Vedere Magazine Issue 5

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Chr i s Leon Fr om Rut t o L i vi n g Hi s Dr eam .

Ja cl yn Ja n G rif f ieon f ot ograaf

Pl a n n e d D i st r a ct i o n s En t e r t a i n m e n t

2 Huge F a sh i o n Sh o w s t h i s I ssu e !

December 2011 Vedere Magazine Volume 1 Issue 5

Sh a u n O ' Br i e n Rebel ?

Published by Michael Meadows Studios, Tempe, AZ Contact: Michael Meadows All images are copyrighted to Michael Meadows Studios, Michael Meadows or the respective artists and protected by U.S. and International copyright laws.All infringements will be pursued to the fullest extent of law. No use, reproduction or editing without written permission. All models are over the age of 18 unless noted with the images and have signed a full model release which is on file with the photographer. Any images that are more revealing will also have all required information to be 2257 compliant pursuant to U.S. Federal Law. Street photography and architectural images are for display and editorial purposes only. Not responsible for errors and ommissions,color reproduction in printing process. If you are interested in using one of the images for publication or would like a print please contact the publisher at the email address above. Vedere Magazine Copyright 2011

In this issue: Shaun O'Brien Rebel? Deeds of Love Charity Fashion Show at The Revolver Lounge

C h r i s L e o n Ar t z G a l l e r y a n d G i f t s

From Rut To Living his Dream

Ja n G r i f f i e o n f ot ograaf


2 n d An n u a l Ri oux Ler oux Planned Distractions Entertainment On the Cover: Shaun O'Brien

Runway for a Cause

My New Year's Resolution: Be Like Dad. I try not to put personal things in the magazine but I'm making an exception this month. Thinking about the new year I came to the realization all my other resolutions can wait. This year I'm going to be a different person. Forget the losing weight, being a kinder person, quitting whatever bad habit is now the cause celeb. I'm not going emulate a sports figure, movie star or anyone else famous. I'm forgetting pretense, airs or any other cliche term someone can come up with. Dad has done things his way since I can remember. Never hesitant to tell it like he sees it, to stand up for what he believes or to lend a helping hand to those that need it the most and being known as a WWII Vet. In his 80's he isn't slowing down, even after his last visit when CJ the 3 legged cat took off with one of his hearing aids his first night in town. Just turn up the TV and say " what" a lot. He hasn't slowed down as the 2 pictures show. In his 70's he decided planes were his thing. The Estrella Skyport loved to see him come to town. You see, all of us have heroes. But I can say mine is neither rich with cash, famous nor important in the grand scheme of things. But in the world he has touched, he has been a force people respected. If I can do anything in this life, I can hope to be half the man he is. My New Year's resolution is to try to be half the man my father has been. Love ya Dad! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all of you!

By: Michael Meadows Images By: My Dad

Need your Port updated? Haven't had family pictures ? S e n i o r l o o k i n g f o r pi c tu r e s ? Need product images for your website or advertising? Selling your house, need images?

Let me know what you need, I can help. Low investment, quality results. Mike Meadows M i c h a e l M e a do w s S tu di o s 4 8 0 -2 2 0 -9 3 0 5

All Images Copyright 2011 Michael Meadows Studios All logos are Trademarked by respective companies.

Coming from advertising in the motorcycle industry here in Phoenix, when Shaun agreed to to do a shoot for the magazine I was excited. Some of the best times I had was with riders in the past. They have a passion for bikes and it always comes through in the images. Shaun was no exception, we even stopped for a couple of minutes so he could find out where a couple of drops of oil came from. To say Shaun knows his ride is an understatement since he's practically rebuilt it from the ground up. As the shoot progressed many interesting facts started to come out (none of the embarrassing ones will be revealed Shaun!) He's had an interesting life so far and it's made him more determined to get where he wants to go. With 2 children, Justin 4 and Jordyn 6, his drive is all about them and making sure they don't make the wrong choices he made in his earlier years. He says proudly everything he does now is to make sure he gives them best life possible and help them make the right choices in the future. Not to be out done or sit idly by letting things happen around him, not only does he model and act, he's started 2 businesses. After attending ITTTech for his Mechanical Engineering degree, he decided being his own boss was the only way to go. He and his partner Chris opened Midnight Cycle Repair which only makes sense since bikes are his weakness. Not to be satisfied with only ONE business, he partnered with his mentor a month ago and opened Tit -n- Tat Tattoo, LLC. What goes better together than bikes and tattoos? I think he may be on to something. Working with Shaun, his deep interest in the arts really came through. At times he was more aware of the lighting and what was in the background than I was, talk about keeping someone on their toes. If you ever get the chance to work with Shaun, definitely don't think twice. He offers so much diversity that he'll keep you hopping all the way through the shoot.

Deeds of Love Charity Fashion Show at Revolver Lounge in Scottsdale DEEDS OF LOVE IS MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE Deeds of Love released their Fall 2011 Collection at Phoenix Fashion Week in October 2011. With a portion of our proceeds to help various needs in the community. Deeds of Love sells love conscious apparel. We are bringing selflessness to the fore front of our hearts. A portion of the proceeds are given back to the community by doing Deeds of Love. A Deed of Love gives you the opportunity to help, regardless of the need. It is important to do what we can with the resources we have available today. Will you provide a Deed of Love to someone in need? Every person has the ability to make a difference. Deeds of Love has been fortunate enough to contribute to feeding the homeless. Our Give Water Now campaign teams up with various organizations to provide water to the community during hot summer months. Deeds of Love provided shirts for orphan children in India. The message Deeds of Love sent to the children was, “Listen to your heart.� It feels good to know that someone cares about you. We are using our skills that we have been given in fashion to make a difference in the world. Trenell Floyd Email: URL:

All Images Copyright 2011 Michael Meadows Studios

All Images Copyright 2011 Michael Meadows Studios

St o r y b y : C h r i s L e o n

Ph o t o g r a p h y b y : En l i g h t e n e d Ex p r e s s i o n s Ph o t o g r a p


Chr i s Leon Ar t z G a l l e r y G i f t s T u c s o n , AZ

Fr om A Rut To L i vi n g Hi s Dr eam

Let's rewind a bit. Entering 2010 I was living in Glendale, AZ, selling insurance, and in a rut. Get up, go to work, hit the local bar, come home. Sleep, repeat. Redundancy and boredom was pretty much my way of life, no passion to speak of at all. I ended up having a crazy notion to move home to Tucson, thinking a change of location would make my life better. Thing is, you're still you, no matter where you reside. In may of that year I made the move, started working out and was invited by a friend to shop by her store and check out an art show. I liked the environment and the art was interesting to say the least. While talking with Amy, the shop owner of Lulu Bell Toy Bodega, now located in Mesa, I was told about ArtPhag. In a nutshell ArtPhag is a meeting of artists that happens on the first Tuesday of every month at a bar on 4TH AVE. NOW THAT WAS THE BEGINNING OF IT ALL. I used to draw out of comics as a kid, so I took a sketchbook and headed out to this ArtPhag thing. I was in love with it as soon as I sat down. There were all these artists, just hanging out, enjoying each others company and creating. It was a whole new thing for me and all I knew for sure is that I wanted to be a part of it.

Like him on FaceBook: GalleryGifts

I went home that night feeling inspired, Thing is, I had not drawn a thing in years, so I drew...and I drew, and I drew. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I was in love with something. I don't really remember how my aunt Toni came into the picture, but if she hadn't I know for a fact I wouldn't be a commissioned artist now. It was mid June, 2010 and she asked if I had thought about ever doing a painting. As a matter of fact, no I hadn't. So one day she invites me over to paint. I sat there for some time wondering what the hell I was doing? "What should I do now?" "Hey, please help" "What color should I use now?", I must have driven her crazy. Thing is, I was hooked.

Remember that lack of passion issue? Yeah well that was now a thing of the past. July 7TH I released my first painting, it was far from a thing of beauty, but it was a start to something great. Within just a few months I was being asked to paint this, or please paint that or friends. Then the question, "How much would you charge for...", light bulb! The rest is history. I now have commissioned works and/or prints of my work as east as Boston, I've been lucky enough to do wall murals in a few businesses here in Tucson, I've had a few shows and am trying to improve my skill set with each brush stroke. I love what I do. I have found that staying humble and open to others suggestions and critics I am learning every day. One of the things I am trying to do is help kids find that same passion I now have for art, but at a much earlier stage in their lives. I have a good friend that teaches the 2ND grade, so when I can I go down and visit the kids, We draw together, but most importantly I bring them art. Not "free" art mind you, there is always a catch. These kids earn the art I bring them. I have brought them small works of mine and the child that is a good listener in class, is always on time, does there work and is the most outstanding over a certain amount of times wins their choice of paintings. All these kids are winners really. I find each visit with them to be more and more enjoyable. Being an artist in this economy is far from easy. Art is a luxury to have, not a necessity. Not to mention that I am so new to this, landing shows and invites to place your work places is a grind in itself. Enter Artz Gallery & Gifts. I opened my own store to support the up and coming artist. I believe in one community, believing on others and good karma. We are a small store & studio located right smack in the middle of Tucson at Broadway and Craycroft. Away from the art scene downtown but well worth the drive from any part of town.

Masterful work by Jan Griffioen fotograaf

I a m b o r n i n 1 9 4 2 i n a h a m l e t i n t h e N e t h e r l a n d s . As a p h o t o g r a p h e r I a m a l a t e c a l l i n g . I b e g a n w i t h i t i n m y f o r t i e s; b e f o r e t h a t t i m e I w a s a t e a ch e r D u t ch l a n g u a g e a n d l i t e r a t u r e a t t h e u n i v e r s i t y a n d i n s e c o n d a r y e d u c a t i o n . I s t a r t e d a p r o f e s s i o n a l p h o t o g r a p h y e n t e r p r i s e i n 1 98 9 a n d d i d sa cr e d a r ch i t e ct u r e a n d n u d e m a l e p h o t o g r a p h y a s f r e e w o r k. M a l e p h o t o g r a p h y i sn ' t e a sy a n d i t w a s a l o n g w a y t o a r r i ve a t t h e p o i n t w h e r e I a m n o w . D i g i t a l p h o t o g r a p h y h e l p e d a l o t w i t h i t , I t h i n k. I a m a g r e a t a d m i r e r o f t h e m a l e b o d y, i n f l u e n ce d a s I a m b y t h e o l d G r e e ks, M i ch e l a n g e l o a n d R o b e r t M a p p l e t h o r p e . I t i s f a n t a st i c w o r k t o se e n u d e m a l e b o d i e s, t o l i g h t t h e m i n a a p p r o p r i a t e w a y a n d t o r e a l i ze a t w o d i m e n si o n a l i m a g e . I t i s f a n t a st i c t o w o r k w i t h m e n w h o a r e w i l l i n g t o e xp o se t h e m se l ve s t o m e a n d t o t h e w o r l d , w h o i n sp i r e m e , w h o st i m u l a t e m y cr e a t i vi t y a n d w i t h w h o m I ca n h a ve a r e a l h u m a n i n t e r a ct i o n . M o r e o ve r , i t i s n e a r l y t h e o n l y si t u a t i o n i n l i f e o f a p e r f e ct co o p e r a t i o n a n d t h e sa m e i n t e n t i o n : t o m a ke b e a u t i f u l p i ct u r e s. I t r y t o ke e p o f f p o r n o g r a p h y, n o t f o r m o r a l r e a so n s o r b e ca u se I sh o u l d n ' t l i ke i t , b u t b e ca u se I f i r st a n d f o r e a l l w a n t t o m a ke b e a u t i f u l p h o t o s. T h a t ' s I t h i n k t h e m a i n r e a so n w h y I m a ke p i ct u r e s o f n u d e m e n : t h e j o y o f b e a u t y a n d e r o t i c i s m . An d y o u k n o w : a t h i n g o f b e a u t y i s a j o y f o r e v e r . jan grif f ioen f ot ograaf va a l t st r a a t 2 1 7 2 0 1 d a zu t p h e n * 31 - 5 7 5 - 5 4 8 6 2 6 * 3 1 - 6- 4 0 5 5 65 5 5 www.j angr i f f i w w w . m a n n e n f o t o o s. n l w w w . f l i c k r . c o m /p h o t o s /j a n _ g r i f f i o e n i n f o @j a n g r i f f i o e n .n l

All images copyright 2011 Jan Griffieon Used with permission.

Ja cl yn

My name is Jaclyn; I am originally from Long Island however I moved to Arizona when I was in sixth grade. I lived in Gilbert for about five years before my family moved to Phoenix; I was so happy! I loved my second high school much better and made many new friends! I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in the entertainment industry; I was a shy child however always felt wonderful in front of an audience. I started dancing when I was three; it was never something I was passionate about however I enjoyed wearing costumes, makeup and being on a stage. I began taking acting lessons when I was 11; I performed in a few local talent shows and plays. I am a decent actress; I know how to transform in to someone I am not and do it a natural way. I still love acting, if I had any opportunities come my way I would not hesitate to take them, unless it is porn! My main goal now is to become a successful entertainment reporter; I would love to work for Access Hollywood, E! or even report for an online blog. I adore the industry; it is pure madness but that is just who I am. I also love writing; it is indeed my first love! I just began writing my first book; I would love to get it published someday. It is inspired by Desperate Housewives and bits of my life. My two biggest hobbies right now are modeling and making silly YouTube videos! I hope to make a name for myself through Youtube; I love poking fun at pop culture and society. My main inspiration for my videos is Jenna Marbles, a popular You-tuber. She is very much the blonde version of me! She is spunky, sassy, intelligent and says what is on her mind whether it is offensive or not! I enjoy modeling because I love creating art and expressing myself. In a way modeling is like acting you can become a character and escape the boring thoughts of every day life. You should check out my You-tube channel;

All Images Copyright 2011 Scottsdale Images. Images Courtesy of Russell Klein,

2 n d An n u a l R i o u x L e r o u x : R u n w a y f o r a C a u se T h e D u c e , Ph o e n i x , AZ A p o r t i o n o f t h e p r o ce e d s w e r e d o n a t e d t o t h e 1 n 1 0 O r g a n i za t i o n . H e l p i n g L G BT Q y o u t h s i n c e 1 9 9 3 . h t t p : //w w w . 1 n 1 0 . o r g / Pottymouff

Meshalo Fashion /meshalo

HiFii Clothing Sinfully Suited by: Tami Todd HiFii m/

FEATURING MODELS FROM: - The Young Agency - Jett Model Management

Sugar Jewelry http://sugarjewelry.storenvy. com/


Jeremy Andrews

Dalica Designs Mabella Chic m/ Ordi & Eli Collection [Tribe Nouveau] m/

- Jennifer Andre Salon MODEL'S MAKE UP DONE BY: - Pucci Salon & Spa FEATURING FASHION STYLISTS: - Nelson Hawks Fashion - A Leroux Styling

Editors Note: These are just a select number of the images from the show. Due to space limitations we were unable to publish all models. In the next week we will be posting all the images on To the designers, we were unable to get a detailed event list so no designers were associated with their work. All of your created masterful, beautiful work!

All Images Copyright 2011 Michael Meadows Studios

Better Fashion

Better Music

Better Art

Yo u h a d t o be here

Sense of Culture.

to Ex p e r i e n c e all of it .

Planned Distractions Entertainment, a new promotional company that started in September of 2011 specializes in hosting and planning private events/parties, go-go dancing and promotional product work. Neesh Gravely and Ron Maher have come together as partners, with Neesh focusing on the go-gos and event production, while Ron handles the business side. Their interesting name, Planned Distractions comes from Neesh, who as a go-go dancer, realized that he was a distraction for the crowd, but in reality she was a PLANNED DISTRACTION. One of the many unique features at PDE, is that Neesh makes custom bras, panties, hair pieces, tutu’s and go-go fuzzy boots. In fact she can customize any part of a go-gos attire to fit the theme of your party or event.

If you need a venue to throw the event or party, PDR works with owners of several locations that can accommodate almost anything you might need. If you already have the space, they can take care of the rest for you! You let them know what kind of event and theme you are wanting and they’ll make it a reality. Looking for unusual places to have a party? How about where the hip hop artists all record? They can even arrange for you to throw a private party there!! Need a custom Party Bus or Limo? PDE also works closely with two providers that give them excellent rates and service. Then you add in the lovely go-go dancers at your event, or on the bus and the fun can really heat up!

When I asked how she got started and why this was important, her answer was “well, I got started doing this when I made a silver and white themed outfit for an event called Snow Party, everyone loved it and after that I knew other go-gos would like my ideas. Plus go-go dancers don’t like to look like every other go-go, so in this way we can provide our go-gos and clients with different looks, instead of the same old thing!”

As a full service entertainment company, t hey can provide it all : DJ's, Artists, Dancers, Security, Sound & Lighting, Stages, Food, Photography and Videographer, plus much MORE!!! Check them out on Face Book at: or call Neesh at 602.369.4312

All Images Copyright 2011 Scottsdale Images. Images Courtesy of Russell Klein,

No matter how you celebrate this Holiday Season I hope your family events don't end up like this one!


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