Virginia Lifeline May / June 2016
2015-2016 VAVRS Officers President Kim Craig Vice President Scott Davis Secretary Cecil Leach Treasurer Tarry Pribble Training Officer Greg Burton Chaplain Mike Smoot Chaplain Emeritus Page Entsminger Historian Chris Snyder Editor Gary Dalton Legal Advisor S. Craig Lane Parliamentarian J. C. Phillips Immediate Past President Rickey Hodge Medical Advisor James R. Dudley, MD, MBA Lobbyist Ed Rhodes
District 1 V. P. Patrick Scott District 2 V. P. Chris Flioro District 3 V. P. Warren Winner District 5 V. P. Jason Morgan District 6 V. P. Bob Wingfield District 7 V. P. Curtis Crawford District 8 V. P. Erik Brown District 9 V. P. Dwayne Stanley District 10 V. P. Wesley Melson Training Coordinator Kathy Eubank Administrative Secretary Shirley Bagby Secretary Cindy Bailey Bookkeeper Elizabeth Babb
2015-2016 VAVRS Committee Chairs Nominating: Bruce Stratton Membership: Scott Davis By-Laws: Bruce Edwards Lifeline: Gary Dalton Conference: Ford Wirt Camporee: Ronnie Slough Finance: Tarry Pribble Scholarship: Carolyn Brand EMS Memorial: Kevin Dillard Grant: Elizabeth Papelino Web Page: Gary Dalton Legislative: Bubby Bish Nominating: Bruce Stratton
Rescue College: Rickey Hodge Rescue College: Wayne Myers Facility Manager: George Langford Life Membership: Ronnie Slough Rescue Hall of Fame: Page Entsminger EMS Advisory Board: Valeta Daniels EMS Advisory Board: Denene Hannon Strategic Planning: Rickey Hodge Recruitment and Retention: Fran Phillips Volunteer Management: Dave Tesh Volunteer Management: Walter Stephens EMS Exchange Program: Jane Laverne Information Technology: Steve Ayers
2015-2016 VAJVRS Officers President Elizabeth Pittman Vice President Adarah Williams Secretary/Treasurer Toby Akers Historian Bradley Hancock Chaplain Makayla Hancock
Advisor, Chair Alfred Smith Advisor Brandon Baugus Advisor Kim Melson Advisor Debbie Rice
For a complete list of the current courses being offered by the VAVRS go to
2015-2016 AVAVRS Officers President - Harry Householder Vice President - Ailease Short Secretary - Marie Householder Treasurer - Fay Browning Chaplain - Linda Berkstresser Historian - Valarie Becker Parliamentarian - Nancy Winner
Immediate Past President - Fern Puckett Northeastern VP - Eddie Ann Orndoff Southcentral VP - Vicki Arnold Southeastern VP - Elsie Butler Southwestern VP - Roger Lynthlin Western VP - Janis Slough
2015-2016 AVAVRS Committee Chairs Conference: Fern Puckett Conference: Ruth Swicegood Nominating: Donna Porter Life Membership: Jean Garrett Emergency Care: John Dimino Resolutions: Nancy Winner
Deadline for the Upcoming Issues of the VIRGINIA LIFELINE Articles may be submitted by any member of the VAVRS, AVAVRS and VAJVRS. Feature articles are encouraged. Photos and/or graphics are acceptable and can be returned if requested. Contact the Editor at if you need assistance in writing an article Deadline for future issues as follows: June 1, 2016 for the July/August 2016 Issue August 1, 2016 for the September/October 2016 Issue September 1, 2016 for the 2016 Conference Issue October 1, 2016 for the November/December 2016 Issue Advertising Rates: Member Squads…,… charge Full Page…………………..$ 275.00 Half Page………………..…$150.00 Quarter Page……………....$100.00 Business Card……………..$ 50.00
Membership: Ailease Short Finance: Fay Browning Roll Call: Laura Booze Roll Call: Clara Craig Fundraising: Stacey Frame Fundraising: Tracey Frame
Virginia Lifeline ISSN 0279-6023 is the official bimonthly publication of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc. Editorial material should be sent directly to the VAVRS Editor at P O Box 522 Woodstock, VA 22664 (H) 540-459-4849 (W) 540-536-2758 (FAX) 540-459-4925 (C) 540-481-0125 Requests for advertising rates, material specifications and deadlines should be directed to the Editor.
VAVRS President Submitted by Kim Craig, VAVRS President As EMS week approaches it is a time to recognize our EMS community for a job well done. The American College of Emergency Physicians announced this year’s theme as “Called to Care”. The group chose this theme because it is a powerful reminder of how committed the EMS community is to their work. EMS providers have chosen a path that demands passion, purpose and heart. Everyday providers make a difference by using their education, training and compassion. It is also a reminder that all providers need to take care of themselves. To become educated on situational awareness and to always be prepared for the unexpected. All responders need to make safety the number one priority. Every day our First Responders are exposed to many hazards such as violence, terrorism and environmental hazards. Training and education in these areas can help everyone be prepared. Another way providers need to care of themselves is recognizing and having a heightened awareness on mental health issues. Even the strongest of responders have breaking points. The Code Green Campaign is calling a code alert on mental health of all types in first responders. Two goals for this campaign is to raise awareness to the high and increasing rates of mental health issues, substance abuse and suicide among first responders and in providing education for responders on how to provide care for themselves and recognize issues in their peers. For a list of resources visit which include Safe Call Now, 24/7 help line. Take care of yourself so that you can continue to provide care to others. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the State Officers including the District VP’s for their outstanding leadership and dedication. These officers have displayed solid, strong leadership by making sound decisions and having the strength to implement decisions with all the pros and cons. “A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not, If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader” said by John Quincy Adams. They bring an energy to our Association that is contagious. It is has been a pleasure of mine to work with these officers in serving the Association. The Camporee is May 12-14 in Buena Vista. The park will be open on Thursday for check in. Events will kick off Friday with the pizza party at 6pm. Saturday will bring breakfast at 0800 followed by games and events throughout the day ending with a picnic at 6pm followed by music and fellowship. Please join us for a great time. This all began with an idea sparked by Ronnie Slough. He has continued to make this a great event a success. Reminder of the VAVRS Rescue College June 10-18th. This is a great educational event. There are a lot of great classes offered. A lot of work goes into Rescue College every year. Planning for the next one starts before this year’s begin. We have been able to continue this event because of the planning that has taken place year after year by the Rescue College Committee Chairs. Wayne Myers has done a great job in the past couple of months of planning and putting everything together that needs to happen for Rescue College 2016. In my article in last quarter’s Lifeline I challenged each of you to identify members in your organization who want to get involved at the District and State Level. I want to remind you that it is important to become involved. VAVRS is the voice of EMS and needs participation from all members. There are so many ways to become involved and things to do. You have a lot to offer the Association. You bring new ideas and enthusiasm. Let us know who you are. As I have said in the past all members make an impact and can make a difference by getting involved.
BUSY RECRUITS AND SQUAD PERSONNEL ARE HAPPY MEMBERS Fran Phillips, Recruitment & Retention Committee Chair Recently I attended a Virginia Recruitment & Retention Network meeting in Virginia Beach where three Chiefs from Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squads spoke on recruitment and retention. Below are some of the excellent suggestions that were given.
New Recruits: Assign them to a crew with a mentor who will train them. Some squads have a special “training” class for recruits. This class trains them in the basics. Put them on call ASAP. This makes them feel that they are a member of your organization. A “Newbie” may have a special colored shirt that denotes them as a “Recruit”. In a Fire Department they may be assigned a “Red Hat” for their designation as a trainee.
Motivate: A project is a great way to motivate your new and seasoned members. Some suggestions are: paint a room or the building, clean up the area around your squad house, plant new shrubs if needed or trim those that you have.
Between Calls: Make sure there is something fun to do between calls. Watch a BIG TV, have the latest X-box with games for two or more to play, have a quiet place for students to study and do homework.
Include families: Have a family night, monthly or quarterly, with movies and popcorn. Have Friday night movie for crews and their friends. Have a yearly picnic. A Christmas party is a fun way to include everyone.
Business Meetings: Have a set time for the length of business meetings. In two hours you should be able to take care of all business. Some squads go out to a restaurant after a business meeting. Most members have already eaten dinner. As a fun time find a place that has ½ price appetizers with a beverage. This cuts expense and promotes comradery.
EMT Graduation: Make EMT Graduation a BIG CELEBRATION!! These people have worked long and hard to complete their education in this area. Have certificates of accomplishment. Ask your Auxiliary to have a “party” with small sandwiches, meatballs, cookies, cake, and balloons. Everyone will feel special.
Special recognition: Recognize the “squirrel” who pulls the most calls each month with a gas card. This will encourage members to pull extra call, keep track of their hours and will help “each special member” with the expense of driving to the squad house.
BEST OF THE BEST: Make your squad members feel that your squad is the “Best of the Best”. Your community will be proud of their EMS agency and will donate. Shine as “Neighbors Helping Neighbors”.
The 60 Second Parliamentarian Tip Submitted by J.C. Phillips, VAVRS Parliamentarian What is the proper way to bring a motion before the assembly? When referring to a motion in this article, I am talking about a main motion. Robert's Rules of Order states there are six essential steps in handling motions, three by which the motion is brought before the assembly, and three in the consideration of the motion. I have to say that many organizations do not exactly follow these six steps, but still get the motions taken care of. The three steps by which a motion is normally brought before the assembly are as follows: "1) A member makes the motion." Sometimes a member may say, "I move that so and so be done." "2) Another member seconds the motion." "3) The chair states the question on the motion" A lot of times, this does not happen and the members go immediately into the debate or discussion step. The next three steps deal with the consideration of the main motion. "1) Members debate the motion." "2) The chair puts the question (that is, puts it to a vote)." "3) The chair announces the results of the vote." Secretaries may report the results of the vote as, but not limited to: carried or not carried, accepted or rejected, approved or not approved, passed or failed, etc. If you want to go into more detail about motions, the information starts on page 32 of Robert's Rules of Order, 11th Edition.
The Augusta County Fire/Rescue Station 11 staff has started a patch board. If you can send them a patch to: Augusta County Fire/Rescue Sta.11, PO Box 177, Fishersville, Va. 22939 Walter Robertson 57 Sylvan Dr. Stuarts Draft, Va. 24477 1-540-294-9883 Official
VAVRS Chaplain Submitted by Mike Smoot, VAVRS Chaplain Conference is just around the corner and time is getting close for submitting pictures and patches for those to be honored and remembered at the Memorial Service on Saturday Night at Conference. To date we will be remembering the following VAVRS and AVAVRS members that have died since last year’s Conference: Samuel Blacksburg of Glasgow Life Saving Crew Richard Blevins of Mt. Rogers Fire Dept. Larry Bowen of Campbell County Rescue Squad Col. Richard Brownley of Lexington Life Saving Crew & Fire Dept. Ronnie Caldwell of Blacksburg Rescue Squad Larry Campbell of Millwood Station Fire and Rescue Sharon Campbell of Cave Spring Rescue Auxiliary, AVAVRS Past President and Life Member Norris Eversole of Wythe County Rescue Squad Gary Frame of Bensley-Bermuda Rescue Squad Auxiliary Brenda Hargrave of Forest View Rescue Squad, AVAVRS Past President and Life Member James Hargrave of Forest View Rescue Squad, VAVRS Life Member Barbara Heflin of Mountain View Rescue Squad Charles Isom of Pipers Gag Rescue Squad Brenda Jenkins of Millwood Station Fire and Rescue Auxiliary Phyllis Kasten of Colonial Beach Vol. Rescue Squad Mel Losick of Kempsville Rescue Squad Sharon Matherly of Manchester Vol. Rescue Jack Morgan, Sr. of Campbell County Rescue Squad Carol Morrow of Ashcake Vol. Rescue Squad Judith Snyder of Millwood Station Fire and Rescue Auxiliary Kelly Southard of Orange County Rescue Squad, VAVRS Life Member Jason Vaughan of Buena Vista Rescue Squad If you have a squad member that has passed and is not listed, please make sure that you submit their names along with a picture and a Squad patch to me as soon as possible so they can be included in the Memorial Service. The deadline for submitting names is September 1st. Any names submitted after that date will be included in the 2017 Memorial Service. We have had so many of our members and family members affected by the recent tornados that have hit our State. Homes have been destroyed, property lost, injuries sustained, lives lost. Appomattox and Waverly were hit heavily during March and the outpouring of support from across the State from our VAVRS brothers and sisters were overwhelming. Mike and Lelia Johnson’s daughter in Appomattox lost her home, Carolyn Brand’s daughter, Minda Crowe Jaouen’s father lost his home and was severely injured in the tornado and many others endured devastating loss and injuries. Through it all, the various VAVRS Squads answered the call of the neighboring Squads and were there to help and support them in whatever way they could. This is what we are all about, helping others when there is a need. Usually, it is a stranger, someone we probably will never see again, but this time it was our own people, our neighbors, our fellow workers, our friends, and our VAVRS family. Thank you all for what you do. May God continue to bless each of you and watch over you when you answer the call to help your neighbor. You really carried out the Historian’s theme “Your Neighbors, Your Lifesavers, Your Heroes”. You proved you cared and are a loving group of people, but I knew that already! Page
Waynesboro FAC Auxiliary Submitted by Historian Cece McCormick and Jill Stachowski Hello everyone it looks like the weather beginning to break, Spring fever… In February, Buildings and Grounds Danny McCormick had a new element put in our big oven. He also replaced a lot of lightbulbs in the multipurpose room. We bought the building two new dome cameras and replaced a handle on the refrigerator in the crew kitchen and we are also buying two new refrigerators to match the one that was there thus giving every shift their own refrigerator. The Western District meeting was hosted by Waynesboro. We had an Italian theme, members of the auxiliary baked cakes, cookies, and pies for door prizes. Everyone enjoyed that. Historian Cece McCormick received first place in submitting pictures to the district. We had a great time hearing from the other auxiliaries and seeing what they did for their squads and communities. The auxiliary just bought two new jump boxes for the crew from their little wish list. We just did a breakfast banquet for the ladies of Waynesboro Church of the Brethren. We went out for our auxiliary member’s birthdays for March at Red Lobster in Staunton. The Waynesboro First Aid Crew hosted a Vehicle Awareness and Operations class and the auxiliary prepared breakfast and lunch for the day event. In the last two months we lost two crewmembers: Russell Carter and Barbara Gutshall. For Russel, we bought a brick with his name on it that will be placed in the Serenity Garden where the Waynesboro First Aid Crew had bought a metal bench in memory of Waynesboro FAC members. It's a very peaceful and beautiful place. And on behalf of Barbara's family, we made a donation to the American Diabetes Association. Well from Waynesboro—Everyone have a great summer..
Danny McCormick presenting the two jump boxes we donated to Matt Wells, Chief of the Waynesboro FAC. Official
Danny McCormick receiving the new refrigerators for the Waynesboro FAC.
Auxiliary Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad Submitted by Kim Galloway, President Auxiliary SARS Auxiliary to Staunton Augusta Rescue Squad worked with the Valley Mission during the winter months when the shelter was feeling the strain of colder weather and increased needs of our community. We provided extra blankets and pillows for the residents and went shopping for to help restock the pantry with food needed to feed the adults and children who live at the shelter. The Auxiliary also made a $50 donation to Bethany Presbyterian Church’s weekend backpack program that provides ingredients for a hot meal and snacks for at risk children and their family over the weekend when they are not in school. These community projects helped to educate us on the needs of many in our community as well as services that were available to those in need.
District Nine Submitted by Ruth T. Stanley, District 9 Historian District 9 News District 9 has two new members and we would like to welcome them, Town of Chilhowie Fire and EMS Department and Abingdon Convalescent Ambulance Service. We hope to see these two agencies become active in District 9. Several agencies from District 9 attended the Spring BOG in Roanoke, April 8th and 9th, this was a very informative meeting. As District Historian I will be putting together a District scrapbook and would appreciate it if all District 9 squads would send me pictures, newspaper articles, etc. that you would like included in the book. If any of you outside the district have pictures that include members from our agencies I would appreciate your help as well.
District Three Submitted by Cindy Swann, District 3 Historian District 3 Last Meeting was held at the VAVRS Office. We had a pretty good turnout. A lot of the information we discussed will be gone over at Spring BOG meeting. A couple things I will cover. Ed Rhodes informed us that the Volunteers are back on the Line of Duty Account. There has been a lot of Tampering with Fire and Rescue Equipment. This is a class one misdemeanor. Everyone needs to stay alert. We did have EVOC Competition. Walter Bishop took 3rd Place, Anita Brook took 2nd Place and Bubby Bish took 1st Place. Missed Warren Winner our District VP and Nancy. They were enjoying a vacation in Florida. Chris Snyder Warrens Alternate did a great job at the meeting. Want to thank Kathy, Cindy and the Ladies for all the work they did to get everything together including a great meal. Page
LifeCare Medical Transport—Exciting New Opportunities for EMS Providers in Virginia LifeCare History Submitted by Sue Connors—Training Coordinator In 1994, LifeCare Medical Transports opened for business in the Fredericksburg area with a mission to provide a well LifeCare during the Hurricane needed service to its community. It was not uncommon at Katrina FEMA deployment the time for the region’s medical and residential facilities to call on the volunteer rescue squads when a nonemergency medical transport was needed. With the region’s growth, these transports were beginning to put a strain on the 911 system. The region needed a new medical transport agency that was ready for the increasing demands. Kevin Dillard and Danny Wildman, members of Fredericksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad, chose to take action, and in January of 1994, LifeCare Medical Transports was established. Their business began rather small, with just two ambulances, and a handful of part-time employees. It wasn’t long before they began to expand their business beyond the region. Vital to this growth was their commitment to provide excellent clinical care and customer service, and also be a respected community partner in every community they served. By 1999, LifeCare had greatly expanded its staff, its fleet, and its service area. This expansion of service led to Kevin Dillard and Danny Wildman receiving the Ernst and Young Entrepreneurs of the Year award in Virginia. By 2007, LifeCare had stations in virtually every part of Virginia, and received the Virginia Office of EMS Governor’s Award for Outstanding EMS Agency.
LifeCare Today Today, LifeCare operates throughout Virginia with well over 400 employees. LifeCare not only provides medical transport service, but also operates and staffs 911 stations in both King William and Rockbridge counties. Additionally, as a part of FEMA, LifeCare has been deployed on several natural disasters to include Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Sandy. Utilizing specialized teams, LifeCare also provides standby services for a number of public events in Virginia including festivals, concerts and races. LifeCare ALS providers manage complicated patients during facility-to-facility transports for higher levels of care. Intra-aortic balloon pumps, ventilators, infusion pumps, and chest tube management are the tools of the trade for these providers … tools that are outside One of LifeCare’s bariatric ambulances Official
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the parameters of most 911 system providers. To provide care at this level, additional training is provided by industry subject matter experts such as respiratory therapists and medical equipment manufacturers. LifeCare also provides specialized bariatric transport services throughout Virginia. The bariatric teams (three providers each) train together, and work together, to move their patients safely, and with dignity. LifeCare’s bariatric ambulances are equipped with specialized lifts to assist the providers when loading and unloading their patients.
Preparing for a Great Future An operational leadership team expansion at LifeCare ALS training with a ventilator and pig lungs LifeCare was recently announced which has brought some of Virginia’s most experienced and talented operational leaders to the helm to act as division and battalion chiefs. New growth has also created a need to hire additional EMTs, medics, station supervisors, ambulance drivers and wheelchair van drivers throughout Virginia. Experienced providers are encouraged to apply for both full-time and part-time positions. New providers are also encouraged to apply. The medical transport industry provides a great learning opportunity for new EMTs … especially those interested in continuing on to the paramedic or critical care paramedic levels. EMTs, medics and ambulance drivers are needed throughout Virginia. There has also been an increase in demand for wheelchair van drivers in the Roanoke/Salem and Hampton Roads areas. To ensure that only the highest quality EMS providers are brought on board, and stay on board, LifeCare now offers revised pay scales and bonus incentive programs in many regions for its EMS crews. Throughout the summer, LifeCare will be offering EVOC classes each month to fulfill their need for ambulance and wheelchair van drivers. LifeCare will also be offering their second hybrid EMT course this summer. Last year, LifeCare successfully offered the first hybrid EMT program in Virginia which provided working individuals the opportunity to learn the cognitive aspects of the curriculum via an online learning management system, while meeting just once weekly for the psychomotor “hands-on” training. By offering both the EVOC and EMT courses this summer, LifeCare hopes to provide innovative training opportunities to individuals with the desire to be a part of the EMS industry in Virginia. In EMS rooms in hospitals around Virginia, providers are compelled to look at the “LOOK” LifeCare recruitment postcards. “We want EMS providers to look to us for fulfilling and exciting employment opportunities,” shared Kevin Dillard, President and CEO of LifeCare. “We are able to offer so many unique EMS experiences … from NASCAR to FEMA, as well as provide the latest and most innovative EMS equipment and ambulances. We encourage anyone with a passion for EMS to apply online for a position with LifeCare.” Page
LifeCare LOOK recruiting post card May
From Left to Right: Senator John Edwards, Delegate Nick Rush, Kelly Walters, Delegate Greg Habeeb and Senator David Suetterlein Photos by Jane Hornbeck
VAVRS Past Presidents Bubby Bish, J. C. Phillips, Kelly Walters and Carroll Hawkes Photos by Jane Hornbeck
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 133 Commending Kelly Brice Walters Patrons-- Rush; Senator: Edwards WHEREAS, in the more than 80-year history of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, few individuals have shown the dedication, loyalty, commitment, and leadership of Kelly Brice Walters; and WHEREAS, after completing high school and working in different careers, Kelly Walters began serving Montgomery County as chief animal control officer, retiring after 19 years; and WHEREAS, in 1964, Kelly Walters joined the Christiansburg Life Saving and First Aid Crew, where he served as treasurer, first and second lieutenant, captain, and president of the Board of Directors; he also served as chair of every crew committee and assisted in the design of new ambulances; and WHEREAS, Kelly Walters was appointed by the town council as the first full-time, paid captain of the Christiansburg Rescue Squad on September 1, 2001; over the course of his career, he worked over 80 hours weekly and answered over 1,200 calls for assistance annually, and in 2002, he completed his emergency technician certification at the age of 66; and WHEREAS, Kelly Walters became active in the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads (VAVRS), serving terms as treasurer and vice president in District 7, and he remains active within the district; in 1979, he was elected to the status of life member of the VAVRS; and WHEREAS, Kelly Walters served on numerous committees for the VAVRS; he was elected vice president and served for two years and then was elected president and served from 1985 to 1987 and continues being active within the association; and WHEREAS, Kelly Walters has remained active in his community, serving as a member of the Fire and Rescue Task Force and the Christiansburg and Montgomery County Emergency Planning Committee, and WHEREAS, in February 2011, Kelly Walters became one of the founding charter members of the Riner Volunteer Rescue Squad, where he serves on the board of directors and as its representative to the VAVRS; and WHEREAS, Kelly Walters was a devoted husband and caregiver to his wife Virginia until her passing in 2013; and WHEREAS, in September 2003, Kelly Walters was elected by his peers in VAVRS to the Virginia Life Saving and Rescue Hall of Fame; on September 12, 2011, the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors recognized him for his 47 years of service; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend Kelly Brice Walters for his distinguished and unwavering service to the citizens of Christiansburg, Montgomery County, and the Commonwealth; and, be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Kelly Brice Walters as an expression of the General Assembly’s admiration for his many years of service and for his dedication and contributions to the emergency medical services movement, his family, friends, and those he has come in contact with, as a true example of those who give and expect nothing in return as citizens of the Commonwealth and the United States. Page
Virginia Beach EMS Deputy Chief Bill Kiley to Retire May 1st, 2016 Submitted by Bobby Hill, VA Beach Rescue Squad Foundation Recruitment Coordinator After 35 years of service with Virginia Beach EMS, Deputy Chief Bill Kiley has announced his retirement. Deputy Chief Kiley started his career with VBEMS at Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad, Rescue 14, and became the Deputy Chief of the Department of EMS in 1996. He is credited with the creation of the nationally recognized Air Search and Rescue Program, Marine Rescue Program, Bike Medic Program, SWAT Medic Program, Anti-terrorism and Disaster Preparedness Program and Virginia Beach's first Medical Critical Care Air Ambulance Service. Deputy Chief Kiley holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Virginia Wesleyan and a Master of Public Administration from Troy University. Bill will continue to volunteer as a paramedic with the Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad, Rescue Stations 8 & 14.
Folks, I would like to ask again for assistance for the Service this year. In the past we have been able to support he Adopt-a-family for the National EMS Memorial Service and this year there has been a very small amount given. The districts and agencies have always been great supporters of this cause and I would like to see that continue. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Scott E Davis, 540-922-2747
National EMS Memorial Service, which honors fallen EMS providers who have died in the line of duty, will be held at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport, 2799 Jefferson Davis Highway in Arlington, on the afternoon of Saturday, May 21, 2016 Official
District Eight Submitted by Erik L. Brown, District 8 Vice President The Kilmarnock Volunteer Fire Department hosted a VAVRS Vehicle Rescue Awareness and Operations course on February 27th - 28th, 2016. Fire Department members learned the basics of vehicle extrication and were taught to work with other agencies
for a team approach to extricating patients out of vehicles. This training was requested on behalf of the Fire Department to be able to better assist other agencies and the community when dealing with vehicle crashes.
Essex Co. Emergency Services hosted the VAVRS District 8 Training and Meeting on February 18th, 2016. Training was taught by Chief Jimmy Brann on "Building EMS with Rapport". Dinner was provided followed by our meeting.
Faces in Virginia Beach EMS Photos submitted by Bobby Hill Thanks Bobby!
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District Six Submitted by Greg Burton, State Advisor to District 6 and VAVRS State Training Officer On February 28, 2016, EMS agencies from District 6 gathered in the small town of Burnt Chimney, Virginia located in Franklin County for a district meeting and competition. The meeting was hosted by Red Valley EMS. The day started off with an EVOC contest that was overseen by District Training Officer, Scottie Adams. The event featured 8 drivers from Ridgeway RS, Cool Branch RS, Red Valley EMS, and one impromptu run through the cones by State Training Officer, Greg Burton. The return of having a contest at the district meeting was welcomed by everyone. Many thanks to Scottie for making this happen. A delicious home cooked meal was prepared by members of Red Valley EMS. The business meeting was led by District VP, Bob Wingfield. Bob reported that there were 8 agencies represented at the meeting. Training Officer, Greg Burton reported on Rescue College and encouraged squads to submit articles to the Lifeline. Greg said having EVOC at this meeting was a positive step forward and after talking with Scottie, plans are being made to include an EMT contest as well. Chaplain Mike Smoot, gave a report on death notices received since the 2015 conference and encouraged participation in the death benefit program and the importance of updating your beneficiaries. District Treasurer, Doug Adams, reported that with the Spring BOG being held in Roanoke, District 6 with the help of Roanoke County and Roanoke City were making plans for a tour of the transportation museum for BOG's and their guests. Bob notified everyone of the importance of having a representative at the spring BOG due to the important issues facing the VAVRS membership. Thanks was again extended to the members from Red Valley EMS who helped make today's meeting successful. The next meeting will be held on Sunday, May 15, in Ridgeway Virginia, and will be hosted by Horsepasture RS. We encourage a good turn out of the members of District 6.
From left to right are: Glenn Sullivan, Mountain View Volunteer Rescue Squad; Jackie Taylor, Fredericksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad and LifeCare Medical Transports; Danny Wildman, Fredericksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad, Chancellor Volunteer Fire & Rescue and LifeCare Medical Transports; Congressman Rob Wittman; Sylvia Sullivan, Mountain View Volunteer Rescue Squad; Kevin Dillard, Fredericksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad, Chancellor Volunteer Fire & Rescue and LifeCare Medical Transports; and J. Carlton Hudson, Colonial Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad. Not pictured are Gary Dalton, Strasburg Volunteer Rescue Squad; John Fray, Madison County Rescue Squad; Steve Grayson, Madison County Rescue Squad; John Hutton, Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue Squad; George and Vicky Langford, Brooke Fire Safety Association; and Karen Wagner, Woodstock Volunteer Rescue Squad.
13 EMS Volunteers Named First Life Members in VAVRS District 10 Submitted by Sara Hunt PR Colonial Beach, Va. (March 20, 2016) – Colonial Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad (CBVRS) hosted a luncheon to honor the first recipients receiving Life Membership in District 10 of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads (VAVRS). The event was held on Sunday, March 20 at Riverboat on the Potomac in Colonial Beach, Va. A special guest was Congressman Rob Wittman (R-1st District), who thanked the EMS providers in attendance for their dedication to make a difference in the lives of others. “Volunteers are the backbone of the community, and we can’t forget the critical role that volunteers play,” he said. District 10 includes the cities, towns and counties of Caroline, Colonial Beach, Culpeper, Fairfax, Fauquier, Frederick, Fredericksburg, Greene, King George, Loudoun, Madison, Orange, Page, Prince William, Rappahannock Shenandoah, Spotsylvania and Stafford. The following EMS heroes were named to the charter class of District 10 Life Membership, and they also hold Life Membership in VAVRS: Gary A. Dalton - Strasburg Volunteer Rescue Squad Kevin Dillard - Fredericksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad, Chancellor Volunteer Fire & Rescue, LifeCare Medical Transports John Fray - Madison County Rescue Squad Steve A. Grayson - Madison County Rescue Squad J. Carlton Hudson - Colonial Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad John Hutton - Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue Squad George W. Langford - Brooke Fire Safety Association Vicky Langford - Brooke Fire Safety Association Glenn Sullivan - Mountain View Volunteer Rescue Squad Sylvia Sullivan - Mountain View Volunteer Rescue Squad Jackie Taylor - Fredericksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad, LifeCare Medical Transports Karen D. Wagner - Woodstock Volunteer Rescue Squad Danny Wildman - Fredericksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad, Chancellor Volunteer Fire & Rescue, LifeCare Medical Transports “Life Membership denotes the highest level of service and commitment to the EMS mission,” said Wesley Melson, Rescue Chief of Colonial Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad. “These men and women are wellrespected role models in their hometown rescue squads and they are so deserving of this special designation. We are especially proud of our own Carlton Hudson, a longtime member of CBVRS who continues to provide support and guidance on a daily basis to our volunteers of all ages.”
The “Real” Attic
My thanks to Gary Dalton, the Editor, for still allowing time to prepare and submit an article. I did not have one in the last issue due to the General Assembly being in full force. It was good seeing everyone at Spring BOG this past weekend, and there are a couple of items that I would like to touch on very briefly. The Governor signed the budget bill on April 10th and left the funding for the stretchers alone. Bottom line, there is $840,000.00 each year of the biennial budget bill that is available for grants for the new, federally mandated, stretcher requirements. The EMS Compact legislation passed unopposed this year. At the BOG meeting, there still seemed to be a misunderstanding of the Compact legislation. The Compact has been signed by the Governor, and will be effective on July 1, 2017. Once 10 states join in (as of now 7 have joined) the compact will begin to take effect. Until the states surrounding Virginia become part of the compact, the Office of EMS will let everyone know when it is legal to answer calls in an adjoining state. Line of Duty bill passed and has been signed by the Governor. The changes that you should be aware of are (i) after July 1, 2017, if you are injuries, etc., and you go on LODA, once you turn 65, you will begin to pay for the health care benefits, (ii) spouses who are receiving LODA benefits because of the death of a member, and remarry, they will lose the benefits, (iii) all of those currently on LODA and up to June 30, 2017 are grandfathered and will continue to received benefits until death. Additional meetings on eligibility and funding are forthcoming this year. Though this is a short article, there is still a lot going on. We fully intend to get on the road and visit as many of the districts as possible over the next few months. And of course, any questions, please feel free to contact me. HAVING AN IN-DEPTH UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR NEEDS AND GOALS IS THE WAY WE SERVE YOU
The Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads is THE voice of EMS…. the advocate for our members, Virginia’s EMS agencies and providers. We link members and agencies for the purpose of sharing ideas, giving you a voice at the General Assembly, on state advisory boards, as well as on state and local committees. When our members have training issues or needs, they come to the VAVRS. When our members need assistance from leadership to budgets they come to the VAVRS. We help rescue squads throughout the Commonwealth thrive and succeed so they can provide prompt, effective patient care 24/7 in the communities they serve.
Make Your Plans to Join Us at the Annual VAVRS Conference September 22-25, 2015 in Virginia Beach Official
Gary & Jack Swicegood Honored Rocky Mount Town Council Meeting Minutes – February 8, 2016 SPECIAL ITEM Recognition of two Franklin County Rescue Squad Members, Mr. Jack Swicegood and Mr. Gary Swicegood for a lifetime of service to the Town and its citizens. Both Mr. Jack Swicegood and Mr. Gary Swicegood were presented with resolutions from the Town by the Mayor honoring them for their lifetime of community work on the Franklin County Rescue Squad. Mr. Jack Swicegood had 49 years of experience at saving lives, training others, ministering to the squad and starting up new squads. February 8th, 2016 was declared Mr. Jack Swicegood day. Mr. Gary Swicegood had 47 years of experience traveling, being Captain and sharing his knowledge with others. February 9th, 2016 was declared Mr. Gary Swicegood day. After the presentations, each man was greeted by a round of applause and a standing ovation.
From Franklin county Rescue Squad Auxiliary A heartfelt thank you to our Rescue Squad and Auxiliary families across the State for all the Prayers, cards, phone calls, and visits that Jack received during his illness. They made a very stressful situation easier to get through for Jack and our family. It is good to know we have so many good friends that we can count on to be there for us. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Jack and Ruth Swicegood Official
Dear Rescue Ranger Dear Rescue Ranger, I attended a squad banquet last year and you told a humorous story about Jack and his wife but for the life of me I can’t remember the story. Would you send it to me? Little Rescue Ranger Dear Tommy, Jack and his wife have been married a long time and one evening they were sitting on the sofa. Ruth said, “Dear, do you remember how you used to sit close to me?” So he moved over and sat close to her. She said, “Dear, do you remember how you used to hold me tight?” He reached over and held her tight. “And, she went on, “do you remember how you used to hug me and kiss me and nibble on my ear?” With that, Jack got up and started to walk out of the room. “Where you going?”, she asked. He said, well, I have to go and get my teeth!” Dear Rescue Ranger, Some one told me that you used to be a law enforcement officer and that you set a record for DUI arrests in your county. What was the easiest arrest you ever made? Barry Dear Mr. Rose, Yeah, it seemed I had a knack
for catching drunks. I remember one time I pulled over a guy who had been weaving in and out of the lanes. I walked up top to the guy’s window and said, “Sir, I need you to blow into this breathalyzer tube”. He said, “Sorry, officer, I can’t do that. I am an asthmatic, if I do that, I’ll have a really bad asthma attack.” I said, “OK, I need you to come down to the station to give a blood sample.” He said, I can’t do that, either. I am a hemophiliac. If I do that, I’ll bleed to death.” I said, “Well then, we need a urine sample.” He said, “Sorry, I am also a diabetic. If I do that, I’ll get really low blood sugar.” Finally I said, I need you to come out here and walk this white line.” He said, I can’t do that officer.” I said, “Why?” He said, “Because I’m drunk.” Dear Rescue Ranger, Do you play golf? Scott Dear Mr. Higgs, Yes. Just yesterday I shot 70 and tomorrow I’ll place the second hole. (Alternate answer) Yes. Yesterday I broke 70. I believe that is some kind of record for broken clubs! Dear Rescue Ranger, Do you do the hiring and firing at your agency? I think I would like to apply. Looking for work Dear Bubby, I remember you applied once before and you did not get hired. Do you remember? You filled out the application and answered the question “Have you ever been arrested?” with a “No.” The next question, intended for people who had
answered in the affirmative to the previous question, was “”Why?” and you answered, “Never got caught.” Also, I remember our human resources director noticed that you had been fired from every job you every had and you said, “At least I’m not a quitter.” Dear Rescue Ranger, Heard you have been working out, how is it going? Getting in shape Dear J. C., It is going great. My technique was that I started with fivepound potato sacks in each hand, extend my arms straight out to my side and hold them there for as long as I could. I did that for 3 weeks. Then I tried ten-pound potato sacks, then fifty-pound-potato sacks in each hand and hold my arms straight out for a full minute! I never missed a day and performed this exercise in the hottest weather. I was determined to be the strongest man in the area. Eventually, I will start putting potatoes in the sacks.
PO Box 279 2535 Turkey Creek Road Oilville, VA 23129 ISSN 0279-6023 Phone: 804-749-8191 Phone: 800-833-0602 Fax: 804-749-8910 E-mail:
"Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends." John 15:13
Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.