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Rally ads
P Group Annual Rally 10th April
This year the rally will be a relaxed run to the Arthur's Pass area. We will be picnicking at Klondyke Corner Campsite approx. 130kms from the clubrooms Assemble at 9.30 at Cutler Park for an approx. 10.00 am start No prior entry necessary just turn up on the day. Enquiries contact Neale 021 295 3628
Saturday 23rd April 10.00am start at Cutler Park Lunch Stop will be south east of the city in a country Domain. Hot Water & Toilets available. After Lunch a short drive to view area history before driving home. An alternative short route will be available Entry form in March Hub or HERE
Any queries contact Rally organiser. Graham Evans 351 5919, 027 320 7948. email gaevans@xtra.co.nz
VCC Dutton Garage Malver n Run
Anzac Day Monday 25th April
10.00am start at Darfield Recreation Centre Full information and Entry Form in the March Hub or enter on line HERE
For more information contact organise Malcolm McGibbon 027 433 8047 or Colin Hey 021 883 807
Entries Close 15th April
Sunday 1st May
Start time 10am Cutler Park Morning tea 9.30am
Just arrive on the day, no entry form. Some shingle roads
Any Questions please phone Bruce 021 174 7232 THE ROSS BUTLER GRASSKHANA DAY Sunday 22nd May 2022
The Grasskhana will be taking place this year in May rather than on Labour Weekend. The event is still being held at Cutler Park. Proceedings will take place in the grassed area by the power cables, parallel with our boundary with Steam Scene and is open for entries from club eligible vehicles. This is a perfect opportunity for encourage younger family members and their friends to demonstrate their driving abilities and have a fun day out. The same team who organised this event last year, which was extremely cool, are doing it again this year! So, watch out. BYO Picnic Lunch