Process & Procedure - Technical Writing for Training & Efficient Performance

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Rev E Page 1/12

PreFlight — Domestic Offset Artwork

Process Owner: Art Department Manager Author: Vickie Bartman


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This document last edited on: October 4, 2020 4:48 PM

Rev E Page 2/12

Table of Contents Process Flowchart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.0 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.0 Preflight: Untrapped File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.0 Create Worksheet for Untrapped Files to SGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.0 Submitting Illustrator Files to SGS for Trapping - File Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.0 Preflight: Trapped Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 6.0 Submitting Trapped Files to SGS - Plate Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Exhibit A - Inspection Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


PROCESS: Preflight OFFSET Artwork Going to SGS ( Illustrator .ai file, Trapped .ai file, -or- HR_trap file from customer/agency ) Begin Preflight of Job

In Filemaker (FM), click PF button, then click PF Queue

Select job from FM PF Queue

Open artwork file, from Server, in Illustrator

Receive Updated File

To Doreen: Request edits from client and Request updated file

Enter FM Comments, Update Status


Inspect artwork using Preflight Checklist

Prep artwork for Trapping

Create .zip file containing: .ai file, new customer images, UPC, LR pdf and worksheet

Are Errors Found?


Upload .ai file to SGS Remote Approval/ Work In Process/Elements folder

After upload, Open .ai file in Smart Review

Click Prepress Approval to initiate trapping



Edit File or Return to Artist To Make Corrections

YES Is file an Illustrator .ai ?

Inspect artwork using Preflight Checklist NO

Upload .zip file to SGS Remote Approval/ File Transfer folder

Are We Able To Make Corrections?

Save file as an HR_trap.pdf YES

Is file a Trapped Illustrator .ai ?


Is file an HR_trap.pdf

Upload HR_trap.pdf to SGS Remote Approval/ Plate Ready folder


Enter FM Comments, Click PrePress Button to Update Status

Prepress Proofer monitors SGS Remote Approval for final inspection, approval and Release

If MINOR errors are found after trapping, return job to Preflight for correction




This procedure provides the steps to take to ensure: • artwork is thoroughly inspected, • corrections are made as needed, • all linked files are present and valid, • colors are set up for proper separation, • and, the file is error-free and ready to print. Files are created by Presto artists or provided by customers. Three file types that Preflight handles include: • Untrapped Illustrator .ai file created by Presto • Trapped Illustrator file provided by customer • Trapped Hi-Res PDF file provided by customer General Responsibilities Prior to reaching Preflight, an artist(s) should have thoroughly inspected the file and verified fonts, images, legal content and general accuracy. The Preflight operator: • Monitors the Preflight queue and determines job handling priorities; • Does a final check of files and resolves any remaining artwork issues (if minor); • Verifies and files any customer-owned images; • Scans UPC/DigiMarc to verify code integrity and match to human-readable text; • Creates outlined version of artwork (to eliminate font conflicts with prepress vendor); • Creates low-res PDF of outlined artwork as a quick visual reference; • Creates worksheet for prepress handling of untrapped jobs; • Uploads untrapped art files (plus supporting files and documentation) to SGS Remote Approval/File Transfer and Work In Process for trapping; • or, Uploads already trapped files to SGS Remote Approval/Plate Ready for printers to pick up for plating; • Documents all work in Filemaker database; • Changes job status in FileMaker to Prepress. Tracking job progress then transfers to the Prepress Proofer/File Releasing.



2.0 PREFLIGHT: UNTRAPPED FILE FOR OFFSET PRINTING 1. In Filemaker, Click PF button (1) (see fig. A)

2. Click PF QUEUE button (2), and Job with the soonest Release Date will be shown first. (see fig. A)

3. To view all jobs in PF Queue, click on ‘hamburger menu’ (3); jobs listed in order by Release Date (see fig. A)

NOTE: A corrugate job may take precedent, even though it has a later Release Date, because corrugate jobs have a 7 day interim where printcards must be created by platemaker and approved by Package Engineer and Preflight. See Corrugate Procedure for detail.

fig. A – FileMaker Preflight panel

4. Locate and Open the Artwork File on the Server • Go to: groups$ (G Drive) > Art > Customers > [cust name] > [prod category] > [job folder] > • Open file and Relink images to Hi-Res versions: groups$ (G Drive) > Art > Art Images --or-- Art > Images PREFLIGHT READY

Images in PREFLIGHT READY are usually supplied by the customer, are customer-specific, and can only be used for that customer’s projects. Or, the image originally was a Presto image that the customer edited for their own use.

5. Inspect the Artwork Using the PreFlight Inspection Checklist (see Exhibit A at end of document) • Check against the seed die, and review all graphic content • The top 5 Critical items that need to be Correct to prevent destruction of printed pieces: UPC and Digimarc code • Dist By & COO info • Legal (content & font size) • Part Number • Die Number

You will be checking (in order of appearance on the Inspection Checklist): - Job Folder Naming - Use Panel Statements - Images and Shadows - Database Record Info - Headings & Copy - File Clean Up - Seed die /Bleed - Legal on all panels: Check - ID, Color Bars, Color Seps against Brand Info/FM Bible

6. If Errors are found during Preflight: • Edit the file if it is a quick correction, or return job to Artist to make corrections • Update FM record with comments about corrections made or needed • If Preflight makes edits: Save your work to retain the corrections made, and continue to next step 7. IMPORTANT - SGS Shirt-tail: As a guide, add a 3 inch x 10 inch box to the bottom of the file’s artboard for SGS’s ‘shirt-tail’ to contain their printing info slug (added by SGS Prepress). Extend the artboard past the box, then delete the box. If this isn’t done, then the comparison feature of the SGS Remote Approval website won’t work when it comes time to Prepress Proof after the trapping is complete. (file comparison is a feature of the Kodak Insite Creative software used by SGS) • Save the Illustrator .ai file and make a LR pdf 8. Review Links • In links panel, click on each linked image; verify correct color mode (CMYK) and resolution (300 ppi) • If links were found in the Art > Images PREFLIGHT READY folder: - File the images on the server: a. Lo-Res .eps into: groups$ (G Drive) > Art > Images b. Hi-Res layered .psd and flattened .eps into: groups$ (G Drive) > Art >Art Images - Include the linked Hi-Res images in the zip file when job is uploaded, see Step 13.



2.0 PREFLIGHT: UNTRAPPED FILE FOR OFFSET PRINTING (continued) 9. Final prep work • All layers that will not be printing should be both 1) set to not print and 2) turned off from viewing. • Turn on Overprint Preview for the entire document. • Set Document Raster Effects setting to 300. 10. Duplicate the File to Create an OUTLINED VERSION for PrePress use. - Use ‘Save As’, to create a duplicate file and Add _OL to the file name. - In the _OL file, Outline all fonts. - Save the Illustrator .ai file and make a LR pdf.


11. Enter Preflight Notes In PF, enter Preflight Notes (1): enter the date Preflight was completed, SGS MN, FULL PREPRESS, the time files were uploaded, and your initials (see fig. B) • If job needs turn-around in 24 hours: include RUSH [in all caps] (also see Step 14 for additional communication needed • Click Worksheet button (2) (see fig. B)

fig. B – Preflight Notes



10. Enter Preflight Notes (continued) • Then, click PDF button at top of screen (1), Print dialog box opens (2), click PDF button (3), from drop down list choose Adobe PDF, Click Save and Select the appropriate job folder on server. (see fig. C) • Name the pdf file: [part#] -or- can name the pdf: [part#]_STRATA, if being sent to other than SGS MN

fig. C – Example of Preflight Worksheet



4.0. SUBMIT ILLUSTRATOR FILES TO SGS FOR TRAPPING 12. Prepare Artwork for Upload • Create a .zip file containing: file, new customer images, UPC code, _OL LR pdf and worksheet • Upload .zip file to: SGS Remote Approval > Projects, Libraries (1) > File Transfer SGS OFFSET (2) > Elements (3) > Upload (4) to get the Upload Files window (see fig. D) • Drop the .zip file on the window shown in fig. D (5); Click Upload button (6)

fig. D – SGS Remote Approval: File Transfer

• Separately, Upload the file to: SGS Remote Approval > Work in Process (1).> Elements (2) > Upload (3) (see fig. E) • Drop the file on the window shown in fig. E (4); Click Upload button (5)

fig. E – SGS Remote Approval: Work In Process folder



13. Review Uploaded File to Approve Ready For Trapping

• After upload: In Elements (1) > double click on the file (2) (see fig. F) to open the file in Smart Review (see fig.G)

fig. F – File uploaded and in Elements folder

• Inspect file integrity. Drop down ‘No Task’ (1), and select SGS STL (this hasn’t yet been changed to read SGS MN). Below the image click on the Green icon to signify Approved (2). This automatically sends notification to SGS PrePress that file is ready for trapping. (see fig. G)

fig. G – Smart Review Approval For PrePress Continued...


13. Review Uploaded File to Approve Ready For Trapping (continued) - Enter FM Comments (1), then click PrePress Button to Update Status (2) (see fig. H)

fig. H – Comments and Prepress button to update record

14. RUSH JOBS • If the job being sent to SGS is a RUSH job: - send an email to Sherry Zimmerman, Project Coordinator and copy Jeff Mack, Sales Representative indicating job # that has been uploaded and stating that it’s status is RUSH (this should have already been stated in the worksheet too). 15. Prepress Proofer/File Releasing • Preflight is complete. Tracking job progress next transfers to the Prepress Proofer/File Releasing.



5.0 PREFLIGHT: TRAPPED ILLUSTRATOR .AI or HR-TRAP. PDF FILE FOR OFFSET PRINTING 16. Apply Steps 1-3 from Section 2.0 • Open the trapped file in Illustrator (if a pdf: drop the HR_trap.pdf on the Illustrator icon); lock that layer(s). • Check against the seed die (copy & paste die file into a separate layer). After inspecting artwork, if all is OK: - With a trapped .ai file: discard the seed die layer. Save a copy of the file as a HR_trap.pdf (use SGS settings) - With a customer/agency supplied HR_trap.pdf: do not save, but discard the .ai file. 17. Editing file during Preflight • Edit file if an error is found and it is a quick correction, or return the job to an Artist to make corrections • If an edit is made to an .ai file: Save the .ai file; Edited pdfs: Save the file as a PDF using the SGS settings • Update FM record with comments about corrections made or needed • Also, make a LR pdf -or- Export the file as an Image > JPG. (This file will be submitted to AC Nielsen/IRI).

6.0 SUBMITTING TRAPPED FILES FROM CUSTOMERS TO SGS • Preflight uploads [file name]_HR_trap.pdf to SGS Remote Approval > Plate Ready Files (1). > Elements (2) > Upload (3) (see fig. J) - Drop the pdf file on the window shown at in fig. K (4), Click Upload button (5) • No worksheet is needed. Trapping is already complete. Platemaker/printers will be downloading the HR_trap.pdf from the Plate Ready folder.

• Next, in FM, click PrePress Button (1) Enter Comments (2), (see fig. H, previous page) - In FM Comments, include “file uploaded to Plate Ready”, and - Add Instructions if Releaser should delete the old file from Plate Ready, or if FileMaker shows an outstanding order, instructions may be to NOT delete the old file yet (old files with outstanding orders will be highlighted Pink in FM History).

fig. J – Upload to Plate Ready

18. Prepress Proofer/File Releasing. • Preflight is complete. Tracking job progress next transfers to the Prepress Proofer/File Releasing. Continued...


Exhibit A - Inspection Checklist [ go to: groups$ > Art >1_Department Documents > Inspection Checklist ]

Inspection Checklist


Date: agency






Distribution clause

No type overflows


COO: Made in the USA of Global Components IFG [Thai China] - below dist. by. No color gaps (score lines where photos and/or colors meet) IMP [no COO]


“When writing...” statement N/A UPC code [color if applicable]


Effects and direction/rotation

Domestic IFG

Customer code above UPC

Delete unwanted, hidden elements


Warnings Cautions ( FBB min. 10 pt)

 Elements on correct layers

N/A  NO defrost/reheat stmnt. [gal, 2 gal, qt, pt]  Spelling [unlock all layers; use spell check]

Old part#: Release date:

 NO micro. stmnt. [RSB, RSN, RSS, RPS]

Delete unused swatches

Order due date:

Slider tabs warning

Delete unused layers

Trapping: SGS Cust PF Overseas

“Not recom. for food storage” [DISP]

Designate print & non-printing layers


Suggested uses/illustrations


Folder name

Customer quality/guarantee/seal

Check brand error log

100% Recycled [“paperboard” not “carton”]  RPA logo w/®  Please Recycle

PDF, Ai, other art in line, rounds

Contents: UPC, art, PDF, worksheet

SFI [Menasha 01045 Oshkosh 00791]

Scan for Digimarc

zOLD folder [3 most recent Ai files]

BPA Free callouts use statement

Submitted to legal


Kosher symbol/certified on list

Once over

Document name offset: 30G DS ZPK97XXXX flexo: ZPK95XXXX 30G DS

Die ZPK /FERT /ZR Cust# UPC ECO #




Trapping accuracy

Patent statement Patent No. [HMSK, PBLX, PSPG, WNCO]

Colors used:

® or ™ use statement w/® or ™



Stay Put Strip use statement w/®


Image names [.eps, .tif, etc.]

“Compare to” call out use statement


Stay-Cool handles

Graphic info

Smart Match/icons use statement

Graphic samples

No “Leak Resistant” [MD TAS, LG RCT, FAM]




Overprint Preview before starting PF

Correct name & descriptive copy

Art Q-Art Hold/Inv Preflight On Hold

Dieline [set to overprint]


PREPRESS - errors

Set dielines as guides & snap art

Consistent size/placement

Errors  Enter in error log  Fix art

Bleeds Angled bleeds


PREPRESS - SGS approval

Standoff [1/8” min. from score/cut]


SGS approved as is

Flap overlap

Count on all panels [if applicable] Count in lower 1/3 of PDP

SGS rejected

Date code area(s)

edit(s) submitted update our Ai edits made/file approved

Legal copy  gusset in the middle

PREPRESS - plate ready

Correct ‘X’ height

Plate ready approved Plate ready rejected edit(s) made by:_______________

X’ height from other non-legal copy

PREPRESS - other tasks

Registration mark, reg. color


Deleted old art: Yes No N/A

Color blocks [100%, 50%, 30%]

Correct image [closure, profile/color,

Nielsen: Yes or No

PW: 3/8” cutter area & circles unfilled



Spot color callouts

Rev. script

[lower left, 5 pt. white, ‘P’ prefix except IFGs]


<5 = 1/16” 5 to 25 = 1/8” >25 to 100 = 3/16” >100 = 1/4”

DS tape, slider tab color, WRO, etc.]

High-resolution 300 dpi Shadows rotated Enlargement or reduction

[not to exceed 140% of original image]

Clip path [if applicable]


Proper overprints

IFG uploaded to:__________________

Filemaker released FM pre-released PREFLIGHT to SGS (full prepress) [File Transfer  Ai to Work in Process]

to SGS [small change to plate ready] to Plate Ready [high-res trapped] to IFG [create outlined folder] Shipping case


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