Conference 2017 lifeline

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83rd Annual Conference— 2017 The Official Publication of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads








Scott Davis, VAVRS Vice President Greetings fellow Life Members, BOG’s, and Conference Attendees! Let me begin by saying welcome once again to our annual Conference and I hope everyone had safe travels. First and foremost, thank you for another wonderful year and the opportunity to serve you as your Vice President. This has been another exciting year for the Association and our future looks awesome. I also must thank you for awarding me Life Membership of the Association, it was a wonderful surprise and I am humbled by the honor. I began my EMS career as a volunteer for Giles Rescue where I still run as an active Life Member and have for the last 26 years. I have held numerous positions in my crew such as Junior Captain, Senior Secretary, Senior Treasurer, and Senior Captain. I was awarded Life Member for Giles Rescue 15 years ago and remain an active paramedic. Once an ALS provider I began to take greater interest in the Association and helping others grow with training and leadership. I began training at the district level for District 7, then moved on to training at the state level. I have served on numerous committees for the VAVRS including Rescue College, Conference, Finance, Human Resource, IT, and Legislative. Being a member of these committees really helped educate me in the workings of the Association. I then moved to being an officer beginning with Training Officer, then Secretary, and currently Vice President. There is no way I could explain how important it was for me to move up through the officer positions and gain the knowledge of each position along the way. The officers with the guidance and direction of the BOG’s have made some wonderful improvements to the Association. You asked for updated processes and IT improvements, opening membership to a wider group, and changing the dues structure. All of the tasks have been accomplished and we are currently working on more improvements that you have asked to happen. I have gained the knowledge of each office and will use that knowledge to better serve you in the future. You have always trusted me to be a leader and a voice of your Association and I hope you will continue to give me that support this year as I seek the Office of President. Thank you, Scott Davis VAVRS Vice President Page





Kim Craig, VAVRS President Submitted by: Kim Craig, VAVRS President Welcome to the 83rd Conference and to Virginia Beach. Please take advantage of the great seminars and opportunities being offered. I want to Thank Tarry Pribble and Bubby Bish for all the hard work that they have put into the planning of the 2017 Conference. We appreciate you going above and beyond in serving the Association by planning this event. Please make sure to attend the seminars, each one offers continuing education hours. It is also important to visit the vendors in the exhibit hall. The vendors help make the Conference possible. The picnic will be on Thursday afternoon at Camp Pendleton and the parade will be Friday night. I am looking forward in seeing everyone and enjoying the events. This year the Exchange students from Germany will be our guest at the Conference. Please make sure to visit with the 4 exchange students and to welcome them. Thanks to Kevin Dillard for getting this done. Thanks to Bobby Adams for being their host. September is here and the end of my two year term serving as your President. It has been a great journey. I have been so honored to serve the members of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads. It has been an exciting time with many accomplishments by the Executive Committee. The hard work of the Officers and District VP’s proved to be challenging but progress was made. The goal has been for the Association to keep moving forward in a time of change. Change has been hard for some but the members came together to do what is best for the Association. The Association is surviving in era where it is not an easy task for involvement and commitment from today’s generation. The Executive Committee realized to keep this generation involved as well as all generations was for them to have ownership and involvement in the Association. A committee was formed as the Future Vision Committee. The Committee’s task was to research what the membership wanted to see for the future of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads. The BOG’s, Officers and members were surveyed to determine what they wanted to see done. Many goals were met first by having a bylaw change for terms of chairman’s on committees. There were many challenges with this bylaw change. As there were some who didn’t agree that the chairman of a committee should change. It was time and the BOG’s put this bylaw into place wanting to see new involvement. Another bylaw change was put in place defining membership status so that today’s agencies had options to choose from with encouragement to join the VAVRS. There were so many ideas, thoughts and suggestions that it was felt that the Executive Committee could have a workshop to prioritize the tasks. The meeting took place and a priority list was established. First, the hiring of an Executive Director; Second, Public Relations and Marketing; Third, Communications with a VAVRS app and TV. The Committees and Champions are moving forward to bring the information to the BOG’s. Change has not been easy but as I said in one of my articles. The future of VAVRS lies in the membership. With the future new doors will open with opportunities, dreams, achievements and change. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future as said by President John F. Kennedy. Tarry Pribble, Treasurer, has gone above and beyond taking care of our finances. He has worked closely with Cynthia Babb to make sure that we are fiscally responsible in our spending. Tarry and Cynthia worked diligently in keeping the books straight and workable. Thank you both for all you have done over the past 2 years. Scott Davis, Vice President, has been very instrumental on the continuum to move the Association forward. He has worked hard with me as the President and the Executive Committee. It has been a team effort to get the input from our districts and membership while keeping everyone informed. Scott knows how to lead a team and to get things done. Thank you Scott, for serving as the Vice President and doing a tremendous Official







job. It has been pleasure working with you over the past several years and I am looking forward in years to come. It will be a privilege to continue to be a part of your team in serving the Association with this group of great people. Ed Rhodes, Lobbyist, always keeps us informed of legislative issues. Not many days went by that he and I didn’t talked. Thank you for the job you do in fighting and being our voice. The girls in the office….. I cannot thank them enough. Kathy Eubanks can get any question I got answered and always keeps me on schedule. She is a great friend and I can always depend on her. Cyndie Bailey was hired at the beginning of my term. She too has been a good friend and always makes sure that I get things done in a timely fashion. I feel that the communication between the Officers and the State Office always can be challenging but these two can make anything possible. Thank you both for all your support. As my term comes to an end I want to thank Life Members, Officers, District VP’s, Auxiliary, Juniors and the entire membership for your support. It has been such a joy and privilege to serve you as your President of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads. I have worked with the Officers, District VP’s and the members as a team to get a job done by showing everyone appreciation, respect and letting everyone know how important every thought and recommendation is. It takes a team, it takes YOU. You made it possible for our goals to be met and to have the Association progress into the future. I can’t go without thanking the Staunton-Augusta County Rescue Squad for supporting and standing behind me. Thank you. I want to Thank my husband and best friend, John. None of this would have been possible without his love and support. He is always there for me to lean on. He encourages me like no other, believes in me, lets me know my limits, accepts me for who I am and that I can do anything I set my mind to do. He is a true blessing in my life. Thank you for being my rock and Driver!! My wish for the Association is; to keep on the path of success, don’t be afraid to make the changes that need to be made, focus on the positive, energize others, refuse to contribute to the negative and know that all of us have a purpose. You make a difference!! Page





2016-2017 VAVRS Officers President Kim Craig Vice President Scott Davis Secretary Connie Moore Treasurer Tarry Pribble Training Officer Greg Burton Chaplain Gary Dalton Chaplain Emeritus Page Entsminger Historian Frank Smith Immediate Past President Rickey Hodge Chief Rescue Officer Bubby Bish Editor Karen Wagner Parliamentarian Steve Southworth Facilities Manager George Langford Legal Advisor Mary Malone Medical Advisor James R. Dudley, MD, MBA

District 1 Vice President Patrick Scott District 2 Vice President Carolyn White District 3 Vice President Chris Snyder District 5 Vice President Jason Morgan District 6 Vice President Scottie Adams District 7 Vice President Curtis Crawford District 8 Vice President Thomas Tomlin District 9 Vice President Ruth Johnson District 10 Vice President Wesley Melson Training Coordinator Kathy Eubank Office Assistant Cindy Bailey Bookkeeper Cynthia Babb Lobbyist Ed Rhodes

2016-2017 VAVRS Committee Chairs Membership Scott Davis Human Resources Scott Davis Bylaws Bruce Stratton Life Membership Steve Davis Publication Karen Wagner Conference Tarry Pribble Conference Co Chair Bubby Bish Finance Tarry Pribble Future Vision Ken Morgan Future Vision Co Chair Mac McGuire EMS Advisory Board Valeta Daniels EMS Advisory Board Dreama Chandler

Rescue College Wayne Myers New Course Development Cecil Leach Scholarship Greg Burton Public Relations Social Media Wesley Melson Recruitment & Retention Wesley Melson Rescue Hall of Fame Lin Matthews EMS Exchange Kevin Dillard Legislative Bubby Bish Information Technology Steve Ayers Volunteer Management Chair David Tesh Volunteer Management Co Chair Walter Stephens Nominating Kevin Dillard

2016-2017 VAJVRS Officers President Bradley Hancock Vice President Adarah Williams Secretary/Treasurer Cara Beasley Historian Brandon Propst Chaplain Makayla McMahan Advisor Chair Alfred Smith Advisor Brandon Baugus Advisor Kim Melson Advisor Emily Pittman





District 1 Vice President District 3 Vice President District 5 Vice President District 6 Vice President District 6 Vice President District 7 Vice President District 9 Vice President District 10 Vice President


Kalee Stevenson Cara Beasley Tyler McGaughey Bradley Hancock Toby Akers Jr. Adarah Williams Alice Becker Emily Laveroni



2016-2017 AVAVRS Officers President - Harry Householder Vice President - Ailease Short Secretary - Marie Householder Treasurer - Fay Browning Chaplain - Linda Berkstresser Historian - Valarie Becker Parliamentarian - Nancy Winner

Immediate Past President - Fern Puckett Midwestern Vice President Dolores Hudson Northeastern Vice President Maxine Kerns Southcentral Vice President Vicki Arnold Southeastern Vice President Elsie Butler Southwestern Vice President Diane Haga Western Vice President Debbie Rohr

2016-2017 AVAVRS Committee Chairs Conference Fern Puckett Conference Ruth Swicegood Nominating Donna Porter Life Membership Jean Garrett Emergency Care John Dimino Resolutions Nancy Winner

From your Editor... Karen D. Wagner

Membership Ailease Short Finance Fay Browning Roll Call Laura Booze Roll Call Clara Craig Fundraising Stacey Frame Fundraising Tracey Frame

Deadline for the Upcoming Issues of the VIRGINIA LIFELINE

Welcome to the pages of the LIFELINE, the Official Publication of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads.

Articles may be submitted by any member of the VAVRS, AVAVRS and VAJVRS. Feature articles are encouraged. Photos and/or graphics are acceptable and can be returned if requested.

As summer winds down and school days are just ahead, it is a special time of year for the VAVRS. IT IS CONFERENCE TIME!

Contact the VAVRS Editor at if you need assistance submitting to the publication.

Make sure you pick up a copy of the Conference Issue of the LIFELINE at the registration booth when you arrive at conference. The issue will include a listing of the conference activities, educational opportunities, locations and times as well as special coupons for discounts around the beach. Please take advantage of early registration for CE classes. See Page 11 of this issue for a complete listing.

Deadline for future issues are as follows: Oct 1, 2017 for the 4th Quarter 2017 Issue Jan 1, 2018 for the 1st Quarter 2018 Issue April 1, 2018 for the 2nd Quarter 2018 Issue July 1, 2018 for the 3rd Quarter 2018 Issue Aug 1, 2018 for the Conference 2018 Issue Oct 1, 2018 for the 4th Quarter 2018 Issue Advertising Rates:

Remember, thousands browse the pages of this publication on-line from around the world. You can too, by opening the LIFELINE link at

Member Squads…,… charge

“The VAVRS is your LIFELINE to EMS”

Quarter Page……………....$100.00

Full Page…………………..$ 275.00 Half Page………………..…$150.00 Business Card……………..$ 50.00


















Press Release Submitted by Sue Willis Connors, Director of Marketing & Business Development

Stafford, VA (JULY 30, 2017) On August 15, 2017, Jimmy Dillard, a volunteer at LifeCare Medical Transports, and father of LifeCare President Kevin Dillard, was honored for his service in the Korean War at the dedication of the Stafford County Armed Services Memorial. The Memorial was built to honor the region’s war veterans, and has tiers of engraved marble slabs that list the wars in which our nation has been involved. LifeCare Medical Transports sponsored the Korean War portion of the memorial to honor Jimmy Dillard.

Left Photo: Dottie Dillard, Kevin Dillard, Congressmen Rob Wittman & Jimmy Dillard Right Photo: Jimmy Dillard and a member of the military in front of the Korean War section of the Stafford County Armed Services Memorial. Official












Alleghany Highlands EVOC Class Submitted by John Riley The Alleghany Highlands (District 1) had a highly successful EVOC 1,2,3 the last weekend of July. Student attendance ranged from local FIREEMS providers to students traveling between 100 to 160 miles. In all, 10 agencies (5 outside the Highlands) attended. Makes one wonder about including Man-Mile Awards into training. Many thanks goes out to the students, helpers, local law enforcement and fellow instructors. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication from everyone to successfully conduct this training. Apparatus provided by Covington, Clifton Forge and Sharon. Instructors included: Sandy and Jim Byer - Boiling Spring F&R, Greg Horton Boiling Spring/Covington F&R and John Riley Sharon F&R/ Clifton Forge RS.

Photos provided by Chuck Almarez Fire and Ice Gallery, Clifton Forge, VA. Additional photos provided by author.













Warren Winner seen here receiving a beautiful 50 year plaque by Richmond Volunteer Rescue Squad on July 16, 2017. The VAVRS congratulations you on reaching the 50 year pinnacle of volunteering. Harry Householder, AVAVRS President Greetings fellow AVAVRS Life Members, BOG’s, and Conference Attendees! As my year comes to an end, I am reflecting on the many adventures I have had traveling over the Commonwealth and visiting the many Squads and Auxiliaries. I have been welcomed from East to West and North to South with great hospitality and always with food and friendship. I thank each of you for this wonderful opportunity and amazing experience. We celebrated the 65th Anniversary of the AVAVRS which was a great time planning and participating. Our Convention Chair, Fern Puckett and Co-Chair Ruth Swicegood did a magnificent job putting the celebration together. A huge thanks to all of the Officers, elected and appointed, by doing your job so efficiently, it makes my job very easy. I am very appreciative of the support of my local auxiliary gave me and for taking up the slack when I was not in town to help with functions and fundraisers. Again, thank you for all you do for the local squads and crews and your continued efforts on behalf of the Auxiliary to the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads.








AVAVRS Nominating Committee Report Submitted by Donna S. Porter, 2017 AVAVRS Nominating Committee Chair This is a 2017 AVAVRS Slate of Officers: President - Ailease Short - Bensley-Bermuda Auxiliary – Southeastern District Vice President - Fay Browning - Henrico Auxiliary - Southeastern District Treasurer - Elsie Butler – Henrico Auxiliary – Southeastern District Chaplain - Clara Craig – Bassett Auxiliary – Southcentral District Historian - Linda Berkstresser – Lexington Auxiliary – Western District Reminder: If you would like to nominate someone from the floor to run for an office, read the following rules from the AVAVRS Constitution-Section 1, D. 3. Nominations from the floor shall be accepted at the first Business Meeting (Friday) and will be voted on at the final Business Meeting (Saturday). A resume of the nominee's work on local, district and state levels shall be presented in writing to the State Nominating Committee Chair prior to the first Business Meeting, with a statement of willingness to run for that office, signed by the nominee.

VAVRS Nominating Committee Report Submitted by Kevin Dillard, 2017 VAVRS Nominating Committee Chair

The VAVRS Nominating Committee Brings forth the following individuals for the positions listed: President - Cecil Leach Vice President - Connie Moore Secretary - Wesley Melson Treasurer - Wayne Rapp Training Officer - Curtis Crawford Chaplain - Gary Dalton






2017 VAVRS Memorial Service Honorees The names of the VAVRS members that died between September 1, 2016 and August 31, 2017 are listed below in alphabetical order. Our prayers and sympathy is extended to their families and squad families as well as our thanks to them for their service and dedication to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Rest in Peace our Friends and Colleagues Kayla Elizabeth Albert - Newport VRS Aux Ronald Wayne Alsup – St Charles VRS Peggy Ann Altice - Vinton FAC Aux Lauren Whitney Fix Arrington - Clifton Forge RS Mary Ellen Arey - Stuart Draft RS Paul T. Beeler - Madison Co RS James R Berry - Madison Co RS Gerald Eugene "Jerry" Blankenship - Covington RS Larry K. Brie – Clifton Forge RS Nicholas James Briganti – LifeCare MT and Chancellor VF&R Ferdinando “Fred” Broccolo – Chancellor VF&R Anne E. Brown – Holly Grove VRS Russell Charles Brungard – Greater Manassas VRS Aux Clarence T. Cash Jr - Stuarts Draft RS Sandra Kay "Sandy" Clark - Greater Manassas VRS Sandra L. Bockey Clem - Millwood Station VF & R Aux Willis H. Connell – Forest View VRS Virginia Wharton Coppedge – Madison Co RS Ruth P. Vtipil Dalton – Hopewell EC Eugene Tildon Edmonds Sr. - Renan VFD Dennis Lee Edwards – Brunswick VRS Bethany M. Franklin - Bedford County F&R Thomas Ackie Gwaltney – Surry VRS Edward Raymond “Eddie” Hall – Westmoreland County VRS Herbert Booker Hammock - Northumberland RS Earl E. Harris Jr - Staunton-Augusta RS John Sidney Hutton IV - Greater Manassas VRS Ian Thomas Johns – LifeCare MT Elva Ray “Ray” Johnson – Forest View RS Aux Carol Kenney - West Hanover VRS Aux Georgia Ann Coffelt Kerns – Shawnee FD Constance "Connie" Klopsis - Colonial Beach VRS Official







The Chaplain Connection Corner Submitted by Gary Dalton, VAVRS Chaplain My thanks to each of you for allowing me to serve as your Chaplain. Best wishes to those whom are competing and seeking an opportunity to serve the VAVRS, AVAVRS and VAJVRS as an officer. I hope you will seek to enjoy the friendships that are created during our Conference and that your travel home is safe.

John Ross Laronda - Altavista VFC Wilma May Dindore Leiss - Broadway ES Aux Ruth R. Lynch – Cave Spring FA & RS Aux Jeffrey L. McCoy – Longshop McCoy VFD & FA Henri G. Moore Jr. – Hanover Fire EMS Madeline T Spain Moore – Chase City RS Auxiliary James Wallace “Jimmy” Musselman IV – Colonial Beach VRS Charles Kenton Nicely – Lexington FD Dylan Edwin Patterson - Richmond VRS Deacon Louis I. Pettigrew Jr. – Concord RS Samuel Davis Piercy - Southside RS Sharene M. Powell - LifeCare MT Mitchell L. Reynolds - Stuarts Draft RS Larry Francis Rhodes – Southside VA EC Elsie Lee Rinker – Millwood Station VF & R Aux John Jerry Robertson - Renan VFD Betty Jo “BJ” Rohr – Staunton-Augusta FA & RS Jerry J. Skalsky – Prince George VEC Willie M. Smith Jr. – Nansemond-Suffolk VRS Thomas M. Snead - Vinton FAC James Eugene Sowder – Blacksburg VRS Christine English Spicer – Fredericksburg VRS Aux Ruth Guffey Steadman – Bristol LSC Aux Sherri Strader – Stuarts Draft RS Frances "Darlene" Taylor - Madison Co RS Nancy Carolyn Brandon Taylor - Cave Spring FA & RS Aux Arthur "Pee Wee" Wallace - Lexington FD Walter Scott Weaver - Christiansburg RS Herman Eugene “Gene” Wells – Southside VA EC Charles K. “Chuck” White – Henrico VRS Vickie Woods - Castlewood F & R Justin Ray "Scooter" Yurong - Washington Co LSC Page












Ailease Short, AVAVRS Vice President Well, conference time 2017 is here. The AVAVRS is seeking to find new auxiliaries to join our great association. As we stand with the 2016-17 year ending we are down to 28 members. (Danville resigned on 05-02-17 but paid their dues for this past year). Buena Vista resigned earlier this year. We let them know that if either wanted to come back at a later date we would be glad to have them. If any of you squads out there have auxiliaries have them get in touch with us. We would love to have them. Also if you have no auxiliary and they would like to start one let us know and we will be glad to help. The AVAVRS is here to help our squads in any way we can. Let us know what we can do for you. We have a great time serving you when it comes to district meetings and such. We have some great cooks in our Auxiliaries and they do a fantastic job with serving you. I hope everyone has a great time at conference at the beach. Things are going to be a little different than in past years. We are all trying hard to attract new interest with all volunteers. Thanks to everyone for all you do across our state with your volunteerism. We just need more of it. The AVAVRS is looking to have a great new slate of officers to lead you next year. They are already looking at new ideas and improving old ones. Hope to see all of you sometimes at the beach in September. I have attached 2 pictures. First one is AVAVRS members at Rescue College and second one is AVAVRS President at one of classes at rescue college.






Paramedic Exchange Program

The Participants:

Alexander Deutsch Hi guys, my name is Alexander Deutsch. I am forty years old, and I live in Volkmarsen, a small town near Kassel. I am father of a nine year old daughter and an six year old son. I am a Paramedic (in German Notfallsanitaeter) with the German Red Cross Kassel-Wolfhagen for nearly one year. I’ve been in EMS for a total of 20 years, across Germany from small villages to a big city like Cologne. The exchange will be my first trip to the USA, and I am really looking forward to it. During the exchange program I would like to see how EMS in America works to compare both systems. Also Ii would like to learn about the way of life in America and its culture. I would like to visit Washington DC to see your Capital, also I would like to visit Norfolk to see the US Navy Atlantic fleet. My hobbies are working in the volunteer fire department of my hometown, where I am in an position like an US-Captain, so I have to train the other firefighters. I would like to see how US Fire Departments work in drill and action, so I can compare these two systems too. My other hobbies are model making (Fire trucks, ambulances etc.), biking and swimming.

Björn Bertelmann Hey there, my name is Björn Bertelmann and I´ll take part in the next EMS- Exchange Program. I am 24 years old and work as a Paramedic in Wolfhagen, near Kassel. In my spare time/leisure time, I like playing the drums and doing lots of sports like going to the gym and riding my mountain bike. I also work for the voluntary fire brigade/ do voluntary work as a firefighter. I’m very enthusiastic about football, my favorite team being the New England Patriots. During the exchange, I’d be excited to see the work of EMS and Firefighters as well as do some sightseeing and visiting places of interest like The White House, Virginia Beach or Norfolk Naval Base. Some former exchange participants told me about Busch Gardens which sounded pretty interesting, so I’d love going there, too. Above all, I’d really like to get a taste of the famous American Way of Life! Page


Julian Rohrbeck Hi guys. ☺ My name is Julian, I'm 32 and I'll be one of the guys participating in this year's Paramedic Exchange, which I'm very much looking forward too. My EMS career started off pretty late as I started my job life as being a shop assistant for almost 10 years before I decided to pursue my dream of working in EMS. I started off doing a volunteer year at the German Red Cross Wolfhagen Station in May 2012 where I still work today, 5 years on the job as an EMT now. I've been to the states twice before, to Cali and Hawaii (2013 + 2015), so I'm looking forward to getting to know more of the country. Besides that I'm really curious about the whole EMS system in the US and the differences to the way we work here in Germany. As for my hobbies, I've been somewhat "chained" to the American (pop) culture for many years as I'm (nearly) fluent in the English language (except for medical and food terms lol) and I love watching movies and series in the original English language, while instead my "fellow Germans" are usually kind of lazy in that matter, as everything here in Germany is dubbed – which I really can't stand, ha-ha. I'm looking forward to a great trip, seeing "last year's guys" again and getting to know all the new folks! So, see you in September! ;-) /Julian

Kristina Aue Hello, my name is Kristina Aue, I am 29 years old and live in Kassel. I´ve been working for two years as Paramedic at the German Red Cross in Kassel and as volunteer on the board of the German Red Cross Association Vellmar. My hobbies are horse riding (showjumping and dressage). I also have my own horses, with whom I participated in competition and give riding lessons. 2012 I was on vacation in the USA. Three days in New York and seven days in Orlando Florida. It was the best holiday I have ever experienced. The people were so nice. With the rental car on the highways to drive was gigantic. I visited in Orlando, the Sea World parks and Busch Gardens, I was just speechless. I have never seen such roller coaster before and that drive with it I loved. My wishes for the trip: To get know the country and the culture better, a highlight for me would be a visit to Washington DC and a horseback tour through the forests and mountains of Virginia. I am very excited about the work of the rescue service an their requirements for their working hours: What’s differences are there to the German system? How is the cooperation with the emergency recordings? How fire service, police and rescue service work together? These are just some questions and interest to the trip. I am very happy to see the colleagues I already know and hope to meet many new American colleagues.



WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2017 Pre-registered attendees attending educational seminars badge pickup only At the Virginia Beach Fire and EMS Training Center Tuesday, September 26th 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Conference Registration Desk will be located at the Virginia Beach Convention Center located outside of Hall C Wednesday September 27th

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Thursday, September 28th

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Friday, September 29th

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The following businesses offer discounts to Fire and Rescue Personal. The discount amount varies from business to business and you must ASK for the discount when placing your order. Please take time to visit these businesses during our conference.

Brothers Pizza, London Bridge area, Great Neck and VA Beach Blvd Sugar Shack Shore Drive, foot of Lesner Bridge Stan’s Firehouse Grill, Courthouse Area Mary’s , 17th Street Sugar Shack in Sandbridge. Icehouse, Norfolk Avenue Nick’s on Laskin Rd Raven, Pacific Avenue CP Shuckers, Shore Drive Uncle Al’s Hotdogs, Shore Drive Bay Local, Shore Drive O'Leary's, Shore Drive Bucketheads, Shore Drive Froggies, Shore Drive Carib Shack, Shore Drive Dave & Busters Lynnhaven Mall Salad Works, Hilltop, First Colonial Road NO Frills Grill, Hilltop, First Colonia Road Page


THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2017 Registration - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.—Virginia Beach Convention Center outside Hall C Exhibits/Vendors - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.—Virginia Beach Convention Center Hall C Rescue Camp For Kids - 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 pm—Virginia Beach Convention Center Meeting Room 3A, B & C VAVRS State Officers Meeting- 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.—Virginia Beach Convention Center, Suite 5 Opening Ceremony - 11:30 a.m.—Virginia Beach Convention Center Suite 5 VAVRS Board of Governors Meeting - 12:30 p.m.—Virginia Beach Convention Center Suite 5 AUXILIARY Delegates' Meeting - 1:30 p.m. Virginia Beach Hotel and Conference Center Chesapeake Room VAVRS CONFERENCE PICINIC—For All Conference Attendees - 5:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. Camp Pendleton Pick up vehicle passes at the registration desk. All vehicles MUST display pass to enter the base.

SCHLOTZSKY’S DELI 757 Laskin Road Virginia Beach, VA

BEACH BULLY BBQ 601 19th Street Virginia Beach, VA





FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2017 VAVRS Honors Breakfast - 7:00 a.m. (VAVRS Past Presidents, Life Members and Hall of Fame Members) Virginia Beach Hotel and Conference Center Sunset Suite B AVAVRS Life Membership Breakfast - 7:00 a.m. VA Beach Hotel and Conference Center, Virginia Room Exhibits/Vendors - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.—Virginia Beach Convention Center Hall C Rescue Camp For Kids - 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.—Virginia Beach Convention Center Meeting Room 3A, B & C AVAVRS Business Meeting - 10:00 a.m. Virginia Beach Hotel and Conference Center Chesapeake Room VAVRS Board of Governors Meeting - 9:00 a.m. Virginia Beach Convention Center Suite 5 VAJVRS Meeting - 2:30 p.m.—Virginia Beach Convention Center Room 3 D& E Parade - Parade Line up 6:30 p.m. Parade Starts 7:00 p.m. Parade Line-up on Atlantic Avenue between 35th Street and Laskin Avenue by-way-of Pacific Ave. Parade Ends at 19th Street Casino Night - 8:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m.—Virginia Beach Conference Center Meeting Room 1

DUCK DONUTS 3030 Virginia Beach Boulevard Virginia Beach, VA 15% OFF A DOZEN DONUTS TO ALL VAVRS CONFERENCE ATTENDEES Warm, Delicious, Made to Order Official







SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 Annual AVAVRS Membership Breakfast - 8:00 a.m.—Virginia Beach Hotel and Conference Center Chesapeake Room AVAVRS Business Meeting and Awards Presentation - 9:00 a.m. following breakfast VAVRS Board of Governors Meeting - 9:00 a.m. Virginia Beach Convention Center Suite 5 VAJVRS Meeting - 10:00 a.m.—Virginia Beach Convention Center Room 3 D & E Incoming Officers’ Photos - 3:00 p.m. - Virginia Beach Convention Center Installation of Officers, Memorial Service and Awards Ceremony - 4:00 p.m.—Virginia Beach C Conference Center Ballrooms 1 & 2 - Doors open at 3:30 p.m.

15% OFF YOUR TOTAL BILL AT GEORGES BAR AND GRILL ONLY 1956 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 Monday - Thursday: 4pm - 11pm | Friday: 4pm - Midnight Saturday: 3pm - Midnight | Sunday: 12pm - 11pm $34.95 for Seafood Buffett @ Seafood Restaurant.






ATTENTION ALL AVAVRS MEMBERS Submitted by Fern Puckett, AVAVRS Conference Chair and Ruth Swicegood, Conference Co-Chair Changes have been made to this year’s Conference Schedule of Events. Please take a few minutes to review each date, time and place of each event.

2017 Conference WHERE TO BE - WHEN TO BE ***THURSDAY September 28, 2017 The Opening Ceremony will be Thursday, September 28th, at 11:30 a.m. at the Virginia Beach Conference Center (Pavilion) The Delegates' meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 28th, in the Chesapeake Room at the Virginia Beach Hotel and Conference Center The picnic for all Conference attendees will be held from 5 - 8 p.m. on Thursday, September 28th, at Camp Pendleton


September 29, 2017

Life Member Breakfast, September 29th at 7:00a.m. in the Virginia Room at Virginia Beach Hotel and Conference Center Business Meeting will be Friday, September 29th at 10:00 a.m. in the Chesapeake Room at the Virginia Beach Hotel and Conference Center The parade will be Friday, September 29th, at 7:00 p.m. , Laskin Road/Atlantic Ave. Casino Night - Friday, September 29th from 8 till 11:00 p.m.---at the Conference Center (Pavilion)


September 30, 2017

The Annual membership breakfast will be Saturday, September 30th at 8:00 a.m. in the Chesapeake Room at the Virginia Beach Hotel and Conference Center. The business meeting and presentation of awards will follow at 9:00 a.m. Incoming Officers' Photos on Saturday, September 30th at 3:00 p.m. at the Virginia Beach Convention Center Installation of Officers, Memorial Service and Awards Ceremony will be Saturday, September 30th at 4:00 p.m. at the Virginia Beach Conference Center. (Pavilion) Doors open at 3:30p.m.


October 1, 2017

Officers meeting will be held on Sunday, October 1st. at 9:00 a.m. in the Lynnhaven Room at the Virginia Beach Hotel and Conference Center

























LifeCare Unveils New Ambulances, Honors Employees, Recognizes Veteran at Cookout Fredericksburg, VA (July 10, 2017) On Wednesday July 5th, LifeCare Medical Transports, Inc. unveiled three newly designed ambulances dedicated to causes that affect thousands of community members throughout Virginia. The dedication of these ambulances was held during a company cookout held at its corporate location in Stafford County, Virginia. The cookout also served as a venue to honor some of LifeCare’s recent award winners and those recently receiving promotions. As a part of the Virginia community, LifeCare always strives to connect with its patients and their families. LifeCare frequently transports those suffering from kidney failure. Most of these individuals require dialysis VP Dan Wildman; Cpl. Will Cook; Sgt. Heidi Barton; treatments three times each week. One of the new ambulances unveiled Cpl. Pat Gray, Cpl. Michael Caulfield & President Kevin Dillard was a specially designed truck colored in orange to represent the National Kidney Foundation. The hope is that this ambulance will help bring awareness to this disease, and greater hope for prevention, treatment and eradication. An Autism Awareness ambulance was also unveiled at the event. LifeCare hopes that this vehicle will have a similar effect in terms of a feeling of validation and ease from those affected. Those facing autism are often forgotten, and this ambulance aims to grow awareness in the community. The third ambulance unveiled was designed to bring hope to those suffering with cancer in any form. This Cancer Awareness ambulance was dedicated to an employee who has been battling cancer. A plaque inside the ambulance reads: “We dedicate this ambulance in honor of Mike Hicks who each day has found the strength to persevere and endure in spite of his battle with cancer. Let this ambulance serve as a reminder to us all that it is not an illness that defines us, but rather our strength and courage. July 5, 2017.” VP Dan Wildman, Sgt. Kerns, Sgt. Krug & President Kevin Dillard All three ambulances unveiled were in front of the Autism Awareness ambulance. manufactured Medix Specialty Official







President Kevin Dillard, honoree Mike Hicks & VP Dan Wildman Vehicles of Elkhart, Indiana. The vehicles’ exterior graphics were designed and applied by Brian McGuire of Illusions Wrap of Fredericksburg, Virginia. As new members of the LifeCare fleet, all three vehicles have been put into service for medical transports, and will also be used to promote acceptance and understanding of their prospective diseases at community events upon request. Along with the presentation of the new ambulances, LifeCare honored its team members who had recently been promoted, and those who had recently won awards. Among those recently honored by the Rappahannock EMS Council; LifeCare Medical Transports received an award for Outstanding Contribution to Emergency Preparedness and Response; Sue Connors, Director of Marketing and Business Development at LifeCare, received the award for Outstanding EMS Administrator; and Susan Dietrich, a paramedic with LifeCare, received the award for Outstanding Pre-Hospital Provider. These awards recognize the dedication and devotion of EMS providers and those who support the EMS system. The last individual honored at the event was Jimmy Dillard, father of LifeCare President, Kevin Dillard. On this day following Independence Day, Jimmy Dillard was being recognized for his service in the Korean War. LifeCare’s donation to the Stafford War Memorial was made in his honor. Founded in Fredericksburg, Virginia in 1994 by Kevin Dillard and Dan Wildman, LifeCare Medical Transports has since grown to be one of Virginia’s largest providers of health care transportation services with locations throughout the commonwealth. LifeCare is currently the only commercial agency to have won the Virginia Governor’s Award for Outstanding EMS Agency, an honor given to an, “EMS agency that exemplifies outstanding professionalism and service to its community.” Submitted by Sue Willis Connors, Director of Marketing & Business Development Page



























Dear Rescue Ranger Dear Rescue Ranger, Got one for you—did you know that statistically…. 9 out of 10 injections are in vein.” Got any better? KW Dear Karen, Well, yes I do— “ — that’s a site for sore eyes.” Dear Rescue Ranger, Got one for you—There was a sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center that said ‘Keep off the Grass.' Got any better? ER Dear Ed, Well, yes I do—“He was wheeled into the operating room, and then had a change of heart.” Dear Rescue Ranger, Got one for you—The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades. Got any better? BB Dear Bubby, Well, yes I do—“I went to the doctor this morning and told him I felt run down. ‘Why do you feel that?’ he asked. ‘Because,’ I replied, ‘I’ve got tire marks on my legs.'”

out. Have you got anything to keep it in?’ Doctor: ‘What about a cardboard box?’ Got any better? CB Dear Cindy, Well, yes I do—A mother complained to her consultant about her daughter’s strange eating habits. –“All day long she lies in bed and eats yeast and car wax. What will happen to her?” –“Eventually,” said the consultant, “she will rise and shine.”

Refusal reason: Alive, but without my permission.

Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch.

While in ER, Eva was examined, x-rated and sent home.

Skin: somewhat pale, but present.

Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities.

The patient was in his usual state of good health until his airplane ran out of fuel and crashed.

Mrs. Evans slipped on the ice and apparently her legs went in separate directions in early December.

The patient refused autopsy.

The patient has no previous history of suicides.

She is numb from her toes down.

She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life until she got a divorce.

Actual quotes I found while completing QA/QI of ePCRs: 

Patient left her white blood cells at another hospital.

Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.

On reassessment the knee was better and on the third assessment it disappeared.

The patient has been depressed since being seen by us.

Have a

Dear Rescue Ranger, Got one for you—Q: Why did the doctor tell the nurse to walk past the pill cupboard quietly? A: So she wouldn’t wake the sleeping pills. Got any better? KE Dear Kathy, Well, yes I do—“I don’t find health-related puns funny anymore since I started suffering from an irony deficiency.”

Safe and Great Conference!

Dear Rescue Ranger, Got one for you—Patient: ‘Doctor, my hair keeps falling Official











PO Box 279 2535 Turkey Creek Road Oilville, VA 23129 ISSN 0279-6023


Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.

Phone: 804-749-8191 Phone: 800-833-0602 Fax: 804-749-8910 E-mail:

"Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends." John 15:13

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HAVING AN IN-DEPTH UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR NEEDS AND GOALS IS THE WAY WE SERVE YOU The Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads is THE voice of EMS…. the advocate for our members, Virginia’s EMS agencies and providers. We link members and agencies for the purpose of sharing ideas, giving you a voice at the General Assembly, on state advisory boards, as well as on state and local committees. When our members have training issues or needs, they come to the VAVRS. When our members need assistance from leadership to budgets they come to the VAVRS. We help rescue squads throughout the Commonwealth thrive and succeed so they can provide prompt, effective patient care 24/7 in the communities they serve.

Celebrating our 83rd Anniversary

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