
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM SCHOOL SECTION: Secondary School NAME OF THE LECTURE: Social Studies- Technology & DesignSpecial Education CURRICULAR TOPIC: Communication and Human Relations TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 40 minutes INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes TYPE OF environment;
INVOLVEMENT: Inviting grandparents to school
a) Inviting the grandparents to an event organized by the teacher in the class, b) To ensure that they spend quality time with the pupils in school environment, c) To help the students learning and playing traditional board games LEARNING OBJECTIVES: a) To contribute survival of the forgotten traditional cultural elements, b) To contribute to the establishment of strong communication links between grandparents and grandchildren / children, c) Students are expected to interact with different groups, to increase their trust and respect for themselves and for the elder people, d) To help young generations learning about the elements of the national culture MATERIALS NEEDED: a) Board games prepared in Technology & Design lesson b) Tables and appropriate physical conditions for playing the games, c) Refreshments and cookies, d) Camera e) Participation certificate PREPARATIONS NEEDED: a) The students are asked to do research about the traditional boardgames the grandparents used to play in their childhood.
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b) The most popular boardgames are determined according to results of the mini survey. c) Production of boardgames using the materials available at home as a part of the Technology & Design lesson (the boardgame may be either produced or supplied according to the characteristics of the game). d) The date on which the grandparents will be invited is determined and necessary announcements are made. e) Establishing an out-of-routine physical environment through the change of class seating, f) Preparation of cookies and refreshments by the volunteer parents, g) The activity may also implemented in special education class by simplifying. h) Preparing participation certificates for the students and grandparents, METHODOLOGY: a) Suitable class environment is created with the participation of the students and volunteer parents (cookies, seating order, etc.). b) Grandparents are welcomed by students and teachers in the class. c) Boardgames previously prepared in the Technology & Design course are placed on the tables. d) Grandparents and grandchildren play boardgames together. e) While playing the game, they are asked to mention memories of the boardgames they played in the past. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: a) In terms of the pupil; 1. Students learn about the history, cultural traditions of their country. 2. Students have the opportunity to compare past and present. 3. Students have the opportunity to interact with the oldest living generation. b) In terms of grandparents; 1. They feel that they can help and contribute to the education of the grandchild when they are invited to the school for a specific purpose. 2. They have the opportunity of sharing the conditions of the past times with the pupils to help them understanding the changes in the society. 22
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3. They realize that boardgames can be a means for meeting with his/her grandchild.Participation certificate and memorial photograph provide a permanent moment. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): a) At the parents’ meetings to be held, the parents are informed that the grandparents will be invited to the school and actively contribute to the education of the grandchildren. b) Students may be required to play traditional boardgames known by the grandparents at home as a preliminary preparation. c) If necessary, board game materials determined may be produced in cooperation with the technology design teacher or they may be supplied. d) The teacher prepares participation certificate for the grandparents as a memorial of the day. e) The teacher can take a memorial photo after getting the necessary permissions to use it in various means of communication.
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM SCHOOL SECTION: Pre-primary NAME OF THE LECTURE: Family Participation Activity CURRICULAR TOPIC: How Do My Parents Earn Money? TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 30 minutes INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Inviting the grandparents or parents to the school; -To ensure that the three generations meet for a goal in the school environment, -To promote the family ties by introducing the professions worked to make a living to the students in the class, - Helping the pupils learning existence of different professions that are all needed in the society LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Children have knowledge about other professions as well as of their parents. Students get the opportunity to learn about the professions that are either already lost or about to disappear. Interest and awareness is raised for different professions. The students recognize the resources needed to sustain life.The students know about the performers of different professions who are specialized in respective jobs. MATERIALS NEEDED: The necessary tools and equipment for the professions to be introduced are brought to class. The parent introducing his/her profession is asked to present some small gifts to the students with the money they have earned. PREPARATIONS NEEDED: - The parents are informed about the activity with a parents’ meeting to be organized in the class. A schedule is created based on the dates when the parents are available for demonstration in the class.
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Parents visit the workplace with their child beforehand to take photos for demonstrating in the class. They are asked to prepare a presentation with photographs or short videos taken. If any, the parents may bring some materials to the classroom provided that they are related with the profession. The parents are invited to the school for informing the children about their profession. A role-play may be performed using the materials brought to the class under the guidance of the teacher. A memorial photo is taken as a memory of the day. METHODOLOGY: The teacher informs the children about what the parents invited to the class will do. The student and his/her parent who are waiting outside the classroom are welcomed to the class with applauses. Visitor parent(s) how they started their profession, what they do, and how they continue their occupation. He/she presents the presentation prepared with his/her child. If there is no practical demonstration, the parent is involved in a roleplay to demonstrate how he/she conducts his/her profession under the guidance of the teacher. The parent presents the gifts/ presents related to his/her profession. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students learn about the profession(s) of their parents and others’ professions. Interest and awareness of the students is raised for different professions. Parents and students spend quality time in research and preparation phase of the profession to be demonstrated. He enjoys the happiness of spending quality time in his school environment with his/her parent(s). Students understand and share information about family members. It contributes to the development of students’ self-esteem and they feel proud with their parents.
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The students learn the difficulty of making money and its importance for sustaining life.The students understand the importance of efficient use of the resources owned. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): The parents are informed about the activity during the parents’ meeting.It is suggested to conduct a workplace visit if it is feasible and possible. The parents are requested to focus on the process of their profession rather than the outcomes and results.The teacher guides the parent(s) during the entire process.
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM SCHOOL SECTION: Secondary School NAME OF THE LECTURE: Social Studies CURRICULAR TOPIC: Communication and Human Relations TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Visit to Nursing Home DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 3 hours INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: As a part of Social Studies lesson, a nursing home visit will be organized to provide an atmosphere of cultural and social convergence between the students and elderly people in need of care.Seventh grade primary school students will have the opportunity to visit the elderly people in a nursing home as a part of their moral education.Our students and the elderly people will meet in the nursing home. TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Visiting the elderly people in nursing home; a) Ensure that students participate in a nursing home visit organized by the school, b) Empathize by means of playing traditional games and toys with the elderly people during nursing home visit LEARNING OBJECTIVES: a) Visiting elderly people, ask after their health and the compassion are important merits in terms of our moral activities, Provide an opportunity where both visitors and the elderly people visited may enjoy the time spent together, b) Benefit from the experience and advices of the elderly while playing traditional gamesin the nursing home, c) Assist the students learning the moral values such as compassion, understanding, tolerance, d) Contribute to strengthening cultural ties and bonds between the generations, e) Contribute to the establishment of strong communication links between the homeless, the elderly and the needy individuals and students, f) Bringing up highly communicative and capable individuals through developing empathy, g) Creating the areas that young generation may teach to the older generation (such as technology) as well as the experiences to pass from older generation to the young generation, 27
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MATERIALS NEEDED: a) Traditional games and toys, b) Small gifts, c) Camera PREPARATIONS NEEDED: a) Planning the date and time of the visit by meeting with the administration of the nursing home, b) Preparations for the transport of students to nursing home, c) Briefing provided to the students before visiting the nursing home, d) Preparing the gifts that the students will present during the visit METHODOLOGY: a) The visitor team welcomed by the personnel of the nursing home is accepted to the meeting hall where the elderly people wait for the meeting. b) After the short description of the teacher in charge, traditional games and toys are placed on the tables. c) The elderly people and students chat and play traditional games and toys in a friendly environment. d) The students help the elderly people about use of the technologies devices if needed for playing a particular toy or game, e) The students present their gifts to the elderly people and a memorial photo is taken as a memory of the day. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: a) Students have the opportunity to interact with the oldest living generation. b) The students benefit from the experience and advices of the elderly while playing traditional games in the nursing home, c) The students get the opportunity to think about the “visiting culture� and its effects on human relations. d) The activity helps developing the emotions such as empathy and compassion. e) The students help the elderly people about use of the technologies devices if they need.
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SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): a) The teacher displays short documentaries and films about the elderly to promote voluntariness of the students for visiting the nursing home. It is recommended to visit the nursing home by providing empathy for the elderly. b) Small gifts and flowers are provided by the students for the nursing home visit.
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM SCHOOL SECTION: Pre-school, primary, secondary school NAME OF THE LECTURE: STEM Activity CURRICULAR TOPIC: Making A Kite TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor- Workshop Activity DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 80 minutes INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: - Preparing an environment to increase motivation of the students for the school and benefit from experiences of the elderly people especially during times of seasonal changes when the students experience problems for adaptation to the school, - Joining the events of the local NGOs (festivals, fairs etc.) with grandparents OBJECTIVES: -Enjoying the exciting atmosphere of science with involvement of three generations and maintaining the tradition of kiting that has survived from one generation to the other as a STEM Event - To use knowledge of different disciplines (Science, Visual Arts) around a common goal, - Ensure that the academic knowledge learned in the classroom is combined with experiences of the older generation - Practicing kite making and flying techniques that appeals to all age groups. -Raising curiosity about science MATERIALS NEEDED: For making kites; -Folio, tape, scissors, yarn, ruler, wooden sticks, etc. PREPARATIONS NEEDED: - Creating a workshop environment (table,chairs, materials, etc.) for the activity to be conducted in the school METHODOLOGY: - The necessary materials are placed and three generations get the opportunity to design, manufacture and fly the kite together.
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EXPECTED OUTCOMES: -Students have the opportunity to learn from their grandfather how to build a kite that looks simple but can only be learned by experiencing. -The knowledge learnt in different lessons is used actively used in daily life. -Students are required to research climate conditions and have detailed seasonal information. -Students have the opportunity to take advantage of the experience of the oldest generation. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): -Different disciplines can organize and perform the activity collectively. -A rewarding mechanism may be established for ‘the highest flying kite’, ‘most beautiful kite’, ‘lightest kite’, etc.
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM SCHOOL SECTION: Pre-school, primary, secondary school NAME OF THE LECTURE: Turkish Language, Social Studies CURRICULAR TOPIC:Umbrellas for Ramadan- Ramadan from 7 to 77 TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY:30 Days INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: -Grandparents are invited by the class teacher to meet with the students in the peaceful unifying atmosphere of Ramadan. -Grandparents share the excitement of Ramadan by writing emotions and thoughts to the umbrellas together with the students. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: -The involvement of students of all age groups and parents in the school, -Contributing to the oral transmission of the positive effect of Ramadan on family and community relations to future generations MATERIALS NEEDED: - Umbrellas in different colours -Yarns -Paper, Pen PREPARATIONS NEEDED: - Umbrellas are hung down on the ceilings of the school corridors or a larger area -Y arns are tied to the umbrellas, - Each class invites grandparents to the school in turn from the first day of Ramadan, -The paper and the pens are provided to allow the three generations write down and hang their feelings and thoughts about Ramadan. - The umbrellas remain hanged during entire Ramadan month. METHODOLOGY: -The protective shield of Ramadan is objectified with an umbrella, -The umbrellas may be named as follows: 32
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-Brotherhood, first fasting, courage, fasting-health, patience, sharing, Ramadan rhymes and drum, joy of iftar (breaking fasting), joy of festival, solidarity, etc. - Class teachers may participate to the event in turn. - Students are asked to write notes on the umbrellas together with their grandparent(s); old festival photos are hung as the memories of Ramadan - A joint Ramadan excitement is created by reading the notes of the students and grandparents reflecting their emotions and thoughts. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: -Students enjoy the month Ramadan not only in home but also in school environment. -The students in the school have the opportunity to learn the memories of the oldest generation. - They get detailed information about Ramadan and fasting. - They have the possibility to access the cause and effect relations related to the spiritual values more easily. - Grandparents actively participate and become a reference source during the activity. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): -Umbrellas can be hanged together with students; banners and invitations can be prepared for visual richness.Umbrella titles can be enriched and sub-events can be organized together with the parents. ‘Ramadan memorabilia’ photo corner can be prepared.Iftar (breaking fast) can be organized by the parents in the school. This event can also be held in the school’s garden in the form of a Ramadan tent for 30 days for active participation.
- Societal Curriculum - Turkey -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM SCHOOL SECTION : Entire school NAME OF THE LECTURE : All courses SUBJECT : National festivals/ april 23rd national sovereignty and children’s day TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Out-school learning DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 3 hours INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: [YES] TYPE OF ACTIVITY: - Ensure that grandparents and parents get to school with their children on the day of the festival, a) Inviting the grandparents to an event organized by the teacher in the class, b) Ensuring that the traditional games, anthems, activities or costumes, which is part of the open air activity to be held on the April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, c) Narrate the students how the April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day was celebrated in their own childhood, LEARNING OBJECTIVES: -Students learn Ataturk and what he did for the Turkish nation. - Students understand and celebrate the April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. -Students will appreciate the importance of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day for the Turkish nation. - The student develops understanding of the national identity. - It allows transferring national holidays from one generation to the other. - The activity allows the three generations to enjoy traditional games together. MATERIALS NEEDED - Providing materials and tools for the game corners for the games of rope skipping, sack racing, egg carrying, tug of war, tombik, hiding handkerchief, mangala, spinning top, hopscotch, carting,etc.
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PREPARATIONS NEEDED: -Everyone who attends the April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day wears a red-white or flagged outfit. - Game Corners are created in the festival area where April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children’s Festival will be celebrated together for three generations. - Hanging up identifying banners bearing the names of the games -Students are informed about the life and works of Atatürk during the week of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day.To this purpose, it is benefited from rhyming, poetry, finger play, marches.The school is decorated with flags and balloons. METHODOLOGY: -A teacher is assigned for each game and parents and children play the games together. - An enthusiastic atmosphere is created with traditional folk music and anthems EXPECTED OUTCOMES: -The students learn the life of Atatürk. -The students know that Ataturk’s works and achievements for the Turkish nation. - Students know why April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day is celebrated. -The students follow the music rhythm and play with the parents. -The student sings marches about the April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. -Students will have the opportunity to celebrate the National Sovereignty and Children’s Day on April 23rd and compare the past with the present. -Students have the opportunity to interact with the oldest living generation.
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SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): - This event can be adapted for important holidays of every nation, such as the Day of Republic, August 30 Victory Day, July 15 Democracy and Martyrs Day, etc. - The students may march in the school garden in accompany of the anthems. - The confetti rain can be arranged. The students may be provided balloons in colours of the flag. - Traditional foods can be prepared and served - Corners can be created in the garden for face painting.
Societal Curriculum BULGARIA
- Societal Curriculum - Bulgaria -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1. SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2. NAME OF THE LECTURE: Social sciences 3. CURRICULAR TOPIC: Spring festivals and customs 4. TYPE OF ACTIVITY: on site at the ethnographic complex “Genger” 5. DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 1 hour 6. INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7. TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: They are going to tell and show about how to make flower wreath. 8. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Getting to know the spring festivals and customs Lazarovden (The day before Palm Sunday), Tsvetnitsa (Palm Sunday) and Easter. Formation of the concept about customs related to the spring festivals. Imporvint the skills to make connections between customs and traditions and the festivals to which they relate. 9. MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY) Flowers, dread, rope, egs, egg colours, small baskets for the coloured eggs. 10. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): No 11. METHODOLOGY: 1. The teacher greets the students. Good morning, children, welcome to the ethnographic complex “Genger”. We have here some grandparent. They are going to tell us about thespring festivals Lazarovden (The day before Palm Sunday), Tsvetnitsa (Palm Sunday) and Easter. 2. A Granny tells about Lazarovden (The day before Palm Sunday) Once upon a time a young man called Lazarus lived. He went down ill and soon he died. It urned out thet the Saviour Christ was not far from there and He went to the town. Lazarus’s sisters beggd Jesus to ressurect their brother and Jesus did so. On this day young girls wear their most beautiful dresses, they go to the houses and sing songs of blessings. They are called LAZARKI and the custom is called LAZARUVANE. The hosts usually give them eggs.
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3. Questions: Did you understand what is celebrated on Lazarovden? How do we call the young girls who go to the houses and sing songs? How do we call the custom? What do the host give the young girls? Now our guests are going to sing a traditional song. 4. A Granny tells about Tsvetnitsa (Palm Sunday) and the custom to let flower wreath on water. After Lazarovden comes Tsvetnitsa. On this day the inhabitants of Jerusalem met Jesus with palm leaves and greeted him in their city. On this day people take flowers to the church and the priest gives everyone a willow twig. In the past every young girl wore a wreath of flowers she had picked herself. The girls gathered near a brook or river and threw their wreaths on the water. The girs tried to tell their fates according to how the wreaths floated. Everyone has a piece of paper and pencils. Colour the figures that take part in this custom. Which figures did you colour? Why did you colour only the girls’ figures? Now the basket maker is going to teach youj how to make wreaths. Your wreaths are beautiful. Keep them ot show your parents. 5. The greatest spring festival is Easter. What do you connect Easter with? Do you know who colours the eggs? When do they colour the eggs? A Granny is going to teach you how to colour Easter eggs. Everyone has cups with different egg colours and boiled eggs. Folllow the instructions of the Granny and colour the eggs carefully. Do you know what colour should the first egg be made? And what do we do with it? Where do we leave the first egg? Did you remember the three festivals? Who does take part in Lazarovden and Tsvetnitsa? When do children fight with the Easter eggs? 40
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Who is the winner? You were great and therefore the is a small surprise for you. (the Grannies show how “Kralyu Portaluy� is played. 12. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: 1. Differenciate the spring festivals Lazarovden (The day before Palm Sunday), Tsvetnitsa (Palm Sunday) and Easter. 2. Know the traditions and customs related to these festivals. 13. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER: The lesson is interesting and funn if the children take part in making the wreaths, colouring the eggs, singing.
- Societal Curriculum - Bulgaria -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1. SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2. NAME OF THE LECTURE: Social sciences 3. CURRICULAR TOPIC: Labour and jobs 4. TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5. DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 1 hour 6. INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7. TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: They are going about the wished or “modern” jobs of their childhood, whether they have managed to achieve their dreams; what is necessary to achieve a dream or what the challenges are there. 8. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Affirming the knowledge about the different jobs. Discovering the role of labour in people’s lives. Rationalisation of the changes in the jobs in time – jobs of the past, jobs of the future. 9. MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY) : A set of cards for “Black Peter” 10. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): A presentation on the topic 11. METHODOLOGY: Introduction by the teacher People have got different jobs according to what they are skilled for or according to the place they live in. What do you think? What is a job and what is a hobby? Is there any difference between them? Can a hobby become a job? Throughout the years jobs have changed. Some of the first jobs or “old” ones are a potter, shepherd, soldier, astronomer, shoemaker. With the development of science and technology changes have emerged in people’s lives. New jobs as a stewardess, astronaut, operator, reporter, model have come to existence. Some jobs are very attractive and desired. There are jobs for which you need preliminary preparation and special training – dentist, doctor, teacher, pilot, architect, engineer. 42
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Other jobs are related with the courage and bravery – rescuer, firefighter, policeman, soldier. Jobs for which you need a special talent are artist, actor, athlete, musician, singer, dancer. Every day we meet people who do their jobs in service of other people – painter, waiter, postman, sales person, driver. What do you think, what jobs are suitable for men or wonem? Are there feminine or masculine jobs? (In the past they believed that women can be only tailours or cooks. Today more and more men become chefs, tailours or hairdressers. And more and more women choose masculine jobs – pilot, soldier etc.) What do you think? Which job is most important and useful? Is there a job we do not need? What job is most difficult? What job is most desired? How can we choose a job? What were the desires of your grandparents, what jobs did they want and dreamed of? Here we have some of your grandparents and they are going to share with us some things. So, the conclusion is that all jobs are useful and necessary. Every labour deserves respect. Task (on the board): Put the words into the correct order and you are going to learn two wise thoughts: makes/beautiful/the person/labour/and/him/makes/ugly/laziness. (Labour makes the person beautiful and laziness makes him ugly) doesn’t work/eat/as well/he who/shouldn’t (He who doesn’t work, shouldn’t eat as well. One of the most favourte games of your grandparents’ childhood is “Black Peter”. How we can play tha game? Hre we have a nice Granny and she is going to teach us. Today we are going to change the rules a little. Each of you is going to draw a card and shouldn’t sho it to the others. You are going to describe the job that is on the card so the others can tell it. You can use word and signs but you shouldn’t name the job.
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12. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: The students are expected to acquire the skills for grouping the jobs according to different criteria. They are expected to learn that there is not any ashaming job but every job is useful and deserves respect. Through the game they can imaginer themselves as doers of certain job. With the help of grandparents attending the lesson the students should gain the impression of most desired or most common jobs in the past. 13. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER: The cards for the game should be prepared in advance. Some information about typical jobs for the area should be found in advance too.
- Societal Curriculum - Bulgaria -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1. SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2. NAME OF THE LECTURE: Mathematics 3. CURRICULAR TOPIC: the number 6 4. TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5. DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 1 hour 6. INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7. TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: a grandfather and a grandmother are going to take part in “Granddad and the turnip” fairy tale play with counting to 6. 8. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To form the concept of the number 6 To build up in the students the skill to write the number 6 To affirm the students’ knowledge of the number 6 9. MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY) : Magnet pictures, an abakus, 5 sets of domino, 5 sets of “Don’t gat angry, man” 10. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): The students are divided into 5 groups of 4. Each group is given a set of domino and “Don’t gat angry, man”. 11. METHODOLOGY: I get from the magical bag 6 magnet pictures with fruit and vegetables and I place them on the white board. Can anyone tell me what this is? And can anyone count these? Today we are going to get to know the number 6 and we are going to learn how to write it. Open your coursebooks and have a look at task 1. Let us count the first group of ducklings. Right, they are five. Let us add one duckling to them and they are going to be six. Is there a shovel for every duckling? six
So the shovels should be 6 too. Let us count: one, two, three, four, five,
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Task 2 Have a look at the flower. How many stems has it got? And how many leaves? And how many are the red petals? Let us count the dots on the domino tile. Task 3 Take you abakuses and on the first row take five balls and on the second 6 balls. What do you see? Where are there more balls? So 6 is more than 5 and 5 is less than 6. Task 4 Put the >, <, = signs (we check) Task 5 Which fairytale is the picture from? (“Grandpa and the turnip”). Which fairytale is the picture from? (“Grandpa and the turnip”). Let us play the fairy tale. We have a grandfather and a grandmother here. Now we need a granddaughter, the dog, the cat and the mouse. (Roles a distributed and all together play and count from 1 to 6). Let us count the main characters (1….6) Task 7 And now let us see how we write the number 6. Can everyone write it in the air? Do it three times. So, now join the dots in the first row. Finish the number 6 in the mathematical grid. Task 8 Who can read the numbers? Forwards and backwards. Now finish the numbers in the rows. It is now time for fun. Each group has a set of domino. Draw five tiles each. When I say “Start” begin to order the tiles. There is going to be a winning team. The second game is “Don’t get angry, man”. There are going to be individual winners from the four groups.
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12. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: As a result of this lesson the students are expected to be able to: Count to 6 forwards and backwards using cardinal and ordinal numbers. Write the numbers from 1 to 6 and compare the number of objects. To form the next number from the preceeding adding 1. To determine the place of each number in the row of natural numbers (after, before, between which numbers) To compare the numbers from 1 to 6 and use the signs >, <, = 13. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER: Small prises for the students can be prepared.
- Societal Curriculum - Bulgaria -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1. SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2. NAME OF THE LECTURE: Mathematics 3. CURRICULAR TOPIC: Multiplication and division with numbers to 6 4. TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5. DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 1 hour 6. INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: No 7. TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: 8. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To exercise the multiplication and division chart with the numbers to 6. To improve the skills of quick oral calculation To exercise the skills for composing mathematical tasks To work on the accuracy of calculation 9. MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY) : Children game “Domino” (A couple of sets, one set is for four children), dice (2 dice for each group of four students) 10. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY) : The teacher prepares for each student: a piece of paper with the numbers from 1 to 100 and a worksheet. The students are divided into groups of four. Working corners (stations) are formed, where the materials are palced (domino sets and dice). During the class the students change seats and go through the three stations with three different games. 11. METHODOLOGY : Today we are going to exercise the multiplication and division chart with the numbers to 6. We are going to play and have fun, we are going to combine what is enjoyable with what is useful. First of all let is remember: How are the number called when we multiply or divide them? Here is the first challenge for you: get ready for oral calculation. If the number is 36, wich are the multipliers? (The same goes with 12, 18, 24).
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Which number is 4 times bigger than 6? And wich number is 5 times smaller than 35? Now imagine you are wizzards and you can guess numbers. I will think out some numbers and you will tell the numbers. Can you? Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s try. I have got a number in my head. I multiplied it by 3 and I got 24. Wich number have I got? I have got another number in my head. I divided it by 6 and I got 6. Wich number have I got? An now I am going to challenge you. I am going to divide you in groups of four. You are 24. How many groups are we going to have? For each group I have prepared 3 different games. You are going to have 10 minutes to deal with them. After that you swap your places. Game 1: Bingo with Domino Every student has the piece of paper with the numbers from 1 to 100, laminated so they can write on it with whiteboard marker. After the task is finished the laminated piece of paper can be cleaned and reused. The teacher distributes the sets of domino â&#x20AC;&#x201C; one set for a group of four. The tiles are placed face down. Every child draws 7 tiles. At a signal by the teacher the children turn the tiles and calculate the multiplication tasks and mark the answers on the laminated piece of paper with numbers from 1 to 100. Game 2: Domino chain The students in groups of four place the tiles in a chain (as the rules of the game). After that the calculate by multiplication and write the answers in the individual worksheets. Game 3: Dice The students throw the two dice and multiply the numbers they get. The answers are marked in the individual worksheets. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Automation of the multiplication and division with the numbers to 6. Improvement of the ability to apply the mathematical skills in different situation. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER: During the lesson the teacher uses a timer and times the games 10 minutes each. After the signal the students finish their work. After the end of the games the worksheets are collected to be checked. A winner for time is announced and the winner for accuracy of the calculation is announced later. Small prises for the students can be prepared. 49
Societal Curriculum ITALY
- Societal Curriculum - Italy -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1. SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2. NAME OF READING: history / music / art and image / technology 3. CURRICULUM THEME: “PEACE WEB”– A respectful school- end of december, early january 4. TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor - Outdoor 5. DURATION OF ACTIVITY: 8 hours 6. GRANDPARENTS PARTICIPATION: Yes 7. TYPE OF PARTICIPATION (event and type of involvement of grandparents) : - Organization of a celebratory day at school to spread the culture and practice of peace, kindness, justice, solidarity, care and respect - participation of grandparents in games and activities - realization of peace symbols (paper flowers, gadgets ...) - a story of gentle gepsture and solidarity, examples of active citizenship by simple ,important historical people - search and discussion about proverbs, ways of sayings, and popular tales, personality symbol of peace and social justice - exchange of items gadgets and handcrafts products - dancing, singing, playing, writing and reading,poems, painting drawing pictures, taking photos -exchange written or intenet kind, love messages to grandparents 8. LEARNING OBJECTIVES (Learning Objectives): - to solicit actions, words, care gestures and attention towards others learning to be together with respect, solidarity and mutual harmony; - to grasp by grandparents’ story tellings and wisdom stimulus to reflect on oneself; - to pursue peace in mutual respect; - to prevent conflicts within the classroom (bullysm prevention, cyberbullism) the school, school and family, between two or more nations; - to promote positive relationship between school and family -to select kind, gentle words to give voice to positive interactions and emotions
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- to encourage collaboration and mutual help being selfless, because “together is better” -to build social skills; -to use internet to swap kind words, love greetings, descouraging and preventing cyberbullism - to recognize and respect, within the school and social community, their role in respect of others’ role; - to respect diversity for inclusion and inspiring support behaviors towards everyone in need - to raise attitudes of responsibility for our action and and know how to manage our emotions -to encourage boys to behave kindly towards girls and to prevent riskful, violent relation - to inspire ethic universal values in new generation and a sense of global brotherhood 9. MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): (material and tools) - spaces intended for the event; - decorations, banners, ornaments - stands for the displays of the material produced - stereo system - snacks and drinks for snacks 10. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): (planned activities) - preparation of teaching material of various types (narrative, poetic, descriptive, tabs, research) - search for proverbs, ways of saying, anecdotes, slogan on gestures of solidarity - activation of laboratories for the construction of handcraft - planning visits to social centers and associations - charity collection second hand clothes, toys, objects - participation in the competition “Peace game” - dancing and singing, reading,drawing, painting, playing
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11. METHODOLOGY (methodology): 1- Interdisciplinary teaching to develop knowledge and learning transversely; 2- open class classroom teaching; 3 - active participation by grandparents and families, in a dimension of collaboration and interchange, according to the methods of research together and the research-action; 4- learning by games 5)-visiting elderly centre, hospital 6) smiling and supporting action to everyone 7)team working 12. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: (expected results) - increase the positive relation among generations -increase the participation of parents and grandparents to school life - development social, relation skills - increase empathic, selfless, behaviors, loyalty, kindness and mutual support; - improvement of school-family dialogue and cooperation for the promotion of well-being, self-respect and respect for the others. - spread of the level of inclusive, peaceful joyful atmosphere at school, in family and in the society - life-long learning. Children will teach to grandparents the use of internet swapping love messages and will learn by them how they showed their feelings in the past - raise in the new generation of gentle behaviours in words and actions - celebration events to remark the importance of love feelings, self control, mutual help and respect,sense of responsability, positive emotions in family, in school and society(dances, song, competition, games,painting,videos, photos, videos, movies, gifts) 13. SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER (suggestions): - The team will arrange moments of meeting with grandparents and families; - they will be activated creative and technological workshops;
- Societal Curriculum - Italy -
- they will be organized songs dances, plays, performances for the event; - they will be organized meeting with representatives of charitable or no profit onlus associations engaged in defence of human rights and in citizenship - they will be foreseen consultations with education specialists, writers, artist and psychologists  - photos will be taken and videos will be made. -other schools will be involved for horizontal, vertical, network or European project
- Societal Curriculum - Italy -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2) NAME OF READING: history / music / art and image / technology 3) CURRICULUM THEME: “PEACE WEB”– A respectful school- end of december, early january 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor - Outdoor 5) DURATION OF ACTIVITY: 8 hours 6) GRANDPARENTS PARTICIPATION: Yes 7) TYPE OF PARTICIPATION: (event and type of involvement of grandparents): - Organization of a celebratory day at school to spread the culture and practice of peace, kindness, justice, solidarity, care and respect - participation of grandparents in games and activities - realization of peace symbols (paper flowers, gadgets ...) - a story of gentle gepsture and solidarity, examples of active citizenship by simple ,important historical people - search and discussion about proverbs, ways of sayings, and popular tales, personality symbol of peace and social justice - exchange of items gadgets and handcrafts products - dancing, singing, playing, writing and reading,poems, painting drawing pictures, taking photos -exchange written or intenet kind, love messages to grandparents 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: (Learning Objectives): - to solicit actions, words, care gestures and attention towards others learning to be together with respect, solidarity and mutual harmony; - to grasp by grandparents’ story tellings and wisdom stimulus to reflect on oneself; - to pursue peace in mutual respect; - to prevent conflicts within the classroom (bullysm prevention, cyberbullism) the school, school and family, between two or more nations; - to promote positive relationship between school and family -to select kind, gentle words to give voice to positive interactions and emotions
- Societal Curriculum - Italy -
- to encourage collaboration and mutual help being selfless, because “together is better” -to build social skills; -to use internet to swap kind words, love greetings, descouraging and preventing cyberbullism - to recognize and respect, within the school and social community, their role in respect of others’ role; - to respect diversity for inclusion and inspiring support behaviors towards everyone in need - to raise attitudes of responsibility for our action and and know how to manage our emotions -to encourage boys to behave kindly towards girls and to prevent riskful, violent relation - to inspire ethic universal values in new generation and a sense of global brotherhood 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY) (material and tools): - spaces intended for the event; - decorations, banners, ornaments - stands for the displays of the material produced - stereo system - snacks and drinks for snacks 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): (planned activities): - preparation of teaching material of various types (narrative, poetic, descriptive, tabs, research) - search for proverbs, ways of saying, anecdotes, slogan on gestures of solidarity - activation of laboratories for the construction of handcraft - planning visits to social centers and associations - charity collection second hand clothes, toys, objects - participation in the competition “Peace game” - dancing and singing, reading,drawing, painting, playing
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11) METHODOLOGY (methodology): 1- Interdisciplinary teaching to develop knowledge and learning transversely; 2- open class classroom teaching; 3 - active participation by grandparents and families, in a dimension of collaboration and interchange, according to the methods of research together and the research-action; 4- learning by games 5)-visiting elderly centre, hospital 6) smiling and supporting action to everyone 7)team working 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: (expected results): - increase the positive relation among generations -increase the participation of parents and grandparents to school life - development social, relation skills - increase empathic, selfless, behaviors, loyalty, kindness and mutual support; - improvement of school-family dialogue and cooperation for the promotion of well-being, self-respect and respect for the others. - spread of the level of inclusive, peaceful joyful atmosphere at school, in family and in the society - life-long learning. Children will teach to grandparents the use of internet swapping love messages and will learn by them how they showed their feelings in the past - raise in the new generation of gentle behaviours in words and actions - celebration events to remark the importance of love feelings, self control, mutual help and respect,sense of responsability, positive emotions in family, in school and society(dances, song, competition, games,painting,videos, photos, videos, movies, gifts) 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER (suggestions): - The team will arrange moments of meeting with grandparents and families; - they will be activated creative and technological workshops;
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- they will be organized songs dances, plays, performances for the event; - they will be organized meeting with representatives of charitable or no profit onlus associations engaged in defence of human rights and in citizenship - they will be foreseen consultations with education specialists, writers, artist and psychologists  - photos will be taken and videos will be made. -other schools will be involved for horizontal, vertical, network or European project
- Societal Curriculum - Italy -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: science / italian / art and imagination / technology 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: World Earth Day 22nd April 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor - Outdoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 8 hours 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: (event and type of involvement of grandparents) - Organization of a celebratory event at school on the Earth day - grandparentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; invitation to seize secrets of home savings; - a brief theoretical-practical lesson by skilled grandparents on planting, vegetable growing - lab workshop performed together by grandparents, parents and grandchildren - restyiling of school spaces with the cooperation of grandparents and families 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: (Learning Objectives): Â - Enhancing the ability to observe the environment around us; - developing the sense of respect and protection of the environment also understood as a living space; - understanding the importance of transforming acquired knowledge into eco-compatible behaviors for a simpler and more natural lifestyle; - formulating solutions hypothesis for environment problems and challenging individual and social skills and behaviors to improve them. - strengthening the sense of belonging to the environment in which we study, work and live -promoting in future generations, the development of an environmental and ecological conscience, respect and conscious use of the territory through a process of re-appropriation and redevelopment of spaces;
- Societal Curriculum - Italy -
- encouraging a cooperative spirit by enhancing the contribution of all components of the school community (school assistants, canteen staff, external education operators) - activating respectful behaviors towards common material, school and town furnishing - understanding the negative effects of pollution and environmental degradation on physical and mental health and attention skills - promoting a natural feeding based on seasonal fruit and vegetables, reducing trash food, snaks and fats in children and adult diet 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY) (material and tools): - seedlings, seeds, soil and equipment required for planting; - easy-to-use and recyclable material - banners and decorations for the ornament of the school; - themes music and dances; - exhibition of billboards and articles - refreshment buffet with local seasonal products 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): (planned activities): - preparation of teaching material of various types (cards, researches, questionnaires ...) - lessons and group activities to bring students into the topic of life tree cycle, water cycle, use of renewable energies; - collective discussions and moments of comparison (grandparents and children) on respect for life and nature - realization of seedlings in greenhouse - use of compost - arrangement of floral flower beds in exterior spaces and embellishment of interior spaces with decorative plants - visit to environmental oasis (WWF, Legambiente ...) -visit to waste recycling centre -visit to alternative energy installation - specialist contribution by environmental organizations for the cleaning reuse, regeneration of the territory
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11) METHODOLOGY (methodology): 1- Open Classroom Teaching; 2 - active participation of grandparents, grandchildren and parents in a collaborative and changeable dimension, according to the methods of cooperation, research together and the research-action; 3- a global approach to the environment with particular attention to reuse and recycling practices; 4 - Using the “near” environment of the territory as an educational lab, where to find stimulus for research, reflection and experimentation 5- spreading at school recycling and saving behavior to promote a more natural 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: (expected results): - learning good habits also by grandparents for respecting nature, animals and the environment; - spreading the benefits of separated wast collection at school and home; - acquisition of healthier and healthier habits; - enhancement and benefits of outdoor games; - rebuilding and restyiling of disused school spaces for educational didactic purposes 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER (suggestions): -The team will plan the various moments of the celebration day; - during the previous days there will be meetings with grandparents and parents who will collaborate in the preparation of green spaces to be cultivated or materials to be recycled; - there will be contacts with other schools, ONG, town hall, stake holders, enviroment association, for the dissemination of the project; - mass media, local authorities, stakeholders will be involved; - Photos will be taken and videos will be made.
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Physical education - art and image music - technology 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC : School year end celebration 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 8 hours (whole school day) 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: - Organization of an event for the school year end. - Grandparents’ participation in games and activities. - Children sale of their artifacts made during the year. - Garden products market grew by grandparents and children. - Team races “flag”, bowls ... (grandparents and grandchildren). - Cards tournaments (grandparents and grandchildren). - Competition “The best cake”. - Final dances and songs. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - Working together for a culture of sharing and collaboration. - Acquire greater capacity of working together for a common project. - Foster interaction and communication between pupils and teachers, between teachers themselves, between school and family through the encounter and confrontation. - Activate proper behaviors of respect and loyalty during the game. - Create a spirit of esteem, trust, collaboration between children and adults. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED - Spaces intended for the installation of stands. - Tools to be used in games and races. - Billboards and banners. - Collection of works made during the year. 64
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- Dances, songs, poems and rhymes. - Final refreshment. - Certificates and medals. - Charity lucky dip. 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): - Preparation of the event with grandparents collaboration. - Activation of workshops for building objects (puppets, ponies, decorations). - Cultivation and harvesting of the garden products. - Preparation of dances and songs. - Study of poems and rhymes. 11) METHODOLOGY: Active involvement of grandparents who, together with pupils and teachers, become the protagonists of the event, offering the child the confidence to regain the common values of school and family. Laboratory didactics to fostering operational and reflection on what is done. Cooperative learning promoting, stimulating the social dimension of learning. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - Extension of the participation of parents and grandparents to school initiatives. - Activating concrete ways to help children grow in respect of the important values of life. - Sharing significant cultural moments. - Enrichment of personal experiences and knowledge. - Socialization and collaboration between parents, children, teachers and school staff. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER: - Teachers’ team will meet grandparents at different times to organize the event. - The games to be played with grandparents will be chosen. - A guidelines will be set for the competition “The best cake”. - There will be certificates and medals for grandparents; - Photos and videos of the event. 65
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE : science / italian language / art and image/ enviroment education 3) CURRICULUM THEME: National Tree Festival (21 November) 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5) DURATION OF ACTIVITY: 3 hours 6) GRANDPARENT PARTICIPATION: Yes 7) TYPE OF PARTICIPATION: (event and type of involvement of grandparents) - organization of a celebratory event at school during the tree festival; - grandparentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; invitation and predisposition of the telling and display corner (personal experiences grandparents and grandchildren tied to the trees); - a brief lecture by the grandparents on plant cultivation; - planting young trees with grandparents; - chestnut with grandparents -display corner: painting, drawings, photos, songs, artcraft 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: (Learning Objectives): - enhancing skills, attitudes and abilities of exploration, observation and discovery of the surrounding environment, taking into account tree presence its value for our life and its life cycle; - developing knowledge on issues related to sustainable development; - promoting expression skills, the emergency and priority of projects concerning their own school and their own territory; - strengthening the sense of belonging to the environment in which our students study our school staff work and our comunity live; - promoting in future generations, the development of an environmental and ecological conscience, of respect and conscious use of the territory through a process of re-appropriation of spaces; - listening and grasping the tellings, wisdom and experience of grandparents: meaningful examples for healthy and responsible collective life;
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- activating respectful behaviors towards others -making commitment to child education, nature and trees care such as the ability to value differences and preserve biodiversity. These aspects will be among the main elements that will shape the development of the coming future -sensitizing to the tree lesson and comparison between trees and children 9) NECESSARY MATERIALS (IF ANY) (material and tools): - seedlings, seeds, soil and equipment required for planting; - diplomas and attestations for grandparents and grandchildren; - clothes and accessories to care trees and to wear for celebrating the tree festival; - banners, paintings, picture and decorations for school; - theme music and dances; - exhibition of billboards and newspaper articles - chestnuts to be cooked with grandparents; - sweets and drinks for the final banquet 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): (planned activities): - preparation of teaching material of various types (cards, researches, questionnaires ...) - lessons and group activities to bring students to understand that, through life tree cycle the green kingdom is a â&#x20AC;&#x153;living worldâ&#x20AC;?: the plant breathes, turns, can die and needs care that children can become responsible of it. - preparation of suitable clothes, tools, accessorizes to explore the enviroment and have care of it. - group discussions and moments of comparison dialogue (grandparents, parents and children) on respect for life and nature - activation of creative workshops for the realization of paintings, artefacts, objects about tree also with grandparents help. 11) METHODOLOGY (methodology) : 1- Active cooperative learning, which sees in the surrounding environment a source of information, a stimulus to overcome passivity, a challenge to know our natural enviroment through exploration and plan; 67
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2 - active participation by grandparents and grandchildren, in a dimension of collaboration and interchange, according to the methods of research together and the research-action; 3- a global approach to the environment with particular attention to the perceptive-sensorial dimension; 4 - use the “near” environment of the territory as an educational lab, where to find stimulus for research, reflection and experimentation. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: (expected results) : - acquisition of knowledge and information on the vegetable kingdom; - learning good habits respectful of nature and the environment; - consolidation of grand-grandparents relationship 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER (suggestions) : -The team will plan the various aspects of the event, taking care to monitor and evaluate the expected results; - there will be meetings with grandparents who will collaborate in the preparation of the green spaces to be cultivated and exhibition and event set up. - documentaries and videos related to the celebration of the tree will be screened; - they will be organized songs, dances and performances for the event; - photos will be taken and videos will be made.
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History / music /art and image/
3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: “At school by grandparents “ ( Grandparents day – October 2nd ) 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 3 hours 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: - Organization of a celebratory day at school on Grandparents’ Day. - Welcoming grandparents with songs and poems dedicated to them. - “A photo, a memory,” story telling by grandparents and grandchildren watching a picture taken together. - Grandparents exhibition in their congenial activities (singing, acting, dancing ...) - A snack with grandparents. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - Recognize the affective and educational role of grandparents. - Grasp, from the grandparents’ story, ideas to reflecting on themselves. - Experience new experiences, share, with classmates and adults, moments of discovery and knowledge. - Foster communication between school-family. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY) : - Spaces for events. - Decorations, banners, ornaments. - Stands for photo show of grandparents and grandchildren. - Hi-Fi system. - Food and drink for snacks. 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): - Preparation of teaching material of various types (narrative, poetic, descriptive, tabs, research).
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- Questionnaires and interviews with grandparents. - Preparation of dances and songs. 11) METHODOLOGY : Interdisciplinary Didactics to develop knowledge and learning transversely; Active participation by grandparents and grandchildren, in a collaborative and interchangeable dimension, according to the methods of research together and the research-action; Circle-time 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - Greater interaction between grandparents and grandchildren. - Knowledge of past habits and ways of living. - A stimulus to consider grandparents an important resource for the future. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER : - Teachersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; team will arrange encounter moments with grandparents. - Creative and technological labs will be activated. - Tests of songs and dances will be organized for the expected event. - Photos and videos of the event.
Societal Curriculum NORTH IRELAND
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: The World Around Us/Language Development/Drama/Early Mathematical Experiences 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: All about me 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor And Outdoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 2 hours 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Children and grandparents will work together to make short drama movies of ‘Fun Games on Holiday’ 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Children will: develop mathematical language take responsibility within a group for building during the construction of a new home for the old woman and children respond in a variety of ways to nursery rhyme music demonstrate some understanding of 2D and 3D shape develop fine motor skills, explore colour, shape and texture in 2D, work creatively on a small scale develop vocabulary as they name animal and object cutters develop manipulative skills discover properties of dough. co-operate and respond to teacher in a role-play situation. will make choices and decisions. develop curiosity through role-play. recall own experience, demonstrate literacy skills in a meaningful situation, develop interest in cooking from home play. develop mathematical language associated with water. develop hand eye co-ordination. be able to name equipment and toys in water trays. develop descriptive language. 73
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express ideas, feelings and events. use language to imagine and re-create experiences encourage sharing and turn taking. Develop a story of their family and life Grandparents: Be given the opportunity to inform their grandchildren about the family and their history Will engage their grandchildren with demonstrations of local culture, games, toys, language and dance 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): Wooden blocks Lego Popoids Paint Paper Variety of card Magazines Selection of coloured paper Glue Scissors Mirrors Charcoal Newspaper Magnifying glasses House templates from card x29 Dough Cutters Knives Messy mats Rollers Orange Halloween cutters 74
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Black sparkly playdough Face templates x8 Home corner - magazine rack, paintings, ornaments, flowers, cushions, newspapers, telephone and directories, plants, books, mirror, telephone and address book, catalogues, family photos, Buckets of various sizes, variety of spades, containers, moulds, sieves Farm sensory tray with food and black sheep Dollâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house for old woman and children 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Preparation by Classroom Assistants of teaching materials for activities Family photos 11) METHODOLOGY: 1. Children will work with grandparents to produce a large family tree and portfolio of talents, hobbies and cultural interests. 2. As always with PreSchool/Foundation Stage Learning there needs to be a wide range of activities going on in the room â&#x20AC;&#x201C; that feed into the topic of All About Me. 3. Music playing in the background will provide a positive atmosphere 4. Take opportunities to highlight excellent learning and partnerships 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - Greater realisation of the need for a strong dependent relationship between grandparents and grandchildren - Self-esteem growth in the child and an awareness of their own unique being and story - Children will have an A2 size poster of family photos showing their family tree and members 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) : The difficult part may be getting children to speak with grandparents other than their own. Create opportunities and break down barriers that will enable the majority to do this. Children build homes using wooden blocks and lego, name and identify the rooms in their homes Use popoids to make people, name family members and match popoid people to a family.
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Draw buckets and decorate using a variety of media – crayons, glue, paint. Provide a range of instruments to work on developing a steady beat. Explore which materials could be used to make a new bucket for Jack and Jill Use a range of media to create and model scenes from various nursery rhymes. Use mirrors to look closely at their faces. Draw self-portraits using charcoal. Make hand and finger prints and discuss differences (Halloween crafts). Use magnifying glasses to look closely at their finger prints. Make family houses for assembly. Build Baa Baa black sheep, dame, master. Cut out Jack and Jill characters shapes from playdough and create a hill. Roll out slabs of dough – use cutters to cut strips to make handles of bucket or laces for shoe. Push, pull, squeeze, bend, twist, stretch, squash and flatten dough. Me in Halloween – using black glittery dough, cut out bats, cats, witches and make a spooky scene Make faces with dough. Explore using different materials in the dough to add detail to their models. Old woman and children or farm house. Act out roles of characters from Nursery rhymes. Basic home play – setting the table, making dinner etc. and caring for the baby and children Explore pouring/filling using watering cans, jugs and buckets. Fill containers with water like Jack and Jill without letting it spill. Use funnels, sprays, cylinders etc. and water instruments to hum tune of rhymes Hand and foot prints in wet sand, compare and match prints to owner. Use story boxes and or tuff tray for each nursery rhyme to recreate the scenes and characters from the story. Encourage children to change the stories to make them more exciting.
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Play with the doll’s house, talk about the rooms in the house, put the correct furniture in each room. Discuss the family members and extended family members. Complete Nursery rhyme jigsaws. Play Ten Green bottles – link with nos. to 10 Memory match games -Jack and Jill task box Numeracy and Literacy games that are used during the task chart will be added to the table top area the following week so children can continue to play them and consolidate learning Jigsaws – family puzzles, autumn puzzles. Making and keeping their own notes, write about friends. Make baby books, cut out photographs of baby things. Begin to trace over words and copy words on ourselves and body parts onto whiteboards or onto paper using markers
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Language Development/Physical Development and Movement/The Arts 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Fairytales 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Outdoor & Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 2 hours 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Act as oral story tellers and ‘Read with Grandad Day’ Costume preparation for traditional clothing (sewing etc) Journey of food talk – from ‘spade to fork’ by local farmers Build a Castle with Grandparents project Planting seeds and trees with children in the school vegetable plots/ other areas 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Have an awareness of the boundaries set and behavioural expectations within the setting – re-establish rules and routines. Show respect for others’ property. Initiate conversation, attend to and take account of what others say, and use talk to resolve disagreements. Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall. Distinguish one sound from another. Recognise differences in quantity when comparing sets of objects. Use language such as ‘more’ or ‘less’ to compare two numbers. Show curiosity and interest by facial expression, movement or sound. Investigate construction materials. Express feelings about a significant personal event. Sit up, stand up and balance on various parts of the body. Engage in activities requiring hand/eye co-ordination.
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Respond to sound with body movement. Use available resources to create props to support role-play. Use ideas involving fitting, overlapping, in, out, enclosure, grids and sun-like shapes. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): The Three Little Pigs: We make the houses of the Three Little Pigs by gluing on raffia pieces (straw), toothpicks (sticks), and small rectangles of red foam (bricks). The Three Bears: Cookie Cutters (Bear shape) Jack and the Beanstalk: We grow our own small beanstalks by planting lima beans in a cup. The Fisherman and His Wife: We use a blue shower liner on the floor for the water. Paper fish have 0-10 dots on them, with a paperclip attached, and are tossed onto the “water”. Children catch a fish with magnetic fishing pole, count the dots, and write or stamp the numeral on a fish cutout. The magnetic fishing poles are made with a magnet wand tied to a rhythm stick (or dowel rod) with string. Queen of Hearts Tarts: Tarts are often made during the medieval ages. Children make their own tarts with this recipe: Mix two spoonfuls of cream cheese with two spoonfuls of strawberry jam in a cup. Spread the mixture onto vanilla wafers, and add a heart-shaped candy. 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Learning areas indoor and outdoor set up by teacher and accessibly Story learning sacks sent home in advance to ensure full familiarity Grandparents briefed on their role and levels of engagement required Contact local library service for additional CDs/Books that can enhance the learning 11) METHODOLOGY: a) Open welcome to grandparents and the Fairytales theme b) The room is set up to have ‘stations of learning’ so that children and their grandparents will rotate the activities over the two hour sessions. Each area will have a Fairytale themed activity from across the curriculum. Each activity is completed in tandem between child and grandparent. c) Teacher will facilitate learning and efficiency of movement around the classroom and outdoor area. Digital media should be used to record/ evidence learning and interaction.
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d) Teacher will ‘pause’ learning periodically to give in-lesson plenaries and highlight outstanding pupil efforts. This is assessment for learning in practice and high level pedagogical awareness. e) The activities remain purposeful and in line with the local/national curriculum for Pre-School children. f) Teacher should be carrying out assessments of pupils and collecting samples of work. Diagnositic and Summative assessments can discretely be carried out and will inform future planning. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: • Have an awareness of the boundaries set and behavioural expectations within the setting – re-establish rules and routines. •
Show respect for others’ property.
• Initiate conversation, attend to and take account of what others say, and use talk to resolve disagreements. •
Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall.
Distinguish one sound from another.
Recognise differences in quantity when comparing sets of objects.
Use language such as ‘more’ or ‘less’ to compare two numbers.
• Show curiosity and interest by facial expression, movement or sound. •
Investigate construction materials.
Express feelings about a significant personal event.
Sit up, stand up and balance on various parts of the body.
Engage in activities requiring hand/eye co-ordination.
• Respond to sound with body movement. Use available resources to create props to support role-play. • Use ideas involving fitting, overlapping, in, out, enclosure, grids and sun-like shapes. Improved inter-generational communication levels and esteem levels related to their role 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) The Three Little Pigs: We talk about the sequence of the story (which house did the wolf come to first, second, third), and make the houses on the paper in that sequence. The children dictate a few sentences to retell the story. 80
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The Three Bears: Add bear family cookie cutters to the play dough area. Children use these to cut out the different sizes of bears to make the bear family. Fairy Tale Retelling: A large sheet paper is folded in half, like a story book. The children draw a picture of one of their favourite fairy tale characters on the front. On the inside, they dictate their retelling of the fairy tale. Invite other cluster Nursery/Preschools to the event to share best practice and to disseminate Media will invariably support such innovative Inter-generational learning.
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: The World Around Us/Language Development/Drama/Early Mathematical Experiences 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Holidays 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor And Outdoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 2 hours 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Children and grandparents will work together to make short drama movies of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Fun Games on Holidayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Develop and sustain concentration Co-operate, take turns and share equipment as part of a group Begin to ask questions to extend their learning Talk about where they have gone on holiday or would like to go Make observational drawings Select appropriate materials Experiment with different media to represent their ideas Use dough/clay to make models and obtain textures to represent their ideas Begin to show initiative when developing ideas Project themselves into the feelings and actions of someone else Develop their creativity through imaginative play Begin to recognize coins and use money in real situations (notice the difference in foreign currency) Talk together about what they are doing and on holidays from the past Learn about their locality and country and the features in it Give and follow simple directions Develop imaginative skills Take turns, co-operate and share equipment Begin to develop perseverance and concentration Develop self-management skills 82
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Work creatively and imaginatively Develop gross and fine motor skills Use their phonic knowledge to write independently Perfect pencil control and begin to use capital letters at the beginning of sentences Use their imagination to role play and create drama sketch with grandparents or other adults in a different environment 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): Lego Junk materials Sticklebricks Incastro Duplo Brown and coloured bricks Coloured and real sand Large shells Primary colour paints in ketchup bottles Coloured buttons and paper Tissue paper/Felt/string/paper plates/wool/straws Selection of playdough and A3 mats Textured rollers/shells Clay Wire Sequins/clay tools Travel agent resources Money Puppets Puppet theatre Camp-site resources Keyboards for booking holidays Globe for discovering destination in the world 83
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Moulds/buckets Watering cans/jugs and other pouring objects Variety of different size containers Coloured sand Coloured paper, sponges, wooden sticks Junk materials Play figures Hospital, fire station and police station wooden buildings (Nursery) Airport planes and cars Jigsaws x8 Twinkl holiday memory game Sand/water tray Bikes and trikes Old cases Chalk to draw buildings A4/3 coloured paper Pencils and colouring pencils Word cards and High Frequency Word mat Digital Camera 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Grandparents and children will work together to discuss holidays from the past. Locations and sights visited? Activities on holiday? Transport? Memories? Seasonal vacations? This discussion is pivotal to the learning. Preparation by Classroom Assistants of teaching materials for activities 11) METHODOLOGY: 1. Both generations discuss holiday artefacts on offer around the room as a stimuli for script 2. In the spirit of collaboration and after completion of role playing and shared learning activities regarding games on holidays â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in groups of 4 (2x children and 2x adults) the groups will create a short 45-60 second video where all four can speak in glowing (or not so glowing!) terms of the holiday experience 3. Circle time afterwards to reflect and share learning 84
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12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - Greater interaction between grandparents and grandchildren through many different subject areas - Knowledge of past holidaying habits and ways of living - A stimulus such as the holiday artefacts improve children’s imagine and their ability to story create 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) : The difficult part may be getting children to speak with grandparents other than their own. Create opportunities and break down barriers that will enable the majority to do this. Make tall structures, explore how to make structures stronger so that you can make them taller. Compare for tallest, shortest, etc. Build the modes of transport we use to go on holiday Make own puppets for Barnaby Beach and sand art – shell patterns Exploring and experimenting with mixing paint using only primary colours Button fish craft – Pinterest Sponge sailboat Beach hut garland using felt Starfish footprints/ Sea shell crafts Cool lemonade glasses, lighthouse crafts Make objects for sea-side play dough mats. Use shells and rollers to make impressions in dough and compare Make rainbow and decorated fish using clay and sequins, order using ordinal numbers Set up role play area as a travel agents - discuss different types of holiday destinations, weather etc. Take on role of customer/cashier. Use money to buy items at the airport. Puppet theatre – retell Barnaby bear and his adventures
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Role-play area also changed into a camp-site with tent, fire, books, barbeque or airport security and check in desk. Can you make moulds and sandcastles using sand? Add flags for the top What happens when water is added? Put watering cans/pouring objects in water tray Compare capacity of different containers â&#x20AC;&#x201C; guess and test which holds most/least. Order things according to capacity. Find something that holds more, less and about the same as given containers. Creating and testing sponge sailboats and racing them Explore fire station, hospital and police station, discuss uses of each. Use small world figures to explore different roles and routines at these places and why they are needed all over the world. Build castles with junk materials and use play figures to re-enact scenes from Disney and relate to Orlando, Florida or Disneyland Paris. Talk about different shapes in castles. Build an airport and carpark for travellers. Variety of homes jigsaws Holiday memory game
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: The World Around Us & Language Development 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Nursery Rhymes & Nature Walks 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor And Outdoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 2 hours 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: The Nursery Rhymes will offer the children new language and opportunities to explore the world around them. Grandparents will accompany the children on a Nature Walk. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To help children learn about animals, insects, plants, and rocks in our environment while developing interpersonal skills with their peers and grandparents After going on the nature walk and discussing what we saw and learned on the nature walk, the children will have the opportunity to: Main Objective: Grandparents and children will have opportunities of using a digital camera, the students will be able to identify at least one insect, animal, plant or rock and take a picture of it. Observe insects, animals, plants, and rocks in our environment Learn and identify about 80% of the insects, animals, plants, and rocks in our environment Become aware of where insects and animals live (e.g., under rocks, in trees, in water) Engage in social interaction with their peers and grandparents Learn to use a digital camera Develop small and large motor skills Practice health and safety procedures Participate in class discussions Both generations will have participated in health- enhancing activities for the development of lifetime health and fitness.
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9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): Digital Cameras (1 per child/grandparent) Magnifying Glasses (1 per child/grandparent) Clipboards Painting materials and previously taught poems/nursery rhymes (laminate or Interactive White Board) First Aid Kit (1 for group) Bottles of Water (1 per child) Backpack (1 per child) 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Children need exposure to and an appreciation of the poetry and song. The theme for this is Nature or Weather. Poems/Songs on both are widely available. 11) METHODOLOGY: a) Children and grandparents will examine a number of Nature or Weather based poems b) Children and grandparents can paint together to depict the imagery of the poem c) Teacher leads an inter-generational Nature Walk. d) Teacher will discuss the different animals in our environment. We will have discussions about the animals and insects we have in our classroom (e.g., frogs/tadpoles and ants). Discussing with children and grandparents what health and safety procedures we need to follow (e.g., wash hands, do not touch bugs or plants and then touch your mouth). e) Demonstrate and review how to use and take care of the cameras by looking at our cameras and identifying the buttons on them. I will give them a picture of the parts of a camera also. Create and go over your checklist to make sure we have everything for your nature walk. f) Then go on your nature walk with our cameras and take pictures of the insects, animals, rocks, and plants that we see. g) Upon returning, wash your hands, print out the pictures, and then the children and grandparents will create a picture book of their adventure. h) In the plenary ask open questions like: o What did you see? o What did you like? o What you wished you saw? o Why didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t we see those things? 88
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12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Improved technology and camera skills for both child and grandparent The child will have shown a capacity to investigate and experiment with objects in order to discover information. The child will have shown reasoning and logic when selecting and becoming familiar with simple scientific tools (magnifying glass) The child will observe and investigate plants and animals. Develops an awareness of what various plants and animals need for growth Demonstrates an interest and respect for the plant and animal life around them Through discussion and experience the child will investigate and observe the basic concepts of the Earth. Develops an awareness of the properties of common earth materials (soil, rocks, water) The child will participate in activities to develop the skills necessary for working and interacting with others. Begins to develop relationships with others Shows respect for others and their property 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) : The nature walk is infinitely more fun with songs and chants! Another perfect opportunity for Grandparents to take the lead.
- Societal Curriculum - North Ireland -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Language Development/Physical Development and Movement/The Arts/Personal Social & Emotional Development 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Christmas/Festival Nursery Toys 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Outdoor & Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 1 hour 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Prior to the lesson is vital. The home school project is a partnership and the toy will be the child’s prize entry into the school toy museum. Filmed interview before – to be shown to all present. Play games from various decades and generations with children that create opportunities for dialogue and soft skills development. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To express their needs and feelings in appropriate ways through Circle Time – feelings, emotional vocabulary, sharing and taking turns. To find out about and identify the uses of everyday technology and use information and communication technology and programmable toys to support their learning. To learn to value their Grandparents levels of patience and perseverance and to contribute to own well - being and self-control. To build social skills and teamwork through both free play and structured play To question why things happen, and give explanations. Link statements and stick to a main theme or intention. Know that information can be retrieved from Grandparents as well as books and computers and to appreciate human lines of enquiry as the richest source To apply basic counting skills enabling them to count in regular / irregular arrangements of up to 10 objects. (Begin to recognise numerals 1 to 10 and count backwards from 5.) To describe simple features of objects and events. To maintain attention, concentrate, and sit quietly when appropriate. 90
- Societal Curriculum - North Ireland -
To appreciate that through play we can deliver upon the universal values that underpin a school ethos To handle tools, objects construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control. To raise attitudes and self-esteem through clearly communicated tasks that are differentiated and achievable by all regardless of ability or prior performance To understand better and consider the consequences of their words and actions for themselves and others. To be able to select and use activities and resources independently. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): Outdoors - old toys, skipping ropes, hoopla, skittles, marbles, hobby horse. Indoors - Threading beads to copy and continue repeating patterns. Make repeating patterns with peg boards. Variety of jigsaws, Orchard games and hammer and nails Find items from positional/directional clues. Play ‘hunt the puppet’ – use positional language to aid. Laces Beads Larger threading objects Peg boards Hammer and nails Alphabet Lotto CVC board games Alphabet mat Old woman puppet Toys Cards Photographs Catalogues Camera
- Societal Curriculum - North Ireland -
Wordmats/topic words Scooters Bicycles/buses Gymnastic equipment Beanbags Benches 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Learning areas indoor and outdoor set up by teacher and accessibly Interviews with grandparents about childhood toys in advance to ensure full familiarity (where possible filmed) Grandparents briefed on their role and levels of engagement required Contact local museum service for additional CDs/Books that can enhance the learning Home/school agreed project – each child and grandparent prepare a toy at home to be put in the ‘School Toy Museum’ Visit to local Toy Museum (if possible) 11) METHODOLOGY: a) Open welcome to grandparents and the Toy theme b) Children will ‘show and tell’ their Toy that they and their grandparent made together. Simple examples may include Viking Ship, A Robot, A Rocket. More adventurous will include crafted objects, joinery/woodwork or electronic Fairground Wheels etc. c) Teacher will play videos of the Grandparent interviews of their childhood toys. Questioning the children on what they heard and understood from the videos. d) Children and grandparents will round robin various play station activities both indoors and outdoors. Grandparents will skilfully model turn taking, patience and accuracy. e) It is vital that communication is both two-way and more than just verbals. Modelling of non-verbal behaviours are important in teaching a child interest levels, engagement, enthusiasm and resilience. f) The activities must conclude with a learning plenary. Both generations will contribute – a chance to show their new learning eg. Songs associated with skipping.
- Societal Curriculum - North Ireland -
12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: • Extended vocabulary, especially by grouping and naming. Begin to use talk to pretend imaginary situations. Hear and say initial sounds in words. Recognise rhythm in spoken words. Engage in activities requiring hand/eye co-ordination. •
Show respect for others’ property.
• Initiate conversation, attend to and take account of what others say, and use talk to resolve disagreements. • Enjoy listening to and using spoken and written language, and readily turn to it in their play and learning. •
Count reliably up to ten everyday toys or objects.
• Use developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems. • Show curiosity and interest by facial expression, movement or sound. •
Investigate construction materials.
Express feelings about a significant personal event.
Sit up, stand up and balance on various parts of the body.
Engage in activities requiring hand/eye co-ordination.
• Respond to sound with body movement. Use available resources to create props to support role-play. • Use ideas involving fitting, overlapping, in, out, enclosure, grids and sun-like shapes. Improved inter-generational communication levels and esteem levels related to their role 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) Be clear and consistent with grandparents as to their role and that their expectations of 3 or 4 year old children should be in line with the teachers. When observing the children look for their use of intonation, rhythm and phrasing to make their meaning clear to others. Invite other cluster Nursery/Preschools to the event to share best practice and to disseminate Media will invariably support such innovative Inter-generational learning. 93
Societal Curriculum LATVIA
- Societal Curriculum - Latvia -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Nature Science/Social Studies 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Most beautiful places of region or parish 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Outdoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 4 hours 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: They can be as a guide because they have lived here for many years, they know many interesting things and people of the parish 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To enhance the ability to observe the nature around us To introduce pupils with beautiful places of region To strengthen the sense of belonging to the place in which we live To develop national identity/ feeling â&#x20AC;&#x201C; I am proud of the place I live To experience new experiences, share, with classmates and adults, moments of discovery and knowledge. To foster communication between school and family. To create a spirit of esteem, trust, collaboration between children and adults. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): brochure from tourism centre about this region 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Preparation of dances and songs. Teacher informs the students about the excursion and picnic on that week Teacher makes survey whose grandparents can come on that day To organize a bus or minibus for excursion To arrange time for excursion to touristic place
- Societal Curriculum - Latvia -
11) METHODOLOGY: 1) Teacher informs the students about the concert and excursion on that day/week 2)On that day everybody gathers at school 3)Welcoming grandparents with songs and poems dedicated to them - Pupils give a little concert or demonstrate other skills they have learnt at school 4)Everybody goes on excursion to touristic place 5)During excursion they talk to each other both grandparents among themselves and among family members 6)After excursion - a snack with grandparents or they make a picnic (if possible) 7)At school smaller pupils can draw this day, older ones can discuss, evaluate and write benefits from this day 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Pupils learn about the place they live Pupils have opportunity to discover new things or facts about his/her region in active learning not from books or internet Greater interaction between grandparents and grandchildren. Sharing significant cultural/historical moments. Enrichment of personal experiences and knowledge. Socialization and collaboration between parents, children, teachers and school staff. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school newspaper/ journal / website / social media account (if any) The teacher may prepare/ buy small presents for the grandparents as a memory of the day
- Societal Curriculum - Latvia -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Primary (for older ones) 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: History/social studies/class lesson 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Remembrance days (20th January - Barricade of 1991 Commemoration Day, 25th March and 14th June - The Communist Genocide Commemoration day) 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 1 lesson 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Lecture or storytelling about the historical moments they were involved in, for example, for Latvia, struggle for freedom at 1991 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To introduce pupils with our history (each year teachers talk with pupils about days we celebrate and we hang out the flag and commemorate those who have died) To strengthen the sense of appreciation of our grandparents To recognize the affective and educational role of grandparents. To grasp from the grandparents’ story ideas reflecting on their families. To foster communication between school-family. To create a spirit of esteem, trust, collaboration between children and adults. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): no 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Survey among students whose parents or grandparents participated in such an event or have memories about it invitation of grandparents to school 11) METHODOLOGY: 1) Teacher informs the students about the lecture on that day and tells that they have a guest today and explains the reason of his visit. 2) Teacher invites the grandparent(s) (to wait in teachers’ room) to the classroom. 3) Grandparents enter to the classroom to talk about their participation in that historical event. 99
- Societal Curriculum - Latvia -
4) Grandparents tell their memories. 5) Students ask questions to the grandparents. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Knowledge about recent history events and honour for people who have survived during hard times of history Pupils interact with old living generation A stimulus to consider grandparents an important resource for the future. Sharing significant historical moments. Enrichment of personal experiences and knowledge. Socialization and collaboration between parents, children, teachers and school staff. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school newspaper/ journal / website / social media account (if any) The teacher may prepare/ buy small presents for the grandparents as a memory of the day
- Societal Curriculum - Latvia -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Home Economics 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Knitting or Sewing 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 1-4 lessons 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Practical help in class in the beginning of learning process (skills, especially if they are lefthanders) - practical lesson by skilled grandparents on knitting or sewing 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To learn how to knit or sew To enhance the ability to being helpful To recognize the affective and educational role of grandparents. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): yarn and needles 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): To make survey whose grandparents can come 11) METHODOLOGY: 1) Teacher informs the students about the topic and tells that they have a guest/s today and explains the reason of their visit. 2) Teacher invites the grandparent(s) to the classroom. 3) Grandparents help in teaching and learning process 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Pupils have learnt how to knit or sew Pupils interact with old living generation A stimulus to consider grandparents an important helping resource at school. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school newspaper/ journal / website / social media account (if any) The teacher may prepare/ buy small presents for the grandparents as a memory of the day 101
- Societal Curriculum - Latvia -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Biology/nature science 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Insects 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: outdoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 4 hours 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: a theoretical-practical lesson by skilled grandparents on bee keeping Guide and lecturer in their own apiary (knowledge and skills) or at school if the weather is not appropriate 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To learn about bees and their life To enhance the ability to observe the nature around us To recognize the affective and educational role of grandparents. To experience new experiences, share, with classmates and adults, moments of discovery and knowledge. To acquire greater capacity of working together for a common project. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Discuss with the Grandparents what they require for the activity. To set up a day and organize a bus for going to grandparents’ apiary To inform to prepare suitable clothes, tools, accessorizes to explore the environment to find out about allergic pupils 11) METHODOLOGY: Using the “near” environment of the territory as an educational lab, where to find stimulus for research, reflection and experimentation 1) Teacher informs the students about the excursion to apiary 2) Grandparents welcomes students in their apiary 3) Grandparents tell about the bee life etc. 4) Students ask questions to the grandparents. 102
- Societal Curriculum - Latvia -
12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Knowledge of insects and profession â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;beekeeperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Pupils have opportunity to discover new things Possibility to taste different kinds of honey Pupils interact with old living generation A stimulus to consider grandparents an important resource for the future. Enrichment of personal experiences and knowledge. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school newspaper/ journal / website / social media account (if any) The teacher may prepare/ buy small presents for the grandparents as a memory of the day
- Societal Curriculum - Latvia -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Primary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Geography/social science/nature science 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: European countries 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 1-2 lessons 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Lecturer about their travel or trip to any European country; or if they have moved to the country from some other country – report or story about his/her country 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To learn about any other European country or migration To recognize the affective and educational role of grandparents. To grasp, from the grandparents’ story, ideas to reflecting on themselves. To experience new experiences, share, with classmates and adults, moments of discovery and knowledge. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): No 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Teacher makes survey whose grandparents have come from other countries or have travelled and can come on that day Providing projector or anything else for presentation 11) METHODOLOGY: 1) Teacher informs the students about the topic for lesson and tells that they have a guest/s today and explains the reason of their visit. 2) Teacher invites the grandparent(s) (to wait in teachers’ room) to the classroom. 3) Grandparents enter to the classroom to talk about the topic. 4) 9 Students ask questions to the grandparents. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Knowledge of everyday life of some other country learnt from native people;
- Societal Curriculum - Latvia -
Possibility to compare with own country and ask questions, to discover facts about some other countries Pupils interact with old living generation A stimulus to consider grandparents an important resource for the future. Enrichment of personal experiences and knowledge. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school newspaper/ journal / website / social media account (if any) The teacher may prepare/ buy small presents for the grandparents as a memory and contribution of the day
Societal Curriculum NORWAY
- Societal Curriculum - Norway -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool / Primary / Secondary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Lets Communicate 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Social Studies, Science, Technology 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 45 mins 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Students teach the grandparents how to use modern technology to communicate with them. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Recognise and identify changes in technology over the years. Use information and communication technology to correspond and collaborate. Use language to convey a message or instructions. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): ipads/smartphones 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Ensure all technology equipment has the necessary applications downloaded on them. 11) METHODOLOGY: 1) Teacher informs the students about the festival on that day/week and tells that they have a guest today and explains the reason of their visit. 2) Remind students of their behaviour and to talk slowly and clearly to the grandparents. 2) Teacher invites the grandparent(s) (to wait in teachersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; room) to the classroom. 3) Grandparents enter to the classroom and pair up with a student/s. 4) Students will take responsibility of showing grandparents how they can use the ipad/smartphone to communicate. 5) Question/answer session. 6) Groups will share what they have learned and reflect on how well their session had gone.
- Societal Curriculum - Norway -
12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - Students take the role of the teacher towards the grandparents. - Students show what they know from being able to teach the older generation how to use something new to them. - Students interact with oldest living generation. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): 1) The Teachers communication the expectations of the activity with the students. 2) Invite the grandparents to come into the school for the activity. 3) The teacher must find the suitable equipment. 4) The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school newspaper/ journal / website / social media account (if any)
- Societal Curriculum - Norway -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool / Primary / Secondary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: All About Me 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Social Studies, PSHE, Language 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 45 mins 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Talk about their own family when they were young and how their family has changed over the years. (Additions to the family etc) 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: What and what make up a family? What kinds of things people do with their family. Group members help each other in many different ways. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): N/A 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Possible homework activity – Family Tree, Discussion at home with family. 11) METHODOLOGY: 1) Teacher informs the students on that day/week and tells that they have a guest today and explains the reason of their visit. 2) Teacher invites the grandparent(s) (to wait in teachers’ room) to the classroom. 3) Grandparents enter to the classroom to talk about their family and show any photographs/artefacts. 4) Grandparents tell their best memories of their childhood and growing up in their family (where they lived etc) 5) Students ask questions to the grandparents. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - Students learn about how people in past lived. - Students have the opportunity to listen way of living in the past and differences in family groups. - Students interact with oldest living generation.
- Societal Curriculum - Norway -
13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) 1) The Teachers are to contact with the grandparents before inviting them to the class. 2) The teacher may prepare/ buy small presents for the grandparents as a memory of the day 3) The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school newspaper/ journal / website / social media account (if any)
- Societal Curriculum - Norway -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool / Primary / Secondary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: My Body, My Job 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Social Studies, 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 50 Mins 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Discuss the job they had when they were working and show photographs of what the work was like. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: How people worked in the past. Types of jobs in the past. Similarities and Differences of jobs now and then. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): Area for the Grandparent to talk. 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Possible homework activity about researching jobs in the past with their own grandparents. 11) METHODOLOGY: 1) Teacher informs the students about the visitor who is coming to the class to talk about the type of job they had in the past. 2) Teacher invites the grandparent(s) (to wait in teachersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; room) to the classroom. 3) Grandparents enter to the classroom to talk about their job (where, when, how, what) 4) Grandparents tell their best memories of their job and what they enjoyed/did not enjoy. 5) Students ask questions to the grandparents. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - Students learn about job from the past. - Students have the opportunity to listen to jobs from the past and make a comparison between past and today. - Students interact with oldest living generation. - Students develop an understanding of how difficult working in the past was compared to the present day. 113
- Societal Curriculum - Norway -
13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): 1) The Teachers are to contact with the grandparents before inviting them to the class. 2) He/she must tell them to come to the school with photographs etc if possible. 3) The teacher may prepare/ buy small presents for the grandparents as a memory of the day 4) The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school newspaper/ journal / website / social media account (if any)
- Societal Curriculum - Norway -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool / Primary / Secondary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Timeless Games and Toys 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Social Studies, PSHE, Expressive Arts 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 30 minutes 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Discuss the different games they played when they were children and how they are similar to some of the games children play today. Grandparents teach the children how to play the game and play it. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Identify different sources of games and toys, and how they are played. Recognise and identify changes in games and toys over time. Play games to correspond and collaborate. Identify games from the past. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): 1) Equipment for the game. 2) Necessary space for the game. 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Discuss with the Grandparents what they require for the activity and expectations. Inform parents so they can come and participate. Collate necessary equipment if required. 11) METHODOLOGY: 1) Teacher informs the students and parents about the planned activity. 2) Teacher invites the grandparent(s) (to wait in teachersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; room) to the classroom. 3) Grandparents enter to the classroom to talk about their childhood game and how it is played. 4) Grandparents tell their best memories of playing when they were a child and memories of playing the game.
- Societal Curriculum - Norway -
5) Students ask questions to the grandparents. 6) Grandparent will demonstrate how to play the game and allow the students/parents to participate. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - Students learn about the history /tradition/rules of the game. - Students have the opportunity to listen way of playing the game in the past and make a comparison between the games played in the past and today. - Students interact with oldest living generation. - Students will play the game. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): 1) The Teachers are to contact with the grandparents before inviting them to the class. 2) He/she must tell them to come to the school with the appropriate equipment if possible. 3) The teacher must find the suitable equipment the grandparents may need to perform the task. (If grandparents cannot bring) 4) The teacher may prepare/ buy small presents for the grandparents as a memory of the day. 5) The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school newspaper/ journal / website / social media account (if any).
- Societal Curriculum - Norway -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool / Primary / Secondary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Lets Celebrate 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Social Studies, PSHE, Maths, Express Arts 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: 1-2 hours 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: Discuss the celebration and how the Grandparents celebrate the chosen festival, traditions, food, games etc. Ask the Grandparents to help teach the students to bake/cook a traditional dish from the festival. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: How festivals are celebrated Similarities of celebrations Measure a given quantity Describe personal experiences 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): Will be dependent on the type of food going to be produced. Kitchen equipment and cooking area. 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Possible homework activity about researching celebrations/festivals celebrated at home. Find an appropriate room for the activity – kitchen etc Discuss with the Grandparents what they require for the activity. 11) METHODOLOGY: 1) Teacher informs the students about the festival on that day/week and tells that they have a guest today and explains the reason of their visit. 2) Teacher invites the grandparent(s) (to wait in teachers’ room) to the classroom. 3) Grandparents enter to the classroom to talk about their festival and the traditional foods they eat. 4) Grandparents tell their best memories of the traditional foods during the festival when they were children.
- Societal Curriculum - Norway -
5) Students ask questions to the grandparents. 6) Grandparent will demonstrate how to make the â&#x20AC;&#x153;easyâ&#x20AC;? traditional food and ask the students to help. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - Students learn about the history / culture / tradition of the festival. - Students have the opportunity to listen way of celebrating the festival in the past and make a comparison between past and today. - Students interact with oldest living generation. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S): 1) The Teachers are to contact with the grandparents before inviting them to the class. 2) He/she must tell them to come to the school in their traditional clothes if possible 3) The teacher must find the suitable equipment the grandparents may need to perform the task. 4) The teacher may prepare/ buy small presents for the grandparents as a memory of the day 5) The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school newspaper/ journal / website / social media account (if any)
Societal Curriculum FRANCE
- Societal Curriculum - France -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool / Primary / Secondary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: History-geography 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Europe a peace zone after WWII 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Outdoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: One entire school day 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: YES (especially those who were told about the atrocities of WWII from their direct witnesses or survivors, those whose family or the kin were victims of the war). 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: a) to invite grandparents to come and accompany pupils on an onsite study visit, organized by the school, to a martyr village whose inhabitants were massacred in a Nazi raid; b) to ask grandparents share their personal stories, the witnessing that was passed onto them by their family and kin about the atrocities of war; c) to talk about the importance of maintaining peace in Europe. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: a) To study the scars of WWII that marked the collective memory of the nation; b) to learn about the consequences of WWII in one’s country; c) to develop understanding of the importance of peace that has been maintained in Europe since WWII. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): a bus booked for the day; cameras or mobile phones for taking photos 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): To organize a school trip for the whole day, to book a bus, a guide and tickets to an open air martyred village museum. Pupils need to have already covered some topics related to WWII in history to get a better understanding of the context of the drama, they are going to learn about by means seeing its tangible proof at this type of site. Pupils will have carried out a research on the history of the site they’re going to visit.
- Societal Curriculum - France -
11) METHODOLOGY: 1) Pupils are told that they’ll visit a historical site where terrible war crimes took place. They’re asked to carry out a research on the history of the site. 2) The teacher asks grandparents, especially those who can produce personal witnessing, to come and accompany class on a school trip to an open-air martyr village-museum (that are many in each European country) whose inhabitants were massacred by the Nazi in WWII in an example of punishment for disobedience to other surrounding villages and towns. 3) During the visit to the site grandparents share their personal witnessing – stories that they were told about the atrocities of WWII from direct witnesses or survivors, those whose family or the kin were victims of the war. 4) Pupils are asked to take photos of the items and places at the site that attract their particular attention. 5) When again in class during the next lesson, pupils are given a choice of topics to reflect upon and to write a paper using photos taken during visit to support their opinions and views. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - Pupils will interact with people of their grandparents’ generation who were personally affected by WWII. - Thanks to seeing the tangible remnants of war crimes committed by the Nazi and hearing personal stories from their grandparents of how their close ones suffered from the war, at the end of the day pupils will get a different and felt-out perspective regarding the damage incurred by their country during WWII. - Pupils will develop more empathy and more compassion to victims of war as well as to realize the importance of keeping peace. - Pupils will better realize some of the benefits of their country’s being part of the European Union, namely, the EU’s important role in assuring peace. This project is expected to encourage pupils develop loyalty to European community’s values. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) : 1) The teacher is advised to contact and discuss the project with the grandparents before inviting them to come on the school trip. 2) The teacher would better find out about the grandparents’ experience of the war before going on the trip.
- Societal Curriculum - France -
3) The teachers may get a documentary film related to the dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s topic for the class to watch during the trip on the bus. 5) The teacher may film or take photos of the pupils and the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school or regional newspaper/ journal / website / social media account.
- Societal Curriculum - France -
SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool / Primary / Secondary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Moral and civic education 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Discovery of the economic and professional world. 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: three courses of 55 min. 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes (those who are professionally active, especially if they are training managers or recruiters, who have got the experience of HR selection and recruitment) 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: a) Inviting grandparents to school environment; b) grandparents participate at preparatory courses for pupils before they start an on-site job observation training, c) grandparents teach/ demonstrate how to write a successful CV, a letter of motivation, how to prepare for a job interview. d) grandparents talk about recruitment procedures in a company. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - To help the pupils to get ready for a mandatory five-day on-site job observation training in a company by means of the following: a) introducing to them HR selection procedure in a company b) teaching them how to write a successful CV, a letter of motivation, how to prepare for a job interview. c) developing pupilsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; abilities in presenting their skills and competences - To facilitate transmission of real-life experience related to employment that has been acquired by grandparents at a working place. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): PCs, one per workgroup, a printer, a white board, an interactive white board (optional). 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Use a big classroom to simulate an open plan workspace to encourage communication and cooperation within small groups with five or six work isles. 11) METHODOLOGY: 1) The teacher informs the pupils about the date of their mandatory five-day on-site job observation training in a company and tells them they
- Societal Curriculum - France -
have some guests today and explains that they will help the pupils to get ready for the forthcoming training. 2) The teacher presents the grandparents to the classroom and the grandparents talk shortly about their professional backgrounds 3) The teacher then explains that the first course is dedicated to teaching how to write a CV and the grandparents then interact with workgroups of 4 to 6 pupils and teach them how to write a successful CV. 4) The second course is aimed at teaching the pupils how to write a letter of motivation. In its organization it is very similar to the first one. 7) The third course focuses on a preparation for a job interview. The grandparents give a talk about how one should conduct oneself during a job interview in order to make a good impression. During next stage the grandparents and the pupils in their groups make a roleplay. They simulate a job interview and then discuss the pupils’ performance during the interview. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - at the end of three courses, pupils will have gained some knowledge about the professional world and will have learned the basic skills and steps in one’s job seeking. - students will have interacted with the grandparents’ generation and benefitted from their real-life experience related to the selection of HR. - Grandparents will have shared their invaluable practical experience, both generations - grandparents and grandchildren – will have improved mutual trust and understanding. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) : 1) The teachers are advised to contact the grandparents before inviting them to the class and talk over about their professional experience and explain to them how the work in class will be organized. 2) It is best to hold these courses at the beginning of the last year in middle school i.e. the year when pupils must chose the orientation for their further studies after the finishing the middle school. 3) It is recommended to organize these courses in close cooperation with the teacher who is responsible for pupils’ professional orientation counselling.
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool / Primary / Secondary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Moral and civil education 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Discovery of the economical and professional world 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: Duration: Three courses of 55 min. 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: - Inviting grandparents to school environment; a) to take an active part in courses given to pupils, b) to teach about the specificities and to sharing their experience of teamwork on a project. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - To create a small virtual company specializing in eco-friendly technologies; - To get familiar with some aspects of work organization within a project team; - To introduce to pupils the processes of technical need/problem identification, the elaboration of a bill of specifications, a work schedule and a budget; - To facilitate transmission of acquired professional experience from one generation to the other 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): PCs, a printer, a white board, (a paper board â&#x20AC;&#x201C; optional) a beamer. 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): Use a big classroom to simulate an open plan workspace to encourage communication and cooperation within small groups. 11) METHODOLOGY : 1) The teacher tells pupils that they are going to get familiar with some integral aspects of teamwork on a project and that they have some guests today who will share with the pupils their invaluable knowledge and experience acquired at a workplace. 2) The first course is dedicated to learning how to identify a technical need and/or problem. In the second course, the aim is to teach how to 126
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organize work within a project team. The third course focuses on teaching how to elaborate a bill of specifications, a work schedule and a budget. 3) Grandparents are asked to give a talk on how they identify a technical need and/or problem at their workplace, how organize team’s work on a project, how to elaborate a bill of specifications, a work schedule and a budget. 4) Grandparents explain how needs and problems identification, teamwork and schedule organization practices, the elaboration of bills of specification have evolved throughout their careers. 5) Grandparents tell about the biggest challenges they faced in their work on a project and what solutions were found. 6) They share photographs or videos documenting their work on a project. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - By the end of three courses, pupils will have gained some knowledge about company work organization and will have simulated the carrying out of certain tasks: need/problem identification, drawing of a working schedule, a bill of specifications and a budget estimate. - Grandparents’ experience will have been used to teach practical aspects of the professional world in a school environment. - The pupils interact with professionals from their grandparents’ generation. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) : 1) The teachers are advised to contact the grandparents before inviting them to the class and to talk through the organization of the courses. 2) The teachers are recommended to cooperate with the teachers in charge of professional orientation counselling. 3) The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school or local newspaper/ website / social media account (if any).
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool / Primary / Secondary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Moral and civil education 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Solidarity. 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor and Outdoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: Three courses of 55 min. and activities after classes for the volunteers 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: - Inviting grandparents to school environment: a) to take an active part in courses given to pupils, b) to act as mediators between pupils involved in the humanitarian program and the community’s humanitarian partner associations and local businesses. c) to advise and guide the pupils as they draw their own charitable assistance action plan. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - To learn about the people in need of assistance in the local community and to reflect about ways of providing them assistance; - to develop empathy for people in need; - to learn to draw an assistance action plan; - to develop communication and interaction between the generations of grandchildren and grandparents; - to develop communication and interaction between the pupils and local public bodies. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): a telephone, a PC, a printer, a beamer, a white board, a paper board (optional). 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): finding a storage place and a place for assembly of the parties involved. 11) METHODOLOGY: 1) The teacher tells pupils that they are going to carry out a charitable action and help the people in the local community who are need of help and assistance. The teacher presents the guests – grandparents who will advise and guide pupils throughout the elaboration and the carrying out of their humanitarian project. 128
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2) The teacher asks the grandparents talk to the pupils about the people in their community, town and annex villages, who need assistance. 3) The first course is aimed at choosing the type of humanitarian action, for example, collection of clothes and toys for infants, and choosing a humanitarian partner association, for example, free meals outlets. The grandparents and the grandchildren discuss and select a social group (eg. the handicapped, low-income families with small children, the homeless, etc.) whom they would like to help. 4) The second course focuses on teaching how to draft the practical aspects of the charitable program: choice of sites and storage places, drawing of the program schedule, composition of collection teams, modes of communication used. The grandparents advise and guide the pupils while the latter are drawing an assistance plan, they decide together what local bodies they will solicit during their afterschool time for donation to their social program. 5) The pupils-volunteers carry out their action plan in practice during their free time afterschool with the assistance of the grandparentsvolunteers. 6) The third course is dedicated to the appraisal of the charity program upon its completion, acknowledgements to the participants for results and involvement. The grandparents appraise their experience in the social program and the results that have been achieved. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - The pupils learn about the part of the communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population that is in need of social assistance; - the pupils get familiar with the work of humanitarian associations; - the pupils develop empathy for the disadvantaged people; -the pupils develop their reflection and creativity in finding ways to help people in need and in drawing an action plan; - the pupils interact with oldest living generation and develop their intergenerational communication and cooperation skills; - to develop communication and interaction between the pupils and local public bodies. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) : 1) The teachers are advised to contact the grandparents before inviting them to the class and to talk through the organization of the courses and the afterschool activities.
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2) The teachers are recommended to cooperate with the teachers in charge of professional orientation counselling. 3) The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school or local newspaper/ website / social media account (if any).
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool / Primary / Secondary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: Moral and civil education, Arts 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Ecocitizenship; Realization of an object 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: Three courses of 55 min. and activities after classes 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: - Inviting grandparents to school environment: a) to take an active part in courses given to pupils, b) to talk about the local ecological programs and actions aimed at the protection of environment c) to guide and advise the pupils during the realization of posters and billboards. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - to familiarize the pupils with the actions taken locally to protect environment - to teach the pupils to design and create a poster or a billboard - to develop the pupils’ creativity - to develop the pupils’ artistic skills - to encourage the pupils to take an active stance in the protection of the environment - to develop intergenerational communication and cooperation skills. 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): all drawing, painting tools and materials, sheets of drawing paper, etc. 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): to make a reservation for the art room for the second course. 11) METHODOLOGY : 1) The teacher tells the pupils that they are going to get more involved in the life of their school by means of taking part in an ecological program. The teacher will present the guests- grandparents, who have got ties and connection with local communal authorities, associations of nature
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protection and local firms and outlets. The teacher will explain that these grandparents will share the pupils their knowledge and experience. 2) The first course is dedicated to the creation of a mind map of local ecological programs and actions aimed at the protection of environment. One of the listed programs is to be chosen by the class. The grandparents are asked to act as mediators between the pupils and local communal authorities, local firms, outlets and associations for nature protection in the preparatory stage of the project and upon its completion. The grandparents are asked to give the pupils an overview of local nature protection and ecological programs, by means of presenting their personal knowledge and experience in this domain. 3) The second course is devoted to the realization of posters or billboards dedicated to the ecological program that has been selected. The grandparents with an artistic flair assist pupils in the conception and the realization of posters and billboards that carry an ecological message. 4) When completed the posters and billboards are to be put up in the school, local firms and outlets. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - the pupils learn to conduct an awareness building campaign by means of carrying out a publicity poster and billboard action; - the pupils get acquainted with the actions taken locally to protect environment; - the pupils build their awareness of the necessity to protect the environment; - the pupils develop their creativity and artistic expression; - the pupils and the grandparents improve their cooperation and communication skills collaborating on a project with people from the generation which isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t theirs. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) : 1) The teachers may get a few examples of posters with social advertisement to illustrate the artistic encoding of activist messages, 2) The pupils should have will have covered the basics of the artistic realization of posters and billboards, 3) The teachers are advised to contact the grandparents before inviting them to the class and to talk through the organization of the courses. Those with a penchant for or skills in artistic creations are to be solicited for the second course.
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4) The teachers should better plan these courses after the topic of environment protection has been dealt with in the courses of science or biology. 5) The teachers may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school or local newspaper/ website / social media account (if any).
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SOCIETAL CURRICULUM 1) SCHOOL SECTION: Preschool / Primary / Secondary 2) NAME OF THE LECTURE: 1) Science; 2) native language and literature 3) CURRICULAR TOPIC: 1) Transformation of substances; 2) traditional stories and fairy tales 4) TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Indoor 5) DURATION OF THE ACTIVITY: Two consecutive courses of 55 min. 6) INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: Yes (Those who used to make or still make home-baked and hand-made bread and those who know traditional songs, tales, rituals and celebrations related to bread). 7) TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT: - Inviting grandparents to school environment: a) to take an active part in courses given to pupils; b) to explain and to demonstrate to the pupils the traditional method of bread making; b) to talk about the rituals and celebrations related to bread making; c) to tell stories to sing traditional songs related to bread making; c) to guide and advise the pupils during the realization of posters and billboards. 8) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - To understand the role of bacteria and fermentation in transformation of substances in the process of bread-making; - to learn about folklore songs, stories, traditional rituals and beliefs, celebrations related to bread - To facilitate transmission of culture and traditions from one generation to the other 9) MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): ovens for baking, flour, sugar, salt, water, yeast, recipients and utensils for bread making, plates and dishes for the degustation. 10) PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): - As a preparatory stage for these courses, pupils must get acquainted in science lessons with the fermentation processes. - Different preparations of dough must be made before the courses to demonstrate different stages of fermentation. 134
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- Access to the school canteen’s kitchen and its ovens; ideally, the courses could take place in a rural home with a traditional furnace. 11) METHODOLOGY: 1) The teacher informs the pupils that today’s lesson will take place at the school’s canteen with the participation of some guests. 2) When at the canteen the teacher will present the guestsgrandparents to the pupils and will tell the pupils that today grandparents will teach them to make bread using traditional ways of cooking. 3) The first course is dedicated to showing the chain of transformations that enable to turn wheat flour into bread by means of using the traditional way of bread dough making, its different stages of maturity / fermentation and bread baking. The grandparents are asked to present the main stages of bread making and to supervise the pupils at each stage when they make their own bread. 4) The grandparents explain how the traditional way of breadmaking evolved throughout their life-time - what utensils, materials and equipment was used by their own grandparents or parents and what they use when they make hand-made bread at present. 5) The second course is devoted to the introduction to the folk songs, rituals and celebrations related to bread making followed by the degustation of freshly baked bread. The grandparents tell about the traditional celebrations, rituals, sing folk songs related to breadmaking in their villages of origin. 12) EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - the pupils see in practice the role of fermentation process in transformation of substances and will better realize the importance of bacteria in our daily lives. - the pupils get acquainted with the traditional ways of bread making and learn how to bake home-made bread using natural and healthy ingredients. - the pupils are introduced to oral traditions, such as songs and tales related to bread making as well as to special rituals and celebrations around bread making. - the pupils interact with the grandparents and benefit from their knowledge of nation’s culture and traditional. 13) SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHER(S) : 1) The teachers are advised to contact the grandparents before inviting 135
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them to the class and to talk through the organization of the courses. 2) The teachers may want to ask the grandparents what tools, utensils and products they need to have for bread making. 3) The pupils must have studied the chapter on bacteria in their courses of science or biology. 4) The teacher may want to buy small presents for the grandparents to remember that special day at school. 3) The teacher may film or take photos of the grandparents by getting their consent to use them in school or local newspaper/ website / social media account (if any).
Societal Curriculum ROMANIA
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DIDACTIC PROJECT SCHOOL SECTION: PRESCHOOL-Peacocks class- 3 years old. TEACHERS: MARICUTA CODREA NAME OF THE LECTURE: Bunnies and the gardener CURRICULAR TOPIC: Integrated Activity in Preschool Curriculum. OBJECTIVES: O1- to remember the rules of the game in their order. O2- to memorize the lines that around them. O3-to do jump acting as a bunny. O4-to run in a limited space ( ground) O5-to stop, knowing when, the gardener will catch them O6- to participate happily to the game. INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: [YES / NO] Yes-grandparents with grandchildren playing game. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any preliminary preparation that may be needed before realization of the activity such as changing sitting layout of the class, providing beamer or audio-visual instruments, asking the students to make research on the topic for familiarization, etc] No. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: [Expected benefits of such an activity both for the students and grandparents] exercising the movement skills of jumping and running. MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any type of material that may be needed to perform the activity in school environment] bunny masks, straw hat, stool, crayon, lettuce
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Description lesson / activity: Preparatory moment I organize the group of children as follows: 1 child is the gardener who guards the garden of vegetables and the others stay in their houses and wait for the gardener to have lunch. One child will receive a hat of straw (gardener) and the others will have masks for bunnies. Feedback(previous knowledge) I ask for children to look to their badges and tell what each of them represents. .Then they will respond to some of my questions regarding bunnies. Having their attention By presenting a bunny to the children who came in visit and he wants to learn a game from the children. Announcing the theme and objects The game for today is “Bunnies and Gardener”. playing it we will learn better how to jump and run. Learning guiding Explaining how the game is played : one of the children is the gardener and the others have the roles of bunnies and sit in their houses. At teacher ”s signal the bunny designated to be will say the lines: The gardener is at lunch/Let ‘s go to have some tasty salad! While the gardener is sitting on the chair, with the back to the garden and the bunnies jump and running to the garden and are picking leaves of salad. When the teacher says the lines: Everyone to house run/ Escape the gardener “s hands! The gardener stands and runs to catch a bunny. The bunnies stop from picking leaves and run to their houses. If a bunny is get caught before arriving home it is defeated and the gardener is the winner. The caught bunny will take the role of the gardener and the game resumes. Before starting the game we repeat the lines. We will do a pre- game to check if everyone got the rules of the game. Evaluation I make verbal appreciations for those who did great the jumping and running. End of activity I make general appreciations about how they all perform and how they all behaved during the game. 140
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DIDACTIC PROJECT SCHOOL SECTION: PRESCHOOL-Stars class- 4 years old. TEACHERS: CRINA LINUL NAME OF THE LECTURE: Bouquets( bunches) CURRICULAR TOPIC: Integrated Activity in Preschool Curriculum. OBJECTIVES: O1-To follow the rules of the game and imposed disciplinary rules; O2-To Execute complex motion and at a signal set to cluster in bunches according to the number indicated. O3-To Show interest in participating with pleasure activity; INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: [YES / NO] Yes-grandparents with grandchildren playing game. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any preliminary preparation that may be needed before realization of the activity such as changing sitting layout of the class, providing beamer or audio-visual instruments, asking the students to make research on the topic for familiarization, etc] No. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: [Expected benefits of such an activity both for the students and grandparents] Satisfying the need of movement, relaxation and recreation of children; development of attention, speed of the reactions of skill; general physical development of children, education, team spirit and fair play MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any type of material that may be needed to perform the activity in school environment] cards representing spring flowers, chalk, CD player and CDs Description lesson / activity: It creates sufficient space for carrying the game .It is preparing the necessary requirements and ensure the verbal discipline. It shows children 141
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the necessary course of playing: CD player, chalk and draws a circle on the carpet to announce the game â&#x20AC;&#x153;bouquetsâ&#x20AC;? and explains its rules: Children sit in the circle, on music, the circumference after running various commands movements (walking , as the dwarf, the bunny jumping etc). At one point the music stops and the teacher shouts a number, for example 5. Upon hearing this command, the children gather in groups consisting of 5 each form of bunches. Those who failed to cluster in bunches and are penalized according to the number, out of the game. RULES: - We must not run; - Is not allowed to scream;Children in circle will do together a sample game. If you require further explanation .The game is repeated, calling the other numbers in the circle until there are only 3 children. It occurs only if children experience difficulties or violate established rules. Global and individual assessments are made on the involvement of children in activity. Winners receive one flower each.
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DIDACTIC PROJECT CHOOL SECTION: PRESCHOOL-Little Frogs class- 5 years old. TEACHERS: VASILICA GAZDAC NAME OF THE LECTURE: Grandmother’s dowry chest. CURRICULAR TOPIC: Integrated Activity in Preschool Curriculum. OBJECTIVES: O1- to pay attention to the narrative of reading to grasp the succession of moments of action, and the message sent; O2- answer questions put by educators heard on the text, with the support of the dowry intuitive materials grandmother. O3 - to enrich their vocabulary with new words O4 - simple sentences to convey the positive message sent by the story. O5-to speak grammatically correct. INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: [YES / NO] Yes-grandparents with grandchildren playing game. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any preliminary preparation that may be needed before realization of the activity such as changing sitting layout of the class, providing beamer or audio-visual instruments, asking the students to make research on the topic for familiarization, etc] Digital Resources: EXPECTED OUTCOMES: [Expected benefits of such an activity both for the students and grandparents] • Strengthen the capacity of developing oral expression, understanding states the use of correct meanings and verbal structures. • Development of creativity and expressiveness of oral language. • Training and improvement of skills and abilities to play themes from folk art plastics. • Educating competitive spirit, fostering creativity
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MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any type of material that may be needed to perform the activity in school environment] m1 – dowry chest m2 – traditional clothes m3 - traditional art -objects m4-doll Description of the lesson / activity: Today you will hear the reading of the dowry chest of grandmother, you paint plates with traditional motifs and in the end we have prepared a short game and a song called “The peasant is on the field.” After the story -telling and after we painted the plates we play this wonderful game. In this game can participate as many children, which dance, sing. In the middle it is chosen a child who starts the game, he was peasant. . How it is done: A child that is a peasant walks in circle, clapping his hands in rhythm song. He will choose a wife, then this child, etc, following the order of song verse: “The farmer is in the field, The peasant is on the field, Hooray my pretty, The peasant is on the field. He has a wife (and you have to choose a wife) He has a wife, Hooray, my pretty, He has a wife. Wife a child (wife will have to choose a child) Wife a child, Hooray, my pretty, Wife a child. A nanny child (the child will have to choose a nanny) The child nanny
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Hooray, my pretty, The child nanny. A kitten nurses (nurse choose a kitten) Nurses kitten Hooray, my pretty, Nurse a kitten. Cat catch mice (choose a mouse) Cat catch mice Hooray, my pretty, Cat catch mice. And mice to cheese (choose a child “cheese”) Cheese and mice, Hooray, my pretty, Cheese and mice. And cheese in a jar, And cheese in a jar, Hooray, my pretty, And cheese in a jar. “ The game ends when the last player is included.
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DIDACTIC PROJECT SCHOOL SECTION: Class 0-( PRIMARY SCHOOL, PREPARATORY-6 years old) TEACHERS: Ana-Floarea Simionese NAME OF THE LECTURE: The sound and the letter C-,, I say one, you say more! “CURRICULAR TOPIC: Communication in Romanian OB JECTIVES: O1 - to list words that begin contain or end with the sound ,, c “; O2 - to determine the plural form of nouns and adjectives found; O3 - to complete the appropriate forms incomplete sentences correct plural or singular of words (oral); INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: [YES / NO] Yes-grandparents with grandchildren playing game in class and at home. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any preliminary preparation that may be needed before realization of the activity such as changing sitting layout of the class, providing beamer or audio-visual instruments, asking the students to make research on the topic for familiarization, etc] Yes. - EXPECTED OUTCOMES: [Expected benefits of such an activity both for the students and grandparents] strengthening the skills of finding the plural form of nouns and adjectives MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any type of material that may be needed to perform the activity in school environment] Yes- cards with different images
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Description lesson / activity: Teaching the game ,, I say one, you say more! “I used during the lesson time of Romanian to learning sound and the letter C”. Teaching task of the game is to find the plural form of nouns and adjectives that start, contain or end with the sound ,, c “. The game can be carried in front of the whole class, each pupil can respond to teacher requests. More interesting is whether students are divided into two groups. The first group has the task to find as many words beginning contain or end with the sound ,, c “ in the singular, the other group must find the plural of these words. Earns the group that managed to give most of the answers correctly. Roles can be reversed later if time permits. I said that the two groups version is more interesting, because children themselves must find the right words load the game, stimulating and thought, attention, spirit of teamwork. The teacher becomes only the mediator. The degree of difficulty of the game can be increased by filling in incomplete sentences with the correct forms, singular or plural of words missing. At the end of the game, all children will be rewarded with applause and congratulations.
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DIDACTIC PROJECT SCHOOL SECTION: Class I-( PRIMARY SCHOOL, FIRST CLASS-7 years old) TEACHERS: Luminita-Maria Cuceu NAME OF THE LECTURE: ,, Friendship “-,, One, two, three ! “communication game; CURRICULAR TOPIC: Personal development OBJECTIVES: O1 - will certainly use fingers correctly, respecting the rules of the game; O2 - to execute the right move, as game indicating; O3 - to show a positive attitude towards playing partner; INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: [YES / NO] Yes-grandparents with grandchildren playing game. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any preliminary preparation that may be needed before realization of the activity such as changing sitting layout of the class, providing beamer or audio-visual instruments, asking the students to make research on the topic for familiarization, etc] No. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: [Expected benefits of such an activity both for the students and grandparents] enriching the affective life , acquiring the ability to restrain emotions and stimulate positive feelings; MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any type of material that may be needed to perform the activity in school environment] No. Description lesson / activity: The game ,,One, two, three! “is a cheerful game that involves students and grandparents, charging them with positive emotions and experiences and prepares them for activity. For smooth running of the game, students are divided into two groups, each forming a circle, one inside, closely other on the outside. Children are sitting inside in front of outsiders, so that every child has a couple. If number of children is odd, the teacher forms with the extra child a pair .
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At the first clap of the leader of the game, each child will open to the other pair formed one, two or three fingers. Depending on the no. fingers, children will behave as follows: - If both partners are opening a finger, shake hands manfully and they say: ,, Hello good friend! “ - If both partners are opening two fingers, kissed them on the cheek, saying: ,, Well I found you, my friend! “ - If both partners are opening up three fingers, they embrace and they say ,, I missed you, my friend! “ - If number of fingers differs , children say ,, Goodbye !”; On the second clap of the leader of the game, children outer circle traveling to their left (clockwise ), amounting to have another child as playing partner. Next clap aims to continue the game,, fingers “between the new partners. The game ends when the original pairs are found. We used this game in the opening lesson ,, Friendship “in the Personal Development Course (Class I) with grandparents.. The game itself has brought children in a joyful atmosphere, friendly, uninhibited, without shyness or reluctance, and at the end of the activity, continue to play, looking for partners, proof that purpose has been achieved.
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DIDACTIC PROJECT SCHOOL SECTION: Class II-( PRIMARY SCHOOL, SECOND CLASS8years old) TEACHERS: SAS ALEXANDRA-LAVINIA NAME OF THE LECTURE: Bodies with life, bodies without –“All my neighbours” CURRICULAR TOPIC: Natural Sciences OBJECTIVES: O1-to show the speed of reaction and thinking; O2- to make logical deductions O3- to participate in creative ideas in solving game INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: [YES / NO] Yes-grandparents with grandchildren playing game. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any preliminary preparation that may be needed before realization of the activity such as changing sitting layout of the class, providing beamer or audio-visual instruments, asking the students to make research on the topic for familiarization, etc] No. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: [Expected benefits of such an activity both for the students and grandparents] to develop the capacity, ability and concentration of movement MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any type of material that may be needed to perform the activity in school environment] No. Description lesson / activity: The Rules of games: All participants will sit on chairs in a circle in front of them objects that represent their home. Instructions: A student will sit in the middle of the circle, which will be the special player and does not have such a house. His desire is to occupy another house. How that can do this is the formula:
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,, All my neighbours who ...... .. “and will have to announce an object, a thing he has on his. For example: All my neighbours who have white shirts, long hair, blue eyes, etc. all falling demand special player will run around the circle to find another place is not allowed to sit in the place where they started. Who was in the middle can handle any free house and who remains homeless gets to be the special player, and the game resumes. Conclusion The game is used primarily for diversity, active involvement, respect and tolerance.
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DIDACTIC PROJECT SCHOOL SECTION: Class III-( PRIMARY SCHOOL, THIRD CLASS-9 years old) TEACHERS: MARTIN STEFANIA CARMEN NAME OF THE LECTURE: September- Forbidden word. CURRICULAR TOPIC: Romanian language and literature OBJECTIVES: O1-to speak in simple sentences correctly and fluently and developed; O2-answer questions, avoiding the use of words ,, forbidden “in replying; O3- to use words and phrases in sentences from lessons learned in class II; O4- to find synonyms / antonyms and use them correctly in sentences; O5-respect the rules; O6-to show curiosity and interest in activities INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: [YES / NO] Yes-grandparents with grandchildren playing game in school and at home. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any preliminary preparation that may be needed before realization of the activity such as changing sitting layout of the class, providing beamer or audio-visual instruments, asking the students to make research on the topic for familiarization, etc] No. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: [Expected benefits of such an activity both for the students and grandparents] Develop students’ vocabulary, creative imagination MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any type of material that may be needed to perform the activity in school environment] Yes- cards with banned words ,, “cards set of questions for each word ,, banned Description lesson / activity: The rules of games. The game will be held jointly or in pairs. Choose a leader of the game. This will choose and pick up cards with the words ,, banned the words 152
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“and all questions appropriate and will find himself or other words or sets of questions. Question from the leader of the game should be formulated in such a way as to require the use of the word banned response. Students will be careful and will answer questions from driver Game avoiding use of the word chosen by each of them. For each response will have one minute to think. Playing the game After class was organised , if deemed necessary, will be a small training of students, giving an example or two answers that are not included in the banned word. a) banned word: Third Question: What class are you? Answer: We are in grade following second grade. Question: Where is Ionut Gherghei bank? Answer: Ionut Gherghei bank stands behind Florinuţei. Question: In what class were last year the students of class IV? Answer: fourth graders last year were in the class where we are now. b) banned word: spring Question: When does the snow melts? Answer: In the season when snowdrops are flowering. Question: When are blooming the snowdrops? Answer: When the snow melts. Question: What season shows this poem? ,, Spring, Spring Come back to our country! “ Answer: Presents following winter season Question: When are coming the migrating birds ? Answer: When the trees begin to bloom. Banned word can change two or three times during the game. At the end of the game will highlight all students who submitted correct answers and showed great fantasy. Conclusion: The game enables students to formulate questions and answers, to develop oral expression, the taste for reading, thinking, observation, educating the team spirit, the subordination of personal interests, the group from which the student belongs.
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DIDACTIC PROJECT SCHOOL SECTION: Class V-(Secondary school, Fifth grade-11years old) TEACHERS: MOLDOVAN FLOARE NAME OF THE LECTURE: Addition of natural numbers- Who calculates faster? CURRICULAR TOPIC: Mathematics OBJECTIVES: Identifying colloquially or mathematical statements of operations specific notions of addition and subtraction of integers. Highlight, by examples, property operations and subtraction of integers. Selecting and using appropriate ways of representing the congregation and decreasing natural numbers. INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: [YES / NO] Yes-grandparents with grandchildren playing game at home. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any preliminary preparation that may be needed before realization of the activity such as changing sitting layout of the class, providing beamer or audio-visual instruments, asking the students to make research on the topic for familiarization, etc] No. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: [Expected benefits of such an activity both for the students and grandparents] I. informative: new knowledge and training of skills and abilities related to: operations of addition and subtraction of integers II. Formative: developing mental processes: logical thinking in processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, voluntary attention, mathematical language III: education: educating the spirit of initiative MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any type of material that may be needed to perform the activity in school environment] Yes-. Digital resources tablets, video projector
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Description lesson / activity: Preparing teaching material needed to carry time and prepare students with the necessary math. Check homework in terms of quantity and quality. Updates students’ knowledge on the operations of addition and subtraction of integers. In this lesson, students will be divided into 5 groups of 4 students. Each student will have his tablet on the desk. Projector screen presents the steps that will follow . Each group will work simultaneously having the opportunity to come back if I’m wrong. Will solve exercises of the type Add, Subtract, Mixed 1: 9 levels. Each group when they finish they let me know ahead. The final group will be designated winner. Questions for Reflection : 1. How did it seemed today’s lesson? 2. How hard it was to work the exercises of King of Math? 3. What did you like most? 4. What have you learned from this lesson? 5. How can you apply in life all what you have learned today? 6. Could you play this game at home with grandparents?
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DIDACTIC PROJECT SCHOOL SECTION: Class VI-(Secondary school, Sixth grade-11years old) TEACHERS: POP ANAMARIA NAME OF THE LECTURE: The degrees of comparison of adjectivesBlind Old Woman CURRICULAR TOPIC: Romanian language and literature OBJECTIVES: O1. to understand the idea of degree of comparison O2. to recognize the degrees of comparison of adjectives and their training O3. to know other ways of achieving the absolute superlative O4. identifying adjectives without degrees of comparison INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: [YES / NO] Yes-grandparents with grandchildren playing game at home. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any preliminary preparation that may be needed before realization of the activity such as changing sitting layout of the class, providing beamer or audio-visual instruments, asking the students to make research on the topic for familiarization, etc] No. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: [Expected benefits of such an activity both for the students and grandparents] expanding knowledge of adjective MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any type of material that may be needed to perform the activity in school environment] Yes-. Digital resources ,video projector,computer. Description lesson / activity: 1. Check: correct homework and their understanding of the adjective 2. Preparing for learning: exercise thaw: the teacher brings students four figures representing the faces of children: two equal stature, one taller than the other two and taller than everyone. It compares and explains to students that it takes adjective forms to express the extent to which an object has a quality in relation to other objects or him-self in different situations called degrees of comparison. 156
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3. Announcement of new lessons: then the teacher writes on the blackboard the title. 4. Presentation of new content: The teacher opens the overhead projector and ask a student to read what is meant by degree of comparison, then asks them to write down in their notebooks At first choose the highest student in the class and show that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s saying that his high ownership is not compared to another object: a positive grade In order for students to better understand the idea of degree â&#x20AC;&#x2039;â&#x20AC;&#x2039; of comparison, the teacher proposes a game: blind old woman. This involves placing a circle in a total of 14 students, one of such permission being blindfolded with a scarf. It will be a time to describe their colleagues, making use only of tangible physical traits.. During the game will notice that some features differ from one colleague to another. Thus, a student may be taller than the other, can have hair as short as the other. May do so using different exercises on the degree of comparison if the adjective. There will also be seen as a trait (height or size of loss) may differ from one student to another, making it possible to compare them. 5. Obtain performance and provide feed-back: scorecard; while students are solving these exercises, the teacheris looking at a few books to grading homework. 6. Ensuring transfer: homework: ex. 6, pp. 136 and form degrees of comparison of adjectives: activ, snappy and little.Assessments of student activity is done; grade the students or some students.
- Societal Curriculum - Romania -
DIDACTIC PROJECT SCHOOL SECTION: Class VI-(Secondary school, Sixth grade-11years old) TEACHERS: ILOVAN OANA NAME OF THE LECTURE: My house-Hide and seek CURRICULAR TOPIC: English. OBJECTIVES: to understand better what sorounds them to recognize the objects in a place to identify certain objects in their homes to discuss about their rooms in their homes INVOLVEMENT OF GRANDPARENTS: [YES / NO] Yes-grandparents with grandchildren playing game at home. PREPARATIONS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any preliminary preparation that may be needed before realization of the activity such as changing sitting layout of the class, providing beamer or audio-visual instruments, asking the students to make research on the topic for familiarization, etc] No. ECTED OUTCOMES: [Expected benefits of such an activity both for the students and grandparents] streghten the knowledge of their sourroundings MATERIALS NEEDED (IF ANY): [Any type of material that may be needed to perform the activity in school environment] Yes-. Â Digital resources, video projector,flipchart, card Description lesson / activity: 1-checking homework and understanding the use of prepositions of place and how they work in a sentence 2- Teacher puts on a flipchart paper some pictures with a house and the rooms in it. Teacher explains that there are rooms in a house and in each room she will put some objects( a bed in the bedroom, a sofa in the living room, a cooker in the kitchen, etc)
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3- My House 4-Teacher asks students to group in four groups ( 4 groups with 5 pupils in each group) Each group receives cards with some objects on it: a card with a photo of a bed, one with a table, one with a sofa, one with a mirror) Each group should draw a house and put the objects in the right room in the house.Teacher is a mediator an organizer and a facilitator The groups should guess what rooms are made by each team using the objects they already have put inside the house All the objects that were discussed earlier are used in sentences using the prepositions of place too. Teacher will give homework Teacher will make some verbal appreciations and will give advise to the shy ones.
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AUTORS TURKEY Havva Geylan Nihal Balçık Ayşe Akalan Aysel Karasöke Songül Çalta Ferah Berrin Üstoğlu Tuğba Songur Karakurt İsmet Kemal Külah Aysel Karaköse Cem Yıldırım Meral Akyüz Yıldırım Fikriye Hayta Mesut Özkan Yasemin Ünlü ROMANIA Vasilica Gazdac Luminita Cuceu Maricuta Codrea Linul Crina Furcea Doina Simionese Ana-Floarea Carmen Martin Sas Alexandra Moldovan Floare Oana Ilovan Pop Anamaria NORWAY Laura McGuffie Berit Koottatep Ila Moldenhauer Anne Hagen Leanne Hagen
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LATVIA Dace Kalnina Baiba Kovala NORTH IRELAND/UK Kevin Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neill Claire Burns Elaine McCann Kevin Donaghy Elizabeth Quinn FRANCE Authors Jean Yves Le Merrer, Inga El Drayi Catherine Authier ITALY Angela di Benedetto Emilia Capobianco Alessia Antonelli Bruno Modaffari Michele Lanotte Patrizia Rossi Giulia Marchetti Antonietta Rizzo Rosaria Roma BULGARIA Milena Foteva Dimitrinka Mihova Rositsa Aleksandrova Zdravko Dimov