4th Quarter 2022

On Sunday, September 11, 2022, the VAVRS District 10 meeting was held at LifeCare Medical Transports in Fredericksburg. During the meeting two training sessions were conducted to commemorate the 21st Anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
Patricia Copeland, Rescue Chief for Aquia Harbour Volunteer Rescue Squad taught a session on Critical Incident Stress Management and the use of Therapy Dogs. The Rappahannock EMS Council CISM Team participates in multiple events throughout the state to spread the word about mental health and provide support for providers and their families. The CISM team are state accredited and trained to help the region’s public safety personnel dealing with stress.
Darryl English from the Stafford County Board of Supervisor also came by during the District 10 meeting to welcoming everyone to the meeting. A lifelong member of the EMS volunteer community, English expressed his gratitude.
In addition to the CISM training, Byron Andrews, Assistant Chief Rescue Operations/Fleet with Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad collaborated with Kevin Dillard, President, and CEO of LifeCare and Joey King, Executive Vice President of LifeCare on a presentation detailing their responses to the Pentagon during 9/11.
On September 11, 2001, LifeCare crews were one of the first on the scene at the Pentagon as two of their employees saw the plane hitting the Pentagon. LifeCare quickly became the staging area for the Rappahannock EMS Council’s command center. In all, LifeCare had six ambulances on scene and continued their response efforts the following day.
During the District 10 meeting, officers for the upcoming year were announced: Nancy Orndoff, District 10 Vice President (Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue Squad), Diana Wills, District 10 Alternate Vice President (LifeCare Medical Transports), and Debi McGhee, Treasurer (Fredericksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad).
VAVRS District 10 Group Photo Following Meeting on September 11th at LifeCare Medical Transports. VAVRS District 10 Officers: Nancy Orndoff, Diana Wills, and Debi McGhee.President Wesley Melson
Vice President Joey King
Secretary / Editor Gary Dalton
Treasurer Andy Neagle
Training Officer Frank Smith
Chaplain Clarence Fox
Immediate Past President Connie Moore
Parliamentarian - Scott Davis
Facilities Manager - Andy Neagle
I T Coordinator - Steve Ayes
District 1 Vice President Jeff Grimm
District 2 Vice President Joey Hundley
District 3 Vice President Kathy Eubank
District 5 Vice President Heather Palm
District 6 Vice President Lynn Hudson
District 7 Vice President - Romney Smith
District 9 Vice President - Bryant Skeen
District 10 Vice President Nancy Orndoff
Interim Executive Director Bubby Bish
Office Coordinator Mary Shively
Training Coordinator Brian Bilheimer
Administrative Secretary Carol Gothard
Lobbyist Ed Rhodes
Vice President - Kelley Shell
Secretary - Maxie Kerns
Treasurer Fay Browning
Chaplain Ailease Short
Historian Stacey Frame
Parliamentarian Carolyn Brand
Convention Gary Dalton
Bylaws Scott Davis
I T Scott Davis
Rescue College Steve Southworth/Ken Morgan
Finance - Andy Neagle
Scholarship - Diana Wills
Human Resources - Joey King
Legislative Kim Craig
Life Member Kevin Dillard Hall of Fame Ken Morgan
EMS Advisory Board Kim Craig EMS Advisory Board Dreama Chandler
EMS Exchange - Clarence Fox
National EMS Memorial - Scott Davis
Strategic Planning - Wesley Melson
Training Frank Smith
Death Benefit Andy Neagle
President - Shreyas Arcot
Vice President - Abigail Kaikkonen
Secretary/Treasurer Haven Johnson
Historian Shade Johnson Chaplain Sunnie Davis
Membership - Kelley Snell
Finance - Fay Browning
Bylaws - Carolyn Brand
Nominating Kathy Plummer
Life Member Clara Craig Convention Chair Fern Puckett
Convention Co Chair Marie Householder
Midwestern Vice President Dolores Hudson
Northeastern Vice President Doug Snell
Southcentral Vice President Clara Craig
Southeastern Vice President - Carl Cherry
Southwestern Vice President Sharon Castle
Western Vice President Linda Berkstresser
Roll Call Chair Rhonda Thompson
Roll Call Co Chair Layne Lusk
Fundraising Chair Marcelle Caudill
Fundraising Co-Chair - Ruth Swicegood
Deadline for future issues are as follows:
December 15 for the 1st Quarter Issue
March 15 for the 2nd Quarter Issue
June 15 for the 3rd Quarter Issue
September 15 for the 4th Quarter Issue
Articles may be submitted by any member of the VAVRS, AVAVRS and VAJVRS.
Feature articles are encouraged.
Photos and/or graphics are acceptable and can be returned if requested.
Contact the VAVRS Editor (editor@vavrs.com) if you need assistance submitting to the publication.
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It truly is an honor to serve as your VAVRS Chaplain. I am dedicated to serve and work with the VAVRS office staff, all our member agencies, individual members and the volunteer VAVRS officers. Speaking from personal experience, this chaotic world is not the easiest to navigate right now and it can feel like walls are closing in. I find my strength and my hope in Jesus and my faith in Him that He will return carry me home. If you are struggling to navigate your world, are looking for that peace that surpasses all understanding, need prayer, want to share your journey or just want to talk about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, please feel free to reach out to me. I have an “open door” policy and am available at any time for any reason. If I can be of assistance to you or your agency in any capacity please feel free to contact me via email at clarencefox@vavrs.com or call me on my cell at 540 810 1423. If you don’t get me right away, please do leave a message.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 It’s ok to not be ok! As first responders, we encounter many different situations. Some may be harder to deal with than others. We all have personal struggles and life happens. When life happens personally coupled with that horrific difficult call we respond to, it can literally cause us to break and put us over the edge. Rest assured, it is okay to not be okay! Who do we turn to? A friend, a coworker, your pastor? All those are great resources, but are they always available, will they understand your hurt? Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ wants you to come to Him, to have a relationship with you. He wants us to lay down our burdens. He is always with us and wants to hear from you! Isaiah 41:10 says “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”
If we trust in the Lord and ask him for help, He will listen. All we have to do is talk to him. You don’t need to be in a church or chapel to talk to God. We can do it anywhere. At the station, in our homes, on the street, in the ambulance. Philippians 4:6 says “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” If we put our trust in the Lord with all our heart, He will help us. Matthew 19:26 says “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
Here is a quick and simply prayer to God for help: Heavenly Father, I come to you today with a troubled heart. My life is in a mess right now. I cry out to you for your help. Lord, I know I can’t get though these troubled times right now on my own. But with your mercy I am praying for strength. I need you to help me though the day. I trust in Your infinite capacity of strength. I cast my troubles onto you Lord. I know You can take care of me. Thank You for working in my weakness. Give me guidance and grace. In Jesus’ precious name, amen.
The Madison County Volunteer Rescue Squad appointed a committee of Trustees: Steve Grayson, Paul Coates, Wayne Jones, Diane Dodson, Betty Grayson, Judy Knighting, and Pam Walker. The Trustees will establish a Scholarship Fund for Education in the field of Emergency Medical Services. The name of the fund will be the
The Madison Volunteer Rescue Squad Honored Paul Coates for almost 60 years of service and Steve Grayson for almost 50 years of Service. They both were given an E.A. Clore Rocking Chair
EMS Systems from across the country have been joining together to collect healthcare supplies and equipment that is needed in Ukraine. For over six months now Americans have asked the question of how they can help. To assist with medical supplies, numerous EMS agencies have joined together to donate essential medical supplies and equipment.
LifeCare Medical Transports President & CEO Kevin Dillard is proud to be working alongside many EMS agencies in Virginia assisting in this effort. In addition to contacting multiple agencies and coordinating donations, LifeCare is now the centralized staging location for donations. Included in these donations are stretchers, back boards, reeve sleeves, KEDs, equipment bags, turn out gear, stair chairs, and medical supplies. Donations are being stored at LifeCare Medical Transports in Fredericksburg, Virginia where their team will work on arrangements to ensure the deliver of the items to Ukraine. With much of Ukraine’s EMS supplies and equipment in dangerous territory, it is donations like this that make the difference.
Since March of 2022, Kevin Dillard, and Chris Manson, who works for OSF Healthcare, have been organizing a medical supply effort for Ukrainians. Earlier this year, CNN aired a story regarding the efforts. Here is the link, for the story, https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/07/09/ ambulance donation ukraine russia gallagher nr vpx.cnn.
Since March, they have been able to help get multiple ambulances donated as well as countless medical equipment and medical supplies. In all donations from Northumberland Volunteer Rescue Squad, Northumberland County Sheriff's Department, Mid-County Volunteer Rescue Squad, Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad, LifeCare Medical Transports, Cleveland Life Saving Crew, Russell County Sheriff’s Department, Mercy Ambulance, Henrico Volunteer Rescue Squad, and Fair Oaks Volunteer Rescue Squad have donated hundreds of EMS supplies for Ukraine. From there, LifeCare will work with Manson on getting the items delivered to Ukraine. If you or an agency is interested in donating, please contact Kevin Dillard at kdillard@lifecare94.com.
In July, LifeCare was honored to be able to host the Priority Ambulance Leadership Foundation Class of 2022 at their Corporate Headquarters in Fredericksburg. The national leadership program is a non profit organization founded to provide industry specific management and leadership training to EMS professionals from across the country. LifeCare currently has three employees attending the class. During their time in Virginia, the class met with several leaders, including Sheriff Decatur, from Stafford County to hear about his leadership journey. The leadership group also had trainings on system status management and crisis communication and public relations during the July session.
In addition to meeting with local professionals in Fredericksburg the group traveled to Arlington to participate in the National EMS Memorial Service. The National EMS Memorial Service was founded to remember and honor those emergency medical services personnel who have died in the line of duty and to recognize the ultimate sacrifice they have made for their community. The service currently takes place each year in Northern Virginia. Prior to the memorial service, the Leadership group met with a Legislative Director to discuss EMS legislation and also American Ambulance Association CEO, Maria Bianchi.
The Priority Ambulance Leadership Foundation is a remarkable experience for EMS leaders as they grow in their leadership journey. This four-week program which is spread out to over a course of a year, covers leadership development, revenue cycle management, documentation, finance, budgeting, and operational management with a hands on approach. As EMS leaders it is our duty to ensure a strong foundation for our emerging leaders so that they can ensure a better EMS system for tomorrow,” said Kevin Dillard, President of the Priority Ambulance Leadership Foundation.
Leadership students meeting Sheriff Decatur of Stafford County during their visit in Fredericksburg. Leadership Class of 2022 on the steps of Congress Submitted by:Wow is probably a word that can best describe what happened at this years Rescue College. It was fresh, exciting and fun. We had some very thought-provoking discussions on a variety of subject and this year it very interactive.
We were honored to have Steve Southworth teach an informative stress management class. Gary Dalton, our own Lifeline Magazine editor instructed us on tips and considerations for your Lifeline Magazine submission. Our very own Northeastern District Vice President, Doug Snell taught a class on situational awareness in this scary world. Things to think about before anything happens where are the exits, where can you hide, do you run or do you stay and fight.
This year we went away from the “management” classes. Instead, we tried going towards classes on leadership. The best way to describe this is a moved away from the 1900s and move toward the 2000s. Our world has changed and in order to survive we need to change too. In reality we all know how to manage; we’ve been doing it for years. Now, we need to become stronger leaders. We can no longer to everything the way it has always been done. We sometimes have to do the hard things.
Planning has already started for next years Rescue College. We are working on classes of “leading in this disorganized world”, various challenging situations and problem solving. By investigating the issues head on, we can hopefully understand the pitfalls and the dynamics of our current circumstances and come out of it in a better place or at least no worse.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Fran Phillips for her tireless work on Rescue College for many, many years. Her mentorship to so many of us is very much appreciated.
Our leadership classes are open to all. You don’t have to be an AVAVRS member to attend. Everyone is welcome. If you have a suggestion for a class or topic you would like to discuss, please let Fran or I know. Fran’s email is rs1inva@gmail.com. My email is orndoffe@gmvrs.org.
This last year we focused on celebrating the angels among us. This was truly eye opening. We as a group started looking at people and their acts of kindness. We found many angels. The acts of kindness were numerous too many to count.
Our theme for this year is “Let Your Light Shine.” I was asked what did this mean. The thought that immediately came to mind was that in each of us is a light, much like a lighthouse. Is your light dim or is it bright and lighting the way?
A lighthouse is a navigation tool for ships. Just as the lighthouse lights the way for ships returning to port and home, they also warn of the dangers of being too close to the shore and the nearby rocks.
Each of us has the light. The light that hopefully shines brightly and guiding. A light that glows even in the darkest times, but nonetheless guiding your individual steps. Your steps may be small, but they are not insignificant. By joining with others your one little tiny light becomes larger and ultimately you help light the way for others.
As we go through this coming year, lets all work together for the greater good of our organizations. May all of your lights shine brightly and be a welcoming beacon to others.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the First Responder Virginia committee for all their hard work in making the 2022 Convention a success.
$25.00 to be raffled off during the Life Member gathering. The tote bags given to the Life Members by President Eddie Ann Orndoff were very much appreciated.
Congratulations to the AVAVRS President, Eddie Ann Orndoff for receiving the Outstanding Service Award and also Layne Lusk who was awarded Life Member at the 2022 Convention.
Congratulations to the Scrapbook winners.
Thank you to everyone for your help and many acts of kindness.
Let Your Light Shine”
Layne Lusk and Eddie Ann Orndoff(Bumpass, Virginia)
Congratulations to Lake Anna Rescue, Inc. on their recent installation banquet and recognition of their newly elected 2022 2023 officers. The installation officer was Kevin Dillard, Chair of the Governor’s EMS Advisory Board. During the ceremony, the newly elected officers were recognized for their exceptional service to their community and continued commitment to exceptional patient care. The 2022 2023 officers are as follows:
President Troy Dillard
Vice President Kenneth Dumouchelle
Secretary Moriah Hamid
Treasurer—Kenny Carl
Captain Alexander Dillard
1st Lieutenant Scott Davis
2nd Lieutenant Peggy Smith
BOD (4 Year Term) Jason Roden
Troy Dillard, President of Lake Anna Rescue, Inc. stated “I am very proud of our dedicated volunteers who work together to help others in their time of need. We are always looking for new volunteers that are willing to help however they can. We can train a dedicated individual to become an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), an Ambulance driver or work in an administrative role to support the operational members and help raise funds to continue to serve the community”.
### On December 1, 1998, Lake Anna Rescue, Inc. (LARI) was born. The idea had been gestating for nine months. Its five parents, Kenny Bennett, Dwayne Clemons, Peggy Rupp, Larry Chesley and Dan Racette, realized the desperate need for an emergency medical rescue service in the area.
Today LARI has approximately 20 active members. EMT and ambulance driving classes are offered in hopes of recruiting more volunteers’ members. Administrative members are also needed as a support group. Fund raising, social activities and a junior rescue squad are also part of the LARI experience.
We attended the AVAVRS Western District meeting in Broadway. Our auxiliary received First Place for pictures submitted in July. Two of our members attended Rescue College and they enjoyed the classes and brought back some changes and some news on upcoming events.
In August eight (8) of our members attended the First Responder Virginia Convention in Hampton Virginia. We enjoyed the Embassy Hotel. It was so convenient to the Convention Center for all the events. It was great seeing everyone at breakfast in the hotel. We enjoyed everyone’s company sitting around in the lobby. We also attended all the meetings and went to Thursday night’s picnic. We enjoyed walking around the event center with all the vendors and we thank them for the delicious luncheon.
Casino night was a blast. We really enjoyed that event. We attended the Awards Banquet. Our Auxiliary took Third Place in the scrapbook awards. They retired the Nancy E Hall rotating trophy and presented it to our Historian Cece McCormick. Wow, what an honor!
We have had one fundraiser a take-out spaghetti dinner on August 27 and plan on having another one in October. The one in August was a big success. W can’t wait to see everyone again. Stay Safe and Take Care, Sincerely WFAC Auxiliary Historian Cece McCormick.
Colonial Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad has a number of updates to share:
Since a meeting with the Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors in April, the squad has met and exceeded the County’s requirements for staffing hours. CBVRS currently has 15 members who actively staff and run calls.
Two of the squad’s newer members
Joshua Fairley and Anthony Sprout recently completed their EMT training and passed the national registry exam. They are now aiming to meet the squad’s requirements to serve as Attendant in Charge of a crew.
Representatives from CBVRS Operations and Administrative Officers attended a Regulations and Compliance Workshop offered in June in Montross by the Virginia Office of EMS.
The Colonial Beach Juniors program for Middle School and High School aged youth meets monthly to involve kids and teens in learning about EMS and developing an interest in volunteering in this field.
Members of CBVRS and the Juniors program participated in the National Night Out in Colonial Beach, sponsored by the Colonial Beach Police Department, on August 2.
CBVRS recently received draft plans for a new squad building. The future is bright and the squad appreciates the community’s support.
New EMT Joshua Fairley is pictured with CBVRS Life Member Danny Stinson. New EMT Anthony Sprout sits with CBVRS Life Member Pat FitzGerald as he works on a report after finishing a rescue call.Forest View Volunteer Rescue Squad (FVRS) has taken their training to new heights. In recent years, FVRS has committed one weekend a year to a training session which takes their members out of their normal element and into a space of forward thinking and relevance. FVRS is dedicated to ensuring that the squad remains a vital part of Chesterfield County as volunteerism changes in the current day. This year, FVRS traveled with 23 members to Williamsburg, Virginia to spend a weekend talking through new and innovative ideas that can help transform their squad. This group was made up of all types of members to include Auxiliary, Life, Active and Junior members. This diverse group were all molded together to create discussion and gain perspective. This proved beneficial in many ways.
The weekend was full of team building activities in an effort to create bonds and trust. The four groups were all dispersed at one point on a scavenger hunt through Colonial Williamsburg. We won't talk about the fact that it was ninety degrees this day... Other activities included EMS charades, opportunities to show vulnerability and even a visit by George Wythe, who spoke on leadership and overcoming obstacles.
The group worked throughout the weekend to prioritize what they believed to be the main areas that our squad should focus on moving forward. One of the key themes was understanding that this volunteer environment and life has changed. What can we do to maintain participation without keeping things the way they have always been? Several ideas came to the surface. Our membership meetings should be a place of fellowship and fun, not reading through a boring agenda. The meetings should seek to capture the attention of all member types. Another identified area was that of our requirements, and what is appropriate in 2022. Ultimately, training was one of the greatest areas identified as an opportunity. We have an incredible training team at FVRS that was able to take the ideas presented and work to formulate more streamlined processes, particularly for our new members.
All in all, this weekend created a family bond that could not be denied. This was a place of safety and thoughts were encouraged to be shared, and heard. Each person in the room was able to offer something that will make the squad a better place for all.
Alma “ Sis” Gaunt was a cheerleader, long before she joined Winchester Volunteer Rescue Squad Auxiliary in 1995. (Now Millwood Station F&R Aux). Sis was always one to serve in the background, eager to help. Growing up, during the 50’s, she was told to be seen, but not heard. She carried her virtues of the 50’s “all her years “.
She joined the WVRSA and became an active member. She held several offices, worked Bingo with her team, had perfect attendance for several years and was a dedicated member. She became involved with the Northeastern District & State, attending meetings all over VA. She LOVED trips to Big Stone Gap, well beyond Bristol, a 5 HOUR plus ride for a meeting! In 2008, she was awarded the AVAVRS Outstanding Service Award…..for her dedication.
She helped with the National EMS Memorial Service in Roanoke several years, the Leukemia Society’s local Winchester Radiothon Fundraiser, and she manned telephones for the local Winchester Frederick County Cancer Telethon. Always helping, behind the scene, but hard at work, none the less! As she became more involved, she was seen throughout the state but enjoyed keeping her low profile.
Although Sis tried to stay in the background, she enjoyed seeing members when traveling across the state. As she was able to travel less, she acquired a new role… keeping track of messages and being a secretary taking notes and messages for her sister. She was a great source to keep communication open.
Sis loved to help others and worked for thirty plus years in the medical field, before facing early retirement due to an injury. She was very talented and performed in many skits for the WV Veterans Administration, at employee Christmas parties, and other functions where her sense of humor and funny antics were observed. Sis was able to perform without cue cards, totally one to ad lib! Always the life of the party!
Cheerleaders are typically out in front with their pompoms, cheering for the team. But some cheerleaders are working hard to stay out of the limelight….and eager to simply be there for others.
That is what Sis was about all her life…..A dedicated and faithful servant, happy to do for others…with less fanfare… and a heart that touched many lives. THANKS or being a cheerleader in a world where there are simply not enough ! Fondly, Mackie
Dear Rescue Ranger,
I read the book you sent me, “Marriage” from cover to cover. I am going to try some of the techniques but I am very afraid it may backfire on me. On page 35, the book advises to “treat your wife like you treated her on your first date.” So tonight, after I take her out to dinner, I am dropping her off at her parents house.
Nervous in Northumberland
Dear Joey,
I can guarantee it will backfire. I tried the same thing last week and when I got home from a shift the next day my wife left me this note: “Your dinner is in the recipe book on page 34, ingredients are at the store.
Dear Rescue Ranger, My grandfather told me a funny yesterday. He said I drive so poorly that when I am driving my GPS doesn’t speak, it prays!
Laughing in Petersburg
Dear Bubby, My grandfather told me that “when one door closes another opens”. Lovely man, really poor cabinet maker.
Dear Rescue Ranger,
I can’t believe I waited so long to buy an “Alexa”. It is an amazing purchase! I use Alexa for everything. Directions, suggestions on places to visit, answers to questions on EMS tests you name it, it knows everything. Do you have one?
Feeling Smart in Staunton Dear Kim, I have one—it is something. I asked Alexa “What does a wife want?”. The thing hasn’t shut up for seven days!
Dear Readers of The Rescue Ranger, Here is a question for all of you mind readers out there….?
Dear Rescue Ranger, I have been working out recently and feeling good. Exercise really works for me. I feel stronger, more confident and shifts don’t seem to be as hard on me.
Feeling Good in Campbell County
Dear Frank, Thanks for the reminder. I can’t believe I forgot to go to the gym today. That is 17 years in a row now.
The Board of Governors approved a new complete set of bylaws. The new bylaws are available on the VAVRS website: www.vavrs.com > About Us > VAVRS Bylaws.
Barry McDonald voluntarily separated employment with the VAVRS on August 12, 2022. The Board of Directors have appointed Edward “Bubby” Bish as Interim Executive Director. The HR Committee has begun the process of updating the job announcement and job description which we plan to have approved by the Executive Committee so we can begin the search for a new Executive Director.
The minutes from our Annual Meeting at Convention will be distributed and are now available on the VAVRS website: www.vavrs.com > About Us > Board of Governors Meeting Minutes. Please review the draft minutes and check your email in the coming days for a link and more information so you can stay up to date.
Help Wanted!
If you are interested in assisting the Strategic Planning Committee as well as other leaders of the VAVRS, please email President Wesley Melson (wmelson@vavrs.com}.
Warren Winner
Presented by- Honorable Glenn R. Davis, Jr.
84th District Part of Virginia Beach
Buford B “Boots” Belcher
Jack A. Swicegood
Eddie Ann Orndoff
Layne Lusk
1st Place—Campbell County
2nd Place Bensley Bermuda
3rd Place Waynesboro
1st Place Concord
2nd Place Rena FD Bermuda
3rd Place Gretna
4th Place Danville
District Winner District 5
Julian Stanley Wise Memorial Harrison Kaufman, Greater Manassas
Anne J. Gwaltney Memorial Abigale Kaikkonen, Forest View
Sylvia & Garry Clatterbuck Memorial Devon W. Rice, Fredericksburg
Kelly Southard Memorial Abigale Kaikkonen, Forest View
Kevin Dillard Leaders of Tomorrow Abigale Kaikkonen, Forest View
1st Place Jimmy Byer Boiling Spring
2nd Place Jason Morgan, Campbell County
3rd Place William Divilla, Danville
Jack A. Swicegood
1st Place Cleveland
2nd Place Covington EMT
1st Place Covington
2nd Place—Southside/South Hill
3rd Place Danville
For theft of a green jacket If seen, do not approach!
The Danville Life Saving and First Aid Crew, Inc. honored two of their lifetime members for their decades of service in a ceremony held outside the Crew Hall on Christopher Lane.
Clayton Lester received his badge for 60 years of service and Odell Tate for 50 years.
Thank you both for your dedication to our community and for all the hours you have devoted to saving the lives of citizens in the Danville and surrounding region.
L-R Clayton Lester and Odell TateJoseph W. Wright, was called home on September 3, 2022, to be with his Lord at the age of 79. Joe was born on January 18, 1943, in Norfolk Virginia, and raised in Bridgeton NC. He majored in music at Campbell University. Joe lived a life of service to both God and his community. He started his law enforcement career in Raleigh PD and the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation. He joined the Newport News Police Department in 1978 where he patrolled until he joined the ranks of the Virginia State Police in 1988 patrolling the roads of Isle of Wight and Southampton Counties retiring in 2011. Joe also volunteered with the Windsor and Isle of Wight County Volunteer Rescue Squads, often instructed EVOC classes to other volunteers and served as an EVOC Instructor Trainer for VAVRS District 2 for many years. Joe spent the last several years working among young adults and children at Tidewater Academy. He had many talents, his favorite being, playing piano at church and with the Streets of Gold Quartet. Joe had many friends, loved his community and eating at the Virginia Diner.
ISSN 0279
Phone: 804 749 8191
Phone: 800 833 0602
Fax: 804 749 8910
E mail: vavrs@vavrs.com
"Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man Lay Down His Life For His