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Bar Report
Bar Manager
February 2021 Run
The kitchen renovations started in the main hall on 8 February. Day one involved a small but energetic working party who achieved wonderful things. The kitchen has been gutted with all the salvaged and reusable items stored safely and securely and the needed items cleaned and sorted and stored in their temporary cupboard space beside the bar.
Thanks to all involved in giving up their hot Sunday morning.
Appliance moving on a hot sunday morning.
Gutting the kitchen.
Precision packing by Joseph and Bryce.
Katryna Shaw and Gill Stevenson
Fancy a night at the movies?
Trash 2 Dash follows Dean Hart as he chased a land speed record here in New Zealand/Aotearoa. Following on the tradition of the best aero-engined vehicles this documentary was filmed and directed by Kiwi Wayne Johnson who became fascinated by the perseverance and no. 8 wire mentality of Dean’s story.
Screening from the 4 March onwards at Academy Gold Cinema at The Colombo Mall 22/363 Colombo Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023 Phone: 03-377 9913