The Eucharist and the Quest if India for a New Vision of History.

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The Eucharist and the Quest of India for a New Vision of History S. Kappen

The crisis that India is facing today is essentially spiritual and religious. Its roots lie in the conflict between the traditional world-outlook and the requirements of action in this age of technology and industrialization. In her effort to solve this crisis, India is instituting an anguishing reappraisal of the views she has inherited from the past on the historical destiny of man. Let us enter into the spirit of this search and see how far the message of the Eucharist contains an answer to the problems which India is grappling with. Without Beginning or End The traditional Hindu view of history has been formed after the pattern of cosmic processes. In nature, everything seems to follow a certain cyclic rhythm of emergence, disappearance and re-emergence. The sun rises in the morning, sets at evening, but only to rise again the following dawn. Plants spring up from the womb of the earth, grow, and then decay, thus returning to where they came from, until they sprout once again from the soil. The seasons too follow a pattern of birth, death, and rebirth. The Indian mind has always thought of man as part of the cosmos and therefore, subject to the law of cyclic return. History is “a perpetual creation, perpetual preservation, perpetual destruction�, as we read in the Vishnu Purana (I, 7). The world emanates from Brahman into which it is reabsorbed at the end of every Kalpa and where it remains in a state of pure potency until it emanates again, thus initiating a new cycle. The world periods (kalpas) and the subsequent periods of repose form consecutively the days and the nights of Brahman. (Gita, VIII, 17-20). This process of creation and dissolution is without

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